[153]1768 begins with a fortnight's froſt and ſnow; rainy during February. Cold and wet ſpring; wet ſeaſon from the beginning of June to the end of harveſt. Latter end of September foggy, without rain. All October and the firſt part of November rainy; and thence to the end of the year alternate rains and froſts.
1769. January and February, froſty and rainy, with gleams of fine weather in the intervals. To the middle of March, wind and rain. To the end of March, dry and windy. To the middle of April, ſtormy, [154] with rain. To the end of June, fine wea⯑ther, with rain. To the beginning of Auguſt, warm, dry weather. To the end of Sep⯑tember, rainy with ſhort intervals of fine weather. To the latter end of October, froſty mornings, with fine days. The next fortnight rainy; thence to the end of No⯑vember dry and froſty. December, windy, with rain and intervals of froſt, and the firſt fortnight very foggy.
1770. Froſt for the firſt fortnight: during the 14th and 15th all the ſnow melted. To the end of February, mild hazy weather. The whole of March froſty, with bright weather. April, cloudy, with rain and ſnow. May began with ſummer ſhowers, and ended with dark cold rains. June, rainy, checquered with gleams of ſunſhine. The firſt fortnight in July, dark and ſultry; the latter part of the month, heavy rain. [155] Auguſt, September, and the firſt fortnight in October, in general fine weather, though with frequent interruptions of rain: from the middle of October to the end of the year almoſt inceſſant rains.
1771. Severe froſt till the laſt week in January. To the firſt week in February, rain and ſnow: to the end of February, ſpring weather. To the end of the third week in April, froſty weather. To the end of the firſt fortnight in May, ſpring wea⯑ther, with copious ſhowers. To the end of June, dry, warm weather. The firſt fortnight in July, warm, rainy weather. To the end of September, warm weather, but in general cloudy, with ſhowers. October, rainy. November, froſt, with intervals of fog and rain. December, in general bright, mild weather, with hoar froſts.
1772. To the end of the firſt week in [156] February, froſt and ſnow. To the end of the firſt fortnight in March, froſt, ſleet, rain and ſnow. To the middle of April, cold rains. To the middle of May, dry wea⯑ther, with cold piercing winds. To the end of the firſt week in June, cool ſhowers. To the middle of Auguſt, hot dry ſummer weather. To the end of September, rain with ſtorms and thunder. To December 22, rain with mild weather. December 23, the firſt ice. To the end of the month, cold foggy weather.
1773. The firſt week in January, froſt; thence to the end of the month, dark rainy weather. The firſt fortnight in February, hard froſt. To the end of the firſt week in March, miſty, ſhowery weather. Bright ſpring days to the cloſe of the month. Fre⯑quent ſhowers to the latter end of April. To the end of June, warm ſhowers, with [157] intervals of ſunſhine. To the end of Auguſt, dry weather, with a few days of rain. To the end of the firſt fortnight in November, rainy. The next four weeks, froſt: and thence to the end of the year, rainy.
1774. Froſt and rain to the end of the firſt fortnight in March: thence to the end of the month, dry weather. To the 15th of April, ſhowers; thence to the end of April, fine ſpring days. During May, ſhowers and ſunſhine in about an equal pro⯑portion. Dark rainy weather to the end of the 3d week in July: thence to the 24th of Auguſt, ſultry, with thunder and occaſional ſhowers. To the end of the 3d week in November, rain, with frequent intervals of ſunny weather. To the end of December, dark dripping fogs.
1775. To the end of the firſt fortnight in March, rain almoſt every day. To the [158] firſt week in April, cold winds, with ſhowers of rain and ſnow. To the end of June, warm, bright weather, with frequent ſhowers. The firſt fortnight in July, almoſt inceſſant rains. To the 26th Auguſt, ſultry weather with frequent ſhowers. To the end of the 3d week in September, rain, with a few in⯑tervals of fine weather. To the end of the year, rain, with intervals of hoar-froſt and ſunſhine.
1776. To January 24, dark froſty wea⯑ther, with much ſnow. March 24, to the end of the month, foggy, with hoar froſt. To the 30th of May, dark, dry harſh wea⯑ther, with cold winds. To the end of the firſt fortnight in July, warm, with much rain. To the end of the firſt week in Auguſt, hot and dry, with intervals of thunder ſhowers. To the end of October, in gene⯑ral fine ſeaſonable weather, with a conſider⯑able [159] proportion of rain. To the end of the year, dry, froſty weather, with ſome days of hard rain.
