
GEORGE, by the Grace of GOD, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. To all to whom theſe Preſents ſhall come, Greeting. Whereas Our Truſty and Well-beloved BERNARD LINTOT of our City of London, Bookſeller, has humbly repreſented unto Us that he is now printing a Tranſlation of the ILIAD of HOMER from the Greek in Six Volumes in Folio by ALEXANDER POPE Gent. with large Notes upon each Book: And whereas the ſaid BERNARD LINTOT has inform'd Us that he has been at a great Expence in carrying on the ſaid Work: and that the ſole Right and Title of the Copy of the ſaid Work is veſted in the ſaid BERNARD LINTOT. He has therefore humbly beſought Us to grant him Our Royal Privilege and Licence for the ſole printing and publiſhing thereof for the Term of fourteen Years. WE being graciouſly pleas'd to encourage ſo uſeful a Work, are pleaſed to condeſcend to his Requeſt, and do therefore give and grant unto the ſaid BERNARD LINTOTT our Royal Licence and Privilege for the ſole printing and publiſhing the ſaid Six Volumes of the ſaid ILIAD of HOMER tranſlated by the ſaid ALEXANDER POPE, for, and during the Term of fourteen Years, to be computed from the Day of the Date hereof; ſtrictly charging and prohibiting all Our Subjects within Our Kingdoms and Dominions to reprint or abridge the ſame either in the like or any other Volume or Volumes whatſoever, or to import, buy, vend, utter or diſtribute any Copies of the ſame or any part thereof reprinted beyond the Seas within the ſaid Term of fourteen Years, without the Conſent and Approbation of the ſaid BERNARD LINTOT, his Heirs, Executors and Aſſigns, by Writing under his or their Hands and Seals firſt had and obtained, as they and every of them offending herein will anſwer the contrary at their Perils, and ſuch other Penalties as by the Laws and Statutes of this our Realm may be inflicted: Whereof the Maſter, Wardens and Company of Stationers of our City of London, Commiſſioners and other Officers of Our Cuſtoms, and all other our Officers and Miniſters whom it may concern, are to take Notice that due Obedience be given to Our Pleaſure herein ſignified. Given at Our Court at St. James's the ſixth Day of May, 1715. in the firſt Year of Our Reign.

By His Majeſty's Command JAMES STANHOPE.


Tranſlated by Mr. POPE.


Qui cupit optatam curſu contingere metam,
Multa tulit, fecitque Puer—

LONDON: Printed by W. BOWYER, for BERNARD LINTOT between the Temple-Gates. 1720.



The Death of Hector.


THE Trojans being ſafe within the Walls, Hector only ſtays to oppoſe Achilles. Priam is ſtruck at his approach, and tries to perſuade his Son to re-enter the Town. Hecuba joins her Entreaties, but in vain. Hector conſults within himſelf what Meaſures to take; but at the advance of Achilles, his Reſolution fails him, and he flies; Achilles purſues him thrice round the Walls of Troy. The Gods debate concerning the Fate of Hector, at length Minerva deſcends to the aid of Achilles. She deludes Hector in the Shape of Deiphobus, he ſtands the Combate, and is ſlain. Achilles drags the dead Body at his Chariot, in the ſight of Priam and Hecuba. Their Lamentations, Tears, and Deſpair. Their Cries reach the Ears of Andromache, who, ignorant of this, was retired into the inner part of the Palace: She mounts up to the Walls, and beholds her dead Husband. She ſwoons at the Spectacle. Her Exceſs of Grief, and Lamentation.

The thirtieth Day ſtill continues. The Scene lies under the Walls, and on the Battlements of Troy.


THUS to their Bulwarks, ſmit with Panick Fear,
The herded Ilians ruſh like driven Deer;
There ſafe, they wipe the briny Drops away,
And drown in Bowls the Labours of the Day.
Cloſe to the Walls advancing o'er the Fields,
Beneath one Roof of well-compacted Shields
March, bending on, the Greeks embodied Pow'rs,
Far-ſtretching in the Shade of Trojan Tow'rs.
Great Hector ſingly ſtay'd; chain'd down by Fate,
There fixt he ſtood before the Scaean Gate;
Still his bold Arms determin'd to employ,
The Guardian ſtill of long-defended Troy.
Apollo now to tir'd Achilles turns;
(The Pow'r confeſt in all his Glory burns)
And what (he cries) has Peleus' Son in view,
With mortal Speed a Godhead to purſue?
For not to thee to know the Gods is giv'n,
Unskill'd to trace the latent Marks of Heav'n.
What boots thee now, that Troy forſook the Plain?
Vain thy paſt Labour, and thy preſent vain:
Safe in their Walls are now her Troops beſtow'd,
While here thy frantick Rage attacks a God.
The Chief incens'd—Too partial God of Day!
To check my Conqueſts in the middle way:
How few in Ilion elſe had Refuge found?
What gaſping Numbers now had bit the Ground?
Thou robb'ſt me of a Glory juſtly mine,
Pow'rful of Godhead, and of Fraud Divine:
Mean Fame, alas! for one of heav'nly Strain,
To cheat a Mortal, who repines in vain.
Then to the City, terrible and ſtrong,
With high and haughty ſteps he towr'd along.
So the proud Courſer, victor of the prize,
To the near Goal with doubled Ardor flies.
[5] Him, as he blazing ſhot acroſs the Field,
The careful Eyes of Priam firſt beheld.
Not half ſo dreadful riſes to the Sight
Thro' the thick Gloom of ſome tempeſtuous Night
Orion's Dog (the Year when Autumn weighs)
And o'er the feebler Stars exerts his Rays;
Terrific Glory! for his burning Breath
Taints the red Air with Fevers, Plagues, and Death.
So flam'd his fiery Mail. Then wept the Sage;
He ſtrikes his rev'rend Head now white with Age:
He lifts his wither'd Arms; obteſts the Skies;
He calls his much lov'd Son with feeble Cries;
The Son, reſolv'd Achilles' Force to dare,
Full at the Scaean Gates expects the War;
While the ſad Father on the Rampart ſtands,
And thus adjures him, with extended Hands.
Ah ſtay not, ſtay not! guardleſs and alone;
Hector! my lov'd, my deareſt, braveſt Son!
Methinks already I behold thee ſlain,
And ſtretch'd beneath that Fury of the Plain.
Implacable Achilles! might'ſt thou be
To all th' Immortals hateful as to me!
[6] Thee, Vultures wild ſhould ſcatter round the Shore
And bloody Dogs grow fiercer from thy Gore.
How many valiant Sons I late enjoy'd,
Valiant in vain! by thy curſt Arm deſtroy'd:
Or, worſe than ſlaughter'd, ſold in diſtant Iſles
To ſhameful Bondage and unworthy Toils.
Two, while I ſpeak, my Eyes in vain explore,
Two from one Mother ſprung, my Polydore,
And lov'd Lycaon; now perhaps no more!
Oh if in yonder hoſtile Camp they live,
What Heaps of Gold, what Treaſures would I give?
(Their Grandſire's Wealth, by right of Birth their own,
Conſign'd his Daughter with Lelegia's Throne)
But if (which Heav'n forbid) already loſt,
All pale they wander on the Stygian Coaſt;
What Sorrows then muſt their ſad Mother know,
What Anguiſh I? Unutterable Woe!
Yet leſs that Anguiſh, leſs to her, to me,
Leſs to all Troy, if not depriv'd of thee,
Yet ſhun Achilles! enter yet the Wall;
And ſpare thy ſelf, thy Father, ſpare us all!
[7] Save thy dear Life; or if a Soul ſo brave
Neglect that Thought, thy dearer Glory ſave.
Pity, while yet I live, theſe ſilver Hairs;
While yet thy Father feels the Woes he bears,
Yet curſt with Senſe! a Wretch, whom in his Rage
(All trembling on the Verge of helpleſs Age)
Great Jove has plac'd, ſad Spectacle of Pain!
The bitter Dregs of Fortune's Cup to drain:
To fill with Scenes of Death his cloſing Eyes,
And number all his Days by Miſeries!
My Heroes ſlain, my Bridal Bed o'erturn'd,
My Daughters raviſh'd, and my City burn'd,
My bleeding Infants daſh'd againſt the Floor;
Theſe I have yet to ſee, perhaps yet more!
Perhaps ev'n I, reſerv'd by angry Fate
The laſt ſad Relick of my ruin'd State,
(Dire Pomp of ſov'reign Wretchedneſs!) muſt fall,
And ſtain the Pavement of my regal Hall;
Where famiſh'd Dogs, late Guardians of my Door,
Shall lick their mangled Maſter's ſpatter'd Gore.
Yet for my Sons I thank ye Gods! 'twas well:
Well have they periſh'd, for in Fight they fell.
[8] Who dies in Youth, and Vigor, dies the beſt,
Struck thro' with Wounds, all honeſt on the Breaſt.
But when the Fates, in Fulneſs of their Rage,
Spurn the hoar Head of unreſiſting Age,
In Duſt the rev'rend Lineaments deform,
And pour to Dogs the Life-blood ſcarcely warm;
This, this is Miſery! the laſt, the worſt,
That Man can feel; Man, fated to be curſt!
He ſaid, and acting what no Words could ſay,
Rent from his Head the ſilver Locks away.
With him the mournful Mother bears a Part;
Yet all their Sorrows turn not Hector's Heart:
The Zone unbrac'd, her Boſom ſhe diſplay'd;
And thus, faſt-falling the ſalt Tears, ſhe ſaid.
Have mercy on me, O my Son! Revere
The Words of Age; attend a Parent's Pray'r!
If ever thee in theſe fond Arms I preſt,
Or ſtill'd thy infant Clamours at this Breaſt;
Ah do not thus our helpleſs Years foregoe,
But by our Walls ſecur'd, repel the Foe.
Againſt his Rage if ſingly thou proceed,
Should'ſt thou (but Heav'n avert it!) ſhould'ſt thou bleed,
[9] Nor muſt thy Corps lye honour'd on the Bier,
Nor Spouſe nor Mother grace thee with a Tear;
Far from our pious Rites, thoſe dear Remains
Muſt feaſt the Vultures on the naked Plains.
So they, while down their Cheeks the Torrents roll;
But fix'd remains the Purpoſe of his Soul:
Reſolv'd he ſtands, and with a fiery Glance
Expects the Hero's terrible Advance.
So roll'd up in his Den, the ſwelling Snake
Beholds the Traveller approach the Brake;
When fed with noxious Herbs his turgid Veins
Have gather'd half the Poiſons of the Plains;
He burns, he ſtiffens with collected Ire,
And his red Eye-balls glare with living Fire.
Beneath a Turret, on his Shield reclin'd,
He ſtood, and queſtion'd thus his mighty Mind.
Where lyes my Way? To enter in the Wall?
Honour and Shame th' ungen'rous Thought recall:
Shall proud Polydamas before the Gate
Proclaim, his Counſels are obey'd too late,
Which, timely follow'd but the former Night,
What Numbers had been ſav'd by Hector's Flight?
[10] That wiſe Advice rejected with Diſdain,
I feel my Folly in my People ſlain.
Methinks my ſuff'ring Country's Voice I hear,
But moſt, her worthleſs Sons inſult my Ear,
On my raſh Courage charge the Chance of War,
And blame thoſe Virtues which they cannot ſhare.
No—If I e'er return, return I muſt
Glorious, my Country's Terror laid in Duſt:
Or if I periſh, let her ſee me fall
In Field at leaſt, and fighting for her Wall.
And yet ſuppoſe theſe Meaſures I forego,
Approach unarm'd, and parly with the Foe,
The Warrior-Shield, the Helm, and Lance lay down,
And treat on Terms of Peace to ſave the Town:
The Wife with-held, the Treaſure ill detain'd,
(Cauſe of the War, and Grievance of the Land)
With honourable Juſtice to reſtore;
And add half Ilion's yet remaining Store,
Which Troy ſhall, ſworn, produce; that injur'd Greece
May ſhare our Wealth, and leave our Walls in Peace.
But why this Thought? Unarm'd if I ſhould go,
What hope of Mercy from this vengeful Foe?
But Woman-like to fall, and fall without a Blow.
[11] We greet not here, as Man converſing Man
Met at an Oak, or journeying o'er a Plain;
No Seaſon now for calm familiar Talk,
Like Youths and Maidens in an Evening Walk:
War is our Buſineſs; but to whom is giv'n
To die or triumph, that, determine Heav'n!
Thus pond'ring, like a God the Greek drew nigh;
His dreadful Plumage nodded from on high;
The Pelian Jav'lin, in his better Hand,
Shot trembling Rays that glitter'd o'er the Land;
And on his Breaſt the beamy Splendors ſhone
Like Jove's own Lightning, or the riſing Sun.
As Hector ſees, unuſual Terrors riſe,
Struck by ſome God, he fears, recedes, and flies.
He leaves the Gates, he leaves the Walls behind;
Achilles follows like the winged Wind.
Thus at the panting Dove a Falcon flies,
(The ſwifteſt Racer of the liquid Skies)
Juſt when he holds or thinks he holds his Prey,
Obliquely wheeling thro' th' aerial Way;
With open Beak and ſhrilling Cries he ſprings,
And aims his Claws, and ſhoots upon his Wings:
[12] No leſs fore-right the rapid Chace they held,
One urg'd by Fury, one by Fear impell'd;
Now circling round the Walls their Courſe maintain,
Where the high Watch-tow'r overlooks the Plain;
Now where the Fig-trees ſpread their Umbrage broad,
(A wider Compaſs) ſmoak along the Road.
Next by Scamander's double Source they bound,
Where two fam'd Fountains burſt the parted Ground;
This hot thro' ſcorching Clefts is ſeen to riſe,
With Exhalations ſteaming to the Skies;
That the green Banks in Summer's Heat o'erflows,
Like Cryſtal clear, and cold as Winter-Snows.
Each guſhing Fount a marble Ciſtern fills,
Whoſe poliſh'd Bed receives the falling Rills;
Where Trojan Dames, (e'er yet alarm'd by Greece,)
Waſh'd their fair Garments in the Days of Peace.
By theſe they paſt, one chaſing, one in Flight,
(The Mighty fled, purſu'd by ſtronger Might)
Swift was the Courſe; No vulgar Prize they play,
No vulgar Victim muſt reward the Day,
(Such as in Races crown the ſpeedy Strife)
The Prize contended was great Hector's Life.
[13] As when ſome Hero's Fun'rals are decreed
In grateful Honour of the mighty Dead;
Where high Rewards the vig'rous Youth inflame,
(Some golden Tripod, or ſome lovely Dame)
The panting Courſers ſwiftly turn the Goal,
And with them turns the rais'd Spectator's Soul.
Thus three times round the Trojan Wall they fly;
The gazing Gods lean forward from the Sky:
To whom, while eager on the Chace they look,
The Sire of Mortals and Immortals ſpoke.
Unworthy Sight! The Man, belov'd of Heav'n,
Behold, inglorious round yon' City driv'n!
My Heart partakes the gen'rous Hector's Pain;
Hector, whoſe Zeal whole Hecatombs has ſlain,
Whoſe grateful Fumes the Gods receiv'd with Joy,
From Ida's Summits, and the Tow'rs of Troy:
Now ſee him flying! to his Fears reſign'd,
And Fate, and fierce Achilles, cloſe behind.
Conſult, ye Pow'rs! ('tis worthy your Debate)
Whether to ſnatch him from impending Fate,
Or let him bear, by ſtern Pelides ſlain,
(Good as he is) the Lot impos'd on Man?
Then Pallas thus: Shall he whoſe Vengeance forms
The forky Bolt, and blackens Heav'n with Storms,
Shall he prolong one Trojan's forfeit Breath!
A Man, a Mortal, pre-ordain'd to Death!
And will no Murmurs fill the Courts above,
No Gods indignant blame their partial Jove?
Go then (return'd the Sire) without delay,
Exert thy Will: I give the Fates their Way.
Swift at the Mandate pleas'd Tritonia flies,
And ſtoops impetuous from the cleaving Skies.
As thro' the Foreſt, o'er the Vale and Lawn,
The well-breath'd Beagle drives the flying Fawn;
In vain he tries the Covert of the Brakes,
Or deep beneath the trembling Thicket ſhakes;
Sure of the Vapour in the tainted Dews,
The certain Hound his various Maze purſues.
Thus ſtep by ſtep, where'er the Trojan wheel'd,
There ſwift Achilles compaſs'd round the Field.
Oft' as to reach the Dardan Gates he bends,
And hopes th' Aſſiſtance of his pitying Friends,
(Whoſe ſhow'ring Arrows, as he cours'd below,
From the high Turrets might oppreſs the Foe.)
[15] So oft' Achilles turns him to the Plain:
He eyes the City, but he eyes in vain.
As Men in Slumbers ſeem with ſpeedy pace,
One to purſue, and one to lead the Chace,
Their ſinking Limbs the fancy'd Courſe forſake,
Nor this can fly, nor that can overtake.
No leſs the lab'ring Heroes pant and ſtrain;
While that but flies, and this purſues, in vain.
What God, O Muſe! aſſiſted Hector's Force,
With Fate itſelf ſo long to hold the Courſe?
Phoebus it was; who, in his lateſt Hour,
Endu'd his Knees with ſtrength, his Nerves with Pow'r:
And great Achilles, leſt ſome Greek's Advance
Should ſnatch the Glory from his lifted Lance,
Sign'd to the Troops, to yield his Foe the Way,
And leave untouch'd the Honours of the Day.
Jove lifts the golden Balances, that ſhow
The Fates of mortal Men, and things below:
Here each contending Hero's Lot he tries,
And weighs, with equal Hand, their Deſtinies.
Low ſinks the Scale ſurcharg'd with Hector's Fate;
Heavy with Death it ſinks, and Hell receives the Weight.
Then Phoebus left him. Fierce Minerva flies
To ſtern Pelides, and triumphing, cries.
Oh lov'd of Jove! this Day our Labours ceaſe,
And Conqueſt blazes with full Beams on Greece.
Great Hector falls; that Hector fam'd ſo far,
Drunk with Renown, inſatiable of War,
Falls by thy Hand, and mine! Nor Force, nor Flight
Shall more avail him, nor his God of Light.
See, where in vain he ſupplicates above,
Roll'd at the Feet of unrelenting Jove!
Reſt here: My ſelf will lead the Trojan on,
And urge to meet the Fate he cannot ſhun.
Her Voice divine the Chief with joyful Mind
Obey'd; and reſted, on his Lance reclin'd.
While like Deïphobus the martial Dame
(Her Face, her Geſture, and her Arms the ſame)
In ſhow an Aid, by hapleſs Hector's Side
Approach'd, and greets him thus with Voice bely'd.
Too long, O Hector! have I born the Sight
Of this Diſtreſs, and ſorrow'd in thy Flight:
It fits us now a noble Stand to make,
And here, as Brothers, equal Fates partake.
Then he. O Prince! ally'd in Blood and Fame,
Dearer than all that own a Brother's Name;
Of all that Hecuba to Priam bore,
Long try'd, long lov'd; much lov'd, but honour'd more!
Since You of all our num'rous Race, alone
Defend my Life regardleſs of your own.
Again the Goddeſs. Much my Father's Pray'r,
And much my Mother's, preſt me to forbear:
My Friends embrac'd my Knees, adjur'd my ſtay,
But ſtronger Love impell'd, and I obey.
Come then, the glorious Conflict let us try,
Let the Steel ſparkle, and the Jav'lin fly:
Or let us ſtretch Achilles on the Field,
Or to his Arm our bloody Trophies yield.
Fraudful ſhe ſaid; then ſwiftly march'd before;
The Dardan Hero ſhuns his Foe no more.
Sternly they met. The Silence Hector broke;
His dreadful Plumage nodded as he ſpoke.
Enough, O Son of Peleus! Troy has view'd
Her Walls thrice circled, and her Chief purſu'd.
But now ſome God within me bids me try
Thine, or my Fate: I kill thee, or I die.
[18] Yet on the Verge of Battel let us ſtay,
And for a Moment's ſpace, ſuſpend the Day:
Let Heav'ns high Pow'rs be call'd to arbitrate
The juſt Conditions of this ſtern Debate.
(Eternal Witneſſes of all below,
And faithful Guardians of the treaſur'd Vow!)
To them I ſwear; if Victor in the Strife
Jove by theſe Hands ſhall ſhed thy noble Life;
No vile Diſhonour ſhall thy Corſe purſue;
Stript of its Arms alone (the Conqu'rors Due)
The reſt to Greece uninjur'd I'll reſtore:
Now plight thy mutual Oath, I ask no more.
Talk not of Oaths (the dreadful Chief replies,
While Anger flaſh'd from his diſdainful Eyes)
Deteſted as thou art, and ought to be,
Nor Oath nor Pact Achilles plights with thee:
Such Pacts, as Lambs and rabid Wolves combine,
Such Leagues, as Men and furious Lions join,
To ſuch I call the Gods! One conſtant ſtate
Of laſhing Rancour and eternal Hate:
No Thought but Rage, and never-ceaſing Strife,
Till Death extinguiſh Rage, and Thought, and Life.
[19] Rouze then thy Forces this important Hour;
Collect thy Soul, and call forth all thy Pow'r.
No farther Subterfuge, no farther Chance;
'Tis Pallas, Pallas gives thee to my Lance.
Each Grecian Ghoſt by thee depriv'd of Breath,
Now hovers round, and calls thee to thy Death.
He ſpoke, and lanch'd his Jav'lin at the Foe;
But Hector ſhun'd the meditated Blow:
He ſtoop'd, while o'er his Head the flying Spear
Sung innocent, and ſpent its Force in Air.
Minerva watch'd it falling on the Land,
Then drew, and gave to great Achilles' Hand,
Unſeen of Hector, who, elate with Joy,
Now ſhakes his Lance, and braves the Dread of Troy.
The Life you boaſted to that Jav'lin giv'n,
Prince! you have miſt. My Fate depends on Heav'n.
To thee (preſumptuous as thou art) unknown,
Or what muſt prove my Fortune or thy own.
Boaſting is but an Art, our Fears to blind,
And with falſe Terrors ſink another's Mind.
But know, whatever Fate I am to try,
By no diſhoneſt Wound ſhall Hector die;
[20] I ſhall not fall a Fugitive at leaſt,
My Soul ſhall bravely iſſue from my Breaſt.
But firſt, try thou my Arm; and may this Dart
End all my Country's Woes, deep buried in thy Heart!
The Weapon flew, its Courſe unerring held,
Unerring, but the heav'nly Shield repell'd
The mortal Dart; reſulting with a Bound
From off the ringing Orb, it ſtruck the Ground.
Hector beheld his Jav'lin fall in vain,
Nor other Lance, nor other Hope remain;
He calls Deïphobus, demands a Spear,
In vain, for no Deïphobus was there.
All comfortleſs he ſtands: Then, with a Sigh,
'Tis ſo—Heav'n wills it, and my Hour is nigh!
I deem'd Deïphobus had heard my Call,
But he ſecure lyes guarded in the Wall.
A God deceiv'd me; Pallas, 'twas thy Deed.
Death, and black Fate approach! 'Tis I muſt bleed.
No Refuge now, no Succour from above;
Great Jove deſerts me, and the Son of Jove,
Propitious once, and kind! Then welcome Fate!
'Tis true I periſh, yet I' periſh great:
[21] Yet in a mighty Deed I ſhall expire,
Let future Ages hear it, and admire!
Fierce, at the Word, his weighty Sword he drew
And, all collected, on Achilles flew.
So Jove's bold Bird, high-balanc'd in the Air,
Stoops from the Clouds to truſs the quiv'ring Hare.
Nor leſs Achilles his fierce Soul prepares;
Before his Breaſt his flaming Shield he bears,
Refulgent Orb! Above his four-fold Cone
The gilded Horſehair ſparkled in the Sun,
Nodding at ev'ry Step: (Vulcanian Frame!)
And as he mov'd, his Figure ſeem'd on flame.
As radiant Heſper ſhines with keener Light,
Far-beaming o'er the ſilver Hoſt of Night,
When all the ſtarry Train emblaze the Sphere:
So ſhone the Point of great Achilles' Spear.
In his right Hand he waves the Weapon round,
Eyes the whole Man, and meditates the Wound;
But the rich Mail Patroclus lately wore,
Securely cas'd the Warrior's Body o'er.
One at cealp length he ſpies, to let in Fate,
Where 'twixt the Neck and Throat the jointed Plate
[22] Gave entrance: Thro' that penetrable Part
Furious he drove the well-directed Dart:
Nor pierc'd the Windpipe yet, nor took the Pow'r
Of Speech, Unhappy! from thy dying Hour.
Prone on the Field the bleeding Warrior lies,
While thus triumphing, ſtern Achilles cries.
At laſt is Hector ſtretch'd upon the Plain,
Who fear'd no Vengeance for Patroclus ſlain:
Then Prince! you ſhould have fear'd, what now you feel;
Achilles abſent, was Achilles ſtill.
Yet a ſhort ſpace the great Avenger ſtay'd,
Then low in Duſt thy Strength and Glory lay'd.
Peaceful He ſleeps, with all our Rites adorn'd,
For ever honour'd, and for ever mourn'd:
While caſt to all the Rage of hoſtile Pow'r,
Thee, Birds ſhall mangle, and the Dogs devour.
Then Hector, fainting at th'approach of Death.
By thy own Soul! by thoſe who gave thee Breath!
By all the ſacred Prevalence of Pray'r;
Ah, leave me not for Grecian Dogs to tear!
The common Rites of Sepulture beſtow,
To ſooth a Father's and a Mother's Woe;
[23] Let their large Gifts procure an Urn at leaſt,
And Hector's Aſhes in his Country reſt.
No, Wretch accurſt! Relentleſs he replies,
(Flames, as he ſpoke, ſhot flaſhing from his Eyes)
Not thoſe who gave me Breath ſhou'd bid me ſpare,
Nor all the ſacred Prevalence of Pray'r.
Could I my ſelf the bloody Banquet join!
No—to the Dogs that Carcaſe I reſign.
Shou'd Troy, to bribe me, bring forth all her Store,
And giving thouſands, offer thouſands more;
Should Dardan Priam, and the weeping Dame
Drain their whole Realm to buy one fun'ral Flame;
Their Hector on the Pile they ſhould not ſee,
Nor rob the Vultures of one Limb of thee.
Then thus the Chief his dying Accents drew;
Thy Rage, Implacable! too well I knew:
The Furies that relentleſs Breaſt have ſteel'd,
And curs'd thee with a Heart that cannot yield.
Yet think, a Day will come, when Fate's Decree
And angry Gods, ſhall wreak this Wrong on thee;
Phoebus and Paris ſhall avenge my Fate,
And ſtretch thee here, before this Scaean Gate.
He ceas'd. The Fates ſuppreſt his lab'ring Breath,
And his Eyes ſtiffen'd at the Hand of Death;
To the dark Realm the Spirit wings its Way,
(The manly Body left a Load of Clay)
And plaintive glides along the dreary Coaſt,
A naked, wandring, melancholy Ghoſt!
Achilles, muſing as he roll'd his eyes
O'er the dead Hero, thus (unheard) replies.
Die thou the firſt! When Jove and Heav'n ordain,
I follow thee—He ſaid, and ſtripp'd the Slain.
Then forcing backward from the gaping Wound
The reeking Jav'lin, caſt it on the Ground.
The thronging Greeks behold with wond'ring Eyes
His manly Beauty, and ſuperiour Size:
While ſome ignobler, the great Dead deface
With Wounds ungen'rous, or with Taunts diſgrace.
"How chang'd that Hector! who like Jove of late,
"Sent Lightning on our Fleets, and ſcatter'd Fate?
High o'er the Slain the great Achilles ſtands,
Begirt with Heroes, and ſurrounding Bands;
And thus aloud, while all the Hoſt attends.
Princes and Leaders! Countrymen and Friends!
[25] Since now at length the pow'rful Will of Heav'n
The dire Deſtroyer to our Arm has giv'n,
Is not Troy fall'n already? Haſte, ye Pow'rs!
See, if already their deſerted Tow'rs
Are left unman'd; or if they yet retain
The Souls of Heroes, their great Hector ſlain?
But what is Troy, or Glory what to me?
Or why reflects my Mind on ought but thee
Divine Patroclus! Death has ſeal'd his Eyes;
Unwept, unhonour'd, uninterr'd he lies!
Can his dear Image from my Soul depart,
Long as the vital Spirit moves my Heart?
If, in the ſilent Shades of Hell below,
The Flames of Friends and Lovers ceaſe to glow,
Yet mine ſhall ſacred laſt; mine, undecay'd,
Burn on thro' Death, and animate my Shade.
Meanwhile ye Sons of Greece! in Triumph bring
The Corps of Hector, and your Paeans ſing.
Be this the Song, ſlow-moving tow'rd the Shore,
"Hector is dead, and Ilion is no more.
Then his fell Soul a Thought of Vengeance bred,
(Unworthy of himſelf, and of the Dead)
[26] The nervous Ancles bor'd, his Feet he bound
With Thongs inſerted thro' the double Wound;
Theſe fix'd up high behind the rolling Wain,
His graceful Head was trail'd along the Plain.
Proud on his Car th'inſulting Victor ſtood,
And bore aloft his Arms, diſtilling Blood.
He ſmites the Steeds; the rapid Chariot flies;
The ſudden Clouds of circling Duſt ariſe.
Now loſt is all that formidable Air;
The Face divine, and long-deſcending Hair
Purple the Ground, and ſtreak the ſable Sand;
Deform'd, diſhonour'd, in his native Land!
Giv'n to the Rage of an inſulting Throng!
And, in his Parent's Sight, now dragg'd along!
The Mother firſt beheld with ſad ſurvey;
She rent her Treſſes, venerably grey,
And caſt, far off, the regal Veils away.
With piercing Shrieks his bitter Fate ſhe moans,
While the ſad Father anſwers Groans with Groans,
Tears after Tears his mournful Cheeks o'erflow,
And the whole City wears one Face of Woe.
[27] No leſs, than if the Rage of hoſtile Fires
From her Foundations curling to her Spires,
O'er the proud Citadel at length ſhould riſe,
And the laſt Blaze ſend Ilion to the Skies.
The wretched Monarch of the falling State
Diſtracted, preſſes to the Dardan Gate.
Scarce the whole People ſtop his deſp'rate Courſe,
While ſtrong Affliction gives the Feeble Force:
Grief tears his Heart, and drives him to and fro,
In all the raging Impotence of Woe.
At length he roll'd in Duſt, and thus begun:
Imploring all, and naming one by one.
Ah! let me, let me go where Sorrow calls;
I, only I, will iſſue from your Walls,
(Guide or Companion, Friends! I ask ye none)
And bow before the Murd'rer of my Son.
My Griefs perhaps his Pity may engage;
Perhaps at leaſt he may reſpect my Age.
He has a Father too; a Man like me,
One, not exempt from Age and Miſery,
(Vig'rous no more, as when his young Embrace
Begot this Peſt of me, and all my Race.)
[28] How many valiant Sons, in early Bloom,
Has that curſt Hand ſent headlong to the Tomb?
Thee, Hector! laſt: Thy Loſs (divinely brave)
Sinks my ſad Soul with Sorrow to the Grave.
Oh had thy gentle Spirit paſt in Peace,
The Son expiring in the Sire's Embrace;
While both thy Parents wept thy fatal Hour,
And bending o'er thee, mix'd the tender Show'r!
Some Comfort that had been, ſome ſad Relief,
To melt in full Satiety of Grief!
Thus wail'd the Father, grov'ling on the Ground,
And all the Eyes of Ilion ſtream'd around.
Amidſt her Matrons Hecuba appears,
(A mourning Princeſs, and a Train in Tears)
Ah why has Heav'n prolong'd this hated Breath,
Patient of Horrors, to behold thy Death?
O Hector, late thy Parents Pride and Joy,
The Boaſt of Nations! the Defence of Troy!
To whom her Safety and her Fame ſhe ow'd,
Her Chief, her Hero, and almoſt her God!
O fatal Change! become in one ſad Day
A ſenſeleſs Corps! inanimated Clay!
But not as yet the fatal News had ſpread
To fair Andromache, of Hector dead;
As yet no Meſſenger had told his Fate,
Nor ev'n his Stay without the Scaean Gate.
Far in the cloſe Receſſes of the Dome,
Penſive ſhe ply'd the melancholy Loom;
A growing Work employ'd her ſecret Hours,
Confus'dly gay with intermingled Flowr's.
Her fair-hair'd Handmaids heat the brazen Urn,
The Bath preparing for her Lord's Return:
In vain: Alas! her Lord returns no more!
Unbath'd he lies, and bleeds along the Shore!
Now from the Walls the Clamours reach her Ear,
And all her Members ſhake with ſudden Fear;
Forth from her Iv'ry Hand the Shuttle falls,
As thus, aſtoniſh'd, to her Maids ſhe calls.
Ah follow me! (ſhe cry'd) what plaintive Noiſe
Invades my Ear? 'Tis ſure my Mother's Voice.
My falt'ring Knees their trembling Frame deſert,
A Pulſe unuſual flutters at my Heart.
Some ſtrange Diſaſter, ſome reverſe of Fate
Ye (Gods avert it) threats the Trojan State.
[30] Far be the Omen which my Thoughts ſuggeſt!
But much I fear my Hector's dauntleſs Breaſt
Confronts Achilles; chas'd along the Plain,
Shut from our Walls! I fear, I fear him ſlain!
Safe in the Crowd he ever ſcorn'd to wait,
And ſought for Glory in the Jaws of Fate:
Perhaps that noble Heat has coſt his Breath,
Now quench'd for ever in the Arms of Death.
She ſpoke; and furious, with diſtracted Pace,
Fears in her Heart, and Anguiſh in her Face,
Flies thro' the Dome, (the Maids her Steps purſue)
And mounts the Walls, and ſends around her View.
Too ſoon her Eyes the killing Object found,
The god-like Hector dragg'd along the Ground.
A ſudden Darkneſs ſhades her ſwimming Eyes:
She faints, ſhe falls; her Breath, her Colour flies.
Her Hair's fair Ornaments, the Braids that bound,
The Net that held them, and the Wreath that crown'd,
The Veil and Diadem, flew far away;
(The Gift of Venus on her bridal Day)
Around, a Train of weeping Siſters ſtands,
To raiſe her ſinking with aſſiſtant Hands.
[31] Scarce from the Verge of Death recall'd, again
She faints, or but recovers to complain.
O wretched Husband of a wretched Wife!
Born with one Fate, to one unhappy Life!
For ſure one Star its baneful Beam diſplay'd
On Priam's Roof, and Hippoplacia's Shade.
From diff'rent Parents, diff'rent Climes we came,
At diff'rent Periods, yet our Fate the ſame!
Why was my Birth to great Aëtion ow'd,
And why was all that tender Care beſtow'd?
Would I had never been!—O thou, the Ghoſt
Of my dead Husband! miſerably loſt!
Thou to the diſmal Realms for ever gone!
And I abandon'd, deſolate, alone!
An only Child, once Comfort of my Pains,
Sad Product now of hapleſs Love, remains!
No more to ſmile upon his Sire! no Friend
To help him now! No Father to defend!
For ſhould he 'ſcape the Sword, the common Doom,
What Wrongs attend him, and what Griefs to come?
Ev'n from his own paternal Roof expell'd,
Some Stranger plows his patrimonial Field.
The Day, that to the Shades the Father ſends,
Robs the ſad Orphan of his Father's Friends:
[32] He, wretched Outcaſt of Mankind! appears
For ever ſad, for ever bath'd in Tears;
Amongſt the Happy, unregarded he,
Hangs on the Robe, or trembles at the Knee,
While thoſe his Father's former bounty fed,
Nor reach the Goblet, nor divide the Bread:
The Kindeſt but his preſent Wants allay,
To leave him wretched the ſucceeding Day.
Frugal Compaſſion! Heedleſs they who boaſt
Both Parents ſtill, nor feel what he has loſt,
Shall cry, "Begone! Thy Father feaſts not here:
The Wretch obeys, retiring with a Tear.
Thus wretched, thus retiring all in Tears,
To my ſad Soul Aſtyanax appears!
Forc'd by repeated Inſults to return,
And to his widow'd Mother vainly mourn.
He, who with tender Delicacy bred,
With Princes ſported, and on Dainties fed,
And when ſtill Ev'ning gave him up to Reſt,
Sunk ſoft in Down upon the Nurſe's Breaſt,
Muſt—ah what muſt he not? Whom Ilion calls
Aſtyanax, from her well-guarded Walls,
Is now that Name no more, unhappy Boy!
Since now no more the Father guards his Troy.
[33] But thou my Hector ly'ſt expos'd in Air,
Far from thy Parent's and thy Conſort's Care,
Whoſe Hand in vain, directed by her Love,
The martial Scarf and Robe of Triumph wove.
Now to devouring Flames be theſe a Prey,
Uſeleſs to thee, from this accurſed Day!
Yet let the Sacrifice at leaſt be paid,
An Honour to the Living, not the Dead!
So ſpake the mournful Dame: Her Matrons hear,
Sigh back her Sighs, and anſwer Tear with Tear.




IT is impoſſible but the whole Attention of the Reader muſt be awaken'd in this Book: The Heroes of the two Armies are now to encounter, all the foregoing Battels have been but ſo many Preludes and Under-actions, in order to this great Event: Wherein the whole Fate of Greece and Troy is to be decided by the Sword of Achilles and Hector.

This is the Book, which of the whole Iliad appears to me the moſt charming. It aſſembles in it all that can be imagined of great and important on the one hand, and of tender and melancholy on the other. Terror and Pity are here wrought up in Perfection, and if the Reader is not ſenſible of both in a high degree, either he is utterly void of all Taſte, or the Tranſlator of all Skill, in Poetry.


‘VERSE 37. Not half ſo dreadful riſes, &c.]’ With how much dreadful Pomp is Achilles here introduced! How noble, and in what bold Colours hath he drawn the blazing of his Arms, [38] the Rapidity of his Advance, the Terror of his Appearance, the Deſolation around him; but above all, the certain Death attending all his Motions and his very Looks; what a Crowd of terrible Ideas in this one Simile!

But immediately after this, follows the moving Image of the two aged Parents, trembling, weeping, and imploring their Son: That is ſucceeded again by the dreadful gloomy Picture of Hector, all on fire, obſtinately bent on Death, and expecting Achilles; admirably painted in the Simile of the Snake roll'd up in his Den and collecting his Poiſons: And indeed thro' the whole Book this wonderful Contraſt and Oppoſition of the Moving and of the Terrible, is perpetually kept up, each heightening the other: I can't find Words to expreſs how ſo great Beauties affect me.


‘VERSE 51. The Speech of Priam to Hector.]’ The Poet has entertain'd us all along with various Scenes of Slaughter and Horrour: He now changes to the pathetick, and fills the Mind of the Reader with tender Sorrows. Euſtathius obſerves that Priam preludes to his Words by Actions expreſſive of Miſery: The unhappy Orator introduces his Speech to Hector with Groans and Tears, and rending his hoary Hair. The Father and the King plead with Hector to preſerve his Life and his Country. He repreſents his own Age, and the Loſs of many of his Children; and adds, that if Hector falls, he ſhould then be inconſolable, and the Empire of Troy at an end.

It is a piece of great Judgment in Homer to make the Fall of Troy to depend upon the Death of Hector: The Poet does not openly tell us that Troy was taken by the Greeks, but that the Reader might not be unacquainted with what happen'd after the Period of his Poem, he gives us to underſtand in this Speech, that the City was taken, and that Priam, his Wives, his Sons and Daughters, were either kill'd or made Slaves.



‘VERSE 76. Enter yet the Wall, and ſave, &c.]’ The Argument that Priam uſes (ſays Euſtathius) to induce Hector to ſecure himſelf in Troy is remarkable; he draws it not from Hector's Fears, nor does he tell him that he is to ſave his own Life; but he inſiſts upon ſtronger Motives: He tells him he may preſerve his Fellow-Citizens, his Country, and his Father; and farther, perſuades him not to add Glory to his mortal Enemy by his Fall.


‘VERSE 90. My bleeding Infants daſh'd against the Floor.]’ Cruelties which the Barbarians uſually exercis'd in the ſacking of Towns. Thus Iſaiah foretels to Babylon that her Children ſhall be daſh'd in pieces before her Eyes by the Medes. Infantes eorum allidentur in oculis eorum, xii. 16. And David ſays to the ſame City, Happy ſhall he be that taketh and daſheth thy little ones against the Stones. Pſal. cxxxvii. 9. And in the Prophet Hoſea, xiii. 16. Their Infants ſhall be daſh'd in pieces. Dacier.


‘VERSE 102. But when the Fates, &c.]’ Nothing can be more moving than the Image which Homer gives here, in comparing the different Effects produc'd by the View of a young Man, and that of an old one, both bleeding, and extended on the Duſt. The old Man 'tis certain touches us moſt, and ſeveral Reaſons may be given for it; the principal is, that the young Man defended himſelf, and his Death is glorious; whereas an old Man has no defence but his Weakneſs, Prayers, and Tears. They muſt be very inſenſible of what is dreadful, and have no Taſte in Poetry, who omit this Paſſage in a Tranſlation, and ſubſtitute things of a trivial and inſipid Nature. Dacier.



‘VERSE 114. The Speech of Hecuba,]’ The Speech of Hecuba opens with as much Tenderneſs as that of Priam: The Circumſtance in particular of her ſhewing that Breaſt to her Son which had ſuſtain'd his Infancy, is highly moving: It is a ſilent kind of Oratory, and prepares the Heart to liſten, by prepoſſeſſing the Eye in favour of the Speaker.

Eustathius takes notice of the Difference between the Speeches of Priam and Hecuba: Priam diſſuades him from the Combat by enumerating not only the Loſs of his own Family, but of his whole Country: Hecuba dwells entirely upon his ſingle Death; this is a great Beauty in the Poet, to make Priam a Father to his whole Countrey; but to deſcribe the Fondneſs of the Mother as prevailing over all other Conſiderations, and to mention that only which chiefly affects her.

This puts me in mind of a judicious Stroke in Milton, with regard to the ſeveral Characters of Adam and Eve. When the Angel is driving them both out of Paradiſe, Adam grieves that he muſt leave a place where he had convers'd with God and his Angels; but Eve laments that ſhe ſhall never more behold the fine Flowers of Eden: Here Adam mourns like a Man, and Eve like a Woman.


‘VERSE 140. The Soliloquy of Hector.]’ There is much Greatneſs in the Sentiments of this whole Soliloquy. Hector prefers Death to an ignominious Life: He knows how to die with Glory, but not how to live with Diſhonour. The Reproach of Polydamas affects him; the Scandals of the meaneſt People have an Influence on his Thoughts.

'Tis remarkable that he does not ſay, he fears the Inſults of the braver Trojans, but of the moſt worthleſs only. Men of Merit are always the moſt candid; but others are ever for bringing all Men to a Level with themſelves. They cannot [41] bear that any one ſhould be ſo bold as to excel, and are ready to pull him down to them, upon the leaſt Miſcarriage. This Sentiment is perfectly fine, and agreeable to the way of thinking natural to a great and ſenſible Mind.

There is a very beautiful Break in the middle of this Speech. Hector's Mind fluctuates every way, he is calling a Council in his own Breaſt, and conſulting what Method to purſue: He doubts if he ſhould not propoſe Terms of Peace to Achilles, and grants him very large Conceſſions; but of a ſudden he checks himſelf, and leaves the Sentence unfiniſh'd. The Paragraph runs thus, ‘"If, ſays Hector, I ſhould offer him the largeſt Conditions, give all that Troy contains—’ There he ſtops, and immediately ſubjoins, ‘"But why do I delude myſelf, &c.

'Tis evident from this Speech that the Power of making Peace was in Hector's Hands: For unleſs Priam had tranſfer'd it to him he could not have made theſe Propoſitions. So that it was Hector who broke the Treaty in the third Book; (where the very ſame Conditions were propos'd by Agamemnon.) 'Tis Hector therefore that is guilty, he is blameable in continuing the War, and involving the Greeks and Trojans in Blood. This Conduct in Homer was neceſſary; he obſerves a poetical Juſtice, and ſhews us that Hector is a Criminal, before he brings him to Death. Euſtathius.


‘VERSE 141. Shall proud Polydamas, &c.]’ Hector alludes to the Counſel given him by Polydamas in the eighteenth Book, which he then neglected to follow: It was, to withdraw to the City, and fortify themſelves there, before Achilles return'd to the Battel.


VERSE 167.
We greet not here as Man converſing Man,
Met at an Oak, or journeying o'er a Plain, &c.]

The Words literally are theſe, ‘"There is no talking with Achilles, [42] [...], from an Oak, or from a Rock, [or about an Oak or a Rock] as a young Man and a Maiden talk together. It is thought an obſcure Paſſage, tho' I confeſs I am either too fond of my own Explication in the above-cited Verſes, or they make it a very clear one. ‘"There is no converſing with this implacable Enemy in the Rage of Battel; as when ſauntring People talk at leiſure to one another on the Road, or when young Men and Women meet in a Field."’ I think the Expoſition of Euſtathius more farfetch'd, tho' it be ingenious; and therefore I muſt do him the Juſtice not to ſuppreſs it. It was a common Practice, ſays he, with the Heathens, to expoſe ſuch Children as they either could not, or would not educate: The Places where they depoſited them were uſually in the Cavities of Rocks, or the Hollow of Oaks: Theſe Children being frequently found and preſerv'd by Strangers, were ſaid to be the Offspring of thoſe Oaks or Rocks where they were found. This gave occaſion to the Poets to feign that Men were born of Oaks, and there was a famous Fable too of Deucalion and Pyrrha's repairing Mankind by caſting Stones behind them: It grew at laſt into a Proverb, to ſignify idle Tales; ſo that in the preſent Paſſage it imports, that Achilles will not liſten to ſuch idle Tales as may paſs with ſilly Maids and fond Lovers. For Fables and Stories (and particularly ſuch Stories as the Preſervation, ſtrange Fortune, and Adventures of expos'd Children) are the uſual Converſation of young Men and Maidens Eustathius his Explanation may be corroborated by a Parallel Place in the Odyſſey; where the Poet ſays,


The Meaning of which Paſſage is plainly this, Tell me of what Race you are, for undoubtedly you had a Father and Mother; you are not, according to the old Story, deſcended from an Oak or a Rock. Where the Word [...] ſhews that this was become an ancient Proverb even in Homer's Days.



‘VERSE 180. Struck by ſome God, he fears, recedes, and flies.]’ I doubt not moſt Readers are ſhock'd at the Flight of Hector: It is indeed a high Exaltation of Achilles (which was the Poets chief Care, as he was his chief Hero) that ſo brave a Man as Hector durſt not ſtand him. While Achilles was at a diſtance he had fortify'd his Heart with noble Reſolutions, but at his approach they all vaniſh, and he flies. This (as exceptionable as ſome may think it) may yet be allow'd to be a true Portrait of human Nature; for Diſtance, as it leſſens all Objects, ſo it does our Fears: But where inevitable Danger approaches, the ſtouteſt Hearts will feel ſome Apprehenſions at certain Fate. It was the Saying of one of the braveſt Men in this Age, to one who told him he fear'd nothing, Shew me but a certain Danger, and I ſhall be as much afraid as any of you. I don't abſolutely pretend to juſtify this Paſſage in every point, but only to have thus much granted me, that Hector was in this deſperate Circumſtance.

First, It will not be found in the whole Iliad, that Hector ever thought himſelf a Match for Achilles. Homer (to keep this in our Minds) had juſt now made Priam tell him (as a thing known, for certainly Priam would not inſult him at that time) that there was no Compariſon between his own Strength, and that of his Antagoniſt.


Secondly, we may obſerve with Dacier, the Degrees by which Homer prepares this Incident. In the 18th Book the mere Sight and Voice of Achilles, unarm'd, has terrify'd and put the whole Trojan Army into Diſorder. In the 19th, the very Sound of the coeleſtial Arms given him by Vulcan, has affrighted his own Myrmidons as they ſtand about him. In the 20th, he has been upon the point of killing Aeneas, and Hector himſelf was not ſav'd from him but by Apollo's interpoſing. In that and the following Book, he makes an incredible Slaughter of all that oppoſe him; he overtakes [44] moſt of thoſe that fly from him, and Priam himſelf opens the Gates of Troy to receive the reſt.

Thirdly, Hector ſtays, not that he hopes to overcome Achilles, but becauſe Shame and the dread of Reproach forbid him to re-enter the City; a Shame (ſays Eustathius) which was a Fault, that betray'd him out of his Life, and ruin'd his Countrey. Nay, Homer adds farther, that he only ſtay'd by the immediate Will of Heaven, intoxicated and irreſiſtibly bound down by Fate.


Fourthly, He had juſt been reflecting on the Injuſtice of the War he maintain'd; his Spirits are depreſt by Heaven, he expects certain Death, he perceives himſelf abandon'd by the Gods; (as he directly ſays in ℣. 300, &c. of the Greek, and 385 of the tranſlation) ſo that he might ſay to Achilles what Turnus does to Aeneas,

Dii me terrent, & Jupiter hostis.

This indeed is the ſtrongeſt Reaſon that can be offer'd for the Flight of Hector. He flies not from Achilles as a mortal Hero, but from one whom he ſees clad in impenetrable Armour, ſeconded by Minerva, and one who had put to flight the inferior Gods themſelves. This is not Cowardice according to the conſtant Principles of Homer, who thought it no part of a Hero's Character to be impious, or to fancy himſelf independent on the ſupreme Being.

Indeed it had been a grievous Fault, had our Author ſuffer'd the Courage of Hector entirely to forſake him even in this Extremity: A brave Man's Soul is ſtill capable of rouzing itſelf, and acting honourably in the laſt Struggles. Accordingly Hector, tho' deliver'd over to his Deſtiny, abandon'd by the Gods, and certain of Death, yet ſtops and attacks Achilles; When he loſes his Spear, he draws his Sword: it was impoſſible he ſhould conquer, it was only in his Power to fall gloriouſly; this he did, and it was all that Man could do.

