I ſought thee, worthy Derviſe.
Reverend Chriſtian,
My toiling Thoughts can find no fix'd Repoſe,
'Till the wrong'd Sultan's vindicated Honour
Shine out as bright as yon unſully'd Sky.
Conduct me to the Prince—I claim thy Promiſe.—
It ſtings my conſcious Soul with ſick Impatience,
To think what SELIM ſuffers. For a Man,
Who loves the Ways of Truth and open Virtue,
[54] To ly beneath the burning Imputation
Of Baſeneſs and of Crimes—ſuch horrid Crimes!—
O 'tis a keen unſufferable Torment!
Come, let me then diſcharge this other Part
Of my Commiſſion.
That thou ſoon ſhalt do.
He ſtrait will come this Way, the King of England,
Such now he is. Mean time, 'tis fit to tell thee,
He muſt be manag'd ſoftly; for his Paſſions
Are all abroad, in wild Confuſion hurl'd:
The Winds, the Floods, and Lightning mix to⯑gether.
I need not ſay how little, in this Uproar,
A vails the broken thwarted Light of Reaſon.
Fear not. Thou knowſt, that with with one ſoft⯑ning Word,
I can appeaſe his higheſt Storm of Paſſion.
But let me take the Method that will gain,
With moſt convincing Evidence, my Purpoſe.
He cannot long delay, for, as I enter'd,
I ſaw him parting from the hurried Camp,
That lighten'd wide around him: burniſh'd Helms,
And glittering Spears, and ardent thronging Sol⯑diers,
Demanding all the Signal, when to ſtorm
Theſe Walls, devoted to their Vengeance.—
Then let us quickly find him—But he comes.
Whence is it thoſe Barbarians, here again,
Thoſe baſe thoſe murdering Cowards, dare be ſeen?
What new accurs'd Attempt is now on foot?
What new Aſſaſſination?—Start not, Derviſe,
Tinge not thy caitiff Cheek with red'ning Honour.
What thou!—Doſt thou pretend to feel Reproach?
Art thou not of a ſhameleſs Race of People,
Harden'd in Arts of Cruelty and Blood,
Perfidious all? Yes, have you not profan'd,
The Faith of Nations? Broke the holy Tie
That binds the Families of Earth together,
That gives even Foes to meet with hoſtile Joy,
And teaches War Security? Your Prince,
Your Prince has done it! And you ſhould hereafter
Be hunted from your Dens like Savage Beaſts,
Be cruſh'd like Serpents!
Sir, this Derviſe comes,
To clear the Sultan SELIM from that Crime,
Which you, with ſtrong Appearance, charge upon him.
Appearance, THEALD? with unqueſtion'd Proof.
Doubtleſs the Villain would be glad to change
The Courſe by Nature fix'd, enjoy his Crimes
Without their Evil—But he ſhall not ſcape me!
If, King of England, in this weighty Matter,
On which depends the Weal and Life of Thou⯑ſands,
[56] You love and ſeek the Truth, let Reaſon judge,
Cool, ſteady, quiet and diſpaſſion'd Reaſon.
For never yet, ſince the proud ſelfiſh Race
Of Men began to jar, did Paſſion give,
Nor ever can it give, a right Deciſion.
Reaſon has judg'd, and Paſſion ſhall chaſtiſe,
Shall make you howl, ye Cowards of the Eaſt!
What can be clearer? This vile Prince of Jaffa!
This Infamy of Princes! Sends a Ruffian,
By his own Hand and Seal commiſſion'd, ſends him,
To treat of Peace: And, as I read his Letters,
The Villain ſtabs me—This, if This wants Light,
There is no Certainty in human Reaſon;
If This not ſhines with all-convincing Truth,
Yon Sun is dark—And yet theſe Cowards come
With lying Shifts, and low eluſive Arts—
O it inflames my Anger into Madneſs!
