
Antinomian Hereſy exploded: IN AN APPEAL TO THE CHRISTIAN WORLD; Againſt the Unſcriptural DOCTRINES, and Licentious TENETS of Mr. JAMES RELLY: Advanced in His TREATISE of UNION, &c.

There muſt be Hereſies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifeſt. 1 Cor. xi. 19.


LONDON: Printed and Sold by M. LEWIS, in Paternoſter-row; alſo Sold by G. KEITH, in Gracechurch-ſtreet; E. DILLY, in the Poultry; and M. WITHERS, in Fleet-ſtreet. (Price Six-pence.)

[] Antinomian Hereſy exploded: IN AN APPEAL, &c.

THE Doctrine of a Sinner's Juſtification in the Sight of God, whether by Faith or good Works, is a Point that has often exerciſed the Pen of Controverſy; but, except at this preſent Time, ſcarcely, if ever, was it known, that any Author or Preacher departed ſo far from the Truth, as to run into ſuch looſe, unſcriptural and licentious Principles, as to maintain that either, much leſs both Faith and good Works, are excluded by the Chriſtian Doctrine, as unneceſſary to eternal Life and Salvation. Methinks, one ſhould be tender of entertaining ſo bad an Opinion of the Principles of any Profeſſor of Chriſtianity, and exceedingly cautious of fixing ſuch a groſs and unchriſtian Charge upon any one who takes upon himſelf to be a Preacher of the Goſpel of Holineſs: Yet ſuch is the peculiar Hereſy of this Day: For that ſuch Doctrine, is openly in the Face of the Sun, avowed, preached and publiſhed, we have too many unhappy Inſtances to prove; both the Pulpit and Preſs ſend forth theſe wild, extravagant and antichriſtian Notions; than which nothing is more contrary to the Doctrines of the Goſpel, more ſubverſive of the Truths of GOD, and more naturally leads to Preſumption, vain Confidence and Deluſion of Soul; tends to harden Men i [...] a State of Sinfulneſs, and to cheriſh and eſtabliſh the Practice of Profaneneſs, [...]n utter contempt of GOD's Word and Ordinances, and a total neg [...]ect of the Means of Grace. Therefore, never was that Caution of [...]ur Saviour more needful to be obſerved by Profeſſors, than in this [...]ur Day, Take h [...]ed what you hear, Mark iv. 24.

[4] To ſhew how far Mr. Relly is concerned in, and anſwerable for the Obſervations I have made, is my preſent Deſign. In his Treatiſe entitled UNION, This Gentleman's erroneous Principles, and the licentious Doctrines he maintains, are very plain and evident. In the Preface to this Tract, the Author ſays, he is ‘"Not afraid to tread the moſt unfrequented Path, and walk therein undiſturbed, notwithſtanding the clamorous Accuſations of Singularity, Novelty and Hereſy."’ I would by no Means, attempt to diſturb him in his Reveries: But as I am inclined to animadvert upon, to enter my Proteſt againſt, and by Scripture to detect and confute ſome erroneous Poſitions, deluſive Aſſertions, and unſcriptural Doctrines he has been pleaſed to make and advance; I would therefore rather chooſe to ſubmit an Appeal to the Chriſtian World, than diſturb the Author himſelf with an Addreſs thereon. For when Error and Falſehood is advanced to the World, for the Truths of the Goſpel, and the Doctrines of Chriſtianity; I hope a Zeal for the Truth, conſiſtent with the Spirit of Meekneſs, will juſtify my Attempt to point out ſuch Principles, try them by the Standard of GOD's Word, ſhew their Inconſiſtency with the Oracles of Truth, and the dangerous Effects and licentious Conſequences they are pregnant with, and which they muſt naturally bring forth. Happy ſhall I think myſelf, if hereby, I may be the Means of deterring others, from ſtepping aſide into the ſame unfrequented Path of Singularity, Novelty and Hereſy, which this Author has unhappily ſtrayed into, and is ſo far blinded as to miſtake the broad Road of Error, for the narrow Path of Truth, though he is bold enough to declare he is ‘"not afraid to walk in it."’


The glorious Oeconomy of Salvation diſplayed, in the Grace of the Holy Trinity. The Father's Love in the Gift of his Son for his People. The Love of Jeſus in their Redemption and Juſtification, and the Spirit's Energy on their Hearts, producing Repentance, Faith and Holineſs, laid down as conſiſtent with the Scripture, illuſtrated from Nature, and the Fruits and Effects demonſtrable in Oppoſition to the preſent Antinomian unſcriptural Tenets.

THE only meritorious and procuring Cauſe of the Juſtification, Pardon, and Salvation of Sinners, is the Life and Death atoning Blood, and ſpotleſs Righteouſneſs of the GOD-man Jeſus Chriſt [] This is the peculiar and diſtinguiſhing Doctrine of the Goſpel of the Grace of GOD. Therefore it has been received and gloried in as ſuch, by the People of GOD in every Age of the Chriſtian Church. But that it follows from hence, that Sinners are made Partakers of Glory, Happineſs and eternal Life, without Repentance, Faith and Holineſs, is abſolutely denied, it being contrary to the Purpoſe and Will of GOD, as it is clearly revealed and fully expreſſed in the ſacred Pages: For, the very End and Deſign of our Lord's coming in the Fleſh, was to purchaſe and procure for his People, the out-pouring of the Holy Spirit, under whoſe divine Energy and ſovereign Influences upon their Hearts, they are enabled to repent, believe and become obedient to the Goſpel of their Saviour Jeſus Chriſt. Repentance, Faith and Holineſs, are the Graces and Bleſſings of the new Covenant. Every Member of Jeſus is made a Partaker of them. His Blood and Righteouſneſs entitles them to the Kingdom of Glory, and by theſe Graces their Souls are qualified and prepared for the Enjoyment of it: And it is exceeding plain and obvious from the Tenor of Scripture, that the Love and Grace of GOD the Father and our Lord Jeſus Chriſt, is magnified, manifeſted, and diſplayed, by and thro' the Holy Spirit's Agency, in quickning, regenerating and ſanctifying the Souls of the Elect, as fully and as truly, as the Love of the Father is diſplayed by the Gift of his Son, or the Grace of our bleſſed Saviour in giving himſelf a Sacrifice for their Sins, and redeeming them to GOD by his precious Blood.

Indeed, the Gift of Jeſus Chriſt for loſt Sinners, is the Reſult of that Love, which dwelt in the Breaſt of GOD the Father from all Eternity to his People. And the Gift of the Holy Spirit to enlighten their Minds and ſanctify their Souls, is in Conſequence of Chriſt having undertook and finiſhed the Work of their Redemption. Jeſus being now gone to the Father, according to his moſt true Promiſe, ſends the Comforter. Jeſus being glorified as the Head, the Spirit deſcends on his Members, to accompliſh and produce ſuch ſpiritual Bleſſings upon the Heart, and in the Life of the Heirs of Promiſe, which Mr. Relly is pleaſed entirely to explode and deny, to treat with the utmoſt contempt, and to ſtigmatize, as the Marks of the falſe Chriſt, and the Workings of the Spirit of Antichriſt.

Without this inward Work upon the Heart, under the ſovereign and vital Operations of the Holy Spirit; it is plain from GOD's Word, and the Condition of Mankind in its Fallen State; as alſo from the Experience and Teſtimony of the People of GOD, in every Age of the Church, from Adam to Meſes, from Moſes to Chriſt, and from Chriſt to this Day, that no Man is able of himſelf to turn to GOD, [] by true Repentance, to believe with his Heart unto Righteouſneſs, or to bring forth Fruit unto Holineſs, unto eternal Life. And if the Soul is deſtitute of theſe Graces, Profeſſion is vain and inſignificant. Notions and Opinions are lighter than Vanity. Knowledge is but pompous Ignorance, and, as yet, the Goſpel preached, has affected ſuch a Profeſſor no more than outward Sound. For, except ye repent, ye ſhall periſh, Luke xiii. 3. He that believeth not ſhall be damned, Mark xvi. 16. And without Holineſs no Man ſhall ſee the Lord, Heb. xii. 14. Theſe Declarations from our Saviour himſelf, and from the Spirit of Truth, will be an eternal Bar to the Salvation and Glory of every Soul that dies in an impenitent, unbelieving, unholy State, notwithſtanding all the ſoft Caſuiſtry, and artful Sophiſtry of libertine Deceivers.

From GOD's firſt creating that great Luminary the Sun, its powerful Shining, invigorating Rays, enlightening and enlivening Influences, have ſhed a genial Warmth and prolific Energy upon the whole Creation, whereby all Nature appears with Chearfulneſs, and is enriched with Fruitfulneſs: And, no ſooner did the Glory of the Sun of Righteouſneſs begin to dawn, after the Darkneſs and Miſery of the Fall of Man, but with ſpiritual and heavenly Rays, Jeſus enlightened, quickened, animated and refreſhed the Hearts of his People, producing Chearfulneſs and Joy in their Soul, and Fruitfulneſs of the heavenly Graces in their Life and Practice. By Virtue of their Union with Chriſt as the Source of Life, and Fountain of Influence, Believers receive out of his Fulneſs Grace for Grace: But more eſpecially under the Goſpel Diſpenſation, the Power and Influence of the Holy Spirit, is manifeſted with ſuperior Energy and meridian Brightneſs; hence is the Goſpel emphatically ſtiled the Miniſtration of the Spirit, 2 Cor. iii. 8.

Now to allow of the Power and Influence which the Sun hath upon the Earth, and yet to deny that Life and Fruitfulneſs are communicated to the natural World by his impregnating Rays, is contrary both to Reaſon and Obſervation in natural Things. So in ſpiritual Matters, to contend for the Union of the Soul with Jeſus, the Sun of Righteouſneſs, and yet deny that ſpiritual Life and Fruitfulneſs, is thereby communicated to his Members, is repugnant both to Scripture and Experience. And yet, however abſurd and irrational this Notion is, ſuch is Mr. Relly's avowed Tenet. Yea, it is plain and obvious from the whole Drift of this Author's Treatiſe, that he denies and explodes what the Scripture maintains, namely, that the Members of Jeſus, are influenced to perſonal Holineſs, or, (to uſe Scripture [7] Language) that they ever do or can, bring forth the Fruits of Righteouſneſs, Phil. i. 11. Fruit unto Holineſs, Rom. vi. 22. Fruit unto GOD, chap. vii. 4. in themſelves.

