


Entered at Stationers-Hall.



BY THE LATE MR. GRAY, Author of the ELEGY written in a Country Church-Yard, &c.

To which are now added, by another Hand, Several Additions; alſo Blank Spaces at the End, to enable every Traveller or Reader to make his own Remarks or Corrections.




THIS Catalogue was originally written on the blank pages of Kitchen's Engliſh Atlas, by Mr. GRAY. His own extenſive reſearches into the topography of this iſland furniſhed him with many of the particulars; the Summer tours which he made ſupplied him with more; and to theſe he was frequently adding, from the information of ſuch perſons on whoſe taſte and judgement he could beſt depend.

A few copies were firſt printed, and interleaved, with a view that thoſe, to whom they were preſented, might at their leiſure, make ſuch ſhort remarks as their own perſonal knowledge of the ſeveral counties enables them to do; and in theſe to add or expunge what they may think proper. Becauſe, as, on the one hand, it is poſſible ſome places worthy of note may be omitted, ſo, on the other, ſome may be mentioned which are hardly deſerving of the traveller's attention. The excellent [iv] perſon before-mentioned, who made the Catalogue, was apprehenſive of this; and was therefore far from thinking his manuſcript perfect. Yet, as many of his friends had tranſcribed it in his life-time, and many more have requeſted copies ſince his deceaſe, it was thought beſt to print it in this pocket form; not only for their preſent gratification, but as the moſt likely means of rendering this little work complete, and of fitting it hereafter for the eye of the public.

The preſent prevailing paſſion for viewing and examining the beautiful ſcenes which abound in our native country, precludes every neceſſity for an apology for the publication now offered to the World, and the name of the Compiler will ſecure to it a favourable reception. What Mr. GRAY thought important enough to engage his attention, thoſe for whoſe uſe it is intended will not receive with neglect. Scenes, Situations, Seats, and Antiquities, ſelected as worthy of notice by the elegant Author of the Church-Yard [v] Elegy, will be viſited with a degree of reſpect unfelt before. To his taſte no perſon will venture to diſſent, and to his judgement few but will readily ſubſcribe.

As the preſent Catalogue was compiled ſeveral years ſince, ſome alterations, by change of property or by deaths, may have happened in the names of the owners of particular ſeats—theſe however can be but few, and, it is preſumed, of no material conſequence; but as the Publiſher wiſhes to be accurate, he will very thankfully receive any corrections which may render the Work more perfect, and by that means more uſeful.

The copies of the former Edition where interleaved, in this the blank leaves are placed at the end, upon a more convenient plan. See page. 63, &c.

(*) This Mark placed before any place, denotes that it is more particularly worthy of Notice.

Juſt publiſhed, Price Four Shillings, ſewed, A NEW EDITION, CORRECTED.



"Who did the bloody deed?"
"The deed was mine.
"Bloody I know it is; and I expect
"Your laws ſhould tell me ſo. Thus, ſelf-condemn'd
"I do reſign myſelf into your hands,
"The hands of Juſtice."
Oroonoko. V. 3.
"If this be not Love, it is Madneſs; and then, it is pardonable."
Old Batchelor. III. 10.

It is not neceſſary to ſay any thing more, than to deſire the Reader, who feels an inclinat [...]on to cenſure any of theſe Letters, will recollect the perſons between whom they appear to have paſſed, and the ſituations of thoſe perſons.



  • 1 BEDFORD Priory, on the Ouſe
  • 2 Warden Monaſtery, W. of Bigleſwade
  • 3 Chickſand Priory (Sir G. Oſborne's) W. of Shefford
  • 4 Dunſtable Priory, S. W. of Luton
  • 5 Harewood Nunnery, near the Ouſe, W. of Chillington.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • 1 Ampthill Park, and Church, S. of Bedford
  • * 2 Woburn (D. of Bedford's) S. W. of Ampthill, by Flitcroft
  • 3 Wreſt (Marchioneſs de Grey's) E. S. E. of Ampthill
  • 4 Hawnes (Earl Granville's) N. W. of Shefford
  • 5 Tuddington, N. of Dunſtable
  • 6 Luton-Hoo (E. of Bute's) near Dunſtable and *its Chapel; it is two Miles from Luton Town


  • * 1 Windſor Caſtle, and St. George's Chapel
  • [2] 2 Donnington Caſtle, near Newbury, to the N.
  • 3 Abbingdon Abbey, near the Thames, and St. Helen's Church
  • 4 Wallingford Caſtle, on the Thames, 18 M.
  • 5 Aldworth Church, E. of Eaſt-Ilſley
Scenes and Situations.
  • * 1 Cooper's Hill, near Old Windſor, and Englefield Green
  • * 2 St. Leonard's Hill, near Windſor
  • 3 Cranborn Lodge, in the Foreſt, S. W. of Windſor
  • * 4 Way from Reading to Wallingford about 18 M.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 The Great Park and Lodge at Windſor
  • * 2 Beaumont Lodge, near Old Windſor, on the Side of Cooper's Hill
  • 3 Hurley near the Thames, N. E. of Reading and W. of Maidenhead
  • 4 Buckland's (Sir Robert Throckmorton's) by Wood
  • 5 Coleſhil ( [...]) by Inigo Jones
  • 6 Park Place (Gen. Conway's) near Henley, 1M.

This County is 120 M. round, and contains 527,000 Acres.


  • 1 Eton College, on the Thames oppoſite to Windſor
  • 2 Burnham Priory, N. W. of the laſt
  • 3 Cheyne [...]s Church, near the Colne, E. N. E of Amerſham
  • 4 Nutley Abbey, near the Tame, W. of Aileſbury
  • 5 Oulney Church, on the Ouſe, N. of Newport-Pagnell
  • 6 Stewkelay Church, S. of Leighton-Buzzard (Sax.)
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Taplow, on the Thames, N. E. of Maidenhead, Mr. O'Brien's Root-Houſe, and Bapſey-Point
  • 2 Great-Marlow (the Race-Field) on the Thames
  • * 3 Cawley Wood (View from the Hill) near Aſhridge and Tring
  • 4 Harley Ford (Mr. Clayton's) near Marlow, about two Miles and a Half on the Henley Road
  • 5 Prince Riſborough (View from a Hill near it) S. W. of Wendover.
  • 6 Way from Had [...] to [...] Marlow, 5 M.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • 1 Langley Park (D. of Marlborough's) near Colnbrooke
  • 2 Stoke-Pogeis (Mr. Penn's) N. N. E. of Slough, near 3 M.
  • * 3 Clierden (E. of Inchiquin's) on the Thames, N. of Taplow, by Archer
  • 4 Hall-Barn (Mr. Waller's) near Beaconſfield, by Mil [...]
  • 5 Weſt-Wickham (late Lord Deſpenſer's) near High Wycombe
  • 6 Shardel [...]is (Mr. Drake's) near Amerſham
  • 7 Aſhridge (D. of Bridgewater's) S. E. of Ivingho and Church
  • * 8 Stow (E. Temple's) N. of Buckingham
  • 9 Hedſor (Lord Bolton's) near the Thames, N. W. of Clierden.


  • * 1 Cambridge Univerſity, King's Chapel, Trinity College, Queen's, Jeſus, St. John's, Great St. Mary's Church, &c.
  • 2 Denny Abbey, N. of Cambridge, near Water Beach
  • 3 Barnwell Abbey, N. E. of Cambridge
  • [4] * 4 Ely Minſter and Trinity Church, in the Iſle of Ely
  • 5 Thorney Abbey, in the Fens, N. E. of Peterborough
  • 6 Whittleſea Church, E. of Peterborough
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • 1 Maddingley (Sir J. Cotton's) W. N. W. of Cambridge, by Brown
  • 2 Horſheath (Lord Montfort's) N. E. of Linton, by Webb
  • 3 Wimple (E. of Hardwick's) N. W. of Cambridge
  • 4 Catledge, or Kirtling, (E. of Guildford's) S. E. of Newmarket
  • 5 Chevely (M. of Granby's) E. S. E. of Newmarket
  • 6 Chippenham (Mr. Montgomery's) N. of Newmarket


  • * 1 Cheſter Caſtle and Cathedral
  • 2 Frodſham Caſtle, N. E. of Cheſter
  • * 3 Halton Caſtle, N. E. of Frodſham
  • * 4 Norton Priory
  • * 5 Beeſton Caſtle, S. E. of Cheſter
  • 6 Combermere Abbey, S. of Namptwich
  • 7 Birkenhead Priory, near the Merſey
  • 8 Aſtbury Church, S. E. of Congleton
  • 9 Stockport Church, on the Merſey
  • 10 Sandback Church and Croſſes, N. E. of Namptwich, on the Wever
  • 11 Malpas Church, N. W. of Whitchurch
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Delamere Foreſt (Views from it) N. E. of Cheſter
  • [5] 2 Goït-Vale and Diſley-Hill, in the Road from Buxton to Mancheſter, S. E. of Stockport.
Houſes, Plantations, Parks.
  • 1 Eton Hall (Lord Groſvenor's) on the Wever, S. of Northwich
  • 2 Dunham-Maſſey (Counteſs of Stamford's) S. W. of Altrincham
  • 3 Crewe Hall (Mr. Crewe's)
  • 4 Lyme Park (Mr. Leigh's)
  • 5 Tabley (Sir John Fleming Leiceſter's) N. E. of Northwich, W. of Knutsford
  • 6 Vale-Royal (Mr. Cholmondeley's) S. of Northwich

This County is 182 M. round, and contains 720,000 Acres.


  • 1 Launceſton (or Dunheved) Caſtle, near the Tamar, and the Church-Yard
  • 2 Tintagel Caſtle, on the N. Coaſt, W. of Boſcaſtle, near Boſſiney
  • 3 St. German's Priory (or Port Elliot) on the Lever, W. of Saltaſh
  • * 4 Trematon Caſtle, near the laſt, in View of Plymouth
  • 5 St. Neot's Church, N. of Liſkeard
  • 6 Fowey Caſtle, South of Leſtwithiel, near the Coaſt
  • 7 Reſtormel (or Leſtmel) Caſtle, and Leſtwithiel Palace on the Fowey, N. of the laſt
  • 8 St. Maw's Caſtle, E. of Falmouth Haven
  • 9 Pendennis Caſtle, W. of the ſame Haven
  • 10 Pengerſick Caſtle, on the Coaſt, N. W. of Helſton
  • * 11 St. Michael's Mount, on an Iſland in Mount's Bay (Sir J. St. Aubyn's) S. of Market Jew
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Madern Hills, between St. Ives and the Land's End
Houſes, Plantations, Parks.
  • 1 Boconnock (Mr. T. Pitt's) E. of Leſtwithiel
  • 2 Trefuſis (Mr. Trefuſis's) S. W. of Falmouth

This County is 230 M. round, and contains 960,000 Acres.


  • 1 Penrith (or Perith) Caſtle, near the River Ei [...]t, 19 M. from Carliſle
  • 2 Dacre Caſtle, on the Dacre, S. S. W. of Penrith
  • 3 Kirk-Oſwald Caſtle, near the Eden, N. N. E. of Penrith
  • * 4 Carliſle Caſtle, and Cathedral, near the Eden
  • * 5 Ro [...]e Caſtle (the Biſhop's) S. of Carliſle, near the Caude, 6 M.
  • 6 Highgate Caſtle, S. E. of the laſt
  • 7 Nawo [...]th Caſtle (E. of Carliſle's) near the Irthing, N. E. of Carliſle 12 M. by the Military Road
  • * 8 San [...]ro [...]ſt Priory, near the Picts' Wall, 1 M. from Naworth
  • 9 Scaleby Caſtle, N. N. E. of Carliſle, beyond the Wall
  • 10 Holm-Cultram Abbey, on the Waver, near the Coaſt
  • * 11 Cockermouth Caſtle, on the Cocker and the Derwent, 12 M. from Keſwick
  • 12 St. Bee's Priory, S. of Whitehaven, on the Coaſt
  • 13 Egremont Caſtle S. E. of the laſt, on Broad River. 5 M. from Whitehaven
  • * 14 Calder Abbey, (Mr. Senhouſe's) S. E. of the laſt
  • 15 Mil [...]u [...] Caſtle, on the Mouth of the Dudden
  • 16 Warwick Church, near Carliſle, (Sax.) 4 M. on the Way to Corby
Scenes and Situations.
  • * 1 Lake of Keſwick, or Derwentwater, 4 M. long, 2 wide, at the Foot of Skiddaw Hill, S. W. of Penrith, 18 M.
  • * 2 Ulles Water, S. S. W. of Penrith, 9 M. long, ¾ of a M. broad, View from Dunmallert Hill, and along the W. ſide beyond Water Malloc [...]
  • * 3 Borodale, and the Top of Caſtle Craig, at the Entrance of it, S. of Keſwick Lake, and Lawdour Water-Fall and Grange, 5 M. from Keſwick
  • * 4 Braithwaite Brewes, N. W. of Keſwick, in the Road to Cockermouth, beſt View of Skiddaw, and over Baſſingthwate Water, and a Part of Keſwick Lake
  • 5 View from the Beacon Hill near Penrith, 1 M.
  • * 6 Warnal (View from it) S. W. of Roſe Caſtle
  • * 7 View of Baſſingthwate Water, on the Eaſt Side oppoſite to Widhope Woods; or from Armthwait at its Northern Extremity, near 8 M. from Keſwick, near Ews Bridge
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Corby (Mr. Howard's) S. E. of Carliſle 6 M.

This County is 168 Miles round, and contains 1,040,000 Acres.


