

LONDON: Printed for S. HARDING, at the Bible and Anchor, on the Pavement, in St. Martin's Lane; And J. ROBERTS, in Warwick-Lane. 1738.

TEN CASES Of PERSONS who have taken Mrs. Stephens's MEDICINES FOR THE STONE.


I. The Caſe of the Right Reverend the Lord Biſhop of BATH and WELLS.

ABOUT Five Years ago he felt a Soreneſs in his Left Side, after having rode Four Days together, and made Water, which was firſt coffee-colour'd, and then bloody. Theſe Complaints went off in a ſhort time; however, he became, after this, ſubject to make bloody Water upon Riding: He felt once a moſt violent Pain along the [2]Region of the Right Ureter; it laſted only for a Moment, and happened during a Fit of Cholic, occaſioned by eating Strawberries. About Two Years ago he was obliged to forbear riding, and could hardly walk without making bloody Water; had Pain in making Water, and a Forcing to go to Stool at the ſame time, but no Stoppage: He began Mrs. Stephens's Medicines in April laſt; they increaſed the Pain in making Water for ſome time; his Water became turbid at the time of making, had ropy fetid Matter in it, depoſited a thick heavy Sediment, and many ſmall Flakes and Fragments of Stones were voided with it in a ſoft State: In Five or Six Weeks he grew much better, and was able to go over the Stones in his Coach: His general Health was alſo much improved. In the Beginning of July he had a Return of the Pain in making Water, with a ſudden Stoppage now and then: Upon this he voided ſeveral Pieces of Stone in a ſoft State, with one pretty large Piece, Part of which was ſoft and white, Part brown and hard, and it gave a little Pain in paſſing: After this the Pain and Stoppage in making Water went off intirely. In September he went into the Country, where he often rides a trotting Horſe without any Inconvenience; and is free from all Complaints, excepting that he has now and then ſome uneaſy Senſations in the Region of the Kidneys: He has continued the Medicines till a little while ago; but his Water has been in general perfectly clear, during the Uſe of [3]them; whereas it has twice been turbid upon diſcontinuing them, and depoſits a red Sediment, which dries into a ſtony Subſtance.

J. Bath and Wells.

II. The Caſe of Mr. Binford, at Mr. Cameray's, in Tokenhouſe-yard, Throgmorton-ſtreet.

HE had a Stone taken out of his Bladder by the Operation, when about Ten Years old; has had the Symptoms of a Stone in the Bladder now again, for about Six Years. A Surgeon at Exeter examined him twice by the Finger in the Anus, and found both times in the moſt evident manner a Stone in the Bladder, which he imagined to be as big as an Egg. Mr. Binford perceived the Motions of this Stone during the Examinations, and made bloody Water after one of them. He began Mrs. Stephens's Medicines about the middle of laſt Auguſt, and in a ſhort time after voided many white Scales, and much brown Grit in a ſoft and rotten State: Since this he has voided many irregular Shells of Stone, of a conſiderable Size, and of ſuch a Thickneſs, as to conſiſt of ſeveral Coats, from Two to Six in Number: [4]Many of theſe, when voided, are covered with a Whiteneſs, which being rubb'd off, the Shell appears to be brown. On the 30th of January he had a Suppreſſion of Urine; Mr. Hawkins paſſed the Catheter then, and found a Stone in the Bladder, which he told Mr. Binford he believed to be very ſmall, tho' he would not preſume to be certain. Mr. Binford has voided many more Pieces of Stone ſince this, and Mrs. Stephens is in daily Expectation of his being perfectly well.

Tho. Binford.

III. The Caſe of Mr. Bolton, at the Sun and Dolphin in Cheapſide, contained in a Letter directed to me.


TOWARDS the latter Part of my Life, when in my Fiftieth Year, about 1720, I was ſore pained with the Stone, until I voided a large one; at ſeveral times ſince about a Dozen; Part came away after a little riding, and then I made Water like Coffee: But I imagine, one of the largeſt might ſtay behind; for in 1735 I began to be greatly afflicted; could not endure to ride, or bear a Coach: When I have been making Water, it often [5]ſtopped on a ſudden, cauſing much Pain; and no Perſon in the Country could give Relief, tho' I took a many odd Things. Reading the Papers, I obſerved, ſome Specificks for the Stone were advertized, one a Powder, the other a Liquid: I got 'em, and try'd each; but was not able to go thro' with either of 'em; being of a forcing Nature, increaſed my Pain: Then was adviſed to ſmooth palliating Medicines, yet Pain ſtill continued, and exceſſive; made me begin to think of coming up to London to be cut, if it might be ſafely done at my Age: At that time the News informed us, that the Biſhop of Bath and Wells and others were cured by taking Mrs. Stephens's Medicines: I was then more inclinable to come: When I ſet out, my Thoughts were to undergo the manual Operation, and had wrote to Mr. Cheſelden about it: When I arrived in London, and conſulted with ſome Friends, it was thought, as I was in my 68th Year, the ſafeſt way to take Mrs. Stephens's Medicines; and accordingly on the 18th of July, 1737, I began with 'em, taking Three Powders, and Three half Pints of Liquid every Day: What Effect, and how they did operate, you will ſee by the following Diary, which I kept as exactly as I could, conſidering the Pain I had by times; which yet prompted me to keep ſtrictly to the Medicines, believing, that by ſo doing, I ſhould the ſooner be made eaſy, and took the Liquid Four times a Day for ſome Weeks.

A DIARY, as I took the Medicines.