But well would it be for this Author, and for all thoſe who oppoſe the plain Truths of GOD, in this Point, did they but conſider this ſcriptural Diſtinction, though Believers bring forth Fruit unto GOD, in themſelves, yet not of and from themſelves. Their Sufficiency to every good Word and Work is of GOD. Being united to the Lord Jeſus, they receive, Life, Strength and Power out of his Fulneſs. They are taught by his Word, influenced by his Spirit, to live to the Glory of GOD. They partake of Holineſs in and from the Lord Jeſus, whereby, they are enabled to produce the Fruits of Holineſs and good Works in their Lives and Converſations. Though the Fruits which they bear and bring forth, do not make them holy, or are the Cauſe of their Holineſs, any more than the Grapes which grow on the Vine, make or conſtitute it a Vine, or are the Source and Cauſe of its Fruitfulneſs; yet, ſuch Fruits, which are agreeable to the Word of GOD, and produced in and by them, thro' the Grace and Aſſiſtance of the Spirit of GOD, prove and evidence, that they are new Creatures in Chriſt Jeſus: That their Souls are born again of the Spirit of GOD: That they live in the Spirit, are led by the Spirit, and bring forth the Fruits of the Spirit. Yea, being made good Trees, they bring forth good Fruit; and ſo anſwer our Lord's Deſcription, By their Fruits ye [...]all know them, Matt. viii. 20. But, I ſhall have Occaſion to ſpeak more fully to this Point as I proceed.


Mr. Relly's abſurd Notion of Univerſal Salvation exploded, as unſcriptural; falſe Quotation, and corrupt Gloſs put upon Scripture to maintain it, detected.

I Shall here preſent my Reader, with a Quotation from Mr. Relly's Treatiſe of Union, &c. page 125, and 126. a very ſtriking one indeed! It contains (I think) the moſt unparallelled Abſurdity, ſhocking Perverſion of the Meaning, and the moſt licentious Comment that ever was put upon the Words of Scripture: ‘"The Apoſtle ſaith (according to Mr. Relly's Quotation) that GOD hath given to us eternal Life, and that this Life is in his Son; and that he who believeth not [...]is Record hath made GOD a Liar."’ From whence, ſaith Mr. Relly, [8] ‘"it is plain, that he who believeth not, hath eternal Life given him in the Son of GOD, as fully as him who believeth."’ It is plain! Juſt as plain, as that theſe Words inform us, Mr. Relly is an Iriſh Biſhop. Reader, I appeal to your Judgment. Does any Thing like it appear from the Words of the Apoſtle? Is not this Concluſion the moſt forced and unnatural; an Inference or Deduction quite Foreign to the Senſe of the Apoſtle? For the beloved Diſciple in the very next Verſe aſſerts, he that hath not the Son, hath not Life: Therefore, ſo far from its being plain, that there is not the leaſt Shadow of common Senſe or Reaſon to ſupport this Gloſs; but it is as contrary to the Apoſtle's Meaning, as Light is to Darkneſs, and Error to Truth. Amazing, that any Author ſhould attempt to palm ſuch glaring Abſurdity, ſuch palpable Falſhood upon Mankind, for the Truths of Chriſtianity!

But to what End or Purpoſe is this falſe Gloſs put upon theſe Words? It is to propagate a Notion which has no Foundation in the Word of GOD, but is utterly repugnant to it; viz. A Union of Sentiment, with the Author of a ſophiſtical, unſcriptural Tract, entitled, Heaven open to all Men: or, a Theological Treatiſe, proving that all Men ſhall be ſaved, and made finally happy. This Author's Theology, and Mr. Relly's Notion in his Treatiſe of Union, &c. are quite ſimilar. For the whole World conſiſts but of two Sorts of Perſons, Believers and Unbelievers. Now that Believers in Chriſt have eternal Life, is clear from the Word of GOD: And Mr. Relly aſſerts, he that believeth not, hath eternal Life, as fully as him who believeth; therefore according to Mr. Relly, all Mankind, Believers and Unbelievers, ſhall be ſaved and made finally happy. Here lies the very Sinew of this Perſon's Deluſion: Univerſal Salvation is the grand Baſis upon which his Figment of UNION is founded. But this Path of Doctrine is unfrequented by any of the Saints of GOD: Never deſcribed in the Word of GOD, therefore is truly, the Path of Singularity, Novelty, and Hereſy. In the Sincerity of my Heart, I pray this Author may want Company, and enjoy Solitude and Retirement.

Let us have Recourſe to the ſacred Oracles of Truth, and ſhew the Inconſiſtency of this Notion with GOD's revealed Will, and then we will reſcue this Text from the falſe and corrupt Opinion which it is brought to eſtabliſh. When our bleſſed Lord gave that extenſive Commiſſion to his Apoſtles, to preach the Goſpel to every Creature, he paſſes this Declaration as the certain Effect and Conſequence, He that believeth and is baptized ſhall be ſaved, but he that believeth not ſhall be damned, Mark xvi. 16. Now will not Mr. Relly upon his [9] Hypotheſis tell us, he that is damned, hath nevertheleſs everlaſting Life in Chriſt as fully as he that is ſaved? Again, our Saviour told the Jews, If ye believe not that I am he, ye ſhall die in your Sins. John viii. 24. Which Sentence ſtands forth againſt Unbelievers having eternal Life to this Day. But will Mr. Relly explain away our Lord's Meaning, and inform us, that thoſe who die in their Sins, yet have eternal Life in Chriſt? But our Lord in the ſame Chapter plainly aſſerts the contrary of ſuch Perſons, whither I go, ye cannot come. And the ſame Spirit who ſpake by Jeſus, hath by St. Paul, deſcribed the awful State of ſome, to whom the Goſpel is a Savour of Death unto Death, and of others who are loſt, to whom the Goſpel is hid; and aſſigns this Reaſon for it, that the God of this World blinds the Minds of thoſe who believe not. And again he declares that the Lord Jeſus ſhall be revealed from Heaven with his mighty Angels in flaming Fire, taking Vengeance on them that know not GOD, and that obey not the Goſpel of our Lord Jeſus Chriſt; who ſhall be puniſhed with everlaſting Deſtruction from the Preſence of the Lord, and from the Glory of his Power, 2 Theſ. i. 7, 8, 9. And once for all; for there is no End of quoting Paſſages of Scripture to conſute this impious and heretical Poſition. Chriſt himſelf declares, he that believeth not, is condemned already.—He that believeth not the Son, ſhall not ſee Life, but the Wrath of GOD abideth on him, John iii. 18. 30.

How can we reconcile a State of Wrath and Condemnation, with Poſſeſſing GOD's Love and Favour; a loſt State, and not ſeeing Life, with having eternal Life; being puniſhed with everlaſting Deſtruction from GOD, and yet enjoying Salvation as his Gift fully given? The Bible hath no ſuch Inconſiſtency: Nor in any Part of it doth it declare that Unbelievers have eternal Life, but quite the reverſe; nor doth it teach us to ſuppoſe with the Author of Union, that all thoſe who ſhall have their Portion with Unbelievers, to whom the Lord will denounce the awful Doom, depart ye Curſed, &c. yet have eternal Life as fully given them in Chriſt, as thoſe who believe to the ſaving their Souls, and on whom our Saviour will pronounce the joyful Sentence, come ye Bleſſed of my Father, &c. Surely before a Perſon can advance ſuch Abſurdity, he muſt be given up to a ſtrong Deluſion to believe a Lie, &c. and to wreſt the Scriptures to his own Deſtruction. It is no ſmall Degree of Art and Sophiſtry which this Author affects, ſo as to explain away the true Senſe and Meaning of the Scripture Language, and to dreſs it up in a falſe Garb, and to give ſuch a Turn to Scripture Phraſes, as beſt ſuits a vitiated [10] Mind, and corrupt Principles: And it is readily owned, his Pupils and Admirers [...]oon attain the ſame Skill.

I here give the World a Specimen of their expert Knack of explaining Scripture. Upon this Aſſertion of our Saviour's, except a Man be born ag in he cannot ſee the Kingdom of GOD. Hear and Wonder. They tell us the Text mentions a Man, therefore Chriſt is the Man, he was born again; the Neceſſity of which he is here urging. Again, ſtrait is the Gate, and narrow is the Way which leadeth unto Life, and few there be that find it. Surprizing Comment! ‘"There never was but one, ſay they, who ſound the Way, that is Chriſt."’ So Chriſt is the few here mentioned. Did Grammar and Senſe ever meet with ſuch a [...]owed Enemies before? Again, to St. James's Aſſertion, I will ſhew thee my Faith by my Works. The Antinomian Anſwer is, ‘"I ſhew you Chriſt's Works, that is the Apoſtle's Meaning."’ And when our Lord exhorts his Diſciples to let their Light ſhine before Men that they may ſee your good Works, &c. ‘"We are to let Chriſt ſhine, and ſhew Men his good Works."’ Once more, to ſupport the Antinomian Enmi [...]y againſt the Scripture Doctrine of growing in Grace, this Text has been urged, divers Weights and Meaſures, are an Abomination to the Lord. And laſtly, The Prophet's Interrogation, Iſa. xxxiii. 14. Who among us ſhall dwell with devouring Fire? Who amongſt us ſhall dwell with [...]verlaſting Burnings? This is ſpoken of Chriſt, ſay they. Now this Method of explaining the Word, is, I ſuppoſe, what this Author calls ‘"reading the S [...]riptures in Chriſt. Nor have (ſays he) all the Maſters in Iſrael for theſe 1700 Years (though there have been always thoſe who have attempted it) been able to point out a Reconciliation and Harmony out of him."’ page 86. But what hath not Maſter R [...]ly done? Inimitable, wonderful Man! Sure he is the Man, and Wiſdom will die with him! Take him for all in all, we ne'er ſhall ſee his like again.

Let us now conſider the plain Senſe, and full Import of the Apoſtles Meaning in that Paſſage, which has been ſo groſsly perverted, and ſhockingly corrupted, to ſupport Falſhood and Hereſy. Far, very far from a fair and honeſt Quotation hath this Author given. He has tranſpoſed the Words o [...] the Apoſtle. I ſuſpect his Deſign hereby. It is the better to accommodate the Words, to ſupport his Tenets. Elſe, why ſhould he not give his Readers the Words in the Order they are placed? Why has he exhibited them in a mangled, disjointed Form? My Reaſons for Suſpicion of Mr. Relly's Method of quoting S [...]ripture, will, I think, be fully juſtified preſently.

