
Iconographia Scotica or Portraits of ILLUSTRIOUS PERSONS of Scotland Engraved from the moſt Authentic Paintings &c With short Biographical Notices.

By John. Pinkerton. F.S.A. Perth.


London Printed for [...]. Herbert John. P. [...] in Court Road Barrett. 289. Holborn [...]



  • MARQUIS of Abercorn.
  • Earl of Ancram.
  • Miſs Ablett.
  • Earl of Buchan.
  • Counteſs of Buchan.
  • Earl of Breadalbaine.
  • Lord Balgonie.
  • Lady Balcarras.
  • William Beckford, Eſq. Font Hill, Wilts.
  • Rev. Mr. Brand, S. A. S.
  • Theodore Broadhead, Eſq.
  • Mr. Booker, Bookſeller, ſix ſets.
  • Meſſrs. Bell and Bradfute, Bookſellers, Edinburgh.
  • Earl of Clarendon.
  • Lord Colvill.
  • Sir David Carnegie, Bart. M. P.
  • J. C. Curwen, Eſq. M. P.
  • Lord F. Campbell.
  • Thomas Coutts, Eſq.
  • Mr. Collins, Devizes.
  • [ii]Rev. Mr. Candler, Lammas, Norfolk.
  • A. Lawſon Mansfelde de Cardonnell, Eſq.
  • Mr. Clarke, Bookſeller, ſix ſets.
  • Mr. Chapman, Bookſeller.
  • Mr. Colnaghi, Printſeller.
  • Mr. Conſtable, Bookſeller, Edinburgh, ſix ſets.
  • Mr. James Caulfield.
  • Right Rev. Biſhop of Dromore.
  • Colonel Dowdſwell.
  • — Douglas, Eſq.
  • Francis Douce, Eſq. F. A. S.
  • R. J. Dimſdale, Eſq.
  • Hon. T. Erſkine, M. P.
  • Mr. J. Edwards, Bookſeller, fifteen ſets.
  • Mr. R. Edwards, Bookſeller, ſix ſets.
  • Mr. Egerton, Bookſeller, ſix ſets.
  • Rev. R. Farmer, D. D. Maſter of Emanuel College, Cambridge.
  • Martin Fonnereau, Eſq.
  • Rev. Mr. Ford, Canterbury.
  • Mr. Findlay.
  • Mr. Faulder, Bookſeller, thirty ſets.
  • Mr. Gardner, Bookſeller.
  • — Hamilton, Eſq.
  • Adair Hawkins, Eſq.
  • Mrs. Herbert, Cheſhunt, Herts.
  • Mr. Harding, Printſeller, twenty-four ſets.
  • Meſſrs. Hookham and Carpenter, Bookſellers, ſix ſets.
  • Mr. S. Hayes, Bookſeller, ſix ſets.
  • [iii]Rev. Mr. Ireland, Wotton under Edge, Glouceſterſhire.
  • — Ingram, Eſq. Billiter Square.
  • Thomas Johnnes, Eſq. M. P.
  • Mr. Jeffery, Bookſeller, three ſets.
  • Earl of Kelly.
  • John Kerr, Eſq. Newbottle.
  • Major Alexander Kydd.
  • His Grace the Duke of Leeds.
  • Earl of Leven.
  • Earl of Lauderdale.
  • Lord Leſley.
  • Colonel Leſley.
  • — Lloyd, Eſq.
  • Mr. Lowe, Bookſeller, Birmingham.
  • General Melvil.
  • R. Marſham, Eſq. F. R. S. Stratton, Norfolk.
  • — M'cKintoſh, Eſq.
  • Lieutenant Colonel Mackenzie.
  • Mr. Manſon, Bookſeller, ſix ſets.
  • Mr. Moltino, Printſeller, nine ſets.
  • G. Nicol, Eſq.
  • Mr. Deputy Nichols.
  • Earl of Orford.
  • Profeſſor Ogilvie, Aberdeen.
  • Alexander Orr, Eſq.
  • F. Pigou, Eſq.
  • [iv]Mr. Pennant.
  • Mr. Le Petit.
  • His Grace the Duke of Queenſberry.
  • His Grace the Duke of Roxburgh.
  • Dr. Rutherford, Kelſo.
  • Meſſrs. Robinſons, ſix ſets.
  • Earl of Stair.
  • Lord Sheffield.
  • Sir John Sinclair, Bart.
  • Andrew Stuart, Eſq. M. P.
  • — Smith, Eſq. Grantham, Lincolnſhire.
  • Mr. Simco, Bookſeller, eight ſets.
  • Mr. Stace, Bookſeller, twelve ſets.
  • Mr. G. Sael, Bookſeller.
  • Mr. Scott, ſix ſets.
  • S. Tighe, Eſq.
  • Dr. Tytler.
  • Mr. Todd, Bookſeller, York.
  • — Townley, Eſq.
  • Mr. Turner.
  • — Wright, Eſq.
  • R. Waters, Eſq. two ſets.
  • Meſſrs. White, Bookſellers, ſix ſets.
  • Mr. Walter, Bookſeller, three ſets.
  • Mr. Wilkinſon, Printſeller.
  • Mr. Waldron, Bookſeller.



Sold by Mr. CONSTABLE, Bookſeller, Edinburgh; Meſſrs. MORRISON, Perth; Mr. TODD, York; Mr. NICOL, Bookſeller to His Majeſty, Pall-Mall; Mr. WILKINSON, No. 58, Cornhill; and Mr. HERBERT, No. 29, John Street, Tottenham Court Road.

By whom Communications will be gratefully received.


AMONG the Romans noble families alone poſſeſſed the Jus Imaginum, the right of preſenting to the public eye the portraits of their anceſtors; this inſtitution, far more ſublime than the ſymbols of heraldry, at once ſtimulated all ranks to virtue, and prevented envy, by reminding the people of the public ſervices, for which they were indebted to the anceſtors of the great.

[]It is hoped that the nobility and gentry, in particular, will encourage this work by communicating drawings from portraits of eminent men, many of which may lurk in domeſtic concealment. Nor can it be neceſſary to remind them that the preſent expence is great, and the future remuneration uncertain; and that a work of this kind, and devoted ſolely to the national glory, when once abandoned, is ſeldom or never reſumed.




THE print prefixed, is rather given as a curioſity, than as preſenting an accurate portrait of this monarch. It is taken from a copy, in the collection of the earl of Buchan, from an ancient limning, formerly in the College of Arms, London.

Alexander III. was born on the 4th of September, 1241. He aſcended the throne, a minor not eight years of age, 13th July 1249, on the death of his father Alexander II. His life was diſtinguiſhed by virtues; his reign by wiſdom and juſtice. His accidental death, on the 16th March 1286, left Scotland a prey to the ambition of the Engliſh monarch, Edward I.*

The coronation of Edward took place on the 19th of Auguſt, 1274. Alexander, with his queen, and many of his nobility, aſſiſted at the ceremony; as did Llewellyn, prince of Wales. From the delineation here given, it alſo appears, that Alexander and Llewellyn ſat in the houſe of peers, in a parliament held, as uſual, after the inauguration.

This repreſentation of the houſe of peers is curious and intereſting. The archbiſhops of Canterbury and York are ſeated ſomewhat lower than Alexander and Llewellyn: the []two perſons behind the latter, are ſuppoſed to repreſent the pope's ambaſſadors: he behind Alexander to bear the deed of homage for the lands poſſeſſed by that monarch in England. The mitred abbots amount to nineteen; while the biſhops preſent are only eight; the temporal peers, twenty. In the midſt, the chancellor and judges appear on their woolſacks.

Figure 2. JAMES I.

From Jonstoni Heroes Scotiae



THIS monarch was born in 1394, for he was in his forty-fourth year when he was ſlain in 1437.*

In 1405, when he was about eleven years of age, he was ſent to France for his education, by his father Robert III.; but was captured by the Engliſh on his voyage; and remained a priſoner in England for about nineteen years.

This captivity was nevertheleſs attended with eminent advantages. Nurtured in the ſchool of adverſity, his mind eagerly imbibed the elegant arts, and uſeful ſciences: and, on the 21ſt of May 1424, he aſcended the throne of his fathers, perhaps the moſt accompliſhed ſovereign in Europe of his time.

The regencies of Robert, and Murdac, dukes of Albany, had been fertile in public abuſes: and the dilapidation of the royal lands and revenues, which they had ſhared among the nobles, in order to eſtabliſh their own power, expoſed the new ſovereign to a choice of difficulties. His reign muſt be degraded by penury; or rendered dangerous by the arduous taſk of reſuming the royal patrimony. The ſpirit and genius of James preferred the latter alternative; and, after a long ſeries of national diſorder, the ſword of juſtice at length filled the hand of the monarch, and flaſhed in the eyes of an uſurping ariſtocracy. The moſt guilty of the public depredators fell []under the axe of the law: neither rank, nor even royal blood, could ſave them from equal juſtice. Terror for a time ſeized the peers, and eſtabliſhed tranquillity. At length a conſpiracy was formed; and James periſhed under the ſword of an aſſaſſin, on the night between the 20th and 21ſt of February, 1437.*

In poetry, in muſic, in the learning of his age, this prince was eminently ſkilled. In the field of manly and martial exerciſe his management of the horſe, of the bow, of the ſpear, excited admiration: his domeſtic hours were dedicated to elegant writing, and miniature painting; to mechanical arts; and to the cultivation of the garden, and the orchard.

