[]I. Enoch's Piety and Tranſlation, Geneſis V. 24. Hebrews XI. 5.
II. GOD'S gracious Approbation of a religious Care of our Families, Geneſis xviii. 19.
III. ABRAHAM'S Interceſſion for SODOM. Ge⯑neſis xviii. 32.
For a Faſt Day.
IV. JACOB'S Vow. Geneſis xxviii. 20.-22.
V. The Hand of the LORD upon the Cattle. Exodus ix. 3.
[5]VI. ISRAEL and AMALEK. Exodus xvii. 11.
For a Faſt-Day.
VII. Againſt following a Multitude to do Evil. Exodus XXIII. 2.
VIII. CHRIST'S Interceſſion typified by AARON'S Breaſtplate. Exodus xxviii. 29.
IX. Who is on the Lord's Side? Exodus xxxii. 26.
X. GOD'S Preſence deſireable. Exodus xxxiii. 15.
XI. MOSES'S View of the divine Glory. Exod. xxxiii. 18.
XII. The Proclamation of GOD'S Name to Moſes, or divine Mercy and Juſtice. Exod. xxxiv. 6,-8.
[11]XIII. The GOD of Spirits ſought to ſupply Vacancies in the Congregations of his People Numbers xxvii. 15,-17.
[12]XIV. The Lord's People his Portion. Deuteron. xxxii. 9.
XV. The Eternal GOD his People's Refuge, and Support. Deut. xxxiii. 27.
[14]XVI. The Happineſs of GOD'S Iſrael. Deut, xxxiii. 29.
XVII. Support in the gracious Preſence of GOD under the Loſs of Miniſters, and other uſeful Friends. Joſhua i. 2, 4, 5.
XVIII. GOD inſenſibly withdrawn. Judges xvi. 20.
XIX. EBENEZER, or GOD'S helping Hand re⯑view'd and acknowledged. 1 Sam. vii. 12.
For New-Years Day.
XX. The Saint encouraging himſelf in the LORD his GOD. 1 Sam. xxx. 6.
[18]XXI. Support in GOD'S Covenant under do⯑meſtick Troubles. 2 Sam. xxiii. 5.
XXII. Support in GOD'S Covenant in the near Views of Death. 2 Sam. xxiii. 1. and 5. compared.
XXIII. Rejoicing in our Covenant Engagements to GOD. 1 Chron. xv. 15.
XXIV. GOD'S ſtirring up the Spirit of CY⯑RUS to redeem ISRAEL. Ezra i. 1. com⯑pared with Iſaiah xlv. 1.-4.
XXV. A Glance from GOD bringing us down to the Solitude of the Grave. Job vii. 8.
[22]XXVI. The Impoſſibility of Proſpering while we harden ourſelves againſt GOD. Job ix. 4.
XXVII. The great Journey. Job xvi. 22.
XXVIII. The Penitent brought back from [...] Pit. Job xxxiii. 27. 28.
XXIX. Communing with our Hearts. Pſal. iv. 4.
XXX. GOD'S Name the Encouragement of our Faith. Pſalm ix. 10.
XXXI. Triumph in GOD'S Protection. Pſalm xviii. 2.
XXXII. Support in Death. Pſalm xxiii. 4.
XXXIII. The Good Man's Proſpect for Time and Eternity. Pſalm xxiii. 6.
[29]XXXIV. The Goodneſs which GOD has wrought, and laid up for his People. Pſal. xxxi. 19.
XXXV. Reliſhing the divine Goodneſs. Pſalm xxxiv. 8, 9.
XXXVI. GOD'S ſaying to the Soul, that he is its Salvation. Pſalm xxxv. 3.
XXXVII. GOD'S Complacency in the Proſperity of his Servants. Pſalm xxxv. 27.
XXXVIII. The Days of the Upright known to GOD, and their everlaſting Inheritance. Pſalm xxxvii. 18.
XXXIX. Our Deſire and Groaning before GOD, when proceeding from the greateſt Diſtreſs. Pſal. xxxviii. 9. 10.
XL. GOD magnified by thoſe that love his Sal⯑vation. Pſalm xl. 16.
[35]XLI. The Triumph of Chriſt in the Cauſe of Truth, Meekneſs, and Righteouſneſs. Pſalm xlv. 3. 4.
XLII. Quietneſs under Affliction a proper Acknow⯑ledgment of GOD. Pſalm xlvi. 10.
[37]XLIII. The Year crowned with the divine Good⯑neſs. Pſalm lxv. 11.
For New-Year's Day.
[38]XLIV. Rebels againſt the ſupreme Sovereign admo⯑niſhed. Pſalm lxvi. 7.
XLV. GOD the Happineſs of his People, and their Support in the extremeſt Diſtreſs. Pſalm lxxiii. 25, 26.
[40]XLVI. The Rage of Enemies reſtrained, and over⯑ruled to the divine Glory. Pſalm lxxvi. 10.
