[]REMARKABLE OCCURRENCES, That could not be ſo well ranged Alphabetically.
Before Chriſt.
4004. ON the 4th day of the creation, at noon, according to Kennedy, the earth firſt received its diurnal motion.
3015. Univerſal corruption overſpread the world. Deſtruction of men reſolved on.
1921. The number of falſe divinities multiplying, gave occaſion to the vocation of Abraham.
604. By order of Necho, king of Egypt, ſome Phoenicians ſailed from the Red Sea round Africa, and returned by the Mediterranean.
331. A great many Roman ladies poiſoned their huſbands; 170 of them ſuffered death for it. This was the firſt example of ſuch a crime.
After Chriſt.
[2]26. Nine hundred Roman ſoldiers taking ſhelter in a wood, having been cut to pieces, after a noble defence, by the Friſians, a people beyond the Rhine, it had ſuch an effect on the Roman army in general, that 400 other ſoldiers that had retreated within a houſe, fearing they ſhould be betrayed, killed each other to a man.
47. A new iſland appeared in the Aegean ſea.
48. On enquiry, there was found to be 1,544,000 citizens in Rome.
70. After Jeruſalem was taken, Fle [...] defended a ſtrong fortreſs with 960 of his moſt deſperate fol⯑lowers. When the battering ram had made a breach, they turned their ſwords againſt their wives and chil⯑dren, and then againſt their own breaſts. They died to the laſt man.
74. On examination, ſeveral perſons at Rome were found to be 100, 120, 130, 131, 1 [...]2, 138, and 140 years old, and two were advanced to 150.
195. About this time, Plautianus, the favourite miniſter of Severus, emperor of Rome, that his daughter, in her marriage with the oldeſt ſon of the emperor, might be attended with a train of eunuch [...], worthy of an Eaſtern queen, ordered 100 free Romans, ſome of them married and fathers of families, to be caſtrated.
200. About this period, it was the univerſal opinion both of the church and the heretics, that the fallen angels, or daemons, were the authors, the pa⯑trons, and the objects of idolatry.
291. There was a darkneſs at Rome at noon day.
389. At Rome, a pillar of fire was ſeen in the air during 30 days.
424. The Perſian army, fearing they ſhould be cut off by the Romans, threw themſelves into the Euphrates, where upwards of 100,000 periſhed.
770. Conſtantine IV. ſent for a great number of friars and nuns to Epheſus, ordered them to change their black habits for white, and to deſtroy their [3]images; and, on their refuſal, he commanded their eyes to be put out, baniſhed them, and ſold their monaſteries.
800. About this time, Charlemagne, emperor of Rome and Germany, inſtituted the ceremony at Eaſter, of a Chriſtian's giving a Jew a box on the ear, which was afterwards carried to that exceſs, as to deſtroy the Jew by the blow. This cuſtom, about the beginning of the 12th century, was changed into a tax, and appropriated to the canons of St. Sernin.
996. Otho III. emperor of Germany, having be⯑headed an Italian count, on a falſe accuſation of his empreſs, that he had made an attempt upon her honour, ordered her to be burnt alive, and condemned himſelf in a great fine, which he paid to the count's widow.
998. Kyrie-cle [...] and Paralipomenon were accounted two eminent ſaints of the church, and he who could read Greek paſſed for a ſorcerer.
1057. The cuſtom for the lord to lie the firſt night with the bride of his tenant, was very common in Scotland and the North of England; but it was ab⯑rogated by Malcolm III. at the inſtance of his queen, and a mark was paid to the lord in lieu of it. This cuſtom was called Marcheta. The maiden rents paid at Builth, in Radnorſhire, are of the ſame kind. It was common in France, 1280.
1113. The water of the river Medway failed ſo much, that the ſmalleſt boats could not float in the channel: alſo, the Thames was ſo low, between the Tower and the bridge, that women and children waded it over; owing to ſo great an ebb in the ocean, that laid the ſands bare ſeveral miles from the ſhore, which continued a whole day.
1114. During this year, ſeveral bridges in Eng⯑land, being then of timber, were broken down by the ice, when it thawed, after a ſevere froſt.
1120. One hundred and fifty nobles and the king's ſon loſt at ſea, in coming from Normandy.
[4]1140. In the civil wars in Germany, when the emperor Conrade had beſieged the town of Weinſ⯑berg, the wife of Guelpho, duke of Bavaria, ſolicited, as an article of capitulation, a ſafe conduct to her and the other women in the town; which being complied with, each woman took her huſband on her back, and ſo marched out of the place; the emperor was ſo pleaſed with the thought, that he entertained them ſplendidly about his tent.
1160. Thirty German heretics came to England, to propagate their opinions. They ſaid they were Chriſtians, but denied baptiſm, the Lord's ſupper, and matrimony; for which they were condemned by a council of biſhops at Oxford, and delivered over to the ſecular arm. Accordingly, they were marked in the forehead with a red-hot iron, whipped and thruſt out of doors naked, in the midſt of winter, where, none daring to relieve them, an order having been publiſhed to the contrary, they died of hunger and cold.
1179. At Chriſtmas, at a place called Oxen-hall, near Darlington, in the biſhopric of Durham, the earth raiſed itſelf up like a lofty tower, and remained ſeveral hours in that poſture; on a ſudden, it ſunk down again, with a horrid noiſe, and the earth ſo ſucked it in, that it made there a deep pit, which continues to this day. Mr. Camden ſuppoſes it to be the wells that are now called Hell-kettles.
1189. The emperor of Germany, the kings of England, France, and Flanders, and vaſt numbers of all ranks of people took the croſs, and ran in ſhoals to the Holy Land. Another expedition took place in 1204, under the comte de Montfort, when the utmoſt barbarities were practiſed: 30,000 heretics, inhabitants of Beziers, were put to the ſword; after the taking of Lavaur, the ſurvivors were thrown into the jakes of that city, the throats of 80 gentlemen were cut in cold blood, and 400 heretics were committed to the flames, while the clergy chaunted the hymn to the Holy Ghoſt.
[5]1201. The cuſtom of ringing a bell before the ſacrament, when carried to the ſick, that all who heard might bow themſelves, inſtituted.
1250. So great and ſo extravavant was the oſten⯑tation of the French nobility about this time, that when Raymond V. count of Tholouſe, held a full court, in order to reconcile two contending powers; the environs of the caſtle were ploughed and ſewed with ſilver deniers, to the amount of 7500l. of the preſent ſterling money; victuals were dreſſed by wax lights, and Raymond de Venons cauſed 30 of his horſes to be burnt before the aſſembly.
1262. The two companies of goldſmiths and tay⯑lors of London fought, and ſeveral were killed on both ſides. The ſheriffs appeaſed the tumult, and thirteen of the moſt mutinous of them were hanged, as were thirty citizens of Norwich, for quarrel⯑ling and fighting with the monks of that city. See Juſts.
1267. The king's half brother killed a chief juſtice in Weſtminſter-hall.
1293. October 14. Baliol, king of Scotland, ap⯑peared in Weſtminſter-hall, in perſon, by ſummons, to anſwer a complaint againſt him, of the earl of Fife, where he pleaded his own cauſe.
1300. About this time, there was not an abſolute prince in Europe.
1309. Elizabeth, daughter and heireſs of the king of Bohemia, promiſed in marriage to the emperor of Germany's ſon, but whoſe marriage was delayed, owing to ſome ſuſpicion of her virginity, came to the Diet at Spire, and there preſented herſelf to the emperor, &c. undreſſed to her ſhift, and in a noble ſpeech, offered to undergo an examination by any midwives or matrons his majeſty ſhould appoint; inſiſting on having her innocence cleared. Such an examination took place; the report was, ſhe was innocent, and ſhe was immediately married in the preſence of the whole diet.
1315. Perpetual rains and cold weather having not only deſtroyed the harveſt, but produced a mortality [6]among the cattle, the parliament endeavoured to moderate the prices of proviſions. The rates eſtab⯑liſhed were, of our preſent money, as follows: for the beſt ox not corn fed, 2l. 8s. corn fed, 3l. 12s. a fat hog two years old, 10s. a fat wether unſhorn, 5s. ſhorn, 3s. 6d. a fat gooſe, 7½d. fat capon, 6d. Hen, 3d. two chickens, 3d. four pidgeons, 3d. and twenty-four eggs, 3d.
1327. Raw ſkins of cattle, ſuſpended on ſtakes, were made uſe of, inſtead of kettles, to boil meat, in the North of England and in Scotland.
1330. The rains were ſo violent, that the harveſt did not begin till Michaelmas. At Chriſtmas, a weſterly wind overthrew ſeveral houſes and public edifices, tore up trees by the roots, and did a vaſt deal of miſchief.
1338. It rained almoſt continually, from the be⯑ginning of October to the beginning of December, and then came a froſt upon it, which laſted twelve weeks; yet, though the corn was deſtroyed by it in a great meaſure, the war with Scotland made money ſo ſcarce, that all ſorts of grain were ſold at a reaſon⯑able rate.
1340. There were 30,000 ſtudents in the univerſity of Oxford.
Parliamentary grants to the king were in kind: this year 30,000 ſacks of wool were in the grant.
1348. It rained from Midſummer to Chriſtmas, ſo that there was not one day or night dry together. This wet ſeaſon cauſed great floods, and a peſtilence, which raged a whole year. The earth was at the ſame time barren, and even the ſea did not produce ſuch plenty of fiſh as formerly. The mortality was ſo great, that in the city of London two hundred bodies were buried every day in the Charter-houſe-yard, be⯑ſides thoſe interred in other common burying places: this laſted from Candlemas to Eaſter.
1351. The parliament joined the king in reſiſting papal encroachments, from motives of intereſt; thus ſecuring their own preſentations to benefices, when [7]they happened to be in lay hands. This ſewed the ſeeds of freedom and independency in the church, and prepared the mind for the Reformation.
1353, was remarkable for the ſcarcity of corn and proviſions in England and France, occaſioned by a great drought. It was called the dear ſummer; rye was brought out of Zealand to ſupport the poor, who otherwiſe muſt have periſhed for want of ſuſtenance.
1364. April 8, died at the Savoy, London, John, king of France.
1371. February 22, died at London, David, king of Scotland.
1380. About this time, in France there was a mode of emblazoning apparel. The women wore their huſbands' ſhields on the right ſide of their gowns, and their own on the left. This faſhion laſted near a century.
1381. When Richard IId's firſt wife came from Bohemia, ſhe had no ſooner ſet foot on ſhore, than ſuch a tempeſt immediately aroſe, as had not been ſeen in many years. Several ſhips were daſhed in pieces in the harbour, and the ſhip in which the queen came over, was ſhattered and broken; which was the more obſervable, becauſe his ſecond wife brought a ſtorm with her to the Engliſh coaſts, in which the king's baggage was loſt, and many ſhips of his fleet caſt away.
1392. A dolphin was taken near London-bridge ten feet long.
1407. Aſſaſſinations ſo much prevailed among the French and Scots, that the duke of Orleans, only brother of the king of France, was murdered publicly in the ſtreets of Paris, and an eminent lawyer was allowed to plead in behalf of it, before the peers of France, and maintain the lawfulneſs of aſſaſſination. See anno 1414 below; Orleans, Duke of.
1414. It required all the eloquence and authority of the famous Gerſon to prevail on the council of Conſtance to condemn this propoſition, ‘That there are ſome caſes, in which aſſaſſination is a virtue more meritorious in a knight than in an eſquire, [8]and more meritorious in a king than in a knight.’ See anno 1407 above.
1422. In the time of Henry VI. the king's palace was ſurrounded with little barber's ſhops, which were under the direction of the barber of the houſehold, and the clerk of the ewry. There being then no carriages, and the ſtreets being dirty, it is probable, that thoſe who went to court were firſt ſhaved and dreſſed in theſe ſtalls or ſhops. A conſiderable ſee is alſo given to this barber for ſhaving every knight of the bath, on his creation, as well as 40s. from every baron, 100s. from every earl, and 10l. from every duke on the like occaſion.
1446. There were two unuſual combats within liſts appointed. The firſt was by the prior of Kilmain, in Ireland, who impeached the earl of Ormond of high treaſon, and the place of trial was in Smithfield; but the quarrel was taken up by the king, and ſo de⯑cided without combat. The ſecond was by one John David, an armourer, who impeached his maſter, William Catur, of treaſon; but the latter being, with his neighbours, intoxicated with wine, before he came to fight, he was unhappily ſlain, without any juſt ſuſpicion of guilt; but the ſervant lived not long after him; for the next aſſize, he was hanged for felony.
1453. John Norman, mayor of London, the firſt that went to be ſworn at Weſtminſter-hall by water.
1456. There were taken at Erith, within 12 miles of London, four wonderful fiſhes, viz. two whales, one ſword-fiſh, and one called Mors Marina.
1467. The people had an extravagant way of adorn⯑ing their feet. They wore the beaks or peaks of their ſhoes ſo long, that they incumbered themſelves in their walking, and were forced to tie them up to their knees; the fine gentlemen did theirs with chains of ſilver, or ſilver gilt, and others with laces. This ridiculous cuſtom was in vogue ever ſince the year 1382, but now it was prohibited, on the forfeiture of 20s. and the pain of curſing by the clergy.
The king concluded a league with the king of Caſ⯑tile, [9]by which he allowed certain Cotſwold ſheep to be tranſported into Spain, where the breed ſo in⯑creaſed, that their fine wool has ſince proved very detrimental to England.
1477. June 16. George Nevil, duke of Bedford, was degraded by act of parliament, and his titles taken from him, for not having ſufficient fortune to ſupport the dignity.
1479. Robert Byfield, one of the ſheriffs of Lon⯑don, was fined fifty pounds by the court of aldermen, for affronting the lord mayor, which it ſeems was only by kneeling too near him at prayers, at St. Paul's church.
1486. John Percival drank to by the lord mayor for ſheriff, the firſt time of this method of election.
1492. Pope Alexander VI. who began to reign this year, divided the whole undiſcovered world between the kings of Spain and Portugal.
1494. The body of one Alice Hackney, which had been buried 175 years, was accidentally dug up in the church of St. Mary Hill, London; the ſkin was whole, and the joints of the arms pliable. See anno 1772.
1505. Philip, king of Caſtile, in his voyage to Spain, was driven by a ſtorm on the coaſt of England, where he was detained till he had ſeer king Henry, which he did, at Windſor.
1508. Sir Thomas More oppoſed a ſubſidy, with ſucceſs, which is the firſt oppoſition of this kind in the Houſe of Commons.
About this time, it was cuſtomary to give the ſame title to clergymen not graduates, as we do now to knights, to diſtinguiſh them from ſuch as took a maſter's degree, and were called Maſter, or Mr. Batchelors of Arts, in the univerſity of Cambridge, have, at this time, the addition of "Sir" prefixed to their ſir⯑names, for the ſame reaſon. See Knighthood.
1515. Dec. 14. Francis I. of France, ſigned the memorable contract with the pope, by which he granted him the firſt year's income of the biſhopricks and other great benefices, and in conſequence of this, obtained the right of nomination to them.
[10]1521. Francis I. of France, being wounded in the head, by ſomething thrown from a window, was obliged to cut off his hair, which, till that time, was worn very long, and the beard cloſe ſhaven; however, willing to gain on one ſide what he loſt on the other, he ſuffered his beard to grow long; and from thence, it became a faſhion to wear the hair ſhort and the beard long, as may be obſerved in many of our old pictures.
1531. One Rooſe, for poiſoning 17 of the biſhop of Rocheſter's family, two of which died, was, by an act of parliament, made guilty of high treaſon, and put to death, by being thrown into boiling water.
1540. By the Roman law, perſons guilty of high treaſon might be tried even after death, to puniſh their heirs, and this practice was now adopted by the Scots; and as it was a maxim, that none could be tried if abſent, the corpſe or bones were preſented at the bar.
1541. The emperor Charles V. in an expedition againſt Algiers, having landed part of his men, a moſt dreadful tempeſt aroſe, and in leſs than an hour, 15 ſhips of war and 140 tranſports, with 8000 men periſhed.
1544. Read, alderman of London, was preſſed and ſent for a common ſoldier, for refuſing to pay an arbitrary benevolence, aſſeſſed on the city by Henry VIII; men being never preſſed at that time, unleſs obnoxious to law.
1546. One Foxley, of the mint, ſlept 14 days and 15 nights, and could not be waked.
1553. During the reign of queen Mary, a woman big with child was burnt at Guernſey, for hereſy; when, from the violence of the flames, the infant ſprang forth at the ſtake, and was preſerved by the bye-ſtanders; after ſome deliberation of the prieſts, who aſſiſted at the ſacrifice, they caſt it again into the fire as a "young heretic."
1558. By act of parliament, the citizens' wives of London, not being gentlewomen by deſcent, nor the wives of aldermen, were obliged to wear white knit [11]woollen three-cornered caps, with the peaks project⯑ing three or four inches beyond their foreheads: aldermen's wives made theirs of velvet.
1567. There were found, on enquiry, to be 4851 ſtrangers of all nations in London, of whom 3838 were Flemings, and only 58 Scots.
1571. About this time, the poor encreaſed ſo faſt, owing to no civil wars of any conſequence for a century before, and no drain to the colonies, that a poor man was not ſuffered to marry till 30, nor a woman till 25 years of age.
1580. Queen Elizabeth iſſued a proclamation, pro⯑hibiting any new houſes to be built within three miles of the gates of the city of London.
1581. John Stubbs, of Lincoln's-inn, and one Wil⯑liam Page, had their right hands cut off, for publiſhing a book againſt queen Elizabeth's marriage with the duke of Anjou.
1585. At this time, any peer might have as many proxies in the Houſe of Lords as he could procure; the earl of Leiceſter had ten at this time, and the duke of Buckingham, in Charles Iſt's time, had, in one parliament, twenty, which occaſioned a vote, that no peer ſhould have above two proxies.
1597. One Dominique de Gourges, a private gen⯑tleman of Gaſcony, in France (the Spaniards having maſſacred a colony of Frenchmen ſettled at Florida, and declaring, they did not put them to death "as Frenchmen, but Lutherans"), fitted out three ſhips at his own expence, made a deſcent at Florida, took three forts, and hung up 800 Spaniſh ſoldiers and officers on trees, with this inſcription, "not as Spaniards, but as traitors, robbers, and aſſaſſins." Queen Elizabeth offered this man the command of her fleet, but he died ſoon after.
1629. Claude Guillon, a poor gentleman, was beheaded at St. Claude, in Burgundy, for eating a morſel of horſe-fleſh on a fiſh day, not being able to buy fiſh or other meat.
1634. The gentlemen of the four inns of court preſented a maſque to their majeſties at Whitehall.
1649. April 16. The earl of Pembroke was re⯑turned [12]for knight of the ſhire for Bucks, prima im⯑preſſionis, and his lordſhip was accordingly admitted into the houſe with great reſpect.
1649. A very hot ſummer, with much thunder and lightning, which did great miſchief in Guienne, Bourdeaux, and other provinces in France, firing hay ricks, granaries, &c. and deſtroying harveſts. Several members of the parliament of Aix were found dead in their beds, after a tempeſtuous night of lightning, and the next day, the roof of the houſe where they aſſembled fell down, and killed ſeveral. The people ſuppoſed it to be a judgment on thoſe provinces, for taking arms againſt their ſovereign.
1654. July 11. Don Pantaleon de Sa, one of the Portugueſe ambaſſadors, beheaded, for ſhooting Mr. Greenaway.
1660. Oct. 10. Ten of the regicides were tried, and executed ſoon after.
1661. Jan. The carcaſes of Oliver Cromwell, Ireton, and Bradſhaw, hanged at Tyburn, buried under the gallows, and their heads ſet on Weſtminſter hall.
Sept. 3. At a public entry of the Swediſh am⯑baſſador, happened a rencounter between the French and Spaniſh ambaſſadors, for precedency, and many of their retinue were killed on Tower-hill; but the Spaniſh ambaſſador's coach at length had the good fortune to get firſt.
1665. The clergy voluntarily gave up their right of taxing themſelves in convocation, which leſſened the conſequence of convocations.
1679. An act paſſed, for iſſuing new writs to elect members, in the room of ſuch as were preferred to any place under government.
About this time, the people had as large a portion of real liberty, as is conſiſtent with a ſtate of ſociety; and ſufficient power in their own hands to aſſert and preſerve that liberty, if invaded by the royal prero⯑gative.
1682. Meſſrs. Pilkington and Shute, ſheriffs of London, ſent to the Tower, for continuing a poll after the lord mayor had adjourned it.
[13]1683. The lord mayor and ſheriffs arreſted, at the ſuit of two pretended ſheriffs, April 24.
1686. The biſhop of London ſuſpended, for refuſ⯑ing to ſuſpend Dr. Sharp, of St. Giles's, afterwards archbiſhop of York, at the king's deſire.
1688. Maſs ordered to be celebrated on board the fleet, which occaſioned a tumult, and the prieſts nar⯑rowly eſcaped being thrown overboard.
1690. Nov. 7. Twelve thouſand Iriſh catholics tranſported themſelves to France.
1707. An iſland, five miles round, roſe in the Archipelago, from the bottom of the ſea.
1712. The doctrines of the Jacobite faction were chiefly favoured by thoſe in power.
1716. Aug. 5. Two ſoldiers were whipped almoſt to death, and turned out of the ſervice, for wearing boughs in their hats on the 29th of May.
1717. George I. at the requeſt of the univerſity of Cambridge, ſuppreſſed the ridiculous cuſtom of burning in effigy the pope, the pretender, the earl of Mar, the devil, and the duke of Ormond.
1719. This year gave birth to a very premature genius at Candiac, in France, John Lewis Candiac, who knew the letters at 13 months old; read latin, either in print or MS. at three years of age; tranſlated it, at four; and at ſix, read Greek and Hebrew, and was maſter of the principles of arith⯑metic, hiſtory, geography, heraldry, and the ſcience of medals, and had read the beſt authors in almoſt every branch of literature. He died at Paris of a complication of diſorders, 1726, aged ſeven.
1720. Major Johnſon, an officer on half pay at Dublin, went into his parlour, gave his two ſons (one ten years old, the other twelve) each a piſtol, loaded with ball, and ordered them to fire at each other, or he would run them through with his ſword; they ſhot each other dead upon the ſpot; their mother coming into the room, on the report of the piſtols, he ſtabbed her to the heart, and then himſelf.
1727. The common council of London entertained at St. James's palace, by George I.
1732. In April, Richard Smith, a bookbinder, [14]priſoner in the King's Bench, perſuaded his wife to follow his example, and make away with herſelf, after they had murdered their infant. They were found hanging in their chamber, and the infant dead in the cradle. They left a paper, intimating they did it to avoid the diſtreſſes of life.
Mariners of ſhips regiſtered in the ports of London were in number 21,797.
1734. Above 100 captives, redeemed from ſlavery in Morocco by the king's bounty, landed at White⯑hall.
1746. The prizes taken from the French and Spaniards, in two years after the commencement of the war in 1744, were eſtimated at 9,483,000l.
1758. Jan. 31. The Turkiſh caravan was attacked by the Arabs, and 60,000 perſons were killed.
1760. Till this time, there was no ſuch thing as a privy in Madrid: it was cuſtomary to throw the ordure out of the window into the ſtreet at night, which was removed by ſcavengers the next day. On an order from the king, that every houſeholder ſhould build one, the people violently oppoſed it, as an arbitrary proceeding, and the phyſicians remon⯑ſtrated againſt it, alledging, that the filth imbibed the unwholeſome particles of the air, which otherwiſe would be taken into the human body; his majeſty, however, prevailed; but many of the citizens, to keep their food wholeſome, have erected their privies by the kitchen fire.
1764. At Aſhton, Glouceſterſhire, 16 acres of land, near 20 feet in depth, ſlipped from the ſide of Breedon-hill, and entirely covered ſeveral paſture grounds at the bottom.
1767. The grand jury of London found a bill againſt count Guerchy, the French ambaſſador, for endeavo [...]ring to perſuade M. de Vergy to aſſaſſinate the chevalier D'Eon, and though he tried to obtain a noli proſequi, the attorney and ſolicitor general over-ruled it. The chevalier was diſcovered after⯑wards to be a woman.
1771. March. The lord mayor and alderman Oli⯑ver [15]ſent to the Tower by the Houſe of Commons, for committing their meſſenger.
The Polly, Capt. Walſh, a Guineaman, ſtruck on the bar of Bonny, and was ſoon afterwards at⯑tacked by the negroes. The captain finding he could not ſave his ſhip, ſent his crew off, ſhut himſelf up in his cabin, and when the king of Bonny and all his people were got on board, to the number of 1500 and upwards, he ſet fire to the powder-room, and thus, Sampſon like, at his death, puniſhed the treachery of his aſſailants.
1772. February. Near Manheim, Germany, a mountain ſunk twenty feet below the ſurface of the ſurrounding land.
The body of Thomas Beaufort, duke of Exeter, uncle to Henry V. being found in the ruins of the abbey at St. Edmunds Bury, having been buried 345 years, the leaden coffin was opened, and the fleſh, hair, toe and hand nails were perfect and ſound, as though he had not been dead ſix hours. On an in⯑ciſion being made in the breaſt, the fleſh cut as firm as in a living ſubject, and there was even an appear⯑ance of blood. See anno 1494.
June. Trade had nearly received a fatal blow by the failure of ſeveral capital houſes.
1776. May 10. One Ellen Ellis, of Beaumaris, aged 72, was delivered of a child. She had not had one for 25 years before.
1777. Two clergymen of the church of England, Dr. Dodd and Mr. Ruſſen, were this year hanged at Tyburn: the former, for a forgery; the latter, for a rape. Another was hanged the year following, for murder. See Hackman, Dodd, Ruſſen.
October 1. The firſt attempt to deliver a woman of an obſtructed birth, by cutting the ſymphiſis, was made, with ſucceſs, by Monſ. Sigault, ſurgeon of Paris. This happy mode of delivery in difficult caſes being firſt diſcovered by him, Dec. 1, 1768.
October 15. General Burgoyne, with an army of 6000 men, being ſurrounded by 16,000 Americans, near Albany, were obliged to ſurrender priſoners of war.
[16]1780. The counties in general petitioned parlia⯑ment, to make a reform in the expenditure of the public money; and eſtabliſhed aſſociations, or com⯑mittees of correſpondence, to attempt at leſſening the power of the crown.
- 1. THAT ſurgeons and butchers may be challenged as jurors, on account of the barbarity of their profeſſions. See Surgeons, in Chronology.
- 2. That the old ſtatutes have prohibited the plant⯑ing of vineyards, and the uſe of ſaw-mills.
- 3. That it is forbidden to marry in Lent.
- 4. That it is penal to open a coal-mine, or to kill a crow within five miles of London, or to ſhoot with a wind-gun, or carry a dark-lanthorn
- 5. That the king ſigns the death warrant (as it is called) for the execution of a criminal.
- 6. That there is a ſtatute, to oblige the owners of aſſes to crop their ears, leſt the length of them ſhould frighten the horſes upon the road.
- 7. That a woman's marrying a man under the gallows, will ſave him from execution.
- 8. That ſuch as are born at ſea, belong to Stepney pariſh, London.
- 9. That any one may be put into the crown office, for the moſt trifling injury.
- 10. That a man's taking his wife from the hands of the prieſt, cloathed only in her ſhift, when the marriage ceremony is performing, exempts him from being liable to her engagements.
- 11. That there was no land-tax before William III.
- 12. That a negro, being baptized, becomes imme⯑diately free.
[][For ſuch perſons whoſe NAMES cannot be found here, look in VOLUME I.]
- AALST, Everard, Dutch painter (fruit and flowers), born, 1602; died, 1658.
- Aaron born, 1575; died, 1453 before Chriſt.
- Abbot, archbiſhop of Canterbury, ſhooting at a buck, at Bramſhill Park, Hampſhire, accidentally killed the keeper, for which he was deemed inca⯑pable of any longer performing the functions of a biſhop, 1621, died Auguſt 3, 1633, aged 71.
- Abdalla, ſon of Omar, flouriſhed, 625.
- Abel born, in the third year of the world; killed by Cain, 129, ditto, 3874 before Chriſt.
- Abelard, Peter, died, 1143, aged 62.
- Abernethy, John, the diſſenting miniſter, died, 1740, aged 60.
- Abu Bekr, Mahomet's ſucceſſor, died, 634, aged 63.
- Abulfeda, prince and geographer, died, 1345, aged 72.
- Accius, the poet, flouriſhed, 143 before Chriſt.
- Achilles, the Grecian general, died, 1184 before Chriſt.
- Adam created, Friday, October 28, 4004; died, 3034 before Chriſt, aged 930.
- Addiſon, Joſeph, born, 1671, died, June 17, 1719.
- [18]Ado, the hiſtorian, died, 874.
- Agamemnon, the Grecian general, died, after 904 before Chriſt.
- Agathias, the Greek hiſtorian, flouriſhed, 565.
- Ageſilaus, king of Sparta, 400; died, 360 before Chriſt.
- Agis IV. king of Lacedemon, put to death, 241 be⯑fore Chriſt.
- Agricola, the Roman general, died in 93, aged 56.
- Agricola, Rod. died, 1485, aged 43.
- Agrippa, king of Judea, died in 44, aged 54, having reigned 24 years.
- Agrippa, Cornelius, the writer, died, 1534, aged 48.
- Ahab killed at Ramoth Gilead, 897 before Chriſt.
- Ahaz died, 726 before Chriſt.
- Ajax, ſon of Teucer, flouriſhed, 1154 before Chriſt.
- Ajax, ſon of Telamon, flouriſhed, 1149 before Chriſt.
- Akenſide, Dr. Mark, died, June 23, 1770, aged 35.
- Alban, St. the firſt Engliſh martyr, ſuffered, 286.
- Albani, Francis, Italian painter, died, 1660, aged 82.
- Alberoni, Cardinal, prime miniſter of Spain, died, 1752, aged 88.
- Albertus Magnus, archbiſhop of Ratiſbon, born, 1205; died, 1280.
- Albinus, the anatomiſt, died, 198.
- Albumazer, the Arabian aſtrologer, flouriſhed, 841.
- Alceus, the lyric poet, flouriſhed, 607 before Chriſt.
- Alceus, the tragic poet, flouriſhed, 378.
- Alcibiades, Athenian general, died, 404 before Chriſt, aged 46.
- Alcman, the Greek lyric poet, flouriſhed, 672 before Chriſt.
- Alexander ab Alexandro, a civilian of Venice, flou⯑riſhed, about 1475.
- Alexander the Great born, 356; ſucceeded Philip, 336; defeated Darius at the river Granicus, when all lower Aſia ſubmitted to him, 334; founded the Grecian empire, 331; died at Babylon, March 21, 323 before Chriſt, aged 32. See Amazons.
- Alphonſus X. king of Caſtile, author of the Alfonſine tables, died, 1284, aged 67.
- [19]Alva, Duke of, governor of the Low Countries, died, 1582, aged 74.
- Ambroſe, St. born, 333; made biſhop of Milan, 374; died, 397.
- Ambroſius Aurelius choſen king of the Britons, 465; crowned at Stonehenge; died, 508.
- Amos began to propheſy, 787 before Chriſt, in the 37th year of Jeroboam II. king of Iſrael.
- Amphion. See Linus.
- Amyot, biſhop of Auxerre, born, 1514; died, 1595.
- Anacharſis, Scythian philoſopher, lived, about 554 before Chriſt.
- Anacreon, the Greek poet, died, 474 before Chriſt, aged 85.
- Anaſtaſius I. emperor of the Eaſt, died, 518, aged 87.
- Anaxagoras, the Rhodian philoſopher, died, 428 before Chriſt, aged 70.
- Anaxandrides, the comic poet, flouriſhed, 378 before Chriſt.
- Anaxarchus, the Greek philoſopher, flouriſhed, 340 before Chriſt.
- Anaximander, the Greek philoſopher, died, 547 before Chriſt, aged 64.
- Anaximenes, the Greek philoſopher, lived, about 556 before Chriſt.
- André, Major, hanged by the Americans, charged with being a ſpy, Oct. 2. 1780.
- Andrew, St. martyred, Nov. 30, 69; feſtival inſti⯑tuted, 359.
- Andrews, biſhop of Winton, born, about 1555; died, 1626.
- Andrews, St. archbiſhop of, hanged at Stirling, 1571.
- Andronicus, peripatetic philoſopher, flouriſhed, 100 before Chriſt.
- Angelo, Michael, Italian painter, died, 1564, aged 89.
- Anhault, Rev. George, prince of, born, 1507; died, 1557.
- Anna Comnena, daughter of Alexius, emperor of [20]Conſtantinople, and authoreſs, born, 1083; died, after 1118.
- Annibal, ſenior, Carthagenian general, died, 404 before Chriſt. See Hannibal.
- Anſelm, archbiſhop of Canterbury, died, 1109, aged 76.
- Anſon, Admiral lord, died, 1762.
- Anthony, Marc, the Roman general, died, 30 before Chriſt, aged 53.
- Anthony, St the Great, inſtitutor of the monaſtic life, died in a deſart, Feb. 14, 356, aged 105. See Monkery.
- Antipater, the general, died, 319 before Chriſt.
- Antiſthenes, the Greek philoſopher, lived, 395 be⯑fore Chriſt.
- Antoninus. See Caracalla.
- Antonius, Marc, the Roman orator, died, 87 before Chriſt, aged 56. See Octavia.
- Antony, of Meſſina, the firſt Italian who painted in oil, died, about 1493.
- Anvari, the Perſian poet, died, 1201.
- Apelles, the chief of a ſect called Apellites, appeared, 175. He was a diſciple of Marcion, and taught, that Chriſt's body was made up of all the heavens, through which he paſſed, and which he returned at his aſcenſion.
- Apelles, the Greek painter, flouriſhed, 334 before Chriſt.
- Apollinarius, the hereſiarch, biſhop of Laodicea, flouriſhed, 370. He taught, that the godhead and manhood in Chriſt were ſo united, that his divinity ſuffered on the croſs, equally with his body.
- Apollodorus, of Damas, the architect, flouriſhed, 104.
- Apollonius, the geometrician, lived, 242 before Chriſt.
- Appian, the Roman hiſtorian, flouriſhed, in 143.
- Apuleius, of Medaura, the Platonic philoſopher, flouriſhed, about 200.
- Aquapendente, the Italian phyſician, died, 1603.
- Aquila, who tranſlated the Old Teſtament into Greek, flouriſhed, 128.
- [21]Aquinas, St. Thomas, the divine, died, 1274, aged 50.
- Aratus, the Greek poet, flouriſhed, 278 before Chriſt.
- Arbuthnot, Dr. born, 1681; died, 1735.
- Arceſilaus, the academic, died, 300 before Chriſt, aged 75.
- Archelaus, king of Macedon, patron of learning, 913 before Chriſt.
- Archias, the Greek poet, flouriſhed, about 60 before Chriſt.
- Archilochus, the Greek poet, inventor of Iambic verſe, flouriſhed, 686 before Chriſt.
- Archimedes, of Syracuſe, the mathematician, killed, 212 before Chriſt.
- Aretin, Leonard, the Italian hiſtorian, died, 1443, aged 74.
- Aretine, Peter, the ſatyriſt, of Arezzo, died, 1556, aged 65.
- Arion, the Greek muſician, flouriſhed, 620 before Chriſt.
- Arioſto, the Italian poet, born, 1474; died, 1533.
- Ariſtarchus, the tragic poet, alive, 453 before Chriſt, aged 100.
- Ariſtarchus, the aſtronomer, died, about 280 before Chriſt, aged 81.
- Ariſtaenetus, the Greek author, flouriſhed, about 358.
- Ariſteus, the Greek poet, flouriſhed, about 556 be⯑fore Chriſt.
- Ariſtides, the Athenian general, lived, 488 before Chriſt.
- Ariſtides, the Greek orator, flouriſhed, about 120.
- Ariſtippus, the Cyrenian philoſopher, flouriſhed, 392 before Chriſt.
- Ariſtonicus ſtrangled at Rome, by order of the ſenate, 126 before Chriſt.
- Ariſtophanes, the Greek actor, died, 200 before Chriſt, aged 80.
- Ariſtotle, prince of philoſophers, died at Chalcide, 322 before Chriſt, aged 63.
- Arius. See Arians, Vol. I.
- Arminius, a Dutch divine, died, 1608. From him the Arminians took their name.
- [22]Armſtrong, John, M. D. the poet, died, Sept. 30, 1779.
- Arne, Mich. Muſ. Dect. died, March 5, 1778, in years.
- Arnobius, the rhetorician, flouriſhed, 303.