He was ſhort of ſtature; and towards the end of his reign became very corpulent; but his ſtrength and agility remained unimpaired. The preſent portrait is taken, in fac-ſimile, from that in the Inſcriptiones Hiſtoricae Regum Scotorum of Jonſton, 1602, a ſeries intitled to the greateſt confidence of authenticity.§

Figure 3. JAMES V.

from a Painting in the Duke of Devonshire's possession.



JAMES IV married Margaret of England, daughter of Henry VII, in Auguſt 1503; but many miſcarriages and early deaths intervened before a vivacious fruit of their union appeared. James V was born on the 10th of April 1512:* and in September 1513, when he was an infant of a year and a half, the ſceptre fell upon his cradle, after the unhappy battle of Flodden, in which his father periſhed.

John duke of Albany aſſumed the regency in May 1515; and held it, with ſome intervals of abſence in France, until July 1524; when Margaret regained the ſupreme power. In the following year ſhe was conſtrained to ſhare it with Beton the chancellor, and Angus her huſband: and, in 1526, the latter uſurped the ſole authority.

In the beginning of July 1528, James burſt from the fetters of Angus, in his ſeventeenth year, and the firſt act of his power was the forfeiture and baniſhment of that peer, his brothers, friends, and adherents. After a ſhort, but active and juſt exerciſe of ſovereignty, he died on the 14th December, 1542, a victim to the embarraſſments of the time, and his own high ſpirit. His ſceptre and misfortunes paſſed to the celebrated Mary his daughter, an infant of a week old.

[]James V was a prince of no mean abilities; and from the reign of James I genius and love of the arts were hereditary in the houſe of Stuart. His ſubjects ſmiled at his vague amours, while they admired his perſonal courage, his ſtrict adminiſtration of juſtice.* His perſiſtance in the religion of his anceſtors, which was then that of the majority of the nation, has excited the calumny of proteſtant hiſtorians; but time extinguiſhes party, and revives candour. The only apparent ſtain on his reign is the execution of lady Glamis, the ſiſter of Angus: but that ſhe was actually concerned in a plot of the houſe of Douglas againſt the king's life, there is every room to believe, from original papers, which will ſoon be laid before the public. His ſternneſs to the nobles was more than compenſated by the protection, affability, and generoſity, which he diſplayed to the people; and every cottage exulted in his glorious epithet of KING OF THE POOR.

His perſon was of the middle ſize, elegant and majeſtic; his face was oval, his eyes blue, his hair yellow: add an aquiline noſe, and the moſt ſtriking features of the Stuarts, from the acceſſion of the family to the death of this ſoverēign, will be delineated. This portrait is from a drawing in lord Orford's poſſeſſion, taken from a contemporary painting in the collection of the duke of Devonſhire.

Figure 4. MARY OF GUISE.

from a Painting in the Duke of Devonshire's po [...].



MAGDALEN of France, the firſt wife of James V, having died in July 1537, in the ſeventh month after the marriage, he, in the ſubſequent year, wedded Mary of Guiſe, or Lorraine. This lady was the daughter of Claude, duke of Guiſe, a branch of the houſe of Lorraine; and widow of Louis duke of Longueville. She arrived in Scotland on the 10th of June 1538; and the nuptials were immediately celebrated at St. Andrew's.*

During the life of her huſband ſhe appears to have taken no part in the political intrigues of a buſy and important period. On his death, in Dec. 1542, ſhe was immerſed in the diſputes between cardinal Beton and Arran, concerning the regency: and after the aſſaſſination of the former, in 1546, ſhe began to aſſume an active ſhare in the government. Inſtigated by the counſels of her brothers, the duke of Guiſe and the cardinal of Lorraine, ſhe aſpired to the regency, which ſhe at length obtained in April 1554. But, amid the vehemence of the proteſtant and catholic parties, her ſituation was expoſed to numerous difficulties; and her death on the 10th of June 1560, may be partly imputed to their preſſure.

An eminent hiſtorian has delineated her character with his uſual ability. He repreſents her as poſſeſſing the moſt eminent qualities, diſcernment, addreſs, intrepidity, prudence; []gentle and humane, without weakneſs; zealous for her religion, without bigotry; a lover of juſtice, without rigour. Her ſole foible was a devotion to France and the houſe of Guiſe, natural and almoſt unavoidable; but which became ruinous to her meaſures, and to her political reputation.* Yet ſhe ſhewed extreme lenity to the reformers; and on her death-bed expreſſed to their chiefs, with many tears, her concern for any cauſes of diſſention, and even condeſcended to hear the pious advices of their teachers with reverence Religious party, and bigotry, have now loſt much of their force; they periſh, but virtue is eternal: and Scotland may juſtly regard Mary of Guiſe as one of the moſt illuſtrious queens who ever ſhared the throne.

Her beauty, and the elegant gentleneſs of her manners, are mentioned in general terms:§ but amid the ſilence of hiſtorians and writers of memoirs, her features may be beſt diſcerned from the portrait, which is contained in the ſame picture with James V, in the collection of the duke of Devonſhire.

Figure 5. JAMES II.

from Jonston [...] Inscriptiones historice [...]



THIS monarch aſcended the Scotiſh throne in February, 1437, being only in the ſixth year of his age.

The hiſtorical materials of his reign are remarkably barren.* His minority was chiefly rendered memorable by the conteſts between Crichton and Livingſton, and ſucceſſive earls of Douglas. In 1449 James II eſpouſed Mary of Gelder, niece of Philip the Good, duke of Burgundy.

The execution of William, ſixth earl of Douglas, in the caſtle of Edinburgh, 1440, had not quieted the rebellious ſpirit of that great family; and in 1452 James was, in the efferveſcence of paſſion, provoked to ſtab William, the eighth earl of Douglas, with his own hand, in the caſtle of Stirling. James, the ſucceeding earl, raiſed ſome commotions, which were ſpeedily appeaſed, and the public tranquillity reſtored.

But in 1454 the grand rebellion of the houſe of Douglas commenced, which ſhook the Scotiſh throne, and was ſuppreſſed with much difficulty. In 1455 a forfeiture was led againſt the houſe of Douglas; and the four brothers, James it's chief, the earls of Moray and Ormond, and []lord Balveny, were doomed to expiate, by death or exile, the vengeance of their offended monarch and country. Yet in the courſe of a few years the branch of Angus ſucceeded to the exorbitant power of the ſtem. Such ſtrangers were the monarchs to modern theoretic ideas of a deſign to ſubvert the ariſtocracy; while, in fact, all they attempted was to withſtand its incroachments, when they became abſolutely incompatible with royalty.

On the 3d of Auguſt, 1460, James II was accidentally ſlain by the burſting of a cannon, while he was beſieging Roxburgh.

James II was a prince of eminent ſpirit; and his meaſures were deciſive even to violence. The obſcurity attending his reign renders his private life little known. His perſon, according to a dry but veracious author, was robuſt; and a red ſtain, which covered one ſide of his countenance, gave riſe to the vulgar epithet of James with the Fiery Face.*

This portrait is copied, in fac-ſimile, from that in the Inſcriptiones of Jonſton.

Figure 6. Edward firſt lord Bruce of Kinloſs.

[...]b [...]o [...] Chap. I



THIS ſtateſman was the ſecond ſon of Sir Edward Bruce, of Blair-hall, and the progenitor of the earls of Elgin, and Ayleſbury. He was bred to the law, and diſplayed abilities which gained him the confidence of James VI, who ſent the earl of Mar, and Bruce, to congratulate Elizabeth on the ſuppreſſion of the inſurrection by Eſſex, in 1601. The ſubſequent correſpondence, between Bruce and Sir Robert Cecil, operated greatly towards the peaceable acceſſion of James to the Engliſh throne.

On the 22d Feb. 1603, James erected the diſſolved abbey of Kinloſs, in Moray, into a lordſhip, in favour of this able negociator.

Lord Kinloſs, attending his ſovereign into England, was further rewarded by the office of Maſter of the Rolls: The patent is dated 8th July, 1604.* And his epitaph mentions that he died on the 14th of January, 1610, aged ſixty-two years.

This figure is delineated from his monument in the Rolls Chapel, London; and is accompanied by the following inſcription.

Sacrae Memoriae
Domini Edvardi Brvcii, Baronis
Brvcii Kinloſſenſis, Sacrorum Scriniorum
Magiſtri, dicatum, Qui obijt 14o Jan. Sal. 1610, Aetat.
62o. Jacobi Regis 8o.
Brucius Edvardus ſitus hic, et Scotus, et Anglus;
Scotus ut Ortu, Anglis ſic oriundus Avis.
Regno in Utro (que) decus tulit, auctus honoribus amplis,
Regi a Conſilijs Regni utriuſ (que) fuit.
Conjuge, Prole, Nuru, Genero, Spe, Re (que) Beatus;
Vivere nos docuit, nunc docet ecce mori.
Figure 7. ZACHARIAH BOYD, Minister at Glasgow.

from a Picture in the College there.



WAS miniſter of the Baronry church of Glaſgow, and bequeathed 20,000l. Scotiſh money, (about 1600l. ſterling,) to the univerſity there. In gratitude his buſt was erected in marble, with an inſcription commemorating the donation of that ſum, and of his library. He lived in the reign of Charles I.*

His tranſlation of the ſcripture, in ſuch uncouth verſe as to amount to burleſque, has been often quoted; and the juſt fame of a benefactor to learning has been obſcured by that cloud of miſerable rimes. Candour will ſmile at the foible, but applaud the man.

