
THE PEERAGE OF SCOTLAND: Containing an Hiſtorical and Genealogical ACCOUNT OF THE NOBILITY of that Kingdom.

Collected from the Publick Records of the NATION, the Charters and other Writings of the NOBILITY, and from the moſt approved Hiſtories.


EDINBURGH: Printed for the AUTHOR: Sold by George Stewart, at the Book and Angel in the Parliament-Cloſe. 1716.



THE Nature of this Work ſeeming to render ſomething of a Preface neceſſary, I ſhall, for that Reaſon, intirely dedicate it to the Service of the Reader, in as few Words as poſſibly I can.

Having formerly written a ſhort Eſſay upon the Royal Family of STEWART, to which was prefixed an Hiſtorical Account and Deſcription of the Shire of Renfrew: I had no ſooner publiſh'd that little Book; than ſeveral Perſons of eminent Diſtinction for their Learning and Knowledge in the Antiquities of the Nation, for whoſe Judgment I had the moſt profound Regard, ſet upon me to write A Peerage of SCOTLAND, a Book very much wanted; which at length, by their Importunity and promiſed Aſſiſtance, I was prevailed with to undertake.

When I firſt ſet about this Work, as I did entirely devote and dedicate my Time to the Study of Antiquities, particularly thoſe of our own Country, ſo I made it my Buſineſs to collect all thoſe Hiſtorical and Genealogical Tracts that had been done on the Nobility, that I could come to the Knowledge of. The Oldeſt of that Kind I have met with, was a few looſe Sheets on the Genealogies [4] of our Nobility, ſaid to be done by James Lord Ochiltree, in the Hands of my very worthy Friend, and one of our beſt Antiquaries, Mr. Baillie of Caſtlecary; but the Accounts even of the few Families that Lord treats of, are very lame; and I obſerve where he goes much higher than his own Time, they are purely traditional, and therefore I could not depend on them.

I peruſed alſo the large Genealogical Collections concerning the Nobility, by Sir James Balfour, who was Lord Lyon King at Arms, in the Reign of King Charles I. but they are written ſo very looſely, and I have ſeen them contradicted ſo frequently by Writs and Charters, that I give them but little Credit. I ſuppoſe Sir James never intended theſe Papers ſhould have gone further than his own Cloſet, for he was a Learned and Curious Gentleman, as appears from his Annals, in which he is much more exact, eſpecially as to what occurred in his own Time.

I procured likewiſe a Copy of the Hiſtorical Eſſay on the Principal Families of the Kingdom, Alphabetically digeſted, by the learned Lord Advocate, Sir George Mackenzie of Roſehaugh; but I apprehend theſe Papers have been only ſome firſt Draught of a greater Work Sir George intended, which he lived not to finiſh: Of this there are many Copies in ſeveral Hands, the moſt exact by very far of any of them I have ſeen, was that which I had the Uſe of from Thomas Crawfurd of Cartsburn, my Brother, who by his own Reading and Knowledge in the Antiquities of the Nation, has rectified a great many of Sir George's Miſtakes, at leaſt of his Amanuenſis, and has with great Accuracy, embelliſhed his own Copy with a vaſt deal of fine Hiſtorical Remarks, that it well deſerves the Character of a curious Manuſcript.

I had moreover a Sight of the Genealogies of the Nobility, collected by Mr. Dunlop, the late Principal of the College of Glaſgow, who was Hiſtoriographer for Scotland, a Gentleman of great Integrity and Learning, and an excellent Antiquary. I underſtand he intended to have written A Peerage of SCOTLAND, and for that End made very full Collections on that Subject: But I obſerve that moſt of Mr. Dunlop's Accounts are compoſed of thoſe Genealogical Deſcents that the Nobility have in their own Families, and are handed about by their Friends; and that ingenious Gentleman did with great Accuracy and Judgment, [5] add Hiſtorical Memoirs to the Genealogies, which give them a great Ornament; and he is very exact as to his Authorities. The M.S. was communicated to me by my very worthy Friend, Mr. Dunlop, the preſent Profeſſor of Greek in the Univerſity of Glaſgow, the Principal's Son.

But after I had made all thoſe Collections I have mentioned, and a great deal more of that Kind, I cannot ſtay to particularize, I found I had not any tolerable Foundation for the carrying on the Work I had undertaken, for the Honour of the Country, (the Deſign it was principally for) or my own Reputation; and therefore, by the Advice and Direction of my ingenious Friends, who had engaged me in the Deſign, I did with as much Humility and Modeſty as I was Maſter of, addreſs every Peer by myſelf or ſome Friend, for the Aſſiſtance of their own Charters and Writings, to enable me to do their Families Juſtice in this Undertaking.

Such Helps as I ſought were very generouſly afforded me by the greater Part of the Nobility, who allowed me the Peruſal of their Charter-Cheſts and original Writings, from which I compoſed the Accounts of their Families as they ſtand in my Book. Severals indeed I did not ſee; ſome were unwilling to ſhew their Family Writs for divers Reaſons, ſome were Minors, others were Abroad, and out of the Country; and even to ſuch I have done all the Juſtice was poſſibly in my Power. But if the Accounts of ſuch Families, whoſe Charters I have not had Acceſs to, be ſhorter and leſs connected than others, that was what cannot be ſuppoſed I could help: I took Care timeouſly to advertiſe every Body concerned, and if they did not incline to ſhew me their Writs, the Blame cannot be laid on me.

But that I might be the better able to carry on the Work I had undertaken with Advantage, and to form Accounts of thoſe noble Families whoſe Writs I had not ſeen, and to ſupply, if a Hiatus did happen, (as it frequently did) in ſuch Families whoſe Writings I had peruſed I ſearched all the Publick Offices and Libraries about Edinburgh a, and noted every Thing as exactly [6] as I could; and the Keepers of theſe Offices were ſo obliging as to allow me Acceſs at all Hours, ordinary and extraordinary, whenever I call'd, and to whom therefore I do, with all due Gratitude, return my moſt humble and hearty Acknowledgments.

But after all my Labour, I am ſo far from being ſo vain as to imagine this Eſſay is not capable of any further Improvement, that on the contrary I am ſenſible, I have, thro' Inadvertency, and the Errors of the Preſs, eſpecially in Dates and Proper Names of the preſent Age, fallen into many Miſtakes; but I beg the ingenious Reader will pardon theſe Omiſſions, which are inevitable in ſuch Books, and where he diſcovers an Error, he will correct it with his Pen.

Perhaps ſome may think, that I have been fuller upon ſome Families, (even ſome that are extinct) than on others who are much more ancient than thoſe I enlarge more upon. The Reaſon is plain, the Repreſentatives, Relations, or Deſcendents of thoſe noble Families ſhew'd me their Writs, and encouraged my Deſign. If others had done ſo, I doubt not but I ſhould have been able to have done them as full, and vouched them as well. For I can ſay, and do here declare on the Word of a Gentleman, That I had no Regard in the doing of Juſtice in my Province as an Author, to the Encouragement I received from any Man, otherwiſe than to reckon myſelf very much obliged to ſuch; and I own I did not ſpare either Time or Pains to diſcover any Particular, I thought could give an Ornament to the Antiquity, or a Luſtre to the Honour of their Families.

But where I have been aſſiſted from the Publick Records or Authentick Hiſtory, I have been as full on thoſe Families who never incouraged the Deſign, as I have been upon thoſe who gave me the greateſt Aſſiſtance every Way; and for the Truth of this, I can and do appeal to ſeverals of the Nobility themſelves, who will find very long deduced, and well vouched Deſcents of their Families, in this Peerage, who never encouraged my Undertaking in any Degree. But as I ſaid before, That I had had no Reſpect to; for my chief and only Regard was, and ſhall be Truth, and the Honour of our Country, as far as I am capable to diſcover the one, or defend the other.

[7] As to the Work it ſelf, I ſhall ſay nothing: But after ſo great Labour, and Expence of Time, the Eſſay (being new and never before attempted) how defective ſoever it may be, I cannot but hope, will meet with a favourable Reception from the Ingenious, and more particularly have the Approbation and Countenance of Perſons of Diſtinction, who frequently read ſuch Books, and know how uſeful and acceptable Undertakings of this Kind have ever been accounted in all the Polite Nations of Europe.

[1]THE Peerage of SCOTLAND.

HAMILTON Earl of Abercorn.

THE Firſt of this Collateral Branch of the Family of Hamilton, was Lord Claud Hamilton, third Son of James Duke of Chatlerault, Governour of Scotland by the Lady Margaret Douglaſs, Daughter of James, fourth Earl of Mortoun.

Which Lord Claud, was promoted to be Commendator of the Abbacy of Paiſly, upon the Reſignation of John Arch-Biſhop of St. Andrews, Anno 1553, which was ratified and approven by Pope Julius III.

Upon the breaking out of the Civil War, he adhered to the Intereſt of Queen Mary, by whom he was conſtituted one of the principal Commanders of her Army at the Field of Langſide, Anno 1568, where he perform'd the Part of a brave and valiant General, and reſolutely perſiſted in her Majeſty's Service, for which his Eſtate was Forfeited, and continued in other Hands, till his Majeſty King James VI. in 1585, was pleas'd to reſtore the long injur'd Family of Hamilton: And in Teſtimony of the great Senſe he had of that Gentleman's Sufferings for his Loyalty to Queen Mary, did create him Lord Paiſly, Anno 1591: He Married Margaret Daughter of George Lord Seaton, by whom he had Iſſue,

James, firſt Earl of Abercorn.

Sir Claud Hamilton the ſecond Son, was firſt of the Branch of Elieſtoun.

The third, Sir George.

The fourth, Sir Frederick, a Colonel in the Iriſh Wars in the Reign of King Charles I.

Beſide theſe Sons, he had likewiſe a Daughter Margaret, Married to William firſt Marqueſs of Douglaſs, and had Iſſue.

But before I proceed, 'tis proper to take Notice, That James Maſter of Paiſly being a Man of great Parts, was by King James VI. made one of the Gentlemen of the Bed-Chamber; and by reaſon of his ſpecial Merit, was advanc'd to the Dignity of a Lord of Parliament, by the Stile and Title of Lord Abercorn, Anno 1604, being the ſame Year appointed one of the Commiſſioners on the Part of Scotland, to Treat of an Union with England; His Majeſty being pleas'd further to Dignify him with the Title of Earl of Abercorn, by Letters Patent, bearing Date the 10 of July 1606.a

He Married Marion Daughter of Thomas Lord Boyd, by whom he had five Sons and two Daughters.

1. James his Succeſſor in his Eſtate and Dignity.

2d. Claud, whom he provided in his Iriſh Fortune, which he had by the Bounty of King James, after his [2] Acceſſion to the Crown of England, Anno 1603, whom his Majeſty by Letters Patent, bearing Date the 8 of May 1618, created a Baron of Ireland by the Deſignation of Lord Straband a.

3d. Sir William died ſans Iſſue.

4th. Sir George, of whom is deſcended the preſent Earl of Abercorn.

5th. Sir Alexander, Father of Count Hamilton in Germany, dignified by the late Emperor with the Honour of Prince of Nowburgh.

His Daughters were, Anne, married to Hugh Lord Semple, and Margaret to Sir William Cauningham of Capringtoun. He dying on the 3d. of March 1618, (his Father ſurviving him three Years, Died in the Year 1621) his Eſtate and Dignity devolved upon James his Son and Heir.

Which James, Earl of Abercorn, married Katharin the Daughter and ſole Heir of Gerviſe Lord Cliftoun, of the Kingdom of England, Widow of Eſme, Duke of Lennex, by whom he had James his Son and Heir, who in the Year 1651, diſpoſed of his Eſtate in Scotland, and retired into England: his Male Iſſue failing, the Dignity came to Claud Lord Straband, his Heir Male, who dying without Iſſue, left his Eſtate and Title to Charles his next Brother and Heir, who dying without Male Iſſue, the Title of Lord Straband failed, but the Honour of Abercorn, by reaſon of an Entail upon the Heirs Male, deſcended and came to James Hamilton Eſq his Couſin, Son and Heir of James Hamilton Eſq one of the Gentlemen of the Bed-Chamber, in the Reign of King Charles II. (by Eliſabeth his Wife, Daughter of John Lord Culpeper) who was Son of Sir George Hamilton, one of the younger Sons of James firſt Earl of Abercorn.

Which James, the preſent Earl, was by King William created Viſcount of Straband, of the Kingdom of Ireland, and is one of the Lords of the Privy Council in that Kingdom.

In 1706, to preſerve his Scots Peerage, he came over, and ſat in that Seſſion of Parliament which concluded the Union; He hath married Eliſabeth Daughter of Sir Robert Reading, by whom he hath Iſſue James Lord Paiſly.


Two Coats quarterly, firſt and fourth Gules, three Cinque foiles Ermine, ſecond and third Argent, a Ship with her Sails trus'd up, Sable, ſupported by two Antelops, for Creſt a Saw cutting through a Tree, Motto, Through.

SANDIELANDS Lord Abercromby.

THE firſt who enjoyed this Dignity, was Sir James Sandielands of St. Monans, deſcended of the Family of Torphichan, who was Created by King Charles I. in Conſideration of his good Services Lord Abercromby, by Letters Patent, bearing Date the 12 of December 1647,b.

He married Anne Carnegy Daughter of David firſt Earl of Southesk, by whom he had James his Son and Heir, who dyed without Succeſſion, in the Year 1681, whereby the Dignity became Extinct.


Two Coats quarterly, firſt Argent, a Bend Azure, ſecond Argent, a Heart proper, crown'd with an Imperial Crown, Or, on a chief Azure, Three Moletts of the Firſt, the Third as Second, Fourth as Firſt.

GORDON, Earl of Aberdeen.


DESCENDED of an Ancient Family of that Name, who have been for many Ages poſſeſſed of a large Eſtate in Aberdeen-ſhire, and ſprung of a Branch of the Illuſtrious Houſe of Gordon, 300 Years ago, of which Family John Gordon of Haddo, was created a Baronet the 13 of Auguſt 1642.

Upon the breaking out of the Civil War, he eminently diſtinguiſh'd himſelf by his Loyalty to King Charles I. ceaſing not to hazard either Life or Fortune in aſſiſting the Royal Cauſe; He defended his Caſtle of Haddo with great Reſolution and Courage, againſt the Parliaments Forces, Anno 1644; but the Garriſon being treacherouſly Betray'd by the Souldiers, he was ſeiz'd, ſent Priſoner to Edinburgh, Condemn'd and Executed the 14 of July 1644a.

This Loyal Gentleman married Mary, Daughter of William Forbes of Tolquhon, by whom he had two Sons, Sir John, who dying without Iſſue, left his Eſtate and Title of Baronet to Sir George, his Brother and Heir.

Which Sir George, being a Perſon of excellent Parts and Learning, but more eſpecially in the Laws, was promoted to be one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice, Anno 1680, and thereafter on the firſt of November 1681, was conſtituted Preſident of the Seſſion, in Room of Sir James Dalrymple of Stair, and the next enſuing Year he was promoted to be Lord High Chancellor of Scotland, upon the deceaſe of John Duke of Rothes. Having faithfully Demean'd himſelf in all thoſe great Imployments, he was by his Majeſty (King Charles II.) in Conſideration of the untainted Loyalty of his Anceſtors in all preceeding Times, the great Loyalty and Sufferings of his Father, and his own conſtant Zeal and Affection to the Intereſt of the Monarchy, by Letters Patent, bearing Date the 30 of November 1682, advanced to the Dignity and Titles of Earl of Aberdeen, Viſcount of Formartin, Lord Haddo, Methlick, Tarves, and Kellie.

He married Anne, Daughter and ſole Heir of George Lockhart of Torbreaks, by Anne his Wife, Daughter of Sir James Lockhart of Lee, one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice, and by her he had Iſſue William Lord Haddo, his Son and Heir; likewiſe four Daughters.

Anne married to Alexander Earl of Eglintoun, and had Iſſue.

Martha, to John Udney of That Ilk, and had Iſſue.

Mary, to Alexander Maſter of Saltoun, Son and Heir of William Lord Saltoun, and has Iſſue.

Margaret unmarried.

William Lord Haddo in his Father's time married Mary, Daughter of David Earl of Leven, by whom he has one Daughter.


Azure, Three Boars Heads Couped Or, within a Border, charged with Thiſtles, Roſes, and Flower-de-Lys, ſupported by two Doctors in their Doctoral Habits, Motto, Fortuna Sequatur.

Lord Abernethy.

THE Firſt of this Noble Family I have found upon Record, was Orme the Son of Hugh, who flouriſh'd in the Reign of King William: He obtained from that Monarch a Grant of the Lands of [4] Abernethy, whence, according to the Cuſtom of that Time, he aſſumed a Sirname; he left Iſſue a Son Hugh, who got from King Alexander II. the Lands of Dunlopyn, to be holden of him and his Heirs in free Forreſtry, by a Charter dated the 15 of May, the Eight Year of his Reign. He left a Son

Laurence, Lord Abernethy, who obtained from King Alexander II. a Grant of certain Lands in Roxburgh Shire, by a Charter, dated at Edinburgh the 24 of June, the Ninteenth Year of his Reigna.

Alexander, Lord Abernethy, his Succeſſor, in the Reign of King Robert Bruce, dying without Male Succeſſion, his Inheritance came to be ſhared betwixt his Three Daughters, and Co Heirs, thus Married

Margaret, to John Stewart Earl of Angus.

Helen, to David Lindſay of Crawford.

Mary, to Andrew Leſly of Rothes.


Or, a Lyon Rampant Gules, ſurmounted of a Riband Sable.

GORDON, Earl of Aboyn.

AMONG many others, who by reaſon of their ſpecial Merits, were advanced to Titles of Honour, upon the Reſtauration of King Charles II. was Lord Charles Gordon, Son of George, ſecond Marqueſs of Huntly, by the Lady Anne Campbel Daughter of Archbald Earl of Argyle.

Which Charles, highly manifeſting his Loyalty to King Charles I. in the time of the Civil War, and firmly adhering to King Charles II. during the Uſurpation, was, in Conſideration of thoſe his acceptable Services, raiſed to the Degree and Dignity of Earl of Aboyn, by Letters Patent, the 10 of September 1661, and departing this Life Anno 1680, left Iſſue by Eliſabeth his Wife, Daughter of John Earl of Strathmore, Charles his Succeſſor.

2d. George.

3d. John in Arms abroad.

And a Daughter Eliſabeth, married to John Lord Caſtlehaven, Son and Heir of George Earl of Cromerty.

Which Charles Earl of Aboyn, married Eliſabeth Daughter of Patrick Earl of Strathmore, his Couſin German, and dying Anno 1705, left Iſſue Charles now Earl of Aboyn, his Son and Heir, a Minor.


Azure, a Chiveron betwixt three Boars Heads, erazed, Or. within a double Treſſore flowr'd with Flowr de-Lys within, and contra Creſcents without, ſupported by two Chevaliers compleatly Armed, holding each a Halbard in his Hand, for Creſt a Demi Lyon, Gules, armed and langued, Azure, Motto, Stant caetera tigno. b

OGILVIE, Earl of Airly.

THE Ogilvies, according to our Hiſtorians, derive their Deſcent from Gilbert Son of Gilebred, and Brother of Gilchriſt Earl of Angus, who flouriſh'd in the Days of King William, he obtained from that Monarch the Barony of Ogilvy, [5] from whence he aſſumed a Sirname according to the Cuſtom of that Time. Of the Family of Ogilvy, that of Auchterhouſe ſeems to be the principal Branch, whoſe Anceſtor Sir Wolter Ogilvy, in the Fifteenth of King Robert II. had a Grant for his good Services done to that Prince, Annuum redditum vigeſimi noni Librorum debiti nobis de Thanagio de Kinclyes in Vic. de Forfar. He likewiſe had the Barony of Auchterouſe by the Marriage of the Heir-Female of Sir William Ramſay, and was thereafter ſlain at the Battle of Hairlaw, the 29th of July 1411, leaving Iſſue by his Wife aforeſaid, Sir Alexander Ogilvy, Sheriff of Angus, and Sir Walter Ogilvy of Lintrethan, who laid the Foundation of this noble Family.

Which Sir Walter being a Man of Parts and Underſtanding, was upon the Reſtauration of King James I. choſen of the King's Council, and conſtituted Lord High Treaſurer of Scotland a: In which Office he continued for the Space of Seven Years, till the 1431, he was made Maſter of the Houſholdb, and he held the Place till the Death of the King, Anno 1437, and giving Way to Fate in 1441, he left Iſſue by Iſobel his Wife, Sir John his Son and Heir, who flouriſhed in the Quality of a Knight under King James IIc. He married Marion, Daughter of Sir William Seaton of That-Ilk, by whom he had Sir James his Son and Heir, and Three Daughters, Chriſtian married to John Forbes of Pitſligo d Elizabeth to . . . . Kieth of Inverugy, and Marion to Henry Stewart of Roſyth.

Which Sir James being a Perſon of good Parts, was by King James IV. ſent Ambaſſador to Denmark, Anno 1492, in which Negociation he behaved with ſo much Prudence and Dexterity, that upon his Return he was raiſed to be a Peer of the Realm, by the Title of Lord Ogilvy. He married Elizabeth, a Lady of the Family of the Kennedies, and had John his Succeſſor, and again Elizabeth, Daughter to Archbald Earl of Angus. By her he had Walter Ogilvy, the firſt of the Branch of the Ogilvies of Balfour, of the County of Forfar.

Which John married Jean Daughter of William Lord Graham, and had Iſſue, James his Succeſſor, Anthony, Abbot of Glenluce, and Two Daughters, Elizabeth married to William Wood of Bonnieton, and Janet to . . . . Lichton of Ulyſſes-haven, in Vic. de Forfar.

Which James married Elizabeth Daughter to the Earl of Crawfurd e, by whom he had James his Succeſſor, alſo ſeveral Daughters. Margaret married to David Lyon of Coſſins, Iſobel to David Strachan of Carmylie; and Beatrix to . . . . . Garden of Leyes.

James next Lord Ogilvy, married Margaret Daughter of Henry Lord Sinclair, and had Iſſue, James his Succeſſor, Thomas of whom the Ogilvies of Innerkeilor, Alexander Ogilvy of Kinmundy, Archbald Ogilvy of Laton; alſo Four Daughters, Marion married to Patrick Lord Gray, Margaret to David Graham of Fintry, and had Iſſue, Anne to Sir Thomas Erskine of Brechin, Helen to John Lord Innermeath.

Which James married Catharine, Daughter of Sir John Campbel of Calder; and departing this Life in the Month of May 1554, left Iſſue James his Son and Heir, and two Daughters, Agnes married to John Erskine of Dun, and Helen to John Ogilvy of Innerwharity, and had Iſſue.

Which James did firmly adhere to Queen Mary during her Troubles; for which he ſuffer'd a long and tedious Impriſonment till King James VI. took the Government on himſelf, that he was releas'd; and in 1596, ſent upon a ſolemn Embaſſy to Denmark, [6] to aſſiſt at the Coronation of King Criſtern IV. He married Jean, Daughter of William Lord Forbes: By her he had James who ſucceeded him, Sir John Ogilvy of Craig, David Ogilvy of Pitmouies, George Ogilvy of Fornalt, and Sir Francis Ogilvy of Grange; likewiſe a Daughter Margaret married to George Earl Mareſchal; and departing this Life Anno 1606, was ſucceeded by

James his Son, who married Jean, Daughter of William Earl of Gowrte, and had by her

James his Son and Heir, who having given ſeveral eminent Inſtances of his Loyalty and Fidelity to King Charles I. at the Beginning of the Troubles, was, in Conſideration thereof, as well as the Loyalty and Merit of his Anceſtors in all preceeding Times, rais'd to the Honour of Earl of Airly, by Letters Patent, bearing Date at York, April 2d, 1639, and to the Heirs Male of his Body for ever. When the Civil War broke out, this noble Earl did heartily and perſonally engage himſelf in the King's Service, and in all Actions and Interpriſes of the greateſt Hazard and Danger; whereby he became in the firſt Form of thoſe who were moſt obnoxious to the Parliament. By Iſobel his Wife, Daughter of Thomas firſt Earl of Haddingtoun; he had James his Succeſſor, Sir Thomas, a young Man of great Courage and Valour, who from the Beginning of the War in the Time of King Charles I. ſerved his Majeſty very bravely in the Head of a Regiment, which he himſelf had rais'd, with which he fought ſeveral Battles, where he had always Succeſs and Victory, till the Fight at Inverlochy where he loſt his Life; and was very generally lamented, Sir David Ogilvy of Clova; likewiſe a Daughter Helen, married to Sir John Carnagy of Bonymoon.

Which James was like very faithful to the Crown in the Time of the Civil War, during the Reign of King Charles I. for as ſoon as the Marquis of Montroſe took the Field, and declared for the King, the Lord Ogilvy frankly engaged his Perſon in the Service, and always behaved with ſignal Courage. At the unfortunate Adventure of Philiphaugh he was taken Priſoner, and tried and condemn'd by the Parliament to be executed, but was ſo happy as to make his Eſcape the very Night before his Execution, in his Siſter's Dreſs, and again engaged in the ſame Service, and with the ſame Affection: And after very great Sufferings ſuſtained with great Firmneſs and Conſtancy, he liv'd to ſee the King reſtored. He married Helen, Daughter of George Lord Banff: By her he had David his Son and Heir, Marion married to James Lord Coupar; and again to John Lord Lindores, Margaret to Alexander Lord Halkertoun, Mary to Sir John Wood of Bonnieton, and had Iſſue, Helen to Sir John Gordon of Park, and had Iſſue.

Which David married Griſel, Daughter of Patrick Earl of Strathmore; by whom he had James Lord Ogilvy, John Ogilvy Eſq and a Daughter Lady Helen.


Argent, a Lyon paſſant guardant, Gules, crown'd Or, ſupported by Two Bulls proper. Creſt, a Lady from the middle upward, holding a Portcullis in her Arms. Motto, A Fin.

STEUART, Duke of Albany.

THE Firſt who enjoyed this Title, was Robert Stewart, third Son of King Robert II. by Eliſabeth Mure, who in Right of Margaret his Wife, Grandchild and Heir of Allan [7] Earl of Menteth, came to that Honour, and had the Earldom of Fife, by the Reſignation of the Counteſs of Fife; both which Titles he uſed, till he was rais'd to a higher Honour.

The Earl of Fife and Menteth was a Perſon of great Parts and Spirit, which he manifeſted in all his Actions, both in Peace and War. His Father the King had ſo great an Eſteem of his Abilities, that in his old Age, he made him Governor of Scotland; and he continued in the Adminiſtration till the Death of the King.

Upon the Acceſſion of his Brother Robert III. to the Crown, the King being aged and valitudinary, thought fit to continue the Earl of Fife his Brother in the Regency, and further dignified him with the Title of Duke of Albany, Anno 1399, and he diſcharged that great Truſt very well throughout the Whole of his Brother's Reign; and the Prince King James I. being a Priſoner in England at the Time of his Father's Death, the Duke came of Right to be Governor of the Kingdom, and he enjoyed the Office till his Death, September 3d, Anno 1420.

He married firſt Margaret, Daughter and Heir of the Earl of Menteth aforeſaid, by whom he had Murdack his Succeſſor, and ſeveral Daughters, Iſobel married to Alexander Earl of Roſs, and again to Sir Walter Halliburton of Dirleton, Marjory to Sir Duncan Campbell of Lochow, and Elizabeth to Sir Malcolm Fleming of Biggar; next, Mauriella, Daughter of Sir William Keith Mareſchal of Scotland; by her he had John Earl of Buchan, and Sir Robert Stewart Kt.

The Duke of Albany was ſucceeded by Murdack his Son, both in his Eſtate and in the Government of Scotland, but he came very far ſhort of his Father, for being a weak Man, and of ſmall Parts, was ſcarce able to govern his own Family, much leſs the Kingdom: But that which ſhould attone for all his Overſights, and preſerve his Memory from all unkind Reflections, was the glorious Part he acted, in conducing ſo much toward the Reſtauration of King James I. in which he was the great Inſtrument. Not long thereafter, the King growing jealous of the Duke's Power, which no doubt was very great, and diſcovering ſome treaſonable Intrigue in which he was concern'd, he was firſt put under Arreſt, and ſent Priſoner to the Caſtle of Carlaverock; and being ſhortly after brought to his Trial, he was found guilty of High-Treaſon by his Peers, for which he loſt his Head on the 19th May 1425.

This great but unfortunate Duke, married Iſobel, Daughter and Heir of Duncan Earl of Lennox, by whom he had Sir Walter, and Alexander, who being found acceſſory to their Father's Treaſon, both ſuffer'd Death for the ſame, and Sir James who fled to Ireland, where he ſpent the after Part of his unfortunate Life, and left a Son behind him, Sir Andrew Stewart of Stratheven, who came over to Scotland in the Time of King James II. who afterward roſe to great Wealth and Honour, and laid the Foundation of the Family of Evandale and Ochiltree.

The next illuſtrious Brench of the Royal Family who enjoy'd this Title, was Alexander of Scotland, ſecond Son to King James II. who was created Duke of Albany, Anno 1452, which he afterwards forfaulted for his unnatural Rebellion againſt his Brother King James III. and all his Meaſures being broke, he retired to France, where he liv'd till his Death. He left Iſſue by Katharine, Daughter of William Earl of Orkney, from whom he was divorced, a Son Alexander, who was declared illegitimate, and thereupon he enter'd into Orders, and was made Biſhop of Murray. Alſo by Anne his ſecond Wife, Daughter [8] to the Count de Bulloign, the Duke left a Son.

John Duke of Albany, to whom the Adminiſtration of the Affairs of the Kingdom was committed in the Minority of King James V. and he diſcharged that great Truſt with invincible Conſtancy and Courage, till the King came to Age, that he retired into France, where he had a fair Fortune in Right of his Wife. In the Service of that Crown he exerciſed the higheſt military Commands under Francis I. with great Honour and Reputation, even till his Death, Anno 1536. The Title by Reaſon he had no lawful Iſſue, did extinguiſh with him.

The next who had this Honour by Creation, was that comely and graceful Prince, Henry Lord Darnly, whom Queen Mary, a few Days before ſhe took him to be her Husband, did with great Solemnity inveſt in the Title of Duke of Albany; which ceas'd again upon his Marriage, that he was proclaim'd King of Scotland, and had his Name put upon the Coin with the Queen's; Henricus & Maria Rex & Regina Scotorum.

Prince Charles, the ſecond Son of King James VI. was in the Third Year of his Age, Anno 1601, created Duke of Albany, and he bore the Title till by the Death of that incomparable Prince, Prince Henry his elder Brother, he became Prince and Steward of Scotland, Anno 1612; after which this Title lay dormant, till his Majeſty King Charles II. on the Reſtauration, did create his Royal Brother James Duke of York, Duke of Albany, by Letters Patent 31ſt of December 1660a: And this Title his Royal Highneſs always us'd till by the Demiſe of the King his Brother, he came to the Crown by the Name of King James VII.

KER, Earl of Ancrum.

SIR Robert Ker, having long ſerv'd his Majeſty King James VI. and King Charles I. in the Quality of a Gentleman of the Bedchamber, and being a Perſon of very fine Parts, was rais'd to the Honour of Earl of Ancrum, the 24th of June 1633. He married firſt Eliſabeth, Daughter of . . . . . Murray of Blackbarrony, by whom he had William Earl of Lothian; next, Anne, Daughter of William Earl of Darby, to the Heirs of which Marriage the Honour was limited; by her he had Charles his Son, Earl of Ancrum, who died without Iſſue, and thereby the Title became extinct.

Earls of Angus.

GILBERT is the firſt Earl of Angus we read of in the Time of King Malcolm III. and Gilchriſt Comes de Angus his Son, was famous for his warlike Exploits under King William. He married the King's Siſter, by whom he had Duncan, Comes de Angus, who ratified to the Monks of Arbroath, the Grant of his Father to their Convent, of the Churches of Strathechen and Keriemoir.

Malcolm Comes de Angus was his Son and Succeſſorb, who dying without Iſſue, the Earldom devolved to Matilda, Comitiſſa de Angus, his Father's Siſterc, who married Sir Gilbert de Umfraville, an Engliſh [9] Gentleman, to whom the Lady brought the Title of Earl of Angus. By him ſhe had a Son, Gilbert Earl of Angus, who was forfaulted for adhering to the Intereſt of the Baliols.

STEWART, Earl of Angus.

SIR John Stewart Kt. of Bonkle, Son of Sir John Stewart, who was kill'd at Falkirk, and Nephew to the Lord High Steward of Scotland, was at the Coronation of King David II. created Earl of Angus a, and was afterward ſlain at Hallydownhill, leaving Iſſue by Margaret his Wife, Daughter and Co-Heir of Sir Alexander Abernethy, Kt. Thomas his Son and Heir, who by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of Sir William Sinclair of Roſline b, had Thomas his Succeſſor; Margaret Counteſs of Angus, and Elizabeth Wife of Sir Alexander Hamilton of Innerweek, Kt.c, and had Iſſue.

Which Thomas married Margaret, Daughter and Heir of Donald Earl of Marr; but dying without Iſſue, Anno 1377, his Eſtate and Title came to Margaret his Siſter, who was married firſt to Thomas Earl of M [...]r, but being left a Widow by him without any Iſſue, ſhe married again William the firſt Earl of Douglas, to whom ſhe was ſecond Wife, and by him had a Son Sir Gearge Douglas d, firſt Earl of Angus.

MURRAY, Earl of Annandale.

THE ancient Family of Cockpool in Dumfries-Shire, took Beginning in the Reign of King Robert I. Thomas Earl of Murray then gave Willielmo de Moravia, Nepoti ſuo, pro homagio & ſervitio ſuo, omnes terras, & omnia Tenementa, cum pertinen. totius Medietatis tenementorum de Cumlongan, & Rivell, in vallis Annandiaee. This Branch of the Murrays were well known by the Title of Cockpool. Cuthbert Murray of Cockpool, was a Perſon of great Note in the Time of King James I. as Charles his Son was under James II.f; by whom he was nam'd one of the Commiſſioners on a Treaty of Peace with the Engliſh, Anno 1457g, Cuthbert his Son flouriſh'd under King James IV. Of him frequent Mention is made in the Annals of that Reignh. Sir John Murray of Cockpool Kt. his Soni, was the Father of Cuthbert, of the Place foreſaid, and he of Sir Charles Murray of Cockpool, who was one of the moſt zealous Barons for the Reformation of Religion. He married Margaret, Daughter of Hugh Lord Somervel k, by whom he had Sir James, Sir David, and Sir Richard Murray of Cockpool, Bart. who all died without Iſſue Male, and [10] Sir John Murray of Dundrenan, who was the firſt Earl of Annandale.

He was early brought into the Court, under the Favour of the Earl of Mortoun, where his accompliſh'd Parts and Breeding made him quickly taken Notice of, inſomuch as he was in ſhort Time made one of the Gentlemen of the Bed-Chamber to King James VI. Maſter of the Horſe, and knighted: Upon the King's Acceſſion to the Engliſh Crown, Sir John Murray waited on his Maſter into that Realm, under no other Character than a Gentleman of the Privy-Chamber, and had ſo great Credit in the Court, that he quickly got the Reputation of a Favourite. The King beſtow'd immenſe Bounties on him, whereby he came to have one of the beſt Eſtates in Scotland; and therefore, that he might have Titles of Honour equal to his Eſtate, his Majeſty was pleaſed firſt to raiſe him to be Viſcount of Annan a, and then Earl of Annandale, by Letters Patent, 13th of March 1624b, wherein his long and faithful Services to his Majeſty, are very amply acknowledged. He continued in a good Degree of Favour with King Charles I. which he had enjoyed ſo many Years under the Father, even till his Death, Anno 1640. By Eliſabeth his Wife, Daughter of Sir John Schaw, Kt. he had James his Son and Heir, who in the Time of the Civil War, withdrew to England; where he liv'd privately till his Death, 28th of December 1658c, leaving no Iſſue by Eliſabeth his Wife, Daughter of James Earl of Southesk; ſo that the Honour became extinct. This Earl entail'd his Eſtate and Honours to Sir Robert Crichton, his near Kinſman, Nephew to the Earl of Dumfries, who aſſumed the Sirname of Murray and the Title of Cockpool; and he dying without Iſſue Male, left Two Daughters by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of John Lord Madertie, who were Co-heirs, Margaret the Elder, married to George Stirling of Herbert-ſhire, and had Iſſue; and Anne the Younger, to Lord James Murray of Doually, and had Iſſue.

JOHNSTON, Marquis of Annandale.

THE firſt conſpicuous Perſon of this noble Family I have found upon Record, was Sir John Johnſton, who was a Knight of great Valour and Fame in the Reign of King Robert II.d. Sir Adam Johnſton of that Ilk, was very remarkable for his Loyalty to his Prince, and Love to his Country in the Time of James II. and was particularly inſtrumental in ſuppreſſing the Rebellion of the Earl of Douglas e; for which eminent Service to the Crown, he got a Gift of the [11] Lands of Pitenen in Lanerk-Shirea. John Johnſton of that Ilk, his Son, was one of the Conſervators of the Peace with England, Anno 1457b, and afterwards ſignaliz'd his Valour and Courage at the Battle of Kirkonnel, in the unnatural Invaſion of the Duke of Albany, againſt his own Brother King James III. Anno 1483. By Mary his Wife, Daughter of Maxwell of . . . . . . he had James his Heir, and John, of whom the Branch of Wamfray c, of which Lands he became poſſeſſed by the Marriage of Catharine, Daughter and Heir of John Boyle of Ryſholm.

Which James behaved gallantly in ſeveral Encounters on the Borders with the Engliſh, in the Reign of King James IV. By . . . . . Daughter of . . . . . his Wife, he had John his Succeſſor, 2d Robert, 3d Adam of Corry, 4th William.

John Johnſton of that Ilk, his Son, behaved gallantly at the Battle of Pinky, and was afterwards one of the Commiſſioners about the debatable Lands in the Border, Anno 1552d. He married firſt Elizabeth, Daughter of . . . . . . Jerden of Apple-girth, by whom he had John his Succeſſor, Robert of Stabletoun; and a Daughter Dorothea, married to John Mattland of Achincaſtle e, and again Nicolas Douglaſs, of the Houſe of Drumlanrig, by whom he had a Son William, of whom the Branch of the Johnſtons of Corhead.

Which John was a Man of great Spirit and Courage, which he manifeſted in ſuppreſſing of Inroads on the Borders, which much abounded in his Time. He married Margaret, Daughter of Sir John Hamilton of Samuelſtoun, by whom he had John his Son and Heir, and a Daughter Morgaret, married to Sir Robert Douglas of Caſhogle.

Which John being a Gentleman of great Sagacity and Conduct, was much in the Favour of King James VI. by whom he was made Warden of the Eaſt Marches, and Juſticiary, Anno 1579f; and he diſcharged the Office with ſingular Courage and Fidelity till his Death, June 5th, 1581g. By Margaret his Wife, Daughter of Sir William Scot Younger of Buccleugh h, he had Sir James his Succeſſor, and ſeveral Daughters, Janet married to Sir John Carmichael, Captain of Grawfurd, and had Iſſue; and Griſel to Sir Robert Maxwell of Orchardtoun, and had Iſſue.

Sir James Johnſton of that Ilk, his Son, was likewiſe a great Favourite of King James VI. he was nam'd Warden of the Weſt Marches, Anno 1596, after his Father, and continued in the Office, till the King's Entrance to England, that all National Animoſities were remov'd by the happy Union of the Two Nations. He was kill'd in a Family Quarrel by the Lord Maxwell, the 6th of April 1608i, much regreted, ſays the Reverend Biſhop Spotiſwood, being a Gentleman full of Wiſdom, and very well inclin'd. He married Sarah, Daughter of John Lord Harries, by whom he had Sir James his Son and Heir, who was by the ſpecial Favour of King Charles [12] I. rais'd to the Honour of Lord Johnſton, 20th June 1633a, and that for the greater Splendor of his Majeſty's Coronation; and thereafter by other Letters Patent, bearing Date 18th March 1643, was created Earl of Hartfiel b. In the Time of the Civil War, this noble Earl gave many ſignal Teſtimonies of his Loyalty, for which he ſuffer'd both Impriſonment and the Sequeſtration of his Eſtate. He died Anno 1656, leaving Iſſue by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of William Earl of Queensberry, James his Son and Heir; likewiſe three Daughters, Mary married to Sir George Graham of Nedderby, Anceſtor to the Viſcount of Preſton, Janet to Sir William Murray of Stanhope, and had Iſſue, Margaret to Sir Robert Dalziel of Glenae, Anceſtor to the Earl of Carnwath.

James Earl of Hartfiel, upon the Reſtauration of King Charles II. with the Approbation of the Crown, exchanged his Title of Hartfiel to Annandale, Anno 1661, being then one of the Lords of his Majeſty's moſt honourable Privy-Council; and dying 16th July 1674c, left Iſſue by Henrietta his Wife, Daughter of William, firſt Marquis of Douglas, by Mary his ſecond Wife. Daughter of George Marquis of Huntley, William his Succeſſor: Alſo Three Daughters,

1ſt Mary married to William Earl of Crawfurd, and had Iſſue.

2d, Margaret, to Sir James Montgomery of Skelmurly, Bart. and had Iſſue.

3d, Henrietta, to Sir John Carmichael of Bonnytoun, Baronet, and had Iſſue.

Which William was after the Revolution, choſen one of the Lords of the Privy Council to King William and after that one of the Commiſſioners of the Treaſury; likeas he was by the ſpecial Favour of the ſaid Prince, June 24th, 1701d, rais'd to the Honour of Marquis of Annandale.

Upon the Acceſſion of her Majeſty Queen Anne to the Crown, the Marquis was made Preſident of the Council, on the Removal of the Earl of Melvil; and thereafter nam'd conjunct Secretary of State, Anno 1704. From which Office he was ſoon removed, the Earl of Mar being put in his Room. In the Parliament 1706, his Lordſhip oppoſed the Union, and deliver'd ſeveral Speeches and Proteſtations, containing the Reaſons of his Diſſent, which were all enter'd in the Records of Parliament, where they will remain as laſting Monuments to the Honour of his Name.

His Lordſhip married Sophia, Daughter and ſole Heir of Mr. John Fairholm of Craigiehall, by whom he has Iſſue two Sons and a Daughter,

James, Lord Johnſton,

Lord William.

Lady Henrietta, married to Charles Earl of Hopetoun, and has Iſſue.


Quarterly, firſt and fourth, Argent a Saltyre Sable, on a Chief Gules, three Cuſhions Or. Second and Third Or, an Anchor Gules, (for the Name of Fairholm) ſupported on the Dexter with a Lyon rampant, Gules, armed and langued, Azure, crown'd with an Imperial Crown, Or; and on the Siniſter, with a Horſe, Argent, furniſhed Gules. Creſt, a wing'd Spur, with this Motto, Nunquam non paratus.

CAMPBELL, Duke of Argyle.


THIS noble antient Family is deriv'd from a Series of illuſtrious Anceſtors, who poſſeſs'd Lochow in Argyle-Shire, according to the traditional Accounts by the Bards and Sanachies, as early as the Time of King Fergus II. who reſtor'd our Monarchy, Anno Chriſti 404.

The firſt Appellation they us'd was O Dwbin, which, according to an early Cuſtom they aſſum'd from Diarmed O Dwbin, one of their Anceſtors, a brave and warlike Man, who flouriſh'd under King . . . . from whom they are in the Iriſh Language call'd to this Time, Seol Diarmed, that is, the Poſterity and Offspring of Diarmed.

From this Diarmed O Dwbin, the Bards have recorded a long Series of the Barons of Lochow a, whoſe Actions they tell us, were very renown'd both for Valour and Courage.

Paul O Dwbin Lord of Lochow his Succeſſor, call'd Paul in Spuran, ſo denominate from his being the King's Treaſurer, having no Male Iſſue, his Eſtate went to his Daughter Eva, who married Gileſpick O Dwbin, a Relation of her own, who got the Name firſt chang'd from O Dwbin to Cambel, to preſerve and perpetuate the Memory of a very noble and heroick Piece of Service perform'd by him in the Service of the Crown of France, in the Reign of King Malcolm Canmore. By his Lady he left a Son Duncan, who was Lord of Lochow; He was the Father of Colin, and He again of Archbald, called Gileſpick, and he of Duncan, Baron of Lochow.

This laſt mentioned Duncan was the Father of another Gileſpick Cambel, Kt. Lord of Lochow, whoſe Son and Heir Sir Colin More, call'd Dominus Colinus Cambel, Miles, Filius quondam Domini Gileaſpick Cambell, did acquire from Sir William Lindſay, Kt. the Lands of Symontoun in Air-Shire; the Reddendo of which he made over to the Monks of Newbottle, Die Martis in craſtino beati Clementis Martyris & Pontificis, Anno 1293b. I find he was alſo one of the great Men who were ſummon'd to Berwick upon the Part of Robert de Bruce, in the Competition with John de Baliol for the Crown, on the Demiſe of Queen Margaret c; which is all I have found memorable of him in our pulick Records.

The particular Hiſtory of the Family of Argyle does repreſent this Sir Colin More to have been a very renown'd and warlike Chieftain, they tell us, That he was ſlain, in a Conflict with a great Neighbour of his own, the Lord of Lorn; that after he had defeat his Adverſary, purſuing the Victory too eagerly, he was ſlain at a Place called the String in Cowall, and there interr'd, where a great Obelisk was erected over his Grave d.

His Death occaſion'd great Bloodſhed in thoſe Parts, and kindled ſuch a Flame betwixt the Two Families [14] of Lochow and Lorn, as was not extinguiſhed for many Years thereafter, even ſo long as the Argadii, Lords of Lorn, exiſted.

From this Colin it is that the Head of the Family of Argyle are call'd by the Iriſh, MackCallan More even to this Time. By his Wife, a Lady of the Family of the Sinclairs a, he had Two Sons, Sir Neil his Succeſſor, and Sir Donald Campbell of Redhouſe, of whom the Family of London b, and the other Cadets of this illuſtrious Branch of the Campbels derive themſelves.

Sir Neil his Son was honoured with Knighthood, by King Alexander III. in the End of his Reignc. but from the Silence of our Authors, I can particularize none of his Archievements, till the Year 1292, that upon the Demiſe of Queen Margaret, he was one of the Magnates Scotiae ſummon'd to Berwick, upon the Part of Robert de Bruce, when he and all the other Competitors for the Crown had referr'd the Deciſion of their reſpective Claims to Edward I. of Engalnd d; and when that Prince did declare in Favour of John de Baliol, Sir Neil Campbel did ſo far acquieſce in the Deciſion, as to continue faithful to King John, till that unhappy Prince did unking himſelf by an inglorious Surrender of the Independency of the Crown to a Foreign Potentate the King of England, whom he acknowledged Superior and direct Lord of Scotland e.

But no ſooner did King Robert Bruce aſſert his Title to the Crown, and form a rational Project of recovering his own Right, and of redeeming his Country from the Subjection it was under to a Foreign Power, than Sir Neil Campbel was among the earlieſt Patriots, who firſt reſorted to him, own'd his Title, and gave quickly ſo many Proofs of his Zeal and Merit, for the Liberty and Honour of his Country, and of his Loyalty to that heroick Prince; inſomuch that he was thought moſt worthy, and pitched upon to command a Party of Loyaliſts that were ſent to Argyle-Shire, to curb and overawe the Lord of Lorn f, who was a declared Enemy to his Country, and of Conſequence to the Brucian Title; and he perform'd that Service committed to him with Honour and Succeſs, inſomuch that in a ſhort Time he recovered the Countries of Argyle and Lorn, and brought them to ſubmit to King Robert, notwithſtanding the joint Efforts of the Lord Lorn, and his numerous Accomplices on the contraryg; which ſhews him to have been a very reſolute and hardy Patriot: After which Sir Neil ſtuck cloſe to King Robert, and was among the few [15] Scots Patriots, who accompanied him to Scoon, and aſſiſted at the Solemnity of his Coronation, anno 1306. After which he gave many ſignal Inſtances of his Stedfaſtneſs and Loyalty to that Monarch, even in his worſt Circumſtances: For when he was very far from being firmly eſtabliſhed on the Throne, Sir Niel Campbel entered into an Aſſociation with Sir Gilbert Hay, and Sir Alexander Seton, wherein, in a moſt ſolemn Manner, they bound themſelves to deſend, till the laſt Period of their Lives the Liberties of their Country, and Right of Robert Bruce, their King, againſt all Mortals, French, Engliſh, and Scots, to which they appended their Seals at the Abbay of Cambuskenneth, 9 Sept. 1308.

Anno 1314, he was one of the Commiſſioners upon the part of Scotland, authoris'd to Treat with the Engliſh for a Peace, which at that Time, took not its deſir'd Effect: And the next enſuing Year, he was one of the Barons at the Parliament, held at Air, where they made an Entail of the Crown to King Robert and his Heirsa. About which Time, in Conſideration of his good Services, and ſignal Loyalty, he obtain'd a Grant of ſeveral Lands, then in the Crown, by the Forfaulture of thoſe who adhered to the Intereſt of the Baliol; and to oblige him the more, the King beſtow'd upon him the Lady Mary Bruce, his Siſter in Marriage. He departed this Life, in the latter End of the Year 1315, leaving Iſſue two Sons, Colin his Succeſſor, and

John Campbel, who was by King David Bruce, dignified with the Title of Earl of Athole, but dying ſans Iſſue, the Honour went no further in the Family.

Which Sir Colin Campbel of Lochow, began early to diſtinguiſh himſelf for Military Atchievements. He was in the Expedition made into Ireland, anno 1316, in behalf of Edward Bruce, then King of that Realm, where he behav'd with exceeding Gallantry, and perform'd many ſignal Services: In Conſideration whereof, he obtained a Grant of diverſe Lands in Argyle Shire, by a Charter yet extant,b, having faithfully demean'd himſelf during the whole Courſe of King Robert's Reign. He continu'd no leſs ſtedfaſt to King David his Son; for whoſe Service, even when his Affairs were lookt upon to be loſt, he rais'd 400 Men, and took the Caſtle of Dunoon, then in the Hands of the Engliſh; for which notable Service, when that Prince came to be eſtabliſhed upon the Throne, he made him hereditary Governour, which his Deſcendants ſtill enjoyc.

He married a Daughter of the Family of Lennox d, by whom he had Three Sons and a Daughter, viz. Archbald his Succeſſor.

John Campbel was Author of the Branch of Barbreck, of whom deſcended Campbel of Succoch

3d. Sir Dougal Campbel, who loſt his Eſtate for adhering to Edward Baloil.

Alicea, his Daughter, was married to Allan Lauder of Hatton e.

He had a natural Son, Niel, of whom the Campbel's of Melfort derive their Deſcent.

He departing this Life about the Year 1340, was ſucceeded by Archbald his Son, who conſtantly adhered to King David, during his Captivity in England, after the Battle of Durham, and that Prince, upon his Return, to reward his Loyalty, beſtow'd upon him ſeveral Lands then in the Crown, by the Forfaulture of Sir Dougal Campbel, his own Brother, anno 1357f.

[16] He married Mary, Daughter of Sir John Laumont a, by whom he had Colin his Succeſſor, who obtain'd from King David II. a Charter ratifying the Alienation made by Chriſtian, Daughter and Heir of Sir Dougal Campbel, of the Lands of Craigniſh, to be holden of him and his Heirs in as ample manner as Duncan Mackdwyne, his Anceſtor, held the Barony of Lochow, which bears Date 25 March 1370b. He was employ'd by King Robert II. in reſtraining the Incurſions of the Highlanders, who then infeſted the Weſtern Parts of this Realm, whom he reduc'd to the King's Obedience: In Conſideration whereof, he obtain'd from the ſaid King ſundry Lands yet in the Family.

He married Mary Campbel, a Lady of his own Family, by whom he had two Sons, Duncan his Succeſſor.

Colin the ſecond, was Founder of the Family of Arkinlaſs c, of whom Sir James Campbel, Baronet, is lineal Heir. Of Arkinlaſs the Families of Arutenet, Dunoon, Carrick, Skipniſh, Blythſwood, Shawfield, Rachane, Auchvwillen, and Dergachie are Branches.

Beſides which two Sons, he had a Daughter, Chriſtian, maried to Malcolm Mackfarlane of Arochar d.

He had likewiſe two natural Sons, Dougal, Progenitor of the Family of Dunſtafuage, of whom Colin Campbel of Ederlin, and Robert Campbel of Balvie are deſcended.

The ſecond, Duncan, was firſt of that Branch of Duntroon.

To Sir Colin Campbel ſucceeded Sir Duncan his Son: This Duncan being a Perſon of great Parts, arriv'd to very high Advancements, as well in Honour as Eſtate: He married firſt the Lady Marjory Steuart, Daughter of Robert Duke of Albany, Governour of Scotland, and improv'd the Opportunity of his near Allyance with Murdoch Duke of Albany, Governour, while King James 1. was detain'd Priſoner in England, ſo far, that he prevail'd with him, to ranſom and reſtore the King to his Fathers Throne. This prudent Prince, diſcerning ſo much his Abilities, he conſtituted him one of his Privy Council, and his Juſticiar, and Lieutenant within the Shire of Argyle e, was continued in the ſame Office to King James II. by whom he was advanc'd to the Dignity of a Lord of Parliament, by the Title of Lord Campbel, anno 1445f. This much as to his civil Actions. I come to his Works of Piety, which were great and many. He gave in pure Alms to the Monks of the Abbey of Sandale, in Kintyre, the Lands of Blairnatiber, for the Safety of his Soulg, and founded the Collegiate Church of Kilmun, by his Charter, 4 Auguſt 1442h; which Grant he expreſſes to be made, In honorem Dei, heatae virginis Mariae & Sancti Mundi, pro ſalute Animae olim recolendae Memoriae Jacobi Regis & Joannae Reginae ſuae; nec non pro ſalute Animae Jacobi moderni Regis Scotorum meaque propria ſalute & animae quondam Marjoriae Conjugis meae & modernae Conſortis meae, & quondam Caeleſtini filii mei primogeniti omnium Auteceſſorum & Succeſſorum meorum.

This noble Lord left Iſſue by Marjory his firſt Wife, aforeſaid, Daughter of Robert Duke of Albany; three Sons. 1ſt. Caeleſtine, dyed ſans Iſſue.

2d. Archbald, from whom the Male Line of this noble Family ſprung: He [17] married in his Father's Time Eliſabeth. Daughter of Sir John Somervel of Carnwath, Anceſtor to the Lord Somervel, by whom he had a Son Colin, who ſucceeded his Grand-father.

3d. Sir Colin, who was firſt of that Branch of the Family of Glenurchie, now dignified with the Title of Earl of Broadalbin.

By his ſecond Wife Margaret, Daughter of Sir John Steuart of Blackhall, natural Son of King Robert III. he had three Sons;

Duncan, firſt of the Branch of Achinbreak, of whom Sir James Campbel, Baronet, is lineal Heir Male. This Family hath produc'd the Campbel's of Glencardel, Glenſadale, Kilduskland, Kilmorie, weſter Keams, Kilberry, and Dana.

Niel, the ſecond Son, was Anceſtor of Campbel of Ellengreg, whereof the Heir is Sir Niel Campbel. Of this Family, is Colin Campbel of Ormandale, now Major General in the Muſcovite Service.

Of the 3d. Son Iſſued the old Campbel's of Ottar, extinct.

Lord Duncan departing this Life, 1453, was buried in the Church of Kilmun, where there is a noble Monument erected over him, with the Statue of Himſelf, as big as the Life, about the Verge of the Tomb, is this Inſcription,Hic Jacet
Dominus Duncanus, Dominus le Campbel, Miles de Lochow.

To Duncan Lord Campbel ſucceeded immediately Colin his Grand-ſon and Heir, who was created Earl of Argyle, by K. James II. anno 1457a; being a Man of eminent Parts, was in the Reign of James III. employ'd in the higheſt Offices in the State, as Privy Seal, Maſter of the Houſhold, and Lord high Chancellor; all which he diſcharged with great Ability and Integrity: He was in no leſs Favour with King James IV. after his Acceſſion to the Throne (tho without having any particular Hand in the Contrivances and barbarous Actions, which were exercis'd in Order thereto) who conſtituted him again Chancellor, anno 1488b. He enjoy'd that Office till his Death, anno 1492.

He married Iſabel, one of the Daughters and Co-heirs of John Steuart, Lord Lorn, by whom he had two Sons, Archbald his Succeſſor, and Thomas, a younger Son, of whom deſcended the Family of Lundie in Angus c, likewiſe five Daughters.

1. Margaret, married to George Lord Seton, and had Iſſue.

2d. Iſabel, to William Maſter of Drummond, Son and Heir of John Lord Drummond, and had Iſſue.

3d. Helen, to Hugh, firſt Earl of Eglintoun, and had Iſſue.

4th. Eliſabeth, to John, ſecond Lord Oliphant, and had Iſſue.

5th. Mary, to Aeneas Mackdonald, natural Son and Heir of Tailzie to John Earl of Roſs.

Archbald Earl of Argyle, his Son, ſucceeded him, being a noble Man of great Parts and Wiſdom: He was by King James IV. promoted to be Chancellor of Scotland, anno 1494d, Lord Camberlain, Anno 1495e, and Maſter of the Houſhold, 1498f. At the Battle of Flowden, he Commanded the Van-Guard of the Army; and behaving himſelf with great Valour, was there killed, with his Royal Maſter King James IV. and the Flower of his Nobility, 9 of September 1513, leaving Iſſue by Eliſabeth his Wife, Daughter of John, firſt Earl of Lennox, four Sons, Colin his Succeſſor.

Archbald Campbel of Skipniſh, was the ſecond, which failed in an Heir Female, in the Reign of Queen Mary.

Sir John Campbel, third Son, came to the Poſſeſſion of a fair Eſtate, by [18] the Marriage of Morella, Daughter and ſole Heir of John Calder of that-Ilk, whoſe Succeſſor is Sir Hugh Campbel of Caldar: Of this Branch of the Family of Argyle, are the Campbel's of Archattan, Airds, and Sir Archbald Campbel of Clunies deſcended.

Donald, fourth and youngeſt Son, was Abbot of Couper, of whom the Campbel's of Kythack in Angus derive their Deſcent.

Beſides theſe Sons, he had likewiſe four Daughters. Margaret, married to John Lord Erskin, and had Iſſue. Iſabel, to Gilbert, ſecond Earl of Caſſils, and had Iſſue. Mary, to John Steuart Earl of Athole, and had Iſſue. And Jean, to Sir John Laumont of Inneryne, and had Iſſue.

Colin, Earl of Argyle, his Son, was nam'd one of the four Counſellours to King James V. anno 1525; in 1528 he was conſtituted Lieutenant of the Borders, and Warden of the Marches; which Office he diſcharged ſo much to his Majeſty's Satisfaction, that he obtain'd firſt a Grant of the Lordſhip of Abernethy, then in the Crown, by Angus's Forfaulture, and after an ample Confirmation of the hereditary Sheriffſhip of Argyle Shire, Juſticiary of Scotland, and heretable Maſter of the Houſholda.

He married Janet, Daughter of Alexander Earl of Huntly, by whom he had two Sons, and one Daughter, viz. Archbald who ſucceeded him.

John Campbel, ſecond Son, from whom is deſcended the Branch of Lochnel, which produc'd the Campbel's of Balerno and Stonfield.

Alexander Campbel, third Son, Dean of Murray, had no Succeſſion.

Margaret, married firſt to James Steuart Earl of Murray, natural Son of King James IV. and then to John Earl of Sutherland.

He departing this Life, anno 1542, was ſucceeded by Archbald his Son and Heir; which Archbald was one of the Peers, who upon the Death of King James V. entred into an Aſſociation to oppoſe the then intended Match betwixt Queen Mary and King Edward VI. of England, and conſequential Union of the Crowns, as tending, To the high Diſhonour, perpetual Skaith, Dammage and Ruin of the Liberty, and Nobleneſs of this Realm, as it runs in the Original yet extant, bearing Date the 4th. July, 1543b.

Upon the breaking out of the War with England, he remarkably diſtinguiſh'd himſelf by his Valour and Conduct, both at the Battle of Pinkie, anno 1547, and at the Siege of Haddingtoun, 1548, in Defence of his Queen and Country, related at large by our Hiſtoriansc. This noble Lord was the firſt of his Quality who imbrac'd the Proteſtant Religion, in the Beginning of the Reformation, of which he was a hearty Promoter, and continu'd ſtedfaſt in the Profeſſion thereof; when adying he recommended to his Son, to propogate the preaching of the Goſpel, according to the reform'd Principles, and the ſuppreſſing Romiſh Superſtition and Idolatry. He dyed anno 1558d, leaving Iſſue by Lady Helen Hamilton his firſt Wife, Daughter of James Earl of Arran; Archbald his Son and Heir, and by his ſecond Wife Mary Graham, Daughter of William Earl of Monteith,

Sir Colin Campbel of Buchuan, and two Daughters,

1. Margaret, married to James Steuart Lord Down, Anceſtor to the preſent Earl of Murray, and had Iſſue.

2d. Janet, to Hector Macklane of Dowart, and had Iſſuee.

Archbald Earl of Argyle, his Son being a Perſon of ſingular accompliſhments, [19] was by the Eſtates of Scotland, ſent Ambaſſador to the Queen, then in France, anno 1559, to Supplicate her Majeſty in Favour of the Reformation: But that taking no Effect, he, together with the Earls of Glencairn, Morton, and others, entred into an Aſſociation, wherein they bound themſelves to aſſiſt one another in advancing the Cauſe of Religion, which at laſt they got happily eſtabliſh'd by Act of Parliament, anno 1560a.

Upon the breaking out of the Civil War, in the Reign of Queen Mary, he eſpous'd her Intereſt, and was General of her Forces, at the Battle of Langſide, againſt the Earl of Murray, then Regent. After which he ſubmitted to the Authority of her Son, King James, and came to be ſo conſiderable in that Party, that upon the Death of Matthew Earl of Lennox, Regent, anno 1571, he ſtood a Candidate for that Poſt; but the Earl of Marr being preferr'd to the Regency, he was conſtituted Lord High Chancellor. He enjoy'd that Office with univerſal Reputation for the Space of Three Years, even to his Death, which happen'd in September 1575b, to whoſe Memory the famous Mr. Johnſton c, compos'd this Epigram.

Gens Albina vetus, gemini incunabula Regni
Quae poſuit, (fuerant nam duo Regna prius:)
Illa viris armiſque potens, totque aucta tropaeis,
Quae dominos rerum tot dedit una Deos;
Hec & avos, atavoſque dedit, loca priſca tenemus,
Tecta, Lares, mores, & decora alta ducum.
Sufficeretque vetus nobis ea gloria: verum
Major ad ignoti nos vehit aſtra poli.
Adſcriptique Dei jam ſancta in faedera cives,
Magnanimi audemus pro pietate mori.
Gens quae jura prius dederat, nunc accipit. Ergo
Bis felix: quae dat, quae nova jura capit.

This worthy Lord married two Wives, 1ſt. Lady Jean Steuart, natural Daughter of King James V. 2dly. Jane, Daughter of Alexander Earl of Glencairn, but by none of 'em left any Iſſue; whereupon his Eſtate and Honour came to Sir Colin Campbel of Buchuan, his Brother and Heir.

Which Colin was conſtituted one of the Lords of the Privy Council to King James VI. anno 1577, and Lord High Chancellor of Scotland, upon the Deceaſe of John Earl of Athole, 1579, which, together with ſeveral other great Employments in the State, he enjoy'd till his Death, in the Year 1584d.

He was married firſt to Janet Steuart, Daughter of Henry Lord Methven, but by her he had not any Iſſue; and by Agnes his ſecond Wife, Daughter of William Earl Mariſhal, and Widow of James Earl of Murray, He had two Sons, Archbald who ſucceeded him, and Sir Colin Campbel of Lundy, Baronet.

Which Archbald Earl of Argyle was conſtituted General of the Forces rais'd againſt the Earls of Huntly and Errol, at the Battle of Glenlivet, anno 1594e, and ſuppreſt the Inſurrection of the Mackgregors 1603f, and another more formidable by the Mackdonalds, in the Weſtern Iſles, 1614g: In Reſpect whereof, and his other great Merits, he obtain'd a Grant of the Country of Kintyre, anno 1617, which was ratified by a ſpecial Act of Parliamenth.

In 1618, he went to Spain, and ſignaliz'd himſelf in that Service againſt the States of Holland, and aſſiſted at taking ſeveral Places of Strength, but by his Majeſty's Permiſſion returning to England, he dyed at London, anno 1638i. He married firſt Anne, Daughter of William Earl of Morton, by whom he had Archbald his Succeſſor, and four Daughters.

1. Anne, married to George, ſecond Marqueſs of Huntly, and had Iſſue.

[20] 2d. Annabel, to Robert, ſecond Earl of Lothian, and had Iſſue.

3d. Jean, to John, firſt Viſcount of of Kenmure, and had Iſſue.

4th. Mary, to Sir Robert Montgomery of Skelmurly, and had Iſſue.

2dly. He married Anne, Daughter of Sir William Cornwallis of Brome, Anceſtor to the Lord Cornwalis in England, by Mary his Wife, third Daughter, and one of the Coheirs of John Lord Latimer a, by whom he had a Son James, created firſt Lord Kintyre, by King James VI. anno 1622, and by King Charles I. dignified with the Title of Earl of Irvine, by Letters Patent, bearing Date 28 March 1642b, and a Daughter Mary married to James Lord Rollo, and had Iſſue.

Archbald Earl of Argyle, his Son, was a Man of great Learning, ſingular Judgment, and other Endowments, which recommended him ſo much to the Favour of King Charles I. that he conſtituted him one of the Lords of his Privy Council.

In 1628, he reſign'd in his Majeſty's hands the Juſticiary of all Scotland (which had been in his Family for divers Ages) reſerving to himſelf and his Heirs, the Juſticiary of Argyle and the Weſtern Iſles, and where ever elſe he had Lands in Scotland, which was ratified by Act of Parliament, in 1633, where his Majeſty was preſent in Perſon. Not long after which, in reſpect of his own Merit, as well as the remarkable Fidelity and Loyalty of his Family in former Times to the Crown, his Majeſty was graciouſly pleas'd to create him Marqueſs of Argyle, by Letters Patent, bearing Date 15th. November 1641.

When the Troubles began in that Reign he joyn'd with the Parliament of Scotland, and ſhew'd himſelf a Zealous aſſerter of the Presbyterian Church Government, which was then eſtabliſh'd.

After the horrid Murder of the King, he contributed much to the dutiful Reception of his Majeſty King Charles II. into Scotland, anno 1650, and at the Solemnity of his Coronation 1ſt. January 1651, he aſſiſted ſoeminently as to put the Crown upon his Head: But upon the Reſtoration of his Majeſty, anno 1660, he was attainted of High Treaſon, for correſponding and complying with Oliver Cromwel (the too too common Fault of the Times) and found guilty by the Parliament, was beheaded at Edinburgh, the 27 of May, anno 1661. Imediately before his Execution, he ſolemnly declar'd, That from his Birth, to that Moment, he was free of any Acceſſion to the Death of King Charlesc, and like a good Chriſtian, pray'd God to bleſs his preſent Majeſty, in his Perſon and Government.

This great Peer was married to Margaret, Daughter of William Earl of Mortoun, by whom he had two Sons, Archbald Earl of Argyle. And

Lord Niel Campbel of Ardmaddie, ſometime Governour of Dunbartoun Caſtle, married firſt Vere, Daughter of William Earl of Lothian, by whom he had Mr. Archbald Campbel his Son and Heir, a Gentleman of eminent Learning, and other Accompliſhments: Alſo by his ſecond Wife Suſanna, Daughter of Sir Alexander Menzies of Weim, he had two Sons, Mr. Neil Campbel Advocate, and Mr. Alexander Campbel. The Marqueſs had likewiſe three Daughters.

1ſt. Anne, a Lady of excellent Endowments, never married.

2d. Jean, married to Robert firſt Marqueſs of Lothian, and had Iſſue.

3d. Mary, to George Earl of Caithneſs, ſans Iſſue, after his Death, to John Earl of Broadalbin, and had Iſſue.

The Title of Marqueſs of Argyle failing by the Forfaulture of this [21] Archbald, his Majeſty was graciouſly pleas'd to reſtore Archbald Lord Lorn his Son, to the Eſtate, Title, and Precedency formerly enjoy'd by his Anceſtors, Earls of Argyle a.

Which Archbald, Earl of Argyle, was conſtituted Captain of his Majeſty's Foot Guards, anno 1650, with this Speciality, That tho all Commiſſions were then given by the Parliament, yet he would not ſerve without a Commiſſion from the Kingb. After the Deſeat of the Royal Army at Worceſter, anno 1651, he took Arms for his Majeſty's Service, which incens'd Oliver Cromwel ſo much againſt him, that tho he granted a Pardon and general Indemnity to the People of Scotland, by his Proclamation the 12 of April 1654, yet was he, with ſeveral other Loyaliſts, particularly excepted; notwithſtanding of which, with ſingular Conſtancy, he preſerv'd his Duty and Fidelity to his Majeſty inviolated, in the worſt Times, would never capitulate, till he had General Midelton's Order from the King ſo to do, bearing Date 31 of December 1655c: Then he made his Compoſition, without any other Engagment than laying down his Arms, whereupon he retired to his own Houſe, that he might live quietly, and retain'd ſtill his Affection and Fidelity to the King; of which his Majeſty was ſo perfectly ſenſible, that he was pleas'd to make his eminent Loyalty and Zeal toward the Reſtoration, the onerous Cauſe of reſtoring him to his Father's Fortune, anno 1663. Not long after he was nam'd a Privy Counſelour, and one of the Commiſſioners of the Treſaury, which for many Years he diſcharged with great Fidelity, and thro' all Changes appear'd an earneſt Eſpouſer of the Proteſtant Intereſt: For ſeeing to what Paſs things were like to come, he propos'd in a Committee of Council, that to the Teſt might be added ſome Acts againſt Popery, which was ſo ill taken, that all methods imaginable were devis'd to ruin him, which at laſt was effected, under a Pretence of his putting his own Senſe and Explanation upon the Teſt, when he took d it in theſe Words,

I have conſider'd the Teſt, and am deſirous to give Obedience, as far as I can; I am confident, the Parliament never intended to impoſe contradictory Oaths; and therefore I think no Man can explain it, but for himſelf, and reconcile it, as it is genuine, and agrees in its own Sence; and I take it ſo far as it is conſiſtent with it ſelf, and the Proteſtant Religion: And I do declare, I mean not to bind up my ſelf, in my Station, but in a lawful Way, to endeavour any thing I think for the Advantage of the Church or State, not repugnant to the Proteſtant Religion, and my Loyalty: And this I underſtand, as part of my Oath.

For which, by the inſinuating Perſwaſions of ſome who bore him no good Will, the King was ſo far incens'd againſt him, that he not only commanded him Priſoner to the Caſtle of Edinburgh, but gave Order for his Tryal. Being found Guilty of high Treaſon, he made his Eſcape out of the Caſtle, very dexterouſly, in the Dreſs of a Lady's Pagee, got over to Holland, whence with a few Men he invaded this Kingdom, 1685, in the Beginning of the Reign of King James VII. a little before the Duke of Monmouth landed in England, f but never having got together above 2000 Men, was ſoon after totally routed near Kilpatrick, and taken Priſoner: He was Beheaded at the Croſs [22] of Edinburgh the 30 of June 1685, upon his former Sentence. 'Tis ſaid, he compos'd this EPITAPH a few Hours before his Death.

Thou Paſſenger, that ſhalt have ſo much Time,
As view my Grave, and ask what was my Crime:
No Stain of Error, no black Vices brand,
Did me compel to leave my native Land.
Love to my Country, Truth condemn'd to die,
Did force my Hands forgotten Arms to try,
More from Friends Fraud my Fall proceeded hath,
Than Foes, the Thrice they did attempt my Death.
On my Deſign, the Providence did frown,
Yet GOD at laſt, will ſurely raiſe his own:
Another Hand, with more ſucceſsful Speed.
Shall raiſe the Remnant, bruiſe the Serpent's Head.

This Archbald, Earl of Argyle, married Mary Steuart, Daughter of James 3d. Earl of Murray, by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of Alexander Earl of Home, by whom he had four Sons, viz.

Archbald late Duke of Argyle.

John Campbel of Mamore, 2d. Son, Member of Parliament for Dunbarton Shire, married ---- Daughter of John Lord Elphingſtoun, and has Iſſue.

Colonel Charles Campbel 3d. Son.

Colonel James Campbel 4th. Son, married Margaret, Daughter of David Leſly, Lord Newark, and has Iſſue.

Alſo two Daughters.

Anne, married firſt to Richard Earl of Lauderdale, and now to Charles Earl of Murray.

Jean, to William Marqueſs of Lothian, and has Iſſue.

Archbald Lord Lorn his Son, was one of the few Scots Peers that came over from Holland with the Prince of Orange, the late King William, into Britain, anno 1688. He was own'd by the Convention of Eſtates as Earl of Argyle, before the Forfaulture of his Father was reſcinded, which, by The Claim of Right, was declar'd to be A Reproach to the Nation. He was particularly Active to have the Crown eſtabliſhed on the Prince and Princeſs of Orange, as the Engliſh had done; which being by a great Majority carried in the Houſe, his Lordſhip was ſent from the Nobility, with other two from the Barons and Burroughs, to offer the Crown in the Name of the ſaid Convention to their Majeſties, and tender'd them the Coronation Oath, for which, and many other good Services, upon their Advancement to the Throne of this Realm, he was admitted one of the Privy Council 1ſt. of May 1689, and anno 1690, made one of the Lords of the Treſaury, and after that Colonel of the Scots Guards of Horſe, and one of the extraordinary Lords of the Seſſion, upon the Deceaſe of William Duke of Hamilton, in the Year 1694: And further, in Conſideration of his good Services, he was by his ſaid Majeſty created into the Dignity and Titles of Duke of Argyle, Marqueſs of Kintyre and Lorn, Earl of Campbel and Coual, Viſcount of Lochow and Glenyla, Lord Innerara, Mull, Morvern, and Tyrie, by Letters Patent, bearing Date at Kenſingtoun the 23 of June, 1701. Likeas, he carried over a Regiment to Flanders for King William's Service, conſiſting almoſt, both Officers and Souldiers, of his own Name and Family, who bravely diſtinguiſh'd themſelves thro' the whole Courſe of the War.

He married Eliſabeth, Daughter of Sir Lionel Talmaſh of Helingham, by Eliſabeth Dutches of Lauderdale, his Wife, Daughter and Heir of William Murray Earl of Dyſart, and Siſter to Lionel now Earl of Dyſart, by whom he had Iſſue, two Sons and a Daughter.

John, the preſent Duke of Argyle.

Archbald Campbel Earl of Ilay.

Anne, married to James Steuart, 2d. Earl of Bute.

He departing this Life the 28 of September 1703, was ſucceeded by

John, the preſent Duke of Argyle, his Son and Heir, who from his Youth, according to the Rule of his great Anceſtors, betook himſelf to a Military Life, was Colonel of a Regiment of Foot, at the End of the laſt War, when not full Seveenteen Years of Age, and even then gave ſignal Proofs of his Valour.

[23] In the Beginning of this War, he was conſtituted Brigadeer and Colonel of a Regiment of Foot, Major General, and then Lieutenant General in which Characters he has in a very eminent Mannerdiſtinguiſh'd himſelf thro' the whole Courſe of this preſent War; was at the Battle of Ramllies, and at the Siege of Menin, of which he took Poſſeſſion; commanded and took the Fort of Plaſandale, and aſſiſted at the Siege of Oſtend; was remarkably Active in the Pight at Audenard, and afterward took Poſſeſſion of Lille, (the Siege of which Town he had aſſiſted in) as alſo of Ghent and Bruges, and particularly ſignaliz'd himſelf in the Campaign 1709, at the Siege of Tournay, and the Battle of Blareignes; In ſhort, there has ſcarce been a Battle or Siege this War in Flanders, at which he did not aſſiſt in Perſon.

Upon his Father's Deceaſe, he was conſtituted one of the Lords of Her Majeſty's Privy Council, and Captain of the Scots Guards of Horſe, and one of the extraordinary Lords of Seſſion, and Knight of the moſt noble Order of the Thiſtle, anno 1704.

In the Year 1705, Her Majeſty was pleas'd to add to his other Employments, that of Lord High Commiſſioner to Repreſent Her Royal Perſon in the Parliament, when not above 23 Years of Age: And upon his Return to Court, in Conſideration of his many ſignal Services, he was created a Peer of England, by the Title of Baron of Chatham, and Earl of Greenwich.

In 1710, He was appointed Generaliſſimo of Her Majeſty's Forces in Spain, elected Knight of the Garter, and diſpatch'd with the Character of Ambaſſador-Extraordinary, and Plenipotentiary to Charles III. of Spain.

His Grace has married Mary, Daughter of Thomas Brown Eſq and Niece to Sir Charles Duncomb, late Lord Mayor of London.


Quarterly, 1ſt. and 4th. Girony of Eight, Sable and Or, 2d. and 3d. Argent, a Galley with her Oars in Action, ſupported by two Lyons Rampant, Gules, Creſt a Boars Head eraz'd, Or, Motto, Ne Obliviſcaris.

Earls of Athole.

AThole had early Earls in the Reign of King Malcolm IV. Malcolm is then Earl of Athole: He out of his Devotion to God, gave in pure Alms to the Monks of Scoon the Church of Logen-mabed, with four Chappels thereunto belonginga, for the Safety of his Soul, and to the Abbay of Dumfermling, the Tithes of the Church of Mollin, Pro ſalute animae ſuae & animae Sponſae ſuae & Regum Predeceſſorum ſuorum ibidem requieſcentium, which was ratified by King William b. He left Iſſue,

Henry his Son and Heir, from whom the Title of Earl of Athole came to Alanus Oſtiarius Domini Regis: For I have found him deſign'd Earl of Athole, in a Confirmation he made to the Abbacy of Arbroth, of the Wood of Torfeach in Aberdeen-Shire, formerly given by Thomas de Lundin Oſtiarius Regis his Father, to that Convent, which King Alexander II. ratified by his Charter, the 12th. of October, the 19th. Year of his Reignc.

From this Family the Title of Earl of Athole was transfer'd to Thomas of Galloway, by Marriage of Iſabel, the Heir Female. Patrick Earl of Athole their Son, was burnt in his own Lodging at Haddingtoun, anno 1241d, whereupon his Eſtate [24] and Title deſcended to his Mother's Siſter, then the Wife of David Haſtings, an Engliſh Gentlemana, by whom he had one Daughter, married to John de Strathbolgie b. David Earl of Athole, their Succeſſor, was Conſtable of Scotland, in the Beginning of the Reign of King Robert I. He's ſo deſign'd in a Charter granted by that Monarch, erecting the Lands of Tarves into a Regality, in favour of the Monks of Arbroth, 26th. of February 1311c. And another David Earl of Athole, his Succeſſor, who was conſtituted Governour of Scotland, by Edward Baliol; for whoſe Service he rais'd an Army, but was totally routed, and himſelf killed, at the Battle of Kilblain, by the Scots, under the Conduct of Patrick Earl of March, and Sir Andrew Murray, anno 1335. His Eſtate by Forſalture falling to the Crown, it ſo continued till King David II. was pleas'd to beſtow both the Eſtate and Title of Earl of Athole, upon John Campbel, Son of Sir Neil Campbel of Lochow, by the Lady Mary Bruce his Wife, Daughter of Robert Earl of Carrick, and Siſter to King Robert Bruce; but he dying without Succeſſion, the Title became extinct by his Death, but did not long ſo continue, for King Robert II. was pleas'd to revive it again in the Perſon of Walter Steuart his ſecond Son, by Eupham Roſs his Queen in the 5th. Year of his Reign, anno 1375d. He founded the Collegiate Church of Methven, anno 1433, which he amply endow'd with Lands and Tithes within his own Territories, for the Salvation of his Soul, according to the Devotion of theſe Days; and conſiderably enrich'd himſelf by the Marriage of Margaret, eldeſt of the Daughters and Co-Heirs of Sir David Barclay of Brechin, by whom he had David his eldeſt Son, who died in England, one of the Hoſtages for the Ranſom of King James I. and Alan Steuart, Earl of Caithneſs, who was killed, fighting bravely in the Service of his Country at the Battle of Innerlochy, anno 1428e.

This Walter Earl of Athole, was the principal Actor in the horrid Murder of King James I. his Nephew, which proceeded (ſays our Hiſtorians) from a Reſponſe he had from ſome of his Highlanders, that before his Death he ſhould be Crown'd in a ſolemn Aſſembly. For this horrid and unnatural Crime, the Sentence of Death was executed upon him, in a moſt exemplary Manner, famous over all Europe; and his Eſtate was annexed to the Crown.

STEUART, Earl of Athole.

THE Firſt of this Illuſtrious Branch of the Family of Steuart, who attain'd this Dignity, was, John Steuart Son and Heir of Sir James Steuart, for Diſtinction call'd The black Knight of Lorn, by Jean his Wife, Dowager of King James I. and Daughter of John Earl of Somerſet; which James was created Earl of Athole by his Uterine Brother, King James II.f

In the Reign of King James III. he was conſtituted his Majeſty's Lieutenant, againſt the Lord of the Iſles, then in Rebellion; and by his Valour and Conduct, he reduc'd him to the King's Obedienceg: For which ſignal Service, he had thereupon a ſpecial Grant of ſeveral Lands, and [25] this Motto added to his Arms, Furth Fortune and fill the Fetters, in 1457, he was one of the Conſervators of the Peace with England, and in 14 [...] was join'd in Commiſſion with ſeveral others, to treat of a Peace with the Engliſh, which they then concluded. He married firſt Beatrix, Daughter of Archibald fifth Earl of Douglas, by whom he had a Daughter Eliſabeth, married to Patrick Lord Gray.

2dly. Eleanor Sinclair, Daughter of William Earl of Orkney, by whom he had John his Succeſſor, 2d. Andrew, Biſhop of Caithneſs, and Daughters.

Jean, married to Alexander Earl of Huntly, and had Iſſue.

Catharine, to John Lord Forbes, and had Iſſue.

Iſobel, to John Earl of Lennox, and had Iſſue.

Eliſabeth, to Alexander Robertſon of Strowan, and had Iſſue.

He departing this Life 19 September 1512; was ſucceeded by John his Son and Heir, who was killed at Floudoun 9 September 1513, leaving Iſſue by Mary his Wife, Daughter of Colin Earl of Argyle: John his Son and Heir, and Daughters, Janet married firſt to Alexander, Maſter of Sutherland, and had Iſſue. Then to Hugh Kennedy of Girvanmains. And 3dly. To Henry Steuart Lord Methven, and had Iſſue. Helen to John Lord Lindſay, and had Iſſue. Eliſabeth, to John Mackenzie of Kintail, Anceſtor to the Earl of Seaforth.

John, 3d. Earl of Athole married Griſal Daughter and Coheir of Sir John Ratray of That-Ilk, by whom he had

John, 4th. Earl of Athole; his Son who was on the King's ſide, in the Minority of James VI. He was conſtituted Chancellour 19 April 1578, in the Room of John Lord Glamis deceaſed, and continu'd in that Office till his Death, which happen'd 24 April 1579. He was married to Margaret Daughter of Malcolm Lord Fleeming, Widow both of Robert Maſter of Montroſe, and of Thomas Maſter of Erskine, by whom he had Iſſue, John, his Succeſſor, and Daughters.

Eliſabeth, married to Hugh Lord Lovat, and had Iſſue. 2dly. To Robert Steuart Earl of March. And 3dly. She became the Wife of James Steuart, then called Earl of Arran.

Griſal, to David Earl of Crawfurd, and had Iſſue.

Ann, to Francis Earl of Errol, ſans Iſſue.

Jean, to Duncan Campbel of Glenurchie, and had Iſſue.

John, fifth Earl of Athole, was one of the Privy Council to King James VI. anno 1590. He married Mary Ruthven, Daughter of William Earl of Gourie, by whom he had Three Daughters.

Dorothea, married to William Earl of Tillibairn, whoſe Son John in her Right, came afterward to poſſeſs this Honour.

Mary, to James Steuart Lord Innermeath, ſans Iſue.

Jean, to Henry Steuart Lord St. Colme, and had Iſſue.

He departed this Life 18 November 1594a, whereby the Honour became Extinct, but did not ſo continue two Years, when King James was pleaſed to revive it again in the Perſon of James Lord Innermeath, by Letters Patent, bearing date 13 April 1596b, but he dying without Iſſue 1605c, the Title of Athole came to Dorothea, Counteſs of Tillibairn.

MURRAY Duke of Athole.

THIS Noble Family is of great Antiquity, in vice comitatu de Perth, and deſcends from Sir William Murray, Son of Sir Malcolm [26] Murray Knight. He obtained the Barony of Tillibairn, by marrying of Adda, Daughter of Malyſe, Seneſcal of Strathern, as is clear from an Original Charter I have ſeen, bearing Date the Thurſday preceeding the Feaſt of St. Simon and St. Jude, Anno Dom. 1282a. This Sir William was one of the Scots Barons on the Part of John Baliol, who were call'd to Berwick when King Edward was to determine the Controverſy about the Crown of this Realm then in Diſpute; betwixt Robert de Bruce, and the ſaid John de Baliol, anno 1292b. By the ſaid Adda his Wife he left Iſſue Sir Andrew his Son and Heir, who gave in pure Alms to the Monks of the Abby of Inchaffry, an Annual Sum payable out of the Barony of Tillibairn, which had formerly been in Diſpute between him and the ſaid Convent, and that for the Health of his Soul, bearing Date on St. Bean's Day, (i. e. 16 December) 1331c. This is that Sir Andrew who took part with Edward Baliol, for which diſloyal Action his Eſtate was forfeited, and he beheaded at Perth in 1332, leaving Iſſue.

William his Son, who obtained a Grant of the Barony of Tillibairn, upon the Reſignation of Adda de Moravia, his Grand-mother, in which Sir William de Montefix Juſtitiario Scotiae ex boreali par [...]e aquae de Forth, is a Witneſs. This William had Iſſue.

Sir Walter Murray of Tillibairn his Son and Heir, who dying circa Annum 1390, left Iſſue by Margaret le Baird his Wife.

Sir David Murray his Son and Heir, who was knighted by King James I. He founded the Collegiate Church of Tillibairn in Strathern, dedicated in Honour of our Bleſsed Saviour, and dyed about 1446 leaving Iſſue, William his Succeſſor, and a Daughter Marion married to Malcolm Drummond of Cargill, the Anceſtor of the Family of Perth.

Which William, received the Honour of Knighthood from King James III. to whom he faithfully adhered, in Conſideration whereof he was conſtituted Stewart of Strathern, anno 1482, which was ratified by Act of Parliament, in 1491d. He married Mary Daughter to the Earl Mariſhal, by whom he had

Sir John, who dyed without Iſſue.

William, his Succeſſor.

The 3d. Sir Andrew Murray of Arngosk, anceſtor to the preſent Viſcount of Stormont.

4. David Murray of Strathgeth.

And Chriſtian, a Daughter married to George Lord Seton, and had Iſſue.

He departed this Life in a good advanced Age, about the Year 1509, was ſucceeded by William his Son and Heir, who married Katharin Daughter of Sir Duncan Campbel of Glenurchie, by whom he had Iſſue.

William, his Succeſſor.

2d. Alexander.

3d. James.

And Daughters, 1. Anabella married to John Earl of Mar, and had Iſſue. 2. Eupham firſt to Robert Steuart of Roſyth, then to Robert Pitcairn Commendator of Dunfermling, Secretary of State in the Minority of King James VI. 3. Katharin, to Robert Morray of Abercairny, 4. Jean to James Henderſon of Fordell, and had Iſſue; he departing this Life anno 1562, was ſucceeded by

William his Son and Heir, who was of the Privy Council to Queen Mary, and Comptroller of Her Majeſty's Houſhold, upon the breaking out of the Civil War in that Reign. He was one of the Barons who entred into that memorable Aſſociation to Defend the young Prince King James, and to proſecute Bothwell for the Murder of of the King; yet (ſays Sir James Melvil) He always retain'd a dutiful reſpect to Her Majeſty, and only entred into the Aſſociation for [27] Safety of the young Prince, and Puniſhment of the Kings Murder. In 1572. he was joined in Commiſſion with Sir Alexander Erskin to be Governour to the young King, and joint Keeper of the Caſtle of Stirling, and dyed 1583, leaving Iſſue by Agnes his Wife, Daughter of William Earl of Montroſe, John his Succeſſor, Alexander, who was Colonel of a Regiment in the Netherlands.

Margaret, married to Sir Robert Bruce of Clackmanan, and had Iſſue.

Which Sir John Murray of Tillibairn was one of the Privy Council to King James VI. he being a well deſerving Perſon, and enjoying a very ample Fortune, was by the Favour of the ſaid King, advanced to the Dignity of Lord Murray of Tillibairn, 25 April 1604, and July 10 1606, to the Dignity of Earl of Tillibairn. He married Katharin Daughter of David Lord Drummond, by whom he had Iſſue.

1. William his Succeſſor, 2. Sir Patrick Murray Knight of the Bath, and one of the Gentlemen of his Majeſty's Bed-Chamber, and afterward Earl of Tillibairn. 3d. Mungow Viſcount of Stormont, who dyed without Iſſue. Likewiſe ſeveral Daughters.

Anne, married to Patrick Earl of Kinghorn, and had Iſſue.

Lilias, married to Sir John Grant of That-ilk, and had Iſſue.

Margaret, to James Hadden of Gleneagles, and had Iſſue.

Katharine to David Roſs of Balnagoun.

William Earl of Tillibairn his Son, being accidentally in the Town of Perth, 5 Auguſt, 1600 fortuned to be the happy Reſcuer of his Majeſty King James VI. from a Tumult of the Citizens, after the Death of John Earl of Gourie; for which ſignal Service, he obtained a ſpecial Grant of the Sheriffſhip of Perth-ſhire, which ſtill continues in his Family.

He married Dorothea Steuart eldeſt Daughter of John the fifth and laſt Earl of Athole, by whom he had John his Son and Heir, who ſucceeded to the Title, Dignity, and Precedency of Athole, (he then reſigning the Honour of Tillibairn), which John Earl of Athole, faithfully adhered to King Charles I. In the Beginning of his unhappy Troubles he raiſed his Men for his Majeſty's Service, againſt the the Marqueſs of Argyle, anno 1641, and dyed 1642, leaving Iſſue by Jean his Wife, Daughter of Sir Duncan Campbel of Glenurchie, John his Succeſſor, Mungow who died unmarried, and Anne married to James Earl of Tillibardin, but had no Iſſue.

Which John Earl of Athole, in Defence of King Charles II. loyally took up Arms, and had ſeveral Encounters with the Engliſh Uſurpers in the North of Scotland in 1653, when not above 18 Years of Age, for which he ſuffered in the common Calamity with other Loyaliſts; in Conſideration whereof, upon his Majeſty's Reſtoration, he was conſtituted Juſtice General in 1661, Lord Privy Seal, 1672; Captain of his Majeſty's Guards, and one of the extraordinary Lords of the Seſſion. And further, in Regard of his eminent Services, was created Marqueſs of Athole, by Letters Patent, bearing date 17 Feb. 1676.

Upon K. James's Acceſſion to the Throne; anno 1685, His Majeſty, confiding much in his Loyalty, commiſſioned him to go againſt the Earl of Argyle, then in Arms in the Weſt, where he contributed much to the ſuppreſſing of that Rebellion; for which ſignal Service he was conſtituted Lieutenant of Argyle-Shire, and in anno 1687, was elected Knight of the moſt noble Order of the Thiſtle.

This noble Lord married Aemilia Stanly, Daughter of that valiant and loyal Nobleman James Earl of Darby, by whom he had Iſſue,

John, the preſent Duke.

Charles, Earl of Dunmore.

Lord James Murray of Dowally, who [28] married Anne Daughter of Sir Robert Murray of Cockpool, and has Iſſue,

William Lord Nairn, fourth Son.

Lord Edward Murray 5th. Son, married Katharin Daughter of Skeen of Halyards, and has Iſſue, and a Daughter Aemilia married to Hugh Lord Lovat, and had Iſſue. He departed this Life 6 May 1703, was inter'd in the Veſtry of the Cathedral Church of Dunkeld under a ſumptuous Monument of black and white Marble.

John, the preſent Duke of Athole has been imploy'd in ſome of the moſt eminent Offices in the State, both in this and the former Reign, which he ſtill diſcharged with the utmoſt Fidelity. In 1695 he was made Secretary of State, and by Letters Patent, bearing date 27 July 1697, created Earl of Tillibairn, in Conſideration of his good Services, as well as his near Relation in Blood to King William, and the ſame Year was Lord High Commiſſioner to the Parliament.

Upon Her Majeſties Acceſſion to the Throne, he was nam'd a Privy Counſellour, and 8 December 1702. conſtituted Lord Privy Seal, and the 30 April 1703, created Duke of Athole, and in 1704, elected Knight of the moſt noble Order of St. Andrew.

In the Parliament 1706, which concluded the Union of the Crowns, he was one of the Peers who made a very ſtrong and vigorous Oppoſition to it, and on the 4 November, when the firſt Article of the Treaty, was Enacted and Ratified, his Grace enter'd this Proteſtation, which from the Records of Parliament I tranſcribed.

I John Duke of Athole, Proteſt for my ſelf and all others who ſhall adhere to this my Proteſtation, that an Incorporating Union of the Crown of Scotland with the Crown of England, and that both Nations ſhould be repreſented by one and the ſome Parliament, as contain'd in the Articles of the Treaty of Union is contrary to the Honour, Intereſt, fundamental Laws and Conſtitutions of this Kingdom, the Birth-right of the Peers, the Privileges of the Barons and Burgeſses, and Act 10. Parl. 8. Ja. 6. it is ordain'd, that none of the Leiges preſume to take upon them to impugn the Dignity and Authority of the Three Eſtates of Parliament, or to ſeek or procure the Diminution of the Power and Authority of the ſaid Three Eſtates under the pain of Treaſon, and is contrary to the Claim of Right, Property and Liberty of the Subject. And the 3d. Act of Her Majeſty's Parliament, 1703, it is thereby declared high Treaſon in any of the Subjects of this Kingdom to quarrel or impugn, or endeavour by writing, or malicious and adviſed ſpeaking, or any other open Act or Deed to innovate the Claim of Right in any Article thereof.

Likeas on the 7 January, 1707, when the 22d. Article of the Treaty of Union in relation to the Number of Repreſentatives for Scotland in the Parliament of Great-Britain, came to be debated, the Duke gave in this Proteſt, which in Juſtice to his Grace I could not forbear to inſert.

Foraſmuchas the Peers of this Realm who are Hereditary Members of Her Majeſty's great Council and Parliament do hereby become Elective, and ſo Her Majeſty is deprived of Her born Counſellours, and the Peers of their Birth-right: And whereas at preſent they are 160 in Number, they are by this Article reduced to 16, which 16 are to be joined with the Houſe of Lords in England, whoſe Number at preſent conſiſts of above 180, whereby its plain, that the Scots Peers ſhare in the Legiſlative and Judicative Powers in the Britiſh Parliament is very unequal, to that of the Engliſh, tho the one be Repreſentative of as Free and Independent a Nation as the other, and is therefore a plain Forfaulture of the Peerage of this Kingdom, contrary to the [29] Honour of the Monarchy, diſgraceful to the Kingdom, and prejudicial to the Barons and Burrows of this Realm.

This noble Lord married firſt the Lady Katharine Hamilton, Daughter of William and Anne Duke & Dutches of Hamilton, a Lady of incomparable prudence, and a ſingular example of Virtue and Piety, by whom he had Iſſue,

John Marqueſs of Tillibairn, a Youth of great Hopes and Expectation, who was killed at the Battle of Mons, 31 of Auguſt 1709, to the great Grief of his noble Relations,

William Marqueſs of Tillibairn.

Lord James

Lord Charles

Lord George

Lord Baſil

Lady Suſanna All unmarried.

2dly. He married Mary Daughter of William Lord Roſs, by whom he has Iſſue a Son John, an Infant.


Quarterly 1ſt. and 4th Azure, three Molets Argent within a double Treſſure floured and Counter floured Or, 2d. and 3d. quarterly, 1ſt. and 4th. pale of ſix Sable and Or, 2d: and 3d Or, a Feſs Cheque Azure and Argent, ſupported on the Dexter with a Lyon Rampant Gules coloured Azure, charged with three Molets Argent, and on the Siniſter with a Savage proper, wreathed about the Loins with Lawrel, Creſt a Demi Savage, holding in his Dexter Hand a Key Or, and in his Siniſter a Dagger proper, with this Motto, Furth Fortune and fill the Fetters.

ARBUTHNET, Viſcount of Arbuthnet.

THIS Family hath been of great Antiquity in the Shire of Kincardin, and long poſſeſſed of the Barony of Arbuthnet there. The Name hath been originally writen Aberbothenoth, Duncan de Aberbothenoth is Witneſs in a Grant by King Alexander II. to the Abbacy of Aberbroth, anno 1242a.

In the Time of Alexander III. Hugh de Aberbothenoth, gave in pure alms to the Monks of Aberbroth the Patronage of the Church of Garvoch pro ſalute animae ſuae, Anno Dom. 1282b, and Philip de Aberbothenoth Dominus ejuſdem, was a Benefactor to the Church of Aberdeen, in anno 1367c, in the Time of King David II. He married Margaret Daughter of Sir James Douglaſs of Dalkeith d, from whom by lineal Succeſſion, was Sir Robert Arbuthnet of that Ilk, who manifeſting his Loyalty to K. Charles I. was by that Monarch created Viſcount of Arbuthnet 16 November, 1641. He married firſt Marion Daughter to David firſt Earl of Southesk, by whom he had Robert his Son and Heir, and by Margaret his ſecond Wife, Daughter of Simon Lord Lovat he likewiſe had Iſſue, and dying anno 1659e, was ſucceeded by Robert his Son and Heir, who married Mary Daughter of William Earl Mariſhal, by whom he had Robert, who ſucceeded him in his Eſtate and Honour; alſo by Katharine his ſecond Wife, Daughter of John Gordon of Pitlurg, he had Iſſue John Arbuthnet of Fordon, Alexander, who changed his Sirname to Maitland, by his Marriage with the Heretrix of Pitrichie, he's now one of the Barons of Her Majeſty's Exchequer [30] in Scotland, 3d Thomas; alſo ſeveral Daughters.

This Lord dying anno 1684, was ſucceeded by Robert his Son, who departed this Life in 1692, leaving Iſſue by Anne his Wife, Daughter of George Earl of Sutherland, Robert his Son and Heir, who died unmarried anno 1710, and John the preſent Viſcount of Arbuthnet who married Jean Daughter of William Moriſon of Preſtongrange.


Azure a Creſcent betwixt three Stars Argent ſupported by two Dragons, Creſt a Peacock's Head proper, Motto Laus Deo.

CUMMIN, Lord of Badenoch.

THIS noble and ſpreading Family of Norman Extractiona, is of very great Antiquity in this Realm. The firſt I have found mentioned, is, Comes Robertus Cummin, who was killed at the Battle of Anwick, anno 1609b. The next is William Cummin, who was Lord high Chancellor of Scotland, in the Reign of King David I. anno 1142, he left Iſſue Sir William, who was Chamberlain to King William c, and married Hexilda Grand child of Donald King of Scotland d, by whom he had William, Father of Sir Richard Cummin, who gave in pure Alms to the Monks of Kelſo the Church of Lyncudric, with half a Carrucate of Land thereunto belonging, pro ſalute Henrici Comitis Domini ſui qui obiit 1152e: He left Iſſue three Sons,

Sir John of Badenoch.

Sir Walter Earl of Monteith.

Sir William firſt Earl of Buchan.

Which Sir John for Diſtinction called The Reid Cummin, had Iſſue Sir John and three Daughters, the firſt married to Sir Godfrey de Murray, the 2d to Alexander of Argyle, Lord of Lorn, the 3d to Sir VVilliam Murray of Bothwell.

Sir John Cummin of Badenoch, uſually deſigned The Black Cummin, was choſen one of the ſix Governours of Scotland, anno 1286, upon the Death of K. Alexander III. In 1290 he was one of the Competitors for the Crown on the deceaſe of Queen Margaret, as Son and Heir of John Son and Heir of Richard, Son and Heir of VVilliam, Son and Heir of Hexilde, Daughter and Heir of Bethock Daughter and Heir of Donald, ſome time King of Scotland f: He left Iſſue by Marjory Daughter of John, and Siſter to John Baliol once King of this Realm, John his Son and Heirg. This is that John Cummin, who in 1305 entered into a ſolemn Treaty with Robert Bruce Earl of Carrick, for freeing their Country from Engliſh Servitude, which he perſidiouſly diſcovered to King Edward of England, for which King Robert Bruce killed him in the Church of Drumfriſe, 10 February 1306; by whoſe Death the chief branch of this noble Family expired.

LINDSAY, Earl of Balcaraſs.

THIS Family deſcends from Mr. John Lindſay of Balcaraſs, 2d Son of David Lindſay of Edzle, (Earl of Crawfurd,) by Janet [31] his Wife, Daughter of Sir John Campbel of Calder.

Which Mr. John being a Man of great Parts and Learning, more eſpecially in the Laws, he was conſtituted one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice in 1584a, and after ſome time, one of the Commiſſioners of the Theſauryb, and Secretary of State, anno 1596, in room of the Lord Thirlſtane deceaſed; all which Offices he enjoyed with an univerſal Reputation till his Death. In 1598c, he married Margaret, Daughter of . . . . . . Guthry of Lunnen d, by whom he had Sir David his Son and Heir, and Daughters;

Janet married to Sir John Lindſay of Benholm.

Margaret to Sir Alexander Strachan of Thornfoun, and had Iſſue.

Mary to John Brown of Fordel, and had Iſſue.

Which Sir David was created Lord Lindſay of Balcaraſs, by K. Charles I. the 7 June 1633, immediately preceeding his Majeſty's Coronation. He married Sophia Daughter of Alexander Earl of Dunfermling, by whom he had Alexander his Succeſſor, and two Daughters, Sophia married to Sir Robert Moray, Juſtice Clerk in the Reign of King Charles II. of the Family of Abercairny, but had no Iſſue. Iſabel married to Thomas Boyd of Pinkhill, in vice comitatu de Air, ſans Iſſue.

Which Alexander, Lord Balcaraſs, being a Perſon of great Prudence, examplary Loyalty, and ſingular Affection to King Charles II. was by his Majeſty's Favour raiſed to the Dignity of Earl of Balcaraſs, in 1651. Upon the depreſſion of the Royal cauſe in Scotland, anno 1654, he followed the King into Foreign Parts, during the Uſurpation, and dyed in Holland in the beginning of the Year 1660, upon him the famous Poet Mr. Cowley wrote this Epitaph,

Balcaras who but th' other Day,
Did all our Love and our Reſpect command,
At whoſe great Parts, we all amaz'd did ſtand,
Is from a Storm, alas! caſt ſuddenly on Land, &c.

He left Iſſue by Anne his Wife, Daughter of Colin Earl of Seaforth, two Sons, Charles who ſucceeded him in the Earldom, but dyed unmarried anno 1662, and Colin the preſent Earl: alſo three Daughters, 1ſt. Anne, who embraced the Romiſh Perſwaſion and dyed a Nun in France, Sophia married to Colonel Charles Campbel, Son to the late Earl of Argyle, and Henrietta to Sir Duncan Campbel of Auchinbraick, and had Iſſue.

Colin the preſent Earl was one of the Lords of the Privy Council to King Charles II. and King James VII. and one of the Commiſſioners of the Theſaury, he married firſt Margaret Daughter of Lewis de Naſſaw Lord Beverwart in Holland. 2dly. Jean Daughter of David Earl of Northesk, by whom he had one Daughter Anne, married to Alexander Earl of Kelly, and had Iſſue. To his 3d. Wife, he marred Jean Daughter of VVilliam Earl of Roxburgh, by whom he had Colin Lord Cumberland, who dyed unmarried in 1708, and a Daughter Counteſs of VVigtoun. 4thly. He married Margaret Daughter of James Earl of London, by whom he had Iſſue,

Alexander Lord Cumberland.

James in Her Majeſty's Sea Service.

Lady Eliſabeth.

Lady Eleanor, all unmarried.


Quarterly 1ſt. and 4th. Gules, a Feſs Cheque Argent and Azure, 2d and 3d. Or, a Lyon Rampant Gules ſurmounted of a Riban Sable within a border, Azure, charged with Stars Or, ſupporters two Lyons Sejant, Creſt a Tent, Motto, Aſtra Caſtra, &c.

BALLENDEN, Lord Ballenden.


THIS Family began its Riſe in the Reign of King James V. at which time Thomas Ballenden of Auchinoule was Juſtice Clerk, and Director of the Chancery, anno 1541a, he dying anno 1546, left Iſſue; Sir John his Son and Heir, who was Juſtice Clerk in the Reign of Queen Mary and King James VI. for upwards of twenty Years: He married Barbara Daughter of . . . . . . . Kennedy of . . . . . . and left Iſſue Sir Lewis his Son and Heir and Mr. Adam, Doctor of Divinity, firſt Biſhop of Dunblain, and thereafter of Aberdeen.

Which Sir Lewis was made one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice, anno 1584, he married Margaret Daughter of William Lord Livingſton, and left Iſſue Sir James his Son and Heir, who married Margaret Daughter of William Ker of Cesfurd, Siſter to Robert firſt Earl of Roxburgh, by whom he had Sir William his Succeſſor, and a Daughter Margaret married to Henry Lord Cardroſs.

Which Sir William having given many ſignal teſtimonies of his Loyalty to King Charles II. during the Uſurpation, in Conſideration thereof upon his Majeſty's Reſtoration, he was dignified with the Honour of Lord Ballenden, by Letters Patent bearing date 10 June 1661, and the ſame Year he was conſtituted Theſaurer Depute, and one of the Lords of his Majeſty's Privy Council, but dying unmarried, he made over his Eſtate, and got his Title of Lord conveyed to John Ker 4th. Son of William Earl of Roxburgh, who thereupon changed his Name to Ballenden; he married . . . . Mure Daughter to the Earl of Drogheda in the Kingdom of Ireland, Widow of William Earl of Dalhouſy, by whom he had the preſent Lord, who ſucceeded his Father in the Honour upon his Death, anno 1706.


Gules a Stags Head couped and attired with ten Tynes betwixt three croſs Croſlets, all within a double Treſſure Counterflour'd Or.

ELPHINSTON, Lord Balmerino,

THE Firſt of this collateral Branch, raiſed to the Dignity of Peerage, was Sir James Elphinſton 3d Son of Robert Lord Elphinſton, by Eliſabeth Daughter of Sir John Drummond of Innerpeffery, and of Janet his Wife, natural Daughter to King James IV.

Which Sir James having ſtudied the Laws, in ſhort time became ſo highly eſteemed for his Abilities, that he was conſtituted one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice, in the Year 1586b, in 1595 one of the Lords of the Theſaury, then called The Octavians c, and Secretary of State anno 1598 in room of John Lindſay of Balcaras deceaſed: alſo Preſident of the Seſſion, upon the promotion of Alexander Earl of Dunfermling to be Chancellor, in 1605. In all which Imployments he deported himſelf with ſuch Learning, Judgment and Sufficiency, that King James, ſoon after his acceſſion to the Crown of [33] England, created him Lord Balmerino, by Letters Patent, bearing date 25 April 1604, being then appointed one of the Commiſſioners on the part of Scotland to treat of a nearer Union with England, he took to Wife, firſt Sarah Daughter of Sir John Monteith of Carſe, by whom he had John his Son and Heir, and 2dly. Marjory Daughter of Hugh Maxwell of Tyling, by whom he had James Lord Couper, alſo two Daughters, Anne married to Andrew Lord Frazer, and had Iſſue, and Mary to John Homilton of Blair, and had Iſſue, he departing this Life in anno 1612a, was ſucceeded by John his Son and Heir, a Perſon likewiſe of great Parts and Learning, as appears by the Part he acted in the Reign of King Charles I. whereof Biſhop Guthry in his Memoirs gives a full Account: He married Anne Daughter of Sir Thomas Ker of Ferniehirſt, Siſter to Andrew Lord Jedburgh, and to Robert Earl of Somerſet and dying anno 1649, by the ſaid Anne his Wife left Iſſue,

John his Son and Heir, who dyed the 10th. of June 1704, leaving Iſſue by Margaret his Wife Daughter to John Earl of Loudon, John his Son and Heir.

Which John, the preſent Lord Balmerino, was one of the Peers, who in 1706, oppoſed the Union with England in the Terms of the Treaty then before the Houſe, tho the Matter was then concluded. In 1710 he was made General of the Mint in place of the Earl of Lauderdale deceaſed: and Sheriff of Edinburgh Shire, then in Her Majeſty's Hands, by the Death of William Earl of Dalhouſie: and elected one of 16 Peers of Scotland to the Parliament of Great Britain, alſo in 1711 he was named one of the Commiſſioners for executing the Office of Chamberlain, which he at preſent enjoys.

This worthy Lord married firſt Chriſtian Daughter of Hugh Earl of Eglington, by whom he had Hugh, who was killed at the Seige of Liſle, anno 1708, James now Maſter of Balmerino, alſo two Daughters;

Margaret married to Sir John Preſton of Preſtounhall, and had Iſſue.

Jean to Francis Stuart Eſq Brother to the Earl of Murray, and has Iſſue.

Secondly. Anne Daughter of Dr. Arthur Roſs Arch-Biſhop of St. Andrews, by whom he has



Anne, all unmarried.


Argent a Chiveron Sable, charged with three Buckles of the ſield betwixt three Boars Heads erazed Gules b, ſupporters two Griffons proper, Creſt a Serpent ſtinging a Dove, Motto, Prudentia fraudis neſcia.

OGILVY, Lord Banff.

THE Progenitor of this Family was Sir Walter Ogilvy of Dunlugaſs, Son of Sir Walter Ogilvy of Boyn by Margaret his Wife, one of the Daughters and Coheirs of of Sir James Edmonſton of Thatilkec.

This Sir Walter acquired a fair Eſtate by the Marriage of Aliſon, one of the Daughters and Coheirs of Patrick Hume of Faſtcaſtle, tempore Jacobi [...]arti, he left Iſſue.

George Ogilvy of Dunlugaſs his Son and Heir, who married Beatrix Daughter of George Lord Seaton, by whom he had Walter his Succeſſor, and a [34] Daughter married to Sir Alexander Frazer of Philorth, he departed this Life anno 1612, in the uncommon Age of 105, upon him Dr. Johnſton a wrote this Epitaph.

Vixit Olympides ter ſeptem Banfius aetas,
Ter fuit illuſtri poſteritate minor:
Virtutes numera pancos liquiſe nepotes,
Cum periis pancos evoluiſſe dies.

Sir Walter Ogilvy of Dunlugaſs his Son, married Helen Daughter of Sir John Urquhart of Cromarty, by whom he had George his Son and Heir, who was created Baronet by King Charles I. 30 July 1627: He ſignalized his Loyalty and Valour at the Bridge of Dee in his Majeſty's behalf againſt the Covenanters, under the Conduct of James Earl of Montroſe, an. 1639, and continuing firm in his Loyalty in the time of the Civil Wars, was in reſpect thereof raiſed to the Dignity of Lord Banff, by Letters Patent, bearing date 31 of Auguſt 1642. He married firſt Helen Daughter of Sir Alexander Irvin of Drum, by whom he had a Daughter Helen, married to James Earl of Airly, and had Iſſue. 2dly. Mary Daughter of Sir Alexander Sutherland of Duffus, by whom he had Iſſue George his Son and Heir, who ſucceeded him upon his Death, in 1663, he took to Wife Agnes Daughter of Alexander Lord Halkertoun, by whom he had George the preſent Lord, and Sir Alexander Ogilvy of Forglen, created Baronet 29 June 1701, and one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice in 1706.

Which George married . . . . . . . Daughter of William Earl Mariſhal, by whom he has George Maſter of Banff, who married Helen Daughter of Sir John Lauder of Fountainhall, one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice.


Quarterly 1ſt. and 4th. Argent a Lyon paſsant, guardant, Gules, crown'd with an imperial Crown, Or, 2d and 3d. Argent three Papingoes Vert.

HAMILTON, Lord Bargeny.

DERIVES his Deſcent from Sir John Hamilton natural Son of John Marqueſs of Hamilton. This Sir John acquired a fair Eſtate in Carrick, which he tranſmitted to his Poſterity, and left Iſſue by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of Mr. Alexander Campbel Biſhop of Brechin, (a Son of the Family of Arkinlaſs,) Sir John his Succeſſor, alſo ſeveral Daughters,

Katharine married to Sir James Drummond of Machany, anceſtor to the preſent Viſcount of Strathallan.

Helen to Sir James Somervel of Camnethan, and had Iſſue.

. . . . to Sir William Weir of Stonbyres, but had no Iſſue.

Mary to Alexander Cleland of that-Ilk, and had Iſſue.

Sir John Hamilton of Bargeny, the 2d. of this Family, was by the bounty and favour of King Charles I. created into the Dignity of Lord Bargeny, anno 1639b, in 1648. He cordially put himſelf in Arms with others his Majeſty's loyal Subjects, in order to reſcue him, then a Priſoner in the Iſle of Wight. After the Murder of his Sovereign, he firmly adhered to King Charles II. for which he was forfeited by Oliver Cromwel, and ſuffered diverſe other Hardſhips.

He married Jean Daughter of William Marqueſs of Douglaſs, by whom he had William his Succeſſor, and four Daughters.

1ſt. Margaret married to Sir John Kennedy of Colzean, and had Iſſue, and [35] thereafter to Sir David Ogilvy of Clova, and had Iſſue.

2d. Anne to Sir Patrick Houſton of that-Ilk, and had Iſſue.

3d. Katharine to Mr. William Cuningham of Enterkin, and had Iſſue.

4th. Marjory to William Baillie of Lamingtoun, ſans Iſſue. He dying anno . . . . was ſucceeded by William his Son and Heir, who married Mary Daughter of William Earl of Glencairn, by whom he had John Maſter of Bargeny, who dyed in the Lifetime of his Father leaving Iſſue by . . . . . his Wife, Daughter of Sir Robert Sinclair of Lochermackhouſe, one Daughter Joanna married to Sir Robert Dalrymple of North-Berwick Junior, and has Iſſue, William his Succeſſor, and Nicolas married to Sir Alexander Hope of Carſe, and had Iſſue.

Which William late Lord Bargeny dying anno 1711, left Iſſue by . . . . . his firſt Wife, Daughter of Sir James Primroſe of Carringtoun, one Daughter Griſal unmarried, and by Margaret his ſecond Wife Daughter of Robert Dundaſs of Arniſton, one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice, James now Lord Bargeny, a Child very young.


The quarter'd Coat of the Family of Hamilton with a ſuitable Difference.

DOUGLAS Viſcount of Belhaven.

THE Firſt who derived any Honour from this Place, was Sir Robert Douglas of Spot, Son of Malcolm Douglas of Mains, in vice-comitatu de Dunbarton lineally deſcended of Nicol Douglas a Son of the Family of Dalkeith in King Robert II's timea.

This Sir Robert was at firſt a Page of Honour to Prince Henry, and then Maſter of his Horſe. Upon the Death of that excellent Prince, he was made one of the Gentlemen of the Bed-chamber to the King, and continued in the ſame Office to King Charles I. by whom he was alſo conſtituted Maſter of the Houſhold, and one of the Lords of his Majeſty's Privy Council; And finally, in Recompenſe of all his acceptable Services he was by Letters Patent bearing date 24 June 1633, created Viſcount of Belhaven b, the Honour being limited to the Heirs Male of his Body. He married Nicolas Daughter to Robert Moray of Abercairny, but dying without Iſſue 14 January 1639, he was interr'd in the Veſtry of the Abby Church of Holy rood-houſe, where there's erected a Monument over him with his Statue in Alabaſter as big as the Life, with this Epitaph, wherein moſt of his remarkable Actions are taken notice of.

QƲod Reliquum apud nos eſt hic conditur Roberti Vicecomitis de Belhaven, Baronis de Spot, &c. Regi Carolo a ſecretioribus conſiliis, & inter familiares intimi; quippe qui & prius Henrico Valliae gratiſſimus, ejuſque stabulis praefectus erat: Illo vero fatis cedente, fratri Carolo, nunc rerum potito, in quaeſturam Domus adſcitus eſt, ſingulari favoris gradu acceptus, re & honoribus auctus. In juventute Nicolaae Moraviae Abercarniae Comarchae natae ad octodecim non amplius menſes, [...]nicae uxoris in puerperio ſimul cum faetu extinctae, lectiſſimo, conſortio fruebatur. Ingraveſcente ſenectute ab aulico ſtrepitu ſe ſubtrabens in patriam reverſus eſt. Archibaldum & Robertum Duglaſſios Equites auratos, primaevi fratris filios, terris & bonis, praeter quae Teſtamento legavit aequa lance diviſis haered [...]s ſeripſit; qui memoriae ejus gratitudinis ſuae pignus hoc monumentum poni curarunt.

Ingenium, quod literis cultura non implevit, ſagacitate Natura ſupplevit. Indolis bonitate & Candore, nulli ceſſit. Facile ſuccendi, at, dum loquimur, facilius deferveſcere, ei, in moribus, quod aeque ab omnibus vix acciperetur, unicum erat. Fide, in Regem; Pietate, in Patriam; Officiis, in Amicos; Charitate, in Egenos, nulli ſocundus: Cui, in Proſperis, modus & Comitas; In Adverſis, Conſtantia & Magnanimitas, ad ſupremum uſque diem, invaluere. Obiit Edinburgi prid. Idus Januarii, anno, ab Incarnatione Meſſiae, ſupra MDCxxix; aetatis vero, ultra Clymactericum magnum, tertio.

HAMILTON, Lord Belhaven.


AMONGST thoſe who profeſſed the Senſe of their Duty and Fidelity to his Majeſty King Charles I. in the time of his Diſtreſs, was Sir James Hamilton of Broomhill, in whoſe Defence he Ioyally took up Arms and marched into England with the Scots Army, under the Conduct of James Duke of Hamilton, in 1648, being ſome time before created Lord Belhaven: He married Margaret natural Daughter to James Marqueſs of Hamilton, by whom he had three Daughters,

Margaret married to Sir Samuel Baillie of Lamingtoun, and had Iſſue.

Anne to Sir Robert Hamilton of Silvertounhill, and had Iſſue.

Eliſabeth to Alexander Viſcount of Kingſtoun, he departing this Life in 1679, the Honour devolved upon John Hamilton Son to Sir Robert Hamilton of Preſmanan, proceeding on his Reſignation ſome Years before.

Which John Lord Belhaven, I find did particularly ſignalize himſelf both in the Parliament 1681 and 1685, diſcovering then a firm Reſolution to ſupport the Proteſtant Religion. In 1689 he aſſiſted at the meeting of the Scots Nobility at London, and concurred with them in addreſſing the Prince of Orange to call a Convention of the Eſtates in Scotland for the ſetling the Government there.

His Lordſhip was preſent at the Convention, where he contributed much to the ſetling the Crown upon King William and Queen Mary, who upon their Acceſſion thereto, conſtituted him one of their Privy Council, and one of the Commiſſioners for executing the Office of Regiſter.

Upon Her Majeſty's acceſſion to the Throne, he was named a Privy Counſellour, and after that, one of the Commiſſioners of the Theſaury, which he executed with no little Approbation.

In the Parliament 1706, when the Union came to be debated, he joined with thoſe who oppoſed it, and on this Subject made ſeveral learned and elaborate Speeches containing his Reaſons, for which Poſterity will celebrate his Name with Honour as a Patriot of his Country.

He married Margaret Daughter of Sir Robert Hamilton of Silvertounhill, by Anne Daughter of John Lord Belhaven, by whom he had only two Sons,

John the preſent Lord.

Mr. James Hamilton Advocate, married Anne Daughter of John Walkingſhaw of that Ilk. He departed this Life at London 21 June 1708, was ſucceeded by,

John his Son and Heir, who married Mary Daughter of Andrew Bruce of Edinburgh Merchant, (of the Family of Earls-hall,) by whom he has John Maſter of Belhaven, and ſeveral other Children.


Gules a Sword pale-ways proper between three Cinque Foils Argent, ſupported by two Horſes Argent, Creſt an Unicorns Head, Motto Ride Through.

STUART Lord Blantyre.

THIS noble Family took beginning in the Reign of James III. in the Perſon of Sir Thomas Stuart of Minto, Son of Sir William Stuart of Garlies a, who greatly enriched [37] himſelf by the Marriage of Iſobel Daughter and Coheir of Sir Walter Stewart of Arthurly, a by whom he had Sir John his Heir; William, who being bred to the Church, the firſt ſtep he made into it was to the Rectory of Lochmaben; after that he was preferred to the Proveſtry of Lincluden and then to the Biſhoprick of Aberdeen: b Likewiſe a Daughter Agnes, married to John Stewart of Cardonald. c Which Sir John married Janet Daughter of - - - - - Lord Fleming, by whom he had Robert his Succeſſur, who by Janet his Wife Daughter of - - - Murray of - - - had Sir John, who carried down the Line of the Family; Robert Prior of Whitern, and Eliſabeth married to John Maxwel of Calderwood.

Which Sir John married firſt a Lady of the Family of the Hepburns, by whom he had Sir Matthew his Succeſſour in the Barony of Miuto, whoſe Male-Line became extinct in Sir John Stewart of Minto, who died in the Expedition to Darien, Anno 1697, next Margaret Daughter of Captain James Stewart of Cardonald. By her he had,

Walter Commendator of Blantyre, who being from his Youth bred in the Court of King James VI. was Anno 1580 made one of the Gentlemen of the Bed Chamber, and preferred to be Lord Privy Seal in 1582,d in which Office he continued till the 1596, he was promoted to be Lord High-Theſaurer of Scotland: But he held the Place only two Years, for upon a Diſguſt occaſioned by ſome Affair of the Church, in which the Theſaurer had not gone the way of the Court, his Majeſty was pleaſed to take the White Staff from him, which was put into the Hands of the Earl of Caſſils. He bore the Diminution very well; for he was a wiſe Man and quickly recovered ſo much Grace and Favour that he was made a Peer by the Title of Lord Blantyre, July 10th 1606. He Married Nicolas Daughter of Sir James Somervel of Camnethan, by whom he had Sir James Stewart Knight of the Bath his Eldeſt Son, who was killed in a Duel by Sir George Wharton Anno 1609, William his Succeſſor, Walter Stewart Eſq e and a Daughter Margaret married to George Lord Saltoun, and dying Anno 1616,f was ſucceded by

William his Son, who died in the beginning of the Troubles in the Reign of King Charles I. November 29th 1638,g leaving Iſſue by Helen his Wife, Daughter of Sir William Scot of Ardroſs, Walter his Succeſſor, Alexander, who ſucceded his Brother in the Honour: Likewiſe a Daughter - - - married to Sir John Swinton of that Ilk.

Which Walter married Margaret Daughter of Sir William Mure of Rowallan, but dying without Iſſue in the Month of October of the Year 1641 was ſucceded by,

Alexander his Brother, who by Margaret his Wife Daughter of John Shaw of Greenock had Alexander his Succeſſor, and a Daughter Helen married to James Murehead of Bredieſolm and had Iſſue.

Which Alexander married firſt Margaret Daughter of Sir John Henderſon of Fordel, but by her he had no Iſſue; next Anne Daughter of Sir Robert Hamilton of Preſsmenen one of the Senators of the Colledge of Juſtice, and departing this Life 20th July 1704, left Iſſue by the Lady aforeſaid, [38] Walter his Succeſſour, Robert the preſent Lord Blantyre, John Stewart Eſq Advocate, Hugh Stewart Eſq Likewiſe four Daughters.

Marion married to James Stirling of Keir and had Iſſue.

Franceſs to Sir James Hamilton of Roſehall Baronet.

Helen to John Maſter of Gray, at that Time Son and Heir apparent of John Lord Gray.


Which Walter being a young Nobleman of very fine Parts, and a great Lover of his Country, was in the 1710 choſen one of the Sixteen Scots-Peers to ſerve in the enſuing Britiſh-Parliament. He died at London the 23d of June 1713 unmarried, his Eſtate and Honour devolving to

Captain Robert Stewart his Brother, who married Lady Helen Lyon Daughter of John Earl of Strathmore, by whom he has Alexander Maſter of Blantyre.

BORTHWICK, Lord Borthwick.

AS this noble Family was undoubtedly very antient, and ſaid to be of a Hungarion Extraction, ſo it was no leſs illuſtrious for it's Allyances, as the whole courſe of this Work doth teſtify, but in regard I had no Acceſs to ſee any of their Writes, I cannot make a Deduction of them. I ſhall only remark, that the laſt Lord, whoſe very Name I could never ſo much as learn, died without Iſſue, ſince the Reſtauration of King Charles II. and with him the Honour of the Family failed.

MURRAY, Lord of Bothwel.

ALL our Scots Hiſtorians make mention of the Moravii as a bold and Warlike Tribe, who about the middle of the firſt Century were very aſſiſtant to King Corbred I. in his Wars againſt the Romans, whoſe Captain Roderick and a great many of his followers were ſlain in that famous Expedition of Queen Baudicea related alſo by Cornelius Tacitus. But that I may proceed to my Deſign in giving a Hiſtorical and Genealogical deduction of the antient and noble Family of the Murrays properly ſo called, I ſhall begin with their Anceſtor one Friskinus, who was a great Man in the Northern parts in the Reign of King David I. Anno 1124: For it's certain he was not only poſſeſſed of the Country of Moravia now called Moray, but likewiſe that of Sutherland, which he divided betwixt two of his Sons, and from whence they took their reſpective Sirnames,a and his Deſcendents even to this Time carry the ſame Coat of Arms, viz. Three Molets differing only in the Tincture.

William de Moravia Filius Friſkini, ſeems to be a very great Man about the Court of King William, as appears from the frequency of his Witneſſing the Deeds of that pious Prince to the Cathedral Church of Moray, and to the Biſhops of that See,b to which this great Man was likewiſe himſelf a Benefactor. He left Iſſue,

[39] William de Moravia who is intituled Willielmus de Moravia filius Willielmi filii Friskini in a Donation which he made in pure and perpetual Alms Eccleſiae ſancti Trinitatis de Spiny & Collegio Canonicorum ibidem Deo ſervientium Eccleſiam de Artindoll cum pertinen. coram Hugone fratre ſuo & Archibaldo de Dowglas.a He left Iſſue, ſeveral Sons, of whom diverſe antient Families of the Murray's branched,b beſide

Walter de Moravia Miles, who is deſigned filius Domini Willielmi deMoravia, c He gave to the Church of Elgin and the Chapter of the Epiſcopal See of Moray Eccleſiam de Inerallel cum pertinen. pro ſalute animae ſuae, and is the ſame Walterus, as I take it, who is one of the great Men, Magnates Scotiae, mentioned as a Guarantee in a Treaty of Peace betwixt our King Alexander II. and Henry III. of England, Anno 1244.d He left a Son

Willielmus de Moravia Filius Walteri de Moravia, who is ſo deſigned in the Act declaratory of the Succeſſion of the Scots Crown to King Alexander III. and his Heirs Anno 1284.e And is the ſame noble Perſon deſigned Panetarius Scotiae and Dominus de Bothwel, & Drumſargard f under which Title there are many Donations made by the Heirs of this noble Houſe to the Chapter of the Epiſcopal See of Moray after they came to have Poſſeſſions in the South, and ſpred there into many noble Branches.

This Willielmus de Moravia Dominus de Bothwel & Drumſhargard Panetarius Scotiae was one of the great Barons ſummoned to Bervick as an Auditor of the Claims of the Bruce and the Baliol, anent the Succeſſion to the Crowng when that great Affair was in Agitation, and which afterward was by King Edward I. of England, determined in favour of John de Baliol, how juſtly I ſhall not ſay.

The ſame illuſtrious Perſon, according to the Devotion of thoſe Times gave for the Safety of his Soul, Eccleſiae & Capitulo Glaſguen: jus Patronatus Rectoriae Eccleſiae de Woolſtoun coram Roberto Epo Glaſguen. & D. Andrea de Moravia fratre ſuo. h Likewiſe he gave Dicto Capitulo Glaſguen. jus Patronatus Eccleſiae de Smalum i under the Seal of his Arms, Exhiben. dictum Willielm. de Moravia deſign. Dominum de Bothwel equeſtrem, & in ſcato tres ſlellulas, multum attrito, much defaced, ſays my Authority, but ſtill to be ſeen by the learned and curious in the great Chartulary of the Epiſcopal See of Glaſgow in the Scots Colledge at Paris, k where they were depoſited by Biſhop Beaton at the Reformation in Scotland. By - - - his Wife Daughter of Sir John Cuming Lord of Badenoch l he had Sir Andrew his Succeſſor, and Sir John de Moravia, Dominus de Drumſhargard, [40] who was the Anceſtor of the Murrays of Abercarny a in Perthſhire.

Andrew de Moravia Panetarius Scotiae & Dominus de Bothwel was juſt ſuch a Patriot as his Father, whom he did not long ſurvive; for he loſt his Life in the Attempt at Stirling to redeem his Country from the Subjection and Slavery it was under to the Engliſh on the memorable 13th September 1297b leaving Sir Andrew his Son and Heir, who tracing the Steps of his noble and loyal Father in a firm and reſolute Adherence to the Intereſt of his Country, of which he had given ſuch pregnant Inſtances, and of his eminent Courage and Conduct in diverſe Encounters with the oppoſite Party, that he was thought worthy to be joined with Sir William Wallace, in the Command of the Army which Anno 1298 entered England, and performed ſuch Actions of wonderful Courage, that they became very terrible to the Enemy; and thereafter when Robert the Bruce took upon him the Title of King of Scotland, and declared his Purpoſe of doing all was in his Power toward the Redemption of his Country, and the retriving of the Independency of the Nation, no body appeared more hearty in his Intereſt than Sir Andrew Murray, or ſtood more firm to that Glorious Monarch in all the Viciſſitudes of Fortune that befell him: And it was no doubt in Reward of his great Merit, that the King beſtowed upon him his Siſter, the Lady Chriſtian Bruce, in Marriage,c and gave him diverſe Lands of great Value and Extent.

As he continued moſt faithfull to King Robert, he was no leſs ſo to his Son King David the II. to whoſe Intereſt inviolably adhering, he was one of thoſe Patriots who joined the Governour and came to his Aſſiſtance before the Battle of Duplin, where he ſignalized his Courage, inſomuch as he was upon the Death of the Earl of Mar, the Governour, unanimouſly elected Regent in his Room, and he held that great Office (except a little time he was a Priſoner in England) with the univerſal Approbation of the whole Nation, and the Applauſe of all Men, even till his Death Anno 1338,d whoſe Character drawn [41] by the Great Buchannan, I cannot paſs over. Speaking of his Death, he ſays ſummum apud omnes bonos deſiderium ſui reliquit, was much regrated by all good Men, and that tantas enim res biennio ac ſemeſtri quibus in Magiſtratu fuit, geſſit, ut ſuffecturae cujuſlibet magni Ducis aetati viderentur. He was ſolemnly interr'd with his Anceſtors in the Cathedral Church of Elgin under a Canopy of free Stone in Armour as big as the Life, with his Coat of Arms over him. Dr. Johnſtoun celebrates his praiſes in a very handſome Poem, which I ſhall take the Liberty to inſert here by way of Epitaph.

Obvius armato quoties ſeſe obtulit hoſti,
Cum quateret duro Sors fera cuncta pede!
Conſtans robur erat circum praecordia. Vincit
Dum capitur, nulla vincere vis potuit.
Victor caedit, agit, quatit, bostes, oppida, & arces.
Nemo unquam parvo tempore plura dedit.
Regum aequat merita: in Reges, pro Rege tuetur
Magnanimus patriae libera jura ſuae.
Vos [...] degeneres patriam ſic prodere veſtram!
Nempe ut MORAVII reſtituatur ope.

And tho' Mr. Winton the old Prior of Lochlevin be thought no good Poet now a Days, yet becauſe he has endeavoured to preſerve the Memory of ſo well deſerving a Perſon, and to tranſmit his Character to Poſterity in the beſt faſhion he could, I ſhall likewiſe amuſe the Reader with his Words in Commendation of the Governour,

Schir Andrew Muref guid and wight,
That was a flout and bald Knight,
That name better was in his Day,
Frae g [...]id King Robert was away.

By the Lady Chriſtian Bruce his Wife he left Iſſue John de Moravia Panetarius Scotiae his Son and Heir, who gave in pure and perpetual Alms, an Annuity of eight Merks Sterling out of his Lands of A [...]kly and Croy in Moray for the Maintenance of a Prieſt, who was perpetually to perform Divine Offices at the Altar of the Holy-Croſs, in the Cathedral Church of Elgin, Pro anima ſua & anima bonae memorie D. Andreae de Moravia patris ſui a: But he dying without Iſſue

Thomas his Brother was Heir to him. This noble Perſon was in the 1351 ſent to England as an Hoſtage for King David II.b and was afterward one of the Commiſſioners appointed to treat about the King's final Redemption Anno 1357c which was then happily brought about; likeas he gave, ratified and confirmed to the Church of Elgin his Brother's donation, adding by a new Deed of his own ten pounds to be diſtributed among the Chanons on the Day of his Father Sir Andrew's Anniverſaryd. But he dying without Male Iſſue, left a Daughter Jean his ſole Heir, married to Sir Archibald Douglaſs Lord of Galloway, thereafter Earl of Douglaſs, e which brought the Lordſhip of Bothwell to that illuſtrious Family.

The Male Line of this Antient Family was continued in Sir John de Moravia de Drumſhargard, a younger Son of Sir William de Moravia de Bothwell & Drumſhargard Panetarius Scotiae before mentioned,f who fixed his Reſidence at Abercarny in Perthſhire, in the Time of King Robert I, of which Lands he became poſſeſſed, as alſo of Ogilvie, Glenſherrop, &c. by the Marriage of Mary Daughter of Maliſe, Earl of Strathern, as from the Earl's Charter to him & Mariae Filiae noſtrae ſponſae [42] dicti Domini Johannis de Moravia de Drumſhargard a

Upon the Death of this Earl of Strathern, it being then cuſtomary to renew the Infeftment upon the Change of the Superior, as well as of the Vaſſal, Sir John Murray obtained a new Charter from Maliſe Earl of Strathern his Brother in Law, whereby he narrates, quod nobilis vi [...] Maliſius bonae memoriae Comes de Strathern infeodavit Dominum Joannem de Moravia de Drumſhargard, Militem, de diverſis terris infraſcript. viz. Ogilvie, Abercarny, Glenſherop & medietat. de Kincouſy, nec non annuo reditu de Mochuverd, cum Hybergis infra Comitatum deStrathern, ac etiam de terris de Egy & Arthſmethen prout in Cartadicti Domini quondam Patris mei eidem Domino Joanni & heredibus ſuis confect. plenius contineur b

This noble perſon gave to the Monks of Arbroth, all his Right and Title to the Lands of Kingoldrum, which had formerly been in Diſpute with the Convent, and that for the health of his Soulc; which is all that I have found further memorable of him. By Mary his Wife aforſaid, he had Sir Maurice his Succeſſor, Sir Allexander Murray; and VValter, who got off the Lands of Drumſhargard, from which he is afterward deſigned VValterus de Moravia de Drumſhargard. d

Which Sir Maurice being a perſon of great Honour and Merit, was by the Favour of King David II. made Earl of Strathern e but being ſlain in the Service of his Country at the Battle of Durham Anno 1346, without Iſſue of his Body, the Title of Earl became extinct, his paternal eſtate deſcending to,

Sir Alexander de Moravia de Drumſhargard his Brother, who was ſerved Heir to his Father Sir John on the 30th of July 134--f He married Janet Daughter of Hugh Earl of Roſs, Widow of the Baron of Monimusk and Siſter to Euphame Queen of Scotland. The Marriage Articles are very ſolemn by way of Indenture,g wherein the Queen and David Count Palatine of Strathern her Son do contract for the Lady: But the Write it ſelf being very curious and ſingular, I ſhall for the Satisfaction of the learned, inſert it in the original Words.

PReſens Indentura per modum alphabeti facta, teſtatur quod viceſimo quarto die menſis Novembris anno Domini milleſimo trecenteſimo ſeptuageſimo quinto apud Perth, inter excellentiſſimam Dominam Dominam Euphemiam Dei gratia Reginam Seotie illuſtrem, & nobilem virum ac potentem dominum David Comitem Palatinum de Strathern & Comitem Cattanie ex parte una, & Alexandrum de Moravia de Drumſergorth ex altera, in hunc modum extitit concordatum, videlicz quod dictus Alexander ducet in uxorem Dominam Jonetam de Munymusk ſororem dicte Domine Regine; & predicta Domina Regina ac Comes fideliter promiſerunt facere cum toto conſilio ſuo & auxilio dictum Alexandrum habere conſilium Juriſperitorum & Advocatorum ſumptibus ſuis propriis & expenſis, pro recuperatione ſue hereditatis ſecundum viſum fuerit quod jus habet ad proſecutionem. Inſuper concordatum eſt inter eoſdem, quod dicta Domina Regina inveniet ſufficientem ſuſtentationem predicte ſororis ſue ad tempus unius anni vel duorum annorum. Preterea concordatum eſt [43] inter eoſdem quod Walterus de Moravia frater dicti Alexandri, ſi velit, pro voluntatis ſue libito ſeniorem filiam predicte domine Jonete habebit in uxorem. In cujus rei teſtimonium perimplende & fideliter obſervande parti hujus indenture penes dictum Alexandrum remanenti ſigilla predictorum Domine Regine & Comitis ſunt appenſa, parti vero hujus indenture penes predictum Dominam Reginam remanenti ſigillum predicti Alex. eſt appenſum. Acta die anno & loco ſupradictis.

The Article whereby the Queen and the Earl of Strathern her Son do oblige themſelves to aſſiſt and patronize Sir Alexander Murray cum confilio ſuo & auxilio habere conſilium Jurisperitorum & Advocatorum pro recuperatione ſuae hereditatis, I think, as a perſon of knowledge in Antiquities has judiciouſly obſerved before me, reſpects Sir Alexander's Title to the Lordſhip of Bothwel as Heir Male, out of which he was kept by the power of the Earl of Dowglas, and adduces many Arguments to prove that pointa which I muſt paſs over, in regard they do not ſuit with the Brevity I intend in carrying on this Work, and only remark, that Sir Alexander Murray was overpowered in his Claim, and that he died in the 1410, leaving Iſſue, by the aforeſaid noble Lady his Wife, a Son

Sir Andrew Murray of Ogilvy and Abercarny, who by Agnes his Wife Daughter of Cunningham of Glengarnock in Vic. de Air, had Sir Humphry his Succeſſor, who by Catherine his Wife, Daughter of Patrick Lord Graham, had Andrew his Son and Heir, who took to Wife Margaret Daughter of Alexander Robertſon of Strowan. By her he had a Son George, who in the Lifetime of his Father was killed in the Service of his Country at the fatal Battle of Floudoun with King James IV. leaving Iſſue by Margaret his Wife, a Lady of the Family of the Lindſeys, a Son John, who ſucceeded his Grandfather, to whom he was ſerved and retoured Heir in the 1518. He married Nicolas Daughter of William Earl of Montroſe, by whom he had William his Son and Heir, and Robert, who was his Brother's Succeſſor. This John was ſlain in the Defence of the Honour and Independency of his Country by the Engliſh at the Battle of Pinkycleugh, the 10th of September 1547 and was ſucceeded by,

William his Son, who married Margaret Daughter of Lawrence Lord Oliphant, but dying without Iſſue 1559, his Eſtate fell to,

Robert his Brother, who in the time of the civil War, in the Reign of Queen Mary, adhered to that unfortunate Princeſs, and was much eſteemed by her, as appears by ſeveral Documents in the Hands of his Heirs. He married Catherine, Daughter of Sir William Murray of Tillybairdin. By her he had Sir William, Sir David of Gorthy, who was Governour to Henry Prince of Wales, Mungo Murray Eſq Father to Sir Robert Murray, who was Juſtice Clerk in the Reign of King Charles II, a learned and polite Gentleman, and of Sir William Murray of Dreghorn, Mr. John Murray Miniſter of Dumfermling, alſo two Daughters, Nicolas married to Robert Viſcount of [44] Beil heaven, and Anne to Sir William Moncrief of that Ilk, and dying anno 1595, was ſucceded by

Sir William his Son,a who being from his Youth, bred up at the Court of King James VI. was firſt made a Knight, then one of the Gentlemen of the Bed Chamber, and Maſter of Horſe to Queen Anne. He married Chriſtian Daughter of Andrew Mercer of Aldie, by whom he had Sir Robert his Son and Heir, and a Daughter Mary, married to William Murray of Auchtertyre.

Which Sir Robert in the Lifetime of his Father, married Helen Daughter of Alexander Bruce of Cultmalundie, by whom he had a Son Sir William, and a Daughter Anne, married to Alexander Murray of Strowan, and dying 1640, was ſucceeded by

Sir Wiliam his Grandſon, who ſurvived his Grandfather but a Year, for he dyed in the 1641, and left Iſſue by Anne his Wife, Daughter of Sir George Hay of Keilour, Anceſtor to the preſent Earl of Errol, Sir Robert his Succeſſor, William, and Captain George Murray. Alſo two Daughters.

Iſabel, married to Sir Archbald Stewart of Burro,

Helen, to Mungo Graham of Gorthie.

Sir Robert his Son was a Gentleman of Parts, and who in a good Degree inherited the Vertue, Loyalty and Merit of his Anceſtors. He dyed the 11 of April 1704, leaving Iſſue by Anne his Wife, Daughter of that valiant and loyal Gentleman Patrick Graham of Inſhbrakie, William his Succeſſor. Robert Murray Eſq Colonel John Mu [...] ray, Maurice Murray Eſq Likewiſe two Daughters.

Anne, married to David Grahame o [...] Fintrie,

Emilia to James Graham of Garvock.

JOHN RAMSAY, Earl of Bothwell.

SIR John Ramſay of Balmain, the great Favorite of King James the III. was by the ſaid Prince created Earl of Bothwell: b But he did not live long to enjoy the Honour, for he was ſlain with the King his Maſter at the Field of Stirling, on the 11th of June 1488.

HEPBURN Earl of Bothwell.

THIS Noble Family is deſcended of Sir Adam Hepburn, an Engliſh Knight, who tranſplanted himſelf into Scotland, in the Reign of King David the II. and had the Lands of Hailes by the Grant of George Earl of March.

Patrick Lord Hailes, was by King James the IV. raiſed to the Honour of Earl of Bothwell Anno 1488. By Margaret his Wife, Daughter to the Lord Dalketh, he had Adam his Son and Heir, who was ſlain at Floudoun Field, leaving Iſſue by Agnes his wife, Daughter to the Earl of Buchan, Patrick his Son, who was Father of the unhappy James Earl of Bothwell, who was created by Queen Mary Duke of Orkney, but was in the ſame Reign forfeited for Treaſon, whereupon he fled beyond Sea to Denmark, where he died Anno 1577.

Francis Stewart, Earl of Bothwel.


THE Title of Earl of Bothwel, by the ſpecial Favour of King James VI. came next to Francis Stewart Eſq Son and Heir of John Prior of Coldingham, Lord Privy-Seal in the Reign of Queen Mary, a natural Son of King James V. He was alſo conſtituted Lord high Admiral of Scotland; but in the ſame Reign, for his treaſonable Deſign of ſeizing the King's Perſon in his own Palace of Holy-rood-houſe, he was forfeited Anno 1593. The Admirality was beſtowed on the Duke of Lennox, and moſt of his Eſtate in Lidſdale given to the Lord Buclugh. How the reſt went, I do not pretend to account for: All that I am to obſerve, is, that he tranſported himſelf into France, and thence into Italy, where he paſſed the remainder of his Days.a.

BRECHIN Lord of Brechin.

DAvid of Scotland Earl of Huntingtoun and Garioch, Brother to King William the Lyon, gave the Lordſhip of Brechin, a Part of his own Appanage, to Henry his natural Son, from whence he took a Surname; for in a Donation of John de Scotia Comes de Huntingtoun & Cheſter to the Cannons of St. Andrews, this Henry is deſigned de Brechin, filius Comitis David, b and in a Mortification by the ſaid Earl, of a Toft of Land in his Burgh of Dundee, to the Abbay of Aberbrothock, Henrico de Brechin fratre ſuo is a Witneſsc; and likewiſe in many Royal Charters to Scoon and Aberbrothock. He left Iſſue by Julian his Wife,

William de Brechin his Son, who deſign'd himſelf Willielmus de Brechin, filius Henrici de Brechin, filii Comitis David, in his Foundation of the Mayſon Dieu Hoſpital of Brechin, for the Salvation of the Souls of William and Alexander Kings of Scotland, John Earl of Cheſter and Huntingtoun his Brother, Henry his Father, and Julian his Mother, and for the Welfare of his own Soul, to which Albinus Biſhop of Brechin, Robert de Monte alto, and ſeveral other Perſons of Note are Witneſſes,d. This William made a very great Figure in all the publick Tranſactions both in the Reign of King Alexander II. and III. In the 1255, he was one of the great Men, Magnatum, as the Record calls them, with whoſe Counſel, & aliorum plurium Baronum noſtrorum, the King gave a Commiſſion to the Earls of Monteith, Buchan and Mar, to treat with the Engliſh, de negotiis regni noſtri, anent the Good and Utility of both Realmse. Likeas I find he was an Arbitrator in the Diſpute betwixt Sir Peter de Maulea Dominus de Panmure, & Domina Chriſtina de Valoniis his Wife, with the Abbot of Aberbrothock, about the Marches of the Baronies of Aberbrothock & Panmure; which Alexander Cumin Earl of Buchan, Juſticiary of Scotland, had perambulate by the King's ſpecial Command, and was at length to the Satisfaction of the Parties amicably compoſed Anno 1254.f. He alſo was one of the Privy Council to King Alexander III. and one of the Proceres Scotiae who oblige themſelves recepturos Margaretam Norvegiae, g the [46] King's Grandchild, ut heredem Scotiae in failzure of his Iſſue Male. He married - - - Daughter of John C [...]in Earl of Buchan, by whom he had,

David Lord of Brethin his Son and Heir, who, after the Abdication of Baliol, was at the Battle of Methven, and ſeveral others, fought in the enſuing Wara, being in the Engliſh Intereſt, and no Friend to the Brucian Title, tho' he had the Honour to be in a very near Degree allied with that illuſtrious Family: For by his Wife, King Robert the Bruce's Siſter, he had a Son David, and a Daughter Margaret, married to Sir David Barclay Knight,b.

Which David Lord of Brechin was one of the Barons who wrote that bold and loyal Letter to the Pope Anno 1320: Soon after which, he was ſo unhappy as to be drawn into a Conſpiracy to deliver the Town of Berwick to the Engliſh; but that Combination being happily diſcovered, he was made Priſoner, and being tryed before the Parliament, was found guilty of high Treaſon, for as much as he had conceal'd and not reveal'd the Deſign, Ab conjurationis popularibus appellatus nunquam aſſenſerat: tantum eicrimini dabatur, quod in conſcientiam rei tam f [...]dae aſcitus eam tacitam habuit c, and ſuffered Death for the ſame, Anno 1321. His Caſe was much pitied and lamented; for beſides that he was the King's Nephew, he was a Perſon very eminent in the Arts both of Peace and War, Omnium aetatis ſuij [...]venum & belli &, pacis artibus longe primus habebatur, ſays my Author. Andd continues he, Dederat etiam ſuae virtutis in Syria bello ſacro praeclarum ſpecimen. His Eſtate was not forfeited as the reſt of the Conſpirators were, but went to Margaret his Siſter, who was his Heir.

BARCLAY. Lord of Brechin.

SIR David Barclay, Lord of Brechin in Right of his Wife the Heir of David de Brechin, was a Perſon of very ſignal Fidelity to the Brucian Intereſt, and is famous in the Wars of King Robert Bruce, to whom he did many remarkable Services.e This Sir David and Margaret his Wife gave in pure Alms to the Monks of Balmerino a Fiſhing upon the Water of Tay, for the good of their Souls;f and left Iſſue Sir David, and a Daughter Jean, married to Sir David Fleming of Biggar, by whom he had only one Daughter, Marion, married to William Maule of Panmure, Anceſtor to the Earl of Panmure. g

This laſt mentioned Sir David Barclay Lord of Brechin was eminent for his Activity and Valour in behalf of King David Bruce, to whom he performed many Actions of Honour and Courage; but at laſt falling into a fatal quarrel with the Douglaſſes, he was murdered by the Contrivance of William Douglas of Lidſdale, Anno 1348.h leaving Margaret his only Child, married to Walter Earl of Athole, i Son to King Robert II.

Walter Earl of Athole, by the aforeſaid Margaret his Wife, had Iſſue David Stewart Knight, who died in England, one of the Hoſtages for the Ranſom of King James the I. and Alan Earl of Caithneſs, who was killed [*46] at the Battel of Inverlochy in 1428, leaving no Iſſue. The Earl of Athole, tho' his Lady and Children died before himſelf, kept Poſſeſſion of this Lordſhip till he was execute for the Murder King James I. in Anno 1437. But when he was under Sentence of Death, he declared that he poſſeſſed the Lordſhip of Brchin only by the courteſie of Scotland ſince his Wife's Death, and that he had no other Title to that part of his Eſtate. Whereupon Sir Thomas Maule of Panmure laid Claim to this Lordſhip, as neareſt Heir to Margaret Barclay Counteſs of Athole, to whoſe Heirs it was provided, failing Heirs of her own Bodya, and accordingly he took an Inſtrument in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh, upon the Earl's Declaration immediately before his Execution, wherein his Right and Proximity of Blood to the Lords of Brechin is ſet downb. And Thomas Biſſet of Balwylo, judicially declares, That Dame Jean Barclay, Wife to Sir David Fleming, was Grandmother to Sir Thomas Maule, who was killed at Harlaw c. Notwithſtanding of all which, the Council of King James the II. in his Minority, having in ſundry Caſes procured Deciſions to be made in Favours of the Crown, when the Competition run betwixt the Sovereign and the Subject, the Family of Panmure were baulked of their Right, and the Lordſhip of Brechin, in regard the Earl of Athole died poſſeſſed of it, was with the reſt of his Eſtate annexed to the Crown.d

But this Lordſhip being afterward diſſolved, it was purchaſed by Patrick Earl of Panmure, and has ever ſince been uſed as a Title of that noble Family, who are undoubted Heirs in Blood of the antient Lords of Brechin, both of the Brechin and Barclay Line.

CAMPBEL Earl of Bradalbin.

THO none of this Family arriv'd to the Dignity of Peerage till the preſent Earl, yet were they Baron [...] of great Account long before, and were dignified with the Title of Baronet at the Inſtitution of that Honour, Anno 1625. Their firſt Anceſtor Sir Colin Campbel, was a ſecond Son of the Family of Lochow, near three hundred Years ago, who by his Marriage with Margaret, one of the three Daughters and Co-heirs of John Stewart Lord Lorn, obtained a third Part of that Inheritance. From which Sir Colin they have continued remarkable in a direct Line, down to the preſent Time, ſpreading themſelves into ſeveral eminent and flouriſhing Branches by the Way, as are the Campbels of Lawers (ſprung from a Son of a ſecond Marriage of the firſt Sir Colin, by a Daughter of the Family of Keir) Glenlyon, Achriny, Lochbuskie, Mochaſter, Monzie, Glenfaloch, Carquhin, Kilpont, Aberuchil, Glendarual, &c.

The Family of Glenurchie has been remarkable in our Scots Hiſtory on ſeveral Occaſions; nor need I be at much Pains to ſhew the ſeveral Matches they have made with ſome of the moſt noble Families of this Kingdom, ſince the whole Courſe of this Book ſufficiently makes mention thereof, only I ſhall take notice, that John, now Earl of Bradalbin, is Son of Sir John Campbel of Glenurchie Baronet, by Mary his Wife, Daughter of William Earl of Airth and Monteith. He was created Earl of Caithneſs by King Charles II. 28 January 1677, in Conſideration of the Loyalty of his Anceſtors, as well as his own perſonal [**46] Merit; but this Title being adjudged to another, Anno 1681. he was then created Earl of Bradalbin, with Precedency, according to the former Patent. In 1692 he was named a Privy Counſellour, and one of the Commiſſioners of the Treaſury, which for ſome Time he enjoy'd.

His firſt Wife was Mary Rich, Daughter of Henry Earl of Holland, of the Kingdom of England, by whom he had Duncan Lord Ormly, who is not to ſucceed him, and John Lord Glenurchie. Alſo by Mary his ſecond Wife, Daughter of Archbald Marquis of Argyle, he had a Son Colin, who died unmarried.

John Lord Glenurchie, married firſt Frances Daughter and Co-heir of Henry Cavendiſh Duke of New Caſtle, but by her he had no Iſſue; And ſecondly Henrietta Daughter of Sir Edward Villiers Siſter to Edward late Earl of Jerſey, by whom he has John Maſter of Glenurchie.


Three Coats quarterly, 1ſt and 4th. Gyrone of eight Pieces Sable and Or, 2d Or, a Feſs cheque Argent and Azure, 3d. Argent, a Galey with her Oars in Action, Sable, ſupported by two Stags Proper. Creſt a Stag's Head eraz'd, Motto, Follow me.

CUMIN Earl of Buchan.

THE firſt of this noble Family was Sir William Cumin, Son of Sir Richard Cumin Knighta, who married Margaret Daughter of Fergus Earl of Buchan b, in Right of whom he came to enjoy that Honour. He was by King Alexander II. conſtituted Juſticiary of Scotland, Anno 1230. which he enjoy'd for many Years. Being a Perſon of ſingular Devotion, he founded the Abbay of Deer in Buchan, for Ciſtertian Monks, and endued it with many Lands in thoſe Partsc, and dying Anno 1233d, left Iſſue by the ſaid Margaret his Wife,

Alexander his Son and Heir, who was conſtituted Juſticiary of Scotland in the Reign of King Alexander III. He was commiſſioned Ambaſſador to England, Anno 1284e, and in 1286 was choſen one of the ſix Regents of this Realm, upon the Deceaſe of the ſaid King Alexander f. His Works of Piety were theſe; An Hoſpital of his Foundation at Turref in Buchan, for twelve poor old Men; Another at the New-Burgh of Buchan, and a Confirmation in moſt ample manner to the Monks of Arbroth of a Grant which Fergus Earl of Buchan, his Grand-father, had formerly made for the Salvation of his Soulg. All which ſhew not only the Greatneſs of his Eſtate, but alſo of his Piety. He dying Anno 1289h, left Iſſue by Iſabel his Wife, Daughther and one of the Co-heirs of Roger de Quincy Earl of Wincheſter (by Helen his Wife, Daughter of Alan Lord of Galloway Conſtable of Scotland) John Earl of Buchan Conſtable of Scotland his Son and Heir, who was ſent Ambaſſador to France to treat of a Peace, which was then happily concluded, Anno 1303i. Upon King Robert's Acceſſion to the Throne, Anno 1306, he adhered to the Engliſh Intereſt, for which Action his Eſtate was ſeized on, and dying in England in 1329 the 1ſt. Year of David II. left Iſſue by Iſabel his Wife, Daughter of Duncan Earl of Fife, two Daughters, Alicia [47] Wife of Sir Henry de Beaumont, and Margaret of Sir John Roſs Knighta.

STEWART, Earl of Buchan.

THE next that enjoyed any Title from hence was Alexander Stewart Lord Badenoch, 4th Son to King Robert II. who was dignifyed with this Title, Anno 1374. He married Eupham Counteſs of Roſs b, and dying 20th February 1394, was interred in the Middle of the Choir, of the Cathedral Church of Dunkeld, with his Statue over him in a fair Stone, which continued intire, till a Party of Angus's Regiment having garriſoned the Church of Dunkeld at the Revolution, the Soldiers very much defaced it; but upon the Pedeſtal, there is this Inſcription.Hic jacet Dominus Alexander Seneſcallus Comes de Buchan & Dominus de Badenoch bonae Memoriae, qui obiit 20 Die menſts Februarii, Anno Dom. 1394.’

From this Time the Honour of Buchan lay dormant till the Year 1419, when it was meritoriouſly beſtowed by Robert Duke of Albany, Governor of Scotland, upon John Steuart Lord High Chamberlain of Scotland, his Son. This Earl commanded the 7000 Scots Auxiliares that were ſent to the Aſſiſtance of Charles VI. againſt the Engliſh c, whoſe great and memorable Actions and Services to the Crown of France, are ſufficiently recorded in our Scots and French Hiſtories, and leave me very little to ſay here. He was killed at the Battle of Vernoil, anno 1424d, leaving Iſſue by Elizabeth his Wife, Daughter to Archibald Earl of Douglaſs, one ſole Daughter and Heir, Jean married to George Lord Seaton, Anceſtor to the preſent Earl of Wintoun e, which gave Occaſion to the noble Family to carry quarterly in the Atchievement the Coat of Buchan, viz, Azure, three Garbs, Or.

ERSKINE, Earl of Buchan

THE Honour and Earldom of Buchan coming to the Crown, (by the Death of John the laſt Earl without Male-iſſue), remain'd in the Royal Perſon of the King, as neareſt Heir-male to the ſaid Earl, till the Year 1469, when the ſame was by King James III. with the whole Lands which formerly compoſed that Earldom, beſtowed upon James Stewart, ſecond Son of Sir James Stewart (ſirnamed, The Black Knight of Lorn) by Queen Jean, Widow of James 1. of Scotland, and Daughter of John Duke of Somerſet, who was Son of John of Gaunt Duke of Lancaſter, 4th Son of Edward III. King of England, from whom the ſame has through ſeveral Deſcents hereafter deduced, devolved on Earls of the Sirname of Erskine, a Branch of the Illuſtrious Houſe of Mar, by whom it has been enjoyed for the Space of One hundred and thir [...]een Years, ſince the 1601.

Which James Earl of Buchan was a moſt faithful Counſeller to King James III. by whom he was conſtituted Warden of the Middle Marches toward [48] England a and Lord High Chamberlain of Scotland. He married firſt Margaret, Daughter and ſole Heir of Sir Patrick Ogilvy of Auchterhouſe, high Sheriff of the County of Forfar, by whom he had Alexander his Son and Heir; alſo by Margaret, Daughter of . . . . . . . Murray of Philiphaugh, b he had James Stewart Anceſtor to the preſent Earl of Traquair; alſo two Daughtersc, Agnes married to Adam Earl of Bothwel, afterwards to Robert Lord Maxwel, and Elizabeth to John Hume of Colding knows, Anceſtor to the preſent Earl of Hume d.

Which Alexander Earl of Buchan married Jean, Daughter of William Lord Ruthven, by whom he had Iſſue, John Earl of Buchan his only Son and Heir, who was one of the Lords of the Privy Council to King James V. who, by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of Sir John Scrimgeor of Duddop Knight, had Iſſue John, who died before him, and one Daughter, who was married to Thomas Dempſter of Muirask in Bamff-ſhire, and had Iſſue.

Which John, Eldeſt Son of the ſaid Earl, was with the Flower of the Nobles of Scotland, killed at the Battle of Muſteburgh on the 10th of September 1547, in the Lifetime of his Father; having been twice married: Firſt, To Mary Daughter of James Earl of Murray, by whom he had no Iſſue; and, 2dly, To Beatrix; Daughter of Sir Walter Ogilvy of Boyn, by whom he had one Daughter Chriſtiana, who, anno 1551, ſucceeded her Grandfather in the Earldom of Buchan, and married Robert Do [...]glas (Brother of William Earl of Mortoun) in Right of her afterward Earl of Buchan, by whom ſhe had Iſſue James, who ſucceeded her; and two Daughters,

Janet married to Alexander Irvine of Drum, and had Iſſue.

Elizabeth married to Andrew Frazer of Muchil, in the County of Aberdeen, Anceſtor of Charles, now Lord Fraſer.

To which Robert and Chriſtiana (Earl and Counteſs of Buchan) ſucceeded

James Earl of Buchan, their only Son and Heir, who, by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of Walter Lord Deskford, Anceſtor of James now Earl of Findlater, had Iſſue one Daughter, Mary, who, anno 1601, ſucceeded the ſaid James her Father in the Earldom of Buchan.

Which Mary Counteſs of Buchan married James Erskine eldeſt Son of the ſecond Marriage of John Earl of Mar, Lord High Treaſurer of Scotland, and Knight of the moſt noble Order of the Garter, by the Lady Mary Stewart, ſecond Daughter of Eſme Duke of Lennox: Upon which Marriage, the Right of Succeſſion to the Earldom of Buchan (which before had been to the Heirs whatſoever) was by a Charter under the Great Seal, proceeding upon a Reſignation, limited to the ſaid Mary Counteſs of Buchan, and the ſaid James her Huſband, and the Heirs Male of the ſaid Marriage; which failing, to the ſaid James's neareſt lawful Heirs Male whatſoever.

Which James Earl of Buchan being a Perſon of great Merit and Accompliſhments, and much in the Favour of King Charles I. (to whom he was a Gentleman of his Bed-chamber) lived moſt of his Time in England, where he had Iſſue by his ſaid Wife, James his eldeſt Son and Heir, and John who died unmarried; as alſo two Daughters.

Mary married to Alexander Lord Pitſtigo, and had Iſſue; and Margaret married to Sir James Graham, Son to the Earl of Monteith.

After the Death of whom, he married, 2dly Elizabeth, Daughter of Sir Philip Knevit of Bucknam Caſtle, in the County of Norfolk, Bart. by whom he had Iſſue, Dorthy married in [51] England to [...] Walker in the County of Middleſex, Eſq and ſeveral other Children, who died young.

To whom ſucceeded James Earl of Buchan, his eldeſt Son and Heir, who by his Wife Mary, Daughter of William Earl of Dalhouſie, had Iſſue one Son William, who ſucceeded him, and five Daughters, Marjory the eldeſt, married firſt to [...] Fraſer of Inderalachie Eſq and 2dly to Charles Lord Fraſer. Anne the 2d to James Canaries D.D. Henriette the 3d. to Thomas Forbes of Tolquhon Eſq & Jean the 4th. to George Gray of Hackerton Eſq

Which William Earl of Buchan having joined himſelf at the Revolution in 1688 to thoſe who took up Arms in Scotland againſt the late King William, brought himſelf thereby into much Trouble: For being ſoon after taken by that King's Troops, he was committed Priſoner to the Caſtle of Stirling, where, tho by the Interceſſion of his Friends his Priſon was at laſt much enlarged, he continued to his Death, which happened anno 1695, without leaving any Iſſue, having never been married.

To whom ſucceeded David Lord Cardroſs, his neareſt Heir Male, being great Grandſon and Heir to Henry the firſt Lord Cardroſs, who was Brother to James Earl of Buchan, Grandfather to the ſaid William laſt deceaſed.

Which David Earl of Buchan in anno 1697 married Frances, eldeſt Daughter, and ſince ſole Heir of Henry Fairfax of Hurſt, in the County of Berks Eſq only Son and Heir of Henry Fairfax Eſq ſecond Son of Thomas Viſcount Fairfax: By the which Frances Counteſs of Buchan the ſaid Earl has had nine Sons,

Henry David, Lord Auchterhouſe, born in September 1699, who died very young.

David Lord Auchterhouſe, born in April 1703, who died an Infant.

Henry David, now Lord Cardroſs & Auchterhouſe, born 17th April 1710.

Fairfax, born Feb. 8th 1712.

George Lewis on Jan. 30 1714, and

George Auguſtus on December 27th, 1715, who died very young, and three more, who died ſoon after they were born.

Alſo ſeven Daughters.

Lady Katharin Anna, and

Lady Frances; yet in their Minority.

Lady Alethea, and

Lady Willelmina Carolina, who both died Infants; and three others who died ſoon after they were born.

Which David now Earl of Buchan, was one of the Council of Trade appointed by Parliament in anno 1705, when by an Act paſt in England, the Importation of Scots Linnen Cloath and Cattle into that Kingdom was prohibited, and Matters ſeem'd to run high betwixt the two Kingdoms, in which Commiſſion his Lordſhip behaved himſelf ſo as to gain univerſal Eſteem, as he has upon all other Occaſions, when employed in the publick Service, wherein he has always eminently diſtinguiſh'd himſelf by his unſhaken Zeal and conſtant appearance for the Honour and Intereſt of his Country, as well during the Reign of the late King William, in which he was a Privy Counſellor from the Year 1697, till the Death of that Prince, as during that of her late Majeſty Queen Anne, by whom he was alſo conſtituted of the Privy Council; as alſo one of the Commiſſioners of the Exchequer, and Governour of Blackneſs Caſtle; in all which he continued till after the Concluſion of the Treaty of Union, anno 1707, which he oppoſed in Parliament to the very laſt, being of Opinion, as his Lordſhip then declared, that ſeveral of the Articles agreed upon, were inconſiſtent with the Honour of his Country, eſpecially of the Peerage, againſt which he therefore entred his Proteſt, and was ſoon after removed from all publick Truſt. But on the Acceſſion of his Majeſty King George to the Crown, for the Security of whoſe Succeſſion his Lordſhip [52] had on all Occaſions exerted himſelf with the outmoſt Zeal, he had again ſeveral Marks of Favour beſtowed on him, having been appointed one of the Lords Commiſſioners of Police, and Lord Lieutenant of the Shires of Stirling and Clackmannan, as he was alſo to the general Satisfaction elected one of the ſixteen Peers for Scotland to the firſt Parliament of Great Britain called after his Majeſty's Arrival in this Kingdom.


Quarterly 1ſt. Azure, three Garbs, Or, 2d grand quarter 1ſt and 4th Azure, a Bend betwixt ſix Croſs Croſlets, Or, 2d and 3d, Argent, a Pale, Sable, 3d, great Quarter 1ſt and 4th Or, a Feſs Cheque, Azure and Argent, 2d and 3d Azure, 3 Garbs Or, 4th Argent, three Bars Gamels, Gules. Over all a Lyon Rampant Sable in Surtout an Eſcoutcheon, Gules, an Eagle diſplayed, Or, looking toward the Sun in his Splendor, p [...]aced in the Dexter chief Point, ſupported by two Oſtriges proper Creſt, a dexter Hard graſping a Batton, Motto, Judge Nocht.

SCOTT Duke of Buckclugh.

THE firſt of the Sirname of Scott, I have found upon Record, was Ricardus Scottus, who in the Reign of King David I. is Witneſs to a Charter of Confirmation by Robert Biſhop of St. Andrews, to the Abbacy of Holyrood houſe; a but whether Scottus was his Sirname, or only ſo called from his Country, is not ſo clear. Likeas we find in the Reign of King Alexander II. another Ricardus Scottus, who obtained a fair Eſtate in Roxburgh-Shire, by Marriage of Alicia, one of the Heirs Female of Henry de Molla, out of which he gave in pure and perpetual Alms to the Monks of Kelſo, eight Acres of Land, with Paſturage for divers Oxen, in his Tenement of Molle, for the Health of his Soul.b

In the Reign of Alexander III. Sir Richard Scott obtained the Barony of Murthockſtoun, now called Murdiſtoun in Clidſdale, by the Marriage of an Heir Female of the ſame Sirname, & is deſigned Ricard le Scott de Murthockſtoun, in the Bond of Submiſſion called the Ragman Roll, wherein as a Baron of Lanerkſhire, he ſwears Allegiance to King Edward the I. of England Anno 1296;c whoſe Succeſſor Robert Scott deſigned of . . . Murdiſtoun and Ranelburn, flouriſhed under King Robert II. who with Conſent and Approbation of Walter his Son and Heir apparent, gave to the Monks of Melroſs the Lands of Hinkery in Selkirkſhire, pro ſalute animae ſuae. d This Walter was a gallant brave Man, and performed many Actions of ſignal Honour and Courage in the Service of the Crown, for which he was nobly rewarded. For King Robert, who never failed to reward merit, did with Conſent of John Earl of Carrick his eldeſt Son, change the holding of the Barony of Kirkurd from Ward to Blanch in his Favours, by his Royal Charter of the Date December 7. Anno 1390.e The ſame Sir Walter, then a Knight, in the 1426, obtained a Charter from the Earl of Douglas, of the Lands of Lempetlaw, for his Services done to the Earl, by his Charter ſecond July 1426;f and afterward exchanged his Lands of Murdiſtoun with Thomas Inglis of Maner for Maners Lands of Branxholm, Anno 1446g He was [53] a Perſon of that Character, that during the Reign of King James II. he was frequently employed in Negotiations of Peace betwixt the two Nations, as appears from Mr. Rymer's Foedera lately publiſhed, and did exert his Valour in a very eminent Degree, in ſuppreſſing the Rebellion of the Earls of Douglas, Murray and Ormond, for which he had a Grant from the Crown of the Lands of Abinigton, Fairholm and Glendonary, wherein his Loyalty and ſignal Services are very fully narrated and ſet forth in the King's Charter,a under the Great-Seal. By . . . Daughter of . . . his Wife, he had David his Son and Heir, and Alexander.

Which David made a very great Figure, in the publick Tranſactions, in the Time of King James III. and IV. and was oftner than once appointed one of the Conſervators of the Peace betwixt the two Nations. By . . . Daughter of . . . he had Sir Walter his eldeſt Son, and Robert; likewiſe a Daughter Janet, married to Sir James Douglas of Drumlanrig, b and departing this Life Anno 1492, was ſucceeded by

Sir Walter his Grandſon and Heir, who was ſerved and retoured Heir to his Grandfather, 6. November 1492:c He was famous for his many excellent Qualities under King James V. whoſe great Favourite he was. In the 1526 he attempted to relieve at Melroſs his Sovereign out of the Hands of the Earl of Angus; and tho the Attempt proved unſucceſsfull, yet the King ſtill retained a very laſting Senſe of Sir Walter's Duty and Loyalty on that Occaſion. After the Death of King James he ſignalized his Valour and Courage at the Battle of Pinky, ſoon after which he was conſtituted Warden of the Weſt-Marches toward England, and he diſcharged the Office with great Honour and Integrity, till his Death in the Month of October of the Year 1553.d He married firſt Elizabeth Daughter of . . . Carmichael, e of . . . and had Sir David his eldeſt Son, who died without Iſſue, and Sir William Scott Knight his Father's Heir apparent, who likewiſe died before himſelf. His ſecond Wife was Janet Daughter of John Bethune of Cricht, f by whom he had Griſel married to William Lord Borthwick, and again to Walter Cairncroſs Eſq Son to John Cairncroſs of Colmeſly. g And Jean to John Cranſtoun of that Ilk.

Sir William Scott of Kirkurd, Son and Heir apparent to Sir Walter Scott of Buckclugh, in the Lifetime of his Father, married Griſel Daughter of John Bethune of Cricht, h by whom he had Sir Walter his Grandfather's Succeſſor, and three Daughters, Jean married to Sir Thomas Ker of Fernyherſt, Margaret to Sir John Johnſtoun of that Ilk, and Elizabeth to John Carmichael of Meadowflat, Captain of Crawfurd.

Which Walter was a Man of excellent Parts and Reputation, and tho a firm Adherer to Queen Mary, yet he has a very good Character even by the Hiſtorians of the other Party, particulary Sir James Melvil, who ſays, He was a Man of rare Qualities, wiſe, brave, ſtout and modeſt. He married Margaret, Daughter of David Earl of Angus, by whom he had Sir Walter his Son and Heir, and two Daughters.

Margaret, married to Robert Scott of Thirleſtane, and had Iſſue.

Mary, to William Elliot of Lirieſtoun, and had Iſſue.

Which Walter being a Perſon of very fine Parts, and in great Favour with King James VI. had the Honour of Knighthood conferred on him, at the Coronation of Queen Anne, in Anno 1590,i and after that was conſtituted Warden of the Weſt-Marches toward England, and he diſcharged [54] the Truſt with ſingular Courage and Fidelity,a till the King's Acceſſion to the Crown of England, Anno 1603.

Sir Walter being a Perſon of a warlike Genius, and from his Youth much affecting a military Life, carried over a Regiment to the Netherlands, where he ſerved under that famous General the Prince of Orange, in which valiant Adventures he gained ſo much Honour, that to countenance his ſignal Merit, King James VI. was pleaſed to raiſe him to the Degree and Dignity of a Baron of this Realm, by the Title of Lord Scott of Buckclugh, on the 16. March 1606, and departing this Life 5. December 1611,b leſt-Iſſue by Mary his Wife, (Daughter of William Ker of Cesford, Siſter to Robert I. Earl of Roxburgh) Walter his Succeſſor; likewiſe two Daughters,

Margaret married to James Lord Roſs, and again to Alexander Earl of Eglintoun.

Elizabeth to John Maſter of Cranſtoun, c at that Time Son and Heir apparrent to William Lord Cranſtoun, ſans Iſſue.

Which Walter was by the ſpecial Favour of King James VI. raiſed to the Honour of Earl of Buckclugh, by Letters patent 16. March 1619.d This noble Earl being likewiſe a Noblemen of a warlike Temper, had likewiſe the Command of a Regiment under the States of Holland againſt the Spaniard, where he ſerved with ſingular Honour and Reputation, and coming over to England in the Beginning of the Winter, 1633, died at London on the 21. of September thereafter.

Leaving Iſſue by Mary his Wife, Daughter of Francis Earl of Errol, Francis his Son and Heir and two Daughters.

Lady Mary married to John Earl of Mar.

Lady Jean to John firſt Marqueſs of Tweddale.

Francis Earl of Buckclugh was a young Nobleman of very fine Parts, and of ſingular merit, and very loyally affected to King Charles II. for which Cromwel, after the Earl's Death, impoſed a Fine of 15000 Lib. Sterl. on his Heir.e He was ſuddenly ſnatched away by Death in the Flower of his Age, Anno 1652, leaving Iſſue by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of John Earl of Rothes, two Daughters, Mary Counteſs of Buckclugh, who married Walter Scot of Hycheſter, who was thereupon created Earl of Tarras; but the Lady dying without Iſſue, Anno 1662, her Eſtate and Honour came to her Siſter the Lady Anne Scott, who ſoon thereafter was married to James Duke of Monmouth, natural Son to King Charles II. who changed his Name to Scot, and was, together with the Counteſs his Wife, created Duke and ſhe Dutches of Buckclugh, by Letters patent, 20. April 1673.f And the Duke of Lennox dying in the End of 1672, his Grace was conſtituted Lord High Chamberlain of Scotland.

In the Year 1679. upon the Inſurrection in Scotland, which commenced with the Murder of the Arch-Biſhop of St. Andrews, he was ſent with a ſufficient Force, as Generaliſſimo to ſuppreſs it, where giving them Battle at Bothwel-Bridge, he entirely defeated them, and ſo ſuppreſſed that Rebellion.

But the following Year, having ſhown himſelf very zealous in proſecuting a full Diſcovery of the Popiſh Plot, and joining with thoſe who were the greateſt Sticklers at that Time againſt Popery, by which means he had very much gain'd the Affection of the People, ſome of his chiefeſt (ſuppoſed) Friends began to invite him to caſt an Eye upon the Crown, and the more to flatter his Hopes therewith, [53] a Report was about this time very induſtriouſly ſpread through the Kingdom, That the King had been lawfully married to Mrs. Walters the Duke's Mother, which ſo affected his Majeſty, that he thought himſelf obliged, both in Conſcience and Honour to declare the contrary to his Privy Council, and thereupon cauſed the following Declaration to be entred in the Council Books.

To avoid any Diſpute, which may happen in time to come, concerning the Succeſſion to the Crown, he declares in the Preſence of Almighty God, that he never gave, nor made any Contract of Marriage, nor was ever married to any Woman whatſoever, but to his preſent Wife, Queen Catharine, now living.


Not long after this, the King was prevailed with, not only to diveſt him of all the Offices and Places he held under the Crown, but that he ſhould likewiſe depart the Kingdom, whereupon he retired to Utrecht, and there continued ſome Time, and then returned to England, but was again baniſhed the Court in 1683, and retiring into Holland, continued at the Hague till the Death of the King his Father. But before K. James VII. was well ſetled on the Throne, anno 1685, he invaded England; but being ſoon after totally routed at Sigemore, and taken Priſoner, he was beheaded on Towerhill the 15th July 1685.

By the Duke of Monmouth the Dutcheſs of Buckclugh had two Sons,

James Earl of Dalkeith, who was elected one of the Knights of the moſt noble Order of the Thiſtle, anno 1704, and dyed 14th March 1705, leaving Iſſue by Henrietta his Wife, Daughter of Laurence Earl of Rocheſter, three Sons and two Daughters, viz.

Francis now Earl of Dalkeith.

Lord James Scot.

Lord Henry Scot.

Lady Anne Scot.

Lady Charlotte Scot.

Lord Henry Scot, 2d Son of Anne Dutcheſs of Buckclugh, was by Letters Patent, bearing date the 29th of March 1706, in the 5th Year of the Reign of her Majeſty Queen Anne, created Earl of De Lorain, Viſcount Hermitage and Lord Scot of Goldilines, all in the County of Roxburgh.

Her Grace married a ſecond Husband Charles Lord Cornwallis, and by him had Iſſue, Lord George Scot, and Lady Anne Scot, who both deceaſed young, and Lady Iſabella Scot, yet unmarried.


Or, on a Bend Azure, a Star of ſix Points betwixt two Creſcents of the Field, ſupported by two Women in Rich antique Apparrel, the Creſt is a Stag paſſant, proper, Motto, Amo.

BALFOUR, Lord Burleigh.

THIS Family which originally took its Sirname from the Caſtle and Barony of Balfour in Fife-ſhire, hath been of great Antiquity in the foreſaid County, there being ſome of that Name flouriſhing there, in the time of Alexander IIa. Alſo it appears, that Michael de Balfour [54] vice comes de Fife, was a Member of Parliament in the Year, 1315a. This Family continued in great Luſtre till the fifth of King Robert II. and then came to an Heir Female, married to Sir John Beaton Knight, Progenitor to the Laird of Balfour.

Of the Family of Balfour, that of Monquhany, appears to have been a very ancient Branch, for Michael de Balfour, obtained the Barony of Monquhany in vice-comitatu de Fife, in Exchange with Duncan Earl of Fife, for his Lands of Pittencrief b which was ratified by a Charter of King David II. anno 135 [...] c, as Balfour of Burleigh was another Family in good Eſteem, and poſſeſſed the Barony of Burleigh ſince the Days of King James IId. Theſe two Families of Monquhany and Burleigh, came to be united in the Perſon of Sir Michael Balfour of Burleigh, Son and Heir to Sir James Balfour of Monquhany, Clerk Regiſter in the Reign of Queen Mary, by Margaret his Wife, Daughter and Heir of Michael Balfour of Burleigh. This Sir Michael was by the Favour of King James VI. raiſed to the Peerage of this Realm by the Title of Lord Balfour of Burleigh, 7th Auguſt 1606e, being then his Majeſty's Ambaſſador to the Dukes of Tuſcany and Lorain, he married . . . . . . Daughter of Lundy of that Ilk, by whom he left one Daughter, Margaret Baroneſs of Burleigh, his ſole Heir, the Honour being to him and the Heirs of his Body lawfully begotten, ſhe married Robert Arnot of Ferny, who changed his Name to Balfour, and in her Right became Lord Burleigh. He was elected Preſident to the Parliament, anno 1641, and by his ſaid Wife he had Iſſue.

John his Succeſſor, and three Daughters.

Jean, married to David Earl of Weems, and had Iſſue.

Margaret, to Sir John Crawfurd of Kilbirny, Anceſtor to the preſent Viſcount of Garnock.

Iſabel, to Thomas Lord Ruthven, and had Iſſue.

John Lord Burleigh, was married to Daughter of Sir William Balfour of Pitcullo Lieutenant of the Tower of London, in the Reign of King Charles I. by whom he had three Sons, Robert who ſucceeded him in his Eſtate and Honour. John Balfour of Ferny, and Henry Balfour of Dunboig, alſo ſeveral Daughters,

Margaret, married to Andrew Lord Rollo, and had Iſſue.

. . . . . . . . to Sir Robert Douglaſs of Kirkneſs, and had Iſſue.

. . . . . . . . to Sir John Malcolm of Lochore, and has Iſſue.

. . . . to . . . . Douglaſs of Strenthry. Iſabel, unmarried.

Anne to Captain Robert Sinclair.

Robert the preſent Lord Burleigh, upon King William's Acceſſion to the Crown, anno 1689, was conſtituted one of the Commiſſioners for executing the Office of Regiſter. He married Margaret Daughter of George Earl of Melvil, by whom he has,

Robert Maſter of Burleigh,


Mary, all unmarried.


Argent on a Cheveron Sable, an Ottars Head erraz'd of the firſt, ſupported on the Dexter with an Ottar, and on the Siniſter by a Swan proper, for the Creſt, a Maid holding in one Hand an Ottars Head, and in the other a Swans, with this Motto, Omne ſolum forti Patria.

STEUART, Earl of Bute.


THE deſcent of this noble Family is from Sir John Steuart, a Son of King Robert II.a who had by his Fathers Grant a fair Poſſeſſion in the Iſle of Bute (the ancient Patrimony of the Royal Steuarts, long before they attained to the Crown) with the hereditary Sheriffſhip of that County, which King Robert III. his Brother confirmed by this Charter. Robertus dei gratia Rex Scotorum ſciatis nos dediſſe & hac preſenti charta noſtra confirmaſſe dilecto fratri noſtro Johanni Seneſcallo de Bute officium vice comitatus de Bute & Arran datum 11 Nov. 1400b. Likeas he obtained a Charter from Robert Duke of Albany, when Governour of Scotland, of the Lands of Fynock, which runs thus in the Original,

Robertus Dux Albaniae Gubernator Scotiae ſciatis nos dediſſe dilecto fratrinoſtro Johanni Steuart vice comiti de Bute totam dimidietatem terrarum de Fynock in Barronia de Renfrew, &c. apud Villam de Irvin primo die Januarii 1418c.

This Sir John Steuart married Jean Daughter of Sir John Semple of Eliotſtoun d, Anceſtor to the preſent Lord Semple, by whom he had three Sons,

Robert his Succeſſor.

Andrew Steuart of Roſlyn in vice comitatu de Bute.

William firſt of the Branch of Fynock e in vice comitatu de Renfrew.

Which Robert Steuart of Bute was of the Privy Council to King James II. anno 1440f. The third of this Family was James Steuart of Bute, who obtained from King James III. in Conſideration of his good Services before that time performed, the hereditary Conſtabulwick of the Caſtle of Rothſay, (which had been anciently a royal Seat, and where King Robert III. yielded his laſt Breath) by a Commiſſion ſtill extant among the Earl of Bute's Writes, and bears date, 1ſt Auguſt 1498.

To this laſt mentioned James ſucceeded Ninian his Son and Heir, who married Eliſabeth Daughter of John Blair of that Ilkg, and departing this Life anno 1509, was ſucceeded by James his Son, who was Infeft both in his Eſtate, and in the hereditary Conſtabulary of Rothſay Caſtle, 20th. May 1509h. He married firſt a Daughter of the Family of Argyle and ſecondly Marion Daughter of John Fairly of that Ilk, in vice comitatu de Air, Widow of Thomas Boyd of Linn i, by whom he had John who ſucceeded him, and Robert Steuart of Kelſpock k.

Which John was in ſpecial Favour with King James VI. to whom he was one of the Gentlemen of his Bed-Chamber, and in 1580 was conſtituted Captain of the Caſtle of Brodick, and Chamberlain of Arran l, which he enjoyed till the Family of Hamilton was reſtored, anno 1585. His firſt Wife was Mary Daughter of John Campbel of Skipniſh, and his ſecond Fynuald, Daughter of Sir James Mackdonald of Duneyveg and Glinns, Anceſtor to the Earl of Antrim of the Kingdom of Ireland, and departing this Life about the Year 1602, [56] was ſucceeded by John his Son and Heir, who was knighted by King James VI. He added to the ancient patrimonial Fortune of his Anceſtors, the Lands of Foord in vice comitatu de Haddingtoun, by the Marriage of Eliſabeth. eldeſt of the two Daughters, and Co-heirs of Robert Hepburn of Foord, by whom he left Iſſue, James his Succeſſor, and Colonel Thomas Steuart who died in France.

Which James had the Honour of Baronet conferred on him by King Charles I. When the civil War broke out in that Reign, he faithfully adhered to the King's Intereſt, for which, beſide the Sequeſtration of moſt of his Eſtate, he ſuffered much perſonally during the Uſurpation, notwithſtanding whereof he continued conſtant and unſhaken in his Loyalty, and living to ſee the Reſtauration, he died at London ſoon after, tho the exact time I cannot aſſign, and was buried in the Abbay at Weſtminſter. His Wife was Iſabel Daughter of Sir Dougal Campbel of Achinbreak, by Iſabel his Wife, Daughter of Thomas Lord Boyd, by whom he had Sir Dougal his Succeſſor, and

Sir Robert Steuart of Tillycutry, one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice, and one of the Lords of her Majeſty's Juſticiary, who was created Baronet by Patent 29th. April 1707. He married Cicil Daughter of Sir Robert Hamilton of Preſmanan, and had Sir Robert Steuart Baronet.

Alſo three Daughters, 1ſt Eliſabeth married to Ninian Banatyne of Keams, in vice comitatu de Bute, and had Iſſue. 2d. Anne to Alexander Mackdo [...]ald of Sana, in vice comitatu de Argyle, and afterwards to Walter Campbel of Skipniſh, of the ſame County, and had Iſſue. 3d. Jean to Angus Campbel of Skipniſh, Junior and had Iſſue.

Sir Dougal his Son married Eliſabeth Daughter of Sir Thomas Ruthven of Dunglaſs, by Mary his Wife, Daughter of Alexander 1ſt Earl of Leven, by whom he had two Sons, Sir James who ſucceeded him. Mr. Dougal Steuart of Blairhall, who having applyed himſelf to the ſtudy of the Law, became ſoon ſo fam'd in that Profeſſion, that Her Majeſty was pleaſed to name him one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice, and one of the Lords of the Juſticiary, 12 May 1709, and having ſerved Commiſſioner in diverſe Parliaments, both before and ſince the commencement of the Union, he ſtill diſcharged that truſt with Honour and Integrity, particularly in relation to the Union of the Kingdoms, where he acted ſo conſcientious and honourable a Part, that Ages to come will equally eſteem him for the Regard he then ſhew'd for the Honour of his Country, as for his Abilities upon the Bench, which he has in the Opinion of all, to a very eminent degree. He married Mary Daughter of — Bruce of Blairhall, and has Iſſue.

Alſo ſeveral Daughters, Barbara married to Alexander Campbel of Barbreak, in vice comitatu de Argyle, and has Iſſue, and Margaret to Dougal Laumont, apparent Heir of Archibald Laumont of that Ilk, and has Iſſue. He departed this Life in May 1672, and was ſucceeded by

Sir James his Son and Heir, who upon Her Majeſty's Acceſſion to the Throne was named a Privy Counſellour, and appointed one of the Commiſſioners upon the Part of Scotland to Treat of a nearer Union with England, anno 1702, which then took not effect, and by Letters Patent bearing date 14th April 1703, raiſed to the Honour of Earl of Bute, Viſcount of Kingarth, Lord Mont Steuart, Cumra and Inchmarnock. In 1706, he was one of the Peers who diſſented from the Union, and when he diſcovered the Parliament was by a Majority diſpoſed to go into it, he left the Houſe and retired to his [57] Seat in the Country. He married 1ſt. Agnes eldeſt Daughter of Sir George Mackenzie of Roſehaugh, Lord Advocate, in the Reign of King James VII. by whom he had

James the preſent Earl, and a Daughter Margaret married to John Crawfurd Lord Kilbirny, and Viſcount of Garnock, and had Iſſue. And by Chriſtian his ſecond Wife Daughter of William Dundaſs of Kincavill he had a Son John. This Earl died at the Bath in England, 4th June 1710, and was interr'd in the Church of Rothſay among his Anceſtors, upon him I find this Epitaph,

Per multos proavos Regali ſtemmate cretus,
Qui fuerant fidi Regibus uſque ſuis,
Pulchra fuit cui mens habitans in corpore pulchro,
Cuique Genus Geniuſque Ingeniique vigor,
Ornarunt Animum virtuſque ſcientia juris,
Et Regum & Patriae & Relligionis amor
Ille & Apoſtolico Clero tot fluctibus acto
Vivens & moriens grande levamen erat.

Which James now Earl of Bute had a conſiderable Acceſſion to his Eſtate by the deceaſe of George Mackenzie of Roſehaugh, his Uncle, to whoſe Fortune he ſucceeded in 1707, and which he is obliged by the Deſtination to give to his ſecond Son, who is to bear the Sirname, and wear the Arms of Mackenzie of Roſehaugh. His Lord ſhip married the Lady Anne Campbel Daughter of Archibald Duke of Argyle, and has a Daughter Lady Mary.


Or, a Feſs checkque, Azure and Argent, within a double Treſſure Counterflour'd Gules, ſupported on the dexter with a Horſe, Argent, and on the ſiniſter with a Stag proper, Creſt, a Demi Lyon rampant, Gules, iſſuing out of an Earls Coronet, with this Motto, Nobilis Ira.

Nota, A Principal Branch of this Family was Steuart of Kilcattan, in vice comitatu de Bute, whoſe Deſcendants now enjoy a fair Eſtate in the Kingdom of Ireland, of whom is Steuart of Aſcog, which remains to this Day ſeated in the Iſle of Bute, John Steuart now of Aſcog, being the fifth Deſcendant from John his Predeceſſor, a younger Son of William Steuart of Kilcattan, in the Minority of King James VI.

Earl of Caithneſs

IN the Time of King William one Harold was Earl of this Country; but for Rebellion his Eſtate was forfeited, anno 1187a, and continued in the Crown till the Year 1222b, when King Alexander II. beſtowed it upon Magnus the Son of Gilibred Earl of Angus, for the payment of a yearly Duty of ten Pound Sterling to the King and his Succeſſorsc. The Honour continued in this Race till it expired in a Daughter married to the Earl of Ro [...]s, in the Reign of King David II.d

The next who had this Title, was David Steuart Son to King Robert II. by Eupham Roſs. He was created Count Palatine of Strathern, and Earl of Caithneſs, upon his Father's Acceſſion to the Sovereignty, anno gratiae 1370, but he dying without Male Succeſſion, it devolved on Walter Earl of Athole, his immediate younger Brother, who diſpon [...]d it to Allan Steuart his Son, who was killed at the Battel of Innerlochy e, leaving no Iſſue; ſo that by his Father's Forfaulture it came to the Crown.

CRICHTON Earl of Caithneſs.


CAithneſs was again erected into an Earldom, in the Perſon of Perſon of George Crichton of Cairns, a Lord high Admiral of Scotland, anno 1452, but he dying in the Year 1455b, left only a Daughter Janet married to John Maſter of Maxwel, whereby the Honour extinguiſhed.

SINCLAIR Earl of Caithneſs.

WIlliam Sinclair Earl of Orkney Lord high Chancellour of Scotland, in the Reign of King James II. obtained from that Monarch a Grant of the Earldom of Caithneſs in Compenſation of a Claim he had to the Lordſhip of Nithſdale, bearing date 29th April 1456c. He convoyed this Earldom with the Honour to William Sinclair, one of his Sonsd, who married Mary Daughter of Sir William Keith of Inver [...]gy. He was ſlain at the Field of Floudon, 1513, leaving Iſſue by the ſaid Mary his Wife.

John his Son and Heir, and Alexander Sinclair founder of the Family of Dunbeth, which John took to Wife Mary Daughter of William Sutherland of Duffus e, by whom he had George who ſucceeded him. This Earl was killed in an Inſurrection of the Inhabitants of Orkney, 29th May 1529f.

George the 3d Earl of Caithneſs, was conſtituted Juſticiary within the bounds of Caithneſs by Queen Mary anno 1566, and in 1568 was one of the Peers who ſat upon the Trial of James Earl of Bothwell. He married Eliſabeth. Daughter of William 2d Earl of Montroſe, by whom he had,

John his eldeſt Son, who died in the Year 1577g, leaving three Sons and a Daughter by Jean his Wife, Daughter of Patrick Earl of Bothwell, George who ſucceeded in the Earldom: James Sinclair of Murthill Anceſtor to the preſent Earl of Caithneſs h, and John Sinclair of whom deſcended Sinclair of Greenland i. Mary, firſt Wife to Sir John Hume of Coldingknows, and afterward of Andrew Earl of Errol.

George Sinclair ſecond Son, was Progenitor of the Sinclairs of May k in the Shire of Caithneſs, his Wife was Margaret Daughter of William Lord Forbes.

He had likewiſe ſeveral Daughters, 1ſt. Beatrix, married to Alexander Earl of Sutherland l, but had no Iſſue. 2d. Eliſabeth to Alexander Sutherland of Duffus, ſans Iſſue, and afterward to Hutcheon Mackcay of Far m, Anceſtor to the preſent Lord Rae. Margaret to William Sutherland of Duffus n. Barbara to Alexander Innes of that Ilko.

This Earl died in a good old Age, in 1583p, and was immediately ſucceeded by

George his Grand-ſon, who was married with Jean Daughter of George Earl of Huntly, by whom he had William Lord Berrindale, who married Mary Daughter of Henry Lord [59] Sinclair a, and died in the Lifetime of his Father, leaving behind him a Son, John Lord Berrindale, who died in 1639b, leaving a Son George by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of Colin Earl of Seaforth, who ſucceeded to the Earldom upon the deceaſe of his Great Grandfather, in 1643c.

Which George Earl of Caithneſs married Mary Daughter of Archibald Marqueſs of Argyle, but died without Succeſſion, anno 1676. George Sinclair his Couſin, by reaſon of his ſlender Eſtate, declined to take upon him the Honour, wherefore the Title of Earl of Caithneſs was conferr'd upon Sir John Campbel of Glenurchy, who had acquired moſt of the Fortune, anno 1677. But in the Year 1681, the ſaid George Sinclair, Couſin German and Heir Male to the late deceaſed Earl, laying Claim to the Title, it was allowed him by the Parliament; but he dying unmarried, anno 1698, by reaſon of the Entail upon the Heirs Male, John Sinclair of Murthill ſucceeded in the Honour. He married Jean Carmichael, by whom he had

Alexander the preſent Earl of Caithneſs.



Janet, All unmarried.


Three Coats quarterly, 1ſt Azure, a Ship at Anchor, her Oars erected in Saltyre, within a double Treſſure counterflour'd Or, 2d and 3d Or, a Lyon Rampant, Gules, 4th Azure, a Ship under Sail Or, overal dividing the Coats, a Croſs ingraled Sable, ſupported by two Griffons, Creſt a Cock proper, with this Motto, Commit thy Work to God.

LIVINGSTON Earl of Calender.

SIR James Livingſton, Firſt Earl of Calendar, was the 2d Son of Alexander Earl of Linlithgow, by Eleanor his Wife, Daughter of Andrew Earl of Erroll. Which Sir James being from his Youth bread up in the Wars of Bohemia, Holland, Sweden, and Germany, acquired a great Reputation in Martial Affairs: Upon his Return he was conſtituted one of the Gentlemen of the Bed-Chamber to King Charles I. and by Patent 19th June 1633d, created Lord Livingſton of Almont, and Earl of Calendar, anno 1641.

In the beginning of the Civil War, he accepted of a Command in the Parliaments Service; but withdrawing himſelf from them, he freely reſorted to the Service of his injur'd Sovereign, and was conſtituted Lieutenant-General of the Scots Army, who in the 1648 attempted to reſcue the King from his fatal Impriſonment in the Iſle of Wight: But the enterpriſe miſcarrying, he retired to Holland, where he ſtayed till the Murder of his Majeſty. He married Margaret Daughter of John Lord Yeſter, Widow of Alexander Earl of Dunfermling, and dying very aged, in 1672, both his Eſtate and Title deſcended to

Alexander Livingſton his Nephew, who marrying Mary Daughter of William Duke of Hamilton, died 1685, leaving no Iſſue ſave a natural Son. Sir Alexander Livingſton of Glenterren, Baronet, his Fortune and Honour devolved upon

Alexander Livingſton, his Nephew, Son of George Earl of Linlithgow, who deceaſed in the Year 1694, leaving [60] Iſſue by Anne his Wife, Daughter of James Marqueſs of Montroſe, James his Son and Heir, who upon the Death of his Uncle, Alexander Earl of L [...]nlithgow, anno 1695, ſucceeded him in that Earldom, and two Daughters,

Lady Henrietta. unmarried.

Lady Mary. unmarried.

FAIRFAX, Lord Cameron.

THE Family of Fairfax, which is unqueſtionably one of the moſt Ancient and beſt allyed in England, had firſt its Seat at Touceſter, in the County of Northumberland, where we find it at the Conqueſt of that Kingdom, anno 1060, from whence it removed a [...]fterwards to the County of York, where, anno 1204, the 6th of King John, we find Richard Fairfax poſſeſſed of ſeveral Lands, particularly of the Mannor of Askham, to which Richard, ſucceeded William Fairfax, who, by Alicia his Wife, Daughter and Heir of Nicholas de Bugthorp, had Iſſue one Son William, who purchaſed the Mannor of Walton in the ſame County, by which, he and his Succeſſors were afterwards deſigned, and yet in the Poſſeſſion of of his Family.

From whom, the 8th in a ſtraight Male Line, was Thomas Fairfax o [...] Walton, to whom anno 1415, the 2d of Henry V, ſucceeded another Richard, who, by Euſtace his Wife, Daughter and Heir of John Caltrop de Caltrop Eſq had Iſſue ſix Sons, Viz.

1ſt. William of Walton who ſucceeded him.

2d. Bryan, Doctor of the Laws.

3d. Sir Guy Fairfax, Knight, Juſtice of the King's Banch.

4th. Richard.

5th. Sir Nicholas, Knight of Rhodes.

6th. Miles Fairfax.

And three Daughters, of whom Ellen the youngeſt, was Lady Prioreſs of Nunmuncton.

Of which William of Walton, eldeſt Son of the ſaid Richard, who died the 31ſt Henry VI. anno 1453, deſcended, after five Generations, Sir Thomas Fairfax, who the 3d of Charles I. was created Viſcount Fairfax of Emelay, in the Kingdom of Ireland, and by Katharine his Wife, Daughter of Sir Henry Conſtable, and Siſter of the Viſcount Dunbar, had Iſſue ſix Sons and five Daughters, of whom Thomas, the eldeſt Son ſucceeded him, and Henry the ſecond was Father of Henry Fairfax of Hurſt Eſq whoſe Daughter and ſole Heir Frances is married to David now Earl of Buchan.

Of which Thomas, Nicholas now Lord Viſcount of Fairfax, is lineal Deſcendant and Repreſentative, and the One and Twentieth, who has ſucceeded in this Family in a ſtraight Male-Line, ſince the ſaid ſixth of King John, being the ſpace of 507 Years.

But leaving to others, a more particular Account of that noble Houſe, as not belonging to this preſent Work, We ſhall proceed to a younger Son, viz. Sir Guy Fairfax above-mentioned, 3d Son of Richard Fairfax of Walton, of whom the Lord Cameron is deſcended.

Which Sir Guy, got from the ſaid Richard his Father, the Lands and Mannor of Steeton, in the County of York; And being a Perſon eminent for his Parts and Learning, was made Atturney General, the 3d Edward IV. anno 1464, and Judge of the King's Bench the 17th of the ſame Reign. He built Steeton Caſtle, afterwards the Seat of his Family, and had a Chapel there, conſecrated by Arch-Biſhop Rotheram; He alſo founded a Chantery at Sheriff-Hutton, anno 7mo. Henry VII. and died in the [61] 11th Year of the ſame Reign, anno 1495, leaving Iſſue by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of Sir William Ryther of Ryther, Knight, four Sons, viz. Sir William who ſucceeded him, Thomas, Guy, and Nicholas, and two Daughters, Ellen married to Sir Miles Wilesthorp, Knight, and Maudeline to Sir John Waterſon of Medley, Maſter of the Horſe to King Henry VI.

Which Sir William, eldeſt Son and Heir of Sir Guy, was a great Lawyer, and Judge of the common Pleas, from the 1ſt. to the 6th of Henry VIII. and by Eliſabeth his Wife, eldeſt Daughter of George Mannours, Lord Rooſe, and Siſter to Thomas Earl of Rutland, whoſe Grand-mother was Siſter to Edward the 4th King of England, had Iſſue, one Son William, who ſucceeded him, and four Daughters,

Ellen, married to Sir William Pickering, Knight, by whom he had Sir William Pickering, ſo great a Favorite of King Edward VI. and Queen Eliſabeth.

Eliſabeth, married to Sir Robert Vightred.

Anne, to Sir Robert Normanville, Knight.

And Dorothy to — Conſtable of Kexby Eſq

Which Sir William Fairfax of Steeton, Knight, Son and Heir of Sir William the Judge, married Iſabella, Daughter and Heir of John Thwaits, of Thwaits and Denton, in the County of York, Eſq in whoſe Right he got the ſaid Mannour of Denton, and had by her five Sons, viz.

Sir Thomas who ſucceeded him, Francis, Edward, Gabriel, and Henry.

Alſo ſix Daughters, 1ſt Anne married to Sir Henry Everingham, Mary to — Rockley Eſq Bridget to Sir Cotton Gargrave, Urſula and Suſanna.

To which Sir William Fairfax there are two Letters from King Henry VIII. one of the 35th and another the 38th of his Reign, indorſed, To our Truſty and well beloved Sir William Fairfax, Knight, which Letters are yet extant, and to be ſeen at Denton Caſtle, in the ſaid County of York, whereof he was high Sheriff, the 26th and 31ſt of the ſaid Henry VIII. and a third time nominated, but died ult. Octob. the 5th of Philip and Mary, Anno Dom. 1557.

He gave to his 5th Son Gabriel the Mannor of Steeton, and ſeveral other Lands, being (according to the Superſtition of theſe Times) highly offended with Sir Thomas his eldeſt Son, for being with the Duke of Bourbon, at the ſacking of Rome, in the beginning of the Reformation, but that Loſs was ſufficiently made up to him, by his ſucceeding, in Right of his Mother, to the ſaid Eſtate of Denton, which became, from that time, the principal Seat of the Family, and of Gabriel the younger Brother, who got Steeton, is deſcended another Family, known by the Diſtinction of Steeton, alſo in the County of York, where it has its Reſidence to this time.

Which Sir Thomas Fairfax of Denton, was high Sheriff of the County of York, the 14th of Eliſabeth, knighted the 19th of her Reign, and died, alter performing many Services to his Country, the 42d of the ſame, Anno Dom. 1599, leaving Iſſue by Dorothy his Wife, Daughter of George Gayle of Acham-Grange, Treſaurer of the Mint at York, five Sons, viz.

Thomas that ſucceeded him.

Henry and Ferdinando, who both died young.

Sir Charles Fairfax Colonel of a Regiment at Oſtend, the time of that famous Siege, where he was ſlain, after gaining immortal Honour by his brave Actions, as Camden and others have recorded.

And Edward Fairfax of Newhall, an excellent Poet, as appears by ſeveral [62] of his Tranſlations yet extant; alſo two Daughters,

Urſula, married to Sir Henry Bellaſis of Newbourgh, in the County of York, Baronet, Mother by him of Thomas firſt Viſcount Fa [...]conberg, Anceſtor of Thomas, now Viſcount of that Name.

And Chriſtian, married to John Ask Eſq

To Sir Thomas Fairfax of Denton, laſt mentioned, ſucceeded Sir Thomas, his eldeſt Son, who, Anno 1582, married Ellen, Daughter of Robert Ask Eſq by whom he had ſix Sons, viz.

1ſt. Ferdinando, who ſucceeded him.

2d. Henry.

3d. Charles, of whom the Family of Menſton is deſcended.

4th. William, and 5th. John, both killed in the defence of the City of Frankendale in the Palatinat.

6th. Peregrine killed in defence of Rochel in France; alſo two Daughters, Dorothy the eldeſt married to Sir William Conſtable, Baronet, and Anne the 2d to Sir George Wentworth of Wolley, Knight.

Which Sir Thomas, being of a Martial Spirit, accompanied into France the Earl of Eſſex, General of the Engliſh Army, ſent by Queen Eliſabeth to the Aſſiſtance of Henry IV. of France, againſt the Spaniards and Catholick League, where an. 1591, in the lifetime of his Father, he was knighted by the ſaid General, in the Camp before Roan in Normandy, from whence returning, not long after, with the ſaid Army, after having performed many brave Actions for the Honour of his Country, he was, by the Queen, received with many marks of Diſtinction and Favour, and imployed by her in ſeveral important Affairs, particularly in carrying a Commiſſion into Scotland to King James VI. whom, he lived not only to ſee ſeated on the Throne of England, upon the Death of that Queen, but alſo till the Reign of his Son, King Charles I. in the 3d Year of whom by Patent bearing date, 4th May, 1627. He was created Lord Fairfax of Cameron, and died not before the 17th of he ſame Reign, anno Dom 1642, Aetat: 80, being full of Years, and no leſs of Honour, for his many Vertues, and great Skill in the Arts both of Peace and War, of which all allow him to have been a great Maſter.

To which Thomas Lord Cameron, ſucceeded Ferdinando his eldeſt Son, who by the Lady Mary, Daughter of Edmund Earl of Mulgrave, Lord Preſident of the North, Anceſtor of John now Duke of Buckingham, had Iſſue,

Thomas Lord Cameron.

Charles, Colonel of Horſe, ſlain at the Battle of Marſton-Moor near York, Anno 1644.

And John, who died an Infant.

Alſo ſix Daughters. Urſula; who died unmarried;

Ellen, married to Sir William Selby of Twiſtle, in the County of Northumberland, Baronet.

Frances to Sir Thomas Weddrington, Knight.

Eliſabeth, to Sir William Craven, Knt.

Mary, to Henry Arthington of Arthington, Eſq and

Dorothy, to Richard Hutton of Poppleton, Eſq all of whom had Iſſue.

He married 2dly Rhoda, Daughter and Heir of Thomas Chapman, Eſq and had by her one Daughter, Urſula, born at Denton, a few Days before the Death of her Father, who died March 31ſt, 1648, & was ſucceeded by,

Thomas Lord Cameron, his eldeſt Son and Heir, who married Anne, Daughter and Co-heir of Horatio Lord Vere, Maſter of the Ordinance, and General of all the Engliſh Forces in the Palatinat, Holland and the Netherlands, by whom he had Iſſue two Daughters,

Mary the eldeſt, married to George Duke of Buckingham, Knight of the moſt noble Order of the Garter, and Maſter of the Horſe to King Charles II. and Eliſabeth died young.

Which Thomas Lord Cameron, ſo fam'd in Engliſh Hiſtory, by the Name [63] of General Fairfax, was born at Denton Caſtle, 17th January 1611, and going into the Low Country Wars in 1627, gave then (tho but ſixteen Years old) ſuch Proofs of a great Spirit and Martial Genius, as occaſioned his being particularly noticed by the Lord Vere, above-mentioned, one of the greateſt Captains of that Age, whoſe Daughter he afterwards married.

In 1640 he was knighted (his Father being then on Life) and the civil Wars beginning not long after, he came ſoon, to make no ſmall Figure in them, by the many Proofs he gave, of his great Courage and Conduct, in the Service of the Parliament, whoſe Cauſe he early eſpouſed, and in 1645, being then but 34 Years of age, was choſen ſupreme General of their Armies, which he commanded, with great Succeſs and Glory, till 1650, in which time, he performed ſuch Actions, as wanted nothing but a better Cauſe, to have made his Fame immortal: But War being then decreed againſt Scotland, by the Parliament, and an Army appointed to march thither, he declared his Reſolution not to command it, or invade that Kingdom, and, thereupon, laid down his Commiſſion, which, ſoon after, was beſtowed on Oliver Cromwell, then Lieutenant General under him:

What the Reaſons were, that induced this great Man, to lay down ſo high and important a Command, was at that time, variouſly, reported, ſome (as Clarendon relates) imputing it, to his Affection and Kindneſs to Scotland, of which he had always been a great favourer, and whereof he was born a Peer; but others, to his not being ſatisfied, with the Parliaments, having puſht things, ſo far, againſt the King, and to his, ſecretly, favouring the Intereſt of his Son K. Charles II. then admitted to the Government in that Kingdom, and crowned there; which Opinion was confirmed, by the Part he afterwards acted at the Reſtauration; In order to which, he entered, very early, into Meaſures with General Monk, to whom he gave conſiderable Aſſiſtance, in the Proſecution of that glorious Deſign, upon the happy iſſue whereof, he had the Honour, to be one of the Commiſſioners which compoſed the ſolemn Deputation, ſent by the Parliament to the King, upon that great Occaſion, and arriving at the Hague, was received by his Majeſty, with ſingular Favour and Goodneſs, and great Marks of Honour and Eſteem, which he ever after continued to wards him; notwithſtanding whereof, being weary of the great hurry and Confuſion, in which he had ſpent much of his Time; he retired, ſoon after the Reſtauration, to his Houſe in the Country, where, he paſſed, in peace and quiet, the remainder of his Life, highly beloved and honoured by all good Men, for his many great and heroick Qualities, and ſhining Vertues, for which, he is juſtly celebrated, by the greateſt Pens of that Age, all ſides and Parties agreeing, in giving due Praiſe, to his conſummate Merits. He died of a ſhort Sickneſs, Novemb. 11th. 1671, the 60th Year of his Age, and lyes buried at Bilbrough, near Tork, where a ſtately Monument was erected to his Memory, being ſucceeded in his Honour and Eſtate by,

Henry Fairfax, his Couſin German, eldeſt Son and Heir of Henry, 2d Son of Thomas the firſt Lord Cameron.

Which Henry, married Frances, Daughter and Heir of Sir Robert Barwick of Tolſton, Knight, by whom he had Iſſue Thomas, who ſucceeded him. Henry, Bryan, and Barwick,

Alſo four Daughters,

Dorothy, married firſt to Robert Stapleton of Wighill Eſq afterwards to Bennet Sherrard of Whiſſenden, in the County of Rutland, Eſq

Anne, to Ralph Ker of Kocken, Eſq [64] in the County of Durham, and Urſula and Mary who died young.

Which Thomas Lord Cameron, married Katharin, only Daughter and Heir of Thomas Lord Colepepper, and dying 6th January 1710, left Iſſue

Thomas, now Lord Cameron, about 18 Years of Age: Henry and Robert.

Alſo three Daughters,



And Mary, All unmarried.


Or, three Bars Gamells Gules, over all a Lyon Rampant Sable, ſupported on the Dexter with a Lyon Rampant of the 2d, and on the Siniſter with a Horſe ready prepared; Creſt, a Lyon paſſant guardant Sable, Motto, Lucem, fer, fax.

ERSKINE Lord Cardroſs.

THE Honour and Title of Lord Cardroſs, had its beginning in anno 1604, when James VI. of Scotland, and firſt of Great Britain, by his Charter under the Great Seal, bearing date on March 27th in the ſaid Year, erected the ſaid Lordſhip, in favours of John Earl of Mar, Lord Treaſaurer of Scotland, and Knight of the moſt noble Order of the Garter, his Heirs and Aſſigns; In purſuance whereof, the ſaid Earl, in anno 1615, aſſigned and diſponed the ſame, and whole Rights thereto belonging, to Henry Erskine, his 2d. Son, by the Lady Mary Steuart, his 2d. Wife, Daughter of Eſme, Duke of Lennox, a Lady near in Blood to his ſaid Majeſty; who, as a further Mark of his Royal Favour, was alſo pleaſed to beſtow on the ſaid Henry, the Abby of Dryburgh in Teviotdale, formerly a Seat of Monks of the Order of Promontre; the ſaid Abby, with the Lands and Tythes thereto belonging, being, by a ſpecial Act of Parliament, for that purpoſe, diſſolved from the Crown.

Which Henry Lord Cardroſs, married Margaret, only Daughter of Sir James Ballanden of Broughtoun, and Siſter of William firſt Lord Ballanden, by whom he had David his only Son and Heir, and one Daughter, Mary, who was married to Sir John Buchannan of that Ilk in the County of Stirling, and had Iſſue; and dying Anno 1636, was ſucceeded by,

David Lord Cardroſs, his only Son, who, an. 1645, married Anne, Daughter of Sir Thomas Hope of Craighall, Lord Advocate, Great Grand-father to the preſent Earl of Hopeton, by whom he had Iſſue, Henry, who ſucceeded him, and a Daughter, Margaret, married to William Cuningham of Boquhan, in the County of Stirling, Mother, by him, of Henry Cunningham of Boquhan, Junior, Repreſentative of the Burgh of Stirling, and Diſtrict thereof in this preſent Parliament, anno 1712.

Which David married 2dly, (anno 1655,) Mary, 2d Daughter of George Bruce of Carnock, and Siſter of Edward and Alexander, both Earls of Kincardin, by whom he had Iſſue four Sons, and three Daughters.

Alexander the eldeſt Son, died young.

William the 2d, late Deputy Governour of Blackneſs Caſtle, a Perſon of great Integrity and Honour, married Magdalen, Daughter of Sir James Lumſden of Innergelly, in the Shire of Fife, and had Iſſue by her, William, his eldeſt Son and Heir, unmarried, and James, yet in his Minority.

John, the 3d. who, upon all occaſions, has appeared, with great Zeal, in the Cauſe of Religion and Liberty, and has thereby acquired an univerſal Eſteem, retired into Holland, ſome Years before the Revolution, in 1688. When he accompanyed [65] the Prince of Orange, in his Expedition into England, a little before which, he had a Company of Foot beſtowed upon him in Holland; and ſoon after, upon that Prince's Acceſſion to the Throne, was made Lieutenant Governour of Stirling Caſtle, and afterwards Governour of Dumbarton, and a Lieutenant Colonel of Foot.

In 1695, he was choſen a Director of the Company of Scotland trading to Africa and the Indies, and by them ſent, with others, in 1696, into Holland, and other Foreign Parts, to manage the Affairs of that Company; In purſuance whereof, ſuch Progreſs was made at Hamburgh, and Encouragement given from other Parts, as had, in all appearance, been attended with the deſired Succeſs, had it not been for ſome Things, very unexpected, and ſurpriſing, and too well known to need mentioning.

He married 1ſt. Jean, Daughter and Heir of VVilliam Muir of Caldwell, in the Shire of Renfrew; but ſhe dying ſoon after, without Iſſue, he married 2dly, Anne, eldeſt Daughter, and Co-heir of VVilliam Dundaſs of Kincavill, in the County of Linlithgow, Advocate, by whom he has John his eldeſt Son and Heir, and ſeveral other Sons; alſo one Daughter, Mary, yet unmarried.

Charles the 4th Son, being a Captain of Foot in the Low Countries, in the Service of the late King William, was killed there, at the Battle of Stenkirk, the 24th of July 1692:

Veronica, his eldeſt Daughter, married to Walter Lockhart of Kirtoun, in the County of Lanerk, and has Iſſue,

Magdalen the 2d. to Alexander Monypenny of Pitmilly, in the Shire of Fife, and has Iſſue.

And Mary the 3d died young.

To which David Lord Cardroſs ſucceeded, Anno 1671. Henry his eldeſt Son and Heir, who, eodem anno, married Katharine, 2d Daughter, and at length ſole Heir, of Sir James Steuart of Strabrock, in the Country of Weſt-Lothian, by which Katharine, he had Iſſue.

David who ſucceeded him, now Earl of Buchan.

Charles Erskine Advocate.

William, deputy Governour of Blackneſs Caſtle, who married Margagaret Daughter of Lieutenant Colonel John Erskine, deputy Governour of Stirling Caſtle, and has Iſſue by her, one Son John, in his Infancy, and a Daughter Jean, yet very young:

Thomas, yet in his Minority; and five more, who all died young.

Alſo three Daughters,

Katharine the eldeſt, married to Sir William Denham of Weſtſhields, in the County of Lanerk, Baronet, but has no Iſſue by him.

Mary the 2d, yet unmarried.

And Anne, the 3d. married to Archibald Edmondſton of Duntreth, in vice comitatu de Stirling.

Which Henry Lord Cardroſs, being a Perſon of univerſally acknowledged Merit, and, upon all occaſions, a ſtrenuous aſſerter of the Rights and Liberties of his Country, met with many Hardſhips in the late Reigns, with which having ſtrugled long, with great firmneſs and conſtancy, he at laſt withdrew into Holland, where he was kindly received by the Prince of Orange, afterwards King of Great Britain, whom he accompanyed in his Expedition into England, in 1688, And upon that Prince's Acceſſion to the Throne (of which he was a zealous Promoter) had ſeveral Marks of his Favour beſtowed on him, being ſoon after made a Privy Counſellour, General of the Mint, and Colonel of a Regiment of Dragoons, As he was, at the ſame time, appointed by Parliament, one of the Commiſſioners for treating of an Union with England. Upon all which occaſions, he behaved himſelf, ſo as to maintain the Character, he had all along had, of a Perſon of untainted Integrity and Honour; and dying at Edinburgh the [66] 21ſt of May, 1693, and 44th Year of his Age, was ſucceeded by,

David Lord Cardroſs, his eldeſt Son and Heir, who, upon the Death of William Earl of Buchan, anno 1695, without Iſſue, became alſo Earl of Buchan, of whom, and of his Marriage, and Iſſue, ſee an Account in Title Buchan.


Quarterly, 1ſt and 4th Gules, an Eagle diſplayed Or, looking toward the Sun in his Splendor, placed in the dexter chief Point, 2d quarterly, 1ſt and 4th Azure, a Bend betwixt ſix croſs Croſlets Or, 2d and 3d Argent, a Pale Sable, 3d quarterly, 1ſt and 4th Or, a Feſs Cheque, Azure and Argent, 2d and 3d Azure, three Garbs Or, ſupported, on the dexter by a Griffon proper, and on the Siniſter, by a Horſe ready prepared, Argent, Creſt, upon the Point of a Sword, Paleways, a Boars Head craz'd, Or, Motto, Fortitudine.

CARLYLE, Lord Carlyle.

OF this Family, which is of great Antiquity in the Stewartry of Annandale, was Sir William Cairlyle, Knight, in the Days of Robert I. who was matched with Margaret Bruce, Siſter to that King, as is evident from a Grant by that Monarch, Willielmo Cairlyle milite & Margaretae ſponſae ſuae ſorori noſtrae Cariſſimae a de Terris de Crumanſtoun.

Sir William Cairlyle, his Son, obtained from King Robert the Lands of Culen, una cum Tennendariis totius Baroniae de Torthorald b.

The Family continued in the ſtate of Barons till James III. called Sir John Cairlyle of Torthorald, into the number of his Nobility, by the Title of Lord Cairlyle of Torthorald, anno 1473c. He had by the Grant of the ſaid King, the Lands and Barony of Duncow, then in the Crown by the Forfaulture of Robert Lord Boyd, in recompence of his great Charge in an Embaſſy to France, anno 1477d. His Wife was Margaret Douglaſs, and dying anno 1500e, as appears from the Probate of his Teſtament, his Eſtate and Title of Lord deſcended and came to.

William his Grandſon and Heir (his own immediate Son dying in his Lifetime) who married Janet, Daughter of — Maxwell of —f; by whom he had James Lord Cairlyle, who married Janet Scrimgeour, Daughter of — Scrimgeour Conſtable of Dundee, he died Iſſueleſs, anno 1629g.

Michael his Brother became his Heir. This Lord was on the King's ſide, in the Minority of James VI. and was one of the Peers who bound themſelves to maintain his Authority, in 1569, which many of them ſigned, and this Lord with his Hand at the Pen, he dying about the Year 1580, His Eſtate, went to Eliſabeth, Daughter of William Maſter of Cairlyle his Grand-child, and ſole Heir, who married Sir James Douglaſs of Parkhead.

DOUGLASS, Lord Cairlyle.


THIS Family owes its Original to George Douglaſs, natural Son to Sir George Douglaſs of Pitten drich, (killed at Pinkie,) who obtain'd the Lands of Parkhead, in Lanerk-ſhire, by the Marriage of Eliſabeth, Daughter and Heir of James Douglaſs of Parkhead a. He left three Sons,

1ſt. Sir James Douglaſs of Torthorald, his Son and Heir.

2d. Sir George Douglaſs of Mording toun, one of the Gentlemen of the Bed chamber to King James VI.b who by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of Archibald Dundaſs of Finzies, had Iſſue Sir George Douglaſs, who was Ambaſſador to Poland and Sweden, from King Charles I. anno 1633, and 1635, and died in that Character; likewiſe a Daughter Martha, married to Sir James Lockhart of Lee, one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice, and Juſtice Clerk, in the Reign of K. Charles II. Mother by him of Sir William Lockhart of Lee, who was Ambaſſador from King Charles II. to the Crown of France. Sir George Lockhart of Carnwath, Preſident of the College o [...] Juſtice, and Sir John Lockhart of Caſtlehill, alſo one of the Lords of Council and Seſſion.

3d. John Douglaſs Doctor in Divinity. Alſo three Daughters,

— married to Sir James Dundaſs of Arneſtoun.

Martha, married to Mr. Robert Bruce of Kinnaird, one of the Miniſters of the City of Edinburgh, Mary to John Carruthers, of Holmains.

This Sir James Douglaſs, was kill'd by William Steuart 31ſt July, 1608c, leaving

Sir James his Son and Heir to ſucceed him, who marrying Eliſabeth, Grandchild and Heir of Michael Lord Carlyle, was in her Right, created into the Dignity of Lord Carlyle of Torthorald: He had a Son James, who ſuceeded him.

Which James Lord Carlyle, & Torthorald married Eliſabeth Daughter of Sir John Gordon of Lochenvar; but having no Iſſue, he reſigned his Honour to William firſt Earl of Queensberry, anno 1638d, who had acquir'd his Eſtate, and thereby the Title became extinct in this Family.


Quarterly, 1ſt and 4th Gules, a Croſs florie Or, 2d and 3d Or, a plain Croſs Gules, in a Shield of pretence, the paternal Coat of Douglaſs, viz. Argent, a Heart Gules, crowned with an imperial Crown Or, on a chief Azure, three Stars of the firſt, ſupported by two Peacocks proper, Creſt, a Dragons Heade, Motto, Humilitate.

DALZIEL, Earl of Carnwath.