This added Inſult on our Underſtanding,
This treacherous Attempt to ſteal away
The only Joy and Treaſure of my Life,
Sweet ſacred Vengeance for my murder'd Princeſs!
The curſed Wretch who did aſſail thy Life,
O King of England, was indeed an Envoy
Sent by the Prince of Jaffa: This we own.
But then he was an execrable Bigot,
Who, for ſuch horrid Purpoſes, had crept
Into the cheated Sultan's Court and Service;
As by the Traltor's Papers we have learn'd.
For know, there lives, upon the craggy Cliffs
Of wild Phenician Mountains, a dire Race,
A Nation of Aſſaſſins. Dreadful Zeal,
Fierce and intollerant of all Religion
That differs from their own, is the black Soul
Of that infernal State. Soon as their Chief,
[57] The Old Man (ſo they ſtile him) of the Mountains,
Gives out his baleful Will, however fell,
However wicked and abhorr'd it be,
Tho' cloth'd in Danger the moſt cruel Death,
They, ſwift and ſilent, glide thro' every Land,
As fly the gloomy Miniſters of Vengeance,
Famine and Plague; they ly for Years conceal'd,
Make light of Oaths, nay, ſometimes change Religion,
And never fail to execute his Orders.
Of theſe the Villain was, theſe ruffian Saints,
The Curſe of Earth, the Terror of Mankind:
And the Engagement, Prince, in this Cruſado,
That was the Reaſon whence they ſought thy Life
Falſe, falſe as Hell! the Lye of guilty Fear!
You all are Bigots, Robbers, Ruffians all!
It is the very Genius of your Nation.
Vindictive Rage, the Thirſt of Blood conſumes you:
You live by Rapine, thence your Empire roſe;
And your Religion is a meer Pretence
To rob and murder, in the Name of Heaven.
Be patient, Prince, be more humane and juſt.
You have your Virtues, have your Vices too;
And we have ours. The liberal Hand of Nature
Has not created us, nor any Nation,
Beneath the bleſſed Canopy of Heaven,
Of ſuch malignant Clay, but each may boaſt
Their native Virtues, and their Maker's Bounty.
You call us Bigots.—Oh! canſt thou with that
Reproach us, Chriſtian Prince? What brought thee hither?
What elſe but Bigotry? What doſt thou here?
What elſe but perſecute?—The Truth is great,
Greater than thee, and I will give it Way;
[58] Even thou thyſelf, in all thy Rage, wilt hear it—
From their remoteſt Source, theſe holy Wars
What have they breath'd but Bigotry and Rapine?
Did not the firſt Cruſaders, when their Zeal
Should have ſhone out the pureſt, did they not,
Led by the frantic Hermit who began
The murderous Trade, thro' their own Countries ſpread
The Woes their Vice could not reſerve for ours?
Tho' this exceeds the Purport of my Meſſage,
Yet muſt I thus inſulted in my Country,
Inſulted in Religion, bid thee think,
O King of England, on the different Conduct
Of Saracens and Chriſtians, when beneath
Your pious GODFREY, in the firſt Cruſado,
Jeruſalem was ſack'd, and when beneath
Our generous SALADIN it was retaken—
O hideous Scene! my Soul within me ſhrinks,
Abhorrent, from the View!—Twelve thouſand Wretches,
Receiv'd to Mercy, void of all Defence,
Truſting to plighted Faith, to purchas'd Safety,
Behold theſe naked Wretches, in cold Blood,
Men, Women, Children, murder'd, baſely mur⯑der'd!
The holy Temple, which you came to reſcue,
Regorges with the barbarous Profanation.
The Streets run diſmal Torrents. Drown'd in Blood,
The very Soldier ſickens at his Carnage.
Couldſt thou, O Sun, behold the bla [...]ing Sight,
And lift again thy ſacred Eye on Mortals?
A ruthleſs Race! Who can do This, can do it,
To pleaſe the general Father of Mankind!
While nobler SALADIN—
Away! be gone!