Figure 8. ISABEL OF SCOTLAND Ducheſs of Bretagne.

from Lobincau Hist de Bretagne Original in the Cathedral of Vann [...]r.



WAS the daughter of JAMES I; and in July 1441, was affianced to Francis, ſon of the Duke John V.

Argentré in his Hiſtory of Bretagne, informs us that when the envoys of John returned from Scotland, that Prince was eager to know their opinion of the lady. They anſwered that ſhe had beauty, health, and an elegant perſon, but was very ſilent, and apparently ſimple. To which remark the Duke returned this celebrated reply; "My dear friends, I beg you will return to Scotland and bring her to me; ſhe is juſt ſuch a wife as I deſire for my ſon. Knowledge does a woman more hurt than good; upon my ſoul, I ſhall have no other. By the body of St. Nicolas, a woman is quite wife enough, when ſhe can diſtinguiſh her huſband's ſhirt from his waiſtcoat."

The marriage was accordingly concluded, but Iſabel did not proceed to Bretagne, till November, 1442, and found her huſband in the throne of that Duchy, by the ſtyle of Francis I, his father having died in Auguſt.

In 1450 ſhe was left a widow with two daughters, Margaret who married Francis II Duke of Bretagne, and Mary afterwards wife of the Viſcount de Rohan. []After refuſing the Prince of Navarre and other offers of matrimony, Iſabel of Scotland died in an advanced age, in 1494.*

This portrait is a copy from the engraving in Lobineau's Hiſtory of Bretagne, taken from the original painting in the Cathedral of Vannes.


the Original in the College of Glasgow



THIS learned profeſſor was the ſon of James Boyd of Trochrig in Airſhire, archbiſhop of Glaſgow, who died in 1581.* The Boyds of Pinkhill, and of Trochrig, were deſcended from Adam Boyd, third ſon of Alexander the ſecond ſon of Robert lord Boyd, the famous Chamberlain of Scotland in the minority of James III.

The celebrated Mark Alexander Boyd was of the family of Pinkhill, and firſt couſin to the profeſſor.

Robert Boyd of Trochrig was profeſſor of divinity at Saumur in France, when he was invited by James VI to the office of principal of the univerſity of Glaſgow. But not ſupporting the king's views in promoting epiſcopacy, he reſigned, and was then called by the city of Edinburgh to the ſame ſtation in the univerſity there, and found equal oppoſition from the court. He therefore abandoned that charge, and became miniſter at Paiſley. He died in 1629.§

He wrote a commentary on the epiſtle to the Epheſians: and a poem called Hecatombe Chriſtiana, preſerved in the Deliciae Poetarum Scotorum, and dedicated to his relation Andrew Boyd biſhop of Argyle, a prelate eminent for his active virtues in reclaiming that barbaric ſee.

The original painting is in the univerſity of Glaſgow.


from her Monument in the Sa [...]y



OF this lady, no more is known, than what her epitaph bears, that ſhe was daughter of Simeon Stewart of Lakingheth in Suffolk, and died on the 18th June 1573.

This Simeon Stewart ſeems the ſecond ſon of Thomas Stewart of Mildenhall in Suffolk, a family which diſplayed twenty quarters in their coat armorial. Stewart of Barton-mills in Suffolk was another branch. This family alſo extended to Norfolk, and Cambridge ſhire: and ſeven generations being in Elizabeth's time reckoned from their firſt anceſtor's leaving Scotland, that event muſt have happened in the Fourteenth century.*

The portrait more properly belongs to the Engliſh ſeries; but the elegant ſimplicity, and antique taſte, of the monument were thought worthy of being better known: and this branch of the Stuarts deſerves commemoration in this work, as it may tend to illuſtrate the genealogical hiſtory of Scotland, by promoting further enquiries.

An ingenious and reſpectable friend, who has made collections for Suffolk, ſays, "My notes for Lakenheath only mention an altar-tomb of grey marble for Simeon Styward, who died 30th April 1568. Arms,

[]1ſt and 4th a lion rampant, over all a bend raguled, Styward.

2d quart. 1ſt and 4th, Styward.

2d and 3d quart. 1ſt and 4th, 3 boars heads couped. 2d and 3d, a lion rampant.

3d, Styward imp. a lion rampant gardant, crowned.

Againſt the wall, an inſcription for Johanna, daughter and heir of Edward Peſtney, (qu. Reſtney,) wife of Simeon Styward: ſhe died 1583."

Figure 11. ROBERT II

from Jonsto [...] Inscrip [...].



THIS firſt monarch of the houſe of Stuart, aſcended the throne on the 26th March, 1371, being in the fiftieth and fifth year of his age. He died on the 19th of April, 1390. His advanced years, and an inflammation in his eyes, prevented his perſonal appearance as an eminent actor in hiſtory; but his reign was diſtinguiſhed by the battle of Otterburn, and other illuſtrious incidents.

He was a juſt and beneficent Sovereign. In perſon he was tall and majeſtic, but his countenance was disfigured by the inflammation of his eyes, which, Froiſſart ſays, were diſtorted and red as ſandal wood;* a defect which procured him the vulgar epithet of blear eye.

This portrait from the Inſcriptions of Jonſton, ſeems not much to be depended on; the eyes are indeed diſtorted, but the beard worn in that age is wanting. The dreſs however accords with the coſtume. David II appears with the robe fringed on the ſhoulders, as here: and the form of the bonnet repeatedly occurs in Montfaucon's prints.

Figure 12. JAMES the First

from a Painting at Kielberg in S [...]bia


THIS portrait is taken from a painting at Kielberg, near Tubingen in Germany, the ſeat of the Von Lytrums.

The late learned Sir James Stuart Denham had informed Lord Buchan, that he had often ſeen at M. Von Lytrum's, a portrait full length of a Scotiſh king, in a cloſe jacket, the peaks of his ſhoes faſtened to his girdle, with chains of gold; that it was in a gallery with portraits of many other princes; that an anceſtor of M. Von Lytrum, being a great traveller, had viſited moſt courts in Europe, and obtained thoſe pictures of the reigning ſovereigns.*

Lord Buchan in conſequence applied to M. Gognel, Chancellor to the Duke of Wirtemburg, at Montbeliard, for a copy of this piece; which only came to hand half length, as here, though the remainder would have preſented an inſtance of a ſingular faſhion, mentioned by old Engliſh writers as beginning in the reign of Richard II, but of which no other ſpecimen is known in painting or miniature.

The editor was led to ſuppoſe that this prince was James IV, becauſe the contemporary ſovereigns were of his reign, or ſoon after. But he now inclines to infer James I, from the following reaſons.

  • 1. M. Gognel named it the latter.
  • 2. The features correſpond ſo much with the fine portrait of James I []in Johnſton's Inſcriptions, that the beard, and more advanced years, ſeem to form the only difference.
  • 3. The crown over the arms is too ſimple for the time of James IV; that of James III having fleurons of quite a different height and richneſs.
  • 4. The hat reſembles that of Charles VII of France, contemporary with James I, in Mezeray.
  • 5. The jacket is not ſlaſhed. There is in Montfaucon* a portrait of Charles duke of Burgundy, ſlain in 1477, in this very dreſs, with the chain of the golden fleece; but the jacket is ſlaſhed in ſtrait lines: and this faſhion of ſlaſhing appears in the genuine portrait of James IV.
  • 6. The ſhoes, with chains, are ſo rare, that it is probable they were only known in the latter part of the reign of Richard II, and in that of Henry IV, who died in 1413, when James I was twenty years of age, and had been a captive for eight years. Long peaks are common, and appear in the ſtatutes of Edward IV; but no mention of chains occurs after the above period. It is improbable that Von Lytrum ſhould from ſuch a diſtance viſit Scotland: but moſt likely that the portrait of James I was executed in England, during his captivity, and procured there by Von Lytrum, who not being able to get that of the reigning monarch, contented himſelf with another.




THIS noted treaty took place in 1649; and there are fine prints of the meeting, and of the different ambaſſadors, from one of which the preſent portrait is taken. The painter was Van Hulle.

In the military annals of Guſtaf Adolf, Erſkine was an eminent character. He was of the family of Erſkine of Kirkbuddo in Fife, ſprung from the Erſkines of Dun: and was ennobled in Sweden. Some of his deſcendants were not long ſince ſettled at Bonne in Germany.* Further materials have not ariſen.

Figure 14. MARY.

from a Painting in Kensington Palace



THIS work is rather to be regarded as an account of portraits, than of perſons; and concerning this princeſs, in particular, ſo much has been written, that it is only neceſſary to ſtate the chief dates, in order to illuſtrate the portraits.* She was born on the 14th of Dec. 1542; went to France in June 1548; was married to the Dauphin April 14, 1558, in her ſixteenth year: queen of France, June 1559; a widow Dec. 1560. She came to Scotland, Auguſt 1561; wedded Darnley, July 1565; a widow Feb. 1567; married Bothwell two months after; fled to England May 1568; beheaded 7 Feb. 1587, aged 44 years and 2 months, after a captivity of nearly nineteen years, the very term of that of James I of Scotland.