Thankſgiving for the Suppreſſion of the Rebellion. 1746.
[41]XLVII. GOD furniſhing a Table in the Wil⯑derneſs. Pſalm lxxviii. 19. 20.
[42]XLVIII. GOD'S ſpeaking Peace to his People. Pſalm lxxxv. 8.
[43]XLIX. The Church the Birth-place of the Saints, and GOD'S Care of it. Pſalm lxxxvii. 5.
On opening a new Place of Worſhip.
L. The Goſpel Jubilee. Pſalm lxxxix. 15. com⯑pared with Levit. xxv. and Iſa. lxi. 2.
LI. GOD the Dwelling-Place of his People thro' all Generations. Pſalm xc. 1.
LII. Reflections on our Waſte of Years. Pſal. xc. 9.
For New-Year's Day.
LIII. Joy and Proſperity from the Preſence and Bleſſing of GOD. Pſalm xc. 17.
LIV. The Mutability of the Creation, and the Im⯑mutability of GOD. Pſalm cii. 25-28.
LV. The Frailty of human Nature, and GOD'S gracious Regard to it. Pſalm ciii. 14.
LVI. GOD adored for his Goodneſs, and his won⯑derful Works, to the Children of Men. Pſalm cvii. 31.
LVII. The holy Soul returning to its Reſtin a grate⯑ful Senſe of divine Bounties. Pſa. cxvi. 7.
LVIII. Deliverance celebrated. Pſalm cxvi. 8.
LIX. Deliverance celebrated, and good Reſolutions formed. Pſalm cxvi. 8, 9.
LX. Praiſe for Recovery from Sickneſs. Pſalm cxviii. 18, 19.
LXI. Regard to Scripture preſſed upon young Per⯑ſons, that they may cleanſe their Way. Pſalm cxix. 9.
[54]LXII. Deſires of being quickned by the Word of GOD. Pſalm cxix. 25.
LXIII. Human Perfection no where to be found. Pſalm cxix. 96.
LXIV. Beholding Tranſgreſſors with Grief. Pſalm cxix. 136, 158.
LXV. The wandering Sheep recovered. Pſalm cxix. 176.
LXVI. The weeping Seed-Time, and joyful Harveſt. Pſalm cxxvi. 5, 6.
LXVII. Thanks to GOD for his ever-enduring Goodneſs. Pſalm cxxxvi. 1.
For New-Year's Day.
LXVIII. GOD's ſtrengthening the Souls of his praying People. Pſalm cxxxviii. 3.
[60]LXIX. Singing in the Ways of GOD. Pſalm cxxxviii. 5.
LXX. The innumerable Mercies of GOD thankfully acknowledged. Pſalm cxxxix. 17, 18.
LXXI. Praiſing GOD through the whole of our Exiſtence. Pſalm cxlvi. 2.
LXXII. The Meek beautified with Salvation. Pſalm cxlix. 4.
LXXIII. The Reproofs of Wiſdom mingled with Promiſes, and Threatnings to reclaim wandering Sinners. Proverbs i. 23.
LXXIV. The Voice of CHRIST addreſſed to the Children of Men. Proverbs viii. 4.
LXXV. The Encouragement young Perſons have to ſeek, and love CHRIST. Prov. viii. 17.
LXXVI. The Houſe and Feaſt of Wiſdom. Prov. ix. 1,-6.
LXXVII. The Excellency of the Righteous, with Regard to their Temper. Prov. xii. 26. Part 1ſt.
[68]LXXVIII. The Excellency of the Righteous, with Regard to their Relations, Employments, Pleaſures, and Hopes. Prov. xii. 26. Part 2d.
LXXIX. Walking with GOD, or being in his Fear all the Day long. Proverbs xxiii. 17.
LXXX. The obſtinate Sinner alarmed. Proverbs xxix. 1.
LXXXI. GOD'S reaſonable Expectations from his Vineyard. Iſaiah v. 1. 7.
LXXXII. Iſaiah's Obedience to the heavenly Viſion. Iſaiah vi. 8.
LXXXIII. The Stupidity of Iſrael, and of Britain lamented. Iſaiah vi. 9-12.
For a Faſt-Day.
[73]LXXXIV. Confederate Nations defied by thoſe who ſanctify GOD. Iſaiah viii. 9-14.
For a Faſt-Day.
[74]LXXXV. CHRIST the Steward of GOD'S Family. Iſaiah xxii. 22-24. compared with Revel. iii. 7.
LXXXVI. The rich Proviſion and happy Effects of the Goſpel. Iſaiah xxv. 6-9.
[76]LXXXVII. The peaceful State of the Soul, that truſteth in GOD. Iſaiah xxvi. 3.
[77]LXXXVIII. Iſrael's Obſtinacy under GOD'S lifted Hand. Iſaiah xxvi. 11.