THIS ancient Family originally of Dalziel, in vice comitatu de Lanerk, is of great Antiquity in that County, having matched with many worthy Families there, before they remov'd to the Shire of Nithſdale, where now there principal Seat is. Mr. Nisbet, a famous Herauld,f, gives this Story of the Origine [68] of this Sirname, when he is accounting for there old Bearing, which was anciently, A Man hanging on the Gallows, and was given (ſays he) as a Reward to one of the Progenitors of the Earl of Carnwath, to perpetuate the Memory of a brave and hazardous Exploit perform'd in taking down from the Gallows the Body of a Favorite of King Kenneth II. hung up by the Picts. For, as the Story goes, the King being exceedingly grieved that the Body of his Minion and Friend ſhould be ſo diſgracefully treated, he profer'd a conſiderable Reward to any of his Subjects who would adventure to reſcue his Corps, from the Diſgrace his Enemies, had put upon him; But (adds he) When none would undertake this hazardous Interpriſe, at laſt a certain Gentleman came to the King, and ſaid, Dalziel, which ſignifies I Dare, and actually did perform that noble Exploit to his immortal Honour: And in Memory of it, got the foreſaid remarkable Bearing, and afterward his Poſterity took the Word Dalziel for their Sirname, and the Interpretation of it, I Dare, as the Motto of their Family.

But the firſt of this Name I have found upon Record, was Sir Robert de Dalziel, Knight, who faithfully adhering to King David Bruce, during his Captivity in England, obtained in Conſideration thereof, a Grant from the ſaid Monarch of the Barony of Selkrig, of the date 15th May 1365a, his Succeſſor.

Sir John Dalziel, Knight, tempore Roberti III. was in 1392, joined in Commiſſion with diverſe others to treat about the Prorogation of a Peace with the Engliſh b, and the next enſuing Year, he obtained by the Gift of the ſaid King to himſelf in Liferent, and to Walter Dalziel his Son in Fee, the whole Revenue belonging to St. Leonard's Hoſpital, within the Burgh of Lanerk, upon Condition that he and his Heirs ſhall provide a qualified Perſon to celebrate three Maſſes once every ſeven Years, for the Salvation of Robert III. King of Scotland, Anapbella his Queen, and all their Children for everc.

Hence after ſeveral Generations, deſcended Robert Dalziel of that Ilk, who was killed in the Burgh of Drumfries, 30th July 1508d, a in Skirmiſh betwixt the Lords Maxwel and Crichton, leaving Robert his Son and Heir, Father of another Robert, who approv'd himſelf a loyal Subject to Queen Mary, when the civil War broke out in that Reign: I find he was one of the Barons, who upon her Majeſty's eſcape from her Impriſonment in Lochliven, bound themſelves upon Conſcience and Honour, to adhere to her, againſt her rebelious Subjects, as may be ſeen from the original yet extant, bearing date, 8th May 1568e, and accompanyed her to the Battle of Langſide f, where the Queen's Party was totally defeat.

He married Janet, Daughter of Gavin Hamilton of Raploch, Commendator of Kilwinning g, by whom he had Robert his Son and Heir, and a Daughter, Chriſtian, married to John Hamilton of Orbeſtoun, and had Iſſue. He dying circa annum 1588, was ſucceeded by,

Robert his Son and Heir, who received firſt the Honour of Knighthood from King James VI. and being a Baron of an opulent Fortune, was in Conſideration of his own proper Merit, as well as the conſtant Loyalty of his Anceſtors in all times [69] paſt was by the ſpecial Favour of King Charles I. raiſed to the Honour of Lord Dalziel 18th of September 1628a, and thereafter Created Earl of Carnwath, anno 1639. He married Margaret, Daughter of Sir Robert Crichton of Cluny b, by whom he had Robert his Succeſſor, Sir John Dalziel of Glenae Anceſtor to the preſent Earl of Carnwath, and a Daughter Lady Mary married to Sir James Muirhead of Lachop.

Which Robert was a Nobleman of great Honour and Reputation, and whoſe Loyalty and Affection to King Charles I. was very Remarkable, for as i [...] on as the Civil War broke out he was among the firſt who raiſed both Horſe and Foot upon his own Charge, and ſerved in the Command of them with great Courage and Fidelity, till the very end of the War, for which he ſuffered very much, both by Sequ [...]ſtration and otherways: But all theſe hardſhips did not in the leaſt diſcourage him in venturing Life and Fortune again in the Service of King Charles II. for as ſoon as an Army was raiſed to March into England with the King, the Earl accompanied his Majeſty into that Kingdom, and was with him in the Fight at Worceſter, where his Lordſhip had the Misfortune to fall into the Enemies Hands, who kept him Priſoner diverſe Years which he ſuſtained with great Patience and Magnanimity. He married Chriſtian Daughter of Sir William Dowglas of Drumlanrig, c by whom he had

Gavin his Son and Heir, who married Margaret, Daughter of David Lord Carnegy, d and departing this Life in the Month of June 1674,e left Iſſue two Sons and a Daughter, viz. James and John both Earls of Carnwath, and a Daughter Jean, married to Claud Muirhead of Lachop.

Which James married Mary Daughter of George Earl of Winton f, by whom he had only one Daughter, Elizabeth married to Lord John Hay, Son to John Marquis of Tweddale, and dying anno 1683g, was ſucceeded by,

John his Brother who died a Batchelour on the 7th of June 1702h, his Eſtate and Honour devolving on Sir Robert Dalziel of Glenae Baronet his Heir Male. This Earl married Grace Daughter of Alexander Earl of Eglinton, by whom he had a Daughter Lady Margaret Dalziel.


Sable, a naked Man with his Arms expanded proper, Supported by two Chevaliers, proper, Creſt, a Dagger erected Saltyre-ways, Azure. Motto, I Dare.

CARRICK, Earl of Carrick.

DUncan of Galloway, Son of Gilbert Lord of Galloway, in the 20th of King William, anno 1185, had by the Bounty of that Prince, the Country of Carrick, erected to him in an Earldomi, out of which he founded the Abbacy of Croſragwell, for [70] Cluniack Monks, and amply indued it with Lands and Tithes within his own Territories, and likewiſe gave to the Monks of Paiſty and Melroſs ſeveral Donations out of his Eſtate, for the welfare of his Soul.a He left a Son,

Niel Earl of Carrick, who imitated the Piety of his Father in his Liberality to the Church, of which his Gifts to the Monaſteries of Croſragwell and Sandal are very remarkable Inſtances. He gave way to Fate on the 23d of June 1250b leaving one Daughter, Margaret his ſole Heir, who married firſt Adam de Kilconcath, who thereupon was Earl of Carrick, but he dying in the Holy Land anno 1272c without any Iſſue, She married again Robert de Bruce Lord of Annandale, to whom ſhe brought the Title of Earl of Carrick.

BRUCE, Earl of Carrick.

SIR William Dugdale in his Baronage of England, makes mention, that among the many valiant and noble Normans who accompanied William Duke of Normandy in his Expedition into England, was one Robert de Bruce, who had by the Grant of that Victorious Prince the Lordſhip of Skeltoun in York Shire, and other Lands in that County of great Value and Extent. A Deſcendent from him, another Robert de Bruce obtained from King David 1ſt. of Scotland, the Lordſhip of Annandale, with all the Lands from the bounds of Dunegall to the Limits of Ranulph de Meſchines, Lord of Cumberland d. He lef [...],

Robert Lord of Annandale his Son and Heir, who gave to the Epiſcopal See of Glaſgow, cum conſenſu Roberti de Bruce fi [...]ii ſui, the Churches of Moffat Kilpatrick, Drumſdale, Hoddam, and Caſtlemilk, pro ſalute animae ſuae e. He married Iſabel, natural Daughter to King Wil [...]iam of Scotland, f by whom he had Robert his Son and Heir, who married a Lady of very Royal Birth. viz. Iſabel ſecond Daughter of David Earl o [...] Huntington, in Right of whom his Poſterity came to injoy the Crown of this Realm. By her he had

Robert Lord of Annandale, who in the 1290 upon the demiſe of Queen Margaret, laid Claim to the Crown of Scotland, both in regard he was the neareſt Male in Propinquity of Blood, to the deceaſt King Alexander, as well as in reſpect of a Parliamentary Settlement had been made in his Favours by the foreſaid Kingg. But the Right of Succeſſion being adjudged againſt him, by Edward the I. of England, to whom all the different Competitors had referred the Deciſion of their reſpective Claims, he abſolutely refuſed even in the preſence of King Edward, to acquieſce in it: Nor did he ever do Homage to, or acknowledge John Baliol as King, and to avoid making any ſuch acknowledgement after the definitive Sentence was pronounced, he gave up all his Lands in Scotland, to Robert Earl of Carrick his Eldeſt Son, and dying anno 1295,h left Iſſue by Iſabel his Wife, Daughter of Richard de Clare Earl of Clare and Hartford, [71] Robert his Son and Heira, and Chriſtian married to Patrick Earl of Dunbar and March.

Which Robert was in his Youth ſigned with the Croſs b, and was one of thoſe many Scotſmen that went with St. Lewis King of France in his laſt Expedition againſt the Infidels, and afterward accompanied Edward the I. then Prince of England, to the Holy-Land, where he gained ſingular Honour and Reputation. Upon his return he obtained the Sole Daughter and Heir of the Earl of Carrick in Marriage, in whoſe Right he was Stiled Earl of Carrick, and by that Title he was one of the Peers who in 1284, bound themſelves in the moſt ſolemn manner, that in caſe King Alexander ſhould die without Heirs of his own Body, to own and acknowledge Margaret of Norway his Grandchild, as their Sovereign & Queen of Scotland. c Upon the Deceaſe of that Princeſs, when the Succeſſion to the Crown was determined againſt his Father, he diſowned John Baliol as King, and was an irreconcileable Enemy to him. After the Death of his Father, he aſſerted his own Title to the Crown, and reſolved to proſecute his Right, but was prevented by Death before a favourable opportunity offered anno 1303d, leaving Iſſue by Margaret Counteſs of Carrick his Wife, Robert and Edward both Earls of Carrick, Neil, Thomas and Alexander, who all three loſt their Lives in the War againſt the Engliſh; likewiſe ſix Daughters:

Iſabel married to Sir Thomas Randolph e, Lord High Chamberlain of Scotland.

Mary, to Sir Niel Campbel Knight, Lord of Lochow, and after his Death to Sir Alexander Fraſer f, Lord [...] Chamberlain of Scotland.

Chriſtian, firſt to Gratney Ea [...] Mar, next to Sir Criſtopher Se [...]on [...] Winton, and after that to Sir And [...] Murray Lord of Bothwel.

Matilda, to Hugh Earl of Roſs.

Margaret, to Sir William Carlyle of Torthorald.

Elizabeth, to Sir William Diſhi [...]gton of Ardroſs h Knight.

327 328 329 To Robert Earl of Carrick ſucceeded Robert his Son, who upon the Death of his Father revived his pretentions to the Crown, and being joined by ſuch of the Nobility, and others who were willing to redeem their Country from the Subjection and Slavery it was under; bravely fought his way through innumerable Difficulties to the Crown, into which he was ſolemnly inaugurated on the 27 of March 1306, by the Name of Robert the firſt, and that with the univerſal applauſe of the whole Kingdom, who thought themſelves bound in gratitude, to run the fate of that brave Prince, who had ſo gloriouſly redeemed them from Tyranny, Slavery and the Yoke of a Foreign Power. Were it here proper to enter on a particular detail of his Actions, I could even add a great deal more for the Honour of his Memory, than what the lateſt Writers of his Life have ſaid upon that Subject. But in regard of the Brevity of this Work, it ſhall ſuffice to ſay, no Age has produced a more extraordinary Man than King Robert the Bruce, examine all the Heroes of Plutarch, and all thoſe great Men that have lived ſince that Hiſtorian, and it will be difficult to find any upon Record, who poſſeſſed more [72] eminently all thoſe Virtues and Qualities that enter into the Compoſition of a great Man. All I ſhall further add, ſhall he to take notice of his Children, not only ſuch as have been mentioned by our Hiſtorians, but others who have been very unaccou [...]tably omitted by them.

King Robert had by Iſabel his firſt Wife, Daughter of Donald Earl of Mar, a Daughter Majory married to Walter Lord High Steward of Scotland, Mother by him to King Robert II. the firſt of our King's of the Royal Line of the Ste [...]arts a. Alſo by Mary his 2d Wife, Daughter of Ailmer [...] Bur [...] Earl of U [...]ſter, he had David II, who ſucceeded him in the Sovere [...]gnty of Scot [...]and, who after a Reign of Forty Years, died without any Iſſue of his Body, and with him the Royal Brucian Family did expireb; likewiſe three Daughters,

Margaret married to William Earl of Sutherland c, and had Iſſue.

Matilda to Thomas de Tſſack, by whom ſhe had a Daughter Jean married to John de Ergadia Lord of Lorn d.

Elizabeth married to Sir Walter Oliphant, Anceſtor to the Lord Oliphant, who, tho ſhe has not been taken notice of by any other Writer; yet its beyond all diſpute, ſhe was King Roberts Daughter, from the Authority of a Charter in the Cuſtody of Oliphant of Gask, which I have ſeen, bearing Date on the 11th of January 1364,e whereby King David erects the Lands of Gask into a Barony, Dilecto & fideli ſuo Waltero Olyfant. & El [...]zabethae Sponſae ſuae dilectae ſorori noſtrae cum [...]peciali Libertate dicto Waltero, & Elizabeth piſcandi in aqua de [...]rne tribus diebus ſeptimanae tempore anni probi [...]ito.

Upon the Acceſſion of King Robert I. to the Crown, he gave the Earldom of Carrick to his brave and faithful Brother, Sir Edward Bruce, thereafter King of Ireland, who being ſlain at the Battle of Dundalk, anno 1318, le [...]t a natural Son Robert Bruce Lord of Lydſdale, on whom his Uncle King Robert beſtowed the Earldom of Carrick, who being ſlain at the Battle of Duplin anno 1332 was ſucceeded in his Eſtate and Title by Alexander his Brother, who loſt his Life ſoon thereafter, at the Battle of Halydonbill in 1333, leaving a Daughter Helen Counteſ [...] [...]f Carrick his Heir, who married firſt Sir William Cunningham Knight, and thereafter Sir Duncan Wallace of Sundrum, but by neither of them had ſhe any Iſſue, ſo upon her Death, the Earldom of Carrick returned to the Crown, where it remained, till King David II. gave it to John Stewart Lord Kyle his Nephew, eldeſt [73] Son and Heir of Robert, then Earl of Strathern (afterward K. Robert II.) who was created Earl of Carrick the 39th of David II.a which Title he bore till he came to the Crown in the 1390, by the Name of Robert III. He an nexed this Honour to the Principality, anno 1404; wherefore the Names of the Succeſſors in this Earldom, are ſuch, as were Princes of Scotland, which are not neceſſary to be inſerted here.

STEUART, Earl of Carrick.

THIS honourary Title was beſtowed by King Charles I. upon John Steuart Lord Kincliven, Son of Robert Earl of Or [...]ney, natural Son of King James V. about the Year 1633; but he died not long after the Acquirement thereof, without any ſurviving Male Iſſue.

KENNEDY, Earl of Caſſils.

THAT the Kennedys are originally from Ireland is without Doubt, but as to the preciſe Time, when, they tranſplanted themſelves thither, 'tis not certain: The Sirname is from one Kenneth, the proper Name of ſome eminent Perſon of their Family, which they aſſumed, when Sirnames became fixed and hereditary; The firſt of whom, I have found upon Record, was Sir John Kennedy, Knight, who is mentioned in a ſolemn Treaty with the Engliſh, relative to the Redemption of King David Bruce, anno 1357b He added to his ancient patrimo [...]al Inheritance the Barony of Caſſils, by Acquiſition, from Marjory, Daughter of Sir John de Montgomery Knight, which was ratified by King David II.c with the ſpecial Approbation o [...] Walter Biſhop of Glaſgow: He founded a Church at Maybole, in Carrick, and endoued it for the Maintainance, and Support, of a Clerk, and three Chaplains, perpetually to perform divine Service, in Honour of God and the Bleſſed Virgin Mary, and for the healthful Eſtate of himſelf, and Mary his Wife, and their Children, while in this Life, and for the Salvation of their Souls, after their Departure hence; and for all the faithful deceaſed, to which he appends his Seal, at Dunnure, the pen [...]lt of November 1371,d by the ſaid Mary his Wife. He left Iſſue two Sons.

Gilbert, his Succeſſor.

Sir Hugh Kennedy of Ardſtincher e, who acquired great Reputation and Honour in the French Wars.

Which Gilbert was one of the Hoſtages ſent to England, for the Redemption of King David Bruce, anno 1357f, and ſtanding highly in Favour with Robert III. he received the Honour of Knighthood from the ſaid King, and ſeveral Grants of Lands within the Earldom of Carrick, in Conſideration of the ſpecial Favour he bore him.

His firſt Wife was Mary, Daughter of Sir James Sandylands of Calder g, by whom he had Gilbert, who died in the French Service, without Iſſue, and Thomas, firſt of the Branch of Bargany h of whom Sir Thomas Kennedy of Kirkhill is the lineal Male Repreſentative. Alſo by Marion i, [74] his ſecond Wife, Daughter of Sir Robert Maxwel of Calderwood: He had a Son, Sir James, on whom his Father ſettled his Eſtate, by Reaſon of his Marriage with the Lady Mary Steuart, Daughter of King Robert III. Counteſs Do [...]ager of Angus, which occaſioned Gilbert, the eldeſt Son of the firſt Marriage, and Sir James to fall into a [...]atal Quarrel, in which the latter loſt his Li [...]e; but by the ſaid Lady Mary his Wife he had Iſſue two Sons.

Gilbert, afterward Lord Kennedy. And,

James, who being educated according to his noble Birth, devoted himſelf to the Service of God, and entring into Orders, he paſſed through ſome inferior Stations in the Church, and came to be promoted to the Epiſcopal See of Dunkeld, anno 1438a, and tranſlated thence to the Biſhoprick of St. Andrews, in the Year of our Lord 1440b, in place of Biſhop Wardlaw deceaſed, and not long after he was conſtituted; Lord high Chancellour of Scotland, and one of the Lords of the Privy Council to King James II. In all which Stations, he acquitted himſelf with ſuch Advantage and Reputation, that he became an Ornament to his Profeſſion. In the Year 1456, he founded a College in the City of St. Andrews, dedicated in Honour of our Bleſſed Lord and Saviour, and competently endowed it, which ſtill continues a Monument of his Piety. This worthy Man, for his Learning and other Vertues, deſerves to have his Memory perpetually honoured and eſteem'd; not only by thoſe of his own Communion, but alſo of all who regard Learning and Probity. He has large Encomiums by all our Hiſtorians, particularly George Buchanan, who ſays, That In eo viro, praeter virtutes a [...]te commemoratas erant ſumma domi frugalitas & continentia, foris ſplendor & Magnificentia, omnes ſuperiores, qui eum [...]ſque ad hanc diem ſecati ſunt, Epiſcopos ſuperavit. He dyed in a good advanced Age, on the 10th May 1466, & lyes buried in the Collegiat Church of St. Andrews, where you may ſee a fair Monument, much decayed, more by Reaſon, of the Brittleneſs of the Stone, of which 'tis compoſed, than its Antiquity, having neither Inſcription, nor painting, but a plain Coat of Arms.

To Sir Gilbert Kennedy, of Dunnure ſucceeded Gilbert, his Grandſon, who obtained from King James I. his Uncle, a Grant of the hereditary Conſtabulwick of the Caſtle of Lochdon, by a Commiſſion, of the date 14th May, 1430, and ſtanding highly, in Favour with King James II. he was by him conſtituted heretable Baillie of [...]he Earldom of Carrick, and he and his Heirs Male, in all time coming, by His Majeſty's ſpecial Appointment, made Caput totius proſapiae ſuae, and about the ſame time came to be called Lord Kennedy c. In 1460, upon King James III. his Acceſſion to the Crown, he was appointed one of the ſix Governours during the ſaid Kings Minority, which he managed with great Diſcretion and Applauſe; and marrying Agnes, Daughter of Herbert Lord Maxwel, had Iſſue by her. John who ſucceeded him, and two Daughters, Katharine, married to Alexander Lord Montgomery d. Marion, to John Wallace of Craigie e. John, the 2d. Lord of the Family, was one of the Privy Council to King James III. In the Year 1484f. He was appointed one of the Commiſſioners upon the part of Scotland to treat with the Engliſh touching [75] a Peace. His firſt Wife was Jean, Daughter of Alexander Lord Montgomery, by whom he had David his Son and Heir. He ſecond Wife was, Eliſabeth Gordon, Daughter to the Earl of Huntly, Widow of William Earl of Errol a, by whom he had a Son Alexander; of whom came the Kennedys of Girvanmains and Barqu [...]anny b, and Jean, married to Archibald Earl of Angus c. He dyed about 1508, was ſucceeded by,

David his Son; who being of the Privy Council to King James IV. was by the ſpecial Favour of the ſaid King, honoured with the Title of Earl of Caſſils, anno 1509d. He took to Wife, Agnes, Daughter to William Lord Borthwick; by whom he had Gilbert his Succeſſor, and after her Death Margaret Boyd, Daughter of Thomas Earl of Arran, and was killed at the Battle of Floudon, where fell the Flower of the Scots Nobility, together with their Sovereign King James IV. in 1513.

To David Earl of Caſſils, ſucceeded Gilbert his Son, who was of the Privy Council to King James V he was ſent Ambaſſador to England, anno 1524, & in 1526, together with the Earls of Lennox and Glencairn, he attempted to reſcue the King out of the Cuſtody of the Earl of Angus; for which he ſuffered much by the oppoſite Party, and at laſt by their Contrivance, was barbarouſly Murdered at Preſtick, 22 December 1527e, leaving Iſſue by Iſobel his Wife, Daughter of Archibald Earl of Argyle, Gilbert, who ſucceeded him in the Honour. 2d. Quintin, Abbot of Corſragwell, who dyed 1564, and was canoniz'd as a Saint.

Which Gilbert, was with King James V. at the Battle of Soloway, anno 1542, where he was taken Priſoner, but was ſoon afterward releaſed by King Henry VIII. with ſeveral Marks of his Favour, and diſpatched home to uſe his Intereſt for the bringing about a Match betwixt Queen Mary, and Edward Prince of England, and ſo to unite the Crowns, which then met with great Oppoſition. In the 1554, he was promoted to be Lord high Treaſaurer of Scotland, upon the Reſignation of John Arch-Biſhop of St. Andrews; and in 1558, he was one of the Peers who were ſent over to France to aſſiſt at the Marriage of Queen Mary with Francis I. and their Died at Diep the 28th of October 1558, he was married to Eliſabeth, Daughter and Heir of John Kennedy of Colzean, by whom he had, 1ſt. Gilbert. 2d. [...] Thomas Kennedy of Colzean, Anceſtor of Sir John Kennedy Baronet. 3d. Jean, married to Robert Steuart Earl of Orkney. And 4th. Katharine, to Sir Patrick Waus of Barnburow, and both had Iſſue.

Gilbert Earl of Caſſils, Son of the former Earl, was named a Privy Counſellour to Queen Mary, in 1562. He adhered to her Intereſt, upon the breaking out of the Civil War, in that Reign, and aſſiſted her in Perſon at the Battle of Lang [...]ide, which was ſought the 13th May 1568; but afterward he ſubmitted to the Authority of the young King her Son. He married Margaret, Daughter of John Lord Glammis, by whom he had two Sons, John, and Gilbert, then deſigned Maſter of Caſſils, and departing this Life in 1576f, had the Honour of this EPITAPH from the Great Buchanan.

Hic ſitus eſt heros humili Gilbertus in urna,
Kennedus antiquae nobilitatis honos,
Muſarum matriſque decus patriſque miniſter
Et columen patriae conſiliumque ſuae:
Occidit inſidiis falla [...]i exceptus ab hoste
Bis tria poſt vitae luſtra peracta ſuae
Parce hoſpes lachrymis & inane comprime luctu [...]
Non miſere quiſquam, qui bene vixit, obit.

[76] John, the next Earl of Caſſils, was conſtituted Lord high Theſaurer of Scotland, anno 1599, upon the Removal of Walter, Prior of Blantyre, and marrying Jean, Daughter of James Lord Fleeming, died without Succeſſion, in the 1615, and left his Peerage and Eſtate to John Son of Gilbert Maſter of Caſſils, his Nephew, who was a Perſon of great Parts and exemplary Vertues. After the Murder of the King in 1649, he was with the Earl of Lothian, the Lord Burligh, Sir John Brody and Sir George Windram, ſent Commiſſioners from the Eſtates of Scotland, to King Charles II. then at Breda, where they concluded a Treaty, in Purſuance whereof, His Majeſty ſet Sail for Scotland, and arriving there, he was crown'd at Scoon, 1ſt January 1651. After the total Suppreſſion of the roval Cauſe in Britain, by the Defeat of the Scots Army at the Battle of Worceſter 3d September 1651. This Earl was ſo exemplary in his Loyalty and Fidelity to the King, that even when Cromwel called himſel [...] Protecter, he could never bring, ſays an Author of no ſmall Credita, this Lord, to advance one ſtep toward him, in outward Civilities; and ſurviving all our inteſtine Commotions, he liv'd to ſee the King reſtored, but had never any Benefit by the Court, being in Matters of Religion, and in relation to the Church, purely Presbyterian.

He married two Wives; the firſt was Jean, Daughter of Thomas Earl of Haddingtoun, by whom he had two Daughters, Margaret, married to Dr. Gilbert Bar [...]et, the preſent Biſhop of Sarum, in England; and Katharine to William Lord Cochran, Son and Heir of William firſt Earl of Dundonald. His 2d Wife was Margaret Daughter of William Earl of Errol, Widow of Henry Lord Ker, by whom he had John his Succeſſor, and a Daughter, Lady Mary, and departing this Life in 1672,

John, his Son, ſucceeded him in his Eſtate and Honour: He was nam'd one of the Lords of the Privy Council, 1ſt May 1689, and afterwards conſtituted one of the Commiſſioners of the Theſaury: He married firſt Suſann [...], Daughter of James Duke of Hamilton, by whom he had a Son and a Daughter, viz.

1ſt. John, Lord Kennedy, who dying in the Spring of the Year 1700, left Iſſue by Eliſabeth Daughter of — Hutchiſon Eſq only a Son John, the preſent Earl of Caſſils.

2d. Anne, married to John Hamilton Earl of Ruglan.

This Earl married to his ſecond Wife, Eliſabeth, Daughter of — Foix Eſq by whom he had a Son James, and a Daughter Eliſabeth, and departing this Life 2d July 1702, was immediately ſucceeded by John, now Earl of Caſsils, his Grand-Son.


Argent, a Chiveron Gules, betwixt three croſs Croſlets, Sable, within a double Treſſour of the 2d. Supporters, two Swans proper, Creſt a Dolphine Najant, Azure, Moto, Avie la fine.

CATHCART, Lord Cathcart.

THAT which will ſufficiently atteſt the Antiquity of this noble Family, is, That Rainaldus de Kethcart is Witneſs in a Grant, by Allan the Son of Walter Dapiefer Regis of the Patronage of the Church of Kethcart, to the Monaſtry of Paſly, [77] and to the Monks ſerving God there, 500 Years ſincea. Alan de Cathcart appends his Seal to the Reſignation made by the Judge of Lennox to the Abbot and Convent of Paiſly of the Lands of Culbethe, Anno 1234b. Likeas William de Cathcart is one of the Barons mentioned in the Bond of Submiſſion made to King Edward I. of England, now called the Ragman Roll c. He ſeems to be the Father of the brave Sir Alan Cathcart, who ſo faithfully adhered to the Intereſt of his Country in the time of King Robert the I. and fought ſtoutly for that renowned Monarch in the Battle of Lowdonhill, againſt a ſtrong Party of the Engliſh, whom they routed. Which Mr. Barber our Hiſtorian has thus recorded;

A Knight that then was in his Rout,
Worthy and wight, ſtalward and ſtout,
Courteous and fair, and of good Fame,
Sir Alan Cathcart was his Name.

This noble Perſon married the Siſter, and at length one of the Coheirs of Sir Duncan Wallace of Sundrum, and had Sir Alan his Son and Heir, who, upon the Demiſe of his Uncle, came to inherit the Baronies of Sundrum and Achencrew in Air Shire, which ſtill do remain, and may they long continue in the Family. He left a Son Sir Alan to inherit his Fortune, a Baron of great Reputation in the time of Robert III. This laſt Sir Alan was ſucceeded by Sir Alan his Grandſon, who in 1447 redeemed ſeveral Lands from John Kennedy Lord of the Coffe, which had been wadſet by Sir Alan Cathcart his Grand-fatherd, within the Earldom of Carrick. This Alan was knighted by King James II. and in the ſame Reign was ranked among the greater Barons that are now Lords of Parliament, tho' the preciſe time I cannot aſſign. He was in ſpecial Favour with King James III. who appointed him Warden of the Weſt Marches toward England, Anno 1481e, and in conſideration of his ſpecial Services before that time performed, made him a Grant of the Barony, together with the Conſtabulary of the Caſtle of Dundonald, Anno 1482, then a part of the Royal Patrimony: But his Maſter's Favour did not ſtop to him here, for he by his Royal Deed made over to him the Lands of Trabath in King's Kyle, then in the Crown by the Forfeiture of the Lord Boyd, and made him Maſter of the Artillery in the Year 1485f. He married Janet Daughter of . . . . Maxwel of . . . . and had Iſſue, Alan who died in his own Lifetime. 2d, David Cathcart of Pennyfedoch g. 3d, Hugh firſt of the Cathcarts of Trevour h. 4th. John ſtiled of Galryne i; and Helen married to David Stewart of Craigyhall in Vic. de Lithgow k. This Lord gave way to Fate in a good advanced Age Anno 1500, and was interred in the Convent of the Black Friars of Air l, leaving John his Grandſon, Son of Alan his eldeſt Son, to ſucceed him in his Eſtate and Honour: But his Lordſhip did not follow the Steps of his Anceſtors in the path of Vertue, for, from Motives I know not, he ſpent much of the Eſtate that his Progenitors had acquired with ſo much Honour, that the Family ſince his time have not appeared with that Luſtre they did in former Ages. He married to his firſt Wife Margaret Daughter of John Kennedy of Blairquhan; by her he had Alan Maſter of Cathcart, who was killed at the Battle of Flowdon 9th September 1513, having in his Father's time married, firſt Helen Daughter of Robert Lord Lyle m, by whom he had no Iſſue, and after her Death Margaret Daughter of Patrick Maxwel of Newark n, by whom he left a Son Alan who ſucceeded his Grandfather. His 2d Wife was Margaret Daughter of Sir William Douglas of [78] Drumla [...]rig a; by her he had a numerous Iſſue, viz. 1ſt, Robert, who married Margaret Daughter and Heir of Alan Cathcart of Carltoun b, who was an old Branch of the Family, and of whom the preſent Family of Carltoun is deſcended in a lineal Courſe of Succeſſion. 2d, John, who was with his two elder Brothers, Alan the Maſter, and Robert of Carltoun, killed at Flowdon c. 3d, David of Duchray d, of whom the preſent Branch of Carbieſtoun his Anceſtor in the Reign of Queen Mary, marrying Margaret one of the two Daughters and Coheirs of William Cathcart of Carbieſtoun, an old Family of the Name, which was exiſting in the Time of James II.e. 4th Hugh, of him ſprung Cathcart of Corff, now extinct. Beſides theſe Sons, he had alſo four Daughters. Janet married to John Crawfurd of Drongan f, then an eminent Family in Air Shire. Elizabeth to John W [...]llace of Craigy g, i [...] Vic. de Air. Jean to John Shaw of Haily h, in the foreſaid County. Margaret to John Hunter of Hunter ſtoun i in Vi [...]. de Air, and had Iſſue. He died in December 1535k, his Eſtate and Honour devolving upon Alan his Grandſon, who loſt his Life in the Service of his Country at the Battle of Pinky againſt the Engliſh, upon that fatal Day the 10th of September 1547l, as appears from the Probate of his Teſtament, dated the ſame Day he loſt his Life, whereby he reſigns his Soul to Almighty God, and bequeaths his Body to be buried among his Anceſtors in the Convent of the Gray-Friars of Air, appointing his Executors to order Maſs and Dirige to be ſaid for the hele of his Soul. By Helen his Wife Daughter of William Lord Semple m, he had Alan his Succeſſor, who was a hearty Promoter of our happy Reformation from Popery, particularly in the Weſtern Parts, where his Reputation and Intereſt was very great, and was among the firſt of the Peers, who armed in Defence of King James VI. when he was in his Cradle againſt the Earl of Bothwel, who had maried the Queen his Mother, and ſignalized himſelf at the Action of Langſide, anno 1568, where Queen Mary's Party was totally routed, and always continued on the King's Side, till he came to be peaceably fixed on the Throne, to reward which he was in 1579 conſtituted Maſter of the King's Houſholdn, and had ſeveral very beneficial Grants from the Crown, in the Time of the Earl of Mortoun's Regency, which were again reaſſumed, when his Majeſty came to act by his own Counſels. This noble Lord married Margaret Daughter of John Wallace of Craigy, by Margaret Counteſs of Caſils o. By her he had a Son, Alan Maſter of Cathcart, who died before his Father anno 1603, leaving Iſſue by Iſabel his Wife Daughter of Thomas Kennedy of Barganny, a Son Alan who ſucceeded his Grandfather upon his Death in December 1618. Which Alan married Margaret Daughter of Francis Earl of Bothwel p and again Jean Daughter of Alexander Colquhoun of Luſs, and departing this Tranſitory Life anno 1628, left a Son, an Infant at his Death, Alan late Lord Cathcart, a Nobleman of much Goodneſs and Probity, who died in the 81. Year of his Age, upon the 13th of June 1709, leaving Iſſue by Marion his Wife, Daughter of David Boſwal of Achinleck, Alan the preſent Lord, James Cathcart Eſq and David who was killed in the publick Service about the time of the Time of the Revolution.

Which Alan married Elizabeth Daughter of James Viſcount of Stair, by whom he had three Sons and a Daughter, viz.

Alan Maſter of Cathcart, who periſhed at Sea going for Holland, whoſe [79] Death was much lamented upon the Account of his Affability, excellent Parts, and other rare Qualities.

Charles, who from his very Youth betaking himſelf to a Military Life, went over to Flanders, where he had a Company in Mackartny's Regiment beſtowed on him anno 1704, being then but entered in his eighteenth Year, and ſoon thereafter was made Captain of the Granadiers. The next Year he had a Troop in the Royal Regiment of Scots Dragoons, under the Command of Lord John Hay, in which Station he continued till the 1707, he was made Major of Brigade in the Queen's Corps of Dragoons ſerving in Flanders, of which his near Kinſman the preſent Earl of Stair was then Brigadier, in which Character, after he had ſerved two Years, in March 1709, he obtained a Commiſſion to be Major of the ſaid Royal Regiment; and thereafter in 1711, got a Brevet of Lieutenant Colonel in the Army, in all which Stations, with what Applauſe he acquitted himſelf, is too well known to ſuch as know him, to need any further Mention here.

Major James Cathcart.

Margaret married to Sir Adam Whiteford of Blairquhan Baronet.


Quarterly 1ſt and 4th, Azure, three Croſs Croſlets, iſſuing out of as many Creſcents, Argent. 2d and 3d, Gules a Lion Rampant Argent. Supporters two Parrots proper. Creſt, a Dexter Hand graſping a Creſcent. Motto, I hope to ſpeed.


UPON the Diſtribution made by King James VI. of the Lands which came to the Crown upon the Diſſolution of the Religious Houſes, his ſaid Majeſty of his Royal Bounty erected the Abbey of Cowpar in Ang [...]s in a Civil Lordſhip, in Favours of James Elphinſtoun Son of James Lord Balmerino Anno 1606, but he dying childleſs in the Year 1669, the Honour devolved to the Lord Balmerino.

CRICHTON, Lord Crichton, Viſcount of Frendraught.

OF this ancient Family, which took its Sirname from the Lands of Chrichtoun in the Sheriffdom of Edinburgh a, was John Crichton of That-Ilk, the Father of Sir William Crichton, who was Chancellor of Scotland in the younger Years of King James II. and a great Statesman in the Account of that Time. He made his Exit in the 1455b, and left Sir James Lord of Crichton to ſucceed him in the Barony, and two Daughters, Elizabeth Wife of Alexander Earl of Huntley, and Agnes of Alexander Lord Glammis. Which James took to Wife Janet, one of the Daughters and Coheirs of James Dunbar Earl of Murray, and had Iſſue by her, William Lord Crichton, who was forfeited for Rebellion againſt James III. but afterward obtaining his Pardon, he was reſtored to the Barony of Frendraught in the North, of which James Crichton his Son had a Charter in the 5th of King James IV. Anno 1492c. His Succeſſor

Another Sir James Crichton of Frendraught was by King Charles I. raiſed to the Honour of Viſcount of Frendraught 20th Auguſt 1642d. He married firſt Margaret Daughter of Alexander 1ſt Earl of Leven, by whom he had a Daughter married to Sir James Macgill of Rankeilor. 2dly, Marion [80] Daughter of Sir Alexander Irvine of Dr [...]m. By her he had James Viſcount of Frendraught, whoſe Son William died without Iſſue; ſo that Lewis his Uncle fell to the Honour, who following the Fortune of King James VII. into France and Ireland, died without Iſſue 26th February 1698.

COLVIL, Lord Colvil of Culroſs.

IN the Reign of King William, Philip de Colvil is frequently made Mention of in the Donations which that Prince gave to the Abbey of Melroſs, ſoon after his Acceſſion to the Throne. The Succeſſor of this Philip, Sir John Colvil, was Proprietor of the Baronies of Oxname and Ochiltree in the Time of Alexander III.a, whoſe Son Sir William having no Iſſue Male of his Body, E [...]ſtachia his only Daughter was Heir to ſome of his Lands. She became the Wife of Sir Reginald le Cheyn b, and the Eſtate abovementioned came to Sir Robert Colvil, who continued in the Male Line, till it ended a ſecond Time in the Perſon of Sir William Colvil of Ochiltree, who dying the 14th of King James IV. left two Daughters his Coheirs, Elizabeth the elder, married to Robert Colvil of Ravenſcraig, and Margaret to Patrick Colquhoun Eſq

The Barony of Ochiltree was again acquired from the Heirs Female anno 1509, by a Male Relation of the Family Robert Colvil of Hiltoun c, who in the Reign of James IV. was Maſter of the King's Houſhold and Director of the Chanceryd, both which Offices he poſſeſt, till he loſt his Life with his Maſter at Flowdon, leaving Iſſue by Elizabeth Arnot his Wifee, Sir James Colvil of Ochiltree his Son and Heir, who was Director of the Chancery in King James V's. Time, and one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice, at the Inſtitution of that Judicature. In the 1530 he exchanged the Eſtate of Ochiltree with Sir James Hamilton for his Lands of Eaſter-Weems in Fife, from which he and his Succeſſors were ſtiled, till they came to be Peers. He married Aliſon Bruce f, and had Sir James his Succeſſorg, Alexander Commendator of C [...]lroſs h, of whom the Colvils of Kincarain are derived, who do now repreſent this Family: Likewiſe a Daughter Margaret married to James Lindſay of Dowhill. Which Sir James, by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of . . . . Douglas of Lochleven, had

Sir James who, from his Youth affecting a Military Courſe of Life, went over to the Wars of France, where he he ſerved under Henry IV. with ſo much Honour and Reputation, that upon his Return home he was by King James VI. worthily raiſed to the Degree and Dignity of a Lord, by the Title of Lord Colvil of Culroſs, Anno 1604, and that he might the better ſupport the Honour, the King thought fit to augment his Fortune, and made him a Grant of the diſſolved Abbey of Culroſs, which heretofore had been a Seat of Ciſtertian Monks. He married Iſabel, Daughter of Patrick Lord Ruthven, by whom he had James Maſter of Colvil, a young Nobleman of very bright Parts, who died in the Flower of his Age, much regreted by all that knew him. 2d, Robert Maſter of Colvil, and a Daughter Jean married to Sir James Campbel of Lawers, Mother by him to John Earl of Lowdon, Lord High Chancellor of Scotland, in the Reign of King Charles I. My Lord Colvil dying about the Year 1620, his Eſtate and Dignity devolved on Robert his Grandſon in whom the Honour came to an End.

COLVIL, Lord Colvil of Ochiltree.


THIS noble Family is ſprung from Robert Colvil Son of Sir James Colvil of Eaſter-Weems a, who in the Twenty ſecond of King James 5th had a Grant to himſelf and Frances Colquhoun his Wife and to their Heirs from his Father of the Lands of Cleiſh in Kinroſs Shire, whence he and his Deſcendents were deſigned till the Time they were raiſed to the Honour of the Peerage. This Robert was a zealous and hearty Promoter of the Reformation, and a ſtrenuous Aſſerter of the Liberties of his Country, in the Defence whereof he loſt his Life at the Seige of Leith, May 7th 1560b, leaving Iſſue by the aforeſaid Frances his Wife Daughter and Heir of Patrick Co [...]quhoun Eſq of Drumskeith, and of Elizabeth his Wife, one of the Daughters and Coheirs of Sir William Colvil of Ochiltree c, Robert his Son and Heir, and a Daughter Eupham married to James Moniepenny of Pitmily, and had Iſſue.

Which Robert married Margaret Daughter of James Lindſay of Dove-hill, by whom he had Robert his Son and Heir, who dying in the Month of January of the Year 1634d left iſſue by Beatrix his Wife Daughter of Sir. John Hadden of Glenegles, Robert, his Son and Heir, David Colvil Eſq likewiſe a Daughter Margaret married to David Weems of Finzies and had Iſſue.

Which Robert was made a Knight by King Charles I. and thereafter by his Majeſty King Charles II. raiſed to the Peerage by the Style and Title of Lord Colvil of Ochiltree by Letters patent 4th of January 1651, He married Janet Daughter of Sir John Weems of that ilke, but dying without Iſſue 25 of Auguſt 13 1662f his Eſtate and honour devolved on.

Robert Colvil Eſq his Nephew by his Brother, who departing this Life in the 1671, left Iſſue by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of David Weems of Finzies, Robert the Preſent Lord Colvil; alſo two Daughters, Margaret Married to Sir John Aiton of that Ilk, in Vic. de. Fyfe and - - - - to the Reverend Mr. Logan Miniſter at Torrie, and had Iſſue.


A Croſs molin ſable, ſupported on the Dexter ſide with a Reinoceros and on the ſinſter with a Hercules proper. Creſt, a Stag's Head Cupe Argent. Motto, Oublie ne puis.

RICHARDSON, Lord Cramond.

HIS Majeſty King Charles the I. was pleaſed to raiſe and advance Dame Elizabeth Beaumont, then the Wife of Sir Thomas Richardſon, Lord Chief-Juſtice of the Common Pleas in England, to the honour of Baroneſs [82] of Cramond, and to her and Sir Thomas's Heirs male by Letters patent 28 February 1628,a which was the only Female Creation I have at any Time obſerved in this Realm.

CRANSTON, Lord Cranſton.

THE Family of Cranſton is of very great Antiquity in Edinburgh Shire, where in former Times their chief Reſidence was. Effric deCranſton. One of their Anceſtors is Witneſs in a Donation which King William made to the Monaſtery of Newbotle and to the Monks of that Convent for the Health of his Soul,b Anno 1170, whoſe Succeſſor and lineal Deſeendant Sir John Cranſton of that Ilk in the Reign of King James VI. married Margaret Daughter of . . . . Ramſay of Dalhouſie, but dying without Male Iſſue, his Eſtate by his own Deſtination and Appointment came to Sarah his Daughter and Heir, whom he married with a Gentleman of his own Name, Sir William Cranſton c Son of Sir John Cranſton of Moriſton, a Branch of his own Family, who being a Perſon of great Merit and Fortune, was by the ſpecial favour of King James VI. whom he had the Honour to ſerve long as Captain of his Majeſty's Guard, raiſed to the Honour of Lord Cranſton, by Letters patent, 19th of November 1609,d and dying in the Month of June 1627,e was ſucceeded by John his Son, who married firſt Helen Daughter of James Lord Lindſay, and again Elizabeth Daughter of Walter Lord B [...]cle [...]gh, f but dying without Iſſue, was ſucceeded by

William Cranſton Eſq his Nephew, Son of James Cranſton Eſq his Brother, by Elizabeth his Wife, Daughter of Francis Stewart Earl of Bothwell. This Noble Lord did eminently ſignalize himſelf in his Loyalty to King Charles the II. with whom he marched to the Battle of Worceſter, where he had the Misfortune to be taken Priſoner and ſent to the Tower, where he long remained, and had his Eſtate not only ſequeſtrated, but was particularly excepted out of Cromwel's Indemnity in the 1654,g he married Mary Daughter of Alexander I. Earl of Leven by whom he had James his Son and Heir, who married Anne Daughter of Sir Alexander Don of Newton Baronet, by her he had William the preſent Lord, and James Cranſton Eſq

Which William married Jean Daughter of William Marqueſs of Lothian, by whom he has James Maſter of Cranſtoun.


Gules, three Crans Argent, ſupported on the Right ſide by a Lady richly apparelled, and on the Left by a Stag, proper; Creſt a Cran dormant. Motto, Thou ſhall want or I want.

CRAWFORD, Lord of Crawford.

BEFORE the Reign of King Malcolm III. we had no Sirnames in Scotland ſo far as can be gathered [83] from the moſt ancient Records, but the ordinary diſtinctions then were either perſonal, or from ſuch Offices as they held, or from the Name of their Father as Malcolm Canmore, Joannes Filius Willielmi, Thor. Longus a Willielmus dictus Niger, Walterus Dapifer, Alan Durward. But after that great Men began to aſſume Deſignations from their own Lands, which by cuſtom, became Hereditary Sirnames to their deſcendents, as Dunbar, Murray, Douglas, Gordon, Ersken, Crawfurd, and innumerable ſuch like Inſtances could be given.

Dominus Galfridus de Crafurd is the firſt I have found uſing this Sirname in the Time of King Malcolm IV and King William, b who is frequently witneſſing the pious Deeds of this laſt Prince to the Religious of Arbroath, and ſeems to have had ſome Relation to the Court under that good King.

Dominus Joannes de Crawfurd, Miles & Dominus Reginaldus de Crawfurd Vicecomes de Air c in the Reign of King Alexander II. ſeem to be Brothers, and very probably the Sons of the former, Sir Galfride. We know that Sir John was Baron of the Barony of Crawford, in Lanerk Shire and from the Chronicle of Melroſs, we are informed, that he died in the 1248,d His Eſtate, at leaſt that part of it the Barony of Crawfurd, went to his Daughters.e The Elder married to Archibald de Douglaſs Dominus loci ejuſdem, and the Younger to David de Lindeſay Militi Domino de Crawford.

LINDSAY, Earl of Crawfurd.

BY our publick Records, as well as the Archives of this moſt noble and illuſtrious Family, it appears, That, William de Lindeſay their Anceſtor was a Perſon of very great Note in the Reign of King David I.f and ſeems to have had ſome near Relation to that Prince's Court.

David de Lindſay, his Succeſſour made a very great Figure under King William, This is that David de Lindeſay, Miles, who got the Barony of Crawfurd by the Marriage of the Daughter of John de Crawfurd, g and was ſucceeded by David de Lindeſay his Son, who was a very warlike Man, and in the 35th of King Alexander II. executed the Office of Juſtitiarius Laudoniae. h He had Iſſue David his Succeſſor, and John de Lindeſay who was Chamberlain of Scotland in the Time of King Alexander III. Anno 1270,i which David was likewiſe a very brave and magnanimous Perſon. He left Iſſue, David de Lindeſay Miles, the firſt I have found deſigned Dominus de Crawfurd k in the Time of King Robert the I. and William [84] de Lindeſay Rector of Air and Lord high Chamberlain of Scotland in the 1317. Under King Robert I.

which David Dominus de Crawfurd added to his own Paternal Eſtate many fair Lands by the Marriage of one of the three Daughters and Cohei [...]s of Alexander de Abernethy Knight, by whom he had David his Succeſſor in the Ba [...]ony of Crawfurd Sir Alexander Lindeſay of Genesk, of which Lands he became poſſeſſed by the Marriage of Katharine Daughter and Heir of Sir John Stirling Knight,a and Sir William Lindeſay of Byres Anceſtor to the preſent Earl of Crawford. b Which David de Lindſay Dominus de Crawfurd was in the 1357, one of the Commiſſioners on the Treaty for the Redemption of King David II. He was ſucceeded by

Sir James his Son, who by Giles his Wife, Daughter of Walter Lord High Stewart of Scotland, had Sir James Lindſay Dominus de Crawfurd, who is a frequent Witneſs in the Charters of King Robert II. his Uncle, in which he is always deſigned nepoti noſtro, likewiſe two Daughters,

Elizabeth Married to Sir John Maxwell of Nether Pollock c Knight, and had Iſſue.

Margery to Sir Henry Dowglaſs of Loch evin d Knight Anceſtor to the preſent Earl of Morton.

But he dying without Iſſue male, the Barony of Crawford, and his other Eſtate came to his Couſin.

Sir David Lindſay of Glenesk, who was by King Robert III. in the 1399 created Earl of Crawfurd e he married Jean Daughter to King Robert II.f by whom he had Alexander his Succeſſor,g David and Bernard.

Which Alexander was one of the Hoſtages for the ranſom of King James I. in 1423,h he died in 1445 leaving Iſſue.

Alexander his Succeſſor who made a very great Figure under James II. he left Iſſue David his Succeſſor, Sir Alexander Lindſay of Achte [...]monſie and Eliſabeth married to Sir Thomas Maule of Panmure, anceſtor to the preſent Earl of that Name.

Which David was Maſter of the Houſehold and Lord Chamberlain in the Reign of King James III. With whom he was in great favour and was created a Duke by the Title of Duke of Montroſe during his Life, Anno 1488,i He Married E [...]izabeth Daughter of James Lord Hamilton k by her he had Alexander Maſter of Crawfurd, who dyed before his Father, and John his Succeſſour who was ſlain at the Battle of Flowden, leaving no Iſſue, ſo that his Eſtate and honour Came to.

Sir Alexander Lindſay of Auchtermonſy his Uncle who by Marion his Wife; Daughter of - - - Dunbar of Monſie had David the ſucceeding Earl, who married Katherine Daughter of Sir William Stirling of Kei [...], next E [...]izabeth Daughter of — Lundy of that Ilk, and hadl Alexander Maſter of Crawfurd and two Daughters Marga [...]et married to James Lord Ogilvie m and E [...]izabeth to John E [...]skine of Dun, n This Earl being juſtly provoked by the folly and inſolence of his own Son did diſinherit him, and ſettled his Eſtate and the Title of Earl with the approbation of the Crown upon Sir David Lindſay of Edz [...]e who [85] accordingly ſucceeded him therein upon his Death, Anno 1562a. He married firſt Janet, Daughter to the Lord Gray, but having no Iſſue, he generouſly reſigned the Eſtate and Honour in favours of Sir David Lindſay, the wicked Maſter of Crawfurd's Son, reſerving to himſelf, during his Life, both the Title, and ſuch a Proviſion as ſupported him according to his Quality. He dying Anno 1570b Sir David Lindſay ſucceeded in the Honour. He married Margaret, Daughter of Cardinal David Beaton, Biſhop of St. Andrews, by whom he had,

1ſt. David,

2d. Sir Henry Lindſay, afterwards Earl of Crawfurd.

3d. Sir Alexander Lindſay, one of the Gentlemen of the Bed-Chamber to King James VI. who honour'd him with the Title of Lord Spinzie, Anno 1590; alſo a Daughter Helen, married to Sir David Lindſay of Edzil, and had Iſſue.

Which David, married Griſel Daughter of John Steuart Earl of Athole, by whom he had David his Son and Heir, who dying without Iſſue, his Eſtate and Honour went to

Sir Henry Lindſay his Uncle, who married Beatrix, Daughter and Heir of George Charters of Kinfauns, by whom he had George, who deceaſt without any Iſſue. He married again Margaret, Daughter of Sir James Shaw of Sauchie, in Vicecomitatu de Clackmanan, by whom he had Lodovick, who ſucceeded to the Honour.

This Earl, when the Civil War broke out, Anno 1639, cordially put himſelf in Arms in behalf of King Charles I. and commanded a Regiment of Horſe at the Battle of Lanſdoun, Anno 1643, where he perform'd the Duty of a Colonel moſt punctually; and tho' he almoſt out lived his Fortune by his great ſuffering for the Royal Cauſe, yet he did not that of Love to his injur'd Sovereign, continuing fix'd in his Duty till the very end of his Life. He married Margaret, Daughter of William Earl of Monteith, but by her he had no Iſſue, whereupon he made an Entail of his Honour to John Earl of Lindſay, which was ratified by Act of Parliament, Anno 1661, upon the King's Reſtauration.

LINDSAY, Earl of Crawfurd and Lindſay.

A Younger Branch of this noble Family, was Lindſay of Byres, in Vicecomitatu de Haddingtoun, ſprung from Sir William Lindſay, Son of Sir David Lindſay of Crawfurd c, in the Days of King David Bruce: He raiſed his Fortune by the Marriage of Chriſtian, Daughter and ſole Heir of Sir William More of Abercorn d, in Vicecomitatu de Linlithgow; whereupon he aſſumed into his Atchievement three Mollets, the Co [...]t of the ſaid Family, and exchanged his Lands of Dunnoter, in Vicecomitatu de Kincardin, with Sir William Keith Marſhal of Scotland, for his Lands of Struthers in Fyfe, which hencefurth became the chief and ancient Seat of this noble Family. This Sir William was ſucceeded by

John his Son and Heir, who in 1457, the 20th of James II. was conſtituted chief Juſticiar benorth the River of Forth, being likewiſe of the Privy Council to the ſaid Kinge. [86] He married . . . . . . Steuart, Daughter to the Lord Lorn, and had Iſſue David, who ſucceeded him in his Honour; John, who ſucceeded his Brother Patrick, afterward Lord Lindſay; Sir George Lindſay Knight, Sir Walter Precptor of Torphichen, and Lord St. John in the Reign of King James V. Alſo two Daughters,

1. Margaret, married to Henry Wardlaw of Torrie.

2. Chriſtian, firſt to John, Son and Heir of George Lord Seaton, and again to Robert Lord Kilmaurs. He departed this Life, Anno 1480.

David his Son ſucceeded him. He aſſiſted King James III. at the Battle of Bannockburn againſt his Subjects, and dyed without Iſſue, Anno 1492, leaving

John his Brother and Heir to ſucceed him, who likewiſe dying ſans Iſſue, in 1498,

Patrick his Brother became his Heir. This Lord was conſtituted Sheriff of Fife by King V. in 1519, which Office he enjoyed till the 1531, when it was heritably conferred upon George Earl of Rothes. He married Margaret, Daughter of . . . . . Pitcairn of that Ilk, by whom he had,

1. John, who married Eliſabeth, Daughter of Sir Andrew Lundy of Balgony, and had a Son John, who ſucceeded his Grand-father.

2d. Patrick, firſt of the Houſe of Kirkforther.

3d. William, of whom came the Lindſay's of Wormiſtoun; alſo a Daugter Catharine, married to Sir Alexander Seaton of Parbroath.

To Patrick Lord Lindſay ſucceeded John his Grandſon, who married Helen, Daughter of John Earl of Athole, by whom he had Patrick his Son and Heir, and five Daughters, viz.

1. Iſabel, married to Norman Leſly, Son and Heir apparent of George Earl of Rothes. 2d. Margaret to David Beaton of Melgum. 3d. Janet, to Henry Son and Heir of Henry Lord Sinclair. 4th. Helen, to Thomas Fotheringh [...]m of Pourie. 5th. Eliſabeth, to David Kinnier of that Ilk.

Which Patrick Lord Lindſay, was active for the Reformation of Religion, and was on the King's ſide. in the Minority of James VI. he married Euphame, Daughter of Robert Douglaſs of Lochlevin: By her he had a Son and a Daughter, James his ſucceſſor, and Margaret married to James Son and Heir to the Earl of Rothes. He made Exit out of this World 11th. December 1589a, and was ſucceeded by

James his Son, who took to Wife Euphame, Daughter of Andrew Earl of Rothes, by whom he had Robert and John ſucceſſively Lords; alſo two Daughters,

Helen, married to John, Son and Heir to William Lord Cranſtoun.

Catherine, to John Lundy of that Ilk.

He departed this Life 5th November 1601; his Eſtate and Honour devolving on

Robert his Son, who married Anne, Daughter of Laurence Lord Oliphant, who had only a Daughter married to Alexander Falconer of Halkertoun, he dying 7th Nov 1609, John his Brother, became his Heir; who dying on the 9th of July 1616, left Iſſue by Chriſtian his Wife, Daughter of Thomas firſt Earl of Haddington, John his Son and Heir, and Helen married to Sir William Scot of Ardroſs.

Which John, was by the ſpecial Favour of King Charles I. and for the greater Splendour of his Coronation, Anno 1633, raiſed to the Honour of Earl of Lindſay, being then the firſt Lord in the Rolls of Parliament. In 1641, he was conſtituted Lord high Theſaurer of Scotland upon the Removal of John Earl of Traquair; which Imployment he enjoyed till [87] the 1649, he was laid aſide by the Eſtates of Parliament for his vigorous Appearance in raiſing the Army which deſigned the King's Relief out of the Iſle of Wight. After the Murder of the King, he adhered to the lawful Heir of the Crown, King Charles II. from whom he received a Commiſſion to raiſe Forces for his Service, in order to his Reſtauration, Anno 1651, when unluckily he was with ſeveral other Lords ſurprized by the Engliſh at Eliot in Angus, and ſent Priſoner to the Tower of London, where he ſuffered a long and tedious Impriſonment, till he was releaſed by the Reſtauration of the King, Anno 1660: In Conſideration whereof, his Majeſty was pleaſed to reſtore him to the Theſaurer's Office, which in 1664 he reſigned to the Earl of Rothes, his Son-in-Law; and departing this Life, Anno 1676, he left Iſſue by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of James Marques of Hamilton, two Sons, William his Succeſſor; Patrick, who married Margaret Daughter and Heir of Sir John Crawfurd of Kilbirny, alſo four Daughters,

1. Anne, married to John Duke of Rothes.

2. Chriſtian, to Thomas Earl of Haddingtoun.

3. Helen, to Sir Robert Sinclair of Stinſtoun, Baronet.

4. Eliſabeth, to David Earl of Northesk, and all had Iſſue.

Which William, was conſtituted Preſident of the Privy Council, Anno 1689, and one of the Lords of the Theſaury. He married firſt, Mary Daughter of James Earl of Annandale, by whom he had John the preſent Earl, Colonel James Lindſay who was killed at the Battle of Almanza, Anno 1708, and Henrietta, married to William Baillie of Lamingtoun, and has Iſſue. 2dly. Henrietta, Daughter of Charles Earl of Dumfermling, Widow of William Earl of Wigton, by whom he had a Son Thomas, and ſix Daughters;

Lady Anne.

Lady Chriſtian.

Lady Margaret.

Lady Helen.

Lady Suſanna.

Lady Catharine. all unmarried.

He departing this Life, March 6th Anno 1698, was ſucceeded by John his Son and Heir, who betaking himſelf to a Military Life, has had ſeveral conſiderable Commands in the Army, and was made Brigadeer before the end of the late War. He married Aemelia, Daughter of Alexander Lord Down, by whom he had John Lord Lindſay, and William.


Quarterly 1ſt and 4th Gules, a Feſs Cheque, Azure and Argent, 2d and 3d Or, a Lyon Rampant Gules ſurmounted of a Ribban Sable, Supporters two Lyons Gules; Creſt, an Oſtrich with a Key in its Mouth, with this Motto, Indure Furth.

MACKENZIE Earl of Cromarty.

THIS Family has its Deſcent from Sir Roderick Mackenzie, ſecond Son of Sir Colin Mackenzie of Kintail, by Barbara his Wife, Daughter of James Grant of that Ilk, which Sir Roderick being a Perſon of ſingular Courage and Conduct was very Inſtrumental in civilizing the Northern Parts, eſpecially in Roſs ſhire, in Recompence of which acceptable Service King James VI. conferred on him the Honour of Knighthood, and gave him ſeveral Lands then in the Crown by Forfeiture. He married Margaret, Daughter and Heir of [88] Torquill Macleod of the Lewes, whereupon he added to his Arms Or, a Mountain in a flame Azure and Gules, and departing this Life, Anno 1625, left Iſſue by the ſaid Margaret his Wife

1. Sir John his Succeſſor.

2d. Sir Kenneth of Scatwell.

3d. Colin.

4th. Alexander of Baloon.

5th. Margaret, married to Sir James Mackdonald of Slate, Baronet, and had Iſſue.

Which John ſo ſucceeding, was made Baronet by King Charles I. Anno 1628, three Years after the Inſtitution of that Honour. He married Margaret Daughter and Co-heir of Sir George Erskine of Innertail, one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice, Brother to Thomas firſt Earl of Kelly, by whom he had Sir George and Mr. Roderick Mackenzie of Preſtonhall, who was promoted to be one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice, Anno 1702, and dyed 4th January 1712, leaving Iſſue by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of Dr. Alexander Burnet Arch-Biſhop of St. Andrews, a Son Alexander Mackenzie (alias Frazer) of Frazerdale Eſq who changed his Name by reaſon of his Marriage with Aemelia Baroneſs of Lovat.

Beſides theſe Sons he had likewiſe five Daughters,

Margaret, married to Roderick Mackleod of that Ilk, but had no Iſſue.

Anne to Hugh Lord Lovat.

Iſabel, to Kenneth Earl of Seaforth.

Barbara, to Alexander Mackenzie of Garloch.

Catherine, to Sir Colin Campbel of Aberuchill.

He departed this Life the 10th September 1654, and was ſucceeded by

Sir George his Son and Heir: This noble Lord in the 1654 obtained a Commiſſion from King Charles II. during his Exile, to raiſe what Forces he could for his Majeſty's Service, in order to his Reſtauration, and therewith joined Lieutenant General John Middleton, who ſuſtained a War with the Engliſh for a whole Year, till [...] were defeated by Colonel [...]; then his Lordſhip capitu [...]ed with the Enemy upon very honourable Terms. This ſignal Appearance for his diſtreſſed Sovereign, probably ſeemed one Cauſe that upon his Majeſty's Reſtauration, when he conſtituted a new Set of Judges in the 1661, he named him one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice, and one of the Lords of his Privy Council. Anno 1678, he was conſtituted Juſtice General upon the deceaſe of Sir Archibald Primroſe, and three Years thereafter he was made Lord Clerk Regiſter, in which Station he continued till the Death of King Charles II, Anno 1685.

King James VII. had no leſs Value for his Abilities, for in the firſt Year of his Reign, he renewed his Patent for being Regiſter, and on the 15th of April the ſame Year, created him Viſcount of Tarbat, Lord Macleod and Caſtlehaven, and continued him in that Imployment till the Diſſolution of the Government in 1689.

In the 3d of William and Mary, An. 1692, he was again reſtored to the Regiſters Office: Then it was he put furth a Vindication of King Robert III. from the Imputation of Baſtardy, an Error all our Hiſtorians of former Times, either maliciouſly or ignorantly had fallen into; and from the national Archives clearly evinced, that Eliſabeth More was the firſt and lawful Wife of King Robert II, when Earl of Strathern; that ſhe was long dead before he came to the Crown; that Robert III. her Son, was not only owned as the eldeſt lawful Son of his Father in all publick Deeds, after he became King, but alſo in the time of King David Bruce his Grand-Uncle.

In 1702 the firſt of Queen Anne he was conſtituted Secretary of State, and the firſt of January the next Year [89] raiſed to the Honour of Earl of Cromarty, his Age making the Fatigue of the Secretarie's Place uneaſie to him, he dimitted, and in Lieu thereof, her Majeſty was pleaſed to give him an Imployment of a much eaſier Nature, making him Juſtice General, which he reſigned to the Earl of Ilay, Anno 1710. He married firſt Anne Daughter of Sir James Sinclair of May, by whom he had Iſſue,

1ſt. John Lord Mackleod.

2d. Sir Kenneth Mackenzie of Cromarty, Baronet.

3d. Sir James of Royſtoun created Baronet, 8 February 1704, and promoted to be one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice, in 1710.

Alſo four Daughters, Margaret, married to David Bruce of Clackmannan, Eliſabeth to Sir George Brown of Colſtoun, Jean to Sir Thomas Steuart of Balcasky, and Lady Anne.

He married next Margaret Counteſs Dowager of Weems, but by her he had no Iſſue, and became a Widower by her Death, in 1705.


Four Coats quarterly, 1ſt Or, a Mountain in a flame Azure and Gules, 2d Azure a Dears Head coboſs'd Or, 3d Argent on a Pale Sable, an imperial Crown Or, within a double Treſsure, counter-flour'd Gules, 4 Gules 3 Legs armed proper, conjoined in Feſs at the upper part of the Thigh, flex'd in a Triangle, garniſhed and ſpur'd Or, and ſupported by two Savages proper, Creſt, the Sun in his Splendor, Motto, Luceo non uro.

RAMSAY. Earl of Dalhouſie.

AMong thoſe who were Witneſſes to the Grant of the Church of Livingſtoun, by Thurſtanus filius Livingi to the Monaſtery of Holy-Rood-houſe, in the time of King David I. 600 Years ſince, Simundus de Rameſie, is there taken notice of for one, from which Simund did Sir William de Rameſie of Dalhouſie Knight deſcend, who firmly adhered to King Robert Bruce, and upon his Acceſſion to the Throne, did Homage for his Lands in Edinburgh Shire. Likeas, he was one of the many Scots Barons who wrote and ſeal'd that memorable Letter to the Pope, declaring the Independency of the Kingdom of Scotland, Anno 1320, which is all I have found on Record concerning him. To this Sir William, ſucceeded Sir Alexander Ramſay of Dalhouſie, who ſignally raiſed the Grandeur of his Family, by his great and loyal Services to King David Bruce, againſt Edward Baliol, who then call'd himſelf King of this Realm; in Conſideration whereof, he was by the ſaid King David conſtituted Warden of the Middle Marches, and Conſtable of the Caſtle of Roxburgh, Anno 1342, which he had by his Valour taken from the Engliſh. This brave Man, who well deſerves, and I know will have a Place among the Scots Heroes, was ſlain by William Douglaſs of Liddeſdale, 7 July 1348, and to him ſucceeded

Sir William Ramſay his Son, who tracing the Steps of his loyal Father, took up Arms for the Service of his King and Countrey, was in the Wars of England, and acted a very noble Part, in Recompence whereof, no doubt, it was, that he obtained a Grant to him, and Agnes his Wife, of the Lands of Nether Libertoun, Anno 1370, by a Charter ſtill extant under the Great Seal. This Sir William was ſucceeded by

Sir Alexander his Son, who came nothing behind his Anceſtors for Loyalty, Courage and Conduct, which he manifeſted in a very eminent Degree, in the Battle of Nisbet againſt the Engliſh, and afterwards at Homildon in Northumberland, in which [90] Action he loſt his Life in the Service of his Country, 5 May 1401.

Sir Alexander Ramſay of Dalhouſie his Son, was one of the Barons of this Realm, who obtained Letters of ſafe Conduct from the King of England, to come into that Kingdom, to accompany King James I. home to Scotland, Anno 1423, he being one of the Barons on whom he conferred the Honour of Knighthood, for the greater Splendor of his Coronation, Anno 1424. By . . . . . . Daughter of . . . . . . . his Wife, he left Iſſue,

Sir Alexander, who flouriſhed under King James II. and III. Being like his Anceſtors, a Man of a Martial Spirit, he accompanied the Earl of Angus the King's Lieutenant, in that Expedition againſt the Engliſh, whereupon enſued the Battle of Piperdein, where the Scots obtain'd the Victory over the Engliſh.

To this Sir Alexander ſucceeded Alexander his Grand-ſon and Heir, Son of George his eldeſt Son, who dyed before him. This Sir Alexander was (according to common Fame) a M [...]n of prodigious Stature, and of Strength anſwerable to his Hight.

By . . . . . . Douglaſs his Wife, he had Iſſue, Nicol his Son and Heir, who ſucceeded him upon his Death, which happened the 9th September 1513, at the Battle of Flowdon.

Which Nicol Ramſay of Dalhouſie, married Iſabel Daughter of . . . . . . Lord Livingſton, by whom he had,

George his Succeſſor, who loyally adhered to Queen Mary, when the War broke out in that Reign, and was one of the Barons who entred into that memorable Aſſociation in her behalf, bearing date the 7th of May 1568. He married Eliſabeth, Daughter of . . . . . . . Hepburn of . . . . . . by whom he had,

John, who ſucceeded him, but he dying without Male Succeſſion, his Eſtate deſcended to

Sir George Ramſay his Nephew, who obtaining firſt the Honour of Knighthood from King James VI, afterwards by the ſpecial Favour of the the ſaid Prince, was raiſed to the Honour of Lord Ramſay, by Letters Patent, bearing date 25 of Auguſt 1618a. He married Margaret, Daughter and ſole Heir of Sir George Douglaſs of Ellenhill, brother of William Earl of Morton, by whom he had William his Succeſſor, and Margaret married to William Livingſton of Kilſyth. He departed this Life Anno 1630, and was ſucceeded by

William Lord Ramſay his Son, who was by King Charles I. raiſed to the Honour of Earl of Dalhouſie, 19th June 1633, at the ſaids King's Coronation. He married Catherine, Daughter of David, firſt Earl of Southesk, by whom he had,

George, his Succeſſor.

Captain John Ramſay, Father to the preſent Earl; alſo two Daughters.

1. Mary, married to James Earl of Buchan.

2. Margaret, to John Scrimgeor Earl of Dundee, but had no Iſſue. 2dly. To Sir Henry Bruce of Clackmanan.

He dying the 11th of February 1674. his Eſtate and Honour devolved upon

George his Son and Heir, who married Anne, Daughter of John Earl of Wigton, Widow of Robert Lord Boyd, by whom he had,

1. William, his Succeſſor.

2. George, who in his Youth carried Arms in Holland, and in the Low Countries, in Balfour's Regiment: He roſe gradually to be Enſign, Lieutenant, Captain and Major in the ſame Regiment, after that he was preferred to be Lieutenant Colonel, and not long after, to be Colonel of a Regiment.

In the 1690, he was made Brigadeer after the Action of Valcour, and [91] Colonel of the Scots Regiment of Guards. In the Year 1693, after the Battle of Landen, he was made Major General, and in 1702, the firſt of Queen Anne, Lieutenant General of the Army, and Commander in Chief of the Forces in Scotland, which he injoyed till his Death, which happened in November 1705.

Beſides which two Sons, he had likewiſe two Daughters, Jean, married firſt to George Lord Roſs, next to Robert Viſcount of Oxenford, and Anne to James Earl of Hume. This Earl dyed in 1675, and was ſucceeded by

William his Son, who married . . . . . . More, Daughter to the Earl of Drocheda of the Kingdom of Ireland, by whom he had two Sons and a Daughter, viz.

1. George, who was killed in Holland by one Mr. Hamilton, Anno 1696.

2. William, who dyed Colonel in the Scots Regiment of Guards in Spain, Anno 1711, both unmarried.

Eliſabeth, married to William Lord Halley of the Kingdom of Ireland, and has Iſſue.

William, Earl of Dalhouſie, dying without Iſſue, the Honour devolved on Colonel William Ramſay, his Father's Couſin German, who married Jean, Daughter of George Lord Roſs, by whom he had,

George Lord Ramſay.






Argent, an Eagle diſplay'd, Sable, Supporters, two Griffons diſplay'd of the 2d; Creſt, an Unicorns Head coupé, Motto, Ora & Labora.

SCOT Earl of Delorain.

LORD Henry Scot, Son of James Duke of Monmouth, by Anne Dutcheſs of Buclugh, was in the fifth Year of the Reign of her Majeſty Queen Anne, by Letters Patent, bearing date the 29th of March 1706, created into the Dignity and Titles of Earl of Delorain, Viſcount of Hermitage, and Lord Scot of Goldylinds, all in the County of Roxburgh.

He married Anne Daughter of William Duncomb of Batleſdin, in the County of Bedford, Eſq and has Iſſue.


The ſame with the Family of Buclugh, with a proper Difference.

DENNISTON, Lord of Denniſton.

THIS Family is one of the moſt ancient in the Shire of Renfrew, and was of great Repute there, long before the Time of King Robert II, inſomuch, that we find Ronnaldus de Denniſton, is a Witneſs to the Inquiſition, which David Prince of Cumberland made of the ancient Poſſeſſions of the Church of Glaſgow, Anno 1116, when John Achaian was promoted to that See. Hence deſcended Sir John Denniſton, Knight, who flouriſhed under King David Bruce, he married . . . . . . Daughter of Malcolm Fleeming Earl of Wigton a, [92] by whom he had Sir Robert his Son and Heir, who obtain'd a Grant from King Robert II. of the Barony of Glencairn, Anno 1370, and dying without Male Iſſue, in the beginning of King Robert III, his Eſtate went to his Daughters, and Co heirs,

Margaret, married to Sir William Cuningham of Kilma [...]rs, Anceſtor to the Earl of Glencairn, who thereby acquired the Baronies of Glencairn, Finlayſtoun and Kilmaronock.

Eliſabeth, married to Sir Robert Maxwel of Calderwood, who thereupon added to his paternal Coat, the Arms of the Family of Denniſton, viz. Argent, a Bend Azure, which is ſtill born by Sir William Maxwel Baronet, his lineal Heir Male. A Branch of this Family, Denniſton of Cowgra [...]n, doth ſtill remain in Dunbarton ſhire.

KEITH, Lord Dingwall.

A Collateral Branch of Keith Earl of Mariſhal, was Andrew Keith Eſq In the Time of King James VI. who coming to Court, he ſoon grew ſo popular, that he was firſt Knighted, and then by his Majeſty's ſpecial Favour attained to the Dignity of a Baron of this Realm, by the Title of Lord Keith of Dingwall, before the Year 1584a. Being a Perſon of excellent Parts, he was with George Earl of Mariſhal ſent Ambaſſador to Denmark, to Treat about a Marriage betwixt King James and Anne a Daughter of that Crown, which was happily concluded in 1589, but he dyed ſoon after, without either Wife or Iſſue that I find.

PRESTON, Lord Dingwall.

THIS Sirname was firſt aſſumed from the Lordſhip of Preſton, in Vicecomitatu Edinburgi, where they have been ſeated as early as the Reign of Alexander III. The firſt of whom I have found upon Record, is Sir William Preſton Knight, who was one of the Barons of Scotland, who were ſummoned to Berwick in the 1291b, when the Controverſy run high betwixt Robert Bruce and John Baliol, for the Crown of this Realm.

The principal Family of the Name ſeems to have been Craigmiller: Sir Henry Preſton Knight in the 2d of Robert III, is joined in Commiſſion with Sir John Swinton, Sir Henry Douglaſs, and Sir John Dalziel c to treat with the Engliſh, touching a Peace betwixt the two Crowns. Of this Family.

Sir Richard Preſton was a younger Son in the Reign of James VI, whoſe high Advancements to Honour, added no ſmall Luſtre to this worthy Family. He was educated at the Court, and being of an agreeable and winning Deportment, he ſoon grew into his Majeſty's ſpecial Favour, attaining firſt the Honour of Knighthood, and e're long, was made one of the Grooms of the Bed-Chamber. Upon King James's attaining the Engliſh Crown, he accompanied him into that Realm, where he received further Honour, being made one of the Knights of the Bath, at his Majeſty's Coronation the 30 of July 1603d. Alſo in 1607, he was further dignify'd with the Title of Lord Dingwall, the Conſtabulary of which Caſtle, the King then beſtowed on him. His faithful Services, together with the King's [93] Countenance, procured him the Marriage of Eliſabeth Daughter and Heir of the Earl of Deſmond in the Kingdom of Ireland, into which Dignity he was created, by Letters Patent, bearing date 24 July 1619, and departing this Life Anno 1622, the Iriſh Honour expired, but the Title of Lord Dingwall being to the Heirs of his Body whatſoever lawfully begotten, devolved upon the Lady Eliſabeth his only Daughter and ſole Heir, married to James Duke of Ormond, by whom ſhe had Iſſue, Thomas Earl of Oſſory, Richard Earl of Aran in Ireland; alſo two Daughters,

1. Eliſabeth, married to Philip Earl of Cheſterfield, by whom he had only one Daughter Eliſabeth, married to John late Earl of Strathmore.

2. Mary, to William Duke of Devonſhire in England. But to return to Thomas Earl of Oſsory (the eldeſt Son) he being [...]ummoned to the Engliſh Parliament by the Title of Lord Butler of Moor-Park, was made Knight of the Garter, and Rear-Admiral of his Majeſty's Fleet; and being a Perſon of ſingular Worth, gave many eminent Proofs of his Prudence and Valour both by Sea [...]nd Land, but was ſuddenly ſnatched away by Death in the flower of his Age, Anno 1680. He married the Lady Aemelia de Naſſau, Daughter to Lewis de Naſſau, Lord Beverwart, Son to Maurice Prince of Orange, by whom he had,

James now Duke of Ormond, Charles Lord Butler of Weſtoun, alſo three Daughters,

1. Eliſabeih, married to William Earl of Darby.

2. Aemelia, unmarried.

3. Henrietta, to Henry Earl of Grantham.

His Father ſurviving him eight Years, then gave way to Fate, his Eſtate and Honour devolving upon the preſent Duke his Grandſon, a lively Example of the Valour and Gallantry of his two great Anceſtors. In 1689, his Grace was conſtituted one of the Bed-Chamber to the King, Captain of the ſecond Troop of Guards, and Knight of the Garter. On the Acceſſion of her preſent Majeſty to the Throne, he was appointed Generaliſſimo of the Forces ſent againſt Spain; in his Return from whence he had a large ſhare in the Service of deſtroying the French Fleet in the Harbour of Vigo, and was afterwards ſent Lord Lieutenant into Ireland; alſo he was named Generaliſſimo of her Majeſty's Forces in Flanders, upon the Removal of John Duke of Marleborough.

In 1710, he laid Claim to the Honour of Lord Dingwall, as being the Heir gradually and lineally deſcending from Richard Lord Dingwall: Being found to have Right, his Claim was allowed, and accordingly he Voted by his Proxy in the Election of the Sixteen Scots Peers, (who by the Treaty of Union are to ſit in the Houſe of Peers of Great Britain) 10th November the ſame Year.

He married firſt Anne, Daughter of Laurence Earl of Rocheſter, who deceaſed without any ſurviving Iſſue; and to his ſecond Wife Mary, Daughter of Henry Duke of Beaufort, by whom he had Thomas Earl of Oſsory, who dyed in 1694, Eliſabeth and Mary, both living unmarried.


Argent, three Unicorns Heads eras'd, Sable.

DOUGLASS, Duke of Douglaſs,

THIS Family is a very great and ancient one in Lanark ſhire, of which there is a particular Hiſtory [94] wrote by a very learned Pen, who equalizes them to any of the ancient Roman Families, and gives them the preference to all other in Europe, thoſe of crown'd Heads excepted. They have been particularly famous for great Generals, there having been more of this Name, than any other that is to be met with in Hiſtory; neither was it their native Countrey alone that was indebted to their Valour, but they ſignaliz'd themſelves in moſt places of Europe, and particularly in France, where they have had great Commands and Titles, as Duke of Turrin, Count de Longoville, &c. In ſhort, this Family exceeded all the reſt in the Kingdom, for the Number of Nobility and Gentry of their own Name, according to thoſe old Lines,

So many ſo good as of the Douglaſſes have been,
Of one Sirname was ne'er in Scotland ſeen.

The Origin of this illuſtrious Houſe is derived from one Sholto, who in the Reign of Solvathius King of Scotland, Anno Chriſti 770, having been the principal Man that routed Donald Bane and his Forces, who invaded the Countrey, and being a Dou glaſs, or a black pale Man, as theſe Words ſignify (ſays my Author) both in old Britiſh and Iriſh, the King royaly rewarded his Services, and made him a Grant of large Poſſeſſions in the County of Lanerk, which either he or his Succeſſors called Douglaſs, and from thence took the Sirname of the Family. This Sholto was the Father of Hugh, of whom there is nothing memorable. He was ſucceeded in his Inheritance by his eldeſt Son Hugh II. whoſe younger Brother William, being ſent by Achaius King of Scotland, purſuant to his League with Charlemaign, with 4000 choice Men into Italy againſt the Lombard's, he performed many glorious Actions, and became the Root of the Family of Scoti at Placentia.

But to leave the Family of the Scoti in Italy, William is ſuppoſed to be the Son of Hugh Lord of Douglaſs, and the Father of John, who was the Father of William, the next Lord of the Family, who is Witneſs among others to the Charter of King William, whereby he confirm'd the Lands of Dalgarnac given by Adger the Son of Dovenald, to the Church of the Holy Croſs at Edinburgh, in the former part of that Reign: He left Iſſue two Sons, Archibald, who ſucceeded in the Lordſhip, and Bricius, firſt Prior of Liſma [...]agoe, afterwards Biſhop of Murray a.

Archibald firſt of the Name, married one of the Co-heirs of the Barony of Crawfurd of the ſame Sirame,b and was ſucceeded by William III, the Father of Sir Hugh de Douglaſs, who lived in the Time of Alexander III, and did ſignalize himſelf at the Battle of the Largs, where the Scots obtained a glorious Victory over the Norvegians, Anno 1263. He married Marjory, Daughter of Alexander, and Siſter to Hugh Lord of Abernethy c; but having no Children by her, at leaſt that ſurvived him, his Brother William, for Diſtinction called the Hardy, ſucceeded him. In the time of the War with England, upon all Occaſions he diſtinguiſhed himſelf in the Service of his Country. In the 1295, he was choſen Governor of Berwick, then in the Hands of the Scots, which he defended with great Reſolution and Courage; but afterwards falling into the Enemies hand, he dyed there Priſoner, Anno 1303d, leaving Iſſue by . . . . . . his Wife, Daughter of Keith of that Ilk, James Lord of Douglaſs, and Hugh; alſo by Margaret [95] Daughter to Ferrairs Earl of Darby, of the Kingdom of England a, Archibald Lord of Galloway, of whom the Family deſcended, and John, Progenitor to the Earl of Morton.

Which James Lord Douglaſs, commonly called The good Sir James, laid the Fundation of the Grandeur of the Houſe of Douglaſs: He was famous all the World over for his Valour and glorious Actions in the Service of his Country, for which his Memory will ſtill be honoured: He entred early into the Service of King Robert Bruce, and in 1313b he aſſaulted and took the Caſtle of Roxburgh from the Engliſh, and the next Year he commanded the left Wing of the Scots Army, at the famous Battle of Bannockburn, where he behav'd ſo well, as to merit the Honour of Knighthood in the Fieldc, after which, he was conſtituted Warden of the Marches toward England d, and entring Cumberland, waſted that County. In Conſideration of his good Services before that time perform'd, he had a Grant of the Caſtle, Village, and Forreſt of Jedworth e, then erected into a free Forreſtry, Cum indictamentis latrociniorum & miniſtrationem earundem in omnibus terris ſuis infra regnum noſtrum; & ſi aliquis de hominibus ſuis per juſtitiarios noſtros fuerint judicati, volumus quod dictus Jacobus, haeredes ſui, & eorum miniſtri habeant liberam earundem miniſtrationem cum omnibus libertatibus, commoditatibus ad predicta indictamenta pertinen. in feudo & haereditate perpetuo, ſalvo tantum communi auxilio pro defenſione regni noſtri contingenti, And the Seaſin is declared to be the giving him the King's Ring with the Emerauld Stone.

An Author reckons this illuſtrious Perſon to have been in fifty ſeven Battles and Re-encounters againſt the Engliſh, thirteen times victorious againſt the Saracens, and other Infidels, thrice as often as he had been Years in Action, which were about twenty four, from King Robert Bruce's Coronation, 1306, to the time of his Death, in 1330, which happened fighting againſt the Saracens, the Enemies of our Faith. Now tho what is above recorded of this noble Lord were alone ſufficient to preſerve his Memory, yet cannot I omit adding this Epitaph which Mr. Hume gives him.

Quicquid ſors potuit mortali in pectore ferre,
Vel facere, hoc didici perficere, atque pati.
Prima ubi luctando vici, ſors affuit auſis
Omnibus: & quid non pro patria auſus eram?
Hosti terror ego: nullus me terruit hoſtis:
Conſiliis junxi rob [...] a dura meis.
Praelia quot numerat, titulos, actoſ (que) triumph [...]
Brucius, hinc totidem pene trophaea mihi.
Qua jam ſigna feram? major quaerendus & orbi [...],
Atque hoſtis; famam non cap [...] iste meam.
Arma Saraceno objeci prope littora Calpes
Herculeae, hic tellus me male fauſta tegit.
Herculea Graecis memoretur gloria lud [...],
Fallor an Herculea ſtant potiora mea.

Sir James was ſucceeded by his Brother Hugh, but an unactive Man, of whom there is little on Record, having no Iſſue of his own Body. In 1343, he reſigned the Lordſhip of Douglaſs, in favours of Sir William his Nephew (Son of Archibald Lord of Galloway, who was ſlain at the Battle of Halydonhill, ſo fatal to the Scots, Anno 1333) whereupon he obtained from King David Bruce a Charter De omnibus terris reditus & poſseſſiones per totum regnum Scotiae, de quibus quondam Jacobus Dominus de Douglaſs avunculus ſuus & Archibaldus pater ſuus obierunt veſtiti, cum regalitate & libera warena, integre & honorifice, una cum ducatu hominum Vicecomitatum de Roxburgh & Selkrig. In the 1346, he was Warden of the [96] Eaſt Marches toward England, and accompanying King David to the Battle of Durham, he was taken Priſoner with his Sovereigna, but was ſoon afterward releaſed. In 1357, he was one of the Commiſſioners on the part of Scotland, authorized to treat with the Engliſh about the Redemption of the Kingb, and among other Nobles bound to Edward III, for a hundred thouſand Pound Sterling Ranſom, in which Deed he's deſigned Willielmus Dominus de Douglaſs miles. Much about the ſame time he was dignified with the Honour of Earl of Douglaſs; for I find him intituled Willielmus comes de Douglaſs, when he's joined in Commiſſion with diverſe Lords to treat with Engliſh Commiſſioners about King David's Inlargementc. This Earl was deeply engaged on the French ſide, in the memorable Battle of P [...]ictiers (where John King of France was taken Priſoner by the Black Prince) and very narrowly eſcaped, being then Ambaſſador from King Robert II. to the French Court, where the ancient Alliance betwixt the two Crowns was renewed and confirmed. As for his Works of Piety, I have only diſcover'd, that he gave in pure Alms to the Abby of Melroſs, and the Monks ſerving, and perpetually to ſerve God there, the Patronage of the Church of Cavers, with its Tithes, for celebrating Divine Service there, according to the Tenor of a ſpecial Ordination by him made, viz. for certain Prieſts, who were to perform that Service for the good Eſtate of his Sovereign Lord King David, and of himſelf, during his Life, and for the health of his Soul, and his Anceſtors and Succeſſors after his Departure hence; and which Donation the ſaid King ratified in the 30th of his Reign.

He married firſt Margaret, Daughter of Donald, Siſter, and at length ſole Heir of Thomas Earl of Mar d, by whom he had James his Son and Heir, and Iſabel, a Daughter, after the Death of her Brother Counteſs of Mar, who became firſt the Wife of Sir Malcolm Drummond of Cargill, who in Right of her was intituled Lord Mar e, and thereafter of Sir Alexander Steuart Knight, in whoſe favour ſhe reſign'd the ſaid Earldom, Anno 1404, Cauſa (ſays ſhe) Matrimonii contracti inter dominum Alexandrum Seneſcal & nos dictam Iſabellam f, which Honour he enjoy'd till his Death.

This Earl William's ſecond Marriage (having Divorc'd his former Wife) was with Margaret, Daughter of Patrick Earl of March g, by whom he had Archibald Lord Galloway, afterward Earl of Douglaſs: And his third and laſt was Margaret, Daughter and Heir of Thomas Steuart Earl of Angus, by whom he had George Douglaſs firſt Earl of Angus of that Name: He departed this Life in 1384, and was interr'd in the Abby Church of Melroſs, according to Mr. Winton, whoſe Words are theſe,

To Douglaſdale as I heard ſay,
An Sickneſs took him by the way,
And there he dyed in ſhort ſpace,
: : : : : : : : : : :
To Melroſe then they took his Body,
And there it bury it right honourably.

This Earl was ſucceeded by James his Son, between whom and Sir Henry Percy there were glorious Feats of Arms performed in Honour of their Country. He was killed at the Battle of Otterburn, 31 of July 1388, fought betwixt him and Sir Henry Hotſpur, Son to the Earl of Northumberland, an Encounter, ſays one, managed with that unparallelled Courage on both ſides, that it was hardly to be matched in Hiſtory, and was the Occaſion of an old Rhime, of which this is a part,

It fell about the Lammas Tide,
When Yeoman win the Hay,
The doughtie Douglaſs gan to ride
In England to take a Prey.

Mr. John Johnſton, our famous Poet, has endeavoured on his Part, to perpetuate his Memory by the following Elegy,

Quaeritis ô quid agam? en animam jam ago: fata meorum
Hac ſequor. Innumero huc vulnere facta via eſt.
Neſciat hoc hoſtis: ſequitor quam quiſ (que) ſecat ſpem,
Atque aliquis nestri funeris ulter ades.
Finiit, & ſubito redivivo funere ſurgens
Mars novus intonuit, victor & ultor obit.

This Heroick Earl was married with the Lady Iſabel Steuart, Daughter to King Robert IIa, but dying without lawful Iſſue, he was ſucceeded in the Earldom by

Archibald Lord Galloway, his Brother, commonly called Archibald the Grim. In 1381 he was ſent Ambaſſador to France, which Negotiation he managed with Succeſs and Honour. This Earl added to his ancient patrimonial Inheritance the Lordſhip of Bothwel, in Vicecomitatu Lanerici, by Marriage of Eliſabeth, only Daughter and ſole Heir of Thomas Murray, Lord of Bothwell, and thereupon had an Augmentation to his ancient Arms, viz. Azure, three Molle [...]s within a double Treſſure, Or. He founded the Collegiate Church of Bothwell, eſtabliſhing Maintenance for a Provoſt and eight Prebends, out of the Lands of Osbairnſtoun and Nether-Urd, who were continually to perform the Offices of the Church for the Soul of him and his Succeſſors, of the Date 10th Octob. 1398b, and departing this Life in the Month of February 1400c, he was interr'd at Bothwell Church, without any Epitaph on his Monument, leaving Iſſue by the ſaid Eliſabeth his Wife, Archibald his Succeſſor, and a Daughter Marjory, married to David Prince of Scotland, elder Brother to King James I.

Which Archibald was a Nobleman of great Valour, and much addicted to Arms. In 1401, he had a Command in the South againſt the Engliſh, ravaged the Country as far as Newcaſtle, carried of the Stores, and then returned Home without any manner of Loſs.

This Earl was in ſuch Eſteem for his Conduct, Valour, and other bright Qualities, that he was made Captain General of all the Forces then deſigned to be tranſported into France, in behalf of the French againſt the Engliſh, where he did ſuch ſignal Service to that Crown, that King Charles VII. inveſted him in the Dutchy of Turrin, and to his Heirs Male for ever, and made him Mariſhal of France 464: He had the chief Command in the Battle of Vernoil, where he loſt his Li [...]e, 7th of Auguſt 1425, and was interr'd in St. Gratians Church in Tours.

This Earl had Iſſue by his Wife Margaret, Daughter of King Robert III.

Archibald, who ſucceeded him,

[98] James, Lord Abercorn.

Margaret, married to William Earl of Orkney.

Eliſabeth, to John Steuart Earl of Buchan, Conſtable of France, and Chamberlain of Scotland.

Helen, to Alexander Lauder of Hatton.

Mary, to Sir Simon Glenddining of that Ilka.

Archibald, next Earl of Douglaſs, his Son, was a Perſon of great Accompliſhments either for Peace or War: I find him in 1424, appointed to go upon a ſolemn Embaſſy into England to treat upon the Redemption of King James I. Henry Biſhop of Aberdeen, and Sir William Hay of Err [...]ll, were appointed to accompany him, and to be his Collegues: The firſt mention of his Martial Actions is in 1420, the firſt of the Government of Murdack Duke of Albany, when he, with his Brother-in-law, John Earl of Buchan, were ſent into France with 7000 Auxiliaries, wherewith they perform'd many ſignal Services againſt the Engliſh: He gave way to Fate on the 26 June 1438, and was buried in the Church of Douglaſs, with this Epitaph on his Monument,Hic jacet Dominus Archibaldus Douglaſs Dux Turroniae, Co [...]es de Douglaſs & Longoville, Dominus Gallovidiae. & Annandiae, locum tenens Regis Scotiae, obiit 26 June, Anno Dom. Millefi [...]o quadringenteſimo Trigeſimo [...]ctavo.

This Earl had no Iſſue by his firſt Wife Matilda b, Daughter of David Earl of Crawfurd: But Eupham Graham c, Daughter of Patrick Earl of Strathern, his ſecond Wife, bore him two Sons, viz. William, who ſucceeded him. 2d. David, and Margaret a Daughter, firſt Counteſs of Douglaſs, and thereafter the Wife of John Steuart, Earl of Athole, Uterine Brother to King James II.

To Archibald Earl of Douglaſs ſucceeded William his Son, a Youth of great Expectation, of an high Spirit and a ſweet Diſpoſition, but the Vanity of his followers, and his own want of Experience, led him into ſeveral Miſdemeanors, and being on his Journey to a deſigned Parliament, he was met, and ſumptuouſly entertain'd by William Lord Crichton, then Chancellour, who minded him of the Greatneſs and Merit of the Family, and his own Duty to the Crown; the Earl in Return acknowledged his Fault lay in his Youth and Ignorance, blaim'd his evil Counſellors, chided his Dependents, promiſed Obedience for the future, and gave all the Marks of a ſincere and generous Reſolution: But after all this, he was invited to the Caſtle of Edinburgh, and being ſet at the King's Table, was ſuddenly remov'd, and inſtantly murdered, in the 16th Year of his Age, together with his younger Brother David, and Sir Malcolm Fleeming of Cumbernald, his Friend, Anno. 1441.

To William laſt mentioned, ſucceeded James Lord Abercorn, his Uncle, for Diſtinction called The groſs Earl, of whom I find nothing remarkable, ſave that he was Warden of the Marches toward England, in the Reign of King James II. He married Beatrix Sinclair, Daughter to the Earl of Orkney, who bore him ſix Sons, viz. William, who ſucceeded him. James Douglaſs, Knight, who took to Wife Mary, one of the two Daughters and Coheirs of James Dunbar Earl of Murray, in Right of whom he came to poſſeſs that Honour. Sir Hugh Douglaſs 4th Son, was Earl of Ormond. John Lord Balveny, and Henry the youngeſt; alſo four Daughters,

1. Margaret, married to James Earl of Morton, and had Iſſue.

2. Beatrix to the Lord Aubignie.

3. Janet, to Robert Lord Fleeming, Anceſtor to the preſent Earl of Wigton.

[99] 4. Eliſabeth, to Wallace of Craigie in Vicecomitatu de Aire a.

This Earl died the 24th of March 1443, and was interr'd at Douglaſs-Church: Upon his Tomb ye may read this Epitaph,Hic jacet magnus & potens Princeps Jacobus Comes de Douglaſs, Dominus Annandiae & Gallovidiae, Liddaliae, & Jedburgh-foreſtiae, & Dominus de Balvenia magnus Wardanus Regni Scotiae verſus Angliam, &c. qui obiit viceſimo quarto die menſis Martii, Anno Domini milleſimo quadringenteſimo quadrageſimo tertio.

William, Son and Heir of the former Earl, being unwilling that ſo great an Inheritance as the Earldom of Douglaſs was, ſhould be divided, married Margaret, Daughter of William, and Siſter and Heir to William Earl of Douglaſs his Couſin, A Marriage (ſays one) made him as much hated by his Friends, as feared by his Enemies. This Earl proſecuted Revenge on Chancellour Crichton, as the Author of his Couſins Death with more Violence than Succeſs, his Affectation of a mighty Pomp and Splendor, procur'd him Envy: His Contempt of the Courtiers begot Hatred, and incurr'd him their Diſpleaſure. They improv'd his Faillings, magnified his Deſigns, and plotted his Ruine; His Power and haughty Conduct rendred him ſuſpected to his Sovereign K. James II, whoſe Hand and Dagger put a period to his Life in Stirling Caſtle, the 13th of February 1452.

James ſucceeded to William his Brother in the Earldom, he took up Arms againſt his Prince; and coming to a Battle, he was intirely routed by the Earl of Angus, the King's Lieutenant, Anno 1455. Retireing then to the Court of England, he was intertain'd by King Edward, who made him one of the Knights of the moſt noble Order of the Garter; but invading the Kingdom again with with the Duke of Albany, aſſiſted from England, Anno 1483, he was taken Priſoner, and confined in the Abby of Lindores, where he took upon him religious Orders, [...]nd continued in Devotion till his Life's End, which happned to fall out on 15th of April 1488: He was inter'd before the high Altar, under a Marble Stone, to which was affixed a Tablet of Braſsb containing this Inſcription, Hic Requieſcunt
Oſſa Jacobi quondam Comitis de Douglaſs, inclyti hujus Monaſterii Monachi, qui po [...] [...] vitae diſcrimina obiit in ſumma pace [...] di [...] Aprilis, Anno Domini milleſimo [...] ſimo octogeſimo octavo.

This Earl is thus Characteriz'd by a good Hiſtorianc, who ſays, He was a Nobleman of a Majeſtick Preſence, Valiant, Learn'd, and Wiſe, but of a reſolute and preciſe Temper, yet ſomewhat over diſtr [...]ſtful of his own Power, and other Performances, and if he had been either a more reſolute Adventurer, or a more complying and ſubmiſſive Subject, he might have made Peace on his own Terms. I ſhall conclude with Mr. Hume's Epitaph on him, as Follows,

Quid rides raſumque caput, cellaeque receſſum?
Quod que cucullatis Fratribus anumeror?
Si fortuna volvente vices fiet modo Princeps,
Plebeius: Monachus ſaepe Monarcha fuit.
Why do you laugh to ſee my ſhaven Crown?
My Cell, my Cloiſter, and my Hooded-Gown?
This is the Power of that Sovereign Queen,
By whom Monks, Monarchs, Monarchs Monks have been.

The principal Branch of the Illuſtrious Family of Douglaſs, thus expiring, I ſhall at preſent confine my Memoirs to the Houſe of Angus, the next great Family of the Name, who, tho inferior to that of the old Earls of Douglaſs [100] yet exceeded moſt others for Royalties, Greatneſs, number of Vaſſals, and Military Glory. They had many Privileges inherent in their Family, as, that [...]e Earls of Angus ſhould have the firſt Place and Vote in Parliament or Council, that he ſhould carry the Crown in Riding of Parliaments, to be the King's hereditary Lieutenant, and to have the leading of the Van of the Army in the Day of Battle; all which were confirmed by King James VI. to William Earl of Angus Anno 1591.

George Douglaſs, firſt Earl of Angus, was only Son of William firſt Earl of Douglaſs, by Margaret his 3d Wife, Daughter and Heir of Thomas Steuart Earl of Angus: He was inveſted in this H [...]our upon his Mother's Reſignation by a Charter, of which this is a part,

Robertus Dei gratia Rex Scotorum, &c. ſciatis nos dediſse & hac Charta confirmaſse Georgio Douglas totam & integrum Comitatum Anguſie, cum Dominio de Ahernethy jacent. in Vicecomitatu de Perth & Berwick, & heredibus maſculis corporis dicti Georgi [...]; quibus deficientibus Alexandro Hamilton militi & Eliſabethae Steuart ſponſae ſuae ſorori dicte Comit [...]ſse Anguſie, &c. Teſt. Waltero Epiſcopo ſancte Andreae, Joanne Epiſcopo Dunkelden. Cancellario, Joanne Comite de Carrick Seneſcallo Scotiae primogenito noſtro, Roberto Comite de Fife & Montieth Cuſtode Scotiae, filio noſtro. Apud Edinburg decimo die Aprilis, Anno Regni noſtri decimo nono, Anno Dom. 1389.

This George, in the 1397, married the Lady Mary Steuart, Daughter to King Robert IIIa, by whom he had William his Succeſſor, Sir George Douglaſs Knight, and a Daughter Eliſabeth, married to Sir William Hay of Lockhart b, Anceſtor to the preſent Marqueſs of Tweddal. All that I have found in Hiſtory of this Earl, is, that he accompanied the Earl of Douglaſs to the Battle of Homildon, where he was taken Priſoner, and there falling Sick, he dyed Anno 1402, his Lady re-marrying with Sir James Kennedy Knight, after that ſhe became the Wife of Sir William Graham of Kincardin, whom ſurviving, alſo ſhe was a fourth time married to Sir William Edmiſton of Duntreath c.

William, ſecond Earl of Angus, in the 1423, was ſent to England one of the Hoſtages for the Ranſom of King James I. his Uncled, at the Solemnity of whoſe Coronation he had the Honour of Knighthood conferr'd on him, an Honour much more valued in ancient Times than we have ſince ſound it to be: And in the Year 1424, he was one of the Peers that ſat upon the Trial of Murdock Duke of Albany e, and the 29th of the ſaid Reign he was appointed Warden of the middle Marches toward England, and the next Year after, had a ſpecial Grant of all the Mannors, Caſtles, and Lands deſcended to him from his Anceſtors, in as ample manner as they held the ſame.

In 1436, the Engliſh making ſeveral Incurſions upon the Borders, under the command of the valiant Percy, he was ſent againſt them, where he deſtroyed ſeveral Towns upon the Marches, and routed them at Piperdeen. He departing this Life the following Year 1437f, left Iſſue by Eliſabeth his Wife, Daughter of Sir William Hay of Locherret g, my Lord Tweddal's Anceſtor, James who ſucceeded in the Honour.

Which James, in the ſecond of [101] James II. was one of the Conſervators of the Peace with England a, a Truce being then concluded betwixt the two Realms. He married the Lady Jean Steuart, Daughter to King James I, but dying without Iſſue, he was ſucceeded both in his Honour and Eſtate by

Sir George Douglaſs his Uncleb, a Man of great Parts, and much eſteem'd for Wiſdom, Loyalty, and Valour. The firſt notice of him, is in the 1449, that he was one of the Commiſſioners on the part of Scotland, who met with ſeveral Engliſh Lords at Berwick, and there concluded a League of ſtricter Amity, as they termed it, betwixt both Nations; and ſoon after he was conſtituted Warden of the Eaſt and Middle Marchesc. In 1457, the 20th of James II, he was ſent againſt the Earl of Douglaſs, then in Rebellion, which he ſucceſsfully quell'd; in Conſideration of which ſpecial Service ſo perform'd by him, he had a Grant of the Lordſhip and Barony of Douglaſs. Finally he Indents with Henry VI. of England, then diſpoſſeſſed of the Crown by Edward Duke of York, that for the Earl's Aſſiſtance towards his Reſtauration, he obliges himſelf in verbo Principis, that he ſhall erect to his Lordſhip and his Heirs, as much Land betwixt Humber and Trent as ſhall amount to two thouſand Merks Sterling a Year; and at the ſame time by a bold Interpriſe, he relived Monſieur Briſack and the French Troops under his Command, then beſieged in the Caſtle of Alnwick, in the ſight of the Engliſh Army, and brought them ſafe into Scotland, but after all his great and loyal Services, he gave way to Fate, well advanced in Age, 14th November 1462, and was buried with his Anceſtors at Abernethy. His Wife was Eliſabeth, Daughter of Sir Andrew Sibbald of Balgony in Vicecomitatu de Fife, by whom he had Archibald the next Earl, George Douglaſs of Bonjedward d, and three Daughters,

Jean, married to William Lord Graham e.

Eliſabeth, to Sir Robert Graham of Fintrie, and had Iſſue.

Margaret, to Sir Duncan Campbel of Glenurchie, Anceſtor to the Earl of Breadalbin.

Archibald his Son and Heir ſucceeding, commonly deſigned The great Earl, he made a conſiderable Figure in the Reigns of James III, and IV. In 1488, he was one of the aſſociating Lords who at Lawder-Bridge, in preſence of the King ſeized on Thomas Homil and Robert Cochran the mean Favorites of that Prince, and cauſed Execute them as the Authors of the Miſmanagement of the publick Affairs, tho I don't find he was in the Prince's Army at Bannockburn, where the unfortunate King loſt his Life. In the 24th of James IV, Anno 1492, he was made Warden of the Marches, alſo one of the King's Privy Council, and the next Year conſtituted Lord high Chancellor of Scotland, then void by the Deceaſe of Colin Earl of Argyle, from which he was removed in 1498, George Earl of Huntly being put in his ſtead.

H [...]s firſt Wife was Eliſabeth, Daughter of Robert Lord Boyd, Lord high Chamberlain of Scotland, by whom he had three Sons,

1. George, Maſter of Angus.

2. Sir William Douglaſs of Braidwood, who was killed at Flowdon, of whom and his Deſcendants more will be ſaid afterwards.

3. Gavin Douglaſs third Son, devoting himſelf to the Service of the [102] Church, was put into Orders about 1493: His firſt Preferment was to the Rectory of Heriot, and then to the Provoſtry of St. Giles, Edinburgh, in which Station he continued till the 1515, he was promoted to the Epiſcopal See of Dunkeld, then void by the Death of Biſhop Brown, where he exerciſed his Epiſcopal Function till Death took him away, Anno 1522a.

His ſecond Wife was Catherine, Daughter of Sir William Stirling of Keir, in Vicecomitatu de Perth b, who bore him a Son Archibald Douglaſs of Kilſpindy c, and three Daughters. 1ſt. Marjory, married to C [...]thbert Earl of Glencairn. 2d. Eliſabeth to Robert Lord Lyle, Juſtice General of Scotland, in the Reign of King James IV. 3d. Janet, to Robert Lord Herris, Anceſtor to the Earl of Nithſdale.

But its requiſite here to obſerve, That George Maſter of Angus, married Margaret, Daughter of John, firſt Lord Drummond: His Children by her were three Sons,

1. Archibald, who ſucceeded his Grand-father.

2. Sir George Douglaſs, who by Eliſabeth his Wife, Daughter and ſole Heir of David Douglaſs of Pittendrich d had Iſſue David, afterward Earl of Angus, James Earl of Morton, Regent of Scotland, in the Minority of King James VI. Eliſabeth, married to Sir John Carmichael of that Ilk, and Mary to Sir George Anchinleck of Balmanno e, in Vicecomitatu de Perth.

3. William, Prior of Coldingham, afterward promoted to be Abbot of Holy-rood-houſe, Anno 1522, upon the Promotion of George Crichton to the Epiſcopal See of Dunkeld.

Alſo ſix Daughters, Eliſabeth married to John Lord Yeſter, Progenitor to the Marqueſs of Tweddale. Janet to John Lord Glammis, Anceſtor to the Earl of Strathmore. Janet, to Sir James Douglaſs of Drumlanrig, Anceſtor to the Duke of Queensberry. Aliſon, married firſt to Robert Blackader of that Ilk, in Vicecomitatu de Berwick, and ſecondly to Sir David Hume of Wedderburn, in dicto Vicecomitatu. Margaret, to Robert Crawfurd of Achinnaims, in Vicecomitatu de Renfrew. This George behaving himſelf very gallantly at Flowdonfield, there loſt his Life, with two hundred Gentlemen of his Name and Family, 9th September 1513; which Diſaſter ſo affected his aged Father, that he retired from the World to prepare himſelf for Death, which he was ſenſible was approaching, and it happened in the Beginning of the next Year 1514.

To Archibald the great Earl of Angus ſucceeded Archibald his Grandſon, a Perſon of great Accompliſhments, either for Peace or War. This noble Perſon in his Youth travelled into France and other Foreign Parts, where he received great Honours from the Princes themſelves of theſe reſpective Countrys, particularly from Henry II. of France, who made him a Knight of the moſt noble Order of St. Michael. About the Time of his Return, Anno 1515, Scotland was then afflicted with the Death of King James IV. who left his Son very Young, and the Regency to the Queen Mother, who for her better Support married this Earl.

Upon the Reſignation of the Government by the Duke of Albany, he together with the Earls of Aran, Lennox, and Argyle, by a ſpecial Act were made Counſellours to the young King James V. Anno 1521, and the Year after conſtituted Lord high Chancellour of Scotland; he held the Office till the Year 1528, at which time, upon a Diſguſt taken againſt him by the King, he was removed and out-law'd, whereupon he retir'd into England, where he was nobly entertain'd by Henry VIII. [103] and taken into the Number of his Privy Council, where he ſojourn'd fifteen Years, till the Death of King James V. Anno 1542. Then returning [...]ome, he was Parliamentarily reſtor'd to his Eſtate and Titles of Honour, and at the fatal Battle of Pinkiefield he commanded the Van-guard of the Army againſt the Engliſh, where he behaved very worthily, and living peaceably the remainder of his Days, he departed this Life at his Caſtle of Tantallon, in the 1557, aged 64, and was interr'd at Abernethy.

This gallant Earl married thrice, his firſt Wife being Margaret Hepburn Daughter of Patrick Earl of Bothwell, by her he had no Children. Next, he had the Honour to marry Margaret of England, Widow of James IV. of Scotland, eldeſt Daughter of Henry VII. and Siſter to Henry VIII. Kings of England, who bore him one Daughter, the Lady Margaret Douglaſs, married to Matthew third Earl of Lennox, Mother by him of Henry Duke of Albany, Lord Darnly, &c. Father of James VI. firſt Monarch of Great Britain. His third Wife was Margaret Daughter of John Lord Maxwell, by whom he had a Son James, who dyed in his Childhood. To Archibald Earl of Angus ſucceeded,

Sir David Douglaſs of Pittendrich, his Nephew, who did not live long to enjoy the Honour: He departing this Life in 1558, leaving Iſſue by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of Sir John Hamilton of Clideſdale, Brother to James Duke of Chatlerault, Widow of Sir John Johnſton of that Ilk, a Son Archibald, who ſucceeded into the Honour; alſo two Daughters,

Margaret, married to Sir Walter Scot of Buclugh, and after his Death to Francis Steuart Earl of Bothwell.

Eliſabeth, to John Lord Maxwell, afterward Earl of Morton.

Which Archibald, for his vertuous Endowments, was Sirnamed The good Earl. He married firſt Margaret E [...]skine Daughter of John Earl of Mar. Next, Margaret Daughter to the Earl of Rothes, but by neither of theſe had he any Iſſue. 3dly Jean, Daughter of John Lord Glammis, who bore him a Daughter Eliſabeth, who dyed a Maid.

The firſt time I find this Earl in publick Buſineſs, is in 1573, he was conſtituted Sheriff of Berwick, and one of the Wardens on the Borders, which he exerced with an univerſal Reputation for five or ſix Years, Juſtice never being better adminiſtred.

Upon the fall of his Uncle the Earl of Morton, the King grew jealous of him, whereupon he retir'd to England, where he was bountifully entertained by Queen Eliſabeth, and there he had Opportunity to contract a Friendſhip with the famous Sir Philip Sidney, very much to their mutual Satisfaction: But after ſome Years, upon better Information, his Majeſty not only reſtored him to his former Favour and Familiarity, but appointed him Lieutenant on the Borders, which he defended with great Reputation for ſeveral Years; but at laſt being ſeiz'd with a Sickneſs, which was thought to be Sorcery, he languiſhed under his Diſtemper till about the end of July 1588, at which time he gave way to Fate, with the Character of being a good Man in all reſpects, well verſed in Learning, and tho endowed with many excellent Qualities, his Piety was allowed to be the reigning Vertue in him. He was interr'd at the Collegiate Church of Abernethy; upon him I find this Epitaph,

Morte jacet ſaeva Anguſius, ſpes illa bonorum,
Terror malorum maximus:
Cui, laude & luctu meritis, pia turba parentat;
Patrem, Parentem ingeminans.
Par ſtudium impietas ſimulat: quem carpere livor
Vivum ſolebat, mortuum
Aut veris ſequitur lacrymis, aut gaudià fictis
Celat pudenda; & laudibus
Saltem non fictis os pene invita reſolvit,
Seque arguit mendacii.
O laus! O veri vis! O victoria! honoſque
Cunctis triumphis clarior!
[104] Engliſhed,
Angus by cruel Death lies here,
The good Mans hope, the wickeds Fear,
The Praiſe and Sorrow of the moſt
Religious, who, as having [...]ſt
A Father, mourn, moſt Men are known
To find a Woe if they have none.
Envy, accuſtomed to wrong
His guiltleſs Life, imploys her Tongue
Now a loud Trumpet of his Fame,
And weeps, if not for Grief, for Shame,
Enforc'd to give her ſelf the Lie,
O Power of Truth! O Victory!
By which more Honour is obtain'd,
Than is in greateſt Triumphs gain'd.

The Male Line of George Maſter of Angus terminating in this Earl, the Honour and Eſtate, by reaſon of the entail upon the Heirs Male, devolved on Sir William Douglaſs of Glenbervy.

Glenbervy is a Barony in the Shire of Kincardin, which was the Poſſeſſion of the Melvil's: As far back as the Time of Alexander II. Philip de Melvil Knight, executed the Office of Sheriff of Aberdeen, in the beginning of that Reigna. In his Line the Barony continued till the the 8th of James III, Anno 1468b, and then determined in Eliſabeth, Daughter, and at length ſole Heir of Alexander Melvil of Glenbervy, married to Sir John Achinleck of that Ilk, an ancient Family in Air-Shirec, by whom he had James his Son and Heir, who marrying Giles Daughter of Sir John Roſs of Halkhead, Knightd, left a Daughter Eliſabeth his ſole Heir, whoſe Ward and Marriage falling to the King, James IV. he aſſigned it to Sir William Douglaſs of Braidwood, Knight, Son to Archibald Earl of Angus e, Anno 1492: Whereupon there happned a Conteſt betwixt the ſaid Eliſabeth and James Achinleck of that Ilk, her Couſin German, about the Right of Succeſſion: The Matter at length, after long Diſpute, was referred by both Parties to certain Noblemen, who determined the Barony of Glenbervy to the ſaid Eliſabeth, and Sir William Douglaſs her Husband, whereupon he took the Coat of Achinleck, viz. A Croſs imbattled, Sable, into his Atchievment. He was killed at the fatal Battle of Flowdon, Anno 1513, leaving Iſſue by the ſaid Eliſabeth his Wife, Archibald his Son and Heir, on whom King James V. conferred the Honour of Knighthood. His firſt Wife was Agnes, Daughter of William Earl Mariſhall, by whom he had William his Son and Heir: Alſo by his ſecond Marriage with Mary, Daughter of Sir Alexander Irvine of Drum, he had two Sons,

1. James, a Clergyman, Parſon of the Paroch Church of Glenbervy, Grandfather by Robert Douglaſs of Kilmonth, his eldeſt Son, of the right reverend Dr. Robert Douglaſs Biſhop of Dumblain, he was born Anno 1626, and had his Grammar Education in the Country, from whence being ſent to the Univerſity of Aberdeen, he proceeded to the Degree of Maſter of Arts, continuing to purſue, his Theological Sudies with great Aſſiduity, he commenced Preacher about the Year 1650, but what was his firſt miniſterial Charge before he was Parſon of Renfrew in the Weſt, does not occurr to me. From thence, after ſome Years ſtay, he was removed to the Provoſtry of Bothwell, and not long after that, to the Deanry of Glaſgow, & Parſonage of Hamilton, where he continued to exerciſe his Miniſterial Function, till Dr. Robert Lawry, who had preſided over the Epiſcopal See of Brechin, from the Year 1671, to the 1682, departing this Life, Mr. Douglaſs was conſecrated in his Room, and on the 29th of June 1684 tranſlated to the See of Dumblain, where he continued in the exerciſe of his Epiſcopal Function till the 1689, he was deprived [105] of his Biſhoprick; ſince which time, he has made Conſcience to live peaceably under King William's Government, and that of her preſent Majeſty, and is now arrived to the uncommon age of 87, exerciſing himſelf daily in Works of Devotion and Piety, patiently waiting till the great Change come of tranſlating him from this World, to the State of endleſs Felicity in the other.

2. John Douglaſs, ſecond Son.

To Sir Archibald Douglaſs of Glenbervy, ſucceeded Sir William his Son and Heir, to whom the Honour of Earl of Angus devolved Anno 1588.

This Earl, while a private Gentleman, accompanyed Queen Mary in her Northern Expedition, Anno 1562, and was active in the Fight at Corrichie, where Alexander Earl of Huntly was ſlain. Upon the turn of the Reformation, in the memorable Year 1560, when both the Doctrine of the Church, and Authority of the Biſhop, of Rome was parliamentarly aboliſhed; he did eminently ſignalize himſelf by his firm Adherence to, and zealous Profeſſion of the Proteſtant Religion, of which he was a very great Promoter, and of Conſequence was a mighty Supporter of King James VI's. Authority during the Adminiſtration of the Regents Murray, Lennox, Mar, and Morton; which in that Prince's Minority, very much to his Detriment, he maintained, aſſiſting both with his Money and Counſel; but having no Opportunity of ſignalizing himſely by Arms, we hear no more of moment concerning him, till the time of his Death, which happened 14 April 1591, leaving a numerous Family by Giles his Wife, Daughter of Sir Robert Graham of Morphie, in Vicecomitatu de Kincardin;

1. William his Succeſſor in the Honour.

2. Sir Robert, who got his Father's paternal Eſtate of Glenbervy, and was created Baronet, by King Charles I. the 30th of May 1625, being the ſixth in Number of Precedency in that Honour. His Wife was Eliſabeth, Daughter of Sir George Auchinleck of Balmanno, by whom he had Sir William his Succeſſor, and Dr. George Douglaſs Rector of Stepney, Grand-father to Sir Robert Douglaſs now of Glenbervy, Baronet.

3d Son Gavin Douglaſs of Bridgeford.

4th. John Douglaſs of Barras.

Margar [...] eldeſt Daughter, married to John Forbes of Monimusk, in Vicecomitatu de Aberdeen. Eliſabeth the ſecond, to Sir Alexander Gordon of Cluny. Jean the third, to James Wiſhart of Pittarow, in Vicecomitatu de Kincardin. Sarah [...]ourth and youngeſt, to Sir Alexander Strachan of Thorntoun Baronet, and after his Death to Sir George Auchinleck of Balmanno.

William his eldeſt Son, ſucceeded in the Honour, was a Nobleman well verſed in the Antiquities and Hiſtory of his Country, eſpecially in that Part relating to Genealogies; and from the Scots Hiſtory, and the Documents of his Family, he wrote a Chronicle of the Douglaſses, a much more elaborate Work than that put out in the Year 1644, Dedicated to the Marquis of Douglaſs. This Earl, in the latter part of his Life, made Defection to the Romiſh Faith, which put him ſo much under the King's Diſpleaſure, that with leave he retired into France, where he ſpun out his Time in the Devotions of that Church till his Death, in the Year 1616. His wife was Eliſabeth, Daughter of Lawrence Lord Oliphant, by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of George Earl o [...] Errol, by whom he had three Sons, and two Daughters, William Lord Angus his Succeſſor, Sir James Douglaſs afterward Lord Mordingtoun, S [...]r Francis Douglaſs of Sandilands, Knight.

Mary, ſecond Wife of Alexander [106] Earl of Linlithgow, Margaret, to Sir Alexander Campbel of Calder, in Vicecamitatu Moraviae, and had Iſſue.

To this Earl ſucceeded William his Son, who as he was Maſter of a moſt plentiful Fortune, ſo he kept up the old Scots Hoſpitality and Grandeur at his Caſtle [...] Douglaſs, where he uſually reſided, having perhaps a more numerous Family and Attendance than any Nobleman in the Kingdom. King Charles I, conſtituted him chief Commander or Lieutenant on the Bordersa, and created him Marquis of Douglaſs on the 17th of June 1633, the Day immediately preceeding his Majeſty's Coronation. Upon the commencing of the Civil War, in that Reign, I do not find this noble Lord engaged much on either ſide, but kept himſelf out of the Broils of theſe times, as much as any of his Quality in the Kingdom, till the 1645, perceiving the hard Uſage of the King, and the Miſeries that threatned his native Country, he took up Arms in Defence of both, and joining his Forces with theſe under the Command of the Great Marquis of Montroſe, his Majeſty's Captain General in Scotland, He accompanyed him to the Battle of Philiphaugh, where he behaved himſelf with great Valour and admirable Courage. Upon the loſs of the D [...], he had the Misfortune to be taken Priſoner; and notwithſtanding all the Diſadvantages and Dangers he lay under from the uſurping Powers of theſe Times, continued ſteady in his Loyalty to his Prince King Charles II, tho in Exile, to the frequent hazard of his Life, and Detriment of his Fortune, Oliver Cromwell impoſing a conſiderable Fine upon him in the 1654.

H [...]s firſt Marriage was with Margaret Daughter of Claude Hamilton Lord Paiſly, Siſter to James firſt Earl of Abercorn, by whom he had two Sons and four Daughters.

1. Archibald, Lord Angus, who upon the breaking out of the Civil War, in the Reign of King Charles I, was on the Parliament's ſide for ſome time, but afterward diſliking the Service; and finding Things carried on to Extremities, he left them, and appeared very forward to teſtify his Loyalty to King Charles II, at whoſe Coronation, which was ſolemniz'd the firſt of January 1651, his Lordſhip was conſtituted Lord high Chamberlain for the Day. He married firſt Anne, Daughter of Eſmae Steuart Duke of Lennox, by whom he had James who ſucceeded his Grandfather. 2dly Jean, Daughter of David Earl of Weems, by whom he had Archibald Earl of Forfar, and Margaret fourth Wife of Alexander Viſcount of Kingſtoun. This Lord dyed in the prime of his Age, Anno 1655, his Wife ſurviving him, re-married with George Earl of Sutherland.

2d. James the 2d Son, whoſe Genius leading him to the Wars, he went over to France, where he ſignaliz'd himſelf in the Service of Lewis XIV, on every Occaſion that offered, and more particularly at the Siege of Doway, where he was killed, his Death preventing his being honoured with a Marſhal's Batton. Beſides theſe Sons, he had alſo three Daughters.

Jean, married to William Lord Alexander, Son and Heir of William firſt Earl of Stirling.

Margaret, to Sir John Hamilton, who was created Lord Bargany by King Charles I.

Griſel the third, to Sir William Carmichael.

His Lordſhips ſecond Wife was Mary Daughter of George Marquis of Huntly, by Henrietta his Wife, Daughter [107] of Eſmae Duke of Lennox, by whom he had William, created Earl of Selkirk, Anno 1646, and afterward Duke o [...] Hamilton 1661. The ſecond, George Earl of Dunbarton; Colonel James Douglaſs, third Son, dyed unmarried; likewiſe four Daughters,

1. Henrietta, married to James Earl of Annandale.

2. Catherine, to Sir William Ruthven of Douglaſs, in Vicecomitatu de Berwick.

3. Iſabel, to William the firſt Duke of Queensberry.

4 Jean, to James 4th Earl of Perth, Lord high Chancellour of Scotland, in the Reign of King Charles II. and King James VII.

5. Lucy, to Robert Earl of Nithſdale, and all had Iſſue.

My Lord Marquis ſurviving all our inteſtine Commotions, which were not a few, the detail of which, I need not at this time enter into, he at laſt gave way to Fate in a good advanced Age, in the Spring of the Year, 1660a.

James ſucceeded his Grandfather in the Honour, he was ſworn one of the Privy Council to King Charles II. about 1670, and ſo continued to two ſucceeding Kings, for the ſpace of 30 Years, even to his Death. He married firſt Barbara, Daughter of John Earl of Mar, by whom he had a Son, James Lord Angus, a very brave Youth, who engaging early in the Wars, ſignaliz'd his Courage upon every Occaſion that offered it ſelf eſpecially at the Battle o [...] Stenkirk, where he was unfortunately ſlain, 3d. of Auguſt 1692, in his 21 Year, generally lamented, being a Nobleman of great Hopes and Expectation, and would have been an Honour and Ornament to his Country, had not an untimely Death too ſoon depriv'd his illuſtrous Family of the great Advantages it might have reaped by his Enjoyment of a longer Life. His Lordſhip married to his ſecond Wife, Mary, Daughter of Robert Marquis of Lothian, by whom he had Archibald his Son and Heir, and a Daughter Lady Jean. He departed this mortal Life in a moſt Chriſtian manner, and with an entire Reſignation to the Will of the Creator, on the 25th of February 1700, at the Age of fifty four, and was interr'd at Douglaſs without any Funeral Solemnity.

Archibald the preſent Duke, a young Nobleman of great Hopes, ſucceeded his Father at ſix Years old, and Her Majeſty Queen Anne was pleaſed in the nineth Year of his Age, to augment his Lordſhips Honours, by creating him Duke of Douglaſs, on the 18th of April 1703: The Reaſons for beſtowing the Honour upon him, is thus ſet forth in the Preamble to his Patent.

Quod nos in Regio noſtro animo revolventes fideliſſimum & dilectiſſimum noſtrum [...]onſanguineum Archibaldum Marchionem de Douglaſs. ex familia nobili & illuſtri ortum eſse & a progenitoribus qui maximae fi [...]uciae munia illis concredita immaculata virtute & ſingulari fide obierunt quique ob res ab illis clariſſime geſtis. Regium diadema tuendo & ſuſtentando ſummis honoris & dignitatis titulis per noſtros Regios predeceſsores exornati fuerunt: Nos quoque hujus maxime memores & cupidae per ulteriorem honoris additionem d [...]ctum Archiba [...]d [...]m Marchienem de Douglaſs ejuſque heredibus maſculis ipſius corporis, ſibi animum addere, ut nobiles ſuos predeceſsores imitetur; Noveritis i [...]itur nos f [...]ſſe, conſtituiſſe, creaſſe & inaugu [...]aſse Archibaldum Marchionem de Douglaſs Ducem a [...] Douglaſs, Marchionem de Angus & Abernethy, Vicecomitem de J [...]dburgh Forreſt Dominum Douglaſs de Lonckle, Preſtoun, & Robertoun.



Four Coats quarterly. 1ſt Azure, a Lyon Rampant crown'd with an imperial Crown Or: 2d Or, a Lyon rampant Gules, ſurmounted of a Ribban, Sable: 3d Or, a Feſſe Cheque, Azure and Argent, ſurmounted of a Bend, Sable, charged with five Buckles, Or: 4th Argent, three Pyles, Gules; over all in a Shield of Pretence, Argent, a Heart, Gules, enſign'd with an imperial Crown, Or, on a Chief, Azure, three Mollets of the firſt, ſupported on the Dexter, with a Savage, wreathed about the Loins with Lawrel, and on the Siniſter by a Stag Proper: Creſt, a Salamander vomiting Fire: Motto, Jamais Arriere, all within a Compartment of Stakes impal'd.

MAXWEL, Earl of Dirleton.

THE firſt and laſt Earl of this Place, was Sir James Maxwel of Innerweek, Knight, Son o [...] John Maxwel of Kirkhouſe (a Branch of the Family of Maxwel) by Jean his Wife, Daughter o [...] Sir Charles Murray of Cockpool. Which Sir James was firſt introduc'd to Court by the means of his Uncle John Earl of Annandale, the great Favorite of James VI. where he ſoon obtain'd ſo much of his Majeſty's Favour, as to be made a Knight, and one of the Gentlemen of the Bed-chamber. King Charles not only continued him in his Service, but further to reward his long and conſtant Fidelity in that Im [...]loyment, created him into the Dignity and Titles of Earl of Dirle [...]on, and Lord Elbotle, in the Year 1646. He married Eliſabeth de Bouſoyn, a Foreigner, by whom he had two Daughters,

Eliſabeth, married to William ſecond Duke of Hamilton.

Jean, to Charles Lord Cranburn, eldeſt Son of William Earl of Saliſbury in England, and had Iſſue.


Argent, Saltyre, Sable.

SUTHERLAND, Lord Duffus.

THE Murray's were the firſt Proprietors of the Barony of Duffus, in the County of Murray, and that as early as the time of King William the Lyon, Hugh de Moravia, being Brother to William de Moravia, who firſt aſſum'd the Sirname of Murray: He's Witneſs in ſeveral Grants made to the Epiſcopal See of Murray, by his Brother, therein deſigned filius Willielmi filii Friſkini a.

This Hugh left Iſſue Walter de Moravia, who cedes his Right of the Wood of Spiny to Archibald Biſhop of Murray b, in pure and perpetual Alms, Anno Dom. 1226. He was ſucceeded by Frsikinus de Moravia his Son, who deſigns himſelf Dominus de Duffus, in a ſolemn Contract bebetwixt him and the Biſhop of Murray, relative to ſeveral Lands that had been in Diſpute between Sir Walter his Father, and the former Biſhop of that See, dated on St. Cuthberts Day 1248. By Jean his Wife, he left Iſſue two Daughters his Coheirsc, Mary married to Sir Reginald le Chien, Knight, and [109] Chriſtian to William de Federeth, who divided the Inheritance.

The Lands of Duffus falling to the Share of the eldeſt Siſter, Sir Reginald de Chein, and Mary his Wife foreſaid, they gave a Donation to the Cathedral of Elgin, 1ſt May 1269, for the good of their Souls. After ſome Deſcents this Barony was tranſferred by the Marriage of Mary Daughter and Heir of Rynald Chine, Knight, to Nicol a younger Son of Kenneth Earl of Sutherland, who was ſlain at the Battle of Halydonhill, Anno 1333a, he obtained by his Brother's Grant on the 30th of September 1360, the fourty pound Land of Therboll, to be holden of the ſaid Earl, which King David II, confirmed by his Charter under the Great Seal, in the 1364b, and by reaſon of this Marriage, the Sutherlands of Duffus added to their paternal Coat, the three Croſs Croſlets, the Arms of Chine, which is ſtill in their Atchivement. This Nicol was ſucceeded by Henry Sutherland of Duffus, his Son and Heirc, as he was by Alexander, who obtain'd a Charter of the Lands of Therboll from John then Earl of Sutherland, his Superior, dated the 12th of July 1444. He added much to the Wealth of his Family by the Marriage of the Heir Female of Chiſholme of that Ilk,d and thereupon aſſumed into the Center of his Coat of Arms a Boars Head coupe. Alexander Sutherland of Duffus, Succeſſor to the former, dying without Male Iſſue, in the Reign of James IV.e Chriſtian his only Daughter and Heir, was married to William Oliphant of Berrindale: the Barohy of Duffus after a long Diſpute, came to William Sutherland of Querrelwood f as Heir Male. He departing this Life in 1529, left Iſſue by Janet his Wife, Daughter of Alexander Innes of that Ilkg, William his Succeſſor, and Alexander a Clergyman, who was Dean of Caithneſs h.

As to the Deſcendents of this William, ſeeing they did not ſtand in the rank of Peers, tho' a conſiderable Family, I ſhall not trace them, but come down to the Reign of King Charles II. in whoſe Time Sir Alexander Sutherland of Duffus, was one of the Barons, who by Reaſon of his ſpecial Merit was advanced to the Honour of Lord Duffus, 8th December 1650, ſome Days preceeding his Majeſty's Coronation.

He married to his firſt Wife, Jean Daughter of Colin Lord Kintail, Widow of William Lord Berrindale. 2dly. . . . . . . . . . Daughter of Sir Robert Innes of that Ilk. And next, Margaret Daughter of James Earl of Murray, by whom he had James his Succeſſor, and Henrietta a Daughter married to George Earl of Linlithgow.

James late Lord Duffus, married Margaret Daughter to Kenneth Earl of Seaforth, by whom he had Kenneth the preſent Lord, who ſucceeded his Father in the 1705. His Lordſhip having acquired great Knowledge in Maritime Affairs, was meritoriouſly advanced to the Command of The Advice, one of her Majeſty's Ships of War, in which Character, in ſeveral Expeditions he has behaved with admirable Courage and Bravery. He married Charlota Chriſtina, Daughter of Eri [...] de Siobladhe Governour and Admiral of Gottenburgh in Sweden, by whom he has a Son Erick, Maſter of Duffus.

The preſent Lord has two Brothers, James Sutherland Eſq who changed his Name for that of Dunbar, by reaſon of his marrying Mary, Daughter, and Heir of Sir William Dunbar of Hemprigs; he was created Baronet 10th of December 1706, and William Sutherland of Roſcommon. i

OSBURN, Viſcount of Dumblain.


AMONG many others, whoſe great Deſerts and ſpecial Services inclin'd his Majeſty King Charles II. to confer ſundry Titles of Honour upon them, was Sir Thomas Osburn, Son and Heir of Sir Edward Osburn Baronet, vice Preſident of the Council to King Charles I. for the Northern Parts of England, and Lieutenant General of the Forces that were raiſed for the Service of that Prince, upon the firſt breaking out of the Rebellion in England, Anno 1642.

This Sir Thomas faithfully adhering to the royal Intereſt during the Uſurpation, and Co-operating with many others his Majeſty's loyal Subjects, in order to his Reſtauration, and afterwards conſtantly applying himſelf to his Service, with all Fidelity and Diligence, was ſworn of his Privy Council, 3d of May 1672, and made Theſaurer of the Navy, as a further Teſtimony of his Majeſty's Eſteem, He was by Letters patent bearing date the 19th July 1673, created Viſcount of Dumblain in this Realm; and in 1674, honoured with the Title of Viſcount of Latimer and Earl of Danby in England, and ſoon after inſtal'd Knight of the Garter; afterward concurring in the Revolution, Ann 1688, he was upon the Prince of Orange Acceſſion to the Crown of England, conſtituted Preſident of the Council, and on the 9th of Auguſt 1689, created Marquis of Carmarthan, and afterward Duke of Leeds, 4th May 1694; he married Briget, Daughter of Montague Earl of Lindſay, by whom he had

1. Edward, Lord Latimer, who dyed without Iſſue.

2d. Peregrine, who became Viſcount Dumblain, upon his Father's ſurrender of the Honour; alſo four Daughters,

Anne, married to Robert Cock of Hoskham, in the County of Norfolk, Eſq and ſince to Horatio Valpole Eſq

Bridget, to Charles Earl of Plymouth, to whom ſhe had no Iſſue, ſince whoſe Deceaſe ſhe has married with Philip Bliſs, Doctor of Divinity.

Catherine, to James Herbert Eſq

Martha, to Charles Earl of Bath.

Sophia, firſt to Donatus Lord Obrien, and again to William late Lord Lempſter.

His Grace dyed full of Days and Honour, the 29th of July 1712, aged 81 Years, and was ſucceeded by

Peregrine, Lord Viſcount of Dumblain, and now Duke of Leeds, his Son and Heir. This noble Lord, having experienced himſelf in Maritime Affairs, and commanding as an Admiral in ſeveral Expeditions at Sea, has on many Occaſions diſtinguiſhed his gallant Behaviour, [...] eſpecially at the Buſineſs of Cameret, where his Conduct and Bravery were very remarkable. He married Bridget Daughter and Heir of Sir Thomas Hide of Worthmyms, in the County of Hartfort, by whom he had William Marquis of Carmarthan, who dyed at Utrecht, returning from his Travels, 16th of Auguſt 1711, aged 21.

Peregrine, now Marquis of Carmarthan, who is married with Eliſabeth Daughter of Robert Earl of Oxford, Lord high Theſaurer of Great Britain; alſo two Daughters,

Lady Bridget,

Lady Mary.


Quarterly Ermine and Azure, a Croſs Or.

SETON, Earl of Dumfermling.


THAT the Study and Practice of the Law, has raiſed many to great Wealth and Honour, is evident enough from ſundry Examples of that kind; amongſt which Sir Alexander Seton, the firſt of this Family is not the leaſt; he was a Younger Son of George Lord Seton, by Iſobel his Wife, Daughter of Sir William Hamilton of Sorn, Knight, Lord high Theſaurer of Scotland, in the Reign of James V. he was educated in Italy, where he ſtudied the Laws, in which Profeſſion he became ſo great a Proficient, that King James VI. upon his return home, conſtituted him one of the extraordinary Lords of the Seſſion, 12th of March 1585, that he might thereby come to the knowledge of the Forms here uſed: After which, in February 1587, he was admitted one of the ordinary Senators of the College of Juſtice, and on the 3d of Auguſt 1591, his Majeſty advanced him to the Dignity of a Lord of this Realm, by the Title of Lord Urquhart; and that he might the better ſupport the Honour he had conferred on him, that Prince took the firſt Opportunity to augment his Fortune, and in the 21ſt. of his Reign, upon the Diſſolution of the Monaſtries, made a Grant to him and the Heirs of his Body, lawfully begotten, of the whole Lands and Tithes of the rich Priory of Pluſcarden in Murray; his Lordſhip aſcending ſtill higher in Eſteem, in Reſpect of his eminent Knowledge, was preferred to be Preſident of the Seſſion, in the Room of William Baillie of Provan, deceaſed 12th of May 1593; as alſo in 1595, to be one of the Commiſſioners of the Theſaury. Riſing by theſe Gradations, in the 36 of the ſaid King, Anno 1604, he was advanced to that eminent Poſt of Lord high Chancellour of Scotland, and upon the 3d of March the Year after dignified with the Honour of Earl of Dumfermling, he was likewiſe appointed one of the Commiſſioners to treat of a nearer Union betwix Scotland and England, which was not compleated at that time; after which continuing in the Chancellours Office with much Honour, for the full Term of 18 Years, He departed this Life 16th of June 1622, and was interr'd at the Paroch Church of Dalgaty in Fife, with great Funeral Solemnity.

His firſt Wife was Lilias, Daughter of Patrick Lord Drummond, by whom he had four Daughters,

1. Anne, married to Thomas ſecond Earl of Kelly.

2. Iſabel, to John firſt Earl of Lauderdale.

3. Margaret, to Colin Earl of Seaforth.

4. Sophia, to David firſt Lord Balcares.

His ſecond Marriage was with Griſel, Daughter of James, Son and Heir of Andrew Earl of Rothes, by whom he had only a Daughter Jean, married to John firſt Earl of Twedale.

He married to his third Wife, Margaret Daughter to John Lord Yeſter, by whom he had Charles his Son and Heir, and a Daughter Griſel, who dyed unmarried.

Alexander, Earl of Dumfermling, was ſucceeded in his Honours and Eſtate by his Son Charles, who upon the breaking out of the Civil War, in 1638, was at firſt on the Covenanters ſide: However, ſuch was his Prudence and Moderation, that he endeavour'd to advance all Motions toward a Peace, and was the firſt Lord in the King's Commiſſion to treat with the Engliſh, in order to compoſe the unhappy Differences between his Majeſty and his Subjects in Scotland, which was by his Endeavours happily concluded in the Year 1641. And that he might be further [112] able to ſerve the King with the Church, he was appointed Commiſſioner to the General Aſſembly, Anno 1641, wherein he propoſed very temperate Counſels, and earneſtly recommended to the Clergy, that in return of all his Majeſty's Favours toward their Church, they would make Conſcience by their Doctrine and Example to keep the People in their Duty to God and the King, during the ſucceeding Times of Anarchy and Uſurpation. This noble Lord affecting to lead a retired Life, I find no Account of him in any of the publick Tranſactions that enſued, but upon the Dawn of the Reſtauration of King Charles II. he appeared very forward to expreſs his Loyalty, and to re-eſtabliſh the old Scots Conſtitution, to which he firmly adhered, not long after, he was conſtituted one of the Lords of his Majeſty's Privy Council, and in 1671 made Lord Privy Seal, in the Room of William Earl of Marſhal deceaſed; which Office he enjoy'd till his Death, Anno 1674. By Mary his Wife, Daughter of William Earl of Morton, he had three Sons and a Daughter,

1. Alexander, who ſucceeded in the Honour, but dyed unmarried.

2. Charles, killed aboard the Fleet in the great Sea Fight againſt the Dutch, Anno 1672.

3. James, who ſucceeded his Broin the Honour.

4. Henrietta, married firſt to William Earl of Wigton, and after to William Earl of Crawfurd, and had Iſſue.

Which James Earl of Dumfermling, in his Youth, having a Genius to War, he betook himſelf to Arms in the Service of the States of Holland, and was in ſeveral memorable Expeditions under the Prince of Orange; but quiting thoſe Military Imployments, upon his Acceſſion to the Honour, he lived at home in great Splendor, till the Revolution, in 1688. He was one of the Scots Peers who faithfully adhered to the Intereſt of King James: And the Viſcount of Dundee no ſooner took the Field, and declared for the King, than his Lordſhip brought and joined him with a Troop of Horſe, upon the Head of which he was perſonally engaged in the Battle of Killicrankie, where he behaved very bravely, for which he was Forfeited by Authority of the Parliament, 1690. Upon the Capitulation of the Highlanders, when there was no probability of ſupporting King James's Intereſt any longer in Scotland, he retired to the Court of St. Germans in France, where the ſaid King, to alleviate his Misfortunes, was pleaſed to honour his Lordſhip with the moſt noble Order of the Thiſtlo, as a diſtinguiſhing Mark of his royal Favour (and as he ſaid) An Earneſt of what he intended to do for him and his Family, when it would pleaſe God to reſtore him to the peaceable Poſſeſſion of his own; here he ſojourned till his Death, in the Year 1694, leaving no Iſſue that ſurvived him by Jean his Wife, Daughter of Lewis Marquis of Huntly; ſo that the Honour by Reaſon of the entail to Heirs Male, wou'd deſcend to George Seton of Barns, deſcended of Sir John Seton Knight, immediate elder Brother to Alexander firſt Earl of Dumfermling, were it not for the Forfaulture.


Quarterly 1ſt. and 4th. Or: Three Creſcents Gules, within a double Treſſure flowr'd and Counterflowr'd, Or: 2d. and 3d. Argent, on a Feſs, Gules: Three cinque Foils of the firſt, ſupported by two Horſes, Argent: Creſt, a Creſcent, Gules: Motto, Semper.

HUME, Earl of Dunbar,


IN ancient Deeds and Charters, Coſpatricius is ſtyled Comes de Dunbar, tempore David I. but his Succeſſors came to be deſigned Earls of March, under which Title they will be more properly ſpoken of. The firſt then who enjoyed this Honour ſince, was Sir George Hume Knight, Son of Alexander Hume of Manderſtoun, in Vicecomitatu de Berwick, a Cadet to the Branch of Wedderburn (in praedicto Vicecomitatu) who being a Perſon of great Learning, ſingular Judgment, and other great Indowments, was firſt admitted Gentleman of the Bed-chambera, 18vo. Jacobi VI. Anno 1585, Knighted Anno 1590, and conſtituted Maſter of the Wardrobeb. Alſo in 1601, he was made Lord high Theſaurer of Scotland, Alexander Lord Elphinſton reſigning the Office. Upon his Majeſty's Acceſſion to the Crown of England, Anno 1603, he accompanyed him into that Realm, being then of the Privy Council, and was by his Majeſty's ſpecial Favour, by Letters patent, bearing date 7th of July 1604, created a Baron of England, by the Title of Lord Hume of Berwick c, and on the 3d of March 1605, dignified with the Title of Earl of Dunbar d, and inſtituted Knight of the Garter, Anno 1609.e His Lordſhip having diſcharged all the great and weighty Imployments he engaged in with admirable Prudence and Dexterity, at length gave way to Fate on the 29th January 1611, and was interr'd at the Collegiate Church of Dunbar. Over his Grave was a ſtately Monument erected of black and white Marble, with his Portraiture lying thereon, below this Inſcription,Here lyes the Body of the Right Honourable George Hume Earl of Dunbar, Baron Hume of Berwick, Lord high Theſaurer of Scotland, Knight of the moſt noble Order of the Garter, and one of his Majeſty's moſt honourable Privy Council, who departed this Life the 29th of January, MDCXI.’

This Earl left Iſſue by Catherine his Wife, Daughter of Sir Alexander Gordon of Gight, Knight, in Vicecomitatu de Aberdeen, by Mary his Wife, Daughter to Cardinal David Beaton Biſhop of St. Andrews f, two Daughters his Coheirs; Anne, the eldeſt, married to Sir James Hume of Coldingknows, in Vicecomitatu de Berwick, Mother by him to James 3d Earl of Hume; Eliſabeth, the ſecond, to Theophilus Earl of Suffolk of the Kingdom of England, and had Iſſue.


Three Coats quarterly: 1ſt. and 4th Vert, A Lyon rampant, Argent: 2d Argent, Three Papingoes Vert: 3d. Argent, Three Eſcutcheons, Vert: and in ſurtout Gules, A Lyon rampant, Argent, within a Border, charged with eight Croſses of the ſecond.

CONSTABLE, Viſcount of Dunbar.

THE next who enjoyed any honourary Title from this Place, was Sir Henry Conſtable of Halſham, Knight, of a good Family, in the County of York in England. He was by the [114] Favour of King James VI, raiſed to the Honour of Viſcount of Dunbar in Scotland, by Letters Patent, bearing date the 14th of November 1620. He married Mary, Daughter of Sir John Tuffton, Baroneta. John his Son and Succeſſor in the Honour, married Mary Daughter to Robert Earl of Cardigan. To this John ſucceeded Robert Lord Viſcount of Dunbar, who took to Wife Mary Daughter of John Lord Bellaiſses, and Robert the next Viſcount, married Dorothea, Daughter of Robert Earl of Cardigan, Widow of Charles Earl of Weſtmoreland, Mother by him, I preſume; to Edward the preſent Lord Viſcount of Dunbar, whoſe paternal Coat of


Is, Or, three Bars, Azure, ſupported on the Dexter with a Bull, Sable, and on the Siniſter with a Lyon rampant, Gules: Creſt, a Dragons Head: Motto, Sans maivaiſe Deſire.

DOUGLASS, Earl of Dunbarton.

FROM this royal Burongh, hone derived any Title of Honour till King Charles II. raiſed Lord George Douglaſs, younger Son of William firſt Marquis of Douglaſs, to the Dignity of Earl of Dunbarton, the 9th of March 1675.

This noble Perſon ſerved Lewis XIV. of France in the Quality of one of his Pages of Honour; afterward taking himſelf to the Profeſſion of Arms, he roſe gradually to be Colonel Brigadeer, and at laſt Major General: He was preſent in moſt of the Sieges and Actions betwixt the French and the Confederates, wherein he acquired immortal Honour by his unparalleled Valour, in 1678. Upon the Concluſion of the Peace with the States of Holland, by the Treaty of Nimiguen, He was called over to Britain, and reſided moſt at Court during the remainder of King Charles's Reign.

Upon the Acceſſion of King James VII. to the Crown, in the 1685, he was conſtituted General of the Forces in Scotland; and in that Station he commanded againſt the Earl of Argyle upon his Invaſion of this Realm, whom he ſo cloſely purſued, that his Men were ſoon diſperſed, and himſelf taken Priſoner, whoſe Fate I need not re-count here. Alſo in the 1687, he was elected one of the twelve Knights, Companions of the moſt noble Order of St. Andrew of Scotland, which his Majeſty was then pleaſed to revive, after it had lyen dormant for 145 Years.

Upon the landing of the Prince of Orange in England, his Lordſhip ſtuck cloſs to King James, and together with the Earls of Aran, Saliſbury, and Leitchfield, attended his Majeſty to Rocheſter, from whence he ſet Sail for France, whether my Lord Dunbarton ſoon followed, and dyed at the Court of St. Germans, Anno 1692, leaving Iſſue by . . . . . . . his Wife, Siſter to the Dutcheſs of Northumberland, George the preſent Earl of Dunbarton, now in the Britiſh Service.


The four quartered Coats of the Family of Douglaſs, with the paternal Arms, over all in a Shield of Pretence; for Deſtinction within a Border quartered, 1ſt Azure: Three Flower-de-Lys Or, 2d Gules, three Lyons paſsant guardant Or, 3d as 2d. 4th as 1ſt.

SCRIMGEOUR, Earl of Dundee.


ACcording to the Authority of our Hiſtorians, this noble and ancient Family derive their Origine from one Sir Alexander Caron, a brave and valiant Knight, who in the firſt of Alexander I. Anno Dom. 1107, ſignaliz'd his Valour againſt the Northern Rebels, who had attempted no leſs than the Murder of the King, for which (continue they) he had his Name changed to Scrimgeour, that is a Sharp Fight;

Wherefore he had a ſpecial Grant from the King to himſelf, and the Heirs Male of his Body, to be hereditary Standard-bearers to the Kings of Scotland, and for his Coat of Arms, Gules, a Lyon rampant, Argent, holding in his dexter Paw a crooked Sword Proper, and the word Diſſipate for his Motto. Mr. Johnſton the Poet, has left us the following Verſes to the Honour of his Memory,

Quid trepidas? da ſigna mihi, ſuperabimus amnem;
Terreat an pavidos nos fugitiva cohors?
Dixit, & areptis ſignis ruit acer in hoſtem,
Nil rapidi metuens agmina torva vadi:
Hine decus auguſto ſurgit ſub Principe, ab armis
Scrimgerae genti fama decuſque manent.
Arma alius jactet, nos ſcimus fortibus armis
Ʋtier, hand dici, malumus eſſe viri.

This Name has been remarkable in our Scots Hiſtory on ſeveral other Occaſions, particularly Sir Alexander Scrimgeor, was among the firſt who took the Field for King Robert Bruce, and faithfully adhered to him; in Conſideration whereof, when that valiant Prince came to be eſtabliſhed on the Throne, he gave him ſundry Lands about the Burgh of Innerkeithing, then in the Crown, by the Attainder of Sir Philip de Moubray, Knight. Alſo Sir John Scrimgeor was killed at the fatal Battle of Halydonhill 1333; and another Sir James Scrimgeor Conſtable of Dundee, his Succeſſor, was ſlain in the Governours Army againſt Donald Lord of the Iſles, at the Battle of Harlaw, Anno 1411. I need not be at much Pains to ſhow the ſeveral Matches they have made with ſome of the moſt noble Families of this Kingdom, ſince the whole Courſe of this Book makes mention thereof, only I ſhall take notice, that in proceſs of Time, after having flouriſhed long in the State of Barons, they came to the Honour of Peerage the in Perſon of Sir James Scrimgeor Conſtable of Dundee, who was raiſed to the Honour of Viſcount of Duddop, by King Charles I. in the Year 1641. Upon the breaking out of the Civil War, he accepted of a Command in thoſe Forces that were ſent from Scotland to the Aid of the Engliſh Parliament, againſt the King, and loſt his Life in the Battle of Marſtoun Moor, 2d July, Anno 1644, A Perſon (ſays one) who for the Nobleneſs of his Extraction, and many perſonal Endowments, deſerved a better fate, at leaſt to have dyed in a better Cauſe. He left a Son John, by Mary his Wife, Daughter of Robert firſt Earl of Roxburgh, who ſucceeded him in the Honour.

This Lord put himſelf in Arms in behalf of King Charles II. and marched with him to the Battle of Worceſter, 3d September 1651, after which he ſuffered much for his Loyalty, but living to ſee the Reſtauration, he received ſome part of amends, being created Earl of Dundee, Anno 1661, and made one of the Privy Council. His Wife was Mary Daughter of William firſt Earl of Dalhouſie, but dying without Iſſue, in 1668, by reaſon of an Entail of his Eſtate, which (purely thro' Inadvertency) terminated in the Heirs Male, the King ſucceeded thereto as ultimus haeres, and the Honour became extinct, and lay dormant till the Year 1688, that the Title of Viſcount of Dundee was beſtowed on General Graham.

GRAHAM, Viſcount of Dundee.


THE Family of Fintry anciently ſeated in Stirling ſhire, of which the Viſcount of Dundee was ſprung, deſcended from Sir Robert Graham eldeſt Son of Sir William Graham of Kincardin, by the Lady Mary Steuart his ſecond Wife, Daughter of Robert third King of Scotland. This Sir Robert Graham of Fintry's ſecond Son John Graham of Balargus, was Founder of the Family of Claverhouſe: He obtain'd from Archibald Earl of Angus a Grant to himſelf and Marjory his Wife, Daughter of Sir James Scrimgeor of Duddop, Conſtable of Dundee, of the Lands of Balargus in Forfar-ſhire, Anno 1482a, where he fixed his Reſidence, tempore Jacobi Tertii, from whom deſcended in a direct Line, William Graham of Claverhouſe, who marring Anne, Daughter of Robert Lundy of Balgony, in Vicecomitatu de Fife, had Iſſue by her William his Succeſſor, and Walter firſt of the Branch of Duntroon. The next William by his Vertue and good Conduct, much bettered the Condition of his Family, acquiring a great Eſtate, he obtained the Honour of Knighthood. His Wife was Marion, Daughter of Thomas Fotheringham of Poury, in Vicecomitatu de Forfar, by whom he had William his Son and Heir, who taking to Wife Jean Carnegy, Daughter of John Earl of Ethy, Siſter to David 1ſt. Earl of Northesk, he had,

John, Viſcount of Dundee.

Mr. David Graham.

Margaret, married to Robert Graham of Morphie.

Anne, to Robert Young of Auldbar.

Which John, after he had gone through the Courſe of his Studies at the Univerſity of St. Andrews, he went into Foreign Parts to accompliſh himſelf by Travels, betaking himſelf to a Military Life, he ſerved at firſt Volunteer in the French Service, where he learned the Rudiments of War, after ſome time he engaged in the Service of the States of Holland, 1672. His firſt ſtep to Advancement was a Cornet's Commiſſion in the Prince of Orange's Guard of Horſe; in which Character he did eminently ſignalize himſelf in the Battle of Senef, fought betwixt the Confederates, under the Command of William Prince of Orange, and the French under the Prince of Conde, in Auguſt 1674; after this he was immediately preferred to be Captain of a Troop of Horſe; in which Station he ſerved with the higheſt Reputation for his Valour. Leaving the Dutch Service upon ſome diſguſt given him, he came over to Britain; by a particular Character from the Prince of Orange to his Royal Highneſs the Duke of York, he was recommended to King Charles II. who was pleaſed, as a Teſtimony of the Eſteem he had for Mr. Graham, to nominate him one of the Captains of the three independent Troops which were raiſed to force the Diſſenters in the Weſtern Shires to comply with the Conſtitution of the Church, as eſtabliſhed by Law, Anno 1678, the Earls of Hume and Airly, having the Command of the other two.

When the Troops came to be regularly modell'd, 1684, he was conſtituted Captain of the Royal Regiment of Horſe, the late Duke of Queensberry, then Earl of Drumlanrig, being his Lieutenant Colonel.

King James aſcending the Throne on the Deceaſe of his Brother King Charles II. 6th February 1685, he was ſworn a Privy Councilour, and made a Brigadeer in the beginning of 1686, which was his higeſt Preferment, till the 1688. Upon the [117] Prince of Orange's landing in England, he marched with his Regiment thither for King James Service: Then his Majeſty was pleaſed to advance him to the Degree of Major General, and on the 12th of November, the 4th Year of his Reign, raiſed him to the Honour of Viſcount of Dundee (the Conſtabulary of which Burough, together with the Barony of Duddop, being ſome time before beſtowed on him.) This Dignity, his Patent mentions, was granted him, Propter egregia ſervitia & praeclara admodum officia & nobismetipſis & cariſſimo noſtro Fratri Carolo ſecundo ſempiternae memoriae in ſingulis muneribus & publicae fiduciae provinciis tum civilibus tum militaribus multis retro annis fidei ſuae demandatis fideliter praeſtita & peracta, fidemque ejus intemeratam; quodque omni occaſione ſibi data coronae noſtrae juribus firmus ſemper adhaeſerat; Hiſce igitur multiſque aliis magni mementi rationibus praeviis, durabilem quandam noſtri regii favoris teſſeram in ipſum & famimiliam ſuam conferre; Noveritis igitur Nos creaſſe feciſſe & inauguraſse Majorem Generalem Joannem Graham de Claverhouſe, Vicecomitem de Dundee, Dominum Graham de Claverhouſe, & haeredes Maſculos ex ejus corpore legitime procreatos ſeu procreandos; quibus dificientibus in alios ejus haeredes maſculos, &c.

In the beginning of the Year 1689, his Lordſhip came down to Scotland, and ſat ſome Days in the Convention of Eſtates, which the Prince of Orange had called, till he diſcern'd the Houſe diſpoſed by a great Majority to declare the Throne vacnat, and Forfault King James; as alſo a Deſign the Mobb had to Aſſaſſinate him, of which he informed the Meeting, but his Complaint not being regarded; and Juſtice denyed him, he abſented from the Convention; and after having had a private Conference with the Duke of Gordon, at the Poſtern-Gate of the Caſtle of Edinburgh, which held out for King James, he retired to Linlithgow with a ſmall Party of Horſe, and ſo by the Way of Stirling-Bridge, rode home to his Houſe in the Country, whereupon the Convention voted him an intercommuned Perſon, and ſent a Meſſenger to require him to appear before them at Edinburgh; but his Lordſhip excuſing himſelf upon pretence of Danger, there was a Party ſent to apprehend him. This neceſſarly obliged him to go into the Highlands for Refuge, where he raiſed the Clans by King James's Authority, and having got a Reinforcement of 300 Iriſh, Headed by Colonel Cannon, with a Body of about 1600 Horſe and Foot, he engaged Major Geneneral Mackay, who was advancing toward him with 4000 Foot, and ſome Troops of Horſe and Dragoons at Kilicrankie in Athole, 27th of July 1689. In the firſt Charge, his Lordſhip received a Shot of a Musket-Ball in his right Side, of which he inſtantly expired; and notwithſtanding this Diſcouragement, his Men Fought like Lyons, and routed Mackay; yet the Death of my Lord Dundee did more than overballance the others Loſs of 2000 Men killed on his ſide. After the Battle, his Body was found and depoſited in the Vault of of the Family of Athole, within the Church of Blair, where I leave him to his Reſt, and ſhall only add this Epitaph done on him by the learned Dr. Archibald Pitcairn,

Ʋltime Scotorum, potuit quo ſoſpite ſolo
Libertas patriae ſalva fuiſse tuae:
Te moriente novos accepit Scotia Cives,
Accepitque novos te moriente Deos.
Illa tibi ſupereſſe negat, Tu non potes illi,
Ergo Caledoniae nomen inane vale:
Tuque vale gentis priſcae fortiſſime ductor,
Optime Scotorum atque ultime, GRAME, vale.
Engliſhed by Mr. Dryden,
O laſt and beſt of Scots! who did'ſt maintain
Thy Country's Freedom from a foreign Reign;
[118] New People fill the Land, now they are gone;
New Gods the Temples, & new Kings the Throne.
Scotland and thou, did each in other live,
Thou coud'ſt not Her, nor cou'd [...] theeſurvive
Farewell thou living that did ſupport the State,
And coud'ſt not fall, but by thy Countrys fate.

He married Jean Daughter of William Lord Cochran, Son and Heir of William firſt Earl of Dundonald, by whom he had a Son James, who dyed an Infant, in the Month of December 1689, the Honour devolving on

Mr. David Graham his Uncle, who heartily eſpouſing King James's Intetereſt at the Revolution, he was preſent with his Brother in the Battle of Kiliecrankie, for which he was Outlaw'd, Anno 1690, retiring to the Court of St. Germans, in 1692, the ſaid King, as a ſpecial Mark of his Favour, and to teſtify the great Eſteem he had for his Lordſhip, was pleaſed to make him a Knight of the moſt noble Order of St. Andrew, and tho he continued a very zealous Proteſtant, yet he was King James particular Favorite till his Death, which happened in the 1700, unmarried; ſo that had not his Eſtate and Honour been forfeited, William Graham of Duntroon would have ſucceeded him in both the one and the other.


Or, three Pyls wave within a double Treſſure counterflour'd, Sable, on a chief of the ſecond: three Eſcalops of the firſt.

COCHRAN, Earl of Dundonald.

THIS Family, which originally took its Sirname from the Barony of Cochran in Renfrew-ſhire, is of very great Antiquity, and tho none of the Family arriv'd not to the Dignity of Peerage till the Reign of K. Charles I. yet its undeniable that they were Barons of ſpecial Account for many Ages before, and indowed with large Poſſeſſions in theſe Parts, and elſewhere.

The firſt of whom I have found upon Record, is Waldenus de Coveran, i. e. Cochran, who in the 1262, is Witneſs to the Grant which Dungal the the Son of Suayn made to [Walter Steuart Earl of Monteith, of ſundry Lands in the County of Argyle a, which came in After-times to be tranſmited to Forreſter of Carden. Another William de Coveran is mentioned by Pryn, as a Perſon of a Account in this County, who makes his Submiſſion to King Edward I. Anno Dom. 1296b in the Ragman Roll; alſo John de Coveran is Witneſs in the regular Election of James Abbot of Paiſly 17th of David II, Anno 1346c. The next remarkable Perſon of the Family, is Goſiline de Cochran, who flouriſhed under King David Bruce, he is Witneſs to ſeveral Grants made by Robert ſecond, when Earl of Strathern, to the Religious of Paiſly, an Abbacy he aſſumed into his particular Patronage, wherein his Anceſtors Donations being made to the Glory of God, are particularly narrated. He left Iſſue, William de Cochran of that Ilk, his Son, who obtained from King Robert II. a Charter of the Lands of Cochran to be held in as ample a manner as any of his Progenitors held the ſame of the Lord high Stewart of Scotland, dated on the 22 of September 1389; as he ſtood in ſpecial Favour with this King, ſo was he in no leſs with Robert 3d his Son, to whom it ſeems he had been ſerviceable, for when he came to the Crown, he had ſo greatful a Senſe thereof, that in the ſecond Year of his Reign, Anno 1392, he [119] made him a Grant of fourty Shilling Sterling in Annuity ariſing out of the Profits of the Burgh of Rutherglen a. He was ſucceeded by Robert his Son, who reſigned his Eſtate in favours of Allan his Son, Anno 1456. This Allan, in 1452 is Witneſs to the Mortification which Robert Lord Lyle made to the Abbot & conventwal Brethern of the Monaſtry of Paiſly, of the Fiſhing on the River of Clyde, at the place called Crokatſhot, for the help of there Prayers to advance his ſpiritual Eſtate, in in which Deed he's deſigned Allanus Cochran Armiger, his Father being then alive, and to whom he ſucceeded before the 1480. He married . . . . . . . . Daughter of . . . . . . by whom he had Robert a Son, who was Father of John Cochran of that Ilk, who immediately ſucceeded his Grand-father, upon his Death.

Which John, for ſome Conſiderations, I know not, obtained a Licence from his Sovereign Lord King James IV. under the Great Seal, impouring him to diſpoſe of either his Lands of Eaſter Cochran in Renfrew-ſhire, or his Lands of Pitfour in Perth-ſhire, Accordingly he alienated a part of his Lands of Cochran to James Arch-Biſhop of Glaſgow, Anno 1519, to which Deed he appends his Seal, the Impreſſion bearing Three Boars Heads eraz'd, and circumſcribed, Sigillum Johannis de Cochran. His Wife was Eliſabeth Daughter of John Semple of Fullwood b, who bore him a Son John, who was ſerved and retoured Heir to his Father on the 12th of May 1539, he dying in the 1557, left Iſſue by Mary his Wife, Daughter of Lindſay of Dunrod, in Vicecomitatu de Renfrew, a Son.

William, who ſucceeded him. In 1593, he erected from the Foundation, at Cochran the ancient Seat of his Family, a very high Tower of Free-ſtone, and adorned it with large Plantations, he marrying Margaret Daughter of Robert Montgomery of Skelmurly, in Viceomita [...]u de Air, by Mary his Wife Daughter of Robert Lord Semple, had a Daughter Eliſabeth, his ſole Heir.

He wiſely conſidering the proper way of ſupporting his Family, was to ſettle his Daughter in his own own time, and declining to Marry her into a richer Family than his own; he made a prudent and diſcreet Match for her with Alexaader Blair, a younger Son of an ancient and genteel Family in Air-ſhirec, whoſe Anceſtors had been ſeated in the County foreſaid for many Ages before, ſo that beſide a noble Alliaance, and a competent Patrimony, he yielded to change his Name to Cochran, which was almoſt the only Condition the old Gentleman required. This Alexander ſo taking upon him the Sirname of Cochran, was a vertous and frugal Man, and ſtudied as much the good of the Family, as if he himſelf had been born the Heir thereof. In 1622, he acquired the Lands of Cowdoun, with an Intention to unite them to the ancient patrimonial Inheritance of Cochran; but he afterwards ſold them to Sir William his ſecond Son, as a Fund to provide his younger Children; for beſide Sir John his eldeſt Son, he had ſix other Sons and two Daughters.

Sir William Cochran of Cowdoun.

Alexander, a Colonel in the King's Service, in the Wars of Ireland, which commenc'd in the 1641, with the Murder of upwards of fifty thouſand Scots and Engliſh by the Native Iriſh.

Hugh, Author of the Branch of Ferguſly, he was a Colonel firſt under the renoun'd Guſtavous Adolphus King of Sweden, and afterward to King Charle I. in the time of the Civil War in Ireland.

[120] Bryſe, a Colonel in the time of the Civil War, who loſt his Life in the King's Service, Anno 1650.

Captain Ochter Cochran.

Gavin Cochran of Craigmure, was the ſeventh and youngeſt Son.

Eliſabeth, married to John Lennox of Woodhead in Stirling-ſhire.

Griſel, to Thomas Dunlop of Houſle.

Which Sir John, in the Time of the unhappy Civil War in Britain, firmly adhered to the Intereſt of King Charles I. and had a Colonel's Commiſſion in the Army. In the Year 1644, he was ſent Ambaſſador to ſeveral Princes to ſollicit their Aſſiſtance in his Majeſty's behalfa, which he perform'd with ſuch Diligence and Conduct, that in the Treaty of Peace which was ſet on Foot betwixt the King and the Parliament of England and the Eſtates of Scotland, Anno 1646, he was together with the Marquis of Huntly and Montroſe, the Earls of Nithſdale, Crawfurd, Tra quair, &c. propoſed to be excepted from the King's Pardon, which his Majeſty generouſly refuſedb. Upon the Murder of the King, he attended King Charles II. into Foreign Parts, and in the 1650, was ſent into Polland to crave Aid of the Scots Merchants there; but be [...]ore his Return the King and the Scots Army were defeated at Worceſter, he continuing with the King, during his Exile, dyed about the time of the Reſtauration without Iſſue; ſo that his next Brother Sir William became his Heir.

Which Sir William was very carefully educated in Grammar learning in his Youth, whence he was remov'd to the Univerſity, where having applyed himſelf indefatigably to his Studies, and highly improv'd his natural Endowments with Academical Learning, he removed from thence after he had taken the Degree of Maſter of Arts, and ſtudied our Laws; in which Profeſſion he attained to an uncommon Perfection. Soon after his entering on the Stage of Buſineſs, he became much ſam'd for his prudent Management and Conduct, by which he acquired a fair Eſtate, both in the Shires of Renfrew and Air, for the laſt of which he had the Honour to ſerve as a Member in the Parliament, 1647, wherein his Abilities were ſoon diſcovered by the great and leading Men of the Houſe, and he ſhewed himſelf thro' the Courſe of the Sitting of that Parliament, a good and even Patriot, wholly Intent upon the Honour and Safety of the King, whoſe Intereſt he did viſibly advance, and the Welfare and Tranquillity of the Nation, then in no ſmall Ferment. He appeared very forward to raiſe the Army for the Relief of his Majeſty, then under Reſtraint, in Conſideration whereof, he was by Letters Patent, [...]bearing date at Scarſborough, 27th December 1647, created Lord Cochran of Cowdon. Increaſing ſtill more and more in Wealth and Honour, not long after he acquired the Lordſhip of Paiſly, where he fixed h [...]s Seat, and lived with great Splendor and Hoſpitality for many Years. After the barbarous Murder of the King, his Lordſhip contributed his beſt and hearty Endeavours toward bringing home King Charles II. to inherit the rightful Poſſeſſion of the Throne of theſe Realms, which no doubt was the Cauſe, when Oliver Cromwel came to be called Protector, he fined my Lord Cochran among other Loyaliſts, in 5000 Pound Sterling, by a ſpecial Ordinance of the Commonwealth of England, the 12th of April 1654c.

The King being happily reſtored in the 1660, he was ſoon after ſworn a Privy Counſellour, and by his Majeſty's ſpecial Choice conſtituted one of the Commiſſioners of the The ſaury and Exchequer, which great and weighty [121] Imployment he diſcharged with admirable Prudence and Integrity, to the general Satisfaction of the whole Nation, of which his Majeſty was ſo fully ſatisfied, that he was pleaſed to advance him to the Title of Earl of Dundonald, the 12th of May 1669, and that in Conſideration of the ſpecial Services he had render'd the Crown in thoſe high and eminent Stations, continuing in great Eſteem with King Charles, during the whole Courſe of his Reign.

He married Euphame Daughter of Sir William Scot of Ardroſs, in Vicecomitatu de Fife, by whom he had two Sons and a Daughter.

1. William Lord Cochran, who dyed in the flower of his Age, Anno 1680, leaving Iſſue by the Lady Catherine his Wife, Daughter of John Earl of Caſſils, John who ſucceeded his Grand-father in the Honour, William Cochran of Kilmaronock, a Member of Parliament for the Burgh of Wigtoun, and the other Towns in that Diſtrict, and one of the Commiſſioners for keeping her Majeſty's Signet, Sir Alexander Erskin Lord Lyon, and John Pringle of Haining, being joined in Commiſſion with him. He married Griſel, Daughter of James, ſecond Marquis of Montroſe, and has Iſſue; Thomas Cochran of Polkely, third Son, dyed without Children; Alexander Cochran of Bonſhaw, the youngeſt; alſo three Daughters, 1ſt. Margaret, married to Alexander Earl of Eglintoun. 2d. Helen, to John Earl of Sutherland. 3d. Jean, to John Viſcount of Dundee, and afterward to William Viſcount of Kilſyth.

2d Son, Sir John Cochran of Ochiltree, in Air-ſhire.

Likewiſe a Daughter Griſel, married to George Lord Roſs.

This Earl gave way to Nature in the ſpring of the Year 1686, and was by his own Direction interr'd in the Paroch Church of Dundonald, without any Funeral Monument, but upon his Eſcutcheon I find the Arms of theſe noble and ancient Families.

  • Paternal Side.
    • Cochran of that Ilk.
    • Lord Semple.
    • Cunningham of Glengarnock.
    • Lord Cairlyle of Torthorald.
  • Maternal Side.
    • Cochran of that Ilk.
    • Montgomery of Skelmurly.
    • Lindſay of Dunrod.
    • Lord Semple.

To William Earl of Dundonald ſucceeded John his Grandſon and Heir, a Nobleman of great Goodneſs and excellent Parts; he dyed in the prime of his Years, Anno 1691, regrated by all thoſe who knew him, leaving Iſſue by the Lady Suſanna his Wife, Daughter of William Duke of Hamilton, two Sons, William who ſucceeded in the Honour, but dyed unmarried the 19th of November 1705. And

John the preſent Earl, who married Anne Daughter of Charles Earl of Dunmore, a Lady who wanted no Vertue to make her an acceptable Wife; ſhe dyed in the 1711, univerſally lamented, whoſe Conduct in all Conditions of Life render'd her Loſs a laſting Grief to her Relations; he had by her a Son and three Daughters.

William Lord Cochran

Lady Anne,

Lady Catherine,

Lady Suſanne, all Young.


Argent, a Chiveron, Gules, betwixt three Boars Heads Azure, ſupported by two Ratch Hounds of the firſt, Creſt, a Horſe, Argent, Motto, Virtute & Labore.

GALLOWAY, Lord Dunkeld.


THE Anceſtor of this Family was Mr. Patrick Galloway, firſt Miniſter of the Goſpel in the Burgh of Pearth a, whence he was tranſlated to the City of Edinburgh, where he exerciſed his Function till the 1624, he departed this Life, leaving Iſſue by Mary his Wife, Daughter of Mr. James Lawſon, one of the Miniſters of the City of Edinburgh, a Son

Sir James Galloway of Carnby, who was Maſter of Requeſts both to King James VI. and King Charles I.b and conjunct Secretary of State with William Earl of Stirling, Anno 1640, when the Troubles broke out in that Reign, he approved himſelf a moſt faithful Servant to his Majeſty in the Times of his greateſt Exigency, in Teſtimony whereof he was by Letters Patent, bearing Date the 15th May 1645, created Lord Dunkeld c. He married . . . . . Daughter of Sir Robert Norter, Knight, by whom he had

Thomas Lord Dunkeld, his Son and Heir, who marrying Margaret Daughter of Sir Thomas Thomſon of Duddingſtoun, by Jean Daughter of Sir James Scrimgeor of Duddop, had Iſſue

1. James, late Lord Dunkeld.

2. Andrew Galloway Eſq

3. John Galloway Eſq

Catherine, married to Thomas Forbes of Watertoun, in Aberdeen ſhire.

Margaret, to James Ratry of Craighall, in Vicecomitatu de Pearth.

Mary, to the Reverend Mr. John Falconer, a Divine.

Which James Lord Dunkeld, being Abroad in the Army, at the Revolution freely reſorted to the Service of King James VII, and had a Command in the Battle of Killiecrankie, for which he was Forfeited, and retiring to the Court of St. Germans, he dyed not long ago.


Argent, a Lyon rampant Azure, the Supporters two Eagles Sable, Creſt, a Mound beſpread with the Rayes of the Sun, embraced betwixt two Corn-Ears, Saltyre ways, Or, Motto, Higher.

MURRAY, Earl of Dunmore.

KING James VII. was pleaſed to raiſe Lord Charles Murray, ſecond Son of John Marquis of Athole, by the Lady Aemilia Stanly, Daughter of James Earl of Darby, to the Honour of Earl of Dunmore, by Letters Patent the 16th of Auguſt 1686. His firſt Preferment was, to be Lieutenant Colonel to a Regiment of Horſe commanded by General Thomas Dalziel, Anno 1679, and Maſter of Horſe to her Royal Highneſs the Princeſs Anne, now Queen of Great Britain: He was afterward made Colonel of the ſame Regiment, upon the Death of the General his Superior Officer, Anno 1685, and Maſter of Horſe to Queen Mary, Wife of King James VII. both which Offices he held till the Revolution depriv'd him: All King William's time he lived retir'dly, but upon the Queen's Acceſſion to the Crown, he was conſtituted one of her Majeſty's Privy Council, the 4th of February 1703, and Captain of the Caſtle of Blackneſs, Anno 1707, upon the removal of David Earl of Buchan, and departing this Life in [123] 1710. He left Iſſue by Catherine his Wife, Daughter of Robert Watts of the County of Hertfort, Eſq

1. James Lord Fincaſtle, dyed without Iſſue. 2d. John now Earl of Dunmore, Lieutenant Colonel in the Engliſh Foot Guards, Commanded by his Grace James Duke of Ormond. 3d. Rorert, a Colonel in the Scots Foot-Guards. 4th. Charles. 5th. William. 6th. Thomas, a Page of Honour to her Majeſty Queen Anne; alſo three Daughters,

Henrietta, married to Patrick Lord Kinnaird, ſans Iſſue.

Anne, to John Earl of Dundonald.

Catherine, to John Maſter of Nairn, Son and Heir of William Lord Nairn.


The Coat of the Duke of Athole, viz. The Arms of the old Steuarts Earls of Athole, quarter'd with the paternal Coat of Murray Earl of Tilliebardin; and in an Eſcutcheon over all, a proper Difference taken from his Relation to the noble Family of Stanly Earls of Darby, Lord of the Iſle of Man.

CRICHTON, Earl of Drumfrees.

THIS Family was a Branch of Crichton in Lothian; in the Time of King Robert Bruce, William Crichton Knight, then obtaining the half of the Barony of Sanquhar in Drumfrees-ſhire, by the Marriage of Iſobel de Roſs, one of the Daughters and Co-heirs of Roſs of Sanquhar a, whence they came to carry the Coat of Roſs, viz. Azure, three Water-Budgets, Or. Hence deſcended,

Robert Crichton of Sanquhar, tempore Jacobi II. who ſtood in ſpecial Favour with that Prince, from whom he obtained firſt the Honour of Knighthood; and in the 1452, being alſo one of the Lords of Privy Council, he greatly inriched himſelf, by the Marriage of Catherine, the Heir of Sir Nicol Erskine of Kinoule, in Vicecomitatu de Perth, and had Iſſue,

1ſt. Robert, his Succeſſor.

The 2d. Edward Crichton, who had by his Father's Grant, the Lands of Kilpatrick, which was confirmed by the King's Charter, Anno 1483b, and at the ſame time, he had divers Lands then in the Crown, by the Forſaulture of thoſe who aſſiſted the Duke of Albany, and other Rebels. This Branch terminated in a Daughter, in the Reign of James V. married to James Gordon of Lochinvar.

The 3d. was Alexander, from whom the Crichtons of Crawfurdſtoun in Nithſdale deſcendedc, and their Cadets.

4th. Lawrance Crichton, of Balnamuchty;

Alſo ſeveral Daughters, Eliſabeth; married to Sir William Douglaſs of Drumlanrig, Margaret to David Cairlyle of Torthorald: But to return to the aforeſaid Robert Crichton of Sanquhar. This Robert ſignalized himſelf, both for his Loyalty and Valour in the Wars, againſt Alexander Duke of Albany, and James Earl of Douglaſs, in behalf of King James III, at the Battle of Kirkonel Anno 1483, in Recompence whereof he had ſeveral of the Rebels Lands beſtowed upon [124] him; in the Grant his Services to the Crown are particularly narrated with Honoura; having thus augmented his Fortune, he came in the ſame Reign to be called Lord Crichton of Sanquhar.

He married Marion, Daughter of John firſt Earl of Lennox, and had Iſſue Robert his Succeſſor.

Marion, married to Malcolme Crawfurd of Kilbirny, Anceſtor to the Viſcount of Garnock.

Which Robert married Eliſabeth, Daughter of . . . . . Murray of . . . . . & had William his Succeſſor, who was Killed by the Lord Semple b, Anno 1550, leaving Iſſue by Eliſabeth his Wife, Daughter of Malcolm Lord Fleeming, 1ſt. Robert his Succeſſor in the Honour, but dyed without Iſſue, 2d. Edward who after his Brothers Death was Lord Sanquhar.

3d. John Crichton of Rayhill, who married Mary Daughter of Sir John Carmichael of Crawfurd, and had William afterward Earl of Drumfrees, which Edward ſo ſucceeding his Brother, married Margaret Daughter of Sir James Douglaſs of Drumlanrig, by whom he had Robert his only Son and Heir, who reſiding at the Court, after King James's Acceſſion to the Crown, acquired great skill in moſt of the Exerciſes then in Vogue, particularly in Fencing, whereby he came to value himſelf much upon his Skill therein, and intending to diſparage one John Turner a Fencing-Maſter in his own School, and he apprehenſive of his Deſign, preſs'd ſo rudely upon this Lord, that he put out one of his Eyes; his Lordſhip being afterward in the Court of France, and the King underſtanding that he loſt his Eye by a common Fencing Maſter, ſaid to the Lord Sanquhar, Vit t' il encore? Is the Man ſtill alive that did it? This Queſtion put him upon meditating a Revenge, and ſome Years after, coming to England, he hired one Robert Cairlye to Murder Turner, which he did with [...] Piſtol at his own Houſe in Whitefriars, London; whereupon his Lordſhip abſconded; and hearing a thouſand Pound was offered for his Head, he reſigned himſelf to the King's Mercy, and acknowledged the Murder, but no Interceſſion could prevail, his Life ſatisfied the Law, for he was executed before the Gates of Weſtminſter, the 29th of June 1612. He married Mary, Daughter of Sir George Farmour of Eaſton, in the County of Northampton, Anceſtor to the Lord Lempſter in England, but by her he had no Iſſue, and therefore ſo far as he could, made over his Eſtate to William Crichton his natural Son, and the Honour came to

William Crichton of Rayhill, his Couſin German, and Heir Male, who by the King's Determination, had alſo moſt of the Eſtate; he was by the ſaid King James in 1622 raiſed to the Honour of Viſcount of Air, and King Charles I. ſome Days preceeding his Coronation in Scotland, created him Earl of Drumfrees. by Letters patent, bearing date the 10th of June 1633, and to the Heirs of his Body for ever, and departing this Life in 1641; he left Iſſue by Eupham his Wife, Daughter of James Seton of Touch, in Vicecomitatu de Stirling, 1ſt. William, who ſucceed- him. 2d. Sir James Crichton of St. Leonards. 3d. John, a Colonel in the German Wars; alſo two Daughters,

1. Mary, married to Edward Swift, Viſcount of Carlingford, in the Kingdom of Ireland, and had Iſſue.

2. Catherine, to Sir John Charters of Aimesfield, in Vicecomitatu de Drumfrees.

Which William was one of Lords of the Privy Council to King Charles II. He married Penelope, Daughter of Sir Robert Swift, Knight, of the [125] County of York by Urſilla his Wife, Daughter of . . . . . . Barnham Eſq by whom he had Charles Lord Crichton, who died before himſelf and two Daughters Eliſabeth, Wife of Alexander Earl of Eglingtoun, and Lady Mary who dyed unmarried.

Charles Lord Crichton, married Sarah Daughter of James firſt Viſcount of Stair, by whom he had William who ſucceeded his Grandfather, and four Daughters,

1. Penelope, now Counteſs of Drumfrees.

2. Margaret.

3. Mary.

4. Eliſabeth.

This Earl reſigned the Honour, Anno 1690; and got a Patent to his Heirs Male or Female, with the Precedency, according to the former Creationa, and dying in the 1691, he was ſucceeded by William his Grandſon, who dying a Minor, Anno 1694, the Honour devolv'd upon Penelope his Siſter, who is married with Willim Dalrymple Eſq Son to John firſt Earl of Stair, and has Iſſue, William Lord Crichton, and ſeveral other Children.


Quarterly 1ſt and 4th, Argent, a Lyon rampant, Azure, 2d and 3d Azure, three Water Budgets, Or, ſupported by two Lyons, Azure, crowned with an Earls Coronet Proper, Creſt, a Dragons Head, Vert, ſpouting Fire, Motto, God ſend Grace.

TALMASH, Earl of Dyſart.

WIlliam Murray, created Earl of Dyſart, by the Favour of King Charles I. Anno 1646b, was the Son of Mr. William Murray Parſon of Dyſert, a younger Brother of the Family of Wood-end in Perth-ſhire, branched from Patrick Murray Son of Sir David Murray of Tillibardin, in King James III's Time.

Which William was Educated at Court by Mr. Thomas Murray his Uncle, who was Preceptor, and then Secretary to King Charles I. when Prince of Wales, the Prince and Mr. Murray being about an Age, they contracted a more than ordinary Intimacy in their younger Years; when his Majeſty came to the Crown, Anno 1626, he made him one of the Gentlemen of the Bed-chamber, which was a fair and probable way to Preſerment; had it not been for the Changes that enſu'd during the Civil War; he was imployed by the King in diverſe ſecret Negotiations of the higheſt Importance: Likeas, he was with the Earl of Carnwath ſent over with Inſtructions to the Scots Commiſſioners at Breda, then treating with King Charles II. in order to his Reſtaurationc, Anno 1650, which he performed with great Diligence and Conduct.

He married Eliſabeth Bruce, of the Family of Clackmanan, by whom he had two Daughters, Eliſabeth Counteſs of Dyſart, and Margaret, married to William Lord Maynard, in England. This Eliſabeth by the ſpecial Favour of his Majeſty King Charles II. whoſe great Favorite the Counteſs was, procured certain Letters Patent, whereby the Dignity and Title of Counteſs of Dyſart was conferr'd on her, and after her Death, the Honour of Earl to deſcend to her Heirs. Her firſt Husband, was Sir Lionel Talmaſh of Hellingham in the County of Suffolk, by whom ſhe had two Sons and two Daughters,

Lionel Talmaſh, the preſent Earl of Dyſert.

Lieutenant General Thomas Talmaſh, who received his Death-Wounds in the Fight of Cameret, Anno 1694d; alſo two Daughters, [126] Eliſabeth, married to Archibald, firſt Duke of Argyle.

Catherine, to James Lord Down, Son and Heir of Alexander Earl of Murray, 2do. To John Earl of Sutherland, to whom ſhe had no Iſſue.

She married after the Death of Sir Lionel Talmaſh, John Duke of Lauderdale, to whom ſhe was likewiſe ſecond Wife, whom ſurviving alſo, ſhe dyed in the Year . . . ., being then well advanced in Age, whereupon the Title of Earl, by vertue of the Grant above-mentioned, devolved to Sir Lionel Talmaſh her Son, the preſent Earl.


Argent, a Frette, Sable.

MONTGOMERY, Earl of Eglintoun,

EGlintoun is the Name of a Lordſhip and Caſtle in Air-ſhire, from whence its Owner took a Denomination, tempore regis Malcomi, Bryce de Eglintoun, Son and Heir of Eglun, Lord of Eglintoun, who acquired certain Lands from the Community of the Village of Irvine, quas Radulphus fili [...]s & haeres quondam Hugonis de Eglintoun, dedit Communitati & Burgenſibus dicte villae datum in vigilia ſancti Mattheii, Anno gratiae milleſimo ducenteſimo quinto a, from whom in a continued Series deſcended

Sir Hugh Eglintoun of that Ilk, who was Juſticiary of Lothian, Anno 1361b. He married Giles, Daughter of Walter Lord high Stewart of Scotland, Siſter to King Robert II, upon whoſe Advancement to the Throne, he obtained diverſe Grants of Lands, and ſeveral Imployments, but leaving no Male Iſſue, his Eſtate went to his Daughter and Heir, married to Sir John de Montgomery of Egleſham, Knight, whoſe Anceſtor

Roger de Montgomery, Son to Hugh de Montgomery, a noble Knight of French Extraction, near allyed to William Duke of Normandy; he was one of thoſe Nobles who accompanyed this victorious Duke into England, & commanded the Body of his Army in the memorable Battle of Haſtings in Suſſex, Anno 1066, where King Harold was ſlain, and the Victory and Crown of England accrewed to the Conqueror, for which ſignal Service King William beſtowed on him very large Gifts, and both gave him the Territory and Honour of Earl of Arundel, with the Earldom of Salſburry c, being alſo a Perſon of ſingular Devotion, he founded, and moſt amply endowed the Abby of St. Peters at Salisburry, where he at length took upon him the Habite of a Monk, and dyed 1094, leaving Iſſue by Mable his Wife, Daughter of William de Talvaiſe, a great Baron in Boleſm, five Sons, 1ſt. Hugh, dyed without Iſſue, Robert, Roger, Philip, and Arnulph.

Which Robert was knighted by the Conqueror the 6th of his Reign, and always enjoyed his Favour, but upon his Death he adhered to Robert Curthoſe, againſt Henry I. and aſſiſted him in the Battle, where he was routed, and taken Priſoner. This exaſperated K. Henry ſo much, that he baniſhed this Earl, and diſcountenanced his Friends, then it is, and with much Probability ſuppoſed, that Philip de Montgomery, come for Scotland, and fixed his Reſidence in the County of Tiviotdale upon the Border, where he became a powerful Man. In the Time of Malcolm IV. frequent mention is made of Robert de Mundegumery, i. e. Montgomery, [127] who is one of the many Witneſſes to Walter high Stewart of Scotland's Foundation-Charter of the Monaſtery of Paiſly, Anno Chriſti 1160a. The next in Order of Succeſſion taken notice of, if not his Son, is Allan de Mundegumbri, Knight, who held diverſe Lands in the Tenement of Innerwick, of the Lord high Stewart of Scotland b, he's a Witneſs to the Charter of Robert Avenel of his Wood of Polwarth to Arnold Abbot of Kelſo, Anno 1221,c with whom he himſelf ſettles about the Tiths of his Lands of Innerwick, which had been in Diſpute between him and the Convent; he left Iſſue, Sir John de Montgomery, Knight, his Son, who ſhar'd the Inheritance with William de Haukerſtoun, which he obtained by Helen his Wife, Daughter and Cohier of Robert de Kent in Innerwick d, but more of this Sir John I have not diſcovered, ſaving that jointly with the foreſaid William, he was a Benefactor to the Monks of Kelſo for the Health of his Soule: From this to the Time of Robert II. by many advantageous and honourable Marriages, and their great and ſignal Services done to the Crown, both in the Wars and otherways, this Family became poſſeſſed of diverſe fair Lordſhips.

But omitting ſome Traditions, I deſcend to Sir John Montgomery of Egleſham, Knight; who married the Daughter and Heir of Sir Hugh Eglintoun of that Ilk, which Sir John was in that Expedition made againſt the Engliſh at the Battle of Otterburn, Anno 1388, where James Earl of Douglaſs was ſlain; here he behaved very valiantly, and took Henry Percy, Son to the Earl of Northumberland Priſoner, and for his Ranſom obliged him to build the Caſtle of Punoon, the chief Meſſuage of the Lordſhip of Egleſham, he had Iſſue two Sons,

1. Sir Hugh, a brave and gallant Youth, who loſt his Life in the Service of his Country, at the Field of Otterburn, where his Death is particularly remarked in this old Heroick Poem,

He had a Bow bent in his Hand,
Made of a truſty Tree,
An Arrow of a Cloath-yeard long
Into the Head drew he.
Againſt Sir Hugh Montgomery,
So right his Shaft he ſet,
The gray Gooſe Wing that was therein,
In his Heart-blood was weet.

Sir John the ſecond Son ſucceeded into the Eſtate, he was ſent into England one of the Hoſtages for the Ranſom of King James I. Anno 1423f and at the ſolemn Inauguration of the ſaid Prince; he was one of the Barons on whom the Honour of Knighthood was conferr'd in 1424, and one of the Peers, who ſat upon the Trial of Murdo Duke of Albany, where we find that unhappy Duke condemn'd to loſe his Head, tho the Records are wholly ſilent as to his Crime. This Lord married Agnes Daughter to the Lord Maxwel, by whom he had

Alexander his Son and Heir, who indeed firſt raiſed the Grandeur of the Family, being a Man of great Parts. King James I. chooſe him a Privy Councilour, and in 1430, conſtituted him jointly in Commiſſion with Sir Alexander Cuningham to be Governour of Kintyre & Knapdale, and the next enſuing Year he was with Alexander Lord Gordon and Mr. John Methven Secretary of State, ſent to England to treat of the continuing a Peace betwixt the two Realms, which was at length concluded by them, having ſurvived the many Difficulties and Factions of King James I's. Reign. I find he was of the Privy Council to his Son King James II, Anno 1440, from whom he obtained ſeveral beneficial Grants from the Crown, in Conſideration of his good [128] and laudable Services, not only performed to himſelf, but to his Father of bleſſed Memory. This Lord was twice ſent Commiſſioner into England a the firſt time in the 1444, and the other in 1457. In both the Commiſſions he's deſigned Alexander Dominus Montgomery. Simply he took to Wife, Margaret Daughter of Thomas Boyd of Kilmaronock b by whom he had Iſſue,

Alexander, who dyed in his Lifetime, but left two Sons behind him, by Eliſabeth his Wife Daughter of . . . . . Hepburn of Hales c, viz. Alexander who after his Grand-father's Death, was Lord Montgomery, and Robert firſt of the Montgomerys of Broadſtone d, of whom Hugh Earl of Mount-Alexander of the Kingdom of Ireland in the Linal Heir.

George Montgomery of Skelmurly, was this Lords ſecond Son () whoſe Succeſſor is Sir Robert Montgomery Baronet.

Mr. Thomas Montgomery, the third Son, was Parſon of Egelſham.

He had likeways ſeveral Daughters, 1. Margaret married to John firſt Earl of Lennox. 2d. Janet to Sir Robert Cunningham of Kilmaures, Anceſtor to the Earl of Glencairn. 3d. . . . . . . to Alexander Hume of that Ilk. 4th. Jean, to John Lord Kennedy. 5th. Agnes, to William Cuningham of Glen garnock; as to the preciſe Time of this Lords Death, I have not found, but he was ſucceeded in his Eſtate and Honour by

Alexander his Grandſon, whom he married in his own time to Catherine f Daughter of Gilbert Lord Kennedy, by whom he had Hugh his Succeſſor. 2d. James Montgomery of Smeithſton. 3d. John.

Which Hugh, upon the Acceſſion of King James IV. to the Crown, was named of his Council, and in 1489 he obtained a Grant of the Conſtabulary of his Majeſty's Caſtle of Rothſay g, this King ever treating him with particular Marks of his Favour, and at laſt was pleaſed to creat him into the Dignity of Earl of Eglintoun, Anno 1503h, he married Helen, Daughter of Colin firſt Earl of Argyle, by whom he had three Sons and ſeveral Daughters.

1. John called Maſter of Eglintoun,

2. Son Sir Neil Montgomery of Lainſhaw, who had a Grant from his Father of the Lands of Lainſhaw, Galowbery, Crevoch, Kilbryde, Milſtonflet, Bradfurow, the Temple Land of Stewartoun, Holowchaple, Langanfee, Charlewrak, Longford; Crochdow, and Lochdernell in Air-ſhirei, the Lands of Airdoch and Nether-Craig in Renfrew ſhire. Moreover by Marriage of Margaret, Daughter and ſole Heir of Quintine Mure of Skeldon, he conſiderably increaſed his Fortune, his Eſtate in all amounting to 100 Merk Land of old Extent, and thereupon he added to his Coat of Arms Argent, three Molets Azure.

He was killed in a Feud by the Lord Boyd in June 1547, having had two Sons by the ſaid Margaret, his Wife; John who married Margaret Daughter of Robert Lord Boyd, but dyed without Succeſſion, and Sir Neil who ſucceeded him, of whom and his Deſcendents more ſhall be ſaid under the Title of Lyle, he marrying Jean, Daughter and ſole Heir of John laſt Lord Lyle.

3d. Son was Mr. William Montgomery of Greenfield, who acquired the Lands of Stane in Air-ſhire, by Marriage of Eliſabeth Daughter and ſole Heir of Robert Frances of Stane k. This Branch divided it ſelf afterward by Means of Hugh, a younger Son, who became the Root of the Montgomery's of Achinhood, and his Cadets.

Margaret, 1ſt. Daughter, married to William Lord Semple. 2d. Marjory, to William Lord Somervel. The 3d. Maud to Colin Campbel of Arkinglaſs e [129] but had no Iſſue. 4th. Iſobel to John Mure of Caldwell, in Vicecomitatu deRenfrew, and had Iſſue. 5th Eliſabeth, to John Blair of that Ilk. 6th. Agnes, to John Ker of Kerſland, in Vicecomitatu de Air, and had Iſſue.

Here its requiſite to obſerve, that John, Son and Heir apparent to this Earl, when the Feuds run high betwixt the contending Parties of the Nobility in the Minority of King James V, he was killed in a Scuffle betwixt the Earls of Aran and Angus on the Street of Edinburgh, 30 of April 1520a, leaving behind him a Son and a Daughter by Eliſabeth his Wife, Daughter of Sir Archibald Edmonſton of Duntreath b, Hugh who ſucceeded his Grand-father, and Chriſtian, Wife of Sir William Douglaſs of Drumlanrig, Anceſtor to the Duke of Queensberry.

Which Hugh was of the Privy Council to King James V. as he had been before to John Duke of Albany, Governour of Scotland, in the ſaid King's Minority, and was one of the Lords to whom his Grace committed the Tuition of that Prince, upon his going to France to concert Meaſures with that Court for carrying on a War with England, Anno 1520c: Yea, the ſaid King had ſuch an Eſteem of this Lord, that when he went to France in order to eſpouſe Magdalen, Daughter of Francis I. Anno 1536, he appointed him one of the Governours of Scotland, the Earl of Huntly being joined in Commiſſion with him. His Wife was Marion, Daughter of George Lord Seton, by whom he had only a Son,

Hugh his Succeſſor in the Honour, who, as ſoon as he came to Man's Eſtate, married the Lady Jean Hamilton, Daughter of James Duke of Chattlerault Governour of Scotland, which Marriage was diſolved in the 1562, they ſtanding in the fourth Degree of Conſanguinity, the Pope's Diſpenſation not being obtainedd, & then by, the Permiſſion of the Biſhop of Rome, he's allowed to Marry Agnes Daughter of Sir John Drummond of Innerpeffrey, Widow of Sir Hugh Campbel of Lowdon: By her he had four Children.

1. Hugh Earl of Eglintoun.

2. Robert Montgomery of Giffen, who married Margaret Daughter of Sir Matthew Campbel of Lowdon, by whom he had one Daughter, Eliſabeth, his ſole Heir, married to Hugh Earl of Eglintoun.

Margaret, eldeſt Daughter, was married to Robert 1ſt. Earl of Winton, Mother by him of George 2d Earl of Winton, and of Alexander Earl of Eglintoun.

Agnes the ſecond, married to Robert Lord Semple, and had Iſſue.

This Earl ſtuck cloſe to Queen Mary in the Time of her greateſt Diſtreſs: He put himſelf in Arms in her behalf, and was perſonally engaged in the Battle of Lang-ſide e, were he, together with the Lord Seton, and many Barons of Account, were taken Priſoners, after which he thought ſit to tender his Submiſſion to King James VI. and lived peaceably till his Death, which happened in the Month of June 1585f, his Eſtate devolving on

Hugh his Son, who was barbarouſly murdered on the ſcore of a private Quarrel, by John Cuningham of Colnbeith, and his Adherents, the 12th Day of April 1586g, whereby his Country was deprived of an Honour and Ornament, his Prince of a faithful and able Subject, and his Family of a ſingular Advantage, Mr. John Johnſton wrote the following Epitaph in Praiſe of him.

Illa opifex ſollers rerum, magni amula Olympi
Natura, immenſis ambitioſa opibus;
Illa ſibi de te certans quae ſingula, rara,
Vix aliis, dedit haec cunta benigna tibi.
Sic artus, ſic ora, animos, ſic pectora finxit,
Caeteraque humanis anteferenda notis:
Vix aliqu [...]m ut credas mortali ſemine cretum,
Aſt quales tulerunt ſecula priſca deos.
Invidioſa nimis viſa haec mortalibus. Ergo
Tollere mox properat infidioſa manus.
Pertunam ingentem gravior ſaepe exitus urget:
Praecipitique vides fulmine magna quati.

He left a Son by Giles his Wife, Daughter to Robert Lord Boyd, Hugh who ſucceeded him in his Eſtate and Honour. This Earl in the 1603a, obtained a Grant to himſelf, his Heirs and Aſſigneys, upon the Reſignation of Mr. William Melvil, erecting the diſſolved Abbay of Kilwining formerly a Seat of Benedictine Monks, with all the Lands and Tithes, either in Property or Superiority which had belonged at any time thereto into a temporal Lordſhip, with the Patronage of the Churches of Kilwining, Irvine, Dunbartoun, Kilmarnock, Loudoun, Ardroſſan, Kilbirny, Dalry, Dunlop, Beith, Stewar toun, Stevenſon, Dreghorn, Pearſton, Kilbryde, and Kilmachornal.

He married Eliſabeth, Daughter of Robert Montgomery of Giffen, but dying without Iſſue in the 1612b, his Eſtate by vertue of an Entail made by him, came to Sir Alexander Seton his Couſin German, who changed his Name to Montgomery, but he could not enjoy the Title of Earl, without the King's ſpecial Allowance, which ſoon after, his Majeſty was pleaſed to beſtow upon him, for the great Merit of his Anceſtors, with the Dignity and precedency formerly enjoyed by Hugh Earl of Eglingtoun, laſt deceaſed.

This Earl was among the Number of thoſe Peers, who engaged themſelves againſt the King, Anno 1638, upon the firſt commencing of our bloody Civil War; he had the Command of a Regiment in the Army that was ſent to Ireland, Anno 1642, toward the ſuppreſſing the Rebellion, of the Native Iriſh c: He was likeways perſonally engaged in the Battle of Longmarſtonmuir, Anno 1643, in the Service of the Parliament of England, againſt the King, where he behaved with aboundance of Courage, yet his Lordſhip ſtill retained a Reſpect and Affection to his Majeſty's Perſon, and no Man more abominated the Murder of the Lords Anointed than he.

He heartily concurred with, and was extremely ſatisfied with the Reſtauration of King Charles II. by whom he was conſtituted Captain of his Guard of Horſed, Anno 1650; and the next Year while he was raiſing Forces in the Weſtern Parts for the King's Service, he was ſurpriſed at Dunbarton by a Party of Engliſh Horſe, and ſent Priſoner to the Town of Hull, and afterward removed to Berwick upon Tweed, ſuffering likeways the Sequeſtration of his Eſtate till the Reſtauration reponed him, Anno 1660, his firſt Wife was Anne, Daughter of Alexander firſt Earl of Linlithgow, by whom he had

1. Hugh his Succeſſor in the Honour.

2. Sir Henry Montgomery of Giffen, dyed without Children.

3d. Sir Alexander, a Colonel in Ireland, in which Kingdom he dyed.

4. Colonel James Montgomery of Coelsfield.

5. Robert, who in his Youth making choice of a Military Life, went over to the Wars in Ireland, Ann [...] 1642, he was firſt made a Captain in his Father's Regiment, after which he liſted himſelf in the Service of the Parliament of England, where in Time he arrived to the Degree of a Major General, and acquired the Reputation of a Man of Courage, and a good Officer, he firmly adhered to [131] King Charles II. and in his Majeſty's Service he gave many ſignal Proofs of his Loyalty and Valour on ſeveral occaſions, eſpecially at that memorable Encounter at Dunbar, 3d. of September 1650, in which Action he performed the part of a brave and valiant Commander; likeways he commanded in the Quality of Major General of the Horſe in the Royal Army at Worceſter. 3d of September 1651, where he received diverſe Wounds, and had the Misfortune to be taken Priſoner, whence making his Eſcape out of the Caſtle of Edinburgh [...]n Diſguiſe, Anno 1659a, he got beyond Sea to the King, and returned with his Maſter, Anno 1660, being one of the Gentlemen of his Majeſty's Bed Chamber. He married Margaret Daughter of James Viſcount of Kilſyth, by whom he had James Montgomery Eſq his Son and Heir.

His Lordſhips had likeways two Daughters, 1ſt. Margaret, married to John 1ſt. Earl of Twedale after his Death to William Earl of Glencairn, the 2d. Anne dyed unmarried. He married to his ſecond Wife Margaret Daughter of Walter Lord Buclugh Widow of James Lord Roſs, but by her he had no Succeſſion, and arriving to the 73d Year of his Age, he departed this Life the 7th of January 1661, his Eſtate and Honour devolving on

Hugh his Son. This noble Earl was a Man of perfect Loyalty in the time of our Civil Troubles, as appears in all the Accounts of thoſe Times, particularly by the Memoiers of the Biſhop of Dunkeld, his Cotemporary. In the 1643, he raiſed a Troop of Horſe, with which he marched in Perſon, and fought valiantly at Langmarſtonmuir, and ſeveral other Battles and Skirmiſhes, and continuing to adhere faithfully to the Royal Cauſe, he was therefore excepted out of Cromwel's Indemnity, in the 1654a, by Anne his firſt Wife, Daughter of James Marquis of Hamilton, he had one Daughter Anne, married to James Earl of Finlator; alſo by Mary his ſecond Wife Daughter of John Earl of Rothes, he had

Alexander his Succeſſor.

Francis Montgomery of Giffen, who was one of the Lords of the Privy Council, and one of the Commiſſioners of the Theſaury in the Reign of K. William & Q. Anne. He was appointed one of the Commiſſioners upon the Part of Scotland to treat upon a nearer Union with England in 1706, which was at that time compleated, he had no Iſſue by Margaret his firſt Wife, Daughter and ſole Heir of Alexander Earl of Leven, but by Eliſabeth Daughter of Sir Robert Sinclair of Lochermackhouſe, in Vicecomitatu de Haddingtoun; He had John Montgomery Eſq a Member of Parliament for the County of Air. Alexander, one of the Colonels in Her Majeſty's Foot Guards, who dyed a very hopeful Youth of his Death woun [...]s at the Battle of Almanara, in the 1711; alſo Eliſabeth a Daughter, married to Patrick Ogilvy of Lonmay. This Earl had moreover five Daughters,

1. Mary, married to George Earl of Winton, ſans Iſſue.

2. Margaret, to James 2d Earl of Loudon.

3. Chriſtian, to John 4th Lord Balmerinoch.

4. Eleanor, to Sir David Dunbar of Baldoon, Baronet, in Vicecomitatu de Wigtoun, and had Iſſue.

5. Anne, to Sir Andrew Ramſay of Abbotſhall, Baronet. He departing this Life, Anno 1669, was ſucceeded by

Alexander his Son and Heir, who was named one of the Lords of the Privy Council, 1ſt of May 1689, and dying in the end of the Year 1701, he left Iſſue by Eliſabeth his Wife, Daughter of William Earl of Drumfrees, Alexander the preſent Earl, Major Hugh and Major John Montgomery, b [132] and Mary married to Sir James Agnew of Lochnaw, and had Iſſue.

Which Alexander, was one of the Lords of the Privy Council to King William, and one of the Commiſſioners of the Theſaury. In 1700, he had a Patent to ſit and Vote in the Parliament of Scotland, as Lord High Theſaurer, all Officers of State tho neither Peers, nor elected as Commiſſioners, having by the Conſtitution a Place in Parliament, and the Crown a Right, when any one of the Officers were vacant, to appoint one to Repreſent in Parliament the ſaid Office. Upon the Diſſolution of the Parliament in 1710, he was on the 10th of November the ſame Year elected one of the ſixteen Peers of Scotland to the Parliament of Great Britain; alſo in 1711, his Lordſhip was appointed one of the Commiſſioners of the Chamberlian-Court, which was then erected. He married firſt Margaret Daughter of William Lord Cochran, Son and Heir of William Earl of Dundonald, by whom he had two Sons, Hugh and Alexander, who both dyed in the Year 1696; alſo four Daughters,

1. Catherine, married to James Earl of Galloway.

2. Eupham, to George Lockhart of Carnwath, and has Iſſue.

3. Grace, to Robert Earl of Carnwath.

4. Jean, to Sir Aexander Maxwel of Monrieth, Baronet.

His ſecond Wife was Anne Daughter of George Earl of Aberdeen, by whom he had a Daughter, Lady Mary.

His third Marriage was with Suſanna, Daughter of Sir Archibald Kennedy of Colzean, Baronet, by whom he has two Daughters,

Lady Eliſabeth.

Lady Helen.


Quarterly 1ſt and 4th Azure, three Flower de lyces, Or: 2d and 3d, Gules, three Annulets, Or, ſton'd, Azure, all within a Border, Or, flour'd and counter flowr'd, Gules, ſupported by two Dragons Vert vomiting Fire, and for Creſt, a Maid holding in her Dexter Hand a Mans Head, and in the Siniſter an Anchor, Motto, Garde bien.

BRUCE, Earl of Elgin.

THAT the ancient and noble Family of Clackmanan, is branched from the Earls of Carrick, all our Antiquaries do agree, tho they do not deduce the Line of that Deſcent in each Point alike, to the intent that it may clearly appear that it is, I thought fit to take notice, that King David II. made a Grant to Robert Bruce, dilecto conſanguineo ſuo, of the Caſtle and Barony of Clackmanan, the 39th Year of his Reigna, which is ſufficient to ſhow he was of the ſaid King's Kindred.

Sir Edward Bruce of Shires-Mill, a younger Son of Sir Edward Bruce of Clackmanan, by Margaret Daughter of Sir Patrick Blackader of Tilliallan in the Time of King James V. acquiring ſeveral Lands from John Abbot of Culroſs, in 1541b, he raiſed to himſelf a fair Fortune. By . . . . . his Wife, Daughter to the Lord Semple c, he had Robert Bruce of Blairhall, Edward Bruce of Kinloſs, and George Bruce of Carnock Anceſtor to the Earls of Kincairn. Of theſe his Children, Edward the ſecond [133] being the Perſon of whom I'm chiefly to ſpeak here, I ſhall deduce what I found related of him from unqueſtionable Authority.

This Edward being bred a Lawyer, was firſt made one of the Commiſſarrs of Edinburgh, and after that pre [...]erred to be one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice by King James VI. 2d December 1597, by the Title of Commendator of Kinloſs: And being a Perſon of great Parts, was by the ſaid King, with the Earl of Mar ſent Ambaſſador to Queen Eliſabeth, Anno 1601, to Congratulate her upon her good Succeſs in repreſſing that Audacious Attempt of the Earl of Eſſex; and upon the Death of that Queen, being eminently inſtrumental to the pe [...]ceful Entrance of King James to the Crown of England, by the Intelligence, which he held privately in her Lifetime with Sir Robert Cicel, one of her principal Secretaries of State, and accompanying the King into England, Anno 1603, in Recompence of his faithful Services, he had the Office of Maſter of the Rolls conferred on him during Life; and as a further Teſtimony of his Majeſty's Favour, he had a Grant of the diſſolved Abbay of Kinloſs in Murray erected to him and his Heirs in a Temporal Lordſhip, by Letters Patent bearing date 8th of July 1604a, being of the Privy Council to his Majeſty in both Kingdoms, he departed this Life in the 62 Year of his Age, on the 14th of January 1610, and was interred in the Chapel of the Rolls in Chancery Lane, London, where there is a fair Monument erected to his Memory, with this Inſcription upon it.

Sacrae Memoriae
Domini Edwardi Bruce, Baronis Bruce, Kinloſſenſis, ſacrorum ſcriniorum Magiſtri dicatum qui obiit 14 Jan. Anno ſal. 1610. Aetat. 62. Jacobi Regis 8vo.
Brucius Edwardus ſitus hic & Scotus & Anglus,
Scotus ut ortu Anglis ſic oriundus avis,
Regno in utroque decus tulit auctus honoribus amplis
Regi a conſiliis Regni utriuſque fuit,
Conjuge prole, nuru, genero, ſpe, reque beatus
Vivere nos docuit, nune docet ecce mori.

He left Iſſue by Magdalen his Wife Daughter of Alexander Clark of Balbirny, in Vicecomitatu de Fife, two Sons and a Daughter,

1. Edward Lord Kinloſs.

2. Thomas Bruce Eſq

3. Chriſtian, married to William Earl of Devon-ſhire of the Kingdom of England, and had Iſſue; Alſo

Janet, a natural Daughter, married to Thomas Dalziel of Binns, Mother by him of Lieutenant General Thomas Dalziel.

Which Edward Lord Kinloſs was made Knight of the Bath at the Creation of Henry Prince of Wales, and afterward one of the Gentlemen of the Bed Chamber to K. James VI. in 1613 he had the Misfortune to fall into a fatal quarrel with Sir Edward Sackville, afterward Earl of Dorſet, upon which ſays a noble Hiſtorianb, They both tranſported themſelves into Flanders, attended only by two Chirurgeons, placed at a Diſtance, and under an Obligation not to ſtir but upon the fall of one of them, they fought under the Walls of Antwerp, where this Lord was killed, whereupon Thomas his Brother became his Heir.

Which Thomas attended King Charles I. into Scotland, and at the Solemnity of his Coronation, was by Letters Patent bearing date the 19th of June 1633, created Earl of Elgin, afterward in the 17 of Charles I. advanced to the Dignity of a Baron of England, by the Title of Lord Bruce of Whorletoun, in the County of York, he married Anne Daughter of Sir Robert Chicheſter, Knight. 2dly. Diana, Daughter, and one of the Coheirs of William Lord Burleigh, Son [134] and Heir of Thomas Earl of Exeter, and departing this Life, Anno 1663, he left Iſſue by Anne his firſt Wife,

Robert his Son and Heir, who being Lord Lieutenant of the County of Bedford; and having given great Teſtimony of his Loyalty to King Charles II. under his misfortunate Troubles; as alſo been inſtrumental in the Reſtauration, he was in the 19th of Charles II. created Lord Bruce of Skeltoun, Viſcount Bruce of Ampthil, and Earl of Ailesbury. He married Diana Daughter to Henry Earl of Stamford, by whom he had Iſſue,

Thomas Lord Kinloſs.

James Bruce Eſq

Diana eldeſt Daughter, married firſt to Sir Seymour Shirely, Baro net, and after to John Duke of Rutland.

Anne, to Sir William [...]ich of Sunning.

Chriſtian, to John Rolls Eſq eldeſt Son of Sir John Rolls of Stephenſon, and afterward to Sir Robert Guyer of Stoke.

Mary, to Sir John Walter of Sareſdon, in the County of Oxford, Baronet.

Anne-Charlotte, to Nicolas Bagnal Eſq

Henrietta, to Thomas Ogle Eſq only Son of Sir Thomas Ogle Governour of Chelſea College.

Which Thomas eldeſt Son ſucceed ed him in the Earldom, and married Eliſabeth Daughter of Henry Beauc [...]mp, Son of William Marquis of Hartford, Siſter, and at length Heir to William Duke of Somerſet, by whom he had Iſſue,

1. Charles, now Lord Bruce of Kinloſs, who has married Anne Daughter and Co-heir to William Marquis of Halifax, and had Iſſue a Son Robert, born 1707.

This Earl's eldeſt Daughter Eliſabeth, was married to George Earl of Cardigan, and Lady Mary dyed young.

His Lordſhip has ſince married the Counteſs of Sanaw in Brabant, by whom he had a Daughter Charlot-Maria.


Or, a Saltyre and Chief, Gules, on a Canton Argent, a Lyon rampant, Azure, Supporters two Savages Proper, wreathed about the Head and Loins with Lawrel, Motto, Fuimus.

MURRAY, Lord Elibank.

IS a Cadet of the Family of Blackbarony: His Anceſtor was Sir Gideon Murray Son of Sir Andrew Murray of Blackbarony, by Griſel his Wife, Daughter of Sir John Beaton of Crich a, Relict of Sir Walter Scot of Buclugh. From a ſhort Abſtract of his L [...]e, I find that Mr. Murray in his Youth, reſolving to follow the Miniſtry, while he was a Student in D [...]vinity, he happened unluckily to kill a Man by Accidentb, which made him relinquiſh that Profeſſion, & become Chamberlain to the Laird of Buclugh; which Truſt he managed with great Prudence, and conſiderably improved that opulent Fortune. He was firſt brought to Acquaintance with the Court, by means of his Nephew Robert Earl of Somerſet, once the great Favourite of King James VI. who procured him firſt the Honour of Knighthoodc, Anno 1605: and upon his Lordſhips Promotion to the Theſaurers Office, on the Deceaſe of George Earl of Dunbar, in the 1611 Sir Gideon Murray was conſtituted Theſaurer Depute, which Office he managed ſo much to the [135] Advantage of the Crown, that beſide the Charge of the Government, he both repaired and enlarged the Palaces of Holy-rood-houſe, Falkland, Linlithgow, Dumfermling, and the Caſtles of Edinburgh, and Dumbartoun, and had the Treaſury ſo full at the King's coming to Scotland 1617, that he defrayed the whole Charge of the Court, his Majeſty appearing with as much Splendor at Holy-rood-houſe as at Whitehall. He departed this Life Anno 1621a, leaving Iſſue by Margaret Pentland his Wifeb,

Sir Patrick his Succeſſor;

Walter Murray of Livingſtoun; and a Daughter . . . . . . married to Sir William Scot of Harden.

Which Patrick was by King Charles I. Anno 1628c firſt made a Baroner, and afterward, in reſpect of his approved Loyalty to the ſaid King, was advanced to the Dignity of Lord Elibank, March 18th 1643d. He married Eliſabeth Daughter of Sir James Dundas of Arniſtoun, by whom he had a Son, 1ſt, Patrick his Succeſſor; 2d, . . . . . . Murray of Spot, and ſeveral Daughters; Eliſabeth, married to Sir Archibald Stiling of Carden.

Patrick Lord Elibank his Son, married Eliſabeth Steuart, Daughter of John 1ſt, Earl of Traquair, by whom he had Alexander his Son and Heir, who married Anne Daughter of Dr. Alexander Burnet Archbiſhop of St. Andrews, by whom he had Alexander his Succeſſor in the Honour, and two Daughters,

Anne, married to John Lord Mackleod, Son and Heir of George Earl of Cromarty.

. . . . . . . . to Sir John Mackenzie of Coul, in Vic. de Roſs.

Alexander the preſent Lord, has married . . . . Daughter of George Stirling Chirurgeon in Edinburgh, by whom he has Iſſue the Maſter of Elibank his Son and Heir apparent.


Azure, A Martlet betwixt Three Stars, within a double Treſſure, Argent. Supporters, Two Horſes bridleed, Argent. Creſt, A Lyon Rampant Saliant on a Pole Ax, Sable Motto, Virtute fideque.

ELPHINSTON, Lord Elphinſton.

THIS ancient noble Family originally took the Sirname of Elphinſton from their own Lands of that Name in Edinburghſhire, the firſt of whom I have found was John de Elphinſton, who is Witneſs in that Grant which Roger de Quincy Earl of Wincheſter made to the Monks of Dryburgh, de uno Tofto Terrae in Glaſwoode circa Annum 1252e.

Another Alexander Elphinſton de Elphinſton in the Time of King David II, had the Lands of Kinchinbar, in Baronia de Stenhouſe, in Vicecomit. de Stirling f, from Godofredus de Roſs, Dominus ejuſdem in feudo & haereditate: He was ſucceeded by Alexander Elphinſton Dominus ejuſdem, his Son, who in the 33d of King David II. exchanged the foreſaid Lands with Alexander Son of Sir Adam More Knight, for the Lands of Arthbeg in Stirlingſhire, ſince called Elphinſton. Sir William Elphinſton his Son, was ſlain fighting gallantly againſt the Engliſh at the Battle of Piperdain, Anno 1436, to whoſe Valour chiefly our Hiſtorians aſcribe the Victory; leaving only a Daughter, Agnes his ſole Heir, married to Gilbert Son of Sir Adam Johnſton of that Ilkg, who thereby came to the Poſſeſſion of the Lands of Elphinſton in Lothian: The reſt of the Eſtate of the Family in Stirling-ſhire, [136] by a ſolemn Arbitration, in the 1471, came to Henry Elphinſtoun, Brother to the aforeſaid Alexander whch he then called Elphinſton.

Sir Alexander Elphinſtoun of that Ilk, Son and Heir of Sir John Elphinſtoun Knight, was by the Bounty and Favour of K. James IV. created Lord Elphinſtoun, by whoſe ſpecial Countenance he obtained in Marriage Eliſabeth Barlow an Engliſh Lady, one of the Maids of Honour to Queen Margaret. He was ſlain at the Battle of Flowdon, with the ſaid King his Maſter, 9th September 1513, leaving Iſſue, Alexander, who ſucceeded him in the Honour, Iſobel, married to David Lindſay of Dunrod, 2dly, To Robert Maxwell of Calderwood, in Vic. de Lanerk a, Eupham, to John Bruce of Cultmalindie b, Elizabeth to Sir David Somervel of Plain.

Which Alexander married Catherine Daughter of John Lord Erskine, by whom he had Iſſue, 1ſt, Robert the next Lord, 2d John Parſon of In [...]er [...]ochty, 3d, James Elphinſtoun of Innerdovat c, 4th, Sir Michael Elphinſtoun, Maſter of the Houſhold to King James VI. 5th. William, who was the Author of that Branch of the Elphinſtouns of Calderhall in Stirling-Shire; alſo ſeveral Daughters,

Iſobel, married to James Hamilton of Haggs, and had Iſſue.

Marjory, to Sir Robert Drummond of Carnock, and had Iſſue.

Margaret, to Alexander Livingſton of Dunipace.

This Lord was killed at the Battle of Pinkie, 10th of September 1547d, and was ſucceeded in his Eſtate and Honour by Robert his Son and Heir, who married Eliſabeth Daughter of Sir John Drummond of Innerpeffery, by whom he had, 1. Alexander his Succeſſor, 2. George e; Rector of the Scots College at Rome, 3. Sir James Elphlnſtoun, 1ſt Lord Balmerinoch; likewiſe ſeveral Daughters.

1ſt, Agnes, married to Walter Lord Deskford.

2d. Jean to Walter Barclay of Towie, in Vic. de Aberdeen.

3. Elizabeth f, to Sir Robert Innes of that Ilk, and had Iſſue.

4. Margaret to John Cunningham g of Drumwhaſle, in Vic. de Stirling, and had Iſſue.

He departed this Life, Anno 1602, and was ſucceeded by

Alexander his Son, who was one of the Lords of the Privy Council to King James VI. by whom he was prefer'd to be Lord high Theaſurer of Scotland, Anno 1599, which Office he reſigned to the Earl of Dunbar in 1601. By Jean his Wife, Daughter of William Lord Livingſtoun, he had

1. Alexander his Succeſſor in the Honour. 2. James Elphinſton of Barns, Anceſtor to the preſent Lord Elphinſton. 3. John Elphinſton of Wortle in Aberdeen-Shire. 4. Michael Elphonſtin of Quarrel. in Vic de Stirling; alſo five Daughters.

Anne, married to John Earl of Sutherland, and had Iſſue.

Jean, to Arthur Lord Forbes, and had Iſſue.

Elizabeth, to Sir John Bruce of Airth, and had Iſſue.

Chriſtian, to Sir Thomas Urquhart of Cromarty.

Helen, to Sir William Cockburn of Langtoun, and had Iſſue. And again to Mr. Henry Rollo of Woodſide, Grandfather and Grandmother to the preſent Sir Henry Rollo of Woodſide Knight.

Which Alexander married Elizabeth, [137] Daughter of Patrick Lord Drummond, Siſter to James firſt Earl of Perth a, by whom he had one Daughter Lillias; and departing this Life Anno 1649b, the Title of Lord deſcended to

Alexander Elphinſtoun of Barns his Nephew, who, that the Honour might be properly ſupported, married Lillias Daughter and Heir of Alexander Lord Elphinſtoun his Uncle: He dying Anno 1654c, left Iſſue, 1. Alexander. 2d. John, and a Daughter Anne, married to Walter Lord Torphichen.

Which Alexander married Anne Daughter of Dr. Alexander Burnet then Archbiſhop of Glaſgow, and afterwards of St. Andrews, but he dying without Iſſue, Anno 1669d, his Eſtate and Title came to

John his Brother, who married Iſobel, Daughter of Charles Earl of Lauderdale, by whom he had,

1. Charles.

2. John, who dyed in the bloſſom of his promiſing Youth, unmarried.

3. Captain William Elphinſtoun.

Eliſabeth, eldeſt Daughter, married to John Campbel of Mamore, Son to Archibald Earl of Argyle, and has Iſſue.

Margaret, to George Count Leſly of Balquhain, and has Iſſue.


Charles Maſter of Elphinſtoun, married Eliſabeth Daughter of Sir William Primroſe of Caringtoun, by whom he has Iſſue,


Argent, a Cheveron Sable, betwixt three Boars Heads eras'd Gules, ſupported by two Savages Proper, Creſt, a Lady above the middle, holding in her Dexter-hand a Caſtle, and in the Siniſter a Lawrel, Motto, Caus Cauſit.

