
A TOUR Thro' the Whole ISLAND of GREAT BRITAIN. Divided into CIRCUITS or JOURNEYS. GIVING A Particular and Entertaining ACCOUNT of whatever is Curious, and worth Obſervation; VIZ.

  • I. A DESCRIPTION of the Principal Cities and Towns, their Situation, Government, and Commerce.
  • II. The Cuſtoms, Manners, Exerciſes, Diverſions, and Imployment of the People.
  • III. The Produce and Improvement of the Lands, the Trade, and Manufactures.
  • IV. The Sea Ports and Fortifications, the Courſe of Rivers, and the Inland Navigation.
  • V. The Publick Edifices, Seats, and Palaces of the NOBILITY and GENTRY.
  • VI. The Iſles of Wight, Portland, Jerſey, Guernſey, and the other Engliſh and Scotiſh Iſles of moſt Note.

Interſperſed with Uſeful OBSERVATIONS. Particularly fitted for the Peruſal of ſuch as deſire to Travel over the ISLAND.


The THIRD EDITION. With very great Additions, Improvements, and Corrections; which bring it down to the Year 1742. And a Copious INDEX to each Volume.




LETTER I. Containing a DESCRIPTION of the North Shores of the Counties of Cornwall and Devon, and ſome Parts of Somerſetſhire, Wiltſhire, Dorſetſhire, Glouceſterſhire, Buckinghamſhire, and Berkſhire.


I NOW turned about to the Eaſt; and as, when I went Weſt, I kept to the Southern Coaſt of this long County of Cornwall, and of Devonſhire alſo, ſo in going Eaſt, I ſhall keep the North Shore. The firſt Place of any Note, we came to, was St. Ive's, a pretty good Town, and grown rich by the Fiſhing Trade; it is ſituated on the Weſt-ſide of a deep Bay, called St. Ives-bay, [2] from the Town. This Bay is oppoſite, on the Landſide, to Mount's-bay, which I ſpoke of in my laſt; but it is filled up with Sands, and here is but very little Trade in any thing elſe but Corniſh Slate.

It is a very pleaſant View we have at Madern-hills, and the Plain by them, in the Way from the Land's-end to St. Ives; where we have a Proſpect of the Ocean at the Land's-end, Weſt; of the Britiſh Chanel at Mount's-bay, South; and the Briſtol Chanel, or Severn Sea, North. At St. Ives the Land between the Two Bays, being not above Four or Five Miles over, is ſo ſituated, that upon the Hill neither of the Two Seas are above Three Miles off, and very plain to be ſeen; and ſo likewiſe, in a clear Day, are the Iſlands of Scilly, tho' above 30 Miles off.

The Country from hence to Padſtow is both fruitful and pleaſant, and ſeveral Houſes of Gentlemen are ſeen as we paſs; the Sands alſo are very agreeable to the Eye, and to travel upon: among the Gentlemens Houſes is Lanhidrock, the Seat of the Earls of Radnor, who are Barons of Truro, and were ſo, long before they obtained the Title of Radnor; alſo a good Houſe belonging to the antient Family of Trefuſis.

The Hills are fruitful of Tin, Copper and Lead, all the Way on our Right-hand; the Product of which is carried all to the other Shore; ſo that we ſhall have little to ſay of it here. The chief Buſineſs on this Shore is the Herring Fiſhing; the Herrings about October come driving up the Severn Sea, and from the Coaſt of Ireland, in prodigious Shoals, and beat all upon this Coaſt as high as Bidiford and Barnſtable in Devonſhire, and are caught in great Quantities by the Fiſhermen, chiefly on Account of the Merchants of Falmouth, Foy, Plymouth, and other Ports on the South.

[3] St. Michael's, or Modiſhole, a mean Portreeve Borough, is not now remarkable, but was of great Note in the Saxon Time, and has ſtill a Market weekly, and a yearly Fair.

We then came to St. Columb's, a little Market-town, a Lordſhip belonging to the Arundels of Wardour; ſo called, to diſtinguiſh them from the Arundels of Trerice in this County; which Family, eſpouſing the King's Side in the Civil Wars, ſuffered much, and was innobled in Charles II.'s Time. The Wardour Family was likewiſe loyal, and ſuffered in the ſame Cauſe.

Near this Place is a Hill, which has a Rampire on the Summit of it, and a Cauſeway leading to it. 'Tis an old Daniſh Camp, and called Caſtellum Danis.

Padſtow is a large Town, and ſtands on a very good Harbour for ſuch Shipping as uſe the Iriſh Trade. The Harbour is the Mouth of the River Camel, or Camal, which riſing at Camelford, runs down by Bodmyn to Wadbridge, a little Town, where a large Stone Bridge of about Eight Arches is built by the Contributions of the Country Gentlemen, at the Motion, and under the Direction, of one Nicolas Lovibond, Vicar of Wadbridge, the Paſſage over the River before being very dangerous, and having occaſioned the Loſs of ſome Lives, as well as Goods.

The Paſſage from this Town of Padſtow to Ireland is ſaid, by Writers, to be no more than Twenty-four Hours; but this, if ever done, hat been ſo ſeldom, that it ought not to be mentioned as generally the Caſe; for I believe not one in Twenty-four Ships makes its Voyage in ſo few Hours; and that they are oftener Five or Six Days in the Paſſage. Here is a very antient Seat, like a Caſtle, of a Family of the Name of Prideaux, the Chief of which, in Queen Elizabeth's Time, built this noble Seat there.

[4]Higher within the Land lies the Market and Borough Town of Bodmyn, formerly one of the Coining Towns of Tin, till it loſt that Privilege to Leſtwithyel: However it ſtill injoys ſeveral Advantages, ſome of which are Tokens of its Antiquity. It is pretty large, and ſtands between two Hills in a good Air. It had antiently ſeveral Churches, of which now only one remains, which belonged to the Priory, and is at preſent the Pariſh Church. A kind of Carnival is kept here yearly, in July, whither great Numbers of People reſort.

The Coinage Towns were, in Queen Elizabeth's Time, Four; namely,

  • Leſkard,
  • Leſtwithyel,
  • Truro,
  • Helſton.

Since that, in King James's Time, was added Penſance.

Camelford is a mean, but antient Borough-town. Here the River Camel riſes, which takes its Name from the Britiſh Word Cam, i. e. crooked. It has not either Church or Chapel in it, nor ever had. It is only remarkable for two great Battles which were fought here, one between King Arthur and his Nephew Mordred, and the other between the Britons and Saxons.

The Borough of Boſſiney, otherwiſe called Trevena, is but a ſmall Village. It is famous only for the ſplendid Ruins of an impregnable Caſtle, built on the Rock, which ſtood partly on the Continent, and partly on an Iſland, joined together by a Drawbridge. The Caſtle was the Seat of the Britiſh Princes, and ſince, of the Dukes of Cornwall. And, 'tis ſaid, Arthur was born here, and died in one of the above-mentioned Battles near Camelford.

Launceſton, which is a Corruption of the Britiſh Word Lanſtuphadon, i. e. St. Stephen's Church; is a Market and Borough-town, pretty neat, and is [5] ſituate on a riſing Ground, at the Extremity of the County, on the Borders of Devonſhire: great Part of it is very old, ragged and decayed.

When Richard Earl of Cornwall had the Government of this County, this was a Frontier Town, well walled about, and fortified, and had alſo a noble Caſtle, which, from its Strength, was called Caſtle Terrible. The Inhabitants, for the Defence and Repair of it, held formerly the Lands here by Caſtle-guard.

Here the Lord Hopton's good Fortune failed him, and he was forced by Fairfax to diſband his Army.

Not far from hence is Hengeſton-hill, which produces a great Plenty of Corniſh Diamonds. The Corniſh Britons joined the Danes here, to drive out the Saxons from Devonſhire; but were totally defeated by Egbert in 831, which, 'tis conjectured, gives the Name of Hengiſt to this Hill, in Commemoration of their firſt Leader.

Newport is a little Village adjoining, and was formerly Part of Launceſton; and yet ſends Two Members to Parliament. And indeed there are no leſs than Forty-four, and the Number of Electors are ſo few in many of the Places, that an Adminiſtration, of which Side ſoever it be, as to Party, has uſually a great Reliance on the Elections in this County every new Parliament, in order to obtain a Majority in the Houſe of Commons: For Forty-four Members from hence, and Forty-five from another Part of the Iſland, who generally go one way, make no ſmall Figure in a Queſtion: And in this Caſe it may not be improperly obſerved, that the two Extremities of the Iſland, let the other Parts go as they will, are generally united in the ſame way of Thinking, or at leaſt of Acting, in all Political Debates, and are likely to be ſo in all Times to come.

[6]There is a fine Image or Figure of Mary Magdalen, upon the Tower of the Church at Launceſton, to which the Papiſts fail not to pay Reverence, as they paſs by. There is no Tin, Copper or Lead found hereabouts, as I could hear, nor any Manufacture in the Place. There are a pretty many Attorneys here, who manage Buſineſs for the reſt of their Fraternity at the Aſſizes: As to Trade, it has not much to boaſt of, and yet there are People enough in it to excuſe thoſe who call it a populous Place. There is a long Nook of the County runs North from this Place, called the Hundred of Stratton, in which there is one Market-town, named Stratton; but it has nothing in or about it worth remarking, except only Stow-houſe, built by the Earl of Bath, in the Reign of King Charles II. and as to its Finiſhings within, not inferior to any in England. The Carvings, eſpecially thoſe of the Chapel; the grand Alcove, and ſome of the beſt Rooms, were done by the Hand of Michael Chuke, and are not excelled by Gibbon himſelf. The Landſchape, and Sea-pieces, of which there were a great Number, (particularly in the great Stairs, a Proſpect of Plymouth, containing 22 Feet by 12) were the Work of Vandeiſt. The Situation of this ſtately Palace renders it a diſagreeable Habitation; for which Reaſon the Owners have diſpoſed of the Materials, and it is now (Nov. 1739) pulling to Pieces. Near this Town, Sir Ralph Hopton defeated the Parliament Forces under the Command of Major-General Chudleigh, and took him Priſoner; for which he was made Baron Stratton. 'Tis ſaid, the Place where this Battle was fought, produced a prodigious Crop of Barley of 10 or 12 Ears on a Stalk, the next Year.

Not far from Bodmyn, is to be ſeen the Set of monumental Stones, called The Hurlers; which Dr. Stukeley ſays, are, out of Doubt, Remains of an antient Druid Temple. Probably they are called by [7] this Name, from the Game of Hurling, practiſed in theſe Parts; the Country People giving them that for want of a better; and indeed, it is ſaid, that they have a ſuperſtitious Notion, that they were once Men, who were transformed into Stones, for playing at this Sport on a Sunday. They are oblong, rude, unhewn Stones, pitched on one End upon the Ground. They ſtand on a Down in Three Circles, the Centres whereof are in a right Line, the middle-moſt Circle the greateſt.

Now I have mentioned the Hurlers, I muſt take the Opportunity to deſcribe the Hurling Match; for which the Corniſh Men are ſo particularly famous, and which is one of their principal Recreations, tho' barbarous enough. A Silver Ball is generally the Prize on theſe Occaſions. The Match is made in different Manners: for ſometimes the Challenge is by Twenty or Thirty Men on a Side, and no others are to interfere; at other times, when a great Number of People are aſſembled at a Wake or Church-Ale, the Word is given out, That Johns, Wills, and Toms, will oppoſe all other Names: or, at other times, That Eldeſt or Seconds are againſt all Younger Sons. And ſo the Ball is thrown up, and becomes the Property of that Party which carries it away to the Goal ſet for that Purpoſe.

But another kind of Hurling is, when an Out-ball, as they call it, is thrown up; and theſe Matches are generally made by Two or more neighbouring Gentlemen, who, at a Day agreed on, bring each of them the Men of Two, Three, or more Pariſhes; and the Goals are then ſet, perhaps, Four or Five Miles diſtant, at ſome Gentlemens Houſes, Towns, or the like: and here nothing is ſaid about Matching in Number, or otherwiſe; but the Ball is thrown up, and a bloody Skirmiſh generally enſues: no Buſhes, Briers, Bogs, Mud-pools, Rivers, or any other Impediments, hinder their Courſe, nor any [8] Friendſhip, Relation, or former Obligation, in the leaſt, abates their Fury. The Party prevailing generally preſent the Ball to the Gentlemen who brought them on, as a Trophy; and he, in Return, ſets open his Cellar-doors, where they waſh away the Blood from their Noſes, and apply a Balſam to their Bruiſes.

The Wreſtling in Cornwall is, indeed, a much more manly and generous Exerciſe; and that Cloſure, which they call the Corniſh Hug, has made them eminent in the Wreſtling Rings all over England; as the Norfolk and Suffolk Men are, for their Dexterity at the Hand and Foot, and throwing up the Heels of their Adverſary, without taking hold of him.

Paſſing the River Tamar, about Two Miles from Launceſton, we enter the great County of Devon; and as it is in the moſt wild and barren Part of it, and where formerly Tin Mines were found, tho' now they are either quite exhauſted, or not to be worked without more Charge than Profit; ſo we muſt expect it a little to reſemble its neighbour County.

The River Tamar here abounds with freſh Salmon, which are ſo exceeding fat and good, that they are eſteemed in both Counties above the Fiſh of the ſame Kind found in other Places; and the Quantity is ſo great, as ſupplies the Country in abundance. This is occaſioned by the Mouth of the River being ſo very large, and the Water ſo deep for Two Leagues before it opens into Plymouth Sound, that the Fiſh have a ſecure Retreat in the ſalt Water for their Harbour and Shelter, and from thence they ſhoot up into the freſh Water, in vaſt Numbers, to caſt their Spawn.

We ride but a few Miles in Devonſhire, before we find a different Face in ſeveral reſpects: As, 1. More People than in Cornwall: 2. Larger Towns: 3. The People all buſy, and in full Imploy upon their Manufactures.

[9]At the uppermoſt and extreme Part of the County North-weſt, runs a large Promontory into the Sea beyond all the Land on either Side, whether of Devonſhire, or of Cornwall. This they would fain have called Hercules's Promontory; but the honeſt Sailors, and, after them, the plain Country People, call it Hartland Point, or Hearty Point, from the Town of Hartland, which ſtands juſt within the Shore, and is ſituated on the utmoſt Edge of the County of Devon: It is a Market-town of good Reſort, the People coming conſtantly to it out of Cornwall, the Fiſher-boats of Barnſtable, Bidiford, and the other Towns on the Coaſts, lying often under the Lee, as they call it, of theſe Rocks, for Shelter from the South-weſt, or South-eaſt Winds; at which time the Seamen go on Shore here, and ſupply themſelves with Proviſions: nor is the Town unconcerned in that gainful Fiſhing-trade, which is carried on for the Herrings on this Coaſt.

From this Point or Promontory, the Land falling away for ſome Miles, makes a Gulph or Bay, which reaching to the Head-land, or Point of Barnſtable Haven, is called from thence Barnſtable Bay. Into this Bay, or at the Weſt-end of it, the Rivers Taw and Towridge empty themſelves at one Mouth; and it is very particular, that as Two Rivers join in One Chanel, ſo here are Two great trading Towns in One Port, a thing, which, as it is not uſual, ſo I cannot ſay is an Advantage to any of them; for it naturally follows, that they rival one another, and leſſen both; whereas, had they been joined together in one Town, or were it poſſible to join them, they would make the moſt conſiderable Town, or City rather, in all this Part of England.

Theſe are the Towns of Barnſtable and Bidiford, the firſt, the moſt antient; the laſt, the moſt flouriſhing; the Harbour or River is, in its Entrance, the ſame to both; and when they part, [10] the Towridge turns to the Right, or South-weſt, and the Taw to the South-eaſt; yet they ſeem to be both ſo ſafe, ſo eaſy in the Chanel, ſo equally good with reſpect to Shipping, and ſo equidiſtant from the Sea, that neither Town complains of the Bounty of the Sea to them, or their Situation by Land; and yet of late Years the Town of Bidiford has flouriſhed, and the Town of Barnſtable rather declined.

Bidiford is a clean, well-built Town; the more antient Street, which lies next the River, is very pleaſant, where is the Bridge, a very noble Quay, and the Cuſtom-houſe; it is alſo very well built and populous, and fronts the River for above three Quarters of a Mile: But beſides this, there is a new ſpacious Street, which runs North and South, or rather North-weſt, and South-eaſt, a great Length, broad as the High-Street of Exeter, well-built, and inhabited with conſiderable and wealthy Merchants, who traffick to moſt Parts of the World.

Here, as is to be ſeen in almoſt all the Market-towns of Devonſhire, is a very large and well-finiſhed Meeting-houſe, and, by the Multitude of People which I ſaw come out of it, I thought all the Town had gone thither, and began to inquire for the Church: but I found that alſo large, ſpacious, and filled with People of the beſt Faſhion.

The Trade of this Town, as well as of all the Towns on this Coaſt, being very much in Fiſh, I obſerved that ſeveral Ships were imployed to go to Liverpool, and up the River Merſey to Warrington, to fetch the Rock Salt, which is found in that County, (and of which I ſhall ſay more in my Remarks on thoſe Parts) to Bidiford and Barnſtable, and there diſſolve it into Brine in the Sea-water, joining the Strength of two Bodies in one, and then boil it up again into a new Salt, as the Dutch do by that of the French and Portugueſe. This is juſtly called Salt upon Salt, and with this they cure their Herrings. [11] As this is a Trade which can be but of few Years ſtanding, becauſe the Rock Salt itſelf has not been diſcovered in England many Years; ſo the Difference in curing the Fiſh has been ſuch, that the Demand for them has conſiderably increaſed in foreign Markets.

Here is a very fine Stone Bridge over the River, built in the 14th Century, on 24 Gothick Arches, all uniform and regular, and very good Workmanſhip of the kind. Theſe Arches are indeed beautiful and ſtately; but what a late Author ſays, that one of them is ſo big, that a Ship of 60 Tons may ſail under it, is a Miſtake, no ſuch thing being practicable, either at London Bridge, Rocheſter Bridge, or even at York, where the largeſt Arch in England is ſuppoſed to be.

As Bidiford has a fine Bridge over the Towridge, ſo Barnſtable has a very noble one over the Taw, and tho' not longer, is counted larger and ſtronger than the other. Theſe two rival Towns are really very conſiderable; both of them have a large Share in the Trade to Ireland, and in the Herring-fiſhery, and in a Trade to the Britiſh Colonies in America; if Bidiford cures more Fiſh, Barnſtable imports more Wine, and other Merchandizes; they are both eſtabliſhed Ports for landing Wool from Ireland; of which by itſelf.

If Bidiford has a greater Number of Merchants, Barnſtable has a greater Commerce within Land, by its great Market for Iriſh Wool and Yarn, &c. with the Serge-markets of Tiverton and Exeter, who come up hither to buy. So that, in a word, Barnſtable, tho' it has loſt Ground to Bidiford, yet, take it in all its Trade completely, is full as conſiderable as Bidiford; only, that perhaps it was formerly far ſuperior to it, and the other has riſen up to be its Match.

Barnſtable is a large, well-built Town, ſeated among the Hills. It is more populous than Bidiford, but not better built, and ſtands lower; inſomuch, that at High-water in Spring-tides it is, in a manner, ſurrounded with Water. The Bridge was [12] built by the generous Benefaction of one Stamford, a Citizen and Merchant of London, who, it ſeems, was not a Native of the Place; but by trading here to his Gain, had Kindneſs enough for the Town, to confer that valuable Benefit upon them. It was formerly walled in, and had a Caſtle and a Priory. 'Tis governed by a Mayor and Twenty-four Burgeſſes, whereof Two are Aldermen. It has alſo an High-Steward, and Recorder.

The Bridge at Bidiford, as above, was likewiſe a Gift; but was, as they ſay, done by Collections among the Clergy, by Grant of Indulgences, and the like Church Management: However, both the Towns are infinitely obliged to the Benefactors; and we wiſh no worſe Uſe had ever been made of Superſtition.

Behind Bidiford, as we come from Launceſton, are ſeveral good Towns, tho' I obſerved, that the Country was wild and barren; as Taviſtock, Torrington, &c.

Taviſtock is ſituate on the Tavy, among Springs, and is a large Town pretty well built. The Abbot of this Place ſat in Parliament, built a Church of 126 Yards long, ſpacious Cloiſters, and a Chapter-houſe, with 36 Stalls, which are all now deſtroy'd.

The Town of Torrington is ſituated on the ſame River that Bidiford ſtands upon. It has a large ſpacious Church, with a Library in it; and was for ſome time the Reſidence of Margaret, the Mother of Henry VII.

Another Town in this Part of the Country is Okehampton, vulgarly Okington, a good Market and Borough-town, governed by Eight principal Burgeſſes, and as many Aſſiſtants: it is a manufacturing Town, as all the Towns this way now are, and pretty rich; but in the Records of Antiquity it appears to have been much more conſiderable than it is now, having 92 Knights Fees belonging to it.

A little above Barnſtable, N. E. upon the Coaſt, ſtands a noted Market and Port-town, called Ilfordcomb, [13] a Place of good Trade, populous and rich; which is owing to its having a very good Harbour and Road for Ships, which affords a ſafe Shelter for Veſſels from Ireland, when in bad Weather they cannot, without the extremeſt Hazard, run into the Mouth of the Taw, which they call Barnſtable Water; and this is one Reaſon, that the Merchants at Barnſtable do much of their Buſineſs at this Port of Ilfordcomb.

The Harbour of this Town was maintain'd formerly at the private Expence of the Anceſtors of Sir Bourchier Wrey, Bart. Lord of the Manor; and the Quay or Pier of it contains in Length upwards of 850 Feet, and in Height upwards of Forty; and the Warp-houſe, Light-houſe, Pilot-boats, and Taw-boats belonging to the Port, were at firſt founded and built, and conſtantly repaired and maintained, by that worthy Family, without any Aſſiſtance, but ſome ſmall Acknowledgments paid to them as Lords of the Manor. But by Length of Time, and Violence of the Sea, the Quay was very much ſunk and impair'd, the Warp and Warp-houſe, by long Uſage, was gone to Decay, and the Boats for Piloting and Towing were much out of Repair, and the ſmall Duties and Acknowlegements to Sir Bourchier ſinking, and being frequently unpaid; to remedy all theſe Evils, an Act paſſed Anno 1731, George II. for repairing, and keeping in Repair, and inlarging the Piers and Harbour, and for the Support of the Light and Light-houſe, the Warp and Warp-houſe, and the Pilot, and Towing-boats, as above-mentioned: ſo that by this means the Harbour of Ilfordcomb is likely to continue the uſeful and convenient Port it has been for ſo many Years paſt, to the End of Time.

Antiquity tells us long Stories of the Danes landing on this Coaſt; of Hubba the Daniſh King being ſlain at Kennith Caſtle, between this Place and the [14] Mouth of the Taw and Towridge; and that the Place was called Hubbeſtow from his being buried there: but I could not hear either of this Caſtle, or Burial-place, or ſo much as the Ruins of them.

The Sea-coaſt in this Country runs a little farther Eaſt by North; but nothing of Moment is to be ſeen there, except Fiſhing-towns, and little Creeks, on which are Two Market-towns, viz. Combemerton and Porlock, till we came to Minehead.

Leaving the Coaſt in our Journey Southward, we came to the great River Ex or Iſca, which riſes in the Hills on the North Side of the County, and, like the Tamar, begins within Four or Five Miles of the Severn Sea. The Country it riſes in is called Exmore: Camden ſays it is a filthy, barren Ground; and indeed ſo it is: but as ſoon as the Ex comes off from the Moors and hilly Country, and deſcends into the lower Grounds, we found an Alteration; for then we ſaw Devonſhire in its other Countenance, cultivated, populous and fruitful, and continuing ſo till we came to Tiverton.

Next to Exeter, this is the greateſt manufactureing Town in the County, and, of all the inland Towns, is likewiſe next to it in Wealth, and Number of People; it ſtands on the River Ex, and has over it an old Stone Bridge, with another over the little River Loman, which immediately after falls into the Ex juſt below the Town. Antiquity ſays, before thoſe Bridges were built, there were two Fords here, one thro' each River; and that the Town was from thence called Twyfordton, that is, the Town upon the two Fords; and ſo, by abbreviating the Sounds, Twy-for-ton, then Tiverton.

This Town has been a remarkable Sufferer by Fire; for in the Year 1598. April 3. it was conſum'd on a ſudden; Aug. 5. 1612, it was again burnt down; and July 5. 1731, another dreadful Fire deſtroyed there 200 of the beſt Houſes.

[15]An Act paſſed on this ſad Occaſion, Anno 1732, for the more eaſy rebuilding of the Town, and determining Differences on that Account; and it injoins, that the new-built Houſes ſhall be cover'd with Lead, Slate, or Tile, and not Thatch; that perilous Trades ſhall not be exerciſed in publick Streets; that no Stacks of Hay, Straw, Corn, &c. ſhall be erected at or near the publick Parts of the Town; that Fire-Engines may be bought by the Guardians of the Poor; that Houſes may be demoliſhed to ſtop any future Fire: that the Streets and Paſſages of the Town may be inlarged, and particular Houſes pulled down for that Purpoſe, with other uſeful Proviſions.

An Act alſo paſſed Anno 1733, for making a Chapel, built by the Subſcription of the Inhabitants of Tiverton, a perpetual Cure; and for providing a Maintenance for the Miniſters who ſhall officiate in it; for, as the Preamble to the Act obſerves, the Pariſh Church was not near capacious enough to receive the Inhabitants of the Pariſh. The late Sir William Wyndham was a great Encourager and Promoter of this new Chapel at its firſt Erection.

But the Beauty of Tiverton is the Free-School, at the Eaſt Entrance into the Town, a noble Building, but a much nobler Foundation; it was erected by one Peter Blundel, a Clothier, and a Lover of Learning, who uſed the Saying of William of Wickham to the King, when he founded the Royal School at Wincheſter, viz. ‘"That if he was not himſelf a Scholar, he would be the Occaſion of making more Scholars than any Scholar in England;"’ to which End he founded this School. He has endow'd it ſo liberally, that, I was told, the Schoolmaſter has at leaſt Sixty Pounds per Annum, beſides a very good Houſe to live in, and the Advantage of Scholars not on the Foundation; and that the Uſher has in Proportion. To this the generous Founder added Two Fellowſhips, and Two Scholarſhips, which he gave [16] the Maintenance for to Sydney College in Cambridge; and One Fellowſhip, and Two Scholarſhips, to Baliol College in Oxford; all which are appointed for the Scholars bred up in this School.

As this is the chief Nurſery of almoſt all the young Gentry of theſe Weſtern Parts, the Profit ariſing to the Maſter from Boarders, and the liberal Benefactions of the Parents, added to the Salary before-mention'd, render it a Preferment ſuitable to a Man of the beſt Parts and Learning; and as the Truſtees are Gentlemen of great Honour, it is generally diſpoſed of to the moſt worthy Candidate. Mr. Rayner preſided in it for many Years, with very great Applauſe, and dy'd about * Twelve Years ago. To him ſucceeded Mr. Smith; after him Mr. Jones; next Mr. Weſley, once Uſher of Weſtminſter School, as noted for his poetical Performances, as his Brothers John and Charles are for their being at the Head of the new Sectariſts, who are called Methodiſts; and he dying Nov. 1739, is ſucceeded by Mr. Daddo. Thus hath it, in Twelve Years time, undergone Five different Regimens; and if it be conſider'd, that every Change introduces ſome Difference in the Method of Teaching and Diſcipline, it will be no Surprize, that the School is ſomething ſunk in its former Reputation. The preſent Maſter is Fellow of Baliol College, Oxford, had his Education here, and from his great Abilities, and good Oeconomy, (in which laſt reſpect a great Complaint lay againſt his Predeceſſor) the School is like to retrieve its former flouriſhing Condition.

The great Number of Gentlemens Sons ſent hither for their Education, as I have hinted, is no ſmall Advantage to the Town likewiſe; and this, join'd with the briſk Trade carried on here, renders it ſo flouriſhing, that notwithſtanding the dreadful Calamity it underwent by the Fire in 1731, which [17] almoſt totally conſumed it, it is already very elegantly rebuilt; and carries very few other Marks of this Devaſtation, than the Magnificence and Beauty of the new Structures.

As this is a manufacturing Country, we found the People here all fully imploy'd, and very few, if any, out of Work.

From this Town there is little belonging to Devonſhire but what has been ſpoken of, except what lies in the Road to Taunton, which we took next, where we meet with the River Columb, which riſes alſo in the utmoſt Limits of the County towards Somerſetſhire, and gives Name to ſo many Towns on its Banks, that it leaves no room to doubt of its own Name being right; ſuch are Columb-David's, Ufcolumb, Columbſtock, and Columbton; the laſt is a Market-town, and they are all full of Manufacturers depending much on the Maſter-manufacturers of Tiverton.

Before we leave Devonſhire, it will not be amiſs to take Notice of Lundy Iſland, which, tho' 50 Miles from Devonſhire, North-weſtward, is much mote remote from any other Continent. 'Tis but Five Miles long, and Two broad; but ſo ſurrounded with inacceſſible Rocks, that there is but one ſmall Entrance into it, where Two Men can ſcarce go abreaſt. Tho' this Iſland lies ſo far in the Sea, it has the Advantage of ſeveral Springs of freſh Water.

With the Town of Tiverton we leave the County of Devon, and entering Somerſetſhire, have really a View of a different Country from Devonſhire; for at Wellington, the firſt Town we came to in Somerſetſhire, tho' partly imployed in Manufactureing too, we were immediately ſurrounded with Beggars, to ſuch a Degree, that we had ſome Difficulty to keep them from under our Horſes Heels. I was [18] aſtoniſh'd at ſuch a Sight, in a Country where the People were ſo generally full of Work; for in Cornwall, where there are hardly any Manufacturers, and abundance of Poor, we never found any like this.

Wellington is a low dirty Place, and is only remarkable for having been the Place of Reſidence of the Lord Chief Juſtice Popham, in the Reigns of Q. Elizabeth, and King James I. who was buried here. They talk much of one Salkeld, who was converted from Popery by King James I. and made Miniſter of this Place. He called himſelf, in Compliment to the King, The Royal Convert; who, in return, complimented him with the Title of the Learned Salkeld, which, by-the-bye, reflected no bad Compliment on himſelf, for having converted a learned Man.

The County of Somerſet joins to the North-eaſt Part of Devonſhire, and takes its Name from the Britiſh Word Gladyr Haf, which ſignifies Summer-Country, and ſo the Welſh call it in their Language to this Day. I touch'd only upon one Point of the County in my laſt, as I went Weſtward. The whole County is worth a more particular Account, than can be given within the Space of a Letter.

From Wellington we came to Taunton, leaving Blackdown Hills on our Right, and Ilminſter behind them Southward, a Market-town, fam'd for its very good Church, and a ſtately Monument erected in it to Nicolas Wadham, and Dorothy, his Wife, Founders of Wadham College, Oxon.

Near Taunton lies that rich Track of Ground, vulgarly called Taunton-dean. This large, wealthy, and very populous Town takes its Name from the River Tone, whereon it is ſituated. One of the chief Manufacturers here told us, That there was at that time ſo good a Trade in the Town, that they had eleven hundred Looms going for the Weaving of Sagathies, Duroys, and ſuch kind of Stuffs; and [19] that not one of thoſe Looms wanted Work: he added, That there was not a Child in the Town, or in the Villages round it, of above Five Years old, but, if it was not neglected by its Parents, and untaught, could earn its own Bread. This was what I never met with in any Place in England, except at Colcheſter in Eſſex.

The Election of Members here, is by thoſe whom they call Pot-Walloners, that is to ſay, Every Inhabitant, whether Houſe-keeper or Lodger, who dreſſes his own Victuals: to make out which, ſeveral Inmates or Lodgers will, ſome little time before the Election, bring out their Pots, and make Fires in the Street, and boil their Victuals in the Sight of their Neighbours, that their Votes may not be called in Queſtion.

There are Two large Pariſh Churches in this Town, and Two or Three Meeting-houſes, one of which is ſaid to be the largeſt in the County. The Inhabitants have been noted for Diſſenters principally; for Taunton was always counted a Seminary for ſuch. They ſuffer'd much in the Duke of Monmouth's Rebellion, but paid King James home for the Cruelty exerciſed by Jefferies among them; for when the Prince of Orange arriv'd, the whole Town ran in to him, with ſo univerſal a Joy, that it was thought, if he had wanted it, he might have raiſed a little Army there, and in the adjacent Part of the Country.

There is a kind of College, or Academy, for the Diſſenters in this Town; and it is by far the greateſt Town in all this Part of the Country.

From Taunton we went North to take a View of the Coaſt. Exmore, of which mention was made above, where the River Ex riſes, lies in the Way, Part of it in this County, and extending to the Sea Side: it gives, indeed, but a melancholy View, being a vaſt Track of barren and deſolate Lands; yet on the Coaſt there are ſome very good Sea-ports.

[20] Porlock, mentioned before, on the utmoſt Extent of the County, has but a ſmall Harbour, nor has it any thing of Trade.

But Minehead, the ſafeſt Harbour on this Side, is a fine Port: no Ship is ſo big, but it may come in; and no Weather ſo bad, but the Ships are ſafe when they are in; and they told me, that in the great Storm, Anno 1703, when the Ships were blown on Shore, wreck'd, and loſt, in every Harbour of the County, they ſuffer'd little or no Damage in this.

The Trade of this Town lies chiefly with Ireland, and this was for many Years the chief Port in theſe Parts, where Wool from Ireland was allowed to be imported; but that Liberty is ſince inlarged to ſeveral other Ports by Act of Parliament.

The Town is well built, is full of rich Merchants, and has ſome Trade alſo to Virginia, and the Weſt Indies. They correſpond much with the Merchants of Barnſtable and Briſtol, in their foreign Trade. What has greatly contributed to the Improvement of Minehead, was an Act paſſed in the 12th and 13th Year of the late King William's Reign, which was continued by an Act of the Tenth of the late Queen Anne, For Recovering, Securing, and keeping in Repair, the Harbour of Minehead. And now ſo lately as in the Seſſion 1737-8, another Act paſſed for further continuing the Terms and Powers of the Two former Acts, for the bringing to Effect the ſame laudable Purpoſes, in purſuance of which a new Head has been built, the Beach clear'd, and a great Progreſs made in the Piers and deſign'd Works.

From hence the Coaſt bears back Weſt to Watchet, a ſmall Port of late Years, tho' formerly much more conſiderable; for it had given Place to Minehead, tho' now it is in a much better Condition than it uſed to be in; and this it owes to Two Acts of Parliament, one paſſed in the Sixth Year of the late Queen Anne, for repairing of its Quay and Harbour, [21] and the other in the Tenth. But when the Works deſigned were near completed, it was found, that the Quay was built much too low, and not extended to a ſufficient Length to preſerve the Town, and the Ships and Veſſels riding in the Harbour, from the Violence of the Sea: whereupon another Act paſſed in the Seventh of King George I. for continuing the Duties laid by the former Acts, and remedying the Inconveniencies before-mentioned.

It ſeems to me, that the Town of Minehead roſe out of the Decay of the Towns of Porlock and Watchet.

On this Coaſt are vaſt Quantities of Rock, or rather Pebbles, which the Sea, at low Water, leaves uncovered, from whence the neighbouring Inhabitants fetch them on Shore to a higher Ground, and burn them into Lime for dreſſing their Land; but it is more eſpecially uſeful in Building; for that no Cement whatſoever is more laſting for Jets d' Eau Heads, Piers, and other Maſonry that is to lie under Water; in which Poſition it runs up to a Stone as hard as Marble, and is ſcarce to be beaten abroad. The Cliffs are ſtored with Alabaſter, which, by the Waſh of the Sea, falls down, and is convey'd from hence to Briſtol, and other Places on this Shore, in great Quantity. Neither ſhould it be omitted, that the Inhabitants burn great Quantities of Seaweed to ſupply the Glaſs-makers at Briſtol.

Walking on the Beach near Watchet, I diſcover'd among the large Gravel great Numbers of Stones, fluted in Imitation of the Shells of Fiſhes of all kinds: many of the flat kind are double, and curiouſly tallied one in another, which may, by a violent Stroke, be ſeparated. How to account for the vaſt Variety to be found here of this Sport of Nature, I know not: ſome I have ſeen as broad as a Pewter-diſh, and again others no bigger than a Pepper-corn; but in all of them the Flutings are regular; [22] ſome like the Eſcallop, in Rays from a Centre, others like the Perriwinkle, in ſpiral Lines: in theſe and all other Forms, they lie here in great Plenty.

Quantock is a high Down in the Neighbourhood; from whence, beſides the two little Iſlands, called the Steep-Holmes, and the Flat-Holmes, and an extenſive View of the Chanel, I had a fair and diſtinct Proſpect of the Welſh Coaſt for many Leagues in Length.

From hence the winding Shore brings us to Bridgwater. This is an antient and very conſiderable Town and Port; it ſtands at the Mouth of the River Parrat, or Perrot, which comes from the South, after having received the River Tone from the Weſt, which is made navigable up to within a few Miles of Taunton, by a very fine new Chanel, cut at the Expence of the People of Taunton, and which, by the Navigation of it, is infinitely advantageous to that Town, and well worth all their Expence, firſt by bringing up Coals, which are brought from Swanzy in Wales by Sea to Bridgwater, and thence by Barges up this River to Taunton; next for bringing all heavy Goods and Merchandizes from Briſtol, ſuch as Iron, Lead, Oil, Wine, Hemp, Flax, Pitch, Tar, Grocery, Dye-ſtuffs, and the like.

This Town of Bridgwater is a populous, tradeing Town, well-built, and as well inhabited, having many Families of good Faſhion dwelling in it, beſides Merchants. The famous Admiral Blake, who under the Commonwealth ſo much exalted the Glory of the Engliſh maritime Force, was a Native of this Town.

This Town was regularly fortified in the late Civil Wars, and ſuſtained more than one Siege. The Situation of it renders it eaſy to be fortified, the River and Haven taking one chief Part of the Circumference. Over the River, they have a very good Bridge of Stone; and the Tide riſes here, at [23] High-water, near Six Fathoms, and ſometimes flows in with ſuch Impetuoſity, that it comes Two Fathoms deep at a time; and when it does ſo, unawares, it often occaſions great Damage to Ships, driving them foul of one another, and frequently overſets them. This ſudden Rage of the Tide is called the Boar, and is frequent in all the Rivers of this Chanel, eſpecially in the Severn; 'tis alſo known in the North, particularly in the Trent, and the Ouſe, at their Entrance into the Humber, at Briſtol, and in ſeveral other Places.

There is in Bridgwater, beſides a very large Church, a fine Meeting-houſe, built ſince the Toleration, in which 'tis remarkable, that they have an advanced Seat for the Mayor and Aldermen, when any of the Magiſtrates ſhall be of their Communion, as ſometimes has happened. Here alſo is a College, or private Academy, for the Diſſenters to breed up their preaching Youth.

From Bridgwater is a Road to Briſtol, which they call the Lower-way; the Upper-way, which is the more frequented Road, being over Mendip Hills. This Lower-way is not always paſſable, being ſubject to Floods, and dangerous Inundations. All this Part of the Country, viz. between Bridgwater and the Sea, and on Northward upon the Coaſt, lies low, and is wholly imployed in feeding of Black Cattle, which they bring out of the Weſt Part of Devon, and the neighbouring Borders of Cornwall, where the fineſt are bred; for as to thoſe few bred in theſe low Lands, they are very heavy, ſluggiſh, and unſhapely, and the Beef ſoft and ſpongy, ſuch as they ſeldom or never drive to London Markets. Indeed, they breed a great many Colts; but then they too muſt be tranſplanted very young, into a dry, healthy Soil; for 'tis very difficult to find a Horſe of their own Breed fit for any thing but a Drudge. The Moors, or Marſh-grounds, which are alſo imploy'd [24] in the ſame way, extend themſelves up the Rivers Perrot and Ivil, into the Heart of the Country; of which in its Place.

This low Part, between Bridgwater and Briſtol, ſuffered exceedingly in that terrible Inundation of the Sea, which was occaſioned by the great Storm, Anno 1703; and the Country-people have ſet up Marks upon their Houſes and Trees, with this Note upon them, Thus high the Waters came in the great Storm: Thus far the great Tide flowed up in the laſt violent Tempeſt; and the like.