The fictitious portraits of Mary are infinite. In ſome of them ſhe is confounded with Mary of Guiſe her mother, with Mary queen of France, ſiſter of Henry VIII, and even with Mary of Medici. But any handſome woman is, with the picture dealers, Mary of Scotland. The following are the moſt authentic portraits.

The Scotiſh ſilver coin of 1553 gives her buſt at 11 years of age; the gold, 1555, at 13. The ſilver, 1561, ſhould be at 19. There is, it is believed, at Holyrood-houſe a portrait about 14, pale.

Cock of Antwerp in 1559 engraved a fine print, three quarters, in her ſeventeenth year. Mr. Harding's half length is faithfully copied from this print, which the editor []has ſeen in the poſſeſſion of Sir William Muſgrave. The ſmall eyes, and oval features, occur in all the genuine portraits; but this has not that riſe in the middle of the noſe, which appears in the others. Perhaps the engraver was careleſs; or this feature was the product of more advanced years.*

The portraits by Elſtrack, and a good modern profile by Stewart, may be claſſed between her twentieth and thirtieth year. The preſent undoubted portrait at Kenſington, ſeems of a later date, It has the marks of Charles I on the back, both when prince, and when king, with this inſcription, "Of Jennet.

Queen Marye of Scotland, appointed by his Majeſty for the cabinet roome, 1631. By Jennet."

Charles I certainly knew the picture of his grandmother. In the catalogue this piece is aſcribed to the younger Jennet, and is mentioned as a preſent of lord Danby. It is a delicate ſmall picture; the face is very pale, perhaps by the fading of the painter's carnation. Auburn hair, black eyes.

About the ſame age may be that in Johnſton's Inſcriptions; which, if the drawing were ſomewhat mended, would be a valuable portrait. It is publiſhed fifteen years after her death.

The tomb, Weſtminſter abbey, gives a fine reſemblance, between thirty and forty. Vertue's drawing in lord Orford's collection from lord Morton's picture; and his fine print, aet. 38, follow.

From the account of her execution it appears that ſhe was then fat and bloated. There is a large print of her about this time, apparently by De Leu, with latin verſes by a G. Cr. Scotus. The face the ſame as De Leu's ſmall one.

Figure 15. WILLIAM FORBES first Bishop of Edinburgh



WHILE the Engliſh poſſeſſed Lothian for a ſhort time, in the ſeventh century, there was a biſhopric of Abercorn. The province, expoſed to hoſtile inroads, was afterwards ruled by the metropolitan ſee of St. Andrews, which appointed an Archdeacon of Lothian, till Charles I, in 1633, created the biſhopric of Edinburgh.

William Forbes, a native of Aberdeen, and Principal of the Mariſhal college there, was nominated biſhop on the 26th of January 1634; but he only ſurvived his appointment about two months, dying on the 1ſt of April that year. He was ſucceeded by David Lindſay, who was expoſed to the fury of the populace on account of the new liturgy; and was depoſed in 1638.*

Of biſhop Forbes Keith gives the following character. "A perſon he was endued moſt eminently with all chriſtian virtues, inſomuch that a very worthy man, Robert Burnet lord Crimond, a judge of the ſeſſion, ſaid of our prelate, that he never ſaw him but he thought his heart was in heaven; and that he was never alone with him but he felt within himſelf a commentary on thoſe words of the Apoſtle, []"Did not our hearts burn within us, while he yet talked with us, and opened to us the ſcriptures?" During the time he was principal at Aberdeen, he had interſperſed ſeveral things among his academical prelections, tending to create peace among the contending parties of chriſtianity; ſome notes whereof were publiſhed, above twenty years after his death, under the title of Conſiderationes Modeſtae et Pacificae, &c."*

The book forms an 8vo volume, replete with theological learning; and its intentions are the more laudable, becauſe very uncommon. But party, ever in extremes, is a ſtranger to reaſon, and to all Modeſt and Pacific Conſiderations. He who takes the middle open ground is only expoſed to the fire of both armies. Power admits of no compromiſe: and, when overcome, receives no compromiſe: becauſe another power rules.


from the Tabl [...] de Boye [...] [...]



OF this gentleman no memorials have yet ariſen. The portrait is given from the book mentioned below: and the only information there to be found is that Sir Conrad was a Scotiſh gentleman, and was ſurnamed the Red.* The inſcription of the original print bears that he was a Scotiſh Knight. He appears to have lived about 1650; and was perhaps of the Gowrie family.

Figure 17. JAMES IV.

from a painting in the [...] of [...] at [...]



THIS magnanimous prince aſcended the throne on the 24th of June, 1488, aged ſixteen, and fell in the unhappy battle of Flodden, 9th September, 1513, in the fortieth and firſt year of his age, and twenty-ſixth of his reign, which forms an epoch of the greateſt proſperity to which Scotland aſcended, while a ſeparate Power.

A complete knight of chivalry, generous, magnificent, a patron of the arts, gentle, affable, juſt; had his prudence equalled his other qualities, he would have been one of the greateſt of monarchs. But his impetuoſity of temper hurried him into two romantic and abſurd wars with England; in the latter of which himſelf and a great part of his nobility fell, and the kingdom was left a prey to anarchy.

Hiſtorians deſcribe his perſon as of the middle ſize and elegant, with a majeſtic countenance.* Many minute anecdotes of his dreſs &c. may be found in the contemporary account of his marriage with Margaret daughter of Henry VII, publiſhed in the laſt edition of Leland's Collectanea.

The preſent curious and intereſting portrait is from a painting in the poſſeſſion of Mr. Batsford, at Fulham; and which appears to have belonged to king Charles I, as its former poſſeſſor aſſerted it had. In the catalogue of that king's pictures, p. 87, there is this article:

[]"Item. Beſide the door, the picture of king James IV of Scotland, with a faulcon on his fiſt, done after an ancient water-coloured piece; half a figure, ſo big as the life, in a carved frame. Length 3 f. 1. Breadth 2 f. o. Done by Daniel Mytens."*

The picture has been put on freſh canvas, and reframed; and the ſize now is 3 feet 2 inches, by 2 feet and one quarter of an inch: a variation owing to the new frame not being ſo broad in the inner margin as the ancient. This invaluable piece is in good preſervation; and Mytens, who flouriſhed in the reign of James I of England, has ſhewn great talents in the execution. The prototype was probably a painting in diſtemper, in one of the Scotiſh palaces.

Complexion fair; eyes hazel; hair deep cheſnut. Bonnet black, ornament enchaſed gold; ſhirt collar decked with jewels, and a ſmall gold lace at the wriſt: doublet red, with leopard lapels; robe red, lined with purple, and puffed with light cloth of gold. The reſt for the falcon, in the right hand, is lilac with green fillets. The arch is red marble; the arms ſupported by the unicorns not diſtinguiſhable: the back ground is a clear ſky.

Figure 18. PATRICK SCOUGAL Biſhop of Aberdeen



WAS more memorable as the father of the author of "the Life of God in the Soul of Man," than from his own merits. He was ſon of Sir John Scougal of Scougal: and, from the parſonage of Salton in Eaſt Lothian, was preferred to the ſee of Aberdeen in 1664. He was a pious and worthy man; and died 16th February 1682, aged 73. Biſhop Burnet, in the preface to his life of biſhop Bedel, gives a high character of the reſpectable prelate of Aberdeen.*

His contemporary, Scougal the painter, was apparently of the ſame family. Betwixt Jameſon and Scougal there ſeems a break in the Scotiſh liſt of painters. Scotland indeed hardly produced a writer, or artiſt, during the commonwealth of England 1649—1660; and even its annals of that period are obſcure. The Hiſtory of Scotland under the commonwealth, illuſtrated from original papers, would form a curious and intereſting work.

Figure 19. JOHN EARL OF MAR. Regent of Scotland




THIS truly illuſtrious character was third ſon of John twelfth lord Erſkine; and was educated to the church: but the two elder brothers dying before their father, he became thirteenth lord Erſkine in 1552. Ten years after, he regained the title and eſtates of Mar, which had been unjuſtly wreſted from the family by James II.*

On the birth of James VI, in 1566, the royal babe was committed to the cuſtody of the earl of Mar, then governor of the caſtle of Stirling. His candour and moderation became moſt conſpicuous in the public diſtractions that followed; and he was almoſt the only man who wiſhed to preſerve the independence of his country, alike unviolated either by French or Engliſh influence. On the death of Lennox, the earl of Mar was choſen Regent, Sept. 6, 1571, in ſpite of the artifices of Elizabeth; but he did not hold that high office much above a year, dying on the 29th of Oct. 1572, not without ſuſpicions of poiſon, a crime of which Elizabeth and Morton were not incapable. His age is not commemorated, but there is room to infer he was born about 1520.

[]His courage was conſpicuous in his ſally from Stirling caſtle at the head of thirty men, to repell the four hundred ſent by Kirkaldy, to ſurprize the peers, and by his ſucceſs in that unequal conflict. His attempts to conciliate all parties, and to maintain the independence of his country, againſt foreign influence, evince the real patriot. "He was perhaps the only perſon in the kingdom who could have enjoyed the office of Regent without envy, and have kept it without loſs of reputation. Notwithſtanding their mutual animoſities, both factions acknowledged his views to be honourable, and his integrity to be uncorrupted."*

The painting, artiſt unknown, is in the poſſeſſion of James Erſkine Eſq. of Alva. Eyes dark blue, and of ſweet expreſſion: hair dark; drapery black.


from an original painting in the possesion of James Erskine Esq. of [...]