The Apoſtles Words, 1 John v. 10. He that believeth on the Son of GOD hath the Witneſs in himſelf, are plain; even the Witneſs of eternal [11] Life, in and through the Lord Jeſus Chriſt. And again, He that believeth not GOD, hath made him a Liar, becauſe he believeth not the Record which GOD hath given of his Son: i. e. that Sinners are ſaved through Faith in the Lord Jeſus Chriſt only. It is good to compare Scripture with Scripture: And we have a Declaration from our Lord's own Mouth, which runs parallel with this, GOD ſo loved the World, as to give his only begotten Son, that whoſoever believeth on him, ſhould not periſh, but have everlaſting Life, John iii. 16. Now on the contrary, he that believeth not, he denieth, oppoſeth, and rejecteth the Way of eternal Life and Salvation through Jeſus Chriſt, and ſeeks for, and expects to find Righteouſneſs in ſome other Way and Method, contrary to the Goſpel of the Grace of GOD: and thus he gives the Lie to the Record of Truth, the Report of the everlaſting Goſpel, yea to the GOD of Truth himſelf; than which nothing doth more enhance and aggravate the Sin of Unbelief. And therefore ſo far from Unbelievers having eternal Life, they can in no Scripture Senſe be ſaid to have Part or Lot in the Matter; perhaps never may; nay, we are aſſured never will, if they die in Unbelief. For as many as are Ordained to eternal Life, BELIEVE. In Verſe 11. the Apoſtle goes on, this is the Record that GOD hath given to US, eternal Life. To us! To whom? to all Mankind? No ſuch thing, as appears very clear, if we conſider to whom the Apoſtle is addreſſing himſelf. Theſe Things write I unto you that believe on the Name of the Son of GOD, that ye may know that ye have eternal Life. Hence it is very plain and obvious, the Apoſtle was not writing to, nor ſpeaking of Unbelievers at all, nor of all Mankind in General; for he afterwards fully declares the contrary, Verſe 13. we know, (we who believe) that we are of GOD, and that the whole World lieth in Wickedneſs. Agreeable hereto, he ſays, he that hath the Son hath Life; ſpiritual Life: He is quickened by Jeſus: Hath an experimental Knowledge of Chriſt by Faith: He hath the Earneſt of eternal Life: He dwells in Chriſt, and Chriſt in him: He is one with Chriſt, and Chriſt with him: (bleſſed Union! not notional, but ſcriptural:) He ſhall enjoy the Life of eternal Glory.—But he that hath not the Son of GOD, hath not Life; he is dead, dead in Treſpaſſes and Sins, deſtitute of the Life of GOD in his Soul: He is ignorant of the Love of the Father: Hath no Knowledge of Chriſt's Love, and being deſtitute of Faith in his Blood and Righteouſneſs, has no right to eternal Life, nor any Mectneſs for it, but is under the ſecond Death; if he abide in Unbelief, he ſhall not ſee Life. So that nothing is more plain, than that, without Faith in Jeſus, no Sinner can be ſaved; and that eternal Salvation is connected with Faith.

[12] Such is the full Import, ſuch the obvious Senſe of the Apoſtle in this Paſſage. How unjuſtly it is brought to ſupport the preſent Antinomian Dream, and Antichriſtian Deluſion, that all Mankind ſhall be ſaved, or that any Sinner hath eternal Life, without Faith in our Lord Jeſus Chriſt; let the Chriſtian World judge. To them I appeal and ſubmit the following Conſideration.

When the Children of Iſrael had been bitten by Serpents, the Lord ſaid to Moſes, make a fiery Serpent, and ſet it upon a Pole; and it ſhall come to paſs, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, ſhall live, Numb. xxi. 8. Now if after Moſes had done this, he had told all the People, ‘"GOD hath provided an Antidote; therefore your Cure is effected, without looking to the Remedy."’ Would not ſuch a Procedure, (as much as in him lay) counteract the Deſign of GOD, prevent the Cure, and cauſe the Death and Deſtruction of the People? This Type our Lord refers to himſelf, John iii. 14, 15. As Moſes lifted up the Serpent in the Wilderneſs, even ſo muſt the Son of Man be lifted up; that whoſoever believeth on him ſhould not periſh, but have everlaſting Life. But if Preachers, inſtead of ſhewing the Neceſſity of Sinners looking to Chriſt, and believing on Him, that they might not periſh, but have everlaſting Life; ſhould tell Mankind, that they are all ſaved by Chriſt, and though they do not believe, have nevertheleſs eternal Life given them in Chriſt; do they not hereby oppoſe GOD's Method of Salvation, and act contrary to the Apoſtle's Practice? whoſe Advice to a ſenſible, convicted Sinner was, Believe on the Lord Jeſus, and thou ſhalt be ſaved, Acts xvi. 31. and thus, as much as in them lies, do they cauſe the People to err, to deceive their own Souls, ſo as to fancy themſelves to be in a State of Salvation, when they are in a State of Wrath, and under Condemnation.


The Antinomian Hereſy of Chriſt's Faith being counted for Righteouſneſs, refuted. The Scripture Doctrine of Juſtification by Faith, explained and deſended. The Nature and Effects of a true Goſp [...] Faith in the Heart and Life of Chriſt's Members, proved from Scripture, in Oppoſition to looſe and licentious Principles and Pro [...] tices.

HAving in the laſt Chapter conſidered, and I hope refuted, th [...] unſcriptural Poſition, that Unbelievers have eternal Life give [...] them in Chriſt, as fully as thoſe who believe. I would lay before m [...] [13] Reader another of this Author's Tenets, equally as abſurd, ridiculous, [...]d unſcriptural. Page 124, he aſſerts, that Believers are not ju [...]ified by Faith wrought in them, but by Chriſt's believing for them. Thus he ſays ‘"this Text, Rom. iv. 5. to him who worketh not, but be [...]veth on him that juſtifieth the Ungodly, his Faith is counted for Righ [...]uſneſs; "ſhews us, that Chriſt's Faith is counted for Righteouſneſs, to all ſuch, who working not, believeth on him as juſtifying the Ungodly."’ Amazing Diſcovery indeed! Singular and unparallelled this Obſervation! According to this Gloſs, here are two Believers intended by the Apoſtle, Chriſt and the Sinner, and Chriſt's Faith inſtead of Chriſt's Righteouſneſs, counted for Juſtification. But can any Man of common Senſe and Underſtanding, rather can any Chriſtian who has been taught the Truth as it is in Jeſus, receive and admit ſuch ſtrange and extravagant Flights of Fancy, for ſolid Scripture Truths? Surely not.

Chriſt's Faith counted for Righteouſneſs! no more than the Crown of Thorns or purple Robe which was put on Jeſus in the Day of his Humiliation and Suffering, is counted for Righteouſneſs. Who is it that juſtifieth the Ungodly? it is GOD, ſaith St. Paul. What is the procuring Cauſe of Juſtification? the perfect Righteouſneſs, and ſpotleſs Obedience of Jeſus, who is the Surety for Sinners, and in their Nature, and on their Account, hath fulfilled all Righteouſneſs, and yielded full Satisfaction to divine Juſtice, and this is reckoned, counted, and imputed to every convinced Sinner who believeth on Jeſus with his Heart unto Righteouſneſs, as the Scriptures teſtify, Rom. x. 10. Hence GOD is ſaid to be juſt, and the Juſtifier (of whom?) of him who believes in Jeſus, Rom. iii. 26. This is the plain Senſe and Meaning of this Text. That the Phraſe, his Faith, hath no other Antecedent, but him, of whom the Apoſtle ſaith, He worketh not, but believeth, is clear. And therefore this can have no Relation to Chriſt, but to him who believes, and works not to obtain Life: For this I appeal to every one who hath common Underſtanding to read.

This Author is pleaſed to tell us next, ‘"that Antichriſt ſays you are juſtified by your own Faith, which will produce Righteouſneſs in you to evidence it."’ This is a bold Aſſertion indeed! A ſevere, if not a blaſphemous Cenſure, not only levelled againſt the Writings of the inſpired Penmen, but alſo falls upon the Perſon and Doctrine of the Lamb of GOD himſelf, who ſpake as never Man ſpake, who taught the Doctrines of Repentance, Faith and Holineſs, as abſolutely neceſſary to eternal Glory. Now Faith is ſpoken of and deſcribed in Scripture, not as any Work of Man, but as the Gift of GOD, [14] wrought in the Heart of a Sinner by the Grace and Power of his Spirit. And therefore, as the Sinner is the Subject who poſſeſſes it, and as the Heart is the Seat of it, ſo in this Senſe, it may be called our own Faith: As any Gift, which is freely beſtowed, may properly be called, the [...]ceiver's own, both as to Propriety of Poſſeſſion, as well as in the Uſe, Comfort and Advantage which ariſes from it.

Thus in Scripture, this Phraſe, juſtified by Faith, frequently occurs, Rom. v. 1. Being juſtified by Faith, &c. chap. iii. 28. we conclude, a Man is juſtified by Faith, &c. Now I can't ſuppoſe my Reader to be ſo void of common Underſtanding, as to imagine that in theſe, or Scrip [...]ures of like Import, the Writers ever meant any Faith but what the Sinner partakes of, and poſſeſſes in his own Heart. O [...] when we are ſaid to be juſtified by Faith, it is meant, that we are juſtified for Faith, as though it was the meritorious or procuring Cauſe of Juſtification in the Sight of GOD. No, that is effected by the perfect Righteouſneſs, Sacrifice and Blood-ſhedding of the Lord Jeſus only: And this being revealed, publiſhed, and declared by the Goſpel, as the only Refuge for loſt and periſhing Sinners to fly to. That ungodly Sinner, who is convinced of Sin, and is enabled to have Recourſe to this Method, who truſts in, relies upon, and by Faith receives, applies, and appropriates Jeſus Chriſt to his Soul, is thereby enriched with all the Privileges of the Goſpel; viz. Juſtification, Pardon, Peace, Holineſs, and Salvation: juſt as a Perſon is enriched by receiving any valuable Gift. So this Gift of Righteouſneſs, which is by Jeſus Chriſt, is apprehended and received by Faith, and is unto all, and upon all them who believe: They are delivered from the Guilt of Sin, freed from the Condemnation of the Law, and Righteouſneſs is imputed to them through Faith: And thus in a ſound, Scripture Senſe, Chriſt's People are actually juſtified by Faith, as reſpecting, looking to, and receiving the Righteouſneſs of Chriſt Jeſus. But every Soul who is deſtitute of this Faith in Jeſus, is in a State of Wrath, and under the Sentence of Condemnation by the juſt and holy Law of GOD. And ſurely, that Soul who is poſſeſſed of this precious Faith, 2 Pet. i. 1. This Faith of GOD's Elect, cannot, will not, dare not depreciate or deſpiſe it, leſt he ſhould thereby only lightly eſteem the Gift, and do Deſpite to the Author and Finiſher of Faith, which is Jeſus. But no Wonder, that through the Blindneſs of the Underſtanding, and the Hardneſs and Impenitence of the Heart; thoſe who are Strangers to this heavenly Gift, ſhould deny its Exiſtence, and explode the holy and bleſſed Effects which [15] as the Scripture abundantly teſtify do flow from it. None but ſuch Perſons would dare to aſſert that ‘"Antichriſt ſays, you are juſtified by your own Faith, which will produce Righteouſneſs in you to evidence it."’ Sure I am, from the Word of GOD; that Faith which doth not produce any Fruits of Righteouſneſs, and true Holi [...]s to evidence it, is not only an Antinomian Fancy, but an antichri [...]an Deluſion, begotten by Ignorance and Error, nouriſhed and ſupported by vain Confidence and Deluſion, at the expence of Truth, [...] perventing the Word of GOD. Wilt thou know, O vain Man, that Faith without Works is dead? James ii. 20.