If the Reader, after all, cannot bring himſelf to like this Paſſage, for his own particular; yet to induce him to ſuſpend [45] his abſolute Cenſure, he may conſider that Virgil had an uncommon Eſteem for it, as he has teſtify'd in transferring it almoſt entirely to the Death of Turnus; where there was no neceſſity of making uſe of the like Incidents: But doubtleſs he was touch'd with this Epiſode, as with one of thoſe which intereſt us moſt of the whole Iliad, by a Spectacle at once ſo terrible, and ſo deplorable. I muſt alſo add the Suffrage of Ariſtotle, who was ſo far from looking upon this Paſſage as ridiculous or blameable, that he eſteem'd it marvellous and admirable. ‘"The wonderful, ſays he, ought to have place in Tragedy, but ſtill more in Epic Poetry, which proceeds in this Point even to the Unreaſonable: For as in Epic Poems one ſees not the Perſons acting, ſo whatever paſſes the Bounds of Reaſon is proper to produce the admirable and the marvellous. For example, what Homer ſays of Hector purſued by Achilles, would appear ridiculous on the Stage; for the Spectators could not forbear laughing to ſee on one ſide the Greeks ſtanding without any motion, and on the other; Achilles purſuing Hector, and making Signs to the Troops not to dart at him. But all this does not appear when we read the Poem: For what is wonderful is always agreeable, and as a proof of it, we find that they who relate any thing uſually add ſomething to the Truth, that it may the better pleaſe thoſe who hear it.’

The ſame great Critick vindicates this Paſſage in the Chapter following. ‘"A Poet, ſays he, is inexcuſable if he introduces ſuch things as are impoſſible according to the Rules of Poetry: but this ceaſes to be a Fault, if by thoſe means he attains to the End he propos'd; for he has then brought about what he intended: For example, if he renders by it any part of his Poem more aſtoniſhing or admirable. Such is the Place in the Iliad, where Achilles purſues Hector. Ariſt. Poet. chap. 25, 26.


‘VERSE 197. Where two fam'd Fountains.]’ Strabo blames Homer for ſaying that one of the Sources of Scamander was [46] a warm Fountain; whereas (ſays he) there is but one Spring, and that cold, neither is this in the Place where Homer fixes it, but in the Mountain. It is obſerv'd by Euſtathius that tho' this was not true in Strabo's Days, yet it might in Homer's, greater Changes having happen'd in leſs time than that which paſs'd between thoſe two Authors. Sandys, who was both a Geographer and Critick of great Accuracy, as well as a Traveller of great Veracity, affirms as an Eye witneſs, that there are yet ſome Hot-water Springs in that part of the Country, oppoſite to Tenedos. I cannot but think that Gentleman muſt have been particularly diligent and curious in his Enquiries into the Remains of a Place ſo celebrated in Poetry; as he was not only perhaps the moſt learned, but one of the beſt Poets of his Time: I am glad of this occaſion to do his Memory ſo much Juſtice as to ſay, the Engliſh Verſification owes much of its Improvement to his Tranſlations, and eſpecially that admirable one of Job. What chiefly pleaſes me in this place, is to ſee the exact Landskip of old Troy, we have a clear Idea of the Town itſelf, and of the Roads and Countrey about it; the River, the Fig-trees, and every part is ſet before our Eyes.


‘VERSE 219. The gazing Gods lean forward from the Skies.]’ We have here an Inſtance of the great Judgment of Homer. The Death of Hector being the chief Action of the Poem; he aſſembles the Gods, and calls a Council in Heaven concerning it: It is for the ſame Reaſon that he repreſents Jupiter with the greateſt Solemnity weighing in his Scales the Fates of the two Heroes: I have before obſerv'd at large upon the laſt Circumſtance in a preceding Note, ſo that there is no occaſion to repeat it.

I wonder that none of the Commentators have taken notice of this Beauty; in my Opinion it is a very neceſſary Obſervation, and ſhews the Art and Judgment of the Poet, in that he has made the greateſt and finiſhing Action of the Poem of ſuch Importance that it engages the Gods in Debates.



‘VERSE 226. From Ida's Summits—]’ It was the Cuſtom of the Pagans to ſacrifice to the Gods upon the Hills and Mountains, in Scripture Language upon the high places, for they were perſuaded that the Gods in a particular manner inhabited ſuch Eminences: Wherefore God order'd his People to deſtroy all thoſe high places, which the Nations had prophan'd by their Idolatry. You ſhall utterly destroy all the Places wherein the Nations which you ſhall poſſeſs ſerved their Gods, upon the high Mountains, and upon the Hills, and under every green Tree. Deut. xii. 2. 'Tis for this Reaſon that ſo many Kings are reproach'd in Scripture for not taking away the high Places.


‘VERSE 249. Thus Step by Step, &c.]’ There is ſome Difficulty in this Paſſage, and it ſeems ſtrange that Achilles could not overtake Hector when he is allow'd to excel ſo much in Swiftneſs, eſpecially when the Poet deſcribes him as running in a narrower Circle than Hector: Eustathius gives us many Solutions from the Ancients: Homer has already told us that they run for the Life of Hector; and conſequently Hector would exert his utmoſt Speed, whereas Achilles might only endeavour to keep him from entring the City: Beſides, Achilles could not directly purſue him, becauſe he frequently made Efforts to ſhelter himſelf under the Wall, and he being oblig'd to turn him from it, he might be forced to take more Steps than Hector; but the Poet to take away all Grounds of an Objection, tells us afterwards, that Apollo gave him a ſupernatural Swiftneſs.


‘VERSE 251. As Men in Slumbers.]’ This beautiful Compariſon has been condemn'd by ſome of the Ancients, even ſo far as to judge it unworthy of having a Place in the Iliad: [48] They ſay the Diction is mean, and the Similitude itſelf abſurd, becauſe it compares the Swiftneſs of the Heroes to Men aſleep, who are in a ſtate of Reſt and Inactivity; but ſurely there cannot be a more groundleſs Criticiſm: The Poet is ſo far from drawing his Compariſon from the Repoſe of Men aſleep, that he alludes only to their Dreams: It is a Race in fancy that he deſcribes; and ſurely the Imagination is nimble enough to illuſtrate the greateſt Degree of Swiftneſs: Beſides the Verſes themſelves run with the utmoſt Rapidity, and imitate the Swiftneſs they deſcribe. Eustathius.

What ſufficiently proves theſe Verſes to be genuine, is, that Virgil has imitated them, Aen. 12.

Ac veluti in ſomnis—


‘VERSE 270. Sign'd to the Troops, &c.]’ The Difference which Homer here makes between Hector and Achilles deſerves to be taken notice of; Hector in running away towards the Walls, to the end that the Trojans who are upon them may overwhelm Achilles with their Darts; and Achilles in turning Hector towards the Plain, makes a Sign to his Troops not to attack him. This ſhews the great Courage of Achilles; and yet this Action which appears ſo generous has been very much condemn'd by the Ancients; Plutarch in the Life of Pompey gives us to underſtand, that it was look'd upon as the Action of a Fool too greedy of Glory: Indeed this is not a ſingle Combat of Achilles againſt Hector, (for in that caſe Achilles would have done very ill not to hinder his Troops from aſſaulting him) this was a Rencounter in a Battel, and ſo Achilles might, and ought to take all Advantage to rid himſelf, the readieſt and the ſureſt way, of an Enemy whoſe Death would procure an entire Victory to his Party. Wherefore does he leave this Victory to Chance? Why expoſe himſelf to the Hazard of loſing it? Why does he prefer his private Glory to the publick Weal, and the Safety of all the Greeks, which he puts to the venture by delaying to conquer, [49] and endangering his own Perſon? I grant it is a Fault, but it muſt be own'd to be the Fault of a Hero. Eustathius. Dacier.


‘VERSE 278. Then Phoebus left him—]’ This is a very beautiful and poetical manner of deſcribing a plain Circumſtance: The Hour of Hector's Death was now come, and the Poet expreſſes it by ſaying that Apollo, or Destiny, forſakes him: That is, the Fates no longer protect him. Eustathius.


‘VERSE id.—Fierce Minerva flies to ſtern Pelides, &c.]’ The Poet may ſeem to diminiſh the Glory of Achilles, by aſcribing the Victory over Hector to the Aſſiſtance of Pallas; whereas in truth he fell by the Hand only of Achilles: But Poetry loves to raiſe every thing into a Wonder; it ſteps out of the common Road of Narration, and aims to ſurprize; and the Poet would farther inſinuate that it is a greater Glory to Achilles to be belov'd by the Gods, than to be only excellent in Valour: For many Men have Valour, but few the Favour of Heaven. Eustathius.


‘VERSE 291. Obey'd and rested.]’ The whole Paſſage where Pallas deceives Hector is evidently an Allegory: Achilles perceiving that he cannot overtake Hector, pretends to be quite ſpent and wearied in the Purſuit; the Stratagem takes effect, and recalls his Enemy: This the Poet expreſſes by ſaying that Pallas, or Wiſdom, came to aſſiſt Achilles. Hector obſerving his Enemy ſtay to reſt concludes that he is quite fatigued, and immediately takes Courage and advances upon him; he thinks he has him at an Advantage, but at laſt finds himſelf deceiv'd: Thus making a wrong Judgment he [50] is betray'd into his Death; ſo that his own falſe Judgment is the treacherous Pallas that deceives him. Eustathius.


‘VERSE 317. The Speeches of Hector, and of Achilles.]’ There is an Oppoſition between theſe Speeches excellently adapted to the Characters of both the Heroes: That of Hector is full of Courage, but mixt with Humanity: That of Achilles, of Reſentment and Arrogance: We ſee the great Hector diſpoſing of his own Remains, and that Thirſt of Glory which has made him live with Honour, now bids him provide, as Eustathius obſerves, that what once was Hector may not de diſhonour'd: Thus we ſee a ſedate, calm courage, with a Contempt of Death, in the Speeches of Hector. But in that of Achilles there is a Fiertè, and an inſolent Air of Superiority; his Magnanimity makes him ſcorn to ſteal a Victory, he bids him prepare to defend himſelf with all his Forces, and that Valour and Reſentment which made him deſirous that he might revenge himſelf upon Hector with his own Hand, and forbade the Greeks to interpoſe, now directs him not to take any Advantage over a brave Enemy. I think both their Characters are admirably ſuſtain'd, and tho' Achilles be drawn with a great Violence of Features, yet the Picture is undoubtedly like him; and it had been the utmoſt Abſurdity to have ſoften'd one Line upon this Occaſion, when the Soul of Achilles was all on fire to revenge the Death of his Friend Patroclus. I muſt deſire the Reader to carry this Obſervation in his Memory, and particularly in that place, where Achilles ſays he could eat the very Fleſh of Hector; (tho' I have a little ſoften'd it in the Tranſlation) V. 438.


‘VERSE 391. So Jove's bold Bird, &c.]’ The Poet takes up ſome time in deſcribing the two great Heroes before they cloſe in Fight: The Verſes are pompous and magnificent, and he illuſtrates his Deſcription with two beautiful Similes: He makes [51] a double uſe of this Conduct; he not only raiſes our Imagination to attend to ſo momentous an Action, but by lengthening his Narration he keeps the Mind in a pleaſing Suſpenſe, and divides it between Hopes and Fears for the Fate of Hector or Achilles.


‘VERSE 409. Thro' that penetrable Part furious he drove, &c.]’ It was neceſſary that the Poet ſhou'd be very particular in this Point, becauſe the Arms that Hector wore, were the Arms of Achilles, taken from Patroclus; and conſequently, as they were the Work of Vulcan, they would preſerve Hector from the Poſſibility of a Wound: The Poet therefore to give an Air of Probability to his Story, tells us that they were Patroclus his Arms, and as they were not made for Hector, they might not exactly fit his Body: So that it is not improbable but there might be ſome place about the Neck of Hector ſo open as to admit the Spear of Achilles. Euſtathius.


‘VERSE 438. Could I my ſelf the bloody Banquet join!]’ I have before hinted that there is ſomething very fierce and violent in this Paſſage; but I fancy that what I there obſerv'd will juſtify Homer in his Relation, tho' not Achilles in his ſavage Sentiments: Yet the Poet ſoftens the Expreſſion by ſaying that Achilles only wiſhes that his Heart would permit him to devour him: This is much more tolerable than a Paſſage in the Thebais of Statius, where Tydeus in the very Pangs of Death is repreſented as knawing the Head of his Enemy.


‘VERSE 440. Should Troy, to bribe me, &c.]’ Such Reſolutions as Achilles here makes, are very natural to Men in Anger; he tells Hector that no Motives ſhall ever prevail [52] with him to ſuffer his Body to be ranſom'd; yet when Time had cool'd his Heat, and he had ſomewhat ſatisfy'd his Revenge by inſulting his Remains, he reſtores them to Priam, this perfectly agrees with his Conduct in the ninth Book, where at firſt he gives a rough Denial, and afterwards ſoftens into an eaſier Temper. And this is very agreeable to the Nature of Achilles; his Anger abates very ſlowly; it is ſtubborn, yet ſtill it remits: Had the Poet drawn him as never to be pacify'd, he had outrag'd Nature, and not repreſented his Hero as a Man, but as a Monſter. Euſtathius.


‘VERSE 450. A Day will come—]’ Hector propheſies at his Death that Achilles ſhall fall by the Hand of Paris. This confirms an Obſervation made in a former Note, that the Words of dying Men were look'd upon as Prophecies; but whether ſuch Conjectures are true or falſe, it appears from hence, that ſuch Opinions have prevail'd in the World above three thouſand Years.


‘VERSE 468. The great Dead deface with Wounds, &c.]’ Euſtathius tells us that Homer introduces the Soldiers wounding the dead Body of Hector, in order to mitigate the Cruelties which Achilles exerciſes upon his Body: For if every common Soldier takes a Pride in giving him a Wound, what Inſults may we not expect from the inexorable, inflam'd Achilles? But I muſt confeſs myſelf unable to vindicate the Poet in giving us ſuch an Idea of his Countreymen. I think the former Courage of their Enemy ſhould have been ſo far from moving them to Revenge, that it ſhould have recommended him to their Eſteem: What Achilles afterwards acts is ſuitable to his Character, and conſequently the Poet is juſtify'd; but ſurely all the Greeks were not of his Temper? Patroclus was not ſo dear to them all, as he [53] was to Achilles. 'Tis true the Poet repreſents Achilles, (as Euſtathius obſerves) enumerating the many Ills they had ſuffer'd from Hector; and he ſeems to endeavour to infect the whole Army with his Reſentment. Had Hector been living, they had been acted by a generous Indignation againſt him: But theſe Men ſeem as if they only dared approach him dead; in ſhort, what they ſay over his Body is a mean Inſult, and the Stabs they give it are cowardly and barbarous.


‘VERSE 474. The Speech of Achilles.]’ We have a very fine Obſervation of Euſtathius on this Place, that the Judgment and Addreſs of Homer here is extreamly worthy of Remark: He knew, and had often ſaid, that the Gods and Fate had not granted Achilles the Glory of taking Troy: There was then no reaſon to make him march againſt the Town after the Death of Hector, ſince all his Efforts muſt have been ineffectual. What has the Poet done in this Conjuncture? It was but reaſonable that the firſt Thought of Achilles ſhould be to march directly to Troy, and to profit himſelf of the general Conſternation into which the Death of Hector had thrown the Trojans. We here ſee he knows the Duty, and does not want the Ability, of a great General; but after this on a ſudden he changes his Deſign, and derives a plauſible Pretence from the Impatience he has to pay the laſt Devoirs to his Friend. The Manners of Achilles, and what he has already done for Patroclus, make this very natural. At the ſame time, this turning off to the tender and pathetick has a fine Effect; the Reader in the very Fury of the Hero's Vengeance, perceives, that Achilles is ſtill a Man, and capable of ſofter Paſſions.


‘VERSE 494. "Hector is dead, and Ilion is no more.]’ I have follow'd the Opinion of Euſtathius, who thought that what Achilles ſays here was the Chorus or Burden of [54] a Song of Triumph, in which his Troops bear a part with him, as he returns from this glorious Combate. Dacier obſerves that this is very correſpondent to the Manners of thoſe Times; and inſtances in that Paſſage of the Book of Kings, when David returns from the Conqueſt of Goliah: The Women there go out to meet him from all the Cities of Iſrael, and ſing a triumphal Song, the Chorus whereof is, Saul has kill'd his Thouſands, and David his ten Thouſands.


‘VERSE 496.] Unworthy of himſelf, and of the Dead.]’ This Inhumanity of Achilles in dragging the dead Body of Hector, has been ſeverely (and I think indeed not without ſome Juſtice) cenſur'd by ſeveral both Ancients and Moderns. Plato in his third Book de Republica, ſpeaks of it with Deteſtation: But methinks it is a great Injuſtice to Homer to reflect upon the Morals of the Author himſelf, for things which he only paints as the Manners of a vicious Hero.

It may juſtly be obſerv'd in general of all Plato's Objections againſt Homer, that they are ſtill in a View to Morality, conſtantly blaming him for repreſenting ill and immoral Things as the Opinions or Actions of his Perſons. To every one of theſe one general Anſwer will ſerve, which is, that Homer as often deſcribes ill things, in order to make us avoid them, as good, to induce us to follow them (which is the Caſe with all Writers whatever.) But what is extremely remarkable, and evidently ſhews the Injuſtice of Plato's Cenſure is, that many of thoſe very Actions for which he blames him are expreſſly characterized and marked by Homer himſelf as evil and deteſtable, by previous Expreſſions or Cautions. Thus in the preſent Place, before he deſcribes this Barbarity of Achilles, he tells us it was a moſt unworthy Action.


When Achilles ſacrifices the twelve young Trojans in l. 23. he repeats the ſame Words. When Pandarus broke the [55] Truce in l. 4. he told us it was a mad, unjuſt Deed,


And ſo of the reſt.


‘VERSE 506. The Face divine, and long-deſcending Hair.]’ It is impoſſible to read the Actions of great Men without having our Curioſity rais'd to know the leaſt Circumſtance that relates to them: Homer to ſatisfy it, has taken care in the Proceſs of his Poem to give us the Shape of his Heroes, and the very Colour of their Hair; thus he has told us that Achilles's Locks were yellow, and here the Epithet [...] ſhews us that thoſe of Hector were of a darker Colour: As to his Perſon, he told us a little above that it was ſo handſome that all the Greeks were ſurpriz'd to ſee it. Plutarch recites a remarkable Story of the Beauty of Hector: It was reported in Lacedaemon, that a handſome Youth who very much reſembled Hector, was arriv'd there; immediately the whole City run in ſuch Numbers to behold him, that he was trampled to Death by the Crowd. Euſtathius.


‘VERSE 543. Sinks my ſad Soul with Sorrow to the Grave.]’ It is in the Greek


It is needleſs to obſerve to the Reader with what a beautiful Pathos the wretched Father laments his Son Hector: It is impoſſible not to join with Priam in his Sorrows. But what I would chiefly point out to my Reader, is the Beauty of this Line, which is particularly tender, and almoſt Word for Word the ſame with that of the Patriarch Jacob; who upon a like Occaſion breaks out into the ſame Complaint, and tells [56] his Children, that if they deprive him of his Son Benjamin, they will bring down his grey Hairs with Sorrow to the Grave.


VERSE 563, &c.] The Grief of Andromache, which is painted in the following Part, is far beyond all the Praiſes that can be given it; but I muſt take notice of one Particular which ſhews the great Art of the Poet. In order to make the Wife of Hector appear yet more afflicted than his Parents, he has taken care to encreaſe her Affliction by Surprize: It is finely prepar'd by the Circumſtances of her being retir'd to her innermoſt Apartment, of her Employment in weaving a Robe for her Husband (as may be conjectur'd from what ſhe ſays afterward, ℣. 657.) and of her Maids preparing the Bath for his Return: All which (as the Criticks have obſerv'd) augment the Surprize, and render this Reverſe of Fortune much more dreadful and afflicting.


‘VERSE 600. Her Hair's fair Ornaments.]’ Euſtathius remarks, that in ſpeaking of Andromache and Hecuba, Homer expatiates upon the Ornaments of Dreſs in Andromache, becauſe ſhe was a beautiful young Princeſs; but is very conciſe about that of Hecuba, becauſe ſhe was old, and wore a Dreſs rather ſuitable to her Age and Gravity, than to her State, Birth, and Condition. I cannot paſs over a Matter of ſuch Importance as a young Lady's Dreſs, without endeavouring to explain what ſort of Heads were worn above three thouſand Years ago.

It is difficult to deſcribe particularly every Ornament mention'd by the Poet, but I ſhall lay before my female Readers the Biſhop's Explanation. The [...] was uſed, [...], that is, to tye backwards the Hair that grew on the fore-part of the Head: The [...] was a Veil of Network that cover'd the Hair when it was ſo [57] ty'd: [...] was an Ornament us'd [...], to tye backwards the Hair that grew on the Temples; and the [...] was a Fillet, perhaps embroider'd with Gold, (from the Expreſſion of [...]) that bound the whole, and compleated the Dreſs.

The Ladies cannot but be pleas'd to ſee ſo much Learning and Greek upon this important Subject.

Homer is in nothing more excellent than in that Diſtinction of Characters which he maintains thro' his whole Poem: What Andromache here ſays, can be ſpoken properly by none but Andromache: There is nothing general in her Sorrows, nothing that can be transfer'd to another Character: The Mother laments the Son, and the Wife weeps over the Husband.


‘VERSE 628. The Day that to the Shades, &c.]’ The following Verſes, which ſo finely deſcribe the Condition of an Orphan, have been rejected by ſome ancient Criticks: It is a Proof there were always Criticks of no manner of Taſte; it being impoſſible any where to meet with a more exquiſite Paſſage. I will venture to ſay, there are not in all Homer any Lines more worthy of him: The Beauty of this tender and Compaſſionate Image is ſuch, that it even makes amends for the many cruel ones, with which the Iliad is too much ſtained. Theſe Cenſurers imagined this Deſcription to be of too abject and mean a Nature for one of the Quality of Aſtyanax; but had they conſider'd (ſays Euſtathius) that theſe are the Words of a fond Mother who fear'd every thing for her Son, that Women are by Nature timorous and think all Misfortunes will happen, becauſe there is a Poſſibility that they may; that Andromache is in the very height of her Sorrows, in the Inſtant ſhe is ſpeaking; I fancy they would have alter'd their Opinion.

It is undoubtedly an Aggravation to our Misfortunes when they ſink us in a Moment from the higheſt flow of Proſperity to the loweſt Adverſity: The Poet judiciouſly makes uſe of this Circumſtance, the more to excite our Pity, and introduces [58] the Mother with the utmoſt Tenderneſs, lamenting this Reverſe of Fortune in her Son; chang'd all at once into a Slave, a Beggar, an Orphan! Have we not Examples in our own Times of ſuch unhappy Princes, whoſe Condition renders this of Astyanax but too probable?


‘VERSE 647. On Dainties fed.]’ It is in the Greek, ‘"Who upon his Father's Knees us'd to eat Marrow and the Fat of Sheep.’ This would ſeem groſs if it were literally tranſlated, but it is a figurative Expreſſion; and in the Style of the Orientals, Marrow and Fatneſs are taken for whatever is beſt, tendereſt, and moſt delicious. Thus in Job xxi. 24. Viſcera ejus plena ſunt adipe & medullis oſſa ejus [...]rigantur. And xxxvi. 16. Requies autem menſae tuae erit plena pinguedine. In Jer. xxxi. 14. God ſays, that he will ſatiate the Soul of the Prieſts with Fatneſs. Inebriabo animam Sacerdotum pinguedine. Dacier.


‘VERSE 657. The martial Scarf and Robe of Triumph wove.]’ This Idea very naturally offers itſelf to a Woman, who repreſents to herſelf the Body of her Husband daſh'd to pieces, and all his Limbs dragg'd upon the Ground uncover'd; and nothing is more proper to excite Pity. 'Tis well known that it was anciently the Cuſtom among Princeſſes and great Ladies to have large Quantities of Stuffs and Moveables. This Proviſion was more neceſſary in thoſe Times than now, becauſe of the great Conſumption made of them on thoſe Occaſions of Mourning.

I am of Opinion that Homer had a farther View in expatiating thus largely upon the Death of Hector. Every Word that Hecuba, Priam, and Andromache ſpeaks, ſhews us the Importance of Hector: Every Word adds a Weight to the concluding Action of his Poem, and at the ſame time repreſents the ſad Effects of the Anger of Achilles, which is the Subject of it.



The Funeral of Patroclus.


ACHILLES and the Myrmidons do Honours to the Body of Patroclus. After the funeral Feast he retires to the Sea-Shore, where falling aſleep, the Ghost of his Friend appears to him, and demands the Rites of Burial; the next Morning the Soldiers are ſent with Mules and Waggons to fetch Wood for the Pyre. The funeral Proceſſion, and the offering of their Hair to the Dead. Achilles ſacrifices ſeveral Animals, and lastly, twelve Trojan Captives at the Pile, then ſets fire to it. He pays Libations to the Winds, which (at the instance of Iris) riſe, and raiſe the Flames. When the Pile has burn'd all Night, they gather the Bones, place 'em in an Urn of Gold, and raiſe the Tomb. Achilles institutes the funeral Games: The Chariot Race, the Fight of the Caeſtus, the Wrestling, the Foot-Race, the ſingle Combate, the Diſcus, the ſhooting with Arrows, the darting the Javelin: The various Deſcriptions of which, and the various Succeſs of the ſeveral Antagonists, make the greatest part of the Book.

In this Book ends the thirtieth Day: The Night following, the Ghost of Patroclus appears to Achilles: The one and thirtieth Day is employ'd in felling the Timber for the Pile; the two and thirtieth in burning it; and the three and thirtieth in the Games. The Scene is generally on the Sea-Shore.