  • Jul. 18. Began to take Three Powders, Three half Pints of a Liquid, Three times a Day.
  • Jul. 19. The ſame.
  • Jul. 20. The ſame. Brought away a ſlimy mucous Matter into the Pot; much Pain.
  • Jul. 21. Continued to bring ſuch Stuff away; great Pain.
  • Jul. 22. The ſame. I was in great Pain all this time.
  • Jul. 23. The ſame. I was in great Pain all this time.
  • Jul. 24. The ſame. I was in great Pain all this time.
  • Jul. 25. Foul Water. I was in great Pain all this time.
  • Jul. 26. Thick Water. I was in great Pain all this time.
  • Jul. 27. Foul Water. I was in great Pain all this time.
  • Jul. 28. The ſame. I was in great Pain all this time.
  • Jul. 29. The ſame. I was in great Pain all this time.
  • Jul. 30. The ſame. I was in great Pain all this time.
  • Jul. 31. Water clearer, I was in great Pain all this time.
  • which made me ſend to Mrs. Stephens, who anſwered, I muſt have Patience, and begin to try Four half Pints a Day. I was in great Pain all this time.
  • Aug. 1. Water not ſo foul. I began with Four half Pints, continuing the Three Powders. All this time eaſier than before.
  • Aug. 2. ſame. All this time eaſier than before.
  • Aug. 3. Water clearer. All this time eaſier than before.
  • Aug. 4. Made much Water, and clear. All this time eaſier than before.
  • Aug. 5. The ſame. All this time eaſier than before.
  • Aug. 6. Leſs Water, and ſlimy Matter. All this time eaſier than before.
  • Aug. 7. Leſs Water, and ſlimy Matter. All this time eaſier than before.
  • Aug. 8. Water a little foul. All this time eaſier than before.
  • Aug. 9. The ſame. All this time eaſier than before.
  • Aug. 10. Water foul and whitiſh; much Pain.
  • Aug. 11. Water whitiſh, and very great Pain when I made Water.
  • Aug. 12. Water not clear, and great Pain.
  • Aug. 13. Water ſlimy, with a white Sediment, very great Pain.
  • Aug. 14. Clearer, with a little Sediment, but grievous Pain. Above are Twenty-eight Days, in which time the Medicines took little Effect, and much Pain almoſt every Day.
  • Aug. 15. Water a little foul, ſome Sediment; very grievous Pain.
  • Aug. 16. Water clearer, ſome white Sediment; moſt cruel Pain.
  • Aug. 17. Water foul, a ſlimy Sediment; very great Pain.
  • Aug. 18. Water the ſame; very great Pain.
  • Aug. 19. Water the ſame; great Pain.
  • Aug. 20. Water ſlimy, with Sediment; ſore Pain.
  • Aug. 21. Water the ſame; very grievous Pain. It was ſo intolerable, I ſent for Mrs. Stephens, to acquaint her, I was not able to endure: She ſaid, I muſt have Patience, I ſhould in a little time be eaſier; and I might take an Opiate to make me reſt in the Night, and forbear to take the [8]Fourth half Pint, ſuppoſing it might be too hard upon me.
  • Aug. 22. Water foul, with a ſlimy Sediment; great and grievous Pain: I began to filter it.
  • Aug. 23. Water foul, as Yeſterday; this Night violent Pain.
  • Aug. 24. Water, as Yeſterday, with great Pain.
  • Aug. 25. Something foul, a little Sediment; very cruel Pain all this Night.
  • Aug. 26. High-coloured, little Sediment; great Pain.
  • Aug. 27. A Stoppage ſometimes, high coloured; great Pain.
  • Aug. 28. A Difficulty to urine, a little Sediment; very great Pain.
  • Aug. 29. A Stoppage, little Sediment; great Pain in making Water.
  • Aug. 30. As Yeſterday.
  • Aug. 31. A Stoppage, great Pain when I made Water, and continued.
  • Sept. 1. Thick Water, high-coloured; exceſfive Pain this Night.
  • Sept. 2. Thick Water, a Stoppage; great Pain.
  • Sept. 3. High-coloured, a Sediment, and much Pain.
  • Sept. 4. The ſame, with great Pain.
  • Sept. 5. A Stoppage ſometimes, high-coloured; great Pain at making Water.
  • Sept. 6. High-coloured, a Sediment, with very great Pain.
  • Sept. 7. Made little Water, but with Pain; an eaſier Night.
  • Sept. 8. Made little Water, Pain in making, but eaſier To-day than a great while before.
  • Sept. 9. Water clear, no Sediment, Pain much abated.
  • Sept. 10. Made more Water, and clear, pretty eaſy this Day and Night.
  • Sept. 11. Made much Water, and clear, pretty eaſy, little Pain. This Night made a larger Quantity of Water, little Pain.
  • Sept. 12. Clear Water, no Sediment, not much Pain. Night the ſame.
  • Sept. 13. Water a little foul, and ſome Pain. Night the ſame.
  • Sept. 14. Water more foul, a Sediment, with more Pain. Night a Stoppage, little Water, and foul with a Sediment.
  • Sept. 15. Came foul, and a Sediment, with ſome Pain. Night the ſame.
  • Sept. 16. Was a little foul, no Sediment, but ſome Pain. I took the Elixir for ſleeping. Night made much Water, and clear, but little Pain.
  • Sept. 17. The ſame.
  • Sept. 18. The ſame. Night the ſame.
  • Sept. 19. The ſame. Night made much Water, no Sediment, ſome Pain.
  • Sept. 20. Water clear, not ſo much as Yeſterday, little Pain. Night the ſame.
  • Sept. 21. Clear Water, with more Pain than Yeſterday. Night not ſo much [10]Water, but clear, and greater Pain.
  • Sept. 22. The ſame, with more Pain. Night much Water, and clear, with great Pain.
  • Sept. 23. The ſame. Night the ſame, clear Water, but with more Pain.
  • Having for above a Week paſt made clear Water, and with much Pain, and nothing comeing away, made me begin to think of leaving off the Medicines; yet I was ſure the Cure was not finiſhed, and having a Doctor, who happened to be here, then adviſed me to take 'em a Fortnight longer, ſo I continued to go on.
  • Sept. 24. Made clear Water, moderate Quantity, with ſore Pain. Night was foul Water, little in Quantity; ſome Pain.
  • Sept. 25. Water foul, not much; in which Two little Bits of the Stone; with a little Pain. Night but little Water and foul; Pain eaſier.
  • Sept. 26. The ſame. Night the ſame; but often Pain.
  • Sept. 27. Much the ſame; with ſome Pain. Night little Water, foul; Pain eaſier.
  • Sept. 28. Still but little Water, and foul; not much Pain. Night the ſame.
  • Sept. 29. The ſame; with Pain when I made Water. Night the ſame.
  • Sept. 30. But little Water, not very foul: This Day and the Night following a great many Bits of Stone came away, being the Eleventh Week; more has come away this Week, than in any one Week before.
  • Oct. 1. Moderate Water, and clearer; ſeveral Bits came away, pretty eaſy. Night a few Bits came away; not much Water, clearer.
  • Oct. 2. Water began to be clearer; fewer Bits; ſome Uneaſineſs. Night Water almoſt clear; and few Bits, with a little Pain.
  • Oct. 3. Water clear; Pain ſometimes; no Bits. Night but little Pain; no Bits.
  • Oct. 4. The ſame. Night the ſame.
  • Oct. 5. Much Water, and clear; ſeldom Pain; no Bits. Night not much Water, clear; no Bits; nor Pain.