LXXXIX. GOD'S quickening the Dead. Iſaiah xxvi. 19.
XC. The Godly Man's Ark. Iſaiah xxvi. 20.
XCI. Laying hold on GOD'S Strength, that we may be at Peace with him. Iſaiah xxvii. 5.
XCII. The divine Goodneſs in moderating Affic⯑tions. Iſaiah xxvii. 8.
[81]XCIII. GOD waiting to be gracious. Iſaiah xxx. 18.
XCIV. The different Views of good and bad Men in Times of publick Danger. Iſaiah xxxiii. 14-17.
XCV. GOD the Defence of his People from in⯑vading Enemies. Iſaiah xxxiii. 21-23.
XCVI. The High-Way to Zion. Iſaiah xxxv. 8, 9, 10.
XCVII. The Greatneſs and Majeſty of GOD, and the Meanneſs of the Creatures. Iſaiah xl. 15, 16, 17.
XCVIII. The timorous Saint encouraged by the Aſſurance of the divine Preſence and Help. Iſaiah xli. 10.
XCIX. The Humiliation and Exaltation of GOD'S Iſrael. Iſaiah xli. 14, 15.
[87]C. The Wilderneſs transformed, or the happy Effects of the Goſpel. Iſaiah xli. 18, 19. compared with xxxv. 1, 2. xi. 6-9. lv. 13, &c.
CI. The Blind and Weak led and ſupported in GOD'S Ways. Iſaiah xlii. 16.
CII. GOD calling his Iſrael by Name, and lead⯑ing them thro' Water and Fire. Iſa. xliii. 1, 2.
CIII. The Riches of pardoning Grace celebrated. Iſaiah xliv. 22, 23.
[91]CIV. The little Succeſs which attended the perſonal Miniſtry of CHRIST. Iſaiah xlix. 4.
CV. GOD'S Captives releaſed; applied to ſpiritual Deliverances. Iſaiah li. 14, 15.
CVI. The Cup of Fury exchanged for the Cup of Bleſſings. Iſaiah li. 22.
CVII. The holy City purified and guarded. Iſaiah lii. 1, 2.
CVIII. GOD'S Government, Zion's Joy. Iſaiah lii.-7.
[95]CIX. Divine Mercies and Judgments compared. Iſaiah liv. 7, 8.
CX. Divine Teachings, and their happy Conſequences. Iſaiah liv. 13.
CXI. Fruitful Showers, Emblems of the ſalutary Effects of the Goſpel. Iſaiah lv. 10, 11, 12.
CXII. Comfort for pious Parents, who have been bereaved of their Children. Iſaiah lvi. 4, 5.
CXIII. The Stranger entertained in GOD's Houſe of Prayer. Iſaiah lvi. 6, 7. compared with Matt. xxi. 13. and Eph. ii. 19.
CXIV. Peace proclaimed, and the Fruit of the Lips created by a gracious GOD. Iſaiah lvii. 19.
CXV. The Duty of remonſtrating againſt Sin, when Judgments are threatned. Iſaiah lviii. 1.
CXVI. Unſucceſsful Faſts accounted for. Iſaiah lviii. 3. compared with v. 4-8.
For a Faſt-Day.
CXVII. The Standard of the Spirit lifted up. Iſaiah lix. 19.
[103]CXVIII. The Glory of the Church in the latter Day. Iſaiah lx. 1.
CXIX. GOD the everlaſting Light of the Saints above. Iſaiah lx. 20.
[105]CXX. GOD intreated for Zion. Iſaiah lxii. 6, 7.
For a Faſt-Day; or A Day of Prayer for the Revival of Religion.
[106]CXXI. A Nation born in a Day; or The rapid Progreſs of the Goſpel deſired. Iſaiah lxvi. 8.
CXXII. Backſliding Iſrael invited to return to GOD. Jerem. iii. 12, 13.
CXXIII. The Goodneſs of GOD acknowledged in giving Paſtors after his own Heart. Jerem. iii. 15.
At the Settlement of a Miniſter.
CXXIV. GOD's gracious Methods of adopting Love. Jerem. iii. 19.
CXXV. Creatures vain, and GOD the Salva⯑tion of his People. Jerem. iii. 23.
CXXVI. Invitation to return to the LORD, and put away Abominations. Jerem. iv. 1, 2.
CXXVII. Miſimproved Priviledges, and diſap⯑pointed Hopes. Jerem. viii. 20.
CXXVIII. Glorying in GOD alone. Jerem. ix. 23, 24.
CXXIX. Jeremiah's Tears over the captive Flock. Jerem. xiii. 15-17.
CXXX. Giving Glory to GOD, before Darkneſs comes upon us. Jerem. xiii. 16.
CXXXI. The fatal Conſequences of forſaking the Hope of Iſrael. Jerem. xvii. 13, 14.
CXXXII. CHRIST, the Lord our Righteouſneſs. Jerem. xxiii. 6.
CXXXIII. The Efficacy of GOD's Word. Jerem. xxiii. 29.
CXXXIV. The Poſſibility of dying this Year. Jerem. xxviii. -16-.
For New-Year's Day.