HAY, Earl of Errol.

BOTH our ancient and modern Hiſtorians ſay, that this noble Family had its Riſe Anno 980, tempore Kennethi Tertii, when the Danes invaded this Nation, and gave Battle to the Scots; whom they had routed near Perth, but for the Courage and Conduct of a certain Labourer, who perceiving his Country-men flying before the conquering Enemy, he and his two Sons ſtopped them with their Plow Gear in a certain Defile, and upbrading them for their Cowardice, obliged them to rally: whom the Danes ſuppoſing to be freſh Succours, he became thereby the means of transferring the Victory to the Scots ſide: And King Kenneth advanced him into the firſt Rank of thoſe about him, and rewarded him with as much Land as a Falcon flying from a Fiſt, ſhould meaſure out before he ſettled: To which Exploit, the Arms, Creſt, and Supporters of the Family of Errol, are alluſive. The praiſe of this illuſtrious Perſon and his Sons are celebrated by the polite Poet Dr. John Johnſton, as follows,

Quo ruitis cives? Heia! hoſti obvertite vultus [...]
Non pudet infami vertere terga fuga?
Hoſtis ego vobis; aut ferrum vertite in hoſtem.
Dixit, & armatus dux praeit ipſe jugo.
Quaqua ibat vaſtam condenſa per agmina Danum
Dat ſtragem. hinc omnis conſequiturque fugae.
Servavit cives. Victorem reppulit hoſtem.
Ʋnus cum natis agminis inſtar erat.
Hic Decios agnoſce tuos magnae aemula Romae,
Aut prior hac; aut te his Scotia major adhue.

In the Reign of King Malcolm IV. William de Haia is Poſſeſſor of the Lands of Errol in Forfar-ſhire, and is among many other noble Perſons Witneſs in that King's Charter to the Abbay of Scoon, he gave to the Monaſtry [138] of Couper in pure Charity, the Lands of Lyderpoyls, which King William by his Royal Charter ratified and confirmed, Comite Duncano Juſticiario, Comite Gilberto de Strathern, Willielmofilio Thori, being Witneſſes therein, ſufficiently prove it a very ancient Deeda. He left behind him three Sons, David, Robert, and Malcolm.

Which David was a Benefactor to the Monks of Couper in Angus, by his Gift and Donation of three Acres of arable Land, with the Fiſhing of one Net upon the River of Tay, Pro anima piae memoriae Regis Willielmi, & anima Willielmi de Haia patris mei & ſalute mea & Elene ſponſae meae & Anteceſſorum & Heredum meorum, cum conſenſu Gilberti Heredis mei.

Sir Gilbert Hay of Errol his Son, was one of the firſt Barons of Scotland, who aſſiſted King Robert I. in retrieving the Independency of his Native Country, then almoſt ſubjected to the Engliſh by John Baliol; and aſſiſted at the Solemnity of his Coronation, Anno 1306. In Conſideration of his good and faithful Services he had diverſe Grants of Lands then in the Crown; and that Monarch being further deſirous to put a laſting Mark of Eſteem upon him and his Family, he was graciouſly pleaſed to make him and his Heirs for ever Lord High Conſtables or Scotland, by his Charter 12th Nov. 1315b. He died Anno 1330c, and was interred in the Abbay of Couper, to which he and his Anceſtors had been Benefactors. He was ſucceeded by

Sir William his Son, who adhered firmly to the Intereſt of King David Bruce, in whoſe Service he loſt his Life at the Battle of Duplin, Anno 1333d, together with the whole Gentlemen of his Name; ſo that had not his Lady been with Child, and ſupported it by the Birth of a Poſtumous Son, it had been quite extinguiſhed. Mr. Johnſton the Poet writes thus of him,

Me ſimul, & mecum ſpemque & genus omne meorum
Vulnere non uno ſustulit una dies.
At vos crudeles Parcae miſereſcite. nobis
Degener haud tant is ſpes nova ſurgat avis.
Audivere Deae Dabitur quod poſcitis, ajunt,
Aut dabis, aut conjux te tibi dante dabit.
Stat rediviva igitur, potuitque exciſa renaſci,
Et tibi gens a te poſthuma ſurget avo.
Si fas morte etiam victuram condere gentem,
Qualia, quanta olim vita datura fuit!

Sir William was ſucceeded by Sir David his Son, born after his Father's Death, and on that account came not into Action for a long time: He leſt a Son

Sir Thomas, who is one of the Barons who recognoſced John Earl of Carrick's Right to the Crown, upon his Father's Acceſſion to the imperial Dignity of this Realme. He married Eliſabeth Daughter to King Robert II.f and departing this Life Anno 1406g. he left Iſſue William his Succeſſor, and a Daughter Eliſabeth, married to Sir George Leſly Knighth.

Which William was one of the Commiſſioners deputed by the Eſtates of Scotland to treat with the Engliſh, touching the Redemption of King James I. Anno 1424, which was then happily effectedi, at the Solemnity of whoſe Coronation he receiv'd the Honour of Knighthood. He married Alice, Daughter of Sir William Hay of Teſter, Progenitor to the Marquis of Tweddale k, by whom he had William his Succeſſor in his Eſtate and Honour, and Gilbert Hay l of Urrie.

This Sir William being a Perſon of ſingular Merit, was by the favour of [139] King James II. created Earl of Errol Anno 1452, and departing this mortal Life in the 1455a, he left Iſſue by Beatrix his Wife, Daughter of James Lord Dalkeith b.

Nicol his Son and Heir, who was one of the Privy Council to King James III. and one of the Commiſſioners upon the Part of Scotland nominated to treat with the Engliſh, touching the keeping a good Underſtanding betwixt the two Realmsc, Anno Dom. 1472: He married Eliſabeth, Daughter to the Earl of Huntly, d by whom he had,

William Earl of Errol his Son and Heir, who married Janet Daughter to John Earl of Athole, by whom he had two Sons, William, and Sir Thomas Hay of Logie, Knighte.

Which William married Eliſabeth Leſly, Daughter to the Earl of Rothes f, by whom he had,

William Earl of Errol g, who was conſtituted Sheriff of Aberdeen, Anno 1510h. He took to Wi [...]e, firſt Chriſtian, Daughter of John Lord Glamis i, and again Eliſabeth Daughter to the Lord Ruthven k. This Lord accompanying King James IV. to the Battle of Flowdon, was there ſlain with his Sovereign Lord, and the Flower of the Nobil [...]ty on the fatal 9th of September 1513, leaving

William his Son and Heir to ſucceed him, who was of the Privy Council to King James V. and his ſpecial Favorite. He married Helen, Daughter of John Earl of Lennox, by whom he had one Daughter Jean, married to Andrew Earl of Errol her Couſin; his Eſtate and Honour devolving on

George Hay of Logie, his Heir Malel. He married Margaret, Daughter of Sir Alexander Robertſon of Strowan m, by whom he had Andrew his Succeſſor; alſo two younger Sons, John Hay of Muchill, George Hay of Ardlithan, and two Daughters,

1. Eliſabeth, married to William Earl Mariſhal, and had Iſſue.

2. Margaret, to Laurence Lord Oliphant, and had Iſſue. He departed this Life Anno 1563n. and was ſucceeded in his Eſtate and Honour by

Andrew his Son, who was conſtituted one of the Lords of Queen Marys Privy Council in 1567, when the Civil War broke out in that Reign. I do not find him much engaged in either Party during all the Confuſions of King James's Minority. He married Jean Daughter of William Earl of Errol o, by whom he had Francis, who ſucceeded him, and a Daughter Eleanor, married to Alexander firſt Earl of Linlithgow, and had Iſſue.

His ſecond wife was Mary, Daughter of George Earl of Caithneſs, Widow of Hume of Coldingknows, by whom he had George Hay of Kilour, Anceſtor to the preſent Earl of Errol. He dying Anno 1585p.

Francis his Son ſucceeded him, who was one of the Commiſſioners appointed to treat about a nearer Union of Scotland and England, Anno 1604q. He married firſt Mary, Siſter to James Earl of Murray, next Anne, Daughter of John Earl of Athole, and laſt of all Eliſabeth Daughter of William Earl of Morton, by whom he had William his Son and Heir, and Francis who died unmarried; alſo four Daughters,

1. Anne, married to George Earl of Winton.

2. Jean, to John Earl of Mar.

[140] 3. Eliſabeth, to Hugh Lord Semple.

4. Mary, to Walter Earl of Buclugh.

5. Sophia, to John Viſcount Melgum.

This Earl arriving to a great Age, at laſt his long Life was brought to a period on the 14th of July 1631. Upon him Dr. Arthur Johnſton wrote this Epitaph.

Occidit Hayorum Princeps Errolius, orbis
Nunc defiderium, qui fuit ante decus.
Adſcripſit procerum numero domus edita Regum
Stemmate, ſanguineis nobilitata jugis.
Manibus Heroum ſociavit Martia virtus,
Partaque fulminea mille trophea manu.
Donavit coelo pietas ſpectata. Quid ultra
Vel maruere homines, vel tribuere Dei?

William Earl of Errol his Son, was much in the Favour of King Charles I. and aſſiſted at the ſaid King's Coronation, 18 June 1633. He married Anne Daughter of Patrick Earl of Kinghorn, by whom he had Gilbert his Succeſſor, and a Daughter Margaret married to Henry Lord Ker, Son and Heir of Robert Earl of Roxburgh, 2dly to John Earl of Caſſils, and departing this Life, 17th of December 1636a his Eſtate and Honour deſcended to

Gilbert his Son and Heir, then very young, and upon that account was not engaged in the Civil War; for I find no mention of him till the Reſtauration of King Charles II. when he was conſtituted one of the Lords of his Majeſty's Privy Council, Anno 1661. He married Catherine Daughter of James ſecond Earl of Southeſque, but dying without Iſſue, Anno 1674, both his Eſtate and Honour, by vertue of an Entail to the Heirs Male, came to John Hay of Kilour, Son and Heir of Sir Andrew Hay (by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of Patrick Kinnaird of I [...]chture) Son and Heir of Sir George Hay of Kilour (by Mary his Wife, Daughter of . . . . . . Cheyne of Eſlemont) Son and Heir of Andrew Earl of Errol, as has been obſerved.

Which John ſo ſucceeding in the Earldom, married Anne Daughter to James Earl of Perth, by whom he had Charles his Succeſſor, James and Thomas, who both dyed unmarried; alſo two Daughters,

Lady Mary.

Lady Margaret, married to James Earl of Linlithgow.

He dying Anno 1705, was ſucceeded by Charles his Son,

Which Charles now Earl of Errol, was one of the Peers who in the Parliament 1706, diſſented in every Article of the Union with England, in the Terms of the Treaty then before the Houſe, before the Concluſion of which, his Lordſhip entred a Proteſtation, which chiefly reſpected his own Heritable Conſtabulary, in theſe Terms,

I Charles Earl of Errol, Lord high Conſtable of Scotland, do hereby Proteſt, that the Office of high Conſtable of Scotland, with all the Rights and Priviledges of the ſame, belonging to me Heritably, and depending upon the Monarchy, Sovereignty, and ancient Conſtitution of this Kingdom, may not be weakned nor prejudged by the Concluſion of the Treaty of Union betwixt Scotland and England, nor any Article, Clauſe or Condition thereof, but that the ſaid Heritable Office, with all the Rights and Priviledges thereof, may continue and remain to me and my Succeſsors intire and unhurt by any Votes or Acts of Parliament, or other Proceedings whatſomever relative to the ſaid Union: And I crave this my Proteſtation may be admitted and Recorded in the Regiſters and Rolls of Parliament.


Argent, three Eſchutcheons, Gules, ſupported by two Savages carrying upon their Shoulder, two Oxen, Yoaks, Creſt, a Falcon Proper, with this Motto, Serva Jugum.

CHURCH-HILL, Lord Eymouth.


THE firſt who enjoyed this honourary Title, was John Churchhill Eſq Son of Sir Winſton Churchhill of Wottonbaſſet, in the County of Wilts, by . . . . . . his Wife, Daughter of Sir William Drake of the County of Devon, Baronet.

His firſt ſtep to Advancement in martial Affairs, was the Honour of a Colours in the Royal Foot-Guards, which was procured him by his Royal Highneſs the Duke of York, while a Youth, rather to humour his forward Inclination that way, than any Advantage to be made by it. He ſoon after went to France with the Duke of Monmouth, who gave him a Company of his own Regiment, and ſerved at the Siege of Maeſtricht, then under the Direction of the preſent French King. Upon his Return to England, by a particular Character of his Bravery and Conduct from the Duke of Monmouth, he was made Lieutenant-Colonel to Sir Thomas Littleton Gentleman of the Bed-Chamber, and Maſter of the Robes to the Duke of York: Not long after which, he was created Lord Church-hill of Eymouth in Scotland, by Letters Patent bearing date 21 December 1682a.

King James aſcending the Throne, he was immediately made Gentleman of the Bed-Chamber, and Captain of a Troop of his Life-Guard. Alſo in the firſt Year of his Reign, 14th of May 1685. he created him a Baron of England, by the Title of Lord Churchhill of Sandridge; But notwithſtanding theſe Honours, upon the Revolution he went over to the Prince of Orange then at Sherburn.

King William was no ſooner on the Throne, but he was made Gentleman of the King's Bed-Chamber; alſo 9th of April 1689, he was raiſed to the Honour of Earl of Marlborough. The ſame Year he commanded the Engliſh Forces in Flanders, and was preſent with Prince Waldeck at the Shock at Walcourt: And Anno 1690, was ſent General of the Forces to reduce Cork and Kinſale; which Service he perform'd with great Diſpatch and Conduct.

The next Year, he made the Campagne under King William in Flanders, was conſtituted Governour to the Duke of Glouceſter, ſworn of his Majeſty's Privy-Council, and made one of the Lords Juſtices; which he ſerv'd three times ſucceſſively, in the King's Abſence, who, at length, Anno 1701, appointed him General of the Foot, and Commander in Chief of the Engliſh Forces in Holland, alſo Ambaſſador-Extraordinary, and Plenipotentiary for the Negotiation at the Hague.

In the firſt of Queen Anne, he was conſtituted Captain-General of Her Majeſty's Land Forces, both at Home and Abroad, elected Knight of the Garter, and diſpatch'd with the Character of Her Majeſty's Ambaſſador-Extraordinary, and Plenipotentiary to the States of Holland.

Anno 1702, he commanded the Army in Flanders, took Venlo, Ruremond, Stevenſwaert, Liege, &c. and on his Return to England, was made Marquis of Blandford, and Duke of Marlborough.

In the Year 1704, he march'd to the Danube, routed the French and Bavarian Forces at Schellenbergh, and afterwards gave them a total Defeat at Hochſtet; was made a Prince of the Sacred Roman Empire; and on his Return to England, had the Honour and Mannour of Woodſtock, and Hundred of Wooton, voted to him and his Heirs; and next Year ſettled by Act of Parliament.

[142] In the Year 1705, he march'd to the Moſelle, return'd to the Netherlands, raiſed the Siege of Liege, and forc'd the French Lines: At the end of which Campagne, he made a Tour to Vienna, where the Emperor made him a Grant of the Lordſhip of Mildenheim, in Suabia, formerly poſſeſs'd by Duke Maximilian, Uncle to the preſent Duke of Bavaria; from which time, he was diſtinguiſh'd throughout the Empire, by the Style and Title of Prince of Mildenheim: And was afterwards inveſted therein, and admitted, by his Plenipotentiary Mr. Stepney, to ſit and vote in the College of Princes.

In the Year 1706, he gave an intire Defeat to the French and Bavarian Forces at Ramillies, and gain'd the whole Country of Brabant to the Allies.

In the Year 1708, he (with Prince Eugene of Savoy) defeated the French and Spaniſh Army at Audenarde, cover'd the Siege of Liſle, ſuccour'd Bruſſels, then beſieg'd by the Duke of Bavaria, and re-took Ghent and Bruges.

He married Sarah, Daughter, and at length, one of the Co-Heirs of Richard Jennings of Sandridge, in the County of Hertford, Eſq by whom he had four Daughters,

Henrietta eldeſt Daughter, married to Francis Earl of Godolphin.

Anne, ſecond Daughter, married to Charles Spencer Earl of Sunderland; to whom ſhe is ſecond Wife.

Eliſabeth, third Daughter, married to Scroop Egerton Earl of Bridgewater.

Mary, fourth and youngeſt Daughter, married to John now Duke of Mountague.


Sable, a Lyon Rampant Argent, in a Canton of the Second, the Croſs of England.

KING, Lord Eythen.

SIR James King of Birneſs a in Aberdeen ſhire, was firſt train'd up in the Wars of Germany, under Guſtavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, where he roſe gradually, till at laſt he came to be Lieutenant General; in which Character he ſerv'd with the higheſt Reputation; afterward upon the breaking out of the Civil War in England, he repair'd to his Majeſty's Service, was conſtituted General of his Army againſt the Engliſh Parliament, which he ordered with great Wiſdom and Dexterity: In Conſideration whereof, the King was pleaſed to create him a Peer of Scotland, by the Title of Lord Eythen b, the 28 March 1642.

OGILVY, Earl of Finlater.

IN the Reign of King Robert II. Sir John Sinclair Knight is poſſeſſor of the Barony of Deskford in Banff-ſhirec. He was ſucceeded by Ingeram his Son and Heird, as he was by John his Son, who was ſlain at the Battle of Harlaw, Anno Dom. 1411, leaving Margaret his only Daughter and ſole Heir to ſucceed him in the Barony. In 1437 She was married to Sir Walter Ogilvy of Achyven, Knight, (a Branch of the Family of Ogilvy,) whereupon he aſſumed into his Coat of Arms, Argent, a Croſs ingrail'd, Sable, which hisPoſterity ſtill wear. This Sir Walter, in the 18th of James II. got leave of the King to [143] fortify his Caſtle of Finlater with an embattled Wall of Lime and Stone, and all other Neceſſaries for a place of Strengtha. By the ſaid Margaret his Wife, he had two Sons,

Sir James Ogilvy of Deskford.

Sir Walter Ogilvy who obtained the Lands and Thanedom of Boyn in the North, by the Marriage of Margaret, Daughter and one of the Coheirs of Sir James Edmonſton of that Ilkb. Of this Branch the Ogilvies of Dunlugus and Strathern are ſprung. He departed this Life Anno 1456.

Sir James his Son ſucceeded him; he was made a Knight by King James III. and married Mary Daughter ofc Sir Robert Innes of that Ilk, in Vicecomitatu Moraviae: By her he had,

Sir James, ſucceeded in the Fortune.

Walter Ogilvy of Glaſhaugh.

Alexander killed at Flowdoun d.

George a Church-man: Alſo ſeveral Daughters,

Margaret, married to James Abercromby of Birkenbog.

Marion, to Patrick Gordon of Haddo, Anceſtor to the preſent Earl of Aberdeen e.

Catherine, to William Crawfurd of Federat, in Vicecomitatu de Aberdeen.

Eliſabeth, to John Grant of Freuchie.

Mary to Alexander Urquhart Sheriff of Cromarty.

Which Sir James Ogilvy of Deskford married Agnes, Daughter of George Earl of Huntly f, by whom he had,

1. Alexander his Succeſſor,

2. James.

3. Patrick.

4. George.

5. Eliſabeth, married to Sir James Dunbar of Weſt-field g Sheriff of Murray.

Alexander Ogilvy of Deskford his Son, got from King James V. a Charter erecting his Lands of Deskford, Finlater, Cathmore, the Forreſt of Glenſudech, the third part of the Lands of Inernach, Achinſtank, Buchhaw, with the Fiſhing on the River of Dovern, the Lands of Sandlacht, Caſtle-field, the Conſtabulary of Cullen and Achendorn in Banff-ſhire, the one half of the Lands of Balhall, and the fourth Part of Manmure in Forfar-ſhire, into one intire Barony in all time coming, to be called the Barony of Ogilvy, of the date 22d of May 1527h. This Alexander Ogilvy of that Ilk, (for ſo he's after this deſigned) took to Wife firſt Jean Abernethy, Daughter of Alexander Lord Saltoun, by whom he had James Ogilvy of Cardal, his only Son. His ſecond Wife was Eliſabeth Gordon, a Lady of the Family of Huntly i, by whom he had a Daughter Margaret married to John Gordon Son of Alexander Earl of Huntly. This Laird of Finlater, and Ogilvy, by the Influence and evil Counſel of his Wife, was prevailed upon to diſinherit his Son, and to ſettle the moſt part of his Fortune on John Gordon his Son-in-law, upon Condi [...]on he ſhould change his Name to Ogilvy, and he and his Heirs in all time coming, wear his Coat of Arms: Accordingly the ſaid John Gordon ſucceeded into the Eſtate of Finlater, and kept Poſſeſſion thereof till the 1562, it came to be forfaulted for his being preſent in the Fight of Corr [...]chie, whereupon James Ogilvy of Cardal, Son and Heir of the ſaid Alexander Ogilvy of that Ilk, repreſents to Queen Mary, how far he had been wronged by his Father's unjuſt Act, and therefore Her Majeſty was graciouſly [144] pleaſed to reſtore him to the Eſtate of Finlater by way of Juſtice, in the 1564a. When the Civil War broke out in that Reign, he was not ſo ungrate as to forget the good Offices the Queen had done him, but moſt loyally adhered to her Intereſt, and was one of the Barons who entred into an Aſſociation to ſtand by her againſt her rebellious Subjects (as they call them) who had deprived her of her Authority, and would to the outmoſt of their Power, endeavour her Reſtauration, bearing date, 8th of May 1568. He married . . . . . . Gordon, Daughter of . . . . . Gordon of Lochenvar b, by whom he had a Son Alexander, who died before him, leaving Iſſue by Barbara his Wife, Daughter of Sir Walter Ogilvy of Boyn c, a Son,

Walter, who ſucceeded his Grandfather; he was firſt knighted by King James VI. before the Inſtitution of the Honour of Baronet: And being a Baron of an ample Fortune, he was by the ſpecial Bounty of the ſaid King, raiſed to the Peerage of this Realm, by the Title of Lord Ogilvy of [...]ford, by Letters patent, bearing date 4th of October 1616d.

He married firſt Jean, Daughter of Robert Lord Elphinſton, by whom he had only one Daughter Chriſtian, who was married to Sir Alexander Forbes, afterward created Lord Pitſligo.

His ſecond Wife was Marion, Daughter of William Earl of Morton, by whom he had James his Son and Heir, and two Daughters,

1. Jean, married to James Douglaſs Earl of Buchan, and afterward to Andrew Lord Gray.

2. Margaret, married to Sir John Grant of that Ilk, in Vicecomitatu de Murray, and had Iſſue.

Which James Lord Deskford, was by K. Charles I. advanced to the Honour of Earl of Finlater, by Letters patent, bearing date the 20th of February 1638e, and to the Heirs Male of his Body for ever.

He married Eliſabeth, Daughter to the Earl of Rothes, by whom he had two Daughters.

Mary Counteſs of Finlater.

Anne, Wife of William Earl of Glencairn.

This Earl having no Male Iſſue of his Body, he procured from King Charles I. on the behalf of his Daughter, and her Deſcendants certain Letters Patent, whereby the Dignity and Title of Earl of Finlater was conferred upon her and Patrick Ogilvy of Inchmartin her Husband. This Patrick Earl of Finlater, in the time of the Civil War, ſuffered much both in his Perſon and Fortune, for his firm and loyal Adherence to King Charles II. Departing this frail Life, the 30th of March Anno Dom. 1658f. he left Iſſue by the aforeſaid Eliſabeth Counteſs of Finlater his Wife,

James his Son and Heir, who married Anne only Daughter of Hugh Earl of Eglinton, by Anne his Wife, Daughter of James Marquis of Hamilton, by whom he had,

1. James the preſent Earl.

2. Colonel Patrick Ogilvy of Lonmay, who married Eliſabeth Daughter of Mr. Francis Montgomery of Giffen, and has Iſſue.

3. Anne, married to George Allardice of that Ilk, and had Iſſue. This Earl dying Anno 1711, his Eſtate and Honour devolved on

James the preſent Earl of Finlater and Seafield, his Son, whoſe perſonal Endowments were the principal Cauſe of the great Honour and Preferments he has attained to, both in this and the former Reign.

In his Youth having accompliſhed himſelf by Travels into foreign [145] Countries, he ſtudied the Civil Law: After his Return to his native Country, he was admitted Advocate 16th of January 1685, in which honourable Profeſſion he made a very conſiderable Figure, tho there's nothing memorable concerning him, till the Meeting of the Convention in March 1689, (where he had the Honour to ſerve as a Member for the Burgh of Cullen) wherein his Abilities began to be very ſoon taken notice of, and he was imployed in ſeveral Committees to examine and give the Opinion to the Meeting concerning diverſe Grievances. In the Debates about King James's Forfaulture, he argued learnedly in favours of that unfortunate Monarch. In the 4th of King William and Queen Mary, he was conſtituted Solicitor; and after that, in 1696, appointed conjunct Secretary of State with John then Earl of Tilliardin. He being then only a Knight, his Majeſty was pleaſed to confer upon him the Title of Viſcount of Seafield, by Letters Patent bearing Date 28th of June 1698; and thereafter by other Letters Patent of the Date 24th June 1701, to create him Earl of Seafield.

Upon Queen Anne's coming to the Throne, Anno 1702, he was conſtituted conjunct Secretary of State with the Duk of Queensberry; but the ſame Year, upon a Change of the Miniſtry, he was removed from the Secretary's Imployment, & conſtituted Lord High Chancellour of Scotland; from which Office he was removed, & in 1704 made a third time conjunct Secretary of State; but the next Year 1705 he was reſtored to be Chancellour, and therein continued till the commencing of the Union, the 1ſt of May 1707. Then his Lordſhip was named Lord chief Baron of the Exchequer, which he again was pleaſed to reſign, Mr. Smith being put in his Room. All which, and ſeveral other high Truſts his Lordſhip ſtill diſcharged with great Learning and Sufficiency. Alſo in 1712, he was elected one of the ſixteen Peers of Scotland to the Parliament of Great-Britain, by a Vacancy, through the Demiſe of William Earl Marſhall.

He married Anne Daughter of Sir William Dunbar of Durn, Baronet, by whom he has,

1. James Lord Deskford.

2. Mr. George Ogilvy.

3. Anne, married to Charles Earl of Lauderdale, and has Iſſue.

4. Janet.


Quarterly 1ſt and 4th Argent, a Lyon paſsant guardant, Gules, crown'd, Or; 2d and 3d Argent, a Croſs ingrail'd, Sable, ſupported by two Lyons rampant, Creſt, a Lyon rampant, all Gules, holding a Plumb Line betwixt his Feet, Motto, Tout Jour.

FORBES, Lord Forbes.

THAT which will ſufficiently atteſt the Antiquity of this numerous and far ſpreading Family, is a Grant by King Alexander II. to Fergus the Son of John, of the Lands and Tenement of Forbes in Aberdeen-ſhirea, whence the Sirname has been originally aſſumed. The firſt conſpicuous Perſon of this Line, was Alexander Forbes, who reſolutely defended his Caſtle of Urquhart in Murray, againſt Edward I. of England b, Anno 1303, upon the ſtorming of which, he and the whole Garriſon were put to the Sword: By this [146] fatal Stroak his Family would have periſhed, had not his Wife preſerved it by the Birth of a poſtumous Son, Alexander, who obtained from Robert Bruce certain Lands in Compenſation for what his Father had loſt in his, and his Countrys Quarrel. This Alexander treading in the Steps of his gallant Father, loyally adhered to the better Title of David Bruce, againſt Edward Baliol, who invaded this Kingdom, and called himſelf King of this Realm, and by the Aſſiſtance of the Engliſh routed the loyal Scots Army at the Battle of Duplin, Anno 1332, where many brave Scots-men fell, and among others this Sir Alexander Forbes, leaving, ſays my Authora, no Iſſue but a poſtumous Child, this Family having the parallel Fate with the Family of the Fabii in Rome, of whom 'tis ſaid,

Ʋna dies Fabios ad bellum miſerat amnes,
Ad bellum miſſos perdidit una dies.

Sir John Forbes of that Ilk, the next of the Family, lived in the Time of King Robert II. and ſeems to be the Son of the former Alexander, who acquired from Thomas Earl of Mar, ſeveral Lands in Aberdeen ſhire, which the aforeſaid King, in the 3d of his Reign, ratified by his Charter under the great Seal. Likeas, he obtained from Alexander Biſhop of Murray, pro fideli & utili ſervitio ſuo & aſſiſtentia perſonali in noſtris agendis totam terram noſtram de Fyntr [...]ffie 19 of July 1378b. In the 5th of King Robert III. he was conſtituted his Majeſty's Juſtitiary within the bounds of Aberdeen and Coroner of the ſaid County. His Wife was Eliſabeth Kennedy, a Daughter of the Family of Dunure in the Weſt, by whom he had three Sons, viz.

Sir Alexander Forbes his Succeſſor.

Sir William Forbes Knight, Anceſtor to the Lord Pitſligo.

Sir John, who obtained the Thanedom of Formartin, by the Marriage of Marjory Daughter and Heir of Sir Henry Preſton of Formartin Knight, whereupon he added to his paternal Coat of Arms the three Unicorns Heads, which is ſtill born by his Deſcendents He was the Founder of the Family of Tolquhon, of whom branched the Forbeſses of Foveran, Watertoun, Colloden, &c. and their ſeveral Cadets.

Which Alexander obtained the Honour of Knighthood before the 1424. He had a Grant to himſelf and Eliſabeth Douglaſs his Wife, and to their Heirs, from John Earl of Buchan, of the Lands of Mikle Fintry, Blacktoun, and Balcroſs, by his Charter 10th December 1423c. He departed this Life in, or near to the Year 1444, leaving Iſſue by the ſaid Eliſabeth his Wife, James his Succeſſor, and a Daughter Annabella, married to Sir Patrick Gray of Fowlis, Anceſtor to the Lord Gray d.

This James was Knighted by King James III. and was the firſt of his Family who in that Reign came to be called Lord Forbes He married Egidia Daughter of William Earl Marſhal e, by whom he had William, and Patrick, firſt of the Branch of Corſe, (which produced the Earl of Granards Family in Ireland, and Forbes of Craigievar in Aberdeen ſhire, Baronet) and a Daughter married to Malcolm Forbes of Tolquhon e.

Which William made a conſiderable Figure in the Reign of King James III. He married Chriſtian, Daughter of Alexander Earl of Huntly f, by whom he had four Sons, Alexander, Arthur, and John, all three ſucceſſively Lords, 4th. Duncan Author [147] of the Branch of Cor [...]indae, of whom iſſued the Forbeſſes of Monymusk, Kilmuck, Leſly, &c.

Which Alexander adhered to King James III. and upon his Death in 1488, he roſe in Arms in order to bring them to condign Puniſhment, who had imbrew'd their Hands in the Blood of the Kinga, but afterward ſubmitting to King James IV. he departed this Life not long after, leaving no Iſſue by Margaret his Wife, Daughter to Thomas Boyd Earl of Aran, ſo that his Eſtate and Honour ſell to Arthur his Brother, who likewiſe dying without Iſſue, his Brother John became his Heir, His Lordſhip married,

Catherine, Daughter of John Earl of Athole, by whom he had a Daughter Eliſabeth, married to Grant of that Ilkb.

His ſecond Wife was Chriſtian Daughter of Sir John Lundy of that Ilkc, by whom he had two Sons,

John Maſter of Forbes, who died in Edinburgh, 17th July 1537d.

William, who ſucceeded in the Honour: And three Daughters,

1. Margaret, married to Andrew Fraſer of Muchill, in Vicecomitatu de Aberdeen, Anceſtor to the Lord Fraſer e.

2. Eliſabeth, to Gilbert Keith of Troup. 2dly. To Alexander Innes of that Ilkf.

3. Marjory, to Gilbert Forbes of Brux g.

He married 3dly. Eliſabeth Barlow Widow of Alexander Lord Elphinſton, by whom he had a Son Arthur Forbes of Putuchie h, in Aberdeen ſhire, and a Daughter Janet, married firſt to John Earl of Athole. 2dly to Alexander Hay of Dalgety, and again to William Leſly of Balquhain, and had Iſſuei. He departed this Life Anno Dem. 1547, and was ſucceded by

William his Son, who was conſtituted one of the Gentlemen of the Bed-Chamber to King James V.k Anno 1539, and always enjoyed his Favour. He married Eliſabeth Daughter and Co-heir (with her Siſter Margaret, Counteſs Marſhal) of Sir William Keith of Inneruggie l, by whom he had,

1. John his Succeſſor.

2. William Forbes of Foderhouſe m, in Vicecomitatu de Aberdeen.

3. James Forbes of Lethinty.

4. Robert Prior of Monymusk, in Aberdeen-ſhire, formerly a Cell to the Priory of St. Andrews.

5. Arthur Forbes of Logie.

6. Abraham Forbes of Blacktoun.

1ſt. Daughter Jean, married to James Lord Ogilvy.

2. Eliſabeth to the Lord Sinclair.

3. Chriſtian, to George Johnſton of Caskieben, and had Iſſue.

4. Iſabel, to John Gordon of Pitlurg, and had Iſſue.

5. . . . . . to Barclay of Gairtly in Vicecomitatu de Aberdeen.

6. Margaret, to George Sinclair of May n, Son to George Earl of Caitneſs.

7. Barbara, to Alexander Allardice of that Ilk.

8. Anne, to Sir John Seton of Barus, Son of George Lord Seton, and had Iſſue. He dying Anno 1593, was ſucceeded by,

John Lord Forbes his Son, who married firſt Margaret, Daughter of Alexander Earl of Huntly, by whom he had a Son John, who entred into a religious Order abroad, and died without Succeſſion. 2dly. Janet, Daughter of James Seton of Touch, by whom he had,

Arthur his Succeſſor in his Eſtate and Honour, who married Jean Daughter of Alexander Lord Elphinſton, by whom he had a Son William, [148] and a Daughter Barbara, married to George Earl of Seaforth, and had Iſſue.

Which Alexander affecting a Military Life, went over to Germany, and entred into the Service of the renowned Guſtavus Adolphus King of Sweden, againſt the Imperialiſts, where he attained to the Degree of a Lieutenant General, and acquired the Reputation of an excellent Officer. Upon the breaking out of the Civil War in Britain, he returned to his Native Country, and had a conſiderable Command in the Army that was ſent from Scotland to Ireland, Anno 1643, to ſuppreſs the Iriſh Rebellion. Afterward retiring from the violence of theſe Times, he returned to Germany, where he ſpent the Remainder of his Days.

His firſt Wife was Anne, Daughter of Sir John Forbes of Pitſligo, by whom he had William his Succeſſor. His ſecond Marriage was with Mary Daughter of . . . . . . . . Forbes of Rireſs by whom he had Colonel James Forbes, Mary, married to . . . . . Roſe of Kilravock, and . . . . to . . . . Forbes of Balflug.

Which William married Jean Daughter of John Campbel of Calder, by whom he had William his Son and Heir, Arthur Forbes of Breda, Archibald Forbes of Putachie, and two Daughters.

1. Mary, married to James Lord Duffu [...], ſans Iſſue. 2dly. To Sir Robert Gordon of Gordonſtoun, and had Iſſue.

2. . . . . . . to John Leith of White haugh, in Vicecomitatu de Aberdeen, and had Iſſue.

He departing this Life Anno 1691, was ſucceeded by William his Son. This Lord was one of the firſt of the S [...]ts Nobility who declared for King William, for which, upon his Acceſſion to the Crown, he was named a Privy Counſellour, 1ſt of May 1689, and conſtituted Captain of a Troop of Horſe, then a Lieutenant Colonel of Dragoons and not long after made Colonel of a Regiment of Dragoons and ſince the Acceſſion of her Majeſty to the Throne, he was Lieutenant Colonel to the Horſe-Guards commanded by his Grace John Duke of Argyle. His Lordſhip married Anne Daughter of James Brody of that Ilk, in Vicecomitatu de Elgin, by whom he has,

William Maſter of Forbes.

James Forbes Eſq who married Mary Daughter to Alexander Lord Pitſligo, Alſo a Daughter Mary.


Azure, three Bears Heads. Coupé, Argent, muzl'd, Gules, ſupported by two Boars Proper, Creſt, a Stag's Head eraz'd, Argent, Motto, Grace me guide.

FORRESTER, Lord Forreſter.

THIS Sirname has been aſſumed from an Office, as Stewart, Durward, Conſtable, and others were, which their bearing, viz. three hunting Horns, ſeems to confirm. The principal Family appears to be this of Forreſter, whoſe Anceſtor Sir Adam Forreſter, Citizen of Edinburgh in the 6th of Robert II. acquired the Barony of Corſtorphin, from Sir VVilliam More of Abercorn a, whence his Succeſſors took their Deſignation. Upon the Acceſſion of King Robert III. to the Throne, Anno 1390, he was conſtituted Lord Privy-Seal [149] a. In the 2d of the ſaid King, he was commiſſioned to treat with certain Engliſh Commiſſioners for maintaining the Peace betwixt the two Realmsb. Likeas in 1405, he was a ſecond time one of the Commiſſioners authorized to treat with the Engliſh, about compoſing of certain Differences betwixt the two Kingdomsc. By Margaret his Wife he had Iſſue,

Sir John his Son and Heir, who being a Man of good Parts, was Anno 1421 named Lord Privy Seal to Murdach Duke of Albany Governour of Scotland d, and in 1423 he was with VVilliam Biſhop of Glaſgow, George Earl of March, John Montgomery of Ardroſsan, Patrick Dunbar of Beill, and VVilliam Borthwick of that Ilk, ſent Commiſſioners to England to Treat with that State, about the Redemption of King James I.e. Upon that King's Return home, Anno 1424, he was conſtituted Maſter of the Houſholdf, and Lord high Chamberlain of Scotland g. After which, in 1428 he was named a Commiſſioner with divers others, to treat with the Engliſh about a Peace. Thus much for his Civil Actions. His Works of Piety were theſe, The founding a Chaplaniry at the Altar of St. Ninian, within the Church of St. Giles of Eidnburgh, Pro ſalubri ſtatu ſereniſſimi Principis Jacobi I. & Joannae ſponſae ſ [...]ae; & pro ſalute animae quondam Adae Forreſter de Corſtorphin, Militis, Patris mei & Margaretae matris meae to which he mortified ſex libras tredecem ſolidos & quatuor denarios de tenemento ſuo in dicto Burgo h. Likeas, he doted a ſufficient Subſiſtence for three Chaplainries in the Chapel of St. John the Baptiſt, contiguous to the Paroch Church of Corſtorphin, founded by Sir Adam Forreſter his Fatheri which in the 1429, he erected into a Collegiate Church, and procured the Annexation of ſeveral Lands and Tithes thereunto. He married Jean, Siſter to Henry Sinclair Earl of Orkney k; and departing this Life about the 1440, was inter'd in the Church of Corſtorphin, under an Arch, with the Portraiture of himſelf and his Wife, as big as the Life in free Stone, without any monumental Inſcription but a Coat of Arms, he had Iſſue,

1. Sir John his Succeſſor.

2. Henry Forreſter of Oxgang.

3. Jean, married to Sir Robert Maxwel of Carlaverock l, Anceſtor to the Earl of Nithſdale.

4. Eliſabeth, to Sir Alexander Lauder Knightm.

Which Sir John obtained a Grant from King James I. of the Lands of Blackburn in Linlithgow ſhire, upon the Reſignation of Sir Robert Cuningham of Kilmaures, Anno 1424, wherein he's deſigned filio & heredi apparenti Joannis Forreſter de Corſtorphin Militis Camerarii Scotiae. He was ſucceeded by

Archibald Forreſter of Corſtorphin, who by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of . . . . . . . Hepburn of . . . . . . hadn Alexander his Son and Heir, in whoſe Favours he reſigned his Eſtate Anno 1482, reſerving a Liferent to himſelf. He had to Wife Margaret, Daughter of Sir Duncan Forreſter of Gairden, Maſter of the Houſhold, in the Reign of King James IV.o, by whom he had Alexander Forreſter of Corſtorphin, his Son and Heir, who married Janet Daughter to . . . . Lauder of Hatton p, by whom he had Sir James his Son, who ſucceeded him; [150] but he dying without Male Iſſue, Anno 1587a, his Eſtate fell to Henry his Brother, who marrying Helen Daughter of . . . . Preſton of Craigmillar, in Vicecomitatu de Edinburgh b, by her he had,

George his Son and Heir, who was firſt created Baronet by King Charles I. 27th November 1625, and thereafter Lord Forreſter, 22 July 1633c. He married Chriſtian, Daughter of Sir William Livingſton of Kilſyth, by whom he had ſeveral Daughters, viz. Helen married to VVilliam Lord Roſs, Margaret to John Shaw of Sornbeg, . . . . . . . to Hamilton of Grange, Jean, to James Baillie of Torwood-head, Son of Lieutenant-General VVilliam Baillie, in whoſe Favours my Lord Forreſter reſigned the Honour, and to the Heirs of their Body, which failing to his other Heirs therein ſpecified, which was ratified by King Charles II. Anno 1651, but he having no Iſſue by her, the Honour by vertue of the ſaid Entail, came to VVilliam Baillie, alias Forreſter of Torwoodhead, his Brother, who married alſo Lilias the youngeſt Daughter of George Lord Forreſter, by whom he had VVilliam Lord Forreſter, who departed this Life, Anno 1705, leaving Iſſue by . . . . . . his Wife, Daughter of Sir Andrew Birnie of Saline, one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice, George the preſent Lord Forreſter.

ASHTOUN, Lord Aſhtoun of Forfar.

KING Charles I. was pleaſed to raiſe Sir VValter Aſhoun an Engliſh Gentleman Knight of the Bath, and Baronet, to the Honour of Lord Forfar in this Realm, by Letters Patent bearing date 8th November 1628d whoſe Succeſſor Walter Lord Aſhtoun enjoys the Honour.

DOUGLAS, Earl of Forfar.

WHEN King Charles II. was in Scotland, Anno 1651, his Majeſty thought fit upon the 3d of April that Year, to grant a Patent to Archbald Lord Angus to be Earl of Ormond, Lord Bothwel and Hartſide, and to limit the Honour to his Heirs Male by Lady Jean Weems his Spouſe, and upon the Reſtauration, his ſaid Majeſty by a new Patent, bearing Date the 2d of October 1661, created Archbald Douglaſs, the Son of the ſaid Marriage, Earl of Forfar, Lord Wandale and Hartſide, e.

Upon the Advancement of King William to the Throne, Anno 1689, he was named a Privy Councellour and one of the Commiſſioners for executing the Office of Lord Privy-Seal, in which he continued ſeveral Years. In the firſt of Queen Anne, he was again made one of her Majeſtys Privy Council, and one of the Commiſſioners of the Theſaury, in which Station he continued till the Diſſolution of that Court, as one of the Conſequences of the Union of the two Kingdoms, and departing this Life the 12th of December 1712, left Iſſue by Rabina his Wife, Daughter of Sir William Lockhart of Lee, Ambaſſador-extraordinary from King Charles II. to the Court of France, Archbald [151] the preſent Earl his only Son, a Lieutenant Colonel of Dragoons in her Majeſty's Army.


Quarterly 1ſt and 4th, Argent, a Man's Heart crown'd, Proper, on a chief, Azure, three Stars of the 1ſt. 2d. and 3d. four Coats quarterly, 1ſt. Mackdoual. 2d. Abernethy. 3d. Wiſhart. 4th. Stewart, as born by the Duke of Douglaſs, ſupported by a Savage, on the Dexter with a Chain about his Neck pendent to it a crown'd Heart proper; on the Siniſter, a Buck colour'd with three Molets. Creſt, a Phenix in a Flame, Motto, Extinctus orior, and on the Compartment, Jamais Arrier.

Patrick Ruthven, Earl of Forth,

THIS Gentleman was the Son of William Ruthven of Banden, in the County of Perth, whoſe Deſcent was from the Ancient Barons Ruthven, Men famous many Ages ſince in Scotland, by William a younger Son of William 1ſt. Lord Ruthven a, and Chriſtian his ſecond Wife Daughter to Sir John Forbes of Pitſligo b

Which Patrick, the firſt and only Earl of Forth, in his Youth much affecting Military Exerciſes, went over to Sweden, where he ſerved in the German Wars under that great Prince and famous Souldier Guſtavus Adol phus, then King of Sweden, in which valiant Adventures he deported himſelf with ſuch Eminent Courage, that he arrived to the Degree of a Lieutenant General, and gain'd ſo much Honour, that upon his Return, King Charles I. was pleaſed to raiſe him to the Dignity of a Lord of this Realm, by the Title of Lord Ruthven of Ettrick, Anno 1639, and the ſame Yearc made him Governour of Edinburgh-Caſtle, which he kept for the King's Service, and poſitively refuſed to deliver it to the Parliament without his Majeſty's ſpecial Order, for which Contumacy (as it was then termed) his Eſtate was forfaultedd Anno 1640. Upon the commencing of the Civil War in England, in 1642, he freely reſorted to the Service of his injur'd Sovereign, who appointed him General of his Army; and by Letters Patent, bearing Date the 27th of March 1642e, created him Earl of Forth. In the Battles of Edgehill, Brentford, and Newbery, performing the part of a moſt Prudent, and experienced General, he was further in Conſideration of his eminent Services, in the 1645, created Earl of Brentford in the Kingdom of England. He died very aged, Anno 1651f, leaving one Daughter Jean his ſole Heir, married to James Lord Forreſter; ſo that this Honour became extinct, and was ſince one of the ſubſequent Titles of John Earl of Melfore.

Argent, three Bars, Gules.

FRASER, Lord Fraſer.

ANdrew Fraſer of Muchill, in Vicecomitatu de Aberdeen, Son and Heir of Andrew Fraſer of Muchill, by [152] Eliſabeth his Wife, Daughter of Robert Douglaſs Earl of Buchan, was the firſt honoured with this Title by King Charles I. 19th June 1633a. His Wife was Anne Daughter of James Lord Balmerin [...], and dying 10th November 1636b,

Andrew his Son ſucceeded into his Eſtate and Honour: He married Anne Daughter of . . . . . Hadden of Gleneagles c, by whom he had,

Andrew is Succeſſor, who departing this Life 24 May 1674d, left Iſſue by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of Hugh Lord L [...]vat, a Son

Charles Lord Fraſer, who married Mary Daughter of James Earl of Buchan, but had no Iſſue.


Argent, three Frazes, Argent.

CARY, Viſcount of Falkland.

SIR Henry Cary Knight, Son and Heir of Sir Edward Cary of Aldenham, an Engliſh-man, Comptroller of the Houſhold, and one of the Gentlemen of the Bed-Chamber to King James VI. was by his Majeſty's ſpecial Favour created a Peer of Scotland, by the Title of Viſcount Falkland, 10th November 1620e. Afterward, he was conſtituted Lieutenant of Ireland; in which Government he behaved himſelf with much Prudence, and dying Anno 1633f, by Eliſabeth his Wife, Daughter of Sir Laurence Taunfield Lord chief Baron of the Exchequer, he had a Son Lucius and a Daughter, Ann married to James Earl of Hume.

Which Lucius Lord Viſcount Falkland, was a Perſon ſingularly well accompliſhed with Learning, and other excellent Parts: He was choſen Member to the Parliament, Anno 1641g for the Burgh of Newport, in the County of Southampton, where he merited ſo well of the King, that he was worthily advanced to be one of the Principal Secretary's of State, upon the removal of Sir Henry Vane, which Office he executed with great Applauſe. Shortly after which, out of his great Zeal to his Majeſty's Service, venturing himſelf in the Battle of Newberry, 20th September 1643, he there loſt his Life in his 34 Year. His intimate Friend, no leſs a Man than the Earl of Clarendon, in his Hiſtory of the Rebellion, characterizes him thus, That he was a Perſon of ſuch prodigious Parts, of Learning and Knowledge, of that inimitable Sweetneſs and Delight in Converſation, of ſo flowing and obliging a Humanity and Goodneſs to Mankind, and of that primitive Simplicity and Integrity of Life, that if there were no other brand upon this odious and accurſed Civil War, than that one ſingle loſs, it muſt be moſt infamous to all Poſterity.

He was married with Letice Daughter of Richard Moriſon of Tolay-Park, in the County of Leiceſter Eſq h, by whom he had Henry his Son and Heir, a Perſon of the higheſt Accompliſhments, excellently vers'd in Learning and good Letters; and not only a great incourager of Poetry, but a principal Ornament of it himſelfi. He wrote a Play called, The Marriage Night, very well eſteem'd. His Lordſhip was elected to ſerve in [153] the Houſe of Commons upon the Reſtauration, and was conſtituted Lord Leiutenant of Oxford-ſhire, he was out off in the prime of his Years, Anno 1664a, as much miſſed (ſays one) when Dead, as lov'd when Living.

Anthony Viſcount of Falkland his Sonb, was ſworn of the Privy Council 17th of March 1691, ſerving then a Burgeſs in Parliament; and 3d of March 1692, appointed one of the Lords Commiſſioners for executing the Office of Lord high Admiral of England c, he made his Exit out of this to another World, in 1694, and was ſucceeded in his Eſtate and Honour by

Edward the preſent Lord Viſcount of Falkland.


Argent, on a bend Sable, three Cinque Foils of the firſt, the paternal Coat of Cary, ſupported on the Dexter with a Lyon rampant, Gules, colour'd Or, on the Siniſter by a Unicorn, Argent, Motto, In utroque fidelis.

MACKDUFF, Thane, afterward Earl of Fyfe.

A Thane in Ancient Times, is thought by the learned Spelman and Selden, to have been the King's principal Miniſter in a Province, no doubt inveſted with a Power of Adminiſtration of Juſtice, to which certain honourary Priviledges were annexed. 'Tis thought it was not at the firſt Inſtitution, properly a Title of Dignity, but of Service. They were of two kinds, either ſuch as ſerved the King in greater Places of Eminency, who were called Thani Majores, or Thani Regis, as the Thanes of Fife, Caithneſs, Argyle, and Murray were, theſe that ſerved under them were termed Thani Minores: But when the Title of Comes and Dux became Hereditary (ſo the Learned are of Opinion) the Title and Privileges of Thani Majores did deſcend with the Lands from Fathers to their Children, tho the leſſer did not, yet they ſtill retained the old Name of Thanes and Thanedoms, as the Baronies of Boyn in Ba [...]ff ſhire and Calder in Murray, &c. are called to this Time: And perhaps the Difference betwixt the two conſiſted in this, That the greater Thanes derived their Power and Authority immediately from the King, and held them of the Crown in capite, for Knights Service, which by a certain Conſtitution made them Hereditary, and were of the ſame kind with them that afterward came to be Parliamentary Barons. The leſſer Thanes, had only Commiſſions from them, and were held in the ordinary way for Services done, and to be done. All our Hiſtories do agree, that Mackduff, formerly Thane, was created Earl of Fyfe, by King Malcolme Canmore, Anno 1057d, and that in Conſideration of his extraordinary Services to that Prince, in aſſiſting him to revenge his Father's Death upon Mackbeth, and to recover his Crown, for which he gave him and his Heirs theſe great and noble Privileges,

I. That his Poſterity ſhould have the Honour to place the ſucceeding Kings in the Chair of State, at their Coronations.

II. That they ſhould lead the Van of the Royal Armies.

[154] III. That, if any within the 9th. Degree in Relation to his Family, ſhould be guilty of the unpremeditated Slaughter or caſual Homicide of a Gentleman, he ſhould pay twenty four Merks of Silver, and but twelve if a Plebeian, for Expiation of the Crime; flying to a Sanctuary near Newburgh in Fyfe, on the Confines of Strathern: Which was much the ſame Privilege granted to Mackduff's Kindred, as the Cities of Refuge were to the Iſralites, Joſhua 20. At the Place of Girth, there was an high Croſs erected, containing an Inſcription of old Macaronick Verſes, a Mixture of Latin, Saxon, Daniſh, and old French Words, to this Purpoſe,

Maldraradum dragos, Mairia, laghſtita, Larges,
Spaland [...] ſpados, five nig fig knighthite gnares
Lothea lendiſcos laricingen lairia liſc [...]
Et Colovurtes ſic fit tibi burſia burtus
Exitus, & bladadrum five lim five lam five labrum
Propter Magridin & hoc oblatum
Accipe ſ [...]eleridem ſuper limthide lamthida labrum.

This laſt Privilege was obſerved as long as the Family exiſted, and was claimed and enjoyed by ſeverals within the Degree of Conſanguinity to the Earls of Fife afterward. The learned Skeen, in his Verborum Significatione, remarks, that Spence of W [...]rmiſtoun enjoyed this Benefit for the Slaughter of one Kinninmonth: Sir George Mackenzie mentions another, whereby Sir Hugh Abernethy was aſſoilzied for the Slaughter of John Melvil of Glenbervy: and I have ſeen an Inſtrument in the Year of God 1397, wherein Sir Alexander Murray of Abercarny did plead the Privileges of Clan Mackduff, for the Slaughter of one John Spalding, as ſtanding in the ninth degree of Kin to the Earl of Fyfe.

To Mackduff Earl of Fyfe, ſucceeded Duffgan Comes, his Son, who is one of the Comites aſſenting to the Charter of Alexander I. to the Trinity-Church at Scoon a, He left a Son Conſtantine b Earl of Fyfe, who is one of the many Witneſſes to King David's Charter to the Monaſtery of Dunfermling, Anno Dom. 1126. The next Earl to Conſtantine, was Gillemichel, who is Witneſs in the Foundation Charter of the Abby of Holyrood-houſe, and dying 1139c, he was ſucceeded by Earl Duncan his Son, who is a frequent Witneſs in Charters by King David to religious Perſons and Places; and dying 1154d, Duncan his Son was his Succeſſor: He was Juſticiary of Scotland in the time of King William, and a conſtant Witneſs in Donations by him to the Church, to which he alſo himſelf was a liberal Benefactor: For beſides, his erecting the Nunnery of North-berwick; He gave many Donations to Churchmen, which was then believed to be the moſt compendious way to ſave the Soul. He gave way to Fate in 1203e leaving Malcolm his Son to inherit his Eſtate and Honour, who in the 1217 founded, and richly indowed the Abbacy of Culroſs in Perth-ſhire, in Honour of St. Servan the Confeſſorf; and departing this Life Anno Chriſti 1230g, his Eſtate devolved to Malcolm his Nephewh, who was Father of Colban Earl of Fyfe who died in 1270i leaving Duncan his Son to ſucceed him. This Earl of Fyfe was elected on of the ſix Guardians of Scotland, upon the deceaſe of Alexander III. in the 1286, and died before the Acceſſion of John Baliol to the Crown. Duncan Earl of Fyfe his Succeſſor, was ſlain in the Service of his Country at the Battle of Falkirk, Anno 1298k; and to him ſucceeded Duncan his Son, who was killed at the Battle of Durham, Anno 1346; the Honour and Privileges of the Family devolving to Iſabel his Daughter, who brought the Honour firſt to Sir William Ramſay Knight, her Husband, and afterwards to Sir Thomas Biſſet, [155] but ſhe having no Iſſue of her Body, reſigned the Honour to Robert Earl of Montieth, her Brother-in-law, afterward Duke of Albany. And ſo this noble Family was extinguiſhed.


Or, a Lyon Rampant, Gules.

Lord of Galloway.

THE firſt intituled Lord from this Country, was Fergus de Galweya, who flouriſhed under King Malcolm III. He founded the Monaſtery of Saul-ſeat, and the Priory of Whitern a for Monks of the Order of Premontre, and was a Benefactor to the Abby of Holy-rood-houſe, by his Gift of the Village of Dundrenan b, in pure and perpetual Alms: After which he took upon him the Habit of a Monk in that Monaſtery, Anno 1160. He left two Sons, Uchtred Lord of Galloway, and Gilbert, who fraudulently ſeized upon his elder Brother, made him his Priſoner, ema ſculated him, pulled out his Eyes, and then put him to Death: But upon the Death of this Gilbert, Anno Chriſti 1185c. Rolland Son of Uchtred his Brother, recovered the Lordſhip of Galloway, and encreaſed the Wealth and Honour of his Family by the Marriage of Eliſabeth Daughter, and at length ſole Heir to Richard Morvil d Conſtable of Scotland, whereby that Dignity was transferred to his Race. By Eliſabeth his Wife He had two Sons and a Daughter, viz.

Alan Lord of Galloway.

Thomas de Galloway Earl of Athole.

Ada, Wife of Sir Walter Biſset e.

Which Alan was a great Benefactor to the Church; for beſides that he founded the Abbacy of T [...]ngland f, He ratified to the Monks of Melroſs g, Annuum redditum quem habere ſolebant de Galweya temporibus Predeceſſoris mei, pro animabus Rollandi patris mei, & Uchtredi avi mei. This Man married Margaret eldeſt Daughter of David Earl of Huntington, Brother to King William the Lyon, by whom he had three Daughters his Co-heirs.

1. Helen, married to Roger de Quincy Earl of Wincheſter in England, but had no Succeſſion.

2. Chriſtian, to William de Fortibus Earl of Albemarle ſans Iſſue.

3. Dornagilla to John Baliol Knight, who convoyed the Right to the Crown of Scotland to her Son.

This Alan dying Anno Dom. 1233h, was interr'd in the Abby Church of Dundrenan i before the high Altar, and had this Monkiſh Epitaph,

M. ſemel & bis C ſi jungas X ter & I ter,
Hoc anno ſubiit mortis Alanus iter.
Gloria Scotorum, roſa Cleri, flos laicorum,
Dandi larga manus, jacet hic venerandus Alanus.
Tot bona qui deder at vix fuit, eſt vel erit.
O tu qui legere vel qui cupis iſta videre,
Diſce bona facere, ſic mortuus non moriere.
Qui legis haec metra, quae continet haec mea petra,
Ores ut petra Chriſtus me ponat in aethra.

Alan thus dying without Male Iſſue, the Lordſhip of Galloway fell to the ſhare of Dornagilla his ſecond Daughter, Wife of John de Baliol, Signeur de Caſtubernard. He founded Baliol College in the Univerſity of Oxford k, and with Conſent of Dernogilla his Wife, releaſed to the Biſhop of Glaſgow all Right he had to the Church of Edilſtoun, which had been long in diſpute between his Anceſtors and the Chapter of that Seel, departing this Life Anno 1269m, was interr'd at New-Abbay in Galloway, founded by his Wife in Honour [156] of the Place of his Sepulture, of which Mr. Winton informs us thus,

When Baliol that was her Lord
Spouſit, as ye hard record,
H [...]s Sau [...] ſend till his Creatoure
Or he w [...]s laid in Sepulture
She gart opyne his Body tyte,
And gart take his Hart out quite,
With Spicery right well ſavorand,
And of kind well fleworand,
That ilk Heart, as men ſaid,
She balm [...] and gart be laid
In a Coffore of Ebore
That ſhe gart be maid thairfore,
Enamylit and perfectly dight
Locket and bunden with Silver bright,
She foundit intil Galoway
Of Ciſtertians order an Abby,
Dulce Cor ſhe gart thame all
That is Sweet Heart that Abby call,
But now the Men of Galloway
Call that Steid New-Abby.

He left Iſſue by the ſaid Dornagilla his Wife, John his Son and Heir, and a Daughter married to John Cummin Lord of Badenoch.

Which John, upon the deceaſe of Margaret Queen of Scotland, Anno 1290, competed with Robert Bruce for the Crown of this Realm.

However, both of them at length unanimouſly reſolved to refer the Matter to the Arbitration of Edward King of England, who determined in Favours of this John Baliol, who accordingly was placed on the Throne 29th of November 1292a, by the Name of John I. the Lordſhip of Galloway and the Conſtabulary of Scotland being thereby involved in the regal Dignity; and ſo continued [...]ll Robert I. meritonouſly beſtowed the Lordſhip of Galloway upon Sir Edward Bruce his own Brother, afterward Earl of Carrick and King of Ireland, Anno 1313b, by whoſe Death it again returned to the Crown, and ſo continued till that victorious Monarch erected it to Sir Archibald Douglaſs, Knight, who being an active Perſon, ſerved King David Bruce with great Fidelity againſt the Baliol, whom he totally routed at Annand, Anno 1332, after which he was choſen Governour of Scotland; and fighting gallantly in the Battle of Halydonhill, was there ſlain in the Defence of his Country, 22 July 1333, leaving Iſſue by . . . . . . . his Wife Daughter of John Cumin Lord Badenoch, William Lord of Galloway, afterward Earl of Douglaſs.

STEUART, Earl of Galloway.

THIS collateral Branch of the illuſtrious Family of Steuart, ſprang from Sir Walter Stewart Knightc, who had by the bounty of King Robert Bruce, a Grant of the Barony of Dalſwinton, in reward of his good and faithful Services to that glorious Monarchd, not long after his Acceſſion to the Crown. Likeas he had a Charter from his Nephewe John Randolph Earl of Murray, of the Lands and Barony of Garlies, then in Drumfries-ſhire, but now in the Stewartry of Kircudbrught, without Date, a Thing uſual enough in theſe Days. The next of the Family was,

[157] John Stewart of Dalſwinton, who ſeems to have been a very conſiderable Perſon, both on the account of his Birth, and the many Lands he held in diverſe Counties, ſince we find by the Tranſactions with the Engliſh in the Foedera publiſhed by Mr. Rymer, that this John was given one of the Hoſtages for the Ranſom of King David Bruce in the 1357. After him (and apparently his Son) was,

Sir Walter Stewart Lord of Dalſwinton, who lived in the Time of Robert II. & III. He having no Male Iſſue of his Body, in the 1396 married his only Daughtera to John Stewart Eſq Son and Heir of Sir William Stewart Sheriff of Teviotdale b. They with Conſent and Aſſent of each other, in the 1418c, give to Sir John Stewart Lord Grytoun, the Barony of Callie, in comitatu Gallovidioe, which is all I have found memorable concerning him, ſave that he left a Son,

Sir William Stewart of Dalſwinton, who made a conſiderable Figure in the Reign of King James II. by whom he was made a Knight, ſometime before the 1453d. He had Iſſue three Sons, Alexander his Succeſſor, Sir Thomas Stewart of Minto Knight, Anceſtor to the preſent Lord Blantyre e, Walter, of whom camef the Stewarts of Tongrie.

Which Alexander Stewart of Garlies obtain'd a Grant of the Barony of Dalſwinton, upon the Reſignation of Sir William his Father, 13 January 1453g, and in the 1465, he reſigns ſundry Lands in Teviotdale in favours of Alexander Scot of Howpaſlet. By Eliſabeth Stewart his Wife, he had Iſſue John his eldeſt Son, who dyed without Succeſſionh, and

Sir Alexander his Succeſſor, who departing this Life Anno 1490i left Iſſue Alexander a Son, and Agnes a Daughter, who was married to John Lord Maxwel k, and had Iſſue.

Which Alexander was Knighted in the Time of King James IV. being then a powerful Baron. He was ſlain at the Battle of Flowdon 9th September 1513, leaving Iſſue a Son Alexander to ſucceed him, by Chriſtian his Wife, Daughter of Sir Archbald Douglaſs of Cavers, Sheriff of Teviotdale l.

This Sir Alexander Steuart of Garlies was much favoured by King James V. of whoſe Privy-Council he was. He married firſt Catherine Daughter of Sir James Crichton of Cranſton-riddel m. 2dly Margaret Daughter of Patrick Dunbar of Clugſton, by whom he had two Sons, Alexander, and John Stewart Parſon of Kirkmahoe n, Progenitor of John Stewart of Phiſgill, in Vicecomitatu de Wigtoun. His third Wife was Catherine Daughter to William Stewart of Barcly, by whom he had William, firſt of the Houſe of Clarie, and Robert, who in the Year 1561 purchaſed the Lands of Cardonald in Renfrew ſhire by the Marriage of Mary Daughter and Co Heir of James Stewart of Cordonald o, and Helen married to William Gordon of Murefade, in Vicecomitatu de Wigton.

Alexander Stewart younger of Garlies, was in the Intereſt of King James VI. in the ſaid King's Minority, and was ſlain at the ſurpriſe of the Town of Stirling by the Earl of Huntly and the Laird of Buclugh, 3d September 1571p, leaving Iſſue by Catherine [158] his Wife, Daughter and Co-heir of Andrew Lord Herris of Terregles.

Alexander, who ſucceeded his Grandfather, and obtained the Honour of Knighthood, at the Coronation of Queen Anne, Wife of James VI. Anno 1590a. He married Chriſtian, Daughter of Sir William Douglas of Drumlanrig, Anceſtor to the Duke of Queensberry b. By her he had Alexander, the firſt Earl, and William Steuart of Mains, Anceſtor to Sir Jame Stewart of Burrow Baronet; likewiſe two Daughters. 1ſt. Helen, married to John Douglas of Stanhouſe. 2d. Jean, to James Kennedy of Colzean. He departing this Life in October 1596c, his Eſtate deſcended to

Alexander his Son, who was firſt knighted by King James VI. then by his Majeſty's ſpecial Favour raiſed to the Dignity of Lord Garlies, by Letters Patent 2d of September 1607d, his Deſcent from the illuſtrous Family of Lennox, being one of the principal Reaſons for beſtowing the Honour. Further, his ſaid Majeſty was pleaſed to create him Earl of Galloway, 9th of September 1523e. He married Griſel Daughter of Sir John Gordon of Lochenvar, in Vicecomitatu de Wigtoun: By whom he had, 1ſt. Alexander Lord Garlies, who married Margaret Daughter of William Earl of Monteith, by whom he had a Son Alexander, who died young. 2d. Sir James Steuart Baronet; likewiſe Anne, married to Andrew Agnew of Lochnaw. This Earl died very aged, Ann [...] 1649f, his Eſtate and Honour devolving on

Sir James his Son and Heir, who during the Uſurpation, was very active in the King's Cauſe, and on that accound ſuffered in the common Calamity with other Loyaliſts, ſurviving the Uſurpation eleven Years, he gave way to Fate in June 1671g' leaving Iſſue by Nicolas his Wife, Daughter of Sir Robert Grierſon of Lag, three Sons and a Daughter, viz. Alexander his Succeſſor, Robert Steuart of Reimſtoun, William Steuart of Caſtle-Steuart, Griſel married to Alexander Viſcount of Kenmure.

Which Alexander married Mary Daughter of James Earl of Queenſberry, by whom he had Alexander his Succeſſor, who died unmarried, Anno 1694. 2d. James, now Earl of Galloway. 3d. Colonel John Steuart of Sorbie. 4th. Andrew Steuart Eſq who died in the Expedition to Darien in the 1699. 5th. William Steuart Eſq 6th. Robert Steuart Eſq alſo two Daughters, 1ſt. Margaret, marrried to John Clark of Penniecook Junior, one of the Barons of Exchequer, and had Iſſue. 2d. Heurietta, to William Earl of Glen [...]airn.

Which James ſo ſucceeding into the Eſtate and Honour of Galloway, upon the Deceaſe of his Brother, was conſtituted one of the Lords of her Majeſty's Privy-Council. Soon after her Acceſſion to the Throne, his Lordſhip was appointed one of the Committee of Parliament, 18th of June 1702, for reviſing the Accompts of Money laid on by the former Seſſions of that Parliament. And in the great Affair of the Union of the two Kingdoms. I find his Lordſhip diſſenting from the Court in ſeveral very momentous Articles of the Treaty, as appears from the Minutes of the laſt Parliament. He married Catherine Daughter of Alexander Earl of Eglintoun, by whom he has Iſſue Alexander Lord Gairlies, &c.


A Feſs Checquie, Azure and Argent, [159] ſurmounted of a Bend Gules, within a double Treſure Flower'd and Counterflower'd of the laſt, ſupported on the Dexter with a Savage, and on the Siniſter by a Lyon Rampant Gules. Creſt, a Pelican feeding her Young, Proper. Motto, Vireſcit vulnere virtus.

CRAWFURD, Viſcount of Garnock.

THE Sirname of the Family of Kilbirny was firſt Barclay, deſcended of Sir Walter Barclay, who executed the Office of Lord high Chamberlain of Scotland, the 9th of King William the Lyon a Anno Dom. 1174b. From this noble Perſon the ſeveral Ancient Families of that Sirname in the Counties of Aberdeen, Fyfe, and Air, derive themſelves. The firſt Perſon of Note of this Branch, was Sir Hugh Barclay of Kilbirny Knight, who flouriſhed under King David II. in the 18th of whoſe Reign, he gave to his Vaſſal John Mackmoran, his Lands of Haymore, for Services done by him, and to be donec. This Sir Hugh was ſucceeded in his Inheritance by Hugh his Son, who obtain'd the Honour of Knighthood from Robert III. For I have found him deſigned Hugo Barclay de Kilbirny miles, Anno 1397d. He left behind him, but by whom I have not diſcovered, two Sons, David the eldeſt, and Archbald e firſt of the Branch of Ladyland, in Vicecomitatu de Air, which determin'd in Sir Hugh Barclay Knight, who died without Male Iſſue in 1596. Which David obtained a Grant of the whole Lordſhip of Kilbirny, and half of Ladyland from King James I. upon the Reſignation of his Father Sir Hugh, 26 of May 1431f. He was ſucceeded by John his Son, who dying without Male Succeſſion the 10th of King James III. 1470g, with him the Male Line of the Barclay's determined, after having flouriſhed in great Splendor for a conſiderable ſpace, the Barony of Kilbirny devolving to Marjory his Daughter and ſole Heir, married to Malcolm Crawfurd Eſquire.

Tho the Crawfurds have not poſſeſſed Kilbirny above 243 Years, yet were they a very ancient Family before. A Branch of the Houſe of Loudoun came firſt to poſſeſs the Barony of Eaſter-Greenock in Renfrew-ſhire, about the Time of Robert III. Malcolm Crawfurd Eſq then taking to Wife . . . . . . . . . Daughter and Co-heir of Malcolm Galbraith of Greenock, an ancient Family in thoſe Partsh, by whom he had Malcolm Crawfurd Eſq his Son and Heir, who came to be Kilbirny in Right of Marjory Barclay his Wife aforeſaid, whereupon he aſſumed the Coat of Barclay and impail'd it with his own: Here it may be remarked, that all the Eſtate the [160] Family ever had, or yet poſſeſſes, was acquired to them by Marriage; or Lands ſo obtained were exchanged for others lying more contiguous to the reſt of their Fortune, which gave occaſion to a Friend to apply to them the following Diſtich,

Aulam alii jactent, at tu Kilbirnie nube,
Nam qua Fors aliis, dat Venus alma tibi.

This Malcolm Crawfurd of Kilbirny, by Marjory Barclay his Wife, had Iſſue

Malcolm Crawfurd of Kilbirny.

James Crawfurd firſt of the Line of Monock, in Vicecomitatu de Air.



Iſobel, married to Sir Adam Cuningham of Capringtoun Knighta, in Vicecomitatu de Air, Mother by him of Sir John Cunningham, and of Margaret Wife of Andrew Lord Ochiltree,

Malcom Crawfurd, Son and Heir of Marjory Barclay of Kilbirny, had a Charter of the Barony of Kilbirny and othersb, upon the Reſignation of his Mother, 24th of April 1499, which Malcolm married Marion Crichton c Daughter to Robert Lord Sanquhar, Anceſtor to the preſent Counteſs of Dramfries, by whom he had two Sons, Robert his Succeſſor, and John Crawfurd Eſq

Which Robert had a Charter of the whole Lordſhip of Kilbirny, following on his Father's Reſignation, he reſerving a Competency to himſelf, 8th of May 1499d, which was ratified by King James IV. by a Charter under the Great-Seal; his Death happening not long after, viz. in the 1500e. This Robert Crawfurd of Kilbirny in Anno 1505, had a Diſpenſation from James Beaton Abbot of Dunfermling, the Pope's Delegate, for marrying Margaret Semple f, notwithſtanding of their Conſanguinity within the Degrees prohibited by the Canon Law. He dying about 1513, left Iſſue by the ſaid Margaret his Wife, Daughter of Sir Thomas Semple of Eliotſtoun,

Lawrence his Son and Heir, a Perſon of eminent Note in thoſe Days, both for the conſiderable Lands he held in diverſe Counties, and the many Services to his Country; in Conſideration whereof, he had ſeveral beneficial Grants from the Crown, in Reward of his good and laudable Services, but living in a Reign of no great Action, there is not any thing to be ſeen further memorable of him, but that he exchanged the Barony of Crawfurd-John, the ancient Inheritance of his Anceſtors, with Sir James Hamilton of Finart, for the Lands of Drumray, in the County of Dunbarton, by a ſolemn Agreement, bearing date 29th of January 1528g, and founded a Chaplainry in the little Church of Drumray, of his own Patronage, for certain Prieſts, to celebrate Divine Service for the Soul's Health of his late Sovereign Lord King James V. the good State of himſelf, and Helen Campbel his Wife, during their Lives here; likewiſe for the Well-fare of their Souls after their Departure out of this World, their Children, Succeſſors, and all the faithful deceaſed, to which he appends his Sealh. Living to the Age of about 41, he departed this Life the 4th of June 1547, happily taken away from ſeeing the ſad Calamity of his Country by abloody War that ſoon followed after, leaving a numerous Family by Helen Campbel his Wife Daughter of Sir Hugh Campbel [161] of Loudoun, Anceſtor to the preſent Earl of that Name,

Hugh his Succeſſor.

William Crawfurd died without Iſſue.

Robert Crawfurd Eſq

John Crawfurd of Greenock-Eaſter.

David Crawfurd of Campel.

Thomas, Progenitor of the Crawfurds of Jordan-hill, alſo of Cartsburn a in Renfrew-ſhire, who taking himſelf to Arms, was early engaged in the Service of his Country, more particularly when in the utmoſt Danger of being ruined by the Engliſh, Anno 1547, & was preſent in the Battle of Pinkie-field, where he had the miſfortune to be taken Priſonerb, and for ſome time remained in Durance, till by a Sum of Money his Ranſom was procured. Seeing his native Country imbroil'd in a War, he retired into France An. 1550, & liſted himſelf in the Service of Henry II. in the Quality of one of the Gensd' Arms, then under the Command of James Earl of Aran c, where his prudent Conduct and generous Behaviour gain'd him a general Eſteem. Upon the Demiſe of Francis II. he returned with Queen Mary to his native Country, Anno 1561, and ſo far as I can diſcover, he liv'd in a private Capacity till the Nation was alarmed with the Murder of Henry Lord Darnly, Queen Mary's Husband, to whom he had the Honour to be nearly related: Then it was he entred into an Aſſociation with the Earls of Argyle, Morton, Athole, Mar, Glencairn, Lindſay, Boyd, and others, for the Defence of the young Prince King James VI. who was in Danger of being murdred by the Earl of Bothwel, as his Father had been: This they ſolemnly declared, and that they had no other View but the Honour and Safety of Her Majeſty's Perſon, and the Preſervation of their Natural Prince, and to bring the Regicide to a fair Trial. How a Civil War broke out, I need not mention in this place, the Anarchy and Confuſion of the ſucceeding Times, I rather paſs over in Silence, than enter on the Detail of ſo ungrateful a Subject: But true it is, that this Gentleman was on the young King's ſide againſt Queen Mary, and commanded in ſeveral Expeditions againſt the Loyaliſts, with abundance of Reputation for his Valour and Conduct, being then Captain of the King's Forces all the time of theſe unhappy Troubles. He ſignaliz'd himſelf in the Siege of the Caſtle of Edinburgh, as appears at large by Mr. Hume's Annalsd, and in ſurpriſing Dunbarton Caſtle, then he'd out for Queen Mary by John Lord Fleeming, 2d of April 1572e, a Strength which was in theſe Days thought impregnable: In Conſideration of which Services, he obtained from the King the Lands of Blackſtoun, Barns, Biſhops-Meadow, with an Annuity of 200 l. out of the Biſhoprick of St. Andrews, to enjoy it during Life, Pro remuneratione dicto Thomae Crawfurd Capitaneo, militi prudenti ac in rebus bellicis audaci & experto, ob Caſtrum Dunbritonenſe omnium judicio inexpugnabile labore & induſtria ipſius Thomae captum & expugnatum f. He married firſt Marion, Daughter of Sir John Colquhoun of Luſs g, by whom he had only Marion, married to Sir Robert Fairly of that Ilk, in Vicecomitatu de Air; after her Death, Janet, eldeſt Daughter and Heir of Robert Ker of [162] Kerſland, an ancient Family in Air-ſhire, by whom he had two Sons and a Daughter, 1ſt. Daniel, who ſucceeded to his Mother's Eſtate, and therefore changed his Name to Ker a. 2d. Hugh Crawfurd of Jordan-hill, Heir of his Father's Fortune, and Suſanna married to Colin Campbel of Elengreg, in Vicecomitatu de Argyle. Having ſo prudently ſettled his Eſtate, as that both the Families might be ſupported, he made his Exit out of this to another World the 3d of January 1603, and lyes buried at the Church of Kilbirny, under a plain Tomb, where you may ſtill diſcover the Figure of a Man in full length in Armour, with a Coat of Arms, wherein Crawfurd quartered with Barclay is to be ſeen, and this Inſcription upon the Pedeſtal,‘Here lies Captain Thomas Crawfurd of Jordan-hill, Sixth Son to Laurence Crawfurd of Kilbirny, and Janet Ker, eldeſt Daughter of Robert Ker of Kerſland, his Spouſe.’

Catherine, eldeſt Daughter of Laurence Crawfurd of Kilbirny, was married to David Fairly of that Ilkb.

Iſabel the ſecond, married to Gavin Blair of Hally, in Vicecomitatu de Air.

To Laurence ſucceeded Hugh Crawfurd his Son and Heir, of whom there is nothing recorded in Hiſtory till the breaking out of the Civil Troubles in Queen Mary's time, Anno 1568. He was a forward Aſſerter of her Right, and faithfully adhered to her Intereſt. He was the ſame Year one of the Barons who ſigned a Bond for Defence of the Queen's Majeſty, againſt all Perſons whatſoever, and againſt all deadly, (as they ſpeak) and marched in Perſon with two of his Sons, and ſeveral of his Vaſſals and Retainers to the Field of Lang-fide; which Action happened 13th of May 1568, for which he was obliged to accept of a Remiſſion from the Regentc. He firſt married Margaret Daughter of Sir John Colquhoun of Luſs d, in Vicecomitatu de Dunbartoun, by whom he had Malcolns his Son and Heir. Next Eliſabeth, Daughter of David Barclay of Ladyland e, who bore him a Son William Crawfurd of Knights-wood in Vicecomitatu de Dunbartoun: And three Daughters.

1. Margaret, married to James Galbraith of Kilcroich, in Vicecomitatu de Stirling f, and afterwards to Sir Aulay Mackaulay of Ardincaple.

2. Marion, to John Boyle of Kelburn, Anceſtor to the preſent Earl of Glaſgow, and had Iſſue.

3. Eliſabeth, to David Brody of Caſtletoun g, in Vicecomitatu de Clackmanan, and had Iſſue. There being nothing more memorable concerning this Loyal Gentleman, I ſhall only notice, that he dying in the Year 1576, was ſucceeded by,

Malcolm his Son and Heir, who took to Wife Margaret Daughter of John Cuningham of Glengarnock, in Vicecomitatu de Air h, by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of John Lord Fleeming, by whom he had John and Alexander; likewiſe a Daughter Anne, married to William Cuningham of Leglane, Anceſtor to Sir William Cuningham Baronet. He departing this Life, Anno 1592i.

John his Son ſucceeded, who ſpent much of his Time in Foreign Parts, and died young, viz. 16th of January 1622k. He left Iſſue by Margaret [163] his Wife, Daughter of John Blair of that Ilk, by Griſel his Wife, Daughter of Robert Lord Semple, John his Succeſſor, Malcolm Crawfurd of Newtoun, James Crawfurd of Knights-wood; Alſo two Daughters.

1. Margaret, married to Hugh Kennedy of Ardmillan, in Vicecomitatu de Air, and had Iſſue.

2. Jean, to John Lindſay of Blackſolme, in Vicecomitatu de Renfrew, 2dly. To John Buchanan of Drumiekill, and had Iſſue.

Which John liv'd in great Plenty and Reſpect, and agreeably ſpent his Time in Re-building the Houſe of Kilbirny, a large and magnificent Fabrick from the very Foundation, which he finiſhed in the 1627. His Wife was Mary, Daughter of James Earl of Glencairn: By her he had John his Succeſſor, James who died unmarried; alſo two Daughters, Anne married to Alexander Cuningham of Corſehill, in Vicecomitatu de Air, and Margaret to Colonel William Crawfurd elder Brother to Thomas Crawfurd of Carſe, ſans Iſſue. He died the 12th of November 1629, his Eſtate deſcending to

John his Son, who obtained the Honour of Knighthood from King Charles I. Anno 1642, and had the Command of a Regiment in the time of the Civil War, but lived retir'd during the Uſurpation, which he had the Happineſs to ſurvive. He was elected a Member of Parliament for the County of Air a, which began the 1ſt of January 1661, John Earl of Midletoun being his Majeſty's High Commiſſioner; in which Year he alſo died at Edinburgh, from whence his Body was convoyed to Kilbirny Church, and was buried among his Anceſtors. By Margaret his firſt Wife, Daughter of Robert Lord Burleigh, he had no Children came to Maturity: But by Magdalen his ſecond Wife, Daughter of David Lord Carnegy, he had two Daughters, Anne married to Sir Archbald Steuart of Blackhall Baronet, and Margaret, on whom, by a ſpecial Entail, he ſettled his Eſtate, and to the Heirs Male or Female to be procreate betwixt her and Mr. Patrick Lindſay Son of John Earl of Crawfurd, upon Condition every ſuch Heir ſhould carry the Sirname and Arms of Crawfurd: She died in the 29th Year of her Age, the 4th. of October 1680, leaving Iſſue by the aforeſaid Mr. Patrick Lindſay her Husband, John Crawfurd of Kilbirny her Son and Heir, Patrick Crawfurd Eſq Captain Archbald Crawfurd; Likewiſe three Daughters.

1. Margaret, married to David Earl of Glaſgow.

2. Anne, to Maſter Harry Maul of Kelly, Brother to James Earl of Panmure.

3. Magdalen, to George Dundaſs of Duddingſtoun, in Vicecomitatu de Linlithgow, and has Iſſue.

Which John was born the 12th of May 1669. He had his Education in Grammar at Irvine, and his Academical in the Univerſity of St. Andrews, where he ſpent the uſual Years. The Revolution coming about in 1689, upon his firſt Appearance in the World, he engaged with the Party who were active in it. I find he was one of thoſe Perſons to whom the Militia of Air-ſhire was intruſtedb, and which on a ſurmiſe of an Invaſion from Ireland (if I be not miſtaken) he once commanded. After the Convention was turned into a Parliament, He was in the 1693 choſen to ſerve for Air-ſhire, which he did without Interruption, till the Diſſolution thereof upon the Death of King William, [164] 8th of March 1702. Her Majeſty Queen Anne, upon her Acceſſion to the Crown, appointed him one of the Commiſſioners on the Part of Scotland for treating of an Union between both Nations, and the 4th of February 1703, named him one of the Lords of the Privy-Council. He was again choſen to ſerve for the County of Air, to her Majeſty's firſt Parliament, which met at Edinburgh the 6th of May 1703, where he merited ſo well of the Queen, that ſhe was pleaſed in the ſecond Year of her Reign to make him a Peer, by creating him Viſcount of Mount-Crawfurd, which he changed again to the Title of Garnock: And among other Reaſons for conferring the Honour, her Majeſty declares, this was not the leaſt, propter multa & conſpicua officia per Predeceſſores ejus Crawfurdios de Kilbirny, pro Coronae noſtrae & Monarchiae ſuſtentatione peracta. Tho this Lord was one of the Commiſſioners for the Treaty of Union, Anno 1702, yet I don't find his Name among thoſe appointed for that Affair in the 1706, to which however his Lordſhip being in the Meaſures of the Court, contributed, when the Articles came to be conſidered in Parliament. After which he continued in the Council till its Diſſolution. In the Month of March 1708 he was taken ill with an Aſthma and a Cough, the Malignity of which all the Art of his Phyſicians not being able to remove, it put an End to his Days on the 24th of December thereafter, and upon the 13th of January 1709, he was depoſited in a Vault within the Church of Kilbirny among his Anceſtors, where I leave him, how ſoon I have given this Epitaph upon him.

Ante diem, querimur, tua cingi buſta cupreſſo,
Crawfurdae gentis lauſque decuſque tuae.
Invida [...]rs paucis paſſa eſt te vivere luſtris,
Et generi & pr [...]vis noluit eſſe parem:
Saepe laboranti patriae, qui ſaepe tulerunt
Regi, cum promeret civis iniquus, opem.
At, ſi vita tibi ſeros manſiſſet in annos,
Fulſiſſet magnis gloria major avis.

By the only Wife he ever had, and who ſurvived him, viz. Margaret Daughter of James Stewart 1ſt. Earl of Bute, he had Patrick now Viſcount of Garnock, John, James, David, and Charles: Alſo three Daughters,



Magdalen. All Young.


Quarterly 1ſt and 4th Gules, a Feſs Ermine, 2d and 3d Azure, a Chiveron betwixt three Croſs Patees Or, ſupported by two Gray-Hounds, Creſt, an Ermine Argent, Motto, Sine labe nota.

A learned Gentleman of this Namea paraphras'd on this Coat of Arms in theſe fine Elegiacks.

Sanguineum ſcutum praecingit balteus albens,
Quem variant nigrae ſed ſine labe notae.
Sic labem ut vitet, muſtela Armenica ſtrictum
In ferrum & ſtructos non timet ire rogos:
Martia vis animi, vacuum formidine pectus,
Cana fides, nulla labe notatus honos:
Haec Crafurdiacae gentilia ſymbola ſtirpit,
Artibus his veteres emicuere patres.

RUTHVEN, Earl of Gaurie.

FROM the Barony of Ruthven in Perth-ſhire, did Walter the Son of Alan, Proprietar of the ſaid Lands [165] aſſume a Denomination, which before that Time appears not to have been Hereditary. However, he was a Perſon of ſo much Conſideration, that he obtained the Lands of Cowgask in Marriage with Cecily, Daughter of Gilbert Earl of Strathern a. in the Reign of Alexander II.

He left a Son Walter de Rochven, who obtained a Confirmation from Maliſe Earl of Strathern of the Lands above-mentioned, which Gilbert his Father had formerly given Walter filio Alani & Ceciliae filiae ſuae.

Walter de Rochven his Succeſſor in the 13th of Alexander III. reſigns his Right of the Lands of Fowlis per deceſsum aviae ſuae Ceciliae filiae Domini Willielmi Maule Militis b. This noble Family continued for many Generations in the County of Perth, where they were hereditary Sheriffs among the ſuperior Rank of the Gentry, till the Reign of King James III. that Sir William Ruthven of that Ilk came to be ranked among the Parliamentary Barons. I find he married to his firſt Wife, Iſabel Livingſton c, Relict of Walter Lindſay of Beaufort, by whom he had Sir William his eldeſt Sond, who was killed at Flowdon e; alſo a Daughter Jean, married to Alexander Earl of Buchan, and again to John Erskine of Dun, in Vicecomitatu de Forfar f, Mother by him to Sir John Erskin of Dun, Superintendent of Angus. He married 2dly Chriſtian Daughter of Sir John Forbes of Pitſligo g, by whom he had William Ruthven of Banden, in vicecomitatu de Perth h, Grand-father of Patrick Earl of Forth, and a Daughter Eliſabeth, married firſt to William Earl of Errol, and again to Ninian Lord Roſs i, and had Iſſue.

To William Lord Ruthven ſucceeded William his Grandſonk, who augmented his Fortune by the Marriage of Janet, one of the three Daughters and Co-heirs of Patrick Lord Dirletoun l, and thereon added to his own Coat of Arms Argent, a Bend Azure. He was made Lord Privy-Sealm Anno 1547, upon the removal of John Abbot of Paiſly, which he held till the 1553. By the aforeſaid Janet his Wife, he had Iſſue Patrick his Succeſſor, & Alexander of Freeland, and Daughters, 1ſt. Lilias, married to David Lord Drummond n, 2d. Catherine, to Colin Campbel of Glenurchie, 3d. Cecilia, to Sir David Weems of Weems, 4th. Barbara, to Patrick Lord Gray, 5th. Janet, to John Crichton of Strathurd o. 2dly to Laurence Mercer of Addie p, in Vicecomitatu de Perth. 6th. Margaret, to James Johnſton of Elphinſtoun, in Vicecomitatu de Haddingtoun. 7th. Chriſtian, to Mr. William Lundy of that Ilkq, in Vicecomitatu de Fife.

Patrick Lord Ruthven his Son, was very active in the Reformation of Religion, which indeed was very commendable and Praiſe-worthy; but that which lyes heavieſt on this Lord's Memory, is, the Hand he had in the Murder of David Rizio, a Deed ſo odious, both in it ſelf, and attended with ſuch Circumſtances, that none will take upon them to juſtify. His Wife was Jean, natural Daughter of Archbald Earl of Angus r, by Margaret Daughter of James Steuart of Traquair, by whom he had two Sons, William and Alexander; likewiſe [166] two Daughters, Jean, married to Henry Lord Methven, 2dly to Andrew Earl of Rothes a, Iſabel to Sir James Colvil of Eaſter-Weems, in Vicecomitatu de Fife. This Lord gave Way to Fate on the 13 Day of June 1566b, and was ſucceeded by

William his Son, who was on the King's Side in the Minority of James VI. by whom he was conſtituted Lord high Theſaurer of Scotland 24th of June 1571c, and created Earl of Gourie 23 of Auguſt 1681d; but three Years after he entred into a Conſpiracy to ſeize the King's Perſon, and remove ſome Councellours from the Court, for which he was attainted of Treaſon, and loſt his Head 28th April 1584e, leaving Iſſue by Dorothea his Wife, Daughter of Henry Lord Methven, & of Janet Daughter of John Earl of Athole, 1ſt. James. 2d. John, 3d. Alexander, 4th. Patrick Ruthven Doctor of Medicine: Alſo ſeven Daughters,

1. Margaret married to John Earl of Montr [...]ſe.

2. Mary to John Stewart Earl of Athole.

3. Sophia to Lodovick Duke of Lennox, ſans Iſſue.

4. Jean to James Lord Ogilvy.

5. Beatrix, to Sir James Hume of Colding knows in Vicecom. de Berwick.

6. Iſabel, to Sir Robert Gordon of Lochenvar, 2dly to Hugh firſt Lord Londo [...]n.

7. Dorothea, to John Weems of Pittencrief f, in Vicecomitatu de Fife.

James Son of William Earl of Goury was reſtored to his Eſtate and Honour, Anno 1586, but dying young in 1588 John his Brother became his Heir. This Earl, with Alexander Ruthven his Brother, entred into a moſt helliſh Conſpiracy to have murder'd the King at his own Houſe in the Town of Perth, on the 5th of Auguſt 1600, which was by the good Providence of God detected at the very inſtant of Execution, both the Earl and his Brother being killed in the Enterprize. Thereafter, upon the 19th of October their dead Bodies were carried to the common Place of Execution in the City of Edinburgh, hanged on a Gibbet, and their Heads cut off and affixed on the Jayl, there to remain till the Wind ſhould blow them off g. The Earldom of Goury was annexed to the Crown, and the Sirname of Ruthven diſcharged by Act of Parliament, and the 5th of Auguſt ordered in all time coming to be religiouſly obſerved as a Day of Thankſgiving, in remembrance of his Majeſty's happy Deliverance.


Three Coats quarterly, 1ſt and 4th Argent, three Bars Gules. 2d Or, three Bars Gules, 3d Or, on a Bend Azure, three Lozanges of the firſt, all within a Border Or flowr'd and Counter-flowr'd Gules, ſupporred by two Goats proper, Creſt, a Goats Head cabos'd, iſſuing out a Crown Or, Moto, Facta Probant, and on the Dexter a Chivaleer garniſh'd with the Earl's Coat of Arms, pointing with a Sword upward to an imperial Crown, with this Deviſe, Tibi ſoli h.

Francis Abercromby, Lord Glasfurd.

THIS Francis was the Son and Heir of Alexander Abercromby of Fiterneir, in Vicecomitatu de [167] Aberdeen, by Jean Daughter of John Seto [...] of Newark, branched from the Family of Birkenbog, ſeated in the Shire of Banff, before the Time of King Robert I. as appears from the Authorities [...]re citeda: Which Francis having married Anne Baroneſs of Semple, was in Reſpect thereof, and in Reward of his Father's Loyalty during the civil Commotions in the time of King Charles I. honour'd with the Title of Lord Glasfurd, for his own Life, by King James VII. 25th of July 1685.

The Brothers of this Lord are, John Abercromby Eſq and Patrick Abercromby Doctor of Medicine, my worthy Friend, who has obliged his Country with a moſt exact and curious Hiſtory of Scotland, refined from the Droſs and Errors of our former Authors, and put our Affairs in ſuch a Light, that no Nation I know of can ſhew any Performance of that kind done with greater Exactneſs and Ingenuity.

CUNINGHAM, Earl of Glencairn.

THE Sirname of Cuningham, which properly ſignifies the King's Habitation, has no doubt been taken from the Bailliary of Cuningham in the Shire of Air, the Patrimony of the Morvils, formerly Conſtables of Scotland, to whom the Cuninghams of Kilmaures were Vaſſals. The firſt of them I have found is Robertus filius Varnebaldi de Cuningham, who is Proprietar of Kilmaures, in the Reign of K. William the Lyon. He gave in pure & perpetual Alms to the Monks of the Abby of Kelſo the Patronage of the Church of Kilmaures, cum dimi [...]ia carucata terrae ad dictam Eccleſiam pertinen. pro ſalute animae ſuae, which is ratified by Richard Morvil before the Year 1189b. He married Richenda Daughter and Heir of Umphray Barclay Knightc, They had a Son Robert, who deſigns himſelf Robertus filius Roberti filii Warnebaldi de Cuningham, in a Grant which he made to the Religious of Arbroth of the Lands of Glenfarquharlin, in Vicecomitatu de Kincardin, pro ſalute animae ſuae, Patris & Matris ſuae, ac pro animabus omnium anteceſſorum & ſucceſſorum: Hence deſcended Sir William Cuningham of Kilmaures Knight, who purchaſed the Lands of Waterſtoun in Renfrew ſhire, from William Waterſtoun of that Ilk, Anno 1384d. He left two Sons, William his Succeſſor, and Thomas firſt of the Houſe of Capringtoun e, of whom came the Cuninghams of Leglan and Enterkin.

Which Sir William Cuningham of Kilmaures, in the Reign of King Robert III. added to his old patrin onial Inheritance the Barony of Fynlaſtoun in Renfrew-ſhire, Kilmaronock in the County of Dunbartoun, Redhall and Collingtoun in Lothian, by the Marriage of Margaret, Daughter, and [168] one of the two Co-heirs of Robert Denniſton Lord of Denniſtoun a Knight. He founded the Prebendaries of Kilmaures b, or more properly the collegiate Church there, by his Charter the 13th of May 1403, conſiſting of a Provoſt and ſix or eight Prebends; and doted certain Lands both within that Barony and elſewhere for their Support and Subſiſtance, which was diſſolved upon the Reformation. To the Abbot and Convent of Kilwining, he gave the Lands of Grange for the Health of his Soul, and the ſafety of the Souls of his Anceſtors and Succeſſors for everc. By the ſaid Margaret his Wife he had Iſſue Robert his Succeſſor, and William firſt of the Branch of Cuningham-head in Air-ſhired.

This Robert the next of the Line, was one of the Hoſtages for the Ranſom of King James I. who honour'd him with Knighthood, Anno 1424e, and afterward put him in Commiſſion with Alexander Lord Montgomery in the Joint Government of Kintyre and Knapdale f. He married Janet Daughter of Alexander Lord Montgomery, by whom he had

Alexander Lord of Kilmaures his his Son and Heir, who was one of the Lords of the Privy-Council to King James III. He faithfully adhered to that Prince in his good and bad Fortune: In Conſideration of which he was by a very formal Patent 28th May 1488, created Earl of Glencairn g, which Honour he did not long enjoy, for he loſt his Life with his Maſter the King at the Field of Bannockburn, 11th June 1488. He had Iſſue by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of Patrick Hepburn Lord Hales h, Robert his Succeſſor, and William Cuningham of Craigends i, in Vicecomitatu de Re [...]ew, of whom the Families of Robertland, Carncuren, Bedlan, Achinharvy, and Achenyards are ſprung.

Which Robert marrying Marjory Daughter of Archbald Earl of Angus, had Cuthbert Earl of Glencairn his Son, who was of the Privy-Council to King James IV. Anno 1509k. He married Marion Daughter of John Lord Lindſay l, by whom he had

William Earl of Glencairn his Son and Heir, who was of the Privy-Council, to King James V. He was taken Priſoner at the Battle of Solway by the Engliſh, Anno 1542, for his Ranſom I find he paid 1000 l. Sterl. m. The next enſuing Year he was joined in Commiſſion with Sir George Douglas, William Hamilton of Sanquhar, James Learmonth of Balcomy, and Mr. Henry Balnavis of Hall-hill, Secretary of State to treat with the Engliſh about a Marriage betwixt Queen Mary and King Edward VI.n which was much oppoſed by all who were in the French Intereſt. He married firſt Catherine Daughter of William Lord Borthwick o. 2dly. Eliſabeth Campbel; and dying Anno 1547, he left behind him, 1ſt. Alexander, 2d. Andrew, Anceſtor of Sir Alexander Cuningham of Corſe-hill p Baronet, 3d. Hugh Progenitor of the Cuninghams of Waterſtoun and Carlung q, 4th. Robert, Miniſter of the Miſtry [169] or Priory of Fell in vicecomitatu de Air 5. William, who was Biſhop of Argyle, alſo a Daughter Eliſabeth married to John Cuningham of Capringtoun.

Which Alexander for Diſtinction, called The Good Earl, was one of the firſt of the Peers of Scotland who concur'd in the Reformation of the Church from Popery, and was a ſtrenuous aſſerter of King James's Title to the Crown, when his Mother Queen Mary reſign'd the Government Anno 1567. Upon the Diſſolution of the Religious Houſes, he obtained a Grant of the Abby of Kilwinning, a Seat formerly of Benedictine Monks, and of which one of his Sons came to be Titular Commendator. He married firſt Jean Daughter of James Earl of Aran, and had William the next Earl, Andrew the ſecond Son, and James Prior of Liſmahago; alſo a Daughter Margaret, Wife of John Wallace of Craigie a, in Vicecomitatu de Air. 2dly Jean Daughter of John Cuningham of Capringtoun, by her he had a Son Alexander, and a Daughter Jean, married firſt to Archbald Earl of Argyle, 2dly. to Sir Humphray Colquhoun of Luſs, Knight, in Vicecomitatu de Dunbarton. This Earl dying in the Year of God 1574b, his Eſtate and Honour deſcended to

William his Son, who had to Wife Janet Daughter of James Gordon of Lochenvar, who bore him a Son James, and four Daughters, 1ſt. Jean married to George Haldan of Gleneagles in Vic. de Perth. 2d. Margaret to Hector Macklain of Dowart, in Vic. de Argyle. 3d. Jean to James Crawfurd of Achinnames; after his Death to Alexander Cuningham of Craigends. 4th. Suſanna to John Napier of Kilmahew, in Vic. de Dunbartoun.

Which James was one of the Lords of the Privy Council to King James VI. and in ſome Degree a Favorite of that wiſe Prince, who named him one of the Commiſſioners on the Part of Scotland to treat upon a nearer Union with England the Year immediately after his Majeſty's Acceſſion to that Crown, viz. in 1604. This noble Earl left Iſſue by Margaret his Wiſe Daughter of Colin Campbel of Glenurquhie, William Earl of Glencairn, John Cuningham of Camſkeith, Catherine married to Sir James Cuningham of Glengarnock, in Vic. de Air, Anne to James Marquis of Hamilton, Margaret to Sir James Hamilton of Evandale, 2dly. to Sir James Maxwel of Calderwood, Mary to John Crawfurd of Kilbirny, Suſanna to Alexander Lauder of Hatton.

Which William the ſucceeding Earl, was married to Janet Daughter of Mark, Earl of Lothian, by whom he had Iſſue William his Son and Heir, and Colonel Robert Cuningham; alſo four Daughters,

Eliſabeth married to Sir Lodovick Stewart of Minto.

Jean to John Blair of that Ilk.

Margaret to David Beaton of Crich.

Marion to James Earl of Finlater.

He died in October 1631c, and was ſucceeded by William his Son. This noble Lord, during the Uſurpation of Oliver Cromwel, being highly ſenſible of the Calamities brought upon this Nation by the Ruin of the Monarchy, in order to the Reſtauration of his Sovereign, and the Redemption of his Country from the Slavery it was in, cordially put himſelf in Arms, having before obtained a Commiſſion from the King as General of all the Forces he could raiſe for his Majeſty's Service, in which Character he behaved himſelf very worthily, and gave General Monk much Trouble; but upon the arrival of General Middleton, he delivered up to him (ſays a noble Hiſtorian)d, His thin unarmed Troops, and retired firſt to his own Houſe, and then made his Peace with [170] Monk, that he might live quietly, and retain his Affection and Fidelity to the King, which [...]e made manifeſt afterwards in a more favourable Conjuncture, and at the ſame time he excuſed himſelf for giving over an Enterprize he was not able to proſecute, but living to ſee the King reſtored, he was conſtituted Lord high Chancellour of Scotland on the 19 January 1661, in which Office he continued till the 10th of July 1664. when he made his Exit out of this World. By Anne his firſt Wiſe Daughter of James Earl of Finlater. he had Iſſue,

1. James Lord Kilmaures, who married Eliſabeth Daughter of William Duke of Hamilton, but dyed without Iſſue.

2 Alexander his Succeſſor.

3. John who ſucceeded his Brother in the Honour.

Jean eldeſt Daughter, was married to William Earl of Kilmarnock, Margaret the ſecond to William Lord Bargany, Eliſabeth the third to VVilliam Hamilton of Orbiſtoun.

Alexander Earl of Glencairn his Son married Nicolas Daughter and Coheir of Sir James Stewart of Stra brock and Kirkhill in Vicecomitatu de Linlithgow, by whom he had one Daughter Margaret married to John Earl of Lawderale, and departing this Life the 26 of May 1670a, his Eſtate and Honour devolved to

John his Brother, who was one of the Peers who in the firſt and only Parliament of King James VII. Anno 1686 appeared againſt the repealing of the Laws againſt Popery, and for ſecuring the Proteſtant Religionb. Upon King VVilliam's Acceſſion to the Corwn, he was named a Privy Councellour 1ſt. May 1689, and conſtituted Colonel of a Regiment of Foot, as his Lordſhip was alſo Captain and Governour of the Caſtle of Dunbartoun in the Reign of Queen Anne.

He married firſt Jean Daughter of John Earl of Mar, and after her Death Margaret Daughter and Heir of John Napier of Kilmahew, Relict of Patrick Maxwel of Newark, and departing this Life in the end of the Year 1703, he was ſucceeded by

VVilliam his Son and Heir, who married Henrietta Daughter of Alexander Earl of Galloway, and has Iſſue. VVilliam Lord Kilmaures, &c.


Argent, a ſhake Fork Sable, ſupported by two Rabbets Proper, Creſt, an Unicorns Head Coupé, Motto, Over Fork over.

BOYLE, Earl of Glaſgow.

THAT this Family has been of great Antiquity in Air-ſhire, and poſſeſſed of a fair Inheritance in thoſe parts, where they ſtill remain, undeniably appears from ſeveral old Deeds and evidences ſtill preſerved in the Family: For in the Reign of Alexander III. Richard Boyle Dominus de Caulburn, had an Acquittance from Walter Cummin Dominus de Rougallan, de quadraginta ſolidis annui-redditus terrarum de Malderland cum Multuris dictae Terrae in Tenemento ſuo de Rougallan, in quibus dictus Ricardus & Anteceſſores ejus mihi & Anteceſſoribus meis annuatim ſolvere tenebantur. Teſt. Dno Galfredo de Roſs, Willielmo de Keith, Willielmo Abbate de Kilwining, Willielmo Sympl, Adam [...] filio Ucttredi c. This Richard [171] married Marjory Daughter of Sir Walter Cummin Knight of Rowallan a, and left Robert his Son to ſucceed him, whom I find one of the Barons in Air-ſhir, who took an Oath of Fidelity to Edward I. King of England, to whom all, or moſt of the Kingdom of Scotland rendered a Submiſſion, Anno Dom. 1296b. A Deſcendent of the former Robert was Hugo de Boyle, who gave to the Abby of Paſly, and to the Monks there in free Alms, dimidiam petram Cerae de firmis terrarum ſuarum de Ryſholm ex eo quod ipſe & Janeta uxor ſua ſuſcepti ſunt tanquam frater & ſoror in Domo de Paſlit & in toto ordine Cluniacenſi. Data ſeptimo Februarii milleſſimo trecenteſimo nonageſimo nono c. Since which time they have remarkably continued in a direct Line ſpreading themſelves into ſeveral Branches by the way, as were the Boyle's of Wamfray in Dumfries-ſhire, and of Rayſholm in Air-ſhire. Much likewiſe might be ſaid as to their Matches with Perſons eminent for their Parentage; As alſo of the Acquiſitions made to their perſonal Inheritance by Marriage, and otherwiſe; but omitting ſeveral things, I ſhall obſerve that after a long and continued Series of worthy Anceſtors deſcended John Boyle of Kelburn, who loſt his Life and Fortune for his loyal Adherence to King James III. in the Battle of Bannockburn, 11 June 1488, againſt the Rebellious Barons of that Age; but upon the general Indemnity in the third of King James IV. John his Son obtained the King's Precept to the Sheriff of the County for Reſtitution of the ſame. This John obtained a Grant from King James V. of the Lands of South Bullochmartin in the Iſle of Cumra, to be held of the Crown, 8th of April 1536d, and being then Aged, he had by the King's favour an Exemption indemnifying him from attending the royal Army in time of Ware, and lived till the 1549. (his Wife Agnes, a Daughter of the Family of Roſs ſurviving him,) He had three Sons, David who died before himſelf, John the ſecond, of whom the Boyle's of Halks-hill, Belliecun and Portray derive themſelves. He had by a Grant of King James V. to himſelf and Chriſtian Wallace his Spouſe, and their Heirs, the Lands of Beliecun, with the hereditary Crowrary of the Iſle of Cumra on the the 8th of April 1536f. The third Robert, who was Anceſtor of Bullochmartin, another Branch of this Family that exiſted long in theſe Parts, he had from his Father a Charter of the Lands of Bullochmartin, 6th of October 1554g. This John was ſucceeded by John his Grand-ſon, in whoſe Favour he reſign'd the Barony of Kelburn, and his other Lands, on the 28 of April 1549h. Which John marrying Jean Daughter of John Fraſer of Knock, an ancient Family in Air-ſhirei, by her he had John his Succeſſor, and a Daughter Margaret married to John Cuningham of Caddel.

John Boyle of Kelburn his Son, was a moſt zealous Loyaliſt in the Service of Queen Mary, during the Civil War, in the Minority of King James VI. He took to Wife Marion Daughter of Hugh Crawfurd of Kilbirny, Anceſtor to the Viſcount of Garnock, by whom he had John his Son and Heir, and Six Daughters.

Jean married to William Barclay of Pearſtoun, in Vic. de Air.

Marion to Matthew Roſs of Haining, and afterward to Dr. James Law Arch-Biſhop of Glaſgow.

[172] Margaret to Robert Bruce of Achinbowie, in Vic. de Stirling.

Eliſabeth to Robert Sempel of Milbank, in Vic. de Renfrew.

Agnes to Robert Boyle of Bullochmartin, in Vic. de Bute.

Mary to William Hamilton Eſq of the County of Down, in Regno Hiberniae, and all the Six had Poſterity.

Which John ſo ſucceeding, being a Perſon much eſteem'd for his Abilities, was joined in Commiſſion with diverſe of the firſt Quality to reviſe and rectify the Practice of our Law, Anno 1630a, the 5th of Charles I. When the Civil War broke out in that Reign Anno 1639, he did ſignally manifeſt his Loyalty to his ſaid Majeſty, whoſe Intereſt he zealouſly aſſerted during that fierce and unnatural War, for which he ſuffered no leſs than Ten Years Baniſhment, to the Ruin almoſt of his Eſtate, for his being reckoned amongſt the number of Loyaliſts. He was married to Agnes only Daughter of Sir John Maxwel of Pollock, in Vicecomitatu de Renfrew, by Margaret Daughter of William Cuningham of Capringtoun, by whom he had only one Daughter Griſel his ſole Heir, whom he wiſely married, (after having rejected many Offers) to Terms of great Advantage for his Family with David Boyle of Halks-hill, a near Relation of his ownb, who being a prudent and vertuous Man in all his Affairs, he improv'd his Eſtate, and took care to let it deſcend entire to Poſterity, and died in 1672. leaving Iſſue by the ſaid Griſel his Wife, John his Son and Heir, James Boyle of Montgomeriſtoun c, and Patrick: Alſo a Daughter Griſel married to William Wallace of Shewaltoun, in Vic. de Air.

Which John being a Man of Parts and Buſineſs, made a great Addition to his Eſtate, the bulk of which he ſettled on his eldeſt Son. He was choſen Member for the Shire of Bute to the Parliament 1681, where his Royal Highneſs James then Duke of York ſat High Commiſſionerd, and from thence forward without Interruption, continued a Member till his Death, which happened on the 7th of October 1685e. He married twice, firſt Marion Daughter of Sir Walter Stewart of Allantoun, in Vic. de Lanark, and next Jean Daughter of Sir William Mure of Rowallan: By the firſt he had David Earl of Glaſgow, William one of the Commiſſioners of the Cuſtoms for Scotland, and Margaret married to Sir Alexander Cuningham of Corſehill Baronet, in Vic. de Air.

Which David having been return'd a Member of the Convention of Eſtates to the Shire of Bute, in the Year 1689, which declared the Prince of Orange King of Scotland, his ſaid Majeſty called him to his Council ſome time after, tho' he was not created Lord Boyle till the 31th of January 1699f.

Upon Her Majeſty's Acceſſion to the Crown, his Lordſhip was nominated one of the Commiſſioners to treat of an Union with England; which Treaty at that time not taking effect, he was ſoon after conſtituted Theſaurer Depute in the room of Adam Cockburn of Ormeſtoun, and on 10th of April 1703, raiſed to the Dignity, of Earl of Glaſgow, with Limitation of the Honour for lack of Male Iſſue of his own Body, to his Heirs Male whatſoever. Her Majeſty being again impower'd by the Parliament 1705, to appoint Commiſſioners to treat of a nearer Uniong [173] between the two Kingdoms, his Lordſhip by a Commiſſion under the Great-Seal of Scotland, was appointed one of that Number under whoſe Management that great Work was accompliſhed. The ſame Year he had the Honour to repreſent Her Majeſty's Perſon as High Commiſſioner in the General-Aſſembly of the Church, and in ſeveral ſubſequent Aſſemblies; alſo in the 1708, he was made Lord Regiſter of Scotland.

He married firſt Margaret Siſter to John Crawfurd Viſcount of Garnock, by whom he had John Lord Boyle. Patrick an Advocate, Charles.

2dly. Jean Daughter and ſole Heir of William Mure of Rowallan, and by her has two Daughters Jean and Anne.

John Lord Boyle is married with Helen Daughter of William Moriſon of Preſtoungrange, and had Iſſue David a Son, and two Daughters, Janet and Margaret.


Quarterly 1ſt and 4th. Argent, a double Eagle diſplay'd Gules, 2d and 3d party per Bend Crenele, Argent and Gules. Over all in a Shield of Pretence, the paternal Coat of Boyle, Or, three Harts Horns Gules, ſupported on the Dexter by a Savage Proper, and on the Siniſter with a Lyon party per Bend Crenele, Argent and Gules; Creſt, a double Eagle diſplay'd party per Bend Crenele, Argent and Gules, Motto, Dominus Providebit.

GORDON, Duke of Gordon.

IN the Time of King Malcolm IV. 600 Years ſince, the Gordons were then a flouriſhing and numerous Family in Berwick ſhire, where they had large Poſſeſſions, beſides the Lordſhip of Gordon in that County, which they retain'd till of late Years. Richer de Gordon their Anceſtor, firſt mentioned on Record, gave in pure Alms, Deo & Sanctae Mariae de Kelſo & Monachis ibidem Deo ſervientibus eccleſiam ſuam Sancti Michaelis deGordon pro ſalute animae ſuae a. This Richer left a Son,

Thomas de Gordon, who was a Benefactor to the Religious of Kelſo, as his Father had been; for beſides what he gave himſelf, he ratified the Donation of the Tithes of his Lands of Gordon, formerly given by his Father to the Abbot and Convent of that Monaſtery for the good of his Soulb. This Thomas left behind him a Son,

Thomas, who, according to the Devotion of thoſe Times, took upon him the Sign of the Croſs, and was not behind his Anceſtors in Liberality to the Church, which the Abby of Kelſo ſhar'd of in a right liberal manner, for to them he confirmed, and amply ratified all the pious Grants quas Richer de Gordon avus ſuus aut Thomas de Gordon Fater ſuus dictis Monachis dederunt in puram & perpetuam Eleemoſin [...]m c. He dying without Male Iſſue, Alicia de Gordon his Daughter ſucceeded in his Inheritance, and was married with Adam de Gordon Knight, her Kinſman: They with Conſent and Aſſent of each other, ratified all the Mortifications, and which ſhe particularly confirms, made by Richer de Gordon, Proavus ſuus, Thomas de Gordon avus ſuus, aut Thomas de Gordon Pater ſuus Eccleſiae Sanctae Mariae de Kelſo. Moreover, ſhe appends her Seal to a Gift of certain Lands and Paſturage within the Territory of Gordon, lying betwixt the Lands of Huntly and Spotiſwood, given to the Monks of Kelſo by her Father, and expreſſes the Confirmation to [174] be made pro ſalute animae ſuae & animae Adae de Gordon quondam ſpouſae ſuae. To this Adam & Alicia his Wife ſucceededa.

Sir Adam his Son, who in a Charter of Mortification to the Abby of Kelſo of a Paſturage for Thirty Oxen in Manſione ſua de Weſtrocher, deſigns himſelf Adam de Gordon filius & haeres quondam Adae de Gordon b, releaſing for ever all the Lands that had been in diſpute between him and the Abbot, in Domini [...] de Gordon, to which he appends his Seal the Friday immediately after the Feaſt of St. Peter 1308. This noble Perſon was none of the laſt Barons of Scotland who ſtuck cloſs to King Robert Bruce, and zealouſly aſſerted the Independency and Freedom of his Native Country; in Conſideration of which he had from that Prince, a Grant of the Lordſhip of Strathbogy in Aberdeen-ſhire, which was then in the Crown by the Attainder of David de Strathbogy c. By Annabell d his Wife, he left Iſſue,

Alexander de Gordon Knight his Son and Heir, who did conſiderable Service againſt the Engliſh in behalf of King David Bruce. He loſt his Life in the Battle of Durham 14 Octob. 1346, leaving Sir John his Son to ſucceed him in his Inheritance. In the 28th of King David II. he obtained a Charter of Confirmation of the Lands of Strathbogy, which had formerly been given to Sir Adam Gordon his Grandfather, by King Robert I.e By . . . . . Daughter of . . . . . . his Wife, he had Iſſue,

Sir John his Son and Heir, who obtained from King Robert II. a Charter erecting all and haill the Lands of Strathbogie into one intire Barony, narrating, that Do [...]inus Robertus illuſtris Rex Scotiae avus dicti Regis dedit quondam Adae de Gordon, Militi, proavo Domini dicti Joannis ratione forisfacturae David de Strathbogie, dated at Perth 16 June 1376. This Sir John was ſucceeded by

Sir Adam his Son, who following the Example of his loyal Anceſtors in a forward Zeal to ſerve his Country, was unhappily ſlain at the Battle of Homildon, 5 May 1401f, leaving Iſſue by Eliſabeth Keith his Wifeg, Daughter to the Lord Keith, one ſole Daughter his Heir, Eliſabeth, married in the 1408h to Sir William Seaton, Son of Sir William Seaton of that Ilk. By her he had Iſſue, Alexander Lord Gordon, and William firſt of that Branch of Meldrum, in Vic. de Aberdeen, he marrying the Heir Female of William Meldrum of Meldrum, of whom the Seatons of Pitmedden Branch themſelves.

Which Alexander Lord of Gordon, tho' then called Seaton i, was one of the Hoſtages for the Ranſom of King James I. Anno 1423k; alſo in the Year 1437, he was joined in Commiſſion with John Biſhop of Glaſgow, Sir Walter Ogilvy, and Sir John Forreſter Knights, to treat of a Peace with England, which they happily concluded for Nine Years. This noble Lord having performed many notable Services to King James II. in his Minority, was by him in the Year 1449, created Earl of Huntly l reſuming the Sirname of Gordon. This Earl defeated my Lord Crawfurd, then in Rebellion at Brechin, on the 18th of May 1452; and therefore King James rewarded him with the Sheriff-ſhip of Inverneſs, and diverſe other Mannors and Lordſhips: Alſo he was one of the Conſervators of the Peace with England, Anno 1457, and again in the 1459, living till the 1470, he then made his Exit out of this World. He [175] married three Wives, 1ſt. Jean Daughter and Heir of Robert Keith, Grandſon of Sir William Keith Marſhall of Scotland, by whom he had no Iſſue. 2dly. Giles, Daughter and Heir of John Hay of Tillybody, in Vicecomitatu de Clackmanan a, by whom he had Sir Alexander Seaton Knight, firſt of the Family of Touch in Stirling-ſhireb. 3dly. Margaret Daughter of William Lord Crichtoun Chancellour of Scotland, to whoſe Poſterity it ſeems the Honour was limited. By her he had George his Succeſſor, and Sir Alexander Gordon of Mid-mar Knightc; alſo three Daughters, Janet married to James Dunbar Earl of Murray, Eliſabeth to William Earl Marſhal, Chriſtian to William Lord Forbes d.

George his Son, was one of the Privy Council to King James III. and in 1484, when a Peace was concluded by the Commiſſioners of both Kingdoms betwixt Scotland and England, this Earl was one of the Conſervators thereofe, what Part his Lordſhip acted in that turbulent Reign, our Hiſtorians are altogether Silent: But upon King James IV. his Acceſſion to the Crown, he was ſworn of his Privy Council, and conſtituted Lieutenant of the Northern Parts of Scotland beyond the River of North-Esk, on the 13th of May 1491f. Likewiſe in the 10th of the ſame Reign, preferred to be Lord high Chancellour in place of Archibald Earl of Angus; in which eminent Station he continued till his Death, which happened on the 8th of June 1507g. He married firſt the Lady Jean Stewart Daughter of King James I.h and after her Death Agnes Daughter of William Earl of Errol i, and left behind him four Sons, and as many Daughters.

Alexander his Succeſſor in the Honour.

Sir Adam Gordon of Aboyne, who came to inherit the Title of Earl of Sutherland, by Marriage of Eliſabeth Daughter of John, Siſter, and at length ſole Heir of John 13th Earl of Sutherland.

Sir William Gordon of Gight, who was ſlain in the fatal Year 1513, at the Battle of Flowdon k.

Sir James Gordon of Letterfury Admiral of Scotland in the Reign of James IV.

Catherine eldeſt Daughter married to Perkin Werbeck the pretended Duke of York.

Janet to Alexander, Son and Heir of David Earl of Crawfurd, and again to Patrick Lord Gray l.

Agnes to Sir James Ogilvy of Finlater, and had Iſſue.

Mary to Sir William Sinclair of Weſtraw m, in Vic. de Caithneſs.

Sophia to Sir Gilbert Hay Knightn.

Which Alexander was one of the Lords of the Council to K. James IV. he accompanied that Prince to the Battle of Flowdon, and commanded the Van of the Army with Valour and Conducto Surviving that fatal Day, he was in the Minority of James V. made Lieutenant of the North beyond the River of Forth: Alſo in 1517, appointed one of the Governours to the young King, the Earls of Aran, Angus, and Argyle being joined in the Commiſſion with him. He married Jean Daughter of John Earl of Athole p, by whom he had

1. John Maſter of Huntly, who married Jean, natural Daughter of King James IV. by Margaret Daughter of John Lord Drummond, and had Iſſue, George who ſucceeded his Grand-father, [176] and Alexander, who being a Perſon of Learning, as the Times went, was preferred to the Biſhoprick of the Iſles, 26 November 1553a when but young. In which Station, when he had ſome time continued, he was tranſlated to the Epiſcopal See of Galloway Anno 1558.

2. William, who applying to the Service of the Church, was firſt made Chancellour of Elgin, and then preferred to the Biſhoprick of Aberdeen, a Man of great Power and Authority in thoſe Days.

3. Sir Alexander Gordon of Strathavin b Progenitor to Cluny.

Alſo ſeveral Daughters, 1ſt. Janet, married to Colin 3d Earl of Argyle. 2d. Iſobel to . . . . . Lord Innermeath c. This Earl dying aged at Perth 16 July 1523d, was interr'd in the Eſtate of the Carthuſians there, his Priory and Honour deſcending to

George his Grand-ſon and Heir, who being a Nobleman of great and eminent Parts, was conſtituted Lieutenant of Scotland, Anno 1536, when the King went to France to Eſpouſe Queen M [...]gdalen e, being then one of the Privy Council; alſo in the 28 of the ſame Reign, he was ſent againſt the Engliſh, to prevent their Incurſions upon the Borders, in which he was ſucceſsful, having repuls'd them with Loſs. Upon the Death of his Maſter, he was one of the Peers who ſign'd and ſeal'd that Aſſociation to oppoſe the intended Match betwixt Queen Mary and Edward VI. of England, Anno 1543, and three Years after, he was promoted to be Lord high Chancellour of Scotland f, upon the deceaſe of Cardinal Beaton: Likeas, he was perſonally preſent at the Battle of Pinkie-Cleugh, in Defence of his Country againſt the Engliſh, where he was taken Priſoner, and after one Years Confinementg made his eſcape: Then it was in Conſideration of his extraordinary Services to the Crown, that he had a Grant of the Earldom of Murray and Lordſhip of Abernethy h, which he enjoy'd for diverſe Years. This Earl continued ſometime in great Favour with Queen Mary, both on the account of his Religion, which was Roman Catholick, and his approv'd Loyalty, till from ſome Motives of State, he attempting to ſurpriſe her Majeſty's Royal Perſon in Progreſs to the North, was ſlain in the heat of the Action at Corichie, 28th of October 1563.

This great Earl left Iſſue by Eliſabeth Daughter of Robert Son and Heir apparent of William Earl Marſhal,

1. Alexander Lord Gordon, who married Margaret Daughter of James Duke of Chattlerault, but dyed without Succeſſion.

2. George, of whom and his Deſcendents more will be ſaid hereafter.

3. John Gordon of Finlater, who was executed after the Battle of Corichie.

4. James who entred into a Religious Order abroad.

5. Sir Adam Gordon of Achingown, who appeared eminently for Queen Mary in the time of the Civil War.

6. Sir Patrick Gordon of Gartly.

1ſt. Jean Eldeſt Daughter, married to James Earl of Bothwel, and 2dly to Alexander Earl of Sutherland,

2d. Eliſabeth to John Earl of Athole,

3d. Margaret to John Lord Forbes.

George, Son of George Earl of Huntly, was parliamentarly reſtor'd to the Title of Honour and Eſtate loſt by his Father's Forſaulture, by the ſpecial Favour of Queen Mary, 27th June 1566i, and conſtituted one of her Majeſty's Privy Council. Upon the breaking out of the Civil War in the 1567, he heartily Eſpous'd the Queen's Intereſt, and obtain'd [177] a Commiſſion not only to be Lord Chancellor upon the Earl of Morton's Removal, but alſo to be a Lieutenant General of all the Forces rais'd, or to be rais'd in the North, for her Intereſt; and his Lordſhip being a Perſon of great Honour and Fortune, quickly engaged thoſe Parts into a chearful Aſſociation for her Service, and rais'd a conſiderable Body of Horſe and Foot, which gave the other Party who adhered to the young King's Intereſt much Trouble. He died in the Month of May, of the Year 1576, leaving Iſſue by the Lady Anne his Wife, Daughter of James Duke of Chatlerault, George his Succeſſor, and a Daughter Jean, married to George Earl of Caithneſs.

Which George being a Nobleman of great Spirit and Courage, was much in the Favour of King James VI. from whom he had a Grant of the diſſolved Abbacy of Dunfermling, then in the Crown by the Diſſolution of the Church-Lands: Soon after which he was conſtituted Lieutenant of the North, and by Letters Patent the 17th of April 1599, rais'd to the Honour of Marquis of Huntly; and dying the 15th of October 1636, left Iſſue by the Lady Henrietta his Wife, Daughter of Eſmae Duke of Lennox, George his Succeſſor, John Viſcount of Aboyne, likewiſe Four Daughters,

Lady Anne married to James Earl of Murray.

Lady Elizabeth to Alexander Earl of Linlithgow.

Lady Mary to William Marquis of Douglaſs,

Lady Jean to Cloud Hamilton, Lord Strabane, of the Kingdom of Ireland.

Which George was Captain of the Scots Gens d' Armes, to Lewis XIII. of France, while he was only Lord Gordon, in the Lifetime of his Father, upon the breaking out of the Troubles in the Reign of King Charles I. He was very firm to that Prince's Intereſt, and had a Commiſſion to be Lieutenant of the North, during the Rage of the Civil War, at the End of which he was executed for his Loyalty at Edinburgh, 30th of March 1649. By Anne his Wife, Daughter of Archbald Earl of Argyle, he left Iſſue,

George Lord Gordon, who was kill'd in the King's Service at the Battle of Aldford, Anno 1645.

Lewis Marquis of Huntly.

Charles Earl of Aboyne.

Lady Anne married to James Earl of Perth.

Lady Henrietta to George Lord Seaton, and again to John Earl of Traquair.

Lady Jean to Thomas Earl of Haddingtoun.

Which Lewis married Iſobel, Daughter of Sir John Grant of That-Ilk, by whom he had George his Succeſſor; likewiſe Three Daughters,

Lady Anne married to the Count de Crolly.

Lady Mary to Adam Urquhart of Meldrum, and again to James Earl of Perth.

Lady Jean to Charles Earl of Dunfermling.

George Marquis of Huntly, was Parliamentarly reſtored to his Eſtate; which had been forfaulted during the Time of the Civil War in the 1661, and was by King Charles II. created Duke of Gordon, by Letters Patent, 1ſt November 1684. Upon the Acceſſion of King James VII. to the Crown, his Grace the Duke was made one of the Lords of the Treaſury, one of his Majeſty's moſt honourable Privy - Council, Governour of Edinburgh-Caſtle, and one of the Twelve Knights of the moſt noble, and moſt antient Order of the Thiſtle. At the Revolution the Duke held out the Caſtle of Edinburgh for King James's Intereſt ſome Time, but ſeeing no Hope of Relief from his Maſter, and that [178] Prince's Condition growing every Day worſe and worſe, he thought it the moſt adviſable Courſe to ſurrender the Caſtle and referred himſelf and the Gariſon to King William's Diſcretion.

His Grace married the Lady Elizabeth Howard, Daughter of Henry Duke of Norfolk, of the Kingdom of England, by whom he had Alexander Marquis of Huntly, and a Daughter Lady Jean, married to James Lord Drummond.

Alexander Marquis of Huntly, in his Father's Lifetime married Henrietta, Daughter of Charles Earl of Peterborough, of the Kingdom of England, and has Iſſue.


Quarterly 1ſt, Azure, Three Boars Heads coupé Or, 2d Or, Three Lions Heads eraz'd Gules, 3d Or, Three Creſcents within a double Treſſure counter-flower'd, Gules, 4th Azure, Three Frazes Argent, ſupported by Two Hounds Argent, collar'd Gules, charged with Three Buckles, Or. Creſt, a Hart's Head Coupé. Motto, Bydand.

GRAY, Lord Gray.

AS many Families in Britain and France, and in moſt Parts of Europe, derive their Sirnames from the Lands which their Anceſtors poſſeſt, when Sirnames became firſt faſhionable; ſo 'tis not to be doubted, but the Sirname of Gray has the ſame Derivation: Some are of Opinion, that it took its Riſe from a City in the Franche Compte, which is ſtill ſo named; others, and among thoſe Francis de Bellowforeſt derives the Sirname of Gray from the Caſtle of Gray in Picardy; and adds, That one Rollo, Chamberlain to Robert Duke of Normandy, who poſſeſt the aforeſaid Caſtle, was the firſt who aſſumed that Sirname: However, 'tis certain one Anchitil de Gray came over to England with William the Conqueror; and that when the general Survey was made in the 20th of that King's Reign, he held many Lands in Oxford-Shire and elſewhere; From him many great and illuſtrious Families in England are deſcended, as the Dukes of Kent and Suffolk, the Earl of Stamford, the Barons Gray of Chilingham and Werk, with their numerous Cadets, whoſe Names and Heroick Actions are frequently to be met with in the Engliſh Hiſtory.

That the Lord Gray in Scotland has his Deſcent from ſome of theſe, cannot be doubted. Mr. Camden the great Engliſh Antiquary, and others of our own Country alſo, are miſtaken as to the Time of their Anceſtors coming to Scotland, as will appear afterward; but they aſſert, and with great Probability, That the firſt of this moſt noble Family was a Son of the Houſe of Chilingham (indeed the Armorial Bearing of both Families are ſtill the ſame); and 'tis obſervable, that the Lands of Browfield, the firſt Inheritance of the Grays in Scotland, ly in the County of Roxburgh or Teviotdale, at no great Diſtance from Chilingham in Northumberland, which Lands were given off in the Reign of King Robert I. to Sir Andrew Gray his Son, who, and his Poſterity enjoyed the ſame for ſeveral Generations, till Andrew Lord Gray, who was Juſtice-General in the Time of King James III. exchanged them with the Earl of Angus for Brughtie-Caſtle, Bagilo, and the Fiſhings thereof. Now, every Body knows, that ſome Northern Counties of England, and Northumberland in particular, were ſome Times poſſeſt by the Kings of Scotland; and 'tis well known, that ſome of thoſe who held Lands of the Crown of Scotland, in the Northern Counties [179] of England had alſo Poſſeſſions within Scotland; the Bruces and Baliols, and many others did ſo: And when War broke out betwixt the Two Nations, the Families ſo ſtated divided among themſelves, and adhered to either of the Kings in whoſe Dominions they had largeſt Poſſeſſions. Thus it is probable, that Sir Andrew Gray, the firſt whom we find on Record with us, adhered to King Robert the Bruce, whoſe Subject he was, upon the Account of his Scots Eſtate. This Sir Andrew was undoubtedly a brave Man, and a great Favourite of that glorious Monarch Robert I. from whom he had a Grant the 12th of February, the 5th Year of his Reign, Anno 1315, of the Barony of Long forgan, in the Shire of Perth, and of many other Lands in Forfar-Shire, for his good and faithful Services, as the Charter bearsa. He alſo acquired the Lands of Broxmouth in the County of Roxburgh, from Sir Alexander Fraſer Kt. and theſe Two Records which I my ſelf have ſeen and peruſed, tho' there were no other extant, do ſufficiently confute a very groſs Miſtake of Boethius, Buchanan, and Camden, who ſay, That the firſt of this noble Family came only to Scotland with King James I. when he was relieved from his Captivity out of England, Anno 1424, whereas the Chief of this Family, another Sir Andrew Gray was by the Eſtates of Scotland ſent to England, one of the Hoſtages for that King's Ranſom; but of this afterward. With whom this gallant Sir Andrew was married it does not appear; but from the Archives of the Family of Gray 'tis evident he left a Son Sir John Gray, who ſucceeded him in his Eſtate, who in ſeveral Records is ſtil'd Lord of Broxmouth, as are ſeveral of his Deſcendents after him.

This John Gray de Gray, Dominus de Broxmouth, had a Grant of the Lands of Craigie, in the County of Forfar, from William de Troup, for a very valuable Conſideration mentioned therein, and that Grant was confirmed to him by King David II. the 8th of September, the Twenty Seventh Year of his Reign, Anno 1356, with whom it would appear he was no leſs in Favour than his Father had been with the great King Robert. I find this noble Perſon had very great Superiorities beſide his own proper Eſtate, as a Proof of which there is a Charter granted to him by Hugode Giffard, whereby he acknowledges Sir John Gray to be Superior Lord to Henry de Fotheringham, of the Lands of Lourenſton and Huhcuman, now call'd Littleton, of the Date at Langforgan, ultime Februarii 1355b. I find alſo, that John Gray was Cuſtos Rotulorum & Regiſtri, in the Reign of King David Bruce, and likewiſe of his Succeſſor King Robert II. who had for Penſion during Life ducentos ſolidos Sterlingorum, out of the Profits of the Court of the Chamberlain and Juſticiaryc, a Sallary that has been obſerved by a learned and judicious Perſon, to amount to as much as the Conſtable or Mariſchal enjoyed as the Fees of their Offices in thoſe Days. To whom Sir John Gray, the Lord of Broxmouth, was married, it does not appear from any Record of the Family, but 'tis clear that he left Two Sons, John the eldeſt, who was one of the Hoſtages for the Ranſom of his Royal Sovereign King David, Anno 1357d, with whom he had been made a Priſoner at the Battle of Durham in the Year 1346, and Sir Patrick who ſucceeded him in his great Eſtate, and in the Royal Favour, for King Robert II. in a Charter to this Sir Patrick Gray, deſigned Lord of Broxmouth, and to Margaret his Wife, of ſundry Lands in the Barony of Longforgan, the King gives [180] him the diſtinguiſhing Appellation of Co [...]ſanguineus Noſter a; likeas, he had by the ſaid King pro Retinentia ſua, a yearly Penſion of 26 L. 13 s. 4 d. Sterling, and that during Lifeb, which is all I have found memorable of him. By Margaret his Wife aforeſaid, but of what Name or Family the Record doth not mention, he left Iſſue Four Sons, Andrew, Alexander, Patrick and George; alſo Two Daughters, . . . . married to . . . . Lindſay of Crawfurd, and Elizabeth to Andrew Moncur of That-Ilk.

Sir Andrew Gray, the next of this noble Family, added to the old Paternal Eſtate of his Family, the Barony and Lordſhip of Fowlis in Perth-Shire, by his Marriage with Janet, Daughter and ſole Heir of Sir Roger Mortimer Kt. Lord of Fowlis c. It was this Sir Angrew Gray who in his old Age had the Honour to be one of the Hoſtages for the Redemption of King James I. when he was relieved out of England, in the Year 1423d, by the aforeſaid Lady his Wife, he left Iſſue Sir Andrew his Succeſſor; and ſeveral Daughters, 1ſt . . . . married to Sir Alexander Ogilvie of Auchterhouſe, 2d Elizabeth to Sir Thomas Maule of Panmure, and thereafter to Sir Andrew Murray of Tillibardin, and had Iſſuee. 3d . . . . to John Roſs of Kinfauns, 4 . . . . . . to . . . . . Herring of Glaſclune. 5 . . . . to William Auchterlony of Kelly. 6 . . . . . . to David Annand of Melgum.

Sir Andrew Gray of Fowlis, made a very bright Figure in the Time of King James I. and II. and was in that Reign one of the great Barons who were fixed Hereditary Lords. He was in the 1452, conſtituted Magiſter Hoſpitii f, which Office he enjoyed for ſeveral Years thereafter, about which Time he got a Royal Licence to build the ſtrong and beautiful Caſtle of Huntly in the Carſe of Gowry, now call'd Caſtle-Lyon g, which continued with his Family for many Ages thereafter. He married Elizabeth, Daughter of Sir John of Weems, Lord of Rires h. By her he had Iſſue Sir Andrew his Succeſſor, and Two Daughters, Elizabeth married to Robert Lord Lyle, and . . . . to . . . . Crichton of Strathurd.

Andrew Lord Gray, Son to the laſt Andrew, married Elizabeth, Daughter of Sir Walter Buchannan, Kt. by whom he had Patrick, and Andrew, Author of that Branch of the Grays of Bal [...]gerno.

Sir Patrick Gray his eldeſt Son, in the Life-time of his Father, was Gentleman of the Bed-chamber to, and a great Favourite to King James II. He married firſt Margaret, Daughter of Sir Malcolm Fleeming, Lord of Biggar, by whom he had no Iſſue, and thereafter Annabella, Daughter of Sir Alexander Forbes, Lord of Forbes, by whom he had Andrew his Grandfather's Succeſſor; and Three Daughters. 1ſt Elizabeth married to Sir David Rollo of Ballachie and Manmore, 2d . . . to Andrew Monorgund of That-Ilk, 3d . . . . . to . . . . Coleſs of Bonymoon: He died before his Father in 1462.

To Andrew Lord Gray ſucceeded Andrew his Grandſon. He was retoured Heir to his Grandfather, October 31ſt, 1471. He was a Nobleman of very great Parts, and much augmented the Wealth and Grandeur of his Family.

In the 1488, upon the Acceſſion of King James IV. to the Crown, he was nam'd one of the Lords of the Privy-Council, and conſtituted High-Sheriff of Forfar-Shire, upon the Surrender of David Duke of Montroſe; alſo in 1489, his Lordſhip was made Juſtice-General beſouth the River of Forth, on the Forfaulture of the [181] Lord Lyle; and was at length appointed Juſtice General of all Scotland; and he held the Office till his Death in the Month of February 1514. He married firſt, Janet, only Daughter of John Lord Keith, Son to William Earl Marſhal. By her he had Patrick his Succeſſor, and Two Daughters, Elizabeth married firſt to John Lord Glamis, next to George Earl of Hunt [...]ey; and laſt of all to George Earl of Rothes, and Iſabel to Alexander Straton of Lauriſtoun, in Vic de Kincardine, and had Iſſue. His ſecond Wife was Elizabeth, Daughter of John Earl of Athole, Niece to King James II. By her he had Robert Gray of Lutfie, who was ſlain at the Battle of Flowdoun, leaving no Iſſue. Gilbert Gray of Buttergask, and Andrew Gray of Muretoun, who by Marriage of the Heir Female of Schives in Aberdeen-Shire, was the Root of that Branch of the Grays and the Paternal Anceſtor of the preſent Lord Gray: He had alſo Four Daughters, 1. Iſabel married to Sir James Scrimzeor, Conſtable of Dundee, and thereafter to James Crichton of Ruthven. 2 Janet, firſt to John Charters of Cuthlegourdy, and again to Sir David Weems of that Ilk, and had Iſſue. 3. Jean to Alexander Blair of Bethayck; next, to Hugh Lord Lovat; and laſt of all to David Earl of Crawfurd. 4. Marjery to . . . . . Kininmount of that Ilk

Patrick the next Lord Gray was firſt betrothed to Chriſtian, Daughter of David Ogilvy of Inchmartin Paternal Anceſtor to the preſent Earl of Findlater, and afterward married to Janet, Daughter of Alexander Earl of Huntley, Widow of Alexander Maſter of Crawfurd: By her he had ſeveral Daughters, 1 Margaret married to Sir William Keith of Innerugie, by whom he had two Daughters his Co-heirs, Elizabeth married to William Earl Marſhal, and Mary to William Lord Forbes, 2. Marjory to Sir Patrick Ogilvy of Inch martin, 3. Iſobel to Sir Adam Crichton of Ruthven, and afterward to Sir John Ca [...] of Lundy, Ld high Treaſurer of Scotland, and 4 . . . . to . . . Monorgund of that Ilk, and dying without Male Iſſue at his Caſtle of Huntley, the . . . . Day of April 1541, was ſucceeded in his Eſtate and Honour by,

Patrick Gray his Nephew, Son and Heir of Patrick Gray of Buttergask, and of Giles his Wife, Daughter of Sir Laurence Mercer of Aldie. This noble Lord, in the 1541, was one of the Peers who accompanied King James V. to the Battle of Soloway; where his Lordſhip was taken Priſoner: but upon the paying a Ranſom of L. 500 Sterling, he was ſoon thereafter releaſed. In the Minority of Queen Mary he was among the firſt of his Quality who concurr'd and countenanc'd the Reformation of Religion, which came to be happily eſtabliſhed Anno 1560; and departing this Life Anno 1581, left Iſſue by Marion his Wife, Daughter of James Ld. Ogilvy of Airlie, Patrick his Succeſſor, and another Son, Sir Patrick Gray of Innergowrie, James who was Archer to Queen Mary's Guards, Robert. Gray of Drumelie, alſo ſeven Daughters.

1. Margaret married to Patrick Maſter of Ruthven [...]ans Iſsue. 2. Mary to William Maſter of Ruthven. 3. Margaret to Mr. James Ogilvy of Balfour. 4. Agnes to Sir Robert Logan of Reſtalrig next to Alexander Lord Home, and again to Sir Thomas Lyon of Aldbar, Lord High Treaſurer of Scotland. 5. Lilias to David Tyrie of Drumki [...]o, and after his Death to John Maſter of Oliphant, and had Iſſue. 6. Elizabeth to Laurence Bruce of Cultmali [...]die. 7. Anne to Patrick Douglas of Kilſpindie.

Which Patrick married firſt B [...]rbara, Daughter of Patrick Lord Ruthven, by whom he had Patrick the brave Maſter of Gray, ſo fam'd in the Hiſtory of King James VI James Gray Eſq Gentleman of the Bedchamber, Gilbert Gray of Bandirran, who left two Daughters his Heirs, Eupham married to Sir Patrick Kinnaird of Inchture, Anceſtor to the Lord Kinnaird, and . . . . . to Hay of Kirkland, and Robert Gray of Milhill; alſo Four Daughters, Mary married to David Seton of Parbroath, C [...]mptroller of Scotland, Helen to Sir Hugh Maxwell of Tyling, Iſabel to David Strachan [182] of Carmylie, and had Iſſue; and Elizabeth to William Gordon of Aberzeldie; and dying in the Year 1611, was ſucceeded by

Patrick his Son and Heir, who was Gentleman of the Bed chamber, and Maſter of the Wardrop to King James VI. in 1584. He was conſtituted one of his Majeſty's moſt honourable Privy-Council, and ſent Ambaſſador to Queen Elizabeth, to interpoſe in Behalf of Queen Mary, then under Sentence of Death. He was alſo Commendator of the Abbacy of Dunfermling, beſide ſeveral other Beneficial Gifts and Grants he had from the Crown. He married firſt Elizabeth, Daughter of John Lord Glamis, Chancellor of Scotland, but by her he had no Iſſue; and next Mary, Daughter of Robert Stewart Earl of Orkney, by whom he had Andrew his Succeſſor, and Seven Daughters, Jean married to John firſt Earl of Weems, Agnes to William Earl of Menteith and Strathern, Preſident of the Council in the Reign of King Charles I. Mary to James Lord Lindores, Elizabeth to Sir John Leſly of Newtoun, Brother to the Earl of Rothes, Agnes to Alexander firſt Lord Halkertoun, Helen to Andrew Bruce oo Earlſhall, . . . . . to Robert Carnegy of Dunichen, and all had Iſſue.

Andrew Lord Gray, Son and Heir to the laſt Lord Patrick, was Lieutenant to the Gens d' Armes in France, under the Duke of York, Captain thereof; which honourable and advantagious Poſt, he reſign'd at the Deſire of King Charles II. and of his Brother the ſaid Duke when in Exile, in Favours of Monſieur Schomberg, thereafter Marſhal Schomberg, which Office for many Generations had been enjoyed by Scotſmen, but ſince could never be recovered; he was alſo engaged by King Charles I. to reſign the heretable Juriſdiction of the Sheriffdom of Angus, which had continued in the Family near 200 Years, for which he got his Majeſty's Bond for 50000 Merks, which was never recovered by Reaſon of the enſuing Troubles of that Reign; he was alſo fined in the Sum of 1500 lib. Sterl. for his Loyalty, and forced to flee the Kingdom. This with his other Sufferings and Loſſes of the Family, brought his Eſtate very low, which for many Generations paſt, had been amongſt the moſt opulent in the Kingdom. He married Dame Anna Ogilvy, Counteſs of Buchan, Daughter to Walter Ogilvy, Lord Deskford, and Siſter to James the firſt Earl of Findlater. He died Anno 1663, and had Iſſue by her Patrick Maſter of Gray, who was ſlain at the Siege of . . . . . in France, unmarried, and one Daughter Anna, to whom he provided his Eſtate. His Second Wife was Dame Catharine Caddel, with whom he had only one Daughter, Frances, married to Captain . . . . Mackenzie, Son to the Biſhop of Murray.

The ſaid Anna Mrs. of Gray, was married with the Advice and Conſent of her Father and Friends to William Gray, eldeſt Son and Heir to Sir William Gray of Pittendrum, Knight, and Bart., whereupon his Majeſty [181] King Charles I. was pleaſed to grant a Patent of Honour upon the 8th January 1638, to the ſaid William Gray and his Heirs Male to be procreate betwixt him and the ſaid Lady, which faillieing to the Heirs Male of his own and his Father's Body whatſomever; and becauſe Andrew Lord Gray his Lady's Father was not yet dead, he is thereby allowed to take upon him the Stile and Title of, Maſter of Gray, and to enjoy the ſame Precedency as if he had been a Son of his own Body. This Patent was ratified in Parliament 17th November 1541, and is very ample, containing an Account of the Antiquity, Alliances, Offices Civil and Military &c. of the Houſe of Gray, and aſſerts the ſaid William Gray to be lineally and fairly deſcended of the ſaid Houſe.

This William Maſter of Gray, (as his Father-in law and Father) was a firm and reſolute Abettor of the Royal Cauſe, for which he ſuffered much both in his Perſon and Fortune: He had the Command of a Regiment Anno 1650, which he kept together for the moſt Part on his own Charge, till the total Subverſion of the Royal Family after the Battle of Worceſter, and he had the Satisfaction to ſurvive the Reſtauration, but died ſoon after in September 1660, leaving Iſſue by Anna Mrs. of Gray, Patrick Lord Gray, William who died unmarried, and Mr. Charles Gray Advocate.

Patrick Lord Gray, eldeſt Son to William Maſter of Gray, married Barbara, Daughter to Andrew Lord Balvaird, and Siſter to David Viſcount of Stormount, by whom he had one Daughter Marjory, who only ſurvived him, married to John Gray of Crichie, her Father's Couſin-German, and Grandſon by his Father to the above mentioned Sir William Gray of Pittendrum, by Conſequence next Heir-Male in the laſt Patent of Honour to Patrick Lord Gray, and his Brother Mr. Charles, who having both reſigned in his Favours before the Union of the Two Kingdoms, a new Patent of Honour was obtained to him and his Heirs whatſomever. Patrick Lord Gray died 30th January 1711.

John the preſent Lord Gray, had by his above-mentioned Lady Marjory Mrs. of Gray, John Maſter of Gray, William, and Alexander; likewiſe Three Daughters, Barbara, Catharine married to James Paterſon of Kirktoun, Advocate, and Elizabeth.

John Maſter of Gray, in the Lifetime of his Father, married Helen, Daughter of Alexander Lord Blantyre, and has a Son John.


Gules, a Lyon rampant within a Border ingraled Argent. Supporters, two Lyons rampant, guardant Gules. Creſt, an Anchor, Motto, Anchor, faſt Anchor.

RAMSAY, Viſcount of Haddingtoun.

SIR John Ramſay of Eaſt-Barns, a Branch of the Family of Dalhouſie, in Conſideration of his good Services in Reſcuing King James from the traiterous Attempt of the Earl of Gowry and his Brother at Perth, 5th of Auguſt 1600, was created Viſcount Haddingtoun; and accompanying his Majeſty to England, he was created a Peer of that Realm, by the Title of Earl of Holderneſs; but dying without Iſſue, his Honours died with himſelf, Anno 1625.

HAMILTON, Earl of Haddingtoun,

IS deſcended from the Family of Innerwick. Thomas the firſt Earl of Haddingtoun was the Son of Thomas Hamilton of Prieſtfield, by Elizabeth his Wife, Daughter of James Heriot of Trabrown, who being bred to the Law, he ſoon made an eminent Progreſs in that honourable Profeſſion, in Reputation and Practice; inſomuch [182] as he was when very young, advanced firſt to be one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice, and then to be Lord Advocate Anno 1595, which Office he diſcharged to his Majeſty's Satisfaction for many Years thereafter. In the 1612, Sir Thomas Hamilton was made Lord Regiſter, and ſhortly after Secretary in Place of Sir Alexander Hay, and without parting with the Secretary's Place, he was in 1616, preferred to be Preſident of the Seſſion, on the Demiſe of Sir John Preſton, and raiſed to the Dignity of a Peer by the Title of Lord Binny; and thereafter created Earl of Melroſs, 20th March 1619, which with his Majeſty's Approbation, he exchanged to the Title of Earl of Haddingtoun.

In the 1627, the Earl was removed from the Secretary's Place, and was thereupon made Privy Seal, and he continued in the Office till his Death, May 29th, 1637.

He married firſt Margaret, Daughter of James Borthwick of Newbuyres, by whom he had a Daughter Chriſtian, married to Robert Lord Lindſay, and after his Deceaſe to Robert Lord Boyd; next Margaret Daughter of . . . . . . Fowlis of Colingtoun, by whom he had Thomas his Succeſſor, Sir James Hamilton of Prieſtfield, Sir John Hamilton of Reidhall; likewiſe three Daughters, Iſobel married to James firſt Earl of Airly, Margaret to David Lord Car [...]agie, Son of David Earl of Southesk, and after his Death to James Earl of Hartfiel, and Jean to John Earl of Caſſils: His laſt Wife was Julian, Daughter of Sir Thomas Ker of Ferniehirſt, Widow of Sir Patrick Hume of Polwarth, by whom he had a Son Patrick, who was ſlain at the blowing up of the Houſe of Dunglaſs.

Thomas the ſecond Earl of Haddingtoun, in the Beginning of the Troubles was on the Side of the Covenant, and when the Scots Army marched toward England, he had the Command of the Gariſon of Dunglaſs, which by the Treachery of his own Page, an Engliſh Boy, was blown up, by firing the Magazine, whereby the Earl and ſeveral Gentlemen of Quality, miſerably periſhed on the 30th of Auguſt 1640. By Catharine his Wife, Daughter of John Earl of Mar, he had Thomas his eldeſt Son, who married a Lady of Quality in France, o [...] the Family of Chatilon, but died without Iſſue, and John Earl of Haddingtoun; alſo by Jean, Daughter of George Marquis of Hantl [...], his ſecond Wife, he had a Daughter Margaret, married to John firſt Earl of Kintore.

John the next Earl of Haddingtoun married Chriſtian, Daughter of John Earl of Crawfurd, by whom he had Charles his Son and Heir, and Three Daughters, Margaret married to John Hope of Hopetoun, Eleanor to Sir William Anſtruther of That-Ilk, one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice, Suſanna to Adam Cockburn of Ormiſtoun, Lord Juſtice-Clerk, and all had Iſſue. He dying the 1ſt of September 1669, was ſucceeded by

Charles his Son, who married Margaret Counteſs of Rothes, eldeſt Daughter of John Duke of Rothes. By her he had John the preſent Earl of Rothes, and Thomas Earl of Haddingtoun, who married Helen, Daughter of John Hope of Hopetoun, and has Iſſue, Charles Lord Binning, John, Margaret, Chriſtian.


Quarterly 1ſt and 4th Gules on a Chiveron betwixt Three Cinque Foils, Argent, a Buckle Azure betwixt Two Spots of Ermine, all within a Border, Or, charged with eight Thiſtles Vert, 2d and 3d Argent, a Feſs wave betwixt Three Roſes, Gules. Supporters, Two Spaniel Dogs. Creſt, Two Dexter Hands holding betwixt them a Branch of Lawrel. Motto, Praeſto & Perſto.

HALIBURTON, Lord Haliburton.

SIR James Dalrymple, a very learned Perſon in the Antiquities of his Country, upon good Grounds, [183] is of Opinion, that the Sirname of Haliburton was taken at firſt from the Chappel of Haliburton, depending upon the Church of Green-Law in Berwick-ſhire, as appears from a Grant thereof by David Filius Tructe about the Time of Malcolm IV. as may be inferred from a Charter by Philip de Haliburton, deſigning the fore-mentioned David the original Granter his Grand-father, Anno 1261. In the Reign of Robert I. the Haliburtons came to be Lords of the Barony of Dirltoun, by Right from the Vauſſes, an ancient Family, whoſe Arms they carried, and ſo probably, by Marriage of an Heir Female. The Family came to be conſidered as Lords in the Time of King James II. in the Perſon of Sir Walter Haliburton of Dirltoun. He was ſucceeded in his Eſtate and Honour by John Lord Haliburton, who flouriſhed under King James III. Patrick Lord Haliburton was his Son, who obtain'd a Grant to himſelf and Margaret his Wife Daughter of Patrick Hepburn of Hales of the Barony of Dirltoun, on his Father's Reſignation. George Lord Haliburton was his Succeſſor, and James Lord Haliburton ſucceeded him. After this James, Patrick was Lord Haliburton, who dying without Male Iſſue, in the Reign of King James V. the Honour failed, and his Eſtate came to his three Daughters Coheirs thus married.

1. Janet to William Lord Ruthven.

2. Marion to George Lord Hume.

3. Margaret to George Ker of Faudenſide in Vic. de Roxburgh.


Quarterly 1ſt. and 4th. Or, on a Bend, Azure, 3 Lozanges of the 1ſt, 2d, and 3d Or, a Bend Gules.

FALCONER, Lord Halkertoun.

THIS ancient Family is derived from one Ranulphus filius Walteri de Lenorp, who was Falconer to King William of Scotland, as appears by a Deed of the ſaid Prince to him of the Lands of Lachra and Balbegno, in Vic. de Kincardin, wherein he is deſigned Falconario noſtro a. In proceſs of time his Deſcendants roſe to be [184] great Barons, and were well known by the Deſignation of Halkertoun, their principal Reſidence in the County foreſaid. They have for many Years enjoyed the Honour of Knighthood, and have been frequently elected to ſit in Parliament as Knights of the Shire, and in other publick Stations have ſerved their Country on occaſions with great Reputation.

Sir Alexander Falconer of Halkertoun, the firſt who attained the Honour of Peerage, was Son and Heir of Sir Alexander Falconer by Agnes his Wife Daughter of Mr. David Carnegie of Coluthie Anceſtor to the Earl o [...] Southesk, being a Gentleman well vers'd in Learning, and competently skill'd in the Laws, was by the Favour of King Charles I. promoted to be one of the Lords of Council and Seſſion 19th of July 1639a, and deporting himſelf both in Parliament and otherways with Honour and Honeſty in the King's Service during the Civil War, his Majeſty was graciouſly pleaſed to put a laſting Mar [...] of his Eſteem upon him and his Family, by creating him Lord Halkertoun on the 20 of December 1647b, and living to ſee his Royal Maſter King Charles II. reſtor'd; his Lordſhip was again nominated to be one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice, in which Imployment he continued till his dying Day, the 1ſt. of October 1671c, leaving Iſſue by Anne his Wife, Daughter to John Lord Lindſay Anceſtor to the Earl of Crawfurd Alexander his Succeſſor, and a Daughter Agnes married to George Lord Banff.

Which Alexander married Margaret Daughter of James Earl of Airly. and departing this Life the 4th of March 1684d, was ſucceeded in his Eſtate and Honour by David the preſent Lord his Son, who is not married, and conſequently has no lawful Iſſue. His neareſt Relation on the Male Line is Sir Alexander Falkoner of Glenfarquhar, his preſumptive Heir.


Azure, a Falcon diſplay'd Argent crown'd Or, betwixt three Stars of the ſecond, and on her Breaſt a Mans Heart proper, Supporters Or, two Eagles proper, Creſt, an Angel incircl'd with Lawrel, Motto, Vive ut Vivas.

BOTHWEL, Lord Haly-Rud-Houſe.

WHEN King James V. did Inſtitute the College of Juſtice, Anno 1532e, he promoted Mr. Francis Bothwel, a Perſon well vers'd in the Civil and Canon Law, to be one of the Lords of Council and Seſſion. By Anne his Wife, Daughter to the Lord Livingſton he had two Sons, Richard Bothwel Provoſt of Edinburgh in the Reign of Queen Mary, Anceſtor of Bothwel of Glencorſs in Vic. de Edinburgh, and Mr. Adam Bothwell who having gone through the Courſe of his Studies at the Univerſity and the Inferior Schools, applyed himſelf particularly to Theology; and after ſome inferior Station in the Church, which no doubt he paſſed through, he was elected Biſhop of Orkney by the Chapter, and obtained the Royal Aſſent thereto, the 8th of October 1562f,f f [185] that See being then void by the Deceaſe of Biſhop Reid, and two Years after nominated to be one of the Senators of the College of Juſticea. He was one of the four Popiſh Biſhops who imbraced the Proteſtant Religion, and zealouſly concured in reforming the Errors in Doctrine of the Romiſh Church till then eſtabliſhed in the Nation by Law, and continued long in the exerciſe of his Biſhoprick, notwithſtanding of the Prejudice the Church then had to that Orderb. In the 1570, he made an exchange of the Revenue of the Epiſcopal See of Orkney, then in his Perſon, and which he was impower'd to diſpoſe of as he had a mind, with Robert Stewart Prior of Haly-Rud-Houſe, and thereby came to be Commendator of that Abbey, which he enjoyed till the the 23 of Auguſt of 1593. He was called from this tranſitory to an Eternal Life, and was interred in the Abbey-Church of Haly-Rud-Houſe, near his Grave was affixed this Inſcription and Epitaph, ‘Hic reconditus jacet Nobiliſſimus Vir, Dominus Adamus Bothuelius, Epiſcopus Orcadum & Zetlandiae; Commendatarius Monasterii Sanct [...] Crucis; Senator & Conſiliarius Regius: qui Obiit anno aetatis ſuae 67. 23. die Menſis Augusti, anno Domini, 1593’

N [...]te Senatoris magni; magne ipſe Senator;
Magne Senatoris, triplice laude, Parens;
Tempore cujus opem poſcens Eccleſia ſenſit;
Amplexa eſt cujus Cura forenſis opem;
Vixiſti, ex animi voto: Jam, plenus Honorum,
Plenus opum, ſenii jam quoque plenus obit.
Sic nihil Ʋrna Tui, niſi membra ſenilia, celat;
Teque vetat Virtus Vir tua Magne mori.
I faelix Mortem requie ſuperato ſuprema;
Sic, Patriae & Liberis, Fama perennis erit.

Mr. John Bothwel of Allhammar c his Son ſucceeded him in the Commendatory of Haly-Rud-Houſe, who being a very polite and learned Perſon, was by the Bounty of King James VI. promoted to be one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice, upon the Dimiſſion of his Father, 26th June 1593d, he was one of thoſe the ſaid King choſe to accompany him into England, Anno 1603, when he went to take Poſſeſſion of that Crown, being then one of his Majeſty's moſt honourable Privy Council, and continuing much in his Maſters Favour and Eſteem. He obtained a Charter and Patent bearing Date at Whitehall 20th of December 1607, erecting Totas & integras terras & Baroniam de Dunrod, nec non Terras de Mikle & Little Kirklands jacent in Seneſchallatu de Kirkcudbright & Vicecomit. de Drumfries ac etiam omnes & ſingulas feudae firmarum augmentationis annuus redditus ad conventum & conventuales fratres Monaſterii & Abbaciae de Haly-rud-houſe pro tempore ſolvi ſolit. & Conſuet. ac etiam totas & integras Terras & Baroniam de Alhammer alias Whitekirk in unam liberam Baroniam & Regalitatem; nec non Damus & Concedimus Magiſtro Joanni Bothwell ſuiſque heredibus & aſſignatis Heredita [...]iae totum & integrum Monaſterium & Abbaciae locum de Haly-rud houſe una cum omnibus & ſingulis decimis garbalibus aliiſque decimis quibuſcunque tam rectoriarum quam vicariarum omnium & ſingularum Eccleſi [...]rum & Parochiarum de Whitekirk, Libertoun, Tranent, Crawfurd-Lindſay, St. Cuthberts, & Haly-rud-houſe, per prius ad dictum Monaſterium & Abbaciam de Haly-rud-houſe, tanquam ſpiritualitatem ejuſdem ſpectan. quas omnes Terras, Baronia & Abbacias erigimus [186] unimus, & annexamus in unum integr [...] & liberum temporale dominium omni tempore futur [...], Dominium de Halyrud houſe [...]cupa [...]d. praefato Magiſtro Joanni Both [...]el, ſuiſque heredibus Maſculis de Corpore ſuo legitime procreatis ſeu procreandis, quibus deficien. heredibus maſculis qu [...]ndam Adami Epiſcopi Orcaden. ſui Patris, quibus deficientibus legitimis & propinquioribus heredibus & aſſignatis dicti Magiſtri Joannis quibuſcunque. This Lord married Mary Daughter of Sir John Carmichael o [...] that Ilka, and dying in November 1609b, he left a Son John to ſuccee [...] him in the Honour, who died unmarried Anno 1635, to whom Alexander Bothwel of Glencorſs was ſerved and retoured Heirc on the 4th o [...] February 1704.


Azure a Cheveron betwixt three Trefoils Or, ſupported on the right Side by a Gray-Hound, and on the other with a Goſe-Hawlk Proper, Creſt, a Palm Tree, with a naked Boy on it, Motto, Surgendum adverſus urgentia,

HAMILTON, Duke of Hamiltoun.

AS this illuſtrious and moſt noble Family is the firſt of the Peerage of Scotland, ſo it is one of the moſt conſiderable, whether we Reſpect the Nobleneſs of its Extraction, the Multiplicity of its Branches, or the Grandeur of its Alliances; and tho' they are not of ſo long a Continuance in this Realm, as ſome others mentioned in this Work; yet 'tis ſufficient to ſay, That this noble Houſe has been eſtabliſhed by an undenyable and uninterrupted Succeſſion of full Four Hundred Years, and had the Honour to be grac'd with the Intail of the Crown, and imperial Dignity of this Realm, One Hundred and Sixty Years ago, which was ratified in a full Aſſembly of the three Eſtates of Parliament, to which all of them ſet their Seals.

I muſt acknowledge I have not had the Honour to peruſe the more ancient Writes of the Family of Hamiltoun, wherefore I am obliged to rely upon the Account given me from Mr. Hamilton of Wiſhaw, an Antiquary of no little Fame, who ſays, ‘"That Sir Gilbert Hamilton, the firſt of this illuſtrious Race who tranſplanted himſelf from the Kingdom of England, was extracted from the ancient Earls of Liceſter, of whoſe Grant his Progenitor had Lands in that County, called Hamilton, from whence they aſſumed a Sirname, and that the occaſion of his coming to Scotland is delivered by Hiſtorians, after this manner:"’ Sir Gilbert (ſay they) at the Court of Edward II. chanced to talk with Honour and Reſpect of the great Merit of King Robert the Bruce, whereupon one John del Spencer gave him a Blow, which arrogant Treatment he reſented ſo highly, that encountering him the next Day, he killed him; and to avoid puniſhment, fled to Scotland, where he was well received by King Robert: Who to make amends for what he had forfaulted on his account at home, generouſly rewarded him with the Barony of Cadzow, in the county of Lanerk, then an appendage of the Crown. He was a very brave Man, and to him are aſcribed a vaſt many great Exploits, particularly, that he diſtinguiſhed his Valour and Conduct in the deciſive Battle of [187] Bannock-burn, (which happened on the the 25th of July 1314,) ſo eminently, that he was knighted in the Field, and got a Gift of diverſe Lands. My former Author further informs me, that he was matched with a Lady of the Family of the Randolphs, rais'd in that Reign to the Honour of Earl of Murray, by whom he had two Sons, Sir Walter his Succeſſor, and Sir John Hamilton of Roſs-aven Knight, of whom ſprung the Family of Preſtoun in Vicde Edinburgh, and its Branches. To Sir Gilbert's Memory this Epitaph was compoſed by a famous Author.

Iure ego deſerui patriam, vetereſque penates,
Nempe fidem, jus, fas deſerit illa prius.
Jam nova jura libens inii ſub rege benigno,
Qui profugo patriam, qui potiora dedit.
Hinc res, at que decus, fortunaque laeta ſecuta eſt,
Hinc regum thalamis nobilitata domus.
Esto, ſolum verti, at patriam inveni, haec dedit auxit,
Quae modo perdideram: quae potui, illa dedi.

Sir Walter his Son was a Man of great Fame and Character, he had ſeveral Military Commands in the Service of Robert I. which he perform'd with great Diligence and Succeſs, in Conſideration whereof, he had by that Prince's Grant a Charter of the Barony of Cadzow, to be held in as ample manner as Sir Gilbert his Father held the ſame: Alſo in the 9th of the ſame Reign, to reward his great Merit and acceptable Services, he had a Grant of the Barony of Machan-ſhire in the County of Lanark, which formerly belonged to John Cumin Knight. Further, in the 1324, the King beſtowed on him the Lands of Kinneil, Larber, Brimage, and Auldcathie in the Shire of Linlithgow, and the very ſame Year the Lands of Kirkinder and Kirkowen in the County of Wigtoun, for good Services done and to be done by him, as the Charter bears. Thus by his Princes Bounty and Favour arriving to great Wealth and Honour, he ſtrengthened his Family by a very noble Alliance, taking to Wife Iſobel Daughter of William Earl of Roſs a, and Neice to the King by her Mother, by whom he had two Sons, who ſurvived him, Sir David, and Sir John Hamilton, from whom the Families of Innerweek Ballincrieff, and the preſent Earl of Haddingtoun are deſcended.

To Sir Walter Hamilton ſucceeded Sir David his Son, who ſerved King David II. in his Wars againſt the Engliſh: He was with the King at the unfortunate Battle of Durham, Anno 1348, where he was taken Priſoner with his Maſterb, but paying a Ranſom he was releaſed. That he had great eſteem from that King, is plain enough, for in the 40th of his Reign, he had a ſpecial Grant of all the Lands which belonged either to Sir Gilbert his Grand-father or Sir Walter his Father in any part of the Realm;c and at the ſame time the King was pleaſed to diſcharge for ever to him and his Heirs, a Feu-duty that had been formerly payable to the Exchequer out of the Barony of Cadzow, a Sign of the Prevalency of his Intereſt at that Prince's Court, where Men of Merit were only imployed. In the 4th of King Robert II. Anno 1373, he had Summons to Parliament, and appends his Seal to the Act recognizing his Majeſty's Title to the Crown, and in ſettling the Succeſſion upon all the King's Children lawfully begotten, either by Eliſabeth Mure his firſt Wife, or Euphame Roſs then his Queend. What is further remarkable of this Sir David, is, That according to the Devotion of that Age, when Donatives to the Church could ſanctifie and merit for any Perſon, he gave in pure and perpetual Alms to the Cathedral [188] Church of Glaſgow an Annuity of Ten Merks Sterl out of the Barony of Kinneil, for the Support of a qualified Perſon to celebrate Divine Service at the Altar of the Bleſſed Virgin Mary, in the ſaid Church, Pro ſalute animae Roberti quondam Regis Scotiae, nec no [...] pr [...] proſperitate ſereniſſimi Principis Domini David Regis Scotiae, ac etiam pro ſalute animae ſuae, & animarum omnium antec [...]ſſorum & ſucceſſorum ſuorum in perpetuum a. My former worthy Authorb informs me, that this Sir David dying in the 1373, left Iſſue by Margaret his Wife Daughter of Walter Leſly Lord of Roſs, by Euphame Daughter and Heir of William Earl of Roſs, David his Succeſſor, and Walter Progenitor of the Branch of Camskeith, in Vic. de Air c and its Cadets.

Which Sir David attained the Honour of Knighthood from King Robert II. in the 7th of whoſe Reign he had a Grant of the Lands of Bothwell-Mure, in the County of Lanark d, and by other Acquiſitions, he raiſed a great Fortune. Marrying Janet Daughter of Sir William Keith Mariſhal of Scotland e, by her he had five Sons and a Daughter.

Sir John who continued on the Line of the Family.

Sir William the ſecond Son, was Anceſtor of the Hamilton's of Bathgate in Vic. de Linlithgow f.

Sir Robert the third, from whom the Family of Bruntwood and Udſtoun did deſcend, out of which branched the Hamiltons of Barncluth, the Lord Belhaven, Roſehall, Pencaitland, and Wiſhaw.

George the fourth Son, was Author of the Family of Boarland, in Vic. de Air.

David the fifth, who fixed his Reſidence in the County of Stirling, where he acquired a fair Eſtate by the marrying one of the Co-heirs of Galbreath, a great Baron in thoſe Parts, and became the Root of the Hamiltons of Bardowie, who ſtill continue there.

Eliſabeth only Daughter, married to Sir Alexander Fraſer, Thane of Cowie and Dores g.

But to return to Sir John Hamilton Lord of Cadzow, who appears to have been a Perſon of ſpecial Account, but living in a Time of no great Action under Robert III. a peaceable Prince, I could not procure any Memoirs of him proper to be inſerted here. His Wife was Janet Daughter of Sir James Douglaſs of Dalkeith, Anceſtor to the Earl of Morton. By her he had

Sir James his Succeſſor.

David, who firſt founded the Family of Dalſerf, in Vic. de Lanark, of whom the Hamiltons of Blackburn, Allarſhaw, Ladyland, Green, and others derive themſelves.

Thomas, of whom deſcended the Houſe of Raploch, out of which iſſued the Hamiltons of Torrence, Stanhouſe, Woodhall, Aikenhead, Dechmont, Barns, and ſeveral flouriſhing Branches in the Kingdom of Ireland, of which the Earl of Glenbryſall was the Head.

Having done with the younger Brothers, I proceed with Sir James Hamilton of Cadzow the eldeſt Son, who in the 1411, with David his Brother, obtained Letters of ſafe Conduct from Henry IV. to come into England, as far as the Caſtle of Calthorp, in the County of Lincoln, yet on what occaſion is not ſaidh: And twelve Years after, when the Sum of [189] Fourty Thouſand Pound Sterling was agreed on as the Ranſom of King James I. He was ſent into England as one of the Hoſtages for the payment thereofa, an Evidence he was then looked upon as one of the moſt conſiderable Barons of Scotland. Soon after which, King James conferred on him the Honour o [...] Knighthood, and called him to his Privy Council. In the Reign of King James II. when our Conſtitution of Parliaments came to be modelled according to the Frame they are now in, this noble Perſon was in the 8th of the ſame King, Anno 1445, entred among the Lords of Parliament, all his Lands being then erected into a Lordſhip in all time coming, to be called the Lordſhip of Hamilton b. Alſo in the 1449, he was joined in Commiſſion with John Biſhop of Glaſgow, Andrew Abbot of Melroſs, Patrick Cockburn Provoſt of Edinburgh, Peter Young Dean of Dunkeld, to treat with the Engliſh touching a Peace betwixt the two Nations, which they concludedc. Upon the Rebellion of the Earl of Douglaſs, he was with the Earl of Angus ſent to command againſt the Rebels, by whom they were intirely routed: In Conſideration of which ſignal Service, he was rewarded with the Baronies of Drumſhargard and Carmonock, with the heritable Sheriffſhip of Lanark ſhire, then in the Crown, by the Forfaulture of the ſaid James Earl of Douglaſs d. This noble Lord founded, and amply endowed the Collegiate Church of Hamilton in the 1451, which was ratified and approven by the Popes Bull, which he went to Rome in Perſon to procure, being accompanyed with James Lord Livingſtoun and Gavin Hamilton Provoſt of the Collegiate Church of Bothwell, having got a ſafe Conduct from Henry VI. to paſs through England e. He was likewiſe a Benefactor to the Univerſity of Glaſgow, then founded by Biſhop Turnbull, by his Charter of Mortification, bearing Date the 14th of January 1459f, which he did not long ſurvive, departing this mortal Life in the Year 1460g, tho' I cannot meet with the Day and Month. His firſt Wife was Janet Daughter to Sir Alexander Livingſton of Calendar h, by her he had

1. James his Succeſſor Lord Hamilton.

2. Andrew firſt of the Hamiltons of Silver-Town-Hill, in Vic. de Lanark.

3. Gavin, Provoſt of the Collegiate Church of Bothwell, Anceſtor of the Family of Orbiſtoun, of whom alſo Haggs, Kilbrachmont, Dalztel, Monkland, Bothwel-haugh, Parkhead, and Bar i.

4. John Hamilton of Whiſleberry k, in Vic. de Lanark.

His ſecond Wife was Euphame Daughter of Patrick Graham Earl of Strathern, Counteſs Dowager of Douglaſs, by whom he had a Son and two Daughters,

Sir John Hamilton of Shawfield, in Vic. de Lanark.

Mary, married to William Earl Mariſhal.

Eliſabeth to David Earl of Crawfurd afterward Duke of Montroſe.

[190] 949 James Lord Hamilton was ſucceeded by James his Son, who was conſtituted one of the Lords of the Privy Council, Anno 1440; in which Station he continued, till from ſome Miſtake he entred into that memorable League with the Earls of Douglaſs, Roſs, Crawfurd, Murray, and Ormond, wherein they ſolemnly ſwore never to deſert one another during their Lives; that Injuries done to any one of them, ſhould be conſidered as done to them all; that they ſhould concurr againſt whatſoever Perſons within or without the Realm, and ſpend their Lives, Goods and Fortunes in Defence of each other. But when Sir James Hamilton diſcerned their violent purpoſes againſt the King, he ſever'd himſelf from them, and returned to his Duty, whereupon enſued the ruin of the Earl of Douglaſs, who perſiſted in his Rebellion. In the Reign of King James III. he was no leſs conſidered and valued than he had been by the former King; for in the 1471, when a Treaty of Peace was ſet on foot with the Engliſh, he was one of thoſe noble Perſons who met the Lord Howard and other Commiſſioners on the Part of the King of England, and treated of a [191] League and Amity betwixt the two Nations. Thereafter on the 6th of March 1472, he was with William Biſhop of Aberdeen, David Earl of Crawfurd, John Lord Darnly, and Archibald Whitelaw Secretary of State, by a Commiſſion under the Great Seal, appointed to treat with the Ambaſſadours of England upon a laſting Peace betwixt the two Realms. His excellent Qualities and heroick Virtues gain'd ſo much upon his Sovereign King James III. that he was pleaſed to beſtow upon him his Siſter the Lady Mary Counteſs of Arran in Marriage, the greateſt Honour any Subject was capable of. With this moſt vertuous Lady he lived in all conjugal Affection, till the 6th of November 1479, he departed this Lifea, leaving Iſſue James his Succeſſor, and a Daughter Eliſabeth married to Matthew Earl of Lennox, Grand-mother by him of Henry Lord Darnly Duke of Albany Father of King James VI. firſt Monarch of Great Britain.

Which James being a Nobleman endowed with all the great Qualities ſuitable to his high Birth, began early to diſtinguiſh himſelf in the publick Service in the Reign of King James IV. for when he was very young his Majeſty called him to his Privy Council, and in the 1503 ſent him to England to conclude his Marriage with Margaret eldeſt Daughter to Henry VII. Soon after which the ſaid King being ſenſible of his great Merit and eminent Services, was pleaſed to give him the Earldom, and create him Earl of Arran on the 10th of Auguſt 1503, where the remarkable Expreſſions uſed by his Majeſty, as the juſt Motives of beſtowing the Honour, are ſufficient to illuſtrate thoſe of his Poſterity, and are thus ſet furth in the preamble of his Patent.

Sciatis nos, propter propinquitatem ſanguinis inter nos & dilectum conſanguineum noſtrum Jacobum Dominum Hamilton, & pro ſuo gratuito ſervitio nobis impenſo & impendendo, ac pro ſuis magnis laboribus & expenſis factis & ſuſtentatis pro noſtro & Regni noſtri honore, tempore contractus Matrimonii noſtri in facie Eccleſiae ſolemnizati apud noſtrum Monaſterium Sanctae Crucis prope Edinburg ac cum aviſamento & conſenſu noſtri Concilii, ac trium noſtri Regni ſtatuum; pro tempore praedicto mature aviſatos & ex noſtra expreſsa ſcientia ac proprio motu dediſse, conc [...]ſſiſſe, & hac preſenti charta noſtra confirmaſſe eidem Jacobo Domino Hamilton totum & integrum Comitatum de Arran jacen. in Vicecomitatu [...]e Bute &c.b,

[192] His Lordſhip being now higher in Dignity, the Year following had the Command of the Forces ſent from Scotland to the Aſſiſtance of Chriſtian II. of Denmark; which Service he happily perform'd with Conduct, Diligence, and Fidelity. Having gone thus ſucceſsfully through this Affair, his royal Maſter again intruſted him with the Command of the Four Thouſand Men ſent into France to the Aſſiſtance of Lewis XII. where he acquired immortal Honour; and when that Service was over, he returned Home richly rewarded by that Prince, beſides a Penſion during Life. While he ſtay'd in France the Death of King James IV. happned in the unfortunate Battle of Flowdon; then he returned home to ſettle the diſturbed State of his Native Country, which ordinarily falls out in all Minorities, and ſtood fair to have been elected Regent to the young King. Many, ſays my Author, gave their Voices for him, as being neareſt in Blood to the King, and a Man affecting Peace more than others, and every way ſufficient for ſuch a Charge; but he generouſly and juſtly yielded his Pretenſions to his Couſin-German John Duke of Albany, who was as near to the King in the Male, as his Lordſhip was in the Female Line. Upon the Duke's Promotion to the Supreme Government, his Lordſhip was named Captain of the Caſtle of Edinburgh a, Provoſt of that City, and not long after Warden of the Marches toward England. Alſo in the 1517, this Earl was appointed one of the Six Guardians of the Realm, who were to Rule by Turns, when John Duke of Albany went to France to renew the ancient League which had been kept inviolable for many Centuries paſt betwixt the two Realms: There being nothing more to be found in Hiſtory concerning this great Earl, we ſhall draw toward the Cloſe of his Life, and obſerve his Marriages and Iſſue.

His firſt Wife was Beatrix Daughter of John Lord Drummond b, by whom he had only one Daughter Margaret, married to Andrew Stewart Lord Evandale and Ochiltree c, and after her Death, Eliſabeth Siſter to Alexander Lord Hume, Lord High Chamberlane of Scotland; but being divorced from herd, he was again enabled to marry, ſo he next took to Wife Janet Daughter of Sir David Beaton of Crich in Vic. de Fife Comptroller in the Reign of King James IV. Widow of Sir Robert Livingſton of Eaſter-Weems, by whom he had,

James Earl of Arran.

Helen married to Archibald Earl of Argyle.

Jane to Alexander Earl of Glencairn.

[193] This Earl giving way to Fate in the 1530, was ſucceeded by

James his Son, a Perſon of ſingular Prudence and Integrity, as will appear in the whole Conduct of his Life. In the 1536, when he was but a very young Man, he was one of the Lords who attended King James V. by his ſpecial Appointment in his Voyage to France, when he eſpouſed Magdalen Daughter to Francis I.a, afterward in 1539, when the foreſaid King had a Prince born to him by Mary of Lorrain his next Queen he had the Honour to ſtand God-father to himb. His Lordſhip was very forward in offering the King his Service toward the ſuppreſſing the Incurſions of the Engliſh, under the Command of Sir Thomas Wharton, and had the Command of that Body which was ſent to Deſend the Eaſt-Border, where he ſoon heard the mortifying News of the Loſs of the Army at Solway, which was not long after attended with the Death of that Monarch, who yielded his laſt Breath on the 14 of December 1542: Then my Lord Arran was, by the unanimous Conſent of Parliament choſen Protector to the young Queen Mary, and Governour of Scotland, which was ratified by an Act of the three Eſtates, in which, The Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commiſſioners of Burghs, declare James Earl of Arran Lord Hamilton, ſecond Perſon of the Realm, and neareſt to ſucceed to the Crown of the ſame, failling of our Sovereign Lady, and the Bairns lawfully to be begotten of her and none others; and by Reaſon thereof Tutor lawful to the Queen's Grace and Governour of the Realm, and he to uſe the ſaid Office in all things until the perfect Age of our ſaid Sovereign Lady, and all the Leiges of this Realm, to Anſwer and Obey the ſaid Earl as Tutor lawful to her Grace, and Governour foreſaid, in all things concerning the ſaid Office, conform to the Act made hereupon c.

As ſoon as the Earl was in Poſſeſſion of the Government, he ſent the Earl of Glencairn, Sir George Douglaſs, William Hamilton of Sanquhar, James Learmont of Balcomy, and Mr. Henry Balnaves of Hall-hill, Secretary of State unto England, in order to treat both about a Peace, which was become neceſſary, by reaſon of the King's Death, and other concurring Circumſtances, and a Match betwixt the Infant Queen and Edward Prince of England. Accordingly a Peace, or at leaſt an Abſtinence, as it was then termed, and a Marriage betwixt the Queen and Prince Edward were agreed to, and ratified by a great Majority in the Parliament, which met at Edinburgh in Auguſt 1543.

I need not mention in this place, how this advantagious Union was ſpoiled by the then Clergy and the French Faction, it being ſo fully treated on by Biſhop Leſly and Mr. Buchanan, only I ſhall add what neither of them have taken much notice of, That the Earls of Huntly, Argyle, Montroſe, Bothwel, Monteith, Lord Fleeming, and a great many more of all Ranks, entred into a moſt ſolemn Bond; and notwithſtanding of the Act of Parliament, bound and obliged themſelves to oppoſe the intended Match with England, and conſequential Union, with all their Power, tho' with the hazard of their Fortunes and Lives, at the ſame time they endeavoured all they could to bring the Governour into a Complyance with the breach of the Treaty, and the more effectually to win him over to them, they propoſed to ſecure the Crown to his Poſterity, by beſtowing the Infant Queen upon the Lord Hamilton, his eldeſt Son. But ſo invincibly was he attached to what he thought the Intereſt of his Country and his own Reputation and Honour [194] in the Obſervation of a Treaty he himſelf had cauſed to be ratified in Parliament, that he kept it inviolated on his part, till King Henry VIII. not only refuſed to ratify it on the other Part, but alſo cauſed his Officers to ſeiſe upon a great many Scots Ships that had ſailed to England loaden with French and Scots Commodities, upon the Faith of the Treaty of Peace before concluded. This undenyable Breach of the Articles condeſcended on, the Governour reſented to that degree, that he called a Parliament in December 1543, and in it declared the Treaty to be void and null, in regard the Engliſh had broke it firſt. Then he applyed himſelf with the utmoſt Diligence to carry on a War, and immediately raiſed what Forces he could, to oppoſe the Engliſh Army that had invaded Scotland, under the Command of the Lord Evers, whom he encountred at Ancrum in Teviotdale; and tho' they were 7000 to not above 800, put them to the rout with conſiderable Loſs on their Side, and ſcarce a Man on his Lordſhip's. Not long after this, he was join'd by Monſieur de Lerges Count of Montgomery, with 3500 French Auxiliaries, and marched toward England in ſearch of the Earl of Hartford, who to retrieve the former Loſs, had entred Scotland, and had already laid waſte a great part of the Merſe and Teviotdale, but retir'd upon the approach of the Scots Army. The Governour in his Turn invaded England, beat the Enemy where ever he found them, ravag'd the Country, and return'd with the Glory of having defeated one Army, and given the Chaſe to another in one Campaign. Neither am I to forget, that at this time King Francis I. ſent him the Enſigns of the moſt noble Order of St. Michael. To proceed, in the 1547, when the Duke of Somerſet was made Protector of England, and Tutor to Edward VI. upon the demiſe of Henry VIII. in Proſecution of the War, he invaded Scotland upon the head of a mighty Army, ſeconded by a Fleet by Sea. His Grace haſtning to raiſe all the Force he could to oppoſe him, ſo advancing toward Pinkie-cleugh, where the Enemy were incamped, the Engliſh obtained the Victory on the 10th of September 1547, and left Eight Thouſand Scots killed on the Field. After which they ravaged the Country five Miles round, ſacked Leith, and made an Attempt upon Edinburgh, but by the Activity of the Governour they were repulſed with Loſs. After which his Lordſhip repaired to Stirling, where he had appointed the Nobility to meet him. In this Aſſembly he appeared not at all dejected or diſpirited, but addreſſed himſelf in this Speech, that Monſieur de Larrey has thought fit to inſert in his French Hiſtory of England, tranſlated by an ingenious Author, from whom I have preſumed to borrow it.

‘"I Doubt not but that many of you, My Lords, and more of the Vulgar, (whoſe forward prepoſterous Underſtandings ſeldom judge of Things but by the various Events they are liable to) may be apt to diſapprove a War that has been attended with Conſequences ſo fatal to moſt of us. I own that I advis'd you to Undertake it; and as then, ſo I am ſtill of Opinion, that 'tis one of theſe Evils the Glory and Liberty of the Nation do not allow us to avoid: I know not but you may have other Sentiments at this time, and have therefore call'd you together, to congratulate your Magnanimity, if you remain unſhaken, as I am, in your Reſolution to repulſe the Encroachments made upon us; [195] and, if you are otherwiſe diſpos'd, as I hope you are not, to upbraid your Fear, the Inglorious Enemy of Reaſon and Courage. When I took the Command of our Armies upon me, you unanimouſly preferr'd an Honourable War, to a Peace you thought equally Unſafe and Diſgraceful; and ſhall we be ſo Mean as to yield to the firſt Signal Injuſtice of Fortune? No: I am perſwaded, that, as Grating as our Misfortune at Pinky muſt needs be to you all, you'll nevertheleſs chooſe to purſue a Noble Revenge, rather than ſit down with the Affront, or ſubmit to the threatn'd Slavery. Come on't what will, I am fix'd in my firſt Opinion; and I had rather preſerve the Monarchy at any rate, I mean, tho' at the Expence of ſuch of the Subjects Fortunes and Blood as have been, or may yet chance to be waſted, than to ſpare the Eſtates and Lives of private Men, tho' ever ſo Great or Deſerving, with the Loſs of our Common Country. Let us labour by all Means to ſave the Ship, that ſaves all; and to effect this, let us not grudge to cut down the Maſt, nor to ſee our own Shares of the Loading thrown over Board: If the Foundation of an Edifice ſtands firm, 'tis no great Matter what comes of the Ceiling or Furniture. Our private Loſſes are ſo many Sacrifices that are due to the Publick, they weaken the State, I own it, but the Ruin of the State it ſelf muſt needs involve us all in Univerſal Irretrivable Miſeries. Conſider, My Lords, with what an Enemy we have to do, and on what Terms we may purchaſe a Peace. Our Enemy, is he not the ſame old Inveterate One, whoſe Avarice has, by Unjuſt Wars, ſo often attempted to Devour our Exiſtence? And is not this preſent War alone ſufficient to make us tremble at the very Thought of, falling under the Power of Tyrants ſo unconſcionably Implacable? We cannot deſcend to the Terms they propoſe, without ſtooping under the Imperious Yoke of a People that thirſt for our Blood, and whoſe Inſolence is whetted with Fury. Caſt your Eyes, on the other Hand, on your Ancient Unalterable Allies the French; they never yet fail'd us in our greateſt Exigencies, and will not in the preſent Juncture of our Affairs: Neither do we want Friends in Italy: Nay, there are few Potentates in Europe, that will unconcernedly look on and behold our Deſtruction. Reſolve, in fine, Whether we had beſt Defend our Liberties, or give them up; Whether 'tis moſt expedient to die, if it muſt be ſo, Free and Independent, or to live Eternal Slaves to our greateſt Foes. 'Tis true, they offer us fair Things; our Laws and Rights are, by the Treaty, to remain untouch'd: But pray, who is Guarrantee for this? And if the Engliſh ſhall, in an After-game, either Break or Encroach upon the Articles agreed to, Who will Redreſs our Grievances? To what Tribunal ſhall we appeal? 'Tis a Jeſt to offer to ſet up either for Liberty or Property, when in effect we ſhall have given them away. We muſt begin, by ſurrendering our Miſtreſs to a Husband, that is, to a Maſter; which done, I don't ſee why he may not, as ſuch, ſubject her Crown to his own, or rather Unite and Confound them in one: And thus Scotland muſt inevitably become a County or Province of England. 'Tis impoſſible to reflect on the Ambitious Project without Horror and Deteſtation: And how can we chooſe, but to have the meaneſt Sentiments of, and greateſt Contempt imaginable [196] for ſuch of our Countrymen as ſhall ſhew themſelves Villains enough to comply. The uncertain Events and Length of the War, may perhaps intimidate ſome of us: But is't the firſt time that Scotland has ſeen herſelf expos'd to Dangers of this kind? When reduc'd to the like Extremities, did ever our Anceſtors heſitate to prefer their Honour to Life? And are we ſo far Degenerated as to render our ſelves, their Off-ſpring, unworthy of the ineſteemable Treaſure they purchas'd with ſo much Valour, and tranſmitted to us with ſo much Glory? Had the malign Influence of our Birth involv'd us in Slavery, how far we had been oblig'd to endeavour the Recovery of that Freedom we had never enjoy'd, I ſhall not determine; but ſince we were born Free, 'tis plain, that our Poſterity can never pardon our Cowardice, if we become willing to reſign the Independency our own Birth and Forefathers Courage have entitl'd us to. I [...] but a part of our Eſtates and Honours were invaded, we might plead ſome Pretence or Excuſe for diſpenſing with it: But the Body of the Nation is attack'd; our Country, nothing leſs than our Country, is at Stake; its Ancient Laws and Fundamental Conſtitution are on the Point of being ſubverted. I cannot diſown, but that 'tis hard to tell what Succeſs it ſhall pleaſe the Almighty to give to our Arms; 'tis certain however, that as we muſt bear with Patience thoſe Maladies the Infirmity of Nature has made us liable to, ſo we are oblig'd to ſuffer with Conſtancy ſuch further Loſſes as the Enemy's good Fortune may procure us. 'Tis not only in theſe our Days that the Scots Nation, equal to the Romans in this Point, have ſtood firm in the midſt of Dangers, or that they have conquer'd their hard Fate by the Steddineſs of their Courage: Let us for no reaſon affront the Memory of thoſe Heroes that gave us a Being, and far from following the Example of thoſe in the March and Teviotdale, let us rather deteſt the Infamy of their Defection. The more Vigor we ſhall expreſs by our Unanimity in this Meeting, ſo much the more may we expect the Aſſiſtance of our Friends beyond Seas: Nay, Fortune her ſelf ſeems to take Pleaſure in raiſing that Virtue ſhe has in vain attempted to depreſs. One thing at leaſt we are ſure of, the Boldneſs of our Reſolutions cannot fail of conveying the Praiſes we ſhall deſerve, down to the old Age of Time; whereas our Cowardice, if expreſs'd on this Occaſion, would render us Infamous and Unhappy at once."’

This Speech ſo lively, and ſo admirably well adapted to the Humour of the Nation at that time, had its deſired Effect: The Nobility applauded his Deſign, they talked of nothing but of Means to proſecute the War; and whatever the Event might be, they reſolved to hazard all, rather than ſubmit to the Engliſh. So it was agreed to have recourſe to the King of France, who they thought alone able to retrieve their Loſſes, and to tranſact with him about marrying the Queen when fit for a Husband, to Francis the firſt his Son the Daulphine. Then the ſaid King was pleaſed to create his Lordſhip Duke of Chattlerault in that Kingdom, and to aſſign him for the better ſupport of the Honour a Revenue of 30000 Livres a Year to him his Heirs and Aſſigneys for ever. After which his Grace continued Governour of Scotland for ſix Years, till the 1555, he reſigned that great Poſt in full Parliament to the Queens Mother. He was again declared to [197] be the preſumptive Heir of the Crown, failing Queen Mary and the Iſſue of her Body, and this at a Time when he had deveſted himſelf of all Authority, delivered up the Regalia, and conſequently was not in a Condition to influence the Members, nor byaſs the Judgment of the Nation; after which his Grace liv'd much at Home in a State ſuitable to his Quality, imploying himſelf in the Service of his Country upon all Occaſions with untainted Honour.

When Queen Mary returned Home from France, Anno 1561, her Majeſty was pleaſed prudently to make choice of a new Privy Council, all or moſt of whom were Proteſtants, the better to conform her ſelf to the preſent poſture of Affairs; and confiding much in the Duke of Chattlerault, he was choſe one of that Number, wherein he worthily ſerved her Majeſty in ſettling the Kingdom, then in no ſmall Ferment, always ſhowing a great ſteddyneſs to the Intereſt of his Country and the Proteſtant Rel [...]gion. The Queen having found the benefit of his faithful Services at Home, was pleaſed in 1566a to ſend him over to France to take care of her Intereſt there, where he did all the Service he could that was conſiſtent with his Honour and the Proteſtant Cauſe. Here he continued till the Queen was forc'd to make the Reſignation of the Government in favours of her Son the Prince: Then the Duke of Chattlerault was called home to be the Head of the Loyaliſtsb. So ſoon as he came to Scotland, his Grace uſed his utmoſt endeavours to have had the Earl of Murray then Regent, degraded from his uſurped Authority, the Queen reponed to the Exerciſe of her royal Power, and the Peace of the Country reſtored; and for that end by vertue of a Commiſſion from her Majeſty, he gathered together what Forces he could raiſe in ſo ſhort a time; but ſeeing no manner of hopes of Aſſiſtance from England, and knowing that a Civil War was juſt breaking out in France, he reſolved to make no other uſe of his Arms than to obtain to himſelf and his Friends honourable Conditions of Peace, and the benefit of living quietly at Home, till indulgent Providence ſhould afford him an Opportunity of ſerving his Queen and his Country, for which End the Biſhop of St. Andrews his Brother, was ſent to the Regent to procure a ſafe Meeting, in order to bring their Differences to an Accomodation; and the Time and Place being agreed to, after many Diſputes on both Sides, the following Articles were drawn up, and mutually ſigned, which I ſhall ſet down in the primitive Style.

‘"IT is deſired for the part of my Lord Regent, that my Lord Duke and his Adherents, ſhall recognoſce the King and his Authority, and acknowledge themſelves to be his Subjects, and promiſe unto him Service, Obedience and Fidelity, in all time coming, as their Sovereign."’

"IT is required on the part of the Duke's Grace and his Adherents, that every Nobleman be admitted to have his Place in Council, as their Predeceſſors have been in all time of other Princes of this Realm? And my Lord Regent bearing the King's Authority, ſhall be ſworn ſolemnly, from that time forward, to behave himſelf uprightly and indifferently to them, as the remanent Noblemen of this Realm, in all their honeſt and juſt Cauſes, without Particularity, or remembrance of any Offence, conceived amongſt them during the time of their Contraverſies."

"Item, That all theſe who ſhall be content in time coming to behave themſelves as faithful Subjects to [198] the King, and acknowledge their Obedience to him, ſhall be reſtored to their Lands, Bounds, Heritages, and Poſſeſſions, notwithſtanding the Doom of forefaulture led againſt them. Providing always that this Benefit ſhall not extend to them, that has been forfaulted for Art and Pa [...]rt of the Slaughter of umquhile the King's Father."

"Item, That my Lord Regent, and remanent Noblemen joyned with himſelf, ſhall condeſcend to ſick Heads and Articles, as may redound [...]o the Queen's Honour, Advancement and Commodit [...], and may beſt ſerve her Turn, providing that the ſame be not prejudicial to the King nor his Sovereignty, whereupon depends the Security of all Noblemen and others, profeſſing themſelves to be his Subjects."

"And becauſe my Lord Regent, and others on his part, are as well content to yield to thir reaſonable Deſir [...]s foreſaid; as to crave the Performance of his Deſire towards the King's Obedience at their hands, and w [...]lleth that all come toge [...]her at a time, becauſe now publick Leiſure cannot ſerve to compleat theſe things that are neceſſary to be done to the Queen, it is thought convenient, that on tenth day of April next to come, ſhall be aſſembled and conveened together at Edinburgh, in quiet and peaceable manner, thir Perſons following, They are to ſay, my Lord Regent, my Lord Duke, the Earls of Huntly, Argyle, Athol, Mortone, Marr, Glencairn, and my Lord Herries."

"And in caſe of Abſence of any of thir Nine Perſons, be Sickneſs or other lawful Impediment, ane other Nobleman of that Party ſhall be choſen to ſupply his Place. And there in Friendly manner to Treat, Conclude and Agree, upon ſick Heads as ſhall be performed to the Queen, and what the ſaids Perſons ſhall find redound to her Honour, (without prejudice to the King) the hail Noblemen on both ſides, ſhall condeſcend thereto. And for the Security of the coming of the Nobility foreſaid, my Lord Regent promiſes on his Honour, that they ſhall be Skaithleſs, and without Danger, in their Coming, Remaining, and Returning."

"Item It is agreed that my Lord Duke Chattlerault, nor his Adherents, ſhall not Challenge, Uſe nor Execute, no Authority of Lieutenandry be any Commiſſion of the Queen, or that any Impediment be made be them, againſt the King's Authority in the mean time, and ordains Forces of fenſible Men on all ſides to be diſſolved, that no Injury be done to any Subject be way of Deed."

"The Regent promiſes to perform upon his Honour, ſo far as concerns his Part; and therefore Wills the Duke's Grace, the Earl of Caſſilis, and my Lord Herries to enter ſufficient Pledges preſently, for performance of their Parts; to wit, for the Duke, one of my Lord Duke's Sons, for the Earl of Caſſilis, the ſaid Earl's Brother, and for my Lord Herries, the ſaid Lord's eldeſt Son."

According to Articles, moſt of the Perſons concerned met at Edinburgh on the 10th of April 1569, to treat at large of a thorow Agreement, and eſpecially of ſuch Points as related to the baniſhed Queen. Being all in one Room, the Regent firſt roſe, and drawing out a Paper, asked the Duke, if he would inſtantly ſubſcribe an Acknowledgment of the young King's Authority, or not, to which he modeſtly replyed, That he and his Friends had laid down their Arms conditionally, nor could he think himſelf, or them, obliged to ſubſcribe their Allegiance to the King, unleſs according to [199] theſe Conditions, the Regent at the ſame time ſhould grant what might be reaſonably demanded, in behalf of the diſtreſſed Queen, and therefore hoped he would not proceed to Acts of Force and Fraud too, ſince not only he and his Friends, but their Hoſtages likewiſe were in his Hands, deſiring him to remember that they had religiouſly obſerved every Article of the late Treaty, and had come ſecure and unarmed as to a Friend, faithfully relying on his Honour, and thoſe aſſurances of Safety he had given them in the moſt ſolemn manner under his own Hand. To this eaſie Remonſtrance of the Duk's, Murray made no manner of return (ſays my Author)a but againſt all the Laws of Honour ſent him to the Caſtle of Edinburghb, where he was kept cloſe Priſoner till the Regent was murdered by James Hamilton of Bothwell-haugh on the 23 of January 1570, then he had his Liberation, after having purged himſelf by Oath from all manner of Suſpicion in that Affair.

What a loyal and honeſt Part my Lord Duke of Chattlerault acted for the Intereſt of his Sovereign Queen Mary in the time of her greateſt Diſtreſs, is ſo well known & was ſo frequently own'd & acknowledg'd, by her Majeſty, that I don't think it neceſſary to be further inſiſted on herec, and that his Loyalty was not eaſie to him, is evident from the manifold Sufferings and Hardſhips he underwent during the continuance of the Civil War; for as ſoon as the Earl of Lennox was elected Regent, he burnt down the Caſtle & Town of Hamiltoun; and that theſe honeſt Patriots might be heartily humbled, not ſo much as the Corn-Fields and Trees belonging to a Hamiltoun were ſpared, the Duke himſelf with his two Sons, and moſt of the Gentlemen of the Name of Hamilton were all forfaulted for their Rebellion againſt the young King; notwithſtanding he reſolutely perſiſted in the Queen's Service, and had a large ſhare in the Misfortunes of that unfortunate Queen, but being aged, for the better Security of his Perſon from the violence of his Enemies, he retired into France, where he ſtayed ſome time during the Rage of the War, which had reduced his Country to the laſt extremity; and returning home he gave way to Fate on the 22 of January 1575. As for his Character, notwithſtanding the Envy of ſome, and the Malice of others, it ſhone very bright, in that great and difficult Truſt of Governour of Scotland, which he held in the moſt difficult Times, ſo he diſcharged it for twelve Years with no leſs Prudence and Dexterity than Honour and Reputation, a Praiſe which few of his Enemies ever denyed him in any time. For in his Court, ſays a reverend Hiſtoriand, There was nothing to be ſeen the ſevereſt Eye could cenſure in the publick Adminiſtration, ſuch a Moderation was kept as no Man was heard to complain. And continues my Author, He was a Nobleman well inclined, plain, and without all Diſſimulation and Fraud, that by the goodneſs of God, who always favoureth the Upright, he was carryed thro many Difficulties, and died in Peace and Honour, well advanced in Age.

This noble Duke married Margaret eldeſt Daughter of James Douglas Earl of Morton, by whom he had Iſſue,

James Earl of Arran his eldeſt Son, a Gentleman of the higheſt Expectations, who gave early Proofs of inheriting all the Vertues of his Anceſtors to an eminent Degree, but he became Defective in his Underſtanding, and thereupon retired from the World, dying without Succeſſion, Anno 1609.

Lord John, thereafter Marqueſs of Hamilton.

Lord Claud Progenitor to the Earl of Abercorn.

Lord David who dyed a young Man.

[200] Lady Margaret married to Alexander Lord Gordon, Son and Heir of George Earl of Huntly, ſans Iſſue, and after his Death to James Lord Fleming, Anceſtor to the Earl of Wigton.

Lady Anne to George Earl of Huntly, Lord High Chancellour of Scotland, Progenitor to the preſent Duke of Gordon.

Lady Jean married to Hugh 3d Earl of Eglingtoun, but had no Succeſſion.

His Succeſſor in the Honour was James Earl of Arran his eldeſt Son, but he being non compos mentis, John his next Brother repreſented the Family. This noble Lord was born in the 1532, and had by the bounty of King James V. the Commendatory of Arbroath Abbey, one of the richeſt Benefices in Scotland, beſtowed on him, Anno 1541a, by which Title he was deſigned for ſome time after. We hear not much of his Conduct till the breaking out of the Civil War in Queen Mary's Time Anno 1567, that he moſt faithfully adher'd to her Majeſty's Intereſt, and upon her Impriſonment in the Caſtle of Lochlevin, his Lordſhip with ſeveral others entered into an Aſſociation, wherein they promiſe ‘"To uſe their utmoſt Endeavours by all reaſonable Means to procure her Majeſty's Freedom and Liberty, upon ſuch honeſt Conditions as may ſtand with her Majeſty's Honour, the Commonweal of the whole Realm, and Security of the whole Nobility, who at preſent have her Majeſty in keeping. Whereby this our Native Rea [...]m, may be govern'd, rul'd, and guided by her Majeſty and her Nobility, for the common Quietneſs, the Adminiſtration o [...] Juſtice, and Weal o [...] the Country. And in caſe the Noblemen, who have at preſent her Majeſty in their Hands, refuſe to ſet her at Liberty upon ſuch reaſonable Conditions, as ſaid is, in that Caſe, We ſhall employ our Selves, our Kindred, Friends, Servants and Partakers, our Bodies and Lives to ſet her Highneſs at Liberty, as ſaid is; and alſo to concur to the Puniſhment of the Murther of the King her Majeſty's Husband; and for ſure Preſervation of the Perſon of the Prince, as We ſhall Anſwer to God, and on our own Honours and Credit; and to that effect ſhall concur every one with other at our utmoſt Power. And if any ſhall ſet upon Us, or any of Us, for the doing, as aforeſaid, in that Caſe, We promiſe faithfully to eſpouſe one another's Intereſt under pain of Perjury and Infamy, as We ſhall anſwer to God."’

My Lord Hamilton's moſt Loyal and firm Adherence to the Crown was very dear to him, for the contrary Faction who were Maſters of the young King, proſecuted him and his Family with the utmoſt Severity, for no other Reaſon but becauſe they owned Queen Mary's Authority, and therefore in one of their Parliaments held in October 1579, both he and his Brother Lord Claud were forfaulted. My Lord John to avoid the Storm that threatned him, fled on Foot in a Sea-mans Habit into England, and from thence made his Eſcape into France, where he was kindly entertained by James Beaton Biſhop of Glaſgow, then Ambaſſador at the French Court for Queen Mary, here he had great Offers made him by the Houſe of Guiſe, if he would change his Religion, and imbrace Popery, but ſuch was the goodneſs of God toward him, that he perſever'd in his Religion, which tho' it loſt him [201] the Favour of the French Court, it preſerv'd him the Peace of his Conſcience, which he ever afterward reckoned one of the moſt ſignal Favours of Heaven toward him. Notwithſtanding the hard Uſage his Lordſhip met with, he continued true and faithful to the Queen to the laſt, of which her Majeſty was ſo ſenſible, that when that ſevere and unparalleled Sentence of Death was paſſed on her in England, ſhe took a Ring off her Finger and gave it to one of her Servants, and order'd him to carry it to her Couſin Lord John Hamilton, and tell him that, that was all ſhe had to Witneſs her great Senſe of his Families conſtant Fidelity to her, and their Sufferings for her Intereſt, and deſired it might be ſtill kept in the Family as a laſting Evidence of her Kindneſs to it a.

This noble Lord in the Courſe of his Exile ſojourned in diverſe foreign Parts till ſome time after King James IV. came to manage by his own Councils, that he returned to Scotland, and on the firſt of November 1585, together with ſeveral other Lords and Barons, petitioned the King to redreſs certain Grievances of the Nationb, repreſenting to him in a humble manner, That the hard handling by partial Perſons about his Majeſty, had compelled them upon plain Neceſſity, and for their laſt Refuge to take the boldneſs to come into his Preſence in Arms for the Surety of their Lives and Lands; Adding, That they were ever humbly minded to ſerve his Majeſty, and obey him hereafter, as became dutiful and loyal Subjects. To which the King replyed, That tho' their Enterpriſe was Treaſonable yet in Reſpect of their Neceſſity, and in hope of their good Behaviour in time coming, he would remit the Crime: And further directing himſelf to my Lord Hamilton, He ſaid, My Lord, I did never ſee you before, and muſt confeſs, that of all this Company you have been the moſt wronged, you were a faithful Servant to the Queen my Mother in my Minority, and when I underſtood not, as I do now, the State of Things, hardly uſed. Hereupon a Parliament was called, wherein the Act of Forfaulture of the Hamilton's was repealed, and the Family again reſtored to all the Titles of Honour, Eſtate and Precedency, loſt either by the Attainder of himſelf, or of James Earl of Arran his Brother; and the ſame Year his Lordſhip was ſworn of the Privy Council, and conſtituted Captain of his Majeſty's Caſtle of Dumbartoun. The King placing great Confidence in the Fidelity of this Lord, was pleaſed in the 1588c to give him a Commiſſion under his Privy Seal to be Ambaſſador Extraordinary to accompliſh the Marriage betwixt his Majeſty and the Princeſs Anne of Denmark, and this with full Conſent of his Privy Council; but his Lordſhip declining that Honour by reaſon of his Age, and the King himſelf going in Perſon to Denmark, his Majeſty named my Lord Hamilton Lieutenant of the South of Scotland, which great Truſt he diſcharged fully to his Majeſty's Satisfaction, and the Expectations he had conceived of him. The Royal Favour toward his Lordſhip did not ſtop here, but the King in Memory of his long and faithful Services, was pleaſed to raiſe him, to the Degree and Dignity of Marqueſs of Hamilton with great Ceremony on the 19 of April 1599d, continuing ever afterward without any the leaſt Interruption in great Eſteem with that Prince who gave him frequent Viſits at his Palace of Hamilton, and treated him with the ſame Reſpect, the Queen his Mother had done the Duke of Chattlerault, and called him always Father. To conclude, this [202] noble Perſon died in the higheſt Favour with Prince and People, the 12th of April 1604a, and was interr'd among his Anceſtors in the Collegiate Church of Hamilton, leaving a Son and a Daughter behind him by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of John Lord Glamis, Anceſtor to the Earl of Strath more, James his Succeſſor, and Margaret married to John Lord Max well Anceſtor to the preſent Earl of Nithſdale.

John Marqueſs of Hamilton was ſucceeded by James his Son, who was born in the 1589. After his Acceſſion to the Honour, he was appointed one of the Lords of his Majeſty's Privy Council, and afterward preferred to be one of the Gentlemen of the Bed Chamber; and that he might the better ſupport his Character, his Majeſty was pleaſed to diſſolve from the Crown the Abbey Lands, with the Patronages and Tithes of the Monaſtery of Arbroath in Forfar-ſhire, and to e [...]ect them into a temporal Lord ſhip in favour of my Lord Marqueſs, and that eſpecially in Conſideration of his Fathers Faithfulneſs and Sufferings for Queen Mary, by his royal Charter bearing Date the 5th of May 1608b.

Beſides this vaſt Augmentation of his Fortune in Lands, he likewiſe bore ſeveral great Offices in that Princes Reign, as Lord High Steward of his Majeſty's Houſhold, and Lord High Commiſſioner to the Parliament which began on the 25 of July 1621c, wherein the five Articles of Perth Aſſembly were ratified, and after having ſurmounted all the Difficulties that occurred in that Tickliſh Juncture, he put a period to that Seſſion on the 27th Day of Auguſt enſuing. His Lordſhip highly meriting for his Services to the Crown, his Majeſty was pleaſed in Recompence thereof, on the 16 of June 1619 to creat him a Peer of England by the Honour of Earl of Cambridge (a Title that had only been born by very illuſtrious Perſons, all of the Royal Family of England:) And as a further Inſtance of his Royal Favour, to admit his Lordſhip into the moſt noble Order of the Garter, and accordingly he was inſtalled at Windſor 7th of July 1623; from henceforth living in the higheſt Favour with his Prince, whoſe Affection and Eſteem he had a greater Power over than any Man of that time, ſays one, the Duke of Buckinghame only excepted: He departed this Life at London in the prime of his Age 3d of March 1625, aged 36 Years, to the great Grief of the King, who prophetically apprehended, that as the Branches were now cut down, the Root would quickly follow, for the Duke of Lennox died the 16 of February preceeding, and his Majeſty's Death happened on the 27th of March enſuing.

He married Anne Daughter of James Earl of Glencairn, by whom he had Iſſue three Sons and three Daughters

James Duke of Hamilton.

William Duke of Hamiltoun.

Lord John Hamilton died young.

Lady Anne married to Hugh Earl of Eglingtoun, and had Iſſue,

Lady Margaret to John Earl of Crawfurd and had Iſſue,

Lady Mary to James Earl of Queenſberry, but had no Iſſue.

James Marqueſs of Hamilton his Son was born on the 19th of June 1606, he had his Education in Scotland till the 14th Year of his Age. He was ſent for to Court, and married to the Lady Mary Feilding Daughter of William Earl of Denbigh, by Suſanna Siſter to George Duke of Buckinghame. After which he went to the Univerſity of Oxford, where he continued during the Time it was judged neceſſary his Lordſhip ſhould follow his Studies there.

[203] The next Qualification for a young Nobleman, was to accompliſh himſelf with travelling into Foreign Countries, which he did into France, Spain, and ſeveral other Parts beyond Sea, Dr. James Baillie of Carnbrew accompanying him as his Governour, who faithfully diſcharged the Truſt repoſed in him.

Upon King Charles's coming to the Crown he was ſworn of his Majeſty's moſt honourable Privy Council in both Kingdoms; and that he might have a nearer Relation to the Court, was conſtituted Gentleman of the Bed-Chamber, and on the 18th of June 1628, preferred to be Maſter of the Horſe, then void by the Death of the Duke of Buckingham a. Neither are we to forget that his Majeſty was pleaſed to honour his Lordſhip with the Dignity of the moſt noble Order of the Garter, Anno 1630, at the Baptiſm of K. Charles II. where my Lord Marqueſs had the Honour to Repreſent the King of Bohemia as one of the Godfathers at the Font.

In the 1629, his Majeſty taking into his Conſideration the State of the King of Bohemia his Brother-in-Law, was pleaſed from the entire Confidence he had in the Marqueſs to allow him to Treat with Guſtavus Adolphus King of Sweden for raiſing an Army of Six Thouſand Men to join that Monarch in his Expedition into Germany, to be imployed againſt the Imperialiſts, for the Recovery of the Palatinate b. And 'tis more remarkable, that this Lord ſhould be intruſted with ſo great a Command, becauſe he was but then Twenty three Years of Age, but that Enterpriſe ending without ſo much Advantage as was expected from ſuch an Army to the Proteſtant Cauſe, neither his Abſence, nor want of thorough Succeſs in his Negotiation, diminiſhed in the leaſt his Maſters Eſteem of him, for upon his return to Court, he was received with all the Reſpect that could be given a Subject.

Upon the firſt Inſurrection in Scotland, Anno 1638, occaſioned by the preſſing of the Liturgy, he was ſent down as his Majeſty's High Commiſſioner to the General Aſſembly of the Church, with Inſtructions to compoſe and appeaſe the Diſorders of the Nation, then in a great Ferment, but in that Judicature my Lord Marqueſs not being able to carry what the King deſigned, he according to Order diſſolved the Meeting, and Inhibited them to ſit any longer under pain of Rebellion, which was all his Lordſhip could do. Next Year he was intruſted with the Command of the Fleet ſent down to reduce the Covenanters to their Duty to the King, his Majeſty himſelf being on the Head of Six Thouſand Land-Forces, advanced as far as Berwick, but by the Marqueſs's Mediation and good Offices with the King, a Treaty was ſet on Foot, and a Pacification enſued.

On the breaking out of the Civil War in England, Anno 1642, he was one of the Peers who ſign'd a ſolemn Declaration, That his Majeſty abhor'd all Deſigns of making War upon his Parliament, and that all his Endeavours tended to the firm and conſtant Settlement of the true Proteſtant Religion, the Privileges of Parliament, and the Laws, the Peace and Proſperity of the Subject c; and at the ſame time he offered to the King to go into Scotland, undertaking, that he would at leaſt keep that People from doing any Thing that might ſeem to countenance the Carriage of the Engliſh Parliament, but to be only Spectators of what was done in England without engaging themſelves in the Quarrel, and would endeavour, if poſſible, to oppoſe the Calling of a Parliament in Scotland, which the King had abſolutely refuſed to do, till the time [204] came agreed on at his Majeſty's laſt being therea, but as ſoon as he came down to Scotland, he quickly diſcerning the ſtrength of the Covenanters, gave way to it that there ſhould be a Meeting of the Eſtates, reaſonably enough concluding that the abſolutely refuſing to ſuffer a Parliament to be called, would not quiet the Debates, nor ſecure the King, but more inflame thoſe who deſir'd it, and who would take ſome other time, when many of them who oppoſed it ſhould be abſent to propoſe it, and ſo would carry it; and that therefore they were better be abſent at firſt, whereby the other Party might without Oppoſition ſend out their Summons fo [...] a Parliament to aſſemble at the Day they ſhould think fit; and that as they who would ſerve the King, would not be there, ſo they ſhould prevail with as many others as they could, not to be there like wiſe, where by the Number which appeared would be ſo inconſiderable, that they would not dare to ſit and perfectly diſperſe, and this Diſappointment would for ever quaſh that Deſign, and render thoſe who adviſed it odious to the People, as Men who deſir'd illegally to engage the Nation in unjuſtifiable Ways to diſturb the publick Peace; but his Lordſhip changing his former Opinion concerning their being abſent at the time of the Meeting or Parliament, ſince their meer abſence would not be diſcountenance enough, and that they who ſat, as indeed many would have done, would carry the Reputation of a Parliament, and the People would be guided by them, and therefore he propoſed to the King's Friends, that they would all reſolve to be preſent and take their Places, that when the Houſe ſhould be ſet, and any Man ſhould ſtand up to propoſe the taking any Buſineſs into Conſideration, he would firſt make his Proteſtation againſt proceeding in ſo unlawful a Convention, and that they ſhould all make the ſame Proteſtation, and he did hope that the Number of the Proteſters would be great enough to diſſolve the Meeting, and thus they ſhould put the beſt End to the Matter that could be deſir'd; but if it ſhould ſucceed otherways, then would be the time to withdraw, and put themſelves in Arms, towards which he would make the beſt Preparation he could, and deſired them to do the like, and this laſt Overture the King himſelf liked beſt & approv'd of, that they ſhould meet in the Convention, which they did accordingly at the Day appointed. Then his Lordſhip, according to his Promiſe and Concert, took an Opportunity to make a Proteſtation againſt the Legality of the Meeting, upon which many of the Members who had been always moſt engaged againſt the King were very warm, and demanded that he ſhould declare himſelf clearly, whether he did proteſt againſt the Parliament; but his Lordſhip fearing, as he declared, the fatal Iſſue of adhereing to his Proteſtation to the King's Service, he excuſed himſelf after the beſt manner he could, tho' no Man had a greater diſlike of the high Proceedings of that Meeting, in exceeding the Limits of their Duty to the King, or had a greater Affection for his Majeſty's Service than my Lord Marqueſs had, for he oppos'd all their Determinations with all the vigor he thought ſeaſonable, concurring only ſo far with them as was neceſſary to keep up his Credit, whereby he might with the more Authority advance the King's Cauſe and a Peace, which he and all good Men ſo paſſionately deſired. His Majeſty, that he might teſtify the Eſteem he had of my Lord Marqueſs's Services, and of his Fidelity to his Intereſt, was graciouſly pleaſed to promote him to be Duke of Hamilton on the 12th of April 1643b. How this [205] Convention in Scotland was conſen'd and over-reached by Sir Henry Vane, every one knows: for he perſwaded them that there was nothing intended againſt the King by the Engliſh Nation, but only that they ſhould interpoſe for a good Peace to them, which would be an Honour to them, and a great Obligation to his Majeſtya: As for the Hiſtory of this Convention and its ſubſequent Acts, and the fatal Effects as well as Infamy of the Scots joining with the Engliſh Parliament againſt the King as the conſequent of the Solemn League and Covenant, are all particulars ſo well known, and have been ſo much enlarg'd on in ſeveral Treatiſes particularly wrote to that purpoſe, that the further mentioning of them in this place, will be but needleſs, ſeeing the noble Perſon whoſe Memoirs I write, was free from any Acceſſion or Guilt therein.

As ſoon as the Convention was over, the Duke and his Brother the Earl of Lanerk left Scotland to give the King, then at Oxford, an Account of all their proceedings; but notwithſtanding of his Grace's good Intention toward the King, his Enemies, for not a few he had, uſed all the Artifi [...]es they could to render him ſuſpected to his Majeſty, as if he ſecretly countenanc'd, at leaſt did not ſufficiently abhor the unnatural Rebellion of his Country-men, and this Imputation was with ſo great Art inſinuated, that it got ſo much Credit, with thoſe about the Court, that the King upon my Lord Duke and his Brothers arrival, commanded them to keep their Chambers, and ordered a Guard to attend themb, ſo after ſome time his Grace was ſent in Cuſtody to the Caſtle of Briſtol, and from thence to Exeter, and ſo to the Caſtle of Pendinnis, whence he was removed to St. Michael's Mount in Cornwall, upon the ſurrender of which to the Parliaments Forces, Anno 1646, he obtain'd his Liberty, which he imployed with much Zeal in the King's Service to the loſs of his Life, by which he was not only vindicated in the Opinion of all Men from all thoſe Jealouſies and Aſperſions he had lyen long under, but the proceedings that had been againſt him at Oxford, were looked upon by many as void of that Juſtice and Policy which had been requiſite, and they concluded by what he did after a long Impriſonment, how much he might have done more ſucceſsfully if he had never been reſtrain'dc.

As ſoon as my Lord Duke was at Liberty, it was believ'd that the Animoſity was ſo great between him and ſome others of great Name, that he would rather meditate a Revenge, than concur in any Action which might advance the King's Intereſt, but his Grace well conſider'd both his Duty to his Majeſty, and his own Danger at ſuch a Juncture, to think of private Contention and matters of Revenge, when the publick was ſo much at Stake, ſo that his former Treatment made no other Impreſſion upon him, then to make him ſhow his ſteadineſs more and more to his Majeſty's Service, who then ſo much ſtood in need of the Aſſiſtance of his faithful Subjects.

When the King put himſelf into the Scots Army before Newark in the 1646, my Lord Duke having obtain'd his Liberty, came to wait on his Majeſtyd, and was well received by him. After they had converſed ſome time together, his Majeſty was pleaſed to expreſs the ſenſe he had of his long Sufferings, and told him in theſe Words, That he had ever judged him Innocent as to the bulk of things, tho he confeſs'd there were ſome particulars he was not ſo well [206] ſatisfied with, but that his Reſtraint was extorted from him againſt his Heart, for he had ſtood out againſt all the Importunities of his Enemies till the very Morning he came to Oxford.

His Lordſhip's next Care was to bring his Majeſty and the Committee of Eſtates to a happy Peace and Accommodationa; and as he earneſtly endeavour'd to have them ſatiſfied with the Kings Conceſſions, ſo he dealt fervently with his Majeſty to yield to the aboliſhing of Epiſcopacy in England, as he had in Scotland, as the only way to induce the Presbyterian Party to declare for him, but the good King could not be be prevailed on to conſent to buy his Peace, as he ſaid, at ſo dear a Rate as the peace of his Conſcience, ſo the Treaty at that time had not its deſir'd effect.

When it came to be conſidered in Parliament what way his Majeſty's Perſon ſhould be diſpoſed of, ſtill in the Scots Army, my Lord Duke finding that the Houſe by a Majority were inclin'd to deliver him up to the Engliſh Parliament, his Grace took an Opportunity that he might declare to the World his abhorrence of an Action attended with ſo much Infamy, and ſpoke againſt it to this purpoſe,

Would Scotland now quit a Poſſeſſion of 1500 Years Date, which was their Intereſt in their Sovereign, and do it to thoſe, whoſe Enmity both againſt Him and them did viſibly appear? Was this the effect of all their Proteſtations of Duty and Affection to his Majeſty? Was this their keeping of their Covenant, wherein they had ſworn to defend the King's Majeſty's Perſon and Authority? Was this a ſuitable return to the King's Goodneſs, both in his conſenting to all the Deſires of that Kingdom, An. 1641. and in His late truſting His Perſon to them? What Cenſures will be paſt upon this through the whole World? What a ſtain would it be to the whole Reformed Rel [...]gion? and in fine, what Danger might be apprehended both to the King's Perſon, and to Scotland, from the Party that was now prevalent in England.

