Village Courtſhip.

YOUNG Roger came tapping at Dolly's window,
Thumpaty, thumpaty, thump;
He begg'd for admittance, ſhe anſwer'd him, No,
Glumpaty, glumpaty, glump;
My DOLLY, my dear, your true Love is here,
Dumpaty, dumpaty, dump;
No, no, ROGER, no—as you came, you may go,
Slumpaty, ſlumpaty, ſlump.
Oh! then ſhe recall'd, and recall'd him again,
Humpaty, humpaty, hump;
Whilſt he, like a mad-man, ran over the plain,
Slumpaty, ſlumpaty, ſlump;
Oh! what is the reaſon, dear DOLLY, he cry'd,
Humpaty, humpaty, hump,
That thus I'm caſt off, and unkindly deny'd,
Trumpaty, trumpaty, trump.
Some rival more dear, I gueſs has been here,
Crumpaty, crumpaty, crump;
Suppoſe there's been two, Sir, what's that to you, Sir,
Numpaty, Numpaty, nump.
Oh! then with a ſigh his ſad farewell he took,
Humpaty, humpaty, hump;
And quite in deſpair he leap'd into the brook,
Plumpaty, plumpaty, plump.
His courage he cool'd, he found himſelf fool'd,
Mumpaty, mumpaty, mump;
He ſwam to the ſhore, and ſaw DOLLY no more,
Rumpaty, rumpaty, rump.
Determin'd to find a damſel more kind,
Plumpaty, plumpaty, plump;
While DOLLY's afraid ſhe muſt die an old maid,
Mumpaty, mumpaty, mump.

Appendix A


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TextGrid Repository (2020). TEI. 4221 Village courtship. University of Oxford Text Archive. .