


DIALOGUE BETWIXT WHIG and TORY. [...]herein the Principles and Practices of each Party are fairly and impartially ſtated; that thereby Miſtakes and Prejudices may be remov'd from amongſt us, and all who prefer Engliſh Liberty and the Proteſtant Religion, to French Slavery and Popery, may be inform'd how to chuſe fit and proper Inſtruments for our Preſervation in theſe Times of Danger.

LONDON, Printed in the Year, M.DCC.X.



THE following Diſcourſe was firſt printed [...] the Year 1692. but as the ſame Cauſes w [...] always produce the ſame Effects, 'tis thought n [...] unſeaſonable to publiſh it now afreſh: and if th [...] who have any regard to the Happineſs of the Native Country, of whatever Party they be, w [...] peruſe it with Minds free from Heat and Prejudic [...] the Publiſher will attain his chiefeſt aim.

To the KING.


THO the ſacred Majeſty of Kings (I am ſenſible) ought not in common caſes to be approach'd by every little Buſy-body, or frivolous Remonſtrance-maker; yet when our Prince's Palace is [...] Fire, and his ſacred Perſon in the midſt of the Flames, [...]e meaneſt of his Subjects hath the Privilege then to [...]ve him warning of his Danger, and to aſſiſt to quench [...]e Fire: And this I am afraid, Sir, is at preſent too near [...]r Caſe, or I would not have aſſum'd the Boldneſs to [...]ſturb your Repoſe, or have plac'd my ſelf ſo diſadvanta [...]eouſly before your Majeſty, as I muſt expect to appear, [...]nder the Character of a publick Cenſor of the Manners [...] your Miniſters, and a petty State-Reformer. But it is [...]ot I alone that am thus concern'd and buſy for the Pub [...]ck; the whole World are at this time mournfully reflec [...]ing upon the miſerable Eſtate we are fallen into from [...]hat happy and glorious Proſpect of things which we had [...] 1688 and 1689: This has put all Men upon Enquiry [...]to the Cauſes of the unhappy Change of our Affairs; [...]nd I find it agreed on all hands, that the principal Occaſion [...]f our Misfortunes (or rather Miſmanagements) is from [...]he intruſting thoſe with the Government of all, who [...]ere the Creatures and Tools of the two laſt Reigns, and [...]re irreconcilable Enemies to your Majeſty's Government; [...]hoſe who oppos'd your coming to the Crown; thoſe who [...]eclar'd to your Face King James the only Rightful King; [...]hoſe who ſold their Country and betray'd it to the two [...]aſt Kings, and will be always ready to ſell it even to the French King, if he prove the faireſt Chapman.

[4]I have heard that Thurloe, who was Secretary of Sta [...] to Cromwell, being ask'd by King Charles II. how they d [...] ſupport their Government ſo long, when all the Nobilit [...] Gentry and Clergy were againſt it? he reply'd, By intruſti [...] thoſe only in the Management of all Affairs, who were as hearti [...] againſt that Nobility, Gentry and Clergy. I do not apply th [...] literally; for God be prais'd, your Majeſty has a great pa [...] of all theſe ſeveral Degrees of Men, who are moſt hearti [...] and zealouſly in your Intereſts: But I mean by this, that yo [...] are to oppoſe your Enemies with their Enemies, not wit [...] their Friends; and that the Deſign of keeping out Kin [...] James with Jacobites, ſeems to be as impracticable, as h [...] Project prov'd of ſetting up Popery with a Proteſtan [...] Army.

Yet there are ſome about your Majeſty, who (for ba [...] and private Ends) endeavour to poſſeſs you with the deſtructive Politicks of courting and buying your Enemie [...] into your Service; and would perſuade you, that Kin [...] James's Tories are the only Party truly principl'd for Monarchy, and are fitteſt for Employment, as being lon [...] practis'd in Buſineſs: And that (on the contrary) you [...] Majeſty's beſt Friends, whom they call Whigs, are not onl [...] ignorant, and unacquainted with Publick Buſineſs, but ar [...] Haters of Monarchy, of Commonwealth Principles; an [...] at beſt, for making their Kings no more than Dukes [...] Venice, and Kings of Clouts. Now this is a Notion ſo falſe, ſo fatal to the Proſperity of your Affairs, and ſo dangerous to the very Being of your Government, that [...] cannot but think it highly neceſſary, that this matter ſhould be fairly ſtated and laid before your Majeſty. I am ſenſible how unfit I am for the Task, and how open I lie to a Charge of Preſumption in attempting it, But as the Son of Cyrus, who was from his Birth dumb, broke Silence when he ſaw his Father in the Hands of his Murderers; ſo (ſince I ſaw no other Champion appear in this Cauſe) I reſolv'd to break thro all Impediments, even thoſe of Nature, and to endeavour the Reſcue of my King out of the Hands of thoſe who have already been the Ruin of two Kings, your Majeſty's Predeceſſors, and who will undoubtedly bring you and your Affairs into great Difficulties, if you be not deliver'd from their Counſels.

In order to this, I have impartially made a Collection (in the following Dialogue) of all the Arguments which Whigs imploy againſt the Tories, or Tories againſt the Whigs, and ſubmit it to your Majeſty's diſcerning Judgment, and moſt piercing and diſtinguiſhing Wiſdom (upon the whole) which of them are moſt proper for your Majeſty to employ; thoſe who were in the Intereſt of Popery [5] [...]d of France, or thoſe who oppos'd both to the Death. [...] appeal to you, Sir, whether a Tory's being for the Di [...]ne Right of Succeſſion, and conſequently for King James's Monarchy, makes him the fitter in Principle to be employ'd [...]y King William? Or, whether his boaſted Skill in Buſi [...]eſs will be of any uſe to your Majeſty, if he be in Prin [...]ple and Inclination for King James, and believes King [...]illiam a King de facto only, without a Rightful Title, [...]nd in plain Engliſh, an Uſurper? If theſe Gentlemen [...]as their Principles will naturally lead them to do) uſe all [...]heir Skill in their ſeveral Stations, to obſtruct and make [...]ifficult your Affairs, to betray your Deſigns to your Enemies, to countenance and protect King James's Friends in [...]ll their Plots and Contrivances, furniſh them with In [...]elligence, help them to Paſſes, Eſcapes, &c. all which things (it cannot be deny'd) have been and are daily done by ſome Perſons employ'd in this Government: Of what Uſe, Sir, or Service then is this boaſted Skill in Buſineſs to your Majeſty's Intereſts? Certainly Men leſs converſant in Publick Affairs, who have a Zeal for your Government, would be of more Uſe and Service to you; Men who were perſecuted by King Charles and King James either in their own Perſons, or in the Perſons of their Friends, who were fin'd, impriſon'd, and ſome of their Relations hang'd in thoſe Reigns, are more likely to act in earneſt againſt King James, and in the ſupporting your Majeſty and your Government, than thoſe who had their Fortunes and their Families rais'd by King James and his Brother King Charles, and who hope to be rais'd yet more by his Return, or at leaſt to ſecure in his Government what they have got in this, by obliging him and his Friends, at the Price of ſacrificing you and your's.

For Example: Is it reaſonable to believe the E. of N. whoſe Father and Family was rais'd by King Charles and King James for proſtituting the Law (and his nauſeous Rhetorick) to the Deſigns of thoſe two Brothers, who himſelf was a Privy-Counſellor with Father Peters, and choſen by King James at the time of the Revolution to treat with your Majeſty at Hungerford, in order to delay your Progreſs to London; and laſtly, who ſo violently oppos'd your Majeſty's being crown'd King, as to lay an eternal Obligation upon King James by it: I ſay, Sir, is it reaſonable to believe this Gentleman ſo proper a Secretary of State to your Majeſty, as the E. of S. who has ſo mortally diſoblig'd King James, in being ſo early, and ſo zealous in your Intereſts, who went at the Head of that Meſſage to King James wherein he was requir'd to retire from Whitehall; who has ſince that been ſo inſtrumental to place and [6] preſerve the Crown upon your Head; and has, in a word, broken all Meaſures ſo with King James, as to leave no poſſibility of a Reconciliation to him, and conſequently has no Retreat from this Government, but is oblig'd in common Senſe to ſerve your Majeſty faithfully and zealouſly?

Or can your Majeſty think Mr. K. who (it is generally ſaid) believes himſelf the Son of King J. and it is known by all the World, owes his Fortune to him; who (if we may believe Report) at the time of the Revolution, agreed with Captain Toſyer, to carry the Ships he then commanded in the Straits to King James in France (had not the common Sailors very rudely oppos'd the Project) who after this acquitted himſelf ſo ill at Cadiz, in letting the Thoulon Squadron paſs by him in his ſight, without fighting them; and to conclude, has made ſo unaccountable a Campagn of it this Summer: Can your Majeſty (give me leave to ſay, Sir) think this Gentleman (after all this) fitter to command the Fleet of England, than Mr. R. whoſe Provocations to King James are never to be forgiven by him; who was one of the moſt inſtrumental Men in England in placing you upon the Throne; who laſt Year gave you the greateſt and moſt glorious Victory that ever was obtain'd by us at Sea; and whoſe Courage, Conduct and Fidelity the Parliament of England has unanimouſly atteſted?

And now, Sir (if I may preſume ſo far) will your Majeſty be pleas'd to examine what Honour, what Profit has accru'd to you, or the Nation, by your employing theſe Gentlemen who have of late been at the Head of the Miniſtry? For God's ſake, Sir, caſt up the Account of the laſt four Years Management, and ſee what you have gain'd by changing Whigs for Torys. Have not your Affairs gone backward both at home and abroad? Have not Miſmanagements been multiply'd? Have you not cool'd your Friends, and yet not gain'd your Enemies? Do not almoſt all the Tories you employ drink King James's Health in your Wine, and ſerve him in your Offices? Do they not obſtruct all Buſineſs which ought to be diſpatch'd, and diſpatch all Buſineſs which ought to be obſtructed? browbeat your Friends, and delay them in the moſt juſt Pretences, but comply with your Enemies in their moſt unreaſonable Demands; nay, connive at their Cabals and Conſpiracies, and ſnatch them out of the Hands of Juſtice, when the Law has ſentenc'd them to Death for their Treaſons? Would not ſuch Miniſters and Friends as theſe be leſs dangerous to you, when profeſs'd Enemies, nay in Arms againſt you in the Field, than in your Council, Cabinet and Offices? Undoubtedly they would.

[7]But I know the common Anſwer to all theſe kind of Complaints is, That it is more eaſy to find Faults than Remedies. If you pleaſe therefore, Sir, we will conſider of Remedys, and I think there may be ſome found out both eaſy and certain, and they are theſe: Firſt, Sir, be pleas'd to remove from your Perſon, Council and Offices of Truſt, Men bred up and confirm'd in Principles deſtructive to our Engliſh Government, and hateful to your People; and to diſcountenance all State-Projecters, and Mountebank-Miniſters, who make Wounds in the State to recommend their Balſam: Throw out, Sir, theſe Achans to be ſton'd by the People, who will otherwiſe, I fear, prevent God's Favour to you; who blaſt your Succeſs abroad, and rob you of the Affections of your Subjects at home, with their accurſed thing, I mean that Tinſel Power with which theſe Miſcreants dazle the Eyes of Princes, and lead them out of the right way. God is diſpleas'd with it: For uncontroulable and unaccountable Power is the Right and Attribute of God alone; and (as the Scripture tells us) He will not give his Glory unto another; nor ſuffer thoſe to act like Gods, who are to die like Men. Your People alſo will be diſpleas'd with a Deſpotick Power; for the Kings of England are bound by Laws, by mutual Compacts, &c. (as you your ſelf, Sir, have ſet forth moſt unanſwerably in your Declaration when you came over) and if theſe are broken, Engliſh-men, who believe themſelves Subjects to the Crown of England (as by Law eſtabliſh'd) and not Slaves to any particular PerſonOtherwiſe King James would have a fairer Pretence, than I hope we ſhall ever allow him.; they become impatient, angry, and at length perhaps unreaſonable. And whenever they ſee their King beſet with Miniſters of Lawleſs Principles (thoſe wholeſale Merchants of Arbitrary Power) they grow miſtruſtful and uneaſy, and are apt in ſuch Caſes to ſhut their Purſes, and open their Mouths. And give me leave to ſay, Sir, had not the People been made apprehenſive and jealous, by ſeeing theſe Men in the Miniſtry, whoſe miſchievous Methods they were ſo well acquainted with, and did ſo much abhor; no general Exciſe, no Loans, no Powers would have been thought by the People of England, too much to have intruſted you with; ſo highly they eſteem'd your generous Relief of them, your unequal Courage, and the many other admirable Vertues they ſaw ſhine in you. An Engliſh King is the greateſt Monarch upon Earth, when he reigns in the Hearts of his Subjects; and all other Methods to Power and Greatneſs have been found ineffectual in England, I remember I once ſaw [8] written over a Mercer's Shop, Keep thy Shop, and thy Sh [...] will keep thee: and tho it be a homely Alluſion, it is very applicable to the preſent Point; Keep your Laws, Sir, a [...] your Laws will keep you; ſupport your People in their Right and Liberties, and Queen Elizabeth ſhall paſs her Royal Word for them, they will ſupport your juſt Prerogative a [...] home and your Honour abroad. And, Sir, by the way do not let your Flatterers give you a cheap Opinion of [...] Power deriv'd from the People; for it is undoubtedly from their Conſent, that all Power muſt come: Nor let them make you uneaſy that your Title to the Crown is from the univerſal free Choice of the Commons of England. Believe me, your Miniſters, nor the two learned Biſhops who have ſcribled upon this Subject, will ever be able to find you a better.