Faith is deſcribed by St. Paul, as the Subſtance of Things hoped for, [...] Evidence of Things not ſeen, Heb. ii. 1. for it gives Subſiſtence to, [...] Reality in the Minds of Believers, of thoſe Things which Unbe [...]vers know nothing of: It is the Evidence to the Souls of the Faithful, of thoſe Bleſſings and Comforts which he who believeth not, [...] no Conception of: Such as the Pardon of Sin, the Love of GOD [...] abroad in the Heart, Peace of Conſcience, Joy in the Holy Ghoſt, &c. As the Love of GOD the Father is evidenced in the Goſpel, by the Gift of his Son Jeſus Chriſt, for the Salvation of loſt S [...]ers; ſo the Evidence that any Sinner hath of this Love to his own Soul, is by Faith. Therefore it is ſaid by St. Peter, to you who be [...]ve, Chriſt is precious, 1 Pet. ii. 7. For though Jeſus is deſcribed [...] the Word, as altogether lovely in his Perſon, deſirable in his Offices, and precious in his Work of Salvation; yet it is by Faith he is known and received, ſo as to be eſteemed, loved and admired to the Saints Comfort, Juſtification and eternal Salvation. Hence, to as [...]ny as received him (ſaith St. John) to them gave he Power to become [...]e Sons of GOD, even to them who believe on his Name, John i. 12. [...]nd that Sinners might believe in him, and receive Juſtification and [...]ife through him, he again teſtifies, John xx. 31. Theſe Things are [...]itten, that ye might believe that Jeſus is the Chriſt the Son of GOD, [...]d that believing, ye might have Life through his Name. And our [...]ord aſſerts, he that believeth, is paſſed from Death unto Life.

I have cited theſe few Paſſages from holy Writ, to ſhew the happy [...]te, and rich Privileges which Sinners are brought into, and inveſted [...]ith through Faith. They are paſſed from Death to Life, enjoy the [...]ower or Privilege of being the Sons of GOD, and receive Life from [...]ſus. Whereas, before they have obtained precious Faith, and know [...]e Truth, their State is deſcribed by the Apoſtle, as being without [...]riſt, Aliens from the Common-wealth of Iſrael, having no Hope, and [...]out GOD in the World, Eph. ii. 12. And why is it that GOD's [16] People are thus highly favoured? but, becauſe GOD, of his ſovereign Grace hath been pleaſed to connect their Holineſs and Happineſs with his own Glory: and it is through Faith theſe ineſtimable Bleſſings are communicated to the Soul; and therefore all thoſe who are the Children of GOD by Faith in Chriſt Jeſus, are called to ſerve GOD without Fear, in Holineſs and Righteouſneſs before him all the Days of their Life. They are concerned to glorify GOD in their Body and Spirit: And it is the Command of their Saviour that they ſhould let their Light ſo ſhine before Men, that they may ſee their good Works and glorify their Father who is in Heaven, Matt. v. 16. Hope and Love are inſeparable from true Faith. Who can love GOD, but thoſe who believe the Love of GOD toward them in Chriſt Jeſus [...] We love GOD becauſe he firſt loved us, 1 John iv. 19. And this is the Love of GOD, that we keep his Commandments, chap. v. iii. From Faith in Jeſus ſprings Hope, the Hope of ſeeing and enjoying GOD, which hath a cleanſing Efficacy: For, every one who hath this Hope in him, purifieth himſelf even as he is pure, 1 John iii. 3. Thus there is a ſweet Connection between the Work of Faith, the Labour of Love, and the Patience of Hope. The Members of Jeſus find it ſo. To him who believeth, all Things are poſſible. To him that loveth, all Things are eaſy, for GOD's Commandments are not grievous: A [...]d Hope is as an Anchor to the Soul, both ſure and ſtedfaſt, whereby it is ſaved from ſplitting on the Rocks of unchriſtian Libertiniſm, preſerved from being ſwallowed up by the Quickſands of Antinomian Licentiouſneſs; and by patient continuing in Well-doing, is looking for the Mercy of our Lord Jeſus, unto eternal Life.

Such are the natural Fruits, ſuch the genuine Effects, ſuch the certain Evidence of a vital, operative, victorious Faith in Chriſt. Say ye Happy, becauſe believing Members of Chriſt; ye, who rely on the Atonement of his Blood, for the Pardon of your Sins, and conſide in the Righteouſneſs of Jeſus for your Juſtification, ſay, doth not this Belief excite the moſt irreconcileable Abhorrence of all Ungodlineſs? Doth not this Faith moſt powerfully incite to evangelical Obedience, to all Holineſs of Life and Practice?—As in the la [...] Days Scoffers will come, ſaith the Apoſtle, walking after their own Luſts, I would ſtir up your pure Minds by way of Remembrance; for Beloved,

Hath GOD from the Beginning choſen you to Salvation? it i [...] through Sanctification of the Spirit and Belief of the Truth, 2 Theſ ii. 13.

[17] Are ye called in Time? it is with a holy Calling, that as he which hath called you is holy, ſo ſhould ye be holy in all Manner of Converſation, 1 Pet. i. 15.

Hath Chriſt given himſelf for you? it was that he might redeem you from all Iniquity, and alſo purify you unto himſelf a peculiar People zealous of good Works, Titus ii. 14. that ye being dead to Sin, ſhould live unto Righteouſneſs.

Are you GOD's Workmanſhip, created anew in Chriſt Jeſus? it is unto good Works, which GOD hath before ordained that you ſhould walk in them, Eph. ii. 10.

Do you know the Goſpel of the Grace of GOD in Truth? it teacheth you to deny all Ungodlineſs and worldly Luſts, and to live ſoberly, righteouſly, and godly in this preſent World, Titus. ii. 12.

Hath GOD given unto you exceeding great and precious Promiſes? it is, that you ſhould c [...]a [...]ſe yourſelves from all Fil [...]hineſs of Fleſh and Spirit, perfecting Holineſs in the Fear of GOD, 2 Cor. vii. 1.

Are you united to Jeſus, and become one with him as the Branch is with the Vine? herein is your heavenly Father glorified, that ye bear much Fruit, John xv. 8.

Do you abide in Chriſt as Members of his myſtical Body? He that ſaith he abideth in him, ought himſelf alſo ſo to walk even as Chriſt alſo walked, 1 John ii. 6. The Head, JESUS, hath left his Members an Example that they ſhould follow his Steps.

Are you become dead to the Law by the Body of Chriſt, and are you married to Jeſus by Faith? it is to this very End that ye ſhould bring forth Fruit unto GOD, Rom. vii. 4. Fruits of Righteouſneſs which are by Jeſus Chriſt; Fruit unto Holineſs, and your End ſhall be everlaſting Life.

Thus is Jeſus glorified in his believing Members. His Goſpel is adorned by them. Gratitude to GOD for his Grace, is expreſſed. fellow Creatures and fellow Chriſtians are profited. And thus, a holy, precious Faith in the Hearts of GOD's Elect, is proved to be an operative Grace, is attended with the Fruits of Righteouſneſs, evidenced by good Works, and made perfect b [...] them, James ii. 22. in Contradiſtinction to unfruitful Notions in the Head; meer carnal and unſcriptural Ideas of Union, the Creature of Fancy, or the Whim of the Imagination, which leaves its Profeſſors in the Poſſeſſion of a Dead Faith, productive of no Fruit to the Glory of GOD, no Good [...]o Man, nor to thoſe who reſt in it is it of any avail, unleſs to [...]ar the Conſcience, and lull it into a fatal Security; nor can it [...] attended with any Advantage, but, with an awful Diſappointment [18] to ſuch who are ſatisfied with it, in that Day when GOD ſhall judge the Secrets of all Hearts by Jeſus Chriſt.—But there is not wanting a Cloud of Witneſſes, as an inconteſtible Proof of the Nature and Evidences of a true Faith, and that by it, the Worthies of Old wrought Righteouſneſs, &c. their Names and their Works ſtand on Record in the eleventh Chapter to the Hebrews, as a ſtimulating Example to all ſucceeding Believers, and as a Contraſt to all carnal, diſſolute and licentious Profeſſors of the Religion of the Bible.

Thus in full Contradiction to this Author's whimſieal Notion of Union, the Scriptures abundantly ſhew and declare, what is the Nature of a real, vital Union of Chriſt with Believers, by the Fruits and Effects which reſult from it. And thereby fully refute the hardned impious Aſſertions of thoſe, who count it Antichriſtian to inſiſt on the Fruits of Faith. And ſurely, before any Perſon can imbibe this Author's Principles, he muſt attain ſome of his jeſuitical Cunning, in corrupting the plain Senſe of Scripture, in wreſting and perverting the obvious Meaning of the Word of GOD, in order to ſupport unſcriptural and unchriſtian Poſitions; and to the encouraging Licentiouſneſs of Life and Converſation. St. Paul deſcribes ſuch Perſons, as thoſe who walk in the Vanity of their Minds, having the Underſtanding darkened, being alienated from the Life of GOD, through the Ignorance that is in them, becauſe of the Blindneſs of their Hearts; who being paſt Feeling, have given themſelves over to work all Uncleanneſs with Greedineſs, Eph. iv. 18, 19. But of the real Members of Chriſt, true Believers, the Apoſtle gives a very different Deſcription. But ye have not ſo learned Chriſt, if ſo be ye that have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the Truth is in Jeſus; that ye put off, concerning the former Converſation, the old Man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful Luſts; and be renewed in the Spirit of your Mind; and that ye put on the new Man which after GOD is created in Righteouſneſs and true Holineſs. ver. 20, &c.