CXXXV. GOD's Complacency in his Thoughts of Peace towards his People. Jerem. xxix. 11.
CXXXVI. The impudent Rebellion of the Jewiſh Refugees at Pathros. Jer. xliv. 16, 17, 28.
[121]CXXXVII. Aſking the Way to Zion, in order to joining in Covenant with GOD. Jerem. l. 5.
[122]CXXXVIII. Searching and trying our Ways. Lament. iii. 40.
[123]CXXXIX. The Breath of our Noſtrils taken in the Pits of the Enemy, applied to CHRIST. Lament. iv. 20.
CXL. Of lamenting national Sins. Ezek. ix. 4-6.
For a Faſt-Day.
CXLI. The Iniquity of ſacrificing GOD's Chil⯑dren; or The Evil of a bad or neglected Educa⯑tion. Ezek. xvi. 20, 21 ‡.
[126]CXLII. The Humility and Submiſſion of a Peni⯑tent. Ezek. xvi. 63.
CXLIII. GOD bringing his People into the Cove⯑nant under the Rod. Ezek. xx. 37.
CXLIV. GOD's Condeſcenſion in becoming the Shepherd of Men. Ezek. xxxiv. 31.
CXLV. Seeking to GOD for the Communication of his Spirit. Ezek. xxxvi. 37.
CXLVI. Ezekiel's Viſion of the dry Bones, Ezek. xxxvii. 3.
CXLVII. The Waters of the Sanctuary healing the dead Sea ‡. Ezek. xlvii. 8, 9.
[131]CXLVIII. TEKEL; or The Sinner weighed in GOD's Balances, and found wanting. Daniel v. 27.
[132]CXLIX. The Backſlider recollecting himſelf in his Afflictions. Hoſea ii. 6, 7.
[133]CL. The Advantages of ſeeking the Knowledge of GOD. Hoſea vi. 3.
CLI. Inconſtancy in Religion. Hoſea vi. 4.
CLII. Gratitude the Spring of true Religion. Hoſea xi. 4.
CLIII. The Relentings of GOD's Heart over his backſliding People. Hoſea xi. 7, 8, 9.
CLIV. GOD's Controverſy by Fire. Amos iv. 11.
On Occaſion of a dreadful Fire.
CLV. Britain unreformed by remarkable Deliver⯑ances. Amos iv. 11.
For a Faſt-Day.
[138]CLVI. Preparing to meet GOD. Amos iv. 12, 13.
CLVII. Jonah's Faith recommended. Jonah ii. 4.
CLVIII. GOD's Controverſy with Britain ſtated and pleaded. Micah vi. 1, 2, 3.
For a Faſt-Day.
[141]CLIX. Hearing the Voice of GOD's Rod. Micah vi. 9.
CLX. GOD's incomparable Mercy admired. Micah vii. 18, 19, 20.
[143]CLXI. The impoveriſhed Saint rejoicing in GOD. Habakkuk iii. 17, 18.
CLXII. GOD's afflicted Poor truſting in his Name. Zephaniah iii. 12.
CLXIII. GOD comforting and rejoicing over Zion. Zeph. iii. 16, 17.
CLXIV. Practical Reflections on the State of our Fathers. Zechariah i. 5.
[146]CLXV. Joſhua the High-Prieſt's Change of Raiment, applied to Chriſtian Priviledges. Zech. iii. 4.
[147]CLXVI. Joſhua the High-Prieſt's Zeal and Fi⯑delity rewarded with a Station among the Angels. Zech. iii. 6, 7.
For the Ordination of a Miniſter.
CLXVII. The compleating of the ſpiritual Temple. Zech. iv. 7.
CLXVIII. The Error of deſpiſing the Day of ſmall Things. Zech. iv. 10-.
CLXIX. Priſoners delivered from the Pit by the Blood of the Covenant. Zech. ix. 11.
CLXX. The Fountain of Life. Zech. xiii. 1.
CLXXI. GOD's Name profaned, when his Table is treated with Contempt. Malachi. i. 12.
Applied to the Lord's Supper.
CLXXII. GOD's gracious Regard to active At⯑tempts to revive Religion. Mal. iii. 16, 17.
CLXXIII. CHRIST the Sun of Righteouſneſs. Malachi iv. 2.
[156]HYMN CLXXIV. The Ax laid to the Root of unfruitful Trees, Matthew iii. 10.
CLXXV. The Light of good Examples, the moſt effectual Way to glorify GOD. Matt. v. 16.
CLXXVI. Providential Bounties ſurveyed and improved. Matthew v. 45.
[158]CLXXVII. Secret Prayer. Matthew vi. 6.