But notwithſtanding all the Oppoſition the Duke and his Friends could make againſt it, yet the ſame was carryed upon the 16th of January 1647, That the King ſhould be delivered up into ſuch Hands as the Engliſh Parliament had appointed to receive him b, to the great Grief of the Duke, and all true hearted Scots-Men, and that his Grace might again in any Degree retrive the Diſhonour the Nation ſuffered in the giving up that excellent Prince, he endeavour'd all he could to infuſe a ſenſe of Shame and Horror in all People for the late Action, which might prepare them to a Reparation of it by a generous engaging in the King's Quarrel, and in doing ſo, moſt of the Year 1647 was ſpent even till the meeting of the next Parliament, which ſat down the 2d of March 1648c, at the opening of which my Lord Duke did all he could to inflame the People with Zeal for his Majeſty's Relief, & againſt the Army of England who he ſaid, ‘"had forced the Parliament there to break the Treaty between the two Kingdoms in their ill uſage of the King, who was Impriſon'd by the Army, nor was it in the power of the Parliament to ſet him at Liberty, That they had now upon the matter, abſolutely depoſed him, by not ſuffering him to perform the Office of a King, not permitting any of his Subjects to repair to him; in which the Kingdom of Scotland was concern'd, in that being independent upon England and the Paliament of England, they were [207] by them depriv'd of their King, and could not be admitted to ſpeak with him, nor his Majeſty to ſend to them; which was ſuch a Preſumption, and violation of the Law of Nations, and ſuch a perfidious breach and contempt of the Solemn League and Covenant, and of the Treaty between the two Kingdoms, that they were bound by all the Obligations Human and Divine to be ſenſible of it, and to redeem their King's Liberty, and their own Honour, with the hazard of their Lives and Fortunes, and all that was dear to them: and therefore he deſired that they might enter upon thoſe Counſels, which might ſooneſt get an Army together, which ſhould no ſooner enter England, but it would find a conjunction from that whole Kingdom, except only the Army; and that it would then quickly appear that the Parliament of both Kingdoms deſired the ſame thing, and to live happily under the Government of the ſame King."’

This Diſcourſe urg'd by the Duke & ſeconded by many of the principal Members, was entertain'd with ſo general a Reception, that it was agreed to, [...]hat an Army ſhould be raiſed for the Relief of his Majeſty, whereof his Grace was appointed General, which being Levied with all the Diligence imaginable, entered England about the 8th of July 1648, conſiſting of twelve thouſand Foot, and five thouſand Horſe, and next day had the Town of Carlyle delivered to them from Sir Philip Muſgrave a, and after ſome Days ſtay there, he march'd to Kendal, and thence to Preſtoun in Lancaſhire, where he was ſo cloſly purſued by Cromwell's Horſe, under Lambert, that on the 20th of Auguſt 1648, his whole Army was routed, and his Grace put to the neceſſity of rendering himſelf Pri [...]oner upon Articles of Capitulation at Exeter in Stafford-ſhire to the Lord Gray of Groby b, from whence he was carried to Aſhby, where he continued till the beginning of December, he was ſent Priſoner to Windſor, where he had the Society of the Earls of Norwich and Holland & the Lord Capell, common Sufferers in the ſame Cauſe with himſelf, where they were all kept in cloſe reſtraint till the murder of the King. The Duke then perceiving his own Danger, attempted to make an eſcapec, in which he had ſo well ſucceeded that he was out of his Enemies hands full three Days, but being impatient to be at a greater diſtance from them, he was apprehended as he was taking Horſe in Southwark and carried Priſoner to the Tower, from whence he was on the 6th of February 1649 brought before that monſtrous High Court of Juſtice, whoſe Hands were ſtill reeking in the Blood of their Sovereign. Mr. Steel and Mr. Cook Council for the Parliamentd, exhibited a Charge of high Treaſon againſt him, That he the Earl of Cambridge had traiterouſly invaded the Nation in a hoſtile manner, and levied War to aſſiſt the King againſt the Kingdom and People of England, &c. In his Defence he us'd all the lawful means in the World, and inſiſted upon the Right and Priviledge of the Kingdom of Scotland, that it had not the leaſt Dependence upon the Kingdom of England, but was intirely govern'd by its own Laws, that he being a Subject of that Kingdom, was bound to obey the Commands thereof, and the Parliament of that Kingdom having thought it neceſſary to raiſe an Army for the relief of their King, and conſtituted him General of that Army, it was not lawful for him to refuſe the Command thereof, and whatever Misfortune he had undergone with it, he could not be underſtood to be liable to any Puniſhment but what a Priſoner [208] of War was bound to undergo. He was told, That the Rights and Laws of the Kingdom of Scotland were not call'd in queſtion, nor could be violated by their proceedings againſt him, who was a Subject of England, againſt which he was charg'd with Rebellion and Treaſon, that they did not proceed againſt him as Duke Hamilton of Scotland, but as Earl of Cambridge of England, and they would judge him as ſuch.

His Council Mr. Hales, Mr. Chute, and Mr. Parſons defended him with great Learning and Judgement, as may be ſeen in Biſhop Burnet's Memoirs of his Life at large, but all Arguments in his favour ſignified nothing, he was born down with the Torrent of the Times, and together with the Earls of Holland and Norwich, the Lord Capel, and Sir John Oven, had Sentence of Death pronounced againſt them to loſ [...] their Heads. To conclude the Fate of this great Perſon, he was on the 9th Day of March 1649 brought to Weſtminſter, the Place appointed for his Execution, and aſcending the Scaffold with a compoſed and undaunted Courage, He ſpoke of his Devotion to the Church of Scotland and the Proteſtant Religion eſtabliſhed by Law, and profeſt in that Church, of his Loyalty to the King, whoſe Reſtauration and Proſperity he heartily prayed for, and Affection to the Welfare & Happineſs of the Kingdom as Matters unqueſtionable. After which with a marvellous Tranquillity of Mind he delivered his Head to the Block, which ſever'd it from his Body at one Blow, which, together with the Body was convoyed by Sea into Scotland, and buried in the Church of Hamilton, according to his own Order.

His Grace by Mary his Wife aforeſaid, Daughter of William Earl of Denbigh, beſides three Sons and a Daughter who died in their Childhood, he had two Daughters who ſurviv'd him, Lady Anne Dutcheſs of Hamilton and Lady Suſanna married to John Earl of Caſſils.

James Duke of Hamilton being thus impiouſly cut off, leaving no Sons behind him, his Eſtate and Honour did deſcend to William Earl of Lanerk his Brother; he was born 14th December 1616a, being deprived of his Father in the 9th Year of his Age: his Mother, a Lady among the moſt Eminent in all Vertues, redoubled her Care of his Education in the Schools and Univerſity at home, and then his Brother the Duke ſent him abroadb to qualify him by Travel and otherways for the ſervice of his Country, continuing beyond Sea till his twenty firſt Yearc Anno 1637. His Majeſty King Charles I. conceiving an extraordinary good Opinion of him, was graciouſly pleaſed as a diſtinguiſhing mark of his Favour, by Letters Patent bearing Date the 31 of March 1639, to honour him with the Titles of Earl of La [...]erk, Lord Machanſhire and Polmont d, and William Earl of Stirling Secretary for Scotland giving way to [...]ate in the beginning of the Year 1640e, the King diſcerning my Lord Lanerk adorn'd with all the Qualifications he judg'd neceſſary for the diſcharge of that Imployment, was pleaſed to promote him thereto, an Office his Lordſhip diſcharg'd with eminent Sufficiency, and the general applauſe of all Men for ſome Years after, tho' it's remarkable he was but aged twenty four Years at his Promotion.

The cruel and bloody Civil War haſt'ning on, my Lord Lanerk uſed his utmoſt Endeavours to allay the unhappy Differences which had ariſen between his Majeſty and his Subjects of both Kingdoms, and bent all his Thoughts to mediate a Peace to the Honour and Safety of the King, and the Wel [...]are and Happineſs of the [209] Kingdom. In the Convention of Eſtates which met on the 22 of June 1643a, his Lordſhip acted with his uſual Zeal for the publick good, but diſcerning that the Royal Party in that Aſſembly had not Authority or Power enough to croſs any thing that was done to the prejudice of the Kingb, and that a direct Proteſtation againſt the Convention in that conjuncture of time was to deſtroy themſelves to no purpoſe, his Lordſhip and other loyal Peers did give in a Declaration, and took Inſtruments both in the King's Name and their ownc, which was all that could be pradently done in that Seaſon, ſoon after which my Lord Lanerk, for Reaſons, and from Motives that Hiſtory is altogether ſilent in, & which is not clear enough to this time, he put the King's Signet, with which he was intruſted as Secretary, to the Proclamation for the general Rendevouz of all Men in the Kingdom from ſuch an Age to ſuch an Age, whereby the Army was preſently formed, which afterward join'd with the Parliament of England againſt the King, the fatal Conſequences of which are ſo well known, that they need not be toldd. This Action was not thought capable of any Excuſe, & was afterward very much repreſented to his Diſadvantage, and was the firſt Cauſe of the King's Jealouſie both of the Duke his Brother and his Lordſhip, and thereby their Sincerity and Affection to his Majeſty's Service came to be very much call'd in queſtion, but the Earl of Lanerk preſuming he had enough to excuſe himſelf of any Diſloyalty, as ſoon as the Convention was over, went with his Brother the Duke to wait on the King at Oxford e, being confident that when he ſhould be admitted to ſpeak with his Majeſty, he would give him ſatisfaction in that Affairf. Upon their arrival there, both the Brothers were put under a Confinement, but the Earl perceiving g that they were not like to obtain a Trial for clearing their Innocence, and diſcovering the Forgeries of their Accuſers; and his Lordſhip fearing a long and cruel Impriſonment, he made his eſcape by means of Sir James Cuningham, and preſently repair'd to London; After ſome ſtay there, returning to Scotland, he eaſily found means to make his Peace with the Eſtates by taking of the Covenanth, whereby he came to have a great Influence on their Counſels and did not a little contribute to moderate the fury of the leading Men of that ſide to hearken to Propoſitions for Peace and Accomodation with the King.

After this we hear not much of the Conduct of the Earl till the 1646, when the King came to the Scots Army at Newark, he was with other two Lords ſent Commiſſioner from the Committee of Eſtates with an humble Offer of their Duty to his Majeſty, and of their ſincere Intentions to ſerve him, and withal to give him aſsurance that the Preſervation of his ſacred Perſon, and his juſt Power and Greatneſs, was and ſhould ever be dear to them. Here my Lord Lanerk us'd all the Perſwaſions, and all the Importunities he could with his Majeſty, to give Satisfaction to the Deſires of his Subjects, and as a Preparation to this, that he would ſend his poſitive Orders to the Marqueſs of Montroſe to lay down his Arms, extirpate Prelacy out of England as he had done in Scotland, and to agree to ſuch Propoſitions as ſhould be brought from the two Houſes in England. The firſt Propoſal he graciouſly condeſcended to; To the next, he returned this Anſwer, That when he was ſatisfied in his Conſcience of the lawfulneſs of what they deſired, then and never till then would he grant their Demands. As for the Meſſage from the Engliſh Parliament, it was ſo high, that his Majeſty could not gra [...]t [...], [...]or my Lord Clarendon ſays, It contain'd ſuch [210] an Eradication of the Government of the Church and State, that the King told them, he knew not what Anſwer to make to them till he ſhould be informed what Power or Authority they had left him and his Heirs, when he had given all to them which they deſired.

On that ominous Day 16th of January 1647, when the great Tranſaction came to be debated in Parliament about the diſpoſing of his Majeſty's Perſon, who was in the Hands of the Army, Whether they ſhould leave him in England to the two Houſes, yea or not. Thus was the Queſtion ſtated, againſt giving up of the King, my Lord Lanerk argued ſtrenouſly, and ſpoke againſt it, as the moſt barefac'd Violation of their Faith and Allegiance to deliver up their Native Prince, who had put himſelf into their Hands againſt his Will and Conſent, into the Cuſtody of ſuch as would put his Sacred Perſon in eminent hazard, but to the eternal Infamy of the Majority of that Convention it was carried, To deliver up the King, whereat his Lordſhip was ſo perfectly overwhelm'd with the horror of ſo ſinful and ſhameful a Deed, that he expreſſed his Diſſent from it in ſo paſſionate a manner, that it would be to do him wrong to omit to give it in his own Words, As God ſhall have mercy on my Soul (ſaid he) at the great Day, I would rather chooſe to have my Head ſtruck off at the Croſs of Edinburgh, than give my Conſent to this Vote, and then adds, That this was the blackeſt Day that ever Scotland ſaw a.

As the Earl of Lanerk had from the very beginning of the War been always diſpoſed to Peace, ſo ſhortly after this by his Dexterity and Influence, a Treaty was ſet on foot betwixt the King and the Parliament of Scotland, his Lordſhip, with the Earls of Lauderdale and Loudon being appointed Commiſſioners for that end, in purſuance of which laudable deſign they repair'd to his Majeſty as ſoon as he was at the Iſle of Wight, and undertook to invade England with an Army to reſtore him to his juſt Rights, and in order to this they propoſed to him many Conditions which would be neceſſary for his Majeſty to perform toward the Nation, without whichit [...]ould not be eaſie to induce them to be ſo unanimous in an Engagement for him, as was neceſſary for ſuch an Enterpriſe. They requir'd that the Prince of Wales ſhould be preſent with them, and march in the Head of their Army. That ſuch a number of Scots-Men ſhould be always in the Court, of the Bed-chamber, and all other Places about the Perſons of the King, Prince, and Duke of York. That Berwick and Carlyle ſhould be put into their Hands. They demanded moreover, that as ſoon as his Majeſty could with Freedom, Honour and Safety be preſent in a free Parliament, to confirm the Solemn League and Covenant by Act of Parliamentb, providing that none who was unwilling ſhould be conſtrain'd to take it. They likewiſe oblig'd his Majeſty to confirm Preſbyterian Government in England for three Years, and after the Expiration of that time, ſuch a Government ſhall be determined by his Majeſty and the two Houſes of Parliament as was moſt agreeable to the Word of God. That an effectual courſe ſhall be taken for the ſuppreſſing of all Hereſies, and all Principles and Practices contrary to the Principles of Chriſtianity. This Agreement [211] his Majeſty was pleaſed to ſign the 26 of December 1647a, and to oblige himſelf in the Word of a King to perform his part of the Treaty, as the Commiſſioners alſo engaged themſelves, upon their Honour, Faith and Conſcience, and all that is dear to honeſt Men, to endeavour to the utmoſt of their Power that the Kingdom of Scotland ſhould engage to perform what was on its part to be performed.

Any Body who reads this Treaty, in which his Majeſty's Conceſſions are ſo full, could ſcarcely have thought that any Party would not have been perfectly pleaſed with it, and ſo all would indifferently concur in that dutiful, loyal and generous Deſign of relieving the King, then made a cloſe Priſoner by Oliver Cromwell and the Officers of the Army: but the rigid Clergy and the Lords of that Side, not only declared againſt the Engagement as unlawful and ſinfulb, and all the Perſons who advanc'd and promoted it as Deſerters of the Covenant, but alſo raiſed what Force they could in the Weſtern Counties to oppoſe it, which at laſt came to be formed into a kind of an Army under the Command of the Earls of Eglintoun, Lowdoun, and ſome of the leading Clergyc, whom for Reſpect to their Character, as Church men, I won't name. Againſt this illegal Inſurrection the Committee of Eſtates ordered ſome Troops to be levied, which the Earl of Lanerk was choſen to command, but his Lordſhip was [...]o ſincerely & throughly devouted to preſerve the Peace of his Country, and to accommodate Matters calmly and without Blood, that he brought the Matter to an Agreement very much againſt his Mind, and to his Prejudice; yet ſo violent and Perfidious, beyond what can be imagin'd, were theſe Times, that tho' my Lord Lanerk comply'd with them in their own Terms, in whatever they demanded, yet knowing his Lordſhip to be a through-paced Loyaliſt, and that his Principles were quite oppoſite to their Deſigns, they reſolved to be rid of him at any rate: and therefore, without the leaſt Pretence of any Breach of any Article of their Treaty, they put him under a Reſtraint, reſolving to ſend him to their Brethren in England, who had by this time barbarouſly murder'd the King, to be puniſh'd as an Incendiary, that is, to have his Head cut off; wherefore he thought it his moſt adviſeable courſe to get out of the ſight of the Calamity of his Country, and to retire beyond Sea, which he did into Holland, with an offer of his Service to King Charles II. And brought with him, ſays the Lord Clarendon, A Heart and Affection clearer and leſs clogg'd with Scruples and Reſervations for the King's Service, than any other of the Nation had. When his Lordſhip arrived at the Hague, he firſt came to know that he was Duke of Hamilton by the Slaughter of his Brother, this ſad News afflicted him ſo much, that he kept his Chamber for ſome Days, without ſo much as waiting on the King, who ſent a gracious Meſſage to him to condole for the loſs of his Brother: And all the Lords, and other perſons of Qualility about the King made their Viſits of Condolence to him with all Civility. His Grace ſtayed in the Netherlands till the King and the Commiſſioners from Scotland had agreed to the Terms on which they would make him their King: My Lord Duke being very inſtrumental to prevailupon his Majeſty to ſubmit to the moſt rigid Terms the Kirk requir'd of him. At the ſame time, in the end of the 1649, his Majeſty was pleaſed to acknowledge and recompenſe the Dukes Loyalty and Merit, by beſtowing the [212] Garter on him as a diſtinguiſhing mark of his Royal Favour. He accompanyed his Majeſty to Scotland Anno 1650, but his Enemies would not permit him to come to Court; ſo having given his Majeſty the beſt Advice he could, with his leave, he retir'd to the Iſle of Arran, where he ſtayed till the Parliament met at Stirling in 1651, then his Grace was ſuffered to come to Court, being welcomed by the King, and neareſt in his Confidence. So ſoon as the Army was rais'd for reſtoring the King, my Lord Duke rais'd a Troop of Horſe for his Majeſty's Service on his own Charge, with which he march'd to the fatal Battle of Worceſter 3d of September 1651, charging the Enemy very vigorouſly, he received a Shot in his Leg, whereby he fell into the Enemies hands, and on the 11 of September died of his Wounds, and thereby prevented the being made a Spectacle as his Brother had been, which the Pride and Animoſity of his Enemies would no doubt have caus'd to be, having the ſame Pretence for it by his being a Peer of England, as the other was. The Earl of Clarendon having furniſh'd me a Character of this noble Duke in his Hiſtory of the Civil War, I ſhall preſume to inſert it in his Words. He was (ſays that noble Lord) A Man not inferior in Wiſdom and Parts of Underſtanding to the wiſeſt Men of the Nation, of great Honour, Courage and Sincerity in his Nature, and which was a rare Virtue in the Men of that time, was ſtill the ſame Men he pretended to be, and in truth was in all Reſpects a very accompliſh'd Perſon, of an excellent Judgement, and clear and ready Expreſſion, and tho' he had been driven into ſeveral unwarrantable Actions, he made it very evident he had not been led by any Inclination of his own, and paſſionately and heartily run to all Opportunities of redeeming it, and in the very Article of his Death he expreſs'd a marvellous Cheerfulneſs, that he had the Honour to loſe his Life in the King's Service, and thereby to wipe out the Memory of his former Tranſgreſſions which he always profeſſed were odi [...]us to himſelf.

He married, in the 1637, Eliſabeth Daughter and Co-heir of James Maxwell Earl of Dirletoun, by whom he had a Son James, who died an Infant; alſo four Daughters.

Lady Anne married to Robert third Earl of Southesk, and had Iſſue.

Lady Eliſabeth to James Lord Kilmaurs, Son to the Earl of Glencairn, and again to Sir David Cuningham of Robertland, ſans Iſſue.

Lady Mary to Alexander Earl of Callendar, after his Death to Sir James Livingſtoun of Weſt Quarter, and laſt of all to James Earl of Finlater.

Lady Margaret to William Blair of that Ilk, in Vicecomit. de Air, and had Iſſue.

Upon the deceaſe of William Duke of Hamilton without Iſſue Male of his own Body, the Eſtate and Honour of the Family, did devolve on his Niece the Lady Anne, eldeſt Daughter of James Duke of Hamilton, a Lady, who for conſtancy of Mind, evenneſs of Temper, ſolidity of Judgment, and an unaffected Piety, will leave a ſhining Character, as well as Example to Poſterity, for her Conduct as a Wife, a Mother, a Miſtreſs and in all other Conditions of Life. Her Grace married William Douglaſs Earl of Selkirk eldeſt Son of William the firſt Marqueſs of Douglaſs, by Mary his ſecond Wife, Daughter of George Marqueſs of Huntly, who by the Marriage Articles yielded to change both his Sirname, and the Sirname of all his Children to Hamilton, whereupon he was by King Charles II. raiſed to the Dignity of Duke of Hamilton for his own Lifetimea [213] by Letters Patent on the 20th of September 1660, but ſuch was the Humour of the Times & the prevalency of Parties, that ſave that his Grace was in the Council, he had no Employment in the State during all King Charles's Reign, tho' he had a large ſhare of his Majeſty's Eſteem, which he teſtified when he choſe him into the Society of the moſt noble Order of the Garter a Anno 1682.

When King James VII. came to the Throne in the beginning of the 1685, he found more Favour with the Court than he had done in the former Reign, for he was not only a Lord of Council, but alſo of the Treaſaury, and Seſſion, an extraordinary Lord; Alſo on the 14th of October 1687, he was ſworn a Privy Councellour for England b, in all which Offices he continued till his Majeſty retir'd into France, in the end of the 1688. On the grand Revolution of the Government, upon the Prince of Orange's coming over to England, the Duke being at London at the Head of diverſe of the Scots Nobility and Gentry, who were then in Town, waited on his Highneſs the Prince, who received them with great Reſpect, and ſoon a [...]ter making choice of the Duke their Preſident, they addreſſed the Prince to take upon him the Adminiſtration of all Affairs Civil and Military, the diſpoſal of the publick Revenue and Fortreſſes of the Kingdom, that he would do every thing that was neceſſary for the Preſervation of the Peace of the Kingdom, until a Meeting of the Eſtates of the Nation, which they deſir'd his Highneſs to Call, to be holden at Edinburgh the 14th of March 1689.

The Convention, upon the Prince of Orange's Letters, meeting at the Day appointed, began with the choice of a Preſident, which fell on his Grace the Duke of Hamilton, by a Majority of ten Voices more than the Marqueſs of Athole c, a [...]ter which they paſſed an Act aſſerting and maintaining the lawfulneſs of the Meeting, and declaring that they would not diſſolve, but continue ſitting until the Government, Religion and Property were ſettled and eſtabliſhedd. Their next care was to publiſh a Proclamation requiring all Perſons from the Age of Sixty to Sixteen to be ready to take Arms upon Advertiſement from the meeting of Eſtates, for ſecuring the Proteſtant Religion, the Laws and Liberties of the Kingdome. At length on the 11th of April they proceeded, and came to the following Reſolution, viz. That King James VII. being a profeſt Papiſt, did aſsume the regal Power, and acted as King without ever taking the Oath required by Law, and hath by the Advice of evil and wicked Counſellours invaded the fundamental Conſtitution of the Kingdom, and altered it from a legal limited Monarchy to an Arbitrary deſpotick Power, and hath exercis'd the ſame to the Subverſion of the Proteſtant Religion, and the Violation of the Laws and Liberties of the Kingdom, inverting all the Ends of Government, whereby he hath forfaulted the Right to the Crown, and the Throne is become vacant. Upon which the Eſtates ordered a Committee to bring in an Act for ſettling the Crown upon William and Mary King and Queen of England, and likewiſe to prepare an Inſtrument of Government to be offered with the Crown, for redreſſing the Grievances, and ſecuring the Liberties of the People, in purſuance whereof the Committee drew up an Actf reciting, in fourteen Articles, the method by which King James had invaded the Conſtitution of the Kingdom, and in other [214] twenty four Articles, their Claim and Declaration of their ancient Rights and Liberties; which Act being read and agreed to, it was enacted that King William and Queen Mary ſhould be declared King and Queen of Scotland, To hold the Crown and royal Dignity of the ſaid Kingdom, to them the ſaid King and Queen during their Lives, and the longeſt Liver of them, and that the ſole and full exerciſe of the regal Power be only in, and exerciſed by him the ſaid King, in the Names of the ſaid King and Queen during their joint Lives, and after their deceaſe to the Heirs of the Body of the ſaid Queen, which failing, to the Princeſs Anne of Denmark, and the Heirs of her Body; which alſo failing to the Heirs of the Body of the ſaid William King of England. After which the Meeting of Eſtates was adjourned on the 24 of May, till the 5th of June a: My Lord Duke being again their Majeſties High Commiſſioner, the Convention was turn'd into a Parliament, wherein they aboliſhed Epiſcopal Government, reſcinded the Forfaulture of the Earl of Argyle, and adjourn'd on the 2d of Auguſt 1689. The Throne being filled with King William and Queen Mary, his Grace became the Prime Miniſter, was Lord Preſident of the Privy Council, one of the extraordinary Lords of Seſſion, & Lord high Admiral of Scotland. But it ſeems that King thought not all this enough to reward his ſignal Merit and Services, ſo he was pleaſed again to make him Lord high Commiſſioner in that Seſſion of Parliament, which began on the 18th of April 1693b, wherein ſeveral Acts for the benefit of Trade and Commerce paſs'd, his Grace having order'd the Lord Chancellor to prorogue the Parliament to the 12th of September, he ſet out for London ſome time after, from whence returning in the Month of March, he was taken ill in his Health after an Indiſpoſition that would not yield to the Art of the Phyſitian, that handſom Body of his ſunk extremely, yet without any Alteration in his Mind and Senſes, and with a full proſpect of Death, and a Chriſtian Preparation for it, he departed this tranſitory Life, at the Abby of Holy-rood houſe on the 18 April 1694, in the 60 Year of his Age, and was interr'd in the Collegiate Church of Hamilton in the Vault of the Family, where there is a Monument erected for him of various colour'd Marble embelliſh'd with his own Coat of Arms, and the Coats of theſe Eight noble and ancient Families Engraven upon the Pillars thereof, viz. Marqueſs of Douglaſs, Lord Oliphant, Graham of Morphie, Earl of Errol: Marqueſs of Huntly, Duke of Lennox, Duke of Chattlerault, M. de Antragueſs, and upon a Tablet of black Marble there is the Inſcription that here follows,Memoriae Sacrum
Illuſtriſſimi Principis
Gulielmi ſecundi Hamiltoniorum Ducis,
Clydſdaliae Marchionis Arraniae Lanerici &c. Comitis
Avaniae, Polmontis, Macchaniae, &c. Reguli,
Celſiſſim [...] Duglaſſiorum Marchionis ex ſecundis
Nuptiis cum Maria Gordon Marchionis de
Huntlie Filia
Filii natu maximi
Regii palatii Sanctae Crucis Cuſtodis perpetui,
in Trium Regni Ordin Comit. ſaepius Proregis
Secretioribus Conciliis Regni Scotiae Praeſidis,
Tribus etiam Regibus ſuccedaneis
Ab intimis Regni Angliae Coneiliis
Sacri io [...]dem Aerarii comitis
In ſupremo Foro Juridico ſenatoris Extraordinarii,
Regni Scotiae Thalaſſiarchae,
Nobiliſſimi Ordinis Periſcelidis Equitis Socii,
Patriae Propugnatoris strenui,
Familiae Inſtauratoris tanquam divinitus miſſi
Hoc (Famae nunquam interiturae) Monumentum
M [...]rens poſuit Vidua Anna
(Poſt ſeriem tredecim procerum Familiae principem)
Ipſa Familias Haeres
Praeter Jacobum Haeredem
Quinque alios reliquit Filios
Tres itidem Filias illuſtriſſimis Familiis
in Matrimonium collocatas.
Natus 24 die Decem 1634. Denat. 18 April 1694.’

The Duke of Hamilton's Character being eaſily to be collected from what has already been ſaid, there remains nothing more to be obſerved [215] of him, but that by her Grace Anne Dutcheſs of Hamilton he had a numerous Poſterity of Sons and Daughters, viz.

James Duke of Hamilton.

Charles Earl of Selkirk.

John Earl of Ruglen.

George Earl of Orkney.

Lord Baſile Hamilton of Baldoon, a Gentleman of ſingular Accompliſhments, and of an affable and generous Diſpoſition, which procur'd him a general Eſteem, and had undoubtedly appear'd an Ornament to his Country, had not Death taken him away in the bloom of his Life, Anno 1701. By Mary his Wife Daughter and ſole Heir of Sir David Dunbar of Baldoon Baronet, he left Iſſue Baſil Hamilton Eſq his Son and Heir.

Lord Archibald Hamilton late Member of Parliament for the County of Lanerk, who was by her Majeſty Queen Anne in the Month of Auguſt 1710a appointed Captain General and Governour in Chief of the Iſland of Jamaica.

Lady Catherine married to John 1ſt Duke of Athole.

Lady Suſanna to John 2d Earl of Dundonald, and thereafter to Charles 3d Marqueſs of Tweddale.

Lady Margaret married to James 4th Earl of Panmure.

His Grace's eldeſt Son James late Duke of Hamilton, in his Father's time call'd Earl of Arran, was born the 11th of April 1658b. His Education was ſuitable to his illuſtrious Birth, which being qualified by Travels rendered him a moſt accompliſhed young Lord. Upon his return home, he was by the Favour of King Charles II. on the 17th of January 1679 made one of the Gentlemen of his Majeſty's Bed-chamberc with ample Acknowledgements of the Loyalty of his illuſtrious Family whic [...] had not fuffered a little for the Crown: his Lordſhip continuing in great Eſteem with that Prince, he was ſent Envoy-extraordinary to the Court of France, to congratulate the Dauphine upon the Birth of his ſecond Son Philip Duke of Anjou, the preſent King of Spain, of whom the Dauphineſs was delivered, November 9th 1683d.

When King James VII. came to the Throne, my Lord Arran was no leſs that Prince's Favorite than he had been his Brothers, for his Majeſty named him one of the Grooms of the Bed-chamber, Maſter of the Wardrobee, and conferred on him the Command of a Regiment of Horſef; alſo in April 1687, he elected him one of the twelve Knights of the moſt noble Order of St. Andrew called The Thiſtle g, which his Majeſty was then pleaſed to revive. At the Revolution his Lordſhip firmly adhered to his unfortunate Maſter, and never left him till he attended him to Rocheſter h, where his Majeſty embarked for France, 23d December 1688. In the beginning of January 1689, when the Prince of Orange deſired the advice of the Scots Nobility and Gentry then at London, what was fit for him to do in reference to the Affairs of Scotland, this occaſioned a free Conference among them, and my Lord Arran offered his Opinion in theſe Wordsi, I have all the Honour and Deference for the Prince of Orange imaginable, I think him a brave Prince, and that we owe him great Obligations in contributing ſo much for our Delivery from Popery; but while I pay thoſe Praiſes, I cannot violate my Duty to my Maſter, I muſt diſtinguiſh betwixt his Popery and his Perſon, I diſlike the one, but have ſworn and do owe Allegiance to the other, which makes it impoſſible for me to ſign away [216] that which I cannot forbear believing is the King my Maſters Right, for his preſent abſence from us in France can no more affect my Duty, than his longer abſence from us has done all this while, and the Prince deſiring our Advice, mine is, that we ſhould move his Majeſty to return and call a free Parliament for the ſecuring our Religion and Property, which in my humble Opinion, will at laſt be found the beſt way to heal all our Breaches.

His Lordſhips Conſtancy to the Intereſt of King James, even after the Prince of Orange was declared King of England, occaſioned ſuch a Suſpicion of his Conduct, that he was ſent Priſoner to the Towera, but being diſcharged ſome time after, he retir [...]d for a time into Scotland, his Father's Death happening in the 1694. brought no Acceſſion either o [...] Honour or Eſtate to the Earl, the ſame being hereditary to the Dutcheſs his Mother, who nevertheleſs, with the Conſent of King William, before the end of that Princes Reign, reſigned that Title to himb, whereby he became a Peer.

His Grace for many Years after was not engaged in any publick Affairs except Parliamentary ones as they occurred, where he ever on all occaſions ſhow'd a tender Concern for the Honour and Proſperity of Scotland, more particularly in the great Oppoſition he made in the Union of the two Kingdoms, which as it did demonſtrate his entire Affection to his Country, ſo on that account it c [...]allenges a juſt Eſteem and honourable Remembrance of his Memory as a noble Patriot by all the Lovers of their Country to perpetuity.

The Matter of the Union being concluded in Parliament, his Grace retir'd to his Country Houſe in Staffordſhire c, upon the News of the Invaſion from France Anno 1708, he was by Order of the Council taken into the Cuſtody of a Meſſenger upon Suſpicion of his being privy to that Expedition; but his Grace was admitted to Bail, the Duke o [...] Newcaſtle, the Earl of Whartoun, the Lord Hailyfax being Surities for him. Whatever ſiniſter Opinion ſome in England might entertain of the Duke at this Juncture, it's certain the Scots Nobility had quite different Sentiments of him, for on the 17th of June, at a ſolemn Election of the Peers, to teſtify the Honour and Eſteem they had of him, he was nominated and choſen one of the Sixteen Peers to the enſuing Parliament.

When things came to take a new turn at Court, upon her Majeſty's change of her Miniſtry, his Grace was on the 1ſt of October 1710, appointed Lord Lieutenant of the County Palatine of Lancaſter d in the room of James Earl of Darby, and on the 13th of December thereafter, he was ſworn of the Privy Councile, and accordingly took his place at the Board; Alſo in the Month of June 1711, the Queen was pleaſed to make him a Peer of Great Britain by the Titles of Baron of Dutton, and Duke of Brandon, and the Preamble to his Patent runs thus. Cum generis claritate promeritorum praeſtantia, conſtanti & immaculata fidelitate, vel ad mortem uſque & ſanguinis etiam propinquitate, Majores perquam fideles & intime admodum dilecti Conſanguinei & Conſiliarii Noſtri Jacobi Ducis Hamiltonii, Machionis Clidſdaliae, Comitis Arraniae & Lanarci, Domini Polmontiae, Avenniae, Manchanſhiriae & Innerdaliae, ſeſe Praedeceſſoribus Noſtris Regiis Glorioſiſſimae Memoriae plurimum commendaverint: Nos animadvertentes quod praedictus Jacobus Dux Hamiltoni praeclaris nobiliſſimae ſuae Familiae [217] veſtigiis inſiſtens & virtutis laude & inconcuſſa Fidelitatis conſtantia ſanguinis Conjunctionem quae Regiam Noſtram Domum prope attingit porro illuſtrare perrexerit; quo ipſe & ſingularis Noſtrae Benevolentiae Monumenta habeat & poſteri ipſius Gloriae & Dignitatis amplitudine ad res eximias ad Nominis Exce [...]lentiae pares efficiendas accendantur, novis Titulorum honoribus avitum ſplendorem ornare at (que) exaugere de crevimus. Sciatis, &c.

At the ſitting down of the Parliament in December thereafter, the Duke claim'd his Place in the Houſe of Peers, upon which many of the Engliſh Lords apprehending it might be dangerous to their Conſtitution to admit into their Houſe a greater Number of the Scots Peers than were agreed to by the Act of Union, and therefore reſolved to oppoſe the ſaid Claim. Hereupon, Monday the 10th, a Motion was made for taking that Matter into Conſideration, which was done accordingly, but after a few Speeches the Debate was adjourn'd to the 12th. and after ſome time ſpent therein, the further Conſideration of that Buſineſs was put off till the 20th. Upon which Day the Lords reſum'd the Debate, the Queen being preſent incognito, after learned Council in the Law for her Majeſty, the Houſe of Lords and the Duke of Hamilton, ſeveral Speeches were made on both ſides, ſo that the Debate laſted till near Eighth in the Evening, when the Queſtion was put whether the Twelve Judges ſhould be conſulted with, which being carried in the Negative by Fourteen Voices, Proxies included. Another Queſtion was put, Whether Scots Peers created Peers of Great Britain ſince the Union, have a Right to ſit in that Houſe, which was alſo carried in the Negative by five Voices. Altho by this Deciſion the Royal Prerogative, the Duke of Hamilton and the whole Peerage of Scotland receiv'd a great Mortification, yet her Majeſty was pleaſed to continue her Royal Favour to his Grace, by making him Maſter General of the Ordnance, and Knight of the moſt noble Order of the Garter, at a Chapter held at Windſor 26th of October 1712, and ſhortly after appointed him to go Ambaſſador extraordinary to France upon the Concluſion of the Peace; but while he was preparing his Equippage ſuitable to the Grandeur of his Character, he had the Mis [...]ortune upon the 15th of November 1712, to fight a Duel in Hyde-Park with the Lord Mohun, where he kill'd that Lord upon the Spot, and his Grace died of his Wounds by the time he got into his Lodgingsa, his Death was univerſally lamented for the many noble Qualities he was endu'd with, of which Love and Zeal for his Native Country was not the leaſt, and for that Reaſon his Loſs can never be ſufficiently be [...]ail'd by all true Scots-Men, and who ever [218] after him ſhall deſerve beſt of the Scots Nation, he can never think himſelf undervalu'd when he is laid in the Ballance with, and compar'd to the Duke of Hamilton.

He married two Wives, firſt Anne Daughter of Robert Spencer Earl of Sunderland, and again Eliſabeth Daughter and ſole Heir of Digby Lord Gerard of Bromly of the Kingdom of England, by Eliſabeth his Wife Siſter to Charles late Earl of Macleſfield, by whom he had Iſſue,

James Lord Marqueſs of Clidſdale, now Duke of Hamiltoun, Lord William, and Lord Anne, ſo Criſten'd, in regard of her Majeſty's ſtanding God Mother, Lady Catherin who died young, Lady Charlott and Lady Suſanna.


Quarterly Gules, three Cinquefoils Ermine, 2d and 3d Argent, a Ship with her Sails turſs'd up Sable, Supporters two Antilops Proper, Creſt, a Saw ſawing through a growing Oak, Motto, Through.

HARRIES, Lord Harries.

THAT this ancient Family is of much longer continuance in Scotland than the Reign of King David II. to which ſome aſſign their Original, is evident from the Regiſter of the Abbey of Kelſo, where Nigellus de Herize is mention'd in the Time of King William the Lyon a. They are ſaid to be deriv'd from a Son of the Count de Vendome in France, whoſe Arms they carry, viz. Argent three Hurcheons Azure b, tho the firſt remarkable Perſon of the Lineage, is Sir John Harries Knight, who had a Grant of the Barony of Terregles from King David II.c in reward of ſome remarkable Service, whence his Succeſſors were commonly deſign'd, till the Reign of King James IV. that in the 1493, Herbert Herries of Terregles Knight, came to be Lord Herries d, he married Marion Daughter to the Lord Carlyle of Torthorald e, by her he had Andrew his Son and Heir, who was killed in the Battle of Flowdoun, leaving Iſſue by Janet his Wife Daughter of Archibald Earl of Angus f, William his Son and Heir, who dying 26th of September 1543g, by Catherin Daughter of John Kennedy of Blairquhan his Wifeh in Vic. de Air, he left three Daughters his Co-heirs.

Agnes married to Sir John Maxwel Knight, who came to inherit the Honour of Lord Harries.

Catherine to Alexander Stewart of Garlies i, Anceſtor to the Earl of Galloway.

Janet to William Cockburn of Sk [...]rling k in Vic. de Roxburgh.

HOPE, Earl of Hopetoun.

THE firſt Raiſer of the Family of the Hopes, was Sir Thomas Hope of Craighall, Son of Henry Hope, an eminent and wealthy Merchant of the City of Edinburgh, by Jaque de Tott his Wife a French Womanl, who after he had gone thro' his Humanity [219] and Philoſophy, applyed himſelf to the Law, & made ſuch progreſs in that Study, that he was admitted to the Bar at an Age very little advanced. He was not taken notice of for Practice, till the 1606 he was choſen to plead the Cauſe of the Presbyterian Miniſters who were Indicted of high Treaſon for declining the King's Authority in Matters Eccleſiaſticala, which gave him much Reputation with that People afterward, and grafted him in the intire Confidence of them, that he was looked on as the Oracle of the Party, and adviſed with them in all their Counſels and Deſignsb. Upon the Fame of his Abilities and Learning in the Profeſſion of the Law, his Majeſty King James VI. in the end of his Reign, was pleaſed to make him joint Advocate with Sir William Oliphant, who giving way to Fate on the 13 of April 1628, Sir Thomas Hope was not long after conſtituted ſole Lord Advocate, and enjoyed the place till a [...]ter the Civil War broke out with great Reputation for Learning, and all other Advantages which attend the moſt eminent Men of that Profeſſion, as the ſeveral Works he left behind him do undeniably evince, of which this is a Catalogue,

Carmen ſeculate in ſereniſſimum Carolum I. Britanniarum Monarcham, Edin. 1626.

Major Practicks MS.

Minor Practicks M.S.

Paratitillo ex univerſo juris Corpore MS.

Pſalmi Davidis & Canticum Solomonis Latino Carmine M.S.

A Genealogie of the Earls of Mar c MS.

His Wife was Eliſabeth Daughter of John Bennet of Wallingford d, by whom he had 1ſt. Sir John Hope of Craighall, 2d. Sir Thomas Hope of Carſe, 3d. Sir James Hope who was the Origin of the Houſe of Hopetoun, to which Branch I ſhall at preſent confine my Memoirs of the Hopes.

This Sir James purſuing his Father's Steps in the Study and Practice of the Law, in ſhort time became ſo much taken notice of for his Abilities, that he was choſen one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice Anno 1649e, in which Station he continued till that Judicature was diſſolved by Oliver Cromwell Anno 1651. He married Anne Daughter of John Fowlis of Lead-hills, in Vic. de Lanerk, by whom he had John his Succeſſor, and a Daughter Rachel married to David Beaton of Balfour, in Vic. de Fife, and after her Death Margaret Daughter of William Earl Marſhal, by whom he had only one Son Sir William Hope of Balcomy.

John Hope of Hopetoun his Son, among other Perſons of Quality accompanying his Royal Highneſs James Duke of York from London by Sea into Scotland, was caſt away the 7th of May 1682f, leaving Iſſue by Margaret his Wife Daughter of John Earl of Haddingtoun, a Lady eminent in all the Vertues of her Sex, Charles his only Son and Heir, and Heleanor a Daughter married to Thomas Earl of Haddingtoun.

Which Charles, as ſoon as he came of Age, being returned Member of Parliament for the County of Linlithgow, of which he is high Sheriff, in the firſt Parliament of Queen Anne, her Majeſty was pleaſed to call him to her Privy Council, and by Letters Patent bearing date 15th of April 1703g, to raiſe him to the Honour of Earl of Hopetoun, and to his Heirs [220] Male; in default of which to his Heirs Female for ever. He married Henrietta Daughter of William 1ſt. Marquis of Annandale, by whom he had Iſſue,

John Lord Hope.





Helen. all young.


Azure, a Cheveron charged with a Bay Leaf Vert, betwixt three Beaſants Or, Supporters two Women holding Anchors in their Hands, Creſt, a Rainbow ſurmounted of a Globe, Motto, At ſpes infracta.

HUME, Earl of Hume.

'TIS evident that this Noble ancient Family are derived from Sir William a Son of Patrick Earl of Dunbar, who aſſum'd a Sirname from his Patrimonial Lands of Hume a, as early as the Sirname of Dunbar became Hereditary to the Earls of March. This William gave in pure Alms to the Monaſtery of Kelſo unum Toftum & unum Croftum & d [...]as bovatas terrae in territorio villae ſuae de Greenlaw b pro ſalute animae ſuae.

This Sir William of Home was ſucceeded by a Son of the ſame Name, who deſignes himſelf Willielmus Dominus de Hume filius & heres nobilis viri Domini Willielmi Militis quondam Dominus dictae villae de Hume, when he yields his Right to ſome Lands that had been the Matter of Diſpute betwixt him and the Abbot of Kelſo, Craſtino conceptionis Beatae virginis Mariae 1268. The Family after ſeveral deſcents became very powerful, and in the Reign of King Robert III. Sir Thomas Hume of that Ilk then taking to Wife Nicolas Heir of the Pepdie Family in the County of Berwick c, who brought him the Lordſhip of Dunglaſs, whereby his Fortune was much encreaſed, and in gratitude of that Match, he added to his paternal Coat of Arms Azure, three Papingoes Vert d. By the ſaid Nicolas his Wife he had Alexander his Succeſſor, and David the firſt Baron of Wedderburn, in Vic. de Berwick e.

To Sir Thomas Hume ſucceeded Sir Alexander his Son, a very warlike Perſon, he was in that Expedition againſt the Engliſh at Homildown, where he was taken Priſoner, and died a Captive in England, Anno 1402f, leaving Alexander his Son to ſucceed him, who diſtinguiſh'd himſelf in the Wars of France in the Reign of Henry VI. he accompany'd the Earl of Douglas to the Battle of Vernoil, where he was ſlain with that valiant Earl Anno 1424g, having married [221] Jean Daughter of . . . . . . Hay of Yeſter, he had Alexander his Succeſſor in the Family, Thomas firſt of the Humes of Tinningham a, and George who was the Stock of the Family of Spot.

Sir Alexander Hume the next of the Line of this noble Houſe raiſed the Glory and Reputation of the Family, by the vaſte Eſtate he acquir'd both by Marriage and otherways, ou [...] of which he erected the Collegiate Church of Dunglaſs, a very noble Foundation, and that out of Piety to his Anceſtors and Relations, for whom the good Man thought he could Merit in the other World, and whom he commemorates with a very tender Concern and Reſpectb. He married two Wives, firſt Marjory Heireſs of Landal c in Vic. de Berwick, by whom he had firſt Alexander who died in his own Lifetime, ſecond George Hume firſt of Aitoun d, third Patrick of Faſtcaſtle in the County of Berwick. His ſecond Wife was Margaret Daughter of Alexander Lord Montgomery e, by whom he had Thomas Hume of Langſhaw in Vic. de Air f.

Alexander Hume of that Ilk Junior dying before his Father, he left Iſſue five Sons, Alexander who ſucceeded his Grand-fatherg, 2d George Lord Hume, after his Brother's Death. 3d David Prior of Coldingham, died Anno 1517h. 4th. John Hume of Coldingknows i, Anceſtor to the preſent Earl of Hume. 5th. William who was Execute with his Brother Alexander; alſo ſeveral Daughters, Eliſabeth married to James Earl of Arran k, Helen to Alexander Lord Erskin l, . . . . . . to James Hepburn Eſq Maſter of Bothwell.

Sir Alexander Hume of that Ilk dying a very old Man, his Eſtate devolved on Alexander his Grand-ſon and Heir, who was the firſt Peer of the Family: Upon the Acceſſion of K. James IV. to the Crown he was appointed one of the Privy Council, & October 7th. 1488 conſtituted Lord high Chamberlain of Scotland m. The next Year January 10 [...]h. 1489, he was made Captain of Stirling Caſtle, and Governour to John Earl of Marr the King's Brother then in Minorityn, likewiſe on the 25th of Auguſt thereafter made Warden of the Eaſt-Marches for the ſpace of ſeven Yearso and in or about the 1493, came to the Honour and Title of Lord Hume p, he continued the principal Favorite of that Prince during his Life, and had the chief Adminiſtration of all Affairs ſometime after the King's Dea [...]h, till he procured John Duke of Albany to be made Governour to the young King James V. but after all this Honour and Greatneſs, he was by the Governour charged with Crimes of a very high Nature, for which being put in the Caſtle of Edinburgh, he was found guilty of high Treaſon, and together with William his Brother, on the 16th of October 1516 loſt their Headsq. By [222] Nicolas his Wife Daughter and Heir of George Kerr of Suma [...]lſtoun a, he had only one Daughter Janet who ſurvived him, married to Sir John Hamilton natural Brother to James Duke of Chatlerault b.

George Brother and Heir of Alexander Lord Hume was repon'd to his Eſtate and Honour Anno 1521c, he was a very brave Man, and perform'd many Warlike Exploits for the Service of his King and Country during the Reign of King James V. particularly at the Fight of Haldinrig againſt the Engliſh, where his Conduct and Valour was very notabled. He took to Wife Marion ſecond Daughter and Co-heir of Patrick Lord Halyburton e, by her he had a Son Alexander, and a Daughter Margaret married to Sir Alexander Erskin o [...] Gogar f, Anceſtor to the Earl of Kelly.

Alexander Lord Hume his Son was made Warden of the Eaſt Marches Anno 1565g, he was on the young King's ſide at firſt in the time of the Civil War in Queen Mary's daysh, and was with the Earl of Murray Regent at the Battle of Langſide, but he afterward join'd himſelf to the Queen's Party, and deported himſelf ſo honourably afterward, that a certain Author ſays, He was ſo true a Scots man that he was unwinnable to England to do any thing prejudicial to his Country i. He married twice, firſt Margaret Daughter of Sir Walter Kerr of Ceſsfoord, Anceſtor to the Duke of R [...]xburgh k, by whom he had one Daughter Margaret married to George Earl Marſhall, 2dly. Agnes Daughter of Patrick Lord Gray, Widow of Sir Robert Logan of Reſtalrig l, by her he had Alexander firſt Earl of Hume, and a Daughter Iſobel married to Sir James Hume of Eccles and had Iſſuem. This Lord departing this Life in the Year 1576n was ſucceeded in his Eſtate and Honour by Alexander his Son, who was a great Favorite with King James VI. whom he accompanyed to England Anno 1603, being then one of his Majeſty's moſt honourable Privy Council. He was very inſtrumental in the ſuppreſſing of the Rebellion of Francis Earl of Bothwell: In Conſideration of which ſigular Service he had a Grant of the diſſolved Priory of Coldingham to him and his Heirs, and was on the 4th of March 1605 dignified by that Prince with the Honour of Earl of Hume o. His firſt Wife was Margaret Siſter to William Earl of Morton, by her he had no Succeſſion. He next married Mary Daughter of Edward Sutton Lord Dudly of the Realm of England p, by her he had James his Succeſſor in the Honour, and two Daughters, Margaret married to James Earl of Murray, and Anne to John Duke of Lauderdale, and dying the 5th of April 1619q.

James his Son ſucceeded in the Title of Earl, he married firſt Catherin Daughter of Henry Viſcount of Falkland Lord Leiutenant of Ireland r. 2dly Grace Daughter of Francis Earl of Weſtmoreland ſ, but dying without Iſſue Anno 1634, the Honour of Earl, by reaſon of an Entail on Heirs Male, came to Sir James Hume of Colding-knows [223] his neareſt Couſin on the Male linea, who obtain'd a Ratification of the Honour of Earl of Hume from King Charles I. with all the Privileges and Precedency formerly enjoy'd by Alexander or James Earls of Hume his Predeceſſors 22 May 1636b. This Earl married Jean Daughter of William Earl of Morton, by whom he had three Sons all ſucceſſively Earls of Hume, Alexander, James and Charles, and dying Anno 1666c. Alexander ſucceeded him in his Honours, and married Anne Daughter of Richard Earl of Dorſet d, but dyed without Iſſue Anno 1674e, the Honour devolving to James his Brother, who marrying . . . . . . . Daughter of George Earl of Dalhouſie, dyed Anno 1688, leaving no Iſſue, ſo that his Eſtate and Honour came to Charles his next Brother, who married Anne Daughter of Sir William Purves of that Ilk, and dying 20th of Auguſt 1706, left Iſſue three Sons and three Daughters, 1ſt. Alexander his Succeſſor, 2d. James, 3d. George, Jean 1ſt. Daughter married to Patrick Lord Polwarth, 2d. Marjory, 3d. Margaret.

Which Alexander was on the 10th of November 1710 elected one of the 16 Peers of Scotland to the Parliament of Great Britain, and the next Year was made General of the Mint in the Room of John Lord Balmerino, he married Anne Daughter of William Marquis of Lothian, and has Iſſue, Charles Lord Dunglaſs, William and James.


Quarterly 1ſt. and 4th. Vert, a Lyon rampant Argent, 2d. and 3d. Argent, three Papingoes Vert, beck'd and membred Gules, over all in a Sheild Or, an Orle Azure, ſupported by two Lyons rampant, Creſt a Lyons Head eras'd Argent, Motto, True to the End.

CARMICHAEL, Earl of Hyndford.

OF this Family which aſſum'd its Sirname from the Lands of Carmichael in Lanerk-ſhire, where they ſtill have their chief Seat, was John de Carmichael who was infeſt in the ſaid Lands, by a Precept of James Earl of Douglas and Marr, who was kill'd at the Battle of Otterburn Anno Dom. 1388f. This John attaining the Honour of Knighthood, was one of the many brave Scots-men who accompanyed Archibald Earl of Douglas to the Aſſiſtance of Charles VI. of France againſt the Engliſh, was at the Battle of Baug [...] Anno 1422, where he did eminentiy ſignalize his Valour in diſmounting the Duke of Clarence the Engliſh General, whereby the Glory of the Victory accru'd to the French and Scots g, in the Action he broke his Spear, in remembrance of which renown'd & remarkable piece of Service his Succeſſors had a Badge added to their Coat of Arms viz. A dexter Hand and Arm armed, holding a broken Spear proper, which is ſtill born as the Creſt of the Family. This Sir John by . . . . . . . . . his Wife Daughter to the Earl of Angus h, had William his Succeſſor, and of a younger Son Robert, did the Family of Meadowflat deſcendi of whom the Carmichaels of Balmadie did ſpring.

[224] Which William Carmichael of that Ilk is one of the Barons upon the Retour of Sir David Hay of Teſter Anno 1437a. He was ſucceeded by John Carmichael of Carmichael his Son: George Carmichael Doctor in Divinity a younger Son of the Family, at this time was promoted to the Epiſcopal See of Glaſgow Anno 1482, then void by the deceaſe of Biſhop Laing b, and the ſame Year he was joined in Commiſſion with ſundry Lords and Barons to treat of a firm and laſting Peace with the Engliſh Nationc.

Which John above-mention'd, in the 1482, obtain'd from King James III. diverſe Lands in Conſideration of his good and faithful Services done, and to be done by himd. He left behind him two Sons, William, and Walter firſt of the Branch of Hyndford and Park e.

William the next of the Family flouriſh'd under King James IV. and is particularly mentioned in the Records of that Reignf he was ſucceeded by

John his Son, who married Elizabeth Daughter of Hugh Lord Somervel g, by whom he had

Sir John his Succeſſor.

Archibald Carmichael of Edrem h, in Vic. de Berwick.

Which Sir John was knighted in the time of Queen Mary, and conſtituted Warden of the Midle-Marches toward England, in which Station he behav'd himſelf very worthily, and with General Applauſe. In 1588 he was with Sir John Va [...]ſs of Barnburrow and Mr. Peter Young ſent Ambaſſadors to Denmark to propoſe a Match betwixt King James VI. and Anne a Daughter of that Crown, which was ſoon after happily accompliſh'd, and about the ſame time he was conſtituted Captain of his Majeſty's Guardi, and the next Year ſent Ambaſſadour to Queen Elizabeth of England k to confer with that Princeſs upon Matters of the higheſt Importance to the two Nations, which Service he worthily diſcharged: Alſo in 1598, he was again conſtituted Warden of the Midle-Marchesl, in the exerciſe of which Office he was barbarouſly murdered by ſome diſſolute Borderers of the Sirname of Armſtrong on the 16th of June 1600m to the univerſal Regret of all good Men; and the famous Dr. John Johnſton teſtified his Grief for him in this Epitaph.

Dum parat extremis populis prope limite in ipſo,
Aevus ubi Anglorum diſtinet amnis agros.
Dicer [...] jus, ac jure, va [...]s cohibere latro [...]s,
Principis Auguſt [...] vicemque obiens.
Gens legum impatie [...], gens rapto vivere ſueta,
Exceptum diris ſuſtulit infidiis.
Ne [...] magis gravidas callens torquere ſariſſas,
Et patrii moris nemo magis retinens,
He [...], ubi nunc jus fas, ſi ſic impune verendi
Sacra Magiſtratus contemerare licet.

This gallant Man was wedded with Margaret Daughter of Sir David Douglaſs of Pittendreich, Siſter to David Earl of Angus & to James Earl of Morton Regent of Scotland in the Minority of King James VIn. by whom he had

Sir Hugh Carmichael his Succeſſor.

Mary married to John Bothwel Commendator of Holy-rood-houſe, afterward created Lord Holy-rood houſe Anno 1607o, and had Iſſue.

Abigail to Hugh Weir of Clowburn in Vic. de Lanerk.

Anne to Dr. Walter Whiteford Biſhop of Brechin, in the Reign of King Charles I. and had Iſſue.

Sir Hugh Carmichael of that Ilk being a Perſon of great Parts, was of [225] the Privy Council to King James VI. and in the 1593, was conſtituted Maſter of the Horſe, and the ſame Year imploy'd in an Embaſſy to Denmark; which great Truſt he diſcharg'd to his Majeſty's Satisfaction and his own Honour. He married Sybilla Daughter of . . . . . Baillie of Lammingtoun, by whom he had John his Son and Heir, who dying without Iſſue, the Eſtate came to James Carmichael of Hyndford a Collateral Branch of the Family; whoſe Anceſtor.

Walter Carmichael was a younger Son of the Houſe of Carmichael, as appears from an ancient Roll written about the time of King James VI. which ſheweth the Deſcent of this Walter from the Familya, whoſe Grandſon James Carmichael of Hyndford and Park marrying Marion Daughter of Sir Hugh Campbel of Lowdoun b, by her he had Walter his Son and Heir, who by his vertuous & prudent Conduct, conſiderably improv'd his Eſtate, and conſequently raiſed the Reputation of his Family in the Country, departing this Life about the 1612, he left Iſſue by Griſel his Wife Daughter of John Carmichael of Meadowflat Captain of Crawfurd c James his Succeſſor, and ſeveral Daughters.

1. Marion married to James Stewart of Allantoun in Vic. de Lanerk. 2dly to Robert Denholm of Weſt-ſhiell in Vic. Praedicto, and had Iſſue.

2. Rachel to Archibald Hamilton of Halcraig in Vic. de Lanerk.

3. Margaret to Stephen Lockhart of Wicket-ſhaw in the County of Lanerk.

Which James was a Gentleman of excellent Parts, and came firſt to be taken notice of at Court by the Patronage of George Earl of Dunbar Lord high Theſaurer of Scotland. His agreeable and winning Deportment was firſt ſeen and liked by King James at a Match of Jumping, in which Exerciſe he exceeded all the Court. He was firſt preferred to be one of the Cup-bearers, and ſoon after his Majeſty's Carver, advancing daily in favour he was appointed Chamberlain of the Principality, in which Imployment he deported himſelf with Prudence and Integrity for many Years.

King Charles I. had ſo great an Eſteem of his Conduct and Dexterity in his Buſineſs, that he continued him in his former Imployment, and created him Knight Baronet 17th July 1627d. The Juſtice Clerks Office falling vacant through the deceaſe of Sir George Elphinſtoun in the 1634, Sir James Carmichael was promoted thereto, which he demitted two Years after in favours of Sir John Hamilton of Orbiſtoun, being in lieu thereof made Theſaurer Depute, and one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice.

Upon the breaking out of the unhappy Civil War in that Reign, he approv'd himſelf a moſt faithful Subject and Servant to his Sovereign in his greateſt Diſtreſs, and lent him conſiderable Sums of Money at a time when they were look'd upon as Enemies to the Peace of their Country who own'd the King's Cauſe: Of this his Majeſty was ſo ſenſible, that when he had nothing left to reward ſuch of his Subjects as firmly adhered to him then, by conferring ſundry Titles of Honour on them, he was graciouſly pleaſed to advance him to the Honour of Peerage, by the Title of Lord Carmichael 27th of December 1647e.

Upon the Acceſſion of K. Charles II. to the Throne of Scotland 1ſt. January 1651, he had his former Patent of Lord ratified, and was conſtituted one of the Lords of the Privy Council, and Juſtice Clerk, of which he was ſoon [226] after deprived by the Engliſh Uſurpation, and thro' the whole courſe of the Exile of the King, and Suppreſſion of the Royal Cauſe, he deported himſelf with great Caution, and retain'd a dutiful Affection to the King, and heartily concurr'd in the Reſtauration, which he ſurvived 14 Years, giving way to Fate 29th December 1672a. His Wife was Agnes Siſter to John Wilkie of Foultoun, by whom he had three Sons and four Daughters, viz.

1. Sir William his eldeſt Son, who in his Youth went over to France, where he learn'd the Art of War, and was one of the Gens d' Armes to Lewis XIII. returning home ſome time after the commencing of the Civil War, he engag'd in the Service of the Parliament, and commanded, as Colonel, the Regiment of the Shire of Clidſdale againſt the Marquis of Montroſe at the Battle of Philiphaugh 1646. He married Griſel Daughter of William firſt Marquis of Douglas, by whom he had John who ſucceeded his Grandfather, and two Daughters, 1ſt. Mary married to Sir Archibald Stewart of Caſtlemilk, and had Iſſue, Martha to James Weir of Stonebyres, and had Iſſue.

2. Sir Daniel Carmichael of Mauldſly Theſaurer Depute to King Charles II. who dyed without Succeſſion.

3. Sir James Carmichael of Bonnytoun, who was a Colonel in the Service of King Charles II. at the Battle of Dunbar, 3d. September 1650.

1ſt. Daughter Mary married to Sir William Lockhart of Carſtairs, Son of Sir James Lockhart of Lee. 2dly. to Sir William Weir of Stonebyres, and had Iſſue.

2d. Agnes to Sir John Wilkie of Foultoun, and had one Daughter Agnes his ſole Heir, married to William Lord Roſs.

3d. Anne to Sir David Carmichael of Balmadie Baronet, and had one Daughter Agnes married to John Dundaſs of Duddingſtoun.

4th. Martha to John Kennedy of Kirkmichael in the County of Air, but had no Iſſue.

To James Lord Carmichael ſucceeded John his Grandſon and Heir, who was one of the Scots Peers, who appear'd moſt early in the Revolution, for which, and many other good Services upon the Prince of Orange's advancement to the Throne of theſe Realms Anno 1689, he was made one of the Commiſſioners for executing the Office of Lord Privy Seal, and ſworn of his Privy Council. In the 1690 he was Commiſſioner to the General Aſſembly; in which Character he ſerv'd ſeveral times: Likewiſe in the 1693, he was conſtituted Colonel of a Regiment of Dragoons, which he kept till the Peace at Reſwick was concluded. In the 1696, his Lordſhip was promoted to be one of the principal Secretaries of State, and by the favour of the ſame King raiſed to the Honour of Earl of Hyndford, 25th June 1701, the Narrative of the Patent being, Propter fidelitatem continuam & affectum fideliſſimi noſtri Joannis Domini Carmichael noſtrae perſonae & Regnum & quod diverſis inſignis muneribus nobis ipſi concreditis ſummo cum honore & fidelitate ſancitus ſit. This noble Lord in the great Affair of Darien, did ſhow a more than ordinary Concern for the Intereſt of his Country, which ought to derive his Name down to Poſterity as a Patriot of his Country. His Lordſhip married Beatrix Daughter of David Lord Maderty, by Beatrix Daughter of John Earl of Montroſe, by whom he had three Sons who came to Maturity.

1. James now Earl of Hyndford.

2. Mr. William Carmichael Advocate.

[227] 3d. Mr. Daniel Carmichael of Mauldſly.

Beatrix 1ſt Daughter married to John Cockburn Eſq Son and Heir apparent of Adam Cockburn of Ormieſtoun one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice, ſans Iſſue.

Mary 2d to John Montgomery Eſq Son and Heir apparent of Mr. Francis Montgomery of Giffen, and had Iſſue.

Anne 3d to John Maxwell Eſq firſt Couſin & apparent Heir to Sir John Maxwell of Pollock Baronet, one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice, and has Iſſue.

He departed this Life the 20th of September 1710a, and was ſucceeded by

James his Son the preſent Earl of Hyndford, who was in the 1706 made Colonel of a Regiment of Dragoons, and Anno 1710 conſtituted a Brigadeer General. He married Elizabeth Daughter of John Earl of Lauderdale, by whom he has Iſſue John Lord Carmichael.


Argent a Feſs wrethie Azure and Gules, ſupported on the Dexter with a Chevaleer Arm'd in all Points, holding in his Hand a Batton proper, and on the Siniſter with a Horſe Argent furniſh'd Gules, Creſt a dexter Hand and Arm iſſuing out of a Torſe armed holding a broken Spear Proper, and for Motto, Tout jour Preſt.

KER, Lord Jedburgh.

1119 THERE are two eminent Families of the Ker's in the County of Roxburgh, Ceſsfurd and Ferniehirſt, both long ſince raiſed to the Peerage of this Realm, of the latter was Sir Andrew Ker of Ferniehirſt, who was one of the Wardens of the Borders in the time of King James V. Anno 1516b. He was afterward in 1528, by the ſame King join'd in Commiſſion with Sir William Scot of Balwery and Adam Otterburn of Aldam, to treat about a Peace with the Engliſh, which they concluded for the ſpace of five Yearsc. He married Janet Daughter of Sir Patrick Hume of Polwarth, Anceſtor to the Earl of Marchmont, and by her he had two Sons, Sir John his immediate Succeſſor, and Robert Ker of Ancrum, Progenitor to the Marquiſs of Lothian, by whom the Male Line of this noble Family became preſerv'd.

Which Sir John was knighted by the Duke of Chatlerault for his good Service againſt the Engliſh, in reſtraining the Incurſions of the Borderers in the time of Queen Mary Anno 1548, he departing this Life in July 1562d, left Iſſue by Catharin his Wife Daughter of Sir Andrew Ker of Ceſsfurd, Anceſtor to the Duke of [228] Roxburgh, Thomas his Succeſſor, and a Daughter Margaret married to John Lord Yeſter a.

Sir Thomas Ker of Ferniehirſt his Son, was a very Loyal Subject to Queen Mary, and aſſerted her Intereſt upon all occaſions with great Zeal, for which he ſuffered much from the oppoſite Party who had the Power in their Hands. He firſt Married Janet Daughter of Sir William Kirkaldy of Grange b, by whom he had Andrew his Succeſſor, and Margaret Wife of Robert Lord Melvil c. 2dly Jean Daughter of Sir Walter Scot of Buccleugh d, by her he had Sir James Ker of Crailing, Sir Robert Ker the great Favorite of King James VI. firſt created Viſcount of Rocheſter and then Earl of Somerſet, who left a Daughter his ſole Heir Mary, married to William Duke of Bedford; alſo two Daughters, Juliana married firſt to Sir Patrick Hume of Polwarth, after his Death to Thomas Earl of Haddingtoun, and Anne to John Lord Balmerino, he dying in March 1586e, was ſucceeded by Sir Andrew his Son and Heir, who was conſtituted one of the Gentlemen of the Bed-Chamber to King James VI. Anno 1584f, and continuing long in his Favour, he was at length pleaſed to create him Lord Jedburgh, by Letters patent bearing date 2d February 1622g. He married Anne Daughter of Andrew Maſter of Ochiltree, by whom he had Andrew his eldeſt Son, who was one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice and Captain of his Majeſty's Guardsh, he dyed 20 December 1628, leaving no Iſſue.

This Lord by his Exceſs of Expence ſo intirely conſum'd almoſt the whole Fortune, that at his Death when the Title came to his Brother Sir James Ker, there was left upon the Matter nothing to ſupport it; ſo that he declined to take upon him the Honour, but Robert, Sir James's Son, by his Induſtry and Frugality recovering a part of the old Eſtate of the Family, reaſſumed the Title of Lord, but having no Children of his own, he made a Reſignation of his Honour in favour of William Lord Newbottle, Son of Robert then Earl afterward Marquis of Lothian, his neareſt Heir Male, to be inherited by the eldeſt Son of that Family, as a diſtinct Peerage for ever.


Gules on a Cheveron Argent, three Molets of the firſt, Supporters two Angels, Creſt, a Bucks Head caboſs'd Proper, i Motto, Forward in the Name of God.

CAMPBEL, Earl of Iſlay.

ARchibald Earl of Iſlay is the ſecond Son of Archibald 1ſt Duke of Argyle and Elizabeth Talmaſh his Dutcheſs, who being a young Nobleman of very bright Parts, his Polite and early Accompliſhments appear'd firſt publickly in the Parliament 1705, where he had the place of Lord high Theſaurer of Scotland, being then but 21 Years of Age, herein his excellent Faculties became ſoon very much perceiv'd and admir'd, in ſo much that when her Majeſty nominated certain Commiſſioners to treat upon that important Affair of uniting the two Crowns, his Lordſhip was appointed one of that Number for the Kingdom of Scotland; and ſoon after the Concluſion of the Treaty by [229] them, her Majeſty was graciouſly pleaſed to raiſe him to an hereditary Honour by the Titles of Earl of Iſlay, Viſcount of Iſlay, Lord Ornſay, Dunoon and Aroſs, 29th of October 1706,a and to the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten. When the Parliament of Scotland determined upon the Commencement of the Union, my Lord Iſlay was choſen one of the 16 Peers that firſt compoſed the Parliament of Great Britain; likewiſe to two Parliaments following ſince that time, in which he diſtinguiſh'd himſelf as a Perſon truly intereſted in the Service of his Country.

In the 1708 his Lordſhip was made an Extraordinary Lord of the Seſſion; but that being a place of Honour not of Profit, the Queen to reward his Services preferred him to be Juſtice General of Scotland, upon the ſurrender of George Earl of Cromarty Anno 1710, which together with the Government of Dunbarton Caſtle, he at preſent enjoys, and is one of her Majeſtys moſt honourable Privy Council, to which he was called, the 13th December 1711.

James Campbel, Earl of Irvine.

WAS the only Son of Archibald 7th Earl of Argyle, by Anne his ſecond Wife Daughter of Sir William Cornwallis of Bromme, in Vic. de Suffolk, who betaking himſelf early to the profeſſion of Arms, enter'd into the Service of Lewis XIII. of France, and had the Command of a Regiment in the War againſt the Spaniards, which broke out in the 1634, wherein he deported himſelf ſo worthily, that King Charles I [...] to countenance his Merit, was pleaſed to confer on him the Honour of Earl of Irvine, 28th of March 1642b but he left no Son to ſucceed him in the Honour, which thereby became extinct ſometime before the Reſtauration of King Charles II.

INGRAM, Viſcount of Irvine.

AMong other well deſerving and worthy Perſons of the Engliſh Nation, who have been raiſed to Scots Honour ſince the Union of the Crowns, was Sir Arthur Ingram of Temple-Newſon of the County of York, who was by King Charles II. honour'd with this Title, by Letters patent, bearing Date the 3d of May 1661,c.

MACDONALD, Lord of the Iſles.

ALtho' the Macdonalds do not yield to any other Name or Family in Scotland either in Antiquity or Grandeur, yet the Hiſtory of them does not run higher than Somerled Thane of Argyle in the Time of Malcolm IV. yet the Monuments that remain of him do ſhow that his Race was great and anterior to the Age he liv'd in. This Somerled the firſt conſpicuous Perſon of this Line being a very great and powerful Man by his [230] own hereditary Poſſeſſions upon the Weſtern Continent, became yet greater, by adding the Aebudae or Weſt Iſles to his Fortune, by the Marriage of the Heir Female of Olaus, formerly the Lord thereof, whereupon he aſſum'd to himſelf the Title of King of the Iſles, which was ſo ill taken by King Malcolm, that he proclaim'd Somerled a Rebel, and ſent a Body of Men againſt him under the Command of Walter high Stewart of Scotland, by whom his Army was routed, and himſelf killed in the Battle Anno Chr. 1164a, but the Macdonald's contravert this upon the Authority of their Bards and S [...]chies, whoſe memorial Records are in great Veneration with that People: Be this as it will, it's certain that Somerled was ſucceeded in the Juriſdiction and Property of the Iſles by his Son.

Reginald always deſign'd filius Sorleti, and promiſcuouſly Dominus de Ergyle & Inchegal b. He was a prodigious Benefactor to the Church, when the Faith of the Age was, That whatever was given to the Church and the Clergy, did not a little Merit with God Almighty, for he founded the Abbey of Sandale within his own Territory of Kintyre for Ciſtertian Monksc, and mortified thereunto the Lands of Glaſsaddill and Baltebean, together with the Lands of Casken in the Iſland of Arran d: and to the Monaſtery of Paiſly he gave very great and ample Donations that he and Fonia his Wife be entitul'd to all the Privileges of Brotherhood in that Convent, and of the whole Rights and Order of Cluny e, when or where he paſſed from this to another Life, does not appear to me; but he left a Son behind him to inherit his Eſtate,

Dovenald by Namef, who imitated the Liberality of his Father to the Church, particularly the Monks of Paiſly ſhared of his Munificence right liberally, for to that Houſe he gave in free Gift and Donation many and very ample Teſtimonies of his Charity and good will, on the Condition, Quod ille, uxor ſua, haeredes ſui & homines ſui participes ſint in perpetuum omnium bonorum quae in Domo de Paſlet & in toto ordine Cluniacenſi fient tam in orrationibus quam in coeteris divinis ſervitiis. This Dovenald left Iſſue two Sons, Aengus of Iſles, and Alexander who founded another Tribe, called The Macalaſters, of whom Loup in Argyle-ſhire is reckoned to be the Stem and Chief.

This Aengus, as his Father and Grand-father had done, entred himſelf a Brother in the Convent of Paiſly, for which he gave the Houſe Dimidiam Marcam argenti de Domo ſua propria & de ſingulis domibus per omnes terras ſuas de quibus fumus exit unum denarium ſingulis Annis in perpetuum in puram Eleemoſynam. Moreover, he gave to the ſame Monaſtery the Patronage of the Church of Kilkeran in Kintyre, Pro ſalute animae Domini ſui Alexandri illuſtris Regis Scotiae & Alexandri filii ejus, etiam pro ſalute ſua propria & haeredum ſuorum g. During the Reign of Alexander III. this great Perſon deported himſelf very loyally and dutifully to the Crown, and when that King came to ſettle the Succeſſion upon his Grandchild Margaret of Norway. He was one of the Primores Regni, Prime Nobles, who ſwore that they would faithfully adhere to and defend her Title, to which he ſet his Seal in a ſolemn Aſſembly held in the Year [231] 1284 for that effect. He died not long after this, leaving two Sons, Alexander, and John of whom the Clan Ean of Ardnamurchan and its Branches are ſprung.

Which Alexander Lord of the Iſles a, whom I have found entitul'd Alexander de Inſulis Scotiae filius Aenguſii filii Dovenaldi, in a Commiſſion directed to him for keeping the Peace within his Bounds of the Iſles,. after the Death of Queen Margaret, Anno Dom. 1292b, and was one of the Loyal Barons who declared he would own the Title of whatever Perſon ſhould be adjudged to have the neareſt Right in Blood to the deceaſt Alexander III. Accordingly, when the Crown was decreed to John de Baliol, he owned his Title, ſubmitted to his Authority, and ſtood by him as long as that unworthy Prince could think any honeſt Scots Man was bound to adhere to him. As he was a moſt loyal, ſo he ſeems to have been a very Devout Man, according to the Piety of the Time, for he ratified to the Monks of Sandal the Donations and Conceſſions of his Anceſtors, adding alſo ſeveral more of his own to that Convent for the ordinary Performances that Gifts were then given to the Church for;c and to the Abbacy of Paiſly he ratified his Father's Grant of the Church of Kilkeran, to which he appends his own Seal, together with the Seals of Laurence Biſhop of Argyle, and Robert Bruce Earl of Carrick, for the more ſure Verification of his Deedd. He made his Exit out of this Life in the 1303, and was ſucceeded by

Aengus More, his Son, a Perſon of eminent Affection and Fidelity to King Robert the Bruce. He was among the firſt who did engage himſelf with the Royal Party, and raiſed a Body of two thouſand Men, and on the Head of them charged at the Battle of Bannockburn againſt the Engliſh, with as much Courage and Gallantry as Man could do, which the venerable Mr. Barber has recorded as follows.

Angus of Iſles and Boot alſwa,
And of the plain Lands, he had [...]
Of armed Men a noble Rout,
His Battle stalward was and Stout,
He ſaid the Rear guard he would ma [...],
And even before him ſhould ga
The Van-Guard, and on either hand
The other Battle ſhould be gangand,
Behind oneſide a little ſpace,
And the King that behind them was
Should ſee, whair there was maiſt miſter
And then reli [...] them with his Banner.

As this illuſtrious Perſon had no little ſhare in the Honour of that glorious Victory, ſo he continued in his Princes Service with ſingular Loyalty and Conſtancy to the End with all the Diſadvantages it was liable to, only out of Conſcience to the juſtice of the Cauſe, and Compaſſion to his bleeding Country, which has derived his Name down to Poſterity, as a noble and moſt worthy Patriot. By . . . . . Daughter of . . . . . his Wife, he had Iſſue,

Aengus Lord of the Iſles, his Son, of whom I find nothing remarkable either in Hiſtory, or in their own Traditions, only that by his Wife a Daughter of O Cane, the Chiſtain of a Tribe in Ireland e, he had a Son

John of Iſle, Lord of the Iſles who being a very powerful and well deſerving Perſon, ſtood in ſo great favour [232] with King Robert II. eſpecially for his loyal Deportment toward him in the beginning of his Reign, that he gave him the Lady Margaret his Daughter in Marriagea, which produc'd three Sons and two Daughters, viz. Donald Lord of the Iſles, John of Iſle the 2d was firſt of the Branch of Dunniveg and Gli [...]s b, Anceſtor to the Earl of Antrim of the Kingdom of Ireland, Alexander the 3d Progenitor of Mackdonald of Keppoch c, in Vic. de Inverneſs.

Margaret firſt Daughter married to Nicolas Earl of Sutherland d, and had Iſſue.

Eliſabeth the 2d to Lachlan Mackgillean of Dowart e, and had Iſſue.

Donald Lord of the Iſles, Son of the laſt named John, thought fit to ſtrengthen himſelf in the beginning of his Days by beſtowing ſeveral Vaſſalages on great Men, upon Condition to become his Retainersf, which made him very powerful in theſe Parts. He continued Loyal till that Robert Duke of Albany the Governour of Scotland, in the Reign of King James I. prevailed upon Eupha [...]e the young Counteſs. of Roſs, to reſign the Earldom of Roſs, when ſhe render'd her ſelf a Religious in Northberwick Nunnery, in favours of John Earl of Buchan his Son, in pre judice of this Lord and his Wife; who was Aunt to the ſaid Counteſs of Roſs, and ſo undoubted Heir of that Earldom after her deceaſe: But when he put in his Claim, the Governour told him the Reſignation was legal, and that he would maintain it. Whereupon Donald Lord of the Iſles reſolved to aſſert his Right by force of Arms, and incontinently raiſed an Army of ten thouſand Highlanders, and marched through Roſs and Murray down to Aberdeen ſhire, where he was encounter'd by Alexander Stewart Earl of Mar, with the Army under his Command the Governo [...]r had raiſed to oppoſe him, at a Village called Hairlaw, on St. James's Day 1411, Where a bloody Conflict happened, with great Loſs on both ſides; yet the Lord of the Iſles had the better, and thereby put himſelf in Poſſeſſion of the Earldom of Roſs, which was ſuch a vaſt Addition to his paternal Fortune, that he became too great a Subject, and afterward was the occaſion of the fall of his Family. This Donald Earl of Roſs, died Anno 1427g, leaving Iſſue by Euphame his Wife, Daughter of Walter Leſly Lord of the Earldom of Roſs by Euphame his Wife, Daughter of William Earl of Roſs h,

Alexander Earl of Roſs his Son and Heir, who was one of the Peers that ſat upon the Trial of Murdo Duke of Albany, by whom that unhappy Duke was adjudged to loſe his Head, Anno 1424i. After which he fell into ſeveral diſloyal Practices, but upon his humble Submiſſion was pardoned, and to repair for all theſe Tranſgreſſions, he gave ſeveral Donations to the Monks of Sandal, and to other religious Perſons, as the moſt compendious way to atone God's Juſtice, and procure him the favour of Heaven, as was the Belief of that Agek. He was alſo in the 3d of King James II. Anno 1440 Juſticiar of Scotland benorth the River of Forth l, which Office he executed for ſome Years after. His Wife was . . . . . . Daughter of Sir Alexander Seaton of Gordon, Siſter to Alexander firſt Earl of Huntly m, by whom he left Iſſue,

[233] John Earl of Roſs

Hugh of Iſle of Slate, Anceſtor to Sir Donald Mackdonald of Slate Baronet.

Eliſabeth married to John Earl of Sutherland.

Which John Lord of the Iſles and Earl of Roſs, continued a very loyal Subject to King James II. till he entred into an offenſive and defenſive League with the Earls of Douglaſs, Crawfurd, Murray, and Ormond, by which each Party was obliged to aſſiſt one another upon all extraordinary occaſions: But that Combination being adjudged treaſonable, he ſubmited himſelf to the King's Clemency, and was received into favour. Soon after which, when a Treaty of Peace was concluded with the Engliſh Anno 1457, he was appointed one of the Conſervators thereofa.

Upon the untimely Death of King James II. this Lord being diſſatisfied with the Government of the Regents, to whom the Adminiſtration of Affairs was committed during the Minority of the young King James III. he broke out into an open Rebellion, and ſo far renounced his Allegiance to his Native Prince, as to bind himſelf to become Liege-man and Subject to Edward IV. of England, by a ſolemn Indenture betwixt them in the 1460b, for which, and other high Miſdemeanours, he was on the 27 of Nov. 1475 forfaulted by a Sentence of Parliamentc, notwithſtanding the King at the Requeſt of his Queen, and the whole Parliament aſſembled at Edinburgh, 25 July 1476, and by reaſon of the Propinquity of Blood the ſaid John ſtood in to the Crown, his Majeſty with Conſent of the Eſtates of Parliament, was pleaſed to reſtore him, in Dominium noſtrum Parliamenti & Baronum, & de novo facimus & creamus ipſum Joannem Dominum Inſularum perpetuis temporibus nuncupand & damus dicto Joanni ſuiſque haeredibu [...] & Succeſſoribus temporibus futuris Inſulam de Tla, & omnes alias inſulas quae ſibi Joanni ante dictam forisfacturam haereditarie pertinuerunt, ac terras de Morvern, Garmorvern cum pertinen. in Vic. de Innerneſs, ac terras de Greenend cum pertinen. in Comitatu de Carrick & Vic. de Air, Dominium de Lochaber, Terras de Dunern, Glatail, in Vic. de Innerneſs, ac Terras de Kinedward in Vic. de Aberdeen, cum omnibus aliis Terris ſuis excepto Commitatu de Roſs, Dominium de Kintyre & Knapdail dicto Joanni & haeredibus maſculis ipſius corporis quibus deficientibus Aenguſio de Tle filio ſuo naturali & haeredibus maſculis ipſius corporis legitime procreatis, quibus deficientibus, legitimis haeredibus maſculis dicti Joannis quibuſcunque d.

This Earl married Eliſabeth Daughter of James Lord Livingſtoun, Lord high Chamberlain of Scotland, by whom he had no Iſſue, ſo that the Lordſhip of the Iſles upon his deceaſe in the 1493, devolved to Donald his Grandſon, Son of Aengus his natural Son, by Iſobel Daughter of Colin Earl of Argyle, who dying unmarried, about the 1535, King James V. aſſumed the Lordſhip of the Iſles into his own hands, tho, according to the Conception of the Act of Reſtauration of John Earl of Roſs above-mentioned, it was provided to his Heirs Male, and conſequently the Right of Succeſſion came to the Family of Slate, the Deſcendents of Hugh of Iſle, younger Brother of John Earl of Roſs, whoſe Deſcendents have been always diſtinguiſhed from the other Tribes of the Name, and called Mackdonalds abſolutely, and by way of Eminence.e This John Earl of Roſs, gave by his Charter Cariſſimo fratri ſuo Hugoni [234] Alexandri de Inſulis Domino de Slate, Terras de Sherb [...]g a. He married Fyn vola Daughter of John Mackean Baron of Arduamurchan, in Vic. de Argyle b, by whom he had a Son John, who ſucceeded him; alſo by his ſecond Wife Daughter of . . . . . . . . Gunn of Sutherland, he had Donald of whom the Family of Slate is deſcended. This Hugh dying Anno 1498c,

John his Son ſucceeded him, and died ſans Iſſue, Anno 1502d, his Eſtate deſcending to

Donald his Brother, who died a young Man about the 1506e, leaving a Son Donald by . . . . . . his Wife Daughter of . . . . . Mackdonald, a Branch of that Name of the Kingdom of Ireland,

Who ſucceeded him, and married a Daughter of Mackdonald of Mudort, by whom he had Donald who ſucceeded him. He died Anno 1534.

Which Donald upon the Death of his Couſin Lord Donald of the Iſles in the 1535f, claimed the Lordſhip of the Iſles, as lawful Heir Male of John Earl of Roſs, but King James V. for the better effectuating the Project of civilizing the Highlanders, thought the ſuppreſſing the greatneſs of the Lord of the Iſles, and the diſſolving his Vaſſalage, a very proper and expedient Mean for attaining that End, and poſitively refuſed to give him Poſſeſſion of the Lands and Lordſhip of the Iſles, which had formerly been erected by Act of Parliament in favours of John Earl of Roſs, and his Heirs Male: Whereupon he reſolved to poſſeſs himſelf of what he thought was his Right by force of Arms, and raiſing a conſiderable Body of Men, he laid formal Siege to the Fort of Elendounan, where the King had placed a Garriſon, before which he was ſhot dead with an Arrow, Anno 1537g, leaving a young Child his Son Donald by Margaret his Wife Daughter of Roderick Mackleod of the Lewes, Anceſtor to the Earl of Cromerty, who notwithſtanding of the For [...]aulture of his Father, was afterward reſtored by Queen Mary to his Eſtate of Slate, tho never to the Lordſhip of the Iſles, he making no Claim thereto, by reaſon of the unquiet State of the Country, occaſioned through the Civil War, which broke out in the 1567: this Gentleman then acting a very loyal and grateful part for the Intereſt of the Queen, and perſiſting in her Service to the end of the War. He wedded Mary Daughter of Hector Mackclean of Dowart, and departing this Life Anno 1585, left Iſſue three Sons, Donald, Archibald and Alexander.

Which Donald being a Man of Parts and Letters, was particularly favour'd and eſteem'd by King James VI. at whoſe Command he contributed very much towards ſuppreſſing the In [...]olencies of the Mackleods of Lewes, and other diſorderly Highlanders, and reduc'd them to much greater Civility and Loyalty than they had been accuſtomed to, or was formerly known in theſe Parts. He married Margaret Siſter to Colin Mackenzie Lord Kintail h, by whom he had no Iſſue, and departing this Life in the Month of December 1616i, his Fortune came immediately to

Donald Mackdonald his Nephew, Son of Archibald his Brother, by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of Aeneas Mackdonald of Dunniveg and Glins, in Vic. de Argyle, Anceſtor to the Earl of Antrim in Ireland. Which Donald being a Gentleman of a fair Fortune, and ſtanding much in the Favour of King Charles I. his ſaid Majeſty on the 14 of July 1625, the Year he erected the Degree and Dignity of Baronet, promoted him to that Honour, his Patent having this Speciality, [235] viz. Quod dictus Dominus Donaldus Mackdonald de Slate, haeredes ſui maſculi & aſſignati locum habebunt ante Dominum Willielmum Douglas de Glenbervy Militem Baronettum, Dominum Alexandrum Strachan de Thorntoun Militem Baronettum & Dominum Davidem Livingſtoun de Dunipace militem Baronettum, non obſtan. quod ipſorum literae patentes ſub ſigillo noſtro hactenus expeditae ſunt, hac ratione, quod priuſquam nos ipſorum ſignaturas ſignavimus expreſſe nobis pacti ſunt & concordarunt & volenter conſenſerunt quod dictus Dominus Donaldus Mackdonald ante ipſos locum haberet ut praemititur. So by vertue of this Clauſe he came to be immediate next Baronet to Sir Robert Gordon of Gordonſtoun, and the ſecond of that Order in the Kingdom of Scotland. When the Civil War broke out, Anno 1639, be devoted himſelf entirely to the King's Service, and contributed very much to make ſome Diſcoveries of the ſecret Deſigns of the Covenanters of great Conſequence to his Majeſty: But he died not long thereafter in October 1643, leaving Iſſue by Janet his Wife, Siſter to Colin firſt Earl of Seaforth, Sir James, of whom hereafter; Donald Mackdonald of Caſtletoun, who was famous for his Loyalty in the time of the Civil War, Archibald, Aeneas & Alexander; likewiſe four Daughters.

1. Margaret married to Aeneas Lord Mackdonald.

2. Catharine to Kenneth Mackenzie of Garloch.

3. Janet to Donald Mackdonald Captain of Clan Ronald.

4. Mary to Sir Evan Cameron of Lochiel.

Sir James Mackdonald of Slate his Son followed his Father's ſteps in adhering to the Royal Cauſe in the time of the Civil War, was with the Marquis of Montroſe at the Siege of Innerneſs Anno 1645, and contributed much in making the Clans join that renown'd General, when he promulgated the King's Commiſſion. After the Murder of the King, and the total Suppreſſion of the Royal Party, he, like many others of the Nobility and Gentry of the Kingdom, affected to lead a retir'd Life during the Uſurpation that followed for ſeveral Years after, taking care to live with that Circumſpection which was neceſſary in ſo tickliſh Times. But this did not ſecure him from being called in Queſtion upon the King's Reſtauration for his not being active enough againſt the Rebels; tho I'm credibly informed from a very noble and worthy Perſon, who knew him particularly wella, that there was not a more Loyal Gentleman in Scotland. His firſt Wife was Margaret Daughter of Sir Roderick Mackenzie of Tarbat, Grandfather to the Earl of Cromerty. By her he had Sir Donald his eldeſt Son, Hugh Mackdonald of Glenmore, Sorlie Mackdonald of Sartle, Catharine Wife of Sir Norman Mackleod of Bernary, and Florence married to John Mackleod of that Ilk. His ſecond Wife was Mary Daughter of Roderick Mackleod of that Ilk, by whom he had a Son John Mackdonald of Backny. He departed this mortal Life 8 of December 1678.

Sir Donald Mackdonald his Son, married Mary Daughter to Robert Earl of Morton. By her he had 1ſt, Sir Donald his Son and Heir. 2d, James of Oranſay. 3d, William Mackdonald Eſq Iſobel eldeſt Daughter married to Sir Alexander Bannerman of Elſick, in Vic. de Aberdeen; and Barbara to Coll. Mackdonald of Keppoch. He made his Exit out of this Life 5 Feb. 1695, and was ſucceeded by Sir Donald his Son, who married Mary Daughter to Donald Mackdonald of Caſtletoun, and had Donald his Son and Heir.

ERSKINE Earl of Kelly.

IS deſcended of Sir Alexander Erskine of Gogar Son of John Lord Erskine [236] by Margaret Daughter of Archibald Earl of Argyle, who upon the Death of his Brother John Earl of Mar Regent of Scotland, was entruſted with the Cuſtody of the young King, and the keeping of the Caſtle of Stirling: Which great Truſt he diſcharged with Honour and Integrity. Likewiſe in the 1578, he was conſtituted Governour of the Caſtle of Edinburgh, and one of his Majeſty's moſt honourable Privy Council, and laſt of all, Vice-Chamberlain of Scotland, Anno 1580.a His Character is thus drawn by Sir James Melvill his Contemporary, That he was a gallant well natur'd Gentleman, lov'd and honour'd by all Men for his good Qualities and great Diſcretion, noways Factious or Envious, a lover of all honeſt Men, and deſired ever to ſee Men of good Converſation about the Prince, rather than his own Friends, if he found them not ſo meet. He married Margaret Daughter of George Lord Hume, b by whom he had Sir Alexander his eldeſt Son, a very hopeful young Gentleman, who was ſlain at the Surprize of the Caſtle of Stirling, 20 of April 1578.c Sir Thomas the firſt Earl of Kelly, Sir George Erskine of Innertyle, one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice. Likewiſe three Daughters, Jean married to James Crichton of Ruthven, and had Iſſue, Janet to John Leſly of Balquhain, Mother by him to Walter the firſt Count Leſly of Germany; Mary to Sir Dugal Campbel of Achinbreck, and had Iſſue.

Sir Thomas Erskine the firſt Earl of Kelly, being educated with King James VI. from his very Childhood, came thereby to have a more than ordinary Familiarity with that Prince, who made him one of the Gentlemen of his Bed-chamber, Anno 1585, and beſtowed many Marks of his ſpecial Eſteem on him. He lived always at Court without doing any thing on Record till the 5 of Auguſt 1600. He was one of thoſe who were the happy Inſtruments in reſcuing the King from the treaſonable Attempt of John Earl of Gowrie and his Brother Alexander Ruthven, Sir Thomas happning to kill the latter as he came down Stairs, where he and his Majeſty had the Conference. In regard of which ſignal & m [...]ritorious Service, he was rewarded with the Lands and Lordſhip of Dirletoun, from which place he had the Title of Lord conferr'd on him, Anno 1603, at which time accompanying his Majeſty to England, he was made Captain of the Engliſh Guard, upon the removal of Sir Walter Rawleigh. Further, in the 1606, he was raiſed to the Dignity of Viſcount of Fentoun; and finally, in Conſideration of his long & faithful Services to that Prince, he was created Earl of Kelly 12 March 1619, and elected Knight of the moſt noble Order of the Garter; and departing this Life 12 June 1639,d he left Iſſue by Anne his Wife Daughter of Gilbert Ogilvy of Pourie, two Sons Thomas and Alexander, and a Daughter Anne, Wife of Sir Robert Moubray of Barnbougal.

Which Thomas ſecond Earl of Kelly died unmarried in the 1643,e his Eſtate and Honour devolving on Alexander his Brother, who ſuffered much for his Loyalty during the Uſurpation, but living to ſee the King reſtored, he died Anno 1677,f leaving Iſſue by Anne his Wife Daughter of Alexander Earl of Dumferm [...]ing, Alexander his Succeſſor, and Sir Charles Erskine of Cambo Lord Lyon King at Arms: Likewiſe three Daughters, Mary married to Gavin Earl of Carnwath, Sophia to [237] Alexander Lord Saltoun, Margaret to William Lord Forbes, but had no Iſſue.

Which Alexander married firſt Mary Daughter of Colonel Kilpatrick Governour of the Buſh in Holland, by whom he had only a Daughter Mary married to Sir Alexander Erskine of Cambo Lord Lyon King at Arms. His ſecond Wife was Mary Daughter of Sir John Dalziel of Glenae, by whom he had a Son Alexander who ſucceeded him upon his Death, Anno 1692.a He married Anne Daughter of Colin Earl of Balcarras, and departing this Life 8 March 1710,b left a Son Alexander now Earl of Kelly to inherit his Eſtate and Honour, and a Daughter Lady Jean.


Quarterly firſt Gules, an imperial Crown within a double Treſsure counterflowr'd Or, 2d Argent, a Pale Sable ſupported by two Griffons. Creſt, a Demi-Lyon Rampant Gules. Motto, Decori Decus addit avito.

MACLELLAN, Lord Kirkcudbright.

ANY who reads the Hiſtory of the Scots Nation, will plainly perceive the Antiquity as well as the Grandeur of this Family: That they were likewiſe Sheriffs of Galloway in ancient Times, is paſt Diſpute; which Office continued in their Family till the Reign of King James II. that by a Forfaulture it came to the Crown. Then it was erected into two diſtinct Juriſdictions, viz. The Sherifſhip of Wigtoun, and the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, both theſe Offices being given to other Families. It was at that time likewiſe, I'm told, that the Writs and Evidents of Bombie were deſtroyed, which is the Reaſon I have not ſeen much concerning them before that Period, tho by the Tradition they were then ſo numerous and well ſpread in Branches, that there were no fewer than twelve Knights of the Name, concerning ſome of whom I have ſeen Writings which make them very conſiderable in the Government of Murdoch Duke of Albany. c

Sir Patrick Maclellan of Bombie, Nephew to the Lord Gray by his Mother in the Reign of King James II. happening to take part with the Lord Harris his near Ally againſt the Earl of Douglas, Maclellan was beſieged by the Earl in his own Caſtle of Raebery, which at laſt he forced him to ſurrender; and notwithſtanding the King's Interpoſition, he put him to Death; which Deed afterwards coſt the Earl his Life. Sir Patrick Maclellan was interr'd in the Abbey Church of Dundrenan, under a Monument of Free-Stone, containing his Effigies, as big as the Life, with this Inſcription in great Roman Capitals.Hic jacet vir honorabilis Dominus Patricius Maclellanus. Dominus de Wigtoun, & Vice comes Gallovidiae qui obiit Anno Domini milleſimo quadringenteſimo quinquageſimo ſecundo, cujus anima requieſcat in pace.

The Death of this Gentleman Sir Patrick Maclellan was ſo deeply reſented by his Relations of the Sirname of Mackclellan, that they committed great Depredations upon the Douglas's Lands within the bounds of Galloway, [238] without any Warrant or Authority; for which Action, the Laird of Bom [...]i [...] himſelf, and moſt of his Friends who were engaged in that Enterprize were forfaulted in the Reign of King James II. The B [...]rony of Bombie was again recovered by the M [...]clellans, as the Tradition goes, after this Manner. In the ſame Reign, ſays an Author of no ſmall Credit,a it happned that a Company of Sarace [...]s or Gipſies from Ireland, infeſted the Country of Galloway; whereupon the King emitted a Proclamation, bearing, That whoever ſhould diſperſe them, and bring in their Captain dead or alive, ſhould have the Barony of Bombie for his Reward. So it chanced that a brave young Gentleman the Laird of Bombie's Son fortun'd to kill the Perſon for which the Reward was promiſed, and he brought his Head on the point of his Sword to the King, and thereupon he was immediately ſeized in the Barony of Bombie; and to perpetnate the Memory of that brave and remarkable Action, he took for his Creſt a More's Head on the point of a Sword, and THINK ON for his Motto.

His Succeſſor Thomas Maclellan of Bombie, in the Reign of King James IV. was active and ſerviceable to the Crown on ſundry Occaſions, and ſeems to have been a very conſiderable Man in the account of that Age. By Agnes his Wife Daughter of Sir James Dunbar of Mochrum, b he had three Sons, Sir William his Succeſſor. Gilbert the ſecond Son was Anceſtor of the Maclellans of Barmagachan in the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright c, and John Mackclellan of Achlean, which Branch is long ago extinct.

William Maclellan of Bombie, Son to the former Thomas, was knighted by King James IV. who likewiſe gave him many Lands in the parts of Galloway. He was ſlain with the ſaid King his Maſter at the Battle of Flowdoun 9 Sept. 1513. leaving Iſſue by Elizabeth Mur [...] his Wifed a Son Thomas Maclellan of Bombie, who was killed by the Barons of Drumlanrig and Lochiuvar his potent Neighbours, with whom he had a Feud at the time on the high Street of Edinburgh the 11 of July 1526,e leaving a Son Sir Thomas to ſucceed him, then in Minority, who in the 1542 obtained a Charter from Queen Mary, of all the Lands which he held of the Crown, belonging either to Thomas Maclellan of Bombie his Father, or which Sir William his Grandfather died poſſeſſed of,f which in thoſe Days was a very fair Fortune. He made a prudent and diſcreet Match with Helen Daughter of James Gordon of Lochinvar, g to reconcile and agree a Feud betwixt the Families; and after her Death Griſel Daughter of John Maxwel Lord Harris, by whom he had Sir Robert Maclellan the firſt Lord Kirkcudbright, William Maclellan of Glenſhinnoch, and John Maclellan of Bourg. He departed this mortal Life Anno 1607, and was interred in the Vault of the Family, within the Church of Kirkcudbright, with this Inſcription on his Tomb,

Hic ſitus eſt D. T. Maclellanus & uxor,
D. Griſel Maxwell marmor utrumque tegit
Hic Genitus R. L. Kircubrius; ecce Sepulchrum
Poſuit hoc Chari patris honore ſui,

Sir Robert Maclellan of Bombie his Son, was made a Knight by King [239] James VI. whoſe Favourite he was, and afterwards one of the Gentlemen of the Bed-chamber. King Charles continued him in the ſame Imployment, and firſt raiſed him to the Honour of Baronet; and thereafter by Letters Patent bearing Date the 25 of May 1633, preſerred him to the Peerage by the Title of Lord Kirkcudbright. a He married firſt Margaret Daughter of Sir Matthew Campbel of Lowdoun, by whom he had a Daughter Marion, married to Sir Robert Maxwel of Orchardtoun; 2dly, Mary Daughter of Hugh Montgomery Viſcount of Airds of the Kingdom of Ireland, but by her he had no Iſſue, and departing this Life Anno 1641, his Eſtate and Title of Lord came to Thomas Maclellan his Nephew, who marrying Janet Daughter of William Earl of Queensberry, died without Iſſue in May 1648b. John Maclellan of Bourg ſucceeding him in the Honour, this Lord did ſignalize himſelf in his Loyalty to King Charles II. in the time of the Civil Troubles, and at his own proper Charge raiſed a Regiment of Foot for his Majeſty's Service, which neceſſarly brought a vaſt Burden of Debt on him, and the Expence being never refounded, his Eſtate was evicted by his Creditors after the Reſtauration of the King, and dying Anno 1664, he left Iſſue by Anne his Wife, Daughter of Sir Robert Maxwel of Orchardtoun, William Lord Kirkcudbright his Son and Heir, who died a young Man unmarried, Anno 1669, ſo that the honorary Title of Lord ſhould deſcend to James Maclellan of Achlean, his Couſin and neareſt Heir Male; but there being nothing remaining of the Fortune to ſupport the Dignity, it has not been uſed ſince that Time.


Or, A Cheveron ſurmounted of another, Sable; Suppporters two Chevaliers, Creſt a Moor's Head on the point of a Sword, Motto, Think on.

GORDON, Viſcount of Kenmure.

SIR Adam Gordon Knight, his Anceſtor, obtained from King Robert I. the Barony of Stichhell in Roxburgh-ſhire, in the ninth Year of his Reign, in reward of his good Services.c Hence in the time of James III. deſcended John Gordon of Lochinvar, who by Margaret Lindſay his Wifed had Sir Alexander his eldeſt Son, who was killed at Flowdoun, leaving no Male Iſſue: Sir Robert his Succeſſor, and William who was firſt of the Branch of Crichlaw, e which Sir Robert married Marion Daughter and Heireſs of John Carſen of Glen, f and had James his Son and Succeſſor, who was killed at the Battel of Pinky, 10 September 1547, leaving Iſſue by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of Robert Crichton of Kilpatrick, g a Son Sir John and ſeveral Daughters.

Janet, married to William Earl of Glencairn, Margaret to Sir William Douglas of Drumlanrig, h Helen to Thomas Maclellan of Bomby, i Eliſabeth to John Grierſon of Lagg, and afterward to William Adair of Kilhilt, k Jean to Patrick Agnew of Lochnaw, Sheriff of Galloway l.

[240] Sir John Gordon of Lochinvar was a zealous Loyaliſt for Queen Mary's Intereſt, for which he ſuffered both in his Perſon and Fortune. He married firſt Juliana Daughter of Sir David Hunce of Wedderburn, a by whom he had one Daughter Margaret married to Hugh Lord Loudoun, b and again Eliſabeth Daughter of John Lord Harries c. By her he had Sir Robert his Succeſſor, William Gordon of Penningham, Griſel married to Alexander 1ſt Earl of Galloway, Eliſabeth to James Lord Torthorald, he died on the 23 of Auguſt 1604d.

Sir Robert his Son ſucceeding him, who was one of the Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber to Henry Prince of Wales. His Wife was Iſabel Daughter of William Earl of Gowrie, by her he had John the firſt Viſcount of Kenmure, James Gordon of Buttle, and Eliſabeth a Daughter married to John Lord Harries. He died Anno 1627,e and was ſucceeded by

Sir John his Son and Heir, who was by King Charles I. on the 8 of May 1633 created Viſcount of Kenmure f, and to his Heirs Male for ever. He departed this Life 21 of September 1634, leaving a Son John to ſucceed him in the Honour, but he dying young the Title came to John Gordon his Couſin German, who dying unmarried, Robert his Brother was Heir to him, and he dying without Iſſue in the Year 1663, his Eſtate and Honour devolved to Alexander Gordon of Penningham his neareſt Heir Male, who married Marion Daughter of . . . . . . . Maculloch of Ardwell, by whom he had William his Succeſſor in the Honour, Jean married to William Gordon of Shirmers, Marion to Alexander Gordon of Earlſtoun, and Eliſabeth to William Maxwel of Newlaw, next Griſel Daughter of James Earl of Galloway. By her he had John Gordon of Gree [...]law, James Gordon of Grange; alſo three Daughters, 1ſt Mary married to Sir Patrick Maxwel of Sprinkel, Baronet; 2d, Iſobel to John Mackgie of Balmagie. 3d, . . . . . . . he dying Anno 1698, was ſucceded by William his Son and Heir, who married Mary Daughter of Sir John Dalziel of Glenae, and had two Sons, Robert Maſter of Kenmure, and John.


Azure, three Boars Heads Coupe, Or,

LIVINGSTON, Viſcount of Kilſyth.

THE Barony of Kilſyth in the Shire of Stirling, in the Reign of King Alexander II. was given by Maldwin Earl of Lennox, to Malcolm the Son of Duncan of Calentyre in Marriage with Eva his Siſter,g and ſo continued in the Family of Callendar till the Reign of King James I. That William Livingſton younger Son of Sir John Livingſton of Callendar, by Agnes his Wife, Daughter of Sir James Douglas of Dalkeith, got the Lands of Weſter Kilſyth in Patrimony, his Succeſſors ſince acquiring the wholeh, This William married Eliſabeth Daughter and one of the Coheirs of William de Caldcoat, whereby he got the Lands of Greden in Berwick-ſhire,i and by her he had Edward his Succeſſor, and Sir Henry Livingſton Preceptor of Torphichen, k which Edward was retoured to his Father on the 23 of April 1460,l and left a Son William to ſucceed him in the Barony of Kilſyth, who [241] married . . . . . . Daughter of Thomas Lord Erskine a, and had William his Son and Heir, who by Janet his Wife, Daughter of . . . . . Graham of . . . . . . . had William Livingſton of Kilſyth his Son and Succeſſor, who was killed at the Battel of Flowdoun, leaving a Son William by Janet Daughter of . . . . . . . Bruce of Airth, who was retoured Heir to his Father on the 3d of January 1514b. He married Mary Daughter of Sir Duncan Forreſter of Garden, Comptroller of the Houſhold in the Reign of King James IV.c By her he had three Sons, William Livingſton of Kilſyth, Alexander Livingſton of Inches, d and Robert Livingſton of Baldoran. e Likewiſe three Daughters, Eliſabeth married to Gabriel Cunningham of Craigends, f Iſabel to Colin Campbel of Achinhove, g and Margaret to Ninian Bruce of Kinnard, 2dly to Alexander Baillie of Jerviſtoun, h which William was knighted at the Creation of Henry Duke of Albany, Anno 1565. He married Chriſtian Daughter of William Earl of Monteith, i by whom he had Sir William his Son and Heir, and Chriſtian Wife of John Lawſon of Boghall.

Which Sir William being a Man of Parts and Learning, was made one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice Anno 1609,k and ſwo [...] of his Majeſty's Privy Council 13 of May 1613l, and the ſame Day conſtituted Vice Chamberlain of Scotland. He married firſt Antonia de Board, a Lady of Quality of the Kingdom of France, by whom he had Sir William Livingſton of Darncheſter, his eldeſt Son, who was knighted at the Baptiſm of Prince Henry in the 1595, and a Daughter Chriſtian married to George Lord Forreſter, and had Iſſue. His ſecond Wife was Margaret Daughter of John Houſton of that Ilk; By her he had Sir James Livingſton of Bancloich, afterward Viſcount of Kilſyth, and a Daughter Margaret married to Robert Montgomery of Haſlehead, in vic. de Air.

Here it will not be improper to take notice, that Sir William Livingſton of Darncheſter, younger of Kilſyth, in his Father's time married Anne Daughter of John Earl of Wigtoun, m and died in the Lifetime of his Father, leaving a Son William who ſucceeded his Grandfather upon his Death, which happened in the Year 1627n, which William ſo ſucceeding, wedded Margaret Daughter of George Lord Ramſay; By her he had a Son William and two Daughters, Margaret married to Andrew Rutherford of Hunthill, o and Chriſtian to James Viſcount of Oxenford; which William Livingſton of Kilſyth died in his Minority, Anno 1647,p his Eſtate devolving upon Sir James Livingſton of Bancloich, his great Uncle, who having ſuffered much for his ſteady and conſtant Loyalty during the Uſurpation, was, in regard of his great Merit upon the King's Reſtauration, honoured with the Peerage of this Realm by the Titles of Viſcount Kilſyth and Lord Campſy, 17 Auguſt 1661q, but he did not enjoy the Honour one whole Month, for he died at London on the 9 of September thereafter, and was interr'd at Kilſyth among his Anceſtors, leaving Iſſue by Euphame his Wife Daughter of Sir David Cunningham of Robertland, Baronet, in Vic. de Air. James Viſcount of Kilſyth who died a Batchelor in 1706, and William the preſent Viſcount, alſo a Daughter Eliſabeth married to Major General Robert Montgomery Son to [242] Alexander Earl of Eglintoun, and had Iſſue.

Which William was one of the Sixteen Peers elected for Scotland to ſit in the Parliament of Great Britain, in the laſt Parliament of Queen Anne. He took to Wife firſt Jean Daughter of William Lord Cochran Son and Heir of William Earl of Dundonald, by whom he had a Son William, who died an Infant, 2dly Barbara Daughter of . . . . . . Mackdonal of Macker ſtoun in Vic. de Roxburgh. By her he had a Daughter Barbara, who died young, Anno 1700.


Argent, three Gellie Flowers ſlipped, Gules, within a double Treſsure Counter-flowered, Vert, ſupported by two Lyans rampant, Gules, Creſt, a Dem: Savage wreathed about the middle with Lawrel, Motto, Spe expecto.

BOYD, Earl of Kilmarnock.

THE common bearing of the Boyds and Stewarts, has given ground to a Conjecture that they are branched from the Royal Family of Stewart, long before the Sirname o [...] Stewart was u [...]ed by the younger Sons of that illuſtrious Family, but upon what occaſion they aſſumed this Name, I ſhall not account [...]or. Sir Robert Boyd did ſignalize his Valour in the Battel of the Largs againſt the Norvegians, Anno 1263, for which Service he had a Grant of diverſe Lands in Cunningham. Another Sir Robert Boyd a deſcendant from him, added no ſmall Luſtre to the Famimily by his Loyalty to King Robert the Bruce, to whom he moſt faithfully adhered in all the Viciſſitudes of Fortune that beſel him, in reward of which ſignal Merit, in the ſecond Year of his Reign he gave him terras de Kilmarnock, Bondingtoun & Hairſhaw quae fuere Joannis de Balliolo totam terram de Kilbride ac totam terram de Arneil quae fuere Godofridi de Roſs, & totam terram quae fuere Wil. de Mora in tenemento de Dalray a. This Sir Robert was ſucceeded by Sir Thomas his Son, who by . . . . . . . Daughter of . . . . . left three Sons, Sir Thomas his Succeſſor, William Author of the Boyds of Badinheath, b and Robert firſt of the Houſe of Portencroſs in Airſhire c.

Which Sir Thomas obtained the third part of the Barony of Teſter by Marriage of . . . . . . one of the four Daughters and Co-Heirs of Sir John Giffard, d by whom he had Thomas his Son and Succeſſor, who was one of the Hoſtages for the Ranſom of King James I. He married Janet Daughter of . . . . . . . Montgomery of Ardroſſan, and departing this Life 7 July 1432, was interred in the Paroch Church of Kilmarnock e, where the Portraiture of himſelf and his Wife are to be ſeen in fair Stone as big as the Life, with this Inſcription over; them.Hic jacet Thomas Boyd de Kilmarnock qui obiit ſeptimo die Julii Milleſſimo quadringenteſimo triceſim [...] ſecundo & Joanna Montgomery ejus ſponſa orate pro illis.

Sir Thomas Boyd of Kilmarnock his Son did not long ſurvive his Father, for he was killed at Craignaught-hill in Renfrew ſhire, by Sir Alexander Stewart, on the 9 of July 1439,f in [243] Revenge of the Lord Darnly's Death, whom Sir Thomas Boyd had killed in a Feud ſome time before, leaving Iſſue by . . . . . Daughter of . . . . . his Wife, Robert, thereafter Lord Boyd, Sir Alexander Boyd of Duncow, Anceſtor to the preſent Lord Boyd a, and a Daughter . . . . . married to John Maxwel of Calderwood.

Which Robert, being a Perſon of great Parts, was one of the ſix Noblemen who were choſen Regents of Scotland in the Minority of King James III. Anno 1460; after which in 1466 he was choſen ſole Governour of the Realmb, and on the 25 of Auguſt 1467, conſtituted Lord high Chamberlainc: Being thus advanced to the higheſt pitch of Honour, the more to ſtrengthen himſelf, he married the Lady Mary the King's eldeſt Siſter to Thomas Maſter of Boyd his eldeſt Son, who thereupon was created Earl of Arran d, and ſent Ambaſſador to Denmark to treat about a Marriage with the young King and Margaret Daughter of Chriſtian the I. But behold the Inſtability of humane Affairs: During his abſence, his Enemies contrive the ruin of his Family. They repreſent the Boyds to be ambitious, and too great Subjects, and they prevailed ſo far with the King, that he called a Parliament, before which the Lord Boyd, the Earl of Arran his Son, Sir Alexander Boyd his Brother were ſummoned to give an account of their Adminiſtration. The old man himſelf, being afraid of the power of his Enemies, fled to England, where in a ſhort time he died of Heart-broken. Sir Alexander his Brother appearing, was indicted of high Treaſon, and was executed. The Earl of Arran having brought the Queen from Denmark into the Firth of Forth, being informed of the Circumſtances he and his Friends were in, immediately with his Wife in his Company retired again into that Country, whence he travelled into France, and thence into Burgundy, where ſhortly after he ended his Days, leaving Iſſue by the Lady Mary his Wife foreſaid, James a Son, and Margaret a Daughter, married to Sir Alexander Forbes, and afterwards to David Earl of Caſſils. After the fall of the Boyds the Barony and Lordſhip of Kilmarnock came to the Crown, and ſo continued till the 24 of October 1482, that King James III. for t [...]e Love and Affection he bore to his Siſter, made a Grant to James Boyd her Son of the Baronies of Kilmarnock, Dalray, Kilbride, Noodſdale, Muirfad, Gairnhill, Warrockland, Ormsheugh, Dolyra, Robertoun, Bolinſhaw, Chapeltoun, Miltoun, Crevoch, Cultſtra, Corſhill, Clerkland, Blacklaw, and Nether Robertland, quae fuerunt quondam olim Roberti Domini Boyd, & quondam Thomae Boyd militis filii ſui avi & patris dicti Jacobi e: But he dying Anno 1484 without any Children, the Lordſhip of Kilmarnock returned again to the Crown.

The preſent Earl of Kilmarnock is deſcended from Alexander Boyd Son of Sir Alexander Boyd of Duncow, Brother to Robert the great Lord Boyd: Which Alexander was by King James IV. made Baillie and Chamberlain for the Lordſhip of Kilmarnock f, from whom he had a Grant of diverſe Lands within the ſaid Lordſhipg by Janet his Wife Daughter of . . . . . . Colvil of . . . . . . . He had three Sons, Robert, afterward Lord Boyd, Thomas, firſt of the Branch of Pitcon h, and Adam, of whom ſprung the Boyds of Pinkhill and Trochrig i.

[244] Robert Boyd Eſq Son and Heir of the former Alexander, was a Perſon much in favour with King James V. whom he faithfully ſerved both at Home and Abroad, wherefore that Prince beſtowed upon him the Lordſhip of Kilmarnock, 20 May 1 [...]36a, as he afterwards had, by the Grant of James Earl of Arran Governor of Scotland in the Minority of Queen Mary, many Lands that had formerly pertained to his Anceſtors, and at the ſame time he is ſerved and retoured Heir to James Boyd of Kilmarnock his Father's Brother's Sonb. He married Helen Daughter of Sir John Somervel of Camnethan, by whom he had Robert his Succeſſor, and Margaret married to John Son and Heir of Sir Niel Montgomery of Lainſhaw, ſa [...]s Iſſue.

Robert Lord Boyd his Son, being a Man of Parts, was much truſted by Queen Mary, to whom he faithfully adhered till the total Suppreſſion of her Intereſt. He was alſo in the 1578 appointed one of the Commiſſioners to Treat with the Engliſh about ſuppreſſing the Incurſions of the Borderers; and again Anno 1586 he was with the Earl of Bothwel and Hume of Coldingknows ſent Ambaſſador to England to Treat about the Continuation of a firm and laſting Peace betwixt the two Realmsc. He married Margaret Daughter and ſole Heir of George colquhoun of Glins d, by whom he had Robert Maſter of Boyd, who died in the Lifetime of his Father. 2d. Thomas, his Succeſſor in the Honour. 3d. William, who obtained the Lands of Badinheath by Marriage of an Heireſs of his own Name; likewiſe ſundry Daughters, Giles, married to Hugh Earl of Eglinton, Agnes to Sir John Colquhoun of Luſs, and had Iſſue, Chriſtian to Sir James Hamilton of Evandale; and had Iſſue, Elizabeth to John Cuningham of Drumquhaſle. He gave way to Fate on the 3d of January 1589, aged 72, and was interr'd with his Anceſtors at the Church of Kilmarnock under a fair Tomb, whereupon you may read this Epitaph.

Here lyes yat godly, noble, wiſe Lord Boyd,
Who Kirk and King, and Commonwell decor'd,
Which were, while they this Jewel all enjoy'd,
Maintain'd, govern'd, and council'd by that Lord.
His ancient Houſe ſo oft peril'd he reſtor'd,
Twice ſix and ſixty Years he liv'd, and ſine
By Death the third of January devor'd,
In Anno thrice five hundred eighty nine.

Thomas Lord Boyd his Son married Marion Daughter of Sir Matthew Campbel of Lowdoun, by whom he had Robert Maſter of Boyd, who died in the Lifetime of his Father, Anno 1597e, and Sir Thomas Boyd of Bedlay. Marion his eldeſt Daughter was married to James Earl of Abercorn, Iſobel the ſecond to John Blair of that Ilk, and after his Death to Sir Dougal Campbel of Auchinbreak; and had Iſſue, Agnes the youngeſt to Sir George Elphinſton of Blythſwood, and had Iſſue; and departing this Life in the 1611, Robert his Grandſon, Son of Robert Maſter of Boyd by Jean his Wife, Daughter of Mark Earl of Lothian, ſucceeded him in the Honour, and married firſt Margaret Daughter to Robert Montgomery of Giffen f, and next Chriſtian Daughter of Thomas Earl of Hadingtoun, and departing this Life in the end of Auguſt 1628, left Iſſue by the ſaid Chriſtian his Wife, Robert his Son and Heir, and four Daughters, Jean married to Sir Alexander Moriſon of Preſtongrange, and had Iſſue. Iſobel to Sir John Sinclair of Stevenſon, and had Iſſue, Chriſtian to Sir William Scot of Harden, and had Iſſue, Marion to Sir James Dundaſs of Arniſtoun, [245] and had Iſſue. Which Robert was a young Nobleman of great Hopes and Parts, died much regrated on the 17 of November 1640a, leaving no Iſſue by Anne his Wife Daughter of John Earl of Wigton, ſo that his Eſtate and Honour came to James Boyd his Father's Brother, who married Katharine Daughter of . . . . . . Craik Eſq of the City of York. By her he had William his Succeſſor, and a Daughter Eva married to Sir David Cunningham of Robertland, he dying in May 1654, was ſucceeded by William his Sonb. Which William was by the ſpecial favour of King Charles II, by Letters patent bearing Date 7 of Auguſt 1661, promoted to the Honour of Earl of Kilmarnock, and to his Heirs Male for everc. He married Jean Daughter of William Earl of Glencairn, by whom he had William his Succeſſor in the Honour, Captain James, Charles, Robert, Mary Wife of Sir Alexander Mackclean, and Katharine married to Alexander Porterfield of that Ilk, in Vic. de Renfrew, and had Iſſue. He dying in the Spring of the Year 1692 was ſucceeded by William his Son and Heir, who did not ſurvive his Father full two Months, for his Death happened on the 20 of May thereafter, leaving two Sons by Lettice his Wife Daughter and Heir of Thomas Boyd of the City of Dublin Merchant, William the preſent Earl, and Mr. Thomas Boyd Advocate, which William, the preſent Earl, married Euphame eldeſt Daughter of William Lord Roſs, and had Iſſue William Lord Boyd.


Azure, A Feſs Checque Argent and Gules. Supporters two Squirrels proper. Creſt, a Dexter Hand pointing forth the Thumb and two Fingers. Motto, Confido, and on a Compartment the Word, Gold-Berry.

BRUCE, Earl of Kincardin,

IS deſcended of Sir George Bruce of Carnock, third Son of Sir Edward Bruce of Blairhall d, who by Merchandize and other means attaining to great Wealth, he purchaſed a fair Eſtate about Culroſs in Perth-ſhire, for which Burrough he was frequently elected Member of Parliament, and was one of the Commiſſioners for the Treaty of Union then deſigned betwixt the two Nations, Anno 1604e, ſoon after which he had the Honour of Knighthood conferred on him. He married Mary Daughter of . . . . . . Primroſe of . . . . . . by whom he had two Sons, Sir George Bruce of Carnock, and Robert Bruce of Broomhall, one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice, Anceſtor to the preſent Earl of Kincardin, and departing this mortal Life 3d of May 1625,f was ſucceeded by Sir George his Son, who taking to Wife Mary Daughter of Sir John Preſton of Valleyfield, had by her Edward and Alexander, both Earls of Kincardin; likewiſe three Daughters,

1. Margaret married to Sir John Lumiſden of Innergelly.

2. Magdalen to Sir John Arnot of Cockburnſpath, ſans Iſſue.

3. Mary to David Lord Cardroſs, and had Iſſue.

Which Edward was by King Charles I. honoured with the Title of Earl of [246] Kincardin, 26 December 1647a, and to his Heirs Male, but his Lordſhip dying unmarried Anno 1662, the Honour devolved on Alexander his Brother and Heir, who was one of the Privy Council to King Charles II. and one of the Commiſſioners of the Theſaury during that Reign, and dying Anno 1680b left Iſſue by Veronica Van Arſen his Wife, Daughter to the Baron of Sommerdyke in Holland, Alexander his Son and Heir.

Mary married to William Cochran of Ochiltree, and had Iſſue.

Anne to Sir David Murray of Stenhope, and had Iſſue.

Elizabeth to Mr. James Boſwel of A [...]chinleck Advocate, and had Iſſue.

Which Alexander died a Batchellor in November 1705, whereupon there aroſe a Competition for the Title of Honour betwixt Lady Mary Bruce the Earl of Kincardin's eldeſt Siſter and Sir Alexander Bruce of Broomhall the Heir Male, which at length was adjudged to belong to Sir Alexander Bruce, and accordingly he was admitted Earl of Kincardin on the 10 of October 1706. By Chriſtian his Wife Daughter of Robert Bruce of Blairhall, he had Robert Lord Bruce, Alexander, Thomas Bruce Eſq married Rachel Daughter of Robert Pauncefort of the County of Gloceſter Eſq and had Iſſue William Bruce Eſq Likewiſe five Daughters, Janet, Chriſtian, Helen, Mary and Veronica married to Duncan Campbel of Keames.


Quarterly, firſt Argent, a Lyon rampant Azure, ſecond Or, a Saltyre and chief Gules. Motto, Fuimus.

SEATON, Viſcount of Kingstoun.

SIR Alexander Seaton, the firſt of this Branch of Seaton, was a younger Son of George 2d Earl of Winton, by Anne his Wife Daughter of Francis Earl of Errol. He obtained firſt the Honour of Knighthood from King Charles I. Anno 1633, and having faithfully ſerved the ſaid King in diverſe Negotiations during the Heat of the Civil War, King Charles II. to reward and countenance his Merit, created him Viſcount of Kingſtoun 6 of January 1650c. He married firſt Jean Daughter of Sir George Fletcher Knight, by whom he had one Daughter married to James Lord Mordingtoun. His ſecond Wife was Elizabeth Daughter of Sir Archibald Douglaſs of Whittingham, by whom he had Archibald his Succeſſor, James who ſucceeded his Brother in the Honour, and Elizabeth Wife of William Hay of Drumelzier. He married to his third Wife Elizabeth Daughter of John Lord Belhaven; and laſt of all Margaret Daughter of Archibald Lord Angus, but by neither of theſe had he any Iſſue.

Archibald Viſcount of Kingſtoun ſucceeded his Father in the Honour, and died a Batchellor in 1714, his Eſtate and Title of Honour falling to James Seaton Eſq his Brother, who married Jean Daughter of Colin Earl of Balcaraſs, Widow of Alexander Earl of Kelly.


Quarterly 1ſt and 4th Or, three Creſcents within a double Treſsure [247] flowr'd Gules. 2d and 3d Argent, a Dragon Vert. Supporters two Blackmores armed with Darts. Creſt, a Creſcent flaming. Motto, Habet & ſuam.

KEITH, Earl of Kintore.

THE Firſt of this Family was Sir John Keith third Son of William Earl Marſhal, by the Lady Mary Erskine his Wife, Daughter of John Earl of Marr, who having been inſtrumental in preſerving the Regalia of the Kingdom, the Crown, Sword and Scepter, during the Uſurpation, was in Conſideration thereof upon the Reſt [...]uration of King Charles, created Knight Marſhal Anno 1660a: Afterward his ſaid Majeſty called him to his Council, and honoured him with the Title of Earl of Kintore on the 26 of June 1677b, and thereafter conſtituted his Lordſhip Theſaurer Depute, and one of the Lords of his Privy Council in the Year 1682, in which Office he was continued till the Theſaury was turned into Commiſſion, ſometime after King James's Acceſſion to the Throne. He married Margaret Daughter to Thomas Earl of Hadingtoun, by whom he had William Lord Inverrurie his Son and Heir, Jean married to Sir William Forbes of Monimusk, and Margaret to Gavin Hamilton of Raploch, and had Iſſue.

Which William married Katharine Daughter to David Viſcount of Stor [...]nt, and had John his eldeſt Son. and Katharine married to David Falc [...]ner of Newtoun.


Quarterly, 1ſt and 4th Gules, a Scepter and Sword Saltirways, with an Imperial Crown betwixt the upper Corners, all Proper within a Border of eight Thiſtles Or. 2d and 3d Argent on a Chief Gules. Three Paletts, Or, ſupported by two Chevaleers compleatly armed with Picks in their Hands. Creſt, an aged Lady from the middle upward, holding in her right Hand a Garland of Lawrel Proper c. Motto, Quae amiſſa ſalva.

KINNAIRD, Lord Kinnaird.

THAT the Family of Kinnaird in the Shire of Perth, was of a very fair Antiquity, the following Authorities do ſufficiently manifeſt, for King William gave Radulph [...] dicto Rufo the Lands of Kinnaird d, from whence Richard his Son took the Sirname and Denomination of Kinnaird, and his Deſcendants continued to poſſeſs theſe Lands till the time of King Charles I.

The Lord Kinnaird's Anceſtor, Kinnaird of Inchture, a Branch of this Family, took beginning in the Reign of King Robert III. Reginald de Kinnaird Son to Sir Richard de Kinnaird, Knight, then taking to Wife Marjory Daughter and ſole Heir of John de Kirkaldy, and in her Right became poſſeſſed of the Barony of Inchture in the County of Perth, which was ratified to them and their Heirs, by a Charter bearing date 28 January 1399e, whereupon he and [248] his Succeſſors added the Coat of Kirkaldy to their Paternal Arms.

Walter Kinnaird of Inchture the next of the Line in the 26 of King James III. made a Reſignation in the Hands of his Sovereign Lord the King, of all the Lands which he held of the Crown, for new Infeſtment to be given to John Kinnaird his Grandſon, and Heir apparenta, whoſe Son Patrick Kinnaird of Inchture by Mari [...]n his Wife, Daughter of . . . . . Hepburn of . . . . . .b, had John his Son and Heir, who reſigns the Land and Barony of Kinnaird in favours of Patrick his Son and Heir apparent, 23 of Queen Mary, Anno 1565, which laſt Patrick by Margaret his Wife Daughter of Moncur of that Ilk, in Vic. de Perth c, had Patrick his Son and Heir, who married firſt a Daughter of the Family of Kinnaird of that Ilk, and again Euphame Daughter of James Gray of Ballegarno, and had by her Patrick his Son and Succeſſor in the Barony of Inchture, who took to Wife Euphame Daughter and Co-heir of Gilbert Gray of Balindoran Son to the Lord Gray d, by her he had John who died unmarried, and George; likewiſe a Daughter Margaret married to Sir Andrew Hay of Kil [...]r, Mother by him to John Earl of Errol.

Which George having not a little teſtified his Loyalty to the Crown during Cromwel's Uſurpation, upon the King's Return he was in Commemoration thereof knighted Anno 1661, having likewiſe ſerved Member in diverſe Parliaments for the County of Perth, was called to his Majeſty's Council, and at laſt on the 28 of December 1682 raiſed to the honour of Lord Kinnaird of Inchture, and to the Heirs Male of his Bodye, and departing this Life 29 Decemb. 1689, he left Iſſue by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of James Crichton of Ruthven, Patrick his Succeſſor in the Honour, Charles Kinnaird Eſq George Kinnaird Eſq

Which Patrick married Anne Daughter of Hugh Lord Lovat, by whom he had George Maſter of Kinnaird, who died 27 of Auguſt 1698f. Patrick his Succeſſor, and Charles Kinnaird Eſq likewiſe a Daughter Anne married to Thomas Drummond of Logi [...]almond. This Lord dying 18 February 1701g, was ſucceeded by Patrick his Son, who married firſt Henrietta Daughter of Charles Earl of Dunmore, and after her Death Elizabeth Daughter of Patrick Earl of Strathmore, Counteſs Dowager of Aboyn, by whom he had Patrick his Son and Heir.


Quarterly, 1ſt and 4th Or. A Feſs waved betwixt three Molets Gules. 2d and 3d Gules. A Saltyre betwixt four Creſcents Or.

HAY, Earl of Kinnowl.

AMONG the various ways by which Men in all Times have aſcended to Honour and Preferments, that of perſonal Merit is without doubt the faireſt and moſt likely way to climb by. This cannot be more properly ſaid in any Caſe than in that of the Perſon I am now to ſpeak of, viz. George Hay the firſt Earl of Kinnowl, his Birth could be no Impediment to his future Greatneſs, for he was the Son of Peter Hay of Meggi [...]s by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of Sir Patrick Ogilvy of Inchmartine h, a collateral Branch of the illuſtrious [249] Family of Errol, that had been fixed in Perth-ſhire for ſome Deſcents, and very honourably allied in that County.

He was by the Care of his Father well brought up, and for the Improvement of his Education ſent into France, where he ſpent ſome Years under the Tuition of Mr. Edmund Hay his Unclea, and returning to Scotland by the time he was 21 Years old, he was brought into the Court by his Kinſman Sir James Hay, afterward Earl of Carlyle, a moſt accompliſhed Courtier, under no other Character than a Perſon well qualified, by his Breeding and Study in human Learning fit for any Service his Maſter ſhould honour him with. By theſe Means, and a notable Affability in his Behaviour, he wrought himſelf into a particular Affection and Intereſt with the King, who quickly raiſed him to be one of the Gentlemen of his Bed-chamber, and gave him the Priory of the Charter Houſe of Perth, by his Royal Grant, 18 Febrary 1598b. Sir George being eminently qualified, and advancing daily in Favour at Court, his Majeſty was pleaſed to make him Clerk Regiſter, Anno 1616c, in which Function he behaved himſelf very well, and appeared equal to it, continuing in that Imployment till the 1622, that Alexander Earl of Dumfermling Lord High Chancellor of Scotland giving way to Fate, he was preferred thereto, and had the Great Seal delivered him on the 12 of July the ſame Year. Which Office he had continued on him by King Charles I. who looked upon him as a wiſe and able Servant, and worthy of the Truſt he repoſed in him, therefore his Majeſty as a Teſtimony of his gracious Eſteem, by Letters Patent bearing date 4 of May 1627, advanced him to the Degree of Viſcount of Dupline d; and by other Letters Patent 25 May 1633, honoured him with the Title of Earl of Kinnowl e. His Lordſhip enjoyed the Chancellor's Place with the univerſal Approbation of the whole Kingdom, and the general Applauſe of all good Men for his Juſtice, Integrity, ſound Judgment and eminent Sufficiency in the diſcharge of his Office for the Space of about fourteen Years, even to his Death, 16 December 1634f, ſome Months before he was ſixty Years of Age. He was interred at the Church of Kinnowl on the 19 of Auguſt 1635, where there is a very ſumptuous Monument erected over him, with his Statue as big as the Life, habited in his Robes, and Dr. Johnſton compoſed an Epitaph for himg, of which this is a Part.

Gone is the wiſe Licurgus of our Time,
The great and grave Dictator of our Clime,
To whoſe Deſert the ſacred Siſters ow,
As much as e'er of old they did beſtow,
Of their Pirean Treaſure to give Fame
To painful Curius, or grave Cato's Name,
Had thou, brave Judge, liv'd in ſuch golden Days,
Thy Head had long e'er now been crown'd with Bays,
But Wiſdom now is richly priz'd by none,
Nor Virtue Guardian finds, till ſhe be gone.
Six hundred Years ago how happy I,
That Day when thy brave Anceſtor did dy,
His Face with Danick Blood, he did bequeath
Life to his Country at the Doors of Death,
Yet this brave Act was clos'd with one fair Day,
But thou didſt ſtill for many Years diſplay
The Enſigns of thy Vertue, and fierce Jarrs,
Inteſtine Broils worſe than the worst of Wars
Did quell, Combustions ſafe did keep from Harm,
Chaſt Piety and raging Wrath diſarm, &c.

By Margaret his Wife Daughter of Sir James Haliburton of Pitcur h, in Vicecomitatu de Forfar, Widow of Patrick Ogilvy of Inchmartine paternal Anceſtor to the preſent Earl of Finlater; he had Iſſue Sir Peter Hay his eldeſt Son, who died unmarried, George his Succeſſor in the Honour, and Margaret Wife of Alexander Lindſay Lord Spainzie.

Which George was Captain of the Yeomen of Guards to King Charles I. [250] and one of the Lords of his Privy Council. Upon the breaking out of the War in that Reign, he applied himſelf to his Majeſty's Service with great Reſolution, Courage and Conſtancy, and often ventured his Perſon, and loſt moſt of his Eſtate in the ſteady Purſuit of Loyalty and Duty to the King, in which he continued to his Life's end. He married the Lady Anne Douglaſs, eldeſt Daughter of William Earl of Morton Lord High Theſaurer of Scotland, by whom he had William the next Earl, and two Daughters, Margaret married to William Earl Marſhal, and Katharine to Sir James Baird of Auchmedden and had Iſſue.

Which William Earl of Kinnowl took to wife Mary Daughter of Robert Earl of Cardinghan, by whom he had no Iſſue; and again Elizabeth Daughter of James Earl of Salisbury, by her he had George Earl of Kinnowl, who died in Hungary Anno 1687, and William the late Earl who died a Batchelor on the 10 of May 1709. The Honour devolving on Thomas Viſcount of Duplin his neareſt Heir Malea, who was on the 3 of October 1713, elected one of the ſixteen Peers from Scotland to the Parliament of Great Britain; but it was not the firſt time his Lordſhip had ſerved his Country in that Character. He married Elizabeth Daughter of William Drummond Viſcount of Strathallan, by whom he had

1. George Lord Duplin.

2. Colonel John Hay.

3. Margaret married to John Earl of Marr one of the Secretaries of Great Britain.

4. Elizabeth to James Lord Deskford, Son and Heir of James Earl of Finlater and Seafield.

Which George Lord Duplin being firſt conſtituted one of the four Tellers of the Exchequer, Her Majeſty was pleaſed to make him a Peer of Great Britain by the Title of Lord Hay of Berwarden on the 31 of December 1712b. He married Elizabeth Harlaw eldeſt Daughter of Robert Earl of Oxford, Lord High Theſaurer of Great Britain, by whom he has two Sons, Thomas Maſter of Duplin, and Robert Hay Eſq


Argent, Three Eſcutcheons, Gules, within a Border Ermine, ſupported by two venerable old Men. Creſt, an old Man from the middle upward. Motto, Renovate Animos.

MAITLAND, Earl of Lawderdale.

IT appears from ſundry ancient Deeds and Evidents, that the Maitlands were very early Poſſeſſors of the Barony of Thirlſtane in Hadingtoun-ſhire, for I find that Dominus Ricardus de Mautlant gave to the Monks of Dryburgh Terras ſuas de Haubentſide in Territorio ſuo de Thirleſtane pro ſalute animae ſuae & ſponſae ſuae Anteceſſorum & Succeſſorum ſuorum in perpetuum c. Likeas he gave in pure Alms to the ſaid Convent Omnes Terras quas Walterus de Giling tenuit in feod [...] ſuo de Thirleſtane & paſtara in communi de Thirleſtane ad quadraginta oves ſexaginta vaccas & ad viginti equos.

To Sir Richard ſucceeded William de Mautlant his Son in the Barony of [251] Thirleſtane, who ratified and confirmed to the Monaſtery of Dryburgh omnes Terras quas Dominus Ricardus de Mautlant Pater ſuus fecit dictis Monachis in Territorio de Thirleſtane a.

The next of this noble Family I have found, is Thomas de Thirleſtane, who gave in free Alms to the Religious of Dryburgh, Decimas Molendini ſui de Thirleſtane b, pro ſalute animae ſuae; and to the Abbot of Kelſo he grants a Wadſet of diverſe Lands within the Territory of Thirleſtane c, for a certain Feu-duty to be paid to him by the Convent for ever.

Sir Robert Maitland, Succeſſor to the former, obtained a Grant of the Lands of Lethingtoun from Sir John Giffard Knight, Lord of Teſter, to be holden Blanch of the Granter, which is confirmed the 15 of October 17, of King David II. Anno 1346d. He was ſucceeded by

John his Son and Heir, who deſigns himſelf Joannes de Mautlant, Dominus de Thirleſtane, filius & haeres Roberti Mautlant quondam Domini ejuſdem, when he makes a Donation of the Lands of Snaldon to the Monks of Dryburgh, pro ſalute animae ſuae, Patris & Matris ſuae. He married Agnes Dunbar Daughter to Patrick Earl of March e, by her he had

Robert Maitland of Thirleſtane his Son and Heir, who had the charge of the Caſtle of Dumbar from his Uncle George Earl of March, when he went to England in diſcontent, conceiving himſelf affronted by King Robert III. when he eſpouſed David his Son the Prince, to the Earl of Douglas Daughter, after he had been affianced to Elizabeth Dunbar March's Daughter, and when the Earl of March was forfeited, Thirleſtane his Nephew run the ſame Fatef, but was again reſtored by the King's Bounty. He took to Wife Marion Daughter of James Scrimgeor of Dudop, Conſtable of Dundee g, and left a Son,

William to ſucceed him in his Fortune, who obtained from Archibald Duke of Tourain and Earl of Douglas a Grant to himſelf and Margaret Wardlaw his Wife of the Lands of Blyth, Hedderwick, Tullus and BurncleUgh on the 23 January 1432h. He was ſucceeded by his Son

John Maitland of Thirleſtane, who by . . . . . Daughter of . . . . his Wife had two Sons, William Maitland of Lethingtoun, and James Maitland of Archincaſtle in Drumfries-ſhire, of whom branched the Maitlands of Eccles i. Here 'tis not improper to take notice, that William Maitland of Lethingtoun, Son and Heir apparent of John Maitland of Thirleſtane married Martha Daughter of George Lord Seaton, and was killed at Flowdon Field with King James IV. 9 September 1513, leaving Iſſue by his Wife foreſaid, Sir Richard who ſucceeded his Grandfather, and a Daughter Janet married to Hugh Lord Somervel.

Which Sir Richard was ſerved Heir to his Father William on the 15 October 1513. This noble Perſon who firſt raiſed the Grandeur of his Family, being a Man of Parts and Literature, was made one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice the 12 November 1561k in place of Sir William Hamilton of Sanquhar, and on the 20 of December 1562, was conſtituted Lord privy Seall then void by the Demiſe of Donald Abbot of Cowper, which Office he held till the [252] 1567, he reſigned and gave up the Signer, whereupon Mr. John Maitland his ſecond Son was inveſted in that Office. Sir Richard continued a Lord of the Seſſion during all the turbulent Times of the Regents in the Minority of King James VI. till the 1584. He reſigned his Place to Sir Lewis Ballenden, and his laſt Breath on the firſt of April 1586a, leaving Iſſue by Mary his Wife Daughter of Thomas Cranſton of Corsby b, three Sons, Sir William, Sir John, and Mr. Thomas, who is the Prolocutor with Mr. Buchanan in his Treatiſe De Jure Regni apud Scot [...]s; likewiſe ſeveral Daughters.

Helen married to John Cockburn of Clerkingtoun c, and had Iſſue.

Margaret to James Heriot of Trabroun d, and had Iſſue.

Mary to Alexander Lawder of Hattoun, and had Iſſue.

Iſobel to William Douglas of Whitingham e and had Iſſue.

But to return to Sir William Maitland of Lethingtoun, Sir Richard's eldeſt Son; the firſt Preferment I find he had was in the 1558, when he was conſtituted Secretary of State to Queen Mary f, and one of her Majeſtie's Privy Council 1561. When the Civil War broke out Anno 1567, Lethingtoun's Wiſdom and Reputation was ſuch, that both Parties courted him to be of their ſide; but he did not determine himſelf to any Party at firſt, but did fall in with either of them as he thought they intended the Honour and Safety of the Queen, and the Good of the Country; and as he could not juſtify the Queen's Actings, ſo he was a ſtrenuous Oppoſer of thoſe Methods that were taken againſt her by her own Subjects at the Court of England, as importing high Contempt againſt their Native Princes, and highly derogatory to the Honour of Scotland, in ſubjecting it and their Sovereign to the Cognizance of a foreign Court; but his warmeſt Side was ever toward the Queen, in whoſe Intereſt he appeared, by joining with Sir William Kirkaldy in keeping out the Caſtle of Edinburgh againſt the young King and the Authority of the Regent, for which he was deprived of the Secretaries place Anno 1570g. Notwithſtanding he continued his faithful Services to the Queen till his laſt Moments, his Death happening on the 9 of June 1573h, leaving Iſſue, by Mary his Wife Daughter of Malcolm Lord Fleming, a Son James, who died without Male Iſſue, and a Daughter Mary married to Robert firſt Earl of Roxburgh i.

Sir John Maitland Sir Richard's 2d Son, being a Gentleman of great Parts and Learning, was firſt preferred to be Lord privy Seal by Queen Mary 26 of Auguſt 1567k, bearing then the Title of Commendator of Coldingham. This Office he kept till the 1570, he loſt the Seal for his Loyalty to the Queen, and it was given to Mr. George Buchanan the Hiſtorianl: But King James who was ever mindful of thoſe who had been faithful to the Queen his Mother, was pleaſed to make Sir John Maitland one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice 26 of April 1581m, thereafter to be Secretary of Staten in the room of Robert Commendator of Dumfermling [253] in the Year 1584, and the Chancellors Place falling vacant by the Deprivation of Sir James Stewart, then ſtiled Earl of Arran, he was promoted thereto the 1ſt of June 1586a, which Office he diſcharged worthily to himſelf, juſtly to the Prince who imployed him, and advantagiouſly for his Country: In Conſideration of all his great and loyal Services, his ſaid Majeſty, who had a ſingular Value and eſteem for him as a wiſe and faithful Servant, was pleaſed to put a laſting Mark of his royal Favour upon his Family, and therefore raiſed him to the Honour of Lord Maitland of Thirleſtane, and to the Heirs Male of his Body Anno 1590b. He married Jean only Daughter of James Lord Fleming, by Barbara his Wife Daughter of James Duke of Chatlerault. By her he had John his Succeſſor, and one Daughter Anne married to Robert Lord Seaton Son and Heir apparent to George 1ſt Earl of Winton. This worthy Lord made his Exit out of this World on the 3d of October 1595, and was interred at the Church of Hadingtoun, King James honouring him with this Epitaph of his own Compoſure.

Thou Paſſenger that ſpies with gazing Eyes,
This Trophie ſad of Death's triumphant Dart,
Conſider when this outward Tomb thou ſees,
How rare a Man leaves here his earthly Part.
His Wiſdom and his uprightneſs of Heart,
His Piety, his practice of our State;
His quick Engine ſo verſt in every Art,
As equally not all were in Debate.
Thus juſtly hath his Death brought forth of late
An beavie Grief in Prince and Subjects all,
That Vertue, Love, and Vice do bear at hate,
Though vitious Men rejoices at his Fall.
As for himſelf, moſt Happy doth he die,
Though for his Prince it moſt unhappy be.

John Lord Thirleſtane the Chancellor's Son, was a Nobleman of great Honour and Probity, and managed his Affairs with that Conduct and Diſcretion, that he made conſiderable Additions to his Fortune. He was much favoured by King James VI. who created him firſt Viſcount of Lawderdale, and thereafter honoured him with the Title of Earl of Lawderdale, by Letters Patent bearing date 24 of March 1624c. For what I know he had no State Imployment, ſave that he was ſome ſhort time Preſident of the Council and one of the ordinary Lords of the Seſſion, from which he was removed Anno 1626d. I think it not foreign here to remark of this noble Lord that he was ſo very well acquainted with his own Affairs, that he made exact Inventars of all his Charters and Writs, which was very happy for the Family afterwards, for the Charter Cheſt being concealed under ground for Preſervation in the time of the Civil War, the Writs were ſo intirely defaced at the Reſtauration, that they were become illegible, but by reaſon of the Character this Earl had of Integrity, theſe very Inventars were by Order of Parliament appointed to ſupply the place of the ancient Records and Evidents of the Family, the Clerk Regiſter ſigning every Page of the Book in which they were written. This worthy Lord departing this Life in February 1645e, was interr'd at the Church of Hadingtoun with his Anceſtors; and the learned Mr. Drummond of Hawthornden made this Epitaph upon him.

Of thoſe rare Worthies who adorn'd our North,
And ſhin'd like Constellations, thou alone
Remaind'ſt laſt, great Maitland, charg'd with worth
Second in vertues Theatre to none,
But finding all Excentrick in our times,
Religion into Superſtition turn'd,
Juſtice ſilenc'd, exiled or inurn'd,
Truth, Faith and Charity reputed Crimes,
[254] The young Man deſtinate by Sword to fall,
And Trophies of their Countries Spoils to rear;
Strange Laws the ag'd and prudent to apal,
And forc'd ſad Yokes of Tyranny to bear,
And for, nor great, nor virtuous Minds a Room,
Diſdaining Life thou ſhroud'ſt thee in thy Tomb.

By Iſobel his Wife only Daughter of Alexander Earl of Dumfermling, Lord High Chancellor of Scotland, by Lilias his Wife Daughter of Patrick Lord Drummond, he had firſt John Duke of Lawderdale. 2d Robert who married Margaret Daughter and ſole Heir of John Lundin of that Ilk, by whom he had one Daughter Sophia Lundin of that Ilk, married to John Earl of Melfort. 3d Charles thereafter Earl of Lawderdale.

John Earl, afterward Duke of Lawderdale, in the beginning of the Civil War was among the moſt forward for the Covenant, and proſecuted it for ſome time with the moſt eminent Animoſitya. He was much truſted by that Party in the management of Affairs both in Church and State. When he was a very young Man his Lordſhip was ſent one of the Commiſſioners from the Church of Scotland to the Aſſembly of Divines who met at Weſtminſter Anno 1643, for the framing a new Model of Government in the Church. The next Year he was appointed one of the Commiſſioners from the States of Scotland to treat with the King at Uxbridge b, but that Treaty ending without the Effect deſired, he was again commiſſioned from the Parliament to treat with his Majeſty at Hampton Court in the Year 1647c, the Concluſion of which was the raiſing an Army from Scotland toward the reſcue of his Majeſty. As ſoon as the Army was ready to march into England, his Lordſhip was ſent over to Holland to require that the Prince of Wales might repair to the Scots Army, which was agreed to in the Treaty, but the Misfortune that befel the Army at Preſtoun put a ſtop thereto, ſo that the Earl, after a few Weeks ſtay at the Hague, bent his Courſe homeward to imploy his Intereſt for ſerving the King, but before he came thither he came to underſtand that the ſtate of Affairs were ſo much altered, that the Engagement was declared unlawful, and to what Penalties he himſelf and all others who were the Promoters thereof were liable to; whereupon, without ſuffering his Ship to go into any Port, he returned again into Holland d to offer his Service to the Prince, who by that time was become King by the Murder of his Father. Here my Lord Lawderdale ſtaid till after his Majeſty's coming over to Scotland in 1650, his Lordſhip ſoon followed, tho he was not admitted to come near the Court, or ſo much as wait upon the King till the meeting of the Parliament 1651, wherein all the different Parties ſeemed to be unite for his Majeſty's Servicee. His Lordſhip marched with the King into England upon the loſs of the Army at Worceſter, he was taken Priſoner and committed to the Tower, where he underwent a long and ſevere Impriſonment for the ſpace of nine Years, till by the Reſtauration of his Majeſty in 1660, he obtained his Liberty, when his Lordſhip became the prime Miniſter of State and for the ſpace of twenty Years [...]e diſpoſed of all the Offices and Honours of the Kingdom intirely without a Rival. He was firſt conſtituted ſole Secretary of State Anno 1661, Preſident of the Council, one of the extraordinary Lords of the Seſſion, firſt Commiſſioner of the Theſaury, when the Theſaury was turned into Commiſſion, and one of the Gentlemen of his Majeſty's Bed-Chamber: Alſo in the 1669 he was appointed high Commiſſioner [255] to the Parliament, and bore the ſame Character in four ſucceeding Seſſions, and had the Honour likewiſe to repreſent his Majeſty's Perſon in the Convention of Eſtates 1678: In all which important Truſts deporting himſelf with great Ability, his Majeſty in Teſtimony thereof upon the 2d of May 1672, raiſed him to the Dignity of Duke of Lawderdale, and to the Heirs Male of his Bodya; alſo upon the 25 June 26 of Charles II. his Grace was made a Peer of England by the Title of Earl of Guildford b, and one of the Privy Council in that Kingdom; and laſt of all, as a further Teſtimony of his Majeſty's Favour, he was elected one of the Knights, Companions of the moſt noble Order of the Garter. But notwithſtanding all thoſe high Advancements in Honour and Preferments, together with the long and uninterrupted Favour of his Prince, upon a new Turn of Affairs at Court toward the end of King Charles's Reign, his Grace was obliged to reſign all his Offices, except thoſe that were to continue during his Life, and he died under a Cloud ſoon thereafter on the 24 of Auguſt 1682, and was interr'd in the Vault of his Family at Hadingtoun Church, where you may read this Inſcription on a Tablet of Braſs fixed on his Coffin.In Spem beatae Reſurrectionis,
Hic conditur illustriſſimus & nobiliſſimus Prin-ceps [...] Dominus, D. Joannes Dux de Lawderdale, Marchi [...] de March, Comes de Lawderdale & Guildford, Vicecomes Maitland, Dominus de Thirleſtane, Muſleburgh, Bolton & Peterſham; ſaepius ad Parliamenta & Ordinum hujus Regni Conventus tenenda Prorex; a Reſtauratione Regiae Majeſtatis, per 20 Annos ſolus, pro Regno Scotiae, Regum optimo, Carolo Secundo, a Secretis; Praeſes Secreti Concilii; praedicto potentiſſimo Regi, in Regno Angliae, a Secretioribus Conciliis & ex Cubiculariis Primariis unus; Castelli Regii Edinburgeni Conſtabularius & Gubernator: Nobiliſſimi Ordinis Garterii Eques.
Natus 21. Maii M.DC.XVI. Leidintonae. Obiit 24 Die Auguſti, prope Fontes de Tunbridge, Anno humanae Salutis M.DC.LXXXII. Aetatis 68.’

This great Duke married firſt Anne Daughter and Co-heir of Alexander Earl of Hume, by whom he had only one Daughter Anne married to John 2d Marquis of Tweddale, and after her Death Elizabeth eldeſt Daughter and Heir of William Murray Earl of Dyſart, Widow of Sir Lionel Talmaſh of Helingham, but by her he had no Succeſſion.

The Duke of Lawderdale dying thus without Male Children, the Dignity of Duke extinguiſhed with himſelf, the Honour of Earl devolving upon Charles Maitland of Hattoun his Brother; which Charles was conſtituted Theſaurer Depute Anno 1670, as his Lordſhip was alſo one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice, and General of the Mint during the Miniſtry of the Duke his Brother. He married Elizabeth Daughter and Heir of Richard Lawder of Hattoun, by whom he had a numerous Iſſue.

Richard Earl of Lawderdale.

John Earl of Lawderdale.

Charles Maitland Eſq who married Lilias Daughter to Sir John Colquhoun of Luſs, Widow of Sir John Stirling of Kier.

William Maitland Eſq who married Chriſtian Daughter and Heir of Robert Viſcount of Oxenford.

Alexander Maitland Eſq

Iſobel the eldeſt Daughter married to John Lord Elphinſton.

Mary the youngeſt to Charles Earl of Southesk.

This Earl died upon the 9 of June 1691c, the Honour devolving upon

Richard his Son and Heir, who in his younger Years was bred up to every thing that was proper to qualify him for thoſe great Imployments his Anceſtors had enjoyed in the State, and his Improvement ſo far exceeded his Years that he was very early admitted into the Privy Council, and [256] made Lord Juſtice Clerk Anno 1681, but his Father-in-law the Earl of Argyle having made his eſcape out of the Caſtle of Edinburgh, and ſome Letters of his being intercepted and deciphered, whereby it appeared ſome had been written to him, and tho the Matter of them was very innocent, yet it being Correſpondence with a Perſon condemned, it brought him under a Clouda, and he was depriv'd of his Place; but notwithſtanding he continued inviolably devoted to the Intereſt of King James, and upon the Revolution he followed the Fortune of the ſaid King into France, where he died ſome Years thereafter, leaving no ſurviving Iſſue by Anne his Wife, Daughter of Archibald Earl of Argyle, ſo that the Title of Earl of Lawderdale came to

Sir John his Brother, who being bred a Lawyer, was promoted to be one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice Anno 1689, and thereafter to be General of the Mint, which Office he enjoyed till his Death, which happened the 13 of Auguſt 1710b. By Margaret his Wife only Daughter of Alexander Earl of Glencairn he had three Sons, viz. John Lord Maitland, who in his Father's time married Jean Daughter of John Earl of Sutherland, and dying in the beginning of the Year 1710, left one Daughter Lady Jean. 2d Charles the preſent Earl 3d Alexander, and a Daughter Elizabeth married to James Earl of Hyndford.

Which Charles was conſtituted General of the Mint upon the removal of Alexander Earl of Hume, ſo after King George's Acceſſion to the Crown, which Office his Lordſhip at preſent enjoys, he married Anne Daughter of James Earl of Finlater and Seafield, and his Iſſue John Lord Maitland.


Or, a Lyon Rampant couped in all its Joints Gules, within a double Treſſure counterflowr'd Azure. Supporters two Eagles proper. Creſt, a Lyon ſejant full faced Gules, holding in his dexter Paw a Sword Proper, hilted and pomell'd Or, in the Siniſter a Flower-de-Luce Azure, corwn'd Or, Motto, Conſilio & animis.

LENNOX, Earl of Lennox.

I Find from ancient Records and Writings that Aluin M'Arkill, i e. the Son of Arkill, the Founder of this illuſtrious Family, was a great Man in the time of King David and Malcolm IV.c, and appears to have been a Favourite, and is frequently a Witneſs in the Grants of both theſe Princes to the Religious of Dumfermling d. He had a Son Aluin who was made Earl of Lennox by King William, probably upon the Demiſe of David Earl of Huntington the King's Brother, who formerly had Right to the Lands which compoſed this Earldome. This Earl imitated the Piety of the King his Maſter in his Charity to the Church and the Clergy, for he gave to the Monks of Paiſly in honorem ſancti Patricii & Eccleſiae de Kilpatrick Terras de Cochnach & Edenbarren f, and that in preſence of [257] Joceline Biſhop of Glaſgow a, he left Iſſue Malduin his Succeſſor in the Earldom, Dungal Rector of the Church of Kilpatrick b, Malcolm c, Amalick, and a Daughter Eva married to Malcolm Thane of Calender d.

Which Malduin Earl of Lennox was a great Benefactor to the Church, for he gave to the Monks of Paiſly, Divinae Charitatis intuitu & pro ſalute domini ſui Alexandri Regis, nec non pro ſalute ſui ipſius & anima patris ſui & matris ſuae omnium parentem ſuorum & haeredum eccleſiam de Kilpatrick cum omnibus pertinentiis ſuis. Moreover he gave to the ſaid Abbey pro ſalute Domini ſui Alexandri Regis & ſalute ſua & Elzabethae Sponſae ſuae totas Terras de Drumthoch [...]r & Drumthaglanen, that he might have the benefit of a burying Place within the Abbey-Church, and that the Aniverſary of himſelf and his Wife ſhould be celebrated with all due Solemnity in the Convent for evere. By the ſaid Elizabeth his Wife, Daughter of Walter Lord High Steward of Scotland f, he had Malcolm his Son and Heir, Father to Earl Malcolm, who was one of thoſe noble and loyal Patriots who intirely and without Reſerve devoted himſelf to the Service of his Country in the Wars of Bruce and Baliol, and ſtood always firm in his Loyalty to King Robert the Bruce, for which that Monarch did royally reward him upon his Acceſſion to the Crown, and gave him many great and ſingular Privileges and Immunities which were not ordinarly given to Subjects in theſe Timesg, as the Reward of his conſtant Fidelity to him. This noble Earl was one of the Scots Nobility who wrote that memorable Letter to the Pope, aſſerting the Independency of Scotland ſo valuable a piece of Antiquity, that moſt of all the modern Scots Authors have Copies of it in their Writingsh. This Earl was ſucceeded by Donald Earl of Lennox his Soni, who dying without Male Iſſue, the Earldom devolved to Margaret his Daughter and Heir who married Walter Lord of Foſcelen k, who in her Right became Lord of the Lennox, they had a Son Sir Duncan Lennox Knight, in whoſe favour they reſigned the Earldom of Lennox in the Hands of King Robert II.l whereupon he became Earl. This is that Duncan Earl of Lennox who being attainted of High Treaſon with his Son in-law Murdoch Duke of Albany in the Reign of King James I. was executed at Stirling upon the 23 of May 1426m, and his Eſtate came to the Crown by Forſalture. He left behind him three Daughters, Iſobel married to Murdoch Duke of Albany, Elizabeth to Sir John Stewart of Darnly, Anceſtor to the latter Dukes and Earls of Lennox, Margaret to Robert Monteith of Rusky, by whom he had Murdoch Monteith of Rusky his Son, who left two Daughters Co-heirs to himn, Agnes married to Sir John Haldane of Gleneagles, and Margaret to John Napier of Merchiſtoun, Anceſtor to the preſent Lord Napier o.

In the Reign of King James III. there was a long Diſpute betwixt John Lord Darnly Grandſon of Elizabeth [258] Daughter of Duncan Earl of Lennox, and Agnes Monteith Lady Gleneagles, Grand child of Margaret another Daughter of the ſaid Earl's, anent the Superiority of the Earldom of Lennox, which was afterwards amicably compoſed betwixt them by certain Arbiters choſen for that effect, Anno 1477a, ſo that in the 1483 John Lord Darnly came to be created Earl of Lennox.

STEWART, Duke of Lennox.

THIS illuſtrious Houſe which has produced ſo many glorious Patriots and Heroes both at Home and Abroad, was the firſt collateral Branch that ſprang from the Royal Family of Stewart. Sir Robert Stewart their Anceſtor, was the Son of Walter ſecond of that Name, Lord High Steward of Scotland b, who being by his Father's Grant Lord of the Barony of Torboltoun in the County of Air, added to that and his other Poſſeſſions the Lands of Crucksfie and Neilſtoun in Renfrew-ſhire by the Heir Female of Robert de Crock a great Baron of that Timec, whom he obtained in Marriage, and had Robert Stewart Lord of Cruickſtoun and Darnly d, who ſeems to be the Father of Sir Ala [...] Stewart of Darnly, who was early in the Intereſt of King Robert I. upon whoſe Advancement to the Throne he obtained the Lands of Dreghorn, which before that time belonged to John Bali [...]l for Service and Homage to be done by him, as the Charter bearse. He was ſlain at the Battle of Halidonhill in the Service of his Country upon St. Mary Magdalen's Day 1333, leaving John Lord of Darnly his Son and Heir, who was a Perſon of great Conſideration in his Time, for when King David Bruce was taken Priſoner by the Engliſh at the Battle of Durham, John Stewart Son and Heir to this Sir John Stewart Lord of Darnly was given as one of the Hoſtages for his Ranſom, Anno 1348f. This laſt John is Witneſs in many Charters of King Robert II. when he was Earl of Strathern, and on the 31 of January 1361 he obtained from Robert Earl of Strathern a Charter of the Lands of Cr [...]cksfie, Inchennan and Perthick upon his own Reſignation, and to Robert Stewart his Son in Fie, and to the Heirs Male of his Body, which failing, to Walter and Alexander Stewarts his Brothers ſucceſſivelyg. This Alexander did actually ſucce ed to the Lordſhip no doubt upon the failure of the other Members of the Tailzieh, and further augmenting his Eſtate by marrying of Janet Daughter and Heir of Sir William Keith of Galſtoun i, by her he had 1ſt Sir John his Succeſſor, 2d Alexander Stewart of Torbane k, and a Daughter Janet married to Thomas Somervel of Carnwath l, Anceſtor to the Lord Som [...]el.

Which Sir John being a Gentleman of a Military Temper betook himſelf to the French Service, and had a conſiderable Command againſt the Engliſh at the Siege of Bauge. Afterwards [259] upon the Death of the Earl of Buchan, Anno 1424, he was conſtituted General of all the Scots Forces in France and made a Marſhal of that Kingdom, having performed many noble Services to that Crown, King Charles VII. raiſed him to be a Peer of France, by the Titles of Count d' E [...]reux Seigneur de Counterfald & d' Aubigny a: Alſo in the 1426 he was ſent Ambaſſador to Scotland to renew the old League betwixt the Two Crowns, and to propoſe a Match betwixt Lewis the Dauphine and Margaret Daughter of King James I.b. and continuing in the French Service with much Honour and Reputation: He was thereafter ſlain in the Battle of Hering, fighting againſt the Engliſh, Anno 1429, leaving Iſſue by Elizabeth his Wife one of the Daughters and Coheirs of Duncan Earl of Lennox, Sir Alan his Succeſſor, Sir Alexander Stewart of Bielmouth c, John Lord d' Aubigny, Father to Bernard Lord d' Aubigny, famous in the Neapolitan War under Charles VIII. and Lewis XII. of France.

Which Sir Alan took to Wife Katharine Daughter to Sir John Seton Lord of Seton; and had Iſſue 1ſt, John Earl of Lennox. 2d, Alexander, of whom the Houſe of Galſtoun and the Lord Pitenweem did deſcend.d: 3d, Thomas, who was Anceſtor to Stewart of Barſcabe e. And, Elizabeth, a Daughter, married to Sir John Maxwel of Pollock: He was ſlain September 29th, Anno 1439, by Thomas Boyd of Kilmarnock, which was the Occaſion of great Bloodſhed and Devaſtation in the Weſtern Parts, and kindled ſuch a Flame, as was not extinguiſh'd for a long Time thereafter.

Which John, in the 3d of King James III. Anno 1463, having ſerved himſelf Heir to Duncan Earl of Lennox, his Great Grandfather, did aſſume that Title, but it being found he had not Right to the whole Earldom, he was obliged for a long Time to diſuſe it, till Dame Agnes Monteith Lady Gleneagles, another of the Co-heirs, came to compoſe the Matter amicably, that then with the Approbation of King James III. he aſſ [...]med the Stile of Earl of Lennox, Anno 1483. This Noble Lord was in the 1472 appointed one of the Commiſſioners from Scotland to treat with the Engliſh touching a Peace betwixt the Two Nationsf; alſo in the 1481, he was conſtituted Warden of the Weſt Marchesg; and in 1484, was one of the Ambaſſadors that were nominated to treat with Engliſh Commiſſioners, for the Good, Peace, and Utility of the Two Kingdomsh.

When the Civil War broke out in the Time of King James III. he was upon the King's Side againſt the Prince; nevertheleſs upon King James IV's coming to the Crown, he was made Captain of Dumbartoun, Anno 1488i and giving Way to Fate Anno 1494, he left Iſſue by Margaret his Wife Daughter of Alexander Lord Montgomery, Anceſtor to the Earl of Eglingtoun; 1ſt. Matthew his Succeſſor. 2d, Robert Lord d' Aubigny k. 3d, William, who was Captain of the Scots Gens' d' Arms in France. 4th, John Stewart of Glanderſtoun, who by Marion Daughter of Sir Thomas S [...]pil of of Eliotſtoun had one Daughter his Heir, Margaret, married to John Fraſer of Knock in Airſhire l. 5th. Alan firſt of that Branch of the Stewarts of Cardonald m, of whom by an Heir Female is deſcended the Lord Blantyre, who is now the only remaining Branch of this Illuſtrious Family. Beſides thoſe Sons, he had moreover ſeveral Daughters.

1. Elizabeth married to Archibald Earl of Argyle and had Iſſue.

2. Marion, to Robert Lord Crichton of Sanquhar n, and had Iſſue.

[260] 3. Janet, to Ninian Lord Roſs of Halkhead a, and had Iſſue.

4. [...] to Sir John Colquhoun of Luſs, and had Iſſue.

Matthew Earl of Lennox, the next of this Illuſtrious Family, was of the Privy Council to King James IV. with whom he loſt his Life at the Battle of Flowdon 9 September 1513, leaving Iſſue by Elizabeth his Wife Daughter of James Lord Hamilton, by the Lady Mary his Wife Daughter of James II. King of Scotland; John thereafter Earl of Lennox.

1. Margaret married to John Lord Fleming b and again to Alexander Douglas of Mains, and had Iſſue.

2. Elizabeth, to Sir Hugh Campbell of Lowdon c, Anceſtor to the Earl of Lowdon.

3. Agnes, to William Edmonſton of Duntreath d, and had Iſſue.

Which John was appointed one of the Lords of the Regency by King James V. Anno 1524, but the Earl of Angus taking upon himſelf the whole Adminiſtration, and detaining the young King upon the Matter a Priſoner, this Earl with diverſe others of the Nobility endeavouring his Majeſty's Enlargement, was ſlain in the Attempt by Sir James Hamilton, at a Conflict near Linlithgow-Bridge, on the 4th of September 1526e. By Anne his Wife, Daughter of John Stewart, Earl of Athole, he had Matthew the next Earl, Robert Biſhop of Caithneſs, thereafter Earl of Lennox, John Lord d' Aubigny, who was Captain of the Scots Gens d' Arms, and Governour of Avignon, of whom deſcended the late Dukes of Lennox; likewiſe a Daughter Helen, married firſt to Andrew Earl of Errol, and thereafter to John Earl of Sutherland.

Matthew Earl of Lennox, like other great Men of that Age betook himſelf to Arms, and ſerved the Crown of France in the Wars of Italy, where his gallant Behaviour procured him a very great Name and Reputation. He was always in very high Eſteem with his own Prince, King James V. for his Father's Sake, after whoſe Death he was ſent over from France, to prevent any Detriment to that Crown by the Minority of the young Queen, but being a frank and open-hearted Perſon, he fell into the Snare laid by Cardinal Beaton Biſhop of St. Andrews for him, and in a little Time loſt the French King's Favour; and when it was come to that Paſs, that he could neither ſtay at Home, nor return to France with Safety, he went into England Anno 1543, and put himſelf under the Protection of Henry VIII. who generouſly received him into his Favour, and gave him his Neice Lady Margaret Douglas in Marriage, and an Eſtate in England, to the Value of Seventeen Hundred Merks Sterling per Annum, as an Equivalent for his own Fortune, which was forfeited in Scotland; and this Agreement the Earl made with that Prince, that he ſhould deliver into his Hands the Caſtle of Dumbartoun, with the Iſle of Bute, and the Caſtle of Rotheſay f, which tho' the Earl reſolutely undertook, yet the Succeſs did not anſwer. He lived at the Court of England till the 1563; he was called Home by Queen Mary, and his Forfeiture repealed by Act of Parliament, after he had been baniſhed from his Country for 20 Years, his Son Henry Lord Darnly ſoon following him, who being a young Nobleman of Illuſtrious Birth, extremely handſome, and of a Temper as well mix'd as his outward Proportions, Queen Mary at firſt Sight became ſo enamour'd of him, that neither the Menaces of Queen Elizabeth, nor any other Conſiderations, could deter her from marrying him, when, to render him the fitter Match for her, ſhe rais'd him to the Dignity of Duke of Albany. After this, when he had not been above Five Months in Scotland, and did not exceed his Nineteenth Year, ſhe married him, and with the Conſent of moſt of the Peers declared him King, [261] of which happy Marriage upon the 19th June 1566, to the perpetual Advantage of all Britain, her Majeſty was delivered of a Son King James VI. Firſt Monarch of Great-Britain.

But tho' the Queen's Love to the Lord Darnly at firſt had been very warm, yet it began ſoon afterwards as much to cool toward him, the Unkindneſs between them being chiefly fomented by one David Rizio an Italian, her Secretary for the French Tongue; which Indignity the King revenged, by entering into the Cabal with thoſe who contrived and and murdered the poor old Man, with Circumſtances that were not at all allowable; and 'tis probable that it was in Reſentment of Rizio's Death, that the Earl of Bothwel and Others, officiouſly as thinking it might gratify the Queen, moſt inhumanly murder'd this lovely Prince, in his own Lodgings as he lay a Bed, on the 9th of Feburuary 1567; tho' Bothwel who was the Murderer did maintain the Queen's Innocency to his laſt Moments: And I think there was no other Ground for believing the Queen to be concerned in that [...]oul Action, but her imprudent marrying that profligate Perſon ſo ſoon thereafter, who, by common Fame, was reputed to be the Murderer of her Husband.

Upon the Death of King Henry, the Earl of Lennox, his Father, proſecuted the Earl of Bothwel as the Regicide, but that Earl's Intereſt at Court ſo over ruled the Jury, that he was formally acquitted of all Suſ [...] cion as well as Action in the Murder, which Lennox was forced to acquieſce in, and from that Time forth he lived in Retirement till the Death of the Earl of Murray the Regent, that he was unanimouſ [...]y choſen Reg [...]nt to the young King James VI. his Grandſon; which great Tru [...] he executed for 13 Months till he was murdered by a Party of the Queen's Friends, on the 4th of September 1571a. He was interred in the Chapel within the Caſtle of Stirling, with this Inſcription on his Tomb,

Lo here a Prince and Potentate,
Whoſe Life to underſtand
Was good, he Juſt and Fortunate,
Though from his Native Land,
His Enemies Thrice did him out-thring,
He Thrice return'd again;
Was lawful Tutor to the King,
And Regent did remain,
While he with Rigor Rebels rackt,
They wrought his fatal End.
Lo this Reſpects the Death, no Might,
When GOD permits the Time.
Yet ſhall the Vengeance on them light
That wrought this curſed Crime.

Mr. George Buchanan his very humble Servant, who had a great Attachment to his Lordſhip and his Family, has left us the following Epitaph on the Regent, in a more polite Strain;

Regis avus, Regis Pater, alto e ſanguine Regum
Imperio quorum terra Britanna ſubeſt,
Matthaeus: genuit Levinia, Gallia fovit,
Pulſo Anglus thalamum, remque decuſque dedit.
Coepi invicta manu, famam virtute refelli,
Arma armis vici, conſilioque dolos.
Gratus in ingratos, patriam juſtèque pièque
Cum regerem, hoſtili perfidia cecidi.
Care nepos, ſpes una domus, meliore ſenectam
Attingas fato, caetera dignus avo.

To Matthew Earl of Lennox ſucceeded Charles his Second Son in his Eſtate and Honour, he took to Wife Elizabeth Daughter of Sir William Cavendiſh, Siſter to the Earl of Devonſhire, by whom he had one Daughter the Lady Arabella Stewart, who was married to William Marquis of Hartford, but had no Iſſue. He died a young Man at London, Anno 1576, where he was interred with this Inſcription over his Grave;Hic ſitus eſt
Carolus Comes Lennoxiae qui duxit filiam Willielmi Cavendiſh Militis, ex qua cum Arabellam unicam filiam ſuſcepiſſe [...], diem obiit Anno aetatis ſuae 21, & Salutis humanae 1576.’

To Charles Earl of Lennox ſucceeded Robert Biſhop of Caithneſs his Uncle. This noble Perſon being at firſt a younger Brother, applied himſelf to Learning, and devoting himſelf to the Service of the Church, entred young into Orders. He was elected Biſhop of Cathneſs Anno 1542b, but taking Part with his Brother the Earl of Lennox, againſt the Earl of Arran the [262] Governour, he was forfeited and lived moſtly in Exile till the 1563; he returned to his Native Country, and concurred in reforming the Church from the Errors of Popery, tho not as a Biſhop, and turned Proteſtant himſelf. He did not long retain the Title of Earl of Lennox, but voluntarly reſigned it in Favours of Eſme Lord d' Aubigny his Great Nephew, and in lieu thereof had the Stile and Title of Earl of March conferred on him by King James VI. his Nephew, together with the Priory of St. Andrews, which he enjoyed till Death took him away on the 29th of Auguſt 1586a, leaving no no other Iſſue than a natural Daughter Margaret, married to Robert Algoe of Eaſter-Walking ſhaw.

When Robert Earl of Lennox reſigned the Earldom, as before mentioned, his Majeſty King James VI. erected it into a Dutchy in Favours of Eſme Lord d' Aubigny his Couſin, Son and Heir of John Lord d' Aubigny, Brother of Matthew Earl of Lennox, who coming over from France Anno 1579, his Majeſty King James embraced his Lordſhip with ſingular Kindneſs, admitted him into his inwardeſt Councils, and made him Duke of Lennox, and Lord High Chamberl [...]in of Scotland, Anno 1580. This extraordinary Favour of his with the King, procured him Envy from many who ſecre [...]ly matter'd that he being a Man moſt devoted to the Romiſh Religion, was ſent from France to ſubvert the true Religion, and that which increaſed the Suſpicion the more, was, that he applied himſelf, and gave Countenance to thoſe who were moſt in the Intereſt of the King's Mother; ſo that William Earl of Gowrie and Others imployed all their Wi [...] [...]o remove him from the King, [...]d thus they went to Work.

The Duke having gone from Perth where the King then lay, to Edinburgh, to exerciſe his Juriſdiction as Chamberlain, Gowrie and Others taking the Opportunity when he was out of the Way, invited the King to Ruthven Caſtle, Gowrie's own Houſe, and there detain'd him againſt his Will, all his faithfulleſt Servants they removed from him, conſtrained him to call Home the Earl of Angus and Others from Baniſhment, and to ſend Lennox back again to France. The Duke being a Man of a very mild Spirit, did for the Publick Quiet's Sake, and at the King's ſeeming Perſwaſion (which they had forced him to uſe with him) return to France, where, he ſoon after contracting Sickneſs, died at Paris 26th May 1583, and at the Point of Death openly profeſſed, as he had done before, the Proteſtant Religion, confuting thereby the Malice of thoſe who had falſly defamed him to be a Papiſt. He was married with Katharine Daughter of William Seigneur d' Antrague; by whom he had

Lodovick Duke of Lennox.

Eſme Lord d' Aubigny.

Lady Henrieta, married to George firſt Marquis of Huntley, of whom his Grace the Duke of Gordon is deſcended.

Lady Mary, 2d Wife to John Earl of Mar, Lord High Treaſurer of Scotland in the Reign of King James VI. of which illuſtrious Marriage the Lineal Heir is David Earl of Buchan.

No ſooner was the Duke of Lennox dead, but King James called over from France Lodovick his Son, and in grateful Remembrance to the Memomory and Merit of his Father, gave him both the Eſtate and Offices that had belonged to his Anceſtors, taking [...] likewiſe to have him educated according to his noble Birth and Fortune, and by Degrees advanced him to Honour and Preſerments, as he grew in Years. He was both High Chamberlain and Admiral of Scotland when his Majeſty ſent him Ambaſſador to France Anno 1601. In which Negotiation he behaved very well, and to his Majeſty's Satisfaction. Upon the King's Acceſſion to the Crown of England, his Grace accompanied his Majeſty [...]o that Realm, [263] where he was likewiſe made a Peer, firſt by the Title of Earl of Newcaſtle, and thereafter raiſed to the Honour of Duke of Richmond, being likewiſe Maſter of the Houſhold, firſt Gentleman of the Bed-chamber, and Knight of the moſt noble Order of the Garter. He married firſt Sophia Daughter of William Earl of Gowrie, next Jean Daughter of Sir Matthew Campbel of Lowdon, and laſt of all Frances Daughter of Thomas Viſcount of Bindon of the Kingdom of England, and dying without Iſſue, 11. February 1623, was interred at Weſtminſter, where a ſtately Tomb was erected to his Memory, with this Epitaph upon it.Depoſitum illuſtriſſimi & excellentiſſimi Princi pis Ludovici Stuarti Eſm [...]i Leviniae Ducis filii, Joannis Propatrui ſereniſſimi Regis Jacobi Nepotis, Richmondiae & Leviniae Ducis, Novi Caſtelli ad Tinam, & Darnliae Comitis &c. Magni Scotiae Camerarii & Thalaſſiarchae Hereditarii, ſacri Palatii Jacobi Regis Seneſ [...]ali, Cubieulariorumque Principalium primi, Regi a ſanctioribus Conciliis, Sanct. Georgiani ordinis equ. Scoticorum, que per Gallias Cataphractorum Praefecti, viri excelſi ad omnia magna & bonanati, ad meliora defuncti: Vixit ann [...]s 49, menſes 4, dies 17.’

To Ludovick Duke of Lennox ſucceeded Eſme Lord d'Aubigny his Brother, who enjoyed the Honour but a ſhort time, his Death happening on the 14th of February 1624, leaving Iſſue by Katharine his Wife Daughter and ſole Heir of Gervaiſe Lord Lightoun of Bromſwold,

1ſt James his Succeſſor in the Honour.

2d George Lord d'Aubigny, who loſt his Life in the King's Service at the Battle of Kennetoun 23. of October 1642, leaving Iſſue by Frances his Wife Daughter of Theophilus Earl of Suffolk, Charles his Son, who was honoured by King Charles I. with the Title of Earl of Lichfield upon the Demiſe of Bernard Earl of Lichfield his Uncle, and a Daughter Katharine married to Henry Lord O'Brian Son and Heir of Henry Earl of Thomond of the Kingdom of Ireland, by whom he had one Daughter Katharine married to Edward Earl of Clarendon.

3d Bernard who had the Command of the King's Troop of Guards in the time of the Civil War, and was ſlain fighting bravely at the Battle of Cheſter 1645, whom the Earl of Clarendon characterizes thus, He was, ſays he, a very faultleſs young Man, of a moſt gentle, courteous and affable Nature, and of a Spirit and Courage invincible; whoſe Loſs, continues he, all Men exceedingly lamented, and the King bore it with extraordinary Grief.

4th Lord John Stewart, who was General of the Horſe in the King's Service in the time of the Civil War, being the third Brother of this illuſtrious Family that ſacrificed their Lives in this Quarrel; for he was killed at the Battle of Alresford, little more than one and twenty Years of Age, whoſe Courage was ſo ſignal that Day, that too much, ſays an Hiſtorian of that Time, could not be expected from it if he had out-lived it, and he was ſo generally beloved, that he could not but be very generally lamented.

Lady Elizabeth his eldeſt Daughter was married to Thomas Howard Earl of Arundel.

Lady Anne to Archibald Lord Angus, Son and Heir to William firſt Marquis of Douglas.

Lady Frances to Jerome Westoun Earl of Portland.

James Duke of Lennox, as he was of the nobleſt Extraction, ſo his Majeſty King Charles I. took great care of his Education, and ſent him to France, Italy and Spain, where he was created a Grandee of that Kingdoma, and as ſoon as he returned, tho' he was ſcarce one and twenty Years of Age, made him a Privy Councellor: And as he had many great Offices by Inheritance, ſo his Majeſty, out of his abundant Kindneſs to him, made him Maſter of the Houſhold, Lord Warden of the Cinque-Ports, and Knight of the moſt noble Order of the Garter.

When the War began in 1642 he [264] adhered to the King's Intereſt with ſignal Fidelity and Affection, and made ſo entire a Reſignation of himſelf to his Majeſty, that he abhorred all Artifices to ſhelter himſelf from the Pejudice of thoſe, who, how powerful ſoever, failed in their Duty to the King, and therefore he was purſued with all imaginable Malice by them, as one that would have no Quarter; and as he had received great Bounties from the King, ſo he ſacrificed all he had to his Service, as ſoon as his Occaſions ſtood in need of it, and he lived with unſpotted Fidelity ſome Years after the Murder of his Maſter, and was ſuffered by thoſe that then governed to pay that laſt Duty to him of putting him into his Grave, and died without the Comfort of ſeeing the Reſtauration of the Crown on the 30. of March 1655a. By Mary Daughter of George Duke of Buckingham his Wife, he had Eſme who ſucceeded him, and died in his Minority Anno 1660, and a Daughter Mary married to Richard Butler Earl of Arran of the Kingdom of Ireland.

To Eſme Duke of Lennox ſucceeded Charles of Earl of Lichfield his Couſin German, who being ſent Ambaſſador extraordinary from King Charles II. to the Crown of Denmark, his Grace died at Elſenure in that Kingdom 21. December 1672b, leaving no Iſſue of Farnces his Wife Daughter of Walter Stewart Eſq Son of Walter Lord Blantyre, ſo that the Honour of this princely Family became extinct, and his great Fortune and Hereditary Offices came to King Charles II. as his neareſt Heir Male, the King's Great Grand-father's Father and the Duke's being two Brothers.

But his Majeſty conſidering with what Luſtre and Glory the Houſe of Lennox had ſhone in former Times, and that while the Dignity was in his Majeſty's own Royal Perſon, it was ſuppreſſed in the Crown; wherefore, that the Honour might be again revived, and his Majeſty having beſtowed the Eſtate of Lennox upon the Lord Charles Lennox one of his Natural Sons, whom he ſo ſirnamed by Loviſa de Querovale Dutcheſs of Portſmouth, was pleaſed to create him Duke of Lennox, Earl of Darnly, Lord Torboltoun, 9th of September 1675, and to the Heirs Male lawfully deſcending of his Bodyc. Likewiſe by other Letters Patent paſſed in England, Auguſt 9, 27 of King Charles II. he was created Baron of Sitiringtoun, Earl of March, and Duke of Richmond, and on the 20th of April 1681, was inſtalled Knight of the Garter.

Upon the Removal of the Duke of Monmouth, he was made Maſter of the Horſe to the King, in which Office he continued till his Father's Death, Anno 1685. He married Anne Daughter of Frances Lord Brundnell, by whom he had Charles Earl of Darnly his Son and Heir, Lady Loviſa married to James Earl of Berkly, and Lady Anne Lennox.

LESLY, Earl of Leven.

SIR Alexander Leſly firſt Earl of Leven, was the Son of Captain George Leſly, extracted from the Houſe of Balquhain in the County of Aberdeen, one of the moſt illuſtrious Families of the Leſlies d. Being a younger Brother he entred early into the Life and Condition of a Souldier, upon that Stage, where ſome of all Europe then acted, between the Spainard and the Dutch, in the Lord Vere's Regiment in Holland, where he attained the Reputation of a very good Officer in the Quality of a Captain, to which he attained after few Years Service.

After which he went to Sweden [265] and entered into the Service of the greateſt General of that Age, Guſtavus Adolphus King of Sweden againſt the Imperialiſts, where he performed ſuch great Actions as procured him a general Eſtimation, and thereby gained ſo much Honour, that the King promoted him to be Lieutenant General and then Velt Marſhal of his Armies, with general Approbation, as a Perſon who well deſerved the Preferment. Yea, that King had ſo great an Opinion of Sir Alexander Leſly, that in the 1628, when the Emperor had reduced all Germany except Stralſ [...]nd, which was then inveſted by Count Walſtein, the Citizens having a Jealouſy of their Governor, at the deſire of ſome of the German Princes, made application to the King of Sweden, to ſend them an Officer to command in that Place, which he willingly granted, and pitched upon Sir Alexander Leſly, as a Perſon fit for that Station, and he acquitted himſelf with ſo much Conduct and Gallantry, that tho' the Plague was in the City, the out-Works in a very ill condition, and Count Walſtein the Imperial General before it with a formidable and victorious Army, he obliged him to raiſe the Siege with conſiderable loſs; tho' 'tis reported the Count was ſo confident of Succeſs, that he ſwore: Tho' Stralſund were hung in Chains, betwixt Heaven and Earth he would have it; and General Leſly's behaviour was ſo agreeable to the Burghers, that they made him a rich Preſent in Gold, and ſtruck ſeveral glorious Medals upon that Occaſion, ſome of which they preſented him witha.

In the 1630, General Leſly was ſent by the King of Sweden, to make an Attack upon the Iſle of Rugen, in order to drive the Imperialiſts out of it; which he effected: And his Conduct and Bravery on this occaſion was ſo very remarkable, that it drew upon him the greateſt Encomiums both from Friends and Enemies that could be deviſed, by which means he opened a Way for the King of Sweden's marching into Germany.

General Leſly continued in the Swediſh Service, after the Death of King Guſtavus, under his Daughter Queen Chriſtiana, till the Year 1638, that the Troubles began in Scotland, he returned to his Native Country, upon an Invitation from the diſaffected Nobility, and as ſoon as the Covenanters began to liſt Men toward the raiſing an Army under the Obligation of the Covenant, he was choſen to be their General, to which he was by all Men held very equal, having had good Experience of the moſt active Armies of that time, and a Courage very notorious: But that Enterprize ending without any Action, by reaſon of a Pacification, which was then agreed to; the General had no Opportunity to ſignalize himſelf at that time: But the Peace being of a ſhort Duration, and a new War breaking out the next Year, Sir Alexander Leſly was again conſtituted General of the Scots Army, which entred England in August 1640, who, having routed a Party under the Lord Conway at Newburn, took Poſſeſſion of Newcaſtle, where they kept their head Quarter. Soon after which a Ceſſation was agreed to, and a Treaty appointed at Rippon, and afterward carried to London, where a Peace was happily concluded. The particular Articles whereof were ratified by his Majeſty in the Parliament 1641, at the Concluſion of which General Leſly was created Earl of Leven.

The Iriſh Rebellion breaking out at this time, his Lordſhip was appointed General of the Scots Forces that were raiſed and tranſported into that Kingdom upon the Charge of England, for ſuppreſſing the Rebellion there; in which Service he continued till the 1643, he was called over by the Parliament to form and command the Scots Army that was ſent into England, to aſſiſt the Parliament againſt the King, by whoſe help the [266] Paliament's Forces obtained their great Victory at Marſton-Moor 16. July 1644, where a noble and judicious Memoiriſt of the Engliſh Nation, I mean the Lord Hollis, does General Leſly the Honour, as well as the Juſtice, to ackowledge that his Lordſhip, who commanded the Scots Horſe, and his Country-man Major General Crawford, who was Major General to the Earl of Mancheſter's Brigade, were the Perſons who did the principal Service that Day, quite contrary to what another celebrated Hiſtorian of the ſame Nation ſays of the General's Conduct in the Battle: Only it is to be obſerved, that that Author's Account of this Affair is wrote with ſo much Rancor and Prejudice, and with ſuch Circumſtances of Inconſiſtency, that the manner of the Narrative takes off much of the Credit of what he wrote in that Matter.

In the Year 1648, when the Eſtates of Scotland raiſed an Army for the Relief of King Charles, when he was made a Priſoner in the Iſle of Wight, General Leſly ſo well preſerved his Reputation with thoſe of his own Country, who wedded the King's Intereſt moſt, that he had the Command of the Army offered him; but he thought fit to decline it upon Account of his Age and Infirmities: which was happy for him conſidering the unfortunate Iſſue of it.

After the Murder of the King, his Lordſhip appeared mighty earneſt and forwad for reſtoring of King Charles II. and the Re-eſtabliſhment of our Old Conſtitution, and frankly entred into thoſe Deſigns and Meaſures that were ſet on foot for the raiſing an Army for his Majeſty's Service, and was at the Battle of Dumb [...]r in Perſon, in the Quality of a Volunteer. After the Defeat of the Scots Army there, and when another Deſign was ſet on foot, for raiſing an Army to march with the King into England, no Body appeared more forward in that Service than his Lordſhip; but while General Monk lay before Dundee, the old General, with ſeveral other Noblemen, having appointed a Meeting at Eliot in Angus, to conſult of Means to relieve the Town, and other Matters concerning the War, of which Monk having got Advertiſement, ſent a ſtrong Party of Horſe and Dragoons, commanded by Colonel Morgan, to ſurpriſe them: Which he did in the Night, and the old General and the Principals of them being taken, were ſent to London, and committed Priſoners to the Tower. And notwithſtanding all the Services he had done the Engliſh Parliament, his Lordſhip did not receive the leaſt Favour from them, nor from Cromwel; but underwent Sequeſtration, and all other Severities the moſt loyal of his Country-men ſuffered: But the Crown of Sweden having entred into an Alliance with the Parliament of England, her Swediſh Majeſty, calling to Remembrance the great Services performed by General Leſly to the Crown of Sweden, was pleaſed to interpoſe by her Reſident then at London for his Liberation; which being obtained, his Lordſhip was ſo ſenſible of the Honour that Princeſs had done him, that to ſhew his Gratitude for ſo ſingular a Favour, he went over in Perſon to Sweden, to return her Majeſty his humble and hearty Thanks. At which Court his Lordſhip was treated with all the Civility and Reſpect due to his Quality and Merit, and returning thence to his Native Country, lived moſtly at his Seat of Balgony in a voluntary Retirement, till Death put a Period to his Life, ſome time of the Year 1662, leaving Iſſue by Agnes his Wife, Daughter of — Renton of Billy, Alexander Lord Balgony, likewiſe five Daughters.

1. Anne married to Hugh Maſter of Lovat, Son and Heir of Hugh Lord Lovat, and again to Sir Ralph de la Vall, and had Iſſue.

2. Margaret to Sir James Crichton of [267] Frendraught 1ſt Viſcount of Frendraught.

3 Mary to William Lord Cranſtoun.

4. Barbara to Sir John Ruthven of Dunglaſs.

5. Chriſtian to Walter Dundas junior of that Ilk.

Alexander Lord Balgony addicting himſelf to a military Life, was a Collonel in the Scots auxiliary Troops that went over to Ireland in the Year 1642, under the Command of General Leſly his Father, Death preventing his riſing to other Preferments in the very Bloſſom of his Youth, to the Regrate of his noble Relations, leaving Iſſue by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of John Earl of Rothes, a Son Alexander, who ſucceeded his Grandfather in the Honour, and a Daughter Catharine, married to George 1ſt Earl of Melvil.

Which Alexander, ſecond Earl of Leven, married Margaret, Daughter of Sir William Howard, Siſter to Charles 1ſt Earl of Carliſle a, and dying without Iſſue Male of his Body, Anno 1663, his Eſtate and Honour devolved on Margaret his eldeſt Daughter, who married Mr. Montgomery, a Brother of the Earl of Eglington's, and ſhe dying Anno 1674, the Honour came to Catharine Counteſs of Leven her Siſter, and this Lady dying a Maiden, the Eſtate & Title fell, by Reaſon of an Entail, to David Melvil Eſquire her Couſin-german, at that Time ſecond Son of George Lord Melvil.

Which David, in Imitation of his Anceſtors on the maternal Side, dedicated himſelf from his Youth to the Profeſſion of Arms, and tranſporting himſelf Abroad Anno 1585, entred into the Service of the Duke of Brandeburgh, where his Lordſhip firſt ſerved in the Quality of a Captain of Horſe, and then was made Collonel of a Regiment of Foot by his Electoral Highneſs, which he brought over with the Prince of Orange in his Expedition into Great Britain Anno 1688. Upon that Prince's Acceſſion to the Crown, my Lord Leven was ſworn of the Privy Council, and made Conſtable and Governor of Edinburgh Caſtle, on the 4th of July 1689b. His Majeſty King William repoſing great Truſt and Confidence in his Lordſhip's Affection to his Service, was pleaſed to join him in Commiſſion with Major General Mackay, and Major General Sir George Monro, to model the Forces in this Kingdom, which were to be employed in the Reduction of the Highlands; and accordingly his Lordſhip was preſent at the Head of his Regiment in the Action at Gillycranky on the 27th of July 1689, where his Courage and Conduct was very ſignal and brave. Alſo in 1692 he carried over his Regiment to Flanders, where he continued during the Campaign. His Lordſhip continued Governor of Edinburgh Caſtle, till, after the Death of King William, he was removed from that Station, the Earl of March being put in his Room: But upon another Turn at Court his Lordſhip quickly recovered ſo much Favour, that her Majeſty Queen Anne was pleaſed on the 1ſt of January 1703 to make him Major General of the Forces in Scotland, and in little more than a Year thereafter reinſtalled him in the Government of the Caſtle of Edinburgh, & ſoon thereafter appointed him General of the Ordnance, and without parting with any of his other Employments, on the 2d of March 1706 he was conſtituted Lieutenant General and Commander in chief of all her Majeſty's Forces in this Kingdom: All which Stations his Lordſhip held till the 1712, when he was removed from all publick Employments. He married Anne Daughter of Margaret Counteſs of Weems, by whom he had George Lord Balgony and Raith, Alexander Leſly Eſquire, and a Daughter Mary, married to William Lord Haddo, at that Time Son and Heir apparent of George 1ſt Earl of Aberdeen.



Quarterly 1ſt and 4th. Azure, a Thiſtle proper, Enſign'd with an Imperial Croun, Or, 2d and 3d Argent, on a Bend Azure, Three Buckles, Or. Supporters two Chevaliers carrying the Banner of Scotland. Creſt a Chevalier. Motto, Pro Rege & Patria.

KER. Marquis of Lothian,

IS deſcended of Mark Ker Son of Sir Walter Ker of Cesford by Agnes his Wife, Daughter of Robert Lord Crichton of Sanquhar a, who being the younger Son of his Father, was educated in the Schools of Learning, with a Proſpect of engaging in the Service of the Church; and entring into Orders, he was at length, after having paſſed through ſome inferior Station in the Church, promoted to be Abbot of Newbottle anno 1546. In which Function he continued till the bleſſed Turn of the Reformation, in the Year of our Lord 1560: He was one of the few of the dignified Clergy who renounced Popery, and with it all the Errors and Idolatry of the Romiſh Church, by which means he held his Benefice in Commendam till the time of his Death anno 1582. By Grizel his Wife, Daughter of George Earl of Rothes, he had three Sons and a Daughter, viz. Mark thereafter Earl of Lothian, Andrew Ker of Fentoun b, Mr. George Ker, and Katharine married to William Maxwel Lord Harries.

Which Mark was by the Care of his Father, who himſelf had been a Judge in the Seſſion, bred up in the ſtudy of the Law, in which he made a notable progreſs, inſomuch as he was made a Lord of the Seſſion anno 1582c, tho then but a very young Man, and thereafter conſtituted Maſter of Requeſts to King James VI.d, by whoſe Bounty he had a Grant of the Lands of the Abbacy of Newbottle by Letters Patent October 15th 1591, then erected into a Temporal Lordſhipe, and thereafter was by his Majeſty's Favour, dignified with the Honour of Earl of L [...]thian on the 10 of July 1606f; and departing this Life in the Month of April 1609g, he left Iſſue by Margaret his Wi [...]e, Daughter of John Lord Harries, Robert his Succeſſor, Sir William Ker of Blackhope, Sir Mark Ker; likewiſe Seven Daughters.

1ſt. Jean married to Robert Maſter of Boyd, and next to David Earl of Crawfurd.

2d. Janet to William Earl of Glencairn.

3d. Margaret to John Lord Yeſter, and afterward to Andrew Maſter of Jedburgh.

4th. Iſabel to William 1ſt Earl of Queensberry.

5th. Lilias to John Lord Borthwick.

6th. Mary to Sir James Richardſon of Smeatoun.

7th. Elizabeth to Sir Alexander Hamiltoun of Innerweek.

Which Robert married Annabella, Daughter of Archbald Earl of Argyle, but having no Male Iſſue of his Body, with his Majeſty's approbation, he made over his Eſtate and Honour to Anne his eldeſt Daughter, and the Heirs of her Body; to which ſhe accordingly ſucceeded on the Death of her Father, which happened July 15 1624h. This Counteſs married Sir William Ker, Son to Sir Robert Ker, thereafter Earl of Ancrum, his Majeſty King Charles I. conferring the ſame Honour upon him. When the Troubles began in 1638, his Lordſhip appeared very zealous for the Liberty and Property of the Subject againſt the inchroachments the Court [269] was then thought to intend upon the Conſtitution, and after the taking of the Covenant, he carried the Proſecution of the ends of it as high as any, tho he bore no publick Character in the State till the 1648, that the Parliament, or that Remains of the Convention of Eſtates who called themſelves ſo, had declared the Engagement for the Relief of the King unlawful, and the Aſſembly of the Church joining with them, had excommunicated all who had the moſt eminent Parts in the promoting of it, and made them incapable of bearing any Office in the State: By which Judgment the Earl of Lanerk being deprived of the Secretary's Office, it was by the governing Party that then prevailed, conferred on the Earl of Lothian anno 1649; ſoon after which he was ſent from Scotland to the Parliament of England, as ſoon as it was known they intended to proceed againſt his Majeſty before the high Court of Juſtice, to take away his Lifea, when he did in the name of the Parliament and Kingdom of Scotland, declare their Diſſent from the ſaid Proceedings, and that it might be manifeſt to the World, how much they did abominate and deteſt ſo horrid a Deſign, he did proteſt that as they were altogether free from the ſame, ſo they might be free from all the Miſeries and evil Conſequences that might follow thereupon. After the Murder of the King, he contributed his hearty Endeavours to bring King Charles the II. to the Exerciſe of his Royal Power in Scotland, in which as one of the Commiſſioners from the Parliament at the Treaty of Breda anno 1650, he had been very inſtrumental. By Anne Counteſs of Lothian his Wife, he had Robert his Succeſſor, Sir William who was made Director of the Chancery upon the Reſtauration of the King anno 1661, Charles Ker of Abbots-rule; likewiſe ſeven Daughters.

Anne married to Alexander Maſter of Saltoun.

Elizabeth to John Lord Borthwick.

Mary to James Brody of that Ilk.

Margaret to Sir James Richardſon of Smeat [...]un.

Vere to Lord Niel Campbel, Son to the Marquis of Argyle.

Henrietta to Sir Francis Scot of Thir [...]ſtane.

Lady Lilias Ker.

Which Robert was, upon the firſt eſtabliſhing of the Government under King William, named of the Privy Council, and conſtituted Lord Juſtice General of Scotland, and thereafter by the Favour of his ſaid Majeſty, his Lordſhip was raiſed to the honour of Marquis of Lothian, by Letters Patent 23 June 1701, and departing this Life 16 Frebruary 1703, he left Iſſue by Jean his Wife, Daughter of Archibald Marquis of Argyle, William the preſent Marquis of Lothian, Lord Charles Ker Director of the Chancery, Lord John and Lord Mark both Brigadiers, and Collonels in the Army, and a Daughter Mary married to James Marquis of Douglas.

Which William being one of the Lords of the Privy Council in the Reign of Queen Anne, and a Collonel of Dragoons, was by her Majeſty's ſpecial Favour elected a Knight of the moſt Noble Order of the Thiſtle, into which he was inveſted in November 1705. He married Jean Daughter of Archibald Earl of Argyle, by whom he had William Lord Jedburgh, likewiſe four Daughters; Jean married to William Lord Cranſtoun, Anne to Alexander Earl of Hume, Elizabeth to George Maſter of Roſs, at that time Son and Heir apparent to William Lord Roſs, and Lady Mary.

William, Lord Jedburgh, married Margaret Daughter of Sir Thomas Nicolſon, by whom he has Lord William his Son and apparent Heir.


Quarterly 1ſt and 4th Azur, the Sun in his Splendor Or, 2d and 3d Gules on a Cheveron Argent, three Moletts of the firſt. Supported on the dexter by a Cherub and on the Siniſter by a Hart proper. Creſt, the Sun in his Splendor. Motto, Sero ſed Serio.

FRASER Lord Lovat.


THe Sirname of Fraſer is upon Record as ancient as the Time of King Malcolm IV. that Adam Fraſer, filius Udardi filii Kelvert, gave in pure and perpetual Alms to the Convent of Newbottle ſundry Lands in tenemento de Southale proſalute animae ſuae. In the Reign of King Alexander III. Gilbert Fraſer the Head of the Family was Vicecomes de Travoquair, as is manifeſt from his Donations to the Monks of Newbottle; and it appears the Fraſers were even then extended into divers Branches; for Bernard Fraſer is Sheriff of Stirling in that Reign, and another William was Lord high Chancellor of Scotland: It likewiſe appears that Sir Gilbert was ſucceeded by Sir Andrew his Son, and he by Sir Simon, who is the Loyal and eminent Patriot mentioned in the Hiſtory of King Robert I. who dying without Male Iſſue, his Eſtate, together with the Sheriffship of Tweddale went to his two Heirs Female, the one married to Sir Gilbert Hay of Locherwart, Anceſtor to the Marquis of Tweddale, and the other to Sir Malcolm Fleming Predeceſſor to the Earl of Wigtoun, for which Cauſe theſe two noble Families carry the Coat of Fraſer in their Atchievement even to this Time.

Sir Alexander Fraſer, called Brother to Sir Simon, was one of thoſe worthy Men who ſtrenuouſly adhered to the Intereſt of Robert de Bruce againſt the Baliol and all his Adherents and Abettors; for which, after the Acceſſion of that Prince to the Crown, he had a Grant de omnibus terris ſuis de Strachachy [...], de E [...]ly, Balbrochy, & de Achincrosks a, dicto Alex. & heredibus ſuis de nobis & heredibus noſtris in feudo & hereditate per omnes rectas metas & diviſas ſuas in unam liberam baron [...]am faciendo nobis & heredibus noſtris dictis Alex. & heredes ſui forinſicum ſervitium quantum pertinet ad baroniam praedictam. In cujus rei teſtimonium praeſenti cartae noſtrae ſigillum noſtrum praecepimus apponi apud Air, primo die Novembris, anno Regni noſtri decimo. 1316.

This Sir Alexander being highly in Favour with King Robert, was in the 20th of his Reign conſtituted Lord high Chamberlain of Scotland, which Office, the greateſt then in the Kingdom, he exerciſed till the Death of the King. He married the Lady Mary Bruce Siſter to King Robert I. Widow of Sir Neil Campbel of Lochow, Anceſtor to the Duke of Argyle, by whom he had ſeveral Sons, John, and Alexander, who thereafter obtained the Thanedom of Dores from King David Bruce, and was the Root of that ancient Family of the Fraſers: But Sir John, the elder of the Brothers, dying without Male Iſſue, the Baronies of Strachachyn, Fettereſſo, Dalpercy, &c. fell to the Share of Margaret his Daughter, who became the Wife of Sir William Keith Mariſhall of Scotland. By her he had Sir John Keith his Son and Heir apparent, who married . . . . . Daughter to King Robert II. by whom he had a Son Robert, whoſe only Daughter and ſole Heir, was married to Alexander the 1ſt Earl of Huntley, with whom he got the Baronies of Aboyne, Glentanner, Glenmuck, Sachin, and Touch; by Reaſon whereof he aſſumed [271] the Coat of Fraſer into his own, which is ſtill bore by his Succeſſor the Duke of Gordon in his Grace's Atchievement.

But to return to Sir Alexander Fraſer the younger Son of Sir Alexander the Chamberlain; this noble Perſon treading in the Steps of his loyal Father, faithfully ſerved King David II. and it could not well chooſe to be otherwiſe, conſidering the Nearneſs of his Alliance to the Crown, in Conſideration whereof he obtained, no doubt, in Reward of his Loyalty and Merit, as well as his near Relation in Blood to that King, a Grant of the Thanedom of Dores, by his Royal Charter under the great Seala.

David, Dei gratia, Rex Scotorum, omnibus probis hominibus totius terrae ſuae, ſalutem. Sciatis nos dediſse, & hac praeſenti charta noſtra confirmaſſe dilecto canſanguineo noſtro Alexandro Fraſer, omnes & ſingulas terras noſtras Thanagii de Duirys cum pertinen. infra vicecomitat. de Kyncardyn tenend. & habend. eidem Alex. & haeredibus ſuis de nobis & haeredibus noſtris in feudo & hereditate in unam integram liberam Baroniam per omnes rectas metas & diviſas ſuas, in boſcis & planis, in pratis & paſturis, in moris, mareſiis, viis, ſemitis, aquis, ſtagnis, molendinis, mulcturis, & eorum ſequelis, aucupationibus, venationibus, & piſcariis, cum forca & foſſa, ſacca & ſacco, cum thol & theme, & cum omnibus aliis & ſingulis libertatibus, commoditatibus, ayſiamentis, & juſtis pertinen. ſuis quibuſcunque ad dictas terras ſpectantibus, libere, quiete, integre, & in pace; faciendo inde annuatim tres ſectas ad tria placita noſtra capitalia vicecomitat. de Kyncardyn, ac ſervitium unius archietenentis ad exercitum noſtrum pro omni alio ſervitio quae de dictis terris aliquo tempore exigi poterint ſeu requiri. In cujus rei teſtimonium praeſenti chartae ſigillum noſtrum praec [...]pimus apponi, apud Edinburgh quarto die menſis Septembris, Anno Regni noſtri quadrageſimo 1369.

From this Sir Alexander Fraſer is Sir Peter Fraſer of Dores Baronet deſcended in a lineal Courſe of Succeſſion, as appears from his Writings, which proves the Family beyond Diſpute to be one of the moſt ancient and beſt extracted Families in the County of Kincardin, where it hath ſtill remained, and, except for a ſhort Interval, ſtill continues with Luſtre. A more particular Account of which may be deduced in the ſubſequent part of this Work, whereby it will appear to be very honourable, as well conſidered in it ſelf, as in its illuſtrious Alliances and Branches.

The Family of Lovat, which this Title leads me more particularly to treat of, as it is one of the beſt extracted, ſo it is one of the moſt noble and moſt numerous of all the Fraſers. They are derived from Sir Simon Fraſer Son of Sir Alexander Fraſer, and Nephew to King Robert I. who obtained the Barony of Lovat, and other fair Poſſeſſions in the northern Parts, by Marriage of the Heir Female of the Biſsets, in the latter end of King David II. whoſe Arms he thereupon took into his own, and which is ſtill bore by his Deſcendants. The Wealth and Reputation of the Lovat Family was not a little advanced thereafter by the marrying of a Lady of the Fentouns, whom Hugh Fraſer of Lovat took to Wife in the Reign of King James I.b ſince which time they have been accounted among the Number of the greater Barons, who were called Lords of Parliament. He left a Son, Hugh Baron of Lovat, who married Janet, Daughter of Thomas Dunbar Earl of Murray by whom he had Thomas [272] his Son and Heir, and a Daughter Agnes married to Kenneth Mackenzie of Kintail.

Which Thomas made no ſmall Figure in the Northern Parts under James IV. whoſe Juſticiar he was. He married firſt Janet, Daughter of Sir Alexander Gordon of Midmar, and Niece to the Earl of Huntley: By her he had Thomas his eldeſt Son, who was ſlain at the Battle of Flowdon a, and Hugh his Succeſſor in the Honour; ſecondly Janet Daughter to the Lord Gray, by whom he had James Fraſer of Kinkel, and Janet Wife of John Crichton of Ruthven. This Lord dying very aged, Anno 1530, was ſucceeded by Hugh his Son, who married firſt Katharine, Daughter of John Grant of Freuchie, by whom he had Simon Maſter of Lovat, next Janet Daughter of Walter Roſs of Balnagown, b who bore him Alexander his Son and Heir, and a Daughter Agnes married to William Mackleod of Dunwegan. This Lord entred into a fatal Quarrel with the Mackraynolds, which coſt him dear; for in a Conflict with that other Clan at Lochrochty in Roſs-Shire on the 2d of June 1544, both he and his eldeſt Son loſt their Livesc, beſides a great many other Gentlemen of the Fraſers, to the Number, ſay they, of eighty.

To Hugh Lord Lovat ſucceeded Alexander his Son, who dying Anno 1558d, left Iſſue by Jean his Wife, Daughter of Sir John Campbel Thane of Calder, Niece to the Earl of Argyle, two Sons, Hugh his Succeſſor, and Thomas firſt of that Branch of the Fraſers of Strichen e, which Hugh at the Diſſolution of the Church Lands in the Time of the Reformation acquired the Lands and Tithes of the Priory of Beuly from the Abbot of that Convent, whereby he increaſed the Wealth and Dependency of his Family. He married Elizabeth Daughter of John Earl of Athole, and giving way to Fate on the 1ſt Day of January 1576f left a Son Simon to ſucceed him in the Honour, who took to Wife firſt Margaret Daughter of Colin Mackenzie of Kintail, Anceſtor to the Earl of Seafort, by whom he had Hugh his Succeſſor, and after her Death, Jean Daughter of James Stewart Lord Doun: By her he had two Sons and a Daughter, viz. Sir Simon Fraſer of Inerallachy, Sir James Fraſer of Brae, Margaret married firſt to Sir Robert Arbuth [...]t of that Ilk; 2dly, to Sir John Haldane of Gleneagles. This noble Lord made his Exit out of this World on the 3d of April, 1633g. Hugh his Son ſucceeding him in his Eſtate and Title, he married Iſabel Daughter of Sir John Weems of that Ilk, Anceſtor to the Earl of Weems, by whom he had Hugh Maſter of Lovat, who died in the Lifetime of his Father, and Thomas Fraſer of Beaufort; alſo three Daughters, Anne married to John Earl of Sutherland, Mary to David Roſs of Balnagown, Katharine to Robert firſt Viſcount of Arbuthnot, and thereafter to Andrew Lord Fraſer.

Here 'tis proper to take Notice that Hugh Maſter of Lovat in his Father's Time married Anne Daughter of Alexander 1ſt Earl of Leven, and dying in the Bloſſom of his Days in the Month of May 1643h, left a Son Hugh who ſucceeded his Grandfather in his Eſtate and Honour, upon his Death, which happened February 16th 1646i. Which Hugh married Anne Daughter of Sir John Mackenzie of Tarbat, by whom he had a Son Hugh and three Daughters, Anne married to Patrick Lord Kinnaird, Iſabel to Alexander Mackdonald of Glengary, Margaret to Collonel Andrew Monro, and departing this Life upon the 27th of April 1672k, was ſucceeded by Hugh his Son, who married Aemilia Daughter of John Marquis of Athole; but having no male Iſſue, and his Eſtate being by his Marriage-Articles provided to his Heirs what ſomeover, [273] and conſidering that the Title of Honour, in default of Heirs-Male of his Body, was to deſcend to Captain Simon Fraſer of Beaufort his firſt Couſin, and that little would have accompanied the Dignity after his Death, his Lordſhip for theſe Reaſons reſigned the Honour in the King's hand, who was pleaſed to confer it again upon himſelf, and to his Daughters in caſe of Failure of his Heirs Male, and dying anno 1696, left behind him four Daughters, 1ſt. Aemilia Baroneſs of Lovat, who married Alexander Macke [...]zie of Preſtonhall, who changed his Name to Fraſer, and has a Son Hugh Maſter of Lovat. 2d. Anne married to Norman Mackleod of that Ilk, next to Peter Fotheringham of Powrie. 3d. Katharine to William Murray then Son and Heir apparent to Sir Patrick Murray of Auchtertyre. 4th. Margaret.


Quarterly 1ſt and 4th Azure, three Frazes Argent; 2d and 3d Gules, three antick Crowns, Or. Supporters two Bucks ſejant in the middle of a Buſh of Holin. Creſt, a Buck's Head eraſed proper. Motto, I am ready.

STEWART, Lord Lorn & Innermeath.

OF the illuſtrious Family of Darnly the Stewarts of Lorn were a Branch, which took Beginning in the Reign of King Robert I. Sir Alexander Stewart their Anceſtor then obtaining from that Prince a Grant of the Lands of Garmeltoun and Dunning in Perth-Shirea. Sir Robert Stewart of Innermeath was his Succeſſor; he is one of the Barons who recogniſed the Earl of Carrick's Right to the Crown anno 1374. And dying anno 1386 left Iſſue John Stewart of Innermeath and Lorn, and Robert Stewart of Durisdier, of whom were the later Stewarts of Roſſyth b, which John was frequently imployed in Negotiations of Peace with the Engliſh, in the Beginning of the Duke of Albany's Governmentc. By . . . his Wife, Daughter of Robert Duke of Albany d, he had Robert his Succeſſor, Sir James Stewart called The Black Knight of Lorn, and a Daughter Chriſtian married to James Dundas of that Ilk. Which Robert Stewart, deſigned Lord of Lorn, was one of the Commiſſioners appointed to treat with the Engliſh about the Redemption of King James I. and thereafter one of the Hoſtages for the Ranſome. Likeas he was in the 1436 named by the Parliament one of the Judges who were to hear and report all Cauſes and Controverſies which were to be moved and inſiſted on during that Seſſionf. He left a Son John to ſucceed him in the Title of Lord Lorn, who dying without Iſſue Male anno 1469, left three Daughters Co-heirs to him, Iſabel married to Colin 1ſt Earl of Argyle, Margaret to Sir Colin Campbel of Ottar.

However the Title of Lord Lorn was not diſcontinued, but fell to Walter Stewart his neareſt Heir upon the Male-Line, who reſigned the Title of Lord Lorn together with all Right he had to the Lordſhip of Lorn, to Colin Earl of Argyle in Exchange for the Earl's Lands of Innermeath, of which he obliged himſelf to procure him the Title of Lord from King James III. and which he actually did performg. From which Walter, in a direct Line in the fifth Deſcent, was John Lord Innermeath, who by the ſpecial Favour of King James VI. was raiſed to the Honour and Title of Earl of Athole, by Letters Patent on the 6th of March 1596, upon the Demiſe of John 5th of that line, Earl of Athole h. This Earl [274] married firſt Margaret Daughter of Sir David Lindſay of Edzle, who was Farl of Crawfurd, by whom he had James his Son and Heir, and a Daughter Margaret married to Sir James Stewart of Balliechin, next to Sir Robert C [...]ichton of Cluny. 2dly, Mary Daughter of William Earl of Gowrie Widow of John the former Earl of Athole, and dying anno 16 [...]5, James his Son ſucceeded him in the Honour, and married Mary ſecond Daughter of John 5th Earl of Athole, but having no Iſſue, he reſigned the Earldom of Athole in Favours of William Maſter of Tillibardin, and Dame Dorothea Stewart Miſtreſs of Tillibardin his Siſter-in-lawa, on the 17 [...]h of October 1612.

LESLY, Lord Lindores.

PAtrick Leſly Commendator of Lindores Abbey, Son of Andrew Earl of Rothes, had by the Bounty of King James VI. the ſaid Abbacy erected into a Temporal Lordſhip to him on the 25th December 1600b. He married Jean Daughter of Robert Earl of Orkney c, by whom he had James his Son and Heir, Collonel Lodovick Leſly, and Lieutenant General David Leſly 1ſt Lord Newark; alſo ſeveral Daughters, Margaret married to John Lord Maderty, ELizabeth to Sir William Sinclair of May, . . . . to George Leſly of that Ilk, Mary to David Barclay of Colearny.

Which James married Mary Daughter of Patrick Lord Gray, by whom he had John his Succeſſor in the Honour. 2dly . . . Daughter of . . . York Eſq by whom he had a Daughter Mary married firſt to John Stewart of Innernity, and again to John Bruce of Blairhall.

John Lord Lindores married Marion Daughter of James Earl of Airly, and dying anno 1706, left David his Son and Heir, who married Margaret Daughter of Archibald Stewart of Dune [...]n, Niece to the Earl of Murray.

LIVINGSTON, Earl of Lithgow.

IT is clear from the Records of Holy-rood-houſe Abbey, that in the Time of King David I. one Livingius was then poſſeſſed of that Barony in Weſt-Lothian, which he called Livingſtoun from his own Name, according to the Cuſtom of that Age, for he makes a Donation to the Monks of the Holy-Croſs at Edinburgh, de Eccleſia de Livingſtoun cum dimidia carrucata Terrae ad dictam Eccleſiam pertinente, proſalute animae ſuae d. He was ſucceeded in the Barony of Livingſtoun by his Son Thurſtanus, called filius Livingii in a Charter of Confirmation to the Convent of Holy-rood-houſe of the Church of Livingſtoun, with the Lands and Tithes thereunto belonging for the Proſperity of his Soul, both here and hereaftere. He left a Son Alexander filius Thurſtani, as he is deſigned in a Charter of King William's, who being Lord of the Barony of Livingſtoun, aſſumed firſt that Appellation, and tranſmitted it to his Poſterity for a Sirname, in whoſe Line it continued above 400 Years, till the Reign of King James IV. that Mr. Bartholomew Livingſtoun of that Ilk, died without Iſſuef, and with him the Family was extinct.

[275] The immediate Anceſtor of this Noble Family was Sir William Livingſton, who in the 17th of King David II. had a Grant of the Barony of Calendar in the County of Stirling, then in the Crown by the Forfaulture of Patrick de Calendar a; whoſe only Daughter and Heir Chriſtian he took to Wife, the better to fortify his Title thereto: Likeas in the 34th of the ſaid King, they had a Grant to themſelves and their Heirs, of the Lands of Kilſyth, then in the King's Hands, by the Deceaſe of Margaret Daughter of Robert De la Wall, b.

This Sir William was a brave Man, and one of the Scots Barons who were taken Priſoners with King David Bruce at the Battle of Durham, on the 17th of October 1346,c: But being afterward releas'd, the next enſuing Year, when a Treaty was ſet on foot for the King's Redemption, he was one of the Commiſſioners employed in that honourable Negotiationd, tho without Succeſs at that Time: Likewiſe in the 1357, he was together with William Biſhop of St. Andrews, Thomas Biſhop of Caithneſs, Patrick Biſhop of Brechin, Patrick Earl of March, & Sir Robert Erſkine appointed by Robert Lord high Steward of Scotland Lieutenant, as he's deſign'd, to the moſt illuſtrious Prince David by the Grace of God King of Scotland in a full Council holden at Perth, with Advice and Conſent of the Prelates, Nobles and whole Community of the Kingdom, Plenipotentiaries and Commiſſioners with Power to them, to treat about the Redemption of the King, and a final Peace with England; which was happily agreed to on the 3d of October thereafter, the Ranſom being a 100000 Merks Sterl. Moneye, for which Sir William Livingſton's Son and Heir was delivered one of the Hoſtages.

By the foreſaid Chriſtian de Calendar his Wife, he had Sir William his Son and Heir, Father of Sir John Livingſtoun of the Calendar; who was ſlain in the Service of his Country at the Battle of Homildoun againſt the Engliſh on the 4th of March 1401f. His firſt Marriage was with . . . . Monteith Daughter to . . . . Monteith of Carſe g. By her he had Sir Alexander, and two younger Sons, Robert Progenitor of the firſt Branch of the Livingſtons of Weſtquarter, of whom ſprung the Houſe of Kinnaird, firſt raiſed to the honour of Viſcount, and then Earl of Newburgh; and John Livingſton Eſquire. His ſecond Wife was Agnes Daughter of Sir James Douglas of Dalkeith h, by whom he had Sir William Livingſton firſt of the Houſe of Kilſyth i, and a Daughter Agnes Wife of Sir John Gordon of Gordoun.

Which Alexander was one of the Hoſtages for the Ranſom of King James I. when he was relieved from his Captivity in England Anno 1423k: By whom he was made a Knight, and frequently employed in Affairs of the higheſt Importance; for I find he was one of the Barons that ſat upon the Trial of Murdoch Duke of Albany, by whom that Duke was Sentenced and condemn'd to loſe his Head. Upon the Death of King James I. he was by the Advice and Conſent of the three Eſtates of Parliament appointed Tutor to the young King James II. whoſe Perſon was ſtill in the Cuſtody of Sir William Crichton the Chancellor, in the Caſtle of Edinburgh, of which he was Governor; tho very probably he was [276] kept by him contrary to Law: Wherefore that Sir Alexander Livingſton on whom the Parliament had conferr'd that high Truſt might get the King's Perſon into his own Cuſtody, he fell upon this Stratagem to bring it about.

The Queen Mother was intirely in Sir Alexander's Intereſt, and to effectuate her Purpoſe cometh from Stirling to Edinburgh, pretending a friendly Viſit to her Son, which the Chancellor very willingly allowed her in the Caſtle ſeveral Days: During which Time ſhe cajolled the Prince into an Obedience to her Will, and the Chancellor into a Belief that ſhe deſigned nothing but what ſhe own'd: At length ſhe told the Chancellor, that ſhe would but ſtay one Night longer in the Caſtle, being the next Day to ſet out for Whitekirk in Buchan, to perform a Vow which ſhe had made for the Health of the King, whoſe Perſon ſhe earneſtly recommended to his Care till ſhe ſhould return. He aſſured her of his Fidelity both in that and all other reſpects, and ſo left her. Thus all Eyes, but thoſe of a truſty Few being aſleep, the young King was carefully put up in a Cheſt among his Mother's Furniture, and then convoyed to Leith, and from thence by Water to Stirling; where Sir Alexander Livingſton, and thoſe of his Party received him with great Joy.

But notwithſtanding this great Favour of the Queen's to Sir Alexander Livingſton, yet, for ſome Reaſons of State, not long thereafter, he and ſome of his Friends did reſtrain her Majeſty in the Liberty ſhe had ſome while enjoyed of the Company of her Son. Which her Majeſty reſented as a very high Indignity: But on the 4th of September 1439, the Buſineſs was ſettled betwixt the Queen and Livingſton by a ſolemn Indenture ſtill extant in the Earl of Linlithgow's Cuſtody: And becauſe it ſeems very much to correct all our Hiſtorians, even the very lateſt Writers of the Life of King James II. in the Chronology, and ſets the Hiſtory of that Prince's Minority in a truer light, than it has been hitherto done; I ſhall here inſert the original Indenture.