BROTHER of the celebrated Regent John earl of Mar, and anceſtor of the earl of Kelly, was a diſtinguiſhed character in the minority of James VI.* After the death of the Regent, the care of the education of that prince fell to Sir Alexander; under whom Buchanan, and Peter Young, acted as chief preceptors. In 1578 he favoured the party which oppoſed the infamous Morton the Regent, who in revenge perſuaded the young earl of Mar that his uncle intended to deprive him of the cuſtody of the king, and the government of Stirling caſtle. The conſequence was that Mar ſeized the command of that fortreſs, and expelled Sir Alexander.

He was nevertheleſs in the ſame year appointed governor of the caſtle of Edinburgh; and in 1580 vice-chamberlain of Scotland. He died before 1595, in which year his ſon Sir Thomas Erſkine of Gogar appears, he who killed Alexander Ruthven in the Gowrie conſpiracy, and was afterwards viſcount Fenton and earl of Kelly.

The painting is in the poſſeſſion of James Erſkine Eſq. of Alva.

Figure 21. JOHN ERSKINE EARL OR MAR. L. H. Treasurer

from an original Painting in the poſseſsion of James Erskine Esq. of [...]



WAS the only ſon of the Regent who died in 1572. In 1595 the king James VI entruſted to him the cuſtody of his ſon: and it is highly to the honour of this illuſtrious family, that the care of their minor ſovereigns had been in a manner hereditary; James V having been entruſted to lord Erſkine by his mother Margaret, and the parliament. It was ſolely a ſpecial character of probity that produced thoſe ſucceſſive teſtimonies of high approbation.

This earl was joined with Bruce of Kinloſs, in concerting with Cecil the means of ſecuring to James VI the acceſſion to the Engliſh throne: and he diſplayed much prudence in that grand tranſaction. In 1603 he was made a knight of the garter. On the death of prince Henry, whoſe education he ſuperintended, he returned to Scotland. In 1615 he was appointed lord High Treaſurer of that kingdom; an office which he reſigned three years before his death, which happened in 1634.*

By his firſt wife, daughter of lord Drummond, he left only one ſon, John the ſtock of the family of Mar. But his ſecond wife, lady Mary Stuart daughter []of Eſme duke of Lennox, bore him ſeven ſons, and four daughters. The ſecond of theſe ſons is the anceſtor of the Erſkines, earls of Buchan; one of the others of the Erſkines of Alva; beſides other illuſtrious deſcendants.* Nor has the family degenerated in hereditary probity, and ability.

The picture, by Paul Vanſomer, is in the poſſeſſion of James Erſkine Eſq. of Alva. Eyes dark blue; hair ſilver-grey: complexion healthy. Drapery black; blue ribbon, and george ſuſpended.

Figure 22. DARNLEY and LENNOX.

from their Mothers Tomb. Westminster Abbey



SONS of Matthew earl of Lennox, by lady Margaret Douglas, are here repreſented from their figures in marble, kneeling by their mother's tomb, in Weſtminſter abbey. Over the head of Darnley a gilt crown is ſuſpended, to indicate that he was king of Scotland. The fate of this diſſipated, weak, and imprudent youth is too well known, to need any recapitulation here. He was murdered 9 Feb. 1567, in the twenty firſt year of his age.

His brother Charles became earl of Lennox in 1571, on the death of his father. He died in 1576, leaving iſſue Arabella Stuart. The earldom revolved to his uncle, the biſhop of Caithneſs; who, four years after, reſigned it in favour of Eſme, created duke of Lennox, his nephew in the noble line of Aubigny.*


from a lecture in the possession of [...]



THE Vandyke of Scotland, was ſon of Andrew Jameſon, a builder, and was born at Aberdeen in 1586. The portraits by him at Taymouth are ſaid to have been executed before he ſtudied in Flanders;* and as one piece there is dated 1635, it would appear that he was advanced in years before he viſited Rubens. He died at Edinburgh in 1644, aged 58; and was buried in the Gray-Friars churchyard.

For ſome account of his works the reader may conſult the valuable "Anecdotes of Painting in England;" nor is much additional information to be procured. Dr. Arthur Johnſton, in his Parerga, Aberdeen, 1637, addreſſes a ſmall poem to Jameſon, inſtructing him how to paint the beautiful lady Ann Campbell. One of his moſt curious paintings is at Cullen houſe, het ſeat of the Earl of Finlater: it is his own portrait, ſitting in his painting-room, the walls of which are hung with pictures; probably ſuch of his own as he moſt valued.

Jameſon is the firſt Scotiſh painter on record; but eminent foreigners had viſited Scotland, and painted illuſtrious portraits. The moſt curious aſſemblage of the kind is in the old gallery of the palace at Scone; a hunting-piece, in which James VI. and his chief courtiers appear. Alexander, the ſcholar of Jameſon, married his daughter; and Coſmo Alexander engraved a portrait of Jameſon, his great grandfather, in 1728. The elder Scougal, an imitator of Lely, and Corrudes, a foreigner, appeared in Charles the Second's reign; and were followed by De Wyck, or De Wit, and by []the younger Scougal. To them ſucceeded Hude, and Medina, both foreigners; and Wait and Aikman, natives.*

This portrait of Jameſon, with a miniature of Iſabel Toſh, his wife, in his hand, is taken from a picture by himſelf, in the poſſeſſion of another deſcendant, Mr. Carnegy, town-clerk of Aberdeen. Hair and eyes black.




IT appears that this prelate was the natural ſon of Gawin Leſley, parſon of Kinguſſie in Badenoch. He was born 29th Sept. 1527. In 1538 we find him at ſchool in Moray; in 1546, an acolyte in the cathedral church of Aberdeen. He is a canon of Aberdeen in 1550, and prebendary and official of that dioceſe eight years after.

About 1563 he appears among the eccleſiaſtic lords of Seſſion; and in 1565 is commendator of the abbey of Lindoris, and biſhop of Roſs.

His attachment to Mary, and his ſufferings in her cauſe, are well known. Deprived of his preferments in his own country, he was at laſt forced into exile; and, after various diſappointments in France and Flanders, he died at Bruſſels 31ſt May, 1596, aged 69.*

It is no wonder that his active character has been blackened by party; but a candid proteſtant muſt allow, that Biſhop Leſley acted with uniform principle. As a writer, his reputation ought alſo to ſtand in a ſuperior claſs; for, not to mention his works of controverſy and piety, his Hiſtory of Scotland, from James III. to his own time, is executed with great information and accuracy; and is far ſuperior, in the real merits of hiſtory, to the elegant but incorrect work of Buchanan. The chronology, and the preſervation of important events and incidents, are ſolely implied, for both were partizans; and this work, eſtranged from party, wiſhes not to pull a wreath from one character, in order to beſtow it on another; but only to aſſign juſt applauſe where it is due.

This portrait is from an original in the univerſity of Aberdeen.

Figure 25. [...]



THIS exquiſite painting is in complete preſervation, though executed, as appears from the age of the prince, ten or twelve, about 1482 or 1484. Originally intended for an altar-piece, it is in two diviſions, painted on both ſides. The firſt diviſion contains, on one ſide, the king, prince, and St. Andrew, as here: on the reverſe is the trinity, the father an old man with the dead Chriſt on his knees, while the holy ghoſt is, as uſual, typified by a dove. The other diviſion preſents the queen and a ſaint, apparently Canute the patron of Denmark, and perhaps the features may be thoſe of her father Chriſtiern I: the reverſe bears the eccleſiaſtic, and angels.

The firſt compartment is rich in effect; and it is hoped the copy will preſent an adequate idea of the original. The king's gown is cloth of gold, the robes of a lilac purple. The lion of the arms is crowned, and the treſſure does not go round the top.

It has been ſurmized that the ſaint might wear the features of Shevis, archbiſhop of St. Andrews, a favourite of James; but the eccleſiaſtics did not then preſerve their beards, and the character of the face ſeems ideal.

Figure 26. PICTURE AT KENSINGTON Compartment II



THE queen's head-dreſs is ſingularly rich in gold, precious ſtones, and pearls. The upper part of the kirtle, or gown, is cloth of gold; the robe blue. The arms of Denmark and Scotland are exactly blazoned: the three united crowns for the united kingdoms of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway: the three lions of Denmark; lion and ax, Norway: the dragon for Slavonia: the eſcutcheon of pretence is Holſtein, Sleſwick, Dithmarch, Delmenhorſt, ſurmounted by Oldenburg.

The banner, borne by the ſaint, is the common croſs of the cruſades, with the inſcription AVE MARIA.* His armour is a curious ſpecimen of the plate-armour of the times, and a helmet appears in the preceding compartment: a gauntlet hangs by the ſword. The ornament behind, apparently of oak leaves, is ſingular, but reſembles that in one of the dreſſes of the order of the Knot or holy ghoſt in Montfaucon, inſtituted in 1352, but afterwards dormant till revived by Henry III in the 16th century. Its meaning here muſt be left to ſome future antiquary




IT is probable that this picture was painted for the royal chapel at Stirling, founded by James III with much magnificence; and that the eccleſiaſtic here kneeling was the dean of that chapel, always the queen's confeſſor,* three being no indication of ſuperior dignity. The arms, three buckles and a cheveron, can be traced to no family in Scotland, except that of Bonkil in the Merſe. But perhaps the perſon may be Sir William Rogers, the great Engliſh Muſician, (the Sir being often applied to eccleſiaſtics,) or ſome other eminent foreigner.