  • Oct. 6. Water clear; few Bits; no Pain. Night Two or Three Bits; no Pain.
  • Oct. 7. Water very clear; with Pain when made it; no Bits. Night clear Water, with a Stoppage, that I could ſcarce make any; and with Pain.
  • Oct. 8. Clear Water, with ſome Pain; Two or Three Bits. Night Water very clear; ſharp Pain ſometimes; Two Bits.
  • Oct. 9. The ſame; ſome little Bits. Night the ſame; no Bits worth Notice.
  • Oct. 10. The ſame, with frequent ſharp Pain; no Bits material. Night foul Water, with Pain; no Bits.
  • Oct. 11. Clear Water, with ſome Pain; Three or Four Bits. Water clear, a little Pain; ſome Bits.
  • Oct. 12. A Pain when I make Water; a few Bits. Clear Water; ſome little Bits.
  • Oct. 13. Clear Water; no Bits. Night a Stoppage and Dribling; very few Bits; ſmall Particles.
  • Oct. 14. Clear Water; no Pain but when at Pot; a few ſmall Bits. Night the ſame; ſome of the ſmalleſt Bits.
  • Oct. 15. Clear Water; Pain at making; few ſmall Particles. Night a Stoppage and Dribling; little Pain; ſome ſmall Bits.
  • Oct. 16. Clear Water, what I made, but had a Stoppage of Urine; with great Pain when I made Water; which was but a few Drops at a time; but ſeveral Bits came away. In the Night I roſe often to make Water, but could not, which cauſed very great Pain; but towards Morning making a little, ſeveral Bits came away.
  • Oct. 17. Water clear, with Pain; but ſeveral large and little Bits came out, one [13]the largeſt yet. Night a Stoppage often, with great Pain; Two large and ſeveral leſſer Bits came away.
  • Oct. 18. A Stoppage, and Pain; but ſeveral Bits, one larger came away. Night little Water, often a Stoppage; not ſo clear; ſome Bits.
  • Oct. 19. Clear Water; a Stoppage with Pain; no Bits worth Notice. Night a little Water, being a Stoppage; a few little Bits.
  • Oct. 20. Clear Water, little Pain; ſome Bits. Clear Water, a Stoppage, and Pain in Pene: Two large Bits ſticking came out next Day.
  • Oct. 21. In the Morning made me eaſy, and urine more freely; a few ſmall Bits came away. Night clear Water, pretty eaſy; ſome few ſmall Bits came away.
  • Oct. 22. The ſame; only a few Bits came away. Night the ſame; Two pretty large Bits came away.
  • Oct. 23. Water clear, uneaſy when I made it; ſome little Bits came away. Night much Water, clear, eaſy, Two Bits came.
  • Oct. 24. The ſame; Two or Three ſmall Bits. Night clear Water; Two larger Bits; ſome ſticking cauſed Pain.
  • Oct. 25. Water clear; no Pain but at making Water; no Bits. Night a Stoppage; [14]made Water with Difficulty; no Bits.
  • Oct. 26. Clear Water; ſome Pain in Pene; no Bits this Day. Night Water foul, with Pain Pene; a Stoppage; Three or Four large Bits came out in the Morning.
  • Oct. 27. Clear Water; Pain by Stoppage; no Bits. Night Water not clear; a Stoppage, with Pain Pene; ſeveral Bits found in the Pot in the Morning, more than any Night before.
  • Oct. 28. Clear Water; no Pain, nor any Bits. Night the very ſame.
  • Oct. 29. The ſame. Night the ſame; no Pain, nor Bits.
  • Oct. 30. Water clear; a little Pain at making; no Bits. Night clear Water, ſometimes a Stoppage, with Pain; no Bits.
  • Oct. 31. The ſame. Night much Water and clear, did not come freely; a few little Bits.
  • Nov. 1. Water clear; no Pain; no Bits. Night the ſame; a dribbling Stoppage; no Bits.
  • Nov. 2. Clear Water; very few Bits. Night the ſame, with a dribbling Stoppage; no Bits.
  • Nov. 3. Water clear; no Pain, nor Bits. Night much Water and clear; a Stoppage; no Bits.
  • Nov. 4. Clear Water; no Pain, nor Bits. Night a Stoppage; little Water, and a few Bits.
  • Nov. 5. Water clear, ſome Pain at making; no Bits. The ſame at Night; a ſmall Bit, and ſome Pain.
  • Nov. 6. Clear Water; a Stoppage, with a Pain Pene; Bits ſticking. Night foul Water; a Stoppage, with great Pain; Bits ſticking, but in the Morning ſeveral large Bits were in the Pot.
  • Nov. 7. Clear Water; a few ſmall Bits, with a little Pain. Night the ſame; a Stoppage, with ſome Pain; a few Bits.
  • Nov. 8. The ſame; I began to take leſs Medicines, to Three times, Pain being abated. Night Water fouler; a Stoppage; ſome few Bits.
  • Nov. 9. Water clear; no Pain; very few ſmall Bits. Night Water a little foul; no Pain, nor Bits.
  • Nov. 10. Clear Water, ſome Pain; few Bits. Night clear Water, a little Stoppage; 2 Bits, and Mucus.
  • Nov. 11. Water not clear; no Pain; no Bits. Night clear Water, a little Stoppage; no Bits.
  • Nov. 12. The ſame. Night Water not clear, a Stoppage, with Pain Pene; no Bits.
  • Nov. 13. The ſame. Night clear Water, Pain and Stoppage; Two or Three Bits.
  • Nov. 14. Clear Water, ſome Pain; no Bits. Night Water foul, with a Stoppage and Pain; no Bits.
  • Nov. 15. Foul Water, a Stoppage ſometimes; no Bits. Night Water foul, frequent Stoppage, with Pain; One Bit.
  • Nov. 16. Foul Water, a Stoppage by times; in the Evening a large Bit came, the biggeſt that came yet. Night foul Water; a little Pain, but no Bits.
  • Nov. 17. Foul high-coloured Water, a Stoppage with Pain; no Bits. Night white foul Water, a Stoppage ſometimes; no Bits.
  • Nov. 18. Water not clear, a little Stoppage; a pretty large Bit of hard Stone came away. Night foul white Water, pretty eaſy; no Bits.
  • Nov. 19. Water the ſame, Stoppage and Pain; This Evening the largeſt Stone came away. Night Water foul, ſome Stoppage, eaſy as to Pain; no Bits.
  • Nov. 20. Water not ſo foul; no Pain nor Bits. Night Water foul and white, ſome Stoppage, little Pain; no Bits.
  • Nov. 21. Clear Water, pretty eaſy; no Bits. Night the ſame.
  • Nov. 22. The ſame. Night the Water a little foul, Stoppage ſometimes; no Bits.
  • Nov. 23. Clear Water; no Pain, nor Bits. Night foul Water, a Stoppage without Pain; no Bits.
  • Nov. 24. Water ſometimes clear, ſometimes foul; no Pain; no Bits. Night Water foul and high-coloured; eaſy, no Bits.
  • Nov. 25. Clear Water, Pain Pene; a little Bit. Night Water clear; a Pain by Stone ſticking Pene; Two large Pieces came away in the Morning, where the laſt had ſtuck in the Paſſage a Day and Night.
  • Nov. 26. Water clear; a little Pain Pene, by reaſon of the ſticking of the Two laſt Pieces. Much Water and clear this Night, a little uneaſy; no Bits.
  • Nov. 27. Water the ſame, eaſy from any Pain; no Bits. This Day, the laſt of Twenty Weeks, I began to forbear the Medicine; I only took Two Bottles after this Day.
  • Nov. 28. I walk'd abroad as far as the Cuſtom-houſe, having confined myſelf for Twenty Weeks, taking the Medicines regularly, without ſtirring out of Doors.