In the next place, diſcharge all Jacobites and Trimmer from Offices of Truſt: For ſuch as either deſire King James, or from their Fear, or Wiſdom, endeavour to deſerve from him (ſo much as their Pardon) I humbly conceive are unfit for your Service at this Juncture; tho when the Government is more ſettl'd, I am for entertaining all who give Proofs of their Penitence for their paſt Actions and Opinions.

But, Sir, Purgatives will not alone perfect the Cure of your Government, and reſtore it to perfect Health; you muſt make uſe of Alteratives too, there muſt be a Change of Meaſures, as well as a Diſcharge of Men: And the Method I would humbly offer is this.

Firſt; To make the Intereſt of England your chief Deſign and Aim; and ſince you are an Engliſh King, to become intirely an Engliſh-man. England is a Nation jealous of Rivals in her Prince's Favour, and thinks her ſelf deſerving of all his Care, and all his Careſſes. If the People of England think you have a favourable Opinion of them, they will endeavour to deſerve it; if not, they may perhaps deſerve your worſt Opinion too. This Humour of the Nation Queen Elizabeth found early, and apply'd her ſelf ſo happily to it, as by this ſingle Point to maſter all her Difficulties (the greateſt it may be that ever Prince had to ſtruggle with) whereas her Succeſſors, by contrary Meaſures, brought themſelves into very unfortunate Circumſtances.

In the next place, Sir, let me deſire you to avoid concerning your ſelf in Elections of Members in Parliament, or influencing them when choſen: the Parliament is a ſacred part of the Engliſh Conſtitution, and like the Iſraelites Ark of old, is not to be touch'd profanely, but with great Danger to thoſe who touch it ſo. And therefore, Sir, it will be [9] [...]ur true Intereſt to leave the People free to their Choice, [...]d the Members free to their Opinions when choſen [...] is ſtill freſh in our Memories, how much the Practices [...] the late Reigns in corrupting Elections, and cloſeting [...]embers of Parliament, enrag'd the Nation, and they [...]d reaſon to reſent it; for if (for the ſake of a Vote) a [...]ember of Parliament ſhall be plac'd in an Office of [...]ruſt he is not fit for, this is deſtroying the Government [...]wo ways at once: For, to ſpeak in the Phraſe of the Miniſtry, it is making a Parliament of Clouts, and an Officer of Clouts at the ſame ſtroke. Rejecting Bills offer'd [...]y Parliament of publick Benefit, and for ſecuring our [...]ntient Government, and the Fundamental Rights of the [...]bject, was highly diſpleaſing to the Nation alſo in the [...]te Reigns, and will be ſo in all Reigns: As was likewiſe [...]e denying the People their undoubted Right of frequent [...]arliaments. They had alſo in the late Governments an [...]nvention to make a Pump of the Parliament, and by [...]ouring in a Pint of Water, to fetch out a Tun: This [...]as juſtly moſt provoking to the Nation, and treaſur'd up Wrath againſt the Day of Wrath.

The refuſing of Bills, and the Contempt of Addreſſes [...]rom the Parliament againſt Miniſters, or in any other Caſes, has likewiſe given great Offence in former Reigns. For tho the Houſe of Commons, ſeconded by the Houſe of [...]ords, cannot reach the Life or Eſtate of any Perſon, but [...]y a full Proof in form of Law; yet becauſe it is ſo difficult a matter to come at ſuch a Proof, a Vote of the Houſe of Commons againſt any Miniſter, has always been eſteem'd by all Kings (who were well with the People) a ſufficient Reaſon for the removing them from Court: and I have heard that our King Henry IV. (a warlike and wiſe Prince) upon an Addreſs from the Parliament againſt ſome of his Miniſters, reply'd, I know no Evil by theſe Men; but if they are thought unfit by my Parliament for my Service, I ſhall not think fit to continue them in it.

All theſe things, Sir, therefore are moſt carefully to be avoided by your Majeſty: They will appear with a worſe Grace in you, who have declar'd and made War againſt theſe Practices, than in your Predeceſſors. For as St. Paul ſays, Thou who haſt ſaid, Ye ſhall not commit Adultery, doſt thou commit Adultery? Thou who haſt ſaid, Ye ſhall not ſteal, doſt thou ſteal? You muſt by no means, Sir, give this occaſion of Clamour and Recrimination to your Enemies. But be pleas'd to follow this General Rule, always to beware of the Miniſters, and to avoid the Schemes and Counſels of King Charles and King James's Government, and then you can ſcarce err: For whatever is oppoſite to [10] their Principles and Practices, is the direct Road to yo [...] Security and Succeſs.

In the next place, Sir, let Rewards and Puniſhment [...] be duly and impartially diſtributed; this is a Rule [...] which all Ages and Governments have paid the greate [...] Reſpect and Obſervance, and to which the preſent Monarch of France does chiefly owe the Proſperity of h [...] Affairs: and without this Principle no Government ca [...] ſubſiſt. Your Miniſters who ſerve you well and faithfull [...] muſt be diſtinguiſh'd from thoſe who betray you, or ſerv [...] you careleſly and idely; and not ſmil'd or frown'd upon as they are ſupported or perſecuted by this or that Par [...] or Faction. (And by the way, Sir, a Prince in Englan [...] that rules according to the Laws and Intereſts of his Pe [...] ple, will never have occaſion to make his Court to an [...] Party or Faction; nor can any Miniſter of any Part [...] ſerve you againſt the Intereſt of the Nation.) Let you [...] Soldiers be encourag'd, and prefer'd according to their Bravery and Abilities, without Favour or Affection: Th [...] braveſt otherwiſe will follow the Example of Cowards, i [...] they find they have no Advantage over them by thei [...] Courage; for all Men would be Cowards if they durſ [...] To an Engliſh Soldier a Smile or a kind Word is as acceptable at ſome times as a Month's Pay; and if you wil [...] condeſcend to a Commendation of what they do well, the [...] will endeavour on the next occaſion to exceed what the [...] did before: For if you are once Maſter of their Love you are ſure to have the Diſpoſal of their Lives. No [...] need you fear to puniſh them ſeverely, provided you reward them bountifully. Let the Inſolence of your Enemies be rebuk'd, and Rebels and Traitors to your Government be ſeverely puniſh'd, and not courted and careſs'd for in the preſent State of Affairs all Mercy to your Enemies is Cruelty to your ſelf and Friends: and it encourage [...] your Enemies, and diſheartens your Loyal Subjects, to ſe [...] theſe Inſolents brave the Government unpuniſh'd, and t [...] ſee your treacherous Miniſters ſolliciting the Pardon o [...] every condemn'd Traitor; and making their Court to King James at the Price of your Safety, is moſt provoking to every good Man. Beſides, it looks like your having a Doubt of your own Right and Title to the Government to be thus backward in aſſerting it; and is ſo interpreted by the Jacobites.

Intelligence as another Point of mighty Conſequence and can ſcarce be purchas'd too dear: For it is the Sou [...] of Government, and directs all its Actions properly, and without it you conſult in the dark, and execute blind fold you know not what to act, what to fear, where to attack [11] or where to defend. I do not mean by this that we are to penetrate into the French King's Counſels, or rifle his Cabinet, that I am afraid is out of the reach of our Power, and of our Purſe: But I cannot but think we may be able to know the Marches of their Armies, and the Motions of their Fleets, without ſelling our Souls to the Devil for Intelligence, or breaking our Exchequer.

Thus, Sir, I have ſet before your Majeſty, what, in my poor Judgment, is for your Intereſt to purſue, and what is for your Service to avoid; what will make your Majeſty and this Nation happy, what will make both unhappy: and I heartily pray the great, good and wiſe God, to di [...]t, bleſs and proſper your Majeſty in all your glorious [...]ſigns for the Defence of theſe Kingdoms, and of Chriſte [...]dom, againſt the common Enemy. If I have us'd too great a Freedom, or have offended in what I deſign'd for your Service, I am ſorry for it: I call God to witneſs, my Plainneſs proceeded from my Zeal and Affection to your Intereſts, and the Proſperity of your Affairs, and not from any factious, ſaucy or unmannerly Principle. I wiſh ſome abler Pen had taken upon him this Part. But I muſt own, it provok'd me to ſee my Country and my King ſo forſaken; the one of Advocates, the other of honeſt Counſel: and this urg'd me to take upon me theſe two Characters, of Advocate and Adviſer, both which I confeſs my ſelf very unfit for: Not, but that as I ſaid in the beginning, I take it to be the Privilege, nay and the Duty too of every Engliſh Subject (provided it be perform'd form'd with a decent and due Reſpect) to lay before the King ſuch Matters as may be dangerous to his Perſon or Government, to be conceal'd from his Knowledg (for we are not ty'd up in England to Spaniſh Forms, where the King muſt be wet to the Skin, if he whoſe proper Office [...]o is be not in the way to put on his Cloke.) And I beg your Majeſty to believe what I have ſaid is from a Faithfulneſs and Sincerity, which will in all Accidents and Difficulties preſerve me unalterably,

Your Majeſty's Moſt Loyal, moſt Dutiful, and moſt Obedient Subject.

To the honeſt Engliſh Proteſtant READER.