- Arrian, the Roman hiſtorian, flouriſhed, 150.
- Arfaces I. king of the Parthians, who reſcued Parthia from the Macedonian yoke, died, 245 before Chriſt. See Artabanus, Parthia.
- Artabanus IV. laſt king of the Parthians, conquered by Artaxerxes; died, 229.
- Artaxerxes, firſt king of Perſia, 229; died, 229 before Chriſt.
- Artemidorus, who wrote on auguries, flouriſhed, 146 before Chriſt.
- Artemiſia, queen of Caria, who built the mauſoleum, a tomb to the memory of her huſband Mauſolus, flouriſhed, 480 before Chriſt.
- Arthur, king of Britain, died, 542, aged 70. See Salute, Vol. I.
- Arviragus, a Britiſh king, flouriſhed, in 80.
- Aſaph, St. died, 590.
- Aſcham, the commonwealth's envoy at Madrid, murdered by the baniſhed royaliſts, 1655.
- Aſcham, Roger, ſecretary to Mary and Elizabeth, born, about 1515; died 1568.
- Aſhmole, Elias, the antiquarian, born, 1617; died, 1692.
- Aſpaſia flouriſhed at Athens, 448 before Chriſt.
- Aſtruc, John, the French phyſician, born, 1684; died, 1766.
- Athanaſius, St. the firſt chriſtian clergyman, made biſhop of Alexandria, 326; died, May 2, 373, aged 73. See Monkery, St. George.
- Athaeneus, of Naucrates, the critic, flouriſhed, 190.
- Athenagoras, the Athenian philoſopher, flouriſhed, about 177.
- Atherton, biſhop of Waterford, hanged at Dublin, for beſtiality, Dec. 5, 1640, aged 42.
- Atkins, Sir Robert, chief baron, and writer, died, 1709, aged 88.
- [23]Atterbury, biſhop of Rocheſter, baniſhed, for con⯑ſpiring, with the Pretender, againſt George I. June 18, 1723; died, 1732, aged 69.
- Aubrey, John, the antiquary, born, 1626; died, about 1700.
- Auguſtin, St. father of the Latin church, born, 354; baptiſed, 387; died, 431.
- Auguſtus, king of Poland, died, 1733.
- Aulus Gellius, the Latin gramarian, flouriſhed, 112.
- Aurengz [...]be, the Great Mogul, died, 1707, aged 90.
- Auſonius, the Latin poet, died, after 392.
- BACCHUS was one of the earlieſt improvers of huſbandry in India, and as ſuch, deified, about 1600 before Chriſt. See Wine.
- Bacchylides, the Greek poet, died, 480 before Chriſt.
- Bacon, Roger, called Friar, the aſtronomer, born, 1214; died, 1292; his ſtudy at Oxford built in Stephen's reign.
- Bacon, Sir Francis, lord chancellor, ſent to the Tower, on a charge of bribery, 1622; died, April 9, 1626, aged 66.
- Bajazet defeated by Tamerlane, 1402; died, 1403. See Conſtantinople, Vol. I.
- Baker, Sir Richard, author of the Chronicle, born, 1584; died, 1645.
- Balbinus. See Maximus.
- Balchen, Admiral, caſt away in the Victory, October, 1744. A thouſand perſons periſhed with him.
- Baldwin, emperor of the Eaſt, died, 1206.
- Bale, biſhop of Oſſory, the hiſtorian, born, 1495; died, 1563.
- Balſamon, canon law writer, died, 1214.
- Baltzar, Thomas, the muſician, flouriſhed, 1658.
- Balzac, French writer, born, 1594; died, 1654.
- Bancroft, a Lord-mayor's officer, died worth 30,000l. 1729, which is, by his will, diſpoſed of to chari⯑table uſes by the Draper's company.
- [24]Barbaroſſa, the famous corſair, flouriſhed, 1535.
- Barclay, John, polite writer, died, 1621, aged 37.
- Barclay, Robert, the quaker, born, 1648; died, 1690.
- Bardeſanes, the Syrian hereſiarch, a diſciple of Va⯑lentin, who added new errors, appeared, 163.
- Barnabas, St. ſtoned, about 50.
- Barnard, Sir John, Lord-mayor of London, 1738; died, 1764, aged 80.
- Barocci, of Urbin, hiſtory painter, born, 1528; died, 1612.
- Baronius, Cardinal, died, 1607, aged 69.
- Barrow, Rev. Dr. Iſaac, died, 1677, aged 46.
- Barthius, Gaſpar, a learned writer, born in Saxony, 1587; died, 1658.
- Bartholemew, St. martyred, Auguſt 24, 71; feaſt inſtituted, 1130.
- Bartolomeo, Dutch painter (landſcapes and animals), born, 1620; died, 1660.
- Bartolomeo, French painter, born, 1469; died, 1517.
- Baſil, St. founded his order, 354; died, 378, aged 51.
- Baſilides, the hereſiarch, appeared, 105, who taught, that there were 365 heavens peopled by God; that Chriſt had not a real body, and was not really crucified.
- Baſilius. See Bulgarians.
- Baſſano, Italian painter (landſcapes and animals), born, 1510; died, 1592.
- Bautru, William, French writer, born, 1588; died, 1665.
- Baxter, Reverend Richard, born, 1615; died, 1691.
- Baxter, William, the grammarian, born, 1650; died, 1723.
- Bayard, Chevalier, a French general, ſlain in battle, 1524, aged 48.
- Bayer, the mathematician, died, 1627.
- Bayle, Peter, author of the dictionary, died, 1706, aged 59.
- Beamont, Francis, dramatic writer, born, 1585; died, 1615; Sir John, the poet, his brother, died, 1628, aged 35.
- [25]Beaton, Cardinal, archbiſhop of St. Andrews, mur⯑dered by the diſciples of Wiſhart, whom the car⯑dinal had condemned to the flames for hereſy, May 28, 1546.
- Bede, the hiſtorian, died, 735, aged 70.
- Bedford, Duke of, regent and uncle to Henry VI. died at Rouen, Sept. 14, 1435.
- Bedford, J. duke of, died, 1771.
- Behmen, Jacob, the viſionary, born in Germany, 1575; died, 1624.
- Behn, Aphara, the poeteſs, died, 1689.
- Bek, the Dutch portrait painter, died, 1656.
- Belidor, of Catalonia, military writer, died, 1765, aged 70.
- Bellai, Cardinal du, died, 1560.
- Bellarmin, Cardinal, born in Italy, 1542; died, 1621.
- Belleau, the French poet, born, 1528; died, 1577.
- Belleiſle, Marſhal, and his brother, brought priſoners to Windſor caſtle, 1745. The marſhal died, 1761, aged 78.
- Bellin, the Italian painter, born, 1421; died, 1501.
- Belliſarius, the general, deprived of all his dignities, and impriſoned by the emperor Juſtinian, for con⯑ſpiring againſt his life, 561; died, 565.
- Bembo, cardinal of Venice, the hiſtorian, died, 1547, aged 68.
- Benedict XIV. Pope, a voluminous writer, born, 1675; died, 1758.
- Benedict, St. founder of the Benedictines, died, 546, aged 66; the order inſtituted, 548.
- Bennari, Genedetto, Italian painter, born, 1597; died, 1667.
- Benoit, Elias, French hiſtorical writer, born, 1640; died, 1728.
- Benſerades, the French poet, born, 1612; died, 1691.
- Bentivoglio, Cardinal, Italian hiſtorian, died, 1644, aged 65.
- Bentley, Reverend Dr. Richard, the critic, born, 1662; died, 1742.
- [26]Berenger, a French divine, died, 1088, aged 90. See Sacramentarians.
- Berille biſhop of Boſra, in Arabia, an hereſiarch, who denied the divinity of Chriſt, flouriſhed, 241.
- Berkeley, biſhop of Cloyne, died, 1753, aged 73. See Tar Water
- Berkenhead, Sir John, political writer, born, 1615; died, 1679.
- Bernard, St. a Latin writer, died, 1153, aged 62.
- Bernard, Reverend Dr. Edward, the aſtronomer, born, 1638; died, 1696.
- Beroſeus, the Chaldean hiſtorian, flouriſhed, 268 before Chriſt.
- Bertin, Nich. French painter, born, 1664; died, 1736.
- Betterton, the player, born, 1635; died, 1710. See Theatre, Vol. I.
- Beveridge, biſhop of St. Aſaph, the antiquarian, born, 1638; died, 1707.
- Beza, Theod. who tranſlated the Teſtament, born at Vezelai, 1519; died, 1605.
- Biddle, John, the Socinian writer, born, 1615; died, 1662.
- Bidloo, the Dutch anatomiſt, born, 1649; died, 1713.
- Birch, Reverend Dr. learned writer, killed by a fall from his horſe, 1768, aged 78.
- Blackmore, Sir Richard, phyſician and poet, died in years, 1729.
- Blackſtone, Sir William, judge, died, Feb. 14, 1780.
- Blaize, Biſhop, patron of the woolcombers, having invented the card for combing of wool, ſuffered martyrdom in the reign of Diocleſian.
- Blake, Admiral, born, 1598; died, 1657.
- Blanchard, French painter, born, 1600; died, 1638.
- Bloemart, Dutch painter, born, 1567; died, 1647.
- Blois, Peter, the hiſtorian, died, 1200.
- Blount, Sir Thomas Pope, born, 1649; died, 1697.
- Blow, John, the muſician, born, 1648; died, 1708.
- Boccace, Italian poet, born, 1313; died, 1375.
- [27]Boerhave, Dr. Dutch phyſician, died, September 23, 1738, aged 69.
- Boetius, Roman poet, beheaded, 524.
- Boileau, French poet, born, 1630; died, 1712.
- Bolingbroke, Lord, the author, died, 1751, aged 73.
- Boloneſe, Italian painter, born, 1606; died, 1680.
- Bonarelli, Italian poet, born, 1563; died, 1608.
- Booth, Barton, the player, born, 1682; died, May, 1733.
- Borgia, Caeſar (the baſtard ſon of pope Alexan⯑der VI.), whoſe whole life was a ſcene of villainy, killed, March 12, 1508.
- Borlaſe, Edmund, hiſtorical writer, died, after 1682.
- Boſcawen, Admiral, died, 1761.
- Boſſu, René le, French writer, died, 1680.
- Boſſuet, biſhop of Meaux, born, 1627; died, 1704.
- Both, Dutch painter (landſcapes and animals), born, 1600; died, 1650.
- Bouchard, biſhop of Worms, died, 1022; one of the moſt learned prelates of his time: his worldly effects conſiſted only of a hair ſhirt, an iron chain, which ſerved him for a belt, and three deniers in money.
- Boufflers, Lewis, marſhal de, died, 1711, aged 67.
- Bourdeloue, Lewis, French preacher and writer, born, 1632; died, 1704.
- Bourdon, Sebaſtian, French painter, born, 1616; died, 1671.
- Bourignon, Mad. the enthufiaſt, born, 1616; died, 1680.
- Bourſalt, Edmé, French dramatiſt, born, 1638; died 1701.
- Bowmaker, the Scotch hiſtorian, flouriſhed, 1415.
- Boyer, the lexicographer, born, 1664; died, 1729.
- Boyle, Charles, earl of Orrery, writer and ſtateſman, born, 1676; died, 1731. See Orrery.
- Boyle, John, earl of Orrery, critic and poet, born, 1707; died, 1762.
- Boyle, Richard, earl of Cork, born, 1566; died, after 1643; Roger, his fifth ſon, firſt earl of Or⯑rery, [28]ſoldier and writer, born, 1621; died, 1679; Robert, his ſeventh ſon, the mathematician, born, 1627; died, 1691.
- Braccelli, Genoeſe hiſtorian, flouriſhed, 1435.
- B [...]ddock, General, killed at Du Queſne, July 9, 1755.
- Brady, Reverend Dr. Nicholas, born, 1659; died, 1726.
- B [...]e, Tycho, the Daniſh aſtronomer, born, 1546; died, 16 [...]1.
- B [...]y, Reverend Dr. Thomas, born, 1656; died, 1741.
- B [...]rewood, Edward, the mathematician, born, 1565; died, 1613.
- B [...]gel, Peter, Dutch painter (rural ſports), born, 1505; died, after 1576; John, his ſon, painter ( [...]dſcape.), born, 1575; died, 1642.
- B [...]l, James de, French hiſtorian, born, 1528; died, 1614.
- Brewer, Anthony, dram. poet, flouriſhed, in the reign of Charles the Firſt.
- Brooke, Sir Robert, law writer, died, 1558.
- Brooke, Fulke Greville, lord, ſtabbed by an old ſervant, September 30, 1628, aged about 70; he having ſhewn this ſervant his will, and not leaving him a legacy therein.
- Brown, Rev. Dr. political writer, killed himſelf, Sept. 23, 1766, aged 50.
- Brown, Robert, founder of the Browniſts, 1580; died, 1630, aged 80.
- Brown, Thomas, humorous writer, died, 1704.
- Brown, William, the poet, born, 1590; died, 1645.
- Browne, Sir Thomas, a learned writer, born, 1605; died, 1682.
- Brouwr, the Dutch painter (rural ſports), born, 1608; died, 1638.
- Brun, Charles le, French hiſtory painter, born, 1618; died, 1691.
- Brutus, Lucius Junius, ſlain, 509 before Chriſt.
- Brutus, Marcus Junius, who ſlew Caeſar, killed at [29]his own requeſt, by his friend Strato, 24 before Chriſt, aged 43.
- Bruyere, French writer, died, 1696, aged 56.
- Bucer, Martin, the reformer, born, 1491; died, 1551.
- Buchannan, George, Scots hiſtorian, born, 1506; died, 1582.
- Buck, Sir George, the antiquarian, flouriſhed, 1612.
- Buckingham, George Villiers, duke of, the poet, born, 1627; died, 1688.
- Buckingham, John Sheffield, duke of, writer and ſtateſman, born, 1649; died, Feb. 24, 1721.
- Buckland, Ralph, died, 1612.
- Budaeus, William, a learned writer, born at Paris. 1476; died, 1540.
- Budgell, Euſtace, polite writer, born, about 168 [...]; drowned himſelf, 1736.
- Bunyan, John, author of Pilgrim's Progreſs, born, 1628; died, 1688.
- Burkitt, Reverend William, the commentator, born, 1650; died, 1703.
- Burleigh, Capt. murdered at Winton, Feb. 10, 1648.
- Burleigh, or Burghley, Cecil, lord, the ſtateſman, born, 1521; died, 1 [...]98.
- Burnet, biſhop of Sarum, born, 1643; died, 1715.
- Buſby, Rev. Dr. Richard, born, 1606; died, 1695.
- Butler, Samuel, author of Hudibras, born, 1612; died, 1680.
- Byng, Admiral George, ſhot at Spithead (for not engaging the French flee [...]), March 14, 1757.
- Byrom, John, the poet, born, 1691; died, 1763.
- CADMUS, firſt king of Thebes, 1094 before Chriſt.
- Cadmus Mileſius, firſt Greek hiſtorian in proſe, flouriſhed under Cyrus, 544 before Chriſt.
- Caietano, Scipio, co-temporary with Raphael, died, 1534.
- [30]Caligula, the Roman emperor, died, 41, aged 29.
- Callari, Gabriel, Italian painter, born, 1568; died, 1631.
- Callimachus, the Greek architect, inventor of the Corinthian order, flouriſhed, 540 before Chriſt.
- Callimachus, the Greek poet, died, 244 before Chriſt.
- Calliſthenes, the philoſopher, died, 328 before Chriſt.
- Calli [...]tus, the hiſtorian, died, 1327.
- Callot, James, French engraver, born, 1593; died, 1635.
- Calmet, the learned French Benedictine, died, Oct. 25, 1757, aged 86.
- Calprenede, French writer, died, 1663.
- Calvin, John, the reformer, and leader of the Cal⯑viniſts, who hold the ſame doctrine with the Preſpyterians; he died at Geneva, May 27, 1554, aged 45.
- Cambray, Fenelon, archbp. of, died, 1716, aged 64.
- Camden, the hiſtorian, died, Nov. 9, 1623, aged 72.
- Camoens, Portugueſe poet, died, 1579, aged 50.
- Campanella, Thomas, the Italian philoſopher, born, 1568; died, 1639.
- Candaules, king of Lydia, 735 before Chriſt.
- Cantacuzenus, emperor of Conſtantinople, and learned hiſtorian, crowned, 1342; died, 1411, aged up⯑wards of 100.
- Capriari, the Genoeſe hiſtorian, died, 1646.
- Caracalla, alias Antoninus, aſſaſſinated, 217, aged 43.
- Caracci, Annib. Italian painter (hiſt. and portraits), died, 1609, aged 40.
- Caracci, Antonio, the painter, died, 1618, aged 35.
- Caracci, Auguſtino, Bologneſe painter, born, 1557, died, 1602.
- Caracci, Ludovico, Bologneſe hiſtory painter, died, 1619, aged 64.
- Caractacus, general of the Britons, defeated in Wales, by Oſtorius, a Roman general, and carried in Chains to Rome, 50.
- Caradoc, the Welch hiſtorian, died, after 1157.
- Caranus, firſt king of Macedon, 814 before Chriſt.
- Carauſius born at St. Davids; declared here emperor of Rome 288; killed, May, 295.
- [31]Caravaggio, Polidoro de, Italian painter, born, 1495; died, 1543.
- Caravaggio, Italian painter, died, 1609, aged 40.
- Cardan J [...]rom, phyſician, and whimſical writer, born at Paris, 1501; died, 1575.
- Carew, Thomas, the poet, died, 1639.
- Carinus, Roman emperor, murdered by a tribune, May, 285.
- C [...]rlone, Genoeſe hiſtory painter, died, 1630.
- C [...]des, the Greek philoſopher, died, 128 before Chriſt, aged 85.
- Ca [...]pocrates, the hereſiarch, appeared, 125. He adopted the principles of Semin Magus, and the Nicolaites.
- Carte, Thomas, Engliſh hiſtorian to 1654, born, 16 [...]6; died, 1724.
- Cartwright, William, the poet, born, 1611; died, 1644.
- Cary, Robert, univerſal chronologiſt to 1677; died, 1688.
- Caſſander, king of Macedon, flouriſhed, 298 before Chriſt.
- Caſſandra flouriſhed, 1149 before Chriſt.
- Caſaubon, Iſa [...], the critic, born at Geneva, 1559; died in London, 1614; Merric, his ſon, born, 1599; died, 1671.
- Caſimir III. king of Poland, died, 1370, aged 60.
- Caſſini, the aſtronomer, born at Piedmont, 1625; died, 1712.
- Caſtagno, Tuſcan painter, born, 1410; died, 1480.
- Caſtelvetro, Lewis, the critic, born at Modena, 1505; died, 1571.
- Caſtiglione, Benedict, Italian painter, born, 1616; died, 1670.
- Cato killed himſelf, February 5, 45 before Chriſt, aged 48.
- Catullus, Latin poet, born at Verona, 87; died, 11 before Chriſt.
- Caxton, William, firſt Engliſh printer, died, 1494, aged 82.
- Cazes, French painter, born, 1676; died, 1754.
- [32]Cecrops, firſt king of Athens, 1556 before Chriſt. See Athens, Areopagus.
- Celſus, the phyſician, flouriſhed, 20.
- Centlivre, Suſan, dram. writer, died, December 1, 1723.
- Ceres, the heathen goddeſs of plenty, flouriſhed, 1030 before Chriſt.
- Cervantes, Michael de, Spaniſh writer, baptized at Alcala of Henares, Oct. 9, 1547; died, April 23, 1616.
- Ceſar. See Julius, Vol. I.
- Chambers, Ephraim, author of the dictionary, died, 1740.
- Chapman, George, the poet, born, 1557; died, 1633.
- Chares of Lindus, ſculptor, who erected the Coloſſus at Rhodes, flouriſhed, 288 before Chriſt. See Rhodes.
- Charles XII. of Sweden, killed in battle, 1718, aged 36.
- Charron, Pierre, French writer, born, 1541; died, 1603.
- Chartres, Colonel, convicted of a rape, 1730.
- Chatham, William, earl of, born, Nov. 15, 1708; died, May 11, 1778.
- Chatterton, Thomas, the poet, an extraordinary ge⯑nius, born at Briſtol, Nov. 1752; poiſoned himſelf, Auguſt 24, 1770.
- Chaucer, the poet, born, 1328; comptroller of the port of London, 1399; died, 1400.
- Cheke, Sir John, Latin writer, born, 1514; made Greek profeſſor at Cambridge, 1540; died, 1557.
- Cherilus, the Greek poet, flouriſhed, 479 before Chriſt.
- Cheſterfield, Philip, earl of, political writer, born, 1695; died, 1774.
- Chiabrera, the Italian poet, born, 1552; died, 1638.
- Chillingworth, Rev. William, controverſial writer, born, 1602; died, 1644.
- Chilo, one of the ſeven ſages of Greece, flouriſhed, 556 before Chriſt.
- Chiras, the chemiſt, flouriſhed, 1680.
- [33]Chriſtopher, St. ſuffered martyrdom, 254.
- Chryſippus, the Stoic philoſopher, died, 207 before Chriſt, aged 73.
- Chryſoſtom, St. made archbiſhop of Conſtantinople, 398; baniſhed, 404; died, Sept. 14, 407, aged 53.
- Chubb, Thomas, polemical writer, born, 1679; died, 1747.
- Chudleigh, Lady Mary, the poeteſs, born, 1656; died, 1710.
- Churchhill, Reverend Charles, the ſatyriſt, born, 1731; died, 1764.
- Churchyard, Thomas, the poet, died, about 1570.
- Cibber, Colley, the laureat, born, 1671; died, 1757.
- Cibber, Mrs. the actreſs, died, 1766, aged 57.
- Cicero born, 107; made an oration againſt Verres, 70; made his ſecond oration againſt the Agrarian law, 65; baniſhed Rome, April, 58; aſſaſſinated, 43 before Chriſt.
- Cignani, Car. Italian hiſtory painter, born, 1628; died, 1719.
- Cimabue, Italian painter, died, 1300, aged 69.
- Cimon, the Athenian general, died, 449 before Chriſt, aged 51.
- Cincinnatus Quinctius made dictator of Rome, from the plough, born, 485; died, 376 before Chriſt.
- Cinna, the Roman conſul, murdered, 84 before Chriſt.
- Cinnamus, Greek hiſtorian of the Eaſtern empire, from 1118 to 1143; died, after 1183.
- Clarendon, Hyde, earl of, lord chancellor, the hiſtorian, baniſhed for mal-adminiſtration, Novem⯑ber 12, 1667; died, Dec. 7, 1674.
- Clarke, Reverend Dr. Samuel, polemical writer, born, 1675; died, 1729.
- Claude of Lorraine, landſcape painter, born, 1600; died, 1682.
- Claudian, the Latin poet, born at Alexandria, about 395.
- Cleanthes, the Stoic philoſopher, died, 240 before Chriſt, aged 99.
- [34]Clearchus, the Greek hiſtorian, flouriſhed, 323 be⯑fore Chriſt.
- Clemens Alexandrinus, father of the church, flou⯑riſhed, 192.
- Clemens Romanus, father of the church, cotemporary with St. Paul, martyred, 100.
- Cleomedes, Greek mathematician, flouriſhed, 540 before Chriſt.
- Cleopatra, queen of Egypt, 50; killed herſelf, 30 before Chriſt, aged 41.
- Cleophontes, painter of Corinth, flouriſhed, 654 before Chriſt.
- Clerc, Sebaſtian le, French engraver, died, 1724.
- Clerc, John le, Dutch philoſopher, died, 1736, aged 79.
- Clive, Robert, lord, killed himſelf, Nov. 1774.
- Cobham. See Oldcaſtle.
- Cockburne, Catherine, the writer, died, May 11, 1749.
- Codrington, Chriſtopher, writer, and founder of All Souls library, Oxon, born at Barbadoes, 1668; died, 1701.
- Codrus, the laſt Athenian king, voluntarily gave his life for the good of his country, after reigning 21 years, 1095 before Chriſt.
- Cohorn, the Dutch engineer, born, 1632; died, 1704.
- Cokaine, Sir Aſton, born, 1608; died, 1683.
- Coke, Lord chief juſtice, born, 1549; died, 1634.
- Coles, Eliſha, the grammarian, born, 1640; died, 1680.
- Colet, Dr. John, founder of St. Paul's ſchool, born, 1466; died, 1519.
- Coligny, Admiral de, of France, born, 1516; wounded treacherouſly, Auguſt 22, 1572; killed at the maſſacre of Paris the ſame year. Which ſee.
- Collier, Jeremy, the hiſtorian, born, 1650; died, 1726.
- Coluthus, the Greek poet, flouriſhed, about 518.
- Commandine, Frederic, the mathematician, born at Urbino, 1509; died, 1575.
- [35]Commines, philoſopher of Flanders, died, 1509, aged 63.
- Commodus, Roman emperor, wounded by an aſſaſſin, 183; murdered, Dec. 31, 192.
- Conca, Sebaſtian, Italian painter, born, 1676; died, 1764.
- Condé, The great prince of, killed in cold blood, after the battle of Jarnac, 1569, aged 39: Henry, his ſon, poiſoned at St. John D'Angeli, 1588, aged 35.
- Confucius, Chineſe philoſopher, born, 551; died, 479 before Chriſt.
- Congreve, William, dram. author, born, 1672; died, 1729.
- Conon, of Samos, Greek hiſtorian, flouriſhed 300 be⯑fore Chriſt.
- Conſtantin, tyrant of Gaul, died, 411.
- Conſtantine the Great born, ſome ſay, at York, 274; was the firſt chriſtian emperor, and died at Con⯑ſtantinople, 337. See Maxentius, Conſtantinople.
- Conſtantius, emperor of Rome, died at York, 360.
- Copernicus, of Thorn, Pruſſia, died, 1543, aged 60.
- Corelli, the muſician, died, 1733.
- Coriolanus, the Roman general, baniſhed from Rome, 491 before Chriſt.
- Corlobaſus, the hereſiarch, flouriſhed, 150. He was a diſciple of Valentin, and added to the doctrine of his maſter.
- Cornaro, Lewis, the writer, died at Padua, 1565, aged above 100.
- Corneille, Peter, the French poet, died, 1684, aged 78; Thomas, his brother, died, 1709.
- Cornelius Nepos, Latin hiſtorian, died, about 25 before Chriſt.
- Corniſh, Alderman, executed, on a charge of con⯑ſpiring, with Ruſſel, againſt Charles II. Oct. 23, 1685.
- Cornwall, Richard, earl of, elected king of the Ro⯑mans, 1255; died, 1272.
- Corregio, ceiling painter, born, 1472; died, 1513.
- Cortes, Fer. died, 1547, aged 62. See Montezuma.
- [36]Cortona, Pet. da, Italian painter, born, 1596; died, 1699.
- Coryate, Thomas, the traveller, born, 1577; died, 1617.
- Cotton, Sir Robert, the antiquarian, died, 1631, aged 60.
- Cowley, Abraham, the poet, born, 1618; died, 1667.
- Cranmer, archbiſhop of Canterbury, burnt for he⯑reſy, March 21, 1557.
- Cratinus, the comic poet, died, 431 before Chriſt.
- Cratippus, of Mytelene, peripatetic philoſopher, flouriſhed, 53 before Chriſt.
- Creech, Rev. Thomas, the poet, born, 1659; killed himſelf, 1701.
- Cremonen, Nic. Amatus, violin maker, flouriſhed, 1624.
- Crichton, James, born at Clunie, 1551; killed at Mantua, 1583.
- Croeſus, king of Lydia, 562 before Chriſt. See Lydia, Vol. I.
- Croxal, Rev. Dr. Samuel, died in years, 1751.
- Cteſias, the Greek hiſtorian, died, after 384 before Chriſt.
- Cudworth, Rev. Ralph, learned writer, born, 1617; died, 688.
- Cujas, James, French civilian, born, 1520; died, 1590.
- Cumberland, Prince William, duke of, died, Sep⯑tember 30, 1765, aged 45.
- Curtius, M. rode into a gulph at Rome, 362 before Chriſt.
- Curtius, Quintus, the Latin hiſtorian, lived in 64.
- Cyprian, St. biſhop of Carthage, a father of the church, martyred, 258.
- Cyril, patriarch of Jeruſalem, died, 386.
- Cyril, patriarch of Alexandria, died, 444.
- Cyrus I. founder of the Perſian empire, took Ba⯑bylon, 544; died, 529 before Chriſt.
- D'ABLANCOURT, French writer, born, 1606; died, 1664.
- Dacier, Madame, French writer, born, 1651; died, 1720.
- Dacres, Lord, hanged for murder, 1541.
- Daedalus. See Statuary, Vol. I.
- Danchet, the French poet, born, 1671; died, 1748.
- Danckerts, a Dutch painter, born, 1561; died, 1634.
- D'Ancre, Marſhall, killed by the mob in France, 1617.
- Daniel, Father, the French hiſtorian, born, 1649; died, 1728.
- Dante, Italian poet, born, 1265; died, 1321.
- Darius, the laſt king of the Perſian empire, ſlain, 330 before Chriſt. See Alexander.
- D'Arpino, Gioſ. Italian painter, born, 1570; died, 1640.
- D'Aubigné, French writer, born, 1550; died, 1630.
- Daurat, the French poet, born, about 1507; died, 1588.
- Davenant, Sir William, the poet, died, Dec. 1668, aged 62; Charles, his ſon, a commercial writer, born, 1656; died, 1714.
- David, St. alive in 577.
- Davies, Sir John, lawyer and poet, died, 1626; aged 56.
- Day, John, the printer, who firſt introduced into England the Greek and Saxon characters, died, 1584.
- Death, captain of the Terrible privateer, killed in an engagement with a French veſſel, Dec. 23, 1757.
- De Champagne, Philip, the painter, born at Bruſſels, 1602; died, 1674.
- Decker, Thomas, cotemporary with Ben Johnſon.
- Defoe, Daniel, the writer, died, 1731.
- De la Foſſe, French painter, born, 1640; died, 1719.
- Delius, the architect, flouriſhed, 987 before Chriſt.
- Demetrius Phalareus, governor of Athens, 317; died in priſon, 294 before Chriſt.
- [38]Democritus, the Thracian philoſopher, died, 361 before Chriſt, aged 109.
- Dem [...]ivre, the French mathematician, died in Eng⯑land, 1754.
- Demoſthenes, the Athenian orator, recalled from baniſhment, 322; poiſoned himſelf, 313 before Chriſt, aged 60.
- Denham, Sir John, the poet, born, 1615; died, 166 [...].
- Dennis, John, the critic, born, 1656; died, 1733.
- Derham, Rev. Dr. William, the philoſopher, born, 1657; died, April 1735.
- Deri [...]g, Sir Cholm. killed in a duel with Mr. Thorn⯑hill, May 9, 1711.
- Deſaguliers, the philoſophical writer, died, 1749.
- Deſcartes, the mathematician, born at Touraine, 1596; died, 1650.
- D'Ewes, Sir Symonds, the antiquary, born, 1602; died, 1650.
- Diagoras, the Melian, condemned at Athens for atheiſm, 414 before Chriſt.
- Didius Julianus, Roman emperor, purchaſed the empire by auction of the Praetorian guards, Apr. 13, 193; beheaded by order of the ſenate, June 21, following.
- Dido flouriſhed, 1183 before Chriſt.
- Digby, Sir Kenelm, philoſophical writer, born, 1603; died, 1665.
- Diocletian, born of ſervile parents, 245; was the firſt Roman emperor that aſſumed kingly ſtate, 303. Till this time, the emperor was little more than the firſt of the ſenate. He was the firſt prince that reſigned his empire, May 1, 305; died, 313.
- Diodorus, Sic [...]lus, the hiſtorian, lived, 45 before Chriſt.
- Diogenes, the cynic, died, 324 before Chriſt.
- Diogenes Laertius, Greek hiſtorian, flouriſhed, 200.
- Diogenes, the ſtoic philoſopher, flouriſhed, 155 be⯑fore Chriſt.
- Dion Caſſius, the Roman hiſtorian, flouriſhed, 229.
- [39]Dionyſius Halicarnaſſeus, the hiſtorian, lived 30 be⯑fore Chriſt.
- Dionyſius, the Elder, tyrant of Syracuſe, died, 386 before Chriſt.
- Dionyſius the Little, who introduced the uſe of the preſent Chriſtian aera, about 516; died, 540.
- Dodd, Rev. William, LL.D. hanged for forgery, June 27, 1777. See Rem. Occur. anno 1777.
- Dodderidge, Dr. diſſenting miniſter, died, Oct. 26, 1752, aged 50.
- Dodwell, Henry, learned writer, born, 1641; died, 1711.
- Dolci, Carlo, Italian painter, born, 1616; died, 1636.
- Dominichino, Italian hiſtory painter, born, 1574; died, 1641.
- Domitian, Roman emperor, aſſaſſinated, 96, aged 45.
- Donne, Rev. Dr. John, the poet, died, 1631, aged 58.
- Donnellan, Captain, hanged at Warwick, for poiſon⯑ing Sir Theodoſius Boughton, April 2, 1781.
- Doria, Andrew, a Genoeſe, admiral to Charles V. of Spain, the greateſt admiral of the age he lived in, the reſtorer of the independency of Genoa, when under the French yoke, died. 1560, aged 84.
- Dorſet, Thomas Sackville, earl of, ſtateſman and poet, born, 1536; died, 1608.
- Dorſet, Charles Sackville, earl of, the poet, born, 1637; died, 1706.
- Draco, eſtabliſhed his laws at Athens, 624 before Chriſt.
- Draiton, Michael, the poet, born, 1563; died in 1631.
- Drake, Francis, the antiquarian, died, 1770, aged 75.
- Drelincourt, Charles, the French writer, born at Sedan, 1595; died, 1669.
- Drummond, William, the Scotch poet, born, 1585; died, 1649.
- Druſius, John, learned divine, born at Oudenard, 1550; died, 1616.
- [40]Dryden, John, the poet, born, 1631; died, May 1, 1700
- Duck, Reverend Stephen, the poet, drowned him⯑ſelf, 1756.
- Dugdale, Sir William, the hiſtorian, born, 1605; died, Feb. 1685.
- Duncan, king of Scots, murdered by Macbeth and Banquo, 1040. See Banquo, Macbeth.
- Duns Scotus, a voluminous writer, died ſtudying, 1308, aged 33.
- Dunſtan, St. archbiſhop of Canterbury, 960; died, 988, aged 63.
- Durer, Albert, the German painter, born, 1471; died, 1528.
- D'Urfey, Thomas, the ſongſter, died in years, Feb. 1724.
- Dyer, Rev. John, the poet, born, 1700.
- EACHARD, Rev. Laurence, the hiſtorian, died, 1730, aged 59.
- Eckhout, Vand. Dutch painter, born, 1621; died, 1674.
- Egialeus, king of Sycion, 2089 before Chriſt.
- Eginhart, the German hiſtorian, died, 842.
- Ehud, ſecond judge of Iſrael, killed Eglon, king of Moab, 1325 before Chriſt.
- Elagabalus, Roman emperor, murdered by his ſol⯑diers, 222.
- Eleazar. See Rem. Occur. anno 70.
- Elfrida. See Edgar, Vol. I.
- Eli, the eleventh judge of Iſrael, on hearing the ark was taken, fell down and broke his neck at Shiloh, 1116 before Chriſt, aged 98.
- Elias. See Elijah.
- Elijah prophecied, 911, in the 13th year of Ahab's reign; ſupported by the widow of Sarepta, whoſe ſon he raiſed from the dead, 910; brought rain from heaven, 908; taken up into heaven in a fiery chariot, 896 before Chriſt.
- [41]Eliſha died, 838 before Chriſt, having prophecied 60 years.
- Elzevirs, Dutch printers: Lewis began to be famous, 1595; Daniel died, 1681.
- Empedocles, poet and hiſtorian, died in priſon, 440 before Chriſt, aged 77.
- Eneas, Trojan general, died, about 1177 before Chriſt.
- Ennius, Quintus, the Latin poet, born, 239 before Chriſt; died, aged 70.
- Epaminondas, the Theban general, ſlain in battle, 363 before Chriſt.
- Ephraim Syrus, a Chriſtian writer, flouriſhed, 370.
- Epictetus, the Stoic philoſopher, died, about 161.
- Epicurus, the philoſopher, born, 342; died, 271 before Chriſt.
- Epimenides, the Cretan philoſopher, flouriſhed, 596 before Chriſt.
- Epiphanius, father of the church, born in Paleſtine, about 332; died, about 403.
- Eraſiſtratus, the Greek phyſician, flouriſhed, 294 before Chriſt.