In one Place they ſhewed us where a Ship was driven up upon the Shore, ſeveral hundred Yards from the ordinary High-water Mark, and left upon dry Land.

As the low Part is thus imployed in grazing and feeding Cattle, ſo all the reſt of this large extended Country is imployed in the Woollen Manufacture, and in the beſt and moſt profitable Part of it, viz.

In Taunton
The Serges, Druggets, &c. and ſeveral other kinds of Stuffs.
In Wells, Shepton, Glaſtenbury, &c.
Knitting of Stockens, principally for the Spaniſh Trade.
In Briſtol, and many Towns on the Somerſetſhire Side
Druggets, Cantaloons, and other Stuffs.
In Froom, Philips-Norton, and all the Country bordering upon Wiltſhire
Fine Spaniſh Medley Cloths, eſpecially on that Part of the County from Wincanton, and Meer, to Warminſter, Bruton, Caſtlecary, Temple-comb, down to Gillingham and Shaftſbury, in Dorſetſhire.

[25]Theſe fine Spaniſh Medley Cloths are the mix'd colour'd Cloths, which all the Perſons of Faſhion in England wear. There are vaſt Quantities of theſe exported to all Parts of Europe, and it is ſo very conſiderable a Trade, and of ſo vaſt an Advantage to England, in maintaining and ſupporting ſo many poor Families, and making ſo many rich ones, that it is almoſt impoſſible to give a juſt Deſcription of it. The above Sketch, however, may ſerve as an Introduction to it. But I ſhall add a little more concerning this County; and upon my entering into the North-weſt and Weſt Parts of Wiltſhire, where the Centre of this Prodigy of a Trade is, I ſhall ſum it all up together, and ſhew you the Extent of Land which it ſpreads itſelf upon, and ſo give you ſome Idea, as well of the vaſt Numbers of People who are ſuſtained, as of thoſe who are inriched by it.

But I muſt firſt go back a little while into Somerſetſhire: The Northern Part of the County I did not viſit in this Journey, which, as I hinted before, is only a Return from my long Travel to the Land's-end. In omitting this Part, I, of courſe, leave the two Cities of Briſtol and Bath, and that high Part of the County called Mendip-hill, to my next Weſtern Journey, which will include all the Counties due Weſt from London; for theſe now ſpoken of, tho' ordinarily called the Weſt-country, are rather North-weſt than Weſt.

In that Part of the Country which lies Southward of Taunton and Bridgwater, is Langport, a well-frequented Market-town, on the River Parr, which is navigable for Barges to Briſtol, and occaſions a good Trade here. Eels are exceeding plentiful and cheap here. Near this Place General Fairfax beat up the diſcontented Goring's Quarters, and intirely defeated him.

[26] South Petherton is a Market-town on the ſame River, famous, of old, for the Place of King Ina, but now of no other Note than an annual Fair, which laſts Five Days, in June.

From hence you come to Yeovil, which I have already mentioned in a former Letter.

Ivelcheſter is a Borough Town, and, as its Ruins ſhew, was formerly very large, and incompaſs'd with a double Wall, and had Four Churches. It has now a good Bridge over the Ivel. It was here that, on the 3d of May 1740, Mrs. Elizabeth Branch, and her Daughter, Miſs Betty Branch, were executed for a moſt barbarous Murder committed on the Body of a Servant Girl, by one continued Series of Seven Hours beating and whipping, which with the Behaviour of the Criminals, was of ſo cruel and atrocious a Nature, that it ſhocked the whole Kingdom. The Particulars are too well known to need any farther Mention here, had we Room, which we have not.

Somerton is a good Market-town, whence, ſome ſay, the Country takes its Name. It was antiently very noted, and had a ſtrong Caſtle, in which John King of France was Priſoner. Here is a Fair which holds from Palm-Sunday to the Middle of June.

Milbourn lies on the Edge of Dorſetſhire, and is very antient; but has neither Market, nor Fair.

Camalet is a noted Place, ſituated on the higheſt Ground in this County, on the Edge of Dorſetſhire: its vulgar Name is Cadbury-caſtle, from the Village of North-Cadbury, wherein it ſtands. Hereabouts riſe the Rivers of Somerſetſhire, which run into the Severn Sea Weſtward, and that in Dorſet, which goes Eaſtward, thro' Sturminſter, into the Southern Ocean. It is a noble Fortification of the Romans. The Proſpect is woody, and very pleaſant; here-and-there lofty and ſteep Hillocks. Roman Coins, [27] in great Plenty, have been found here, and in all the Country round. The Entrance is guarded with Six or Seven Ditches. On the North-ſide, in the fourth Ditch, is a never failing Spring, called King Arthur's Well. Over it they have dug up ſquare Stones, Door-jambs with Hinges, and ſay there are ſubterraneous Vaults thereabout. The Church and Tower of Cadbury is ſmall, but neatly built of Stone.

At Wincaunton, an Urn was lately found full of Roman Money. Half a Peck of the ſame Coin was diſcovered in incloſing Ground, toward Beacon-aſh, a little above Sutton; as alſo Patera's, a Knife, and other Antiquities, now in Lord Winchelſca's Cuſtody: in particular, at Long-leat, in Lord Weymouth's Library, a Piece of Lead weighing 50 Pounds, One Foot Nine Inches long, Two Inches thick, Three and an half broad, found in Lord Fitzharding's Grounds near Bruton in Somerſetſhire, was diſcovered by digging a Hole to ſet a Gate-poſt in, with a legible Inſcription.

The Road from hence to Glaſtenbury, is over Rocks and Heads of Rivers. But that is alleviated by the many natural Curioſities ſuch Places afford.

Kyneton Village, for half a Mile together, is naturally paved with one ſmooth broad Rock, the whole Length of the Road; ſo that it looks like Ice.

Croſſing the Foſſe Road at Lyteford, you enter a flat mooriſh Country, full of artificial Cuts and Drains. The Aſcent to the Torr, which overhangs the Town of Glaſtenbury, is very difficult. Upon a narrow Creſt of the Torr, which is much the higheſt; the Abbot built a Church to St. Michael, of good ſquare Stone. The Tower is left, tho' ruinous, and is an excellent Sea-mark. It probably coſt more to raiſe the Stone to this Height, than to erect the Building. Half way up is a Spring: it is [28] certainly higher than any Ground within Ten Miles of the Place. In the Times of Superſtition this great Monaſtery held the firſt Place for Reputation of Sanctity.

The Inhabitants will have it, that King Arthur was buried here, and, as a Proof thereof, that his Coffin had been found in this Place; and alſo, that Joſeph of Arimathea had been here, and that when he had fixed his Staff in the Ground, which was on Chriſtmas-day, it immediately took Root, budded, put forth White-thorn Leaves, and the next Day was in full Bloſſom, white as a Sheet; and that the Plant is preſerved, and blows every Chriſtmas-day, as at firſt, to this very Time.

I believe the Miracle amounts to no more than this; viz. That a kind of White-thorn grows hereabout, which, in a mild Winter, puts forth ſome Bloſſom about Chriſtmas; and I doubt not, but ſome of the ſame Kind may be found at other Places, if any Obſervations were made of it. But this Place is remarkable for many other marvellous Stories, recorded by the Monks, who formerly poſſeſſed it.

As to the Burial of King Arthur, Mr. Camden makes no doubt of it, and gives us from Giraldus Cambrenſis an Account how King Henry II. cauſed Search to be made for his Tomb, and before the Workmen had dug Seven Feet deep, they came to a great Stone, having a Croſs of Lead on the Inſide of it, and the ſubſequent Letters or Inſcription upon it, and in the following rude Character; which the ſaid Giraldus Cambrenſis, Mr. Camden ſays, was an Eye-witneſs of, as well as of a Coffin of hollow'd Oak, which they found by digging Nine Feet deeper than the Inſcription, wherein were depoſited the Bones of that great Prince. The Inſcription is as follows: [29]


But to leave theſe more diſputable Points for Matters of greater Certainty: it is not doubted but King Ina built the Church of Glaſtenbury, as one of the moſt antient, ſo the moſt wealthy and magnificent, loaded with Revenues by the Saxon, and perhaps the Britiſh Monarchs. The Abbot lived in little leſs State than the Royal Donors, his Revenue [30] amounting to 40,000l. annually. He could from the Torr ſee a vaſt Track of this rich Land in his own Poſſeſſion, and Seven Parks well ſtored with Deer belonging to the Monaſtery. 'Tis walled round, and imbattled like a Town, a Mile in Compaſs.

When I was laſt at Glaſtenbury, there were magnificent Ruins; but, within a few Years, a Preſbyterian Tenant had made more barbarous Havock there, than had been ſince the Diſſolution; for every Week a Pillar, a Buttreſs, a Window-jamb, or an Angle of fine hewn Stone, was ſold to the beſt Bidder. And they were actually ſtripping St. Joſeph's Chapel for that Purpoſe, and the ſquared Stones were laid up by Lots in the Abbot's Kitchen. The reſt goes to paving Yards and Stalls for Cattle, or to the Highway. So much Dread indeed have the People here of Founders Curſes, that they are afraid to make uſe of the Materials for Dwelling-houſes; and are full of Stories of ſad Accidents and Judgments, that have fallen upon ſuch as have; but venture it for the Highways, for a Town-houſe, and even for Barns and Stables; ſo that, as one obſerves, where few are ſo hardy as to apply them to their particular or perſonal Uſe, a publick Building ſhall be erected, where all come in for their Snack.

The Abbot's Lodging was a fine Stone Building, but could not content the juſt-mentioned Tenant, who pulled it down, and out of it built a new Houſe, abſurdly ſetting up the Arms and Cognizances of the great Saxon Kings and Princes, who were Founders, and of the Abbots, over his own Doors and Windows. Nothing is left intire, but the Kitchen, a judicious Piece of Architecture. But Tradition ſays, that this is but a modern Building; for the Story goes, That Whiting, the laſt Abbot, being dealt with by Henry VIII. and his Cormorants, for a Surrender, and bravely refuſing to join in the Sacrilege, [31] that Prince proceeded to Menaces, and told him, he ‘"would burn his Kitchen about his Ears."’ To which he returned Anſwer, ‘"That he would build ſuch an one as all the Timber in the Foreſt ſhould not burn."’ And accordingly, as 'tis ſaid, built this in Defiance, which is all of firm Stone, Walls and Roof, having nothing combuſtible in it. But what neither Flattery nor Menaces could effect, Tyranny and Murder brought about. For the Abbot was hanged on St. Michael's Tower, juſt now mentioned, on the Top of the high Hill, called The Torr, thereby accompliſhing a Prophecy, (as the Townſmen call it; but rather occaſioning a Saying ſince ſpread abroad) That a Whiting ſhould ſwim over Glaſtenbury Torr.

The Church was large and magnificent; the Walls of the Choir are ſtanding, 25 Fathom long, and 12 broad. There is one Jamb at the Eaſt-end of the High Altar left.

Hereabout were buried King Edgar, and many of the Saxon Monarchs, whoſe noble Aſhes ought to have protected the Whole.

Two Pillars of the great Middle Tower are left, next the Choir. On the North-ſide is St. Mary's Chapel, as they told me; the Roof beat down by Violence, and a mean wooden one in its Place, thatched with Stubble, to make it ſerve as a Stable. The Manger lies upon the Altar and Nich, where they put the Holy-Water. St. Edgar's Chapel is oppoſite to it; but there is not much left of it beſide the Foundations. The preſent Work is 44 Paces long, 36 wide without. The Roof is chiefly wanting. Two little Turrets are at the Corners of the Weſt-end, and Two more at the Interval of Four Windows from thence, which ſeem to indicate the Space of Ground the firſt Chapel was built on: the reſt between it and the Church was a kind of Antechapel. Underneath was a Vault, now full of [32] Water, the Floor of the Chapel being beaten down into it: it was wrought with great Stones.

Here was a capacious Receptacle of the Dead. They have taken up many leaden Coffins, and melted them into Ciſterns.

The Roof of the Chapel was finely arched with Ribwork of Stone. The Sides of the Walls are full of ſmall Pillars of Suſſex Marble, as likewiſe the whole Church, which was a mean way of Ornamenting in thoſe Times: they are moſtly beaten down. Between them the Walls are painted with Pictures of Saints, as ſtill eaſily ſeen. All the Walls are overgrown with Ivy, which is the only thing here in a flouriſhing Condition; every thing elſe preſenting a moſt melancholy, tho' venerable Aſpect. On the South-ſide the Cloiſters was the great Hall.

The Townſmen bought the Stones of the Vaults underneath to build a ſorry Market-houſe, not diſcerning the Benefit accruing to the Town from the great Concourſe of Strangers purpoſely to ſee this Abbey, which is now its greateſt Trade, as formerly its only Support: for 'tis in a moſt miſerable decaying Condition, as wholly cut off from the large Revenues ſpent among them.

There are many other Foundations of the Buildings left in the great Area; but in the preſent Hands will ſoon be rooted up, and the very Footſteps of them effaced, which ſo many Ages had been erecting.

The Abbot's Hall, I have been told, was curiouſly wainſcotted with Oak, and painted with Coats of Arms in every Panel. The Morter of theſe Buildings is very good, and great Rocks of the Roof of the Church lie upon the Ground, chiefly conſiſting of Rubble-ſtone untouched by the fanatical Deſtroyers, who chiefly work on the hewn Stone of the Outſide, till a whole Wall falls, when undermined a little.

[33]Throughout the Town are the tattered Remains of Doors, Windows, Baſes, Capitals of Pillars, &c. brought from the Abbey, and put into every poor Cottage.

In the Town are Two Churches; the upper a handſome Fabrick with a fine Tower of good Deſign, adorned with Figures in Niches. The George Inn is an old Stone Building, called the Abbot's Inn, where chiefly the Pilgrims were lodged, who came ſtrolling hither, and idling their Time away for Sanctity. A Coat of Arms of the Kings of England, ſupported by a Lion and a Bull, is over the Gate, with many Croſſes. There was a Bed of large Timber, with imboſſed gilt Panels, which ſeemed to have been the Abbot's.

Four Miles from Glaſtenbury, lies the little City of Wells, where is one of the neateſt Cathedrals in England; particularly the Weſt Front of it, which is a complete Draught of Imagery, as well as very antient.

The Cloſe, or Part of the City where the Biſhop's Palace is, is very properly called ſo; for it is walled in, and locked up like a little Fortification, and has a Ditch round it. The dignified Clergy live in the Inſide of it, and the Prebendaries and Canons have very agreeable Dwellings. Here are no leſs than 27 Prebendaries, and 19 Canons, beſides a Dean, a Chancellor, a Precentor, and Three Archdeacons; a Number which very few Cathedrals in England have beſides.

The County is the Dioceſe, and contains 388 Pariſhes, and the Archdeaconries are of Wells, Bath, and Taunton.

The City lies juſt at the Foot of the Mountains called Mendip-hills, and is built on a ſtony Foundation. Its Manufacture is chiefly of Stockens, as has been ſaid; 'tis well-built, and populous.

[34]Near this City, and juſt under the Hills, is the famous Wokey Hole, the chief Curioſity of which is frequently found in all ſuch ſubterraneous Caverns; that the Water, dropping from the Roof of the Vault, petrifies and hangs in long Pieces like Icicles, as if it would, in Time, turn into a Column to ſupport the Arch.

Not far from hence is Sedgmore, a watry ſplaſhy Place, and infamous for the Defeat of the Duke of Monmouth.

In the low Country, on the other Side Mendip Hills, lies Chedder, a Village pleaſantly ſituated under the very Ridge of the Mountains: before the Village is a large Green, or Common, on which all the Cows belonging to the Town feed: the Ground is exceeding rich, and as the Inhabitants are Cow-keepers, they take care to maintain the Goodneſs of the Soil, by agreeing to lay on large Quantities of Dung for manuring and inriching the Land.

Several Perſons frequently, here mix their Milk together, which often weighs a hundred Weight, ſometimes more; and is ſo excellent, that it is often ſold from Six-pence to Eight-pence per Pound, when the Cheſhire Cheeſe is ſold but from Two-pence to Two-pence Half-penny.

Here is a deep frightful Chaſm in the Mountain, in the Hollow of which the Road goes toward Briſtol; and out of the ſame Hollow ſprings a little Stream, which is ſo rapid, that it is ſaid to drive 12 Mills within a Quarter of a Mile of the Spring; but it muſt be ſuppoſed to fetch ſome winding Reaches in the Way; otherwiſe there would not be room for 12 Mills to ſtand, and have a ſufficient Head of Water to each, within ſo ſmall a Space of Ground. The Water of this Spring grows quickly into a River, and runs down into the Marſhes, and joins another little River called Axe, about Axbridge, and thence into the Briſtol Chanel, or Severn Sea.

[35]I muſt now turn Eaſt, and South-eaſt; for I reſolved not to go up the Hills of Mendip at all, this Journey; leaving that Part to another Tour, when I ſhall give an Account of theſe Mountains, as alſo of the Cities of Bath and Briſtol, to which they are very near, in one Letter.

I come now to that Part of the County which joins to Wiltſhire, which I reſerved in particular to this Place, in order to give ſome Account of the Broad-cloth Manufacture, which I ſeveral times mentioned before, and which is carried on here, to ſuch a Degree, as to deſerve a Place in all the Deſcriptions or Hiſtories which ſhall be given of this Country.

As the Eaſt and South Parts of Wiltſhire are all hilly, ſpreading themſelves far and wide in Plains, and graſſy Downs, for breeding and feeding vaſt Flocks of Sheep; and as the Weſt and North Parts of Somerſetſhire are, on the contrary, low and marſhy, or mooriſh, for feeding and breeding of Black Cattle and Horſes, or for Lead Mines, &c. ſo all the South-weſt Part of Wiltſhire, and the Eaſt Part of Somerſetſhire, are low and flat, being a rich, incloſed Country, full of Rivers and Towns, and infinitely populous, inſomuch that ſome of the Market-towns are equal to Cities in Bigneſs, and ſuperior to many of them in Numbers of People.

This low flat Country contains Part of the Three Counties, of Somerſet, Wilts, and Glouceſter; and that the Extent of it may be the eaſier underſtood by thoſe who know any thing of the Situation of the Country, it reaches from Cirenceſter in the North, to Sherburn on the Edge of Dorſetſhire South, and from the Devizes Eaſt, to Briſtol Weſt, which may take in about 50 Miles in Length where longeſt, and 20 in Breadth where narroweſt.

In this Extent of Country, we have the following Market-towns, which are principally imployed in [36] the Clothing Trade, that is to ſay, in that Part of it, which I am now ſpeaking of, namely, fine Medley, or mixed Cloths, ſuch as are uſually worn in England by the better Sort of People; and alſo, exported in great Quantities to Holland, Hamburgh, Sweden, Denmark, Spain, Italy, &c. The principal Clothing Towns in this Part of the Country, are theſe,

Frome, Pentford, Philip's-Norton, Bruton, Shepton-Mallet, Caſtle-Carey, and Wincaunton.
Malmsbury, Caſtlecomb, Chippenham, Caln, Devizes, Bradford, Trubridge, Weſtbury, Warminſter, Mere.
Gillingham, Shaftsbury, Bemiſter, and Bere, Sturminſter, Shireborn.
Cirenceſter, Tetbury, Marſhfield, Minchinghampton, and Fairford.

Theſe Towns, as they ſtand thin, and at conſiderable Diſtance from one another, (for, except the Two Towns of Bradford and Trubridge, the others ſtand at an unuſual Diſtance) are interſperſed with a very great Number of Villages, Hamlets, and ſcattered Houſes, in which, generally ſpeaking, the ſpinning Work of all this Manufacture is performed by the poor People; the Maſter Clothiers, who generally live in the greater Towns, ſending out the Wool weekly to their Houſes, by their Servants and Horſes, and at the ſame time bringing back the Yarn that they have ſpun and finiſhed, which then is fitted for the Loom.

The increaſing and flouriſhing Circumſtances of this Trade are happily viſible by the great Concourſe of People to, and Increaſe of Buildings and Inhabitants [37] in, theſe principal Clothing Towns, where this Trade is carried on, and in the Wealth of the Clothiers. The Town of Frome, or, as it is written in our Maps, Frome-Sellwood, is a Specimen of this, which is ſo prodigiouſly increaſed within theſe laſt 30 or 40 Years, that they have built a new Church, and ſo many new Streets of Houſes, and theſe Houſes are ſo full of Inhabitants, that Frome is now reckoned to have more Inhabitants in it, than the City of Bath; and ſome ſay, than Saliſbury; and if their Trade continues to increaſe in like manner for a few Years more, it is very likely to become one of the greateſt and wealthieſt inland Towns in England.

Its Trade is wholly Clothing, and the Cloths they make are, generally ſpeaking, all convey'd to London: where Blackwell-hall is their Market; and, if we may believe common Fame, there are above 10,000 People in Frome now, more than lived in it 30 Years ago; and yet it was a conſiderable Town then.

Here are alſo ſeveral large Meeting-houſes, as well as Churches, as there are, generally, in all the manufacturing trading Towns in England, eſpecially in the Weſtern Counties.

The Devizes is, next to Frome, a large and important Town, and full of wealthy Clothiers; but it has lately run pretty much into the Drugget-making Trade; a Buſineſs, which has made ſome Invaſion upon that of the Broad-cloth, great Quantities of Druggets being worn in, as well as exported from England, inſtead of Broad-cloth; but this is much the ſame as to the Trade ſtill; for ſince it is all a Woolen Manufacture, and the Druggets may properly be called Cloth, tho' narrow, and of a different Make, ſo the Makers are all called Clothiers.

The River Avon, a noble and large freſh River, branching itſelf into many Parts, and receiving almoſt [38] all the Rivers on that Side of the Hills, waters this whole fruitful Vale; and the Water of this River ſeems particularly qualified for dying the beſt Colours, and for Fulling and Dreſſing the Cloth, ſo that the Clothiers generally plant themſelves upon this River, but eſpecially the Dyers, as at Trubridge and Bradford, which are the Two moſt eminent Clothing Towns in that Part of the Vale, for the Making fine Spaniſh Cloths, and for the niceſt Mixtures.

From theſe Towns, South to Weſtbury and Warminſter, the ſame Trade continues, and the fineſt Medley Spaniſh Cloths in the whole World are made in this Part. They told me at Bradford, that it was no extraordinary thing to have Clothiers thereabout worth from 10,000 to 40,000l. a Man; and many of the Gentry in thoſe Counties have been originally raiſed from this truly noble Manufacture.

If I may ſpeak here from the Authority of the antient Inhabitants of the Place, who have been curious Obſervers upon this Subject, the Country which I have now deſcribed, as principally imployed in, and maintained by this Prodigy of a Trade, contains 2,330,000 Acres of Land, and has in it 788 Pariſhes, and 374,000 People. It is true, that this is all Gueſswork; but I muſt confeſs myſelf very willing to believe, that the Reckoning is far ſhort of the Account; for this Part is exceeding large and populous.

It may be worth Inquiry, how the Manufacturers in ſo vaſt a Conſumption of the Wool, as ſuch a Trade muſt take up, can be ſupplied with Wool for their Trade; and indeed it would be ſomething ſtrange, if the Anſwer were not at hand.

1. We may reaſonably conclude, that this Manufacture was at firſt ſeated in this County, or, as we may ſay, originally planted itſelf here, becauſe of the infinite Numbers of Sheep, which were always upon the Downs and Plains of Dorſet, Wilts, and Hampſhire, all adjoining. This, no doubt, induced [39] the firſt Planters of the Clothing Manufacture to make Choice of this delightful Vale in the Neighbourhood of thoſe Plains, which afforded ſuch immenſe Funds of Wool for the carrying on their Works. Thus the Manufacture of white Cloth was planted in Stroud-water in Glouceſterſhire, for the ſake of the excellent Water there for the Dying Scarlets, and all Colours that are dyed in Grain, which are better done there, than in any other Place of England, ſome Towns near London excepted. Hence therefore we firſt obſerve, they are ſupplied yearly with the Fleeces of Two or Three Millions of Sheep.

2. But as the Number of Sheep fed on theſe Downs is leſſened, rather than increaſed, becauſe of ſo many thouſand Acres of the Carpet Ground being of late Years converted into Tillage, and ſowed with * Wheat; and at the ſame time the Manufacture prodigiouſly increaſing; the Manufacturers applied to other Parts for a Supply, and hence began the Influx of North Country Wool from the Counties of Northampton, Leiceſter and Lincoln, the Centre and Markets of which Trade are about Tetbury and Cirenceſter, where ſeveral hundred Packs are ſold every Week, to ſupply this prodigious Conſumption.

3. From London they have great Quantities of Wool, which is generally called Kentiſh Wool, in the Fleece, which is brought up from thence by the Farmers, ſince the late ſevere Acts againſt their Selling it within a certain Number of Miles of the Sea; alſo Fell-wool for the Combers, bought of the Wool-ſtaplers in Barnaby-ſtreet, and ſent back by the Carriers which bring up the Cloths to Market.

4. They have alſo, ſometimes, large Quantities of Iriſh Wool by the way of Briſtol, or of Minehead in [40] Somerſetſhire; but this is uncertain, and only on extraordinary Occaſions. I omit the Spaniſh Wool, as being an Article by itſelf.

Thus, as thoſe who ſee the almoſt countleſs Numbers of Sheep on the Downs and Plains, and the great Quantities of Wool brought to the Markets of Tetbury, and other Towns, as well as what are ſent down from London into this ſingle Vale, would wonder how it was poſſible ſo much Wool could be conſumed, manufactured, and wrought up; ſo, on the other hand, thoſe that ſee what Numbers of People are imployed, and what vaſt Quantities of Goods are made, in this Part of England, would wonder how the Nation ſhould be able to ſupply them with Wool.

And yet, notwithſtanding the whole Country is thus buſy'd in the Broad-cloth Manufacture, I muſt not omit to mention, that here is a very great Application to another Branch or two of Trade, viz. The ſupplying the City of London with Proviſions: Tho' it is true, that the general Imployment of the People in all this County, is in the Woollen Manufacture; yet, as the Spinning is generally the Work of the Women and Children, and the Land is here exceeding rich and fertile, ſo it cannot be ſuppoſed, but that here are Farmers in great Numbers, whoſe Buſineſs it is to cultivate the Land, and ſupply the reſt of the Inhabitants with Proviſions; and this they do ſo well, that notwithſtanding the County is exceeding populous, yet Proviſions of all Sorts are cheap, the Quantity very great, and a conſiderable Overplus ſent every Day to London.

All the lower Part of this County, and alſo of Glouceſterſhire adjoining, is full of large feeding Farms, which we call Dairies; and the Cheeſe they make is excellent, and is eaten newer than that from Cheſhire. Of this a vaſt Quantity is every Week ſent up to London, where, tho' it is called Glouceſterſhire [41] Cheeſe, yet the greateſt Part of it comes from Wiltſhire; the Glouceſterſhire Cheeſe being more generally carried to Briſtol and Bath, where a very great Quantity is conſumed, as well by the Inhabitants of theſe two populous Cities, as in Exportation to our Weſt-India Colonies, and other Places; whereas this Wiltſhire Cheeſe is carried to the River of Thames, which runs thro' Part of the County, by Land-carriage, and ſo by Barges to London.

Again, in the Spring of the Year, they make a vaſt Quantity of that we call Green or New Cheeſe, which is a thin and very ſoft Cheeſe, reſembling Cream Cheeſes, but ſomewhat thicker. Theſe are ſo univerſally liked in London, that all the low rich Lands of this County are hardly enough to ſupply the Market; but then this holds for little more than the Two firſt Summer Months of the Year.

Beſides this, the Farmers in Wiltſhire, and the Part of Glouceſterſhire adjoining, ſend a very great Quantity of Bacon up to London, which is eſteemed the beſt Bacon in England, Hampſhire only excepted. This Bacon is raiſed here, by their great Dairies, as the Hogs are fed with the vaſt Quantities of Whey, and ſkimmed Milk, which the Farmers muſt otherwiſe have thrown away.

But this is not all; for as the North Part of Wiltſhire, as well the Downs as the Vales, border upon the River Thames, and in ſome Places come up even to the Banks of it, ſo moſt of that Part of the County being arable Land, they ſow a very great Quantity of Barley, which is carried to the Markets at Abingdon, at Faringdon, and ſuch Places, where it is made into Malt, and carried to London. This imploys all the Hill-country from above Malmſbury to Marlborough, and on the Side of the Vale of White-horſe, as 'tis called, which is in Berkſhire, and the Hills adjoining; a Track of fertile Ground, which furniſhes a prodigious Quantity of Barley.

[42]Thus Wiltſhire helps to ſupply London with Cheeſe, Bacon, and Malt, Three very conſiderable Articles, beſides that vaſt Manufacture of fine Spaniſh Cloths, of which I have ſaid ſo much; and I may without Partiality ſay, that it is thereby rendered one of the moſt important Counties in England to the publick Wealth of the Kingdom. The bare Product is in itſelf prodigiouſly great; the Downs are an inexhauſted Store-houſe of Wool, and of Corn; and the Valley, or low Part of it, is the like for Cheeſe and Bacon.

One Thing here is worth while to mention, for the Obſervation of thoſe Counties in England, where they are not yet arrived to that Perfection in Huſbandry, as in this County; and I have purpoſely reſerved it to this Place; and that is, The Downs or Plains, which tho' generally called Saliſbury Plain, yet extend themſelves into the Counties of Southampton, Wilts, and Dorſet, were formerly wholly taken up with Sheep, as being thought incapable of producing Grain, but now are made to yield moſt plentiful Crops, by folding their Sheep upon the plough'd Lands, removing the Fold every Night to a freſh Place, till the whole Fallow has been folded on. This alone has made theſe Lands, which in themſelves are poor, and, in ſome Places, ſo ſhallow as that the Earth is not ſix Inches deep over the ſolid Chalk, able to bear as good Wheat, as any of the richer Lands in the Vales, tho' not altogether in ſuch great Quantities: And were it not for this Improvement, the Product would hardly compenſate the Ploughman's Labour; for many of theſe Lands lie up ſuch high Hills, ſo remote from the Farmers Houſes, which are always in the Valleys, that it would be very difficult to carry up their Dung to manure them.

If this way of folding Sheep upon the Fallows and ploughed Lands were practiſed in ſome other Parts [43] of Britain, and eſpecially in Scotland, it would effectually improve the waſte Lands, which now are uſeleſs and uncultivated, and turn both Sheep and Lands to a better Account than was ever yet known among them. In Wiltſhire it appears to be ſo, very ſignificantly; for if a Farmer has a Thouſand Sheep, and no Fallows to fold them on, his Neighbours will give him Ten Shillings a Night for every Thouſand.

But as I have not mentioned theſe Clothing Towns other than as they contribute to that Trade, I ſhall now proceed to ſay ſomething of the Towns themſelves, except thoſe in Glouceſterſhire; of which I ſhall ſpeak in my next Letter, as I fall down Weſtward.

Shipton-Mallet, Caſtle Carey, Wincaunton, and Bruton, lie to the Southward of Wells, and have nothing remarkable in them except the laſt, which lies on the River Brews. It has a fair Church, a good Free-ſchool, and a ſtately Alms-houſe, the Ruins of a Priory, and beſide the Clothing-trade, is famous for Stockens.

Frome, and Philips Norton, lie Eaſt of Somerſetſhire, upon the Borders of Wilts. The firſt is near the Foreſt of Selwood, and I have already mentioned its prodigious Increaſe of late Years. The laſt is a very good Market-town, and has Two annual Fairs, one reputed, for a One-day Fair, as great as any in England.

Bensford is a ſmall Market-town, and lies North-weſt toward Briſtol.

Malmſbury is a very antient Town, and, 'tis ſaid, was built by a Britiſh Prince, called Caer Bladdon. It was formerly defended by Walls, and a large ſtrong Caſtle, which was razed afterward, to inlarge the Abbey, which was very famous, and the greateſt in Wiltſhire: the Abbot ſat in Parliament. King Athelſtane was buried here, and they ſtill ſhew [44] his Tomb here. Vaſt Piles of Buildings were pulled down at the Diſſolution, but the Church of the Abbey was ſaved, a great Part of which ſtill remains, and is uſed as the Pariſh Church. It is a Corporation governed by a Juſtice, who is an annual Magiſtrate, and called The Alderman. It has a good Market weekly. The Town is neat, and lies on the River Avon. It is alſo famous for the Birth-place of William of Malmſbury, the Hiſtorian; and of that great Scholar, Philoſopher, and Mathematician, Hobbes; and of divers other very great and remarkable Men.

Near this Town, Southward, on the ſame River, lies the Village of Dantſey, which, tho' but an obſcure Place, has given Title of Honour to many eminent Perſons, and among the reſt, to Henry Danvers, created Baron of this Place by King James I. tho' afterwards made Earl of Danby. He had diſtinguiſhed himſelf in Queen Elizabeth's Iriſh Wars, was as good as great, and died with Glory; but his Brother and Heir, having ſat, ungratefully, a Judge on that very King who made his Brother Earl, was, at the Reſtoration, attainted of High Treaſon; and this his Manor of Dantſey given to James then Duke of York, who ſettled it in Dowry on his ſecond Conſort. On his Abdication, it became a ſecond time forfeited, and King William conferred it on Charles Lord Mordaunt, late Earl of Peterborough and Monmouth, in whoſe Family it ſtill remains. But as there are ſome other Things more than ordinarily particular, relating to this Manor, I ſhall inlarge a little upon it.

The whole Pariſh of Dantſey conſiſts of this Manor only, and not a Foot of Ground in it belongs to any other Perſon: it is altogether Paſture, and indeed very rich. The Inhabitants, who are all Tenants of the Manor, make moſt excellent Cheeſe, not at all inferior to that of Chedder, which is the [45] only Commodity in the Place; for the late Lord would not permit the Grounds to be ploughed up; and, I believe, there is not an Acre in the Pariſh of arable Land, tho' the Tenants have offered a conſiderable Advance of Rent, for Liberty to break up the Ground, which indeed ſeems to want it, and would be much better'd by the Plough; nor would his Lordſhip, for ſome Years before his Death, renew a Life upon it, either by Leaſe or Copyhold, except as many of the laſt, as would keep up the Homage, and the Rights of the Manor: and the Reaſon of this was, not only to get a clear Rack-rent Eſtate in it, but to prevent the Cheats and Impoſitions which the Copyhold Tenants of the Manor put upon their Lord; for as every Widow has her Life in her Huſband's Copyhold after his Death, if ſhe continues ſole and continent, 'tis a very common thing there for an old Man, on his Death-bed, to marry a young Woman, who privately contracts to give Part of the Profits of the Copyhold, or ſome Conſideration for it, to the Huſband's Relations, and not ſeldom ſelects, for a Bedfellow for herſelf, one of her favourite Men-ſervants.

The Abuſe which accrued from granting Leaſes on Lives is this, That whereas a Perſon takes a Leaſe for Three Lives, viz. his own, his Wife's, and his Son John's; to defraud the Lord of the Manor, he names all his Sons John; ſo that, as long as any of the Sons live, John in the Leaſe never dies.

By theſe Frauds, the Earl, who was none of the beſt Oeconomiſts, and lived remote from this Place, ſuffered conſiderably, tho' he could not find out how; but frequently complained, That his Leſſees, and his Copyhold-Widows, were very long lived; and, in an humorous way, uſed to recommend his Manor of Dantſey to all ſuch as were apprehenſive of dying.

[46]As all in the Pariſh were his Tenants, and had an Intereſt in the Fraud, they combined againſt him, ſo that he could get no Intelligence of it: and tho' his Lordſhip enjoyed the Manor ever ſince the Revolution, yet, by reaſon of its being then full eſtated, that is, all let out upon Lives then actually ſubſiſting, and continued by the above-mentioned Frauds, his Lordſhip received no great Benefit out of it till ſome few Years before his Death; when he came to a Reſolution not to renew, tho', when all the Lives drop in, this Manor will, at a Rack-rent, amount to at leaſt 3000l. a Year.

There is a large old Manſion-houſe here, lying juſt on the River, with Gardens formed after the Manner of thoſe at Parſons-green; but it is not a kindly Place for ripening Fruit, and the Grounds lie very low and ſplaſhy, being all of a ſtiff Clay, and yet very good Paſture. Here is alſo a fine Park well timber'd, but without Deer. His Lordſhip had once a Deſign to improve this Manſion-houſe and Eſtate, and reſided here in 1705, when he was called to Court, and ſent to command the Queen's Forces in Spain, where his Conduct, and great Services to his Country, are too well known to need mentioning here.

Tho' this Place is often overflowed with Water, yet there is none good, either for Brewing or Waſhing, or any Spring of ſweet Water. Here is a Spring of a chalybeat Kind, which would turn to good Account, were it not in ſuch a diſtant, and an almoſt inacceſſible Part of the Country, occaſioned by bad Roads, which were a great Protection to the Inhabitants in the late Civil Wars, who were never viſited by either Party; but injoyed an eaſy and uninterrupted Repoſe, whliſt their Neighbours, on all Sides, were involved in the Calamities of that unnatural War.

[47]Here is likewiſe a good neat Church, with one of the beſt-built, high, ſquare Towers I ever ſaw, raiſed at the Expence of one of the Lords of Dantſey, probably the afore-mentioned Henry, who lies buried here under a very large magnificent Tomb. Here likewiſe is interred Lieutenant-General Lewis Mordaunt, a Brother of the late Earl, a Gentleman noted for his great Wit, Humour, and polite Converſation, as indeed all his Brothers were, as well as his Lordſhip.

Caſtlecomb is a Village of ſmall Account.

Chippenham is a corporate, good Market-town, likewiſe on the River Avon, over which it has a Bridge of Sixteen Arches, famous for the Reſidence and Reſort of many of the Weſt Saxon Kings, particularly Alfred. Here is a very magnificent Church; and near this Place, formerly, was a famous Foreſt.

Bradford is a Market-town, and has a Bridge over the Avon. 'Tis well-built of Stone, and lies in the Side of a Hill.

Trubridge is an antient Market-town, and had formerly a Caſtle of Seven Towers, but long ſince deſtroyed. The Court of the Duchy of Lancaſter, for this County, is annually held here.

Weſtbury is a little Borough Market-town, but was formerly of great Note. Some Quantity of Roman Coins have been found here.

Warminſter is noted, as I have ſaid, for the prodigious Quantity of Corn, which is ſold in it every Market-day. Upon the Downs, near this Town, are two antient Camps, ſuppoſed to be Daniſh.

It is obſervable, That theſe Five laſt Towns belonged antiently to the Family of the Hungerfords, which in King Edward IV.'s Reign came by Marriage to the Lord Haſtings, who being executed in Richard III.'s Time, this vaſt Eſtate was given by that King to Howard, Duke of Norfolk, firſt Earl-Marſhal of that Family, in England.

[48]Near Warminſter is the famous Foreſt of Selwood, called by the antient Britons, Coedmaur, i. e. Greatwood. It is 15 Miles in Length, and very thick of Wood.

Mere, which in the old Saxon ſignifys Boundary, as this Place ſeems to be on the Borders of Wilts, Somerſet, and Dorſet, is but a Village, and yet gives Name to the Hundred where it ſtands. It has neither Fair nor Market in it; but it had, antiently, a Caſtle. Not far from this Place is an old Daniſh Camp called Whiteſhole-hill. Sir Francis Cotton, who flouriſhed in the Reign of King James, and afterwards of Charles I. was born here.

A little South-eaſt of Mere lies Hindon, a ſmall Borough and Market-town. And North-eaſt of it ſtands Heightsbury, an inconſiderable Town; but noted formerly for an Hoſpital.

Lavington is alſo a little more North; a very indifferent Market-town.

The Devizes is excellently ſituated, about Two Miles from the Bottom of the Hills, which keep off the Eaſtern Winds, and in a rich Soil. Under the Hill, at Runway, is an excellent Spring, which the Inhabitants have not yet found Means to convey thither, tho' it runs but a little way off the Town, where they want Water. It is a very large old Town, conſiſting chiefly of Two long parallel Streets, the Houſes moſtly of Timber, but of a very good Model. The Inhabitants value themſelves for being Tenants to the King, and for one of the beſt weekly Markets in England. The Caſtle was originally Roman, judiciouſly ſeated upon a natural Fortification; but in After-times, made in a manner impregnable by Roger, a Biſhop of Salisbury, tho' now it ſuffers daily by Peoples taking away the Materials. Here are Two Churches. The Choir of St. Mary's is of a very old Model, as are the Steeple, Choir, and both Wings of St. John's, to which Additions have been made; and new wide Windows with pointed [49] Arches, in the room of the antient, narrow, ſemicircular ones.