The angels in the original have little of ideal beauty; and the unuſual ornament of the coronet may denote the king's ſiſter Mary, firſt wedded to Thomas Boyd earl of Arran, and afterwards to James lord Hamilton; while the other may be Margaret, not wedded to lord Crichton till 1487.

Figure 28. JAMES III

from Jonstom [...]ptiones


Figure 29. JAMES III

Lfrom the Picture at Kensmaton



THIS monarch aſcended the throne on the 10th of Auguſt 1460, in the eighth year of his age; and was ſlain, after the civil conflict at Sauchy, on the 18th June 1488, in the thirty-ſixth year of his age.

His reign was diſtinguiſhed by many memorable events, the recapture of Roxburgh and Berwick; and the acquiſition of the Orkney iſlands, by his marriage with the daughter of Denmark. The chief ſtain on it is, the murder of the earl of Mar youngeſt brother of James; an incident the more ſingular, as that king was averſe from blood—and though all hiſtorical evidence infer the guilt, yet the rebellious peers, eager to expoſe every fault of the government, never impute this to their ſovereign's charge. If true, James muſt have been infatuated by his love of aſtrology, which predicted to him his death by one of his neareſt kindred—and Mar may not have been innocent of a conſpiracy againſt his brother's life. Certain it is that Albany, the ſecond brother, aſpired to the crown, and termed James III a baſtard.

But the ſovereignty of James was weak, deſpotic, and impolitic; and his warm attachment to the arts forms the moſt pleaſing part of his character. His love of architecture raiſed Cochran to the chief power in the ſtate; and Rogers the Engliſh muſician was in high favour. The ferocious nobles deſpiſed what they eſteemed the frivolous purſuits of the king; and, ſtrangers to the arts, could not eſtimate their value. Of the patronage afforded by James III to foreign artiſts, this noble painting may preſent no unfavourable ſpecimen.

[]Of the perſon of James III Drummond gives the beſt deſcription. "This king, concerning his perſonage, was of a ſtature ſomewhat higher than ordinary, his hair was black, his viſage was rather long than round, approaching in colour more to thoſe in the ſouthern than northern climates." This fallow complexion appears in the picture; which beſides correſponds ſo much with Drummond's delineation, that it may be borrowed from the painting. And the complexion of James, ſo different from that of the Stuart race in general, may have had its weight in the calumnies of Albany, eſpecially conſidering the amorous propenſity of Mary of Gelder his mother. Eyes and hair black: there is ſomewhat of melancholy in the face, heightened in the original by a dark tinge even in the whites of the eyes.

[portrait of Margaret of Denmark, Queen of James III of Scotland]



THIS lady was daughter of Chriſtiern the firſt of that name, and firſt king of Denmark of the houſe of Oldenburg. She was married to James III in July 1469, being only in her thirteenth year; and brought the permanent dower of the Orkneys, the ſuperiority of which had remained with the court of Norway for ſix centuries.

The Scotiſh hiſtorians are unanimous in applauding her perſon, her virtues, and piety.* An excellent wife, an affectionate mother, ſhe adds the merit of being unknown in the political ſtruggles of a turbulent period.

Margaret of Denmark died in February 1487, aged only thirty one years, and was buried at Cambuſkenneth. Whether ſhe fell a prey to diſeaſe, or to the continual agitations occaſioned by her huſband's miſrule, is left in doubt by the barren hiſtorians of that age.

Figure 30. JAMES VI.

from Jon [...]oni Inscriptiones.



THIS prince was born on the 19th of June 1566; and crowned on the 29th of July in the following year. In 1603 he united the arms of England and Scotland; and died on the 27th of March 1625, aged fifty nine.

With the defect of a feeble character, he had the high merit of being a pacific monarch; a very little learning, a very little knowledge, being ſufficient to ſhew the advantages of peace over war, both to the king and the people. Even his ſhort peaceful reign greatly advanced the trade, agriculture, and colonies of the kingdom: and if, by way of ſpeculation, we could imagine it prolonged to the preſent epoch, the three realms would have been as one garden, as another China, in univerſal wealth and induſtry.

In features, particularly the noſe, James VI reſembles his father Darnley more than the ancient Stuart line. The ſingular ſtare of his eyes, mentioned by contemporary authors, is more apparent in the portraits taken in more advanced years; particularly a fine whole length at Windfor, in which the face not a little reſembles the vulgar ſign of the Saracen's head.

Figure 31. ANNE

from Jonstons Inscriptiones



WAS the daughter of Frederic II king of Denmark and Norway. In October 1589 James proceeded himſelf in queſt of his bride, as his grandfather James V had ſet an example of this gallantry. They were married in Denmark; and Anne was crowned in the enſuing ſpring.

She died in March 1619.

The character of Anne of Denmark was the reverſe of that of her countrywoman, Margaret wife of James III. Amorous, bold, intriguing, impreſſed with little reverence for her huſband's ſpirit, or abilities for government, ſhe was immerſed in polities, though her ſupreme cunning have veiled her from hiſtorical obſervation. That, in particular, ſhe had no ſmall ſhare in the Gowrie conſpiracy, may perhaps be ſhewn by the editor, in a ſhort tract on that embroiled ſubject. At preſent he ſhall only hint that the main actor, Gowrie's brother, was a paramour of Anne, that ſhe highly offended James by her continued favour to the forfeited family; that the earl of Gowrie himſelf appears to have been entirely innocent, and that Anne's ambition might conſpire with her lover's infatuation, to impriſon her huſband, and rival Elizabeth in female ſovereignty. Had the lover been a man of ability, had not his mind been almoſt diſtracted with the weight of the enterprize, another example might have been added to thoſe in ancient and modern hiſtory, of imperious queens who have impriſoned or murdered their huſbands.

Figure 32. HENRY SCOUGAL. THEOL. PROF. Author of "The Life of God in the Soul of Man."

Original in the College Hall, Aberdeen.



WAS the ſon of Patrick Scougal biſhop of Aberdeen 1664—1682; and has the merit of being the firſt Scotiſh author, it is believed, who wrote a book of practical piety. Eccleſiaſtical diſputes, ſo inconſiſtent with the meek ſpirit of chriſtianity, had firſt prevailed between the catholics and reformers, then between the epiſcopals and preſbyterians, and afterwards between the preſbyterians and independents. Sermons, and commentaries on ſcripture were ſometimes interpoſed; but the chief object, the practice of the Chriſtian virtues, was unaccountably neglected; Durham's curious work, On Scandal, being rather a diſcuſſion of eccleſiaſtic diſcipline and polity, and a defence of the preſbyterians againſt the independent Jacobins of the day, than an ethical production.

Of Henry Scougal little is known. It is ſaid that, being of an amorous complexion, he ſometimes loved God, and ſometimes loved women; and that having unfortunately become enamoured of a married lady at Aberdeen, he died in the ſtruggles of virtue and paſſion. But he had grown ſo corpulent in his retreat, the ſteeple of the cathedral church of St. Machan's, at Old Aberdeen, that his executors were forced to extract the body through a window. Theſe traditions ſeem rather inconſiſtent, as love is generally ſuppoſed rather to belong to the claſs of conſumptions, than of dropſies; and it is rare that the amorous ſwain pines away into plenitude.

Scougal's Life of God in the ſoul of man was publiſhed by Biſhop Burnet, in 1691, 8vo; and has ſince paſſed through many editions, being a work of eminent piety, without enthuſiaſm, and written in a clear neat ſtyle.


from a scar [...] Print by Hollar



THIS Franklin of the Scotiſh commotions in laſt century was miniſter at Leuchars: and was in vain tempted with a biſhopric. He died in 1649, regretting the exceſs to which affairs were carried; but never repenting of his own moderate motives and actions, as vainly repeated by his opponents; a ſtale device of party.*

In fact the preſbyterians, after overturning the epiſcopal deſpotiſm of the time, were gradually ruining their own cauſe by a deſpotiſm far more diſguiſting. The ſaints attempted to eſtabliſh a clerical ariſtocracy, not only over Scotland, but over England; and the civil power would have become the mere ſlave of eccleſiaſtic cenſure, and excommunication. Liberty of conſcience was entirely denied by the preſbyterian party; their church polity was a part of their creed; and the penalty againſt any diffent was excommunication in this world, and a liberal inheritance in hell fire hereafter. A man's private life was to be tainted with ſaintſhip or hypocriſy; and every pleaſure was to vaniſh at the nod of thoſe phyſicians of Sancho the governor. The preſbyterians ſupported the regal power, as a ſhield againſt the independents, and ſectaries; who, with far ſuperior political ſkill, allowed univerſal liberty of conſcience.

But a nondeſcript ſaint, named Cromwell, put himſelf at the head of the independents, and completely overthrew the preſbyterian deſpotiſm. Both parties appealed to King Chriſt, and he decided in favour of the democratic church.

In the ſole choice left, between the impertinent authority, and degrading ſuperſtition, of the preſbyterians, and []the power merely military of Cromwell, it is no wonder that the nation ſighed for the ancient monarchy; a government at leaſt of gentlemen over gentlemen, and more beneficent to all, than that of parſons or ſoldiers over ſlaves.