‘"This Appoyntment made at Strivyline the furd Day of the Moneth of September the Yher of our Lord M.CCCC.XXXIX, proportis, yat it is accordit betwix a right hye and mighti Princeſſe, Jehane be the Grace of God Queen of Scotland, on the ta part, and Sir Alexander of Livingſton of Kalentar, Sir William of Cranſton Knightis, James of Livingſton Son and Heir to the ſaid Sir Alexander, and John of Livingſton Brother to the foreſaid Sir Alexander, on the tother part, with the Avyſe and the Conſent of the thre Eſtats be and yare in the general Counſele, there halden and gaderit in fourme and manner efter folowande, That is to ſaye, In the firſt touching the Declaracion of the Fame and Worſhip of the foreſaids Perſons, for the Reſtriction of the ſaid Princeſs Will and Liberte made be thaym and their Aſſiſtance: The ſaid Princeſs with her Counſele, has ripely examinit and diſcuſſit the Cauſes and the Motyvis, be the whilks the foreſaid Perſons war ſtirit to withdraw the foreſaid Liberte fra hir, and has conſider it and knawleges yat what thing the ſaids Perſons did in yat Matter touching hir, y [...]i did it of gude Zele and Motife and of grete Truth and Leaute yat was in yam, bath to our Soveryne Lord the King and his ſawfte, and to the ſaid Princeſs in hir Worſhip: And in yat Matter and all utheris, Scho reputes haldes and truſtis yam all and yair Aſſiſtance tharin bath lele and trewe to hir, doand that thing as [277] trew Lieges, aw to do for yair Soveryne Lord and hir Eſtate and Worſhip, and nane utherwyſe. Item touching the Declaracione of the Fame and Worſtſhip of the ſaid Princeſſe, the foreſaid Sir Alexander, Sir William, James and John, and yair foreſaid Aſſiſtentes, declaris and knawleges in yair Leaute yat yair withdrawing of whilk Liberte fra hir, and yat yai did in yat Matter was nought done in Vilany na for Vilany, harme na Sclandre to hir Perſonne, na for na Lak, Cryme, na Faute yat yai or ony of yaim wiſt or knewe to hir Womanhede, but anevely for the Safete of our Soveryn Lord, the Worſtſhip of hir Perſone, and the Common Gude of the Reamme. Atour for ſa mikle as the ſaid Princeſſe be the occaſioun of whilk withdrawing of Liberte fra hir conſaved griefe and diſpleaſance again the ſaids Sir Alexander, Sir Willam, James and John and yair Aſſiſtantes, conſidering yat whilk thing was done of gude Zele and Motif, as before is declared. Scho has remittit and removes all the faide grief and diſpleaſance yat ſcho conſavit agayn yaim or any of yaim, for the foreſaid Cauſe, or any uther done or ſaid in time begane: And forther out forth yat the ſaid Princeſſe had fulle declaracione and varry witting of trouth and leaute yat was and is in the forſaid Sir Alexander and all the other Perſones for written in mare appert takin of Traiſte and hartlineſs; in time cummyng ſcho has be the Avyſe of the ſaids thre Eſtates committit to the ſaid Sir Alexander's keping our ſaids Soueryne Lord the King hir derraſt Son, unto the time of his Age, and lent to him for his Reſidence for the ſaid tyme her Caſtel of Strivylyne, and aſſignit to the ſaid Sir Alexander to the Uphald of our ſaid Soueryn Lord and his Siſtris in the forſaid Caſtel, to his ſaid Age 4000 Markis of the uſuale Monee of Scotlande, the whilkis war aſſignit to hir be the ſaid thre Eſtates, and for the ſame Cauſe. Alſua the ſaid Princeſſe ſal have acceſſe to viſit our ſaid Soveryn Lorde hir Son in the ſaid Place with unſuſpect Perſonis at hir liking as is accordit betwix yaim. Item for the mair ſikernes, the ſaid Princeſſe ſal mak ſic Lordis as are hir Men and retenewe at the deſyre of the ſaid Sir Alexander, and of the Perſonis befor written, gif the forſaid Sir Alexander and Perſonis yair Letters under yair Seelis, yat gi [...] the ſaid Princeſſe cummis in the contrar of ony of the Appointment accordit in this Writ, yat yai ſal nought aſſiſt to hir, na be in contrar of him, na of the ſaids Perſonis in ya Materis, but erar with him and them in the fulfilling thereof. And the ſaids Lordis yat are Men and Retenew to hir ſal be oblyſt in yair ſaids Letters, yat yai ſal nouther do na ſay to the ſaid Sir Alexander na to the ſaid Perſonis, na yair Aſſiſtents, na procure to be done, na ſay to him na yaim, Schame, Vilany nar Harme in ony wyſe for the forſaid Cauſe. Item gif it happins, as God forebide, yat our ſaid Soueryn Lord deceeſe, or yat he cum to his ſaid Eld, the ſaid Sir Alexander ſal reſſave the forſaid Princeſſe in hir forſaid Caſtel frely, with mony or Fewe at hir Pleſance; likeas he is obliſte to hir of before be his Letters. Item give it happenis the ſaid Sir Alexander to deceſe within the ſaid Age of our forſaid Soueryn Lord, his ſaid Son and Ayr, and all the Perſons for written or yat ſal be in the ſaid Caſtel, ſal be obliſte to delyver the ſaid Caſtel freli to hir togidder with our ſaid Soueryn Lord withoutten obſtakle or demande at hir deſyre, and asking outher be hir [278] Worde or her Letters under hir Sele: Sa yat nouther the ſaid Sir Alexander, Sir William, James and John, be nought the ne [...]rar the Deede, be the miene of the ſaid Princeſſe, hir Procuracione or Servants. To the whilkis all and ſundry things foreſaid leleli and truili to be kepit without Fraude or G [...]le, the ſaid Princeſſe and Sir Alexander, Sir Willam, James and John the haly Ewangelis touchit, has geven yair bodilie Aiths: And the ſud Princeſſe and Sir Alexander has enterchangeably to yis Writ indentit, ſet yair Seeles togidder with the Seeles of reueren des Fadres in Criſt John, John, John, and Michael be the Grace of God Biſhopis of Glaſgu, Murreve, Roſs and Dunblane, for the part of the Clergy; and the Signet of a hye and mighti Lord Willam Erl of Douglas havand the force and the effect of his Seele; the Seele of a Noble Lord, Sir Alexander Lord of Gordon procurit be the Lord of Crechton Chancellar of Scotland for him in Abſence of his own Seele, and for the ſaid Lord of Gordon for himſelf, and the Seele of a Noble Lord, Sir Walter Lord of Dirlton for the part of the Barouns; and the Seeles of James of Parcle, Commiſſare of Linlithgu, and of a venerable Fader in Criſte, David Abbot of Cambuskynneth procured be Willam of Cranſton Burges and Commiſſare of Edinburgh, and Androw Rede Burges and Commiſſare of Innernes, Day, Year and Place before writen; for the part of the Burrows."’

Sir Alexander Livingſtoun having thus got the young King into his Cuſtody, in order to countenance his after Actions; he began to carry with a very high Hand, as being aſſured that none would dare to controul him, in ſo much that he created many Enemies to himſelf, and among the reſt the Queen Mother, whom upon Suſpicion or Pretence that ſhe and Sir James Stewart her Husband were carrying on ſome Intrigue with the Earl of Douglas, committed Sir James to Priſon, and the Queen her ſelf to a narrow Apartment in the Caſtle of Stirling, which ſo much incenſed her, that ſhe reſolv'd upon Revenge, and being as yet Miſtreſs of her Son's Inclinations, very ſoon brought about a ſecond Turn of Affairs at Court: For while Sir Alexander Livingſton was at Perth, employed in the publick Affairs,a She carried on a Plot ſo cloſely and dextrouſly with the Chancellor, that one Morning as the King was Hunting in the Park of Sirling, his ſmall Retinue were on a ſudden ſurrounded with a Body of about 4000 Horſe commanded by the Lord Chancellor in Perſon, ſo that the King was carried off, without any Oppoſition, to Edinburgh, where he was welcomed by the Acclamations of the People.

Sir Alexander Livingſton, upon Advice of what had happened, came to Edinburgh, and wiſely conſidering that the Chancellor could not more probably ſtand his Ground amidſt ſo many Difficulties without him, than he had done without his Aſſiſtance, he thought the beſt way was to endeavour to bring him to Terms of Accommodation, which by the Mediation of the Biſhops of Aberdeen and Murray was at length effected; the Chancellor continuing in his Office as formerly, and the Cuſtody of the King's Perſon was again committed to Sir Alexander, which high Truſt he executed with great Fidelity, till the 1444, that the King now arriv'd to the Age of 14 Years, began to govern in ſome Meaſure by himſelf. Soon after which, the Earl of Douglas became the principal Favourite at Court, who bearing no good Will to Sir Alexander Livingſton or any of the former Miniſtry, prevail'd ſo far with the King as [...]o call a Parliament: Which accordingly [279] met at Perth a. Thither he and others of his Party were Summon'd to Anſwer to ſuch Accuſations, as ſhould be ex [...]ited againſt them. Sir Alexander was accuſed of having alienated the Crown Lands, waſted the Royal Revenues, and ſeized upon the King's Jewels, the Furniture of his Houſes, and what elſe he could divert to his own private Uſe: In conſequence of which he was declared Rebel, his Eſtate confiſcated, and ſent Priſoner to Dunbartoun, there to remain during Pleaſure. This Treatment of Sir Alexander's was thought very hard: But the Fate of William Livingſton his ſecond Son, Sir Robert Livingſton of Drumray late Lord Treaſaurer was much harder; for they were both beheaded in the Caſtle of Edinburgh, where Authors ſay that Mr. Livingſton being a young Man of admirable Parts and great Eloquence made ſuch a moving Diſcourſe upon the Vanity of the World, and the Viciſſitude of humane Affairs, as drew Tears from the Eyes of all that were preſent. But after ſome time of Impriſonment, the King was pleaſed to reſtore Sir Alexander Livingſ [...]on to his Eſtate, call'd him to his Council, and conſtituted him Juſtice General of Scotland, Anno 1449b. The ſame Year he was appointed one of the Plenipotentiaries to treat with the Engliſh anent the Prorogation of a Truce betwixt the two Nations. He married . . . . . . Dundas Daughter to Dundas of that Ilk, c. By her he had James Lord Livingſ [...]on his Succeſſor, William, and A [...]exander of whom the Houſe of Dunipace and its Cadetsd: Alſo two Daughters, Janet married to James Lord Hamilton, and Eliſabeth to James Dundas of that Ilk, e and had Iſſue.

To Sir Alexander Livingſton Lord Calendar ſucceeded James, ſtil'd Lord Livingſton, his Son, who being a Nobleman of great Courage and Prudence, was conſtituted Captain of the Caſtle of Stirling, and had the Cuſtody of the young King committed to him by his Father, when he was the King's Governourf. Which great Truſt he faithfully diſcharged, and I have Ground to believe that when his Father was diſcourted, the King ſtill re [...]ain'd a Favour to Sir James, perhaps for his Civility to him when he was Governour of Stirling g. In 1452 he made him Maſter of his Houſhold, and one of the Lords of his Privy Council; and two Years thereafter rais'd him to be Lord High Chamberlain of Scotland, in which great Office [...] continued even till his Death Anno 1467, leaving four Children behind him, viz.

James Lord Livingſton.

Alexander Livingſton Eſq

Eliſabeth married to John Mackdonald Lord of the Iſles, and Earl of Roſs.

Euphame to Sir Malcolm Fleming h Son and Heir of Robert Lord Fleming.

Which James Lord Livingſton was firſt eſpouſed to Chriſtian Daughter and Sole Heir of Sir John Erskine of Kinnoul i; but that Deſign not taking effect, he married afterward Chriſtian Daughter of Sir Robert Crichton Lord Sanquhar, but dying w [...]thout Iſſue, his Eſtate and honour o [...] Lord [280] Livingſton fell to Sir James Livingſton Knight, his Nephew; who took to Wife firſt Eliſabeth Daughter of Robert Lord Fleming a, by whom he had William his Succeſſor, next Margaret Daughter of Sir John Houſtoun of that Ilkb. By her he had a Son Alexander, of whom ſprang the Livingſtons of Glentyran, long ſince extinct.

Which William Lord Livingſton by Agnes his Wife, Daughter of Patrick Hepburn Lord Hales, Siſter to Patrick Earl of Bothwel c, had Alexander his Son and Heir, and two Daughters.

Margaret married to John Lord Hay of Yeſter, Anceſtor to the Marquis of Tweddale.

Iſabel to Nicol Ramſay of Dalhouſie, Anceſtor to the Earl of Dalhouſie.

Which Alexander had the Tuition of Queen Mary committed to him in her Nonage: His Lordſhip alſo accompanied her Majeſty into France Anno 1548, where he died Anno 1550,d, leaving Iſſue by Agnes his Wife Daughter of James Earl of Mortoun,

John Maſter of Livingſton his eldeſt Son, who married Janet Daughter of Malcolm Lord Fleming e, and was kill'd at the Battle of Pinky, leaving no Iſſue.

William afterward Lord Livingſton.

Thomas, who obtained the Barony of Haining by Marriage of Agnes eldeſt of the two Daughters and Coheirs of William Crawfurd of Haining f, was the firſt of that Branch of the Livingſtons.

Elizabeth married to John Buchanan of that Ilkg, and had Iſſue.

Janet to Sir Alexander Bruce of Airth h, and had Iſſue.

Magdalene to Arthur Erskine of Grang [...] Brother to John Earl of Marr, 2dly to Sir James Scrimgeour of Dudop i, ſans Iſſue.

Mary to John Semple of Beltrees k, Son to Robert Lord Semple, and had Iſſue.

William Lord Livingſton adher'd firmly to Queen Mary, and was intirely truſted by her. So great a Confidence his Princeſs had in him, that when her Majeſty was a Priſoner in Lochlevin, ſhe named him one of the Commiſſioners for her, to treat with the Earl of Murray the Regent, about reſtoring her to the Exerciſe of her Authority, and to repreſent to him, that her Conſent was not ſpontaneous in reſigning the Crown, or to his being preferred to the Regency: But he flatly refuſing to do ſo, the Buſineſs came to nothing. Upon the Queen's Eſcape from Lochlevin, he was one of the Peers who met her at Hamiltoun with his Friends and Followers, whereupon enſued the Fight at Langfide. When her Majeſty fled into England, upon the Loſs of that Day, he was one of the Commiſſioners on the Queen's part, who met at York the 8th of October 1568, for informing the Queen of England of the true State of the Quarrel betwixt Queen Mary and her Subjects, who had dethron'd her, and were then accuſing her in a foreign Country; and he continued loyal to his diſtreſſed Sovereign till the end of the Civil War, to the great Prejudice of his Fortune. He married Agnes Daughter of Malcolm Lord Fleming, Anceſtor to the preſent Earl of Wigtoun. By [281] her he had Alexander firſt Earl of Lithgow, John Livingſton of Weſtquarter, & William of whom the Branch of Badlormie, Jean eldeſt Daughter married to Alexander Lord Elphinſtoun, and Margaret to Sir Lewis Ballenden of Broughtoun Juſtice-Clerk in the Reign of King James VI. and afterward to Patrick Stewart Earl of Orkney a, and had Iſſue.

Which Alexander Lord Livingſton was much eſteemed by King James VI. to whoſe Care that Prince committed the Education of his Daughter the Princeſs Elizabeth, afterward Queen of Bohemia; and when his Majeſty King James did ſucceed to the Crown of England Anno 1603, his Lordſhip carried the Princeſs from Lithgow to London with a Retinue, upon his own Charge, ſuitable to her Birth and Dignity; which her Royal Highneſs did always gratefully remember and acknowledge to him and his Family. His Lordſhip was by the Favour and Bounty of the ſaid King rais'd to the Honour of Earl of Lithgow by Letters Patent, bearing Date 15th November 1600, and appointed one of the Commiſſioners to treat about an Union of the Kingdoms upon his Majeſty's Acceſſion to the Engliſh Crown, and departing this Life within the Month of September Anno 1622b, left Iſſue by Eleanor his Wife Daughter of Andrew Earl of Errol,

Alexander his Son and Heir.

Sir James Livingſton firſt Earl of Calendar.

Anne married to Alexander Earl of Eglintoun.

Margaret to John Earl of Wigton.

Which Alexander married firſt Anne Daughter of George 1ſt Marquis of Huntley, by whom he had George his Succeſſor, and again Mary Daughter of William Earl of Angus, by whom he had Alexander ſecond Earl of Calendar, and two Daughters, Margaret married to Sir Thomas Nicolſon of Carnock, and had Iſſue: 2dly, To Sir George Stirling of Keir. And laſt of all to Sir John Stirling of Keir, ſans Iſſue: And Lady Eleanor who died unmarried; his Lordſhip dying Anno 164.

George his Son ſucceeded him in the Honour: He adher'd to the Cauſe of King Charles II. in the time of the Civil War, and ſuffered for it; but upon the Reſtoration he was made one of the Lords of his Majeſty's Privy Council, and conſtituted Captain of the Royal Regiment of Foot Guards: Which Office he held till the Year 1681, he was remov'd from that Employment, and in Compenſation thereof was made Juſtice General of Scotland: In which Station he continued till the Revolution of the Government Anno 1689, which he ſurviv'd but ſhort while; for he died on the firſt Day of February 1690c, leaving two Sons and a Daughter by Elizabeth his Wiſe Daughter of Patrick firſt Earl of Panmure, Widow of John Earl of Kinghorn, George Earl of Lithgow, Alexander third Earl of Calendar, and Henrietta married to Robert Viſcount of Oxenford.

Which George was Anno 1692 ſworn of the Privy Council to King William and Queen Mary, and made one of the Commiſſioners of the Treaſury; and it is ſaid the King deſign'd him the Chancellor's Place, had not Death prevented his Promotion to the Honour. He died on the 7th Day of Auguſt 1695d, leaving no Iſſue by Henrietta his Wi [...]e Daughter of Alexander Lord Duffus, ſo that his Eſtate and Honour devolv'd to James Earl of Calendar his Nephew, who is Governor of the Caſtle of Blackneſs by Inheritance, and hereditary Sheriff of Stirling Shire. His Lordſhip was in Anno 1713 elected a Peer from Scotland to the Parliament of [282] Great Britain, upon a Vacancy through the Demiſe of James Duke of Hamilton He married Anne Daughter of John Earl of Errol, by whom he had James Lord Livingſton who died on the 30th of April 1715, and a Daughter Lady Anne.


Quarterly 1ſt and 4th Argent, 3 Cinquefoils Gules, within a double Treſſour Counter-flowr'd Vert. 2d and 3d Sable, a Bend betwixt 6 Billets Or, in Surtout Azure, an Oak Tree Or, within a Border Argent, charged with 8 Gelliefl [...]wers Gules. Supporters two Savages, carrying Battons, wreathed about the Head and Loins with Lawrel Creſt a De [...] ſavage holding in his left Hand a Batton, and a Serpent linked about the other proper, Motto, Si je puis.

CAMPBEL, Earl of Lowdon.

ACcording to the Cuſtom of Families of the greateſt Antiquity, this of Lowdon ſeems to have taken its Sirname from the Lordſhip of Lowdon in the County of Air, where it flouriſhed in the earlieſt Ages, as one of the moſt conſiderable in that Shire; for 'tis certain from very clear Accounts, that in the Reign of King William called the Lyon, Richard Morvil Lord High Conſtable of Scotland, gave the Barony of Lowdon Jacobo filio Lambini a, who aſſum'd a Sirname from thence, and left it with his Lands to his Poſterity: But it did not laſt a full Century in the Male-Line, for it became extinct in James de Lowdon, whoſe Heir Female was married to Sir Reynald Crawfurd Knight, a Branch of the Family of Crawfurd in the County of Lanerk, who beſides the Barony of Lowdon, had Poſſeſſion of many other Lands in Lanerk-Shire the paternal Eſtate of his Anceſtors, and had the Honour to execute the Office of high Sheriff of the County of Air in the 17th of King Alexander II. Anno 1228b; by which Title he's a frequent Witneſs to the Grants of that Prince to the Religious of Kelſo Abbey, which is all I can find in Hiſtory concerning him proper to be inſerted here. He left a Son

Hugh his Succeſſor, who added to the Barony of Lowdon the Lands of Crosby, and a Portion of the Village of Stevinſtoun in Cuningham by the Donation of Alan of Galloway high Conſtable of Scotland his Superior Lord, Grand-child and Heir to the forementioned Richard Morvil, to be held of him and his Heirs for ever. This Hugh together with Maliſe Earl of Strathern, Alexander Lord high Steward of Scotland, with divers other Barons of the firſt Quality, obtains Letters of ſafe Conduct and Protection from the King of England Anno 1255, to come into that Realm, but upon what Occaſion or for what Cauſe the Record doth not mentionc.

Sir Reynald Crawfurd high Sheriff of Air was his Son and Succeſſor, ſo much celebrated in the Hiſtory of theſe Times. In the grand Competition for the Crown betwixt Bruce and Baliol, of which King Edward I. of England was made Arbitrator, he was one of the Barons choſen on the part of Robert de Bruce, who met at Berwick on the 2d of June 1292 to be a Witneſs to the Deciſion which was then to be made of that Affaird; which at length that King having adjudged to Baliol, and afterward having extorted a Superiority from the [283] moſt part of the Kingdom, and among others Sir Ronald Crawfurd ſwore Allegiance to him: Yet ſuch was the Iniquity of the Times, that, upon what pretended Crime I know not, he was baſely murdered in the Engliſh Garriſon at Air, Anno 1297; and the Fact was ſtill the more horrid that it was upon a Day of Truce, when a Juſtice Air had been proclaimed to be held there. He left Iſſue by Cecil his Wife, Daughter of . . Sir Ronald his Succeſſor, & a Daughter . . . married to Sir Malcolm Wallace Knight, Mother by him to the immortal Heroe Sir William Wallace Governour of Scotland.

Sir Ronald Crawfurd, commonly called the Younger, was a ſtrenuous Aſſerter of the Honour and Independency of his Country, in Defence of which he loſt his Life, Anno 1303, leaving only a Daughter his ſole Heir Suſanne married to Sir Duncan Campbel, Son of Sir Donald Campbel of Redcaſtle a, who in the 12th of King Robert I. had a Grant to himſelf and his Wife de omnibus terris de Loudon & de Stenſton, praedict. Duncanum & Suſannam ſponſam ſuam hereditarie contingent. ratione dictae ſponſae, & eorum heredibus inter eos legitime procreatis; quibus deficientibus ad praefatam Suſannam & propinquiores heredes ſuos fine aliqua con tradictione reverſuros. Teſt. Bernardo Abbate de Arbroath Cancellario, Will. de Linaſay Camerario noſtro, apud Penycook quarto Januarii, Anno Regni duodecimo b. By the foreſaid Suſanne his Wife he left Iſſue

Sir Andrew his Son and Heir, who in the 30th of King David II. had a Grant in Reward of his Loyalty & Merit, of omnes terrae, reditus, & Burgagium in villa & territorio de Innerbervy in Vic. de Kincardin c. He afterwards reſigned the Lands and Barony of Redcaſtle in Forfar Shire in Favours of Sir Robert Stewart Knight, which is all I have found memorable of him. By . . . Daughter of . . . his Wife he left Iſſue, Sir Hugh his Son and Heir, who made a very great Figure in the Reign of King Robert III. and in that of his Son and Succeſſor James I. I find in 1423 he was one of the great Barons who were appointed to attend and wait on King James from Durham to Scotland, when he was relieved from his Captivity out of England d. By . . . Daughter of . . . his Wife he had Iſſue,

Sir George his Son and Heir, who was one of the Hoſtages for the Ranſom of King James I.e. By his Wife Daughter of . . . Stewart of Darnly f he had

Sir George his Son and Heir, who had the Honour of Knighthood conferred on him by King James II. in the 13. of whoſe Reign he reſigned the Sheriffſhip of Air Shire in the Sovereign's Hands for a new Gift in Favours of himſelf, which he obtained, and to his Heirs Male for ever. By . . his Wife Daughter of . . . he had

Sir George his Son and Heir, who had a new Grant of the Sheriffſhip of Air-Shire from King James IV. Anno 1489g By his Wife, Daughter of . . . Lord Kennedy he had Iſſue Hugh his Succeſſor, George firſt of that Branch of the Campbels of Killoch h, likewiſe a Daughter Elizabeth, married to Robert Lord Erskine, Anceſtor to the Earl of Mar.

Which Hugh was made a Knight by King James IV. He married Iſabel Daughter of . . . Wallace of Craigy i and departing this Life, Anno 1508k, left Iſſue, Hugh his Succeſſor; and five Daughters.

[284] Annabel married to Thomas Boſwel of Auchinleck a, and again to John Cunningham of Caprington b, and had Iſſue.

Helen to Laurence Crawfurd of Kilbiruy c, Anceſtor to the Viſcount of Garnock.

Iſabel to Mungo Mure of Rowallan d in Vic. de Air, and had Iſſue.

Janet to John Campbel of Ceſnock e, and had Iſſue.

Margaret to Thomas Kennedy of Bargany f, in Vic de Air, and had Iſſue.

Sir Hugh Campbel of Lowdon was knighted by King James V. whom he ſerved with great Fidelity upon all Occaſions. He marred firſt the Lady Elizabeth Stewart, Daughter of Matthew Earl of Lennox g, and again Agnes Daughter of John Drummond of Innerpeffrey, and died in the Month of February 1561h. By the Lady Elizabeth his firſt Wife he left Iſſue,

Sir Matthew his Son and Heir, who was very zealous for the Reformation of Religion, and yet very loyal to Queen Mary. When the War broke out in that Reign, he was on the Queen's Side at the Battle of Langſide, where he was taken Priſoner, Anno 1568i.

He married Iſabel Daughter of Sir John Drummond of Innerpeffrey k, by Janet his Wife, natural Daughter of King James IV. By her he had ſeveral Children, viz. Sir Hugh Campbel of Tarrinzen, thereafter Lord Lowdon.

Jean married 1ſt to Robert Montgomery of Giffen, Maſter of Eglinton, & after his Death to Ludovick Duke of Lennox l.

Marion to Thomas Lord Boyd m, and had Iſſue.

Margaret to John Wallace of Craigy n, and had Iſſue.

Agnes to William Cunningham of Caprington o, and had Iſſue.

Iſabel to William Crawfurd of Lochnoris p, and had Iſſue.

Jean to Sir Robert Maclellan, 1ſt Lord Kirkcudbright.

Annabel to Daniel Ker of Kerſland, and had Iſſueq; and again to David Dunbar of Enterkin.

Which Sir Hugh being a Gentleman of a fair Fortune, was by the Favour of King James VI. firſt called to his Majeſty's Council, and thereafter raiſed to the Honour of Lord Lowdon, Anno 1604.

He married to his firſt Wife Margaret, Daughter of Sir John Gordon of Lochinvar r, Anceſtor to the Viſcount of Kenmure: By whom he had

George Maſter of Lowdon his only Son, who dying in the Lifetime of his Father, Anno 1612s, left Iſſue by Jean Daughter of John Earl of Wigtoun, two Daughters, Margaret Baroneſs of Lowdon, and Anne Wife of Sir Hugh Campbel of Cesnock, and had Iſſue.

Beſide the Maſter his Son, his Lordſhip had alſo three Daughters, firſt Juliana married to Sir John Campbel of Glenurchy Baronet, Sans Iſſue; ſecond Iſabel to Sir John Maxwel of Pollock Knight, and had Iſſue; third Margaret to John Kennedy of Blairquhan.

His ſecond Wife was Iſabel Daughter of William Earl of Gowrie, formerly Wife of Sir Robert Gordon of Lochinvar, by whom he had two Daughters, . . . married to Sir William Cunningham of Cunningham head, and . . . to David Crawfurd of Kerſe.

He married to his third Wife Margaret, Daughter of Sir David Home of Wedderburn, but by her he had not any [285] Succeſſion; and dying very aged on the 15th of December 1622a, his Eſtate and Honours devolved on

Margaret Baroneſs of Lowdon his Grand-child, who was married with John Campbel Eſq at that Time Son and Heir of Sir James Campbel of Lawers b, by Jean his Wife, Daughter of James Lord Colvil of Culroſs, whom his Majeſty King Charles I. honoured with the Title of Earl of Lowdon c, by Letters patent, bearing Date 12th of May 1633, and that for the greater Splendor of his Majeſty's Coronation.

When the Troubles broke out in the Year 1637, the Earl of Lowdon was one of the moſt leading of the Peers, who teſtified a Diſlike of the Ways and Methods had been taken in Reference to the Liturgy, and the other Innovations then brought into the Church; and aſſoon as the Party who preſſed for Reformation, did reſolve themſelves into Societies, his Lordſhip was one of the Nobility who were choſen to conduct their Affairs, and to repreſent their Grievances, which he did in a Speech before the Council on the 21ſt of December, to this Purpoſe. ‘"That by the Methods lately taken, it appeared there was an entire new Model of Government in Church and State intended; That the late Service Book, and the Book of Canons, which were then ſet out and impoſed on the Nation, had paſſed no Approbation of the Aſſembly, nor any Convocation of of the Clergy, nor had been ſo much as communicated to the Privy-Council, but appeared to be ſo many new Laws impoſed on the Kingdom by the King's ſole Authority, contarary to the eſtabliſhed Laws of the Land, merely contrived by the Biſhops, on whom he craved Juſtice in a legal way."’

When his Majeſty had raiſed an Army againſt the Covenanters in 1639, and was advanced as far as the Borders, my Lord Lowdon was one of the Peers who ſigned an Addreſs to the King, ‘"Lamenting their ill Fortune, that their Enemies had ſo great Credit with his Majeſty as to perſwade him to believe that they were or could be diſobedient to him; a Thing that could never enter into their loyal Hearts; that they deſired nothing but to be admitted into the Preſence of their gracious Sovereign, to lay their Grievances at his Royal Feet, and leave the Determination of them entirely to his own Wiſdom and Pleaſure."’

The Humility of the Stile wrought ſo upon the King's Nature, who thought it great Pity that any Blood ſhould be ſpilt in a Contention which he himſelf might put an End to by his own Royal Word, as ſoon as he ſhould hear their Complaints; That he eaſily conſented to bring the Buſineſs to a fair Treaty, to which the Earl was named one of the Commiſſioners upon the Part of the Covenanters, and who accordingly met with ſuch Engliſh Commiſſioners as his Majeſty was pleaſed to appoint at the Berks, where they entred upon, and concluded a Pacification, whereby ‘"The Armies were to be disbanded; an Act of Oblivion paſs'd; the King's Forts and Caſtles to be reſtored, and a Parliament and a General Aſſembly to be called, for a full Settlement, & that thereby all Factions & Animoſities might be reconciled and compoſed."’ But this Peace was of a very ſhort Duration; for the Pacification being ill kept on both Sides, the King diſowning what had been ſaid to have been tranſacted upon his Part, and the Covenanters remitting nothing of their [286] Zeal againſt the Biſhops and the Liturgy, having likewiſe entred a Proteſtation ‘"That they did not intend by any Thing contained in the Treaty to vacate any of the Proceedings which had been in the late General Aſſembly of Glaſgow:"’ By theſe Proceedings the Breach became greater and wider, and Preparations for War began to be renewed on both Sides with more Vigour than ever. But before Things ſhould come to the laſt Extremity, and that, if poſſible, Matters might be compoſed without Blood, his Majeſty thought fit to require the Covenanters to ſend ſome Perſons intruſted by their Body to attend him, to give an Account of their Proceedings, and which was the Thing they always moſt deſired. Accordingly certain Commiſſioners were named, of which Number the Earl of Lowdon was one. At this Time when the Commiſſioners repaired to London there happened to be a Letter intercepted, and tranſmitted to his Majeſty, that had been ſigned by the Earl of Lowdon and the chief of the Covenanters, written to the French King, & directed An Roy, a Stile only uſed by Subjects to their natural King: ‘"In which they complained of the Hardneſs & Injuſtice of the Government that was exerciſed over them, put him in mind of the Dependence Scotland formerly had upon that Crown, and deſired him now to take them into his Protection, and give them Aſſiſtancea."’ This Letter being ſeen and peruſed by the Lords of the Council of England, and the Lord Lowdon being examined, and refuſing to give any other Anſwer than, ‘"That it was writ before the Agreement; and thereupon reſerved, and never ſent, that if he had committed any Offence, he ought to be queſtioned for it in Scotland, & not in England; & inſiſting upon his ſafe Conduct, demanded Liberty to return."’ But notwithſtanding all the Defences the Earl was able to make, he was committed Priſoner to the Tower, and tho his Commitment was highly reſented by the Parliament, as a Breach of the publick Faith, yet he continued in Priſon ſome Months thereafter, till, by the Interpoſition and Interceſſion of the Marquis of Hamilton, he was enlarged on the 27th of June 1640b, when his Lordſhip renewed all Profeſſions of Duty to the King, and a Readineſs to engage in his Service, as [...]oon as he ſhould return to his native Country, (where his Power & Intereſt was as great as any Mans,) which he did by diſpoſing all thoſe upon whom he had Influence to hearken to all Over tures for a Peace with his Majeſty. But notwithſtanding all the Endeavours of the Lord Lowdon and others, who heartily deſired an Accommodation, Matters came to a ſecond Rupture, and upon a Party of the Covenanters having routed the Lord Conway at Newburn, who appeared for the King, and having taken Newcaſtle, they thought fit after that to preſent a humble Petition and Addreſs to the King for a new Treaty, which his Majeſty condeſcending to, and Rippon being named the Place of Meeting, the Earl of Lowdon was appointed one of the Commiſſioners for the Treaty. But all they they did there was only to agree to a Ceſſation of Arms, a ſafe Conduct being granted to his Lordſhip and the reſt of his Collegues for going to London to carry on and conclude the Treaty there: Which they did with all poſſible Diligence, and which his Majeſty confirmed, and the Lords of the Privy Council were made the Conſervators of the Peace, during the Interval of Parliaments.

The Peace betwixt the two Nations being thus happily concluded, it was judged neceſſary that the Treaty [283] ſhould be ratified by the Parliament of Scotland, which in the 1641, his Majeſty was pleaſed to hold himſelf in his own Royal Perſon, for the full Satisfaction of his People, and wherein all Particulars that had been in Diſpute were adjuſted to the ſeeming Joy and Satisfaction of every Man, and the Security of all that was then eſtabliſhed was ſufficiently provided for. In the End of the Seſſion his Majeſty was pleaſed to beſtow Honours and Offices on ſome principal Perſons, who had merited well at his Hands, and who were beſt able to ſerve him; ſo the Chancellour's Place was beſtowed upon the Lord Lowdon, during Life, and that with the full Conſent and Approbation of the Parliamenta, who looked on him, as he was throughout the whole Kingdom, as a very wiſe Man, excellently fitted and qualified for the Diſcharge of that great Truſt, as the Exigence of Affairs then ſtood.

When the Civil War broke out in England, the Chancellour repaired to the King at York b, when his Majeſty did ſo fully ſatisfy his Lordſhip with the Juſtice and Honour of his Carriage toward his Engliſh Parliament, that he wrote to the Scots Commiſſioners at London, in the Name and by the Direction of the Lords of the Secret Council; ‘"That they ſhould preſent to the two Houſes, the deep Senſe they had of the Injuries and Indignities which were offered to the King, whoſe juſt Rights they were bound to deſend, and that they ſhould conjure them to bind up thoſe Wounds which were made, and not to widen them by Sharpneſs of Language, and to give his Majeſty ſuch real Security for his Safety among them, by an effectual declaring againſt Tumults, and ſuch other Actions as were juſtly offenſive to his Majeſty, that he might be induced to reſide nearer to them, and comply with them in ſuch Propoſitions as ſhould be reaſonably madec."’ Soon after which, taking leave of the King, his Lordſhip renewed all imaginable Profeſſions of Duty to his Majeſty, and a Readineſs to ingage in his Service; which the King was very well aſſured he could do.

In the 1643, the Chancellour was ſent Commiſſioner from the Privy Council of Scotland, who called themſelves the Conſervators of the Peace between the two Kingdoms, to his Majeſty while he was at Oxford, deſiring to paſs as a Mediator betwixt the King and the two Houſes in England, when his Lordſhip uſed all Importunity and Arguments to perſwade the King in private to conſent to the Alteration of the Government of the Church of England, aſſuring him that it would be a Mean not only to hinder the Subjects of Scotland from adhering to the Engliſh Parliament, but that it would oblige them to aſſiſt his Majeſty to the outmoſt, in the Vindication of all his Rights: But he found the King too ſtrongly fixed to be ſway'd, in what he thought a Caſe of Conſcience, by a Conſideration of Convenience.

He then betook himſelf to his own proper Errand, which conſiſted of two Parts; the one, to offer the Mediation of the Conſervators of the Peace of the Kingdom, for the Compoſure of the Differences between his Majeſty and the two Houſes; the other, to deſire his Majeſty that he would ſummon a Parliament in Scotland. In Anſwer to the firſt Demand of Mediation; His Majeſty told him, ‘"That he could not find any colour or pretence of Authority granted by the Act of Pacification, by which the Commiſſioners for Scotland could conceive themſelves intereſted in a Faculty of Mediation; that the Clauſe mentioned by them related only to the Differences that might grow between the two Nations, which his Majeſty ſaid had [284] been and ſhould be inviolably obſerved by him; and therefore he could not admit of any ſuch Mediation as they propoſed."’ For the other Demand, of a Parliament in Scotland; The King told him and the reſt of the Commiſſioners, ‘"That againſt the Time by which they could legally demand a Parliament, naming the Day, which was to be on the firſt Tueſday of June 1644, he would iſſue out his Writs, and there being no emergent Cauſe to do it ſooner, he would forbear to put his Subjects there to that Trouble, which thoſe Meetings (how neceſſary ſoever) would naturally carry with them."’ So his Lordſhip perceiving that he ſhould not receive Satisfaction in either of theſe Propoſals, at laſt returned home re infecta.

In the 1644, when his Majeſty did renew his Offer of Peace to the two Houſes of Parliament, which they likewiſe agreeing to, and Uxbridge being aſſigned for the Place of Meeting, the Chancellour, the Earl of Lawderdale, Sir Charles Erskine, and Mr. Robert Barclay Member of Parliament for the Burgh of Irvine, and Mr. Alexander Henderſon (in Matters only which related to the Church) were ſent Commiſſioners from Scotland: But that Treaty unhappily coming to nothing, a bloody civil War thereupon enſued.

When the King put himſelf into the Scots Army before Newwark, and the Engliſh poſitively demanded the Delivery up of the King's Perſon, the Earl of Lowdon was appointed to treat with the Parliament of England about that important Affair, where, in a free Conference with the two Houſes, he publickly declared, ‘"That an eternal Infamy would ly upon the whole Nation, if they ſhould deliver up the Perſon of the King, the ſecuring of which was equally their Duty, as it was the Parliament's, and the Diſpoſal of his Perſon in order to that Security, did equally belong to them as to the Parliament: However he ſaid, he would uſe all the Perſwaſion, and all the Importunity he could with the King, that his Majeſty might yield and conſent to the Propoſitions the Parliament had ſent to him."’

In the 1647, the Lord Chancellour was one of the Commiſſioners appointed to attend the King from the Parliament of Scotland, while he was at the Iſle of Wight, to treat with his Majeſty anent a full Accomodation with that Kingdom, and which they at laſt concluded on Terms of great Advantage to the Nation; in Recompenſe of which, the Chancellour and his Collegues undertook to raiſe an Army to reſcue and relieve his Majeſty from the Captivity he was then under, and to reſtore him to his juſt Rights, and that no Time might be loſt, as ſoon as the Treaty was ſigned, the Chancellour departed for Scotland, where (at firſt) he uſed his outmoſt Endeavours to procure ſuch Perſons to be elected Members to the Parliament, as he knew to be moſt inclined to the Service in hand, in which the Honour of the Country was ſo much concerned.

When the Parliament met on the 2d of March 1648a, the Lord Chancellour was choſen Preſident of the Convention, wherein he employed all his Power and Intereſt to bring the Parliament to comply with the Engagement & declare for the King; & tho the Affair met with great Oppoſition, yet the Reſolution was carried in putting the Country in a Poſture Defence, and raiſing an Army to relieve the King. I need not here recount the Fate of that Army which marched into England under the Conduct of the Duke of Hamilton, nor how unſuccesfull it proved for the Deſign it was intended.1491 [285] All I ſhall further obſerve is, that as there had been a Party in the Parliament whom the King's Conceſſions did not ſatisfy, ſo they declared againſt the Engagement as unlawfull and ungodly, and the violent Party of the Clergy joining with them, they paſſed an Act againſt the Engagers, that was, all thoſe who had been the Promoters of it, ranking them into ſeveral Claſses, whereby they were excluded from all Offices of publick Truſt, and vote in Parliament till they had ſatisfied the Church by a publick Profeſſion of their Repentance, for their Acceſſion to the unlawfull Engagement as it was called.

When the Parliament met, after the Murder of King Charles I. the Lord Chancellour was choſen Preſident of that Seſſion, who by their 14 Act, proclaimed King Charles II. 'Tis beyond all Doubt the Chancellour gave all imaginable Aſſiſtance he could to bring over the King from Holland, and to raiſe the Army that marched with his Majeſty into England, but that Army being unhappily defeated at Worceſter, and the Uſurpers abſolutely prevailing over all the three Kingdoms; the Chancellour was not only outed of his Office, but was for ced, for the Security of his Perſon, to fly to the Highlands, where he lay concealed, till the Earl of Glencairn by vertue of his Majeſty's Commiſſion drew together a ſmall Body of Horſe and Foot for his Majeſty's Service, that the Earl of Lowdon repaired to him, for which he was for [...]eited by the Powers that then prevailed; and thereafter when Cromwel granted an Indemnity to the People of Scotland, both the Earl of Lowdon & the Lord Machline his Son were particularly excepted. After which his Lordſhip the Chancellour continued in the Hills till all Hope of ſerving the King was given over, that he capitulated to lay down his Arms, and live quietly at his own Houſe, which he did in a Country Retirement, till it pleaſed God to bring back King Charles II. to his Throne, which the Lord Lowdon did not long ſurvive, for he died in the Beginning of the 1663. This noble Lord left Iſſue by Margaret Baroneſs of Lowdon, his Wife aforeſaid, James his Succeſſor, Lady Jean married to George Earl of Panmure, Lady Anne to John Lord Balmerino.

Which James married Margaret Daughter of Hugh Earl of Eglingtoun, and dying Anno 1683, left Iſſue, Hugh his Succeſſor in the Honour, Colonel John Campbel of Shankſtoun, and Colonel James Campbel, Colonel of the Royal Gray-Dragoons, likewiſe four Daughters.

1ſt, Margaret married to Colin Earl of Balcarras.

2d, Jean to Sir James Campbel of Aberuchel Baronet.

3d, Chriſtian to George Roſs of Galſtoun, in Vic de Air.

4th, Eleanor to James 1ſt Viſcount of Primroſe, and again to John 2d Earl of Stair.

Hugh Earl of Lowdon being a Nobleman of Parts and Abilities, was firſt conſtituted one of the Lords of the Privy-Council to King William, and then named one of the Extraordinary Lords of the Seſſion Anno 1699.

In 1704 his Lordſhip was made one of the Lords of the Theſaury and one of her Majeſty's Knights of the moſt noble Order of the Thiſtle; and the next enſuing Year her Majeſty Queen Anne was pleaſed to prefer him to be one of the principal Secretary's of State: In which Station his Lordſhip ſerved firſt in Conjunction with the Marques of Annandale, and thereafter with the Earl of Mar, to the general Satisfaction of all Men, and the univerſal Approbation of the whole Nation, till after the Union of the Kingdom, that in the 1708 the Scots Secretary-Office was taken away; in Lieu of which, his Lordſhip was made Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, which [286] Office he held till the Year 1713 he was removed, and the Earl of Finlater got the Great Seal, with the Title of Lord Chancellour of Scotland.

After the Acceſſion of King George to the Crown, the Earl of Lowdon was made Lord Lieutenant of Air ſhire, Anno 1715. And I cannot but remark that this noble Lord has ever been ſince the Union, and now is one of the moſt honourable Privy-Council of Great Britain. He married Margaret Daughter of John 1ſt Earl of Stair, by whom he had Iſſue

John Lord Machline.

Lady Margaret.

Lady Jean.


Gyronee of Eight Pieces Ermine and Gules, ſupported on the Dexter, with a Chevalier holding a Lance in his Hand, and on the Siniſter, with a Lady holding a Letter of Challenge in her Hand. Creſt a Phenix diſplay'd; proper. Motto, I bide my Time.

LYLE, Lord Lyle.

SOme who have enquired into the Antiquity of Sirnames with much Curioſity, think that the firſt Anceſtor of this Family was one of thoſe Scotsmen who fled from the Uſurpation of Mackbeath into England, and returned with Edgar Atheling and his Siſter the Princeſs Margaret, afterward Wife to King Malcolm Canmore, upon the Invaſion by William the Conqueror, and got Poſſeſſions in the Iſle of Bute, in the Weſtern Parts of this Realm, from whence they took the Demonation of Le Iſle, which they kept after they came to be ſettled upon the Continent at Duchal-Caſtle in Renfrew-ſhire. Tho I have not ſeen directly any Mention of them till King William's Time, that William de Iſle is one of the Witneſſes to that Deed, which Walterus Dapifer Regis made to the Monks of Paiſley, when he founded that Convent of the Lands of Eſpinder a. He is the ſame Perſon, as I take it, who is one of the Barons taken Priſoner with King William at the Battle of Alnwick b on the 13th July 1174.

The next in order of Succeſſion, if not his Son, to be taken notice of is Radulphus de Iſle, who is a Witneſs to the Donation, which Baldwin de Bigris, Sheriff of Lanerk made to the Abbot and Convent of Paiſley, and to the Monks ſerving GOD there, as the Gift bears, in pure Alms, Eccleſiam de Innerkip cum tota illa terra inter tumulos ubi Eccleſia eſt fundata, ita libere ſicut dicti Monachi poſſident reliquas Eccleſias de Strath-Grief, ex dono Walteri filii Alani-Dapiferi Regis Scotiae.

The next of this Lineage is Alanus de Iſle, who is a Witneſs to that Excambion which Walter High Steward of Scotland made of the Lands of Kylingtoun for the Lands of Innerweek, the Tithes of which he made over to the Abbot of Paiſley, for the Welfare of himſelf and his Succeſſors, both here and hereafterc. He is alſo to be found in the Confirmation which Alexander High Steward of Scotland made to the Monks of Paiſley, of all the Donations made by himſelf or his Anceſtors down to that Period of Time, in the Year of our Lord 1151.

Radulphus de Iſle, Inſula, dominus de Duchal, probably the Son of the former, is Witneſs to the Vendition of the Lands of Aldingſtoun to the Abbot of Paiſley, and his Title being added to the Sirname, is an undoubted Evidence that he was then a very remarkable Perſon; for I cannot but obſerve, that this is the very firſt time I have found any in the Weſtern Parts adding a local Title to the Sirname.

[291] In the grand Competition betwixt Bruce and Baliol for the Crown, Sir Walter Lyle was upon the Bruce's Side, as his Friend and Nameſake; Sir Allan Lyle was upon the Baliol's afterward, and adhered to the Intereſt of Edward Baliol, in all the Turns of the Times: In Conſideration whereof, upon his coming to the Crown, he made him Sheriff and Governor of Bute, and Lord High Chamberlain of Scotland a. But whether this Sir Alan Lyle was the Head and Repreſentative, or only a Branch of the Family, I do not know; however it is certain, that John Lyle of Duchal was in Favour with King David Bruce, in the 39th of whoſe Reign he had a Grant to himſelf and Margaret de Vauſs his Wife, of the King's Lands of Buch [...]han, in the County of Stirling, and to their Heirsb: After which he obtained the Honour of Knighthood; for I have found him deſigned Joannes de Lyle Dominus de Duchal M [...] les, in a Charter of Confirmation by Alan Erskine of Baruchan to Sir Robert Erskine, of the Lands of Dunerbook and Achintorly, in the End of King David's Reign. He left a Son

John, whom I have found deſign'd Filio & haeredi apparents Joannis Lyle de Duchal, militis, in Charters of King Robert II. when Earl of Strathern, He married a Lady who was one of the Co-heirs of the Earldom of Mar, tho' I know not preciſely who ſhe was: But in her Right the Lord Lyle, in the Time of King James II. laid Claim to a Part of that Eſtate, and from thenceforth added the Coat of Mar to his Paternal Arms. This John was ſucceeded by his Son

Robert Lyle, ſtiled Chevalier de Duchal, in the Letters of ſafe Conduct that were granted by the King of England, to a Number of great Men of Scotland, to come into his Dominions in the 1422, to wait on King James home, when he was relieved from his Captivity out of England. I find he was alſo one of the Hoſtages for the King's Ranſomc. When the King poſſeſſed himſelf of the Earldom of Mar, upon the Death of Alexander Stewart Earl of Mar, who was not born in lawful Marriage he put in his Claim as one of the Heirs of that Earldom, to which he and the Lord Erskine ſhould have ſucceeded by Right and Proximity of Blood, as Fordon's Continuator ſays, Anno 1438, Obiit Alexander Stewart Comes de Marr, & quia Baſtardus erat, Rex illi ſucceſſit, quamvis jure haereditario Domini Erskine & Lyle ſucceſſiſſe debuiſſent. 'Tis probable the King componed with Sir Robert Lyle about his Right, for in all the Diſputes betwixt the King and the Lord Erskine about his Claim to the Half of the Earldom of Marr, there is no Mention made of his Title. He married . . . . Daughter of Sir William Stewart of Caſtlemilk, d by whom he had Robert his Son and Heir, who in the Reign of King James II. was raiſed to the Peerage of this Realm, by the Title of Lord Lyle: For in a Charter of Lands by him to Sir John de Roſs of Haulkhead, Anno 1445, he is deſigned Dominus de Douchal; and in a Confirmation of the ſame Charter, under the Great Seal in the Year 1458, he is deſigned, Dilectus Conſanguineus Noſter Robertus Dominus Lyle, which doth plainly ſhow the Time he was rais'd to the Honour; after which he had ſundry Grants from the Crown, particularly of the Royal Caſtle of Re [...]frew, with the Orchards and Meadows, for the Payment of a Tack-duty of Five Pounds yearly to the King's Exchequere. He founded a Hermitage at Syde, within the Barony of Duchal, and a Chantry within the Abbey Church of Paiſly, for celebrating Divine Service [292] for the Health of his Soul, the Souls of his Anceſtors and Succeſſors for ever, to which he gives the Fiſhing of Crockat-ſhot upon Clyde Anno 1452. He married firſt Elizabeth Daughter of Andrew Gray Lord of Fowlis a; and next Margaret, Daughter of . . . . Wallace of . . . . . by whom he had Robert Lord Lyle, and a Daughter Agnes married to Alan Lyle of Craigbra [...] b.

Which Robert did very remark ably diſtinguiſh himſelf in his Service to his Country, in the time of James III. In the 1472, being then one of the King's Privy Council, he was joined in Commiſſion with diverſe Lords and Barons, to treat upon a Truce with the Engliſh; which being concluded, he was again named one of the Ambaſſadors on the Part of Scotland, to treat of a Marriage betwixt the Prince of Scotland, and Anne Daughter of John Duke of Suffolk: At which times a Truce was agreed on between the two Nations, from the 29 September 1484, for the full Term of three Years thereafterc, he being named one of the Conſervators thereof. Likewiſe in May 1488 he was one of the Commiſſioners ſent into England, to treat with that State, anent the keeping of a firm and laſting Peace betwixt the two Crowns. Before their return Home, the King being killed at the Battle of Stirling, his Lordſhip was by Act of Parliament appointed one of the Privy Council to King James IV.d, and conſtituted Juſtice General by South the River of Forth e.

But notwithſtanding of theſe Promotions, his Lordſhip being diſſatisfied with the Meaſures that had been taken in Reference to the late King, he together with Matthew Maſter of Lennox took up Arms, in order to revenge his Death, but was defeated in the Attempt by the Lord Drummond, for which he was forfeited; But again reſtored upon the general Indemnity Anno 1491, and reſtored to be Juſticiary by South the Water of Forth f. Which Office he diſcharged with Courage and Fidelity for ſeveral Years thereafter. He married firſt . . . . Daughter of John Seaton Son and Heir apparent of George Lord Seaton, and again Elizabeth Daughter of Archbald Earl of Angus, and had Iſſue, Robert his Succeſſor, George Lyle of Langlebank, Margaret married to James Stewart of Blackhal g, Marion to Peter Houſtoun Eſq h and Agnes to John Maxwel of Stainly.

Robert Lord Lyle his Son married Marion Daughter of . . . . Lindſay of Dunrod, and dying Anno 1511, left Iſſue, John his Son and Heir, and two Daughters, Agnes married to Alan Cathcart, at that time Son and Heir apparent of John Lord Cathcart i, and Katharine to Archibald Macklachlane of that Ilk.

Which John, being under Age at the Death of his Father, the Ward and Benefit of his Marriage was aſſigned by his Majeſty King James IV. to James Biſhop of Glaſgow, whoſe Niece Elizabeth, Daughter of Sir David Beaton of Crich, Lord High Treaſurer of Scotland; a very good Alliance, tho' ſhe was only a Gentlewoman; (for the Counteſs of Arran and the Lady Buckcleuch were Daughters of the ſame Family,) he had by her James, Maſter of Lyle, and a Daughter Jean married to Sir Neil Montgomery of Lainſhaw. This Lord upon the Death of King James V. was one of the Peers who entred into a ſolemn Aſſociation to maintain and defend the Infant Queen Mary againſt all Aſſaults either of Scots Men or Engliſh Men, who were in the Intereſt of England. The Maſter of Lyle being a profuſe Man [293] and of no Expectation, the Father cauſed firſt interdict him: But that Methode proving ineffectual, he reſolved to diſpoſe of his Eſtate to his Daughter and her Heirs, and that he might more eaſily and ſecurely convoy it to her and her Children, he diſpoſed of a great many conſiderable Baronies in a ſhort Time, and upon the Maſter's Death Sir Neil Montgomery came to be the Heir of this Ancient Noble Familya. And ſince the Right of Blood does not preſcribe his Heirs may claim the Lord Lyle's Honours when they think fit.


Quarterly 1ſt and 4th, Azure a Bend betwixt ſix Croſs Croſlets, Or, a Frete Gules, 2d and 3d, Or, Supporters two Cats Sable. Creſt, a Cock crowing. Motto, An I may.

DRUMMOND, Lord Maderty.

THE firſt of this Family was James Drummond Commendator of Inchaffrey, Son to David Lord Drummond by Lilias his Wife, Daughter of William Lord Ruthven, who having acquired a Right to the Monaſtery of Inchaffrey from Alexander Gordon Biſhop of Galloway, then Commendator of that Convent, had by the favour of King James VI. the Lands and Tithes which compoſed that Benefice erected to him in a temporal Lordſhip by the Stile of Lord Maderty Anno 1607. He married Jean Daughter of Sir James Chiſholm of Cromlix, and had Iſſue, John Lord Maderty, Sir James Drummond of Machany; likewiſe four Daughters.

1ſt Lilias married to Lawrence Lord Oliphant.

2d Jean to Andrew Wood of Largo in vic. de Fife.

3d Margaret to James Muirhead of Braideſholm in Vic. de Lanerk.

4th Katherine to Andrew 1ſt Lord Rollo.

John 2d Lord Maderty married Margaret Daughter of Patrick 1ſt Lord Lindores; and had two Sons, David his Succeſſor, and Lieutenant General William Drummond of Cromlix, 1ſt [294] Viſcount of Strathalan, and three Daughters.

1ſt Anne married to Patrick Rattray of Craighal in Vic. de Perth.

2d Jean to Patrick Graham of Inchbracko, in Vic. de Perth.

3d Margaret to Sir Robert Crichtoun, alias Murray of Cookpool Knight.

Which David married Beatrix, Daughter of John Earl of Montroſe; by whom he had three Daughters, Margaret married to John Graham Son to Patrick Graham of Inchbracko, Poſt-Maſter-General of Scotland. Beatrix to John 1ſt Earl of Hindford, Mary to John Halden of Gleneagles, the Dignity of Lord Maderty falling to William Viſcount of Strathalan his Nephew.

MAR, Earl of Mar.

WE ſhall look no further back into the Antiquity of this noble illuſtrious Family, than the Reign of King Alexander I. in the ſeventh Year of which 1114, Gratnach Comes Earl of Mar was one of the Nobles who gave their Aſſent to that Prince's founding the Priory of Scoon for Auguſtine Monks a, which is all I have diſcovered of him.

The next in order of Succeſſion of this illuſtrious Houſe is Morgund Comes, Earl of Mar, who is one of the Witneſſes to that Deed which King David made to the Monks of Dumfermling, of the Lands of Balchriſtan b, for the health of his Soul. This Earl imitated the Piety of the King in his Liberality to the Church; for he gave Deo & Eccleſiae Sancti Andreae & Canonicis ibidem Deo ſervientibus & ſervituris Eccleſiam ſancti Mathulnoth de Thartulend, cum decimis & oblationibus eidem Eccleſiae pertinentibus cum Molendino in eadem terra ſundato, & unam carrucatam terrae quae dicitur Gochilſtoun, pro ſalute animae ſuae, & Agnetis Comitiſſae ſponſae meae omnium anteceſſorum & ſucceſſorum meorum in perpetuum c. By the ſaid Agnes his Wife he had three Sons, Gilchriſt and Duncan, ſucceſſively Earls of Mar. & Malcolm who ratified and confirmed the Grant of the Church of Mulnoth, to the Priory of St. Andrew'sd. In which Deed he's deſigned Malcolmus filius Morgundi Comitis de Mar.

Gilchriſt Earl of Mar made a conſiderable Figure in the time of King William, he is a frequent Witneſs in the Deeds of that Prince to the Epiſcopal See of Murray, to which he was himſelf a Benefactor by his Gift of the Church of Aberdour, which had been formerly in diſpute between him and Brice Biſhop of Murray, they both making over their reſpective Claims to the Monks of Dumfermling at the King's ſpecial Inſtancee. He dying without Iſſue.

Duncan his Brother fell to be Earl of Mar, of whoſe Munificence to the Church there is this Memorial, viz. that he gave Deo & Sancta Maria de Minimus, & Keldeis ibidem Deo ſervientibus Eccleſiam de Lochyl, pro anima Domini ſui Willelmi Regis & pro anima [295] Morgundi Comitis de Mar patris ſui, & Agnetis Comitiſſae matris ſuae anteceſſorum & ſucceſsorum ſuorum, & pro ſalute & proſperitate Domini ſui Alexandri Regis & omnium ſuorum, & pro proſperitate ſui ipſius, & uxoris ſuae & [...]mnium Heredum a. This Duncan left Iſſue

William Earl of Mar, who in the 5th of King Alexander III. was conſtituted Lord High Chamberlain of Scotland, in place of Henry de Baliol b. Alſo in the 1250 he is one of the Peers, who entred into a ſolemn Agreement with the Welſh that Scotland ſhall not make a ſeparate Peace with the Engliſh without the Conſent of that Statec: He was likewiſe a Benefactor to the Prior and Canons of St. Andrews, and ratified the Donations which Morgund Comes avus ſuus & Agnes Comi tiſſa avia ſua fecerunt dictis Monachis Eccleſiae de Umycht d decimo Calendas Februarii M.CCLX.

Donald Earl of Mar his Sone, in the 1284 was one of the Nobility who obliged themſelves to own and acknowledge Margaret the Maiden of Norway, as lawful Queen of Scotland, in caſe that King Alexander III. her Grand-Father ſhould die without Heirs Male of his Bodyf. Upon the Death of that Princeſs when the grand Competition for the Crown aroſe, he openly declared for the Right of Robert de Bruce; but the contrary Faction prevailing, he was obliged to ſubmit to the Fate of the Nation at that Time, and afterward to take an Oath of Fidelity to the prevailing Power of Edward I. of England, when he had over-run Scotland. This Earl dying in or about the 1294, left Iſſue, but by whom I have not diſcovered, a Son Gratney his Succeſſor, and a Daughter Iſabel married to King Robert Bruce, by whom he had only one Daughter, the Princeſs Marj [...]ry Wife of Walter Lord High Steward of Scotland, Mother by him to King Robert II. firſt of the Stewartine Line.

Of Gratney Earl of Mar Hiſtory has taken no Notice, ſave that he married . . . . Bruce Daughter to Robert Earl of Carrick g, and Siſter to King Robert I. by whom he had Donald his Succeſſor, and Helen married to Sir John Montieth Knight, by whom he had one Daughter Chriſtian, married to Sir Edward Keith, whoſe only Daughter and Heir Janet was married to Thomas Lord Erskine, Mother by him to Robert Lord Erskine, who laid Claim to the half of the Earldom of Mar in the Reign of King James II.

Donald Earl of Mar made a very conſiderable Figure in all the Tranſactions of the Times he lived in; for no ſooner did his Uncle King Robert Bruce take the Fields in the Year 1306, in order to free his Country from the Yoke of Servitude it was under, than this noble Earl joined with him, and fought ſtoutly in his behalf, a [...] the Battle of Methven, againſt the Engliſh, where he had the hard Fate to be taken Priſoner, and ſent to England, where he endured a long and tedious Impriſonment, of no leſs than eight Years, till after the Battle of Bannockburn, he was exchanged for another Perſon of Quality Anno 1314h. How, or where he paſſed the reſt of his Life, till the 1331, I cannot take upon me to aſcertain, that Thomas Earl of Murray (Governour of Scotland in the Nonage of King David Bruce dying,) the Earl was choſen [296] Guardian of that part of Scotland that lieth upon the North ſide of Forth: But he did not long enjoy the Honour, for he loſt his Life at the Battle of Duplin, on the 3d of Auguſt 1332a, leaving Iſſue by Iſabel his Wife, Daughter of Sir Alexander Stewart of Bonkill, Siſter to John Earl of Angus b, Thomas his Son and Heir, and a Daughter Margaret married to William 1ſt Earl of Douglas, and again to Sir John Swinton c Knight.

Thomas Earl of Mar in the 29th of King David II. Anno 1358 executed the Office of Lord High Chamberlain of Scotland d. He married firſt the Heir of the Montieth Familye, and next Margaret eldeſt Daughter and Coheir of Thomas Stewart Earl of Angus, but dying without Iſſue in the Year 1379, his Eſtate and Honour devolved to Margaret Counteſs of Douglas his Siſter, who convoyed the Honour of Mar to James Earl of Douglas her Son, who being ſlain at the Battle of Otterburn on the 31 of July 1388, without any Child of his own Body, Lady Iſabel Douglas his Siſter was Heir to him in the Earldom of Mar. She married firſt Sir Malcolm Drummond of Cargil, who in her Right was entitled Lord of Mar; but ſhe being left a Widow by him, without any ſurviving Children, remarried Sir Alexander Stewart eldeſt Son of Alexander Earl of Buchan, Brother to King Robert III. when ſhe reſigned the Earldom of Mar and Lordſhip of Garioch, which was veſted and ſeaſed in her Perſon, in the hands of King Robert III. for new Infeftment to them and the Heirs of the Marriage; failing of which to the Heirs of the ſaid Sir Alexander Stewart, bearing Date on the 12th of Auguſt 1404f, whereupon he was ſtiled Earl of Mar, and as ſuch in the 1406 was one of the Ambaſſadors ſent from Scotland, to treat with the Engliſh for the Prorogation of a Peace betwixt the two Crownsg, which was done accordingly. In the 1411 he commanded the Royal Army at the Battle of Harlaw, againſt Donald Earl of Roſs, and having made a great Slaughter upon the Highlanders, effectually ſecured the Government againſt the like Attempts for many Years thereafter: But tho he had great Wealth at home, yet he ſhewed himſelf ſo averſe to Idleneſs and Pleaſure, that with a gallant Company of his Countrymen Volunteers, he went over to the Low-Countries after the Battle of Harlaw, and entred into the Service of the Duke of Burgundy h, where he made ſo fine a Figure in that Country, that after the Death of his firſt Lady, he gained the Counteſs of Holland in Marriage, and in her Right laid Claim to that Sovereignty. But the Hollanders would not ſubmit to the Government of a Foreigner, which obliged him to return to Scotland in the Reign of King Jomes I. in whoſe hands he reſigned the Earldom of Mar, in favours of Sir Thomas Stewart his Natural Soni, reſerving his own Liferent; but he dying without Iſſue, as well as his Father, whom Death overtook in the Year 1436, there aroſe a Competition betwixt the King and Robert Lord Erskine about the Earldom of Mar, the [297] main Plea for the King was a Right from the laſt Earl. It was pleaded in behalf of the Lord Erskine that his Right was derived from his Anceſtors by Proximity of Blood, as neareſt Heir of Lady Iſabel Douglas the laſt Counteſs of Mar. In the End Judgment was given againſt his Lordſhip, in favours of the King, who thereupon poſſeſſed himſelf of the Earldom of Mar, and annexed it to the Crown, where it continued till King James II. gave it to his Brother John then created Earl of Mar a: But he dying without Iſſue, it fell back again to the Crown, where it remained till the 1562, Queen Mary erected it into an Earldom, in Favours of James Prior of St. Andrews her natural Brother, and thereafter reſtored John Lord Erskine to be Earl of Mar by way of Juſtice Anno 1565, in lieu of which the other noble Lord was made Earl of Murray.

ERSKINE, Earl of Mar.

ALtho 'tis not above three hundred Years ſince the Erskines had any Title to the Earldom of Mar, yet this illuſtrious Family conſidered in it ſelf is very great and eminent, if we reſpect either its Antiquity, or the many great Employments and Perferments they have been honoured with theſe four Hundred Years paſt, and tho I cannot ſhow the preciſe Time when, or by whom the Name was firſt aſſumed, yet 'tis certain, it was derived from the Barony of Erskine in the Shire of Renfrew, and ſo being a local Sirname, is of Conſequence very ancient; tho the firſt mention I have found of them, is no higher than the Time of King Alexander II. in the 12th of whoſe Reign Henry de Erskine is Witneſs in the Gift which Amelick Brother of Maldwin, Earl of Lennox, made to the Chanons of Paiſly of the Patronage of the Church of Roſeneth, with the Tithes thereunto belonging, for the welfare of the King his Sovereign Lordb. Sir John de Erskine Knight his Succeſſor is a Witneſs to that Donation, which Walter Stewart Earl of Montieth made to the Abbot of Paiſly of the Church of St. Colmonel, for the Good of his Soul, according to the Devotion of thoſe Daysc. He was the Father of Sir John de Erskine, and he of William, who ſucceeded him in the Barony of Erskine, and of John who obtained a Grant from James High Steward of Scotland of ſundry Lands within his Tenement of Largis; in which Deed he's deſigned Joannes de Erskine filius Joannis de Erskine filii & heredis Joannis de Erskine Militis d, reſerving the Lands which William the Son of Sir John Erskine, held of him there.

Sir William Erskine the next of this Noble Family, was a forward Aſſerter of the Right of King Robert Bruce, to whoſe Intereſt faithfully adhering, he was one of thoſe Patriots, who in the [298] 1322 joined the Earl of Murray and Sir James Douglas, when they made an Expedition into England, where his gallant Behaviour procured him the Honour of Knighthooda and other Marks of the royal Favour. He le [...]t behind him two Sons Robert his Succeſſor, and Sir Alan Erskine who [...]ined the Barony of Inchmartine in Perth Shire, by the marriage of the Heir of Sir John of Inchmartine Knight, which came the ſame way to the Glens, and ſo to Sir Andrew Ogilvy Anceſtor to the Earl of Finlater in the Reign of King James II.

Which Sir Robert Erskine of Erskine being a Perſon well verſed both in Peace and War, was no leſs conſpicuous for his firm and ſtedfaſt Loyalty to King David, than his Father had been to King Robert, even when his Intereſt was at the very loweſt, and the Uſurper Baliol upon the Throne; for as ſoon as the Loyaliſts took the Fields, and Declared for their lawful Sovereign, Sir Robert Erskine joined the Lord High Steward and other Patriots, who fought with, and defeated the Rebels, and thereby recovered a great part of the Country to the King's Obedience; for which he was afterward rewarded as his ſingular Merit deſerved.

When a Treaty was ſet on Foot for redeeming King David from Captivity, when he was taken Priſoner at the Battle of Durham Anno 1346, Sir Robert Erskine Lord of Erskine, as he is called in the Record, was one of the Commiſſioners employed in that honourable Negotiationb; but that Treaty not taking effect, he was always one of the Plenipotentiaries that were appointed for the ſame purpoſe, and renewed every Year, tho all of them were unſucceſsful till the 1357, that Robert Lord High Steward, Guardian of Scotland, then commiſſioned Sir Robert Erskine and other Noble Perſons to treat about the Redemption of the King, and a final Peace with the Engliſh Nation, who at length agreed, that King David ſhould be releaſed, ſet free, and ranſomed for 100000 Merks Sterling Money, to be paid Yearly by 10000 Merks, till the whole Sum was paid; to which no Man ſeems to have contributed more frankly than Sir Robert, and gave his eldeſt Son one of the Hoſtages for Performance of the Treatyc. This ſignal Loyalty to his diſtreſſed Sovereign could not fail to be nobly rewarded; and therefore his Majeſty no ſooner returned home, than he conſtituted him Juſticiary for the Northern Diſtrict of Scotland Anno 1359d, and the ſame Year he was appointed to go upon a ſolemn Embaſſy to France, to renew the ancient League betwixt the two Crowns, Sir John Grant and Norman Leſly Eſq being his Colleaguese. Alſo in the 1364 he was appointed one of the Commiſſioners to treat about a final Peace with thoſe named by the King of England for the ſame effect, when a Truce was prorogued betwixt the two Nationsf; not long after which, Sir Robert Erskine was conſtituted Lord High Chamberlain, in place of Mr. Walter Biggar Parſon of Errol g, in the 40th of his Reign, and made High Sheriff of the County, and Governour of the Caſtle of Stirling during Lifeh, likewiſe of Edinburgh and Dumbartoun. All which he had under his Command at the Death of the King Anno 1371i, when he declared for King Robert II. which Contributed not a little to bring that Prince peaceably to the Throne, and to [299] extinguiſh the hopes of any other Pretender to the Crown. Having done all the Service he could for King Robert II. toward his advancement to the Throne, his Majeſty did not then forget to diſpence his Royal Favours to him, and more particularly he made him a Grant of an Annuity of Forty Me [...]ks Sterling for merly payable to the Crown, out of the Barony of Cadzow, which he exchanged with Sir David Hamilton for his Lands of Alands, Barns and Barn hill, within the Barony of Renfrew a;

But his Majeſty's Bounty did not ſtop to him here, for ſoon thereafter he beſtowed on him a third part of the Revenue acreſcing to the Crown out of the Burrough of Dundee, together with a third of the Lands of Pitcarach b then in the Crown, by the demiſe of John Campbel Earl of Athole.

He was a great Benefactor to the Church; for to the Cathedral of Brichen, he gave an Yearly Rent out of the Barony of Dundee, for the ſupport of two Prieſts, to celebrate Divine Service for the good Eſtate of himſelf and his Wife during their Lives, and for the health of his Soul after his Departure hence, and the Souls of his Anceſtors and Succeſſors for ever. Alſo to the Monks of Cambuskenneth, he made over his Right of the Patronage of the Church of Kinnoul, with the Lands of Fintalach, pro ſalubritate ſtatus noſtri & Chriſtianae Keith Sponſae noſtrae dum vixerimus, & pro ſalute Animarum noſtrarum, cum ab hac luce migraverimus; nec non pro ſalute Animarum omnium Anteceſſorum, & Succeſſorum noſtrorum, & omnium fidelium defunctorum c.

He married firſt Beatrix Daughter of . . . Lindſay of . . . . and again Chriſtian Relict of Sir Edward Keith d, and dying Anno 1385, left Iſſue, two Sons and a Daughter.

Sir Thomas his Succeſſor.

Sir Nicol Erskine of Kinnoul e. Which Branch in the Reign of King James II. determined in an Heir Female, Chriſtian, Daughter and ſole Heir of Sir John Erskine of Kinnoul, married to Sir Robert Crichton of Sanquhar, Anceſtor to the Earl of Drumfriſe.

Marion married to Sir Maurice Drummond of Concraig f.

Sir Thomas Erskine had a large ſhare of Favour with King Robert II. by whom he was raiſed to the Honour of Knighthood, and in 1384 appointed to go to England, upon a ſolemn Embaſſy, to treat about the Prorogation of a Truce betwixt the two Realms. He was no leſs valu'd and eſteem'd by Robert III. for his Wiſdom, Prudence and Experience; for in 1392 that King ſent him his Ambaſſador into England, to treat with that State upon Affairs of the higheſt Conſequenceg. 'Tis not unworthy our Remark, that in both the Commiſſions the King calls Sir Thomas Erskine Conſanguineus noſter. He married firſt Janet Daughter of Sir Edward Keith of Sinton Knight, by Chriſtian his Wife, Daughter and Heir of Sir John Montieth, and of Helen his Wife, Daughter of Gratney Earl of Mar h, by whom he had Robert his Succeſſor: And next Jean Daughter of . . . . Barclay of . . . . By her he had a Son John, who was the firſt Baron of Dun i, in Forfar-Shire, of whom branched the Erskine's of Pittodry k, whoſe Anceſtor Sir Thomas Erskine of Brichen, was Secretary of State in the Reign of King James V.

Robert Lord of Erskine the next of this noble Family, in Imitation of [300] his Anceſtors, ſignalized his Loyalty to King James I. when that Prince was a Priſoner in England, and as ſoon as an Attempt was made by the Governour toward effecting his Majeſty's Freedom anno 1421a, Robert Lord of Erskine was one of the Commiſſioners appointed to go to England, to aſcertain the Faith of the Treaty: And as ſoon as it was finally concluded in the 1424, he was one of the Hoſtages ſent into England for the Security of the Ranſomb. But the King being unwilling to be deprived of Sir Robert's Services, upon the payment of the firſt Moiety of 2000 Merks, he was by the King of England's Order ſet at Liberty upon the 19th of June 1425c. Upon the Death of Alexander Earl of Mar anno 1436, he laid Claim to the half of that Earldom, for the Reaſons which have been mentioned before; and accordingly was ſerved Heir to Iſabel Counteſs of Mar his Couſin, before the Sheriff of Aberdeen, on the 22d of April 1438d, and thereupon aſſumed the Title of Earl of Mar e. But the Miniſtry in the Minority of King James II. intenting a Proceſs againſt his Lordſhip in reference to his Right, and the Caſe coming to be tried, it continued a long Plea with the Crown, which was not determined in his Days, Death putting a Period to his Life Anno 1453f. Leaving Iſſue by . . . . Stewart his Wife, Daughter to the Lord Lorn, Thomas his Succeſſor, and a Daughter Agnes, married to Henry Douglas of Lochlevin, Anceſtor to the Earl of M [...]r [...]u [...].

Which Thomas did proſecute his Father's Claim to the Earldom of Ma with all the Vigour imaginable, but, having a powerful Party, the King, to deal with, at length a final Sentence was given againſt him in Parliament, on the 5th of November 1457g, which he was obliged to acquieſce in: But notwithſtanding the hard Meaſure he thought he had undergone from the Crown, and which might have been thought would have made him ready to have taken all Occaſions of being ſevere to it, yet he was a Perſon of ſo much Honour and Vertue, that in the ſucceeding Reign of James III. when he had a very fair Opportunity to be revenged, yet he no ſooner ſaw the ways of Duty toward the King declined, and his juſt Power invaded by a ſtrong Party of the Nobility, than out of pure Conſcience to ſerve his Majeſty when he was in Diſtreſs, he frankly ingaged in his Quarrel, and when the War broke out, accepted a Command in the Army, in which he continued till the very End, that the King was miſerably killed in the Field of Stirling on the 11th of June 1488, where ſome Authors, without any juſt Ground, have aſſerted that his Lordſhip had the ſame Fate with his Maſter; But that it was not ſo, evidently appears from ſeveral Memorials concerning him, which I have ſeen after that timeh. He married Janet Daughter to the Earl of Morton; By her he had Alexander his Succeſſor, and two Daughters;

Elizabeth married to Sir Alexander Seaton of Touch i, and had Iſſue.

Mary to William Livingſtoun of Kilſyth k and had Iſſue

Alexander Lord Erskine was Governour of Dumbartoun Caſtle in the 15th of King James IV. and of the Privy Council to that Prince. He ſounded a Chaplainry within the Paroch Church of Alloa of his own Patronage, [301] In honorem ſanctae & individuae Trinitatis, Patris, Filii & Spiritus Sancti, Beatae Mariae virginis, & Sancti Kentigerni, to which he mortified a certain Annuity, for the Maintenance of a fit and qualified Perſon, to celebrate Divine Service at St. Katharines Altar, pro ſalute animae quondam Jacobi III. Regis Scotorum, pro proſperitate Jacobi moderni Regis, necnon proſalute animae ſui ipſius, & animae Chriſtianae Crichton quondam ſponſae ſuae, & pro ſalute Elenae Hume ſponſae ſuae modernae, & omnium heredum & ſucceſſorum ſuorum a. By Chriſtian his Wife, Daughter of Robert Lord Crichton of Sanquhar b, he had Robert a Son, and two Daughters, Chriſtian married to David Stewart of Roſſyth c; and Agnes to Sir William Montieth of Carſe.

Which Robert married Elizabeth Daughter of Sir George Campbel of Lowdo [...], Anceſtor to the preſent Earl of that Name, and had Iſſue, John Lord Erskine, James Erskine of Sauchy, firſt of that Branch of Balgony d, Katharine married to Alexander Lord Elphinſtoun, and Margaret to John Halden of Gleneagles e, and had Iſſue. This Lord accompanying his Soveraign King James IV. to the Battle of Flowdon, was there ſlain with the Flower of the Nobility and Gentry, on that memorable Day 9th September 1513, and was ſucceeded by

John his Son, who being a Noble-Man of great Honour and Probity, upon the untimely Death of James IV. had the Tuition of the young King, James V. committed to him, and Stirling Caſtle being thought the moſt proper place for his Reſidence, his Lordſhip was then made Governor thereof. In that High Truſt he approved himſelf with ſo much Fidelity, that the King, when he came to Age, highly valued him, inſomuch that he ſent him upon a ſolemn Embaſſy into France anno 1534, to propoſe a Match betwixt the King and a Daughter of that Crown; which having performed to his Majeſty's Satisfactionf, he ſoon thereafter employed his Lordſhip in the ſame Quality to Henry VIII. of England, to congratulate that King for their joint Proſperity, and to conſult with him about a Marriage betwixt his Nephew King James, and a Daughter of the Duke of Vendoſme's, whom the French King had offered him, his own Daughter being of a weak and ſickly Conſtitutiong, which Office he diſcharged with Exactneſs and Fidelity, and was one of thoſe Peers who attended his Maſter into France when he eſpouſed Magdalene Daughter of Francis I. anno 1537.

Upon the King's Death in the end of the Year 1542, he had the keeping of the Young Queen Mary his Infant Sovereign committed to him in Stirling Caſtle: which great Truſt his Lordſhip diſcharged with the ſame Fidelity he had done in her Father's Minority till the 1548, when the Governor and the Three Eſtates thought fit to order him to carry over his Royal Pupil into France. He married Margaret Daughter of Archibald Earl of Argyle, by whom he had

1. Robert Maſter of Erskine who was taken Priſoner at the Battle of Solway anno 1542, for which he was obliged to pay a Ranſom of 200 Lib h. before [302] he obtained his Freedom. He married Margaret Daughter of William Earl of Montroſe a; But was ſlain at the Feild of Pinky September 10th 1547b, leaving no lawful Children.

2. Thomas Maſter of Erskine, who being a Nobleman of great Parts was imployed in ſeveral Embaſſies into England c, whereby he won great Reputation to himſelf, and ſerved his Country very faithfully. He married Margaret Daughter of Malcolm Lord F [...]eeming d: But was taken away in the Flower of his Age, leaving no lawful Iſſue behind hime.

3. John who ſucceeded his Father in the Honour, and was thereafter Earl of Mar.

4. Sir Alexander Erskine of Gogar, Anceſtor to the Earl of Kelly.

5. Arth [...]r Erskine of Blackgrange. Margaret married to Robert Douglas of Lochlevin, Anceſtor to the preſent Earl of Mortoun.

Elizabeth to Walter Seaton of Touch f, and had Iſſue.

Janet to John Murray of Polmais g, and had Iſſue.

John Lord Erskin was a Perſon of ſuch noble Nature generous Diſpoſition, and other bright Qualities, as rendred him very capable of acting the Part of a moſt conſummate Stateſman, which he did afterward in the higheſt and moſt eminent Stations a Subject could attain to. Being at firſt a younger Brother, his Father judged the beſt way was to provide for him in the Church, and therefore having given him Education accordingly, he was in due time made Commendator of Inchmach [...]mo [...] in the end of King James V's. Reign, no doubt for his better Support in the proſecution of his Studies to qualif [...]e him for a higher Office in the Church; but both his Brothers dying without Heirs of their Bodies, he was obliged to quit the Character of a Churchman and marry, in order to raiſe up Heirs to the Family: Which he did, and matched with Annabella Daughter of William Murray of Tillibardin, Paternal Anceſtor to the preſent Duke of Athole, by whom he had John his Succeſſor, and a Daughter Margaret married to Archibald Earl of Angus.

Upon his Acceſſion to the Honour, through the Demiſe of his Father, tho he was but then a very young Man, he had ſo fair a Reputation, and was ſo generally well eſteemed, that the Queen Regent thought fit in the 1553,h to give his Lordſhip the Command of the Caſtle of Edinburgh, in which Station he behaved ſo well, that he preſerved himſelf in the good Opinion of the Queen's Majeſty, and the whole Nation.

When Queen Mary returned from France Anno 1561, her Majeſty having made Choice of a new Privy Council, my Lord Erskine was named one of that Number, in which Station he ſoon rendred himſelf very gracious to the Queen, inſomuch that ſhe made him a Grant of the Abbey of Inchmachomoe and diverſe other Church Lands then newly diſſolved. His Intereſt at Court now being very great, he thought it a favourable Opportunity, and a proper Seaſon for him to renew his Claim to the Earldom of Mar, and having made good a Title through a long deduced Pedigree from Gratney Earl of Mar, his Pretenſions being ſupported by the Queen's Countenance, [303] his Claim was allowed and ratified by Act of Parliament: And tho' my Lord Mar was a very zealous Proteſtant, 'tis worthy our Remark, Queen Mary truſted him as much as ſhe could have done any of her own Profeſſion, which ſhe did eminently manifeſt by the Confidence ſhe repoſed in him, for as ſoon as ſhe was happily delivered of the Prince, James VI. her Majeſty committed him to the Tuition and Cuſtody of the Earl, in the Caſtle of Edinburgh, then under his Command, and he diſcharged that great Truſt ſo well, and was ſo much ſuperior to all Tentations of Infidelity that when the Earl of Bothwell had married the Queen, he could not prevail with my Lord Mar, either by Promiſes or Menaces, to deliver up the Prince to him, which was the Thing in the World, that wicked Earl had ſet his Heart moſt upon, when 'tis known his Lordſhip could have made his own Terms: In the End, when Bothwell found all his Offers rejected, he was glad to allow the Earl to carry the Prince to Stirling-Caſtle, of which he himſelf was heritable Governor, and then delivered up Edinburgh Caſtle to Bothwell, on the 21ſt of May, 1566, who immediately plac'd a Creature of his own, Sir James Balfour, in it, by which Means, the Earl of Mar became, under God, the happy Inſtrument of the Prince's miraculous Preſervation, during his long Minority: However, he ſtill retained great Duty and Affection to the Queen, even after Things came to an Extremity; ſo it would appear, that nothing but a pure Principle of Conſcience for the Preſervation of the Heir of the Kingdom, firſt engaged his Lordſhip in the Company of thoſe who ſet the Crown upon the Head of the Prince, when he was an Infant little more than one Year old. When the Civil War began, I do'nt find this generous and prudent Lord much engaged on either Side, for his particular Province being to take Care of his Royal Pupil, he ſtay'd himſelf much with him, and as he grew up in Years, gave him a Princely Education, appointing the famous Mr. Buchannan, Mr. Peter Young, Mr. David Eriskine, Commendator of Cambuſkenneth, and Mr. Adam Erskine, Commendator of Dryburgh, to be his Inſtructors, Gentlemen who wanted none of thoſe Qualities which were to be wiſhed to be in the Perſons to whom the Education of a great and hopeful Prince was committed, and for framing his Mind and Manners, in his young and tender Years.

My Lord Mar bore no publick Office in the State till the 1571, that upon the Death of Matthew Earl of Lennox, the Regent, the Earl of Mar, was a Nobleman ſo generally well eſteemed, that he was, by the unanimous Conſent of the King's Party, choſen Regent of Scotland, in his Room, Sept. 5, 1571. In which great Office he had, ſays one, Leſs Satisfaction than he expected, for when he had ſtrugled no leſs under the turbulent Councils of his own Party, than the Inſolencies of his Adverſaries, died for very Grief, after he had governed only Thirteen Months, upon the 28th of October 1572, and left behind him ſo unblemiſhed a Reputation, as cannot be very eaſily parallel'd in the like Circumſtances: He was interr'd in the Vault of his Family, among his Anceſtors, in the Paroch Church of Alloa, under a plain Monument, without any other Inſcription, than ſignifying him to be the Perſon there interr'd.

To John Earl of Mar ſucceeded John his Son, then under Age, of whom I have found little memorable, till the 1582, his Lordſhip being then very young, he was induced to join with others of the diſcontented Nobility, who ſeized on the King at Ruthven-Caſtle, and petition'd his Majeſty, that he would remove Sir James Stewart, [304] who then ſtiled himſelf Earl of Arran, from his Councils, being a Perſon of evil Fame, and Diſaffection to the publick Peace of the Kingdom, and an Inſtrument of Diſcontent between the King and his Nobility: But the Way and Manner of that Enterprize being afterwards adjudged treaſonable, the Earl was obliged to give up the Command of Stirling-Caſtle, and to leave his Majeſty's Dominions, which he did, and tranſporting himſelf into Ireland, from whence he came over to England, and joined the the Lord Hamiltoun, and others who had been outlaw'd during the Regency of the Earl of Mortoun, with whom he returned to Scotland Anno 1585, when he obtained his Majeſty's Pardon, was reſtored to his Command of Stirling-Caſtle, and to a more than ordinary Share of his Majeſty's Favour, which his Lordſhip never afterward forfaulted by any undutiful Behaviour.

In the 1593, when it pleaſed God to bleſs his Majeſty with a Son, Prince Henry, the King repoſing full Confidence in his Lordſhip's Fidelity, committed the Tuition of his Royal Highneſs to him, and his Majeſty was at the ſame Time pleaſed to write with his own Hand the following Letter to his Lordſhip.

My Lord of Mar,

BEcauſe in the Security of my Son, conſiſteth my Security, I have concredited to you the Charge of his Keeping, upon the Truſt I have in your Honeſty. This I command you out of my own Mouth, being in the Company of thoſe I like, otherwiſe from any Charge that can come from me, you ſhall not deliver him; and in Caſe God call me at any Time, ſee that neither for the Queen, nor Eſtates, their Pleaſure, you deliver him, till he be Eighteen Years of Age, and then he command you himſelf.

How the Earl diſcharged this great Truſt, will beſt appear from the Exoneration which his Majeſty gave him, under the Great Seal, when his Lordſhip carried the Prince to London, upon his Father's Acceſſion to the Engliſh Crown, a Copy of which I ſhall here inſert.‘JAMES, by the Grace of GOD, King of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland, &c. Whereas it is not unknown, that upon juſt and neceſſary Conſiderations, we did commit in the Year of our Lord 1596, the Cuſtody of the Prince our Son, to our Right Truſty and wellbeloved Couſin and Councellor, the Earl of Mar, as well in Regard of our Security, which conſiſteth in his Security, as in Reſpect there was none more fit to take that Charge than the Earl, of whoſe Sincerity in Religion, Affection and Fidelity to our Perſon, to our State, together with his Diſcretion and Judgment, we have had ſo good Experience, having now otherwiſe reſolved to diſpoſe of him, and conſidering how juſt and neceſſary it is for us to give as ample a Diſcharge to our Cuſin, the Earl of Mar, as may be. We do therefore firſt declare to all Perſons whatſoever, by theſe Preſents, That we have very great Cauſe moſt graciouſly to allow of that great Care which he hath ſhewed in providing for his vertuous Education. Next, That he hath obſerved our Directions for his Delivery. And laſtly, That he hath been received in ſo good State of Health and Conſtitution of Body and Mind, that we have Occaſion not only to take Comfort in God's Favour thereby, ſo confirmed to us, but do now teſtifie and declare by Vertue of theſe preſent Letters, that we do diſcharge, acquit, and exonerate againſt us, our Heirs, and Succeſsors, our ſaid Couſin, the Earl of Mar, concerning the Education and Delivery of our Son, as foreſaid, and do hereby notifie to the World, that we have received full and intire Satisfaction, anſwerable to the Truſt repoſed in him, and are reſolved to lay it up in Memory, as a Record of his conſtant Love and Duty towards us, and [305] taking ourſelves bound on the Honour and Gratitude of a Prince, not only to give him Acquittance, but to reward him in Time coming, for ſo great and memorable a Service. 28 June 1603.

Neither are we to forget, That in the 1601, his Majeſty ſent him Ambaſſador to Queen Elizabeth, to congratulate that Princeſs, upon her ſuppreſſing the audacious Attempt of the Earl of Eſſex: In which Negotiation, his Lordſhip deported himſelf with ſuch Prudence and Conduct, that he brought the Principals of the Engliſh Miniſtry to favour his Majeſty's Succeſſion to that Crown, which took Effect in leſs than Two Years there after; which, upon another Occaſion, his Majeſty did very gratefully acknowledge, and own, that next to the Goodneſs of God, he aſcrib [...]d to the Earl of Mar's laſt Negotiation in that Kingdom, his peaceab [...]e Acceſſion to the Crown of England.

His Majeſty, upon his Acceſſion to the Crown of England, did not forget to diſpenſe his Royal Favours to his Lordſhip: More particularly, he began with conferring the Garter upon him, the Enſigns of which he was inveſted with on St. George's Day, April 23d, 1603, and ſhortly thereafter cauſed him to be ſworn of his Majeſty's moſt honourable Privy-Council of England, and made him a Grant of ſundry Abbacies and other Church-Lands then diſſolved from the Crown. But his Majeſty being ſtill more and more deſirous to confer greater Honours on his Lordſhip, was graciouſly pleaſed to conſtitute him Lord High Treaſurer of Scotland, upon the Removal of Sir Robert Ker, Earl of Somerſet, and had the White-Staff delivered to him, on the 2d of December 1615, in which Office he demean'd himſelf ſo well, that he did his Maſter much Service, and preſerved himſelf in the good Opinion and Acceptation of the whole Nation; and he had the Treaſury ſo full at the King's coming down to Scotland, in 1617, that the Court were entertain'd with the greateſt Magnificence imaginable, out of the Profits of the Crown, and it was obſerved by the Engliſh Nobility, who attended the King in that Progreſs, that his Majeſty appear'd with no leſs Luſture at Holy-Rood-Houſe than at Whitehall.

He continu'd in the Treaſurer's Place till the 1630, his Lordſhip being grown aged and infirm, he reſigned the Office, which was immediately put into the Hands of the Earl of Mortoun, and declining to be put into any other publick Employment, he retired to his Seat in the Country, where Death put a Period to his Days, on the 16th of December, 1635, aged 79.

He married firſt Anne, Daughter of David, Lord Drummond, by whom he had John his Son and Heir: Next, the Lady Mary Stewart, Daughter of Eſmae, Duke of Lennox, by whom he had a numerous Iſſue, viz.

1. Sir James Erskine, who, in Right of Chriſtian, his Wife, Daughter and ſole Heir of Robert Douglas, Earl of Buchan, came to enjoy that Honour, the King beſtowing the Title de novo upon him and his Heirs-Male.

2. Henry, Commendator of Dryburgh, Lord Cardroſs, Anceſtor to the preſent Earl of Buchan.

3. Sir Alexander Erskine, Commendator of Cambuskenneth, and one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice, in the Reign of K. Ch. I.

4. Sir Charles Erskine of Alva.

5. Sir John Erskine of Otterſtoun.

6. Sir Arthur Erskine of Scotſ-craig.

7. William Erskine, Eſq

Lady Mary, Eldeſt Daughter, married to William, Earl Mariſhal; and next, to Patrick, firſt Earl of Panmure.

Lady Margaret, to John, Earl of Rothes.

Lady Martha, to John, Earl of Kinghorn.

[306] Lady Catharine, to John, Earl of Haddingtoun.

John, Earl of Mar, was made One of the Knights of the Bath, at the Creation of Henry, Prince of Wales, on the 30th of May, 1610, and thereafter, July 20th, 1615, he was ſworn of his Majeſty's moſt honourable Privy-Council, and named One of the Senators of the College of Juſtice: Which Station he prudently and faithfully diſcharged till the 1626, his Lordſhip was removed upon a general Statute That no Peer could be an Ordinary Lord of the Seſſion. Whether it was this or any other Act of Unkindneſs he met with from the Court, I cannot ſay, but 'tis certain, upon the firſt Appearance of the Troubles in 1638, his Lordſhip being then Governor of Edinburgh-Caſtle, his Majeſty did not ſeem to be abſolutely ſatisfied of the Affection of the Earl to his Service, and therefore removed him from that Command, and put the Caſtle into the Hands of Major General Ruthven, as a Perſon on whom he could firmly rely, and yet his Majeſty was willing that his Lordſhip's Remove might not be attended with any Act of Diſobligation, and therefore gave him 3000 lib. which the Marquis of Hamiltoun gave Security for. When the Civil War broke out, he apply'd himſelf with great Reſolution and Fidelity to the King's Service, and therefore was reckon'd among the firſt Rank of Malignants, and ſuffer'd accordingly.

He married Jean, Daughter of Francis, Earl of Errol, by whom he had John, his Succeſſor in the Honour, and a Daughter, Elizabeth, married to Archibald, Lord Napier; and departing this Life in the 1654, was ſucceeded by

John his Son, who, during the whole Courſe of the Civil War, moſt eminently ſignaliz'd his Loyalty to King Charles I. He was one of the Peers who joy'nd the Marquis of Montroſe at the Battle of Philiphaugh; after which he had the General's Leave to capitulate, which he did upon no other Terms, than laying down his Arms, and living quietly at his own Houſe, retaining always his Affection and Fidelity to the Crown, to his dying Day.

He married firſt, Mary, Daughter of Walter, Earl of Bucleugh; and again, Mary, Daughter of George, Earl of Seaforth. By her he had Charles, his Son and Heir, likewiſe Three Daughters.

Barbara, married to James, Marquis of Douglas.

Mary, to John, Earl of Glencairn.

Sophia, to Alexander, Lord Pitſligo.

Charles, Earl of Mar, his Son, was one of the Lords of the Privy-Council to King Charles II. and King James VII. During whoſe Reign he was Colonel of a Regiment of Foot. He died in the Flower of his Age, April 23. 1689, leaving Iſſue by Mary his Wife, Daughter of George, Earl of Panmure,

1. John his Son and Heir.

2. James Erskine of Grange, whoſe Parts in the Profeſſion of the Law, being very conſpicuous, was by the ſpecial Favour of her Majeſty Queen Anne, promoted to be one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice, in 1706, and thereafter made Juſtice-Clerk. Of whoſe real Worth and Merit, every one that knows him, can ſay a great Deal, and all I can mention in this Place, would be too little.

3. Colonel Henry Erskine, who was kill'd at the Battle of Almanza, in Spain, Anno 1707, to the great Grief of his noble Relations.

4. Jean, married to Sir Hugh Paterſon of Bannockburn, Bart.

John. Earl of Mar, being the Heir of a noble and illuſtrious Family, as ſoon as he came to Age, her Majeſty Queen Anne took him into her immediate Care, made him firſt a Privy-Councellor, gave him the Command [307] of a Regiment of Foot, and made him a Knight of the Order of St. Andrew, in the Beginning of her Reign.

In 1705, her Majeſty promoted him to be Secretary of State, in the Room of the Marquis of Annandale; and the next enſuing Year, his Lordſhip was named one of the Commiſſioners to treat of an Union betwixt the Two Nations; which being agreed to by the reſpective Parliaments of both Kingdoms, his Lordſhip, throughout the whole Affair, merited ſo well of the Court, that he had a Penſion ſettled on him, as an Equivalent for his Secretary's Place; which was then ſuppreſs'd, and conſolidated into the Secretary-Office of Great-Britain.

In 1708, the Queen named his Lordſhip of her moſt honourable Privy Council, and ſtriking in with the Earl of Oxford, on the Change of the Miniſtry, he was in 1713, prefer'd to be Third Secretary of Great-Britain, which had been vacant from the Death of the Duke of Queenſberry; in which eminent Station his Lordſhip continued till after the Death of his Miſtriſs, the Queen. Upon the Arrival of King George in Britain, his Majeſty was pleaſed to acquaint the Earl a few Days thereafter, that he had no longer Occaſion for his Service, in the Quality of Secretary of State; to which his Grace the Duke of Montroſe was preferred on the 24th of September, 1714.

He married firſt Margaret, Daughter of Thomas, Earl of Kinoul, a by whom he had only one Son

John, Lord Erskine.

Secondly, Frances Pierpont, Daughter of Evelyn, Marquis of Dorcheſter, by whom he had one Daughter,

Lady Frances Erskine, an Infant.


Quarterly 1ſt and 4th Azure, a Bend betwixt Six Croſs-Croſlets, Or, 2d and 3d Argent, a Pale Sable ſupported on the Dexter by a Lyon, Gules, and on the Siniſter with a Griffin Proper. Creſt, a ſavage Hand, holding a Cutleſs,b Motto, Je Penſe plus.

DUNBAR. Earl of March.

GOſpatrick, Son of Goſpatrick, Earl of Northamberland, being deprived of his Eſtate by William the Conqueror,c fled to Scotland, where King Malcom III gave him the Territory of Dunbar, and the adjacent Lands in Lothian, d of great Value and Extent.

Goſpatrick his Son, was created Earl of Dunbar by King David I. Anno 1130,e he's deſigned Goſpatrick Comes, without any local Appellation, in a Deed which he made to the Religious of Kelſo, of the Churches of H [...]me, Lamden, and Greenlaw, f and dying anno 1147, was ſucceeded by

Goſpatrick who was a great Benefactor to the Church, as his Donations to the Abbeys of Kelſo and Caldſtream do manifeſtg; who giving Way to Fate in 1167,h left a Son,

Waldav [...], the next Earl of Dunbar, of whom Hiſtory is altogether ſilent, ſave that following the Example of other great Men, he gave great Donations to religious Perſons and Places. He died anno 1182,i leaving

[308] Patrick his Son and Heir, a Man famous for warlike Exploits, in his Time. He married Adda, natural Daughter to King William, and dying in 1232a left Two Sons Patrick, and William, who aſſuming his Surname fom his Patrimonial Lands of Hume in Berwick-Shireb, was the Anceſtor of the Earl of Hume, and the other Branches of that illuſtrious Family.

Patrick, Earl of Dunbar, his Son, died in an Expedition to the Holy-Land, anno 1248,c leaving a Son,

Patrick, Earl of March and Dunbar, who by Chriſtian de B [...]uce, his Wife, had

Patrick, Earl of Dunbar and March, his Son, who in 1291; upon the Demiſe of Queen Margaret, laid Claim to the Crown of this Realm, as deriving a Title from King William d but the Right of Succeſſion being adjudged to John B [...]liol, he did not peaceably acquieſce as the other Competitors did, but kept up his Pretenſions till Death took him away in 1294, leaving Iſſue by Cicilia his Wife, Daughter of John de Wer e.

Patrick, the Succeeding Earl, who was moſt loyal and faithful to King Robert I. He died in the 1315f.

Patrick his Son, was his Succeſſor in the Earldom and Honour, who in 1332, was choſen Governor of Scotland beſouth the River of Forth, upon the Death of Thomas Earl of Murray, in the Minority of King David II. and he diſcharged the Truſt repoſed in him with great Wiſdom and Fidelity.

Patrick, Earl of March, his Son and Succeſſor, had a very conſiderable Share in all the Tranſactions of that Time, in which he made a very great Figure. He married Agnes Randolph, Daughter of Thomas, Earl of Murray, Siſter, and at Length ſole Heir of John, Earl of Murray, by whom he had George, Earl of March, and Earl of Murray, in Right of his Wife, alſo ſeveral Daughters,

Margaret, married to William, Earl of Douglas.

Agnes to Sir James Douglas, Lord of Dalkeith; g

Elizabeth, to John Maitland of Leidingtoun.

Which George was Warden of the Marches toward England, in the Time of King Robert II. Anno 1380, when the War broke out with England, in that Reign, the Earl, with a ſtrong Body of Horſe and Foot, enter'd England, burnt Penreith, plunder'd the Country, took and demoliſhed the Fortreſſes of Werk, Ford and Cornwall; but after all theſe great and loyal Services to his Prince and Country, he revolted to the Engliſh, in the Time of Robert III. the Occaſion of which is thus delivered by our Hiſtorians.

The King, in Conſideration of a great Sum of Money, ſay they, a Part of which he actually received, had contracted his eldeſt Son, the Prince, to Elizabeth Dunbar, the Earl of March's Daughter: But Archbald, Earl of Douglas, having endeavoured all he could to obſtruct the Marriage, and having great Intereſt with the King at the Time, prevailed with his Majeſty to reſcind the former Contract, and to ſubſtitute the Lady Marjory Douglas, his own Daughter, in Place of Elizabeth Dunbar. The Earl of March's high Spirit being unable to bear ſo ſignal Affront, he therefore committed the Care of his Caſtle of Dunbar to Sir Robert Maitland of Leidingtoun, his Nephew, renounced his Allegiance to the Crown of Scotland, and withdrew into England with 100 Horſe in his Retinue. When he was there, he entered into a cloſe Friendſhip with Sir Henry Piercy, and ſome other Borderers, with whom he continually haraſſed the [309] Borders of his native Country, making a great Havock wherever he came, eſpecially upon the Douglas's Lands, for which his Eſtate was forfaulted. But afterward he ſued for Pardon to the Duke of Albany, then Governor, which having obtained, he returned to Scotland, where he paſs'd the Remainder of his Life in great Concord with his Neighbours, and faithful Subjection to the Crown till his Death, which happen'd Anno 1416,a leaving Iſſue by Chriſtian his Wife, George his Son and Heir, John Earl of Murray, Sir Gavin Dunbar, Kt. and Sir Patrick Dunbar of Beill.

George, Earl of March, his Son, was one of thoſe noble Perſons employ'd to treat with the Engliſh, Anno 1423, about the Relief of King James I. which at laſt was ſucceſsful, and happily terminated in the King's Redemption,b at the Solemnity of whoſe Coronation he had the Honour of Knighthood among other Noblemen conferr [...]d on him: But afterward the King calling to Mind the long and obſtinate Rebellion of the Earl's Father againſt his Father, committed him Priſoner to Edinburgh-Caſtle, and gave Orders to ſeize his Caſtle of Dunbar: And to ſhew, that he meant to do nothing contrary to Law, he appointed a Parliament to meet at Perth, the 10th of January 1434. The next Day, both the King as Purſuer, and the Earl, ſtiled Sir George Dunbar, as Defendant, compeared by their Procurators. They for the Earl, pled, That his Father had been pardon'd by the Duke of Albany, the ſupreme Magiſtrate for the Time; but the Advocates for the King replied, That the Power of reſtoring Exiles was never lodged in the Perſon of a Governor. In the End, after a long Debate, the Parliament found and declared, Quod Ratione forisfacturae Domini Georgii de Dunbar, quondam Comitis Marchiae & Domini de Dunbar, [...]mne jus tam, proprietatis quam poſſeſſionis, omnium & ſingularum terrarum Comitatus Marchiae, & Dominii de Dunbar, aliarumque terrarum quae de Domino noſtro Rege tenuit in capite, cum omnibus & ſingulis ſuis pertinentiis, fu [...]ſſe, ſpectaſſe, & pertinuiſſe; ac eſſe, ſpectare, & pertinere, debere, tam in poſſeſſorio quam in Petitorto, ad Dominum noſtrum Regem.d

Yet ſuch was the King's Bounty towards the poor Earl, that commiſerating his low Condition, his Majeſty was graciouſly pleaſed to give him a Penſion out of the Earldom of Buchan, which ſupported him according to his Quality, during his Life.

The Earldom of March being thus annexed to the Crown, it therein remained till the 1478, King James III. gave it to his Brother Alexander, Duke of Albany; which he having for faulted by his unnatural Rebellion, it was again unite in the Crown, where it continued till King James VI. revived the Title, and beſtowed it upon his Uncle, the Biſhop of Cathneſs, in Liew of the Earldom of Lennox. c

Robert Stewart, Earl of March,

WAS the ſecond Son of John, Earl of Lennox, by Anne his Wife, Daughter of John, Earl of Athole; who being educated ſuitable to his noble Birth, with a View to the Service of the Church, the firſt Step he made into it, was to be Provoſt of the Collegiat-Church of Dunbartoun, [310] and after that he was preferr'd to the Epiſcopal See of Cathneſs, Anno 1542, but while he wasonly Elect, taking Part with his Brother the Earl of Lennox, againſt the Earl of Arran, the Governor in Queen Mary's Minority, he was deprived of his Biſhoprick, and lived in Exile upwards of 20 Years, till the 1563, he was again reſtored, at leaſt to the Profits of the See; and complying with the Reformation of Religion, he had for his Share of the Riches of the Church, the Priory of St. Andrews given him from the Crown. In the 1576, the Honour of Earl of Lennox devolved on him by the Death of Charles Earl of Lennox, his Nephew, but having no Male Iſſue of his Body, he reſigned the Honour to his great-Nephew Eſ [...]ae, Lord d' Aubigny, and in Place thereof was made Earl of March, in the 1579, after which he liv'd privately at St. Andrews, where he ſpent his old Age in a ſtudious and retired Manner, happily free from any Faction, till the 29th of March 1586, Death brought his Life to a Period, in the 70th Year of his Age.

DOUGLAS. Earl of March.

THE Title of Earl of March, lay dormant for the Space of One Hundred and Eleven Years, that it was revived again, in the Perſon of Lord William Douglas, ſecond Son of William, firſt Duke of Queensberry, whom King William honoured with this Title, by Letters Patent, on the 20th of April, 1697a.

He married Jean, Daughter of John, firſt Marquis of Twadel, and departing this Life in September 1705b, left Iſſue William, the preſent Earl, and a younger Brother, Mr. Douglas, a Youth.


Quarterly 1ſt and 4th, the quarter'd Coat of the Family of Queensberry, 2d and 3d Gules, a Lyon rampant Argent, within a Border charged with Eight Roſes of the firſt. The Coat of the Dunbars, Earls of March, ſupported on the Dexter with a Horſe winged Argent, and on the Siniſter with a Lyon Rampant, Gules. Creſt, a Hart-winged, enſign'd with an Imperial Crown, iſſuing out of a Ducal-Coronet. Motto, Forward.

HUME. Earl of Marchmont.

SUrnames given for Difference of Families, and continued as hereditary, were uſed by no People antiently but the Romans. This Cuſtom, the Learned obſerve, they took up after the League with the Sabines, and call'd ſuch Names Nomina, or Nomina Gentilitia. The Engliſh and we call them Surnames, not as if they were the Name of the Sire or Father, but becauſe they are ſuperadded to the Chriſtian Name. The Hebrews, to keep up the Memory of their Tribe, in their Genealogies, inſtead of Surnames, us'd the Name of the Father, with Ben, i. e. Son, as Melchi Ben Addi. The old Britons us'd Ap in the ſame Senſe, as Oven Ap Harry; and our Anceſtors made Uſe of Mac to the ſame Purpoſe as Donald MacDonald, [311] and ſo on. About the Year of our Lord 1000, Surnames began to be taken up in France; in England about the Time of the Conqueſt, and with us in Scotland, not before the Time of King Malcolm Kanmore. And I have obſerved, at firſt Surnames were only us'd by the better Sort, and that they were not fully ſettled among the common People till about the Time of King Robert I.

The moſt ancient Surnames are local, with de before them, as Patrick de Dunbar, Archibaldus de Douglas, Will [...]elmus de Hume, Reginaldus de Crawford, Patricius de Polworth, a having been either the patrimonial Poſſeſſions or Birth-Places of great Perſons. In Scotland infinite Numbers of Families have had their Surnames from Places; for it is a ſufficient Proof, ſays Mr. Camden, of antient Deſcent, when the Inhabitant hath the Name from the Place he inhabiteth. According to this Cuſtom, the Proprietors of the Barony of Polwarth, in the County of Berwick, aſſumed a Surname from their own Lands when local Appellations were firſt aſſumed, tho' I have not found any Mention of them ſooner than the Time of King Alexander II. in the End of whoſe Reign, Adam de Polworth de Polworth, Kt. had the Lands of Beeth given him from Sir Alexander Seato [...]n of Wintoun, in frank Marriage wi [...]h Eva his Siſter, as the Deed yet extant doth confirmb. He left Iſſue Patrick his Succeſſor in the Barony of Polwarth, and Adam, who by a ſolemn Deed made over Domino David de Gram [...] cognato ſuo, totum tenementum illud quod frater ſuus Patricius de Polworth dedit ſibi in foeudo de Dunipace, in excamb [...]um quatuor accrarum terrae in foeudo de Wedderlyc. From this Time the Family of Polwarth continued in the direct male Line till the Reign of King Robert II. that Sir Patrick de Polwarth, Kt. having no Heir male of his Body, married his only Daughter Elizabeth to Sir John Sinclair of Herdmanſtoun, Kt. the Heir of a very ancient and nobly ally'd Family of the Sinclairs, in whoſe Favours he reſigned his Lands and Barony of Polwarth, on the 12th of November 1377d. By her he had Sir William Sinc [...]air of Herdmanſtoun and Polwarth his Son and Heir, Father of another Sir John Sinclair of Herdmanſtoun, whoſe Son and Heir apparent John Sinclair Eſq obtained a Charter from King James II. on the 27th of July, 1444, to himſelf and Catharine Hume his Wife, Daughter of Sir Thomas Hume of that Ilk, of the Barony of Polwarth, and to their Heirs: But he dying without Male Iſſue, the Barony of Herdmanſtoun, by Reaſon of an Entail to Heirs Male, fell to Sir William Sinclair his Brother, and Polwarth and Kimmergham to his Two Daughters, Marion the elder marrying Sir George Hume of Wedderburn, and Margaret the Younger Patrick Hume, Eſq Son of Sir David Hume, firſt Baron of Wedderburn, younger Son of Sir Thomas Hume of that Ilk. With her he got the Barony of Polwarth, and thereupon [...]ok a Croſs ingrail'd, Azure, the Coat of Sinclair, and three Piles ingrail'd [312] Gules, in a Field, Argent, the Arms of Polwarth of Polwarth. Both which he quarter'd with his own Paternal Arms.

This Sir Patrick Hume being a warlike Man, gave many ſignal Proofs of his Valour, on ſeveral Occaſions; more particularly he ſignaliz'd himſelf at the Siege of Roxburgh, where King James II. was [...]ain and in moſt of the other Actions betwixt the Scots and the Engliſh in his Time. By the foreſaid Margaret Sinclair his Wife, he had Patrick his Son and Heir, who inherited his Father's Valour and martial Qualities, as well as his Fortune. Being a Baron of great Power and Authority on the Borders, the Duke of Albany, when he was forming his unnatural Rebellion againſt his own Brother King James III. thought to ſecure the Laird of Polwarth to his Intereſt, by giving him Lands and other Favoursa: But the Duke no ſooner invaded his native Country by the Aſſiſtance of an Engliſh Army, than he joined the King's Forces, and did his Majeſty ſo notable and eminent Services, that he had the ſame Lands confirmed to him by a Charter under the Great Seal, wherein his Services i [...] reſiſting the Engliſh Invaſion are ſet forth in very honourable Termsb. He made a very great Figure in the Time of King James IV. was much in that Prince's Favour, who beſtowed upon him many Lands in the Counties of Stirling and Perth, and at laſt preferred him to be Comptroler of Scotland in the 1499c, which Office he diſcharged with ſingular Ability and Integrity, till the 1502. Being aged, he was removed, and John Stirling of Craigbarnet put in his Room; and departing this mortal Life Anno 1504, was interr'd with his Anceſtors in the Collegiat-Church of Dunglaſs.

He married firſt Margaret, Daughter of Sir John Edmondſtoun of that Ilkd, by whom he had Alexander his Succeſſor; Secondly, Helen, Daugter of Sir James Shaw of Sauchie e, Widow of Archbald Haliburton, Eſq Son and Heir apparent of George Lord Dirletoun: By her he had George, firſt of the Line of the Humes of Argathy in Stirling-Shire; likewiſe four Daughters, Aliſon married to Sir James Shaw of Sauchie f, Janet to Sir Andrew Kerr of Ferni [...]hirſt, Anceſtor to to the preſent Marquis of Lothian g, Marion to Sir William Baillie of Lamingtoun, and Margaret, who render'd herſelf religious, and was Abbeſs of the Nunnery of North-Berwick.

Alexander Hume, 3d Baron of Polworth, of that Name, by his good Oeconomy and other virtuous Means, very conſiderably augmented his Fortune, which he made a Fund for the Proviſion of his younger Sons, and took care to let his paternal Inheritance deſcend intire to the Heir of his Family. His firſt Wife was Margaret, Daughter to Robert Lord Crichtoun of Sanquhar, Anceſtor to the Earl of Dumfries h: 2dly, he married Margaret, Daughter of Robert Lawder of Baſs; and departing this Life in the End of the 1532, as appears from the Probate of his Teſtament, he left Iſſue, Patrick his Son and Heir, Alexander, of whom ſprung the Humes of Heugh, Gavin Hume, firſt of the Branch of Rhodes; alſo Three Daughters, Margaret, married to Patrick Hepburn of Craig i, Catharine to Robert Pringle of that Ilk, and Iſobel Abbeſs of North-Berwick k, who was a very bountiful Lady to the Family.

Patrick, the next of the Family, married Elizabeth, Daughter of Sir Patrick Hepburn of Wauchtoun l. By her he had Three Sons, Patrick, who [313] ſucceeded him in his Eſtate, Sir Alexander Hume of North-Berwick, who was choſen Provoſt of Edinburgh, Oct. 2d. 1593a. which Office he diſcharged with Prudence and Moderation, inſomuch that he became ſo acceptable to King James VI. that his Majeſty ſent him Ambaſſador to England: In which Negotiation he behaved himſelf ſo well, that he has the concurring Teſtimony of our Hiſtorians, of being a wiſe and prudent Man. Mr. Adam Hume, firſt Proteſtant Rector of the Church of Polwarth, where he exerced his paſtoral Function, till Death took him away very aged, Anno 1596, leaving behind him the Character of a pious and devout Man. Beſides theſe Sons, he had alſo Two Daughters, Margaret married to John Baillie of St. John's-Kirk b, and Anne to French of . . . . Thornydike c, in the County of Berwick.

Patrick Hume the next Baron of Polwarth, was zealous for the Reformation of Religion. I find he was one of thoſe who in the 1560, entred into a mutual League and Bond of Aſſociation to promote the ſincere Preaching of the Word, and to defend the Teachers thereofd. When the Civil War broke out, he was on the young King's Side, as moſt of the Profeſſors of the Reform'd Religion were, and was unfortunately ſlain in a Conflict by a Party who appeared for Queen Mary, at Cairny, 2d June, 1571e, leaving Iſſue by Agnes his Wife, Daughter of Alexander Hume of Manderſtoun, Anceſtor of George Earl of Dumbar, Lord High Treaſurer of Scotland, in the Reign of K. James VI. Sir Patrick his Succeſſor; Alexander Rector of L [...]gr; Gavin, of whom came the Humes of Johns-Cleugh in Berwick-Shire, Sir John Hume of North-Berwick, Anceſtor of that Branch of Caſtle-Hume, in the County of Fermanach in the Kingdom of Ireland, where they ſtill continue with Luſtre, David Hume of Rowieſtoun, George Hume of Belyhoſe, Jean married to David Hume of Law, Agnes to . . . Edmondſtoun of Woolmet, and Margaret to Thomas Cranſtoun of Crosby; and dying in the Month of May, 1592f, was ſucceeded by

Patrick his Son and Heir, who was in great Favour with King James VI. His ſaid Majeſty firſt preferred him to be Maſter of his Houſhold, anno 1591, one of the Gentlemen of the Bed-Chamber, and Warden of the Marches toward England, which Office was ſuppreſs'd upon the Union of the Crowns in 1603; and departing this Life the 15th of June 1609g, left Iſſue by Juliana his Wife, Daughter of Sir Thomas Kerr of Ferniehirſt, Siſter to Andrew Lord Jedburgh, and to Robert Earl of Somerſet, Lord High Treaſurer of Scotland, the great but unfortunate Favourite of King James VI. Sir Patrick his Succeſſor, Thomas Hume of Caldſtream, Mr. George Hume of Kimmergham, Elizabeth married to Sir John Carmichael of that Ilk, Jean to Chriſtopher Cockburn of Chauſley, and Sophia to Mr. Joſeph Johnſtoun of Hiltoun, and had Iſſue.

Which Sir Patrick was much reſpected by King James VI. who in 1621, gave him a Penſion of 100 lib. Sterling, and beſtowed ſundry other Marks of his Royal Favour on him. King Charles had alſo a Value for Sir Patrick, and made him a Knight Bart. ſoon after the firſt Inſtitution of that Order in the 1625. He married Chriſtian, Daughter of Sir Alexander Hamilton of Innerweek, by whom he has Patrick, firſt Earl of Marchmont, Alexander Hume, Eſq a Gentleman of great Parts of Learning, who betaking [314] himſelf to the Profeſſion of Arms, attained in few Years to the Degree of a Colonel, but was taken away by Death in the Prime of his Days, much lamented, and the more that he left no Iſſue to be remembred by; alſo Two Daughters, Juliana, married to Richard Newtoun of that Ilk, in Vicecom. de Berwick; and Anne to Alexander Hume Eſq Son of John Hume of Manderſtoun; and dying in April 1648, was ſucceeded by

Sir Patrick his Son and Heir, who was born on the 13th of January 1641: Being young at his Father's Death, his Mother, a Lady eminent in all Vertue, took great Care of his Education under the beſt Maſters, and he made ſuch Proficiency in all the Parts of Learning that were proper for a Gentleman, that he fully anſwered what could be expected from the moſt eminent Inſtructers.

In the 1665, he was choſen Knight of the Shire for the County of Berwick to the Parliament, wherein he ſerv'd with diſtinguiſhing Zeal for the Liberties of his Country, and upon every Occaſion oppos'd and contradicted all Taxes and Impoſitions on the Subject, that were not exactly according to Law.

In 1676, the Privy Council having arbitrarily impoſed a Tax upon the Shire of Berwick, that was not altogether legal, Sir Patrick Hume was choſen to remonſtrate againſt it, and to apply to the Lords of Seſſion for Redreſs in the ordinary Courſe of Juſtice; which was ſo highly reſented by the Council, as an Act of Inſolence, and a Contempt of their Authority, that he was ordered to crave Pardon in the moſt ſubmiſſive Manner, and to ſubmit to their Sentence: But S [...] Patrick inſiſting on the Legali [...] of what he had done, and abſol [...]ely refuſing to make any ſuch Compliance for what he thought ſo ſolemn an Act of his Duty, his Attendance was continued from Day to Day, to his great Charge & Vexation; & when he could neither be perſuaded nor threatned to ſubmit, was at length caſt into Priſon, in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh, where he continued ſome Time, till he was ſent under a ſtrong Guard to Dumbartoun-Caſtle, and from thence to the Caſtle of Stirling, where he underwent an Impriſonment of no leſs than 13 Months, with all the Circumſtances of Severity and Rigour, till at Length, by the Interpoſition of ſome of his Relations at Court, particularly the Counteſs of Northumberland, he obtained his Liberty.

After this, Sir Patrick went to England; but the Malice and Animoſity of the chief Miniſters of State was ſo great againſt him, that aſſoon as the Court had Notice of his being at London, it was reſolved he ſhould be apprehended and impriſoned as a Man worthy of their Fear; tho' they could not charge him with any Practices that were not preciſely agreeable to the Duty of a good and faithful Subject, but only a Suſpicion of his Diſaffection to the Government from the Company he haunted, the Principals of whom were the Earl of Shaftsbury and the Lord Ruſſel, his near Relation. But Sir Patrick having got timeous Warning of the Deſign of the Court, thought it his moſt adviſable Courſe, to ſtep out of the Way, and travelling beyond Sea he retired to Geneva, from whence he came down to Holland, where he was received with great Kindneſs and Generoſity by [...]e Prince of Orange, who looked [...]n him as a Confeſſor for the Prot [...]ant Religion, and the Liberties of his Country. Here he ſojourn'd [...]ll the Death of King Charles II.

Upon the Duke of York's coming to the Throne, Sir Patrick Hume having always with more than ordinary Zeal ſhown himſelf againſt a Popiſh Succeſſor to the Crown, which was the Sourſe of all his Troubles, and King James having made open Profeſſion of [315] Popery, he joined with the Earl of Argyle, and came over with him in the Invaſion 1685; but that Attempt being, by the Providence of GOD, overthrown, and the Party diſperſed, Sir Patrick found Means to conceal himſelf in Air-Shire for Three Weeks, a Report being induſtriouſly ſpread abroad by his Friends, that he was dead, that the Search for him might be diſcontinued, till a Veſſel was provided for him on the Weſt-Coaſt, which in a few Days ſafely landed him at Dublin; but not thinking it ſafe for him long to continue in Ireland; for by this Time he was forfaulted and declared a Rebel, he went over to Holland, where he met with the ſame kind and generous Reception from the Prince of Orange as formerly, tho' perhaps not ſo avowedly: And there he continued to reſide till the 1688, he came over with the Prince of Orange, in his Expedition to Britain. The Prince had ſo great an Eſteem of his Sincerity to the Proteſtant Religion, and of his Fidelity and Affection to his Highneſs's Deſign, that he thought fit particularly to conſult with Sir Patrick in that difficult Juncture: And when the Government was diſſolved, upon King James's withdrawing into France, Sir Patrick Hume was one of the moſt leading and forward in the Addreſs from Scotland to the Prince of Orange, to take upon him the Adminiſtration of Affairs both Civil and Military, till a Meeting of the Eſtates ſhould be call'd to ſettle the Nation; which his Highneſs having call'd, Sir Patrick was choſen a Member thereof for the Shire of Berwick, wherein he became very inſtrumental in bringing about the Revolution, and in procuring the Settling of the Crown on King William and Queen Mary. Aſſoon as their Majeſties came to conſtitute a Privy Council, Sir Patrick was nam'd a Privy Councellor, and appointed one of the Commiſſioners to treat of an Union betwixt the Two Nations; and as a farther Mark of their Royal Favour, he was raiſed to be a Peer of this Realm, by the Title of Lord Polwarth of Polwarth, on the 26th of December 1690. wherein their Majeſties did expreſs their great Eſteem of Si [...] Patrick's Services and Merit, in the Preamble of his Patent, in theſe Words,

Quand [...]quidem nos grato admodum animo recolentes merita egregia & ſingularia ſervitia admodum fidelis & praedilecti noſtr [...] Conciliarii Domini Patricii Hume de Polwarth, Mili [...]is Baronetti, propter firmam ſuam Re [...]ormatae Religioni Adhaeſionem, Fidelitatem ipſius inſignem ac fidem intemeratam, tum in juſtis Diadematis & Monarchiae juribus, tum in Legibus & Libertatibus hujus antiqui Regni noſtri Scotiae conſervandis, claram & conſpicuam, idque temp [...]ribus difficillimis & aſperrimis; noſ (que) itidem perpendentes, quod in nuper a generoſa & celeberrima noſtra expeditione, pro bac, coeteriſ (que) Noſtris Regnis, a Papiſmo & Tyrannide liberandis, alacriter Nos a Belgio eſt concomitatus; quod (que) nobis ſumma [...]ide & ſtudio in i [...]uſtrs illo propoſito promovendo & per [...]iciendo inſervivit; ut (que) idem Dominus Patricius ulterius excitetur ad firmiter & immobiliter perſiſtendum in fidelitate [...]ua erga Nos, & cura [...]ſſidua ad miniſteria noſtra praeſtanda. Noveritis igitur, Nos cre [...]ſſe, &c.a.

Here I cannot omit taking Notice, that King William was pleaſed in the very Patent creating his Lordſhip into [316] the Honour, to aſſign him an Orange proper, enſign'd with an Imperial Crown, to be placed in a Su [...]tout, in his Arms, in all Time coming, as a laſting Mark of his Majeſty's Royal Favour to the Family of Polwarth; and in Commemoration of his Lordſhip's great Affection to his ſaid Majeſty, a Warrant being directed to the Lord Lyon for that Effect. And that his Lordſhip might have the more Intereſt in his own County, and appear the more conſiderable there, their Majeſties King William and Queen Mary, were pleaſed to conſtitute him Sheriff Principal of Berwick-Shire, on the 2d of Octob: 1692. And to aggrandize him more and more, he was named one of the Four Extraordinary Lords of the Seſſion, and took his Place accordingly the 28th of November 1693,a. But theſe Employments being moſtly honorary, that his Lordſhip might a little more effectually taſte of the Royal Bounty, his Majeſty was pleaſed to prefer him to be Lord High Chancellor of Scotland, on the 2d of May 1660b, upon the Removal of the Marqui [...] of Tweddale; and the Title of Lord Baron, being thought too low a Degree of Honour for the Lord Chancellor, before his Lordſhip had continued one whole Year in the Place, his Majeſty was pleaſed to augment his Honours, and therefore advanced him to be an Earl, by the Stile and Title of Earl of Marchmont, Viſcount of Blaſſonberry, Lord Polwarth of Polwarth, Redbrays and Greenlaw, by Letters Patent, 23d of April 1697c, and the next enſuing Year was named High Comiſſioner to repreſent his Majeſty's Perſon in Parliament, and was likewiſe one of the Commiſſioners both of the Treaſury and Admiralty. After which he held the Chancellor's Place above Four Years, with the univerſal Approbation of the whole Kingdom, and the general Applauſe of all Men, for his Juſtice, Integrity, ſound Judgment, and eminent Sufficiency in the Diſcharge of that Office, a Praiſe which none of his Enemies ever denied him in any Time. And the King his Maſter was ſo fully ſatisfied with his faithful Diſcharge of that and all the other great Employments committed to him, while he was the firſt and prime Miniſter of State, that he was pleaſed to give him a very ample Approbation of his Services, under the Great Seal, April 19th, 1700, wherein his Majeſty declared, Quod praefatus Comes, in omnibus muneribus a nobis concreditis, [...]andore & integritate ſumma, cum approbatione & ſatisfactione noſtra ſeſe geſſit & exoneravit.

In 1702, his Majeſty was pleaſed to appoint the Lord Chancellor to be Commiſſioner to repreſent his Royal Perſon in the Aſſembly of the Church: But during the Sitting of the Aſſembly, King William died, which did very ſenſibly affect his Lordſhip and all the hearty Lovers of the Revolution. His Commiſſion being determined by the Death of the King, her Majeſty Queen Anne, the very Day ſhe came to the Crown, granted a new Commiſſion to the Lord Chancellor to repreſent her Royal Perſon, and hold her Place in the Aſſembly. In the End of 1702, her Majeſty having made ſome Alterations in the Miniſtry, the Earl of March [...]ont was removed from being Chancellor, to which Office the Earl of Seafield was preferred: But his Remove did not in the leaſt diminiſh his Lordſhip's Zeal for what he thought the Intereſt of his Country, but rather [...]eightned his publick Spirit; for having always moſt at Heart the Security of the Proteſtant Religion, and a Succeſſor [317] to the Crown of that Religion, in the firſt Parliament after the Queen's coming to the Crown, the Earl was the firſt who propoſed an Overture for ſettling the Succeſſion to the Crown on the Princeſs Sophia, Dutcheſs Dowager of Hanover, and the Heirs of her Body, being Proteſtants, in Default of Iſſue of her Majeſty Queen Anne; and at the ſame Time preſented another Act for ſecuring and ſettling the Presbyterian Government in Doctrine and Worſhip, as being moſt agreeable to the Word of GOD. But tho' the firſt Overture did not at that Time take, the Parliament having a View of an Union with England, yet the laſt carried, and was approved by a great Majority: And when the Treaty of Union came before the Parliament, his Lordſhip there, as well as in the Commiſſion of the General Aſſembly of the Church, us'd his utmoſt Endeavours to have it brought about, as the only Means he thought could ſecure Religion, and eſtabliſh a firm and laſting Peace betwixt the Two Nations; a Proteſtant Succeſſor to the Crown being thereby ſecured, which was the Thing his Lordſhip long'd moſt paſſionately to ſee before he ſhould leave this World. And when that Settlement took Place by the Acceſſion of King George to the Throne, his Majeſty was pleaſed to reſtore the Earl to be Sheriff of Berwick-Shire, on the 16th of November 1714, in the Room of the Earl of Hume, who had been made Sheriff in the End of Queen Anne's Reign.

He married Griſel, Daughter of Sir Thomas Kerr of Cavers, a Lady adorn'd with all Virtues that enter into the Character of a good Wife; by whom he had

1. Patrick Lord Polwarth, a young Nobleman of great Honour and Generoſity, who in the Parliament 1698, had the Honour to ſit and vote as Lord High-Treaſurer. He married Eliſabeth, Daughter of Sir John Hume of Hume-Caſtle, in the Kingdom of Ireland; and again, Jean, Daughter of Charles Earl of Hume, but died in the Prime of his Years, without any Iſſue, Anno 1710.

2. Alexander, Lord Polwarth.

3. Sir Andrew Hume of Kimmergham, Bart. who being educated a Lawyer, was promoted to be one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice, upon his Brother the Lord Polwarth's reſigning that Office.

4. Lady Griſel married to George Ba [...]llie of Jerviſwood, and had Iſſue.

5. Lady Anne to Sir John Hall of Dunglaſs, Bart.

6. Lady Julian to Charles Billingham, Eſq and had Iſſue.

7. Lady Jean to James Lord Torphichen.

Alexander Lord Polwarth, being at firſt a younger Brother, was bred to the Law, in which he made a notable Progreſs, by an early Eminence in Practice as an Advocate, inſomuch that he was preferred to be one of the Lords of the Seſſion in 1704, before he was 30 Years of Age; which Office he diſcharged with great Abilities and ſingular Reputation for Learning and Integrity. After the Death of his elder Brother, his Lordſhip being then the Head and Repreſentative of the Family, reſigned his Place in the Seſſion; and upon the Acceſſion of King George to the Crown, betook himſelf to the Court, where he has had Offices and Employments more ſuited to his Humour and Nature, and to the Character and Dignity of a young Peer.

He married Margaret, Daughter and Heir by Entail of Sir George Campbell of Ceſnock, Lord Juſtice Clerk in the Reign of King William; by whom he had George, Maſter of Polwarth, Hugh, who being to ſucceed to the Eſtate of Ceſnock, is call'd Compbell, and Alexander; likewiſe 3 Daughters, Lady Anne, Lady Griſel, and Lady Jean.



Quarterly 1ſt and 4th, the quarter'd Coats of the Earl of Hume. 2d Argent, Three Piles conjoining in the Top ingrail'd, Gules. 3d Argent, a Croſs ingrail'd, Azure, Over all in a Surtout Argent, an Orange proper, leaſed, ſtalked and ſlipped, Vert. enſign'd with an Imperial Crown, ſupported by Two Lyons regardant, Argent. Creſt, a Dexter Hand and Arm iſſuing out of a Heart, Gules, holding a Cymeter. Motto, True to the End.

Aeneas MacDonald, Lord MacDonald,

HIS Anceſtor was Celeſtine de Inſulis of Lochalſh, Fr [...]ter carnalis, as he's deſign'd, to John Earl of Roſs, in a Charter by the ſaid Earl to him, of many Highland Lands in Inverneſs-Shire, and to the Heirs Male to be procreated betwixt him and Finvola his Spouſe, Daughter of La [...]chlan Mac-Lean of Dowart a. He left a Son, Alexander, who is deſigned Alexander Celeſti [...]i de Inſulis, who was made a Knight by King James IV. whoſe Son and Succeſſor Sir Donald MacDonald, dying without Iſſue, Margaret his Siſter and Co-Heir, was married to Alexander MacDonald of Glengary b, by whom he had Angus or Aeneas his Son and Heir, Father of Donald MacDonald of Glengary, who is deſigned Donald Mac Angus Mac Alaſter, in a Retour Margaretae de Inſulis Aviae ſuae c. He married Margaret, Daughter of Alexander MacDonald, Captain of Clan-Ronald d, by whom he had a Son, Alexander, who by Jean his Wife. Daughter of Allan Cameron of Lochiel, had Aeneas MacDonald of Glengary, his Son and Heir, who in a moſt eminent Manner manifeſted his Loyalty to King Charles I. and II. throughout the whole Civil War and Uſurpation that follow'd, and living to ſee a happy End of them, was upon the King's Return, in Commemoration thereof, rais'd to the Honour of Lord MacDonald of Aroſs e, and to the Heirs Male of his Body for ever, on the 20th of September, 1660.

He married Margaret, Daughter of Sir Donald MacDonald of Slate, but dying without Iſſue in 1680, the Honour died with himſelf, and his Eſtate devolved to MacDonald of Glengary, his Heir Male.

KEITH, Earl Mariſchal,

ACcording to our Hiſtorians, this noble ancient Family derives its Origin from a certain brave Man who ſignaliz'd himſelf in the Battle of Barry againſt the Danes, in the Reign of King Malcolm II. where Camus the Daniſh General was ſlainf. His noble Services were rewarded by that Prince with the Barony of Keith in Lothian, from whence his Poſterity took their Surname; and either he or ſome of the firſt who deſcended from him, were dignified with the hereditary Title and Office of Mariſchal of Scotland; for we don't find by our Hiſtory, [319] or any other Document, that this Office was ever in any other Family, than that of the Keith's.

In the Reign of King William, call'd, The Lyon, Henry, the Son of Philip de Kieth, was the King's Mariſchal, as appears from a Deed which he made to the Monks of Kelſo, of the Patronage of the Church of Kieth, in pure and perpetual Alms, for the Health of his Soula. By Adda his Wife, Daughter and Heir of Hugo de Lorens b, he had Harveus his Son, Father of Sir John Kieth, Kt. who releas'd to the Convent of Kelſo, all Right or Title he had to the ſaid Church, Sicut ſays he, Charta Herveii Mariſchalli Patris mei teſtatur c. Robert Kieth his Son confirmed to the Religious of Kelſo the Deeds of his Anceſtors to that Convent, adding moreover, of his own Gift, the Church of Hundebeth, with the Lands thereunto belonging, pro ſalute animae ſuae, whoſe Son or Succeſſor, another Robert de Kieth, upon the Acceſſion of John Baliol to the Crown, Anno 1292, had a Charter from that Prince of his own Lands of Kieth, Michalſtoun, Ellem, Mule net, in liberam warrenam d. But no ſooner did that misfortunate Prince unking himſelf by ſurrendring the Sovereignty of his Crown to a Foreign Prince, then the Mariſchal deſerted him, and went over to Robert Bruce, and contributed his utmoſt Endeavours to bring that brave Prince to the Throne, who had ſo gloriouſly redeemed his Country from Slavery and Uſurpation, King Robert had a great Value and Eſteem of Sir Robert Kieth, inſomuch as in 1325, he ſent him Ambaſſador together with the E. of Murray, to France, to treat with that Crown upon very weighty Affairs relating to the Two Nations, which was performed by them with Honour and Conducte. This brave Man had ſo lively a Senſe of Freedom and the Liberty of his Country, that when the Engliſh attack'd us in both during the Minority of King David II. tho' Sir Robert Kieth could not, but by this Time be well advanced in Age. yet he was perſonally ingaged in the Battle of Duplin, in Defence of his Country, where he had the Misfortune to loſe his Life, the 3d of Auguſt 1332f, leaving Two Sons, Robert his Succeſſor, and Sir William Kieth, Kt. who was ſlain at the Battle of Durham, in the Service of his Country.

Which Sir Robert Kieth was conſpicuous for his Wiſdom, Loyalty, and Valour in the Time of King David II. He left a Son Sir Edward Kieth, who was ſlain at the Battle of Durham, Anno 1346g, leaving Iſſue by Iſobel de Kieth his Wife, Sir William, and John, who was the Founder of the Houſe of Inner [...]gie, which Lands he obtained by a Marriage of an Heir Female of the Chynes h, whoſe Arms he thereupon took into his own.

Sir William Kieth, Mariſchal, made a very great Figure under King David Bruce, in the 1369, he was appointed one of the Commiſſioners on the Part of Scotland, to treat with the Engliſh touching a Peace betwixt the Two Realms, which was concluded by themi. He married Margaret, Daughter and Heir of Sir John Fraſer k, with whom he obtained a vaſt Eſtate in the County of Kincardine and elſewhere, by her he had

John his eldeſt Son, who died in the Lifetime of his Father, leaving Iſſue by . . . . his Wife, Daughter of King Robert II.l a Son, Robert, apparent Heir to his Grandfatherm, But he dying without Male Iſſue, his Heir Female was married to Alexander, firſt Earl of Huntly, and his Eſtate and Honour fell to Robert Kieth [320] his Unclea. Sir William had likewiſe Two Daughters, M [...]uriella married to Bobert, Duke of Albany b, and Chriſtian to Sir William Lindſay of Byres c, Anceſtor to the preſent Earl of Crawford.

Which Sir Robert was in great Favour with King Robert III. under whom he held ſundry Offices of Honour and Truſt, beſides his own hereditary Honour, which he diſcharged with Reputation and Fidelity. He married . . . . Daughter of . . . . By her he had William his Heir, and Eliſabeth married to Sir Alexander Irvin of D [...]um d, in vicecom. de Aberdeen.

Sir William Kieth Mariſchal was one of the great Men who ſhew'd themſelves moſt forward for the redeeming and reſtoring of King James I. from his Captivity in England. And when the Treaty for his Liberation was happily brought about, Sir William gave his Obligation in the ſtricteſt Manner, that either he himſelf o [...] his eldeſt Son ſhould be an Hoſtage for the Ranſome. By Elizabeth his Wife, Daughter of David, firſt Earl of Cranford f, he had John, who died in the Lifetime of his Father, Sans Iſſue, and Sir William, who was by the Favour of King James II. created Earl Mariſchal, anno 1455g, He married Margaret, Daughter of James, Lord Hamiltoun h. By her he had a Son, William, and a Daughter, Janet, married to John L [...]ſt, Grandſon and Heir apparent to George, firſt Earl of Rothes i, but had no Iſſue.

Which William, Earl Mariſchal, in the turbulent Times of King James III. acted a moſt wiſe and prudent Part, and ſo tempered his Duty to that misfortunate Prince with his Affection to his Country, that he endeavoured by all poſſible Means to preſerve the Honour of the one, and the Intereſt of the other. He married Elizabeth, Daughter of Alexander Earl of Huntly, by whom he had Robert his eldeſt Son, who was ſlain at the Battle of Flowdoun, 9th September 1513, in the Bloſſom of his Youth, before his Father, and William, of whom came the Kieths of Troup k; alſo two Daughters, Janet married to William, Earl of Montroſe l, and Elizabeth to William Lord Sinclair m, and had Iſſue

Robert Kieth, Eſq Son and Heir apparent of William Earl Mariſchal, in the Lifetime of his Father, married Beatrix, Daughter of John Earl of Mortoun n, by whom he had William, who was Heir to his Grandfather, and Robert Abbot of Deer o, of whom was the Lord Dingwall, in the Time of King James VI. Elizabeth married to George Earl of Huntly p, Janet to John Lord Glames q, Agnes to Sir Archbald Douglas of Glenbervy, Anceſtor to the Duke of Douglas.

Which William, Earl Mariſchal, was one of the Peers who concurr'd in the Reformation of Religion, tho' I don't find he did otherways meddle in the great Changes that enſued. He married Elizabeth, eldeſt Daughter and Co-Heir of Sir William Kieth of Innerugie r, by whom he had Two Sons and Seven Daughters.

William his eldeſt Son, who married Elizabeth, Daughter of George Ea [...]l of Errol s, and dying on the 10th of Auguſt 1580t, le [...]t a Son George, who ſucceeded his Grandfather, likewiſe Three Daughters, Mary married to Sir Robert Arbuthnot of that Ilku, Barbara to Alexander Forbes of Pi [...]l [...] go x, Mary to William Kieth of L [...]dquhairn y, and had Iſſue.

[321] Robert Commendator of Deer, who had by the ſpecial Favour of King James VI. that Abbacy erected to him in a Temporal Lordſhip, by the Stile and Title of Lord Altree. He married Elizabeth, Daughter and Heir of Robert Lundy of Benholm a, by whom he had One Daughter, Margaret married to John Erskine of Dan b; ſo the Peerage fail'd, and his Eſtate fell to the Family of Mariſchal.

Aliſon eldeſt Daughter, married to Alexander Lord Abernethy of Saltoun, and had Iſſue.

Agnes to James Earl of Murray, Regent; and again, to Colin Earl of Argyle.

Marion to John Campbel of Calder c: and had Iſſue.

Elizabeth to Sir Alexander Irvine of Drum d and had Iſſue.

Beatrix to John Allardice of that ilke, and had Iſſue.

Jean to James Crichton of Frendraught f, and had Iſſue.

Margaret to Sir John Kennedy of Blairquhan g and had Iſſue.

This Earl dying very aged, on the 7th of October 1581h, was ſucceeded in his Eſtate and Honour by his Grandſon

George Earl Mariſchal, who was by the Care of his Grandfather well brought up; and for the further Improvement of his Education, was ſent Abroad, where he ſpent Two or Three Years in Foreign Parts, and ſtudied under the beſt Maſters, parti cularly the celebrated Mr. Beza. Upon his Return, having the Reputation of a very fine Gentleman, he was made a Privy Councellor, and then in 1589, was ſent Ambaſſador-Extraordinary to Denmark, to eſpouſe Anne a Daughter of that Crown, in Name of King James VI. in which he appeared with all the Luſtre the Wealth of Scotland could adorn him with, all or moſt being upon his own proper Charge; which the King received as ſo great an Obligation, that he always lov'd and eſteem'd him very much as a Man to be rely'd on in Point of Honour and Fidelity.

In the 1593, when a Riſing toward a Rebellion was threatned in the Northern Parts, His Majeſty named the Earl Mariſchal his Lieutenant, with a Power to raiſe what Forces he ſhould judge neceſſary for that Service, and he behav'd ſo well throughout the whole Affair, that he intirely ſuppreſs'd the Inſurrection, without the Effuſion of one Drop of Blood, which made his pacifick Maſter very much applaud and commend his Conduct. The ſame Year his Lordſhip made a noble Foundation of a College at Aberdeen i, which he indued with ſufficient Funds toward the Support and Maintenance of a Principal and Three Profeſſors of Philoſophy; and tho'other Profeſſors have been ſince added by the Piety and Bounty of other great and learned Men; yet the Earl being the firſt Founder, his Memory on that Account, ought to be alwiſe honoured by all the Lovers of Learning, with that Gratitude and Reſpect which ſo ſignal a Piece of Service to his Country and Poſterity deſerves.

Tho' the Earl Mariſchal was his Maſter, the King's particular Favourite, I don't find he was ever in any publick Character or Office in the State, ſave that he was High Commiſſioner to the Parliament 1609, which his Majeſty conferr'd on the Earl, more to do him Honour than for any Profit could accrue to him thereby: But that was what he did not care for, his own Eſtate being one of the beſt in Scotland. And continuing in great Favour with his Prince, and Men of [322] all Qualities, he died exceedingly lamented, on the 2d of April 1623a, and was inter'd with his Anceſtors, at the Church of St. Brides, with this Epitaph upon him.

Cum Patriam & Proavos raris virtutibus ornes,
nonne ergo debet Scotia multa tibi.
Eccleſia, Turrts, Pallatia ſplendida abunde,
ingenio jam ſtant edificata tuo.
Eſt Mariſchalla domus Borea lux maxime pura,
Semper Romani a Dogmate Pontificis.
Rex & Regna tibi debent quo (que) Danica, quod tu
Curaris Thalamis conſociare ſuis.
Sic merito Rex, Religio, Reſpub. muſae
L [...]gens in Tumulo nunc Mariſchalle tuo.
Struxit Aberdoniae Solymam, fundavit Athenas,
Phoebus ubi cantant, & ſacra turba vigent.

This noble Lord married firſt Margaret, Daughter of Alexander Lord Hume, by whom he had William his Succeſſor, and a Daughter Anne, married to William Earl of Mortoun; Secondly, Margaret Daughter of James Lord Ogilvy, by whom he had Sir James Kieth of Benholm, who by Agnes his Wife, Daughter of Sir David Lindſay of Edziel b, had a Daughter married to Sir Archbald Primroſe of Dalmeny, Clerk-Regiſter in the Reign of King of Charles II. Anceſtor to the Viſcount of Primroſe.

William Earl Mariſchal was a great Patron of Learning and Virtue, which recommended him much to the Favour of King Charles I. who finding him a Man of great Honour and Fidelity, call'd him to his Privy Council, where the carry'd himſelf very well in every Thing relating to the Crown and to the Government in Church and State. He died in the Prime of his Age, on the 28th of October 1635c, leaving Iſſue by Mary his Wife, Daughter of John Earl of Mar, Three Sons, William and George, both Earls Mariſchal, John Earl of Kintore; alſo Two Daughters, Mary married to John Lord Kilpon [...], Son and Heir of William Earl of Airth and Monteith, and Jean to Alexander Lord Pitſligo.

Which William, in the Time of the Civil War, adhered to the King, and upon his own Charge, levied a Troop of Horſe, for his Majeſty's Service, at the Head of which he behaved with great Courage at the Battle of Preſton. Afterward remaining firm in his Fidelity to the Crown, he appear'd no leſs zealous for the Reſtoration of K. Charles II. but while he was raiſing Forces by his Intereſt and Induſtry in the Northern Parts, he was ſurpriz'd at Eliot, and taken Priſoner by a Party of Engliſh detach'd from the Gariſon at Dundee, Anno 1560, and from thence ſent to London by Sea, and impriſoned in the Tower; where, after Ten Years Impriſonment ſuſtain'd with great Firmneſs and Conſtancy, he lived to receive ſome Reward of his Merit, after the Return of the King, who made him firſt a Privy Councellor, and afterward Lord Privy-Seal; which Office he diſcharged till his Death, in 1670. He married firſt Elizabeth, Daughter of George Earl of Winton, by whom he had Three Daughters, Margaret married to Sir James Hope of Hoptoun; and again to Sir Archbald Murray of Blackbarony, Mary to Robert Viſcount of Arbuthnot, Jean to George Lord Banff; Secondly, Anne Daughter of Robert Earl of Mortoun, but by her he had no Iſſue.

To William Earl Mariſchal, ſucceeded Colonel George Kieth his Brother, who was a great Aſſerter of and Sufferer for the Royal Cauſe. During the Uſurpation, he married Mary, Daughter of George Earl of Kinoul, and departing this Life in 1694, was ſucceed by

William Earl Mariſchal his Son, who was not in the Meaſures of the Court, either in the Reign of King William, or in the firſt Years of Queen Anne, was very oppoſite to the Union of the Kingdoms; [323] for, beſide what other Reaſons he might have for his Oppoſition, he thought his Family might ſuffer by the ſuppreſſing his heritable Office of Great Mariſchal of Scotland, with Relation to which he entred a Proteſtation in Parliamenta, before the Concluſion of the Union, in theſe Words.

‘'I do hereby proteſt, that whatever is contained in any Article of the Treaty of Union betwixt Scotland and England, ſhall in no Manner of Way derogate from, or be prejudicial to me or my Succeſſors in our heretable Office of Great Mariſchal of Scotland in all Time coming, or in the full and free Enjoyment and Exerciſe of the whole Rights, Dignities, Titles, Honours, Powers, and Privileges thereto belonging, which my Anceſtors and I have poſſeſſed and exerciſed as Rights of Property theſe Seven Hundred Years; and I do further proteſt, that the Parliament of Scotland, and Conſtitution thereof may remain and continue as formerly: And I deſire this my Proteſtation to be inſerted in the Minutes, and recorded in the Books of Parliament, and thereupon take Inſtruments.'’

Upon the great Change which happen'd in 1710, when the Earl of Oxford came to be the chief Miniſter of State, the Earl Mariſchal was elected one of the Peers to ſerve in the Parliament of Great-Britain, as one of the Repreſentatives of the Peerage of Scotland; in which Capacity when he had not ſerved full Two Years, Death cut the Thread of his Life, on the 27th Day of May 1712b, leaving Iſſue by Mary his Wife, Daughter of James Earl of Perth, George his Son and Heir, James Kieth Eſq Lady Mary married to John Earl of Wigtoun, and Lady Anne Kieth, a Lady juſtly eſteemed for her Wit and Beauty, and all the Qualities worthy her noble Birth.

Which George being a young Nobleman of very bright Parts, and his Genius leading him to a military Life, Queen Anne, to encourage and countenance his promiſing Inclinations, gave him, when he was Lord Kieth, and only a Youth, a Troop of Horſe, and then preferred him to be Captain of her Majeſty's Guards, upon a Vacancy thro' Demiſe of the Earl of Crawford, February 3d, 1714c; and he continued in the Poſt till ſome Time after the Acceſſion of King George to the Crown, his Lordſhip was removed, and his Command given to the Earl of Delorain.


Argent on a Chief, Gules, Three Palets Or, Supporters Two Stags. Creſt, a Stag's Head, all proper, Motto, Veritas vincit.

MELVIL. Earl of Melvil.

IF Tradition may be credited, the Melvils are as ancient in Scotland as the Reign of King Malcolm III. that a Gentleman from Hungary accompanied Queen Margaret the Wife of that Prince into this Realm, where he got Lands in Lothian, which he call'd Melvil after his own Name, and there fixed his Reſidence. But be this as it will, it appears from Writs I have ſeen, the Melvils were very conſiderable in the Time of King William, both for the many Lands they enjoyed, and the great Offices they held under the Crown. Galfred de Malevile, in that Reign, gave the Church of Malevile to the Monks of Dunfermling, cum [324] tota illa Terra quam eidem Fecleſiae aſſig navit in Dedicatione coram Hugone Epiſcopo Sanctae Andreaea. This Family divided itſelf into Three collateral Branches from as many Brothers, viz.

William de Malevile, who was Progenitor of the Melvils of Melvil, which ended in an Heir Female married with Sir John Roſs of Haukhead, Kt. Anceſtor to the Lord Roſs; whereupon he took her Arms into his own, which is ſtill quartered in the Atchievment of that noble Family.

Philip de Malevile, Vicecomes de Merns, in the Time of King Alexander II.b, was Anceſtor of the Melvils of Glenbervy in the County of Kincardine, which likewiſe in the Reign of King James II. ended in an Heir Female, Giles, Daughter and Heir of Alexander Melvil of Glenbervy, married to Sir John Auchinleck of that Ilkc, in the County of Air, by whoſe Grandchild, and Heir Female in the Time of King James IV, the Barony of Glenbervy went by Marriage to Sir William Douglas of Braidwood, Son to Archbald Earl of Angus.

Walter de Malevile, another Son of Galfred de Malevile d was the Root of the Melvils of Raith, the only remaining Branch of that ancient Family, whoſe Succeſſor Sir John de Malevile, Kt. of the County of Fife, is one of thoſe Barons who ſwore Felty to King Edward I. of England, Anno 1296; from whom deſcended Sir John Melvil of Raith, Kt. in the Time of King James II. who married Margaret, Daughter of Sir William Scot of Balweary e, by whom he had William his Succeſſor, and Alexander Melvil of Finnaly f, in the County of Roxburgh.

Which William married Margaret, Daughter of . . . . . . Douglas of Longniddry g; and again, Margaret, Daughter of Sir Robert Lundy of Balgony h, by whom he had a Son John, and a Daughter Margaret, married to James Bonnar of Roſſie. Which John was made a Knight by King James IV. with whom he loſt his Life at the Battle of Flowdoun, 9th September 1513, leaving Iſſue by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of William Bonnar of Roſſie,

John his Son and Heir, who had the Honour particularly to be known and favour'd by King James V. For the King, finding him a Perſon of Wiſdom and Integrity, made him General of the Ordnancei, and Captain of his Majeſty's Caſtle of Dunbar k, and a Knight; and to the very Hour of his Death, proſecuted him with all Manner of Kindneſs and Reſpect. This worthy Man was among the firſt of Note, in thoſe Parts, who embraced and favoured the Reformed Religion, which made him the Object of the Hatred and Malice of the Romiſh Clergy: Biſhop Beaton of St. Andrews, and Mr. Durie, the Abbot of Dunfermling, his Neighbours, did particularly own it. The Biſhop accuſed him before the King of Hereſy; at leaſt a Favourer of Luther's Doctrine, which as the Times went, could not fail of being penal to him, if the King, who had a particular Favour to Sir John Melvil, had not interpos'd, and ſav'd him from their further Proſecution. But the wicked Biſhop did not reſt here, for what he could not effect in Courſe of Law, he intended to execute by a barbarous Aſſaſſination, having for that [325] End hired ſome Villains to intercept and murder Sir John in the Way, as he rode Home to his own Houſe: But by the good Providence of Almighty GOD, and the Courage and Fidelity of his own Servants and Retainers, who were very [...]umerous, the Deſign was prevented. But what Biſhop Beaton could not bring to paſs, his Succeſſor Biſhop Hamilton effected, on Pretence of a treaſonable Correſpondence with the Nation's Enemies abroad, and the Matter was thus. In the Minority of Queen Mary, a War breaking out betwixt Scotland and England, upon the Breach of the Marriage-Articles that had been agreed on betwixt Edward Prince of Wales and Queen Mary, whereupon all Correſpondence betwixt the Two Nations was forbid, upon the higheſt Penalties: And it happening that Sir John Melvil having before that ſent his eldeſt Son to England for the Improvement of his Education, after the War broke out he wrote to him, wherein the good old Man admoniſhed his Son to live and demean himſelf as became a Chriſtian, and a Gentleman, without any Thing relating to a treaſonable Correſpondence or Intelligence, as was pretended; but the Letter being intercepted, was brought to the Biſhop of St. Andrews; and his Intereſt being th [...]n ſuperior to any Man's, with his Brother the Earl of Aran the Governor, Sir John was ſuddenly ſeiſed, and ſent Priſoner under a ſtrong Guard to St [...]rling; and it being reſolved he ſhould be cut off in a ſeeming Way of Juſtice, an Indictment of High Treaſon was prepared againſt him; and Care being taken before by his Accuſer, the Biſhop, to provide Witneſſes to prove the Charge, he was found Guilty, and condemn'd to loſe his Head, which was accordingly executed on him in the End of the Year 1549: Nor did Biſhop Hamilton's Malice abate toward him after his Death, for they ſeiſed on his Eſtate, diſpoſſeſſed his Lady and Children with all the Circumſtances of Barbarity Malice could invent, and never left perſecuting his Family, till they had reduced it to the loweſt Penury and Want, by diſpoſing and giving away all the Fortune that ſhould have ſupported them: But they were under the Care of a higher Hand, for the Almighty ordered Matters ſo, that all the younger Children were better provided for than they could have been by their Father if he had been alive, as Sir John himſelf had [...]oretold his Lady to comfort her under the diſconſolate Circumſtances of his Death. By Helen his Wife, Daughter of Alexander Napter of Merchiſtoun, Anceſtor to the Lord Napier, he had, 1. John his eldeſt Son, thereafter Laird of Raith. 2. Robert Lord Melvil. 3. Sir James Melvil of Hallhill, a great Stateſman and Courtier, who wrote Memoirs of his own Time, with great Judgment and Learning, which will be a laſting Monum [...]nt of his Fame. 4. Mr. William Melvil, Commendator of Tungland and Kilwinning, one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice. 5. Sir Andrew Melvil of Garvock, who was Steward of the Houſhold to Queen Mary and King James VI. 6. Captain David Melvil of Newmill: Alſo Two Daughters, Janet married to Sir William Kirkaldie of Grange a, Lord High Treaſurer of Scotland in the Reign of King James V. and Margaret to James Johnſtoun of Elphinſtoun b, and had Iſſue.

Of theſe Sons Sir Robert the Second being the Perſon who laid the Foundation of this Honour, I'm to ſpeak of him more particularly. He was by the Care of his Mother well brought up, and for his further Improvement, at a proper Age, was ſent abroad to travel, which he did into Foreign Parts, where he ſpent divers Years. [326] After which he betook himſelf to the Court of France, where he was much taken Notice of for his prudent and generous Behaviour, inſomuch as Henry II. ſoon placed him in his Service, in a very honourable Station, in which he continued many Years, to his Maſter's great Satisfaction.

Upon his Return to Scotland, his known great Parts, and the very good general Reputation he had acquired, inclined Queen Mary to call him to her Privy-Council, and to ſend him Ambaſſador to England, Anno 1562, and he diſcharged his Truſt with Prudence and Dexterity, inſomuch as when King James VI. came to act by himſelf, his Majeſty ſent Sir Robert Ambaſſador to England, in Conjunction with the Maſter of Gray, to inte [...]poſe with Queen Eliſ [...]beth in Behalf of Queen Mary, that the Sentence of Death, which was paſſed on her, might not be put in Execution; where, ſays my Authora, He ſpoke ſuch brave and ſt [...]t Language before the Council of England, that the Queen threatned his Life, and would have retained him Captive, had not the Maſter of Gray's Intereſt prevented it who was his Collegue. But as this faithful Diſcharge of his Truſt did and alwiſe will reflect Honour on his Memory, ſo it endeared him very much to King James, who repoſing great Confidence in Sir Rob [...]rt, named him Vice-Chancellor of Scotland, when the Chancellor the Lord Thir [...]ſtane was abroad in Denmark, negotiating the King's Marriage, made him alſo Treaſurer-Depute, and a Lord of the Seſſion; and laſt of all, to reward his Merit and Services. made him a P [...]er, by the Title of Lord Melvil b, April 30. 1616.

He married firſt Catharine, Daughter of William Adamſon of Graycrook, next, Mary, Daughter of Andrew Earl of Rothes; and again, Jean, Daughter of Robert Earl of Orkney, Widow of Patrick firſt Lord Lindores, and dying in the uncommon Age of 94, Anno 1621c, was ſucceeded by Robert his Son, who was a Lord of the Seſſion and of the Privy-Council to King James VI. He married firſt Anne, Daughter of Sir Thomas Kerr of Ferniehirſt d, and again Jean, Daughter of Gavin Hamilton of Raploch, Widow of Robert Lord Roſs, and dying without Iſſue on the Ninth of March 1635e, the Honour, by Reaſon of an Entail, came to John Melvil of Rait [...].

Which John Lord Melvil ſo ſucceeding, married Anne, Daughter and Co-Heir of Sir George Erskine of Innerteill, one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice, Brother to Alexander firſt Earl of Ke [...]ly, by whom he had George his Succeſſor, James Melvil of Coſſingray, and a Daughter Anne, married to Thomas Boyd of Pinkhill; and departing this Life in 1642f, was ſucceeded by

George his Son and Heir, who during the Reign of King Charles II. liv'd in a private and retired Manner notwithſtanding, becauſe of the Prejudice ſome in Authority had againſt him, upon the Account of his Principles and Relations was obliged to fly over to Holland, and becauſe he did not appear when cited, his Eſtate was for faulted upon very ſlender Grounds.

While his Lordſhip was abroad, he had the Honour to be acquainted with the Prince of Orange, King William, [327] who had a great Value and Eſteem for him. After the Prince's accepting of the Crown, he was reſtored to his Eſtate and Honour, made an Earla, ſole Secretary of State, and Lord High Commiſſioner to the firſt and ſecond Seſſions of the Parliament 1690b, But the next enſuing Year, upon a Change in the Miniſtry, he was removed from being Secretary, and named Lord Privy-Seal, and the Maſter of Stair, and James Johnſtoun Eſq were made Conjunct Secretaries. The Earl of Melvil kept the Privy-Seal till the 1696, it was given to the Duke of Queensbery: Whereupon his Lordſhip was conſtituted Preſident of the Council, and he enjoyed the Office till, after the Death of King William, in the End of the 1702, he was removed, and the Marquis of Annandale put in his Roomc: And the Earl being now grown aged he lived moſt Part privately at his Seat in the Country, where Death overtook him on the 20th of June 1707d leaving Iſſue by Catharine his Wife, Daughter of Alexander Lord Balgony, Son of Alexander firſt Earl of Leven, Three Sons and a Daughter.

Alexander Lord Raith, who being a Nobleman, of very pregnant Parts, was in the 1689, made Treaſurer-Deputee; which Office he held for the Space of Nine Years, even till his Death, which happened on the 21ſt of March 1698f, leaving no Iſſue by Barbara his Wife, Daughter of Walter Dundas of That-Ilk.

David Earl of Leven, who ſucceeded his Father in his Eſtate and Honour; but the Dignity of Leven being the Elder Peerage, his Lordſhip now goes by that Title.

Mr. James Melvil of Balgarvie.

Margaret, married to Robert Lord Burleigh; and had Iſſue.


Quarterly 1ſt and 4th Argent, a Feſs Gules, 2d and 3d Gules, Three Creſcents within a Border Argent, charged with Eight Roſes of the Firſt, ſupported on the Dexter with a Ratch-Hound, and on the Siniſter by an Eagle. Creſt, a Ratch-Head eras'd Sable. Motto, Denique Coelum.

DRUMMOND. Earl of Melfort.

THE firſt who bore this Title, was John Drummond of Lundin, ſecond Son of James Earl of Perth, by Anne his Wife, Daughter of George Marquis of Huntly.

Which John, toward the End of the Reign of King Charles II. Anno 1680, was made General of the Ordnance; after that in 1682 conſtituted Treaſurer Depute, when the Duke of Queensberry was made Lord High-Treaſurer: In which Station he continued till the 1684, he was preferred to be Conjunct Secretary of State, upon the Promotion of Charles Earl of Middleton, to be One of the Principal Secretaries for the Kingdom of England; and he held the Office till the Death of King Charles. Upon King James's coming to the Crown in 1685, he made him again Secretary, and advanced him to the [328] Honour of Viſcount Melfort, on the 20th of April 1685a & that he might the better ſupport the Honours his Majeſty had conferred on him, he had a Grant of the Lands & Barony of Muirhall, in Argyle-Shire diſſolved from the Crown for that Effect, and ratified by Act of Parliament. But his Majeſty being deſirous to confer a higher Dignity on the Secretary, who was by this Time become his Maſter's great Favourite, he was [...]y Letters Patent, bearing Date 12th of Auguſt 1686, rais'd to the Title of Earl of M [...]lfort b, and the next enſuing Year choſen one of the Twelve Knights of the moſt noble Order of the Thiſtle. He continued Secretary till the Revolution, he accompanied King James into Ireland, and thence into France, and not returning in the Time limited by Law he was forfaulted by Act of Parliament, July 2d, 1695c. He ſojourned in France upwards of Three and Twenty Years, till the 15th of January 1714, he paid his laſt Debt to Nature, at St. Germains, where he was interr'd.

He married firſt Sophia, Daughter and Heir of Robert Lunain of that Ilk, by whom he had James, who by expreſs Stipulation, bore the Surname of Lunain, as all the other Sons of the Marriage did; but dying a very hopeful young Man unmarried, his Eſtate fell to his Brother, Robert Lunain of that Ilk. The Earl had likewiſe Th [...]ee Daughters, who all uſed their Father's Surname of Drummond, viz.

Lady Anne married to Sir John Houſton of that Ilk, Bart. and had Iſſue.

Lady Eliſabeth to William Viſcount of Strathallan, and had Iſſue.

Lady Mary to Walter Scot of Highcheſter, and had Iſſue.

His ſecond Wife was Eupham, Daughter of Sir Thomas Wallace of Craigie Bart. Lord Juſtice Clerk, and one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice in the Reign of King Charles II. to the Heirs of which Marriage, the Honour was ſpecially provided. By her he had, beſide Thomas his eldeſt Son, who lives in France, and there ſtiles himſelf Duke of Melfort, ſeveral younger Children, all abroad.


Quarterly 1ſt and 4th, Three Bars wave, Gules; 2d and 3d, Or, a Lyon rampant, Gules, armed and languid, Azure, within a double Treſſure, flower'd and counter-flower'd of the Second, ſupported by Two Lyons, Gules, coloured Or, Creſt, a Demi-Lyon, Gules, crown'd with an Antick Crown, Or, holding in his Dexter-Paw a Sword proper, and in the Siniſter a Flower de Lis, Azure. Motto, Dei dono ſum quod ſum.

STEWART. Lord Methven.

HEnry Stewart Lord Methven, was the younger Son of Andrew Lord Evandale, by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of Sir John Kennedy of Blairquhan, who betaking himſelf to the Court of King James V. had the good Fortune to be taken Notice of for the Beauty and Gracefulneſs of his Perſon, particularly by the Queen Mother, who carrying a ſingular Favour and Affection toward him, inſomuch as ſhe was pleaſed to do him the Honour to marry him, and then got him made a Peer by the Title of Lord Methven, Anno 1528d, from a Barony in the County [329] of Perth, then diſſolved from the Crown, and erected in a Lordſhip to him and his Heirs Male, upon the Queen's reſigning her Join [...]ure of the Lordſhip of Stirling a: But by her Majeſty his Lordſhip had no Child ſave one, who died an Infant before her ſelf.

He married after the Death of the Queen, Janet Daughter of John Earl of Athole, Widow of Alexander Maſter of Suth [...]rland, by whom he had a Son and Three Daughters, viz. Henry, who liv'd long to enjoy the Honour of Lord Methven, but was kill'd at Brughtoun, by a Shot of a Cannon-Bullet from the Caſtle of Edinburgh, Anno 1572b, leaving no Iſſue.

Janet, married to Sir Colin Campbel of B [...]chquhan c, thereafter Earl of Argyle.

Dorothea to William Lord Ruthven d, firſt Earl of Gowrte.

Margaret to Andrew Maſter of Ochiltree e, Son of Andrew Lord Ochiltree.

Some not knowing of the Lord Methven's ſecond Marriage, did imagine, that the Children he had, were born him by Queen Margaret, who was Daughter of Henry VII. of England, and have of late improv'd it ſo far as to alledge, that this was one of the Motives of the Death of John Earl of Gowrie at Perth, 5th of Auguſt 1600, becauſe he ſtood in an equal Degree of Relation in Blood with King James VI. to the Crown of England: But this being now known and own'd as a Miſtake, I need not inlarge much upon diſproving what has been ſaid upon that Subject: But to put the Matter beyond Diſpute, I have ſeen Marriage-Articles betwixt Sir Colin Campbel, Son to Archbald Earl of Argyle, and who was thereafter Earl him ſelf, and Janet Stewart, Daughter of Henry Lord Methven, wherein her Mother Janet Stewart, Miſtreſs of Sutherland, Spouſe to Henry Lord Methven, is expreſly mentioned as a Party Contracter with her ſaid Daughterf. And when in the 1661, the Funerals of the great Marquis of Montroſe who was Grandſon, by his Mother, of Dame Dorothea Stewart, Counteſs of Gowrie, the Lord Methven's Daughter, were performed in the moſt ſolemn Manner, upon the Eſchutcheons of his maternal Line, the Arms of the Earl of Athole, were placed as the Father of the Lady Methven, which appears from the printed Account of the Marquis's Funerals. And 'tis not to be imagined, if this illuſtrious Perſon had been deſcended of the Royal Family of England, that ſuch a great Miſtake would have been committed, as to have placed the Arms of the Houſe of Athole inſtead of the Royal Arms of England, at his Obſcquies, where the outmoſt Care and Charge was beſtowed to perform them with all imaginable State and Solemnity. So it would appear this Story has been the Invention of later Years.

MENTETH. Earl of Menteth.

THE Country of Menteth had Earls very early. In the Beginning of the Reign of King Davia I. Murdack was Earl of Menteth g, and Gilchriſt was Comes de Menteth in the Time of Malcolm IV.h, by whoſe Heir Female the Earldom came to Sir Walter Cumming, who in Right of his [330] Wife, was Earl of Menteth, and he dying without Iſſue Male, his Daughter & Heir was married with that noble Patriot and Hero Sir Walter Stewart, ſo much celebrated in the Hiſtory of his Time, to whom ſhe brought the Title of Earl of Menteth a, who being put to Death by the Engliſh, anno 1296, left Iſſue Alexander his Succeſſor, and Sir John Menteth, deſigned Cuſtos Comitatus de Menteth, in that memorable Letter written by the Nobility of Scotland to the Pope, Anno 1320b. This is that Sir John Menteth who betrayed and delivered up the brave Sir William Wallace to Edward I. of England; but he had the Prudence and Fore-Sight to make a very ſeaſonable Atonement, for the Villany he had committed, by his early Appearance in Behalf of King Robert the Bruce, whoſe great Favourite he afterward became.

Alexander Earl of Menteth, was a ſtrenuous Aſſerter of the Honour, Freedom and Independency of his Country in the Time of the War with the Engliſh, under Edward I. which will derive his Name down to lateſt Poſterity, as a Patriot of his Country. By Matilda his Wife, he left Three Sons, Allan and Murdack, Earls of Menteth, and Sir John firſt of the Branch of the Menteths of Rusky c, of whom by a younger Brother, did the Menteths of Carſe d deſcend.

Which Allan Earl of Menteth was ſlain at the Battle of Duplin, 3d of Auguſt 1332e, leaving one Daughter, Mary, thereafter Counteſs of Menteth, his Eſtate and Honour devolving on

Murdack his Brother, who being ſlain at the Battle of Hallid [...]nhill, ſoon thereafter, viz. Anno 1333f, both his Eſtate and Honour fell to Mary Counteſs of Menteth, his Neece, who brought the Title to her Husband the brave Sir John Graham, who was cruelly executed in England after the Battle of Durham, Anno 1346g, leaving Iſſue one Daughter his ſole Heir, Margaret Counteſs of Menteth, who was married to the Lord Robert Stewart, ſecond Son of King Robert II.h who thereupon was Earl of Menteth, thereafter Duke of Albany; and by the Forfaulture of Duke Murdack his Son, Anno 1424, the Earldom of Menteth was annexed to the Crown.

GRAHAM. Earl of Menteth.

THE firſt of this noble Family was Sir Patrick Graham, eldeſt Son of Sir Patrick Graham, Lord of Kincardine, by Eupham his ſecond Wife, Daughter of Sir John Stewart Lord of Railſton, Brother to King Robert II. [331] who came to be Earl of Strathern, in Right of Eupham his Wife, Daughter and Heir of David Earl of Strathern, but he did not live long to enjoy the Honour, for he was kill'd by Sir John Drum mond in 1413, leaving Iſſue by Eupham his Wife, Maliſs his Son and Heir; alſo two Daughters, Eupham, married firſt to William Earl of Douglas; and thereafter to James Lord Hamilton; and Elizabeth to Sir Patrick Lyon, Lord Glames.

Which Maliſs was in 1423, ſent to England one of the Hoſtages for the Ra [...]ſom of King James I. Upon the Return of the King, when his Majeſty began more narrowly to inquire into his Royal Patrimony, it was found, that tho' both this Maliſs and his Mother had uſed the Title of Earl and Counteſs of Strathern, yet they had no other Right to it than a [...]e [...]r Connivence of the Governors in the Abſence and Minority of the King; in Reſpect that King Robert II. had given that Earldom to his Son David, and his Heirs Male: Whereupon King James reſumed it, and gave Sir Maliſs Graham the Earldom of Menteth, in Recompence of his Claim to the other, September 6, 1428.

This Earl, while he was in England an Hoſtage for the King, married a Lady of that Nation, Anne, Daughter to the Earl of Oxford, by whom he had Alexander his Son and Heir apparent, who died in the Lifetime of his Father, Sir John Graham of Kilbride, Anceſtor of that Branch of the Grahams now of Gartmore, and to thoſe of Nedderly and Esk a; and Walter, [332] firſt of the Family of Buchquhaple, who had by his Father's Grant the Lands of Lochton, Glaskalzie, Colyart, &c. on the 8th of December, 1485.

To this Earl ſucceeded Alexander his Grandſon and Heir, Son of Alexander Maſter of Menteth, who was retoured Heir to his Grandfather, 6th May 1493a. He married . . . . . Wauchop, Daughter of . . . . . . . Wauchop of Nidd [...], and dying, Anno 1537, left William his Succeſſor, and Walter, of whom is the Branch of Gartur.

William the next Earl, married Margaret, Daughter of . . . . . . Moubray of Barnbougal, by whom he had John his Son and Heir, Robert Graham of Gartmore, who died without Iſſue, and was ſucceeded in his Eſtate by Gilbert Graham his Brother, whoſe Succeſſors continued in good Reputation till the Reign of King Charles I. that Robert Graham of Gartmore dying without Male Iſſue, his Eſtate went by Marriage of his Daughter and Heir, to John Alexander, Eſq Son of William firſt Earl of Stirling. Beſide theſe three Sons, this Earl had alſo a Daughter, Margaret, married to Archbald Earl of Argyle.

To William ſucceeded John Earl of Menteth, his Son, who married Marion Daughter to George Lord Seaton, by whom he had William his Son and Succeſſor; alſo Two Daughters, Mary married to John Buchanan of That-Ilk, and Chriſtian to Sir William Livingſton of Kilſyth; and dying Anno 1570, was ſucceeded by William his Son, who married Margaret, Daughter of Sir James Douglas of Drumlanrig, and had Iſſue John his Succeſſor, George Graham of Rednock; which Lands, by Marriage of Marion his Grandchild and Heir Female, went to John Graham, Grandfather to the preſent Alexander Graham of Duchray.

John Earl of Menteth was ſerved Heir to his Father, 29th of October 1587 He married Mary, Daughter of Colin Campbel of Glenurchy, by whom he had William his Succeſſor, and a Daughter Chriſtian, married to Sir John Blackadder of Tulliallan.

Which William Earl of Menteth, being a Man of excellent Parts, was by King Charles I. call'd to his Majeſty's Council, and made Juſtice General of Scotland, upon the Surrender of that Office by the Earl of Argyle, in 1628, and in little more than a Year thereafter, conſtituted Preſident of the Council; and he diſcharged all the Offices committed to him with great Honour and Sufficiency: But while his Lordſhip was in the Height of his Greatneſs, and very much in the King's Favour, he ſerv'd himſelf Heir to his Anceſtor David Earl of Strathern, and thereupon applied to his Majeſty, to have that Title confer'd upon him; and the King, without conſidering any Inconveniency that might attend that Creation, gave him a Patent, ratifying and approving him in that Dignity. But 'tis reported, being very much exalted with that Title, his Vanity was not a little ſupported with the general Error of our Hiſtorians of David Earl of Strathern's being the eldeſt Son of King Robert II's firſt Marriage with Eupham Roſs his Queen; and ſome high Expreſſions in Reference to his Right to the Crown, having inadvertently dropt from the Earl, the Matter came to be talk'd at Court, and his Majeſty was pleas'd ſo far to take Notice of it, that he deprived his Lordſhip of all the Offices he held under the Crown, and gave Order to Sir Thomas Hope, Lord Advocate, to raiſe a Decreet of Reduction of his Title, whereby he was not only deprived of the Title of Earl of Strathern, but alſo of that of Menteth: But his Majeſty was graciouſly pleaſed, ſoon thereafter, to make him Earl of Airth, with Precedency due to the Creation of Maliſs Earl of Menteth, his Anceſtor, by King James I. He married Agnes, Daughter of Patrick Lord Gray, by whom he had John Lord Kilpont, [333] Sir Charles Graham, Sir James Graham, and ſeveral Daughters, Mary married to Sir John Campbel of Glenurchy; Margaret to Alexander Lord Gairles, next to Lodovick Earl of Crawford; and Anne to Sir Mungo Murray of Blebo.

John Lord Kilpont, after the breaking out of the War in the Reign of King Charles I. adhered to his Majeſty, and aſſoon as the Marquis of Montroſe declared for the King, he reſorted to him; but was ſoon thereafter moſt barbarouſly aſſaſſinated in the Camp, Anno 1644, by James Stewart of Ardv [...]rlich, leaving Iſſue by Mary his Wife, Daughter of William Earl Mariſchal, a Son, William, who ſucceeded his Grandfather in the Honour; and Two Daughters, Mary married to George Allardice of That-Ilk, and Elizabeth to Sir William Graham of Gartmore, Bart.

Which William having no Iſſue of his Body, convoy'd his Eſtate to James, then Marquis, now Duke of Montroſe, and died on the 12th of September 1694.

MIDDLETON, Earl of Middleton.

OF this Ancient Family, which originally took its Surname from the Lands and Barony of Middleton, in the County of Kincardin, was Humphredus de Middleton, who in the 24th of Alexander III. is a Witneſs to the Grant which Robertus Filius Warnebaldi de Cunningham, & Sponſa ejus Richenda, Filia & Haeres Humphredi de Bar [...], made Eccleſiae ſanctae Thomae Martyris de Arbroath, de toto feudo ſuo in Parc [...] de Fordun, pro ſalute Animarum ſuarum a. And a Deſcendant from him, another Humphredus de Middleton, was one of thoſe Barons who did Homage for his Lands, which he held of the Crown, in the County of Forfar, Anno 1306b. Likeas Gilbert Middleton of That-Ilk, did execute the Office of Sheriff of Forfar, the 3d of King James V.c. In the 26th of whoſe Reign John Middleton of Middleton, diſpoſed of the Lands of Middleton to David Falconar of Halkerton; after which his Succeſſors, I think, went by the Title and Deſignation of Cadham, in the County foreſaid.

Lieutenant General John Middleton was the Son of John Middleton of Cadham, by Helen his Wife, Daughter of John Strachan, of the Family of Thornton, who being bred a Scholar, intended to have made his Fortune that Way, but the Civil War breaking out, he laid aſide that Reſolution, and betaking himſelf to the Profeſſion of Arms, engaged in the Service of the Engliſh Parliament, where the Eminency of his Courage made him ſo much taken Notice of, when he was not above the Degree of a Captain of a Troop of Horſe, that by the Time Sir William Waller was ſent with an Army into the Weſt of England, diſtinct from the other commanded by the Earl of Eſſex, Captain Middleton was made his Lieutenant Generald; and he continued in that Service with ſingular Reputation, till the Parliament caſhier'd the Earl of Eſſex, and made their new Model; he quit all Command there, and betook himſelf to the Service of the Eſtates of Scotland, where he gave frequent Teſtimonies of ſignal Courage and Valour, in ſeveral Actions, inſomuch as when the Parliament, Anno 1647, rais'd an Army for the Reſcue of the King, upon his being made Priſoner in the Iſle of [334] Wight, he was appointed Lieutenant General of the Horſe; and at the Battle of Preſton, he maintained a Diſpute with the Enemy with great Courage, and with very great Loſs to them for ſeveral Hoursa till loſing his Horſe, he had the ill Fortune to be taken Priſoner, and ſent to Newcaſtle b, where he continued till after the Murder of the King, he found Means to corrupt the Marſhal who had the Keeping of him, and made his Eſcape into Scotland by the Time K. Charles II. arrived in this Kingdom, where he was received by his Friends with great Joy, to whom ſuch a brave Officer, and of ſuch intire Affections to his Majeſty, could not at ſuch a Seaſon but be very acceptable, and when the Parliament had raiſed another Army to march into England with the Kingc, whereof his Majeſty himſelf was General, Lieutenant General Middleton had the Command of the Horſe; and at the Fight of Worceſter, 3d of September 1651, at that Part where Middleton commanded there was a very brave Reſiſtance made, and he charged the Enemy ſo vigorouſly, that he beat that Body that charged them, back in great Diſorder, and with great Loſsd: But in the Action he received ſeveral Wounds whereby he fell into the Enemy's Hands; and aſſoon as he was fit to be removed, was ſent Priſoner to the Tower of London e, and deſtin'd to be ſacrificed by Cromwel, againſt whom he thought he might more warrantably proceed, than againſt any other of the Scots Priſoners, becauſe he had heretofore, in the Beginning of the War, ſerv'd the Parliament; and to that Purpoſe he erected a high Court of Juſtice, for the Tryal of ſome Perſons that had been troubleſom to him, eſpecially Major-General Middleton: And the Time approaching that he was to be try'd, his Friends in London gave him ſo good and ſo particular Advertiſement, that he ma [...] his Eſcape, and after he had co [...]c [...]aled himſelf there a Fortnight or Three Weeks, that the Diligence of the firſt Examination and Enquiry was over, he had the good Fortune to get himſelf ſafely tranſported over to France, and came to the King to Parts, to the Grief and Vexation of the very Soul of Cromwel, who earneſtly thirſted after the Blood of this noble Perſon.

Lieutenant General Middleton continued to attend on the King till the 1653, his Majeſty being importun'd by many Exp [...]eſſes, as well from the Scots Lords who were Priſoners in England, as from thoſe who were at Liberty, that Lieutenant General Middleton might be ſent over to the Highlands with his Majeſty's Commiſſion, and with ſome Supply of Arms; and that by the next Spring they would have an Army ready, ſtrong enough to meet with General Monk; and tho' the King did not (ſays the Lord Clarendon) expect that any notable Service would be performed by his Friends in Scotland, for his Advantage, or their own Redemption; yet did not think fit to ſeem to undervalue the Profeſſions and Overtu [...]es of thoſe who had, during his being among them, made all Profeſſions of Duty to him, and therefore gave ſuch a Commiſſion and Inſtructions to the Lieutenant General as were neceſſary, and diſpatched him to Scotland, where he arrived with ſome few Officers, and ſuch a Supply of Arms and Ammunition as could be got upon his own Credit and Activity, in the Winter of the Year 1653, when the Earl of Glencairn delivered up the Command of the Troops to him, and he continued at the Head of them for a whole Year thereafter, but never getting [335] any Supplies from Abroad, he was at length totally routed and ſuppreſs'd by General Monk, after which he found Shelter in ſome honeſt Mens Houſes, where he was conceal'd, till Opportunity ſerv'd to tranſport him beyond Sea; that he came to the King at Cologn, 1655, and attended his Majeſty's Fortune throughout the reſt of the Exile.

Upon the Reſtoration, his Majeſty, in Commemoration of the long and faithful Services of General Middleton. was pleaſed to raiſe him to the Degree of an Earl, by the Title of Earl of Middleton, by Letters Patent, bearing Date 1ſt of October 1660a, made him Commander in Chief of his Majeſty's Forces in Scotland, Governor of Edinburgh Caſtle, one of the Lords of his Majeſty's moſt Honourable Privy-Council; and appointed him Lord High Commiſſioner to the 1ſt and 2d Seſſions of the Parliament 1661 and 1662. But being impatient to be the ſole Favourite, in his laſt Seſſion of Parliament, he procured an Act to paſs, by which certain Perſons were to be incapacitated from all Offices of Honour or Truſt, and that by a very new and unheard of Way of Billoting: By which Act the Secretary of State the Earl of Lauderdale, the Treaſurer, the Earl of Crawfurd, the Juſtice-Clerk, Sir Robert Murray, and Others, who had given very ſignal Teſtimony of their Affection and Fidelity to the King, were particularly levell'd at: But his Majeſty finding the Earl had very far exceeded the Limits of his Commiſſion, in the framing and paſſing of that Act; and that it was highly derogatory to his Majeſty's Juſtice and innate Goodneſs he had ſuch a deep Reſentment of the Indignity, that he gave Orders to reſeind the Act of Billoting, and it fell heavy on the Earl himſelf, for he was immediately removed from all the Offices he held under the Crown, the Caſtle of Edinburgh was given to the Earl of Lauderdale, and the Command of the Forces to the Earl of Rothes, who had contributed very much to his Overthrow. But his Majeſty calling to Mind the great Merit and Services of the Earl of Middleton during the Exile, thought it improper he ſhould be diſmiſs'd with any further Marks of the Royal Diſpleaſure; and therefore, that he might be out of the Way, and never more in a Condition to compete with, or controul the Earl of Lauderdale, who had the Aſcendant of the other in the King's Affections, he was made Governor of the new Engliſh Fort of Tangier in Africa, which was little other than a more decent Exile; there he liv'd till the 1673. Death overtook him in that remote Corner of the World, where his Body was committed to its Reſt. He married firſt Griſel Daughter of Durham of Pi [...]kar [...], Siſter to Sir Alexander Durham of Large, and again Martha, Daughter of Henry Earl of Monmouth b. By his firſt Wife, he had Charles his Son and Heir, and Two Daughters, Helen married to Patrick Earl of Strathmore, and Griſel to William Earl of Morton.

Which Charles was bred up at the Court of King Charles II. But whether he had any Preferment there before the 1682, I cannot take upon me to determine. But at that Timec his Majeſty made Choice of his Lordſhip to go Envoy-Extraordinary to the Emperor, where he proved ſo ſucceſsful in his Negotiation, that upon his Return he was made conjunct Secretary of State for the Kingdom of Scotland with the Earl of Murray, 26. September the ſame Yeard, alſo, on the 11th of July 1684, he was ſworn of his Majeſty's Privy-Council of England, and upon the 24th of Auguſt next enſuing, was promoted to be one of his Majeſty's Principal Secretaries of State for that Kingdom [336] in the Room of Sidney Godolphin, Eſq a; in which Office he ſerv'd the Remainder of King Charles's Reign, and thro' the whole of that of his Succeſſor King James VII, till the Revolution, Anno 1688, he followed the Fortune of his unfortunate Maſter, the King into France, and not returning in due Time, he was forfeited by Act of Parliamentb, 1695.

He married Catharine, Daughter of Robert Earl of Cardigan, of the Kingdom of England, by whom he had Charles Lord Clermont, and John Middelton, Eſq alſo Two Daughters, Elizabeth married to Edward Drummond, Eſq Son to James Earl of Pearth, and Mary to Sir John Giffard Knight.


Parted per Feſs, Or, and Gules, a Lyon Rampant within a double Treſſure, counter flower'd and counter-changed of the ſame, armed and languid, Azure. ſupported by Two Eagles volant, Sable. Creſt, A Lyon Rampant, Gules, iſſuing out of a Tower, Maſſone Motto, Fortis in Arduis.

GRAHAM, Duke of Montroſe.

ACCORDING to our Hiſtorians, this noble illuſtrious Family, is as ancient as the Reſtauration of our Monarchy by King Fergns II. and derive their Origin from no meaner Perſon than the renowned Greme, who govern'd Scotland during the Minority of his Grandchild King Eugene II. fought with the Britons, and by forcing that mighty Rampart they had rear'd up between the Rivers of Forth and Clyde, immortaliz'd his Name ſo much, that to this Day that Trench is call'd Graham's Dyke.

But ſhould the Riſe of the Grahams be of a more modern Date, 'tis certain, they are as ancient as any in the Nation now upon Record, for William de Greme is one of the Witneſſes to the Foundation of Holy-Rood-Houſe Abbey, by King David I. Anno Chriſti 1125c; and thereafter, at the ſpecial Inſtance of the ſaid King, he perambulate to the Monks of Hadingtoun, the Lands of Clerkingtoun, when Adda, Counteſs of Northumberland laid the Foundation of that Convent.

1745Sir David Greme, Kt. Pater, the direct Anceſtor of the illuſtrious Family of Montroſe, obtained from King William a Grant of the Lands of Charltoun and Burrowfield, infra Vic. de Forfar, cum Dominiis & Tenendariis Thanagi de Kinabere.1747 He left Iſſue,

Sir David his Son and Heir, who had a Grant from Maldwin Earl of Lennox, of the Lands of Strathblane and Mugdock; and from the Earl of Dumbar he got the Lands of Dundaff and Strathcaron, quod fuit forreſtum Regis, in Exchange with Sir David for his Lands of Gartonquhar in Galoueya. By Agnes his Wife he had,

Sir David, the Third of that Name, his Son & Heir, who obtained diſtinct Charters of his whole Lands, which were all ratified to him under the Great-Seal of Alexander III. He got the Barony of Kincardine in the County of Perth, from Maliſs Earl of Strathern, whoſe Siſter Anabella he marriedg, and by her he had Two Sons, Sir Patrick the Heir of the Family, and Sir David Greme Knighth.

Which Sir Patrick did execute the Office of High-Sheriff of the County of Stirling, in the Time of King Aleander III, in the 35th of whoſe Reign, Anno 1284, he was one of the Magnates Scotiae, who in a moſt ſolemn Manner bound themſelves by their Oaths and Seals, that in caſe King Alexander ſhould die without Heirs [337] of his own Body, to receive and acknowledge the Princes Margaret, the Maid of Norway, the King's Grandchild, as their lawful Queen. He was afterward kill'd at the Battle of Dunbar, againſt the Engliſh, Anno 1296a, ſtrenuouſly aſſerting the Honour and Independency of his Country, leaving Iſſue Sir David his Succeſſor, Sir Nicol Graham, Kt. who got the Lordſhip of Eskdale in the South, by the Marriage of the Heir Female of Robert de Avenel b; and was the Root of the Grahams of Abercorn, and the Progenitor of Sir John Graham, that renoun'd Patriot who loſt his Life in his Country's Service at the Battle of Falkirk whom all our Hiſtorians do celebrate as the braveſt Scotſman, next to Sir William Wallace, in the Age he liv'd.

Sir David Graham, the next of this noble Family, was a great Patron of the Liberties of his Country, after the Abdication of John Baliol, and a ſtrenuous Oppoſer of the Incroachments made upon our old Conſtitution by King Edward I. of England, for which, when that Prince made an Offer of Indemnity to ſuch of the Scots Nation as would ſubmit to the Yoke he had impoſed on them, Sir David had the Honour to be one of thoſe few Patriots who were particularly exceptedc. As he was a great Patriot of his Country; ſo he was a very zealous Loyaliſt in Behalf of King Robert the Bruce, upon whoſe Acceſſion to the Throne, he had divers Grants of Lands, in Conſideration of his good and faithful Services before that Time performed. He exchang'd his Lands of Cardroſs in Dumbarton Shire with King Robert, for the Lands of Old Montroſe in the Country of Forfar.

The ſame Sir David was one of thoſe Barons who in 1320, wrote that noble Letter to the Pope, aſſerting the Independency of Scotland, wherein they highly extol King Robert Bruce, as the Nation's glorious Deliverer, and the Preſerver of the Liberties of the People; in which famous Record the Seal of this Noble Perſon, I obſerve, is ſtill intired. By . . . . . . Daughter of . . . . . . . . his Wife, he had

Sir David. his Son, was one of the Magnates Scotiae appointed to treat with the Engliſh touching the Redemption of King David Bruce, when he was taken Priſoner at the Battle of Durham, Anno, 1346, by . . . . Daughter of . . . . . . . his Wife, he had Iſſue, Sir Patrick his Son and Heir, and a Daughter married to William Earl of Roſs e;

Which Sir Patrick de Grame Lord of Dundaf, as he is deſign'd was one of the Hoſtages for the Ranſom of King David, when the Terms of his Redemption were concerted by the Commiſſioners of both Kingdoms, who were apointed for that Effect, Anno 1357f. Upon the Acceſſion of King Robert II. to the Crown, when the two great Entails were made in Favours of the King's eldeſt Son the Earl of Carrick, Sir Patrick's Name is inſerted in the one, and his Seal, I think, is appended to the other.

He married firſt Matilda Daughter of . . . . . . . . . . by whom he had William Lord of Graham his Succeſſor; And again Eupham, Daughter to Sir John Stewart, Brother to King Robert II. Siſter to Walter Stewart, Lord of Railſton g; by her he had Iſſue Sir Patrick Graham of Elieſton, the Progenitor of the Earls of Menteth h 2. Robert, 3. David, 4. Alexander, and a Daughter Matilda, married to Sir John Drummond of Concraig.

Which Sir William of Graham, Lord of Kincardine, in the 1404, was joined in Commiſſion with divers other Lords and Barons, to treat with the Engliſh anent the keeping of a Peace [338] and Amity betwixt the two Realmsa, and Two Years thereafter was ſent upon an Embaſſy to England, with the Earls of Crawford and Mar, which Negotiation they performed with Honour and Succeſs. He married firſt Mariota Daughter of Sir John Oliphant of Aberdalgy, by whom he had Alexxander his eldeſt Son, who died in the Lifetime of his Father, and John; next the Lady Mary Stewart, Daughter of King Robert III. Widow of George Earl of Angus, and of James Kennedy of Dennure b, by whom he had Sir Robert Graham of Strathcar [...]n, firſt of the Branch of the Grahams of Finitrie and Claverhouſe c. Second, Patrick, who being educated a Church man, and entring into Orders, was firſt promoted to the Epiſcopal See of Bre [...]hen, and tranſlated thence to the Biſhoprick of St. Andrews, then void by the Death of Biſhop Kennedy, Anno 1466. Third, William, of whom came the Grahams of Garvock d and Balgoun Fourth, Walter Graham of Wallacetoun e, who was the Anceſtor of the Grahams of Knockdolian and its Cadets: And departing this Life in 1424f, his Eſtate and Honour devolved to

Patrick his Grandſon and Heir, who was appointed one of the Lords of the Regency in the Minority of King James II. and he prudently and faithfully diſcharged that Truſt for ſeveral Years thereafter. He died in the Month of January 1467g, leaving Iſſue by Elizabeth his Wife,

William Lord Graham his Son and Heir, who married Jean, Daughter of George Earl of Angus h, and giving Way to Fate in the Beginning of the Year 1472, left Iſſue, William his Succeſſor, George, of whom is the Branch of the Grahams of Callender i; and a Daughter, Chriſtian, married to James Halden of Gleneagle k, and thereafter to Sir Thomas Maule of Panmure.

Which William Lord Graham, adhered firmly to King James III, in the Time of his greatſt Diſtreſs; and when that miſfortunate Prince was forced to take the Field, and raiſe an Army in his own Defence, the Lord Graham reſorted to him, and cheerfully took a Command in the Army, in which he continued till the Death of the King. He was alſo in great Favour with King James IV, who was graciouſly pleaſed, by Letters of Creation to raiſe him to the Dignity of Earl of Montroſe, March 3d, 1504l. He married firſt Annabella, Daughter of John Lord Drummond m, by whom he had William the Heir of the Family; next, Janet, Daughter of Sir Archibald Edmonſton of Duntreath n, by her he had Margaret, eſpouſed to John Earl of Lennox; Elizabeth, to Walter Drummond Grandſon and Heir of John firſt Lord Drummond o; Nicolas, to William Murray of Aberairny; and laſt of all, Chriſtian Wavane, by whom he had Two Sons Patrick, firſt of the Family of Inchbrakoe p, out of which branch'd the Grahams of Gorthy in the County of Perth; and Andrew, who was the firſt Proteſtant Biſhop of Dunblain, to which he was promoted upon the Deprivation of Biſhop Chiſolme, Anno 1572q. This Earl was ſlain at Flowdon with King James IV. September 9th, 1513.

William the ſecond Earl of Montroſe was one of the Peers to whom John Duke of Albany, Regent of Scotland, [339] in the Minority of King James V. committed the Tuition of the young King, when his Highneſs the Duke went over to France, to ſecure that Crown in the Intereſt of Scotland. He married Janet, Daughter of William Earl Marſhal, by whom he had Robert Maſter of Montroſe, who was ſlain at the Battle of Pinky, Alexander Penſioner of Cambuskenneth, Mungo and William, of whom the Families of Killern and Orchil are deſcendeda. Likewiſe ſundry Daughters, Margaret married to Robert Maſter of Erskine, Elizabeth to John Earl of Caithneſs, Agnes to Sir William Murray of Tilybardin, Janet to Sir Andrew Murray of Balvaiad, Catharine to John Graham of Knockdolean, and dying on the 24th of May 1571, was ſucceeded by

John his Grandſon, Son of Robert Maſter of Montroſe, by Margaret Daughter of Malcolm Lord Fleeming. Upon the Fall of the Earl of Goury the Lord Treaſurer, this noble Lord got the White-Staff on the 1ſt of May 1582, which he did not hold long, for upon another Turn at Court, the Earl demitted the Treaſurer's Place to Sir Thomas Lyon of Auldbar in the End of the Year 1585; after which the Earl of Montroſe continued in the Council, tho he had no other Office in the State, till the Chancelour's Place falling to vaik, by the Demiſe of John Lord Thirlſtane, he was preferred thereunto in January 1598, in which Station his Lordſhip continued till the 1604, that it being judged neceſſary that the Chancelour ſhould be a Lawyer, his Lordſhip did reſign the Place: But it was far from being done but with all imaginable Reſpect to his Lordſhip; for upon the Lord Fivie's being made Chancelour, the Earl of Montroſe was made Viceroy of Scotland during Lifeb, which great Office he accordingly enjoyed till his Death, November 9th 1608c, leaving Iſſue by Jean his Wife, Daughter of David Lord Drummond, John his Succeſſor, Sir Robert Graham of Innermeath, Sir William Graham of Braco; and a Daughter Lilias, married to John 1ſt Earl of Wigtoun.

John Earl of Montroſe, being a Perſon of great Parts and Abilities, was after the Acceſſion of King Charles I. to the Crown, named Preſident of His Majeſty's moſt honourable Privy Council, and he enjoy'd the Office even till his Death, November 24th 1626. By Margaret his Wife, Daughter of William Earl of Gowrie, he had James his Son and Heir, the firſt Marquis of Montroſe; alſo Four Daughters, Lilias married to Sir John Colquhoun of Luſs Bart. and had Iſſue; Margaret to Archibald firſt Lord Napier; Dorothea to James firſt Lord Rollo; Beatrix to David Lord Maderty.

James Earl, afternam'd Marquis of Montroſe, was born in the 1612, having had the Misfortune to loſe his Father when he was young, and being I think the only Son of the Family, his Friends, in order to raiſe up Heirs to his illuſtrious Houſe, prevail'd with him, when he was but a Youth, to marry, which he did into a very noble Family: This Marriage broke off the Courſe, and gave a great Interruption to his Studies, but quickly finding the Loſs he ſhould ſuſtain if he did not go thro' with his Education, he got good Maſters at Home, and enter'd into a cloſe Courſe of Study, wherein he made ſo great a Proficiency and Progreſs, that in a very little Time he became not only a great Maſter, but a Critick in the Greek and Latin, after which, for his greater Improvement, and giving an Ornament to his hopeful Perſon, he travel'd into Foreign Parts, where he ſpent ſome Years in attaining the Language, and in learning the Exerciſes then in Vogue, in which he excel'd moſt Men, and came over to England, by the Time he was Twenty two Years of Age.

He then betook himſelf to the Court, intending to live there in a View of ſerving the Crown, and of raiſing himſelf to thoſe Honours and Imployments [340] both his Birth and perſonal Qualifications did intitle him to; but in his Attendance there, meeting with ſome Diſcountenance of the King, which was very artfully brought about, he left the Court, and returning to Scotland, juſt before the breaking out of the Troubles, he joined with the diſcontented Party, who appeared moſt forward for the Redreſs of Grievances of the Church, which was all that was at that Time pretended, inſomuch as he ſoon became one of the principal and moſt active Lords for the Covenant and Reformation: But after the firſt Expedition of the Covenanters into England, the Earl upon his Obſervation of the unwarrantable Proſecution of the Ends of the Covenant, he gave over that Party, and his Command in the Army; and made a full Tender of his Service to his Majeſty, which brought him ſo much into the Jealouſy of the Party he had formerly been of, that there was no Room left to doubt of his Sincerity to the King. The Earl of Clarendon does very unjuſtly inſinuate in his Hiſtory of the Civil War, that while the King was in Scotland, the Earl of Montroſe offer'd to make away Two Great Men, he thinks, were not ſo cordial in the King's Intereſt as could have been wiſh'd; but as this Calumny is moſt falſe, as I am fully able from Original Writs and Papers to juſtify him from that Aſperſion, ſo I ſhall offer no more here for his Vindication, but to declare to the World, and which I'm able to demonſtrate, that the Marquis of Montroſe was a Priſoner in the Caſtle of Edinburgh, for correſponding with the King from the Month of June 1641 till January thereafter, and the King came down in Auguſt and returned in November; ſo 'tis clear he was a Priſoner all the while his Majeſty was in Scotland a. After his Releaſment he liv'd moſt part privately at his Seat in the Country, till the Meeting of the Convention 1643, he privately withdrew out of Scotland, and came to the King a few Days before the Siege was rais'd from Gloceſter, and gave his Majeſty the firſt clear Information of the Proceedings of the Convention, of the Reſolutions would be there taken, and of the Poſture the Kingdom would ſpeedily be in; and made ſome Propoſitions to the King for the Remedy; which there was not, ſays the Earl of Clarendon, then Time to conſult of: But aſſoon as his Majeſty return'd to Oxford, after the Battle of Newburry, he was very willing to hearken to any Overture the Earl ſhould make in Reference to what could be done, to prevent the Miſchief was like to enſue to his Majeſty's Affairs, by a Combination betwixt the Scots Covenanters and the Engliſh Parliament; wherefore, that his Majeſty might have this important Affair brought to a full Reſolution, he was pleas'd to hold ſeveral Conferences with the Earl: But all the Advances which were made toward the Execution of any Attempt for the King's Service, were check'd by his Majeſty's not being able to give any Troops to the Earl, by the Protection whereof, the Loyal Party of the Kingdom might come to his Aſſiſtance, and diſcover their Affections to his Majeſty, notwithſtanding of which, the vigorous Spirit of the Earl of Montroſe, ſtirred him up to make ſome Attempt, which he thought might be of Service to the King: And therefore propoſed that his Majeſty ſhould give a Command to the Earl of Antrim, to raiſe, and ſend over a Body of Two Thouſand Men, into the Highlands of Scotland, to be a Foundation for raiſing Forces there, and that if his Majeſty would grant him a Commiſſion to command that Army, he would himſelf be in the Highlands to receive them, and run his Fortune with them; and that if no Time were loſt in proſecuting that Deſign, he did hope [341] that by the Time the Scots Army ſhould be ready to take the Field, they ſhould receive ſuch an Alarm from their own Country, as ſhould hinder their Advance into England a. Upon this Overture the King conſer'd with the Two Lords, and finding the Earl of Antrim forward to undertake the raiſing as many Men as ſhould be deſir'd, his Majeſty reſolv'd to encourage it all he could; and therefore, that the Earl of Montroſe might depart with the better Character, and Teſtimony of his Majeſtys Favour and good Opinion, and be thereby the better qualified to per form the great Truſt repoſed in him, his Majeſty was pleaſed to give Order for a Warrant to make the Earl Marquis of Montroſe b, and gave him a Commiſſion, conſtituting his Lordſhip Captain-General, and Commander in Chief of all the Forces to be rais'd in Scotland for his Majeſty's Service; and ſo taking his Leave of the King, accompany'd with ſeveral Gentlemen, he began his Journey, as if he meant to make his Way in Company with them into Scotland; but after he had continued his Journey two or three Days in that Equipage, which he knew could be no Secret, and that it would draw the Enemies Troops together, for the Guard of all Paſſes to meet with him, the Marquis was found miſſing one Morning by his Company, who after ſome Stay and Enquiry returned back to Oxford, whilſt this noble Perſon with incredible Addreſs and Fatigue, had not only quitted his Company and his Servants, but his Horſe alſo, and found a ſafe Paſſage, moſt Part on Foot, thro' all the Enemies Quarters, till he came to the very Bordersc; from whence, by the Aſſiſtance of Friends whom he truſted, he found himſelf ſecure in the Border of the Highlands, with his moſt faithful Friend the Laird of Inchbrackie d; where he lay quiet without undertaking any Action, until the Earl of Antrim did make good ſo much of his Undertaking, that he ſent over Colonel Alexander M [...]Donald, with a Regiment of Fifteen Hundred Soldiers, who landed in the Highlands, at or near the Place that had been agreed one, where the Marquis was ready to receive him, which he did with great Joy, and quickly publiſhed his Commiſſion of being General for the King over all the Kingdom.

With this Handful of Men thus brought together, with thoſe Circumſtances, he brought in ſo many of his Countrymen to join with him, as were ſoon ſtrong enough to arm themſelves at the Charge of their Enemies, whom they firſt defeated, and every Day encreaſed in Power, till he fought, and prevailed in the ſeveral Battles of Tippermuir, Alfuird, Aldearn, Aberdeen, Inverlochy, and Kilſyth, that he made himſelf in little more than one Year, upon the Matter, Maſter of the Kingdom; and did all thoſe ſtupenduous Acts which are deſervedly the Subject of a Hiſtory excellently written in Latin by Dr. George Wiſhart, thereafter Biſhop of Edinburgh, tho' very ill tranſlated ſince by an unknown Hand.

After the Battle of Kilſyth, his Excellency the Marquis mareh'd Eaſtward, took the City of Edinbutgh f; and advancing his Courſe toward England, he was unexpectedly attack'd by Major General David Leſly, with the whole Strength of the Scots Horſe, at Philiphaugh, on the 13th of September 1645g, where he was totally defeated; ſo that his future Triumph [342] was not only prevented, but he was compel'd with great Loſs to retire again to the Highlands, for recruiting of his Army, in which he had wonderfully ſucceeded, when he received his Majeſty's poſitive Orders, while he was in the Hands of the Scots Army before Newark, to lay down his Arms by a certain Day prefixed, and to leave the Kingdoma, till when they pretended they could no [...] declare for his Majeſty; and this was done with ſo much Earneſtneſs, and by a particular Meſſenger known and truſted, that the Marquis obey'd and tranſported himſelf into France, toward the End of the Year 1646b, where he did for ſome Time reſide, and took the Opportunity while he attended at that Court, to make ſome Overtures to Cardinal Mazerine, to raiſe any Army for the Service of the King, which the crafty Cardinal did not receive, ſays the Lord Clarendon, with that Regard the Marquis's great Name deſerv'd. Thereupon his Excellency left France, and made a Journey into Germany, to the Emperor's Court; and thence to Bruſſels, where he lay privately, and as incognito for ſome Time, till he hear'd of the Murther of the King, that he came to the Hague, and preſented himſelf to King Charles II. with the Tender of his Servicec; and his Majeſty received him with a very good Countenance, and as a moſt gracious Teſtimony of his great Fidelity and Merit, preſented him with the Enſigns of the moſt noble Order of the Garter.

While the King remained at the Hague, there were at this Time, beſide the Marquis of Montroſe, and thoſe of the Nobility who adhered to him, the Commiſſioners who came from the Council and the Kirk, to invite his Majeſty into Scotland, and the Duke of Hamilton, and others of the Nobility who joined with him; and tho' there was nothing the King wiſhed more than that ſome Expedient might be found out to unite all thoſe Parties; eſpecially that there might be an Union and Reconciliation betwixt Mentroſe and the Ha [...]iltonion Faction, who had an equal Deſire to ſerve the King, and were as much perſecuted by the Party who then govern'd, as the Marquis was; yet the Animoſity of each of them was ſuch againſt him, that they were equally his implacable Enemies, inſomuch as they did not only refuſe to meet with him, but aſſoon as he came into the Room where they were, tho' his Majeſty himſelf was preſent, they immediately withdrew and left the Roomd, and deſir'd that the Marquis, whom they call'd James Graham, might be forbidden to come into his Majeſty's Preſence, becauſe he ſtood excommunicated by the Kirk, and degraded and forfaulted by the Judicatory of the Kingdom: With which Demand his Majeſty declared his being very much offended, which he made manifeſt by uſing the Marquis with the more Countenance, and in holding the more frequent Conferences with him.

But when the Marquis clearly perceived that it was not poſſible that the Lords of the other Parties would ever unite with him, and that his Attendance on the King might poſſibly bring ſome Prejudice to his Service, he therefore propos'd, that his Majeſty would give him Letters and Credentials to ſeveral Princes in Germany; and to the Northern Crowns, by which he might appear Ambaſſador Extraordinary from the King, if he ſhould find it expedient, to the End he might, by the Help of theſe Princes, obtain the Loan of Monies, Arms and Ammunition, to enable him [343] to proſecute his intended Deſcent into Scotland; and the King, ſays my Author the Earl of Clarendon, glad that he did not preſs for ready Money, which he was not able to ſupply him with, gave him ſuch Letters as he deſir'd, and a Commiſſion to gather ſuch a Force together, as by the Help of thoſe Princes he might be enabled to do: Upon which the Marquis went for Hamburgh, which he appointed for the Rendezvous for all thoſe Troops, which he expected from Germany, and from whence he could in the mean Time viſit ſuch Courts of the Neighbour Princes, as he ſhould be encouraged to do, and keep ſuch Intelligence with his Friends in Scotland, as ſhould provide for his Reception. In a Word, he ſent or went in Perſon, both to Sweden and Denmark, where he found the Performance very diſproportionable to the Hopes and Encouragement he had received from thence; ſo that the Marquis was obliged to return to Hamburgh, with very ſmall Supplies, from either or both theſe Kingdoms; and there he received no better Account from thoſe Officers whom he had ſent to Germany; and therefore concluding upon the Whole, that all his Hopes from Germany and thoſe Northern Princes would not increaſe the Strength he had already, which did not amount to above Five Hundred, he caus'd thoſe Soldiers he had drawn together, to be imbark'd for Scotland, and ſent Officers with them, who knew the Country, with Directions that they ſhould land in ſuch a Place, and remain there till he came to them, or ſent them Orders; and then in another Veſſel commanded by a Captain very faithful to the King, he embarked himſelf, and near an Hundred Officers, and landed in another Creek, not far from the other Place whither his Soldiers were directed; and both the one and the other Party were ſet ſafely on Shore, in the Orkneys, on the 15th of April 1650a; from thence he came over to Caithneſs b, and preſently repair'd to the Houſe of a Gentleman of Quality, with whom he correſponded; by whom he was well received, and thought himſelf to be in Security, till he might put his Affairs in ſome Method: After he had ſtaid there a ſhort Time, he quickly poſſeſs'd himſelf of an old Caſtle, which, in Reſpect of the Situation, in a Country ſo impoſſible for an Army to march in, thought ſtrong enough for his Purpoſe. Thither he convoy'd the Arms, Ammunition and Troops, which he had brought with him; and then he publiſhed his Declaration, That he came with the King's Commiſſion, to aſſiſt thoſe his good Subjects, and to preſerve them from Oppreſſion: That he did not intend to give any Interruption to the Treaty that he hear'd was enter'd into with his Majeſty; but, on the contrary, hoped, that his being in the Head of an Army, how ſmall ſoever, that was faithful to the King, might advance the ſame. However, he had given ſufficient Proof in his former Actions, that if any Agreement were made with the King, upon the firſt Order from his Majeſty, he ſhould lay down his Arms, and diſpoſe himſelf according to his Majeſty's good Pleaſure. With theſe Declarations which he ſent to his Friends, to be ſcatter'd by them, and diſperſed among the People, as they could be able, he writ likewiſe to thoſe of the Nobility, and the principal Heads of the Highland Clans, to draw ſuch Forces together as they thought neceſſary, to join with him; and he received Anſwers from many of them, by which they deſir'd him to advance more into the Low-Lands, [344] and aſſured him, that they would reſort to him, with good Numbers of their Friends and Followers, which many of them did prepare to do, with great Sincerity.

The Alarm of Montroſe's Landing ſtartled the Parliament, which was then ſitting at Edinburgh, in ſo much, that it gave them no Leiſure to think of any Thing elſe, than of ſending Forces to hinder the Recourſe of others to join with him; and therefore, ſent Colonel Strachan with a choice Party of the beſt Horſe they had, to make all poſſible Haſte toward him, and to prevent the Inſurrections which they feared would be in ſeveral Parts of the Highlands; and within few Days after, Lieutenant General Leſly followed with a ſtronger Party of Horſe and Foot. The Encouragement the Marquis received from his Friends, and the Unpleaſantneſs of the Quarters, in which he was, prevail'd with him to march with theſe few Troops more into the Land; and the Highlanders flocking to him from all Quarters, made him undervalue any Enemy who he thought was yet like to encounter him; and the Marquis being without any Body of Horſe to diſcover the Motion of an Enemy, but depending upon all neceſſary Intelligence from the Affections of the People; Strachan made ſuch Haſte toward him, that he was within a ſmall Diſtance of him, before he heard of his Approach, and thoſe Highlanders who had ſeem'd to come with much Zeal to him, whether terrified or corrupted, left him on a ſudden, or threw down their Arms; ſo that he had none left but a Company of good Officers, and Five or Six Hundred Foreigners, Dutch and Germans; with theſe he betook himſelf to a Place of ſome Advantage, by the Inequality of the Ground; and there they made a Defence for ſome Time with notable Courage; but the Enemy being ſo much ſuperior in Number, the common Soldiers being all Foreigners, after about a Hundred of them were kill'd upon the Place, threw down their Arms; And the Marquis ſeeing all loſt, threw away his Ribband and George, and found Means to change his Clothes with a Fellow of the Country; and ſo after having gone on Foot Two or Three Miles, he got into a Houſe of a Gentleman, M'Leod of Aſſint, a, where he remain'd conceal'd about Two Days; but whether by the Owner of the Houſe, or any other Way, the Marquis was diſcovered, and became their Priſoner, and was the next Day or ſoon thereafter delivered to the General, who was come up with his Forces, and had now nothing left to do, but to carry him in Triumph to Edinburgh.

When he came to one of the Gates of Edinburgh, he was met by ſome of the Magiſtrates, to whom he was delivered, and by them preſently put into a new Cart purpoſely made, in which there was a high Chair, or Bench, upon which he ſat, that the People might have a full View of him, being bound with a Cord drawn over his Breaſt and Shoulders, and faſten'd thro' Holes made in the Cart. When he was in this Poſture, the Hangman took off his Hat, and rode himſelf before the Cart in his Livery, and with his Bonnet on; the other Officers, who were taken Priſoners with him, walking Two and Two before the Cart; in this Manner he was carried to the common Goal, and received and treated as a common Malefactor.

Within Two Days after, he was brought before the Parliament, where the Chancellor made a very bitter [345] and virulent Speech againſt him, told him, He had broken all the Covenants by which the Nation ſtood obliged, and had impiouſly rebelled againſt GOD, the King and the Kingdom; that he had committed many horrible Murthers, Treaſons and Impieties, for all which he was now brought to ſuffer condign Puniſhment; with all thoſe Reproaches, ſays my Author, againſt his Perſon and his Actions, which the Liberty of that Place gave him Leave to uſe.

Permiſſion was then given him to ſpeak, and without the leaſt Trouble in his Countenance, or Diſorder, upon all the Indignities he had ſuffer'd, he told them, Since the King had own'd them [...]o far as to treat with them, he had appear'd before them with Reverence, and bare headed, which otherwiſe he would not willingly have done: That he had done nothing of which he was aſham'd, or had Cauſe to repent; that the firſt Covenant, he had taken, and comply'd with it, and with them who took it, as long as the Ends for which it was ordain'd were obſerv'd; but when he diſcover'd, which was now evident to all the World, that private and particular Men deſign'd to ſatisfy their own Ambition and Intereſt, inſtead of conſidering the Publick Benefit; and that, under the Pretence of reforming ſome Errors in Religion, they reſolv'd to abridge, and take away the King's juſt Power, and lawful Authority, he had withdrawn himſelf from that Engagement: That for the League and Covenant, he had never taken it, and therefore could not break it: And it was now too apparent to the whole Chriſtian World, what monſtruous Miſchiefs it had produced: That when, under Colour of it, an Army from Scotland had invaded England in Aſſiſtance of the Rebellion that was then againſt their Lawful King, he had, by his Majeſty's Command, received a Commiſſion from him to raiſe Forces in Scotland, that he might thereby divert them from the other odious Perſecution: That he had executed that Commiſſion with the Obedience and Duty he ow'd to the King; and in all the Circumſtances of it, had proceeded like a Gentleman; and had never ſuffer'd any Blood to be ſhed but in the Heat of the Battle; and that he ſaw many Perſons there, whoſe Lives he had ſaved: that when the King commanded him, he laid down his Arms, and withdrew out of the Kingdom; which they could not have compell'd him to have done. He ſaid, he was now again enter'd into the Kingdom by his Majeſty's Command, and with his Authority: And what Succeſs ſoever it might have pleaſed GOD to have given him, he would always have obeyed any Commands he ſhould have received from him. He adviſed them, to conſider well of the Conſequence before they proceeded againſt him, and that all his Actions might be examin'd, and judged by the Laws of the Land, or thoſe of Nations.

Aſſoon as he had ended his Diſcourſe, he was ordered to withdraw; and, after a ſhort Space, was again brought in; and told by the Chancellor, That he was, on the Morrow, being the one and Twentieth of May 1650, to be carried to Edinburgh Croſs, and there to be hanged up on a Gallows Thirty Foot high, for the Space of Three Hours, and then to be taken down, and his Head to be cut off upon a Scoffold, and hanged on Edinburgh Tolboth; his Legs and Arms to be hanged up in other publick Towns of the Kingdom, and his Body to be buried at the Place where he was to be executed, except the Kirk ſhould take off his Excommunication; and then his Body might be buried in the common Place of Burial. And 'tis admirable to conſider with what Magnanimity & Firmneſs of Soul he heard the Judgment that condemned him to be quartered, concerning which he ſaid to the Chancellor that pronounced it, That he was prouder to have his Head ſet upon the Place it was appointed to be, than he could have been to have had his Picture hang in the King's Bed-Chamber: That he was ſo far from being troubled, that his Four [346] Limbs were to be hang'd in Four principal Cities of the Kingdom, that he heartily wiſhed he had Fleſh enough to be ſent to every City in Chriſtendom, as a Teſtimony of the Cauſe for which he ſuffer'd.

He deſir'd after the Sentence to have ſaid ſomewhat to the Parliament, but was not ſuffer'd, and ſo was carried back to Priſon; and the next Day every Part and Circumſtance of the Sentence was executed upon him with all the Inhumanity imaginable; and he bore it with all the Courage and Magnanimity, and the greateſt Piety that a good Chriſtian could manifeſt. When he had ended all he had to ſay, and was expecting to expire, they acted yet one Scene more of their Barbarity upon him; the Hangman brought the Book that had been publiſhed, of his truly Heroick Actions whilſt he commanded in the Kingdom, which, together with his Declaration, was tied in a ſmall Cord, that was put about his Neck. At this new Inſtance of their Malice the Marquis ſmil'd, and thanked them for it, and ſaid, he was glad it ſhould be there, and was prouder of wearing it, than ever he had been of the Garter. and ſo renewing ſome devote Ejaculations, he patiently endured the laſt Act of the Executioner.

Thus died the gallant Marquis of Montroſe, after he had given, ſays the Earl of Clarendon, in his Character of him, ‘'as great a Teſtimony of Loyalty and Courage as a Subject can do, and performed as wonderful Actions in ſeveral Battles, upon as great Inequality of Numbers, and as great Diſadvantages in Reſpect of Arms, and other Preparations for War, as have been performed in this Age.' And he adds, 'That Montroſe was in his Nature fearleſs of Danger, and never declined any Enterpriſe for the Difficulty of going thro' with it, but exceedingly affected thoſe which ſeem'd deſperate to other Men, and did believe ſomewhat to be in himſelf above other Men, which made him live more eaſy towards thoſe who were, or were wi [...]ing to be inferior to him, toward whom he exerciſed wonderful Civility and Generoſity, than with his Superiors or Equals. He was naturally jealous, and ſuſpected thoſe who did not concur with him in the Way, not to mean ſo well as he. He was not without Vanity, but his Vertues were much ſuperior, and he well deſerved to have his Memory preſerv'd and celebrated amongſt the moſt illuſtrious Perſons of the Age in which he liv'd.'’

His Body was interr'd at the Place of Execution, where it reſted till the Reſtoration of the King, that by his Majeſty's ſpecial Appointment, his ſcattered Parts were gathered together and depoſited in the Abbey-Church of Holy-Rood-Houſe, where it remained till the 14th of May 1661, his Corps was with the greateſt Magnificence and Solemnity that could be deviſed, carried to the Cathedral Church of St. Giles, and interr'd in the Iſle belonging to his Familya, b [...]i [...]g accompanied by the Lord High Commiſſioner, the Earl of Middleton, and all the Members of Parliament, to the Grave; over which this Inſcription was intended to be ſet up, which I have for the Satisfaction of the Curious, here inſert.

Immortali verae Nobilitatis, inaequandae Magnanimitatis, incontaminati Honoris, & intemeratae Fidelitatis, Magni GRAMI, M.S.

SI quis hic jacet quaeris, Viator, Magnus hic eſt ille Montis-Roſarum March [...], generoſi genii ſuae Famil [...]ae generoſus Haeres, qui vireſcentibus adhuc (licet ann [...]ſis) majorum ſuorum pal [...]nis tot victrices contexuit lauros, ut ſi omnes [347] illi huic uni an unus hic illis omnibus plus Gloriae contulerii ſcire ſii nefas. Hic eſt nobilis ille Montis-Roſarum Marchio, qui ſi Proſapia an Virtute illuſtrior, Conſilio an Dextra prompiior, Aulae an Caſtris charior, Principibus ſuis an exteris gratior, Perduellionis Malleus durior, an Monarchiae Aſſertor acrior, Fama an Fortuna clarior, in Vita denique inſignior an in Morie conſtantior exſtiterit, dictu difficile. Hic eſt, Viator, magnus ille Dux Ducum ſui ſeculi facile Prin ceps; Dux qui cum Peditum manipulo (ne dicam Exercitulo) pene inermi, Victus & Amictus inope, Cauſae, Aequitati, Du cis Magnanimitati & Gladiis confiſo ſuis, ingentes Hoſtium Acies armatas duodecim menſium (plus minus) Spatio ſep ties vidit, vicit, delevit. Majora haec Caeſaris oculata Victoria. Sed proh inſtabilem lubrici Fati rotam! qui Arma, Caſtra, Oppida, Turres, Propugnacalo, qui Frigus, Famem, Sit [...], inacceſſa montium juga, immo omnia ſuperare conſueverat tandem maligno Fortunae Errore victus, nequiſſimè Hoſtibus traditus, quid non paſſus! Protomartyris Regis ſui Martyr pediſſequus plus quam barbaro [...]nimicorum Furori (niſi tam generoſo S [...]nguine implacabili) & effraenae Praeſt igiatorum Druidum Inſolentiae Victima oblatus, invictam Malis exſpiravii Animam. Sic concidit nobile illud Diadematis Ful [...]rum, ſic occidit reſplendens ille Caledoniae Ph [...]ſphorus, ſic occubuii magnus ille Martis Alumnus, & cum illo Maſcula quaeque ſuperfoetantis Virtutis Soboles, per Obſtitrices indigenas ipſis Aegyptiis crudeliores trucidata. Poſt undecennium Oſſa effodi, Membra recol. ligi, & per Proceres & Regni Comitia à Coenobio Regio S. Crucis per Metropolim, ſummo cum Splendore ad Aedes D. Aegidio ſacras comitata, impenſis ſuis Regiis ſub hoc Monumento magnifico, cum Avo ſuo nobili, quondam Scotiae Prorege, ſepeliri mandavit Auguſt iſſimus Regum Carolus II. Imperio ſuo divinitus reſtitutus. Vale Viator, & quisquis es, immenſam fereniſſimi Principis erga ſuos Pietatem & poſthumum hunc Magni GRAMI priſtinae ſuae Gloriae redivivi cole Triumphum.