  • 1 Beauchief Abbey, W. of Dronfield
  • 2 Caſtleton Caſtle, in the Peak, 12 M. N. E. of Buxton, 6 from Tideſwell
  • * 3 Bolſover (or Bouſer) Caſtle, in Scarſdale, (D. of Portland's) N. E. of Cheſterfield
  • 4 Codenor Caſtle S. W. of Alfreton
  • 5 Dale Abbey, or Deepdale, near Derby, to N. E.
  • 6 Derby, Allhallows Church, 16 M. from Nottingham, 12 from Aſhburne
Scenes and Situations.
  • * 1 The Devil's Arſe o'Peak, near Caſtleton, 11 M. N. of Buxton, and the Deſcent into Hope-Dale
  • 2 Pools and Elden-Hole, W. and N. E. of the ſame Place
  • * 3 Matlock, near the Derwent, 11 M. from Cheſterfield, 16 from Derby, N. of Wirkſworth, and the High Torr, 354 Feet in Heighth
  • * 4 Dovedale, in the Weſt Part of the County, 3 M. N. of Aſhborn
  • * 5 Monſal-Dale, near Bakewell, 2 M. to N. W. of it
  • 6 Eham (or Middleton) Dale, E. of Tideſwell, in the Road to Chatſworth
  • * 7 Upper Dovedale, 5 M. to N. of Aſhborn
  • 8 Donnington-Cliff, on the Trent, 5 M. S. E. of Derby
  • 9 Hopping-Mill Ware, on the Derwent, 4 M. N. of Derby
  • 10 Chee-Torr, on the Wie, 2 M. below Buxton
  • 11 Mam-Torr (the View from thence) near Caſtleton
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Chatſworth (D. of Devonſhire's) on the Derwent, W. of Cheſterfield 10 M. by Talman and Brown
  • 2 Haddon (Duke of Rutland's) S. W. of the laſt, near Bakewell
  • * 3 Keddleſton (Lord Scarbrough's) N. W. of Derby, by Adam
  • * 4 Stoke (Mr. Simpſon's) on the Derwent, N. of Chatſworth
  • 5 Sutton (late Mr. Clarke's, now uninhabited) N. E. of Cheſterfield, near Bolſover
  • * 6 Formark (Sir R. Burdet's) and Anchor Church, on the Trent, 4 M. S. of Derby

This County is 130 M. round, and contains 680,000 Acres.


  • * 1 Ford Abbey (Mr. Gwinn's) E. of the Ax, N. E. of Axminſter
  • 2 St. Mary-Ottery Priory, S. W. of Honiton
  • * 3 Exeter Cathedral, and Rugemont Caſtle, Old Guildhall, &c.
  • 4 Tiverton Caſtle on the Ex, N. of Exeter
  • 5 Powderham Caſtle (Viſc. Courtney's) on the Ken, near the Ex, S. S. E. of Exeter
  • * 6 Berry-Pomery Caſtle, near the Dart, E. of Totneſs
  • 7 Dartington Temple, N. of Totneſs
  • 8 Buckfaſtre Abbey, S. W. of Aſhburton
  • * 9 Dartmouth-Caſtle, near the S. Coaſt
  • 10 Buckland Priory, near the Teave, N. of Plymouth
  • 11 Taviſtock, (the Abbey) N. of the laſt
  • 12 Okehampton Caſtle, near the Confluence of the Ocke and Towridge
  • 13 Frithalſtoke Priory, W. of Torrington, S. of Biddeford
  • 14 Biddeford Bridge, on the Towridge
  • 15 Barnſtaple, near the Taw
  • 16 Torr Abbey, near Torbay, N. of Dartmouth
Scenes and Situations.
  • * 1 Aether Rocks, on the Edge of Dartmore, near Ilſington
  • * 2 Hall-Down, near Exeter and Mam-head
  • 3 The Thatcher (or Datcher) a Rock in Torbay, near Torr Key
  • 4 Babicombe, near Mary-Church, in Torbay
  • 5 View from a Hill, 3 M. from Exeter, in the Road to Tiverton
  • 6 View within a M. of Tiverton, in the ſame Road
  • 7 Knowles-Hill, near Newton, in the Road from Exeter to Plymouth
  • [10] 8 Bradley, ¼ of a Mile from Newton
  • 9 Aſell-Hill, 1 M and ½ from Aſhburton
  • 10 Milberdown (or Milburn) near Newton
  • 11 Stoke Common
  • 12 Ogwell-Hill, near Newton
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Mount Edgecombe, W. of the Tamer, S. W. of Plymouth
  • 2 The Haw, a Hill near Plymouth, 280 Feet high
  • * 3 The Fall and Bridge of the Lid near Lidford, S. W. of Okehampton
  • * 4 Caſtle-Hill (Lord Forteſcue's) near Torrington
  • 5 View from the Hill ½ a M. E. of Honiton
  • * 6 Mam-Head (Viſc. Liſburne's) E. of Chudleigh
  • * 7 Saltram (Mr. Parker's) E. of Plymouth 3 M.

This County is 200 M. round, and contains about 1,920,000 Acres.


  • 1 Wimburn-Minſter (the Church) N. of Pool, near the Stour
  • * 2 Middleton (or Milton) Abbey, S. of Sturminſter
  • * 3 Sherborne Caſtle and Church (Lord Digby's) S. W. of Shaftſbury, on the Evill
  • * 4 Corfe Caſtle, in the Iſle of Purbeck, S. E. of Wareham
  • * 5 Eaſt Lulworth Caſtle, (Mr. Weld's) near the Coaſt, W. of Corfe Caſtle
  • 6 Bindon Abbey, N. of Lulworth
  • 7 Sandford (or Sandsfoot) Caſtle, S. of Weymouth, on the Coaſt
  • 8 Abbotſbury Abbey, on the Coaſt, S. of Frampton
  • 9 Chidiock Caſtle, on the Coaſt, E. of Lime
  • 10 Studland (Church) in the Iſle of Purbeck (Sax.)
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Weſt Lulworth Cove and Dern Door, a Rock, [11] on the Coaſt, (Yeatman) Walk under the Rocks between them
  • 2 View from a Hill 10 M. beyond Dorcheſter, in the Road to Exeter
  • 3 Charmouth Hill, E. of Lime-Regis, in the Road from Bridport to Axminſter
  • 4 Quarries near the Old Church in the Iſle of Portland
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • 1 Eaſtbury (Lord Melcombe's) 4 M. N. of Blandford (by Vanbrugh)
  • * 2 Brianſtone (Mr. Portman's) 1 M. from Blandford
  • 3 Melbury (Mr. Strangeway's, and now E. of Ilcheſter's) S. S. W. of Sherborne
  • 4 Incam (Mr. J. Pitt's) on the Coaſt, S. E. of Lulworth
  • 5 Woolton (Mr. Trenchard's) 1 M. N. of Dorcheſter

This County is 150 M. round, and contains 772,000 Acres.


  • * 1 Durham Abbey, and Caſtle
  • * 2 Finchale Priory, on the Were, N. E. of Durham
  • * 3 Lumley Caſtle, (E. of Scarbro's) near Cheſter
  • 4 Hylton Caſtle, near the Were, W. of Sunderland (Mr. Bowes's)
  • 5 Tarrow Monaſtery near the Tyne
  • 6 Brancepeth Caſtle, (Mr. Bellaſyſe's) near the Were, S. W. of Durham
  • 7 Biſhop-Aukland Palace (the Biſhop's) on the Gaunleſs, S. W. of Durham
  • * 8 Raby Caſtle (E. of Darlington's) near Steinthorpe to N. E.
  • * 9 Barnard's Caſtle, on thh Tees, W. of the laſt, and the Walk through the Holmes to Toller Hill.
Scenes and Situations.
  • * 1 The Banks, at Durham, on the Were
  • * 2 Gillygate Church-Yard, above the Race Field at Durham, and the Way through Pellow-Wood to Old Durham
  • 3 Butteroy Hill, S. of Durham
  • 4 The Force in Teeſdale, W. of Middleton
  • 5 Winſton on the Tees, W. of Pierſbridge
  • 6 New Field, E. of the Were, near Old Park, about 2 M.
  • * 7 The Black Halls, on the Coaſt, N. of Hartlepool 6 M.
  • 8 Muggleſwick Park, near the Darwen, N. of Wolſingham
  • 9 Walk through the Fields to Franklin Wood (1 ½ M. from Durham) and through the Wood (2 M. more) to Braſſide-Moor, W. of the Were.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Cockan (Mr. Carr's) on the Were, S. of Lumley
  • 2 Hardwick (Mr. Burdon's) near Sedgefield
  • * 3 Gibſide, on the Darwen, S. W. of Newcaſtle, (Counteſs of Strathmore's)

This County is 107 M. round, and contains 610,000 Acres.


  • 1 Waltham Abbey, on the Ley, S. W. of Epping
  • 2 Hatfield Broadoke Church, S. W. of Dunmow
  • 3 Saffron-Walden Church, N. E. of Newport
  • 4 New Hall (Lord Walden's) and Boreham Church, N. E. of Chelmsford
  • 5 Lees Priory (Sir Ch. Sheffield's) S. E. of Felſted
  • 6 Earle's Colne Church, S. E. of Halſted
  • 7 Henningham Caſtle, on the Colne, N. of Halſted
  • 8 Colcheſter Caſtle, and St. John's Church
  • * 9 Layer Marney Caſtle, S. W. of Colcheſeer
  • [13] 10 St. Oſyth's Priory, at the Mouth of Colne, S. E. of Colcheſter
  • 11 Hadleigh Caſtle, on the Thames, near the Iſle of Canvey
  • 12 Thaxted (Church) N. E. of Dunmow
  • 13 Greenſted (Church) near Ongar, to N. W. (Sax.)
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Dunmow, S. of Thaxted, and the Church
  • 2 Havering (View from it) N. of Rumford, from the high Grounds W. of the Village, and from the Bower
  • 3 Road from Chelmsford to Billericay
  • * 4 Hill near Horndon (View from it) S. W. of Billericay
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Wanſtead Houſe, near the Roding (E. of Tylney's) by Campbell
  • 2 Copt Hall (Mr. Conyer's) W. of Epping
  • * 3 Audley End (Lord Howard's) S. S. E. of Walden, by Janſen, altered by Adam and by Brown
  • 4 Shortgrove (E. of Thomond's) S. of the laſt
  • 5 Gosfield, (Viſc. Clare's) W. of Halſted, N. of Braintree
  • 6 Myſtley (Mr. Rigby's) S. E. of Manningtree
  • 7 Moulſham (Sir William Mildmay's) by Leoni
  • 8 Albin's (Sir Anthony Abdy's) near Ongar, (by Inigo Jones)
  • 9 (Lord Petre's) near Brentwood

This County is 146 Miles round, and contains 1,240,000 Acres.


  • * 1 Glouceſter Cathedral, Cloiſters, Library, &c.
  • * 2 Tewkſbury Church, 5 M. N. W. of Cheltenham
  • * 3 Sudely Caſtle, S. E. of Winchcombe
  • [14] * 4 Cirenceſter, or Ciſſeter Church, on the Churne
  • * 5 Oakley and Lord Bathurſt's Woods
  • * 6 Fairford Church on the Colne, E. of Ciſſeter
  • 7 Beverſtone Caſtle (or Bureſtone) N. W. of Tetbury
  • * 8 Berkley Caſtle and Church, near the Severn Mouth, 15 M. from Glouceſter
  • * 9 Thornbury Caſtle (S. of the laſ [...]) and Church
  • 10 St. Briavel's (or Breulais) Caſtle in the Foreſt of Deane, near the Wye, S. S. E. of Monmouth
  • 11 Stroud (Church) N. W. of Cirenceſter
  • 12 Wickwar Church, N. E. of Sedbury
  • 13 Campden Church, N. W. of Stowe, and S. E. of Eveſham
  • 14 Cleeve Church, N. of Cheltenham
  • 15 Down Amney Church, S. E. of Ciſſeter
  • 16 Hale's Abbey (Lord Tracy's) 2 M. N. E. of Winchcombe
  • 17 Kingſwood Abbey, 3 M. N. of Wickwar
  • 18 Lanthony Priory, joining to Glouceſter
  • 19 Newark (Miſs Scudamore's) near the laſt
  • 20 Lechlade (the Church) 8 M. E. of Cirenceſter
  • 21 Weſtbury Church, 2 M. N. W. of Briſtol
  • 22 Winterbourn Church, 5 M. N. E. of Briſtol
  • 23 Wotton under Edge (the Church) 2 M. S. of Durſley
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 K [...]ſborough Caſtle Hill, or Caſtle Godwin, near Painſwick, S. of Glouceſter
  • 2 Alveſton, or Alliſton, near Auſtferry, on a Hill called the Old Abbey
  • * 3 Froceter, or Froſter, Hill, S. W. of Stanley, in the Road from Briſtol to Glouceſter
  • * 4 Road from Glouceſter to Newnham in Monmouthſhire
  • 5 St. Vincent's Rock near Briſtol Hot Wells
  • 6 Bibury, in the Road between Ciſſeter and Burford
  • [15] * 7 Crickley Hill, in the Road from Oxford to Glouceſter
  • * 8 Stinchcombe Hill, near Durſley
  • * 9 Birdlip Hills, 5 M. S. E. of Glouceſter, on the Ciſſeter Road
  • 10 Barrow Hill, near the Severn, in Arlingham Pariſh, N. of Berkley
  • 11 Painſwick Hill, 4 M. S. E. of Glouceſter, and thence to the left through Prinwick Wood into the Birdlip Hill Road
  • 12 Broadbridge Green, (View from the Hill) near Haresfield, 4 M. S. of Glouceſter
  • * 13 St. Blaiſe's Hill, or Blaiſe Caſtle, near Henbury, 3 M. N. W. of Briſtol
  • 14 Shunlo Hill, near Shennington, 4 M. N. W. of Banbury
  • 15 Staunton Hill, 3 M. E. of Monmouth
  • 16 Tower Hill, near Tytherington, S. of Thornbury
  • 17 Woolſton, 4 M. N. of Cheltenham, 3 M. W. from Winchcombe
  • * 18 Broadway Hill, in the Way from Morton to Eveſham
  • 19 Clifton Down (View up by the Windmill)
  • * 20 Woolridge Hill, in the Malvern Road, 4 M. N. W. of Glouceſter
  • * 21 Robin Hood's Hill, 2½ M. S. E. of Glouceſter, (View in the Morning when the Tide is in)
  • * 22 Top of Llancort Cliff, on the Wye, 1½ M. from Chepſtow, oppoſite to Persfield, in Monmouthſhire
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • 1 King's Weſton, (Mr. Southwell's) near the Mouth of Avon (by Vanbrugh) W. of Briſtol
  • 2 Stoke Gifford (formerly Lord Botetort's) N. E. of Briſtol
  • 3 Tortworth (Lord Ducie's) S. E. of Berkley, 3 M. W. of Wotton
  • [16] 4 Nimpsfield, (Lord Ducie's) W. of Minchen-Hampton, E. of Durſley
  • 5 Badmington (D. of Beaufort's)
  • 6 Sherbourne Houſe and Lodge (Mr. Dutton's) by Inigo Jones, 2 M. E. of Northleach
  • 7 Knowl, ( [...]) N. of Briſtol
  • 8 Highnam, ( [...]) W. of Glouceſter
  • 9 Dyrham, ( [...]) S. of Sodbury
  • 10 Eaſington, ( [...]) N. of Durſley
  • 11 Frethorn, ( [...]) 6 M. N. W. of Durſley
  • 12 Kempsford, (Viſcount Weymouth's) on the Thames, 2 M. S. W. of Lechlade
  • 13 Matſon (Mr. Selwin's) 2 M. S. E. of Glouceſter
  • * 14 The Vineyard (the Biſhop's) in the North Hamlets joining to Glouceſter
  • 15 Newark ( [...]) 2 M. E. from Wotton
  • 16 Snead Park ( [...]) near Weſtbury, N. W. of Briſtol
  • 17 Symondſhall ( [...]) near Wotton

This County is about 156 M. round, contains 800,000 Acres. Cotſwold (or the Eaſt Part) is bleak, naked, and unfertile, but healthy, and famous for its Sheep; it is divided by a long Range of Hills from the Vale (or middle Part) which is rich, warm, and beautiful. The Foreſt Diviſion (or Weſt Part) is well wooded, not unfruitful, and abounding in Iron.