Juſt out of Town is a pretty Plain called the Green, with another handſome Church and Steeple, Suburbs to the old Town. Here William Cadby, a Gardener, dug up his Collection of Gods, which he carried about for a Shew. They were found in a Garden in a Cavity incloſed with Roman Brick. The Venus is of an excellent Deſign; and the Veſtal Virgin, as they call it, a Fragment of Corinthian Braſs, and of very curious Workmanſhip. Vulcan is as lame as if made at a Forge. He had alſo ſeveral Coins found thereabouts, and a Braſs Roman Key, which my Lord Winchelſea bought. Roman Antiquities are diſcovered here every Day. The ſame Nobleman has a Braſs Probus; on the Reverſe Victoria Germ. with a Trophy. A great Number of ſuch Reliques is to be met with all round the Country.

Calne is a little Town, ſituate on a ſtony Hill, and very antient, and is ſuppoſed to have been one of the Seats of the Weſt-Saxon Kings. It has a neat Church, and a good weekly Market. After a great Rain, in November 1725, the Waters roſe ſo very high here, on a ſudden, that they overflow'd the Town, damaged a great Quantity of Goods, drowned Two Men in the Street, and carried off a Caſk of Oil of 100 Gallons, which could not be found for ſeveral Days after. A great Parcel of Roman Coins were dug up here formerly. Here was, likewiſe, antiently an Hoſpital of Black Canons.

I am now come into the Road to Marlborough: On the Downs, about Two or Three Miles from the Town, are abundance of looſe Stones, lying ſcattered about the Plain, ſome whereof are very large, and appear to be of the ſame Kind with thoſe of Stone-henge, and ſome larger: they are called by the Country People, the Grey Weathers; and it muſt be confeſſed, that they look not unlike Sheep ſtraggling upon the [50] Downs, on a tranſient and diſtant View, as Travellers paſs. Theſe Grey Weathers, on a more curious Inſpection, are found to be a Sort of white Marble, and lie upon the Surface of the Ground in infinite Numbers, and of all Dimenſions. They are looſe, detached from any Rock, and, as Dr. Stukeley thinks, lay there ever ſince the Creation, being ſolid Parts thrown out to the Surface of the fluid Globe, when its Rotation was firſt impreſſed.

Marlborough, ſo called from its Hills of Chalk, which antiently was called Marle. It is the Cunetia (from Kenet) of the Romans; but from the coming of the Saxons to the Conqueſt, there is no Mention of it. It is governed by a Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgeſſes, and is well-built. It conſiſts chiefly of One broad and ſtrait Street. To the South are ſome Relicks of a Priory; the Gate-houſe is ſtill remaining. On the North, the Chapel of another Religious Houſe remains, now turned into a Dwelling-houſe. The Seat of my Lord Hertford was the Scite of the Roman Coſtrum; for there they find Foundations, and Roman Coins; and towards the River, without the Garden-walls, one Angle of it very manifeſtly remains; and the Rampart [...]d Ditch intire. The Road going over the Bridge cuts it off from the preſent Caſtle. The Ditch is ſtill 20 Feet wide in ſome Parts. The Mount, ſo much noted, was the Keep of the Caſtle; it is now converted into a pretty ſpiral Walk, on the Top of which is an octagonal Summer-houſe, from whence you have a pleaſant View over the Town and County. The Town has at preſent a pretty good Shop-keeping Trade, but not much of the manufacturing Part. The River Kennet, ſome Years ago made navigable by Act of Parliament, riſes juſt by this Town; from whence running to Hungerford and Newbury, it becomes a large Stream; and paſſing by Reading, runs into the Thames near that Town. [51] This River is famous for Crayfiſh, which they help Travellers to at Newbury; but they ſeldom want for Price.

At Abury, near Marlborough Downs, in the Way to Bath, are to be ſeen the ſtupendous Remains of a Druids Temple, being a Collection of monſtrous Stones of the like Nature with thoſe of Stone-henge, and brought together from the Downs for the ſame religious Purpoſes, as Dr. Stukeley makes no Queſtion.

On the Hills on this Side the Devizes is Roundway Down, where the King's Forces, under Prince Maurice, but owing chiefly to the Lord Wilmot, beat and intirely routed the famous Sir William Waller, in the Civil Wars; from whence the Place is called by ſome, Run-away Down, to this Day.

A little nearer towards Marlborough is St. Ann's Hill, where, notwithſtanding ſeveral high Hills between, and the Diſtance of Twenty-two Miles, or more, is a fair View of Saliſbury Steeple, or Spire, which is deem'd the higheſt in England.

At Badmington in Wiltſhire have been found Nine Caves all in a Row, but of different Dimenſions, the leaſt of them Four Feet wide, ſome Nine or Ten Feet long, Two long Stones being ſet upon the Sides, and the Top cover'd with broad Stones. Spurs, Pieces of Armour, and the like, have been found in theſe Caves; which gives Ground to believe, that they were Tombs of ſome antient Warriors, Romans, Saxons, or Danes.

In our Way from Marlborough to Newbury, we mounted a chalky Hill, (of which Sort is much of the Soil of Wilts) on the Top of which we enter'd into Savernack Foreſt, belonging to the R [...]ght Hon. the Lord Bruce, and is almoſt the only privileged Ground of Hunting, of that Denomination, poſſeſs'd by a Subject. It is in Circumference about Twelve Miles, plentifully ſtock'd with Deer of a large Size, [52] and render'd very pleaſant and delightful by the many Walks and Viſtas lately cut and levell'd through the ſeveral Coppices and Woods with which it abounds. Eight of theſe Viſtas meet like ſo many Rays of a Star, in a Point near the Middle of the Foreſt, where his Lordſhip has prepared and cleared the Ground for erecting an Octagon Tower, whoſe Sides will be correſpondent to the Viſtas, thro' one of which you will have a View of his Lordſhip's Seat at about Two Miles Diſtance, called Tottenham, from a Park of that Name, in which it is ſituate, contiguous to the Foreſt.

It is a ſtately Edifice, newly erected on the ſame Spot of Ground where ſtood an antient Palace, deſtroyed by Fire, of the Marquis of Hereford, ſo juſtly celebrated for his ſteady Adherence, and powerful Aſſiſtance, to the Royal Cauſe, during the whole Courſe of the Civil Wars, from whom his Lordſhip is deſcended, by his Mother the Lady Elizabeth, Siſter and Niece to the Two laſt Dukes of Somerſet, of the elder Line.

To give you ſome Idea of the Grandeur and Magnificence of the Structure, it will be ſufficient to obſerve, that it was begun, carried on and finiſh'd, after the Model, and under the Direction, of our modern Vitruvius, the Earl of Burlington, who, to the Strength and Convenience of the Engliſh Architecture, has added the Elegance and Politeneſs of the Italian Taſte.

The Houſe has Four Towers, and Four Fronts, each of them diverſly beautified and adorned; to which are now added Four Wings, wherein are Rooms of State, a noble and capacious Room for a Library, containing a judicious and large Collection of ſeveral Thouſand Books in all Languages, but eſpecially the modern.

The Beauty and Delightfulneſs of the Buildings are much augmented by the large Canals, the ſpacious [53] and well-planted Walks which ſurround it, one of which, leading to the London Road, extends Two Miles in Length.

About the ſame Diſtance from hence, on the oppoſite Side, are to be ſeen the Remains of a large Houſe, the Seat of Sir John Seymour, Father of the unfortunate Protector, call'd Wolf-Hall, of which no more is ſtanding than ſuffices for a Farm-houſe. Here King Henry VIII. as, Tradition goes, celebrated his Nuptials with the Lady Jane Seymour, and kept his Wedding-dinner, in a very large Barn, hung with Tapeſtry on the Occaſion; for Confirmation of which they ſhew you, in the Walls thereof, ſome Tenter-hooks, with ſmall Pieces of Tapeſtry faſten'd to them; and between this Place and Tottenham th [...]re is a Walk, with old Trees on each Side, ſtill known by the Name of King Harry's Walk.

From hence, continuing our Courſe Eaſterly, we came to a Borough-town, called Great Bedwin, which Dr. Stukeley takes to be the Leucomagus of Ravennas. It is an old Corporation, and gave Birth to the famous Dr. T. Willis, the Ornament of Engliſh Phyſicians. Caſtle Copſe, half a Mile from the Town South Eaſt, was probably the Roman Caſtle; and Haviſdike, a Camp of that People. Some time ſince there was in the Eaſt Window of the Church, the Picture of a Prieſt, with Two Crutches, a Cup in his Hand, and a Can ſtanding by him, with an Inſcription in old Engliſh Capitals, but in the Language obſolete French, which in Engliſh is this:

I am Peris call'd, Vicar of this Church,
Upon my Crutches leaning juſt in this wiſe;
My Pouch in my Fiſt, and I'll drink without Guile,
My Pot at my Back, ſet after the new Mode.
To my Pot and my Pouch I will have Juſtice done;
For none ſhall drink without putting in as much again.

[54]The Church is large and capacious, in which are ſome antient Monuments, particularly one of a Knight-Templar, call'd Adam of Scott, from a Manor of that Name in the Pariſh, with an Inſcription not legible, and another above-mentioned of Sir John Seymour, Father of the Protector, wherein we have an Account of the Names of all his Children, with their ſeveral Inter-marriages and Deaths The Church is very ſtrongly built with Flint, and a Cement near as hard as themſelves, in form of a Croſs, in the Centre of which is erected a high Tower, containing a good Ring of Six very muſical Bells.

Moving hence towards the North-eaſt a little, we croſs'd the much fam'd Wanſdyke, a Work of prodigious Labour and Expence, and concluded by moſt Writers to be a Boundary of one of the Kingdoms of the Heptarchy, probably that of the Weſt Saxons, before its Inlargement by incroaching on other Kingdoms. It may be traced from near Bath, all over the Downs, to this Place, where it turns its Courſe towards the Southern Coaſts: it is ſuppoſed, by ſome, to derive its Name from Woden, one of the Saxon Deities.

Soon after we mounted a ſmall Hill, of eaſy Aſcent, on the Summit of which was erected, as Hiſtorians inform us, a fortified Place, the Reſidence of Ciſſa, a Viceroy of one of the South-Saxon Kings, from whom it derives its Denomination of Chiſbury, or Ciſbury, who alſo built Chicheſter, for the Reſort of his People, as he did this for the Repoſe of himſelf. It ſeems to have been ſtrongly fortified, being ſurrounded with a double Ditch or Mote, of conſiderable Depth and Breadth, and full of Water: ſince which time there has been a Religious Houſe here, the Chapel of which is ſtill remaining, but converted into a Barn.

From hence we returned to the great London Road, and ſoon arrived at a Village called Froxfield, [55] about Seven Miles from Marlborough, in which is a handſome and well-endow'd Alms-houſe, founded by Sarah Ducheſs Dowager of Somerſet, Relict of John the laſt Duke of the elder Branch of the noble Family of Seymours, deſcended from the great Duke of Somerſet, Protector of the King and Kingdom, during the Minority of King Edward VI. This Lady bequeath'd by her Will above 2000l. for the Building and Furniture of this Alms-houſe, and deviſed ſeveral Manors, Meſſuages, and Farms, for the Maintenance of Thirty poor Widows, not haveing 20l. per Ann to ſubſiſt upon; one Half of which are Widows of Clergymen, and the other of Laymen, giving a Preference to thoſe of the laſt Sort, who live on the Manors ſo deviſed by her. She left in her Will particular Directions for the Form, Dimenſions, and Scite of the Structure, and for the Manner of electing, ruling, and providing for the Widows, which her Executors, eſpecially Sir William Gregory, who chiefly took upon him the Execution of the Truſt, punctually obſerv'd.

The Building is neat and ſtrong, in the Form of a Quadrangle, having one Front, and a Court before it facing the Road. It contains Thirty Groundrooms, and as many Chambers, one of each Sort being allowed to every Widow, for her Apartment, with an Area or Bed in a Garden, on the North Part of the Building, incloſed with a Brick-wall.

In the midſt of the Quadrangle is built a handſome and convenient Chapel, furniſhed with a Communion-Table, Pulpit, Deſk, Pews and Books, for the Uſe of the Widows, wherein the Chaplain, whoſe Stipend is 30l. per Ann. is to read Prayers every Day, and to preach on Sundays: and for his further Encouragement, is to be preſented, on a Vacancy, to the Rectory of Kemiſh, in the ſame County, which the Ducheſs has appropriated to that Uſe. Beſides the yearly Penſion in Money, which [56] is now about Eight Guineas, ſhe hath alſo ordered a Cloth-gown, with a certain Quantity of Wood every Winter, to each of the Widows: and when the Eſtates which ſhe has given to the ſaid Almſhouſe, (many of which are now demiſed upon Leaſes for Lives) ſhall fall in, and ſhall produce a clear yearly Income of more than 400l. ſhe hath appointed additional Lodgings to be built for the Reception of Twenty more Widows, who are to be placed on the ſame Eſtabliſhment, elected and provided for in the ſame manner as the Thirty former; and then all the Rents and Profits of the ſaid Eſtates (the Salary for the Chaplain and a Steward being firſt deducted) ſhall be diſtributed in equal Shares and Proportions between the Fifty Widows.

The Produce of all the Eſtates deviſed to this, and another charitable Uſe, which I ſhall mention by-and-by, upon the Determination of the Leaſes granted, will, according to the beſt Information I could get, amount to little leſs than 1000l. per Ann.

This truly uſeful and excellent Charity, which diſplays the Judgment, as well as charitable Diſpoſition, of the noble Foundreſs, is under the Inſpection and Management of ſeveral worthy Gentlemen and Clergymen of the Neighbourhood, who diſcharge the Truſt repoſed in them with a very laudable Diligence and Integrity, ſcrupulouſly, or religiouſly rather, purſuing the Directions of the Will, carefully preventing all Imbezelments, and frequently meeting, at their own Expence, for the Diſpatch of Buſineſs in the Execution of their Truſt; which worthy Example, if imitated by other Truſtees or Directors of charitable Benefactions, (who too often make a Property of their Truſt) would be of publick Emolument, and ſingular Benefit to the Poor, by reſcuing charitable Deviſes from the Diſcouragement they now lie under, and rendering unneceſſary [57] the Trouble and Expence of applying for, and ſuing out Commiſſions of Charitable Uſes.

The ſame charitable Lady, to make Proviſion for the helpleſs Young, as well as deſtitute Old, has alſo bequeathed a conſiderable yearly Sum for the apprenticing of Ten or Twelve Children, in which a Preference is to be given to ſuch as were born in her Manors. In the Management of which Truſt, another Set of Truſtees act, with the ſame commendable Uncorruptneſs and Integrity as the former.

We next came to Hungerford, a little Markettown, ſituate in a Mooriſh-place, remarkable only for being a great Thoroughfare to Bath and Briſtol, and for Plenty of Trout and Crayfiſh. It is governed by the Lord of the Manor, as Conſtable, who is however choſen annually into that Office. From this Town the antient Family of the Barons of Hungerford took their Name and Title. The firſt of the Family was the firſt Speaker of the Houſe of Commons, in 51. Edward III. They poſſeſs'd a vaſt Eſtate this Way, and in all the neighbouring Counties, which was twice forfeited for their Attachment to the Houſe of Lancaſter. This vaſt Eſtate fell by a Daughter to the famous Lord Haſtings, who was executed in the Reign of Richard III. when Howard, firſt Duke of Norfolk, had a Grant of it from that Prince, who falling with his Maſter in the Battle of Boſworth-Field, King Henry VII. reſtored it, with the Honour, to a younger Branch of the Hungerfords, who had joined him, and ſhared in the Glory of that Victory. But his Deſcendants ſuffer'd Death for Treaſon, 31 Henry VIII. tho' Queen Mary reſtored them again. He was the Third of the Family who died for Treaſon: ſuch Viciſſitudes attended this noble Family, and their great Eſtate.

[58]We purſued the great Road, and arrived at Newbury, ſituate in a moſt fruitful Plain, and water'd by the River Kennet, which is made navigable up to the Town, which carries on a very great Trade in Malt, &c. with London. It is governed by a Mayor, High Steward, Aldermen and Burgeſſes. The Streets are ſpacious, and the Market-place large, where there is great Store of Corn ſold; and a Hall for the Buſineſs of the Corporation ſtands in it.

Here is alſo a good Charity-ſchool, very well endow'd, and this Place is noted for good Trout and Crayfiſh.

Near this Town was a double Scene of Blood; for here were Two obſtinate Battles fought at different Times, between the King's Army and the Parliament's, King Charles being preſent at them both, and both were fought almoſt upon the ſame Spot of Ground. In theſe Two Battles it was obſerved by an experienced Soldier, who ſerved in the King's Army, that the Generals on both Sides ſhewed the moſt exquiſite Skill in the managing, poſting, bringing up, and drawing off their Troops; and the Men fought with equal Bravery. In the firſt of theſe Battles the Succeſs was doubtful, and both Sides claim'd the Advantage: in the laſt, the King's Army had apparently the worſt of it, and yet the King in a very few Days, with a great Body of Horſe, brought off his Cannon, which he had, in the Cloſe of the Battle, thrown into Dunington Caſtle, and carried them away to Oxford, the Head Quarter of his Army; and this he did in the Sight of the victorious Army, facing them at the ſame time with a Body of Six thouſand Horſe; they, on the other hand, not thinking fit to draw out to attack him. That Retreat, in point of Honour, was equal to a Victory, and gave new Courage, as well as Reputation, to the King's Troops.

[59]Part of Newbury is alſo known by the Name of Spinham-lands. For it aroſe out of the Ruins of an old Town, called Spine, the Remains of which now join to Newbury, in reſpect to which it was called New Borough, and for Shortneſs Newbury. It is noted, among other Things, for Two or Three good Inns, where Travellers are well accommodated.

This Town of Newbury was an antient Clothing Town, tho' now little of that Buſineſs remains to it; but it retains ſtill a manufacturing Genius, and the People are generally imployed in making Shalloon, which, tho' it be uſed only for the Lining and Inſides of Mens Cloaths, yet it becomes ſo generally worn both at home and abroad, that it is increaſed to a Manufacture by itſelf, and is more conſiderable than any ſingle Manufacture of Stuffs in the Nation. This imploys the Town of Newbury, as alſo Andover, a Town I have already deſcribed, and many others in different Counties of England.

Here lived the famous Jack of Newbury, the greateſt Clothier that ever was in England, having 100 Looms at work in his own Houſe. He flouriſhed in the Reign of Henry VIII. and marched at the Head of 100 of his own Men, all cloath'd and maintain'd by himſelf, to the Battle of Flodden-Field, where he behav'd well. He rebuilt Part of Newbury Church, and the whole Tower of it. This is One of the Two Legatee Towns (as they were called) in the Will of the famous Mr. Kenrick, who being the Son of a Clothier of Newbury, and afterwards a Merchant in London, left 4000l. to Newbury, and 7500l. to Reading, to encourage the Clothing Trade, and to ſet the Poor at Work, beſides other Gifts of extraordinary Value to the Poor.

This Gentleman's Will is to be ſeen at large in Stow's Survey of London, to which I refer.

[60]What Improvement the Towns of Newbury and Reading have made of theſe great Sums, I did not inquire into.

Near Newbury the late Earl of Craven built a very ſtately Pile of Buildings for his own Dwelling, called Spine; but as it was never quite finiſhed, ſo I do not underſtand, that his Lordſhip ever came to live in it, and ſome Years ago it was by a ſudden Fire burnt down to the Ground. It was reported, that that Lord built this magnificent Palace, (for ſuch it really was) at a Time when he had Hopes of marrying Madame Royale, as ſhe was then called, viz. the Queen of Bohemia, Siſter to King Charles I. who, then a Widow, lived under the Shadow of the Engliſh Coutt; but being fruſtrated in that View, the Earl went no farther in his Building. But his preſent Lordſhip has lately rebuilt this Houſe, and tho' not in ſo grand a manner as the former, it is very commodious.

Weſtward, a little out of our Way, we viſited the Ruins of the Caſtle of Donnington, juſt mention'd, which was ſeated on the Brow of a high Hill, waſhed by the little River Lambourn, and had been the Seat of Sir Geoffrey Chaucer, Father of Engliſh Poetry. They ſhew us a Place here, where, in his Days, as well as many Years ſince, even down to the Memory of ſome of the Inhabitants now living, flouriſhed a great Oak, call'd Chaucer's Oak, where they very gravely tell you he uſed to ſit and compoſe his Poems.

We went forward to the Town of Lambourn, ſo called from the River which runs down and falls into the Kennet, near Thatcham. It is ſituate on the South-ſide of White-Horſe-Hill, and has a Market. This River is remarkable for being very low in Winter, and high in Summer. It goes off about Michaelmas, and the ſooner it goes, the more plentiful, ſay [61] the Inhabitants, will that Year be. This Town is likewiſe noted for the Birth-place, or at leaſt, the Reſidence of the Poet Sylveſter, who celebrates the River in the following Lines:

And little Lambeſbourn —
All Summer long, while all thy Siſters ſhrink,
Then of thy Waters Thouſands daily drink;
Beſides, ſhed Water, which in haſte doth run
To waſh the Feet of Chaucer's Donnington;
But while the reſt are full unto the Top,
All Summer long thou doſt not ſhed a Drop,
Nor ſend'ſt a Doit of needleſs Subſidy
To cram the Kennet's wantleſs Treaſury,
Before her Stores be ſpent, and Springs be ſtaid:
Then, then, alone, thou lend'ſt a lib'ral Aid,
Teaching thy wealthy Neighbours (mine of late)
How, when, and where, to right participate
Their Streams of Comfort to the Poor that pine,
And not to greaſe the ſtill too greaſy Swine;
Neither for Fame or Form (when others do)
To give a Morſel, or a Mite or two,
But ſev'rally, and of a ſelfly Motion,
When others miſs, to give the moſt Devotion.

At Newbury we quitted the high Road, and being deſirous to ſee ſomething of the North of Berkſhire, we ſtruck up to Iſlip, which tho' but an inconſiderable little Town, yet has a good weekly Market for Sheep.

We paſſed North-eaſtward to Wantage, a Town of ſome Antiquity, pretty good and neat. It is noted for the Birth-place of the renowned King Alfred, and is watered by the Och.

From Wantage we advanced into the fine and fertile Vale of White-Horſe, which extends almoſt from Farringdon to Abington, tho' not in a direct Line. Looking South from the Vale, we ſee a [62] Trench cut on the Side of a high green Hill, in the Shape of a Horſe, and not ill done. The Trench is about a Yard deep, and fill'd almoſt up with Chalk; ſo that at a Diſtance you ſee the exact Shape of a White-Horſe, ſo large as takes up near an Acre of Ground. From this Figure the Hill is called White-Horſe-Hill, and the Vale below takes alſo its Name. 'Tis ſaid to be done in order to commemorate a ſignal Victory; and ſome give it to the Saxons, whoſe Device was, and ſtill is, a white Horſe. Weſtward of this Vale, lies Aſhbury, betwixt which and Wantage is a very large Camp on the Brow of a Hill: 'tis ſingle work'd, and of a quadrangular Form, which ſhews it a Roman Work.

The neighbouring Pariſh to this White-Horſe have a Cuſtom annually at Midſummer, to go and weed it, in order to keep it in Shape and Colour; and when they have done their Work, they end the Day in Feaſting and Meriment.

We arrived at Farringdon, noted for its pleaſant Situation on a Hill. It has a very good Market weekly, and is very neat and clean. In this Place may be ſeen the Ruins of a Caſtle, built by Robert Earl of Glouceſter, in King Stephen's Reign. Here was alſo a Priory of Ciſtertian Monks. The Church is large and handſome.

From hence we went partly by the Foreſt to Abingdon, a handſome well-built Town, where the Aſſizes and Seſſions, and other publick Meetings of the County, are generally held. Here is a ſtately Market-houſe, built on high Pillars, over which is a large Hall for the Aſſizes. The Town conſiſts of ſeveral well-paved Streets, which centre in an open and ſpacious Place, where the Corn-market is kept. They make great Quantities of Malt here, and ſend it up by Barges to London. Here is a good Free-School, and alſo a Charity-School. [63] The Corporation is governed by a Mayor, Two Bailiffs, and Nine Aldermen.

It is an antient Town, and was famed for Religious Houſes in the Time of the antient Britons. It was alſo famous for having ſeveral Synods held there, and for one of the nobleſt Abbeys in the Kingdom, founded, as it is ſaid, by Heane, Nephew to Ciſſa, Father to King Ina. Henry I. was educated in this Monaſtery.

We next came to Wallingford, called by the antient Britons Gwal Hen, i. e. Old Fort, a Place of great Figure, as well in their Days and of the Romans, as of the Saxons and Danes, the laſt of whom deſtroyed it in 1006; but it was ſoon rebuilt, and eſteemed a Borough, in the Confeſſor's Time. It has been defended by a ſtrong Caſtle, which has been long ſince demoliſh'd. It is ſtill a large well-built Town, has a good Market-place and Town-hall, where the Aſſizes have been ſometimes held, and a Quarter-ſeſſion for the Borough always. It has ſtill Two Churches ſtanding; but one was very much damaged in the Civil Wars, when Two others here were altogether deſtroyed. It has Two weekly Markets, and is govern'd by a Mayor, Burgeſſes, &c.

Here we croſs'd the Thames into Oxfordſhire, and leaving Wathington, a little inconſiderable Market-town on the Left, we fell down thro' Netlebed (likewiſe a Town of little Note) to Henley upon Thames, a very antient Town, the Name being deriv'd from the Britiſh Word Hen-lley, i. e. Old Place. It was formerly part of the Eſtate of the Barons of Hungerford, mentioned before. It is now a Corporation of great Account, govern'd by a Warden, Burgeſſes, and other Officers. It has a conſiderable Corn and Malt-market. The Inhabitants are moſtly Maltſters, Mealmen and Bargemen, who by carrying Corn and Timber to London, get a gainful Living, and inrich [64] the Neighbourhood. It has a good Free Grammar School, and alſo a Charity School, liberally endow'd for teaching, cloathing, and apprenticing ſeveral poor Children. Here is alſo an Alms-houſe, but meanly endowed; for tho' there are not above Six or Seven Perſons in it, they have but Six-pence a-piece weekly for their Allowance.

We return'd over a wooden Bridge, into Berkſhire; and as Thatcham, Woolhampton and Theal, which lie between Newbury and Reading, are at preſent noted only for being great Thoroughfare Towns, and full of Inns, we went no further back than Reading.

Reading is ſo called from the Britiſh Word Rhedin, i. e. Fern, which formerly grew in great Quantity there. It is a very large and wealthy Town, handſomly built, the Inhabitants rich, and driving a very great Trade. The Town is ſituated on the River Kennet, but ſo near the Thames, that the largeſt Barges which they uſe, may come up to the Town Bridge, where they have Wharfs to load and unload them. Their chief Trade is by this Water-navigation to and from London, tho' they have neceſſarily a great Trade into the Country, for the Conſumption of the Goods which they bring by their Barges from London, and particularly Coals, Salt, Grocery Wares, Tobacco, Oils, and all heavy Goods.

They ſend from hence to London by theſe Barges, very great Quantities of Malt and Meal, and theſe are the Two principal Articles of their Loadings. Some of thoſe Barges are ſo large, that I was told, they bring a Thouſand, or Twelve hundred Quarters of Malt at a time, which, according to the ordinary Computation of Tonnage in the Freight of other Veſſels, is from a Hundred to an Hundred and Twenty Ton, dead Weight.

They alſo ſend very great Quantities of Timber from Reading; for Berkſhire being a well-wooded [65] County, and the River Thames a convenient Conveyance for the Timber, they tranſport the largeſt and faireſt of the Timber to London, which is generally bought by the Shipwrights in the River for the building Merchant-Ships. The like Trade of Timber is carried on at Henley above-mentioned, and at Maiden-head; of which in its Place.

A large Manufacture of Sail-Cloth was ſet up in Reading by the late Sir Owen Buckingham, Lord-Mayor of London, and many of the poor People were profitably imployed in it; but Sir Owen dying, and his Son being unhappily kill'd in a Duel a little while after, that Manufacture died alſo.

Here is however ſtill a Remnant of the Woollen Manufacture, which was once carried on in it to a very conſiderable Degree; and this Town, as well as Newbury, has injoy'd the above-mentioned Legacies of Mr. Kenrick, to ſet the Poor at Work, and incourage the Clothing Trade; viz. 7500l.

Mr. Camden's Continuator ſays, there were once 140 Maſter-Clothiers in this one Town; but now they are almoſt all gone. During the Civil Wars in England this Town was ſtrongly fortified, and the Remains of the Baſtions and other Works are ſtill to be ſeen.

There are Three Churches built of Flint and ſquare Stones in the quincunx Faſhion, with tall Towers of the ſame. Here are alſo Two large Meeting-houſes, beſides that of the Quakers. Camden calls it a little City: it is ſaid to contain about 8000 People, including a little Hamlet at the Bridge over the Thames. Archbiſhop Laud was born in this Town.

It was formerly noted for a very famous Abbey, and other Religious Foundations. The Abbey ſtood in a charming Situation, and large Ruins of it are ſtill viſible, built of Flint: the Walls which remain are about Eight Feet thick, tho' the Stone that [66] faced them is gone. What is left is ſo hard cemented, that the Labour in ſeparating them would not be anſwer'd by their Uſe. There are many Remnants of arch'd Vaults, a good Height above Ground, whereon ſtood, as may be preſum'd, the Hall, Lodgings, &c. The Abbey Gate-houſe is yet pretty intire.

This was built by King Henry I. on an old Abbey, formerly erected by a Saxon Lady. That Prince was buried in it, with his Queen; but their Monuments are loſt in the Ruins of the Place, and no-where to be found.

There was a famous old Caſtle, long ſince demoliſhed.

The Empreſs Maud, Daughter of Henry I. was alſo buried here; but her Monument is loſt, as well as the others. It bore this Inſcription, as we are aſſur'd:

Magna ortu, majorque viro, ſed maxima partu,
Hic jacet Henrici filia, ſponſa, parens.

Thus tranſlated:

Illuſtrious in Deſcent, in Marriage more,
But nobleſt in her Offspring's Royal Pow'r,
Great Henry's Daughter, Parent, Wife, deplore.

The deceas'd Earl Cadogan, who was created Baron of Reading, by his late Majeſty King George I. in 1716, built a fine large Houſe at Caverſham near Reading; which his Succeſſor the preſent Lord Cadogan thought fit to reduce to a ſmaller and more convenient Size, as leſs regarding the outward Glare of Magnificence, than Uſe and Convenience.

At Reading, in the Year 1688, began the univerſal Alarm that ſpread over the whole Kingdom (almoſt at the ſame time) of the Iriſh being coming to cut every body's Throats; which was carried from [67] Town to Town by Peoples Fears and Terrors, aggravated by the Menaces of an Iriſh Detachment of Soldiers, who were beat out of Reading by the Dutch, and prevented taking the Quarters they intended at Maidenhead, Colebrook, Stanes, &c.

It is impoſſible to expreſs the Conſternation of the People all over England on this Occaſion; for the terrible Story ſpread (like the Undulations of the Water in a Pond, when a flat Stone is caſt upon the Surface) all over the Kingdom, as I have ſaid, in one Day; for Fear gave Wings to the News: no Poſt could carry it as it flew from Town to Town; and ſtill every Meſſenger had Two Articles with him: 1. Not that ſuch and ſuch Towns were to be burnt and plundered by them; but that they were already burnt: And, 2. that the Iriſh were at their Heels to do the like there. And the Service this Report did to the Cauſe of the Revolution, is hardly to be imagined.

Twyford is about Five Miles Eaſt of Reading, and is only noted, like Theale, and the other Towns beyond Reading, for its Number of Inns, for the Accommodations of Carriers, &c.

Juſt beyond Theale, is Inglefield, where King Ethetwolf routed the Danes.

From Reading I went to Great Marlow in Buckinghamſhire, which, though not in the direct Road, yet lying on the Banks of the River Thames, is proper enough to be ſpoken of, and is particularly worth Notice for ſeveral Things.

1. It is a Town of very great Imbarkation on the Thames, not ſo much for Manufactures wrought here, (for the Trade of the Town is chiefly in Bonelace) but for Goods brought from the neighbouring Towns; a very great Quantity of Malt and Meal particularly being brought hither from High Wickham, which is one of the greateſt Corn-markets on [68] this Side of England, and lies on the Road from London to Oxford.

2. Between High Wickham and Marlow is a little River called the Loddon, on which are a great many Corn-mills, and ſome Paper-mills: the firſt of theſe grind and dreſs the Wheat, and then the Meal is ſent to Marlow, and put on board the Barges for London; and the ſecond make great Quantities of ordinary Printing-paper.

3. On the Thames, juſt by the Side of this Town, tho' on the other Bank, are Three very remarkable Mills, called the Temple-Mills, or the Braſs-Mills, for making Biſham Abbey Battery Work, as they call it, viz. Braſs Kettles and Pans, &c. of all Sorts. And theſe Works were attended with no ſmall Succeſs, 'till in the Year 1720. they made a Bubble of it, and then it ran the Fate of all the Bubbles at that time.

4. Next to theſe are Two Mills which are both of an extraordinary Kind, one for making of Thimbles, a Work which performs to Admiration; and another for preſſing of Oyl from Rape and Flaxſeed, both which turn to very good Account to the Proprietors.

Hither is alſo brought down a vaſt Quantity of Beech Wood, which grows in Buckinghamſhire more plentifully than in any other Part of England; and from whence the County itſelf derives its Name.

At Biſham, over-againſt this Town, was formerly an Abbey, and the Remains of it are ſtill to be ſeen. The Eſtate belong'd once to the Knights Templars, and ſince came to the antient Family of Hobby, whereof Sir William Hobby, and Sir Edward Hobby, are noted in our Hiſtories, the latter as having been imploy'd by Queen Elizabeth in the moſt important foreign Negotiations, as a learned Man, and great Antiquary. Their Monuments, with thoſe of their Ladies and Children, are in the little Church of [69] Biſham, and well worth ſeeing. The Seat of the Family is now in Dorſetſhire; but hither they are generally all brought, when they die, to be buried with their Anceſtors.

A little higher, on the ſame Side of the River, is Hurley, an antient Seat of the Lord Lovela [...]; and all the Male Branches of the Family b [...]g extinct, it came by the Daughter and Heireſ [...] o S [...]r H [...]nry Johnſon of Blackwall, near Ratcliffe, who originally was only a Shipwright, or Maſter-build [...]r, at the great Yard and Dock there, of which I ſhall ſpeak in their Place. This Lady left only one Daughter, married to the late Earl of Strafford.

From hence we fell with the Thames into Maidenhead, and ſo came into the London Road again. It is an antient Corporation under the Government of a High Steward, a Mayor, a Steward, and Ten Aldermen, out of which they annually elect Two Bridgmaſters to look after the large Timber-bridge which here croſſes the Thames, for the Repair of which the Town has Three Trees annually allow'd them out of Windſor Foreſt. The Mayor, for the Time being, is Clerk of the Market and Coroner, and he and the Mayor for the preceding Year, and the Steward, are Juſtices of the Peace: they chuſe yearly Two Mace-bearers. The Town is a large Thoroughfare, with many good Inns in it, and has a good Market weekly. It lies in Two Pariſhes, one Part of it is in Bray, famous of old for its conforming Vicar to all Times, Changes, and Seaſons.

As ſoon as you are out of Maidenhead, you ſee Cliefden on your Left, where George Duke of Buckingham began a magnificent and delightful Palace, which the late Earl of Orkney afterwards purchaſed of the Family, and finiſh'd; and now has the Honour to be the Summer Retreat of his Royal Highneſs Frederick Prince of Wales.

[70]We came to Slough, a Village Five Miles Eaſt of Maidenhead, which conſiſts almoſt intirely of Inns. They ſeem to vie with one another, and 'tis wonderful how they all ſubſiſt; and eſpecially as they are oppoſed by the Two famous new ones of the Caſtle and Windmill, a little Way out of Slough, which are much more delightfully ſituated, and have better Accommodations.

Here we left the Road, and turn'd to the Right, and ſoon arriv'd at Eton, where there is the fineſt School for Grammar Learning, that is in Britain, or perhaps in Europe.

The Buildings, except the great School-room, are antient; the Chapel Gothick; but all has been repaired, at a very great Expence, out of the College Stock, within theſe few Years, and a noble Library built for the Reception of Books.

In the great Court a fine Statue is erected to the Honour of the Founder, by Dr. Godolphin, late Dean of St. Paul's, and Provoſt of this College; and the Library has receiv'd ſeveral conſiderable Benefactions, particularly very lately, the fine Collection of Richard Topham, Eſq formerly Keeper of the Records in the Tower, which was preſented to it, by the late excellent Lord Chief Juſtice Reeves. And before that a Collection of Books, valu'd at 2000l. was left to it by Dr. Waddington, late Biſhop of Chicheſter.

The Gardens, which extend from the College down almoſt to the Bank of the Thames, are well planted and kept.

This College was founded by King Henry VI. a Prince munificent in his Gifts for the Incouragement of Learning. Witneſs, beſides this noble Foundation, that of King's College in Cambridge, to which the Scholars of Eton are annually removed; and which, had it been perfected as he deſigned it, would have been the nobleſt Building of the Kind in the [71] World. But his Succeſſor and Depoſer, K. Ed. IV. took ſeveral Manors from Eton College, and beſtow'd them on their Neighbours at Windſor; and had intended to have taken from them ſtill more, had not the celebrated Jane Shore ſolicited in their Behalf.

This College has a ſettled Revenue of about 5000l. per Ann. and maintains a Provoſt, a Vice-provoſt, who is alſo a Fellow; Six other Fellows, and 70 Scholars on the Foundation, beſides a full Choir for the Chapel, with neceſſary Officers and Servants. The School is divided into the upper and lower, and each into Three Claſſes; each School has One Maſter, and each Maſter Four Aſſiſtants or Uſhers. None are received into the upper School, till they can make Latin Verſes, and have a tolerable Knowledge of the Greek. In the lower School the Children are received very young, and are initiated into all School-learning. Beſides the Seventy Scholars upon the Foundation, there are always abundance of Children, generally ſpeaking, of the beſt Families, and of Perſons of Diſtinction, who are boarded in the Houſes of the Townſmen, and within the College.

The Number of Scholars inſtructed here uſed to be from 400 to 500; but has not been, for Seven Years paſt, more than 320.

The Election of Scholars for the Univerſity, out of this School, is made annually on the Firſt Tueſday in Auguſt. In order to it, Three Perſons are deputed from King's College in Cambridge, viz. the Provoſt of that College, and One Senior, and One Junior Poſer, Fellows of the ſame; who being join'd by the Provoſt, the Vice-provoſt, and the Head Maſter of Eton College, call before them the Scholars of the upper Claſs, and examining them in the ſeveral Parts of their Learning, chuſe out Twelve ſuch as they think beſt qualified, and enter them in a Roll or Liſt for the Univerſity. Theſe Youths are not immediately removed from the School, but muſt wait till [72] Vacancies fall in King's College; and as ſuch happen, are then taken as they ſtand in Seniority in the Roll of Election.

When a Scholar from Eton comes to King's College, he is received upon the Foundation, and purſues his Studies there for Three Years; after which he claims a Fellowſhip, unleſs forfeited by Marriage, accepting of Eccleſiaſtick Preferments, &c. according to the Terms of the Statutes.

The Provoſt has a noble Houſe and Garden, beſides the Uſe of the College Gardens at his Pleaſure.

Will you, Sir, excuſe me here a few Lines to the Memory of the late excellent Lord Chief Juſtice Reeves, before-mentioned? This worthy and eminent Lawyer had a Seat in this Town, to which he conſtantly retired at the Cloſe of every Term, while he was at the Bar; for he would never go the Circuit, or attend the Court of Chancery; and actually declined accepting of the high Office of a Judge, while his Lady liv'd, chuſing rather to ſpend his Vacations in Retirement with his Family, than either Honour or Profit; yet he was purſued even here with Caſes for his Opinion, as being the greateſt Lawyer of his Time; and theſe were conveyed to him by his Clerk from his Chambers in the Temple; and after he had anſwer'd them, he would return them thither again, without ſeeing the Practiſers who left them.