- Eraſmus, Engliſh divine and Latin writer, born at Roterdam, 1467; died, 1536.
- Eraſtothenes, the philologer, meaſured the earth, 250; died, 194 before Chriſt.
- Eroſtratus. See Diana, Vol. I.
- Eſchines, the Greek philoſopher, died, about 330 before Chriſt.
- Eſchylus, the Athenian poet, died, 456 before Chriſt, aged 69.
- Eſculapius, the Greek phyſician, died, about 927 before Chriſt.
- Eſdras, the ſacred hiſtorian, flouriſhed, 452 before Chriſt.
- Eſop, the Phrygian fabuliſt, put to death, 556 before Chriſt.
- Eſther, Queen, who married Ahaſuerus, flouriſhed, 465 before Chriſt.
- Eſtrées, Cardinal de, died, 1714.
- [42]Etheridge, Sir George, dram. author, born, about 1638; died, after 1688.
- Etmuller, Michael, of Leipſick, medical author, born, 1646; died, 1683; his ſon, Michael-Erneſt, a medical writer, died, 1732, aged 86.
- Eubulus, the Athenian comic poet, flouriſhed, 375 before Chriſt.
- Euclid, the mathematician, died, about 300 before Chriſt, aged 74.
- Eudoſia, wife of the emperor Theodoſius the Younger, of Conſtantinople, heroic poeteſs, born, 400; died 460.
- Eudoxus, of Cnidos, the geometrician, died, 350 before Chriſt.
- Eugene, Prince, died, April 10, 1736, aged 72.
- Eumenes, king of Pergamus, began to reign, 263 before Chriſt.
- Eumolpus, the Greek poet, flouriſhed, 1398 before Chriſt.
- Euripides, the Greek poet, killed by dogs, 407 be⯑fore Chriſt, aged 77.
- Euſebius, biſhop of Nicomedia, the Arian, flouriſhed, 326.
- Euſebius Pamphili, ſacred hiſtorian, biſhop of Caeſarea, died, 331, aged about 46.
- Euſtachius, archbiſhop of Theſſaly, the Greek critic, flouriſhed, about 1170.
- Euſtachius, Barth. anatomiſt at Rome, flouriſhed, 1550. His anatomical plates were diſcovered 1712, and publiſhed 1714.
- Eutropius, Latin hiſtorian, flouriſhed, 356.
- Eutychius, patriarch of Alexandria and chronologiſt, born, 876; died, after 900.
- Evagoras, king of Cyprus, murdered by Nicocles, 373 before Chriſt.
- Evagrius, eccleſ. hiſtorian, in Greek, born, 536; died, after 595.
- Evagrius, patriarch of Antioch, flouriſhed, 380.
- Evander, an Arcadian chief, brought a colony of his people into Italy, and is ſuppoſed to have founded Padua, 1269 before Chriſt.
- [43]Evelyn, John, learned writer, born, 1620; died, 1706.
- Evremond, St. the writer, died, Sept. 9, 1703, aged 90.
- Ezekiel taken captive with Jehoiakim, 599; began to prophecy, 504 before Chriſt.
- Ezra, the prophet, flouriſhed, 447 before Chriſt.
- FABIUS Ruſticus, the Roman hiſtorian, flou⯑riſhed, 50.
- Fairclough, Daniel, born. 1582; died, 1645.
- Fairfax, Edward, the poet, lived in the reign of James I.
- Falkland, Lucius, lord, born, 1610; killed at the battle of Newbury, September, 1643.
- Fallopius, an Italian phyſician, who diſcovered the Fallopian tubes, born, 1523; died, 1562.
- Fanſhaw, Sir Richard, the poet, born, 1607; died at Madrid, 1666.
- Faria, Emanuel, Portugueze hiſtorian, died, 1649.
- Farquhar, George, dram. writer, born, 1678; died, 1707.
- Faulkner, George, alderman of Dublin, died, Aug. 28, 1775.
- Fauſt or Fauſtus, John, one of the earlieſt printers, who, from concealing his art, was ſuppoſed to deal with the devil; hence 'the devil and Dr. Fauſtus.' He died at Mentz.
- Fayette, Madame de la, French noveliſt, died, 1693.
- Fenelon. See Cambray.
- Fenoillet, biſhop of Montpelier, in the 17th century.
- Fenton, Elijah, the poet, died, July 13, 1730.
- Ferrars, George, hiſtorian and poet, born, 1512; died, 1579.
- Feti, Domen. Italian painter, born, 1590; died, 1624.
- Fielding, Henry, dram. writer, died, 1754, aged 47; Sir John, his brother, died, Sept. 4, 1780.
- []Fingal, alias Finn, the Caledonian chief, died, 283. See Militia.
- Fitzherbert, Sir Anthony, lord chief juſtice, died, 1538.
- Flamel, Nicholas, died, 1409.
- Flaminius, the Latin poet, died, 1550.
- Flamſtead, John, the aſtronomer, born, 1646; died, 1719.
- Flechier, biſhop of Nimes, hiſtorian, born, 1632; died, 1710.
- Fletcher, John, dramatic writer, born, 1576; died, 1625.
- Fleury, Claude, French writer, born, 1640; died, 1723.
- Fleury, Cardinal, French ſtateſman, born, 1655; died, 1743.
- Florence of Worceſter, the hiſtorian, died, about 1119.
- Florus, Lucius, Roman hiſtorian, flouriſhed, about 120.
- Florus, Franc. painter, the Raphael of Flanders, born, 1520; died, 1570.
- Folkes, Martin, the mathematician, born, 1690; died, 1754.
- Fontaine, John de la, French poet, born, 1621; died, 1695.
- Fontenelle, French writer, died, 1756, aged 100.
- Foote, Samuel, dram. writer and player, died, Oct. 21, 1777, aged 55.
- Ford, John, dramatic writer, died, about 1561.
- Fordun, John, Scotch hiſtorian, died, 1308.
- Foreſt, John, French landſcape painter, born, 1636; died 1712.
- Forteſcue, Sir John, made lord chancellor, about 1461.
- Foſter, Dr. James, anabaptiſt preacher, born, 1696; died, 1753.
- Fouquieur, James, Flemiſh painter, flouriſhed, about 1600.
- Fox, John, martyrologiſt, born, 1517; died, April, 1587.
- [45]Fox, George, founder of the Quakers, born, 1624; appeared in 1655.
- Franciſchini, Italian painter, born, 1648; died, 1729.
- Frederic, Prince, George IIId's youngeſt brother, died, December 29, 1765, aged 16.
- Freſne, Charles de, French hiſtorian, born, 1610; died, 1665.
- Frobiſher, Sir Martin, the navigator, killed at a ſiege, 1594.
- Froiſſard, John, French poet, born, 1337; died, about 1402.
- GABBIANI, Anthony, Italian hiſtory painter, born, 1652; died, 1726.
- Gaddi, Italian painter, died, 1312, aged 73; his ſon Jaddeo died, 1350, aged 50.
- Galba, a Roman general, proclaimed emperor after Nero's death, but aſſaſſinated, 69, aged 73.
- Gale, Roger, the antiquary, died, 1744.
- Galen, the Greek phyſician, born at Pergamus, about 131; died, 201.
- Galeon, William, died in years, 1507.
- Galileo, the aſtronomer, born in Italy, 1564; died, 1642.
- Gallus, joint emperor of Rome, put to death, by order of his colleague Conſtantius, Dec. 354.
- Gama, Vaſco de, Portugueze navigator, died, 1525.
- Gamaliel, chief of the ſynagogue, died in 53.
- Gardiner, biſhop of Winton, died, 1555; Blair ſays, 1557.
- Garrick, David, the player, died, Jan. 20, 1779, aged 62.
- Garth, Sir Samuel, the poet, died, January, 1719.
- Gaſcoigne, George, Engliſh poet, died, 1577.
- Gaſſendi, Peter, French mathematician, born, 1592; died, 16 [...]6.
- Gay, John, the poet, born, 1688; died, 1732.
- [46]Gaza, Theodore, Greek writer, born, 1398; died, 1475.
- Geber, the Arabian phyſician, flouriſhed, about 900.
- Geminiani, the muſician, died, 1762, aged 96.
- Genghi [...]kam, conqueror of Aſia, died, 1226, aged 72.
- Gentilis, Albericus, law writer, born in Italy, 1551; died, 1611.
- Geoffrey of Monmouth, the hiſtorian, flouriſhed, 1152.
- George, St. the tutelar St. of England, ſuppoſed to be George archbiſhop of Alexandria, who eſtab⯑liſhed arianiſm on the fall of Athanaſius (the fan⯑cied dragon), in the reign of Julian, 356; but who was afterwards maſſacred by the people, Dec. 24, 361, when Athanaſius was reſtored; ſuffered mar⯑tyrdom, under the emperor Diocleſian.
- Germanicus, the Roman general, his aſhes brought to Rome, and received with great marks of grief, 20. He died aged 33. See Piſo.
- Gervaſe, of Canterbury, the hiſtorian, wrote in 1202.
- Geſner, Conrad, the Pliny of Germany, born, 1516; died, 15 [...]5.
- Geta, joint emperor of Rome, murdered, and above 20,000 perſons of both ſexes, called his friends, were put to death, by order of his brother Anto⯑ninus, Feb. 27, 212.
- Ghent, Henry of, died, 1293, aged 76. See Gaunt, Vol I.
- Gibſon, Edmund, biſhop of London, born, 1669; died, 1748.
- Gideon, fourth judge of Iſrael, routed the Midi⯑anites with only 300 men, 1245 before Chriſt.
- Gildon, Charles, poet and critic, born, about 1666; died, 1724.
- Gildas, the hiſtorian, died, 570.
- Gilpin, Rev. Bernard, the reformer, died, March 4, 1583, aged 65.
- Giordano, Luc. Italian painter, born, 1632; died, 1705.
- Giorgione, Italian hiſtory painter, born, 1478; died, 1511.
- [47]Gioſeppino, Italian battle painter, born, about 1560; died 1640.
- Giotto, Italian painter, born, 1276; died, 1336.
- Glanvil, Joſeph, the writer, born, 1636; died, 1680.
- Glauber, the German chymiſt, died, 1500.
- Glendower, Owen, died, after 1416.
- Gob [...]lin, a famous French dyer, flouriſhed, 1632; in whoſe houſe, at Paris, the tapeſtry manufactory was erected, 1666.
- Godeau, Biſhop, French hiſtorian, born, 1605; died, 1672.
- Godfrey, Sir Edmondbury, an active juſtice of the peace againſt the Papiſts, murdered October 17, 1678.
- Godfrey of Bologne. See Jeruſalem, Vol. I.
- Godolphin, Sidney, earl of, the ſtateſman, died, 1712.
- Goldſmith, Oliver, the poet, born, 1731; died, April 4, 1774.
- Gombauld, John de, French poet, died, 1666, aged 90.
- Gordian III. emperor of Rome, murdered, 244.
- Gordon, Sir John, ſon to earl Huntley, beheaded, for rebelling againſt Mary queen of Scots, Oct. 31, 1562; his brother George condemned for the ſame act, but pardoned, on account of his youth.
- Gorgias flouriſhed, 436 before Chriſt.
- Gortz, Baron, the Swediſh miniſter, beheaded, 1719.
- Gower, Sir John, the firſt Engliſh poet, died in years, 1402.
- Gracchus, Tiberius, the Roman Tribune, aſſaſſinated, 133 before Chriſt.
- Graevius, J. Geo. the critic, born in Germany, 1632; died, 1703.
- Graham, George, the watchmaker, died, 1751.
- Gratian finiſhed the canon law, after 24 years labour, 1151.
- Gratius, the Latin poet, cotemporary with Ovid.
- Gray, Thomas, the poet, born, Dec. 26. 1716; died, July 31, 1771.
- Greatrakes, that healed by ſtroking, born in Ireland, 16 [...]9; died after 1666. See Impoſtors.
- [48]Gregorie, Dr. John, profeſſor of phyſic, Edinburgh, born, 17 [...]5; died, Feb. 10, 1773. He was the fifteenth deſcendant of the family that had held a profeſſorſhip.
- Gregory Nazianzen, the theologian, father of the Greek church, born, 324; archbiſhop of Con⯑ſtantinople, 380; died, 389.
- Gregory XIII. Pope, died, 1585, aged 83. He altered the calendar. See Style.
- Gregory, Thaumaturgus, died, 270, after 30 years epiſcopacy.
- Greville, Fulk, lord Brook, ſtateſman and author, born, 1554; killed by his ſervant, Sept. 30, 1628.
- Grierſon, Conſtantia, poeteſs of Ireland, died, 1733, aged 27.
- Griffier, John, Dutch landſcape painter, born, 1658; died, 1718.
- Grimaldi, John, Italian landſcape painter, born, 160 [...]; died, 1680.
- Grimſton, Sir Harbottle, maſter of the rolls and law writer, born, 1584; died, 1683.
- Gronovius, James, the antiquarian, born at Daven⯑ter, 1645; died, 1716.
- Grotius, Hugo, Dutch philoſopher, born, 1583; died, 1645.
- Gruter, John, the philologer, born at Antwerp, 1560; died, 1627.
- Guercino, Italian hiſtory painter, born, 1590; died, 1666.
- Gueſclin, the famous high conſt. of France, died, about 1379.
- Guicciardini, Franc. Italian hiſtorian, died, 1540, aged 58.
- Guido, Reni, Italian hiſtory painter, born, 1574; died, 1642; Lewis his nephew, the hiſtorian, died, 1583.
- Guiſe, Francis, duke of, aſſaſſinated by Poltrot, 1563; Henry, duke of, ſon to the former, with his brother the cardinal, aſſaſſinated, for his tur⯑bulency, by order of Henry III. of France, 1588, aged 37.
- [49]Gunter, Reverend Edmund, the mathematician, died, 1626, aged 46.
- Guſtavus, Vaſa, king of Sweden, died, 1560, aged 70. See Sweden.
- Guſtavus II. Adolphus, king of Sweden, loſt part of his helmet by a muſquet ball, at the battle of Nuremberg, 1632; ſlain at the battle of Lutzen, Nov. 6, 1 [...]33, aged 37.
- Guthrie, William, Engliſh hiſtorian died, 1770.
- Guttemberg, John, of Stratſburg, the firſt printer, died after 1466.
- Guy, Thomas, a bookſeller, died, Decem. 27, 1724, aged 79; and left 200,000l. for building an hoſ⯑pital.
- Guy, earl of Warwick, flouriſhed, before 1316.
- Guyon, Mary, of France, the propheteſs, born, 1648; died, 1717.
- HABAKKUK, the prophet, flouriſhed, 731 before Chriſt.
- Habington, William, poet and hiſtorian, born, 1603; died, 1654.
- Hacket, William. See Impoſtors.
- Hackman, Rev. Mr. hanged, for ſhooting Miſs Raay, through love, April 19, 1779.
- Haggai, the prophet, flouriſhed, 520 before Chriſt.
- Hale, lord chief juſtice, died, Dec. 25, 1676, aged 66.
- Hales, Rev. Dr. Stephen, died, January 4, 1761. See Ventilators.
- Hall, biſhop of Norwich, called the Engliſh Saneca, born, 1574; died, 1656.
- Hall, one of the murderers of the duke of Glouceſter, hanged at Tyburn, 1399.
- Haller, Dr. died at Berne, 1778, aged 75.
- Halley, Edmund, the aſtronomer, born, 1656; died, 1742.
- Hallifax, Charles, earl of, born, 1661; died, 1715.
- [50]Hallifax, George, marquis of, ſtateſman and author, born, 1630; died, 1695.
- Haman hanged, by order of Ahaſuerus, 509 before Chriſt.
- Hamel, John Baptiſt du, French mathematician, born, 1624; died, 1698.
- Hamilcar, the Carthagenian general, who conquered Spain, ſlain in battle, 227 before Chriſt. See Barcelona.
- Hammond, Rev. Dr. Henry, the theologian, born, 1605; died, 1660.
- Hampden, John, the Engliſh patriot, born, 1594; killed in battle, June 24, 1643.
- Handel, George Fred, the muſician, died, April 14, 1759, aged 75.
- Hannibal, the Carthaginian general, died, 183 be⯑fore Chriſt. See Annibal.
- Hann [...], Carthaginian general, flouriſhed, 403 before Chriſt.
- Harding John, the chronologer, died, 1461, in years.
- Hardwicke, Earl of, lord chancellor, died, 1763, aged [...]3.
- Hare, biſhop of Chicheſter, polemical writer, died, 1740.
- Harrington, Sir John, the poet, died, about 1620.
- Harrington, James, political writer, born, 1611; died, 1677.
- Harris, James, eſq. learned writer, died, Dec. 22, 1780
- Harvey, Dr. William, the phyſician, born, 1578; died, 1657. See Blood.
- Haſtings, earl of Pembroke, died, 1375.
- Hawes, Stephen, the poet, flouriſhed, 1506.
- Hawkeſworth, Dr. John, philoſophical writer, born, 1719; died 1774.
- Hay, William, the poet, died, 1755.
- Hayward, Sir John, the hiſtorian, died, June 1627.
- Head, Richard, caſt away at ſea, 1678.
- Hearne, Rev. Thomas, the antiquary, born, 1678; died, 1735.
- Hector, the Trojan general, ſlain by Achilles, 1184 before Chriſt.
- [51]Heinfius, Daniel, the Flemiſh critic, died, 1655, aged 74.
- Helen carried off by Paris, which occaſioned the Trojan war, 1198 before Chriſt.
- Heliodorus, the father of Romances, flouriſhed, about 398.
- Helmont, John Bapt. Van, the Flemiſh philoſopher, born, 1577; died, 1644.
- Heloiſa died, 1163, aged about 63.
- Helvetius, the phyſician, died at Paris, Jan. 7, 1727, aged 64.
- Hemſkirk, Dutch painter, ſtiled the Raphael of Hol⯑land, born, 1498; died, 1574.
- Henley, John, an Engliſh clergyman, amuſed the the public for many years with a medley of deiſm, politics, and ſatire, from a pulpit, under the pre⯑tence of religious worſhip, and was called Orator Henley. He died 1756.
- Henry of Huntingdon, the hiſtorian, died, 1168.
- Hepheſtion, the Macedonian general, died, 325 before Chriſt.
- Heraclides of Pontus, a Greek philoſopher, flouriſhed, 336 before Chriſt.
- Heraclitus, Greek philoſopher, died, about 500 be⯑fore Chriſt, aged 59.
- Heraclius, emperor and hereſiarch, flouriſhed, 630.
- Herbelot, Bath. de, French writer, born, 1636; died, 1696.
- Herbert, Edward, lord, the hiſtorian, born, 1511; died, 1648; Rev. George, his brother, the poet, born, 1593; died, about 1635.
- Hercules, a Theban hero, whoſe birth and exploits are the ſubjects of fabulous hiſtory, flouriſhed, 900 before Chriſt.
- Hermanric, king of the Oſtrogoths, flouriſhed, 375.
- Hermogenes, a diſciple of Praxeas, appeared, 207. He taught alſo, that matter is eternal. See Praxeas.
- Herodian, Roman hiſtorian, flouriſhed, 254.
- Herodotus, the hiſtorian, born, 484; died, after 413 before Chriſt.
- Hervey, Rev. James, author of Meditations, &c. born, 1714; died, 1758.
- [52]Heſiod, the Greek poet, lived, 944 before Chriſt.
- Heſychius, the Greek Grammarian, flouriſhed, 499.
- Hetherington, Rev. William, who left a conſiderable ſum of money to the blind, died, Dec. 1778.
- Heylin, Rev. Peter, the hiſtorian, born, 1599; died, 1662.
- Heywood, John, reputed to be the firſt Engliſh dram. writer, died, 1565.
- Heywood, Thomas, dram. writer, died, about 1615.
- Hicks, William, eſq. who left [...]00l. per annum to the Marine Society, died, 1763.
- Hierax, the Egyptian philoſopher, who believed Melchiſedech to be the Holy Ghoſt, and denied the reſurrection, appeared, 286. His proſelytes were called Hieracians.
- Hierocles, governor of Alexandria, and perſecutor of the Chriſtians, flouriſhed, about 300.
- Hill, Aaron, miſcellaneous author, born, 1685; died, Feb. 8, 1750.
- Hill, Sir John, the botaniſt, died, 1775, aged about 60.
- Hillary, St. died, 367, aged 80.
- Hipparchus, the aſtronomer, flouriſhed, between 160 and 125 before Chriſt. He firſt deſcribed the fixed ſtars.
- Hippias, the Greek architect, flouriſhed, 436 before Chriſt.
- Hippocrates, the Greek phyſician, died, 361 before Chriſt, aged 98.
- Hiram of Tyre, who aſſiſted in building Solomon's temple, died, 990 before Chriſt.
- Hoadley, biſhop of Winton, controverſial writer, died, 1761, aged 84; Dr. Benjamin, his ſon, phyſician, and dram. author, born, 1706; died, 1757.
- Hobbes, Thomas, philoſophical writer, died, 1679, aged 90.
- Hogarth, William, painter of humour, died, 1764, aged 64.
- Holbein, Hans, German portrait painter, born, 1498; died of the plague at London, 1554.
- [53]Holinſhed, Ralph, hiſtorian, died, 1580.
- Hollar, the painter, died, 1667, aged 60.
- Hollar, Wenceſlaus, German engraver, born, 1607; died, 1677.
- Holofernes killed by Judith, 668 before Chriſt.
- Holt, lord chief juſtice, died, March 6, 1710, aged 67.
- Homer, the Greek poet, flouriſhed, about 908 before Chriſt.
- Hooker, Rev. Richard, the author, born, 1553; died, 1600.
- Hooper, biſhop of Glouceſter, burnt in his dioceſe, for hereſy, in queen Mary's reign, 1555.
- Horace, the Latin poet, born at Venuſium, 65 before Chriſt; died, 8 before Chriſt.
- Horrox, Jeremiah, the aſtronomer, born, about 1619; died 1641.
- Hoſea propheſied, 785 before Chriſt.
- Hotman, Francis, the French civilian, born, 1524; died, 1590.
- Hoveden, Roger de, the hiſtorian, died, about 1210.
- Howard, Mr. juſtice, ſtabbed in Weſtminſter-hall, November 21, 1640.
- Howard, Sir Robert, hiſtorian and poet, died, ſoon after 1692.
- Howe, Lord viſcount, ſlain, 1758, aged 34.
- Hudſon, John, a learned critic, born, 1662; died, 1719.
- Hughes, John, the poet, born, 1677; died, 1719.
- Hume, David, philoſophical writer, born, April 26, 1711; died, Auguſt 25, 1776.
- Humphreys, Lawrence, Latin author, died, 1590.
- Huſs, John, the Bohemian reformer, burnt, for his faith, July 15, 1415.
- Hutcheſon, Rev. Francis, philoſophical writer, born, 1694; died, 1748.
- Hutchinſon, John, philoſophical writer, born, 1674; died, 1737.
- Huygens, the Dutch aſtronomer, born, 1629; died, 1693.
- [54]Hyde, Rev. Thomas, learned writer, born, 1636; died, 1703.
- Hypatia, the female geometrician, maſſacred by the populace of Alexandria, about 415.
- ICTINUS, the Greek architect, flouriſhed, about 430 before Chriſt.
- Ignatius made a biſhop by St. Peter and St. Paul; torn to pieces in the amphitheatre by lions, by order of the emperor Trajan, 107.
- Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Jeſuits, born, 1491; died, 1556, canonized by Paul V. 1609.
- Inachus, firſt king of Argos, 1859 before Chriſt.
- Ingulphus, abbot of Croyland, monaſtic hiſtorian, died, 1109, aged 79.
- Innocent XI. Pope, died, Auguſt 2, 1689.
- Irenaeus, a Greek biſhop of Lyons, France, a theo⯑logical writer, put to death under the emperor Severus, in the fifth perſecution of the Chriſtians, 202, aged 82.
- Iſaac, Abraham's ſon, born, 1896; married Rebecca the daughter of Bethuel, the Syrian, 1856; died, 1717 before Chriſt.
- Iſhmael born, 2010 before Chriſt.
- Iſidorus Hiſpalenſis, the hiſtorian, flouriſhed, about 620.
- Iſocrates, the Athenian orator, died, 338 before Chriſt, aged 89.
- Iſodorus Characenus, the Greek hiſtorian, died, after 35.
- JAMES, St. the leſs, biſhop of Jeruſalem, wrote his epiſtle, 59; martyred, 62; feaſt of, inſtituted, 1090.
- James, St. put to death, 41.
- [55]Janſenius, Corn. biſhop of Ipres, author of Janſe⯑niſm, born, 1585; died, 1638.
- Janus, an ancient king of Latium, eſteemed the father of the other deities. See Latium, Saturn, Agriculture.
- Jaſon, the Greek hero, who undertook the Argo⯑nautic expedition, flouriſhed, about 937 before Chriſt.
- Jefferies, George, lord, made lord chancellor, Oct. 1685; committed to the Tower by the Lord⯑mayor, Dec. 12, 1688, where he deſtroyed him⯑ſelf, April 18, 1689.
- Jefferys, George, dram. poet, died, 1755, aged 77.
- Jehoiakim, king of Judah, began his reign three months after the death of Joſiah; carried captive to Babylon, 597 before Chriſt.
- Jekyl, Sir Joſeph, maſter of the rolls, a law author, died, 1738.
- Jenkins, Henry, of Yorkſhire, died, Dec. 1670, aged 169.
- Jephtha, ſeventh judge of Iſrael, took his raſh vow, 1187; died, 1182 before Chriſt.
- Jeremiah began to prophecy, 629; wrote his La⯑mentations, 610; impriſoned, 609; foretold the Jewiſh captivity, 607, and died about 577 before Chriſt.
- Jerom, St. a father of the church, born, 329, died, 420.
- Jerome, of Prague, a diſciple of Huſs, burnt for hereſy, May 30, 1416.
- Jeſus, the ſon of Sirach, lived, 247 before Chriſt.
- Joan d'Arc, the maid of Orleans, who undertook the command of a general, in favour of the king of France, burnt by the Engliſh at Rouen, for pre⯑tending to magical power, June 14, 1431.
- Joan of Navarre, Henry IV th's widow, died, 1437.
- Joan, Pope, in 856. This female pope was merely fabulous, being introduced by writers to depict the effeminate manners of Benedict III.
- Job died, 1553 before Chriſt, aged 189.
- Joel propheſied, 800 before Chriſt.
- [56]John, St. the apoſtle, wrote his Epiſtles, 92.
- John, St. the Evangeliſt, put into a cauldron of boiling oil, but taken out unhurt, 93; wrote his Revelations, 96; his Goſpel, 97; died, Dec. 27, 99, aged 91.
- John the Baptiſt preached repentance in the wilder⯑neſs, 28; impriſoned, 30; beheaded, 32, aged 37; feaſt of St. John inſtituted by pope Felix III. 487.
- John of Saliſbury, the antiquary, died, 1181.
- John of Wallingford, the hiſtorian, flouriſhed, 1231.
- Johnny Armſtrong, the Scotch thief of Hol-houſe, executed, 1528.
- Johnſon, Ben, dram. writer, died, 1637, aged 62.
- Jonas preached to Nineveh, 806, in the reign of Sardanapalus, who burnt himſelf alive in his palace with his wives, rather than fall into the hands of his rebellious ſubjects, 761 before Chriſt. See Niniveh.
- Jones, Inigo, Engliſh architect, born, about 1572; died, 1652.
- Jortin, Rev. Dr. the theologian, died, 1770.
- Joſephus, the Jewiſh hiſtorian, died, 93, aged 56.
- Joſhua died, 1426 before Chriſt, aged 110. See Iſraelites.
- Joſiah, king of Juda, ſlain at Megiddo in the ſpring, 608 before Chriſt.
- Jouvenet, the French painter, born, 1644; died, 1717.
- Judas Maccabaeus flouriſhed, 165 before Chriſt.
- Jude, St. the apoſtle and brother of Chriſt, wrote his epiſtle in 71; ſuffered martyrdom, about 80.
- Julian, the apoſtate emperor, ſent a vicar into Bri⯑tain, 358; died, 363, aged 31.
- Juſtin, the martyr, the platonic philoſopher, ſuffered for chriſtianity under Marcus Aurelius, 167.
- Juſtin, the Latin hiſtorian, flouriſhed, 250.
- Juſtinian I. the Roman emperor, reigned, in 527; died, 566, aged 84. See Laws.
- Juvenal, the Roman ſatyriſt, born, 45; died, 127.
- KEIL, John, of Edinburgh, the aſtronomer, born, 1671; died, 1721.
- Keith, James, earl marſhal of Scotland, having taken arms in 1715, in favour of the pretender, went into the ſervice of Ruſſia, and having diſtinguiſhed himſelf againſt the Turks, was made field marſhal to the king of Pruſſia, but ſlain at the battle of Hochkerchen, 1758.
- Kempis, Thomas, a learned divine, died, 1471, aged 91.
- Ken, Thomas, biſhop of Bath, theologian and poet, born, 1647; died, 1711.
- Kennet, Rev. Baſil, the theologian, died, 1714.
- Kennet, White, biſhop of Peterborough, the hiſtorian, born, 1660; died, 1728.
- Kepler, John, the German aſtronomer, born, 1571; died, 1630.
- Khondamir, the Perſian hiſtorian, flouriſhed, about 1508.
- Kidder, biſhop of Bath, polemical writer, born, 1649; killed in his bed, by the fall of a ſtack of chimnies, in the great ſtorm, Nov. 26, 1703.
- Killegrew, Sir William, dram. writer, born, 1605; died, 1639.
- King, archbiſhop of Dublin, polemical writer, born, 1650; died, 1729.
- King, Sir Peter, died, 1729, aged 76.
- King, William, political writer, born, 1685; died, 1763.
- Kneller, Sir Godfrey, portrait painter, died, 1723, aged 76.
- Knolles, Sir Robert, died, 1407.
- Knox, John, the Scotch reformer, born, 1515; died, 1572.
- Koempfer, a German phyſician, hiſtorian and botaniſt, died, 1716.
- Kouli Khan uſurped the Perſian throne, March 11, 1732; aſſaſſinated by one of his generals, June 8, 1747, aged 60. See Mogul Empire.
- LABADIE. John, the ſectariſt, who cauſed great diſturbances in France and Holland, died, 1674.
- Lactantius, a father of the chriſtian church, died, 325.
- Laertius lived in 183.
- Lally, Count de, French general, beheaded, 1766.
- Lanfranco, Giov. Italian hiſtory painter, born, 1581; died, 1647.
- Lanſdown, Geo. lord, the poet, born, about 1667; died, 1736.
- Lardner, Nathaniel, diſſenting minſter and author, born, 1684; died, 1719.
- Latimer, biſhop of Worceſter, burnt at Oxford for hereſy, in queen Mary's time, 1555, aged 85.
- Laud, archbiſhop of Canterbury, adreſſed as his "holineſs", by the univerſity of Oxford, 1636; beheaded, Jan. 10, 1645, aged 71, for ſtriving to bring in arbitrary power.
- Lauderdale, Duke of, died, Auguſt 24, 1682.
- Lauro, Filip. Italian painter, born, 1623; died, 1694.
- Lee, Nathaniel, dram. poet, died, 1690, aged 33.
- Legat burnt in Smithfield for Arianiſm, 1612.
- Leibnitz, the philoſopher, born at Leipſic, 1646; died, 1716.
- Leiceſter, Dudley, earl of, ſtateſman and general, born, 1532; died, 1588.
- Leiceſter, Sir Peter, the antiquary, born, 1613; died, 1678.
- Leiceſter, Simon de Montfort, earl of, married Ele⯑anor, ſiſter of Henry III. 1238; gained the battle of Lewes, 1264; defeated and ſlain at the battle of Eveſham, 1265.
- Leland, John, the antiquary, died, 1552, aged about 45.
- Leland, Dr. the Iriſh hiſtorian, died, Jan. 16, 1766, aged 75.
- [59]Lelv, Sir Peter, hiſtory and portrait painter, of Weſt⯑phalia, born, 1617; died, 1080.
- Le Motte, Monſ. French ſpy, executed at Tyburn, July 17, 1781.
- Lenox, Earl of, father to lord Darnley, reſtored to his honours, 1564; made regent of Scotland, July 12, 1570; murdered, 1571.
- Leofricus, the firſt biſhop of Exeter, died, 1073.
- Leonidas I. king of Sparta, ſlain, 480 before Chriſt.
- Leſtock. See Matthews.
- L'Eſtrange, Sir Roger, the writer, born, 1617; died, 1705. See Newſpapers.
- Leucippus, the Greek-philoſopher, flouriſhed, about 428 before Chriſt.
- Leuwenhoek; Anth. Dutch phyſician, died, 1723.
- Lightfoot, Rev. Dr. John, Latin writer, born, 1601; died, 1675.
- Ligonier, John, earl, field marſhal, died, 1770, aged 91.
- Lilburne, John, whipt for a libel, Feb. 19, 1638; died, Auguſt 1657, aged 38.
- Lillo, George, dram. writer, born, 1693; died, Sept. 3, 1739.
- Lilly, Wm. the aſtrologer, born, 1602; died, 1681.
- Lilye, Wm. the grammarian, died, 1523, aged 55.
- Linnaeus, the Swediſh botaniſt, died, January 10, 1778, aged 70.
- Linus, the moſt ancient Greek muſician, cotemporary with Amphion, flouriſhed, 1490 before Chriſt.
- Linus, the Greek poet, flouriſhed, 950 before Chriſt.
- Liſle, Lady, beheaded at Wincheſter, September 2, 1685, for harbouring two rebels
- Littleton, Reverend Adam, the lexicographer, born, 1627; died, 1694.
- Littleton, Sir. Thomas, law writer, died, 1481, aged 79.
- Livy, the Latin hiſtorian, died, in 17, aged 76.
- Lloyd, Robert, the poet, died, 1764, aged about 32.
- Llewellin, Martin, died, 1682, aged 65.
- Locke, John, the philoſopher, died, 1704, aged 72.
- [60]Lombard, Peter, archbiſhop of Paris, the theologian, died, 1164.
- Long, Rev. Dr. Robert, the aſtronomer, died, 1770, aged about 80.
- Longinus, the orator, born, about 213; put to death, by order of the emperor Aurelian, for being of Zenobia's party, 273.
- Longland, biſhop of Lincoln, died, 1547.
- Lovat, Lord, beheaded on Tower-hill, 1747, for joining the rebels in 1745.
- Louis IX. of France, St. canonized, for warring againſt the Turks.
- Louis XIV. of France, died, 1715, aged 77.
- Love, Rev. Chriſtopher, beheaded, 1651, aged 33.
- Loyer, Peter le, born in Anjou, 1540; died, 1634.
- Lucan born at Cordova, Spain, Nov. 11, 37; con⯑demned for a conſpiracy againſt the emperor Nero, and bled to death in a hot bath, April 30, 64.
- Lucas, de Leyden, the painter, died, 1533, aged 40.
- Lucas, Dr. Charles, of Dublin, the patriot, died, Nov. 5, 1771.
- Lucas, Rev. Dr. Richard, theological writer, born, 1648; died blind, 1715.
- Lucian, the Greek ſatyriſt, died, 180, aged 90.
- Lucilius, the Latin poet. died, 103 before Chriſt.
- Lucius, the firſt Chriſtian king of Britain. He reigned 77 years; founded the firſt Chriſtian church in London, St. Peter's, Cornhill, which was made the ſee of an archbiſhop, till removed to Canter⯑bury, 179. See Sanctuaries.
- Lucius Florus, the Roman hiſtorian, flouriſhed, 98.
- Lucretia raviſhed by Sextus, and killed herſelf, 505 before Chriſt. See Rome, City of.
- Lucretius, the Latin poet, born at Rome, 95; put an end to his life in a raging fit, in 52 before Chriſt.
- Luke, St. wrote his Goſpel, 55; died, about 70, aged 80.
- Luther, Martin, the author of Lutheraniſm, ap⯑peared, 1518; died, 1546. The Lutherans are [61]Proteſtants, but believe in conſubſtantiation, i. e. that the ſacramental bread conſiſts of bread and the body of Chriſt in union.
- Lycon, the Greek peripatetic philoſopher, flouriſhed, 273 before Chriſt.
- Lycophron, the Greek tragic poet, flouriſhed, 303 before Chriſt.
- Lycurgus born, 926; eſtabliſhed his body of laws in Lacedemon, 884; died in Crete, 872 before Chriſt.
- Lydgate, John, the poet, flouriſhed, 1430.
- Lyſander, the Lacedemonian admiral, ſlain in battle, 336 before Chriſt.
