The Land of Goſhen; an Iſraelitiſh Man and Woman.
Again the Tyrant, cruel and perfidious,
Retracts his Promiſe, and defies th' Almighty;
In vain ſucceſſive Wonders plead our Wrongs,
And deſolated Egypt groans in vain.
Yes, Pharaoh's ruthleſs Hand, that has ſo long
Bow'd Iſrael's Neck to ſtern Oppreſſion's Yoke,
Now waſtes, with various Plagues, his own Domains,
And ſpreads o'er Egypt, Want, Diſeaſe, and Death.
AIR, by the Man and Woman alternately.
The gliding Stream, whoſe ſilver Wave
To thirſty Lips Refreſhment gave,
The thirſty Lip refreſh'd no more,
But ſtain'd with Blood its wond'ring Shore.
[4]Flocks, Herds, and Fields, and Men complain,
All Nature mourns, but mourns in vain.
The faithful Steer untimely died;
The Morn her genial Dews denied;
And Wrath ordain'd the Skies to pour,
Of Flame and Froſt a mingled Show'r:
Flocks, Herds, and Fields, and Men complain,
All Nature mourns, but mourns in vain.
The Hind looks round with boding Fears,
The riſing Corn his Anguiſh cheers;
The Locuſt comes, his Hopes are fled,
And unavailing Tears are ſhed.
Flocks, Herds, and Fields, and Men complain,
All Nature mourns, but mourns in vain.
Theſe Plagues are paſt, and now, tremendous Sight!
Where late the golden Spires of haughty Memphis
With dazzling Brightneſs ſparkled to the Eye,
Darkneſs alone is viſible; there ſeems
A Wall of Darkneſs rais'd from Earth to Heav'n!—
It looks like Nature's Limits, and beyond
Th' affrighted Fancy, feigns the waſte Dominions
Of Chaos and of Night.
Now let us fly;
What now forbids, that, careleſs of his Will
Whom Darkneſs binds, and Hunger muſt deſtroy,
We quit for ever this deteſted Land,
And ſeek the promis'd Heritage of Heav'n?
[5]What can forbid! and lo! in happy Hour
The hoary Elders of our Tribes approach.
AIR by the Man.
Freedom's Charms alike engage,
Blooming Youth, and hoary Age;
Time itſelf can ne'er deſtroy
Freedom's pure and laſting Joy:
Love and Friendſhip never gave
Half their Bleſſings to the Slave;
None are happy but the Free,
Bliſs is born of Liberty.
Enter the Elders of Iſrael.
O! Fathers! wherefore ſhould theſe golden Hours
Serve but like common Time to meaſure Life?
Why not improved to bleſs that Life with Freedom?
1ſt Elder.
Taught from above the Prophet is our Guide;
Him let us follow, patient and reſign'd:
So ſhall the Simple, and the Weak, be found
Strong in his Strength, and in his Wiſdom wiſe.
2d Elder.
Behold he comes: with Joy and Rev'rence greet
The Friend of Iſrael, and the Sent of Heav'n.
Hail! belov'd of Man and God!
Born to ſway the myſtic Rod!
Born proud Tyrants to abaſe,
Still befriend thy kindred Race!
[6]Glorious, where thy Life began,
Hail! belov'd of God and Man!
Ceaſe, or the Strains from Gratitude that flow
Direct to Heav'n, and give JEHOVAH Praiſe.
1ſt Elder.
For thee we praiſe him; in his choſen Hour,
And ſure that Hour is come, we follow thee;
Wilt thou not lead us forth while now the Tyrant,
Involv'd in Darkneſs, knows not what we do?
Not yet; this Hour the dreadful Glooms diſperſe,
And Light returns to Pharaoh.
Ah! not ſo—
Revenge will then make Tyranny more dreadful;
Waſte not the Lives one Day's Delay may coſt,
Nor add one Day to Bondage worſe than Death!
Though Time has crown'd thy hoary Brow with Wiſdom,
Still let thy Pity feel for Youth and Beauty!
In blooming Youth the gentle Maid,
For tender Joys and Cares deſign'd,
Is doom'd by rudeſt Toils to fade,
By Summers Suns, and Winters Wind:
Thoſe Eyes in ſilent Tears are drown'd,
Where Love ſhou'd light his conſtant Flame,
And pale the languid Cheek is [...]ound,
Which Pleaſure's roſy Hue ſhou'd claim.
Think of our Youth who waſte their early Strength
In ſordid Labours, and ſcarce reach to Manhood:
Think of the Babe whoſe Tears in vain require
The Hand that, driv'n to other Toils, fulfils
A Mother's Duty with Delight no more:
1ſt Elder.
Think of the hoary Heads that bow beneath
Opprobrious Burdens; think of waſted Egypt,
Her ſuff'ring Children, cruel by Compulſion,
Like us the Victims of a Tyrant's Crimes.
What mean your Words? what would ye that I do?
2d Elder.
Prolong this Darkneſs till our Tribes eſcape.