[159]CLXXVIII. Seeking firſt the Kingdom of GOD, &c. Matthew vi. 33.
CLXXIX. Pardon ſpoken by CHRIST. Matthew ix. -2.
CLXXX. The relapſing Daemoniack. Matthew xii. 43-45.
[161]CLXXXI. The Faith of the Syrophenician Wo⯑man recommended. Matthew xv. 26, 27.
[162]CLXXXII. The Church built on a Rock, and ſecured againſt the Gates of Hell. Matt. xvi. 18.
CLXXXIII. CHRIST'S Transfiguration. Matt. xvii. 4-.
CLXXXIV. The Grace of CHRIST in miniſtring to Men, and dying for them. Matt. xx. 28.
CLXXXV. CHRIST'S compaſſionate Readineſs to gather Souls. Matt. xxiii. 37, 38.
CLXXXVI. The Abounding of Iniquity, and Cold⯑neſs of Chriſtian Love. Matt. xxiv. 12.
For a Faſt-Day.
CLXXXVII. The final Sentence, and Happineſs of the Righteous. Matt. xxv. 34.
CLXXXVIII. Relieving CHRIST in his poor Saints. Matt. xxv. 40.
CLXXXIX. The final Sentence, and Miſery of the Wicked. Matt. xxv. 41.
[169]CXC. CHRIST'S Submiſſion to his Father's Will. Matt. xxvi. 42.
CXCI. Reflections on the Diſciples forſaking CHRIST, when he was betrayed. Matt. xxvi. -56.
CXCII. CHRIST'S Complaint of his Father's forſaking him on the Croſs. Matt. xxvii. 46.
CXCIII. The ſame. Matt. xxvii. 46.
CXCIV. The Angel's Reply to the Women, that ſought CHRIST. Matt. xxviii. 5, 6.
CXCV. CHRIST ever preſent with his Miniſters and Churches. Matt. xxviii. -20.
CXCVI. Departed Saints aſleep. Mark v. 39.
CXCVII. The Struggle between Faith and Unbe⯑lief. Mark ix. 24.
[176]CXCVIII. CHRIST'S condeſcending Regard to little Children. Mark x. 14.
CXCIX. Chriſtian Watchfulneſs. Mark xiii. 37.
CC. The Nativity of Chriſt. Luke ii. 10-12.
CCI. The Angels Song at Chriſt's Birth. Luke ii. 13, 14.
CCII. Simeon's Song and Declaration to the Vir⯑gin Mary. Luke ii. 30-35.
CCIII. CHRIST's Meſſage. Luke iv. 18, 19.
CCIV. The recovered Daemoniack, an Emblem of a converted Sinner. Luke viii. 35.
[182]CCV. The good Samaritan. Luke x. 30-37.
CCVI. The Care of the Soul, the one Thing need⯑ful. Luke x. 42-.
CCVII. Mary's Choice of the better Part. Luke x. -42.
CCVIII. CHRIST'S little Flock comforted with the Views of a Kingdom. Luke xii. 32.
[185]CCIX. Providing Bags, that wax not old, &c. Luke xii. 33.
CCX. The active Chriſtian. Luke xii. 35-38.
CCXI. Room at the Goſpel-Feaſt. Luke xiv. 22.
CCXII. The preſent and future State of the Saint and Sinner compared. Luke xvi. 25.
CCXIII. Rebels againſt CHRIST executed. Luke xix. 27.
CCXIV. The Redeemer's Tears wept over leſt Souls. Luke xix. 41, 42.
CCXV. Departed Saints living to GOD. Luke xx. -38.
CCXVI. CHRIST'S Admonition to, and Care of Peter under approaching Trials. Luke xxii. 31, 32.
CCXVII. CHRIST'S Prayer for his Enemies. Luke xxiii. 34.
CCXVIII. The Reſurrection of CHRIST. Luke xxiv. 34.
CCXIX. The Goſpel firſt preached at Jeruſalem. Luke xxiv.-47.
CCXX. GOD's Love to the World in ſending CHRIST for its Redemption. John iii. 16.
CCXXI. The Spirit's Influences compared to living Water. John iv. 10.
CCXXII. The Chriſtian's ſecret Feaſt. John iv. 32.
CCXXIII. The Paralytick at Betheſda. John v. 6.
CCXXIV. GOD's Purpoſes effectual, and CHRIST's Invitations ſincere. John vi. 37.
CCXXV. CHRIST's Invitation to thirſty Souls John vii. 37.
CCXXVI. True Liberty given by CHRIST. John viii. 36.
CCXXVII. The ſame. John viii. 36.
CCXXVIII. CHRIST the Door. John x. 9.
CCXXIX. Abundant Life by CHRIST our Shepherd. John x. -10.
[203]CCXXX. CHRIST's Sheep deſcribed. John x. 27.