Henderſon's favourite polity, and the clerical ariſtocracy, were after his death to be trampled under foot; but be timouſly eſcaped from the evils to come. One of the chief events of his life was, the ſolemn conference with Charles I at Newcaſtle, on various topics of religion and government; the relation has been printed, and does honour to both parties.

Figure 34. PATRICK FORBES of CORSE and ONEIL Bishop of Aberdeen 1618.

Original, Kings College Aberdeen.



THIS learned prelate was deſcended of the ancient and noble family of Forbes,* and was himſelf baron or laird of the eſtates of Corſe and Oneil in Aberdeenſhire. Having received an excellent education, and being attached to eccleſiaſtical ſtudies, he was often perſuaded to take orders; but could not be prevailed on, till the year 1612, when the miniſter of Keith having, in a paroxyſm of religious melancholy, ſtabbed himſelf, urged this as his dying requeſt; but the motive, conſidering all the circumſtances, ſeems moſt inadequate to the effect.

However this be, Mr. Forbes entered into eccleſiaſtic orders in his forty eighth year; and was choſen biſhop of Aberdeen ſix years after. He died on the 28th March 1635, aged ſeventy one years, and was interred in the ſouth aile of the cathedral.

In epiſcopal juriſdiction he was laudably rigid, and uſed ſuddenly to viſit the churches of his dioceſe on ſundays, that he might ſee the common method of the preachers, and accommodate his inſtructions accordingly.

He wrote a commentary on the Revelations, printed by Elzevir, 1646, 4to. Some particulars concerning him may be found in the life of the yet more learned and celebrated John Forbes of Corſe, prefixed to his works Amſt. 1703, 2 vols. folio.




from her Monument in the Savoy Chapel



SIR Robert Douglas of Spot was deſcended from the Douglaſes of Dalkeith, afterwards earls of Morton. He had been page of honour to prince Henry ſon of Charles I, and was afterwards gentleman of the bed chamber, maſter of the houſhold, and one of the privy council to that king.

In June 1633 he was created Viſcount Belhaven; and dying in Scotland, Jan. 1639, he was buried in the veſtry of the church of Holyroodhouſe, under a ſplendid monument of alabaſter, with a long inſcription:* the preſent figure being merely an addition to his wife's tomb.

Nicolaa Murray, afterwards wife of Sir Robert Douglas, was daughter of Sir Robert Murray of Abercairny. She died in November 1612, as we learn from a long inſcription, copied in Strype's edition of Stow's Survey of London. But the following curious part, apparently on a ſeparate tablet, is not now legible.

Ecce pudicitia et pietas,
Coeli utraque proles,
Accingunt dextra haec,
Haec tibi leva latus.
Juro, ſalo, coluere polo
Rapuere, nec uſquam
Te, neque jam tumulum
Deſtituere tuum.

Da. Humius Theag. non delendae amicitiae ſempiternum monumentum.

[]David Hume of Godſcroft, Theagrius as quaintly latinized, was author of the hiſtory of the Douglaſes, and a latin poet. The ſempiternum monumentum muſt refer to his verſes, not the tomb, ſurely erected by her huſband.

The dreſs exhibits the Scotiſh farthingale, or ſmall hoop, then become faſhionable even among the Engliſh ladies.

From the long inſcription we only learn that lady Douglas aſtoniſhed even divines by her ſkill in theology; and unhappily died in her firſt child-bed.

Figure 37. JAMES IV.

From the [...]e [...]ur [...] at K [...]n [...]gton


Figure 38. JAMES IV.

from Jonstoni Inscriptiones.


Figure 39. JAMES V.

from Jonstoni Inscriptiones.


Figure 40. MARY

From a Pain [...] in Lord [...] Poss [...]ion


Figure 41. MARY.

from Monlli [...]on


Figure 42. MARY.

from [...]o [...]om Inscription [...].


Figure 43. FRANCES STUART Duchess of Richmond




THIS celebrated beauty was the daughter of Walter Stuart M. D. third ſon of Walter firſt Lord Blantyre.* The chief ornament of the court of Charles II, though rich in female charms, ſhe captivated the heart of that monarch; who, finding all other hopes vain, was meditating a divorce from Catherine of Portugal, in order to eſpouſe Miſs Stuart, when ſhe unexpectedly wedded Charles Stuart, Duke of Richmond and Lennox, and Lord of Aubigny in France. This peer had ſucceeded his couſin Eſme, in Auguſt 1661: and dying at Elſineur, in Dec. 1672, without iſſue, in him terminated the ancient race of Stuart of Lennox and Aubigny, created dukes of Richmond in 1623. Charles II ſoon after gave the titles to his natural ſon by Louiſa de Queroualle.

In the exquiſite Memoires de Grammont may be found numerous anecdotes relating to Miſs Stuart. To a perſon and face of wonderful excellence ſhe united the ſimplicity of a child; and when the king and his courtiers were occupied in deep gaming, ſhe would ſit building caſtles of cards, while happy was the peer who aſſiſted her in this amuſement of a fool or a philoſopher.

This portrait is engraved from a painting of great merit, by James Huyſman, a Flemiſh artiſt. She is repreſented in the dreſs of a cavalier about the time of the civil wars, a ſuit of buff, or buffalo-hide, adorned with blue ribbands. The picture had belonged to James II, being mentioned in []his catalogue as that of the Ducheſs of Richmond in man's apparel; and is now in the gallery at Kenſington.* The likeneſs correſponds with that on her tomb, in Henry the Seventh's chapel, Weſtminſter-abbey, where her figure in wax may alſo be ſeen, with a ſtuffed-parrot, which is ſaid to have died juſt-before or after her.

Another portrait, from Lord Weſtcote's at Hagley, is engraved for the late edition of the Memoires de Grammont. And there is an old mezzotinto, repreſenting the ducheſs and her ſiſter Sophia, who married Henry Bulkly Eſq. maſter of the houſe-hold to Charles II.

Hair light auburn, eyes blue.


[...]rom an An [...]vit I [...]mination in Mon [...]n.



WAS the eldeſt daughter of James I by his wife Joanna Beaufort. In July 1436 ſhe was wedded to Louis dauphin of France, when ſhe was only twelve years of age.

She died in Auguſt 1445, in her twenty ſecond year, her exquiſite ſenſibility being unable to digeſt a ſlanderous expreſſion of a baſe courtier. Her marriage had been unhappy; the character of her huſband, afterwards the infamous Louis XI, being malignant to an inconceivable degree.

Margaret was not only celebrated as a patroneſs of men of letters, but was herſelf a proficient in French poetry, having compoſed many rondeaux and ballads. In the examinations taken concerning the cauſe of her death, it is mentioned that ſhe would ſit up all night, writing poetry; and would compoſe twelve rondeaux in a day.*

This portrait is taken from the Monumens de la Monarchie Francoiſe of Montfaucon; and is not only intereſting in itſelf, but as ſhewing the dreſs of the times. The likeneſs may be conſidered as verified by the plate next given by Montfaucon, from the ſame MS. and which preſents a genuine portrait of Charles VII.




David Earl of Huntingdon, A. D. 1120.


Henry E. of Northumberland, 1140.



William, 1165.


Alexander II, 1214.



Alexander III, 1249.


John, 129 [...].



THE plan of this work, as may be judged from the Proſpectus, entirely differs from thoſe of Birch, Perrault, Hoffman, or the like; not being intended as a ſplendid publication of fine portraits, but as a variegated aſſemblage of ancient portraits in particular, repreſented without any improvement, and in the juſt colours of the various ſources whence they are taken. Vertue, in his heads of the Engliſh monarchs, has ſometimes been obliged to have recourſe to ſeals; and they at any rate ſhew the coſtume of the time, and may ſometimes ſerve to identify larger and more exact delineations. In the middle ages ſeals alſo preſent ſome of the beſt monuments of art, and muſt ſupply the want of medals.

The firſt plate contains thoſe of David earl of Huntingdon, afterwards David I;* and of Henry earl of Northumberland, ſon of that monarch. The firſt ſeal may be about A. D. 1120, the ſecond, 1140. There is alſo in Anderſon's Diplomata a ſeal of David earl of Huntingdon, brother of Malcom IV, and ſon of Henry earl of Northumberland; but as it varies little from the laſt it is omitted.

The ſecond plate contains thoſe of William, A. D. 1165 —1214; and Alexander II, 1214—1249.

The ſeals in the third plate are of Alexander III, 1249 —1286; and John Baliol, 1292—1296.



Robert I, 1306.


David II, 132 [...].



Edward, 1333.


Robert II, 1371.


Figure 54. [...]

Robert Regent, 1406.

Queen Euphemia, 139 [...].


Robert III, 1390.



THE firſt is of Robert I, or Great, 1306—1329. This is from a charter dated in his ninth year. Mr. Aſtle, in his late publication of Scotiſh ſeals, gives another, uſed by Robert I towards the cloſe of his reigned. In the ſame plate is that of David. II ſon of Robert I, who reigned from A. D. 1329 to 1371.

The ſecond plate of this ſet contains that of Edward Baliol, who twice uſurped the throne, during the reign of David II, firſt for three months Sept—Dec. 1332, and laſtly for five years 1333—1338: and that of Robert II, the firſt of the houſe of Stuart, 1371,—1390.