THUS humbled in the Duſt, the penſive Train
Thro' the ſad City mourn'd her Hero ſlain.
The Body ſoil'd with Duſt, and black with Gore,
Lyes on broad Helleſpont's reſounding Shore:
The Grecians ſeek their Ships, and clear the Strand,
All, but the martial Myrmidonian Band:
Theſe yet aſſembled great Achilles holds,
And the ſtern purpoſe of his Mind unfolds.
Not yet (my brave Companions of the War)
Releaſe your ſmoaking Courſers from the Car;
But, with his Chariot each in order led,
Perform due Honours to Patroclus dead.
[62] E'er yet from Reſt or Food we ſeek Relief,
Some Rites remain, to glut our Rage of Grief.
The Troops obey'd; and thrice in order led
(Achilles firſt) their Courſers round the Dead;
And thrice their Sorrows and Laments renew;
Tears drop the Sands, and Tears their Arms bedew.
For ſuch a Warrior Thetis aids their Woe,
Melts their ſtrong Hearts, and bids their Eyes to flow.
But chief, Pelides: thick-ſucceeding Sighs
Burſt from his Heart, and Torrents from his Eyes:
His ſlaught'ring Hands, yet red with Blood, he laid
On his dead Friend's cold Breaſt, and thus he ſaid.
All hail Patroclus! let thy honour'd Ghoſt
Hear, and rejoice on Pluto's dreary Coaſt;
Behold! Achilles' Promiſe is compleat;
The bloody Hector ſtretch'd before thy Feet.
Lo! to the Dogs his Carcaſs I reſign;
And twelve ſad Victims of the Trojan Line
Sacred to Vengeance, inſtant ſhall expire,
Their Lives effus'd around thy fun'ral Pyre.
Gloomy he ſaid, and (horrible to view)
Before the Bier the bleeding Hector threw,
[63] Prone on the Duſt. The Myrmidons around
Unbrac'd their Armour, and the Steeds unbound.
All to Achilles' ſable Ship repair,
Frequent and full, the genial Feaſt to ſhare.
Now from the well-fed Swine black Smokes aſpire,
The briſtly Victims hiſſing o'er the Fire;
The huge Ox bellowing falls; with feebler cries
Expires the Goat; the Sheep in Silence dies:
Around the Hero's proſtrate Body flow'd
In one promiſcuous Stream, the reeking Blood.
And now a Band of Argive Monarchs brings
The glorious Victor to the King of Kings.
From his dead Friend the penſive Warrior went,
With Steps unwilling, to the regal Tent.
Th' attending Heralds, as by Office bound,
With kindled Flames the Tripod-Vaſe ſurround;
To cleanſe his conqu'ring Hands from hoſtile Gore,
They urg'd in vain; the Chief refus'd, and ſwore.
No Drop ſhall touch me, by almighty Jove!
The firſt and greateſt of the Gods above!
Till on the Pyre I place thee; till I rear
The graſſy Mound, and clip thy ſacred Hair.
[64] Some Eaſe at leaſt thoſe pious Rites may give,
And ſooth my Sorrows, while I bear to live.
Howe'er, reluctant as I am, I ſtay,
And ſhare your Feaſt; but, with the Dawn of Day,
(O King of Men!) it claims thy royal Care,
That Greece the Warrior's fun'ral Pile prepare,
And bid the Foreſts fall: (Such Rites are paid
To Heroes ſlumb'ring in Eternal Shade)
Then, when his earthly Part ſhall mount in Fire,
Let the leagu'd Squadrons to their Poſts retire.
He ſpoke; they hear him, and the Word obey;
The Rage of Hunger and of Thirſt allay,
Then eaſe in Sleep the Labours of the Day.
But great Pelides, ſtretch'd along the Shore
Where daſh'd on Rocks the broken Billows roar,
Lies inly groaning; while on either Hand
The martial Myrmidons confus'dly ſtand:
Along the Graſs his languid Members fall,
Tir'd with his Chaſe around the Trojan Wall;
Huſh'd by the Murmurs of the rolling Deep
At length he ſinks in the ſoft Arms of Sleep.
[65] When lo! the Shade before his cloſing Eyes
Of ſad Patroclus roſe, or ſeem'd to riſe;
In the ſame Robe the Living wore, he came,
In Stature, Voice, and pleaſing Look, the ſame.
The Form familiar hover'd o'er his Head,
And ſleeps Achilles, (thus the Phantom ſaid)
Sleeps my Achilles, his Patroclus dead?
Living, I ſeem'd his deareſt, tend'reſt Care,
But now forgot, I wander in the Air:
Let my pale Corſe the Rites of Burial know,
And give me Entrance in the Realms below:
Till then, the Spirit finds no reſting place,
But here and there th' unbody'd Spectres chace
The vagrant Dead around the dark Abode,
Forbid to croſs th' irremeable Flood.
Now give thy Hand; for to the farther Shore
When once we paſs, the Soul returns no more.
When once the laſt Funereal Flames aſcend,
No more ſhall meet, Achilles and his Friend,
No more our Thoughts to thoſe we lov'd make known,
Or quit the deareſt, to converſe alone.
[66] Me Fate has ſever'd from the Sons of Earth,
The Fate fore-doom'd that waited from my Birth:
Thee too it waits; before the Trojan Wall
Ev'n great and god-like Thou art doom'd to fall.
Hear then; and as in Fate and Love we joyn,
Ah ſuffer that my Bones may reſt with thine!
Together have we liv'd, together bred,
One Houſe receiv'd us, and one Table fed;
That golden Urn thy Goddeſs Mother gave
May mix our Aſhes in one common Grave.
And is it thou (he anſwers) to my Sight
Once more return'ſt thou from the Realms of Night?
Oh more than Brother! Think each Office paid,
Whate'er can reſt a diſcontented Shade;
But grant one laſt Embrace, unhappy Boy!
Afford at leaſt that melancholy joy.
He ſaid, and with his longing Arms eſſay'd
In vain to graſp the viſionary Shade;
Like a thin Smoke he ſees the Spirit fly,
And hears a feeble, lamentable Cry.
Confus'd he wakes; Amazement breaks the Bands
Of golden Sleep, and ſtarting from the Sands,
Penſive he muſes with uplifted Hands.
'Tis true, 'tis certain; Man, tho' dead, retains
Part of himſelf; th'immortal Mind remains:
The Form ſubſiſts, without the Body's Aid,
Aerial Semblance, and an empty Shade!
This night my Friend, ſo late in Battel loſt,
Stood at my ſide, a penſive, plaintive Ghoſt;
Ev'n now familiar, as in Life, he came,
Alas how diff'rent! yet how like the ſame!
Thus while he ſpoke, each Eye grew big with Tears:
And now the roſy-finger'd Morn appears,
Shews every mournful Face with Tears o'erſpread,
And glares on the pale Viſage of the Dead.
But Agamemnon, as the Rites demand,
With Mules and Waggons ſends a choſen Band;
To load the Timber and the Pile to rear,
A Charge conſign'd to Merion's faithful Care.
With proper Inſtruments they take the Road,
Axes to cut, and Ropes to ſling the Load.
Firſt march the heavy Mules, ſecurely ſlow,
O'er Hills, o'er Dales, o'er Crags, o'er Rocks, they go:
Jumping high o'er the Shrubs of the rough Ground,
Rattle the clatt'ring Cars, and the ſhockt Axles bound.
[68] But when arriv'd at Ida's ſpreading Woods,
(Fair Ida, water'd with deſcending Floods)
Loud ſounds the Axe, redoubling Strokes on Strokes;
On all ſides round the Foreſt hurles her Oaks
Headlong. Deep-echoing groan the Thickets brown;
Then ruſtling, crackling, craſhing, thunder down.
The Wood the Grecians cleave, prepar'd to burn;
And the ſlow Mules the ſame rough Road return.
The ſturdy Woodmen equal Burthens bore
(Such charge was giv'n 'em) to the ſandy Shore;
There on the Spot which great Achilles ſhow'd,
They eas'd their Shoulders, and diſpos'd the Load;
Circling around the Place, where Times to come
Shall view Patroclus' and Achilles' Tomb.
The Hero bids his martial Troops appear
High on their Cars, in all the Pomp of War;
Each in refulgent Arms his Limbs attires,
All mount their Chariots, Combatants and Squires.
The Chariots firſt proceed, a ſhining Train;
Then Clouds of Foot that ſmoak along the Plain;
Next theſe a melancholy Band appear,
Amidſt, lay dead Patroclus on the Bier:
[69] O'er all the Corſe their ſcatter'd Locks they throw.
Achilles next, oppreſt with mighty Woe,
Supporting with his Hands the Hero's Head,
Bends o'er th' extended Body of the Dead.
The Body decent, on th' appointed Ground
They place, and heap the Sylvan Pile around.
But great Achilles ſtands apart in Pray'r,
And from his Head divides the yellow Hair;
The curling Locks which from his Youth he vow'd,
And ſacred grew to Sperchius honour'd Flood:
Then ſighing, to the Deep his Looks he caſt,
And roll'd his Eyes around the wat'ry Waſte.
Sperchius! whoſe Waves in mazy Errors loſt
Delightful roll along my native Coaſt!
To whom we vainly vow'd, at our return,
Theſe Locks to fall, and Hecatombs to burn;
Full fifty Rams to bleed in Sacrifice,
Where to the Day thy ſilver Fountains riſe,
And where in Shade of conſecrated Bow'rs
Thy Altars ſtand, perfum'd with native Flow'rs!
So vow'd my Father, but he vow'd in vain;
No more Achilles ſees his native Plain;
[70] In that vain Hope theſe Hairs no longer grow,
Patroclus bears them to the Shades below.
Thus o'er Patroclus while the Hero pray'd,
On his cold Hand the ſacred Lock he laid.
Once more afreſh the Grecian Sorrows flow:
And now the Sun had ſet upon their Woe;
But to the King of Men thus ſpoke the Chief.
Enough, Atrides! give the Troops Relief:
Permit the mourning Legions to retire,
And let the Chiefs alone attend the Pyre;
The pious Care be ours, the Dead to burn—
He ſaid: The People to their Ships return:
While thoſe deputed to inter the Slain
Heap with a riſing Pyramid the Plain.
A hundred Foot in length, a hundred wide,
The growing Structure ſpreads on ev'ry Side;
High on the Top the manly Corſe they lay,
And well-fed Sheep, and ſable Oxen ſlay:
Achilles cover'd with their Fat the Dead,
And the pil'd Victims round the Body ſpread.
Then Jars of Honey, and of fragrant Oil
Suſpends around, low-bending o'er the Pile.
[71] Four ſprightly Courſers, with a deadly Groan
Pour forth their Lives, and on the Pyre are thrown.
Of nine large Dogs, domeſtick at his Board,
Fall two, ſelected to attend their Lord.
Then laſt of all, and horrible to tell,
Sad Sacrifice! twelve Trojan Captives fell.
On theſe the Rage of Fire victorious preys,
Involves, and joins them in one common Blaze.
Smear'd with the bloody Rites, he ſtands on high,
And calls the Spirit with a dreadful Cry.
All hail, Patroclus! let thy vengeful Ghoſt
Hear, and exult on Pluto's dreary Coaſt.
Behold, Achilles' Promiſe fully paid,
Twelve Trojan Heroes offer'd to thy Shade;
But heavier Fates on Hector's Corſe attend,
Sav'd from the Flames, for hungry Dogs to rend.
So ſpake he, threat'ning: But the Gods made vain
His Threat, and guard inviolate the Slain:
Celeſtial Venus hover'd o'er his Head,
And roſeate Unguents, heav'nly Fragrance! ſhed:
She watch'd him all the Night, and all the Day,
And drove the Bloodhounds from their deſtin'd Prey.
[72] Nor ſacred Phoebus leſs employ'd his Care;
He pour'd around a Veil of gather'd Air,
And kept the Nerves undry'd, the Fleſh entire,
Againſt the Solar Beam and Sirian Fire.
Nor yet the Pile where dead Patroclus lies,
Smokes, nor as yet the ſullen Flames ariſe;
But faſt beſide Achilles ſtood in Pray'r,
Invok'd the Gods whoſe Spirit moves the Air,
And Victims promis'd, and Libations caſt,
To gentle Zephyr and the Boreal Blaſt:
He call'd th' Aerial Pow'rs, along the Skies
To breathe, and whiſper to the Fires to riſe.
The winged Iris heard the Hero's Call,
And inſtant haſten'd to their airy Hall,
Where, in old Zephyr's open Courts on high,
Sate all the bluſtring Brethren of the Sky.
She ſhone amidſt them, on her painted Bow;
The rocky Pavement glitter'd with the Show.
All from the Banquet riſe, and each invites
The Various Goddeſs to partake the Rites.
Not ſo, (the Dame reply'd) I haſte to go
To ſacred Ocean, and the Floods below:
[73] Ev'n now our ſolemn Hecatombs attend,
And Heav'n is feaſting on the World's green End,
With righteous Aethiops (uncorrupted Train!)
Far on th'extreameſt Limits of the Main.
But Peleus' Son intreats, with Sacrifice,
The Weſtern Spirit, and the North to riſe;
Let on Patroclus' Pile your Blaſt be driv'n,
And bear the blazing Honours high to Heav'n.
Swift as the Word, ſhe vaniſh'd from their View;
Swift as the Word, the Winds tumultuous flew;
Forth burſt the ſtormy Band with thundring Roar,
And Heaps on Heaps the Clouds are toſt before.
To the wide Main then ſtooping from the Skies,
The heaving Deeps in wat'ry Mountains riſe:
Troy feels the Blaſt along her ſhaking Walls,
Till on the Pyle the gather'd Tempeſt falls.
The Structure crackles in the roaring Fires,
And all the Night the plenteous Flame aſpires.
All Night, Achilles hails Patroclus Soul,
With large Libation from the golden Bowl.
As a poor Father helpleſs and undone,
Mourns o'er the Aſhes of an only Son,
[74] Takes a ſad Pleaſure the laſt Bones to burn,
And pour in Tears, e'er yet they cloſe the Urn.
So ſtay'd Achilles, circling round the Shore,
So watch'd the Flames, till now they flam'd no more.
'Twas when, emerging thro' the Shades of Night,
The Morning Planet told th'approach of Light;
And faſt behind, Aurora's warmer Ray
O'er the broad Ocean pour'd the golden Day:
Then ſunk the Blaze, the Pyle no longer burn'd,
And to their Caves the whiſtling Winds return'd:
Acroſs the Thracian Seas their Courſe they bore;
The ruffled Seas beneath their Paſſage roar.
Then parting from the Pyle he ceas'd to weep,
And ſunk to Quiet in th' Embrace of Sleep,
Exhauſted with his Grief: Meanwhile the Crowd
Of thronging Grecians round Achilles ſtood;
The Tumult wak'd him: From his Eyes he ſhook
Unwilling Slumber, and the Chiefs beſpoke.
Ye Kings and Princes of th' Achaian Name!
Firſt let us quench the yet-remaining Flame
With ſable Wine; then, (as the Rites direct,)
The Hero's Bones with careful view ſelect:
[75] (Apart, and eaſy to be known they lye,
Amidſt the Heap, and obvious to the Eye;
The reſt around the Margins will be ſeen,
Promiſcuous, Steeds, and immolated Men)
Theſe wrapt in double Cauls of Fat, prepare;
And in the golden Vaſe diſpoſe with Care;
There let them reſt, with decent Honour laid,
Till I ſhall follow to th'Infernal Shade.
Meantime erect the Tomb with pious Hands,
A common Structure on the humble Sands;
Hereafter Greece ſome nobler Work may raiſe,
And late Poſterity record our Praiſe.
The Greeks obey; where yet the Embers glow,
Wide o'er the Pyle the ſable Wine they throw,
And deep ſubſides the aſhy Heap below.
Next the white Bones his ſad Companions place
With Tears collected, in the golden Vaſe.
The ſacred Relicks to the Tent they bore;
The Urn a Veil of Linen cover'd o'er.
That done, they bid the Sepulchre aſpire,
And caſt the deep Foundations round the Pyre;
[76] High in the midſt they heap the ſwelling Bed
Of riſing Earth, Memorial of the Dead.
The ſwarming Populace the Chief detains,
And leads amidſt a wide Extent of Plains;
There plac'd 'em round: Then from the Ships proceeds
A Train of Oxen, Mules, and ſtately Steeds,
Vaſes and Tripods, for the Fun'ral Games,
Reſplendent Braſs, and more reſplendent Dames.
Firſt ſtood the Prizes to reward the Force
Of rapid Racers in the duſty Courſe.
A Woman for the firſt, in Beauty's Bloom,
Skill'd in the Needle, and the lab'ring Loom;
And a large Vaſe, where two bright Handles riſe,
Of twenty Meaſures its capacious Size.
The ſecond Victor claims a Mare unbroke,
Big with a Mule, unknowing of the Yoke:
The third, a Charger yet untouch'd by Flame;
Four ample Meaſures held the ſhining Frame:
Two golden Talents for the fourth were plac'd;
An ample double Bowl contents the laſt.
Theſe in fair Order rang'd upon the Plain,
The Hero, riſing, thus addreſt the Train.
Behold the Prizes, valiant Greeks! decreed
To the brave Rulers of the racing Steed;
Prizes which none beſide our ſelf could gain,
Should our immortal Courſers take the Plain;
(A Race unrival'd, which from Ocean's God
Peleus receiv'd, and on his Son beſtow'd.)
But this no time our Vigour to diſplay,
Nor ſuit, with them, the Games of this ſad Day:
Loſt is Patroclus now, that wont to deck
Their flowing Manes, and ſleek their gloſſy Neck.
Sad, as they ſhar'd in human Grief, they ſtand,
And trail thoſe graceful Honours on the Sand!
Let others for the noble Task prepare,
Who truſt the Courſer, and the flying Car.
Fir'd at his Word, the Rival Racers riſe;
But far the firſt, Eumelus hopes the Prize,
Fam'd thro' Pieria for the fleeteſt Breed,
And skill'd to manage the high-bounding Steed.
With equal Ardor bold Tydides ſwell'd
The Steeds of Tros beneath his Yoke compell'd,
(Which late obey'd the Dardan Chief's Command,
When ſcarce a God redeem'd him from his Hand)
[78] Then Menelaus his Podargus brings,
And the fam'd Courſer of the King of Kings:
Whom rich Echepolus, (more rich than brave)
To 'ſcape the Wars, to Agamemnon gave,
(Aethe her Name) at home to end his Days,
Baſe Wealth preferring to eternal Praiſe.
Next him Antilochus demands the Courſe,
With beating Heart, and chears his Pylian Horſe.
Experienc'd Neſtor gives the Son the Reins,
Directs his Judgment, and his Heat reſtrains;
Nor idly warns the hoary Sire, nor hears
The prudent Son with unattending Ears.
My Son! tho' youthful Ardor fire thy Beraſt,
The Gods have lov'd thee, and with Arts have bleſt.
Neptune and Jove on thee conferr'd the Skill,
Swift round the Goal to turn the flying Wheel.
To guide thy Conduct, little Precept needs;
But ſlow, and paſt their Vigour, are my Steeds.
Fear not thy Rivals, tho' for Swiftneſs known,
Compare thoſe Rivals Judgment, and thy own:
It is not Strength, but Art, obtains the Prize,
And to be ſwift is leſs than to be wiſe:
[79] 'Tis more by Art, than Force of num'rous Strokes,
The dext'rous Woodman ſhapes the ſtubborn Oaks;
By Art, the Pilot thro' the boiling Deep
And howling Tempeſt, ſtears the fearleſs Ship;
And 'tis the Artiſt wins the glorious Courſe,
Not thoſe, who truſt in Chariots and in Horſe.
In vain unskilfull to the Goal they ſtrive,
And ſhort, or wide, th'ungovern'd Courſer drive:
While with ſure Skill, tho' with inferior Steeds,
The knowing Racer to his End proceeds;
Fix'd on the Goal his Eye fore-runs the Courſe,
His Hand unerring ſteers the ſteady Horſe,
And now contracts, or now extends the Rein,
Obſerving ſtill the foremoſt on the Plain.
Mark then the Goal, 'tis eaſy to be found;
Yon' aged Trunk, a Cubit from the Ground;
Of ſome once-ſtately Oak the laſt Remains,
Or hardy Fir, unperiſh'd with the Rains.
Inclos'd with Stones conſpicuous from afar,
And round, a Circle for the wheeling Car.
(Some Tomb perhaps of old, the Dead to grace;
Or then, as now, the Limit of a Race)
[80] Bear cloſe to this, and warily proceed,
A little bending to the left-hand Steed;
But urge the Right, and give him all the Reins;
While thy ſtrict Hand his Fellows Head reſtrains,
And turns him ſhort; till, doubling as they roll,
The Wheel's round Naves appear to bruſh the Goal.
Yet (not to break the Car, or lame the Horſe)
Clear of the ſtony Heap direct the Courſe;
Leſt thro' Incaution failing, thou may'ſt be
A Joy to others, a Reproach to me.
So ſhalt thou paſs the Goal, ſecure of Mind,
And leave unskilful Swiftneſs far behind.
Tho' thy fierce Rival drove the matchleſs Steed
Which bore Adraſtus, of celeſtial Breed;
Or the fam'd Race thro' all the Regions known,
That whirl'd the Car of proud Laomedon.
Thus, (nought unſaid) the much-adviſing Sage
Concludes; then ſate, ſtiff with unwieldy Age.
Next bold Meriones was ſeen to riſe,
The laſt, but not leaſt ardent for the Prize.
They mount their Seats; the Lots their Place diſpoſe;
(Roll'd in his Helmet, theſe Achilles throws.)
[81] Young Neſtor leads the Race: Eumelus then;
And next, the Brother of the King of Men:
Thy Lot, Meriones, the fourth was caſt;
And, far the braveſt, Diomed, was laſt.
They ſtand in order, an impatient Train;
Pelides points the Barrier on the Plain,
And ſends before old Phoenix to the Place,
To mark the Racers, and to judge the Race.
At once the Courſers from the Barrier bound;
The lifted Scourges all at once reſound;
Their Heart, their Eyes, their Voice, they ſend before;
And up the Champain thunder from the Shore:
Thick, where they drive, the duſty Clouds ariſe,
And the loſt Courſer in the Whirlwind flies;
Looſe on their Shoulders the long Manes reclin'd,
Float in their Speed, and dance upon the Wind:
The ſmoaking Chariots, rapid as they bound,
Now ſeem to touch the Sky, and now the Ground.
While hot for Fame, and Conqueſt all their Care,
(Each o'er his flying Courſer hung in Air)
Erect with Ardour, pois'd upon the Rein,
They pant, they ſtretch, they ſhout along the Plain.
[82] Now, (the laſt Compaſs fetch'd around the Goal)
At the near Prize each gathers all his Soul,
Each burns with double Hope, with double Pain,
Tears up the Shore, and thunders tow'rd the Main.
Firſt flew Eumelus on Pheretian Steeds;
With thoſe of Tros, bold Diomed ſucceeds:
Cloſe on Eumelus' Back they puff the Wind,
And ſeem juſt mounting on his Car behind;
Full on his Neck he feels the ſultry Breeze,
And hov'ring o'er, their ſtretching Shadows ſees.
Then had he loſt, or left a doubtful Prize;
But angry Phoebus to Tydides flies,
Strikes from his Hand the Scourge, and renders vain
His matchleſs Horſes labour on the Plain.
Rage fills his Eye with Anguiſh, to ſurvey
Snatch'd from his Hope, the Glories of the Day.
The Fraud celeſtial Pallas ſees with Pain,
Springs to her Knight, and gives the Scourge again,
And fills his Steeds with Vigour. At a Stroke,
She breaks his Rivals Chariot from the Yoke;
No more their Way the ſtartled Horſes held;
The Car revers'd came rat'ling on the Field;
[83] Shot headlong from his Seat, beſide the Wheel,
Prone on the Duſt th' unhappy Maſter fell;
His batter'd Face and Elbows ſtrike the Ground;
Noſe, Mouth and Front, one undiſtinguiſh'd Wound:
Grief ſtops his Voice, a Torrent drowns his Eyes;
Before him far the glad Tydides flies;
Minerva's Spirit drives his matchleſs Pace,
And crowns him Victor of the labour'd Race.
The next, tho' diſtant, Menelas ſucceeds;
While thus young Neſtor animates his Steeds.
Now, now, my gen'rous Pair, exert your Force;
Not that we hope to match Tydides' Horſe,
Since great Minerva wings their rapid Way,
And gives their Lord the Honours of the Day.
But reach Atrides! Shall his Mare out-go
Your Swiftneſs? Vanquiſh'd by a female Foe?
Thro' your neglect if lagging on the Plain
The laſt ignoble Gift be all we gain;
No more ſhall Neſtor's Hand your Food ſupply,
The old Man's Fury riſes, and ye die.
Haſte then; yon' narrow Road before our Sight
Preſents th' occaſion, could we uſe it right.
Thus He. The Courſers at their Maſter's Threat
With quicker Steps the ſounding Champain beat.
And now Antilochus, with nice ſurvey,
Obſerves the Compaſs of the hollow way.
'Twas where by Force of wintry Torrents torn,
Faſt by the Road a Precipice was worn:
Here, where but one could paſs, to ſhun the Throng
The Spartan Hero's Chariot ſmoak'd along.
Cloſe up the vent'rous Youth reſolves to keep,
Still edging near, and bears him tow'rd the Steep.
Atrides, trembling caſts his Eye below,
And wonders at the Raſhneſs of his Foe.
Hold, ſtay your Steeds—What Madneſs thus to ride?
This narrow way? Take larger Field (he cry'd)
Or both mull fall—Atrides cry'd in vain;
He flies more faſt, and throws up all the Rein.
Far as an able Arm the Disk can ſend,
When youthful Rivals their full Force extend,
So far Antilochus! thy Chariot flew
Before the King: He, cautious, backward drew
His Horſe compell'd; foreboding in his Fears
The rattling Ruin of the claſhing Cars,
[85] The flound'ring Courſers rolling on the Plain,
And Conqueſt loſt thro' frantick Haſte to gain.
But thus upbraids his Rival as he flies;
Go, furious Youth! ungen'rous and unwiſe!
Go, but expect not I'll the Prize reſign;
Add Perjury to Fraud, and make it thine.—
Then to his Steeds with all his Force he cries;
Be ſwift, be vig'rous, and regain the Prize!
Your Rivals, deſtitute of youthful Force,
With fainting Knees ſhall labour in the Courſe,
And yield the Glory yours—The Steeds obey;
Already at their Heels they wing their Way,
And ſeem already to retrieve the Day.
Meantime the Grecians in a Ring beheld
The Courſers bounding o'er the duſty Field.
The firſt who markd them was the Cretan King;
High on a riſing Ground, above the Ring,
The Monarch ſate; from whence with ſure ſurvey
He well obſerv'd the Chief who led the way,
And heard from far his animating Cries,
And ſaw the foremoſt Steed with ſharpen'd Eyes;
[86] On whoſe broad Front a Blaze of ſhining white,
Like the full Moon, ſtood obvious to the Sight.
He ſaw; and riſing, to the Greeks begun.
Are yonder Horſe diſcern'd by me alone?
Or can ye, all, another Chief ſurvey,
And other Steeds, than lately led the Way?
Thoſe, tho' the ſwifteſt, by ſome God with-held,
Lie ſure diſabled in the middle Field:
For ſince the Goal they doubled, round the Plain
I ſearch to find them, but I ſearch in vain.
Perchance the Reins forſook the Driver's Hand,
And, turn'd too ſhort, he tumbled on the Strand,
Shot from the Chariot; while his Courſers ſtray
With frantick Fury from the deſtin'd Way.
Riſe then ſome other, and inform my Sight,
(For theſe dim Eyes, perhaps, diſcern not right)
Yet ſure he ſeems, (to judge by Shape and Air,)
The great Aetolian Chief, renown'd in War.
Old Man! (Oïleus raſhly thus replies)
Thy Tongue too haſtily confers the Prize.
Of thoſe who view the Courſe, not ſharpeſt ey'd,
Nor youngeſt, yet the readieſt to decide.
[87] Eumelus' Steeds high-bounding in the Chace,
Still, as at firſt, unrivall'd lead the Race,
I well diſcern him, as he ſhakes the Rein,
And hear his Shouts victorious o'er the Plain.
Thus he. Idomeneus incens'd rejoin'd:
Barb'rous of Words! and arrogant of Mind!
Contentious Prince! of all the Greeks beſide
The laſt in Merit, as the firſt in Pride.
To vile Reproach what Anſwer can we make?
A Goblet or a Tripod let us ſtake,
And be the King the Judge. The moſt unwiſe
Will learn their Raſhneſs, when they pay the Price.
He ſaid: and Ajax by mad Paſſion born,
Stern had reply'd; fierce Scorn inhancing Scorn
To fell extreams. But Thetis' god-like Son,
Awful, amidſt them roſe; and thus begun.
Forbear ye Chiefs! reproachful to contend;
Much would ye blame, ſhould others thus offend:
And lo! th'approaching Steeds your Conteſt end.
No ſooner had he ſpoke, but thund'ring near
Drives, thro' a Stream of Duſt, the Charioteer;
[88] High o'er his Head the circling Laſh he wields;
His bounding Horſes ſcarcely touch the Fields:
His Car amidſt the duſty Whirlwind roll'd,
Bright with the mingled Blaze of Tin and Gold,
Refulgent thro' the Cloud, no Eye could find
The Track his flying Wheels had left behind:
And the fierce Courſers urg'd their rapid Pace
So ſwift, it ſeem'd a Flight, and not a Race.
Now Victor at the Goal Tydides ſtands,
Quits his bright Car, and ſprings upon the Sands;
From the hot Steeds the ſweaty Torrents ſtream;
The well-ply'd Whip is hung athwart the Beam;
With Joy brave Sthenelus receives the Prize,
The Tripod-Vaſe, and Dame with radiant Eyes:
Theſe to the Ships his Train triumphant leads,
The Chief himſelf unyokes the panting Steeds.
Young Neſtor follows (who by Art, not Force,
O'er-paſt Atrides) ſecond in the Courſe.
Behind, Atrides urg'd the Race, or more near
Than to the Courſer in his ſwift Career
The following Car, juſt touching with his Heel
And bruſhing with his Tail the whirling Wheel.
[89] Such, and ſo narrow now the Space between
The Rivals, late ſo diſtant on the Green.
So ſoon ſwift Aethe her loſt Ground regain'd,
One Length, one Moment had the Race obtain'd.
Merion purſu'd, at greater Diſtance ſtill,
With tardier Courſers, and inferior Skill.
Laſt came, Admetus! thy unhappy Son;
Slow dragg'd the Steeds his batter'd Chariot on:
Achilles ſaw, and pitying thus begun.
Behold! the Man whoſe matchleſs Art ſurpaſt
The Sons of Greece! the ableſt, yet the laſt!
Fortune denies, but Juſtice bids us pay
(Since great Tydides bears the firſt away)
To him the ſecond Honours of the Day.
The Greeks conſent with loud applauding Cries,
And then Eumelus had receiv'd the Prize,
But youthful Neſtor, jealous of his Fame,
Th' Award oppoſes, and aſſerts his Claim.
Think not (he cries) I tamely will reſign
O Peleus Son! the Mare ſo juſtly mine.
What if the Gods, the Skilful to confound,
Have thrown the Horſe and Horſeman to the Ground?
[90] Perhaps he ſought not Heav'n by Sacrifice,
And Vows omitted forfeited the Prize.
If yet (Diſtinction to thy Friend to ſhow,
And pleaſe a Soul, deſirous to beſtow,)
Some Gift muſt grace Eumelus; view thy Store
Of beauteous Handmaids, Steeds, and ſhining Ore,
An ample Preſent let him thence receive,
And Greece ſhall praiſe thy gen'rous Thirſt to give.
But this, my Prize, I never ſhall forego;
This, who but touches, Warriors! is my Foe.
Thus ſpake the Youth, nor did his Words offend;
Pleas'd with the well-turn'd Flattery of a Friend,
Achilles ſmil'd: The Gift propos'd (he cry'd)
Antilochus! we ſhall our ſelf provide.
With Plates of Braſs the Corſelet cover'd o'er,
(The ſame renown'd Aſteropaeus wore)
Whoſe glitt'ring Margins rais'd with Silver ſhine;
No vulgar Gift) Eumelus, ſhall be thine.
He ſaid: Automedon at his Command
The Corſelet brought, and gave it to his Hand.
Diſtinguiſh'd by his Friend, his Boſom glows
With gen'rous Joy: Then Menelaus roſe;
[91] The Herald plac'd the Sceptre in his Hands,
And ſtill'd the Clamour of the ſhouting Bands.
Not without Cauſe incens'd at Neſtor's Son,
And inly grieving, thus the King begun:
The Praiſe of Wiſdom, in thy Youth obtain'd,
An Act ſo raſh (Antilochus) has ſtain'd.
Robb'd of my Glory and my juſt Reward,
To you O Grecians! be my Wrong declar'd:
So not a Leader ſhall our Conduct blame,
Or judge me envious of a Rival's Fame.
But ſhall not we, ourſelves, the Truth maintain?
What needs appealing in a Fact ſo plain?
What Greek ſhall blame me, if I bid thee riſe,
And vindicate by Oath th'ill-gotten Prize.
Riſe if thou dar'ſt, before thy Chariot ſtand,
The driving Scourge high-lifted in thy Hand,
And touch thy Steeds, and ſwear, thy whole Intent
Was but to conquer, not to circumvent.
Swear by that God whoſe liquid Arms ſurround
The Globe, and whoſe dread Earthquakes heave the Ground.
The prudent Chief with calm Attention heard;
Then mildly thus: Excuſe, if Youth have err'd;
[92] Superior as thou art, forgive th'Offence,
Nor I thy Equal, or in Years, or Senſe.
Thou know'ſt the Errors of unripen'd Age,
Weak are its Counſels, headlong is its Rage.
The Prize I quit, if thou thy Wrath reſign;
The Mare, or ought thou ask'ſt, be freely thine,
E'er I become (from thy dear Friendſhip torn)
Hateful to thee, and to the Gods forſworn.
So ſpoke Antilochus; and at the Word
The Mare conteſted to the King reſtor'd.
Joy ſwells his Soul, as when the vernal Grain
Lifts the green Ear above the ſpringing Plain,
The Fields their Vegetable Life renew,
And laugh and glitter with the Morning Dew:
Such Joy the Spartan's ſhining Face o'erſpread,
And lifted his gay Heart, while thus he ſaid.
Still may our Souls, O gen'rous Youth! agree,
'Tis now Atrides' turn to yield to thee.
Raſh Heat perhaps a Moment might controul,
Not break, the ſettled Temper of thy Soul.
Not but (my Friend) 'tis ſtill the wiſer way
To wave Contention with ſuperior Sway;
[93] For ah! how few, who ſhould like thee offend,
Like thee, have Talents to regain the Friend?
To plead Indulgence and thy Fault attone,
Suffice thy Father's Merits, and thy own:
Gen'rous alike, for me, the Sire and Son
Have greatly ſuffer'd, and have greatly done.
I yield; that all may know, my Soul can bend,
Nor is my Pride preferr'd before my Friend.
He ſaid; and pleas'd his Paſſion to command,
Reſign'd the Courſer to Noëmon's Hand,
Friend of the youthful Chief: Himſelf content,
The ſhining Charger to his Veſſel ſent.
The golden Talents Merion next obtain'd;
The fifth Reward, the double Bowl, remain'd.
Achilles this to rev'rend Neſtor bears,
And thus the purpoſe of his Gift declares.
Accept thou this, O ſacred Sire! (he ſaid)
In dear Memorial of Patroclus dead;
Dead, and for ever loſt Patroclus lies,
For ever ſnatch'd from our deſiring Eyes!
Take thou this Token of a grateful Heart,
Tho' 'tis not thine to hurl the diſtant Dart,
[94] The Quoit to toſs, the pond'rous Mace to wield,
Or urge the Race, or wreſtle on the Field.
Thy preſent Vigour Age has overthrown,
But left the Glory of the paſt thy own.
He ſaid, and plac'd the Goblet at his ſide;
With Joy, the venerable King reply'd.
Wiſely and well, my Son, thy Words have prov'd
A Senior honour'd, and a Friend belov'd!
Too true it is, deſerted of my Strength,
Theſe wither'd Arms and Limbs have fail'd at length.
Oh! had I now that Force I felt of yore,
Known thro' Bupraſium and the Pylian Shore!
Victorious then in ev'ry ſolemn Game
Ordain'd to Amarynces' mighty Name;
The brave Epeians gave my Glory way,
Aetolians, Pylians, all reſign'd the Day.
I quell'd Clytomedes in Fights of Hand,
And backward hurl'd Ancaeus on the Sand,
Surpaſt Iphyclus in the ſwift Career,
Phyleus and Polydorus, with the Spear.
The Sons of Actor won the Prize of Horſe,
But won by Numbers, not by Art or Force:
[95] For the fam'd Twins, impatient to ſurvey
Prize after Prize by Neſtor born away,
Sprung to their Car; and with united Pains
One laſh'd the Courſers, while one rul'd the Reins.
Such once I was! Now to theſe Tasks ſucceeds
A younger Race, that emulate our Deeds:
I yield alas! (to Age who muſt not yield?)
Tho' once the foremoſt Hero of the Field.
Go thou, my Son! by gen'rous Friendſhip led,
With martial Honours decorate the Dead;
While pleas'd I take the Gift thy Hands preſent,
(Pledge of Benevolence, and kind Intent)
Rejoic'd, of all the num'rous Greeks, to ſee
Not one but honours ſacred Age and me:
Thoſe due diſtinctions thou ſo well can'ſt pay,
May the juſt Gods return another Day.
Proud of the Gift, thus ſpake the Full of Days:
Achilles heard him, prouder of the Praiſe.
The Prizes next are order'd to the Field
For the bold Champions who the Caeſtus wield.
A ſtately Mule, as yet by Toils unbroke,
Of ſix years Age, unconſcious of the Yoke,
[96] Is to the Circus led, and firmly bound;
Next ſtands a Goblet, maſſy, large and round.
Achilles riſing, thus: Let Greece excite
Two Heroes equal to this hardy Fight;
Who dares his Foe with lifted Arms provoke,
And ruſh beneath the long-deſcending Stroke?
On whom Apollo ſhall the Palm beſtow,
And whom the Greeks ſupreme by Conqueſt know,
This Mule his dauntleſs Labours ſhall repay;
The Vanquiſh'd bear the maſſy Bowl away.
This dreadful Combate great Epaeus choſe,
High o'er the Crowd, enormous Bulk! he roſe,
And ſeiz'd the Beaſt, and thus began to ſay:
Stand forth ſome Man, to bear the Bowl away!
(Price of his Ruin:) For who dares deny
This Mule my right? th'undoubted Victor I.
Others 'tis own'd, in Fields of Battle ſhine,
But the firſt Honours of this Fight are mine;
For who excells in all? Then let my Foe
Draw near, but firſt his certain Fortune know,
Secure, this Hand ſhall his whole Frame confound,
Maſh all his Bones, and all his Body pound:
[97] So let his Friends be nigh, a needful Train
To heave the batter'd Carcaſe off the Plain.
The Giant ſpoke; and in a ſtupid Gaze
The Hoſt beheld him, ſilent with Amaze!
'Twas thou, Euryalus! who durſt aſpire
To meet his Might, and emulate thy Sire,
The great Meciſtheus; who in Days of yore
In Theban Games the nobleſt Trophy bore,
(The Games ordain'd dead Oedipus to grace)
And ſingly vanquiſh'd the Cadmaean Race.
Him great Tydides urges to contend,
Warm with the Hopes of Conqueſt for his Friend,
Officious with the Cincture girds him round;
And to his Wriſts the Gloves of Death are bound.
Amid the Circle now each Champion ſtands,
And poiſes high in Air his Iron Hands;
With claſhing Gantlets now they fiercely cloſe,
Their crackling Jaws re-echoe to the Blows,
And painful Sweat from all their Members flows.
At length Epaeus dealt a weighty Blow
Full on the Cheek of his unwary Foe;
[98] Beneath that pond'rous Arm's reſiſtleſs Sway
Down dropt he, nerveleſs, and extended lay.
As a large Fiſh, when Winds and Waters roar,
By ſome huge Billow daſh'd againſt the Shore,
Lies panting: Not leſs batter'd with his Wound,
The bleeding Hero pants upon the Ground.
To rear his fallen Foe, the Victor lends
Scornful, his Hand; and gives him to his Friends;
Whoſe Arms ſupport him, reeling thro' the Throng,
And dragging his diſabled Legs along;
Nodding, his Head hangs down his Shoulder o'er;
His Mouth and Noſtrils pour the clotted Gore;
Wrapt round in Miſts he lies, and loſt to Thought:
His Friends receive the Bowl, too dearly bought.
The third bold Game Achilles next demands,
And calls the Wreſtlers to the level Sands:
A maſſy Tripod for the Victor lies,
Of twice ſix Oxen its reputed Price;
And next, the Loſers Spirits to reſtore,
A female Captive, valu'd but at four.
Scarce did the Chief the vig'rous Strife propoſe,
When tow'r-like Ajax and Ulyſſes roſe.
[99] Amid the Ring each nervous Rival ſtands,
Embracing rigid with implicit Hands:
Cloſe lock'd above, their Heads and Arms are mixt;
Below, their planted Feet at diſtance fixt:
Like two ſtrong Rafters which the Builder forms
Proof to the wintry Winds and howling Storms,
Their Tops connected, but at wider ſpace
Fixt on the Center ſtands their ſolid Baſe.
Now to the Graſp each manly Body bends;
The humid Sweat from ev'ry Pore deſcends;
Their Bones reſound with Blows: Sides, Shoulders, Thighs
Swell to each Gripe, and bloody Tumours riſe.
Nor could Ulyſſes, for his Art renown'd,
O'erturn the Strength of Ajax on the Ground;
Nor could the Strength of Ajax overthrow
The watchful Caution of his artful Foe.
While the long Strife ev'n tir'd the Lookers-on,
Thus to Ulyſſes ſpoke great Telamon.
Or let me lift thee, Chief, or lift thou me:
Prove we our Force, and Jove the reſt decree.
He ſaid; and ſtraining, heav'd him off the Ground
With matchleſs Strength; that time Ulyſſes found
[100] The Strength t'evade, and where the Nerves combine,
His Ankle ſtrook: The Giant fell ſupine:
Ulyſſes following, on his Boſom lies;
Shouts of Applauſe run rattling thro the Skies.
Ajax to lift, Ulyſſes next eſſays,
He barely ſtirr'd him, but he could not raiſe:
His Knee lock'd faſt the Foe's Attempt deny'd;
And grappling cloſe, they tumble ſide by ſide.
Defil'd with honourable Duſt, they roll,
Still breathing Strife, and unſubdu'd of Soul:
Again they rage, again to Combat riſe;
When great Achilles thus divides the Prize.
Your noble Vigour, oh my Friends reſtrain;
Nor weary out your gen'rous Strength in vain.
Ye both have won: Let others who excell
Now prove that Proweſs you have prov'd ſo well.
The Hero's Words the willing Chiefs obey,
From their tir'd Bodies wipe the Duſt away,
And, cloth'd anew, the following Games ſurvey.
And now ſucceed the Gifts, ordain'd to grace
The Youths contending in the rapid Race.
[101] A ſilver Urn; that full ſix Meaſures held,
By none in Weight or Workmanſhip excell'd:
Sidonian Artiſts taught the Frame to ſhine,
Elaborate, with Artifice divine;
Whence Tyrian Sailors did the Prize tranſport,
And gave to Thoas at the Lemnian Port:
From him deſcended good Eunaeus heir'd
The glorious Gift; and, for Lycaon ſpar'd,
To brave Patroclus gave the rich Reward.
Now, the ſame Hero's Funeral Rites to grace,
It ſtands the Prize of Swiftneſs in the Race.
A well-fed Ox was for the ſecond plac'd;
And half a Talent muſt content the laſt.
Achilles riſing then beſpoke the Train:
Who hopes the Palm of Swiftneſs to obtain,
Stand forth, and bear theſe Prizes from the Plain.
The Hero ſaid, and ſtarting from his Place
Oïlean Ajax riſes to the Race;
Ulyſſes next; and he whoſe Speed ſurpaſt
His youthful Equals, Neſtor's Son the laſt.
Rang'd in a Line the ready Racers ſtand;
Pelides points the Barrier with his Hand;
[102] All ſtart at once; Oïleus led the Race;
The next Ulyſſes, meaſ'ring Pace with Pace;
Behind him, diligently cloſe, he ſped,
As cloſely following as the running Thread
The Spindle follows, and diſplays the Charms
Of the fair Spinſter's Breaſt, and moving Arms:
Graceful in Motion thus, his Foe he plies,
And treads each Footſtep e'er the Duſt can riſe:
His glowing Breath upon his Shoulders plays;
Th'admiring Greeks loud Acclamations raiſe,
To him they give their Wiſhes, Hearts, and Eyes,
And ſend their Souls before him as he flies.
Now three times turn'd in proſpect of the Goal,
The panting Chief to Pallas lifts his Soul:
Aſſiſt O Goddeſs! (thus in Thought he pray'd)
And preſent at his Thought, defcends the Maid.
Buoy'd by her heav'nly Force, he ſeems to ſwim,
And feels a Pinion lifting ev'ry Limb.
All fierce, and ready now the Prize to gain,
Unhappy Ajax ſtumbles on the Plain;
(O'erturn'd by Pallas) where the ſlipp'ry Shore
Was clogg'd with ſlimy Dung, and mingled Gore.
[103] (The ſelf-ſame Place beſide Patroclus' Pyre,
Where late the ſlaughter'd Victims fed the Fire)
Beſmear'd with Filth, and blotted o'er with Clay,
Obſcene to ſight, the ruefull Racer lay;
The well-fed Bull (the ſecond Prize) he ſhar'd,
And left the Urn Ulyſſes' rich Reward.
Then, graſping by the Horn the mighty Beaſt,
The baffled Hero thus the Greeks addreſt.
Accurſed Fate! the Conqueſt I forego;
A Mortal I, a Goddeſs was my Foe:
She urg'd her Fav'rite on the rapid Way,
And Pallas, not Ulyſſes won the Day.
Thus fow'rly wail'd he, ſputt'ring Dirt and Gore;
A burſt of Laughter echo'd thro' the Shore.
Antilochus, more hum'rous than the reſt,
Takes the laſt Prize, and takes it with a Jeſt.
Why with our wiſer Elders ſhould we ſtrive?
The Gods ſtill love them, and they always thrive.
Ye ſee, to Ajax I muſt yield the Prize;
He to Ulyſſes, ſtill more ag'd and wiſe;
(A green old Age unconſcious of Decays,
That proves the Hero born in better Days!)
[104] Behold his Vigor in this active Race!
Achilles only boaſts a ſwifter Pace:
For who can match Achilles? He who can,
Muſt yet be more than Hero, or than Man.
Th'Effect ſucceeds the Speech. Pelides cries,
Thy artful Praiſe deſerves a better Prize.
Nor Greece in vain ſhall hear thy Friend extoll'd;
Receive a Talent of the pureſt Gold.
The Youth departs content. The Hoſts admire
The Son of Neſtor, worthy of his Sire.
Next theſe a Buckler, Spear and Helm, he brings,
Caſt on the Plain the brazen Burthen rings:
Arms, which of late divine Sarpedon wore,
And great Patroclus in ſhort Triumph bore.
Stand forth the braveſt of our Hoſt! (he cries)
Whoever dares deſerve ſo rich a Prize!
Now grace the Liſts before our Army's Sight,
And ſheath'd in Steel, provoke his Foe to fight.
Who firſt the jointed Armour ſhall explore,
And ſtain his Rival's Mail with iſſuing Gore;
The Sword, Aſteropeus poſſeſt of old,
(A Thracian Blade, diſtinct with Studs of Gold)
[105] Shall pay the Stroke, and grace the Striker's Side:
Theſe Arms in common let the Chief divide:
For each brave Champion, when the Combat ends,
A ſumptuous Banquet at our Tent attends.
Fierce, at the Word, uproſe great Tydeus' Son,
And the huge Bulk of Ajax Telamon.
Clad in refulgent Steel on either hand,
The dreadful Chiefs amid the Circle ſtand:
Low'ring they meet, tremendous to the Sight;
Each Argive Boſom beats with fierce Delight.
Oppos'd in Arms not long they idly ſtood,
But thrice they clos'd, and thrice the Charge renew'd.
A furious Paſs the Spear of Ajax made
Thro' the broad Shield, but at the Corſelet ſtay'd:
Not thus the Foe: His Jav'lin aim'd above
The Buckler's Margin, at the Neck he drove.
But Greece now trembling for her Hero's Life,
Bade ſhare the Honours, and ſurceaſe the Strife.
Yet ſtill the Victor's Due Tydides gains,
With him the Sword and ſtudded Belt remains.
Then hurl'd the Hero, thund'ring on the Ground
A Maſs of Iron, (an enormous Round)
[106] Whoſe Weight and Size the circling Greeks admire,
Rude from the Furnace, and but ſhap'd by Fire.
This mighty Quoit Aëtion wont to rear,
And from his whirling Arm diſmiſs in Air:
The Giant by Achilles ſlain, he ſtow'd
Among his Spoils this memorable Load.
For this, he bids thoſe nervous Artiſts vie,
That teach the Disk to ſound along the Sky.
Let him whoſe Might can hurl this Bowl, ariſe,
Who fartheſt hurls it, take it as his Prize:
If he be one, enrich'd with large Domain
Of Downs for Flocks, and Arable for Grain,
Small Stock of Iron needs that Man provide;
His Hinds and Swains whole years ſhall be ſupply'd
From hence: Nor ask the neighb'ring City's Aid,
For Plowſhares, Wheels, and all the rural Trade.
Stern Polyphaetes ſtept before the Throng,
And great Leonteus, more than mortal ſtrong;
Whoſe Force with rival Forces to oppoſe,
Uproſe great Ajax; up Epaeus roſe.
Each ſtood in order: Firſt Epaeus threw;
High o'er the wond'ring Crowds the whirling Circle flew.
[107] Leonteus next a little ſpace ſurpaſt,
And third, the Strength of god-like Ajax caſt.
O'er both their Marks it flew; till fiercely flung
From Polypaetes Arm, the Diſcus ſung:
Far, as a Swain his whirling Sheephook throws,
That diſtant falls among the grazing Cows,
So paſt them all the rapid Circle flies:
His Friends (while loud Applauſes ſhake the Skies)
With Force conjoin'd heave off the weighty Prize
Thoſe, who in skilful Archery contend
He next invites the twanging Bow to bend:
And twice ten Axes caſts amidſt the Round,
(Ten double-edg'd, and ten that ſingly wound.)
The Maſt, which late a firſt-rate Galley bore,
The Hero fixes in the ſandy Shore:
To the tall Top a milk-white Dove they tye,
The trembling Mark at which their Arrows fly.
Whoſe Weapon ſtrikes yon' flutt'ring Bird, ſhall bear
Theſe two-edg'd Axes, terrible in War;
The ſingle, he, whoſe Shaft divides the Cord.
He ſaid: Experienc'd Merion took the Word;
[108] And skilful Teucer: In the Helm they threw
Their Lots inſcrib'd, and forth the latter flew.
Swift from the String the ſounding Arrow flies;
But flies unbleſt! No grateful Sacrifice,
No firſtling Lambs, unheedful! didſt thou vow,
To Phoebus, Patron of the Shaft and Bow.
For this, thy well-aim'd Arrow, turn'd aſide,
Err'd from the Dove, yet cut the Cord that ty'd:
A-down the Main-maſt fell the parted String,
And the free Bird to Heav'n diſplays her Wing:
Seas, Shores, and Skies with loud Applauſe reſound,
And Merion eager meditates the Wound;
He takes the Bow, directs the Shaft above,
And following with his Eye the ſoaring Dove,
Implores the God to ſpeed it thro' the Skies,
With Vows of firſtling Lambs, and grateful Sacrifice.
The Dove, in airy Circles as ſhe wheels,
Amid the Clouds the piercing Arrow feels;
Quite thro' and thro' the Point its Paſſage found,
And at his Feet fell bloody to the Ground.
The wounded Bird, e'er yet ſhe breath'd her laſt,
With flagging Wings alighted on the Maſt,
[109] A Moment hung, and ſpread her Pinions there,
Then ſudden dropt, and left her Life in Air.
From the pleas'd Crowd new Peals of Thunder riſe,
And to the Ships brave Merion bears the Prize.
To cloſe the Fun'ral Games, Achilles laſt
A maſſy Spear amid the Circle plac'd,
And ample Charger of unſullyed Frame,
With Flow'rs high-wrought, not blacken'd yet by Flame.
For theſe he bids the Heroes prove their Art
Whoſe dext'rous Skill directs the flying Dart.
Here too great Merion hopes the noble Prize;
Nor here diſdain'd the King of Men to riſe.
With Joy Pelides ſaw the Honour paid,
Roſe to the Monarch and reſpectful ſaid.
Thee firſt in Virtue, as in Pow'r ſupreme,
O King of Nations! all thy Greeks proclaim;
In ev'ry martial Game thy Worth atteſt,
And know thee both their Greateſt, and their Beſt.
Take then the Prize, but let brave Merion bear
This beamy Jav'lin in thy Brother's War.
Pleas'd from the Hero's Lips his Praiſe to hear,
The King to Merion gives the brazen Spear:
But, ſet apart for ſacred Uſe, commands
The glitt'ring Charger to Talthybius' Hands.




THIS, and the following Book, which contain the Deſcription of the Funeral of Patroclus, and other Matters relating to Hector, are undoubtedly ſuperadded to the grand Cataſtrophe of the Poem; for the Story is compleatly finiſh'd with the Death of that Hero in the 22d Book. Many judicious Criticks have been of opinion that Homer is blameable for protracting it. Virgil cloſes the whole Scene of Action with the Death of Turnus, and leaves the reſt to be imagin'd by the Mind of the Reader: He does not draw the Picture at full Length, but delineates it ſo far, that we cannot fail of imagining the whole Draught. There is however one thing to be ſaid in favour of Homer which may perhaps juſtify him in his Method, that what he undertook was to paint the Anger of Achilles: And as that Anger does not die with Hector, but perſecutes his very remains, ſo the Poet ſtill keeps up to his Subject; nay it ſeems to require that he ſhould carry down the Relation of that Reſentment, which is the Foundation of his Poem, till it is fully ſatisfy'd: And as this ſurvives Hector, and gives the Poet an Opportunity of ſtill ſhewing many ſad Effects of Achilles's Anger, the two following Books may be thought not to be Excreſcencies, but eſſential to the Poem.

[114] Virgil had been inexcuſable had he trod in Homer's Footſteps; for it is evident that the Fall of Turnus, by giving Aeneas a full Power over Italy, anſwers the whole Deſign and Intention of the Poem; had he gone farther he had overſhot his Mark: And tho' Homer proceeds after Hector's Death, yet the Subject is ſtill the Anger of Achilles.

We are now paſt the War and Violence of the Ilias, the Scenes of Blood are cloſed during the reſt of the Poem; we may look back with a pleaſing kind of Horror upon the Anger of Achilles, and ſee what dire Effects it has wrought in the compaſs of nineteen Days: Troy and Greece are both in Mourning for it, Heaven and Earth, Gods and Men, have ſuffer'd in the Conflict. The Reader ſeems landed upon the Shore after a violent Storm; and has Leiſure to ſurvey the Conſequences of the Tempeſt, and the Wreck occaſion'd by the former Commotions, Troy weeping for Hector, and Greece for Patroclus. Our Paſſions have been in an Agitation ſince the opening of the Poem; wherefore the Poet, like ſome great Maſter in Muſick, ſoftens his Notes, and melts his Readers into Tenderneſs and Pity.


Tears bathe their Arms, and tears the Sands bedew,—
—Thetis aids their Woe—]

It is not eaſy to give a reaſon why Thetis ſhould be ſaid to excite the Grief of the Myrmidons, and of Achilles; it had ſeem'd more natural for the Mother to have compos'd the Sorrows of the Son, and reſtored his troubled Mind to Tranquillity.

But ſuch a Procedure would have outrag'd the Character of Achilles, who is all along deſcrib'd to be of ſuch a Violence of Temper, that he is not eaſy to be pacify'd at any time, much leſs upon ſo great an Incident as the Death of his Friend Patroclus. Perhaps the Poet made uſe of this Fiction in honour of Achilles; he makes every Paſſion of his Hero conſiderable, his Sorrow as well as Anger is important, and he cannot grieve but a Goddeſs attends him, and a whole Army weeps.

[115] Some Commentators fancy'd that Homer animates the very Sands of the Seas, and the Arms of the Myrmidons, and makes them ſenſible of the Loſs of Patroclus; the preceding Words ſeem to ſtrengthen that Opinion, becauſe the Poet introduces a Goddeſs to raiſe the Sorrow of the Army. But Euſtathius ſeems not to give into this Conjecture, and I think very judiciouſly; for what Relation is there between the Sands of the Shores, and the Arms of the Myrmidons? It would have been more poetical to have ſaid, the Sands and the Rocks, than the Sands and the Arms; but it is very natural to ſay, that the Soldiers wept ſo bitterly, that their Armour and the very Sands were wet with their Tears. I believe this Remark will appear very juſt by reading the Verſe, with a Comma after [...], thus,


Then the Conſtruction will be natural and eaſy, Period will anſwer Period in the Greek, and the Senſe in Engliſh will be, the Sands were wet, and the Arms were wet, with the Tears of the Mourners.

But however this be, there is a very remarkable Beauty in the run of the Verſe in Homer, every Word has a melancholy Cadence, and the Poet has not only made the Sands and the Arms, but even his very Verſe, to lament with Achilles.


His ſlaught'ring Hands yet red with Blood he laid
On his dead Friend's cold Breast—]

I could not paſs by this Paſſage without obſerving to my Reader the great Beauty of this Epithet, [...]. An ordinary Poet would have contented himſelf with ſaying, he laid his Hand upon the Breaſt of Patroclus, but Homer knows how to raiſe the moſt trivial Circumſtance, and by adding this one Word, he laid his deadly Hands, or his murderous Hands on Patroclus Breaſt, he fills our Minds with great Ideas, and [116] by a ſingle Epithet recalls to our Thoughts all the noble Atchievements of Achilles thro' the Iliad.


‘VERSE 25. All hail Patroclus, &c.]’ There is in this Apoſtrophe of Achilles to the Ghoſt of Patroclus, a ſort of Savageneſs, and a mixture of Softneſs and Atrocity, which are highly conformable to his Character. Dacier.


To cleanſe his conqu'ring Hands—
—The Chief refus'd—]

This is conformable to the Cuſtom of the Orientals: Achilles will not be induc'd to waſh, and afterwards retires to the Seaſhore, and ſleeps on the Ground. It is juſt thus that David mourns in the Scriptures; he refuſes to waſh, or to take any Repaſt, but retires from Company, and lies upon the Earth.


‘VERSE 78. The Ghoſt of Patroclus.]’ Homer has introduc'd into the former parts of the Poem the Perſonages of Gods and Goddeſſes from Heaven, and of Furies from Hell: He has embelliſhed it with Ornaments from Earth, Sea, and Air; and he here opens a new Scene, and brings to the view a Ghoſt, the Shade of the departed Friend: By theſe Methods he diverſifies his Poem with new and ſurprizing Circumſtances, and awakens the Attention of the Reader; at the ſame time he very poetically adapts his Language to the Circumſtances of this imaginary Patroclus, and teaches us the Opinions that prevail'd in his time, concerning the State of ſeparate Souls.



‘VERSE 92. Forbid to paſs th'irremeable Flood.]’ It was the common Opinion of the Ancients, that the Souls of the Departed were not admitted into the Number of the Happy till their Bodies had receiv'd the funeral Rites; they ſuppos'd thoſe that wanted them wander'd an hundred Years before they were wafted over the infernal River: Virgil perhaps had this Paſſage of Homer in his view in the ſixth Aeneis, at leaſt he coincides with his Sentiments concerning the State of the departed Souls.

Haec omnis, quam cernis inops inhumata (que) Turba eſt:
Nec ripas datur horrendas, nec rauca fluenta
Tranſportare priùs, quàm ſedibus oſſa quierunt;
Centum errant annos volitant (que) haec littora circum
Tum demum admiſſi ſtagna exoptata reviſunt.

It was during this Interval, between their Death and the Rites of Funeral, that they ſuppos'd the only Time allow'd for ſeparate Spirits to appear to Men; therefore Patroclus here tells his Friend,

—To the farther Shore
When once we paſs, the Soul returns no more.

For the fuller underſtanding of Homer, it is neceſſary to be acquainted with his Notion of the State of the Soul after Death: He follow'd the Philoſophy of the Aegyptians, who ſuppos'd Man to be compounded of three Parts, an intelligent Mind, a Vehicle for that Mind, and a Body; the Mind they call'd [...], or [...], the Vehicle [...], Image or Soul, and the groſs Body [...]. The Soul, in which the Mind was lodg'd, was ſuppos'd exactly to reſemble the Body in Shape, Magnitude, and Features; for this being in the Body as the Statue in its Mold, ſo ſoon as it goes forth is properly the Image of that Body in which it was enclos'd: This it was that appear'd to Achilles, with the full Reſemblance of his Friend Patroclus. Vid. Dacier on the Life of Pythagoras, p. 71.



‘VERSE 108. May mix our Aſhes in one common Grave.]’ There is ſomething very pathetical in this whole Speech of Patroclus; he begins it with kind Reproaches, and blames Achilles with a friendly Tenderneſs; he recounts to him the inſeparable Affection that had been between them in their Lives, and makes it his laſt Requeſt, that they may not be parted even in Death, but that their Bones may reſt in the ſame Urn. The Speech itſelf is of a due Length, it ought not to be very ſhort, becauſe this Apparition is an Incident entirely different from any other in the whole Poem, and conſequently the Reader would not have been ſatisfy'd with a curſory mention of it; neither ought it to be long, becauſe this would have been contrary to the Nature of ſuch Apparitions, whoſe Stay upon Earth has ever been deſcrib'd as very ſhort, and conſequently they cannot be ſuppos'd to uſe many Words.

The Circumſtance of being buried in the ſame Urn, is entirely conformable to the Eaſtern Cuſtom: There are innumerable Inſtances in the Scriptures of great Perſonages being buried with their Fathers: So Joſeph would not ſuffer his Bones to reſt in Aegypt, but commands his Brethren to carry them into Canaan to the Burying-place of his Father Jacob.


VERSE 122.
The Form ſubſiſts without the Body's Aid,
Aerial Semblance, and an empty Shade.]

The Words of Homer are


In which there ſeems to be a great Difficulty; it being not caſy to explain how Achilles can ſay that the Ghoſt of his Friend had no Underſtanding, when it had but juſt made ſuch a rational and moving Speech: Eſpecially when the Poet introduces the Apparition with the very Shape, Air, and Voice of Patroclus.

[119] But this Paſſage will be clearly underſtood, by explaining the Notion which the Ancients entertain'd of the Souls of the Departed, according to the fore-cited triple Diviſion of Mind, Image, and Body. They imagin'd that the Soul was, not only ſeparated from the Body at the Hour of Death, but that there was a farther Separation of the [...], or Underſtanding, from its [...], or Vehicle; ſo that while the [...], or Image of the Body, was in Hell, the [...], or Underſtanding, might be in Heaven: And that this is a true Explication is evident from a Paſſage in the Odyſſeis, Book 11. ℣. 600.


Now I the Strength of Hercules behold,
A tow'ring Spectre of gigantick Mold;
A ſhadowy Form! for high in Heav'n's Abodes
Himſelf reſides, a God among the Gods!
There in the bright Aſſemblies of the Skies
He Nectar quaffs, and Hebe crowns with Joys.

By this it appears that Homer was of opinion that Hercules was in Heaven, while his [...], or Image, was in Hell: So that when this ſecond Separation is made, the Image or Vehicle becomes a mere thoughtleſs Form.

We have this whole Doctrine very diſtinctly deliver'd by Plutarch in theſe Words. ‘"Man is a compound Subject; but not of two Parts, as is commonly believed, becauſe the Underſtanding is generally accounted a Part of the Soul; whereas indeed it as far exceeds the Soul, as the Soul is diviner than the Body. Now the Soul, when compounded with the Underſtanding, makes Reaſon, and when compounded with the Body, Paſſion: Whereof the one is the Source or Principle of Pleaſure or Pain, the other of Vice or Virtue. Man therefore properly dies two Deaths; the firſt Death makes him two of three, and the ſecond makes him one of two."’ [Plutarch of the Face in the Moon.


VERSE 139.
O'er Hills, o'er Dales, o'er Rocks, o'er Crags they go—
On all ſides round the Foreſt hurls her Oaks

The Numbers in the Original of this whole Paſſage are admirably adapted to the Images the Verſes convey to us. Every Ear muſt have felt the Propriety of Sound in this Line,


That other in its kind is no leſs exact,


Dionyſius of Halicarnaſſus has collected many Inſtances of theſe ſorts of Beauties in Homer. This Deſcription of felling the Foreſts, ſo excellent as it is, is comprehended in a few Lines, which has left room for a larger and more particular one in Statius, one of the beſt (I think) in that Author.

—Cadit ardua fagus,
Chaoniumque nemus, brumaeque illaeſa cupreſſus;
Procumbunt piceae, flammis alimenta ſupremis,
Ornique, iliceaeque trabes, metuendaque ſulco
Taxus, & infandos belli potura cruores
Fraxinus, atque ſitu non expugnabile robur:
Hinc audax abies, & odorae vulnere pinus
Scinditur, acclinant intonſa cacumina terrae
Alnus amica fretis, nec inhoſpita vitibus ulmus, &c.

I the rather cite this fine Paſſage, becauſe I find it copied by two of the greateſt Poets of our own Nation, Chaucer and Spencer. The firſt in the Aſſembly of Fowls, the ſecond in his Fairy Queen. lib. 1.

The ſailing Pine, the Cedar proud and tall,
The Vine-prop Elm, the Poplar never dry,
The builder Oak, ſole King of Foreſts all,
The Aſpine good for Staves, the Cypreſs Funeral.
[121]The Laurel, Meed of mighty Conquerors,
And Poets ſage: The Fir that weepeth ſtill,
The Willow, worn of forlorn Paramours,
The Ewe obedient to the Bender's Will,
The Birch for Shafts, the Sallow for the Mill,
The Myrrh, ſweet bleeding in the bitter Wound,
The warlike Beech, the Aſh for nothing ill,
The fruitful Olive, and the Platane round,
The Carver Holme, the Maple ſeldom inward ſound.


‘VERSE 158. Each in refulgent Arms, &c—]’ 'Tis not to be ſuppos'd that this was a general Cuſtom uſed at all Funerals; but Patroclus being a Warrior he is buried like a Soldier, with military Honours. Euſtathius.


‘VERSE 164. O'er all the Corſe their ſcatterd Locks they throw.]’ The Ceremony of cutting off the Hair in honour of the Dead was practis'd not only among the Greeks, but alſo among other Nations; Thus Statius Thebaid. VI.

—Tergoque & pectore fuſam
Caeſariem ferro minuit, ſectiſque jacentis
Obnubit tenuia ora comis.

This Cuſtom is taken notice of in holy Scripture: Ezekiel deſcribing a great Lamentation, ſays, They ſhall make themſelves utterly bald for thee, ch. 27. ℣. 31. I believe it was done not only in token of Sorrow, but perhaps had a conceal'd Meaning, that as the Hair was cut from the Head, and was never more to be join'd to it, ſo was the Dead for ever cut off from the Living, never more to return.

I muſt juſt obſerve that this Ceremony of cutting off the Hair was not always in token of Sorrow; Lycophron in his Caſſandra, ℣. 976. deſcribing a general Lamentation, ſays


A Length of unſhorn Hair adorn'd their Backs.

[122] And that the Ancients ſometimes had their Hair cut off in token of Joy is evident from Juvenal Sat. 12. ℣. 82.

—Gaudent ibi vertice raſo
Garrula ſecuri narrare pericula Nautae.

This ſeeming Contradiction will be ſolv'd by having reſpect to the different Practices of different Nations. If it was the general Cuſtom of any Country to wear long Hair, then the cutting it off was a token of Sorrow; but if it was the Cuſtom to wear ſhort Hair, then the letting it grow long and neglecting it, ſhew'd that ſuch People were Mourners.


‘VERSE 166. Supporting with his Hands the Hero's Head.]’ Achilles follows the Corpſe as chief Mourner, and ſuſtains the Head of his Friend: This laſt Circumſtance ſeems to be neral; thus Euripides in the Funeral of Rheſus, ℣. 886.


What God, O King, with his Hands ſupports the Head of the deceaſed?


‘VERSE 173. And ſacred grew to Sperchius honour'd Flood.]’ It was the Cuſtom of the Ancients not only to offer their own Hair, but likewiſe to conſecrate that of their Children to the River-Gods of their Countrey. This is what Pauſanias ſhews in his Attics: Before you paſs the Cephiſa (ſays he) you find the Tomb of Theodorus, who was the moſt excellent Actor of his Time for Tragedy; and on the Banks you ſee two Statues, one of Mneſimachus, and the other of his Son, who cut off his Hair in honour of the Rivers; for that this was in all Ages [123] the Cuſtom of the Greeks, may be inferr'd from Homer's Poetry, where Peleus promiſes by a ſolemn Vow to conſecrate to the River Sperchius the Hair of his Son, if he returns ſafe from the Trojan War. This Cuſtom was likewiſe in Aegypt, where Philoſtratus tells us, that Memnon conſecrated his Hair to the Nile. This Practice of Achilles was imitated by Alexander at the Funeral of Hephaeſtion. Spondanus.


‘VERES 226. Coeleſtial Venus, &c.]’ Homer has here introduc'd a Series of Allegories in the Compaſs of a few Lines: The Body of Hector may be ſuppos'd to have continued beautiful even after he was ſlain; and Venus being the Preſident of Beauty, the Poet by a natural Fiction tells us it was preſerv'd by that Goddeſs.

Apollo's covering the Body with a Cloud is a very natural Allegory: For the Sun (ſays Euſtathius) has a double Quality which produces contrary Effects; the Heat of it cauſes a Dryneſs, but at the ſame time it exhales the Vapours of the Earth, from whence the Clouds of Heaven are form'd. This Allegory may be founded upon Truth; there might happen to be a cool Seaſon while Hector lay unburied, and Apollo, or the Sun, raiſing Clouds which intercept the Heat of his Beams, by a very eaſy Fiction in Poetry may be introduc'd in Perſon to preſerve the Body of Hector.


‘VERSE 261. The Allegory of the Winds.]’ A Poet ought to expreſs nothing vulgarly; and ſure no Poet ever treſpaſs'd leſs againſt this Rule than Homer; the Fruitfulneſs of his Invention is continually raiſing Incidents new and ſurpriſing. Take this Paſſage out of its poetical Dreſs, and it will be no more than this: A ſtrong Gale of Wind blew, and ſo increaſed the Flame that it ſoon conſum'd the Pile. But Homer introduces the Gods of the Winds in Perſon: And Iris, or the Rainbow, being (as Euſtathius obſerves) a Sign not only [124] of Showers, but of Winds, he makes them come at her Summons.

Every Circumſtance is well adapted: As ſoon as the Winds ſee Iris, they riſe; that is, when the Rainbow appears, the the Wind riſes: She refuſes to ſit, and immediately returns; that is, the Rainbow is never ſeen long at one time, but ſoon appears, and ſoon vaniſhes: She returns over the Ocean; that is, the Bow is compos'd of Waters, and it would have been an unnatural Fiction to have deſcrib'd her as paſſing by Land.

The Winds are all together in the Cave of Zephyrus, which may imply that they were there as at their general Rendezvous; or that the Nature of all the Winds is the ſame; or that the Weſtern Wind is in that Countrey the moſt conſtant, and conſequently it may be ſaid that at ſuch Seaſons all the Winds are aſſembled in one Corner, or rendezvous with Zephyrus.

Iris will not enter the Cave: It is the Nature of the Rainbow to be ſtretch'd entirely upon the Surface, and therefore this Fiction is agreeable to Reaſon.

When Iris ſays that the Gods are partaking Hecatombs in Aethiopia, it is to be remember'd that the Gods are repreſented there in the firſt Book, before the Scenes of War were open'd, and now they are cloſed, they return thither. Euſtathius—Thus Homer makes the Anger of his Hero ſo important, that it rouz'd Heaven to Arms, and now when it is almoſt appeas'd, Achilles as it were gives Peace to the Gods.


‘VERSE 306. Hereafter Greece a nobler Pyle ſhall raiſe.]’ We ſee how Achilles conſults his own Glory; the deſire of it prevails over his Tenderneſs for Patroclus, and he will not permit any Man, not even his belov'd Patroclus, to ſhare an equality of Honour with himſelf, even in the Grave. Euſtathius.



‘VERSE 320. The Games for Patroclus.]’ The Conduct of Homer in enlarging upon the Games at the Funeral of Patroclus is very judicious: There had undoubtedly been ſuch Honours paid to ſeveral Heroes during this War, as appears from a Paſſage in the ninth Book, where Agamemnon to enhance the Value of the Horſes which he offers Achilles, ſays, that any Perſon would be rich that had Treaſures equal to the Value of the Prizes they had won; which Races muſt have been run during the Seige: for had they been before it, the Horſes would now have been too old to be of any Value, this being the tenth Year of the War. But he Poet paſſes all thoſe Games over in Silence, and reſerves them for this Seaſon; not only in honour of Patroclus, but alſo of his Hero Achilles; who exhibits Games to a whole Army; great Generals are Candidates for the Prizes, and he himſelf ſits the Judge and Arbitrator: Thus in Peace as well as War the Poet maintains the Superiority of the Character of Achilles.

But there is another Reaſon why the Poet deferr'd to relate any Games that were exhibited at any preceding Funerals: The Death of Patroclus was the moſt eminent Period; and conſequently the moſt proper Time for ſuch Games.

'Tis farther obſervable, that he chuſes this peculiar Time with great Judgment. When the Fury of the War rag'd, the Army could not well have found Leiſure for the Games, and they might have met with Interruption from the Enemy: But Hector being dead, all Troy is in Confuſion: They are in too great a Conſternation to make any Attempts, and therefore the Poet could not poſſibly have choſen a more happy Opportunity. Eustathius.