The noble Marquis married Magdalen, Daughter of David, firſt Earl of Southesk, by whom he had James his Son and Heir.

This noble Lord was too young to have had a Part in the War under his Father: After whoſe Death being diveſted of his Eſtate, he liv'd quietly and privately under the Powers that then prevail'd, retaining his Affection and Fidelity to the Crown, which he made manifeſt in performing all the Offices of Fidelity and Duty to the King, throughout the whole Courſe of the Uſurpation, that a generous and worthy Perſon could find any Opportunity for; with which his Majeſty was abundanty ſatisfied and pleas'd.

Upon the Return of the King, the Marquis was reſtor'd to his Eſtate, and the Act of his Father's Forfaulture repell'd, and he was nam'd one of the Lords of his Majeſty's Privy-Council: But that which was thought ſtrange, and adminiſtred much Diſcourſe, both then and afterwards, was, that his Lordſhip was not preferr'd to any of the great Offices of the Crown, conſidering the tranſcendent Merit of his Father, and the great Value and Eſteem the King had of himſelf, as a Nobleman of great Honour and Integrity; but the Reaſon I have ever hear'd aſſign'd for it, was, that the Marquis did not affect any publick Character, a Life of Privacy and Quiet being really his own Choice, and what was more ſuited to his Humour and Nature; and dying in the Month of February, in the 1669a, was upon the 23d of of April thereafter [348] interr'd at the Chapel of Aber-Ruthven in Perth Shire, where the Bones of his Anceſtors were committed to their Reſt, and his Funeral Sermon was preached by Dr. Alexander Burnet, then Arch-Biſhop of Glaſgow, wherein he gave the Marquis a very good Character. He was a Nobleman of great Honour and Probity, ſo great a Lover of Juſtice, and ſo ſtrict in the Obſervation of his Word and Promiſe, that no Man was ever more worthy the Title of, An honeſt Man.

He married Iſobel, Daughter of William Earl of Morton, Widow of Robert, firſt Earl of Roxburgh, by whom he had James his Succeſſor, and Lord Charles, who died a young Man of great Hopes and Courage; like wiſe three Daughters,

Lady Anne, married to Alexander Earl of Calendar.

Lady Jean to Sir Jonathan Urquhart of Cromarty.

Lady Griſel to Mr. William Co [...]hran of Kilmaronock, Son to William Lord Cochran.

James Marquis of Montroſe his Son was a Nobleman of great Parts, which were improved by a good Education. Upon the Death of his Father the King took him into his immediate and eminent Care, made him firſt, Captain of the Guard; and then, that he might fit him by Degrees for the greateſt Truſt and Employments, preferr'd him to be Preſident of the Privy-Council; but Death overtook him not long thereafter, in the Prime of his Years, upon the 25th of April 1684a, to the general Regret of the whole Nation, and the particular Sorrow of his own Relations, who lamented his Death exceedingly, as a great Loſs to his Family. By Chriſtian his Wife, Daughter of John Duke of Rothes, he had only a Son James, the preſent Duke of Montroſe.

This noble Lord being a Perſon of very bright and diſtinguiſhing Parts, and the Head of a very noble Family, that had in no Time ſwerv'd in its Fidelity to the Crown, her Majeſty Queen Anne, ſoon after he came to Age, called him to her Privy-Council, made him firſt, Lord High Admiral of Scotland, in the Beginning of the 1705b, and then Lord Preſident of the Council in little more as a Year thereafterc; in which Station, and in all other Capacities, his Lordſhip did exert himſelf with the moſt ardent Zeal and Vigour, in promoting the Succeſſion to the Crown in the Proteſtant Line, and on that Account did all he could to conſolidate the Two Kingdoms in an incorporating Union, and thereby giving a Sanction to the Title of the moſt ſerene Houſe of Hanover, to the Crown of this Realm; in Conſideration whereof, as well as in Reſpect of his Lordſhip's perſonal Merit, and in Honour of his noble Family, for which the Queen did always proſeſs a very great Value and Regard, her Majeſty was pleas'd by Letters Patent 24th of April 1707, to make the Marquis Duke of Montroſe d; and 'tis to be obſerved as a ſpecial Inſtance of her Majeſty's more immediate Favou [...], that the Honour was not reſtricted to the Heirs Male of the Duke's own Body; but was to deſcend to his Heirs of Entail.

His Grace continued Lord Preſident of the Council, till the Parliament of Great Britain thought fit to diſſolve the Scots Privy-Council ſome Time after the commencing of the Union, that the Duke of Montroſe was made Lord Privy-Seal, upon the Removal of the Duke of Queensberry, the 28th February 1709; and he held that Office, till the 1713e, he was laid aſide for not complying with the Meaſures of the Court during the [349] Earl of Oxford's Adminiſtration, and the Duke of Athole was made Privy-Seal in his Place.

The Duke's firm and inviolable Adherence to the Proteſtant Succeſſion, which his Grace had ſo early, and with ſo much Zeal maintain'd and aſſerted, could not fail to intitle him to a more than ordinary Favour of the illuſtrious Family, in whom the Right was eſtabliſhed by Law; and therefore, when the Succeſſor, his Electoral Highneſs the Duke of Brunſwick was by Act of Parliament impower'd to nominate ſo many Perſons as he ſhould think proper, to be joined with the Seven great Officers of State, in the Adminiſtration of the Government till his Arrivala, his Royal Highneſs did repoſe ſuch Confidence in the Duke's Affection and Fidelity to his Intereſt, that he had the Honour to be named one of the Lords of the Regency: But being at his Seat in the Country when the Act of Settlement of the Crown did actually take Effect, by the Demiſe of Queen Anne, of glorious Memory, on the 31ſt of July 1714, his Grace made Haſte to Edinburgh, where he was preſent at the Proclamation of King George; and taking Poſt for London, he arrived there on the 10th of Auguſt thereafter, where he concur'd cordially and chearfully with the other Lords Juſtices, in taking Care to iſſue out ſuch Orders as were neceſſary to ſupport the Honour and Dignity of the Crown, and to ſecure the Peace and Tranquillity of the Kingdom. King George having arrived in Britain on the 18th of September, Six Days thereafter his Majeſty was pleaſed to appoint his Grace the Duke to be One of His Majeſty's Principal Secretaries of State, in the Room of the Earl of Mar, and in a very gracious Manner to honour him with ſeveral diſtinguiſhing Marks of his Royal Favour.

His Grace married the Lady Chriſtian Carnegie, Daughter of David Earl of Northesk, a Lady of the moſt conſummated Vertue, by whom he had James Lord Graham, who died in his Infancy, David Marquis of Graham, Lord William; and a Daughter, Lady Margaret.


Quarterly Firſt and Fourth on a Chief, Sable, Three Eſcalops of the Firſt. Second and Third, Argent, Three Roſes, Gules. Supporters, Two Storks proper. Creſt, a Falcon Azure, killing a Heron, Argent. Motto, Nè Obliè.

MONYPENNY, Lord Monypenny.

THE firſt of this Surname I have found upon Record, was Richardus de Monypenny, who in the Reign of King Alexander II. obtained from Thomas, Prior of St. Andrews, the Lands of Pitmulin, in the Shire of Fife b, which Lands of Pitmilly his Poſterity enjoy even to this Time.

Sir William Monypenny of Monypenny, Kt. a Son of this Family, having faithfully ſerved King James I. and II. in divers Foreign Negotiations, with Diligence, Honour, and Succeſs, was in Reward of theſe his acceptable Services, by the ſpecial Favour of King James II. rais'd to the Honour of Lord Monypenny, May 1ſt, 1450c. He left a Son,

[350] Alexander Lord Monypenny a, who having no Male Iſſue of his Body, exchanged the Barony of Earlſhall in Fife, with Sir Alexander Bruce, for his Lands call'd Eſcariot in France, Anno 1495b, and the Peerage fail'd in himſelf.

DOUGLASS, Lord Mordington.

SIR James Douglaſs, Second Son to William Earl of Angus, having married Anne only Daughter and Heir of Laurence Lord Oliphant, was by the Favour of King Charles I. created Lord Mordington, with the Precedency of the Peerage of Oliphant.

By the ſaid Anne his Wife, he had Iſſue William his Succeſſor, and a Daughter Anne, married to Robert Lord Semple.

Which William, by Elizabeth his Wife, Daughter of Hugh, Lord Semple, had James his Succeſſor, who married . . . . . . . . Daughter of Alexander Viſcount of Kingſton, and left Iſſue George the preſent Lord.

DOUGLASS, Earl of Morton.

THE firſt of this collateral Branch of the illuſtrious Family of Douglaſs, was Sir James Douglaſs of Louden, Kt. who in the Firſt of King Robert the Bruce, Anno 1306, had a Grant from that Prince of the Lands of Kincavel and Calderclear, and to his Heirsc. He left Iſſue Two Sons, Sir William Douglaſs, Lord of Lydſdale, who, for his Bravery was call'd, The Flower of Chivalry, who died without Iſſue, Anno 1353, and Sir John Douglaſs, Captain of the Caſtle of L [...]chliven, under King David II. who in the Minority of that King ſtrenuouſly defended that Fort againſt the Engliſh, who ofnter than once aſſaulted it, for which Service to his Country, the Hiſtorians of that Time have not been wanting to tranſmit ſuch a Character of him to Poſterity, as his Merit deſerved. By Agnes Monfode his Wifed, he had Iſſue Sir James Douglaſs of Dalkieth, his Son and Heir, Sir Henry Douglaſs of Lugton and Lochliven, Progenitor to the preſent Earl of Morton, and Nicolus, of whom the Branch of the Douglaſſes of Mains e, in the County of Dunbarton.

Sir James ſucceeded his Father in his paternal Eſtate, and his Uncle the Lord Lydſdale, in the Baronies of Dalkieth and Aberdour; and the reſt of his Fortune, which was of great Exte [...] and Value, whereby he came to be placed among the firſt Rank of the greater Barons. He married firſt Agnes Dunbar, Daughter to the Earl of March f, by whom he had James his Son and Heir, William Douglaſs, deſign'd of Mordington g; likewiſe Three Daughters, Janeta married to Sir John Hamilton of Cadzio [...] h, Agnes to Sir John Livingston of Calendar i, Margaret to Philip Arbuthnot of That Ilkk; next, Giles, Daughter of Walter, Lord High Stewart of Scotland, Widow both of Sir David Lindſay of Crawford, and of Sir Hugh Eglington of That-Ilkl by whom he had no Iſſue.

[351] James Lord Dalkieth, his Son, married the Lady Elizabeth Stewart, Daughter of King Robert III.a, by whom he had James his Succeſſor; and after her Death, Janet, Daughter of William Lord Borthwick, by whom he had William Douglaſs, the firſt of the Houſe of Whitingham b.

Which James married firſt Margaret, Daughter of James Earl of Douglaſs; and after that Elizabeth, Daughter of . . . . . Giffard of Shireffhall, by whom he had James, thereafter Earl of Morton, and Henry Douglaſs, firſt of Corhead c and Lang Niddry.

Which James was, by the ſpecial Favour of King James II. rais'd to the Dignity of Earl of Morton, in Parliament on the 14th of March 1457d. He married the Lady Jean, Daughter of King James I. Dowager Counteſs of Angus e, by whom he had

John his Succeſſor, who married Janet, Daughter of . . . . . . . . Crichton of Cranſton-Riddle. By her he had James his Son and Heir, Richard Douglaſs, Eſq Elizabeth married to Robert Lord Kieth, and Agnes to Alexander Lord Livingston.

Which James married Catharine, Natural Daughter of King James IV. by whom he had Three Daughters,

Margaret married to James Earl of Arran, thereafter Duke of Chattlerault.

Beatrix to Robert Lord Maxwell.

Elizabeth to James Douglaſs, Son of Sir George Douglaſs of Pittendrich.

This Earl having no Male Iſſue of his Body, made an Entail of his Eſtate and Honour to Robert Douglaſs of Lochliven, a Male Relation of his own, which was ratified by a Charter under the Great-Seal of King James V. Anno 1540f, But after the Death of that King, the Earl having it ſtill in his Power to alter that Deſtination any Time in his own Life, thought fit actually to change the Settlement, and to make a new Convoyance of his Eſtate and Honour to James Douglaſs his Son-in-Law; by Vertue of which he came to enjoy both on the Death of the old Earl, in the 1553, but he having no Iſſue by his Lady the Earl of Morton's Daughter, in the 1567, made an Entail of the Earldom of Morton, in Favours of Archbald Earl of Angus his own Nephew, and in Caſe of Failure of his Iſſue Male, to William Douglaſs of Lochliven, Son to the before-mentioned Robert, who had been ſlain in the Service of his Country, at the Battle of Pinky; which Settlement thereafter took Place upon the Death of the Earl of Angus.

In the 1558. the Earl of Morton was one of the Peers who entered into a Bond of Aſſociation to promote the Reformation of Religion, and the Year thereafter was ſent Ambaſſador to England to treat with Queen Elizabeth, about the maintaining a firm and laſting Peace betwixt the Two Crowns, when he eſtabliſhed himſelf ſo much in the Favour of that Princeſs, that her Friendſhip was never in any Degree diminiſhed toward him till his dying Day.

After Queen Mary returned home from France in 1561, her Majeſty made Choice of the Earl as one of her Privy-Council, and in leſs than a Year thereafter, he was ſent Ambaſſador to the Queen of England, in which Negotiation he behaved himſelf with great Prudence and Dexterity, inſomuch as upon his Return he was prefer'd to be Lord High-Chancellor; and he continued in the Office till the 20th of March 1565, he was deprived, and forced to flee to England, for alledged Acceſſion to the Murder of David Rizio, the Queen's French Secretary: [352] But in a ſhort Time thereafter, by the Mediation and Interpoſition of the Earl of Bothwell, he obtained his Pardon, which he paid dear for afterward; for that Earl thought by this Favour, to bring the Earl of Morton over to his Intereſt; but he ſoon found himſelf miſtaken. For tho' he had all Duty and Gratitude to him as a Friend, yet the wicked Earl Bothwel did no ſooner propoſe to him the Deſign, and craved his Aſſiſtance, toward the Murder of the Lord Darnly, the Queen's Husband, as a Piece of Service which would be very acceptable to her Majeſty; but he conjured him to lay [...]ſide the Thoughts of ſo baſe and unworthy an Enterprize; and which would be attended with ſo much Infamy and Danger: And when he could not prevail in that Point, in Teſtimony he did abhor ſo deteſtable a Deſign, he left the Court, and retired to the Country, when that bloody and barbarous Tragedy was to be acted. And I think the Earl of Morton's Circumſtances at this Time, cannot but be pitied; for if he had revealed the Earl of Bothwel's Deſign of taking away the King's Life, it had coſt him his own; and his concealing it then, brought him to die upon a Scaffold many Years thereafter.

After the Murder of King Henry, when the Nation, both Proteſtants and Papiſts, began to be alarmed with the Queen's Marriage with the Earl of Bothwell, who was ſhrewdly ſuſpected as the Murderer of her former Husband, and the Danger the young Prince was in by ſuch an Union; the Earl of Morton was one of the moſt forward among the Nobility, who enter'd into an Aſſociation for the Preſervation of the Prince; and when the Queen reſigned the Government to the End her Son might be inveſted in the Sovereignty the Earl of Morton took the Coronation Oath for the Infant King, at his Inauguration, on the 29th of July 1567.

In this new Turn of Affairs the Earl of Morton's Share was ſo conſiderable, that aſſoon as the Earl of Murray had accepted the Regency, the Earl of Morton was declared Chancellor, upon the Removal of the Earl of Huntly, who adhered to the Queen, and made heritable Lord High Admiral of Scotland, and Sheriff-Principal of Edinburgh-Shirea. He held the Chancellor's Place till the 24th of November 1572, he was by the unanimous Choice of the King's Party, elected Regent, a Month after the Death of his Predeceſſor in Office, the Earl of Mar.

I ſhall not here enter upon the Detail of the Earl of Morton's Adminiſtration during his Regency, that would not conſiſt with the Brevity of this Work; and generally his Proceedings are complain'd of on one Side, or commended on the other, as Opinions and Party lead Men to, I ſhall only take Notice, that the firſt Motion he made to reſign the Government in the 1578, was accepted in a general Convention of the Nobility, wherein it was agreed to, that the young King ſhould take upon him the Adminiſtration, when he was not full Thirteen Years of Age; and yet the new Court kept fair with the Earl, for they procur'd a Parliament to be call'd, wherein the late Regent obtain'd a Remiſſion and Exoneration during his Regency, in the moſt ample Manner he himſelf could deviſe; and after that he play'd his Game ſo well, that he was in a ſhort Time again made Preſident of the Council, and was in great Credit with his Majeſty b; but that being what was not at all acceptable to the other Party, who had the young King in their Hands, and who were willing to be [353] rid of the Earl of Morton at any Rate; for that End Sir John Mattland and Sir Robert Melvil, his profeſs'd Enemies, brought about his Ruin, by puſhing on Captain James Stewart, the Lord Ochiltree's Son, to accuſe him as acceſſory to the Murder of the King's Father, which the Captain did before the Council, where the Earl himſelf was preſent, on the 31ſt of December 1580; whereupon he was committed Priſoner to the Caſtle of Edinburgh, and was thence ſent under a ſtrong Guard to Dunbarton; from whence he was on the firſt of June thereafter brought to his Tryal at Edinburgh; and being found guilty by his Peers, of Art and Part in the Murther of the King's Father, in ſo far as he had conceal'd and not revealed it when the Earl of Bothwell propos'd it to him; he was condemn'd to be hang'd, drawn and quarter'd, which the King was pleas'd to mitigate ſo far, that inſtead of being hanged, he had the Favour to be beheaded, which was accordingly execute on him at the Croſs of Edinburgh, on the 2d of June 1581.

Upon the Death and Forfaulture of the Regent, the Title of, Earl of Morton was beſtowed upon the Lord Maxwell; but his Majeſty having recalled and revoked that Deed, and being further willing and deſirous, that all Animoſities and Grounds of Contention among the Nobility might be removed, for that End a Parliament was call'd in the 1585, wherein his Majeſty paſs'd an Act of Oblivion, whereby every Body who had been forfaulted during the Troubles in the King's Minority were indemnified, except ſuch as had been acceſſory to his Father's Murder: And tho' the Earl of Morton had been convicted of that Crime, and ſuffer'd for it, yet his Majeſty conſidering, Bona, fidelia, gratuita Servitia Nobis facta per quondam Comitem de Morton, in Gubernatione & Adminiſtratione Noſtri Regni; nec non alia debita & egregia Officia Nobis in Noſtra Minoritate per ipſum praeſtita & impenſa; conſiderantes etiam quod dictus quondam Comes de Morton, nullatenus conſcius fuit Artis & Partis dicti Criminis, neque ejuſdem Fac [...]noris & Caedis Perpetrationi ullatenus conſenſit, ſed tantummodo predict [...]m Caedem praecognovit, & celavit; quam ob cauſam praefatus Comes de Morton in Corpore ſatis ſuperque luit juxta dictam Sententiam Forisfacturae contra eum latam & promulgatam, unde Legibus & Noſtro Honori abunde ex hac Parte ſatisfactum fuit a. Nos igitur, &c. For theſe and other Reaſons, his Majeſty was pleaſed by Letters under his Great Seal, in Purſuance of the Act of Parliament to rehabilitate the Earl of Morton, in the moſt ample Manner, thereby enabling his Heirs to ſucceed to his Lands and Honours, by Vertue whereof, Archbald Earl of Angus, the Earl's Nephew, did ſucceed as Heir of Entail to the Earldom of Morton, and which he accordingly enjoyed till his Death, which happen'd in the 1588, the Eſtate and Title of Earl of Morton, came to William Douglaſs of Lochliven, as the next Heir of Entailb. This Earl ſo ſucceeding, married Agnes, Daughter of George Earl of Rothes; by whom he had Robert his Son and Heir apparent, who periſhed going over to the Low Countries in the 1583c, leaving Iſſue by Jean his Wife, Daughter of John Lord Glames d, a Son William, who ſucceeded his Grandfather. The Earl's ſecond Son was James Commendator of Melroſs, the Third Sir Archbald Douglaſs of Kirkneſs, the Fourth Sir George Douglaſs of Killour; likewiſe Five Daughters,

[354] Chriſtian married to Laurence Maſter of Oliphant, and thereafter to Alexander firſt Earl of Hume.

Mary to Sir Walter Ogilvy of Findlater, firſt Lord Deskford.

Eupham to Sir Thomas Lyon of Aldbar a, Lord High Treaſurer of Scotland, in the Reign of King James VI.

Agnes to Archbald Earl of Argyle.

Elizabeth to Francis Earl of Errol.

This Earl dying on the 27th of September 1606b, was ſucceeded by

William his Grandſon and Heir, who being a Nobleman of great Parts and Reputation, was by King Charles I. call'd to his Council, and thereafter prefer'd to be Lord High Treaſurer, Anno 1630, upon the Surrender of the Earl of Mar c; and he continued Treaſurer till the 1635, he was removed, and the White Staff given to the Earl of Traquair; in Recompence of which he was conſtituted Captain of his Majeſty's Guard, and inſtalled a Knight of the Garter.

He married Agnes, Daughter of George Earl Mariſchal, and dying the 7th of October 1648d, left Iſſue Robert his Succeſſor, Sir James Douglaſs, thereafter Earl of Morton, John, who was kill'd in the King's Service at Carberſdale, in 1650e, and George Douglaſs, Eſq likewiſe Five Daughters,

Anne married to George Earl of Kinoule.

Margaret to Archbald Marquis of Argyle.

Mary to Charles Earl of Dunfermling.

Jean to James Earl of Hume.

Iſobel to Robert firſt Earl of Roxburgh; and again to James Marquis of Montroſe.

Which Robert married Elizabeth, Daughter of Sir Edward Williers, Siſter to the Lord Viſcount Grandiſon, and Niece to the great Duke of Buckingham, and dying Anno 1649, left Iſſue, William his Succeſſor, and Two Daughters, Anne married to William Earl Mariſchal; and Mary to Sir Donald Macdonald of Slate, Bart.

Which William married Griſel, Daughter of John firſt Earl of Middleton f; but dying without Iſſue 1681, his Eſtate and Honour devolved on Sir James Douglaſs his Uncle, who dying 25th of Auguſt, 1686g, left Iſſue by Anne his Wife, Daughter and Heir of Sir James Hay of Smithfield, Three Sons.

James his Succeſſor, who was one of the Lords of the Privy Council in the Reign of Queen Anne, and one of the Commiſſioners for the late Treaty of Union, which commenced in 1707. He died a Batchellor 10th December 1715.

Robert, the preſent Earl, a Peer of good Parts, of great Integrity, and well affected to the Crown and Proteſtant Intereſt, as his Predeceſſors were.

Colonel George Douglaſs, a Member of the preſent Parliament.


Quarterly Firſt and Fourth Argent, a Hart, Gules, crown'd with an Imperial Crown, Or, on a Chief, Azure, Three Mollets of the Firſt. Second and Third, Argent, Three Pyles, Gules, and in Chief, Two Stars of the Firſt, ſupported by Two Savages wreath'd about the Head and Middle with Lawrel, holding a Club downward in their Dexter Hand. Creſt, a Sanglier proper, ſticking in the Clift of an Oak-Tree, with a Lock holding the Clifts of the Tree together. Motto, Lock Sicker.

RANDOLPH, Earl of Murray.


THE Earldom of Murray is of a very ancient Erection, for in the Reign of King David I. Angus Earl of Murray, rais'd a Rebellion in the Northern Parts, Anno 1330a, which ended in the Ruin of himſelf and his Abettors.

King Robert the Bruce, in the 1321 gave the Earldom of Murray, to his Favourite Nephew, the renown'd Sir Thomas Randolph, comprehending omnes Terras ſuas in Moravia, ſicut fue runt in Manibus Domini Alexandri Regis Scotorum, Predeceſſoris noſtri ultimo defuncti b. This nobel Earl was upon the Death of his Uncle, King Robert, by the unanimous Conſent of the Eſtates, as well as by the Deſtination of the King, named Regent to the young King, David II. but before he had continued two full Years in that exalted Station, which he very worthily diſcharged, he was taken away by Death in the 1331, leaving Iſſue by Iſobel his Wife, Daughter of Sir Alexander Stewart of Bonkil, John his Son and Heir, and ſeveral Daughters, Agnes married to Patrick, Earl of March, and Iſobel to Sir William Murray, Kt.

Which John did eminently ſignalize himſelf in his Loyalty to King David, and in his Affection and Duty to his Country, during all the Attacks were made upon our Conſtitution, either by the Engliſh or a diſloyal Party of our own Country-Men, who adhered to Edward Bal [...]ol at that Time.

He married Eupham, Daughter of Hugh Earl of Roſs, but was ſlain fighting gallantly in the Service of his Country, at the Battle of Durham, in 1346c, leaving no Iſſue, ſo that his Eſtate and Title devolved to the Counteſs of March his Siſter, in whoſe Right, or by the Courteſy of Scotland, the Earl her Husband deſign'd himſelf Earl of March and Murray.

DUNBAR, Earl of Murray.

IN the 1373, King Robert II. did by his Royal Charter under the Great Seal, erect the Earldom of Murray in Favours of John Dunbar, the Earl of March's Son, and Marjory his Wife, the King's Daughterd, and to their Heirs.

They had Iſſue, Thomas Earl of Murray, and Alexander Dunbar of Frendraught. This Thomas was the Father of another Earl of the Name of Thomas, one of the Hoſtages for the Ranſom of King James I. but dying without Iſſue Male, his Eſtate and Title fell to James Dunbar of Frendraught, his Couſin, who eſpouſed firſt Iſobel, a Lady of the Family of the Inneses, who bare him a Son Sir Alexander Dunbar, who was thereafter Sheriff of Murray: But this Lady dying before the Marriage could be conſummated according to the Rites of the Romiſh Church, which behoved to proceed upon a Diſpenſation, by Reaſon [356] of Conſanguinity betwixt the Parties. The Earl married again Janet, Daughter to the Earl of Huntly, by whom he had Two Daughters, Janet the Elder, marry'd to the Lord Crichton's Son, and Marion the Younger to Archbald Douglaſs, Son to the Earl of Douglaſs, who in Right of his Wife was Earl of Murray, but unhappily taking Part with his Brother the Earl of Douglaſs, in his Rebellion, in the Reign of King James II. was forfaulted with him and others his Adherents, in 1455.

STEWART, Earl of Murray.

FROM the Time of King James III, the Earldom of Murray continued in the Crown, and there remained till the Reign of King James V. that that Prince by Letters Patent, bearing Date on the 20th of J [...]ne 1501a, gave it to James Stewart his Natural Son, whom he had by Jean Kennedy, the Lord Kennedy's Daughter, his Paramont.

He married Iſobel, Daughter to the Earl of Argyle, and dying 12th of June 1544, left only one Daughter Mary married to John Maſter of Buchan, ſo the Earldom of M [...]rray went back again to the Crown; and being in the Sovereign's Diſpoſal, Queen Mary on the 18th of February 1548b, gave it to George Earl of Huntly: But her Majeſty recalling that Deed, ſhe was afterward graciouſly pleaſed to beſtow the Earldom of Murray upon James Prior of St. Andrews.

He was the natural Son of King James V. by Margaret, Daughter of John Lord Erskine, who being by the Care of his Father as of all the reſt of his illegitimate Sons were, bred to the Church; he was when very young provided to the Priory of St. Andrews, Anno 1539, then void by the Promotion of Patrick Hepburn, to the Epiſcopal See of Murray; but by Reaſon of his Non-age, Dr. Alexander Miln, Abbot of Cambuskenneth, and Preſident of the College of Juſtice, was appointed Adminiſtrator of the Benefice,c, both with Reſpect to the Spiritual and Temporal Diſcharge of the Function.

By Reaſon of the Prior's Youth, I have met with nothing memorable of him, till the Beginning of the Reformation, he was among the firſt who embraced the Proteſtant Reform'd Religion, tho'he was far from giving any Countenance to the Popular Reformation, as is manifeſt from the many and frequent Addreſſes he and others of the Proteſtant Nobility, made to the Queen Regent, that ſhe would pleaſe to concur by her Authority in reforming of the Church.

But the Queen peremptorily refuſing not only to comply with their Supplications, but having alſo violated ſome Articles of Pacification, ſhe had very ſolemnly enter'd into with the Proteſtant Lords, of which the Prior of St. Andrews himſelf ſtood Guarantee; he thereupon left her, and join'd himſelf with the Lords of the Congregation, as they were call'd, whereupon the Prior, the Lord James, was ſummon'd before the Council, but he did not think fit to anſwer the Charge otherwiſe, than to return this Anſwer to the Meſſenger, That her Majeſty had broken the Conditions with the Lords of the Congregation, which by Warrant from herſelf, he had made and entred into with them, he would have no more Meddling in ſuch diſhoneſt Courſes, and would do the beſt to repair Things he [357] could. This Anſwer gave Occaſion to the Queen to ſignifie to the Prior, That ſhe ſuſpected that Religion was the leaſt Thing he or his Party had in their Thoughts, and that ſhe did not doubt, but that under the Covert and Pretext of Religion, he intended to make an Attempt upon the Crown. The Prior in the mean Time diſowns the Charge, and thought himſelf obliged for his further Vindication, to make a very ſolemn Proteſtation, that he had no other View or Deſign in what he had done, than the Advancement of the true Reformed Religion, and the Preſervation of the Liberties of his Country, which he could not but bewail he ſaw ſo ſignally invaded by her, at leaſt by thoſe who pretended to act by, and derive their Authority from her; after which he was ſo hearty a Promoter of the Reformation, that he became the Head of the Proteſtant Party.

When Queen Mary became a Widow by the Death of King Francis II. the Prior of St. Andrews was ſent by the Proteſtant Nobility, to invite the Queen home; and ſoon after her Arrival, her Majeſty having nam'd a new Privy Council, the Lord James her Brother was appointed one of the Number, and not long thereafter he was ſent with a Commiſſion of Lieutenancy to the Borders, to ſuppreſs an Inſurrection that was threatned in thoſe Parts; and he diſcharged the Truſt repoſed in him with ſuch Courage and Fidelity, that upon his Return the Queen was graciouſly pleas'd to beſtow upon her Brother the Earldom of Mar, then in the Crown; but the Lord Erskine being found to have Right to the Earldom of Mar, that Lord was by Way of Juſtice reſtored to that Honour, in Lieu whereof the Prior of St. Andrews was made Earl of Murray, 10th February 1562a.

After this the Earl continued in the greateſt Favour with the Queen, without any Interruption, till the 1565 that her Majeſty declared her Reſolution to marry the Lord Darnly, that my Lord Murray and many others did oppoſe the Match, upon Pretext of the Danger that might ariſe to Religion and to the State by that Union, foraſmuch as it had not been practiſed at any Time, to impoſe a King upon the Nation without the Advice and Conſent of Parliament; and in order to put a more effectual Stop thereto, They made, ſays Sir James Melvil, an Eſſay to take the Lord Darnly in the Queen's Company at the Raid of Baith, and as they alledged, to have ſent him to England: But ſailing in their Enterpriſe, they were ſo cloſely purſued by the Queen's Troops, that they thought it the ſafeſt Courſe for them to flee to England, where they met but with a very cold Reception from Queen Elizabeth, tho' ſhe had very much encourag'd them under-hand to enter into thoſe Meaſures, to diſturb the Peace and Tranquillity of Scotland, and to fully the Glory of Queen Mary's Reign.

After the Queen's Marriage with the Lord Darnly, a Parliament was call'd, before which the Earl of Murray and his Aſſociates were ſummon'd to anſwer a Charge of High-Treaſon, which was prepar'd againſt them, and the Earl would have undoubtedly been denounced Rebel, and forfaulted, had not the Murther of David Rizio prevented it, which happen'd Three Days before the ſitting down of the Parliament. At the Day appointed the Earl of Murray returned home, and went ſtraight to the Parliament Houſe, and took Inſtruments that he was ready to anſwer the Summons of Treaſon; but ſuch was the Confuſion of Affairs, that no [358] Evidence came againſt him, and the Queen believing him innocent of Rizio's Murther, was pleaſed to give him a gracious Pardon, reſtore him to her wonted Favour, and to place an unſuſpected Confidence in him; but the Broils of the Country ſtill increaſing more and more, eſpecially after the Murther of the Lord Darnly, he obtain'd the Queen's Leave to travel, which he did, firſt into England, and thence into France, where he remained till the Queen had made a Reſignation of the Government, and the Prince King James VI. her Son, ſet upon the Throne, that he was call'd hom [...] to be Regent to the young King; to which Office he was choſen by thoſe of the Nobility who adhered to the Prince in his Abſence, on the 22d of Auguſt 1567. In December thereafter he call'd a Parliament, wherein the Pope's Authority was aboliſhed, and the true Proteſtant Religion receiv'd a new Sanction; thereafter having ſettled the Government, and ſeeming ſecure in it, he was on the 23d of January 1570, unexpectedly, as he was riding thro' the Street of Linlithgow, far from apprehending any Danger, ſhot from a Window with a Musket, in the lower Part of his Belly, by James Hamilton of Bothwel-haugh, in Revenge of a private Injury the Regent had done him, and in the Inſtant falling from his Horſe, died the ſame Evening. Few Days after his Body was removed to Edinburgh, and with great Funeral Solemnity interr'd in St. Giles's Church, where a Monument was erected over his Grave, with this Inſcription upon it.Pietas ſine Vindice luget:
Jus exarmatum eſt.
23. Januarii 1570.
Moraviae Comiti,
SCOTIAE Proregi,
Viro, Aetatis ſuae longe optimo, ab Inimicis omnis Memoriae deterrimis, ex inſidiis extincto, ce [...] Patri communi, Patria maerens poſuit.

As to the Regent's Character Mr. Buchanan his old Tutor and faithful Friend, draws a very fair and bright one of him; and ſome later Writers, whoſe Pens perhaps have been directed as much by Malice as Truth, have endeavoured to give the World a very ill Impreſſion of him; and I obſerve that generally Men paſs their Judgments upon him according to the Party they are of; for theſe Reaſons I ſhall not take his Character from any Party Writer, either of the one or the other Side. And therefore ſhall rather choice to recite that given by Biſhop Spotiſwood, than add any of my own. His Death, ſays that Reverend Author, was by all Men greatly lamented, eſpecially by the Commons, who loved him as their Father, whilſt he liv'd, and now m [...]urn'd grievouſly at his Death, the great Things he had wrought in his Life (having in the Space of one Year and little more, quieted the State which he found broken and diſorder'd) made his very Enemies ſpeak of him with Praiſe and Commendation, above all his Vertues which were not a few, he ſhined in Piety toward GOD, ordering himſelf and his Family in ſuch Sort, as it did more reſemble a Church than a Court; for therein, beſides the Exerciſe of Devotion which he never omitted, there was no Wickedneſs to be ſeen, nay not an un [...]eemly wanton Word to be heard, a Man truly good, and worthy to be ranked among the beſt Governors that this Kingdom hath enjoyed; and therefore to this Day is honoured with the Title of, The Good Regent.

The Regent married Agnes, Daughter of William Earl Mariſchal, by whom he had Two Daughters, Margaret Counteſs of Murray, the Heir of his Honour and Eſtate, and Mary married to Francis Earl of Errol.

Which Margaret was married with James Stewart Lord Down, who in Right of her, his Wife, became Earl of Murray. He was a Perſon of great Parts, Magnanimity and Courage, [359] 1840 and wanted nothing but Age and Experience to have render'd him a moſt accompliſh'd Nobleman. Upon ſome Maters of Intereſt there fell a Miſunderſtanding betwixt him and the Earl of Hantly, which grew into ſuch an Animoſity between them, that the King very much apprehended the Danger of thoſe Diviſions, there having been ſome Blood ſhed, and Men kill'd upon thei [...] private Conteſts, ſo that the Country was paſſionately divided between them; his Majeſty therefore, in order to ſettle the whole Diſpute, upon the hearing all that could be ſaid by either Party, and being deſirous to accommodate the Mater himſelf, caus'd ſummon them before the Council, and both the Earls obeying the Charge, it was determined that the Earl of Huntly ſhould be ordered home to the Country, and my Lord Murray to ſtay at Court for ſome Time. But aſſo [...]n, ſays Sir James Melvil, as Huntly went home, he triumphed, and took ſundry Advantages upon the Earl of Murray's Lands, giving him juſt Cauſe of Complaint; and Murray, after ſundry Repreſentations, getting no Redreſs, he retired himſelf from the Court, and became ſo malecontent, that he took plain Part with the Earl of Bothwell, wh [...] had attempted to ſeize upon the King's Perſon at his Palace of Holy-Rood-Houſe, in order to oblige his Majeſty to receive him into Favour. The Earl of Huntly being advertis'd, continues my Author, that his Adverſary Murray was an Out-law, with the Earl of Bothwell, he return'd to Court, to get ſome Advantage of him: But in the mean Time the Lord Ochiltree endeavouring to agree them with Conſent of his Majeſty, in order thereto drew the Earl of Murray to Dunibirſel, a Seat of his own in Fife, to be near Hand, that Conditions and Articles might be added and pared at the Pleaſure of their Friends. The Earl of Huntly being made Privy to Murray's coming to Dunibirſel, obtain'd incontinently a Commiſſion to purſue the Earl of Bothwell, and all his Partakers; whereupon with an armed Force, conſiſting moſt of his own Vaſſals and Retainers, he unexpectedly beſet the Houſe of Dunibirſel; and upon the Earl's refuſing to ſurrender himſelf to Huntly, the Houſe was ſet on Fire; notwithſtanding the Earl made his Way thro' the Flames, and alſo bravely thro' his more mercileſs Enemies, and had ſo far ſucceeded in his Eſcape, that he was got fairly out of their Hands, and had concealed himſelf among the Rocks by the Sea; But the Tip of his Head-Piece which had taken Fire before he left the Houſe, diſcover'd him thro' the Darkneſs of the Nightb, whereupon his Enemies ſet upon, and inſtantly murther'd him with many Circumſtances of Barbarity, on the 7th of February 1592. His Death was univerſally regreted, and the King bore it with extraordinary Grief. For little knew, ſays Sir James Melvil, his Majeſty that Huntly under this general Clauſe of purſuing Bothwell and his Accomplices, he was minded to aſſail the Earl of Murray at his own Houſe, and to kill him as he did, to the Regret of many. By the Counteſs of Murray [360] his Wife, he left Two Sons, James the next Earl, Francis Stewart, Eſq alſo Three Daughters.

Margaret married to Charles Earl of Nottingham, of the Kingdom of England; and thereafter to Sir William Munſo [...], Viſcount of Caſtlemain.

Mary to Alexander Lord Saltoun.

Griſel to Sir Robert Innes of That-Ilk, and had Iſſue.

Which James married Anne Daughter of George Marquis of Huntly, by the ſpecial Appointment of King James, to remove the Animoſity betwixt the Families of Huntly and Murray, and to diſpoſe and unite them in a firm Union and Friendſhip. By this Lady he had James his Son and Heir; alſo Two Daughters, Margaret married to Charles Earl of Nottingham, and Mary to the Laird of Grant, and departing this Life on the . . . . . . . . . Day of Auguſt 1638a, was ſucceeded in his Eſtate and Honour by

James his Son, who married Margaret, Daughter and Co-heir of Alexander Earl of Hum [...], and dying in March 1635b, left Iſſue by the foreſaid Margaret his Wife, James Lord Down, who died a Youth, Alexander his Succeſſor, A [...]chba [...]d Stewart of Dunnern: likewiſe Four Daughters,

1. Mary married to Archbald Earl of Arg [...]le.

2. Margaret to Sir Alexander Sutherland, thereafter Lord Duffus.

3. Henrietta to Sir Hugh Campbel of Calder, Kt.

4. Anne to David Roſs of Balnagown.

Which Alexander being a Man of Reputation for Parts and Learning, came to be in great Favour with King Charles II. toward the End of his Reign. He was firſt made Juſtice General, and then on the 10th of October 1680, promoted to be ſole Secretary of State upon the Dimiſſion of the Duke of Lauderdale c, he continued ſole Secretary till the 1682, that then the Earl of Middleton, and thereafter, the Lord Melfort were join'd in Commiſſion with him.

When King James VII. came to the Crown, his Majeſty made the Earl again One of his Principal Secretaries, and appointed him Lord High Commiſſioner to the Second Seſſion of the Parliament 1686, and as a further Mark of his ſpecial Grace and Favour, elected him one of the Knights of the moſt noble Order of the Thiſtle in 1687. The Earl continued Secretary till the Revolution, that King James went over to France, he was then remov'd from all Employments, and thenceforth liv'd retiredly, enjoying the Felicities of a private Life, till he exchang'd this mortal Life with a State of Immortality on the 1ſt of November 1700, leaving Iſſue by Aemtlia his Wife, Daughter of Sir William Balfour of Pitcull [...], Lieutenant of the Tower of London in the Reign of King Charles I.

James Lord Down, who married Catharine, Daughter of Sir Lionel Talmaſh, and of Elizabeth Dutcheſs of Louderdale, and died before his Father, leaving Two Daughters behind him, Elizabeth married to Brigadier Alexander Grant of That-Ilk, and Aemtlia firſt to . . . . Frazer of Strichen, and again to John Earl of Crawfurd,

Sir Charles Stewart Bart. who ſucceeded his Father in the Honour, and is now Earl of Murray. He married the Lady Anne Campbell, Daughter of Archbald Earl of Argyle, Widow of Richard Earl of Lauderdale.

Francis Stewart, Eſq who married firſt Elizabeth, Daughter of Sir John Murray of Drumcairn, by whom he had no Iſſue that came to any Maturity; 2dly Jean, Daughter of John Lord Balmerino, by whom he has James Stewart, Eſq and ſeveral other younger Children.



Quarterly 1ſt and 4th Or, a Lion Rampant, within a double Treſſure, Flower'd and Counter-flower'd Gules, within a Border componed, Azure and Argent; 2d, Or, a Feſs Chequie, Azure and Argent; 3d, Or, Three Cuſhions within a Double Treſſure, Flower'd and Counter-flower'd, Gules; ſupported by Two Gray-hounds. Creſt, a Pelican feeding her Young. Motto, Salus per Chriſtum Redemptorem.

NAIRN, Lord Nairn.

THE Firſt of this Surname I have obſerv'd in any Writing or Record, was Michael de Nairn, who is a Witneſs in that Grant which Robert Duke of Albany made to John Earl of Buchan his Son, of the Lands of Stew [...]rtoun in Air Shirea, and another Alexander Nairn was comptroller of Scotland b, for many Years in the Reign of King James II.

Mr. Robert Nairn of Strathurd, in the Time of King James VI. and King Charles I. being a Lawyer of good Reputation in his Profeſſion, by his Practice and Induſtry rais'd to himſelf a competent Fortune in Land, which he tranſmitted to the Heir of his Family; and departing this Life in the 1652c, left Iſſue by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of Sir John Preſton of Pennycook, Preſident of the College of Juſtice, in the Reign of King James VI. Robert his Succeſſor, John Nairn of Muckerſy, Alexander Nairn of Greenyards, William, who was ſlain a Captain in the King's Service at Worceſter; alſo ſeveral Daughters, Agnes married to William Blair of Tarſapie, and Margaret to Sir David Falconar of Newtoun, Preſident of the College of Juſtice in the Reign of King Charles II.

Which Robert being bred to the Law, commenc'd Advocate, Anno 1644d, but thereafter during the Civil War he caſt off his Gown, as many other gallant Men of that Profeſſion did, and cordially and chearfully put himſelf in Arms, in Behalf of his Majeſty King Charles II. immediately after the Murder of his Royal Father; but being with many other Lords and Perſons of Quality, at a Meeting at Eliot in Angus, Anno 1650, in order to concert Meaſures toward carrying on the Levies for the Army that was to march to England with the King, he was unfortunately ſurpriz'd by a ſtrong Party of the Engliſh, and ſent Priſoner to London, and committed to the Tower, where he endured a long and t [...]dious Impriſonment of Ten Years; but living to receive the Reward of his Merit after the Return of the King, his Majeſty made him firſt a Knight, and afterwards a Judge in the Seſſion, where he ſat many Years, and diſcharged the Office with much Gravity and Learning, inſomuch as his Majeſty was graciouſly pleas'd to make him a Peer, by the Stile and Title of Lord Nairn, by Letters Patent, bearing Date 27th January 1681e, for his own Life, and the Honour after his Death, to deſcend to his only Daughter, and the Heirs to be procreated betwixt her and a Son of the Marquis of Athole's, whom the Lady was reſtricted to marry; and dying Anno 1683, he left Iſſue by [362] Margaret his Wife, Daughter of Patrick Graham of Inch-brackie, the foreſaid Margaret his only Daughter and Heir, who according to the Concert in the Patent of Honour, married Lord William Murray, younger Son of John Marquis of Athole, by whom ſhe had Iſſue.

John, Maſter of Nairn, Robert Nairn, Eſq William Nairn, Eſq James Nairn, Eſq likewiſe Eight Daughters,

Margaret married to William Viſcount of Strathalian.








John, Maſter of Nairn, in the Lifetime of his Father, married Catharine, Daughter of Charles Earl of Dunmore, by whom he has Iſſue, James Francis Edward Nairn, Eſq

NAPIER, Lord Napier.

ALTHO' the Napiers be a very ancient Family, yet I have not found any of them upon Record before the Time of the Competition between the Bruce and the Baliol for the Crown, that John de le Napier, was one of the Free-holders of the County of Dumbarton, who ſwore Fealty to King Edward I. of England, when the general Submiſſion was made to that Prince, Anno 1296a. Another William de Napier had by the Grant of King David II. the Lands of Pitfour and Picknot in the County of Perth, with ſundry others in Dumbarton-Shireb, then in the Diſpoſal of the Crown, by the Forfaulture of Dornagaile de Montefix.

The firſt conſpicuous Perſon of this noble Family, was Sir Alexander Napier of Merchiſtoun, Kt. who being a Man of great Activity and Prudence, was by King James II, made Comptroller of Scotland, Anno 1450c, and the next enſuing Year was one of the Commiſſioners ſent to England, to treat with the Deputies of that Crown, anent the keeping of a Peace betwixt the Two Realmsd.

Upon the Acceſſion of King James III. to the Crown, he was made Vice Admiral of Scotland, and joined in Commiſſion with divers other great Men, to treat with the Commiſſioners of the Crown of England, about the keeping & maintaining of a Peace and Amity betwixt the Two Kingdomse. He married Elizabeth, Daughter of . . . . Lauder of Hatton f, by whom he had

John his Son and Heir, who was Provoſt of the City of Edinburgh in the Year 1484g, and being a Perſon of great Wealth and Reputation, he made a very noble and advantagious Allyance by his Marriage with Margaret Menteth, Daughter and Coheir of Murdack Monteith of Rusky, and one of the Heirs of Line to Duncan Earl of Lennox h. By her he had Archbald his Succeſſor, and John Napier of Balerno.

Which Archbald married Elizabeth Douglaſs i, a Lady of the Douglaſſes of Morton, by whom he had a Son.

Sir Alexander, who loſt his Life with King James IV. and the Flower of the Kingdom, at Flowdoun-Field, [363] the 9th September 1513a, leaving Iſſue by Janet his Wife, Daughter of Edmund Chiſolm of Cromlix b, Alexander his Succeſſor, and a Daughter Helen, married to Sir John Melvil of Raith, Anceſtor to the Earl of Melvil.

Which Alexander took to Wife Margaret Daughter of Sir Duncan Campbell of Glenurchy, Anceſtor to the preſent Earl of Brodalbin c, and was ſlain at the Battle of Pinky, in Defence of his Country, 10th September 1547d, leaving Two Sons, by his Wife aforeſaid, Sir Archibald his Succeſſor, and Alexander who tranſported himſelf in to England, and ſettled at Luttenhoe in the County of Bedford, where his Succeſſors ſtill continue in Luſtre.

Sir Archibald ſucceeded his Father in his Eſtate, and went generally by the Title of Edinbelly. He was much honoured and reſpected by King James VI. who made him a Knight, and Maſter of the Mint, Anno 1587e: He married firſt Janet Bothwel, Daughter of Mr. Francis Bothwel, one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice, in the Reign of King James V. Anceſtor to the Lord Holy-Road Houſe f; by her he had John his Son and Heir: And again, Elizabeth Moubray, Daughter of . . . . . . . . . Moubray g, of Barnbougal, by whom he had Sir Alexander Napier of Lawrieſtoun, one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice in the Time of King Charles I. Margaret married to James Lord Ogilvy; and Agnes to Sir Patrick Gray of Innergowrie h, and departing this Life on Whitſunday 1608i, was ſucceeded by,

John his Son and Heir, who being a Man of great natural Parts, he took Care to improve them by a good Education in the Schools of Learning, firſt at Home, and then by travelling abroad into Foreign Parts, where he ſpent ſome Years. Upon his Return he declined the Court, tho' he liv'd near it, and might have found a very eaſy Admiſſion to it; and enter'd into a moſt vehement Courſe of Study, inſomuch as in Time he arrived to that immenſe Knowledge in all the Parts of ſolid and uſeful Learning, that few have equall'd him in the Age he liv'd; and his great Experience and Abilities in Mathematical Learning, hath render'd him ſo conſpicuous and eminent, eſpecially his Logarithms, that they will to his great Renown, remain to the World's End a Monument of his being a Scholar of the moſt ſublime Parts and Penetration; and the Learned have not been wanting to celebrate his Memory, and preſerve him in the Liſt of thoſe who by their great Learning have render'd themſelves Ornaments to the Country they were of, as well as to the Family they ſprang from. He died in a good advanc'd Age, on the 3d of April 1617 aged 67k. His Works that have been publiſh'd are,

  • 1. Mirifici ipſius Canonis Conſtructio, & Logarithmorum ad naturales ipſorum Numeros Habitudines. 1619.
  • 2. Appendix de alia at (que) praeſtantiore Logarithmorum Specie conſtituenda in qua ſcilicet Unitas Logarithmus eſt.
  • 3. Propoſitiones quaedam eminentiſſimae, ad Triangula ſphaerica, mira Facultate reſolvenda.
  • 4. Rhabdologiae ſeu Numerationis per Virgulas, Lib. d [...]o.
  • 5. Arithmeticae localis Lib. unus.
  • 6. Ouverture de tous les Secrets de l' Apocalypſe, Rochel. 1607.
  • 7. A plain Diſcovery of the whole Revelation of St. John 1611.

1869 This learned Gentleman was twice married; his firſt Wife was Margaret, Daughter of Sir James Stirling of [364] Keir a, by whom he had one Son, Sir Archibald, who was thereafter Lord Napier; and after her Death he married Agnes, Daughter of Sir James Chiſolm of Cromlix b, by whom he had John Napier of Eaſter-Torrie c, Mr. Robert Napier, of whom the Branch of the Napiers of Kilcroich; Mr. Alexander Napier of Gellets, William Napier of Ard [...]ore; of whom alſo is Napier of Craigan [...]t; Adam, of whom the Napiers of Blackſtoun are deſcended; alſo ſeveral Daughters, Margaret married to James Stewart of Roſſyth, in Vic. de Fife, and had Iſſue; Jean to James Hamilton of Kilbrach [...]nt, and had Iſſue; Elizabeth to William Cunningham of Craigends, and had Iſſue; Agnes to George Drummond of Balloch; and Helen to a Reverend and Worthy Divine, Mr. Matthew Brisbane, Parſon of Erskine, and had Iſſue.

Which Sir Archibald being a Perſon of admirable Parts and Endowments, was ſworn of the Privy-Council to King James VI. 20th of July 1615d, and after that in 1622, preferr'd to be Lord Treaſurer Depute; and the next enſuing Year the Lord Juſtice-Clerk's Place falling vacant by the Dimiſſion of Sir John Cockburn of Ormiſtoun, it was conferr'd on Sir Archibald Napier e, and ſo he became Juſtice-Clerk as well as Treaſurer-Depute. He was alſo the ſame Year named one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice: Soon after which he reſigned his Place of Juſtice-Clerk, which was thereupon given to Sir George Elphinſton of Blythſwood, 9th of Anguſt 1624.

Upon the Acceſſion of King Charles I. to the Crown, his Majeſty was pleas'd to continue Sir Archibald Napier both in the Treaſurer-Depute's Place and in the Seſſion, till the 1626, that ſome new Regulations were made in the College of Juſtice, whereby all Peers and Officers of State were declared incapable of being ordinary Lords of the Seſſion, the Treaſurer Depute was removed, and named one of the Four extraordinary Lordsf: And further to reward his ſignal Merit, and to teſtify his Majeſty's gracious Acceptation and Eſtimation of his Services, he was firſt created a Baronet, and rais'd to the Honour of Peerage by Letters Patent bearing Date the 4th of May 1627, by the Title of Lord Napier, and to the Heirs Male of his Body for everg; after which the Lord Napier continued in his Place in the Treaſury till the 1630, he was removed, and the Lord Traquair made Treaſurer-Depute.

But the Lord Napier did not think, as too many in that Time did, that his Removal did abſolve him from all Obligations to the Crown; for aſſoon as the Troubles broke out in that Reign, his Lordſhip adhered with great Firmneſs and Fidelity to the King: And tho' he was a Nobleman of unblemiſhed Reputation, yet being known to be of eminent Affection to his Majeſty, he was ſeized by the Covenanters for no other Reaſon, but declaring himſelf diſſatisfied with their Proceedings; and without ever being charged with any particular Crime, they committed him Priſoner to the Caſtle of Edinburgh, and afterwards ſent him to the common Goal at Linlithgow h, where he remained till he was ſet at Liberty by the Marquis of Montroſe after the Battle of Kilſyth; and tho' he was then very old, yet he joined the Marquis, and accompanied him to the Battle of Philiphaugh. Upon the Loſs of the Day, he found Means to make his Eſcape with the General to the Highlands; but by the Infirmities he had contracted by the ſevere Fatigues he was expoſed to in the March, and the Coldneſs of the Seaſon, he liv'd not to the End of three Months, Death overtaking him at Fincaſtle in Athole on the 11th of November 1645i, to the great Grief of [365] the Marquis, who looked on his Death as a wonderful Loſs to the King's Service, he being a Man of great Wiſdom and Experience. He left behind him a full Relation of all material Paſſages, as well from the Beginning of King Charles's Reign, as from the breaking out of the Troubles, that the Nation is at a great Loſs in the Concealment of it, and that it hath not been communicated to the World.

He married Margaret Daughter of John Earl of Montroſe, and Siſter to James the Great Marquis of Montroſe, by whom he had Archibald his Son and Heir, and a Daughter Elizabeth, married to Sir George Stirling of Kier.

Which Archibald being a Nobleman of moſt intire Loyalty and Affection to the King, did from the Beginning of the Troubles in the Reign of King Charles I. heartily and perſonally engage himſelf in his Majeſty's Service, whereby he came to be ranked in the firſt Form of thoſe who made themſelves moſt obnoxious to the Powers that then prevaileda, and at the End of the War he went into Holland where he dy'd at Defſhaven in the Spring of the Year 1660.

He married Elizabeth Daughter of John Earl of Mar, by whom he had Iſſue, Archibald his Son and Succeſſor, John Napier, Eſq a young Gentleman of great Honour and Courage, who loſt his Life in the great Sea-Fight againſt the Dutch, May 28th 1672; alſo Three Daughters, Jean married to Sir Thomas Nicolſon of Carnock; Margaret to John Brisbane, Eſq Secretary to the Royal Navy, and Reſident from King Charles II. to the Court of France; and Mary who dy'd umarried.

Archibald, Lord Napier, being a Nobleman of great Honour and Worth, was much favoured and eſteemed by King Charles II. who was graciouſly pleas'd to receive and accept of a Reſignation of his Lordſhip's Honour, and to confer the Title again by a new Patent dated the 7th of February 1677 on himſelf, and to the Heirs Male of his own Body, in Remainder of which to the Heirs of the Bodies of his Siſters ſucceſſivelyb, and dying a Batchellor on the 6th of Auguſt 1683c, the Honour of Lord Napier devolved to

Sir Thomas Nicolſon of Carnock his Nephew by his Siſter, but he dying before he had fully attained the Age of Twenty one Years, June 9th, 1686d, as much lamented as any young Man of his Time, the Honour thereby devolving on Margaret Baroneſs of Napier his Aunt, who by Mr. Brisbane her Husband had Iſſue, John Mr. of Napier, who in his younger Years being bred to the Sea was enter'd Second Lieutenant of the Somerſet Man of War, at the Attack on Vigo, under the Command of Sir George Rook Admiral, who was on board the ſaid Ship, and for his ſingular good Behaviour on that Occaſion got for ſome Time the Command of a Fire-Ship, and afterwards became firſt Lieutenant of the Deptford Man of War, aboard which Ship he died on the Coaſt of Guinea 1704, to the great Grief of his noble Relations; likewiſe a Daughter Elizabeth, who was married December 1699 to William Scot Eſq at that Time only Son and Heir apparent to Sir Francis Scot of Thirlſtone, Bart. to whom ſhe had one Son Francis the preſent Lord Napier, and Two Daughters, viz. Margaret, and Anne Iſobella Elizabeth who both died young; this Elizabeth Miſtreſs of Napier died Auguſt 11th 1705, and Margaret Lady Napier her Mother dying at Bath, in the Month of September 1706, the Honour of Lord Napier devolved to her Grandſon by her Daughter, Sir William Scot's Son, Francis the preſent Lord Napier, who [366] as he enjoys the Eſtate and Titles, ſo I wiſh he may inherit the Virtues of his noble Anceſtors, and that they may ſhine out in him with additional Splendor.


Quarterly 1ſt and 4th Argent, a Saltyr, ingrail'd betwixt Four Roſes, Gules, 2d and 3d Or, on a Bend, Azure, a Mollet betwixt Two Creſcents of the 1ſt, within a double Treſſure, flower'd and counterflower'd Azure, ſupported on the Dexter by an Eagle proper, and on the Siniſter by a Chevalier, holding in his Hand a Standard, Creſt, an Arm from the Elbow graſping a Creſcent proper, Motto, Sans Tache; and for his Compartment Argent, an Embattlement of a Tour Moſſo [...]e Sable, 6 Lances diſpos'd Saltyrways with this Motto, Ready ay Ready.

Edward Barret, Lord Newburgh.

AMONG other Engliſh Gentlemen whom King Charles I. did naturalize, and prefer to Scots Honours, Sir Edward Barret of Evely, of the County of Eſſex, Kt. was one whom his Majeſty did raiſe to the Dignity of Lord Barret of Newburgh, by Letters Patent, bearing Date the 17th of October 1627a. He married Anne Daughter of Sir Edward Carrey b, but dying without Iſſue Male, the Peerage did extinguiſh by his Death.

LIVINGSTON, Earl of Newburgh.

SIR James Livingſton, Bart. Son and Heir of Sir John Livingſton of Kinnaird, one of the Gentlemen of the Bed-Chamber to King Charles I. having ſerv'd his Majeſty in that Station with great Fidelity, he was graciouſly pleas'd to raiſe him to the Honour of Viſcount of Newburgh c, the 13th of September 1647.

After the Murther of King Charles, he was compell'd to flee out of England, by Reaſon of the Diſcoveries that Cromwell every Day made, of his correſponding with the King, and came to the Hague, to his Majeſty King Charles II. in the 1650d, and thenceforth attended his Royal Maſter throughout the whole of the Exile.

Upon his Majeſty's Reſtauration, the Lord Newburgh was conſtituted Captain of his Majeſty's Guards, and rais'd to the Honour of Earl of Newburgh, Viſcount of Kinnaird, Lord Livingſtoun of Flaccraig, by Letters Patent 31ſt of December 1660e, and was ever thereafter in great Favour with his Majeſty.

He married Catharine, Daughter of Theophilus Earl of Suffolk, Widow of the Lord Aubigny, and giving Way to Fate on the 26th of December 1670f, left behind him the Reputation of a very fine Gentleman: The Earl of Clarendon has been ſo kind to thi [...] Earl, as to give him an excellent Character, in his Hiſtory of the Rebellion, a Favour, I obſerve, that noble Author has thought fit to diſtribute, with a very ſparing Hand, to this Lord's Countrymen, a very few excepted.

Charles Earl of Newburgh his Son, ſucceeded his Father in the Honour, and married Frances Daughter of Francis Lord Brudenel g, and died without any Male Iſſue, about the 1694, tho' I think the Dignity is not extinct, if it were claimed by any of the Earl's Relations, in Regard the Title was granted to the Earl of Newburgh, and to his Heirs whatſoever.

CHEYNE, Viſcount of Newhaven.


AS King James VI. and King Charles I. did prefer ſundry honourable and well deſerving Perſons of the Kingdom of England, to the Peerage of this Realm, during their reſpective Reigns, ſo his Majeſty King Charles II. thought fit to continue the ſame Practice; and after he had conferr'd ſundry Scots Honours upon ſeveral of that Nation, he was pleas'd likewiſe, by Letters Patent, bearing Date at Windſor 17th of May, 1681, to dignify Charles Cheyne of Chelſy, of the County of Middleſex, Eſq with the Peerage of Scotland, by the Title of Viſcount of Newhaven, from a Place ſo call'd in the Sheriffdom of Edinburgh, and Lord Cheyne, and to the Heirs Male of his Body for evera, whoſe lineal Male Deſcendant is William the preſent Lord Viſcount Newhaven, who was in the End of the Reign of Queen Anne, Anno 1712, conſtituted Lord Lieutenant of the County of Bucks, in Place of the Earl of Bridgewater, from which he was removed upon King George's coming over in the 1714.

LESLY, Lord Newark.

LIEUTENANT General David Leſly was the Son of Patrick, firſt Lord Lindores, by Jean his Wife, Daughter of Robert Earl of Orknay, being a younger Brother, he entered when he was a Youth into the Life and Condition of a Soldier, in the Service of the King of Sweden, in the Wars of Germany, where he grew to be a Colonel of Horſeb, and to have the Reputation of an excellent Officer.

When the Civil War broke out, he left the Swediſh Service, and betook himſelf to the Service of the Parliament of Scotland, by whom he was preferr'd to be Lieutenant General of the Army, which in the 1643, was ſent to England, to the Aſſiſtance of the Parliament there againſt the King; and after that, he continued in the Head of the Scots Army, in all their proſperous Succeſſes, with ſingular Reputation, till the End of the War.

When the Parliament declared for King Charles II. and rais'd an Army to oppoſe the Engliſh Invaſion under Oliver Cromwell in 1680, Lieutenant General Leſly was choſen General; and tho' that Army under his Command was quickly and intirely routed at Dunbar; yet his Reputation was ſo intire, as an Officer of great Experience, and the King thought him ſo faithful to him, and worthy of any Truſt or Command he ſhould confer on him, that aſſoon as another Army was rais'd, to march into England with the King, of which his Majeſty was himſelf General, he appointed Lieutenant General Leſly, Lieutenant General under him. And tho' neither in the March, nor yet in the fatal Day at Worceſter, did he perform the Office of a General, with that Vigour and Spirit as he had done formerly on other Occaſions; yet the King did not believe he had been falſe to him: For upon all the Enquiries that were afterward made, when moſt of the falſe and treacherous Actions which had been committed were diſcovered, there appeared no Cauſe to ſuſpect, that the Lieutenant General had been [368] unfaithful in his Charge; and as it was not a little Vindication to him, that from the Time of his Impriſon ment that he was taken after Worceſter, till the Reſtauration of the King, he never received any Favour from the Engliſh Parliament, nor from Cromwell; but underwent the ſame Hardſhips and Severities the moſt loyal of his Countrymen ſuffereda: And that which put his Fidelity to the King beyond what the utmoſt Calumny of his Enemies could invent, was, that his Majeſty after his Return immediately created him a Peer of the Realm, by the Title of Lord Newark, 31ſt of Auguſt 1660b; and thereafter wrote him a Letter in his Vindication, in theſe Words.

Although we have upon all Occaſions both abroad and ſince our happy Return, declared our ſelf fully ſatisfied with your Conduct and Loyalty in our Service; and although in Conſideration of the ſame we have given you the Title and Honour of a Lord, with other Marks of our Favour and Eſteem; yet ſeeing we are told, that Malice and Slander do not give over to perſecute you, We have thought fit to give you this further Teſtimony, and to declare under our Hand, that while ye was our Lieutenant General of our Army of Scotland, you did both in Scotland and England behave yourſelf with als much Conduct, Reſolution and Honeſty as was poſſible, or could be expected from a Perſon in that Truſt; and as we told you, ſo we do again repeat it, that if we had Occaſion to levie an Army, fit for our ſelf to command, we would not fail to give you an Employment in it, fit for your Quality. &c. c.

He married Jean, Daughter of Sir John York, Kt. by whom he had David his Succeſſor in the Honour; alſo Three Daughters,

Elizabeth married to Sir Archbald Kennedy of Colzean, Bart. and had Iſſue.

Mary, firſt to Sir Francis Kinloch of Gilmertoun, and had Iſſue; and after that to Sir Alexander Ogilvy of Forglen, Bart. one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice.

Margaret to Colonel James Campbel, Son to the Earl of Argyle, and had Iſſue.

Which David married Elizabeth, Daughter of Sir Thomas Stewart of Gairntilly, by whom he had 5 Daughters, Jean married to Sir Alexander Anſtruther, Kt. Mary, Chriſtian, Griſel, and Elizabeth. He died on the 15th of May, 1694, without Male Iſſue, whereby the Title, according to the Conception of the original Patent of Honour, if there was no other granted by the Sovereign ſince, did extinguiſh with himſelf, it being to the Heirs Male of the General's own Body.

MAXWEL, Earl of Nithſdale,

THAT this moſt noble Family, which originally took its Surname from the Lordſhip of Maxwel, of old called Macuſwell in Dumfries-Shire, hath been of great and eminent Antiquity, doth manifeſtly appear even from the Authorities our Publick, National, and other Records have furniſhed me with; and no doubt had I had Acceſs to peruſe the Writings of the Family of Maxwel as I have done moſt others, I ſhould have been able to carry up the Antiquity of the Name to thoſe Ages, [369] when Sirnames were firſt taken up, and written Records preſerved with our Anceſtors, which, for what I have ſeen, was not before the Time of King Malcolm III.

The firſt uſing this Sirname was Herbert de Macuſwell, who in the Time of King Malcolm IV. gave in pure Alms to the Monks of Kelſo, Eccleſiam ſuam de Macuſwell a, pro ſalute Animae ſuae, &c. whoſe Succeſſor

John de Macuſwell, upon the Acceſſion of King Alexander II. to the Crown, in 1215, was one of the Commiſſioners ſent to England, to treat about a Marriage betwixt King Alexander and a Daughter of that Crown, which they then concludedb. He was thereafter by the ſame King conſtituted Lord Great Chamberlain of Scotland; and he held the Office for many Years, even till his Death in the 1241c. Then

Eumerus de Macuſwell, probably his Son, did execute the Office of Lord Chamberlain of Scotland, under King Alexander III. Anno 1258, when he was one of the Magnates Scotiae, who became Guarantee, Quod Scoti & Wallenſes non facient Pacem cum Rege Angliae ſine mutuo Aſſenſu & Conſenſu d. He was alſo in the ſame Reign Juſticiary of Galoway, when the Juſticiary was divided into the Three Diſtricts of Scotiae, Laudoniae, & Galuidiae. This noble Perſon added to his paternal Eſtate the Barony of the Mearns in Renfrew-Shire, by the Marriage of an Heir Female, which thenceforth continued in the Family till the Reign of King Charles I. He left Iſſue Herbert his Succeſſor, and Sir John Maxwel, firſt of the Maxwels of Nether-Pollock e, the Root and Stem of all the Maxwels in the Weſtern Parts, one only Family excepted. The Succeſſor of Eumer was

Sir Herbert de Macuſwell, who in the 1284, is one of thoſe great Men who ſwore to King Alexander to maintain the Succeſſion in his Grandchild the Maid of Norway, if the King himſelf ſhould happen to die without Heirs Male of his own Bodyf. The ſame Sir Herbert, as I take it, gave D E O, & Eccleſiae Sanctae Mariae & Sanct [...] Jacobi de Paſlet, & Monachis ibidem D E O ſervtentibus, & in perpetuum ſervituru, octo Acras & dimidium & viginti octo Particat as Terrae in nova Villa ſua de Merns, & ſex Mercas Argenti de Proventibus Molendinorum ſuorum de Merns, pro Salute Animae ſuae, & Animarum omnium Anteceſſorum & Succeſſorum ſuorum [...] perpetuum g.

Herbert de Macuſwell, the next I have found of this noble Family, tho' I cannot certainly ſay, he was the Son of the former Sir Herbert, is one of thoſe Barons who was joined with the Regents and other great Men of the Clergy and Laity, who were choſen to treat of a Marriage between the young Queen of Scotland, King Alexander's Granchild, and the Prince of England, Anno 1290h; but the Lady dying ſoon thereafter, the Treaty took no Effect. Sir Herbert's Son,

Sir Euſtache Maxwell of Carlaverock was one of thoſe noble Patriots who moſt ſtrenuouſly adhered to King Robert the Bruce, and ſtuck cloſe to him in all the Viciſſitudes of Fortune that befel him in attaining the Crown.

Upon the Engliſh Invaſion he held out his Caſtle of Carlaverock, and forced them to raiſe the Siege, after they had lain ſome Weeks before it; but leaſt it might afterwards been made a Garriſon by the Enemy, and from whence they might have annoy'd the [370] Country, he diſmantled it himſelf, and threw it down to the Ground; in Recompence of which he afterward obtained from King Robert, in Commemoration of that noble Piece of Service to his Country, pro fractione & proſtratione Caſtri de Carlaverock, decem Libras Sterlingorum de Annuo redditu, viginti duarum Librarum Sterlingorum in quibus ipſi & Haeredes ſui, nobis & Haeredibus noſtris Regibus Scotiae annuatim tenebantur pro Terris ſuis de Carlaverock; unde dict as decem Libris praedicto Euſtachio & Haeredibus ſuis per praeſentes remittimus in perpetuum a. He married Agnes, Daughter of . . . . . Maxwel of Nether-Pollock b, by whom he had

John his Son and Heir, who was taken Priſoner at the Battle of Durham c; and dying not long thereafter, left Iſſue, by . . . . . Daughter of . . . . his Wife,

John, his Son and Heir, who deſigned himſelf Joannes de Macuſwell, Filius Domini Joannis de Macuſwell, de Pencaitland, in a Donation which he made DEO, & Eccleſiae Sanctae Mariae de Dryburgh, de Jure Patronatus Eccleſiae de Pencaitland, & Capellae de Pyſtoun, cum Terra Eccleſiaſtica ejuſdem, pro Salute Animae Patris & Matris ſuae & omnium Anteceſſorum & Succeſſorum ſuorum in perpetuum d. He was likewiſe a Benefactor to the Monaſtry of Kilwining; for to that Convent he gave in Honorem ſancti Wynini jus Patronatus Eccleſiae de Liberton, cum una Acra Terrae juxta dictam Eccleſiam, pro Salute Animae ſuae & Agnetis Sponſae ſuae e: In which Deed he's deſign'd Joannes de Macuſwell, Dominus ejuſdem. By the ſaid Agnes his Wife, he left Iſſue, Robert his Succeſſor, and a Daughter Agnes, married to Robert Pollock of That-Ilkf, and had Iſſue.

Which Robert was made a Knight by King Robert II. and obtained from that Prince a Grant de omnibus Terris quas Dominus Joannes de Maxwel de Carlaverock, Pater Domini Roberti de Maxwel, tenet de nobis in Capite, & quas dictus Dominus Joannes, in manibus noſtris reſignavit g. This Sir Robert, Dominus de Carlaverock, gave in pure and perpetual Alms, D E O, & Sanctae Mariae de Dryburgh, illam Terram in Territorio ſuo de Pencaitland, quam Joannes de Maitland, Dominus de Thirlſtane de me tenet pro Salute Animae meae, & Herberti de Maxwel Filii mei & Haeredis h. By . . . . Daughter of . . . . . he had

Herbert his Succeſſor, who had by the Grant of Archbald Earl of Douglaſs, the Stewartry of Annandale, Anno 1409, which gave him great Authority and Intereſt in thoſe Parts, and which the Duke of Albany the Governor ratified and confirmed.

This Herbert was one of the Barons, who were ſent to England as Hoſtages for the Ranſom of King James I. Anno 1423i, at the Solemnity of whoſe Coronation he had the Honour of Knighthood conferred on him.

He married the Heireſs of the Barony of Balmacluchie in Forfar-Shirek; by whom he had Robert his Heir, and Euſtache, of whom the Branch of the Maxwels of Teyling in Angus, which Lands he obtained in Marriage with Agnes, one of the Daughters and Coheirs of Sir John Giffard Kt.l, Lord of Teſter.

[371] Which Robert married Janet, Daughter of Sir John Forreſter of Carſtorphine, Lord High Chamberlain of Scotland a, and had his Son and Heir,

Herbert, deſigned, Dominus de Carlaverock, who in 1438, was one of the Conſervators of a Peace which was then concluded betwixt the Two Kingdoms of Scotland and England b. He married firſt . . . . . Daughter of Herbert Harries of Tareagles c. By her he had Robert his Succeſſor, and Sir Edward, of whom iſſued the Maxwells of Finnald and Monreith d; and again Catharine, Daughter to the Lord Seaton, Widow of Sir Allan Stewart of Darnly e, and had by her George, of whom deſcended the Branch of the Maxwells of Garnſalloch, Adam, of whom ſprung the Maxwells of Suthbar in Renfrew Shiref; and dying 11th of October 1452g, was ſucceeded by,

Robert his Son and Heir, who was the Firſt of the Family who i [...] intitled ſimply Dominus Maxwel; for by that Deſignation he's in the 1457, one of the Conſervators of the Peace, which was then concluded betwixt the two Nations of Scotland and England h. By . . . . . . Daughter of . . . . . . his Wife, he had John his Son and Heir apparent, and Thomas, of whom iſſued the Maxwels of Kirkonel i.

Which John Maſter of Maxwel, died in the Lifetime of his Father, leaving Iſſue by J [...]net his Wife, Daughter and Heir of George Crichton, Earl of Caithneſs k a Son,

John Lord Maxwel, who ſucceeded his Grandfather, and in the 1494, was one of the Commiſſioners ſent to England to treat with that State about the Continuation of a Peace betwixt the Two Realms. He married Agnes, Daughter of Sir Alexander Stewart of Garles l, by whom he had Robert his Succeſſor, Herbert, of whom the Branch of the Houſe of Clouden m; and three Daughters, 1ſt . . . . married to James Johnſtoun of That Ilk. 2d . . . . to . . . Charters of Aimeſfield. 3d. . . . . . to . . . . Jerden of Aplegirth. This Lord was ſlain at Flowdon, with King James IV. 9 September 1513.

Robert Lord Maxwel, his Son, being a Nobleman of great Parts and Courage, made a very conſiderable Figure in the Minority of King James V. with whom he was in great Favour: For when that Prince took upon him the Adminiſtration of the Government, the Lord Maxwel was made Captain of Lochmaben, Colonel of his Majeſty's Guardn, and thereafter conſtituted Guardian of the Eaſt Marches toward England o. In 1538 he was ſent Ambaſſador to France, to treat of a Marriage betwixt King James and Mary of Lorain, Daughter to the Duke of Guiſe, which being concluded, he eſpouſed the Lady in his Maſter's Name, and brought her over to Scotland, not long thereafter, to the great Satisfaction of the King, who in Reward of that and other ſignal Services beſtow'd on him the Lands of Euſdale, Eskdale, and Wachopdale; and made him firſt Gentleman of his Bed-Chamber. He accompanied the King to the fatal Battle of Solloway, where he was taken Priſoner, and ſent to the Tower of London, where [372] he remained till he was forced to procure his Freedom at 100 Merks Sterl. Ranſoma.

He married firſt, Janet, Daughter of Sir William Douglaſs of Drumlanrig, Anceſtor to the Duke of Queensberry, by whom he had Robert the Heir of the Family, Sir John Maxwel of Terreag [...]es, thereafter Lord Harries, and a Daughter Margaret married firſt to Archbald Earl of Angus, and after that to Sir William Ba [...]ll [...]e of Lamington. He married to his ſecond Wife Agnes, Daughter of James Earl of Buchan, and Widow of Adam Earl of Bothwel, by whom he had no Iſſue; and dying on the 9th of July 1646b, was ſucceeded by

Robert his Son and Heir, who in 1551, was one of the Commiſſioners choſen to treat with the Engliſh, touching the Conſervation of the Peace betwixt the Two Crownsc. He married Beatrix, Daughter of James Earl of Morton, and dying 14th September 1552, left his Lady with Child of his Son John, who ſucceeded him in his Eſtate and Honour.

In the 1578 this noble Lord, when he came to Age, was made Warden of the Weſt Marches, and being in great Favour with King James VI. was, October 29th, 1581d, created Earl of Morton, upon the Death and Forfaulture of the Earl of Morton the Regent: But, upon a new Turn at Court, the Lord Maxwel's Right to the Title of Earl of Morton was revoked, and he removed from his Charge of the Borders, and his Office given to the Laird of Johnſton; which occaſioned a great Bloodſhed and Diſcord betwixt the two Families, and was at laſt fatal to this Lord himſelf; for in a Scuffle betwixt a Party of his Friends and the Johnſtons, he was kill'd on the 7th of December 1593e, leaving Iſſue, by Elizabeth his Wife, Daughter of David Maſter of Angus, John his Succeſſor, Robert, thereafter Earl of Nithſdale, likewiſe Three Daughters, Elizabeth married to William Lord Harris, Agnes to William Douglas of Pinzrie, and Margaret to Hugh Wallace of Craigie.

Which John being a very turbulent and unruly Man, was by King James VI. impriſon'd in the Caſtle of Edinburgh, from whence he made his Eſcape, and found Means to conceal himſelf till he had an Opportunity to kill the Laird of Johnſtoun, in Revenge of Johnſtoun's killing this Lord's Father; for which he was afterwards beheaded at the Croſs of Edinburgh, 21ſt May 1613, leaving no Iſſue by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of John Marquis of Hamilton. But tho' the Lord Maxwel had been forfaulted as well as executed for his murthering the Laird of Johnſtoun, yet his Majeſty King James VI. was graciouſly pleas'd to rehabilitate Robert his Brother, Anno 1620, whereby he was reſtored to his Eſtate, and created Earl of Nithſdale, with Precedency according to his Father's Creation of Earl of Morton, by Vertue of which he was ranked in the Precedency of the Peerage, immediately before the Earl of Winton, and took his Place accordingly in the Parliament of 1621.

Upon the breaking out of the Civil War in the Reign of King Charles I. he adhered to the King with the outmoſt Fidelity, for which he ſuffered much in his Perſon and Fortune, by Impriſonment and Sequeſtration; but toward the End of the War he tranſported himſelf to the Iſle of Man, where he died in the 1647, leaving Iſſue by Elizabeth his Wife, Daughter of Sir Francis Beaumont, a near Relation to the great Duke of B [...]ckingham,

[373] Robert his Son and Heir, who died unmarried on the 5th of October 1667 whereby his Eſtate and Honour devolved to his Couſin and Heir Male,

John Lord Harris. This Earl ſo ſucceeding, married Elizabeth, Daughter of Sir Robert Gordon of Lochinvar, Anceſtor to the Viſcount of Kenmure, by whom he had Robert his Son and Heir, John Maxwel, Eſq William Maxwel, Eſq

Which Robert married Lucy, Daughter of William, Marquis of Douglaſs, by whom he had William his Heir, and a Daughter, Mary, married to Charles Earl of Traquair, and dying in March 1695, was ſucceeded by,

William his Son, the preſent Earl, who married Winifrid, Daughter of William Marquis of Powis, of the Kingdom of England, by whom he has my Lord Maxwel his Son and Heir apparent.


Argent, a Double Eagle diſplayed, Sable, Beaked and Membred, Gules, ſurmounted of a Shield of the firſt, charged with a Saltyre of the Second, ſurcharged with an Hedge-Hog, Or. Supporters, Two Staggs proper. Motto, Revireſco.

CARNAGY, Earl of Northesk.

THE firſt of this noble Family was Sir John Carnagy of Ethie, a younger Son of David Carnagy of Coluthy, by Eupham his Wife, Daughter of Sir David Weems of That-Ilk.

Which Sir John being a Perſon of great Parts, Learning and Induſtry, acquired a fair Fortune in Land, which he took Care ſhould deſcend full and intire to the Heir of his Family; and his Majeſty King Charles I. to countenance and encourage his Vertue and Merit, was pleas'd to make him a Peer, by the Stile and Title of, Lord Lour, the 20th of April, 1639a, and his Lordſhip having eminently approv'd himſelf in his Loyalty during the Civil War, his Majeſty in Conſideration thereof was graciouſly pleas'd to raiſe him to the Honour of Earl of Ethie, Lord Lour and Inglismadie, by Letters Patent, bearing Date 1ſt of November 1647b; and departing this mortal Life, on the 18th of January 1667c, left Iſſue by Magdalen his Wife, Daughter of Sir James Halliburton of Pitcur,

David his Succeſſor in the Honour,

Sir John Carnagy of Bayſack,

Anne married to Patrick Wood, at that Time Son and Heir apparent to Sir Henry Wood of Bonniton d.

Margaret to George Lindſay Lord Spainzie, ſans Iſſue.

Marjory to James Scot, Son and Heir apparent to Sir John Scot of Scotſtarvet e, Director of the Chancery in the Reign of King Charles I. and had Iſſue,

Jean to William Graham of Claverhouſe, Mother by him to John Viſcount of Dundee.

David Earl of Ethie, his Son, did with the Permiſſion and Approbation of his Majeſty King Charles II. exchange his Title of Earl of Ethie to Earl of Northesk, and Lord Lour to Lord Roſe-hill. He married Jean, Daughter of Patrick Earl of Panmure. By her he had Four Sons and a Daughter,

David his eldeſt Son, the Heir of the Family.

[374] James Carnagy of Finhaven.

Patrick Carnagy of Lour.

Alexander Carnagy of Kinfaunes.

Jean married to Colin Earl of Balcarras.

This Earl giving Way to Fate 12th of December 1679a, was ſucceeded by,

David the next Earl, his Son and Heir, who dying in the Month of October 1688b, left Iſſue by the Lady Elizabeth Lindſay his Wife, Daughter of John Earl of Crawſurd, David his Son and Heir; likewiſe two Daughters,

Lady Margaret,

Lady Chriſtian married to James Duke of Montroſe.

Which David was by Queen Anne in 1702, conſtituted Sheriff of Forfar-Shire, and named one of the Lords of her Majeſty's moſt Honourable Privy Council, and thereafter in 1710, his Lordſhip was elected one of the Sixteen Peers out of the Nobility of Scotland, to ſit and vote in the Engliſh Houſe of Lords, and made one of the Commiſſioners of the Court of Chamberlanry, to which I think that of the Police has ſucceeded. He married the Lady Margaret Weems, Daughter of Margaret Counteſs of Weems, by whom he has Iſſue,

David Lord Roſe-hill.

Lady Margaret.

Lady Bettie.

Lady Anne.

Lady Chriſtian.

Lady Mary.


Quarterly 1ſt and 4th, Or, an Eagle diſplayed, Azure, Beaked and Membred, Gules, 2d and 3d Argent, a Pale, Gules. Supporters Two Leopards. Creſt, a Leopard's Head all proper. Motto, Tache ſans Tache.

STEWART, Lord Ochiltree.

THE firſt of this Branch of the illuſtrious Family of Stewart, was Sir Andrew Stewart, Knight, Grandchild of Murdack Duke of Albany, by the Lord James Stewart his Son, who being a Perſon of great Courage and Merit, was by King James II. toward the End of his Reign taken into his immediate and eminent Favour; and firſt in the 1458c, conſtituted Warden of the Eaſt Marches toward England, and made a Kt. But this being judged too low an Honour for his illuſtrious Birth and Quality, his ſaid Majeſty did confer on him the Title of Lord Evandale, Anno 1459d, a Barony the King gave him, and which came to the Crown by the Forfaulture of the Earl of Douglaſs.

In the Beginning of the Reign of King James III. the Lord Evandale was conſtituted Lord High Chancellor, Anno 1463, and he held the Office for the Space of Nineteen Years, till the 1482e, he was removed, and the Biſhop of Glaſgow made Chancellor in his Room, and dying without Iſſue Male of his own Body, in the 1488, his Eſtate and Title devolved to

Alexander Stewart Eſq his Nephew, Son of Walter Stewart of Morphy, his Brother-German.

He married Margaret, Daughter of Sir John Kennedy of Blairquhan, by whom he had Andrew his Succeſſor, Henry Lord Methven, and Sir James Stewart of Beith, Anceſtor to the preſent Earl of Murray, on the paternal Line.

[375] Which Andrew was in great Favour with King James IV. to whom he was Groom of the Stool, then called Primus Hoſtiarius Camerae Regis a, and thereafter made Captain of His Majeſty's Caſtle of Dunbarton b.

This Lord in the 1534c, exchanged the Lordſhip of Evandale with Sir James Hamilton of Finnart, for Sir James's Barony of Ochiltree, and the Exchange of the Title of, Lord Evandale to Lord Stewart of Ochiltree, was ratified by Act of Parliament by the Regent the Earl of Arran, Anno 1543. He married Margaret, Daughter of James Earl of Arran; and dying Anno 1548, left Iſſue Andrew his Succeſſor; and ſeveral Daughters, Marjory married to Mr. Knox the great Reformer, and Chriſtian to John Boſwel of Auchinleck.

Which Andrew, for Diſtinction, call'd, The good Lord Ochiltree, was a very glorious and happy Inſtrument in our bleſſed Reformation from Popery, when the Light of the Goſpel began firſt to ſhine in the Weſtern Parts, in the Minority of Queen Mary.

He married Agnes, Daughter of John Cunningham of Caprington, by whom he had Andrew Maſter of Ochiltree his eldeſt Son, Sir James Stewart, who was Chancellor, and Earl of Arran, in the Minority of King James VI. he was looked on to be one of the evil Councellors of thoſe Times, Sir William Stewart of Monktoun, Sir Henry Stewart, Kt. Robert Stewart of Weſter-Bracko.

Andrew Maſter of Ochiltree, in the Lifetime of his Father, married Margaret, Daughter of Henry Lord Methven, by whom he had Andrew, who ſucceeded his Grandfather, Joſias Stewart of Bonnietoun; likewiſe ſeveral Daughters,

Anne married to Sir. Andrew Ker of Ferniehirſt, thereafter Lord Jedburgh.

Margaret to Sir George Crawfard of Liffnorris, and had Iſſue.

Iſobel to Gilbert Kennedy of Bargeny.

Mary to John Stewart of Trequair, Junior and had Iſſue.

Martha to Nicol Rutherford of Hundely, and had Iſſue.

To Andrew Lord Ochiltree ſucceeded Andrew his Grandſon and Heir, who was one of the Gentlemen of the Bed-Chamber to King James VI. General of the Ordnance, and Governor of Edinburgh Caſtle in that Reign. He married Margaret, Daughter of Sir John Kennedy of Blairquhan, by whom he had Andrew Maſter of Ochiltree, with whoſe Conſent he alienated his Eſtate, and with his Majeſty's Approbation and Acceptation, the Title of Lord Stewart of Ochiltree to Sir James Stewart of Killeth, Kt. his Uncle the Chancellor's Son, which the King ratified by a Charter under the Great Sea [...], 9th of Jane 1615d, in Lieu whereof King James created the other Lord Stewart of Caſtle-Stewart in the Kingdom of Ireland, by Letters Patent, 9th November, 1619.

This James Lord Ochiltree did afterward in the Reign of King Charles I. accuſe the Marquis of Hamilton of Treaſon; but when the Affair came to be try'd, the Story appear'd to be a Piece of the moſt notorious Folly and Forgery that ever was invented; for which he was condemned to perpetual Impriſonment in Blackneſs-Caſtle, where he continued for Twenty Years till the 1652, the Engliſh ſet him at Liberty; and he dyed before the Reſtauration, leaving a Grandſon to ſucceed him in the Honour,

William Lord Ochiltree, a very hopeful young Nobleman, who died about the Age of Sixteen at the Univerſity of Eainburgh, the 12th of February, 1675, with many Circumſtances of Regret, of which this was not the leaſt, that with him did the Honour [376] of this illuſtrious Family expire, and come to an End. I have been told by ſome who knew this Lord Och [...]ltree, that he was a moſt hopeful Scholar, a great Friend to the Muſes; and there are ſome Fragments of his Poetical Fancy extant, which very much diſcover the Excellency of his Genius that Way.

OLIPHANT, Lord Oliphant.

THE Anceſtor of this ancient Family David de Oliphard, was one of thoſe Barons who accompanied King David I. to England, with an Army to the Aſſiſtance of Maude the Empreſs, his Niece, againſt King Stephen, of whom 'tis memorable, that after the raiſing of the Siege of Wincheſter, in the 1142, King David was ſo cloſely purſu'd, that he was in a very great Hazard of being made a Priſoner, had it not been for the ſingular Valour of this noble Perſon, who had the Honour to reſcue and bring off the King his Sovereign, to his immortal Honoura. This Piece of ſignal and eminent Service was enough to intitle him to a more than ordinary Share of that good King's Favour, who with out doubt rewarded him according to his Merit; and that he was much about him afterward in ſome Office of Truſt or Attendance, appears from the Frequency of his being found witneſſing the Deeds of that Prince to many religious Placesb, particularly in one to the Prio [...]y o [...] [...], whereto his Seal is append [...]d, which by the bearing thereupon, viz. [...] Creſcents, clearly prove him to be the Anceſtor of this noble Family, who ſtill bear the ſame Figures in their Enſigns Armorial.

Another David de Oliphard, perhaps the Son of the former David, was no leſs the Favourite of King Malcolm and King William, than his Predeceſſor had been of King David c, in the Beginning of whoſe Reign he was conſtituted Juſticiartus Laodoniae d; at the ſame Time, when Comes Dunec [...]us was Juſticiarius Scotiae, which Office he held for any Thing I have diſcovered to the contrary, even till his Death. To this David ſucceeded,

Walter de Oliphard, his Son, who in the 9th of King William was one of the Hoſtages given for the Ranſom of the ſaid King, when he was taken Priſoner by the Engliſh at the Battle of Alnwick, on the 13th of July 1174; and that which ſhows Sir Walter was a very great Man, are the Collegues who were joined with him, viz. Comes Waldave, Comes Dunecan, Comes Gilebert, together with Richard Morvil, Great Conſtable of Scotland e.

This Walter made a very great Figure under Alexander II. in the 6th of whoſe Reign, Anno 1220, he was named one of the Guarantees in a Treaty bet wixt that Prince and King Henry I. relative to a Marriage betwixt King Alexander and a Daughter of England, King Henry's Siſterf; and the next enſuing Year he was made Juſticiarius Laodoniae g, and he held the Office without any Interruption, even till his Death in the 1242h. He left Iſſue [377] by Chriſtian his Wife, Daughter of Ferchard Earl of Strathern a, Walter his Son and Heir, who renounced any Claim he had to the Church of Strathgeth to Gilbert Earl of Strathern, the Patronage of which that Earl made over to the Monks of Inchaffrey, for the Health of his Soul.

Sir William Oliphard or Olyfend, in the 1297, was one of the great Barons of Scotland, whom King Edward I. as pretending to be direct Superior of the Kingdom of Scotland, required, upon his Alledgance to attend him in Perſon with his Men, Horſe and Arms, to go over with him to France, in order to aſſiſt him in the recovering of his Province of Gaſcony b; But I don't think he obey'd the Summons, for ſoon thereafter, when the War brok [...] out betwixt the Two Kingdoms, Sir William had the ill Fate to fall into the Enemies Hands, who ſent him Priſoner to London, where he remained till the 1298, he was liberated upon Condition to return by a certain Day prefix'd; and withal to ſtay no longer at Home than was neceſſary to put himſelf in Equipage to attend and ſerve King Edward in the Army he deſign'd to employ againſt France: But I have all the Reaſon in the World to believe he had little Regard to the Promiſe he had made, for aſſoon as he came home, he heartily and perſonally engag [...]d himſelf in the War againſt King Edward, for recovering the Honour and Freedom of his Country which that Prince had ſo ſignally invaded; and thereafter, when the Engliſh invaded Scotland in 1303, Sir William Olyfend was appointed Governor of Stirling-Caſtle, which he defended with great Reſolution and Courage, for the Space of Three Months, notwithſtanding the Engliſh preſs'd the Siege very hard; but being reduced to Straits for Want of Proviſions, they could not contend with, he was compell'd at laſt to deliver the Caſtle upon Articles which were not ſacredly obſerved to the gallant Man. By Iſobel his Wife, Daughter of . . . . Douglaſs of . . . . . he had

Sir Walter de Olyfend, who is one of the Barons who ſwore Fealty, and did Homage for the Lands which he held of the Crown in the 1304c. He left a Son.

Sir William Olyfand, who in the 12th King Robert I. had a Grant from that Prince, of the Lands of Newtyle and Kil [...]pynzie, for Homage and Service done and to be done by him, as the Charter bearsd, & was afterward one of the Subſcribers of that famous Letter ſent to the Pope in 1320, from the Earls, Barons, &c. of Scotland: And departing this Life the 5th of February 1329, was interr'd at the Paroch Church of Aberdalgy, under a Monument of black Marble, with his Statue thereupon in Armour, as big as the Life, and this Inſcription in great Saxon Capitals,

Hic jacet Dominus Willielmus de Olyphant, Dominus de Aberdalgy, qui obi [...]t Quinto Die Menſis Februarii, milleſimo tricenteſimo vigeſimo nono, Orate, &c.

Sir Walter Olyfant his Son, was ſo gallant and brave a Man, that his Merit preferr'd him to a Marriage with the Lady Elizabeth Bruce, Daughter to King Robert I. and Siſter to King David II. for which I have ſeen a Charter of King David, to inſtruct this Royal Allyance, Waltero Olyfant Dilecto & Fideli ſuo, pro bono Servitio nobis impenſo, & Eliſabethae Sp [...]nſae ſuae dilectae Sorort noſtrae; erecting the [378] Lands of Gask into a Barony, with the Privilege of fiſhing the Water of Ern Three Days of the Week in forbidden Timea. By this noble Lady he had Iſſue,

Walter his Son and Heir, who on the 20th of October, 8th of King Robert II. Anno 1379, obtained a Grant of the Lands and Barony of Kelly and Pitkereie, on the Reſignation of Sir William his Fatherb. By Mary his Wife, Daughter of Sir Robert Erskine of That-Ilkc, he had Sir John his Son and Heir, and Malcolm Oliphant of Haſlehead in the County of Air d.

Which John had the Honour of Knighthood conferr'd on him by King Robert II. from whom he had a Grant in the 1388 of all the Lands he held of the Crown within the Realm, bearing to have proceeded upon his own Reſignation, which is all I have found memorable concerning him, ſave that he married, firſt . . . . Daughter of . . . . . . . Borthwick of That Ilk, by whom he had William his Succeſſor; ſecondly, . . . . . . . Daughter of . . . . . . Hume of That-Ilk. By her he had a Son Thomas, who was the firſt of the Houſe of Kelly, in the County of Fife.

Sir William Oliphant, of Aberdalgy, in 1421, was one of the great Barons who were appointed to go to England, in order to concert Meaſures for the Redemption of King James I.e, for which he was afterward one of the Hoſtagesf. He married Iſobel Daughter of Sir John Stewart of Innermeath, Lord of Lorn, by whom he had John his Succeſſor, and a Daughter Iſobel, married to Sir James Scrimzeor of Dudop g, Conſtable of Dundee.

Which Sir John having taken Part with the Ogilvies, with whom he was ally'd by Marriage, in that great Feud they had with the Lindſays in the Minority of King James II. was ſlain at the Battle of Arbroth, 25th January 1445h, leaving Iſſue by Iſobel his Wife, Daughter of Sir Walter Ogilvie, Lord of Auchterhouſe i, Laurence the next of the Family, James Oliphant of Archalzie k, Margaret married to William Wardlaw of Torrie l, Iſobel to Alexander Blair of Bethayick m, in vicecomit. de Perth.

Sir Laurence Oliphant of Aberdalgy, in his Youth went over to France, in Company with the Earl of Douglaſs, and other young Noblemen, to learn the Art of Warn; and after that he travell'd into Italy and ſeveral Foreign Parts. Upon his Return, he was by King James III. conſtituted one of the Lords of the Privy-Council, and raiſed to the Honour of Lord Oliphant; alſo in the 1470, he was made Sheriff of the County of Perth o, and appointed one of the Lords of the Seſſion, for Adminiſtration of Juſtice, whoſe Power was then, if we may believe ſome Authors, ſo great that from them there was no Appeal, either to the King or Parliament.

In the 1484, the Lord Oliphant was named one of the Plenipotentiaries on the Part of Scotland, who met at the Congreſs at Nottingham, with others commiſſion'd by the King of England, in order to take away all Grievances betwixt the Two Realms; by whom at Length a Truce was agreed to, which was to begin at the Riſing of the Sun on the 29th of the Inſtant Month of September, and to laſt till the Setting of the Sun on the 29th of September 1487, of which his Lordſhip was one of the Conſervatorsp; [379] And in order to take away, as much as poſſible, all Grounds and Occaſions of Diſcord betwixt the Two Nations, he was one of the Ambaſſadors on the Part of Scotland, authoriz'd to treat about a Marriage betwixt James Prince of Scotland, and Anne de la Pool, Daughter of John Duke of Suffolk, and Niece of King Richard of England; which, tho' it was agreed to, yet by Reaſon of the ſhort Life of King Richard her Uncle, and the ſubſequent Revolution in England, the Marriage did never take Effect. What Part this Lord acted in the troubleſome Times that enſu'd in the End of this Reign, I have not been able to diſcover. But upon the Acceſſion of King James IV. to the Crown, his Lordſhip was appointed by the Parliament, one of the Lords of the King's Privy-Council, Anno 1490a, and impower'd and ordained to exerciſe Juſtice, and to ſuppreſs all Sorts of Diſorders, not only within the Bounds of his own Lands; but had the Country of Strathbrawin appointed him for the Exerciſe of that Juriſdictionb.

Thereafter, in the 1491, he was ſent upon a Foreign Embaſſy; and upon his Return, when a new Treaty was ſet on Foot, Anno 1492, for prolonging the Truce with England, the Lord Oliphant was one of the Scots Lords appointed for that Effectc; who accordingly met at Coldſtream; and on the 21ſt of December agreed to a Truce, which was to continue till the 21ſt of the ſame Month 1496, for the Ratification of which the Commiſſioners ſet to the Seals of their reſpective Kings, which ſeemed to be a Practice was not obſerved till that Time. And beſides what elſe I have obſerved of this Lord to make a further Manifeſtation of his Greatneſs; and of the Intereſt and Dependency he had in the County where he reſided, I ſhall here exhibite a Catalogue of the Names of ſuch Perſons, as were retained to ſerve him both in Peace and War, during their reſpective Lives, as I extracted them from the very Indentures themſelves, in the Cuſtody of James Oliphant of Gask, his lineal Deſcendant.

  • Thomas Blair of Bethayick.
  • Humphrey Murray of Ogilvy.
  • Robert Mercer of Balieff.
  • David Ogilvy of Inchmartin.
  • Silveſter Rattray of That-Ilk.
  • Criſterim Gorthy of That-Ilk.
  • Andrew Rollock of Duncrub.
  • Robert Rollock of Duncrub, Junior.
  • John Fothring hame of Powrie.
  • William Ferny of That-Ilk.
  • Robert Bruce of Cultmalindie.
  • William Rollock of Findon.
  • David Mercer of Innerpeffrey.
  • Niel Stewart of Fothergil.
  • Lucus Bruce of Cultmalindie.

This noble Lord martied Iſobel, Daughter of William Earl of Errol; by whom he had John his Son and Heir, William Oliphant of Berindale, of whom the preſent Branch of the Oliphants of Gask, who obtained the Lands of Berindale and Strabrock, by the Marriage of Chriſtian Daughter and Heir of Alexander Sutherland of Duffus d, George Oliphant of Balmactorn, and a Daughter Margaret, married to George Maſter of Angus, Son and Heir of George Earl of Angus; and [380] departing this Life in 1500, was ſucceeded in his Eſtate and Honour by

John his Son and Heir, who wedded the Lady Elizabeth Campbel, Daughter of Colin, Earl of Argyle, by whom he had Colin, Maſter of Oliphant, and Laurence Abbot of Inchaffrey, who was kill'd with the Maſter his elder Brother, at the Battle of Flowdoun, the 9th of September 1513, the Father ſurviving his Sons Three Years, Death overtaking him in the 1516, whereby his Eſtate and Honour devolved on,

Laurence his Grandſon and Heir, Son of Laurence Maſter of Oliphant, by Elizabeth his Wife, Daughter of William Earl Mareſchal. Which Laurence married Margaret, Daughter of Sir James Sandilands of Calder, by whom he had Laurence his Succeſſor, Peter Oliphant of Turring; likewiſe Four Daughters,

Catharine married firſt to Sir Alexander Oliphant of Kelly, and thereafter to George Dundaſs of That-Ilk, and had Iſſue.

Margaret to William Murray of Abercairny, ſans Iſſue; and again to James Clepen of Carſlogy.

Jean to William Moncrief of That-Ilk, and had Iſſue.

Lilias to Robert Lundy of Balgony.

This Lord dying the 26th of March, 1566a, was ſucceeded by

Laurence his Son, who was one of the Lords who adhered with the greateſt Firmneſs and Conſtancy to Queen Mary, upon the breaking out of the Troubles in that Reign. He married Margaret, Daughter of George Earl of Errol, by whom he had Laurence Maſter of Oliphant, who died in the Lifetime of his Father, and John Oliphant of Newland, call'd Maſter of Oliphant, Anceſtor to the preſent Lord Oliphant; likewiſe Three Daughters,

Elizabeth married to William Earl of Angus.

Jean to Mr. Alexander Bruce of Cultmalindie, in vicecomitatu de Perth, and had Iſſue.

Margaret to Sir James Johnſtoun of Weſterhall, in Vicecomitatu de Lanerk, ſans Iſſae.

Laurence Maſter of Oliphant; in the Lifetime of his Father, periſhed going over to the Low Countries in the 1583, leaving Iſſue by Chriſtian his Wife, Daughter of William Earl of Morton, Laurence a Son, who ſucceeded his Grandfather; and a Daughter Anne, married to Robert Lord Lindſay.

To Laurence Lord Oliphant ſucceeded Laurence his Grandſon, upon the Death of his Grandfather, in the 1592. He married Lilias Daughter of James Lord Madertie, by whom he had only one Daughter, Anne, married to James firſt Lord Mordington.

This Lord by an Exceſs in his Way of Living, ſquandred away his Eſtate that little of the Fortune at his Death fell to his Nephew Patrick, Lord Oliphant, Son of John Maſter of Oliphant his Brother, to ſupport the Title, ſo that the Family has not ſince appeared with that Luſtre it did in former Times. This Patrick married firſt Elizabeth, Daughter of Sir Patrick Chyne of Eſlemont, by whom he had one Daughter, Lilias, married to Sir Laurence Oliphant of Gask; ſecondly, Mary, Daughter of Sir James Crichton of Frendraught, by whom he had Charles his Succeſſor, Colonel William Oliphant, and Captain Francis Oliphant.

Which Charles married Mary, Daughter of . . . . . Ogilvy of Milltown, by whom he had Patrick, the preſent Lord Oliphant, his Son and Heir.



Gules, Three Creſcents, Argent. Supporters, Two Elephants proper. Creſt, an Unicorn's Head, Coupe, Argent, Motto, A Tout Prouvour.

SINCLAIR, Earl of Orkney.

THE Sirname of Sinclair, tho' no doubt originally French, is nevertheleſs very ancient in Scotland, for the Lands and Barony of Hermiſtoun have been poſſeſs'd by the Sinclairs ſince the Reign of King William, that Henricus de Sancto-Claro had then theſe Lands by the Grant of Richard de Morvil, Conſtable of Scotland a; and tho' I have not found any Evidence ſo old of the Sinclairs of Roſlin, the Anceſtors of the Earls of Orkney and Caithneſs; yet this noble illuſtrious Houſe did not only very far ſurpaſs the other, but even moſt Families within the Kingdom, for Wealth and Grandeur. They continued their Splendor till the Reign of King James III. that William Earl of Orkney and Caithneſs, from Motives, which, at this Diſtance of Time, cannot be ſo well known, did make a Diviſion of his Eſtate among Three of his Sons, the Bulk whereof, together with the Title of Earl, he made over with Conſent of King James III. to William Sinclair, the eldeſt Son of his ſecond Marriage, whereby the Family loſt a great deal of its Luſtre, with which it had flowriſh'd for many Ages before, not only in Scotland, but alſo in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and other Kingdoms beyond Sea.

Sir William Sinclair, Lord of Roſlin, was High-Sheriff of Edinburgh-Shire in the 30th of King Alexander III. Anno 1278b; and after the Death of that Prince was one of the great Barons who were preſent at Berwick, in the Plea for the Crown that was betwixt the Bruce and Baliol, the Deciſion whereof was referred to King Edward I. of England. This great Man had Iſſue Henry his Succeſſor in the Barony of Roſlin, William the martial Prelate of Dunkeld, and very probably Sir Gregory Sinclair, the Founder of the ancient Family of the Sinclairs of Longformacus c, in Berwick-Shire.

Sir Henry Sinclair of Roſlin, was one of the great Men who ſwore Fealty to King Edward I as Direct and Superior Lord of Scotland, an Acknowledgment ſeems to have been extorted from them, and which they diſowned whenever an Opportunity offered to aſſert their own Liberty, and the Nation's Independency. He was ſucceeded by

Sir William his Son, who aſſiſted King Robert the Bruce in his Wars, and was one of the Subſcribers of that famous Letter ſent to the Pope in 1320, from the Earls, Barons, &c. of Scotland. He married Elizabeth, Daughter and Co-heir of Maliſs, Earl of Strathern, and one of the Heirs of Magnus Earl of Caithneſs, by whom he had Henry 1ſt Earl of Orkney, & two Daughters, Margaret married to Thomas Earl of Angus, and after his Death to Sir William Sinclair of Hermieſtoun, [382] and had Iſſuea; and Jean to Sir John Forreſter of Carſtorphine.

Which Henry was created Earl of Orkney by Hack [...] King of Norway, Anno 1379b, which was ratified by his own Sovereign, if he did not alſo himſelf confer the ſame Honour on Sir Henry; for I have ſeen a Charter granted by King Robert of Scotland to this Earl of the Barony of Roſlin, reſigned by himſelf, wherein he's deſigned Comes Orcadiae, & Dominus de Roſlin c. He married firſt Florentina, Daughter to the King of Denmark; and thereafter Jean, Daughter of Sir Walter Hall [...]burton, Lord of Dirleton d. By her he had Henry his Heir, Elizabeth married to Sir John Drummond of Stobhall e, Anceſtor to the Earl of Perth, and Mary to Sir Thomas Somervel of Carnwath.

Henry ſecond Earl of Orkney, made a very great Figure in the Time of King James I. in whoſe Reign he was Lord High Admiral of Scotland, and Governor to that Prince in his younger Years. He married Giles, Daughter and Heir of William Douglaſs, Lord of Nithſdale; by her he had William his Succeſſor, and a Daughter Beatrix, married to James Earl of Douglaſs.

William his Son, a mighty Favourite of King James II. was in the 1454 made Chancellor of Scotland f, and the ſame Year ſent upon a ſolemn Embaſſy to England g: Upon his Return he had a Grant from that Prince of the Earldom of Caithneſs, then in the Crown, by the Death of Sir George Crichton: After which he deſigned himſelf promiſcuouſly Comes Orkadiae & Cathaniaeh; but thereafter, upon ſome Tranſaction with the King, in the Reign of King James III. the Earldom of Orkney was, by Act of Parliament, 20th of February 1471i, annexed to the Crown; but that it did not proceed upon a Forfaulture of the Earl, as a late Author conjectu [...]'d, is moſt plain, for the very ſame Year he was in great Favour with his Prince, and named one of the Ambaſſadors to treat of a Peace with England, which is the laſt Time I have found him in any publick Character. He married firſt Margaret, Daughter of Archbald Earl of Douglaſs, by whom he had William Sinclair of Ravensheugh, the lineal Anceſtor of the preſent Lord Sinclair, his eldeſt Son, whom he diſinherited, and a Daughter Catharine, married to Alexander Duke of Albany; next, Marjory Daughter of Alexander Maſter of Sutherland: by her he had William, in whoſe Favours he reſigned the Earldom of Caithneſs; whereupon the King confer'd it de nov [...] on him, by a Charter under the Great Seal, 8th of December 1476k, Sir-Oliver Sinclair of Roſlin l, Sir David Sinclair, Kt. John Biſhop of Caithneſs; likewiſe Three Daughters, Eleanora married to John Earl of Athole, Marion to Sir John Houſtoun of That-Ilk, and Elizabeth, ſecond Wife of Sir David Boſwell of Balmuto, Mother by him to David Boſwel, the firſt Baron of the Family of Auchinleck, in Air-Shire.

HEPBURN, Duke of Orkney.

FROM the 1471, for the Space of Ninety Six Years, no body bare the Title of Orkney, that then Queen Mary being abus'd by the evil [383] Council of ſome about her, in Places of neareſt Truſt and Confidence, was not only adviſed, but very ſolemnly addreſs'd to marry the Earl of Bothwel, as the moſt effectual Mean to quiet the Peace of the Country, which was broken and divided by Faction and Party, her Majeſty, in Complyance with their Deſires, having reſolved to marry the Earl, ſhe thought his Title too low a Dignity for the Perſon ſhe intended to make the Partner of her Ro [...]al Bed, and therefore the better to fit and qualifie him for that Honour, her Majeſty was pleas'd to raiſe and advance him to the higheſt Dignity a Subject was capable to receive, or the Sovereign to beſtow, that was, to make him a Duke, by the Title of, Duke of Orkney: But no ſooner was the Marriage conſummate between the Queen and the Duke, than ſome of thoſe very Perſons who adviſed and moſt advanced the Match, which was certainly the moſt unfortunate Step of her Life, entered into Cabals and Aſſociations to ruin them both, and which they very ſpeedily and ſucceſsfully effected. For in leſs than a Year thereafter, they impriſoned the Queen, and forced the unhappy Duke to fly out of the Country; and then condemned and forfaulted him, whereby he was not only depr [...]ved of his new acquired Title of Duke, but alſo of Earl, which had been in his Family for full Eighty Years, and his own He [...]editary Offices given to thoſe who had been his principal Conductors to Deſtruction.

STEWART, Earl of Orkney.

QUEEN Mary did, by a Charter under her Great-Seal, beſtow the Crown Lands of Orkney and Z [...] land upon her natural Brother, Sir Robert Stewart of Strathdon, Prior of Holy-Road-Houſe, 26th May 1565, in Purſuance of which King James VI. did erect the ſame Lands into an Earldom, in Favours of his Uncle Sir Robert, by Letters Patent, bearing Date 28th of October 1581. This Earl married Jean Daughter of Gilbert Earl of Caſſils; by whom he had Three Sons, and Four Daughters, Patrick Earl of Orkney his Son and Heir, John Lord Kincliven, and Earl of Carrick, Sir James Stewart, Kt. one of the Gentlemen of the Bed-Chamber to King James VI. Lady Mary married to Patrick Lord Gray, Lady Jean to Patrick Lord Lindores, Lady Elizabeth to Sir James Sinclair of Murthil, Lady Barbara to Rorie MacLeod of the Lewes.

Which Patrick was forfaulted for Treaſon and Oppreſſions, and beheaded at Edinburgh, 6th February 1614, whereby the Title of Ear [...] of Orkney, was ſuppreſs'd: And tho' the ſame Title was not conferr'd upon his Brother, the Lord Ki [...]cliven, yet his Majeſty King Charles I. in the 1632, was graciouſly pleas'd, in Lieu thereof, to create him Earl of Carrick, from a Village ſo call'd in the Iſle of Ethy, in the Orkneys, which was then erected in a Burgh of Barony, in Favours of the Earl; but he dying without Iſſue Male of his own Body, the Title did not deſcend to his other Heirs, but became extinct with himſelf.

HAMILTON, Earl of Orkney.

LORD George Hamilton, Fourth ſurviving Son of William and Anne, Duke and Dutcheſs of Hamilton, from his Youth betaking himſelf to Arms, and having given early [384] Proofs of a martial Spirit, and diſtinguiſhed a particular Bravery and Fortitude in the Battles of Boyne, Achrim, Stank [...]k and Landen; and no leſs in the ſeveral Sieges of Athlone, Limeri [...]k and Namur; in Conſideration whereof, and to reward his great Merit, King William was graciouſly pleas'd to beſtow upon him the old ſtanding Regiment that had been formerly his Uncle the Earl of Dunb [...]rton's, immediately after the Battle of Stank [...]rk, where the Golonel Sir Robert Douglaſs of Glenbervy was ſlain: But that being thought too little to recompenſe Lord George's great Services, his Majeſty was further pleas'd to make him a Brigadier, and to raiſe him to be an Earl, by the Title of Earl of Orkney, and to the Hei [...]s Male of his Body, by Letters Patent, bearing Date the 3d of January 1696; and beſide the Motives from the moſt illuſtrio [...]s Family, of which his Lordſhip was Son, his own ſignal Services, are ſo fully ſet forth in the Narrative of the Patent, that I ſhould not think it juſt to paſs them by, without mentioning them as they are expreſſed in the Sovereign's own Words, Quin etiam Conſiderantes quod idem Dom [...]nus Georgius Hamilton, Generis ſui & Sang [...]nis Nobilitati, propria ſ [...] Virtute ſuperadd [...]it; ac eximiae ſuae Fidei & Fortitudinis; multa & praeclar [...] dederit Specimina tum in prael [...]is apud Boyne, Achrim, Sta [...]kirk, & Landen; tum in Obſid [...]onibus de Athlone & Limerick, nuperrime et [...]am & em [...]nenter in Obſ [...]d [...]one Civit [...]t [...]s de Namur, ſub intuitu noſtro & obſervatione. O [...] has igitur, plur [...]maſque al [...]as magni momenti Res & Rat [...]ones i [...]ſignem & durabilem Regni noſtri Favoris Teſſeram, in illum, ejuſque [...]miliam conferre, noveritis igitur Nos, &c.

In the Beginning of the laſt War, her Majeſty Queen Anne, ſoon after her coming to the Crown, was pleas'd to promote the Earl of Orkney to be a Lieutenant General, June 8th 1702. But this was not all, for her Majeſty would accumulate more Honours on his Lordſhip, and therefore on the 4th of February 1704, he was choſen one of the Twelve Knights of the moſt ancient and moſt noble Order of the Thiſtle, which her Majeſty was pleas'd in Honour of her ancient Kingdom of Scotland, then to revive. Upon the Commencing of the Union of the two Crowns, tho' I don't find the E [...]l of Orkney was one of the Peers named by the Scots Parliament to ſit in the e [...]ſuing Seſſion, in the Engliſh Houſe of Peers, yet in the firſt new Parliament thereafter, the Scots Nobility to teſtifie the Value and Eſteem they had of his Lordſhip, elected him one of their Number to repreſent the Peerage of Scotland, in the Britiſh Parliament on the 17th of June 1708. And when that Parliament was diſſolved upon the Change of the Miniſtry, the Earl of Orkney had the Honour to be rechoſen one of the Sixteen Scots Peers, to the next enſuing Parliament, on the 10th of November 1710, and the Choice of his Lordſhip being agreeable to the Queen, her Majeſty was pleas'd upon the 11th of March thereafter to name him one of her moſt honourable Privy Council; and in April 1712, to declare him Lieutenant General of the Foot that were to ſerve in the enſuing Campaign in Flanders, under the Duke of Ormond, who was then made General and Commander in Chief of all the Britiſh Forces. Thereafter the Queen made him Governor of Edinburgh-Caſtle, upon the Removal of the Duke of Argyle; in which Station King George continued his Lordſhip upon his Acceſſion to the Throne; and moreover appointed him one of the Gentlemen Extraordinary of his Majeſty's Bed Chamber; and he took the Oath of the Office on the 28 of October 1714.

His Lordſhip married Flizabeth, Daughter of Sir Edward Villiars, Kt. [385] Siſter to Edward Earl of Jerſey, by whom he has Three Daughters,

Lady Anne.

Lady Frances.

Lady Henrietta.


Quarterly 1ſt Azure, a Ship within a double Treſſure, flower'd and counterflower'd, Or. 2d and 3d, the quartered Coats of the Family of Hamilton; 4th Argent, a Hart Gules, enſign'd with an Imperial Crown, Or, on a Chief, Azure, Three Molets of the Firſt, ſupported on the Dexter with an Antelop, and on the Siniſter with an Hart proper. Creſt and Motto the ſame with the Houſe of Hamilton, viz. a Saw ſawing thro' a growing Tree, with the Word Through.

MACGIL, Viſcount of Oxenford.

THE firſt of this Family was Mr. David Macgill of Nisbet, Son of James Macgill, Citizen of Edinburgh, and Brother to Mr. James Macgil of Nether Rankilour, Clerk of Regiſter in the Reign of Queen Mary and King James VI.

Which Mr. David being a Lawyer of good Reputation, was preferred by King James to be his Majeſty's Advocate, and one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice, Anno 1582; both which Offices he held till his Death, which happened in the 1596a, leaving Iſſue by Elizabeth his Wife, Daughter of . . . . . Forreſter of Carſtorphine b.

David his Son and Heir, who by Mary his Wife, Daughter of Sir William Sinclair of Hermiſtoun c, had Mr. David Macgil of Cranſtoun-Rid [...]le his Son and Heir, who was one of the Senators of the College of Juſticed, and died without Iſſue, and Sir James Macgil, Bart. likewiſe a Daughter, Elizabeth, married to James Cranſtoun, Eſq Son of William firſt Lord Cranſtoun.

Which Sir James being a Gentleman of great Integrity and Learning, was by King Charles I. made one of the Lords of Council and Seſſion; and thereafter was by the ſpecial Favour of King Charles II. rais'd to the Honour of Viſcount of Oxenford, by Letters Patent, 19th of April 1651e. He married firſt Catharine, Daughter of Sir John Cockburn of Ormiſtoun f, by whom he had Two Daughters, Elizabeth married to Patrick Hamilton of Preſton, and Anne to Sir James Richardſon of Smeatoun; next Chriſtian, Daughter of William Livingſton of Kilſyth, by whom he had Robert his Son and Heir, and a Daughter Chriſtian married firſt to Alexander Craw [...]urd of Carſe, and again to George Roſs of Gaulſtoun; and dying Anno 1663, was ſucceeded by,

Robert his Son and Heir, who married Henrietta, Daughter of George, Earl of Linlithgow, by whom he had a Son George, Maſter of Oxenford, who died before himſelf, in September 1701, and two Daughters, Chriſtian the Heir of his Honour and Eſtate, and Margaret married to James Hamilton of Orbiſt [...]un, and dying 18th December 1706. was ſucceeded by his Daughter

Chriſtian Viſcounteſs of Oxenford, who married William Maitland, Eſq Son of Charles Earl of Lauderdale, by whom he had Robert the preſent Viſcount of Oxenford, who ſucceeded to [386] the Honour on the Viſcounteſs his Mother's Death in the 1707.


Gules, Three Martlets, Or, ſupported on the Dexter by a Horſe at Liberty, Argent, garniſhed with a Viſcount's Coronet, whereto a Chain is affixed; and on the Siniſter with a Bull, Sable, colourred and charged as the othera. Creſt, A Phenix in Flames. Motto, Sine Fine.

VALONIIS, Lord of Panmure.

IN the Time of King William flouriſhed Sir Philip de Valoniis, who in the 11th of that Reign executed the Office of Lord Great Chamberlain of Scotland b; and he held the Place under that Prince for many Years: As the Lord Chamberlain ſeems to have been in the higheſt Favour with that Prince, ſo it appears he made a very conſiderable Figure in the Publick Tranſactions of thoſe Times, for when King William had the Misfortune to be taken Priſoner by the Engliſh at the Battle of Alnwick, Anno 1174, Sir Philip de Valoniis was one of the Hoſtages ſent to England, for the King's Ranſomc. Upon the Return of the King to reward and commemorate Sir Philip's good and faithful Services, his Maſter made him a Grant of the Baronies of Panmure and Be [...]vin in the County of Forfar, out of which he gave a Donation to the Monks of Coupar, in pure and perpetual Alms, Pro ſalute Animarum quondam Regis David, Comitis Hen [...]ici Filii ſui, Regis Malcolmi, nec non pro ſalute Animae Regis Willielmi David Comitis Fratris ſui, & ſalute ſui ipſius, Anteceſſorum & Succeſſorum ſuorum in perpetuum d; and departing this Life 5th November 1215e, was interr'd in the Convent of Melroſs, leaving a Son,

Sir William de Valoniis, who had a Grant from King William, in the Lifetime of his Father, of the Baronies of Panmure and Benvin, bearing to be made Willielmo de Valontis, Filio Philippi de Valoniis de Terris illis in Scotia quas eidem Philippo Patri ejus dedi, ſcz. Benvin, per rectas diviſas ſuas, & cum omnibus juſtis Pertinentiis ſuis, & Panmore per rectas diviſas ſuas & cum omnibus juſtis Pertinentiis, per ſervitium dimidii Militis ſicut charta praedicti Philippi de Valoniis Patris ſui teſtatur f. This Sir William being a Man of Parts and Merit, King Alexander II. was pleas'd to make him Lord Chamberlain of Scotland, a Place his Father had long and worthily held in the former Reigng, upon his Father's Demiſe; and he diſcharged that great Office for the Space of Four Years, even till his Death in the 1219 he was buried at Melroſs beſide his Fatherh, leaving Iſſue one Daughter, Chriſtian his ſole Heir, who brought the Baronies of Benvin and Panmure to her Husband, Sir Peter de Maulia, Kt. the lineal Anceſtor of the preſent Earl of Panmure, and the other Branches of that moſt noble Family.

MAULE, Earl of Panmure.


BOETHIUS, and ſome other Hiſtorians of the Scots Nation do reckon, that the firſt Anceſtor of this ancient and noble Family, came from Hungary to Scotland, in the Reign of King Malcolm III. in the Retinue of Edward the Out-law of England, and of Margaret his Siſter, thereafter Queen of Scotland. But as this Aſſertion of Mr. Bois's is without Authority, or even ſo much as Probability; ſo I rather incline with ſome modern Antiquaries, who have enquired with great Curioſity into the Origin and Progreſs of Sirnames among us, to think the firſt Anceſtor of the Maules to have come from France, and extracted from the noble Family of de Maulia, ſo call'd from a fair Lordſhip of that Name in the Dutchy of Nor mandy; the firſt of whom I have found uſing the Sirname, was Petrus de Maulia, Filtus Anſoldi, Filit Guarini, who gave, Anno 1076, to the Monks of Uttica, the Churches of St. Mary, St. Vincent, and St. Germain, in villa quae nuncupatur Maulia, for the Salvation of his Soula, according to the Devotion of theſe Times, when good Works were believed to be meritorious with Almighty GOD; and departing this Life in January 1101b, was inter [...]'d in the Cloiſter of Uttica, with an Epitaph over his Grave, of which this is a Part,

Poſt Annos Agni centum cum mille ſuperni,
Flos Procerum Petrus prope Jani decidit idus, &c.

He left Iſſue by Guindiſmoth his Wife, a Lady of a noble Family at Troyes, Four Sons, Anſold, Theobald, Guarin, and William.

Which Anſold was a very warlike Man, and did eminently ſignalize himſelf in the Wars of Italy c, particularly in the Battle where Alexius the Emperor of Conſtantinople, received a ſignal Overthrow; likeas in 1106, he ratified to the Monaſtry of Uttica the Rights his Father had made to that Church; and afterward retiring from the World, for the better diſpoſing himſelf, as he thought, to Devotion, he took upon him the Habit of a Monk of St. Bennet, in that Cloiſter, where he ended his Days not long after, and was there interr'd with this Epitaph upon his Tomb, writ by Odo of Monſtrewel,

Si quis erit ſi ſcire velit, dum vivus adeſſet
Quis fuerat quem Tumba tegit, quod nomen haberet,
Anſoldi nomen ſuit huic, & Militis omen, &c.

By Oldenine his Wife, Daughter of Radulphus de Malevicine, he had ſeven Sons, Petrus, Radulphus, Guarinus, Liſcardus, Guido, Anſoldus, and Hugo.

Which Petrus de Maulia married Addo, Daughter of the Count de Ghiſne, but being a turbulent Man, Louis the Groſs, King of France, for his inſolent Demeanour, demoliſhed his Caſtle, and deprived him of his Lordſhip of Maulta; and tho' he was afterward ſo far reconciled to his Prince, as that he accompanied him to the Battle of Breunivil, againſt Henry I. of England, in the 1 [...]19d; yet for what I have found, he never recovered ſo much Favour as to be reſtored to the Poſſeſſion of his Eſtate. And 'tis highly probable, at leaſt much more, ſo, than Boethius Story, that upon the falling low of the Family of De Maulia in [388] France, a Branch of them was tranſplanted to S [...]tland, in the Time of King David I. who [...]e Bounty and Generoſity we know, was not confin'd to his own Subjects; but was alſo very liberally extended to Foreigners of Birth and Merit, who were willing to put themſelves under his Protection; for in the End of that Reign, William de M [...]ulia is Witneſs in a Donation by Prince H [...]nry, of the Lands of Clerkingtoun to the Church of Haddingtoun a. But what were the firſt Lands the M [...]uies were poſſeſſed of, I have not been able to diſcover; but they were [...]pread into ſundry Branches as early as the ſucceeding Reign of King Malcolm IV. when that Prince of his Royal Bounty gave the ſame William de Ma [...]a promiſcuouſly deſign'd Maſculus and [...]e M [...]u [...]a, the Lands and Tenement of [...] in Perth-Shire, out of whi [...] he mertified in pure and perpetual Alms, DEO, & Canonicalt Eccleſiae Sancti Andreae Capelam de Foulis, cum Terra quae eidem Cap [...]lae competebat, antequam Foulis eſſet mihi data, cum decem acris Terrae, quas in incrementum ded [...] ipſi Capelae, pro ſalute Animae m [...], &c. coram Roberto Epiſcopo Sancti Andreaeb. The ſame William Ma [...]culus de Foulis, gave to the Chanons of the Priory of St. Andrews & Thomae Maſculo clertco nepoti ſuo, eccleſiam ſuam de Foulis, in puram eleemoſinam c, coram Willielmo Priore Sancti Andreae Comite Dunecano. Adamo pratre Comitis, Michaele Maſculo, Ricardo nep [...]te ſuo. But he dying without Iſſue Male, his Eſtate went with his two Daughters, the Elder married to R [...]ger de Mortimer; and the Younger [...] to Walter de Rothven, Paternal Anceſtor to the Earls of Gowrie.

For the further Illuſtration of this Deſcent, there is a Donation made by Hugo ae Mortuomari, Lord of [...], whereby he confirms to the Chanons of Sr. Andrews, Capelam de Foulis, cum terra quae eidem Capelae competeba [...], antequam Foulis eſſet data Willielmo de Maſculo avo ſuo d; and thereafter Gilbertus de Rothven, Son of Walter de Rothven, in praeſentia Domini Alexandri Regis, in curia apud Schonen, die Veneris ante Dominicam Palmarum, Anno Gratiae 1262e, reſigns in due Form, Wi [...]ielmo de Mortuomar [...], cognato ſuo & haeredibus ſuis in perpetuum, totum jus illud quod ille & haeredes ſui habuerunt vel habuere potuerunt per deceſſum Ciciliae aviae ſuae filiae domini Willielmi de Maulia, vel aliquo alio jure, mihi & haeredious meis, contingente in tota terra de Foulis in Gaurin, vel medietato ipſius, vel in parte ejuſdem.

The direct Anceſtor of this noble Family was Sir Peter de Maulia, great Nephew and Heir Male of Sir William de Maulia, Lord of Foulis, who in the Beginning of the Reign of King Alexander II. obtained the Barony of Panmure, by the Marriage of Chriſtian Daughter and ſole Heir of Sir William de Valoniis, Lord of Panmure, Great Chamberlain of Scotland.

This Sir Peter and the ſaid Chriſtian his Wife, did mortifie the Lands of Brakis and Bothmernock, to the Monks of Arbroth f, in the Tenement of Panmure, for the Salvation of their Souls, as appears from a Perambulation betwixt them and the Abbot of the ſaid Convent, which narrates, that after ſome Diſpute betwixt the Two Parties anent the Right of theſe Lands, the King had ordered the Earl of Buchan his Juſticiary, to march and perambulate the ſaid Lands; and the Parties having amicably agreed, by the Mediation of certain noble Perſons, viz. William Lord Brichen, Gilbert de [389] Haya, and Robert de Montealto, the Affair at length was amicably compos'da. He dying in the 1254, left Iſſue

Sir William his Succeſſor, and

Sir Thomas, who in the 1303, bravely defended the Caſtle of Brichen, againſt a ſtrong Party of the Engliſh, for ſeveral Weeks, with the outmoſt Reſolution and Magnanimity: Of whom Matthew Weſtminſter, an Author not to be ſuſpected of Flattery, when he ſpeaks in Favour of the Scots, ſays, That he was a Soldier of undaunted Boldneſs and Reſolution of Mind, that the Vigour and Strength of his Body were very great, and that he did not fear to hold out the ſmall Fortreſs committed to his Charge againſt a Royal Army. And notwithſtanding King Edward was very ſollicitous to have the Place, and for that Purpoſe brought great Preparations againſt it, yet all was to no Purpoſe, inſomuch, ſays the former Author, that one Day as the Governor was ſtanding upon the Wall, and watching where a Stone hit againſt it, he in Deriſion wiped the Place with his Handkerchief: But ſome Days after, when another Attack was made, the brave Governor had the Misfortune to receive a Wound in the Breaſt, of which he died the ſame Evening, whereupon the Caſtle was ſurrender'd.

Which Sir Willi [...]m, in the 1293, ratified and confirmed to Rodolph of Dundee, the Grant of Chriſtian de Valoniis his Mother, of the Lands of Benvin and Balruthry, with the Patronage of the Church of Benvin, to which his Seal is appended; and ſtill intire, as it is bore by his Deſcendants, the Heirs of this noble Familya. He was alſo one of thoſe Barons who in the 1292, did Homage to King Edward I. for his Lands which he held of the Crown in the County of Forfar, when the Bulk of the Nation ſwore Fealty to that ambitious Princeb. He married Etham de Vallibus c, Daughter of . . . . . . de Vallibus, Lord of Dirleton, by whom he had

Sir Henry his Son and Heir, Lord of the Barony of Panmure, who received the Honour of Knighthood from King Robert I. on Account of his Merit and Services to that Prince, who was a very bountiful Patron to worthy Men.

This Sir Henry Maule confirmed to John of Glaſſirth, Son and Heir of Radulph de Dundee the Lands of Benvie and Balruthry, which his Father Sir William had formerly given to the ſaid Radolph. Whereupon King Robert I. confirms by his Charter under the Great Seal, Donationem illam quam Willielmus de Maule, Miles Dominus de Panmure fecit Radulpho de Dundee. Militi de Terris de Banevy & Balruthry, cum advocatione eccleſiae ejuſdem, cum molendino, & cum omnibus aliis juſtis pertinentiis ſuis, ac ratificationem, approbationem, & confirmationem Henrici de Maule, militis filii & haeredis Willielmi de Maule praedicti, factas Johanni de Glaſsrith, filio & haeredi quondam Radulphi de Dundee, de terris praedict. cum advocatione eccleſiae, &c.d. Teſt. Waltero de Tuinham, Cancellario noſtro, Thoma Randulpho Comite Moraviae, Domino Vallis Anandiae & Manniae, nepote noſtro Jacobo Domino de Duglas, Gilberto de Haya Conſtabulario noſtro, Roberto de Kieth Mariſchallo naſtro Scotiae, & Roberto Boyde, [...]: Apud Dundee quarto decimo [...] Aprilis, Anno Regni noſtri viceſimo quarto.

He married Margaret, Daughter of . . . . . . . . . Hay of [...], Predeceſſor to the Marquis, of Tweedale, e, by whom he had Walter his Succeſſor, William, and [...], who [...]king himſelf to the Service of the [390] Church, enter'd into Orders, and had a Dignity in the Chapter of the See of St. Andrews, as appears from the Grants of Biſhop Lamberton, who exerced the Epiſcopal Function there, under King David II.a; likewiſe a Daughter, Chriſtian married to Alexander Strachan of Carmylie b, in vicecom. de Forfar.

Walter, the next of this noble Family, flouriſhed under King David II. he gave in free Alms to the Epiſcopal See of Brichen, the Chaplanry of Boath of his own Patronage, with his Lands of Carncorthy, for the Salvation of his Soulc, which Charter of this Walterus de Mau [...]ta King David ratified to his Favourite Chancellor the Biſhop of that See, 20th of November 1360d. By . . . . . . Daughter of . . . . . . . . his Wife, he had Sir William his Succeſſor, and Henry Maule, firſt of the Branch of the Maules of Glaſter e.

Which Sir William married Marion, only Daughter of Sir David Fleeming of Biggar, Anceſtor to the preſent Earl of Wigtoun f, by Jean his firſt Wife, Daughter of Sir David Barclay Lord of Brichen, by whom he had Thomas his Succeſſor, and a Daughter Jean, married to Alexander Ouchterleny of Kelly g, in vicecomitatu de Forfar.

Thomas Maule of Panmure his Son, was made a Kt. by King Robert III. and thereafter during the Regency of the Duke of Albany, when the Troubles broke out upon the Deſcent of Donald of the Iſles, when an Army was ſent againſt that Lord, under the Command of the Earl of Mar, Sir Thomas Maule was one of thoſe loyal Barons who joined the General in his March northward, and had a Command in the Army at the bloody Battle of Hairlaw, where he was ſlain, in the Flower of his Age, July 25th, 1411, leaving Iſſue by Elizabeth his Wife, Daughter of Sir Andrew Gray of Fouls, Anceſtor to the Lord Gray h, a Son born after his Death, viz.

Sir Thomas, who was ſerved and retoured Heir to his Father in 1412i, notwithſtanding of his Non-Age, in Reſpect of a Statute of General Council, made in Favours of thoſe whoſe Predeceſſors were kill'd in the King's Service.

Upon the Death of that Arch-Traitor, Walter Earl of Athole, who murdered King James I. Sir Thomas Maule laid Claim to the Lordſhip of Brichen, in Right of his great Grandmother, who was Siſter to Sir David Barclay, Lord of Brichen, whoſe Daughter and Heir the Earl had married; but the Miniſtry in the Minority of King James II. having in ſundry Caſes procured Deciſions to be made in Favours of the Crown, when the Competition run betwixt the Sovereign and the Subject, ſo Sir Thomas Maule and the Friends of the Family of Brichen were baulked of their Right to that Lordſhip, which on the Earl of Athole's Forfaulture was immediately veſted in the Crown, in Regard he was poſſeſſed of it at his Deathk. But if ever Sir Thomas received afterward any Compenſation for his Claim thereto, when the King came to Age, I have not been able to diſcover. He married Margaret, Daughter, as the Contrract deſigns her, of a Nobleman, Sir Thomas Abercromby of That-Ilkl, in the County of Fife, one of the [391] Lords of the Seſſion in the Reign of King James II.a, and dying in the 1450b, left Iſſue

Sir Thomas his Son and Heir, who was a Gentleman of great Account in that Time; from a Principle of Devotion, according to the Piety of thoſe Times, he ratified and confirmed to the Abbacy of Coupar, and to the Monks ſerving GOD there, certain Lands within the Barony of Panmure, with a Right to a Fiſhing in the eaſt Haven of Panmure, which had been formerly given to the ſaid Abbacy by Sir Thomas's Predeceſſor, Sir Philip de Valoniis, and that pro ſalute animae ſuae, Elizabethae ſponſae ſuae, Alexandri Maule filii ſui & haeredis, omntum anteceſſorum & ſucceſſorum ſuorum in perpetu [...]m c. He likewiſe founded a Chapel at his own Manor-Houſe of Panmure, dedicated in Honour of the Bleſſed Virgin, for the Con [...]cration of which he obtained a Licence and Order from Julian Biſhop of Oſtia, the Pope's Legate, to perform there Divine Service, and all other Offices competent to a Chapel-Devotion for him and his Family continually, dated in the Year 1487d, the 3d of Pope Innocen. VIII. He married firſt the Lady Elizabeth Lindſay, Daughter of Alexander Earl of Crawſurd e, by whom he had a Son Alexander, who died in the Lifetime of his Father, and a Daughter Elizabeth, married to . . . . . . . . . . Lindſay of Evelick; and again when he was an old Man. Catharine, Daughter of . . . . . . Craumond of Ald-Bar, and departing this Life in the 1498, was immediately ſucceeded by,

Sir Thomas his Grandſon, Son and Heir of Alexander Maule of Panmure, Ju [...]tor, by Elizabeth his Wife, Daughter of Sir David Gathry of That-Ilk, Kt. Lord High-Treaſurer of Scotland in the Reign of King James III.f. This Sir Thomas was made a Kt. by King James IV. by whom he was much valued and eſteemed, as a Perſon well affected to the Government both in Church and State.

As the King had a great Regard for Sir Thomas Maule, ſo the Churchmen profeſs'd a more than ordinary Honour and Eſteem of him; for the then Abbot of Coupar, with full Conſent and Approbation of his Convent made him Baily of their Barony of Barry, a Juriſdiction, tho' of no great Value of itſelf, yet was ſuch as the great Men before the Reformation affected to exerce, that they might be thought friendly to the Church, which was then no ill Politick, all Things conſidered. He married firſt Elizabeth, eldeſt Daughter and Co-heir of Sir David Rollo of Ballachie g, by Elizabeth his Wife, Daughter of Andrew Lord Gray; by whom he had Robert his Succeſſor, and William, who married Janet, Daughter of John Carnagy of Kinnaird, the Earl of Southesk's Anceſtor, and was the Root of that Branch of the Maules of Boath h; next, Chriſtian, Daughter of William Lord Graham, by Jean his Wife, Daughter of George Earl of Angus, and Widow of the Laird of Gleneagles, but by her he had no Iſſue.

Sir Thomas being the particular Favourite of his Maſter, King James IV. he accompanied him to the Battle of Flowdon; and while he was on his Way thither, he made his Teſtament at Dundee, that he might free himſelf of all worldly Intanglemonts, and the better, as he expreſſes it himſelf, to diſpoſe him to the Service of his King and Countryi, in the War. And 'tis recorded of this Gentleman, to his immortal Honour, that tho' many of [392] the firſt Quality left the King, before the Army engaged with the Enemy; yet he would not, tho' he was a very corpulent Man, and advanced in Age, but perſonally engaged in the Battle, where he fought with remarkable Courage, and received many Wounds, of which he inſtantly died, on the fatal 9th of September 1513a, his Eſtate by his Death devolving on

Robert, his Son and Heir, who was retoured to Sir Thomas his Father, in the Year 1514, the King's Precept for infefting him bears, Quod eſt legitimae aetatis per actum diſpenſationis a quondam c [...]riſſim [...] patre noſtro, deſuper conceſs. b. He was afterward one of thoſe Barons who made that loyal and dutiful Attempt to reſcue King James V. from the Earls of Arran and Angus, who kept him in little other Condition than that of a Captive, and in order to his Liberation, joined the Earl of Lenn [...]x at the Fight at Linlithgow-Bridge, in 1526c. Tho' this generous Deſign prov'd abortive, and the young King ſtill detain'd by thoſe who had him in their Hands, and the Laird of Panmure oblig'd to take a Remiſſion for it, as it had been the fouleſt Treaſon; yet the King when he came to Age, retained a very laſting Senſe of that Service, as a very loyal Appearance; and ever afterward treated Panmure on that Account with the greateſt Reſpect and Eſteem, inſomuch as after his Majeſty aſſumed the Government on himſelf, he grants a Diſpenſation to this Robert Maule of Panmure, For the true, good and thankful Service done to his ſaid Majeſty by him, to remain and bide at Home during all the Days of his Life, from all Hoſts, Roads within the Realm, or without the ſame, by Sea or Land, and from all Attendance on Parliaments, Courts of Juſticiary, of Chamberlanry, &cd. But how the Lairds of Panmure came to relinquiſh their Privilege of ſitting in Parliament, I am at a Loſs to know, in regard I find ſeveral of them deſign'd in old Writs Nobiles & potentes Domini, a Title which was afterward made a ſufficient Authority, to eſtabliſh a Family in the Dignity of Lord Barons, in the Decreet of Ranking, Anno 1606.

Tho' this Loyal Gentleman was after this under no Neceſſity of ever appearing in any publick Action, by vertue of the King's Diſpenſation; yet he no ſooner ſaw his Country threatned with Danger by Party and Faction, after the Death of King James V. than at the Command of the Regent the Earl of Arran, he rais'd his Vaſſals and Re [...]ainers, joined the Lord Gray and others, and attacked the Town of Perth, which the Lord Ruthven held out againſt the Queen's Authority; Tho' they were at firſt repuls'd, and the Laird of Panmure, who firſt made the Attack, was taken Priſoner; yet in the End the Affair came to be adjuſted to the Satisfaction of the Governore. At the ſame Time the Laird of Panmure was a ſtrenuous Oppoſer of the intended Match betwixt Queen Mary and Edward VI. of England, from an Apprehenſion his Country might ſuffer, not only in its Freedom and Independency, but alſo in its other valuable Privileges, by ſuch an Union. So that when the War broke out betwixt the two Nations, on the Breach of the Articles that had been formerly agreed to, and on which enſu'd the Battle of Pinky, Panmure's Affections being known that Way, the Engliſh Governor of Bruchty detached a ſtrong Party from the Gariſon to ſeize and apprehend him in his own Houſe; and notwithſtanding [393] of the Surprize, yet a very noble and brisk Defence was made within, and the old Gentleman himſelf received divers Wounds; but not being prepared for a Siege, he was at length forced to ſurrendera. Whereupon he was ſent Priſoner to London by Sea, and committed to the Tower, where he remained a whole Year, till he was ſet at Liberty at the ſpecial Inſtances of the Marquis de Elbuife, the French Ambaſſador to Scotland, with the Regent of England, in whoſe Company he came Home in the 1549, and being by this Time aged, he thenceforth paſs'd the Reſidue of his Time. in a happy Retirement, till Death took him away on the 2d of May 1560b. He was interr'd at the Church of Panb [...]de, among his Anceſtors, where a Monument was erected over his Grave. He married Iſobel, Daughter of Sir Laurence Mercer of Aldie c, an anicent Family in Perth-Shire, by whom he had Thomas his Son and Heir, John Moule, Eſq Robert Maule, Eſq likewiſe a Daughter Margaret, married to the Laird of Pitcur. After the Death of his firſt Wife, he married again Iſobel, Daughter of Sir Robert Arbuthnot of That-Ilkd. Anceſtor to the preſent Viſcount of Arbuthnot. By her he had Three Sons, Henry, of whom ſp [...]ang the Maules of Melgum, whoſe Son and Succeſſor Henry Maule of Melgum wa [...] a learn'd Antiquary, and the Author of the Hiſtory of the Picts, which he left behind him in Manuſcript, but is ſince publiſh'd; Andrew Maule of Guildie, and William Maule of G [...]aſter, who being a Perſon of great Reputation for Integrity, acquir'd an opulent Fortune, which at his Death was divided among his ſeven Daughters, who were all Co-heirs,

Marion married to Sir Alexander Seton of Kilcroich, one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice.

Bethea to James Murray of Skirling, and had Iſſue.

Margaret to Sir Archbald Murray of Blackbarony, and had Iſſue.

Eleanor to Alexander Moriſon of Preſtongrange, and had Iſſue.

Jean to William Oliphant of Kirkhill.

Iſobel, to James Dundas of Dudingſtoun; and again to James Hamilton of Parkly, and had Iſſue.

Beatrix to Mr. Robert Burnet of Crimond.

Thomas Maule of Panmure, the next of this noble Family, was by the ſingular Care of his Father brought up in all Accompliſhments ſuitable to his Birth; and for his further Improvement ſent to France in the Year 1538e, in the Retinue of the Abbot of Arbroth, Dr. Beaton, thereafter Biſhop of St. Andrew's, who was Ambaſſador from Scotland to that Court. Upon his Return he ſignaliz'd his Courage and Valour at the Fight of Haldonrig f againſt the Engliſh, where he had the ill Fortune to be taken Priſoner, and was ſent to Morpeth, where he remained till after the Death of King James V. that King Henry VIII. did then politically releaſe all the Scots Priſoners of Note and Character, in Hopes to engage them to promote the Union he deſigned of the Two Kingdoms, by the Marriage of his Son Prince Edward, and Queen Mary. But tho' the Laird of Panmure had a very grateful Senſe of the Favour that Prince had done him, yet it had never the leaſt Influence on him, to engage him in any Intereſt or Party that prov'd prejudicial to his Country; but upon the breaking out of the War with England, he heartily and perſonally engaged in the publick Service, and was at the Battle of Pinky-Cleugh g, where with great Difficulty he got his Eſcape made; having loſt many of his Friends and Vaſſals, particularly [394] Thomas Maule of Boath, his own Conſin-German. After the End of the War, as he liv'd in great Splendor at home, and made a very conſiderable Figure in the Country, ſo he had ſeverals of Notes who were retained to ſerve him; and among others, I find John Scrimzeor, Conſtable of Dundee, gives him his Bond of Manrent and Service, as his Superior, in Conſequence of a former Obligation of the ſame Nature, which Sir James Scrimzeor his Predeceſſor had formerly made to Sir Thomas Maule of Panmure, which by his own Obligation he ratifies and renews, of the Date, 10th of May 1563a. This loyal and brave Man afterward accompanied Queen Mary in her Northern Progreſs as far as Aberdeen, and would have march'd with her all the Length ſhe deſign'd in thoſe Parts, had not the afflicted Circumſtances of his Family call'd him to return Home, with the Queen's Permiſſion, ſo that he was not at the Fight of Corichy, which happen'd ſoon thereafter; but her Majeſty did not want any further Teſtimony of his Loyalty, having been fully ſatisfied in his Fidelity and Affection to the Crown, by many repeated Inſtances through the whole Courſe of his Life before.

When the Troubles broke out in this Reign he did not meddle much with either Party, but kept himſelf as much, if not more, out of the Broils of the Times, than any other of his Quality in the Kingdom; for in all the publick Tranſactions during the Courſe of the War, I don't find him ever concerned in any publick Deed, ſave in that Aſſociationb which was entered into, in the Year of GOD 1567, by the Bulk of the Nation, for the Inauguration of the young Prince King James VI. upon the Queen his Mother's Reſignation: And I obſerve the Bond is not only ſigned by thoſe who were the greateſt Promoters of the Reformation, but even by others of the Nobility and Gentry who were of the Roman Religion, and afterward adhered to the Queen with great Firmneſs and Fidelity, which gives me Ground to believe they were not then throughly acquainted with the Circumſtances by which the Dimiſſion was extorted from her, otherwiſe I cannot think, that Men of Honour, could have ſhifted as ſo many of them did, all of a ſudden, and become moſt inveterate Enemies to the Government that ſucceeded during the whole of the young King's Minority.

This Gentleman was firſt eſpouſed to the Lady Elizabeth Lindſay, Daughter of David Earl of Crawfurd c, and thereafter he married Margaret, Daughter of Sir George Halliburton of Pitcur d, and giving Way to Fate the 7th of March 1600e, left Iſſue by his Wife foreſaid, beſide Patrick the Heir of his Fortune, Five other Sons and a Daughter, William, David, Robert who was Commiſſary of St. Andrew's; in his Time he had the Reputation of a good univerſal Scholar, and a Perſon of great Integrity. Mr. Maule had a Turn to Antiquities, particularly of his own Country, in which he was very exact. He wrote ſeveral Treaties with great Judgment and Learning, one, which he calls, Periodi Gentis Scotorum, the Abſtract whereof he gives in theſe Words, Has in ſeptem partiti ſumus; quarum prima initium ducit a primo Scotorum ex Hiſpaniâ adventu, & in Albium appulſu, & tempus illud totum occupabit quo noſtri ſub Philarchis, uſque ad primum creatum [395] Regem, fuerunt. Secunda vero exordium inde ſuum habebit quo primus apud Nos Monarcha ordinatus fuit, ad exilium Scotorum. Tertia vero a reditu ab exilio ordietur; quae & deſinet in excidium Picticae gentis. Quarta vero a deletis Pictis, & duplicato jam Regno, ad Milcolumbi Canmori principatum; quo imperante novae apud Noſtros Leges, novi item Honorum Tituli orti. Quinta a Milcolumbo quicquid eſt annorum complectitur, ad interitum lachrymabilem Alexandri Tertii. Sexta autem, ab Alexandro optimo Rege extincto, durabit in obitum Jacobi Quinti. Septima tandem, atque ultima, a Jacobi Quinti immatura morte, ad abitum Jacobi Sexti in Angliam.

He wrote likewiſe a Hiſtory of the noble Family of which he was a Son, and in which, no Doubt, there were ſeveral great Men; as alſo another Treatiſe De Antiquitate Gentis Scotorum, in a tolerable pure Latin Stile, which he ſays, was written contra Anglorum Calumnias & Mendacia, and ſeems to be plainly levelled againſt the Engliſh Antiquary Mr. Cambden, who about that Time, I think, had publiſhed his Britannia, wherein he aſſerts ſome Things that the Scots Antiquaries were mightily diſpleas'd with, and none more than Commiſſar Maule, who was one of the moſt ſtrenuous Aſſerters of the Freedom and Independency of Scotland, and among the firſt who attacked Cambden; in which he was ſeconded by Mr. Hume of Godſcroft, and afterward by the learned Mr. Drummond of Hawthornden. Beſide other very judicious Remarks on the Hiſtory of his Country, I obſerve from the little I have ſeen of Mr. Maule's M S. that he hath happily hit upon a better Notion of the ancient Culdees, than any Author before him; and when I have Occaſion to peruſe more of his Book in Relation to that Matter, I ſhall not fail to do his Memory all imaginable Juſtice, and frankly own the Helps I had from him in a Diſſertation concerning the Culdees I have by me, and which I intend, GOD willing, to communicate to the World.

Thomas Maule of Pitlivie the fifth Son, married Mary Daughter to . . . . . . Lighton of Uliſhaven, by whom he had two Sons, Thomas and Robert Maules, Eſquires, which laſt was Gentleman of the Privy-Chamber to King Charles I. Thomas Maule the elder Brother, tranſported himſelf to the Kingdom of Ireland, where he eſtabliſhed a Family, which ſtill continues in that Kingdom with Luſtre, and being a gallant brave Man, and a moſt hearty Loyaliſt in the Service of King Charles I. in the Time of the Civil War, was Lieutenant Colonel to the Marquis of Ormond's own Regiment, when he acted as Lieutenant General for the King in that Kingdom. The Colonel left behind him two Sons, William Maule, Eſq Surveyor General of the Cuſtoms of Dublin, and Thomas Maule, Eſq one of the Grooms of the Bedchamber to Prince George of Denmark, and Lieutenant of the Yeomen of the Guard in England, a Gentleman of Honour and Merit.

George Maule, Eſq the ſixth Son.

James Maule, Eſq the ſeventh Son.

Margaret, only Daughter, married to James Stewart, Eſq Son of John Earl of Athole.

Patrick, the next in the direct Line of this noble Family, tho he was a Gentleman of very good Parts, yet did not make ſo great an Appearance as ſome of his Predeceſſors, it being a Time of profound Peace he lived in; tho we cannot ſay what Figure he might have made, had he had any Opportunity to exert himſelf in the Service of his Country in the Wars againſt the Engliſh; but then all National Animoſities were outwardly removed by the Union of the Crowns in the Perſon of King James VI. of glorious Memory, who before the Time of his Acceſſion to the Engliſh Crown, as a Mark of his [396] Favour to the Laird of Panmure, did make him heretable Bailiff of the Barony of Barry, an Office his Anceſtors had exerced by Commiſſion from the Abbots of Balmerino, or others who had that Abbacy in Commendam, and which Office his Succeſſors enjoy heretably to this Time; and dying the firſt of May 1605a, left Iſſue by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of Sir John Erskine of Dun b, Superintendant of Angus and Mearns after the Reformation, and, as I have found him deſign'd, Biſhop of that Dioceſec, by Barbara du Borle his Wife, a French Lady, one of the Maids of Honour to Mary of Lorrain, Wife of King James V.

Patrick the firſt Earl of Panmure, and ſeveral Daughters;

Jean married to David Erskine of Dun, and had Iſſue. And,

Barbara to James Strachan of Carmylie, and had Iſſue.

Which Patrick being a Perſon of good Parts and Qualities, and of a Family which had always been firm to the Crown, in his Youth betook himſelf to the Court of King James, and being of a pleaſant Humor and Diſpoſition, of a notable Affability in his Behaviour, and well qualified by his Breeding for any Service his Maſter ſhould think fit to employ him in, he quickly grew to be very acceptable to the King, and into a general Eſteem with the Court, inſomuch as his Majeſty in a ſhort Time made him one of the Gentlemen of the Bedchamber, about the Time or a little after his Entrance to England in 1603, and as he attended his Majeſty into that Kingdom, ſo he lived upon his own Fortune, without any other Support than the Profits of his Place, and his Majeſty's Favour. Mr. Maule liv'd always decently, and in a fair Intelligence with the Favourites, having always Credit enough to provide for his own Intereſt, without troubling himſelf with that of other Men. And that which made him exceedingly beloved in the Court, was, that he never deſired to get that for himſelf which others laboured for, but was ever ready to uſe his Intereſt with his Maſter, to promote the Pretences of worthy Men. As this his Behaviour made him many Friends, ſo few or none had the Confidence to avow themſelves to be his Enemies: and as he had always a full Share in his Majeſty's Eſteem and Favour, who looked on him as a wiſe and faithful Servant, ſo he was graciouſly pleaſed to give many Teſtimonies thereof, particularly in a new Charter to him, under the Great Seal, of his ancient Barony of Panmure in 1610. The Narrative bears the Grant to be made by his Majeſty, i [...] Conſideration of the good, loyal and acceptab [...]e Service done and performed to Us, by Our intirely beloved, familiar, faithful and domeſtick Servant Patrick Maule of Panmure, one of the Gentlemen of Our Bedchamber, in his faithful and diligent Attendance upon Our Royal Perſon for theſe many Years paſt, even from his Youth, and his ready Diſpoſition and Capacity to do Us all laudable Service at all Times and on all Occaſions, as he ſhall be commanded by Us, of which his moſt faithful and acceptable Service, We have full and ſufficient Experience. Moreover in the new Gift of the ſame Charter, whereby the King diſpones to him the Patronage of the Church of Panbride; His Majeſty declares his Motive to the Grant, to be upon His own ſufficient Experience of the Wiſdom, Di [...]cretion and Judgment of the ſaid Patrick Maule of Panmure, and his prudent [397] Management of his own Affairs, and of the ardent Zeal and Affection which he has for the Propagation of the Goſpel.

For King James was ever moſt ſolicitous, after the reſtoring of Epiſcopacy, to have the Laick Patronages in the Hands of ſuch Perſons as were Friends to the Church as then eſtabliſhed by Law; and his Son King Charles of ever bleſſed Memory, who did not come ſhort of his Royal Father, but rather exceeded him in his Zeal for the Church, being fully ſatisfied of Mr. Maule's Affection that Way, and of his unblemiſhed Integrity in the Proteſtant Religion, his Majeſty gave his Royal Conſent and Approbation to the Tranſaction, which paſſed betwixt him and the Earl of Dyſart, by which he purchaſed the Abbacy of Aberbrothock, which was erected into a temporal Lordſhip, with the Right of Patronage of the Churches of Aberbrothock, Arbirlot, Monikie, Muirhouſe, Dunighton, Maynes, Lunan, Inverkilor, Ethie, Moniſuith, Clova, Ruthven, Glamis, Kirriemuir, Kingoldrum, Newtyle, Gaval, Dunbug, Abernethy, Inverneſs, Aberchirdor, Bamff, Glamrie, Langlie, Guildie, Kinernie, Banchorie Trinity, Bethelvie, Forgie, Fyvie, Tarves, Nig and Feterangus a, all ſormerly belonging to the diſſolved Monaſtry of Aberl rothock, which beſides the old Patronages of his own Family, made him among the greateſt Patrons of any in Scotland.

As Mr. Maule of Panmure liv'd in the greateſt Favour a [...]d Eſteem with King James, who had always a very good Opinion of him, ſo at his Death he commended him to his Son King Charles, as a Perſon to be relied on in Honour and Fidelity, of which that Prince himſelf was alſo very well ſatisfied and pleaſed, for he not only continued him in his Bedchamber, but made him alſo Sheriff-Principal of Forfarſhire, when the Crown acquired the Hereditary Right of that Office from the Family of Gray in 1632b, the King always lodging theſe new acquired Juriſdictions in the Hands of ſuch Perſons as he could confide in.

When the Troubles broke out, Mr. Maule, being a Perſon of moſt eminent Affection and of intire Devotion to the Crown, adhered to the King with great Honour and Fidelity, was with him in all the Battles in which his Majeſty was ingaged in his own Royal Perſon, and thereafter went with him to Oxford, where he ſtay'd till the firſt War was brought to an End, by his Majeſty's putting himſelf in the Scots Army before Newark.

Aſſoon as it was known where the King was, Mr. Maule repaired to him and waited on him thence to Newcaſtle, when his Majeſty thought fit to put a laſting Mark of his Favour on his old faithful Servant, and made him a Peer, by the Title of Earl of Panmure, Auguſt 3d 1646c, with as great Circumſtances of Grace and Favour as could be expreſſed: For in the Preamble to the Patent, his Majeſty was graciouſly pleaſed to call to Remembrance his Lordſhip's Services to his Father, and his Fidelity to himſelf, which he declared in theſe Words, WHEREAS We have particular Knowledge of the long and faithful Service of Our well beloved Patrick Maule Baron of Panmure, one of the Gentlemen of Our Bedchamber, both in the Reign of Our moſt dear Father of ever bleſſed Memory, and alſo ever ſince Our Acceſſion to the Throne, now theſe one and twenty Years, by a cloſe Adherence to Our Sacred Perſon; and ſeeing We are moſt ready to beſtow ſome Mark of Our Royal Favour on the ſaid Patrick, now that he is turning old: KNOW YE THERFORE, That We have created, &c.

[398] Thereafter when the King was delivered up by the Scots Army, to ſuch Perſons whom the Engliſh Parliament had appointed to receive him, the Earl of Panmure attended on his Majeſty to Holmby in Northamptonſhire; and tho the Parliament's Commiſſioners had declared, that his Majeſty ſhould be treated with all Demonſtration of Reſpect and Duty, and waited on by ſuch of his Servants as he ſhould appoint, yet he had not continued there many Days before the Parliament gave Orders to diſmiſs ſuch of his Servants as were there, and had waited on him at Oxford: And tho the Demand was very grating to the Kinga, yet that he might not ſeem to refuſe to give them Satisfaction in any Thing they required, he yielded to their Deſire, but in the Inſtant they were to be diſcharged, the King ſignified that it would be well pleaſing to him, that the Commiſſioners would allow only Two of his old truſty Servants to attend him, and this he would look upon as a Teſtimony of their Reſpect to him; which being granted, his Majeſty was pleaſed to pitch upon the Earl of Panmure and the Earl of Dirletoun, both the Earls being Perſons in whom his Majeſty had an abſolute Confidence, and that he was ſure neither of them would either deceive or betray him. The Earl of Panmure was with his Majeſty, when Cornet Joice came on the 3d of June 1647, with a Troop of Horſe, and violently ſeized on the King's Perſon, and carried him from Holmby to the Army, and after to Hampton-Court; his Lordſhip having Liberty to attend his Maſter in all the Removes he made, which was to his Majeſty's great Satisfaction: And tho at firſt the King enjoyed himſelf much more, having the Liberty of his own Servants, than he had before, when he was at Ho [...]mby: Yet alas! It was not long before the chief Officers of the Army ſeem'd more regardleſs of the King, and treated his Servants with leſs Civility, inſomuch as his Majeſty ( [...]rom an Apprehenſion they had ſome ſecret Deſign upon his Life) made his Eſcape upon the 11th November 1648 from Hampton Court b, and unhappily went to the Iſland of Wight, which prov'd ſo fatal to him. Thither his Lordſhip, ſo ſoon as he had Intelligence where the King was gone, repaired to him, having no Reaſon to doubt but that his Preſence would be very acceptable to his Maſterc: And his Lordſhip attended in his Office in the Bedchamber, till his Majeſty having refuſed to give his Royal Aſſent to the four Bills the Parliament had then ſent to him, which he ſaid did diveſt him of all Sovereignty, that Colonel Hamond the Governor of the Place, by Order from his Maſters, cauſed all the King's Servants to be immediately put out of Carisbrook caſtle, and forbid any of them to repair thither any more upon their Perild; whereupon the Earl, after the King had uſed many gracious Expreſſions of his Lordſhips faithful Services, kiſſed his Majeſty's Hands, and took a ſad Farewell of his Maſter, appearing to have little Hope ever to ſee him again in this World, and departing for Scotland, lived quietly at his own Houſe in the Country, keeping his Heart and Affections always intire for the King.

After the Murther of his Majeſty, and the total Suppreſſion of the Royal Cauſe, tho the Earl of Panmure was very aged, and ſo out of Capacity himſelf to have appeared in any [399] Action for the King's Service, yet when Cromwel prevail'd, and got himſelf made Protector, that Arch-Tyrant and Traytor, did by an Ordinance of his Council very arbitrarily impoſe a Fine on the Earl of Panmure of 10000 lib Sterl. a, for no other Reaſon, but his being a Perſon of known Loyalty, and having his Sons engaged in the King's Service.

After which he lived with Eaſe and Plenty in his Fortune, which was very great, and in great Reputation with all thoſe who wiſhed well to the Crown; the Reſtoration of which, as no Man more heartily wiſhed, ſo he had the Comfort of ſeeing it brought about, by a moſt ſurpriſing Act of Providence, when there appeared leaſt Hope of it, and leaſt worldly Means to bring it to paſs, which was the Thing his Lordſhip had longed moſt paſſionately to ſee before he ſhould leave the World. He died on the 22d of December 1661, and was inter'd in the Vault of his Family at Panbride Church, with his Anceſtors.

This noble Earl married three Wives, firſt, Frances Daughter of Sir Edward Stanhope of Grimſtoun, of the County of York, Knight, of the ſame Family with the Earl of Cheſterfield in England; by whom he had four Children, viz.

George Lord Brechin, his Succeſſor in the Honour.

Colonel Hary Maule of Balmakelly, who in the End of the Reign of King Charles I. betook himſelf to the Service of the King, and had a Regiment beſtowed on him in the Army, that was raiſed in order to redeem his Majeſty from Priſon, and reſtore him to his Freedom and Liberty: but being taken Priſoner at the Battle of Preſton, he found Means to make his Eſcape into Scotland, and with the ſame Affections the Colonel engaged again in the Service of King Charles II. and had the Command of a Regiment of Foot, at the unfortunate Battle of Dunbar, where he gain'd the Reputation of a ſtout and active Officer.

He married firſt Jean Daughter of John Earl of Weems, by whom he had a Daughter Mary, who died at Panmure Anno 1693; and again Margaret, a Lady of the Douglaſses of Spot, by whom he left only one Daughter, Margaret married to Alexander Cochran of Barbachly, and had Iſſue, and dying in the Spring of the Year 1667, was on the 8th of April b interred in the Abbay Church of Holy-roodhouſe.

Lady Jean eldeſt Daughter to Patrick Earl of Panmure, was married to David Earl of Ethie and Northesk, and had a numerous Iſſue.

Lady Elizabeth firſt to John Earl of Kinghorn, Anceſtor to the preſent Earl of Strathmore; and again to George Earl of Linlithgow, Juſtice-General of Scotland in the Reign of King Charles II. and was Mother to three Earls, viz. Strathmore, Linlithgow, and Calendar.

The Earl married to his ſecond Wife Mrs. Mary Waldrum, one of the Maids of Honour to the Queen; and after that the Lady Mary Erskine, Daughter of John Earl of Mar, Lord High-Treaſurer of Scotland, by the Lady Mary Stewart his Wife, Daughter of Eſme Duke of Lennox, Widow of William Earl Marſhal; but by neither the other Lady, nor the Counteſs Marſhal, had he any Children that came to Age.

To Patrick Earl of Panmure ſucceeded George Lord Brechin his Son. This noble Lord was too young to be engaged in the War when it firſt broke out, during which Time he had his Education in France and Italy: But by the Time King Charles II. arrived [400] in Scotland in 1650, purſuant to the Treaty of Breda, his Lordſhip being now of Age, of Parts, and undoubted Loyalty and Affection to the Crown, waited on his Majeſty, his Father the old Earl being now ſtruck in Years and troubled with the Infirmities of Age: And aſſoon as the Parliament raiſed an Army for the King, the Lord Brechin being a Nobleman not only firm to the Principles of Monarchy, but alſo of great Duty and Affection to the Perſon of the King, heartily engaged in the Service himſelf, and endeavoured to diſpoſe all thoſe, upon whom he had Influence, to take the ſame Reſolutions; and it ſoon appeared his Intereſt in the Country was very great, for his Lordſhip being appointed Colonel of the Forfarſhi [...]e Regiment of Horſe, many of the principal Gentlemen engaged themſelves in the Service, and came to his Regiment out of Devotion and Reſpect to his Lordſhip, as well as Duty to the King, and ſerved under him as Officers. His Lordſhip was at the Head of his Regiment at the unſucceſsful Battles of Dunbar and Inverkeithing, at both which he fought with very remarkable Courage, and at the laſt of theſe his Regiment behaved ſo well, and ſuffered ſo much, that he himſelf was wounded, his Lieutenant Colonel and Major and many other of his Officers killed; and when the Action was over, his Soldiers were ſo diſperſed, that ſcarce ſixty of them could ever be got together again. But that Misfortune did not in the leaſt diſcourage him from being every Way as active and forward again in advancing and conducing all he could toward his Majeſty's Service, for after the Coronation was over, in which his Lordſhip aſſiſted as a young Peera, when the Parliament appointed another Army to be raiſed for the Recovery of his other two Kingdoms, Scotland being intirely united in his Majeſty's Service, no Body appeared more forward to advance the Work in Hand than the Lord Brechin, in order to which his Lordſhip was one of thoſe who met with old General Leſly Earl of Levin, and ſeveral other Peers and Officers of Note, at Eliot in Augus, as a Place which was thought very favourable for making Levies, which they all intended; but they had not ſtay'd long there, when the Lord Brechin gave it as his Opinion, that the Place where they were had nothing for Defence, and adviſed the General to draw further into the Country for their Security, and told the General, that he was not ſure, that if a Detachment from the Garriſon of Dundee ſhould make a brisk Attempt, they might not be all ſurpriſed and taken out of their Beds: But the General being of another Mind, his Lordſhip, who better knew the Country than any of the other Lords, and ſo more ſenſible of the Danger, to ſecure himſelf left the Committee, and retired to Sidlawhills; and it was ſoon evident what the Lord Brechin had adviſed was right, for the very Evening of the Day, or ſoon after he had left them, the whole Committee was ſurpriſed and taken Priſoners by a ſtrong Party of the Engliſh, and ſent to London, and committed to the Tower, where all of them except General Leſly underwent a long Impriſonment, even till the Reſtoration of the King.

The Lord Brechin being at Liberty in the Hills, the Loyaliſts, from all Quarters, reſorted to him, after the Fight of Worceſter, and put themſelves under his Command; and his Lordſhip behaved in that Station very worthily, and made often Skirmiſhes [401] 2073 with the Enemy, and ſometimes with notable Advantage, and made frequent Incurſions in the Night into the Engliſh Quarters, which gave General Monk ſome Trouble; But being convinced of the Impoſſibility of keeping up an Attempt, which at laſt muſt prove ruinous to himſelf, and could do the King no Service, he made his Peace with the General next Year, without any other Compliance to the preſent Powers than the laying down his Arms, and thereupon retired to his own Houſe, where he remained quietly, prepared and diſpoſed to run the Fortune of the Crown, to which he was moſt entirely devoted, in any other Attempt.

When the King came Home in 1660, his Lordſhip repaired to London, to congratulate his Majeſty and the Royal Family upon their happy Reſtoration; and tho' his Majeſty received his Lordſhip with a very good Countenance, yet he was not rewarded with any great Dignity or Preferment, as was expected, and with which ſome others were, who had not been ſo faithfull to the King, as the Earl of Panmure. But as that was the Fate of very many of the loyal Party, who had ſerved the King with the utmoſt Fidelity, as well as his Lordſhip, ſo it was much more to be imputed to the Miniſtry than to the King himſelf: For 'tis reported, that ſome in great Credit with his Majeſty endeavoured to inſtill into the King's Mind a Principle, that he muſt prefer his Enemies, and advance them, to gain them to be his Friends; and for his old Friends, it was no matter how he uſed them, for they would be ſo ſtill: And indeed it fell out ſo, that very many, who had ſuffered moſt in their Perſons and Fortunes for the Crown, were not recompenſed upon the Reſtoration, according to their Merit, or conſidered as they deſerved: Of which Number this Noble Earl, I may truly ſay, was one of the moſt eminent Inſtances; which miſtaken Politick of the then States-men, as it was obſerved thro' that whole Reign, ſo many great and wiſe Men have thought, that its being followed, did bring no ſmall Prejudice and Inconve [...]ence to the Crown thereafter. But notwithſtanding his Lordſhip was overlooked as to any Preſerment, yet he did not on that Account, as many others did, oppoſe himſelf to the Court, but in all the Parliaments and National Conventions, which were called while he lived, and on which his Lordſhip conſtantly attended, he always diſtinguiſhed himſelf by a hearty Concurrence in whatſoever was propoſed for advancing the Honour of the Crown, and the Welfare and Happineſs of the Kingdom, which he made manifeſt by his ſeveral Speeches, whereby he left behind him laſting Monuments of his great Knowledge in our Conſtitution and Laws, of his unſhaken Loyalty to his Prince, and his intire Love to his Country, inſomuch as I have heard ſome eminent Men, who were his Contemporaries, ſpeak of him with great Honour, as a Nobleman in as high Reputation for his great Abilities and eminent Integrity as any Man of his Time, and dying 24. of March 1671, he was interr'd at Panbride with his Anceſtors.

This Noble Earl married Jean eldeſt Daughter of John Earl of Lowdoun, Lord High Chancellor of Scotland in the Reign of King Charles I. [402] by whom he had three Sons and a Daughter, viz.

George, Lord Maule, his Succeſſor in the Honour,

James Maule of Balumby now Earl of Panmure,

Hary Maule of Kelly, who in his younger Years travelled into foreign Parts, and ſpent much of his Time at the Courts of France and England. At the Revolution he was a Member of the Convention of Eſtates, which he left when he perceived they would forfeit King James, and has never ſince been concerned in any publick Affairs, having always continued a Non-juror; but in his Retirement has greatly improved his natural Parts, by a cloſe Application to the Hiſtory and Laws of his Country. He married firſt Mary, Daughter of William Earl of Wigton, by Henrietta his Wife, Daughter of Charles Earl of Dumfermling, Lord Privy-Seal in the Reign of King Charles II. by whom he had George, who died an Infant, James Maule Eſq William Maule Eſq and two Daughters, Henrietta, who died young, and Jean. He married to his ſecond Wife, Anne Daughter of Mr. Patrick Lindſay of Kilbirny, and of Margaret his Wife, Daughter and Heir of Sir John Crawford of Kilbirny, and Siſter to John firſt Viſcount of Garnock: By her he had Patrick, John, Thomas, and a Daughter Margaret, all young, and David and Charles who died Infants.

Lady Mary Maule, only Daughter of George Earl of Panmure, was married firſt to Charles Earl of Mar, and thereafter to Colonel John Erskine, Son of Sir Charles Erskine of Alva.

George Earl of Panmure being a young Nobleman of very bright and conſpicuous Parts, was by King Charles II. when he came to Age, call'd to his Majeſty's Privy Council, as he was likewiſe of the Council to King James. He married Jean, only Daughter of John Earl of Wigton, by Anne his Wife, Daughter of Henry Lord Kerr, by whom he had a Son, George Lord Maule, who died an Infant, whom the Earl himſelf did not long ſurvive, for Death overtook him on the 1. of February 1686a, to the great Grief, not only of his own Relations, but of all thoſe who had the Honour to know him, who exceedingly lamented his immature Death, as a great Loſs to his Country. He was interr'd in the ſame Vault with his Father and Grandfather, at the Church of Panbride, the Eſtate and Honour of the Family devolving on

James Maule of Balumby his Brother, who alter having paſſed the Courſe of his Studies at Home, together with his younger Brother, travel'd abroad into foreign Parts: He ſerv'd as a Volunteer at the Siege of Luxemburgh, where he eminently ſignaliz'd his Courage, inſomuch as his Valour was very particulary taken Notice of.

Upon his Acceſſion to the Honour he was named one of the Lords of his Majeſty's Privy-Council, from which he was ſoon thereafter removed, for not complying with the Deſign of the Court, in taking away the penal Laws againſt Popery. But tho' his Lordſhip did always ſhew himſelf very firm to the Proteſtant Intereſt thro' the whole of that Reign, yet in the Convention of Eſtates he vigorouſly appeared for the Intereſt of King James; and when the Crown was ſettled on King William and Queen Mary, he left the Meeting, and has ſince continued a Non-juror.

When the great Affair of the Union with England came to be conſidered in the Parliament, tho' his Lordſhip did not think fit to qualify himſelf by taking the Oaths enjoined by Law, to enter his Diſſent againſt it in a Parliamentary Way as a Peer, yet no Body was more heartily averſe to it, as appeared both from his meeting with the Principals of thoſe who [403] were the moſt zealous Oppoſers of it, and in promoting and influencing Addreſſes againſt it, from the Places where his Intereſt lay, judging it againſt the Honour and Intereſt of the Nation, and ſubverſive of the Sovereignty and fundamental Conſtitution of the Kingdom. His Lordſhip married the Lady Margaret, third and youngeſt Daughter of William and Anne, Duke and Dutcheſs of Hamilton, but hath no Iſſue.


Parted per Pale, Argent and Gules, a Border charged with Eight Eſcalops, countercharged of the ſame. Supporters, Two Grayhounds, Argent, coloured Gules. Creſt, a Dragon Vert, ſpouting Fire. Motto, Ineſt Clementia Forti.

DRUMMOND, Earl of Perth.

IN the Time of King Alexander II. flouriſh'd Malcolm Beg Drymen, who was then poſſeſs'd of the Lands of Drymen in the County of Stirling, from which no doubt the Sirname was firſt aſſumed, and was Seneſchal to Malduin Earl of Lennox, the Paternal Anceſtor to all our Britiſh Kings of the Stuartine Family, whoſe Daughter Adda he marrieda; and by her he had Malcolm his Succeſſor, the Father of another Malcolm, who is deſign'd Malcolm de Drymen Filius Malcolmi Drymen, in a Grant which he obtained from Malis Earl of Strathern, of the Lands of Culkelly, within that Earldom, ſine data.

This noble antient Family extended it ſelf into two principal Branches, viz. the Dromonds of Stobhall and Concraig. And tho' 'tis clear the laſt was the Younger of the Twob, yet it not only continued to flouriſh for many Ages among the firſt Rank of the Gentry of Perth-Shire, but alſo produced many other Families who ſtill continue there in Luſtre, of which Lieutenant General Drummond has given a very diſtinct and exact Account, in a curious Collection which he left behind him, the Peruſal of which I have had by the Favour of John Drummond, M.D.

Sir John Drummond of Stobhall, the Head of the Drummond Family in the Reign of King David II. maintain'd a long and fatal Fewd with the great Family of the Menteiths, which at Length was amicably compos'd by the Mediation of Robert High Steward of Scotland, and Earl of Strathern, the Earls of Douglaſs and Angus, and the Lord of Arran, in Preſence of the two great Juſticiaries Sir Robert Erſkine and Sir Hugh Eglintoun on Terms of great Honour to Sir John Drummond, his Friends and Allies, on the 1ſt of May 1360c. He encreaſed and enlarged his Eſtate by the Marriage of Mary, one of the Daughters and Co-Heirs of Sir William de Montefix, Kt.d, Juſticiar of Scotland, by whom he had Malcolm his Succeſſor, Sir John Drummond of Cargil, and William Drummond firſt of that Branch of the Drummonds of Carnock in the County of Stirling e, of whom ſprang the Family of Hathornden, the Heir of which, William Drummond Eſq in the Reign of King Charles I. was an Honour to his Name, and an [404] Ornament to his Country for his great Learning and excellent Parts, as his immortal Writings do ſufficiently teſtify to Poſterity. Beſides theſe Three Sons, Sir John Drummond left likewiſe a Daughter, Annabella married to John Ea [...]l of Carrick, thereafter King of Scotland, by the Name of Robert III. by which illuſtrious Alliance not only our Kings in particular are deſcended or allyed with the Family of Drummond, but moſt of all the other crown'd Heads of Europe, an Honour which few private Families can boaſt of, our Royal Family never having married with any of their own Subjects after King Robert III. married this Lady of the Drummond Family, but always thereafter intermarried with other Princes abroad.

Which Sir Malcolm Drummond married the Lady Iſobel Douglaſs, Daughter of William the firſt Earl of Douglaſs, and of Margaret, Counteſs and Heireſs of Mar, Heir at length of the Earldom of Mar, to James Earl of Douglaſs her Brother; in whoſe Right Sir Malcolm Drummond was not only ſtil'd Lord of Mar a, but alſo of Garrioch and Lydſdale; but he dying Anno 1400. without any Iſſue by the Lady, her Eſtate reverted to herſelf, and his hereditary Fortune devolved to his Brother

Sir John Drummond, who was one of the Barons delegated to attend King James I. home from England when he was liberated from his Captivity, Anno 1423b. He married Elizabeth, Daughter of Henry Earl of Orkney c, by whom he had Walter his Succeſſor, John a younger Son who went abroad, and a Daughter Elizabeth, married to Thomas Kinnaird of That-Ilk, in vicecom. de Perth.

Sir Walter Drummond [...] was made a Knight by King James II. and married Margaret, Daughter of Sir Patrick Ruthven of That Ilkd; by her he had Sir Malcolm, John who was Dean of Dunblain, Walter Drummond of Liddercrief, of whom ſprang the Drummonds of Blair-Drummond e, and their Cadets.

Sir Malcolm Drummond, his Father's Succeſſor, married Marion, Daughter of Sir David Murray of Tillybardin, f, by whom he had John, the firſt Lord Drummond, Walt [...]r Dean of D [...]nblain, who was Clerk Regiſter in the Reign of King James IV.g. and James Drummond of Corrieveſter, Thomas, of whom Innermay, Cultmalind [...]e, &c.

Which John being a Man of Parts and Activity, was in 1471 named one of the Lords of the Seſſion, for the Adminiſtration of Juſtice, and was afterward made Steward of Strathern, by the ſpecial Favour of King James III. After the Death of that Prince, Sir John Drummond defeat the Earl of Lennox and the Lord Lyle, who had raiſed Forces, and were marching northward, endeavouring to join with others who had taken the ſame Reſolutions with themſelves to revenge King James's Death; for which ſignal Service he was created Lord Drummond, and conſtituted Juſticiar of Scotland, in Place of the Lord Lyle h; which Office he enjoyed till that Lord was again reſtored.

He married Ebizabeth, Daughter of David Earl of Crawfurd i, by whom he had William his Son and Heir apparent, who died before himſelf in 1511, Sir John Drummond of Innerpeffrey, of whom by a younger Son Henry, ſprung the Drummonds of Riccartoun in Lithgow-Shire; which Lands he obtained [405] by Marriage of an Heir Female of the Crichtons; likewiſe Five Daughters,

Margaret affianced, ſays my Author, to King James IV. by whom he had a Daughter Jean, married to John Maſter of Huntly a, Son and Heir apparent to George Earl of Huntly,

Elizabeth married to George Maſter of Angus b, Son and Heir of Archbald Earl of Angus.

Beatrix to James Earl of Arran, by whom he had one Daughterc, Margaret married to Andrew Lord Ochiltree.

Annabell [...] to William Lord Graham d, firſt Earl of Montroſe.

Eupham to John Fleeming e, at that Time Grandſon and Heir apparent to Robert Lord Fleeming.

William Maſter of Drummond, married Iſabel, Daughter of Colin Ea [...]l of Argyle, by whom he had Walter, who carried on the Line of the Family, and Andrew Drummond, of whom the Drummonds of Belliclon f.

Which Walter married Elizabeth, Daughter of William Earl of Montroſe, and died before his Grandfather, leaving a Son David, who immediately ſucceeded his Great-Grandfather upon his Death, which happen'd in the 1519g.

Which David married firſt Margaret, Daughter of Alexander Stewart, Son of Alexander Duke of Albany, by whom he had one Daughter Sibilla, married to Gilbert Ogilvy of Powrie; next Lilias, Daughter of William Lord Ruthven, by whom he had Patrick his Succeſſor, James the firſt Lord Madertie, alſo Five Daughters.

Jean married to John Earl of Montroſe h, Lord High Chancellor of Scotland.

Anne to John Earl of Mar.

Lilias to David Earl of Crawfurd.

Catharine to John Earl of Tillybardin.

Mary to Sir Archbald Stirl [...]ng of K [...]r.

Patrick, Lord Drummond married Elizabeth, Daughter of Sir David Lindſay of E [...]ziel, who was Earl of Crawfurd i, by whom he had Two Sons, James and John, who were ſucceſſively Earls of Perth, and Five Daughters,

Catharine married to James Maſter of Rothes, Son and Heir of Andrew Earl of Rothes.

Lilias to Alexander Earl of Dunfermling.

Jean to Robert Earl of Roxburgh.

Elizabeth to Alexander Lord Elphinſtoun,

Anne to Patrick Barclay of Towie.

Which James was by the ſpecial Care of his Father well educated both at Home and Abroad, upon the Acceſſion of King James VI. to the Crown of Great Britain, he was ſent Ambaſſador with Charles Earl of Notingham, Lord High Admiral of England, to Philip III. of Spain, for taking that King's Oath upon the Ratification of the Articles of Peace concluded betwixt the two Crowns; which Negotiation he performed with Honour and Succeſs. After his Return his Majeſty was pleas'd to raiſe him to the Honour of, Earl of Perth, by Letters Patent, bearing Date, March 4th, 1605k. He married Iſobel, Daughter of Robert firſt Earl of Winton, by whom he had only one Daughter Jean married to John Earl of Sutherland; and dying very young in December 1611, his Eſtate and Title devolved to

John his Brother and Heir, who married Jean Daughter of Robert Earl of Roxburgh, by Mary his firſt Wife, [406] Daughter of Sir William Maitland of Lethington, by whom he had James his Succeſſor, Sir John Drummond of Logie-Almond, Sir William, who became Earl of Roxburgh, by the Marriage of the Lady Jean Kerr, Daughter of Henry Lord Kerr, Grandchild and Heir of Robert firſt Earl of Roxburgh; likewiſe two Daughters, Jean married to John Earl of Wigtoun, and Lilias to James Earl of Tillybardin; and dying on the 11th of June 1662a, was ſucceeded by

James his Son and Heir, who departing this Life on the 2d of June 1675b, left Iſſue by Anne his Wife, Daughter of George Marquis of Huntly, James his Succeſſor, John Earl of Melfort, and a Daughter Anne, married to John Earl of Errol.

Which James was in the End of the Reign of King Charles II. conſtituted firſt Juſtice General on the 1ſt of May 1682c, and thereafter preferred to be Lord High Chancellor of Scotland the 23d of June 1684d, on the Removal of the Earl of Aberdeen. In which high Station his Lordſhip not only continued the Remainder of that Reign, but alſo thro' the whole of the Reign of King James VII. with whom he was the great Favourite, even till the Revolution, that the Government was diſſolved. Upon the King's withdrawing into France, the Earl after ſome Time of Impriſonment was ſuffer'd to tranſport himſelf thither, to run the Fortune of his Maſter, who to allay the Senſe of his Sufferings on his Acc [...]nt continued him Lord Keeper of the Great Seal for Scotland, and created him a Duke, and beſtowed the Garter on him, as he had done the Thiſtle before.

He married firſt Jean Daughter of William Marquis of Douglas, by whom he had James Lord Drummond his Son and Heir apparent, and a Daughter M [...]ry married to William Earl Mariſchal.

His ſecond Wife was Lilias, Daughter of Sir James Drummond of Machany, Widow of James Earl of Tillybardin; by whom he had John Drummond of Balegerno: And laſt of all, he married Mary, Daughter of Lewis Marquis of Huntly; by her he had a Son Edward Drummond, Eſq who lives Abroad in France.

James Lord Drummond, in his Father's Time married the Lady Jean, Daughter of George Duke of Gordon, by whom he has Iſſue James, John, Lady Mary, Lady Catharine, &c.


Or, Three Bars vave, Gules, ſupported by Two Savages, wreath'd about the Loins proper. Creſt, a ſlouth Hound ſtanding on a Ducal Coronet. Motto, Gang warily.

Frederick Stewart, Lord Pitenweem,

WAS the Son and Heir of Colonel William Stewart of Houſton, Commendator of Pitenweem, Captain of the Guard in the Time of King James VI. a Brother of the Houſe of Galſtoun in Air-Shire, who was by the Favour of King James rais'd to the Dignity of Lord Pittenweem in 1609e, but dying without Iſſue Male, the Honour did not deſcend to his other Heirs.

FORBES, Lord Pitſligo.


THE Firſt of this noble Family was Sir William Forbes, a younger Son of Sir John Forbes of Drummanor, who in the Time of King James I. got the Barony of Pitſligo in Aberdeen-Shire, by the Marriage of Margaret, only Daughter of Sir William Fraſer of Philorth, by Helen his Wife, a Lady of the Douglaſſes a, by whom he had

Alexander his Heir, the lineal Anceſtor of Sir John Forbes of Pitſligo, who by Chriſtian his Wife, Daughter of Walter Lord Deskford b, had

Sir Alexander his Son and Heir, whom King Charles I. was pleas'd to honour with the Peerage, by the Title of Lord Pitſligo, June 24th, 1633c. He married Jean, Daughter of William Earl Mariſchal, by whom he had

Alexander his Succeſſor, and a Daughter married to Sir John Gordon of Haddo, and dying 26th of October 1635d, was ſucceeded by

Alexander his Son and Heir, who by Mary his Wife, Daughter of James Earl of Buchan, had Alexan [...]er his Succeſſor, who departing this Life in 1691, left Iſſue by Sophiae his Wife, Daughter of John Earl of Mar, Alexander the preſent Lord, who married Rebecca, Daughter of John Nortoun of London Merchant, by whom he has a Son Alexander, Maſter of Pitſligo.

COLLIER, Earl of Portmore.

COLONEL David Collier, Son of Sir Alexander Collier, was by King William honoured with the Peerage of this Realm, by the Title of Lord Portmore, the 1ſt of J [...]ne 1699e; and was [...]y her Majeſty Queen Anne further honoured with the Dignity of Earl of Portmore, by Letters Patent 16th April 1703f. He married the Counteſs of Docheſter, by whom he has J [...]mes Lord Collier, and David Collier, Eſq

GRAHAM, Viſcount of Preſton.

SIR Richard Graham of Neederby, in the County of Northumberland, Son and Heir of Sir George Graham of Esk, by Mary his Wife, Daughter of J [...]mes Earl of Annandale, and Grandſon and Heir of Sir Richard Graham of Nortoun in York-Shire; branch'd from the Family of Menteth, was, in Conſideration both of his Grandfather's Sufferings and Loyalty for King Charles I. as well as his own perſonal Merit, by the ſpecial Favour of King Charles II. raiſed to the Honour of Viſcount Preſton, Lord Graham of Esk, by Letters Patent, bearing Date 22d of May 1681g. He was afterward by King James VII. conſtituted one of the Principal [408] Secretaries of State for the Kingdom of England; which Office he enjoyed till the Revolution. He married Anne, Daughter of Charles Earl of Carliſle, by whom he had Edward his Succeſſor, whoſe Son and Heir is Richard the preſent Lord Viſcount Preſton.

PRIMEROSE, Viſcount of Primeroſe.

THE Sirname of Primeroſe, like many others, is local, and has without doubt been aſſumed from the Lands of Primeroſe in Fife-Shire, but the preciſe Time when, I have not been able to diſcover. The direct Anceſtor of this noble Family was Duncan Primeroſe, deſcended of an ancient Stock of that Name near the Burrough of Culroſs in Perth-Shire, where he fixed his Reſidence in the Time of Queen Mary, and left Iſſue by Janet his Wife, Daughter of . . . . . Main of Arthurhouſe a, Archbald; and Gilbert Primeroſe, D.D. who was Miniſter of the Proteſtant Church at Bourdeaux in France, and a Perſon of good Scholaſtick Learning. He wrote a Treatiſe, La Trumpete de Sion, or, Exhortation a Repentance & J [...]ſne. Edit. Bergar. 1610b.

Which Archbald being bred a Scholar, and withal a Man of good natural Parts, he was, when young, imployed by the Abbot of Culroſs Mr. C [...]lvil, in ſetting out the Feus of that Abbacy, of which he acquir'd a Part himſelf; and alſo got confirm'd to Primeroſe of Burnbrae, the Lands of Burnbrae, which continues with his Poſterity to this Time. He married Janet, Daughter of . . . . Bleau of Caſtlehill, in vicecom. de Perth, by whom he had

David Primeroſe of Whitehouſe, who beſides a Son James, in whom his Male Line fail'd, he left alſo a Daughter married to Alexander Monro of Bearcroſis.

James, who carried on the Line of the Family of Primeroſe.

Eupham married to Sir George Bruce of Carnock, Anceſtor to the preſent Earl of Kincardine.

Which James being bred to the Law, and a Man of great Induſtry and Sagacity in Buſineſs, found Means to work himſelf into the good Opinion of King James VI. who in 1602, was pleas'd to make him Clerk of his Majeſty's Privy-Council; in which honourable Employment he continued many Years thereafter, and diſcharged the Office with ſingular Fidelity and Approbation, even till his Death in the Year 1641, leaving Iſſue by Catharine his Wife. Daughter of Richard Lawſon of Boghall c, in vicecom. de Bathgate, Gilbert his eldeſt Son, who was Clerk to the Council. He married . . . . Foulis, Daughter of . . . . . Foulis of Ravelſtoun, by whom he had a Son James Primeroſe Eſq who died without Iſſue.

Archbald, his Succeſſor both in his Eſtate and Office.

James Primeroſe Eſq who was likewiſe one of the Clerks of the Council. He married Chriſtian, Daughter of . . . Mercer of Aldie, by whom he left a Son who died young, and a Daughter Chriſtian his ſole Heir, married to Walter Lord Torphichen. He had alſo ſeveral Daughters, Aliſon married to the Famous George d [409] Heriot, Jeweller to King James VI. and Founder of that great Hoſpital at Edinburgh, which bears his Name, and which he endowed with great Lands and Revenues; and Margaret to Mr. Thomas Young of Lainie.

Which Archbald being a Perſon of excellent Parts of Nature, his Father took great Care to breed him in the Study of the Law; and in which he made a very notable Progreſs by an early Eminence in Practice and Learning, inſomuch as he was by the Choice of his Majeſty King Charles I. and the full and hearty Approbation of the Council, preferred to be Clerk to the Privy-Council, on the 2d of September 1641a, a Place his Father had long and worthily fill'd; and the King had ſo good an Opinion of Mr. Primeroſe's Fidelity, Judgment and Diſcrerion, that by a Letter under his own Royal Hand, bearing Date 18th December 1641, he ordered him to tranſmit to Court an Account weekly of what was tranſacted in the Council, as his Father had done; and which he continued to do, till all private Correſpondence with his Majeſty and all about the Court, was diſcharged upon the higheſt Penalty. During the Civil War he was a great Loyaliſt; and after the Battle of Kilſyth repair'd to the Marquis of Montroſe, at the Time when he was join'd by divers of the Nobility and Officers of Stateb, and continued with him till the unfortunate Battle of Philiphaugh, he was made Priſoner, and try'd, and found guilty of High Treaſon by the Parliament at St. Andrew's 1646; and tho' ſeveral others who were not more guilty than he were put to Death, yet by the Interceſſion and Interpoſition of his Friends, particularly the Marquis of Argyle, who was his Lady's near Relation, his Life was ſp [...]r'd; yet he continued a Priſoner till the Marquis of Montroſe and the Committee of Eſtates came to a Capitulation, whereby the Marquis was to depart the Kingdom, which he did; and thereupon ſeveral of his Friends were ſet at Liberty, of which Number this worthy Perſon, whoſe Memoirs I write, was one. Thereafter when the Parliament declar'd for the King, and [...]ais'd an Army to relieve him, when he was a Priſoner in the Iſle of Wight, no Body appear'd more forward in a prudent Way, to advance that Enterprize, than Sir Archbald Primeroſe, which was afterward very gratefully remember'd by the Crown upon a more favourable Conjuncture.

When Sir Archbald had the Honour of Knighthood confer'd on him, I cannot ſay, but I apprehend it was in the End of 1646, when he was ſet at Liberty, that he waited on his Majeſty when he put himſelf into the Hands of the Scots Army before Newark, tho' I have not found him ſo deſigned in any Write for ſome Time after.

Sir Archbald having continued his faithful Services to King Charles II. the Time he remained in Scotland, he likewiſe marched with him into England, when his Majeſty, by a Patent under his Royal Hand, bearing Date, At Woodhouſe, in our Royal Army on the South Borders of Scotland, 1ſt of Auguſt 1651c, made him a Baronet, In Conſideration of the many good and faithful Services performed to us and our Royal Father of bleſſed Memory, in our moſt ſpecial Affairs, by Sir Archbald Primeroſe, Clerk to our Privy Council; and being deſirous to gratify the Deſerving of ſo faithful a Servant, with ſome ſpecial Mark of our Royal Favour, [410] therefore &c. After the Defeat at [...], that the Royal Party were totally ſuppreſs'd Sir Archbald Primeroſe being reckon'd among the firſt Form of Malignants, his Eſtate was not only [...]queſtrated. but even what S [...]m [...] of Money could be diſcovered to be owing him in private Hands, were diſcharged to be paid him; for Sir Archbald being a great Creditor upon Sir John J [...]h [...]ſton of Elphing [...]oun's Eſtate, I have ſeen an Order from General Disborough, ſtraitly inhibiting and diſcharging Sir John to pay to the ſaid Sir Archbald any Su [...]s of Money he might be owing him, upon his Peril.

During the Remainder of the Uſurpation, Sir Archbald liv'd in a private and retir'd Manner till the joyful Reſtauration of the King, the [...] he received the Reward of his Merit, for his Majeſty in Auguſt 1660, did appoint him Lord Regiſter of Scotland a, and one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice, where he ſat many Years, and diſcharged the Office with great Judgment and Learning.

The great Services he did his Maſter the King, and his Country when he was firſt made Lord Regiſter, were acknowledged not only by Letters under his Majeſty's own Royal Hand, but by ſeveral of the great Men in England, particularly the Earl of Clarendon, then Lord Chancellor of England, who wrote him a very civil Letter, wherein he has theſe remarkable Words, I cannot, my Lord, but congratulate you for the meritorious Part you have had in reſtoring the King and Kingdom (meaning Scotland, to its primitive Hon [...]ur and Intereſt b; and concluding he ſays, I with the ſame good Spirit may poſſeſs you to the End, and with the ſame Succeſs while we here endeavour to follow your Example, which indeed hath already been of great Uſe to us.

He was a great Lover of his Country, which he alwiſe manifeſted; for in the Matter of the Billoting in Parliament, tho' he was the Parl of Middleton's Friend, yet he could never be brought to favour that Project but oppoſed it with all his Power: Which the Earl of Middleton did not reſent againſt Sir Archbald, well knowing, as he himſelf owns, that the Lord Regiſter's oppoſing him in the Project of the Billoting, did not proceed from any Diſlike to his Lordſhips Perſon, but from his known Principles of Moderation, and the Earl did not only then acknowledge the Sincerity of the Regiſter's Friendſhip to him, but even afterwards, at a Time when Profeſſing to be the Lord Middleton's Friend, was not thought very meritorious.

Thereafter, when the Miniſtry in that Reign did, as was thought, outface the Law by many bold Preſſures upon the Subject, Sir Archbald Primeroſe, tho' he was courted to enter into a ſtrict Union with them, and that on his own Terms, yet could never be induced to concur in any Thing that had not a ſufficient Foundation in Law, but rejected all Offers that were made for his own private Advantage, that were not conſiſtent with the Good of his Country, and therefore he joined with thoſe Lords who appeared moſt zealous for the Redreſs of Grievances, which brought him ſo much into the Jealouſy of the Court-Party, that upon a very trivial Account, he was, together with the Duke of Hamilton, the Earls of Drumfrieze and Kineardine, and the Lord Cochran, all in one Day turn'd out of the Council; but the Reſentment was carried further againſt the Lord Carringtoun, and [411] 2120 many and very powerful Efforts were made to get him turned out of his Place too; but his Majeſty, who had a great Eſteem of him, as a very wiſe Man, and very worthy the Truſt he had repoſed in him, could not for a long Time be prevail'd with to hearken to any Overture that could be made for his Removal, till the Court Party, which the King reſolved to ſupport, did repreſent that it was neceſſary to have a Perſon in his Poſt, in whom they could confide, and that Sir Archbald being ſtruck in Years, he himſelf deſired to exchange his Office with another of an eaſier Nature; and upon this very Suppoſition, and on no other Conſideration, did the King give Order for his Removal from the Regiſter's Place, and at the ſame Time p [...]efer'd him to be Juſtice General: But he continuing ſtill firm to his Party, the Torrent againſt him ran ſo high, that his Majeſty, who ſtill retain'd a very great Kindneſs for, and Eſteem of him, thought fit at length to take his Place from him, to which Sir George Mackenzie of Tarbat, a Perſon of great Honour and Worth was prefer'd the 16th of October 1678.

Thereafter, when the Differences run high betwixt the Two Parties, the Duke of Hamilton, the Marquis of Athole, and the other Lords of that Side, who deſir'd the Grievances of the Nation might be redreſſed, humbly petitioned the King for a Hearing in his own Royal Preſence, that the Matters in Difference might be more clearly underſtood, and more freely tranſacted; and his Majeſty having granted their Deſire, thought fit to propoſe that ſome fit Perſons might be allowed to treat with the like Number of the other Side, in ſuch a Manner as might beſt tend to compoſe all Things in a peaceable Way; and Sir Archbald Primer [...]ſ [...] being look'd on as a Perſon of the greateſt Wiſdom and Experience, and one who throughly underſtood the whole Frame and Conſtitution of the Government in Church and State. The Duke of Hamilton, the Marquis of Athole, the Earls of Caſſils, Perth, and Kincardine, Lieutenant General Drummond, and the Lord Cochran, well knowing how very uſeful Sir Archbald would be in the preſent Exigence, did all conjunctly write very preſſingly, That he ſhould haſten up to London, to be preſent at the Conference which was to be in his Majeſty's Preſence; and the Earl of Perth wrote him a moſt pathetical Letter, lively repreſenting the Dangers which threatned, and were like to overwhelm the Nation, if not prevented by a ſpeedy Remedy, that now they had an Opportunity of making their Country happy, by removing all Grievances, if he and others would do their Duty; and therefore conjured him by many Arguments no longer to defer his Coming up; and concludes with theſe Words, My Lord, you ſee how Scotland is, you ſee how your Friends Reputation lyes at Stake, you ſee there is but this Pull for it; and you ſee how fairly it lyes at your Hand. The great God direct you toward doing what is for his Honour, your Country's Good, the King's Intereſt, your Friends Reputation, and your perpetual Credit.

Sir Archbald thinking he had now a fair Opportunity of advancing the publick Good, and doing all thoſe Offices to his Country he had ever ſo earneſtly deſir'd; and notwithſtanding he was ſtricken in Years, and troubled with the Infirmities of Age, yet he undertook a Journey to London, that he might be aſſiſting in carrying on this good Work. Both [412] Parties being heard before the King; and his Majeſty finding there could be no compounding this Diſpute amicably, but that one Side muſt be ſuppreſs'd, he reſolved therefore in the End, by the Advice of ſome in his neareſt Confidence, to diſmiſs the Lords of the Country Party, without a preſent Redreſs; foraſmuch as it would reflect Diſhonour upon his own Government, if he did not approve of the Adminiſtration of a great Miniſter, whom he had ſo long employed in his Service, and ſolely and entirely truſted in all that related to Scotland and Scots Affairs: And now all Endeavours for Redreſs of the Nation's Grievances being render'd fruitleſs and to no Effect, Sir Archbald with all convenient Expedition, ſet out for Scotland, and ſickning in his Return, died within a few Weeks thereafter, on the 27th of November, 1679.

He married firſt, Elizabeth, Daughter of James Keith of Benholm, Son of George Earl Mariſchal, by whom he had Iſſue,

Sir James Primeroſe of Barnbougle, who was a Gentleman of good Parts and Learning; he died in the Lifetime of his Father, leaving Iſſue by Elizabeth his Wife, Daughter of Sir Robert Sinclair of Longformacus, one Daughter his ſole Heir, married to George Hume of Kimmergham.

Sir William Primeroſe of Carringtoun, the Heir of the Family.

Gilbert Primeroſe, a Major General in the Britiſh Service.

Margaret married to Sir John Fowlis of Ravelſtoun, Bart. to whom he gave the Eſtate of Dunipace, on Condition his Heir ſhould aſſume the Name of Primeroſe, which Sir John his Son actually did; whoſe Son and Heir is Sir Archbald Primeroſe of Dunipace, Bart.

Catharine to Sir David Carnagy of Pitarow, Bart.

He married after the Death of his firſt Wife, Agnes, Daughter of Sir William Gray of Pitendrum, and Siſter to William Maſter of Gray, by whom he had Archbald Earl of Roſebery, and a Daughter Griſel, married to Francis Lord Semple.

Sir William Primeroſe of Caringtoun married Mary, Daughter of Patrick Scot of Thirlſtane, by whom he had Sir James his Succeſſor, thereafter Viſcount of Primeroſe, and Captain William Primeroſe, who was kill'd abroad; likewiſe Three Daughters, Mary married to William Lord Bargeny, Jean to Hugh Montgomery of C [...]eilsfield, and Elizabeth to Charles Maſter of Elphingſtoun, at that Time Son and Heir apparent of John Lord Elphinſtoun; and dying on the 23d of September 1687a, was ſucceeded by

Sir James his Son and Heir, who being choſen one of the Commiſſioners for the Shire of Edinburgh, to the Parliament the 1ſt of Queen Anne, was by her Majeſty's ſpecial Favour rais'd to the Honour of Viſcount Primeroſe, Lord Primeroſe of Caſtlefield, by Letters Patent, bearing Date, November 30th 1703, and departing this Life the 13th of June 1706b, left Iſſue by the Lady Eleanor Campbel his Wife, Daughter of James Earl of Loudoun, Archbald his Succeſſor in the Honour, Hugh Primeroſe, Eſq William Primeroſe, Eſq and a Daughter Margaret.


Vert, Three Primeroſes within a double Treſſure, flower'd and counterflower'd, Or. Supporters, Two Leopards proper. Creſt, A Demi-Lyon rampant, holding in his Dexter Paw a Primeroſe proper. Motto, Fide & fiducia.

DOUGLAS, Duke of Queensberry.


THE Barony of Drumlanrig in Drumfrieze-Shire, did antiently belong to the Earls of Mar. Thoma [...] Earl of Mar, gave theſe Lands to William Lord of Douglas, whoſe Siſter, the Lady Margaret he had married which King David II did, by his Royal Charter, confirm Willielmo Domino de Douglas, Omnes Terras Barroniae de Drumlanrig, cum Pertinen. Tenend. & Habend. eidem Willielmo Domino de Douglas, & haeredibus ſuis, libere & quiete, plenarie, integrè & honorifice, cum omnibus libertatibus, commoditatibus, Aſſiamentis, & juſtis pertinentiis ſuis, ſicut charta dilecti conſanguinet noſtri Thomae Comitis Marriae, eidem Willielmo Domino de Douglaſs, & Margaretae Sponſae ſuae, conſanguineae noſtrae, inde confecta plenius proportat & teſtatur.

To this William, Lord, thereafter Earl of Douglaſs, ſucceeded James Earl of Douglaſs his Son, who by his Charter gave the Barony of Drumlanrig to William Douglaſs his Son, which, for the fixing the Origin of this illuſtrious Branch of the Houſe of Douglaſs, I ſhall preſent the Reader with an exact Copy of it, as I tranſcribed it from the Original.

Omnibus hanc chartam viſuris vel audituris, Jacobus Comes de Douglaſs, Dominus vailis de Lydale, ac baroniae de Drumlanrig, ſalutem in Domino ſempiternam. Noveritis nos dediſſe, conceſſiſſe, & hac charta noſtra confirmaſſe Willielmo de Douglaſs, filio noſtro, pro homagio & ſervitio ſuo, omnes terras noſtras totius baroniae de Drumlanrig, infra vicecom. de Dum [...]riſe, tenend, & habend, omnes dictas terras praefatae baroniae, cum pertinen, eidem Willielmo & haeredibus ſuis, de corpore ſuo legitime procreandis; quibus deficientibus, Archibaldo de Douglaſs filio noſtro, & haeredibus ſuis, de corpore ſ [...]o legitime procreandis, in feudo & haereditate in perpetuum reſervata, nobis & haeredibus noſtris, re [...]alitas ejuſdem faciendo inde nobis & haeredibus noſtris, ſervitium [...]nius militis in exercitu noſtro, nomine Albae firmae. In cujus rei teſtimonium preſenti chartae ſigillum noſtrum fecimus appon [...], his teſtibus, Domino Archibaldo de Douglaſs, Domin [...] Galuidiae, Jacobo de Douglaſs, Domino de Dalkeith, Jacobo de Lindſay, Domino de Crawfurd, Willielmo de Lindſay, Roberto Colevyle, Willielmo de Borthewick, conſanguineis noſtris militibus, Adamo Forreſter, Adamo de Hoppringle, Allano de Laudere, & multis altis.

This Sir Willam Douglaſs, the firſt Baron of Drumlanrig, being a brave Gentleman, ſignaliz'd himſelf in the Wars againſt the Engliſh in his Time; in the 1411, together with Gavin Dunbar, Son to the Earl of March, he burnt and plundered the Town of Roxburgh a, then in the Poſſeſſion of the Engliſh, which was performed with great Reſolution and Courage. The War at length ending in a Truce in the 1412b, Sir William Douglaſs and the Lord Clifford were the chief Challengers at a ſolemn Tournament held by the Earl of Weſtmorland at Carliſle, but my Authorc is not particular as to the Event. The ſame Year he had the Honour to be ſent by the Governor of Scotland, the Duke of Albany, Ambaſſador to the Court of England, to ſolicite the Releaſe of King James I. who was then keept a Priſoner in that Realmd, when he obtain'd from his Captive Sovereign a Charter, all written fair out [414] in the King's own Hand, on Velloma, the very fineſt I ever ſaw, in theſe Words,

‘'James, throw the Grace of GOD, Kyinge of Scottis, til all that this Lettre her is or ſeis, ſendis Gretynge; wit ze, that we haue grantit, and be this preſent Lettre grantis a ſpecial Confirmation in the maſt Forme, til our Truſt and wele belofit Coſyng, Sir William of Douglaſs of Drumlanrig of all the Lands that he is poſeſt and charterit of within the Kyngdome of Scotland, that is to ſay, the Landis of Drumlanrig, of Hanyke, and of Selkirk: The which Charter and Poſeſſions be this Lettre we confirm. In Witnes of the whilk, this preſent Lettres we wrate with our proper Hand, and the Signet uſſit in ſelying of our Lettres as now at Croydon, the laſt Day of Novembre, the Yeir of our Lord 1412.'’

In the 1416, Sir William Douglaſs of Drumlanrig was joined in Commiſſion with the Earls of Athole, Fife, Buchan, Mar, Douglaſs, and Crawfard, George Dunbar, Son and Heir to the Earl of March, the Biſhop of Glaſgow, and Si [...] William Graham, to treat with the Engliſh about the relieving of King James b, but for ſome Reaſons of State, that Grand Affair could not be brought to a Cloſe, tho' 'tis not to be doubted but thoſe great Men, who had the Honour to be employed in the Treaty, did all they could to have it concluded. Thereafter in 1420. when the Engliſh carried over King James into France c, to try if his Preſence could draw the Scots, who were in the French Service, over to that of the Engliſh, Sir William Douglaſs of Drumlanrig, went over to wait on his Maſter; in order to which he had a ſafe Conduct granted him from the King of England, but with this remarkable Proviſo, that he ſhould do nothing prejudicial to him, or to his deareſt Father the King of France; but the Scots did well then diſtinguiſh the Deference which they owed to their King when captivated, and when independent and free; for tho' they ſent Perſons to guard his ſacred Perſon, yet they adhered firmly to that Intereſt which he ſeemed outwardly to oppoſe, tho' I have no Reaſon to believe, but that Sir William Douglaſs kept his Promiſe to the King of England, and did not ingage againſt the Engliſh Intereſt at that Time, yet he afterward loſt his Life in the Service of France, at the Battle of Ag [...]ncourt in 1427d, leaving Iſſue by Elizabeth his Wife, Daughter o [...] Sir Robert Stewart of Duriſdeer and Roſyth.

William Douglaſs, Lord of Drumlanrig, his Son and Heie, who was one of the Hoſt [...]ges ſent to England, for the Redemption of King James I. in the 1427, in Exchange of another Baron of the ſame Rank and Fortune with himſelf, which was expreſly provided in the Treaty of Redemption, but when he was relieved again, it has not occu [...]red to me.

This Sir William being like his Father a warlike Man, ſignaliz'd himſelf in moſt of the Actions between the Sc [...]ts and Engliſh, particularly at the Battle of Sark, Anno 1448, where the Scots obtained a moſt glorious Victory, under the Command of Hugh Earl of Ormond, Brother to the Earl of Douglaſs, where Sir William did to a very eminent Degree manifeſt his Valour and Conduct; and departing this Life in the 1458f, left Iſſue by [415] Janet his Wife, Daughter of Sir Herbert Maxwell, Lord of Carlaverock a.

William his Son and Heir, who, tho' he did not long outlive his Father, yet he gave many ſignal Proofs of his Valour in ſeveral Actions, particularly at the Siege of Roxburgh, where King James II. loſt his Life, and in that other bold Attempt at Alnwick, Anno 1463, where the French Garriſon was relieved by the Earl of Angus, in the Face of a numerous Engliſh Armyb, which was double the Number of the Troops the Earl had under his Command, and departing this Life in the 1464c, left Iſſue by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of . . . . . . Carlyle, Lord of Torthoral [...],

William his Son and Heir, who treading in the Steps of his heroick Anceſtors, was ſlain in the Service of his Country at the Battle of Kirkonel in that unnatural Invaſion of the Duke of Albany againſt his own Brother King James II. on the 22d of July 1484d, leaving Iſſue by Elizabeth his Wife, Daughter of Sir Robert Crichton Lord of Sanquhar, Anceſtor to the Earl of Drumfriſe e, James his Succeſſor, Archbald, of whom the Douglaſſes of Caſhogle, George, of whom the Branch of Pinzire f, John Vicar of Kirkonnel g; likewiſe ſeveral Daughters,

Margaret married to John Lord Cathcart h, and had Iſſue.

Elizabeth to John Campbell, Son and Heir apparent of James Campbell i of Weſter-Loudoun.

Janet to Alexander Gordon, at that Time Son and Heir apparent of John Gordon of Lochinvar k, Anceſtor to the Viſcount of Kenmure.

Which James in 1470, married Janet, Daughter of David Scot of Bu [...]hleugh l, by whom he had William his Succeſſor, and a Daughter Janet, married to Roger Grierſon of Lag, and dying ſoon after the 1496m, was ſucceeded by

William his Son, who did not long ſurvive his Father, for he loſt his Life with King James IV. and the Flower of the Kingdom, at the fatal Battle of Flowdoun, September 9th, 1513,n, leaving Iſſue by Elizabeth his Wife, Daughter of Sir John G [...]rdon of Lochinva [...], James his Succeſſor, Robert, Provo [...]t of Lincluden, of whom the Branch of the Douglaſſes of Barfurd o, and Two Daughters, Janet, married to Robert Lord Maxwell, and Agnes to Andrew Cunningham of Kirkſhaw.

Which James was one of thoſe loyal Barons, who in the 1526, attempted to relieve King James V. from the Earl of Angus, who kept him in no other Condition than that of a Priſoner; but the Attempt proving unſucceſsful, he was obliged to take out a Remiſſion for it. During the War i [...] the Minority of Queen Mary, he behaved very loyally, for which the Duke of Chattlerault the Governour, confer'd the Honour of Knighthood on him; and in the 1553 the Queen made him Warden of the Eaſt Marches, with a full Power of Juſticiary on the Surrender of Sir John Maxwell of Tareagles p. Which Office he diſcharged with great Wiſdom and Courage for many Years thereafter, even till his old Age, that he reſigned the Office, which was thereupon given to Sir John Maxwell Kt. He married [416] firſt Margaret Douglaſs a, Daughter of George Maſter of Angus, by whom he had Two Daughters, Janet married to William Douglaſs of Ca [...]gle b, and again to John Charters of Aimsfield, and Margaret to John Jerdan of Applegirth c. From this Lady Sir William was divorced, and thereafter by a Diſpenſation from the Pope's Legate, he was married again to Chriſtian, Daughter of John, Maſter of Eglintoun, Son of Hugh Earl of Eglintoun; by her he had Sir William Douglaſs of Ha [...]ick, who died before his Father, and Four Daughters,

Margaret married to Robert Lord Sanquhair, and again to William Earl of Menteth.

Helen to Roger Grierſon of Lag d, and had Iſſue.

Janet, firſt to James Tweedie of Drumlezer e; and afterward to William Kerr of Cesfoord f, Anceſtor to the Duke of Roxburgh.

Chriſtian to Sir Alexander Stewart of Garlies g, Anceſtor to the Earl of Galloway, and had Iſſue.

Sir William Douglaſs of Hayick, Sir James's Son, tho' he died a young Man, yet he gave many Proofs of his Prudence and Courage in ſuppreſſing the Engliſh Inroads, and the Diſorders committed on the Borders. When the War broke out in the Reign of Queen Mary, he adhered to the Intereſt of the young Prince King James VI. with ſingular Fidelity, was at the Field of Langſide, where he ſignaliz'd his Valour, and contributed very much to the Overthrow of the Queen's Party; and he was ſo zealous in the Cauſe, that afterward he commanded in that Action betwixt Le [...] & Edinburgh, in 1572, where the Earl of Huntly, who maintain'd the Queen's Authority, was worſted, and many of his Adherents ſlain; and dying Anno 1574, left Iſſue by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of James Gordon of Lochinvar h, James who ſucceeded his Grandfather, likewiſe Daughters,

Margaret married to Sir Robert Montgomery of Skelmurly, Bart.i, and had Iſſue.

Janet to Sir James Murray of Cockpool k, and had Iſſue.

Chriſtian to Robert Dalziel Younger of That-Ilkl, thereafter Earl of Carnwath.

Sir James Douglaſs of Drumlanrig dying on the 27th of September 1578m, was immediately ſucceeded in his Eſtate by his Grandſon Sir James, who being a Perſon of great Wiſdom and Prudence, was a very happy Inſtrument in reconciling the Diſcords among the Nobility and the contending Factions at Court, which had render'd the Reign of King James leſs pleaſant to him, till his Acceſſion to the Engliſh Crown. Sir James was no leſs wiſe than valiant, he having frequent Occaſions of exerting his Courage and Conduct in thoſe unhappy Feuds and mutual Incurſions, which infeſted the South-weſt Parts of the Kingdom before the Union of the Crowns. He married Margaret Daughter of John Lord Fleeming, Siſter to John firſt Earl of Wigtoun n, by whom he had William his Succeſſor, the firſt Earl of Queensberry, Sir James Douglaſs of Mouſwald, David Douglaſs of A [...]rdoch, George Douglaſs of Pinzrie, likewiſe two Daughters, Janet married to William Livingſton of Jer [...]ſwood, and Helen to John Menzies of Caſtlehill; and departing this Life 16th of October 1615, was ſucceeded by

Sir William his Son and Heir, who being a Gentleman of great Parts and ſingular Prudence, was particularly known and favour'd by King [417] James VI. whom he had the Honour to entertain at his Houſe of Drumlanrig, in his Return into England, in the Year 1617: Nor was he leſs regarded by King Charles I. who was graciouſly pleas'd to create him a Peer by the Title of Lord Viſcount Drumlanrig, on the 1ſt of April 1628a; and further, for the greate [...] Splendor of his Majeſty's Coronation, he was by Letters Patent, bearing D [...]te 13th of June 1633, rais'd to the Honour of Earl of Queensbery b. He married I [...]obel Daughter of Mark fi [...]ſt Earl of Lothi [...]n, by whom he had James his Suc [...]eſſor, Sir William Douglaſs of Killhead, Archbald Dougl [...]ſ of Dornock; and Two Daughters Margaret married to James Earl of Hartſiel, and Janet to Thomas Lord Kircudbright, and dying on the 8th of March 1640, was ſucceeded by

James his Son, who ſuffe [...]'d much for his Loyalty to King Coarles I. during the Civil War, for when he was endeavouring to join the Marquis of Montroſe, before the Battle of Philiphaugh, he was made Priſoner, and afterward fined in 120000 M [...]rks, which he paid. He married fi [...]ſt M [...] ry, Daughter of James Ma [...]quis of Hamilton, by whom he had no Iſſue; and again Margaret, Daughter o [...] John Earl of Tr [...]quair, Lord Hig [...] Treaſurer of Scotland, by whom he had William his Succeſſor, Lieutenant General James Dougl [...]ſ [...], who died at Namur in 1691, John, kill'd at the Siege of Treves 1675, Rob [...]rt kill'd at the Siege of M [...]eſtricht 1676; like wife Five Daughters, 1. Mary married to Alexander Earl of Gallow [...]y, 2 Catharine to Sir James Douglaſs of Kellhead, Bart. and had Iſſue. 3 Henrietta to Sir Robert Gr [...]erſon of Lagg, and had Iſſue. 4 Margaret, to Sir Alexander Jerdan of Appleg [...]rth, Bart. and had Iſſue. 5 Iſobel to Sir William Lockhart of Carſtairs, Bart. and had Iſſue. And dying on the 15th of Auguſt 1671, was ſucceeded by

William his Son, who being a Nobleman of very great Parts, was in 1667 ſworn of the Privy Council to King Charles II. and thereafter, June 1ſt 1680, made Juſtice-Generalc, on the Removal of Sir George Mackenzie of Tarbat; alſo his Majeſty as a Teſtimony of his ſpecial Favour, was pleaſed to create the Ea [...]l, Marquis of Queensbery, by Letters Patent, bearing Date the 11th of February 1682d, and in leſs than Six Months thereafter, upon ſome Alterations in the Miniſtry, the Marquis of Queensbery was prefer'd to be Lord High Treaſurer of Scotland, and the Earl of Perth made Juſtice General in his Roome; likewiſe in September thereafter he was made Conſtable and Governor of Edinburgh Caſtle, and one of the extraordinary Lords of the Seſſion. Finally, that no Honour might be wanting which his Majeſty could con [...]er upon him, he was rais'd to the Honour of Duke of Queensbery, the 3d of February 1684f; about which Time he was ad [...]tted one of the Lords of the Privy Council for the Kingdom of England.

As the Duke had been in great Favour in the Reign of King Charles II. he was no leſs in ſo the B [...]ginni [...]g of King James VII. who not only continued him in his former Poſts, but likewiſe made him Lord High Commiſſioner to repreſent his Royal Perſon in his firſt Seſſion of Parliament 1685; and the ſame Year he and J [...]mes Lord Drumlanr [...]g his Son, were conſtituted his Majeſty's Lieu [...]enants in the S [...]ires of Drumfrieze [418] and Wigtoun, and the Stewartries of Annandale and Kirkcudbright. In the 1686, the Treaſury being turned into Commiſſion, the Duke of Queensbery was made Preſident of the Council, but the Meaſures that were ſoon after taken at Court, not ſuiting with his Temper and Principles, and for his not complying with the Project of taking away the penal Laws againſt Popery; he was in Six Months thereafter deprived of all publick Employments, and thereafter liv'd prudently and cautiouſly thro' the reſt of that Reign.

His Grace married Iſobel, Daughter of William Marquis of Douglaſs, by whom he had James his Son and Heir, William Earl of March, and Lord George, a young Nobleman of great Hopes, who died in 1693, and a Daughter Anne, married to David Earl of Weems, and departing this Life at Ediaburgh the 28th of March 1695, was with great Funeral Solemnity interr'd at the Church of D [...] riſdeer, with his Anceſtors, where there is a magnificent Monument erected for him.

James Duke of Queensbery his Son and Succeſſor, was born on the 18th of December 1662, after he had gone thro' the Courſe of his Studies at the Univerſity of Glaſgow, he went into Foreign Parts, to accompliſh himſelf by Travels, Anno 1680. and upon his Return in 1684, was by King Charles II. made one of the Privy Council, and Lieutenant Colonel of a Regiment of Horſe commanded by Lieutenant General Graham, thereafter Viſcount of Dundee; and he continued in theſe Poſts till the Year 1688, about which Time he quitted them for Ill Uſage at Court, and upon the Account of the Diſagreement of his Principles with their Meaſures.