YOU may pleaſe to obſerve, I have had great Pain from the Stone, and the Medicine's Operation, but now being intirely free from any, may be compared to a Woman in Travail; is forgotten, and do believe myſelf now to be cured of the Stone, having no Symptoms of that Kind. Thanks to Friends for Advice, & Laus Deo.

I am, Sir, Your moſt obliged, humble Servant. Fran. Bolton.

From Newcaſtle ſuper Tinam.

IV. The Caſe of the Honourable Mr. Carteret, Poſtmaſter General.

HAVING been very much afflicted with the Stone and Gravel, and having by the beſt means I could, endeavour'd to get Relief, at length, in the utmoſt of my Extremity, I was recommended to Mrs. Stephens; and ſoon [19]after taking her Medicines, I began to bring away in my Urine a whitiſh Powder, which, when dry, appeared to be what came from a Stone. This continued for ſome time, and in about Two or Three Months I found myſelf freed from a Pain, I had felt at times for ſeveral Years, on the Right Side of the Bladder. And I am well aſſured, it was a Stone or calculous Matter, which ſtuck to the Bladder. Beſides this, I had a looſe Stone in the Bladder, which for ſeveral Months after gave me extreme Pain, by its forcing when I made Water; which at length came away in Pieces, almoſt every time I made Water, for about Nine Weeks following; until at laſt it came all away, as appeared by my being freed from all manner of Pain. The Kernel of the Stone itſelf having come away, I thought myſelf then intirely well, tho' afterwards, upon a Journey to London, ſome Stones fell from my Kidneys, which came away to the Number of Seven at one time, which made me preſume too far in diſcontinuing the Medicines in great Part, having little or no Pain; when a Stone, which had ſtuck in the Ureters, came down, and ſtopped the Paſſage of the Urine, which occaſioned a Suppreſſion of it, and out of Fear of its not paſſing, I had the Aſſiſtance of Mr. Cheſelden; and, I thank God, I am now free of any Pain, and have been ſo ever ſince.