Honeſt Reader,

AT the beginning of the late Revolution, I dare ſay, it wa [...] not expected by thee or me, That it would have been n [...] ceſſary in this Reign, to have enter'd into Argument [...] whether the Principles of Whig or Tory are moſt agreeable to t [...] Conſtitution of the Engliſh Monarchy, or which Party were to b [...] choſen for the Support of our preſent King and Queen. But ſuc [...] is our Fate, that I am afraid it requires an abler Pen than min [...] to convince ſome, who it is highly neceſſary ſhould be convinc'd that any of the Meaſures of the late Reigns were miſtaken; the [...] are taught to believe thoſe Monarchs in the Right, nay e [...] thoſe evil Counſellors too, who were ſo maul'd in the Declaratio [...] of 1688. and none are Rogues and Villains, and deſerve to b [...] hang'd, but thoſe who were moſt active in the bringing the preſet King and Queen over, and in ſettling the Crown upon their Heads I thought it therefore high time that this Matter ſhould be ſe [...] right; and in order to it, that the Principles and Practices o [...] Whig and Tory ſhould be truly and impartially examin'd; whic [...] I have endeavour'd to do to the beſt of my Knowledg, and ſhall b [...] well pleas'd to ſee any other do it better from my poor Hint. [...] acknowledg the Looſeneſs of the Stile, the want of Method in th [...] following Paper, and the many Repetitions this Dialogue-way [...] writing is liable to, will lay it open to the Laſh of every Pedan [...] and Schoolmaſter. But know, I write not for Fame, or out o [...] any Vanity of being an Author; and therefore I come not to you, as the Apoſtle ſays, in the inticing Words of Man' [...] Wiſdom, but in Plainneſs and Truth, &c. I have ſtate [...] the Matter ſo fairly, that ſome of the Tories may be Fools enough perhaps to think I have given them a Victory (and triumph o [...] their Admirals did in their being Gazetted, becauſe the Council wo [...] [...] [13] Favourable, as to ſuffer them to paſs for miſtaken Blockheads, [...]ead of wilful knaviſh Lyars) But indeed I thought the Tories [...] ſo weak a Plea, that I might well allow them to make the [...]st of it, and have left nothing unſaid which I have ever heard [...]m ſay in their Defence. What they have done the honest [...]ople, and the Intereſt of England moſt Miſchief by, is that [...]am of a Commonwealth, which I have in the following Diſ [...]rſe (I hope) convinc'd all honest Men is a falſe Notion, im [...]cticable and impoſſible in England; however this is the Breaſt [...]rk which they have always cover'd themſelves with, when they [...]ſign'd to fire upon the Rights and Privileges, the Laws, Liber [...]s and Properties of their Country: And whenever they do raiſe [...]is Breastwork, we muſt endeavour to beat it about their Ears; [...]am ſure it is too weak to reſiſt any Attack, and I hope (as [...]ays ſays) they fly, they fly, they fly, who firſt did make [...]at Lye. What I have here written, is with an honeſt Deſign of [...]ing Service to my Country; and if it either happens to inform [...] convince any to embrace the Publick Intereſt, and the common [...]od of themſelves and Fellow-Creatures, I have my end. And [...]r the Tory Criticks, they may bite till their Teeth meet thro [...] Book, yet I ſhall be as inſenſible of their Malice, as they have [...]en of the King's Mercy, Favour and Friendſhip to them. I will [...]mfort my ſelf, honeſt Reader, that I have thee on my ſide; and [...] long as thou doſt continue firm in the Support of the Engliſh [...]aws and Liberties, thou doſt build upon a Rock, againſt which, [...] hope, the Gates of Hell ſhall not prevail; and ſo long I will [...]uild upon thee, and hope for all Good from thee, and pray for all [...]leſſings upon thee. Adieu.

A Dialogue between WHIG and TORY, &c.


Tory. WELL met old Acquaintance; who would have thought ſeven years ago, to have ſeen you and I at Whitehall together in the ſame Intereſt?

Whig. In the ſame Intereſt; why, who thinks that now?

Tory. What, in one of your old peeviſh Fits? I thought now all things go to your Mind, you would have been in better Humour.

Whig. You were begotten, born and bred in Miſtakes, and I doubt not but you will continue ſo to your end: Yet you cannot be ſo groſly miſtaken ſure as to think all things go to any honeſt Engliſhman's Mind; when you, who were the Tools of the two laſt Reigns, the Inſtruments of all our paſt and preſent Misfortunes, and the declar'd Cauſe of the War which brought on the late Revolution, are notwithſtanding the only Men courted by this Government.

Tory. I am afraid you will never be pleas'd with any Monarchical Government.

Whig. That is a Point I know you have been long endeavouring to put upon the World, but more induſtriouſly upon the Court; yet I wonder at your Impudence of urging it now, ſince it is ſo freſh in every Man's Memory, how zealouſly the Whigs ſtruggled in the late Convention to ſettle the Monarchy, whilſt you conteſted as zealouſly to make it an Anarchy.

Tory. We will talk more of this by and by: But if you were ſo inſtrumental as you ſay in ſetting up this Government, why are you ſo out of Humour with what you have made your ſelves?

[15] Whig. Diſappointment you muſt allow a juſt Cauſe of [...]eſentment. We hop'd from new Lords, new Laws, new [...]iniſters, and new Methods: but if ſtill we are to have [...]e ſame Miniſters, and conſequently the ſame Methods, [...]he very Tools of the two laſt Reigns, and conſequently [...]he ſame Work; this I take (in my Lord H—s Phraſe) [...] be a Change, without an Alteration; and, in my Opi [...]n, gives too juſt occaſion of Diſlike: and I cannot but [...]nk this way of managing Affairs, muſt end unhappily, [...]oth to Prince and People.

Tory. But how come, you and I to be ſo concern'd either [...]or the Proſperity of Princes, who never think of us, [...]ut as we can ſerve ſome preſent Turn of theirs; or for the [...]ntereſt of Mob, who will ſing Ballads upon us under the [...]allows, when we are hanging there for their ſakes? Pre [...]ee Whig, grow wiſe, and do not torment thy ſelf thus [...]ith State-Affairs; let Princes take care of themſelves, and [...]he People of themſelves, and let us take care of ourſelves. My Method is, to get what I can, and let Courts do what they will.

Whig. Why then, Sir, with your leave, your Method is [...] fooliſh as it is knaviſh: For whoever ſells his Country [...]o a lawleſs Power, leaves himſelf nor his Family no Certainty, no Property in what he has gotten by his Treachery; nay, his Eſtate is as often the Snare, as the Comfort of his Life. It proves ſometimes a Naboth's Vine [...]ard, and makes him the Eye-ſore of ſome hungry Court Favourite. And I would ask, Whether a ſmall Eſtate fenc'd about with Laws, and the Poſſeſſion thereof ſecur'd [...]o you and your Family, is not of more Value, than a much greater Revenue, of which you cannot aſſure your ſelf the Poſſeſſion one minute? Your Forefathers thought the Laws and Liberties of England worth their Care and Conteſt, and waded thro Rivers of Blood to leave them in force to their Poſterity. And the Church once made it an Article of their Religion, Nolumus Leges Angliae mutari: But thou doſt renounce all the Principles of Humanity, of common Senſe, and of Religion, and oughtſt to be driven out of a Country which thou makeſt open Profeſſion to ſell and betray. And as for what you ſay of the Ingratitude of Princes and People, the one to his faithful and affectionate Subjects, the other to their zealous Patriots; this does not diſcharge you from your Duty to either. But (in anſwer to the firſt) if you will ſerve Princes no farther than you ſerve your Country in ſerving them, that Service will always reward it ſelf; and for the Mob, as you are ever pleas'd moſt mannerly to call your Countrymen and Fellow-Citizens, if any prove ſo ſordid as you [16] alledg, I ſhall anſwer you in the words of our Saviour Forgive them, for they know not what they do: And let his Example teach you better Principles, who, notwithſtanding all the Scoffs and Indignities he met with, laid down h [...] Life upon the Croſs for the Benefit of Mankind. B [...] your Principles make you the Triumph of Heathens, a [...] bring you upon the ſame foot with brute Beaſts.

Tory. Come don't tell us Stories of our great Grandfat [...] who troubled themſelves about Trifles: There is a Faſhio [...] in Government (as well as in Clothes) which muſt [...] comply'd with, according to the Humour of the preſe [...] Age; and you may as well pretend to ſhape all Gowns b [...] Queen Elizabeth's Fardingale, as to ſhape our Court [...] Counſels according to the Sentiments of that or othe [...] times, which were as different too from one another, [...] we are different from them.

Whig. As for your Faſhion of Government, Mr. Tor [...] I hope it is either gone to the Grave with King Charles, [...] to France with King James; and could heartily wiſh yo [...] would follow it to either Place. But pray before you g [...] let me ask you in what Age or Time it was, that Men [...] Senſe, or Men of Honour, did prefer Will and Pleaſure [...] Laws, or Slavery to Freedom? As I take it, the Principles of Liberty and Property have always been in faſhion amongſt Men of Senſe and Eſtates in England, and eve [...] will be. But your Principles can never find Profeſſors bu [...] amongſt Fools and Beggars.

Tory. Whatever our Principles are, you find both the [...] and us prefer'd to you and yours, even by a Government of your own chuſing; and let that ſatisfy you as an Anſwer to that Point.

Whig. Not at all; that only proves a Miſtake ſomewhere; and where the Miſtake is, if you pleaſe, we wi [...] inquire: and I think it will beſt appear by examining th [...] original Riſe, Principles and Practices of both Parties.

Tory. Come on then, a clear Stage, and no favour.

Whig. As for your original Riſe, 'tis certain, you ow [...] your being known in the World, to the horrid and execrable Deſigns of the two late Kings to ſet up arbitrary Power and Popery amongſt us; then were all the Jails Brothels, and Kennels rak'd for Villains of fear'd Conſciences and deſperate Fortunes: your Arl—ns, Cliff—d [...] Oſ—s, were then thought upon for Miniſters of State and under them were bred ſuch a pack of Wretches, as th [...] Court of Tiberius would have been aſham'd of. In the La [...] they were of the ſame ſort with the Miniſtry: Wha [...] Age can parallel your N—ms, your N—ths, you [...] Jeff—ys, Sc—gs, Rain—ds, Wri—s, &c. and [17] [...]ir under Managers Graham and Burton? &c. Then [...]to the Pillars of what they then call'd the Church of [...]land, tho ſo diſguis'd at that time, that it was ſcarce [...]wn by its moſt dutiful, moſt affectionate, and moſt [...]is Children; I need ſay no more of them, than that [...] were compos'd of Biſhops, and a Clergy prefer'd by [...] Kings, who were about to ſet up Popery and Tyranny; [...] therefore were to chuſe ſuch Men into the Govern [...]nt of the Church, who they thought would be moſt [...]plying with thoſe Purpoſes, and whoſe Looſeneſs of [...]als might bring moſt Diſcredit upon the Proteſtant [...]igion: and whoever remembers Park—r, Cart—t, [...]nows C—w and Wat—n, will (I think) be of the [...]inion they were not ill choſen for the aboveſaid Pur [...]es.

Tory. But you ſee whatever Purpoſes they were choſen [...] ſeveral of the Biſhops oppos'd Popery with the grea [...] Bravery imaginable.

Whig. True, they did oppoſe a Popiſh Clergy being [...]ight into their Biſhopricks, Churches and Colleges; [...] who but a mad Man would have expected any other [...]n them? But did they ever ſtick at any thing that [...]ht advance arbitrary Power over the Laity? Did they [...] conjure the People to Paſſive-Obedience, Non-Re [...]nce? &c. Did they not tie us Hand and Foot, and [...]ow us like Daniel into the Lions Den? Nay, did they [...]r ſtick at building his Popiſh Church for him, whilſt [...] contented himſelf to make uſe of their Hands? But [...]en they ſaw that after they had gone ſo far in the Service, others were taken in to finiſh the Work, and to reap [...]e Fruit of what they had ſow'd and planted: This was [...]deed intolerable, and then it was, and not before, that [...]ey begun to make a noiſe about the Proteſtant Religion and [...]ngliſh Liberties, and to preach backward all their former [...]ermons.

Tory. But you cannot deny but that they were very in [...]rumental to the Revolution.

Whig. I own they were for ſome time, like Fiſhes who [...]ave got a Worm in their Heads, they did frisk and leap [...]ut of their own Element; but like them too, they ſoon [...]ung'd into it again; for King James was ſcarce got to [...]everſham, before they repented what they had done, and [...]om that day to this have given all the Proofs and Marks [...] an invincible Hatred and Enmity to the preſent Government: They oppos'd the King's coming to the Crown, [...]ell into Cabals for the weakning his Government when [...]e was King, and rais'd Rebellion without, and Plots within the Kingdom for the reſtoring King James, &c. [18] Nay, at this time it is undeniable, that wherever th [...] Clergy are moſt numerous, the Jacobites are moſt numerous too; there are more Jacobites ten for one in ever [...] Cathedral Town, than in any other Towns, accountin [...] number for number: And how the Univerſities are generally diſaffected to this Government, is notorious; the reproach and rail againſt the very Biſhops and Clergyme [...] prefer'd in this Reign. The Archbiſhop of Canterb [...] himſelf, whoſe Learning, Piety, and Excellencies of a kinds, are ſo eminent, that it ſeems impolitick in them, a [...] well as unjuſt to reproach him; yet him too do they ra [...] ſcoff at, and treat with the fouleſt Invectives. In ſhor [...] thoſe who every day piouſly attend the Service and religious Worſhip of the Church, who moſt frequently a [...] Communicants in the holy Sacrament, theſe they will no [...] withſtanding call Presbyterians, canting, whining Hypocrit [...] &c. and eſteem none ſound Members of their Body, b [...] thoſe who drink with them, and come up to all the [...] higheſt Points of Dominion, Tyranny, and Uncharitabl [...] neſs to all thoſe who are not of their Faction: I will no [...] call it their Church, becauſe I think it a Diſhonour to th [...] beſt Reform'd Church in the World, to be ſerv'd by ſuch a Clergy as are not only a Scandal to the Name of Proteſtant, but to the Name of Religion; and who, unde [...] the Title of Proteſtant Prieſts, are labouring with a [...] their Power the Return of King James, with his Poper [...] and Slavery, and preach and pray openly for his Reſtoration, whilſt no Exhortation for Obedience to our preſen [...] King, our great Deliverer from Popery and Slavery, heard from any Pulpit, no Paſſive-Obedience nor No [...] reſiſtance is nam'd in this Reign: And if for the ſake [...] their Livings they are forc'd to pray for the King an [...] Queen, it is in ſo faint and low a Voice, as if they ha [...] no mind to be heard either by God or the People.