In Contradiſtinction to Mr. Relly's Tenets, a Change of State and Practice ſhewed to be neceſſary to eternal Glory. That this is effected upon the Members of Jeſus, to his Glory and their preſent Happineſs and Holineſs, by the Power and Agency of the divine Spirit upon their Souls, whereby they are prepared and made meet for the heavenly Inheritance.

IN the laſt Chapter we have ſeen the Effects of a truly Chriſtian Faith rejected, in this we ſhall ſee the Cauſe denied by thi [...] Author, viz. that ſpiritual and ſupernatural Change which paſſeth upon the Heart and State of Believers under the Agency and Influence of the Holy Spirit, producing Repentance unto Life, Faith unto Juſtification, and Sanctification unto Holineſs of Heart and Life. Now Jeſus is truly glorified by theſe divine Effects appearing in his Members; whereby, the Underſtanding, which is naturally dark, is enlightened: The Will which is ſtubborn and contrary to the Will of GOD, is bowed and brought into Subjection; and the Affections which are alienated from GOD and his Truths, are brought to love and eſteem Jeſus, and the Way of Salvation by him.

Though to ſave Appearance of not totally denying the Work of the Spirit, Mr. Relly is pleaſed to tell us, p. 108, he ‘"would not be underſtood of ſpeaking lightly of the Spirit of Truth, or of his Operations upon the Heart of Man, according to the Scripture Account thereof, which is there undeniably made, to conſiſt in receiving the Things which are his (viz. Chriſt,) and in ſhewing them to us; that Jeſus alone might be glorified."’

But I would aſk, and appeal to Scripture, is this the only Work and Office of the Holy Spirit? Is there no Work wrought by his divine Energy in and upon the Heart of GOD's People? The Scriptures fully prove there is; and the People of GOD in every Age, have, from real Experience teſtified of it. For by Nature they are Children of Wrath, dead in Treſpaſſes and Sins: and Enemies in their Minds to GOD by wicked Works. Therefore a Change both of State and Practice is abſolutely neceſſary to eternal Glory: Nor could they be meet to partake of it, unleſs the Holy Spirit effected this; which he doth according to the Word of Truth, by quickening and regenerating their Souls; they are made to partake of a new Birth, into a new State and [20] Kingdom; they are delivered from the Power of Darkneſs, and tranſlated into the Kingdom of GOD's dear Son, Col. i. 13. By the Holy Ghoſt they are enlightened, convinced of Sin; Faith is wrought in their Hearts by his Power; Repentance unto Salvation is granted unto them; they are ſanctified, and led by the Spirit; and through the Spirit are enabled to mortify the Deeds of the Body, Rom. viii. 13. GOD's Spirit bears Witneſs with their Spirits, that they are the Children of GOD, chap. viii. 16. And ſeals them unto the Day of eternal Redemption, Eph. iv. 30. Thus doth the Scripture of Truth teſtify of the Work of the Spirit, on the Hearts of the Members of Jeſus, producing theſe holy and happy Effects. But in direct Oppoſition to all this, Hear Mr. Relly's Declaration, ‘"the Spirit of Error pretends to ſhew Mankind other Excellencies than what are found in Jeſus. Such as Reformation, Changes, pious Motions and Deſires in themſelves.—Antrchriſt, or the falſe Chriſt, ſeeks not the Glory of Jeſus, but ſpeaks of himſelf, of its own Operations; of Joys; Sorrows, Hatred to Evil, languiſhing after Goodneſs by him wrought in the Heart,"’ &c.— ‘"This is that Spirit which I have ſet my Face againſt, and of which I ſpeak where ever I have through my Book ranked this Phraſe, the Work of the Spirit on the Hear [...], among the cant Terms, of Judaiſm blended with Heatheniſm.

After the Recital of this, it muſt be granted, where the Conſcience is hardned through the Deceitfulneſs of Sin; and ſeared as with an hot Iron, againſt all Senſe of Sin; Perſons in ſuch a State, are quite free from any Senſe of Sorrow, Hatred of Evil, languiſhing after Goodneſs, Reformation, Changes, pious Motions and Deſires in themſelves, &c. And conſequently, they may account all this as Judaiſm, with blended Heatheniſm, or give it any other cant Term, which their corrupt Imagination can coin: But I appeal to every one who has been taught the Truth as it is in Jeſus, and have experienced the in-wrought Principles of Light and Life, Grace and Holineſs communicated from Jeſus by the Power of the Spirit; whether a Sight and Senſe of Sin, Sorrow and Remorſe for it, Humiliation under it, Hatred of it, pious Motions and Deſires after Goodneſs, &c. is not the very Temper and Diſpoſition of Heaven-born Souls? Is it not conſiſtent, perfectly conſiſtent with the Purity of the Doctrine and Genius of the Goſpel, and flows from the Work of the Spirit of Truth on the Heart? And as to Joys, if there be any Conſolation, it is in Chriſt Jeſus, and flows from him as the Head, to the Hearts of his Members, through the Power of the Holy Spirit: Hence a Fruit of the Spirit is called Joy; and Joy in the Holy Ghoſt, Rom. xiv. 17. is of the Eſſence of the Kingdom of Jeſus; and it is an apoſtolia [21] Prayer for Saints, that GOD would fill them not only with Peace, but all Joy in believing, chap. xv. 13. Is not this then, the Work of the Spirit of Truth upon the Heart? Doth he not hereby glorify Jeſus in Truth and Reality in his Members? Thus it is true, it is the Office of the Spirit of Truth, to take of the Things of Chriſt and ſhew them unto us. To us! to whom? What! to dead, blind Sinners, who have neither Eyes to ſee, nor Life, ſpiritual Life to receive Comfort and Conſolation therefrom? For it is an adjudged C [...]ſe of our Lord, except a Man is born again of the Spirit, he cannot ſee the Kingdom of GOD, John iii. 3. agreeable to which, St. Paul teſtifies, the natural Man receiveth not the Things of the Spirit, they are Fooliſhneſs [...] him, neither can he know them, becauſe they are ſpiritually diſcerned, 1 Cor. ii. 14. Hence nothing can be more clear and plain, than that ſpiritual Illumination, and a real and ſpiritual Change, is wrought upon the Souls of GOD's People.

As to this Author's declaring his Enmity to, and ſetting his Face againſt i [...], is only a farther Proof, that the Scripture is not the Rule of his Faith; and that it is to be feared, he is ignorant of this Work of the Spirit upon his own Heart, and ſo joins the Enemies of Truth, to ſpeak againſt thoſe Things he knows not of. If he did, he would in Reality attempt what he talks much about, viz. to glorify Jeſus in Truth.

For herein is the Saviour glorified indeed, when a Sinner is awa [...]ned to a Sight of his Miſery, quickened to feel his Wants, made ſ [...]nſible of his Condemnation by the Law, convicted of his own Vile [...]ſs and Guilt, and the Inſufficiency of his own Righteouſneſs, and [...] to Jeſus as the only City of Refuge; looks to the Lamb of GOD [...] TAKETH away the Sin of the World, John i. 29. to have Guilt [...]emoved from his Conſcience through his precious Blood alone, and has Recourſe to his Righteouſneſs only for Juſtification, yea, to his whole [...]iſhed Work on Earth, as the only and alone Ground and Foundation of his Acceptance with GOD, alſo to the Mediation and Inter [...]ſſion of Chriſt, to be kept through Faith unto Salvation, in a Way of Holineſs, unto eternal Glory. Thus, the Holy Spirit leads a Sinner [...] all Truth, into the Knowledge of his own State, the Law and [...]ſtice of GOD, the Sacrifice and Satisfaction of Jeſus, his magnifying [...] Law, fulfilling all Righteouſneſs, and purchaſing Salvation for him, [...] he might be Partaker of his Holineſs unto Life eternal—Surely [...] we behold the ſovereign Diſplay of the eternal Love of Jehovah, [...] Grace of our precious Redeemer, and the divine Energy of the Holy [...]rit. Thus is the Father honoured, the Son glorified, and the Spirit [22] magnified; and thus the glorious, and eternal Three, bear Record on Earth, in the Salvation of Sinners. This may draw a Sneer from the antiſcriptural De [...]ſt, may meet with Contempt from the Abettors of the Sabellian Hereſy, and have the Appearance of Madneſs to the mee [...] formal Profeſſors of Chriſtianity: But true Chriſtians, who have learned of the Father to come to Jeſus, through the Power of the Spirit, know this to be ſc [...]iptural and experimental Chriſtianity, and the Ground of their Hope, the Stay of their Confidence, the Refuge of their Souls, the Stability of their Comfort, and the Joy of their Heart, is a crucified Saviour, a riſen Lord; Jeſus dying for their Sins, and riſing again for their Juſtification. Nor can they turn from his Blood and Righteouſneſs, to advert to any other Matter or Object, for Hope or Salvation. And why is this? but becauſe they know Jeſus hath done all for them by his Obedience and Death; he hath wrought all in them by hi [...] Holy Spirit, whereby they know his Love, apply and appropriate Jeſus Chriſt to their Souls by Faith, find and feel they are Partakers of the divine Nature; are animated by Love, and ſtrengthened by Grace, to all Obedience and Holineſs in their Lives and Converſation.

But theſe Chriſt-exalting Views, theſe Sin-mortifying, Holineſs producing Operations, are impiouſly aſcribed to the Workings of the Spirit of Antichriſt, and deem'd the Marks of the falſe Chriſt; and this under a ſpecious Pretence, that to eſtabliſh theſe, is to oppoſe and degrade the true Chriſt, the Saviour.—This is juſt as good Reaſoning as to ſay, whoever pretends to feel the comforting Warmth, [...] Influences, enlivening and invigorating Rays of the Sun, doth thereby eclipſe his Splendor, rob him of his Glory, and deny the real [...]xiſtence of that heavenly Luminary. Or to aſſert, that if the blind Ma [...] whom our Lord reſtored to Sight, believed or declared, that he enjoyed Sight in himſelf, he would thereby detract from the Glory o [...] Jeſus, who is the Light of Men. Or that the Leper, who came to Chriſt, with Lord if thou wilt thou canſt make me clean, if he declared he found in himſelf that he was cleanſed from his Leproſy by Jeſus he would thereby depreciate the Author of his Cure, and rob Chri [...] of his Glory. Now, who that is not deſtitute of Reaſon and Underſtanding would argue thus? Nor doth it diſplay leſs Ignorance of th [...] Word of GOD, and the Power of the Goſpel of Chriſt, and the Energy of the Holy Spirit, to aſſert that it derogates from the Glory of Chriſt becauſe his Members experience a real and ſpiritual Change in the Souls, are born again of the Spirit, have their Hearts purified Faith, are paſſed from their old natural State, to a new, holy State Chriſt; from a Death in Sin, to a Life of Righteouſneſs; from a can [23] to a ſpiritual State; and hence they are ſaid to be not in the Fleſh, but in the Spirit, Rom. viii. 9. and the Spirit of Jeſus dwells in them, by whom they are diſpoſed and influenced to a holy, righteous and ſpiritual Walk and Converſation: the inward Sanctification of their Souls, ſhews itſelf by outward Holineſs of Life and Practice: and to the Glory of GOD, there ever was, and now is a Cloud of Wit [...]eſſes, who, from inward Knowledge and Experience, have borne their Teſtimony to the Truth hereof, in Oppoſition to all the vain Speculations, unſcriptural Aſſertions, and licentious Tenets of ſuch who profeſs to know GOD, but in Works deny Him.


