



Sold by J. MARSHALL, (PRINTER to the CHEAP REPOSITORY for Moral and Religious Tracts) No. 17, Queen-Street, Cheapſide, and No. 4, Aldermary Church-Yard, and R. WHITE, Piccadilly, London.

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PRICE ONE HALFPENNY, Or, 2s. 3d. per 100—1s. 3d. for 50.—9d, for 25.

A cheaper Edition for Hawkers.

[Entered at Stationers Hall.]


TWO Gardeners once beneath an oak,
Lay down to reſt, when Jack thus ſpoke;
"You muſt confeſs, dear Will, that nature
"Is but a blundering kind of creature;
"And I—nay why that look of terror?
"Could teach her how to mend her error."
[4] "Your talk," quoth Will, "is bold and odd,
"What you call nature I call God."
"Well, call him by what name you will,"
Quoth Jack, "he manages but ill;
"Nay, from the very tree we're under,
"I'll prove that Providence can blunder."
Quoth Will, "through thick and thin you daſh,
"I ſhudder, Jack, at words ſo raſh;
"I truſt to what the Scriptures tell,
"He hath done always all things well."
Quoth Jack, "I'm lately grown a wit,
"And think all good a lucky hit.
"To this vaſt oak lift up thine eyes,
"Then view that acorn's paltry ſize;
"How fooliſh! on a tree ſo ſmall,
"To place that tiny cup and ball.
[5] "Now look again, yon pompion * ſee,
"It weights two pounds at leaſt, nay three,
"Yet this large fruit where is it found?
"Why, meanly trailing on the ground.
"Had Providence aſk'd my advice,
"I wou'd have chang'd it in a trice;
"I would have ſaid at nature's birth,
"Let acorns creep upon the earth;
"But let the pompion, vaſt and round,
"On the oak's lofty boughs be found."
He ſaid—and as he raſhly ſpoke,
Lo! from the branches of the oak,
A wind, which ſuddenly aroſe,
Beat ſhow'rs of acorns on his noſe;
[6] "Oh! oh!" quoth Jack, "I'm wrong I ſee,
"And God is wiſer far than me.
"For did a ſhow'r of pompions large,
"Thus on my naked face diſcharge,
"I had been bruis'd and blinded quite;
"What heav'n appoints I find is right;
"Whene'er I'm tempted to rebel,
"I'll think how light the acorns fell;
"Whereas on oaks had pompions hung,
"My broken ſkull had ſtopp'd my tongue."

Appendix A A Liſt of the Tracts publiſhed during the Year 1795.

  • The Shepherd of Saliſbury Plain. Part I. and II.
  • Tom White the Poſtilion. Part I. and II.
  • Two Shoemakers. Part I.
  • Life of William Baker, with his Funeral Sermon by the Reverend Mr. Gilpin.
  • The Two Soldiers.
  • The Plague in London, 1665.
  • The Lancaſhire Collier Girl.
  • The Two Wealthy Farmers; or, Hiſtory of Mr. Bragwell, Part I. and II.
  • The Good Mother's Legacy.
  • Sorrowful Sam; or, the Two Blackſmiths.
  • True Stories of Two Good Negroes.
  • Murders.
  • The Happy Waterman.
  • The Shipwreck of the Centaur.
  • Huſbandry Moralized.
  • On the Religious Advantages of the preſent Inhabitants of Great Britain.
  • The Beggarly Boy, a Parable.
  • Daniel in the Den of Lions.
  • Noah's Flood.
  • Hints to all Ranks of People on the Occaſion of the preſent Scarcity.
  • The Harveſt Home.
  • The Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard.
  • The Troubles of Life; or, the Guinea and the Shilling.
  • Divine Songs, by Dr. Watts, for Children.
  • New Hiſtory of a True Book.
  • The Carpenter; or, Danger of Evil Company.
  • The Gin Shop.
  • The Riot.
  • Patient Joe.
  • The Execution of Wild Robert.
  • A New Chriſtmas Carrol, called the Merry Chriſtmas, or Happy New Year.
  • The Sorrows of Yamba; or, the Negro Woman's Lamentation.

Appendix B A Liſt of the Tracts publiſhed during the Year 1796.

  • Mary Wood the Houſemaid.
  • Shoemakers. Part II. III. and IV.
  • Charles Jones the [...]oorman.
  • The Cheapſide Apprentice.
  • The Gameſter.
  • Betty Brown, the St. Giles's Orange Girl.
  • Farmers. Part III. IV. and V.
  • Black Giles the Poacher. Part I, and II.
  • Some New Thoughts for the New Year.
  • The Touchſtone.
  • Oneſimus.
  • The Converſion of St. Paul.
  • The General Reſurrection.
  • On Carrying Religion into Buſineſs.
  • Look at Home.
  • The Grand Aſſizes.
  • Explanation of the Nature of Baptiſm.
  • Prayers.
  • The Valley of Tears.
  • Robert and Richard.
  • Sinful Sally.
  • The Shopkeeper turned Sailor. Part I. II. and III.
  • The Hackney Coachman.
  • The Election.
  • Turn the Carpet.
  • A Hymn of Praiſe.
  • King Dion [...]ſius and Squire Damocles.
  • The Hampſhire Tragedy.
A Gourd.
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TextGrid Repository (2020). TEI. 4235 The two gardeners. University of Oxford Text Archive. . https://hdl.handle.net/21.T11991/0000-001A-5D4C-8