  • * 1 Wincheſter Cathedral and College
  • 2 St. Croſs Hoſpital, S. W. of the laſt
  • 3 Biſhop's Waltham Caſtle, N. N. W. of Fareham
  • * 4 Netley Abbey, E. S. E. of Southampton
  • 5 Titchfield Abbey, W. of Fareham
  • 6 Rumſey Nunnery, (the Church) on the Teſt, N. W. of Southampton
  • [17] 7 Calſhot (or Caſhot) Caſtle, W. of the Mouth of Southampton River
  • 8 Hurſt Caſtle, on a Point oppoſite to Yarmouth, in the Iſle of Wight
  • 9 Porcheſter Caſtle, on the Coaſt, N. W. of Portſmouth
  • 10 Warnford Church, N. E. of Bps. Waltham
  • 11 Silcheſter, N. of Baſingſtoke, on the Edge of Berkſhire
  • 12 Holy Ghoſt Chapel, near Baſingſtoke
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Portes-Down, 5 M. N. of Portſmouth
  • 2 Weſt Lodge, in Bere Foreſt, S. S. W. of Soberton
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • 1 The Grange (late E. of Northington's) N. E. of Wincheſter, by Inigo Jones
  • 2 Warblington ( [...]) E. of Havant, on the Coaſt
  • 3 Bevis Mount, (Sir J. Mordaunt's) near Southhampton
  • 4 Bellvue (late Mr. St. Andre's) near the ſame

This County is 100 Miles round, and contains 1,312,500 Acres.


  • 1 Cowes Caſtle, on the Coaſt, oppoſite to Calſhot Caſtle
  • 2 Cariſbrook Caſtle, S. W. of Newport
  • 3 Quar Abbey, near Ryd, S. E. of Newport (otherwiſe Arreton)
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 The Needles (Rocks) and Weſt End of the Iſle ſeen from the Sea, with the Cavern
  • 2 Freſhwater (View from a Field there) S. S. W. of Yarmouth 6 M.
  • [18] 3 Way from Cowes (by Water) up to Newport and the Walk from Hurſt-Stake to Newport
  • 4 Shanklin Chine, on the S. E. Coaſt, N. N. E. of Dunchurch
  • * 5 Aſhey Down (View near the Land Mark)
  • 6 Nunwell Down (View of Brading Haven at high Water)
  • 7 Village of Rida, on the N. Coaſt, with Troublefield, (Col. Amhurſt [...]s) and Appely (Mrs. Roberts)
  • 8 Undercliff, S. W. of Dun-Noſe, on the S. E. Coaſt
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Appuldore Combe (Sir Rob. Worſley's) towards the Sea-Coaſt, and the Hill in the Park
  • 2 The Priory (Mr. Groſe's) near St. Helen's
  • 3 Steeple (Mr. Stanley's) S. W. of Bunchurch

This Iſle is 60 M. round, 20 long, and 12 over.


  • * 1 St. Alban's Abbey
  • 2 Standon- [...], W. of Biſhop Stortford (Mr. Plummer's)
  • 3 Kings-Langley Church, S. S. E. of Hempſted
  • 4 Berkh [...]mſted Church, W. of St. Alban's
  • 5 Hitchin (Church) N. W. of Stevenage
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 View from Bu [...]y Heath, N. W. of Edgeworth
  • 2 Brockley Hill, near E [...]re, and Stanmore
  • * 3 Little Gadde [...]den (the View near it) S. E. of I [...]ingo, near Aſhridge Park
  • 4 Kenſworth Green, S. of Dunſtable
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • 1 Piſhobury (Mr Gardiner' [...]) W. of Hockerill, on the Stort (by Inigo Jones)
  • [19] 2 Ware Park (Mr. Byde's) N. N. E. of Hartford
  • * 3 Hatfield (E. of Saliſbury's) E. of St. Alban's
  • * 4 Gorhambury (Lord Grimſton's) N. W. of St. Alban's
  • 5 Caſhiobury (E. of Eſſex's) N. W. of Watford, on the [...]unton
  • * 6 More Park, (Mr. Dundas's) 2 M. S. of Rickmanſworth
  • * 7 Penley-Lodge ( [...]) near Tring, to the Eaſt
  • 8 G [...]ion's (or Gubbin's) [...] S. E. of North Mims
  • 9 Wotton ( [...]) N. of the laſt
  • 10 Wotton Park ( [...]) N. of Hartford
  • 11 Hunſdon-Houſe (Mr. N. Calvert's) N. E. of Hoddeſdon
  • 12 Ruſſel-Farm (Counteſs of Eſſex's) 1 M. from Caſhiobury
  • 13 Long Leybury (Mr. Amyard's) 1 M. from Rickmanſworth

This County is 130 Miles round, and contains 541,000 Acres.


  • * 1 Hereford Cathedral, Porch of St. Magdalen's Chapel, and the Caſtle-Yard
  • * 2 Goodrick Caſtle, S. of Roſs, on the Wye, 5 M. by Water
  • 3 Wigmore Caſtle, N. W. of Lemſter
  • * 4 Brampton Brian, N. W. of the laſt, near the Tame
  • 5 Branſtill Caſtle, W. of Malvern Hills
  • * 6 Hampton Court, on the Lug (Lady Coningſby's) S. E. of the Lemſter, and the Chapel
  • 7 Wilton Caſtle, W. of Roſs, ½ a M. on the Wye
  • 8 Courtfield (Mr. Vaughan's) on the Wye, 6 M. from Roſs
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 The Gilden Vale, on the Dore, W. of Hereford
  • 2 Creden Hill, and Kencheſter, W. of Hereford
  • 3 The Ambrey, in Croft Caſtle Park, on the Lug, W. N. W. of Lemſter
  • 4 Roſs, upon the Wye, S. E. of Hereford, and the Church
  • 5 Sutton Walls, (View from the Hill) on the Lug, N. of Hereford
  • 6 Brynmawr (View from it) near Hereford, to N.
  • * 7 The whole Way (by Water) down the Wye, from Roſs to Monmouth, 20 M. particularly at Goodrick-Caſtle, Coldwell Rocks, Symond's Yate at River Dean Church, the New Wear, and Longſtone, &c.

This County is 102 Miles round, and contains 660,000 Acres.


  • * 1 Bugdon Palace (Biſhop of Lincoln's) S. W. of Huntingdon
  • * 2 Hinchinbroke Nunnery, (Lord Sandwich's) N. W. of Huntingdon
  • 3 Connington Church, S. S. E. of Yaxley
  • 4 Ramſey Abbey, in the Fens, S. E. of Wittleſey Meer
  • 5 Somerſham Palace, N. W. of Erith
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • 1 Kimbolton (Duke of Mancheſter's) on the Border of Bedfordſhire, S. W. of Bugden

This County is 67 Miles round, and contains 240,000 Acres.


  • 1 Eltham Palace (Sir J. Shaw's) S. E. of Deptford
  • [21] * 2 Rocheſter, the Cathedral, Caſtle, and Bridge, on the Medway
  • 3 Maidſtone, the Palace, College, and Church, on the Medway
  • 4 Allington Caſtle, S. of Aylesford, on the Medway
  • 5 Malling Abbey, W. of Maidſtone, (called Town Mauling)
  • * 6 Leeds Caſtle, (Mr. Fairfax's) E. of Maidſtone 6 M.
  • 7 Cowling Caſtle, near the Thames, N. of Rocheſter
  • 8 Tunbridge Caſtle and Priory, near the Medway
  • * 9 Hever Caſtle (Mr. Humphrey's) W. of Tunbridge, and Church
  • 10 Feverſham Abbey, near the Thames
  • * 11 Canterbury Cathedral, Gates, Walls, Caſtle, Abbey of St. Auſiin, and a Stair-Caſe to the Regiſtry
  • 12 Reculver Abbey, on the N. Coaſt, N. E. of Canterbury
  • 13 Richborough Caſtle, N. W. of Sandwich
  • 14 Sandown, Deal, and Walmer Caſtles, on the E. Coaſt
  • * 15 Dover Caſtle, and the Maiſon Dieu or Hoſpital
  • 16 Sandgate Caſtle on the S. Coaſt, W. of Folkſtone
  • 17 Saltwood Caſtle, N. W. of Hythe
  • 18 Barfreſton (or Barſton) Church, N. of Barham Downs (Sax.)
Scenes and Situations.
  • * 1 Shooters Hill, E. S. E. of Deptford
  • * 2 Northfleet, S. W. of Graveſend, on the Canterbury Road
  • 3 Chatham, the high Grounds S. of the Town
  • 4 Boughton Hill, W. of Canterbury, in the London Road
  • 5 St. Margaret's Bay, N. E. of Dover
  • * 6 River, 2 Village N. W. of Dover, a View near it
  • [22] 7 Beachborough, a Hill, N. of Newington, near Folkſtone (Mr. Brochman's)
  • * 8 Hills about Shorne and Thong, to N. W. of Rocheſter (Views thence)
  • 9 Walk from Ramſgate, through Eaſton and Dumpton, to Broadſtairs
  • * 10 Frend [...]ury N. of Rocheſter 1 M. and the Walk from thence towards Upnor, on the Medway
  • * 11 Boxley Hill, N. N. E. of Maidſtone, 4 M. in the Road from Rocheſter
  • * 12 Madam [...]urt Hill, N. of Sevenoak, in the Road from London
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Blackheath (Sir Greg. Page's) by James
  • * 2 Greenwich Hoſpital (by Sir C. Wren), Queen's Houſe (by Inigo Jones), and Park
  • 3 Charlton Houſe, E. of Greenwich (Earl of Ancram's)
  • 4 Foots Cray, S. E. of Eltham, alter'd from Palladio (Miſs Cleve's)
  • 5 Cobham Hall (Earl of Darnley's) S. E. of Graveſend, Part by Inigo Jones
  • * 6 Knowle (Duke of Dorſet's) S. E. of Sevenoak
  • 7 Mereworth or Mer [...]de (late Lord Deſpencer's) N. E. of Tunbridge (by Campbell)
  • 8 Penſhurſt (Mrs. Perry's) W. of Tunbridge, on the Medway
  • 9 Eaſtwell (Earl of Winchelſea's) S. W. of Canterbury
  • 10 Comb-Bank (Duke of Argyll's) near Sevenoak (by Morris)
  • 11 Cheve [...]ing (Earl Stanhope's) N. N. W. of Sevenoak (Inigo Jones partly)
  • * 12 I [...]graſs (late Mr. Calcraft's) E. of Dartford, Dover Road

This County is 162 Miles round, and contains 1,248,000 Acres.


  • * 1 Lancaſter Caſtle, 22 M. S. of Kendal
  • 2 Cockerſand Abbey, S. of Lancaſter, on the Coaſt
  • * 3 Whalley-Abbey, on the Calder, S. W. of Clithero
  • 4 Hornby Caſtle (Mr. Charteris's) on the Wenning, N. E. of Lancaſter
  • 5 Clithero Caſtle, on the Ribble, near Pendle-Hill, to N. W.
  • 6 Mancheſter College
  • 7 Holland Priory, W. of Wigan
  • 8 Cartmel Priory, in Furneſs, S. W. of Kendal
  • * 9 Gleaſton Caſtle, in Low Furneſs, E. of the following
  • * 10 Furneſs Abbey, near the Sea Coaſt of Furneſs, S. of Dalton
  • * 11 Peel Caſtle, or the Pile of Foudrey, on a ſmall Iſland, S. W. of the Iſle of Walney
  • 12 Ormſkirk (the Church) W. of Wigan, and Latham near it (Mr. Bootle's)
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Dunald Mill Hole, 5 M. from Lancaſter, near the Road to Kirby-Lonſdale
  • * 2 Road from Ulverſton (O [...]ton) to Kendal in Weſtmoreland, 20 M. Turnpike-Road
  • 3 Ea [...]-Kirk, a Cavern, near Leck, E. of Kirby-Lonſdale
  • * 4 Road from Lancaſter to Hornby, in the Way to Ingleton Turnpike
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • 1 Kirby Croſs-Houſe, in Furneſs, N. W. of Ulverton
  • 2 Coniſide (Mr. Braddyl's) at the N. End of Coni [...]ton Meer
  • 3 Latham (Mr. Bootle's) E. of Ormſkirk (by Leoni)
  • 4 Hooker (Lord George Cavendiſh's) in Furneſs, S. W. of Cartmel

[24] This County is 170 Miles round, and contains [...],150,000 Acres; its higheſt Ground is Pendle-Hill, W. of Colne.