Chriſtian Obedience and the Practice of good Works; or a walking ſo as to pleaſe GOD, inſiſted upon and enforced from Goſpel Principles, in Oppoſition to the licentious Tenets advanced by Mr. Relly; a Text vilely mangled and baſely cited by him, to attempt to make Chriſt a Miniſter of Sin, and a Diſcourager of Holineſs, Goodneſs, Virtue, &c. his Practice herein detected and expoſed.

LET us next ſee how vehemently this Author declaims againſt good Works, and aſſerts roundly that ‘"Mankind are incapable of performing Actions ſpiritually good at any Time; and that when Men begin to conſider them as ſpiritually good, as well-pleaſing and acceptable with GOD, as Righteouſneſs, Holineſs or Fruitfulneſs before him; or when making this their Sanctification, they go about to prove their Faith thereby, inwardly reſpecting theſe Motions as Proofs and Marks of their Grace and Chriſtianity, I ſay, when this is the Caſe, with ardent Zeal, tenfold more burning than ever they can ſhew for the Works of their Hands, we will prove all their Righteouſneſs to be filthy Rags."’ p. 25 and 27.

Here is a Spark of Truth and a Blaze of Error. For as to the Works of their own Hands, done in a natural, ſinful, unregenerate State, according to the Will of the Fleſh, before the Grace of Chriſt, and the Inſpiration of his Spirit, they, (as the 13th Article of the Church of England ſcripturally teacheth) ‘"are not pleaſing to GOD, foraſmuch as they ſpring not of Faith in Jeſus Chriſt,"’ &c. Theſe Works every true Believer has been taught to diſclaim. All his own Righteouſneſs which is of the Law, (done from legal Principles, to gain the Favour of GOD and merit Salvation) he looks on as filthy [24] Rags, counts as Droſs and Dung, deſires to be found in Chriſt, and will make mention of his Righteouſneſs only for the Acceptance of his Perſon, in Life, in Death, and a [...] his tremendous Bar. He knows he is not ſufficient of himſelf to any thing that is good, but that his Sufficiency is of GOD, and therefore, with the Church of old will confeſs, Thou, O Lord, haſt wrought all our Works in us, Iſa [...] xxvi. 12.

But let this Author's Zeal, his ardent Zeal, his tenfold more burning Zeal, be as raging and as furious as the moſt violent Eruptions of Aetna or Veſicvius; authoriſe [...] by divine Authority, ſupported by inward Experience, we will teſtify and declare what Jeſus hath wrought in us by his Spirit, as a Conſequence of what he hath done f [...]r us in his Perſon, and which we will call ſpiritually good, becauſe produced by a good and holy Agent: For the Fruits of the Spirit, are Love, Joy, Peace, Lon ſu [...]ering, Gentleneſs, Goodneſs, Faith, Meekneſs, Temperance, &c. Theſe Things wrought in us by the Holy Ghoſt, we count ſpiritually good: And the Apoſtle proves them to be ſo: for he ſays, againſt ſuch there is noLaw, Gal. v. 22, 23. yea, and we will aſſert theſe Things are well-pleaſing and acceptable to GOD, for this plain Reaſon, becauſe it is GOD who worketh in us, both to will and to do of his good Pleaſure, Eph. ii. 13. and it is through the Blood of the everlaſting Covenant, that the Lord makes us perfect in every good Work, to do his Will, working in us that which is wellpleaſing in his Sight, through Jeſus Chriſt, Heb. xiii. 21. For ſurely, what is GOD's Will and good Pleaſure to work in and by his People, muſt in the Nature of Things be good, well-pleaſing and acceptable in his Sight. To ſay otherwiſe muſt be aſcribing the groſſeſt Abſurdity to GOD, yea, the moſt ſhocking Blaſphemy againſt him. Thus are Believers inwardly ſanctified through Faith in the Blood of Jeſus, and by the Power of his Spirit, unto actual Holineſs of Heart and Life, to which they are called; and are ſtrengthened by the Spirit in the inner Man, to delight in the Law of GOD, and to Fruitfulneſs in every good Word and Work. And to confront this Author's Aſſertion; St. Paul exhorts Believers to do Good and to communicate, expresſly aſſerting, that with ſuch Sacrifices GOD is well-pleaſed, Heb. xiii. 15.

As in the firſt Creation, the Almighty Fiat called forth Fruit from the Earth, and it was ſo: So likewiſe, in the new Creation, in the Souls of Believers, the ſame ſovereign Voice in his Word, through the Power of his Spirit, calls forth Fruitfulneſs of the inward Graces in the Heart, and the outward Fruits of good Works [25] in the Life of new Creatures, of whom it is ſaid, the Seed of GOD remaineth in them, 1 John iii. 9. And though the Earth is of itſelf ſluggiſh, inert Matter, incapable of producing Fruits, yet as it is impregnated by the influence of the Elements, Vegetation and Fruitfulneſs is increaſed; ſo in the new Creation, Believers who are in their natural and earthly State, dead and inactive to ſpiritual Actions, yet under the Influences of GOD's Spirit, through Means he is pleaſed to own and bleſs, ſuch as attending the Ordinances, Prayer, Reading, Meditation, the Goſpel preached, &c. through Faith in Chriſt Jeſus, the Soul is made Fruitful in Knowledge, Love and Obedience, &c. and increaſeth with the Increaſe of GOD, Col. ii. 19. in ſuch Things as are good, acceptable and well-pleaſing to GOD, through Jeſus Chriſt. Thus St. Paul writes to Believers, We beſeech you Brethren, and exhort you by the Lord Jeſus, that as you have received of us, how you ought to walk and to PLEASE GOD, ſo you would ABOUND more and more, 1 Theſ. iv. 1. And the beloved Diſciple, John iii. 22. teſtifies, we keep his Commandments, and do thoſe Things which are pleaſing in his Sight. Thus doth it appear that Jeſus is Sanctification to his Members. Being united to him, they derive Sanctification from him, inwardly in their Souls, which ſhews itſelf outwardly in a holy Walk. And indeed the very End of Believers being dead to the Law, to all Hopes and Expectations of obtaining Salvation for the Sake of their own Works is, that being influenced by evangelical Principles, Faith and Love, they might live unto GOD. Hence, ſaith he, Sin ſhall not have the Dominion over you, (that believe) becauſe ye are not under the Law, but under Grace, Rom. vi. 14. Not under Fears of Wrath and Hell, but under a Senſe of Love and Salvation. And what Inference doth the Apoſtle draw from hence? Doth he join with the licentious and horrid Aſſertion ſo much uſed by ſome in this our Day, ‘"The more Sin you commit, the more Glory you bring to the Merits of Chriſt"’? No! he deteſts and abhors ſuch Language. What then, ſhall we ſin becauſe we are not under the Law, but under Grace? GOD forbid! ver. 15. And every one who is influenced by the ſame Spirit, by whoſe Teaching Paul wrote, will join him and ſay, far from it.

Thus, in every Point of View, we ſee the Doctrines of Grace are according to Godlineſs, they have no Tendency to Libertiniſm and Licentiouſneſs: Neither diſcourage the Performance of good Works, nor encourage in Sin, but lead to Holineſs in all Manner of Converſation, and to thoſe Things which are ſpiritually good, well-pleaſing and acceptable with GOD. It is true, there were from the Beginning [26] thoſe, who wreſted the Scripture to their own Deſtruction; perverted the Truths of GOD; ungodly Mex, who turned the Grace of GOD, i. e. (the Doctrines of the Goſpel of the Grace of GOD) into Laſciviouſneſs. So it is in this our Day. Is not the Author of UNION, &c. acting thus? Do not his Writings fully prove it? For, according to Mr. Relly's Doctrine, neither the Law nor the Goſpel, the Fear nor the Love of GOD, ever produce any Effect or Influence in the Life and Converſation of Chriſtians, of a good, holy or righteous Nature. Nay, ſo far is he from teaching or exhorting Men to this, that he is at the Pains (according to his uſual and very ingenuous Method) to mangle a Text, to diſcourage and reprove, what he deems, ſuch unchriſtian Practice.

Thus ſays this Author, p. 126. ‘"Our Saviour reproved the Church of Laodicea in the ſharpeſt Manner, for growing rich and increaſing in Goods,’ &c. Here is another glaring Inſtance of this Writer's handling the Word of GOD deceitfully. It is not ſufficient with him to deny and oppoſe the plain Truths of GOD, but he alſo takes the Liberty to mutilate the Senſe and alter the Meaning thereof. For, there is no ſuch Reproof to be found in all the Book of GOD. On the Contrary, St. Paul exhorts Believers, to do Good and be rich in good Works, 1 Tim. vi. 18. The plain Truth here is, our Saviour's Reprehenſion of the Church was, becauſe thou ſayeſt I am rich, &c. (which Words, this Author has omitted, for what Reaſon he is beſt able to ſay, but we have the Liberty to judge) when this was not the Caſe. She fancied her State to be, what in reality it was not, as the Text, Rev. iii. 17. fully ſhews. Therefore our Saviour, ſo far from reproving the Church of Laodicea for being rich and increaſed in Goods, in a ſpiritual Senſe, that he gives her Advice in the next Verſe how ſhe might become ſo. I counſel th [...]e to buy of me Gold tried in the Fire, that thou mayeſt be rich, &c.

Now what a ſhocking Perverſion of our Lord's Meaning is here! If this is not attempting what St. Paul deteſted with the utmoſt Abhorence, viz. making Chriſt a Miniſter of Sin, 'tis hard to ſay what is. But this is not all. More horrid ſtill is this Author's next Aſſertion. ‘"Antichriſt ſays you muſt grow Rich, rich in Wiſdom, Knowledge, Holineſs, Goodneſs, Virtue and Experience."’ Daring Impiety! unparalelled Blaſphemy! Thus to aſcribe the Doctrine of the Amen, the Faithful and true Witneſs, to the teachings of Antichriſt. But charming News! quieting Doſe this! pleaſing enough, ſuch Doctrine is to thoſe who are hardened through the Deceitfulneſs of Sin, and commit Iniquity with Greedineſs, who profeſs to know GOD, but in Works [27] deny him, being abominable and diſobedient, and to every good Work reprobate, Titus i. 16.