- Lyſimachus, the Maccdonian general, ſlain in battle, 281 before Chriſt, aged 80.
- Lyttleton, George, lord, the hiſtorian, died, 1773; his brother, biſhop of Carliſle, the antiquary, died, 1768.
- MABILLON, John, French theologian, born, 1632; died, 1707.
- Macarius flouriſhed, 373.
- Macbeth, the uſurper of the Scotch crown, ſlain in battle, 1054. See Edward the Confeſſor, Duncan, Banquo.
- Macedonius, the hereſiarch, who denied the divinity of the ſecond and third perſons in the Trinity, flouriſhed, 360.
- Machiavel, Nicholas, a political writer, died, 1527, aged 57.
- Mackenzie, Sir George, a Scotch lawyer, born, 1612; died, 1691.
- Maclawrin, Colin, the mathematician, born, 1698; died, 1746.
- Macrobius, the Latin author, died, about 415.
- Magellus, Fern. Portugueſe navigator, diſcovered his ſtreights called Magellan, 1519; died, 1520.
- Magliabechi, the librarian, died, 1714, aged 81.
- [62]Mahomet, the falſe prophet, born at Mecca, May 5, 570; began to teach his errors, 612; the aera of his ſect commenced, 622; died June 18, 631.
- Maimonides, Moſes, Spaniſh Jew writer, died, 1209, aged 70.
- Maintenon, Mad. de, the wife of Scarron, the French poet, miſtreſs, and afterwards wife to Louis XIV. of France, died, 1719, aged 84.
- Malachi, the laſt of the prophets, flouriſhed, 397 before Chriſt.
- Malbranche, Nich. the French metaphyſician, born, 1638; died, 1715.
- Malcolm, Sarah, remarkable murder by her in the Temple, 1733.
- Malherbe, the French poet, born, 1556; died, 1628.
- Mallet, David, dram, author, died, 1765.
- Malmſbury, William of, the hiſtorian, wrote in 1140.
- Malpighi, the anatomiſt, born in Italy, 1628; died, 1694.
- Manaſſeh choſen high prieſt, 253 before Chriſt.
- Mandeville, Sir John, the traveller, died, 1372.
- Mandeville, Bernard, of Holland, philoſopher and poet, died, 1733, aged between 60 and 70.
- Manetho, the Egyptian hiſtorian, flouriſhed, 261 before Chriſt.
- Manlius, M. thrown down from the Tarpeian rock, 384 before Chriſt.
- Manning, Cromwell's ſpy, put to death abroad, by order of Charles II. 1655.
- Maratti, Carlo, Italian painter, born, 1625: died, 1713.
- Marca, archbiſhop of Paris, born, 1594; died, 1662.
- Marcellinus, Ammianus, a Greek and Latin hiſtorian of Rome, from 99, to 388; died about 390.
- Marcellus, the Roman emperor, ſlain, 207 before Chriſt.
- Marcion, who taught two divinities, one good, the other bad, and worſhipped a brazen ſerpent, began to ſpread his hereſy, 140.
- [63]Marcus Aurel. Antoninus, emperor and philoſopher, born, 161; died, 180.
- Margaritone, Italian painter, flouriſhed, 1265; died, aged 77.
- Mariana, the Spaniſh hiſtorian, died, 1624, aged 86.
- Marius, Caius, flouriſhed, 107 before Chriſt. See Teutones.
- Mark, St. firſt patriarch of Alexandria, wrote his Goſpel in 44; ſuffered martyrdom in 68; feaſt of, inſtituted, 1090.
- Marlborough, John, duke of, Engliſh general, died, June 16, 1722, aged 72.
- Marloe, Chriſtopher, dram. writer, killed by his rival, 1593.
- Marot, Clement, French poet, born, 1495; died, 1544.
- Marrow, an eminent lawyer, flouriſhed, in Hen⯑ry VIIth's reign.
- Marſham, Sir John, the hiſt. born, 1602; died, 1685.
- Martial, the Latin epigrammatiſt, born at Bilboa, 34; died, 109.
- Martin, St. biſhop of Tours, father of the chriſtian church, died, about 402.
- Martyr, Peter, polemical author, born, 1500; died, Nov. 12, 15 [...]2.
- Marvel, Andrew, political writer, born, 1620; died, 1678.
- Maſſillon, J. B. biſhop of Clermont, French writer, died, 1743, aged 79.
- Maſſinger, Philip, dram. poet, died, 1640, aged 55.
- Matſys, Quintian, Dutch painter, died, 1529.
- Matthew, St. wrote his Goſpel in 44; died in 65.
- Matthew, of Weſtminſter, the chronologiſt, died, about 1380.
- Matthias was high prieſt, 6 before Chriſt.
- Maupertuis, Peter de, French mathematician, born, 1698; died, 1759.
- Mauritius, alias O'Fihely, archbiſhop of Tuam, died, 1513.
- Maximian, Roman emperor, put to death, by order of Conſtantine, 310.
- [64]Maximin, Roman emperor, depoſed, and, with his ſon, murdered, 237.
- Maximus, of Tyre, the platonic philoſopher, died, about 180.
- Maximus and Balbinus, Roman emperors, mur⯑dered, 238.
- May, Tho. the poet, born, about 1594; died, 1652.
- Mazarine, Cardinal, prime miniſter of France, died, 1661, aged 59.
- Mead, Dr. Richard, medical writer, born, 1673; died, 1754.
- Mecaenas, poet, and patron of learned men, died, 8 before Chriſt.
- Mecklenburg, Albert Winceſlaus, duke of, mur⯑dered by Gourdon, 1634.
- Melancthon, Phil. the reformer, died, 1560, aged 63.
- Melece, biſhop of Lycopolis, who ſacrificed to idols, flouriſhed, 305. He formed a ſchiſm that con⯑tinued 150 years.
- Memnon, or Amenophis, was the perſon called in ſcripture Pharaoh. See Letters, Pharaoh.
- Menage, Giles, French grammarian, born at An⯑gers, 1613; died, 1692.
- Menander, the Athenian comic poet, born, 342; died, 293 before Chriſt.
- Menander, the hereſiarch, appeared, 68. He adopted the errors of Simon the magician, and taught that he (Menander) was the only ſaviour of the elect.
- Mercury, Treſmigeſtes, king, high prieſt, and phi⯑loſopher of Egypt, ſuppoſed to have flouriſhed, about 1900 before Chriſt.
- Merkes, Thomas, biſhop of Carliſle, had the courage ſingly to oppoſe the depoſing of Richard II. 1399.
- Merlin, the poet and prophet, lived in 477.
- Merſenne, French writer, born, 1588; died, 1648.
- Meulen, Vand. the painter, born at Bruſſels, 1634; died, 1680.
- Mezeray, the French hiſtorian, born, 1610; died, 1683.
- Micah, the prophet, flouriſhed, 754 before Chriſt.
- Middleton, Thomas, lived in the reign of Charles I.
- [65]Middleton, Conyers, polemical writer, born, 1683; died, 1750.
- Mieris, Francis, Dutch painter, died, 1683.
- Mile, Francis, Dutch painter, born, 1643; died, 1680.
- Miller, Philip, the botaniſt, died, Dec. 18, 1771, aged 80.
- Milo, a Roman knight, baniſhed, for killing Clo⯑dius, 52 before Chriſt.
- Milton, John, the poet, born, 1608; died blind, 1674.
- Minos, the lawgiver, reigned at Crete, 1432 before Chriſt.
- Miſt, the printer, impriſoned, June 1721.
- Moab born, 1897 before Chriſt, from whom ſprung the Moabites.
- Mola, Pier. Franc. Italian painter, born, 1609; died, 1665.
- Moliere, the Fr. dramatiſt, born, 1620; died, 1672.
- Molina, Louis, Spaniſh polemical author, died, 1600.
- Molyneux, William, Iriſh mathematician, born, 1656; died, 1698.
- Monk, General George, born, 1608; arbiter of England's fate, 1659; ſolicited by parliament to take the government of the kingdom, but refuſed it, March 1660; made duke of Albemarle, July 12, 1660; he projected the reſtoration of Charles II. died, 1670.
- Monmouth, Jeffrey of, the hiſtorian, wrote in 1152.
- Monro, Dr. James, the anatomiſt, died, 1751. Alexander, M. D. learned writer, born, Sept. 19, 1697; died, July 10, 1767.
- Montagne, Michael de, French author, died, 1592, aged 59.
- Montanus, the hereſiarch, who attacked marriage, flouriſhed, 184. His followers were called Mon⯑taniſts, Phrygians, Cataphrygians, Eucratites, and Catarres. They were ſuppreſſed, about 255. They maintained an enthuſiaſtic ſucceſſion of prophecy.
- Monteſquieu, French philoſopher, born, 1689; died, 1755.
- [66]Montezuma, the laſt king of Mexico, conquered by Cortez; ſtoned to death by his own ſubjects, for his ſubmiſſion to the Spaniards, 1541.
- Montfaucon, the French antiquarian, born, 1655; died, 1741.
- Montmorency, Duke of, beheaded in France, 1632.
- Montmorency, Matthew, general and high conſtable of France, died, Nov. 24, 1230.
- Morant, Rev. Philip, the hiſtorian of Eſſex, died, 1770.
- Morata, Olympia Fulvia, a Latin female writer, died, 1555.
- More, Sir Thomas, lord chancellor, beheaded July 6, 1535, aged 51, for denying the king's ſupremacy. See Chancery.
- Moreri, the French biographer, born, 1643; died, 1680.
- Morgagni, the Italian anatomiſt, died, 1762.
- Morton, Earl of, regent of Scotland, beheaded, 1581.
- Moſchus of Syracuſe, Greek paſtoral poet, flouriſhed, about 177 before Chriſt.
- Moſheim, the German hiſtorian, died, 1755.
- Motteaux, Peter, dramatic writer, murdered, 1718, aged 58.
- Mountford, William, the dramatiſt, born, 1659; murdered, 1692.
- Mowbray, Robert de, the hiſtorian, died, about 1125.
- Muncer, Thomas, a Saxon divine, chief of the Ger⯑man anabaptiſts, and a leveller, who, at the head of 40,000 men, his followers, wrote to the ſove⯑reign princes, &c. of Germany, to reſign their authority. The Landgrave of Heſſe defeated him, 7000 of the enthuſiaſts fell in battle, and he was taken and beheaded, 1525.
- Munſter, Sebaſtian, the German mathematician, born, 1489; died, 1552.
- Muratori, the Italian antiquary, born, 1672; died, 1750.
- Murillo, Bartol. Spaniſh painter, born, 1613; died, 1685.
- [67]Muſaeus, the Greek poet, flouriſhed, 1180 before Chriſt.
- Muſgrave, Dr. William, the antiquary, died, 1721.
- Muſgrave, Samuel, M. D. learned writer, died, July 4, 1780.
- NABONASSER, king of the Chaldeans, died, 714 before Chriſt. See Era, Vol. I. which commenced with his reign.
- Nahum, the prophet, flouriſhed, 758 before Chriſt.
- Napier. See Neper, Vol. I.
- Naſh, Richard, maſter of the ceremonies at Bath, died, Feb. 1761, aged 86.
- Navarre, Margaret, queen of, died, 1549. See Spain.
- Nehemiah, the prophet, died, 430 before Chriſt.
- Nelſon, Robert, polemical writer, born, 1616; died, 1715.
- Neſtorius, patriarch of Conſtantinople, who denied the union of the two natures in Chriſt, appeared, 429.
- Newburgh, William de, the hiſtorian, wrote, 1197.
- Newcaſtle, Margaret, ducheſs of, died, 1673.
- Newton, Sir Iſaac, the mathematician, born Dec. 1642; died, March 1727.
- Nicephorus, Gregoras, Greek hiſtorian, died, 1350.
- Nicias, the Greek painter, flouriſhed, 300 before Chriſt.
- Nicka, a Gothic daemon, who was ſuppoſed to in⯑habit the water, and ſtrangle perſons that were drowning. Hence 'Old Nick.'
- Nicolle, Peter, French philoſopher, born, 1625; died, 1695.
- Nicomedes, the mathematician, flouriſhed, about 220.
- Nimrod, the founder of Babylon; he was the grand⯑ſon of Ham, one of the ſons of Noah. It was in his time that the tower of Babylon was built. See Babel, Babylon.
- [68]Noailles, Marſhal, French general, died, 1766, aged 88.
- Noetus, the he [...]eſiarch, flouriſhed, 240. He called himſelf a new Moſes, and allowed only one perſon in God: his diſciples were culled Monarchiſts.
- Nollet, L'Abbé, French philoſopher, born, 1700; died, 1770.
- Novatian, the hereſiarch, firſt appeared, 254. He was coadjutor with Novatus; which ſee.
- Novatus, a prieſt of Carthage, the chief of a ſect called Novatians, flouriſhed, 250. He condemned repentance and ſecond marriages, and formed a ſchiſm againſt his biſhop St. Cyprian.
- OATES, Dr. Titus, whipped, 1685. See Impoſtors, Vol. I.
- Obadiah prophecied, 587 before Chriſt.
- O'Connor, Roderic, laſt of the Iriſh monarchs, died, 1198, very old.
- Octavia, wife of Marc Anthony, died, 100 before Chriſt.
- Odin. See Woden.
- Oecolampadius, the reformer, died in 1531, aged 49.
- Oedipus, king of Thebes, flouriſhed, 1266 before Chriſt.
- Ogilby, John, the Scotch geographer, born, 1600; died, 1676.
- Ogyges, king of Beotia. See Deluge, Vol. I.
- Oldcaſtle, Sir John, lord Cobham, condemned in convocation, for heretically denying the pope's ſupremacy, hanged and burnt without Temple⯑bar, 1416; he is ſaid to be the firſt proteſtant that ſuffered for that religion. See Lollard.
- Oldfield, Anne, the actreſs, born, 1683; died, 1730.
- Oldham, John, the poet, born, 1653; died, 1683.
- Oldmixon, John, dramatic writer, died, 1742.
- O'Nial, John, of Ireland, killed, 1568.
- O'Nial, Sir Phelim, hanged in Ireland, 1652. See Maſſacre, Vol. I.
- [69]Oreſtes, king of Mycenae and friend to Pylades, died, about 1144 before Chriſt.
- Origen, a father of the Chriſtian church, died, 253, aged 69.
- Orlando Furioſo, the Italian warrior, died, 772.
- Oroſius, the Spaniſh hiſtorian, died, after 420.
- Orpheus, the epic poet of Crotona, flouriſhed, 576 before Chriſt.
- Orpheus of Thrace, the Greek poet, flouriſhed, 128 before Chriſt.
- Oſſian flouriſhed as a poet, 300.
- Oſſorius, Jerom, biſhop of Sylves, Portugal, a learned writer, died, 1580, aged 74.
- Otho, the Roman emperor, hanged himſelf, 69, aged 37.
- Otway, Thomas, the tragic poet; born, 1615; died, 1685.
- Ovid, the Latin poet, born at Sulmo, 43 before Chriſt; died in 15.
- Ozell, John, died, Oct. 1743.
- PACUVIUS, the tragic poet, flouriſhed, 160 before Chriſt.
- Palladio, the Italian architect, died, 1580.
- Pamphile, the Macedonian painter, flouriſhed, 350 before Chriſt.
- Pan-Kou, the Chineſe hiſtorian, flouriſhed, 85 before Chriſt.
- Par, Thomas, died, 1635, aged 153. He lived in ten reigns, and was father of a child at 120 years of age.
- Para, king of Armenia, aſſaſſinated at a banquet, by order of the emperor Valens, 374.
- Paracelſus, the Swiſs phyſician, died, 1541, aged 48.
- Paré, Ambroſe, French anatomiſt, died, 1592.
- Paris, Matthew, the hiſtorian, died, 1259.
- Parma, Pete, duke of, natural ſon to pope Paul III. aſſaſſinated by conſpirators, Sept. 10, 1547.
- [70]Parmegiano, Italian painter, born, 1504; died, 1540.
- Parmenides, the Greek philoſopher, lived, 505 be⯑fore Chriſt.
- Parnell, Rev. Thomas, the poet, born, 1679; died, 1718.
- Parocel, Joſeph, the hiſtory painter, born, 1648; died, 1704.
- Partridge, John, the aſtrologer, born, 1644; died, 1715.
- Paſcal, Blaiſe, French mathematician, born, 1623; died, 1662.
- Paſquier, Steph. French poet, died, 1615, aged 81.
- Paterculus, Vell. Latin hiſtorian, flouriſhed, about 30.
- Patrice, the hereſiarch, flouriſhed, 195. who taught, with all the errors of the age, that man was the production of the devil.
- Patrick, St. firſt biſhop in Ireland, carried captive there from Scotland at 16 years of age, died, 491, aged 122.
- Patroclus, the Grecian general, ſlain by Hector, 1184 before Chriſt.
- Patru, Oliver, French writer, born, 1604; died, 1681.
- Pavillion, Stephen, French writer, died, 1705.
- Paul, Father. See Sarpi.
- Paul, of Thebais. See Monk, Vol. I.
- Paul of Samoſate, the hereſiarch, who denied the divinity of Chriſt, appeared, 262.
- Pauſanias, the Greek hiſtorian, flouriſhed, 160.
- Peck, Francis, the antiquary, died, 1743.
- Pelagius called to account for his opinions, 415, which were, that to confide in ones ſelf is the only good. He denied original ſin.
- Pelham, Henry, the ſtateſman, died, 1754, aged 60.
- Peliſſon, Paul, French writer, born, 1624; died, 1693.
- Penn, William, firſt proprietor of Pennſylvania, born, 1644; died, 1718.
- Penruddock, Colonel, executed, 1655.
- Percy, Henry, earl of Northumberland, died, 1046.
- [71]Perdiccas, the Macedonian general, died, 321 before Chriſt.
- Pergoleſi, the Neapolitan compoſer, died, 1733.
- Periander, the Greek philoſopher, died, 557 before Chriſt.
- Pericles, the Athenian general, died, 429 before Chriſt, aged 70.
- Perrault, Cl. French phyſician, born, 1613; died, 1688; Charles, his brother, French poet, born, 1633; died, 1703.
- Perrcaus, the two brothers, hanged for forgery, Jan, 17, 1776.
- Perron, Cardinal du, French ſtateſman, born, 1556; died, 1618.
- Perſeus, who delivered and married Andromeda, firſt king of Mycene, 1313 before Chriſt.
- Perſius Flaccus, the Latin ſatyriſt, born, Dec, 4, 42; died, 70.
- Pertinax, Roman emperor, murdered by his people, March 28, 193, aged 66.
- Perugino, Peter, painter of Perouſa, died, 1524, aged 78.
- Peſaro, Simon da, Italian painter, born, 1612: died, 1648.
- Petau, Dennis, French writer, born, 1583; died, 1652.
- Petavius of France, Latin writer, died, 1652, aged 69.
- Peter, the hermit, who ſtirred up princes to engage in the Holy War, flouriſhed, 1100.
- Peterborough, Charles, earl of, political writer and poet, died, 1735.
- Petrarch, Francis, Italian peet, born at Arezzo, 1304; died, 1374.
- Petronius Arbiter, the critic, died, 66 before Chriſt.
- Peyrere, Iſaac le, French writer, died, 1677.
- Phaedrus, the Latin fabuliſt, born, 47 before Chriſt; died, 31.
- Phalaris the Cruel, tyrannized over Sicily, about 561 before Chriſt.
- Phaon. See Sappho.
- [72]Pharamond, firſt king of France, died, 428. See Salic.
- Pharaoh ordered all the male children of the Hebrews to be deſtroyed, 1573; drowned, with his hoſt, in the Red Sea, Monday, May 11, 1491 before Chriſt. See Memnon.
- Pherecrates, the Greek comic poet, flouriſhed, 330 before Chriſt.
- Pherecydides of Athens, the Greek hiſtorian, flou⯑riſhed, 500 before Chriſt.
- Phidias, the Athenian ſtatuary, lived, 486 before Chriſt. See Statuary, Vol. I.
- Philemon, the Greek comic poet, flouriſhed, 346 before Chriſt.
- Philetus of Coos, the Greek grammarian, flouriſhed, 280 before Chriſt.
- Philetus, the hereſiarch, appeared, 55. He denied the reſurrection of the body.
- Philip II. of Macedon, began to reign, 360; mur⯑dered by Pauſanias, 336 before Chriſt.
- Philips, Catherine, the poeteſs, born, 1632; died, 1664.
- Philips, Ambroſe, the dramatic poet, died, 1748.
- Philips, John, the poet, died, 1708, aged 32.
- Philiſtes, of Syracuſe, the Greek hiſtorian of Sicily, died, 367 before Chriſt.
- Philiſton, the Greek comic poet, flouriſhed, about 15.
- Philocles, the Greek comic poet, flouriſhed, 434 be⯑fore Chriſt.
- Philo-Judaeus, the ſacred hiſtorian, flouriſhed, 40.
- Philoſtratus, the Greek ſophiſt, lived, about 200.
- Philoxenes, the Greek poet, died, 380 before Chriſt.
- Phocas, emperor of the Eaſt, taken priſoner by He⯑raclius, who ordered his arms, legs, and head to be cut off, and his trunk to be thrown into the fire, Oct. 610.
- Photius, the hereſiarch, who denied the divinity of Chriſt, flouriſhed, 342.
- Pibrac, Guy de, born, 1529; died, 1584.
- Picard, a native of the Netherlands, who improved upon the errors of the Adamites, flouriſhed, 1419.
- [73]Pilkington, Laet. dram. poeteſs, born, 1712; died, Auguſt 29, 1750.
- Pilpay, the Indian philoſopher, flouriſhed, earlier than 230 before Chriſt.
- Pindar, Greek lyric poet, died, 435 before Chriſt, aged 80.
- Piſander, the Greek poet, flouriſhed, 648 before Chriſt.
- Piſiſtratus cotemporary with Solon.
- Piſo killed himſelf, on being called to an account for having poiſoned Germanicus; 20. Seè Germanicus.
- Pitcairne, Dr. Archibald, medical author, born, 1652; died, 1713.
- Pithou, Pierre, French law writer, born, 1539; died, 1596.
- Pizzaro, the Spaniſh admiral, that diſcovered Peru, killed, 1541, aged 63.
- Plato, the Greek philoſopher, died, 348 before Chriſt, aged 80.
- Plautus, the Roman comic poet, died, 184 before Chriſt.
- Pletho, Geo. Gemiſtus, reviver of platoniſm in Flo⯑rence, died, 1490, aged 100.
- Pliny, the elder, killed by an eruption of Veſuvius, 79, aged 56; Pliny, the younger, nephew to the former, died, 116.
- Plot, Dr. Robert, the antiquary, died, 1696.
- Plotinus, the platonic philoſopher, died, 270.
- Plutarch, the Greek hiſtorian, died, 119, aged 69.
- Pocock, Reverend Dr. Edward, the orientaliſt, born, 1604; died, 1691.
- Pole, Cardinal, died, Nov. 18, 1558, aged 58.
- Polemburgh, Dutch painter, born, 1586; died, 1660.
- Polignac, Cardinal, French writer, died, 1741.
- Polybius, the Greek hiſtorian, born at Megelopolis, 205; died, 124 before Chriſt.
- Polycarpus, father of the chriſtian church, died, 167.
- Polycletus, the Greek ſculptor, flouriſhed, about 432 before Chriſt.
- Pomfret, Rev. John, the poet, born, 1667; died, 1709.
- Pompey the Great, killed in Egypt, 48 before Chriſt.
- Pope, Sir Thomas, founder of Trinity college, Ox⯑ford, born, 1508; died, 1558.
- [74]Pope, Alexander, the poet, died, 1744, aged 55.
- Porphyry, of Tyre, the platonic philoſopher, died, about 304, aged 71.
- Porta, Battiſta, Italian poet, &c. died, 1615.
- Poſtel, William, French writer, born, 1505; died, 1581.
- Potter, archbiſhop of Canterbury, the antiquary, died, 1747, aged 73.
- Pouch, Captain, the leader of an inſurrection in Northamptonſhire, hanged, 1607.
- Pouſſin, Nich. French landſcape painter, born, 1594; died, 1665.
- Pouſſin, Gaſpar, Italian painter, born, 1613; died, 1673.
- Pratinas, Greek tragic poet, flouriſhed, about 500 before Chriſt.
- Praxagoras, the Greek hiſtorian, flouriſhed, about 345.
- Praxeas, the Phrygian hereſiarch, appeared, 207: he denied the Trinity. His diſciples were called Patropaſſians, from their holding, that God the Father ſuffered on the croſs.
- Praxilla, the Greek poeteſs, flouriſhed, about 492 before Chriſt.
- Praxiteles, the Greek ſtatuary, died, after 288 before Chriſt.
- Priam, king of Troy, ſlain by Pyrrhus, 1184 before Chriſt.
- Prideaux, Rev. Dr. Humphry, the critic, born, 1648; died, 1724.
- Prior, Matt the poet, died, Sept. 18, 1721, aged 56.
- Probus, Roman emperor, murdered by his ſoldiers, Auguſt 282.
- Procaccini, Camillus, Italian painter, born, 1546; died, 1626; Julius, his brother, the painter, born, 1548; died 1626.
- Procopius, the Greek hiſtorian, flouriſhed, 529.
- Prodicus, the Grecian ſophiſt, flouriſhed, 436 before Chriſt.
- Prometheus ſtruck fire from flints, about 1715 before Chriſt. He being the firſt perſon, is ſaid to have [75]ſtolen it from heaven. Became author of all arts among the Greeks, 1687 before Chriſt.
- Propertius, the Roman poet, died, 11 before Chriſt.
- Protagoras, the Greek philoſopher, baniſhed from Athens for atheiſm, 434 before Chriſt.
- Protogenes, the painter, cotemporary with Apelles.
- Prudentius, the chriſtian poet, born, 348; died, 412.
- Prynne, William, a barriſter, and voluminous writer, born, 1600; ſentenced by the ſtar-chamber to ſtand twice in the pillory, and loſe his ears, to pay 5000l. and be impriſoned for life, for a libel againſt plays, and Laud's innovations in religious worſhip, 1633; pilloried, May 1634, and June 1637; his ſentence reverſed, and he took his ſeat in the long parlia⯑ment, Nov. 28, 1640; died, Oct. 24, 1669. See Baſtwick.
- Pſalmanazar, George, the pretended Formoſan, died, 1763.
- Ptolemais. See Acra.
- Ptolemy, the aſtrologer, died, 162, aged 78.
- Ptolemy, Soter, king of Egypt, died, 284, aged 92; Ptolemy Philadelphus, his ſecond ſon, who eſtab⯑liſhed the Alexandrian library, died, 246 before Chriſt, aged 64.
- Puffendorff, Baron de, the German philoſopher, died, 1694, aged 62.
- Purbachius, the mathematician, died, 1462.
- Purcell, Henry, muſical compoſer, born, 16 [...]8; died, 1695.
- Pulcheria, empreſs of Rome, died, 453.
- Pyrrho, the Greek philoſopher, died, about 286 before Chriſt, aged 90.
- Pyrrhus began to reign at Epirus, 295; wounded in a battle with the Romans, in which he loſt 20,000 men, they, 5000; killed, as he was ſight⯑ing, by a woman's throwing a tile at his head, 272 before Chriſt. See Epirus.
- Pythagoras, the philoſopher, died, 497 before Chriſt, aged 80.
- QUARLES, Francis, the poet, born, 1592; died, 1644.
- Quevedo, the Spaniſh poet, born, 1570; died, 1647.
- Quin, James, the comedian, died, 1766, aged 73.
- Quinault, Phil. French dramatiſt, born, 1635; died, 1688.
- Quincy, Marquis de le, French engineer, died, about 1720.
- Quincy, Dr. John, medical writer, died, 1723.
- Quintillian, the Latin orator, died, about 95.
- Quintus Curtius. See Curtius.
- Quiros, De, made his voyage into the South Seas, 1595.
- RAAY. See Hackman.
- Rabelais, Francis, the French ſatyriſt, born, 1483; died, 1553.
- Rabutin, Count de Buſſy, French poet, born, 1622; died, 1693.
- Racan, Marquis of, French poet, born, 1589; died, 1670.
- Racine, John, French dramatiſt, died, 1699, aged 59.
- Radcliff, Dr. John, born, 1650; died, Nov. 1, 1714; his library, Oxford, opened, Apr. 13, 1745.
- Raimond Lullé, the enthuſiaſt, appeared, 1287.
- Rainwell, John, mayor of London, 1426.
- Raleigh, Sir Walter, for a conſpiracy to ſet Ara⯑bella Stuart on the throne, was ſentenced to die, 1603, but reprieved; and after a long confine⯑ment in the Tower, was, at his requeſt, ſent to the Weſt Indies, with a fleet, in ſearch of a gold mine, that he pretended to know of; but not find⯑ing it, and wilfully burning a town belonging to Spain, to ſatisfy the Spaniards, he was beheaded on his former ſentence, Oct. 29, 1618, aged 76.
- [77]Ramſay, Andrew, polite writer, born, 1686; died, 1743.
- Ramſey, William, the poet, died, 1180.
- Ramus, Peter, French writer, born, 1515; died, 1573.
- Ranby, John, chirurgical writer, died, 1773, aged 73.
- Randolph, Tho. the poet, born, 1605; died, 1634.
- Raphael, Italian painter, born, 1483; died, 1520.
- Rapin, Nicholas, French poet, died, 1608, aged 68.
- Rapin de Thoyras, the hiſtorian, died, May 16, 1725, aged 64.
- Raſis, or Rhaſes, the Arabian phyſician, died, 932, aged 80.
- Ray, Rev. John, the botaniſt, born, 1628; died, 1706.
- Reamur, René, French mathematician, born, 1683; died, 1757.
- Regiomontanus of Koniſberg, the mathematician, died, 1476, aged 40.
- Regnier, Mathurin, French ſatyriſt, born, 1573; died, 1613.
- Rembrandt, Dutch painter, born, 1606; died, 1668.
- Retz, Cardinal de, died, 1679.
- Rhaſes. See Raſis.
- Rhees, the laſt king of South Wales, killed, 1094.
- Ricaut, Sir Paul, the hiſtorian, died, 1700.
- Ricci, the Venetian painter, born, 1659; died, 1734.
- Richardſon, Samuel, the novel writer, died, 1761, aged 57.
- Richlieu, Cardinal, prime miniſter of France, born, 1585; died, Dec. 4, 1642.
- Richmond, Counteſs of, Henry VIIth's mother, died, 1509.
- Rigaud, Hyacinth. French painter, died, 1744.
- Rochefoucauld, Duke of, French writer, died, 1680, aged 68.
- Rocheſter, Zachary, biſhop, learned writer, died, 1774.
- Rocheſter, John Wilmot, earl of, the poet, died, July 26, 1680, aged 32.
- Rollin, Charles, Fr. hiſtorian, died, 1741, aged 80.
- [78]Romano, Julio, Italian hiſtory painter, died, 1546, aged 54.
- Romanelli, Italian painter, born, 1612; died, 1662.
- Romulus. See Rome, Vol. I.
- Ronſard, Peter, French poet, died, 1585, aged 60.
- Rooke, Admiral Sir George, died, 1708, aged 47.
- Roſa, Salvat. Italian painter and poet, born, 1615; died, 1673.
- Roſcius, the comedian, died, 61 before Chriſt.
- Roſcommon, Earl of, the poet, died, 1684.
- Roſſo, Italian painter, born, 1496; died, 1541.
- Rotenhamer, Dutch painter, born, 1564; died, 1604.
- Rotrou, French dramatic poet, born, 1609, died, 1650.
- Rouſſeau, John Baptiſt, French poet, born, 1669; died, 1741.
- Rowe, Nicholas, the poet, died, Dec. 6, 1718, aged 44; Elizabeth, his wife, the poeteſs, died, Feb. 20, 1737, aged 63.
- Rowley, William, cotemporary with Shakeſpeare.
- Rubens, Sir Paul, the Flemiſh portrait painter, born, 1577; died, 1640.
- Rubilliac, the ſtatuary, died, 1762.
- Rupert, Prince, the general, died, Nov. 29, 1682, aged 62.
- Ruſhworth, John, the hiſtorian, born, 1607; died, 1690.
- Ruſſen, Rev. Benj. hanged for a rape, December 14, 1777. See Rem. occur. anno, 1777.
- Ruyſch, Fred. the Dutch anatomiſt, born, 1638; died, 1731.
- Ruyter, the Dutch admiral, died in 1676, aged 69.
- Ryer, Peter du, Fr. writer, born, 1605; died, 1678.
- Rymer, Thomas, the antiquary, died, 1713.
- Ryſbrack, John, the ſculptor, died, in 1762.
- SAADI, the Perſian poet, flouriſhed, about 1258.
- [79]Sabellus, the Egyptian, who taught no diſtinction in the Trinity, appeared, 263.
- Sacchi, And. Italian painter, born, 1601; died, 1661.
- Sadler, John, law writer, born, 1615; died, 1674.
- St. Alban, the firſt Engliſh martyr, died, 303.
- Saladin, the Sultan of Egypt, who ſupported himſelf againſt the united efforts of the chriſtian princes, who carried on againſt him the Cruſades, or Holy Wars, died, 1192, aged 57.
- Salambini, Italian painter, born, 1536; died, 1583.
- Saliſbury, John of, the hiſtorian, born, 1110; died, 1179.
- Saliſbury, Sally, a noted proſtitute, died in Newgate, Feb. 25, 1724.
- Sallo, Dennis de, French writer, born, 1626; died, 1669.
- Salluſtius, the Latin hiſtorian, died, in 34 before Chriſt, aged 51.
- Sambuc, John, the Hungarian phyſician and author, born, 1531; died, 1584.
- Samuel, the 12th and laſt judge of Iſrael, born, 1139; ruled for 21 years, and anointed Saul firſt king of Iſrael; died, 1061 before Chriſt. See Saul.
- Sanctorius, of Padua, medical writer, flouriſhed, about 1610.
- Sanderſon, Sir William, the hiſtorian, died, 1676.
- Sandys, Sir Edwin, the patriot, born, about 1561; died, 1629.
- Sanquir, Lord, hanged for murder, 1612.
- Santeuil, John Bapt. French poet, born, 1630; died, 1697.
- Sanzio, Raphael, painter, born at Urbin, 1483; died, 1520.
- Sappho, the Greek poeteſs, and miſtreſs of Phaon, lived 603 before Chriſt.
- Sarah, Abraham's wife, died, 1859 before Chriſt, aged 127.
- Sardanapalus. See Jonas, Nineveh, Vol. I.
- Sarpi, Father Paul, learned writer, born at Venice, 1552; died, 1623.
- [80]Sarraſin, John, French poet, born, 1604; died, 1654.
- Sarto, And. Del, Italian painter, born, 1478; died, 1520.
- Saſſa Ferrato, Italian painter, born, about 1600.
- Saturn, an ancient king of the Aborigines, ſaid to be the ſon of Janus. See Aborigines, Vol. I. Janus.
- Saul, firſt king of Iſrael, began to reign, 1095; rejected of God for diſobedience, 1063; killed himſelf, 1055 before Chriſt.
- Saumaiſe, Claude de, French writer, born, 1588; died, 1653.
- Saunderſon, Dr. the mathematician, died, 1739, aged 57.
- Saurin, James, the Flemiſh theologian, born, 1677; died, 1730.
- Sauvages, François, French medical writer, born, 1706; died, 1767.
- Savage, Richard, the poet, born, 1698; condemned for murder, 1727; pardoned, 1728; died, 1743.
- Savile, Sir Henry, the hiſtorian, born, 1549; died, 1622.
- Saxe, Marſhal count, ſon of Frederic king of Poland, died, 1750, aged 54.
- Scaliger, Julius Caeſar, the Italian critic, died, 1558, aged 75; Joſeph, his ſon, French writer, died, 1609, aged 69.
- Scanderbeg, the chriſtian hero, died, 1467, aged 63.
- Scarron, Paul, French comic writer, born, 1610; died, 1660. See Maintenon.
- Schidon [...] Italian cieling painter, born, 1580; died, 1616.
- Schrevelius, Cornelius, a learned Dutchman, died, 1667.
- Scipio Africanus, the Roman general, died, 186 before Chriſt, aged 51.
- Scott, Rev. John, author of the chriſtian life, born, 1638; died, 1695.
- Scotus, John, died, 883.
- Scuderi, George, French poet, born, 1603; died, 1667; Magdalen, his ſiſter, French Romance writer, born, 1607; died, 1701.
- [81]Seaton, Rev. Thomas, who inſtituted the prize poems at Cambridge, born, about 1684; died, 1750.
- Sedley, Sir Charles, the poet, born, 1639; died, 1701.