Tory. Some few diſcontented Perſons there may be perhaps, who may deſerve this Character, but I hope yo [...] do not lay this Charge upon the whole Clergy of England

Whig. No, I know there are many religious, learned an [...] good Men amongſt them, and there will I hope be more if this Government continues: But that the Number [...] not ſmall who have refus'd the Oaths to this preſent Government, you cannot deny; and that moſt of the High-Church, as they call themſelves, thoſe who (as a learne [...] Doctor ſaid) have the Spirit of the Church in which the [...] were bred, tho they will not ſay with St. Paul, they have the Spirit of God *: Moſt of this Order, I ſay, profeſs to [19] [...]e the Oath of Allegiance to this King, as he is King [...] facto, not de jure. And by the Example of theſe Re [...]end Clergy-men, the Lay-Knaves and Fools are di [...]ted to take Oaths with mental Reſervations, and pri [...]e Interpretations and Diſtinctions. And having no [...]inciple but that of Self-Intereſt, in which caſe you [...]r renounce all Juſtice, all Humanity to your Fellow- [...]eatures; you profeſs Slavery to ſome, that you may [...]d it over others; yea renounce and trample upon all [...]ws to ſerve a Turn, make a Jeſt of Liberty and Proper [...] And to gratify your Pride or Avarice, you have be [...]ray'd your Country, perſecuted and murder'd your inno [...]nt Countrymen and Fellow-Citizens, ſold your Neigh [...]rs to the French King, and your Laws and Religion to [...] late Kings; and even from the ſame Principles have [...]en endeavouring to bring about the ſame Practices in [...]s Reign too; and in order to it, have been tempting [...]ur Lord and Maſter, in the Language of the Devil to [...] Saviour, All this will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down [...] worſhip me: and I hope he will anſwer you in his [...]rds upon that occaſion, Thou ſhalt not tempt the Lord thy [...]ng. Thus have I given you in few Lines an Account of [...]e Riſe, Principles and Practices of your Party, with [...]hich I could fill a Volume: But I conſider the Nation [...]eds only a general Hint to refreſh their Memory to [...]rticulars. For the Smart of the Wounds receiv'd in the [...]e Reigns from you, is yet moſt ſenſible to many honeſt [...]gliſh-men.

Tory. If this Devil of a Tory be ſo black as you paint [...]m, I wonder how he comes by ſo fair a Character, and [...] numerous a Party in the Nation, and ſo great a Coun [...]nance from all Courts of contrary Intereſts.

Whig. Fair Appearances, and great Numbers prove no [...]ing; the leudeſt Srumpets are often fair, and Fools and [...]naves have in all Ages out-number'd the Wiſe and Ho [...]eſt. How ye Tories came to have ſo great a Countenance [...]om the laſt Court, I have already ſhew'd, and will [...]ince you command me) ſhew you how ye became the [...]avourites of this Court too, even by the ſame Means, [...]nd the ſame Man, that made you Favourites in King [...]harles's Time. For the M. of C. after all his miſchie [...]ous Management of Affairs in that Reign, having by [...]n ill Fate to this poor Nation, got into ſome ſmall Pre [...]ence of Merit, by little Aſſiſtances he gave to the late Revolution; upon this he ſets up again for Miniſtry. But being apprehenſive that thoſe honeſt Gentlemen, who had [...]o bravely expos'd their Lives and Fortunes for the Re [...]emption of their Country, and were ſo well acquainted [20] with his Methods in the late Reigns, would be jealous o [...] his having too great a Credit with the King, he though [...] it his beſt play to begin with them; and from his firſ [...] coming to Court, labour'd to inſinuate Jealouſies into th [...] King of thoſe Gentlemen as Commonwealths-men, Haters [...] Monarchy, &c. and having likewiſe an implacable Pique t [...] Parliaments, for their Impeachment and Impriſonment o [...] him, he at the ſame time repreſents that part of the Government envious of the King's Power, and always endeavouring to make him a King of Clouts, a Duke o [...] Venice, &c. Thus by miſrepreſenting the King's be [...] Friends, he made way to bring in his old Practices, an [...] his old working Tools (whom he repreſented to be Me [...] of Buſineſs, and Friends to Monarchy) into this Cour [...] too; and being aſſiſted afterwards by the E. of N. an [...] ſome others, ye have indeed carry'd all before you: an [...] how much to the Intereſt of the Nation, and the Honou [...] of the King, let all the World judg, who have ſeen thi [...] poor Kingdom every year for this laſt four years brough [...] to a reaſonable Apprehenſion of being invaded from Abroad, and betray'd at Home; and in a word, to ſubſiſ [...] only by a Miracle.

Tory. All this rambling Story you have told is a wil [...] Suppoſition, and ſtraining the Intention of this nobl [...] Lord to your own malicious Purpoſe, who deſign'd nothin [...] more in bringing in theſe Gentlemen you call the King [...] Enemies, than by reconciling them to the King and hi [...] Government, to make the Foundation of it broader an [...] deeper: And I know not how this comes to be ſuch [...] Crime, and ſo ill Policy with us. I have heard, that Henr [...] the Fourth of France, who was eſteem'd a wiſe and politick Prince, thought it very good King-craft, to careſ [...] his Enemies of the League, and to make his Court to the Jeſuits.

Whig. And pray, what did he get by it? Did he ever gain either of them heartily into his Intereſt? Were not thoſe of the League ever ready to plot with the Spaniard, &c. againſt him? And for his dear Friends of the Church, not all his Renunciation of his old Religion, and his old Friends; not all his Gifts, his Careſſes, and his Courtſhip could reconcile them to him, or ſo much as ſave his Life, when they had it in their Power to deſtroy it. For thoſe jealous Gentlemen, the Jeſuits, never would believe they had his Heart, till it was ſent them in a Box to La * Fleche to be buried there.

[21] Tory. But notwithſtanding your Jeſuits Tale of a Tub, I [...] undertake that all the Tories (as you call them) in [...]land, both Clergy and Lay-men, ſhall take the Oaths [...] the King, and ſerve him heartily, provided he will [...] one thing.

Whig. What's that?

Tory. Utterly diſcard you Whigs, and give us the Penal [...]ws again upon the Fanaticks.

Whig. And would that make the Foundation of the Go [...]nment broader and deeper, as you talk'd juſt now? [...]ides, have you not heard a Story of one Sampſon, Sir, [...]o after he had reſign'd his Lock of Hair in which his [...]ength lay, was deliver'd up to his Enemies by thoſe he [...] truſted? But ſuppoſing what you propoſe (if gran [...]) might win you to be Williamites, were King James [...]d; yet I am miſtaken, if whilſt he lives, and the King [...] France continues as powerful as at preſent, you will ever [...] drawn by any Courtſhip, to engage ſo far in the Inte [...]ts of this Government, as to ſwear otherwiſe to the [...]ng than as King de facto, nor will you make your Re [...]nciliation to King James deſperate. Anſwer to this [...]int plainly and truly.

Tory. Wiſe Men will always ſecure a Retreat; and Self [...]eſervation is a firſt Principle with all Men. And as a [...]entleman ſaid wittily upon this occaſion, As long as the [...]overnment can maintain it ſelf, and will maintain me, [...]is ſure of me: But I have liv'd too long at Court to die [...] Martyr for any Monarch, and will always behave my [...]lf ſo in one Court, as to be well with the next. And [...]o perhaps this is not all that this Government might [...]aſonably wiſh from us, yet I can tell you they do not be [...]eve that they ſhall mend themſelves, by changing us for [...]u, for divers and ſundry Reaſons.

Whig. Pray let us have ſome of them.

Tory. Firſt, becauſe you are for a Commonwealth Go [...]rnment, and Haters of Monarchy.

Whig. That is, that we are mad Men, and void of all [...]ommon Senſe and Reaſon; for whoever hath either of [...]eſe, will know a Commonwealth to be a Chimera im [...]racticable, and impoſſible to be brought about in England. [...] Macchiavel be of any Authority, he ſays, in his 55th Chapter upon Government, That where there is not an Equa [...]ty in the Conditions and Eſtates of a People, it is impoſſible for [...]hat People or Nation to erect and ſettle a Commonwealth. He gives you Examples to confirm this, but I think there are ſome more to our purpoſe, as being more recent and nearer home. Upon the Revolt of the Low-Countries from the Spaniſh Yoke, it was neceſſary for them to put themſelves [22] under ſome Form of Government; and the For [...] being in their own free Choice, ſeven of the ſeventee [...] Provinces, who were a trading ſort of People, much upo [...] an Equality in their Condition and Fortune, and had fe [...] Families of Nobility or Gentry among them, fell naturally into a Commonwealth-Government: But the othe [...] ten Provinces, having great Numbers of Nobility and Ge [...] try, tho they were more immediately under the Tyran [...] of the Spaniard, and had been more particularly ſenſible o [...] D' Alva's Cruelty and Oppreſſion, notwithſtanding cho [...] rather to continue under the hated Government of Spai [...] than to accept of the Invitation the other ſeven Province [...] had made them of coming into the more hated Project of Commonwealth; ſo impoſſible it is to reconcile Men di [...] tinguiſh'd by Titles and Fortunes, to mix themſelves in common Level with the People upon any Conſideration o [...] Diſguſt whatſoever. And whoever will look over wh [...] paſs'd here in England from the Year 1648, to the Yea [...] 1660. will be yet more convinc'd of the Truth of th [...] Aſſertion, and of the Nonſenſe of any Commonwealth Deſign in this Nation. Perhaps there were never at an [...] time ſo many Men of ſtrong Inclinations for a Commo [...] wealth-Government as then, nor of greater Abilities t [...] effect ſuch a Deſign: And yet they found the Nobilit [...] Gentry and dignify'd Clergy ſuch a Rub in their way, i [...] no Art, no Force could remove; and at laſt they we [...] brought into that Confuſion and Diſorder by attempting i [...] that the very People and Army who were in this Projec [...] of a Commonwealth, and had overthrown the Monarch [...] in order to it, and could ſupport Cromwel in a ſingl [...] Perſon, yet after his Death ſaw a neceſſity of reſtoring th [...] Monarchy again, and aſſiſted towards it. But this wa [...] the Duſt which the two laſt Courts threw into the People Eyes, when they would make them blind to arbitrar [...] Power and Popery; and is now one great Artifice th [...] Jacobites depend upon, whereby to ſeparate the Friends [...] this Government from its Support, tho it will always be Jeft to underſtanding Men. I have heard a Story of Lady, who paſſing thro a Croud to her Coach, and havin [...] a rich Jewel on her Breaſt, cover'd the Jewel with one o [...] her Hands; which a Pickpocket in the Croud obſervin [...] ſteps up to her, and claps his Hand upon a Place belo [...] which he thought would oblige her to remove her Han [...] from her Breaſt, to defend it: But the Lady apprehendin [...] the Thief's Deſign, very prudently neglected the fall Attack, and apply'd both her Hands to the ſecuring he [...] Jewel, and by that means came off ſafe. And ſo Gentlemen, whenever you make your falſe Attack upon o [...] [23] [...]mmonwealth, we ſhall for the future take it for the [...]nal to us, that your real Aim is at our Liberties and [...]perties, and ſhall apply both our Hands and Hearts to [...] ſecuring thoſe Jewels of ineſtimable Price. But to be [...]ous, in our caſe the Whigs (as I ſaid in the beginning of [...] Diſcourſe) have given ſufficient Proof how little they [...]gn'd a Commonwealth, and how hearty they were to [...] Monarchy, in their ſtruggling ſo zealouſly to ſet the [...]wn on the King's Head.