‘VERSE 347. Lost is Patroclus now, &c.]’ I am not ignorant that Homer has frequently been blamed for ſuch little Digreſſions as theſe; in this Paſſage he gives us the [126] Genealogy of his Horſes, which he has frequently told us in the preceding part of the Poem. But Eustathius juſtifies his Conduct, and ſays that it was very proper to commend the Virtue of theſe Horſes upon this Occaſion, when Horſes were to contend for Victory: At the ſame time he takes an Opportunity to make an honourable Mention of his Friend Patroclus, in whoſe Honour theſe Games were exhibited.

It may be added as a farther Juſtification of Homer, that this laſt Circumſtance is very natural: Achilles while he commends his Horſes remembers how careful Patroclus had been of them: His Love for his Friend is ſo great, that the minuteſt Circumſtance recalls him to his Mind; and ſuch little Digreſſions, ſuch Avocations of Thought as theſe, very naturally proceed from the Overflows of Love and Sorrow.


‘VERSE 363. Whom rich Echepolus, &c.]’ One wou'd think that Agamemnon might be accus'd of Avarice, in diſpenſing a Man from going to the War for the ſake of a Horſe; but Ariſtotle very well obſerves, that this Prince is praiſeworthy for having preferr'd a Horſe to a Perſon ſo cowardly, and ſo uncapable of Service. It may alſo be conjectur'd from this Paſſage, that even in thoſe elder Times it was the Cuſtom, that thoſe who were willing to be excus'd from the War, ſhould give either a Horſe or a Man and often both. Thus Scipio going to Africa order'd the Sicilians either to attend him, or to give him Horſes or Men: And Ageſilaus being at Epheſus and wanting Cavalry, made a Proclamation, that the rich Men who wou'd not ſerve in the War ſhould be diſpens'd with, provided they furniſh'd a Man and a Horſe in their ſtead: In which, ſays Plutarch, he wiſely follow'd the Example of King Agamemnon, who excus'd a very rich Coward from ſerving in Perſon, for a Preſent of a good Mare. Eustathius. Dacier.



‘VERSE 369. Experienc'd Neſtor, &c.]’ The Poet omits no Opportunity of paying Honour to his old favourite Neſtor, and I think he is no where more particularly complemented than in this Book. His Age had diſabled him from bearing any ſhare in the Games; and yet he artfully introduces him not as a mere Spectator, but as an Actor in the Sports. Thus he as it were wins the Prize for Antilochus, Antilochus wins not by the Swiftneſs of his Horſes, but by the Wiſdom of Nestor.

This fatherly Tenderneſs is wonderfully natural: We ſee him in all imaginable Inquietude and Concern for his Son; He comes to the Barrier, ſtands beſide the Chariot, animates his Son by his Praiſes, and directs him by his Leſſons: You think the old Man's Soul mounts on the Chariot with his Antilochus, to partake the ſame Dangers, and run the ſame Career.

Nothing can be better adapted to the Character than this Speech; he expatiates upon the Advantages of Wiſdom over Strength, which is a tacit Complement to himſelf: And had there been a Prize for Wiſdom, undoubtedly the old Man would have claim'd it as his Right. Eustathius.


‘VERSE 426. The Lots their place diſpoſe.]’ According to theſe Lots the Charioteers took their Places; but to know whether they ſtood all in an equal Front, or one behind the other, is a Difficulty: Eustathius ſays the Ancients were of Opinion that they did not ſtand in one Front; becauſe it is evident that he who had the firſt Lot had a great Advantage of the other Charioteers: If he had not, why ſhould Achilles caſt Lots? Madam Dacier is of Opinion that they all ſtood a-breaſt at the Barrier, and that the firſt would ſtill have a ſufficient Advantage, as he was nearer the Bound, and ſtood [128] within the reſt, whereas the others muſt take a larger Circle, and conſequently were forc'd to run a greater Compaſs of Ground. Phoenix was plac'd as an Inſpector of the Race, that is, ſays Eustathius, he was to make report whether they had obſerv'd the Laws of the Race in their ſeveral Turnings.

Sophocles obſerves the ſame Method with Homer in relation to the Lots and Inſpectors, in his Electra.


The conſtituted Judges aſſign'd the Places according to the Lots.

The Ancients ſay that the Charioteers ſtarted at the Sigaeum, where the Ships of Achilles lay, and ran towards the Rhaeteum, from the Ships towards the Shores. But Aristarchus affirm'd that they run in the Compaſs of Ground of five Stadia, which lay between the Wall and the Tents toward the Shore. Eustathius.


‘VERSE 457. And ſeem just mounting on his Car behind.]’ A more natural Image than this could not be thought of. The Poet makes us Spectators of the Race, we ſee Diomed preſſing upon Eumelus ſo cloſely, that his Chariot ſeems to climb the Chariot of Eumelus.


‘VERSE 464. Rage fills his Eye with Anguiſh to ſurvey, &c.]’ We have ſeen Diomed ſurrounded with innumerable Dangers, acting in the moſt perilous Scenes of Blood and Death, yet never ſhed one Tear: And now he weeps on a ſmall occaſion, for a mere Trifle: This muſt be aſcrib'd to the Nature of Mankind, who are often tranſported with Trifles; and there are certain unguarded Moments in every Man's Life; ſo that he who could meet the greateſt Dangers with Intrepidity, may thro' Anger be betray'd into an Indecency. Euſtathius.

[129] The reaſon why Apollo is angry at Diomed, according to Eustathius, is becauſe he was intereſted for Eumelus, whoſe Mares he had fed, when he ſerv'd Admetus; but I fancy he is under a Miſtake: This indeed is a Reaſon why he ſhould favour Eumelus, but not why he ſhould be angry at Diomed. I rather think that the Quarrel of Apollo with Diomed was perſonal; becauſe he offer'd him a Violence in the firſt Book, and Apollo ſtill reſents it.

The Fiction of Minerva's aſſiſting Diomed is grounded upon his being ſo wiſe as to take a couple of Whips to prevent any Miſchance: So that Wiſdom, or Pallas, may be ſaid to lend him one. Eustathius.


‘VERSE 486. The Speech of Antilochus to his Horſes.]’ I fear Antilochus his Speech to his Horſes is blameable; Eustathius himſelf ſeems to think it a Fault that he ſhould ſpeak ſo much in the very Heat of the Race. He commands and ſooths, counſels and threatens his Horſes, as if they were reaſonable Creatures. The ſubſequent Speech of Menelaus is more excuſable as it is more ſhort, but both of them are ſpoken in a Paſſion, and Anger we know makes us ſpeak to every thing, and we diſcharge it upon the moſt ſenſeleſs Objects.


‘VERSE 563. The Diſpute between Idomeneus and Ajax.]’ Nothing could be more naturally imagin'd than this Contention at a Horſe-Race: The Leaders were divided into Parties, and each was intereſted for his Friend: The Poet had a two-fold Deſign, not only to embelliſh and diverſity his Poem by ſuch natural Circumſtances, but alſo to ſhew us, as Euſtathius obſerves, from the Conduct of Ajax, that paſſionate Men betray themſelves into Follies, and are themſelves guilty of the Faults of which they accuſe others.

It is with a particular Decency that Homer makes Achilles the Arbitrator between Idomeneus and Ajax: Agamemnon was [130] his Superior in the Army, but as Achilles exhibited the Shows he was the proper Judge of any Difference that ſhould ariſe about them; had the Conteſt been between Ajax and Idomeneus, conſider'd as Soldiers, the Cauſe muſt have been brought before Agamemnon; but as they are to be conſider'd as Spectators of the Games, they ought to be determin'd by Achilles.

It may not be unneceſſary juſt to obſerve to the Reader the Judiciouſneſs of Homer's Conduct in making Achilles exhibit the Games, and not Agamemnon: Achilles is the Hero of the Poem, and conſequently muſt be the chief Actor in all the great Scenes of it: He had remain'd inactive during a great Part of the Poem, yet the Poet makes his very Inactivity contribute to the carrying on the Deſign of his Ilias: And to ſupply his Abſence from many of the buſy Scenes of the preceding Parts of it, he now in the Concluſion makes him almoſt the ſole Agent: By theſe means he leaves a noble Idea of his Hero upon the Mind of his Reader, and as he rais'd our Expectations when he brought him upon the Stage of Action, ſo he makes him go off with the utmoſt Pomp and Applauſe.


‘VERSE 580. High o'er his Head the circling Laſh he wields.]’ I am perſuaded that the common Tranſlation of the Word [...], in the Original of this Verſe, is faulty: It is render'd, he laſh'd the Horſes continually over the Shoulders; whereas I fancy it ſhould be tranſlated thus, aſſiduè (Equos) agitabat ſcuticâ ab humero ductâ. This naturally expreſſes the very Action, and whirl of the Whip over the Driver's Shoulder, in the Act of laſhing the Horſes, and agrees with the Uſe of the ſame Word in the 431ſt Line of this Book, where [...] muſt be tranſlated Jactus Diſci ab humero vibrati.



‘VERSE 613. Fortune denies, but Juſtice, &c.]’ Achilles here intends to ſhew, that it is not juſt Fortune ſhould rule over Virtue, but that a brave Man who had perform'd his Duty, and who did not bring upon himſelf his Misfortune, ought to have the Recompence he has deſerv'd: And this Principle is juſt, provided we do not reward him at the Expence of another's Right: Eumelus is a Theſſalian, and it is probable Achilles has a Partiality to his Countryman. Dacier.


‘VERSE 632. But this, my Prize, I never ſhall forego— There is an Air of Bravery in this Diſcourſe of Antilochus: He ſpeaks with the Generoſity of a gallant Soldier, and prefers his Honour to his Intereſt; he tells Achilles if he pleaſes he may make Eumelus a richer Preſent than his Prize; he is not concern'd for the Value of it, but as it was the Reward of Victory, he would not reſign it, becauſe that would be an Acknowledgment that Eumelus deſerv'd it.

The Character of Antilochus is admirably ſuſtain'd thro' this whole Epiſode; he is a very ſenſible Man, but tranſported with youthful Heat, and ambitious of Glory: His Raſhneſs in driving ſo furiouſly againſt Menelaus muſt be imputed to this; but his Paſſions being gratify'd by the Conqueſt in the Race, his Reaſon again returns, he owns his Error, and is full of Reſignation to Menelaus.


‘VERSE 662. And touch the Steeds, and ſwear—]’ 'Tis evident, ſays Euſtathius, from hence, that all Fraud was forbid in the Chariot-Race; but it is not very plain what unlawful Deceit Antilochus uſed againſt Menelaus; perhaps Antilochus in his Haſte had declin'd from the Race-Ground, [132] and avoided ſome of the uneven Places of it, and conſequently took an unfair Advantage of his Adverſary; or perhaps his driving ſo furiouſly againſt Menelaus as to endanger both their Chariots and their Lives, might be reckon'd foul play; and therefore Antilochus refuſes to take the Oath.


‘VERSE 678. Joy ſwells his Soul, as when the vernal Grain, &c.]’ Euſtathius is very large in the Explication of this Similitude, which at the firſt view ſeems obſcure: His Words are theſe

As the Dew raiſes the Blades of Corn, that are for want of it weak and depreſſed, and by pervading the Pores of the Corn animates and makes it flouriſh, ſo did the Behaviour of Antilochus raiſe the dejected Mind of Menelaus, exalt his Spirits, and reſtore him to a full Satisfaction.

I have given the Reader his Interpretation, and tranſlated it with the Liberty of Poetry: It is very much in the Language of Scripture, and in the Spirit of the Orientals.


‘VERSE 706. Accept thou this, O ſacred Sire!]’ The Poet in my Opinion preſerves a great deal of Decency towards this old Hero, and venerable Counſellour: He gives him an honorary Reward for his ſuperior Wiſdom, and therefore Achilles calls it [...], and not [...], a Prize, and not a Preſent. The Moral of Homer is, that Princes ought no leſs to honour and recompenſe thoſe who excel in Wiſdom and Counſel, than thoſe who are capable of actual Service.

Achilles, perhaps, had a double view in paying him this Reſpect, not only out of Deference to his Age, and Wiſdom, but alſo becauſe he had, in a manner, won the Prize by the Advice he gave his Son: So that Neſtor may be ſaid to have conquer'd in the Perſon of Antilochus. Euſtathius.



‘VERSE 718. Neſtor's Speech to Achilles.]’ This Speech is admirably well adapted to the Character of Neſtor: He aggrandizes, with an Infirmity peculiar to Age, his own Exploits; and one would think Horace had him in his Eye,

—Laudatur temporis acti
Se puero—

Neither is it any Blemiſh to the Character of Neſtor thus to be a little talkative about his own Atchievements: To have deſcrib'd him otherwiſe would have been an Outrage to human Nature, in as much as the wiſeſt Man living is not free from the Infirmities of Man: and as every Stage of Life has ſome Imperfection peculiar to it ſelf.


The Reader may obſerve that the old Man takes abundance of pains to give Reaſons how his Rivals came to be Victors in the Chariot-Race: He is very ſolicitous to make it appear that it was not thro' any want of Skill or Power in himſelf: And in my Opinion Neſtor is never more vainglorious than in this recital of his own Diſappointment.

It is for the ſame reaſon he repeats the Words I have cited above: He obtrudes (by that Repetition) the Diſadvantages under which he labour'd, upon the Obſervation of the Reader, for fear he ſhould impute the Loſs of the Victory to his want of Skill.

Neſtor ſays that theſe Moliones overpower'd him by their Number. The Criticks, as Euſtathius remarks, have labour'd hard to explain this Difficulty; they tell us a formal Story, that when Neſtor was ready to enter the Liſts againſt theſe Brothers, he objected againſt them as unfair Adverſaries, (for it muſt be remember'd that they were Monſters that grew together, and conſequently had four Hands to Nestor's two) [134] but the Judges would not allow his plea, but determin'd, that as they grew together ſo they ought to be conſider'd as one Man.

Others tell us, that they brought ſeveral Chariots into the Liſts, whoſe Charioteers combin'd together in favour of Eurytus and Cteatus, theſe brother-Monſters.

Others ſay, that the Multitude of the Spectators conſpir'd to diſappoint Nestor.

I thought it neceſſary to give my Reader theſe ſeveral Conjectures; that he might underſtand why Nestor ſays he was overpower'd by [...], or Numbers; and alſo, becauſe it confirms my former Obſervation, that Nestor is very careful to draw his own Picture in the ſtrongeſt Colours, and to ſhew it in the faireſt Light.


‘VERSE 820. A female Captive valu'd but at four.]’ I cannot in Civility neglect a Remark made upon this Paſſage by Madam Dacier, who highly reſents the Affront put upon her Sex by the Ancients, who ſet (it ſeems) thrice the Value upon a Tripod as upon a beautiful female Slave: Nay, ſhe is afraid the Value of Women is not rais'd even in our Days; for ſhe ſays there are curious Perſons now living who had rather have a true antique Kettle, than the fineſt Woman alive: I confeſs I entirely agree with the Lady, and muſt impute ſuch Opinions of the fair Sex to want of Taſte in both Ancients and Moderns: The Reader may remember that theſe Tripods were of no uſe, but made entirely for Show, and conſequently the moſt ſatyrical Critick could only ſay, the Woman and Tripod ought to have born an equal Value.


‘VERSE 827. Like two ſtrong Rafters, &c.]’ I will give the Reader the Words of Euſtathius upon this Similitude, which very happily repreſents the Wreſtlers in the Poſture of Wreſtling. Their Heads lean'd one againſt the other, [135] like the Rafters that ſupport the Roof of a Houſe; at the Foot they are disjoin'd, and ſtand at a greater Diſtance, which naturally paints the Attitude of Body in theſe two Wreſtlers, while they contend for Victory.


‘VERSE 850. He barely ſtirr'd him, but he could not raiſe.]’ The Poet by this Circumſtance excellently maintains the Character of Ajax, who has all along been deſcrib'd as a ſtrong, unweildy Warrior: He is ſo heavy that Ulyſſes can ſcarce lift him. The Words that follow will bear a different Meaning, either that Ajax lock'd his Leg within that of Ulyſſes, or that Ulyſſes did it. Eustathius obſerves, that if Ajax gave Ulyſſes this Shock, then he may be allow'd to have ſome appearance of an Equality in the Conteſt, but if Ulyſſes gave it, then Ajax muſt be acknowledg'd to have been foil'd: But (continues he) it appear'd to be otherwiſe to Achilles, who was the Judge of the Field, and therefore he gives them an equal Prize, becauſe they were equal in the Conteſt.

Madam Dacier miſrepreſents Eustathius on this Place, in ſaying he thinks it was Ulyſſes who gave this ſecond Stroke to Ajax, whereas it appears by the foregoing Note that he rather determines otherwiſe in conſent with the Judgment given by Achilles.


‘VERSE 902. Aſſiſt O Goddeſs! (thus in Thought he pray'd)]’ Nothing could be better adapted to the preſent Circumſtance of Ulyſſes than this Prayer: It is ſhort, and ought to be ſo, becauſe the Time would not allow him to make a longer; nay he prefers this Petition mentally, [...]; all his Faculties are ſo bent upon the Race, that he does not call off his Attention from it, even to ſpeak ſo ſhort a Petition as ſeven Words, which comprehend the whole of it: Such [136] Paſſages as theſe are Inſtances of great Judgment in the Poet.


‘VERSE 926. And takes it with a Jeſt.]’ Antilochus comes off very well, and wittily prevents Raillery; by attributing the Victory of his Rivals to the Protection which the Gods gave to Age. By this he inſinuates, that he has ſomething to comfort himſelf with; (for Youth is better than the Prize) and that he may pretend hereafter to the ſame Protection, ſince 'tis a Privilege of Seniority. Dacier.


‘VERSE 935. For who can match Achilles?]’ There is great Art in theſe tranſient Complements to Achilles: That Hero could not poſſibly ſhew his own Superiority in theſe Games by contending for any of the Prizes, becauſe he was the Exhibiter of the Sports: But Homer has found out a way to give him the Victory in two of them. In the Chariot-Race Achilles is repreſented as being able to conquer every Opponent, and tho' he ſpeaks it himſelf, the Poet brings it in ſo happily, that he ſpeaks it without any Indecency: And in this place Antilochus with a very good grace tells Achilles, that in the Foot-Race no one can diſpute the Prize with him. Thus tho' Diomed and Ulyſſes conquer in the Chariot and Foot-Race, it is only becauſe Achilles is not their Antagoniſt.


‘VERSE 951. Who firſt the jointed Armour ſhall explore.]’ Some of the Ancients have been ſhock'd at this Combat, thinking it a Barbarity that Men in Sport ſhould thus contend for their Lives; and therefore Ariſtophanes the Grammarian made this Alteration in the Verſes.

[...], &c.

[137] But it is evident that they entirely miſtook the Meaning and Intention of Achilles; for he that gave the firſt Wound was to be accounted the Victor. How could Achilles promiſe to entertain them both in his Tent after the Combat, if he intended that one of them ſhould fall in it? This Duel therefore was only a Tryal of Skill, and as ſuch ſingle Combats were frequent in the Wars of thoſe Ages againſt Adverſaries, ſo this was propoſed only to ſhew the Dexterity of the Combatants in that Exerciſe. Euſtathius.


‘VERSE 973. Yet ſtill the Victor's Due Tydides gains.]’ Achilles In this place acts the part of a very juſt Arbitrator: Tho' the Combat did not proceed to a full iſſue, yet Diomed had evidently the Advantage, and conſequently ought to be rewarded as Victor, becauſe he would have been victorious, had not the Greeks interpos'd.

I could have wiſh'd that the Poet had given Ajax the Prize in ſome of theſe Conteſts. He undoubtedly was a very gallant Soldier, and has been deſcrib'd as repulſing a whole Army; yet in all theſe Sports he is foil'd. But perhaps the Poet had a double View in this Repreſentation, not only to ſhew, that Strength without Conduct is uſually unſucceſsful, but alſo his Deſign might be to complement the Greeks his Countreymen; by ſhewing that this Ajax, who had repell'd a whole Army of Trojans was not able to conquer any one of the Grecian Worthies: For we find him overpower'd in three of theſe Exerciſes.


‘VERSE 987. If he be one, enrich'd, &c.]’ The Poet in this place ſpeaks in the Simplicity of ancient Times: The prodigious Weight and Size of the Quoit is deſcrib'd with a noble Plainneſs, peculiar to the oriental way, and agreeable to the Manners of thoſe heroick Ages. He does not [138] ſet down the Quantity of this enormous piece of Iron, neither as to its Bigneſs nor Weight, but as to the Uſe it will be of to him who ſhall gain it. We ſee from hence, that the Ancients in the Prizes they propos'd, had in view not only the Honourable, but the Uſeful; a Captive for Work, a Bull for Tillage, a Quoit for the Proviſion of Iron. Beſides it muſt be remember'd, that in thoſe Times Iron was very ſcarce; and a ſure ſign of this Scarcity, is, that their Arms were Braſs. Euſtath. Dacier.


‘VERSE 1032. He takes the Bow.]’ There having been many Editions of Homer, that of Marſeilles repreſents theſe two Rivals in Archery as uſing two Bows in the Conteſt; and reads the Verſes thus,


Our common Editions follow the better Alteration of Antimachus, with this only Difference, that he reads it


And they,


It is evident that theſe Archers had but one Bow, as they that threw the Quoit had but one Quoit; by theſe means the one had no Advantage over the other, becauſe both of them ſhot with the ſame Bow. So that the common Reading is undoubtedly the beſt, where the Lines ſtand thus,


This Teucer is the moſt eminent Man for Archery of any thro' the whole Iliad, yet he is here excell'd by Meriones: And the Poet aſcribes his Miſcarriage to the neglect of invoking Apollo, the God of Archery; whereas Meriones, who invokes him, is crown'd with Succeſs. There is an excellent Moral in this Paſſage, and the Poet would teach us, that without addreſſing to Heaven we cannot ſucceed: Meriones [139] does not conquer becauſe he is the better Archer, but becauſe he is the better Man.


‘VERSE 1053. Nor here diſdain'd the King of Men to riſe.]’ There is an admirable Conduct in this Paſſage; Agamemnon never contended for any of the former Prizes, tho' of much greater Value; ſo that he is a Candidate for this, only to honour Patroclus and Achilles. The decency which the Poet uſes both in the choice of the Game, in which Agamemnon is about to contend, and the giving him the Prize without a Conteſt, is very remarkable: The Game was a warlike Exerciſe, fit for the General of an Army; the giving him the Prize without a Conteſt is a Decency judiciouſly obſerved, becauſe no one ought to be ſuppos'd to excel the General in any military Art: Agamemnon does Juſtice to his own Character, for whereas he had been repreſented by Achilles in the opening of the Poem as a covetous Perſon, he now puts in for the Prize that is of the leaſt Value, and generouſly gives even that to Talthybius. Euſtathius.

As to this laſt Particular, of Agamemnon's preſenting the Charger to Talthybius, I can't but be of a different Opinion. It had been an Affront to Achilles not to have accepted of his Preſent on this Occaſion, and I believe the Words of Homer,


mean no more, than that he put it into the Hands of this Herald to carry it to his Ships; Talthybius being by his Office an Attendant upon Agamemnon.


It will be expected I ſhould here ſay ſomething tending to a Compariſon between the Games of Homer and thoſe of Virgil. [140] If I may own my private Opinion, there is in general more Variety of natural Incidents, and a more lively Picture of natural Paſſions, in the Games and Perſons of Homer. On the other hand, there ſeems to me more Art, Contrivance, Gradation, and a greater Pomp of Verſe in thoſe of Virgil. The Chariot-Race is that which Homer has moſt labour'd, of which Virgil being ſenſible, he judiciouſly avoided the Imitation of what he could not improve, and ſubſtituted in its place the Naval-Courſe, or Ship-Race. It is in this the Roman Poet has employ'd all his Force, as if on ſet purpoſe to rival his great Maſter; but it is extremely obſervable how conſtantly he keeps Homer in his Eye, and is afraid to depart from his very Track, even when he had vary'd the Subject itſelf. Accordingly the Accidents of the Naval-Courſe have a ſtrange Reſemblance with thoſe of Homer's Chariot-Race. He could not forbear at the very Beginning to draw a part of that Deſcription into a Simile. Do not we ſee he has Homer's Chariots in his Head, by theſe Lines

Non tam praecipites bijugó certamine campum
Corripuere, ruuntque effuſi carcere currus.
Nec ſic immiſſis aurigae undantia lora
Concuſſere jugis, pronique in verbera pendent.
Aen. v. ℣. 144.

What is the Encounter of Cloanthus and Gyas in the Strait between the Rocks, but the ſame with that of Menelaus and Antilochus in the hollow Way? Had the Galley of Sergeſtus been broken, if the Chariot of Eumelus had not been demoliſh'd? Or Mneſtheus been caſt from the Helm, had not the other been thrown from his Seat? Does not Mneſtheus exhort his Rowers in the very Words Antilochus had us'd to his Horſes?

Non jamprima peto Mneſtheus, neque vincere cesto
Quamquam O! ſed ſuperent quibus hoc Neptune dediſti;
Extremos pudeat rediiſſe! hoc vincite, cives,
Etprohibete nefas—


Upon the whole, the Deſcription of the Sea-Race I think has the more Poetry and Majeſty, that of the Chariots more Nature, and lively Incidents. There is nothing in Virgil ſo pictureſque, ſo animated, or which ſo much marks the Characters, as the Epiſodes of Antilochus and Menelaus, Ajax and Idomeneus, with that beautiful Interpoſition of old Neſtor, (ſo naturally introduc'd into an Affair where one ſo little expects him.) On the other ſide, in Virgil the Deſcription itſelf is much nobler; it has ſomething more oſtentatiouſly grand, and ſeems a Spectacle more worthy the Preſence of Princes and great Perſons.

In three other Games we find the Roman Poet contending openly with the Grecian. That of the Caeſtus is in great part a verbal Tranſlation: But it muſt be own'd in favour of Virgil, that he has vary'd from Homer in the Event of the Combate with admirable Judgment and with an Improvement of the Moral. Epaeus and Dares are deſcrib'd by both Poets as vain Boaſters; but Virgil with more poetical Juſtice puniſhes Dares for his Arrogance, whereas the Preſumption and Pride of Epaeus is rewarded by Homer.

On the contrary, in the Foot-Race, I am of opinion that Homer has ſhewn more Judgment and Morality than Virgil. Niſus in the latter is unjuſt to his Adverſary in favour of his Friend Euryalus; ſo that Euryalus wins the Race by palpable Fraud, and yet the Poet gives him the firſt Prize; whereas Homer makes Ulyſſes victorious, purely thro' the Miſchance of Ajax, and his own Piety in invoking Minerva.

The ſhooting is alſo a direct Copy, but with the Addition of two Circumſtances which make a beautiful Gradation. In Homer the firſt Archer cuts the String that held the Bird, and the other ſhoots him as he is mounting. In Virgil the [142] firſt only hits the Maſt which the Bird was fix'd upon, the ſecond cuts the String, the third ſhoots him, and the fourth to vaunt the Strength of his Arm directs his Arrow up to Heaven, where it kindles into a Flame, and makes a Prodigy. This laſt is certainly ſuperior to Homer in what they call the Wonderful: but what is the Intent or Effect of this Prodigy, or whether a Reader is not at leaſt as much ſurprized at it, as at the moſt unreaſonable Parts in Homer, I leave to thoſe Criticks who are more inclin'd to find Faults than I am: Nor ſhall I obſerve upon the many literal Imitations in the Roman Poet, to object againſt which were to derogate from the Merit of thoſe fine Paſſages, which Virgil was ſo very ſenſible of, that he was reſolv'd to take them, at any rate, to himſelf.

There remain in Homer three Games untouch'd by Virgil; the Wreſtling, the ſingle Combate, and the Diſcus. In Virgil there is only the Luſus Trojae added, which is purely his own, and muſt be confeſt to be inimitable: I don't know whether I may be allow'd to ſay, it is worth all thoſe three of Homer?

I could not forgive my ſelf if I omitted to mention in this place the Funeral Games in the ſixth Thebaïd of Statius; it is by much the moſt beautiful Book of that Poem. It's very remarkable, that he has follow'd Homer thro' the whole Courſe of his Games: There is the Chariot-Race, the Foot-Race, the Diſcus, the Caeſtus, the Wreſtling, the ſingle Combate (which is put off in the ſame manner as in Homer) and the Shooting; which laſt ends (as in Virgil) with a Prodigy: Yet in the particular Deſcriptions of each of theſe Games this Poet has not borrow'd from either of his Predeceſſors, and his Poem is ſo much the worſe for it.



The Redemption of the Body of Hector.


THE Gods deliberate about the Redemption of Hector. Jupiter ſends Thetis to Achilles to diſpoſe him for the reſtoring it, and Iris to Priam, to encourage him to go in Perſon, and treat for it. The old King, notwithſtanding the Remonſtrances of his Queen, makes ready for the Journey, to which he is encourag'd by an Omen from Jupiter. He ſets forth in his Chariot, with a Waggon loaded with Preſents under the Charge of Idaeus the Herald. Mercury deſcends in the Shape of a young Man, and conducts him to the Pavilion of Achilles. Their Converſation on the way. Priam finds Achilles at his Table, caſts himſelf at his Feet, and begs for the Body of his Son; Achilles, mov'd with Compaſſion, grants his Requeſt, detains him one Night in his Tent, and the next Morning ſends him home with the Body: The Trojans run out to meet him. The Lamentations of Andromache, Hecuba, and Helen, with the Solemnities of the Funeral.

The Time of twelve Days is employ'd in this Book, while the Body of Hector lies in the Tent of Achilles. And as many more are ſpent in the Truce allow'd for his Interment. The Scene is partly in Achilles's Camp, and partly in Troy.