  • 1 Leiceſter Abbey (on the Soure) the Newark, and Hoſpital, St. Margaret's, &c.
  • * 2 Ulveſcroft Priory, W. of Mount Sorrel, near Bardon Hill
  • * 3 Olveſton Priory (or Oweſton) N. E. of Bilſden, towards Rutlandſhire
  • 4 Grace-Dieu Nunnery, E. of Aſhby de la Zouch, W. of Loughborough
  • * 5 Belvoir Caſtle (Duke of Rutland's) on the Borders of Lincolnſhire
  • * 6 Bradgate, N. N. W. of Leiceſter (Earl of Stamford's)
  • * 7 Aſhby de la Zouche, near the N. W. Border towards Derbyſhire, and Church
  • 8 Melton Mowbray (the Church) on the Wreke, S. W. of Walton
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Bardon Hill, in Charnwood (or Charley) Foreſt, W. of Mount Sorrell; the Proſpect which extends to the Wreckin, Lincoln, &c.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • 1 Stanton Harold (Earl Ferrers's) N. of Aſhby de la Zouch
  • 2 Grop [...]ll (or Gopſall) (Mr. Penryn's) N. W. of Boſworth (by Woolfe)
  • 3 Donnington Park (Earl of Huntingdon's) near Loughborough, N. W.
  • 4 Stapleford (Earl of Harborough's) S. E. of Mel [...] Mowbray

This County is 96 Miles round, and contains 560,000 Acres.


  • in Lincoln
    • * 1Lincoln Minſter
    • 2 — Palace
    • 3 — Caſtle
    • 4 John of Gaunt's Houſe,
  • 5 [...] Caſtle, S. W. of Lincoln, near the Heath
  • 6 [...] H [...]ll, on the Trent, S. of Gainſborough
  • 7 Temple [...], Middle of Lincoln Heath
  • 8 Moor Tower, near Horn Caſtle
  • 9 Barling [...]s Abbey, E. of Lincoln
  • 10 Tupholme Priory, near Lincoln, to S. E.
  • * 11 Tatterſhal Caſtle (in the Fens) N. W. of Boſton
  • * 12 Boſton Church (in the Fens) on the Witham
  • * 13 Thor [...]ton College, near Barton, on the Humber
  • 14 Grantham Church
  • * 15 Crowland Abbey (in the Fens) 10 M. N. of Peterborough
  • 16 Crowland Bridge (in the Town)
  • 17 Kirkton Church, in Upper Holland, S. of Boſton
  • 18 [...]outh Church, N. N. E. of Horn Caſtle
  • 19 Sempringham Monaſtery, E. of Folkingham
  • 20 Crowle Church (Sax.)
  • 21 St. Leonard's (Church) near Stanford (Sax.)
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • 1 Belvoir Caſtle (Duke of Rutland's) W. of Grantham and Betterſworth Church
  • 2 Grimſthorpe (Duke of Ancaſter's) S. E. of Grantham (by Vanbrugh)
  • 3 Uffington (Mr. Bertie's) 2 M. N. E. from Stanford

This County is 180 Miles round, and contains 1,740,3 [...]0 Acres.


  • in London.
    • * Weſtminſter Abbey and Hall
    • 2 Tower of London
    • 3 Great St. Bartholomew's, near Smithfield
    • 4 Temple Church in the Inner Temple
    • 5 Guildhall, in King's Street
    • 6 Somerſet Houſe (by John of Padua, and Inigo Jones) now pulled down and rebuilt by Chambers
    • 7 St. John's Gate, near Clerkenwell
  • 8 Waltham Croſs, N. of Edmonton
  • * 9 Hampton Court Palace, on the Thames, S. S. W. of Twickenham
  • 10 Hanworth (Lord Vere's) W. of Twickenham
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Harrow on the Hill, E. N. E. of Uxbridge
  • * 2 Twickenham, on the Thames, S. of Thiſtleworth, and the Meadows
  • 3 Hamſtead Heath, N. of London
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Sion Houſe (D. of Northumberland's) near Iſleworth and the Thames, alter'd by Adam and Brown
  • 2 Holland Houſe (Lord Holland's) W. of London (Part by Inigo Jones)
  • 3 Gunnerſbury (late Princeſs Amelia's) near Ealing and Acton (by Inigo Jones)
  • * 4 Ch [...]ck (Duke of Devonſhire [...]s) W. of Hammerſmith (by Lorrd Burlington)
  • 5 Mr. Wyndham [...] Hammerſmith (late Lord M [...]'s) by Morris and [...]
  • 6 Spencer Houſe (Earl Spencer's) in St. James's [...] (by V [...]dy and G [...] G [...])
  • * 7 Dev [...]re Houſe (Duke of Devonſhire's) in Pl [...] by Ke [...]t)
  • [27] 8 Cheſterfield Houſe (Earl of Cheſterfield's) in May-Fair (by Briſtol and Ware)
  • 9 Banqueting Houſe at Whitehall (by Inigo Jones and Rubens)
  • *10 Muſaeum, in Great Ruſſel Street, Bloomſbury, (by Pouget)
  • 11 Marlborough Houſe, in Pall-Mall (bY Sir Chr. Wren)
  • *12 Queen's Houſe, in St. James's Park (by Capt. Wynne)
  • 13 Lindſey Houſe ( [...]) in Lincoln's Inn Fields (by Inigo Jones)
  • 14 Burlington Houſe (Duke of Devonſhire's) in Piccadilly, the Court and Front by the Earl of Burlington and Campbell
  • *15 Northumberland Houſe (Duke of Northumberland's) near Charing-Croſs, by Bern. Janſen, Ger. Chriſtmas, &c.
  • *16 Barbers Hall, in Mugwell Street, near Cheapſide (Part by Inigo Jones)
  • 17 Twickenham Park (Ducheſs of Montroſe's) near Twickenham
  • *18 The Exchequer (Duke of Newcaſtle's) joining to Weſtminſter Hall
  • 19 Ickenham (Mr. Clarke's) near Uxbridge Common, once Sir Robert Viner's

This County is 81 M. round, and contains 247,000 Acres.


  • * 1 Chepſtow Caſtle, on the Wye, near its Junction with the Severn, 3 M. from Auſt-Ferry
  • * 2 Tinterne Abeey, on the Wye, and Views from Four-Acre Meadow, beyond the Abbey Orchard, N. of Chepſtow, 8 M. by Water
  • * 3 Caldecot Caſtle, on the Shrogey, near the Coaſt and Severn Sea
  • [28] * 4 Newport Caſtle, on the Uſk, near its Mouth, 22 M. from Abergavenny
  • 5 Uſk Caſtle, on the ſame River
  • * 6 Ragland Caſtle, N. E. of the laſt, 12 M. from Chepſtow
  • 7 Skinfryth Caſtle, on the Mynwy
  • 8 Griſmond Caſtle, on the ſame
  • 9 White Caſtle, E. N. E. of Abergavenny
  • *10 Llantony Abbey (or Llandevi Nanthodeno) on the Hodeney, among Hatterel Hills
  • *11 Monmouth, at the Confluence of the Wye and Mynwy, and the View from Engligh-Newton Hill, 1 ½ M. from the Town to N.
Scenes and Situations.
  • * 1 The Road from Chepſtow to Ragland, and thence to Monmouth
  • 2 The Sugar-Loaf Mountain (View from its Top) 4 M. fom Abergavenny, otherwiſe called Pana-y-Vale, 21 M. from Chepſtow
  • * 3 Way (by Water) down the Wye from Monmouth to Chepſtow, chiefly at Whitebrook, Pi [...]on, Llandogger, &c.
  • * 4 Vale of Abergavenny, and Colebrook Park (Mr. Hanbury's)
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Per [...]field (Mr. Morris's) near Chepſtow, and the View from W [...]acliff above it

This County is 80 M. round, and contains 340,000 Acres.


  • 1 Lynn (St. Margaret's Church) on the Mouth on the Ouſe, St. Nicholas's Chapel, &c.
  • 2 Therford Priory, on the Little Ouſe, near the Borders of Suffolk
  • * 3 Caſtle-Riſing Caſtle, N. E. of Lynn
  • 4 Buckenham Caſtle, S. E. of Attleborough
  • [29] 5 Wymondham (or Wyndham) Abbey, N. E. of Attleborough
  • * 6 Norwich, the Cathedral, Caſtle, Churches, &c.
  • * 7 Caſtle-Acre Priory and Caſtle, N. of Swafham
  • 8 Walſingham Priory, N. of Fakenham
  • 9 Binh [...]m Priory, N. E. of Walſingham
  • 10 Creak Priory, S. S. E. of Burnham
  • 11 Bromholme Priory, near the Coaſt, S. E. of Cromer
  • 12 Yarmouth, the Great Church, E. of Norwich 22 M.
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Eaſton (Mr. Bu [...]ton's) N. W. of Norwich
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • 1 Stow Bardolph ( [...]) N. E. of Downham
  • 2 Hunſtanton (Mr. Styleman's) near St. Edmund's Cape, on the N. Coaſt
  • * 3 Holkham (Counteſs of Leiceſter's) W. of Wells, (by Brettingham)
  • * 4 Houghton (Earl of Orford's) S. W. of Walſingham (by Ripley)
  • 5 Rainham (Viſc. Townſhend's) W. of Fakenham
  • 6 Blickling (E. of Buckinghamſhire's) N. W. of Ayleſham
  • 7 Kimberley Park (Sir A. Wodehouſe's) N. W. of Wyndham
  • 8 Oxborough (Sir Richard Bedinfield's) N. of Methwold, or Meweil

This County is 140 M. round, and contains 1,148,000 Acres.


  • * 1 Peterborough Cathedral
  • 2 Fotheringhay Church and College, N. of Oundle
  • 3 Barnwell Caſtle S. E. of Oundle
  • * 4 Drayton Houſe (Lord Sackville's) W. of Thrapſton
  • [30] 5 Luffwick Church, near the laſt
  • 6 Higham I errers College and Church
  • 7 Rockingham Caſtle (Lord Sondes's) on the Welland
  • 8 Little Billing Priory, near the Nine, E. of Northampton
  • 9 Daventry Priory, on the Borders of Warwickſhire
  • 10 Holdenby (or Holmby) Houſe, N. of Althrop
  • 11 Brackley (the Hoſpital Chapel) N. W. of Buckingham
  • 12 Queen's Croſs, near Northampton, to the S.
  • 13 King's Sutton Church, on the Charwell, N. of Aynhoe
  • 14 Irtlingborough Church
  • 15 Glinton Chapel
  • 16 Brington Church, W. of Althrop
  • 17 Northborough Church
  • 18 Oundle Church, on the Nine, N. E. of Thrapſton
  • 1 [...] Geddington (the Croſs) N. of Kettering
  • 20 Ecton Church, 5 M. N. E. of Northampton
  • 21 Stow, nine Churches, E. of Faweſley, S. E. of Daventry
Scenes and Situations.
  • * 1 View from the Hill between Great Billing and Overton, N. E. of Northampton
  • 2 View from Hall Field at Kettering
  • 3 View from Hard-Hill Meer, between Kingſted and Rance
  • 4 View from Buſh Hill in Archeſter Field, S. E. of Wellingborough
  • 5 View down the Nine, from Clifford and Ecton Hills ( [...])
  • 6 View up the Welland from Stamford
  • 7 View down the Welland, from Brampton Park, E. S. E. of Harborough
  • * 8 View from Eltinton Hill, W. of Naſeby
  • 9 View from Burrow Hill, near Daventry
  • [31] * 10 View from Rydon Hill, near Hellidon, S. W. of Daventry
  • 11 Walk from the George Inn, St. Martin's, near Stamford, to Wathrop Grove, and on to Eaſton
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Burleigh (Earl of Exeter's) E. of Stamford
  • 2 Lilford (Mr. Powis's) on the Nine, S. W. of Oundle
  • 3 Boughton (Duke of Montagu's) N. E. of Kettering
  • * 4 Althrop (Earl Spencer's) N. E. of Northampton
  • 5 Caſtle Aſhby (Earl of Northampton's) N. W. of Wellingborough, S. of Northampton (Part by Inigo Jones)
  • 6 Faweſley (Mr. Knightley's) S. of Daventry
  • 7 Stoke Park (Mr. Arundel's) E. of Towceſter (by Inigo Jones)
  • 8 Whaddon (Mr. Willis's) W. of Stony Stratford
  • 9 Thorp (Sir Robert Barnard's) near the Nine, W. of Peterborough

This County is 120 M. round, and contains 500,000 Acres.