Tory. We own you were for giving him the Name of a [...]g; but after all, ſpeak ſincerely, did you deſign to [...]e him any more than a King of Clouts, a Duke of Ve [...] or a Stadtholder?

Whig. We deſign'd to make him as great a King as the [...]ws of England and our antient Conſtitution make any [...]ng: And if you pretend to make him more, take the [...]nour of it. But, Sir, upon this occaſion your Party [...]e for making his preſent Majeſty leſs than either a Duke Venice, or a Stadtholder of Holland: For in propoſing to [...]e him a Regent, you make him only a Journy-man [...]g, a Subject to King James, and accountable to him. [...] what the Whigs did to deſerve being ſuſpected of a [...]mmonwealth Deſign, or of any Intention to leſſen the [...]g's juſt Power, I am yet ignorant.

Tory. You are wilfully ſo then; for what could the mea [...]g of the Convention be to ſettle the Revenue of the [...]wn from three Years to three Years, and to take away [...] Revenue of the Chimny-Mony, one of the faireſt Flowers [...] the Crown, but leſſening the King's Power, and making [...] Government precarious?

Whig. The Chimny-Tax being grown a Grievance more [...]ſible and more odious to the common People than any [...]er; and the Danger of being enſlav'd by giving ſuch [...]at Revenues (for Life) to the two laſt Kings (by [...]ch they were inabled to maintain Standing Armies, [...] to ſubſiſt without Parliaments) was ſo freſh in the [...]mories of all thinking Engliſhmen, and ſo apprehended [...] them, that the King's Friends thought it greatly for [...] Service to take away the Burden of the one, and the [...]prehenſion of the other from the People; and by uſing [...]ferent Methods to thoſe which had been follow'd in the [...]rmer Reigns, to make his preſent Majeſty's Government [...]re acceptable to all good Men, and that he might hereby [...]gn in the Hearts of his Subjects, and be diſtinguiſh'd by [...]em: which Method, if purſu'd, would have given us a [...]rer Proſpect of our Affairs, than at preſent I am afraid [...] have. But this is not the Intereſt of wicked Miniſters, [...]o when Kings take their Courſes, loſe theſe Dominion [24] over them: their Buſineſs is therefore to make Prin [...] jealous of Encroachments of Parliaments, of Comm [...] wealth Deſigns amongſt the People, to repreſent the Kin [...] Intereſt ſeparate from the Intereſt of his Subjects; a [...] then, to ingratiate themſelves with him, and raiſe th [...] ſelves in his Opinion for their Parts and Abilities, t [...] offer him Schemes of Politicks, to prevent Deſigns aga [...] him which were never thoght on. Thus theſe ho [...] Jago's firſt work a Prince up to Jealouſies and Hatred his People, by falſe Suggeſtions; and then, as a Rem [...] againſt the Miſchiefs they have ſuppos'd, put him u [...] Deſigns ruinous to his Country and himſelf. But in [...] mean time, by appearing thus zealous for what they [...] the King's particular Intereſt and Glory, they inſin [...] themſelves into ſome ſort of Princes Favour, they bec [...] Confidents of all Court-Intrigues, and grow great [...] rich; they diſpoſe all Offices, and cruſh all who are their Creatures, and at laſt come to awe and govern Ki [...] themſelves. As Waiting-Women, who when they h [...] debauch'd their Miſtreſſes by their mercenary Sollic [...] [...]tions, and are become the Truſtees of their Frailty, t [...] no longer taſt the Busk, nor bitter Reproofs for miſplac [...] a Pin or Patch; but from Servants become Miſtreſſes, Faults are then found with them, no Liberty deny'd the [...] even the Purſe, and the rich Petticoat is abſolutely at Waiting-Woman's Service, till at laſt they bring th [...] Miſtreſſes to Infamy and Beggary. And ſo to return the Miniſtry again; by this kind of Management t [...] make their Maſters Kings of Clouts, neceſſitous, miſera [...] and deſpis'd Princes. For Example; What made the [...] King James a King of Clouts, but thoſe evil Counſell [...] who put him upon a Deſpotick and Diſpenſing Pow [...] and propagating a Religion againſt Law; who put [...] upon preferring Papiſts and Iriſh, to Proteſtants and Engl [...] who advis'd his ſeizing Colleges and Charters, ſetting High-Commiſſion-Courts, and making Parliaments [...] Laws a Noſe of Wax? Deny this if you can, Mr. T [...] Nay, as to your Idol-King, Charles II. (who notwi [...] ſtanding I believe much the worſe of the two Broth [...] as ſinning againſt a better Underſtanding, and grea [...] Obligations) was it not by theſe Counſels and ſome theſe Counſellors, that this Gentleman was made a K [...] of Clouts too, from having all the Advantages at the t [...] of his Reſtoration that ever King was bleſs'd with? [...] was belov'd, delighted in, and courted by his Subjec [...] was reſpected Abroad, in Plenty and Power at Home; a [...] could direct the Votes of a Parliament with a Nod (m [...] than he could at laſt with his Exchequer) yet after [...] [25] this, in a few Years, by the Management of ſome of [...] preſent Evil Counſellors, who gave him ill Impreſſions [...]his Subjects, made him out of love with Parliaments, [...] poiſon'd him with lawleſs Power, and Love of Tricks [...] worſt of Poiſons to an Engliſh King) who, for their [...] filthy Intereſt, perſuaded him to ſell Dunkirk, break [...] Triple League, and enter into Meaſures with France, de [...]ctive to the Intereſt of this Nation, and of all Europe: [...] theſe Meaſures, I ſay, he at laſt became diſtaſteful to [...] Subjects, and was forſaken by a Parliament the moſt [...]ch'd to him, and in love with his Perſon to a Fault; ſo [...] at laſt his Neceſſities drove him to become a Penſioner France *. And if you will believe Mr. Dryden, his Poet [...]reat, he concluded his Reign in theſe miſerable Cir [...]ſtances, of being [deſpis'd Abroad, and living on Tricks [...] Home.] And how theſe Gentlemens Father and [...]ndfather were made Kings of Clouts by the like Mea [...]s and the like Miniſters, by endeavouring at lawleſs [...]ver, and laying aſide Parliaments, &c. even the Hiſto [...] of thoſe Times publiſh'd by their own Authority, [...]ke it out plainly. And now, Mr. Tory, if you pleaſe [...] will examine a little into the few Examples we have [...] Princes who have practis'd a contrary method to [...] before-mention'd one; we will inquire what Effects [...]t ſort of Government has produc'd, and we need go [...] farther, I think, than Queen Elizabeth's Reign, the [...]mediate Predeceſſor to the Scotiſh Race, to fetch a Com [...]iſon that will anſwer all Objections: And to give the [...]uty of her Government its due Luſtre, let us ſet it off [...]h the Difficulties that attended it, and ſurrounded it [...] the beginning. Let us conſider her in the firſt place— [...] the weaker Sex,—a Woman—having no right [...] tho a lawful Title;—the greateſt part of her [...]bjects of a contrary Religion to her—The Queen [...] Scotland, her next Neighbour, a Pretender to the [...]own—Ireland in open Rebellion: The King of Spain, [...] greateſt Monarch of Europe at that time, her mortal [...]emy and Invader—Plots and Conſpiracies by the [...]piſts againſt her at home—And no Ally abroad but [...]e Dutch, then an Infant State, and ſupported by her.— [...]d yet we ſee this poor weak Woman in the midſt of all [...]eſe Diſadvantages, abſolute and uncontroul'd at Home, [...]ful and glorious Abroad. This indeed ſeems very ex [...]ordinary; let us inquire therefore what Methods were [26] then practis'd in order to the producing ſuch wonder [...] Succeſs: Was it by corrupting Elections, or making P [...] ſioners of Parliament-Men?—No, for her Court [...] pleaded (as well in bar of being Parliament-Men as being Sheriffs) that they were the Queen's Servants: that by this we may reaſonably conclude there was nothi [...] to be got by it in thoſe Days.—Was it by imployi [...] her Siſter Queen Mary's Miniſters, or courting her Enem [...] the Papiſts?—No,—For ſhe made England too hot [...] the one, and adorn'd almoſt every Gibbet in the Nati [...] with her Juſtice upon the other.—Was it by a Standi [...] Army then?—Not that neither; for ſhe had no Art [...] nor no Guards, but her Gentlemen-Penſioners, and Y [...] men of the Guard. I know you'l ſay, How the Devil a [...] ſhe bring Matters about as ſhe did, without uſing any of [...] admir'd Methods of our late Times?—In good ſoo [...] even by ſo homely and plain a Receipt, that you'l lat [...] at me when I tell it you—Only—by loving, and co [...] ting the Love of her People, and not preferring Scotl [...] French, nor Iriſh Favourites to them (as in the late Reig [...]—By being juſt to their Rights and Liberties, and devot [...] to their Intereſts—By rewarding bountifully, and p [...] niſhing ſeverely—By encouraging honeſt Men, a [...]—browbeating State-Projectors and Trickſters; Kna [...] who perſuade Princes, that their Intereſt is ſeparate fr [...] the Intereſt of their People;—who counſel them ſtretch Prerogative, or be overfond of it;—who end [...] vour to breed unkind Thoughts in them to their be [...] Friends and honeſteſt Subjects. This ſort of Gentlem [...] were out at Heels in her time. She, like a truly wi [...] Woman, never ſeem'd fond of Deſpotick Dominion, n [...] of thoſe who flatter'd her with it, and put her upon i [...] for ſhe knew, that Nolo Dominari is the readieſt way [...] Power in England, and that it is ſooneſt found of thoſe w [...] ſeek it not.—She—wiſely thought, that to be th [...] Deliverer of Europe, was a greater Character than to b [...] Conqueror of it; and that it would be more truly glorio [...] to redeem one ſingle Town from Slavery, than to enſlav [...] the whole World. Not like ſome of her Succeſſor [...] who (unworthy to be Sovereigns of the Noble Order th [...] Kings of England wear) have choſen rather to be th [...] Dragon than St. George, rather to deſtroy than to defe [...] their Kingdoms. She never took Mony from her Subject [...] but ſhe gave them a Pennyworth for their Penny, an [...] was ſeldom nice in affording them ſuch Laws as the thought neceſſary to their Safety. For being well aſſur [...] or her own juſt intentions, ſhe never ſuſpected their And thus at laſt ſhe got an abſolute Power even over th [...] [27] [...]s,—as a good Wife gets a Power over her Husband, [...]oving and obeying him. And now I think I have ſuf [...]ently exemplify'd what ſort of Miniſters and Methods [...] are which make Princes great and glorious Monarchs, [...] which make them Kings of Clouts. And whether this [...]er Character belongs to the Whig or Tory, I ſubmit to [...] Judgment of every impartial and reaſonable Man. But [...]n with your Charge.

Tory. It is objected againſt you Whigs alſo, that you do [...] love the King's Perſon.

Whig. What an Accuſation haſt thou blunder'd upon, [...]n very Iriſh Tory, thou eternal Trifler! Not love the [...]g's Perſon!—'Tis a Thought fit only for a Chamber [...]d, when the Chaplain or Valet offer their Service to [...]. Kings are to be lov'd by Millions of their Subjects [...]o never ſee their Perſons (as Heaven is by Mankind) [...] their Providence and Care of their People, for the In [...]nces they diſpenſe of their Juſtice and Mercy, and for [...] univerſal Good and Benefits which they ſcatter amongſt [...]ir Subjects. And in this Point their Thoughts and [...]ſigns ſhould be God-like; and by any other ſort of [...]vers than theſe, any King will be as ſlenderly accom [...]ny'd in his Misfortunes, as King James was to Feverſham. [...]t beſide, this Accuſation is as falſe as it is fooliſh: pray, [...], Who ſhew'd the moſt early Inclination to the Prince [...] Orange's Perſon, the Whigs or the Tories? Who went [...]o Holland firſt, and begun the Project of the Prince of [...]ange's coming over hither, Whigs or Tories? Who put the [...]own upon his Head when he did come, Whigs or Tories? [...]t to come nearer to the Point; Did not the Whigs ſhew [...] moſt apparent Partiality to the Prince of Orange's Perſon [...] all the Points of the Settlement of the Crown, and [...]rticularly in giving it him for Life, overlooking at the [...]me time the P. of D's Title, and the Lineal Succeſſion? [...]id they not to a Man ſtand by the King's Authority in [...]e Debate concerning the P. of D's Revenue, and leave [...]e Diſpoſal of that Affair intirely to the King's Pleaſure? [...]nd now after four Years being us'd like the worſt of [...]nemies for all theſe Services; after being ſhut out from [...]eaking to the King, and almoſt from ſeeing him; after [...]eing diſcountenanc'd and frown'd upon, they have notwithſtanding (like the humorous Lieutenant) ever ſhew'd [...] grutching to his Grace upon the leaſt Incouragement or [...]nvitation; and have at the opening of every Seſſions, for three Winters ſucceſſively, ſtill been ready to ſwallow the [...]ame Sweetnings, and to be coaks'd by a Clap on the Cheek, like an old City Cuckold and Cully, and have been wrought into a Credulity, which nothing but their [28] Fondneſs and Dotage on the King's Perſon could ha [...] effected.