- Selden, John, the antiquarian, born, 1584; died, 1654.
- Serres, John de, the Calviniſt, and French writer, died, 1598.
- Servetus born, 1509; burnt for oppoſing the Trinity, Oct. 27, 1553. See Unitarians.
- Seſoſtris, or Rameſes, began to reign in Egypt, 1485; died, 1416 before Chriſt.
- Settle, Elkanah, dram. poet, born, 1648; died, 1724.
- Severus, Alexander, Roman emperor, murdered 235.
- Severus, S. Roman emperor, died at York, 211, aged 65.
- Sevigné, Marchioneſs de, the letter writer, born, 1626; died, 1696.
- Shadwell, Thomas, poet laureat, born, 1640; died, Nov. 20, 1692.
- Shafteſbury, Ant. Aſhley, earl of, born, 1621; died, 1683.
- Shafteſbury, Cooper earl of, ſtateſman and chan⯑cellor, died, 1713, aged 61.
- Shakeſpere, William, born, April 23, 1564; died, April 23, 1616.
- Sharp, archbiſhop of York, theological writer, born, 1644; died, 1714.
- Sharpe, Rev. Dr. Gregory, theological writer, died, 1771.
- Shem, ſon of Noah, died, 1846 before Chriſt, aged 600.
- Shenſtone, William, the poet, died, 1763.
- Shepery, John, the poet, died, 1542, aged 33.
- Shepheard, John, executed at Tyburn, 1725.
- Sherburne, Sir Edward, born, 1618; killed in a mutiny at Oxford, June 12, 1646.
- Sheridan, Rev. Dr. Thomas, the poet, born, 1685; died, 1738.
- Sherlock, William, dean of St. Paul's, theological writer, born, 1641; died, 1707.
- [82]Sherlock, biſhop of London, controverſial writer, born, 1 [...]78; cied, 1761.
- Shirley, James, dramatic poet, born, 1594; died, 16 [...]6.
- Shovel, Sir Cloudſley, loſt on the rocks of Scilly, Oct. 1707, aged 65.
- Shuter, Edward, the comedian, died, Nov. 1776.
- Sidney, Sir Philip, born, 1554; killed in battle, Sept. 22, 1586.
- Sidney, Algernon, beheaded, for being concerned in the Rye-houſe plot, Dec. 17, 1683, aged 65.
- Sidonius Apollinaris, biſhop of Clermont, born, 430; died, 480.
- Sigebert, the hiſtorian, died, 1113.
- Simon Magus came to Rome, 41.
- Simonides, the Greek poet, flouriſhed, 503 before Chriſt.
- Simpſon, Thomas, the mathematician, died, 1761, aged 51.
- Sirani, Elizabeth, Italian paintreſs, born, 1638; died, 1664.
- Sirmond, James, French theologiſt, born, 1559; died, 1651.
- Siſyphus, firſt king of Corinth, 1504 before Chriſt.
- Sixtus, Quintus. See Pope.
- Skelton, Rev. John, the poet, flouriſhed, 1489; died, 1529.
- Skinner, Stephen, the antiquary, born, 1622; died, 1607.
- Sling [...]lanet, Peter, Dutch painter, born, 1640; died, 1691.
- Sloane, Sir Hans, the naturaliſt; born, 1660; died, Jan. 11. 1752. His cabinet of curioſities, and library of 50,000 books, purchaſed by parliament for 20,000l. makes part of the Britiſh Muſeum. See Muſeum.
- Smith, Rev. Dr. Thomas, divine hiſtorian, born, 1638; died, 1710.
- Smith, Robert, the mathematician, died, 1769.
- Smollet, Dr. the hiſtorian, died abroad, Sept. 1771.
- Snape, Rev. Dr. Andrew, the theologian, died, 1742, aged 70.
- [83]Snyders, Francis, Flemiſh battle painter, born, 1587; died, 1657.
- Sobieſki, John, king of Poland, died, 1696, aged 72.
- Socrates, the Greek philoſopher, put to death, on a falſe accuſation of atheiſm, 400 before Chriſt, aged 70.
- Solimeni, Italian painter and poet, born, 1657; died, 1747.
- Somerville, William, the poet, died, 1742.
- Somner, Wm. the antiquary, born, 1606; died, 1669.
- Sopater, the Greek comic poet, died, 406 before Chriſt, aged 91.
- Sophia, Princeſs. See Hanover, Vol. I.
- Sophocles, the Greek poet, died, 406 before Chriſt, aged 90.
- Sophronia, a prefect's wife, ſtabbed herſelf, to eſcape the violent embraces of the emperor Maxentius, about 312.
- Sorbiere, Sam. French writer, born, 1650; died, 1670.
- Soſigenes, the Egyptian aſtronomer, who invented the Julian calendar, flouriſhed, about 40 before Chriſt.
- South, Rev. Dr. Robert, born, 1633; died, 1716.
- Southern, Thomas, dram. writer, born, 1660; died, May 26, 1746.
- Spanheim, Ezek. born at Geneva, 1629; died, 1710.
- Spanheim, Fred. born at ditto, 1632; died, 1701.
- Speed, John, the hiſtorian, died, July 1629, aged 76.
- Spelman, Sir Henry, the antiquary, died, 1641, aged 80.
- Spenſer, Edmund, the poet, born, 1510; died, 1598.
- Spinckes, Rev. Nathaniel, born, 1653; died, 1727.
- Spinoza, the atheiſt, died at the Hague, 1677, aged about 44.
- Spotſwood, archbiſhop of St. Andrews, the hiſtorian, born, 1565; died, 1639.
- Stackhouſe, Rev. Tho. ſacred hiſtorian, died, 1752.
- Stafford, Lord viſcount, beheaded through the per⯑jury of Oates, &c. Dec. 1680.
- Staniſlaus, the abdicated king of Poland, philoſo⯑phical writer, burnt to death by accident, 1766, aged 89.
- [84]Statius, the Latin poet, born, about 41; died, 96.
- Steele. Sir Rich. dram. writer, born, 1676; expelled the Houſe of Common [...], 1713; died, Sept. 1, 1729.
- Steiner, Iſaac, violin-maker, flouriſhed, 1674.
- Stefan [...], of Florence, painter, died, 1350, aged 49.
- Stella, James, the French paſtoral painter, born, 1 [...]96; died, 163 [...].
- Stephen, St. the firſt martyr, ſtoned, Dec. 26, 33.
- Stephens, Robert, of Paris, a correct Latin printer, born, 1503; died, 1559; Henry, his ſon, equally famous in printing, born, 1528; died, 1598.
- Sterne, Rev. Laurence, author of Triſtram Shandy, born, 1713; died, March 1768.
- Sternhold, Thomas, the poet, died, 1549.
- Stillingfleet, biſhop of Worceſter, polemical writer, born, 1635; died, 1699.
- Stilpo, of Megara, the ſtoic philoſopher, died, after 294 before Chriſt.
- Stirling, William, earl of, died, Feb. 1641.
- Stone, archbiſhop of Armagh, the theologian, died, 1764.
- Stourton, Lord, hanged for murder, 1557.
- Stow, John, the antiquary, died, April 5, 1605, aged 80.
- Strabo, the Greek hiſtorian, died, 25.
- Strada, or Rome, the hiſtorian, died, 1649.
- Strype, John, the memorialiſt, born, 1643; died, Dec. 1737.
- Stukely, Dr. William, the antiquary, died, 1765, aged 78.
- Sturmius, the German philoſopher, born, 1507; died, 1589.
- Suckling, Sir John, the poet, born, 1613; died, 1642.
- Suetonius, the Roman hiſtorian, died, after 117.
- Sueur, E [...]ſt. le, the French hiſtory painter, born, 1617; died, 1635.
- Suidas, the Greek writer, lived, in 1087. The French ſay about 883.
- Sully, Duke of, French hiſtorian, born, 1560: died, 1641.
- Sulpiclur, of Aquitaine, the Latin hiſtorian, died, 420.
- Sunderland, Robert, earl of, died, Sept. 28, 1702.
- [85]Sutton, Thomas, founder of the charter-houſe, born, 1532; died, 1611.
- Suze, Madarne, counteſs de la, French poeteſs, died, 1673.
- Swammerdam, John, the Dutch philoſopher, born, 1637; died, 1681.
- Swanevelt, the painter, born, about 1620.
- Swift, Dean, poet, &c. died, Oct. 1745, aged 78.
- Swithin, biſhop of Wincheſter, died, 854.
- Sydenham, Dr. Thomas, medical writer, died, De⯑cember 29, 1689, aged 65.
- Sylveſter, Joſhua, died, 1618, aged 55.
- Sylvius, Aeneas, died, 1464.
- Symachus, the Greek tranſlator of the bible, flou⯑riſhed, 201.
- Synge, archbiſhop of Tuam, theological writer, born, 1659; died, July, 4, 1741.
- TACITUS, the Roman hiſtorian, born, before 64; alive, 117.
- Talbot. lord chancellor, died, 1737, aged 50.
- Tamerlane, conqueror of Aſia, born at Keck, 1336; died, 1405.
- Tanner, biſhop of St. Aſaph, the antiquary, born, 1674; died, 1735.
- Tarquin the Proud, who was the laſt monarch of Rome, preceding the republic, died, 493 before Chriſt, aged 90.
- Taſſi, the Italian tempeſt painter, born, 1580.
- Taſſo, Torquatus, Italian poet, died, 1595, aged 5 [...].
- Taſſo, Orland. the muſician, died, 1594.
- Tate, Nahum, poet laureat, died, 1716.
- Tatti, the painter, of Florence, died, 1294, aged 81.
- Taverner, William, dram. writer, died, 1731.
- Taylor, biſhop of Downe, theological writer, died, Auguſt 13, 1667.
- Taylor, John, called the water poet, from being a waterman, died, 1654, aged 74.
- [86]Tell, William. See Griſler, Vol. I.
- Temple, Sir William, political writer, died, Jan. 1699, aged 69.
- Teniers, David, the Flemiſh rural painter, born, 1582; died, 1649. His ſon David, ditto, born, 1610; died, 1 [...]94.
- Terence born at Carthage; died, 159, aged 64; his comedies firſt acted, 154 before Chriſt.
- Terpander, the Greek muſician, lived about 706 before Chriſt.
- Tertullian, father of the chriſtian church, died, 196, aged 85.
- Tertullian, the hereſiarch, flouriſhed, 205. He was a Montaniſt, taught that God was corporeal, and condemned repentance and ſecond marriages.
- Teucer, firſt king of Troy, 1502 before Chriſt.
- Thales, chief of the ſeven ſages of Greece, born, 640; died, 552 before Chriſt.
- Thamiris, the poet, flouriſhed, 1104 before Chriſt.
- Themiſtius, the Greek orator, died, 386.
- Themiſtocles, the Athenian general, died, 449 before Chriſt, aged 65.
- Theobald, Lewis, wrote in George Iſt's reign.
- Theocritus, the Greek paſtoral poet, flouriſhed, 285 before Chriſt.
- Theodore I. king of Corſica, 1736; confined many years in England for debt; died, 1757.
- Theodoret, the eccleſiaſtical hiſtorian, died, 457, aged 70.
- Theodorus, the Greek painter, flouriſhed, 530.
- Theodorus, of Miletes, the mathematician, flouriſhed, 1284.
- Theodoſius the Great, the laſt Roman emperor, made his entry into Conſtantinople, 380; died, 39 [...], aged 60.
- Theodotion, of Epheſus, who tranſlated the bible into Greek, flouriſhed, 175.
- Theodotus, the hereſiarch, that denied Chriſt's di⯑vinity, appeared, 196.
- Theon, of Alexandria, the mathematician, flouriſhed, about 385.
- [87]Theophraſtus, the Greek philoſopher, born at Leſbos, 322; died, about 288 before Chriſt.
- Theſeus, who ſlew the Minotaur, flouriſhed, 1134 before Chriſt.
- Theſpis, the Greek tragic poet, flouriſhed, about 536 before Chriſt.
- Thomas, Elizabeth, died, Feb. 1731, aged 55.
- Thomſon, James, the poet, died, Auguſt 29, 1748, aged 47.
- Thoreſby, Ralph, the antiquary, born, 1658; died, 1725.
- Thornhill, Sir Ja. the painter, died, 1734, aged 57.
- Thornton, Bonnel, miſcellaneous writer, died 1768.
- Thou, Jam. Aug de, or Thuanus, French hiſtorian, born, 1553; died, 1617
- Thraſybulus, the Athenian general, ſlain by the Aſ⯑pendians, 390 before Chriſt.
- Thraſyllus, the Greek aſtrologer, flouriſhed at Rome, about 30.
- Thuanus. See Thou.
- Thucydides, the Greek hiſtorian, died, 391 before Chriſt.
- Thucydides, the Athenian general, baniſhed by Oſtraciſm, 444 before Chriſt, aged 26.
- Thurlow, John, the ſtateſman under the Cromwells, born, 1616; died, 1668.
- Thynne, Thomas, eſq. ſhot in his coach, in Pall⯑Mall, Feb. 12, 1682.
- Tiberius Gracchus, conſul of Rome, a famous orator, flouriſhed, 165 before Chriſt.
- Tibullus, the Latin poet, born, 43; died, 11 before Chriſt.
- Tickel, Thomas, the poet, died 1740.
- Tillemont, the French hiſtorian, born, 1637, died, 1698.
- Tillotſon, archbiſhop of Canterbury, theological writer, died, 1694, aged 65.
- Tilly, Count, the Imperial general, flouriſhed, 1631.
- Timanthe, the Greek painter, cotemporary with Pamphile.
- Timeus, a Greek hiſtorian, flouriſhed, 262 before Chriſt.
- [88]Timoleon, of Syracuſe, the Corinthian general, died, 337 before Chriſt.
- Timon, of Athens, the miſanthrope, lived, 420 be⯑fore Chriſt.
- Timotheus, the Greek muſician and poet, died, 357 before Chriſt, aged 90.
- Timotheus, St. diſciple of St. Paul, died, Jan. 25, 97.
- Tindal, Dr. Matthew, polemical writer, born, 1657; died, 1733.
- Tintoret, Italian hiſtory painter, born, 1512; died, 1594.
- Titian, the Venetian hiſtory painter, born, 1477; died, 1576.
- Toland, Janus, the deiſt, born, 1670; died, 1722.
- Tolet, Francis, the firſt Jeſuit that was made a car⯑dinal, died, 1596.
- Tompion, Thom. the watchmaker died, 1669.
- Tonſtall, Cuth. biſhop of Durham, polemical writer, born, about 1474; died, Nov. 28, 1559.
- Torquatus, Manlius, the Roman general, cauſed his own ſon to be put to death, for having fought contrary to his orders, 340 before Chriſt.
- Torricelli, the Italian mathematician, born, 1608; died, 1647.
- Trap, Rev. Dr. Joſeph, the poet, born, 1679; died, Nov. 1747.
- Trapezuntius, George, Greek and Latin critic, died, 1481, aged 83.
- Trenchand, John, political writer, born, 1669; died, 1723.
- Triſtran, Francis, French dramatiſt, born, 1601; died, 1655.
- Trumbull born, 1639; died, 1716.
- Trump, Van, the Dutch admiral, killed in an en⯑gagement, July 29, 1653.
- Tudor, Sir Owen, married Catherine, Henry Vth's widow, ſoon after 1422, which alliance raiſed that family to the throne; he was grandfather to Hen⯑ry VII.; beheaded, 1461, for taking part with the Lancaſtrians.
- Tuffi, Andrew, Italian painter, died, 1294, aged 81.
- [89]Turenne, Marſhall, French general, born, 1611; killed by a cannon-ball at Saltzbach, July 26, 1675.
- Tycho Brahe, of Denmark, born, 1546; died, 1601.
- Tyndale, William, one of the early reformers, ſuf⯑fered death at Antwerp as a heretic, 1536.
- Tyrrell, James, the hiſtorian, born, 1642; died, 1718.
- Tyrtaeus, the Greek poet, flouriſhed, about 630 before Chriſt.
- Tyſſen [...], Peter, of Antwerp, hiſtory painter, born, 1625; died, 1692.
- ULYSSES, the Grecian hero, flouriſhed, 1149 before Chriſt.
- Ulſter, William, earl of, killed by his ſervants, 1333.
- Uſher, archbiſhop of Armagh, learned writer, born, 1581; died, March 20, 1656.
- Uzziah, king of Juda, began to reign, 809 before Chriſt; reigned 52 years.
- VALENTIN, the hereſiarch, appeared, 142. He admitted 32 divinites, produced two by two, male and female, each couple producing another couple.
- Valerian, Roman emperor, taken priſoner by Sapor, king of Perſia, 260.
- Valerius Flaccus the Roman poet, died, 104.
- Valerius Maximus, the Latin hiſtorian, flouriſhed, in the Auguſtan age, about 45 before Chriſt.
- Valeſius, the Arabian philoſopher, flouriſhed, 250. He taught that concupiſcence deſtroyed the liberty of man, and to be ſaved, they ſhould make them⯑ſelves Eunuchs.
- Valois, Henry de, French hiſtoriographer, born, 1603; died, 1676.
- [90]Van Balen, the Dutch painter, born, about 1540.
- Van Huyſom, John, Dutch painter (flowers and fruits), born, 1682; died, 1749.
- Van Oort, Adam, Flem. hiſtory painter, born, 1557; died. 1641.
- Van Ooſt, James, ſen. Flemiſh hiſtory and landſcape painter, died, 1671, aged 71. Jun. ditto, born, 1637; died, 1713.
- Van Ooſtade, Adrian, German rural painter, born, 1610; died, 1685. Iſaac, his brother, ditto, born, 1617.
- Van Orlay, Bern. Flemiſh hiſtory and landſcape painter, born, 1490; died, 1560. Richard, the hiſtory painter, born, 1632; died, 1732.
- Van Paris, a Dutchman, burnt for Arianiſm, in Ed⯑ward VIth's reign.
- Van Swieten, Baron, the phyſician, died, June 1772.
- Vanburgh, Sir John, dramatic writer, died, Mar. 26, 1726.
- Vandermeeren, John, ſen. Dutch landſcape and battle painter, died, 1690, aged 63. John, jun. land⯑ſcape painter, died, 1688.
- Vandermeulen, Anth. Flemiſh hiſtory painter, born, 1634; died, 1690.
- Vandervelder, Adrian, Dutch hiſtory painter, born, 1639; died, 1672. William, ſen. Dutch ſea-piece painter, born, 1610; died, 1693. William, jun. ditto, born, 1633; died, 1707.
- Vanderwerf, Adrian, Dutch hiſtory painter, born, 1659; died, 1727. Peter, his brother, ditto, born, 1665; died, 1718.
- Vandieſt, Adrian, Dutch landſcape painter, died, 1704, aged 49.
- Vandyck, Sir Anthony, born at Antwerp, 1599; died, 1641, at London.
- Vanini died at Thoulouſe, a martyr to atheiſm, be⯑ing burnt, Feb. 19, 1619, aged 33.
- Vanloo, John, French hiſtory painter, born, 1684; died, 1745. Carlo, his brother, ditto, born, 1705; died, 1765.
- [91]Vanmander, Charles, Flemiſh hiſtory and landſcape painter, born, 1548; died, 1606.
- Vannius, Fran [...]. Italian hiſtory painter, born, 1563; died, 1610.
- Vanſommer, Paul, Dutch portrait painter, died, 1626.
- Vanuden, Dutch landſcape painter, born, 1595; died, 1663.
- Vargas, Ludovico de, Spaniſh hiſtory painter, born, 1528; died, 1590.
- Varro, Terentius, the Roman general and gramma⯑rian, died, 28 before Chriſt, aged 88.
- Vaſari, George, Italian hiſtory painter, born, 1514; died, 1578.
- Vaugelas, Claude, French critic, born, 1585; died, 1650.
- Vaux, Nicholas, lord, the poet, died, 1523.
- Vayer, Francis le, French writer, born, 1588; died, 1672.
- Vecchio, Palma, Italian painter, born, 1508; died, 1556.
- Velleius Paterculus, the Lat. hiſtorian, died, in 31.
- Verbruggen, Henry, Dutch hiſtory painter, born, 1588; died, 1640.
- Verhaecht, Tobias, Flemiſh landſcape painter, born, 1566; died, 1631.
- Vermeyen, John, Cornelius, Dutch hiſtory painter, born, 1500; died, 1559.
- Veroneſe, Paul, Italian hiſtory painter, born, 1532; died, 1588.
- Veroneſe, Paul, Ital. painter, born, 1600; died, 1670.
- Verrio, Anthony, Ital. cieling painter, died, 1707.
- Verrochio, And. Italian painter, died, 1488, aged 56.
- Verſtegan, Richard, died, after 1625.
- Vertot, French hiſtorian writer, died, 1735, aged 80.
- Vertue, Geo. Engl. engraver, died, 1756, aged 72.
- Vida, Hieron. the Latin poet, died, 1566, aged 96.
- Vieta, the French mathematician, born, 1540; died, 1603.
- Villars, Marſhal, the French general, died, 1734, aged 79.
- [92]Vinci, Leon. da, Italian painter, born, 1545; died at Paris, in the arms of Francis I. king of France, 1620.
- Viner, Mr. founder of the law lectures, Oxford, died, June 1756.
- Virgil born, at Andes, near Mantua, 69; died at Brunduſium, in Italy, 18 before Chriſt.
- Virgil, Polydore, the hiſtorian, died, 1555, aged 80.
- Viterbes, Annius de, died, 1 [...]92.
- Vitruvius, the Roman architect, flouriſhed, 44 before Chriſt.
- Vittori, Pietro, died, 1585.
- Voiture, Vincent, French poet, born, 1598; died, 1648.
- Voltaire, miſcellaneous writer, died, May 13, 1778, aged 85.
- Voſſius, John, German Latin writer, born, 1577; died, 1649. Iſaac, his ſon, the critic, born, 1618; died, 1688.
- Vouet, Simon, French hiſtory painter, born, 1582; died, 1641.
- Vroom, Henry Corn. Dutch ſea-piece painter, born, 1566.
- WADE, Marſhal, Engliſh general, died, 1748, aged 75.
- Wager, Admiral Sir Charies, died, 1743, aged 77.
- Wagſtaffe, Rev. Thomas, polemical writer, born, 1645; died, 1712.
- Wake, archbiſhop of Canterbury, polemical writer, born, 1637; died, 1737.
- Wales, Frederic prince of, father of George III. ar⯑rived in England, Dec. 1729; married the princeſs of Saxe-Gotha, Apr. 27, 1736; died of a pleuriſy, March 30, 1751, aged 43; his princeſs died of a conſumption, Feb. 8, 1772, aged 52.
- Wales, George prince of, born, Aug. 12, 1762.
- Waller, Edmond, the poet, conſpired againſt the [93]Houſe of Commons, 1643, for which he was tried and condemned; but pardoned on paying 10,000l. died, 1687, aged 81.
- Walpole, Sir Robert, earl of Orford, a ſtateſman, expelled the Houſe of Commons, and committed to the Tower, for taking a bribe, 1712; died, 1745, aged 81.
- Walſh, William, the poet, born, 1659; died, 1708.
- Walſingham, Sir Francis, ſecretary of ſtate to Eliza⯑beth, died, 1590.
- Walſingham, Thomas, the hiſtorian, flouriſhed, about 1 [...]22.
- Walter, of Hemingford, Engl. hiſtorian, died, 1347.
- Walton, Brian, editor of the Polyglot bible, born, 1600; died, 1661.
- Ward, biſhop of Sarum, the mathematician, born, 1618; died, 1689.
- Ward, Dr. John, the antiquary, born, 1679, died, 1758.
- Ware, Sir James, Iriſh hiſtorian, born, 1604; died, 1666.
- Warin, John, Flemiſh engraver, born, 1604; died, 1672.
- Warren, Admiral Sir Peter, died, 1752, aged 49.
- Waterland, Rev. Daniel, theological writer, born, 1683; died, 1740.
- Watſon, Sir Charles, admiral, died, 1759, aged 44.
- Watteau, Anthony, French landſcape painter, born, 1684; died, 1721.
- Watts, Iſaac, the Independent miniſter, born, 1673; died, 1748.
- Wepfer, John, the German anatomiſt, died, 1695.
- We [...], Admiral, died, 1757, aged 43.
- Weſtminſter, Matthew of, the hiſtorian, died, about 1380.
- Wharton, Sir George, the royaliſt, born, 1617; died 1681.
- Wharton, Philip duke of, died, about 1731.
- Whichcot, Rev. Benj. the theological writer, born, 1609; died, 1683.
- [94]Whiſton, Rev. William, the aſtronomer, born, 1667; died, 1752.
- Whitby, Rev. Daniel, polemical writer, born, 1638; died, 1726.
- Whitehead, Paul, the poet, born, 1710; died, 1774.
- Whitelocke, Bulſtrode, the politician, born, 1605; died, 1676.
- Whitfield, Rev. George, founder of the methodiſts, born, 1714; excluded the church, May 10, 1739; died, 1770. See Methodiſm.
- Whittington, Sir Richard, mayor of London, 1377.
- Whittington, Robert, the rhetorician, flouriſhed, 1530.
- Wickliffe, the reformer, the firſt of any eminence that oppoſed popery, born, 1324; preached againſt the pope's ſupremacy, 1377; died, 1385; and 48 years after his bones were burnt for being a heretic.
- Wicks, Thomas, the hiſtorian, flouriſhed, 1290.
- W [...]cocks, Rev. Thomas, flouriſhed, 1599.
- W [...], Jo [...]than. hanged, May 24, 1725.
- Wi [...]ens, John, Flem, landſcape painter, born, 1600; died, 1644.
- Wilkins, biſhop of Cheſter, philoſophical writer, born, 1582; died, 1672.
- Wilks, the player, cotemporary with Betterton.
- William, of Spires, the mathematician, flouriſhed, 1081.
- William, archbiſhop of Tyre, hiſtorian of the Cru⯑ſa [...]es, died, 1184.
- Willis, Brown, the antiquary, born, 1682; died, 1760.
- Willis, Dr. Thomas, medical writer, born, 1621; died, 1675.
- Wilſon, Samuel, eſq. bequeathed 20,000l. to be lent out in ſmall ſums to induſtrious tradeſmen, 1771.
- Wilſon, Arthur, the hiſtorian, born, 1596; died. 1652.
- Winchelſea, Anne counteſs of, died, 1720.
- Wingate, Edm. died, Dec. 16, 1656, aged 61.
- Winkelman, Abbé, murdered at Trieſte, 1768.
- [95]Winſlow, James, the Daniſh anatomiſt, born, 1669; died, 1760.
- Wiſhart, the reformer, burnt at St. Andrews, 1546.
- Witſius, Herman, the Dutch hiſtorian, died, 1708.
- Witz, de, John, the Dutch ſtateſman and patriot, with his brother, murdered by the populace at the Hague, Auguſt 10, 1672.
- Woden, or Odin, was a leader of the Aſiatic Goths, ſome few years before Chriſt. By the Scandina⯑vians he was ſtiled a god.
- Woodward, Dr. the philoſopher, born, 1665; died, 1728.
- Wolfe, General James, killed at the ſiege of Quebec, 1759, aged 33.
- Wolfius died, 1580, aged 64.
- Wollaſton, Rev. William, the philoſopher, born, 1659; died, 1724.
- Wood, Anthony, the biographer, born, 1632; died, 1695.
- Woolſton, Rev. Thomas, polemical writer, born, 1669; puniſhed for blaſphemy, 1720; died, 1733.
- Wormius, Olaus, the Daniſh hiſtorian, born, 1583; died, 1654. Chriſtian, his grandſon, the hiſtorian, died, 1737.
- Wotten, Edward, natural philoſopher, died, 1555, aged 63.
- Wotton, Sir Henry, ſtateſman and poet, born, 1568; died, 1639.
- Wotton, Rev. William, critic and philoſopher, born, 1666; died, 1726.
- Wouters, Francis, Flemiſh landſcape painter, died, 1659.
- Wouvermans, Philip, Dutch landſcape painter, born, 1620; died, 1688.
- Wren, Sir Chriſtopher, the ſurveyor, knighted, 1674; died, 1723, aged 90.
- Wyatt, Sir Thomas, the poet, died, 1541, aged 37.
- Wycherly, William, the comic poet, born, 1640; died, 1715.
- Wynants, John, Dutch landſcape painter, born, 1600; died, 1670.
- XANTIPPUS, at the head of the Carthaginians, defeated the Romans, killed 30,000, and took 15,000 priſoners; the Romans loſt, at the ſame time, by ſhipwreck, 220 ſhips, 255 before Chriſt.
- Xavier, S. Francis, a Jeſuit, one of the earlieſt miſ⯑ſionaries to the Indies, died, 1552.
- Xenocrates, the Grecian philoſopher, died, about 314 before Chriſt.
- Xenocrates, the Greek phyſician, practiſed at Rome, about 60.
- Xenophanes, the Greek poet, flouriſhed, 580 before Chriſt.
- Xenophen, the Athenian hiſtorian, died at Corinth, 359 before Chriſt, aged about 90.
- Xer [...], king of Perſia, began his expedition againſt Gree [...]e, 481; killed by Artabanes, 464 before Chriſt.
- Xime [...]es, Cardinal de, regent of Spain, died, 1517, aged 80.
- YALDEN, Rev. Dr. Thomas, political writer, died, 1736, aged 65.
- York, Edward, duke of, elder brother to George III. died at Monaco, Sept. 17, 1767, aged 27.
- York, Charles, lord chancellor, killed himſelf, Jan. 1770.
- Young, Dr. Edward, the poet, died, 1765, aged S [...].
- ZAMET died, 1614.
- Zamolxis, the Greek philoſcopher, flouriſhed, 520 before Chriſt.
- Zechariah flouriſhed, 520 before Chriſt.
- [97]Zeno, the Greek philoſopher, founder of the Stoics, died, 264, aged 98.
- Zeno, of Sidon, the epicurean philoſopher, flou⯑riſhed, 83.
- Zenobia, queen of Palmyra, 273; died, about 280.
- Zenodotus, librarian at Alexandria, 287 before Chriſt.
- Zephaniah, the prophet, flouriſhed, 641 before Chriſt.
- Zeuxis, the Greek painter, flouriſhed, 468 before Chriſt.
- Zinzendorf, Count, a German, chief of the Mora⯑vians, whom he introduced into England, died, 1760, aged 70. See Moravians.
- Zoilus, the Greek rhetorician, flouriſhed, 259 before Chriſt.
- Zonaras, the Greek hiſtorian, flouriſhed, 1118.
- Zoroaſter, the Perſian philoſopher, 2066 before Chriſt.
- Zoſimus, the Greek hiſtorian, flouriſhed, 425.
- Zouche, Richard, the civilian, died, 1660.
- Zucchero, Frederic, Italian hiſtory painter, born, 1543; died, 1609.
- Zuinglius, the reformer, killed in the Swiſs war, 1531, aged 44.
[98]Reigned years. | ||
Pagans. | 1. Hengiſt | 31 |
2. Eſca | 24 | |
3. Otta, or Octa | 20 | |
4. Immeric | 29 | |
Chriſtians. | 5. Ethelbert | 56 |
6. Eadbald. | 24 | |
7. Ercombert | 24 | |
8. Edgbert | 9 | |
9. Lothair | 12 | |
10. Edric | 7 | |
11. Withred | 33 | |
12. Edbert | 23 | |
13. Edilbert | 11 | |
14. Alric | 34 | |
15. Edilbert | 3 | |
16. Cuthred | 8 | |
17. Baldred | 18 |
Pagans. | 1. Ella | 32 |
2. Ciſſa | 75 | |
3. Ethelwolf | 25 | |
4. Berthune | ||
5. Authune |
Pagans. | 1. Cerdic | 16 |
2. Cynric | 26 | |
3. Ceaulin | 31 | |
4. Cebric | 6 | |
5. Ceolwalf | 14 | |
Chriſtians. | 6. Cinegils and Rinchelm | 31 |
7. Kenewall and Sexburge | 32 | |
8. Eſciwin | 2 | |
9. Kentwin | 9 | |
Pagan. | 10. Cedwalla | 2 |
Chriſtians. | 11. Ina | 38 |
12. Ethelhard | 14 | |
13. Cuthred | 14 | |
14. Sigebert | [...] | |
15. Kinewulf | 29 | |
16. Brithric | 16 | |
17. Edgbert | 37 |
Pagans. | 1. Erkenwin. |
2. Sleda. | |
Chriſtians. | 3. Sebert. |
4. Sexred, Seward, and Sigebert, brothers. | |
5. Sigebert the Little. | |
6. Sigebert the Good. | |
7. Swithelm. | |
8. Sigher and Seba. | |
9. Sigheard and Senfred. | |
10. Offa. | |
11. Selred. | |
12. Swithred. |
Pagans. | 1. Ida | 12 |
2. Ella | 30 | |
3. Edelric | 4 | |
4. Edelfrid | 24 | |
Chriſtians. | 5. Edwin | 17 |
6. Oſwald | 9 | |
7. Oſwy | 28 | |
8. Egfrid | 15 | |
9. Alfrid | 19 | |
10. Oſred | 11 | |
11. Kenred | 2 | |
12. Oſric | 11 | |
13. Ceolwulf | 8 | |
14. Egbert, alias Eaadbert | 20 | |
15. Oſulf | 1 | |
16. Ethelwald, alias Mollo | 6 | |
17. Alured | 9 | |
18. Ethelred, alias Ethelbert | 4 | |
19. Alfwold | 11 | |
20. Oſred; then Ethelbert again. |
After Ethelred was ſlain, there was an Interregnum of 33 years, during which time, the kingdom was in the poſſeſſion of Edgbert, king of the Weſt-Saxons.
Pagans. | 1. Uſſa | 7 |
2. Titiſt | 10 | |
3. Redwald | 44 | |
4. Eorpwald | 12 | |
Chriſtians. | 5. Sigebert. | |
6. Egric. | ||
7. Anna | 13 | |
8. Ethelbert. | ||
9. Ethelwald | 9 | |
10. Adulf | 19 | |
11. Elfwald | 7 | |
12. Beorna | 24 | |
13. Ethelred | 52 | |
14. Ethelbert | 5 |
When Ethelbert was ſlain by Offa, it was united to Mercia; yet St. Edmund reigned afterwards, and was murdered by the Danes, in 870.
Reigned years. | ||
Pagans. | Cridda, Wibba, and Cheorl, petty kings. | |
1. Penda, Ann. Dom. 625. | ||
Chriſtians. | 2. Peada and Oſwy, dukes | 3 |
3. Wulfer | 16 | |
4. Ethelred, alias Aedired | 30 | |
5. Kenred | 4 | |
6. Ceolred | 8 | |
7. Ethclbald | 41 | |
8. Beornred | 1 | |
9. Offa | 38 | |
10. L [...]fer | 1 | |
11. Kenulf | 2 | |
12. Kenelm and Ceolulf | 1 | |
13. Beornulf | 3 | |
14. Ludecan | 2 | |
15. Withlaf | 13 | |
16. Bertulf | 13 | |
17. Burrhed | 22 | |
11. Ceolwulf. |
See Heptarchy, in the Alphabet, Vol. I.
KINGS of SCOTLAND, and the Time they reigned.