The Revolution then happening to come on, he appear'd early in it, and was by the Prince of Orange, upon his Acceptance of the Government, made Colonel of the Scots Horſe-Guards, and at the ſame Time one of the Privy Council, and one of the Gentlemen of his Majeſty's Bed-Chamber.

In the 1690 King William ſent him into Scotland, to command a ſeparate Body of Troops under Lieutenant General Mackay; Two Years after, he was made one of the Lords of the Treaſury; and in the Parliament 1693, he was authorized to ſit and vote as Lord High Treaſurer, his Father being then alive, and he not a Peer, could not otherwiſe ſit, but as an Officer of State, which depends on the Sovereign's Nomination.

The Duke his Father departing this Life as aforeſaid in 1695, he laid aſide all Thoughts of Military Employments, quitted the Command of the Guards, and was thereupon made Lord Privy Seal, and one of the Extraordinary Lords of the Seſſion.

His Majeſty in 1700 was pleas'd to make him Lord High Commiſſioner to repreſent his Royal Perſon in Parliament, where he held Two Seſſions by virtue of Two diſtinct Patents; and upon his Return to Court, his Majeſty on the 18th June 1701, was pleas'd to honour the Duke with a diſtinguiſhing Mark of his Royal Favour, for that Evening, a Chapter being held of the moſt noble Order of the Garter at Kenſingtoun, where the Sovereign was preſent, the Duke was then elected a Companion of the Order, and inſtall'd at Windſor the 10th of July thereafter. His Grace having ſerv'd King William as long as he liv'd with great Fidelity, her Majeſty Queen Anne, upon her Acc [...]ſſion to the Throne, firſt made him Secretary of State; and entertaining the ſame juſt Sentiments of his Ability and Conduct, appointed him to be her Commiſſioner to repreſent her Royal Perſon in that Seſſion of Parliament which met at [419] Edinburgh, the 9th of June 1702; but the Legality of that Seſſion meeting with great Oppoſition from a ſtrong Party in the Parliament, who declared openly that they did not conceive themſelves warranted to meet and act in that Seſſion as a Parliamenta, and therefore did not only diſſent from any Thing that ſhould be done or acted therein, but withdrew, and remov'd from their Attendance: Wherefore her Majeſty, to quiet the Minds of her People, was pleas'd to order the Duke to prorogue the Parliament, which his Grace did, and thereupon ſet out for London; where he was ſoon thereafter appointed One of the Commiſſioners upon the Part of Scotland, for treating of an Union betwixt both Nations; but tho' the Commiſſioners of the reſpective Kingdoms met ſeveral Times, and ſettled Preliminaries on both Sides; yet upon a more mature Deliberation, the Court concluded that it was not a fit Seaſon to promote that Buſineſs, but to ſuſpend the further Proſecution of it until a more favourable Conjuncture. The former Parliament being diſſolved, it was neceſſary another ſhould be call'd, as had been uſual at the Entrance of all Sovereigns to the Crown; and therefore her Majeſty iſſued out Writs for the Calling of a new Parliament, which met according to Summons upon the 6th of May 1703, to which the Queen was pleas'd to honour the Duke of Queensberry, by appointing his Grace to repreſent her Royal Perſon, as Lord High Commiſſioner. The Parliament being open'd with great Solemnity, they began chearfully in paſſing an Act, recognizing her Majeſty's Title to the Crown; but that Unanimity did not long continue among them; for a very ſtrong Party in the Parliament having brought in and carried an Act for the Security of the Kingdom, preſented it to the Lord Commiſſioner, for the Royal Aſſent; but the Act of Security being tranſmitted to the Court, the Engliſh Miniſtry were ſo wholly averſe to it, and the Country Party in the Parliament of Scotland as ſtrenuouſly inſiſting to have it paſs, all the Duke could well do in ſuch a Conjuncture, was to keep it off till he ſhould receive Inſtructions from above; which he did with the outmoſt Dexterity, till her Maj [...]ſty having declared that ſome Difficulties having fallen in in that Affair, ſo much preſs'd, ſhe would take Time to conſider them before ſhe could be determined to give the Royal Approbation; and therefore ordered the Lord High Commiſſioner to adjourn the Parliament on the 16th of September, after they had ſat full Three Months, which the Lord Chancellor did in the uſual Forms.

How great ſoever theſe Services of the Duke's were eſteemed to be for a Time, yet 'tis certain, that in leſs than a Year thereafter, upon a Change of ſome Meaſures at Court, his Grace was remov'd from all Publick Employments, except that of one of the Extraordinary Lords of the Seſſion, which was for Life, and of which he could not be deprived.

But upon another Change at Court in the 1705, when the Duke of Argyle was declared Commiſſioner for holding the Seſſion of Parliament that Year, the Duke of Queensbe [...]ry was made Lord Privy Seal in Place of the Earl of Rothes, and one of the [420] Commiſſioners of the Treaſu [...]y. 'Tis foreign to my Deſign to aſſign the Reaſons here of the Change that was found in the Diſpoſition of the Engliſh Miniſtry, in Reference to the Act of Security, which h [...]d paſſed in the Parliament 1704 from what it had been in the Seſſion before, wherein the Duke preceded as Lord High Commiſſioner. However, the forementioned Act of Security put the Engliſh Miniſtry under a Neceſſity of effecting the Union of the Two Kingdoms; and in order thereto, her Majeſty being imp [...]wered by the Parliament in 1705. did nominate and appoint Commiſſioners to treat with thoſe of England, for uniting the two Kingdoms, of which Number the Duke of Queensberry the Lord Privy Seal was one.

The Commiſſioners of both Kingdoms having accordingly met at London on the 16th of April 1706, the Preliminaries were eaſily agreed to on the 24th. The Two ſucceeding Months were taken up in carrying on of the Treaty, and being much forwarded by her Majeſty's Royal Preſence and Recommendation to bring it to a Concluſion, the Articles were compleated and ſigned on the 22d of July there [...]f [...]er.

Tho' the Treaty of Union was concluded by the reſpective Commiſſioners of Scotland and England, yet it b [...]hooved to be approven and confi [...]med by both Parliaments before it could be perfected; and the Parliament of Scotland being to meet for that End the 6th of Oct [...]ber, the Duke of Queensberry was pitch'd on as the fitte [...] Perſon to be her Majeſty's Commiſſioner to bring that great Affair about in Parliament.

So difficult and nice a Work as incorporating the Two Kingdoms, could not be effected without very conſiderable Oppoſition, both from within Doors and without; but his Grace being ſupported by her Majeſty's Authority, and a f [...]ll and hearty Concu [...]re [...]ce of a Majority in the Parliament, (who were well affected to the Union) went on vigorouſly in the Proſecution of his Duty, and with ſo much Diſpatch, that the whole Treaty was enacted and ratified on the 16th of January 1707, by the Lord Commiſſioner by the Touch [...]f the Royal Scepter, in the uſual Manner.

The Duke of Queensberry having thus concluded the Union, and ſurmounted all the Difficulties he met in his Way to compleat it, in April thereafter ſet out for London, where he [...]ound that gracious Reception from the Queen which his eminent Services h [...]d deſerved: And it was but very juſt that he who had expended ſo much of his Time in the publick Service, ſhould have ſome ſuitable Compenſation; and therefore the Queen gave him the Compliment of a Penſion of 3000 L per Annum out of the Foſt Office. Her Majeſty's Goodneſs and Bounty did not ſtop here, ſeeing ſhe was pleas'd in May 1708, to create him a Peer of Great Britain, by the Titles of Baron Rippon, Ma [...]quis of Beverly, and Du [...]e of Dover; which Honours were to deſcend to the Earl of Solloway his ſecond Son.

The Queen continuing ſtill her Royal Favours to his Grace, was pleas'd on the 9th of February 1709, to declare in Council, that by Reaſon of the Increaſe of the publick Buſineſs, ſhe thought fit to appoint a 3d Secretary of State of Great Britain, and having named the Duke of Queensberry the Perſon, he was thereupon ſworn into the Office, which he enjoyed till his Death, July 6th 1711, after a ſhort Indiſp [...]ſition, which the Phyſicians call the I'liack Paſſion.

He married the Lady Mary B [...]yl [...], Daughter of Charles Lord Clifford, Son of Richard Earl of B [...]rlingtoun and Cork, by whom he had James Ea [...]l of Drumlanrig, Lord Charles Douglaſs, [421] who for the Services of his Father and his Anceſtors, was, in the 1707, created Earl of Solloway, and is now Duke of Queensberry and Dover, a young Nobleman of excellent Parts and great Expectation, and Lord George Douglaſs, likewiſe Two Daughters,

Lady Jean,

Lady Anne.


Quarterly 1ſt and 4th Argent, a Heart Gules, enſign'd with an Imperial Crown, Or, on a Chief, Azure, Three Molets of the firſt. 2d and 3d Azure a Bend betwixt Six croſs Croſlets, Or, all within a double Treſſure, Or, flower'd and counterflower'd, Gules. Supporters, Two Horſes Argent, winged Or, Creſt, a Hart winged Gules, crown'd with an Imperial Crown, ſurmounted of a Ducal Coronet proper. Motto, Forward.

MACKAY, Lord Rae.

THE firſt of this Sirname I have found on Record, was Odo, al [...]as Y Macy, who obtained from King James IV. pro bono & ſideli ſervitiotam tempore pacis, quam guerae impenſo & aſſportatione nobis quondam Alex Sutherland de Delred, & altarum decem perſonarum, ejus complicum noſtrorum rebellium, omnes & ſingulas terras ſubſcriptas, viz. Terras de Fare, Goſesbey, Catack, Croyn, Kilblachman, in vicecom. de Inverneſs, quae quidem Terrae cum ſ [...]is Per [...]nent [...]is fuerunt quondam dicti Alexandri Sutherland haereditar [...]ae & nunc nobis pertinen. & in manibus noſtris legitime devenerunt, ratione Forisfacturae dicti quondam Alexandri, &c. Apud Inverneſs 4to die Menſis Novembris, 1499a. He left a Son Donald Mackay of Fare, whoſe Son and Succeſſor Y Mackay of Fare, by Catharine his Wife, Daughter of . . . . Sinclair of Dun, left Hugh his Heir, and Donald Mackay of Scauray b, the Anceſtor of Lieutenant General Hugh Mackay, who was Commander in Chief of the Forces in Scotland, Anno 1689, and was thereafter kill'd at St [...]nktrk, a brave Man, and eſteem'd an excellent Officer.

Which Hugh married Jean Daughter of John Earl of Sutherland, by whom he had Donald his Son and Heir, who being a Perſon of a martial Spirit, and a Man of great Honour and Courage, carried over a Regiment of his own Name and Followers, to the Service of the King of Sweden, under whom he ſerv'd long in very eminent Commands, with extraordinary Ability and Succeſs.

Upon his Return to England, his Majeſty King Charles I. to countenance his Merit, was pleas'd to make him a Peer, by the Title of Lord Rae b, June 20th 1628.

Upon the breaking out of the Civil War in England, the Lord Rae repaired to his Majeſty, and heartily and perſonally engaged in his Service; but being taken Priſoner at the Surrender of Newcaſtle to the Scots Army, he was ſent down to Scotland to be tried, but he had the good Fortune to be relieved by the Marquis of Montroſe, after the Battle of Killyth, out of the Goal of Edinburgh; after which he went over to Denmark where he died in 1649, leaving Iſſue by Barbara his Wife, Daughter of Kenneth Lord Kintail, John his Succeſſor, [422] who married Barbara, Daughter of Donald Mackay of Scauray: By her he left Donald his Succeſſor, Colonel Aeneas Mackay, Colonel Robert Mackay.

Which Donald married Anne, Daughter of Sir George Monro of Culrain, by whom he had

George the preſent Lord, who married firſt Margaret, Daughter of Lieutenant General Hugh Mackay; by her he had Donald Maſter of Rae; next Janet, Daughter of John Sinclair of Ulbſter, by whom he likewiſe has Iſſue.

ROLLO, Lord Rollo.

THIS noble Family is of very ancient Extraction in the County of Perth, where they have long remained, and ſtill continue in Honour; and tho' they have extended themſelves into divers Branches elſewhere, of very good Reputationa, yet that which adds a peculiar Luſtre to the Family of Rollo, is the many eminent Churchmen it has produced who have been in their ſeveral Times, great Ornaments to the Church for their Learning, Piety and Moderation, a particular Account of whom, and of their Writings will be found among our learned Country-men, in an intended Work which will perhaps very ſoon ſee the Light, and be communicated to the World; and therefore I ſhall forbear to give the Memoirs of them here, but only mention their Names among the Authorities I have here cited

In the Reign of King Robert II. John Rollo the immediate Anceſtor of this noble Family, had by the Grant of David Earl of Strathern, with the Conſent of King Robert his Father, the Lands of Duncruib, Fyndony, Pitinclethy, L [...]dcathy, & Pitmedie, bearing Date 13th February 1380b. He left Iſſue Duncan his Son and Heir, whoſe Son and Succeſſor was Andrew Rollo of Duncruib, the Father of another Robert Rollo of Duncruib, and he of William Rollo of the Place foreſaid, who took Poſſeſſion of his Eſtate as Heir to his Grandfather, 9th July 1481c, and afterwards obtained from King James IV. a Charter under the Broad Seal, erecting all his Lands into one entire Barony, the Barony of Duncruib, of the Date October 26th 1511d, He married a Lady of the Family of the Oliphants, by whom he had Robert his Son and Heir, who married Janet Daughter of William Lord Graham, and had Andrew his Son and Heir, who married Marion, Daughter and Co-Heir of Sir David Rollo of Ballachie e, by whom he had George his Succeſſor, James Rollo of Thaneſtand, William Rollo of Balogrie, Sir Walter Rollo of [423] Gairn; likewiſe Two Daughters, Marion married to George Graham of Inchbracko; and again to John Graham of Balgown a; and Mary to . . . . . Oliphant of Gask.

Which George married Iſobel, Daughter of William Moncrief of That-Ilk, but dying without Iſſue, 6th of May, 1581b, was ſucceded by

James his Brother and Heir, who departing this Life in May 1684c, left Iſſue by Agnes his Wife, Daughter of Robert Collice of Bonnymoon, an antient Family in Forfar Shired, Andrew his Succeſſor, alſo Two Daughters, Marion married to James Bruce of Powfouls, and Jean to Alexander Blair of Roſſiehall in the County of Perth.

Which Andrew had the Honour of Knighthood confer'd on him by King James VI. and afterward in his old Age was by King Charles II. in Conſideration, as the Patent bears, of the Antiquity of the Family, and the conſtant Fidelity of his Anceſtors to the Crown, rais'd to the Honour of Lord Rollo of Duncruib, by Letters Patent, hearing Date at Perth 10th January 1651e: And giving Way to Fate 2d of May 1659, left Iſſue by Catharine Drummond his Wife, Daughter of James firſt Lord Madertie, Sir James his Succeſſor in the Honour, Sir John Rollo of Bannockburn, Mr. Lawrence Rollo of Roſſy, Mr. Andrew Rollo Parſon of Dunning, Sir William Rollo a young Gentleman of excellent Parts, and unblemiſhed Reputation for Loyalty and Courage, who from the Beginning of the Troubles in the Reign of King Charles I. heartily and perſonally engaged himſelf for the King, and ſerved his Majeſty till the End of his Life, with ſingular Diligence and Fidelity. He joined the Marquis of Montroſe as ſoon as he declared for his Majeſty, and continued with him till the unhappy Adventure of Philiphaugh, that being apprehended, he was no ſooner known, but an Order was ſent for his Commitment and Tryal, and notwithſtanding all the Defence he could make for himſelf, he was, for being in Arms with Montroſe, which they eaſily found him guilty of, ſentenced to loſe his Head, which Judgment was executed on him at Glaſgow, the 28th of October 1645.

Margaret, eldeſt Daughter to Andrew Lord Rollo, was married to Sir John Drummond of Carnock, and had Iſſue.

Jean to John Rollo of Powhouſe, and afterward to John Drummond of Pitkellony.

Anne to William Merſer of Clevedge, and had Iſſue.

Iſobel to William Hallyday of Tillybool, and had Iſſue.

James ſecond Lord Rollo, was a Perſon of known great Parts, and of a general good Reputation with all Men, which he manifeſted thro' the whole Courſe of the Civil War, by his laying Hold of all Opportunities to advance all Motions toward a Peace, for which no Man was ever more ſollicitous. He married firſt Dorothea Daughter of John Earl of Montroſe, by whom he had no Iſſue; and again Mary, Daughter of Archbald Earl of Argyle, by Anne his ſecond Wife, Daughter of Sir William Cornwallis of Broomo, of the County of Norfolk, by her he had Andrew his Heir, Major Archbald Rollo, alſo a Daughter Margaret married to Sir George Oliphant of Newtoun, ſans Iſſue, and departing this Life in the 1671, was ſucceeded by

Andrew his Son and Heir, who married Margaret, Daughter of Robert [424] Lord Burleigh, by whom he had John Maſter of Rollo, a young Nobleman of good Reputation, who upon ſome private Conteſt was murdered by the young Laird of Inchbracko, 29th of May 1691a, Robert his Succeſſor, likewiſe Three Daughters, Aemelia married to William Irvine of B [...]w, Iſabella to R [...]bert [...] of W [...] [...], and J [...]; and dying the 1ſt of March 1700. was ſucceeded by

Robert his Son and Heir, the preſent Lord Rollo, who married Mary, eldeſt Daughter of Sir Hary Rollo of Wo [...]ſide, by whom he had Iſſue, Andrew Maſter of Rollo.


Or. A Chiveron betwixt Three Bears Heads erazed, Azure, ſupported by Two Stags. Creſt, a Stag's Head Coupe proper. Metto, La Fortune paſſe par Tout.

PRIMEROSE, Earl of Roſeberry.

ARCHBALD Earl of Roſeberry was the only Son of Sir Archbald Primeroſe Lord Dalmeny, Anceſtor to the Viſcount of Primeroſe, by Agnes his ſecond Wife, Daughter of Sir William Gray, Grandfather to the preſent Lord Gray, who being well educated at Schools and Colleges at Home, for his further Improvement, travell'd into Foreign Parts, and made a Campaign or Two in Hungary. Upon his Return he married a Lady of a Fortune, and betook himſelf to a Country Life. In the 1695, he he was choſen Member of Parliament for the County of Edinburgh; but before he ſat long in that Quality in ths Houſe, his Majeſty King William was pleas'd to raiſe him to be a Peer, by the Title of Viſcount Roſeberry, by Letters Patents, bearing Date 1ſt of April 1700. Upon the Acceſſion of Queen Anne to the Crown, he was made one of the Lords of her Majeſty's Privy Council, and rais'd to the Honour of Earl of Roſeberry, the 10th of April 1703, his Lordſhip was alſo one of the Gentlemen of the Bed-Chamber to his Royal Highneſs Prince George of D [...]nmark, who alwiſe profeſſed a more than ordinary Friendſhip for him.

He was alſo one of the Commiſſioners on the Treaty of Union, and was choſen one of the Sixteen Scots Peers, who firſt ſat in the Houſe of Lords in the Parliament of Great Britain; and was ever thereafter a Member throughout all the ſubſequent Parliaments of Queen Anne.

He married Dorothea, Daughter and Heir of Everingham Creſſy of Birking, of the County of York, Eſq b, by whom he had James Lord [425] Dalmeny, Richard Primeroſe Eſq John Primeroſe Eſq likewiſe Four Daughters,

Lady Mary,

Lady Margaret,

Lady Dorothea,

Lady Elizabeth.


Or, Three Primeroſes within a double Treſſure, flower'd und counter-flower'd Gules. Supporters, Two Lyons Vert. Creſt, a Demi-Lyon Rampant, Gules, holding in his Dexter Paw a Primeroſe Gules. Motto, Fide & fiducia.

ROSS, Earl of Roſs.

IN the Reign of King Alexander II. Ferquhard was firſt Earl of Roſs. He left a Son William, who was his Succeſſor in the Honoura. He was the Father of another Earl of the Name of William, who made a very great Figure in the Competition betwixt the Bruce and the Baliol for the Crown. He married Matilda, Daughter of Robert Earl of Carrick, by whom he had Hugh his Succeſſor, who was kill'd at the Battle of Hallydownhill in the 1333, leaving William his Heir, Hugh Roſs of R [...]riches, of whom the Roſſes of Balnagown deſcendedb; and Two Daughters, Eupham married to John Randolph Earl of Murray, and afterward to King Robert II. and Janet firſt to Monimusk of Monimusk, and again to Sir Alexander Murray of Abercairny c.

Which William dying without Male Iſſue, left Two Daughters his Heirs, Eupham Counteſs of Roſs, and Jean, Wife of Sir Alexander Fraſer of Philorth d.

Eupham Counteſs of Roſs, married firſt Sir Walter Leſly, who in her Right was call'd Lord of Roſs, and had Iſſue by him, Sir Alexander Leſly her Son and H [...]ir, who upon the Death of his Mother, was Earl of Roſs, and a Daughter Eupham married to Donald Lord of the Iſles. The Counteſs, after the Death of Sir Walter Leſly married again Alexander Earl of Buchan, Son to King Robert II. but by her he had no Iſſue.

To Eupham Counteſs of Roſs ſucceeded Sir Alexander Leſly her Sone, who married Eupham, Daughter of Robert Duke of Albany, by whom he had no other Child but a Daughter Eupham, who being deformed, did render herſelf religious; and by the Influence of her Grandfather the old Duke, reſign'd the Ea [...]ldom of Roſs in Favours of his Son, her Uncle, John Earl of Buchan, who thereupon uſed the Title of Earl of Roſs, but Donald Lord of the Iſles quarrelling the Deſtination of the religious Counteſs, as being done in Prejudice of his Wife, who was her lawful Heir, and the Duke of Albany and his Son the Earl of Buchan intending to keep what they had got, the Battle of Harlaw enſued thereupon. Yet I think that hot Diſpute did not determine the Quarrel, but upon the Reſtauration of King James I. Alexander Lord of the Iſles got the Earldom of Roſs, which he enjoyed all his Time, as his Son John did alſo, till the 1476, by his Forfaulture for Treaſon and Rebellion it came to the Crown.

ROSS, Lord Roſs.


THIS noble Family is of Engliſh Extraction, and deſcended of the Roſſes of Werk, who came to Scotland in the Time of King Alexander III. and flowriſh'd in the Quality of Barons till the Reign of King James IV. that Sir John Roſs of Haulkhead, came to be ranked among the Lords of Parliament. He was ſlain at Flowdoun, leaving Iſſue by Chriſtian Daughter of Archbald Edmonſtoun of D [...]ntreath, Ninian his Succeſſor, who married firſt Janet, Daughter to the Earl of Lennox, and again Elizabeth Daughter of William Lord Ruthven, Dowager-Counteſs of Errol, and had Robert Maſter of Roſs, who was ſlain at Pinky-Field 1544, leaving a Daughter Elizabeth his Heir, married to John Lord Fleming, James his Father's Succeſſor, who by Jean his Wife, Daughter of Robert Lord Semple, had Robert his Son and Heir, and Sir William Roſs, Kt. Which Robert married Jean, Daughter of Gavin Hamilton of Raploch, and dying in 1596, left Iſſue by his Wife aforeſaid, James his Son and Heir, and a Daughter Griſel, married to Sir Archbald Stirling of Keir.

Which James married Margaret, Daughter of Walter Lord Buccleugh, by whom he had James, William, and Robert, all ſucceſſively Lords; alſo Three Daughters, Margaret married to Sir George Stirling of Keir, Jean to John Hepburn of Wa [...]c [...]toun, and Mary to Sir Robert Innes of That-Ilk; and giving Way to Fate in the Month of December 1633a, was ſucceeded by James his Son and Heir, who dying a young Man on the 7th of March 1636b, was ſucceeded by William his Brother; who likewiſe dying a Minor in 1640c, Robert his younger Brother came to the Honour; and he dying in 1656d, was ſucceeded by

Sir William Roſs of M [...]rieſtoun, his Great Uncle, who by Helen his Wife, Daughter of George Lord Forreſter, had George his Son and Heir, who married firſt Griſel, Daughter of William Earl of D [...]ndonald, by whom he had William his Succeſſor, and a Daughter Griſel married to Sir Alexander Gilmoir of Craigmiller, and had Iſſue; and again Jean, Daughter of George Earl of Dalhouſy; by her he had Lieutenant General Charles Roſs of Balnagown, and a Daughter Jean, married to William Earl of Dalhouſy. And departing this Life in the 1682, was ſucceeded by

William his Son and Heir, who in the Reign of Queen Anne had the Honour to repreſent her Majeſty's Royal Perſon in the General Aſſembly of the Church, Anno 1704. and was alſo during that Reign one of the Commiſſioners of the Treaſury, and one of the Lords of her Majeſty's moſt honourable Privy Council.

In the 1705, her Majeſty was pleaſed to appoint his Lordſhip to be one of the Commiſſioners for the Union between Scotland and England; for the accompliſhing of which he was very zealous, by Reaſon that the Proteſtant Succeſſion to the Crown was thereby ſecured, to which he always ſhew'd himſelf a firm and hearty Friend.

After the Acceſſion of King George to the Crown, his Lordſhip was choſen one of the Sixteen Peers for Scotland, to his firſt Parliament call'd by his Majeſty, and thereafter appointed Lord Lieutenant of Renfrew-Shire, in the 1715.

[427] He married firſt Agnes, Daughter and ſole Heir of Sir John Wilkie of Foultoun, by whom he had George Maſter of Roſs; likewiſe Three Daughters, Eupham married to William Earl of Kilmarnock, Mary to John Duke of Athole, and Griſel to Sir James Lockhart of Carſtairs, and has Iſſue; next, . . . . Daughter of Philip Lord Wharton, by whom he had no Iſſue, and after that Anne, Daughter of John Marquis of Tweedale, by whom he has one Daughter Anne.


Quarterly 1ſt and 4th, Or, a Chiveron Checkie, Sable and Argent, betwixt Three Water Budgets Or, 2d and 3d Gules, Three Creſcents within a Border Argent, charged with Eight Roſes of the Fielda. Supporters, Two Haulks. Creſt, a Haulk's Head erazed, all proper. Motto, Think on.

LESLY, Earl of Rothes.

IN regard I had not an Opportunity of doing the Juſtice to this noble Family, by peruſing their Writings, as I could have wiſhed, it cannot be reaſonably expected, but that my Memoirs of the Houſe of Rothes ſhould be leſs connected than others, whoſe Line and Deſcent I deduced from the Writings of their own Families; for, tho' one Mr. Leſly has ſet out a Book in Germany, of the Name of Leſly, he calls Laurus Leſlaeana, yet in his Accounts of the Families he treats of except Balquhain, whoſe Writs it would appear he had ſeen and peruſed the reſt, eſpecially Rothes, is ſuch a Maſs of confuſed unchronological Stuff, that no Man now a Days, will venture to cite him for an Authority, if he think he himſelf is to be believed; and therefore I ſhall proceed to mention ſuch Writs and Charters, without Reſpect to the Laurus Leſlaeana, I either obſerved from our national Archives or otherwiſe, as are proper to illuſtrate the Honour and Antiquity of this moſt noble Family.

'Tis certain that the firſt Poſſeſſions of this illuſtrious Family was in Aberdeen-Shire, the Barony of Leſly in the Garrioch; and from whence, without all doubt, the Sirname has been aſſumed; for in the Reign of William the Lyon, David Earl of Huntingtoun and Garrioch, the King's Brother, made a Grant, Malcolmo ſilio Bartholf, de terris ſuis de Leſlyn, ſicut perambulatae fuerunt ei coram A. Epiſcopo Aberdeen, per probis hominibus ſuis, & Hachengart, & Mailiae, per rectas diviſas ſuas b. This Malcolm left a Son Norman, filius Malcolmi c, who obtained a Charter from John Earl of Huntingtoun, de terris de Leſlyn, ſicut Charta Patris ſui inde teſtatur.

The Family of Rothes took Beginning in the Reign of King Robert I. Sir Andrew Leſly Kt. Son of Sir Norman Leſly, then obtaining the Baronies of Rothes, Banbrech, and others, by the Marriage of Mary, one of the Three Daughters and Co-Heirs of Sir Alexander Abernethy d. He is [428] one of the Barons in the Letter to the Pope Anno 1320, wherein the Independency of Scotland is very fully aſſerted and vindicated, which is all I have found memorable of him. A Succeſſor of Sir Andrew was another Sir Andrew Leſly, who in the Firſt of King Robert III. 1390, reſign'd in the Sovereign's Hands, the Lands and Barony of Banbrech in Fife, the Lands of Lour and Dulopy in Forfar, the Lands and Barony of Rothey-Norman, and C [...]cychne, in Aberdeen-Shire, reſerving the Liferent of the whole to Andrew de Leſly his Fathera, but he dying without Iſſue Male of his Body, was ſucceeded by

Sir George Leſly, Kt. his Heir of Entailb, who firſt aſſumed the Title of Rothes c. He married Elizabeth, Daughter of Sir Thomas Hay, Lord of Errol d, by whom he had Norman his Heir, who in the 1423, was one of the Barons ſent to England, to attend King James home, when he was relieved out of his Captivity from England e; and dying Anno 1539, left Iſſue by Chriſtian de Seton his Wife,

Sir George Leſly his Son and Heir, who was by King James II. in 1449, rais'd to the Dignity of Earl of Rothes. He married Chriſtian, Daughter of Sir Walter Hallyburton Lord of Dirletoun f. By her he had Andrew Maſter of Rothes, who in the Lifetime of his Father married Elizabeth, Daughter of William Earl of Orkney and Caithneſs g, and left Three Sons, John who left no Iſſue, George who was his Grandfather's Succeſſor; but he dying likewiſe without any Iſſue Male, the Honour fell to his younger Brother William, who was ſlain at Pinky, leaving Iſſue by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of Michael Balfour of Montquhany, George his Succeſſor, and John Leſly of Parkhill.

Which George being a Nobleman of great Wiſdom and Prudence, was much eſteemed by King James V. who carried him over to France in the 1537, when his Majeſty was eſpouſed to Magdalen a Daughter of that Crown: After whoſe Death, during the Regency of the Duke of Chattlerault, he was ſent Ambaſſador to Denmark, in which Negociation he behav'd himſelf with great Prudence and Dexterity; and being look'd on generally throughout the Kingdom as a very wiſe Man, he was named one of the Commiſſioners to go to France, to the Queen's Marriage with the Dauphine, where he died at Deip, on the 9th of November 1558, not without Suſpicion of being poiſoned.

I'm heartily ſorry, there are not ſuch Documents in my Hands as ſhould fully enable me to ſet the Marriages of this noble Earl in a true Light. Mr. Leſly gives the Preference to Lady Margaret Crichton, as the Earl's firſt Lawful Wife, tho' I think his Authority is little to be valued; for 'tis clear from a Charter of George Earl of Rothes in the 1528, wherein he gives both Nicolas Somervel and Margaret Crichton a Liferent out of the ſame Lands; Mrs. Somervel is expreſly call'd his Wife, and is firſt mentioned before the other Lady, who is no otherwiſe deſigned than by her Name, tho' ſhe was of much greater Quality of Birth than the other: Yet 'tis alſo clear by another Charter, in the 1542, That Lady Margaret Crichton is deſigned, Counteſs of Rothes h, and then is certainly his lawful Wife. For the clearing this Matter, I ſhall humbly [429] offer my Opinion about it, from ſuch Writs, as I have ſeen relative to it. The Caſe I take to have been this, The Earl of Rothes in the Heat of Youth, and without a Diſpenſation, according to the Rites of the Chuch, for the Earl and the Lady were within the forbidden Degrees, did uncanonically marry Lady Mary Crichton, the Lord Crichton's Daughter, which then in the Conſtruction of the Law, could not be valid without a Diſpenſation, or the Children conſidered as begot in lawful Marriage, tho' certainly the Earl thought otherwiſe himſelf; for when Norman his Son by her, was a very young Man, he put him in Fie of his Eſtate, and in all the Tranſactions afterwards about it, upon his Forfaulture, he's never deſigned the Earl's natural Son, but only his Son ſimply, and Fiar of the Earldom of Rothes,

And probably the Earl and the Lady diſagreeing, they choſe to live ſeparate, or ſhe left him, and he married again, as was commonly done in that Time, Nicholas Somervel, Daughter of Sir John Somervel of Camnethan, and Widow of John Lord Fleming, by whom he had Andrew his Father's Succeſſor in the Eſtate and Honour; and the Lady dying ſoon thereafter, the Earl was again reconciled to Lady Margaret Chrichton, and legally married her, otherwiſe ſhe could not have been, as I obſerved, ſhe was, deſigned Counteſs of Rothes; and in this State of lawful Marriage, ſhe bare the Earl a Son, Robert Leſly, the Founder of the Houſe of Findraſſy; and from his being Brother to Norman the Maſter of Rothes, both of the ſame Father and Mother, has the Miſtake proceeded, and the Story been patch'd up of his being, as he is call'd, the righteous Rothes; for 'tis plain, that Norman being forfaulted for the Murder of Cardinal Beaton, his Father the Earl redeemed his own Eſtate again in the Terms he had made it over to him, and ſo could not but in Juſtice ſettle it upon his Son Andrew, who being indiſputeably born in lawful Marriage, was preferable to Robert, who was not born of Margaret Crichton, till very long after the Death of Dame Nicholas Somervel; for 'tis plain at firſt the Earl had no other Son by Margaret Crichton, but the aforeſaid Norman Maſter of Rothes.

Andrew Earl of Rothes ſo ſucceeding, his Father, was very faithful to Queen Mary, throughout her whole unfortunate Life, and was highly honoured by King James as a Nobleman of great Honour and Probity. He married firſt Jean, Daughter of Sir James Hamilton of Evandale, by whom he had James Maſter of Rothes, and Andrew Lord Lindores; likewiſe Three Daughters, 1 Margaret, married to Archbald Earl of Angus, 2 Eupham, to James Lord Lindſay, 3 Elizabeth to David Weems. Younger of That-Ilk, and again to James firſt Earl of Findlater.

He married again Jean, Daughter of Patrick Lord Ruthven; and after that Margaret Daughter of Durrie of That-Ilk, and had Margaret married to Sir William Cunninghame of Capringtoun, Mary to Robert Lord Melvil, and Iſobel to James Maſter of Sinclair,

James Maſter of Rothes in the Lifetime of his Father, married firſt Margaret, Daughter of Patrick Lord Lindſay, by whom he had Four Daughters,

Margaret married to Mr. John Murray Miniſter of Dunfermling, a Brother of the Family of Abercairny.

Iſobel to . . . . . . . of Newhall.

Anne to Alexander Wardlaw of Torrie.

Griſel to Alexander Earl of Dunfermling.

His Second Wife was Catharine, Daughter of Patrick Lord Drummond, by whom he had a Son John, who [430] ſucceeded his Grandfather, and a Daughter Jean, married to Alexander Menzies of Weem.

Which John being a Nobleman of very good Parts, and great Addreſs, was one of thoſe Peers who were moſt forward and leading for the R [...]dreſs of Grievances, when the Troubles firſt broke out in 1637; and the Earl being the Perſon of the greateſt Parts, Intereſt, and Experience, in all the Popular Party, it cannot be denied, but he came to be generally look'd on as the Principal and governing Perſon of the Nation at that Time; and after the Treaty of Rippon, at which he was the firſt Commiſſioner, when the Pacification was concluded, his Majeſty reſolved and actually did adjuſt all his Buſineſs with that Party by the Earl, who undertook that Scotland ſhould reſt ſatisfied with the Conceſſions which were in the Treaty; and his Majeſty was well ſatisfied, ſays my Authora, ‘'with the Promiſes made to him by the Earl':’ And 'tis certain the King expected by his Help and Intereſt, to have found ſuch a Party in Scotland, as would, he adds, ‘'have been more tender of his Honour, than they after expreſſed themſelves; and did alwiſe impute the Failing thereof to the Abſence of the Earl, who falling ſick, at the King's coming down to Scotland, within Six Weeks thereafter, died at London, in Auguſt 1641',’ which his Majeſty thought an irreparable Loſs to his Service.

He married Anne, Daughter of John Earl of Mar, by whom he had John his Son and Heir, and Two Daughters, Margaret married firſt to Alexander Lord Balgony, next to Francis Earl of Buccleugh, and laſt of all to David Earl of Weems; and Chriſtian to Hugh Earl of Eglingtoun.

John Earl of Rothes was too young to have been concern'd in the War when it firſt broke out in the Time of King Charles I. but when the Parliament 1651, rais'd an Army for the Service of King Charles II. for the Recovery of England, the Earl being then of Age, put himſelf into the Army, and attended the King thither. Upon the Defeat at Worceſter, he had the Misfortune to fall into the Enemies Hand, who committed him to Priſon, where he remained till the King's Reſtauration, that his Majeſty King Charles II. to reward his Merit and Sufferings, was pleaſed to make him Lord Preſident of the Council, and thereafter General of the Forces in Scotland; he had the Honour alſo to repreſent his Majeſty's Perſon, as Lord High Commiſſioner to the Seſſion of Parliament 1663; and the ſame Year was conſtituted Lord High Treaſurer of Scotland, upon the Reſignation of the Earl of Crawfurd; and the Chancellor's Place falling void by the Death of the Earl of Glen [...]airn, in July 1664, the Lord Treaſurer was not long after prefer'd thereto; and having diſcharged this and all the other great Offices committed to him, to his Majeſty's great Satisfaction, he was graciouſly pleas'd, in Conſideration of all the Lord Chancellor's eminent Services, to create him Duke of Rothes, and to the Heirs Male of his Body for ever, the 29th June 1680; but his Grace did not long ſurvive his Promotion, for he died in July 1681, the Dignity of Duke by his Death did extinguiſh with himſelf, by Reaſon of his Want of Heirs Male.

He married Anne, Daughter of John Earl of Crawfurd, by whom he had Margaret Counteſs of Rothes, and Chriſtian married to James Marquis of Montroſe, and again to Sir John Bruce of Kinroſs, Bart.

Margaret Counteſs of Rothes, a Lady of incomparable Piety and Goodneſs, [431] was married to Charles Earl of Haddingtoun, by whom he had Iſſue John Earl of Rothes, and Thomas Earl of Haddingtoun; and departing this Life 20th of Auguſt 1700, was ſucceeded by

John the preſent Earl of Rothes her Son and Heir, who, upon his coming into the Meaſures of the Court, was by her Majeſty Queen Anne, prefer'd to be Lord Privy Seal in the 1704; but upon a Change in the Miniſtry, the Year thereafter, he was removed, and the Duke of Queensberry made Lord Privy Seal; from henceforth his Lordſhip was alwiſe a firm Friend to the Proteſtant Succeſſion, and when it came to take Place upon the Demiſe of Queen Anne, his Majeſty King George was pleaſed to make the Earl Vice-Admiral of Scotland, in Place of the Earl of Weems, and Lord Lieutenant of the County of Fife, in 1715, when the Militia were firſt model'd under the Lieutenants.

He married Jean, Daughter of John Marquis of Tweedale, by whom he has John Lord Leſly, Charles, Thomas, James, William, Andrew, Lady Jean, and Lady Margaret.


Quarterly 1ſt and 4th Or, on a Bend Azure, Three Buckles of the firſt. 2d and 3d Or, a Lyon Rampant Gules, ſurmounted of a Bend Sable. Supporters, Two Griffins. Creſt, a Demi-Griffin all Gules. Motto, Grip Faſt.

Dukes of Rothſay.

DAVID Prince of Scotland, eldeſt Son of King Robert III. was the firſt dignified by his Father with this Title in the 1399. He was a young Prince of great Courage, and of a Spirit that deſir'd to be in Action, yet it was his Misfortune to indulge himſelf in Pleaſures of all Kinds, in too exorbitant a Proportion; and Complaints being daily carried to his Father of his Exceſſes, the good old King, with a View to reclaim his Son, gave Orders to put him under Arreſt: And the ambitious Governor his Uncle, laying hold of this Opportunity of cutting off all that ſtood in his Way to the Crown, did, in Purſuance of theſe Orders, firſt arreſt the Prince, and then confined him a cloſe Priſoner in the Caſtle of Faulkland, where, by his Uncle's Command, if we may believe our Hiſtorians, he was ſtarved to Death, Anno 1401: Since which Time the Prince and Stewart of Scotland, the King's eldeſt Son is born Duke of Rothſay, Earl of Carrick, and Lord of Renfrew.

KER, Duke of Roxburgh.

THE firſt of this noble Family who was advanced to the Peerage of this Realm, was Sir Robert Ker of Cesfoord, Son and Heir of William Ker of Cesford, by Janet his Wife, Daughter of James Douglas of Drumlanrig, who being from his Youth much liked and favour'd by King James VI. was promoted by him, firſt to be a Gentleman of the Bed-Chamber, and had the Honour of Knighthood confer'd on him at the Coronation of Queen Anne of Denmark, Anno 1590.

Sir Robert Ker was one of thoſe Barons, who by his Majeſt's Appointment accompanied him into England, at his firſt Entrance into that Realm, Anno 1603, when he was honoured with the Title of Lord Ker of Cesford, [432] and the next enſuing Year appointed one of the Commiſſioners for the Treaty of Union which was then ſ [...] on Foot betwixt the Two Nations: A [...] in 1605, he had a Grant of the [...]ſolved Abbacy of K [...], which was then in the Crown, by the Forfaultu [...]e of [...] Earl of Bothwell a; and continuing in great Favour and Eſteem with King James, he was by his ſaid Majeſty further honoured with the Title of Earl of Roxburgh, 19th September 1616. This noble Earl was likewiſe very much in the good Graces of King Charles I. by whom he was promoted to be Lord Privy Seal, Anno 1637, then void by the Demiſe of Thomas Earl of Haddingtoun, which Office he held for the Space of Twelve Years, till the 1649. He died in January 1650b.

He married firſt Mary, Daughter of Sir William Maitland of Lethingtoun, by whom he had Three Daughters.

Jean married to John Earl of Perth.

Iſobel to James Viſcount of Duddop.

Mary to James Halliburton of Pitcur, and thereafter to James Earl of S [...]uthesk.

His ſecond Wife was Jean, Daughter of Patrick Lord Drummond, by whom he had Henry Lord Ker, who died before his Father in 1643, leaving Iſſue by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of William Earl of Errol, Three Daughters, Jean her Grandfather's Heir both of his Eſtate and Honour, Anne married to John Earl of Wigtoun, and Margaret to Sir Henry Innes of That-Ilk.

Jean Counteſs of Roxburgh, by the Deſtination and Appointment of the old Earl, her Grandfather, did marry Sir William Drummond, the Earl of Perth's Son, her own Couſin-German, who thereupon by the Conveyance of the Honour, was Earl of Roxburgh. He died in the 1675c, leaving Iſſue by the Counteſs his Wife aforeſaid, Robert his Son and Heir, John Lord Ballenden, and a Daughter Jean, married to Colin Earl of Balcarras.

Which Robert was one of the Lords of the Privy Council to King Charles the Second. He was caſt away aboard the Gloceſter Frigate, waiting on his Royal Highneſs the Duke of York by Sea from London to Scotland, 7th May 1682, leaving Iſſue by Mary his Wife, Daughter of John Marquis of Tweedale, Three Sons, Robert his Father's Succeſſor, who died in his Travels abroad, on the 13th of July 1696d, John the preſent Duke of Roxburgh, and Colonel William Ker.

Which John being a young Nobleman of very great Parts and Learning, was by her Majeſty Queen Anne promoted to be one of the Principal Secretaries of State in the 1704: And further, immediately before the Commencement of the Union of the two Nations, of which his Lordſhip had been a moſt hearty Promoter, he was rais'd to the Honour of Duke of Roxburgh, by Letters Patent, bearing Date 27th April 1707. His Grace having been alwiſe a moſt ſincere Friend to the Proteſtant Succeſſion in the Houſe of Hannover; his Electoral Highneſs the Duke of Brunſwick, now his Majeſty King George, repoſed ſo much Confidence in his Grace's Affection and Fidelity to his Intereſt, that he named him one of the Lords of the Regency, which was the greateſt Honour his illuſtrious Highneſs could do the Duke, till he ſhould come to the Crown of Great Britain.

His Grace married the Lady Mary Finch, Daughter of Daniel Earl of Nottingham, Widow of William Marquis of Halifax, by whom he has Robert Marquis of Cesford.



Quarterly firſt, Vert. on a Chiveron betwixt Three Unicorn's Heads erazed Argent, Three Mollets Sable. 2d and 3d Gules, Three Maſcles, Or. Supporters Two Savages wreath'd about the Head and Loins, with Battons. Creſt, an Unicorn's Head erazed, Argent. Motto, Pro Chriſto & Patria dulce periculum.

HAMILTON, Earl of Ruglen.

THE firſt who was honoured with this Title, was Lord John Hamilton, Third Son of William and Anne, Duke and Dutcheſs of Hamilton, whom King William created Earl of Ruglen, 15th of April 1697.

He married firſt Anne, Daughter of John Earl of Caſſils, by whom he had Iſſue, a Son and Two Daughters,

William Lord Riccartoun.

Lady Anne.

Lady Suſanna.

He married next the Lady Kennedy, the Relict of the Lord Kennedy, by whom he has no Iſſue.


The quartered Coats of the Family of Hamilton, and in Surtout, the Paternal Arms of Douglas. Supporters, Creſt, and Motto the ſame as the Duke of Hamilton.

RUTHERFOORD, Lord Rutherfoord.

THIS Family is very ancient in the County of Roxburgh, where they have long continued in great Reputation, and pr [...]duc'd Men of great Courage, and very ſignal in their Fidelity to, and Service of the Crown. Sir Robert de Rutherfoord in the Engliſh War, in the Time of King Edward I. appeared eminently in the Intereſt of his Country, inſomuch as his Memory ought to be preſerved and honoured to Poſterity. Richard Rutherfoord, Lord of That-Ilk, made a very bright Figure in the Reign of King Robert IIIa, and James Rutherfoord of Rutherfoord was frequently imployed by King James II. in managing and concluding Treaties with England, as an Ambaſſador, and in particular was one of thoſe who concluded the Treaty with that Crown, Anno 1457. By Margaret his Wife, Daughter of . . . . . . . Erskine of . . . . . . .b, he had Richard, who died before himſelf, Thomas, with whom the Barony of Edzerſtoun remained as the Heir Male of the Rutherfoords, and Robert; and dying Anno 1492, was ſucceeded by Richard his Grandſon and Heirc, who dying ſoon thereafter, without any Iſſue of his Body, his Two Siſters became Heirs to him; Helen the eld [...]r married to Sir John F [...]reman of Davene, Kt. and after his Death to Andrew Rutherfoord of Hunthill, and Catharine to James St [...]wart of Traquair d, and had Iſſue.

Of the Family of Rutherfoord the Houſe of Hunthill was a Branch, as [434] early as the Time of King James I.a, of whom again by a younger Brother, did Andrew Ratherfoord deſcend, who firſt laid the Foundation of this Honour.

He was the Son of William Rutherfoord of Qu [...]relh [...]les, by Iſobel his Wife, Daughter of James Stewart of Traquair, who being a younger Son, he enter'd early into the Life and Condition of a Soldier, in the French Service, where he had the Reputation of a very good Officer, when he was yet in no higher Quality of Command than of a Captain of Foot: But having alwiſe behaved himſelf with great Courage and Vigilance, he was rais'd to the Degree of a Lieutenant General. He ſerv'd in that Army with ſingular Reputation for Courage and Conduct till the Concluſion of the Peace betwixt the Two Crowns in 1659. Upon the Reſtauration of King Charles II. General Rutherfoord came over to England, with a very fair Reputation, and a very good Teſtimony from the French King; whereupon his Majeſty, to countenance his Merit, was pleaſed to create him a Peer of Scotland, by the Title of Lord Rutherfoord, January 19th. 1661b, but having no Iſſue of his Body, the Honour was to his Heirs or Aſſignies, or whomever he ſhould name in the very Article of his Death. Soon after which the, Lord Rutherfoord was made Governor of Dunkirk, and he managed that Truſt ſo much to the Satisfaction of the Britiſh Court, eſpecially in the Sale of that important Place to the French, which he tranſacted, that upon his coming over to England, his Majeſty, to expreſs the due Senſe of his Merit, and of his acceptable Services, did raiſe him to the Honour of Earl of Teviot, and to the Heirs Male of his Body, by Letters Patent, the 2d of February 1663c, and ſhortly thereafter plac'd him in the Government of Tangier; but the General enjoy'd that Command very little Time, for within a few Months or thereabout, after his Arrival there, making a ſharp and bold Sally upon the Moors, he and moſt of his Party were unfortunately cut off on the 3d of May 1664d, the Title of Lord Rutherfoord by his Latter-Will did devolve to Sir Thomas Rutherfoord of Hunthill, who dying without Iſſue on the 14th of April 1668e, was ſucceeded in the Honour of Lord Rutherfoord, by Archbald his Brother, who likewiſe dying without any Iſſue of his Body, March 16th 1685f, the Peerage fell to his Brother Robert now Lord Rutherfoord; who neither having any Iſſue, has made over his Eſtate and Title to Thomas Rutherfoord of That-Ilk, his Couſin, Brother and Heir apparent to Andrew Rutherfoord of Edzerſtoun, reſerving the Honour and ſuch a Proviſion for himſelf, as ſupports him according to his Quality, during his Life.

RUTHVEN, Lord Ruthven.

SIR Thomas Ruthven of Freeland, was created Lord Ruthven by King Charles the Second, in the 1651. And departing this Life 6th May 1674, left Iſſue by Iſobel his Wife, Daughter of Robert Lord Burleigh, David his Son and Heir, who [435] died unmarried in the 1704, and thereby the Honour became extinct; likewiſe Three Daughters,

1 Anne married to Sir William Cunninghame of Cunninghame-Head, and has Iſſue; again to William Cunninghame of Craigends, but had no Iſſue.

2 Iſobel to Sir Francis Ruthven of Redcaſtle, and had Iſſue.

3 Jean, who was never married.

ABERNETHY, Lord Saltoun.

FROM the Family of Abernethy of Abernethy in Fife, did the Abernethies of Saltoun fetch their Origine. William de Abernethy their Anceſtor, obtained the Lands of Rothiemay in the Time of King David II. for his good Services to the Crown. They were very early ranked among the Peers, & in that Quality flowriſh'd in the Male Line, till the 1669, that Alexander Lord Abernethy of Saltoun, then dying without Iſſue, the Honour devolved to his Nephew by his Siſter, Sir Alexander Fraſer of Philorth.

FRASER, Lord Saltoun.

THE Paternal Anceſtor of this noble Family, was Sir Alexander Fraſer, Kt. who in the Reign of King Robert II. obtain'd the Lands and Barony of Philorth by the Marriage of Jean, ſecond Daughter and Co-Heir of William Earl of Roſs a, and from him did lineally deſcend Sir Alexander Fraſer of Philorth, who became Lord Saltoun on the Death of his Uncle aforeſaid. He married Elizabeth, Daughter of . . . . . Seaton of Meldrum, by whom he had Alezander his Son and Heir apparent, who died before himſelf, leaving Iſſue by Anne his Wife, Daughter of William Earl of Lothian, a Son William, who ſucceeded his Grandfather in the Honour, and married Margaret, Daughter of Dr. James Sharp, Arch-biſhop of St. Andrew's, by whom he had Alexander his Succeſſor, William Fraſer Advocate, James Fraſer Eſq likewiſe Three Daughters, Helen married to Sir James Gordon of Park, Mary and Iſobel, and departing this Life the 18th of March 1715, was ſucceeeded by

Alexander his Son and Heir, who married Mary; Daughter of George Earl of Aberdeen, by whom he has Iſſue. William Maſter of Saltoun.


Quarterly 1ſt and 4th Azure, Three Frazes Argent. 2d, Gules, a Lyon rampant Argent, 3d Argent, Three Pyles Gules. Supporters, Two Cherubims proper: Creſt, an Oſtrich holding in her Beck a Horſe Shoe, Motto, In God is All.

MACKENZIE, Earl of Seaforth.

AMong the many brave Scots-Men who ſignaliz'd themſelves for the Service of their Country at the Battle of the Largs, in 1263, there was a Gentleman, a Foreigner, one Colin [436] Fitz Gerald, Son to the Earl of Kildare or Deſmond, of the Kingdom of Ireland, whoſe Courage and Valour on that Occaſion was ſo ſingularly remarkable, that King Alexander took him into his ſpecial Protection, and was afterward pleas'd to beſtow upon him the Lands of Kintail in Roſs-Shire, pro bono & fideli ſervitio, tam in Bello quam in Pace; and to be held by him in liberam b [...] roniam, as the original Charter bears, dated from Kincardine, 9th of January 1266a. From Kenneth, the Son of the firſt Colin, his Deſcendants are call'd Mackenneths by the Highlanders, and Engliſh'd Mackenzie. This laſt Kenneth was ſucceeded by a Son of the ſame Name, and he by Murdo, who is deſign'd Filius Kennethi, in a Grant which he had from King David II. of his Lands of Kintail, in the Year 1360.

Alexander Mackenzie of Kintail his Heir and Succeſſor in Deſcent in the Reign of King James III. was look'd on as a wiſe and prudent Man. It was to his Conduct and Courage the reducing of that formidable Rebel John Earl of Roſs, was in a great Part owing: For which acceptable Service he had a Grant from the Crown of the Lands of Strachonnan, Str [...]g [...]rvie, and ſeveral other of the Earl's Lands, by a Charter under the Great Seal, 7th September 1477b. By Agnes his Wife, a Lady of the Mackdougals, he had Kenneth his Succeſſor, and Two younger Sons, Duncan and Hector; of the firſt did the Mackenzies of Logie and Hilton deſcend, and of the other ſprang the Branch of the Mackenzies of Garloch, all in the County of Roſs. Which Kenneth was ſlain at the Battle of Flowdoun with King James IV. the 9th of September 1513, leaving Iſſue by Agnes his Wife, Daughter of Hugh Lord Lovat, John his Heir, Alexander, of whom came the Branch of Davachmulnack, Roderick, the Root of the Mackenzies of Achilty, and their Deſcendants, and Kenneth, of whom iſſued the Families of Suddy, Ord, and Inveral [...]ll c, likewiſe a Daughter Agnes, married to Roderick Mackleod of the Lewis.

John Mackenzie the next Baron of Kintail, was, for his great Wiſdom and Knowledge, taken by King James V. into the Number of his Privy-Council, and much favour'd and eſteem'd by him. He married Eliſabeth, Daughter of . . . . Stewart d of . . . . . . and had

Kenneth his Succeſſor, who married Eliſabeth, Daughter of John Earl of Athole. By her he had Colin his Son and Heir, and Roderick, who was the Author of the Mackenzies of Reidcaſtle and Kincraig; likewiſe ſundry Daughters, Janet married to Alexander Mackdonald of Glengary, and again to Alexander Chiſolm of Comer e, Agnes to Lauchlan Mackintoſh of Dunachtane f, . . . . to David Roſs of Balnagown, Eliſabeth to Walter Urquhart of Cromarty g, and had Iſſue, and . . . . . to . . . . . Innes of Innerbaackie, and departing this Life the 6th of June 1568, was ſucceeded by

Colin his Son, who in the Reign of Queen Mary, after the Troubles broke out, adhered firmly to that unfortunate Princeſs, was on her Behalf at the Battle of Langſide, for which he was obliged to take a Remiſſion from the Regent; but upon [437] King James's accepting the Government on himſelf, he choſe this Gentleman to be of his Privy Council, and committed the quelling of ſeveral Inſurrections in the Highlands to him, which he performed with Courage, Dexterity, and Succeſs. He married firſt Barbara, Daughter of John Grant of That-Ilka, by whom he had Kenneth, thereafter Lord Kintail, Sir Roderick Mackenzie of Ta [...] bat, Anceſtor to the Earl of Cromarty, and Clin, of whom the Branch of Kin [...]ock b; alſo Three Daughters, 1 M [...]rgaret married to Sinn Lord L [...]vat. 2 . . . . . to Lauchlan Maclean of Dowart, 3 . . . . . . to Sir Donald Mackdonald of Slate, but had no Iſſue. His ſecond Wife was Mary, Daughter of . . . . . Mackenzie of Davachmulanack: By her he had a Son Alexander, of whom the Mackenzies of Applecroſs, Cowl, and Aſſint are deſcendedc, and departing this Life the 14th June 1594d, was ſucceeded by Kenneth his Son, who being a Perſon of great Spi [...]it and Courage, and of a fair Fortune, his Majeſty King James VI. was pleaſed to raiſe him to the Honour of Peerage by the Title of Lord Mackenzie of Kintail, on the 19th of November 1609 and giving Way to Fa [...]e in March 1611e, left Iſſue by Anne his firſt Wife, Daughter of George Roſs of Balnagown, Colin his Succeſſor; alſo Two Daughters, Barb [...]ra married to Donald Lord Rae, and Janet to Sir Donald Mackdonald of Slate. Bart. and had Iſſue; alſo by Iſobel his ſecond Wife, Daughter of Gilbert Ogilvie of Powrie, he had George thereafter Earl of Seaforth, Thomas Mackenzie of Pl [...]ſcarty, Simon Mackenzie of Lochſlin, the Father of Sir George Mackenzie of Roſe [...]augh; and a Daughter Sibilla, married to John M [...]Leod of That Ilk.

Which Kenneth being a Nobleman of great Parts and ſignal Loyalty, was by the ſpecial Favour of King James VI. honoured with the Title of Earl of Seaforth, by Letters Pa [...]ent, bearing Date the 3d of December 1623f. He married Margaret, Daughter of Alexander Earl of Dunfermling, by whom he had only Two Daughters, Jean, married firſt to John Lord Berindale, and after to Alexander Lord Duffus; and Anne to Alexander Earl of Balcarras, and again to Archbald Earl of Argyle; and dying on the 15th of April 1633g, George his Brother of the Half-Blood ſucceeded him in his Eſtate and Honour. This noble Earl, for his fi [...]m Adherence to King Charles I. had his Eſtate ſequſtrated, and himſelf excommunicated, and forced to leave the Kingdom. A [...]ter the Murder of the King, he repaired to his Majeſty King Charles II. while he ſojourned in Holland, who received him graciouſly, and made him Principal Secretary of State for Scotland; in which honourable, tho' not at that [...]ime very profitable Employment. He died Anno 1651h. He married Barbara, Daughter of Arthur Lord Forbes, by whom he had George his Son and Heir, Mr. Colin Mackenzie, the Father of my excellent Friend the learned Dr. George Mackenzie, who hath already obliged the World with [438] Two Volumes of a Biography of his learn'd Countrymen; for whoſe great Worth and Vertues I have that Eſteem which he has from all the Lovers of his Country, and very deſervedly.

Kenneth Earl of Seaforth his Son, was very eminent in his L [...]yalty to King Charles II. during the Uſurpation; for he was ſo far from being diſcouraged by the Sufferings of his Father for the Royal Family, that he did very firmly adhere to, and ſupport the Royal Cauſe as long as there was any to appear in the Field for it; and when he was obliged to ſubmit to the Powers that then prevailed, he was committed to Priſon, where with great Conſtancy and Firmneſs of Mind, he endured a long and tedious Impriſonment, till he was relieved by the Reſtauration of the King.

He married Iſobel, Daughter of Sir John Mackenzie of Tarbat, and departing this Life in the Month of December 1678, left Iſſue by his Wife aforeſaid, Kenneth his Succeſſor, Maſter John Mackenzie of Aſſint, and Colonel Alexander Mackenzie; likewiſe Four Daughters,

Lady Margaret married to James Lord Duff [...]s.

Lady Anne.

Lady Iſobel to Roderick Mackleod of That-Ilk, but had no Iſſue; and again to Sir Duncan Campbell of Lochenell.

Lady Mary to Alexander Mackdonald of Glengary, and had Iſſue.

Which Kenneth was one of the Lords of the Privy Council to King James VII. by whom he was choſen one of the Knights Companions of the moſt noble Order of the Thiſtle, Anno 1687, which that Prince was then pleaſed to revive. Upon the Revolution, when his unfortunate Maſter was forced to retire into France, and thence into Ireland, the Earl ſoon followed him thither; at which Time King James did create him a Marquis; but that Honour is not allowed here. He married the Lady Fran [...]es Herbert, Daughter of William Marquis of Powis, of the Kingdom of England, by whom he had Kenneth his Succeſſor, and a Daughter Mary married to . . . . . . Careyll, Eſq and dying in January 1701. was ſucceeded in his Eſtate and Honour by

Kenneth his Son, the preſent Earl; who is married with Mary, only Daughter and Heir of Ni [...]olas Kennet of Coxhow, Eſq of the County of Northumberland.


Azure, a Dear's Head caboſs'd Or. Supporters, Two Savages with Clubs, burning on the Top. Creſt, a Mountain in a Flame. Motto, Luceo non uro.

DOUGLASS, Earl of Selkirk.

LORD William Douglaſs, eldeſt Son of William firſt Marquis of Douglaſs, by his ſecond Wife Mary, Daughter of George Marquis of Huntly, was by King Charles I. by Letters Patent, the 14th of Auguſt 1646, created Earl of Selkirk; and thereafter, upon his marrying of Anne Dutcheſs of Hamilton, he was created Duke of Hamilton.

HAMILTON, Earl of Selkirk.

WILLIAM Duke of Hamilton, having in the Year 1687, reſigned the Honour of Earl of Selkirk, in the Hands of King James VII. [439] his Majeſty was pleaſed to confer it again with the firſt Precedency on Lord Charles Hamilton, his Grace's ſecond Son, who had likewiſe the Command of his Borther the Earl of Arran's Regiment beſtowed on him, upon the Earl's getting the Lord of Oxford's Regiment; and his Lordſhip having afterward comply'd, and been as far inſtrumental in the Revolution, as giving his Voice in the Convention for ſettling the Crown on the Prince and Princeſs of Orange, the Prince being declared King of Scotland, he was pleaſed ſo far to reward the Earl's Merit, as to name his Lordſhip one of the Gentlemen of his Bed-Chamber, as did alſo his Majeſty King George, on his Acceſſion to the Crown in 1714.

SEMPLE, Lord Semple.

THIS noble Family is very ancient in the County of Renfrew, where they had great Poſſeſſions, and held an Office which made them very conſiderable there; for when the illuſtrious Family of the Stewarts, long before they came to the Crown, held that County by the Tenure of a Barony, the Anceſtors of this ancient Family were their hereditary Bailiffs and Stewarts. The firſt remarkable Perſon of this noble Family, at leaſt that has come to my Knowledge, was Robert de Semple, Seneſchal. Baroniae de Renfrew, who is Witneſs in a Grant which James Lord High Stewart of Scotland, Grandfather to King Robert II. made Step [...]ano filio Nicolaii, de illa terra quae data fuit Patricio de Selvinland, ubi [...]quam de Greif cadit in aquam de Clydea. The ſame Robert was one of thoſe heroick Perſons, who was alwiſe firm to the Intereſt of King Robert I. upon whoſe Acceſſion to the Crown, he had a Grant from that Prince, in Reward of his Merit, de omnibus Terris, cumpertinen quae fuerunt Joannis de Baliolo, in tenemento de Largisb. He was ſucceeded by William his Son, and he again by Sir Thomas Semple, the firſt I have obſerved, who was deſigned Dominus de Elliotſtoun, who ſeems to be a Man of Mettle and Spirit, and a great Favourite w [...] Robert Stewart of Scotland, and Earl of Strathern, after King Robert II. as appears from many Evidences, and particularly the Frequency of his Witneſſing the Earl's Donations to the Monaſtry of Paiſley c. He left a Son John, who obtained from John Earl of Carrick, upon his Father's coming to the Crown, the Lands and Barony of Glasſord, of which, in the 4th of King Robert II. Anno 1375, he had a Charter of Confirmation, under the Great Seal, whereby the King ratifies Donationem illam quam Primogenitus noſter Joannes Comes de Carrick, fecit & conceſſit dilecto & fideli noſtro Joanni Symple, filio & haeredi D. Thomae Symple de Terris de Glasford, cum advocatione Eccleſiae ejuſdem. By . . . . . . Daughter of . . . . . . his Wife, he had John his Son and Heir, and a Daughter Jean, married to Sir John Stewart, Sheriff of Bute d, and had Iſſue.

Which John made a very good Figure under King Robert III. and in the Regency that enſued upon his Death, and was particularly employed in tranſacting the Redemption of King James I. and when the Treaty was concluded, he was one of [440] thoſe [...] who went to wait upon the King [...] Durham to preſent his Duty to his Majeſty, and to congratulate his happy Reſtauration. He was ſucceeded by his Son

Sir Robert Semple of Elliotſtou [...], who received the Honour of Knighthood from King James II. He had alſo from the ſame Prince a Grant of the Lands of S [...]thennen on his own Reſignationa, in which there is this remarkable Clauſe, Quae Terrae fuerunt quondam Joannis ae Baliolo; from which I preſume theſe Lands were given originally by King Robert the Bruce, for ſome very notable and eminent Serv [...] performed by Sir Robert Semple againſt the Baliol, the King's Rival; the Particulars whereof have not come to my Knowledge. This Sir Robert was ſucceeded by his Son,

Sir William Semple of Elliotſtoun, who is the firſt deſign'd Sheriff of Renfrew, in the Reign of King James IIIb, who by Elizabeth his Wife, Daughter of . . . . . of . . . . . . . had

Sir Thomas his Son and Heir, who, upon the breaking out of the Troubles in the Reign of King James III. adhered to that unfortunate Prince, and engaged in his Service, in which he loſt his Life with his Maſter, at the Battle of Bann [...]ckburn, on the 10th of June 1488, leaving Iſſue Sir John his Succeſſor; likewiſe Two Daughters, Margaret married to Robert Crawfurd of Kilbirny c, and had Iſſue, and Marion to John Stewart of Glanderſtoun, Son to John firſt Earl of Lennox, and had Iſſue.

Which Sir John being a Perſon of excellent Parts; and ſtanding highly in the Favour of his Prince King James IV. was by him firſt dignified with the Title of Lord Semple. He was very devoted to the Church, for from Motives which he thought tended to a vance the Honour and Glory of Aimighty GOD, he made a very noble Foundation of a Collegiate Church, near his own Caſtle of Semple, a handſome large Fabrick, which he endowed with many Lands and Tithes, for the Support of a Provoſt and a Number of Prebends, who were pe [...]petually to perform all the Divine Offices, Pro ſalute & proſperitate ſereniſſimi Principis Jacobi IV. Regis Scotorum, & Margaretae Reginae ſuae, nec non pro ſalute Margaretae Colvil quondam ſponſae ſuae, ettam pro ſalute animae ſuae, & Margaratae Crichton ſponſae modernae, omnium anteceſſorum & ſucceſſorum, & omnium fidelium defunctoru [...] in perpetuum d.

As this noble Lord was alwiſe very faithful to his Prince in his Life, ſo 'tis certain he went with him to the Battle of Flowdoun, where he was ſlain, fighting gallantly in the Service of his Country, on the memorable 9th of September 1513. After the Battle his Body was brought off the Field, and buried in the Collegiate Church of Semple, where a Monument is erected over him, embelliſh'd with his Arms, without any other Inſcription, than ſignifying him to be the Perſon there interr'd. His firſt Wife was Margaret, Daughter of Sir Robert Colvil, Lord of Ochiltree, by whom he had Two Sons, William his Succeſſor, and G [...]bri [...]l Semple of Ladymure e the Anceſt [...]r of the Semples of Cathcart. He married again Margaret, Daughter of James Crichton of Ruthvendeny f, Relict of Sir William Stirling of Keir, but by her he had no Iſſue.

William Lord Semple his Son, the next of this noble Family, was a Nobleman of very good Parts, and of great Wiſdom and Prudence, and alwiſe very well eſteem'd both in the Court and in the Country. [441] King James V. made him one of the Lords of his Privy Council, and Juſticiary within the Regality of Pa [...]ſly and the Abbots of that Monaſtry paid him all Manner of Honours and Reſpect, particularly in the 1546, Mr. Hamilton the then Abbot, with the full and hearty Concurrence and Approbation of the Convent, made him heritable Bailiff of their Regality, which gave him a very great Intereſt and Influence in the Weſtern Parts, where he lived. He married firſt Margaret, Daughter of Hugh Earl of Eglintoun, by whom he had Robert his Son and Heir, and David, Author of the Semples of Craigbett a, a Branch whereof ſettled in Spain above a Hundred Years ago, and are now very conſiderable in that Kingdom, who ſtill own with great Satisfaction their Scots Original, and the Honour they have to be deriv'd from this illuſtrious Houſe; beſides, theſe Sons, he had alſo ſeveral Daughters, Helen married to Allan Lord Cathcart. and Marion to Sir John Stirling of Keir. His ſecond Wife was Dame Elizabeth Arnot, Widow of Sir Robert Colvil of Ochil [...]ree; and his Third and laſt Wife was Marion, Daughter of H [...]gh Montgomery of Haſlehead; but by neither of theſe had he any Iſſue; and dying in the Year 1548, was ſucceeded by

Robert his Son and Heir, who being a Man of great Courage and Magnanimity, did eminently ſignalize his Valour at the Battle of Pinky, in the Service of his Country, where he had the Misfortune to be taken Priſoner, and ſent to England, where he remained till the Peace was concluded betwixt the Two Realms.

Upon the breaking out of the Civil War in the Reign of Queen Mary, tho' this Lord was a great Zealot for the Roman Catholick Religion, and very devoted to the Queen yet no Body more heartily concur'd in the Preſervation of the young Prince, King James, or contributed more to ſettle and eſtabliſh him on the Throne; and it ought not to be forgotten, that the brought to the Battle of Langſide, to the Aſſiſtance of the Earl of Marray the Regent, a greater Number of his Retainers, and better appointed than any other Lord on the King's Side, for his Intereſt and the Reputation of his Family in the Country was very great. In Conſideration of theſe his good Services to the young King, the Regent beſtowed on him the diſſolved Abbacy of Paiſley, then in the Crown by the Forfaulture of Lord Claud Hamilton, who held that Benefice in commendam b. He married firſt Iſobel, Daughter of . . . . . Hamilton of . . . . . by whom he [...]ad Robert Maſter of Semple, who died in the Lifetime of his Father, A [...]no 1569, Andrew, commonly call'd Maſter of Semple, of whom deſcended the Semples of Br [...]ntſhiel and M [...]llbank; alſo ſundry Daughters,

Griſel married to James Hamilton of Stanhouſe, and had Iſſue.

Margaret to John Hamilton of Broomhill, and again to John Whiteford of That-Ilk.

Janet to Hugh Montgomery of Haſlehead, and had Iſſue.

. . . . to Alexander Fle [...]ming of Barochan, and had Iſſue.

His Second Wife was Elizabeth Cairlyle, an Engliſh Lady, by her he had John Semple of Bell [...]rees, and Three Daughters, Jean married to James Lord Roſs, and had Iſſue. Gri [...]el to John Blair of That-Ilk, and had Iſſue. Dorothy to Robert Montgomery of Skelmurly, and had Iſſue; and dying very aged in the End of the 1571, his Eſtate and Honour devolved on

[442] Robert his Grandſon, only Son of Robert Maſter of Semple, by Barbara his Wife, Daughter of Archbald Preſton of Valleyfield a, who being young at his Grandfather's Death, the Earl of Morton, the Regent, took him into his immediate Care and Tuition. He was far from being of that Earl's Principles in Politicks, for he was alwiſe a moſt devoted Servant of the Crown; and tho' he was of that Religion that does not diſpoſe Men to be the quieteſt Subjects, yet when other Roman Catholick Lords entered into a Combination with the King of Spain, to overturn the Reformed Religion in Scotland, the Lord Semple would never meddle in any Degree with them, which made the King alwiſe after love and eſteem him, as a Man to be depended on in Point of Honour and Loyalty. In the 1596, his Majeſty was pleaſed to ſend him Ambaſſador Extraordinary into Spain; in which Negotiation he behaved with great Prudence, and with the concurrent Teſtimony of his being a very wiſe Man; and tho' King James had a great Value of him, yet he could never employ him in any of the Civil Offices of the State, becauſe of his Religion, which he never diſſembled; which, conſidering his Parts, few would have diſcharged with greater Sufficiency.

He married firſt Agnes, Daughter of Hugh Earl of Eglingtoun, by whom he had Hugh his Succeſſor; alſo Four Daughters,

1 Anne married to Sir Archbald Stewart of Caſtle [...]isk, and had Iſſue.

2 Barbara to Sir Coll Laumont of I [...]eryne, and had Iſſue.

3 Griſel to John Logan of Raiſs, and had Iſſue.

4 Margaret to Robert Brishane of Biſhoptoun, and had Iſſue.

Secondly, he married Dame Joanna de Evieland, a Lady of the Low-Countries, by whom he had Sir William Semple of Letterke [...]y, who ſettled in the Kingdom of Ireland, and left one Daughter his Heir, married to Sir Francis Hamilton, Kt. This Lord dying on the 25th of March 1611b, was ſucceeded by

Hugh his Son, who was a Nobleman of confeſs'd Parts and Abilities, yet becauſe of his Religion, he had no Opportunity to ſhew them in any other Capacity than a private Gentleman. He liv'd in great Splendor and Magnificence; was alwiſe well attended with a very numerous and noble Equipage when he went abroad, yet being a frugal Man, he left his Eſtate in a very opulent Condition at his Death, which his Succeſſors ſoon [...]ound a Way to diminiſh. He married firſt Anne, Daughter of James Earl of Abercorn, by whom he had one Daughter, Marion married to Sir George Preſton of Valleyfield: and next, Elizabeth, Daughter of Francis Earl of Errol,; by her he had Fran [...]is his Son and Heir, Robert his Brother's Succeſſor in the Honour, Archbald Semple of Dikehead, James who entred into a religious Order abroad; alſo Two Daughters, Elizabeth married to William Lord Mordingtoun, and Jean to William Menzies of Pitfoddel, and had Iſſue; and giving Way to Fate in 1637, was ſucceeded by

Francis his Son, who married Elizabeth. Daughter of George Earl of Winton; but dying without Iſſue on the 8th of Novomber 1644, his Eſtate and Honour devolved on

Robert his Brother, who married Anne, Daughter of James Lord Mordingtoun, Brother to William firſt Marquis of Douglaſs, by whom he had Robert Maſter of Semple, who died in his 18th Year, a very hopeful [443] Youth, Franc [...]s his Succeſſor; likewiſe ſeveral Daughters, Anne married to Francis Abercrombie of Feternier, and J [...]n to Alexander Sinclair o [...] R [...]ſ [...]n, and had Iſſue; and departing this Life 8th of September 1675, was ſucceeded by

Francis his Son and Heir, who after the Death of his Father, was by the Care of his noble Relations educated in the Proteſtant Religion; ſo that when he came to Age, he took his Place in Parliament, where hi [...] Anceſtors had never ſat from the Time of the Reformation of Religion for above a Hundred Years. He married Griſel, Daughter of Sir Archbald Primeroſe of Dalmeny, Anceſtor to the Viſcount of Primeroſe; but dying without Iſſue in the Year 1684, his Eſtate and Dignity came to

Anne Lady Semple his Siſter and Heir, who being married to Francis Abercromby of Feterne [...]r, as aforeſaid, he was, by Reaſon of his Marriage with this noble Lady, by King James VII. dignified with the Title of Lord Glaſsfurd, by Letters Patent, 25th July 1685, for his own Lifetime, in regard the Honour of Semple was to deſcend to the Lady's Heirs; and which it actually did upon her Demiſe in the 1691, on Francis Lord Semple, her elde [...]t Son, a young Man of the moſt eminent and ſublime Parts, who, to the great Joy of his Relations, did quit the Superſtitions of the Church of Rome, in which he had been educated, and embrac'd the Proteſtant Religion, as practis'd in this Church, and took his Place in the firſt Parliament of Queen Anne, Anno 1703; in which and all the ſubſequent Seſſions thereof, he behaved himſelf with ſingular Honour and Integrity, for tho' he was under very great Temptations, and at the ſame Time had very conſiderable. Offers made him, if he would comply with the Meaſures of the Court, in Relation to the Union, yet nothing could corrupt him, or make him ſwerve from what he thought was the Interſt of his Country; ſo that he gave the Union all the Oppoſition that was in his Power, and voted againſt every Article of it; and he was wont to ſay, That tho' the Union was attended with no other Inconveniency, than the making the Peers elective, he wonder'd very much how any of that Rank, could be for it, for being all Peers by Right of Inheritance; their being made elective, he took to be a diveſting them of their Peerage, becauſe not being ſure of being always choſen to every Par [...]iament of Great Britain, they conſequently muſt loſe, when left out, the Benefit of ſitting in Parliament, what was ever deem'd an inſeparable Right of the Peerage. Beſide his Lordſhip there were alſo ſeveral other younger Children, Captain Robert Semple who was kill'd abroad, John Semple Eſq Captain H [...]gh Semple, and a Daughter Mrs. Jane.


Argent, a Cheveron, Checkie, Gules and Argent betwixt Three Bugles Sable, Garniſhed of the Second, ſupported by Two Ratches Or, coloured Gules. Creſt, a Stag's Head, Coupe Proper. Motto, Keep Tryſt.

SINCLAIR, Lord Sinclair.

IT is plain from many Evidences, that William Sinclair of Newburgh was the eldeſt Son of William Earl of Orkney and Caithneſs by Elizabeth his Wife, Daughter of James Earl of Douglaſs; but why he had ſo ſmall a Share of his Father's Eſtate, I cannot aſſign the Reaſon preciſely. 'Tis ſaid [444] he was a very profuſe Man, and for that Reaſon his Father gave his Eſtate and the Title of Earl to a younger Son of his own by a Second Wife, and the Barony of Roſlyn to another Son of the ſame Marriage, Sir Oliver Sinclair. All this is plain from a Contract dated the 9th of February 1481, betwixt William Sinclair Son and Heir of the deceaſt William Earl of Caithneſs, and Henry Sinclair Son and Heir of the ſaid William, on the one Part, and Sir Oliver Sinclair Brother to the ſaid William, on the other; whereby Sir Oliver reſigns to the ſaid William the Lands of Dyſart, Couſland and Ravenscraig; on the other Hand, the ſaid William, and Henry his Son and Heir apparent, make over in the ſame Manner to the ſaid Sir Oliver and his Heirs, all Right, Claim and Title, which they may have to the Lands of Roſlyn, Pentland and Pentland Moor, Morton, Mortonhall and Herbert-ſhire. Moreover the ſaid Sir Oliver obliges himſelf in Time to come to honour and worſhip the ſaid William, as effeirs and accords him to do to his elder Brother; and that if there ſhall be any Debate or Competition betwixt the ſaid William and William his younger Brother, for the Earldom of Caithneſs, in that Caſe to ſtand neuter between thema. This William married Elizabeth Daughter of George Earl of Rotheſs, by whom he had Henry Sinclair of Dyſart, Kt. who was created Lord Sinclair by King James the IV. in 1489, and declared Chief of the Blood, and the Heir of William Earl of Caithneſs his Grandfather. He married Margaret Daughter of Patrick Earl of Bothwell, by whom he had William his Son and Heir, and Two Daughters, Katharine married to Sir David Weems of that Ilkb, and Margaret to James Lord Ogilvie. This Lord was ſlain at Flowdoun the 9th of September 1513.

Which William married Eliz. Daughter of William Earl Mariſchal c, by whom he had Henry his Son and Heir, who, by Janet his Wife, Daughter of the Lord Lindſay, had James Maſter of Sinclair, who married Iſobel Daughter of Andrew Earl of Rothes, by whom he had James Lord Sinclair, who ſucceeded his Grandfather in his Eſtate and Honour, on his Death in the 1601d; but he dying without Iſſue, was ſucceeded by Patrick his Brother and Heir, who married Margaret Daughter of Sir John Cockburn of Ormiſtoun, by whom he had John his Heir, and Elizabeth married to Sir Duncan Campbell of Glenurchy, and had Iſſue, and dying in 1615, was ſucceeded by

John his Son and Heir, who married Mary Daughter of John 1ſt Earl of Weems, by whom he had only one Daughter Katharine, his ſole Heir, on whom he ſettled his Eſtate and his Title. She married John Sinclair, eldeſt Son and Heir apparent of Sir John Sinclair of Hermieſtoun, by whom he had Henry the preſent Lord Sinclair, who married Griſſel Daughter of Sir James Cockburn of Cockburn, by her he had Iſſue, John Maſter of Sinclair, Col. James Sinclair, Capt. William Sinclair, Henry and Matthew.

1 Griſſel, married to John Paterſon of Preſtonhall.

2. Katharine, to Sir John Erskine of Alva.

3. Mary, to Sir William Baird of Newbyth.

4. Elizabeth.

5. Anne.


Quarterly 1ſt and 4th, Azure, a Ship at Anchor, her Sails truſs'd up within a DoubleTreſſure flower'd and counterflower'd Or, 2d and 3d. Azure, a Ship under Sail Or, over all in a ſurtout Argent. a Saltyre ingrail'd Sable. Supporters, Two Griffins. Creſt, a Swan expanded proper. Motto, Fight.

SOMERVILE, Lord Somervile.


THE Family of Somervile, tho' originally extracted from Normandy, is very ancient among us; William de Sumerville is a common Witneſs to the Grants of King David I. to the Religious of Dumfermling and Melroſs. They were Barons of very great Account, and poſſeſſed of a fair Eſtate in the Reign of King William, in the County of Lanerk and elſewhere. Willielmus de Sumervilla, conſilio Willielmi Patris ſui, gave to the Epiſcopal See of Glaſgow, Eccleſiam de Carnuad, i. e. Carnwath, pro ſalute Animae ſuae & Haeredum in perpetuum a. Sir John Somervile was very ſignal in his Fidelity to, and Service of the Crown in the Time of King R [...]bert I. and Sir Thomas de Somerville was no leſs faithful to King Davi [...] Bruce his Son; for when a Treaty was ſet on Foot to relieve the King, after he had been taken Priſoner at the Battel of Durham, Willi [...]m de Somerville, Sir Thomas's Son and Heir, was nam'd one of the Hoſtages for the Ranſomb of the King. Another Sir Thomas Somervile of Carnwath was one of the Commiſſioners on the Treaty for the Redemption of King James I. and one of the Hoſtages for the Ranſom; which is a further Manifeſtation of the Luſtre of this noble Family, that in thoſe great Tranſactions, in which they bore ſo good a Part, no other were employ'd but ſuch as were Poſſeſſors of very conſiderable Eſtates, and of the moſt unblemiſh'd Honour and Reputation. This Sir Thomas obtain'd the Ba [...]ony of Cam [...]ethan by the Marriage of Janet Daughter of Sir Alexander S [...]ewart of Darnly c, which was afterward given off as a Patrimony by John Lord Somervile, to Sir J [...]hn his Son by a Second Marriage with Mary, a Lady of the Family of the Baill [...]es, who came afterward by the Favour of King James IV. and his own Virtue and Induſtry, to raiſe a great Fortune, which in Du [...]y, as well as Gratitude, made him run the Fat [...] of his bountiful Maſter, with whom he loſt his Life at the Battle of Flowdoun, 9th September 1513. His lineal Heir in a direct Succeſ [...]ion is Somervile of Corhouſe.

The elder Branch of the Somerviles, the Family of Somervile itſelf being ſo long worn out, and their Eſtate diſperſed, their Writs are in different Hands, which I have not had Acceſs to ſee; ſo that I cannot exactly t [...]ace them till we come down to Hugh Lord Somervile in King James [...]he VI's Time; who being provoked by the Folly and Inſolence of his eldeſt Son Gilbert Maſter of Somervile, reſolv'd to diſpoſe of his Fortune to his other Children, that little ſhould have accompanied the Honour after his Death: And therefore to do all he could in a prudent Way to preſerve, as far as in him lay, the Memory of his Family, he made over a good Part of his Eſtate to Hugh Somervile of Drum his Second Son, viz. The Lands of Drum, Gilmerton and Gutters, Anno 1593d, and the old Man was not diſappointed in his eldeſt Son; for in few Years. by an Exceſs in his Way of Living, he ſo entirely conſumed the whole Fortune that deſcended to him, that when at his Death he was forc'd to leave the Honour to his younger Brother, having no Male Child of his own to inherit it, he left nothing to him to ſupport it, which made his Brother decline to take on him the Title; tho' his Deſcendents have undoubted Right in Blood, Somervile of Drum, to make Uſe of it, when [446] they find a proper Seaſon, tho' it has been neglected ever ſince the 1618, that the laſt Gilbert Lord Somervile died.

CARNEGY, Earl of Southesk.

THIS noble Family were anciently Proprietors of the Lands of Balenherd, in the County of Forfar, which was for a long Time poſſeſſed by them. In the Reign of King David the II. Walterus de Maulia then made a Grant Johanni Filio & Haeredi quondam Joannis filii Criſtini de Belenherd, of the Lands of Carynegy in baronia de Panmure, infra vic. de Forfar, from whence he took the Sirname of Carnegy; for the Charter hath theſe remarkable Words, Tenend. & habend. eidem Joanni de Carnegy filio & haeredi praedicti quondam Joannis filii Joannis filii Criſtini filii Joannis de Belenherd, & haeredibus ſuis in feudo & haereditate of the Granter Sir Walter Maule, which was confirm'd under the Great Seal of King David II. but the preciſe Time is not ſet downa. Duthacus de Carnegy, a Deſcendent from him, did in the 1401. acquire a Part of the Lands of Kinnaird from Richard Air, and thereafter on the 1ſt of February 1409b, purchaſed the other full Half of the Lands of Kinnaird from Mariota de Kinnaird, which was the Title of his Succeſſors till they were raiſed to the Honour of Peerage. This Gentleman was kill'd at the Battle of Harlaw in 1411, and was ſucceeded by

Walter his Son and Heir, who under the Senſe of his Duty to his Sovereign King James II. join'd the Earl of Huntly againſt the Lindſays at the Battle of B [...]chen, which was fought on the 1ſt of May 1452; but how ſoon the Earl of Huntly was oblig'd to march homeward in Defence of his own Country, which was invaded and overrun by the Earl of Murray, the Earl of Crawford haraſs'd all thoſe that had appeared againſt him; and among others the Laird of Kinnaird, whoſe Houſe he burnt, and therein all his Writs and Evidents were miſerably conſum'dc, which perhaps is one Reaſon why the Connection betwixt the firſt John de Carnegy and Duthack Carnegy of Kinnaird, is not ſo clear and diſtinct as might be wiſh'd. He died in the 1479, and was ſucceeded by his Son,

John de Carnegy of Kinnaird, who on the 4th of November 1479, had a Grant from David Earl of Crawford his Couſin, of a Liferent out of the Earl's Barony of Glenesk d, and dying in the 1508, left

John his Son and Heir, who was ſlain at the Battle of Flowdoun with King James IV. 9th September 1513, leaving Iſſue by . . . . Vauſs his Wife, Daughter of . . . . . Vauſs of . . . . . . Robert his Heir, and a Daughter Margaret, married to William Maule of Boath, Son of Sir Thomas Maule of Panmure, and had Iſſue.

Which Robert being a Gentleman of great Parts and Abilities, was promoted by the Duke of Chattlerault the Governor to be one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice the 7th of July 1547e, and the next enſuing Year was ſent Ambaſſador to England, to treat about the Redemption of the Earl of Huntly the Lord Chancellor, who had been taken Priſoner at the Battle of Pinkie, and upon his Return had the Honour of Knighthood conferred on him.

[447] In the 1551, the Governor repoſing great Confidence in Sir Robert's Abilities, was pleaſed to ſend him upon a ſolemn Embaſſy to France, when the French King fi [...]ſt diſcover'd to him the Deſign he had that the Duke of Chattlerault ſhould reſign the Regency in Favours of the Queen-Mother of Scotland, which was afterward brought about to the general Satisfaction of the whole Nation, in which Sir Robert Carnegy, whom all Men knew to have a very great Intereſt with the Duke, had a very conſiderable Handa. He was again in the Year 1555, together with Sir John Ballanden of Auchinoul, ſent Plenipotentiaries to England, to conclude a Treaty about Commerce and Trade, which was ſettled to the general Satisfaction of both Nations; and Two Years thereafterb, he was one of the Commiſſioners ſent to England to treat with that State about the keeping of a firm and laſting Peace betwixt the Two Nationsc, and which was inviolably preſerved for many Years thereafter. Likewiſe I find Sir Robert Carnegy and Mr. David Borthwick of Lochhill were ſent over to France in the 1559, from the Lords of the Congregation, to wait on the Queen their Sovereign, to endeavour to remove the Prejudice ſhe ſeem'd to entertain againſt them and their Proceedings; but what was the Succeſs of this Negotiation, I have not been able to diſcover. He died in a good advanc'd Age, on the 5th of January 1565d, leaving Iſſue by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of . . . . Guthry of Lunan in vic. de Forfar e, Sir John his Succeſſor, Mr. David Carnegy of Coll [...]thy, John Carnegy of Leuchland, Mr. Robert Carnegy Preceptor of the Maiſen Diu of Brichen, James, of whom the Branch of Balmachie, Hercules of Cookſtoun, and Mr. William Carnegie of Futhie; alſo five Daughters.

Margaret, married to Sir James Scrimzeour of Duddop, Conſtable of Dundee f, and had Iſſue.

Helen, to William Lundie of Benholm, and again to William Turring of Foveran.

Elizabeth, to Andrew Arbuthnot of That-Ilk, Anceſtor to the Viſcount of Arbuthnot.

Katharine, to David Ramſay of Balmain, and had Iſſue.

Iſobel, to . . . . . Gordon of Glenbucket.

Sir John Carnegy was a Gentleman of great Parts, and a firm and ſtedfaſt Friend to Queen Mary, when ſhe fell into her Troubles; and her Majeſty had ſo great an Eſteem of his Fidelity and Prudence, that in the 1570, when a Ceſſation was obtained by the Biſhop of Roſs, ſhe wrote to Sir John Carnegy, craving his Advice thereupon. He married firſt Agnes, Daughter of David Wood of Craig, Comptroller of Scotland in the Reign of King James the V. by whom he had only one Daughter, married to Patrick Kinnaird of That-Ilk, and had Iſſue. 2dly, Dame Margaret Keith, and dying without Iſſue Male, his Eſtate devolved to

Mr. David Carnegy of Colluthy his Brother, who being bred to the Law, and a Perſon of good Reputation for Wiſdom and Integrity, was by K. James VI. named one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice, and in the 1595, appoi [...]ted one of the Commiſſioners of the Treaſury: All which Offices he held till his Death, April 9th 1598. Biſhop Spotſwood gives this Character of him, He was, ſays that Reverend Author, a wiſe, peaceable [448] and ſo [...]er Man, in good Cr [...]t and Eſtimation with the King, and taken into his Priv [...] Counc [...]l, for his Skill and Knowledge in Civil Affairs. He married fi [...]ſt El [...]z. Daughter and Heir of William Ramſay of Collut [...]y, by whom he had Two Daughters, Margaret, married to William Dundaſs of Feinzies a, Elizabeth to John Inglis of Tarvet b. After the Death of his firſt Wife, he married again Eupham Daughter of Sir DavidWeems of That-Ilk, by whom he had David his Succeſſor, Sir John Carnegy of Ethie, Anceſtor to the Earl of Northesk, Sir Robert Carnegie of Dunich [...]n, Sir Alexander Carnegy the Firſt of the Carnegies of Bo [...]ymoon; like wiſe Three Daughters.

1 Agnes, married to Alexander Falconer of Halkertoun c, and had Iſſue.

2 Jean, to James Carmichael of Balmeadie d, and had Iſſue.

3 Eupham, to Robert Graham of Morphie.

Which David being by the Care of his Father, tho' his eldeſt Son, bred a Lawyer, was by King James VI. preſerred to be one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice, and by Letters Patent, bearing Date 24th of April 1616, raiſed to the Honour of Lord Carnegy of Kinnaird, having ſerved King James with great Fidelity, King Charles I. had a very good Opinion of him, as a very wi [...]e Man; and therefore was graciouſly pleaſed to create him an Earl, by the Title of Earl of Southesk, by Letters Patent bearing Date at Holyroodho [...]ſe the 22d of June 1633e. In the Preamble to the Patent, the eminent and remarkable Services of Sir Robert Carnegy his Grandfather to Queen Mary, and in the Service of his Country, and the Services of his own Father to King James, are very fully illuſtrated and ſet forth: When the Troubles broke out in that Reign, he approv'd himſelf a very faithful and loyal Subject to his Majeſty, for which he was impriſoned; which the King particularly complain'd of in his Expoſtulation with the leading Men of the Covenantf. Thereafter when the Times grew worſe, he liv'd retired at his Seat in the Country, keeping his Heart and Affections intire for the King: But all this Caution was not ſufficient to ſecure him from Trouble; for when Cromwel prevail'd, and made himſelf Protector, he very arbitrarily fin'd the old Earl of Southesk in Three thouſand Pound, for no other Reaſon but wiſhing well to the King, and being inclined to the Monarchy. He married Margaret Daughter of Sir David Lin [...] ſay of Edzel, by whom he had Four Sons and Six Daughters,

1 David Lord Carnagie, who died long before his Father on the 29th of October 1633g, leaving Iſſue by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of Thomas Earl of Haddingtou [...], only Two Daughters, Margaret, married to Gavin Earl of Carnwath, and Magdalene to Sir Gideon Ba [...]llie of Lochend, and thereafter to Sir John Crawford of Kilbirny, Anceſtor to the preſent Viſcount of Garnock, and had Iſſue.

2 Sir James Car [...]agie, his Father's Succeſſor in the Honour.

3 Sir John Carnagie of Craig.

4 Sir Alexander Carnagie of Pittarrow.

Lady Margaret the eldeſt Daughter was married to William Earl of Dalhouſie.

Lady Agnes, the 2d, to James 1ſt Lord Abercromby.

Lady Katharine, the 3d, to John 1ſt Earl of Traqua [...].

Lady Marjory, the 4th, to William [449] Haliburton of Pitcur, and after that to Robert Viſcount of Arbuthnot.

Lady Elizabeth, the 5th, to Sir Andrew Murray Lord Balvaird.

Lady Magdalene, the 6th, to James 1ſt Marquis of Montroſe.

James Earl of Southesk his Son and Succeſſor, was a Perſon of eminent Loyalty to King Charles I. and his Majeſty was ſo fully pleaſed and ſatisfied of the Fidelity and Affection of this noble Lo [...]d to his Intereſt, that he was one of thoſe for whom his Majeſty deſir'd a ſafe Conduct, to give him a clear Information of the State of Scotland, in order to compoſe the unhappy Differences that had ariſen among thoſe who on the Matter all equally wiſh'd well to the King; but the Demand was refuſed, by a particular Reſolve by the Lords and Commons, on Pretence that he was a Priſoner in England a, but the true Reaſon was, The Earl was a wiſe Man, and would have propoſed and adviſed moderate Courſes, which the Leading Men in both Houſes were very much diſinclin'd to. He liv'd in a private Manner in the Country during the Uſurpation; but upon the Reſtauration of the King, he was named one of the Lords of the Privy Council, and had the Gift renewed to him and his Son for their joint Lives, which had been formerly given by King Charles I. to the old Earl, this Lord's Father, of the principal Sheriff-ſhip of Forfar-ſhire, then in the Diſpoſal of the Crown, by the Surrender of that Office by the Lord Gray in the former Reign. This noble Earl married Mary Daughter of Robert 1ſt Earl of Roxburgh, by whom he had Robert his Succeſſor; likewiſe Two Daughters, Jean married firſt to James Murray Earl of Annandale, and after to David Viſcount of Stormont, and Katharine to Gilbert Earl of Errol; and departing this Life in the Month of January 1669, was ſucceeded by

Robert his Son, who, after he had been nobly educated at Home, for his further Improvement travelled abroad into France, Italy, and other Parts, where he received great Reſpect from the Princes themſelves of thoſe reſpective Countries, particularly Lewis the XIV. made him Captain of one of the Companies of the Scots Guards in France b. After his Return, his own Prince King Charles II. named him Colonel of the Militia of Forfar ſhire, and made him a new Grant of the Office of High-Sheriff of the County of Forfar, in which his Son the Lord Carnagie was like wiſe included, by a Commiſſion bearing Date at Windſor 29 [...]h of April 1682. He married the Lady Anne, eldeſt Daughter of William Duke of Hamilton, by whom he had Charles his Son and Heir, and William a young Gentleman of great Hopes and Expectations, who was unfortunately kill'd in his Travels abroad; and the Earl himſelf dying on the 19th of February 1688, was ſucceeded in his Eſtate and Honour, by

Charles his Son, whoſe Principles in no Degree ſuiting to the Times after the Revolution, he choſe to live retiredly in the Country, demeaning himſelf always with great Firmneſs of Temper, and inviolable Adherence to the Intereſt he had heretofore heartily eſpouſed. He married Mary Daughter of Charles Earl of Lauderdale, by whom he had only

James the preſent Earl of Southesk, who married Margaret eldeſt Daughter of James Earl of Galloway, by whom he has James Lord Carnagie his Son and Heir.



Or. an Eagle diſplared Azure, becked and Membred Gules. Supporters, Two Gray Hounds, Argent. Coloured Gules. Creſt, a Thunderbolt. Motto, Dead GOD.

LINDSAY, Lord Spainzie.

THE Firſt who enjoyed this Title was Sir Alexander Lindſay, a younger Son of the Earl of Crawford, who being one of the Gentlemen of the Bedchamber to King James VI. and ſometime a great Favorite, was on the 6th of May 1590, created Lord Spainzie: He was aſſaſſinated by the Laird of Edzle in 1607, leaving Iſſue by Jean his Wife, Daughter of John Lord Glamis, Widow of Robert Douglaſs of Lochlevin, and of Archibald Earl of Angus, Alexander his Son and Heir, who ſerv'd the King of Sweden long in Germany in very high Commands, with great Valour and Courage. He married Margaret Daughter of George Earl of Kinno [...]l, and dying in 1647, left Iſſue by his Wife foreſaid, George his Son and Heir, who married Margaret Daughter of John Earl of Northesk; but dying without Iſſue in 1670, the Honour came to an End with himſelf.

STEUART, Lord St. Colme.

THE Anceſtor of the Lord St. Colme was Sir James Steuart of Beith, a younger Brother of the Lord Ochiltree, who having long ſerved King James V. in very eminent Commands, and with Honour and Succeſs, was made Captain of the Caſtle of Doun in the 1534 and dying on Whitſunday 1547, left Iſſue, James and Henry, of whom branch'd the Steuarts of Burray in Orkney a Which James, tho' his Father's Firſt-born, being educated in his Youth for the Service of the Church, was made Commendator of St. Colme, on the Surrender of Henry Abbot of that Monaſtry, Anno 1543b. Upon the Reformation he renounced Popery, and embraced the Proteſtant Religion; and being a wiſe Man, and of great Induſtry and Sagacity in Buſineſs, King James the VI. when he came to Age, made him Collector-General of his Revenue, and erected his Abbacy of St. Colme to himſelf in a Temporal Lordſhip, and created him a Peer by the Title of Lord Doun in 1581. He married Margaret Daughter of Archbald Earl of Argyle, by whom he had James his eldeſt Son, who became Earl of Murray by the Marriage of Margaret the Daughter and Heir of James Earl of Murray the Regent, and thereby the Honour of Lord Doun, which was in his Perſon, was ſuppreſt as a diſtinct Peerage, and Henry, to whom his Father gave the erected Lordſhip of St. Colme; alſo Two Daughters, Mary married to Sir John Weems of That-Ilk, and Jean to Simon Lord Lovat; and departing this Life on the 20th of July 1590, was ſucceeded in the Eſtate of St. Colme by Henry his Son, who was by the ſpecial Favour of King James created a Peer by the Title of Lord St. Colme, Anno 1611c, and dying the 12th of July 1612, left a Son, James Lord St. Colme, upon whoſe Demiſe the Honour expir'd, and the Eſtate went to the Earl of Murray.

DALRYMPLE, Earl of Stair.


ALL Antiquaries are agreed, that the moſt ancient Sirnames are local; the Aera we reckon they were firſt hereditarily affi [...]'d to Families, at leaſt, with us, was in the Reign of King David I. for before that the moſt eminent Perſons, we find, are diſtinguiſhed either by ſome perſonal Appellative, or Patronymically, by the Name of the Father, as is clear from the moſt ancient Writs that are extant, and of which many Inſtances could here be given: And that which further confirms this Opinion is, That the very firſt Sirnames are all taken from Lands, as Douglaſs, Hume, Crawford, Cathcart, Dalrymple, &c. all which have been aſſumed from their own Lands by the then Proprietars, when hereditary Appellations became cuſtomary.

The Firſt uſing this Sirname is Adam de Dalrymple, who was poſſeſſed of the Barony of Dalrymple in Air-ſhire in the Time of King Alexander III.a. Adam was ſucceeded by Gilchriſt his Son, and he again by Malcolm his Son, from whom ſprang John and Roland de Dalrymples, who had the Barony of Dalrymple divided betwixt them, which their Heirs made over to Sir John Kennedy in the 1378.

Altho' the Dalrymples ceaſed to poſſeſs their old original Eſtate of Dalrymple; yet ſome of them continued to make a very conſiderable Figure. Jacobus de Dalrymple was Clericus R [...]gis in the Time of King Robert III.b, and another John de Dalrymple of Bolton, in the Time of King James II. being a Man of Parts and Experience in Affairs, was join'd in Commiſſion with Dr. Nicol Otterburn, and ſent upon a ſolemn Embaſſy to the Duke of Burgundy c, to congratulate that Prince for their joint Proſperity.

The Family of Stair, to which I ſhall now confine my Memoirs of the Dalrymples, has of a long Time been conſider'd as the chief Family of all the Dalrymples. They came firſt to poſſeſs the Barony of Stair, which lies near to Dalrymple, in Right of Marjory the Daughter and Heir of Sir John de Montgomery d, who brought i [...] to her Husband Malcolm de Carrick, the Son of Henry, the Son of Fergus a Branch of the old Earls of that Name and Title; for tho' the Earldom of Carrick went very long before to the Bruces by Marriage, yet the Sirname was carried on by ſeveral Male Branches; for beſide this Malcolm afore mentioned, there was at this Time another Malcolm de Carrick of Newbigging e, and a John de Carrick who was Chancellor of Scotlan [...], both in the Reign of King David Bruse, and of King Robert II.

Malcolm de Carrick de Stair was ſucceeded in that Barony by John his Sonf, who dying without Male Iſſue, [452] left a Daughter his ſole Heir, married firſt to Ronald de Shanks, but being left a Widow by him without any Iſſue, ſhe married again a Gentleman of the Name of Kennedy, by whom he had a Daughter, Agnes; at length, the ſole Heir of the Barony of Stair-Montgomery, who was married to William Dalrymple, Eſq the paternal Anceſtor of this noble Family: But Mr. Dalrymple and the Lady ſtanding in the Degrees of Conſanguinity prohibited by the Laws of the Church, then in Force, the Marriage did proceed upon a Diſpenſation granted by Biſhop Kennedy of St. Andrews a, by a Delegation from the Pope to that Effect. By the ſaid Agnes his Wife he left Iſſue,

William Dalrymple of Stair his Son who married Mar [...]on Daughter of Sir John Chalmers of Gadgirth, a Lady o [...] great Piety and Virtueb, by whom he had a Son who died before himſelf, but left a Son William, who being his Grandfather's Heir apparent, the old Man in 1541, made over his Eſtate to him, reſerving ſuch a Proviſion for himſelf and [...]is Wife, as ſupported them during their joint Livesc, which they did not long ſurvive. This laſt mentioned William married Margaret Daughter of . . . . Wallace of Ca [...]rnhill d, and had by her

James his Son and Heir, who in the Beginning of the Reign of Queen Mary, was among the very Firſt of any Account who made open Profeſſion of the Proteſtant Religion, to which he always continued very firm and conſtant. In the Year 1544. he joined with the Earls of Lennox and Glenca [...]rn againſt the Governor the Earl of Arran, whom the Proteſtants pretended was not then altogether ſo zealous for the Reformation as he had been at firſt, and was at the Conflict on Glaſgow Moor; for which he got afterward from the Duke of Chattlerault the Regent, a Remiſſion for his being in Feir of Weir at the unlawful Convocation of the Queen's Leidges on the Moor of Glaſgow, with Matthew ſumetime Earl of Lennox, and William Earl of Glencairne. He married Iſobel Daughter of George Crawford of Lochnorris, by whom he had

James his Son and Heir, who, with his Father's other Virtues inherited his Zeal for the Proteſtant Religion; for as ſoon as a Confeſſion of Faith was compil'd by our Reformers, and ratified by Act of Parliament, he was one of thoſe who ſign'd it, and enter'd into a ſolemn Aſſociation for the Defence of the Tree Reform'd Religion, as it was then publickly profeſſed in the Kingdomf. In the 1565. we find he was one of thoſe, who with the Duke of Chat [...]lerault and others, oppoſed the Queen's Marriage with the Lord Darnley, by Reaſon of the Danger they apprehended might ariſe to Religion by that Union; but the Duke ſailing in the Attempt he made to ſeize Darnley, and to ſend him to England, his Adherents were oblig'd to take Remiſſions for it; the Laird of Stair's I have ſeen in 1566g. Soon after this, when the Nation was alarmed with the Murder of the Lord Darnley the Queen's Husband, and the Meaſures that were then taken, no Body appear'd more zealous in a prudent Way than this Gentleman, for the Safety of the young [453] Prince King James VI. and the Preſervation of the Proteſtant Religion; for we find he was one of the many Barons, who, together with the Bulk of the Nation, entred into that famous Aſſociationa, wherein they bind themſelves to Inaugurate the Prince, and with all their Strenth and Forcis promote, concur, fortifie, and aſſiſt to the promoting and eſtabliſhing him in his Kingdom and Government, as becumis Faithful and Trew Subjects to do to their Prince, and to reſiſt all ſick as would oppon them theirto, or to make any Trouble or Impediement to him theirin; and dying in 1586, left Iſſue by Iſobel his Wife, Daughter of Thomas Kennedy of Bargany b, James Dalrymple of Stair, who by Janet his Wife, Daughter of Fergus Kennedy of Knockdaw, had James the firſt Viſcount of Stair.

This excellent Perſon was born in May 1619c, his Father dying when he was very young: He was by the ſingular Care and Affection of his Mother, well brought up, and at a proper Age having been taught his Humanity at the beſt Schools in the Country, was ſent to the Univerſity of Glaſgow, where, having run through his Courſe of Philoſophy with great Application and Succeſs, he took the Degree of Maſter of Arts in the 1637. The Civil War breaking out ſoon thereafter, Mr. Dalrymple betook himſelf to the Service of the Parliament, and had a Company of Foot beſtow'd on him in the Earl of Glencairn's Regiment. While he was a Captain, upon the earneſt Sollicitation of ſome of the Profeſſors of Glaſgow, upon the falling vacant of a Philoſophy Chair in that Univerſity, he was prevail'd on to ſtand a Candidate at a comparative Trial for the Poſt, to which he was preferred with great Applauſe; and he ſucceſsfully perform'd that Provence for ſome Time, and bred ſeveral Schollars, who prov'd afterward very eminent both in Church and State. While Mr. Dalrymple continued in this Station, he ſtudied the Greek and Latin with the Hiſtory and Antiquities of Greece and Rome, the better to qualifie him for the Study of the Civil Law, to which he betook himſelf, and wherein he made a very eminent Progreſs.

Mr. Dalrymple being eſteemed a Man of great Parts and good Addreſs, was employ'd by the Univerſity to ſollicite Grants for the Increaſe of their Revenues and other Affairs, which led him to ſee the Form of Proceedings in the Courts of Juſtice, and brought him to be known and acquainted with the great Men who were then at the Head of Affairs, and the moſt eminent Lawyers both on the Bench and at the Bar. At length in the Beginning of the 1648, Mr, Dalrymple, with theſe uſeful Preparations and Advantages, entred an Advocate, and in ſhort Time Time became very eminent in his Profeſſion, for his Abilities and Reputation for Judgment and Integrity; in ſo much as when the Parliament 1649. proclaimed King Charles II. and named certain Commiſſioners to go over to Breda to treat with him about his coming to the Exerciſe of his Royal Power, Mr. Dalrymple was pitch'd on to be Secretary to the Committee, whereby he had an Opportunity to be known to the King and the great Men about the Court, who were very well pleaſed with the Abilities, Sincerity, and Moderation he ſhew'd in the whole of his Demeanour on that critical Occaſion, for which the King did ever afterward eſteem him, and was pleaſed to expreſs himſelf very obligingly of him, even at the Time when he was prevail'd on by his Miniſters to remove him from the Preſident-ſhip [454] of the Seſſion, as being in no Degree a Friend to the Deſigns then on Foot: And I cannot but remark, that tho' Mr. Dalrymple was then but a young Lawyer; yet he was ſo well eſteem'd for his Knowledge in the Laws, that the Parliament in his Abſence, while he was in Holland. nam'd him one of the Commiſſioners to reviſe the Laws, Acts of Parliament, and Practice of the ſeveral Judicatures; but what Advances they made in that Matter is to me unknown.

Mr. Dalrymple return'd with the Commiſſioners before the King in the 1650, and ſo ſoon as his Majeſty arrived, he waited on him at his firſt Landing, and was very well receiv'd; and thereafter in the Cou [...]ſe of Affairs he uſed his outmoſt Endeavours, and did all he could to unite all Parties for his Majeſty's Service, eſpecially in the grand Affair of raiſing an Army to invade England, upon which all the Hope, of his Reſtauration depended.

After the Defeat of the Royal Party at Worceſter, Mr. Dalrymple continued his Practice in the Law during the U ſu [...]pation, till the Oath called the Tender, abjuring the Royal Family of the S [...]e [...]arts, was impoſed, that he and moſt of the eminent Men of that Profeſſion withdrew from the Bar, till Cromwel thought fit by ſome Act of Connivance to diſpenſe with it; and a Correſpondence being made up betwixt the Bench and the Bar, we find Mr. Dalrymple was one of the Four deputed by the Faculty of Advocates to declare to the Judges, That it was their Opinion, That for the better Adminiſtration of Juſtice, to reſtore the ancient Form of the Outer-Houſe, which had been ſuppreſt, and which they accordingly thought fit to comply with.

Mr. Dalrymple ſtill increaſing in Reputation and Practice, he was upon the Death of Judge Learmont of Balcomy, pitch'd on by General Monk, with Conſent of the Protector's Council, to be his Succeſſor, and the Choice proceeded merely upon the Fame of his Abilities and Integrity; and he was far from ſeeking after the Employment, he having no Inclination to have any Office under that Adminiſtration; but there being ſuch an univerſal Deſire of the People, that the Poſt ſhould be fi [...]led with a Scotſman, and a Perſon eminent for Integrity and Knowledge of the Laws, and being importun'd from People of all Ranks and Perſwaſions, he was at laſt perſwaded to accept of the Place, and ſo he ſuffered himſelf to be made one of the Judges, without any other Compliance with the then prevailing Powers, than taking the Oath de fideli Adminiſtratione, as the Act of his Admiſſion bears, July 1ſt. 1657. While this worthy Judge continued in this Station, he took all Opportunities that offered to ſerve his Country, and to do all the good Offices he could for his Friends with thoſe in Power, in getting Grievances redreſſed, which, as it mightily increaſed his Reputation, and very much recommended him to Men of all Degrees, ſo it brought him into a particular Acquaintance with General Monk, who had a great Eſteem and Value for him; inſomuch as the Day before he marched with his Army to England, he repoſed ſo much Conſidence in Judge Dalrymple, as a very wiſe Man, and of an excellent Underſtanding, that he call'd him to a private Conference, and deſired he would give his Opinion freely, what he thought was the likelieſt Way to ſettle the Three Nations? To which he readily anſwered, That the wiſeſt and faireſt Way was to procure a free and full Parliament to be called; and at the ſame Time he very earneſtly recommended to the General, to interpoſe at London for ſetting the Courts of Juſtice a going, which were then ſtopped by reaſon of the Diſorder and Diſcompoſures of the Times; which Counſel the General followed, as appears from his Letter to Judge Dalrymple, dated [455] from Dunſtable the 7th Day of January 1659.

Upon the Reſtauration Mr. Dalrymple went up with the Earl of Caſſils to London, to pay his Duty to the King, and congratulate his Majeſties happy Reſtauration; and the King, the firſt Time Mr. Dalrymple waited on him, was graciouſly pleaſed, as a Mark of his Favour, to make him a Knight; and as a further Teſtimony of the Truſt and Confidence he repoſed in him, named him one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice at the firſt Settlement of that Judicature in the Year 1661, and in November thereafter, the Lord Preſident Sir John Gilmoir being call'd up to London, the Lords applied to the Earl of Middleton his Majeſty's Commiſſioner, to name a Preſident in the Abſence of the Preſident; and his Grace was pleaſed to name the Lord Stair to be Vice-Preſident: And I cannot fail to remark, that the Lords themſelves had ſuch an Eſteem for the Lord Stair, that they ever choos'd him Vice-Preſident, as often as Sir John Gilmoir's Health, or other Occaſions hinder'd him to be preſent, except once when he was at London in the Winter-Seſſion 1670, as one of the Commiſſioners for the Treaty that was then ſet on Foot betwixt the Two Nations.

The Parliament 1663 having appointed an Oath to be taken, called, The Declaration, by which all who were in Publick Offices, were oblig'd to declare againſt defenſive Arms, and the Conduct of the late Troubles, particularly againſt the National Covenant, as explain'd in the Year 1638, and the Solemn League and Covenant entred into betwixt the Two Nations in 1643, as contrary to the Fundamental Laws and Liberties of the Kingdom: This cauſed no ſmall Uneaſineſs to the Lord Stair, ſome Things being in the Oath diſagreeable to his Principles, and withal being abſent in the Country at his Mother's Funeral-Obſequies, when the reſt of the Lords ſubſcribed the Declaration, they acquainted him, That the King in his Letter to the Privy Council, had ordered the Places of ſuch of the Lords as did not ſign the Declaration by a preciſe Day, ſhould be declared Void, and that no written Explanation or Declaration ſhould be admitted, which would look like the ſtating of a Party. To which the Lord Stair return'd Anſwer, excuſing his not Compliance; for that he had ſent his Demiſſion to the King before the Date of the Letter: Whereupon the Lords declared his Place vacant on the 19th of January 1664.

The Lord Stair being thus at Liberty, took a Tour into France with John his eldeſt Son, who then about Sixteen Years of Age began to travel for his Improvement; and my Lord Stair returning by the Way of London, and having had the Honour to wait on the King, his Majeſty was pleaſed to tell him that he would not accept of his Demiſſion, and allow'd him to clear or explain his Mind, in what Senſe he would take the Declaration; and accordingly his Lordſhip having ſatisfied his Majeſty, the King by a Letter to the Lords, ſignified, That bei [...]g well ſatisfied with Sir James Dalrymple of Stair, one of their Number, his clearing himſelf in the Matter of the Declaration, and of his Affection to his Service, and of his great Abilities to ſerve in that Station; therefore it was his Pleaſure, that the Lord Stair ſigning the Declaration, continue in his Place as if the Demiſſion had never been made. Upon Receipt of the Letter, and Sir James's ſigning the Declaration, the Lords reſcinded their former Act declaring his Place void, and he took his Place on the Bench again at the ſitting down of the Summer-Seſſion 1664. About this Time his Majeſty, as a further Mark of his Royal Favour to the Lord Stair, was pleaſed to create him a Knight Baronet, and to the Heirs Male of his Body for ever.

[456] In the 1670, when a Treaty was ſet on Foot for uniting the Two Kingdoms of Scotland and England, the Lord Stair was named one of the Commiſſioners for that important Affair; and tho the Treaty did not take Effect, yet the Lord Stair in the ſeveral Diſcourſes that paſſed on that Subject, gave ſuch clear Proofs of his great Knowledge in our Conſtitution and the Laws, that the next enſuing Year Sir John Gilmoir Lord Preſident reſigning his Office, his Majeſty was pleaſed to confer it upon him, and his Promotion was not attended with any Envy or Diſlike, ſo far as I have ever heard.

As my Lord Stair was a great Lover of his Country, and had the true Intereſt of it always very much at Heart, ſo he embraced every Opportunity to promote and advance the Good of the Nation; for it was the Lord Preſident, and ſeveral other Patriots, who concur'd with him, who repreſented to the Duke of Lauderdale, upon his coming down in the 1677, ſeveral Abuſes and illegal Practices that had been committed; and the Duke thereupon was pleaſed to get ſeveral Acts of Council made correctory of theſe Abuſes, particularly that of citing Perſons for Church-Irregularities, without libelling ſpecial Circumſtances of Time and Place, which was very ill taken, and highly reſented by the Archbiſhop of St. Andrews, and ſeveral of his High-flying Brethren.

My Lord Stair did with the ſame Fidelity labour to diſſwade the Duke from bringing in the Highland Hoſt upon the Weſt, and from obtaining an Order of Council for a Bond to be taken for diſcovering, apprehending, and bringing to Judgment, Presbyterian Miniſters who held Conventicles: But tho' he did not prevail in this Point, yet the Lord Preſident could never be induc'd either to ſubſcribe the Bond, or approve the Highland Inroad, for Reaſons founded both in Law and Religion.

When his Royal Highneſs the Duke of Albany came down to Scotland in the End of the 1679, the Lords of the Seſſion and other Members of the College of Juſtice thought it their Duty to wait on his Highneſs at the Abbay of Holy-rood-houſe, when the Lord Preſident made a fine congratulatory Speech in the Name of the Society, wherein among other Expreſſions he had one to this Effect, That it was a Matter of great Joy to the Nation to ſee one of the Royal Family among them, after being for ſo many Years depriv'd of that Honour; and the Nation being intirely Proteſtant, it was the fitteſt Place his Highneſs could make his Receſs to at that Time. His Lordſhip did afterward, with a becoming Freedom and the ourmoſt Fidelity, diſſwade his Highneſs not to attempt any Thing that might ſeem to have the leaſt Tendency to weaken the Eſtabliſhment of the reform'd Religion, as it was ſecur'd by the Laws. In the Parliament 1681, to which his Royal Highneſs the Duke of Albany was his Majeſty's High Commiſſioner, the Lord Preſident was choſen a Member for the Shire of Wigtoun. In the Beginning of the Seſſion, his Lordſhip, the Earl of Argile, and ſeveral others, were named on a Committee of the Articles for Religion, which by the Cuſtom of all Scots Parliaments was the firſt Thing treated of: Accordingly the Committee did prepare an Act ſecuring the Proteſtant Religion; which Act did ratifie the Act approving the Confeſſion of Faith, and alſo the Act containing the Coronation Oath appointed by ſeveral ſtanding Laws and Acts of Parliament, to be taken by our Kings before their Entry to the Exerciſe of the Government: But this Draught which the Committee had prepar'd was laid aſide, in reſpect it was thought to limit too much the Power of a Popiſh Succeſſor to the Crown; in Place whereof a general Statute did paſs, ratifying all former Laws for ſettling and ſecuring the [457] Liberty and Freedom of the Proteſtant Religion. However, when the Act aſſerting the Right of Succeſſion to the Crown, according to the Proximity of Blood, without Reſpect to any Difference in Religion, did paſs, it was thought expedient, even by thoſe who promoted it, to have a more ſpecial Law made for Security of the Proteſtant Religion: Accordingly a D [...]aught of the Act about Religion was tranſmitted to the Parliament, which provided only for the Preſervation of the Proteſtant Religion, as contained in the Word of GOD, which could not diſcover Papiſts, who pretend to walk conform to that Rule. The Lord Stair, the Earl of Argyle, and other Patriots were forward to have a particular Standard of the Proteſtant Religion eſtabliſhed, that might more effectually prevent Roman Catholicks getting into Publick Offices, in the Event of a Popiſh Prince upon the Throne; and the Lord Preſident urged the Matter with ſo much Strength of Reaſon, that the firſt Clauſe in the Teſt which was agreed to, did exclude all Perſons from Publick Truſt in the Government, who did not ſwear, That they own'd and ſincerely profeſsed the true Proteſtant Religion, contain'd in the Confeſſion of Faith, recorded in the Parliament 1567; and that they believed the ſame to be founded on and agreeable to the written Word of GOD; and that they ſhould adhere thereunto all the Days of their Lifetime, and educate their Children therein, and that they ſhould never conſent to any Change or Alteration contrary thereunto. Tho' the Act paſſed, yet the urging of that Clauſe by the Lord Preſident was highly re [...]ented by his Royal Highneſs the Duke of Albany the Lord High Commiſſioner, who the very Night the Act paſſed, ſaid to ſome about him, and in his neareſt Confidence, That the Lord Stair, by bringing in the Confeſſion of Faith into the Teſt, had ruined all honeſt Men, meaning Roman Catholicks

Tho' the Lord Preſident was pleaſed with the firſt Part of the Teſt-Act, which ſeem'd to be a very effectual Security againſt Popery; yet he could not ſign the latter Part of it, which ſtruck againſt Presbyterian Diſſenters, therein call'd Fanaticks; and therefore he went up to the King to declare ſo much, and to deſire his Majeſty's Leave to retire, and to lay down his Employment; but before he arrived at London, his Behaviour in the Parliament was improv'd as ſo heavy a Charge againſt him at Court, that he was remov'd from his Office in the Seſſion, without mentioning of any Cauſe, tho' he held his Place in the ordinary Way of Judges, ad vitam aut culpam. But his Remove from his Place was not all he was like to ſuffer; for after that he was not allowed to live without Diſturbance in his Retirement at his Seat in the Country; for his Tenents were haraſſed with grievous Fynes for Non-conformity; and he got a Hint from his Friend Sir George Mackenzie the Lord Advocate; that he could not ſecure him, that he might not be thrown in Priſon. My Lord Stair finding himſelf in theſe Circumſtances, thought it ſafer for him to retire, and to go into a voluntary Exile into Holland in the End of 1682, where he printed his Philoſophia nova Experimentalis, which, as it gain'd him great Reputation with the Learned, ſo 'tis generally read with great Applauſe.

While the Lord Stair was abroad, many Witneſſes were examined and re-examined, not only his own Domeſticks, but ſome of his neareſt Relations, to find out Matter for a Criminal Purſuit againſt him; but nothing was diſcovered, ſave that ſome Perſons ſuſpected to have been engaged in the Rebellion 1679 liv'd upon his Ground, or lu [...]ked about his Houſe in the Country, while he attended on the Seſſion at Edinburgh. However he was purſued for Treaſon, firſt before the Juſticiary, [458] and then before the Parliament, upon the common Ground of Harbour and Reſet of Rebels: But the Probation was ſo ſcrimp, that by their own Rules they could not condemn him; for he was a wiſe Man, and had taken Care to live with all poſſible Circumſpection and Caution.

The Lord Stair ſojourn'd in Holland till the 1688, he came over with the Prince of Orange, in his Expedition to Britain, to relieve theſe Nations from Popery and Arbitrary Power; in which glorious Deſign no Man engaged more frankly than the old Lord Stair: And when the Prince was juſt ſetting Sail for England, 'tis reported his Lordſhip took the Freedom to ask his Highneſs, What his true Deſign was in going to England? To which the Prince was pleaſed to anſwer, That he deſigned the Glory of GOD, and the Security of the Proteſtant Religion: Upon which, 'tis ſaid, the Lord Stair pulled off his Wig, and ſaid, Tho' I be now in the 70th Year of mine Age, I'm willing to venture that, meaning his Head, and his own and his Childrens Fortunes in ſuch an Undertaking. This the Prince took in very good Part, and reported it to others, as that which very much encouraged him to proſecute his Deſign.

When the Prince landed at Torby, his Highneſs expreſſed a particular Concern about the Lord Stair, and ſent to enquire concerning his Health, and underſtanding his Horſes were not come up, the Prince ſent him Horſes of his for his Accomodation.

Upon the Advancement of the Prince and Princeſs of Orange to the Throne, their Majeſties, who had a very great Kindneſs and Eſteem for the Lord Stair, as a Perſon of great Integrity, and of unqueſtionable Zeal for the Proteſtant Religion, were pleaſed to reſtore him to his Office of Preſident of the Seſſion in the 1689, conform to the Claim of Right: But their Majeſties thought this Piece of Juſtice was not enough to reward the Lord Stair's great Merit; wherefore they were further pleaſed to raiſe him to the Peerage, by the Stile and Title of Viſcount of Stair, by Letters Patent bearing Date 20th April 1690, after which his Lordſhip continued without the leaſt Interruption in the favour of his Prince, and enjoyed his Office, which he had diſcharged in all Times, with great Abilities and ſingular Integrity till his Death, which happened on the 25th of November 1695, aged 76, and was with great Funeral Solemnity interred in the Cathedral Church of St. Giles.

This excellent Perſon married Margaret, eldeſt Daughter of James Roſs of Balneel, with whom he had a fair Fortune in Land, and had Iſſue by her.

1 Sir John Dalrymple, thereafter Earl of Stair.

2 Sir James Dalrymple of Borthwick, who being a Perſon of great Parts and Learning, was bred to the Law, and became an Advocate, and was afterward made one of the principal Clerks of the Seſſion, and a Baronet. Sir James's Genius, even from his Youth, having led him to the Study of Antiquitiesa, particularly thoſe of his [459] own Country, he became a wonderful Proficient, and one of the Learnedſt Men of that Prof [...]ſſion, of which his Book, Collections concerning the Scots Hiſtory, is a pregnant Inſtance; a Book full of Learning, and that Learning ſo cloſely and ſolidly applied: that it has juſtly gain'd him a very great Reputation with learned Men, as one of the greateſt Antiquaries this, or indeed any other Age has produc'd.

3 Sir Hugh Dalrymple of Nort [...]berwick, Baronet, who likewiſe applying himſelf from his Youth to the Study of the Law, commenced Advocate, and advancing daily in Reputation and Practice, after he had been ſome time one of the Commiſſaries of Edinburgh, he was in the 1698. promoted to be Lord Preſident of the Seſſion, which had been vacant from the Death of his Father. Here is a large Field to expatiate upon the great Learning and other Qualities of this Gentleman; but he being ſtill alive, I ſhall entirely wave it.

4 Dr. Thomas Dalrymple, firſt Phyſician in Ordinary to his Majeſty for the Kingdom of Scotland.

5 Sir David Dalrymple of Hailes, Baronet, who being a Perſon of incomparable Parts, and having ſtudied the Law in his younger Years, came to the Bar with great Applauſe, and growing very eminent in Reputation and Practice, inſomuch as her Majeſty Queen Anne was pleaſed to make him Sollicitor, and then Lord Advocate, from which Office he was removed toward the End of that Reign; but upon the Acceſſion of King George to the Crown, he was reſtored to his former Digaity, which he at preſent enjoys with the univerſal Approbation of the whole Nation, and the general Applauſe of all Men for his Juſtice, Integrity, ſound Judgment, and eminent Sufficiency in the Diſcharge of his Office; a Praiſe which was never denied him at any Time.

Janet, eldeſt Daughter of James Viſcount of Stair, was married to David Dunbar, Son and Heir apparent to Sir David Dunbar of Buldoon, Bart. but had no Iſſue.

2 Elizabeth, to Allan the preſent Lord Cathcart.

3 Sarah, to Charles Lord Crichton, Son and Heir of William Earl of Dumfreis.

4 Iſobel, to Sir David Cuninghame of Miln [...]raig, Bart. and had Iſſue.

John, firſt Viſcount, thereafter Earl of Stair, was by the Care of his Father, though his eldeſt Son, bred to the Study of the Law, and being admitted to the Bar, in ſhort Time became very eminent in Practice; inſomuch as when the Earl of Argyle was purſued for High Treaſon in the 1681, for his giving an Explanation of the Teſt, when he took it, Sir John Dalrymple, who was by this Time very much taken Notice of as a Lawyer of great Ability and Learning, was one of the Earl's Council: But quickly after this, the Court conceiving a Diſpleaſure againſt the Lord Stair, Sir John's Father, and it being well known that his own Principles were altogether againſt the Meaſures that were then taken, they had a very jealous Eye upon him, and he became ſo much the Object of their Envy, that in the End of the 1682, upon Pretence that he, as heritable Baillie of the Regality of Glenlace, interfeiring in Juriſdiction with the new nam'd Juſticiar and She [...]iff of Galloway, Graham of Claverhoaſe, had fined his own and his Father's Tenents too low for haunting Conventicles; and tho' he had never meddled in any publick Matters, yet he was committed Priſoner to the Caſtle of Edinbargh, and fined in 500 lib. ſterl. but being ſet at Liberty, he was again in the 1684, upon various Pretences, ſeiz'd on at his own Houſe in the Country; and tho' the Officer that apprehended him, brought him to the Abbay of Holy ro [...]d houſe, in Expectation that he might have been [460] bail'd: Yet ſo great was the Torrent againſt him, that tho' they could not find any Ground of Accuſation whereupon to found an Indictment; yet he was committed to the Tolbooth of Edinburgh, where he lay three Months, and for ſome Weeks was a cloſe Priſoner.

Tho' Sir John Dalrymple was very much frown'd on at this Time by the Court, he would by no Means forego his Principles, tho' his Wiſdom and Experience put him upon acting circumſpectly, and with great Caution, during the Remainder of King Charles his Reign: But after King James's coming to the Crown, that Prince, upon his own Obſervation of Sir John Dalrymple's Abilities in his Pleadings as a Lawyer, was pleaſed to conceive a very good Opinion of him; inſomuch as he was pleaſed to make him Lord Advocate, upon the Removal of Sir George Mackenzie, who was laid aſide in the 1686, for not complying with the Deſign of the Court, in taking away the penal Laws againſt Popery; tho' it could never be ſaid by Sir John Dalrymple's greateſt Enemies, that he had in any Degree contributed thereto; but on the contrary endeavour'd all he could to animate the Members of Parliament to ſtand firm to their Religion, and not to open a Door to let in Popery and many other Inconveniencies. Sir John behav'd with great Moderation and Temper while he held that Office; but Sir George Mackenzie having found Means to reconcile himſelf to the Court, he was reſtored to be Advocate, and Sir John Dalrymple was thereupon made Juſtice-Clerk, upon a Vacancy thro' the Demiſe of Sir James Foulis of Colingtoun, and he continued in the Office till the Government was diſſo [...]v'd by King James's leaving England, and retiring to France.

Sir John Dalrymple being a very zealous Proteſtant, all the Favours he had confer'd on him by King James and others, he might have expected were no Temptations to bring him into the Court-Meaſures at that Time; and the Revolution coming about, he fell heartily in with it, and with thoſe who were the moſt zealous Promoters of it.

In the Convention of Eſtates 1689, Sir John Dalrymple ſhewed himſelf a ſteady Aſſerter of the Religion and Liberties of his Country, and particularly expreſſed on that Occaſion a hearty Deſire, that a Treaty might be ſet on Foot for a nearer Union of the Two Nations: But that Deſign meeting with Oppoſition from Perſons of very different Principles, it was dropt at that Time; and when the grand Affair of ſettling the Crown came to be debated, the Eſtates found at firſt great Difficulty how to declare the Throne vacant; at length Sir John Dalrymple ended the Debate by ſuch Reaſons, that the Convention went into his Propoſals, and ſettled the Crown upon the Prince and Princeſs of Orange. So ſoon as it paſſed into an Act, he was one of the Commiſſioners ſent up from the Convention with the Offer of the Crown to the Prince and Princeſs of Orange, with the Nations Grievances and Claim of Right, which their Highneſſes having accepted of, they were graciouſly pleaſed to reward Sir John's Merit and Zeal ſhown for their Advancement to the Throne, by making him Lord Advocate in 1690, and in leſs than a Year thereafter he was conſtituted one of the Principal Secretaries of State; and he diſcharged the Office with eminent Sufficiency, till the 1695, that the Parliament having made ſome Attempts againſt him about the Affair of the horrid Maſſacre of Glenco, he reſigned his Place, merely that the King might not be made uneaſie by his continuing in ſo eminent a Poſt ſo near his Royal Perſon, tho' his Majeſty did highly reſent the Treatment the Secretary had met with, and turn'd all thoſe out of his [461] Service, who had been the greateſt Sticklers againſt him.

Tho' the Maſter of Stair did not think he had been well uſed, yet he never ſhewed the leaſt Reſentment againſt the Court; but on the contrary by his great Wiſdom and Temper interpoſed to moderate the Heats and Animoſities which aroſe both in the Parliament and in the Country, upon the Diſappointments of Darien; and the Figure he made in the publick Debates by his Speeches in Parliament were ſufficient to convince every Body that he might have been employed again in ſome of the higheſt Offices of State, but he conſtantly declin'd Preferment; for he was reſolv'd never to be further concern'd in publick Affairs, than as a Privy Councellour; [...]et at the ſame Time, not to omit what he really thought his Duty to his Country upon any Occaſion.

When Queen Anne came to the Crown, the Viſcount of Stair was named on of the Lords of the Privy Council; and as a further Teſtimony of her Majeſties Favour, was raiſed to the Honour of Earl of Stair, by Letters Patent the 8th of April 1703a.

The Earl of Stair had from his Youth entertained an Opinion, That an intire Union of both Kingdoms was the moſt likely Way to procure the laſting Tranquillity and Happineſs of Britain, and for that End very readily concurred in the Seſſion of Parliament 1702, that Power ſhould be given to the Queen to name Commiſſioners to treat of an Union; purſuant to which, Commiſſioners were n [...]med by h [...]r Majeſty, of which Number the Earl himſelf was one: But that Treaty breaking off without coming [...]o any Concluſion, it had no other Effect than [...]o let bo [...]h Nations ſ [...]e it w [...]s practicable; and it being ag [...]in reſumed in the 1705, by new Authority from the Parliament of both Kingdoms, his Lordſhip was by her Majeſty named one of the Commiſſioners upon the Part of Scotland; in the carrying on of which he had ſo conſiderable a Share, both in the Time of the Treaty, and in the Parliament of Scotland, that many have thought that without the Earl of Stair it could not have been brought to a Concluſion, conſidering the many Difficulties were raiſed againſt it, all which he juſt liv'd to ſee overcome; for being exceedingly ſollicitous to have the Union perfected, he aſſiſted the Day before his Death at the Debates on that Subject in the Parliament, preſſing the Point with great Earneſtneſs: And tho he walked home, and dined very chearfully with Company, yet about Four next Morning he [...]ll into an Apoplexy, which in a few Hours put an End to his Days, the 8th of January 1707, aged 59.

He married Elizabeth Daughter and Heir of Sir John Dundas of New-Liſton, by whom he had John the preſent Earl, of Stair Colonel William Dalrymple of Glenmure, George Dalrymple Eſq one o [...] the Barons of Exchequer; alſo a Daughter, Margaret, married to Hugh Earl of Loudoun.

John the preſent Earl of Stair was born at Edinburgh the 20th of July 1673. He gave very early Marks of a lively and great Genius, having ſucceeded beyond his Fellows in his firſt Studies of Latin and Greek, both at home and in Holland, whether, at the Deſire of his Grandfather then at Le [...]den, our young Student was ſent, when he was about Eleven Years old. In a very few Months he acquired the Habit of ſpeaking French and Dutch; in both which he has been ſince improved to a Degree of Perfection, to which ſeldom any Stranger has attained. His Maſters at Leyden were exceedingly pleaſed with him, and remaked, that though he ſeem'd fond of Play, and ſolicited his Fellows to it, yet he was never found [462] out of his Place at School: But while he ſeemed thus devoted to his Play, he advanc'd in his Learning as if he had minded nothing elſe: He was promoted from Claſs to Claſs, with the Approbation of the Magiſtrates, Profeſſors and Maſters of the School at Leyden, and had one of the firſt Praemiums at every Promotion, according to the Cuſtom of that School, for diſtinguiſhing the Merit of the beſt Scholars, and for exciting in them a greater Deſire of going forward.

After the Earl had made a good Progreſs in the Schools there, he returned to his Father in Scotland, and in the Univerſity of Edinburgh purſued the Study of the Greek and Latin, adding the Study of the Logicks and other Parts of Philoſophy, under Mr. Kennedy, then Regent in that Univerſity. He ſtudied the Mathematicks under the learned and very juſtly celebrated Doctor David Gregory, then Profeſſor at Edinburgh, and afterwards Savilian Profeſſor at Oxford. The Earl had alſo the Aſſiſtance of Mr. Gregory the preſent Profeſſor of the Mathematicks at Edinburgh. And he had the conſtant Happineſs to be the Favourite of his Maſters, and to be much beloved by his follow Students.

In the Beginning of the Year 1688 he went again to Holland to viſit his Grandfather and Grandmother, to whom he was very dear, and returned in October that Year to Scotland, to reaſſume his Studies in the Univerſity, but the Commotions that happened at Edinburgh in November, interrupted the ſtated Courſe of every Thing till the Revolution was completed, and the Government eſtabliſhed in the Perſon of King William. In the Beginning of the Year 1689 he went with his Father to London. From this Time forward the preſent Earl, then Mr. Dalrymple, begun to ply the Study of the living Languages, as well as that of the dead, and to improve himſelf in theſe Kinds of Exerciſes that belong to a young Gentleman, ſtill with the ſame Conſtancy and good Effect.

He returned again to Scotland with his Father, and ſaw the Meeting of the Eſtates, and the two firſt Seſſions of the Parliament of Scotland under King William and Queen Mary in the Year 1689 and 1690.

His Father being made Secretary of State in the Beginning of the Year 1691, his Son, the preſent Earl, had the Advantage to be much at Court, which was a new Kind of Education, that added both Ornament and uſeful Improvement to thoſe he had acquired before: And when his Father followed the King to Flanders, the Earl went along. In the Summer he was in the Camp, and was preſent at the Battle of Steenkirk, where the brave Earl of Angus was kill'd on the Head of his Regiment, with whom the preſent Earl of Stair advanced to the Enemy as a Volunteer.

In the Winter the Earl returned once more to his Studies at Leyden, heard the famous Profeſſors there read on Grotius and the Inſtitutions of the Civil Law, and had at the ſame Time Colleges of Hiſtory, imploying every Minute to the beſt Advantage.

After theſe Foundations laid, there remained nothing more to fit the Earl for Buſineſs but travelling to ſee how Men of different Tempers and Religions lived among themſelves and other Men, and to learn from the firſt Hand the Genius, Manners, Conſtitutions and Languages of ſome of the moſt conſiderable Nations in Europe. He ſet out with the Lord Lexington, who went in the Year 1700 to Vienna Ambaſſador. The Earl having been ſome Time at that Court went on to Italy, viſiting [*462] on his Way the ſeveral great Cities, Republicks and Courts in Italy. At Rome he applied himſelf to the Knowlege of Antiquities, Architecture, and other Things which are taught there, ſtudying with much Application the Italian Language; and becauſe he could not then go into France, during the War then between King William and that Crown, he ſtudied the French very carefully by the Help of a French Abbé, whom he found at Rome, that he might enter deeper into the Strength, Genius and Beauties of that Language ſo univerſally in Uſe.

Having made the Tour of Germany and Italy, he returned to England in the 1701, and that Year came to Scotland with his Father, where he continued until the 1702, at which Time there being new Regiments to be raiſed in Scotland, he went to Court, to offer his Service upon the Appearance of an approaching War. The King received him very graciouſly, but a Scheme of Officers was formed for theſe Regiments leaving him out. His Majeſty having obſerved it, told, that he was reſolved to provide for Mr. Dalrymple, who by that Scheme was neglected, and for that Reaſon his Majeſty reſolved to make him Second Lieutenant Colonel of his Regiment of Foot Guards in Scotland. But King William's Death happening juſt then, his Commiſſion as Second Lieutenant Colonel of the Regiment of Foot Guards was ſigned by Queen Anne, on one of the firſt Days of her Reign.

Being now in the Army (where his Inclination had ever led him to ſerve) he embraced the firſt Opportunities to appear in that Way, which ſoon happened: For the late Queen being engaged with the Confederates in the Second War againſt France, and having ſent over an Army under the Command of the Duke of Marlborough, the Earl made the very firſt Campaign as a Volunteer, and diſtinguiſhed himſelf in the Actions of greateſt Hazard and Conſequence, as at the taking of Venlo and Liege, and at the Cannonade of Peer. He was alſo imployed by the Duke as his Aidde Camp. It was in this Campaign that he laid the Foundation of that Friendſhip with which that great General has conſtantly honoured him ſince.

The Account of the Earl from that Period is ſo interwoven with the great Events Civil and Military, that have happen'd, that tho all the Materials for going thro' with a juſt and exact Hiſtory were at Hand, yet the Nature of this Undertaking would not admit of purſuing it, or the Share he had in theſe great Actions; which beſides has been remarkable enough by many very conſiderable Circumſtances well known. I have therefore contented my ſelf in a plain Way, and without enlarging on Particulars, to ſet forth what concerns his Youth and Education, which has been one conſtant Series of Application to thoſe Things which might fit him for the eminent Station where he is now placed.

I ſhall therefore finiſh what concerns him with the bare Enumeration of the Employments he has gone through.

He had a Commiſſion as Colonel of Foot in the Dutch Service in April 1703; in the Year 1705 he ſucceeded Brigadeer General Ferguſſon deceaſt, in a Regiment of Foot on the Engliſh Eſtabliſhment; and after the Death of Lord John Hay, he had the Command given him of the Royal Scots Dragoons, by the Name of the Royal Greys, by a Commiſſion bearing Date the 24th Auguſt 1706, which he continued to command till the laſt Year of the late Queen, when he was ordered to ſell it to the Earl of Portmore.

He commanded a Brigade of Foot at the Battle of Ramellies, and was immediately after that Battle made [**462] Brigadeer. His Commiſſion bears Date from the Day of that Battle. He was Brigadeer in the Battle of Audenard, and carried the News of the Victory into England; he commarded as Major-General at the Battle of Tanier near Mons; and was made Lieutenant-General at the Siege of Deway

He was ſent Envoy Extraordinary to the King of Poland in the Winter of the Year 1709, where he reſided till May 1710, that he returned to the Siege of Doway, and having left his Secretary in Poland, continued in that Character till the Year 1711, that Mr. Scot was ſent to that Court.

Since King George's Acceſſion to the Crown, the Earl has been made Lord of the Bedchamber; one of His Majeſty's moſt honourable Privy-Council in the 17 [...]4; and in January thereafter he was ſent Envoy Extraordinary to the Court of France, but at the ſame time he had Powers and Credentials to treat as Ambaſſador and Plenipotentiary, and when his Lordſhip ſhould judge it neceſſary, to aſſume that Character.

His Lordſhip married the Lady Eleanor Campbell, Daughter of James Earl of Loudoun, Widow of James Viſcount of Primeroſe; but as yet hath not any Iſſue.


Quarterly 1ſt and 4th Or, on a Saltyre, Azure, Nine Maſcles of the 1ſt, 2d and 3d, Argent, a Cheveron Checkie betwixt Three Water-Budgets Sable, over all in a ſurtout Argent, a Lion Rampant, Gules, Supporters, Two Swans Proper, Creſt, a Rock. Motto, Quieſcam.

ALEXANDER, Earl of Stirling.

ALL our Antiquaries agree, that this Family is originally a Branch of the Macdonalds. Alexander Macdonald their Anceſtor obtained from the Family of Argyle a Feu of the Lands of Menſtry in Clackmananſhire, where they fix'd their Reſidence, and took their Sirname from the proper Name of their Predeceſſor. Andrew Alexander or Menſtry, in the Reign of King James V. is the Firſt of this Family I have found any Mention of in our Recordsa. By Catherine his Wife, Daughter of . . . . . Graham of . . . . . he had Alexander his Son and Heir, who had a Grant from Archibald Maſter of Argyle his Superior, of the Lands of Menſtry, to himſelf and Elizabeth Douglas, Daughter of Robert Douglas o [...] Lochlevin, his Wife in Li [...]erent, and to Andrew Alexander their Son in Fee, which was ratified by a Charter under the Great Seal, 15th of January 1529b, whoſe Heir and Succeſſor, William Alexander of Menſtry, being a young Man of very great Parts, he much improv'd them by a good Education, which being ſeaſoned with Years, qualified him for the higheſt Truſts. He travelled at firſt abroad as Tutor to the Earl of Argyle, and was a conſiderable time with that noble Lord in Foreign Parts. After his Return he betook himſelf to the Court, where he liv'd in great Reputation, under no other Character than a Gentleman of the moſt polite Parts and [463] Learning. Mr. Alexander having an Inclination and a Talent from his Youth to Poetry, he declined all other Buſineſs, and delivered himſelf up intirely to his own Genius, in which he made a wonderful Proficiency in the Study of the ancient Poets, by whom he form'd an excellent Gouſt of Poetry; inſomuch as in a ſhort Time he came to be looked on as one of the moſt eminent of that Profeſſion. K. James who then reigned, was a Prince of great Learning and Knowledge, and delighted much in the Converſation of learned Men, particularly Mr. Alexander, who preſented him with ſeveral elegant Poems to the King's great Delight, and the gaining the Applauſe of Perſons of the firſt Rank for Quality and Wit to himſelf, to whom in a ſhort Time he grew very acceptable. After he had lived ſome Years about the Court, his Majeſty, who looked on him as a wiſe Man, was pleaſed to prefer him to be Maſter of Requeſts, and a Knight in 1614: But his Majeſty's Bounty did not reſt in the conferring one ſingle Favour on him; for Sir William being a learned and projecting Man, and having ſettled a Colony in Nova Scotia in America upon his own Charges, King James made him a Grant of it by his Royal Deed on the 21. of September 1621, and did intend to erect the Order of Baronet for encouraging and advancing ſo good a Work: But the Two or Three laſt Years of that Prince's Reign having been leſs pleaſant to him, by the Jealouſies which about that Time began in England, he thought fit to ſuſpend the further Proſecution of that Affair until a more favourable Conjuncture, which he lived not to ſee. But King Charles I. who with his Father's other Virtues, inherited his Affection to his native Kingdom, immediately upon his coming to the Crown, propoſed nothing more than the furthering of that Deſign, which was projected to be of ſo great a Benefit to the Nation, and therefore made Sir William Alexander Lieutenant of New Scotland, and inſtituted the Order of Knight-Baronet for the encouraging and advancing of that Colony, and gave him the Privilege of coining ſmall Copper-Money, a Gift which was inveighed againſt, even at that Time, with great Bitterneſs: But his Majeſty, who thought that too great Encouragement could not be given to learned and worthy Men, ſuch as Sir William was, and being fully ſatisfied of his great Abilities and Integrity, was graciouſly pleaſed in 1626 to make him Secretary of State, in place of the Earl of Haddingtoun, and a Peer, by the Title of Viſcount Stirling a, and after raiſed him to the Honour of Earl of Stirling, by Letters Patent the 14th of June 1633, at the Solemnity of his Majeſty's Coronation at the Palace of Holyroodhouſe, and his Lordſhip enjoyed the Secretary's Place with univerſal Reputation, for the Space of about Fifteen Years, even to his Death on the 12th of February 1640.

He married Janet Daughter and Heir of Sir William Erskine Kt. Parſon of Camſy, Commendator of the Biſhoprick of Glaſgow, a younger Brother of the Family of Balgony, and Couſin German to the Earl of Mar the Regentb, by whom he had

William Lord Alexander his eldeſt Son, who died his Majeſty's Reſident in Nova Scotia, in the Lifetime of his Father, leaving Iſſue by Jean his Wife, Daughter of William Marquis of Douglaſs, a Son, William, his Grandfather's Succeſſor, and two Daughters, Margaret married to Walter Lord Torphichen, and Beatrix to Sir Robert Sinclair of Lochermakhouſe, and had Iſſue.

[464] 2 Henry Alexander Eſq afterward Earl of Stirling.

3 Sir Anthony Alexander, Knight.

4 John Alexander Eſq

Lady Margaret, married to Hugh Montgomery, Lord Viſcount of Airds, of the Kingdom of Ireland.

Lady Mary, to Sir William Murray of Knockdowie, and had Iſſue.

To William 1ſt Earl of Stirling ſucceeded William his Grandſon, who did not live long to enjoy the Honour; for he died in the Month of March 1640, his Eſtate and Honour devolving to Henry Alexander Eſq his Un [...]le, who married . . . . . Daughter of Sir Peter V [...]l [...]e Alderman of London, by whom he had a Son, whoſe Heir reſides in England, and votes by his Proxy at the Election of our Peers ſince the Union.

MURRAY, Viſcount of Stormont.

THE firſt of this collateral Branch of the Murrays was Sir Andrew Murray, younger Son of Sir William Murray of Tullibardine, who in the Reign of King James IV. came to enjoy a fair Eſtate, by the Marriage of Margaret, Daughter and ſole Heir of James Barclay of Arngosk and Kippo a, by her he had Iſſue, Sir David Murray of Arngosk, his Son and Heir, who dying Anno 1550b, left Iſſue by Janet his Wife, Daughter to the Lord Lindſay, Sir Andrew his Son and Heir, who by Agnes his Wife, Daughter of William Earl of Montroſe c, had Sir Andrew his Succeſſor, and Sir David Murray of Goſparty, who firſt laid the Foundation of this Honour.

Sir David Murray being from his Youth bred at the Court of King James VI. was firſt made Cup-bearer to his Majeſty, in which Employment he ſoon rendred himſelf very gracious to his Maſter; inſomuch that in few Years he was preferred to be Maſter of the Horſe, and Captain of the Guard, and being knighted, was made Comptroller of Scotland in 1599, and thereafter a Peer, by the Title of Lord Scoon, Anno 1604, and having ſerved his ſaid Majeſty with great Fidelity in all the ſeveral Employments he was intruſted with, in Reward of his long and faithful Services, was created Viſcount of Stormont, and to the Heirs Male of his Body, and in Failure of ſuch, to his Heirs of Entail, by Letters Patent the 26th of Auguſt 1621d. He married Elizabeth Daughter of Sir David Beaton of Crich, but dying without Iſſue, 27th of Auguſt 1631e, he was with great Funeral-Solemnity interred in a Vault within the Church of Scoon, on the 23d of September thereafter, under a noble Monument erected by himſelf of various colour'd Marble, with his Statue as big as the Life, in a Poſ [...]ure of Devotion, with this Inſcription upon a Tablet of black Marble, wherein moſt of his remarkable Actions are ſet forth.The Right Honourable Sir DAVID MURRAY of Goſpartie,
Son to Sir Andrew Murray of Balvaird; his Grandfire Brother to the E. of Tillybardin; his Mother Daughter to the Earl of Montroſe; his Gooddame of the Father, Daughter to the Lord Lindſay; his Gooddame of the Mother Daughter to the Earl Mariſhal; who for his good Services done to King James VI. whom he faithfully ſerved from his Youth in many honourable Employments, from a [465] Cup-bearer, Maſter of his Horſe, Comptroller of his Rents, Captain of his Majeſty's Guard, one of his honourable Privy-Council, was created Lord Scoon. He married Dame Elizabeth Beaton, an ancient Baron's Daughter of Crich, died without Iſſue, left his Eſtate to his Nephew of Balvaird, and to Dame Agnes Murray his Neice, whom he married to a Brother of the Earl of Tillybardin's, from whom he firſt deſcended; he helped his other Friends, who enjoy the Fruits of his Labour; his Buildings pruifs he was politique; good Men knew he loved Virtue, and Malefactors that he maintained Juſtice; he founded the Hoſpital, and builded the Church; his So [...]l enjoys Happineſs: And under this Tomb builded by himſelf, lyeth his Body, expecting the joyful Reſurrection.

To David Viſcount of Stormont ſucceeded, by Entail, Sir Mungo Murray, Brother to the Earl of Tillybardine a, in a Part of his Eſtate, and to the Honour. He married Ann Daughter of Sir Andrew Murray of Balvaird; but he likewiſe dying without Iſſue in March 1642b, the Honour of Viſcount of Stormont, by Virtue of the firſt Entail, came to James Murray Earl of Annandale, and a Part of his Eſtate to Mr. Andrew Murray of Balvaird, the firſt Viſcount of Stormont's Nephew, then Miniſter at Ebdie, whom his Majeſty King Charles I. was pleaſed to make a Knight in 1633c, and thereafter by Letters Patent, bearing Da [...]e 17. November 1641, to raiſe to the Honour of Lord Balvaird d, notwithſtanding he was a Miniſter at the time of his Promotion. He married Elizabeth Daughter of David Earl of Southesk, by whom he had David his Succeſſor, Sir John Murray of Drumcairn, one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice, James Murray Doctor of Phyſick, and Mr. William Murray a Lawyer; likewiſe ſeveral Daughters, Barbara married to Andrew Lord Gray, and Marjory to Sir Alexander Gibſon of Durie, and had Iſſue; and departing this Life in the Month of September 1644e, was ſucceeded by

David Lord Balvaird his Son, who came to be Viſcount of Stormont upon the Demiſe of James Murray Earl of Annandale, who had that Honour in his Perſon. He married Jean Daughter of James Earl of Southesk, Widow of James Earl of Annandale aforeſaid, by whom he had David his Succeſſor, and a Daughter Katharine married to William Earl of Kintore; and dying 7th July 1667f, was ſucceeded by David his Son, the preſent Viſcount of Stormont, who married Marjory, Daughter of David Scot of Scotſt [...]rvet, by whom he has Iſſue, David Maſter of St [...]rmont, Mr. James Murray Advocate, a young Lawyer of great Parts and Reputation, William, Charles; likewiſe ſix Daughters.

1 Katharine.

2 Elizabeth.

3 Marjory married to Col. John Hay of Cromlix.

4 Aemilia.

5 Margaret.

6 Jean.


Quarterly 1ſt and 4th Azure, Three Mollets within a Double Treſſure, flower'd and counterflower'd. Or, 2d and 3d. Gules, Three Croſs-patees, Argent. Supported by Two Lions Rampant. Gules, Creſt, a Stag's Head, Coupee proper. Motto, Spero meliora.

DRUMMOND, Viſcount of Strathalan


THE Firſt who laid the Foundation of this Honour was Lieutenant General William Drummond, a younger Brother of the Lord Maderty's, who from his Youth having dedicated himſelf to the Profeſſion of Arms, he entred into the Service of his own Prince King Charles I. after the breaking out of the Civil War, and had a conſiderable Command in the Army that was raiſed in the 1648, for the Relief of his Majeſty, while he was a Priſoner in the Iſle of Wight. After that unfortunate Expedition he tranſported himſelf into Ireland, and join'd the Marquis of Ormond who was then in Arms for the King, and continued in that Service till the 1651, he came over to Scotland, and had the Command of a Regiment in the Scots Army at the Battle of Worceſter, where he was taken Priſoner; but afterward making his Eſcape, he went into the Highlands in that Adventure where Middleton commanded; at which Time he had a Commiſſion to be a Major General. When that Deſign was broke, and no further Hope left of ſerving the King, he went abroad, and entred into the Service of the King of Pruſſia, under whom he exerciſed very high Commands, and with great Honour and Reputation, till after the Reſtauration of King Charles II. that his Majeſty call'd him home, and made him Major General of the Forces in Scotland; and in that Caracter he ſerv'd the Crown for many Years thereafter. Upon King James's coming to the Throne, he was made General of all the Forces in the Kingdom, and one of the Lords of the Treaſury, and a Peer by the Title of Viſcount of Strathallan, by Letters Patent 16th Auguſt 1686a, and to his Heirs Male for ever. He died in the Month of January 1688, leaving Iſſue by Elizabeth his Wife, Daughter of Sir Archbald Johnſton of Wariſtoun, William his Son and Heir, and a Daughter Elizabeth, married to Thomas Earl of Kinnoul.

Which William married Elizabeth, Daughter of John Earl of Melfort, and departing this Life 7th July 1702, was ſucceeded by

James his Son and Heir, who died a Youth of great Hopes in his 16th Year at London, 26th May 1711, his his Eſtate devolving to his Couſin the Lord Duplin, and the Honour of Viſcount, which was to the General's Heirs Male, fell to

William Drummond of Machanny, a remote Relation, tho' the neareſt to his Lordſhip in the Male Line, who became thereby alſo Lord Maderty. He married Margaret Daughter of William Lord Nairn, by whom he has Iſſue.

STRATHERN, Earl of Strathern.

THE Title of Comes de Strathern is certainly one of the moſt ancient Dig [...]ities we can inſtruct, and no doubt was erected into a Comitatus by King Malcolm Canmore, when he firſt divided his Lands, and raiſed to Honours the beſt deſerving and moſt loyal of his Subjects, who had been inſtrumental in his Reſtauration. In the very oldeſt Record we have extant, the Foundation-Charter of the Priory [467] of Scoon by King Alexander I. Anno 1115a, Mallus Comes Strathjerniae is mentioned among the other Comites who gave their Aſſent and Conſent to that Erectionb. The ſame Earl Maliſe Comes Stradarniae ſignaliz'd his Valour very eminently at the Battle of Standard c, which the Abbot of Revel in his Hiſtory hath taken particular Notice of. He was ſucceeded by Fereth, Comes de Stradern, his Son, who is a Witneſs in a Grant by King Malcolm IV. to the Convent of Scoon. He left Iſſue Three Sons, Robert his Succeſſor in the Honour, Gilbert thereafter Earl of Strathern, and Maliſe to whom King William gave the Lands of Kincardine in the County of Perth, to be held de Comite Roberto fratre ſuo d.

In the 1200, this pious Earl, by the Perſwaſion of the then Biſhop of Dumblain, erected a Convent at Inchaffery, and endued it with a ſufficient annual Revenue for the Support and Maintenance of a certain Number of Religious Perſons to attend the Service of the Church, for the Soul of himſelf and his Succeſſors for evere. He married Mary Daughter of William de Aubigni f Earl of Albemarle, by whom he had Maliſe his Son and Heir, and Two Daughters, Anabella married to Sir David Graham of Dundaff, with whom he got the Barony of Kincardin g, and Matilda to Malcolm Earl of Fife h.

Which Maliſe made a great Figure in his Time, and was a very warlike Man: By Mary his Wife, Daughter of Sir John Cummin of Badenoch, he had Maliſe his Son and Heir, and a Daughter Mary, married to Sir John Murray of Drumſhargard, Knight; with her he obtained the Lands of Ogilvil, Abercairny, and Glenſhirop i, which was afterward ratified by Maliſe Earl of Strathern, narrating, That Maliſius quondam Comes de Strathern Pater ſuus infeodavit Dominum Joannem de Moravia de Drumſhargard, in the foreſaid Lands, cum Mariae de Strathern filiae ſuae ſponſae dicti Domini Joannis.

Maliſe the next Earl of Strathern was a moſt hearty Aſſerter of the Honour and Liberty of his Country in the turbulent Times of the Bruce and Baliol. He married one of the Co-heirs of the Earl of Orkney, by whom he had one Daughter, Joanna Counteſs of Strathern, who married the Earl of Warren an Engliſh Lord, which engaged the Lady into Treaſonable Practices againſt her Country; for with ſundry unnatural Scotſmen ſhe entred into a Conſpiracy with the Engliſh to depoſe King Robert, and ſubject the Independency of this Nation to the Engliſh Crown: But the Combination being happily diſcovered, the Counteſs and her Aſſociates were forfeited, and the moſt conſiderable of the Party, as the Lord Brichen and the Lord Souls, ſuffered Death for the ſame.

The Earldom of Strathern being thus veſted in the Crown, it was in 1543, beſtowed by King David the II. upon his great Favourite Sir Maurice Murray of Drumſhargard k, not of Bothwell, as our Hiſtorians have miſtaken.

Thie gallant Earl in the Minority of King David II. perform'd many Actions of ſignal Courage and Bravery in Defence of his Country, and of the Title of his lawful Sovereign, which ought to be very particularly remembred for the Honour of his Memory, but being ſlain at the Battle of Durham on the 17. of October 1346, [468] and leaving no Iſſue behind him, his Brother Sir John Murray ſucceeded only to his perſonal Eſtate, the Earldom of Strathern returning again to the Crown.

STEWART, Earl of Strathern.

IN the 1367, King David II. did dignifie his Nephew Robert Lord High-Stewart of Scotland with the Title of Earl of Strathern a, which he enjoyed, till upon the Demiſe of his Uncle he came to the Crown, by the Name of Robert the II. in the 1371, that his Majeſty did then erect the Earldom of Strathern into a County Palatine, in favours of Sir David Steuart, his eldeſt by his Second Wife Eupham, Daughter of Hugh Earl of Roſs, to be enjoyed by him as freely as any other Earl of Strathern had done, & quod dictus David & haeredes ſui teneant & poſſideant ipſum Comitatum in perpetuum, in liberam Regalitatem, Tertio Julii, Anno Regni noſtri primo. He left a Daughter Eupham his Heir, who, I have obſerv'd, was deſigned Comitiſſa Palotinae de Strathern. She married Sir Patrick Graham, Son of Patrick Lord Graham, who in her Right was Earl of Strathern. Their Son Maliſe was alſo Earl of Strathern: But King James I. having recover'd that Earldom from him, as belonging to the Royal Patrimony, his Majeſty in lieu thereof, and of his Royal Bounty gave him the Earldom of Monteith, September 6th, 1428.

LYON, Earl of Strathmore.

SIR Patrick Lyon Lord Carſe, a learned Lawyer, and a Lord of the Seſſion in the Time of King James VII. wrote a Hiſtory of this noble Family, from which he himſelf had the Honour to be deſcended, wherein he deduces thei [...] Origin from an illuſtrious and very ancient Family, call,d D' Lyon in France; a Branch whereof ſettled in Scotland above Five hundred Years ago, and had by the Bounty of one of our Kings, ſundry Lands in the Shire of Perth, which were called Glen-Lyon, after their own Sirname, whoſe Succeſſor Sir John Lyon got from King David II. the Baronies of Forteviot and Forgundeny in Perth-ſhire, the Lands of Courteſtoun and Drumgovan in Aberdeen-ſhire, propter fortem & fidelem operam ſibi & Patri ſ [...]o praeſtitam b.

Sir John Lyon his Son being a Man of of very good Parts and Qualities, and a very graceful and comely Perſon, was a great Favourite of King Robert II. for upon that Prince's Acceſſion to the Crown, he gave him the Lands of the Thanedom of Glamis in Forfar-ſhire, propter laudabili & fideli ſervitio & continuis labor [...]us, as the Charter bears, 7th January 1374c, and not long after preferred him to be Lord High Chamberlain of Scotland, upon the Removal of Mr. Walter Biggar Parſon of Errol d, and beſtow'd his Daughter the Lady Jean upon him in Marriage, and at the ſame Time the Barony [469] of Kinghorn nomine dotis, in which the King deſigns him, cariſſimo filio noſtro Joanni Lyon militi camerario Scotiae.

In the 1382. the Lord Chamberlain was ſent Ambaſſador to England; upon his Return he had the Misfortune to fall into a fatal Quarrel with Sir James Lindſay of Crawfurd, by whom he was ſlain at the Moſs of Balhal, to the great Regret of the King, who could never be prevail'd with to pardon Sir James, tho' he was his own Nephew by his Siſter. By the Lady Jean Steuart his Wife he left Iſſue,

John his only Son and Heir, who being young at his Father's Death, the King his Grandfather took him into his own immediate Care and Patronage, Terras ſuas, homines ſuos, & univerſas poſſeſſiones, omnia bona ſua mobilia & immobilia, ſtrictly inhibiting and diſcharging any to harm him under the higheſt Penalty the Law could inflict. He married Mary Daughter of Patrick Graham Earl of Strathern, by whom he had

Patrick his Son and Heir, who was ſent to England in 1423. one of the Hoſtages for the Ranſom of King James I.a He was of the Privy Council to King James II. by whom he was preferred to be Maſter of the Houſhold, upon the Promotion of William Lord Crechtoun to be Chancellor, 1452b, and giving Way to Fate in the 1459c, left Iſſue by Iſobel his Wife, Daughter of Sir Alexander Ogilvie of A [...]chterhouſe d, Alexander his Succeſſor, John Lyon of Courteſtoun, thereafter Lord Glamis, and William, of whom are deſcended both the Lyons of Eaſter and Weſter-Ogil e.

Which Alexander married Agnes Daughter of William Lord Crichtoun, and dying without Iſſue in 1473f, his Eſtate and Honour devolved on

John his Brother and Heir, who, upon the Acceſſion of King James IV. to the Crown, was named one of the Lords of the Privy Council, and conſtituted Juſticiary of Scotland, Anno 1489g, and departing this Life Anno 1497h, left Iſſue by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of Sir John Scrimzeor Conſtable of Dundee, John his Son and Heir, David Lyon firſt of the Family of Coſſins, and a Daughter Chriſtian, married to William Earl of Errol.

Which John married Eliz. Daughter of Andrew Lord Gray, and had George his Succeſſor, and John who ſucceeded to his Brother, and a Daughter Elizabeth, married to John Maſter of Forbes, and dying in 1500, was ſucceeded by

George his Son and Heir, who dying in his Minority, Anno 1505, his Eſtate and Honour came to

John his Brother, who married Jean Daughter of George Maſter of Angus, and dying a young Man in his 37th Year, on the 8th of Auguſt 1528i, was ſucceeded by

John his Son, who in the Year 1537. when but a Boy, was convicted of High Treaſon, in that with his Mother he had conſpir'd the Death of the King. By the Sentence he is declared to have been guilty Arte & Parte proditoriae Conciliationis, non Revelationis proditoriae Imaginationis, & Deſtructionis nobiliſſimae Perſonae Sereniſſimi Domini noſtri Regis per venenum: His Eſtate being forfeited, it was annexed to the Crown, Anno 1540k, and the Sentence of Death, by reaſon of his Youth, was ſuſpended; yet he was order'd to remain in Priſon till he was of Age, and then to be executed. The young Gentleman's Caſe was much pitied; for he was only a Boy, and [470] could not be thought to have any Malice in his Heart againſt the King, or any Body elſe. The true Cauſe was thought to be the Reſentment the King carried againſt the Earl of Angus, whoſe Siſter this young Lord's Mother was, and who ſuffered Death for the Crime afore-mentioned: But upon the Death of King James V. in the firſt Parliament of Queen Mary, Anno 1543, held by the Earl of Arran the Governor, the Lord Glamis's Forfeiture was reduced, and he reſtor'd to his Eſtate and Honoura. He married Janet Daughter of William Earl Mariſhal, by whom he had John his Succeſſor, Sir Thomas Lyon of Auldbar, Lord High Treaſurer of Scotland in the Reign of King James VI. and a Daughter Margaret, married firſt to Gilbert Earl of Caſſils, and after his Death, to John Marquis of Hamilton, and giving Way to Fate in 1558, was ſucceeded in his Eſtate and Honour by

John his Son, who being a Nobleman of great Parts and Learning, was preferred to be Lord High Chancellor of Scotland in 1575, upon the Demiſe of the Earl of Argyle; and he held the Office till he was killed by a Piſtolſhot in a Tumult on the Street of Siirling, March 7th 1577. The King ſuſtained a wonderful Loſs in his Death, he being a Man of great Wiſdom and Temper, and one very univerſally lov'd and eſteem'd. Biſhop Spot ſwood ſpeaking of that diſmal Accident, ſays, The Death of the Chancellor was much lamented, falling out in the Time when the King and Country ſtood in moſt Need of his Service: He had carried himſelf with much Commendation in his Place, and acquired a great Authority. Moſt careful was [...]e to have Peace conſerv'd both in the Country and Church, and labour'd much to have the Queſtion of Church-Policy ſettled; upon which Subject he interchanged divers Letters with Theodore Beza, a learned foreign Divine. He married Elizabeth Daughter of Alexander Lord Abernethy of Saltoun, by whom he had Patrick his Son and Heir; alſo ſeveral Daughters.

Jean, married to Robert Douglas younger of Lochlevin, Son and Heir apparent to William Earl of Mortoun; next, to Archibald Earl of Angus, and after that to Alexander firſt Lord Spainzie.

Elizabeth, to Patrick Lord Gray, ſans Iſſue.

Which Patrick being one of the Lords of the Privy Council to King James VI. and a Perſon of Fame and Reputation for Prudence and Integrity, was named one of the Commiſſioners on the Part of Scotland to treat of an Union with England 1604b, and by his Majeſty's moſt gracious Favour, was by Letters Patent bearing Date 10th July 1606, created Earl of Kinghorn c. He married Ann Daughter of John 1ſt Earl of Tillybardin by whom he had John his Succeſſor, James Lyon of Auldbar, Frederick, of whom iſſued the Branch of the Lyons of Brigtoun, and a Daughter Ann, married to William Earl of Errol; and departing this Life on the 19th of December 1615, was ſucceeded in his Eſtate and Honour by

John his Son, who married firſt Margaret Daughter of John Earl of Mar, by whom he had no Iſſue, and again Elizabeth Daughter of Patrick 1ſt Earl of Panmure, by whom he had Patrick his Succeſſor, and a Daughter Elizabeth, married to Charles 1ſt Earl of Aboyne. He died on the 12th May 1647d, and was ſucceeded by

Patrick his Son, who with the Conſent and Approbation of his Majeſty [471] King Charles II. did change his Title from Kinghorn to Srathmore. He was one of the Lords of the Privy Council both in this and the ſucceeding Reign of King James VII. and one of the Four Extraordinary Lords of the Seſſion. He married Helen Daughter of John 1ſt Earl of Middleton, by whom he had John his Succeſſor, Maſter Patrick Lyon of Auchterhouſe; alſo Two Daughters, Griſſel married to David Earl of Airly, and Elizabeth firſt to Charles Earl of Aboyne, and after to Patrick Lord Kinnaird; and dying in the 1695, was ſucceeded by,

John Earl of Strathmore his Son, who married Elizabeth Daughter of Philip Earl of Cheſterfield, of the Kingdom of England; and departing this Life the 10th of May 1712, left Iſſue by his Lady aforeſaid,

Patrick Lord Glamis, who died a very hopeful Youth,

Philip, who died likewiſe Lord Glamis, not long before his Father,

John his Succeſſor, the preſent Earl of Strathmore,




Lady Helen married to Robert Lord Blantyre.

Lady Mary.


Argent. A Lyon rampant. Azure, armed and langued Gules within a double Treſſure, flower'd and counterflower'd of the Second. The Supporters, an Unicorn Argent. on the Dexter, and on the Siniſter a Lyon rampant, Gules. Creſt, A Lady above the Middle, holding in her Hand a Thiſtle, Vert, encircled with a Garland of Bay proper. Motto, In te Domine ſperavi.

SUTHERLAND, Earl of Sutherland

THERE is a particular Hiſtory written of this noble ancient Family in Engliſh, by a very able Pen, the Learned Sir Robert Gordon of Gordonſtoun, Baronet; and very accurately epitomiz'd by Mr. Roſs, in Latin the Author of the Panſebeia; wherein both Sir Robert and Mr. Roſs have been at much Pains to vouch the Antiquity, and illuſtrate the Deſcent of the Earls of Sutherlands, and they have done it ſo well, and inſtructed it ſo clear, that the Peerage of this illuſtrious Family is not only one of the oldeſt with us in Scotland, but for what I know of any other Nation of Europe. And I can't but remark, that our Hiſtorians do make mention, that the Family of Sutherland were Thanes before the Title of Earl was introduced among us; for not only Sir Robert Gordon and Mr. Roſs, but even our publick National Hiſtorians do take Notice, That Allan Thane of Sutherland, a brave and warlike Man, gave a very ſignal Defeat to a Detachment of the Daniſh Army who invaded the Country of Sutherland, and that he was cruelly put to Death and murdered under the Uſurpation of Macbeth, for his firm Adherence to his rightful Sovereign King Malcolm Canmore, King Duncan's Son, and for endeavouring to ſet him on his Father's Throne; and when in Providence that was happily brought about, that heroick and generous Prince thought it but juſt to reſtore the Children of ſuch who had been forfeited on his Account during the Uſurpation; and therefore, Walter, the Son of Allan Thane of Sutherland, in Memory of his Father's Merit, as well as his own ſignal Services in contributing toward [472] the Reſtoration, was not only reſtored to his Eſtate and Honour, but was likewiſe one of thoſe whom that King further dignify'd with the then introduc'd Title of Earl 1057a, and dying 1097, was ſucceeded by,

Robert his Son and Heir who built the Caſtle of Dunrobin, which he called after his own Name, which is ſtill the principal Seat of this noble Family. This Earl was imployed to apprehend Harold Earl of Caithneſs, who had committed a very horrible and barbarous Murder upon the Biſhop of Caithneſs, whom he brought to exemplary Juſtice. He was ſuccceeded by,

Hugh his Son, call'd for Diſtinction Hugh Friskin, i. e. Hugh with the ready Whinger, becauſe he was a bold daring Man. He attack'd the Danes when they invaded his Country, whom he de [...]eat in Battle at Embo in Sutherland, and ſlew their General.

To Hugh Earl of Sutherland ſucceeded William his Son, who died 1248, and was ſucceeded by

William his Son who in the Reign of King Alexander II. enter'd into a ſolemn Agreement with Archibald then Biſhop of Caithneſs, wherein both Parties narrate, That there had been a long Diſpute and Controverſy inter venerabiles Patres Predeceſſores noſtros, Gilbertum, Willielmum, & Walterum, bonae memoriae, Epiſcopos Cathaniae, ex una parte, & nobiles viros Willielmum clarae memoriae, & Willielmum ejus filium, Comites Sutherlandiae, relative to the Lands of Skilbo, Pronſie, Therbolt, and Others claimed by the Chapter of that See, which after a long Diſpute was amicably compoſed by a ſolemn Agreement, dated decimo Kalendarum Octobris 1275b. This Earl the younger made a very great Figure in the Reign of Alexander III. in the 1284, he is one of the Magnates Scotiae, who ſolemnly bound themſelves with their Oaths and Seals, That in Default of Male Iſſue of the King's Body, to acknowledge and receive Margaret Daughter of Erick King of Norway, King Alexander's Grandchild by his Daughter, as their Sovereign and Queen of Scotland c. And when the Succeſſion did take Place in the Perſon of that young Princeſs, thro' the Demiſe of her Grandfather, this noble Earl was one of the Peers who addreſſed King Edward I. of England, That a Treaty of Marriage might be ſet on Foot betwixt his Son the Prince of Wales and the young Queen of Scotland, whereby the Two Kingdoms might be for ever unite under one Sovereign; but the Death of the young Princeſs falling out ſoon thereafter, the Treaty which was concluded, had no Effect. When the Competition happened about the Succeſſion to the Crown betwixt Robert Bruce and John Baliol, the Earl of Sutherland was one of thoſe great Men who were appointed to go to Berwick to hear King Edward's Deciſion of that grand Affair; the Determination of which had been referred to him. Upon the breaking out of the War thereafter, he was firm to that Side which did moſt regard the Honour, Intereſt, and Independency of his Country, and was very aſſiſtant in bringing King Robert the Bruce to, and maintaing him on the Throne. He did in a very eminent Manner ſignalize his Valour and Courage at the famous Battle of Banno [...]kburn, whereby the Slavery and Uſurpation under which Scotland had long groand, was gloriouſly redem'd and retriev'd. The ſame Earl is one of the Peers, who, with other great Men of the Kingdom, wrote that memorable Letter to the Pope in 1320, to which all of them put their Seals; a rare Piece of Antiquity. The learned Mr. Anderſon has with great Exactneſs and Curioſity cauſed finely engrave it on Copper-Plate in his elaborate Treatiſe, De Rebus Diplomaticis Scotiae, collected and publiſhed by him at the Command of the Parliament of Scotland, [473] under the Title of Litera Communitatis Scotiae ad Papam, A. D. 1320.

To William Earl of Sutherland ſucceeded Kenneth his Son, who was very faithful to King David Bruce, as his Father had been to King Robert, in whoſe Service, and in that of his Country (for they were inſeparable) he loſt his Life fighting gallantly at the Battle of Halidon-hill, where he commanded the Van of the Army, on the 19th of July 1333 (c), leaving Iſſue, William his Son and Heir, and Nicol, of whom the Sutherlands of the Family of Duffus are derived.

Which William was one of thoſe valiant and loyal Peers who accompanied King David to the Battle of Durham Anno 1346, and was taken Priſoner with him. After the Earl's Releaſment he was one of the Scots Plenipotentiaries, authoriz'd to treat with the Engliſh anent the Redemption of the King; and when that Treaty prov'd ſucceſsful, Alexander the Earl of Sutherland's Son and Heir was ſent to England one of the Hoſtages for the Ranſom, and how ſoon the King took Journey for his own Dominions, he was met and attended by certain of the Nobility with a great Retinue, of which Number this noble Earl, who had the Honour to be his Brother-in-law, was one. He married the Lady Margaret Bruce, Daughter of King Robert I. and Siſter of the full Blood to King David the II. from whom he obtained a very noble Charter, on the 10th of November 1347, to himſelf and his Wife the Lady Margaret the King's Siſter, which is ſtill preſerved in the Annals of this illuſtrious Family, as well as our national Records, Willielmo Comiti de Sutherland, & Margaret [...] ſponſae ſuae, cariſſimae ſorori noſtrae, quod ipſi & haeredes legi [...]imae inter ipſos procreand, habeant, tenean. & poſſideant totum Comitatum Sutherlandiae, in liberam Regalitatem in perpetuum. By the Lady Margaret Bruce aforeſaid his Wife, he had Alexander his his eldeſt Son, who died in England one of the Hoſtages for the Ranſom of the King his Uncle, in the Li [...]etime of his Father, and John, called John [...]orn out of Time by the Highlanders, his Succeſſor in the Earldom. This noble Earl John ſignaliſed his Courage during the War betwixt the two Nations, in the Reign of King Robert II. particularly in the 1380, together with the Lord Galloway he entred England, ſpoiled Cumberland, and returned with a great Booty, and dying Anno 1389 le [...]t Iſſue by Mabella his Wife, Daughter to the Earl of March, Nicolas his Succeſſor, and Hector, of whom the Sutherlands of Dalrite.

Which Nicolas was a Perſon of great Courage and Conduct, which he manifeſted very much in thoſe turbulent Times in which he lived. He married . . . . . . . Daughter to the Lord of the Iſſes, by whom he had Robert his Succeſſor, John of whom the Sutherlands of Berindale, and Kenneth, of whom came the Sutherlands of Forſe, and departing this Life Anno 1399, was ſucceeded by

Robert his Son, who ſignalized his Valour and Courage at the Battle of Hamildon againſt the Engliſh, Anno 1401. This Earl had many Conteſts with his Neighbours the Mackays, which prov'd fatal to the Latter; and tho he lived in very turbulent Times, he had the Happineſs, by his Prudence and Conduct, to preſerve his Country both from Faction and Invaſion. He marrid . . . . . . . Daughter of Thomas Dunbar Earl of Murray, by her he had John his Succeſſor, and Kenneth Sutherland of Toriſh, and dying Anno 1442, was ſucceeded by

John his Son, who married Margaret Daughter of Sir William Baillie of Lamingtoun, by whom he had Alexander Maſter of Sutherland, who died in the Lifetime of his Father, leaving no Iſſue ſave a Daughter Marjorie, married to William Earl of Orkney and Caithneſs, John the next Earl, Nicolas and Thomas; alſo two Daughters, Jean [474] married to Sir James Dunbar of Cum [...]ock, and Elizabeth to . . . . . . Meld [...]um of that Ilk. He died in the 1460, and was ſucceeded by

John his Son, who married Elizabeth Daughter of Alexander Earl of Roſs, by her he had John his Succeſſor in the Earldom, who died without Iſſue, Anno 1508, and a Daughter Elizabeth Counteſs of Sutherland, who was her Brother's Heir both in his Eſtate and Honour. She married Adam Gor don of A [...]oyne, Son of George Earl of Hu [...]tley, who it appears plainly according to the Cuſtom with us, was only in the Lady's R [...]ght Earl of Sutherland. This Adam and the Counteſs his Wife did reſign the Earldom of Sutherland in the Hands of King James V. in Favours of Alexander Maſter of Sutherland their Son, who thereupon obtain'd a Charter under the Great Seal, of the ſame which heritably belonged to the Counteſs his Mother, to be held as freely and as honourably by him in omnibus, & per omnia, ficut dicta E [...]izabetha, vel predeceſſores ſui dictum Commitatum tenuerunt ſe [...] poſſ [...]derunt, reſervato tamen [...]iber [...] tenemento totius dicti Comitatus & ſuis pertinen dictae Elizabethae Comi [...]iſſae de Sutherland, & Adae Gordon ſponſo ſuo, pro toto tempore vitae ſuae, ratione Curialitatis Scotiae, dated 15th December 1527. This Maſter of Sutherland married Janet Stewart Daughter of John Earl of Ath [...]le, by whom he had a Son, John, who ſucceeded to the Earldom on the Demiſe of his Gandmother, and Grandfather, whom Death overtook the 7th of March 1537. This Earl was a Man of great Parts, and moſt zealouſly affected to the Roman Catholick Church at the Beginning of the Reformation, inſomuch as the Queen Regent made him Governor and Lieutenant of the Kingdom from Spey Northward, and of the Shires of Murray and Roſs, and got him made a Knight of St. Michael by Henry III of France, to whoſe Intereſt he was very well affected. He married firſt Elizabeth, Daughter of Archbald Earl of Argyle, Widow of James Earl of Murray, but had no Iſſue by her; next, Helen Daughter of John Earl of Lennox, Counteſs Dowger of Errol, by whom he had Alexander his Succeſſor and a Daughter, Janet, married to Robert Innes of that Ilk, and laſt of all, Marion, Daughter of George Lord Seton, Rel [...]ct of William Earl of Monteith, but by her he had no Iſſue; and giving Way to Fate in the Month of July 1567, was ſucceeded by

John his Son, who married firſt Barbara Daughter of George Earl of Caithneſs, and again Jean Daughter of Alexander Earl of Huntley, formerly the Wi [...]e of James Earl of Bothwell, by whom he had John his Son and Heir, Sir Robert Gordon of Gordonſtoun Baronet, Sir Alexander Gordon of Averdale Knight; alſo two Daughters, Jean married to Hugh Mackay of Fare, and Margaret to David Roſs of Balnagown. He died the 6th of December 1594, his Eſtate and Honour devolving on

John his Son, who married Ann Daughter of John Lord Elphingſtoun, by whom he had John his Succeſſor; alſo two Daughters, Elizabeth married to Sir James Crichton of Frendraught, and Ann to Sir Gilbert Menzies of Pitfoddel; and departing this Life the 4th of December 1615, was ſucceeded by

John his Son, who being educated in the Proteſtant Religion, was very zealous in that Communion, inſomuch as he was one of the Peers who were moſt violent againſt the Liturgy and the Service-book, which the King introduced in the 1637; and from the Beginning of the Troubles to the very End of the War, he adhered to the Parliament with great Firmneſs and Conſtancy, and with as full a Zeal as any Man of that Time; and when the Parliament 1649 would no longer truſt the Privy Seal in the Hands of the Earl of Roxburgh, who was deprived by the Act of Claſſes, they preferred [475] the Earl of Sutherland to it, who kindly accepted it as a Teſtimony of their Favour, and he held the Place till all the Offices of State were ſuppreſt by Oliver Cromwell. This noble Lord married Jean only Daughter of James 1ſt Earl of Perth, by whom he had

George his Son and Heir, a Nobleman of great Goodneſs and moſt exemplary Virtue, who throughout his whole Life had the Reputation of a Perſon of ſingular Integrity. He married Jean Daughter of David Earl of Weems, Widow of Archibald Lord Angus, an eminent and devout Lady, by whom he had John his Succeſſor, and a Daughter Anne married to Robert Viſcount of Arbuthnot, and departing this Life 4th March 1703, was interred at the Abbay Church of Holyroodhouſe, where a ſumptuous Monument is erected to [...]is Memory.

Which John was one of the Lords of the Privy Council to King William, during whoſe Reign he had the Command of a Regiment of Foot. His Lordſhip was alſo of the Privy Council to Queen Anne, by whom he was appointed one of the Commiſſioners for the Treaty of Union with England, on the Concluſion of which he was choſen one of the Sixteen Peers to the firſt Parliament of Great Britain; and after the Acceſſion of King George to the Crown, the Earl was named Lord Lieutenant of the Counties of Inverneſs, Elgin, Nairn, Cromarty, Roſs, Sutherland and Caithneſs, and Stewartries of Orkney and Zetland, Anno 1715. He married firſt Helen Daughter of William Lord Cochran, by whom he had Iſſue,

William Lord Strathnaver.

Lady Jean married to John Lord Maitland.

Lady Helen.

He married next Dame Katharine Talmaſh, Widow of James Lord Down, but by her he had no Iſſue.

John Lord Strathnaver married Katharine Daughter of William Moriſon of Preſtongrange, by whom he has Iſſue, John Maſter of Strathnaver.


Gules, Three Mollets, within a double Treſſure, flour'd and counterflour'd, Or, Supporters, Two Savages wreathed about the Head and Loins with Laurel, holding Batons in their Hands. Creſt, a Cat. Motto, Without Fear.

WALTER SCOT, Earl of Tarras.

WAS of a very ancient and worthy Family, of the Scots of Harden in Roxburgh-Shire. Mr. Scot being a young Gentleman of good Parts and Breeding, and of a competent Fortune for a younger Brother, was preferred to the Marriage of the eldeſt Daughter and Heireſs of Francis Earl of Buccleugh, the Lady Mary Scot; whereupon he was by King Charles II. dignified with the Title of Earl of Tarras for his own Lifetime, by Letters Patent, bearing Date the 4th of September 1660.

RUTHERFORD, Earl of Teviot.

LIEUTENANT General Thomas Rutherford, being firſt honoured by King Charles II. with the Title [476] of Lord Rutherford, to him and his Heirs and Aſſignies, as I obſerved on that Pe [...]r [...]ge, was further dignified by his ſaid Majeſty, with the Honour of Earl of Teviot: But the Title of Earl being reſtricted to the Heirs Male of the General's own Body, it expir'd with himſelf, Ma [...] 4th, 1664.

ROB. SPENCER, Viſcount of Teviot.

THE Honour of Viſcount of Teviot was conferred by King [...] VII. [...] 1686, upon Robert Lord [...], eldeſt Son of Robert Earl of Sunderland, of the Kingdom of England; but his Lordſhip dying in France unmarried, in the Lifetime of his Father, the Title became extinct.

THO. LIVINGSTON, Viſcount of Teviot.

THE next who was dignified with this Title, was Sir Thomas Livingſton, Son of Sir Alexander Livingſton Baronet; who, tho' he liv'd in Holland, yet was of the moſt ancient Extract of the Livingſtons of Jerviſwood in Lanerkſhire in this Kingdom.

Sir Thomas from his Youth dedicated himſelf to the Profeſſion of a Soldier, under the Prince of Orange, the late King William; and having ſerv'd in ſeveral leſſer Commands with great Reputation for Courage, was made Colonel of a Regiment of Foot in the Prince of Orange's Expedition to Britain. Upon the Prince's coming to the Crown, Sir Thomas Livingſton had the Command of a Regiment of Dragoons, wherewith having performed many Actions of ſignal Courage and Conduct, he was ſometime thereafter preferred to be Commander in Chief of all his Majeſty's Forces in Scotland, and named one of the Lords of the Privy Council. King William had ſo great a Value for him, that beſides the particular Marks of his Favour, which on many Occaſions he evidenced to him before, as a further Inſtance of his gracious Favour, was pleaſed to honour him with the Title of Viſcount of Teviot, by Letters Patent 4th of December: 1698.a, and to the Heirs Male of his Body for ever: But his Lordſhip had the ſame Fate with his Predeceſſors in this Title to leave no Iſſue behind him; for he died at London on the 14th of January 1711, in the 60th Year of his Age, and was inter'd at the Abbay of Weſtminſter, where Sir Alexander Livingſton his Brother, who was his Heir, cauſed erect a noble Monument to his Memory.

MURRAY, Earl of Tillybardin.

THE Anceſtor of this illuſtrious and moſt noble Family, was one Friskinus, a great Baron in the Northern Parts, in the Time of King Malcolm, whoſe Son William took the Sirname de Moravia from the County of Murray, which was his own Inheritance by Deſcent, and left a Son William his Heir, Willielmus de Moravia, filius Willielmi filii Friskini, whoſe Son Sir Malcom de Moravia, Kt. was poſſeſt of a fair Eſtate in the County of Perth, in the Time of King Alexander [477] II. and elſewhere, who by his Charter gave Willielmo de Moravia filio ſuo totas Terras ſuas de Lamabude coram A. Epiſcopo Moraviae, Willielmo de Haya de Locheruard, & Michaele de Weems Militibus a. The ſame noble Perſon, deſign'd afterward Dominus Willielmus de Moravia Miles, filius Domini Malcolmi de Moravia Militis, got the Barony of Tillybardine by the Marriage of Adda Daughter of Sir Henry Seneſcal de Strathern, by Mauriel his Wife, Daughter and Heir of Congal Baron of Tillybardine b, which was ratified to Sir William Murray by Henricus filius quondam Domini Maliſſi Seneſchalli de Strathern, illam Donationem quam Domina Mauriella mater mea, filta Congal, dedit & conceſſit Domin [...] Willielmo de Moravia, filio Domini Malcolmi de Moravia, & Addae filiae dictae Dominae Mauriellae, ſororis meae, de Tillybardine, ſecundum tenorem Chartae quam dictus Dominus Willielmus & Adda ſoror mea habent de praedicta Mauriella maire mea, apud Duffally, die Martis, in Vigilia omnium Sanctorum, Anno Aerae [...]lleſimo ducenteſimo octogeſimoo quarto. F [...]om this Sir William the Line of the Family of Tillybardine being regularly deduced on the Houſe of Athol, I ſhall not repeat what is there ſaid; only for illuſtrating the Title here, 'tis neceſſary to obſerve, that William the 2d Earl of Tillybardine ſucceeding to the Dignity of Earl of Athol, in Right of his Wife Dorothea, the eldeſt of the Four Daughters, and Coheirs of John 5th Earl of Athol of the Stewartine Line, did in the 1626. reſign the Title of Earl of Tillybardine, to the End it might be conferred on his Brother Sir Patrick Murray, which his Majeſty King Charles I. was pleaſed to do by Letters Patent 31ſt January 1628. He married Elizabeth Daughter of . . . . Dent, Eſq by whom he had James his Succeſſor, and William Murray Eſq a young Man of great Magnanimity and Courage, who was put to Death at St. Andrews, after Philiphaugh, for being in Arms under the Marquis of Montroſe, whoſe Memory ought to be patricularly honoured and preſerved.

Which James married firſt Lilias Daughter of John Earl of Perth, and again Lilias Daughter of Sir James Drummond of Machany; but dying without Iſſue, both his Eſtate and Honour devolved on John Marquis of Athole.

SANDILANDS, Lord Torphichen.

IN the 17th Year of the Reign of King David the II. Anno 1346, Willielmus de Douglas Dom. ejuſdem loci, gave dilecto Armigero ſuo Jacobo de Sandilands, pro homagio & ſervitio ſuo, omnes Terras ſuas de Sandilands & Reidmyre per ſuas rectas Metas & diviſas antiquas infra dominium Vallis de Douglas (c). This gallant Man did very eminent Service to the Crown in the War with England in that Reign, in which he did very notably ſignalize his Valour in ſeveral bold Encounters under the Conduct of the brave Lord Douglaſs, in which they had always the better of the Enemy, I preſume it was in Conſideration of his great Worth and Virtue, that the Lord Douglas beſtowed upon him his Siſter the Lady Eleanor Bruce in Marriage, and with her he gave him totam Baroniam de Weſter-Calder,b [478] cum omnibus ſuis pertinentiis, in liberam Moritagiam, & eorum haeredibus maſcults [...]eu faemellis inter ſe pro creandis, in fendo & haereditate in per petuum, adeo libere, quiete, integre, honorifice, ſicut ego aut Predereſſores mei dictam baroatam de Domino Duncano Comite de Fife, liberius aut quietius tenui vel ten [...]crunt. By the ſaid noble Lady he had Iſſue, James his Succeſſor, and [...] married to Sir Gilbert Kennedy of Dunnure.

Which James being a Perſon of great Honour an Merit, was made a Knight by King Robert the II. who had a great Value and Eſteem of him, inſomuch as he gave him the Lady Jean, one of his own lawful Daughters, in Marriage; about which time the King gave [...] & fideli ſuo Jacobo de Sandiiands mi [...]iti baroniam de Dalyel & Modervile, baroniam de Wiſtoun, cum perti [...]n, infra Vic. de Lanerk, terr as de Otter bannock & Erthby ſat, & de Slamenen infra Vic. de Strivelyn, which Sir James himſelf reſigned tenend. & habend. eidem Domino Jacobo & Johannae filiae meae chariſſimae, quam idem Dominus Jacobus Deo Duce ducet in [...]xorem a, and the next enſuing Year, when the Marriage was ſolemnized, the King his Father in Law did by his Royal Deed diſcharge and make over dilecto filis ſuo Jacobo Sandilands militi illas quadr [...]ginta ſolidas Sterling [...]rum nobis debit. pro Caſtri war da bar [...]niae de Calder, tenend. & habend. eidem Jacobo & Johannae ſponſae ſuae filiae noſtrae chariſſimae, & haeredibus inter ipſos legi [...]ime procreat ſeu procreandis b in perpetuum. By the Lady Jean his Wife he had

James his Son and Heir, whom King Robert, in a Right to him of the Barony of Cavers, deſigns dilecto nepoti ſuo c. The ſame Sir James, deſign'd Dominus de Calder, was one of the Barons who attended King James the I. from Durham home to Scotland, when he was releaſed from his Captivity in England, and was after that one of the Hoſtages for the King's Ranſomd, and dying in 1434, was ſucceeded by

Sir John Sandilands Lord of Calder his Son, who was infeft in the Lands of Sandilands, upon his Superior the Earl of Douglaſs's Precepte. This noble Perſon was in great Favour with his Sovereign King James II. who looked on him as a Man of great Honour and Integrity, and being ſuperior to all Temptation of Infidelity, he was by the dark Contrivance of the Earl of Douglaſs, moſt barbarouſly aſſaſſinated by an obſcure Fellow on Thor [...]toun, within the Verge of the Court, Anno 1456f, leaving Iſſue by . . . . Daughter of . . . . . his Wife, John his Son and Heir, who in the 1446. made over his Eſtate to Sir James his Son and Heir apparent who married firſt Margaret Daughter and Heir of John Kinolch of Crovy g, by whom he had John his Son and Heir apparent, who died in the Lifetime of his Father, leaving Iſſue by Margaret his Wife, Daughter and Coheir of Sir James Scrimzeor of Duddop h, a Son James, who was his Grandfather's Succeſſor in the hereditary Eſtate of the Family, who carried on the Line of this noble Houſe. Sir James the old Man married to his 2d Wife, Margaret Daughter of . . . . . K [...]r of . . . . by whom he had Sir James Sandilands, the Firſt of the Saint M [...] nans Branch, the Anceſtor of the [479] Family of Abercromby a in the County of Fife.

To Sir James Sandilands of Calder ſucceeded Sir James his Grandſon, who was a Perſon of great Wiſdom and of the moſt exemplary Piety and Virtue. He married Marion Daughter of Archibald Forreſter of Corſtorphin b, by whom he had John his Succeſſor in the Barony of Calder, and Sir James Sandilands Lord St. John; alſo ſeveral Daughters.

Aliſon married to Sir John Cockburn of Ormiſtoun, Kt.c and had Iſſue.

Margaret, to William Wauchop of Niddery d, and had Iſſue:

Of theſe Sons Sir James the younger being the Perſon who was firſt raiſed to this Honour, I ſhall for that Reaſon be a little more particular in my Memoirs of him.

Sir James Sandilands being a young Man of good Parts, and bred a Scholar, was by Sir Walter Lindſay Lord St. John recommended to the Great Maſter of the Order of the Knights of Malta, as a Perſon well qualified to be his Succeſſor in the Preceptory of Torphichen; and Mr. Sandilands travelling into thoſe Parts, and having reſided for ſome Years at the Iſle of Malta, he gave ſuch Proofs of his Learning and Sufficiency for the Diſcharge of that Function, that he was with all the neceſſary Forms received by the Grand P [...]io [...] of the Hoſpital and his Chapter, to be one of the Knights of that ancient military Order, and inaugurate future Succeſſor to Sir Walter Lindſay, by whoſe Death in the 1543. he was fully inveſted in the Title, Power, and Juriſdiction of Lord St. John of Jeruſalem in Scotland, and intirely in the Poſſeſſion of the Revenue thereof, which was very great, and ſpread through the whole Kingdom. Sir James being looked on as a Man of a wonderful Gravity and Wiſdom was employed, both in the Time of King James V. and Queen Mary, in ſeveral Embaſſies, as in England and in France, in which Negotiations he behaved with great P [...]udence and Dexterity.

Upon the great Change which fell out at the Time of the Reformation, the Lord St. John renounced Popery, and embraced the Proteſtant Religion; and having reſigned the Lordſhip of St. John in the Hands of Queen Mary, her Highneſs was graciouſly pleaſed, in Conſideration of Sir James's great Merit and Services, to grant and diſpone heritably to him, his Heirs and Aſſigneys, the foreſaid Lordſhip and hail Preceptory of Torphichen, for the Sum of Ten thouſand Crowns of the Sun, which he preſently paid down, beſides an yearly Annuity of Five hundred Merks, which was then erected into the Lordſhip of Torphichen, by a Charter under the Great Seal 24th of January 1563e. He married Janet Daughter of . . . . . Murray of Polmais f, but dying without Iſſue, his Eſtate and Honour of Lord Torphichen devolved to

James Sandilands of Calder his Great Nephewg, who married Elizabeth Daughter of James Heriot of Trabroun, and after that Mary Daughter of Gilbert Lord Somervile h. By the former he had James his Succeſſor, and [480] John afterward Lord Torphichen, Walter Sandilands of Hilderſtoun; likewiſe a Daughter Iſobel, married to Hugh Wallace of Ellerſlie in Vic. de Renfrew, and had Iſſue; and departing thi [...] Life 17. Auguſt 1617a, was ſucceeded by J [...]mes his Son, who dying unmarried in the Month of January 1622, his Eſtate and Honour fell to his Brother,

John Lord Torphichen, who married Iſobel Daughter of Sir Walter D [...]nd [...]ſ [...] of That-Ilkb, and departing this Life 12th of July 1637c, left Iſſue, John his Son and Heir, who died unmarried the 10th July 1649, Walter his Brother's Succeſſor in the Honou [...], alſo Two Daughters, . . . . married to Sir Thomas Kilpatri [...]k of Cloſeburn in Vic. de Dumfrile, and had Iſſue, and M [...]rgaret to Thomas M [...]rybanks o [...] That Ilk in Vic. de Lithgow, and had Iſſue.

Which Walter married firſt Jean, only Daughter of Alexander L [...]ndſay of Edzle by Ann his Wife, Daughter of John Earl of Weems, by whom he had no Iſſue; next, Katharine Daughter of William Lord Alexander, Son and Heir of William 1ſt Earl of Stirling, by whom he had two Daughters, Ann married to . . . . . Menzies of Weem in Vic. de Perth, and had Iſſue, and Katharine to David Dr [...]mmond of Cul [...]malindie, ſans Iſſue. His Third Wife was Ann Daughter of Alexander Lord Elphingſtoun; and laſt of all, Co [...]ſtian Daughter and ſole Heir of James Prim [...]roſe Eſq Brother to Sir Archibald Primeroſe of Dalmeny. Anceſto [...] to the preſent Viſcount of Primeroſe, by whom he had James his Son and Heir, John Sandilands Eſq likewiſe Two Daughters, Chriſtian married to Robert Pringle Eſq and had Iſſue, and Magdalene as yet unmarriried; and dying in May 1696, was ſucceeded by

James the preſent Lord Torphichen his [...]on, who married Jean Daughter of Patrick Earl of Marchmount, Lord High Chancellor of Scotland, by whom he has Iſſue, James Maſter of Torphichen, Walter, Andrew, Gr [...]ſſil, and Chriſtian.


Quarterly 1ſt and 4th, parti per feſs Azure and Or, an Imperial Crown on a Thiſtle Sinople flower'd Gules 2d and 3d. Quarterly, Quartered, 1ſt and 4th. Argent. a bend Azure, 2d and 3d, a Heart, Gules Enſign'd with an Imperial Crown, Or. on a Chief Azure, Three Stars of the Firſt. Supporters, Two Lions Rampant, Gules. Creſt, an Eagle diſplayed, Or. Motto, Spero meliora.

STEWART, Earl of Traquair.

THE Paternal Anceſtor of this moſt noble Family was James Earl of Buchan, uterine Brother to King James II. and Lord high Chamberlain of Scotland in the Reign of King James III. who had by the Bounty of that Prince, the Lands and Barony of Traquair, then in the Crown by the Forfeiture of William de Moravia d, which the Earl gave off as a Patrimony to James Steuart his Son, by Margaret his 2d Wife, Daughter of . . . . Murray of Philliphaugh e, which [481] was confirm'd to him by a Charter under the Great Seal of King James IV. May 18th 1492. He obtained the Baronies of Rutherfoord and Wells in the County of Roxburgh, by the Marriage of Katharin [...] Daughter, and at length ſole Heir of R [...]chara Rutherford of That-Ilka, whereupon he conjoined the Arms of his Wife with his own, which is ſtill bore in the At chievment of this illuſtrious Family. This noble Perſon waited on his Sovereign King James IV. to the Battle of F [...]udoun, with whom he loſt his Life in the Service of his Country, on the diſmal 9th of September 1513, leaving Iſſue by Katha [...]ine his Wife aforeſaid,

William his Son and Heir, who had a Charter under the B [...]oad Seal of King James IV. erecting all his Lands into the Barony of Traqu [...]ir, Anno 1511b, upon the Surrender of James Steuart of Traquatr his Father, and of Kathar [...]ne R [...]therford his Mother. He married Chriſtian Hay Daughter of John Lord Hay of Yeſter c, by whom he had William his Son and Heir, who by . . . . his Wife Daughter of . . . . had Robert his Succeſſon, who dying with out Iſſue 9th September 1548d, was ſucceeded by

John his Brother and Heir, who had the Honour of Knighthood conferred on him at the Creation of Henry Duke of Aloany, and was conſtituted Captain of the Guard to Queen Mary, Anno 1566e, but he dying without Iſſue,

Sir William Steuart of Caverſton his Brother was retoured Heir to him on the 14th of March 1594f, he was by the Favour of the Duke of Lennox, made one of the Gentlemen of the Bed chamber to King James VI. and Captain and Governor of Dumbartoan Caſtleg Anno 1582, but he dying likewiſe unmarried 20th May 1605, was ſucceeded by

James his Brother, who dying an old Man 9th May 1606, was ſucceeded by John his Grandſon, Son of John Steuart of Caverſton his eldeſt Son, who died in the Lifetime of his Father, by Margaret his Wife, a Daughterof the Lord Ochiltree's Family.

Which John being a Perſon of great Parts, and of an excellent Underſtanding, was elected Knight of the Shire to the Parliament 1621h, for the County of Twedale, where his Parts were quickly taken Notice of, and having behav'd himſelf very well in all Things relating to the Crown, his Majeſty King James VI. was pleaſed to call him to his Council, and to confer the Honour of Knighthood on him.

King Charles I. ſoon after his coming to the Crown, contracted an extraordinary Opinion of Sir John Stewart, as a Man w [...]ll verſed in all Parts of Learning, and of great Experience in Affairs, inſomuch as he pre [...]erred him to the Honour of the Peerage, 19th of April 1628i by the Title of Lord Steuart of Traqua [...]r, and made him Treaſurer-Depute, at the Time when the Earl of Mortoun was made Lord High-Treaſurer; and his Lordſhip having a near Relation to the Court, and much in it, he contracted a great Friendſhip and Familiarity [...]ith Dr. Laud then Biſhop of London, and being well able to ſpea [...] in the Affairs of the Church, took Care to be thought by the Biſhop a very zealous Defender of it, and of the Epiſcopal O [...]der, which very much endear'd him to the Biſhop, by whom he was recommended [482] to the King as fitteſt to be truſted, not only in the Adminiſtration of Civil Affairs, in which indeed it cannot be denied but he had great Experience; but alſo in the conferring of Eccleſiaſtical Preferments, in which he was not always very fortunate.

When King Charles made a Journey into his Kingdom of Scotland, to be there crown'd, the Lord Traquair attended on his Majeſty throughout that whole Progreſs, and at the Solemnity of the Coronation was raiſed to the Honour of Earl of Traquair, by Letters Patent bearing Date at Holyroodhouſe, June 22. 1633a, and growing every Day more in Credit with the King, and in Favour with Dr. Laud, who by this Time was become Archbiſhop of Canterbury, his Majeſty was pleaſed to make him Lord High-Treaſurer of Scotland in the 1635, upon the Surrender of that Office by the Earl of Mortoun. The Earl being thus inveſted in the greateſt Office of Benefit in the Kingdom, and his Majeſty believing he had provided a ſtrong Support to his Government both in Church and State, and having exceedingly ſet his Heart upon the uniting of his Three Kingdoms in one Form of GOD's Worſhip, and publick Devotions, by a publick Liturgy, he committed intirely the bringing about of that Buſineſs, ſo far as related to the Civil Part of it, to the Lord Treaſurer; and tho' his Lordſhip was very well affected to the Work in Hand, in his own Judgment, yet he did not think the Seaſon was ripe for it's being publiſhed, when it was by the King's Proclamation appointed to be firſt read at Eaſter 1637; and therefore the Lord Treaſurer perſwaded his Majeſty to defer it for a Time, till ſome good Preparation might be made for the more favourable Reception of it: And as this Pauſe gave the diſcontented Party more Time for their Negotiations, ſo the Conſequence of it made him ſuſpected to be ſecretly an Enemy to the Liturgy and the Biſhops. Of this the Lord Clarendon clears him, and ſays, That there was never any Ground, either then, or in all the after Part of his Life, for that Suſpicion; but that if the Lord Treaſurer had been as much depended upon to adviſe the Biſhops in the Proſecution of the Liturgy, and for the Conduct of it, as he was to aſſiſt them in the carrying on whatſoever they propoſed, it is very probable either ſo much would not have been undertaken together, or that it would have ſucceeded better. But whatever Suſpicion ſome of the Biſhops might entertain of the Lord Treaſurer's not being devoted to ſome of them, 'tis certain the King had no Jealouſie of the Earl, as if he had been in any Degree corrupted or diſaffected to the Government as it was eſtabliſh'd by Law; inſomuch as when his Majeſty was pleaſed in the 1639. to call a Parliament and an Aſſembly of the Clergy, in order to appeaſe the Commotions, and to extinguiſh the Fire that the Endeavour of bringing in the Liturgy and the Book of Canons had kindled, he pitch'd on the Lord Treaſurer, whom he knew to be as wiſe a Man as the Nation then had, and very equal to the Work to repreſent his Royal Perſon, both in the Parliament and the Aſſembly; in that great and difficult Truſt he acquitted himſelf to his Majeſty's great Satisfaction, and did with the outmoſt Vigour and Fidelity aſſert the Royal Prerogative, as eſtabliſhed by Law or ancient Cuſtom; and when he thought that was invaded either in the Parliament, or in the Aſſembly of the Church, he oppoſed it with all his Power, and gave them all the Trouble he could.

[483] As the faithful Diſcharge of his great Truſt did very much eſtabliſh and confirm the Treaſurer in his Majeſty's good Opinion, ſo it drew upon him the implacable Reſentment of the other Party, who purſued him with ſo extraordinary Animoſity, that in the next Parliament of 1641, they prevailed with his Majeſty to take the White-Staff from him, and impeach'd him of High Treaſon, of which they likewiſe found him guilty; but having refer'd his Puniſhment to the King, his Majeſty was ſo far from conceiving the Earl had merited ſuch a ſevere Proſecution, that he gave Orders, that in all Events a Pardon might be prepared under the Great Seala, wherein his Majeſty does not only very fully abſolve him from the Crimes objected againſt him in the Impeachment, but annexes to the Remiſſion an ample Teſtimony of his great Abilities and ſingular Integrity in the Diſcharge of all the great Employments he had been intruſted with under the Crown:

But this Teſtimony of the King's gracious Affection to the Earl did him very little Service; for during the Civil War, by Virtue of the Judgments that had formerly paſſed on him, his Eſtate was ſequeſtrated and taken from him; and for the greater Security of his Perſon, he was forced to flee out of the Country; and tho' they allowed him to return Home, and live at his own Houſe, yet he continued under Reſtraint till the 1647, that he was enlarged and ſuffered to ſit in the Parliament, where he endeavoured all he could to bring the Nation to a thorough Engagement to redeem and relieve the King, who was then a Priſoner in the Iſle of Wight; and the Parliament having raiſed an Army, the Earl of Traquair upon his own Charges levied a Regiment of Horſe, and ma [...]ched [...] the Head of them to the Battle of Preſtoun, where both his Lordſhip and the Lord Linton his Son were taken Priſoners, and by Order of the Engliſh Parliament ſent to Warwick Caſtle, where the old Earl continued for the Space of Four Years; and tho' he was ſet at Liberty, yet the Sequeſtration of his Eſtate was continued: Nor did the Malice of the Uſurpers abate toward him, till they had reduced him to the loweſt Penury and Want that can be imagined, and in that diſconſolate low Condition of Fortune he ſpent the after Part of his Life, till the End of September Anno 1659, Death put an End to his Days.

This noble Lord married Katharine Daughter of David the firſt Earl of Southesk, by whom he had Charles his Son and Heir, and Four Daughters.

Lady Margaret married to James Earl of Queensberry.

Lady Elizabeth to Sir Patrick Murray 1ſt Lord Elibank.

Lady Ann to Sir John Hamilton of Reidhouſe in Vic. de Edinburgh, and had Iſſue.

Lady Katharine to John Stewart Eſq and had Iſſue.

Which Charles did likewiſe during the Civil War adhere to the Royal Intereſt with very ſignal Fidelity; for albeit all the Preſſures his Father lay under, yet he ſtill preſerv'd a very good Reputation and a very great Intereſt in his Country, as appeared by the Supplies he brought to the King's Army at Philiphaugh, many Gentlemen of Twedale-ſhire engaging themſelves in the Service, out of their perſonal Affection to him, as well as Conſcience of the Cauſe: And tho' he ſurviv'd thoſe Times of Uſurpation and Anarchy, and ſaw the King reſtor'd, yet it cannot be denied he was not recompenſed according to his Merit, or conſidered [484] as his Sufferings deſerved: But in this his Lordſhip was not ſingular; for the current Doctrine of that Time was, That it was no Matter how the King uſed his old Friends; f [...]r they would be ſo ſtill. He married firſt Henrietta Daughter of George Marquis of H [...]ntly, Widow of George Lord Seton, by whom he had no Iſſue; and again, Ann Daughter of George Earl of Wintoun; and departing this Life in April 1666, was ſucceeded by William his Son, who dying unmarried, Charles his Brother became his Heir. He married Mary Daughter of Robert Earl of Nithſdale, by whom he has Iſſue, Charles Lord Linto [...], and Maſter John Steuart; likewiſe ſix Daughters.

Lady Lucie.

Lady Ann.

Lady Mary.

Lady Katharine.

Lady Barbara.

Lady Margaret.


Quarterly 1ſt. Or, a Feſs Checkie, Azure and Argent. 2d. Azure, Three Garbs, Or. 3d. Argent. an Orle, Gules in Chief, Three Martlets Sable, 4 Argent. a Mollet Sable. Supporters, Two Bears Proper. Creſt, a Raven on the Top of a Garb. Motto, Judge noucht.

HAY, Marquis of Tweddale.

THIS noble and moſt illuſtrious Family of the Hays is of very ancient Extraction in the Shire of Edinburgh, even from the Time of King William the Lyon, that John de Haya miles, filius Willielm i de Haya a, and Brother to William de Haya Dominus de Errol, tranſplanted himſelf out of the North, and fixed his Reſidence in the County foreſaid, by Reaſon of his Marriage with the Heir Female of Robert de Lyne, with whom he obtained the Barony of Locherret. He left a Son William de Haya, deſign'd Dominus de Locheru [...]rna, who is a frequent Witneſs in the Grants of King Alexander II.b. He gave in pure and perpetual Alms to the Monks of Newbottle, the Liberty of a Moſs call'd Woolnſtrocher, in which Deed he is deſigned Willielmus de Haya filius Joannis de Haya miles, Dominus de Lochuſworwood c.

Sir William de Haya de Locheret was very ſignal in his Fidelity to and Service of the Crown, during the Commotions about the Succeſſion betwixt the Bruce and Baliol; and Sir Gilbert Hay of Locherrt was no leſs faithful to King Robert the Bruce, and very aſſiſting to him both before and after his Acceſſion to the Crown. He married Mary, one of the Daughters and Co-heirs of Sir Simon Frazer Lord of Oliver-Caſtle, with whom he obtained a fair Eſtate in Selkirk-ſhire, and had by her

Sir Thomas his Son and Heir, who was a Perſon of great Courage and Magnanimity, which he manifeſted in ſeveral Encounters againſt the Engliſh, under the Conduct of the heroick King Robert I.

Sir William de [...]aya de Locheret made a very bright Figure under King David II. for when that Prince had the Misfortune to be taken a Priſoner at the Battle of Durham, he was one of the great Barons who were appointed to [485] treat about the Ranſom of the King, and his Son and Heir, Thomas Fitz & Haeres Wil. de la Hay de Locherword, was given one of the Hoſtages for the Ranſom, Anno 1357.

Another Sir William Hay of Locherret being a Man of Parts and Courage, was employed in divers Embaſſies to England, both in the Time of King Robert III. and during the Regency of the Duke of Albany a, which he performed with Honour and Fidelity. In the Commiſſion he is ſtiled Willielmus de Haya de Locherwood, Vicecomes de Peebles. He married Jean eldeſt of the Four Daughters and Co-heirs of Sir John Gifford Lord of Yeſter b, and again Dame Alicia de Hay, and left Iſſue,

Sir William his Son and Heir apparentc, who died without Iſſue, Sir Thomas his Succeſſor, Sir David Hay of Yeſter, Edmund Hay of Talla, the Firſt of that Branch of the Hays of Linplum d, likewiſe a Daughter Margaret, married to William Earl of Angus e, and had Iſſue.

Which Sir Thomas was one of thoſe Barons who were appointed to wait on King James I. when he was releas'd from his Captivity, out of England, and was likewiſe one of the Hoſtages for the Ranſomf, but he dying without Iſſue, was ſucceeded by

Sir David Hay Lord of Yeſter his Brother, who was retoured to him 6th April 1434g, he, with Conſent of the other Heirs Portioners of the Lordſhip of Yeſter, did enla [...]ge and augment the Revenue of the Collegiate Church of St. Cuthbert of Yeſter, adding ſeveral Prebends thereto for the Health of his Soul, and of his Anceſto [...]s and Succeſſors for everh, and dying Anno 1462, left Iſſue, John his Son and Heir, and a Daughter married to William Cuninghame of Beltoun.

Which John married firſt Marion Daughter of . . . Lindſay of . . .i, and again Elizabeth Daughter; and at length ſole Heir of George Cuningha [...]e of Beltoun k, by whom he had John his Son and Heir, George Hay of Menzien; likewiſe ſeveral Daughters, Margaret married to William Lord Borthwick l, and I [...]obel to Robers Louder of Boſs m, and had Iſſue, and giving Way to Fate in the 1509n, was ſucceeded by

John Lord Yeſter his Son and Heir, who married Elizabeth Daughter of . . . . Crichtoun of . . . .o, by whom he had John his Succeſſor, George Hay of Oliver Caſtle, William of whom the Branch of the Hays of Monktoun is deſcended, and a Daughter, Elizabeth, married to Jomes Twee [...] ie of Drumlezer in Vic. de Selkirk, and had Iſſue [...] He was ſlain at the Battle of Floudon with King James IV. the 9th of September 1513.

John Lord Yeſter his Son married Elizabeth Daughter of George Maſter of Angus, Son of Archibald Earl of Angus p, by whom he had John his Son and Heir, and a Daughter Elizabeth, married [486] firſt to George Lord Scton a, and again to VVilliam Lord Saltoun. He married to his 2d Wife . . . . Daughter and Co-heir of John Dickſon of Smithfield, by whom he had John, of whom the Hays of Smithfield are de ſcended, and a Daughter Jean married to . . . . Brown of Col [...]oun, and dying Anno 1543, was ſucceeded by

John his Son, who ſignaliz'd his Courage and Valour at the Battle of Pinky cleugh, where he was taken Priſoner, and ſent to the Tower of London, where he continued till the Pacification was concluded betwixt the Two Nations, and dying Anno 1557b, left Iſſue by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of VVilliam Lord Livingſton c, VVilliam his Succeſſor, and Chriſtian married to VVilliam Stewart of Traquair d, and had Iſſue.

Which VVilliam was one of thoſe Peers who concurred with the outmoſt Zeal in the Reformation of Religion, and was withal a moſt faithful Friend to Queen Mary, when the Troubles broke out in that Reign; and thereafter when King James took the Adminiſtration upon himſelf, the Lord Teſter was one of the Lords who join'd in the Attempt at Ruthven, whereby they ſeiz'd on the King's Perſon, put ſuch of his Council from about him, as they conceiv'd had not uſed their Power for the Intereſt of the Country, or the Honour of the Crown; but that Action being declared Treaſonable, he was forced to flee beyond Sea, and remained abroad, till his Majeſty of his a Royal Clemency was pleaſed to paſs moſt Gracious Act of Indemnity 1585. He married Margaret Daughter of Sir John Ker of Far [...]harſt e, by whom he had VVilliam his Son and Heir, James thereafter Lord Yeſter, Margaret married to VVilliam Lord Borthwick, Katharine to Sir John Swinton of That-Ilk, and Jean to Mr. James Hay of Barra.

Which William, married Elizabeth Daughter of John Lord Harris, by whom he had only Four Daughters, Elizabeth married to James Tweedi [...] of Drumelzer, Chriſtian to Archibald Newton of That-Ilkf, Griſſil to George Hay of Adderſtoun, and Jean to Alexander Horſebrugh of That-Ilkg, and had Iſſue; and departing this Life 16th of March 1591h, his Eſtate and Honour devolved on

James his Brother and Heir, who married Margaret Daughter of Mark 1ſt Earl of Lothian, a Lady eminent for her Piety and Charity; by her he had Iſſue, John his Succeſſor, Sir William Hay of Linplum; likewiſe a Daughter Margaret, married firſt to Alexander Earl of Dumſermling, and again to James Earl of Calendar.

John Lord Yeſter his Son was a Man of Parts, and of great Induſtry and Sagacity in Buſineſs; in the Parliament of 1633. he oppoſed all he could the Act anent the King's appointing the Apparel of Churchmen, and with the outmoſt Vigour, the Introduction of the Liturgy in the 1637, and when the firſt Troubles began, he had the Command of a Regiment in the Army, but after the Pacification he would never meddle any further in the great Alterations that enſued, which endeared him exceedingly to the King; inſomuch as his Majeſty was graciouſly pleaſed to raiſe him to be an Earl, by the Stile and Title of Earl of Tweddale, December 1ſt. 1646. He married firſt Jean Daughter of Alexander Earl of Dunfermling; by her he had only one Son John his Succeſſor, thereafter Marquis of Tweddale, and next, Margaret Daughter of Alexander [487] Earl of Eglingtoun, by whom he had William Hay of Drumiezer; and dying in the 1654a, was ſucceeded by

John his Son, who being a Nobleman of very good Parts, and of great Experience in Affairs, his Majeſty King Charles II. upon the Reſtauration, was pleaſed to call him to his Privy Council, and make him one of the Commiſſioners of the Treaſury, and afterward one of the Extraordina-Lords of the Seſſion; but was ſoon after that, by the Power of the Duke of Lauderdale, removed from all publick Truſt, for no other Reaſon, but that he declared his Diſlike of the high Courſes that were taken during the Adminiſtration of that great Favourite, but the Duke was no ſooner dead, than he was again brought into the Council, and was one of the Lords of the Treaſury in the Reign of K. James VII. in which Office he continued even till the Revolution; and the Earl of Tweddale having complyed with the Government under King William and Queen Mary, their Majeſties had ſo great an Eſteem of his Wiſdom and Parts, and whoſe Councils and Aſſiſtance would be of great Uſe for their Service, that they were pleaſed to make him one of the Lords of the Treaſury; and after he had ſerv'd a Year or Two in that Capacity, prefer'd him to be Lord High-Chancellor of Scotland in the Beginning of the 1692; and having forther Regard to the unblemiſhed Reputation and approved Fidelity of the Lord Chancellour, their Majeſties were pleaſed to honour him with the Splendour of a higher Title; and therefore by Letters Patent, 26 December 1694, his Lordſhip was rais'd to be Marquis of Tweddale b, after which he continued in the Chancellor's Place, and diſcharged the Duties of his Function with great Application and Fidelity till May 1696, upon a Diſguſt about the Affair of Darien, he was removed, and the Lord Polwarth was made Chancellor in his Room. He died 11th of Auguſt 1697.

This noble Lord married Jean, Daughter of Walter Earl of Bucleugh, by whom he had

John his Succeſſor in the Honour;

Lord David Hay,

Lord Alexander Hay.

Lady Margaret married to Robert Earl of Roxburgh.

Lady Jean to William firſt Earl of March.

Which John was of the Privy Council to King Charles II. and Colonel of the Eaſt-Lothian Regiment, upon the Earl of Argyle's Invaſion in 1685. He was likewiſe of the Privy Council to King William and Queen Anne, by whom he was in the 1704, promoted to be Lord High Chancellor of Scotland, and appointed Lord High Commiſſioner to repreſent her Majeſty's Royal Perſon in that Seſſion of Parliament, when the Act of Security did receive the Royal Aſſent, and paſs into a Law.

He married Anne, only Daughter of John Duke of Lauderdale, by whom he had Charles his Succeſſor, Lord John Hay, who was Colonel of the Royal Regiment of Scots Dragoons, and a Brigadier General of the Army, Lord William Hay; and two Daughters, Anne married to William Lord Roſs, and Jean to John Earl of Rothes; and departing this Life May 20th, 1713, was ſucceeded by

Charles his Son and Heir, who was a Nobleman of great Abilities and moſt conſummate Experience in Civil Affairs, upon the Acceſſion of [488] King George to the Crown, the Marquis of T [...]eddale was elected one of the Peers to the firſt Parliament ſummoned by his ſaid Majeſty, and ſoon thereafter named Lord Preſident of the Court of Police, and Lord Lieutenant of Eaſt Lothian Shire; but ſhortly after falling ſick, he died the 15th of December 1715, leaving Iſſue by the Lady Suſanna his Wife, Daughter of William and Anne, Duke and Dutcheſs of Hamilton, Widow of John Earl of Dundonald, John the preſent Marquis, a young Nobleman of fair Expectations, Lord James, Lord Charles, Lord George; alſo Three Daughters,

Lady Suſanna,

Lady Catharine,

Lady Anne.