[59] With thee, vile Derviſe, what have I to do?
I loſe my Hour of Vengeance, I debaſe me,
To hold this Talk with Thee.
While Truth and Reaſon
Speak from my Tongue, vile Derviſe as I am,
Yet am I greater than the higheſt Monarch,
Who, from blind Fury, grows the Slave of Paſſion.
Beſides, I come to juſtify a Prince,
Howe'er in other Qualities below thee,
In Love of Goodneſs, Truth, Humanity,
And Honour, Sir, thy Equal;—Yes, thy Equal!—
What? How? compare me with a damn'd Aſſaſſin?
A matchleſs Villain!—Ha! preſumptuous Derviſe!
Thou gnawſt thy quivering Lip—A ſmother'd Paſſion
Shakes thro' thy Frame.—What Villainy is That
Thou dar'ſt not utter?—Wert thou not a Wretch,
Protected by thy Habit, this right Hand
Should cruſh thee into Atoms—Hence! away!
Go tell thy Maſter that I hold him baſe,
Beyond the Power of Words to ſpeak his Baſeneſs!
A Coward! an Aſſaſſinating Coward!
And when I once have dragg'd him from his City,
Which I will ſtraitway do—I then will make him,
In all the Gall and Bitterneſs of Guilt;
Grinding the vengeful Steel betwixt his Teeth,
Will make the Traitor own it.
[SELIM, diſcovering himſelf.
Thou canſt not, haughty Monarch!—I am He!
I am this SELIM! this inſulted SELIM!
Yet clear as Day, and will confound thy Paſſion.
[60]Thou SELIM!
Was ever Guilt ſo bold?
Did ever Innocence deſcend to fear?
This bears ſome Shew of Honour. Wilt thou then
Decide it by the Sword?
I will do more—
How more?
Decide it by ſuperior Reaſon.
No weak Evaſions!—
If I not convince thee,
If by thy ſelf I am not of this Crime
Acquitted, then I grant thee thy Demand.
Nay more, yon yielded City ſhall be thine:
For know, hot Prince, I ſhould diſdain a Throne,
I could not fill with Honour. Were I guilty,
I would not tremble at thy threatning Voice;
No, 'tis my ſelf I fear.
What ſhall I think?
Hear but one Witneſs, and I aſk no more,
To clear my Name. The Witneſs is a Woman.
Her Looks are Truth; fair uncorrupted Faith
Beams from her Eyes. Thou ne'er canſt doubt ſuch Beauty;
For 'tis th' Expreſſion of a ſpotleſs Soul.
[61]Curſe on thy mean luxurious Eaſtern Arts
Of Cowardice! Thou wouldſt ſeduce my Ven⯑geance—
But I deteſt all Beauty—Barbarous Sultan!
Ah! thou haſt murder'd Beauty! thy fell Crime—
Haſte, GLOSTER, haſte—In ſight of Camp and City,
Prepare the Liſts—Now ſhow thy ſelf a Prince,
Or dy in ſhameful Tortures like a Slave.
I came not hither or to dread thy Wrath,
Or court thy Mercy.
Sir, you cannot, juſtly,
Refuſe him his Demand. The ſervent Soul
Of undiſſembled Innocence, methinks,
Is felt in what he ſays. Firſt hear this Perſon,
And if ſhe gives not full Conviction, then,
Have then Recourſe to what ſhould always be
The laſt Appeal of reaſonable Beings,
Brute Force.
Well then, conduct Her hither, Sultan.—
[SELIM goes out.
Ah! my diſorder'd Mind! from Thought to Thought,
Uncertain, toſs'd, the Wreck of ſtormy Paſſion!
This Rage awhile ſupports me; but I feel
It will deſert me ſoon, and I again
Shall ſoon relapſe to Miſery and Weakneſs.
O ELEONORA! little didſt thou think,
How deeply wretched thy dire Gift of Life
Would make me!
To them SELIM conducting ELEONORA, DARAXA.