The firſt King, FERGUS I. began to reign 328 before Chriſt.
began to reign. | names. |
1003, | Malcolm II the 84th monarch. |
1033, | Duncan, grandſon to Malcolm. |
1040, | Macbeth, Tyrant, grandſon to Malcolm II. |
1057, | Malcolm III. ſon of Duncan. |
1093, | Donald VII. brother to Malcolm. |
1094, | Duncan II. natural ſon to Malcolm III. |
1096, | Edgar, ſon of Malcolm III. |
1106, | Alexander, brother to Edgar. |
1124, | David, brother to Alexander. |
1153, | Malcolm. |
1165, | William, brother to Malcolm. |
12 [...], | Alexander II. ſon to William. |
124 [...], | Alexander III. ſon to Alexander. |
1285. | Interregnum. |
1242, | John Baliol, deſcendant of David I. |
1 [...]26, | Robert I. ditto. |
1320, | David II. (ſon to Robert) and Edward. |
1370, | Robert II. the firſt of the Stuarts, nephew to David. |
1390, | John Robert, ſon to Robert. |
1423, | James I. ſon to John. |
1437, | James II. ſon to James. |
1400, | James III. ſon to James. |
1488, | James IV. ſon to James. |
1533, | James V. ſon to James. |
1542, | Mary Stuart, daughter to James. |
1567, | James VI. ſon to Mary. |
The ſucceſſors of James VI. became kings of Eng⯑land till 1707, when the two kingdoms were united.
died. | |
Henry I. | 1060 |
Philip I. ſon of Henry | 1108 |
Lewis VI. ſon of Philip | 1137 |
Lewis VII. ſon of Lewis | 1180 |
Philip II. the Auguſt, ſon of Lewis | 1223 |
Lewis VIII. ſon of Philip | 1226 |
Lewis IX. Saint, ſon of Lewis | 1270 |
Philip III. the Hardy, ſon of Lewis | 1285 |
Philip IV. the Fair, ſon of Philip, | 1314 |
Lewis X. ſon of Philip | 1316 |
Philip V. brother to Lewis | 1323 |
Charles IV. the Fair, brother to Philip | 1327 |
Edward of England crowned. | |
Philip V. the Courtier, nephew to Charles IV. | 1350 |
John, died in London, ſon to Philip | 1364 |
Charles V. the Wiſe, ſon to John | 1380 |
Charles VI. the Well-beloved, ſon to Charles | 1422 |
Charles VII. the Victorious, ſon to Charles | 1462 |
Henry VI. of England proclaimed. | |
Lewis XI. ſon to Charles | 1482 |
Charles VIII. ſon to Lewis | 1498 |
Lewis XII. couſin to Charles | 1515 |
Francis I. | 1524 |
Henry II. ſon to Francis | 1559 |
Francis II. ſon to Henry | 1560 |
Charles IX. brother to Francis | 1574 |
Henry III. brother to Charles | 1589 |
Henry IV. twenty-ſecond couſin to Henry III. | 1610 |
Lewis XIII. ſon to Henry | 1643 |
Lewis XIV. ſon to Lewis | 1715 |
Lewis XV. grandſon to Lewis | 1774 |
Lewis XVI. ditto to Lewis. |
began to reign. | |
Uladiſlaus I. the twentieth ſovereign, brother to the laſt king | 1082 |
Boleſlaus III. ſon of Uladiſlaus | 1102 |
Uladiſlaus II. ſon of Boleſlaus | 1140 |
Boleſlaus IV. ſon of Uladiſlaus | 1146 |
Mieceſlaus III. brother of Boleſlaus | 1173 |
Caſſimir II. brother of Mieceſlaus | 1178 |
Leſcus V. ſon of Caſſimir | 1194 |
Mieceſlaus III. | 1200 |
Uladiſlaus III. ſon of Mieceſlaus | 1203 |
Leſcus V. again | 1206 |
Boleſlaus V. ſon of Leſcus | 1228 |
Leſcus VI. nephew of Leſcus V. | 1279 |
Premiſlaus, duke of Great Poland | 1295 |
Uladiſlaus IV. | 1296 |
Wenceſlaus | 1300 |
Uladiſlaus IV. again | 1306 |
Gaſſimir III. ſon of Uladiſlaus | 1333 |
Lewis, king of Hungary, nephew to Caſſimir | 1370 |
Hedwigis, married in 1385 to | 1383 |
Uladiſlaus V. huſband of Hedwigis, and king of H [...]ngary | 1385 |
Uladiſlaus VI. ſon of Uladiſlaus and king of Hungary | 1434 |
Boleſlaus VI. duke of Maſſovia | 1444 |
Caſſimir IV. brother to Uladiſlaus VI. | 1447 |
John, ſon of Caſſimir | 1492 |
Mexander, brother to John | 1502 |
Sigiſmund I. brother of Alexander | 1507 |
Sigiſmund II. ſon of Sigiſmund | 1548 |
Henry, brother to Charles VI. of France | 1573 |
Stephen, king of Tranſilvania | 1576 |
Sigiſmund III. ſon of the king of Sweden | 1583 |
Uladiſlaus VII. ſon of Sigiſmund | 1632 |
John II. | 1648 |
Michael, a Ruſſian prince | 1669 |
John Sobieſki, grand marſhal of Poland | 1674 |
Frederick II. elector of Saxony | 1697 |
Staniſlaus I. | 1704 |
Frederick II. again | 1710 |
Frederick III. ſon of Frederick II. | 1733 |
Staniſlaus II. count Poniatowſky | 1764 |
began to reign. | |
Ingo, ſixth monarch | 1060 |
Halſtan, brother of Ingo | 1064 |
Philip, ſon of Halſtan | 1080 |
Ingo II. ſon of Philip | 1100 |
Ragwald | 1130 |
Magnus I. ſon of Nich. king of Denmark | 1133 |
Suercher II. | 1144 |
Eric X. | 1150 |
Charles VII. ſon of Suercher II. | 1162 |
Canute, ſon of Eric X. | 1168 |
Suercher III. ſon of Charles VII. | 1192 |
Eric XI. ſon of Canute | 1211 |
John I. ſon of Suercher III. | 1220 |
Eric XII. ſon of Eric XI. | 1223 |
Waldemar, nephew to Eric XII. | 1250 |
Magnus II. brother to Waldemar | 1279 |
Birgir II. ſon to Magnus | 1290 |
Magnus II. nephew to Birgir | 1320 |
Albert | 1365 |
Margaret, queen of Denmark and Norway | 1394 |
Eric XIII. nephew to Margaret | 1411 |
Chriſtopher, nephew to Eric | 1441 |
Charles VIII. | 1448 |
Chriſtian I. king of Denmark | 1458 |
Charles VIII. again | 1469 |
Chriſtian I. again | 1471 |
John II. ſon of Chriſtian | 1497 |
Chriſtian II. ſon of John. | 1520 |
Guſtavus I. Vaſa, grand nephew to Charles VIII. | 1528 |
Eric XIV. ſon of Guſtavus | 1556 |
John III. brother to Eric | 1569 |
Sigiſmund I. king of Poland, ſon to John | 1592 |
Charles IX. brother to John III. | 1606 |
Guſtavus II. ſon to Charles | 1611 |
Chriſtiana, daughter to Guſtavus | 1633 |
Charles X. couſin to Chriſtiana | 1654 |
Charles XI. ſon to Charles | 1660 |
Charles XII. ſon to Charles | 1699 |
Ulrique, ſiſter to Charles | 1718 |
Adolphus, duke of Holſtein | 1751 |
Guſtavus III. ſon of Adolphus | 1771 |
began to reign. | |
Canute II. nineteenth monarch, king of Engl. | 1014 |
Hardicanute II. king of Engl. ſon of Canute | 1036 |
Magnus I. king of Norway, who united the two crowns | 1041 |
Suenon, nephew of Canute II. | 1048 |
Harold IV. natural ſon of Suenon | 1079 |
Canute III. brother to Harold | 1080 |
Olaus II. brother to Canute | 1086 |
Eric III. brother to Olaus | 1097 |
Nicholas, brother to Eric | 1106 |
Eric IV. nat. ſon of Eric III. | 1135 |
Eric V. nephew to Eric IV. | 1138 |
Suenon III. nat. ſon to Eric III. | 1147 |
The kingdom divided between him and Canute IV. | |
Waldemar I. | 1157 |
Canute V. ſon of Waldemar | 1182 |
Waldemar II. ſon of Canute | 1202 |
Eric VI. ſon of Waldemar | 1240 |
Abel I. brother to Eric | 1250 |
Chriſtopher I. brother to Abel | 1252 |
Eric VII. ſon of Chriſtopher | 1259 |
Eric VIII. ſon of Eric | 1286 |
Chriſtopher II. brother to Eric He divided the kingdom with his ſon Eric IX. | 1319 |
Waldemar III. | 1340 |
Olaus III. grandſon to Waldemar | 1375 |
Margaret I. mother to Olaus | 1385 |
Eric X. nephew to Margaret | 1411 |
Chriſtopher III. nephew to Eric | 1439 |
Chriſtian I. | 1448 |
John, ſon to Chriſtian | 1481 |
Chriſtian II. ſon to John | 1513 |
Frederick I. | 1523 |
Chriſtian III. ſon of Frederic | 1534 |
Frederic II. ſon of Chriſtian | 1559 |
Chriſtian IV. ſon of Frederick | 1588 |
Frederick III. ſon of Chriſtian | 1648 |
Chriſtian V. ſon of Frederick | 1670 |
Frederick IV. ſon of Chriſtian | 1699 |
Chriſtian VI. ſon of Frederick | 1730 |
Frederick V. ſon of Chriſtian | 1746 |
Chriſtian VII. ſon of Frederick | 1766 |
[107]began to reign. | |
Ferdinand and Iſabella | 1492 |
Joan, daughter of Iſabella | 1504 |
Philip, huſband to Joan. | |
Charles, afterwards Emperor of Germany | 1506 |
Philip II. ſon of Charles, married to Mary I. of England | 1556 |
Philip III. ſon of Philip | 1598 |
Philip IV. ſon of Philip | 1621 |
Charles II. ſon of Philip | 1665 |
Philip V. grandſon to Lewis XIV. of France | 1700 |
Lewis, ſon to Philip, | 1724 |
Ferdinand VI. ſon of Philip | 1746 |
Philip V. again | 1727 |
Charles III. half brother to Ferdinand | 1759 |
Navarre was a ſeparate kingdom till united to Spain in Philip III.
The kings of Spain were kings of Portugal from 1580 till the Revolution, under the duke of Braganza, in 1640.
began to reign. | |
John IV. | 1640 |
Alfonſo VI. ſon of John | 1646 |
Peter II. brother to Aifonſo | 1683 |
John V. ſon of Peter | 1706 |
Joſeph, ſon of John | 1750 |
Mary, Daughter of Joſeph | 1777 |
began to reign. | |
Frederick I. firſt king | 1701 |
Frederick II. ſon to Frederick | 1713 |
Frederick III. ſon to Frederick II. | 1740 |
[108]began to reign. | |
Solomon, ſeventh king | 1063 |
Geiza I. ſon of the laſt king but one | 1073 |
St. Ladiſlaus, brother to Geiza | 1076 |
Coloman, ſon of Geiza | 1095 |
Stephen II. ſon of Coloman | 1114 |
Bela II. ſon of Stephen's uncle | 1131 |
Geiza II. ſon of Bela | 1141 |
Stephen III. ſon of Geiza | 1161 |
Bela III. brother to Stephen | 1173 |
Emeric, ſon to Bela | 1191 |
Ladiſlaus II. ſon of Emeric | 1200 |
Andrew II. ſon of Bela III. | 1201 |
Bela IV. ſon of Andrew | 1235 |
Stephen IV. ſon of Bela IV. | 1275 |
Ladiſlaus III. ſon of Stephen | 1278 |
Andrew III | 1291 |
Wenceſlaus, ſon of the king of Bohemia | 1301 |
Otho, duke of Bavaria | 1304 |
Charles | 13 [...]9 |
Lewis I. ſon of Charles | 1342 |
Mary, daughter of Lewis | 1383 |
Mary, and Sigiſmund her huſband, emperor of Germany | 1389 |
Albert, ſon in law to Sigiſmund, and king of Bohemia | 1437 |
Ladiſlaus IV. king of Poland | 1440 |
Ladiſlaus V. poſthumus ſon of Albert | 1444 |
Matthias I. | 1458 |
Ladiſlaus VI. king of Bohemia, and ſon of the king of Poland | 1490 |
Lewis II. ſon of Ladiſlaus | 1516 |
John | 1526 |
Ferdinand I (brother in law to Lewis II.) king of Bohemia, and afterwards emperor of Germany | 1527 |
John again | 1534 |
John II. ſon of John | 1539 |
Maximilian, ſon of Ferdinand I. and emperor of Germany | 1561 |
Rodolphus, ſon of Maximilian and emperor of Germany | 1573 |
Matthias II. brother to Rodolphus, and em⯑peror of Germany | 1609 |
Ferdinand II. brother to Matthias, and emperor | 1618 |
Ferdinand III. ſon of Ferdinand, and emperor of Germany | 1625 |
Ferdinand IV. ſon of Ferdinand III. | 1647 |
Leopold, brother to Ferdinand IV. and emperor of Germany | 1656 |
Joſeph, ſon to Leopold, and emperor | 1687 |
Charles VI. brother to Joſeph, and emperor | 1711 |
Maria, daughter of Charles, and married to Fran. I. emperor of Germany | 1740 |
Joſeph II. ſon of Maria, and emperor | 1780 |
began to reign. | |
John III. ſucceeded his father as Great Duke or Czar | 1462 |
Demetrius, grandſon of John | 1504 |
Baſile V. ſon of John III. | 1504 |
John IV. ſon of Baſile | 1534 |
Theodore I. ſon of John IV. | 1584 |
Boviſe, brother to Theodore's wife | 1598 |
Theodore II. ſon of Boviſe | 1605 |
Demetrius II. | 1605 |
Chouſki | 1606 |
Michael, a relation of the preceding Czar's | 1613 |
Alexis, ſon of Michael | 1645 |
Theodore III. ſon of Alexis | 1676 |
Peter I. brother of Theodore | 1682 |
Catherine I. wife of Peter I. crowned empreſs | 1725 |
Peter II. ſon of Alexis | 1727 |
Ann, niece to Peter I. | 1730 |
John V. ſon of Ann's niece, aged two months | 1740 |
Elizabeth, daughter of Peter I. | 1741 |
Peter III. nephew to Elizabeth | 1762 |
Catherine II. wife of Peter III. | 1763 |
EMPERORS of ROME, from the Foundation of ROME, 753 before Chriſt.
[110]names. | began to reign. |
Bef. Xt. | |
Romulus, firſt king | 753 |
Interregnum | 716 |
Numa Pompilius | 715 |
Tullus Hoſtilius | 672 |
Battle of the Horatii and Curatii | 669 |
Ancus Martius | 640 |
Tarquin, the elder | 616 |
Servius Tullius | 578 |
Tarquin, the proud | 534 |
Republic of Rome | 500 |
Auguſtus firſt Rom. Em. | 31 |
Aft. Xt. | |
Tiberius | 14 |
Caligula | 37 |
Claudius | 41 |
Nero | 54 |
L. Clodius Macer. Tyran. | |
Galba | 68 |
Otho | 69 |
Vitellius | 69 |
Veſpaſian | 69 |
Titus | 79 |
Domitian | 81 |
Nerva | 96 |
Trajan | 98 |
Adrian | 117 |
Antoninus Pius | 138 |
M. Aurelius | 161 |
L. Verus | 161 |
M. Aurel. alone | 170 |
Commodus | 180 |
Pertinax | 193 |
Didius Julianus | 193 |
Peſcenius Niger | 193 |
Clodius Albinus | |
S. Severus | 193 |
M. A. Antoninus | 211 |
P. Sept. Geta | 211 |
M. Apel. Sev. Ma⯑crinus | 217 |
M. Aur. Ant. Ela⯑gabalus | 218 |
Alexander Severus | 222 |
Uranius Tyran. | |
C. Jul. Verus Maxi⯑mus | 235 |
M. Ant. Africa⯑nus, elder | 237 |
M. Ant. Africa⯑nus, younger, | 237 |
Pupienus and B [...]lbinus | 237 |
Gordian III. | 238 |
Philippus, father | 244 |
Philippus, ſon. | |
T. Jul. Mar. Paca⯑tianus. | |
P. Sarvil. Marinus. | |
Decius | 249 |
Herennius Etruſcus. | |
Hoſtilianus | 251 |
L. Priſcus Tyran. | |
Jul. Valens, Tyr. | |
M. Aufidius Perpenna, Tyran. | |
Trebonianus Gallus. | |
Vibius Voluſianus. | |
C. Jul. Aemilianus | 253 |
Licin. Valerianus, father | 253 |
Lic. Egnat. Gallie⯑nus, ſon of Valeri⯑anus alone | 253 |
Lic. Valerianus, ſon of Valer. | |
Lic. Salonius, ſon of Gallien. | |
Sulpicius Antoninus. | |
M. Aur. Cl Gothicus | 268 |
Quintilius, brother of Claudius. | |
Domet. Aurelianus | 270 |
Firmius, Tyrant, in Egypt. | |
Tetricus, Tyrant among the Gauls. | |
Athenodorus. | |
Heroias Vabalathus. | |
A. Septimius. | |
Interregnum | 275 |
Tacitus | 275 |
Florianus | 276 |
Probus | 276 |
Saturnius, Proculus, Bonoſius. | |
M. Aurel. Carus | 282 |
M. Aurel. Carinus. | |
Numerianus. | |
M. Aur. Julian. Sa⯑brinus | 284 |
Diocleſian and Max⯑im. Hercules. | |
Selvius Amandus, Pom⯑ponius, Aelianus, Carauſius, Allectus, Epideus Achilleus, Domitius Domitia⯑nus, Tyran. | |
Conſt. Chlorus, & Galer. Val. Maxi⯑minus | 305 |
Flav. Val. Severus. | |
C. Gal. Val. Maxi⯑minus. | |
M. Aur. Val. Max⯑entius. | |
Alexander, Tyran. | |
P. Val. Lic. Lyci⯑nius Caeſar. | |
Valerius Valens. | |
Martinianus. | |
Conſtantine, the Gr. | |
Conſtantine, the younger, died in 340 | 337 |
Conſtance | 337 |
Saturninus | 337 |
Conſtant | 337 |
Magnentius, Nepotia⯑nus, Vetranion and Sylvanus, Tyrants. | |
Julian, the apoſtate | 361 |
Jovian | 363 |
After this time, the Roman Empire was divided into Weſtern and Eaſtern; Rome being the capital of the firſt, Conſtantino ple of the laſt. The Weſtern ended in 494; the Eaſtern in 1204.
[112]began to reign. | |
Valentinian I. | 364 |
Gratian | 375 |
Valentian II. | 383 |
Honorius, ſon of The⯑odoſius the Great | 394 |
John | 423 |
Valentinian III. | 425 |
Maximus | 455 |
Avilus | 455 |
Majorianus | 457 |
Severus III. | 461 |
Anthemius | 466 |
Olybrius | 473 |
Glycerius | 474 |
Julius | 474 |
Oreſtes | 475 |
Romulus | 476 |
The next emperor took the title of king of Italy, whoſe ſucceſſors afterwards, in Charlemagne, became emperors of Germany, 800, and were crowned at Rome. See Emperors of Germany.
began to reign. | |
Valens | 364 |
Theodoſius the Great | 379 |
Arcadius, ſon of The⯑odoſius the Great | 395 |
Theodoſius II. | 408 |
Marcian | 450 |
Leo I. | 457 |
Leo II. | 474 |
Zeno | 474 |
Anaſtaſius | 491 |
Juſtin | 518 |
Juſtinian | 527 |
Juſtin II. | 565 |
Tiberius | 581 |
Mauritius | 586 |
Phocas | 602 |
Heraclius | 610 |
Conſtantine III. | 641 |
Conſtantine IV. | 641 |
Conſtans II. | 642 |
Metius | 668 |
Conſtantine V. | 668 |
Juſtinian II. | 685 |
Leo III. | 694 |
Abſimaris | 696 |
Juſtinian III. | 703 |
Philippicus | 711 |
Anaſtaſius II. | 713 |
Theodoſius III. | 714 |
Leo IV. | 716 |
Conſtantine VI. | 741 |
Leo V. | 775 |
Conſtantine VII. | 780 |
Irene | 797 |
Nicephorus | 802 |
Saturacius | 811 |
Michael | 811 |
Leo VI. | 813 |
Michael II. | 821 |
Theophilus | 829 |
Michael III. | 842 |
Baſilius | 867 |
Leo VII. | 886 |
Conſtantine IX. | 910 |
Romanus II. | 959 |
Nicephorus II. | 963 |
Zemiſees | 970 |
Baſilius II. and Con⯑ſtantine X. | 975 |
Romanus III. | 1028 |
Michael IV. | 1033 |
Michael V. | 1041 |
Conſtantine XI. | 1041 |
Theodora | 1054 |
Michael VI. | 1056 |
Iſaac | 1057 |
Conſtantine XII. | 1059 |
Michael VII. | 1067 |
Romanus IV. | 1068 |
Michael VIII. | 1071 |
Nicephorus III. | 1078 |
Alexius | 1080 |
John | 1118 |
Emanuel | 1142 |
Alexius II. | 1180 |
Andronicus | 1183 |
Iſaac II. | 1185 |
Alexius III. | 1195 |
Iſaac III. | 1203 |
Alexins IV. | 1204 |
After this, the empire was divided into thoſe of Adrianople and Conſtantinople, till they were united again by conqueſt under Mahomet II. emperor of Conſtantinople, May 29, 1448. See Emperors of Conſtantinople.
began to reign. | |
Mahomet II. (Se Eaſtern Empire.) | 1451 |
Corcutus, grandſon to Mahomet | 1481 |
Zemin, father to Corcutus | 1481 |
Bajazet II. brother to Zemin | 1481 |
Selim, ſon to Bajazet | 1512 |
Solyman II. ſon to Selim | 1520 |
Selim II. ſon to Solyman | 1566 |
Amurath [...]. ſon to Selim | 1574 |
Maheme [...] III. ſon to Amurath | 1595 |
Athme [...] [...] ſon to Mahomet | 1604 |
Muſta [...] [...] brother to Achmet | 1617 |
Oſma [...] [...]nephew to Muſtapha | 1617 |
Muſtapha again | 1622 |
Amu [...] IV. grandſon to Muſtapha | 1623 |
[...]ham, brother to Amurath | 1640 |
M [...] IV. ſon to Ibraham | 1655 |
Soly [...] III. brother to Mahomet | 1687 |
A [...] [...] brother to Solyman | 1691 |
Mu [...] II. ſon to Mahomet IV. | 1695 |
Achm [...] III. brother to Muſtapha | 1703 |
Mahomet V. | 1730 |
Oſman III. brother to Mahomet | 1754 |
Muſtapha III. brother to Oſman | 1757 |
Achmet III. or Adulhamed, brother to Muſtapha | 1774 |
began to reign. | |
Charlemagne, firſt emperor. (See Weſtern Empire.) | 800 |
Lewis I. ſon of Charlemagne | 814 |
Lotharius I. ſon of Lewis | 840 |
Lewis II. ſon of Lotharius | 845 |
Charles II. nephew to Lewis | 875 |
Lewis III. ſon of Charles | 878 |
Charles III [...] brother to Lewis III. | 880 |
Arnolph. baſtard brother to Charles | 888 |
Lewis IV. ſon of Arnolph | 900 |
Conrade I. duke of Heſſe, firſt elected emperor | 912 |
Henry, duke of Saxony | 920 |
Otho I. ſon of Henry | 936 |
Otho II. ſon of Otho I. | 974 |
Otho III. ſon of Otho II | 983 |
Henry II. duke of Bavaria, couſin german to Otho III. | 1002 |
Conrade II. duke of Franconia, | 1024 |
Henry III. ſon of Conrade | 1040 |
Henry IV. ſon of Henry III. | 1056 |
Henry V. ſon of Henry IV. | 1106 |
Lotharius II. | 1125 |
Conrade III. nephew to Henry V. | 1138 |
Frederick I. nephew to Conrade | 1152 |
Henry VI. ſon to Frederick | 1190 |
Philip, brother to Henry | 1197 |
Otho IV. ſon in law to Philip | 1208 |
Frederick II. ſon of Henry VI. | 1215 |
Henry VII. | 1245 |
William | 1246 |
Conrade IV. ſon of Frederick II. | 1250 |
Richard, brother to Henry III. of England | 1257 |
Rodolph I. | 1273 |
Adolph | 1292 |
Albert I. ſon of Rodolph | 1297 |
Henry VIII. | 1308 |
Lewis V. and Frederick III. | 1314 |
Lewis V. alone | 1322 |
Charles IV. | 1346 |
Wenceſlaus, ſon of Charles | 1378 |
Robert | 1400 |
Sigiſmund, king of Hungary | 1411 |
Albert II. king of Bohemia and ſon in law to Sigiſmund | 1437 |
Frederick III. | 1439 |
Maximilian I. ſon of Frederick | 1493 |
Charles V. king of Spain, grandſon to Maxi⯑millian | 1519 |
Ferdinand I. brother to Charles | 1558 |
Maximilian II. ſon to Ferdinand | 1564 |
Rodolph II. ſon of Maximilian | 1577 |
Matthias, brother to Rodolph | 1613 |
Ferdinand II. couſin to Matthias | 1620 |
Ferdinand III. ſon of Ferdinand II. | 1638 |
Leopold I. ſon of Ferdinand III. | 1658 |
Joſeph I. king of Hungary and Bohemia, ſon of Leopold | 1705 |
Charles VI. brother to Joſeph | 1711 |
Charles VII. | 1742 |
Francis I. married to the queen of Hungary and Bohemia, daughter of Charles VI. | 1745 |
Joſeph II. king of Hungary and Bohemia, ſon of Francis | 1765 |
began to reign. | |
Alexander II. 164th pope | 1061 |
Gregory VII. | 1073 |
Vi [...]or III. | 1086 |
Urban II. | 1088 |
Paſchal II. | 1099 |
Gelaſius II. | 1118 |
Calixtus II. | 1119 |
Honorius II. | 1124 |
Innocent II. | 1130 |
Caeleſtine II. | 1143 |
Lucius IV. | 1144 |
Eugenius III. | 1145 |
Anaſtaſius IV. | 1153 |
Adrian IV. | 1153 |
Alexander III. | 1159 |
Lucius III. | 1181 |
Urban III. | 1185 |
Gregory VIII. | 1187 |
Clement III | 1187 |
Caeleſtine III. | 1191 |
Innocent III. | 1198 |
Honorius III. | 1216 |
Gregory IX. | 1227 |
Caeleſtine IV. | 1241 |
Innocent IV. | 1243 |
Alexander IV. | 1254 |
Urban IV. | 1261 |
Clement IV. | 1265 |
Gregory X. | 1271 |
Innocent V. | 1276 |
Adrian V. | 1276 |
Vicedominus | 1276 |
John XX. or XXI. | 1276 |
Nicholas III. | 1277 |
Honorius IV. | 1285 |
Nicholas IV. died, 1292 | 1288 |
See vacant 2 years and 3 months. | |
Caeleſtine V. | 1294 |
Boniface VIII. | 1294 |
Benedict XI. | 1303 |
Clement V. | 1305 |
John XXI or XXII. | 1316 |
Benedict XII. | 1334 |
Clement VI. | 1342 |
Innocent VI. | 1352 |
Urban V. | 1362 |
Gregory XI. | 1370 |
Urban VI. | 1378 |
Clement VIII. antipope, died 1394. | |
Boniface IX. | 1389 |
Benedict XIII. antipope. | |
Innocent VII. | 1404 |
Gregory XII. | 1406 |
Alexander V. | 1409 |
John XXIII. | 1410 |
Martin V. | 1417 |
Eugenius IV. | 1431 |
Nicholas V. | 1447 |
Calixtus III. | 1455 |
Pius II. | 1458 |
Paul II. | 1464 |
Sextus IV. | 1476 |
Innocent VIII. | 1484 |
Alexander VI. | 1492 |
Pius III. | 1503 |
Julius II. | 1503 |
Leo X. | 1513 |
Adrian VI. | 1522 |
Clement VII. | 1523 |
Paul III. | 15 [...]4 |
Julius III. | 1550 |
Marcellus V. | 1555 |
Paul IV. | 1555 |
Pius IV. | 1559 |
Pius V. | 1566 |
Gregory XIII. | 1572 |
Sixtus V. | 1585 |
Urban VII. | 1590 |
Gregory XIV. | 1590 |
Innocent IX. | 1591 |
Clement VIII. | 1592 |
Le XI. | 1605 |
Paul V. | 1605 |
Gregory XV. | 1621 |
Urban VIII. | 1623 |
Innocent X. | 1644 |
Alexander VII. | 1655 |
Clement IX. | 1667 |
Clement X. | 1670 |
Innocent XI. | 1676 |
Alexander VIII. | 1689 |
Innocent XII. | 1691 |
Clement XI. | 1700 |
Innocent XIII. | 1721 |
Benedict XIII. | 1724 |
Clement XII. | 1730 |
Benedict XIV. | 1740 |
Clement XIII. | 1758 |
Clement XIV. | 1769 |
Pius VI. | Feb 15, 1775 |
A LIST of the REGIMENTS, with their DATES and RANK.
Horſe Guards. | |
1ſt and 2d Troop, | 1660 |
Horſe Grenadier Guards. | |
1ſt Troop, | 1685 |
2d Troop, | 1702 |
Royal Horſe Guards. | |
Blues, | 1661 |
Four Regiments of Horſe. | |
1ſt, 2d, and 3d, | 1685 |
4th, | 1688 |
Three of Dragoon Guards. | |
A [...]l. | 1685 |
Fourteen of Dragoons. | |
1ſt, | 1680 |
2d, | 1681 |
3d and 4th, | 168 [...] |
5th, | 1688 |
6th, | 1689 |
7th, | 1690 |
8th, | 1693 |
9th—14th, | 1715 |
Nine of Light Dragoons. | |
1ſt, 2d, 3d, 4th, | 1759 |
5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, | 1779 |
9th, | 1781 |
Three of Foot Guards. | |
All, | 1650 |
One Hundred and Five of Foot. | |
1ſt Reg. | 1633 |
2d, | 1661 |
3d, | 1665 |
4th, | 1680 |
5th, | 1674 |
6th, | 1673 |
7th — 15th, | 1685 |
16th and 17th, | 1688 |
18th, | 1684 |
19th and 20th, | 1688 |
21ſt, | 1678 |
22d — 27th, | 1689 |
28th, | 1694 |
29th — 34th, | 1702 |
35th and 36th | 1701 |
37th — 39th | 1702 |
40th, | 1717 |
41ſt, | 1719 |
42d, | 1739 |
43d — 48th, | 1741 |
49th, | 1743 |
50th, | 1753 |
51ſt — 60th, | 1755 |
61ſt — 70th, | 1758 |
71ſt | 1775 |
72d — 74th | 1777 |
75th, | 1778 |
76th — 83d, | 1777 |
84th | 1775 |
85th — 92d, | 1779 |
93d — 100th, | 1780 |
101ſt — 105th, | 1781 |
African corps, | 1765 |
Jamaica corps, | 1766 |
52 independ. comp. | 1781 |
Artillery, Ireland, | 1670 |
Artillery, England, | 1705 |
The KINGS of each COUNTRY.
countries. | began to reign. |
Conſtantinople. Abdul Hamed | Jan. 21, 1774 |
Denmark. Chriſtian VII. born, Jan. 29, 1749. | 1766 |
France. Lewis XVI. born, 1754. | 1774 |
Germany. Joſeph II. born, March 13, 1741. | 1765 |
Holland. William V. prince of Orange, born, March 5, 1748. | 1766 |
Hungary and Bohemia. Joſeph II. emperor of Germany. (See Germany.) | 1780 |
Modena. Francis Maria, duke of, born, July 2, 1698. | |
Sicily. Ferdinand IV. born, Jan. 12, 1751. | 1759 |
Poland. Staniſlaus [...] born, Jan. 17, 1732. | 1764 |
Parma. Ferdinand, duke of, born, Jan. 20, 1752. | |
Portugal. Maria, born, Dec. 17, 1734. | 1777 |
Pruſſia. Frederic III. born, Jan. 24, 1712. | 1740 |
Rome. Pius VI. born, Dec. 27, 1717. | Feb. 22, 1775 |
Ruſſia. Catherine II. born, May 2, 1729. | 1762 |
Sardinia. Victor Amadeus Maria, born, June 26, 1726. | 1773 |
Spain. Charles III. born, Jan. 20, 1716. | 1759 |
Sweden. Guſtavus II. born, Jan. 24, 1746. | 1770 |
Tuſcany. Leopold, grand duke of, born, May 5, 1747. | |
Venice. Brizio Guiſtiniano. | June 14, 1775 |
A View of the RELIGION and CAPITAL CITIES of the chief Countries in EUR [...]PE.
Countries. | Religion. | Capital Cities. |
Auſtrian Nether⯑lands, | Papiſts, | Bruſſels. |
Bohemia, | ditto, | Prague. |
Denmark, | Proteſtants, | Copenhagen. |
France, | Papiſts, | Paris, |
Germany, | Proteſtants and Papiſts, | Vienna. |
Hungary, | Papiſts, | Preſburg. |
Italy, | ditto, | Rome. |
Norway, | Proteſtants, | Bergen. |
Poland, | Papiſts, | Warſaw. |
Portugal, | ditto, | Liſbon. |
Pruſſia, | Protedants, | Berlin. |
Ruſſia, | Greek Church, | Peterſburg. |
Sardinia, | Papiſts, | Turin. |
Sicilies, | ditto, | Naples. |
Spain, | ditto, | Madrid. |
Sweden, | Proteſtants, | Stockholm. |
Switzerland, | ditto and Papiſts, | Bern. |
Turkey, | Mahometans, Chriſtians & Jews, | Conſtantino⯑ple. |
United Provinces, | Proteſtants, | Amſterdam. |
Venice, | Papiſts, Greeks, and Jews, | Venice. |
Comparative View of the FORCES, REVENUE, and POPULATION of EUROPE, in 1776.
[120]Countries. | Soldiers. | Ann. Revenue. | No. People. |
£. | |||
Great Britain, | 40,000 | 12,000,000 | 10,000,000 |
Holland, | 40,000 | 5,500,000 | 2,500,000 |
France, | 200,000 | 15,000,000 | 24,000,000 |
Spain, | 100,000 | 6,000,000 | 6,000,000 |
Portugal, | 30,000 | 4,500,000 | 1,500,000 |
Sardinia, | 70,000 | 2,500,000 | 2,500,000 |
Naples, | 25,000 | 2,700,000 | 4,500,000 |
Reſt of Italy, | 85,000 | 5,000,000 | 13,000,000 |
Auſtria, | 240,000 | 3,000,000 | 5,500,000 |
Pruſſia, | 260,000 | 3,000,000 | 3,600,000 |
Germany, | 200,000 | 7,500,000 | 12,000,000 |
Denmark, | 60,000 | 2,200,000 | 2,000,000 |
Sweden, | 80,000 | 3,000,000 | 2,500,000 |
Ruſſia, | 350,000 | 5,500,000 | 20,000,000 |
Poland, | 3000 | 300,000 | 8,000,000 |
1,783,000 | 77,700,000 | 117,600,000 |
- King George born, June 4, 1738
- Queen Charlotte born, May 19, 1744
- George, prince of Wales born, Aug. 12, 1762
- Frederic, biſhop of Oſnaburgh, born, Aug. 16, 1763
- William Henry born, Aug. 21, 1765
- Charlotte, princeſs royal, born, Sept. 29, 1766
- Edward born, Nov. 2, 1767
- Auguſta Sophia born, Nov. 8, 1768
- Elizabeth born, May 22, 1770
- Erneſt Auguſtus born, June 5, 1771
- Auguſtus Frederic born, Jan. 27, 1772
- Adolphus Frederic born Feb. 24, 1774
- Mary born, Apr. 2 [...], 1776
- Sophia born, Nov. 3, 1777
- Octavius born, Feb. 23, 1779
- Alfred born, Sept. 22, 1780
[121]- Princeſs Auguſta born, Auguſt 11, 1737; married to the duke of Brunſwick Lunenburgh, Jan. 16, 1764.
- Prince William Henry, duke of Glouceſter born, Nov. 25, 1743.
- Prince Henry Frederick, duke of Cumberland born, Nov. 7, 1745.
- GEORGE II.'s ISSUE. Princeſs Amelia Sophia born, June 10, 1711.
- 1707, April 17, Thomas, earl of Pembroke.
- 1708, Nov. 25, Thomas, lord Wharton.
- 1711, July 3, James, duke of Ormond.
- 1713, Oct. 27, Charles, duke of Shrewſbury.
- 1717, Auguſt 7, Charles, duke of Bolton.
- 1721, Auguſt 28, Charles, duke of Grafton.
- 1724, October 22, John, lord Carteret.
- 1731, September 11, Lionel, duke of Dorſet.
- 1737, September 7, William, duke of Devonſhire.
- 1745, Auguſt 31, Philip, earl of Cheſterfield.
- 1747, September 13, William, earl of Harrington.
- 1751, September 19, Lionel, duke of Dorſet.
- 1755, May 5, William, marquis of Hartington.
- 1757, September 25, John, duke of Bedford.
- 1761, October 6, Dunk, earl of Halifax.
- 1763, Sept. 22, Hugh, earl of Northumberland.
- 1765, June 5, lord viſcount Weymouth.
- 1765, October 18, Francis, earl of Hertford.
- 1766, October 6, Earl of Briſtol.
- 1767, Auguſt 9, George, viſcount Townſhend, the firſt who reſided.
- 1772, Oct. 9, Simon, earl Harcourt.
- 1776, Nov. 2, John, earl of Buckinghamſhire.
- 1780, Oct. 13, Frederic, earl of Carliſle.