Ed. Carteret.

V. The Caſe of Mr. Daubuz, in Throgmorton-ſtreet.


HE has been ſubject to void Gravel for a long time, and had the following Complaints for about Ten Months. Pain along the Urethra, and at the Neck of the Bladder, eſpecially upon walking much, or going in a Coach. Violent Pain and Difficulty in makeing Water: A ſudden Stoppage very often: Forcing to go to Stool: Bloody Water upon much Motion. He began Mrs. Stephens's Medicines the firſt Week of laſt Auguſt: Upon this his Water became turbid at the time of making, and he voided a good deal of red Gravel. He was much better in a Month, free from all Complaints in Six Weeks, and his Water ceaſed to be turbid at the time of making, tho' he ſtill continued the Uſe of the Medicines. He left them off in October, having voided Three ſmall Stones, Two flat, and One round, a little before this; and has been perfectly well ever ſince.

Step. Daubuz.

VI. The Caſe of Mr. Holland, Warder of the Tower.


HAS had Pains in the Region of the Kidneys, with the voiding of ſmall Stones, ever ſince the Year 1721. In Auguſt 1734, had a very bad Fit, but voided no Stone after it. In the October following found, that he could neither bear a Coach, ride, nor walk, without a great deal of Pain, and often makeing bloody Water. Had frequent Provocations to make Water, and made very little at a time. He began Mrs. Stephens's Medicines on the Third of laſt October: Upon this his Water became white, and had ſmall white Gravel in it, like Scrapings of Chalk. He was in great Pain for the firſt Month after he began the Medicines. November the Fourth he was examined by the Catheter, and a Stone was found in the Bladder. Since this he has voided ſeveral Scales like Egg-ſhells, white on one Side, and brown on the other, with many white rotten Bits of Stone. He is at preſent very eaſy, can walk very well, and continues the Uſe of the Medicines.

Witneſs my Hand to the Truth of this.

Thomas Holland.

VII. The Caſe of Mr. Neau, in Comptonſtreet, near St. Ann's Church.


HAS had the Symptoms of a Stone in the Bladder for about Six Years: Was examined ſoon after the Appearance of theſe Symptoms by the Catheter, and a Stone found in the Bladder. Had great Pain and Difficulty in making Water; a ſudden Stoppage often; Forcings to go to Stool; And made bloody Water upon Motion. He began Mrs. Stephens's Medicines upon the Fifteenth of laſt September. He was examined by the Catheter on the Twenty-ſeventh of October, and a Stone was found in the Bladder. Upon taking the Medicines his Water became turbid at the time of making, and he has voided ſeveral white Shells in ſo ſoft a State, as to crumble eaſily, with one large irregular Stone. He voided a large Stone and ſeveral Shells before he took the Medicines, but they were all brown, and very hard. He has now very few Complaints, is able to go over the Stones in a Coach, without Inconvenience, and continues the Uſe of the Medicines.

Henry Neau.

VIII. The Caſe of Mr. Snape, in Panton-ſtreet, near the Hay-Market.


ABOUT Three Years ago he began to have a Pain in making Water, made little at a time, and had a Provocation to it every Quarter of an Hour. Had violent Forceings to go to Stool at the ſame time: Made bloody Water upon much Motion. In the End of the Year 1735, after having taken ſome lenitive Electuary, he voided many ſmall Stones in a hard State, but received no Relief thereby. In April 1736 he began Mrs. Stephens's Medicines: Upon the Uſe of theſe he grew much eaſier, his Water became turbid at the time of making, and he voided a great Number of ſmall Stones in a ſoft State, which by their Corners ſeemed to have been Pieces of larger. He took the Medicines for about a Year, and has been perfectly well ever ſince he left them off.

John Snape.

IX. The Caſe of the Rev. Dr. Sykes, in Great Marlborough-ſtreet.


HE has been ſubject to Pains in his Back, with Vomitings, and the voiding of ſmall Stones, for many Years. About Four or Five Years ago, after a Jolt in a Coach, he had a Pain in making Water, which continued about Three Weeks. In November 1736, after another Jolt, he had a Return of the ſame ſort of Pain in making Water: This became very violent after ſome time, was often attended with a ſudden Stoppage, and he had great Provocation to make Water, eſpecially upon Motion: Made bloody Water after much Motion in the Chariot; had an uneaſy Senſation in the Region of the Bladder, upon turning in Bed, as if ſomething moved within him. Theſe Diſorders continued about Fourteen Months, at the End of which, viz. in February laſt, he began to take Mrs. Stephens's Medicines. They increaſed his Pain in makeing Water very much for ſome Days; his Water depoſited a white heavy Sediment, and he voided many Flakes of Stone in a ſoft State, and ſome Fragments in a hard one. He grew eaſy and free from all Complaints in about Two Months, excepting that he had now and [25]then ſome ſmall Pains in the Region of the Ureters. However, he continued the Uſe of the Medicines till the End of Auguſt, his Water depoſiting a white heavy Sediment, till the laſt Ten Days or Fortnight of taking. He has continued perfectly well ever ſince, and can ride a trotting Horſe, or go over the Stones in a Coach, without any Inconvenience.

Arthur-Aſhley Sykes.