Tory. But you will not deny that you have ſometim [...] expreſs'd your ſelves peeviſhly concerning the King.

Whig. And what Lover that hangs or drowns himſ [...] for his Miſtreſs, does not do the ſame? Railing in a Lo [...] is an infallible Symptom that he is far gone in the Diſtemper; and no Woman ever yet reſented it when it ca [...] from that Cauſe. But our Court has not learn'd to diſtinguiſh between thoſe who are angry with them, in conce [...] for their Proſperity, and thoſe who ſeem'd pleas'd wi [...] them in hopes that they are in the way to Deſtructi [...] And to ſpeak plainly, Sir, the Partiality and Courtſh [...] which the King hath ſhew'd to you Tories, in ſpite of [...] your apparent Hatred of his Perſon, as well as your pr [...] feſs'd Diſlike of his Title and Government, and the Av [...] ſion he has ſhew'd to the Whigs, and Contempt of all the Advances and Addreſſes, has begotten ugly Reaſonings [...] jealous and prying Men, as if there were a Biaſs towar [...] the Principles of former Governments, rather than [...] thoſe this Government declar'd for, and ſet up upon: An [...] even the wiſe and well-meaning Tories begin once aga [...] to ſmell a T—d, when you hold it ſo near their Noſ [...] But come, proceed.

Tory. You are likewiſe accus'd of being wedded to [...] Party, and by that means will reduce his Majeſty to [...] King of a Faction only of his Subjects.

Whig. This will appear much otherwiſe, if you w [...] pleaſe to remember who brought in the E. of N. to b [...] Secretary of State, and many others of that Party, a [...] how few of your Faction were diſplac'd by the Whigs whe [...] they had Intereſt with the King. But this Charge wi [...] appear moſt foully true upon you, who by the baſeſt Ingratitude and Villany fell upon undermining thoſe wh [...] brought you into the Government the minute you wer [...] poſſeſs'd of the King's Ear. And yet you ſee, notwithſtanding all your barbarous Treatment of us, we have always come in chearfully to all Votes for Mony, all Loans and all other Meaſures to ſupport your Credit and the common Intereſt; till both are fallen ſo low, that the People Clamors were never ſo loud, nor their Diſſatisfaction never ſo great. You, like Solomon's Harlot, are for tearing the Government aſunder, if you may not have the Po [...] ſeſſion of it. We have ſhew'd on the other hand true motherly Tenderneſs, and conſented rather that it ſhould remain in your Poſſeſſion intirely, than be torn in piece [...] betwixt us; till it appear'd to all the World what a vile Step-mother you have been, and how you have ſtarv'd and [29] [...]s'd a Government worthy your moſt indulgent Tender [...]s and Care. And yet I am not for refuſing any Tory [...]t gives proof of his ſincere Repentance, and of a [...]ve to his Country, but with all my heart would give [...] ſhare of the fatted Calf to make the returning Pro [...]al welcome: tho I cannot but think it reaſonable, that [...] ſhould ſubmiſſively ſeek the Government, and not the [...]vernment ſubmiſſively ſeek you; that you ſhould own [...]r Sin againſt Heaven and againſt your Country, and [...]e Security of another courſe of Life for the future, [...] not juſtify your Faults, and perſevere in them. If I [...]ld ſee amongſt any of you the leaſt Conſideration for [...] common Good and Benefit of Mankind, and the univerſal Welfare of your Fellow-Creatures, to which you [...] bound by the Law of God and the Law of Nature, [...] to which all the Heathens, who were not barbarous, [...]d a moſt profound Reverence and Obedience, and pre [...]'d to all private Intereſt, to Wives, Children, Eſtate, [...] to Life it ſelf: If I can find any amongſt you a Lover [...] his Country, a ſincere Supporter of the Laws, Liber [...]s and Intereſt of the Engliſh Nation, I am as much his [...]rvant, tho he be a Not—m, a Ca—n, or a R—r, [...] if he were a Sh— [...], a Ru—ll, a Som—rs, or a [...]—d. But inſtead of ſhewing any regard to the In [...]reſt of the Nation, any Bowels for your Country, any [...]elf-denial in point of private Intereſt; have you not ſold [...]ur Country and their Birth-rights upon all Occaſions [...]ike Eſau) for a Meſs of Pottage? Have not ſome of [...]u put off Human Nature, Human Reaſon, and all common Honeſty ſo far, as to conſpire to bring in a French [...]ower, to gratify your private and perſonal Piques? To [...]ring in Popery and Slavery to rule over you, becauſe you [...]annot tyrannically rule over your Fellow-Subjects? Remember what the Presbyterians got by being ſo active in [...]eſtoring the two late Popiſh Kings, hoping to be reveng'd [...]hereby upon the Independents and other Diſſenters. Were [...]hey not mingled in the ſame Perſecution with the others, [...]ay more oppreſs'd and mark'd out for Wrath, as being more numerous and more conſiderable than any other Sect? [...]uſt ſo muſt the Church and their Proſelites expect to fare [...]rom the hands of their Popiſh Friends (whoſe Cauſe they [...]re ſo zealouſly propagating) they may admit them to the Honour of being the Cat's-foot, but not a bit of the Cheſ [...]ut. No Whig, no Fanatick, but will then have as fair Quarter (at leaſt) from King Lewis, as you; for King James I take to be only a Cypher and Property to your French Lord and Maſter, who when he has finiſh'd his Work, will finiſh his Life too. And do you Jure Divino, [30] you truly loyal Gentlemen, think that you will find mo [...] Favour then for being more attach'd to King James Intereſt? No, be aſſur'd, the moſt inveterate Enemies [...] King James will meet with as favourable a Treatment a [...] leaſt as you, who have profeſs'd your ſelves ſo violent [...] enamour'd of King James's Perſon, and of the right Line Reflect a little upon the King of France's Conduct at the time of the late Revolution: He knew long before the Prince of Orange's Deſign of making a Deſcent into England and could have prevented it a thouſand ways; but inſte [...] of that, he writes to Barillon, then his Ambaſſador [...] England, to know in what condition King James was [...] oppoſe the Prince's Forces. He being a Foreigner, an [...] judging only by outward Appearances, repreſents th [...] Army of King James ſufficiently powerful to reſiſt what Force the Prince of Orange could bring: whereupon th [...] French King believing that the Engliſh and Dutch wou'd b [...] this means weaken and deſtroy one another, and leave [...] fair Game for him the next Year againſt the Emperor and Flanders; and to take away all Apprehenſion from the Dutch of their needing an Army for their own Defence and to give all Encouragement to their Deſign upon England, he draws all his Troops from the ſide of Flanders and falls upon Philipsburgh: which Army if he had march' [...] towards the Spaniſh Frontiers in Flanders, the Dutch dur [...] not have tranſported a Man, and the whole Deſign of th [...] Deſcent had been at an end. From hence it is plai [...] what Friendſhip the French King had for his dear Brother King James, and what you may expect from this Man o [...] Honour and good Nature, when you have ſerv'd his turn [...] Come, grow wiſe and honeſt, and let us not divide under this or that Miniſtry, under this or that Faction or Party; but let us all unite againſt the common Enemy: let us make the Publick Intereſt, and the Support of the Government as it is eſtabliſh'd by Law, our chief and only Aim; and for all Projectors and Conſpirators, whether for a Commonwealth, or French Tyranny, or any other Tyranny, I wiſh they were all hang'd on the ſame Tree, the firſt for Fools, the others for Miſcreants and Villains. And thus much, and no more, am I for being wedded to a Party.

Tory. I own you have told us a fair Tale; but nothing i [...] prov'd, nothing appears undeniable, but your Venom and Enmity againſt the Church and her Friends.

Whig. If you mean the French Story needs proving, the Diſgrace of Barillon when he return'd to Verſailles upon the account of miſtaking and miſrepreſenting the Engliſh Affairs, is notorious: But beſides, the Story proves it ſelf [31] [...]e than a thouſand Witneſſes; and for the reſt, I have [...]ted nothing but what every Engliſh Man is knowing of. [...]d as for what you charge me with in relation to the [...]urch, I ſee little reaſon for it; unleſs, as St. Paul ſays, [...] account me your Enemy becauſe I tell you the Truth. [...] my part I reverence the Church of England as much [...] any Man: But I am not for ſacrificing the Laws and [...]erties of the Publick, nay the very Nation it ſelf, to a [...]eign Conqueſt, for the Sound of a word. I have a due [...]ect for the Prieſthood too, and am their Servant, but [...]er can ſubmit to be their Slave; I honour their Coat, [...] cannot be content to ſtrip my ſelf of mine in reſpect to [...] A moderate Reſpect is decent, and our Duty; more [...]ke to be Superſtition at leaſt, if not Idolatry: and to [...]ſhip a wooden Prieſt appears to me as bad as worſhip [...]g a wooden God.

Tory. Now you are running into your uſual Violence [...] Heat; and let me tell you as a Friend, it does you no [...]d neither with the Church nor Court, which latter has [...]ery low Opinion of thoſe Men who expreſs too much [...]rmth in what they ſay or do.

Whig. And therefore their Affairs have ſucceeded accor [...]gly. Let the Nation be Judg, Whether if Men of [...]rmth had been put in Office by our Miniſters, the [...]xes would not have been more juſtly and carefully col [...]ted, than they have been by thoſe lukewarm Mana [...]rs they have employ'd; who, like the unjuſt Steward, [...]en the King's due was an Hundred, bid their Neigh [...]urs write down Fifty? Or, do you think the Deputy [...]eutenants of Surry would have abſconded laſt Year, when [...]ey were order'd to raiſe the Militia upon King James's [...]ming down to Normandy, if they had been Men of [...]armth to the Government? Or that King James's [...]iends would dare to profeſs their Opinions, and carry [...] their Deſigns ſo publickly? That they would preſume [...] inſult the Government in every Coffee-houſe; nay, in [...]e Mall and Whitehall it ſelf? That they would dare to [...]reaten you to your teeth, as they do, with Invaſions, [...]eſcents and Rebellions; or would venture to correſpond [...]ith France, and go forward and backward every day to [...]ing James; nay, raiſe Regiments of Horſe and Foot un [...]er your noſes for a Rebellion, if Men of Warmth and [...]eal were in the Government? But it is from hence [...]hat all theſe Inſolences take their Riſe, that the Enemies [...]f the Government are come from hating it, to deſpiſe it; [...]hat its Friends are diſcourag'd to appear for it, and that [...]hoſe Officers and Soldiers who in King Charles's time [...]ould have broken the Heads of thoſe whom they heard [32] reflect upon the King's Perſon or Government, will [...] this Reign hear both treated very odly; not that t [...] want Affection to either, but out of a fear to offend, [...] ſhewing themſelves Men of warmth and Partymen, th [...] Characters being ſo abominable to our Court.

Tory. You Whigs have been the occaſion of all this t [...] for you were ſo irreconcilable to ſome Miniſters of St [...] at the beginning of the Revolution, becauſe they h [...] made a few ſlips in the late Reigns; or perhaps beca [...] they had hang'd ſome of your Friends, a Father, or B [...] ther, or ſo; that you forc'd them to take in ſome Perſo [...] whom they themſelves thought not very proper for t [...] Government: But if you will run a Man down, he [...] ſupport himſelf at any rate; for Men are but Men. A [...] withal I believe they hop'd that a Place would buy a [...] Party out of their Principles, and that all whom th [...] brought into the Government, would be oblig'd by th [...] means to be for the Government.