NOW from the finiſh'd Games the Grecian Band
Sought their black Ships, and clear'd the crowded Strand;
All ſtretch'd at eaſe the genial Banquet ſhare,
And pleaſing Slumbers quiet all their Care.
Not ſo Achilles: He, to Grief reſign'd,
His Friend's dear Image preſent to his Mind,
Takes his ſad Couch, more unobſerv'd to weep,
Nor taſtes the Gifts of all-compoſing Sleep.
Reſtleſs he roll'd around his weary Bed,
And all his Soul on his Patroclus fed:
The Form ſo pleaſing, and the Heart ſo kind,
That youthful Vigour, and that manly Mind,
[146] What Toils they ſhar'd, what martial Works they wrought,
What Seas they meaſur'd, and what Fields they fought;
All paſt before him in Remembrance dear,
Thought follows Thought, and Tear ſucceeds to Tear.
And now ſupine, now prone, the Hero lay,
Now ſhifts his Side, impatient for the Day:
Then ſtarting up, diſconſolate he goes
Wide on the lonely Beach to vent his Woes.
There as the ſolitary Mourner raves,
The ruddy Morning riſes o'er the Waves;
Soon as it roſe, his furious Steeds he join'd;
The Chariot flies, and Hector trails behind.
And thrice Patroclus! round thy Monument
Was Hector dragg'd, then hurry'd to the Tent.
There Sleep at laſt o'ercomes the Hero's Eyes;
While foul in Duſt th'unhonour'd Carcaſe lies,
But not deſerted by the pitying Skies.
For Phoebus watch'd it with ſuperior Care,
Preſerv'd from gaping Wounds, and tainting Air;
And ignominious as it ſwept the Field,
Spread o'er the ſacred Corſe his golden Shield.
[147] All Heav'n was mov'd, and Hermes will'd to go
By Stealth to ſnatch him from th'inſulting Foe:
But Neptune this, and Pallas this denies,
And th'unrelenting Empreſs of the Skies:
E'er ſince that Day implacable to Troy,
What time young Paris, ſimple Shepherd Boy,
Won by deſtructive Luſt (Reward obſcene)
Their Charms rejected for the Cyprian Queen.
But when the tenth coeleſtial Morning broke;
To Heav'n aſſembled, thus Apollo ſpoke.
Unpitying Pow'rs! how oft each holy Fane
Has Hector ting'd with Blood of Victims ſlain?
And can ye ſtill his cold Remains purſue?
Still grudge his Body to the Trojans View?
Deny to Conſort, Mother, Son, and Sire,
The laſt ſad Honours of the fun'ral Fire?
Is then the dire Achilles all your Care?
That Iron Heart, inflexibly ſevere;
A Lion, not a Man, who ſlaughters wide
In Strength of Rage and Impotence of Pride,
Who haſtes to murder with a ſavage Joy,
Invades around, and breathes but to deſtroy.
[148] Shame is not of his Soul; nor underſtood,
The greateſt Evil and the greateſt Good
Still for one Loſs he rages unreſign'd,
Repugnant to the Lot of all Mankind;
To loſe a Friend, a Brother, or a Son,
Heav'n dooms each Mortal, and its Will is done:
A while they ſorrow, then diſmiſs their Care;
Fate gives the Wound, and Man is born to bear.
But this Inſatiate the Commiſſion giv'n
By Fate, exceeds; and tempts the Wrath of Heav'n:
Lo how his Rage diſhoneſt drags along
Hector's dead Earth inſenſible of Wrong!
Brave tho' he be, yet by no Reaſon aw'd,
He violates the Laws of Man and God.
If equal Honours by the partial Skies
Are doom'd both Heroes, (Juno thus replies)
If Thetis' Son muſt no Diſtinction know,
Then hear, ye Gods! the Patron of the Bow.
But Hector only boaſts a mortal Claim,
His Birth deriving from a mortal Dame:
Achilles of your own Aetherial Race
Springs from a Goddeſs, by a Man's Embrace;
[149] (A Goddeſs by our ſelf to Peleus giv'n,
A Man divine, and choſen Friend of Heav'n.)
To grace thoſe Nuptials, from the bright Abode
Your ſelves were preſent; where this Minſtrel-God
(Well-pleas'd to ſhare the Feaſt,) amid the Quire
Stood proud to Hymn, and tune his youthful Lyre.
Then thus the Thund'rer checks th'imperial Dame:
Let not thy Wrath the Court of Heav'n inflame;
Their Merits, nor their Honours, are the ſame.
But mine, and ev'ry God's peculiar Grace
Hector deſerves, of all the Trojan Race:
Still on our Shrines his grateful Off'rings lay,
(The only Honours Men to Gods can pay)
Nor ever from our ſmoking Altar ceaſt
The pure Libation, and the holy Feaſt.
Howe'er by Stealth to ſnatch the Corſe away,
We will not: Thetis guards it Night and Day.
But haſte, and ſummon to our Courts above
The Azure Queen; let her Perſuaſion move
Her furious Son from Priam to receive
The proffer'd Ranſom, and the Corps to leave.
He added not: And Iris from the Skies
Swift as a Whirlwind, on the Meſſage flies,
Meteorous the Face of Ocean ſweeps,
Refulgent gliding o'er the ſable Deeps.
Between where Samos wide his Foreſts ſpreads,
And rocky Imbrus lifts its pointed Heads,
Down plung'd the Maid; (the parted Waves reſound)
She plung'd, and inſtant ſhot the dark Profound.
As bearing Death in the fallacious Bait
From the bent Angle ſinks the loaden Weight;
So paſt the Goddeſs thro' the cloſing Wave,
Where Thetis ſorrow'd in her ſecret Cave:
There plac'd amidſt her melancholy Train
(The blue-hair'd Siſters of the ſacred Main)
Penſive ſhe ſate, revolving Fates to come,
And wept her god-like Son's approaching Doom:
Then thus the Goddeſs of the painted Bow.
Ariſe! O Thetis, from thy Seats below.
'Tis Jove that calls. And why (the Dame replies)
Calls Jove his Thetis to the hated Skies?
Sad Object as I am for heav'nly Sight!
Ah! may my Sorrows ever ſhun the Light!
[151] Howe'er be Heav'ns almighty Sire obey'd—
She ſpake, and veil'd her Head in ſable Shade,
Which, flowing long, her graceful Perſon clad;
And forth ſhe pac'd, majeſtically ſad.
Then thro' the World of Waters, they repair
(The Way fair Iris led) to upper Air.
The Deeps dividing, o'er the Coaſt they riſe,
And touch with momentary Flight the Skies.
There in the Light'nings Blaze the Sire they found,
And all the Gods in ſhining Synod round.
Thetis approach'd with Anguiſh in her Face,
(Minerva riſing, gave the Mourner place)
Ev'n Juno ſought her Sorrows to conſole,
And offer'd from her Hand the Nectar Bowl:
She taſted, and reſign'd it: Then began
The ſacred Sire of Gods and mortal Man:
Thou com'ſt fair Thetis, but with Grief o'ercaſt,
Maternal Sorrows, long, ah long to laſt!
Suffice, we know and we partake thy Cares:
But yield to Fate, and hear what Jove declares.
Nine Days are paſt, ſince all the Court above
In Hector's Cauſe have mov'd the Ear of Jove;
[152] 'Twas voted, Hermes from his god-like Foe
By Stealth ſhould bear him, but we will'd not ſo:
We will, thy Son himſelf the Corſe reſtore,
And to his Conqueſt add this Glory more.
Then hye thee to him, and our Mandate bear;
Tell him he tempts the Wrath of Heav'n too far:
Nor let him more (our Anger if he dread)
Vent his mad Vengeance on the ſacred Dead:
But yield to Ranſom and the Father's Pray'r.
The mournful Father Iris ſhall prepare,
With Gifts to ſue; and offer to his Hands
Whate'er his Honour asks, or Heart demands.
His Word the ſilver-footed Queen attends,
And from Olympus' ſnowy Tops deſcends.
Arriv'd, ſhe heard the Voice of loud Lament,
And echoing Groans that ſhook the lofty Tent.
His Friends prepare the Victim, and diſpoſe
Repaſt unheeded, while he vents his Woes.
The Goddeſs ſeats her by her penſive Son,
She preſt his Hand, and tender thus begun.
How long, unhappy! ſhall thy Sorrows flow,
And thy Heart waſte with life-conſuming Woe?
[153] Mindleſs of Food, or Love whoſe pleaſing Reign
Sooths weary Life, and ſoftens human Pain.
O ſnatch the Moments yet within thy Pow'r,
Nor long to live, indulge the am'rous Hour!
Lo! Jove himſelf (for Jove's Command I bear)
Forbids to tempt the Wrath of Heav'n too far,
No longer then (his Fury if thou dread)
Detain the Relicks of great Hector dead;
Nor vent on ſenſeleſs Earth thy Vengeance vain,
But yield to Ranſom, and reſtore the Slain.
To whom Achilles: Be the Ranſom giv'n,
And we ſubmit, ſince ſuch the Will of Heav'n.
While thus they commun'd, from th' Olympian Bow'rs
Jove orders Iris to the Trojan Tow'rs.
Haſte, winged Goddeſs! to the ſacred Town,
And urge her Monarch to redeem his Son;
Alone, the Ilian Ramparts let him leave,
And bear what ſtern Achilles may receive:
Alone, for ſo we will: No Trojan near;
Except, to place the Dead with decent Care,
Some aged Herald, who with gentle Hand,
May the ſlow Mules and fun'ral Car command.
[154] Nor let him Death, nor let him Danger dread,
Safe thro' the Foe by our Protection led:
Him Hermes to Achilles ſhall convey,
Guard of his Life, and Partner of his Way.
Fierce as he is, Achilles ſelf ſhall ſpare
His Age, nor touch one venerable Hair,
Some Thought there muſt be, in a Soul ſo brave,
Some Senſe of Duty, ſome Deſire to ſave.
Then down her Bow the winged Iris drives,
And ſwift at Priam's mournful Court arrives;
Where the ſad Sons beſide their Father's Throne
Sate bath'd in Tears, and anſwer'd Groan with Groan.
And all amidſt them lay the hoary Sire,
(Sad Scene of Woe!) His Face his wrapt Attire
Conceal'd from Sight; With frantick Hands he ſpread
A Show'r of Aſhes o'er his Neck and Head.
From Room to Room his penſive Daughters roam;
Whoſe Shrieks and Clamours fill the vaulted Dome;
Mindful of thoſe, who, late their Pride and Joy,
Lye pale and breathleſs round the Fields of Troy!
Before the King Jove's Meſſenger appears,
And thus in Whiſpers greets his trembling Ears.
Fear not, oh Father! no ill News I bear;
From Jove I come, Jove makes thee ſtill his Care:
For Hector's ſake theſe Walls he bids thee leave,
And bear what ſtern Achilles may receive:
Alone, for ſo he wills: No Trojan near,
Except to place the Dead with decent Care,
Some aged Herald, who with gentle Hand
May the ſlow Mules and fun'ral Car command.
Nor ſhalt thou Death, nor ſhalt thou Danger dread;
Safe thro' the Foe by his Protection led:
Thee Hermes to Pelides ſhall convey,
Guard of thy Life, and Partner of thy Way.
Fierce as he is, Achilles' ſelf ſhall ſpare
Thy Age, nor touch one venerable Hair,
Some Thought there muſt be, in a Soul ſo brave,
Some Senſe of Duty, ſome Deſire to ſave.
She ſpoke, and vaniſh'd. Priam bids prepare
His gentle Mules, and harneſs to the Car,
There, for the Gifts, a poliſh'd Casket lay:
His pious Sons the King's Command obey.
Then paſt the Monarch to his Bridal-Room,
Where Cedar-Beams the lofty Roofs perfume,
[156] And where the Treaſures of his Empire lay;
Then call'd his Queen, and thus began to ſay.
Unhappy Conſort of a King diſtreſt!
Partake the Troubles of thy Husband's Breaſt:
I ſaw deſcend the Meſſenger of Jove,
Who bids me try Achilles' Mind to move,
Forſake theſe Ramparts, and with Gifts obtain
The Corps of Hector, at yon' Navy ſlain.
Tell me thy Thought: My Heart impells to go
Thro' hoſtile Camps, and bears me to the Foe.
The hoary Monarch thus. Her piercing Cries
Sad Hecuba renews, and then replies.
Ah! whither wanders thy diſtemper'd Mind,
And where the Prudence now that aw'd Mankind,
Thro' Phrygia once, and foreign Regions known,
Now all confus'd, diſtracted, overthrown!
Singly to paſs thro' Hoſts of Foes! to face
(Oh Heart of Steel!) the Murd'rer of thy Race!
To view that deathful Eye, and wander o'er
Thoſe Hands, yet red with Hector's noble Gore!
Alas! my Lord! he knows not how to ſpare,
And what his Mercy, thy ſlain Sons declare;
[157] So brave! ſo many fall'n! To calm his Rage
Vain were thy Dignity, and vain thy Age.
No—pent in this ſad Palace let us give
To Grief the wretched Days we have to live.
Still, ſtill for Hector let our Sorrows flow,
Born to his own, and to his Parents Woe!
Doom'd from the Hour his luckleſs Life begun,
To Dogs, to Vultures, and to Peleus' Son!
Oh! in his deareſt Blood might I allay
My Rage, and theſe Barbarities repay!
For ah! could Hector merit thus? whoſe Breath
Expir'd not meanly, in unactive Death:
He pour'd his lateſt Blood in manly Fight,
And fell a Hero in his Country's Right.
Seek not to ſtay me, nor my Soul affright
With Words of Omen like a Bird of Night.
(Reply'd unmov'd the venerable Man)
'Tis Heav'n commands me, and you urge in vain.
Had any mortal Voice th' Injunction laid,
Nor Augur, Prieſt, or Seer had been obey'd.
A preſent Goddeſs brought the high Command,
I ſaw, I heard her, and the Word ſhall ſtand.
[158] I go, ye Gods! obedient to your Call:
If in yon' Camp your Pow'rs have doom'd my Fall,
Content—By the ſame Hand let me expire!
Add to the ſlaughter'd Son the wretched Sire!
One cold Embrace at leaſt may be allow'd,
And my laſt Tears flow mingled with his Blood!
From forth his open'd Stores, this ſaid, he drew
Twelve coſtly Carpets of refulgent Hue,
As many Veſts, as many Mantles told,
And twelve fair Veils, and Garments ſtiff with Gold.
Two Tripods next and twice two Chargers ſhine,
With ten pure Talents from the richeſt Mine;
And laſt a large well-labour'd Bowl had place,
(The Pledge of Treaties once with friendly Thrace)
Seem'd all too mean the Stores he could employ,
For one laſt Look to buy him back to Troy!
Lo! the ſad Father, frantick with his Pain,
Around him furious drives his menial Train:
In vain each Slave with duteous Care attends,
Each Office hurts him, and each Face offends.
What make ye here? Officious Crowds? (he cries)
Hence! Nor obtrude your Anguiſh on my Eyes.
[159] Have ye no Griefs at Home, to fix ye there?
Am I the only Object of Deſpair?
Am I become my People's common Show,
Set up by Jove your Spectacle of Woe?
No, you muſt feel him too; your ſelves muſt fall;
The ſame ſtern God to Ruin gives you all.
Nor is great Hector loſt by me alone;
Your ſole Defence, your guardian Pow'r is gone!
I ſee your Blood the Fields of Phrygia drown,
I ſee the Ruins of your ſmoking Town!
Oh ſend me, Gods! e'er that ſad Day ſhall come,
A willing Ghoſt to Pluto's dreary Dome!
He ſaid, and feebly drives his Friends away;
The ſorrowing Friends his frantick Rage obey.
Next on his Sons his erring Fury falls,
Polites, Paris, Agathon, he calls,
His Threats Deïphobus and Dius hear,
Hippothous, Pammon, Helenus the Seer,
And gen'rous Antiphon: For yet theſe nine
Surviv'd, ſad Relicks of his num'rous Line.
Inglorious Sons of an unhappy Sire!
Why did not all in Hector's Cauſe expire?
[160] Wretch that I am! my braveſt Offspring ſlain,
You, the Diſgrace of Priam's Houſe, remain!
Meſtor the brave, renown'd in Ranks of War,
With Troilus, dreadful on his ruſhing Car,
And laſt great Hector, more than Man divine,
For ſure he ſeem'd not of terreſtial Line!
All thoſe relentleſs Mars untimely ſlew,
And left me theſe, a ſoft and ſervile Crew,
Whoſe Days the Feaſt and wanton Dance employ,
Gluttons and Flatt'rers, the Contempt of Troy!
Why teach ye not my rapid Wheels to run,
And ſpeed my Journey to redeem my Son?
The Sons their Father's wretched Age revere,
Forgive his Anger, and produce the Car.
High on the Seat the Cabinet they bind:
The new-made Car with ſolid Beauty ſhin'd;
Box was the Yoke, emboſt with coſtly Pains,
And hung with Ringlets to receive the Reins;
Nine Cubits long the Traces ſwept the Ground;
Theſe to the Chariots poliſh'd Pole they bound,
Then fix'd a Ring the running Reins to guide,
And cloſe beneath the gather'd Ends were ty'd.
[161] Next with the Gifts (the Price of Hector ſlain)
The ſad Attendants load the groaning Wain:
Laſt to the Yoke the well-match'd Mules they bring,
(The Gift of Myſia to the Trojan King.)
But the fair Horſes, long his darling Care,
Himſelf receiv'd and harneſs'd to his Car:
Griev'd as he was, he not this Task deny'd;
The hoary Herald help'd him at his Side.
While careful theſe the gentle Courſers join'd,
Sad Hecuba approach'd with anxious Mind;
A golden Bowl that foam'd with fragrant Wine,
(Libation deſtin'd to the Pow'r divine)
Held in her right, before the Steeds ſhe ſtands,
And thus conſigns it to the Monarch's Hands.
Take this, and pour to Jove: that ſafe from Harms,
His Grace reſtore thee to our Roof, and Arms;
Since Victor of thy Fears, and ſlighting mine,
Heav'n, or thy Soul, inſpire this bold Deſign:
Pray to that God, who high on Ida's Brow
Surveys thy deſolated Realms below,
His winged Meſſenger to ſend from high,
And lead thy way with heav'nly Augury:
[162] Let the ſtrong Sov'reign of the plumy Race
Tow'r on the right of yon' aethereal Space.
That Sign beheld, and ſtrengthen'd from above,
Boldly purſue the Journey mark'd by Jove;
But if the God his Augury denies,
Suppreſs thy Impulſe, nor reject Advice.
'Tis juſt (ſaid Priam) to the Sire above
To raiſe our Hands, for who ſo good as Jove?
He ſpoke, and bad th'attendant Handmaid bring
The pureſt Water of the living Spring;
(Her ready Hands the Ew'er and Baſon held)
Then took the golden Cup his Queen had fill'd,
On the mid Pavement pours the roſy Wine,
Uplifts his Eyes, and calls the Pow'r divine.
Oh Firſt, and Greateſt! Heav'ns Imperial Lord!
On lofty Ida's holy Hill ador'd!
To ſtern Achilles now direct my ways,
And teach him Mercy when a Father prays.
If ſuch thy Will, diſpatch from yonder Sky
Thy ſacred Bird, coeleſtial Augury!
Let the ſtrong Sov'reign of the plumy Race
Tow'r on the right of you' aethereal Space.
[163] So ſhall thy Suppliant, ſtrengthen'd from above,
Fearleſs purſue the Journey mark'd by Jove.
Jove heard his Pray'r, and from the Throne on high
Diſpatch'd his Bird, coeleſtial Augury!
The ſwift-wing'd Chaſer of the feather'd Game,
And known to Gods by Percnos' lofty Name.
Wide as appears ſome Palace Gate diſplay'd,
So broad, his Pinions ſtretch their ample Shade,
As ſtooping dexter with reſounding Wings
Th'imperial Bird deſcends in airy Rings.
A Dawn of Joy in ev'ry Face appears;
The mourning Matron dries her tim'rous Tears.
Swift on his Car th'impatient Monarch ſprung;
The brazen Portal in his Paſſage rung.
The Mules preceding draw the loaded Wain,
Charg'd with the Gifts; Idaeus holds the Rein,
The King himſelf his gentle Steeds controuls,
And thro' ſurrounding Friends the Chariot rolls.
On his ſlow Wheels the following People wait,
Mourn at each Step, and give him up to Fate,
With Hands uplifted, eye him as he paſt,
And gaze upon him as they gaz'd their laſt.
[164] Now forward fares the Father on his way,
Thro' the lone Fields, and back to Ilion they.
Great Jove beheld him as he croſt the Plain,
And felt the Woes of miſerable Man.
Then thus to Hermes. Thou whoſe conſtant Cares
Still ſuccour Mortals, and attend their Pray'rs;
Behold an Object to thy Charge conſign'd,
If ever Pity touch'd thee for Mankind.
Go, guard the Sire; th'obſerving Foe prevent,
And ſafe conduct him to Achilles' Tent.
The God obeys, his golden Pinions binds,
And mounts incumbent on the Wings of Winds,
That high thro' Fields of Air his Flight ſuſtain,
O'er the wide Earth, and o'er the boundleſs Main:
Then graſps the Wand that cauſes Sleep to fly,
Or in ſoft Slumbers ſeals the wakeful Eye;
Thus arm'd, ſwift Hermes ſteers his airy way,
And ſtoops on Helleſpont's reſounding Sea.
A beauteous Youth, majeſtick and divine,
He ſeem'd, fair Offspring of ſome princely Line!
Now Twilight veil'd the glaring Face of Day,
And clad the dusky Fields in ſober Gray;
[165] What time the Herald and the hoary King
Their Chariots ſtopping, at the ſilver Spring
That circling Ilus' ancient Marble flows,
Allow'd their Mules and Steeds a ſhort Repoſe.
Thro' the dim Shade the Herald firſt eſpies
A Man's approach, and thus to Priam cries.
I mark ſome Foes Advance: O King! beware;
This hard Adventure claims thy utmoſt Care:
For much I fear, Deſtruction hovers nigh:
Our State asks Counſel; is it beſt to fly?
Or, old and helpleſs, at his Feet to fall,
(Two wretched Suppliants) and for Mercy call?
Th' afflicted Monarch ſhiver'd with Deſpair;
Pale grew his Face, and upright ſtood his Hair;
Sunk was his Heart; his Colour went and came;
A ſudden Trembling ſhook his aged Frame:
When Hermes greeting, touch'd his royal Hand,
And gentle, thus accoſts with kind Demand.
Say whither, Father! when each mortal Sight
Is ſeal'd in Sleep, thou wander'ſt thro' the Night?
Why roam thy Mules and Steeds the Plains along,
Thro' Grecian Foes, ſo num'rous and ſo ſtrong?
[166] What couldſt thou hope, ſhould theſe thy Treaſures view,
Theſe, who with endleſs Hate thy Race purſue?
For what Defence alas! couldſt thou provide?
Thy ſelf not young, a weak old Man thy Guide.
Yet ſuffer not thy Soul to ſink with Dread;
From me, no Harm ſhall touch thy rev'rend Head;
From Greece I'll guard thee too; for in thoſe Lines
The living Image of my Father ſhines.
Thy Words, that ſpeak Benevolence of Mind
Are true, my Son! (the godlike Sire rejoin'd)
Great are my Hazards; but the Gods ſurvey
My Steps, and ſend thee, Guardian of my way.
Hail, and be bleſt! For ſcarce of mortal Kind
Appears thy Form, thy Feature, and thy Mind.
Nor true are all thy Words, nor erring wide;
(The ſacred Meſſenger of Heav'n reply'd)
But ſay, convey'ſt thou thro' the lonely Plains
What yet moſt precious of thy Store remains,
To lodge in ſafety with ſome friendly Hand?
Prepar'd perchance to leave thy native Land.
Or fly'ſt thou now? What Hopes can Troy retain?
Thy matchleſs Son, her Guard and Glory, ſlain!
The King, alarm'd. Say what, and whence thou art,
Who ſearch the Sorrows of a Parent's Heart,
And know ſo well how god-like Hector dy'd?
Thus Priam ſpoke, and Hermes thus reply'd.
You tempt me, Father, and with Pity touch:
On this ſad Subject you enquire too much.
Oft have theſe Eyes that godlike Hector view'd
In glorious Fight with Grecian Blood embru'd:
I ſaw him, when like Jove, his Flames he toſt
On thouſand Ships, and wither'd half an Hoſt:
I ſaw, but help'd not: Stern Achilles' Ire
Forbad Aſſiſtance, and enjoy'd the Fire.
For him I ſerve, of Myrmidonian Race;
One Ship convey'd us from our native Place;
Polyctor is my Sire, an honour'd Name,
Old like thy ſelf, and not unknown to Fame;
Of ſev'n his Sons, by whom the Lot was caſt
To ſerve our Prince, it fell on me, the laſt.
To watch this Quarter my Adventure falls,
For with the Morn the Greeks attack your Walls;
Sleepleſs they ſit, impatient to engage,
And ſcarce their Rulers check the martial Rage.
If then thou art of ſtern Pelides' Train,
(The mournful Monarch thus rejoin'd again)
Ah tell me truly, where, oh where are laid
My Son's dear Relicks? what befalls him dead?
Have Dogs diſmember'd on the naked Plains,
Or yet unmangled reſt his cold Remains?
O favor'd of the Skies! (Thus anſwer'd then
The Pow'r that mediates between Gods and Men)
Nor Dogs nor Vultures have thy Hector rent,
But whole he lies, neglected in the Tent:
This the twelfth Evening ſince he reſted there,
Untouch'd by Worms, untainted by the Air.
Still as Aurora's ruddy Beam is ſpread,
Round his Friend's Tomb Achilles drags the Dead;
Yet undisfigur'd, or in Limb, or Face,
All freſh he lies, with ev'ry living Grace,
Majeſtical in Death! No Stains are found
O'er all the Corſe, and clos'd is ev'ry Wound,
(Tho' many a Wound they gave) Some heav'nly Care,
Some Hand divine, preſerves him ever fair:
Or all the Hoſt of Heav'n, to whom he led
A Life ſo grateful, ſtill regard him dead.
Thus ſpoke to Priam the coeleſtial Guide,
And joyful thus the royal Sire reply'd.
Bleſt is the Man who pays the Gods above
The conſtant Tribute of Reſpect and Love:
Thoſe who inhabit the Olympian Bow'r
My Son forgot not, in exalted Pow'r;
And Heav'n, that ev'ry Virtue bears in mind,
Ev'n to the Aſhes of the Juſt, is kind.
But thou, oh gen'rous Youth! this Goblet take,
A Pledge of Gratitude for Hector's ſake;
And while the fav'ring Gods our Steps ſurvey,
Safe to Pelides' Tent conduct my way.
To whom the latent God. O King forbear
To tempt my Youth, for apt is Youth to err:
But can I, abſent from my Prince's Sight,
Take Gifts in ſecret, that muſt ſhun the Light?
What from our Maſter's Int'reſt thus we draw,
Is but a licens'd Theft that 'ſcapes the Law.
Reſpecting him, my Soul abjures th' Offence;
And as the Crime I dread the Conſequence.
Thee, far as Argos, pleas'd I could convey;
Guard of thy Life, and Partner of thy Way.
[170] On thee attend, thy Safety to maintain,
O'er pathleſs Foreſts, or the roaring Main.
He ſaid, then took the Chariot at a Bound,
And ſnatch'd the Reins, and whirl'd the Laſh around:
Before th'inſpiring God that urg'd them on,
The Courſers fly with Spirit not their own.
And now they reach'd the naval Walls, and found
The Guards repaſting, while the Bowls go round;
On theſe the Virtue of his Wand he tries,
And pours deep Slumber on their watchful Eyes:
Then heav'd the maſſy Gates, remov'd the Bars,
And o'er the Trenches led the rolling Cars.
Unſeen, thro' all the hoſtile Camp they went,
And now approach'd Pelides' lofty Tent.
Of Fir the Roof was rais'd, and cover'd o'er
With Reeds collected from the marſhy Shore;
And, fenc'd with Paliſades, a Hall of State,
(The Work of Soldiers) where the Hero ſate.
Large was the Door, whoſe well-compacted Strength
A ſolid Pine-tree barr'd of wond'rous Length;
Scarce three ſtrong Greeks could lift its mighty Weight,
But great Achilles ſingly clos'd the Gate.
[171] This Hermes (ſuch the Pow'r of Gods) ſet wide;
Then ſwift alighted the coeleſtial Guide,
And thus, reveal'd—Hear Prince! and underſtand
Thou ow'ſt thy Guidance to no mortal Hand:
Hermes I am, deſcended from above,
The King of Arts, the Meſſenger of Jove.
Farewell: To ſhun Achilles' Sight I fly;
Uncommon are ſuch Favours of the Sky,
Nor ſtand confeſt to frail Mortality.
Now fearleſs enter, and prefer thy Pray'rs;
Adjure him by his Father's ſilver Hairs,
His Son, his Mother! urge him to beſtow
Whatever Pity that ſtern Heart can know.
Thus having ſaid, he vaniſh'd from his Eyes,
And in a moment ſhot into the Skies:
The King, confirm'd from Heav'n, alighted there,
And left his aged Herald on the Car.
With ſolemn Pace thro' various Rooms he went,
And found Achilles in his inner Tent:
There ſate the Hero; Alcimus the brave,
And great Automedon, Attendance gave:
[172] Theſe ſerv'd his Perſon at the royal Feaſt,
Around, at awful diſtance, ſtood the reſt.
Unſeen by theſe, the King his Entry made;
And proſtrate now before Achilles laid,
Sudden, (a venerable Sight!) appears;
Embrac'd his Knees, and bath'd his Hands in Tears;
Thoſe direful Hands his Kiſſes preſs'd, embru'd
Ev'n with the beſt, the deareſt of his Blood!
As when a Wretch, (who conſcious of his Crime
Purſu'd for Murder, flies his native Clime)
Juſt gains ſome Frontier, breathleſs, pale! amaz'd!
All gaze, all wonder: Thus Achilles gaz'd:
Thus ſtood th'Attendants ſtupid with Surprize;
All mute, yet ſeem'd to queſtion with their Eyes:
Each look'd on other, none the Silence broke,
Till thus at laſt the Kingly Suppliant ſpoke,
Ah think, thou favour'd of the Pow'rs Divine!
Think of thy Father's Age, and pity mine!
In me, that Father's rev'rend Image trace,
Thoſe ſilver Hairs, that venerable Face;
His trembling Limbs, his helpleſs Perſon, ſee!
In all my Equal, but in Miſery!
[173] Yet now perhaps, ſome Turn of human Fate
Expells him helpleſs from his peaceful State;
Think from ſome pow'rful Foe tho ſee'ſt him fly,
And beg Protection with a feeble Cry,
Yet ſtill one Comfort in his Soul may riſe;
He hears his Son ſtill lives to glad his Eyes;
And hearing ſtill may hope, a better Day
May ſend him thee to chaſe that Foe away.
No Comfort to my Griefs, no Hopes remain,
The beſt, the braveſt of my Sons are ſlain!
Yet what a Race? e'er Greece to Ilion came,
The Pledge of many a lov'd, and loving Dame;
Nineteen one Mother bore—Dead, all are dead!
How oft, alas! has wretched Priam bled?
Still One was left, their Loſs to recompenſe;
His Father's Hope, his Country's laſt Defence.
Him too thy Rage has ſlain! beneath thy Steel
Unhappy, in his Country's Cauſe he fell!
For him, thro' hoſtile Camps I bent my way,
For him thus proſtrate at thy Feet I lay;
Large Gifts, proportion'd to thy Wrath, I bear;
Oh hear the Wretched, and the Gods revere!
Think of thy Father, and this Face behold!
See him in me, as helpleſs and as old!
Tho' not ſo wretched: There he yields to me,
The Firſt of Men in ſov'reign Miſery.
Thus forc'd to kneel, thus grov'ling to embrace
The Scourage and Ruin of my Realm and Race;
Suppliant my Childrens Murd'rer to implore,
And kiſs thoſe Hands yet reeking with their Gore!
Theſe Words ſoft Pity in the Chief inſpire,
Touch'd with the dear Remembrance of his Sire.
Then with his Hand (as proſtrate ſtill he lay)
The Old Man's Cheek he gently turn'd away.
Now each by turns indulg'd the Guſh of Woe;
And now the mingled Tides together flow:
This low on Earth, that gently bending o'er,
A Father one, and one a Son, deplore:
But great Achilles diff'rent Paſſions rend,
And now his Sire he mourns, and now his Friend.
Th' infectious Softneſs thro' the Heroes ran;
One univerſal, ſolemn Show'r began;
They bore as Heroes, but they felt as Man.
Satiate at length with unavailing Woes,
From the high Throne divine Achilles roſe;
The rev'rend Monarch by the Hand he rais'd;
On his white Beard and Form majeſtick gaz'd,
Not unrelenting: Then ſerene began
With Words to ſooth the miſerable Man.
Alas! what Weight of Anguiſh haſt thou known?
Unhappy Prince! thus guardleſs and alone
To paſs thro' Foes, and thus undaunted face
The Man whoſe Fury has deſtroy'd thy Race?
Heav'n ſure has arm'd thee with a Heart of Steel,
A Strength proportion'd to the Woes you feel.
Riſe then: Let Reaſon mitigate our Care:
To mourn, avails not: Man is born to bear.
Such is, alas! the Gods ſevere Decree;
They, only they are bleſt, and only free.
Two Urns by Jove's high Throne have ever ſtood,
The Source of Evil one, and one of Good;
From thence the Cup of mortal Man he fills,
Bleſſings to theſe, to thoſe diſtributes Ills;
To moſt, he mingles both: The Wretch decreed
To taſte the bad, unmix'd, is curſt indeed;
[176] Purſu'd by Wrongs, by meagre Famine driv'n,
He wanders, Outcaſt both of Earth and Heav'n.
The Happieſt taſte not Happineſs ſincere,
But find the cordial Draught is daſh'd with Care.
Who more than Peleus ſhone in Wealth and Pow'r?
What Stars concurring bleſt his natal Hour?
A Realm, a Goddeſs, to his Wiſhes giv'n,
Grac'd by the Gods with all the Gifts of Heav'n!
One Evil yet o'ertakes his lateſt Day,
No Race ſucceeding to imperial Sway:
One only Son! and he (alas!) ordain'd
To fall untimely in a foreign Land!
See him, in Troy, the pious Care decline
Of his weak Age, to live the Curſe of thine!
Thou too, Old Man, haſt happier Days beheld;
In Riches once, in Children once excell'd;
Extended Phrygia own'd thy ample Reign,
And all fair Lesbos' bliſsful Seats contain,
And all wide Helleſpont's unmeaſur'd Main.
But ſince the God his Hand has pleas'd to turn,
And fill thy Meaſure from his bitter Urn,
[177] What ſees the Sun, but hapleſs Heroes Falls?
War, and the Blood of Men, ſurround thy Walls!
What muſt be, muſt be. Bear thy Lot, nor ſhed
Theſe unavailing Sorrows o'er the Dead;
Thou can'ſt not call him from the Stygian Shore,
But thou alas! may'ſt live, to ſuffer more!
To whom the King. Oh favour'd of the Skies!
Here let me grow to Earth! ſince Hector lies
On the bare Beach, depriv'd of Obſequies.
Oh give me Hector! to my Eyes reſtore
His Corſe, and take the Gifts: I ask no more.
Thou, as thou may'ſt, theſe boundleſs Stores enjoy;
Safe may'ſt thou ſail, and turn thy Wrath from Troy;
So ſhall thy Pity and Forbearance give
A weak old Man to ſee the Light and live!
Move me no more (Achilles thus replies
While kindling Anger ſparkled in his Eyes)
Nor ſeek by Tears my ſteady Soul to bend;
To yield thy Hector I my ſelf intend:
For know, from Jove my Goddeſs-Mother came,
(Old Ocean's Daughter, ſilver-footed Dame)
[178] Nor com'ſt thou but by Heav'n; nor com'ſt alone,
Some God impells with Courage not thy own:
No human Hand the weighty Gates unbarr'd,
Nor could the boldeſt of our Youth have dar'd
To paſs our Outworks, or elude the Guard.
Ceaſe; leſt neglectful of high Jove's Command
I ſhow thee, King! thou tread'ſt on hoſtile Land;
Releaſe my Knees, thy ſuppliant Arts give o'er,
And ſhake the Purpoſe of my Soul no more.
The Sire obey'd him, trembling and o'er-aw'd.
Achilles, like a Lion, ruſh'd abroad:
Automedon and Alcimus attend,
Whom moſt he honour'd, ſince he loſt his Friend;
Theſe to unyoke the Mules and Horſes went,
And led the hoary Herald to the Tent;
Next heap'd on high the num'rous Preſents bear
(Great Hector's Ranſome) from the poliſh'd Car.
Two ſplendid Mantles, and a Carpet ſpread,
They leave; to cover, and inwrap the Dead.
Then call the Handmaids with aſſiſtant Toil
To waſh the Body, and anoint with Oil;
[179] Apart from Priam, leſt th' unhappy Sire
Provok'd to Paſſion, once more rouze to Ire
The ſtern Pelides; and nor ſacred Age
Nor Jove's Command, ſhould check the riſing Rage.
This done, the Garments o'er the Corſe they ſpread;
Achilles lifts it to the fun'ral Bed:
Then, while the Body on the Car they laid,
He groans, and calls on lov'd Patroclus' Shade.
If, in that Gloom which never Light muſt know,
The Deeds of Mortals touch the Ghoſts below;
O Friend! forgive me, that I thus fulfill
(Reſtoring Hector) Heav'ns unqueſtion'd Will.
The Gifts the Father gave, be ever thine,
To grace thy Manes, and adorn thy Shrine.
He ſaid, and entring, took his Seat of State,
Where full before him rev'rend Priam ſate:
To whom, compos'd, the god-like Chief begun.
Lo! to thy Pray'r reſtor'd, thy breathleſs Son:
Extended on the Fun'ral Couch he lies;
And ſoon as Morning paints the Eaſtern Skies,
The Sight is granted to thy longing Eyes.
[180] But now the peaceful Hours of ſacred Night
Demand Refection, and to Reſt invite:
Nor thou O Father! thus conſum'd with Woe,
The common Cares that nouriſh Life, foregoe.
Not thus did Niobe, of Form divine,
A Parent once, whoſe Sorrows equal'd thine:
Six youthful Sons, as many blooming Maids
In one ſad Day beheld the Stygian Shades;
Theſe by Apollo's ſilver Bow were ſlain,
Thoſe, Cynthia's Arrows ſtretch'd upon the Plain.
So was her Pride chaſtiz'd by Wrath divine,
Who match'd her own with bright Latona's Line;
But two the Goddeſs, twelve the Queen enjoy'd;
Thoſe boaſted twelve th'avenging two deſtroy'd.
Steep'd in their Blood, and in the Duſt outſpread,
Nine Days neglected lay expos'd the Dead;
None by to weep them, to inhume them none;
(For Jove had turn'd the Nation all to Stone:)
The Gods themſelves at length relenting, gave
Th'unhappy Race the Honours of a Grave.
Her ſelf a Rock, (for ſuch was Heav'ns high Will)
Thro' Deſarts wild now pours a weeping Rill;
[181] Where round the Bed whence Acheloüs ſprings
The wat'ry Fairies dance in mazy Rings,
There high on Sipylus his ſhaggy Brow,
She ſtands her own ſad Monument of Woe;
The Rock for ever laſts, the Tears for ever flow!
Such Griefs, O King! have other Parents known;
Remember theirs, and mitigate thy own.
The Care of Heav'n thy Hector has appear'd,
Nor ſhall he lye unwept, and uninterr'd;
Soon may thy aged Cheeks in Tears be drown'd,
And all the Eyes of Ilion ſtream around.
He ſaid, and riſing, choſe the Victim Ewe
With ſilver Fleece, which his Attendants ſlew.
The Limbs they ſever from the reeking Hyde,
With Skill prepare them, and in Parts divide:
Each on the Coals the ſep'rate Morſels lays,
And haſty, ſnatches from the riſing Blaze.
With Bread the glitt'ring Caniſters they load,
Which round the Board Automedon beſtow'd:
The Chief himſelf to each his Portion plac'd,
And each indulging ſhar'd in ſweet Repaſt.
[182] When now the Rage of Hunger was repreſt,
The wond'ring Hero eyes his royal Gueſt;
No leſs the royal Gueſt the Hero eyes,
His god-like Aſpect and majeſtick Size;
Here, youthful Grace and noble Fire engage,
And there, the mild Benevolence of Age.
Thus gazing long, the Silence neither broke,
(A ſolemn Scene!) at length the Father ſpoke.
Permit me now, belov'd of Jove! to ſteep
My careful Temples in the Dew of Sleep:
For ſince the Day that numbred with the Dead
My hapleſs Son, the Duſt has been my Bed,
Soft Sleep a Stranger to my weeping Eyes,
My only Food my Sorrows and my Sighs!
Till now, encourag'd by the Grace you give,
I ſhare thy Banquet, and conſent to live.
With that, Achilles bad prepare the Bed,
With Purple ſoft, and ſhaggy Carpets ſpread;
Forth, by the flaming Lights, they bend their way,
And place the Couches, and the Cov'rings lay.
Then he: Now Father ſleep, but ſleep not here,
Conſult thy Safety, and forgive my Fear,
[183] Leſt any Argive, (at this Hour awake,
To ask our Counſel or our Orders take,)
Approaching ſudden to our open'd Tent,
Perchance behold thee, and our Grace prevent.
Should ſuch report thy honour'd Perſon here,
The King of Men the Ranſom might defer.
But ſay with ſpeed, if ought of thy Deſire
Remains unask'd; what Time the Rites require
T' inter thy Hector? For, ſo long we ſtay
Our ſlaught'ring Arm, and bid the Hoſts obey.
If then thy Will permit (the Monarch ſaid)
To finiſh all due Honours to the Dead,
This, of thy Grace, accord: To thee are known
The Fears of Ilion, clos'd within her Town,
And at what diſtance from our Walls aſpire
The Hills of Ide, and Foreſts for the Fire.
Nine Days to vent our Sorrows I requeſt,
The tenth ſhall ſee the Fun'ral and the Feaſt;
The next, to raiſe his Monument be giv'n;
The twelfth we war, if War be doom'd by Heav'n!
This thy Requeſt (reply'd the Chief) enjoy:
Till then, our Arms ſuſpend the Fall of Troy.
Then gave his Hand at parting, to prevent
The Old Man's Fears, and turn'd within the Tent;
Where fair Briſeis bright in blooming Charms
Expects her Hero with deſiring Arms.
But in the Porch the King and Herald reſt,
Sad Dreams of Care yet wand'ring in their Breaſt.
Now Gods and Men the Gifts of Sleep partake;
Induſtrious Hermes only was awake,
The King's Return revolving in his Mind,
To paſs the Ramparts, and the Watch to blind.
The Pow'r deſcending hover'd o'er his Head:
And ſleep'ſt thou Father! (thus the Viſion ſaid)
Now doſt thou ſleep, when Hector is reſtor'd?
Nor fear the Grecian Foes, nor Grecian Lord?
Thy Preſence here ſhou'd ſtern Atrides ſee,
Thy ſtill-ſurviving Sons may ſue for thee,
May offer all thy Treaſures yet contain,
To ſpare thy Age; and offer all in vain!
Wak'd with the Word, the trembling Sire aroſe,
And rais'd his Friend: The God before him goes,
He joins the Mules, directs them with his Hand,
And moves in Silence thro' the hoſtile Land.
[185] When now to Xanthus' yellow Stream they drove,
(Xanthus, immortal Progeny of Jove)
The winged Deity forſook their View,
And in a Moment to Olympus flew.
Now ſhed Aurora round her Saffron Ray,
Sprung thro' the Gates of Light, and gave the Day:
Charg'd with their mournful Load, to Ilion goe
The Sage and King, majeſtically ſlow.
Caſſandra firſt beholds, from Ilion's Spire,
The ſad Proceſſion of her hoary Sire,
Then, as the penſive Pomp advanc'd more near,
Her breathleſs Brother ſtretch'd upon the Bier:
A Show'r of Tears o'erflows her beauteous Eyes,
Alarming thus all Ilion with her Cries.
Turn here your ſteps, and here your eyes employ,
Ye wretched Daughters, and ye Sons of Troy!
If e'er ye ruſh'd in Crowds, with vaſt Delight
To hail your Hero glorious from the Fight;
Now meet him dead, and let your Sorrows flow!
Your common Triumph, and your common Woe
In thronging Crowds they iſſue to the Plains,
Nor Man, nor Woman, in the Walls remains.
[186] In ev'ry Face the ſelf-ſame Grief is ſhown,
And Troy ſends forth one univerſal Groan.
At Scaea's Gates they meet the mourning Wain,
Hang on the Wheels, and grovel round the Slain.
The Wife and Mother, frantic with Deſpair,
Kiſs his pale Cheek, and rend their ſcatter'd Hair:
Thus wildly wailing, at the Gates they lay;
And there had ſigh'd and ſorrow'd out the Day;
But god-like Priam from the Chariot roſe:
Forbear (he cry'd) this Violence of Woes,
Firſt to the Palace let the Car proceed,
Then pour your boundleſs Sorrows o'er the Dead.
The Waves of People at his Word divide,
Slow rolls the Chariot thro' the following Tide;
Ev'n to the Palace the ſad Pomp they wait:
They weep, and place him on the Bed of State.
A melancholy Choir attend around,
With plaintive Sighs, and Muſick's ſolemn Sound:
Alternately they ſing, alternate flow
Th' obedient Tears, melodious in their Woe.
While deeper Sorrows groan from each full Heart,
And Nature ſpeaks at ev'ry Pauſe of Art.
Firſt to the Corſe the weeping Conſort flew;
Around his Neck her milk-white Arms ſhe threw,
And oh my Hector! oh my Lord! ſhe cries,
Snatch'd in thy Bloom from theſe deſiring Eyes!
Thou to the diſmal Realms for ever gone!
And I abandon'd, deſolate, alone!
An only Son, once Comfort of our Pains,
Sad Product now of hapleſs Love, remains!
Never to manly Age that Son ſhall riſe,
Or with increaſing Graces glad my Eyes:
For Ilion now (her great Defender ſlain)
Shall ſink, a ſmoaking Ruin on the Plain.
Who now protects her Wives with guardian Care?
Who ſaves her Infants from the Rage of War?
Now hoſtile Fleets muſt waft thoſe Infants o'er,
(Thoſe Wives muſt wait 'em) to a foreign Shore!
Thou too my Son! to barb'rous Climes ſhalt goe,
The ſad Companion of thy Mother's Woe;
Driv'n hence a Slave before the Victor's Sword;
Condemn'd to toil for ſome inhuman Lord.
Or elſe ſome Greek whoſe Father preſt the Plain,
Or Son, or Brother, by great Hector ſlain;
[188] In Hector's Blood his Vengeance ſhall enjoy,
And hurl thee headlong from the Tow'rs of Troy.
For thy ſtern Father never ſpar'd a Foe:
Thence all theſe Tears, and all this Scene of Woe!
Thence, many Evils his ſad Parents bore,
His Parents many, but his Conſort more.
Why gav'ſt thou not to me thy dying Hand?
And why receiv'd not I thy laſt Command?
Some Word thou would'ſt have ſpoke, which ſadly dear,
My Soul might keep, or utter with a Tear;
Which never, never could be loſt in Air,
Fix'd in my Heart, and oft repeated there!
Thus to her weeping Maids ſhe makes her Moan;
Her weeping Handmaids echo Groan for Groan.
The mournful Mother next ſuſtains her Part.
Oh thou, the beſt, the deareſt to my Heart!
Of all my Race thou moſt by Heav'n approv'd,
And by th'Immortals ev'n in Death belov'd!
While all my other Sons in barb'rous Bands
Achilles bound, and ſold to foreign Lands,
This felt no Chains, but went a glorious Ghoſt
Free, and a Hero, to the Stygian Coaſt.
[189] Sentenc'd, 'tis true, by his inhuman Doom,
Thy noble Corſe was dragg'd around the Tomb,
(The Tomb of him thy warlike Arm had ſlain)
Ungen'rous Inſult, impotent and vain!
Yet glow'ſt thou freſh with ev'ry living Grace,
No mark of Pain, or Violence of Face;
Roſy and fair! as Phoebus' ſilver Bow
Diſmiſs'd thee gently to the Shades below.
Thus ſpoke the Dame, and melted into Tears.
Sad Helen next in Pomp of Grief appears:
Faſt from the ſhining Sluices of her Eyes
Fall the round cryſtal Drops, while thus ſhe cries.
Ah deareſt Friend! in whom the Gods had join'd
The mildeſt Manners with the braveſt Mind!
Now twice ten Years (unhappy Years) are o'er
Since Paris brought me to the Trojan Shore;
(Oh had I periſh'd, e'er that Form divine
Seduc'd this ſoft, this eaſy Heart of mine!)
Yet was it ne'er my Fate, from thee to find
A Deed ungentle, or a Word unkind:
When others curſt the Auth'reſs of their Woe,
Thy Pity check'd my Sorrows in their Flow:
[190] If ſome proud Brother ey'd me with Diſdain,
Or ſcornful Siſter with her ſweeping Train,
Thy gentle Accents ſoften'd all my Pain.
For thee I mourn; and mourn my ſelf in thee,
The wretched Source of all this Miſery!
The Fate I caus'd, for ever I bemoan;
Sad Helen has no Friend now thou art gone!
Thro' Troy's wide Streets abandon'd ſhall I roam,
In Troy deſerted, as abhorr'd at Home!
So ſpoke the Fair, with Sorrow-ſtreaming Eye:
Diſtreſsful Beauty melts each Stander-by;
On all around th'infectious Sorrow grows;
But Priam check'd the Torrent as it roſe.
Perform, ye Trojans! what the Rites require,
And fell the Foreſts for a fun'ral Pyre;
Twelve Days, nor Foes, nor ſecret Ambuſh dread;
Achilles grants theſe Honours to the Dead.
He ſpoke; and at his Word, the Trojan Train
Their Mules and Oxen harneſs to the Wain,
Pour thro' the Gates, and, fell'd from Ida's Crown,
Roll back the gather'd Foreſts to the Town.
[191] Theſe Toils continue nine ſucceeding Days,
And high in Air a Sylvan Structure raiſe.
But when the tenth fair Morn began to ſhine,
Forth to the Pile was born the Man divine,
And plac'd aloft: while all, with ſtreaming Eyes,
Beheld the Flames and rolling Smokes ariſe.
Soon as Aurora, Daughter of the Dawn,
With roſy Luſtre ſtreak'd the dewy Lawn;
Again the mournful Crowds ſurround the Pyre,
And quench with Wine the yet remaining Fire.
The ſnowy Bones his Friends and Brothers place
(With Tears collected) in a golden Vaſe;
The golden Vaſe in purple Palls they roll'd,
Of ſofteſt Texture, and inwrought with Gold;
Laſt o'er the Urn the ſacred Earth they ſpread,
And rais'd the Tomb, Memorial of the Dead.
(Strong Guards and Spies, till all the Rites were done,
Watch'd from the riſing to the ſetting Sun)
All Troy then moves to Priam's Court again,
A ſolemn, ſilent, melancholy Train.
[192] Aſſembled there, from pious Toil they reſt,
And ſadly ſhar'd the laſt Sepulcral Feaſt.
Such Honours Ilion to her Hero paid,
And peaceful ſlept the mighty Hector's Shade.
The End of the ILIAD.




‘VERSE 14. What Seas they meaſur'd, &c.]’ There is ſomething very noble in theſe Sentiments of Achilles: He does not recollect any ſoft Moments, any Tenderneſſes that had paſs'd between him and Patroclus, but he revolves the many Difficulties, the Toils by Land, and the Dangers by Sea, in which they had been Companions: Thus the Poet on all Occaſions admirably ſuſtains the Character of Achilles; when he play'd upon the Harp in the ninth Book, he ſung the Atchievements of Kings; and in this place there is an air of Greatneſs in his very Sorrows: Achilles is as much a Hero when he weeps, as when he fights.

This Paſſage in Homer has not eſcap'd the Cenſure of Plato, who thought it a Diminution to his Character to be [196] thus tranſported with Grief; but the Objection will vaniſh if we remember that all the Paſſions of Achilles are in the extreme; his Nature is violent, and it would have been an Outrage to his general Character to have repreſented him as mourning moderately for his Friend. Plato ſpoke more like a Philoſopher than a Critick when he blamed the Behaviour of Achilles as unmanly: Theſe Tears would have ill-become Plato, but they are graceful in Achilles.

Beſides there is ſomething very inſtructive in this whole Repreſentation, it ſhews us the Power of a ſincere Friendſhip, and ſoftens and recommends the Character of Achilles; the Violence he us'd towards his Enemy is alleviated by the Sincerity he expreſſes towards his Friend; he is a terrible Enemy, but an amiable Friend.


‘VERSE 30. For Phoebus watch'd it, &c.]’ Euſtathius ſays, that by this Shield of Apollo are meant the Clouds that are drawn up by the Beams of the Sun, which cooling and qualifying the Sultrineſs of the Air, preſerved the Body from Decay: But perhaps the Poet had ſomething farther in his Eye when he introduc'd Apollo upon this Occaſion: Apollo is a Phyſician and the God of Medicaments; if therefore Achilles uſed any Arts to preſerve Hector from Decay that he might be able the longer to inſult his Remains, Apollo may properly be ſaid to protect it with his Aegis.


‘VERSE 36. But Neptune this, and Pallas this denies.]’ It is with excellent Art that the Poet carries on this part of his Poem, he ſhews that he could have contriv'd another way to recover the Body of Hector, but as a God is never to [197] be introduc'd but when human Means fail, he rejects the Interpoſition of Mercury, makes uſe of ordinary Methods, and Priam redeems his Son: This gives an Air of Probability to the Relation, at the ſame time that it advances the Glory of Achilles; for the greateſt of his Enemies labours to purchaſe his Favour, the Gods hold a Conſultation, and a King becomes his Suppliant. Eustathius.

Thoſe ſeven Lines, from [...] to [...], have been thought ſpurious by ſome of the Ancients: They judg'd it an Indecency that the Goddeſs of Wiſdom and Achilles ſhould be equally inexorable; and that it was below the Majeſty of the Gods to be ſaid at all to ſteal. Beſides, ſay they, had Homer been acquainted with the Judgment of Paris, he would undoubtedly have mention'd it before this time in his Poem, and conſequently that Story was of a later Invention: And Aristarchus affirms that [...] is a more modern Word, and never known before the Time of Heſiod, who uſes it when he ſpeaks of the Daughters of Praetus; and adds, that it is appropriated to ſignify the Incontinence of Women, and cannot be at all apply'd to Men: Therefore others read the laſt Verſe,


Theſe Objections are entirely gather'd from Eustathius; to which we may add, that Macrobius ſeems to have been one of thoſe who rejected theſe Verſes, ſince he affirms that our Author never mentions the Judgment of Paris. It may be anſwer'd, that the Silence of Homer in the foregoing part of the Poem, as to the Judgment of Paris, is no Argument that he was ignorant of that Story: Perhaps he might think it moſt proper to unfold the Cauſe of the Deſtruction of Troy in the Concluſion of the Ilias; that the Reader ſeeing the Wrong done, and the Puniſhment of that Wrong immediately following, might acknowledge the Juſtice of it.

The ſame Reaſon will be an anſwer to the Objection relating to the Anger of Pallas: Wiſdom cannot be ſatisfy'd without Juſtice, and conſequently Pallas ought not to ceaſe from Reſentment, till Troy has ſuffer'd the Deſerts of her Crimes.

[198] I cannot think that the Objection about the Word [...] is of any Weight; the Date of Words is utterly uncertain, and as no one has been able to determine the Ages of Homer, and Heſiod, ſo neither can any Perſon be aſſured that ſuch Words were not in uſe in Homer's Days.


‘VERSE 52. A Lion, not a Man, &c.]’ This is a very formal Condemnation of the Morals of Achilles, which Homer puts into the Mouth of a God. One may ſee from this alone that he was far from deſigning his Hero a virtuous Character, yet the Poet artfully introduces Apollo in the midſt of his Reproaches, intermingling the Hero's Praiſes with his Blemiſhes: Brave tho' he be, &c. Thus what is the real Merit of Achilles is diſtinguiſh'd from what is blameable in his Character, and we ſee Apollo, or the God of Wiſdom, is no leſs impartial than juſt in his Repreſentation of Achilles.


‘VERSE 114. And wept her god like Son's approaching Doom.]’ Theſe words are very artfully inſerted by the Poet. The Poem could not proceed to the Death of Achilles without breaking the Action; and therefore to ſatisfy the Curioſity of the Reader concerning the Fate of this great Man, he takes care to inform us that his Life draws to a Period, and as it were celebrates his Funeral before his Death.

Such Circumſtances as theſe greatly raiſe the Character of Achilles; he is ſo truly valiant, that tho' he knows he muſt fall before Troy, yet he does not abſtain from the War, but couragiouſly meets his Death: And here I think it proper to inſert an Obſervation that ought to have been made before, which is, that Achilles did not know that Hector was to fall by his Hand; if he had known it, where would have been the mighty Courage in engaging him in a ſingle Combat, in which he was ſure to conquer? The contrary [199] of this is evident from the Words of Achilles to Hector juſt before the Combat,

[...], &c.—

I will make no Compacts with thee, ſays Achilles, but one of us ſhall fall.


‘VERSE 141. Nine Days are past ſince all the Court above, &c.]’ It may be thought that ſo many Interpoſitions of the Gods, ſuch Meſſages from Heaven to Earth, and down to the Seas, are needleſs Machines; and it may be imagin'd that it is an Offence againſt Probability that ſo many Deities ſhould be employ'd to pacify Achilles: But I am of Opinion that the Poet conducts this whole Affair with admirable Judgment. The Poem is now almoſt at the Concluſion, and Achilles is to paſs from a State of an almoſt inexorable Reſentment to a State of perfect Tranquillity; ſuch a Change could not be brought about by human Means; Achilles is too ſtubborn to obey any thing leſs than a God: This is evident from his rejecting the Perſuaſion of the whole Grecian Army to return to the Battle: So that it appears that this Machinery was neceſſary, and conſequently a Beauty to the Poem.

It may be farther added, that theſe ſeveral Incidents proceed from Jupiter: It is by his Appointment that ſo many Gods are employ'd to attend Achilles. By theſe means Jupiter fulfills the Promiſe mention'd in the firſt Book, of honouring the Son of Thetis, and the Poet excellently ſuſtains his Character by repreſenting the inexorable Achilles as not parting with the Body of his mortal Enemy, but by the immediate Command of Jupiter.

If the Poet had conducted theſe Incidents merely by human Means, or ſuppos'd Achilles to reſtore the Body of Hector entirely out of Compaſſion, the Draught had been unnatural, becauſe unlike Achilles: Such a Violence of Temper was not to be pacify'd by ordinary Methods. Beſides, the Poet has [200] made uſe of the propereſt Perſonages to carry on the Affair; for who could be ſuppos'd to have ſo great an Influence upon Achilles as his own Mother, who is a Goddeſs?


‘VERSE 164. And thy Heart waſte with life-conſuming Woe.]’ This Expreſſion in the Original is very particular. Were it to be tranſlated literally it muſt be render'd, how long wilt thou eat, or prey upon thy own Heart by theſe Sorrows? And it ſeems that it was a common way of expreſſing a deep Sorrow; and Pythagoras uſes it in this Senſe, [...], that is, grieve not exceſſively, let not ſorrow make too great an Impreſſion upon thy Heart. Euſtathius.


‘VERSE 168.—Indulge the am'rous Hour!]’ The Ancients (ſays Euſtathius) rejected theſe Verſes becauſe of the indecent Idea they convey: The Goddeſs in plain Terms adviſes Achilles to go to Bed to his Miſtreſs, and tells him a Woman will be a Comfort. The good Biſhop is of Opinion, that they ought to be rejected, but the Reaſon he gives is as extraordinary as that of Thetis: Soldiers, ſays he, have more occaſion for ſomething to ſtrengthen themſelves with, than for Women: And this is the Reaſon, continues he, why Wreſtlers are forbid all Commerce with that Sex during the whole Time of their Exerciſe.

Dionyſius of Halicarnaſſus endeavours to juſtify Homer by obſerving, that this Advice of Thetis was not given him to induce him to any Wantonneſs, but was intended to indulge a nobler Paſſion, his Deſire of Glory: She adviſes him to go to that Captive who was reſtor'd to him in a publick manner, to ſatisfy his Honour: To that Captive, the Detention of whom had been ſo great a Puniſhment to the whole Grecian Army: And therefore Thetis uſes a very proper Motive to comfort her Son, by adviſing him to gratify at once both his Love and his Glory.

[201] Plutarch has likewiſe labour'd in Homer's Juſtification; he obſerves that the Poet has ſet the Picture of Achilles in this place in a very fair and ſtrong point of Light: Tho' Achilles had ſo lately receiv'd his belov'd Briſeïs from the Hands of Agamemnon; tho' he knew that his own Life drew to a ſudden Period, yet the Hero prevails over the Lover, and he does not haſte to indulge his Love: He does not lament Patroclus like a common Man by neglecting the Duties of Life, but he abſtains from all Pleaſures by an Exceſs of Sorrow, and the Love of his Miſtreſs is loſt in that of his Friend.

This Obſervation excellently juſtifies Achilles, in not indulging himſelf with the Company of his Miſtreſs: The Hero prevails ſo much over the Lover, that Thetis thinks her ſelf oblig'd to recall Briſeïs to his Memory. Yet ſtill the Indecency remains. All that can be ſaid in favour of Thetis is, that ſhe was Mother to Achilles, and conſequently might take the greater Freedom with her Son.

Madam Dacier diſapproves of both the former Obſervations: She has recourſe to the Lawfulneſs of ſuch a Practice between Achilles and Briſeïs; and becauſe ſuch Commerces in thoſe times were reputed honeſt, therefore ſhe thinks the Advice was decent: The married Ladies are oblig'd to her for this Obſervation, and I hope all tender Mothers, when their Sons are afflicted, will adviſe them to comfort themſelves in this manner.

In ſhort, I am of Opinion that this Paſſage outrages Decency; and 'tis a ſign of ſome Weakneſs to have ſo much occaſion of Juſtification. Indeed the whole Paſſage is capable of a ſerious Conſtruction, and of ſuch a Senſe as a Mother might expreſs to a Son with Decency: And then it will run thus; ‘"Why art thou, my Son, thus afflicted? Why thus reſign'd to Sorrow? Can neither Sleep nor Love divert you? Short is thy Date of Life, ſpend it not all in weeping, but allow ſome part of it to Love and Pleaſure!"’ But ſtill the Indecency lies in the manner of the Expreſſion, which muſt be allow'd to be almoſt obſcene, (for ſuch is the Word [...] miſceri) all that can be ſaid in Defence of it is, that as we are not competent Judges of what Ideas Words might carry in Homer's Time, ſo we ought not entirely to condemn [202] him, becauſe it is poſſible the Expreſſion might not ſound ſo indecently in ancient as in modern Ears.


‘VERSE 189. Him Hermes to Achilles ſhall convey.]’ The Intervention of Mercury was very neceſſary at this Time, and by it the Poet not only gives an Air of Probability to the Relation, but alſo pays a Complement to his Countreymen the Grecians: They kept ſo ſtrict a Guard that nothing but a God could paſs unobſerv'd, and this highly recommends their military Diſcipline; and Priam not being able to carry the Ranſom without a Chariot, it would have been an Offence againſt Probability, to have ſuppos'd him able to have paſs'd all the Guards of the Army in his Chariot, without the Aſſiſtance of ſome Deity: Horace had this Paſſage in his view, Ode the 10th of the firſt Book.‘Iniqua Trojae caſtra fefellit.’


VERSE 191.
—Achilles ſelf ſhall ſpare
His Age, nor touch one venerable Hair, &c.]

It is obſervable that every Word here is a Negative, [...], [...], [...]; Achilles is ſtill ſo angry that Jupiter cannot ſay he is wiſe, judicious, and merciful; he only commends him negatively, and barely ſays he is not a Madman, nor perverſely wicked.

It is the Obſervation of the Ancients, ſays Euſtathius, that all the Cauſes of the Sins of Man are included in thoſe three Words: Man offends either out of Ignorance, and then he is [...], or thro' Inadvertency, then he is [...], or wilfully and maliciouſly, and then he is [...]. So that this Deſcription agrees very well with the preſent Diſpoſition of Achilles; he is not [...], becauſe his Reſentment begins to abate; he is not [...], becauſe his Mother has given him Inſtructions, nor [...], becauſe he will not offend againſt the Injunctions of Jupiter.



‘VERSE 195. The winged Iris flies, &c.]’ Monſ. Rapin has been very free upon this Paſſage, where ſo many Machines are made uſe of to cauſe Priam to obtain the Body of Hector from Achilles. ‘"This Father (ſays he) who has ſo much Tenderneſs for his Son, who is ſo ſuperſtitious in obſerving the funeral Ceremonies, and ſaving thoſe precious Remains from the Dogs and Vultures; ought not he to have thought of doing this himſelf, without being thus expreſſly commanded by the Gods? Was there need of a Machine to make him remember that he was a Father?"’ But this Critick entirely forgets what render'd ſuch a Conduct of abſolute Neceſſity; namely, the extreme Danger and (in all Probability) imminent Ruin both of the King and State, upon Priam's putting himſelf into the Power of his moſt inveterate Enemy. There was no other Method of recovering Hector, and of diſcharging his funeral Rites (which were look'd upon by the Ancients of ſo high Importance) and therefore the Meſſage from Jupiter to encourage Priam, with the Aſſiſtance of Mercury to conduct him, and to prepare Achilles to receive him with Favour, was far from impertinent: It was Dignus vindice nodus, as Horace expreſſes it.


‘VERSE 200. His Face his wrapt Attire conceal'd from Sight.]’ The Poet has obſerv'd a great Decency in this place, he was not able to expreſs the Grief of this royal Mourner, and ſo covers what he could not repreſent. From this Paſſage Semanthes the Sicyonian Painter borrow'd his Deſign in the Sacrifice of Iphigenia, and repreſents his Agamemnon, as Homer does his Priam: Aeſchylus has likewiſe imitated this Place, and draws his Niobe exactly after the manner of Homer. Euſtathius.


VERSE 265.
He pour'd his lateſt Blood in manly Fight,
And fell a Hero—]

This whole Diſcourſe of Hecuba is exceedingly natural, ſhe aggravates the Features of Achilles, and ſoftens thoſe of Hector: Her Anger blinds her ſo much that ſhe can ſee nothing great in Achilles, and her Fondneſs ſo much, that ſhe can diſcern no Defects in Hector: Thus ſhe draws Achilles in the fierceſt Colours, like a Barbarian, and calls him [...]: But at the ſame time forgets that Hector ever fled from Achilles, and in the Original directly tells us that he knew not how to fear, or how to fly. Euſtathius.


‘VERSE 291. Lo, the ſad Father, &c.]’ This Behaviour of Priam is very natural to a Perſon in his Circumſtances: The Loſs of his favourite Son makes ſo deep an Impreſſion upon his Spirits, that he is incapable of Conſolation; he is diſpleaſed with every body; he is angry he knows not why; the Diſorder and Hurry of his Spirits make him break out into paſſionate Expreſſions, and thoſe Expreſſions are contain'd in ſhort Periods, very natural to Men in Anger, who give not themſelves Leiſure to expreſs their Sentiments at full length: It is from the ſame Paſſion that Priam, in the ſecond Speech, treats all his Sons with the utmoſt Indignity, calls 'em Gluttons, Dancers, and Flatterers. Euſtathius very juſtly remarks, that he had Paris particularly in his Eye; but his Anger makes him transfer that Character to the reſt of his Children, not being calm enough to make a Diſtinction between the Innocent and Guilty.

That Paſſage where he runs out into the Praiſes of Hector, is particularly natural: His Concern and Fondneſs makes him as extravagant in the Commendation of him, as in the Diſparagement of his other Sons: They are leſs than Mortals, he more than Man. Rapin has cenſur'd this Anger of [205] Priam as a Breach of the Manners, and ſays he might have ſhewn himſelf a Father, otherwiſe than by this Uſage of his Children. But whoever conſiders his Circumſtances will judge after another manner. Priam, after having been the moſt wealthy, moſt powerful and formidable Monarch of Aſia, becomes all at once the moſt miſerable of Men; He loſes in leſs than eight Days the beſt of his Army, and a great Number of virtuous Sons; he loſes the braveſt of 'em all, his Glory and his Defence, the gallant Hector. This laſt Blow ſinks him quite, and changes him ſo much, that he is no longer the ſame: He becomes impatient, frantick, unreaſonable! The terrible Effect of ill Fortune! Whoever has the leaſt Inſight into Nature, muſt admire ſo fine a Picture of the Force of Adverſity on an unhappy old Man.


‘VERSE 313. Deiphobus and Dius.]’ It has been a Diſpute whether [...] or [...], in ℣. 251. was a proper Name, but Pherecydes (ſays Euſtathius) determines it, and aſſures us that Dios was a ſpurious Son of Priam.


‘VERSE 342. The ſad Attendants load the groaning Wain.]’ It is neceſſary to obſerve to the Reader, to avoid Confuſion, that two Cars are here prepared; the one drawn by Mules, to carry the Preſents, and to bring back the Body of Hector; the other drawn by Horſes, in which the Herald and Priam rode. Euſtathius.


‘VERSE 377. Oh firſt, and greateſt! &c.]’ Euſtathius obſerves, that there is not one Inſtance in the whole Ilias of any Prayer that was juſtly prefer'd, that fail'd of Succeſs. This Procedure of Homer's is very judicious, and anſwers exactly [206] to the true end of Poetry, which is to pleaſe and inſtruct. Thus Priam prays that Achilles may ceaſe his Wrath, and compaſſionate his Miſeries; and Jupiter grants his Requeſt: The unfortunate King obtains Compaſſion, and in his moſt inveterate Enemy finds a Friend.


‘VERSE 416. The Deſcription of Mercury.]’ A Man muſt have no Taſte for Poetry that does not admire this ſublime Deſcription: Virgil has tranſlated it almoſt verbatim in the 4th Book of the Aeneis, ℣. 240.

—Ille patris magni parere parabat
Imperio, & primùm pedibus talaria nectit
Aurea, quae ſublimem alis, ſive aequora ſupra,
Seu terram rapido pariter cum flamine portant.
Tum virgam capit, hâc animas ille evocat orco
Pallentes, alias ſub triſtia tartara mittit;
Dat ſomnos, adimitque, & lumina morte reſignat.

It is hard to determine which is more excellent, the Copy, or the Original: Mercury appears in both Pictures with equal Majeſty; and the Roman Dreſs becomes him, as well as the Grecian. Virgil has added the latter part of the fifth, and the whole ſixth Line to Homer, which makes it ſtill more full and majeſtical.