  • * 1 Tinmouth Monaſtery, on the Coaſt, at the Mouth of the Tyne
  • 2 Prudhoe Caſtle, S. of Tyne, to S. W. of Newcaſtle
  • * 3 Bothall Caſtle, on the Wantſpeck, E. of Morpeth, and Church and Chapel
  • 4 Warkworth Caſtle, on the Coquet, near the Coaſt, and the Hermitage
  • 5 Dunſtanburgh Caſtle, on the Coaſt, N. of Bowm [...], and Rumble Churn
  • 6 Be [...]o Caſtle (Sir William Middleton's) S. W. of Morpeth, 2 M. from H [...]am
  • [32] * 7 Widdrington Caſtle, on the Coaſt, S. of Warkworth (Sir George Warner's)
  • 8 Bamburgh Caſtle, on the Coaſt, E. S. E. of Belford
  • * 9 Alnwick Caſtle (Duke of Northumberland's) on the Alne, with Alnwick Abbey and Hull Abbey near it, to N.
  • * 10 Holy Iſland Monaſtery, in an Iſle, N. E. of Belford
  • 11 C [...]gham Caſtle (Earl Tankervill's) on the Br [...], S. E. of Woller, and the Church
  • 12 Horton Caſtle (Sir H. Grey's) N. E. of Woller
  • * 13 Bri [...]burn Priory, on the Coquet, S. E. of Rothbury
  • 14 Norham Caſtle, on the Tweed, 6 M. S. W. of Tweed Mouth, and the Church
  • 15 H [...]xham Mo [...]ſtery and Church, on the Tyne, W. of Corbridge
  • 16 Biwell Caſtle, on the Tyne, S. W. of Prudhoe
  • 17 Dilſton Caſtle, near the Tyne, S. E. of Hexham
  • 18 B [...]anchland Priory, on the Darwen, S. of Hexham
  • 19 L [...]gley Caſtle, E. S. E. of Beltingeham, 1 M. N. E. of [...]ydon Bridge
Scenes and Situations.
  • * 1 Vale of Tyne, from Newcaſtle to Hexham (the Bridle Way)
  • 2 Read [...]dale, and the Fall of the Chetlup ne [...] Ca [...]ga (called Chetlup Spout, falls 70 Feet and [...]quire
  • * 3 Top of Cheviot Hill, near Woller, to S. W.
  • 4 Chriſte [...]bury Crag, on the W. Border towar [...] Cumberland, N. E. of Beau Caſtle
  • 5 [...]g Lough, to N. of the Roman Wall, nea [...] to [...] Mile-Stone on the Military Road
  • 6 T [...], near Simonburn, N. W. of Wallwick Fall of the Rivulet and Cavern above it
  • [33] 7 Staward le Peel, E. of the River Allen, and the View from High Staward, along the Allen, it lies S. S. E. of Beltingham
  • 8 Newbiggen (View from the Church-Yard) on the Coaſt, E. of Bothall
  • 9 Kiley, a Village on the Left of the Berwick Road, 5 M. North of Belford
  • 10 Cornhill (Mr. Collingwood's) S. of Tweed, near the new Bridge, the View
  • 11 Tillmouth Chapel, between the Till and the Tweed at their Junction
  • 12 Shidlaw, a Hill near Carham and Wark Caſtle
  • 13 Watchlaw, a Hill, 4 M. E. of Etall
  • 14 Glanton Pike, near the Woller Road and Wh'ttingham
  • 15 Lintel Law, near Ewſlee, N. W. of Morpeth
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • 1 Chipchace (Mr. Reed's) near the North Tyne, to N. W. of Wallwick
  • * 2 Beaufront (Mr. Errington's) on the Tyne, almoſt oppoſite to Hexham
  • 3 The Hermitage (Mrs. Jurin's) on the Tyne, oppoſite to Hexham
  • 4 Bywell, (Mr. Fenwick's) N. of the Tyne, S. W. of Ovingham
  • 5 Ovingham (Mr. Bigge's) N. of the Tyne, oppoſite to Prudhoe Caſtle
  • * 6 Cloſe Houſe (Sir Robert Bewick's) N. of the Tyne, oppoſite to Ryton
  • 7 Aſhington (Mr. Crowe's) on the Wan [...]ſbeck, near Bothall
  • 8 Twiſſell (Mr. Blake's) on the Till, near its Mouth, and the Bridge

This County is 155 Miles round, contains 1,370,000 Acres, and is 62 ¾ M. long, and 47 M. broad.


  • * 1 Neſtead Abbey (Lord Byron's) near Mansfield, 10 M. from Nottingham
  • * 2 Hardwick Houſe (D. of Devonſhire's) near ditto
  • * 3 Welbeck Abbey (Duke of Portland's) N. of ditto, (by John Smithſon)
  • 4 Radford Abbey, near Workſop, N. of the laſt
  • 5 Newark Caſtle, on the Trent, and Church
  • 6 Southwell Church and Palace, W. of the laſt
  • 7 Thurgarton Priory, near Newark
  • * 8 Wollaton (Ld. Middleton's) W. of Nottingham
  • 9 Nottingham (St. Mary's Church) near Trent
  • 10 Blyth (the Church) S. S. W. of Bawtry
Scenes and Situations.
  • * 1 Clifton (Sir Gervas Clifton's) 3 M. S. W. from N [...]ttingham
  • 2 Creſſwell Crags, W. of Wellbeck
  • 3 Road from Newark to Nottingham, near the Trent
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • 1 Workſop Manor (Duke of Norſolk's) S. of Blythe, (by Payne)
  • 2 T [...]by (Duke of Kingſton's) S. E. of Well [...]ck (by C [...])
  • 3 Ru [...] (late Sir G. Savile's) E. N. E. of Mansfield

This County is 90 Miles round, and contains 560,000 Acres.


  • * 1 Oxford Univerſity, Chriſt Church, St. Peter's, &c
  • * 2 Eynsham Abbey N. W. of Oxford
  • 3 Godſtow Nunnery, N. of ditto
  • 4 Minſter Lovel, N. W. of Witney
  • [35] 5 Ewelm Palace, S. W. of Watlington
  • 6 Clattercote Priory, N. of Banbury
  • * 7 Broughton Caſtle, S. W. of ditto
  • 8 Dorcheſter Church, on the Thames
  • 9 Iffley Church, on the Thames, S. E. of Oxford, (Sax.)
  • 10 Edward the Confeſſor's Chapel at Iſlip, N. of ditto, (Sax.)
  • 11 Chipping-Norton Church, near the Border of Glouceſterſhire and Rollich Stones
  • 12 Stanton Harcourt Houſe and Church, S. E. of Witney
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Shiplake, on the Thames, S. of Henley
  • 2 Stoken-Church Hill, N. E. of Watlington, View from it
  • 3 Whiteham Hill, N. W. of Oxford
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Blenheim (Duke of Marlborough's) at Woodſtock, [...]½ M. from Oxford (by Vanbrugh and Brown)
  • 2 Ditchley (E. of Litchfield's) N. E. of Charlebury, 5 M. from Blenheim
  • * 3 Caver [...]ham or Cau [...]n (Lord Cadogan's) N. E. of Reading (by Brown)
  • 4 Cornbury (Duke of Marlborough's) W. of Charlbury, (by N Stone)
  • * 5 Newnham (E. of Harcourt's) 5 M. from Oxford to S. E.
  • 6 Hardwicke (Mr. Powis's) near the Tham [...]s, W. of Maple-Derham
  • 7 Kirtlington Park (Sir J. Daſhwood's) N. E. of Woodſtock, (by Saunderſon and Smith, and Brown)
  • * 8 Rouſham (Sir C. Cot. Dormer's) N. E. of Woodſtock (by Kent)
  • 9 Burford (Mr. Lenthall's) Houſe and Pictures
  • [36] 10 Barrington Park (Lady Talbot's) N. W. of Burford
  • 11 Wroxton's (E. of Guildford's) near Banbury

This County is 130 Miles round, and contains 534,000 Acres.


  • 1 Okeham Caſtle
  • 2 Tickencote (Church) W. of Caſterton, (Sax.)
Scenes and Situations.
  • * 1 View at North Luffenham, S. W. of Stamford
  • 2 Road from near Stamford to Uppingham
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Burley on the Hill (Earl of Winchelſea's) E. of Okeham
  • 2 Exton (Earl of Gainſborough's) E. of Burley

This County is 40 M. round, and contains 110,000 Acres.


  • 1 Shrewſbury Caſtle and Abbey, on the Severn
  • 2 Haghmon Priory, N. E. of Shrewſbury
  • * 3 Bildewes (or Billings) Abbey, on the Severn, S. of Wrekin
  • 4 Acton Burnel Caſtle, S. S. E. of Shrewſbury
  • * 5 Wenlock Abbey, S. of Bildewas, N. W. of Bridgenorth
  • * 6 Lilleſhull Priory, S. W. of Newport
  • 7 Stoke Caſtle, on the Tern, S. S. W. of Drayton
  • 8 Tong Caſtle (Mr. Durant's) E. of Shiffnal, toward Staffordſhire, and the Church where the Vernons, &c. are buried
  • * 9 Ludlow Caſtle, at the Junction of the Temd and Corve, and the Church
  • 10 Hopton Caſte, W. N. W. of the laſt
  • [37] 11 Clun Caſtle, on the Clun, N. W. of Hopton Caſtle
  • 12 Whitchurch (the Church) N. W. of Drayton
Scenes and Situations.
  • * 1 Town of Bridgenorth, on the Severn
  • 2 Caer Caradoc, at the Junction of Clun and Temd (called Quardo [...]-Hill) near Church-Stretton
  • * 3 The Wrekin Hill, E. S. E. of Shrewſbury
  • 4 Colebrook Dale, W. S. W. of Shiffnal
  • * 5 Eudneſs Woods, 4 M. N. of Bridgenorth
  • * 6 View of the Severn (near Quatford to the W.) in the Way from Kidderminſter to Bridgenorth, and from Quatford Church-Yard
  • 7 Way from Ludlow to Montgomery
  • 8 View from the Bowling-Green at Elleſmere, N. W. of Oſweſtry
  • 9 Amen Hill, 5 M. from Shrewſbury
  • * 10 Way from Church Stretton to Ludlow, 17 M.
  • * 11 Titterſtones Hill (or the Clee) E. of Ludlow, in the Way to Bewdley
  • * 12 Pimhill Hill, near Shrewſbury
  • * 13 Coed-y-Graig (View from the Rock called Craig-Wen, a Hill near Llan-y-mi [...]ich, in the Way from Welch Pool, 6 M. from Oſweſtry
  • 14 Kyrn-y-Buch, a Hill near Oſweſtry
  • 15 The Morf (View from the Corner) a Common near Bridgenorth
  • 16 The Edge (View from it) 2 M. W. of Wenlock
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • 1 Hardwick (Mr. Kynaſton's) near Elleſmere, S. W. of Whitchurch
  • 2 (Sir E. Blount's) between Bewdley and Ludlow
  • * 3 Okely Park (Lord Clive's) near Ludlow
  • 4 Acton Burnell (Sir E. Smith's) S. S. E. of Shrewſbury
  • 5 Hawkeſtone (Sir Richard Hill's) N. of Shrewſbury

[38] This County is 134 Miles round, and contains 890,000 Acres. The Wrekin Hall, E. of Shrewſbury, meaſures 1398 Feet above the Level of the Sea. ( [...]lany [...] in Wren's Pa [...]talia p. 253.) Stiperſton Clee, near Norbury to N. is 1800 Feet high and upwards. Ibid.


  • 1 Bath Cathedral
  • * 2 Briſtol Cathedral, St. Mary Radcliffe, and St. Stephen's, 14 M. from Bath
  • * 3 Farley Caſtle, S. E. of Bath
  • 4 Nunye Caſtle, S. W. of Frome
  • * 5 Wells Cathedral and Palace
  • * 6 Glaſtonbury Abbey, S. W. of Wells, and the Torr
  • 7 Montacute Priory (Mr. Philips's) W. of Ilcheſter
  • 8 Stoke Courey Caſtle, N. W. of Bridgewater
  • * 9 Dunſter Caſtle, on the Coaſt (Mr. Lutterel's) near Minehead to S. E.
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Wokie Hole, in Mendip, near Wells
  • 2 Chedder Rocks, N. W. of Wells, near Axbridge
  • 3 Camalot Hill (or Arthur's Palace) N. E. of E [...]l, otherwiſe Cadbury Caſtle
  • 4 Clifton (at Mr. Gold [...]ey's) near Briſtol, to the W.
  • 5 Quantock Hills, S. S. E. of Watchet, near the Coaſt
  • 6 Brent Knowle, a Hill, N. E. of Bridgewater
  • 7 Lanſdown, N. of Bath, and Claverton (Clarton) Down
  • 8 Durdam Down, near Briſtol, (keep cloſe to the Wall)
  • 9 View from the Brow of Mendip Hills, in the Way from Sherbourne to Bath
  • [39] 10 Upper Briſtol Road, about the 2d and 3d Mile-Stones from Bath
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • 1 Prior Park (Mrs. Warburton's) near Bath
  • 2 Hinton St. George (Earl Paulet's) N. E. of Chard
  • 3 Widcomb ( [...]) S. E. of Bath
  • 4 Redlinch (Earl of Ilcheſter's) S. of Bruton

This County is 150 Miles round, and contains 1,075,000 Acres.


  • * 1 Lichfield Cathedral, 24 M. from Derby
  • * 2 Tutbury Caſtle, on the Dove, next Derbyſhire, and the Church, N. of Burton
  • * 3 Dudley Caſtle and Priory, N. W. of Birmingham (Viſcount Dudley's)
  • 4 Eccle [...]hal Caſtle, (Bp. of Lichfield's) N. W. of Stafford
  • * 5 Croxton Abbey, N. W. of Uttoxeter
  • 6 Alton Caſtle, on the Charnet, N. N. E. from the laſt
  • 7 Wolverhampton Church, W. S. W. of Walſall, on the Penk
  • 8 Burton upon Trent, the Bridge and Abbey
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Stafford Caſtle Hill, 1 ½ M. from the Town ( [...] View)
  • 2 N [...]rrowdale, N. N. W. of Okeover and Ilam
  • * 3 A [...]od (or Abbot's Caſtle) View from the Hill. S. W. of Wolverhampton, on the Edge of Shropſhire
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Ham (Mr. Port's) near the Dove, N. W. of Aſhburn and Thorp-Cloud
  • [40] 2 Ingeſtre (Lord Chetwind's) E. of Stafford, near the Trent
  • 3 Tickſhall (Sir T. Aſton's) E. of Stafford, near the Trent
  • 4 Wolſely (or Ouſely) Bridge, N. W. of Lichfield
  • * 5 Shukborough (Mr. Anſon's) near Rugely, on the Trent, (by Mr. Stuart)
  • 6 Trentham (Marquis of Stafford's) S. E. of Newcaſtle
  • 7 Beaudeſert (E. of Uxbridge's) N. W. of Lichfield
  • 8 Enville (or Enfield) Earl of Stamford's, N. W. of Stourbridge
  • 9 Chillington (Mr. Giffard's) near Wolverhampton
  • 10 Sandon Hall ( [...]) N. N. E. of Stafford
  • 11 Chartley ( [...]) N. E of Stafford
  • * 12 Bromley ( [...]) N. W. of Eccleſhall
  • 13 Preſtwood ( [...]) N. of Stourbridge
  • 14 Aqualate ( [...]) near Norbury, S. W. of Eccleſhall
  • 15 Broughton ( [...]) N. W. of Eccleſhall

This County is 141 Miles round, and contains 810,000 Acres. The Moor Lands (or N. E. Part) is mountainous, interſperſed with rich Meadow Land in the Vallies, reaching from Three-Shire Stones to about Draycot on the Moor; the Wood Lands (or middle Part) between Dove and Trent, from Draycot to Burton and Whichner, is a more level Country.