Quarterly 1ſt and 4th Azure, Three Frazes Argent, 2d and 3d Gules, Three Bars Ermine over all in a Surtout Argent, Three Eſcutcheons Gules. Supporters, Two Staggs. Creſt, a Stagg's Head crazed Argent. Motto, Spare Nought.

WEEMS, Earl of Weems.

THE antient and noble Family of Weems is deſcended origiginally from John, Lord of the Barony of the Weems, a younger Son of the Earls of Fife a, from whence his Deſcendants aſſumed their Surname, tho' I have not found any Mention of them till the Reign of K. Alexander II. that Sir Michael de Weymis miles, is to be met with in the Archivis of that Timeb, and Sir David de Weems, Knight of the Weems, was in the 1290, together with Sir Michael Scot ſent over to Norway, by the Lords of the Regency of Scotland, to bring over their young Queen Margaret, who, to the univerſal Grief and Regrete of the whole Nation, died at the Orkneys; whereupon happen'd the fatal Competition about the Right of Succeſſion, which was at length ſettled upon John de Baliol.

Sir David de Weems in the Time of King Robert I. was one of the great Men of the Kingdom, who wrote that noble Letter to the Pope, ſo often mentioned, ſo rare a Piece of Antiquity, that it deſerves to be ſet in Characters of Gold, and preſerved to all Poſterity. This Sir David obtained from the ſaid Prince a Charter of the Lands of Glaſnock in tenemento de Kinghorn, erected to him in lib [...]ram baroniam c. By Marjory his Wife, he had Sir Michael his Succeſſor, and Sir John Weems, Lord of Kincaldrum.

Which Sir Michael had a Grant from Duncan Earl of Eife, of the Lands of Monickie and Eaſter-Dron, in which Deed he is deſigned Filius quondam Domini David de Weems Militis d. By . . . . Daughter of . . . . his Wife, he had

Sir David his Son and Heir, in whom the principal Male Line fail'd. This Sir David I have found deſign'd Filius & Hares Domini Michaelis de Weems Militis, in a Deed whereby he makes over the Lands of Borch in Baronia de Lochhor, Domine Johanni de Weems, avunculo ſuo e, and afterwards reſigns in manibus nobilis Domini Roberti Styward, Comitis de Fyfe & de Menteth, omnes Terras [489] quas idem Dom [...]nus David de Weems tenet de praedicto ſuo Comite a, in Favours of Sir John Weems Kt. who was his Heir Male. The ſame Sir John obtained a Charter from King Robert III. ratifying and confirming the Grant which Robert Earl of Fife made Johanni de Weems Militi de Terris de Rires, Myrcatrny, Markinch, and Nether-Cambrun; and likewiſe the Conceſſion and Donation, which Sir Alexander Abernethy Kt. made heritably quondam Domino Joanni de Weems Militi, avo dicti Joannis, de Terr [...]s de Kincaldrnm. He obtained alſo a fair Eſtate by the Marriage of Iſobel, one of the Daughters and Co-Heirs of Sir Allan Erskine of Inchmartine, Kt.b. And of Iſobell de Inchmartine his Wife, one of the Heirs Female of the Baronies of Inchmartine and of Weems, by whom he had Iſſue David his Succeſſor, and Two Daughters. Elizabeth married to Sir Andrew Gray Lord of Foulis c, and Eupham to Sir William Livingſton, Lord of Drumray d and Eaſter-Weems.

Which David married Chriſtian, Daughter of . . . . Douglaſs of . . . .e, by whom he had

Sir John his Son and Heir, who married Margaret Daughter of Sir Robert Livingſton Lord Drumrey f. By her he had John his Son and Heir, deſigned of Strath [...]rdel, vita patris, and a Daughter Griſel, married to David Boſwell of Balmutto.

Which John married Chriſtian, Daughter of . . . . Abernethy of . . . .g, and had David his Heir, and a Daughter Agnes married to Andrew Kininmunt of That-Ilkh, and dying in 1508, was ſucceeded by

Sir David his Son and Heir, who obtained a Charter from King James IV. erecting all his Lands into the Barony of Weems, the 28th of Auguſt 1511i. He married firſt Elizabeth, Daughter of . . . . . Lundy of That Ilk, by whom he had David his Succeſſor; and next, Janet Daughter of Andrew Lord Gray, by whom he had no Iſſue. He was kill'd at the Battle of Flowdoun.

Sir David his Son, married Katharine Daughter of Henry Lord Sinclair k, by whom he had John his Succeſſor, James the firſt of the Family of Caskeberry, the Paternal Anceſtor of the preſent Earl of Weems, and of ſeveral other illuſtrious Perſons abroad in Foreign Parts; and dying in May 1544l, was ſucceeded by

John his Son and Heir, who married Margaret, Daughter of Sir Adam Otterburn of Reid-hall, Lord Advocate in the Reign of King James V.m, by whom he had David his Son and Heir, likewiſe ſeveral Daughters,

1 Margaret married to David Barclay of Colearny n, in Vic. de Fif [...], and had Iſſue.

2 Elizabeth to David Balfour of Montquhany o, in Vic. de Fife.

3 Agnes to John Aitoun of Denmure p, and had Iſſue.

4 Eupham to Mr. David Carnagy of Coluthy, Anceſtor to the Earl of Southesk.

He married to his ſecond Wife Janet, Daughter of Alexander Trail of Blebo q, but by her he had no Iſſue; and dying in January 1572, was ſucceeded by

Sir David his Son and Heir, who married Cicil, Daughter of William Lord Ruthven r, and dying in 1582, left Iſſue by his Wife aforeſaid, John his Son and Heir, James Weems, firſt of the Family of Bog [...]e s, David [490] Weems of Finzies, Henry of whom the Branch of Foodie a, Patrick Weems of Rumgay; likewiſe ſeveral Daughters,

Margaret married to James Beatoun of Cricht, and had Iſſue,

Jean to Mr. James Macgill of Rankillour, and had Iſſue.

. . . to . . . Fotheringhame of Powrie.

Janet to Sir David Auchmutie of That-Ilk, and again to James Learmont of Dairſie.

Which Sir John married Mary, Daughter of James Stewart Lord Down b, by whom he had David his eldeſt Son, who married Elizabeth, Daughter to Andrew Earl of Rothes c, but died without Iſſue, 7th of Auguſt 1608, Sir John his Succeſſor, the firſt Earl of Weems; alſo Two Daughters, Janet married to Robert Lord Colvil, and Iſobel to Hugh Lord Lovat.

Which Sir John was by the Favour of King Charles I. firſt made a Baronetd alſo by Letters Patent, bearing Date 1ſt of April 1628, raiſed to the Honour of the Peerage by the Title of Lord Weems of Elcho e, and finally created Earl of Weems 25th of May 1633f. He dying Anno 1653g, left Iſſue by Jean his Wife, Daughter of Patrick Lord Gray, David his Succeſſor; and five Daughters,

Mary married to John Lord Sinclair, and had Iſſue,

Anne to Alexander Lindſay of Ed [...]le, and again to M [...]ngo Viſcount of Stormoint.

Jean to Sir John Tours of Innerleth, and nixt to Colonel Hary Maule of Balmakelly, and had Iſſue.

Elizabeth to Sir John Aiton of That-Ilk, and had Iſſue.

Catharine to Sir David Carnaigie of Craig Knight, but had no Iſſue.

Which David married firſt Jean Daughter of Robert Lord Burleigh, by whom he had one Daughter, Jean, married firſt to Archbald Earl of Angus; and next, to George Earl of Sutherland: His ſecond Wife was Eleanor, Daughter of John Earl of Wigtoun, by whom he had no Iſſue; and his Third and laſt Wife was Margaret, Daughter of John Earl of Rothes, Widow both of Alexander Lord Balgony, and of Francis Earl of Bucleugh, by whom he had only one Daughter, Lady Margaret Weems, on whom her Father, during his own Lifetime, ſettled the Honours of his Family, with Conſent and Approbation of the Crown, with the Precedency of her Grand-Father's Creationh, to which ſhe ſucceeded on his Demiſe An. 1679i. The Counteſs married Sir James Weems Kt. deſcended from the Caskeberry Branch of the Weemſes k, who thereupon was by the Favour of King Charles II. honoured with the Title of Lord Burntiſland for his Lifetimel, and dying in 1685, left Iſſue by the Counteſs, David Lord Elcho, the preſent Earl of Weems, who ſucceed his Mother in her Honours, and Two Daughters,

Anne married to David Earl of Leven and Earl of Melvil.

Margaret to David the preſent Earl of Northesk.

Which David was one of the Lords of the Privy Council in the Reign of Queen Anne, by whom he was conſtituted Lord High Admiral of Scotland, upon the Surrender of that Office by the Marquis of Montroſe in the 1706; and the ſame Year his Lordſhip was one of the Commiſſioners on the Treaty of Union with England; upon the Commencement of which, he was declared Vice Admiral of Scotland, and he held the Office till the Acceſſion of King George to the Crown, that his Lordſhip [491] was removed, and the Earl of Rothes put in his Room, Anno 1714.

He married Anne, Daughter of William Duke of Queensberry, by whom he had Two Sons,

David Lord Elcho, a noble Youth of fine Parts, and of very promiſing Hopes, who took great Care from his very Childhood to inform and qualify himſelf with the Knowledge of ſuch Things as might be neceſſary and uſeful to him when he ſhould come to act his Part in a publick Station, ſuitable to his High and Illuſtrious Extraction; but alas he was untimely ſnacht away by a malignant Fever, which brought his Life to an End, on the 16th of December 1715, when he had not fully attained to the Age of Seventeen; whoſe Loſs was not only lamented by his own noble Relations, but very univerſally throughout the Kingdom, as a young Nobleman, who in Time was like to prove an Honour to the noble Family of Weems, and an Ornament and Support to his Country.

James Lord Elcho.


Quarterly 1ſt and 4th Or, a Lyon Rampant, Gules, 2d and 3d Argent. a Lyon Rampant Sable. Supporters, Two Swans. Creſt, a Swan all proper. Motto, Je Penſe.

FLEMING, Earl of Wigtoun.

THE Sirname of this illuſtrious Family, according to the Sentiments of the moſt approven Hiſtorians and Antiquaries, was at firſt aſſumed from a Perſon of Diſtinction, who in the Days of King D [...]vid I. a Fleming by Nation, tranſplanted himſelf into this Realm, and took his Sirname Flandrenſis or Le Fleming, from the Country of his Origin. Baldwin le Flamang in that Reign is mentioned a Witneſs in the Grant which Robertus Epiſcopus St. Andreae made Herbert. Epiſcopo Glaſgu. de Eccleſia de Locherworna, with Conſent of King David and Prince Henry his Son, & per Librum Saiſiiſſe a, by the Symbol of a Book.

Jordanus le Flamang is likewiſe a Witneſs in a Charter which Adda Comitiſsa, the Wife of Henry Earl of Northumberland, made to the Abbacy of Dunfermling for the Welfare of her Soulb, and is the ſame Perſon who was taken Priſoner at the Battle of Anwick c with King William, An. 1174.

William Flandrenſis or le Flamang is a Witneſs in a Deed which King William made to the Monks of Kelſ [...], and is joined with Hugo Cancellarius, Comes Patricius Juſticiarius, & Robertus de Lundoniis, filius Regis d. He as a Perſon of Quality and of eminent Knowledge in Antiquities judiciouſly obſerv'd before me, is the ſame William Flandrenſis, who is Witneſs to that King's Confirmation of the Lands of Monisbrook in Strathgrief, which Allan, Filius Walteri Dapifer, made to the Monks of Paiſly, and ſeems to be the firſt of this noble Family, who fix'd his Reſidence in the Weſtern Parts.

Dom. Duncan Flandrenſii in the Time of King Alexander II. is a Witneſs in the Donation of the Lands of Haldinſtoun to the Convent of Paiſly e, which that Prince did by [492] his Charter ratifie and confirm; like as in the Reign of Alexander III. Dom. Simon Flandrenſis is mentioned in the Reſignation which Johannes Fi [...]us Rogert made to the Monks of Paiſly, of the Lands of Aldhouſe, for the Health of his Soul.

Robert le Fleming, the direct and immediate Anceſtor of the Earls of Wig [...]oun, was one of the great Barons of Scotland, to whom King Edward I. of England in the 1290, wrote that memorable Letter anent the ſettling of the Succeſſion of the Crown upon the Demiſe of Queen Margaret a, the Deciſion whereof had been by all the different Competitors refer'd to him as a Neighbour Prince, in whoſe Judgment and Integrity they repoſed the fulleſt Confidence.

Whatever Sentiments Sir Robert had of King Edward's Deciſion in Favours of J [...]n Baliol I cannot ſay, but as ſoon as the Heroick Robert the Bruce took the Field, and declared his Reſolution to ſhake off the Yoke of Thraldom and Tyranny, under which the Nation gr [...]an'd by the Engliſh Uſurpation. Sir Robert le Fleming repaired to his Standart, and with a few truſty Friends, all brave Men, accompanied him whom they thought their lawful Sovereign, in the Adventure at Dumfries, where they kill'd that perjur'd Traitor Sir J [...]n Cumming b, and never reſted till they ſet the Crown upon the He [...]d of that immortal Monarch, on the Feaſt of the Annunciation, Anno 1306.

Sir Robert Fleming having in this Manner highly merited of his Royal Maſter, his Majeſty was graciouſly pleaſed to beſtow upon him the Lordſhip of L [...]z [...]e, and Barony of C [...]mber [...]ald, then in the Crown by the Forfaulture of John Cumming Earl of Buchan c, beſides other Donations of a leſs Value. By . . . . Daughter of . . . . . his Wife, he had Iſſue, Sir Malcolm his Succeſſor, and Sir Patrick Fleming Kt. Sheriff of Peebles d, who got the Barony of Biggar, by the Marriage of one of the Daughters and Co-heirs of Sir Simon Frazer, Lord of Oliver-Caſtle, which gave his Deſcendants a Title to aſſume the Coat of Frazer into the A [...]chievements of their own Family, and which they ſtill wear even to this Time.

Which Sir Malcolm Fleming, Lord of Fulwood and Cumbernald, was in great Favour with King Robert I. who in Memory of his Father's Services and his own Merit, made him a Grant of the Lands of Achindenan and of Pontoun in Wigtoun-Shiree; but King Robert his Favours to Sir Malcolm did not ſtop here, for he did afterward make him Sheriff of the County, and Governor of Dun [...]rtoun Caſtle; both which Offices he diſcharged with ſingular Fidelity. The ſame great Man obtained from Walter Lord High-Steward of Scotland, in Conſideration of Services done and to be done by him, an Annuity payable to him from the Abbot and Convent of Holy-rood-houſe, out of the Barony of the Carſe, dated on the Feaſt of St. Dunſtan, Anno Domini 1321f. He was ſucceeded in his Eſtate by

Sir Malcolm his Son and Heir, who ſeems to have been a forward Aſſer [...]er of the Right and Title of King David II. and of the Bruc [...]an Line, to whoſe Intereſt faithfully adhering, he was, I think, on the Demiſe of his own Father, conſtituted Governour of Dunbartoun-Caſtleg, and he diſcharged the Truſt with the outmoſt [493] Fidelity; for after the fatal Overthrow of Duplin, whereby the Royal Intereſt was much weaken'd. The Governor having an entire Confidence in Sir Malcolm's Loyalty, committed the Tuition of the young King David and his Royal Conſort to his Care: and Things growing every Day worſe on the King's Side, after the Loſs of the Battle of Hall [...]downhill, when it was reſolved, that for the Security of his Majeſty's Royal Perſon, that he might not fall into the Enemies Hands, to ſend him over to France, Sir Malcolm Fleming was pitch'd on to wait on his young Maſter, which he did, and performed the whole of that Service with Honour and Approbation. Having left the young King in France in full Security, [...]e returned to his Command of Dunbertoun-Caſtle, and tho moſt other Places of Strength ſubmitted to Edward Bal [...]o [...] after the Battle of Hallydownhill, yet Sir Malcolm keept out his Fo [...]eſs for his lawful Sovereign; and during the whole of the Uſurpation of Bali [...]l, this Caſtle was a Place to which the Royaliſts did freely, and with great Security reſort to: And it would not be forgot that Sir Malc [...]lm Fleming had the Honour to ſhelter and protect in that evil Time, that i [...]luſtrious and magnanimous Prince, Robert Lord High-Steward of Scotland, afterward King Robert II. the King's Nephew, whoſe Blood Baliol did in a very particular Manner thirſt after; but afterward when the King's Affairs took a more favourable Turn, and that his own Preſence at Home was judged neceſſary, the brave and generous Sir Malcolm Fleming was again ſent over to France to attend and wait on the King home who happily arriving on the 2 [...] of July 1342, on the 9th of November thereafter, his Highneſs was graciouſly pleaſed, in Reward of Sir M [...]m's ſignal Loyalty and Fidelity in his Service, to create him Earl of Wigtoun, by his Royal Charter, which, for the Singularity of the Stile, and the illuſtrating the Gentleman's great Merit. I ſhall here inſert it in the very original Words.DAVID, DEI gratia, Rex Scotorum, omnibus probis Hominibus totius Terrae ſuae, Clericis & Laicis, Salutem. Sciatis Nos dediſſe, conceſſiſse, & hac praeſenti Charta Noſtra confirmaſſe Malcolmo Fleming Militi dilecto & Fideli noſtro, pro homagio & laudabili ſervitio ſuo nobis impenſo & impendendo, omnes terras meas de Faryes & del Rynnes, & totum Burgum Noſtrum de Wigtoun, cum omnimodis pertinentiis ſuis, ac omnes terras Meas totius Vicecomitatus de Wigtoun, per metas & diviſas ſuas ſubſcriptas a Capite, viz. Aquae de Creech, & ſic ſequendo illam aquam quouſque perveniatur, ad mare [...]bi aqua de Creech currit in mare, & ſic per mare uſque Molerennyſuage, & de Molerennyſuage per mare uſque ad antiquas metas Comitatus de Carrick, & ſic per eaſdemmetas de Carrick, quouſque perveniatur adpraedictum caput aquae de Creech, tenendas & habendas omnes terras praedictas, una cum Burgo praedicto, eidem Malcolmo, & haeredibus ſuis legitime procreatis ſeu procreandis de corpore ſuo, per lineam Maſculinam deſcendentibus, de Nobis & Haeredibus noſtris in Feudo & hereditate, per omnes rectas metas & diviſas ſupraſcriptas, in liberum Comitatum, cum homagiis & ſervitiis libere tenentium omnium terrarum praedictarum, cum feodis & forisfacturis, cum c [...]r [...]s & eſchetis, cum furca & foſſa, ſok & ſak, Thol & Theam, & Infangthief, cum multuris, molendinis & eorum ſequelis, cum [...]pationibus, piſcati [...] nibus & venationibus, & cum omnimodis aliis libertatibus, commadita [...]us, aſſiamentis, & juſt is [...] in omnibus & per omnia tam non nominatis Juam nominatis, ad liber [...]m Comitat [...] ſpectantibus, ſe [...] juſ [...]e ſpec [...]are valentibus in futur [...]m, [...]na cum advocation [...] bus [494] Ec [...]leſiarum, & cum jare ac Patronatus Monaſtertorum & Abachiarum, infra praedictum Comitatum exiſtentium, reſervata Nobis & Haeredibus Noſtris [...]ure Patronatus ſedis Epiſcopalis candidae Caſae, vacante dicta [...]eae, cum omni modis pertinentiis & libertatibus ſuis quibuſcunque volumus & concedimus pro Nobis & H [...]redibus noſtr [...]s, quod Burgenſes ſui de Wigtoun, eaſdem libertates in omnibus habeant, quas juſte babuerint temporibus Predec [...]ſſorum Noſtrorum Regum Scotiae: Et cum dictus locus de Wigtoun, pro principali Manerio totius Vicecomitatus de Wigtoun habebatur, ordinamus & perpetuo confirmanous, ut ipſe Malcolmus & haeredes ſui praedicti ab [...]nde, nomen Co [...]itis accipiant, & Comites de Wigtoun de Caeteronuncupentur; quia veroidem Malcolmus Alum [...]s Noſter extitit, & erga Nos ſe ſemper fideliter & laudabiliter habuit in canctis Proſperis & Adverſis, ad perpetuam Rei Memoriam adjec [...]mus conceſſioni noſtrae ſibi factae de Comitatu praedicto, quod [...]pſe & haeredes ſu [...] praedict [...] habeant, teneant & poſſideant [...]o [...]um Comita [...]m praedictum, cum Pertinentiis in adeo liberam Regalitatem, ſicu [...] aliqua Regalitas per totum Reg [...]um Noſtrum poſſidetur liberius ſeutenetur. Et quod dictus Malcolmus & Haerede [...] ſu [...] praedicti libere cognofcere valeant in C [...]ria ſui Comi [...]atus praedicti ſuper quatuor articul [...] ſpectantibus, ad Coronam; faciendo Nobis & Haeredibus Noſtris praedictus Malcolmus & haeredes ſui praedicti Comites de Wigtoun, ſervitium quinque Mili [...]um in Exercitu noſtro. In cujus Rei Teſtimonium praeſents Char [...]ae Noſtrae Sigillum Noſtrum praecepimus [...]pponi. Teſtibus Roberto Seneſ [...]allo Scotiae Nepote Noſtre, Johanne Ranulphi Comite Moraviae, Domino vallis Annandiae & Manniae Conſanguineo Noſtro, Patricio de Dumbar Comite Marchiae, Mauricio de Moravia, Thoma de Carnoco Cancellario Noſtro, & Philippo de Meldrum, Militibus. Apud Villam de Air, nono die Novembris, Anno Regni Noſtri, Tertio decimo.

This noble Earl continuing in great Favour with his Prince, did, with the Bulk of the Nation, accompany him to the Battle of Durham, where he had the Misfortune to be taken Priſoner with the Kinga; but being releaſed in order to accelerate, as I take it, the Redemption of his Royal Maſter, he was one of the great Men who in 1351, gave a Commiſſion to Sir Robert Erskine Sir William Livingſton and others, to treat with the Engliſh about the King's Reliefb; and when the Terms were happily concerted, Thomas le Fleming his Grandſon and Heir was named an Hoſtage for the Ranſom: Soon after which the good old Earl fell ſick, and died, and left his Eſtate and Title to

Thomas Earl of Wigtoun his Grandſon, who upon the Return of King David, had a new Charter of the Earldom with its Pertinents, as freely as it was enjoyed by his Grandfatherc, ſuſpending nevertheleſs, for ſome Reaſons of State, the Regality, probably at the Inſtance of Archb [...]ld Douglas, Lord of Galloway, whoſe Power and Intereſt at that Time was very great, both in the Court and in the Country, and who had a great Eſtate within the Regality of Wi [...]oun; but the Earl having no Iſſue Male of his Body, on the 6th of February 1371d, he firſt ſold and made over for [495] the Sum of Five Hundred Pound Sterling, totum & integrum Comitatum de Wigtoun, nobili vero Archibaldo de Douglaſs militi, Domino Galvidiae, ex orientali Parte Aquae de Creech, & maxime propter magnam atque gravem inimicitiam inter me & majores indigenos dicti Comitatus. And then in his old Age he reſign'd dilecto Conſanguineo ſuo Malcolmo Fleming de Biggar, Baroniam de Leinzy, which King Robert II. ratified by his Charter under the Great Seal, 20th September 1383a.

This Sir Malcolm, as he was a Perſon of very great Fortune, ſo he made no ſmall Figure throughout the whole of the Reign of King Robert II. and that of his Succeſſor Robert III. even till his own Death, leaving Iſſue by Chriſtian his Wife, Sir David his Succeſſor, and Sir Patrick, of whom the Branch of the Flemings of Bord b deſcended.

Which Sir David ſeems to have been a Perſon of very eminent Parts and Courage; he ſignaliz'd his Valour in a very diſtinguiſhing Manner at the Battle of Otterburn, where the brave General the Earl of Douglaſs, and many other gallant Men were ſlain.

In the 1405 Sir David was imployed in an Embaſſy to England, when he concluded a Truce betwixt the Two Realmsc; and upon his Return he had, in Conſideration of his acceptable Services, a Grant of the Lands of Barbeth, Caſtles and Henrule, in Comitatu de Carrick d, and of the Barony of Cavers, together with the Sheriffſhip of Roxburgh-Shiree, which was ratified by the Counteſs's Husband Sir Alexander Stewart, Kt. As to his Works of Piety I find this memorable, viz. That he gave to the Abbacy of Cambuskenneth the Lands of Muretoun for the Health of his Soul, and to the Convent of Holy-rood-houſe, he gave in pure and perpetual Alms, an Annuity of Twenty Five Merks out of his Eſtate, which he made redeemable from the Monks for a hundred Pounds, when he or his Heirs ſhould offer the Redemption in any Time thereafter. As Sir David was a very wiſe and devout Man, ſo he ſeems to have been a Perſon of great Generoſity, for our Hiſtorians tell us, that it was he who gave the exil'd Earl of Northumberland Notice of his being to be given up to his Sovereign the King of England, by an Article in a Treaty which was then concluded betwixt the Two Nations; whereupon the Earl ſhifted for himſelf; and this Act of Generoſity was ſo highly reſented by Sir James Douglaſs, who had ſome Pretence that the Earl was his Priſoner, that he ſet upon Sir David at Langhermiſtoun, as he was returning home after having conducted Prince James to the Baſs, whence he embarked for France, and moſt cruelly murdered himf, with many Circumſtances of Barbarity. He married firſt Margaret, Daughter of Sir David Barclay Lord of Brichen, by whom he had one Daughter Marion, married to William Maule of Panmure; next, Iſobel, Heireſs of the Barony of Monycabo, by whom he had Sir Malcolm the Heir of the Family, and Sir David of whom ſprung the Flemings of Boghall.

Which Malcolm had the Honour of Knighthood confer'd on him by King Robert III. by whoſe Favour he obtained the Lady Elizabeth Stewart, [496] Daughter of Robert Duke of Albany, in Marriagea. During the Government of Duke Murdo his Brother in Law, Sir Malcolm Fleming was frequently employed in managing Treaties with England, particularly with Relation to the Redemption of King James I. which being happily brought about, he was one of the Hoſtages for the Ranſom; but all this ſignal Loyalty did not ſecure him upon the King's Return from being ſuſpected of having concur'd in the Duke's illegal Adminiſtration; and therefore when the Duke of Albany was firſt arreſted and made Priſoner, ſo was Sir Malcolm Fleming b, and others who had been in the Duke's greateſt Confidence; but as his greateſt Crime ſeems to have been his near Alliance with the late Regent, ſo the Court were ſoon ſo ſenſible of his Innocency, that he was ſhortly thereafter releaſed without ever being charged with any particular Crime. 'Tis plain Sir Malcolm Fleming liv'd retir'd, and did not meddle in any Faction during the Reign of King James I. probably he was diſguſted with the Treatment the Duke of Albany's Family had met with, yet he ſtuck cloſe to his Friends the Douglaſses, which coſt him dear, for he was, together with the Earl of Douglaſs and his younger Brother, by the Contrivance of the Lord Crichton the Chancellor, all Three executed on the Mote of the Caſtle-Hill of Edinburgh, the 20th of November 1441c. By the Lady Elizabeth Stewart his Wife aforeſaid, he left Iſſue Robert his Son and Heir, and a Daughter Marion married to Sir Patrick Gray Lord of F [...]ulis.

Which Robert ſoon after the Death of his Father took Inſtruments, that the Sentence pronounced againſt him was unwarrantable and illegal, in Regard he had not that Time allowed him for clearing himſelf that the Law allows the greateſt Criminald; and proteſted that it ſhould not be prejudicial to him; likeas there was another Inſtrument taken by Sir Alexander Livingſton of Calendar, who was in the Miniſtry, in Preſence of the Biſhops of St. Andrews, Glaſgow, Dunkeld, and Dunblain, and of the Earl of Douglaſs Juſtice-General beſouth the River of Forth, whereby he declared upon Oath, That he had given no Counſel, Aſſiſtance or Conſent to the Death and Slaughter of Sir Malcolm Fleming this Lord's Father.

Moreover, it would appear, that when King James II. himſelf came to Age, he was ſo much ſatisfied with the Injuſtice Sir Mal [...]lm Fleming had met with, that he gave Order to direct Precepts to the Sheriffs of the ſeveral Counties where Sir Robert Fleming's Eſtate lay, to inſeft him as Heir to his Father, who by ſeveral Inqueſts of Perſons of great Honour, is found and declared to have died at the Faith and Peace of his Sovereign Lord King James II. then reigninge, notwithſtanding of his pretended Forfaulture.

But it ſeems the King did not think the Juſtice of reſtoring Sir Robert, enough to attone for the Sufferings of his Father, wherefore he was graciouſly pleaſed to raiſe and eſtabliſh him in the Rank of thoſe Barons who were henceforth fixed heredetary Peersf. This noble Lord married Janet, Daughter of James Earl of Douglaſs; and again M [...]rgaret, Daughter of John Lindſay of Covingtoun g. By the firſt Lady he had a Son Sir Malcolm his Heir apparent; and Two Daughters, Beatrix married to James Lord Livingſtoun, and Elizabeth to Sir William Stirling of Kier, Kt.

[497] Sir Malcolm Fleming of Monycab [...], whom we ſhall call Maſter of Fleming in the Lifetime of his Father, married Elizabeth, Daughter of James Lord Livingſtoun, by whom he had Sir David, who died after he was contracted to the Lord Drummond's Daughter, and John, who came to be the Head of the Family on the Demiſe of his Grand-father, whom Death overtook in the Spring of the Year 1500:

Which John being a Gentleman of moſt accompliſh'd Parts, was in the End of the Reign of King James V. ſent upon a ſolemn Embaſſy to France a; and upon his Return, was in the 1515 conſtituted Lord High Chamberlain of Scotland; likeas in the 1518, he was again ſent Ambaſſador to France, to treat with that State about the maintaining the ancient Alliance betwixt the Two Crownsb; but not long after his Return, to the univerſal Regrete of the whole Nation, he was moſt barbarouſly aſſaſſinated by Twedie of Drumelzer, in the Month of November, of the Year 1523c. He married firſt E [...] pham, Daughter of John Lord Drummond, by whom he had Malcolm his Succeſſor, and another younger Son, who was Prior of Whitern; alſo a Daughter Margaret, married to John Cunningham of Glengarnock.

Which Malcolm was in great Favour with King James V. by whom he was conſtituted Lord High Chamberlain of Scotland; and he held the Office even till his Death, that he was ſlain in the Service of his Country at the Battle of Pinky, 10th September 1545d. By Janet his Wife, natural Daughter of King James IV. he had James Lord Fleming his Heir, and John his Brother's Succeſſor in the Honour; alſo Five Daughters,

Janet married to John Maſter of Livingſtoun,

Margaret to Robert Maſter of Montroſe; next to Thomas Maſter of Erskine; and after that to John Earl of Athole.

Mary to Sir William Maitland of Lidingtoun,

Elizabeth to Robert Lord Crichtoun of Sanquhar,

Jean to John Sandilands of Calder, and again to David Crawfurd of Kerſe.

Which James being a Nobleman of very fine and polite Parts, was by the ſpecial Favour of Queen Mary made Lord High Chamberlain during Life, Anno 1553e, and ſoon thereafter named Guardian of the Eaſt and Middle Marches toward England; but that was not all, for in the Commiſſion he is likewiſe inveſted with a Power of Juſticiary within the Limits of his Juriſdiction; all which Offices he diſcharged to the general Satiſfaction of the whole Nation.

When the Marriage was to be ſolemnized betwixt Queen Mary and the Dauphine, the Lord Chamberlain being one of wiſeſt Men the Nation had, and very univerſally eſteemed, was one of the Peers whom the Parliament ſent over to France upon that ſolemn Occaſion: Soon after which he died at Paris, on the 1ſt of December 1558f, not without Suſpicion of being poiſon'd. He married Barbara, Daughter of James Duke of Chattlerault, by whom he had only one Daughter, Jean, married firſt to John Lord Thirlſtane, and thereafter to Gilbert Earl of Coſſils. This noble Lord dying without Male Iſſue, his Eſtate and Honour devolved on

[498] John his Brother, who being likewiſe a Perſon of great Parts, was by Queen Mary preferred to be Lord Chamberlain of Scotland for Life, the 10th June 1565a, likewiſe Governour of Dunbartoun-Caſtle, which he held out ſeveral Years for the Intereſt of the Queen, to whom he adhered with very ſignal Fidelity till it was by the ſingular Courage and Dexterity of Captain Thomas Crawfurd of Jordanhi [...] ſurpris'd Anno 1571: But the Governour having found Means to make his Eſcape, got over to France, where he negociate the Affairs of his diſtreſſed Sovereign; and returning the next Year with new Supplies to the Queen's Party, was accidentally kill'd on the Street of Edinburgh by the Shot of a Musket-Bullet a little above the Knee, of which he died the 6th of September 1572b. By Elizabeth his Wife, Daughter and ſole Heir of Robert Maſter of Roſs c, he had John his Son and Heir; likewiſe Three Daughters,

Mary married to Sir James Douglaſs of Drumlan [...]g.

Elizabeth to Sir Alexander Bruce of Airth, Kt.

Margaret to Sir James Forreſter of Garden. Kt.

John Lord Fleming was ſerv'd Heir to his Father, notwithſtanding he had been forfaulted in the Time of the Troubles during the Minority of King James VI.d, for his being of the Queen's Party. He was afterwards by the ſpecial Favour of King James VI. created Earl of Wigtoun, March 19th 1606e. He married firſt Lil [...]as, Daughter of John Earl of Montroſe; by her he had John his Succeſſor, James Fleming of B [...]ghall; alſo Five Daughters, 1ſt Jean, married to George Maſter of Loudoun. 2d Ann [...] to William Livingſton of Kilſyth, and had Iſſue. 3d Margaret, to Sir John Charters of Aimesfield. 4th L [...]l [...]as, to Sir David Murray of Stenhope, and had Iſſue. 5th Mary to Sir Archbald Stewart of Caſtlemilk, and had Iſſue. His ſecond Wife was Sarah, Daughter of William Lord Herries, by whom he had a Daughter Rachael married to John Lindſay of Covingtoun; and departing this Life in May 1619f, was ſucceeded by

John his Son, who married Margaret, Daughter of Alexander Earl of Linlithgow. By her he had John his Heir, Sir William, who was Gentleman-Uſher to King Charles I. and Chamberlain of the Houſhold to King Charles II. in Scotland; alſo ſeveral Daughters, Elean [...]r married to David Earl of Weems, Anne to Robert Lord Boyd, and thereafter to George Earl of Dalhouſy, and Jean to Sir John Grierſon of Lag, and had Iſſue. He died the 7th May 1650, and was ſucceeded by

John his Son, who was a Perſon of intire Loyalty to King Charles I. when the War broke out he joined the Marquis of Montroſe, and was at the unfortunate Adventure of Philiphaugh; after which he was obliged to flie to the Highlands, where he lay conceal'd till his Friends compounded for his Delinquency: And living to ſee the King reſtored, he died in the 1663, leaving Iſſue by Jean his Wife, Daughter of John Earl of Perth, John his Succeſſor, Sir Robert, Henry and James, who all three died unmarried, William who ſucceeded to his Brother in the Honours, and Charles, and Two Daughters, Lady Margaret and Lady Jean, who both died unmarried.

[499] Which John married Anne, Daughter of Henry Lord Kerr, by whom he had only one Daughter, Jean, married to George Earl of Panmure; and dying Anno 1668, his Eſtate and Honour devolved to

William his Brother and Heir, who upon his Acceſſion to the Honour was named one of the Lords of the Privy Council to King Charles II. and thereafter conſtituted Sheriff of the Shire, and Governour of the Caſtle of Dunbartoun; in which Offices he continued till his Death, 8th of April 1681. By Henrietta his Wife. Daughter of Charles Earl of Dunfermling he had John his Son and Heir, and Maſter Charles Fleming; likewiſe a Daughter Lady Mary, married to Maſter Harry Maule of Kelly.

Which John was one of the Pee [...]s who in the Parliament of 1706, oppos'd the Union of the Kingdoms upon the Foot of the Treaty then before the Houſe; and tho' his Lordſhip did not formally proteſt againſt it himſelf, yet be joined in all the Proteſtations which were made againſt it, as appears by the Records of that Seſſion both in the printed Minutes and Regiſters of Parliament. His Lordſhip married firſt a Daughter of the Earl of Balcarras, (by whom he had one Daughter) againſt whom he obtain'd a Divorce; and married next Lady Mary Keith, Daughter of William Earl Mariſchal.


Quarterly 1ſt and 4th Argent, a Cheveron within a double Treſſure, flower'd and counterflower'd, Gules. 2d and 3d Azure, Three Fraſes Argent. Supporters, Two Staggs proper. Creſt, a Goat's Head erazed Argent. Motto, Let the Deid ſhaw.

SEATON, Earl of Winton.

THE firſt of this noble Family I have found upon Record, was Alexander de Seaton, who is one of the Witneſſes in a Charter granted by King David I. to Walter de Ridel, of the Lands of Ridel, in the County of Roxburgh a. He left a Son Philip, who was the Father of Alexander de Seaton, who had a Grant from King William, Alexandro fil [...]o Philippi de Seaton, terras quae fuere patris ſui, ſciz. Seaton, Winton, & Winſhburgh, per ſervitium unius militis b.

All our Hiſtorians ſhew the Valour and Fidelity of Sir Chriſtopher of Seaton to King Robert I. in whoſe Service he loſt his Life, fighting gallantly in a Conflict with the Engliſh, near the Town of Drumfriſe; in Commemoration whereof King Robert did erect a Chapel, and provided certain Prieſts to ſay Maſs for his Soul. In the Preamble of the Erection-Charter the King declares the Grant to be made, Quia Chriſtopherus de Seaton, Miles Gener noſter dilect [...], mortuus eſt in ſervitio noſtro; and therefore founds the Chaplanry in loco quo mortem ſubiit prope Drumfriſec. He left Iſſue by the Lady Chriſtion Bruce his Wife, Siſter to King Robert I. Sir Alexander Seaton his Son and Heir, who made a great Figure during the Reign of his Uncle, from whom he obtained ſundry Grants of Lands, and particularly of the Barns juxta Haddingtoun infra vicecomit. de Edinburgh, as the Charter bears; likeas be obtained a Charter under the Great Seal, erecting his Village of Seaton in liberum Burgum, and his Lands of Seaton [500] into a free Baronya. He was a ſtrenuous Aſſertor of the Title of King David Bruce, in Defence of which he performed many Actions of Honour and Courage during the Minority of that Prince. In the 1332, he was made Governour of the Town of Ber [...]ick b, which he defended with great Courage and Reſolution, for to his immortal Honour, when King Edward of England, contrary to Capitulation, deſir'd him to ſurrender the Town, threatning in caſe of a Refuſal, to hang his Two Sons who were in his Hands among the Hoſtages for a Truce, and Sir Alexander perſiſting in his Reſolution to keep the Town, King Edward put the innocent young Men to Death with many Circumſtances of Barbarity, on which O [...] caſion Sir Alexander gave ſuch Proofs of his Magnanimity, as will for ever ennoble his Memory, and render him dear to all Scotſmen. By his Wife a Lady of the C [...]ey [...]s c, beſides the Two eldeſt Sons who were murdered by the Engliſh, he had William his Succeſſor, and Sir John, who by the Marriage of an Heir Female of the R [...]mſars d, became the Root of the Se [...]t [...]s of Parbroath, and Lathrieſh.

Which Sir William married Catharine, Daughter of Sir William Si [...]clair of Hermieſ [...]oun: By her he had John his Heir, Alexander, who by Marriage of Elizabeth, Daughter and Heir of Adam Gordon of Gordon, was not only the common Anceſtor of the Family of Gordon, and all the Seaton-Gordons, but alſo of the Seatons of Touch, and M [...]ldrum e, who retained their Father's Sirname, being provided to Eſtates, which they did not derive from the Family of Gordon, but came to them by Marriage; likewiſe ſeveral Daughters, Iſobel married to Sir Allan Stewart of Darnly, and again to Sir Herbert Maxwell of C [...]l [...]vrock f, Marion to John Ogilvy of Linrethan, Kt. Jean to Bernard Halden of Glen [...]agles g.

John Lord of Seaton was one of the Hoſtages for the Ranſom of King James I.h. He married J [...]net, Daughter of George Earl of March i; and had by her George his Succeſſor, and a Daughter . . . . . married to Sir Robert Keith Mariſchal of Scotland.

Which George married the Lady Jean Stewart, only Daughter and Heir of John Earl of Buchan k, by whom he had John his eldeſt Son, who died in the Lifetime of his Father, leaving Iſſue by Marion his Wife, Daughter of . . . . Lord Lindſay l, George, who ſucceeded his Grandfather in his Eſtate and Honou; and a Daughter . . . . married to Robert Lord Lyle.

Which George married Iſobel, Daughter of Colin, firſt Earl of Argyle m, by whom he had George his Succeſſor, John, the Root of that Branch of the Sinclairs of Northrig, and a Daughter M [...]rgaret married to William M [...]itland of Lidingtoun n; and dying Anno 1508, was ſucceeded by

George his Son and Heir, who was ſl [...]in at the Battle of Flowdoun o, leaving Iſſue by Jean his Wife, Daughter of Patrick firſt Earl of Bothwell p, George his Succeſſor, and a Daughter Marion married to Hugh Earl of Eglingtoun.

Which George married Elizabeth, Daughter of John Lord Yeſter q, and dying the 17th Ju [...]y 1545, left Iſſue by the Lady aforeſaid, George the ſucceeding Lord, John, who by Marriage of an Heireſs of the Balfours, became [501] poſſeſſed of the Barony of Carieſtoun, and was the firſt of that Branch of the Seatons a; likewiſe Four Daughters,

Marion married to William Earl of Menreth,

Margaret to Sir Robert Logan of Reſtalrig

Helen to Hugh Lord Somervell.

Beatrix to Sir Walter Ogilvy of Dunlugus.

Which George was Provoſt of Edinburgh during the Regency of Queen Mary of Lorrain, and in the 1558, was one of the Commiſſioners ſent to France to the Marriage of Queen Mary with the Dauphine King Francis II. and had much better Fortune in that Negociation than his Colleagues had, for moſt of them died in France by Poiſon, as was ſuſpected, but his Lordſhip not only return'd in Safety, but had likewiſe, by the Bounty of King Henry II. a Penſion of 2000 Franks, for his good Services to that Crown. He was a moſt faithful and loyal Subject to Queen Mary, by whom he was named one of the Lords of her Privy Council, and made one of the Knights of the moſt noble Order of the Thiſtleb. When the Troubles broke out in that Reign, he adhered to that unfortunate Princeſs with inviolable Fidelity, and never made the leaſt falſe Step in her Service, and many others did but remained firm in his Loyalty.

King James VI. had a great Value for this noble Lord, inſomuch as he was pleaſed in the 1583, to ſend him Ambaſſador Extraordinary to the Court of France, and he performed the Negociation with Reputation and Succeſs, and died ſoon after his Return on the 8th of January 1584c. By Iſobel his Wife, Daughter of Sir William Hamilton of Sorne d, he had Iſſue, Robert his Succeſſor, Sir John Seaton, of whom are deſcended the Seatons of Ba [...]ns e, Alexander firſt Earl of Dunſermling, Sir William Seaton, Kt. and a Daughter Margaret, married to Claud Lord Pa [...]ſley, Anceſtor to the Earl of Abercorn.

Which Robert being a Nobleman of great Honour and Fortune, and much favour'd and eſteemed by King James VI. was by his Majeſty'e ſpecial Favour rais'd to the Honour of Earl of Wintoun, by Letters Patent, 5th of November 1600; and departing this Life in the Spring of the Year 1603f, left Iſſue by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of Hugh Earl of Eglingtoun, Robert Lord Seaton, who died without Iſſue, George his Succeſſor, Sir Alexander Seaton Kt. afterward Earl of Eglingtoun, Sir Thomas Seaton, and Sir John Seaton of St. Germains, alſo a Daughter Iſobel married to James Earl of Perth, and again to Francis Stewart Eſq Son of Francis Earl of Bothwell.

Which George was of the Privy-Council to King James VI. and King Charles I whom he had the Honour to entertain in his Progreſs to Scotland in 1633, at his Houſe of Seaton, at his own Charge, with the higheſt Splendor and Magnificence; and was very eminent in his Fidelity to that Prince during the Time of the Civil War.

He married firſt Anne, Daughter of Francis Earl of Errol, by whom he had George Lord Seaton, who dyed before his Father on the 4th of June 1648g, leaving a Son by Henrietta his Wife, Daughter of George Marquis of Huntly, George who was his Grandfather's Succeſſor in the Honour, Sir Alexander Seaton the Earl's ſecond Son was the firſt Viſcount of Kingſtoun; likewiſe a Daughter Lady Elizabeth, married to William Earl [502] Mariſchal. His ſecond Wife was Elizabeth, Eaughter of J [...]hn Lord Harries. By her he had Sir J [...]hn Seato [...] of Gairltoun; likewiſe Three Daughters, Iſobel married to Francis Lord S [...]ple, Anne to John Earl of Traqua [...], and Mary to James Earl of Carnwath; and dying on the 17th of December 1650, was ſucceeded by

George his Grandſon and Heir, who married firſt M [...]ry, Daughter of Hugh Earl of Eglingtoun, by whom he had no Iſſue that ſurvived him; and again Chriſtian, Daughter and Heir of John Hep [...]rn of Add [...]eſto [...]n; and departing this Life 6th March 1704, left Iſſue, George the preſent Earl of Wintoun. his Son and Heir.

GIFFARD, Lord of Yeſter.

IN the Reign of King William, Hugh de Giffard, had by the Grant of that Prince the Lands of Yeſ [...]red, i. e. Yeſter, [...] Ri [...]. de Morvile Co [...]ſtabul. & Philip. de V [...]llo [...], Camerarius Regis. He gave in pure Alms Convent [...]i de [...], & Manachis ibidem, Deo ſer [...], [...]um Toſtum in Villa ſua de Yeſtred, & duas B [...]v [...]t [...]s Terrae in villa pradicta pro ſalute Anima ſuae. He left a Son

William de Giffard, who had a G [...]ant of his own Lands from the Crown, which is witneſſed by Floren [...]. [...]lecto Glaſguenſ [...] Cancellarto. He was ſucceeded by Si [...] John de Giffard his Son, who ratified to the Conventual Brethren of Melroſs, the Grant which Hugh de G [...]ffard, avus ſuus, made to [...]hat Abbey, in puram & perpetuam El [...]emo [...]ynam. He marri [...]d Eupham, the Daughter and Heir of Sir Thomas de M [...]rham, Kt. by whom he had Hugh his Son and Heir, who is deſigned Hugo G [...]ff [...]rd Dominus de Yeſter, [...]il [...]us & Haeres Dominae Euphamiae Giffard, Domina de M [...]ram & de Baru, ſponſa quondam Domini Joannis de Giffard, in a Charter whereby he confi [...]ms the Donation which Thomas de Morham his Grandfather made to the Monks of Holy-rood-houſe at Eainburgh, ſuper jure patronatus Eccleſiae d [...] B [...]rn. But the Iſſue Male of both Sir John, and Hugh his Son failing, his Four Daughter [...] were his Co [...]heirs.

Jean married to Sir William Hay of Locherret, Anceſtor to the Marquis of Tweddale.

Alice to Sir Thomas Boyd, Kt. Lord of Kilmarnock.

Mary to Euſtache Maxwell of Tyling,

Eupham to Dougall Mackdougall of Mackerſtoun.


Appendix A INDEX.

  • A.
    • ABercorn Page 1
    • Abercromby 2
    • Aberdeen 3
    • Abernethy ibid.
    • Aboyn 4
    • Airly ibid.
    • Albany 6
    • Ancrum 8
    • Angus ibid.
    • Angus Earl 9
    • Annandale Earl ibid.
    • Annandale Marquis 10
    • Argyle 13
    • Athole Earl 23
    • Athole Duke 25
    • Arbuthnet 29
  • B.
    • BAdenoch 30
    • Balcarraſs ibid.
    • Ballenden 32
    • Balmerino ibid.
    • Bamff 33
    • Bargeny 34
    • Belhaven Viſcount 35
    • Belhaven Lord 36
    • Blantyre ibid.
    • Borthwick 38
    • Bothwel Murray ibid.
    • Bothwel Ramſay 44
    • Bothwel Hepburn ibid.
    • Bothwel Stewart 45
    • Brechin ibid.
    • Brechin Barclay ibid.
    • Broadalbin ibid.
    • Buchan 46
    • Buchan Stewart 47
    • Buchan Erskine ibid.
    • Buckclengh 50
    • Burligh 53
    • Bute 55
  • C.
    • CAithneſs 57
    • Caithneſs Crichton 58
    • Caithneſs Sinclair ibid.
    • Calendar 59
    • Cameron 60
    • Cardroſs 64
    • Carlyle 66
    • Carlyle Douglas 67
    • Carnwath ibid.
    • Carrick 69
    • Carrick Bruce 70
    • Carrick Stewart 72
    • Caſſils 73
    • Cathcart 76
    • Coupar 79
    • Crichton ibid.
    • Colvil of Culroſs 80
    • Colvil of Ochiltree 81
    • Cramond ibid.
    • Cranſton 82
    • Crawfurd Lord ibid.
    • Crawfurd Earl 83
    • Crawfurd Lindſay 85
    • Cromarty 87
  • D.
    • DAlhouſie 89
    • Delorain 91
    • Denniſton [...]
    • Dingwal Keith [...]
    • Dingwal Preſton [...]
    • Douglas [...]
    • Dirlton [...]
    • Duffus [...]
    • Dunblain [...]
    • Dunfermling [...]
    • [2] Dunbar Earl 113
    • Dunbar Viſcount ibid.
    • Dunbarton 114
    • Dundee Earl 115
    • Dundee Viſcount 116
    • Dundonald 118
    • Dunkeld 122
    • Dunmore ibid.
    • Drumfries 123
    • Dyſart 125
  • E.
    • EGlinton 126
    • Elgin 132
    • Eliebank 134
    • Elphinſton 135
    • Errol 137
    • Eymouth 141
    • Eythen 142
  • F.
    • FInlater 142
    • Forbes 145
    • Forreſter 148
    • [...] Lord 150
    • [...] Earl ibid.
    • [...]th 151
    • [...] ibid.
    • [...]land 152
    • Fy [...] 153
  • G.
    • GAloway Lord 155
    • Galoway Earl 156
    • [...]ock 159
    • [...] 164
    • Glasfurd 166
    • [...]cairn 167
    • [...]ow 170
    • [...] 173
    • [...] 178
  • H.
    • [...]ton [...]count 181
    • [...]ton Earl ibid.
    • [...]ton 182
    • [...] 183
    • [...]- [...]- [...]ſe 184
    • Hamilton 186
    • Harries 218
    • Hopeton ibid.
    • Hume 220
    • Hyndford 223
  • I.
    • JEdburgh 227
    • Iſlay 228
    • Irvine Earl 229
    • Irvine Viſcount ibid.
    • Iſles ibid.
  • K.
    • KElly 235
    • Kirkcudbright 237
    • Kenmure 239
    • Kilſyth 240
    • Kilmarnock 242
    • Kincairdin 245
    • Kingſton 246
    • Kintore 247
    • Kinnaird ibid.
    • Kinnoul 248
  • L.
    • LAwderdale 250
    • Lennox Earl 256
    • Lennox Duke 258
    • Leven 264
    • Lothian 268
    • Lovat 270
    • Lorn 273
    • Lindores 274
    • Lithgow ibid.
    • London 282
    • Lyle 290
  • M.
    • MAderty 293
    • Marr 294
    • Marr Erskine 297
    • March Dunbar 307
    • March Stewart 309
    • March Douglas 310
    • Marchmont ibid.
    • McDonald 318
    • Mariſhal ibid.
    • Melvil 323
    • [3] Melfort 327
    • Methven 328
    • Menteith 329
    • Menteith Graham 330
    • Middleton 333
    • Montroſe 336
    • Monypenny 349
    • Mordington 350
    • Morton ibid.
    • Murray Randolph 355
    • Murray Dunbar ibid.
    • Murray Stewart 356
  • N.
    • NAirn 361
    • Napier 363
    • Newburgh Lord 366
    • Newburgh Earl ibid.
    • Newhaven 367
    • Newark ibid.
    • Nithſdale 368
    • Northesk 373
  • O.
    • OChiltree 374
    • Oliphant 376
    • Orkney Sinclair 381
    • Orkney Hepburn Duke 382
    • Orkney Stewart 383
    • Orkney Hamilton ibid.
    • Oxenford 385
  • P.
    • PAnmure Lord 386
    • Panmure Earl 387
    • Perth 403
    • Pittenweem 406
    • Pitſligo 407
    • Portmore ibid.
    • Preſton ibid.
    • Primroſe 408
  • Q.
    • QUeensberry 413
  • R.
    • RAe 421
    • Rollo 422
    • Roſeberry 424
    • Roſs Earl 425
    • Roſs Lord 426
    • Rothes 427
    • Rothſay 431
    • Roxburgh ibid.
    • Ruglen 433
    • Rutherford ibid.
    • Ruthven 434
  • S.
    • SAlton Abernethy 435
    • Salton Frazer ibid.
    • Seaforth ibid.
    • Selkirk Douglas 438
    • Selkirk Hamilton ibid.
    • Semple 439
    • Sinclair 443
    • Somerwell 445
    • Southesk 446
    • Spainzie 450
    • St. Colme ibid.
    • Stair 451
    • Stirling 462
    • Stormont 464
    • Strathallan 466
    • Strathern ibid.
    • Strathern Stewart 468
    • Strathmore ibid.
    • Sutherland 471
  • T.
    • TAras 475
    • Teviot Earl ibid.
    • Teviot Viſcount ibid.
    • Tillybardin 476
    • Torphichen 477
    • Traquair 480
    • Tweddale 484
  • W.
    • WEems 488
    • Wigton 491
    • Winton 499
  • Y.
    • YEſter 502
By the Publick Offices I mean the Regiſters of the Great Seal, which I peruſed from the Charters of King Robert I. down to our own Times, in the Laigh Parliament-Houſe, and in the Chancery; I look'd over alſo the Records of the Juſticiary, and all the Chartularies in the Lawyers Library.
Creations of the Nobility M.S. penes me.
Sir James Ware on Iriſh Antiquities.
Regiſter of Patents in the Chanccry Office.
Biſhop Guthry's Memoirs.
Penes Ducem de Douglaſs.
Regiſter of the Lyons Office.
Charta in Pub. Archivis.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Chartulary of Arbroath, wherein he, Comes Malcol. ratifies his Father and Grandfather's Donations to that Convent.
Ibid, wherein ſhe confirms Earl Gilchriſt's Mortifications.
Sir James Dalrymple's Hiſtorical Collections.
Charta penes Ducem de Douglas
Charta penes me.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Charta in Pub. Archivis.
Charra in Pub. Archivis.
Memoirs of the Murrays of Cockpool, and Earls of Annandale.
Abercromby's Martial Atchievements of the Scots Nation.
Mr. David Hume's Hiſtory of the Houſe of Douglas.
Which were then given off by the Laird of Johnſton to Herbert Johnſton his Couſin, who was the Anceſtor of the Johnſtons of Weſterhall, of whom Sir William Johnſton, Kt. is the Lineal Heir.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Charta in Pub. Archivis.
Memoirs of the Houſe of Annandale.
Carta penes M. de Annandale.
Jonſtoni Heroes.
Charta in Pub. Archivis.
B. Spotſwood's Hiſtory.
Charta penes Marchionem de Annandale.
Charta in Publicis Archivis.
I have ſeen a very ancient Manuſcript Hiſtory of the Family of Argyle, that derives them from a very long Train of Anceſtors, much farther back than can be vouched by Writings or Records, and ſeems to be founded upon the traditional Accounts of the Sanachies and Bards, whoſe Office conſiſted chiefly in recording the Actions and Atchievements of the great Men of the reſpective Families to whom they were attach'd.
Regiſter of Newbottle, alſo of the Abbay of Cambuskenneth, tranſum'd under the Subſcription of the Clerk of Regiſter, in the Reign of King James V. Anno 1535, now in the Lawyer's Library at Edinburgh.
Mr. Rymer's Foedera Angliae, lately publiſhed.
Hiſtorical and Genealogical Deſcent of the illuſtrious Family of Argyle, M.S. penes me.
Hiſtory of the illuſtrious Family of the Campbells, in my Hands.
Ibidem. Likewiſe original Writs I have perus'd, in the Cuſtody of the Earl of London.
Chartulary of the Monaſtery of Paiſly, in the Hands of the Earl of Dundonald, M.S.
Mr. Prin's large Collections, wherein Sir Nicol or Neil Campbell is there mention'd as one of the great Men who were the Bruce's Friends.
Arch Deacon Barber's Life and Atchievements of King Robert Bruce.
Dr. Abercromby's Atchievements of the Scots Nation.
Mr. Anderſon's Independency.
Charta Colini Campbel fi [...]ii Nigelli 10 Feb. 1316.
Charta penes Joannem Ducem de Argyle.
Colvil's Hiſtory of the Family of Argyle M.S. penes me.
Charta in publicis Archivis.
Penes Ducem de Argyle.
Colvil's Hiſtory of the Family of Argyle.
Charta penes Ducem de Argyle.
Charta per Duncanum Campbel, Dominum de Lochow de Terras de Achingounen dilecto nepote ſuo Joanni Campbel, filio & haeredi Fratris ſui Colini Campbel de Arkinlaſs 6 May 1428 Penes Thomam Yuil de Darlieth.
Charta Chriſtiane Campbel, filiae Colini Campbel de Lochow Sponſae Malcolmi Mackfarlane, penes me.
Writes of the Family of Argyle.
Creations of the Nobility, penes Hamilton de Wiſhaw.
Confirmation of the ſaid Charter to the Monaſtery of Sandale, in the Regiſter.
Monaſticon Scoticanum penes me M.S.
Creations of the Nobility
Catalogue of Stateſmen, penes me.
Miſcellaney Collections penes Mr. James Anderſon.
Liſt of Stateſmen penes Mr. Milne.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi IV.
Penes Ducem de Argyle.
Penes Hamilton de Wiſhaw.
Dr. Abercromby's Hiſtory of the Campaigns 1548, & 1549.
Hiſtory of the Reformation, commonly call'd Knox's.
Charta Janetae Campbel filiae Arch. Comitis de Argyle Sponſae Hectoris Macklane de Dowart, anno 1556, in publicis Archivis.
Biſhop Spotiſwood and Mr. Calderwood's Church Hiſtories.
Mr. Crawford's Memoirs.
Johnſtoni Heroes.
Balfour's Annals.
Charta penes Ducem de Argyle.
Biſhop Guthry's Memoirs.
Sandfords Genealogical Hiſtory of the Kings of England p. 344.
Creations of the Nobility, from the Regiſter of the Chancery.
Trial of the Marqueſs of Argyle.
Charta in Rotulis Caroli II.
Penes Ducem de Argyle.
State Tracts.
Hiſtory of the Reign of King James III.
Regiſter of Scoon, in the Cuſtody of the Viſcount of Stormont.
Regiſter of Dumfermling.
Regiſter of Arbroth.
Chron, de Melroſs.
Chron. de Melroſs.
Sir James Balfour's Collections, M.S.
Regiſter of Arbroth.
Sir James Balfour's Genealogical Collections. M.S.
Hiſtory of the Family of Steuart.
Printed Hiſtory of the Family of Athole.
Drummonds Hiſtory.
Balfour's Annals.
Charta penes Ducem de Athole.
Rymer's Faedera Angliae.
Chartulary of Inchaffry, penes M. Mauritium Morray Fratrem Dni Abercairny,
Penes ducem de Athole.
Regiſter of Aberbroth M.S.
Confirmatio [...] Regis Dav. in Rotulis.
Charta penes Comitem de Morton.
Frazers Hiſtory of Lovat, M.S.
Mr. Andrew Winton's Genealogy of the Cummins in his M.S. Chron. of Scotland.
Chron. de M [...]lroſs.
Regiſter of Kelſo.
Cummins claim to the Crown in the Faedera Angliae, publiſhed by Mr. Rymer.
Liſt of the Senators of the College of Juſtice, from the Inſtitution, in the Lawyer's Library M.S.
Biſhop Spotſwood's Hiſtory.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi VI.
Liſt of States-men penes me.
Liſt of the Lords of Seſſion, ſince the Inſtitution, M.S. in the Lawyers Library
Spotſwood's Hiſtory.
Thomſon's M.S.
Regiſt. of the Lyon Office, Edin.
Charta. in pubicis Archivis.
Johnſton's Poems.
Sir James Dalrymple's Edition of Camden.
Mr. David Simſon's Genealogical Hiſtory of the Family of Morton M.S.
Patent creating Sir Robert Douglas Viſcount of Belhaven penes me.
Charta Alexandri Stuart de Garlies dilecto fratri ſuo Thom Stuart de Minto filio Willielmi Steuart de Dalſuinton militis, 2 Nov. 1476 confirmatum in Rotulis Jacobi III.
Carta in pub. Archivis
Carta penes D. Blantyre He was the Father of Franceſs Dutcheſs of Lenox and Richmond, who left her Eſtate to the Lord Blantyre, and of Sophia Lady Bulkly wife of Henry Bulkly Eſq Maſter of the Houſhold to King Charles II.
Carta in Pub. Arch.
Writes of the Epiſcopal See of Murray in the Regiſters of that Church in the Lawyers Library M.S.
ibidem confirm. by King William Ric. Epis. Moraviae Eccleſiae de Forreſs.
Cartulary of the Cathedral Church of Elgine in Bib. Jurid.
ibidem in an Indenture between him and the Biſhop of Moray relative to the Church of Artindole ad Annum 1226, and was likewiſe a Donator to St. Nicolas's Hoſpital near the Bridge of Spey by his Gift of the Lands of Achinway, ad ſuſtentationem pauperum ibidem recipiendorum, of which the Biſhops of Moray were Patrons.
Rymer's foedera Angliae ad Annum 1244
ibidem. ad Annum 1284.
Rymer's foedera Angliae ad Annum 1290 and 1292.
ibidem. His Title of Drumſhargard diſtinguiſhes him from another Sir William de Moravia de Tilybardin mentioned in the ſame Write of Summons
Excerpta ex Cartul. Ecceſiae Glaſguen Donatio. Will. de Moravia Panetarii Scotiae de jure Patronat. Eccleſiae. de Woolſtoun data apud Scoon die Mercurii proxima poſt feſtum Sancti Valentini Martyris Anno 1292
ibidem dat. ut ſupra
ibidem Carta Will. de Moravia D. de Bothwel Panetarii Scotiae de centum Marcis ſolvendis de Expenſis ſuper Eccleſia de Smalum 1293. Theſe and other Excerpts were exactly noted from the ſaid Chartulary of Glaſgow and tranſmitted to me by a Gentleman a great Lover of Antiquities
Winton's Hiſtory in Bib. Jurid, M.S.
Manuſcript Hiſtory of the Moravii Panetari Scotiae Domini de Bothwel penes D. Abercarny, which Piece of Hiſtory, is the beſt vouched and inſtructed of any of that kind, I have ever peruſed, and it carries a great Air of Antiquity with it, and is very nobly oramented with accurate Hiſtorical Remarks, and well deſerves the Character of a curious Book. the Author beſide other Inſtructions for the Original deſcent of the Murrays of Drumſhargard and Abercarnie from the Moravii of Bothwel, does very judiciouſly obſerve, that both the Baronies of Bothwell and Drumſhargard, now called Camſlang, were in the Perſon of Sir William de Moravia Panetarius Scotiae, deſign'd Dominus de Bothwel, and Drumſhargard, and indeed can, I obſerve, be well made out from comparing the Engliſh Foedera, Prynne and the Chartulary of Glaſgow together, and that immediately upon his Death they came to be two diſtinct Lordſhips, Andrew being Lord of Bothwel, Sir William's Eldeſt Son whom we know was ſo by his hereditary Office of Panetarius Scotiae, and Sir John, whom my Author calls his Younger Son, was Lord, Dominus de Drumſhargard, and which he makes well appear, and concludes, it's plain he was Sir William's ſecond Son, for his patrimonial Eſtate of Drumſhargard, lay contiguous with, and was a part of his Lordſhip of Bothwel, and given him off by his Father, for in Matters of ſo remote Antiquity, we conclude for certain what is inſtructed ſo rationally by ſuch Manuſcripts as are neither contradicted by Writes nor any Authentick Hiſtory, but confirmed by conſtant uninterrupted and univerſal Tradition
Buchanan and Abercromby.
Carta Rob. I. Domino Andreae de Moravia Panetario Scotiae & Criſtianae Sponſae ſuae ſorori noſtrae cariſſimae de Terris de Garie & here dibus eorum dat. apud Clackmannan 20th July 1327 in Haddingtons Colections in Bib. juridica Edin.
Buchanan ſays, that having reduced Lothian to the Obedience of his lawful Soveraign King David, to give himſelf a little Relaxation, he made a progreſs into the North to viſit his own Lands and Poſſeſſions, Tranſmontana praedia interviſit, which no doubt was his own old Northern Eſtate in Elginſhire, and out of which his Sons made Mortifications to the Cathedral Church of Elgine, where their Father was interr'd.
Chartul. of Moray ad Annum 1351, in the Deed he is deſigned Joannes de Moravia Panetarius Scotiae
Rymers foedera Angliae, he is deſigned Frater & Heres Joannis de Murrif
Chartul. of Moray: In the Deed he is deſigned, Thomas de Moravia Panetarius Scotiae
Charta in Magno Chartulario Glaſguen. Joannae Comitiſſae de Douglas Dominae de Bothwel, whereby ſhe gives in pura & ſimplici viduitate ſua pro ſalute animae ſuae, nec non animae recolendae memoriae quondam Archibaldi Comitis de Douglas D. Galvidiae et de Bothwel Eccleſiae Glaguen. tres petras cerae annuatim percipiendas de firmis Baroniae noſtrae de Bothwel datum apud Caſtrum noſtrum de Bothwel, 8th Junii 1401
Hiſtory of the Moravii Panetarii Scotiae penes D. Abercarny. M.S.
Charta penes D. Abercarny.
Cartul. of Arbroth in Bib. Juridica Edin. whereby Sir Maurice ratifies to the Convent of Arbroth, his Father Sir John's Grant of the Lands of Kingoldrum ad Annum 1339
Carta in Pub. Archivis Rob. II.
Carta David Regis Will. Comiti de Sutherland, in which Maurice Comes de Strathern, is a Witneſs the 17th of that King's Reign, and produced by the Earl of Sutherland in his Claim of Precedency.
Charta penes D. Abercarny.
Ibid. And to this noble Contract, the Queens Seal is appended, and prett intire, and ſerves to correct the miſtake of George Buchanan, who ſays ſhe died in 1373, whereas this Indenture is plainly in 1375.
Hiſtory of the Panetarii Scotiae penes D. Abercarny, the Author of this Hiſtory repreſents, that Archibald Earl of Dowglaſs, who married the Heireſs of Bothwel, was a very bold Man; That it was he who oppreſſed Thomas Fleming out of the Earldom of Wigtoun, becauſe it lay contiguous to the Earl's Lordſhip of Galloway; That it was the ſame Earl of Dowglas, who influenced King Robert the III. to break the Marriage Articles he had entred into with the Earl of March, whereby the Prince the King's Son was to have married the Earl of March's Daughter, and in place of that Lady to ſubſtitute Eliſabeth Dowglas his own Daughter: And who, ſays he, is ſo much a ſtranger to our Hiſtory, as not to know that from the Time of this Earl, till the extinction of the Stem of that Illuſtrious Family, the Earls of Dowglas did not over-aw the Crown, and were too great Subjects for our Kings?
Charta penes Dominum Abercarny. This and all the Writs before-mentioned, in the Hands of the Laird of Abercarny, and thoſe from the Time of Sir Alexander Murray of Drumſhargard, which are likewiſe in Abercarny's Hands, I my ſelf have ſeen and peruſed, and from them have framed this Account.
Charta in pub. Archiv.
Sanderſon's Hiſtory of King James VI.
Regiſter of the Priory of St. Andrews.
Chartulary, of Aberbrothock.
Confirmation by King James the III. in 1477, wherein the original Charter is tranſumed.
Chartulary of Arbroth fol. 27. & Charta pones Comitem de Panmure.
Rymer's Foedera, ad annum 1283.
Rymer's Foedera, &c.
Charta David Barclay Militis Margaretae filiae Domini David de Brechin de terris de Cairny Barclay &c. pro matrimonio inter [...]os contrahendo anno 1315 in pub. Arch.
Abercromby's Mart Atch.
Regiſter of Balmerino
Charta penes Comitem de Panmure data 3 Septemb. 1381
Charta in Pub. Archivis.
Charta data 19 Octobris 1378 in publicis Archivis
penes Com. de Pan.
Declaration anno 1437, penes Comitem de Panmure.
Acts of parliament.
Winton's Manuſcript Hiſtory in the Lawyer's Library.
Charter of Confirmation by Margaret Counteſs of Buchan, of a Donation which Fergus Earl of Buchan, her Father, gave to Arbroth Abbay.
Chron. de Melros.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Chartulary of Murray and Regiſter of Arbroth, MS.
Simſon's Hiſtory.
Mr. Andrew Winton's Chron. M.S. in the Lawyers Library, in old Scots Rhyme.
Charta in Rotulis Roberti II.
Buchanan. Hiſt.
Drummond's Hiſtory.
Hiſtory of the Houſe of Seaton, M.S.
Charta Jacobi III. dilecto avunculo ſuo Jacobo Comiti de Buchan, Guardiano mediarum Marchiarum regni noſtri, terrarum de Traquair, quae fuere Willielmi Murray & noſtrae ratione forisfacturae, 3. Feb [...]. 1478. Alia. Charta in Rotulis dicti Regis Jacobo Comiti de Buchan Comerario Scotiae ad Annum 1479.
Mr. Martin of Clermont's Collections in the Hands of his Son.
Charta in Publicis Archivis.
Dalrymple's Hiſt. Collect.
Chartul. of Kelſo MS.
Prynne's Hiſtory.
Chartul. of Melroſs, data 28 Maij 1415.
He is deſigned Walter Scott Son and Heir of Robert Scott, Anno Regni Rob. II 19 penes ducem de Buclugh.
Charta penes [...]undem. In the Charter he is deſigned Son and Heir of Robert Scott of Murdiſtoun.
Charta in pub. Archivis.
Charta penes Ducem de Queensberry.
Charta penes Ducem de Bucklugh.
Charta in pub. Archivis.
Hiſtor. Remarks on the Bethunes of Cricht. MS.
Spotiſwood's Hiſt. ad Annum 1596.
Scotſtarvet's Hiſtor. Collections MS.
Charta in pub. Archivis.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi VI. ad Annum 1619.
Oliver Cromwel's Act of Indemnity to Scotland, Anno 1654.
Charta penes D. de Bucklugh.
Ingelramus de Balfour vice comes de Fife, is Witneſs in a Charter the 15th of Alexander II, Anno Dom. 1229.
Sir Robert Sibbald's Hiſtory of Fife, Pag 141.
Charta Jacobi II. de Baronia de Burleigh Johanni Balfour de Balgarvie.
Sibald's Hiſtory of Fife.
Sir James Dalrymple's Edition of Camden, Page 73.
Charta penes comitem de Bute.
Penes dictum comitem.
Charta Roberti Ducis Albaniae dilecto fratri ſuo Johanni Steuart vice comiti de Bute & Jonetae ſponſae ſuae faliae Johannis Semple de Eliotſtoun 1418 penes comitem de Bute.
Charta confirmationis Jacobi II. dilecto conſanguineo ſuo Willielmo Steuart de Terras de Fynock, anno 1444, penes comitem de Bute & etiam in publicis Archivis.
Indenture betwixt the King and the Lord Erskin, penes comitem de Mar.
Charta in publicis Archivis.
Charta penes Jacobum comitem de Bute.
Charta penes Thomam Boyd de Pitcon.
Charta Roberti Steuart de Terris de Kelſock filii Jacobi Steuart vice comitis de Bute 1560 in publicis Archivis.
The original Commiſſion is extant amongſt the Earl of Butes Writes, dated 11 Auguſt 1580.
Sir James Dalrymple's Preface to his Collections concerning the Scots Hiſtory.
Hiſtory of the Earls of Sutherland M.S.
Hiſtory of Sutherland.
Charter granted by King James I. to Allan Steuart of the Earldom of Caithneſs, upon the Reſignation of Walter Earl of Athole.
Charta Jacobi II. Georgio Crichton comiti de Caithneſs de Terris de Blackneſs 1452.
Drummond's Hiſtory.
Hume's Hiſtory of the Family of Douglaſs, Pag. 109.
Mackenzies Miſcellany Collections, M.S.
Holinſhed's Hiſtory of Scotland, and Mackenzie.
Gordonſtoun's Hiſtory of the Family of Sutherland M.S.
Ibidem and Sir George Mackenzie's Miſcellany Collections compared.
Balfour's Annals.
Hiſtory of the Family of Sutherland.
Patent creating Sir James Livingſton Lord Almont.
Charta in Rotulis Roberti I. in Haddingtoun's Collections.
Charta Errectionis vilae de Torthorald in Burgum Baroniae Johanni Domino Carlyle, 3d Decemb. 1473.
Charta in Regiſtro.
Simpſon's Collections.
Charta Johanni Domino Carlyle, Willielmo Carlyle, nepote ſuo & haerede apparenti & Jonetae Maxwell ſponſae ſuae de Terris de Midleby, anno 1487.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi VI. Michaeli Domino Carlyle [...]ratte & haeredi Jacobi Domino Carlyle de Terris de Torthorald, anno 1529.
Hume and Simpſon' [...] Eſſay upon the Family of Douglaſs.
Balfour's Annals.
Mr. David Simpſon's Collections on the Family of Douglaſs.
Regiſter of the Lyon Office at Edinburgh.
Mr. Nisbets Marks of Cadency.
Charta in Rotulis Regis David ad Annum 1365.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae, lately publiſhed.
Charta Roberti III. dilecto & fideli ſuo Johanni de Dalziel, milite datim 1393, in publicis Archivis.
Holinſhed's Hiſtory of Scotland.
Mr. David Crawfurd of Drumſoy's Collections, relating to Queen Mary, in Manuſcript, in the Lawyers Library.
Mr. Thomſon's Collections, M.S.
Charta in Publicis Archivis ad Annum 1558.
Charta in Rotulis Caroli I ad Anum 1628
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi VI.
Charta penes Ducem de Qucensbery.
Carta penes Comitem de Sutheſque.
Charta penes Comitem de Carnwath.
Records of the Abby-Church of Holy-rood-Houſe.
Charta in Publicis Archivis. Retour in the Chancery, whereby Sir Robert Dalziel of Glenae, is ſerved Heir to John Earl of Carnwath, as Son and Heir of Sir John Dalziel of Glenae, Son and Heir of Sir Robert Dalziel of Glenae, who was Son to Sir John Dalziel, and he a younger Son to Robert 1ſt E [...]rl of Carnwath.
Scotichron. M.S.
Chart. of Melroſs and Paſty.
Martyrologio Eccleſiae Metropolitanae Glaſguenſis in Chartulario dicti Eccleſiae penes Alex. Bailie de Caſtlecarry.
Chron. de Melroſs.
Dugdale's Baronage of England.
Chartulary of Glaſgow.
Chron. de Melroſs.
Rymers Foedera Angliae.
Dugdale's Baronage of England.
Dugdale's Baronage of England.
Rymers Foedera Angliae.
Charta in Rotulis Roberti I. eiam Charta in Regiſtro Epiſcopatus Moraviae in Bibliotheca Juridica
Charta in publicis Archivis.
(g) Charta Roberti I. Dilecto nepoti ſuo Willielmo Cairlyle militi Terrarum deCullen una cum Tenendriis totius Baroniae de Torthorald, in Bibliotheca Juridica.
(g) Charta Roberti I. Dilecto nepoti ſuo Joanni Diſhingtoun militi Terrarum de Langhermeſtoun.
(i) Foedera Angliae ad Annum 1353.
Hiſtorical and Gene [...]logica [...] Hiſtory of the Royal Family of Stewart publiſhed in 1710.
Its evid [...]t all our Hiſtorians have been miſtaken as to the time of Kind David Bruce's Death Mr. Buchanan and others place it on the 7th of May, in the 39 Year of his Reign, but they are certainly miſtaken, both as to the Year of his Reign, and the day of his Death, for I have ſeen many Charters, granted by him in the 40th Year of his Reign, which prove him then alive, and from a very good Voucher, we are informed he died feſto Cathedrae Sancti Petri, i. e. the 22d of February 1371
Carta in Rotulis Davidis II. Willielmo Comiti de Sutherland & cariſſi [...]ae ſo [...]ori ſuae Margaretae ſponſae dicti Comiti, de Comitatu d [...] Sutherland, & heredibus eorum.
Fordon ad annum 1353, Obit Matilda de Br [...] ſoror R [...]gis, q [...]ae ex T [...]ma de Yſ [...]ck habuit fi [...]am nuptam Joanni de Lorn Domino [...]ju [...]dem: E [...]iam Carta in Rotuiis Regis David dilecto & fideli ſuo J [...]anni de Lorn & Jon [...]tae ſponſae [...]uae conſanguineae noſtrae terrarum de Glenhorm in Comitatu Atholiae, da [...]a [...] d [...]e M [...]i anno regni ſui triceſimo no [...]o.
This Charter is in the Cuſtody [...] James O [...]phant of Gask, which proves this Daughter of King Robert Bruce beyond diſ [...]e, th [...] ſhe has not been taken notice of by any of our former Hiſtorians, but [...] no more unaccountabl [...] [...]h [...] five or ſix Daughters of King Robert the II. they have [...] to make m [...]ntion of, all which are clearly inſtructed from our publick Records.
Sir James Balfour's Ann [...]ls, M.S.
Rymers Foedera Angliae.
Charta in Rotulis Regis David.
M. Mabilion de [...]re Diplomatica.
Crawford's Notes on Buchanan's Hiſtory.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Crawfurd's Notes on Bu [...]hanan.
Miln's Lives of the Biſhops of Dunkeld, M.S.
Balfour upon the Biſhops of St. Andrews.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi II. ad Annum 1450. in Haddingtoun's Collections.
Charta in publicis Archivis.
Rymers Foedera.
Charta in publicis Archivis.
Ibidem ad annum 1495
Productions at the Decrcet of Ranking, in 1606.
Mr. Thomas Crawfurd's Notes on Buchanan.
Dr. Burne [...], Biſhop of Saru [...].
Chartulary of Paiſly.
Prin's Hiſtory.
Charta penes D. de Cathcart.
Spotſwood's Practicks.
Charta penes D. de Cathcart.
Charta penes D. de Cathcart.
Charta penes Pat. Hunter de Eodem.
Charta penes D. Cathcart,
Dalrymple's Hiſtorical Collections.
Lives of the Scots Stateſmen MS. penes me, which may ſometime ſee the Light.
Charta in publ. Archivis.
Chart. of Melroſs.
Charta in publ. Archivis.
CartaJacobi Colvil de Eaſter-Weems Roberto Colvil filio ſuo naturali Terrarum deCleiſh in Rotulis Jacobi quinti ad Annum 1535
Mr. Knox's Hiſtory of the Reformation, who gives him the Character of a wiſe Man and of great Courage and Zeal for the work of God
Carta in pub. Archivis
Carta in pub. Archivis
Carta in Cancellaria. S. D. N. R.
Charta in Rotulis Caroli I. ad Annum 1628.
Appendix to Sir James Dalrymple's Collections concerning the Scots Hiſtory, from the Ch [...]rtulary of Newbotle in the Hands of the Lord Marqueſs of Lothian
Carta in Public is Archivis ad Annum 1580
Carta penes Dominum Cranſtoun,
Account of the Funeral Solemnity of William the firſt Lord Cranſtoun. M.S. penes me ad Annum 1627.
Carta in public is Archivis
Cromwel's Indemnity to the Kingdom of Scotland in the 1654.
Writs of the Priory of Coldingham in the Cuſtody of the Dean and Chapter of Durhame.
Chartulary of the Abbacy of Arbroth in the Lawyers Library, M.S.
Chartulary of Kelſo in the Lawyers Library, M.S.
Chronicle of Melroſs ad Annum 1248
Mr. Thomas Crawfurd's Hiſtory of the Crawfurds. M.S.
Appendix to Sir James Dalrymple's Collections concerning the Scots Hiſtory.
Mr. Thomas Crawfurd's Hiſtory of the Crawfurds M.S. penes me
Carta in publicis Archivis
Chartulary of Dunfermling in Biblioth: Jurid.
Notes from the Chartulary of the Epiſcopal See of Glaſgow M.S. penes me, ad Annum 1329.
The Earl of Haddington's Collections in the Law [...]ers Library M.S.
Carta in Publicis Archivis
Carta in Rotulis Roberti II. Joanni Maxwel Militi & Eliſabethae ſponſae ſuae nepoti noſtro cariſſimae.
Carta Roberti Secundi Dilecto ſuo Henrico Dowglaſs Militi & Marjoriae ſponſae ſuae neptae noſtrae in Rotulis dicti Regis,
Carta in pub. Arch.
Carta in publicis Archivis etiam Ford [...]ni Hiſtoria rerum Stoticarum, & Rymer's faedera Angliae
Carta in Rotulis Roberti II
Rymer's faedera Angliae ad Annum 1423
The Earl of Haddington's Collections from the publick Records M.S. in the Lawyers Library
Carta in publicis Archivis
Carta in Rotulis Jacobi IV.
Carta in Rotulis Jacobi VI.
Memoirs of the Erskines of Dun, MS. penes me.
Gencalogy of the Earl of Crawfurd.
Charta in Rotulis Roberti II.
Hiſtory of Fyfe by Dr. Sibbald.
Regiſter of the Chancery Office.
Chatta penes Comitem de Glencairn.
Act of Parliament in favours of Andrew Lord Dingwall, Anno 1584.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Lift of the Knights of the Bath, in 1603.
Chartulary of the Epiſcopal See of Murray, and the Chronicle of Melroſs.
Simſon's Eſſay on the Family of Douglaſs.
Charta penes Ducem de Douglaſs.
Mr. Hume:
Mr. Simſon.
Abercrombie's Martial Atchievments.
Barber's Life of King Robert I.
Charta penes ducem de Douglaſs, data 6 May 1319, alia data apud Berwick 8 Nov. 1329.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Here I take the liberty to differ from Mr. Hume, who ſays, this Earl's firſt Marriage, was with the Earl of March's Daughter, and that he had by her James Earl of Douglaſs, killed at Otterburn, which is a Miſtake, for I have ſeen a Mortification by Margaret Counteſs of Douglaſs and Mar, to the Church of St. Mary of Garrioch, for the Soul of William Earl of Douglaſs, her Husband, and James Earl of Douglaſs her Son and Heir: Alſo there's a Confirmation by the ſame Earl James to the Monks of Melroſs of the Church of Cavers, wherein he's deſigned Comes de Douglaſs & Mar: Moreover, 'tis to be conſidered, that upon the Deceaſe of Earl James, Iſabel his Siſter, of the whole Blood, ſucceeded him in the Honour of Mar, when the Earldom of Douglaſs devolved upon Archibald their Brother of the half Blood.
Charta penes Ducem de Douglaſs.
Charta in Rotulis Roberti III.
This is with greater Probability, than that he was Brother by the ſame Mother to James Earl of Douglaſs, killed at Otterburn; for when he ſucceeded to the Honour and Eſtate of Douglaſs, he made no Claim to Mar, which deſcended to Iſabel, Earl James's Siſter, as is above narrated.
Hiſtory of the Royal Family of Steuart, Anno 1710.
Spotiſwood's Practiques.
(d) Hume.
Sir James Balfout's Peerage of Scotland M.S. penes me.
Mr. Simſon.
The original Contract extant in the Writes of the Family of Douglaſs.
Charta penes Marchionem de Twedal ad Annum 1409.
Charta Jacobi II. Willielmo Edmiſton de Colodin militi & Mariae Comitiſſae Anguſiae ſponſae ſuae amitae noſtrae de terris de Duntreath, Anno 1452, penes Dominum Duntreath.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Hiſtory of the Royal Family put fu [...]h in 1710.
Diſpenſation by William Biſhop of Glaſgow for William Douglaſs Earl of Angus to marry Margaret Daughter of Sir William Hay of Locherret, in the 1425, in the Writes of the Family of Yeſter.
Mr. Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Mr. Hume.
Simſon's Notes on the Family of Douglaſs.
Charta Willielmi Domini Graham, & Jeanae Douglaſs ſponſae ſuae Georgio Graham [...]orum filio de terris de Calendar.
Vitae Epiſcoporum Dunkelden. M.S. penes me.
Remarks upon the Family of Angus, by Mr. David Simſon.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi quinti ad Annum 1535.
Manuſcript Hiſtory of the Houſe of Angus, in the Cuſtody of Sir Robert Douglaſs of Glenbervy, Baronet.
Chartulary of Arbroth.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi III. ad Annum 1468.
Charta in Rotulis dicti Regis.
Charta penes Ducem de Douglaſs.
Mr. Simſon.
Mr. Simſon's Eſſay on the Family of Douglaſs, penes me.
Chartulary of Murray in the Lawyers Liberary, M.S.
Sir Robert Gordon's Hiſtory of the Family of Sutherland.
Information for the Earl of Sutherland againſt the Earls of Argyle, Crawfurd, Errol and Marſhal.
Sir George Mackinzies Baronage of Scotland MS. penes me.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi IV. ad Annum 1507.
Chartulary of Murray.
Johnſtoni Hiſtoria rerum Britannicarum.
Ibidem & Melvil's Memoirs.
Dugdale's Baronage of England, Tom 2.
Creation of the Scots Nobility.
Mr. Martin of Claremont's Genealogical Collections, in the Hands of Claremont his Son.
Peerage of England Vol. I.
Charta in publicis Archivis.
Chartularly of Paiſly penes Joannem Comitem de Dundonald.
Pryn's Hiſtory.
Chartulary of Paiſly.
Charta in Rotulis Roberti III.
Charta penes Comitem de Dundonald.
He was the third Son of John Blair of that Ilk, by Griſel his Wife, Daughter of Robert Lord Semple.
Montroſe's Life by Dr. Wiſhart.
Guthrie's Memoirs.
Original Print pene [...] me.
Calderwood's Hiſtory of the Church of Scotland.
Dalrymple's Camden.
Regiſtration of the Patent in the Chancery Office, Edinburgh.
Charta Roberti I. Ficardo dicto Edgar de Manerio capitale cum medietate totius Baroniae de Sanquhar ad ipſum capitale manerium pertinente ſicut dicta Baronia inter Willielmum de Crichton & ipſum Ricardum nuper fuert Diviſa. Dalrymple's Collections.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi II. ad Annum 1485
Charta Roberti Crichton de Sanquha [...] militis Alexandro Crichton filio ſuo de Terras de Crawfurdſtoun, Anno 1466.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi III. ad Annum 1466.
Buchanan's Hiſtory.
Charta in publicis Archivis, ad Annum 1690.
Sir James Dalrymple's Edition of Camden Anno 1694.
Life of King Charles II.
Sandford's Hiſtory.
Charta penes Burgum de Irvine.
Drummond's Hiſtory publiſhed Anno. 1710.
Dugdale's Baronage of England.
Chartulary of Paiſly.
Chartulary of Kelſo.
Mr. Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Genealogy of Eglintoun.
Charta penes Dominum Grenock.
Charta in publicis Archivis.
Charta penes Jacobum Montgomery de Lainſhaw.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi IV. ad Annum 1508.
Account of the Family of Eglintoun.
Hume's Hiſtory of the Family of Douglaſs.
Charta penes commitem de Eglintoun.
Holinſhed's Hiſtory of Scotland.
Original Divorce ſtill extant.
Crawfurd's Memoirs.
Charta in publicis Archivis.
Dr. Johnſton's Scots Heroes.
Charta in publicis Archivis, 5 January 1603,
Spotiſwood's Hiſtory.
Guthry's Memoirs.
My Lord Kingſton's Hiſtory of the Family of Winton.
Hiſtory of Seton by the Lord Kingſtoun.
Hiſtory of Seton by the Lord Kingſtoun.
Original Act of Indemnity pones me.
Sir George Mackenzies Collections from the publick Archieves of the Kingdom.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi V.
Genealogy of the Family of Elgin.
Charta ad Annum 1604.
The Earl of Clarenden's Hiſtory.
Mr. Martin.
Scots-tarvets MS.
Hiſtorical Collections
Charta in Rotulis 1603.
Liſt of Baronets.
Charta in pub. Arch.
Original Gift to the Abbay of Dryburgh.
Charta in Rotulis Regis David.
Mr. Thomas Crawfurd's Notes on Buchanan.
Charta ad Annum 1527.
Gen. of Elphinſtoun.
Charta penes Gavinum Hamilton de Innerdovat.
Gen. of Elphinſtoun.
Charta penes Dominum de Perth.
Charta in publicis Archivis.
Original Writes of the Abbay of Couper.
Charta penes Comitem Errol.
Genealogy of Errol.
Earl of Cromarty's Vindication of King Robert III.
Charta Roberti II. dilecto filio ſuo Thomae Hay Conſtabulario Scotae & Eliſabethae ſponſae ſuae filiae noſtrae, ad Annum 1376.
Gen. of Errol.
Charta penes Comitem de Rothes.
Drummond's Hiſtory of King James I.
Charter by William Earl of Errol to Sir David Hay of Yeſter, his Uncle, in the Year 1454, among the Writes of the Family of Tweddale.
Charter by Nicol Earl of Errol to Gilbert his Uncle, of the Lands of Urrie in 1477.
Hawthornden's Hiſtory of King James. II.
Genealogy of Errol.
Mr. Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Genealogy of the Family of Errol MS.
Charta Jacobi IV. Thomae Hay filio Willielmi Comitis de Errol & Margaretae de Logy dominae de Logy-Amond ſponſae ſuae. Anno 1493. in Regiſtro.
Charta Willielmo Comiti Errol & Eliſabethae Leſly ſponſae ſuae ad Annum 1501.
Genealogy of the Family of Errol.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi IV.
Geneaology of Errol.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi V. Eliſabethae Ruthven Comitiſſae de Errol ſponſae Niniani Domini R [...]ſs.
Manuſcript Hiſtory of the Family of Errol.
Balfour's Annals.
Diploma in Cancellaria ſupremae Dominae noſtrae Reginae.
Charta in Rotulis Caroli I
Charta aliquando in Rotulis Robert II.
Reſignation by Alexander Sinclair Son to Ingeram Sinclair of Deskford to Sir Walter Ogilvy of Ach [...]en, Knight, and Margaret Sinclair Lady Deskford his Neice, quam Deo [...] dictus Dominus Walterus ducet in uxorem 1437. penes Comitem deFinlater.
Licence under the great Seal by King James II. Anno 1455, to Sir Walter Ogilvy of Deskford to build a Tower and Fortalice at the Caſtle of Finlater, ſtill preſerved among the Writs of the Family of Finlater.
Charta in publicis Archivis tempore Jacobi III.
Mr. George Martine of Clermont's Genealogical Collections.
Charta in publicis Archivis.
Genealogy of Finlater.
Charta in publicis Archivis.
Genealogy of the Family of Finlater.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi VI.
Sir George Mackenzies MS. of the Baronage of Scotland
The Regiſtrated Patent in the Chancery Office.
Retour of James Earl of Finlater to Patrick Earl of Finlater his Father in the Chancery Office.
Original Charter in the Cuſtody of the Lord Forbes.
Dr. Abercromby's Martial Atchievements.
Mr. Lumſden's Hiſtorical and Genealogical Hiſtory of the Family of Forbes.
Charrulary of Murray.
Charta penes Dominum Samuelem Forbes de Foveran Baronet.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi IL ad annum 1446.
Mr Lumſden.
Mr Lumſden.
Charta Alexandri Comitis de Huntly, Williemo Domino Forbes filio ſuo, in publicis Archivis.
Lumſden's Hiſtory of the Family of Forbes.
Mackenzie's Criminals.
Charta in publicis Archivis ad Annum 1509.
Lumſden's Account of the Family of Forbes.
Miſcellanea Scotica.
Charta in publicis Archivis.
Charta in publicis Archivis.
Charta in Rotulis Roberti II.
Mr. Rymer's Faedera Angliae.
Charta in Rotulis Murdaci Ducis Albaniae.
Rymer's Federa Angliae.
Charta in Rotolis Jacobi I ad annum 1424.
Ibidem anno Praedicto.
Charta Confirmattionis Jacobi I. de impignoratione quas Henricus Comes Orkadiae fecit delecto fratre ſuo Joan [...] Forreſter de Corſtorphin militi in 1424.
Charta in Rotolis dicti Regis.
Charta in Cancellaria ſupremae Dominae Noſtrae Reginae ad annum 1587.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi VI.
Charta in Regiſtro.
Diploma Domini Aſhtoun de Forfar.
Diploma Archibaldi Douglaſs Co [...]tis de Forfar in Rotulis Caroli II. ad Annum 1661.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi V. Willielmo Ruthven filio Willielmi Domini Ruthven ge [...]ito inter ipſum & Dominam Chriſtianam Forbes ſponſam ſuam ad annum 1527
Litera proſapiae Dominae Margretae Hay filiae Franciſci Comitis Erolliae in Rotulis Caroli I.
Guthry's Memoirs.
Diploma Patricii Comitis de Forth in Rotulis Caroli I.
Sir William Dugdale's Baronage of England.
Diploma Andreae Domini Fraſer.
Balfour's Annals.
Charta in Rotolis Caroli II.
Retour of the Lord Fraſar to his Father in the Chancery.
Deploma Henrici Vicecomitatis de Falkland in Rotolis ad annum 1620.
Dugdal's Baronage of England.
Ruſhworth's Collections.
Account of the Engliſh Dramatick Poets by Gerrard Shakeſpear, publiſh'd Anno 1691.
Shakeſpear's Account of the Engliſh Dramatick Poets,
Hiſtory of England.
Balfour and other Scots Hiſtorians.
Sir James Dalrymple's Collections.
Sir Robert Sibald's Hiſtory of Fife.
Cron. de Melroſs.
Sir Robert Sibbald's Hiſtory.
Cron. de Melroſs.
Balfour's Annals.
Sir Robert Sibbald's Hiſtory of Fife.
Monaſticon Scoticanum.
Cron. de Melroſs, & Cronicon Sanctae Crucis de Edinburck.
Dalrymple's Edition of Camden 1694.
Chartularly of Melroſs.
Monaſticon Scoticanum MS.
Chartulary of Melroſs.
Cron de Melroſs.
Balſour's Annals.
Dr. Gibſon on Camden; 1694,
Chartulary of Glaſgow MS.
Dr. Cibſon on Camden.
Dr. Abercromb [...]'s Martial Atchievements.
Charta in Rotulis Roberti I.
The Learded Mr. David Simſon conjectures this Sir Walter Steuart was Son of Sir John Steuart of Bute who was killed at Falkirk.
The original Contract is ſtill extant in the Lawyer's Library at Edinburgh.
This Sir William was a Son of the Family of Darnly, afterwards Earls and Dukes of Lennox, as appears from the Patent creating Sir Alexander Steuart Lord Garlies in the 1607, and ſeveral other Accounts.
Genealogy of the Family of Garlies by Mr. David Simſon in the Cuſtody of Alexander Bailie Eſq
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi III.
Ibidem in Rotulis dicti Regis ad annum 1476.
Simſon's MS. of the Houſe of Garlies.
Charta in publicis Archivis.
Charta Jacobi III. Joanni Steuart filio & haeredi apparenti Alexandri Steuart de Garlies & Eliſabethae Shaw ſponſae ſuae 20 Octob. 1477.
Simſon's Collections.
Genealogy of the Family of Maxwel.
Hiſtory of the Family of Garlies by Mr. David Simſon MS. penes Alexandrum Bailie de Caſtlecary.
Charta in publicis Archivis.
Mr. Simſon.
Charta in Rotulis Mariae Reginae.
Crawfurd's Memoirs.
Dr. Patrick Anderſon's Hiſtory of Scotland MS.
Mr. Simſon's Genealogy of Gairlies.
Charta in Cancellaria ſupremae Dominae noſtrae Reginae.
Diploma Alexandri Domini Garlies in Ro [...]ulis Jacobi VI.
Retour of James Earl of Galloway to Alexander Earl of Galloway his Father, in the Chancery.
Retour of Alexander Earl of Galloway to Earl James his Father, regiſtrated in the Chancery Office at Edinburgh;
Charta Willielmi Regis Scotorum Waltero de Barcklay Cameraro Scotiae terrarum de Inerkilor pro ſervitio dimidii Militis Teſt. Comite Waldeno, Comite Gilberto. Ricardo de Morevil Conſtabulario.
Dr. Abercromby's Martial Atchievemants of the Scots Nation, Page 252.
Charta Hugonis de Barclay Domini dimidiatae Baroniae de Crawfurd-John, Joanni Macmoran & Margaretae ſponſae ſuae terrarum de Haymore Teſt. Willielmo Comite de Douglas, Willielmo Baillie, Roberto de Livingſton, Joanne Heris militibus, Rogero Hog apud Edinburgum 26 Februarii 1357, penes Macmoran deGlaſpen
Charta penes Marchionem de Twedale.
Charta Hugonis Barclay deKilbirny, militis Archibaldo de Barclay filio ſuo, Dimidieatem Terrarum de Ladyland Teſt. Willielmo Cuningham de Kilmaures Hugone Campbel deLoudoun, Joanne Semple de Eliotſtoun, Hugone Blair de eodem Militibus, Thoma Boyd de Kilmarnock, Ronaldo Fulartoun de Crosby & Thoma Crawfurd de Achinames, confirmata [...]a Jacobo I. 26 May 1431 in Rotulis dicti Regis.
Charta in Rotulis dicti Regis.
Precept for infefting Marjory Barclay as Heir to John Barclay of Kilbirny, her Father, in the Viſcount of Garnock's Charter Cheſt.
The Sirname of Galbraith, as is evident from the Chartulary of Dunbartoun, has been taken from a proper Chriſtian Name; for in the time of Alexander II. Mauritius filius Galbrat, is Witneſs in a Charter by the Earl of Lennox to the Abby of Paiſly, and Willielmus de Galbraith Dominus de Gartconnel, is a Perſon of good account in the time of King David II, as is evident from ſundry Charters, in my Hands, and many others elſewhere.
The Diſcharge of the Portion is ſtill extant in the Viſcount of Garnock's Charter-Cheſt.
Charta Marjoriae Barclay Dnae Kilbirny dilecto filio ſuo primogenito & haeredi apparenti terrarum de Kilbirny, &c. 24 of April 1499, in Rotulis Jacobi IV. Teſt. Thoma & Joanne Crawfurds filiis ſuis.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi IV ad annum 1499
Gift of the Ward of Robert Crawfurd of Kilbirny, Son and Heir of umquhile Malcolm Crawfurd of Kilbirny, then in the King's Hands thro' Deceaſe of the ſaid Malcolm, dated 27 of April 1500 in the Regiſters of the Privy-Seal.
Writs of the Family of Kilbirny, in the Cuſtody of the Viſcount of Garnock
Original Charter of Excambion of the above-mentioned Lands, ſtill extant in the Viſcount of Garnock's Charter-Cheſt.
Charta penes Patricium Vicecomitem de Garnock, data 1547.
Thomas Crawfurd firſt of the Branch of Cartsburn, was the ſecond Son of Cornelius Crawfurd of Jordan-hill, by Mary Daughter of Sir James Lockhart of Lee.
Mr. Thomas Crawfurd's Notes on Buchanan.
Vita Thomae Crawfurd de Jordan-hill, penes me.
In his Hiſtory of the Family of Douglas
George Buchanans Hiſtory of Scotland of the Year 1572, where he gives Captain Crawfurd a very good Character.
Charta penes Laurentium Crawfurd de Jordan-hill.
Charta penes Vicecomitem deGarnock, data 1562.
The Family of Kerſland continued from this Daniel Crawfurd, alias Ker of Kerſland, in the Male Line, till Major Daniel Ker of Kerſland was killed at the Battle of Stainkirk, Anno 1692.
Charta penes Vicecomitem de Garnock. Of this Marriage of David Fairly of that Ilk, and Catherine Crawfurd, there were three Daughters, 1ſt. Margaret Heireſs of Fairly. 2d. Marion to John Steuart of A [...]cog, in Vicecomitatu de Bute, Son to William Steuart of Kilcattan. 3d. Eliſabeth to Robert Boyd of Portencroſs, in Vicecomitatu de Air.
Remiſhon to Hugh Crawfurd of Kilbirny, 8th of September 1571, in Archivis Jacobi VI.
Charta penes Vicecomitem de Garnock.
Retour of John Crawfurd of Kilbirny to John his Father.
Record of the Parliament 1661.
Record of the Convention of Eſtates.
Mr. Thomas Crawfurd Profeſſor of Philoſophy in the Univerſity of Edinburgh,
Sir John Cuningham's Hiſtorical Collections courteouſly furniſhed me by the favour of John Corſs Writer in Edinburgh.
Charta penes Comitem de Panmure.
Charta in publicis Archivis.
Charta Willielmi Domini Ruthven Willielmo Ruthven filio ſu [...] terarum de Cowgask in Rotulis Jacobi IV. ad annum 1506.
Sir George Mackenzie's Genealogical Collections.
Charta in publicis Archivis ad annum 1508.
Charta in publicis Archivis ad Annum 1521. Etiam litera proſopiae Dominae Margaretae Hay.
Ibidem ad annum 1525.
Ibidem ad annum 1521.
Ibid ad annum 1564
Ibidem ad annum 1543.
Ibidem & Genealogia Ruthvanorum.
Ibidem, etiam Charta in Rotulis Reginae Mariae ad annum 1562.
Hume's Hiſtory of the Family of Douglas.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi VI. ad annum 1573.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi VI. ad annum 1566.
Gift of the Theſaurer's Office to William Lord Ruthven, under the Privy-Seal
Biſhop Spotſwood's Hiſtory.
Sir James Melvil's Memoirs.
Charta in Rotulis Jac. VI.
This Conſpiracy of the Earl of Goury is ſet in a true Light from the Records of Council and Parliament, by the Right Honourable and Learn'd, George Earl of Cromarty, publiſhed in the 1713
This from an Authentick Copy of his Arms, richly illuminated in the Year 1597, with his Name and Titles, viz. Joannes Ruthven, Comes de Goury, Dominus de Ruthven, &c. in my Hands.
This local Sirname was aſſumed from the Lands of Abercromby in Fife, according to Sir George Mackenzie, tempore Malcomi III. and continued a Family in good Reſpect, till it came to a Cloſe in the Perſon of Thomas Abercromby of that I [...]k, in the Reign of King Charles I. One of Birkenbog's Predeceſſors Umphray Abercromby got a Charter from King Robert I. of the Lands of Ardun, and Hart-hill, and has ſince ally'd with the Families of Errol, Finlater, &c.
According to the Cron. of Melroſs, Richard Morvil then died.
Charter of Mortification by Richenda de Barclay, Daughter of Sir Umphra Barclay Knight to the Abby of Arbroth, with Conſent of Robert the Son of Warnebald her Spouſe.
Charta penes Alexandrum Porterfield de eodem.
Sir John Cuningham, a very learned Lawyer, and an excellent Antiquary, mentions a Charter by William Lord of Kilmaures, with Conſent of William his Son and Heir apparent, Thomae Cuningham filio ſuo [...]uniori, [...]rra [...]um de Bedla [...] in tenemento de Dalray, 9th May 1385, and ſays that he was Anceſtor to Capringtoun.
Original Contract of Diviſion of the Co-heirs of Sir Robert Denniſton Knight, betwixt Sir William Cuningham of Kilmaures & Sir Robert Maxwel of Calderw [...]od. Anno 1404, penes Domi [...]um Pollock
Sir John Cuningham's Collections relating to the Family of Glencairn, pen [...]s Joannem Croſs Scribam Edinburgenſem.
Mr. Richard Cuningham of Bedlan mentions this in his Notes on the Family of Glencairn.
Sir John Cuningham remarks a Charter by Sir William Cuningham of Kilmaures to William Cuningham his Son, of the Lands of Wood-hall
Balfour's Annals
Haddingtoun's Collections ad annum 1434
Penes Willielmium Comitem de Glencairn.
Genealogy of the Family of Glencairn by Mr. Cuningham of Bedlan.
Charter by Alexander Lord Kilmaures to William Cuningham his Son, of the Lands of Denniſtoun, Anno 1480, which Sir John Cuningham has a Note of.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi IV.
Rymer's Feedera Angliae.
Rymer ad Annum 1543.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi V.
Genealogy of Glencairn.
Charta in Rotulis Mariae Reginae ad annum 1552.
Johnſton's Heroes.
Charta in Cancellaria.
Earl of Clarenden.
Retour John Earl of Glencairn to Alexander Earl of Glencairn, his Brother, in the Chancery Office.
Minuts of Parliament.
Original Charter in the Cuſtody of my Lord Glaſgow, which I have ſeen Cut in a Coper-plate by the ingenious Mr. James Anderſon.
Sir George Mackenzie's Collections MS.
Pryn's Collections.
Regiſter of the Abby of Paſly, belonging to the Earl of Dundonald.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi V. ſub privato ſigillo.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi V. ad annum 1531.
Charta in publicis Archivis & Charta penes Jacobum Boyle de Beliecun.
Chartain in Rotulis Reginae M [...]riae.
Atteſted Pedegree of the Family of Kelburn, penes Comitem de Glaſgow.
Acts of Parliament.
This David Boyle of Halks-hill, was Son and Heir of James Boyle of Halkshill by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of David Crawfurd of Bedlane, Son and Heir of David Boyle of Halkshill, by Chriſtian his Wife Niece to the Lord Boyd, Son of John Boyle by Chriſtian his Wife, Daughter of . . . . . . Wallace of Cairn-hill 2d Son to John Boyle of Kelburn, as before remarked.
This James obtained the Lands of Montgomerieſtoun, by the Marriage of Janet Daughter and Heir of Mr. Robert Barclay Provo [...]t of Irvine, and by her was Father of James Boyle one of the Commiſſioners of the Exciſe in Scotland, Anno 1713.
Records of Parliament 1681.
Ibidem, and Retour of David Boyle of Kelburn to his Father in the Chancery Office.
Patent creating David Boyle of Kelburn Lord Boyle.
Patent creating David Lord Boyle Earl of Glaſgow, both Regiſted in the Chancery Court.
Regiſter of the Abby of Kelſo in Bibliotheca Juridica Edinburg.
Regiſter of the Abby of Kelſo in Bibliotheca Juridica Edinburg.
Charta in publicis Archivis.
Chartulary of Kelſo.
Hiſtory of the Family of Huntly
Genealogical Hiſtory of Drummond by the Viſcount of Strathallan MS.
Charta in Rotulis Roberti Ducis Alb [...]iae.
Rymer's Foedera.
Hawthornden's Hiſtory of the five King James's, laſt Edition.
Charta in publicis Archivis, etiam Charta penes Dominum Gray ad annum 1437.
I have many Writes in my Hands that ſufficiently make out this Aſſertion
Charta in Rotulis.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi III.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Charta in Regiſtro.
Manuſcript Hiſtory of the Family of Gordon.
Hiſtory of the Royal Family publiſhed in 1710:
Charta penes Joannem Duminum Gray.
Balſour's Genealogical Collections MS.
Charta penes Dominum Gray.
Drummond's Hiſtory of King James IV.
Charta in publicis Archivis.
Charta in publicis Archivis.
Balfour's MS.
Charta in publicis Archivis.
Dr. Anderſon's MS Hiſtory of Scotland.
Charta in Rotulis Mariae Reginae ad annum 1548.
Charta in Rotulis Mariae Reginae.
Charta penes Dominum Gray.
Charta in Archivis David II. ad Annu [...] 1463. etiam Charta in Rotulis Roberti II.
Rymer's l'oedera Angli [...].
Charta penes Dominum Gray.
Family Book of the Houſe of Panmute, M.S.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi II.
Charta penes Dominum Gray.
Notand. Sir Andrew Gray Lord Foulis, had by Dame Janet Mortimer, another Daughter [...] [...] [...] on the other Page, . . . . . . married to Maclellan of Bomby, Anceſtor to the Lord Kircudbright.
This Sir William Gray was Son to Thomas Gray of Brighouſe, for ſo I find him called in a Record [...] Aberdeen, 10th June 1620: Which Thomas Gray I find deſign'd in another Record, Nephew to Andrew Gray of [...], who was ſl [...]in at the Battle of Flowdoun, whoſe Father Andrew Gray of Mure [...] bei [...]g a Son of the Family of Gray, was married to the Heireſs of [...] in Aberdeen-ſhire. This Sir William Gray, by Merchandizing, and other worthy Means, aquired the greateſt Wealth not only to himſelf, but to the whole Nation, by improving and enla [...]ing its Trade with all Countries in Europe, in [...] much that the Evidences relating to the Trade in which he was concerned, and the Eſtate which he acquired, would ſcarce be believed, if they were not ſtill extant in the Famil [...], which I my ſelf have peruſed: But his Merit was yet greater than his Wealth, the one having been much leſſen'd by the other, for he was fin'd by the Parliament at St. Andrews, in the Sum of 1 [...]000 Merks, for correſponding with the great Montroſe, and impriſon'd in the Caſtle of Edinburgh, which refuſing to pay, by Order of the Committee of [...], was brought down to the Tolbooth or common Priſon, where he was kept, till his [...] Maſter Gray, and his other Friends, upon Application to the ſaid Committee, got it m [...]ied to [...] Merks, which was inſtantly paid, as the Diſcharge yet extant teſtifies; beſides the Sum of [...] Sterl. was extorted from him by Way of Loan, but never repaid. Theſe Hardſhips with the encreaſing Troubles of the Country and Royal Family, put an End to his Life Anno 164 [...]. He married Dame Giles Smith, Siſter to Sir John Smith of Grotel, Provoſt of Edinburgh, and by her had Six Sons and Twelve Daughters, Robert the Second Son was kill'd at the Battle of Inver [...]hing, David killed at Tangier with the Earl of Teviot; Alexander died unmarried; Mr. Andrew died Miniſter at Glaſgow, a young Man of great Piety and Learning; Ten of his Daugters were honourably married, the other Two died Maids.
Sir George Mackenzies Collections for a Baronage of Scotland, MS. penes me. Nota, I have not had any Opportunity to ſee the Writes of this ancient Family: but what I have glean'd up in the Courſe of my peruſing the Records of the Nation, and other Documents, is as follows. I find that George Falconer of Halkertoun died in the 1511, and was ſucceeded by David his Son, who married Marion Dunbar, Daughter of . . . . . . Dunbar of . . . . . . . and was ſucceeded by Alexander his Son, who improved his Eſtate, and purchaſed the Lands of Midletoun to his Family, in the 1539: He had to Wife Eliſabeth Daughter of Sir Archibald Douglaſs of Glenbervy, immediate Anceſtor to the preſent Duke of Douglaſs, and had by her Alexander Falconer of Halkertoun his ſucceſſor, Archibald Progenitor of Sir James Falconer of Pheſdo, Samuel of Kincorth, in Vic. de Elgin, William of Dinduff, Progenitor of Mr. Colin Falconer firſt Biſhop of Argyle, and thereafter of Murray, in the Reign of King Charles II. Sir Alexander Falconer the next Baron of Halkertoun married Margaret Daughter to Patrick Lord Gray, by whom he had two Sons, Sir Alexander and Patrick Falconer of Newtoun, Anceſtor to Falconer of Montoun, in Vic. de Edinburgh. This Sir Alexander was by the after-mentioned Agnes Carnegy, Father to Sir Alexander Falconer the firſt Lord Halkertoun, and of two younger Sons, Sir David Falconer of Glenfarquhar, and Sir John Falconer of Balmakellie, who was Maſter of the Mint in the Time of King Charles II. This Sir David Falconer of Glenfarquhar, had two Sons, Sir Alexander Falconer of Glenfarquhar, and Sir David Falconer of Newton, who was promoted to be one of the Senators of the College of Juſtice, Anno 1676, and Preſident of the Seſſion on the 5th of July 1682, whoſe Son and Heir is David Falconer of Newtoun Eſq in Vic. de Kincardin.
Liſt of the Lords of Seſſion ſince the Inſtitution of the College of Juſtice, in the Lawyers Library MS.
Charta in Cancellaria Sanctae Dominae Noſtrae Reginae
Ibidem, where Alexander Lord Halkertoun is retoured to his Father.
Retour of David Lord Halkertoun to Alexander his Father in the Chancery Office, Edinburgh
Acts of Parliament.
Charta in pub. Arch.
Nota, I have ſeen a Memorial of the Lineage of this Family, which makes this Mr. Francis the Son of Mr. Richard Bothwel, by Jean Somervel his Wife, a Daughter of Somervel of Plain, in Vic. de Stirling.
Charta in Rotulis Mariae Reginae.
Liſt of the Lords of Seſſion with the time of their Admiſſions MS. in the Lawyers Library.
Mr. Wallace Hiſtory of Orkney.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi VI. ad annum 1607.
Liſt of the Lords of Seſſion.
Charta penes Comitem de Hyndford.
Charta in Cancell [...]ria Sanctae Dominae Noſtrae Reginae.
Generalis retornatus Alexandri Bothuel de Giencorſs ad Joannem quondam Dominum Haly-rude-houſe penes D. Glencorſs.
Wiſhaw's Account of the Family of Hamilton.
Mr. Rymer's Foedera Angli [...]
The Charter is dated 27 September 1369.
Acts of Parliament ſtill extan [...] in the Records, where he is mentioned in both.
Chartulary of Glaſgow in the Hands of Alexander Baillie of Caſtlecarry.
Mr. William Hamilton of Wiſhaw.
From Writs in my Hands, I find that Hamilton of Camskeith is now repreſented by Alexander Hamilton of Grange in Air-ſhire.
Wiſhaw's Account of the Duke of Hamilton's Family MS.
Penes Eundem.
This from Wiſhaw's Account of the Family of Hamilton. Etiam Charta penes Alexandrum Baillie de Caſtlecarry, ad annum 1407.
Charter by Sir Alexander Fraſer, Thane of Cowie and Dores, with Conſent of Eliſabeth Hamilton his Spouſe, to Alexander Fraſer his Son, of the Lands of Dores in the 1400; and is preſently in my Hands by the favour of Sir Peter Fraſer of Dores.
Mr. Rymer's Foedera Angliae ad Annum 1411.
Mr. Rymer's Foedera Angliae ad Annum 1423.
Charta penes D. de Hamilton.
Rymer's Foedera.
Charta penes D. de Hamilton.
Rymer's Foedera.
Charta Mortificationis Jacobi Domini Hamilton Academiae Glaſguen. de quatuor acris terrae Montis Columbarum, ac etiam Tenementum in Magno vico ex parte orientali loci Fratrum praedicatorum. The Reddendo is, Quod omnes Magiſtri & Succeſſores eorum ſingulis diebus fine prandii aut coenae cum univerſis ſtuden. orabunt pro animabus Jacobi Domini Hamilton & Euphemiae ſponſae ſuae, heredum & ſucceſſorum ſuorum in perpetuum. The Charter moreover has this Clauſe, that he makes the Donation above-ſpecified, Ob ſalutem animarum omnium a quibus bona aliqua habui directe aut indirecte, & hactenus reſtitutionem non feci.
Wiſhaw's Notes on the Family of Hamilton.
Nota This Gavin Hamilton Provoſt of Bothwel, I'm told, was an aged Man before he entred into Orders, and long before had been married and had Children, of whom came Orbiſtoun and its Cadets.
Dr. Baillies Notes on the Family of Hamiltoun.
NOTA, Here it will, I apprehend, be neither improper nor ungrateful to my Reader, to offer ſome Conſiderations to obviate that Aſſ [...]rtion of George Buchanan, and other Hiſtorians who have copied and tranſlated from him, who inſinuate, th [...]t the Lady Mary the King's Siſter, was forced by her Brother to marry James Lord Hamilton, when Thomas Boyd Earl of Arran her Husband was alive: And this is generally believed by every Body who reads George Buchanan's Hiſtory, and enquire no more about it, but depend on our Affairs as wrote by him, who indeed, to do him Juſtice, was a very learned and polite Perſon, and has wrote the Hiſtory of Scotland not much inferior in Style to the beſt Roman Authors. I ſhall here offer what I have obſerved in relation to this Affair. All Hiſtories commend the Lady Mary's Affection to her Husband, and tell us, That ſhe could not be prevailed with to forſake or deſert him when he fell into Diſgrace, but tranſported her ſelf with him into foreign Parts to ſhare with him in his Misfortunes, and ſojourned with him in Denmark and Flanders for ſome time, till ſhe underſtood from Scotland, that her Preſence and Solicitation with her Brother might prevail with him to ſuffer my Lord Arran to return home to his Native Country, and accordingly ſhe came to Scotland: But the King continuing inexorable, and the Lady detain'd from going abroad, the poor unfortunate Earl of Arran ſoon after died of Grief at Antwerp: She continuing a Widow till the 1474. is then, I find, married to James Lord Hamilton. Moreover, I'm told by Mr. Hamilton of Wiſhaw, that the Contract of Marriage is ſtill preſerved among the Archives of the Family, but I have not ſeen it; but there is a Charter in my hands dated the 12th of July 1474, to James Lord Hamilton and the Lady Mary Stewart the King's Siſter, of the Lands of Kinneil, &c. Moreover, I think the Teſtimony of Mr John Ballenden Arch Dean of Murray, who was Co temporary with the Lady whom we find alive in the 1515, and for ought I know lived much longer, ought to be regarded. He at the Command of King James V. tranſlated Hector Boethius Hiſtory of Scotland into Engliſh, printed in the Year 1536, under this Title, The Hiſtory and Cronicles of Scotland compleated, and newly corrected and amended by the reverend and noble Clerk Mr. Hector Boeis Canon of Aberdeen, tranſlated by Mr. John Ballenden Arch-Dean of Murray and Canon of Roſs. And there he ſays, Book 12 Cap 5. The first Daughter of King James II. was married to the Lord Boyd, of whom was begotten a Son, whilk was ſlain by the Lord Montgomery, and a Daughter married to the Earl of Caſſils; and after the Death of the Lord Boyd, this Daughter of King James II. was married on the Lord Hamilton, and that way the Houſe of Hamilton is Decorit in the King's Blood. I ſay, I think the Authority of this learned and ingenuous Author ſhould determine any Man of Judgment more than a poſterior Party-writer, ſuch as every one knows George Buchanan was, with all Deference to his Character otherways: For every Body may perceive, who reads his Book, that he takes all Opportunities to blacken and miſrepreſent this nob [...]e Family, ſometimes with very great Inconſiſtency with himſelf, as a judicious Hiſtorian; and if this be not ſufficient to diſprove this part of Buchanan's Hiſtory, take alſo the Teſtimony of a very ingenious Foreign Hiſtorian Ralph Holinſhed; who wrote a Hiſtory of Scotland, wherein he ſays, ‘"That after the Death of the Lord Boyd, the Daughter of King James II. was married to the Lord Hamilton."’ But how far will not an Author depart from Truth, who is the devoted Servant of any Party, as Buchanan was, who wrote the latter part of his Hiſtory to ſerve a particular turn, well enough known?
Obituary of Glaſgow in the Chartulary of that Metropolitan See, in the Hands of Alexander Baillie of Caſtle-Carrie, a Gentleman well known in the Antiquities of his Country, and who has been at great Pains to make conſiderable Collections very uſeful for illuſtrating the Hiſtory of the Kingdom.
Charter of Erection of the Earldom of Arran in favours of James Lord Hamilton, in the publick Regiſter of Charters. This may likeways ſerve to correct the Miſtake of thoſe Hiſtorians, who ſay, That when James Lord Hamilton married the Siſter of King James III, that he got with her the Earldom of Arran, which Marriage I have made evident, was in the 1474, and yet this Grant of the Earldom of Arran was not to him, nor his Son for Twenty Nine Years after the Marriage of his Father and Mother. From this we may remark how George Buchanan, and other Hiſtorians who copy from him, are to be relyed on, who take Materials and Vouchers of their Hiſtories from other Authors who have wrote before them, and never looked into the National Records, where proper Materials for a Hiſtorian are to be found: For I cannot imagine that Mr. Buchanan ever gave himſelf the Trouble to turn over one Roll in the publick Archives of the Kingdom, otherwiſe he could not but have diſcovered the Error of Robert III's Illegitmacy, and many other Things relating both to the Royal Family, as well as to this Noble Family I now write of; for ſince the Time of King Robert the Bruce the Records are pretty full, ſo that if diligently peruſed, would have rectified many very groſs Errors all our old Hiſtorians have fallen into, whom Buchanan, as to the Hiſtory, has followed exactly; for he only turned their Books into that ornate Latine Style we now read his Hiſtory of Scotland in. For I cannot imagine Buchanan ſaw the Records, otherwiſe he could not have been ſo Wicked, or ſo Perverſe an Hiſtorian as to have concealed Matters of Fact ſo evident there, and of ſuch importance to the Royal Family, except ye ſuppoſe, (as indeed many do) that he was well pleaſed to find that any before him had wrote of the illegitimacy of King Robert III, and thereby to make it a Precedent for the Succeſſion of another Baſtard to the Crown, who was his Patron, in Prejudice of the lawful Heirs; and James Duke of Chatlerault being then the preſumptive Heir of the Crown failling of Queen Mary and her young Son King James VI. I believe Mr. Buchanan had a particular View to that in his malicious and falſe Aſperſions againſt that moſt Noble and Worthy Lord and his Family, both in his Hiſtory, and in another ſcurrilous Paſquil he wrote, entitul'd, An Admonition to the true Lords, and which is the moſt falſe, and moſt ſcandalous writing that ever flowed from the Pen of any Man of the leaſt Worth, which ſhall be anſwered elſewhere, to the Conviction of any who will allow themſelves to believe Truth, all clearly made out from original Writings, accidentally come into my Hands.
Drummond's Hiſtory.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi IV.
My Lord Strathallan's Hiſtorical Account of the Family of Perth, penes Jo. Drummond M.D.
This is fully made evident from the Proceſs of Divorce at the inſtance of the ſaid James Earl of Arran, as it was led and deduced before Mr. Patrick Coventree, and other Judges delegate for that Effect, in the 1513, and is ſtill preſerved in the Charter Cheſt of the Family, whereby it appears ſhe had been formerly married to Sir Thomas Hay, who then was alive, and ſo could not be married to any other Man. This, by the by, is ſufficient to correct the Miſtake of the Author of a Hiſtory of the Church of Scotland, called Knox's Hiſtory, who makes James Duke of Chatlerault born in unlawful Wedlock, in regard Eliſabeth Hume his Father's firſt Wife was alive; but that Author had not acceſs to ſee or know of this Divorce, otherwiſe I have more Charity for him than to think he would have tranſmitted a Falſhood to Poſterity.
Drummonds Hiſtory of King James V.
The Original of this Act is in the Cuſtody of the Family of Hamilton, bearing date 13th of March 1543, to which all the Seals of the Noblemen, Prelates and Burroughs are appended, which I have ſeen, and from which I took this Note.
Letter under the Privy Seal.
Hiſtory of Scotland ad annum 1569.
Drumſoy's Memoirs.
Melvil's Memoirs.
Queen Mary always called the Duke of Chattlerault Father.
Arch-Biſhop Spottiſwood's Hiſtory of the Church of Scotland.
Charta in Bibliotheca Juridica MS. a Gulielmo Wilſon Clerico Seſſionis deputato, Facultati Juridicae donata, codemque in Regni hujus Antiquitatibus haud parum verſato.
This Ring is ſtill preſerved with a due regard in the Family to this Day, and I have ſeen it in my Lady Dutcheſs of Hamilton's Cuſtody.
Sir James Melvil's Memoirs.
Writes of the Privy Seal in the publick Records.
Sir George Mackenzies Herauldry.
Chart [...] in Cancellaria S D. N R.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi VI. ad annum 1608.
Mr. Calderwood's Hiſtory of the Church of Scotland.
Dr Burnet's Memoirs of the Dukes of Hamilton.
Dr. Burnet makes out this fully.
The Earl of Clarendon's Hiſtory of the Rebellion.
The Earl of Clarendon's Hiſtory of the Rebellion & Civil War.
Diploma Jacobi Ducis de Hamilton in Rotulis Car: I.
Earl of Clarendon's Hiſtory of the Rebellion,
Biſhop Burnet's Memoir's of James Du [...]e of Hamilton.
Dr. Burnet's Memoirs.
Biſhop Guthrie's Memoirs.
The Life of James Duke of Hamilton.
The Capitulation is ſet down a [...] length in Dr. Burnet's Memoirs of the Dukes of Hamilton, & Peerage of England.
Life of James Duke of Hamilton.
Life of William Duke of Hamilton
Biſhop Burnet's Memoirs of the Dukes of Hamilton.
Diploma Gulielmi Comitis de Lanerk in Rotulis Car. I. ad annum 1639.
Lives of the Officers of State, MS. penes me.
The Biſhop of Duakeid's Memoir of the Civil War.
Earl of Clarendon's Hiſtory, and Biſhop Burnet's Memoirs compar'd.
Burnet's Memoirs.
Clarendon's Hiſtory.
Guthrie's Memoirs.
Clarendon's Hiſtory.
Burnet's Memoirs.
Guthrie's Memoirs.
Biſhop Burnet's Memoirs, I wiſh lateſt Poſterity may not for ever have cauſe to remark, with equal Sorrow and Regret the ſame ominous Day threeſcore Years, viz. ſixteenth of January one thouſand ſeven hundred and ſeven, on which the late Treaty of Union betwixt the two Nations was ratified and approven b [...] Act of Parliament, whereby alas! Scotland is now no more; well may Scots-Men, who think on the Tranſactions of that Day ſay with the Poet, Quis talia fand [...] temperes a lachrimis.
Clarendon's Hiſtory.
The Earl of Clarendon in his Hiſtory has the Subſtance of the Treaty.
Biſhop Guthrie's Memoirs.
Charta in Rotulis Car. II. ad annum 1660.
Miſcellany Collections.
Hiſtory of England Vol. III.
Memoirs [...]f the Convention of Eſtates MS.
Acts of the Convention of Eſtates.
Acts and Orders of the Convention of Eſtates.
Acts and Orders of the Eſtates of the Kingdom of Scotland Anno 1689.
Acts of Parliament.
State of Europe for the Year 1710.
Memoirs of James fourth Duke of Hamilton.
Hiſtory of England Vol. III.
Genealogical Hiſtory of the Houſe of Burboun.
Memoirs of James late Duke of Hamilton MS.
Howels Hiſtory:
Sand [...]ord's Genealogical Hiſtory of the Kings of England.
Miſcellany Collections of the Year 1689.
Hiſtory of England Vol. III.
The Patent making the Earl of Arran Duke of Hamiltoun bears Date at Loe the 10th of Auguſt 1698. but it allows him the Precedency by his G [...]nd-father's Creation, 12th of July 1643.
Hiſtory of Europe for the 1708.
Hiſtory of Europe for the 1710.
Nota, His Grace the Duke of Hamilton and the Lord Mohun had married two Ladies who were near Relations, both Nieces to Charles late Earl of Maclesfield, and having been at Law for ſome time about an Eſtate, they met twice, and the laſt time on the 13th of December at Mr. Orlebars in Chancery, at his Chamber in the Rolls, where, upon the Examination of Mr. Whiteworth, who had been Steward to the Lady Gerard and the Macleſfield Family, the Duke happening to ſay, He had neither Truth nor Juſtice in him. Mohun in Anſwer reply'd He had as much [...]ruth as his Grace: This was the unhapp [...] beginning of the Quarrel, upon which a Challenge was carried by Lieutenant-General Mack [...]rtney, the Lord Mohun's Second, who according to the poſitive Oath of Colonel Hamilton the Duke's Second and the general Clamour, wounded the Duke in the Side after the Lord M [...]h [...]n [...]ell, which I ſuppoſe was the immediate Cauſe of his Death, notwithſtanding the Rewards promiſed both by the Government, and her Grace the Dutcheſs of Hamiltoun, and the [...]tricteſt Search after him, he made his eſcape and got off.
Sir James Dalrymple's Collections.
Mackenzie's Herauldy.
Dalrymple's Miſcellany Collections.
Charta Herberto Domino Harries in Rotulis Jacobi IV.
Charta penes Ducem de Douglaſs.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi V. etiam Genealogia Familiae Harreziae MS.
Charta in publicis Archivis.
Gen. Harreziae.
Genealogical Deduction of the Family of the Hope's in MS.
Mr. Calderwood's Hiſtory of the Affairs of the Church of Scotland.
Biſhop of Dunkeld's Memoirs.
Biſhop Nicolſon's Scots Hiſtorical Library All his Works are in the Lawyer's Library, ſave the Genealogy of the Earls of Mar
Regiſters of the Heraulds Office.
Guthry's Memoirs.
Vita Jacobi VII.
Charta in Cancellaria S. D. N. Reginae.
Patricius Comes makes a Donative of the Church of Hume to the Abbey of Kelſo before the Year 1166, that according to the Chron. of Melroſs he made his Exit out of this World, and Willielmus Dominus de Hume & de Greenlaw filius Patricii afterward ratifies the Grant of Lands to the ſame Abbey, which Dominus Willielmus Dominus de Greenlaw filius Patr cii quondam Domini de Dunbar fecit Eccleſiae Sanctae Mariae de Kelſo, in Regiſtro dicti Monaſterii
Chartulary of Kelſo in Bib. Juridica Edin.
Mr. David Hume in his Hiſtory of the Family of Douglaſs, and Mr. Thomas Crawfurd's Notes on Buchanan's Hiſtory
Mr. Alexander Nisbet's Treatiſe of Herauldry.
This David Hume obtain'd the Lands of Wedderburn from Arch. Earl of Douglas propter ſua Multiplicia ſervitia, as the original Grant bears, dated Anno 1414, mentioned by Mr David Hume of Godscroft a Son of the Family in his Preface to the Hiſtory of the Douglaſſes, of this Branch are come the Earls of Dunbar and Marchmont, the Barons of Manderſtoun, Blackadder, Renton, and there ſeveral Cadets.
Mr. David Hume in his Hiſtory of the Douglaſſes, for this he cites the black Book of Scoon.
This from Mr. David Hume of Godscrofts Preface to the Hiſtory of the Douglaſſes
Foundation of the Collegiate Kirk of Dunglaſs, among the other Foundations collected from the Records and elſewhere, ſince the Days of King James I. MS. wherein there is mention of Sir Alexander Hume his Father, Jean Hay his Mother, Thomas his Grand-father and ſeveral other collateral Relations.
I have both the Authority of Sir George Mackenzie in his MS. Baronage of Scotland, and Mr. Thomas Crawfurd's Notes on Buchanan.
All the Sons are made out from an Entail of their Father of his Eſtate, Anno 1453, in the Rolls of King James III. etjam charta in Rotulis Jacobi IV.
Charta Alexandri Hume de Eodem Militi & Margar [...]tae Montgomery ſponſae ſuae in Rotulis Jacobi III.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi III. ad annum 1467.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi IV. ad annum 1489.
Holinſhed's Chronicle
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi IV. ad annum 1489.
Charta in Rotulis dicti Regis
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi IV.
Charta Alexandri Domino Hume in Rotulis Jacobi IV. ad annum 1493.
Sir James Balfour's Annals MS. in Bibliotheca Juridica Edin.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi IV.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi V. ad annum 1531.
Hume and Drummonds Hiſtories.
Charta in Rotulis Mariae R.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi VI. ad annum 1586.
Charta in publicis Archivis.
Melvil's Memoirs.
Charta in Rotulis Mariae Reginae ad annum 1563.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi VI.
The moſt famous and learned Antiquary Mr. Thomas Crawfurd's Notes of Buchanan's Hiſtory, likewiſe Mr. Alexander Nisbet's Treatiſe of Herauldry Page 151
Johnſton's Poems.
Balfour's Annals
Peerage of England.
The famous William Camden's Annals.
Genealogy of the Family of Hume.
Peerage of England new Edition of 1713. Vol. I.
This Sir James Hume of Coldingknows who ſucceeded to the Honour of Earl of Hume, was Son of Sir John Hume of Coldingknows by Mary eldeſt Daughter and Co-heir of George Hume Earl of Dunbar.
Charta in Rotulis Caroli I.
Mr. Thomſon's Miſcellany Collections MS.
Peerage of England.
Mr. William Dunlop late Principal of the College of Glaſgow his Collections for a Peerage of Scotland MS.
Charta penes Jacobum comitem de Hyndford, I could not condeſcend of the particular date of the Precept, but it muſt be betwixt the 1586 and the 1588.
Memoirs of the Family of Carmichael.
Charta penes Marchionem de Twedale.
Reliquiae ſancti Kentigerni ſive vitae Epiſcoporum Glaſguen. penes me MS.
Mr. Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi III. ad annum 1482.
Genealogia familiae de Carmichael MS.
Charta ſub magno ſigillo Jacobi IV. ad annum 1507.
Charta in publicis Archivis ad annum 1541.
Hume's Hiſtory of the Family of Douglas
Johnſtoni Hiſtoria rerum Britannicarum.
Ibidem ad annum 1590.
Johnſtoni Hiſt. Brit.
Charta in Rotulis Mariae Reginae.
Charta penes comitem de Hyndford.
The Roll is in the Cuſtody of the Earl of Hyndford.
Genealogia familiae de Hyndford ac etiam Genealogia familiae de Lowdoun.
Charta penes Jacobum Comitem de Hyndford.
Charta in Rotulis Car. I.
Diploma Jacobi Domini Carmichael penes Comitem de Hyndford.
Retour of John Lord Carmichael to James Lord Carmichael his Grandfather in the Chancery.
Charta in Cancellaria S. D. N. R.
N.B. There is a very ancient Family of this Sirname in the County of Air, Entitul'd Ker of Kerſland, where they have been fix'd ſince the Reign of King Alexander II. as appears from Authorities I have ſeen, they give a Coat of Arms much the ſame that the Peers of this Name do, with this difference, that Kerſland wears the three Molets on a Bend dexter, and they bear them upon a Cheveron. This Family continu'd from that time in a direct Male Succeſſion till the Days of Queen Mary, that Robert Ker of Kerſland having no Male Iſſue of his Body, Janet his eldeſt Daughter became his Heir, then the Wife of the famous Captain Thomas Crawfurd of Jordanhill, a younger Brother of the Houſe of Kilbirny, ſorenown'd in the Hiſtory of King James VI. by whom ſhe had ſeveral Children, the eldeſt Son Daniel aſſumed the Name of Ker, and was the great Grand-father of Major Daniel Ker of Kerſland, who was killed at the Battle of Stainkirk Anno 1692.
Sir George Mackenzies Account of the Family of Ferniehirſt in his Baronage MS.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Charta penes Marchionem de Tweddale.
Charta penes Marchionem de Tweddale.
Charta in Publicis Archivis.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi VI.
Calderwood's Hiſt.
Regiſter of the Lyons Office.
Charta in Rotulis Annae Reginae.
Charta in Rotulis Caroli I.
Charta in Rotulis Caroli II.
Chron. de Melroſs.
Charta fundations Monaſterii de Sandal in publicis Archivis & Chartulario Monaſterii Paſletenſis.
Monaſticon Scoticanum penes me MS.
Charta Confirmationis in Rot [...]lis Jacobi IV Davidi Epiſcopo Liſmoren. Abbaciae de Sandal annexatum Epiſcopatui ſuo Anno 1507.
Chartula Paſletenſis penes Comitem de Dundonald.
In the Mortifications to Paiſly he is deſigned Dovenaldus filius Reginaldi filii Somerledi.
Charta Mortif. Aenguſii filii Dovenaldi Eccleſiae de Kelkeran Abbati & Conventui de P [...]ſlet in Chartulario Dicti Monaſterii in mea Cuſtodia per favorem Nobiliſſimi Comitis Joa [...]nis Comitis de Dundonald.
I find this Alexander deſigned Filius & haeres Aenguſii Donaldi de Inſulis, in a Confirmation by him to the Monks of Paiſly, of the Patronage of the Church of St. Querran, recorded in the Regiſter of that Abbey.
Mr. Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Memorial of the Mackdonalds, in the hands of Sir Donald Mackdonald of Slate.
Regiſter of the Abbey of Paiſly.
Genealogy of the Mackdonalds, in the Cuſtody of Sir Donald Mackdonald of Slate.
There are three diſtinct Charters in the Rolls of King Robert II. to this John Lord of the Iſles, and Margaret his Wife the King's Daughter in the 1376.
I have ſeveral Documents to prove this Deſcent of Dunniveg
Sir George Mackenzie's Collections MS.
Genealogical Hiſtory of the Earls of Sutherland, by Sir Robert Gordon MS
Charta in publicis Archivis.
Sir George Mackenzie's Genealogical Collections.
Charta penes Dominum Saltoun
Hiſtory of Scotland by John Major compared with the Hiſtory of the Royal Family publiſhed 1710.
Charta in publicis Archivis ad annum 1507.
Mr. Ferrerius Hiſtory of the Family of Huntly courteouſly afforded me by that great and noble Patron of Learning and Antiquity George Earl of Cromerty.
Mr. Rymer's Foedera Angliae lately publiſhed.
Charta in publicis Archivis.
Ibidem ad annum 1476.
Mr. Martin's Deſcription of the Iſles pag. 211.
Charta in publicis Archivis.
Genealogy of Slate penes D. Donaldum Mackdonald Baronet.
Chart [...] in Cancellaria Sereniffimae D [...]min [...] noſtrae Reginae.
The Right Honourable George Earl of Cromerty his Nephew in Law.
Crawfurd's Memoirs.
Charta in publicis Archivis.
Crawfurd's Memoirs.
Balfour's Annals.
Guthrie's Mem [...]irs.
Charta in Cancellaria ſereniſſ. D. N. R.
I have ſeen a Charter in the Hands of Robert Maclellan of Barclay in the 1422, wherein there is mention of Sir John Maclellan of Gelſtoun The reſt of the Knights of the Maclellans before the Forfaulture. the Tradition ſays, were Ravenſtoun, Kilchrichie, Sorby, Glenſhinnock, Troquhain, Barholm, Kirkonell, Kirkormock, Kirkgaunan, Bardrochat, Borg, Coven and Barſcob, all extinct ſave the laſt, which of conſequence is an ancient Family.
Sir George Mackenzie in his Baronage MS.
Mr. Thomſon's Genealogical Collections.
There is a Charter in the Hands of Ephraim Maclellan of Barmagachan, which inſtructs that this Gilbert his Predeceſſor, was married to Janet Daughter to the Lord Harris, and that he had by her two Sons, Thomas Maclellan his Succeſſor in Barmagachan, and William Maclellan of Balmangan, of which Branch Sir Samuel Maclellan late Provoſt of Edinburgh was deſcended by a younger Brother. The foreſaid Thomas the elder Brother, was Father of another William Maclellan of Barmagachan, and he of Thomas, as he was of another Robert Maclellan of the Place foreſaid, Father of another Robert, whoſe eldeſt Son is Ephraim Maclellan of Barmagachan, and Robert Maclellan of Barclay is his 2d Son, by whom I had the moſt part of the Memoirs of this Family tranſmitted to me, of which I have compoſed this Account.
Charta in Rotulis Mariae Reginae.
Hiſtory of Scotland in Manuſcript.
Charta in Rotulis Mariae Reginae.
Charta in Rotulis Caroli I.
Charta in Cancellaria Sereniſ. D. N. R.
Miſcellany Collections of Charters.
Charta in publicis Archivis. There are ſundry Charters under the Great Seal by King James IV. to this John Gordon of Lochinvar: As alſo I have ſeen a Charter of Confirmation by the ſame King, ratifying a Grant which Dougal Maclellan made of the Lands of Traquhain to George Gordon Brother to John Gordon of Lochinvar, 2d March 1494, whoſe lineal Succeſſor is James Gordon now of Traquhain.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi IV. ad annum 1506.
Charta in publicis Archivis.
Charta in publicis Archvis.
Johnſtoni Hiſtoria rerum Britannicarum.
Charta in Cancellaria Sereniſſimi Domini Noſtri Regis.
Charta penes Wil. Vice-comitem de Kilſyth.
Charta penes Wil. Vice-comitem de Kilſyth.
Genealogy of the Family of Garden.
Charta penes Vicecomitem de Kilſyth.
Charta in publicis Archivis, ad Annum 1545.
Charta penes Vice-comitem de Kilſyth.
Liſt of the Lords of Seſſion, &c.
Balfour's Annals.
Charta penes Vic. de Kilſyth.
Charta in Cancellaria Sereniſſimi Domini Noſtrae Regis.
Charta penes Vic. de Kilſyth.
Charta in Cancellaria S. D. N. R.
Charta in Rotulis Caroli II. ad annum 1661.
Charta penes Comitem de Kilmarnock.
Charta in Rotulis Rob. II. ad Annum 1374. per Tho Fleming de Fulwood dudum Comitem de Wigton, Wilielmo Boyd filio Thomae Boyd de Kilmarnock, militi de omnibus terris ejuſdem Thomae in Baronia de Lanzie.
I have ſeen a Charter on the 10th of June 1444, per Thomam Boyd de Kilmarnock dilecto avunculo ſuo Roberto Boyd terrarum de Arneil.
Charta pene [...] Marchionem de Twedale.
Hiſtorical Collections by Mr. Timothy Pont, in the Hand [...] of Sir Robert Sibbald, M.D. MS.
Buchan. Hiſtoria rerum Scoticarum.
Charta penes Alanum Dominum Cathcart.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi III.
Charta penes comitem de Kilmarnock.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi III. Nota, Robert Lord Boyd the Governor was married to Marion Daughter to Sir Robert Maxwel of Calderwood. By her, beſide Thomas Earl of Aran, he had another Son Archibald Boyd of Bonſhaw, and Elizabeth a Daughter married to Archibald E. of Angus.
In the Charter he is only deſigned James Boyd, in the Saſine following thereupon he is deſigned Nobili & Illuſtri Domino Jacobo Domino Boyd.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi IV.
Charta penes Tho. Boyd de Pitcon.
Preface to Mr. Robert Boyd's Commentary on the Epheſians.
Charta in publicis Archivis.
Charta penes comitem de Kilmarnock, data 23 of October 1544.
Camden's Hiſtory of Queen Elizabeth.
Charta penes comitem de Kilmarnock.
Monumental Inſcriptions at the Church of Kilmarnock.
Charta penes comitem de Kilmarnock ad A [...]num 1614.
Balfour's Annals.
Charta in Cancellaria S. D. N. Regis.
Charta in Rotulis Caroli II.
This Sir George Bruce of Carnock, was immediate younger Brother to Edward Lord Kinloſs, Anceſtor to the Earl of Ailsburry & Elgin.
Spotiſwood's Hiſtory.
Charta in Cancellaria S. D. N. Regis ad Annum 1625.
Charta in Cancellaria S. D. N. Regis ad Annum 1647.
Memoirs of the Earls of Kincardin MS. penes me.
Memoirs of the Family of Seaton by this noble Lord himſelf, who was a curious Searcher into Antiquities, MS. penes me.
Mercurius Britanicus publiſhed Anno 1661.
Charta in Rotulis Car. II.
Regiſter of the Lyon Office.
I have ſeen the original Charter in the hands of my Lord Kinnaird; likewiſe in the Hiſtorical Collections by the learned and laborious Antiquary Mr. Robert Martin of Clermont, and civilly communicated to me by the preſent Clermont his Son MS
Charta penes D. Kinnaird, preſently in my Hands by the favour of Mr. Charles Kinnaird his Lordſhips Uncle.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi III.
Charta in Rotulis Mariae Regin [...], ad annum 1542.
Charta in publicis Archivis.
Charta in Rotulis Caroli II. ad annum 1682.
Regiſter of the Lyon Office.
Charta in Cancellaria S. D. N. Regis.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi VI, ad Annum 1609.
Scots Tarvets Memorial of the Officers of State for one hundred Years, MS.
Charta in publicis Archivis ad annum 1598.
Lives of the Officers of State in Scotland.
Charta in Rotulis Caroli I.
Balfours Annals.
Sir Robert Sibbald's Collection of Epitaphs MS.
Balfour's Genealogical Collections MS.,
The preſent Earl of Kinnowl is the Son and Heir of Thomas Hay of Balhouſie by . . . . . . his Wife Daughter of Sir Thomas Nicolſon of Carnock, Son of Mr. Francis Hay of Balhouſie, by Margaret Daughter of James Oliphant of Bachiltoun, Son of Thomas Hay Brother to George the firſt Earl of Kinnowl; ſo that the two great Grandfathers of William the late Earl and Thomas now Earl of Kinnowl were Brothers both Sons of the Houſe of Meggins; of which Family alſo Sir James Hay Father to the Earl of Carlyle, the great Favorite of King James VI. was a younger Son.
Memoirs of the Life of Queen Anne, publiſhed 1714.
Chartulary of Dryburgh in the Lawyers Library MS.
Chartulary of Dryburgh in the Lawyers Library, MS.
Memoirs of the Family of Lawderdale MS.
Charta penes Carolum Maitland de Eccles M.D. of the Lands of Tibbers Joanni Maitlant de Thirleſtane & Agnetae Dunbar ſponſae ſuae.
Sir George Mackenzie's Baronage of Scotland MS. penes me.
Memoirs of the Family of Lawderdale MS. penes me.
I have ſeen a Charter in the 1506, granted by William Maitland of Lethingtoun to James Maitland of Achincaſtle his Brother, of the Property of the Barony of Tibbers whoſe lineal Male Deſcendant and Repreſentative is Dr. Charles Maitland of Eccles Phyſician in Glaſgow, whoſe Predeceſſor was Robert Maitland Son to the ſaid James Maitland of Achincaſtle.
Memoirs of the Family of Lawderdale penes me
Charta in Rotulis Mariae Reginae, ad Annum 1562.
Hiſtorical account of the College of Juſtice MS.
Memoirs of the Family of Lawderdale MS.
Charta in publicis Archivis.
Memoirs of the Family of Lawderdale.
Charta in Rotulis Mariae Reginae, data 4 December 1558.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi VI.
Mr. Hume's Hiſtory of the Douglaſſes.
Johnſtoni Hiſtoria rerum Britannicarum.
Charta in Rotulis Mariae Reginae.
Lives of the Keepers of the privy S [...]al MS. penes me.
Memoirs concerning the College of Juſtice.
Lives of the Secretaries of State penes me MS.
Lives of the Chancellors of Scotland penes me MS.
Memoirs of the Family of Lawderdale MS.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi VI.
Balfour's Annals.
Biſhop Guthri [...] Memoirs from the 1638, to the 1649.
The Earl of Clarendon's Hiſtory of the Civil War.
Charta in Rotulis Caroli II. ad Annum 1672.
Sir William Dugdale's Baronage of England, Vol. 2.
Publick Prints of 1691 in the Lawyers Library.
Memoirs of the Earls of Lawderdale.
Hiſtory of Europe for 1710.
In the Chartulary of Dumfermling there is a Charter granted by Conſtantine Comes, who is Earl of Fife, to that Monaſtery de Schyra de Kirkaldy, which King David confirms, in which Deed this Aluin M'Arkill is a Witneſs.
In a Donation to this Abbacy of the Lands of Inchmaduchan for the Soul of King David by King Malcolm, this Aluin filius M'Arkill is a Witneſs.
I find in the Chartulary of Paiſly an Inſtrument of Poſſeſſion of ſome Lands in Kilpatrick by the Monks of Paiſly, which they had tempore quo David frater Regis Scotiae tenuit Comitatum de Levinax.
Chartulary of Paiſly.
Chartulary of Paiſly.
This Malcolm Brother to Malduin Earl of Lennox had a Son who I find is deſigned Finlay de Campſey, who left three Daughters his Co-heirs, Mary Wife of John de Wardroba, Helen of Bernard of Erth and Feneleth of Norine de Monorgan, all which is evident from the Regiſters of Paiſly.
Charta penes Vicecomitem de Kilſyth.
Chartulary of Paiſly.
I have ſeen an original Charter granted by Walter Seneſcallus Scotiae confirming the Donations of his Grandfather Walter, to the Abbey of Kelſo, in which Deed Malcolm [...]ilius Comitis de Lennox nepoti ſuo is a Witneſs.
Charta penes Ducem de Montroſe.
Spotiſwood, Mackenzie, &c.
I have ſeen ſundry Charters granted by him to Vaſſals, particularly one of a Carrucate of Land Mauritio filio & haeredi quondam Mauritii de Buchanan ad Annum 1353, contained in the Regiſter of Charters belonging to the Burgh of Dunbartoun.
Regiſter of Dunbartoun.
Extracta & Chron. Scor [...] MS.
Charta penes Joannem Haldane de Gleneagles.
Charta penes Georgi [...]m [...]pier de [...]ilmahew, ad Annum 1491.
I have ſeen ſeveral Charters and Writings belonging to the Laird of Gleneagles, that inſtruct this Competition about the Earldom of Lennox, as alſo the Settlement that was agreed to.
Leſly Hiſt. Scot.
The Crooks of Neilſtoun and Cruicksfie were great Men in the Barony of Renfrew, as ſoon as the Records of the County begin.
I find in the 1513, That Robert Stewart Lord of Cruikſtoun, was Baillie to the High Steward of Scotland within the Barony of Renfrew, from the Regiſters of the Monaſtery of Paiſly.
This Charter is extant in the Rolls of King Robert I.
Mr. Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Collection of Charters by the Earl of Hadingtoun in the Lawyers Library.
This Sir Alexander Stewart of Cruickſtoun is ſo deſigned in a Record Anno 1397.
Charta penes me ad Annum 1407.
Charta in Rotulis Roberti III. ad Annum 1390 in publicis Archivis.
Scoti Chron.
Drummond's Hiſtory of Scotland.
Charta penes D. Galſ [...]n ad Annum 1452.
I have ſeen a Charter granted by Matthew Earl of Lennox dilecto conſangineo ſuo Thomae Stewart of the Lands of Barſcabe 1495.
Rymer' [...] Foedera Angliae.
Black Acts of Parliament.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Ch [...]rta in Rotulis Jacobi IV.
Hiſtorical Deduction of the Houſe of Lennox.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi IV.
Charta in Publicis Archivis ad Annum 1494.
Simſon's Collections from the Writs of the Family of Sanquhar.
Charta in Publicis Archivis ad Annum 1515.
Charta penes Comitem de Wigtoun.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi V.
Charta penes Arch. Edmonſton de Duntreath.
Memoirs of the Affairs of Scotland MS. penes me.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Buchanan's Hiſtory.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Spotiſwood's Church Hiſtory.
Clarendon's Hiſtory.
Dugdal's Baronage of England.
Char [...] in publ. Arch.
Laurus Leſl [...]ana.
One of which I have had [...]he Honour to ſee ſtill preſerved in his Family.
Peerage of England.
Charta penes Comitem de Leven.
Ch. in publ. Arch.
Hope's Deciſions.
Memoirs of the Seſs.
Ch. in publ. Arch.
Balfour's Annals.
Clarendon's Hiſt.
I have ſeen this Charter in the Cuſtody of Sir Peter Fraſer of Dores, which, for the ſatisfaction of the Curious, who may not ſo well underſtand the Stile of Old Charter Latin. I ſhall Tranſlate into Engliſh as follows. Robert by the Grace of God, King of Scots, Know ye we have given and Granted, and by the Tenour hereof, gives and Grants to our well beloved Sir Alexander Fraſer, for his Service and Homage done to Us, all and hail the Lands of Strachychen, Eſſuly, Balebrouchy and Achencroskes, with their Pertinents, to be held by the ſaid Sir Alexander and his Heirs, of Us and our Heirs, in one intire Barony. In Teſtimony whereof, we have cauſed append our Seal to this Our Deed, at Air the fourth Day of November, and of Our Reign the Tenth Year. 1316;
David by the Grace of God King of Scots, Wit ye Us to have given, and by the Tenour hereof, gives and Grants to Our well beloved Couſin Alexander Fraſer, all and hail the Lands and Thanedom of Dores, within our County of Kincardin, to be held by the ſaid Alexander and his Heirs, in Feu and Heritage, in one intire Barony, paying to Us and Our Heirs, by him and his Heirs, their Suit and Preſents, at Our Three head Courts of the County of Kincardin, and the Service of one great Tenent in Our Army. In Witneſs whereof We have Appended Our Great Seal to this Charter, at Edinburgh the fourth of September, and of Our Reign the Fortieth Year.
Geneal Famil. Lovat.
Geneal. Famil. de Lovat.
Chart. in publ. Arch.
Geneal. Famil. Lovat. MS.
Ch. in Cancel. S. D. N. R.
Geneal. Familiae de Lovat.
Ch. in Rotul. Rob. I.
Mr. Day. Symſon's Geneal. of the Houſe of Roſſyth.
Rymer's Foed.
Symſon's Collect.
Black Acts of Parl.
Ch, penes Ducem de Argyle.
Charta in Pub. Archivis ad Annum 1596.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi VI.
This is ſupported by Mr. Leſly's [...] I [...]na.
Records of Holy-rood-houſe Abbey in the publick Regiſters of King [...]
Sir James Dalrymple's Hiſtorical Collections.
Ch. in pub. Arch.
Charta penes Vicecomitem de Kilſyth.
This Robert De la Wall had acquir'd, I find, the Barony of Kilſyth from Malcom Fleming Earl of Wigton, who was the King's Donatar upon the Forfaulture of Patrick de Calendar.
Rymer's Foedera.
Hume's Hiſtory of the Earls of Douglas and Angus.
Genealogy of the Houſe of Livingſton penes me.
Charta penes Vicecomitem de Kilſyth.
Rymer's Foed.
Drummond's Hiſt. of King James the II.
Black Acts of Parliament.
Rymer's Foedera.
Genealogy of the Houſe of Livingſton.
The Houſe of Dunipace is now repreſented by Livingſton of Pantasken, as appears from Writs I have ſeen in his Hands.
Genealogy of the Houſe of Dundas MS
Charta penes me ad Annum 1447.
I have ſeen the Note of a Charter among the Collections of Mr. David Simpſon granted of the half of the Lands of Kelwood to John Son to Aſplan Crawford, dated 3d April 1444, wherein James Livingſton, Cuſtos perſonae Regiae & Capit. de Stirling, is a Witneſs.
Charta penes Comitem de Lithgow.
Charta penes Comitem de Wigton.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi IV.
Charter by James Hepburn Biſhop of Murray to Alexander Lord Livingſton his Nephew, of the Lands of Birthwood 1518, in the Rolls of King James IV. and this Biſhop was Brother to Pat. Earl of Bothwel. Charta in Rotulis Jacobi IV.
Genealogy of the Lord Livingſton.
Charta in publicis Archivis
Charta penes Comitem de Lithgow
Charta in publicis Archivis.
Charta penes Robertum Semple de Beltrees.
Sir John Scot's Memoirs of the Officers of State, from 1550 to 1650 MS penes me.
Charta in Cancellaria S. D. N. Regis.
Charta penes Comitem de Lowdon.
Chartulary of Kelſo in the Lawyers Library MS.
Mr. Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Charta penes Comitem de Lowdon.
Charta penes Comitem de Lowdon.
Rymers Foedera Angliae ad Annum 1423.
Martin's Genealogical Deſcent of the Houſe of Lowdon penes me.
Charta in pub. Archivis.
Gift by King James IV. to Sir Hugh Campbel of Lowdon Knight, and Iſabel Wallace his Spouſe of the Ward of the Lands belonging to John Wallace of Craigy, then in the King's Hands, through the Deceaſe of Hutcheon Wallace of Craigy his Father, in the 18th of the ſaid King, Anno 1506, in the Regiſters of the Privy Seal.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi IV.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi V. ad Annum 1515, where ſhe gets the Gift of the Ward of her Son David Boſwel's Lands, in Regard Thomas his Father was killed at Flowdon.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi V. ad Annum 1521.
Charta penes Pat. Vicecomitem de Garnock, ad Annum 1547.
Charta in pub. Archivis.
Ibidem ad Annum 1533.
Charta in Rotulis Mariae Reginae ad Annum 1558.
Ibidem ad Annum 1535.
Ibidem ad Annum 1562.
Crawfurd's Memoirs.
Charta penes Comitem de Lowdon.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi VI ad Annum 1607.
Charta penes Comitem de Kilmarnock.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi VI. ad Annum 1586.
Genealogy of the Houſe of Lochnoris penes me.
Charta penes Dom. Annam Ker de Kerſland.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi VI. ad Annum 1581.
Charta in Cancellaria S. D. N. Regis ad Annum 1612.
Charta in pub. Archivis.
This Sir James was the lineal Deſcendant of John Campbel the Founder of the Houſe of Lawers, who was the eldeſt Son of Sir Colin Campbel of Glenurchy, by Margaret Stirling his ſecond Wife, a Daughter of the Houſe of Keir.
Charta in Rotulis Caroli I. ad Annum 1633.
Clarendon's Hiſtory of the Civil War.
Burnet's Hiſtory of the two Dukes of Hamilton.
Reſcinded Acts of Parliament.
Clarendon's Hiſtory.
Reſcinded Acts.
(b) Cromwel's Indemnity to the People of Scotland.
Chartulary of Paiſley.
Rymer's Foedera.
Chartulary of Paiſley.
Sir James Balfour's Liſt of Chamberlains.
Charta in Rotulis Dav. 11.
Rymer's foedera.
Charta in Publ. Archivis.
Charta penes D. Roſs.
Charta penes D. Gray.
Charta in Publ. Archivis.
Rymer's foedera.
Black Acts of Parliament.
Charta in Publ. Arch.
Charta penes Jacobum Montgomery de Lainſhaw.
Charta in Publ. Arch.
N [...]tandum, I find, that upon the Death of John Lord Lyle, Jean Lyle his Daughter and Heir, with Conſent of Sir Neil Montgomery of Lainſhaw her Spouſe, makes ſeveral Tranſactions with thoſe who had acquired her Father's Eſtate, particularly with Sir Colin Campbel of Lundy, about the Barony of Lundy, the Inſtructions of which are ſtill in the Hands of James Montgomery of Lainſhaw his Heir of Line. This Sir Neil Montgomery by Jean Lyle his Wife, had Sir Neil his Succeſſor, and two Daughters . . . . married to the Laird of Ardroſs, and Margaret to John Pollock of that Ilk. Which Neil as Heir to John Lord Lyle, and Jean Lyle his Mother, made an Agreement with William Porterfield of that Ilk, about his Right to the Mains and Forty Shillings Land of Duchal Anno 1599, which had been long in diſpute betwixt them. His Wife was Elizabeth Daughter of . . . Cuningham of Aiket he had Neil his Succeſſor, John Montgomery of Cocklibee, and William Montgomery of Bridgend; of whom the Montgomeries of Bridgend, Belliskeoch, Clonies and Beoch are deſcended, and two Daughters . . . to . . . Graham of Grugar, and . . . to . . . Johnſtoun of Wamfr [...]y. Neil Montgomery next of Lainſhaw married Marion Daughter of Sir William Muir of Rowalan, and had Neil his Succeſſor, Jean married to William Buntin of Airdoch . . . to . . . Montgomery of Achinhood . . . to . . . Campbel of Skeldon . . . to . . . Houſtoun of Park. Neil Montgomery next of Lainſhaw married Margaret Daughter of . . . Lockhart of Barr, and had John his Son, who married Helen Daughter of Sir Lodovick Houſtoun of that Ilk, but having no Iſſue they diſponed their Eſtate to their Couſin and Heir-Male David Montgomery eldeſt Son of John Montgomery of Cocklibee: Which John married firſt . . . Cuningham Daughter to Cuninghame of chinharvie, and had a Daughter Jean married to William Caldwel of that Ilk. Secondly, Jean Daughter of Captain Daniel Forreſter of the Houſe of Carden, Envoy in King James V [...]'s Time to Italy and Spain; by whom he had David Montgomery of Lainſhaw, John Montgomery of Crivock, and four Daughters. Agnes married to Thomas Kennedy of Kirkmichael. Karharine to Fergus Macubin of Knockdolian. Barbara to William Montgomery of Belliskeoch. Margaret to Mr. Miller Miniſter at Neilſtoun. David Montgomery of Lainſhaw his Son married Marion Daughter of James Dunlop of that Ilk, and had James Montgomery of Lainſhaw, and a Daughter Jean married to the Reverend Mr. Laing Parſon of Donachadee. Which James upon the Revolution, was made Clerk to the Juſticiary during Life; which he at preſent enjoys, and is married with Barbara Daughter of John Kennedy of Craig, Heir and Repreſentative of an ancient Family of the Kennedies of Barc [...]anachan in Air-ſhire.
Chartulary of Scoon, in the Cuſtody of the Viſcount of Stormont.
Chartul. of Dumfermling, This Morgund Comes is alſo a Witneſs to the Mortification which King Malcolm made of the Lands of Inchmalder to that Convent pro anima Regis i avidis avi ſui.
Chartulary of the Priory of St. Andrew's, in the Hands of Mr. Samuel Semple Miniſter of the Goſpel at Libertoun.
Charta in Biblioth. jurid. [...]din.
Charta in Bibliotheca Juridica. Chart. of Dumfermling. This Earl Gilchriſt is much earlier found mentioned than Earl Duncan, which makes me think he was the elder of the Brothers, as will, by the Authorities here cited, appear.
Regiſter of the Priory of St. Andrews.
Chartul. of Dumfermling.
Rymer's foedera.
Regiſter of the Priory of St. Andrews.
This Donald and Duncan his Brother are both Witneſſes, in their Father's Mortification to St. Andrews abovementioned.
Rymer's foedera.
Mr. Andrew Winton's Hiſtory of Scotland MS. in Biblioth. J [...]rid.
Rymer's foedera.
Hiſtory of the Royal Family of Stewart.
I have ſeen a Charter granted by James Earl of Douglas and Marr, to the Monks of Melroſs in the 1388, in which this Sir John Swinton is called the Earl's deareſt Father.
I have ſeen a Charter for this in my hands.
Fordon. Much about this time, I find the Earl granting a Charter, Adae de Strachan & Margaretae Sponſae ſuae couſanguineae dicti Comitis de una Davata Terrae quae vocatur Glenkindy, ſtill extant in the Laird of Glenkindy's hands, which I have ſeen.
Chart in Rotulis Rob. III.
Rymer's foedera.
Charta in Rotulis Jac. I.
Charta in publ. Archivis.
Char. of Paiſly ad Annum 12 [...]6.
Ibidem ad Annum 1262.
This Charter I have ſeen, and it is a noble Document for the Family of Marr, for it diſtinctly inſtructs three diſtinct Generations, and tho it be without Date, yet 'tis certainly before the 1309 that the Granter died, I apprehend it has been about the 1300 from the Witneſſes. Viz. Ro. Epiſc. Glaſguen, Reginald. de Crawfurd, Milite Joann, de Erskine, Walter. de Logan, &c.
Barber and Abercromby.
Rymer's foedera.
Charta in publ. Archivis.
Rymer's foedera.
Memoirs of the Officers of State MS. penes me.
Charta. in Rotulis Dav. II.
Mr. Winton's Hiſtory MS.
Charta in Rotulis Roberti II.
Hadington's Collections from the Regiſters.
Chartulary of Cambuskenneth belonging to the Earl of Mar.
Charta in publ. Arch.
I find a Charter granted by King David II. to this Nicol Erskine of the Lands of Kinnoul, upon the Reſignation of his Father anno 1366,
Genealogy of the Drummonds by Major General Drummond.
Rymer's foedera.
Charta penes Comitem de Mar
Charta in Rotulis Roberti. III. ad annum 1399.
Charta in Publ. Archivis.
Rymer's foedera.
Mr. Rymer's foedera Angliae, where I find that at this time the yearly Revenue of the Lord Erskine's Eſtate did then amount to 1000 Merks Sterling Money, which was a very great Sum in thoſe Days
The Writs relating to this, I have ſeen among Sir John Cuningham's Papers.
I have ſeen a Charter granted by him, wherein he's deſigned Rob. Comes de Mar, Dominus Erskine Patricio Galbraith terrarum de Garſcadne data 1444.
Cuningham's Collections
Information of the Earl of Mar. anent his Right to the Earldom of Mar.
There are ſeveral Charters in the Regiſter of Charters granted to him in the Year 1489.
The Viſcount of Kingſtoun's Hiſtory of the Family of Seton, MS. penes me.
Charta penes Vicecomitem de Kilſyth.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi IV. ad annum 1497
Genealogy of the Houſe of Erſkine MS.
Genealogy of the Family of Roſſyth from the Writs of that Houſe, MS. penes me.
I have ſeen a Charter in the publick Rolls to this James Erskine of the Lands of Little Sauchy and Katharine Stirling his Spouſe and to their Heirs: They had Iſſue James Erskine of Balgony, and Mr. William, who got the Parſonage of Campſay upon the Reformation in Commendam: he was afterward promoted to the Commendatory of Paiſly anno 1579, and after that in 1587 made Titular Biſhop of Glaſgow, tho all the while he was a Laick: He afterward was Knighted by King James VI. and left a Daughter Janet, married to Sir William Alexander of Menſtry, firſt Earl of Stirling.
Charta in Rotulis Jac. V.
Buchanani Hiſtoria Rerum Scoticarum.
Mr. Drummond of Hawthorden's Life of King James V.
Rymer's foed. Ang.
I have ſeen the Contract in my Lord Montroſe's Charter Cheſt.
Balfour's Annals. There is a Genealogy of the Houſe of Mar that mentions that Robert Mr. of Erskine left a Natural Son Mr. David Erskine who was Commendator of Dryburgh.
Rymer's foedera Angliae.
Charta penes Comitem de Wigton.
The Genealogy of the Houſe of Mar mentions that Thomas Mr. of Erskine left a Natural Son Mr. Adam Erskine who was Commendator of Cambuskenneth, he with his friend the Commendator of Dryburgh, were two of the Inſtructors of King James VI.
Charta in publ. Archivis.
Dr. Anderſon's Hiſtory of Scotland MS. in Biblioth jurid Edin.
All the original Writs mentioned, on which the foregoing Account of the Family of Mar is ſupported, are taken from the Writs of the Family, the publick Regiſters, Spotiſwood's Hiſtory, and Rymer's foedera Angliae.
Regiſter of the Lyon's Office.
Kennet's Pariochial Antiquities.
Mr. David Simpſon's Account of the Earls of Dunbar and March.
Regiſter of Kelſo.
Cron. de Melroſs.
Cron. de Melroſs.
Chat. of Kelſo.
Cron. de Melroſs.
Rymer's Foedera.
Charta penes me.
Mr. Baillie of Caſtlecarry's Hiſtorical Collections.
Rymer's Foedera.
Acts of Parliament.
Charta in Cancellario S. D. N. R.
Many curious and judicious Remarks have been made by Patrick the firſt Earl of Marchmont, in an Eſſay by his Lordſhip on Surnames in Mr. Collier's Dictionary, wherein is interſpers'd an unuſual Variety of uſeful and curious Obſervations worthy ſo noble and celebrated an Author, and which the Reader will find to be very diverting as well as inſtructing; and in both Reſpects highly deſerving his diligent Peruſal.
Chartul. of Dunfermling in Biblioth. Jurid. Edin.
Charta penes Ducem de Montroſe. In the Deed this Adam deſigns himſelf, Filius Adae de Polworth.
Charta penes Comitem d [...] Marchmont. The firſt Anceſtor of the Sinclairs of Herdmanſtoun in Lothian, as appears from the Writs of that Family, was Henry de Sancto Claro, who got the Lands of Herdmanſtoun from Richard Morvile, Conſtable of Scotland, before the Year 1162, whoſe Succeſſor was Sir William Sinclair, who by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of Sir William Sinclair of Roſſin, Siſter to Henry, firſt Earl of Orkney, had Sir John his Son and Heir, who married Elizabeth, Daughter and Heir of Sir Patrick de Polwarth of that Ilk.
Charta penes Comitem de Marchmont.
Charta in Publicis Archivis.
Litera proſapiae D. Alex. Hume fratris germani D. Pat. Hume de Polwarth, militis Baronetti ad annum 1669.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi IV.
Charta in Rot. Jacobi V.
Charta penes Comitem de Marchmont.
Charta in Pub. Archivis.
Calderwood's Church-Hiſtory, M.S.
Charta penes Comitem de Marchmont, etiam in Pub. Archivis.
The Copy of the Bond in my Hands, the Original is in the Cuſtody of the Family of Hamiltoun.
Crawford's Memoirs.
Charta in Cancellaria S. D. N. R. ad Annum 1592.
Charta in Pub. Arch. ad Annum 1609.
Charta penes Comitem de Marchmonti
Charra penes Comitem de Marchmont.
Charta in [...]blicis Archivis. The Defignation of Carnalis will not infer this Celeſtine to have been a Baſtard So [...]. of Alexander Earl of Roſs, for ſeveral Reaſons, and particularly in a Charter by John Earl of Roſs, Hugoni Alexandri de Inſulis de Slate. This Celeſtine de Inſulis de Lochalſh the Earl deſigns fratri noſtr [...] ſimply.
Charta in Pub. Archivis.
Ibidem, ad Annum 1584.
Probative Quarters of Aeneas Lord MacDonald, M.S. penes me.
Charta in Pub. Arc [...].
Hiſt. Scot.
Reg. of Kelſo, M S. in Bibleoth. Jurid.
Dalrymple's Hiſtorical Collections.
Foedera Scotiae, M S.
Hiſt. Scot. by Mackenzie.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Charta penes D. P. Fraſer de Dores.
Charta in Rotolis Roberti II.
Charta in Rotolis Roberti II.
Charta penes me
Menteth's Theatre of Mortality, Pag. 86.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Geneal. familiae Kiethorum, M S.
Charta penes Comitem de Rothes.
Charta in Pub. Arch [...]vis.
Charta penes Duc [...]m de Montroſe, ad annum 1516.
Charta in Pub. Archivis, ad annum 152 [...].
Ibidem, ad annum 1506.
Letters of State during the Reign of Queen Mary, ad annum 1544, M S. in Bio. Ju [...]id. Edinb.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Ibidem ad annum 1553.
Johnſtoni Heroes.
Charta in Pub. Archivis.
Mr. David C [...]lderwood's Church-Hiſtory, M S. in Bibl. Academiae Glaſguen.
Charta in Rotolis Jacobi VI.
Ibidem, ad annum 1577.
Johnſtoni Heroes.
Middleton's Appendix to Biſhop Spotiſwood's Hiſtory.
Mr. Arch. Simſon's Hiſt. of the Church of Scotland, from whom I borrowed this Epitaph.
Charta in Rotolis Jacobi VI.
Balfour's Annals, M S.
Rolls of Parliament.
Hiſtory of Europe for 1712.
Life of Q. Anne.
Chartulary of Dunfermling. And 'tis to be remarked, That this Hugh Biſhop of St. Andrews was by King William promoted to the Epiſcopal See, ſoon after the Year 1178, and died 1188. And further, 'tis worth taking Notice of that ſome Families Abroad in Foreign Parts, particularly in Hungary, ſtill carry the Surname of Malevile, and give a Coat of Arms much the ſame with the Earl of Melvil, viz. Gules, Three Creſcents, Argent, within a Border, charged with Eight Roſes of the Firſt.
Chartul. of Arbroth.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Chartul. of Dumfermling.
Geneal. of the Houſe of Raith.
Charta penes me, ad annum 1458.
Geneal. of the Houſe of Raith, etiam Chartul. de Dumfermling.
Geneal. of the Houſe of Raith.
Charta in Pub. Arch. ad annum 1525.
Melvil's Memoirs.
Charta in Pub. Archivis.
Melvil's Memoirs.
Sir James Melvil's Memoirs.
S [...]bald's Hiſtory of Fife.
Mr. Martin of Clermon's Hiſtorical Collections.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Balfour's Annals.
Charta in Rot. Caroli [...]. N. B. John Melvil of Raith, who ſucceeded Robert Lord Melvil in the Honour, was the Son and Heir of John Melvil of Raith, who died on the 17th of January 1626, by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of Sir William Scot of Balweary, and he Son of another John Melvil of Raith, who died 13 of January 1603, Brother to Robert firſt Lord Melvil, by . . . . . his Wife, Daughter of . . . . . . Lundin of that Ilk: Which John Melvil of Raith, was reſtored to his Eſtate by the Queen Regent of Scotland, about the 1553, at the ſpecial Inſtance of Henry II. of France, in Favo [...]r to Sir Robert Melvil his Brother, who was then in that Prince's Service.
Patent creating the Lord Melvil Earl of Melvil, in the Records of 1690.
Records of Parliament 1690.
Memoirs of Scotland in 1714.
State of Europe for 1707.
Sir James Dalrymple's Edition of Camden 1695.
Epitaph of Alexander Lord Raith.
Charta in Cancellaria S. D. N. R.
Act of Parliament, whereby it was declared, T [...]at the Forfaulture of the ſaid Ear ſhould no ways affect or [...]aint the Blood of the Children procrea [...]ed betwixt him and Sophia Lundin, Heireſs of Lundin.
Drummond's Hiſtory of King James V.
Mr. Baillie of Caſtlecarry's Notes upon Dalrymple's Edition of Camden 1695.
Crawford's Memoirs.
Charta penes Ducem de Argyle.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Ibidem ad annum 1563.
Charta penes Ducem de Argyle.
Chart. of Dunfermling.
Regiſter of Scoon.
Chart. of Paſley.
This Sir John Menteth had a Son John, deſigned Dominus de Arran, who took to Wife Helen Daughter of Gratney Earl of Mar, whoſe Heir Female was married to Sir Thomas Erskine of That-Ilk.
Charta penes me, Murdaci Comitis de Menteth, filius Domini Alexandri Comitis de Menteth, terrarum de Thora, in Comitat. de Menteth. Waltero de Menteth, filio quondam D. Joan. de Menteth The Family of Rusky continued in the Male Line till the Reign of King James III. that Murdack Menteth of Rusky dying without Heirs Male, his Daughters became his Heirs; Elizabeth the elder marrying Sir John Halden of Gleneagles; and Margaret the Younger, John Napier of Merchiſtoun.
The firſt of the Houſe of Carſe was Sir John Menteth, Son of Sir Walter Menteth. He obtained the Barony of Carſe, together with the Sheriffſhip of Clackmannan-Shire, by the Marriage of Mary, Daughter and Heir of Sir John Stirling, Kt. toward the End of the Reign of King David II. as appears from Authorities in my Hands. And there is a Charter in the Chartul. of Arbroth, granted by the Abbot of that Convent, Joanni de Menteth, filio quondam Walteri de Menteth, militis de Salina in le Carſe, ad annum 1366. This Family continued till the Reign of King Charles I. that Sir William Menteth ſold his Eſtate to Sir William Livingſton Lord Kilſyth, Anno 1631.
Hiſt. Gentis Scot.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae, ad annum 1346.
Sir Robert Sibald in his Liſt of the Earls of Fife, in his Deſcription of that County, mentions an Indenture that had paſſed betwixt Allan Earl of Menteth, the Grandfather of the Lady Margaret, Wife of Robert Seniſchal, Earl of Menteth and Iſobel Counteſs of Fife, of the Date, Penult of March 1371.
There is a Charter in the Cuſtody of Robert Graham of Galangad and Gartmore, granted by Maliſs Earl of Menteth, to John Graham his Son, of the Lands of Kilbride, on the 7th of April 1464, and another I have ſeen in the Publick Records, by the Earl to the ſaid John his Son, of the Lands of Port-Coldon, Monievrechie, &c. with the Loch of Inchma [...]omo, and Iſles thereof, on the 8th of December 1485. This Sir John [...]y his Wife, a Lady of the Family of the Campbells, had beſide Thomas the Heir of his Family, who carried on the Line directly of this Branch of the Grahams, two younger Sons, one of whom fixed his Reſidence in the Northern Parts of England, and was the Root of that Branch of the Grahams of Nedderly and Esk, the Lord Viſcount of Preſton's Anceſtor; and the other Brother ſettled himſelf in Argyle-ſhire, where his Poſterity were called M'Uilwarnocks, tho' now according to the modern Way, they uſe the Name of Graham, and go by the Title of M'Uilwarnock alias Graham of Oibb. Of his Family was Dr. Archbald Graham, who in the 1680, was by King Charles II. preferr'd from being Parſon of Rothſay to be Biſhop of the Iſles, where he exerced his Function, till the Revolution he was deprived of his Biſhoprick. The immediate Succeſſor of Sir John Graham was Thomas his eldeſt Son, Father of John Graham, ſtil'd of Duchray, who was Father of another William, who by a Daughter of Stewert of Kilbeg, his Wife, a Brother of the noble Family of Ochiltry, had John his Son and Heir, who ſold the Lands of Duchray, and acquired Galangad; from whom he took his Title. Which John was a gallant Gentleman; and in the Time of the Civil War, in the Reign of King Charles I. gave frequent Teſtimony of his ſignal Courage in ſeveral Actions in the Service of his Country, particularly in ſuppreſſing the Inſolencies of the Highlanders, in the more remote Corners of the Shires of Perth, Stirling, and Dunba [...]toun, the Chief of whom he apprehended, and brought to exemplary Juſtice: After which the Peace and Order of the Country was ſecured; and he was very terrible to thoſe diſſolute People who choice to live by Stealing and Robbing on the High-way. William Graham his eldeſt Son and Heir, acquired the Lands of Gartmore from John Alexander, Eſq the Earl of Stirling's Son, who had married the Heir Female of that Houſe, whence he took his Title and Deſignation. He was a Gentleman who eminently ſignal [...]z'd his Loyalty in the Time of King Charles II. And, when the Parliament rais'd an Army, Anno 1650, to oppoſe the Invaſion of the Engliſh under the Command of Oliver Cromwel, the Earl of Airth being then infirm, and not able, by Reaſon of his Age, to lead out his Men, his Lordſhip repoſed ſo much Confidence in Gartmore's Loyalty and Sufficiency, that he directed a Commiſſion to his well beloved Couſin, William Graham of Gartmore, to call together and command all the Earl's ſencible Men, whenever he ſhould judge it neceſſary for the Service of the Country: And his Majeſty King Charles II. placed ſo great Confidence in Gartmore's Loyalty, and Affection to his Service, that on the 12th of July 1651, he gave him a Commiſſion to guard the Paſſes on the River of Forth, and to apprehend and ſecure all Deſerters from the Army: And he diſcharged the Truſt repoſed in him with ſuch Fidelity and Diligence, that William Duke of Hamilton wrote him a Letter of Thanks in the King's Name, dated at Stirling the 22d July 1651, a few Days before the King march'd into England, wherein his good Services are very thankfully acknowledged. After the Return of the King, in Reward of his Loyalty and Merit, he was made a Knight Baronet, by Letters Patent, bearing Date, 28th June 1665. He married the Lady Elizabeth Graham, Daughter of John Lord Kilpont, by whom he had Sir John his Son and Heir, who died unmarried on the 12th of June 1708, and was ſucceeded by Robert Graham of Gallangad, his Couſin-German, who is now the Heir Male and Repreſentative of Sir John Graham, Son to Maliſs, firſt Earl of Menteth, for his Bravery, call'd, Sir John with the bright Sword, the firſt Cadet of this noble Family.
Charta penes Ducem de Montroſe.
Chartulary of Arbroath.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae, ad Annum 1306.
Charta penes me.
Clarendon's Hiſtory of the Rebellion.
Memoirs of John firſt Earl of Middleton, M.S.
Ludlow's Memoirs.
Charta in Rotulis Caroli II.
Dugdale's Baronage of England.
Complete Hiſtory of England, Vol. II.
Charta in Rotulis Caroli II.
Hiſtory of England.
Acts of Parliament.
Chron. Sanctae Crucis, coepit fundari Eccleſia Sanctae Crucis Anno 1125.
(d) Regiſter of the Priory of St. Andrews. M.S.
Charta penes Ducem de Montroſe.
(f) Ibidem.
In the Foedera Angliae ad Annum 129 [...], Sir David de Graham is deſigned Frater Pat. de Graham.
Abercomby's martial Atchievements of the Scots Nation.
Chartul. of Melroſs.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Charta penes me Hugonis Comitis de Roſs, terrarum de Scatrig. Patricio Graham avunculo ſuo.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Charta penes Ducem de Montroſe.
Rymer's Foedera Angli [...].
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Charta penes Ducem de Montroſe.
Charta in Pub. Arch. etiam Charta penes Dominum de Duntreath.
Charta penes me, ad Annum 1444, Pat. D. Graham Waltero Graham Avunculo ſuo, terrarum de Wallacetoun.
Charta penes Ducem de Montroſe.
Charta penes me.
Charta penes Comitem de Panmure.
Charta penes Duoem de Montroſe.
Charta penes Dominum de Duntreath.
Charta penes Comitem de Perth.
Charta penes Dominum de Inchbracko, ad Annum 1513.
Charta penes D [...]cem de Montroſe.
Charta penes D. Orchil, etiam Charta penes D. Killern, Wil. C. de Montroſe, Will. Graham fili [...] ſuo terrarum de Killern, Ibert & Drumbeg, ad Annum 1560.
Charta penes D. de Montroſe.
Original Inſtructions of all this I have had the Honour to peruſe in the Duke of Montroſe's Cuſtody.
Clarendon's Hiſtory of the Rebellion.
Charta penes Ducem de Montroſe, data 6 May, 1644.
Guthry's Memoirs.
Biſhop Wiſhart's Memoirs of the Marquis of Montroſe.
The Biſhop of Dunkeld's Memoirs.
Biſhop Guthry's Memoirs.
Lord C [...]rendon's Hiſtory.
Biſhop Wiſhart's Memoirs of the Marquis of Montroſe. Clarendon.
Memoirs of the Marquis of Montroſe.
Hiſtory of the Revolutions in England, by a French Clergyman, where Montroſe's Expedition is particularly narrated.
Mercurius Politicus ad Annum 1661.
Relation of the Funerals of the great Marquis of Montroſe, printed in 1661.
Charta in Cancellaria, S. D. N. R.
Charta in Cancellatia, S. D. N. R. data 23d February 1705.
Ibidem, data 28 February 1706.
An Hiſtorical Account of the Affairs of Great Britain, with the moſt remarkable Occurrences from the Acceſſion of King George to the Throne, 1714.
Sir Robert Sibbald's Hiſtory of the Shire of Fife.
Charta in Pub. Archivis, whereby ſeveral Lands are erected into the Barony of Monypenny, in Favours of this Sir William, after which he's always deſigned in the Records, Wil [...]elmus Dominus Monypenny.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Charta penes Comitem de Morton.
Ibidem, ad Annum 1388.
Ibidem, ad Annum 1381.
Ibidem, ad Annum 1372.
Charta penes Comitem de Morton, Roberti tertii dilecto filio ſuo Jacobo Douglaſs, filio & haer [...]j Jacobi de Douglaſs, Domini de Dalkieth, & ſponſae ſuae Elizabethae, filiae noſtrae cariſſimae, ad Annum 1402.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Charta penes Comitem de Morton.
Charta penes Comitem de Morton, ad Annum 1570.
Melvil's Memoirs.
Charta penes Comitem de Morton, data 2 [...] January, 1585.
Ibidem ad Annum 1589.
Hume's Hiſt. of Douglaſs.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi VI.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi VI. ad Annum 1589.
Hiſt. Eccleſiae Scoticanae, Authore Arch. Symſon, Paſtore Dalkiethenſi, M.S. in Bibliotheca Academiae Glaſguenſis.
Charta in Rotulis Caroli I data 12 April 1630.
Memoirs of William Earl of Morton, the Treaſurer, penes me.
Memoirs of the Family of Morton.
Charta in Rotulis Caroli II.
Memoirs of the Earls of Morton.
Chron. Sanctae Crucis de Edinburc, mentions, that in 1130, Anegus Comes Moravienſis, a Scotis interfectus eſt.
Haddington's Collections from the Publick Records.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Charta in Rotulis Roberti II. data in pleno Parliamento, 9 March, Anno Regni R. R. Secundo.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi IV.
Ibid. in Rotuiis Mariae R.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Nota, The Lord Down's Paternal Anceſſor was Sir James Stewart of Bieth, Third Son of Andrew Lord Evandale, who being one of the Gentlemen of the Bed-Chamber to King James V. and in great Favour with that Prince, was made Captain of Down, and after that Stewart of Menteth. By Margaret Lindſay his Wife, Dowager Barroneſs of Innermeath, he had James and Henry, of whom is Stewart of [...]urro. Which James was Commendator of St. Colm, at the Time of the Reformation; and thereafter was by King James VI. created Lord Down, and made Collector General of his Majeſty's Revenue. He married Margaret, Daughter to the Earl of Argyle. By her he had James his eldeſt Son, who married the Counteſs of Murray as above, Henry Lord St. Colm, and Two Daughters, Mary married to Sir John Weems of That-Ilk, and Jean to Simon, Lord Lovat.
Mr. David Simpſon's Hiſtorical Narrative of the Murther of the Earl of Murray by the Earl of Huntly, M.S. penes me.
Balfour's Annals.
Charta in Pub. Arch. ad Annum 1653.
Charta penes me, data 23 November 1413.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi II.
Charta in Cancellaria D. S. N. R. ad Annum 1652.
Admiſſion of Advocates from the Inſtitution of the College of Juſtice, M.S. in the Lawyer's Library.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Prin's Hiſtory 2d Annum 1296.
Haddington's Collections from the Publick Records.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi II.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Charta in Pub. Arch. 2d Annum 1492.
Charta penes Dominum Cathcart.
Charta penes D. Gleneagles,
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Balcaras's Collections in the Lawyer's Library.
Charta penes D. Napier.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi VI.
Sir Thomas Hope's Deciſions in the Lawyer's Library.
Charta penes Franciſ. D. Napier.
Nota, Dr. Brigs Geometry-Profeſſor at Oxford, ſpares no Elogies upon the learned Merchiſtoun, ſpeaking of him in one Place, he ſays, he was Vir ſanè omnium ſeculorum memoria digniſſimus, in [...]ita Hen. Brigs. And Petrus Crugerus Dantzicanus, a famous Mathematician abroad, extols him highly, for mentioning his Logarithms, he writes, Ob id unicum, ſi [...]oetera deeſſent, immortali laude digniſſimus.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Balfour's Annals.
Charta in Pub. Arch. data 23. Nov. 1623.
Balfour's Annals, MS.
Charta in Rotulis Caroli I.
Biſhop Guthry's Memoirs, P. 132, 145, 146.
Charta in Publis Archivis.
Biſhop Guthry's Memoirs.
Charta penes Franciſcum Dominum Napier ad Annum 1674.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi VII.
Charta in Rotulis Caroli I.
Sandford's Genealogical Hiſtory of the Kings of England.
Charta in Rotulis Caroli I.
Clarendon's Hiſtory.
Charta in Rotulis Caroli II.
Charta in Cancellaria D. S. N. R.
Peerage of England, Edit. 3. P. 282.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Sir Tho. Urquhart's Vindication of the Honour of Scotland, 1652.
Clarendon's Hiſt. of the Rebellion.
Charta in Rotulis Caroli II.
Charta penes D. Newark, data 10 June 1667.
Regiſter of Kelſo.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Chron. de Melroſs.
Rymer's Foedera.
In the Donation which Herbert Maxwel made to the Monks of Paſly out of the Lands of Merns, Jo. de Macuſwell, Domino de Nether Pollock, frater dicti Herberti, is a Witneſs, in the Regiſter of Paſly.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Regiſter of the Monaſtry of Paſly, in my Hands by Favour of the Earl of Dundonald.
Rymer's Foedera.
Haddingtoun's Collections from the Publick Records in the Lawyer's Library, M.S.
Geneal. of the Houſe of Maxwel, M.S.
Dr. Abercromby's Martial Atchievements.
Charta penes Comitem de Lauderdale.
Charta in Rotulis David II. ad Annum 1357.
Charta penes Dominum Rot. Pollock, de eod. Bart.
Charta in Rotulis Roberti II.
Charta penes Comitem de Lauderdale.
Rymer's Foedera.
Geneal. of the Houſe of Maxwel.
Charta penes Marchionem de Tweedale.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Geneal. of Maxwell.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi III.
Ibidem ad Annum 1473. Etiam Charta Joannis Comitis de Lenox, Joanni Stewart filio ſuo, Terrarum de Henerſtoun, on the Reſignation of the Earl's Brother, Adam Maxwell of Southbar, in Rotulis Jacobi IV.
Gen. of the Family of Maxwell.
Rymer's Foedera.
Gen. of Maxwell.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi III.
Ibid. in Rotulis Jacobi IV.
Gen. of Maxwel.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Geneal of the Houſe of Maxwel.
Rymer's Foedera.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Charta in Rotulis Caroli I.
Charta in Rot. Caroli I.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi II.
Lives of the Lords Chancellors, penes me.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae ad Annum 1503.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Dalrymple's Collections, P. 174.
He's Witneſs to the King's Grants to Coldingham and Dunfermling.
In a Charter by King Malcolm to the Monks of Scoon, he David de Olyphard is a Witneſs thereto; and in another by King Wil. to the ſame Convent; likewiſe in a Charter by the ſame King, Fratribus hoſpitalis Sa [...]cti Andreae; alſo in one to the ſame Priory of St. Andrews by King William with Nicol. Cancel.
David de Olphard Juſticiario is Witneſs in a Grant by King Wil. to the Abbay of Scoon, ratifying the Gift of the Earl of Athole, of the Church of Logy, Mobed & Juſticiario Laodon [...]ae, as he's deſigned in a Charter by the ſaid King, ratifying a G [...]ant o [...] Robert Biſhop of St. Andrews, to the Priory there.
Rymer's Foedera.
Ibid. ad Annum 1221, he's deſigned Juſticiarius Laodoniae; alſo in a Grant to Dumfermling the [...] of King Alex. III. he's in the ſame Office; and in a Grant by King Alexander to the Canons of St. Andrews, the 14th of his Reign.
Chron. de Melroſs.
Mr. Freebairn's Hiſt. of the Families of the Sirname of Drummond, M.S.
Rymer's Foedera.
II [...]d.
Invenrory of the Writings of the Houſe of Oliphant.
Charta penes Jacobum Oliphant de Gask; etiam Charta David II. Waltero Oliphant & Elizabethae Sponſae ſuae Terrarum de Pitterrie, ultimo Februarii, 1364.
Inventory of the Writs of the Houſe of Oliphant, in the Cuſtody of the Laird of Gask.
Geneal. of the Houſe of Oliphant.
Charta penes Jacobum Oliphant de Gask.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae, ad Annum 1421.
Ibidem ad Annum 1423.
Charta penes Comitem de Lauderdale.
Hathornden's Hiſtory of the Five King James's.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Charta penes Jaco [...]um Oliphant de Gask.
Hathornden's Hiſtory.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Black Acts of Parliament.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Charta in Pnb. Arch. ad Annum 1526, whereby Andrew Oliphant of Berindale, diſpones the Lands of Berindale and Ald-Wick in Inverneſs-Shire, and Strabrock in Linlithgow-Shire, to his Couſin Laurence Lord Oliphant; wherein 'tis narrated, that by the Death of umquhile Alexander Sutherland of Duffus, the Marriage of Chriſtian his only Daughter, fell in the King's Hands, who diſponed it to Laurence Lord Oliphant, Grandfather to the Diſponer, who gave her in Marriage to William Oliphant his ſecond Son, this Diſponer's Father. This Andrew had a younger Brother, Laurence Oliphant of whom the Family of Gask is lineally deſcended.
Charta in Publicis Archivis.
Charta penes Mat. Sinclair de Hermiſtoun, M.D.
Chartul. of Dunfermling.
Gregory Sinclair ſwears Fealty to King Edward I. among other Barons of Berwick-Shire, and I have ſeen in the Hands of Sir Robert Sinclair of Longformacus, Bart. an Obligation by Henry the firſt Earl of Orkney in the 1384, to his well beloved Couſin Sir James Sinclair of Longformacus, Kt. whereby the Earl obliges himſelf to give his Couſin Sir James a Twenty-Merk-Land, &c. which if it does not prove the particular Deſcent, it is certainly a very noble Document for the Antiquity of the Family of Longformacus.
Charta penes Comitem de Marchmont.
Terfeu's Hiſtory of Orkney.
Charta in Pub. Archivis.
Deduction of the Line of the Earls of Orkney, in Dr. Wallace's Hiſtory of Orkney.
Charta penes Comitem de Perth.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi II.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Ibid. ad Annum 1461, & 1457, & 1471.
The Act of Parliament is at Length in Haddington's Collections from the Records in the Lawyer's Library.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Charta Wi [...]. Comitis Cathaniae, Olivero Sinclair, filio ſuo, Terrarum de Roflin & Harbertſhire, data 10 December 147 [...].
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Dalrymple's Cambden.
Charta [...] Pub. Arch.
Regiſter of the Lyon's Office.
Chartul. of Scoon.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Chartul. of Coupar, penes D. Balmerino.
Chron. de Melroſs.
Charta penes Comitem de Panmure. which is engraven in Mr. Anderſon's Collection of Charters.
Chartul. of Scoon and Aberbrothock.
Chron. de Melroſs.
Odericus Vitalis in his Eccleſiaſtical Hiſtory, Book V. printed in Andrew du Chyne's Collecton of the Norman Writers.
Reg [...]ſters of the Priory of St. Andrews.
Chartul. of St. Andrew's. M.S.
Charta penes Comitem de Panmure.
Ibidem, & Chartul. of Arbroth, in the Lawyers Library.
Charta penes Comitem de Panmure.
Charta penes Comitem de Panmure.
P [...]n's Hiſtory.
Charta penes Comitem de Panmure.
Charta penes Magiſtrum Henricum Maule de Kelly, fratrem Comitis de Panmure.
G [...]neal. of the Houſe of Lockarit & Yeſter, & Dunlop's Collections, M.S.
Chartul [...] of Arbroath.
Charta penes Comitem de Panmure.
There is in the Hands of the Earl of Panmure, an Inſtrument taken in the 1437, by Thomas Maule of Panmure, upon Walter Earl of Athole, acknowledging, that he enjoyed the Lordſhip of Brichen, only by Courteſy, ſince the Deceaſe of his Wife Elizabeth Barclay, and that he had reſigned the ſame in the King's Hands: And another Declaration in the 1435, by Thomas Biſſet of Ballquillo, whereby he judicially declares, that D [...]me Jean Barclay, Wife of Sir David Fleeming, was Grandmother to Sir Thomas Maule, who was kill [...]d at Hairlaw.
Charta penes Comitem de Panmure.
Black Ac [...] of Parliament.
Charta penes Comitem de Panmure.
Ibidem ad Annum 1456.
Cl [...]a penes Comitem de Panmure.
Ibidem, etiam Charta in Pub. Arch.
Charta penes Comitem de Panmure.
The Hiſtory of the Family of Panmure, wrote by Mr. Robert Maule, Commiſſar of St. Andrews. M.S. penes Comitem de Panmure.
Charta penes Comitem de Panmure.
Mr. Maule's Hiſt. M.S.
Mr. Robert Maule's Hiſtory, M.S.
Charta penes Comitem de Panmure.
Mr. Maule's Hiſtory.
[...] Comitem de Panmure. I have ſeen other Bonds of Manrent in the Cuſtody of the [...] Panmure, by the Gentry of Forfar-ſhire, but this ſingle one I thought ſufficient to mention.
[...] Bond at G [...]aſgow, now printed.
Contract of Marriage penes Comitem de Panmure, a [...] [...] 1526.
Charta penes Comitem de Panmure.
Charta penes eundem Comitem.
Preſentation in my Hands by Sir James Scrimzeor to one Mr. Gray, wherein he is ſo deſigned.
Charta penes Coinitem de Panmure.
Charta in Rotulis Caroli I. ad Annum 163 [...]
Charta penes Comitem de Panmure.
Journal by the Earl of Panmure of what paſs'd during his Lordſhip's Attendance on his Majeſty at Holmb [...], penes Comitem de Panmure.
Clarendon's Hiſtory of the Rebellion.
Journal by the Earl of Panmure, while his Lordſhip waited on the King during his Impriſonment.
Clarendon's Hiſtory of the Rebellion.
Printed Ordinance of Cromwel's Council in 1654, penes me.
Regiſter of the Church of Holy-rood-houſe.
Mr. Douglaſs's Sermon preached at the Coronation of King Charles II. firſt of January 1650.
N. B. When the Government was firſt alarmed by an Inſurrection in the South in 1666, ſo ſoon as the Reſolution was declared to raiſe an Army to ſuppreſs it, they who had the chief Direction of Affairs did repoſe ſuch Confidence both in the Earl of Panmnre's Loyalty and Skill in military Affairs, that he was appointed to command the Gentry of Forfar-ſhire; but the Defeat at Pentland by General Dalziel prevented the raiſing that or any of the Northern Counties, the Peace of the Kingdom being thereby ſecured.
Charta in Publicis Archivis.
Mr. John Freebairn's Hiſtory of the Drummonds, and improven by the Viſcount of Strathallan, M.S.
Charta penes Comitem de Perth.
Ibidem, Charta D. Joanni de Drummond, partem omnium terrarum & tenementarum quae fuere Mariae de Montefixo filiae & unius haeredum quondam Will. de Montefixo Militis.
Ibidem. Charter in Drummond of Hathornden's Works by King James I. to his Uncle William Drummond of Carnock. The Family is now repreſented by Drummond of Hathornden.
Charta penes Ducem de Douglas.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Charta penes Comitem de Perth.
Major General Drummond's Hiſtory of the Drummonds, M.S.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi IV.
Drummond's Hiſtory, etiam Charta in Rotolis Jacobi IV.
Charta penes Comitem de Perth.
Major General Drummonds Hiſtory of the Drummonds.
Charta penes Comitem de Perth.
General Drummond's Hiſtory.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Charta penes Comitem de Perth.
General Drummond's Hiſtory.
Charta penes C. de Perth.
I have ſeen a Diſcharge for 6000 Merks of Tocher, which William Earl of Montroſe had received from David Lord Drummond, and Lilias Ruthven his Spou [...]e, for the Marriage o [...] John Maſter of Montroſe [...] [...]randſon and Heir, before theſe Witneſſes, William Murray o [...] [...]. Alexander Graham Penſioner of Cambuskenneth, William Graham [...] of [...] am of [...], his Sons, data 21 Sept. 1363. penes Comitem de Perth. [...].
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Charta in Cancellaria.
Charta penes Dominum Saltoun.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Balfour's Annals.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Ibid. in Rotulis Regis Willielmi.
Charta in Rotulis Carol [...] II.
Charta Penes Vicecomitem Pr [...]meroſe.
The Book I have ſeen in the Cuſtody of the Author's Kinſman the Earl of Roſebery, who has likewiſe a Book wrote by Dr. Primeroſe's Son, Mr. David Primeroſe, Batchellor of Divinity [...] the Univerſity of Oxford, and Miniſter of the Goſpel to the Proteſtant Church of Ro [...]n, Engliſhed out of the French M.S. by his Father Dr. Primeroſe. Printed at London in 1626. intituled. A Treatiſe of the Sabbath, and of the Lord's Day.
Charta penes Vicecomitem de Primeroſe.
Charta penes Comitem de Roſebery.
Biſhop Guthry's Memoirs, Page 156.
Charta penes Comitem de Roſebery.
Charta penes Comitem de Roſebery.
(a) Charta penes Comitem de Roſebery.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Extract [...] e Ch [...]on. Scotiae.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Sir William Dugdale in his Baronage of England.
Rymer's Foedera.
Charta penes Ducem de Queensberry.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Abercromby's Life of King James I.
Mr. David Simpſons Account o [...] the Houſe of Drumlanrig. M.S. penes me.
Charta penes Ducem de Queensberry, in an Indenture between William Douglaſs Lord of Drumlanrig, and William Douglaſs, Lord of Leſwalt, in the 1427.
Mr. Simpſon's Account of the Houſe of Drumlanrig.
Mr. Simpſon's Account of the Houſe of Drumlanrig.
M [...]. Thomſon's Hiſt. Collections.
Charta penes Ducem de Queensbery.
Mr. Simpſon's Account of the Houſe of Queensbery.
Charta penes Dominum Cathcart ad Annum 1497.
Charta penes Ducem de Queensbery, ad Annum 1496.
Charta penes Dominum Cathcart.
Charta penes Ducem de Queensbery, ad annum 1470, Novemb. 5th.
I find him then alive from the Writs of the Famil [...].
Charta penes Ducem de Queensberry.
Ib, etiam Charta in Pub. Arch. ad Annum 1612.
Chart [...] penes Ducem de Queensberry. ad Annum 1530.
Ibid. etiam Charta in Pub. Arch.
Charta in Pub. Arch. etiam Charta penes Ducem de Queensberry.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Ibid. etiam Charta penes Ducem de Queensberry.
Charta in Pub. Arch. May 1ſt, 1682, making the Earl of Perth Juſtice General, and another making the Marquis of Queensberry Lord High Treaſurer, 15th of July 1672.
Charta penes Ducem de Queensberry.
The Duke of Hamilton preſented a Paper, which contained the Reaſons of his Diſſent, which may be ſeen at large in the Hiſtory of Europe, and the Memoirs of Scotland, but is foreign to my Purpoſe to inſert it here.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi IV.
Charta in Rotulis Caroli I.
Charta in Rotulis Caroli I.

I find from Writs that have paſſed my Hands, that the Rolloes of Mannor, Balmont, Ballachie, Powis, and Monkſholme, of whom Woodfide, are all Cadets to the Family of Duncruib, and ſome of them were deſcended very early from this Houſe.

John de Rollo was [...], Secretary to Robert Duke of Albany, while he was Regent of Scotland in the Time of King James the Firſt's Minority. Mr. Robert Rollock, but really as it ſhould, and was ab origine Rollo, in the Time of King James VI. was Primarius Profeſſor in the new erected Univerſity of Edinburgh, a Perſon of exemplary Piety and Vertue. He wrote much wherein ſuch a Strain of Piety runs thro' his Writings, as will ever render his Memory dear to all good Men. Mr. Peter Rollock or Rollo, a Miniſter of good Account in the Time of King James VI. and a Lord of the Seſſion, by the Title of Lord Piltoun, was in the 1600 promoted to the Biſhoprick of Dunkeld. He accompanied the King into England, and was there prefer'd to a very good Benefice, the Rectory of Miſpertoun, and Brundesburton in the Dioceſs of York in the 1603. I may alſo mention another Miniſter of very good Eſteem, in the Time of King Charles I. Mr. Henry Rollo, one of the Miniſters of the City of Edinburgh.

Charta penes Dominum Rollo.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Charta penes Dominum Rollo.
Charta penes Dominum Rollo, etiam Charta in Rotulis Jacobi IV. ad Annum 1603.
Charta penes Dominum Rollo.
I would have been loath to have expreſſed the Death and Slaughter of the Maſter of Rollo in ſo harſh a Term, but having for that End peruſed the Journal of the Juſticiary, in the Denunciation of young Inchbracko, the Lords declare him Fugitive on the 11th November 169 [...], for the Murder and Slaughter of [...]quile John Maſter of Rollo.
Sir William Dugdale in his Baronage of England, takes Notice, that Birking was of old a Peerage, and that the Everinghams ſucceeded thereto in Right of Blood, and the ſame Way to them the Creſſeys; and the Counteſs of Roſebery being the Heir of all theſe Three ancient Families, ſome are of Opinion, the Right of that Peerage belongs to her by Deſcent from the Birknies, who had Summons to Parliament in the Time of Henry III. and the Earl of Roſebery has a Warrant in the due Form, from the Lyon-Office of England, allowing and authorizing him in his Lady's Right, to carry the Arms of Birking, Everingham, Normanville and Creſſy.
Charta penes Dominum Saltoun.
Charta penes Dominum Abercairny.
Charta penes Dominum Saltoun.
Charta penes me.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
This Coat of Melvil of Melvil, the Family of Roſs carry quartered with their own, by Reaſon that one of their Anceſtors married with the Heir Female of that ancient Family; but not having ſeen any of the Lord Roſs's Writs, I could not aſſign the preciſe Time when they got the Addition of that Barony to their Eſtate.
Copy of a Charter in the Cuſtody of the Laird of Leſly, which ſeems to have been taken very exactly from the Original, which was procured me by Sir Samuel Forbes of Foveran: This firſt is in the Reign of King William.
Copy of a Charter I ſaw in Mr. Leſly's Hands, from the Earl of Rothes's Charter-Cheſt, which makes th [...] clear; and there are ſeveral other concurring Writs in the Duke of Douglaſs's Hands, fully clearing this Marriage.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Copy of a Charter furniſhed me by Mr. James Leſly, Sheriff-Clerk of Cowpar, which he took the Note of from the Earl of Rothes's Charter-Chiſt.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Charta penes Comitem de Rothes.
Charta in Pub. Arch. ad Annum 1542.
Clarendon's Hiſtory of the Rebellion.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Charta in Rotulis Roberti III.
Charta penes Dominum Rutherfoord.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Engliſh Annals by George Muretoun 1678.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Charta penes Dominum Saltoun.
Original Charter of the Lands of Kintail, by King Alexander III. to this Colino Hybernio, is in the Hands of the Earl of Seaforth, and was kindly communicated to me by that noble Lord and excellent Antiquary the Earl of Cromarty, who wrote an Eſſay on his own Name and Family of the Mackenzies, which is in many Hands in M.S. The moſt exact Copy I have ſeen of theſe Memo [...]s, is in the Cuſtody of Mr. John Mackenzie of Delvin, who very civily gave me the Peruſal of [...] and allowed me to take Notes from it.
Charta in Rotulis Mar [...]ae Reginae, ad Annum 1543.
Charta in Pub. Arch. ad Annum 1577.
Earl of Cromarty's Eſſay on the Family of Seaforth.
Charta in Cancel. S [...]. N. R.
Memoirs of the Family of Seaforth, in the Dedication to the Lord Seaforth, by Dr. George Mackenzie, in his firſt Volume of his Biography, who. I'm hopeful will ob [...]ige the Nation, by writing at large the Memoirs of this noble Family, o [...] which he has the Honour to derive his Deſcent, and which I know the Dr. is ſo well ſupp [...]y [...]d with M [...]terials for, and for that very Reaſon I have been the le [...]s particular in my Account of this noble Family, than perhaps I might have been, preſuming that that more exact Work of his wil [...] due Time be communicated to the World.
Charta penes Robertum Hall de Fulbar.
Charta in Rotulis Roberti I.
Chartulary o [...] Pa [...]y.
Charta penes Comitem de Bute
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Charta penes Dominum Semple.
Ibidem, ad Annum 1505.
Charta penes me.
Charta penes Dominum Semple.
Charta pe [...]e [...] Domi [...]um Semple.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Charta penes D. Sinclair, which was in the Hands of William Wilſon, one of the Under-Clerks of the Seſſion; a Perſon well ſeen in the Antiquities of his Country.
Charta in Pub. Archivis ad Annum 1512.
Excerpt of the Chartulary of Glaſgow penes me.
Rymer ad Annum 1357.
In Pu [...] Archivis.
[...]ad. Collect. MS.
Charta in Pub. Archivis.
Charta penes C. de Southesk.
Charta penes C. de Southesk.
Buchanan and Leſly.
Rymer's Foedera A [...]gliae, etiam Charta penes C. de Southesk.
Charter of Alien [...]tion by Margaret Carnegy, one of the Two Daughters and Heirs of Elizabeth Ramſay of Colluthy, with Conſent of William Dundaſs of Feinzies her Spouſe, of the Lands of Coliuthy, to Mr. David Carnegy her Father, in the Publick Records Anno 1582.
Charta penes C. de Southesk.
Nalſon's Collections, Vol. 1. Page 275.
Bal [...]our's Annals MS.
Walker's Treaty at the Iſle of Wight, Page 25.
Commiſſion under the Great Se [...] of France, in the Cuſtody of the Earl of Southesk, June 24th, 1659.
Charta penes me.
State Letters during the Reign of King James V. MS.
Charta in Pub. Archivis.
There is a Charte [...] in the Rolls of King Robert II. the firſt Year of his Reign, Anno 1371, ratifying a [...]ant which Malcolm filius Gilchriſt filius Adae de Dalrymple made of the Half of the Barony of Dalrymple to Sir John Kennedy; and the Granter having then a Son John Dalrymple, who ge [...]s a Charter about the ſame Time of the whole Dominium de Dalrymple, 'tis no Stretch, but a very modeſt Computation in Chronology, to place Adam the Great Grandfather as high as [...]lexander the III's [...]me.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Ibidem ad Annum 1449.
The Montgomeries of Sta [...] were certainly one of the ancienteſt and beſt Extracted Families in Air ſhire. I obſerve that [...]an de Mundegumbri del Cont. de Air, their Anceſtor, is in the Rogman Roll, or the Submiſſion of the Scots Barons to King Edward I. of England, Anno 1296.
He is deſigned, Filius Joannis filius Negeli de Carrick, Charta penes me ad Annum 1359.
Charta penes C. de Sta [...] ad Annum 1412.
Charta penes Comitem de Stair ad Annum 1451.
Knox's Hiſtory mentions this Lady, whoſe Name he miſtakes, and calls Iſobel, was ſummoned before the Biſhop of Glaſgow's Court, as one of the Lollards of Shyle in 1494, and was a Lady of excellent Worth and Virtue.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Ibidem ad Annum 1555.
Knox's Hiſtory.
Charta in Rotulis Priva [...] Sigilli ad Annum 1566, for Treaſon, and aſſiſting the Duke of Chattlerault to defend the Caſtles of Draſſan and Hamilton againſt the Queen [...]s Authority.
Bond at Edinburgh 1567.
Memorial of the Viſcount of Stair.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
My noble and very worthy Friend Sir James Dalrymple did collect and furniſh Sir George Mackenzie with the moſt of the Materials of what he wrote in Defence of the Royal Line, and his Jus Regium, tho' without any Acknowledgment to his Friend Mr. Dalrymple, which I and many others have wondred at, when it was ſo well known at that Time. Sir James has alſo publiſh'd a new Edition of Cambden's Britannia, wherein he gives us the firſt right Draught of the Line of the Royal Family of the Stewarts, and reſcued it from the Blunders and Miſtakes of all that ever wrote before him: which is ſuch an eminent and notable Service to the Crown and his Country, that ought never to be forgotten, but gratefully remembred to his Honour and the Honour of his Memory; for I can well ſay, that all that has been advanced ſince on the Hiſtory of the Royal Family, are but Superſtructures upon that Foundation which Sir James has there laid down.
Charta in p [...]b. Archi [...]is.
Charta in pub. Archivis.
Charta in Pub. Archivis, dated 4. September, 1630.
Charta penes me.
Chartulary of Cambuskenneth MS. etiam Charta penes Ducem de Athole.
Charta i [...] Pub. Archivis.
Charta in Rotulis Jacobi VI.
Form of the Funeral-Sol [...]nity of David firſt Viſcount of Stormont, [...]. [...] [...].
Charta in Rotulis Caroli I.
Charta in Cancellaria S. D. N. R.
Biſhop [...]uthry's Memoin.
Charta in Rotulis Caroli I.
Charta in Cancellaria S. D. N. R.
Chron. de Melroſs Anno 1115, Canonicis tradita eſt Eccleſia de Scoon.
Chartulary of Scoon penes Vicecomitem de Stormont.
Abbas Rivalis, Page 342.
Charta penes Ducem de Montroſe.
Chartulary of Inchaffery penes Mauritium Murray fratrem Domini Abercairny.
Charta penes D. de Montroſe.
Originol Charter of Lands by Earl Gilbert to his Daughter in Sir Robert Sibbald's Hiſtory of Fife, Page 96.
Charta penes D. Abercairny.
Mauricio Comite de Strathern is mentioned a Witneſs in a Charter by King David to William Earl of Sutherland, Anno Regni ſui decimo ſeptimo.
In a Charter 5th March, Anno Regni Regis David 38, Robertus Seneſchallus Scotiae is ſo deſigned, and the firſt Time I have met with him, Comes de Strathern, penes Dom. Torphichen.
Charta penes C. de Strathmore.
Memoirs of the Chamberlain [...] of Scotland MS. penes me.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae.
Charta in Pub. Archivis.
Lord Carſe's Account of the Family of Strathmore.
Charta in Pub. Arch. likewiſe the Black Acts of Parliament.
Lord Carſe's Account of the Family of Strathmore.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Records of the Court of Juſticiary.
Records of Parliament 1543, in the Laigh Parliament-Houſe MS.
B. Spotſwood's Church-Hiſtory.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Lord Carſe's Account of the Family of Strathmore.
Sir Robert Gordon, Buchanan, and Hume.
This ancient Family bears a double Treaſſure, as deſcended from a Daughter of King Robert I. which as this illuſtrious Deſcent is nobly documented by the Earl's own Charters, ſo 'tis very Honourably atteſted by the Crown, in the Warrant to the Lord Lyon for that Effect.
Charta in Rotulis R. Will.
Charta penes Ducem de Athole.
Confirm. Alexandri Regis Scotorum, quod Robertus Comes de Strathern fecit Congal filio Duncani ſilii Malcolmi, de illis Terris in villa ſua Cacherlanach, quae dicitur Tillybardine, Teſte Williclmo Epiſcopo Glaſguenſi Cancellario, Tertio Aprilis Anno Reg [...] Regis viceſimo.
Charta penes D. Torphicnen.
Datum apud Edinb. viceſimo die Novembris, Anno Regni Regis decimo quarto.
Datum apud Calder vicefimo quarto die Maii, Anno Regni noſtri decimo quarto.
Charta penes Dom. Torphichen.
Rymera Foedera Angliae.
Charta penes D. Torphichen.
Drummond's Hiſtory of King James II. likewiſe Bucnanan.
Charta penes D. Torphichen.
Charta in Pub. [...]rch. ad Annum 1478, collected by Scotſtarvet, MS. penes me, when he was Director, of the Chancery.
Charta penes D. Torphichen ad Annum 1506.
Charta in Pub. Arch. etiam penes D. Torphichen.
This noble Perſon ſo ſucceeding was the Son o [...] Sir James Sandilands of Calder, by Jean his Wife Daughter of James Lord Roſs, and he of Jo [...]n Sandilands of Calder, Elder Brother to James Lord St. John the firſt Lord Torphichen, by Margaret his Wi [...]e, Daug [...]ter of Sir Robert Barton of Over-barton, Lord High-Treaſurer of Scotland in the Reign of King James V. The ſame John, by Jean his 2d Wife, Daughter of John Lord Fleeming, had Sir James Sandilands of Slamenen, one of the Gentlemen of the Bed-chamber to King James VI. of w [...]om frequent Mention is made in the Hiſtory of that Reign by Dr. John Spotſw [...]od Archbiſhop of St. Andrews.
Charta penes D. Torphichen.
Charta penes D. Torphichen.
Charta in Pub. Arch. [...]d Annum 1478.
Charta in Pub. Arch. ad Annum 1492. likewiſe Mr. Martine of Clearmont's Genealogical Collections.
Charta penes me.
Charta in Pub. Arch. ad Annum 1511.
Ibidem, etiam Charta penes March. de Tweddale.
Charta penes C. de Traquair.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Sir James Dalrymple's Cambden, Edit, 1694.
Charta in Cancellaria S. D. N. R.
Charta in Cancellaria S. D. N. R.
The Remiſſion I have ſeen and peruſed in the Hands of the Earl of Traquair.
In a Donation by Willielmus de Haya to the Monks of Cowpar, Joannes de Haya frater ejus is a Witneſs.
Charta penes Ducem de Athole, etiam penes Mar [...]. de Tweddale.
Chartulary of Newbottle penes M. de Lothian.
Rymers Foedera Angliae.
Charta penes March. de Tweddale, ad Annum 14 [...]0, in the Foundation of the Church of Bothans. [...] is deſign'd Sir William Hay Knight, Sheriff of Peebles.
Charta penes M. de Tweddale, in an Indenture betwixt nobilem vi [...]urr W. de Haya Vic [...]comi [...]em de Peebles, cum conſenſu D. Williem [...] fil [...]i ſui & [...]aeredis, and William Bishop of G [...]aſgow, [...]d Annum 1418.
Ibidem ad Annum 1444, by Alicia Hay Relict of Sir William Hay of Yeſter, to the College-Church of Yeſter, Teſt. Edmond. Hay of Linplum her Son.
Ibidem ad Annum 1425.
Rymer's Foedera Angliae ad [...]nnum 1423, and is deſign'd Tho. Hay D. de Yeſter.
Ibidem ad Annum 1441.
Ibidem ad Annum 1462.
Ibidem ad Annum 1468, the Contract betwixt John Hay, Son and Heir apparent of Sir David Hay of Yeſter, and Eliz. Cuninghame Daughter of George Cuninghame, Son and Heir apparent of Sir William Cuninghame of Beltoun.
Ibidem ad Annum 1491.
Ibidem 2d Annum 1496.
Ibidem and Annum 1519, in a Grant of Lands by John Lord Yeſter, with Conſent of Elizabeth Crichton his Mother, &c.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
C [...]arta penes M. de Tweddale ad Annum 1527.
Charta in Pub. Archivis.
Charta penes March. de Tweddale.
Dr. Anderſon's Hiſtory of Scotland MS. in Bibl. Juridica Edinb.
Memoirs of the Houſe of Yeſter, M.S. penes me.
Charta in Pub. Arch.
Sir Robert Sibbald's Hiſtory of Fife-Shire.
Charta penes Ducem de Athole.
Charta penes Co [...]ite [...] de Weems, ad Annum 1529.
Ibidem ad Annum 1333.
Charta penes Comitem de Weems, Teſt, Roberto de Norvyle, Alano de Myrton, Allan [...] Macmorin, & Michaeli de Comray.
Ibidem. ad Annum 1401.
Charta pene [...] Dominum Gray, ad Annum 1418.
Ibidem. ad Annum 1428.
Ibidem ad Annum 1431.
Ibidem. ad Annum 1446.
Ibidem. ad Annum 1468.
Ibibem ad Annum 1482.
C [...]arta in Pub. Archivis.
Charta penes Comitem de Weems.
Ibidem ad Annum 1582.
Charta penes Comitem de Weems.
Ibidem 29th May 1625.
C [...]arta in Pub. Arch.
Charta in Cancellaria, S. D. N. R. ad Annum 1672.
Borbriefe James Lord Burntiſland.
Ibidem, of the Date 15th of April 1672.
Excerpt from the Regiſters of the Epiſcopal See of Glaſgow, which has been at Paris ſince the 1560, that Biſhop Beatoun carried them over at the Reformation, The Charter of Bishop Robert is without Date, but he was conſecrate Bis [...]op of St. Andrews about the 1126.
Charta in Regiſ. de Dunfermling ad Annum 1178.
Rymer's Foedera Ang [...]ae, Roger Hovendu, and other English Hiſtorians.
Charta in Regiſ. Calch, Folio 42.
Chartulary of Pa [...]ſ [...]ey, which I had the Uſ [...] of by the Favour of the Earl of Dundonald.
Mr. Rymers Foedera Angliae.
In all this our Hiſtorians concur.
There are Writs and Char [...]ers in the Earl of Wigtoun's Hands making this clear, that the Barony of Cumbernald belonged [...] Cummings from the Time of King William.
Charta penes Marchionem de Tweddale. T [...] Writ is a Charter by King David II. Patric [...]o F [...]eeming M [...]ti, of the Sheriff, ip of Peeble [...], dated [...] September, the 18th Year of the King's Reign.
Inventar of the Regiſters of the Chancery pene Ha [...]ton de Wi [...]haw.
Charta penes Comitem de Wigtoun.
B [...]e [...]s's Hiſtory of King David the Bruce.
Rymer's Acta publica, ad An. 1357.
Charta penes Comitem de Wigtoun, 36th of King David the Second.
Charta penes Comitem de Wigtoun, after this Earl had ſold the Earldom of Wig [...]oun to Sir Archbald Douglaſs Lord of Galloway, [...]e deſigns himſelf Dudum Comes de Wigtoun, & Dominus de Fulwood, as in ſeveral Charters both in the publick Records, and in the Hands of the Earl of Wigtoun.
Charta penes Comitem de Wigtoun.
Charta penes Comitem de Wigtoun.
By Recognition Iſobel Counteſs of Mar having diſpon'd theſe Lands and that Office without the King's Conſent.
Winton's Hiſtory.
Charta penes Comitem de Wigtoun, of the Barony of Biggar, which is finely engraven by Mr. Anderſon in his Book de Rebus Diplom.
Drummond's Hiſtory of King James I.
Charta penes Comitem de Wigtoun.
Ibidem. ad Annum 1465.
Charta penes Comitem de Wigtoun.
Ibidem. This noble Lord in [...]he 1545 did make a noble Foundation of a Collegiate Church at Biggar, and richly endow'd it with Lands and Tithes for a Provoſt, Eight Prebends, Four Singing Boys, and Six poor Men, which was ratified both by the Bishop of St. Andrews the Cardinal, and the Pope's Bull; wherein his Zeal to the Church is highly extol'd.
Charta penes Comitem de Wigtoun.
Biſhop Spotiſwood's Hiſtory.
Charta penes C. de Wigtoun.
The Lord Fleming is reſtor'd by virtue of an Act of Parliament, giving him the Benefit of the Pacification at Perth in 1572.
Charta penes Comitem de Wigtoun.
Dalrymple's Collections.
Charta pene [...] Comitem de Winton.
Haddingtoun's Go [...] lections in Bib. Jurid.
Charta penes Comitem de Winton.
Hiſtory of the Houſe of Seaton.
Writs in the Hands of Captain Robert Seaton, the Heir and Repreſentative o [...] the Seatons of M [...]ldrum.
Charta in Pub. Archivis.
Hiſt. of the Seatons. M.S.
Hiſt. of the Seatons.
Hiſt. of the Seaton [...].
Mr. Nisbet's Hiſtorical Remarks upon the Family of Sea [...]on.
Hiſt: of the Family of Seaton in the Hands of Capt. Robert Seaton of Meldrum, who civily allowed me the Uſe of the Manuſcript.
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Zitationsvorschlag für dieses Objekt
TextGrid Repository (2020). TEI. 5301 The peerage of Scotland containing an historical and genealogical account of the nobility of that Kingdom By George Crawfurd Esq. University of Oxford Text Archive. . https://hdl.handle.net/21.T11991/0000-001A-5BE0-1