1777. To the 10th of January, hard froſt. To the 20th of January, foggy, with frequent ſhowers. To the 18th of February, hard dry froſt with ſnow. To the end of May, heavy ſhowers, with intervals of warm dry ſpring days. To the 8th July, dark, with heavy rain. To the 18th July, dry, warm weather. To the end of July, very heavy rains. To the 12th October, re⯑markably fine warm weather. To the end of the year, grey mild weather, with but little rain, and ſtill leſs froſt.
1778. To the 13th of January, froſt, with a little ſnow: to the 24th January, rain: to the 30th, hard froſt. To the 23d February, dark, harſh, foggy weather, with rain. To the end of the month, hard froſt, [160] with ſnow. To the end of the firſt fortnight in March, dark, harſh weather. From the firſt, to the end of the firſt fortnight in April, ſpring weather. To the end of the month, ſnow and ice. To the 11th of June, cool, with heavy ſhowers. To the 19th July, hot, ſultry, parching weather. To the end of the month, heavy ſhowers. To the end of September, dry warm weather. To end of the year, wet, with conſiderable intervals of ſunſhine.
1779. Froſt and ſhowers to the end of January. To 21ſt April, warm dry wea⯑ther. To 8th May, rainy. To the 7th June, dry and warm. To the 6th July, hot weather, with frequent rain. To the 18th July, dry hot weather. To Auguſt 8, hot weather, with frequent rains. To the end of Auguſt, fine dry harveſt weather. To the end of November, fine autumnal weather, [161] with intervals of rain. To the end of the year, rain with froſt and ſnow.
1780. To the end of January, froſt. To the end of February, dark, harſh wea⯑ther, with frequent intervals of froſt. To the end of March, warm ſhowery ſpring weather. To the end of April, dark harſh weather, with rain and froſt. To the end of the firſt fortnight in May, mild, with rain. To the end of Auguſt, rain and fair weather in pretty equal proportions. To the end of October, fine autumnal weather, with inter⯑vals of rain. To the 24th November froſt. To December 16, mild dry foggy weather. To the end of the year froſt and ſnow.
1781. To January 25, froſt and ſnow. To the end of February, harſh and windy with rain and ſnow. To April 5, cold dry⯑ing winds. To the end of May, mild ſpring weather, with a few light ſhowers. [162] June began with heavy rain, but thence to the end of October, dry weather, with a few flying ſhowers. To the end of the year, open weather with frequent rains.
1782. To February 4, open mild wea⯑ther. To February 22, hard froſt. To the end of March, cold blowing weather, with froſt and ſnow and rain. To May 7, cold dark rains. To the end of May, mild, with inceſſant rains. To the end of June, warm and dry. To the end of Auguſt warm, with almoſt perpetual rains. The firſt fort⯑night in September mild and dry; thence to the end of the month, rain. To the end of October, mild with frequent ſhowers. November began with hard froſt, and con⯑tinued throughout with alternate froſt and thaw. The firſt part of December froſty; the latter part mild.
1783. To January 16, rainy with heavy [163] winds. To the 24th, hard froſt. To the end of the firſt fortnight in February, blow⯑ing, with much rain. To the end of Fe⯑bruary, ſtormy dripping weather. To the 9th of May, cold harſh winds (thick ice on 5th of May). To the end of Auguſt, hot weather, with frequent ſhowers. To the 23d September, mild, with heavy driving rains. To November 12, dry, mild wea⯑ther. To the 18th December, grey ſoft weather, with a few ſhowers. To the end of the year, hard froſt.
1784. To February 19, hard froſt, with two thaws; one the 14th January, the other 5th February. To February 28, mild wet fogs. To the 3d March, froſt with ice. To March 10, ſleet and ſnow. To April 2, ſnow and hard froſt. To April 27, mild weather with much rain. To May 12, cold drying winds. To May 20, hot cloud⯑leſs [164] weather. To June 27, warm with fre⯑quent ſhowers. To July 18, hot and dry. To the end of Auguſt, warm with heavy rains. To November 6, clear mild autum⯑nal weather, except a few days of rain at the latter end of September. To the end of the year, fog, rain, and hard froſt (on December 10, the therm. 1 deg. below 0).
1785. A thaw began on the 2d January, and rainy weather with wind continued to January 28. To 15th March, very hard froſt. To 21ſt March, mild with ſprinkling ſhowers. To April 7, hard froſt. To May 17, mild windy weather, without a drop of rain. To the end of May, cold with a few ſhowers. To June 9, mild weather, with frequent ſoft ſhowers. To July 13, hot dry weather, with a few ſhowery intervals. To July 22, heavy rain. To the end of September, warm with fre⯑quent [165] ſhowers. To the end of October, frequent rain. To 18th of November, dry, mild weather. (Hay-making finiſhed No⯑vember 9, and the wheat harveſt Novem⯑ber 14.) To December 23, rain. To the end of the year, hard froſt.
