JOHN CUNNINGHAM, TAYLOR, At the Mahogany Door, near the Chapel, King's Street Golden Square.
[Name on the Door.]


THE variety of Advertiſements by ſeveral Maſter Taylors in London, who have candour and honeſty enough to adhere ſtrictly to the terms of their propoſals, induces him to offer his moſt humble addreſs to the Publick, in hopes of ſuch encouragement as his ability and integrity ſhall claim.—Gentlemen who are pleaſed to favour him with their commiſſions may rely upon their being executed according to the following rates:

A Suit of the beſt ſuperfine cloth;4150
Half trimmed ditto,550
Full trimmed ditto,5180
Superfine cloth coat;2150
Waiſtcoat of ditto,170
Pair of Breeches of ditto,0180
Suit of the beſt Second Cloth,3150
Sattin Waiſtcoat,1150
Corded Silk ditto,1130
Silk knit Breeches,1116
Velveret ditto,150
Mancheſter ditto, ribed and plain,0190
Worſted ditto, four thread,0160
Fine Bath Coating Surtout Coats,170
Suits of India Nankeen for young gentlemen,130
Fine Jean Fuſtian ditto, Huſſar Dreſſes for Children, in proportion.150
Ladies Riding Habits of the beſt India Nankeen,2126
Ladies Riding Habits of fine Dimitty, white or coloured,3100
Ditto of Superfine Cloth, faced with Silk,550
Suit of the beſt Livery Cloth complete,360
Ditto, with waiſtcoat, coat, cuffs, and collar of coat laced,3120
If either of the above ſuits have Shag Breeches, it will add to the price080
Livery Drab Surtout Coats,220
Chairmens Great Coats,220
Thickſet Coats and Waitſcoats, lined,220
Ditto plain Fuſtian, lined,1160
Coachbox Coats, lined with Padua Serge, and three Capes, complete,300
Ruſſia Drab Frocks for Grooms,0146
Striped Flannel Waiſtcoats, lined, for ditto,0126
Inferior ſort, the Coat and Waiſtcoat together,0156

Laced or embroidered Clothes cheap in proportion, and executed with the greateſt elegance, propriety and diſpatch.

In caſes of emergency a Suit made for a gentleman on one day's notice.—Whole Sets of Liveries executed in two days after receiving the order.

Although the above Prices are much inferior to Taylors Bills in general, he undertakes to furniſh every article of the beſt quality.

Gentlemen finding their own Cloth, or ſervants liveries, will be equally acceptable; and when finiſhed, (upon calculation), will be found not to exceed the above eſtimation.

No ſcruple as to ſizes, like ſome of his advertiſing Brethren, admitting of all that comprehend common ſizes.—Silk Garters to Breeches underſtood.—Ladies Riding Habits and Childrens Clothes made with taſte, and to fit to a Nicety, which is what few Taylors attempt, and fewer perform to ſatisfaction.

A little conſideration muſt be productive of the poſſibility of the above Plan's being executed with honour and juſtice, eſpecially as every article is purchaſed with ready money; the undertaker's ambition extending no further than doing juſtice to his cuſtomers, and procuring a genteel livelihood for his family, in preference to riches.

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Zitationsvorschlag für dieses Objekt
TextGrid Repository (2020). TEI. 4857 John Cunningham taylor at the mahogany door near the Chapel King s Street Golden Square Name on the door The variety of advertisements by several master taylors in London. University of Oxford Text Archive. .