Give me leave to produce a Paſſage out of Milton, of near Affinity with the Lines above, which is not inferior to Homer or Virgil: It is the Deſcription of the Deſcent of an Angel,

—Down thither, prone in Flight
He ſpeeds, and thro' the vaſt Aethereal Sky
Sails between Worlds and Worlds; with ſteady Wing
Now on the polar Winds: Then with quick Force
Winnows the buxom Air—
Of beaming ſunny Rays a golden Tiar
Circled his Head; nor leſs his Locks behind
Illuſtrious, on his Shoulders fledg'd with Wings,
Lay waving round.—&c.



‘VERSE 427. Now Twilight veil'd the glaring Face of Day.]’ The Poet by ſuch Intimations as theſe recalls to our Minds the exact Time which Priam takes up in this Journey to Achilles: He ſet out in the Evening; and by the time that he reach'd the Tomb of Ilus, it was grown ſomewhat dark, which ſhews that this Tomb ſtood at ſome diſtance from the City: Here Mercury meets him, and when it was quite dark, guides him into the Preſence of Achilles. By theſe Methods we may diſcover how exactly the Poet preſerves the Unities of Time and Place, that he allots Space ſufficient for the Actions which he deſcribes, and yet does not crowd more Incidents into any Interval of Time than may be executed in as much as he allows: Thus it being improbable that ſo ſtubborn a Man as Achilles ſhould relent in a few Moments, the Poet allows a whole Night for this Affair, ſo that Priam has Leiſure enough to go and return, and Time enough remaining to perſuade Achilles.


‘VERSE 447, &c. The Speech of Mercury to Priam.]’ I ſhall not trouble the Reader with the Dreams of Euſtathius, who tells us that this Fiction of Mercury is partly true, and partly falſe: 'Tis true that his Father is old, rich, and has ſeven Children; for Jupiter is King of the whole Univerſe, was from Eternity, and created both Men and Gods: In like manner, when Mercury ſays he is the ſeventh Child of his Father, Euſtathius affirms that he meant that there were ſix Planets beſides Mercury. Sure it requires great Pains and Thought to be ſo learnedly abſurd: The Suppoſition which he makes afterwards is far more natural; Priam, ſays he, might by chance meet with one of the Myrmidons, who might conduct him unobſerv'd thro' the Camp into the Preſence of Achilles, and as the Execution of any wiſe Deſign is aſcrib'd to Pallas, ſo may this clandeſtine Enterprize be ſaid to be manag'd by the Guidance of Mercury.

[208] But perhaps this whole Paſſage may be better explain'd by having recourſe to the Pagan Theology: It was an Opinion that obtain'd in thoſe early Days, that Jupiter frequently ſent ſome friendly Meſſengers to protect the Innocent, ſo that Homer might intend to give his Readers a Lecture of Morality, by telling us that this unhappy King was under the Protection of the Gods.

Madam Dacier carries it farther. Homer (ſays ſhe) inſtructed by Tradition, knew that God ſends his Angels to the Succour of the afflicted. The Scripture is full of Examples of this Truth. The Story of Tobit has a wonderful Relation with this of Homer: Tobit ſent his Son to Rages, a City of Media, to receive a conſiderable Sum; Tobias did not know the Way; he found at his Door a young Man cloath'd with a majeſtick Glory, which attracted Admiration: It was an Angel under the Form of a Man. This Angel being ask'd who he was, anſwer'd (as Mercury does here) by a Fiction: He ſaid that he was of the Children of Iſrael, that his Name was Azarias, and that he was Son of Ananias. This Angel conducted Tobias in Safety; he gave him Inſtructions; and when he was to receive the Recompence which the Father and Son offer'd him, he declar'd that he was the Angel of the Lord, took his Flight towards heaven, and diſappear'd. Here is a great Conformity in the Ideas and in the Style; and the Example of our Author ſo long before Tobit, proves, that this Opinion of God's ſending his Angels to the Aid of Man was very common, and much ſpread amongſt the Pagans in thoſe former Times. Dacier.


‘VERSE 519. Bleſt is the Man, &c.]’ Homer now begins after a beautiful and long Fable, to give the Moral of it, and diſplay his poetical Juſtice in Rewards and Puniſhments: Thus Hector fought in a bad Cauſe, and therefore ſuffers in the Defence of it; but becauſe he was a good Man, and obedient to the Gods in other Reſpects, his very Remains become the Care of Heaven.

[209] I think it neceſſary to take notice to the Reader, that nothing is more admirable than the Conduct of Homer throughout his whole Poem, in reſpect to Morality. He juſtifies the Character of Horace,

—Quid pulchrum, quid turpe, quid utile, quid non,
Plenius & melius Chryſippo & Crantore dicit.

If the Reader does not obſerve the Morality of the Ilias, he loſes half, and the nobler part of its Beauty: He reads it as a common Romance, and miſtakes the chief Aim of it, which is to inſtruct.


‘VERSE 531. But can I, abſent, &c.]’ In the Original of this Place (which I have paraphras'd a little) the Word [...] is remarkable. Priam offers Mercury (whom he looks upon as a Soldier of Achilles) a Preſent, which he refuſes, becauſe his Prince is ignorant of it: This Preſent he calls a direct Theft or Robbery; which may ſhew us how ſtrict the Notions of Juſtice were in the Days of Homer, when if a Prince's Servant receiv'd any Preſent without the Knowledge of his Maſter, he was eſteem'd a Thief and a Robber. Euſtathius.


‘VERSE 553. Of Fir the Roof was rais'd.]’ I have in the courſe of theſe Obſervations deſcrib'd the Method of encamping uſed by the Grecians: The Reader has here a full and exact Deſcription of the Tent of Achilles: This royal Pavilion was built with long Paliſadoes made of Firr; the Top of it cover'd with Reeds, and the Inſide was divided into ſeveral Apartments: Thus Achilles had his [...], or large Hall, and behind it were lodging Rooms. So in the ninth Book Phoenix has a Bed prepared for him in one Apartment, Patroclus has another for himſelf and his Captive Iphis, and Achilles has a third for himſelf and his Miſtreſs Diomeda.

[210] But we muſt not imagine that the other Myrmidons had Tents of the like Dimenſions: they were, as Euſtathius obſerves, inferior to this royal one of Achilles: Which indeed is no better than an Hovel, yet agrees very well with the Duties of a Soldier, and the Simplicity of thoſe early Times.

I am of Opinion that ſuch fixed Tents were not uſed by the Grecians in their common Marches, but only during the time of Sieges, when their long ſtay in one Place made it neceſſary to build ſuch Tents as are here deſcrib'd; at other times they lay like Diomed in the tenth Book, in the open Air, their Spears ſtanding upright, to be ready upon any Alarm; and with the Hides of Beaſts ſpread on the Ground inſtead of a Bed.

It is worthy Obſervation that Homer even upon ſo trivial an Occaſion as the deſcribing the Tent of Achilles, takes an Opportunity to ſhew the ſuperior Strength of his Hero; and tells us that three Men could ſcarce open the Door of his Pavilion, but Achilles could open it alone.


‘VERSE 569. Nor ſtand confeſt to frail Mortality.]’ Euſtathius thinks it was from this Maxim, that the Princes of the Eaſt aſſum'd that Air of Majeſty which ſeparates them from the Sight of their Subjects; but I ſhould rather believe that Homer copied this after the Originals from ſome Kings of his Time: it not being unlikely that this Policy is very ancient. Dacier.


‘VERSE 571. Adjure him by his Father, &c.]’ Euſtathius obſerves that Priam does not entirely follow the Inſtructions of Mercury, but only calls to his remembrance his aged Father Peleus: And this was judiciouſly done by Priam: For what Motive to Compaſſion could ariſe from the mention of Thetis, who was a Goddeſs, and incapable of Misfortune? Or [211] how could Neoptolemus be any Inducement to make Achilles pity Priam, when at the ſame time he flouriſh'd in the greateſt Proſperity? And therefore Priam only mentions his Father Peleus, who like him, ſtood upon the very Brink of the Grave, and was liable to the ſame Misfortunes he then ſuffer'd. Theſe are the Remarks of Euſtathius, but how then ſhall we juſtify Mercury, the God of Eloquence, who gave him ſuch improper Inſtructions with relation to Thetis? All that can be ſaid in defence of the Poet is, that Thetis, tho' a Goddeſs, has thro' the whole Courſe of the Ilias been deſcrib'd as a Partner in all the Afflictions of Achilles, and conſequently might be made uſe of as an Inducement to raiſe the Compaſſion of Achilles. Priam might have ſaid, I conjure thee by the Love thou beareſt to thy Mother, take pity on me! For if ſhe who is a Goddeſs would grieve for the Loſs of her beloved Son, how greatly muſt the Loſs of Hector afflict the unfortunate Hecuba and Priam?


‘VERSE 586. Sudden, (a venerable Sight!) appears.]’ I fancy this Interview between Priam and Achilles would furniſh an admirable Subject for a Painter, in the Surprize of Achilles, and the other Spectators, the Attitude of Priam, and the Sorrows in the Countenance of this unfortunate King.

That Circumſtance of Priam's kiſſing the Hands of Achilles is inimitably fine; he kiſs'd, ſays Homer, the Hands of Achilles, thoſe terrible, murderous Hands that had robb'd him of ſo many Sons: By theſe two Words the Poet recalls to our Mind all the noble Actions perform'd by Achilles in the whole Ilias; and at the ſame time ſtrikes us with the utmoſt Compaſſion for this unhappy King, who is reduc'd ſo low as to be oblig'd to kiſs thoſe Hands that had ſlain his Subjects, and ruin'd his Kingdom and Family.



‘VERSE 598. The Speech of Priam to Achilles.]’ The Curioſity of the Reader muſt needs be awaken'd to know how Achilles would behave to this unfortunate King; it requires all the Art of the Poet to ſuſtain the violent Character of Achilles, and yet at the ſame time to ſoften him into Compaſſion. To this end the Poet uſes no Preamble, but breaks directly into that Circumſtance which is moſt likely to mollify him, and the two firſt Words he utters are, [...], ſee thy Father, O Achilles, in me! Nothing could be more happily imagin'd than this Entrance into his Speech; Achilles has every where been deſcrib'd as bearing a great Affection to his Father, and by two Words the Poet recalls all the Tenderneſs that Love and Duty can ſuggeſt to an affectionate Son.

Priam tells Achilles that Hector fell in the Defence of his Country: I am far from thinking that this was inſerted accidentally; it could not fail of having a very good Effect upon Achilles, not only as one brave Man naturally loves another, but as it implies that Hector had no particular Enmity againſt Achilles, but that tho' he fought againſt him it was in Defence of his Country.

The Reader will obſerve that Priam repeats the Beginning of his Speech, and recalls his Father to his Memory in the Concluſion of it. This is done with great Judgment; the Poet takes care to enforce his Petition with the ſtrongeſt Motive, and leaves it freſh upon his Memory; and poſſibly Priam might perceive that the mention of his Father had made a deeper Impreſſion upon Achilles than any other part of his Petition, therefore while the Mind of Achilles dwells upon it, he again ſets him before his Imagination by this Repetition, and ſoftens him into Compaſſion.


‘VERSE 634. Theſe Words ſoft Pity, &c.]’ We are now come almoſt to the end of the Poem, and conſequently to [213] the end of the Anger of Achilles: And Homer has deſcrib'd the Abatement of it with excellent Judgment. We may here obſerve how neceſſary the Conduct of Homer was, in ſending Thetis to prepare her Son to uſe Priam with Civility: It would have ill ſuited with the violent Temper of Achilles to have uſed Priam with Tenderneſs without ſuch Pre-admonition; nay, the unexpected Sight of his Enemy might probably have carry'd him into Violence and Rage: But Homer has avoided theſe Abſurdities; for Achilles being already prepared for a Reconciliation, the Miſery of this venerable Prince naturally melts him into Compaſſion.


‘VERSE 653. Achilles's Speech to Priam.]’ There is not a more beautiful Paſſage in the whole Ilias than this before us: Homer to ſhew that Achilles was not a mere Soldier, here draws him as a Perſon of excellent Senſe and ſound reaſon: Plato himſelf (who condemns this Paſſage) could not ſpeak more like a true Philoſopher: And it was a piece of great Judgment thus to deſcribe him; for the Reader would have retain'd but a very indifferent Opinion of the Hero of a Poem, that had no Qualification but mere Strength: It alſo ſhews the Art of the Poet thus to defer this part of his Character till the very Concluſion of the Poem: By theſe means he fixes an Idea of his Greatneſs upon our Minds, and makes his Hero go off the Stage with Applauſe.

Neither does he here aſcribe more Wiſdom to Achilles than he might really be Maſter of; for as Euſtathius obſerves, he had Chiron and Phoenix for his Tutors, and a Goddeſs for his Mother.


‘VERSE 663. Two Urns by Jove's high Throne, &c.’ This is an admirable Allegory, and very beautifully imagin'd by the Poet. Plato has accus'd it as an Impiety to ſay that God gives Evil: But it ſeems borrow'd from the Eaſtern way of [214] ſpeaking, and bears a great Reſemblance to ſeveral Expreſſions in Scripture: Thus in the Pſalms, In the Hand of the Lord there is a Cup, and he poureth out of the ſame; as for the Dregs thereof, all the Ungodly of the Earth ſhall drink them.

It was the Cuſtom of the Jews to give condemn'd Perſons juſt before Execution, [...], Wine mix'd with Myrrh; to make them leſs ſenſible of Pain: Thus Proverbs xxxi. 6. Give ſtrong Drink to him that is ready to periſh. This Cuſtom was ſo frequent among the Jews, that the Cup which was given before Execution, came to denote Death itſelf, as in that Paſſage, Father let this Cup paſs from me.

Some have ſuppos'd that there were three Urns, one of Good, and two of Evil; thus Pindar,


But, as Euſtathius obſerves, the Word [...] ſhews that there were but two, for that Word is never uſed when more than two are intended.


‘VERSE 685. Extended Phrygia, &c.]’ Homer here gives us a piece of Geography, and ſhews the full Extent of Priam's Kingdom. Lesbos bounded it on the South, Phrygia on the Eaſt, and the Helleſpont on the North. This Kingdom, according to Strabo in the 13th Book, was divided into nine Dynaſties, who all depended upon Priam as their King: So that what Homer here relates of Priam's Power is literally true, and confirm'd by Hiſtory. Euſtathius.


‘VERSE 706. While kindling Anger ſparkled in his Eyes.]’ I believe every Reader muſt be ſurpriz'd, as I confeſs I was, to ſee Achilles fly out into ſo ſudden a Paſſion, without any apparent [215] Reaſon for it. It can ſcarce be imagin'd that the Name of Hector (as Euſtathius thinks, could throw him into ſo much Violence, when he had heard it mention'd with Patience and Calmneſs by Priam in this very Conference: Eſpecially if we remember that Achilles had actually determin'd to reſtore the Body of Hector to Priam. I was therefore very well pleas'd to find that the Words in the Original would bear another Interpretation, and ſuch a one as naturally ſolves the Difficulty. The Meaning of the Paſſage I fancy may be this: Priam perceiving that his addreſs had mollify'd the Heart of Achilles, takes this Opportunity to perſuade him to give over the War, and return home; eſpecially ſince his Anger was ſufficiently ſatisfy'd by the Fall of Hector. Immediately Achilles takes fire at this Propoſal, and anſwers, ‘"Is it not enough that I have determin'd to reſtore thy Son? Ask no more, leſt I retract that Reſolution."’ In this View we ſee a natural Reaſon for the ſudden Paſſion of Achilles.

What may perhaps ſtrengthen this Conjecture is the Word [...]; and then the Senſe will run thus; Since I have found ſo much Favour in thy Sight, as firſt to permit me to live, O wouldſt thou ſtill enlarge my Happineſs, and return home to thy own Country! &c.

This Opinion may be farther eſtabliſh'd from what follows in the latter end of this Interview, where Achilles asks Priam how many Days he would requeſt for the Interment of Hector? Achilles had refus'd to give over the war, but yet conſents to intermit it a few Days; and then the Senſe will be this, ‘"I will not conſent to return home, but ask a time for a Ceſſation, and it ſhall be granted."’ And what moſt ſtrongly ſpeaks for this Interpretation is the Anſwer of Priam, I ask, ſays he, eleven Days to bury my Son, and then let the War commence again, ſince it muſt be ſo, [...]; ſince you neceſſitate me to it; or ſince you will not be perſuaded to leave theſe Shores.


‘VERSE 706. While kindling Anger ſparkled in his Eyes.]’ The Reader may be pleas'd to obſerve that this is the laſt [216] Sally of the Reſentment of Achilles; and the Poet judiciouſly deſcribes him moderating it by his own Reflection: So that his Reaſon now prevails over his Anger, and the Deſign of the Poem is fully executed.


‘VERSE 708, 709. For know from Jove my Goddeſs Mother came.]’ The Injuſtice of La Motte's Criticiſm (who blames Homer for repreſenting Achilles ſo mercenary, as to enquire into the Price offer'd for Hector's Body before he would reſtore it) will appear plainly from this Paſſage, where he makes Achilles expreſſly ſay, it is not for any other Reaſon that he delivers the Body, but that Heaven had directly commanded it. The Words are very full,



‘VERSE 757. Not thus did Niobe, &c.]’ Achilles, to comfort Priam, tells him a known Hiſtory; which was very proper to work this Effect. Niobe had loſt all her Children, Priam had ſome remaining. Niobe's Children had been nine Days extended on the Earth, drown'd in their Blood, in the Sight of their People, without any one preſenting himſelf to interr them: Hector has likewiſe been twelve Days, but in the midſt of his Enemies; therefore 'tis no wonder that no one has paid him the laſt Duties. The Gods at laſt interr'd Niobe's Children, and the Gods likewiſe are concern'd to procure honourable Funerals for Hector. Euſtathius.



‘VERSE 799. The royal Gueſt the Hero eyes, &c.]’ The Poet omits no Opportunity of praiſing his Hero Achilles, and it is obſervable that he now commends him for his more amiable Qualities: He ſoftens the terrible Idea we have conceiv'd of him, as a Warrior, with ſeveral Virtues of Humanity; and the angry, vindictive Soldier is become calm and compaſſionate. In this place he makes his very Enemy admire his Perſonage, and be aſtoniſh'd at his manly Beauty. So that tho' Courage be his moſt diſtinguiſhing Character, yet Achilles is admirable both for the Endowments of Mind and Body.

[...]. The Senſe of this Word differs in this place from that it uſually bears: It does not imply [...], any reproachful Aſperity of Language, but [...], the raiſing of a falſe Fear in the old Man, that he might not be concern'd at his being lodg'd in the outermoſt part of the Tent; and by this method he gives Priam an Opportunity of going away in the Morning without Obſervation. Euſtathius.


‘VERSE 819. To ask our Counſel, or our Orders take.]’ The Poet here ſhews the Importance of Achilles in the Army; tho' Agamemnon be the General, yet all the chief Commanders apply to him for Advice; and thus he promiſes Priam a Ceſſation of Arms for ſeveral Days, purely by his own Authority. The Method that Achilles took to confirm the Truth of the Ceſſation, agrees with the Cuſtom which we uſe at this Day, he gave him his Hand upon it.




‘VERSE 900. A melancholy Choir, &c.’ This was a Cuſtom generally receiv'd, and which paſſed from the Hebrews to the Greeks, Romans, and Aſiaticks. There were Weepers by Profeſſion, of both Sexes, who ſung doleful Tunes round the Dead. Eccleſiaſticus cap. 12. ℣. 5. When a Man ſhall go into the Houſe of his Eternity, there ſhall encompaſs him Weepers. It appears from St. Matthew xi. 17. that Children were likewiſe employed in this Office. Dacier.


‘VERSE 906, &c. The Lamentations over Hector.]’ The Poet judiciouſly makes Priam to be ſilent in this general Lamentation; he has already born a ſufficient Share in theſe Sorrows, in the Tent of Achilles, and ſaid what Grief can dictate to a Father and a King upon ſuch a melancholy Subject. But he introduces three Women as chief Mourners, and ſpeaks only in general of the Lamentation of the Men of Troy, an Exceſs of Sorrow being unmanly: Whereas theſe Women might with Decency indulge themſelves in all the Lamentation that Fondneſs and Grief could ſuggeſt. The Wife, the Mother of Hector, and Helen, are the three Perſons introduced; and tho' they all mourn upon the ſame Occaſion, yet their Lamentations are ſo different, that not a Sentence that is ſpoken by the one, could be made uſe of by the other: Andromache ſpeaks like a tender Wife, Hecuba like a fond Mother, and Helen mourns with a Sorrow riſing from Self-accuſation: Andromache commends his Bravery, Hecuba his manly Beauty, and Helen his Gentleneſs and Humanity.

Homer is very conciſe in deſcribing the Funeral of Hector, which was but a neceſſary piece of Conduct, after he had been ſo full in that of Patroclus.


VERSE 394.
Why gav'ſt thou not to me thy dying Hand,
And why receiv'd not I thy laſt Command?

I have taken theſe two Lines from Mr. Congreve, whoſe Tranſlation of this Part was one of his firſt Eſſays in Poetry. He has very juſtly render'd the Senſe of [...], dictum prudens, which is meant of the Words of a dying Man, or one in ſome dangerous Exigence; at which times what is ſpoken is uſually ſomething of the utmoſt Importance, and deliver'd with the utmoſt Care: Which is the true Signification of the Epithet [...] in this place.


We have now paſt thro' the Iliad, and ſeen the Anger of Achilles, and the terrible Effects of it, at an end: As that only was the Subject of the Poem, and the Nature of Epic Poetry would not permit our Author to proceed to the Event of the War, it may perhaps be acceptable to the common Reader to give a ſhort Account of what happen'd to Troy and the chief Actors in this Poem, after the Concluſion of it.

I need not mention that Troy was taken ſoon after the Death of Hector, by the Stratagem of the wooden Horſe, the Particulars of which are deſcrib'd by Virgil in the ſecond Book of the Aeneis.

Achilles fell before Troy, by the Hand of Paris, by the Shot of an Arrow in his Heel, as Hector had propheſied at his Death, Lib. 22.

The unfortunate Priam was kill'd by Pyrrhus the Son of Achilles.

Ajax after the Death of Achilles had a Conteſt with Ulyſſes for the Armour of Vulcan, but being defeated in his Aim, he ſlew himſelf thro' Indignation.

Helen, after the Death of Paris, married Deïphobus his Brother, and at the taking of Troy betray'd him, in order [220] to reconcile herſelf to Menelaus her firſt Husband, who receiv'd her again into Favour.

Agamemnon at his return was barbarouſly murther'd by Aegyſthus at the Inſtigation of Clytaemneſtra his Wife, who in his Abſence had diſhonour'd his Bed with Aegyſthus.

Diomed after the Fall of Troy was expell'd his own Countrey, and ſcarce eſcap'd with Life from his adulterous Wife Aegiale; but at laſt was receiv'd by Daunus in Apulia, and ſhar'd his Kingdom: 'Tis uncertain how he died.

Neſtor liv'd in Peace, with his Children, in Pylos his native Countrey.

Ulyſſes alſo after innumerable Troubles by Sea and Land, at laſt return'd in Safety to Ithaca, which is the Subject of Homer's Odyſſes.

I muſt end theſe Notes by diſcharging my Duty to two of my Friends, which is the more an indiſpenſable piece of Juſtice, as the one of them is ſince dead: The Merit of their Kindneſs to me will appear infinitely the greater, as the Task they undertook was in its own nature of much more Labour, than either Pleaſure or Reputation. The larger part of the Extracts from Euſtathius, together with ſeveral excellent Obſervations were ſent me by Mr. Broome: And the whole Eſſay upon Homer was written upon ſuch Memoirs as I had collected, by the late Dr. Parnell, Archdeacon of Clogher in Ireland: How very much that Gentleman's Friendſhip prevail'd over his Genius, in detaining a Writer of his Spirit in the Drudgery of removing the Rubbiſh of paſt Pedants, will ſoon appear to the World, when they ſhall ſee thoſe beautiful Pieces of Poetry the Publication of which he left to my Charge, almoſt with his dying Breath.

For what remains, I beg to be excus'd from the Ceremonies of taking leave at the End of my Work; and from embaraſſing myſelf, or others, with any Defences or Apologies about it. But inſtead of endeavouring to raiſe a vain Monument to my ſelf, of the Merits or Difficulties of it (which muſt be left to the World, to Truth, and to Poſterity) let me leave behind me a Memorial of my Friendſhip, with one of the moſt valuable Men as well as fineſt Writers, of my [221] Age and Countrey: One who has try'd, and knows by his own Experience, how hard an Undertaking it is to do Juſtice to Homer: And one, who (I am ſure) ſincerely rejoices with me at the Period of my Labours. To Him therefore, having brought this long Work to a Concluſion, I deſire to Dedicate it; and to have the Honour and Satisfaction of placing together, in this manner, the Names of Mr. CONGREVE, and of


[...] M. AUREL. ANTON. de ſeipſo, L. 1.



  • ACAMAS Book 2 Verſe 996
    • he kills Promachus Book 14 Verſe 559
    • prays his Mother to revenge his Injuries on the Greeks Book 1 Verſe 460
    • his Speech to the Greeks Book 1 Verſe 79
    • his Quarrel with Agamemnon Book 1 Verſe 155 297 386
    • entertains Agamemnon's Embaſſadors Book 9 Verſe 267
    • anſwers Ulyſſes Book 9 Verſe 406
    • anſwers Phoenix Book 9 Verſe 713
    • anſwers Ajax Book 9 Verſe 762
    • his double Fate Book 9 Verſe 532
    • ſeeing Machaon wounded ſends Patroclus to him Book 11 Verſe 730
    • enquires of Patroclus the cauſe of his Grief Book 16 Verſe 9
    • ſends Patroclus to the Battle, and gives him Orders Book 16 Verſe 68
    • arms his Myrmidons Book 16 Verſe 190
    • and animates 'em Book 16 Verſe 329
    • his Bowl Book 16 Verſe 273
    • offers a Libation with Prayers to Jove Book 16 Verſe 282
    • not heard of the Death of of Patroclus Book 17 Verſe 462
    • his Horſes lament the Death of Patroclus Book 17 Verſe 486
    • he grieves for the Death of Patroclus Book 18 Verſe 25 367
    • tells Thetis his Grief Book 18 Verſe 99
    • a Deſcription of his Shield Book 18 Verſe 551
    • is concern'd leſt Patroclus's Body ſhould putrify Book 19 Verſe 28
    • calls an Aſſembly Book 19 Verſe 44
    • makes a Speech to the Aſſembly Book 19 Verſe 57
    • refuſes to take any Food before the Battel Book 19 Verſe 197
    • moans exceedingly for the Death of Patroclus Book 19 Verſe 335
    • he is armed Book 19 Verſe 398
    • Agamemnon's Preſents are delivered to Achilles Book 19 Verſe 243
    • he and Agamemnon reconciled [] Book 19 Verſe 57
    • his anſwer to Agamemnon Book 19 Verſe 143
    • diſſuades Aeneas from contending with him Book 20 Verſe 214
    • contemns Aeneas for flying from him Book 20 Verſe 393
    • he kills Iphition Book 20 Verſe 439
    • he kills Demoleon Book 20 Verſe 457
    • he kills Hippodomas Book 20 Verſe 463
    • he kills Polydore Book 20 Verſe 471
    • and many others Book 20 Verſe 525
    • addreſſes the Spirit of Patroclus Book 23 Verſe 25
    • kills many Trojans in the River Xanthus Book 21 Verſe 25
    • Denies Lycaon his Life Book 21 Verſe 112
    • he purſues Hector Book 22 Verſe 182
    • kills him Book 22 Verſe 453
    • declares the Rites to be obſerv'd by his Myrmidons Book 23 Verſe 8
    • cuts off his Hair devoted to the River Sperchius Book 23 Verſe 171
    • he prays to the Winds Book 23 Verſe 237
    • inſtitutes funeral Games Book 23 Verſe 319
    • gives a Cup to Neſtor Book 23 Verſe 704
    • is depriv'd of Sleep Book 24 Verſe 9
    • receives the Petition of Priam Book 24 Verſe 652
    • lays Hector's Body on Priam's Chariot Book 24 Verſe 717
  • ADRESTUS Book 2 Verſe 1007
    • taken by Menelaus Book 6 Verſe 45
  • AENEAS Book 2 Verſe 992
    • ſeeks Pandarus Book 5 Verſe 214
    • together aſſault Diomede Book 5 Verſe 298
    • he kills Crethon and Orſilochus Book 5 Verſe 670
    • he encounters with Achilles Book 20 Verſe 193
    • anſwers Achilles Book 20 Verſe 240
    • tells his Linage Book 20 Verſe 252
    • the Fight of Aeneas and Achilles Book 20 Verſe 307
  • Aetolians Book 2 Verſe 694 Book 2 Verſe 779
  • AGAMEMNON Book 3 Verſe 220
    • reſtores Chryſeïs to her Father Book 1 Verſe 406
    • takes Briſeïs from Achilles Book 1 Verſe 423
    • tells his Dream in Council Book 2 Verſe 69
    • his Speech adviſing a return to Greece Book 2 Verſe 139
    • his Prayer to Jupiter Book 2 Verſe 489
    • orders Machaon to be called to aſſiſt Menelaus wounded Book 4 Verſe 230
    • exhorts his Soldiers Book 4 Verſe 266 Book 5 Verſe 650
    • blames the Indolent Book 4 Verſe 275
    • ſpeaks to Idomeneus Book 4 Verſe 292
    • goes to the two Ajax's Book 4 Verſe 311
    • goes to Neſtor Book 4 Verſe 334
    • blames Meneſtheus Book 4 Verſe 390
    • blames Diomede Book 4 Verſe 422
    • his Words to wounded Menelaus Book 4 Verſe 186
    • kills Deicoon Book 5 Verſe 660
    • treats the Generals Book 7 Verſe 385
    • his Speech to the Generals Book 9 Verſe 23
    • ſwears he has not carnally known Briſeïs Book 9 Verſe 172
    • acknowledges his Fault, and makes large Offers to ſatisfy Achilles Book 9 Verſe 148
    • ſends Ambaſſadors to Achilles Book 9 Verſe 119
    • in great Perplexity Book 10 Verſe 3
    • they deliberate together Book 10 Verſe 41
    • he goes to Neſtor Book 10 Verſe 81
    • he arms Book 11 Verſe 21
    • fights bravely Book 11 Verſe 127
    • kills a great Number Book 11 Verſe 281
    • is wounded Book 11 Verſe 325
    • goes out of the Battel Book 11 Verſe 360
    • adviſes Flight Book 14 Verſe 71
    • for which Ulyſſes blames him Book 14 Verſe 88
    • is reconcil'd to Achilles Book 19
    • he ſwears he has not enjoy'd Briſeïs Book 19 Verſe 267
    • his Speech concerning the Goddeſs Diſcord Book 19 Verſe 81
    • deliberates if he ſhall meet Achilles Book 21 Verſe 649
    • — meets him and is ſav'd by Apollo Book 21 Verſe 686
  • The Aegis of Jupiter Book 2 Verſe 526 Book 5 Verſe 911 Book 15 Verſe 350 Book 21 Verſe 467
  • Agapenor Book 2 Verſe 741
  • AJAX Oïleus's Son Book 2 Verſe 631
    • contends with Ulyſſes in the Foot-race Book 23 Verſe 880
    • quarrels with Idomeneus Book 23 Verſe 555
    • fights [] with Hector Book 7 Verſe 250
    • his Speech to Achilles Book 9 Verſe 740
    • his Retreat nobly deſcrib'd Book 11 Verſe 672
  • The two AJAX's fight together Book 13 Verſe 1023
    • challenges Hector Book 13 Verſe 628
    • his Fight over the dead Body of Alcathous Book 13 Verſe 628
    • he wounds Hector Book 14 Verſe 471
    • kills Archilocus Book 14 Verſe 540
    • exhorts his Men Book 15 Verſe 591 666, 890
    • defends the Ships Book 15 Verſe 814
    • is hard preſs'd Book 16 Verſe 130
    • he ſpeaks to Menelaus Book 17 Verſe 282
    • kills Hippothous Book 17 Verſe 338
    • he is in fear Book 17 Verſe 705
    • adviſes Menelaus to ſend Antilochus to inform Achilles of Patroclus's Death Book 17 Verſe 737
    • contends with Ulyſſes in Wreſtling Book 23 Verſe 820
    • Fights with Diomed Book 23 Verſe 956
  • Amphimachus Book 2 Verſe 755 1060
  • Amphius Book 2 Verſe 1007
  • Antenor adviſes to reſtore Helen Book 7 Verſe 419
  • ANDROMACHE and Hector Book 6 Verſe 490
  • Andromache
    • ignorant of Hector's Death runs to the Tumult Book 22 Verſe 562
    • her Grief for his Death Book 22 Verſe 592
    • her Lamentation Book 24 Verſe 906
    • kills Echepolus Book 4 Verſe 522
    • kills Mydon Book 5 Verſe 709
    • kills Menalippus Book 15 Verſe 692
    • informs Achilles of Patroclus's Death Book 18 Verſe 21
    • he chears up his Horſes in the Race Book 23 Verſe 522
    • yields the conteſted Prize to Menelaus Book 23 Verſe 676
  • Antiphus Book 2 Verſe 827 1054
    • ſends a Plague among the Greeks Book 1 Verſe 61
    • encourages the Trojans Book 4 Verſe 585
    • reprimands Diomede Book 5 Verſe 533
    • raiſes the Phantom of Aeneas to deceive his Enemies Book 5 Verſe 546
    • excites Mars Book 5 Verſe 553
    • drives Patroclus from the Walls of Troy Book 16 Verſe 863
    • and overthrows him Book 16 Verſe 954
    • informs Hector of the Death of Euphorbus Book 17 Verſe 84
    • encourages Aeneas Book 17 Verſe 378
    • and Hector Book 17 Verſe 658
    • incites Aeneas to encounter Achilles Book 20 Verſe 110
    • forbids Hector to engage Achilles Book 20 Verſe 431
    • ſaves Hector from Achilles Book 20 Verſe 513
    • refuſes to fight with Neptune Book 21 Verſe 536
    • takes Agenor from Achilles Book 21 Verſe 710
    • diſcovers the Deceit to Achilles Book 22 Verſe 15
    • complains to the Gods of the Cruelties done to Hector's Body Book 24 Verſe 44
  • Archilochus Book 2 Verſe 996
  • Aſcalaphus and Jalmenus the Sons of Mars Book 2 Verſe 612
  • Aſcanius Book 2 Verſe 1050
  • Aſius Book 2 Verſe 1015
    • he is angry with Jupiter Book 12 Verſe 184
  • Aſpledon and Orchomenians Book 2 Verſe 610
  • Aſteropaeus meets Achilles and is kill'd Book 21 Verſe 157
  • Aſtyanax Book 22 Verſe 643
  • Athenians Book 2 Verſe 655
  • Automedon and Alcimedon rule the Horſes of Achilles Book 17 Verſe 488 548
  • Bellerophon Book 6 Verſe 194
  • The Bowl of Achilles Book 16 Verſe 273
  • Briſeïs Book 2 Verſe 841
    • ſhe is reſtored to Achilles Book 19 Verſe 254
    • grieves for Patroclus Book 19 Verſe 303
  • Bupraſians Book 2 Verſe 747
  • Calchas the Prophet Book 1 Verſe 91
    • he is blamed by Agamemnon Book 1 Verſe 131
  • Caſtor and Pollux Book 3 Verſe 302
  • Cebrion Brother and Charioteer to Hector Book 16 Verſe 895
  • Chromis Book 2 Verſe 1046
  • [] Chryſes
    • deſires his Daughter who was captive Book 1 Verſe 15
    • his Prayers to Apollo Book 1 Verſe 53
  • Coon Book 13 Verſe 590
  • The Ceſtus of Venus Book 14 Verſe 245
  • Cretans Book 2 Verſe 785
  • Dardanus Book 20 Verſe 255
  • The Dead are buried Book 7 Verſe 495
  • Deïphobus
    • is ſtricken by Merion, but not wounded Book 13 Verſe 213
    • kills Hypſenor Book 13 Verſe 509
    • he asks Aeneas to aſſiſt him in attacking Idomeneus Book 13 Verſe 575
    • kills Aſcalaphus Book 13 Verſe 655
  • DIOMED Book 2 Verſe 683
    • blames Sthenelus Book 4 Verſe 466
    • is wounded by Pandarus Book 5 Verſe 130
    • invokes Minerva Book 5 Verſe 146
    • kills Pandarus Book 5 Verſe 352
    • wounds Venus Book 5 Verſe 417
    • is in fear of Hector Book 5 Verſe 732
    • wounds Mars Book 5 Verſe 1050
    • exhorts Ulyſſes to ſuccour Neſtor Book 8 Verſe 117
    • he relieves Neſtor Book 8 Verſe 129
    • his Speech to Agamemnon Book 9 Verſe 43
    • going a Spy to the Enemy's Camp, chuſes Ulyſſes for his Companion Book 10 Verſe 283
    • prays to Minerva Book 10 Verſe 335
  • DIOMED and Ulyſſes ſurprize Dolon, whom they take and examine Book 10 Verſe 455
    • kills Dolon Book 10 Verſe 524
    • kills the Thracians while ſleeping Book 10 Verſe 560
    • returns with Ulyſſes to the Fleet Book 10 Verſe 624
    • he ſtrikes Hector Book 11 Verſe 452
    • adviſes the Wounded to go into the Army to encourage others Book 14 Verſe 121
  • Dione comforts Venus Book 5 Verſe 471
  • Dius Book 2 Verſe 1043
  • Dolon a Spy,
    • taken Book 10 Verſe 447
    • is killed Book 10 Verſe 524
  • Dulichians Book 2 Verſe 763
  • Elephenor Book 2 Verſe 654
  • Ennomus the Augur Book 2 Verſe 1047
  • Epiſtrophus Book 3 Verſe 1043
  • Erichthonius Book 20 Verſe 260
  • Eumelus's Mares Book 2 Verſe 926
  • Euphemus Book 2 Verſe 1026
  • Euphorbus
    • wounds Patroclus Book 16 Verſe 978
    • adviſes Menelaus to yield to him Book 17 Verſe 14
    • is kill'd by Menelaus Book 17 Verſe 50
  • Euryalus Book 2 Verſe 682
  • Eurypylus Book 2 Verſe 893
    • wounded, is cur'd by Patroclus Book 11 Verſe 982
  • Ganymedes Book 20 Verſe 278
  • Glaucus Book 2 Verſe 1069
    • accuſes Hector of Flight Book 17 Verſe 153
  • Glaucus and Diomed
    • in the Battel meet and diſcourſe together Book 6 Verſe 150
    • interchange Armour Book 6 Verſe 286
    • his Prayers to Apollo Book 16 Verſe 633
    • exhorts the Trojans to defend the Corſe of Sarpedon Book 16 Verſe 654
  • Gods, an Aſſembly of 'em Book 4 Verſe 2
  • Gods engage ſome on one ſide, and ſome on the other Book 20 Verſe 91
  • The Fight of the Gods Book 21 Verſe 450
  • Grecian Sacrifices Book 1 Verſe 599 Book 2 Verſe 502
    • they retreat from Troy Book 2 Verſe 173
    • prepare for War Book 2 Verſe 470
    • go to Battel Book 3 Verſe 522
    • their Forces march Book 4 Verſe 484
    • their Flight Book 8 Verſe 97
    • their Watch Book 9 Verſe 110
    • nine Grecians are willing to accept Hector's Challenge Book 7 Verſe 196
    • build a Wall round the Fleet Book 7 Verſe 520
    • buy Wine Book 7 Verſe 566
    • an aſſembly of their Generals Book 15 Verſe 339
    • their Ships are burnt Book 16 Verſe 140
  • Guneus Book 2 Verſe 906
    • ſends out his Forces to Battel Book 2 Verſe 988
    • tells Paris's Challenge to the Greeks Book 3 Verſe 123
    • [] retreats out of the Battel into Troy Book 6 Verſe 296
    • exhorts the Trojans to ſupplicate Minerva Book 6 Verſe 338
    • goes to the Houſe of Paris Book 6 Verſe 389
    • to his Wife Andromache Book 6 Verſe 463
    • his Diſcourſe with her Book 6 Verſe 510
    • challenges the Greeks to ſingle Combate Book 7 Verſe 79
    • exhorts his Men Book 8 Verſe 210
    • encourages his Horſes Book 8 Verſe 226
    • ſends Dolon as a Spy Book 10 Verſe 376
    • his Glory Book 11 Verſe 83
    • he exhorts his Forces, and ruſhes to Battel Book 11 Verſe 368
    • derides Polydamas his Advice Book 12 Verſe 267
    • forces open a Gate of the Grecian Wall Book 12 Verſe 537
    • exhorts his Men Book 13 Verſe 205
    • ſeeks for Aid Book 13 Verſe 967
    • rallies his Forces and attacks the Enemy Book 13 Verſe 991
    • anſwers Ajax Book 13 Verſe 1041
    • kills Amphimachus Book 13 Verſe 247
    • wounded, retreats Book 14 Verſe 503
    • is encouraged by Apollo Book 15 Verſe 288
    • goes again to Battel Book 15 Verſe 296
    • kills Lycophron Book 15 Verſe 500
    • exhorts Menalippus Book 15 Verſe 654
    • kills Peripoetes Book 15 Verſe 770
    • takes a Ship Book 15 Verſe 854
    • is put to flight Book 16 Verſe 440 797
    • encounters with Patroclus Book 16 Verſe 885
    • and kills him Book 16 Verſe 987
    • excites his Men Book 17 Verſe 260
    • his Speech to his warlike Friends Book 17 Verſe 205
    • he gives way to Ajax Book 17 Verſe 140
    • anſwers Glaucus Book 17 Verſe 187
    • puts on Achilles's Armour Book 17 Verſe 219
    • he purſues Achilles his Horſes with the Aſſiſtance of Aeneas Book 17 Verſe 550
    • again endeavours to take the Body of Patroclus Book 18 Verſe 187
    • reſolves to combate with Achilles Book 20 Verſe 415
    • aſſaults Achilles Book 20 Verſe 485
    • his Wound Book 23 Verſe 470
    • he deliberates with himſelf Book 22 Verſe 138
    • he fights with Achilles Book 22 Verſe 317
    • his Death Book 22 Verſe 453
    • his Funeral Book 24 Verſe 989
  • Hecuba
    • deſires he wou'd not fight Achilles Book 22 Verſe 110
    • ſhe renews her Deſires he would not fight Achilles Book 22 Verſe 552
    • ſhe mourns his Death Book 24 Verſe 942
  • Helen
    • goes to ſee the Combate between Paris and Menelaus Book 3 Verſe 123
    • the Trojans admire her Beauty Book 3 Verſe 204
    • chides Paris Book 3 Verſe 553
    • ſpeaks to Hector Book 6 Verſe 432
    • laments over Hector's Body Book 24 Verſe 962
  • Helenus adviſes Hector and Aeneas Book 7 Verſe 48 Book 6 Verſe 95
  • Hippothoüs Book 2 Verſe 1021
  • Idaeus carries Paris his Challenge to the Greeks Book 7 Verſe 460
  • Idomeneus Book 2 Verſe 791 Book 3 Verſe 295
    • kills Othryoneus Book 13 Verſe 457
    • kills Aſius Book 13 Verſe 483
    • kills Alcathoüs Book 13 Verſe 537
  • Iphidamas, his Death finely deſcrib'd Book 11 Verſe 283 , &c.
  • Iris
    • orders the Trojans to arm Book 2 Verſe 956
    • tells Helen of the ſingle Combat of Paris and Menelaüs Book 3 Verſe 165
    • is ſent to Pallas and Juno with Jove's Orders Book 8 Verſe 488
    • admoniſhes Achilles to ſuccour his Friends fighting for the Body of Patroclus Book 18 Verſe 209
    • ſummons the Winds to raiſe the Fire of Patroclus's Pile Book 23 Verſe 342
  • Ithacans Book 2 Verſe 769
  • Juno
    • ſends Minerva to hinder the Greeks from retreating Book 2 Verſe 191
    • her Quarrel with Jupiter Book 4 Verſe 35
    • ſhe and Minerva prepare for Fight Book 5 Verſe 883
    • [] ask leave of Jupiter to go to Battel Book 5 Verſe 942
    • her Speech to Neptune Book 8 Verſe 242
    • dreſſes her ſelf to deceive Jupiter Book 14 Verſe 191
    • deſires of Venus her Girdle to deceive Jupiter Book 14 Verſe 225
    • goes to the God of Sleep to put Jupiter into a Sleep Book 14 Verſe 266
    • by large Promiſes obtains her Requeſts Book 14 Verſe 305
    • goes to Jupiter Book 14 Verſe 331
    • denies it was at her Requeſt that Neptune aſſiſted the Greeks Book 15 Verſe 41
    • goes to the reſt of the Gods Book 15 Verſe 84
    • tells the Order of Jupiter to Apollo and Iris Book 15 Verſe 162
    • ſhe adviſes with the Gods concerning Aeneas his fighting with Achilles Book 20 Verſe 146
    • ſends Vulcan to oppoſe Xanthus Book 21 Verſe 386
    • overcomes Diana Book 21 Verſe 564
    • promiſes Thetis to be reveng'd on the Greeks Book 1 Verſe 672
    • inſpires Agamemnon with a Dream Book 2 Verſe 9
    • forbids the Gods to aſſiſt either part Book 8 Verſe 7
    • his golden Chain Book 8 Verſe 25
    • deſcends on Ida Book 8 Verſe 57
    • ſends Iris to order Juno and Minerva to retreat from the Battel Book 8 Verſe 488
    • ſends Eris amongſt the Greeks Book 11 Verſe 5
    • ſends Iris to forbid Hector ſome time from perſonally engaging Book 11 Verſe 241
    • inſpires Sarpedon to aſſault the Greek Wall Book 12 Verſe 348
    • is caus'd by Juno to ſleep, awaking from Sleep he is angry with Juno Book 15 Verſe 5
    • orders Juno to ſend Iris and Apollo to him Book 15 Verſe 59
    • ſends Iris to order Neptune to deſiſt from fighting Book 15 Verſe 180
    • ſends Apollo to encourage Hector Book 15 Verſe 258
    • encourages Hector himſelf Book 15 Verſe 722
    • is grieved for Sarpedon's Death Book 16 Verſe 530
    • orders Apollo to take care of Sarpedon's Funeral Book 16 Verſe 811
    • he examines Juno concerning the exciting Achilles to engage in Battel Book 18 Verſe 417
    • he gives the Gods leave to aſſiſt which Party they pleaſe Book 20 Verſe 29
    • he pities Hector Book 17 Verſe 227
    • ſends Minerva to comfort Achilles Book 19 Verſe 364
    • ſends Thetis to Achilles, ordering him to deliver Hector's Body to Priam Book 24 Verſe 137
    • ſends Iris to adviſe Priam to go to Achilles Book 24 Verſe 178
    • orders Mercury to conduct Priam to Achilles Book 24 Verſe 411
  • Lacedaemonians Book 2 Verſe 704
  • Locrians Book 2 Verſe 630
  • Lycaon
    • overcome by Achilles Book 21 Verſe 41
    • begs his Life in vain Book 21 Verſe 111
  • Machaon Book 2 Verſe 889
    • cures Menelaüs Book 4 Verſe 250
  • Magneſians Book 2 Verſe 916
  • Mars
    • is wounded by Diomed Book 5 Verſe 1050
    • on which account he expoſtulates with Jupiter Book 5 Verſe 1069
    • for which he is reprehended by Jupiter Book 5 Verſe 1092
    • hearing of the Death of his Son is enraged Book 15 Verſe 126
  • Meges Book 2 Verſe 761
  • Meleager the Story of him Book 9 Verſe 653
  • MENELAUS Book 2 Verſe 710
    • undertakes to fight with Paris Book 3 Verſe 137
    • is treacherouſly wounded by Pandarus Book 4 Verſe 135
    • takes Adreſtus Book 6 Verſe 45
    • wou'd undertake to fight with Hector, but is hinder'd by Agamemnon Book 7 Verſe 127
    • he and Ajax aſſiſt Ulyſſes Book 11 Verſe 582
    • wounds Helenus Book 13 Verſe 733
    • kills Piſander Book 13 Verſe 753
    • exhorts Antilochus Book 15 Verſe 680
    • he is deſpis'd by Euphorbus Book 17 Verſe 18
    • [] kills Euphorbus Book 17 Verſe 50
    • yields to Hector Book 17 Verſe 101
    • exhorts the Generals Book 17 Verſe 294
    • is encourag'd by Minerva Book 17 Verſe 626
    • he ſends Antilochus to tell Achilles of the Death of Patroclus Book 17 Verſe 775
    • is angry with Antilochus Book 23 Verſe 651
  • Meneſtheus Book 2 Verſe 665
    • ſends Thoös to the Ajax's for Aid Book 12 Verſe 411
  • Mercury
    • accompanies Priam Book 24 Verſe 447
    • and conducts him to Achilles Book 24 Verſe 541
    • admoniſhes Priam in his Sleep Book 24 Verſe 780
  • Merion Book 2 Verſe 792
    • wounds Deïphobus Book 13 Verſe 668
    • kills Harpalion Book 13 Verſe 813
  • Meſtles Book 2 Verſe 1054
    • goes to Pandarus to induce him to break the Truce Book 4 Verſe 119
    • ſtrengthens Diomed Book 5 Verſe 109
    • forces Mars from the Battel Book 5 Verſe 45
    • derides Venus Book 5 Verſe 509
    • prepares her ſelf for the War Book 5 Verſe 883 908
    • asks leave of Jupiter to go to the War Book 5 Verſe 942
    • ſpeaks to Diomed Book 5 Verſe 998
    • encourages Diomed to aſſault Mars Book 5 Verſe 1020
    • her Speech to Jupiter Book 8 Verſe 39
    • reſtrains Mars his Anger Book 15 Verſe 140
    • knocks down Mars with a mighty Stone Book 21 Verſe 469
    • vanquiſhes Venus and her Lover Book 21 Verſe 498
    • in the Shape of Deïphobus perſuades Hector to meet Achilles Book 22 Verſe 291
  • Mycenians Book 2 Verſe 686
  • Myrmidons Book 2 Verſe 834
    • go to the fight Book 16 Verſe 312
  • Naſtes Book 2 Verſe 1060
  • Neptune
    • his and Jupiter's Diſcourſe concerning the Grecian Wall Book 7 Verſe 530
    • his Diſcourſe with Idomeneus Book 13 Verſe 289
    • brings Help to the Greeks Book 12 Verſe 17
    • encourages the two Ajax's Book 13 Verſe 73
    • and the Greeks Book 13 Verſe 131
    • is angry with Jupiter Book 15 Verſe 206
    • adviſes about the Preſervation of Aeneas Book 20 Verſe 341
    • preſerves Aeneas from Achilles's Fury Book 20 Verſe 367
    • comforts Ulyſſes Book 21 Verſe 333
    • urges Apollo to fight Book 21 Verſe 450
  • Nereïds, the Catalogue and Names of them Book 18 Verſe 42 &c.
  • NESTOR endeavours to reconcile Achilles and Agamemnon Book 1 Verſe 330
  • Neſtor
    • praiſed by Agamemnon Book 2 Verſe 440
    • his Speech to the Soldiers Book 2 Verſe 402
  • NESTOR Book 2 Verſe 716
    • his Speech to Agamemnon Book 4 Verſe 370
    • exhorts the Soldiers Book 6 Verſe 84
    • his Speech for burying the Dead, and building a Wall Book 7 Verſe 392
    • blames the Greeks for not daring to encounter Hector Book 7 Verſe 145
    • is in great Danger Book 8 Verſe 102
    • flies with Diomed Book 8 Verſe 190
    • his Advice for Guards and Refreſhment Book 9 Verſe 86
    • for pacifying Achilles Book 9 Verſe 141
    • approves Diomed's Speech to Agamemnon Book 9 Verſe 73
    • goes by Night to Ulyſſes Book 10 Verſe 157
    • encourages Diomed Book 10 Verſe 180
    • adviſes to ſend Spies into the Enemy's Camp Book 10 Verſe 241
    • recites what he did in his Youth Book 11 Verſe 817
    • goes on an Uproar to know the cauſe Book 14 Verſe 1
    • prays to Jupiter Book 15 Verſe 428
    • exhorts the Greeks to oppoſe the Enemy Book 15 Verſe 796
    • adviſes his Son concerning the Race Book 23 Verſe 369
  • Niobe, her Fable Book 24 Verſe 757
  • Nireus the moſt handſome Greek Book 2 Verſe 817
  • Orcus his Helmet. Book 5 Verſe 1037
  • Odius Book 2 Verſe 1043
  • Pandarus Book 2 Verſe 1001
    • treacherouſly wounds Menelaüs Book 4 Verſe 135
    • is kill'd by Diomed Book 5 Verſe 352
    • boaſts at the beginning of the Fight Book 3 Verſe 26
    • cowardly flies Book 3 Verſe 44
    • blamed of Hector Book 3 Verſe 55
    • undertakes a ſingle Combate with Menelaüs Book 3 Verſe 101
    • is armed Book 3 Verſe 409
    • and fights with Menelaüs Book 3 Verſe 427
    • is taken from the Combate by Venus Book 3 Verſe 467
    • blamed by Helen Book 3 Verſe 533
    • reſcued from Fight, is put to bed with Helen Book 3 Verſe 555
    • refuſes to reſtore Helen Book 7 Verſe 428
    • wounds Diomed Book 11 Verſe 482
    • wounds Machaon Book 11 Verſe 629
    • wounds Eurypylus Book 11 Verſe 709
    • kills Euchenor Book 13 Verſe 626
    • returns to Achilles Book 15 Verſe 462
    • entreats Achilles to let him go to aid the Greeks Book 16 Verſe 31
    • is armed Book 16 Verſe 162
    • exhorts the Myrmidons Book 16 Verſe 324
    • he and his Men kill many of the Trojans Book 16 Verſe 448 483 847
    • exhorts the two Ajax's Book 16 Verſe 681
    • kills Cebrion Book 16 Verſe 895
    • is ſtruck by Apollo Book 16 Verſe 954
    • a fierce Conteſt about the Body of Patroclus Book 17 Verſe 324 472 613
    • appears to Achilles in a Dream Book 23 Verſe 78
    • his funeral Pile Book 23 Verſe 198
    • his Sepulchre Book 23 Verſe 305
    • his funeral Games Book 23 Verſe 323
  • Phidippus Book 2 Verſe 827
  • Phocians Book 2 Verſe 620
  • Phoenix
    • intreats Achilles to be reconciled with Agamemnon Book 9 Verſe 562
    • ſits as one of the Judges of the Race Book 24 Verſe 435
  • Phorcis Book 2 Verſe 1050
  • Podalirius Book 2 Verſe 889
  • Podarces Book 2 Verſe 860
  • Polydamas
    • adviſes to force the Greek Lines Book 12 Verſe 67
    • interprets a Prodigy, and gives his Advice Book 12 Verſe 245
    • blames Hector Book 13 Verſe 907
    • kills Prothenor Book 14 Verſe 525
  • Polypoetes Book 2 Verſe 904
    • and Leontius Book 12 Verſe 141
  • Prayers and Injuſtice, their influence on the Gods Book 9 Verſe 624
    • enquires of Helen about the Grecians which they ſaw Book 3 Verſe 220
    • is called by an Herald to agree to a Treaty Book 3 Verſe 319
    • returns into the City Book 3 Verſe 386
    • ſpeaks to the Trojans Book 7 Verſe 444
    • commands the Soldiers to open the Gate Book 21 Verſe 620
    • intreats Hector not to meet Achilles Book 22 Verſe 51
    • bemoans the Death of Hector Book 23 Verſe 515
    • tells his Wife the Commands of Jupiter Book 24 Verſe 233
    • takes the Gifts to carry to Achilles Book 24 Verſe 341
    • rebukes his Sons Book 24 Verſe 311
    • his Council to Hecuba Book 24 Verſe 355
    • he prays to Jupiter Book 24 Verſe 377
    • he meets Achilles Book 24 Verſe 579
    • deſires to ſleep Book 24
    • he carries the Body of Hector into the City Book 24 Verſe 882
  • Prodigies Book 11 Verſe 70 Book 12 Verſe 233
    • of a Dragon which devoured a Neſt of Birds and the Dam Book 2 Verſe 372
  • Proteſilaüs Book 2 Verſe 853
  • Prothous Book 2 Verſe 916
  • Pylaemenes Book 2 Verſe 1034
    • is ſlain Book 5 Verſe 705
  • Pylians Book 2 Verſe 715
  • Pyraechmes Book 2 Verſe 1028
  • Rheſus Book 10 Verſe 505
    • is ſlain by Diomed Book 10 Verſe 576
  • Rhodians Book 2 Verſe 795
  • Sarpedon Book 2 Verſe 1069
    • wounded by Tlepolemus, deſires the aſſiſtance of Hector Book 5 Verſe 842
    • exhorts Glaucus to fight Book 12 Verſe 371
    • breaks down a Battlement of the Wall Book 12 Verſe 483
  • Soldiers, the good and bad deſcribed Book 13 Verſe 359
  • Somnus the God of Sleep,
    • at the Inſtance of Juno puts Jupiter into a Sleep Book 14 Verſe 266
    • incites Neptune Book 14 Verſe 411
  • Sthenelus Book 2 Verſe 683
    • Anſwers Agammenon ſharply Book 4 Verſe 456
  • Talthybius Book 1 Verſe 421
  • Teucer
    • from behind the Shield of Ajax, kills many Trojans Book 8 Verſe 320
    • is wounded by Hector Book 8 Verſe 387
    • kills Imbrius Book 13 Verſe 227
    • and Clitus Book 15 Verſe 522
    • his Bow is broke by a divine Power Book 15 Verſe 544
  • Thalpius Book 2 Verſe 755
  • Thamyris his Story Book 2 Verſe 721
  • Themis preſents the Nectar Bowl to Juno Book 15 Verſe 96
  • Therſites his Loquacity Book 2 Verſe 255
  • Thetis
    • her Words to Achilles Book 1 Verſe 540
    • her Petition to Jove for her Son Book 1 Verſe 652
    • ſhe in great Grief ſpeaks to the Nereïds Book 18 Verſe 69
    • enquires of Achilles Book 18 Verſe 95
    • promiſes Achilles Armour made by Vulcan Book 18 Verſe 172
    • goes to Vulcan Book 18 Verſe 431
    • beſeeches Vulcan to make Achilles's Armour Book 18 Verſe 529
    • carries the Armour made by Vulcan to Achilles Book 19 Verſe 13
  • Thoas Book 2 Verſe 775
    • kills Pirus Book 4 Verſe 610
  • Titareſius a River Book 2 Verſe 910
  • Tlepolemus Book 2 Verſe 793
    • fights with Sarpedon Book 5 Verſe 776
  • Trojans and Grecians
    • march to Battel Book 3 Verſe 1
    • they ſign a Treaty Book 3 Verſe 338
  • Trojans and Greeks
    • in Battel Book 4 Verſe 508
    • many of the Trojan kill'd Book 6 Verſe 5
    • the Trojan Watch Book 8 Verſe 686
  • Trojans march, attack the Greek Trenches Book 12 Verſe 95 295
  • Trojans fly Book 14 Verſe 596
  • Trojans make a great ſlaughter Book 15 Verſe 372
  • The Trojans fight bravely at the Grecian Fleet Book 15 Verſe 842
    • they ſly before the Greeks Book 17 Verſe 676
  • An Aſſembly of the Trojans Book 18 Verſe 289
  • Venus
    • conveys Paris from the Fight Book 3 Verſe 467
    • beſpeaks Helen Book 3 Verſe 481
    • is angry with Helen Book 3 Verſe 513
    • carries Helen to Paris Book 3 Verſe 533
    • cenveys Aeneas out of the Battel Book 5 Verſe 385
    • is wounded by Diomed Book 5 Verſe 417
    • complains of her being wounded to Dione Book 5 Verſe 465
    • is laught at by Minerva Book 5 Verſe 499
    • with Apollo keeps the Body of Hector from putrifying Book 23 Verſe 226
  • Ulyſſes Book 2 Verſe 765 Book 3 Verſe 254
    • delivers Chryſeïs to her Father Book 1 Verſe 575
    • contends with Ajax in the Courſe Book 23 Verſe 828
    • prevents the Greeks from retreating Book 2 Verſe 225
    • provokes Therſites Book 2 Verſe 305
    • exhorts the Soldiers to Battel Book 2 Verſe 347
    • anſwers Agamemnon Book 4 Verſe 402
    • his Speech to Achilles to reconcile him and Agamemnon Book 9 Verſe 562
    • exhorts Diomed to Battel Book 11 Verſe 408
    • is ſurrounded by the Enemy Book 11 Verſe 510
    • is wounded by Socus Book 11 Verſe 547
    • kills Socus Book 11 Verſe 561
    • adviſes to give the Soldiers Refreſhment before the Battel Book 19 Verſe 153
    • adviſes Achilles to refreſh himſelf Book 19 Verſe 215
  • Vulcan
    • admoniſhes Juno Book 1 Verſe 746
    • remembers the Benefits he has received of Thetis Book 18 Verſe 461
    • [] enquires of Thetis the cauſe of her coming Book 18 Verſe 496
    • makes a Suit of Armour for Achilles Book 18 Verſe 537
    • drys up the River Xanthus Book 21 Verſe 400
  • Xanthus, Achilles's Horſe, foreſhews the Deſtruction of Achilles Book 19 Verſe 452
  • Xanthus, the River,
    • ſpeaks to Achilles Book 21 Verſe 232
    • riſes againſt Achilles Book 21 Verſe 258
    • invokes Simoïs againſt Achilles Book 21 Verſe 364
    • ſupplicates Vulcan and Juno Book 21 Verſe 423