Raiſe thy Eyes, O King of England;
To the bright Witneſs of my blameleſs Honour.
No; Beauty ſhall no more engage my Eyes,
It ſhall no more profane the Shrine devoted
To the ſweet Image of my ELEONORA!—
Let her declare her Knowledge in this Matter.
Will not my EDWARD bleſs me with a Look?
What Angel borrows ELEONORA'S Voice!—
O thou pale Shade of Her I weep for ever!
Permit me thus to worſhip thee—Thou art!—
Amazing Heaven!—Thou art my ELEONORA!
My ELEONORA'S Self! my dear, my felt,
My living ELEONORA!—What—to whom
Owe I this Miracle? this better Life?—
Oppreſſive Joy!—owe I my ELEONORA?
To him, that generous Prince, who put his Life
His Honour on the deſperate Riſque to ſave me,
When number'd with the Dead; who brought, himſelf,
A ſwift and powerful Remedy, by which
I am to Light reſtor'd—to thee, my EDWARD!
To him! to him!—O monſtrous!—whom I, thus,
Have with ſuch Inhumanity inſulted!
[93] O blind, O brutiſh, O injurious Rage!
They they are wiſe, who, when they feel thy Madneſs,
Seal up their Lips. And canſt thou then forgive me,
Thou who haſt o'er me gain'd that nobleſt Triumph,
The Triumph of Humanity?—Thou canſt.
'Tis eaſier for the Generous to forgive
Than for Offence to aſk it.
Uſe not, Prince,
So harſh a Word. More than forgive, I love
Thy noble Heat, thy beautiful Diſorder.
O! I am too much Man, I feel, myſelf,
Too much the charming Force of human Paſſions,
E'er to pretend, with ſupercilious Brow,
With proud affected Virtue, to diſdain them.
How, generous Sultan, how ſhall I requite Thee?
Here—Take thy lov'd DARAXA, whom I meant
To have reſtor'd, when this Misfortune happen'd;
But ſecret-working HEAVEN ordain'd her Stay,
To ſave us all.
Wert thou the Lord of Earth,
Thou could'ſt not give me more!—my dear DA⯑RAXA!
Hence, to the Camp, my GLOSTER—Bid the Soldiers
Forſake the Trenches—Let unbounded Joy
Reign, fearleſs, o'er the mingled Camp and City—
Go, tell my faithful Soldiers, that their Queen
My ELEONORA lives! A Prize beyond
The Chance of War to give! She lives to ſoften
My too imperious Temper, and to make them,
To make my People happy!—O my Soul!
[64] What Love e'er equall'd thine? O deareſt! beſt!
Pride of thy Sex! inimitable Goodneſs!
Whenever Woman henceforth ſhall be prais'd
For conjugal Affection, Men will ſay
There ſhine the Virtues of an ELEONORA!
Tranſporting Bliſs!—How bountiful is Heaven!
Depreſſing often, but to raiſe us more.
Let never thoſe deſpair who follow Virtue.
Love—Gratitude—divide me—Once more, Sultan,
Forgive me, pardon my miſtaken Zeal,
That left my Country, croſs'd the ſtormy Seas,
To war with thee, brave Prince, to war with Ho⯑nour.
Now that my Paſſions give me leave to think:
The Hand of HEAVEN appears in what I ſuffer'd,
My erring Zeal has ſuffer'd by a Bigot.
It does, O King. And venerable Chriſtian,
I know thy Moderation will excuſe me.
But ſince by ruling WISDOM (who unweigh'd,
Unmeant, does Nought) Men are ſo various made,
So various turn'd, that, in Opinions, they
Muſt blindly think, or take a different Way;
In ſpite of Force, ſince Judgment will be free;
Then let us in this righteous Mean agree:
Let holy Rage, let Perſecution ceaſe;
Let the Head argue, but the Heart be Peace;
Let all Mankind in Love of what is right,
In Virtue and Humanity unite.