On the third plate the firſt in order. of time is that of Euphemia Roſs ſecond wife, but ſole queen, of Robert II. The reverſe only bears the arms of David, Earl Palatine of Strathern, her ſon, who joins in the deed, dated 1375; in which they agree with Alexander Murray of Drumſergath, that he ſhall wed lady Jonet of Monymuſk, ſiſter of the queen, and be ſupported in his claim of inheriting ſome eſtate; and that Walter Murray, his brother, may if he chuſe marry the eldeſt daughter of the ſaid Jonet. This curious ſeal repreſents Euphemia, clothed in the cloſe kirtle and mantle of the times, with a particular ſcepter alloted to the queens of Scotland in her hand. The Gothic architecture is well delineated; on her right hand are the arms of Scotland; on her left thoſe of Roſs. She appears to have died about 1387.

The next ſeal in order of time is that of Robert III, 1390—1406. The beard agrees better with the deſcription []of his perſon, given by the continuator of Fordun, than the portrait in Johnſon's Inſcriptiones.

That at the top of the plate is of Robert duke of Albany, Regent of Scotland, 1406—1419. The ducal coronet is of a ſingular form.

All theſe plates are from that rare and high-priced work, Anderſon's Diplomata.

The ſubject of the engravers of ſeals in the middle ages is obſcure. They were probably often Greeks from Conſtantinople, ſometimes Italians, and laterly Flemings.

The ſeals of the four firſt Jameses are all from the ſame dye—and are beſides unimportant, as from James I. the portraits of our monarchs are ſufficiently identified. In this caſe, as in the former of Alex. I, David I, and Malcom IV, the firſt ſeal alone is entitled to any attention.

Annals of Scotland, by Sir David Dalrymple, vol. I. ſub annis.
Contin. of Fordun, II. 503.
Ibid. 439. Winton's Chronicle, MS. p. 895, who expreſsly dates this capture in 1405; and the death of Robert III. a year after, 1406. See alſo Ruddiman's notes on Buchanan, I. 436.
Contin. of Fordun, II. 474.
Contin. of Fordun, II. 503. Ruddiman's Buchanan, I. 439.
Contin. of Fordun, II. 504, 505, &c.
Compare Contin. of Fordun, II. 504, with the Deſcriptio Aſiae et Europae, by Pope Pius II. who had ſeen James in Scotland, edit. Paris 1534, 8vo. p. 415; "Jacobus eo tempore [1435] regnabat, quadratus, et multa pinguedine gravis, qui cum olim in Anglia captus," &c. "His hair was auburn, a colour between white and red." Drumm. Hiſt. p. 31.
The plates were afterwards uſed in Murray of Glendook's Acts of Parliament, Edinburgh, 1681, folio. Thoſe in Drummond's Hiſtory, London, 1655, folio, ſeem copies, except James IV. but the likeneſs is loſt, and the whole are of no authority.
Epiſt. Reg. Scot. M S. in Bibl. Reg. 13 B. II.
Leſley, Buchanan, Lindſay, &c.
Leſl. 460. Buchan. xiv. 62. Lindſay 276.
Leſl. ib.
Oculi caeſii, ac illi quidem peracres. Ibid.
The reſemblance accords with that given by Johnſton in his Inſcriptiones, and in Drummond's hiſtory, and with the gold coins. Yet by a miracle of inaccuracy, the late prints in Gu [...]hrie's hiſtory, &c. have not a ſhadow of likeneſs.
Leſley, 447.
Robertſon's Hiſt, of Scotland, I. 122, 137, 229.
Robertſon, I. 229, 230.
Leſley, 569.
Knox, 228.
Leſley, 447.
The continuator of Fordun ends his work at the death of James I. Hector Boyce, the notorious fabuliſt, is the only writer who details the reign of James II; and his account is tranſlated by Lindſay of Pittſcottie, and abridged by Leſley and Buchanan; though it deſerve very little credit, being generally irreconcileable with the genuine fragments and records.
John Major, or Mair, p. 822, 826. Compare alſo the ſhort chronicle in proſe to the year 1482, at the end of Winton. MS. Reg. 17 D. XX.
In Vol. II. of the Scotiſh Poets, printed at Perth, by the Moriſons, 1787, 12mo. is an engraving of James II after a painting by Jameſon, at Newbottel-Abbey, the ſeat of the Marquis of Lothian. The face has great reſemblance to this; but Jameſon has beſtowed a more brilliant, and rather a more modern dreſs.
This account is derived from Douglas's Peerage, article Elgin. See alſo Pennant's London; and for the intercourſe between Cecil and Bruce, the "Secret Correſpondence," Edin. 1766, 12mo.
Macure's Glaſgow p. 223.
This account is derived from Lobineau Hiſt. de Bretagne, Tome 1 p. 619, et infra, paſſim.
Keith, Biſh. 155.
Douglas, Peer. 376.
See Biogr. Brit. art. M. A. Boyd.
Macure's Glaſgow, p. 35.
Viſitation of Suffolk, temp. Eliz. MS. Harl. 1560, p. 343.
In this monument and the MS. Stewart. Styward, or Stew-ward, ſeems the original appellation; and Seniſ [...]halcus implies chief herdſman.
Tome 11. f. 177.
Strutt's Reg. and Ecc. Ant. plate liii. Montf. Mon. T. iii. pl. 22, 23, 36.
From his lordſhip's information.
Mon. T. iii. pl. 64.
This information was obligingly communicated by lord Buchan.
In that ſplendid work, the Heads of Illuſtrious Perſons o [...] England, Dr. Birch has proceeded on a different plan. But no one conſults ſuch books for biography; and it had been better if he had authenticated, and illuſtrated, the portraits, ſeveral of which are well known to be erroneous. This laſt cauſe, with the unwieldy ſize of ſuperfluous ornaments, for the portraits themſelves might have appeared in 8vo, may perhaps account for the abrupt termination of a work, which the more ample it had proved, the more honourable it had been to the nation. No patriot would wiſh to confine the number of its illuſtrious or eminent perſons.
Montfaucon, Mon. de la Mon. Fr. gives a curious ſmall whole length of her, leaning on a chair. It is intended to be copied for this work.
Portraits of Mary between her twentieth and thirtieth year, 1563—1573, are of all others, the moſt uncommon.
Keith, Biſh. 38, 39.
Keith, Biſh. 38, 39.
Recueil d'Eſtampes d'aprés les tableaux de M. Boyer d'Aguilles, à Aix. Paris 1744 folio. The articles are arranged by the names of the painters. No. 47 bears that John Bronchorſt of Utrecht was born in 1603, and was yet living in 1661; that he was at firſt a painter on glaſs, but became acquainted with Cornelis Polemburg, and commenced painter in oil.

Of the portrait we only have "Portrait de Conrad Ruten, Gentilhomme Ecoſſois, ſurnommé le Roux." The inſcription is Conrardus Ruten, ex Scotia, Eques. And from the context it was painted by Bronkhorſt.

Leſl. 330. Buch. xiii, 42.
Vol. IV. App.
In that of the pictures of James II, No. 879 is "James IV, of Scotland half length with a hawk on his fiſt;" apparently the ſame. This piece was at Whitehall, in both reigns; and muſt have fallen into private hands after the fire in 1697. In the ſame collection two pictures of "King James with a hawk on his fiſt" are of James VI at five years of age, as appears from MSS. catalogues.
The peregrine falcon. Willoughby p. 71, & tab. 8.
Keith, Biſh. 79.
Douglas Peer. art. Mar.
Robertſon, II. 37.
Doug. Peer. art. Mar. and Kelly.
Robertſon II. 56, 58, 62.
Dougl. art. Kelly.
Dougl. Peer. and Crawf. Off.
Douglas Peer. 464.
Dougl. art. Lennox. Stewart's Gen. &c.
So the late Lord Hailes thought, but this opinion is very doubtful; and the author of the Sketch of Painting in Scotland (Weekly Magazine, Vol. XV. Bee Vol. XVIII.) aſſerts, with great probability, that Jameſon returned to Scotland in 1628.
Sketch above quoted. More ample information concerning the elder Alexander, the Scougals, Corrudes, and Wait, would be intereſting. They are unknown in the "Anecdotes of Painting."
Keith's Biſhops, 115—118.
It may allude to the arms of Gothland, the holy lamb ſupporting a banner, with the ſame croſs as here. See the Elzevir Dania.
Men. of the Fr. Mon. pl. cxviii. Engliſh edition.
Spottiſwoode Rel. Houſes. p. 288. He had alſo epiſcopal juriſdiction.
Ferrerius f. 389. Leſley 315 &c.
See Baillie's Letters 2 vols. 8vo.
Pronounced Forbis, not Forbs, as in England.
Keith Biſhops.
Douglas' Peerage.
Stewarts Houſe of Stuart, p. 167. Douglas Peer. 75.
See Walpole's Aneedotes, III. 69.
D [...]clos, Hiſt. de Louis XI, Vol. III.
The ſeals of Alex. I, 11—David I, 1124—and Malcom IV, 1153 —are all from the ſame dye, and therefore omitted. Thoſe of Duncan 1094, and Edgar 1097, are already reengraved in Guthrie's Hiſtory.
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TextGrid Repository (2020). TEI. 5181 Iconographia Scotica or portraits of illustrious persons of Scotland engraved from the most authentic paintings c with short biographical notices By John Pinkerton. University of Oxford Text Archive. . https://hdl.handle.net/21.T11991/0000-001A-5D15-5