  • * 1 St. Edmund's Bury, the Abbey and Churches
  • 2 Wingfield Caſtle and Church, N. E. of Eye
  • * 3 Framlingham Caſtle and Church, on the Ore, E. of Debenham
  • [41] 4 Letheringham Priory Church, S. W. of Debenham
  • * 5 Butley Priory, S. W. of Orford
  • 6 Orford Caſtle, near the Coaſt, S. W. of Aldborough
  • 7 Leyſton Abbey, near the Coaſt, N. of Aldborough
  • * 8 Mettingham Caſtle and College, E. of Bungay
  • 9 Burgh Caſtle, W. of Yarmouth (Roman)
  • 10 Lavenham Church, N. E. of Sudbury (or Lanham)
  • 11 Gipping (Mr. Tyr [...]ell's) the Chapel, N. E. of Stow Market
  • 12 Clare, the Church and Caſtle, N. W. of Sudbury
  • 13 Stoke Neyland, the Church, S. E. of Sudbury
  • 14 Bungay, the Great Church and Caſtle, E. N. E. of Harleſton
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Wickham (Proſpect from the Steeple) S. of Framlingham
  • 2 Burſtal (View from it) W. of Ipſwich
  • 3 Stoke, near Neyland (Sir W. Rowley's) S. E. of Sudbury
  • * 4 Way from Ipſwich to Harwich by Water
  • 5 View from the high Grounds in Stoke (Part of Ipſwich) and from the Parſonage at High Water
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Hengrave Houſe and Church, on the Lark, N. W. of Bury
  • 2 Ickworth (E. of Briſtol's) N. W. of B [...]
  • 3 Euſton (D. of Grafton's) S. E. of Th [...]
  • 4 Redgrave (Mr. Holt's) N. of Buddeſdale (by Brown [...])
  • 5 Brome (E. Cornwallis's) N. E. of Eye, and the Church
  • 6 Ruſhbrook (Sir C. Davers) S. of Bury
  • [42] 7 Melford Hall (Lady Firebrace's) and Church, N. of Sudbury
  • 8 Henham (Sir J. Rouſ [...]'s) E. of Haleſworth
  • 9 Freſton Tower (Mr. Tarver's) S. of Ipſwich, on the Orwell
  • 10 Chriſtchurch (Mr. Fonnerau [...]'s) in Ipſwich
  • 11 Finbarrow [...] (Mr. Wollaſton's) S. of Stowmarket

This County is 165 Miles round, and contains 995,000 Acres.


  • * 1 Lambeth Palace (Abp. of Canterbury's) on the Thames
  • 2 Richmond Palace, on the Green
  • 3 Betchworth Caſtle (Mr. Tucker's) E. of Darking
  • * 4 Eſher Place (Miſs Pelham's) on the Mole, S. S. W. of Kingſton
  • 5 Guilford Caſtle, on the Wey
  • 6 Newark Priory, on the Wey, E. of Working
  • 7 Waverley Abbey, S. E. of Farnham
  • 8 Farnham Caſtle (Biſhop of Wincheſter's) W. of Guilford
  • 9 St. Mary Overy's Church in Southwark
  • 10 Kingſton upon Thames, St. Mary's Chapel, S. Side of the Church (ruin'd)
  • 11 Rygate Caſtle and Priory (Mr. Parſon's) E. N. E. of Darking
Scenes and Situations.
  • * Richmond Hill, on the Thames, and the King's Gardens
  • * 2 Wandſworth Hill, near Wimbleton (at Mrs. Pitt's)
  • 3 Box Hill, N. of Darking
  • [43] * 4 Lithe Hill, S. of Wotton, and S. W. of Darking
  • * 5 Road from Guilford to Farnham (firſt 5 M. of it) and View from a Field to the left of the Road, as ſoon as you aſcend the Hill from the Town
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Wimbleton (Earl Spencer's) near the Vandal, S. of Wandſworth, by the Earl of Pembroke and Brown (lately burnt)
  • 2 Kew, near the Thames, oppoſite to Brentford
  • 3 Peterſham (Earl of Harrington's) near Richmond Park
  • 4 Ham (Earl of Dyſert's) near the Thames, oppoſite to Twickenham
  • * 5 Roehampton, or Parkſtead (Earl of Beſborough's) S. W. of Mortlack, near Richmond Park (by Chambers)
  • 6 Claremont (formerly Duke of Newcaſtle's) S. W. of Eſher, near the Mole (by Vanbrugh and Kent) now Lord Clive's and lately rebuilt
  • * 7 Cobham, or Paintſhill (Mr. Hopkins's) on the Mole (by Hamilton)
  • 8 Weybridge, or Ham Farm (Earl of Portmore's) at the Confluence of the Wey and Thames
  • * 9 Oatlands (Earl of Lincoln's) N. E. of the laſt, (by Kent)
  • * 10 Ooburne Farm (Mr. Southcote's) near Chertſey, (by himſelf)
  • 11 Deepden ( [...]) E. of Darking
  • 12 (Mr. Reeves's) near Darking
  • 13 Sheere (Mr. Malters's) near Guilford, to E.
  • 14 More Park ( [...]) and Mother Ludoe's Hole, S. E. of Farnham
  • 15 Richmond Gardens (the King's) as alter'd by Browne

This County is 112 Miles round, and contains 592,000 Acres.


  • 1 Winchelſea Monaſtery and Caſtle, on the Coaſt, S. of Rye
  • * 2 Battel Abbey, N. W. of Haſtings
  • * 3 Bodiham Caſtle, near the Rother, N. of the laſt
  • 4 Pevenſey Caſtle, N. E. of Eaſt-Born, on the Coaſt
  • * 5 Hurſt Monceux Caſtle (Mr. Naylor's) N. of the laſt
  • 6 Begeham Abbey
  • 7 Lewes Caſtle and Priory, N. E. of Brighthelmſton
  • 8 Amberley Caſtle, near the Arun, N. of Arundel
  • * 9 Arundel Caſtle, on the Arun, and the Church
  • 10 Boxgrove Priory, N. E. of Chicheſter
  • * 11 Chicheſter Cathedral, on the Lavant, near the Coaſt, and the Croſs
  • 12 Boſeham (Church) 3 M. from Chicheſter
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Petworth (Earl of Egremont's) E. of Midhurſt
  • * 2 Cowdrey (Viſc. Montacute's) E. of Midhurſt
  • * 3 Stanſted (Mr. Barwell's) N. W. of Chicheſter
  • * 4 Up-Park (Sir M. Fetherſton's) near the laſt
  • 5 Goodwood (Duke of Richmond's) N. of Chicheſter (by Campbell)
  • 6 Halnaker (Duke of Richmond's) N. E. of Chicheſter
  • 7 Crowhurſt (Mr. J. Pelham's) S. E. of Battel

This County is 158 Miles round, and contains 1,140,000 Acres.


  • * 1 Warwick Caſtle (Earl of Warwick's) on the Avon, 21 M. from Birmingham
  • [45] * 2 Church of St. Mary, in Warwick, and the Priory (Mr. Wiſe's)
  • * 3 Kenilworth Caſtle and Priory, S. W. of Coventry, 7 M. N. W. of Warwick
  • * 4 Coventry City and its Churches, St. Michael, Town-Houſe, N. E. of Warwick 12 M.
  • 5 Combe Abbey (Lord Craven's) 3 M. S. E. of Coventry
  • 6 Nun-Eaton Nunnery, N. of Coventry
  • 7 Maxtoke Priory, S. E. of Coleſhill
  • 8 Maxtoke Caſtle, N. E. of Coleſhill
  • 9 Tamworth Caſtle, on the Tame
  • 10 Stratford upon Avon, the Church
Scenes and Situations.
  • * 1 Edge Hill (the Views from it) S. of Kineton
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • 1 Stoneley (Lord Leigh's) S. of Coventry
  • 2 Bagginton (Mr. Bromley's) S. S. E. of Coventry
  • 3 Guy's Cliff (Mr. Greathed's) ½ a M. N. of Warwick
  • 4 Newnham Paddox (Earl of Denbigh's) N. E. of Coventry
  • 5 Ragley (Earl of Hertford's) S. W. of Alceſter
  • 6 Meryvale (Mr. Stratford's) N. of Atherſton
  • 7 Arbury (Sir R. Newdigate's) S. of Nun-Eaton
  • 8 Shukburgh (Sir C. Shukford's) W. of Daventry
  • 9 Aſton Houſe (Sir L. Holt's) N. of Birmingham, and Church
  • 10 Coleſhill (Lord Digby's) E. of Birmingham

This County is 110 Miles round, and contains 670,000 Acres.


  • 1 Brough Caſtle under Stainmoor, N. of Kirkby Steven
  • [46] * 2 Harcla (or Hartley) Caſtle, S. E. of Kirkby Steven
  • * 3 Pendragon Caſtle, on the Eden, S. S. E. of the laſt
  • * 4 Appleby Caſtle (Earl of Thanet's) on the Eden
  • * 5 Brougham (or Broom) Caſtle, S. E. of Penrith, on the Eimot
  • 6 Shap Abbey, on the Lowther, S. of the laſt
  • 7 Kendal Caſtle, on the Can or Kent
  • 8 Kirkby Lonſdale, Church and Bridge, on the Lune, S. E. of Kendal
  • 9 Kirkby Steven Church, on the Eden, 4 M. S. E. of Appleby
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Ridall Hall and Ridall Head (a Hill) N. of Ambleſide, and Winander Meer, 2 M.
  • 2 The Forces or Falls of the River Kent or Can, 5 M. from Kendal, and near B [...]tham
  • 3 Many Parts of the Road from Appleby to Penrith
  • 4 High Point of Land looking down on the Iſland in Winander Meer, and commanding the Lake from Right to Left, and 5 M. of Road from Ambleſide to Kendal
  • * 5 Road through Ambleſide to Keſwick, 18 M.
  • 6 Falls of Water near Ambleſide
  • 7 Greyridge Hill, in the Way from Brough to Kendall, N. E. of the latter
  • * 8 Graſmere Water, N. of Ambleſide, in the Road to Keſwick
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Lowther Hall, on the Lowther, 5 M. S. W. of Penrith

This County is 110 Miles round, and contains 510,000 Acres.


  • * 1 Saliſbury Cathedral
  • * 2 Wardour Caſtle, on the Nadder, N. E. of Shaftſbury
  • * 3 Heiteſbury Hoſpital, on the Willey, S. E. of Warminſter
  • * 4 Lacock Nunnery (Mr. Talbot's) near the Avon, S. S. W. of Chippenham
  • 5 Chippenham Church, near the Avon
  • 6 Bradenſtoke Priory (or Clack) N. E. of Chippenham
  • * 7 Malmſbury Abbey, on the Avon, near Glouceſterſhire
  • * 8 Stone Henge, on Saliſbury Plain, W. of Ameſbury (Brit.)
  • 9 Aubury, and Weſt Kennet, to S. W. of Marlborough (Brit.)
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Martin's Hall Hill, N. of Old Sarum
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Wilton (Earl of Pembroke's) W. of Saliſbury, (by Holben and Inigo Jones)
  • * 2 Longford (Earl of Radnor's) S. E. of Saliſbury
  • 3 Ameſbury (Duke of Queenſbury's) N. of Saliſbury (by Inigo Jones and Webb)
  • * 4 Stourhead (Mr. Hoare's) S. of Frome, (by Campbell)
  • 5 View from St. Alfred's Tower, in a Morning
  • * 6 Longleat (Viſc. Weymouth's) S. E. of Frome, (by John of Padua and Brown)
  • 7 Witham (Mr. Beckford's) near the laſt
  • 8 Tokenham ( [...]) S. E. of Marlborough
  • 9 Fonthill (Mr. Beckford's) by Woolfe, 16 M. from Saliſbury

This County is 128 Miles round, and contains 876,000 Acres.


  • * 1 Worceſter Cathedral, the Commandery
  • 2 Hartlebury Caſtle (the Biſhop's) S. S. E. of Bewdley
  • * 3 Great Malvern Abbey, 9 M. S. W. of Worceſter, at the Foot of Malvern Hills
  • 4 Hales Owen Abbey (belongs to Shropſhire, but incloſed by this County) S. W. of Birmingham and St. Kenelm's Chapel
  • 5 Eveſham (or Eſham) the Bell Tower
  • 6 Parſhore, the Church, W. of Eveſham
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Bewdley, on the Severn, S. W. of Kidderminſter, 15 M. from Worceſter
  • 2 Parry Wood (View from the Hill) near 1 M. from Worceſter
  • 3 Way from Eveſham, thro' Piddle, to Worceſter, 16 M.
  • * 4 The Clint Hill, near Hagley Park (View from it)
  • * 5 Malvern Hills, 8 M. S. W. of Worceſter
  • * 6 Road W. of the Severn from Bewdley to Worceſter, over the Red Hill, by Ribbesford, P [...] Houſe, Hundred Houſe, and Witley
  • * 7 Crook [...]ury Hill, 2 M. from Worceſter, near the Pen [...]ore Road to the Right
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Hagley (Lord Littleton's) S. E. of Stourbridge 3 M. near Hales Owen, 12 M. from Birmingham, and the Church
  • 2 Witley Court (Lord Foley's) near the Severn, S. of Aberley Hills, 9 M. W. of Worceſter, and the Chapel
  • 3 Ribbesford (Earl Powis's) on the Severn, near Bewdley, 1 M.
  • [49] 4 Crome Abbey (E. of Coventry's) E. of Upton, between the Avon and the Severn
  • * 5 The Leaſowes (late Mr. Shenſtone's) near Hagley, 6 M. by Shenſtone (it is in Shropſhire)

This County is 130 Miles round, and contains 540,000 Acres.