To deny Holineſs and good Works, as having any Part in the Goſpel Syſtem, to explode Wiſdom, Goodneſs, Virtue and Experience, as being contrary to the genius of Chriſtianity; and to ſtrike out a Way of Salvation by Union with Chriſt, which leaves Men in a ſinful State, under the reigning Power, and uncontrouled Dominion of their Sins and Luſts: Such a Creed, will well ſuit the State and Practice of too many in our Day: And therefore will be readily received, eagerly embraced, and find Votaries enough to ſubſcribe to it. There were ſuch of Old. GOD complains of them by the Mouth of Jer. vii. 8. &c. behold ye truſt in lying Words which cannot profit. Will ye ſteal, murder, and commit Adultery, &c. And ſay we are delivered to do all theſe Abominations? But ſurely before any Chriſtian, can receive and admit ſuch diſſolute and licentious Principles, he muſt give up his Bible, treat the Doctrines of Chriſtianity with the utmoſt Contempt, deſpiſe and reject the teachings of Chriſt himſelf, and ridicule the inſpired Penmen, for ſo ſadly miſrepreſenting the Nature of true Chriſtianity. For nothing can be more plain, than that the Purpoſe, End and Deſign of the Book of GOD, is to animate and encourage, ſtir up and exhort thoſe who are united to the Lord Jeſus, to depart from all Iniquity, to be holy in all Manner of Converſation, to walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleaſing, to be fruitful in every good Work, and to increaſe in the Knowledge of GOD, Col. i. 10. and to abound more and more in Holineſs, Goodneſs and Experience, &c. to the Praiſe of the Glory of his Grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the Beloved, Eph. i. 6.


Mr. Relly's Poſitions contraſted with the Word of GOD, his Averſion to Scripture Language, and Scripture Doctrine exhibited. A ſhort View of his abſurd Figment of UNION, awful Effects of his Tenets, terminating in the moſt licentious, and deteſtable Conſequences.

AS a farther Specimen of this Author's rejecting and oppoſing the plain Truths of Scripture, by deſcribing them, as the Marks of [...] the falſe Chriſt: for the ſake of Brevity, I will now preſent to the World, in a contraſted View, with this Interrogation, Who is on the Lord's Side, who?


 Scripture Exhortations to, and Deſcriptio [...]s of true Chriſtians, real Believers in the Lord Jeſus.
Page 105. Mr. Relly ſays, the falſe Chriſt teaches Men to enquire, Have I Chriſt?Examine yourſelves, whether ye be in the Faith; prove your ownſelves. Know ye not your ownſelves, how that Jeſus Chriſt is in you, except ye be Reprobates? 2 Cor. xiii. 5. He that hath the Son hath Life, 2 John v. 12.
Do I love GOD?The Love of GOD is ſhed abroad in our Hearts by the Holy Ghoſt, which is given un [...]o us, Rom. v. 5. We love GOD, becauſe he firſt loved us, 1 John iv. 19.
Do I hate Iniquity?Abhor that which is evil, cleave to that which is good, Rom. xii. 9. Let every one [...]a [...] nameth the Name of Chriſt depart from all Iniquity, 2 Tim. ii. 19.
Am I changed?We all with open Face, beholding as in a Glaſs the Glory of the Lord, are changed into the ſame Image from Glory to Glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord, 2 Cor. iii. 18.
Am I humble?Be cloathed with Humility, for GOD reſ [...] eth the Proud and giveth Grace to the Humble, 1 Pet. v. 5.
Am I Heavenly-minded?Set your Affections on Things above, Col. iii. 2. To be carnally-minded is Death, but to be ſpiritually-minded is Life and Peace, Rom. viii. 6.
Thirſting to be more holy.At he which hath called you is holy, ſo be ye holy in all manner of Converſation, 1 Pet. i. 15. Perfecting Holineſs in the Fear of GOD, 2 Cor. vii. 1. Without Holineſs no Man ſhall ſee the Lord, Heb. xii. 14.
Lamenting my Faults.Godly Sorrow worketh Repentance to Salvation, not to be repented of, 2 Cor. vii. 10.
Do I increaſe in Light, Knowledge, and Underſtanding?Ye were ſometimes Darkneſs, now are y [...] Light in the Lord, walk as Children of th [...] Light, Eph. v. 8. That ye may be filled with the Knowledge of his Will, in all Wiſdom and ſpiritual Underſtanding, that we may walk worthy of the Lord, unto all well pleaſing, being fruitful in every good Work, and increaſing in the Knowledge of GOD, &c. 1 Col. ix. 10.
[29]The falſe Chriſt teaches Men to conclude, If I do, then I have Chriſt; this is Chriſt in me the Hope of Glory.If theſe Things be in you, and abound, they will make you that ye ſhall not be barren, nor unfruitful in the Knowledge of our Lord Jeſus Chriſt, 2 Pet. i. 8. we know that we dwell in Chriſt, and Chriſt in us, becauſe he hath given us of his Spirit, John iv. 13.
Again, Page 106. The Diſciples of the falſe Chriſt cry, who ſhall condemn?There is no Condemnation to them who are in Chriſt Jeſus, who walk not after the Fleſh, but after the Spirit, Rom viii. 1. If our Hearts condemn us not, then have we Confidence towards GOD, 1 John iii. 21.
I am Converted.Except ye be converted, and become as little Cbildren, ye ſhall in no Caſe enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, Matt. xviii. 3.
I believe.It pleaſed GOD by the Fooliſhneſs of preaching, to ſave them who believe, 1 Cor. i. 21. I have written unto you that believe on the Name of the Son of GOD, that ye might know that ye have eternal Life, John v. 13.
I bear the Fruits of the Spirit.He that abideth in me, and I in him, the ſame bringeth forth much Fruit, John xv. 5. The Fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Long-ſuffering, Gentleneſs, Goodneſs, Faith, Meekneſs, Temperance: again [...] ſuc [...] there is no Law. And they that are Chri [...]'s, have crucified the Fleſh, with its Affections and Luſts, Gal. v. 22, 23, 24.
I have the Marks of Grace.By the Grace of GOD I am what I am, 1 Cor. xv. 10.
Who ſhall lay any thing to the Charge of GOD's Elect?Knowing Brethren beloved, your Election of GOD; for our Goſpel came not unto you in Word only, but alſo in Power, and in the Holy Ghoſt, and in much Aſſurance, 1 Theſ. i. 4.
[30]I am cetainly one, he hath diſtinguiſhed me from my Neighbours.We know that we are of GOD, and the whole World lieth in Wickedneſs, 1 John v. 19. Be not deceived, neither Fornicators, nor Adulterers, nor Thieves, nor Drunka [...]ds, ſhall inherit the Kingdom of GOD: And ſuch were ſome of you, but ye are waſhed, but ye are juſtified, but ye are ſanctified in the Name of our Lord Jeſus, and by the Spirit of our GOD, 1 Cor. vi. 10. 11.
Made me holy as the Elect of GOD.We are bound to give Thanks alway to GOD, Brethren, b [...]loved of GOD, becauſe GOD from the Begining hath choſen you to Salvation, through Sanctification of the Spirit, and Belief of the Truth, 2 Theſ. ii. 13.
Thanks be to GOD, I have through much Aſſiduity in all the Ordinances, and by a conſtant Application unto all the Means of Grace, made my Calling and Election ſure.Work out your own Salvation with Fear and Trembling, for it is GOD who w [...]rketh in you, both to will and to do, Phil. ii. 13. Brethren, give all Diligence to make your Calling and Election ſure, 2 Pet. i. 10. Shew the ſame Diligence, unto the full Aſſurance of Hope unto the End, Heb. vi. 11.
And now how bleſt, how happy am I? Come Life, come Death, I am ready.I have fought a good Fight, I have finiſhed my Courſe, I have kept the Faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a Crown of Rightcouſneſs, which the Lord the righteous Judge ſhall give me at that Day, and not to me only, but to all who love his Appearing, 2 Tim. iv. 7. Be ye alſo ready, Luke xii. 40.
Thus can the falſe Chriſt ſhew Signs and great Wonders.LIE NOT ONE TO ANOTHER, Col. iii. 9. There ſhall be falſe Teachers among you, 2 Pet. ii. 1. But, he that is of GOD, heareth GOD's Word, John viii. 47.

I need not purſue the Contraſt. What I have adduced is ſufficient to ſhew the Difference of this Author's Sentiments with the Word of GOD. Conviction of Sin, Converſion to GOD, Faith, Holineſs, Heavenly-mindedneſs, &c. he deſcribes as the Signs and great Wonders which the falſe Chriſt can ſhew. But let the Chriſtian World judge who is Antichriſtian, and who ſpeaks under the Influence of the Spirit of Faſlhood and Error. Though perhaps [31] the Chriſtian Reader, may be at a Loſs to account, why this Author ſhould thus diſplay his Talents, in perverting and oppoſing the plain Declarations of Scripture. I would remind him, all this is done according to Mr. Relly's Syſtem, to glorify Jeſus. And ſure it muſt be confeſſed, that he takes juſt as an effectual Method to do this, as though a Perſon ſhould pretend great Love to his preſent Majeſty, and profeſs all Zeal and Loyalty to his Crown and Government; but [...]hould nevertheleſs only counterfeit his Coin, encourage his Subjects [...]o Rebellion, adviſe them to throw off the Yoke of Subjection, and [...]ell them it is Damnably criminal to yield Obedience to his Laws, Proclamations and Edicts: and all this to ſupport and maintain an [...]d Whim or Chimera he had got in his Head of the UNION that ſubſiſts between the King and his Subjects: So that every individual Subject conſtitutes a Part, and the Whole collectively con [...]red, makes up the King's natural Body. Hence, each individual Perſon, being Part of the King, has a Right to do what ſeems good in his own Eyes. Equally as abſurd and ridiculous, neither ſupported by ſolid Reaſon or Scripture Truths, but contrary to, and inconſiſtent with both, is this Author's Figment of Union: A Notion begot by [...]nal Ideas, and hatched from groſs Conceptions, which he attempts to eſtabliſh, inſtead of that myſtical and ſpiritual Union which the Scripture declares ſubſiſts between Chriſt and Believers. As a full Proof of this I need only ſubjoin two Poſitions from the many which which might be extracted, equally as abſurd and unſcriptural.