This Gentleman lay a long time undiſtinguiſh'd in his Profeſſion, under an invincible Modeſty; inſomuch that he thought once of quitting the Bar: but a lucky Occaſion happening, whereby he had an Opportunity to ſhew his great Parts and Learning, he was ſoon taken Notice of, and retain'd in every Cauſe of Moment; but however confined himſelf intirely to the Courts of Law, and chiefly to that of the King's Bench. After the Death of his Wife he was prevailed with to aſcend the Bench as a [73] Judge, in the laſt Court, which he accepted, probably to alleviate and divert the Concern he was in for her Death. He was afterwards made Lord Chief Juſtice of the Common-pleas, in which Office he lived but Two Years. His Death was a publick Loſs, and much lamented.

I am now come to Windſor, where I muſt for a while quit the Subject of Trade and Navigation, in order to deſcribe the moſt beautiful and moſt pleaſantly ſituated Caſtle, and Royal Palace, in the whole Iſle of Great Britain.

William the Conqueror was the firſt of our Engliſh Monarchs, who diſtinguiſh'd Windſor. That Prince, who delighted much in Hunting, finding it a Situation highly proper for that Purpoſe, and, as he ſaid of it, a ſuitable Place for the Entertainment of Kings, agreed with the Abbot of Weſtminſter for an Exchange, and ſo took Poſſeſſion of it. He built a Caſtle here, and had ſeveral little Lodges or Hunting-houſes in the Foreſt adjoining; and frequently lodg'd, for the Conveniency of his Sport, in a Houſe which the Monks before enjoyed near or in the Town of Windſor; for the Town is much more ancient than the preſent Caſtle, and was an eminent Paſs upon the Thames in the Reign of the Saxon Kings.

After him King Edward III. taking an extreme Liking to that Place, reſolved to fix his Summer Reſidence here; and accordingly laid out himſelf the Plan of that magnificent Palace, which, as to outward Form and Building, we now ſee there; for whatever has been done as to beautifying, altering, or amending the Inſide and Apartments, nothing has been added to the Building itſelf, except that noble Terrace, which runs under the North Front, and leads to the Green on the Park, at the Eaſt Side or End of it, along which the fine Lodgings, and Royal Apartments, were at firſt built; all the North-part [74] being then taken up in Rooms of State, and Halls for publick Balls, &c.

The Houſe itſelf was indeed a Palace, and without any Appearance of a Fortification; but when the Building was brought on to the Slope of the Hill on the Town Side, the King added Ditches, Ramparts, the Round Tower, and ſeveral other Places of Strength; and thence it was called a Caſtle.

Such a Pride did this great King take in being the Founder of this ſumptuous Building, that when it was ſuggeſted to him, that William of Wickham had aſſumed the Honour of it to himſelf, it had like to have coſt William all his Intereſt in the King's Favour, which at that time was very great; but the Prelate cleared himſelf by diſavowing the Charge, urging that all he protended to, was to acknowlege, That the Money and the Reputation he had gained by building that Caſtle for the King, had been the making of him. For it ſeems he had cauſed theſe Words, ‘THIS MADE WICKHAM,’ to be cut in Stone in the inner Wall of the little Tower, which from him is, to this Day, call'd Wincheſter Tower.

William of Wickham, whom I have before-mentioned in my Account of Wincheſter, was, at that time, the Architect of the Court; and ſo well perform'd his Part, that in all the Decorations and Ornaments which have been made ſince by ſucceeding Princes, they have found no Occaſion to add to or diminiſh any thing, except it be to alter ſome ſmall Matter at the Entrance to the great Stair-caſe, the Kitchen, and Offices below Stairs, and ſuch-like; but the great North and Eaſt Fronts, the Square of the inner Court, the great Gates at the entering from the Town, with the Round Tower, and the [75] Walls annex'd, are all ſtanding in the very Form in which King Edward III. left them.

The only Addition in the Inſide, is a fine Equeſtrian Statue of King Charles II. which ſtands over the great Well, ſunk, as may be ſuppoſed, in the firſt Building, for the Supply of the Caſtle with Water, and in which was an Engine for raiſing it, notwithſtanding the great Depth, by very little Labour; the Contrivance and Performance of Sir Samuel Morland, an excellent Mechanick and Mathematician.

On the Outſide, as I have ſaid, was added the Terrace Walk, by Queen Elizabeth, where ſhe uſually walked for an Hour every Day before her Dinner, if not hindered by windy Weather, to which ſhe had a peculiar Averſion; for ſhe loved to walk in a mild, calm Rain, with an Umbrella over her Head.

This is really a magnificent Work; for as it is raiſed on a ſteep Declivity of the Hill, it was neceſſarily cut down a very great Depth, to bring the Foundation to a Flat equal to the Breadth, which was to be formed above. From the Foundation it was raiſed by ſolid Stone Work of a vaſt Thickneſs, with croſs Walls of Stone, for banding the Front, and preventing any Thruſt from the Weight of Earth within.

This noble Walk is covered with fine Gravel, and has Cavities, with Drains, to carry off the Water; ſo that not a Drop of Rain will reſt on the Terrace, but it is dry, hard, and fit to walk on immediately after the greateſt Showers. The Breadth of this Walk is very ſpacious on the North Side; on the Eaſt Side it is narrower. Neither Verſailles, nor any of the Royal Palaces in France, Naples, or Rome, can ſhew any thing like this. The Grand Seignior's Terrace, in the outer Court of the Seraglio next the Sea, is what I think comes the neareſt, and yet is [76] not equal to it, if I may believe the Account of thoſe who have ſeen it.

At the North-eaſt Corner of this Terrace, where it turns South, to run on by the Eaſt Side of the Caſtle, are Steps, by which you go off upon the Plain of the Park, which is kept ſmooth as a Carpet, and on the Edge of which the Proſpect of the Terrace is doubled by a Viſta, South over the Park, and quite up to the great Park, and towards the Foreſt. Here alſo is a ſmall Seat, that will not contain above One, or Two at moſt, with an high Back and Cover for the Head, which being fixed on a Pin of Iron or Braſs, the Perſons who ſit in it may eaſily turn it from the Wind, however it may blow; and enjoy a complete Calm. This is ſaid alſo to be Queen Elizabeth's Invention, to avoid being ruffled with the Wind; and it affords no leſs Shelter from the Sun.

From this lofty Terrace the People within have an Egreſs to the Park, and to a moſt beautiful Walk, which neither King Edward III. nor his Succeſſors, for ſome Hundreds of Years, knew any thing of, all their Proſpect being from the Windows of the Caſtle.

On that Side of the Building which looks out upon the Terrace, are all the Royal Apartments; thoſe of King Edward III. which were on the Eaſt Side, being now allotted to great Officers of State.

You mount into the Royal Apartments by ſeveral back Stairs; but the publick Way is up a ſmall Aſcent to a Flat or Half-pace, where there are two Entries of State by two large Stair-caſes, one on the Left-hand to the Royal Apartments, and the other on the Right, to St. George's-hall and the Royal Chapel.

Before the Entrance to theſe on either Side, you paſs thro' the Guard-chambers, where you ſee the Walls furniſhed with Arms, and the King's Yeomen of the Guard keep their Station. Theſe Rooms [77] lead as well to the fine Lodgings, as to St. George's-hall.

In the Royal Lodgings there have been ſo many Alterations of Furniture, that there can be no entering upon a particular Deſcription. In the Chimney-piece of one of theſe Apartments, is a Piece of Needle-work exquiſitely fine, performed, as they ſay, by the Queen of Scots, during the Time of her Confinement in Fotheringay-caſtle. There are ſeveral Family Pictures in the Chimney-pieces, and other Parts of thoſe Lodgings, which are very valuable.

Theſe Rooms look all out North towards the Terrace, and over Part of the fineſt and richeſt Vale in the World; which along the Courſe of the River Thames, with very little Interruption, reaches to, and includes the City of London Eaſt, and the City of Oxford Weſt; the River, with a beautiful winding Stream gliding gently thro' the Middle of it, and inriching by its Navigation both the Land and the People on every Side.

It may be proper to ſay ſomething of the Beauties and Ornaments of St. George's-hall, tho' nothing can be ſaid equal to what the Eye may be Witneſs to. 'Tis ſurpriſing, at the firſt Entrance, to ſee at the Upper-end the Picture of King William on Horſeback; under him an Aſcent with Marble Steps, a Baluſtrade, and a half Pace, which formerly was actually there, with room for a Throne, or Chair of State, for the Sovereign to ſit on, when on publick Days he thought fit to appear in Ceremony.

At the Weſt End of the Hall is the Chapel Royal, the neateſt and fineſt of the Kind in England: the carved Work is beyond any that can be ſeen in the Kingdom.

After we had ſpent ſome Hours in viewing all that was curious on this Side, we came down to the Dungeon, or Round Tower, which goes up a long, but eaſy Aſcent of Steps, and is very high. Here we [78] were obliged to deliver up our Swords, but no-where elſe: tho' here is nothing curious. The Governor or Conſtable's Lodgings are neatly furniſhed, but nowiſe extraordinary.

From this Tower you ſee St. Paul's Cathedral at London very plainly.

Coming down from hence we entered into the other Court, where is the great Chapel of the Garter, and the Houſe or College for the poor Knights, as they are called.

I might go back here to the Hiſtory of the Order of the Garter, the Inſtitution of which by King Edward III. had its Original here: but this is done ſo fully in other Authors, that I ſhall only mention, That this Order was not founded on the Counteſs of Salisbury's Garter, as Polydere Virgil, the moſt conceited and moſt erroneous Author that ever wrote of the Engliſh Affairs, ridiculouſly aſſerts; but on that martial King's own Garter, which he gave as the Signal at the glorious Battle of Creſſi, as St. George was given for the Word of the Day. To commemorate which, in Honour of his brave and warlike Son, and of thoſe Nobles and Gentlemen who ſhared with him in the Glory of that ever memorable Day, he inſtituted this Order. And here I can't forbear obſerving, (tho' intirely out of my way) how fond we have ever been in following Foreigners in moſt Things, even from the Coxcomb in Dreſs, up to the Hiſtorian; as is evident not only from this idle Story of the above-mentioned Author prevailing among u [...] in particular, and of his Hiſtory in general, but likewiſe of the Performance of a late Foreign Author, of the Affairs and Tranſactions of this Country; whereby the Tranſlator, and Undertake [...], to uſher it out in Engliſh, got at leaſt 10,000l. when it had nothing more, but rather much leſs to recommend it, than any of our own Engliſh Hiſtories.

[79]The following are the Names of the firſt Knights of this moſt Noble Order.

  • King Edward III.
  • The Black Prince.
  • Henry, D. of Lancaſter.
  • Thomas, Earl of Warwick.
  • Peers Capitow de la Bouch.
  • Ralph, Earl of Stafford.
  • W. Montacute, E. of Saliſ.
  • Roger Mortimer, Earl of March.
  • John de Lyſle.
  • Bartholomew Burgherſh.
  • John de Beauchamp.
  • John de M [...]un.
  • Hugh Courteney.
  • Thomas Holland.
  • John de Grey.
  • Richard Fitz Simon.
  • Miles Stapleton.
  • Thomas Wale.
  • Hugh Worteſley.
  • Nele Loring.
  • John Chandos.
  • James d' Audeley.
  • Otho Holland.
  • Henry Eam.
  • Sanchet Daubricourt.
  • Walter Paveley, alias Pevrell.

Theſe, tho' not all Noblemen, were however Men of great Characters and Stations, either in the Army, or in the Civil Adminiſtration, and ſuch as the Sovereign did not think it below him to make his Companions.

The lower Court of the Caſtle, although not ſo diſtinguiſhed by Lodgings and Rooms of State, is nevertheleſs particularly glorious for the fine Chapel of the Order, a moſt beautiful and magnificent Work, and which ſhews the Greatneſs not only of the Court in thoſe Days, but the Spirit and Genius of the magnanimous Founder. The Chapel is not only fine within, but the Workmanſhip without is extraordinary; nothing ſo antient is to be ſeen ſo beautiful. King's-College Chapel at Cambridge, built by Henry VI. and Henry VII.'s Chapel in Weſtminſter-Abbey, are fine Buildings; but they are modern, compared to this, which was begun, as by the inſcribed Dates upon the Walls appears, in the Year 1337.

[80]The Coats of Arms, and the various Imagery and other Ornaments both inſide and outſide, not only of the King, but of ſeveral of the firſt Knights Companions, are wonderfully finiſhed, and the Work has ſtood out againſt the Injury of Time to Admiration.

'Tis obſervable, that King Edward owns this Chapel was begun by his Anceſtors, and ſome think it was by King Edward I. and that he himſelf was baptized in it, and there was a Caſtle built by William the Conqueror alſo: As to the Chapel, which was then called a Church, or a Convent, King Edward III. did not pull down the old Building intirely; but he added all the Choir to the firſt Model, and ſeveral other proper Parts for the Purpoſes intended, as Houſes and handſome Apartments for the Canons, Dignitaries, and other Perſons belonging to the Church, which are generally ſituated on the North Side of the Square, out of Sight, or rather ſkreened from the common View by the Church itſelf; which Dwellings are notwithſtanding very good, and well accommodated for the Perſons who are Poſſeſſors of them; then the King finiſhed it in the Manner we now ſee it: As for the old Caſtle, the Building of William the Conqueror, the King pulled it down to the Foundation, forming a new Building according to the preſent Plan, and which ſtood, as above, to the Time of King Charles II. without any Alteration.

The Eſtabliſhment for this Chapel was very conſiderable, by the Donation of divers Subjects, before it was ſet apart to be the Chapel of the Order: the Duke of Suffolk in particular, as appears in Dugdale's Monaſticon, gave near 3000 Acres of Land, 19 Manors, 170 Meſſuages and Tofts, and ſeveral Advowſons of Churches, to it; which, with other Gifts afterwards, made the Revenue above 1000l. a Year in thoſe Days, which was a prodigious Sum, as Money went at that Time.

[81]In the Choir are the Stalls for the Knights of the Order, with a Throne for the Sovereign; alſo Stalls in the Middle of it for the poor Knights-Penſioners, who live in their Houſe or Hoſpital on the South Side of the Square or Court in which the Church ſtands.

Here are to be ſeen the Banners of the Knights who now enjoy the Honour of the Garter: When they die, thoſe Banners are taken down, and the Coat of Arms of the deceaſed Knight ſet up in the Place allotted for thoſe Arms over the ſame Stall: ſo thoſe Coats of Arms are a living Hiſtory, or rather a Record of all the Knights, that ever have been ſince the firſt Inſtitution of the Order, and how they ſucceeded one another; by which it appears, that Kings, Emperors, and Sovereign Princes, have not thought it below them to accept of the Honour of being Knights Companions of the Order, while at the ſame time it muſt be noted, to the Honour of the Engliſh Crown, that our Kings have never thought fit to accept of any of their Orders abroad, of what Kind ſoever; whereas there is an Account in the Regiſtry of the Order, that there are reckoned up of this moſt Noble Company,

  • 8 Emperors of Germany.
  • 3 Kings of Sweden.
  • 5 Kings of Denmark.
  • 2 Kings of Pruſſia.
  • 3 Kings of Spain.
  • 6 Princes of Orange.
  • 5 Kings of France.
  • 4 Peers of France.
  • A King of Scotland, beſides James VI.
  • 5 Kings of Portugal.
  • A King of Poland.
  • 2 Kings of Naples.
  • A King of Arragon.
  • 3 Infants of Portugal.
  • A Prince of Denmark.
  • A Biſhop of Oſnabrug.
  • 5 Princes of Lunenburg.
  • An Elector of Brandenburg.
  • 7 Electors Palatine.
  • 2 Electors of Saxony.
  • 2 Dukes of Lorrain.
  • 3 Dukes of Wirtenberg.
  • 2 Dukes of Holſtein.
  • 2 Grandees of Spain.
  • 2 Dukes de Urbino.
  • A Duke of Savoy.
  • A Duke of Saxe Gotha.
  • A Prince of Heſſe, &c.

[82]Beſides theſe Foreign Princes, there is a little Galaxy of Engliſh Nobility, the Flower of ſo many Courts, and ſo many Ages, to whoſe Families the Enſigns of the Order have been an Honour, and who are not the leaſt Glory this Order has to boaſt of. But as to the Liſt of the preſent Knights, that being ſubject to Fluctuation, comes not within my Deſign in this Letter.

Several Kings and Perſons of high Rank have been buried alſo in this Chapel, as Edward IV. and Charles I. Here alſo is the Family Burying-place of the Dukes of Beauford, who are a natural Branch of the Royal Family of Lancaſter.

All the Ceremonies obſerved here in the Inſtalment of the Knights, are ſo perfectly ſet down in Mr. Aſhmole's Hiſtory of the Order of the Garter, that nothing can be ſaid but what muſt be a Copy from him.

As the upper Court and Building are fronted with the fine Terrace, ſo the lower Court, where this beautiful Chapel ſtands, is incompaſſed with a very high Wall, which goes round the Weſt-end of the Court to the Gate; and looking South, leads into the Town, as the Gate of the upper Court looks likewiſe South-eaſt into the little Park.

The Parks about Windſor are very agreeable and ſpacious: the little Park, as it is called, is above 3 Miles round, the great one 14, and the Foreſt above 30. The firſt is particular to the Court; the others are open for Riding, Hunting, and taking the Air, for any Gentlemen that pleaſe.

The Lodges in thoſe Parks may be called Palaces, were they not eclipſed by the Palace itſelf. They have been beautified by the noble Perſons to whom the Poſt of Rangers has been generally aſſigned, who, having been inriched by other Advancements, Honours, and profitable Imployments, thought nothing too much to lay out to adorn their Apartments, [83] in a Place wherein it was ſo much to their Honour, as well as Convenience to reſide: ſuch is the Lodge belonging once to Admiral Churchill, the Ducheſs of Marlborough, and others.

We left Windſor, and ſtruck again into the London Road at Colebrook, and paſſed over the Heath, and thro' the Town of Hounſlow, Brentford, Hamerſmith, and Kenſington into London.

And here I ſhall conclude this Letter with aſſuring you, that I am, Sir,

Your humble Servant.

LETTER II. CONTAINING A Deſcription of the City of LONDON, as taking in the City of Weſtminſter, Borough of Southwark, and the Buildings circumjacent.


I Am now to deſcribe the City of LONDON, and Parts adjacent: a Work infinitely difficult to be perform'd in the narrow Compaſs of a Letter, ſince we ſee it ſo fully takes up Two large Volumes in Folio, which yet, if I may venture to give an Opinion of it, is very imperfectly executed, and has imploy'd ſince another very large one in Folio, written by Mr. W. Maitland, F. R. S. which has much more Merit than the Two Volumes, and contains many Things needful to be known by the Curious, which are incompatible with the Brevity to which our narrow Limits confine us.

LONDON, as a City only, and as its Walls and Liberties line it out, might indeed be viewed in a ſmaller Compaſs, than what we propoſe to conſider it in; for when I ſpeak of London, in the modern [85] Acceptation, I take in all that vaſt Maſs of Buildings reaching from Blackwall in the Eaſt, to Tothill-fields in the Weſt; and extended in an unequal Breadth from the Bridge or River in the South, to Iſlington North; and from Peterborough-houſe on the Bankſide in Weſtminſter, to Cavendiſh-ſquare; and all the new Buildings by and beyond Groſvenor and Hanover Squares to the Brentford Road one way, to the Acton Road another; a Prodigy of Buildings, that nothing in the World does, or ever did, ſurpaſs, except old Rome in Trajan's Time, when the Walls of that City were 50 Miles in Compaſs, and the Number of Inhabitants 6,800,000 Souls.

London, as to its Figure, muſt be owned to be very irregular, as it is ſtretch'd out in Buildings juſt at the Pleaſure of every Undertaker of them, and as the Convenience of the People directs, whether for Trade, or otherwiſe. This has given it a very confuſed Face, and made it uncompact and unequal, being properly neither long or broad, round or ſquare; whereas the City of Rome, was, in a manner, round, with very few Irregularities in its Shape.

One ſees London, including the Buildings on both Sides the Water, in ſome Places Three Miles broad, as from St. George's in Southwark, to Shoreditch in Middleſex; or Two Miles, as from Peterborough-houſe to Montague-houſe; and in ſome Places not half a Mile, as in Wapping; and leſs in Rotherhith.

We ſee ſeveral Villages, formerly ſtanding, as it were, in the Country, and at a great Diſtance, now joined to the Streets by continued Buildings, and more making haſte to meet in the like manner; for Example,

1. Deptford: This Town was formerly reckoned at leaſt Two Miles from Rotherhith, and that over the Marſhes too, a Place unlikely ever to be inhabited; and yet now, by the Increaſe of Buildings in that Town itſelf, and the many Streets erected at [86] Rotherhith, and by the Docks and Building-yards on the River-ſide, which ſtand between both, the Town of Deptford, and the Streets of Rotherhith, are in a manner joined, and the Buildings daily increaſing; ſo that Deptford may be reckoned a Part of the great Maſs, and infinitely full of People alſo; and were the Town of Deptford now ſeparated, and rated by itſelf, I believe it contains more People, and ſtands upon more Ground than the City of Wells.

2. The Town of Iſlington, on the North-ſide of the City, is in like manner joined to the Streets of London, excepting one ſmall Field, and which is in itſelf ſo ſmall, that there is no Doubt but in a very few Years they will be intirely joined. And the ſame may be ſaid,

3. Of Mile-end, on the Eaſt End of the Town.

4. Newington-butts, in Surrey, reaches out her Hand North, and is ſo joining to Southwark, that it cannot now be properly called a Town by itſelf, but a kind of Suburb to the Borough; and if, as once was talk'd of, St. George's-fields ſhould be built into Squares and Streets, Newington, Lambeth, and the Borough, would make but one Southwark.

That Weſtminſter is in a fair way to ſhake Hands with Chelſea, as St. Gyles's is with Marybone; and Great Ruſſel-ſtreet by Montague-houſe, with Tottenham-court, is very evident; and yet all theſe put together, may ſtill be called London: Whither will this City then extend, and where muſt a Circumvallation Line of it be placed?

I have, as near as I could, cauſed a Meaſure to be taken of this mighty Body; and for the Satiſfaction of your Curioſity, I have here given as accurate a Deſcription of it, as I can do in ſo narrow a Compaſs, or without drawing a Plan of the Places.

As I am forced, in many Places, to take in ſome unbuilt Ground, ſo I have, on the other hand, been obliged to leave a great many whole Streets of Buildings [87] out of my Line: ſo that I have really not ſtretched my Calculations, to make it ſeem bigger than it is; nor is there any Occaſion for it.

A LINE of Meaſurement, drawn about all the continued Buildings of the City of London, and Parts adjacent, including Weſtminſter and Southwark, &c.

N.B. I ſhall ſum up by Figures, 1, 2, 3, &c. the Particulars at laſt.

The Line begins, for the MIDDLESEX Side of the BUILDINGS,

1. AT Peterborough-houſe, the fartheſt Houſe Weſt upon the River Thames, and runs North-weſt by Weſt by the Marſhes to Tothill-fields, and paſſing by the Neat-houſes and Arnold's Brewhouſe, ends at Chelſea Road. Meaſured, 1 Mile, 6 Furlongs, 16 Rods.

2. Then, allowing an Interval from Buckingham-houſe croſs the Park, about one Furlong and half to the Corner of my Lord Godolphin's Garden-Wall, the Line goes North behind the Stable-yard Buildings, and behind Park-place, and on the Park-wall behind the Buildings, on the Weſt Side of St. James's-ſtreet, to the Corner in Soho, or Piccadilly; then croſſing the Road, goes along the North Side of the Road Weſt, Hyde-park Gate. 1 Mile, 2 Furlongs, 11 Rods.

3. Then the Line turns North-eaſt by Eaſt, and taking in the Buildings and Streets, called May-fair, holds on Eaſt, till the new Streets, formed out of Hyde-houſe Garden, cauſe it to turn away North, a Point Weſt reaching to Tyburn-road, a little to the Eaſt of the great Mother Conduit; then it goes North, and croſſing the Road, takes in the Weſt Side of Cavendiſh-ſquare, and the Streets adjoining, [88] and leaving Marybone, goes away Eaſt, till it reaches to Hampſtead-road, near a little Village called Tottenham-court. 2 Miles, 5 Furlongs, 20 Rods.

4. From Tottenham-court the Line comes in a little South, to meet the Bloomsbury Buildings; then turning Eaſt, runs behind Montague and Southampton Houſes, to the North-eaſt Corner of Southampton-houſe; then croſſing the Path, meets the Buildings called Queen's-ſquare; then turning North, till it comes to the North-weſt Corner of the Square; thence it goes away Eaſt, behind the Buildings on the North Side of Ormond-ſtreet, till it comes to Lamb's Conduit. 1 Mile, 1 Furlong, 13 Rods.

5. Here the Line turns South, and indents to the Corner of Bedford-row; and leaving ſome few Houſes, with the Cock-pit and Bowling-green, goes on the Back of Gray's-inn Wall to Gray's-inn-lane; then turns on the Outſide of the Buildings, which are on the Weſt Side of Gray's-inn-lane, going North to the Stone's End, when turning Eaſt, it paſſes to the New River Bridge without Liquor-pond-ſtreet; ſo taking in the Cold-bath and the Bear-garden, but leaving out * Sir John Oldcaſtle's and the Spaw, goes on Eaſt by the Ducking-pond to the End of New Bridewell, and croſſing the Fair-field, comes into the Iſlington Road by the Diſtiller's Houſe, formerly Juſtice Fuller's. 1 Mile, 2 Furlongs, 6 Rods.

6. Here, to take in all the Buildings which join Iſlington to the Streets, the Line goes North on the Eaſt Side of the Road to the Turk's-head Alehouſe; then turning North-weſt, paſſes to the New River Houſe; but leaving it to the Weſt, paſſes by Sadler's-wells, from thence to Busby's-houſe, and keeping on the Weſt Side of Iſlington, till it comes oppoſite to Canbury-houſe-lane, turns into the Road, and paſſes [89] South almoſt to the Lane which turns Eaſt down to the lower Street; but then turns Eaſt without the Houſes, and goes to the Cowkeeper's in the lower Street croſſing the Road, and thro' the Cowkeeper's Yard into Frog-lane; then turning Weſt on the South Side of the Town, juſt without the Buildings, joins again to the Buildings on the Weſt Side of Wood's-cloſe, paſſing behind the Sheep-market Wall. 2 Miles, 4 Furlongs, 39 Rods.

7. From Wood's-cloſe the Line goes due Eaſt to Mount-mill, where, leaving ſeveral Buildings to the North, it paſſes on, croſſing all the Roads to Bricklane, to the North Side of the great new Square in Oldſtreet, and taking in the Peſthouſe Wall, turns South at the North-eaſt Corner of the ſaid Wall to Oldſtreet Road; then going away Eaſt till it meets the Buildings near Hoxton-ſquare, it turns North to the North-weſt Corner of the Wall of Ask's Hoſpital; then ſloping North-eaſt, it paſſes by Pimlico, the Cyder-houſe, and the two Walls to the North End of Hoxton, when it turns Eaſt, and incloſing the Garden-walls, comes into the Ware Road juſt at the King's-head in the New Buildings by the Land of Promiſe. 2 Miles, 16 Rods.

8. From the King's-head the Line turns South, running to the Stone's End in Shoreditch; then turning Eaſt, it takes in a Burying-ground, and ſome Buildings in the Hackney Road, when ſloping South-eaſt by South, it goes away by the Virginia-houſe to a great Brewhouſe, and then ſtill more Eaſt to the Back of Wheeler-ſtreet, and then Eaſt by South to Brick-lane, croſſing which, it goes away Eaſt towards Bethnal-green; but then turning ſhort South, it goes towards White-chapel Mount; but being intercepted by new Streets, it goes quite up to the South End of the Dog-row at Mile-end. 1 Mile, 6 Furlongs, 19 Rods.

[90]9. From the Dog-row the Line croſſes the Road, and takes in a Hamlet of Houſes, called Stepney; and coming back Weſt to the Street's End at Whitechapel Mill, goes away South by the Hog-houſes into Church-lane, and to Rag-fair; when turning again Eaſt, it continues in a ſtrait Line on the North Side of Ratcliff Highway, till it comes almoſt to the farthe [...] Glaſs-houſes; then turning North, it ſurrounds all Stepney, and Stepney-cauſway, to Mile-end Road; then turning Eaſt again, and afterwards South, comes back to the new Streets on the North Side of Limehouſe, and joining the Marſh, comes down to the Water-ſide at the Lower Shipwright Dock in Limehouſe-hole. 3 Miles, 7 Furlongs, 1 Rod.

The Particulars of the Middleſex Side, put together, are as follows; viz.

1.1 :6 :16
2.1 :2 :11
3.2 :5 :20
4.1 :1 :13
5.1 :2 :6
6.2 :4 :39
7.2 :0 :16
8.1 :6 :19
9.3 :7 :1
Total18 :4 :21

For the Southwark Side of the Buildings, the Line is as follows:


HAving ended the Circumference of the Middleſex Building at Lime-houſe, and the Street extending towards Poplar, the Hamlets of Poplar and Blackwall, tho' very near contiguous in Buildings, being excluded, I allow an Interval of two Miles, from Poplar, croſs the Iſle of Dogs, and over the Thames, to the Lower Water-gate at Deptford; and tho' in meaſuring the Circumference of all Cities, the River, where any ſuch runs thro' Part of the Buildings, is always meaſured; yet, that I may not be ſaid to ſtretch the Extent of the Buildings which I include in this Account, I omit the River from Limehouſe to Deptford, (where, if included, it ought to begin) and begin my Line as above.

1. From the ſaid Water-gate at Deptford, the Line goes Eaſt to the Corner next the Thames, where the Shipwright's Yard now is, and where I find a continued Range of Buildings begins by the Side of a little Creek or River, which runs into the Thames there, and reaches quite up the ſaid River, to the Bridge in the great Kentiſh Road, and over the Street there, taking in the South Side of the Street to the Weſt Corner of the Buildings in that Street, and then meaſuring down on the Weſt Side of the long Street, which runs to the Thames Side, till you come to the new Street which paſſes from Deptford to Rotherhith; then turning to the Left, paſſing on the Back-ſide of the King's Yard to Mr. Evelin's Houſe, including the new Church of Deptford, and all the new Streets or Buildings made on the Fields Side, which are very many, this amounts in the Whole, to 3 Miles, 1 Furlong, 16 Rods.

[92]2. From Mr. Evelin's Garden-gate the Line goes North-weſt, taking in all the new Docks and Yards, the Red-houſe, and ſeveral large Streets of Houſes, which have been lately built, and by which the ſaid Town of Deptford is effectually joined to the Buildings, reaching from Cuckolds-point Eaſtward, and which are carried out, as if Rotherhith ſtretched forth its Arm to embrace Deptford; then for ſome Length Rotherhith continues narrow till you come to Church-ſtreet, where ſeveral Streets are alſo lately built South, and others parallel with the Street, till gradually the Buildings thicken, and extend farther and farther to the South, and South by Eaſt, till they croſs over the Eaſt End of Horſlydown to Bermondſey Church, and thence Eaſt to the Sign of the World's-end, over-againſt the great Fort, being the Remains of the Fortifications drawn round theſe Parts of Southwark in the late Civil Wars. This Extent is, by Computation, Four Miles; but being meaſured as the Streets indented, the Circuit proved 5 Miles, 6 Furlongs, 12 Rods.

3. From this Fort to the Corner of Long-lane, and thro' Long-lane to the Lock, at the End of Kent-ſtreet, is 1 Mile, 7 Furlongs, 2 Rods.

4. From the Corner of Kent-ſtreet to the Town of Newington-butts, drawing the Line behind all the Buildings as they ſtand, and round the ſaid Village of Newington to the Haberdaſhers Alms-houſes, and thence by the Road to the Windmill at Blackman ſtreet, is 3 Miles, 2 Furlongs, 16 Rods.

5. From the Windmill croſſing St. George's-fields, on the Back of the Mint, to the Fighting Cocks, thence to the Reſtoration Gardens, and thence on the Outſide of all the Buildings to Lambeth-wells, and on to Vaux-hall Bridge, over-againſt the other Fort of the old Fortifications, being juſt the ſame Length that thoſe old Fortifications extended, tho' infinitely fuller of Buildings. This laſt Circuit meaſures 3 Miles, 5 Furlongs, 12 Rods.

[93]The Particulars of the Southwark Side, put together*, are as follow; viz.

1.3 :1 :16
2.5 :6 :12
3.1 :7 :2
4.3 :2 :16
5.3 :5 :12
 17 :6 :18
Middleſex Side18 :4 :21
Total36 :2 :39

Were it poſſible to reduce all theſe Buildings to a compact Situation, 'tis generally thought, that the whole Body ſo put together, allowing the neceſſary Ground, which they now imploy for the ſeveral Trades in the Out-parts, ſuch as the Building-yards by the River for Shipwrights, Tanners Yards, Dyers, Whitſters, &c. would take up 28 Miles in Circumference, very compactly built.

The Gueſſes that are made at the Number of Inhabitants, have been variouſly formed; Mr. Maitland above-mentioned (Anno 1739) computes, that within the Walls, and the Bars, as I may ſay, it contains 725, 903; but Sir William Petty, famous for his Political Arithmetick, ſuppoſed the City, at his laſt Calculation, to contain a Million of People, and this he judges from the Number of Births and Burials; but he muſt take in a greater Compaſs than Mr. Maitland, to make up this Number; and according to this Rule, as well by what is well known of the [94] Increaſe of the ſaid Births and Burials, as of the prodigious Increaſe of Buildings, it may be very reaſonable to conclude the preſent Number of Inhabitants within the Circumference I have mentioned in my Line, to amount to about 1,500,000 Souls.

The Government of this great Maſs of Building, and of ſuch a vaſt collected Body of People, tho' it conſiſts of various Parts, is perhaps the beſt regulated that any City can pretend to; and of late Years it boaſts of ſeveral new Regulations, as to Beggars, Lights, Pavements, &c. which turn out greatly to its Advantage.

The Government of the City of London in particular, and abſtractedly conſidered, is by the Lord-Mayor, Twenty-four Aldermen, Two Sheriffs, the Recorder, and Common Council; but the Juriſdiction of theſe is confined to that Part only which they call the City and its Liberties, which are mark'd out, except the Borough, by the Walls and the Bars, as they are called.

Beſides this, the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London have a Right Preſidial in Southwark, and hold frequent Courts at St. Mary-hill in the Borough: they are alſo Conſervators of the Bridge, and the Bridge itſelf is their particular Juriſdiction.

Alſo the Lord Mayor, &c. is Conſervator of the River Thames, from Stanes Bridge in Surrey and Middleſex, to the River Medway in Kent, and, as ſome inſiſt, up the Medway to Rocheſter Bridge.

The Government of the Out-parts is by Juſtices of the Peace, and by the Sheriffs of London, who are likewiſe Sheriffs of Middleſex; and the Government of Weſtminſter is by a High-bailiff, conſtituted by the Dean and Chapter, to whom the Civil Adminiſtration is committed, and who preſides in Elections of Parliament for the City of Weſtminſter, and returns the Candidates who are choſen.

[95]The remaining Part of Southwark Side, where the City Juriſdiction does not obtain, is governed alſo by a Bench of Juſtices, and their proper ſubſtituted Peace-officers; excepting out of this the Privileges of the Marſhalſeas, or of the Marſhal's Court, the Privilege of the Marſhal of the King's-bench, and the like.

A large Maſs of Buildings has been erected ſince our Author drew this Line, conſiſting of many Streets and Paſſages, the whole Cold-bath-fields being built upon, quite up to Sir John Oldcaſtle's.
N.B. This Line leaves out all the North Side of Mile-end Town, from the End of the Dog-row to the Jews Burying-Ground, which is all built; alſo all the North Part of the Dog-row, and all Bethnal-green; alſo Poplar and Black-wall, which are indeed contiguous, a Trifle of Ground excepted, and very populous.
The Town of Greenwich, which may indeed be ſaid to be contiguous to Deptford, might be alſo called a Part of the Meaſurement; but I omit it, as I have the Towns of Chelſea and Knightsbridge on the other Side, tho' the latter actually joins the Town, and the other, as alſo Kenſington, very nearly.

That I may obſerve ſome Method in the Deſcription of this noble Metropolis, and avoid Repetitions, I will divide my Subject into the following Branches.

  • I. I will give a brief Account of what the City was before the Fire, and how improved when rebuilt, and within a few Years after it.
  • II. Of the prodigious Increaſe of Buildings within our own Memory, down to the Year 1740,
  • III. Of the Publick Offices, and City Corporations.
  • IV. Of the Manſion-houſe, and other moſt noted Edifices, Structures and Squares, in and about London.
  • V. Of the principal Hoſpitals, and other charitable Inſtitutions in about London.
  • VI. Of the Churches of London and Weſtminſter, Southwark, &c.
  • VII. Of St. James's Palace, the Parliament-houſe, Weſtminſter-hall, &c.
  • VIII. Of the Statues, and other Publick Ornaments.
  • IX. Of the Gates of London and Weſtminſter.
  • X. Of the Publick and Private Priſons.
  • XI. Of the Markets of London, &c.
  • XII. Of the Publick Schools and Libraries.
  • XIII. Of the Shipping in the Thames, and the Trade carry'd on by means of that noble River.
  • XIV. Of the Manner by which the City is ſupply'd with Water.
  • [96]XV. Of the Chriſtenings and Burials in London. The Importance of the City of London to the whole Kingdom: Of its comparative Proportion to the Publick Expence, and the diſproportionate Number of Members it returns.
  • XVI. The Benefit to the Publick of a good Underſtanding between the Court and City.

To begin then with the firſt; viz.

This is an authentick Account of the Matter.
A Grant for a new Market near Groſvenor-ſquare is now (Anno 1741.) obtained.

And here having exceeded all Bounds of a Letter, for which however the Subject is an Excuſe, I will cloſe my Account of this famous Metropolis, and with it my Letter: being, Sir,

Yours, &c.

LETTER III. CONTAINING A Deſcription of Part of Middleſex; and of the whole County of Hertford.


THE Villages round London partake of the Influence of London, as I have taken Notice in the Counties of Eſſex, Kent, and Surrey.

Hackney and Bromley are the firſt Villages which begin the County of Middleſex, Eaſt: for Bow, as reckon'd to Stepney, is a Part of the great Maſs. This Town of Hackney is of great Extent, containing no leſs than Twelve Hamlets or ſeparate Villages, tho' ſome of them now join, viz.

  • Church-ſtreet,
  • Homerton,
  • Wyck-houſe,
  • Grove-ſtreet,
  • Clapton,
  • Mare-ſtreet,
  • Well-ſtreet,
  • Cambridge-heath,
  • Shaklewell,
  • Dalſtone,
  • Kingſland,
  • Newington.

All theſe, though ſome of them are very large Villages, make up but one Pariſh, and are within a few Years ſo increaſed in Buildings, and ſo well inhabited, that there is no Compariſon to be made [155] between their preſent and former State; every ſeparate Hamlet being increaſed, and ſome of them more than trebly bigger than formerly they were.

Hackney is ſo remarkable for the Retreat of wealthy Citizens, that there are at this time near an Hundred Coaches kept in it.

Newington, Tottenham, Edmonton, and Enfield, ſtand all in a Line North from the City. The Increaſe of Buildings is ſo great in them all, that they ſeem to a Traveller to be one continu'd Street; eſpecially Tottenham and Edmonton; and in them all, the new Buildings ſo far exceed the old, eſpecially in their Value, and the Figure of the Inhabitants, that the Faſhion of the Town is quite altered.

At Tottenham we ſee the Remains of an antient Building call'd the Croſs, from which the Town takes the Name of High-Croſs. Here is a ſmall, but pleaſant Seat of the Earl of Colerain.

Highgate and Hamſtead are next on the North-ſide. At the firſt is a very beautiful Houſe built by the late Sir William Aſhurſt, on the very Summit of the Hill, and with a View from the very loweſt Windows over the whole Vale, to the City: and that ſo eminently, that they ſee the Ships paſſing up and down the River, for Twelve or Fifteen Miles below London.