The firſt Number marks the Book, the ſecond the Verſe.

Appendix B.1 FABLE.

THE great Moral of the Iliad, that Concord, among Governours, is the preſervation of States, and Diſcord the ruin of them: purſued thro' the whole Fable.

  • The Anger of Achilles breaks this Union in the opening of the Poem, l. 1. He withdraws from the Body of the Greeks, which firſt interrupts the Succeſs of the common Cauſe, ibid. The Army mutiny, l. 2. The Trojans break the Truce, l. 4. A great number of the Greeks ſlain, 7. 392. Forc'd to build Fortifications to guard their Fleet, ibid. In great Diſtreſs from the Enemy, whoſe Victory is only ſtopt by the Night, 8. Ready to quit their Deſign and return with Infamy, 9. Send to Achilles to perſuade him to a Re-union, in vain, ibid. The Diſtreſs continues; the General and all the beſt Warriors are wounded, 11. The Fortification overthrown, and the Fleet ſet on fire, 15. Achilles himſelf ſhares in the Misfortunes he brought upon the Allies, by the loſs of his Friend Patroclus, 16. Hereupon the Hero is reconciled to the General, the Victory over Troy is compleat, and Hector ſlain by Achilles, 19, 20, 21, 22, &c.

Appendix B.1.1 EPISODES or FABLES which are interwoven into the Poem, but foreign to its Deſign.

  • The Fable of the Conſpiracy of the Gods againſt Jupiter, 1. 516. Of Vulcan's fall from Heav'n on the Iſland of Lemnos, 1. 761. The Impriſonment of Mars by Otus and Ephialtes, 5. 475. The Story of Thamyris, 2. 721. The Embaſſy of Tydeus to Thebes, 4. 430. The Tale of Bellerophon, 6. 195. Of Lycurgus and the Bacchanals, 6. 161. The War of the Pylians and Arcadians, 6. 165. The Story of Phoenix, 9. 572. Of Meleager and the Wars of the Curetes and Aetolians, 9. 653. The Wars of Pyle and Elis, 11. 818. The Birth of Hercules and Labour of Alemena, 19. 103. The Expulſion of Ate from Heaven, 19. 93. Vulcan's abode with Thetis, and his Employment there, 18. 463. The Family and Hiſtory of Troy, 20. 255. The Transformation of Niobe, 24. 757. Building of the Walls of Troy by Neptune, 21. 518.


  • Moral.] Prudence reſtraining Paſſion, repreſented in the Machine of Minerva deſcending [] to calm Achilles, 1. 261. Love alluring, and extinguiſhing Honour, in Venus bringing Paris from the Combate to the Arms of Helen, 3. 460, &c. True Courage overcoming Paſſion in Diomed's Conqueſt of Mars and Venus, by the aſſiſtance of Pallas, 5. 407, &c. through that whole Book. Prayers the Daughters of Jupiter, following Juſtice, and perſecuting her at the Throne of Heaven, 9. 625. The Ceſtus, or Girdle of Venus, 14. 247. The Allegory of Sleep, 14. 265. The Allegory of Diſcord caſt out of Heaven, to Earth; 19. 93. The Allegory of the two Urns of Pleaſure and Pain, 24. 663.
  • Phyſical or Philoſophical.] The Combate of the Elements till the Water ſubſided, in the Fable of the Wars of Juno or the Air, and Neptune or the Sea, with Jupiter or the Aether, till Thetis put an end to 'em, 1. 516. Fire deriv'd from Heaven to Earth, imag'd by the Fall of Vulcan on Lemnos, 1. 761. The Gravitation of the Planets upon the Sun, in the Allegory of the Golden Chain of Jupiter, 8 25. The Influence of the Aether upon the Air, in the Allegory of the Congreſs of Jupiter and Juno, 14. 395. The Air ſupply'd by the Vapors of the Ocean and Earth, in the Story of Juno nouriſh'd by Oceanus and Tethys, 14. 231. The Allegory of the Winds, 23. 242. The quality of Salt preſerving dead Bodies from Corruption, in Thetis or the Sea preſerving the Body of Patroclus, 19. 40.

For the reſt of the Allegories, ſee the Syſtem of the Gods as acting in their Allegorical Characters, under the Article CHARACTERS.


  • The Lying Dream ſent to Agamemnon by Jupiter, 2. 7. Fame the Meſſenger of Jove, 2. 121. Furies, puniſhers of the wicked, 3. 351. Hebe, or Youth, attending the Banquets of the Gods, 4. 3. Flight and Terror Attendants upon Mars, 4. 500. Diſcord deſcrib'd, 4. 502. Bellona Goddeſs of War, 5. 726. The Hours, Keepers of the Gates of Heaven, 5. 929. Nymphs of the Mountains, 6. 532. Night a Goddeſs, 6. 342. Iris, or the Rainbow, 8. 486. Prayers the Daughters of Jupiter. 9. 625. Eris, or Diſcord, 11. 5. Ilythiae, Goddeſſes preſiding in Womens Labour, 11. 349. Terror the Son of Mars, 13. 386. Sleep, 14. 265. Night, 14. 293. Death and Sleep, two Twins, 16. 831. Nereids, or Nymphs of the Sea, A Catalogue of them, 18. 45. Ate, or the Goddeſs of Diſcord, 19. 93. Scamander the River-God, 21. 231. Fire and Water made Perſons in the Battel of Scamander and Vulcan, 21. 387. The Eaſt and Weſt-Winds, ibid. Iris, or the Rainbow, and the Winds, 23. 242.

Appendix B.1.4 The MARVELLOUS, or ſupernatural FICTIONS in Homer.

  • Omen of the Birds and Serpent repreſenting the Event of the Trojan War, 2. 370. The miraculous Rivers Titareſius and Styx, 2. 910. The Giant Typhon under the burning Mountain Typhoeus, 2. 952. Battel of the Cranes and Pygmies, 3. 6. Prodigy of a Comet, 4. 101. Diomed's Helmet ejecting Fire, 5. 6. Horſes of coeleſtial Breed, 5. 327. Vaſt Stone heav'd by Diomed, 5. 370. And Hector, 12. 537. . And Minerva, 20. 470. The miraculous Chariot and Arms of Pallas, 5. 885, 907, &c. The Gorgon; Hehnet, and Aegis of Jupiter, ibid. The Gates of Heaven, ibid. The Leap of immortal Horſes, 5. 960. Shout of Stentor, 5. 978. Roaring of Mars, 5. 1054. Helmet of Orcus, which render'd the Wearer inviſible, 5 1036. The Blood of the Gods, 5. 422. The immediate healing of their Wounds, 5. 1116. The Chimaera, 6. 220. Deſtruction by Neptune of the Grecian Rampart, 12. 15. Wall puſh'd down by Apollo, 15, 415. The golden Chain of Jpiter, 8. 25. Horſes and Chariot of Jupiter, 8. 50. His Balances, weighing the Fates of Men, 8. 88. 22. 271. Jupiter's aſſiſting the Trojans by Thunders and Lightnings, and viſible Declarations of his Favour. 8. 93, 165, &c. 17. 670. Prodigy of an Eagle and Fawn, 8. 297. Horſes of the Gods, Stables and Chariots, pompouſly deſcrib'd, 8. 535, &c. Hector's Lance of ten Cubits, 8. 615. Omen of an Heron, 10, 320. The Deſcent of Eris, 11. 5. A Shower of Blood, 11. 70.—16. 560. Omen of an Eagle and Serpent, 12. 230. The Progreſs of Neptune thro' the Seas, 13. 42. The Chain of War and Diſcord ſtretch'd over the Armies, 13. 451. The loud Voice of Neptune, 14. 173. Solemn Oath of the Gods, 14. 307—15, 41. Minerva ſpreads a Light over the Army, 15. 808. Jupiter involves the Combatants in thick Darkneſs, 16. 695, 422. Horſes begot by the Wind on a Harpye, 16. 183. A Shower of Blood, 16. 560. Miraculous Tranſportation and Interment of Sarpedon by Apollo, Sleep and Death, 16. 810, &c. Prophecy at the Hour of Death, 16. 1026.—22. 450. Achilles unarmed puts [] the whole Trojan Army to flight on his Appearance, 18. 240, &c. Moving Tripods and living Statues of Vulcan, 18. 440, 488. The Horſe of Achilles ſpeaks by a Prodigy, 19. 450. The Battel of the Gods, 20. 63, &c. Horſes of a miraculous Extraction, the Transformation of Boreas, 20. 264. The wonderful Battel of the Xanthus, 21. 230, &c. Hector's Body preſerv'd by Apollo and Venus, 23. 226. The Ghoſt of Patroclus, 23. 77. The two Urns of Jupiter, 24. 663. The vaſt Quoit of Aētion, 23. 975. The Transformation of Niobe and her People into Stones, 24. 757.

Under this Head of the Marvellous may alſo be included all the immediate Machines and Appearances of the Gods in the Poem, and their Transformations; the miraculous Birth of Heroes; the Paſſions in human and viſible Forms, and the reſt.


Appendix B.2.1 Characters of the GODS of Homer, as acting in the Phyſical or Moral Capacities of thoſe Deities.

    • Acting and governing all, as the ſupreme Being.] See the Article Theology in the next Index.
  • JUNO.
    • As the Element of Air.] Her Congreſs with Jupiter, or the Aether, and Production of Vegetables, 14. 390, &c. Her loud Shout, the Air being the cauſe of Sound, 5. 978. Nouriſh'd by Oceanus and Tethys, 14. 231.
    • As Goddeſs of Empire and Honour.] Stops the Greeks from flying ignominiouſly, 2. 191. and in many other Places. Incites and commands Achilles to revenge the Death of his Friend, 18. 203, &c. Inſpires into Helen a Contempt of Paris, and ſends Iris to call her to behold the Combate with Menelaus, 3. 185
    • As the Sun.] Cauſes the Plague in the Heat of Summer, 1. 61. Raiſes a Phantom of Clouds and Vapours, 5. 545 Diſcovers in the Morning the Slaughter made the Night before, 10. 606. Recovers Hector from fainting, and opens his Eyes, 15. 280. Dazzles the Eyes of the Greeks, and ſhakes his Aegis in their Faces, 15. 362. Reſtores Vigour to Glaucus, 16. 647. Preſerves the Body of Sarpedon from Corruption, 16. 830. And that of Hector, 23. 230. Raiſes a Cloud to conceal Aeneas, 20. 515.
    • As Deſtiny.] Saves Aeneas from Death, 5. 441. And Hector, 20. 513. Saves Agenor, 21. 706. Deſerts Hector when his Hour is come, 22. 277.
    • As Wiſdom.] He and Minerva inſpire Helenus to keep off the general Engagement by a ſingle Combate, 7. 25. Adviſes Hector to ſhun encountering Achilles, 20. 431.
  • MARS.
    • As mere martial Courage without Conduct.] Goes to the Fight againſt the Orders of Jupiter, 5. 726. Again provoked to rebel againſt Jupiter by his Paſſion, 15. 126. Is vanquiſh'd by Minerva, or Conduct, 21. 480.
    • As martial Courage with Wiſdom.] Joins with Juno in reſtraining the Greeks from flight, and inſpires Ulyſſes to do it, 2. 210. Animates the Army, 2. 525. Deſcrib'd as leading a Hero ſafe thro' a Battel, 4. 632. Aſſiſts Diomed to overcome Mars and Venus, 5. 407. 1042. Overcomes them her ſelf, 21. 480. Reſtrains Mars from Rebellion againſt Jupiter, 5. 45—15. 140. Submits to Jupiter, 8. 40. Adviſes Ulyſſes to retire in time from the Night Expedition, 10. 593. Aſſiſts him throughout that Expedition, 10. 350, &c. Diſcovers the Ambuſh ſaid againſt the Pylians by Night, and cauſes them to ſally, 11. 851. Aſſiſts Achilles to conquer Hector, 22. 277, &c.
    • As Wiſdom ſeparately conſider'd.] Suppreſſes Achilles's Paſſion, 1. 261. Suppreſſes her own Anger againſt Jupiter, 4. 31. Brings to paſs Jupiter's Will in contriving the Breach of the Truce, 4. 95. Teaches Diomed to diſcern Gods from Men, and [] to conquer Venus, 5. 155, &c. Call'd the beſt belov'd of Jupiter, 8. 48. Obtains leave of Jupiter, that while the other Gods do not aſſiſt the Greeks, ſhe may direct 'em with her Counſels, 8. 45. Is again check'd by the command of Jupiter and ſubmits, 8. 506, 580. Is ſaid to aſſiſt, or ſave any Hero, in general thro' the Poem, when any Act of Prudence preſerves him.
  • VENUS.
    • As the Paſſion of Love.] Brings Paris from the Fight to the Embraces of Helen, and inflames the Lovers, 3. 460, 530, &c. Is overcome by Minerva, or Wiſdom, 5. 407. And again, 21. 500. Her Ceſtos or Girdle, and the Effects of it, 14. 247.
    • As the Sea.] Overturns the Grecian Wall with his Waves, 12. 15. Aſſiſts the Greeks at their Fleet, which was drawn up at the Sea-ſide, 13. 67, &c. Retreats at the Order of Jupiter, 15. 245. Shakes the whole Field of Battel and Sea-ſhore with Earthquakes, 20. 77.
    • Or the Element of Fire.] Falls from Heaven to Earth, 1. 761. Receiv'd in Lemnos, a Place of ſubterraneous Fires, ibid. His Operations of various kinds, 18. 440, 468, 540. Dries up the River Xanthus, 21. 460. Aſſiſted by the Winds, 21. 390.

Appendix B.2.2 Characters of the HEROES.

N.B. The Speeches which depend upon, and flow from theſe ſeveral Characters, are diſtinguiſhed by an S.

    • Furious, paſſionate, diſdainful, and reproachful, Lib. 1. 155. 155. S. 195. S. 295. S—9. 405. S. 746. S—24. 705.
    • Revengeful and implacable in the higheſt degree, 9. 765. 755.—16. 68. S. 121. S.—19. 211. S—22. 333. S. 437. S.
    • Cruel, 16. 122—19. 395—21. 112—22. 437. S. 495. S—23. 30—24. 51—
    • Superior to all Men in Valour, 20. 60. 437, &c.—l. 21. 22. throughout.
    • Conſtant and violent in Friendſhip, 9. 730. 18. 30—371—23. 54. 272—24. 5—16. 9. S. 20. 8. S. 18. 100. S. 380.
    • S—19. 335. S—22. 482. S.—Achilles ſcarce ever ſpeaks without mention of his Friend Patroclus.
    • Pious to the Gods, 5. 226. S—20. 132. 290. 345—
    • Senſible, and Moral, 20. 242. 293, &c. S.
    • Valiant, not raſh, 20. 130. 240—S.
    • Tender to his Friend, 13. 590.

    See this Character in the Notes on l. 5. ℣. 212. and on l. 13. ℣. 578.

    • Imperious and paſſionate, 1. 34. 729—S—
    • Sometimes cruel, 6. 80—2. 140. S—
    • Artful and deſigning, 2. 68. 95—
    • Valiant and an excellent General, 4. 256. 265, &c. 11. throughout.
    • Eminent for brotherly Affection, 4. 183, &c. S. 7. 120—

    See his Character in the Notes on l. 11. ℣. 1.

  • AJAX.
    • Of ſuperior ſtrength and ſize, and fearleſs on that account, 13. 410—7. 227. S. 274. S—15. 666.
    • Indefatigable and patient, 11. 683, &c. 13. 877—15. throughout—14. 535—ſhort in his Speeches, 7. 277—9. 742—15. 666, &c.

    See his Character in the Notes on l. 7. ℣. 226.

    • Daring and intrepid, l. 5. throughout, and 8. 163. 180 S—9. 65. 820—10. 260—
    • Proud, and boaſting, 6. 152—11. 500.
    • Vain of his Birth, 14. 125.
    • Generous, 6. 265—
    • Is guided by Pallas or Wiſdom, and chuſes Ulyſſes to direct him, 5. throughout. 10. 287. 335.

    See his Character in the Notes on l. 5. ℣. 1.

    • A true Lover of his Country, 8. 621. S—12. 284—15. 582. S.
    • Valiant in the higheſt degree, 3. 89—7. 80. 12. 270. S—18. 333. S—&c.
    • Excellent in Conduct, 8. 610. S.—11 663—
    • Pious, 6. 140. 335. 605—
    • Tender to his Parents, 6. 315.
    • — to his Wife, 6. 456.
    • [] — to his Child, 6. 606.
    • — to his Friends, 20. 485—24. 962—

    See his Character in the Notes on l. 3. ℣. 53.

    • An old Soldier, 13. 455. 648—
    • A lover of his Soldiers, 13. 280—
    • Talkative upon Subjects of War, 13. 340—355, &c. 4. 305. S—
    • Vain of his Family, 13. 565, &c.
    • Stately and inſulting, 13. 472—&c.

    See his Character in the Notes on l. 13. ℣. 279.

    • Valiant, 3. 35—13. 733—17. throughout.
    • Tender of the People, 10. 32—
    • Gentle in his Nature, 10. 138—23. 685—
    • But fir'd by a Senſe of his Wrongs, 2. 711—3. 45—7. 109. S—13. 780. S—17. 640.

    See his Character in the Notes on l. 3. ℣. 278.

    • Wiſe and experienced in Council, 1. 331. 340—2. 441—
    • Skilful in the Art of War, 2. 432. 670—4. 338, &c. S. 7. 392. S—
    • Brave, 7. 165—11. 817—15. 796. S.
    • Eloquent, 1. 332, &c.
    • Vigilant, 10. 88. 186. 624—
    • Pious, 15. 427.
    • Talkative thro' Old Age, 4. 370—7. 145—11. 800—23 373. 718—and in general thro' the Book.

    See his Character in the Notes on l. 1. ℣. 339. on 2. 402, &c.

  • PRIAM.
    • A tender Father to Hector, 22. 51. S—24. 275—to Paris, 3. 381—to Helen, 3. 212. S.
    • An eaſy Prince, of too yielding a Temper, 7. 443.
    • Gentle and compaſſionate, 3. 211. 382.
    • Pious, 4. 70—24. 520. S.

    See his Character in the Notes on l. 3. ℣. 211.

  • PARIS.
    • Eſſeminate in Dreſs and Perſon, 3. 27. 55. 80. 409.
    • Amorous, 3. 550.
    • Ingenious in Arts, Muſick, 3. 80. Building, 6. 390.
    • Patient of Reproof, 3. 86.
    • Naturally valiant, 6. 669—13. 985.

    See his Characters in the Notes on l. 3. ℣. 26. 37. 86.

    • Compaſſionate of the Sufferings of his Countreymen, 11. 947—16. 5. 31. S.
    • Raſh, but Valiant, 16. 709.
    • Of a gentle Nature, 19. 320—17. 755—
    • Valiant, out of Principle and Honour, 5. 575. S—12. 371. S.
    • Eloquent, ibid.
    • Careful only of the common Cauſe in his Death, 16. 605. S.

    See his Character in the Notes on l. 16. ℣. 512.

    • Prudent, 3. 261—10. 287—19. 218—
    • Eloquent, 3. 283.—9. 295. S. &c.
    • Valiant in the Field with Caution, 4. 566—11. 515, &c.
    • Bold in the Council with Prudence, 14. 90—

    See his Character in the Notes on l. 2. ℣. 402. & ſparſim.

Appendix B.2.3 Characters of other HEROES.

  • Agenor, valiant and conſiderate, 21. 648.
  • Antenor, a prudent Counſellor, 7. 418.
  • Ajax Oileus, famous for ſwiftneſs, 2. 631—14. 618.
  • Antilochus, bold-ſpirited, but reaſonable; and artful, 4. 522—23. 505. 618. 666. S—23. 920. 930.
  • Euphorbus, beautiful and valiant, 16. 973—17. 11. 57—
  • Glaucus, pious to his Friend, 16. 660—17. 165. 180.
  • Helenus, a Prophet and Hero, 6. 92.
  • Meriones, dauntleſs and faithful, 13. 325, &c.
  • Machaon, and excellent Phyſician, 2. 890—11. 630.
  • Phoenix, his Friendſhip and Tenderneſs for Achilles, 9. 605.
  • Polydamas, Prudent and Eloquent. See his Speeches, 12. 70. 245—13. 907—18. 300—
  • Teucer, famous for Archery, 8. 320—15. 510, &c.
  • Thoas, famous for Eloquence, 15. 322.
  • For other leſs diſtinguiſhed Characters, ſee the Article, Deſcriptions of the Paſſions.

A Table of the moſt conſiderable in the Iliad.

  • In the Exhortatory or Deliberative Kind.
    • The Oration of Neſtor to Agamemnon and Achilles, perſuading a Reconciliation, 1. 340. The Orations of Neſtor, Ulyſſes, and Agamemnon, to perſuade the Army to ſtay, 2. 350. 402. 452. Of Sarpedon to Hector 5. 575. Of Neſtor to encourage the Greeks to accept the Challenge of Hector, 7. 145. Of Hector to the Trojans, 8. 621. Of Neſtor to ſend to Achilles, 9. 127. Of Ulyſſes, Phoenix and Ajax, to move Achilles to a Reconciliation, 9. 295. 562. 742. Achilles's Reply to each, ibid. Sarpedon to Glaucus, 12. 371. Of Neptune to the Greeks, to defend the Fleet, 13. 131. Of Ajax to the Greeks, 15. 666. Neſtor to the ſame, 15. 796. Of Ajax again, 15. 890. Scamander to the River Simois, 21. 360. Juno to Vulcan, 21. 387. Achilles to Patroclus, 16. 70, &c.
  • In the Vituperative Kind.
    • The Speech of Therſites, 2. 275. That of Ulyſſes anſwering him, 2. 306. Of Hector to Paris, 3. 55. Of Agamemnon to Diomed, 4. 422. Of Hector to Paris, 6. 406. Of Diomed to Agamemnon, 9. 43. Of Ulyſſes to the ſame, 14. 90. Sarpedon to Hector, 5. 575. Glaucus to Hector, 17. 153.
  • In the Narrative.
    • Achilles to Thetis, 1. 476. Pandarus to Aeneas, 5. 230. Glaucus to Diomed, 6. 190. Phoenix to Achilles, 9. 562, 652.—Agamemnon to the Greeks, 19. 90. Aeneas to Achilles, 20. 240. Of Neſtor, 7. 163—11. 800—and the Speeches of Neſtor in general.
  • In the Pathetick.
    • Agamemnon on Menelaus wounded, 4. 186. Andromache to Hector, and his Anſwer, 6. 510. 570.
    • Patroclus and Achilles, 16. 10, &c.
    • Jupiter on ſight of Hector, 17. 231.
    • Lamentation of Briſeis for Patroclus, 19. 303.
    • Lamentation of Achilles for Patroclus, 19. 335.
    • — of Priam to Hector, 22. 51. 530.
    • — of Hecuba to the ſame, 22. 115. and again, 24. 243, 942.
    • — of Andromache at Hector's Death, 22. 608.
    • — of Andromache at his Funeral, 24. 908.
    • — of Helena, 24. 962.
    • Lycaon to Achilles, 21, 85.
    • Thetis to the Nereids, 17. 70.
    • The Ghoſt of Patroclus to Achilles, 23. 83.
    • Priam to Achilles, 24. 600.
  • In the Irony, or Sarcaſm.
    • The Speech of Pallas on Venus being wounded, 5. 509.
    • Ulyſſes over Socus, 11. 566. Idomeneus over Othryoneus, 13. 472.
    • Four Sarcaſtic Speeches over the Dead, 14. 529. 550. 561. 587. Juno to Mars concerning Aſcalaphus, 15. 120. Aeneas to Meriones, 16. 745. Patroclus on Cebriones, 16. 903. Hector on Patroclus, 16. 1003. Achilles to Otryntides, 20. 450. to Lycaon, 21. 135. to Hector, 22. 415.
  • Speeches to Horſes.
    • Hector to his Horſes, 8. 225.
    • Achilles to his Horſes, 19. 440.
    • Jove to the Horſes of Achilles, 17. 504.
    • Antilochus, 23. 483.
    • Menelaus, 23. 522.

A Collection of the moſt remarkable throughout the Poem.

Appendix B.4.1

  • Deſcriptions of PLACES.
    • Of the Apartment of Juno, 14. 191.
    • Of a Burning Mountain, 2. 950.
    • City in Flames, 17. 825.
    • Court of Juſtice, 18. 577.
    • Ends of the Earth and Sea, the Reſidence of Saturn and Iapetus, 8. 597.
    • [] Fountains of Scamander, 22. 195.
    • Field, plowed, 18. 627.
    • Foreſt, when Timber is fell'd, 11. 120. 23. 144.
    • Heaven, the Seat and Pleaſures of the Gods, 1. 690. 772.—4. 3. The Gates of Heaven, 5. 928—8. 478. The Gods aſſembled, 20. 9.
    • Ida, its Foreſts, Temple and Proſpect, 8. 57—14. 320.
    • Landſcapes of a fine Country, 2. 840. 1036. 1040. Of Paſture Grounds and Sheep, 18. 677.
    • Mount of Hercules near Troy, 20. 174.
    • Palace of Neptune, 13. 35.
    • Palace of Priam deſcrib'd, 6. 304. Of Paris, 6. 59.
    • River Axius deſcrib'd, 2. 1030.
    • River Titareſius and Peneus, 2. 910.
    • Sea and Iſlands riſing out of it, 2. 770.
    • Tempe deſcrib'd, 2. 918.
    • Tent of Achilles deſcrib'd, 24. 553.
    • Troy, the Country about it and Roads, 22. 191. 13. 20—14. 260.
    • Tomb of Ilus, 11. 477. Of Batiea, 2. 984. Of Sarpedon, 16. 820.
    • Vulcan, his Palace, Forge, &c. 18. 431. &c. A Vineyard, 18. 651.
    • Wall of the Grecians, 7. 523.
    • Winds, their Court and Manſion deſcrib'd, 23. 241.
  • Deſcriptions of PERSONS.
    • Achilles's dreadful Appearance, 20. 59—22. 31, &c. 393—
    • Apollo's Perſon, Enſigns, and Deſcent to Earth, 1. 61.
    • Apollo's appearance in the War, 15. 348—
    • Ajax, his ſullen retreat deſcrib'd, 11. 675, &c. to 696.
    • Brothers, two kill'd together, 20. 531.
    • A Coward, deſcrib'd in Therſites, beaten, 2. 326. A Coward deſcrib'd throughout, 13. 359—again in Theſtor, 16. 488. A Coward ſurpriz'd, 10. 443.
    • Diana, cuffed and buffeted, 21. 570.
    • Gods, Homer's great Ideas of them, in the Deſcriptions of their Armor, 5. 907. Motion, 13. 30—15. 90—5. 960—Battels, 15. 252—20. 63, &c. 21. 450, &c.
    • Hours at the Gates of Heaven, 5. 929.
    • Hector's horrible appearance in Battel. 8. 417—12. 553—13. 1010—15. 730—Hector's dead Body dragg'd at the Chariot of Achilles, 22. 500.
    • Jupiter in his Glory, 1. 15. 172.—8. 550. in his Chariot, 8. 50. 542, &c. in his Terrors, 17. 670.
    • Juno, dreſt, 14. 200.
    • Lycaon, his Youth and unhappy Death, 21. 40, &c,
    • Mars and Bellona before Hector in Battel, 5. 726. Mars in Arms, 7. 252—13. 385—15. 726—his monſtrous Size, 21. 473.
    • Mercury deſcrib'd, 24. 417.
    • Neptune, his Chariot and Progreſs, 13. 28, &c.
    • Niobe, turn'd into a Rock, 24. 773.
    • Old Man, a venerable one, 1. 330. Old Counſellors of Troy converſing, 3. 197, &c. A miſerable old Man, in Priam, 22. 80, &c.
    • Priam paſſing thro' his People, in Sorrow, to go to redeem Hector, 24. 402. Priam weeping at the Feet of Achilles, 24. 636.
    • Pallas, her Deſcent from Heaven, 4. 99. her Armor, Spear, and Veil, 5. 905—8. 466.
    • Teucer, behind Ajax's Shield, 8. 321.
    • Youth, a beautiful one, kill'd, 4. 542—17. 55, &c. 20. 537. interceding for Mercy in vain, 21. 75.
    • A young, and old Man ſlain in War, their Picture, 22. 100—
  • Deſcriptions of THINGS.
    • Of an Aſſembly gathering together, 2. 110—
    • Battel. [See the Article Military Deſcriptions.]
    • Burning up of a Field, 21. 400. A Bow, 4. 137—
    • Blood trickling from a Wound, 4. 170, &c.
    • Brightneſs of a Helmet, 5. 5.
    • Burial of the Dead, 7. 494.
    • A Breach made in an Attack, 12. 485—
    • Boiling Water in a Cauldron, 18. 405—21. 425.
    • Beacon, 19. 405—
    • Beaſts ſacrific'd, 23. 41.
    • A Bird ſhot thro' 23. 1033.
    • Chariot of Jupiter, 8. 50. 542. Of Neptune, 13. 41—Chariot deſcrib'd at large, 24. 335.—5. 889, &c. A Chariot Race, 23. 353, &c. Chariot's over-turn'd, 16. 445. Chariots cruſhing the Bodies, 20. 577.
    • A Child frighted at a Helmet, 6. 595.
    • Golden Chain of Jupiter, 8. 25.
    • A Conſlagration, 21. 387. 400.
    • Cookery deſcrib'd, 9. 277—
    • Ceſtus, the Game deſcrib'd, 23. 766, &c.
    • Deformity, 2. 263—
    • Dancing, 18. 681, &c.
    • Diſcus, the Game deſcrib'd, 23. 927, &c.
    • Diving, 24. 105.
    • Driving a Chariot, 11. 363. 655—
    • Dreadful Appearance of the Myrmidons, 16. 192—of Achilles, 18. 254.
    • Darkneſs, 17. 422.
    • [] Death, 16. 1033. 22. 455—The Deſcriptions of different ſorts of Deaths in Homer, are innumerable, and ſcatter'd throughout the Battels.
    • Aegis, or Shield of Jupiter, 2. 526—5. 909—15. 350—21. 465.
    • An Entrenchment, 7. 520—
    • Eagle ſtung by a Serpent, 12. 233—Eagle ſoaring, 24. 390.
    • Furnace and Forge deſcrib'd, 18. 540.
    • Fiſhes, ſcorch'd, 21. 413.
    • Flowers of various kinds, 14. 396—
    • Famine, 19. 160, &c.
    • Fall of a Warrior headlong into the deep Sands, 5. 715.
    • Fatigue in the Day of Battel, 2. 458—16. 132—17. 445.
    • Fainting, 5. 856—11. 460—14. 487. 509—
    • Fires by Night deſcrib'd, 8. 685, &c.
    • Recovery from Fainting, 15. 271.
    • Fortification attack'd, 12. 170, &c. 201. 304. 407.
    • Funeral of a Warrior, 23. 156—Funeral Pile deſcrib'd, 23. 200.
    • Gates of a Fortification broken, 12. 545.
    • Goblet deſcrib'd, 11. 774.
    • Girdle of Venus, 14. 245.
    • Horſes, the famous ones of Eumelus, 2. 924. Of Hector, 8. 226. Of Achilles, 16. 181—Of Tros, 5. 327.—Of Ericthonius. 20. 262.
    • Horſe pamper'd and prancing, 6. 652. Horſe kill'd by a Dart, 8. 105. Horſes afraid of leaping a Ditch, 12. 57. Horſes of Achilles mourning for Patroclus, 17. 490.
    • A Feat of Horſemanſhip, 15. 822—
    • Helmet of Jupiter, 5. 918. Helmets nodding their Plumes, 13. 945—
    • Hoſpitable Life of a good Man, 6. 16.
    • Harveſt, 18. 637
    • Herds of Oxen, 18. 665
    • Inundation, 12 23—15. 465. Of Scamander againſt Achilles, 21. 258, &c. 350—&c.
    • Lightnings and Thunder, 7. 571—8. 93, &c. 161, &c.
    • Light coming over a Plain, 15. 810—17. 430—
    • Light ſtreaming from a Beacon by Night, 19. 405.
    • Majeſty of a Prince, 2 564.—3. 221.
    • Majeſtic March of Sarpedon, 12. 356. Of Juno, 14. 26.
    • Melancholy, 6. 245.
    • Moon and Stars deſcrib'd, 8. 687.
    • Marriage-pomp, 18 570—
    • Monument over the Dead, 17. 492.
    • Noiſe, a loud one, 5. 1054—13. 1055—14. 172. 457—16. 767.
    • Night paſt in Inquietude by the Soldiers, and their ſeveral Poſtures of taking reſt, 10. 82. 170.
    • Old Age, 3. 150. The Picture of its Miſeries in State of War, 22. 80.
    • Orphan its Miſery, 22, 620, &c.
    • Proceſſion deſcrib'd, 6. 367.
    • Peaceful Life, 9. 520.
    • Poſture of a Man receiving a Dart on his Shield lifted up, 13. 511—20. 325, &c.
    • Panting deſcrib'd, 13 555. 720—
    • Perfumes, 14. 198—
    • Plume of a Helmet, 19. 410—13. 947.
    • Plowing, 12. 627.
    • Rainbow, 11. 37—24. 100—17. 616.
    • Reaping, 18. 637.
    • Running away, 21. 634. Running round Troy, Hector and Achilles, 22. 250, &c. Seeming to run in a Dream, 22. 257.
    • Rough way deſcrib'd, 23. 139.
    • A Race deſcrib'd, 23. 881, &c.
    • Shield of Achilles, deſcrib'd at large, 18. 550, &c. Of Hector, 6. 143. Of Ajax, 7. 265.
    • Scales of Jupiter, 22. 271.
    • Smoke clear'd, and Light returning, 16. 350—
    • Sailing of a Ship, 1. 625. Ship anchoring and coming into Port, 1. 566.
    • The ſtately Stalk of a Hero, 7. 251—15. 815—
    • A Sacrifice deſcrib'd, 1. 600—7. 380—
    • Sleep, 2. init. 14. 265, &c.
    • A Slaughter by Night, 10. 560.
    • Snow, 12. 331—
    • Soldiers, when off from Duty, their Amuſements, 2. 938.
    • Shooting with the Bow, 4. 144 to 156. 23. 10 [...]5—8. 389.
    • Spear of Achilles, 19. 420. A Spear driven deep into the Earth, 21. 188.
    • A Stone whirling on the Ground with vaſt force, 14. 474.
    • Stone, thrown by a Hero, 5. 370—7. 320—12. 537—14. 472—
    • Swiftneſs of Horſes, 20. 270.
    • Swooning, 16. 955.
    • Vintage, 18. 651.
    • Wall, overwhelm'd by Waters, 7. 550. 12. 23.
    • Woodman's Dinner, 11. 120.
    • Woods fell'd down, 23. 144—16. 767.
    • War, its Miſeries, 9. 709.
    • Watch by Night, 10 208.
    • Wreſtling deſcrib'd, 23. 821—
    • Wound of Venus deſcrib'd, 5. 417. Diomed wounded, 5. 988. A Wound healing, 5. 1111.
    • Water, Troops plunging in, 21. 9. A Fight in the Water, 21. A Tree falling in the Water, 21. 269. Water rolling down a Hill in a Current, 21. 290. Arms floating upon the Water, 21. 351.
    • Winds riſing, 23. 261.
  • [] Deſcriptions of TIMES and SEASONS.
    • Day-break, 10. 295—
    • Morning, 2. 60—7. 515—8. 183—9. 833—11. 1—11. 115—19. 1—
    • Sun-riſing, 11. 871—
    • Noon, 16. 938—
    • Sun-ſetting, 1. 716—7. 556—8. 605.
    • Evening, 16. 942—
    • Night, 2. init. 10th Book throughout. A ſtarry Night, 8. 687.
    • Spring, 14. 395—
    • Summer, 18. 637.
    • Autumn, 18. 651. 5. 1060—22. 40.
    • Winter, 12. 175. 331.
  • MILITARY Deſcriptions.
    • An Army deſcending on the Shore, 2. 117. An Army marching, 2. 181. 940. The Day of Battle, 2. 458. A vaſt Army on the Plain, 535, &c. to 563. An Army going forth to Battel, 2. 976—13. 59—16. 255—19. 377.
    • A Chariot of War, 5. 890, &c.
    • Confufion and noiſe of Battel, 16. 921—
    • A ſingle Combate, with all the Ceremonial, 3. 123, &c.
    • The Combate between Paris and Menelaus, 3. 423.
    • — of Hector and Ajax, 7. 250, to 335.
    • — of Hector and Achilles, 22.
    • Squadrons embattled, 4. 322—5. 637—8. 260—
    • Firſt Onſet of Battel, 4. 498, to 515.
    • A Circle incloſing the Foe, 5. 712.
    • Stand of an Army, 7. 75. Joining in Battel, 8. 75, &c. 13, 422—A Rout, 11. 193—14. 166—16. 440, &c. 21. 720—A Fortification attack'd, 12. 170, 201. 304. A Breach made, 12. 485. An obſtinate cloſe Fight, 12. 510—15. 860. An Army in cloſe Order, 13. 177, to 185—17. 406. An Attack on the Sea ſide, 14. 452—Levelling and paſſing a Trench, 15. 408. Attack of the Fleet, 15. 677, &c. 786. 855, &c. A Hero arming at all Points, Agamemnon, 11. 21. Patroclus, 16. 162. Achilles, 19. 390. Siege of a Town, 18. 591, &c. Surprize of a Convoy, ibid. Skirmiſh, ibid. Battle of the Gods, 20. 63, to 90. Two Heroes meeting in Battel, 20. 192. The Rage, Deſtruction and Carnage of Battel. 20. 574, &c.
  • Deſcriptions of the INTERNAL PASSIONS, or of their viſible EFFECTS.
    • Anxiety, in Agamemnon, 10, 13, &c. 100, &c.
    • Activity, in Achilles, 19. 416.
    • Admiration, 21, 62—24. 800—
    • Affright, 16, 968—
    • Amazement, 24. 590.
    • Ambition, 13. 458.
    • Anger, 1. 252.
    • Awe, 1. 430.
    • Buffoonry in Therſites, 2. 255, &c.
    • Contentment, 9, 520.
    • Conjugal Love, in Hector and Androm. 6. 510, &c.
    • Courage, 13. 109. 366—17. 250.
    • Cowardiſe, 13. 359—16. 488—
    • Curioſity, in old Men, 3. 194, &c.
    • Deſpair, 22. 377.
    • Diffidence, 3. 280.
    • Diſtreſs, 8. 290—9. 12, &c. 10. 96.
    • Doubt, 14. 21, &c. 21. 651, &c. 22. 138—.
    • Fear, 10. 443—24. 441—
    • Fear in Priam, 21. 615. For his Son, 22. 43. 51, &c. Fear of a Child, 6. 596.
    • Fidelity, in Lycophron, Servant of Ajax, 15. 502—Caleſius, Servant of Axylus, 6. 20.
    • Grief in a fine Woman, 1. 150—3. 185—1. 450—
    • Grief of a Siſter for her dead Brothers, 3. 300, &c.
    • Grief in two Parents in tenderneſs for their Child, 6. 504.
    • Grief occaſion'd by love of our Country, in Patroclus, 16. init.
    • Grief for a Friend in Achilles for Patroclus, 18. 25—100, &c. 19. 335—22. 482—24. 5—
    • Furious Grief, 18. 367.
    • Frantic Grief, 24. 291.
    • Grief of a Father for his Son, in Priam, 22. 522, &c. 24. 200. 275. 291.
    • Grief of a Wife for her Husband, 22. 562. to the end, the Epiſode of Andromache, and again, 24. 906.
    • Grief out of gratitude, in Briſeïs, 19. 319. in Helen, 24.
    • Haſte, expreſt in Hector, 15. 395. 402, &c.
    • Hate, in Achilles to Hector, 22. 335. 433, &c.
    • Hardneſs of Heart, 9. 750—
    • Inſolence, in Tlepolemus, 5. 783. in Epeus, 23. 767.
    • Joy, its viſible Effects, 23. 678.
    • Love, in Helen and Paris, 3. 551, &c. in Jupiter and Juno, 14. 332, &c. 357—
    • Conjugal Love, in Hector and Androm. 6, &c.
    • Love of a Mother to her Son, in Thetis to Achilles, 18. 70—24. 117.
    • [] Brotherly Love, in Agamemnon and Menelaus, 4. 183.
    • Filial Love, in Harpalion, 13. 805.
    • Lovers Sorrow at parting, in Achilles and Briſeis, 1. 450. In Hector and Andromache, 6. 640—Effects of Beauty on old Men, 3. 203—Malice in Thirſites, 2. 255.
    • Pride, in Othryoneus, 13. 457—Modeſty, 14. 373.
    • Pity, of a People for their Prince in miſery, 24. 402.
    • Repentance, in Helen, 3. 230. 493—6. 432. to 450—
    • Raſhneſs, in Aſius, 12. 125, &c.
    • Reſentment, in Achilles, 1. 635—15. 72—
    • Revenge, in Menelaus, 2. 710. In Achilles, for Patroclus, 18. 125, &c. 19. 211—394—211—
    • Revenge and Glory, 16. 123.
    • Reſolution, 19. 466. In Hector, 22. 47. 127.
    • Shame, in Helen, 3. 185, &c. 521—in Juno, 14. 373—
    • Spite, in Juno, 15. 110—in Menelaus, 17. 640.
    • Tenderneſs, of Parents for their Child, in in Hector and Andromache, 6. 504. 598. 616—
    • Wiſh, of Hector, to be Immortal, 13. 1046.—of Achilles, for a general Deſtruction, 16. 122.
    • — of Ajax, to die in the Day-light, 17. 730.