CCXXXI. The Happineſs and Security of CHRIST'S Sheep. John x. 28.
CCXXXII. CHRIST's Sheep given by the Father, and guarded by Omnipotence. John x. 29, 30.
CCXXXIII. The attractive Influence of a crucified Saviour. John xii. 32.
[206]CCXXXIV. CHRIST'S myſterious Conduct to be unfolded hereafter. John xiii. 7.
CCXXXV. CHRIST'S Pity and Conſolation for his troubled Diſciples. John xiv. 1-3.
CCXXXVI. The Chriſtian's Life connected with that of CHRIST. John xiv. -19.
CCXXXVII. Abiding in CHRIST neceſſary to our Fruitfulneſs. John xv. 4.
CCXXXVIII. Our Prayers effectual, when we abide in CHRIST, and his Word abideth in us. John xv. 8.
CCXXXIX. Continuing in CHRIST'S Love. John XV. 9.
CCXL. The Apoſtles and Chriſtians choſen by CHRIST to bring forth permanent Fruit. John xv. 16.
CCXLI. Peace in CHRIST amidſt Tribulations. John xvi. 33.
CCXLII. CHRIST ſanctifying himſelf, that his People may be ſanctified. John xvii. 19.
CCXLIII. Meditations on the Sepulchre in the Garden. John xix. 41.
CCXLIV. CHRIST aſcending to his Father and GOD, and ours. John xx. 17.
[214]CCXLV. The Diſciples Joy at CHRIST'S Ap⯑pearance to them after his Reſurrection. John xx. 19, 20.
[215]CCXLVI. Appeal to CHRIST for the Sincerity of Love to him. John xxi. 15.
CCXLVII. Zeal for the Cauſe of CHRIST; or Peter and John following their Maſter. John xxi. 18-20 ‖.
[217]CCXLVIII. CHRIST exalted to be a Prince and a Saviour. Acts v. 31.
CCXLIX. The Believer committing his departing Spirit to JESUS. Acts vii. 59.
CCL. PETER's Admonition to SIMON MAGUS. Acts viii. 21-24.
CCLI. The Deſcent of the Spirit, or his Influences deſired. Acts x. 44.
CCLII. The Word of Salvation ſent to us. Acts xiii. 26.
[221]CCLIII. The Unknown GOD. Acts xvii. 23.
CCLIV. GOD's Command to all Men to repent. Acts xvii. 30.
CCLV. Paul's Sollicitude to finiſh his Courſe with Joy. Acts xx. 24.
CCLVI. Paul preaching and Felix trembling. Acts xxiv. 25.
CCLVII. Help obtained of GOD. Acts xxvi. 22-.
For New-Year's-Day.
CCLVIII. Treaſuring up Wrath by deſpiſing Mercy. Romans ii. 4, 5.
CCLIX. The Love of GOD ſhed abroad in the Heart by the Spirit. Rom. v. 5.
CCLX. Chriſtians quickened and raiſed by the Spirit. Rom. viii. 11.
CCLXI. GOD's Readineſs to give all Things ar⯑gued from the Gift of his Son. Rom. viii. 32.
CCLXII. Believing with the Heart, and confeſſing with the Mouth, neceſſary to Salvation. Rom. x. 6-10.
[229]CCLXIII. The living Sacrifice. Rom. xii. 1.
CCLXIV. The near Approach of Salvation, an Engagement to Diligence and Love. Rom. xiii. 11.
CCLXV. The GOD of Peace bruiſing Satan. Rom. xvi. 20-.
CCLXVI. CHRIST our Wiſdom, Righteouſneſs, Sanctification, and Redemption. 1 Corinth. i. 30, 31.
CCLXVII. Being joined to CHRIST, and one Spirit with him. 1. Cor. vi. 17.
CCLXVIII. The tranſitory Nature of the World, an Argument for chriſtian Moderation. 1 Cor. vii. 29, 30, 31.
CCLXIX. GOD's Fidelity in moderating Temp⯑tations. 1 Cor. x. 13.
CCLXX. Bearing the Image of the earthy and the heavenly Adam. 1 Cor. xv. 49.
CCLXXI. Miniſters comforted, that they may com⯑fort others. 2 Cor. i. 4.
CCLXXII. GOD's delivering Goodneſs acknow⯑ledged, and truſted. 2 Cor. i. 10.
A Song for the 5th of November.