As the County does not extend far this way, I take no notice of ſmaller Towns; nor is there any thing of Note but Citizens Houſes for ſeveral Miles; except the Chace, at Enfield, which was a very beautiful Place, when King James I. reſided at Theobalds, for the Pleaſure of his Hunting; and was then very full of Deer, and all ſorts of Game; but it has ſuffered ſeveral Depredations ſince that, and particularly in the Times of Uſurpation, when it was ſtript both of Game and Timber, and let out in Farms to Tenants for the Uſe of the Publick.

[156]After the Reſtoration it was laid open again; Woods and Groves were every-where planted, and the whole Chace ſtored with Deer: but it is not, nor perhaps ever will be, what it was.

Hampſtead is riſen from a little Village, almoſt to a City; nor could the uneven Surface, inconvenient for Building, check the Humour of the Builders; for even on the very Steep of the Hill, where there's no walking Twenty Yards together, without tuging up, or ſtraddling down a Hill, the Buildings are increaſed to that Degree, that the Town almoſt ſpreads the whole Side of the Hill.

The Heath extends about a Mile every way, and affords a moſt beautiful Proſpect; for we ſee here Hanſlop Steeple one way, which is within Eight Miles of Northampton, N. W. to Landown-hill in Eſſex, another way Eaſt, at leaſt Sixty-ſix Miles from one another. The Proſpect to London, and beyond it to Banſtead-downs, South; Shooters-hill, South-eaſt; Red-hill, South-weſt, and Windſor-Caſtle, Weſt, is alſo uninterrupted. Indeed, due North, we ſee no farther than to Barnet, which is no [...]ove Six Miles from it.

At the Foot of this Hill is an old Seat of the Earls of Cheſterfield, called Bel-ſize; which for many Years had been neglected: but being tenanted by a certain Projector, who knew by what Handle to take the gay Part of the World, he made it a Houſe of Pleaſure and Entertainment: this brought a wonderful Concourſe of People to the Place; and they were effectually gratified in all Sorts of Diverſion; but there being too great a Licence uſed, it alarm'd the Magiſtrates, and now the Houſe is haſtening apace to Ruin.

Beſides the Long Room at Hampſtead, in which the Company meet publickly on a Monday Evening to play at Cards, &c. Mr. Vipand, the Maſter of that, built in the Year 1735, a fine Aſſembly-room, [157] Sixty Feet long, and Thirty wide, elegantly decorated; every one who does not ſubſcribe, pays half a Crown for Admittance. Every Gentleman who ſubſcribes a Guinea for the Seaſon, has a Ticket for himſelf, and for Two Ladies. Gentlemen and Ladies, who lodge in the Town, are entertain'd every Sunday for 6d. each, with Tea and Coffee; but no other Amuſements.

I could not be at Hamſtead without making an Excurſion to Edgworth, a little Market-town, on the Road to St. Albans; for 'tis certain, that this was formerly the main Road from London to St. Alban's, being the famous high Road, call'd Watling-ſtreet, which reached from London to Shrewsbury, and on towards Wales.

Near this Town, the Duke of Chandos has built one of the moſt magnificent Palaces in England, with a Profuſion of Expence, and ſo well furniſh'd within, that it has hardly its Equal in England. The Plaiſtering and Gilding are done by the famous Pargotti, an Italian. The great Salon or Hall is painted by Paolucci. The Pillars ſupporting the Building are all of Marble: the great Stair-caſe is extremely fine; and the Steps are all of Marble, every Step being of one whole Piece, about Twenty-two Feet in Length.

The Avenue is ſpacious and majeſtick, and as it gives you the View of Two Fronts, join'd, as it were, in one, the Diſtance not admitting you to ſee the Angle, which is in the Centre; ſo you are agreeably drawn in, to think the Front of the Houſe almoſt twice as large as it is.

And yet, when you come nearer, you are again ſurpriſed, by ſeeing the winding Paſſage opening, as it were, a new Front to the Eye, of near 120 Feet wide, which you had not ſeen before; ſo that you are loſt a while in looking near hand for what you ſo evidently ſaw a great way off.

[158]The Gardens are well deſigned, and have a vaſt Variety, and the Canals are very large and noble.

The Chapel is a Singularity, both in its Building, and the Beauty of its Workmanſhip; and the Duke uſed to maintain there a full Choir, and had the Worſhip perform'd with the beſt Muſick, after the manner of the Chapel Royal.

Two Miles from hence, we go up a ſmaller Aſcent by the great Road; when leaving the Street Way on the Right, we enter a ſpacious Common called Buſhy-heath, where again we have a very agreeable Proſpect. On the Right-hand, we have in View the Town of St. Alban's; and all the Spaces between, and further beyond it, look like a Garden. The incloſed Corn-fields make one grand Parterre: the thick-planted Hedge-rows ſeem like a Wilderneſs or Labyrinth; the Villages interſpers'd, look like ſo many ſeveral noble Seats of Gentlemen at a Diſtance. In a Word, it is all Nature, and yet looks like Art. On the Left-hand we ſee the Weſt-end of London, Weſtminſter Abbey, and the Parliament-Houſe; but the Body of the City is cut off by the Hill, at which Hampſtead intercepted the Sight on that Side. More to the South we have Hampton-Court, and S. W. Windſor, and between both, thoſe beautiful Parts of Middleſex and Surrey, on the Bank of the Thames, which are the moſt agreeable in the World. But I muſt travel no farther this Way, till I have taken a Journey Weſt from London, and ſeen what the Country affords that Way.

The next Towns adjacent to London, are Kenſington, Chelſea, Hamerſmith, Fulham, Brentford, Twickenham, &c. all of them near, or adjoining to the River of Thames, and which, by the Beauty of their Buildings, make good the North Shore of the River, anſwerable to what I have already deſcrib'd.

[159]But here I ought not to omit mentioning the new Bridge from Fulham to Putney, croſs the Thames, which is a handſome wooden Fabrick, and as convenient, by its many angular Indentings, for Foot-paſſengers, as for Horſes and Coaches. A Toll is paid for every one that paſſes it, let it be ever ſo often in a Day; and the Rate pretty much the ſame as the Ferry uſed to be. And as the Proprietors are ſaid to divide 10 or 12l. per Cent. from the Profits of it, 'tis pity, methinks, that Foot-paſſengers, who cannot wear the Bridge, ſhould pay at all.

Kenſington cannot be nam'd without mentioning the King's Palace there: it was originally an old Houſe of the Earl of Nottingham's, of whom the late King William bought it, and then inlarg'd it as we ſee; ſome of the old Building ſtill remaining in the Centre of the Houſe.

The Houſe itſelf fronts to the Garden Three Ways, the Gardens being now made exceeding fine, and inlarged to ſuch a Degree, as to reach quite from the great Road in Kenſington Town, to the Action Road North, more than a Mile, beſides a great Track of Ground out of Hyde-Park. An artificial Mount is alſo erected, which affords a fine View, is planted with Ever-greens, and has a Seat upon it, which turns round with great Eaſe at Pleaſure. The noble River that is lately dug in Hyde-Park, affords a fine View from theſe beautiful Gardens. The firſt laying out of theſe Gardens was the Deſign of the late Queen Mary, who finding the Air agreed with the King, reſolved to make it agreeable to herſelf too, and gave the firſt Orders for inlarging them.

The late Queen Anne improv'd what Queen Mary began, and delighted very much in the Place; and often was pleaſed to make the Green-houſe, which is very beautiful, her Summer Supper-houſe.

And her late Majeſty Queen Caroline completed the Whole, by the Additions juſt now mention'd.

[160]King William, Prince George of Denmark, and Queen Anne, dy'd here.

As this Palace opens to the Weſt, there are Two great Wings built, for receiving ſuch as neceſſarily attend the Court, and a large Port-cocher at the Entrance, with a Poſtern, and a Stone Gallery, on the South-ſide of the Court, which leads to the great Stair-caſe.

It is no Wonder, the Court being ſo much at Kenſington, that the Town has increaſed in Buildings; and indeed it abounds with handſome Houſes, and has a very pretty Square.

South of this Town ſtands Chelſea, at which Place is the nobleſt Building, and one of the beſt Foundations of its kind in the World, for maimed and old Soldiers, built by Sir Chriſtopher Wren.

Here alſo are the Phyſick-gardens belonging to the Company of Apothecaries of London. In it is lately built a ſtately and convenient Edifice, which ſerves at the ſame time for a Green-houſe, and Apartments over it for meeting of the Company of Apothecaries, &c. and over them are very convenient Apartments, which may be uſed for drying Seeds of Plants, &c. As this Ground was made a Preſent by Sir Hans Sloane, they have erected in the new Building, a Statue of that Gentleman; and intend to make, in due Time, an Opening down to the River, which will have a beautiful Effect upon the Thames, and receive no leſs Grace from it. On the Pedeſtal of this Statue is an Inſcription expreſſing the Company's Gratitude to Sir Hans.

Near the Royal Hoſpital was, till very lately, a neat and beautiful Houſe and Gardens built by the late Earl of Ranelagh; but they are now quite deſtroyed, being ſold out in Parcels to Builders, and other Purchaſers.

Sir Robert Walpole has a fine Houſe here, and good Gardens, adjoining to the Hoſpital, adorn'd with noble Pictures, &c.

[161]In ſhort there is an incredible Number of fine Houſes built in all theſe Towns within theſe few Years, which in other Places would paſs, in a manner, for Palaces; and moſt of the Poſſeſſors whereof keep Coaches.

Among theſe are the late Lord Peterborough's at Parſons-Green; Lord Halifax's at Buſhy-Park; Earl of Bradford's, Earl of Strafford's, Earl of Shrewſbury's, Earl of Burlington's, Sutton-Court Chiſwick, Mr. Barker's, Lord Wilmington's, General Whetham's, Holland-Houſe, near Kenſington, ſituated on a fine Eminence, and which now is taken by the Lord Bruce, who is making it once more a delightful Habitation; the late Secretary Johnſon's, at Twickenham, and Multitudes of others.

But I muſt not paſs over ſo ſlightly the noble Seat of the Right Hon. the Earl of Burlington, at Chiſwick; and yet I can only mention curſorily ſome of its Beauties: as the River his Lordſhip has dug in his Gardens, a very fine one indeed; from the Earth of which he has formed a noble Mount next the Road, or rather a Terrace, from which the whole Country may be viewed, and which ſerves at the ſame time, for a Defence to his Gardens on that Side, and is planted to the Road with all manner of ſweet Shrubs, Roſes, Honeyſuckles, &c. that yield in the Seaſon a delightful Fragrance, as well to the Paſſengers as to thoſe on the Terrace; the magnificent Buildings in Imitation of antient Temples, &c. interſperſed in the Gardens; the beautiful Bridge over the River in it; the fine Walks; the unbounded Proſpects; ſeveral curious Statues, a noble Obeliſk, delicate Viſtas, and the ſumptuous Buildings adjoining to the old Houſe, commanding a fine View to the River; which, with the Pictures and valuable Curioſities withinſide, altogether exceed Deſcription.

In the Village of Hamerſmith, which was formerly a long ſcattering Place, full of Gardeners Grounds, [162] with here and there an old Houſe of ſome Bulk, we ſee now great Numbers of fine Houſes, and a continued Range of a great Length, which makes the main Street.

I have now travers'd the beſt Part of Middleſex, a County made rich, pleaſant and populous, by the Neighbourhood of London. The Borders of the County have Three Market-towns, Stanes, Colbrook and Uxbridge: this laſt is a pleaſant large Town, full of good Inns, as the others are, and famous, in particular, for having abundance of fine Seats of Gentlemen, and Perſons of Quality, in the Neighbourhood; and alſo for a vain Attempt made in the great Civil War, to ſettle the Peace of theſe Nations by a Treaty here. I ſhould never have done, were I to pretend to deſcribe, tho' ever ſo ſlightly, the large Towns on both Sides the River; as

  • Lambeth,
  • Batterſea,
  • Wandſworth,
  • Fulham,
  • Putney,
  • Barnet,
  • Roehampton,
  • Hamerſmith,
  • Mortlack,
  • Brentford,
  • Kew,
  • Richmond,
  • Iſleworth,
  • Twickenham,
  • Padington,
  • Acton,
  • Ealing,

where a new Church is juſt finiſh'd; and others all crouded and ſurrounded with fine Houſes, or rather Palaces, of the Nobility, Quality and Gentry of England.

There are but Three more Market-towns in the County, viz. Brentford, the County-town, Edgworth, and Enfield.

And now I enter the County of Hertford, a fruitful Soil, as it is managed; for 'tis certain, it is more indebted, for its Fertility, to the Sagacity and Induſtry of the Huſbandman, than to Nature. Rich Meadows are ſeldom found here; for it affords not any large Rivers: the Arable hath generally too much Gravel, or too much Clay; but theſe laſt cold [163] and wet Lands have been within theſe Forty Years greatly improv'd by draining off the Rain-water, which ſtagnated on the clayey Surface, as in a Cup, and chilled the Roots of the Corn; an Invention, called Buſh-draining.

The County is well-water'd for the Conveniency of the Inhabitants; tho' the Lea is the only navigable Stream in it, which has its Riſe in Bedfordſhire; of which more anon. But this County aſſumes the Honour of giving Riſe unto ſeveral Rivers, viz. the Pariſh of Tring to the Thames, which leaving the County at Putenham, goes by Ayleſhury to Thame, and thence by Wheatley-bridge to Dorcheſter, and falls into the Iſis.

The County may be divided into Three Parts pretty equal, by Two great Roads, one Part lying between the North Road, which goes thro' Hertford to Nottingham, &c. and the Borders of Cambridgeſhire North, and thoſe of Eſſex Eaſt. Another Part lying between that Road and the other, which leads thro' St. Alban's to Coventry and Cheſter; and the third lying between this laſt Road, and the Borders of Middleſex South, and thoſe of Bucks Weſt.

I ſhall begin with the laſt at Eaſt-Barnet, a Thoroughfare-town of Note, and well ſupplied with Inns: it lies high and pleaſant, and was formerly frequented for its medicinal Waters, and now for its Swine-market. It has in its Neighbourhood ſeveral very handſome Houſes of the Londoners, and which are the more pleaſant by being ſo near the Chace.

Totteridge is near it alſo, and is a very pleaſant Village. It is ſituated on a fine Eminence looking to the North, over the St. Alban's Road into the Foreſt; and on the South over the Edgware Road, to Harrow, &c. It is very clean, and has ſeveral very good Houſes in it. The Road from Hampſtead here is extremely pleaſant, and ſo well repaired, that in the worſt Seaſon there is ſcarce any Water or Dirt [164] remaining in it; and as it lies not on any great Road, there are no heavy Carriages paſſing that Way; therefore a ſmall Expence annually, well laid out, will always keep this Road in excellent Repair.

Cheaping-Barnet lies a little North, in the St. Alban's Road, and is remarkable for the deciſive Battle fought there on Eaſter-day 1468, between the Houſes of York and Lancaſter, in which the great Earl of Warwick, ſtyled Make-king, was killed, with many of the prime Nobility, and 10,000 Men. The Place ſuppoſed to be the Field of Battle, is a green Spot near Kicks-End, between St. Alban's and Hatfield Roads, a little before they meet. The Manor is in the Property of the Duke of Chandois. A handſome Row of Six Alms-houſes, for ſo many Widows, founded by James Ravenſcroft, Eſq in 1672, with a little Furniture to each, is in the Street. Queen Elizabeth built a Free School-houſe of Brick in the ſame Street, where Nine Children are taught gratis, and all other Boys at Five Shillings the Quarter.

About Two Miles N. W. from hence, on the Left-hand, lies Durhams, formerly the Seat of the Auſtins, but is now the Property of the Earl of Albemarle, who purchaſed it of Sir John Auſtin, and has ſince greatly beautified the Seat, by laying moſt of the neighbouring Fields belonging to the Eſtate, into a Park, and turning and repairing of the Roads. The Houſe ſtands on an Eminence, ſituated in a ſmall Valley, ſurrounded with pretty high Hills at a little Diſtance, ſo that in the Summer Months it is an agreeable Retirement: but the Soil all round it being a ſtrong Clay, all the Rain which falls in Winter being detained on the Surface, renders the Situation very cold and moiſt. Add to this the Want of good Water, and Timber near the Houſe, (except the young Trees which have been planted by his Lordſhip) and upon the Whole it cannot be eſteemed a good Seat.

[165] Idleſtrey or Elſtre is a Village on the Roman Watling-ſtreet, on the very Edge of Middleſex; but it is chiefly noted for its Situation, near Brockly-Hill, by Stanmore, which affords a lovely View croſs Middleſex, over the Thames, into Surrey. Near this is Kendale Wood, where formerly was found an old Flint Wall, ſo hard as not to yield to the Strokes of the Pick-ax; as likewiſe an Oven. Mr. Philpot digging his Canal and Foundations for his Buildings, upon the Spot of the old City, Suellaniacis, found many Coins, Urns, and other Antiquities. They have a Proverb here, relating to the Antiquities:

No Heart can think, nor Tongue can tell,
What lies 'tween Brockley-Hill and Pennywel.

Pennywel is a Parcel of Cloſes acroſs the Valley beyond Brockley-Hill, where Foundations are diſcernible, and where, they ſay, has been a City.

About Two Miles further Weſt lies Watford, a Market-town, Seventeen Miles from London, upon the Colne, where it hath Two Streams, which run ſeparately to Rickmerſworth. Several Alms-houſes belong to this Town, and an handſome Free-ſchool, built in 1704, and finiſh'd 1709, by Elizabeth Fuller, Widow; and in the Church are ſeveral handſome Monuments. The Town is very long, having but one Street, which is the publick, and ſo is extremely dirty in Winter; and the Waters of the River, at the Entrance of the Town, are often ſo much ſwelled by Floods, as to be unpaſſable; and the Bridge deſigned as the Road at ſuch times, is ſo much out of Repair, that it is very dangerous for any Carriages of Burthen to paſs over it; which is a very great Diſadvantage to the Town.

Caſſioberry, the Seat of the Earl of Eſſex, is the next thing that occurs worth notice, and is elegant. The Situation is the beſt in the County, upon a dry Spot, within a Park of a large Extent: the [166] Houſe is built in Form of an H: the Middle and the Eaſt Wing is modern, and in good Repair; but the Weſt Wing is very old, and by no means correſponding with the other Parts of the Houſe. The Front faces the South-eaſt, and looks directly on the Houſe in Moore-Park, on which the late Mr. Stiles expended ſuch great Sums of Money, and which has a noble Look from Caſſioberry Houſe. In the Front of the Houſe is a fine dry Lawn of Graſs, which immediately after the heavieſt Winter Rains may be rode or walked on, as on the drieſt Downs; and a little below the Houſe is a River, which winds through the Park, and in the drieſt Seaſons conſtantly runs with a fine Stream, affording great Plenty of Trout, Cray-fiſh, and indeed moſt other kinds of freſh-water Fiſh. On the North and Eaſt Sides of the Houſe are large Wood-walks, which were planted by the famous Le Notre, in the Reign of Charles II. The Woods have many large Beech and Oak-trees in them; but the principal Walks are planted with Lime-trees, and theſe are moſt of them too narrow for their Length, and too regular for the modern Taſte. On the other Side of the River, the Ground riſes to a conſiderable Height, which affords an agreeable Variety; part of which being covered with ſtately Woods, appearing at a proper Diſtance from the Front of the Houſe, have a fine Effect to the Eye. In ſhort, the whole Spot (if a ſmall Expence was beſtow'd to improve and put it more in the modern Taſte) would be one of the fineſt Places near London.

Near Caſſioberry is a pleaſant Seat, purchaſed by the late Lord Raymond, called Langleybury.

Rickmerſworth is a Market-town, within Three or Four Miles Weſt of Watford. It gave Birth to Sir Thomas White, Merchant-Taylor of London, who founded Glouceſter Hall, and St. John's College [167] in Oxford. Here are Two Alms-houſes, one for Four, the other for Five Widows.

We viſited in this Neighbourhood More-Park, with a fine Houſe in it, of the late Duke of Monmouth, ſtanding upon the Side of the Hill, facing Caſſioberry, on the other Side the River. It has been allowed one of the beſt Pieces of Brick-work in England. Sir William Temple commends the Garden as one of the beſt laid-out in England. The Ducheſs of Monmouth, on whom it was ſettled by Marriage, ſold it in 1720, to Benjamin-Heſkins Stiles, Eſq who has made it a magnificent Edifice, having built a South Front of Stone with Colonnades, by which an Opening is made thro' the Hill that once obſtructed its View toward Uxbridge. A North Front is alſo erected, and the Hill towards Watford cut thro' for a Viſta. The Inſide of the Houſe is alſo adorned with admirable Work of Painting. In digging this Hill, Veins of Sea-ſand with Muſcles in it were found.

Abbots-Langley, Twenty-two Miles from London, ſituated about Three Miles North of Caſſioberry, in a good Air and Soil, is remarkable for the Birth of an Engliſh Pope, Nicolas Brakeſpear, by the Title of Adrian IV. The Emperor Frederick held his Stirrup, while he diſmounted. He was choaked, as ſome ſay, by a Fiſh, and, as others, by a Quinſy: but it is an indelible Stain on his Memory, that, when ſovereign Pontiff, he ſuffer'd his Mother to be maintain'd by the Alms of the Church of Canterbury.

We proceeded to Kings-Langley, ſo called, becauſe Henry III. built himſelf a Royal Houſe here, of which the Ruins ſtill exiſt: and here was born and buried Edmund de Langley, Duke of York, Fifth Son of Edward III. and his Wife Iſabel, youngeſt Daughter of Don Pedro, King of Caſtile, was alſo buried here, and the Tomb is in the Church of this Place.

[168]We next went to Hempſted, a little further North, and about Twenty-three Miles from London, a Bailiwick Corporate Town. It has the greateſt Corn-market in the County, or perhaps in England; in which 20,000l. a Week are frequently returned for Meal only. Eleven Pair of Mills ſtand within Four Miles of the Place, which bring a great Trade to it: but the Road is by this means ſo continually torn, that it is one of the worſt Turnpikes round about London.

A little North of Hempſted we turn'd Weſt, and came to Great Barkhamſted, about Twenty-four computed Miles from London. It is a very antient Town, which for many Hundred of Years has been one of the Crown Manors, which granted to it many very ample Privileges. It is now annexed to the Dukedom of Cornwall, and as ſuch appropriated to the Princes of Wales. The Caſtle and Manor are at preſent held by Leaſe from the Prince, by Edward Carey, Eſq which was obtained by his Anceſtors of Queen Elizabeth.

Barkhamſted has evidently been a Roman Town, by the Name of Durobrivae; and probably the Caſtle ſtands upon a Roman Foundation. Roman Coins are frequently dug up there. It is moſt pleaſantly inviron'd with high and hard Ground, full of Hedge-rows, Paſtures, and Arable, tho' ſituated upon a South-ſide of a Marſh. It extends itſelf far in handſome Buildings, and a broad Street In the Time of the Heptarchy it was the Reſidence of the Kings of Mercia; and here Wightred King of Kent and Mercia, in the Year 69, held a Parliament: here alſo King Ina's Laws were publiſh'd.

The Caſtle was judiciouſly ſet on the North-ſide of the Town, on dry Ground, amongſt Springs, and made exceedingly ſtrong by the Saxons. It was rebuilt by Moreton, Earl of Cornwall, Brother to William the Conqueror, and razed for Rebellion in his [169] Son's Time, and ſo with the Manor fell to the Crown. Henry II. kept his Court here, and granted great Privileges to the Place. The Caſtle was afterwards rebuilt, as it is thought, in the Reign of King John, for the Dauphin of France, in Conjunction with the Barons, beſieg'd it, and the Defendants ſurrender'd not till they had the King's Orders for it.

When the Caſtle was demoliſh'd, a large Houſe was built out of its Ruins, which is beautifully ſituated. What now remains of it is but the third Part, and the Back of the great Houſe; for the other two Thirds were deſtroyed by Fire in the Reign of Charles I. It was in King James's Time a Nurſery for that Prince's Children; and Prince Henry and Prince Charles were bred up there; and in the Time of the late Troubles, Colonel Axtel, a Parliament Officer, held it. It is now in the Poſſeſſion of the Roper Family.

The Corporation ſunk in the War between the King and Parliament. In King Charles II.'s Time an Attempt was made to revive the Charter; but it was dropt. This Body Politick is now reduced to a Skeleton, like the Caſtle, which is only to be known by its Moats and Walls.

The Caſtle contains within its firſt Moat, Four or Five Acres. There is again a Diviſion by another Moat. The South Part, conſiſting of about Two Acres, is upon a Level with moſt of the outward Walls and Chimneys remaining. Towards the North, acroſs a Moat, is a high Hill or Keep, capable of defending itſelf againſt the former, if poſſeſſed by an Enemy. The Traces of the Bridge of Communication, and the Moat dividing theſe Two Places of Strength, are continued to the grand one, that takes in the whole Scite of the Fortification. The Remains of the Bridge for Entrance from the Town, [170] are viſible, anſwering exactly to the other, as the North of the firſt Area, which led to the Hills.

In this Town was the famous Interview between William the Conqueror and the Engliſh Nobility, in his March towards London, after his Victory over Harold. He paſſed the Thames at Wallingford, and was going forward to St. Albans, when the ſtout Abbot Frederick ſtopp'd his March by Trees, &c. till he could get the Engliſh Nobility together, and then he made him ſwear to keep inviolably the good and antient Laws of the Kingdom; yet he took away all their Lands, and divided them among his hungry Normans.

This Town gives Name to the Deanry. The Church is handſome, dedicated to St. Peter; it has had many Chapels and Oratories. On the Pillars of the Church are the Eleven Apoſtles, with each of them a Sentence of the Creed, and St. George killing a Dragon, on the Twelfth. Theſe were whited over by the Zeal of the late Times, and are but lately come to Light.

The Chapel of St. John is uſed only by the Maſter, Uſhers and Scholars of the Free-School. St. Leonard's Hoſpital was at the South-eaſt End of the High-ſtreet, and St. James's Hoſpital at the other End. The Free Grammar-School was built by Dean Incent, of St. Paul's. It is a handſome Brick Structure, with an Apartment at one End for the Maſter, at the other for the Uſher and Chantry-Clerk. It was Twenty Years in Building.

They have had other large Benefactions, which we have not room for.

Tring, being Twenty-eight computed Miles from London, is a ſmall Market-town, ſtands upon the Extremity of Hertfordſhire, next to Buckinghamſhire, Eaſt of and near the Ikening-ſtreet.

It is very antient, and was formerly a Royal Manor; but now poſſeſſed by William Gore, Eſq [171] who has made a Park of 300 Acres, of which Part is on the Chiltern. In it is a beautiful Wood incloſed, lying cloſe to the Ikening-ſtreet. Mr. Gore has beautified and wainſcotted the Church in a moſt elegant Manner, and gives 20l. per Ann. for a Charity-School. The Church is a handſome Pile of Building, with a Ring of Six Bells. The Chancel was wainſcotted by Sir Richard Anderſon. It is decent and capacious, and worthy a Choir. Both Church and Chancel are paved with Free-Stone; the Pillars are painted; the Pulpit and ſounding Board are of fine Inlaid-work; and a handſome Veſtry is under the Belfry.

Among other Monuments is a magnificent one for Sir William Gore and his Lady; with Inſcriptions to their Honour, but too long for a Place here.

From Tring I paſſed next Eaſtward, and came to Gadeſden-Little; where I had heard was a fine Proſpect; and I wanted not Curioſity to ſee it. This Vill has Cawley-Wood, and Ivingo-Hills on the North-weſt, Aldbury-Cliffs on the South-weſt, Dunſtable-Downs to the North. The Proſpect I mean is from one Part of this Pariſh, to which a Common of fine Turf leads under the Duke of Bridgwater's ſhady Park; and a noble one it is of Three Counties, worthy of the Pencil of the greateſt Artiſt in Landſchape.

The Variety of Woods, Cliffs, Arable and Paſture, are charming; but they muſt be tempted to half a Mile's pleaſant Exerciſe to get to the beautiful Scene.

Cawley-Wood belonging to the Duke of Leeds, is a ſmall Covert, a Mile from hence, at the Top of a Hill, in Bucks, one of the greateſt Land-marks in the South of England, which overlooks Eleven Counties. It ſtands as a Monument to ſhew, notwithſtanding [172] all the modern Improvements, that Nature will not be out-done by Art.

Now I am on this Subject, I ſhall juſt mention Penley-lodge, for a moſt delightful Retirement to a Man who wants to deceive Life, in an Habitation which has all the Charms Nature can give. There is behind a large Common of fine Turf, bounded on a Wood on the Weſt, to which if one aſcend a Quarter of a Mile, he has a View of Northamptonſhire and Warwickſhire. From the Houſe a Semicircular Proſpect of Bedfordſhire, Middleſex, and Bucks; a bended one towards Ivingo and Aldbury-Cliffs, with the ſhady Woods of the Dukes of Leeds and Bridgwater, ſeeming to hang over the Rivulet called Bulborn.

The Manor of Aldbury lies North-eaſt of Tring, and in the Way to Gadeſden. It belongs to the Duke of Leeds, whoſe Father married the Heireſs of the Family of Hyde; and ſo does Muniborough-Hill lie in the Way from Aldbury to Little-Gadeſden, and affords a handſome Proſpect.

Aſhridge ſtands near Aldbury, but in Bucks, an antient Manſion-houſe and fine Park, belonging to the Duke of Bridgwater.

Gadeſden is famous for the Birth of John de Gadeſden, who flouriſhed in the Beginning of the Fourteenth Century; the firſt Engliſhman who was a Court Phyſician, and of whoſe Skill Chaucer makes honourable mention, in his Doctor of Phyſick, prefix'd to his Canterbury Tales; though Dr. Freind, from John's own Books, will not allow him to deſerve it. There are ſeveral Monuments in the Chancel of this Church of the Bridgwater Family, whoſe finely ſituated Seat and Park at Aſhridge, formerly a Royal Houſe of Pleaſure, and where Edward I. held a Parliament in the Nineteenth Year of his Reign, is in this Pariſh, but in the County of [173] Bucks. The Duke is Lord of this Manor, as alſo of that of Great-Gadeſden.

I croſs'd over a Slip (as I may call it) of Bucks, which runs into Hertfordſhire, between Aldbury and Kenſworth-Green, which lies a little South of the Road which leads from St. Alban's to Dunſtable, and is a Situation ſurpriſingly fine, about half a Mile in Length, a good Turf, and level with Whipſnape-Woods on the Back of it, and Rows of high Trees on the other Side. Nothing but Sky is to be ſeen from it one Way, and the other we have only a View of the Top of a Grove, at Market-Cell. It ſeems to claim a Preference of every Place in the County for a Cell, yet never had one on it: it comes very little ſhort of the famous Guy's Cliff, near Warwick. There the ſhady Grove, and rolling Stream below it, make a beautiful Scene for Solitude: here the Woods and Trees afford Shade enough, and the pure circumambient Ether, with nothing in View but the Tops of Trees, would make a Hermit think himſelf in another World.

Here I came into the Road, and ſo turned South-eaſt for St. Alban's, thro' Flamſtead Pariſh, where is a well-built and delightful Seat of Sir Thomas-Saunders Sebright, Bart. on a riſing Ground in the middle of a Park. It is called Beechwood Manor, from the great Number of fine Beech-trees which were formerly growing here, ſome of which are yet remaining on the Sides of the Park. The Soil of this Park is, for the moſt part, dry, the Surface being ſhallow, on a ſtrong or chalky Bottom, which renders the Turf very fine and ſhort, and very pleaſant for the Exerciſe of either riding or walking. It was formerly a Nunnery for a Prioreſs and Ten Nuns, independent of any other Convent, and then called St. Gyles in the Wood. A very ſerious Inſcription in Flamſtead Church, on a Monument of one of the Saunders Family, may [174] be worth tranſcribing, as it certainly is a Piece of ſound Doctrine, in which every living Man may find an Uſe.

‘"He that looks hereon, may conſider how fleeting all worldly Comforts are, and how great a Vanity it is to place his Affection thereon. Such Things there are as worldly Comforts, 'tis true; but they ought to be look'd on as little Streams; and whoever delights in them, more than in the FOUNTAIN from whence they proceed, may ſoon find them dry and vaniſhed. The Truth of which he that wrote this, hath ſenſibly found; and wills others to place their Affections chiefly on that OBJECT OF LOVE, which is unchangeable, and is the Centre of all true Joy and Felicity."’

Purſuing ſtill the ſame Courſe along the great Road, we came next to St. Alban's, the capital Town of Hertfordſhire, famous for deriving its Name from the Proto-martyr of England, who ſuffered ſo early in the fourth Century. 'Tis governed by a Mayor, 10 Burgeſſes, a Steward and a Chamberlain, and is a peculiar Liberty both for Eccleſiaſtical and Civil Government.

The Town roſe out of the Ruins of old Verulam; of which ſo much has been ſaid by Mr. Camden and others, that we refer to them for Particulars. In that great Man's Time, the Ruins afforded much more for the Obſervation of the Curious than now; for they are ſince dug away, for mending the Highways. The firſt Verulam was ſtormed and taken by Julius Caeſar. And here Caſſibelan, a famous Britiſh King, then kept his Court. The firſt Deſtruction of the Place is ſuppoſed to have been by Boadicea, the famous Britiſh Queen, who cut off 70000 Romans in one Battle; and the ſecond, (which was erected on the Ruins of the other) in the Wars between the Britons and Saxons; and almoſt [175] infinite are the Numbers of Antiquities here dug up.

The Origin of St. Alban's was owing to the Monaſtery built by Offa, King of the Mercians, to the Memory of St. Alban, in Expiation of his barbarous Murder of Ethelbert, King of Eaſt-Angles, whom he had treacherouſly inveigled to his Court, on Pretence of marrying his Daughter; and the ſame Offa it was that built Hertford Cathedral, and dedicated it to St. Ethelbert, and made a Journey to Rome as further Penance, where he was abſolved, tho' he kept the murder'd Prince's Dominions, and joined them to his own.

Of all the Monaſteries in England, none could outſhine this. Its Revenue was great, and its Privileges ſtill greater. In the Royalties it had from its Founder, and the Epiſcopal Powers from the Pope, none came up to it. The mitred Abbot had Precedency of all in England, and ſubject to no Eccleſiaſtical Power but the Pope immediately; and he had Epiſcopal Juriſdiction over both Clergy and Laity in all the Lands belonging to his Monaſtery. From firſt to laſt they were Forty-one in Number, and many of them Perſons of great Accompliſhments, and high Birth: the 39th of which, tho' not high-born, was Cardinal Wolſey. The laſt Abbot was Richard Boreman, who at the Diſſolution quietly ſurrendred on the Royal Command, and accepted of a Penſion for Life, of 266l. 13s. and 4d.

Two bloody Battles were fought near this Place, between the Houſes of York and Lancaſter; the firſt upon the 23d of May 1455, in which the Yorkiſts got the Day; the ſecond on Shrove-Tueſday, in the 39th of Henry VI. when the martial Queen Margaret overcame the Yorkiſts, who had then the King in their Power, and fought under the Sanction of his Name.

[176]But we muſt not diſmiſs this Subject without giving ſome brief Particulars of the famous Abbey Church. We have before obſerved, that it was founded by King Offa; but it has been rebuilt in Whole or Part ſeveral times. The Town purchaſed it at the Diſſolution, for 400l. which prevented ſo noble a Fabrick being pulled down, and torn to Pieces, for making Money of the Materials; and it is made a Pariſh Church for the Borough. The High Altar is a curious Piece of Gothick Architecture.

Within the North Entrance is Offa on his Throne. Underneath,

Fundator Eccleſiae circa annum 793.
Quem male depictum, et reſidentem cernitis alte
Sublimem ſolio, MERCIUS OFFA fuit.

That is:

The Founder of the Church, about the Year 793.
Whom you behold ill-painted, on his Throne
Sublime, was once for MERCIAN OFFA known.

In the moſt Eaſtern Part of the Church ſtood the Shrine: Six Holes remain in the Pavement, where the Supporters of it were fixed. This Inſcription is ſtill to be ſeen. ‘S. ALBANUS VEROLAMENSIS, ANGLORUM
PROTOMARTYR, 17. Junij 293.’

On the South Side the Shrine, in the Wall of the South Iſle, is Duke HUMPHREY's Monument, with the Arms of France and England quartered, and a Ducal Coronet. In Niches on the South Side are 17 Kings; the Niches on the other Side have none remaining.

Piae Memoriae V. Opt. Sacrum.
Hic jacet HUMPHREDUS, Dux ille Gloceſtrius olim,
Henrici ſexti Protector, fraudis ineptae
[177] Detector, dum ficta notat miracula coeci.
Lumen erat Patriae, Columen venerabile Regni,
Pacis amans, Muſiſque favens melioribus; unde
Gratum opus Oxonio, quae nunc Schola ſacra refulget.
Invida ſed mulier regno, regi, ſibi nequam,
Abſtulit hunc, humuli vix hoc dignata Sepulcro.
Invidiâ rumpente tamen, poſt funera vivet.

In Engliſh thus:

Sacred to the pious Memory of an excellent Man.
Interr'd within this conſecrated Ground
Lies he, whom Henry his Protector found,
Good Humphrey, Glo'ſter's Duke, who well could ſpy
Fraud couch'd within the blind Impoſtor's Eye*.
His Country's Light, the State's rever'd Support,
Who Peace, and riſing Learning deign'd to court;
Whence his rich Library, at Oxford plac'd,
Her ample Schools with ſacred Influence grac'd:
Yet fell beneath an envious Woman's Wile,
Both to herſelf, her King, and Kingdom, vile;
Who ſcarce allow'd his Bones this Spot of Land:
Yet, 'ſpite of Envy, ſhall his Glory ſtand.

It is but little above 30 Years ago, that, digging for a Grave, the Stairs leading down to the Vault where the Body lies, were diſcovered.

In the Vault is a leaden Coffin, with the Body preſerved by the Pickle it lies in, except the Legs, from which the Fleſh is waſted, the Pickle of that End being dried up. On the Wall at the Eaſt End of the Vault is a Crucifix painted, with a Cup on each Side of the Head; another at the Side, and a fourth at the Feet. The Vault is very neat, and hath no offenſive Smell. The Coffin, we are told, had an Outſide of Wood, which is intirely gone.

[178]The Weſt End of the Choir hath a noble Piece of Gothick Workmanſhip for the Ornament of the High Altar. Capt. Polehampton, about 30 Years ago, gave an Altar-piece, which repreſents the laſt Supper.

There are many curious Medals and Coins to be ſeen in the Church, which have been dug out of the Ruins of old Verulam.

This noble Fabrick hath wanted its Abbot's Zeal and Purſe too, for Repairs, ſince it hath been a Pariſh Church. The Roof was preſerved by Contribution of the Nobility and Gentry of England, many of whoſe Arms are put up on this Occaſion; and Money has been collected ſeveral times beſides for its Support: indeed ſuch a fine Fabrick muſt too often ſtand in need of ſuch Helps, as there is no ſettled Fund to maintain it.

There are Three Churches in the Town at preſent, beſides the Abbey Church, viz. St. Michael's above-mentioned, St. Peter's, and St. Stephen's.

There were alſo formerly belonging to this Town St. German's Chapel, St. Mary Magdalen's Chapel, St. Julian's Hoſpital, the Hoſpital of St. Mary des Prees, the Nunnery of Sopwell, &c. But they are all demoliſhed and ſecularized. There was alſo in the Town the Pariſh Church of St. Andrew; but that had dropp'd down before the Diſſolution.

Near this Place is Sopwel Nunnery, where they ſay King Henry was married to Anne of Bolen. In the Heart of the adjoining Corporation ſtood one of Queen Eleanor's Croſſes, demoliſhed by the Inhabitants.

In the Neighbourhood of St. Alban's is Gorhambury, where is a Statue of King Henry VIII. with other Things worthy a Traveller's Curioſity. It is now the Seat of the Lord Grimſton: but what it will be always moſt famous for, is, that the Manor is the paternal Eſtate of that Mirror of all Ages, and [179] Ornament of his Country for Learning, Francis Bacon, created Lord Verulam and Viſcount of St. Alban's, once Lord Chancellor of England, who firſt revived Experimental Philoſophy: Of whoſe Merits, Riſe and Fall, we ſhall ſay nothing, but refer our Readers to his Life now lately, in 1740, publiſhed, and prefixed to a new and beautiful Edition of his Works, written by the ingenious Mr. Mallet. Sir Thomas Meautys, who had been the Secretary of this wonderful Man, and to whom he convey'd this Eſtate, in Gratitude, erected a Monument for him in St. Michael's Church in this Town, ſitting thoughfully in an Elbow-chair.