X. The Caſe of Mr. Thomas.

HE had the uſual Symptoms of a Stone in the Bladder, and began Mrs. Stephens's Medicines in September laſt, being about 75 Years old. October the Eighth Mr. Hawkins examined him, and found a Stone in the Bladder, which he told Mr. Thomas, he believed to be a large one: Upon firſt taking the Medicines Mr. Thomas's Water depoſited much heavy Sediment, which dried into a ſtony Subſtance: Some time after he voided ſoft white Scales in great Quantities with Grit and Slime, which I ſaw. His Pains were great at this time: They continued, he loſt his Appetite, grew feveriſh, and died Jan. 20. His Body was opened, and a Stone taken out of the Bladder. This Stone Dr. Shaw and Mr. Hawkins ſaw Jan. 30. I ſaw Dr. Shaw that Evening, and took down from his Mouth the [26]following Words, relating to the Appearance of the Stone.

The Stone was light, white on the Outſide, a great Part of it covered with a cretaceous Coat, which broke off in Flakes with great Eaſe, perfectly like to thoſe before voided, as appeared by comparing them. The Stone would to any indifferent Perſon plainly appear as if acted upon by a Solvent, ſo as to have greatly diminiſhed its Bulk. The inner Part of the Stone was reddiſh, and harder than the external, when tried by a Knife. There were Two Bulgings, which roſe pretty high above the Stone, and which appeared to be leſs acted upon by the Solvent than the other Parts. The Stone was not covered equably with the ſame Coat, but what covered one Part appeared to have been taken off in others.

The next Day I ſaw Mr. Hawkins, and took down from his Mouth the following Words relating to the Appearance of the Stone: ‘He ſaw a Stone weighing nearly Two Ounces, as Mrs. Thomas ſaid. The Surface was of a whitiſh Colour, and in Part covered with a Matter that had all the Appearance of the ſoft Shells that had before come away in Mr. Thomas's Water. This Matter was very ſoft, and ready to fall off and crumble upon the leaſt Touch. By theſe Appearances he ſays, that he ſhould imagine that the Stone had been larger, and that this ſoft Matter ſeem'd to he ready to fall off in a little time. The [27]Part of the Stone not covered with this ſcaly Matter, appeared, when ſcraped with a Knife, of a ruſty Iron Colour, and conſiderably hard.’

ANY Perſon who is diſpoſed to inquire more particularly into the Effects of theſe Medicines, may have a Liſt of thoſe that take them, at Mr. Winter's, in Richbell-Court, Red-Lyon-ſtreet, from whence they are given out: However, I hope, theſe Ten Caſes will be ſufficient to engage the Attention of all Well-Wiſhers to Mankind; and I have been determined in my Choice of them, rather by the Eminence of the Perſons, by their living in Town, or by the ſtrong Preſumption of at leaſt a partial Diſſolution of a Stone, than by the Greatneſs of the Benefit received. Some of theſe are indeed complete Cures, as far as one can judge; but there are ſeveral others as complete among Perſons of leſs Note, or who live at a Diſtance from London; and that, with all the probable Circumſtances of the gradual waſting and crumbling of Stones. There are alſo a great Number of unfiniſhed Caſes, which add much Light and Evidence to theſe Ten. Neither are theſe Medicines prejudicial to the Body; but, on the contrary, have plainly improved the general Health of many, that have taken them. I ſtill go on with my Inquiries in the moſt impartial manner I can; and ſhould be extremely ſorry, not only to deceive myſelf, but to be any Occaſion of impoſing upon others.



I. SINCE I have taken Mrs. Stephens's Medicines, my Urine has been of a more urinous Smell than uſual; turbid at the time of making, and alkaline, that is, it turns Syrup of Violets green, and ferments with the following acid Liquors, Oil of Vitriol, Spirit of Vitriol, Oil of Sulphur, Spirit of Nitre, Spirit of Sea-Salt, Vinegar, and Lemon-Juice. And as far as I can judge, the Caſe is the ſame with all who take theſe Medicines. This I thought very remarkable when I firſt obſerved it, and began to hope, that Urine, which was ſo different from common Urine, might have different Effects upon Stones in the Kidneys and Bladder. And I have lately been informed, that even common Urine, when it putrifies, that is, turns alkaline [29]by being kept, will diſſolve and take up the calculous Incruſtations, upon the Sides and Bottoms of Chamber-pots.

II. In order to ſatisfy myſelf the better in this Affair, I thought it not amiſs to try what Effects my Urine, thus render'd alkaline by the Medicines, would have upon Stones taken from a human Body, by digeſting them in it with a gentle Heat. For this Purpoſe I took the Stones A and B, and ſawed each of them into Four Pieces, of nearly the ſame Shape and Size. A was a white hard Stone of an uniform Subſtance throughout. It conſiſted of Coats indeed, but theſe were all, as far as one could judge, perfectly alike. B was a brown Stone; it's Shell was hard and knotted, but the internal Parts were much ſofter. I called the ſeveral Pieces A 1, B 1; A 2, B 2; A 3, B 3; A 4, B 4; in order to denote thereby the ſeveral Liquors in which each was digeſted; 1 ſtanding for New River Water; 2 for a Mixture of Mrs. Stephens's Powder and New River Water; 3 for common Urine; and 4 for my own Alkaline Urine. I then digeſted all theſe Pieces of Stone for a Week in their reſpective Liquors, with a gentle Heat. This Heat was intended to have been the ſame as that of Urine in the Bladder; but my Contrivances not being good, it was, at different Times, both conſiderably greater, and conſiderably leſs. I examined them pretty often, and recruited the Liquors as they waſted, with others of the ſame Kind. [30]Two or three Days after they were put into Digeſtion, I obſerved that A 4 had ſome white Scales lying upon its Surface in ſeveral Parts, which fell off upon being preſs'd with my Nail. After a Week's Digeſtion, I took them out, and rubb'd them all with a Cloth. They were then laid in a Window till they became perfectly dry. And the following Table ſhews the Effects which the ſeveral Liquors had upon them.