1786. To the 7th January, froſt and ſnow. To January 13, mild with much rain. To 21ſt January, deep ſnow. To February 11, mild with frequent rains. To 21ſt February, dry, with high winds. To 10th March, hard froſt. To 13th April, wet, with intervals of froſt. To the end of April, dry mild weather. On the 1ſt and 2d May, thick ice. To 10th May, heavy rain. To June 14, fine warm dry weather. From the 8th to the 11th July, heavy ſhowers. To October 13, warm, with frequent ſhowers. To October 19, ice. To October 24, mild pleaſant wea⯑ther. [166] To November 3, froſt. To De⯑cember 16, rain, with a few detached days of froſt. To the end of the year, froſt and ſnow.
1787. To January 24, dark, moiſt, mild weather. To January 28, froſt and ſnow. To February 16, mild ſhowery weather. To February 28, dry, cool wea⯑ther. To March 10, ſtormy, with driving rain. To March 24, bright froſty weather. To the end of April, mild, with frequent rain. To May 22, fine bright weather. To the end of June, moſtly warm, with frequent ſhowers (on June 7, ice as thick as a crown piece). To the end of July, hot and ſultry, with copious rain. To the end of September, hot dry weather, with occaſional ſhowers. To November 23, mild, with light froſts and rain. To the end of November, hard froſt. To De⯑cember [167] 21, ſtill and mild, with rain. To the end of the year, froſt.
1788. To January 13, mild and wet. To January 18, froſt. To the end of the month, dry windy weather. To the end of February, froſty, with frequent ſhowers. To March 14, hard froſt. To the end of March, dark, harſh weather, with frequent ſhowers. To April 4, windy, with ſhowers. To the end of May, bright, dry, warm weather, with a few occaſional ſhowers. From June 28 to July 17, heavy rains. To Auguſt 12, hot dry weather. To the end of September, alternate ſhowers and ſunſhine. To November 22, dry cool weather. To the end of the year, hard froſt.
1789. To January 13, hard froſt. To the end of the month, mild, with ſhowers. To the end of February, frequent rain, with [168] ſnow-ſhowers and heavy gales of wind. To 13th March, hard froſt, with ſnow. To April 18, heavy rain, with froſt and ſnow and ſleet. To the end of April, dark cold weather, with frequent rains. To June 9, warm ſpring weather, with briſk winds and frequent ſhowers. From June 4, to the end of July, warm, with much rain. To Auguſt 29, hot, dry, ſultry weather. To September 11, mild, with frequent ſhowers. To the end of September, fine autumnal weather, with occaſional ſhowers. To No⯑vember 17, heavy rain, with violent gales of wind. To December 18, mild dry wea⯑ther, with a few ſhowers. To the end of the year, rain and wind.
1790. To January 16, mild foggy wea⯑ther, with occaſional rains. To January 21, froſt. To January 28, dark, with driving rains. To February 14, mild, dry weather. [169] To February 22, hard froſt. To April 5, bright cold weather, with a few ſhowers. To April 15, dark and harſh, with a deep ſnow. To April 21, cold cloudy weather, with ice. To June 6, mild ſpring weather, with much rain. From July 3, to July 14, cool, with heavy rain. To the end of July, warm, dry weather. To Auguſt 6, cold, with wind and rain. To Auguſt 24, fine harveſt weather. To September 5, ſtrong gales, with driving ſhowers. To Novem⯑ber 26, mild autumnal weather, with fre⯑quent ſhowers. To December 1, hard froſt and ſnow. To the end of the year, rain and ſnow, and a few days of froſt.
1791. To the end of January, mild, with heavy rains. To the end of February windy, with much rain and ſnow. From March to the end of June, moſtly dry, eſpe⯑cially June. March and April rather cold [170] and froſty. May and June, hot. July, rainy. Fine harveſt weather, and pretty dry, to the end of September. Wet Octo⯑ber, and cold towards the end. Very wet and ſtormy in November. Much froſt in December.
1792. Some hard froſt in January, but moſtly wet and mild. February, ſome hard froſt and a little ſnow. March, wet and cold. April, great ſtorms on the 13th, then ſome very warm weather. May and June, cold and dry. July, wet and cool; indiffe⯑rent harveſt, rather late and wet. Septem⯑ber, windy and wet. October, ſhowery and mild. November, dry and fine. Decem⯑ber, mild.