The Monument bears this Inſcription: ‘Franciſc. Bacon, Baro de Verulam, Sti. Albani Viceco.
Seu notioribus Titulis,
Scientiarum Lumen, Facundiae Lex,
Sic ſedebat.
Qui, poſtquam omnia Naturalis Sapientiae
Et Civilis Arcana evolviſſet,
Naturae Decretum explevit,

Compoſita ſolvantur,
An. Dom. 1626. Aetat. 66.
Tanti Viri Mem. Thomas Meautys, Superſtitis Cultor,
Defuncti Admirator.
Thus tranſlated:

Francis Bacon Baron of Verulam, and Viſcount of St. Alban's; or, by his more known Titles, The Light of the Sciences, and the Law of Eloquence, was thus accuſtomed to ſit; who, after having unravelled all the Myſteries of Natural and Civil Wiſdom, fulfilled the Decree of Nature, That Things joined ſhould be looſed, in the Year of our Lord 1626, and of his Age 66.

To the Memory of ſo great a Man, this was erected by Thomas Meautys, who reverenced him while living, and admires him dead.

[180]The Manor of Kingſbury was ſometimes the Reſidence of the Saxon Monarchs, whence its Name. It had a Caſtle, which was kept up till King Stephen's Time, when it was demoliſh'd, and the Scite given to the Abbey.

The Ducheſs Dowager of Marlborough hath a Seat here, built by the late Duke upon the River Verlam, which runs thro' the Garden; and who alſo built handſome Alms-houſes at the Entrance of the Town.

The following remarkable Inſcription and Character is cut upon the Pedeſtal of a fine Statue of the late Queen Anne, carved by the noted Mr. Rysbrach, and erected at St. Alban's, at the Expence of the Ducheſs, in Gratitude to the Memory of that excellent Princeſs:

QUEEN ANNE was very graceful and majeſtick in her Perſon: Religious without Affectation. She always meant well. She had no falſe Ambition; which appeared, by her never complaining at King William's being preferred to the Crown before her, when it was taken from the King her Father, for following ſuch Counſels, and purſuing ſuch Meaſures, as render'd the Revolution neceſſary. It was her greateſt Affliction, to be forced to act againſt him, even for Security. Her Journey to Nottingham was never concerted, but occaſion'd by the great Conſternation ſhe was under at the King's ſudden Return from Salisbury.

She always paid the greateſt Reſpect to King William and Queen Mary; never inſiſted upon any one Circumſtance of Grandeur, more than what was eſtabliſhed in her Family by King Charles II. tho', after the Revolution, ſhe was preſumptive Heir to the Crown, and after the Death of her Siſter, was in the Place of Prince of Wales.

[181] Upon her Acceſſion to the Throne, the Civil Liſt was not increaſed. The late Earl of Godolphin, Lord High Treaſurer of England, often ſaid, that, from Accidents in the Cuſtoms, and Lenity in the Collection, it did not ariſe, one Year with another, to more than Five hundred thouſand Pounds a Year.

She had no Vanity in her Expences, nor bought any one Jewel in the whole Time of her Reign.

She paid out of her Civil Liſt many Penſions granted in former Reigns, which have ſince been thrown upon the Publick.

When a War was neceſſary to ſecure Europe againſt the Power of France; ſhe contributed, in one Year, towards the War, out of her Civil Liſt, One hundred thouſand Pounds, in Eaſe of her Subjects.

She granted the Revenue ariſing from the Firſt Fruits, to augment the Proviſions of the poorer Clergy.

She never refuſed her private Charity to proper Objects.

Till a few Years before her Death, ſhe never had but Twenty thouſand Pounds a Year for her Privy Purſe. At the latter End of her Reign, it did not exceed Twenty-ſix thouſand Pounds a Year; which was much to her Honour, becauſe it is ſubject to no Account. And as to her Robes, it will appear by the Records in the Exchequer, that in Nine Years ſhe ſpent only Thirty-two thouſand and Fifty Pounds, including the Coronation Expence.

She was extremely well-bred, treated her chief Ladies and Servants as if they had been her Equals. Her Behaviour to all that approached her was decent, and full of Dignity, and ſhewed Condeſcenſion, without Art or Meanneſs.

All this I know to be true.



[182]At Colney is alſo a very handſome Seat of Sir. Henry-Pope Blunt's, ſtanding about a Quarter of a Mile North of the Road. It ſeems to be very large, and the Fields and Meadows about it make it very pleaſant in Summer.

Having thus gone over the firſt Part I propoſed of this Country, which lies South and South-weſt of St. Alban's Road, I ſhall now bend my Courſe North-eaſt towards Hertford, and from thence North-weſt, to take in ſuch Part of the middle Diviſion as lie between the Two capital Roads on that Side of Hertford; reſerving that which lies Eaſt of it, for my Return towards London.

The next Town in my Way is Hatfield, 17 computed Miles from London: it is a Market-town; but much more famous is Hatfield Houſe, which lies near it; from whence Edward VI. and Queen Elizabeth, were both conducted to the Throne, having reſided here for ſome time. King James made an Exchange of this Manor in the fourth Year of his Reign, for that of Theobald's, as hereafter mentioned, with Sir Robert Cecil, afterwards Earl of Salisbury, who built this magnificent Houſe, and made the Vineyard in the Park, thro' which the River Lee hath its Courſe, adorning that Garden. The Rectory of Hatfield is eſteemed one of the beſt in England; Winwich in Lancaſhire, and another in Durham, have larger Revenues; but this has a better Situation.

Saundridge, which lies a little North-weſt of Hatfield, deſerves to be mentioned, as it gave Title of Baron to the late great Duke of Marlborough; and it now belongs to his illuſtrious Relict, a Deſcendant of the Family of Jennings, of this Place. But one Thing muſt be obſerved withal, that when I was there laſt, the Steeple lay buried in its own Rubbiſh, as it had done for 40 Years together; and the Bells [183] hung in the Church behind the Door; and this, I ſuppoſe, continues to be its preſent State.

North-Mymms ſtands a little Eaſt of Colney, and is remarkable for having in its Neighbourhood the Seat of the late Sir Joſeph Jekyll, Maſter of the Rolls, in Right of his Lady, who was Heir to her late Brother the great Lord Somers. It has a moſt delightful Proſpect. The Body of that noble Lord lies interred in the Chancel of the Church here, without any Inſcription, in Alluſion, as one would expect, to his Motto, Prodeſſe quam conſpici. This Seat is now the Property of his Grace the Duke of Leeds, (who has put a great Part of the Houſe and Gardens in good Repair) and is his Retirement from London, during any ſhort Interval that may happen in the Seſſions of Parliament.

We come now to Hertford, the County Town, 20 computed Miles from London; a Corporation, governed by a Mayor and Burgeſſes. It is pleaſantly ſituated in a wholſome Air, and a dry Vale, having a good weekly Market well ſtored with Corn, and all ſort of Proviſions. It is very antient, and is built in the Form of a Y, with a Caſtle in the Middle of the two Horns. It contains ſeveral Streets and Lanes, well filled with handſome new-built Houſes. In Edward III.'s Time, it had petitioned to be diſburden'd of the Expence of ſending Two Members to Parliament, on their Inability to pay their Repreſentatives Wages: But 21. Jac. I. they petitioned to be reſtored to their Right, and ſucceeded.

There is a Free Grammar School for the Children of this Town, erected by Richard Hale, Eſq in King James I.'s Reign. The Houſe, being rebuilt a few Years ago, is a very good one. Of the Five Churches Hertford once had, there are but Two remaining, viz. All-Saints and St. Andrew's.

Near Hertford is a Seat of Governor Harriſon ſituated on a Hill, which commands a Proſpect of [184] the Country round it, as is likewiſe, in its Neighbourhood, a Seat of the Clarks, very delightfully ſituated too.

The Earl Cowper has a handſome Seat near Hertingfordbury, in the Neighbourhood of Hertford, built by his Father the great Lord High Chancellor of that Name; who erected in the Church-yard a Tomb for his Mother, with an Inſcription to her Honour: in this Church-yard is alſo the Tomb of Mrs. Elizabeth Culling, Heireſs of a Family of that Name.

The Manor of Gobions lies a little North of Hertford, and will be for ever famous on Occaſion of its being the Family-ſeat of the great Sir Thomas More, Lord High Chancellor of England in the Reign of Henry VIII. who took off his Head, for refuſing to acknowlege his Supremacy. It is now the Property of Sir Jeremy Sambroke, Bart. who for the Beauty of its Gardens, as well as the Houſe, has made the Place one of the moſt remarkable Curioſities in England.

A little ſtill farther North, at Wotton, is the Manſion-houſe of the Botelers, nobly ſituated on a riſing Ground, and watered with ſmall Streams, which fall into the Beane on the South of it. It ſtands in a Park beautifully conſiſting of Hills and Flats, and renowned for as good Timber as the Iſland produces. About 40 Years ſince, one Tree was ſold for 43l. 18 Horſes were had to draw one Part of it, when ſlit, and out of it the Cutwater to the Royal Sovereign was made. Another, called the Walking-Stick, might ſome Years ago have been ſold for Fifty Guineas; but was decaying when I was there, by the burrowing of Rabbets under it. There is a good Free-ſchool in this Village, for poor Children; with ſome of whom 5l. is to be given Apprentice.

Stevenage is 28 computed Miles from London, and lies North-weſt of Hertford. It is a ſmall Market-town: the Church ſtands upon a Hill, and conſiſts [185] of a Nave and Two Iſles, and the Chancel hath a Chapel on each Side. In the Steeple is a Ring of Six Bells. Here is a good Free-ſchool, as well for Petit as Grammar Scholars.

Walkern is near it, North-eaſt, on the River Beane. I mention it on Account of the poor Jane Wenman, who within theſe 30 Years was tried for a Witch, the laſt, we hope, that ever will undergo ſuch a Trial in England; for the old obſolete Law againſt Witches was very lately repealed. Mr. Juſtice Powell got a Reprieve for the poor Creature, after the Jury had found her guilty, contrary to his Directions. She lived ſeveral Years afterwards on an Allowance from the Pariſh. The poor Wretch had been frighted into a Confeſſion, that ſhe was a Witch; and thereupon was committed by Sir Harry Chauncy, of Yardlybury, who would fain have had her retract, and pacify her Accuſers. This Gentleman was one of the deprived Judges of King James II. but it is ſaid he never ſat as Judge but one Day. He wrote The Antiquities of HERTFORDSHIRE.

It is reported likewiſe, that another Woman being tried before Judge Powell, who among other Things that conſtituted her a Witch, had laid to her Charge, That ſhe could fly; Ay! ſaid the Judge; And is this true? Do you ſay you can fly? Yes, I can, ſaid ſhe.—So you may, if you will, then, replied the Judge; I have no Law againſt it. And at the Trial of Jane Wenman, the Court being full of fine Ladies, the old Judge very gallantly told the Jury, ‘"They muſt not look out for Witches among the Old Women, but among the Young."’

I paſſed by Benington-place, the Seat of the antient Family of the Caeſars. There was formerly a Caſtle there; the Hill on which it ſtood, ſtill remains deep ditched.

At Siffivernes, in Codicote Pariſh, in the Year 1627, was a moſt prodigious Walnut-tree, covering [186] 76 Poles of Ground. The Weight of the Boughs at laſt cleft the Trunk to the Ground. Mr. Penn, then Lord of the Manor, had 19 Loads of Planks out of it; a Gun-ſtock Maker at London had as much as coſt 10l. Carriage: There were 30 Loads more of Roots and Branches. This was atteſted by Edward Wingate, before a neighbouring Juſtice of Peace, to whom Mr. Penn declared, he had been offered 50l. for the Tree. And Jaſper Docura of the Pariſh atteſted, That when he was 15 Years old, the Compaſs of both his Arms would not reach round it at Eight times.

Hitchin is a Market-town, lying in a Bottom, out of any great Road, diſtant from London 30 computed Miles, and within three Miles of Bedfordſhire. 'Tis governed by a Bailiff and Four Conſtables, and was formerly famous for the Staple Commodities of this Kingdom. The Church is large, dedicated to St. Mary. It conſiſts of the Nave and Two Ayles, with Two Chapels or Chancels. The Steeple has a Ring of Six Bells, but is low, and diſproportionate to the Chancel. In the North Ayle Window are Paintings of Faith, Hope, and Charity, and of the Four Cardinal Virtues; and in the next North Window, the Beatitudes. The Front hath the Twelve Apoſtles round it; but they have been Sufferers from the booted Saints of Forty-one. There are many Monuments in it. A good Free-ſchool, and other charitable Benefactions, have been made to the Town.

I could not miſs taking notice of Hexton, on the North-weſt Edge of the County, next Bedfordſhire, where was a Battle between the Danes and Saxons, ſome Remains of which are viſible between this Place and Luton, as large Barrows, &c. Half a Mile to the South of this Town is a fortify'd Piece of Ground, called Ravenſborough Caſtle. The Camp is a ſort of Oblong, containing about 16 Acres, the [187] Fortification intire. Nature has ſo well ſtrengthened it, that 1000 Men may defend it againſt a very great Army: it is incompaſſed with a Valley, and a very ſteep Hill, inacceſſible by an Army any-where but at the Point of Entrance, which is by a gradual Aſcent of a Quarter of a Mile.

The Beryſlade, a Houſe poſſeſſed by John Croſs, Eſq tho' low and in the Dirt, is now an agreeable Summer-houſe; which it owes chiefly to St. Faith's Well, a fine Spring at Ravensburg. A moory Piece of Ground, where the Spring riſes, is cut into Canals, which are ſtocked with Trouts, many of them 22 Inches long. Theſe having been uſed to take their Food from the Maſter's Hand, out of a Bowl with a long Handle to it, come rolling up to the Surface. The Bottom is white, either from Chalk or Sand; and ſo tranſparent, that every Fiſh may be ſeen that comes out of its Hole. To preſerve them from Groping, the Banks are wharfed, and in ſome Places ſupported with Timber; ſo that the Fiſh can ſhelter themſelves underneath; and a Man muſt have his Head and Shoulders in Water, who ſtoops down to them. From hence the Water feeds a large Canal in the Garden ſtored with Carp and Tench; and there might be made Baſons or Canals to any Dimenſions.

Near Hexton is a Square Roman Camp upon a Promontory juſt big enough for the Purpoſe, and under it is a fine Spring.

Lilibo is a fine Plot of Ground upon a Hill, where a Horſe-race is kept. It lies a little South of Hexton, juſt by the Ikening.

Near Pirton Church has been a Caſtle of the Saxons or Normans, with a Keep.

I proceeded next to Baldock, ſituated on the Ikening-ſtreet, as it leads from Dunſtable to Royſton. It is a large Market-town, 29 computed Miles from London. It is of chief Note for its many Maltſters. [188] The Church ſtands in the Middle of the Town; it is a handſome high-built Edifice, with a Ring of Six good Bells. It has Three Chancels, but the Two outward are rather Chapels. The Ikening-ſtreet, about Baldock now appears but like a Field-way. Between Baldock and Icleford it goes thro' an Intrenchment, conſiſting of the Remains of a Britiſh Town, now called Wilbury-hill. Icleford retains the Name of the Street, which at this Place paſſes a Rivulet with a ſtrong Ford, wanting Reparation.

This Street, quite to the Thames in Oxfordſhire, goes at the Bottom of a continued Ridge of Hills, called the Chiltern, being Chalk, and the natural and civil Boundary between the Counties of Hertford and Bedford, very ſteep Northward.

As the Ikening-ſtreet and the Foſs traverſed the Kingdom from South-weſt to North-eaſt, parallel to each other, and Watling-ſtreet croſſed theſe quite the contrary Way with an equal Obliquity, the Herman-ſtreet paſſed directly North and South. This Word is Saxon, and ſignifies a Soldier or Warrior, which Name it obtained from being a Military Way.

It begins at Newhaven, at the Mouth of the River Ouſe in Suſſex, and paſſes on the Weſt Side of that River, thro' Radmil, then thro' Lewis by Isfield; after which it ſeems to paſs over the River at Sharnbridge, and ſo proceeds to Eaſt Grinſtead; but is loſt in paſſing thro' the great Woods. Then thro' Surry it goes by Stane-ſtreet, Croydon, Stretham, and by its pointing we may conclude was originally deſigned to paſs the Thames at the Ferry called Stangate by Lambeth, where it coincides with the Watling-ſtreet. There the Road went, before London became conſiderable: but ſince that Period the Traces of the Roads near that Capital have grown very obſcure. The original Road perhaps paſſes thro' unfrequented Ways near Enfield, and Harman-ſtreet, which ſeems from thence to have borrowed its Name.

[189]On the Eaſtern Side of Enfield Chace by Buſh-hill, is a circular Britiſh Camp upon an Eminence, declining South-weſt. But the antient Road appears upon a Common on this Side Hertford by Ball's-park, and paſſes the River below Hertford; then, goes thro' Ware-park, and falls into the preſent Road on this Side Buntingford, and ſo to Royſton, where it croſſes the Ikening-ſtreet, coming from Tring thro' Dunſtable, going into Suffolk. Theſe are the principal Places upon the Two Roads, which we thought fit to mention together.

At Baldock I croſſed the North Road, and got into the Third Diviſion I propoſed, next Cambridgeſhire and Eſſex; and when I have paſſed thro' it, I will return back again South, and take a View of ſuch Towns as lie on the Eaſt Side of the middle Diviſion as I have not been at already.

In the Year 1724, between Caldecot and Henxworth, ſeveral Roman Antiquities were dug up. Workmen, digging Gravel for the Repair of the great Northern Road, ſtruck upon ſome earthen Veſſels or large Urns, full of Aſhes and burnt Bones, but rotten; near them a human Skeleton, with the Head towards the South-eaſt, the Feet North-weſt. Several Bodies were found in the ſame Poſition, not above a Foot under the Surface of the Earth, and with Urns, great or ſmall, near them, and Patera's of fine red Earth, ſome with the Impreſſion of the Maker at the Bottom; alſo Glaſs Lacrymatories, Ampulla's, a Braſs Tribulus, Six ſmall Glaſſes, Two large Beads of a Green Colour, and other Fragments.

I went thro' the Village of Aſhwell, which ſtands not far from Caldecot, on the Source of the Rhee, by the Borders of Cambridgeſhire, which breaks out of a Rock here from many Springs, with ſuch Force as to form a Stream remarkably clear, but ſo cold, that it gripes Horſes not uſed to drink it. [190] The Water here bubbles out at as many Places, and as abundantly, and in juſt ſuch a Bottom under a Hill, as doth the Iſis or Thames in Glouceſterſhire. In Domeſday Book this Village is called a Borough, having Fourteen Burgeſſes, and a Market; antiently alſo it had Four Fairs. Mr. Camden thinks the Village Roman; and at half a Mile Diſtance, South of this Source of the Rhee, is a Spot of Ground taken in by a Vallum, and generally thought to be one of the Caſtra Exploratorum of the Romans; it is called Arbury Banks, and conſiſts of about 12 Acres, and Roman Coins have been found here; but ſtill it wants ſeveral Requiſites, that go to a Roman Camp, which I have not room to particularize. Aſhwell-field affords a Stone Quarry, out of which the Stones of moſt of the Churches of this Side, and the neighbouring Part of Bedfordſhire, have been dug. The Church has a handſome Chancel, Three large Ayles, a lofty Tower at the Weſt End, with a Ring of Six Bells, and a Chapel on the North Side the Chancel.

I now come to Royſton, ſituated upon the utmoſt Northern Border of Hertfordſhire, inſomuch that Part of it is in Cambridgeſhire, 33 computed Miles from London. The Fields about this Towns have upon almoſt every Eminence a Barrow, and they lie very thick by the Ikening-ſtreet, Eaſt of this Town. Here was a Monaſtery founded in Honour of St. Thomas à Becket, as alſo an Hoſpital, both ſwallowed up in the Diſſolution of Henry VIII. but the Priory-church was purchaſed by the Inhabitants, and made a Pariſh-church of. It conſiſts of a Nave, and an Ayle on each Side, and a ſquare Tower with a Ring of Five Bells in it.

The Town became populous, on erecting the preſent Poſt-road through it, which before ran along the Ermine-ſtreet, thro' Barkw [...] [...] [...]iggleſwade. It is now a good Town, and well [...], and has [191] a very great Corn-market on Wedneſdays, and is full of good Inns. In the Year 1716, a School-houſe was erected here by Contribution of the Town and Country.

Two Miles both Ways of Royſton is chalky Soil; about Puckeridge it is gravelly: in other Places adjoining are Camps, and Roman Antiquities. At Hadſtock is the Skin of a Daniſh King nailed upon the Church Doors, as reported.

Royſton was a Roman Town before Roiſia built her religious Houſe here; for Roman Coins have been dug up near the Spot. There ſeems to be the Stamp of Roiſia's Croſs ſtill remaining at the Corner of the Inn, juſt where the Two Roads meet. The Earl of Oxford, digging Canals at Wimple, when he had that Seat, found many Bodies, and ruſty Pieces of Iron, the Remains of ſome Battle.

And now I bend my Courſe Southward, towards London.

The Church of Therfield, which lies among the Hills, a little South of Royſton, is obliged to Francis Lord Biſhop of Ely, once Rector of it, who paved the Chancel with Free-ſtone, the Area of the Altar with Marble; wainſcoted the Walls, made it into the Form of a Choir, and ceiled it with Fret-work. 'Tis a Rectory of great Value, and is rated in the Firſt-fruits Office, at 50l. a Year. Till lately was at Therfield Furniture of all Sorts for the Uſe of poor Peoples Weddings, ſuch as was at Braughing; but they are now loſt, or converted to other Uſes, even literally to Ploughſhares and Peaſe-hooks.

Barkway is a Market-town. The Church ſtands in the midſt of the Town, with an Ayle on each Side, and a Tower with Five Bells, and a Turret-clock. The Creation of the World is painted on one of the Windows. In one Pane at Top is a bodily Repreſentation of the Deity, as a Man in a looſe R [...]be, down to his Feet, with the Globe before him, [192] and the Motto under, De operae primae diei. The next Pane has the ſame, with Hands expanded, ſtanding on the Firmament, in the midſt of the Water; under which, De opere Secundae diei. The Third has the ſame Figure, amongſt green Trees and Herbs; the Legend loſt, and Three other Panes, in Order, under theſe. The Painting of the Fourth is loſt. The Fifth has the ſame Figure, with Birds flying about it. A Piece of the Sixth remains, where Fowls and Beaſts are brought to Adam to be named. Another Window, in the North Iſle, has St. George ſlaying a Dragon, a Biſhop, &c.

The Roman Road, called Ermine-ſtreet, paſſes thro' the Pariſh of Amſty; and all the Way upon it we find Remains of Camps and Stations, exactly according to the Itinerary. The Caſtle formerly here, was ſaid to be built by Euſtace Earl of Bologne, at the Conqueror's Command; and it is not improbable, that there were Fortifications before. It conſiſted of a Keep, or round artificial Hill, yet remaining, with a large and deep Foſſe about it; the Mount, probably, made from the Ditch. The Barons, in King John's Time, made another Retrenchment South of it, which would contain a Gariſon as numerous as the Caſtle would hold. Henry III. obliged Nicolas de Aveſtic to demoliſh the additional Fortification, and keep up only the old one.

The Church was built in the Reign of Henry III. as is ſaid, out of the Stones of the demoliſhed Fortifications made additional to the Caſtle. It is certainly very old, and built with a low Tower in the Middle, and Two Ayles. The Chancel, perhaps, was rebuilt with the Materials of the Keep, being of later Date. It is large and lofty, and hath Stalls, as if for a Choir.

[193] Buntingford is the next Town, and lies in the Cambridge Road, noted for a great Thorough-fare, 28 computed Miles from London, and owes its Being as a Town to the preſent Poſt-road through it to the North. The firſt Mention of it is in the Reign of Edward III. who gave a Market and a Fair to it. It is ſituated in Layſton Pariſh; but has a Chapel of Brick, built by Contribution for the Inhabitants here. Dr. Seth Ward Biſhop of Salisbury, who died Jan. 6. 1688, built a neat Brick-houſe near the Chapel, for Four poor Men, and Four poor Women, who had lived handſomely, and came to Decay thro' Misfortunes; each of which has Two Rooms below, and Two above. Buntingford Free-ſchool owes much alſo to the ſame worthy Prelate, who had his Education in it. He built, 1683, an Hoſpital at Saliſbury, for Ten poor Widows of Clergymen, was a Benefactor to Layſton, gave a good Sum of Money to make Salisbury River navigable; 600l. to be laid out in Land, for putting out Three poor Children Apprentices, Two out of Alſeden, and One out of Layſton, alternately. In ſhort, the good Biſhop ſeems to have thought, that the Revenues he reaped from the Church, ought to have ſome other more publick Deſignation, than to lift out of Obſcurity a private Family.

Braughing lies a little on the Eaſt of the Road, was antiently, next to Verulam, the moſt conſiderable Place in the County, and is thought to have been the Roman Caeſaromagum, ſituated 28 Miles from London, as by Antoninus's Itinerary. It ſtill has ſome Ruins of its antient Eminence, giving Name to the Deanry and the Hundred. On the Weſt Side the Ermin-ſtreet, now the Road to Cambridge, we find the Ruins of a Roman Camp. The Church is an handſome Building, and hath a Ring of Five good Bells.

[194]Near the Church-yard is an old Houſe, at preſent inhabited by poor Families, which was given with all Sorts of Furniture for Weddings. They brought hither their Proviſions, and had a large Kitchen, with a Caldron, large Spits and Dripping-pan; a large Room for Merriment; a Lodging-room with a Bride-bed and good Linen; ſome of which Furniture was in being a few Years ago.

This Proviſion was alſo at Therfield, and the Kitchen Utenſils, but lately loſt.

We proceeded thro' Puckridge, a little Hamlet Town, but a great Thorough-fare, ſtanding on the Ermin-ſtreet, where there are ſeveral good Inns for Travellers, and came to Standon, a ſmall Market-town. The Church hath Three Ayles; the Floor of the Chancel is Seven Steps above that of the Church, and the Altar Three Steps above the Chancel-floor.

Here we turn'd ſhort to the Eaſt, to viſit Biſhop-Stortford, lying on the Borders of Eſſex, 27 Miles from London. The Conqueror gave this Town and Caſtle to the Biſhop of London, whence its Praenomen; and King John ſeized and demoliſhed it, for the Offence of the then Biſhop, who was one of thoſe who publiſhed the Pope's Interdict againſt the Nation. The Town, in the ſame Reign, was incorporated, and returned Members to Seven ſucceſſive Parliaments. The Biſhop was reſtored by the ſame Prince, and Satisfaction made him for demoliſhing the Caſtle. The Hill or Keep of the Caſtle is artificial, made of Earth carried thither, with a Breaſt-work at Top of Stones and Morter. A Bank of Earth leads from it thro' the moory Ground, on which it was ſituated, to the North-eaſt. There is a large Wall from the Top of the Hill yet remaining. The Biſhop's Priſon was in being in Biſhop Bonner's Time; tho' all the old Buildings are ſince demoliſhed. But the Caſtle-guard is ſtill paid by ſeveral Places to the Biſhop, beſides other Quit-rents.

[195]The Town is large, and well-built; it is a Thorough-fare from London to Cambridge, New-market, and St. Edmundſbury, and full of convenient Inns. It is built in the Form of a Croſs, having four Streets turn'd to the Cardinal Points, and the River Stort runs thro' it.

The Church dedicated to St. Michael, is lofty, and ſtands on high Ground; it hath a fine Ring of Eight Bells. There were antiently Three Guilds and a Chantry founded here. In the Church are Nine Stalls on a Side, for a Choir. On the North Side the Church is a Gallery for the young Gentlemen of the School, built by Contribution; upon it Sir John Hobart's Arms, who was educated there, and a great Benefactor to this Work.

At the Weſt End is another Gallery, built a few Years ago, upon which is an Organ; and it is obſervable, that there was an Organ in this Church ſo long ago as in the Reign of Henry VII. A new Font ſtands before it, with a Pavement of Black and White Marble, incloſed with Iron Ralis.

There are a great Number of Monuments in the Church, particularly one in the North Ayle, for Seven Children of Edward Mapheſden, who died of the Small-pox, with a Latin Inſcription, deploring that heavy Diſpenſation.

Several Benefactions are beſtowed on the Poor of this Town, particularly Two Alms-houſes in Potters-ſtreet. But the greateſt Ornament of the Town is the School, built 35 Years ago, by Contribution of the Gentlemen of Hertfordſhire and Eſſex, at the Requeſt of Dr. Thomas Tooke late Maſter, who alſo procured ſeveral Sums for completing it, from the young Gentlemen educated here. When this Gentleman engaged in it, it was at the loweſt Ebb of Reputation; but he raiſed it to a great Degree of Fame, and conſiderably increaſed the Trade of the Town, by the beneficial Concourſe that it [196] brought thither. He revived the annual School-feaſt, and charged his own Eſtate with a yearly Preſent to the Preacher on that Occaſion. He died May 4. 1721, after upwards of 30 Years ſucceſsful and diligent Labours here. By his Intereſt and Care the Gallery in the Church, for the Uſe of the School, was erected: He gave a Chalice of 20l. Value to the Church, and was a great Benefactor to the School Library, which is a very good one, and was firſt ſet on foot by the Reverend Mr. Thomas Leigh, B. D. who was Vicar of the Church Anno 1680.

The School ſtands in the High-ſtreet, with the Weſt Front to the Church-yard, conſiſting of Three Rooms, which, with the Stair-caſe, make a ſquare Building. The Grammar School takes up half of it, all the Front to the Street; the other Two are the Library, and Writing-ſchool. Theſe ſtand upon Arches, under which are a Market and Shops, which are the Property of the Pariſh; and here the School was built at the Deſire of the Inhabitants, who got by it a Covering for their Market, and at the ſame time an Ornament to their Town.

Every Gentleman at leaving the School preſents a Book to the Library.

Hadham Parva ſtands a little North of Biſhop-Stortford, and is of chief Note for being the Burying-place of the Capels, Earls of Eſſex.

The Manor of Rye, in the Pariſh of Stanſted-Abbots, is famous for the Plot, called thence the Rye-houſe Plot, ſaid to be formed for aſſaſſinating King Charles II. in his Return from New-market; for which ſeveral Perſons ſuffered, and among the reſt the Tenant of the Place, Rumball, a Man of a daring and intrepid Spirit.

Honeſdon, ſeparated from Eſſex by the Stort, deſerves to be mentioned for Three Reaſons; firſt, for its noble Situation upon a gravelly riſing Ground, [197] overlooking the Meadows; 2dly, for being the Reſidence of the Children of King Henry VIII. in whoſe Hands it was then, on account of its good Air, and Vicinity to London; and 3dly, for the Seat of Robert Cheſter, Eſq built within theſe few Years, incloſed with a Park. It ſtands upon a beautiful Hill, overlooking the Meadows, the River Stort, and Part of Eſſex, from the back Front; from the other it hath a Proſpect over great Part of Hertfordſhire, and is ſeen from Cheſhunt Common, on one hand, as St. Paul's is from the other. At the Entrance of the Avenue it hath a large Baſin, thro' which runs a ſmall Stream, and there is a graceful Plantation of Trees, with Variety of Slopes, adorned with Statues. The ſame Stream afterwards feeds a Canal.

We purſued our Way directly South, and came to Sawbridgeworth, or Sabſworth. Among ſeveral antient Monuments in the Church, is an handſome one erected to the Memory of General Lumly, Brother to the then Earl of Scarborough, with an Inſcription greatly to his Honour. As follows:

‘"Here lieth the Honourable HENRY LUMLEY, Eſq only Brother to Thomas Earl of Scarborough; who was in every Battle, and at every Siege, as Colonel, Lieutenant-General, or General of the Horſe, with King William, or the Duke of Marlborough, in Twenty Campaigns, in Ireland, Flanders, and Germany; where he was honoured, eſteemed and beloved by our own Army, by our Allies, and even by the Enemies, for his ſingular Politeneſs and Humanity, as well as for all his military Virtues and Capacity. He ſat long in Parliament, always zealous for the Honour of the Crown, and for the Good of his Country; and knew no Party, but that of Truth, Juſtice, and Honour. He died Governor of the Iſle of [198] Jerſey, the 18th of October 1722, in the 63d Year of his Age."’

The Manor Houſe of Piſh [...]bury, in Sabſworth Pariſh, deſerves to be mentioned on account of its remarkable Strength, (though built in Queen Elizabeth's Time) and lofty Rooms. It is ſituated on a clean Soil, has handſome Avenues to it, with the River Stort behind, which communicates with the Canals in the Gardens. It is in the Poſſeſſion of the Family of Gardiner.

We then croſs'd the Country directly Weſt to Ware, ſituated 20 Miles from London, on the River Lee, in its Courſe from Milford. The Town ſtands low, upon a Level with the River. It is a Place of great Trade for all ſorts of Grain, but chiefly Malt, which is conveyed in great Quantities to London, by the River Lee, which is navigable from hence; and the Barges bring Coals, &c.

It conſiſts of one principal Street a Mile long, and other back Streets and Lanes. At an Inn in this Town is the famous great Bed, which is 12 Feet ſquare.

Ware being 20 Miles from London, is the ſecond Poſt Town from thence on the Northern Road. The next is Royſton, 13 Miles further. Several Alms-houſes, and a Free-ſchool, and other Charities belong to this Town.

Thomas Byde, Eſq Lord of the Manor, has a Houſe pleaſantly ſituated in the Park here, to which is an Aſcent of every Side; alſo a Vineyard newly planted. One late Improvement, beſides many others, is, a Cut from the Rib, which by that Means turns that Stream thro' the Park on the South Side, which is a fine Nurſery and Protection for Trouts.

In the North Part of the Town was ſituated the Priory, now in the Poſſeſſion of the Family of Hadſley.

[199]An eminent Tradeſman of Ware, having loſt by Death a favourite Mare, which he had had many Years; in Conſideration of her good Services, made, in March 1739, a grand Burying for her, and invited near 300 People to it. He and his Wife going next the Carcaſe, as chief Mourners, were followed by the reſt of the Company in Couples; and about Four o'Clock ſhe was interred in Hare-lane-field, near the Town, with great Pomp: After which the Company returned, and were treated with Plum Cake and Strong Beer, at the Mourner's Houſe, who expreſſed great Concern for the Loſs of the valuable Creature.

At Blake's-ware, the moſt Eaſtern Part of the Pariſh, is a Seat of William Plummer, Eſq with a Stream called the Aſh, on the Eaſt Front, which feeds a Canal and a Garden by the River-ſide. The chief Gardens are ſeen from the weſtern Front, which being upon a Declivity, afford an handſome Proſpect that Way.

A little South of Ware lies Amwell, a Village, famous for giving Riſe to the New River, which proceeding in a direct Courſe by the Church, receives a Spring which flows with great abundance. It is 20 Miles from London; but the Courſe of the River is computed at 36. It was begun by Sir Hugh Middleton; but he being ruined by the Project, the City of London undertook it, and by Aid of an Act of Parliament, brought it to Perfection. The yearly Profit of the River has, ſome Years ago, been computed at 30000l. and the Expence in ſupporting and keeping it up, is ſaid to amount to half the Profit. 'Twas divided originally into 72 Shares, one Moiety whereof belonged to private Perſons, and the other to the Crown: For King James I. for the ſake of his Palace at Theobalds, was a great Promoter of it. The Crown's Moiety is ſince come into private Hands; who however have no Part in the [200] Management; for the Corporation conſiſts of 29 of the Proprietors of the firſt 36 Shares.

This River, in Fact, draws moſt of its Water from the Lee; which being the Property of the City of London, that Corporation oppoſed a Bill brought into Parliament, for giving further Powers to the New River Company, to benefit itſelf by the Lee River: But the Oppoſition availed not, and in the Seſſion 1738-9 the Bill paſſed into a Law.

The Governors of the New River Company agreed with the Proprietors of the Lands on the River Lee, for a Cut of Two cubick Feet of Water from the ſaid River, at a certain Rate; and after the Agreement, they told them they would double the Price for a Four-foot Cut; which the Proprietors agreed to, not conſidering the great Diſproportion of the Two Cuts. And this Cut of the River Lee ſupplies the largeſt Share of the New River Water.

We kept along the great Road, thro' Hoddeſdon, (which is a conſiderable Market-town, and noted alſo as a Thoroughfare) till we came to Broxbourn, which lies near it on the New River; a ſmall, but pleaſant Village, ſituated on a riſing Ground, having pleaſant Meadows down to the River Lee. On the Lefthand of the Village is Broxbournbury, the Seat of the Lord Monſon. The Houſe is large, and in the old Gothick Style, and ſituated in the Middle of the Park (which has been planted and beautified of late). There are alſo new Offices erected at a little Diſtance from the Houſe, in a Quadrangle, on the ſame Plan with the King's Meuſe at Charing-croſs. They are placed behind a large Plantation of Trees, ſo that they do not appear until you are near upon them, yet are at a convenient Diſtance from the Manſion-houſe, which I was informed his Lordſhip alſo propoſes to rebuild.

The Manor of Theobalds is in this Neighbourhood, where formerly was built a magnificent Seat by Lord [201] Treaſurer Burleigh, who gave it his younger Son Sir Robert Cecil, and he exchanged it for that of Hatfield, at the Deſire of King James I. who made it his Sporting Seat; and here ended his Life. From this Place Charles I. ſet out to erect his Standard at Nottingham. King Charles II. made a Grant of it to Monck, Duke of Albemarle, and to his Male Iſſue, which failing in his Son Chriſtopher, King William gave it to Bentinck, Earl of Portland, in whoſe Grandſon, the preſent Duke, it ſtill continues. In the late Civil Wars the Palace was plundered and defaced; and is become a poor Village, from a Royal Reſidence. The great Park, which was incloſed within a Wall of 10 Miles Compaſs, by King James, is now converted into Farms. The Place is however popular, and the New River runs juſt by, and ſometimes thro' the Gardens of the Inhabitants. In this Neighbourhood Richard Cromwell, the abdicated Protector, paſſed the laſt Part of his Life in a very private Manner.

Waltham-croſs is the next, and, as you enter Middleſex by the North Road, the laſt Place in Hertfordſhire, ſtanding juſt on the Edge of Middleſex. It is noted for, and takes its Name from, the Croſs, built by King Edward I. in Honour of his beloved Queen Eleanor, whoſe Corps, in its Way from Lincolnſhire to Weſtminſter, reſted here; as a Croſs was built at every Stage where it reſted, and Charing-croſs was the laſt. That Princeſs's Effigies placed round the Pillar and the Arms of her Royal Conſort, as well as her own, viz. England, Caſtile, Leon, and Poictou, are ſtill remaining, tho' much defaced.

And thus much for the County of Hertford, with which I conclude myſelf, Sir,

Yours, &c.

LETTER IV. CONTAINING A Deſcription of Part of BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, of the County of OXFORD, and Part of WILTS.


I NOW proceed to give you an Account of my next Journey thro' Part of Bucks, into Oxfordſhire, and ſhall touch upon ſome Parts of Wiltſhire, of which I have not-yet taken notice.

On the Right-hand, as we ride from London to Uxbridge or to Colebrook, we ſee Harrow; the Church of which ſtanding on the Summit of an Hill, and having a very high Spire, they tell us, King Charles II. ridiculing the warm Diſputes among ſome critical Scripturaliſts of thoſe Times, concerning the Viſible Church of Chriſt upon Earth; uſed to ſay, This was it.

From Uxbridge we proceeded on the Road towards Oxford, and came to Beaconsfield, a ſmall Town on the Road to Oxford, full of good Inns, and ſituated on a dry Hill, famous for the Reſidence of Mr. Edmund Waller, eminent for his poetical Talent.

[203]Then we went on to Wickham, commonly call'd High or Chipping Wycoomb, from Coomb, a Britiſh Word for Valley. This is a large Town, conſiſting of one great principal Street, branching out into divers ſmall ones. It is full of good Houſes and Inns, being a great Thorough-fare from London to Oxford.