  • * 1 Beverley Minſter
  • 2 Burſtall Abbey, on the Humber, near Spurn Head
  • * 3 Kirkham Priory, on the Derwent, S. S. W. of Malton
  • 4 Wreſhill Caſtle, on the Derwent, N. W. of Howden
  • 5 Howden (the Church) in Howdenſhire, near the Derwent
  • 6 Hull (the Great Church)
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Flamborough-Head, and its Cavern, N. E. of Bridlington
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • 1 Londeſburgh (Duke of Devonſhire's) N. of Market Weighton
  • 2 South Dalton (Sir C. Hotham's) the Lawn, near Beverley
  • 3 Burton Agnes (Sir Griffith Boynton's) E. of Kilham
  • 4 Houſham (Mr. Cholmley's) on the Derwent, S. of Kirkham


  • 1 Helmſley Caſtle, E. of Thirſk
  • * 2 Scarbrough Caſtle, on the E. Coaſt
  • [50] * 3 Whitby Abbey, N. of Scarbrough, on the Coaſt
  • * 4 Rievaux Abbey, near Hemſley, in Riedale, 3 M. to W.
  • 5 Giſborough Abbey, S. E. of Stockton
  • 6 Byland Abbey, near Thirſk, to S. E. and Gilling to W.
  • near Oſmotherley, to N. E. of Northallerton
    • 7 Mount Grace
    • 8 Lady's Chapel,
  • * 9 Richmond Caſtle, on the Swale
  • 10 Eaſby Abbey, on the Swale, 2 M. from Richmond
  • 11 Egleſton Abbey, on the Tees, near Richmond, 2 M. N. W. of Rookby
  • 12 St. Martin's Abbey, near the Tees, 1 M. from Richmond
  • 13 Harlſey Caſtle, near Northallerton
  • 14 Sheriff Hutton Caſtle, N. E. of York
  • * 15 Bolton Caſtle, N. E. of Aſkrig
  • * 16 Middleham Caſtle, S. E. of Aſkrig
  • 17 Bowes Caſtle, S. W. of Barnard's Caſtle
  • 18 Arden Nunnery, near Black Hambleton, S. E. of Oſmotherley
  • 19 Joreval (or Gervis) Abbey, in Wenſledale, near the Ure, S. E. of Middleham
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Wenſledale, W. of Aſkrig, on the Ure
  • * 2 Aſgarth Force, E. of Aſkrig, on the Ure, near Swinwite
  • 3 Scartnick, W. of Richmond, 50 Yards to the Left of the Road to Aſkrig
  • 4 Ounſberry (or Roſeberry) Topping, the higheſt Hill in Cleveland, near Giſborough
  • 5 Rowcliff, on the Coaſt, N. E. of Giſborough, and Alum Works
  • 6 Hell Gill, near the Head of Eden, N. W. of Aſkrig, on Cotter Hill
  • * 7 Hardraw Force, W. N. W. of Aſkrig, with [51] Whitfield Gill and Mill Gill Forces, near Aſkrig
  • 8 Hackneſs (the Vale of) 3 M. N. W. of Scarbrough
  • 9 Cam Fell, W. of Aſkrig (View from the Summit)
  • 10 Whiſſon Cliff, on Black Hambleton, near Thirſk
  • * 11 Cotter Hill (whence the River Eden riſes) on the Confines of Weſtmoreland, and its higheſt Part, called Shunner Fell, at the Head of Swale Dale
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Caſtle Howard (Earl of Carliſle's) near Malton (by Vanbrugh and Sir T. Robinſon)
  • * 2 Rookby (Mr. S. Morrit's) near Greta Bridge (by Sir T. Robinſon)
  • * 3 Hackfall (Mr. Aiſlabie's) on the Ure, near Maſham
  • 4 Tanfield (Lord Bruce's) near the laſt
  • * 5 Hovingham (Mr. Worſeley's) and the Vale about Oſwaldkirk and Slingſby, N. W. of Malton
  • * 6 Hornby Caſtle (Earl of Holderneſſe's) N. W. of Bedale (altered by Carr)
  • 7 Newby (Mr. Weddell's) on the Ure, near Ripon (by Campbell) alter'd by Carr and Adams
  • * 8 Duncombe Park (Mr. Duncombe's) near Hemſley, (by Wakefield)

From Cotter Hill (the higheſt Part of which is called Shunner Fell, and commands a magnificent View) riſe the Rivers Eden, Swale, and Ure; the firſt runs to N. W. through Weſtmoreland and Cumberland; the other two (each in its ſeveral Dale) to S. E. thro' Yorkſhire. Cotter Hill ſtands at the Head of Swale Dale.


  • in York
    • * 1 The Minſter,
    • 2 St. Mary's Abbey
    • 3 St. Margaret's Porch
    • 4 St. Dennis's
    • 5 St. William's Chapel on Ouſe-bridge
    • 6 St. Leonard's Hoſpital
  • S. of York
    • 7 Cawood Caſtle
    • 8 Selby Abbey
  • 9 Pontefract Caſtle, S. W. of Ferrybridge, and Church
  • 10 Chapel on the Bridge in Wakefield
  • 11 Sandal Caſtle, near Wakefield
  • * 12 Kirkſtall Abbey, near Leeds on the Aire, 3 M.
  • 13 Knareſbrough Caſtle, near Harrogate, and Plumton Rocks
  • * 14 Roche Abbey, near Blythe to N. W. and Sandbeck to S. W. (Earl of Scarbrough's)
  • 15 Ripon Minſter, near the Ure, N. W. of Boroughbridge
  • * 16 Fountain's Abbey, in Skeldale, near Ripon
  • 17 Sawley Abbey, N. of Clithero, on the Ribble
  • 18 Coniſborough Caſtle, near Doncaſter
  • * 19 Bolton Abbey, near Skipton, to N. E. on the Wharfe, and the Strid
  • 20 Doncaſter (the Church) on the Don, N. N. W. of Bawtry
  • 21 Harwood (the Church) N. of Bramham, near the Wharfe
  • 22 Addle Church, near Leeds, (Sax.)
  • 23 Sheffield (the Church) on the Don, S. W. of Rotherham
  • 24 Rotherham (the Church) on the Don, S. W. of Doncaſter
  • * 25 Laughton (the Church) S. W. of Bawtry, (called Lighton Morning)
  • [53] 26 Tickhill (Church and Caſtle) W. of Bawtry
  • 27 Arthington Nunnery, on the Wharfe, E. of Otley
  • 28 Eſholt Priory, on the Aire, S. of Otley (Mr. Stansfield's)
  • 29 Hampole Priory, N. W. of Doncaſter
  • 30 Skipton Caſtle, in Craven
  • 31 Ripley (Sir J. Ingleby's)
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Skipton in Craven, N. W. of Otley
  • 2 The Vale about Aberforth, N. of Pontefract
  • 3 Kilnſey Crag, on the Wharfe, N. W of Burnſall
  • * 4 Gordale, 6 M. S. E. of Settle, at Malham, or Mauham
  • 5 Otley Sheven, a Hill S. of Otley
  • 6 Apperley Bridge, N. W. of Leeds, and Stetin Bank, S. of Skipton, both in Aire Dale
  • 7 The Vale of Calder, and Elland Edge, near Halifax
  • 8 Harwood Caſtle (the view from thence) N. of Leeds, on the Wharfe
  • 9 Chaverler Hill, near Leeds
  • 10 Brimham Crags, N. W. of Ripley, near the Pateley-Bridge Road to Ripon
  • 11 Road from Ingleton to Settle Turnpike, 11 M.
  • 12 Road from Skipton to Otley, 15 M. in Wharl-Dale (Turnpike)
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Wentworth Caſtle, or Stainborough (Earl of Stafford's) S. of Barnſley (by himſelf)
  • 2 Wentworth Houſe (Earl Fitzwilliam's) N. W. of Rotherham
  • 3 Sprotſborough (Mr. Copeley's) on the Don, near Doncaſter
  • * 4 Studley Park (Mr. Aiſlabie's) and Mackyſhaw, Michael Haw Hill (not early in the Morning) and Laver Banks, ſo to Hackfall, W. of Ripon, on the Skell
  • [54] 5 Haſelwood (Sir Walter Vavaſour's) near Tadcaſter, to S. W.
  • 6 Wortley (Counteſs of Bute's) near the Don, S. W. of Barnſley
  • 7 Cowick (Viſc. Downe's) at the Confluence of the Don and Aire, S. of Snaith
  • 8 Medley (Earl of Mexborough's) at the Confluence of the Calder and Aire
  • 9 Temple Newſome (Viſc. Irwin's) near Leeds, on the Aire
  • * 10 Gawthorp (Mr. Laſcelles's) near Leeds, (by Carr and Adam)
  • 11 Kiveton, or Keeton (Duke of Leeds's) S. W. of Blyth, N. W. of Workſop
  • 12 Noſtell (Sir Rowland Winn's) S. of Pontefract, (by Paine)
  • 13 Cuſworth (Mr. Wrightſon's) near Doncaſter, (Part by Paine)
  • 14 Weſton (Mr. Vavaſour's) N. of the Wharfe, near Otley

The higheſt Hills of Craven (the mountainous Part of this County) are Penigent, near Settle, from whence the Rivers Aire and Ribble take their Riſe, and Ingleborough, ſaid to be ſtill higher than the former, N. N. W. of which it lies near Ingleton.

This County is 360 M. round, and contains 3,770,000 Acres.



  • 1 Hawarden (or Harden) Caſtle, (Sir J. Glynne's) S. W. of Cheſer
  • * 2 Holy-Well, to N. W. of Flint, near the Dee, 11 M. from Rhudlan
  • 3 Baſingwerk Abbey, N. N. E. of the laſt
  • 4 Rhudlan Caſtle, N. W. of St. Aſaph, on the Clwyd, 16 M. from Conway
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 View of the Vale of Clwyd, near Mold
  • 2 Overton (or Oreton) S. E. of Wrexham, near the Dee
  • 3 Gwern Heylyd (Mr. Fletcher's) near the laſt
  • 4 Caer Gyrly (the Top of a Hill) under Bringwyn, on the Allyn
  • 5 St. Aſaph's (View from the Tower of the Vale of Clwyd)
  • * 6 Road from Cheſter to Ruthin (beſt View of the ſame Vale)
  • 7 Hill near Bodridden, in the Way from Rhudlan to Denbigh, View along the Vale of Clwyd


  • * 1 Conway Caſtle, at the Mouth of the Conway, near the Coaſt
  • * 2 Caernarvon Caſtle, near the Meinai, on the Seiont
  • 3 Dolbarden Caſtle, by the Lake of Llanberris, at the foot of M. Snowdon, 10 M. from Bethkellert
  • 4 Crickiaith Caſtle, on the Coaſt, N. E. of Pwlhelly
  • * 5 Beaumaris Caſtle, in Angleſea, oppoſite to Conway, 7 M. from Bangor
Scenes, Situations, &c.
  • * 1 Tal-y-Cavan Ferry, on the Conway, in the Way to Llanrwſt, S. of the Town
  • * 2 View of the Caſtle, 1 M. E. of Conway Ferry
  • 3 Glodworth and Boſketlyn (Sir Rog. Moſtyn's) on the Coaſt
  • * 4 Vale of Bethkellert, S. of Snowdon Peak, 12 M. from Caernarvon
  • * 5 Snowdon (Moel-y-Gwyddon) 6 M. Aſcent to the Top of the Mountain 9 M. from Caernavon
  • [56] 6 Rhaidr-y-Wanal, not far from Llanwrſt a Water Fall
  • * 7 Rhaidr-y-Pandy-pen-Machno, near the laſt, a Water Fall
  • 8 Penmaen-Mawr, between Conway and Bangor, on the Coaſt, 6 M. from Conway
  • 9 Rhaidr Fawr (a Water Fall) near Snowdon Peak, and Dolbarden
  • 10 Gaunnant (a Water Fall) 3 M. from Penmaen-Mawr
  • *11 Way from Caernarvon to the Ferry of the Meinai
  • *12 View at Bettws-Bridge, and the Confluence of its Brook with the River Conway, and all the Road from thence to Llanwſt


  • 1 Holt Caſtle, on the Dee, N. E. of Wrexham
  • 2 Ruthin Caſtle, on the Clwyd, S. S. E. of Denbigh, 8 M. in Dyffryn-Clwyd
  • 3 Denbigh Caſtle, near the Clwyd, 20 M. S. E. of Conway
  • * 4 Valle, Crucis Abbey, near the Dee, to N. in the Pariſh of Llangollen, (in Welch Llan-Egweſt) in Ial, 1 M. from Dinas Bran
  • * 5 Dinas Bran Caſtle, N. of Dee, and N. W. of Chirk
  • * 6 Chirk Caſtle (Mr. Middleton's) S. E. of Llagollen
  • 7 Wrexham Church, 12 M. S. of Cheſter
Scenes, Situations, &c,
  • 1 Gresford Village, N. of Wrexham, on the Tagidog, and Marford Hill
  • * 2 Vale of Llanrwſt, on the Conway, 12 M. from Conway
  • 3 Erthig (Mr. Yorke's) near Wrexham
  • [57] * 4 Piſtil Rhaidr, a Water-Fall on the Conſines of Montgomeryſhire, in the River Rayder, 8 M. from Llanwilling
  • 5 The Craigs-y-Gluſeg, Rocks near Dinas Bran
  • * 6 View of the Dee at Ruſbon, and near Wynneſtay
  • * 7 Llangollen, a Town near the Dee, 15 M. W. of Chirke
  • * 8 Vale of the Dee, from Llangollen to Corvan, 8 M. N. W. of the laſt
  • * 9 View of the ſame, 3 M. E. of Llangollen, on the Oſweſtry Road