 Weights when put in.Weights when dry.Loſs.Proportional Loſs.
A 1 Grains308½304½40,012.
A 227627330,010.
A 3219½220½ Gain10,004.
A 4213½19122½0,105.
B 1257243140,054.
B 2227217100,044.
B 3222223½ Gain0,006.
B 4212½19022½0,105.

III. By this Table it appears, that the Pieces A 4, B 4 in my alkaline Urine, had loſt more than any of the others; A 1, B 1, in New River Water, more than A 2, B 2 in the Mixture of Mrs. Stephens's Powder and New River Water; and that A 3, B 3 in common Urine had receiv'd a ſmall Addition. That my alkaline Urine ſhould occaſion the greateſt Loſs, is a Preſumption in favour of Mrs. Stephens's Medicines; that the New River Water ſhould have a greater Effect, than the Mixture of Mrs. Stephens's Powder and New [31]River Water, was owing, I believe, to the Powder's adhering cloſely to the Stones in ſeveral Parts; which both kept the Water from coming freely in Contact with the Stones, and alſo added to their Weight; and the Increaſe of Weight in A 3, B 3, is an Appearance of the ſame Kind with the Growth of Stones in the Body. And upon examining A 3 accurately, I perceived that it had got an exceeding thin Coat in ſeveral Parts, which ſeparated eaſily, and which I ſuppoſed to be an Accretion from the ſtony Particles of the common Urine, in which it had been digeſted.

IV. After this I waſhed the ſeveral Pieces of the Stone A, and rubb'd them well with a Bruſh, ſo as to take off all looſe Parts; I took out the ſoft internal Parts of the Pieces of B, reſerving proper Portions of each of the hard Shells; I ſawed the Stones C, D, and E into Four Pieces each, of nearly the ſame Shape and Size, and F into Two; I took Two Pieces of the white Shell G, Two of the brown Nucleus H, and gave them all Names as in the following Table, in which 1 denotes New River Water, as before; 2 Mrs. Stephens's Liquid; 3 common Urine, as before; and 4 my own alkaline Urine, as before. Theſe Pieces were digeſted for a Week, in the Manner above-mentioned, excepting that the Liquors were now changed every Morning, and all the Pieces rubb'd at the ſame Time with a wet Sponge. They were rubb'd alſo when taken out as clean as could [32]be without Violence, and then laid in a Window till they were perfectly dry. And the following Table ſhows the Effects which the ſeveral Liquors had upon them.

 Weights when put in.Weights when dry.Loſs.Proportional Loſs.
A 1 Grains304288160,052.
A 2272½22844½0,163.
A 3219216½0,011.
A 4190½151½390,204.
B 171½61½100,139.
B 268½5018½0,270.
B 363½620,023.
B 46345180,285.
C 1162½150½120,073.
C 2155132230,148.
C 3132130½0,011.
C 4122109130,106.
D 14736110,234.
D 242½36½60,141.
D 34242  
D 42927½0,054.
E 15044½0,110.
E 2362790,250.
E 33636  
E 432½26½60,184.
F 33030  
F 423½18½50,212.
G 399  
G 466  
H 333  
H 4and a little more.

V. By this Table it appears, that the Stones had loſt much more in general by this Week's Digeſtion, than by the former; which without doubt was owing in great meaſure to my having rubbed them every Morning with a wet Sponge; and it was alſo upon this account, I ſuppoſe, that ſome of the Pieces in common Urine had loſt a little. However, the great Difference of Loſs in the ſeveral Pieces of the ſame Stone could not ariſe from this Cauſe; and the rubbing them gave me an Opportunity of obſerving the Manner in which the ſeveral Liquors acted upon the Stones. This was, in general, giving a Whiteneſs to the Surface of the Stones, which, when it was rubbed off, left the Stone of its former Colour; but in thoſe which were moſt affected, ſoft white Scales fell off upon being rubbed, and ſome of them were corroded, and honey-combed. Thus the Pieces in New River Water had a Whiteneſs upon their Surface, and the Water itſelf became milky; A 2, A 4, C 2, C 4, F 4, and H 4 had all loſt white Scales; B 2, E 2 and E 4 were all pretty much corroded; D 2 a little corroded; B 4 was corroded within, and at the ſame time its knotted external Surface rendered ſmooth; D 4 had its brown Surface turned white, but G 4 ſeemed not to have been affected at all.

VI. In order to ſatisfy myſelf ſtill farther, I took all the foregoing Stones, H 3 and H 4 excepted, which were loſt by reaſon of their Smallneſs; and digeſted them again in their [34]reſpective Liquors, having now got a Contrivance, by which they were kept in a Heat, not differing materially from that of Urine in the Bladder. I got alſo Two ſmall round Stones from the Reverend Dr. Hales, which were both taken out of the Bladder of the ſame Perſon, and which the Doctor judged to be very hard ones, and called them I 3 and I 4. I 3 weighed Twenty-five Grains and an half, and was put into common Urine; I 4 weighed Twenty-one Grains and an half, and was put into my own alkaline Urine. I began the Digeſtion July 26. The Liquors were changed every Day during the whole Digeſtion, and the Stones all rubbed with a wet Sponge every Day for the firſt Ten Days; then once in Three or Four Days till Sept. 3, but after that not at all. And the following Table ſhews the Day on which each Stone was either ſo far waſted as not to be found, or reduced to ſuch a Size, as to be in Danger of being confounded with the ſmall Pieces, which fell from the reſt.