CCLXXIII. Miniſters a ſweet Savour, whether of Life or Death. 2 Cor. ii. 15, 16.
CCLXXIV. GOD ſhining into the Heart. 2 Cor. iv. 6.
CCLXXV. The Goſpel Treaſure in earthen Veſſels, 2 Cor. iv. 7.
CCLXXVI. Living to him, who died for us. 2 Cor. v. 14, 15.
CCLXXVII. GOD the Author of Conſolation. 2 Cor. vii. 6.
CCLXXVIII. Satan's Strong-Holds caſt down by the Goſpel. 2 Cor. x. 4, 5.
CCLXXIX. The Chriſtian Farewel. 2 Cor. xiii. 11.
CCLXXX. Living while in the Fleſh by Faith in CHRIST, who loved us, &c. Galat. ii. 20.
CCLXXXI. A filial Temper the Work of the Spirit, and a Proof of Adoption. Galat. iv. 6.
CCLXXXII. Chriſtian Sympathy. Galat. vi. 2.
CCLXXXIII. Bleſſing GOD for ſpiritual Bleſ⯑ſings in CHRIST. Ephes. i. 3.
CCLXXXIV. The grand Scheme of the Goſpel. Ephes. i. 9, 10, 11-.
CCLXXXV. The heavenly Inheritance made known by the Spirit. Eph. i. 18.
CCLXXXVI. Salvation by Grace. Eph. ii. 5.
CCLXXXVII. Chriſtians riſen and exalted with CHRIST to heavenly Places. Eph. ii. 5, 6.
CCLXXXVIII. Nearneſs to GOD thro' CHRIST. Eph. ii. 13.
CCLXXXIX. The Inſtitution of a Goſpel-Miniſtry from CHRIST. Eph. iv. 11, 12.
For an Ordination.
CCXC. CHRIST the Head of the Church. Eph. iv. 15, 16.
CCXCI. Love to others urged from CHRIST'S Love in giving himſelf a Sacrifice. Eph. v. 2.
CCXCII. The Wiſdom of redeeming Time. Eph. v. 15, 16.
CCXCIII. CHRIST'S Love to the Church in giving himſelf for it, &c. Eph. v. 25, 26, 27.
CCXCIV. CHRIST'S Service, the Fruit of our Labours on Earth. Phil. i. 22.
CCXCV. The Happineſs of departing, and being with CHRIST. Phil. i. 23.
CCXCVI. Preſſing on in the Chriſtian Race. Phil. iii. 12-14.
CCXCVII. GOD ſupplying the Neceſſities of his People. Phil. iv. 19, 20.
CCXCVIII. Thanks for being made meet for the heavenly Inheritance. Coloſs. i. 12.
CCXCIX. Angels and Chriſtians united in CHRIST as their common Head. Coloſs. ii. 10.
[260]CCC. Chriſtians, as riſen with CHRIST, exhorted to ſeek Things above. Coloſs. iii. 1.
[261]CCCI. The Proſperity of the Church, the Life of a faithful Miniſter. 1 Theſs. iii. 8.
CCCII. Comfort on the Death of pious Friends 1 Theſs. iv. 17, 18.
CCCIII. CHRIST glorified and admired in his Saints at the great Day. 2 Theſs. i. 10.
CCCIV. CHRIST ſeen of Angels. 1 Tim. iii. 16.
CCCV. The Stability of the divine Foundation, and its double Inſcription. 2 Tim. ii. 19.
CCCVI. Perſecution to be expected by every true Chriſtian. 2 Tim. iii. 12.
[267]CCCVII. The Chriſtian Scheme of Salvation worthy of GOD. Hebrews ii. 10.
CCCVIII. Satan and Death conquered by the Death of CHRIST. Heb. ii. 14, 15.
CCCIX. An immediate Attention to GOD's Voice required. Heb. iii. 15.
CCCX. The eternal Sabbath. Heb. iv. 9.
CCCXI. CHRIST our Forerunner, and the Foun⯑dation of our Hope. Heb. vi. 19, 20.
CCCXII. The evil Conſcience purified by the Blood of JESUS. Heb. ix. 13, 14.
CCCXIII. Death and Judgment appointed to all. Heb. ix. 27.
CCCXIV. CHRIST'S ſecond Appearance, &c. Heb. ix. 28.
CCCXV. Liberty to enter thro' the Veil by the Blood of CHRIST. Heb. x. 19-22.
[274]CCCXVI. GOD's Fidelity to his Promiſes. Heb. x. -23.
CCCXVII. The Day approaching, a Motive to Love and Worſhip. Heb. x. 24. 25.
CCCXVIII. Abraham's Faith in leaving his Country at the divine Command. Heb. xi. 8.
CCCXIX. The GOD of the Patriarchs pre⯑paring them a City. Heb. xi. 16.
CCCXX. Moſes's wiſe Choice. Heb. xi. 26.
CCCXXI. Acting, as ſeeing him, who is Inviſi⯑ble. Heb. xi.-27.
CCCXXII. Subjection to GOD, the Father of our Spirits. Heb. xii.-9.
CCCXXIII. The Immutability of CHRIST▪ Heb. xiii. 8.
CCCXXIV. Watching for Souls in the View of the great Account. Heb. xiii.-17.
For the Ordination of a Miniſter.