  • * 1 Harleck Caſtle, on the Coaſt, S. of the Bay of Treeth-Bychan 10 M.
  • 2 Cumner (or Kinner) Abbey
Scenes, Situations, &c.
  • * 1 Vale of Ffeſtioniog, 20 M. S. of Llanrwſt, to W. of Llyn-Conway
  • * 2 Plain of Bala, near Pimble Meer, 3 M. long, 1 broad (or Llyn-Tegid)
  • * 3 Cader-Idris Mountain, the Aſcent from Dolgelly
  • * 4 Pont-Aber Glaſllyn, N. of Harlech, 1 ½ M. from Bethkellert
  • * 5 Approach to Bala from Llandrillo Hill, Way 8 Miles
  • * 6 Mount Berwin (the View) in the Way from Welch-Pool to Bala, 10 M.
  • 7 Vale of Tanybulch and Deſcent to it, 11 M. N. of Harlech, on the River Dwryd


  • * 1 Montgomery Caſtle, near the Severn (View from it) and the Hill with four Tops above it
Scenes, Situations, &c.
  • * 1 Powis Caſtle, 1 M. above Welch-Pool, on the Severn
  • * 2 Vale of the Dovy, S. W. of Machunlleth
  • * 3 Same Vale continued, and the Whole Road to Dolgelly
  • 4 Hengurt (Capt. Vaughan's) near Dolgelly 1 M.
  • * 5 View from a Hill about half Way between Llanvilling and Welch-Pool
  • * 6 Way from Montgomery to Welch-Pool
  • 7 View from a Bridge 1 M. S. of Dinaſmouthy in the Machunlleth Road
  • * 8 Way from Piſtil-Rhaidr, by Llan-Rayder and Llanvilling, to Welch-Pool
  • Flintſhire is 40 M. round, and contains 160,000 Acres
  • Denbighſhire is 116 Miles round, and contains 410,000 Acres
  • Merionethſhire is 108 Miles round, and contains 500,000 Acres
  • Caernarvonſhire is 95 Miles round, and contains 370,000 Acres
  • Montgomeryſhire is 94 Miles round, and contains 560,000 Acres
  • Cader-Idris, in Merionethſhire, is 2910 Feet high; Penman-Mawr, in Caernarvonſhire, is 1545 Feet. The Peak of Snowdon, in the ſame County, is 3720 Feet, there call'd Widhoa, or Moel-y-Gwydd [...]a.



  • * 1 Brecknock Caſtle, on the Uſk, and the Priory Grounds
Scenes, Situations, Houſes, &c.
  • 1 Bùalht, on the Wye
  • [50] 2 Fall of the Hondy.

This County is 160 Miles round, and contains 620,000 Acres.


  • 1 Cardigan Caſtle, on the Tivy, near the Coaſt, 26 M. from Harford-Weſt
Scenes, Situations, Houſes, &c.
  • 1 Llannarth, a Town N. E. of Cardigan, 18 M.

This County is 24 Miles round, and contains 520,000 Acres.


  • 1 Caer-Kenin Caſtle, S. E. of Llendilovawr
  • * 2 Denefawr Caſtle, near the Towy, S. W. of ditto
  • * 3 Caermarthen Caſtle, on the Towy
  • * 4 Green Caſtle, near the laſt
  • * 5 Kidwelly Caſtle, S. E. of Caermarthen, near Sea, 10 M.
  • * 6 Llanſtephan Caſtle, W. of Towy-Mouth, 9 M. from Caermarthen
  • 7 Laugharne Ceſttle, W. of the laſt, near the Mouth of Tave, 12. M. from Caermarthen
  • 8 Aberguilly Palace (Bp. of St. David's) E. of Caermarthen, near the Towy
Scenes, Situations, Houſes, &c.
  • 1 Grongar Hill, 8 M. from Caermarthen
  • 2 Road from Llanimdowry to Llandilovawr
  • * 3 Newton Park (Mr. Rice's) 1 ½ from Llandilovawr
  • * 4 Road from Llandillo to Neath, over the Mountain

This County is 102 Miles round, and contains 700,000 Acres.


  • * 1 Caer-Phily Caſtle, near the Rhymny, and the Borders of Monmouthſhire, 8 M. N. of Cardiffe and Llandaff
  • 2 Coity-Caſtle, N. of Bridge End
  • * 3 St. Donat's, on the Sea Coaſt, near Naſh Point (Mrs. Vernon's)
  • * 4 Margan Abbey (Mr. Talbot's) on the Coaſt, S. E. of Abenavon, 5 M. from Pile
  • 5 Kynſig Caſtle, S. E. of the laſt
  • * 6 Cardiff Caſtle and Church, near the S. Coaſt, and the Tave, 12 M. from Newport
  • * 7 Neath Abbey, W. of Neath, N. E. of Swanzey, 6 M.
  • 8 Llanblythian Caſtle, near Caer-Phily
Scenes, Situations, Houſes, &c.
  • 1 Vale of the Tave, ſeen from the Mountain of Rugomrock in the Way from Brecon, and the Bridge of Tave at Lantriſſant, 8 M. from Caer-Phily, it is 140 Feet Diameter
  • 2 (Mr. Lewis's) the View from it near Cardiffe
  • 3 The Knoll (Mr. Mackworth's) N. E. of Neath
  • * 4 Brecon Ferry, S. of Neath, and E. of Swanzey
  • * 5 Road from Bride-End, and to Cowbridge, and by the Heights of Clanditham * to Caerdiffe

This County is 112 Miles round, and contains 540,000 Acres.


  • * 1 Tenby Caſtle, on the S. Coaſt, near Caermarthenſhire, 10 M. from Pembroke
  • * 2 Carew Caſtle, N. W. of Tenby, 3 M. from Pembroke
  • 3 Lantphey Court (Sir Arth. Owen's)
  • [61] 4 Narbeth Caſtle, E. of Haverford
  • * 5 Llehaiden Caſtle, E. N. E. of Haverford
  • * 6 Manorbeer Caſtle, W. of Tenby, on the Coaſt
  • * 7 Pembroke Caſtle, E, of Milford Haven
  • * 8 Haverford-Weſt Caſtle, or Harford, on the Cledhew, 10 M. from Pembroke
  • 9 [...] Priory near the former
  • * 10 Picton Caſtle (Sir J. Philips's) S. W. of Haverford
  • * 11 St. David's Cathedral and Palace, on the Coaſt
  • * 12 Newport Caſtle, near the Mouth of the Nhefern
  • * 13 St. Dognael's Priory, near the Teivy, W. of Cardigan
  • * 14 Kellgarren Caſtle, on the Teivy, S. S. E. of Cardigan, and the Fall of the Teivy near it
Scenes, Situations, Houſes, &c.
  • 1 (Mr. Campbell's, Hooke's, Lord Lion's) near Haverford-Weſt
  • * 2 Milford Haven, up Pembroke and Haverford Rivers
  • 3 St. Gowon's Cave, 3 M. from Pembroke to S. W.

This County is 93 Miles round, and contains 420,000 Acres.


  • 1 Caſtle-Payne, S. S. W. of New Radnor
  • 2 Caſtle-Colwen (or Maud's Caſtle) N. E. of Bûalit
  • 3 Abbey of Cwn-Hir, N. E. of Rhaiadr-Gwy, near the Ithen
Scenes, Situations, Houſes, &c.
  • 1 Rhaiadr-Gwy, the Fall of the Wye, in the N. W. Part of the County
  • 2 Knighton (a Town) on the Temd, N. of Preſteign

This County is 90 Miles round, and contains 310,000 Acres.


  • 1 Caſtle Ruſhin at Caſtletown, the S. End of the Iſle
  • * 2 Peel Caſtle and St. German's Church, on a ſmall Iſland to N. W. of Peel
  • 3 The Nunnery, near Douglas, to W.

It is about 29 Miles long and 9 broad; the principal Mountain in it is called Snafield, and ſaid (in Gibſon's Camden) to be 1740 Feet high.


Its principal Curioſities are,
  • * 1 Beaumaris Caſtle
  • * 2 Place Newydd (Sir Nic. Bailey's)
  • 3 Baronhill (Lord Buckley's)

It is 60 Miles round, and contains 200,000 Acres.

Appendix A


Appendix A.1

THE following Leaves are added to enable every Reader, or Traveller, to make Remarks from their own Knowledge, or the Information of others, of the ſeveral Counties.

One page is appropriated to each County, divided under the general Heads, and in the Order obſerved in the foregoing Part.

There are alſo References to the Folios, ſhewing where theſe Additions ſhould be placed in a future Edition.

KEARSLEY begs leave to aſſure every Gentleman who contributes to the Improvement of this uſeful Vade Mecum, that their Information will be gratefully acknowledged, and punctually attended to.

Appendix A.2


BEDFORDSHIRE. (Continued from Page 1.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

BERKSHIRE. (Continued from Page 2.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. (Continued from Page 2.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

CAMBRIDGESHIRE. (Continued from Page 3.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

CHESHIRE. (Continued from Page 4.)
Scenes, and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

CORNWALL. (Continued from Page 5.)
Scenes, and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

CUMBERLAND. (Continued from Page 6.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

DERBYSHIRE. (Continued from Page 7.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

DEVONSHIRE, (Continued from Page 9.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

DORSETSHIRE. (Continued from Page 10.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

DURHAM. (Continued from Page 11.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

ESSEX. (Continued from Page 12.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

GLOUCESTERSHIRE. (Continued from Page 13.)
Scenes, and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

HAMPSHIRE. (Continued from Page 16.)
Scenes, and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

ISLE of WIGHT. (Continued from Page 17.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

HARTFORDSHIRE. (Continued from Page 18.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

HEREFORDSHIRE. (Continued from Page 19.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

HUNTINGDONSHIRE. (Continued from Page 20.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

KENT. (Continued from Page 20.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

LANCASHIRE. (Continued from Page 23.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

LEICESTERSHIRE. (Continued from Page 24.)
Scenes, and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

LINCOLNSHIRE. (Continued from Page 25.)
Scenes, and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

MIDDLESEX. (Continued from Page 26.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

MONMOUTHSHIRE. (Continued from Page 27.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

NORFOLK. (Continued from Page 28.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. (Continued from Page 29.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

NORTHUMBERLAND. (Continued from Page 31.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. (Continued from Page 34.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

OXFORDSHIRE. (Continued from Page 34.)
Scenes, and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

RUTLANDSHIRE. (Continued from Page 36.)
Scenes, and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

SHROPSHIRE. (Continued from Page 36.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

SOMERSETSHIRE. (Continued from Page 38.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

STAFFORDSHIRE. (Continued from Page 39.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

SUFFOLK. (Continued from Page 40.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

SURREY. (Continued from Page 42.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

SUSSEX. (Continued from Page 44.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

WARWICKSHIRE. (Continued from Page 44.)
Scenes, and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

WESTMORELAND. (Continued from Page 45.)
Scenes, and Situations.
Hous, Parks, Plantations.

WILTSHIRE. (Continued from Page 47.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

WORCESTERSHIRE. (Continued from Page 48.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

YORKSHIRE, EAST-RIDING. (Continued from Page 49.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

YORKSHIRE. NORTH-RIDING. (Continued from Page 49.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

YORKSHIRE. WEST-RIDING. (Continued from Page 52.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

NORTH WALES. FLINTSHIRE. (Continued from Page 54.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

NORTH WALES. CAERNARVONSHIRE. (Continued from Page 55.)
Scenes, and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

NORTH WALES. DENBIGHSHIRE. (Continued from Page 56.)
Scenes, and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

NORTH WALES. MERIONETHSHIRE. (Continued from Page 57.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

NORTH WALES. MONTGOMERYSHIRE. (Continued from Page 57.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

SOUTH WALES. BRECKNOCKSHIRE. (Continued from Page 58.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

SOUTH WALES. CARDIGANSHIRE. (Continued from Page 59.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

SOUTH WALES. CAERMARTHENSHIRE. (Continued from Page 59.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

SOUTH WALES. GLAMORGANSHIRE. (Continued from Page 60.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

SOUTH WALES. PEMBROKESHIRE. (Continued from Page 60.)
Scenes, and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

SOUTH WALES. RADNORSHIRE. (Continued from Page 61.)
Scenes, and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

ISLE of MAN. (Continued from Page 62.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

ISLE of ANGLESEY. (Continued from Page 62.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houſes, Parks, Plantations.

Appendix B BOOKS lately publiſhed by G. KEARSLEY.


The four following Pocket Volumes will be found exceedingly uſeful to thoſe who make Excurſions into the Countries they deſcribe, and are the only portable Accounts that can be depended upon. The MAPS are accurate, and the new Regula [...]ions relative to Travellers by Poſt or otherwiſe, are all carefully corrected.


With a correct Map of all the Poſt Roads, the Expence o travelling [...] a Poſt-Chaiſe, Stage-Coach, or inland Water Carriage. Alſo, the Diſtances of the Towns, and the beſt Houſes of Accommodation.

The Ninth Editition, with conſiderable Additions.

Price 3s. 6d. half bound.


With a correct Map, and Directions for travelling in that Country; with a L [...] of the beſt Inns, t [...]e Diſtances of the Towns and Villages, the value of the different Coins; and a Deſcription of every Place worthy a Stranger's Notice, particularly Rome, Naples, Venice, Genoa, Florence, &c.

Price 4s. 6d. half bound.


Price 2s. 6d. half bound.


Price 3s. 6d. half bound.

Distributed by the University of Oxford under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License

Zitationsvorschlag für dieses Objekt
TextGrid Repository (2020). TEI. 3491 A supplement to the tour through Great Britain containing a catalogue of the antiquities houses parks plantations by the late Mr Gray To which are now added by another hand several ad. University of Oxford Text Archive. . https://hdl.handle.net/21.T11991/0000-001A-5B4F-7