Not far from Wickham lies Amerſham or Agmondeſham, a ſmall Market-town, very antient; and a little beyond it you go thro' Cheſham, a little inconſiderable Market-town; and likewiſe Wendover, a mean, dirty corporate Town. From hence we proceeded to Aylesbury, which is the largeſt and beſt Town in the County.—It ſtands on a Hill, but the Country round it is low and dirty. It conſiſts of ſeveral large Streets, and has a handſome built Market-houſe, which ſtands in a kind of Quadrangle. It has alſo a Town-houſe, where the Aſſizes and Seſſions, and other publick Meetings of the County, are held. Proviſions are here cheap and plentiful, which is owing to the rich Vale adjoining. It was a ſtrong Town in the Beginning of the Saxons Time, and a Manor Royal in that of the Conqueror's, who parcell'd it out under this odd Tenure, That the Tenants ſhould find Litter or Straw for the King's Bed-chambers Three times a Year, if he came that Way ſo often, and provide him Three Eels in Winter, and Three Green Geeſe in Summer; which would be but a mean Entertainment at Bed and Board for a King in theſe Days.

All round this Town is a large Track of the richeſt Land in England, extended for many Miles almoſt from Tame, on the Edge of Oxfordſhire, to Leighton in Bedfordſhire, and is called from this very Town, The Vale of Aylesbury. It is famous for fattening Cattle and Sheep, and 'tis frequent that they ſell a Ram here for Breeding for Ten Pounds. Here it was, that converſing with ſome Gentlemen who underſtood Country Affairs, (for all Gentlemen hereabouts [204] are Graziers, tho' all the Graziers are not Gentlemen) they ſhewed me one remarkable incloſed Field of Paſture-ground, which was lett for 1400l. per Ann. to a Grazier; and I knew the Tenant very well, whoſe Name was Houghton, who confirmed the Truth of it.

The late Duke of Wharton had a very fine Seat at Winchenden, and another much finer nearer Windſor, called Ubourn. But the Cataſtrophe that has befallen this once flouriſhing and truly noble Family, is too melancholy, and too well known, to be animadverted upon here.

Near this Place lies Chilton, famous for giving Birth to that ſteddy Patriot the Lord Chief Juſtice Crook, who ſtrenuouſly oppoſed the arbitrary Meaſures of levying Ship-money without the Authority of Parliament.

South-weſt of Aylesbury lies the Market-town of Tame, ſituated on the Side of a Meadow, and almoſt incompaſſed with Rivulets. It conſiſts of one long broad Street. The Church is large and fine, in Form of a Croſs; near which are the Ruins of a Priory. A Pot of Roman Coin was found here about 15 Years ſince.

The Thame joins the other Branch, named alſo the Thames, at Dorcheſter, in Oxfordſhire. In this Vale of Aylesbury flouriſhed the great and antient Family of Hampden, for many Ages, in the Enjoyment of very large Eſtates, which, like that of Wharton, are now diſſipated.

At the Confluence of the Thame and Iſis, ſtands Dorcheſter, a Town of Note among the antient Romans, and in the Year 634 was made a Biſhop's See, till Remigius, in 1094, removed it to Lincoln. It has a very large Church, and a fine large Stone Bridge, of great Length and Antiquity.

Eaſt of Aylesbury lies Ivingo, a pleaſant Market-town ſituate among Woods, in a Nook, or kind of [205] Peninſula, which runs in between Bedfordſhire and Hertfordſhire.

We paſſed forward North-weſt thro' Win [...]low, a ſmall Market-town, to Buckingham, the County-Town, ſituated in a low, fruitful Ground, ſurrounded by the Ouze on all Sides but the North. 'Tis govern'd by a Bailiff and Capital Burgeſſes. The Caſtle is now old and ruinous, and the Buildings of the Town are alſo old. It has Three Stone Bridges over the River, and a well-built Church, and a Chapel built by Archbiſhop Becket, which is now uſed for a Free-ſchool. Several Paper-mills are erected on the Ouze, and the Town is divided into two Parts; one where the Church ſtands, and the other where the Townhall is. The County Gaol, and Court, are kept here, and ſometimes the Aſſizes.

Going ſtill farther Northward, we come to the following Towns:

Stony Stratford is remarkable for ſtanding on the Roman Cauſeway, called Watling-ſtreet. It is an antient and well-known Thoroughfare Town in the Cheſter Road from London. It is large, and well-built of Stone, has Two Churches in it, and a Croſs erected by Edward I. to the Honour of his Queen Eleanor, and has a good Stone Bridge over the River. The principal Manufacture, as well in the Neighbourhood as in the Town, is Bone-lace.

Newport-pagnell is a large well-built, populous Town, ſeated on the River Ouze, over which it has Two large Stone Bridges. It carries on a great Trade in Bone-lace, and the ſame Manufacture imploys alſo the neighbouring Villages.

Oulney is a pretty good Town, where alſo is carried on a conſiderable Manufacture of Bone-lace. It lies on the Extremity of the County.

We then fell down, back again, to Buckingham; and following the great Road North-weſt, we came to Brackley, in Northamptonſhire, ſituate on the River [206] Ouze, an antient large corporate Town, in which are Two Pariſh Churches. It had formerly a College, but it is now uſed for a Free-ſchool. It is governed by a Mayor and Aldermen; and the Market uſed to be the Staple for Wool, in that County; but it is now removed.

We next came to Banbury in Oxfordſhire, on the River Charwell. It is a large Market-town under the Government of a Mayor and Aldermen. It has a conſiderable Trade, eſpecially in Cheeſe, as all the Country round it is a rich feeding Meadow-ground. Here the famous Make-king, Earl of Warwick, ſurpriſed the Earl of Pembroke and his Brother, of the Party of Edward IV. and beheaded them.

On the Borders of this County Weſtward from this Town in Warwickſhire, was the famous Battle of Edge-hill, fought between the Forces of King Charles I. and thoſe of the Parliament; where, tho' the Victory was dubious, yet the Advantage, in the Event, inclined to the King's Side; for he thereupon took Lord Say's Houſe at Broughton, and Banbury Caſtle, in which were 800 Foot, and a Troop of Horſe.

Edge-hill lies at the Weſt End of the Vale of Redhorſe, and gives a moſt extenſive Proſpect. It is ſteep to the North, and on the Top of it, at Warmlington, is a ſtrong large Entrenchment, ſaid to be Daniſh, but looks more like Britiſh. On the Deſcent of the Hill, between Radway and Keynton, was fought the aforementioned Battle; here alſo they ſhew where the Slain were bury'd, and have a Tradition, that King John had a Palace, and reſided at Keyntor.

There was likewiſe, at Cropredy Bridge, an Encounter between the Royaliſts and the Parliamentarians under Waller's Command.

Weſt of Edge-hill ſtands Shipton, a little Town, which has a very large Market.

[207] Banbury gave Title of Earl to the noble Family of Knolles, which it ſeems became extinct in 1632, when the laſt Earl died; but his Wife, marrying Nicolas Lord Vaux, had a Son by him, who took the Name of Knolles, and the Title of Earl; but was never ſummoned to Parliament, nor his Son after him, who is now living, and commonly called Lord Banbury.

From hence we rode Southward to Deddington, a large Town, but a very ſmall Market. It is govern'd by a Bailiff, and did formerly return Members to Parliament.

We turned a little Eaſt, and came to Biceſter, a ſtraggling indifferent Town; but remarkable for having had once a famous City in its Neighbourhood, called Aldcheſter, long ſince paſſed over by the Plough; and where many Roman Coins, Stones, and other Antiquities are found; which was undoubtedly the Maima of Ravennas. Biceſter is famous for excellent Malt Liquor, and has had formerly a Religious Houſe.

Iſlip lying directly in our Way to Oxford, we paſſed thro' it. It is remarkable for the Birth of Edward the Confeſſor, and that Dr. South, as well as other eminent Divines, were Miniſters here. There are ſome Remains of an antient Palace ſtill left.

From hence I came to Oxford, famous for ſeveral Things, but chiefly for its being the moſt flouriſhing and conſiderable Univerſity in the World.

There has been a long Conteſt between the Two Engliſh Univerſities, about the Priority of their Foundations, which perhaps will never be decided, and ſo I paſs it over.

It is out of Queſtion, that in the Largeneſs of the Place, the Beauty of Situation, the Number of Inhabitants, and of Scholars, Oxford has the Advantage. In ſhort, Oxford has ſeveral Things as an [208] Univerſity, which Cambridge has not; and Cambridge has ſeveral Things in it, which cannot be found in Oxford. For Example,

The Theatre, the Muſeum or Chamber of Rarities, the Bodleian Library, the Number of Colleges, and the Magnificence of their Buildings, are on the Side of Oxford; yet King's College Chapel, and College, is in favour of Cambridge, being one of the fineſt Structures of its kind that can be ſeen; and the new Buildings erected lately there, make that whole Univerſity ſtill more conſiderable in this way.

Oxford is a noble flouriſhing City, ſo poſſeſſed of all that can contribute to make the Reſidence of the Scholars eaſy and comfortable, that no Spot of Ground in England goes beyond it. It is ſituated in a delightful Plain, on the Bank of a fine navigable River, in a plentiful Country, and at an eaſy Diſtance from London.

The City itſelf is large, populous and rich: and as it is adorn'd by the moſt beautiful Buildings of Colleges and Halls, it makes the moſt noble Figure of any City of its Bigneſs in Europe.

We ſhall preſent our Readers with a Liſt of the Colleges and Halls in this famous City, with a brief Hiſtory of them; but muſt obſerve, that as it would exceed our Limits to give an Account of the particular Benefactions by which their Revenues and Buildings are ſo ſplendidly augmented, we ſhall only mention ſuch of thoſe Benefactions as have been conferred within ſo few Years back, that they are not likely to be found in other Authors.



IS ſituate near the Eaſt Gate of the City. 'Tis ſo very antient, that we are left in the dark, as to the Time of its Foundation. That it was in being before [209] the Year 721, is certain; but how much ſooner, is not evident. King Alfred could not be ſo properly called the Founder of this Univerſity, as the Reſtorer, after the Daniſh Devaſtations. In the Year 1332, this College was recover'd into a State of Liberty and Independency, by a Sum of Money, which William of Durham had left for the Maintenance of a Society of Students in Oxford, from whom it was ſome time call'd Durham-hall; and by other Benefactions it increaſed to what it now is. It has One Maſter, Twelve Fellows, Ten Scholars, Two Exhibitioners, &c.

Before the very noble Benefaction of Dr. Radcliffe, it had one large beautiful Quadrangle, or ſquare Court; the South Side of which is divided into a handſome Hall and Chapel. In a Niche before the ſaid Quadrangle, is a Statue of the late Queen Anne; and in a Niche on the Inſide of the new Quadrangle, ſince built, is that of Dr. Radcliffe; but not extraordinary either of them. The Additions to this College will be mentioned in the Abſtract we ſhall by-and-by give of Dr. Radcliffe's Will.

The Viſitors are the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors.


Stands in the North Part of the Town, in the Suburbs. It was founded by John Baliol, Father to the King of Scots of that Name, and Devorguilla his Wife. The former began it about the Year 1262; the latter, after her Huſband's Death, completed and ended it, and gave it a Body of Statutes, which was afterwards inlarged by Philip Somerville, a great Benefactor to this College; but that Body was afterwards laid aſide, and a more advantageous one ſubſtituted in its Room, Ann. 1507, by the then Biſhops of Wincheſter and Carliſle. This College has One Maſter, Twelve Fellows, Thirteen Scholars, and Three Exhibitioners, beſides Four others founded by John Warner, Biſhop of Rocheſter, for Scotſmen.

[210]It has one large antient Quadrangle, on the Northſide of which is the Chapel, and the Library, furniſhed with a very noble Collection of Books. Sir Thomas Wendy gave his Study to it, a few Years ago, valued at 1500l.

The Viſitor is choſen by the College.


Situate on the South Side of the City, was founded by Walter of Merton, Biſhop of Rocheſter, Lord High Chancellor of England. The Society was firſt planted at Maldern, in Surrey, in 1264; and he transferred it to Oxford, Ann. 1267. The Founder framed his Statutes ſo admirably, that they were propoſed as a Pattern to the Founder of Peter-houſe, Cambridge, by King Edward I. This College has a Warden, Twenty Fellows, Fourteen Portioniſts, or Poſt-maſters, &c.

The Chapel is the Pariſh Church of St. John Baptiſt; it is a ſplendid old Building. The inner large Court or Quadrangle of the College is very beautiful; it has a well-furniſhed Library, and a fine Garden.

The Viſitor is the Archbiſhop of Canterbury.


Is ſituate on the Weſt Side of the Schools, in the North Part of the Town. It was founded Ann. 1316, by Walter Stapledon, Biſhop of Exeter, Privy Counſellor to Edward II. and Lord Treaſurer of England, and named Stapledon-Inn; and called Exeter College afterwards, by Edmund Stafford Biſhop of Exeter, who was a Benefactor to it. It has a Rector, Twenty-three Fellowſhips, &c.

It is one large Quadrangle, now made 0regular and uniform by the new Buildings, to which the moſt Reverend Dr. Narciſſus Marſh, Archbiſhop of Armagh, formerly a Fellow of it, contributed 1400l. It has a very noble Front, over the Gate of which is a ſplendid Tower.

The Viſitor is the Biſhop of Exeter.


Situate on the South Side of the Town, was at firſt called St. Mary's College, and King's College, and was founded Anno 1324, by King Edward II. His Son Edward III. inlarging the Revenue of it with a rich Meſſuage, called Le Oriele, it took the Name of Oriel College. The ſame Prince annexed to it for a Retiring-place, in caſe of Peſtilence, &c. St. Bartholomew's Hoſpital near Oxford. It has a Provoſt, 18 Fellows, and Twelve Exhibitioners.

It conſiſts of one handſome regular Quadrangle.

The Viſitor is the Biſhop of Lincoln.


Is ſituate near the Pariſh Church of St. Peter's in the Eaſt. It was founded Anno 1340, by Robert Eglesfield, Chaplain or Confeſſor to Philippa, Conſort of King Edward III. in Honour of whom he called it Queen's College, recommending it to her Royal Patronage and Protection, and to that of all future Queens of England. There were to be a Provoſt and Twelve Fellows, out of regard to the Number of Chriſt and his Apoſtles, and Seventy Scholars, in Alluſion to the Number of the Seventy Diſciples; but he died before his Deſign was completed. The Society conſiſts of a Provoſt, Fourteen Fellows, Seven Scholars, Two Chaplains, Taberders, whoſe Number is not always the ſame, &c.

Sir Joſeph Williamſon was a ſpecial Benefactor to this College, of late times, as Edward III. his Queen, Archbiſhop Grindall, and King Charles I. were before. As alſo was its late Provoſt, Dr. William Lancaſter, in whoſe Time were begun thoſe noble and extenſive Buildings, which are ſo juſtly admir'd; one Side whereof, in which are the Library, the Provoſt's, and other ſpacious and ſtately Lodgings, is 327 Feet long, ſupported by a Piazza, and adorn'd with Statues, &c. The Library is long and lofty, very magnificent without, and well-furniſh'd within. [212] The new Chapel and Hall, lately finiſh'd, anſwer the other Side of the College.

On the 24th of May 1733, Arthur Onſlow, Eſq Speaker of the Houſe of Commons, and Chancellor to her late Majeſty Queen Caroline, tranſmitted to the Provoſt 1000l. from her Majeſty, as Queen Conſort, and Patroneſs thereof, towards finiſhing the new Buildings; and her Majeſty's Statue is erected there under a kind of Temple, ſupported by Pillars; but not to the Advantage which the Royal Munificence, and the good Intentions of the College, deſerv'd.

And in the Year 1739, we are aſſured, that Mr. Michael of Richmond has left an Eſtate of 700l. per Annum to this College, the Income whereof is to finiſh the Eaſt End of the Buildings of the ſaid College on the Plan laid down for that Purpoſe, and after this to commence a Foundation of Eight Fellows, at 50l. per Ann. each, and as many Scholars, at 25l. per Ann. each, to be elected from the whole Univerſity; thoſe on the preſent Foundation to be excluded. The Fellowſhips to be vacated after Ten Years Enjoyment; as they are at Wadham, Worceſter, and Pembroke Colleges after Twenty Years.

The Viſitor of this College is the Archbiſhop of York.


Situate on the North-eaſt Part of the Town, was at firſt called, The College of the Bleſſed Virgin Mary; it was founded Anno 1386, by William of Wickham, Biſhop of Wincheſter, and Lord High Chancellor, who alſo founded the College at Wincheſter. It has a Warden, 70 Fellows and Scholars, Ten Chaplains, Three Clerks, Sixteen Choiriſters, &c.

Great Additions have been made to the Beauty and Buildings of this College: beſides a third Story that was raiſed upon the Two original ones of the great Court, at the Society's Expence, Anno 1674, they have inlarged their Buildings towards the Garden, [213] with two ſtately and uniform Wings, extending to the Garden; their Chapel is moſt magnificent, ſolemn and ſplendid, with an Organ and Choir. They have a very lofty Tower, with a Ring of fine Bells; and under that and the Weſt End of the Chapel, a very handſome ſquare Cloiſter, and a little Garden within it. Their Library is well furniſhed with Books and Manuſcripts, and their great Garden laid out in Form. The Front of it is a Range of Iron Paliſadoes, and a Gate of exquiſite Work; and at the South End they have a Bowling-green. Their Hall, which is at the End of the Chapel, anſwers to the Magnificence of the reſt.

The Viſitor is the Biſhop of Wincheſter.


Situate in the Middle of the City, was founded in the Year 1427, by Richard Fleming, Biſhop of Lincoln; who dying before it was completed, Thomas de Rotherham, Biſhop of Lincoln, afterwards Lord High Chancellor, and Archbiſhop of York, finiſh'd it Anno 1475. It has a Rector, Twelve Fellows, Two Chaplains, &c.

It has Two ſmall antient Quadrangles, not very regular. The Chapel is beautiful, and built by Archbiſhop Williams; the Windows are very curiouſly painted.

The Lord Crew, Biſhop of Durham, order'd to take Place from Michaelmas 1717, the following Benefactions to this College; viz. 1. Twenty Pounds a Year to the Headſhip, and 10l. a Year to each of the Twelve Fellowſhips for ever. 2. Ten Pounds per Ann. for ever to the Curates of Four Churches belonging to this College. 3. He made up the Bible-clerk's Office, and Eight Scholarſhips, which were before very mean, 10l. per Ann. each for ever. And, 4. Settled, to commence from Lady-day 1718, 20l. per Ann. each on Twelve Exhibitioners for ever.

The Viſitor is the Biſhop of Lincoln.


Its Front faces the High-ſtreet. It was ſounded by Henry Chichley, Archbiſhop of Canterbury, for offering up Prayers for all thoſe who fell in the Wars of Henry V. in France. It has a Warden, Forty Fellows, Two Chaplains, Three Clerks, Six Choiriſters, &c.

Before the new Buildings, it had Two Courts, the larger a regular and ſtately Edifice. The Chapel was very auguſt and ſolemn: but the College now appears with a new Face.

Colonel Chriſtopher Codrington, Governor of the Leeward Iſlands, bequeath'd to this College 10,000l. 6,000 of which he order'd to be laid out in building a Library, and the other 4,000l. in Books for it, and bequeath'd his own Library to it beſides. This Library is 200 Feet long within the Walls, and 32 Feet and half broad; it has Eleven large Windows to the South, and a Window of 17 Feet wide at the Eaſt End, and one at the Weſt of the ſame Dimenſions. It is a fine Gothick Structure, built ſo in Conformity to the Chapel. Againſt the Entrance, in a Niche, is the Statue of the Benefactor, with a ſuitable Inſcription to his Honour; which he forbid to be mention'd on his Monument; on which is only cut the Word CODRINGTON.

Beſides what will be mention'd by-and-by of the Benefactions of Dr. George Clarke, in the Abſtract we ſhall give of his Will; that Gentleman in his Life-time adorn'd the Chapel of this College with a magnificent Marble Altar-piece, rich Furniture for the Communion-table of crimſon Velvet, trimmed with Gold Lace and Fringe, Books, and Candleſticks, &c.

Henry Portman, Eſq alſo placed at the Eaſt End a cloathed Reſurrection Piece, painted by Sir James Thornhill. And the Hon. Doddington Greville, Eſq was at the Expence of painting finely the Ceiling-piece. [215] And there are other additional Ornaments, which render it worthy of the Attention of the Curious.

A very handſome Monument was erected Anno 1739, in the Chapel of this College, with an Inſcription upon it, in Honour of their worthy Benefactor Dr. Clarke afore-mentioned.

The Viſitor is the Archbiſhop of Canterbury.


Situate without the Eaſt-gate of the Town, was founded Anno 1458, by William Patten, alias Wainfleet, Biſhop of Wincheſter, and Lord High Chancellor. It has a Preſident, Forty Fellows, a School-maſter, Thirty Scholars called Demies, an Uſher, Three Publick Readers, Four Chaplains, Eight Clerks, Sixteen Choiriſters, an Organiſt, &c.

When the new Buildings to this College, which they are now carrying on, are finiſhed, and which will form a ſtately Quadrangle, it will be one of the fineſt in the Univerſity; and they have made a great Progreſs in them.

It had before Two Quadrangles, the innermoſt of which is regular, and conſiſts of a Library and Lodgings, ſupported by a ſpacious Cloiſter. The Chapel and the great Tower, as alſo the little one in the Weſt End of the inner Quadrangle, and the Hall, are very lofty and magnificent. They have an exceeding well furniſhed Library, to which Colonel Codrington gave lately 10,000l. and a good Collection of Books. Its Water-walks, as they are call'd, make this College highly delightful; they are an almoſt triangular Gravel-walk, fenced with Hedges and Trees on both Sides, ſurrounded on every Part with a running Stream, and incloſing a large Meadow. Their Grove is alſo a fine ſpacious Extent of Ground, planted with ſtately Viſta's of Trees, one Part of which is laid out in a handſome Bowling-green.

The Viſitor is the Biſhop of Wincheſter.


Is ſituate in the middle of the Town, where ſtood an Hall of the ſame Name, and a monſtrous Noſe. It was founded by William Smyth, Biſhop of Lincoln, Counſellor to Prince Arthur; and by Sir Richard Sutton Kt. It was begun in 1509, and finiſhed 1522. It has a Principal, Twenty Fellows, Thirty-three Scholars, and Exhibitions, &c.

It conſiſts of Two very handſome Quadrangles; in the leſſer of which are the Chapel and Library, and under them a wide and pleaſant Cloiſter, very compactly and elegantly built.

The Viſitor is the Biſhop of Lincoln.


Stands on the South Side of the Town. It was founded Anno 1516, by Richard Fox, Biſhop of Wincheſter, Lord Privy-ſeal to the Kings Henry VII. and VIII. Hugh Oldham, Biſhop of Exeter, gave 6000 Marks towards the Building, beſides Lands towards endowing it. It has a Preſident, Twenty Fellows, Twenty Scholars, Two Chaplains, &c.

The Structure of the firſt Court is antient, but within-ſide very regular and handſome. The Library contains a noble Treaſure of Books. Their Hall was beautify'd a few Years ago, and their Gardens, tho' ſmall, are kept very neat. But the moſt ſpendid Part of this College is the ſtately Row of Lodgings erected a few Years ago by their late Preſident, Dr. Thomas Turner, who moreover gave them his numerous and valuable Collection of Books.

The Viſitor is the Biſhop of Wincheſter.


This College takes up a vaſt Extent of Ground, and ſtands on the South Side of the City. It was begun to be founded Anno 1515, by Cardinal Wolſey; but on his Diſgrace coming into the King's Hands, and thence called King's College, his Majeſty, that he might not ſeem to found any Part of his Fame on [217] another's Bottom, called it Chriſt-Church, and made it an Epiſcopal See, Anno 1546. Afterward, Anno 1563, he joined to it Canterbury College, now called Canterbury Quadrangle, and Peckwater-Inn, now called Peckwater-Court. However, the Buildings lay very incomplete for almoſt 100 Years after, when Dr. Bryan Duppa, and Dr. Samuel Fell, Deans of this Houſe, and afterwards Dr. John Fell, Biſhop of Oxford, Son of the latter, at different times, by the Help of many generous Benefactors, brought the Buildings to ſurpriſing Perfection.

This Foundation is numerous and magnificent, has a Dean, Eight Canons, 101 Students, Eight Chaplains, Eight Singing-men, Eight Choriſters, and a Teacher of Muſick for them, an Organiſt, a School-maſter and Uſher, Forty Grammar-ſcholars, a Virger, &c. There is alſo belonging to it an Hoſpital in St. Alat's Pariſh, which has Twenty-four Poor. In the ſtately Tower, in the Front of the Gate, hangs the great Bell, called Tom; which was removed thither out of the Steeple of the Cathedral, by Biſhop Fell. It is Seven Feet and an Inch Diameter, and Five Feet Nine Inches high; and weighs near 17,000 Pounds Weight. This Bell is tolled every Night 101 Strokes, agreeable to the Number of Students in the College, to give Warning for ſhutting up the Gates in the Colleges and Halls in the Univerſity.

The Buildings of this College are very large, auguſt and ſplendid. The great Quadrangle has a wide and handſome Terrace round it, and a Fountain in the middle. Peckwater-Quadrangle is finely rebuilt. Canterbury and the Chaplains Quadrangles are alſo convenient Edifices. The Cathedral is lofty, but no elegant Structure; the Hall and Library high and ſpacious; and the latter contains a noble Collection of Books, to which Dr. Aldrich, late Dean, made a fine Addition. It is impoſſible, in my narrow [218] Limits, to do Juſtice to this noble College, which is an Univerſity of itſelf. I ſhall only add, That Archbiſhop Wake, lately deceaſed, left to it his Library, and a large Cabinet of Medals, computed to be worth between 8 and 10,000l. beſides other Bequeſts.

The Viſitor is the King.


Stands in the North Suburbs of the Town, where once ſtood Durham College, founded Anno 1350, by Thomas Hatfield, Biſhop of Durham. At the Diſſolution of Abbeys, it running the common Fate, Sir Thomas Pope, of Hertfordſhire, purchaſed it of thoſe who had got a Grant of it from King Edward VI. and obtained a Royal Licence to turn it into a College, which accordingly he did Anno 1550, by this Name. It has a Preſident, Twelve Fellows, Twelve Scholars, &c.

It has Two Quadrangles. In the firſt are the Chapel, the Hall, and the Library. The Chapel was rebuilt Anno 1693, and the Work of it, both within and without, is wonderfully elegant. The Altarpiece is of Cedar inlaid: the Rails and Screen of Cedar, and all adorn'd with exquiſite Carving. The Roof is inrich'd with Fretwork, and an admirable Piece of Painting, repreſenting our Saviour's Aſcenſion. The Pavement, from the Screen to the Altar, is of black and white Marble. On the Eaſt Side of the College is a delightful Garden; and at the Entrance and End of the great Walk that goes thro' it, very noble Iron Gates, which have a Proſpect open to the whole Eaſt Side of the College.

The Viſitor is the Biſhop of Wincheſter.


Is ſituated in the North Suburbs. It was founded Anno 1555, by Sir Thomas White, Lord Mayor of London, in the Place where ſtood, before the Diſſolution, St. Bernard's College, built by Archbiſhop [219] Chichley. It has a Preſident, Fifty Fellows and Scholars, an Organiſt, and Singing-men, Four Choriſters, &c.

It has Two ſpacious and uniform Quadrangles. The inner Court was built by Archbiſhop Laud, and is very elegant. The Eaſt and Weſt-ſides of it are ſupported by noble Piazzas, in the middle of which are Two Portals finely fronted with Pillars and Carving. In one of theſe Fronts ſtands a curious Brazen Statue of King Charles I. and in the other of his Queen. Their Chapel, which has an Organ and Choir in it, is very handſome. The Library takes up the Eaſt and South Sides of the new Quadrangle, and is well ſtored with Books, Manuſcripts, and valuable Curioſities. The Hall is neat, and adorn'd with good Pictures. They have alſo a Grove, Walks, and Graſs-plots, &c.

Dr. Sherard, formerly Conſul at Smyrna, who died Auguſt 12. 1728, left his Library and Curioſities, which are very valuable, to this College, beſides another conſiderable Legacy.

The Viſitor is the Biſhop of Wincheſter.


Is ſituate in St. Michael's Pariſh. It was begun, Anno 1571, by Hugh Price, Profeſſor of Common Law in this Univerſity, Prebendary of Rocheſter, &c. who deſigned it particularly for the Benefit of his Countrymen of Wales; but the Endowment that Gentleman made of it, ſinking into nothing, Queen Elizabeth, Anno 1589, gave another Charter at the Society's Requeſt; and having ſtyled herſelf their Foundreſs in the firſt, it is frequently attributed to her. It has met with ſo many generous Contributors, that it is in a flouriſhing State, and has a Principal, Sixteen Fellows, Sixteen Scholars, Eight Exhibitioners, &c.

It has Two large handſome Quadrangles, the innermoſt very regular and uniform.

[220]The Viſitor is the Earl of Pembroke.


Stands in the North Skirts of the Town. Its Founders were Nicolas Wadham, of Merefield, in Somerſetſhire, Eſq and Dorothy his Wife, Daughter of Sir William Petre, Knight, Privy-counſellor to Queen Elizabeth. He formed the Deſign, and died; and ſhe, in Compliance with his Death-bed Requeſt, completed it. It was begun Anno 1609, and finiſhed 1613. It has a Warden, Fifteen Fellows, Fifteen Scholars, Two Chaplains, Two Clerks, &c.

This College has one large, regular, beautiful Quadrangle. The Chapel ſtands out behind the Quadrangle to the Eaſt, regularly anſwering to the Library; and its Windows are finely painted. They have a large Garden, handſomely laid out.

The Viſitor is the Biſhop of Bath and Wells.


Is ſituate on the South Side of the Town. It was formerly an Hall, and called Broadgate-hall. It was made a College by the Munificence of Thomas Teſdale, Eſq and Richard Wrightwicke, B. D. with the Licence of King James I. Anno 1624. The Foundation of the firſt conſiſted of Seven Fellows and Six Scholars, the other of Three Fellows and Four Scholars. It had its Name from the Earl of Pembroke, then Chancellor.

It has one handſome Quadrangle, the Front of which is a regular neat Piece of Building. A pleaſant Garden alſo belongs to it.

The Viſitor is the Chancellor of the Univerſity.


This College was lately called Glouceſter-hall: After the Diſſolution, Sir Thomas White, Lord Mayor of London, built it, for the Purpoſe of Education, and called it St. John Baptiſt-hall, tho' ſtill it retained the Name of Glouceſter-hall, till it acquired a [221] collegiate Endowment by the noble Munificence of Sir Thomas Cooke, of Aſtely, in Worceſterſhire.

It had, before the late Dr. George Clarke's Will in its Favour, of which we ſhall give an Abſtract by-and-by, a Provoſt, Six Fellows, Six Scholars, &c.

The Buildings lately added, now adding, and the fine Additions left to it by the ſaid Gentleman, will give this College which had been in no very good Condition for ſome time, a very advantageous Figure in the Univerſity; and it already makes a very ſtately and ſplendid Appearance, and will be enabled to make a ſtill better; for on the 2d of October 1740, died at her Seat near Glouceſter, Mrs. Eaton, one of the Three Coheireſſes of Dr. Birom Eaton, formerly Principal of this College, when Glouceſter-hall. This Lady has left a very great Eſtate, partly to her Relations, and partly to Acts of Munificence, ſuch as the Foundation of Six Fellowſhips in Worceſter College, for the Support of which, and the erecting a Pile of Building for them, an Eſtate of 700l. per Annum is bequeath'd. The Corpſe of this Lady was honoured by the Attendance of the Vice-chancellor, and all the Heads of Houſes, in the Univerſity.


This is a College of a very late Erection indeed; for it was but in Sept. 1740, that his Majeſty's Royal Charter paſſed the Broad Seal, to erect HART-HALL, as it was before called, into a College; to conſiſt of a Principal, as before; Four Seniors, and Eight Junior Fellows: ſo that at laſt the Reverend Dr. Richard Newton, the worthy Principal, after an Oppoſition of ſeveral Years, given by ſome who ought to have aſſiſted his generous View, has obtained a Point which lay very near his Heart: tho' not till ſeveral of his worthy Friends (who would have contributed largely to its Endowment, had it been effected in their Time) are demiſed, [222] which muſt neceſſarily be a great Diſadvantage to the good Deſign.

This College, as it now muſt be called, ſtands in the Pariſh of St. Peter's in the Eaſt. It is ſuppoſed to have its Name from the firſt Syllable of Elias Hartford's Surname, who was once Owner of it. Walter Stapledon, Biſhop of Exeter, having bought it, converted it, Anno 1314, into an Academical Seminary, by the Name of Stapledon-hall, and endowed it with Maintenance for Twelve Scholars, which he removed afterwards to Exeter College, on building the ſame; and then this Hall reſumed its own Name. It has a Stipend or Exhibition belonging to it, of more than 16l. per Annum.

It conſiſts of one Quadrangle, not very regular, and the preſent worthy Principal has made ſeveral, and had projected ſtill greater Additions to it, which would have taken place long ago, but for the Reaſons above given.

Theſe are the Twenty Colleges, of which at preſent this famous Univerſity conſiſts. There are beſides Five Halls, which are Places unendow'd, tho' not deſtitute of Exhibitions. The Students at theſe ſubſiſt at their own Charge, are under the Government of a Principal and Vice-Principal, and pay the former for their Lodging, &c. The Principals are nominated by the Chancellor, except the Principal of Edmund-hall. Their Viſitor is the Chancellor.

I will give a brief Account of each of theſe. And


It is ſituate on the South Side of the Town, and had its Name from Robert St. Alban, once Proprietor of the Place. It became Academical about the Year 1230.

The Front makes but a tolerable Appearance; but the Inſide falls ſhort even of that.


Is ſituate in the Pariſh of St. Peter's in the Eaſt; and has its Name probably from one Edmund, a Citizen of Oxford, Proprietor of the Place. Anno 1557, it was purchaſed by Queen's College, and converted to its preſent Uſe.

It makes one Quadrangle; on the Eaſt Side of which ſtands a very neat Chapel and Library, built ſome Years ſince by the Reverend Mr. Stephen Penton, its Principal.


Situate in the Pariſh of St. Mary, has its Name either from that Church, which with this Hall, came to belong to Oriel College, by a Grant of King Edward II. Anno 1325, or from Oriel College, heretofore called St. Mary Hall.

It conſiſts of one Quadrangle, not very regular. Dr. John Hudſon, Principal, built here handſome Lodgings at his own Expence.


Is ſituate in the North-weſt Part of the Town. It was called Trilleck-hall, from Two Brothers Proprietors of it, of that Name; one Biſhop of Hereford, and the other Biſhop of Rocheſter. Afterwards the Founder of New College bought it, and gave it to that College, Anno 1392, and from that time it was called New-Inn Hall.

The Building is antient and irregular.


Situate near Magdalen College, was built by William Wainfleet, Biſhop of Wincheſter, Anno 1480, for a Grammar-ſchool. But it having Room for Academical Students, and ſome Additions having been made to it, it became an Academical Society. It enjoys Fifteen Exhibitions; Five of 8l. per Annum, and Ten of 10l.

The Front is the moſt conſiderable Part of it; but it has a pretty good Library.

[224]What Additions have been made to ſome of the Colleges, by means of the Wills of Dr. Ratcliffe and Dr. Clarke, which I have juſt referred to, will, to avoid Repetition where I am ſo preſſed for Room, be beſt ſeen in Abſtracts of the ſaid Wills, which may ſerve as a Supplement to the foregoing Accounts of the Colleges. Dr. Ratcliff's is to the following Effect:

He left an Eſtabliſhment of 600l. per Ann. for Two young Phyſicians to travel, to be enjoyed by them for Ten Years; after which, or in caſe of Death, others were to ſucceed them, for ever.

The Remainder of the Eſtate charged to ſecure this annual Sum, he left to Univerſity College, Oxon, for purchaſing perpetual Advowſons for the Members of the ſame.

To St. Bartholomew's Hoſpital, London, he left 500l. per Ann. for ever, towards mending their Diet, as his Will expreſſes it; and 100l. per Ann. more for ever, for buying of Linen.

Five hundred Pounds, to build the Front of Univerſity College anſwerable to what was before built, and for building the Maſter's Lodgings therein, and Chambers for his Two travelling Fellows.

Forty thouſand Pounds for building a Library in Oxon, and purchaſing the Houſes between St. Mary's and the Schools in Cat-ſtreet, for that Purpoſe; and when built, he bequeathed 150l. per Annum to the Library-keeper, and 100l. a Year for ever to buy Books for the ſame.

He charg'd all his real and perſonal Eſtate with the Payment of theſe great Benefactions, and other large Family Bequeſts; and willed that the Reſidue ſhould be applied to ſuch charitable Purpoſes as his Executors ſhould think beſt.

He willed that 100l. a Year for ever ſhould be applied to keep in Repair the ſaid Library, to [225] commence Payment in Thirty Years after his Death.

All the Livings in his Gift, he willed, ſhould be beſtowed on Members of Univerſity College, and if wanting there, to Fellows of Lincoln College.

To his Executors, who were William Bromley, Eſq Sir George Beaumont, Bart. Thomas Sclater, Eſq and Anthony Keck, Eſq all ſince deceaſed, he left 500l. each; and a Power of nominating Two Succeſſors to each of them, as they reſpectively died.

His Will bears Date Sept. the 13th 1714; and the Doctor died Nov. 1. the ſame Year.

We ſhall now add, That every thing being done in purſuance of this Will, which the Time ſince his Death would permit, it may be eaſily conceived what a glorious Addition the Buildings finiſhed, and finiſhing by its Direction, muſt be to this renowned Univerſity.

George Clarke, LL. D. was ſeveral Years Repreſentative in Parliament for the Univerſity of Oxford. and died October 12. 1736. Of whoſe Will take the following Abſtract:

He bequeathed to the Library-keeper of Worceſter College, 10l. per Ann. and to a young Gownſman, to attend to reach down Books, 5l.

Four thouſand Pounds for Building Nine Chambers at Worceſter College, and finiſhing the Chapel and Hall there; Six of theſe Chambers to be for Six additional Fellows of that College, who are to have 45l. each per Ann. the other Three to be for ſo many additional Scholars, at 25l. per Ann. each.

Fifty Pounds per Ann. to be laid out in Books for the ſaid College Library.

[226] He orders his Truſtees, as ſoon as they can, to purchaſe the Ground adjoining to Worceſter College, for inlarging its Scite and Conveniencies.

To the Univerſity he gives the Whole-length Pictures of King William and Queen Mary, to be hung in the Gallery over the Schools; the Half-lengths of Lord Chancellor Clarendon, and his Son the Earl of Rocheſter, to be hung in the Delegates Room at the Clarendon Printing-houſe; and an Original, the only one, of Dr. John Radcliffe, to be hung in his Library, when built.

Alſo he bequeaths to the Univerſity all his Medals, and ſeveral other valuable Curioſities, which he wills may be kept in the Muſaeum Aſhmoleanum.

To the Worceſter College Library, all his printed Books, and Prints, and ſuch Manuſcripts as his Truſtees ſhall think fit: alſo to the ſame, all the Deſigns of Inigo Jones for Whitehall, which he takes notice are very valuable.

To the ſame College he gives a large two-ear'd Silver Cup, double-gilt, weighing 112 Ounces

To the Warden and College of All-Souls, whereof he was Fellow, all the Furniture in his College-chamber, and all that in the Lodgings he had built there, with his Prints therein, and Pictures over the Doors and Chimney-pieces, the Ceiling-piece over the Stair-caſe, Hercules in the Garden, and St. Luke in two Columns, to be uſed in the Place they now are by the ſaid Warden, and his Succeſſors.

To the Uſe of the Fellows of the ſaid College, the Rooms under the great Dining-room, the great Dining-room itſelf, and the great Bed-chamber, and Garrets over them.

To All-Souls College he bequeaths alſo his 4th Turn of preſenting to the Vicarage of Yarnton, for the Benefit of ſuch of its Chaplains as have [227] but a ſlender Proviſion; and 20l. among the College-ſervants.

An Augmentation, as it ſhall riſe out of one of his Eſtates, to the Allowance of the Two Chaplains of All-Souls, whom he hopes the Society will appoint their Librarians.

To Queen's College he gives the Heads of Six Queens of England.