Appendix B.5 SIMILES.

  • From BEASTS.

    The Statelineſs of a Bull, to the Port of Agamemnon, 2. 566.—Of a Ram ſtalking before the Flock, to Ulyſſes, 3. 259. A wanton Stallion breaking from the Paſtures and Mares, to Paris iſſuing from his Apartment, 6. 652. A Hound following a Lion, to Hector following the Grecians, 8. 407. Dogs watching the Folds, to the Guards by Night, 10. 211. Hounds chaſing a Hare thro' thick Woods, to Diomed and Ulyſſes purſuing an Enemy by Night, 10. 427. A Hind flying from a Lion, to the Trojans flying from Agamemnon, 11 153. Beaſts flying from a Lion to the ſame, 10. 227. Hounds chear'd by the Hunter, to Troops encourag'd by the General, 11. 378. A hunted Boar to Ajax, 11. 526. A wounded Deer encompaſs'd with Wolves, to Ulyſſes ſurrounded by Enemies, 11. 595. An Aſs ſurrounded by Boys to Ajax, 11. 683. A Fawn carry'd off by two Lions, to the Body of Imbrius carry'd by the Ajaxes, 13. 265. A Boar enrag'd, to Idomeneus meeting his Enemy, 13. 595. An Ox rolling in the Pangs of Death, to a dying Warrior, 13. 721. Beaſts retreating from Hunters, to the Greeks retiring, 15. 303. Oxen flying from Lions, to the Greeks flying from Apollo and Hector, 15. 366. A Hound faſtening on a Roe, to a Hero flying on an Enemy, 15. 697. A wild Beaſt wounded and retiring from a Multitude, to Antilochus his Retreat, 15. 702. A hideous Aſſembly of Wolves, to the fierce Figure of the Myrmidons, 16. 194. Wolves invading the Flocks, to the Greeks, 16. 420. A Bull torn by a Lion, to Sarpedon kill'd by Patroclus, 16. 600. A Bull ſacrificed, to Aretus, 17. 588. Hounds following a Boar, to the Trojans following Ajax, 17. 811. Mules dragging a Beam, to Heroes carrying a dead Body, 17. 832. A Panther hunted, to Agenor, 21. 978. A Hound purſuing a Fawn, to Achilles purſuing Hector, 22. 243.

  • From LIONS.

    A Lion rowzing at his Prey, to Menelaus at ſight of Paris, 3. 37. A Lion falling on the Flocks, and wounded by a Shepherd, to Diomed wounded, 5. 174. A Lion among Heifers, to the ſame, 5. 206. Two young Lions kill'd by Hunters, to two young Warriors, 5. 681. A Lion deſtroying the Sheep in their Folds, to Ulyſſes ſlaughtering the Thracians aſleep, 10. 564. The ſowr Retreat of a Lion, to that of Ajax, 11. 675. Lion, or Boat hunted, to a Hero diſtreſs'd, 12. 47. A Lion ruſhing on the Flocks, to Sarpedon's March, 12. 357. A Lion killing a Bull, to Hector killing Periphas, 15. 760. A Lion ſlain, after he has made a great Slaughter, apply'd to Patroclus, 16. 909. Two Lions fighting, to Hector and Patroclus, 16. 915. A Lion and Boar at a Spring, to the ſame, 16. 993. A Lion putting a whole Village to Flight, to Menelaus, 17. 70. Retreat of a Lion, to that of Menelaus, 17. 117. A Lioneſs defending her young, to his Defence of Patroclus, 17. 145. Another Retreat of a Lion, to that of Menelaus, 17. 741. The Rage and Grief of a Lion for his Young, to that of Achilles for Patroclus, 18. 371. A Lion ruſhing on his Foe, to Achilles, 20. 200.

  • [] From BIRDS.

    A Flight of Cranes or Swans, to a numerous Army, 2. 540. The Noiſe of Cranes, to the Shouts of an Army, 3. 5—An Eagle preſerving and fighting for her Young, to Achilles protecting the Grecians, 9. 424. A Falcon flying at the Quarry, to Neptune's Flight, 13. 91. An Eagle ſtooping at a Swan, to Hector's attacking a Ship, 15. 836. Two Vultures fighting, to Sarpedon and Patroclus, 16. 522. A Vulture driving Geeſe, to Automedon ſcattering the Trojans, 17. 527. An Eagle caſting his Eyes on the Quarry, to Menelaus looking thro' the Ranks for Antilochus, 17. 761. Cranes afraid of Falcons, to the Greeks afraid of Hector and Aeneas, 17. 845. A Dove afraid of a Falcon, to Diana afraid of Juno, 21. 576. A Falcon following a Dove, to Achilles purſuing Hector, 22. 183. An Eagle at an Hare, to Achilles at Hector, 22. 391. The broad Wings of an Eagle extended, to Palace-Gates ſet open, 24. 391.

  • From SERPENTS.

    A Traveller retreating from a Serpent, to Paris afraid of Menelaus, 3. 47. A Snake roll'd up in his Den, and collecting his Anger, to Hector expecting Achilles, 22. 130.

  • From INSECTS.

    Bees ſwarming, to a numerous Army iſſuing out, 2. 111. Swarms of Flies, to the ſame, 2. 552. Graſhoppers chirping in the Sun, to old Men talking, 3. 201. Waſps defending their Neſt, to the Multitude and Violence of Soldiers defending a Battlement, 12. 190. Waſps provok'd by Children flying at the Traveller, to Troops violent in an Attack, 16. 314. A Hornet angry, to Menelaus incens'd, 17. 642. Locuſts driv'n into a River, to the Trojans in Scamander, 21. 14.

  • From FIRES.

    A Foreſt in Flames, to the Luſtre of Armour, 2. 534. The ſpreading of a Conſlagration, to the March of an Army, 2. 948. Trees ſinking in a Conſlagration, to Squadrons falling in Battel, 11. 201. The Noiſe of Fire in a Wood, to that of an Army in Confuſion, 14. 461. A Conſlagration, to Hector, 15. 728. The Rumbling and Rage of a Fire, to the Confuſion and Roar of a routed Army, 17. 825. Fires on the Hills, and Beacons to give Signals of Diſtreſs, to the Blaze of Achilles's Helmet, 18. 245. A Fire running over Fields and Woods, to the Progreſs and Devaſtations made by Achilles, 20, 569. Fire boiling the Waters, to Vulcan operating on Scamander, 21. 425. A Fire raging in a Town, to Achilles in the Battel, 21. 608. A Town on fire, 22. 518.

  • From ARTS.

    The ſtaining of Ivory, to the Blood running down the Thigh of Menelaus, 4. 170. An Architect obſerving the Rule and Line, to Leaders preſerving the Line of Battel, 4. 474. An Artiſt managing four Horſes, and leaping from one to another, compar'd to Ajax ſtriding from Ship to Ship, 15. 822. A Builder cementing a Wall, to a Leader embodying his Men, 16. 256. Curriers ſtraining a Hide, to Soldiers tugging for a dead Body, 17. 450. Bringing a Current to water a Garden, to the purſuit of Scamander after Achilles, 21. 290. The placing of Rafters in a Building, to the Poſture of two Wreſtlers, 23. 825. The Motions of a Spinſter, the Spindle and Thread, to the Swiftneſs of a Racer, 23. 889. The ſinking of a Plummet, to the Paſſage of Iris thro' the Sea, 24. 107.

  • From TREES.

    The Fall of a Poplar, to that of Simoiſius, 4. 552. Of a beautiful Olive, to that of Euphorbus, 17. 57. Two tall Oakes on the Mountains, to two Heroes, 12. 145. The fall of an Aſh, to that of Imbrius, 13. 241. Of a Pine or Oak ſtretch'd on the Ground, to Aſius dead, 13. 493. An Oak overturn'd by a Thunderbolt, to Hector fell'd by a Stone, 14. 408. An Oak, Pine or Poplar falling, to Sarpedon, 16. 591.

  • From the SEA.

    Rolling Billows, to an Army in Motion, 2. 175. The Murmurs of Waves, to the Noiſe of a Multitude, 2. 249. Succeſſion of Waves, to the moving of Troops, 4. 478. A freſh Gale to weary Mariners, like the coming of Hector to his Troops, 7. 5—The Seas ſettling themſelves, to thick Troops compos'd in Order and Silence, 7. 71. The Sea agitated by different Winds, to the Army in Doubt and Confuſion, 9. 5. The Waves rolling neither way, till one Wind ſways 'em, to Neſtor's Doubt and ſudden Reſolution, 14. 21. A Rock breaking the Billows, to the Body of Greeks reſiſting the Trojans, 15, 746. The Sea roaring [] at its Reception of a River into it, to the meeting of Armies at a Charge, 17. 310. A Beacon to Mariners at Sea, to the Light of Achilles's Shield, 19. 405. A Dolphin purſuing the leſſer Fiſh, to Achilles in Scamander, 21. 30.

  • From the SUN, MOON, STARS.

    The Moon and Stars in Glory, to the Brightneſs and Number of the Trojan Fires, 8. 687. A Star ſometimes ſhewing and ſometimes hiding itſelf in Clouds, to Hector ſeen by Fits thro' the Battalions, 11. 83. The Sun in Glory, to Achilles, 19. 436. The Evening Star, to the Point of his Spear, 22. 399. The Dog-Star riſing, to Diomed's dreadful Appearance, 5. 8.—to Achilles, 22. 37. The red Rays of the Dog Star, to Achilles's Helmet, 19. 412. The Morning Star, its Beauty, to young Aſtyanax, 6. 499.


    Tortents ruſhing to the Vallies, to Armies meeting in an Engagement, 4. 516. Torrents drowning the Field, to the Rage of a Hero, 5. 116. A Torrent ſtopping a Shepherd, to Hector ſtopping Diomed, 5. 734. The Violence of a Torrent, to Ajax, 11. 615. A Storm over whelming a Ship at Sea, to the Trojans mounting a Breach, 15. 440. An Autumnal Storm and a Deluge, to the ruin of a routed Army, 16. 467. A Storm roaring in a Wood, to Armies ſhouting, 16. 923. The Wind toſſing the Clouds, to Hector driving the Greeks, 11. 396. Different Winds driving the Duſt, to different Paſſions urging the Combatants, 13. 425. A Whirlwind on the Waters, to a Hurry of an Army in Motion, 13. 1000. Winds roaring thro' Woods, or on the Seas, to the noiſe of an Army, 14. 457. A Tempeſt and Shipwreck, compar'd to the Rage of Hector and Terrors of the Greeks, 15. 752. The Northwind drying a Garden, to Vulcan drying the Field after an Inundation, 21. 403.

  • From heavenly Appearances, THUNDER and LIGHTNING, COMETS, CLOUDS, &c.

    A Mountain ſhaken by Thunder, to the trampling of an Army, 2. 950. The Blaze of a Comet, to the Deſcent of Pallas, 4. 101. The darkneſs of Troops, to the gathering of Clouds, 4. 314. The regular appearance of Clouds on the Mountain Tops, to a Line of Battel, 5. 641. Peſtilential Vapors aſcending, to Mars flying to Heaven, 5. 1058. The quick Flaſhes of Lightning, to the thick Sighs of Agamemnon, 10. 5. Thick Flakes of Snow, to Showers of Arrows, 12. 175. Snow covering the Earth, to Heaps of Stones hiding the Fields, 12. 331. The Blaze of Lightning, to the Arms of Idomeneus, 13. 318. Clouds diſpers'd and the Proſpect appearing, to the Smokes being clear'd from the Ships, and the Navy appearing, 16. 354. A Cloud ſhading the Fields as it riſes, to the Rout of Trojans flying over the Plain, 16. 434. The Figure of a Rainbow, to the Appearance of Pallas, 17. 616. The luſtre of Snow, to that of Armour, 19. 380.


    Waving of Corn in the Field, to the Motion of Plumes and Spears, 2. 179. A Shepherd gathering his Flocks, to a general ranging his Army, 2. 562. A thick Miſt on the Mountains, to the Duſt rais'd by an Army, 3. 15. The bleating of Flocks, to the Noiſe of Men, 4. 492. Chaff flying from the Barn-Floor, to the Duſt, 5. 611. Corn falling in Ranks, to Men ſlain in Battle, 10. 90. The Joy of a Shepherd ſeeing his Flock, to the Joy of a General ſurveying his Army, 13. 620. The Corn bounding from the Threſhing-Floor, to an Arrow bounding from Armour, 13. 739. Two Bulls plowing, to two Heroes labouring in a Battel Side by Side, 13. 879. Felling of Timber, to the Fall of Heroes in Battel, 16. 767. Oxen trampling out the Corn, to Horſes trampling on the Slain, 20. 580. The Morning Dew reviv [...]ing the Corn, to the exaltation of Joy in a Man's Mind, 23. 678.

  • From LOW LIFE.

    A Mother defending her Child from a Waſp, to Minerva's ſheltering Menelaus from an Arrow, 4. 162. A Heyfer ſtanding over her Young one, to Menelaus guarding the Body of Patroclus, 17. 5. Two Countrymen diſputing about the Limits of their Land, to two Armies diſputing a Poſt, 12. 511. A poor Woman weighing Wool, the Scales hanging uncertain, to the doubtful Fates of two Armies, 12. 521. Boys building and deſtroying Houſes of Sand, to Apollo's overturning the Grecian Wall, 15. 416. A Child weeping to his Mother, to Patroclus's Supplications to Achilles, 16. 11.

  • [] SIMILES exalting the Characters of Men by comparing them to GODS.

    Agamemnon compar'd to Jupiter, Mars, and Neptune, 2. 564. Ajax to Mars, 7. 252. Meriones, to Mars ruſhing to the Battel, 13. 384. Hector, to Mars deſtroying Armies, 15. 726.

  • SIMILES diſadvantagious to the CHARACTERS.

    Paris running from Menelaus, to a Traveller frighted by a Snake, 3. 47. A grawdy, foppiſh Soldier, to a Woman dreſs'd out, 2. 1063. Teucer skulking behind Ajax's Shield, to a Child, 8. 325. Theſtor pull'd from his Chariot, to a Fiſh drawn by an Angler, 16. 495. Ajax to an Aſs, patient and ſtubborn, 11. 683. Patroclus weeping, to an Infant, 16. 11. Cebriones tumbling, to a Diver, 16. 904.


    Soft piercing Words, to Snow, 3. 285. The cloſing of a Wound, to Milk turning to Curd, 5. 1114. The Fall of a Hero, to a Tower, 4. 528. Indefatigable Courage, to an Axe, 3. 90. Agamemnon weeping, to a Fountain, 9. 19. Juno flying, to the Mind paſſing over diſtant Places, 15. 86. Dancers, to a Wheel turning round, 18. 695. A Warrior breaking the Squadrons, to a Mound dividing the Courſe of a River, 17. 839. Men ſeeming to run in a Dream, to the Courſe of Hector and Achilles, 22. 257. A Father mourning at the Funeral of his Son, to Achilles for Patroclus, 23. 272. A Fragment of a Rock falling, to the furious Deſcent of Hector, 13. 191. A Poppy bending the Head, to Gorgythion dying, 8. 371. The ſwift Motion of the Gods, to the Eye paſſing over a Proſpect, 5. 960. The Smoothneſs of their Motion, to the Flight of Doves, 5. 971.


Expreſſing in the Sound the Thing deſcrib'd.

  • Made abrupt (and without Conjunctions) in expreſſing Haſte, 7. 282. 15. 402—
  • Short, in earneſt and vehement Entreaties, 21. 420.—23. 506.
  • Full of Breaks, where Diſappointment is imag'd. 18. 101, 144.—22. 378.
  • — where Rage and Fury is expreſs'd, 18. 137.
  • — where Grief is ſcarce able to go on, 18. 101. 22. 616, 650.
  • Broken and diſorder'd in deſcribing a ſtormy Sea, 13. 1005.
  • Straining, imag'd in the Sound, 15. 544.
  • Trembling, imag'd in the Sound, 10. 446.
  • Panting, 13. 721.
  • Relaxation of all the Limbs in Death, 7. 18, 22.
  • A confuſed Noiſe, 12, 410.
  • A hard-fought Spot of Ground, 12. 513, &c.
  • Tumbling of a Wall, 7. 552.
  • Bounding of a Stone from a Rock, 13. 198.
  • A ſudden Stop, 13. 199.
  • Stiffneſs and Slowneſs of old Age, 13. 649, 653.—23. 423.
  • A ſudden Fall, 23. 146.
  • The ruſtling and craſhing of Trees falling, 23. 147.
  • The rattling and jumping of Carts over rough and rocky Way, 23. 139, 140.
  • A ſudden Shock of Chariots ſtopp'd, 16. 445.
  • Leaping over a Ditch, 16. 460.
  • The quivering of Feathers in the Sun, 19. 415.
  • Supplanted by a Stream, 21. 268, 269.
  • The flaſhing of Waters, 21. 273.
  • Bounding and heaving on the Waters, 21. 350.
  • Out of Breath. 21. 419, &c.
  • Voice of different Animals expiring, 23. 41, 42, &c.



The firſt Number marks the Book, the ſecond the Verſe.

    • PRaiſe of Art Military, 4. 631.
    • Ambuſh eſteem'd a venturous manner of fighting, l. 1. ℣. 299. l. 13. ℣. 355.
    • Ambuſcade deſcrib'd, 18. 605.
    • Attack, 12. 95. &c. ibid. 171. &c. ibid. 305. &c.
    • Arming, the Policy of giving the beſt Arms to the ſtrongeſt, 14. 438.
    • Beſieging, 11. 61—12. 170. 303. 534—8. 262.—22. 5.
    • Single Combate, 3. 123, &c.—7. 80, &c.
    • Courts of Juſtice in the Camp, 11. 938.
    • Counoils of War, 7. 415—8. 610—9. 130, &c. 10. 146—232—357—18. 290,—Military Exerciſe, 7. 289, &c.
    • Encamping. The manner of Encampment of the Trojans, 10. 496. Of the Thracians, in three Lines, their Weapons on the Ground before them, the Chariots as a Fence, outward, 10. 544.
    • Fortification. Walls with Battlements, in a Line, Towers upon thoſe Walls, Gates at proper Diſtances, and Trenches, inclos'd with Paliſades, 7. 406, and 523. The ſtrong Gates to a Fortification, how compos'd, 12. 545.
    • Marſhalling of Armies, 2. 667, &c. Cantoning the Troops of each Nation under their own Leaders, 2. 433. Embodying in an Orb, 4. 312. Diſpoſing in order of Battle, 4. 342, &c. Lines of Battle in exact order, 5. 641, &c. Where to place the worſt Soldiers, 4. 344.
    • Another Order of Battle, 11. 62.
    • — In an Orb, 17. 411. Cloſe Fight, 15. 860.
    • — In the Phalanx, 13. 177, &c. 15. 744. In the Teſtudo, 22. 6.
    • Armies drawn up in two Wings, will a Centre, 13. 396.
    • The Strength of the Army placed in the Centre, 13. 401.
    • Marching an Army in Silence and Diſcipline, l. 3. ℣. 11—l. 4. 487.
    • Method of paſſing a Trench and Paliſades, 12. 65, &c.
    • Plunder and Pillage forbidden till the Conqueſt is compleat, 6. 85.
    • Retreat. The manner of Retreat preſcrib'd, 5. 746. That of Ajax, 11. 675—17. 837.
    • Soldiers taught to row in the Gallies, ſerving both as Soldiers and Sailors, 2. 876.
    • Scouts, 10. 43—245. and at large in the Story of Diomed, Ulyſſes and Dolon, in that Book.
    • Spies, 18. 605.
    • Watch-towers, to obſerve the Motions of the Foe, 2. 261—22. 192.
    • Watch, at ſet Stations, 7. 455—Nightly Watch by Fires, 8. 632. at the Fortifications in regular Bodies under diſtinct Captains, 9. 110, &c. Management of the Army by Night under Fears [] of Surprize, 10. 63, to 226. The manner of the Warriors ſleeping, 10. 170. The poſture of the Guards, 10. 210. Better to truſt the Guard to native Troops than to Foreigners, 10. 490, &c.
    • Tillage. The manner of plowing, 10. 420. 18. 627. Plowing with Oxen, 13. 880. with Mules, 10. 420. Uſual to plow the Field three times over, 18. 628. Reaping, 11. 89—18. 637. Treading out the Corn by Oxen inſtead of Threſhing, 20. 580. Fanning the Chaff, 5. 611. 13. 740.
    • Paſturage, 18. 667. Meadow Grounds with running Water, ibid. Vintage, 18. 651. Bringing Currents to water Gardens, 21. 290.
    • Fiſhing, by Angling, 24. 107.
    • — By Diving, 16. 905,
    • Hunting, the Boar, 17. 814—11. 526. Lion, 11. 378.—17. 743. The Deer, 11. 595—15. 697. The Panther, 21. 680. The Hare, 10. 427.
    • Shooting flying, 23. 1030.
    • Architecture, the Gift of Minerva, 5. 80.
    • Architecture of a Palace upon Arches, with Apartments round a Court, built entirely of Marble, 6. 304.
    • —Paris skilful in Architecture, brings together Architects to erect his Palace, 6. 391.
    • Rafters, how placed, 23. 827—
    • Building Walls, 16. 256.
    • The Rule and Line, 15. 477.
    • Architecture of a Tent, with a Suite of Apartments within one another, 24. 555, &c.
    • In General, 18. 560,
    • Orion and the Bear, 18, 563.
    • The Riſing of the Dog-ſtar, 5. 10.
    • A Comet deſcrib'd, 4. 101—
    • The Rainbow, 11. 36.
    • Power of the Stars in Nativities, 22. 610.
    • Divination by Angury, 2. 375, &c. 8. 297—10. 320—12. 230—13. 1039—24. 361, &c.
    • Hector's Opinion of Augury, 12. 277.
    • By Omens, Thunder and Lightnings, 7. 571—9. 310—11. 58.—13. 319.
    • The Rainbow, 11. 38—17. 616.
    • Comets, 4. 101—
    • Showers of Blood, 11. 70—16. 560.
    • By Lots, 7. 215.
    • By Dreams, 1. 81—5. 191.
    • By Oracles, 16. 54—16. 290. that of Dodona, and the manner of it, &c.
    • Dancing, 16. 217. The different kinds for Men and Women, 18. 687—The Circular, 18. 573—Mixed, 18. 690—
    • Dancing practiſed by Warriors, 16. 746.
    • — With Swords, 18. 688—
    • Diving, 16. 905. 495.
    • Tumblers, 18, 698—
    • Horſemanſhip.] Manage of the Horſe, 5. 280. Precepts of Horſemanſhip and the Art of Racing, 23. 391, &c. Four Horſes rid by one Man at once, 15. 822. Three thouſand breeding Mares at once in the Stables of Ericthonius, 20. 262.
    • The Ceſtus, 23. 753, &c.
    • The Quoit, or Diſcus, 23. 972, &c.
    • Wreſtling, 23. 820, &c.
    • Racing, 23. 880, &c.
    • A TABLE of thoſe Places, whoſe Situation, Products, People, or Hiſtory, &c. are particularized by Homer.
    • Aetolia, and its Royal Family, 2. 780.
    • Arcadia, and the Genius of the Inhabitants, 2. 735.
    • Aulis, its rocky Situation, 2. 590.
    • Imbrus and Tenedos, Iſlands near Troy, 13. 50—
    • Iſtiaea, famous for Vineyards, 2. 645.
    • Ithaca, and the neighbouring Iſlands in Proſpect, 2. 769, &c.
    • Laniſſa, its Fertility, 2. 1019.
    • Lectos, ſituate on the Top of Mount Ida, 14. 320.
    • Lemnos, traded in Wines, 7. 559.
    • Maeander, the River, 2. 1056.
    • Maeonia, under the Mountains of Tmolus, 2. 1052.
    • Meſſe, a Town of Sparta; abounding in Doves, 2. 705.
    • Mycaleſſus, its Plain famous for Pine-Trees, 2. 593.
    • Anthedon, the laſt Town in Boeotia, 2. 607.
    • Arene, its Plain, water'd by the River Minyas, 11. 860.
    • Arisba, on the River Selleis, 2. 1014.
    • Arne, celebrated for Vines, 2. 606.
    • Aeſepus, a Trojan River of black Water, 2. 1000.
    • Argos, its Sea-coaſt deſcrib'd with the Products of that part of the Country, 9. 198, &c.
    • Athens, and ſome Cuſtoms of the Athenians, [] with mention of the Temple of Minerva, 2. 657. 663.
    • Alybe, famous anciently for Silver Mines, 2. 1045.
    • Axius, the River, deſcrib'd, 2. 1030.
    • Boagrius, the River, and places adjacent, 2. 638.
    • Boebe, the Lake and Parts adjacent, 2. 865.
    • Calydon, its rocky Situation, 2. 777—9. 653.
    • Cephiſſus, the River and Places upon its Banks, 2. 622.
    • Cerinthus, ſituate on the Sea-ſhore, 2. 648.
    • Cyllene, the Arcadian Mountain, with the Tomb of Aepytus, 2. 731.
    • Crete, its hundred Cities, 2. 790.
    • Carians, a barbarous mixed People, 2. 1059.
    • Dodona, its Site, Temple, Grove, &c. 16. 287. 2. 909.
    • Dorion, the Place of Thamyris's Death, the celebrated Muſician, 2. 721.
    • Elis, its exact Boundaries, 2. 747. and the Iſlands oppoſite to that Continent, 760. to 774.
    • Ephyre, the ancient Name of Corinth, 6. 193.
    • Epidaurus, planted with Vineyards, 2. 679.
    • Eteon, its Hills, 2. 591.
    • Haliartus, Paſture Grounds, 2. 598.
    • Helleſpont, 2. 1024, &c.
    • Helos, a Maritime Town, 2. 708.
    • Henetia, famous for its Breed of Mules, 2. 1035.
    • Hermion and Aſine, ſeated on the Bay, 2. 680.
    • Hippemolgians, their long Life and Nutriment, 13. 12.
    • Hippoplacian Woods, 6. 539—22. 611—
    • Hylas, watry Situation and the Genius of the Inhabitants, 5. 872.
    • Hyperia, its Fountains, 2. 895.
    • Mount Ida, its Fountains and Foreſts, 14. 321.
    • Catalogue of the Rivers that run from Mount Ida, 12. 17.
    • Jardanus and Celadon, two Rivers, 7. 163.
    • Mycenae, and its maritime Towns, 2. 686.
    • Oncheſtus, the Grove of Neptune, 2. 600.
    • Orchomenos, one of the principal Cities for Wealth in Homer's Time, 9. 498.
    • Parthenius, the River, and Places adjacent, 2. 1038.
    • Pedaſus, ſeated on the River Satnio, 6. 41.
    • Peneus, the River running thro' Tempe, and Mount Pelion, deſcrib'd, 2. 918.
    • Phthia, its Situation, 1. 204. Famous for Horſes, 203.
    • Phylace and Pyrrhaſus, a beautiful Country with Groves and flow'ry Meadows, deſcrib'd, 2. 850.
    • Rhodes, its Wealth, its Plantation by Tlepolemus, and Diviſion into three Dynaſties, 2. 808, &c.
    • Samothracia, the View from its Mountains, 13. 19.
    • Scamander, its two Springs, 22. Its Confluence with Simois, 5. 965.
    • Scyros, the Iſland, 19. 353.
    • Sidon, famous for Works of Sculpture, 23. 866. and Embroidery, 6. 360.
    • Sipylus, its Mountains, Rocks, and Deſarts, 24. 775.
    • Sperchius, a River of Theſſaly, 23. 176.
    • Styx, the River deſcrib'd, 2. 915.
    • Thebae, in Aegypt, anciently the richeſt City in the World with a hundred Gates, deſcribed, 9. 506.
    • Theſſaly, its ancient Diviſion, and Inhabitants, 2. 833.
    • Thisbe, famous for Doves, 2. 601.
    • Thrace, its Hills and Promontories, 14. 260. &c.
    • Titareſius, the River, 2. 910.
    • Troy, its Situation and remarkable Places about it, 2. 982—11. 217.
    • Typhoeus, the burning Mountain, 2. 953.
    • Xanthus, the River of Troy deſcrib'd, its Banks and Plants produc'd there, 21. 507, &c.
    • Xanthus, the River of Lycia, 2. ℣. ult.
    • Zelia, ſituate at the foot of Mount Ida, 2. 998.
    • Hiſtory preſerv'd by Homer.] Of the Heroes before the Siege of Troy, Centaurs, &c. 1. 347. to 358. Of Tlepolemus planting a Colony in Rhodes, 2. 808. Of the Expulſion of the Centaurs from Greece, 2. 902. Of the Wars of the Phrygians and Amazous, 3. 245. Of the War with Thebes, and Embaſſy of Tydeus, 4. 430. Of Bellerophon, 6. 194. Of Eruthalion and Lycurgus, 7. 164. Of the Curetes and Aetolians, 9. 653. Of the Wars of the Pylians and Aetolians, 11. 818. Of the Race of Troy, 20. 255. &c. To this Head may be referred the numerous Genealogies in our Author.
    • Muſick practis'd by Princes, the Uſe of the Harp, in Achilles, 9. 247. in Paris, 3. 80.
    • The Uſe of the Pipe, 10. 15—18. 609.
    • Vocal Muſick accompanying the Inſtruments, 1. 775.
    • Chorus's at Intervals, 24. 902.
    • Muſick uſed in the Army, 10. 15.
    • — at Funerals, 24. 900.
    • — in the Vintage, 18. 661.
    • Trumpets in War, 18. 260.
    • Archery, Making a Bow, and all its Parts deſcribed, 4. 136, &c.
    • Chariot-making, A Chariot deſcribed in all its Parts, 5. 889, &c. 24. 335.
    • Poplar proper for Wheels, 4. 554.
    • Sycamore fit for Wheels, 21. 44.
    • Clockwork, 18. 441.
    • Enamelling, 18. 635.
    • Ship—building, 5. 80.—15. 475.
    • Pine, a proper Wood for the Maſt of a Ship, 16. 592.
    • Smithery, Iron-work, &c. The Forge deſcrib'd, 18. 435, 540. Bellows, 435, 482, 540. Hammer, Tongs, Anvil, 547.
    • Mixing of Metals, ibid.
    • Spinning, 23. 890.
    • Weaving, 3. 580. 6. 580.
    • Embroidery, 6. 361.—
    • Armoury, and Inſtruments of War.]
    • A compleat Suit, that of Paris, 3. 410, &c. of Agamemnon, 11. 22,—&c.
    • Scale-Armour, 15, 629—
    • Helmets, with four Plumes, 5. 919—
    • — without any Creſts, 10. 303—
    • — lin'd with Wool, and ornamented with
    • Boars Teeth, of a particular make, 10. 311.
    • — lin'd with Furr, 10. 397—
    • Bows, how made, 4. 137—
    • Battel-Ax, deſcrib'd, 13. 766.
    • Belts, croſſing each other, to hang the Sword and the Shield, 14. 468.
    • Corſelets, ornamented with Sculpture, 11. 33.
    • — how lin'd, 4. 165—
    • Mace, or Club, 7. 170—15. 816.
    • Shields, ſo large as to cover from the Neck to the Ankles, 6. 145—How made and cover'd, 7. 267. deſcrib'd in every particular, 11. 43, &c.
    • Slings, 13. 899.
    • Spears, with Braſs Points, 8. 617.
    • Aſh fit to make them, 16. 143—19. 422.
    • How the Wood was join'd to the Point, 18. 618.
    • Swords, how ornamented, with Ivory, Gems, 19, 400.
    • See the Article Speeches in the Poetical Index.
    • Kings.] Derive their Honour from God, 2. 233.—1. 315. Their Names to be honour'd, 2. 313. One ſole Monarch, 2. 243. Hereditary Right of Kings repreſented by the Sceptre of Agamemnon given by Jove, 2. 129. Kings not to be diſobey'd on the one hand, nor to ſtretch too far their Prerogative on the other, 1. 365. &c. Kings not abſolute in Council, 9. 133. Kings made ſo, only for their excelling others in Virtue and Valour, 12. 377. Vigilance continually neceſſary in Princes, 2. 27—10. 102. Againſt Monarchs delighting in War, 9. 82, &c.—24. 55. The true Valour, that which preſerves, not deſtroys Mankind, 6. 196. Kings may do wrong, and are oblig'd to Reparation, 9. 144. Character of a great Prince in War and Peace, 3. 236.
    • Councils.] The Danger of a Subject's too bold Advice, 1. 103. The Advantage of wiſe Counſels ſeconded by a wiſe Prince, 9. 101. The Uſe of Advice, 9. 137. The ſingular Bleſſing to a Nation and Prince, in a good and wiſe Counſellor, 13. 918. The Deliberations of the Council to be free, the Prince only to give a Sanction to the beſt, 9. 133.
    • Laws] deriv'd from God, and Legiſlators his Delegates, 1. 315. Committed to the Care of Kings, as Guardians of the Laws of God, 9. 129.
    • Tribute paid to Princes from Towns, 9. 206.
    • Taxes upon Subjects to aſſiſt foreign Allies, 17. 266.
    • Ambaſſadors, a ſacred Character, 1. 435—9. 261.
    • Voluntiers, liſted into Service, 11. 904.
    • See the Article Art Military.
    • The Praiſe of a Phyſician, 11. 637.
    • Chiron learn'd it from Aeſculapius, 4. 251.
    • Machaon and Podalirius Profeſſors of it, 2. 890.
    • Botany.] Profeſs'd by skilful Women,
    • Agamede famous for it, 11. 877.
    • Anatomy.] Of the Head, 16. 415, &c.
    • The Eye, 14. 577.
    • Under the Ear, a Wound there mortal, 13. 841.
    • The Juncture of the Head, and its Nerves, 14. 544.
    • The Juncture of the Neck and Cheſt, the Collar-Bone and its Inſertion, the diſjointing of which renders the Arm uſeleſs, 8. 393, &c.
    • The Spinal Marrow expreſt by the Vein that runs along the Chine, a wound there mortal, 13. 692—20. 559—
    • The Elbow, its Tendons and Ligaments, 20. 554.
    • Blood, a great Effuſion of it, by cutting off the Arm, the cauſe of immediate Death, 5. 105—
    • The Heart and its Fibres, 16, 590.
    • The force of the Muſcle of the Heart, 13. 554.
    • [] A Wound in the Bladder by piercing the Iſchiatic Joint, mortal, 13. 813.
    • The Inſertion of the Thigh-bone, and its Ligaments deſcrib'd, 5. 375.
    • The Wounds of the Abdomen mortal, and exceſſively painful, 13. 718.
    • The Tendons of the Ankle, 4. 597. Chirurgery.] Extraction of Darts, 4. 228.
    • Sucking the Blood from the Wound, 4. 250.
    • Infuſion of Balms into Wounds, 4. 250. 5. 1111.
    • Waſhing the Wound with warm Water, and the Uſe of Lenitives, 11. 965.
    • Stanching the Blood by the Bitter Root, 11. 983.
    • Ligatures of Wool, 13, 752.
    • Uſe of Baths for wounded Men, 14. 10.
    • Sprinkling Water to recover from Fainting, 14. 509. Pharmacy and Diaeteticks.
    • The Uſe of Wine forbidden, 6. 330.
    • Cordial Potion of Neſtor, 11. 782, &c.
    • Infection, ſeizing firſt on Animals, then Men, 1. 70. Nine Days the Criſis of Diſeaſes, 1. 71. Fevers and Plagues from the Dog-ſtar, 5. 1058—19. 412—22. 41.
    • See the whole Shield of Achilles, and the Notes, on Lib. 18.
    • The CHARACTERS. Homer diſtinguiſhes the Character in the Figures of Gods ſuperior to thoſe of Men, 18. 602.
    • Characters of Majeſty.] The Majeſty of Jupiter, from whence Phidias copied his Statue, 1. 683. Of Mars and Neptune, 2. 569.
    • The Majeſty of a Prince, in the Figure of Agamemnon, 2. 564, &c. Of a wiſe Man, in Ulyſſes's Aſpect, 3. 280. Of an old Man, in Neſtor and Priam, 1. 330—24. 600. Of a young Hero, in Achilles, 19. 390, &c. All variouſly characterized by Homer.
    • Characters of Beauty] Alluring Beauty in the Goddeſs Venus, 14. 250. Majeſtic Beauty in Juno, 14. 216. Beauty of a Woman in Helen, 3. 205. Beauty of a young Man, in Paris, 3. 26. Euphorbus 17. 53, &c. Beauty of a fine Inſant, in Aſtyanax, 6. 497.
    • Beauties of the Parts of the Body.] Largeneſs and Majeſty of the Eyes, in Juno's. Blackneſs, in thoſe of Chryſeis. Blue, in Minerva's, &c. Eye-brows, black, graceful, 1. 683. The Beauty of the Cheeks, and the fairneſs of Hair, in the Epithets of Helen. Whiteneſs of the Arms in thoſe of Juno. Fingers rather red than pale, in the Epithet of Roſie-finger'd to Aurora. Whiteneſs of the Feet in that of Silverfooted to Thetis, &c. Colour of the Skin to be painted differently according to the Condition of the Perſonages, applyed to the whiteneſs of the Thigh of Menelaus, 4. 175.
    • Character of Deformity, the Oppoſites to Beauty in the ſeveral parts, conſider'd in the Figure of Therſites, 2. 263, &c.
    • For Pictures of particular things, ſee the Article Images in the Poetical INDEX.
    • Hiſtory, Landſcape-Painting, Animals, &c. In the Buckler of Achilles, 18. at large. The deſign of a Goblet in Sculpture, 11. 775.
    • Sculpture of a Corſlet, 11. 33, &c. Of a Bowl, 23. Horſes carv'd on Monuments, 17. 495.
    • Enameling, and In-laying, in the Buckler of Achilles, 18. 635. 655. and Breaſt-plate of Agamemnon, 11. 35.
    • Tapeſtry, or weaving Hiſtories, Flowers, &c. 3. 171.—6. 580.—22. 569—Embroidery of Garments, 6. 360.
    • See the entire Index.
  • THEOLOGY. A view of Homer's THEOLOGY.
      • Superior to all Powers of Heaven, 7. 244. 8. 10. &c. Enjoying himſelf in the Contemplation of his Glory and Power, 11. 107. Self-ſufficient, and above all ſecond Cauſes, or inferior Deities, 1. 647. The other Deities reſort to him as their Sovereign Appeal, 5. 1065—21. 590. His Will his Fate, 8. 10. His ſole Will the Cauſe of all humane Events, 1. 8. His Will takes certain and inſtant Effect, 1. 685. His Will immutable and always juſt, 1. 730. All-ſeeing, 8. 65—2. 4—Supreme above all, and ſole Sufficient, 11. 107 The ſole Governor and Fate of all Things, 2. 147—16. 845. Diſpoſer of all the Glories and Succeſs of Men, 17. 198. Foreſeeing all Things, 71. 228. The Giver of Victory. 7. 118. Diſpoſer of all human Affairs, 9. 32. His leaſt Regard, or Thought reſtores Mankind, 15. 274. or turns the Fate of Armies, 17. 675. Diſpenſer of all the Good and Evil that befalls Mankind, 24. 663. His Favour ſuperior to all human Means, 9. 152. His Counſels unſearchable, 1. 705. Themis or Juſtice is his Meſſenger, 20. 5. God proſpers thoſe who worſhip him, 1. 290. Conſtantly puniſhes the wicked, tho' late, 4. 194. The Avenger of Injuſtice, 4. 202. [] Nothing ſo terrible as his Wrath, 5. 227. His divine Juſtice ſometimes puniſhes whole Nations by general Calamities, 16. 468. Children puniſhed for the Sins of their Parents, 11. 166. and 16. 393.
    • The Inferior DEITIES.
      • Have different Offices under God: Some preſide over Elements, 18. 46—23. 240.
      • Some over Cities and Countries, 4. 75—
      • Some over Woods, Springs, &c. 20. 12.
      • They have a ſubordinate Power over one another. Inferior Deities or Angels ſubject to Pain, Impriſonment, 5. 475. 1090. Threatned by Jupiter to be caſt into Tartarus, 8. 15. Are ſuppoſed to converſe in a Language different from that of Mortals, 2. 985—Subſiſt not by material Food, 5. 4 Compaſſionate Mankind, 8. 42—24. 412. Able to aſſiſt Mortals at any diſtance, 16. 633. Regard and take care of thoſe who ſerve them, even to their Remains after Death, 24. 520. No reſiſting heavenly Powers. 5. 495. The meanneſs and vileneſs of all earthly Creatures in compariſon of the divine Natures, 5. 535.
      • Prayer recommended on all Enterprizes, throughout the Poem.
      • Prayers intercede at the Throne of Heaven, 9. 624.
      • Opinions of the Ancients concerning Hell, the Place of Puniſhment for the wicked after Death, 8. 15—19. 271—
      • Opinions of the Ancients concerning the State of ſeparate Spirits, 23. 89, &c. 120, &c.

Appendix D ERRATA.

  • PREFACE.] Page 4. line 18. for ſupply this Characters, read ſupply his Characters. Page 8. line 25. for ſelf-conſidering Valour, read ſelf confiding. Page 22. line 5. for praiſe the Superſtructure, read raiſe the Superſtructure. Page 24. line 10. for with read with. Page 18. line 11. after Myrtles diſtilling Blood, add, the latter, &c.
  • Eſſay.] Page 15. line 34. for brings him, read brings it. Page 17. in the References at the bottom, for [...], read [...]. Page 36. in the Citation from Horace at the bottom, for Argue read Arguet. Page 51. line 25. for Sheep reed Ewes.
  • Note, Wherever there are References in the Obſervations throughout the Book, to any particular Verſes cited from Homer, it is conſtantly to be underſtood of the number of that Verſe in the Original, and not in the Engliſh.
  • Book 1.] Verſe 262. add in the Margin in reference to the Star, *Juno. ℣. 517. for The undaunted, read Th' undaunted.
  • Obſervations on Book 1.] Obſ. 35. line 10. inſtead of Centaurs fell out fifty five or ſixty Years, read fifty five or fifty ſix Years. And the third line after, inſtead of It was then fifty five or ſixty five, read It was then ſixty five or ſixty ſix. This Error totally deſtroys the Senſe.
  • Book 2.] Verſe 77. for Ill ſuits a Chief, read Ill fits a Chief. ℣. 666. for martial Armies, read marſhal Armies.
  • Obſervations on Book 2.] Obſ. 9. toward the end, for a thouſand funeral Piles, read a thouſand Fires. Obſ. 23. toward the end, for another Criticiſm upon the 290th Verſe of this Book, read another Criticiſm upon the 290th Verſe of the Catalogue. Obſ. 32. in the laſt lines, place the Stop thus; the Deſcription of her Preparation for Death, and her Behaviour in it, can never be enough admired.
  • Book 3.] Verſe 43. for high Chariot, read proud Chariot. ℣. 444. read the whole line thus; Eludes the Death and diſappoints his Foe. ℣. the laſt but one of the Book, for juſt Applauſes, read loud Applauſes.
  • Obſervations on Book 3.] Obſ. 6. line 21. for the Intemperance of Hector, read the Temperance of Hector. Obſ. 7. at the end, for Nireus's Prophecy, read Nereus's Prophecy.
  • Obſervations on Book 4.] Obſ. 36. the laſt line but two, for Concluſion, read Confuſion.
  • Book 5.] Verſe 647. for kroken, read broken. ℣. 930. for to ſtand, read they ſtand.
  • Obſervations on Book 5.] Obſ. 10. within four Lines of the end, for 333, read 343.
  • Book 6.] Verſe 451. read the Commas thus, The Trojan Bands, by Hoſtile Fury preſt, Demand their Hector—
  • Obſervations on Book 6.] Obſ. 3. line ult. for human read humane. Obſ. 17. line the laſt, for this read his.
  • Obſervations on Book 7.] Obſ. 29. line ult. dele in.
  • Book 8.] Verſe 264. for Bands, read Brands. ℣. 480. for to ſtand, read they ſtand. ℣. 688. for ſheds, read ſpreads.
  • Obſervations on Book. 8.] Obſ. 53. line 5. for fair-hair'd, read fair-ſphear'd.
  • Obſervations on Book. 9.] Obſ. 9. line 7. for to be, read to me. Obſ. 50. line 2. for Heliopolis, read Dioſpolis. Obſ. 52. line 1, for bled, read fled.
  • Book 10.] Line 116. for agrees, read agree.
  • Book 11.] Verſe 702. for drinks the dry Duſt, read prints the dry Duſt.
  • Obſervations on Book 13.] Obſ. 51, 52, 53. are referred to wrong Figures.
  • Book 14.] Verſe 304 and 312. for Paſithae, read Paſithea.
  • Obſervations on Book 15.] Obſ. 2. line 19. for wiſe, read Wiſe. and two lines after, for Pontius, read Ponticus. Obſ. 6. toward the end, after mark by theſe Recapitulations, add, and Anticipations, &c.
  • Book 16.] Verſe 199. for rolling, read lolling. ℣. 1010. for great Achilles, read fierce Achilles.
  • Obſervations on Book 16.] Obſ. 40. line 4. for mortal, read immortal.
  • Obſervations on Book 17.] Obſ. 7. line 6. for at his own Epicedion, read as his own, &c.
  • Book 18.] Verſe 353. for Welkin, read Orient. ℣. 415. for Milk-white Linen, read Mantle.
  • Obſervations on Book 18.] Obſ. 6. laſt line but three, for their own Nature, read its own Nature. Obſ. 19. laſt line but two, for ſhow him, read ſhow himſelf.
  • Book 19.] Verſe 372. for Harpye ſings, read Springs.
  • Book 20.] Verſe 1. read breathing War and Blood.
  • Obſervations on Book 20.] Obſ. 21. at the end of it, add the Name of Dacier, the latter part of that Note being hers.
  • Book 21.] Verſe 3. for flying Train, read ſcatt'ring Train.
  • Book 22.] Verſe 407. read One place at length.
  • Obſervations on Book 22.] at the end of Note 14. add Dacier. And in Note the laſt, after the Words Occaſions of Mourning, place alſo the Name of Dacier.
  • Book 23.] Verſe 508. for mull, read muſt. ℣. 598. dele or.
  • Obſervations on Book 24.] Note 3. line 15. for that, read thought.

In the Poetical INDEX.

  • Fable.] Under the Article Allegorical Fables, for Prayers following Juſtice, read following Injuſtice.
  • Characters of the Heroes.] Of Achilles, Revengeful and implacable, add Book 18. ℣. 120, 125 S—In the ſame Article, conſtant and violent in Friendſhip, for 20-8, read 208.
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TextGrid Repository (2020). TEI. 4379 The Iliad of Homer Translated by Mr Pope pt 6. University of Oxford Text Archive. . https://hdl.handle.net/21.T11991/0000-001A-5A24-7