Forbear—Alas! ye know not what ye aſk!
The ſtubborn Will of Egypt's haughty Prince
Muſt ſtand ſubdu'd, and his own Word diſmiſs ye:
This Land of Bondage ſhall ye quit with Glory,
And paſs in Triumph by the Gates of Memphis.
I go to prove him; truſt in Heav'n, and live.
We hear thee, and with Tranſport truſt,
Thy Rod ſhall make the Tyrant juſt,
And all our Wrongs atone;
Where'er the circling Sun diſplays
His riſing or his ſetting Rays,
Our Triumph ſhall be known.
[8]The Palace at Memphis, during the Darkneſs.
Pharaoh, Sephres, and Attendants.
If there be any near me let him ſpeak;
May Pharaoh live for ever!
O, my Son!
Ill ſuits ſuch greeting with this dreadful Gloom;
This Gloom, impervious to the Noon-tide Beam,
If the bleſt Sun ſtill riſes on the World—
Speak yet again, that I may hear thy Voice,
And Darkneſs may be Solitude no more.
I ſpeak, but yet my Voice almoſt affrights me,
Three Times the circling Hours have brought the Morn
To other Realms, if other Realms there are
Which yet the Morn reviſits, ſince theſe Eyes
Were bleſt with chearful Light; nor yet has Sound
Divided once the long, deep, death-like Silence.
AIR, by Pharaoh.
O Darkneſs! dreaded not in vain,
My Soul admits thy awful Train;
With me thy kindred Terrors dwell,
And Joy, and Peace, and Hope expel.
AIR, by Sephres.
O chearing Light! of Life and Joy
Fair Emblem! wilt thou ne'er return!
No more thy golden Shafts employ!
No more with genial Radiance burn!
This Darkneſs is to Death.—Great Nature dics,
And we but periſh with her—Hark!
A Symphony, a confuſed Expreſſion of Joy, as of Shouts at a Diſtance.
It ſeem'd a diſtant Shout—behold the Cauſe!
Tranſporting Sight! a dim, but bright'ning Ray
Shoots Eaſtward hence, and ſtruggles through the Gloom.
It does! increaſing and prevailing ſtill!
A wild tumultuous Joy throbs at my Heart,
From Terror ſcarce diſtinguiſh'd; ſtill I tremble.
I am again myſelf, and ſcorn the Fears,
The vain fantaſtic Fears, that Darkneſs breeds;
Let the loud Trumpets ſound, that if the Sun
Still combats with a Foe not yet ſubdu'd,
The Sound may lend him Aid, and let your Song
Conjure the Pow'rs of Darkneſs from the Sky.
Hence! ye Pow'rs of Death and Night!
Hence! the Living claim the Light!
By your dreary Realm that lies
Stretch'd beneath infernal Skies,
By the Ghoſts that own your Sway,
Ghoſts that hate the chearful Day,
Hence! ye Pow'rs of Death and Night!
Hence! the Living claim the Light.
[10] Enter Moſes.
Enter not here, thou Enemy of Man.
Here I muſt enter, for again commiſſion'd
By him whoſe Hand has been ſo oſt upon thee,
I come to claim an injur'd Nation's Freedom.
Dareſt thou again, with that ill-omen'd Voice,
Urge thy Demand, and tempt again my Mercy!
What ſhou'd I fear from thee! I truſt in God.
Sever theſe Limbs in Fragments ſmall as Duſt,
And give them ſcatter'd to the Winds of Heav'n,
If he commands, united in a Moment,
Again, as now, they ſhall appear before thee,
To work his Pleaſure, and denounce his Vengeance.
Enter Menytis.
O Friend! O Brother! wherefore are ye thus?
Change theſe fierce Looks of Anger and Defiance
For ſuch as heretofore ye took and gave—
Remember, Pharaoh, he who ſtands before thee
Our Father's Siſter cheriſh'd as her child;
Remember, Moſes, what thou waſt to Pharaoh,
His Friend, the favour'd Brother of his Choice—
[11]AIR, by Menytis.
Friendſhip is the Joy of Reaſon,
Dearer yet than that of Love;
Love but laſts a tranſient Seaſon,
Friendſhip makes the Bliſs above:
Who would loſe the ſacred Pleaſure
Felt when Soul with Soul unites!
Other Bleſſings have their Meaſure,
Friendſhip without Bound delights.
In vain you urge me, outrag'd and defy'd—
Henceforth the Wretch ſhall ſee my Face no more.
Well haſt thou ſaid; this Object of thy Scorn
Henceforth indeed ſhall ſee thy Face no more.
Pharaoh and Moſes.
Fly, and ſee my Face no more;
I will ſee thy Face no more:
Dread my Rage,
Thy Rage I ſcorn,
Dread thyſelf the riſing Morn:
Vain thy Menace—hence! away—
Tyrant, I diſdain to ſtay.
Hence! and try thy Arts again,
Vain the paſt, the future vain;
Pharaoh ſhall thy Pow'r defy,
And with Glory live, or die.