Whig. This is very far fetch'd, Mr. Tory, tho it is t [...] the firſt time I have heard it. But as to the firſt part [...] this Paragraph, the Matter of Fact is falſe: The Wo [...] were willing to forget all paſt Miſcarriages, and be reco [...] cil'd to any Miniſter that could be honeſt, as I ſhew [...] you before. But theſe Gentlemen quickly convinc'd a [...] the World, that they were grown ſo old and ſtiff in the former Miſchiefs, that they were capable of no oth [...] Bent or Impreſſion, but what they had taken in the la [...] Reigns. And it was plain to every Man who had Ev [...] that they were no ſooner in the Miniſtry, but they fe [...] into their old Schemes, which no honeſt Man could com [...] into; and which I am afraid the Court has not found th [...] good Effects from, which theſe Evil Counſellors promis' [...] It's true, by giving Places to all that were ſupple an [...] complying, you have brought in the Knaves of all Parties But ſince that which brings them into the Service of th [...] Government, is their own Intereſt, and not that of th [...] Government; it will be reaſonable for our Rulers to expect, that the whole Deſign of ſuch Men will be rathe [...] how to ſerve themſelves of the Government, than ho [...] to ſerve it. To conclude, Sir, notwithſtanding all yo [...] have ſaid in excuſe of your Miniſters and their Method [...] I cannot but remain in my firſt Opinion, That the Men [...] eaſy Phlegm, born on the Confines of Indifference, as Sir Samue [...] Tuke in F—ch-like Fuſtian deſcribes our lukewarm Neutrals are not fit Men to be employ'd in our Government, as the Caſe ſtands at preſent, but will prove as deſtructive to i [...] as downright Jacobites.

[33] Tory. All this is taking things for granted which we [...]y, and accuſing Men of what you do not prove; and [...] were ſo, you confeſs there are Knaves of your Party

Whig. The Truth of what I ſay in relation to your Par [...]is ſo notorious to all the World, that it would be as [...]ertinent to go about proving it, as to prove there is [...]n; even you your ſelves have confeſs'd, and preten [...] to repent of your Principles and Practices in King [...]mes's time, tho you are now return'd to your Vomit. [...] as to what you ſay of our having Knaves amongſt us, [...]uſt confeſs it too true; and am as much afflicted as [...] can be, that any Whig ſhould invade your undoubted [...] ſole Right of being Knaves, and ſelling and betray [...] their Fellow-Subjects. But yet we hope we may claim [...] diſtinction to be made betwixt our Party, who not only [...]feſs, but have maintain'd to the death the Religion, [...]ghts and Libertys of their Country; and yours, who [...] King Charles's and beginning of King James's Reign [...]e up all theſe things; and who, tho you are employ'd [...] and ſworn to the preſent Government, made publick [...]joicings at the Slaughter of our Armies and Deſtruc [...]on of our Fleets. If the Whigs have the misfortune of [...]me Knaves profeſſing themſelves of their Party; our [...]viour himſelf had a Judas amongſt his Twelve, and [...]t that did not at all diſcredit the Doctrine and [...]inciples of the Apoſtles; nor does our having ſome [...]naves among us, make it as reaſonable and equal to ad [...]ere to your Party, that are the profeſs'd Enemies of [...]eir King and Country, as to depend on thoſe who [...]ave generally in all times and on all Occaſions declar'd [...]heir Affection to their Country, Love of its Laws and [...]eligion, and have ſince the Revolution ſhew'd their Zeal [...]or the preſent Eſtabliſhment.

Tory. Juſt now you ſeem'd to agree to a Comprehenſion, [...]nd were for welcoming the Prodigals, as you call'd them; [...]ow you are for excluding them again.

Whig. No, I am for receiving any Tory, as I told you, [...]hat ſeeks the Government, and becomes a true Penitent: [...]ut I would not have the Government ſeek them, nor would I have them entruſted in this critical time without ſome marks of their Repentance and Regeneracy; and by our Eaſineſs give them the Opportunity of ſelling us to the French K. or K. James, as I fear ſome of 'em do at this time.

Tory. All that's Malice and Stuff, and not reaſonably to be apprehended: And I tell you once more, it is the Opinion of ſome wiſe Men, that the King cannot follow [34] a more fatal Counſel than to confine himſelf to any on [...] Party of his Subjects.

Whig. Then your Patrons have been adviſing him fatall [...] theſe four Years; for they have been perſuading the Kin [...] to throw himſelf intirely into your hands.

Tory. They never refus'd to receive any Whig, tha [...] would comply, and come under their Protection; but [...] the King will chuſe any one Party, I think we of th [...] Church are the moſt numerous and conſiderable, and ar [...] fitteſt as ſuch to be employ'd by him.

Whig. Now you are retir'd into your Sanctuary, th [...] Church, you think you are ſafe, and it is indeed dangerou [...] purſuing you: But however I'll venture it; and ſince yo [...] force me, I muſt repeat again ſome of thoſe Argument [...] I have given you already, why you are not fit to b [...] truſted by this Government. Firſt, you Tories do no [...] believe your ſelves King William's Subjects, and therefor [...] are very unfit to be employ'd by him as his Servants Secondly, it cools the Affections of the People, to ſe [...] thoſe employ'd in Places of higheſt Truſt, who they hav [...] a Demonſtration are not for the Government even whe [...] they are in it. And by this Method it is plain the King (according to the Fable) loſes his Shoulder of Mutton, by catching at the Shadow; and by aiming at both Parties, he has neither.

Tory. I confeſs I am for the King's relying on one Party as much as you are (tho not yours) but however, there are great and wiſe Men, as I told you, of another Opinion; and I have heard it ask'd, Why this method of uniting all Parties ſhould not have as good an effect here as in Holland, for there the Prince of Orange reconcil'd all to the common Intereſt?

Whig. I'll tell you why: Firſt, it appears all Parties there ſincerely intended the Good of the Government; which, it is too plain, is not your caſe. Secondly, Neither Party had any other Head to repair to, as you Tories have. The Prince of Orange had no pretending Rival to the Right of Stadtholder; but the King has here a Rival, a Father-in-Law, who pretends a Right to the Crown, who is ſupported by the greateſt Power that ever was known in Europe, ſo as to make the Event appear doubtful, even to thoſe who are moſt zealous to this Government. And by this means the Friends of King James are encourag'd to be firm to his Intereſts, and Neutrals; nay, and even his fearful Enemies are frighted from acting with a Zeal againſt him. Is this a time then to be trying Experiments, to put our ſelves and our Affairs into the [35] hands of Men bred up, and principled againſt the Deſign of this Government? Is this a time to reconcile our [...]lves to our Enemies, and to take Men out of Plots, and place them in our Cabinet? No ſure, with my Lord N—'s leave, this is not the time. In this time of danger, thoſe who have been the antient and declar'd Enemies of King James, and who have moſt reaſon to expect being hang'd if he return, are moſt fit for the King to rely on. But when theſe Difficulties are maſter'd, as much Comprehenſion as you pleaſe. In the mean time your Education in Toryiſm, your Obligations to King James, and, which is more than both, your preſent Hopes from him, will make you ſo averſe to this Government, that no Favour, no Courtſhip can engage you heartily in its Intereſts; and it is nonſenſe to expect you ſhould fight for a Title you have always declar'd to diſapprove of.

Tory. You are always harping upon that ſtring: But [...]ppoſing we do not approve of the making him King, [...]t we know how to obey Kings when they are made; but [...]u, after you have made a King, are uſing him like your [...]reature, clipping his Power, and finding fault with his [...]onduct. For my part, if I were a King, I would ſooner [...]give a Man that diſlik'd my Title, than one who diſlik'd my Conduct.

Whig. Why then, Mr. Tory, you would be none of the [...]ſeſt Princes: For he who finds fault with your Conduct may be your Friend, but he who finds fault with your Title muſt be your Enemy, or elſe a Knave, and acts againſt his Conſcience. But how does this Article appear, of the Whigs being diſſatify'd with the King's Conduct in any point, but in his employing you, and the Conſequences of it? Is it from giving chearfully whatever [...]ums were demanded in Parliament? Is it being ready to advance Mony upon the moſt remote Funds, in offering their Perſons to the Publick Service in all times of Danger, notwithſtanding all Browbeatings and Diſcouragements; by breaking all Meaſures with King James and [...]is Party, that they diſcover their Diſlike and Diſſatiſ [...]ction to the King or his Government? But if they [...]iſapprove that the Friends of King James ſhould be King William's Miniſters, that thoſe ſhould be plac'd in all Offices who hate him and betray him, will he have reaſon to take their Diſlike of this part of his Conduct ſo very unkindly from them, as to forgive it leſs than your re [...]ouncing his Right and Title to the Crown? But you Tories have got a Trick of bringing Kings into your Quarrels (as the Prieſts do God Almighty into theirs) and [36] by placing them before you, hope to make your ſelve [...] ſafe, not caring how much you expoſe them: and you impudently place your own Crimes unfairly upon others and whilſt you your ſelves are daily libelling and lampooning the King's Perſon and Conduct moſt maliciouſly and triumphing in all his Misfortunes ingratefully (witneſ [...] the publick Inſolences at the Bath and Windſor, upon th [...] late Defeat in Flanders) you according to your wonte [...] Modeſty, charge the Whigs with your own Faults; and avoid being Criminals, by turning Accuſers.

Tory. I know not what ſome hot-headed drunken Me [...] may have ſaid and done at the Bath or elſewhere; b [...] this I know, that a whole Party ought not to ſhare th [...] Miſcarriages of ſome few particular Men.

Whig. You are in the right if that were the caſe; b [...] it is undeniable, that this Inſolence is univerſal, and eve [...] amongſt thoſe of you employ'd and paid by the Government.

Tory. This is a ſore place I find you are ever complaining of. But why are you angry with us for being i [...] Places? Did we ſeek them? Were we not ſought, cou [...] ted, intreated to accept of Employments? And ſinc [...] you provoke me, I'll tell you the reaſon: The King foun [...] none of you Whigs capable of or fit for Buſineſs; he ſa [...] you too of a ſour, moroſe Temper, jealous of Prerogativ [...] affecting Popularity, childiſhly fond of Trifles, and t [...] nacious of lawleſs Liberty; whilſt we are frank and ea [...] in all theſe matters, and know the reſpect that is due t [...] Crown'd Heads.

Whig. That is, when they are rightful!

Tory. Come, you will make no Prince have the wor [...] Opinion of us for that: The Right Line, Paſſive Obedien [...] and Non-reſiſtance, Prerogative, &c. will always ſound we [...] in every King's Ear. And when he conſiders us Enemi [...] to his Title only out a Principle of Loyalty, he will hav [...] reaſon rather to accuſe his own Misfortune, than o [...] Vertue: we plainly and honeſtly told him our Principle [...] that we believ'd him a King de facto only; and our H [...] nour in this point made him rely upon our Honour [...] others.