- 1782, April 10, William, duke of Portland.
☞ In theſe dates the Old Stile is preſerved, till the alteration.
[122]when made. | |
Maurice, afterwards biſhop of London, died, Sept. 26, 1107, | 1067 |
Oſmund, afterwards earl of Dorſet, bp. of Sarum. | |
Arfaſt, biſhop of Helmſtadt, Germany, | 1073 |
Herman, biſhop of Sherborne. | |
Rev. William Welſon. | |
W. Giffard, bp. of Winton, died, July 21, 1128. | |
Robert Bloet, afterwards biſhop of Lincoln, died, Jan. 10, 1122, | 1087 |
Roger, afterwards biſhop of Sarum, died, Dec. 4, 1139, | after 1100 |
Geofrey Rufus, afterwards biſhop of Durham, | |
Alexander, biſhop of Lincoln, died, Aug. 1147, | after 1135 |
Pauper, natural ſon of Roger, biſhop of Sarum. | |
Philip, | 1153 |
Thomas à Becket, archbiſhop of Canterbury, murdered, Dec. 29, 1171, | 1157 |
Rev. Geofrey Plantagenet, ſon of Henry II. by Rofamund, died, 1213, | 1181 |
Walter de Bidun. | |
W. Longchamp, bp. of Ely, died, Jan. 29, 1197, | 1189 |
Hugh, afterward biſhop of Lincoln, died, Feb. 7, 1234, | 1204 |
Walter de Gray, afterwards archbiſhop of York, died, May, 1255, | 1206 |
Rich. de Mariſ [...], op. of Durham, died, 1226, | 1212 |
Ralph Neville, afterwards biſhop of Winton, died, Feb. 1, 1244, | 1223 |
Simon Norman, | 1238 |
Richard, afterwards biſhop of Cheſter, | 1239 |
Ralph Neville, again, | 1242 |
Ranulph Brito, | |
Silveſter de Everton, biſhop of Carliſle, | 1246 |
John Lexington, | Sept. 1247 |
John Manſel, chancellor of St. Paul's London, | 1248 |
Peter de Rievallis, and Rev. Will de Kilkenny, | 1250 |
Peter Chaſeport, and J. de Leſſington, | May 1253 |
Will. de Kilkenny, afterwards biſhop of Ely, | 1253 |
Henry de Wengham, afterwards biſhop of Lon⯑don, died, July 13, 1261, | 1255 |
Nicholas, archdeacon of Ely, | 1259 |
Walter Merton, afterwards biſhop of Rocheſter, died, Oct. 27, 1278, | 1261 |
Nicholas, archdeacon of Ely, again, afterwards biſhop of Winton, died, 1280, | 1263 |
John de Chiſul, afterwards bp. of London, about | 1264 |
Thomas de Cantilupus, afterwards biſhop of Hereford, died, Aug. 25, 1282, | 1265 |
Walter Giffard, archbiſhop of York, died, April 25, 1279, | 1265 |
Godfrey Giffard, afterwards biſhop of Worceſter, died, 1302, | 1267 |
John Chiful, again, | 1269 |
Richard Middleton, | 1269 |
John Kirkby, afterwards bp. of Ely, died, Mar. 26, 1 [...]90, | 1272 |
Rob. Burnet, bp. of Bath and W [...]lls, died, 1292. | 1274 |
Walter Langton, | 1292 |
John Langton, afterwards biſhop of Chicheſter. | 1293 |
William Greenfield, archbiſhop of York, died, Sept. 13, 1315, | 1302 |
William Hamilton, dean of York. | 1305 |
Ralph Baldock, biſhop of London, died, July 24, 1313, | 1307 |
Walter Reynold, archbiſhop of Canterbury, | 1311 |
John Sandale, biſhop of Winton, died, 1320, | 1315 |
John Hotham, bp. of Ely, died, Jan. 25, 1336, | 1318 |
John Salmon, biſhop of Norwich, died, July 6, 1325, | 1320 |
W. Ayermin, biſhop of Norwich, died, Mar. 28, 1337, | 1323 |
Robert Baldock, biſhop of Norwich, | 1324 |
John Hotham, again, | 1324 |
Henry Cliff, keeper of the rolls, and William Herlaſton, Chancery-clerk, | 1329 |
Henry Burwaſh, biſhop of Lincoln, died, Dec. 1340, | May 1329 |
John Stratford, afterwards archbiſhop of Canter⯑bury, died, April 9, 1392, | 1331 |
Richard Bury, biſhop of Durham, died, April 24, 1345, | 1336 |
John Stratford, again, | 1336 |
Robert Stratford, brother to John. | 1338 |
Richard Bintworth, biſhop of London, died, Dec. 8. 1339, | July, 1339 |
John de St. Paul, keeper of the rolls, Michael Worth, and Thomas Baumburg, | 1340 |
John de St. Paul, alone, | Feb. 1341 |
John Stratford, again, | 1341 |
Robert Stratford, again, | 1341 |
Sir Robert Burgchiar, | 1342 |
Robert Parnyng, | Oct. 1342 |
Robert Sadington, | Sept. 1344 |
John Offord, | Oct. 1346 |
John Thurſby, archbiſhop of York, died, No⯑vember 6, 1373, | July, 1347 |
Will. Edenton, bp. of Winton, died, 1366. | Feb. 1357 |
Simon Langham, archbiſhop of Canterbury, died, July 22, 1367, | Feb. 1363 |
William of Wickham, biſhop of Winton, died, 1402, | Sept. 1368 |
Sir Robert de Thorp, | Mar. 1372 |
John Knyvet, | 1373 |
Adam Houghton, biſhop of St. David's, died, April, 1389, | Jan. 1377 |
Sir Richard de la Scrope, | 1379 |
Simon Sudbury, archbiſhop of Canterbury, | 1380 |
William Courtney, afterwards archbiſhop of Can⯑terbury, died, July, 1396, | 1381 |
Sir Richard de la Scrope, again, | 1382 |
Robert Baybroke, biſhop of London, died, 1404, | Sept. 1383 |
Michael de la Pool, earl of Suffolk, | Mar. 1383 |
Thomas Arundel, biſhop of Ely, | Oct. 1387 |
William of Wickam, again, | May 1389 |
Thomas Arundel, again, then archbiſhop of Can⯑terbury, died, Feb. 20, 1413, | Sept. 1392 |
Edmund Stafford, biſhop of Exeter, | Nov. 1397 |
Sir John Searle, keeper of the rolls, | Nov. 1400 |
Pdmund Stafford, again, died, Sept. 1419, | Mar. 1401 |
Henry Beaufort, biſhop of Winton, died, April 11, 1447, | 1404 |
Thomas Langley, bp. of Durham, died, 1437, | 1404 |
John Wakering, clerk, keeper of the rolls. | Jan. 1410 |
Sir John Beaufort, d. of E [...]ter, died, 1425, | Jan. 1410 |
Henry Beaufort, again, | 1412 |
Simon Garnſtede, clerk, maſter of the rolls. Sept. | 1417 |
Henry Beaufort, again, | Oct. 1417 |
John Kemp, afterwards archbiſhop of Canterbu⯑ry, died, Mar. 22, 1453, | Mar. 1425 |
John Stafford, afterwards archbiſhop of Canter⯑bury, died, July 6, 1452, | Feb. 1432 |
John Kemp, again, | Jan. 1450 |
Richard Neville, earl of Sarum, beheaded, 1461, | Apr. 1454 |
Thomas Bourchier, archbiſhop of Canterbury, died, 1486, | Mar. 1455 |
William Wykham, biſhop of Winton, died, Auguſt 11, 1486, | Oct. 1457 |
George Neville, afterwards archbiſhop of York, died, 1476, aged 46, | July, 1460 |
Robert Stillington, biſhop of Bath and Wells, died, a priſoner, in 1491, | June, 1468 |
John Alcock, afterwards biſhop of Ely, died, Oct. 1, 1500, | Sept. 1473 |
Laurence Booth, afterwards archbiſhop of York, died, 1483, | June, 1474 |
Thomas Rotheram, afterwards archbiſhop of York, died, 1500, aged 76, | 1475 |
John Ruſſel, biſhop of Lincoln, died, July 30, 1490, | Nov. 1484 |
John Morton, archbiſhop of Canterbury, died, Oct. 1521, | Aug. 1487 |
H. Deane, afterwards archbiſhop of Canterbury, | Oct. 1501 |
W. Warham, archbiſhop of Canterbury, died, 1522, | Aug. 1502 |
Thomas Wolſey, archbiſhop of York, | Dec. 1516 |
Sir Thomas More, | Oct. 1530 |
Sir Thomas Audley, afterwards baron Audley, died, April 30, 1544, | May, 1533 |
Lord Wriotheſley, afterwards earl of Southamp⯑ton, | 1545 |
Lord Paulet, afterwards marquis of Wincheſter, died, 1571, aged 97, | July, 1547 |
Lord Rich, died, 1566, | Nov. 1547 |
Thomas Goodrick, biſhop of Ely, | Jan. 1551 |
Stephen Gardiner, biſhop of Winton, | Sept. 1553 |
Nicholas Heath, archbiſhop of York, died about 1566, | Jan. 1555 |
Sir Nicholas Bacon, died, 1579, | Dec. 1559 |
Sir Thomas Bromley, died, 1586, | Apr. 1579 |
Sir Chriſtopher Hatton, died, 1591, | Apr. 1587 |
Sir John Puckering, | May, 1592 |
Sir Thomas Egerton, afterward viſcount Brack⯑ley, died, 1617, | 1596 |
Sir Francis Bacon, afterwards viſcount St. Al⯑bans, | Mar. 1616 |
John Williams, afterwards archbiſhop of York, died, Mar. 25, 1650, | July, 1620 |
Lord Coventry, died, 1639, | Nov. 1625 |
Sir John Finch, | Jan. 1639 |
Sir Edward Littleton, died, 1645, aged 56, | Jan. 1640 |
Sir Richard Lane, | Aug. 1645 |
Sir Edward Herbert, died, 1660, | 1653 |
Lord Clarendon, | Dec. 1657 |
Sir Orlando Bridgman, | Aug. 1667 |
Earl of Shaftſbury, died, Jan. 22, 1682, aged 61, | Nov. 1672 |
Sir Heneage Finch, afterwards earl of Notting⯑ham, died, Dec. 11, 1682, aged 60, | 1673 |
Lord Guilford, died, Sept. 5, 1685, | Dec. 1682 |
Lord Jeffreys, died, April 18, 1689, | Oct. 1685 |
Sir John Maynard, Anthony Kecke, and William Rawlinſon, | Mar. 1689 |
Lord Somers, died, 1716, aged 63, | Mar. 1692 |
Sir Nathan Wright, | May, 1700 |
Lord Cowper, firſt chancellor of Great Britain, | Oct. 1705 |
In commiſſion. | Aug. 1710 |
Lord Harcourt, | Apr. 1713 |
Lord Cowper, again, | Sept. 1714 |
Lord Parker, afterwards earl of Macclesfield, | May 1718 |
Lord King, died, 1734, aged 64, | June, 1725 |
Lord Talbot, died, Feb. 14, 1737, aged 52, | Nov. 1733 |
Philip York, earl of Hardwicke, | 1737 |
Lord Henley, afterwards earl of Northington, | Jan. 1761 |
Charles Pratt, Lord Camden, | July, 1766 |
Charles York, | Jan. 1770 |
In commiſſion, viz. Sir Sidney Stafford Smythe, knt. Hon. Henry Bathurſt, and Sir Richard Aſton, knt. | Jan. 1770 |
Hen. Bathurſt, lord Apſley, now earl Bathurſt, | Jan. 1771 |
Lord Thurlow, | June 2, 1778 |
CHANCELLORS of the Univerſity of OXFORD.
- When elected.
- 1552, Sir John Maſon, knight.
- 1556, Cardinal Pole, archbiſhop of Canterbury.
- 1558, Henry Fitzalen, earl of Arundel.
- 1559, Sir John Maſon, again.
- 1564, Robert Dudley, earl of Leiceſter.
- 1588, Sir Chriſtopher Hatton, lord chancellor.
- 1591, Thomas Sackville, earl of Dorſet.
- 1608, Richard Bancroft, archbiſhop of Canterbury.
- 1610, Thomas Egerton, lord Elleſmere.
- 1616, William, earl of Pembroke.
- [128]1630, William Laud, archbiſhop of Canterbury.
- 1641, Philip Herbert, earl of Pembroke.
- 1643, William, marquis of Hertford.
- 1647, Philip, earl of Pembroke, again.
- 1650, Oliver Cr [...]mwell, lord protecter of England, &c.
- 1657, Lord Richard Cromwell, protector.
- 1660, Edward Hyde, earl of Clarendon.
- 1657, Sheldon, archbiſhop of Canterbury.
- 1669, James, duke of Ormond.
- 1681, James, d [...]ke of Ormond, grandſon of the above.
- 1715, — earl of Arra [...]
- 1759, John, earl of Weſtmoreland.
- 1762, George Henry, earl of Litchfield.
- 1772, Fredtrick, lord North.
- When inſtalled.
- 1547, Edward Seymour, duke of Somerſet, uncle to Edward IV.
- 1549, John Dudley, duke of Northumberland.
- 1553, Stephen Gardiner, biſhop of Wincheſter.
- 1556, Reginald Pole, archbiſhop of Canterbury.
- 1558, Sir William Cecil, afterwards lord Burleigh.
- 1598, Robert Devereux, earl of Eſſex.
- 1600, Sir Robert Cecil, afterwards earl of Saliſbury.
- 1611, Henry Howard, earl of Northampton.
- 1614, Thomas Howard, earl of Suffolk.
- 1621, Thomas Bancroft, archbiſhop of Canterbury.
- 1626, George Villiers, duke of Buckingham.
- 1628, Henry Rich, earl of Holland.
- 1648, Edward Montague, earl of Mancheſter.
- 1671, George Villiers, duke of Buckingham.
- 1674, James Scott, duke of Monmouth.
- 1682, Chriſtopher Monke, duke of Albemarle.
- 1688, Charles Seymour, duke of Somerſet.
- 1748, Thomas Holles Pelham, duke of Newcaſtle.
- 1768, Auguſtus Fitzroy, duke of Grafton.
names. | tran. |
1, St. Auſtin, | Years 569 |
2, St. Laurentius, | 611 |
3, St. Mellitus, | 619 |
4, St. Juſtus, | 624 |
5, St. Honorius, | 636 |
6, St. Deus-dedit, the firſt Engliſhman, Vacant four Years. | 654 |
7, St. Theodorus, a Grecian, | 668 |
8, St. Brithwaldus, | 692 |
9, St. Tatwinus, | 731 |
10, Nothelmus, | 736 |
11, Cuthbert, | 742 |
12, Bregwinus, | 759 |
13, Lambert, | 764 |
14, Ethelardus, | 793 |
15, Ulfredus, | 807 |
16, Theogildus, | 832 |
17, Celnothus, | |
18, Ethelradus, | 871 |
19, Pleimundus, | 889 |
20, Athelmus, | 915 |
21, Wulſelmus, Lord chancellor, | 924 |
22, St. Odo, or Otho, | 934 |
23, St. Dunſtan, Lord Treaſurer, | 961 |
24, Ethelgarus, | 988 |
25, Siricius, | 989 |
26, Goſricus, | 993 |
27, St. Elphegus, | 1006 |
28, Livingus, | 1013 |
29, St. Angelnothus, * | 1020 |
30, St. Eadlinus, | 1038 |
31, Robert, | 1050 |
32, Stigand, | 1052 |
33, Lanfranc, an Italian, | 1070 |
34, St. Anſelm, | 1093 |
35, Randulph, | 1114 |
36, William Curbail, | 1122 |
37, Theobald, | 1138 |
38, St. Thomas à Becket, lord chancellor, | 1162 |
39, Richard, | 1171 |
40, Baldwin, | 1184 |
41, Reginald, | 1191 |
42, Hubert Walter, lord chancellor and lord chief juſtice, | 1193 |
43, Stephen Langton, cardinal, | 1209 |
44, Richard Wetherſhed, | 1229 |
45, St. Edmund, chancellor of Oxford, | 1234 |
46, Boniface,* | 1244 |
47, Robert Kilwarby, cardinal, | 1272 |
48, John Peckham, | 1278 |
49, Robert Winchelſey, chancellor of Oxford, | 1294 |
50, Walter Reynolds, lord chancellor and lord treaſurer, | 1313 |
51, Simon Mepham, | 1327 |
52, John Stratford, lord chancellor, | 1333 |
53, Thomas Bradwardin, | 1348 |
54, Simon Iſlip, | 1349 |
55, Simon Langham, cardinal and lord chanc. | 1366 |
56, William Witleſey, | 1367 |
57, Simon Sudbury, lord chancellor, beheaded by the rebels of Wat Tyler, | 1379 |
58, William Courtney, chancellor of Oxford,* | 1381 |
59, Thomas Arundel, lord chancellor,* | 1396 |
60, Henry Chichely, cardinal,* | 1414 |
61, John Stafford, cardinal, lord chancellor and lord treaſurer, | 1443 |
62, John Kemp, cardinal, lord chancellor twice, | 1452 |
63, Thomas Bouchier, cardinal, lord chancellor and chancellor of Oxford,* | 1454 |
64, John Morton, the like, | 1486 |
65, Henry Dean, | 1502 |
66, William Warham, lord chancellor and chan⯑cellor of Oxford, | 1504 |
67, Thomas Cranmer, | 1533 |
68, Reginald Pole, cardinal and chancellor of Oxford,* | 1555 |
69, Matthew Parker, | 1559 |
70, Edmund Grindal, | 1575 |
71, John Whitgift, | 1583 |
72, Richard Bancroft, chancellor of Oxford, | 1604 |
73, George Abbot, | 1610 |
74, William Laud, chancellor of Oxford, be⯑headed, | 1644 |
See vacant ſixteen years. | |
75, William Juxton, once lord treaſurer, | Sept. 1660 |
76, Gilbert Sheldon, | July, 1663 |
77, William Sancroft, deprived, Feb. 1, 1691, | Jan. 1677 |
78, John Tillotſon, | Apr. 1691 |
79, Thomas Tenniſon, | Dec. 1694 |
80, William Wake, | Dec. 1715 |
81, John Potter, | Mar. 1737 |
82, Thomas Herring, | Dec. 1747 |
83, Matthew Hutton, | May, 1757 |
84, Thomas Secker, | May, 1758 |
85, Frederick Cornwallis,* | Oct. 1768 |
N. B. The figures before the names refer to the number of biſhops ſince the eſtabliſhment of the ſee.
Such biſhops as follow Canterbury, are ſubject to Canterbury; ſuch as follow York, to York.
- 38, George Griffith, Oct. 1660
- 39, Henry Glemham, Oct. 1667
- 40, Iſaac Barrow, Mar. 1669
- 41, William Lloyd, Sept. 1630
- 42, Edward Jones, Dec. 1692
- 43, George Hooper, Oct. 1703
- 44, William Beveridge, July, 1704
- 45, William Fleetwood, May, 1708
- 46, John Wynne, Nov. 1714
- 47, Francis Hare, Dec. 1727
- [132]48, Thomas Tanner, Nov. 1731
- 49, Iſaac Maddox, Sept. 1736
- 50, Samuel Liſle, Apr. 1744
- 51, Robert Drummond,* Mar. 1748
- 52, Richard Newcombe, Aug. 1761
- 53, Jonathan Shipley, June, 1769
- 48, William Roberts, died, 1665, 1737
- 49, Robert Morgan, June, 1666
- 50, Humphrey Lloyd, Oct. 1673
- 51, Humphrey Humphreys, June, 1689
- 52, John Evans, Jan. 1701
- 53, Benjamin Headley, Dec. 1715
- 54, Richard Reynolds, Nov. 1721
- 55, William Baker, Aug. 1723
- 56, Thomas Sherlock, Feb. 1727
- 57, Charles Cecil, May, 1735
- 58, Thomas Herring, Feb. 1738
- 59, Matthew Hutton, Nov. 1743
- 60, Zachary Pearce, Mar. 1747
- 61, John Egerton, [...] July, 1756
- 62, John Ewer, Jan. 1769
- 63, John Moore, 1775
- 56, William Pierce, 1632
- 57, Robert Creighton, May, 1670
- 58, Peter Mew, Dec. 1672
- 59, Thomas Kenn, deprived, Feb. 1690, Feb. 1684
- 60, William Beveridge, nominated, but refuſed it, Apr. 1691
- 61, Richard Kidder, June, 1691
- 62, George Hooper, Mar. 1703
- 63, John Wynne, Nov. 1727
- 64, Edward Willes, Dec. 1743
- 65, Charles Moſs, 1774
- 14, Gilbert Ironſide, Dec. 1760
- 15, Guy Carlton, Dec. 1671
- 16, William Gulſton, Jan. 1678
- 17, John Lake, Aug. 1684
- 18, Jonathan Trelawney, Nov. 1685
- 19, Gilbert Ironſide, Oct. 1689
- 20, Joſeph Hall, Aug. 1691
- 21, John Robinſon, Nov. 1710
- 22, George Smalridge, Mar. 1714
- 23, Hugh Boulter, Oct. 1719
- 24, William Bradſhaw, Oct. 1724
- 25, Charles Cecil, Mar. 1733
- 26, Thomas Secker, Feb. 1735
- 27, Thomas Gooch, June, 1737
- 28, Joſeph Butler, Dec. 1738
- 29, John Conybeare, Jan. 1751
- 30, John Hume, July, 1756
- 31, Philip Yonge, July, 1758
- 32, Thomas Newton, Jan. 1762
- 33, Lewis Bagot,* Feb. 1782
- 73, Henry King, 1641
- 74, Peter Gunning, Feb. 1669
- 75, Ralph Brideoke, Mar. 1675
- 76, Guy Carlton, Jan. 1678
- 77, John Lake, Oct. 1685
- 78, Simon Patrick, Oct. 1689
- 79, Robert Grove, Aug. 1691
- 80, John Williams, Dec. 1696
- 81, Thomas Manningham, Aug. 1709
- 82, Thomas Bowers, Aug. 1722
- 83, Edward Waddington, Oct. 1724
- 84, Francis Hare, Dec. 1731
- 85, Matthias Mawſon, Nov. 1740
- 86, Sir William Aſhburnham,* Apr. 1754
- 93, William Lucy, Oct. 1660
- 94, William Thomas, Nov. 1677
- 95, Laurence Womack, Nov. 1683
- 96, John Lloyd, Oct. 1686
- 97, T. Watſon, deprived, Aug. 3, 1699, June, 1687
- See vacant 5 years 8 months.
- 98, George Bull, Mar. 1705
- 99, Philip Biſſe, Nov. 1710
- 100, Adam Ottley, Feb. 1712
- 101, Richard Smalbroke, Jan. 1723
- 102, Elias Sydall, May, 1731
- 103, Nicholas Clagett, Feb. 1732
- 104, Edward Willes, Jan. 1743
- 105, Richard Trevor, Apr. 1744
- 106, Anthony Ellys, Feb. 1753
- 107, Samuel Squire, June, 1761
- 108, Robert Lowth, June, 1766
- 109, Charles Moſs, Dec. 1766
- 110, James York,* 1774
- 111, John Warren, July, 1779
- 40, Matthew Wren, 1638
- 41, Benjamin Laney, May, 1667
- 42, Peter Gunning, Feb. 1674
- 43, Francis Turner, deprived, Feb. 1690. Aug. 1684
- 44, Simon Patrick, Apr. 1691
- 45, John Moore July, 1707
- 46, William Fleetwood, Nov. 1714
- 47, Thomas Green, Sept. 1723
- 48, Robert Butts, July, 1738
- 49, Sir Thomas Gooch, Mar. 1748
- 50, Matthias Mawſon, Apr. 1754
- 51, Edmund Keene, Jan. 1771
- 52, James Yorke,* July, 1781
- 42, John Gauden, Nov. 1660
- 43, Seth Ward, July, 1662
- 44, Anthony Sparrow, Oct. 1667
- 45, Thomas Lamplugh, Oct. 1676
- 46, Jonathan Trelawney, Apr. 1689
- 47, Offspring Blackall, Jan. 1707
- 48, Lancelot Blackburn, Jan. 1716
- 49, Stephen Weſton, Dec. 1724
- 50, Nicholas Clagett, Aug. 1742
- 51, George Lavington, Feb. 1746
- 52, Frederick Keppel,* Nov. 1762
- 53, John Roſs, Jan. 1778
- 12, William Nicholſon, Nov. 1660
- 13, John Pritchard, Oct. 1672
- 14, Robert Frampton, deprived, Feb. 1, 1690. Mar. 1681
- 15, Edward Fowler, Apr. 1691
- 16, Richard Willis, Nov. 1714
- 17, Elias Sydall, Dec. 1731
- 18, Martin Benſon, Feb. 1735
- 19, James Johnſon, Jan. 1753
- 20, William Warburton, Feb. 1769
- 21, James Yorke,* July, 1779
- 22, James Hallifax, Sept. 1781
- 78, Nicholas Monck, Dec. 1660
- 79, Herbert Croft, Jan. 1661
- 80, Gilbert Ironſide, May, 1691
- 81, Humphrey Humphreys, Dec. 1701
- 82, Philip Biſſe, Feb. 1712
- 83, Benjamin Hoadley, Sept. 1721
- 84, Henry Egerton, Feb. 1724
- 85, Lord James Beauclerk,* May, 1746
- 72, Morgan Owen, 1639
- 73, Hugh Lloyd, Dec. 1663
- 74, Francis Davies, July, 1667
- 75, William Lloyd, Apr. 1675
- 76, William Beaw, Jan. 1679
- 77, John Tyler, June, 1706
- 78, Robert Clavering, Dec. 1724
- 79, John Harris, Apr. 1729
- 80, Matthias Mawſon, Feb. 1739
- 81, John Gilbert, Jan. 1741
- 82, Edward Creſſet, Dec. 1748
- 83, Edward Willes, Mar. 1749
- 84, Richard Newcombe, Apr. 1755
- 85, John Ewer, Oct. 1761
- 86, Jonathan Shipley, Jan. 1769
- 87, Shute Barrington,* June, 1769
- 75, Accepted Frewen, 1643
- 76, John Hacket, Dec. 1661
- 77, Thomas Wood, June, 1671
- 78, William Lloyd, Oct. 1692
- 79, John Hough, Aug. 1699
- 80, Edward Chandler, Nov. 1717
- 81, Richard Smalbroke, Feb. 1730
- 82, Frederick Cornwallis,* Mar. 1749
- 83, John Egerton,* 1768
- 84, Brownlow North,* July, 1771
- 85, Richard Hurd, Jan. 1775
- 86, James Cornwallis,* July, 1781
- 65, Robert Sanderſon Oct. 1660
- 66, Benjamin Laney, Mar. 1663
- 67, William Fuller, Sept. 1667
- 68, Thomas Barlowe, May, 1675
- 69, Thomas Tenniſon, Nov. 1691
- [137]70, James Gardiner, Mar. 1694
- 71, William Wake, July, 1705
- 72, Edmund Gibſon, Jan. 1717
- 73, Richard Reynolds, June, 1723
- 74, John Thomas, Apr. 1744
- 75, John Green, Jan. 1762
- 76, Thomas Thurlow,* May, 1779
- 89, William Juxon, 1633
- 90, Gilbert Sheldon, 1660
- 91, Humphrey Hinchman, Sept. 1663
- 92, Henry Compton,* Dec. 1675
- 93, John Robinſon, Aug. 1713
- 94, Edmund Gibſon, Apr. 1723
- 95, Thomas Sherlock, Dec. 1748
- 96, Thomas Hayter, Oct. 1761
- 97, Richard Oſbaldeſton. Mar. 1762
- 98, Richard Terrick, June, 1764
- 99 Robert Lowth Apr. 1777
- 69, Edward Reynolds, Nov. 1660
- 70, Anthony Sparrow, Aug. 1676
- 71, Will. Lloyd, deprived Feb. 1, 1690. June, 1685
- 72, John Moore, Apr. 1691
- 73, Charles Trimnel, Jan. 1707
- 74, Thomas Green, Aug. 1721
- 75, John Leng, Nov. 1723
- 76, William Baker, Dec. 1727
- 77, Robert Butts, Mar. 1723
- 78, Thomas Gooch, Oct. 1738
- 79, Samuel Liſle, Apr. 1748
- 80, Thomas Hayter, Dec. 1749
- 81, Philip Yonge,* Dec. 1761
- 8, Robert Skinner, 1640
- 9, William Paul, Nov. 1663
- [138]10, Walter Blandford, Nov. 1665
- 11, Nathaniel Crew, June, 1671
- 12, Henry Compton,* Nov. 1674
- 13, John Fell, Jan. 1675
- 14, Samuel Parker, Oct. 1686
- 15, Timothy Hall, Oct. 1688
- 16, John Hough, May, 1690
- 17, William Talbot, Sept. 1699
- 18, John Potter, Apr. 1715
- 19, Thomas Secker, June, 1737
- 20, John Hume, June, 1758
- 21, Robert Lowth, Oct. 1766
- 22, John Butler, Apr. 1777
- 10, Benjamin Laney, Nov. 1660
- 11, Joſeph Henſhaw, Apr. 1663
- 12, William Lloyd, Mar. 1679
- 13, Thomas White, Aug. 1685
- 14, Richard Cumberland, May, 1691
- 15, White Kenner, Oct. 1718
- 16, Robert Clavering, Feb. 1729
- 17, John Thomas, Oct. 1747
- 18, Richard Terrick, July, 1757
- 19, Robert Lamb, July, 1764
- 20, John Hinchcliffe, Dec. 1769
- 82, John Warner, 1637
- 83, John Dolben, Nov. 1666
- 84, Francis Turner, Nov. 1683
- 85, Thomas Sprat, Nov. 1684
- 86, F. Atterbury, deprived, June, 1723. June, 1713
- 87, Samuel Bradford, July, 1723
- 88, Joſeph Wilcocks, Jan. 1731
- 89, Zachary Pearce, July, 1756
- 90, John Thomas, 1775
- 71, Brian Duppa, 1641
- 72, Humphrey Hinchman, Oct. 1660
- 73, John Earle, Sept. 1663
- 74, Alexander Hyde, Dec. 1665
- 75, Seth Ward, Sept, 1667
- 76, Gilbert Burnet, Mar. 1689
- 77, William Talbot, Apr. 1715
- 78, Richard Willis, Nov. 1721
- 79, Benjamin Hoadley, Oct. 1723
- 80, Thomas Sherlock, Nov. 1734
- 81, John Gilbert, Jan. 1748
- 82, John Thomas, June, 1757
- 83, Robert Drummond,* June, 1761
- 84, John Thomas, Dec. 1761
- 85, John Hume, Sept. 1766
- 71, Brian Duppa, Sept. 1660
- 72, George Morley, Apr. 1662
- 73, Peter Mew, Nov. 1684
- 74, Sir Jonathan Trelawney, June, 1707
- 75, Charles Trimnel, July, 1721
- 76, Richard Willis, Sept. 1723
- 77, Benjamin Hoadley, Oct. 1734
- 78, John Thomas, June, 1761
- 79, Brownlow North,* Apr. 1781
- 85, George Morley, Oct. 1660
- 86, John Gauden, May, 1662
- 87, John Earle, Nov. 1662
- 88, Robert Skinner, Oct, 1663
- 89, Walter Blandſord, June, 1671
- 90, James Fleetwood, July, 1679
- 91, William Thomas, Aug. 1683
- 92, Edward Stillingfleet, Oct. 1685
- 93, William Lloyd, Jan. 1699
- [140]94, John Hough, Sept. 1717
- 95, Iſaac Maddox, Nov. 1743
- 96, James Johnſon, Nov. 1759
- 97, Brownlow North, * Jan. 1775
- 98, Richard Hurd, May, 1781
- 71, Accepted Frewen, Sept. 1660
- 72, Richard Sterne, Apr. 1664
- 73, John Dolben, July, 1683
- 74, Thomas Lamplugh, Nov. 1688
- 75, John Sharp, July, 1691
- 76, Sir William Dawes, Mar. 1714
- 77, Launcelot Blackburn, Dec. 1724
- 78, Thomas Herring, Apr. 1743
- 79, Matthew Hutton, Dec. 1747
- 80, John Gilbert, June, 1757
- 81, Robert Drummond, * Oct. 1761
- 82, William Markham, Dec. 1776
- 41, Richard Sterne, Dec. 1660
- 42, Edward Rainbow, July, 1664
- 43, Thomas Smith, June, 1684
- 44, William Nicholſon, June, 1702
- 45, Samuel Bradford, Apr. 1718
- 46, John Waugh, June, 1723
- 47, Sir George Flemming, Feb. 1734
- 48, Richard Oſbaldeſton, Oct. 1747
- 49, Charles Lyttelton, * Apr. 1762
- 50, Edmund Law, Mar. 1769
- 12, Bryan Walton, Dec. 1660
- 13, Henry Ferne, Feb. 1662
- 14, George Hall, May, 1662
- 15, John Wilkins, Nov. 1668
- 16, John Pearſon, Feb. 1672
- [141]17, Thomas Cartwright, Oct. 1686
- 18, Nicholas Stratford, Sept. 1689
- 19, Sir William Dawes, Feb. 1707
- 20, Francis Gaſtrell, Apr. 1714
- 21, Samuel Peploe, Apr. 1726
- 22, Edmund Keene, Mar. 1753
- 23, William Markham, Jan. 1771
- 24, Beilby Porteus, Dec. 1776
- 69, John Coſin, Dec. 1660
- 70, Nathaniel, Lord Crew, * Oct. 1674
- 71, William Talbot, Sept. 1721
- 72, Edward Chandler, Nov. 1730
- 73, Joſeph Butler, Nov. 1750
- 74, Richard Trevor, * Jan. 1753
- 75, John Egerton, * June, 1771
ARCHBISHOPS. | Promoted | |
Armagh, | Lord Rokeby, * | 1765 |
Dublin, | Robert Fowler, | 1779 |
Caſhel, | Charles Agar, * | 1779 |
Tuam | Jemmet Browne, | 1775 |
Meath, | Henry Maxwell, * | 1766 |
Kildare, | Charles Jackſon, | 1772 |
Waterfor [...], | William Newcome, | 1779 |
Clogher, | John Hotham, | 1782 |
Limerick, | William Gore, | 1772 |
Killala, | William Cecil Pery, | 1781 |
Raphoe, | James Hawkins, | 1780 |
Elphin, | Charles Dodgſon, | 1775 |
Down, | James Trail, | 1765 |
Oſſory, | William Beresford, | 1782 |
Derry, | Frederick Hervey, * | 1768 |
Cloyne, | Richard Woodward, | 1781 |
Killaloe, | Thomas Barnard, | 1780 |
Corke, | Iſaac Mann, | 1772 |
Clonfert, | Walter Cope, | 1772 |
Leighlin, | Joſeph Dean Bourke, | 1772 |
Kilmore, | George Lewis Jones, | 1774 |
Dromore, | Thomas Percy, | 1782 |
- George Maſon, 1780
- Sir R. Beddingfield, 1707
- Sir Wm. Withers, 1708
- Sir C. Duncombe, 1709
- Sir Sam. Gerard, 1710
- Sir Gil. Heathcote, 1711
- Sir R. Beachcroft, 1712
- Sir Rich. Hoare, 1713
- Sir Sam. Stanier, 1714
- Sir W. Humphreys, 1715
- Sir Charles Peers, 1716
- Sir J. Bateman, 1717
- Sir Wm. Lewen, 1718
- Sir John Ward, 1719
- Sir G. Thorold, 1720
- Sir John Fryer. 1721
- Sir Wm. Stewart, 1722
- Sir Ger. Conyers, 1723
- Sir Peter Delme, 1724
- Sir G. Mertins, 1725
- Sir Francis Forbes, 1726
- Sir John Eyles, 1727
- Sir Ed. Beecher, 1728
- Sir Robert Bailis, 1729
- Sir Richard Brocas, 1730
- H. Parſons, eſq. 1731
- Sir Francis Child, 1732
- John Barber, eſq. 1733
- Sir Wm. Biliers, 1734
- Sir Edward Bellamy, 1735
- Sir John Williams, 1736
- Sir. J. Thompſon, 1737
- Sir John Barnard, 1738
- Micajah Perry, eſq. 1739
- Sir John Salter, 1740
- H. Parſons, eſq. 1741
- D. Lambert, eſq. 1741
- Sir R. Godſchall, 1742
- G. Heathcote, eſq. 1742
- Robert Wilmot, eſq. 1743
- Sir Robert Weſtley, 1744
- Sir Hen. Marſhal, 1745
- Sir Richard Hoare, 1746
- William Benn, eſq. 1747
- Sir R. Ladbroke, 1748
- Sir Wm. Calvert, 1749
- Sir Sam. Pennant, 1750
- J. Blachford, eſq. 1750
- F. Cockayne, eſq. 1751
- [143]T. Winterbottom, eſq. 1752
- R. Alſop, eſq. 1752
- Sir Criſp. Gaſcoyne, 1753
- Edw. Ironſide, eſq. 1754
- Thomas, Rawlin⯑ſon, eſq. 1754
- Stephen Theodore Janſen, eſq. 1755
- Slingſby Bethel, eſq. 1756
- M. Dickenſon, eſq. 1757
- Sir Charles Aſgil, Bt. 1758
- Sir Richard Glyn, Bt. 1759
- Thomas Chitty, eſq. 1760
- Sir Matthew Blaki⯑ſton, Bt. 1761
- Sir Sam. Fludyer, Bt. 1762
- W. Beckſord, eſq. 1763
- W. Bridgen, eſq. 1764
- Sir W. Stevenſon, 1765
- George Nelſon, eſq. 1766
- Sir Robert Kite, 1767
- Rt. hon. T. Harley, 1768
- Sam. Turner, eſq. 1769
- W. Beckford, eſq. 1770
- Barlow Treco⯑thick, eſq. 1770
- Braſs Croſby, eſq. 1771
- William Naſh, eſq. 1772
- J. Townſhend, eſq. 1773
- Frederick Bull, eſq. 1774
- John Wilkes, eſq. 1775
- J. Sawbridge, eſq. 1776
- Tho. Hallifax, eſq. 1777
- Samuel Plumbe, eſq. 1778
- Brack. Kennet, eſq. 1779
- Sir W. Lewis, 1780
- Sir William Plomer, 1781
- Aberdour E. Morton
- Aghrim E. Athlone
- Althorpe V E. Spencer
- Amiens E. Aldborough
- Ancram E M. Lothian
- Andover V E. Suffolk
- Apſley E. Bathurſt
- Aſhley E. Shafteſbury
- Athenry E. Louth
- Balgony E. Leven
- Barnard V E. Darlington
- Beauchamp V E. Hertford
- Beaumont M D. Roxburgh
- Bellaſyſe E. Fauconberg
- Bellfield E. Pelvedere
- [144]Berindale E. Caithneſs
- Binning E. Haddington
- Blandford M D. Marlborough
- Boyle E. Glaſgow
- Boyle E. Shannon
- Brabazon E. Meath
- Brackley M D. Bridgwater
- Brome V E. Cornwallis
- Bruce E. Ayleſbury
- Bruce E. Eglin
- Burford E D. St. Alban's
- Burgherſh E. Weſtmorland
- Burleigh E. Exeter
- Bury V. E. Albemarle
- Buttevant E. Barrymore
- Cambden V E. Gainſborough
- Cantalupe V E. Delawarr
- Cardroſs E. Buchan
- Carlingford E. Tyrconnel
- Caermarthen M D. Leeds
- Carmichael E. Hyndford
- Carnarvon M D. Chandos
- Caſtlecomer E. Wandesford
- Caſtlecoote E. Mountrath
- Caſtlemain E. Tylney
- Caulfield E. Charlemount
- Chewton V E. Waldegrave
- Chicheſter E. Donegall
- Clan-maurice E. Kerry
- Clare E. Nugent
- Clermont E. Clermont
- Clifton E. Darnley
- Clonmell E. Ligonier
- Clyſdale M D. Hamilton
- Cobham V E. Temple
- Cochran E. Dundonald
- Cockermouth E. Egremont
- Colloony E. Bellamont
- Compton E. Northampton
- Cranburn V E. Saliſbury
- Crighton E. Dumfries
- [145]Croſbie E. Glendore
- Cummerland E. Balcarras
- Dalkeith E D. Buccleugh
- Dalrymple V E. Stair
- Dare E. Selkirk
- Deerhurſt V E. Coventry
- Delvin E. Weſtmeath
- Deſkford E. Findlater
- Down E. Moray
- Drumlanrig M D. Queenſbury
- Drummond E. Perth
- Duncannon E. Beſborough
- Dungarvan E. Cork
- Dunglaſs E. Home
- Dunkellyn E. Clanricarde
- Dunluce E. Antrim
- Dupplin V E. Kinnoul
- Durſley V E. Berkeley
- Euſton E D. Grafton
- Fairford V E. Hillſborough
- Fenton V E. Kelly
- Fermanagh E. Verney
- Fielding V E. Denbigh
- Fincaſtle E. Dunmore
- Fitzmaurice E. Shelburne
- Fleming E. Wigton
- Folkſtone V E. Radnor
- Forbes E. Granard
- Fordwich V E. Cowper
- Garlies E. Galloway
- Garnock V E. Crawford
- Gifford E M. Tweedale
- Gillford E. Clanwilliam
- Glamis E. Strathmore
- Glenlivet E. Aboyne
- Gore E. Roſs
- Gowran E. Upper Oſſory
- Glenorchy E. Bredalbane
- Graham M D. Montroſe
- Granby M D. Rutland
- Grevile E. Warwick
- [146]Grey E. Stamford
- Guernſey E. Aylesford
- Harley E. Oxford
- Hartfell E M. Annandale
- Hartington D. Devon
- Haſtings E. Hunts
- Hay E. Errol
- Headfort E. Bective
- Henley E. Northington
- Henſol E. Talbot
- Herbert E. Pembroke
- Hervey E. Briſtol
- Hinchinbroke V E. Sandweich
- Hermitage V E. Deloraine
- Hinton V E. Poulett
- Hobart E. Bucks
- Hoddo E. Aberdeen
- Hope E. Hoptoun
- Howard E. Effingham
- Huntingtour E. Dyſert
- Huntly M D. Gordon
- Hyde E. Clarendon
- Ikerrin E. Carrick
- Jocelyn E. Roden
- Kennard E. Newburgh
- Kennedy E. Caſſilis
- Kilcourſie V E. Cavan
- Kildare M D. Leinſter
- Kilmaurs E. Glencairn
- Kingſborough E. Kingſton
- Kirkwall E. Orkney
- Lempſter E. Pomfret
- Le Poer E. Tyrone
- Leſlie E. Rothes
- Lewiſham V E. Dartmouth
- Limeri [...]k E. Clanbraſſil
- Lincoln E D. Newcaſtle
- Lindſay M D. Ancaſter
- Linton E. Traquair
- Loftus E. Ely
- Longueville V E. Suſſex
- [147]Lorn M. D. Argyll
- Loughneath E. Maſſureene
- Ludlow V E. Powys
- Lumley V E. Scarborough
- Lymington V E. Portſmouth
- Macduff E. Fife
- Mahon V E. Stanhope
- Maidſtone V E. Winchelſea
- Maitland V E. Lauderdale
- Malden V E. Eſſex
- Malpas V E. Cholmondeley
- Malton E M. Rockingham
- Mandeville V D. Mancheſter
- Mansfield E. Mansfield
- March E D. Richmond
- Mauchlane E. Loudon
- Maule E. Panmure
- Maxwell E. Farnham
- Middleſex E D. Dorſet
- Milſington V E. Portmore
- Milton V E. Fitzwilliam
- Molyneux E. Sefton
- Montgomery E. Eglington
- M [...]thermer M D. Montagu
- Moore E. Drogheda
- Mordaunt V E. Peterborough
- Morpeth V E. Carliſle
- Mountſtewart V E. Bute
- Newtoun E. Laneſborough
- Nidpath E. March
- Norreys E. Abingdon
- North E. Guildford
- Nuneham V E. Harcourt
- O'Bryen E. Inchiquin
- Orwell E. Shipbroke
- Oſſulſton E. Tankerville
- Paiſly E. Abercorn
- Parker V E. Macclesfield
- Perceval E. Egmont
- Percy E D. Northumberland
- Peterſham V E. Harrington
- [148]Pitt V E. Chatham
- Pollington E. Mexborough
- Polwarth E. Marchmont
- Preſton E. Ludlow
- Primroſe V E. Roſeberry
- Ramſay E. Dalhouſie
- Rawdon E. Moira
- Roſehill E. Northeſk
- Royſton V E. Hardwicke
- Ruſborough E. Miltown
- St. Aſaph V E. Aſhburnham
- St. Laurence E. Howth
- Seymour D. Somerſet
- Sherrard V E. Harborough
- Stanhope E. Cheſterfield
- Stanley E. Derby
- Stavordale E. Ilcheſter
- Stopford E. Courtown
- Strathnaver E. Sutherland
- Sudley E. Arran
- Surrey E D. Norfolk
- Talbot E. Shrewſbury
- Tamworth V E. Ferrers
- Taviſtock M D. Bedford
- Titchfield M D. Portland
- Trentham V E. Gower
- Tufton E. Thanet
- Tudibardin M D. Athol
- Tunbridge V E. Rochford
- Turnour E. Winterton
- Vaughan V E. Liſburne
- Villiers V E. Jerſey
- Villiers E. Grandiſon
- Welleſley E. Mornington
- Walpole V E. Orford
- Wentworth V E. Strafford
- Weſtport E. Altamont
- Wincheſter M D. Bolton
- Windſor E. Plymouth
- Worceſter M D. Beaufort.