CCCXXV. The Chriſtian perfected by divine Grace through CHRIST. Heb. xiii. 20, 21.
CCCXXVI. Chriſtians begotten to GOD as the Firſt-Fruits of his Creatures. James i. 18.
CCCXXVII. Looking into the perfect Law of Liberty and continuing in it. James i. 25.
CCCXXVIII. James's Advice to Sinners. James iv. 7, 8.
CCCXXIX. The Vanity of worldly Schemes infer⯑red from the Unceriainty of Life. James iv. 13, 14, 15.
CCCXXX. Rejoicing in an unſeen Saviour. 1 Peter i. 8.
CCCXXXI. The Heart purified to Love unfeigned by the Spirit. 1 Peter i. 22.
CCCXXXII. Taſting that the Lord is gracious. 1 Pet. ii. 3.
CCCXXXIII. Coming to CHRIST as a living Stone. 1 Pet. ii. 4, 5.
CCCXXXIV. CHRIST the Corner-Stone. 1 Pet. ii. 6. compared with Iſaiah xxviii. 16, 17.
CCCXXXV. CHRIST precious to the Believer. 1 Pet. ii. 7-.
CCCXXXVI. Noah preſerved in the Ark, and the Believer in CHRIST. 1 Pet. iii. 20, 21.
CCCXXXVII. The ungodly warned of their final Appearance. 1 Pet. iv. -18.
CCCXXXVIII. Humbling ourſelves under GOD's mighty Hand. 1 Pet. v. 6.
CCCXXXIX. The ſame. For a Faſt-Day.
CCCXL. GOD's Care a Remedy for ours. 1 Pet. v. 7.
CCCXLI. Eſtabliſhment in Religion from the GOD of Grace, &c. 1 Pet. v. 10, 11.
[296]CCCXLII. The Circumſtances of CHRIST'S ſe⯑cond Appearing. 2 Pet. iii. 11, 12.
CCCXLIII. The Importance of being prepared for CHRIST'S ſecond Appearing. 2 Pet. iii. 14.
CCCXLIV. Growing in Grace, &c. 2 Pet. iii. 18.
CCCXLV. Experimental Knowledge communicated. 1 John i. 1-3.
CCCXLVI. Communion with GOD and CHRIST. 1 John i. -3.
[300]CCCXLVII. The Privileges of Saints by the Blood of JESUS. 1 John i. 7.
CCCXLVIII. The Blood of CHRIST cleanſing from all Sin. 1 John i. -7.
CCCXLIX. Having the Son, and having Life in him. 1 John v. 12.
CCCL. CHRIST the Firſt and the Laſt, humbled [...] Death, and exalted to an eternal Triumph over it. Revelation i. 17, 18.
[303]CCCLI. The Keys of Death and the unſeen World in CHRIST'S Hand. Rev. i. 18.
CCCLII. CHRIST'S Care of Miniſters and Churches. Rev. ii. 1.
CCCLIII. The Chriſtian Warrior animated and crowned. Rev. ii. 10.
CCCLIV. The Pillar in GOD's heavenly Temple with its Inſeription. Rev. iii. 12.
CCCLV. GOD's Covenant unchangeable, or The Rainbow round about the Throne. Rev. iv.-3. compared with Gen. ix. 13-17.
CCCLVI. Victory over Satan by the Blood of the Lamb, and the Word of the Teſtimony of his Servants. Rev. xii. 11.
CCCLVII. The Song of Moſes and the Lamb. Rev. xv. 3.
CCCLVIII. The Conqueſt of Death and Grief by Views of the heavenly State. Rev. xxi. 4.
CCCLIX. CHRIST the Root and Offspring of David, and the Morning-Star. Rev. xxii -16.
CCCLX. CHRIST'S Invitations ecchoed back &c. Rev. xxii. 17.
CCCLXI. The Chriſtian rejoicing in the Views of Death and Judgment. Rev. xxii. 20.
[314]HYMN CCCLXII. A Morning HYMN, to be uſed at awaking and riſing.
CCCLXIII. An Evening HYMN, to be uſed when compoſing oneſelf to ſleep.
CCCLXIV. On Recovery from Sickneſs, during which, much of the divine Favour had been expe⯑rienced.
[318]CCCLXV. The laſt Words of David. 2 Samuel xxiii. 1-8 ‡
Probably compoſed by David to be ſung, when his Army was marching out to War againſt the Rem⯑nant of the devoted Nations of Canaan, and firſt went up in ſolemn Proceſſion to the Houſe of GOD at Jeruſalem, there, as it were, to conſecrate the Arms, which he put into their Hands. The Beds referred to ver. 5, were probably the Couches, on which they lay at the Banquet attending their Sacrifices; which gives a noble Senſe to a Paſſage, on any other Interpretation hardly intelligible.