The Author of UNION, &c. in order to ſuperſede the Practice of confeſſing and forſaking Sin in our own Perſon, aſſerts this (till [...]) unheard of Doctrine. P. 82.‘"As the Promiſe is to ſuch who confeſs and forſake their Sin, it is fulfilled upon us in Jeſus: all the Promiſes of GOD being in him, Yea, and in him, Amen. There have we (with all the Prayers and Supplications, ſtrong Crying and Tears which Jeſus offered in the Days of his Fleſh) confeſſed our Sins unto GOD: and where He having (purged our Sins) appeared the ſecond Time without Sin unto Salvation, we have eternally forſaken them."* Downright Falshood and Nonſenſe.

[32] Again, Page 83. ‘"He [Chriſt] in us, and we in him, have fulfilled all Righteouſneſs, fully kept the Commandments of GOD, and ſuffered the Puniſhment due to our Sins."’ What Hereſy and Abſurdity is this! Need we be ſurpriſed if we ſhould hear this Author next aſſert, this impious, and horrid Blaſphemy? Chriſt in us, and we in Chriſt, created all Things, and without us, was not any Thing made, which is made. I appeal, Is there not as much Propriety from Scripture, and Reaſon to ſay this, as to aſſert that in any Senſe, we ſuffered the Puniſhment due to our Sins?

Thus doth this Author by ſuch groſs Abſurdity, confound the Perſons of Jeſus and the Sinner; the Redeemer and the Redeemed: So as to pervert and deſtroy the plain Senſe and Meaning of Scripture. It is aſſerted, Chriſt redeemed us to GOD by his precious Blood: He gave himſelf FOR us, the Juſt FOR the Unjuſt. Chriſt hath ſuffered FOR us, &c. The Scriptures are clear and determinate on this Point: The Senſe plain and obvious. But this Author's Treatiſe abounds with ſenſeleſs Jargon: [33] and ſerves to no other Uſe and Purpoſe, but to ſubvert the Chriſtian Doctrine, render the Word of GOD of none Effect, and to eſtabliſh a Set of Notions in the Minds of Mankind, which are diametrically oppoſite to the Word of GOD, deſtructive of the Faith and Practice of Chriſtianity, and tend to ſteel Men's Minds againſt Conviction, and ſear the Conſciences, while they abound in open Profaneneſs, Senſuality and Ungodlineſs. Hence we ſee and hear of many who once ſeemed to run well in the Ways of Godlineſs, but Satan has now hindered by theſe pernicious Tenets, and they now glory in their Shame; ſporting themſelves with the [...]r own Dec [...]ivings; who make a m [...]ck of Sin; ridicule ſerious Godlineſs; deſpiſe and neglect all the Ordinances of Chriſtianity; make a ba [...]er of Prayer, &c. Exploding all theſe Things, as proceeding from a legal Spirit, and the Reſult of a ſelf-right [...]ous Diſpoſition; and yet all this while they talk much of, and pretend to glory much in their Notion of Union, their being one with Chriſt, that they were with Chriſt in the Manger, and with him on the Croſs, &c. and tho' their Faith and Practice, be ever ſo diſſonant with the Goſpel of Chriſt, yet indeed there can be no doubt of their being with Chriſt on his Throne of Glory; provided only their grand Catholicon, univerſal Salvation, be true. This Sovereign Remedy, may at preſent, huſh the Fears, ſilence the Clamours of Conſcience, and be called in as the laſt Reſource of Hope, that all will be well at the laſt, if, as they ſay, all Mankind are ſaved, and will be made finally Happy. This Opinion, is at the bottom of this Author's Treatiſe, which I have,

Firſt, Attempted to refute. And therefore, hav ſhew'd

Secondly, That Repentence unto Life, Faith unto Juſtification, Sanctification unto perſonal Holineſs of Heart and Life, is intirely rejected by this Author's Syſtem. For as a natural Conſequence, he denies,

Thirdly, That there is any Change or Alteration wrought in, or paſſ [...]s upon the Souls of GOD's People, under the Energy and Influence of the Holy Spirit, either reſpecting their State or Practice; for what is done by them, or wrought in them, under the Grace and Aſſiſtance of the Holy Spirit, is aſcribed by him, to the workings of the Spirit of Antichriſt. And therefore,

Fourthly, All Scripture is no longer to be Eſteemed, (as poor miſtaken Pa [...]l affirms) 2 Tim. iii. 16, 17. As given by Inſpiration of GOD, and profitable for Doctrine, for Repr [...], for Correction, for Inſtruction in Righteouſneſs: that the Man of GOD may be perfect, throughly furniſhed unto all good Wor [...]. No, [...]r,

Fifthly, A very great Portion of the Word of GOD, according to Mr. Relly's Doctrine, is to no Uſe, End or Purpoſe; vain and inſignificant [34] are all the Exhortations, Cautions, Counſels and Reproofs, which are directed to Believers from the Prophets and Apoſtles, yea, and from our Lord's own Mouth alſo, that the Members of Jeſus might watch and pray, ſtrive againſt Sin, mortify their Luſts, ſubdue their Corruptions, and grow in Grace, and abound in the Fruits of Holineſs. So of Conſequence it follows,

Laſtly, That in the Sight of GOD, there is no Difference between a Life of no [...]orious Ungodlineſs, open Profaneneſs, and Senſuality; and true Believers, being enabled through Grace, to depart from all Iniquity, to deny Ungodlineſs, and worldly Luſts, and to live ſoberly, righteouſly and godly in this preſent World, ſo as to adorn the Doctrine of GOD our Saviour in all Things; living and walking in the Spirit, ſo as not to fulfil the Luſts of the Fleſh: But on the Contrary, that ſuch Practices as the unconverted Corinthians abounded in, of Adultery, Drunkenneſs, Thieving, Luſts, &c. are equally as well-pleaſing to GOD, as after they were waſhed, ſanctified, juſtified, and become new Creatures in Chriſt Jeſus in Heart and Life.

Now, who that has felt the Comfort and Power of the Goſpel of the Grace of GOD, but muſt deteſt and abhor ſuch abominable Principles? Who that has any Love to the Truth as it is in Jeſus, but muſt be fired with a holy Indignation againſt ſuch Tenets? Who that has any Concern for the Glory of GOD, the Good of Mankind, and the Benefit of Society, but muſt be warmed with a Chriſtian Zeal againſt ſuch Doctrines? Who that has any Care for his preſent Peace, any Hope of ſeeing and enjoying GOD and the Lamb, but will be concerned to exerciſe a holy Jealouſy over himſelf, leſt he be drawn away by the Errors of the Wicked, and be corrupted from the Simplicity of the Goſpel?—But obnoxious as theſe Principles are in their Nature, and pernicious in their Conſequences, yet as to the Perſons who retain them, Chriſtian Love will excite to Pity, and influence to Prayer, if peradventure GOD will grant them Repentance unto the Acknowledgement of the Truth: And that they may recover themſelves out of the Snare of th [...] Devil, who are taken captive by him at his Will.

There has been a great Cry among this Author's Votaries, that his Treatiſe UNION is unanſwerable Or why, ſay they, doth not ſome Perſon anſwer it? [...]er it! I have heard that the late Orator Henley, whoſe Advertiſements were [...]countably odd and whimſical, once publiſhed a pecuniary Reward to any one [...] would anſwer him. Upon which a Perſon offered double the Money, to any that could underſtand his Writings and explain his Meaning. This is much the [...] with the Author of UNION. To underſtand him is very difficult; to explain Meaning almoſt impoſſible. So much unintelligible Bombaſt, Falſhood andNonſenſe is ſeldom to be met with in an Author, as are contained in theſe few Sentences. What can he mean by theſe two Adverbs, There and Where? ‘"T [...] have we confeſſed our Sins. And where, he having purged our Sins, appeared the ſecond Time without Sin unto Salvation, we have eternally forſaken them."’ There and where, being Adverbs of Place, leaves the Reader in Perplexity, and c [...] founds the Senſe. Suppoſe we ſupply the Senſe of reading with then and when, A [...] verbs of Time: But though the Senſe is gained, yet the Falſhood is manifeſt. For, Firſt, This Text, H [...]b. ix. 28. runs thus, Chriſt was once offered to bear the S [...] many, and unto them who look for him, ſhall [...]e appear the ſecond Time without Sin [...] Salvation. This doubtleſs refers to the future Appearing of Jeſus in his glorif [...] Form, when every Eye ſhall ſee him; to the Terror and Confuſion of ſome, a [...] to the ineffable Joy and eternal Salvation of others. Now this Period of Time [...] yet to come, as this Appearing of Jeſus is not accompliſhed; therefore it is [...] from hence to aſſert, that we have eternally forſaken our Sins. A [...]d, [...] The Falſhood of this Author's Argument is farther evident, from the D [...]clarat [...] of the beloved Diſciple, 1 John i. 9. If we confeſs our Sins, GOD is fait [...]ful a [...] juſt to forgive us our Sins, &c. Now he wrote theſe Words after Jeſus had [...] up his Prayers and Supplications, ſtrong Cryings and Tears, in the Days of his [...] And it is plain, he knew of no ſuch Doctrine as Mr. Relly has broached, of o [...] confeſſing Sins before we had any Exiſtence. On the Contrary, he writes to e [...] courage Believers to the Confeſſion of Sin unto GOD in their own Perſons, according to the Tenor of GOD's Word, He that confeſſeth and forſaketh his Sin, [...] find Mercy, Prov. xxviii. 13. And as all the Promiſes are in Jeſus Yea and Am [...] the Apoſtle therefore declares, GOD is faithful to his Word of Promiſe, and [...] to forgive us our Sins. But from this Author's Reaſoning, it doth not appear th [...] either he, or thoſe he includes in his Pronoun we, have confeſſed their Sins at all much leſs, that they have forſaken them; leaſt of all that they have et [...]nally forſaken them; and conſequently they have no Warrant from the Word of G [...] conclude that their Sins are forgiven to this very Day. And yet Mr. Relly is ple [...] to declare, page 83. ‘"When Men who are Strangers unto this Union, take it up them to expound the Scripture, it is amazing to ſee with what Contradiction [...] Inconſiſtencies it abounds."’ Amazing indeed! A more flagrant Proof ſure [...] was exhibited.
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TextGrid Repository (2020). TEI. 3879 Antinomian heresy exploded in an appeal to the Christian world against the unscriptural doctrines and licentious tenets of Mr James Relly advanced in his treatise of union c By W Mason. University of Oxford Text Archive. . https://hdl.handle.net/21.T11991/0000-001A-5A6F-4