E 2Aug. 24.
D 127.
B 230.
D 2Sept. 8.
B 19.
B 49.
D 412.
F 424.
G 424.
C 2Sept. 27.
E 427.
I 4Oct. 11.
C 115.
E 115.
A 215.
A 131.
A 4Nov. 5.

I omitted to ſet down the Day, on which C 4 was judged to be waſted; but I remember, that it was not till towards the latter End of the Digeſtion.

VII. All this time the ſeveral Pieces in common Urine continued intire, and even had Incruſtations upon them. I took them out Nov. 5. and having weighed them Nov. 15. when they were perfectly dry, found that they had all receiv'd an Increaſe of Weight, as in the following Table:

A 3had gained17½.
B 3 16.
C 3 18.
D 3 7½.
E 3 4.
F 3 4.
G 3 2.
I 3 2.

VIII. The Manner in which the other Pieces waſted, was in general the ſame as that which is deſcribed above in the 6th Paragraph, excepting that thoſe in New River [36]Water became after ſome time as much honeycombed as the reſt, and waſted as faſt; that D 4 and G 4 remained unaltered to Appearance for a long time, and then grew quite rotten in a few Days; and that I 4, the ſmall hard Stone given me by Dr. Hales, had ſeveral Cracks in it, after about a Month's Digeſtion.

IX. Beſides theſe I made ſeveral other Experiments, the Reſult of which it may not be improper juſt to mention.

X. I digeſted different Pieces of the ſame Stones in my own alkaline Urine, with different Heats; the one, that of Urine in the Bladder, the other ſo great, that I could not bear my Hand at reſt in it; and I found, that the leſs Heat had the greater Effect.

XI. I boiled different Pieces of the ſame Stones in common Water, my own alkaline Urine, and common Urine, for Five Hours each. Thoſe in Water and my Urine waſted conſiderably, and the Surface of the laſt was turned white and ſoft; but thoſe in common Urine had little Effect produced upon them.

XII. I digeſted different Pieces of the ſame Stones in common Water, the diſtilled Water of Water-Pepper, the Juice and the Decoction of it; and found that common Water had a greater Effect than any of theſe. The Heat in this and all the following Experiments did not differ materially from that of Urine in the Bladder.

XIII. I digeſted Pieces of Stones taken from the human Bladder, from the Bladders of [37]Dogs, and the Stomachs of Horſes, in Thames Water, and in Pump Water, and found, that both the Waters diſſolved all the human Stones intirely, and waſted the others very much; but the Thames Water had the quickeſt Effect. The Waters were changed every Morning, at which time I obſerved, that the Pump Water poured on the Day before, had always ſome Bubbles upon it. Some of the human Stones were cracked during the Diſſolution.

XIV. I digeſted Pieces of the ſame Dogs and Horſes Stones in common Urine, and my own alkaline Urine; but did not obſerve any Effect, except that one of the Dog's Stones ſeemed a little ſoftened by my Urine.

XV. I digeſted a large Kidney-ſtone, Two Pieces that had been boiled in my alkaline Urine, and a round hard Stone in common Urine, which was a Mixture of different Urines. The Kidney-ſtone and the Two Pieces loſt ſomething of their Weight. The round hard Stone grew black at firſt, but whether it was waſted or not, I cannot determine from its Appearance, and I had not weighed it. The Surface of the Kidney-ſtone was rendered ſo brittle, that large Scales broke off with very little Force, but they were neither white nor ſoft.

XVI. I digeſted a large Kidney-ſtone of the ſame Shape, Size and Texture, with the foregoing, and taken out of the other Kidney of the ſame Perſon, with Twelve different Stones, or Pieces of Stones, in the alkaline Urine of a [38]Gentleman, who took Mrs. Stephens's Medicines. They all waſted very faſt, excepting one Piece, which received a ſmall Addition. It was iron-coloured, and exceedingly hard, as I found by ſawing it. It appeared to me, that this Gentleman's Urine had in general a quicker Effect than my own. The Stones mentioned in this, the 10th, 13th, 14th and 15th Paragraphs, were none of them rubbed.

XVII. There are ſome Appearances mentioned in this Abſtract, which I cannot account for; but if the Experiments were repeated with more Accuracy, and other new ones tried, it is probable, that many uſeful Diſcoveries would ariſe. And thus much I think one may venture to conclude, even from theſe Experiments, that the Diſſolutions by the ſeveral Sorts of common Water prove againſt the abſolute Neceſſity of an acrimonious Liquid for this Purpoſe, and that thoſe by the Two alkaline Urines are ſtrong Preſumptions in Favour of Mrs. Stephens's Medicines, eſpecially when compared with the foregoing Caſes. I ſhall be much obliged to any Gentleman, who will furniſh me with Stones, for the farther Proſecution of this Matter.




SINCE the Date of Mr. Binford's Caſe, No 2. he has voided a few more Pieces of Stone, and is become free from all Complaints, having been able to go over the Stones in a Coach, without any Inconvenience, for a Week paſt.

Tho. Binford.
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Zitationsvorschlag für dieses Objekt
TextGrid Repository (2020). TEI. 5581 Ten cases of persons who have taken Mrs Stephens s medicines for the stone With an abstract of some experiments tending to illustrate these cases. University of Oxford Text Archive. . https://hdl.handle.net/21.T11991/0000-001A-5AF2-E