- Acheſon Gosford
- Agar Brandon E
- Agar Clifton
- Aland Forteſcue
- Allen Allen V
- Amherſt Amherſt
- Anneſley Glerawley V
- Anneſley Valentia V
- Arbuthnot Arbuthnot V
- Archer Archer
- Arundel Arundel
- Aſhburnham Aſhburnham E
- Aylmer Aylmer
- Barnwall Kingſland V
- Barrington Barrington V
- Barry Barrymore E
- Bateman Bateman V
- Bathurſt Bathurſt E
- Beauclerk St. Albans D
- Beauclerk Vere
- Bellaſyſe Fauconberg E
- Bellenden Bellenden
- Bennet Tankerville E
- Bentinck Portland D
- Beresford Tyrone E
- Berkeley Berkeley E
- Bertie Ancaſter D
- Bertie Abingdon E
- Bingham Lucan
- Birmingham Louth E
- Blaney Blaney
- Bligh Clifton
- Boſcawen Falmouth V
- Bourke Naas
- Bouverie Radner E
- Boyle Corke E
- Boyle Shannon E
- [150]Boyle Glaſgow E
- Boyle Boyle
- Brabazon Meath E
- Brodrick Midleton
- Bromley Montfort
- Brown Altamont E.
- Browne Montagu V
- Brownlow Brownlow
- Bruce Elgin E
- Brudenel Ayleſbury E
- Brudenel Brudenel
- Brydges Chandois D
- Bulkeley Bulkeley V
- Burrell Willoughby of Ereſby
- Butler Laneſborough E
- Butler Carrick E
- Butler Mountgarret V
- Butler Cahier
- Byng Torrington V
- Byron Byron
- Cadogan Cadogan
- Campbell Argyl D
- Campbell Marchmont E.
- Campbell Breadalbane E
- Campbell Loudon E
- Capel Eſſex E
- Carey Falkland V
- Carmichael Hyndford E
- Cathcart Cathcart
- Caulfield Charlemont E
- Cavendiſh Devonſhire D
- Cecil Saliſbury E
- Cecil Exeter E
- Chetwynd Chetwynd V
- Chicheſter Donegall E
- Cholmondeley Cholmondeley E
- Clifford Clifford of Chudley
- Clifford Clifford
- Clinton Newcaſtle D
- Clive Clive
- Cochran Dundonald E
- Cockaine Cullen V
- [151]Cole Enniſkillen V
- Collier Portmore E
- Colville Colville of Culroſs
- Colville Colville of Ochiltree
- Compton Northampton E
- Conway Hertford E
- Conyngham Conyngham V
- Cooper Shafteſb [...]ry E
- Coote Bellamont E
- Coote Montrath E
- Cornwallis Cornwallis E
- Coventry Coventry E
- Cowper Cowper E
- Cranſtown Cranſtown
- Craven Craven
- Crawford Crawford E
- Creighton Erne
- Croſ [...]e Glandore E
- Cuſſe Deſart
- Cunninghame Glencairn E
- Curzon Searſdale
- Guſt Brownlow
- Dalrymple Stair E
- Damer Milton
- D'Arcy D'Arcy
- Dawney Downe V
- Dawſon Carlow V
- Dowſon Dartrey
- De Burgh Clanricarde E
- De Courcy Kinſale
- De Ginkele Athlone
- De Grey Walſingham
- Dennis Tracton
- Devereux Hereford V
- Digby Digby
- Dormer Dormer
- Douglas Queenſbury D
- Douglas Morton E
- Douglas S [...]lkirk E
- Duff Fife E
- Dunning Aſhburton
- [152] [...]ig [...]mbe Edgecumbe
- Edwardes Renſington
- [...]lphinſtone [...]phi [...]one
- [...]ine K [...]lly E
- [...]ine Buchan E
- [...]vans Carbery
- Eyre Eyre
- F [...]irfax F [...]irfax
- F [...]lconer H [...]kertoun
- Fane W [...]moreland E
- Fermer P [...]fret E
- Fielding D [...]bigh E
- Finch Winc [...] E
- Finch Ayle [...]ford E
- Fitzger [...]d Luinder D
- Fitzmaurice Kerry E
- Fitzpatrick Upper Oſſory E
- Fitzroy Grafton D
- Fitzroy Southampton
- Fitzwilliam Fitzwilliam E
- Fitzwilliam Fitzwilliam V
- Flower Aſhbrook V
- Foley Foley
- Forbes Gracard E
- Forbes Forbes
- Forreſter Forreſter
- Forreſcue Clermont E
- Forteſcue Forteſcue
- Fox Ilcheſter E
- Fox Holland
- Fraſer Saltoun
- Gage Gage V
- Germain Sackville V
- Godolphin Godolphin
- Gordon Gordon D.
- Gordon Aboyne E
- Gordon Aberdeen E
- Gore Roſs E
- Gore Arran E
- Gore Annaly
- Gower Gower E
- Graham Montroſe D
- [153]Gray Gray
- Greville Warwick E
- Grey Stamford E
- Grimſton Grimſton V
- Groſvenor Groſvenor
- Hamilton Hamilton D.
- Hamilton Abercorn E
- Hamilton Haddington E
- Hamilton Boyne V
- Hamilton Belhaven
- Hamilton Clanbraſſil
- Hanger Coleraine
- Harcourt Harcourt E
- Harley Oxford E
- Haſtings Huntingdon E
- Hawke Hawke
- Hay Tweedale M
- Hay Kinnoul E
- Henley Northington E
- Herbert Pembroke E
- Herbert Powis E
- Herbert Porcheſter
- Hervey Briſtol E
- Hewitt Lifford V
- Hickman Plymouth E
- Hill Hilſborough E
- Hobart Buckinghamſhire E
- Holroyd Sheffield
- Home Home E
- Hood Hood
- Hope Hopetoun E
- How Chedworth
- Howe Howe V
- Howard Norfolk D
- Howard Effingham E
- Howard Suffolk E
- Howard Carliſle E
- Howard Clonmore
- Ingram Irvine V
- Irby Boſton
- Jocelyn Roden
- Johnſon Annandale M
- [154]Jones Ranelagh V
- Kennedy Caſſilis E
- Keppel Albemarle E
- Ker Roxburgh D
- Ker Lothian M.
- King King
- King Kingſton
- Kinnaird Kinnaird
- Lamb Melbourne V
- Lambart Cavan E
- Langdale Langdale
- Leeſon Miltown E
- Legge Dartmouth E
- Legge Stawel
- Leigh Leigh
- Lennard D'Acre
- Lenox Richmond D
- Leſlie Leven E
- Leſlie Newark
- Leſlie Lindores
- Liddel Ravenſworth
- Lin [...]ſay Balcarras E
- Loftus Ely E
- Ludlow Ludlow E
- Luttrel I [...]nham
- Lyon Strathmore
- Lyſaght Liſle
- Lyttelton Weſtcote
- Macartney Macartney
- Macdonald Macdenald
- Macdonnel Antrim E
- Macdowal Dumfries E
- Mackay Raay
- Maclellan Kircudbright
- Maitland Lauderdale E
- Manners Rutland D
- Marſham Romney
- Maſon Grandiſon E
- Maſſey Maſſey
- Maude De Montalt
- Maule Panmure
- Maxwell Farnham E
- [155]Maynard Maynard V
- Mayne Newhaven
- Mead Clanwilliam E
- Moleſworth Moleſworth V
- Molineux Sefton E
- Monkton Galway V
- Monſon Monſon
- Montagu Mancheſter D
- Montagu Montagu D
- Montagu Sandwich E
- Montagu Beaulieu
- Montgomery Eglinton E
- Moore Drogheda E
- Moore Mountcaſhel V
- Moore Caſtle Stewart
- Mordaunt Peterborough E
- Moreton Ducie
- Morres Mountmorres V
- Murray Athol D
- Murray Mansfield E
- Murray Dunmore E
- Murray Stormont V
- Murray Elibank
- Napier Napier
- Needham Kilmorey V
- Netterville Netterville V
- Neville Abergavenny
- Noel Gainſborough E
- Noel Wentworth V
- North Guildford E
- Norton Grantley
- Nugent Nugent E
- Obrien Orkney E
- Obrien Inchiquin
- Ogilvy Findlater E
- Ogilvy Bamf
- Olmius Waltham
- Ongley Ongley
- Onſlow Onſlow
- Oſborne Leeds D
- Oſborne Dumblain V
- Paget Paget
- [156]Pakenham Longford
- Parker Macclesfield E
- Pelham Pelham
- Pepys Rothes E
- Perceval Arden
- Perceval Egmont
- Percy Northumberland D
- Percy Percy
- Petty Shelburne E
- Phillips Milford
- Phipps Mulgrave
- Pitt Chatham E
- Pitt Rivers
- Ponſonby Beſborough E
- Poulett Poulett E
- Powlett Bolton D
- Pratt Camden
- Primroſe Roſeberry E
- Proby Carysfort
- Ramſay Dalhouſie E
- Ratcliffe Newborough E
- Rawdon Moira E
- Rice Dinevor
- Robinſon Grantham
- Robinſon Rokeby
- Rochfort Belvidere E
- Rodney Rodney
- Rollo Rollo
- Roper Teynham
- Rowley Langford V
- Ruſſel Bedford D
- Ruthven Ruthven
- Ryder Harrowby
- Sackville Dorſet D
- St. John Bolingbroke V
- St. John St. John
- St. Laurence Howth E
- Sandilands Torphichen
- Sandys Sandys
- Saunderſon Scarborough E
- Savile Mexborough E
- Scott Buccleugh D
- [157]Scot Deloraine E
- Sempill Sempill
- Seymour Somerſet D
- Sherrard Harborough E
- Shirley Ferrers E
- Shuldham Shuldham
- Sinclair Caithneſs E
- Skeffington Maſſarene E
- Smythe Strangford V
- Somerſet Beaufort D
- Somerville Somerville
- Southwell Southwell V
- Spencer Marlborough D
- Spencer Spencer E
- Stanhope Cheſterfield E
- Stanhope Stanhope E
- Stanhope Harrington E
- Stanley Derby E
- Stewart Moray E
- Stewart Galloway E
- Stewart Traquair E
- Stewart Blantyre
- Stopford Courtown E
- Stourton Stourton
- Stratford Alborough E
- Stuart Bute E
- Sutherland Sutherland E
- Talbot Shrewſbury E
- Taylor Bective E
- Temple Temple E
- Temple Palmerſton
- Thickneſſe Palmerſton
- Thickneſſe Audley
- Thurlow Thurlow
- Thynne Weymouth V
- Tollemache Dyſert E
- Townſhend Townſhend V
- Townſhend De Fer [...]ars
- Tracy Tracy V
- Trevor Dungannon V
- Tufton Thanet E
- Turnour Winterton E
- [158]Twiſdale Say and Sele
- Ty [...]ney Ty [...]ney E
- Vane Darlington E
- Vane Vane V
- Vaughan Liſburne E
- Verney Verney E
- Verney Willoughby de Broke
- Vernon Shipbroke E
- Vernon Vernon
- Veſey De Veſci V
- Villiers Jerſey E
- Villiers Clarendon E
- Villiers Grandiſon V
- Upton Templetown
- Waldegrave Waldegrave E
- Wallop Portſmouth E
- Walpole Orford E
- Walpole Walpole
- Wandesford Wandesford E
- Ward Dudley V
- Ward Bangor
- Watſon Sondes
- Weaver Mordington
- Wedderburne Loughborough
- Wenman Wenman V
- Wentworth Rockingham M
- Wentworth Strafford E
- We [...]ey Mornington E
- Weſt Delawar E
- Willoughby Willoughby de Par [...]am
- Willoughby Middleton
- Wingfield Powerſcourt V
- Wyndham Egremont E
- Wynn Newborough
- Yelverton Suſſex E
- Yorke Grey M
- Yorke Hardwicke E
- Zuleſtein Rochford E.
[159]- Duke of Devonſhire.
- Duke of Marlborough, Nov. 22, 1762
- Earl Gower, Apr. 22, 1762
- Duke of Portland, July 12, 1765
- Earl of Hertford, Dec. 4 1766
- Duke of Mancheſter, Apr. 1782
- Right hon. William Finch.
- Earl of Jerſey, July 12, 1765
- Hon. Thomas Robinſon, now lord Grantham, Feb. 13, 1770
- Lord Hinchingbroke, Feb. 6, 1771
- Lord Chewton, May 2, 1782
- Earl of Rochford.
- Earl of Bute, Nov. 25, 1760
- Earl of Huntingdon, Mar. 25, 1761
- Earl of Briſtol, Jan. 2 [...], 1770
- Viſcount Weymouth, March 1775
- Earl of Aſhburnham, Nov. 10, 1775
- Viſcount Weymouth, May 1, 1782
- Duke of Rutland.
- Earl Talbot, Mar. 25, 1761
- Earl of Carliſle, May 1782
- Lord Edgcumbe,
- Earl Powis, May 22, 1761
- [160]Lord George Cavendiſh, Nov. 25, 1761
- Lord Charles Spencer, Nov. 22, 1762
- Thomas Pelham, now lord Pelham, July 20, 1765
- Sir William Meredith, Nov. 10, 1775
- Lord Onſlow, Dec. 1777
- Sir Richard Worſley, Nov. 1779
- Earl of Ludlow, Apr. 10, 1782
- Lord Thomond.
- Earl Powis, Nov. 25, 1761
- Lord Edgcumbe, July 20, 1765
- John (now Sir John) Shelly Nov. 27, 1766
- Earl of Carliſle, May 1777
- Lord Onſlow, Nov. 1779
- Earl of Saliſbury Sept. 1780
- Earl of Effingham Apr. 10, 1782
- Duke of Leeds.
- James Grenville, Apr. 3, 1761
- Lord Thomond, Nov. 25, 1761
- Earl of Scarborough, July 20, 1765
- Hans Stanley, Dec. 4, 1766
- Jeremiah Dyſon, eſq. 1774
- Hans Stanley, 1776
- Lord Beauchamp, Jan. 1780
- John Harris.
- Hon. Hen. Fred. Thynne, Apr. 19, 1768
- Sir Fran. Hen. Drake, Dec. 19, 1770
- Earl Gower.
- Earl of Huntingdon, Nov. 25, 1760
- Duke of Rutland, Mar. 25, 1 [...]61
- Earl of Hertford, Auguſt 1766
- [161]Duke of Ancaſter, Dec. 13, 1766
- Duke of Northumberland, Dec. 8, 1778
- Duke of Montagu, Jan. 1781
- Lord Berkeley of Stratton.
- Earl of Litchfield, July 17, 1762
- Lord Edgeumbe, Dec. 8, 1772
- Lord De Ferrars, Apr. 6, 1782
- Sir Thomas Robinſon, late lord Grantham.
- Earl Gower, Nov. 25, 1760
- Lord Le Deſpencer, May 3, 1763
- Earl of Aſhburnham, July 20, 1765
- Lord Pelham, Nov. 10, 1775
- Sir Richard Lyttelton.
- Earl of Darlington, Dec. 1762
- Earl (now duke) of Northumberland.
- Earl Harcourt, Apr. 21, 1763
- Earl Delawar, 1768
- Marquis of Caermarthen, Dec. 1777
- Lord Southampton, Oct. 1780
- Earl of Ayleſbury Jan. 1781
- Lord Viſcount Cantalupe.
- Hon. Charles Fitzroy, now lord Southampton, 1768
- Hon. Robert Brudenell 1776
- Earl H [...]art.
- [...] Wey mouth, Apr. 21, 1763
- Earl [...] May 1765
- Duke of [...] June 1765
- Duke [...] Jan. 20, 1768
- [...] W [...]grave, Nov. 1770
- Andrew Stone, [...]
- [...] of G [...]ord, 1774
- General Graeme.
- Ja. Harris, eſq. 1774
- Hon. G. A. North, 1700
- Hon. Sewallis Shirley,
- General Grame, 1765
- Ja. Harris, eſq. 1774
- Charles Townſhend.
- Sir Francis Daſhwood (afterwards lord Le De⯑ſpencer), Mar. 21, 1761
- Sir Gilbert Elliot, May 29, 1762
- Sir George Rice, Apr. 12, 1770
- Lord Charles Spencer, Nov. 1779
- Earl Granville Died Jan. 2, 1763.—Vacant till September following.
- Duke of Bedford, Sept. 9, 1763
- Earl of Winchelſ [...]a, July 12, 1765
- Earl of Northington, July 30, 1766
- Earl Gower, Dec. 23, 1767
- Earl Bathurſt, Nov. 1779
- Lord Camden, Mar. 27, 1782
- Lord Waldegrave.
- Humphry Morice, Dec. 20, 1762
- Lord Kinnoul.
- Lord Strange, Dec. 15, 1762
- Lord Hyde, now lord Clarendon, June 14, 1771
- Lord Aſhburton, Apr. 17, 1782
- Earl Temple.
- In commiſſion. E. Weſton, W. Sharpe, and Jer. Dyſon, Oct. 12, 1761
- Duke of Bedford, Nov. 25, 1761
- Duke of Marlborough, Apr. 20, 1763
- Duke of Newcaſtle, July 15, 1765
- Earl of Chatham, July 30, 1766
- Earl of Briſtol, Nov. 2, 1768
- Earl of Halifax, Feb. 9, 1770
- Earl of Suffolk, Jan. 22, 1771
- Duke of Grafton, June 12, 1771
- Earl of Dartmouth, Nov. 10, 1775
- Duke of Grafton, Mar. 27, 1782
- Charles Pratt (now lord Camden).
- Mr. Yorke, Dec. 14, 1761
- Sir Fletcher Norton (lord Grantley), Nov. 1763
- Hon. Charles Yorke, Aug. 1765
- William De Grey (lord Walſingham), Aug. 1766
- Edward (now lord) Thurlow, Jan. 23, 1771
- Alexander Wedderburne (now lord Loughborough), July 1778
- James Wallace, Aug. 1780
- Lloyd Kenyon, Apr. 20, 1782
- Hon. Charles Yorke.
- Sir Fletcher Norton (lord Grantley), Dec. 14, 1761
- William De Grey (lord Walſingham), Nov. 1763
- Edward Willes, Aug. 1766
- John Dunning (now lord Aſhburton), Dec. 23, 1767
- Edward (now lord) Thurlow, Mar. 1770
- Alexander Wedderburne (now lord Loughborough), Jan. 23, 1771
- James Wallace, July 1778
- James Mansfield, Sept. 1780
- John Lee, Apr. 20, 1782
- Duke of Newcaſtle.
- Earl of Bute, May 29, 1762
- George Grenville, Apr. 16, 1763
- Marquis of Rockingham, July 12, 1765
- Duke of Grafton, Aug. 2, 1766
- Lord North, Jan. 28, 1770
- Marquis of Rockingham, Mar. 30, 1782
- Henry Bilſon Legge.
- Lord Barrington, Mar. 21, 1761
- Sir Francis Daſhwood (lord Le De⯑ſpencer), May 29, 1762
- George Grenville, Apr. 16, 1763
- William Dowdeſwell, July 12, 1765
- Charles Townſhend, Aug. 2, 1760
- Lord North, Sept. 16, 1767
- Lord John Cavendiſh, Mar. 30, 1782
- Charles Jenkinſon May 29, 1762
- Edmund Burke, July 12, 1765
- Richard Stonhewer, Aug. 2, 1766
- Sir Grey Cooper and John Robinſon.
- Richard Burke and — Strachey, Mar. 30, 1782
- William Pitt (lord Chatham).
- Earl of Egremont, Oct. 9, 1761
- Earl of Sandwich, Sept. 9, 1763
- Henry Seymour Conway, July 12, 1765
- Duke of Richmond, May 23, 1766
- Earl of Shelburne, Aug. 2, 1766
- Lord Weymouth, Oct. 21, 1768
- Earl of Rochford, Dec. 19, 1770
- Viſcount Weymouth, Nov. 10, 1775
- Earl of Hillſborough Nov. 1779
- Earl of Shelburne, Mar. 27, 1782
- Earl of Holderneſſe.
- Earl of Bute, Mar. 25, 1761
- George Grenville, May 29, 1762
- Earl of Halifax. Oct. 14, 1762
- Duke of Grafton, July 12, 1765
- Henry Seymour Conway, May 23, 1766
- Lord Weymouth, Jan. 20, 1768
- Earl of Rochford, Oct. 21, 1768
- Earl of Sandwich, Dec. 19, 1770
- Earl of Halifax, Jan. 22, 1771
- Earl of Suffolk, June 12, 1771
- Viſcount Stormont, Oct. 27, 1779
- Charles James Fox, Mar. 27, 1782
- Earl of Hillſborough, Jan. 20, 1768
- Earl of Dartmouth, Aug. 14, 1772
- Lord George Germain (Sackville), Nov. 10, 1775
- Welbore Ellis, Feb. 12, 1782
- Earl of Halifax.
- Lord Sandys, Mar. 21, 1761
- Charles Townſhend, Mar. 1, 1763
- [166]Lord Shelburne, Apr. 20, 1763
- Lord Hillſborough, Sept. 9, 1763
- Lord Dartmouth, July 20, 1765
- Lord Hillſborough Aug. 16, 1766
- Lord Clare, Dec. 1766
- Lord Dartmouth, Aug. 31, 1772
- Lord George Germain (Sackville), Nov. 1775
- Earl of Carliſle, Nov. 1779
- Earl of Grantham, Feb. 1781
- Henry Fox, afterwards lord Holland.
- Charles Townſhend, June 8, 1765
- Lord North, and George Cooke, eſq. Aug. 2, 1766
- T. Townſhand, and G. Cooke, eſqrs Dec. 3, 1767
- Richard Rigby, June 14, 1761
- Edmund Barke, Mar. 30, 1782
- Earl of Beſ [...]orough; Hon. R. Hamp⯑den (now lord Hampden).
- Earl of Egmont; Hon R. Hampden, Nov. 27, 1762
- Lord Hyde; Hon. R. Hampden, Sept. 10, 1763
- Earl of Beſborough; Hon. R. Hampden, July 20, 1765
- Lord Grantham; Earl of Beſborough, July 20, 1765
- Earl of Hilliborough; Lord Le De⯑ſpencer, Dec. 27, 1766
- Earl of Sandwich; Lord Le Deſpencer, Jan. 20, 1768
- Hon. Henry Frederick Thynne; Lord Le Deſpencer, Dec. 19, 1770
- Hon. Fred. Thynne Carteret; Lord Le Deſpencer, Dec. 19, 1770
- Hon. F. T. Carteret; Lord Barring⯑ton, Jan. 1782
- Hon. F. T. Carteret; Earl of Tanker⯑ville, Apr. 10, 1782
- Lord Barrington.
- Charles Townſhend, Mar. 24, 1761
- Welbore Ellis, Feb. 27, 1763
- Lord Barrington, July 20, 1765
- Charles Jenkinſon, June 1778
- Thomas Townſhend, Mar. 30, 1782
- Lord Anſon,
- Lord Hallifax, June 19, 1762
- George Grenville, Oct. 16, 1762
- Lord Sandwich, Apr. 16, 1763
- Lord Egmont, Sept. 9, 1763
- Sir Charles Saunders, Sept. 16, 1763
- Lord Hawke, Dec. 2, 1766
- Lord Sandwich, Jan 12, 1771
- Lord Keppel, Mar. 30, 1782
- George Grenville.
- Lord Barrington, June 2, 1762
- Lord H [...]we, Aug. 9, 1765
- Sir Gilbert Elliot, bart. Mar. 19, 1770
- Welbore Ellis, June 1777
- Iſaac Barre, Mar. 30, 1782
- Lord Anſon.
- Henry Oſborne, Jan. 4, 1763
- Lord Hawke, Nov. 5, 1765
- Sir Geo. Brydges (now lord) Rodney, , 1781
- Sir William Rowley.
- Lord Hawke, Jan. 4, 1763
- [168]Sir Charles Knowles, Nov. 5, 1765
- Sir Franci [...] Holburne, Oct. 1770
- Sir Geo. Brydges (now lord) Rodney, Aug. 17, 1771
- George Darby, eſq. 1781
- Earl Finlater.
- John, Earl of Hyndford, Dec. 22, 1764
- Earl of March, Nov. 5, 1765
- Earl of Breadalbane, 1776
- Lord William Gordon, Mar. 1782
- Admiral Iſane Townſhend.
- Sir Geo. Br [...]dges (now lord) Rodney, Nov. 30, 1765
- Sir Francis Holburne, June 15, 1771
- Sir Charles Hardy, Aug. 17, 1771
- Sir Hugh Palliſer, Sept. 1780
- Earl Ligonier.
- Marquis of Granby, May 14, 1763
- Lord Viſcount Townſhend, Oct. 17, 1772
- Duke of Richmond, Mar. 30, 1782
- Marquis of Granby.
- Lord Viſcount Townſhend, May 14, 1763
- Right hon. Henry Seymour Conway, Oct. 24, 1767
- Sir Jeffery (now lord) Amherſt, Oct. 22, 1772
- Sir William Howe, Apr. 1782
- Henry Seymour Conway, Mar. 30, 1782
- King's Children and Grand Children
- — Brethren
- — Uncles
- — Nephews
- Archbiſhop of Canterbury
- Lord Chancellor, or, Keeper, if a Baron
- Archbiſhop of York
- Lord Treaſurer if Barons
- Lord Preſident if Barons
- Lord Privy Seal if Barons
- Lord Great Chamberlain above all Peers of the ſame Degree.
- Lord High Conſtable above all Peers of the ſame Degree.
- Lord Marſhal above all Peers of the ſame Degree.
- Lord High Admiral above all Peers of the ſame Degree.
- Lord Steward of the Houſehold above all Peers of the ſame Degree.
- Dukes
- Marquiſſes
- Dukes eldeſt Sons
- Earls
- Marquiſſes eldeſt Sons
- Dukes younger Sons
- Viſcounts
- Earls eldeſt Sons
- Marquiſſes younger Sons
- Secretary of State, if a Biſhop
- Biſhop of London
- — Durham
- — Wincheſter
- Biſhops
- Secretary of State, if a Baron
- Barons
- Speaker of the Houſe of Commons
- Lords Commiſſioners of the Great Sea
- Viſcounts eldeſt Sons
- Earls younger Sons
- Barons eldeſt Sons
- Knights of the Garter
- Privy Counſellors
- [170]Chancellor of the Exchequer
- — of the Duchy
- Chief Juſtice of the King's Bench
- Maſter of the Rolls
- Chief Juſtice of the Common Pleas
- Chief Baron of the Exchequer
- Judges and Barons of the Coif
- Knights Banneret, if made in the Field
- Viſcounts younger Sons
- Barons younger Sons
- Baronets
- Knights Banneret
- Knights of the Bath
- Knights Bachelors
- Baronets eldeſt Sons
- Knights eldeſt Sons
- Baronets younger Sons
- Knights younger Sons
- Colonels
- Serjeants at Law
- Doctors Graduate
- Eſquires
- Gentlemen
- Yeomen
- Tradeſmen
- Artificers
- Labourers
Iriſh Peers rank after Peers of equal Titles with themſelves. Thus Iriſh Dukes rank immediately after Engliſh Dukes, Iriſh Marquiſſes after Engliſh Marquiſſes, and ſo on.
Married Women and Widows are entitled to the ſame Rank among each other, as their Huſbands would have reſpectively borne between themſelves, except ſuch Rank is merely proſeſſional or official; and unmarried Women to the ſame Rank as their eldeſt Brothers would have among Men, during the Lives of their Fathers.
Maids of Honour rank next after Barons Daughters.