Whig. Let us examine then how honourably, how grat [...] fully you have behav'd your ſelves to a King who ha [...] rely'd on you, and oblig'd you ſo extremely. We will pa [...] by thoſe who refuſe to ſwear Allegiance to him on th [...] fore-mention'd honourable Pretences, and only mentio [...] thoſe who have accepted Employments of Profit and Truſ [...] Have not even thoſe in the Government, both in Englan [...] [37] and Scotland, been plotting the Dethroning this King, who has truſted them ſo generouſly, and courted them ſo [...]indly? Particularly, did not one of your Party at the beginning of this Government give notice to the King's Enemies of Warrants againſt them, in order to their making their eſcape, and was diſcharg'd his Employment upon it? Did not a Brother of a certain Secretary give but blank Paſſes under the Hand and Seal of that Secretary, by which a Correſpondence was carry'd on betwixt this Place and France ſecurely? And was not this Gentleman on this account laid aſide gently and privately, and this matter huddled up for fear of any Reflection on our Monarchical Favourites, and put on the Publick as Paſſes forg'd (as indeed they were by our own Officers) and a lame Proclamation put out with Rewards to the Diſcoverer, but without a Pardon for Life, when they knew the whole matter before-hand? Have not ſome Women lately been taken going to France (with Letters [...]o King James) with a Scotiſh Secretary's Paſs, under his Hand and Seal? Was not an Officer of the Poſt-Office [...]ately found correſponding with France, and without any other Puniſhment for his Capital Crime, laid aſide gently and privately? The Story of Captain John Layton, late Commander of the St. Albans, and which has been told [...]n the Houſe of Commons, will ſhew you how faithfully [...]ou Tories ſerve the Government, and how fit you are [...]o be truſted. Captain Layton being order'd to cruiſe twenty Leagues off Ʋſhant, by a Storm of Wind was driven to Cape Clear, where he met a French Privateer, and took her: The Captain of the Privateer ask'd Layton the Name of his Ship, which he told him; upon this the Privateer looking into his Pocket-Book, ask'd Layton how he came there, for by his Intelligence the Station of the St. Albans was to be twenty Leagues from Ʋſhant, and no further. And the like Story is told of a Tranſport-Ship going to France with Priſoners ſome few Months ago, who meeting with divers Privateers, ask'd them how they durſt be ſo bold as to cruiſe there, when four Engliſh Men of War were within ſix Leagues of them? they reply'd, they knew the Station of thoſe Engliſh, and that they could not come where they were a cruiſing but by breaking their Orders. But the relation of the Sailor who was taken, and for ſome time ſerv'd aboard an Iriſh Privater, is yet more remarkable, for he depoſeth, That they told him (three Months before the Straits Fleet fail'd from Spithead) both the time when they were to ſail, the number of their Convoy, and likewiſe [38] that the main Fleet was to go no further than beyo [...] Ʋſhant. Now how they could come by this Intelligenc [...] but from Officers imploy'd by and ſworn to the Gover [...] ment, I know not; and if ſo, how faithfully and hono [...] rably you Tories ſerve thoſe who truſt you, and how [...] you are to be imploy'd in this critical Time, I appeal [...] all the World.

Tory. Theſe are malicious Stories; and if ſtrictly e [...] quir'd into, will prove falſe I dare ſay.

Whig. Whenever there is a Committee of indiffere [...] Men order'd to take the Examination, I am inform [...] all this will be prov'd, and much more: and how reaſonable it is to expect this and any other Treachery fro [...] you, will appear probable to thoſe who ſee you in a [...] Offices daily and publickly drinking King James's Health [...] who ſee one Clerk going to a non-ſwearing Doctor, t [...] take Advice, whether he may ſerve the Government a [...] a writing Clerk without Damnation to his Soul? Ye [...] replies the Doctor, for thereby you keep out an i [...] Man, and may ſerve your rightful King upon occaſion To ſee another Clerk valuing himſelf to his Companions, that his Place, thank God, does not oblige him to take the Oaths to the Government. To ſee Officer [...] of the greateſt Truſt in the Admiralty in Clubs twic [...] a Week with Mr. P—ps, Mr. Ew—rs, and othe [...] known Jacobites, and from Saturday to Monday conſtantly living with them Night and Day.

Tory. I know who you mean, one of them is a Nephew to one of the Gentlemen, and expects 40000l. from him and would you have him renounce ſuch an Expectance i [...] conſideration of your Place?

Whig. No, but I would have the Government renounce ſuch an Officer, that had ſuch an Expectation from ſuch an Uncle.

Tory. But where could you get ſuch able Officers, if theſe were diſcharg'd?

Whig. As the Caſe ſtands, one honeſt Man will be of more ſervice than ten ſuch able Men: The Forms of Buſineſs will be quickly learn'd, and want of Experience will be leſs fatal to us, than want of Fidelity. Moſt of the Under-Places require a very indifferent Underſtanding, and little Experience to carry on the Buſineſs: And if you aſcend to the Miniſtry, I cannot help thinking my Lord Sh—y, or Sir J. T—d as able Secretaries as the E. of N. and Mr. R—ll as able an Admiral as Mr. K. &c. What is it your able Men have done for us, pray, theſe four Years? Was [39] ever any Government in ſo promiſing a Condition, as ours was at the time of the Revolution? Were we not the Hopes of all our Allies, and the Terrour of our Enemies? And is not the caſe alter'd with us? I fear it is. To be plain, a Miniſtry from Wapping could not have made worſe work on't than yours have done. Miniſters who know not ſo much as what Mony their Affairs will require, but ask the Parliament too little, and manage it ſo as to make it leſs: That want Intelligence ſo much, that Matters of the greateſt Conſequence have been publick in every Coffee-houſe three Days before it comes to the Secretary's Office; particularly the loſs of our Merchants Fleet, and beating our Army in Flanders: As if (as one ſaid) Secretaries, like Cuckolds, were to know their Diſhonour and Misfortunes laſt. Then the Return of our Fleets for want of Proviſions, laying out Mony in falſe Expeditions, and [...]anting it thereby in true Neceſſities; imperfect Or [...]rs, from whence proceeds imperfect Execution; and [...]ſides, they prove an Excuſe to Officers even in the [...]oſt fatal Miſcarriages; with a thouſand more Miſma [...]gements and Treacheries from the top to the bottom of the Miniſtry, too tedious to relate here.

Tory. And do you think the Government would be [...]tter ſerv'd at this time by Novices and Strangers to [...]uſineſs?

Whig. I have anſwer'd you that before: I think it would be much better ſerv'd by ignorant Friends, than underſtanding Enemies; tho I am far (at the ſame time) from granting you that Point, for I am ſure there are more Men of Senſe and Capacity to be found amongſt the Whigs than amongſt the Tories; and that Experience is not of ſuch mighty Conſequence as you would infer, will appear, if you will pleaſe to call to mind the Men employ'd in Publick Affairs by Cromwel. Was ever Government better ſerv'd than his? and yet he choſe Men of the moſt private Condition, and one would have thought moſt unqualify'd for Publick Buſineſs, Taylors, Draymen, broken Shop-keepers, raw Scholars, and ſome few of the middling Gentry. But being careful to chuſe Men principled againſt the Government of King Charles, and zealous for the Intereſt of the Government then on foot; they did Wonders, ſupported their Friends, and were awful to their Enemies; and this with all the Nobility, Gentry and Clergy, both Church of England and Presbyterian, in perpetual Combinations and Conſpiracies againſt them at home, and a War in Ireland, [40] Scotland, Holland, and Spain too, upon their hands. [...] you have an Inſtance of it in this Government, in [...] Perſon of one of your Secretaries of Scotland, who [...] bred in a very private way) has ſhew'd himſelf a [...] ſucceſsful Stateſman, and of great conſequence to [...] Welfare of the King's Affairs in that Country, and [...] merely from his incorruptible Honeſty, Zeal and Integ [...] to the preſent Government, without Experience or g [...] Inſight into Buſineſs.

Tory. I muſt grant there is ſomething in what [...] ſay, Union and Integrity will do great Matters: [...] you Whigs cannot pretend to this, for you are not [...] of you in the ſame mind; you have no Governme [...] no Diſcipline in your Party, no Firmneſs to one a [...] ther, or to any Point: Your great P. F—y t [...] Cadet, and carries Arms under the General of the [...] Saxons; the two Har—ys, Father and Son, are En [...] neers under the late Lieutenant of the Ordnance, a [...] bomb any Bill, which he has once reſolv'd to red [...] to Aſhes, tho it were for Recognition, or any thi [...] elſe that is moſt neceſſary to our Security: Your J [...] S. and Jack G. whenever they touch Penny, will to [...] Pot too, and drink all in the Bowl, be it ever [...] deep. And beſides this, you are always laughing, [...] ſpiſing or railing at one another; ſome of you are t [...] wiſe, ſome of you too witty, and ſome of you too [...] neſt for the reſt; jealous and envious of one anothe [...] Favour and Preferment, every Man thinking himſ [...] fitteſt to be at the Head of Affairs, and hating and [...] flecting upon thoſe who are ſo, and deſpiſing to be [...] vern'd or directed by them. And at the ſame ti [...] thoſe who are at the top diſdaining to look down upo [...] thoſe below them, tho they were the ſteps by whi [...] they did aſcend; they grow ſtately to their Frien [...] and unmindful of their Fortunes, impatient of Addreſſ [...] hard of Acceſs, huddling into little Cabals, where th [...] are wiſe and witty among themſelves: Whilſt we To [...] on the contrary have but one Heart, one Voice, o [...] Purſe and one Intereſt; excuſe and juſtify one anothe [...] Faults, prefer the meaneſt Fool or Knave of our Pa [...] ty; and in return the Underlings are every Man in [...] perfect Obedience to his Superior, to vote, rail, write [...] talk according to Direction, and not otherwiſe.

Whig. I own there is too much Truth in what y [...] ſay, and you ſpeak Truth ſo ſeldom, that we ought [...] allow it you when you do: But I hope we have ſeen t [...] Error of our Diſunion, and ſhall mend it for the futur [...] [41] [...] however we may have had perſonal Differences, [...] likewiſe may have been too much divided, and too [...]inate in ſome Opinions, yet ſtill in all Times, and [...]er all Diſcouragements, we have all agreed to the [...]e end, viz. the Publick Good of our Country, and [...] Support of its Laws and Liberties; and in this pre [...]t Reign have been and are unanimous againſt King [...]mes and his Intereſt, and have at all times with one [...]nſent own'd his preſent Majeſty, Rightful and Law [...], which I take to be the Shibboleth, to diſtinguiſh [...]ſe who are alone fit to ſerve this Government. And [...] there be an Act of Recognition in force, I will be [...]d to ſay, all the other Steps of our ableſt and ho [...]ſteſt Stateſmen will be upon boggy Ground; nor can [...]y Man be reaſonably employ'd in any Office who [...]s not taken this Teſt: for whoever thinks King Wil [...]m not rightful, muſt think King James is ſo; and the [...]me Conſcience which leads them to believe him right [...]l, will incline them to aſſiſt that Right when they [...]ve opportunity. But to return to the Point of your [...]harge, we muſt confeſs likewiſe that we have not been [...] much under the Government of our Superiours as [...]ou are, nor ſo induſtrious in ſupporting each other's [...]ivate and particular Intereſts. But to the firſt I [...]ight anſwer, That Fools and Beggars are more eaſily [...]d by the Noſe than Men of Senſe and Eſtates: [...]nd as to the latter, I muſt put you in mind, that [...]e Societies of Ignatius and of Newgate are both of [...]hem as much united as you, in univerſal Miſchief; [...]r Roguery makes a ſtronger Glew and Cement than [...]ertue, becauſe there are more Men capable of the [...]ormer than of the latter. And tho it were to be [...]iſh'd, that the Whigs were more friendly, and had more [...]oncern for the Support of one another in all their ho [...]eſt Pretences; yet God forbid there ſhould ever be ſuch [...] Friendſhip and Partiality amongſt them, as to con [...]emn and diſgrace thoſe who gain Victories, becauſe [...]hey are not of their Party; and to ſupport and de [...]nd thoſe who have loſt the Ships, Trade and Honour of the Nation, becauſe they are their Creatures. But on the other ſide, where it is without offence to Juſtice and the Publick Intereſt, all Unanimity and Friendſhip [...] to be admir'd, prais'd and pray'd for; and I hope you [...]ill find it amongſt us for the future, till it becomes [...]he Subject of your Envy, inſtead of being an occaſion of [...]eproach. To put an end to this Argument: 'Tis plain [...]ith all your Friendſhips, and Union, [...]nd other Politicks, [42] you have brought the Nation, and all its Allies, to [...] loweſt Condition both in Power and Reputation. [...] have almoſt put it out of the Skill of any Condu [...] recover us; and whoever now takes the Adminiſtra [...] of Affairs upon them, will be apply'd to the Gov [...] ment, like Pidgeons to the Feet of dying Men. [...] however to thoſe who are true Lovers of their C [...] try, no Time ſeems too late to attempt its Relief, [...] Difficulty ſo great as to diſcourage them from endea [...] ring it; and tho as the Caſe ſtands, it is more [...] probable, we may miſcarry under the beſt Conduct, [...] it is undeniable we muſt miſcarry under yours. An [...] I take my leave.

The firſt Inſtance I have met of their Modeſty.
A College of Je [...]its in Anjou.
A fine Character for an Engliſh King.
A new Diſtinction our Stateſman have lately found out.
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TextGrid Repository (2020). TEI. 4327 A dialogue betwixt Whig and Tory Wherein the principles and practices of each party are fairly and impartially stated. University of Oxford Text Archive. . https://hdl.handle.net/21.T11991/0000-001A-57EA-B