You will refer, Sir, to the Accounts I have already given of the Colleges, and to the above Abſtracts of Dr. Radcliff's, and Dr. Clarke's Wills, and you will have a View of the State of theſe Colleges, even when the Works are finiſhed as directed by thoſe Gentlemen, and which will hold for Years to come without material Alteration, except in caſe of new Benefactions.

I ſhall now give a Summary of what a Traveller may obſerve further in Oxford, en paſſant; and refer the more curious Inquirer to the Hiſtories of the Place, for a more ample and particular Account, than I have room to give.

Beſides theſe Colleges and Halls, there are ſome publick Buildings, which make a moſt glorious Appearance: The firſt and greateſt of all is the Theatre, a Building not to be equall'd by any thing of its Kind and Bigneſs in the World. Sir Chriſtopher Wren was the Director of the Work. Archbiſhop Sheldon paid for it, and gave it to the Univerſity: there is a world of Decoration in the Front of it, and more beautiful Additions, by way of Ornament; and the inſide Roof, finely painted and decorated, is never enough to be admired.

The Bodleian Library is an Ornament in itſelf worthy of this famous Univerſity. I have not Room for its Hiſtory at large, but ſhall briefly obſerve, that the firſt publick Library in Oxford was erected in Durham College, now Trinity, by Richard Biſhop of [228] Durham, Lord Treaſurer to Edward III. it was afterward joined to another, founded by Cobham Biſhop of Wincheſter, and both inlarged by the Bounty of Humphry Duke of Glouceſter, Founder of the Divinity Schools. But theſe Libraries being loſt, and the Books embezzled, and the Place where they were depoſited, quite ruinous, Sir Thomas Bodley, a wealthy and learned Knight, having, at a vaſt Expence, collected Books and Manuſcripts from all Parts of the World, placed them in the old Library-room, built by the good Duke Humphry.

This great Work was brought to an Head the 8th of Nov. 1602, and has continued increaſing by the Benefactions of great and learned Men to this Day; ſuch as Archbiſhop Laud, the Earl of Pembroke, Oliver Cromwell, Selden, Digby, and other great Names.

Over it is a ſpacious Gallery, adorned with Pictures of Founders, Benefactors, &c. and with the antique Marbles, which were the learned Part of the inexhauſtible Collection of the Earl of Arundel, which have been illuſtrated with the accurate Comments of Selden and Prideaux. Here are ſome of the moſt valuable Greek Monuments now in the World. Over the Porch, upon an handſome Pedeſtal of black Marble, ſtands the Braſs Effigies of the Earl of Pembroke, their noble and generous Chancellor, given by the late Earl, moulded by Rubens. Alſo a very large Collection of Greek, Roman, Britiſh, Saxon, Engliſh, and other Coins, preſented by Sir T. Roe, and other Hands. And that indefatigable and learned Collector of Books, and valuable Manuſcripts, Dr. Tanner, Biſhop of St. Aſaph, who died December 12. 1735, bequeathed the moſt curious Part of his fine Collection to this noble Library.

In the Year 1740, by the Death of Mrs. Crew, Relict of George Crew, Eſq an Eſtate of 80l. per Annum is fallen to the Head Librarian's Poſt, which [229] before was very inconſiderable, tho' it required a conſtant Reſidence. This was a Legacy of the late Right Reverend and Right Honourable Nathanael Crew, Lord Biſhop of Durham, who was ſuch a good Benefactor to Lincoln College as we have mentioned.

Other curious Things in Oxford are, the Schools, (which are now beautifully repaired, and the Names and Arms of old Benefactors renewed and repainted) the Muſeum, the Chamber of Rarities, the Collection of Coins, Medals, Pictures, and antient Inſcriptions, the Printing-houſe, the Phyſick-garden, the Univerſity and other Churches, the Convocation-houſe, &c. all worthy of a particular Deſcription, had I room to give it.

The Univerſity is govern'd by a Chancellor, choſen by Scrutiny or Collection of Votes; he is generally one of the firſt Noblemen of the Kingdom.

By a High-ſteward, choſen by the Chancellor.

By a Vice-chancellor, who muſt be one of the Heads of a College, recommended to the Univerſity by the Chancellor.

By Two Proctors, choſen annually by Turn out of the Colleges.

The other Officers are the publick Orator, and the Keeper of the Archives, Beadles, Virger, &c.

But tho' I have ſaid ſo much of the Univerſity, I muſt not quite forget the City. Let me then obſerve, That before Baliol College they ſhew the Stone in the Street, which marks the Place of the Martyrdom of Archbiſhop Cranmer and Biſhop Ridley, then upon the Banks of the Ditch, without the City Walls, which went along where the Theatre now ſtands.

Beyond the River, ſtood Oſeny Abbey, founded 1129. Upon the Bridge is a Tower, call [...]d Frier Bacon's Study, from that famous and learned Monk.

[230]Over another Bridge, on the Iſis, we went to ſee Ruleigh Abbey, where ſome Ruins ſtill remain, turn'd to a common Brewhouſe.

Of the Caſtle remains a ſquare high Tower, by the River-ſide, and a lofty Mount, or Keep, walled at Top, with a Stair-caſe going downward.

The White-friers was a Royal Palace, and near a Green called Beaumonds, they ſhew'd us the Bottom of a Tower upon the Spot where the valiant Richard I. was born.

Without the Town, on all Hands, are to be ſeen the Fortifications erected in the late Civil Wars.

As to the City, tho' the Colleges make up Two-thirds of it, and are ſtill elbowing for more Room, yet 'tis large and regular, the Streets are ſpacious, clean, and ſtrait; the Place pleaſant and healthful, the Inhabitants genteel and courteous; the Churches many and elegant, eſpecially Allhallows; and taking it altogether, and including the Grandeur and Endowment of the Colleges, their Chapels, Halls, Libraries, Quadrangles, Piazza's, Gardens, Walks, Groves, &c. it muſt be conſider'd as the firſt Univerſity in the World, as I have before mention'd.

On the Left-hand, on the other Side the River, the laſt Remains of Godſtow Nunnery are ſituated among the ſweet Meadows. Here fair Roſamond had a remarkably fine Tomb; but before the Diſſolution, ſcarce could her Aſhes reſt, whoſe Beauty was thought guilty, as one ſays, even after Death.

I cannot leave Oxford without making one Obſervation, with regard to thoſe who inſiſt, that it was to the Piety of the Popiſh Times which we owe the firſt Inſtitution of the Univerſity itſelf, the Foundation and Endowment of the particular Colleges, and the Encouragement ariſing to Learning from thence: all which I readily grant; but would have them remember too, that tho' thoſe Foundations ſtood, as they tell us, 800 Years, and that the Reformation, [231] as they ſay, is not above 200 Years ſtanding, yet Learning has more increaſed, and the Univerſities flouriſh'd more; more great Scholars been produced, greater Libraries been raiſed, and more fine Buildings been erected, in theſe 200 Years, than in the 800 Years of Popery; and I might add, as many great Benefactions have been given, notwithſtanding this very momentous Difference, that the Proteſtants Gifts are merely Acts of Charity to the World, and Acts of Bounty, in Reverence to Learning, and learned Men, without the grand Incitement of the State of their own Souls, and thoſe of their Fathers, which were to be pray'd out of Purgatory, and get a ready Admiſſion into Heaven.

Oxford was for many Years advantaged by the Neighbourhood of the Royal Court, while ſeveral Kings of England, being taken with the fine Situation of Woodſtock, made their Palace there the Place of their Summer Retreat.

Dr. Plott allows it to have been a Royal Houſe ever ſince King Alfred; and a Manuſcript in the Cotton Library confirms it; and that King Henry I. was not the Founder of it, but only rebuilt it. And as for Henry II. who kept his fair Roſamond in it, he made only ſome Additions to it, for the Entertainment and Security of his beautiful Miſtreſs. Notwithſtanding which, the Queen, having got Acceſs to her in the King's Abſence, as Tradition informs us, diſpatch'd her by Poiſon.

When I was firſt at Woodſtock ſome Years ago, I ſaw part of the old Palace, and the famous Labyrinth of fair Roſamond; but now theſe are deſtroy'd. Her Bathing-place or Well, as it is called, is left; a quadrangular Receptacle of pure Water, immediately flowing from a little Spring under the Hill, overſhadow'd with Trees; near which are ſome Ruins of Walls and Arches. King Ethelred called a Parliament here. It has been a Royal Seat, as I have ſaid, [232] from moſt antient Times. Henry I. incloſed the Park. Acroſs this Valley was a remarkably fine Echo, that would repeat a whole Hexameter, but impair'd by the Removal of theſe Buildings. A ſtately Bridge, or Rialto rather, now leads along the grand Approach to the preſent Caſtle: one Arch is above 190 Feet Diameter; a Caſcade of Water falls from a Lake down ſome ſtone Steps into the Canal that runs under it.

The new Palace of Blenheim is a vaſt and magnificent Pile of Building; a Royal Gift to the high Merit of the invincible Duke of Marlborough. The lofty Hall is painted by Sir James Thornhill, the Ceiling by la Guerre. The Rooms are finely inrich'd with Marble Chimney-pieces and Furniture, but more by the incomparable Paintings and Hangings, which latter repreſent the principal Glories of the Duke's Life. Among the Pictures are many of Rubens's beſt and largeſt Pieces; that celebrated one of himſelf, his Wife and Child, among others: Vandyke's King Charles I. upon a Dun Horſe, of great Value: and the famous Loves of the Gods, by Titian; a Preſent from the King of Sardinia. The Gallery is worthy Admiration, lined with Marble Pilaſters, and whole Pillars of one Piece, ſupporting a moſt coſtly and curious Entablature, excellent for Matter and Workmanſhip, the Window-frames of the ſame, and a Baſement of black Marble quite round. Before it, is ſtretched out a moſt agreeable Proſpect of the fine Woods beyond the great Valleys. What is of the moſt elegant Taſte in the whole Houſe, is of the Ducheſs's own Deſigning. The Chapel is equal to the reſt. The Garden is a very large Plot of Ground taken out of the Park, and may ſtill be ſaid to be a Part of it, well-contriv'd by ſinking the outer Wall into a Foſs, to give a View quite round, and take off the odious Appearance of Confinement and Limitation to the Eye. It is within [233] well adorn'd with Walks, Greens, Eſpaliers, and Viſta's, to divers remarkable Objects, that offer themſelves in the circumjacent Country. Over the Pediment of this Front of the Houſe is a curious Marble Buſto of Lewis XIV. bigger than the Life, taken from the Gate of the Citadel of Tournay. The Orangery is a pretty Room. Near the Gate of the Palace is the Houſe where our famous Chaucer was born. At the Entrance into the Caſtle from the Town, her Grace has erected a noble triumphal Arch, to the Memory of the Duke; and has ſet up a vaſt Obeliſk in the principal Avenue of the Park, whereon is inſcribed the beſt Account of the Duke's Actions and Character, that ever was penn'd in the ſame Compaſs; and if done by the maſterly Hand of that extraordinary Genius, to whom I have heard it attributed, muſt be a double Triumph to the Memory of the Duke, ſince his Merits extorted ſo noble a Teſtimony from a Perſon who was once engaged in Meaſures quite oppoſite to thoſe, which derived upon his Grace ſo exalted a Reputation, and who was thought to be at that Time one of his principal Adverſaries.

The Inſcription does ſo much Honour to the Memory of the Duke, and at the ſame time to the Britiſh Nation, that I cannot deny to myſelf the Pleaſure of inſerting it here, as follows:

The Caſtle of Blenheim was founded by Queen ANNE,
In the Fourth Year of her Reign,
In the Year of the Chriſtian Aera 1705;
A Monument deſign'd to perpetuate the Memory of the
Signal Victory
Obtained over the French and Bavarians,
Near the Village of Blenheim,
On the Banks of the Danube,
The Hero not only of this Nation, but of this Age:
Whoſe Glory was equal in the Council and in the Field;
[234]Who by Wiſdom, Juſtice, Candour, and Addreſs,
Reconciled various, and even oppoſite Intereſts;
Acquired an Influence
Which no Rank, no Authority can give,
Nor any Force but that of ſuperior Virtue;
Became the fixed important Centre,
Which united, in one common Cauſe,
The principal States of Europe;
Who by military Knowlege, and irreſiſtible Valour,
In a long Series of uninterrupted Triumphs,
Broke the Power of France,
When raiſed the higheſt, when exerted the moſt;
Reſcued the Empire from Deſolation;
Aſſerted and confirmed the Liberties of Europe.

Philip, a Grandſon of the Houſe of France, united to the Intereſts, directed by the Policy, ſupported by the Arms of that Crown, was placed on the Throne of Spain. King WILLIAM III. beheld this formidable Union, of Two great, and once rival Monarchies. At the End of a Life ſpent in defending the Liberties of Europe, he ſaw them in their greateſt Danger. He provided for their Security in the moſt effectual Manner. He took the Duke of MARLBOROUGH into his Service.

Embaſſador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
To the States General of the United Provinces,

The Duke contracted ſeveral Alliance before the Death of King WILLIAM. He confirmed and improved theſe. He contracted others, after the Acceſſion of Queen ANNE; and reunited the Confederacy, which had been diſſolved at the End of a former War, in a ſtricter and firmer League.

Captain-General and Commander in Chief
Of the Forces of GREAT BRITAIN,

The Duke led to the Field the Army of the Allies. He took with ſurpriſing Rapidity Venlo, Ruremonde, Stevenſwaert and Liege. He extended and ſecured the Frontiers [235] of the Dutch. The Enemies, whom he found inſulting at the Gates of Nimeghen, were driven to ſeek for Shelter behind their Lines. He forced Bonne, Huy, Limburgh, in another Campaign. He opened the Communication of the Rhine, as well as the Maes. He added all the Country between theſe Rivers to his former Conqueſts. The Army of France, favoured by the Defection of the Elector of Bavaria, had penetrated into the Heart of the Empire. This mighty Body lay expoſed to immediate Ruin. In that memorable Criſis, the Duke of MARLBOROUGH led his Troops with unexampled Celerity, Secrecy, Order, from the Ocean to the Danube. He ſaw: He attacked: Nor ſtopped, but to conquer the Enemy. He forced the Bavarians, ſuſtained by the French, in their ſtrong Intrenchments at Schellenberg. He paſſed the Danube. A ſecond Royal Army, compoſed of the beſt Troops of France, was ſent to reinforce the firſt. That of the Confederates was divided. With one Part of it the Siege of Ingolſtadt was carried on. With the other the Duke gave Battle to the united Strength of France and Bavaria. On the 2d Day of Auguſt 1704, he gained a more glorious Victory than the Hiſtories of any Age can boaſt. The Heaps of Slain were dreadful Proofs of his Valour. A Marſhal of France, whole Legions of French, his Priſoners, proclaimed his Mercy. Bavaria was ſubdued, Ratisbon, Augsbourg, Ulm, Meminghen, all the Uſurpations of the Enemy, were recovered. The Liberty of the Diet, the Peace of the Empire, were reſtored. From the Danube, the Duke turned his victorious Arms towards the Rhine, and the Moſelle. Landau, Treves, Traerbach, were taken. In the Courſe of one Campaign the very Nature of the War was changed. The Invaders of other States were reduced to defend their own. The Frontier of France was expoſed in its weakeſt Part to the Efforts of the Allies.

That he might improve this Advantage, that he might puſh the Sum of Things to a ſpeedy Deciſion, the Duke of MARLBOROUGH led his Troops early in the following Year once more to the Moſelle. They, whom he had ſaved a few Months before, neglected to ſecond [236] him now. They, who might have been his Companions in Conqueſt, refuſed to join him. When he ſaw the generous Deſigns he had formed, fruſtrated by private Intereſt, by Pique, by Jealouſy, he returned with Speed to the Maes. He returned; and Fortune and Victory returned with him. Liege was relieved; Huy retaken. The French, who had preſſed the Army of the States-General with ſuperior Numbers, retired behind Intrenchments, which they deemed impregnable. The Duke forced theſe Intrenchments, with inconſiderable Loſs, on the 7th Day of July 1705, He defeated a great Part of the Army which defended them. The reſt eſcaped by a precipitate Retreat. If Advantages proportionable to this Succeſs were not immediately obtained, let the Failure be aſcribed to that Misfortune which attends moſt Confederacies; a Diviſion of Opinions, where one alone ſhould judge; a Diviſion of Power, where one alone ſhould command. The Diſappointment itſelf did Honour to the Duke. It became the Wonder of Mankind how he could do ſo much under thoſe Reſtraints, which had hindred him from doing more.

Powers more abſolute were given him afterwards. The Increaſe of his Powers multiplied his Victories. At the opening of the next Campaign, when all his Army was not yet aſſembled; when it was hardly known, that he had taken the Field; the Noiſe of his Triumphs was heard over Europe. On the 12th of May 1706, he attacked the French at Ramillies. In the Space of Two Hours the whole Army was put to Flight. The Vigour and Conduct, with which he improved this Succeſs, were equal to thoſe, wherewith he gained it. Louvain, Bruſſels, Malines, Liere, Ghent, Oudenard, Antwerp, Damme, Bruges, Courtray, ſurrendered. Oſtend, Menin, Dendermond and Aeth, were taken. Brabant and Flanders were recovered. Places which had reſiſted the greateſt Generals for Months, for Years; Provinces diſputed for Ages; were the Conqueſts of a Summer. Nor was the Duke content to triumph alone. Solicitous for the general Intereſt, his Care [237] extended to the remoteſt Scenes of the War. He choſe to leſſen his own Army, that he might enable the Leaders of other Armies to conquer. To this it muſt be aſcribed that Turin was relieved; the Duke of Savoy reinſtated; the French driven with Confuſion out of Italy.

Theſe Victories gave the Confederates an Opportunity of carrying on the War on every Side into the Dominions of France. But ſhe continu'd to enjoy a kind of peaceful Neutrality in Germany. From Italy ſhe was once alarm'd, and had no more to fear. The intire Reduction of his Power, whoſe Ambition had cauſed, whoſe Strength ſupported the War, ſeemed reſerved for him alone, who had ſo triumphantly begun the glorious Work.

The Barrier of France, on the Side of the Low-Countries, had been forming for more than half a Century. What Art, Power, Expence could do, had been done to render it impenetrable. Yet here ſhe was moſt expoſed; for here the Duke of MARLBOROUGH threatened to attack her.

To cover what they had gained by Surprize, or had been yielded to them by Treachery, the French marched to the Banks of the Schelde. At their Head were the Princes of the Blood, and their moſt fortunate General the Duke of Vendoſme. Thus commanded, thus poſted, they hoped to check the Victor in his Courſe. Vain were their Hopes. The Duke of MARLBOROUGH paſſed the River in their Sight. He defeated their whole Army. The Approach of Night concealed, the Proximity of Ghent favoured their Flight. They neglected nothing to repair their Loſs, to defend their Frontier. New Generals, new Armies appeared in the Netherlands. All contributed to inhance the Glory, none were able to retard the Progreſs, of the confederate Army.

Liſle, the Bulwark of this Barrier, was beſieged. A numerous Gariſon, and a Marſhal of France, defended the Place. Prince EUGENE of Savoy commanded, the Duke of MARLBOROUGH covered and ſuſtained the Siege. The Rivers were ſeized, and the Communication with [238] Holland interrupted. The Duke opened new Communications with great Labour, and much greater Art. Through Countries over-run by the Enemy, the neceſſary Convoys arriv'd in Safety. One alone was attacked. The Troops which attacked it were beat. The Defence of Liſle was animated by Aſſurances of Relief.

The French aſſembled all their Force. They marched towards the Town. The Duke of MARLBOROUGH offered them Battle, without ſuſpending the Siege. They abandoned the Enterprize. They came to ſave the Town. They were Spectators of its Fall.

From this Conqueſt the Duke haſtened to others. The Poſts taken by the Enemy on the Schelde were ſurpriſed. That River was paſſed the ſecond time, and notwithſtanding the great Preparations made to prevent it, without Oppoſition.

Bruſſels, beſieged by the Elector of Bavaria, was relieved. Ghent ſurrendered to the Duke in the Middle of a Winter remarkably ſevere. An Army, little inferior to his own, marched out of the Place.

As ſoon as the Seaſon of the Year permitted him to open another Campaign, the Duke beſieged and took Tournay. He inveſted Mons. Near this City, the French Army, covered by thick Woods, defended by noble Intrenchments, waited to moleſt, nor preſumed to offer Battle. Even this was not attempted by them with Impunity. On the laſt Day of Auguſt 1709, the Duke attacked them in their Camp. All was employed; nothing availed againſt the Reſolution of ſuch a General, againſt the Fury of ſuch Troops. The Battle was bloody. The Event deciſive. The Woods were pierced. The Fortifications trampled down. The Enemy fled. The Town was taken. Doway, Bethune, Aire, St. Venant, Bouchain, underwent the ſame Fate in Two ſucceeding Years. Their vigorous Reſiſtance could not ſave them. The Army of France durſt not attempt to relieve them. It ſeemed preſerved to defend the Capital of the Monarchy.

The Proſpect of this extreme Diſtreſs was neither diſtant nor dubious. The French acknowleged their Conqueror, and ſued for Peace.

[239]Theſe are the Actions of the late Duke of MARLBOROUGH,
Performed in the Compaſs of a few Years,
Sufficient to adorn the Annals of Ages.
The Admiration of other Nations
Will be conveyed to lateſt Poſterity,
In the Hiſtories even of the Enemies of BRITAIN.
The Senſe which the Britiſh Nation had
Of his tranſcendent Merit,
Was expreſſed
In the moſt ſolemn, moſt effectual, moſt durable manner.
The Acts of Parliament * inſcribed on this Pillar
Shall ſtand
As long as the Britiſh Name and Language laſt,
Illuſtrious Monuments
Of BRITAIN's Gratitude.

At Woodſtock they make the fine Steel Chains for Watches, and other Things of poliſh'd Steel.

From Woodſtock I went North-weſt to Chipping-Norton, which muſt have been once a Town of great Trade, by the Number of Merchants, as they are called on the Braſſes over their Monuments; and beſides, the Name Chipping denotes as much. There are Marks of a Caſtle by the Church; and Roman Coins are frequently found here. The Church is a good Building, and after a curious Model.

Hence we rode to ſee Rowldrich Stones, a little Stone-henge, being a Circle of great Stones ſtanding upright, ſome of them from Five to Seven Feet high, and probably the Veſtigia of an old Britiſh Temple, as that was; and Mr. Toland poſitively aſſerts, that they were ſo.

[240]At Tidmerton Pariſh is a large Camp of an orbicular Form, on the Summit of an Hill, which is doubly intrenched, and able to contain a great Army.

When I was at Banbury, I ſhould have mentioned Bloxham, which lies North of it; where is a fine Church, the Steeple of an odd, but agreeable Make.

Near Bloxham, is alſo the famous Pariſh of Bright-well, of which it was obſerved, that there had not been an Alehouſe, nor a Diſſenter from the Church, nor any Quarrel among the Inhabitants, that roſe ſo high as to a Suit of Law, within the Memory of Man. But they could not ſay it was ſo ſtill, eſpecially as to the Alehouſe Part; tho' very much is ſtill preſerved as to the Unity and good Neighbourhood of the Pariſhioners, and their Conformity to the Church.

Being now on the Side of Warwickſhire, as is ſaid before, I ſtill went South, and paſſing by the Four Shire Stones, we ſaw where the Counties of Oxford, Warwick, and Glouceſter, join all in a Point; one Stone ſtanding in each County, and the fourth touching all Three.

Entering Glouceſterſhire here, Weſtward, we came, after a Mile's Ride, to Moretonhenmarſh, a ſmall Town which had formerly a Market, but now diſcontinued: it lies on the great Road to Worceſter. And the famous Roman Foſſeway, which coming out of Warwickſhire, enters this County at Lemington, which lies North-eaſt of this Town, ſtrikes thro' it, and alſo thro' Stow and North-Leach, down to Cirenceſter, Southward.

Hence we come to the famous Cotſwold-downs, ſo eminent for the beſt of Sheep, and fineſt Wool in England: Fame tells us, that ſome of theſe Sheep were ſent by King Richard I. into Spain, and that from hence the Breed of their Sheep was raiſed, which now produce ſo fine a Wool, that we are obliged to fetch it from thence at a great Price, for making our fineſt Broad Cloaths.

[241]Upon theſe Downs we had a clear View of the afore-mentioned famous Foſſe, which evidently croſſes all the Middle Part of England, and is to be ſeen and known (tho' in no Place plainer than here) quite from the Bath to Warwick, and thence to Leiceſter, to Newark, to Lincoln, and on to Barton, upon the Bank of Humber.

We obſerved alſo how ſeveral croſs Roads as antient as the Foſſe, join'd it, or branched out of it; ſome of which the People have by antient Uſage, tho' corruptly, called alſo Foſſes: For Example,

The Ackmanſtreet, which is an antient Saxon Road, leading from Buckinghamſhire thro' Oxfordſhire, to the Foſſe, and ſo to the Bath; this joins the Foſſe between Burford and Cirenceſter. Alſo Grimes-dyke, from Oxfordſhire, Wattle-bank, or Aves-ditch, from the ſame, and the Would-way, call'd alſo the Foſſe, croſſing from Glouceſter to Cirenceſter.

Many Seats of the Nobility are to be found in theſe Parts; Cornbury, Lord Clarendon's; Ditchley, Lord Litchfield's; Hathorp, the late Duke of Shrewſbury's, new built of Stone very beautifully.

The Lech, the Coln, the Churn, and the Iſis, all riſe in the Cotſwould Hills, and joining together, make a full Stream at Lechlade near this Place, and become one River there, and are called the Thames, which begins there to be navigable; and Barges may be ſeen at the Quay, taking in Goods for London: which makes Lechlade very populous. Of which Town more by-and-by.

Stow on the Would, which is the next Town we came to, is but indifferent to look at; but is, or rather has been, remarkable for its Two annual Fairs, famous for Hops, Cheeſe, and Sheep, of which, 'tis ſaid, that above 20,000 are generally ſold at one Fair, and that the Toll of theſe Fairs and the Markets, amount to 80l. a Year. The Pariſh is very large, being 12 Miles in Compaſs, and conſiſts of Meadow, [242] Arable, and Paſture. Here is a good large Rectory Church ſtanding on a Hill, with a high Tower on the South-ſide of it, which is ſeen a great Diſtance off. Here is alſo an Hoſpital, Alms-houſe, and Free-ſchool, all well endow'd; beſides other Charities.

Northleche is alſo a Market-town, governed by a Bailiff and Two Conſtables, and is named from the River Leche, which runs through it. Here is a Vicarage Church, large and ſpacious, having Ayles on each Side, and handſome Windows, with a large Tower. Here is a Grammar-ſchool, free for all the Boys of the Town, endow'd with 80l. a Year. And 'tis ſaid, that the Founder, falling afterwards into Misfortunes, ſolicited for the Maſter's Place of his own School, but could not obtain it from the Truſtees.

Here we quitted the Roman Foſſe, and went Eaſt-ward to Burford in Oxfordſhire. King Henry II. gave this Town a Charter, Guildam & omnes conſuetudines, quas habent liberi Burgenſes de Oxenford; but they are almoſt all now loſt: however it retains ſome Marks of a Corporation ſtill, being governed by Two Bailiffs, and other inferior Officers. It is famous for Saddles, and, lying near the Downs, draws great Profit from the Horſe-races, which are frequent here. At this Place was convened a Synod in 685, againſt the Error of the Britiſh Churches in the Obſervance of Eaſter.

At Battle-edge, near this Town, Cuthred, King of the Weſt Saxons, beat Ethelbald, King of the Mercians, in a pitch'd Battle, and threw off his Yoke. The Inhabitants celebrate yearly, on Midſummer-eve, a kind of Feſtival, which, they ſay, commenced in Honour of this Battle. It was here the learned Dr. Heylin (deſcended originally from an antient Family in Wales) was born; and the famous Speaker Lenthal had a Seat, and died here.

[243]Being ſo near Witney, we could not forbear taking a Ride to ſee a Town ſo famous for the Manufactures of Blanketing and Rugs, which thrive here in a moſt extraordinary manner. Here are at work 150 Looms continually, for which above 3000 People, from Eight Years old and upward, are daily imploy'd in Carding, Spinning, &c. and conſume above 100 Packs of Wool weekly. The Blankets are uſually 10 or 12 Quarters wide, and very white, which ſome attribute to the abſterſive nitrous Waters of the River Windruſh, wherewith they are ſcoured; but others believe it is owing to a peculiar way of looſe Spinning they uſe here; and others again are of Opinion, that it proceeds from both. But however that be, this Town has engroſſed the whole Trade in that Commodity, and increaſes daily in its Reputation. They likewiſe make here the Duffield Stuffs, a Yard and three Quarters wide, which are carried to New England and Virginia, and now much worn even here in Winter. Here are likewiſe a great many Fellmongers, who having dreſſed and ſtained their Sheep-ſkins, make them into Jackets and Breeches, and ſell them at Bampton; from whence they are diſperſed all over the neighbouring Counties. Here is a good Free-ſchool, and a fine Library belonging to it.

Witney is an antient Town, and of good Repute before the Conqueſt; but it is a long, ſtraggling, uncouth Place, tho' full of Inhabitants. 'Twas one of the Manors which Alwinus, Biſhop of Wincheſter gave to the Church of St. Swithin's there, on Queen Emma's happily paſſing over the Fire Ordeal.

At Aſtal, a Village in the Road between Burford and Witney, is a Barrow which ſtands very high, and is ſuppoſed to be the Sepulchre of ſome Perſon of great Note.

Southward lies Bampton, on the Borders of the County next Berkſhire. It is an antient Market-town, [244] likewiſe in Repute before the Conqueſt: it is noted for the greateſt Market for Fellmonger-wares in England, which come from Witney, and for nothing elſe that I know of, ſaving that the People talk'd much of a Family of the Woods (that dwelt here and at Briſenorton) who hear always a great Knocking before any of them die.

Turning here Weſt, we enter'd Glouceſterſhire again, and came to Lechlade, which lies on the great Road to Glouceſter. It is probable, that it was antiently a Roman Town upon the Thames; for a very plain Roman Road runs from hence to Cirenceſter. Some ſay, that it was once a famous Univerſity for teaching Latin, as Creeklade was for Greek.

The antient Building lately diſcovered by digging in a Meadow near Lechlade, deſerves a particular Mention: it is 50 Feet long, 40 broad, and Four high; ſupported with 100 Brick Pillars, curiouſly inlaid with Stones of divers Colours, of Teſſeraick Work; and ſuppoſed to be a Roman Bath.

Not far from it are the Two Towns called Sarney; ſo named, in Britiſh, from the Roman Cauſways; for Sarn, in that antient Language, and at preſent, imports a paved Way. The River Lech runs thro' it, and diſcharges itſelf into the Thames. A great Number of Barges go from hence to London.

From Lechlade we proceeded Weſt to Fairford, a ſmall Market-town, thro' which runs the River Coln, which has Two large Bridges over it. A great many Medals and Urns have been often dug up here, and there are ſeveral Barrows in the adjoining Fields, (which ſeem to have been a Scene of warlike Actions) the Monuments of the Slain interred here.

A great many Charities are ſtill ſubſiſting in this Town; but what it is moſt noted for is its Church, and the admirable Painting in its Windows: of which take the following Deſcription and Hiſtory.

[245] John Tame, a Merchant of London, purchaſed this Manor of King Henry VII. (to whom it deſcended from the Beauchamps, Earls of Warwick) and haveing taken a Prize-ſhip bound for Rome, wherein he found a great Quantity of painted Glaſs, he brought both the Glaſs and the Workmen into England. The Glaſs was ſuch a Curioſity, that Mr. Tame built this Church at Fairford (dedicating it to the Virgin Mary); which is in Length 125 Feet, and 55 in Breadth; and has Three Chancels, a good Veſtry, and a noble Tower, ariſing from the Midſt of it, adorned with Pinacles; and the Windows of the Church, 28 in Number, he cauſed to be glazed with this invaluable Prize, which remains intire to this Day, the Admiration of all that ſee it.

Mrs. Farmer (a Daughter of the Lord Lemſter) gave 200l. to be laid out in mending and wiring the Windows: this has preſerved them from Accidents. And in the grand Rebellion, the Impropriator Mr. Oldworth, and others, (to their great Praiſe be it remembred) took down the Glaſs, and ſecured it in ſome ſecret Place, thereby preſerving it from Fanatick Rage. The Painting was the Deſign of Albert Durer, a famous Italian Maſter; and the Colouring in the Drapery, and ſome of the Figures, is ſo well perform'd, that Vandyke affirmed, the Pencil could not exceed it.

The Subject is all Scripture Hiſtory, viz. The Serpent tempting Eve; God appearing in the burning Buſh to Moſes, when a Shepherd; the Angel conducting Joſhua to War; Gideon's Fleece; the Queen of Sheba's Viſit to Solomon; King David judging the Amalekite Regicide; Samſon ſlaying the Philiſtines, killing the Lion, and his being betray'd by Dalilah; Solomon's Judgment between the Two Harlots; and the Figures of the Twelve Major Prophets.

[246]But the greateſt Part is taken up with Stories of the New Teſtament: The Angel appearing to Zacharias; Joſeph and Mary contracted; the Viſitation of Mary by the Angel, and her viſiting her Couſin Elizabeth; our Saviour born in a Stable; the Shepherds and Magi viſiting him there; Herod waiting the Return of the wiſe Men; Chriſt circumciſed; the Purification of the Holy Virgin; Simeon with our Saviour in his Arms; Joſeph's Flight into Egypt; Herod ſlaying the young Children of Bethlehem; the Aſſumption of the Virgin, and Joſeph and her ſeeking Jeſus at the Feaſt: our Saviour's Transfiguration, Mary anointing his Head: the Diſciples going to embalm him, and the Angel relating to them his Reſurrection; Chriſt's Appearance to Mary Magdalen; his riding to Jeruſalem on an Aſs; Zaccheus, and the People ſtrewing Palm-branches, and Children crying Hoſanna; his Praying in the Garden; Judas betraying him; Pilate judging him, and waſhing his Hands from the Guilt; the Crucifixion between two Thieves, the Women ſtanding by, and the Soldiers watching him; Joſeph of Arimathea begging the Body, and receiving it; his Burial by Nicodemus and others; the Darkneſs at the Paſſion, and Michael contending with the Devil.

Chriſt's travelling to Emmaus, and his Appearance to the Eleven, and afterwards to Thomas; the Diſciples going a Fiſhing, and Chriſt's appearing to them, with the breaking of the Net, and broiling of the Fiſh; Chriſt's Aſcenſion, and the Deſcent of the Holy Ghoſt in cloven Tongues.

In the Weſt Window is the Laſt Judgment curiouſly deſigned, and well executed, containing a vaſt Number of Incidents relating thereto.

In the reſt of the Windows are many hiſtorical Paſſages, that happened after Chriſt's Aſcenſion; viz. The Twelve Apoſtles at large, with the Article of the Creed they are ſaid to be ſeverally the Authors of; [247] the Four Evangeliſts, as writing the Goſpels; Four principal Fathers of the Church, viz. St. Jerom, St. Gregory, St. Ambroſe, and St. Auſtin; the Worthies that have preſerved the Chriſtian Church, in four Upper-windows of the Middle Ayle on the South Side, and the Perſecutors thereof in the four oppoſite Windows.

I have been as brief as poſſible in this Deſcription, being ſo much confined in my Limits; but a curious Traveller will be highly delighted with this noble Work. And I ſhall only add, That John Tame, Eſq the pious and worthy Founder, who died in the Year 1500, lies buried on the North Side of the Church, under a raiſed Marble Monument.

On the Churn, one of the Rivers I have juſt named, ſtands Cirenceſter, (or Ciceſter, for Brevity) the antient Corinium of the Romans, and ſaid to be rebuilt by Ciſſa, a Viceroy under one of the Saxon Kings, a great and populous City; then incloſed with Walls and a Ditch of vaſt Compaſs, which may be traced quite round. The Foundation of the Wall is alſo very viſible in moſt Places. A good Part of this Circuit is now Paſture, Corn Fields, and Gardens, beſides the Scite of the preſent Town. Antiquities are dug up here every Day; old Foundations, Houſes and Streets, and many Moſaick Pavements with Rings, Intaglia's, and Coins innumerable, eſpecially in one great Garden called Lewis Grounds, which might have been the Praetorium or General's Quarters; for Llys, in Britiſh, ſignifies a Palace. Large Quantities of carved Stones are carried off yearly in Carts, to mend the Highways, beſides what have been uſed in Building. A fine Moſaick Pavement was dug up here Anno 1723, with many Coins. One Mr. Richard Biſhop lately dug up in his Garden a Vault 16 Feet long, and 12 broad, ſupported with ſquare Pillars of Roman Brick, three Feet and an half high, on which was a ſtrong Floor of Terrace. [248] Near it are now ſeveral other Vaults, on which Cherry-trees grow. Theſe might have been the Foundations of a Temple; for in the ſame Place they found ſeveral Stones of the Shafts of Pillars Six Feet long, and large Stone Baſes, with Cornices very handſomely moulded, and carved with Modilions and other Ornaments, which are now converted into Swine-troughs, and Pavements before the Door. Capitals of theſe Pillars were likewiſe found. A Moſaick Pavement near it, and intire, is now the Floor of his Privy.

Half a Mile Weſt of the Town, on the North Side of the Foſſe Road, at a Place called Quern, other Antiquities are to be ſeen worth an Antiquary's Attention; but I muſt not take up too much Room in deſcribing them.

Little of the Abbey is now leſt, beſides Two old and indifferent Gate-houſes. The Church is a very handſome Building; the Windows are full of painted Glaſs; and it has a fine lofty Tower. Eaſt of the Town, about a Quarter of a Mile, is Starbury Mount, a Barrow, where Roman Coins have been dug up. Weſt, behind Lord Bathurſt's Garden, is Griſmund's Mount, of which ſeveral Fables are told.

Cirenceſter is ſtill a very good Town, populous and rich, full of Clothiers, and driving a great Trade in Wool, which is brought from the Inland Counties of Leiceſter, Northampton, and Lincoln, where the largeſt Sheep in England feed, and where are but few Manufactures. The vaſt Quantities ſold here are almoſt incredible. The Wool is bought up here, chiefly by the Clothiers of Wiltſhire and Glouceſterſhire, for the Supply of that great Cloathing-trade, which I have mentioned already: they talk of 5000 Packs in a Year.

The Town is governed by Two High Conſtables. It has Two weekly Markets; one on Monday, for Corn, Cattle, and Proviſions; and on Friday, for [249] Wool chiefly. It has alſo Five Fairs, Three for all Sorts of Commodities, and Two for Cloth only. Here is a fine large beautiful Church with Two Ayles, ſupported by ſtrong Pillars. The Chancel is handſomely decorated. It has Five Chapels adjoining to it, and has a Tower very neat and lofty, with an excellent Ring of Bells in it. The Windows ſhew ſome beautiful Remains of exquiſite painted Glaſs. There is a Free-ſchool, and divers Hoſpitals and Alms-houſes in this Pariſh.

The Churn runs from hence down Southward to Creeklade in Wiltſhire, which is ſaid to have been antiently a very noted Place, containing 1300 Houſes, and that an Univerſity was here founded by the antient Britons, for teaching Greek, as I have ſaid, as Lechlade was for Latin; which Univerſity was removed, as they pretend, by the Saxons, to Oxon: but, I doubt, theſe are Monkiſh Accounts; for Creeklade, which they would have to ſignify a Greek Town, is a Corruption of the Britiſh Word Kerigg gwlade, i. e. a ſtony Country. The Churn and the Rey fall, here, into the Thames. Here is a good Free-ſchool.

North-weſt of Cirenceſter, upon a Hill, ſtands Stroud, a little Market-town, noted for Clothing, and particularly for dying excellent Scarlet. The Church is 90 Feet long, and 40 broad. The Chancel is 33 Feet long, and 16 wide. At the Weſt End of the Church riſes a high Spire Steeple, and a Tower in the Middle.

North of it ſtands Paynſwick, a Market-town, ſituate in the wholſomeſt Air in the County, on the River Stroud, where the Cloathing-trade is alſo carried on. The Church is a Vicarage, and very handſome, with Two Chancels, a North Ayle, and a neat Spire.

Lower to the South-weſt of Cirenceſter ſtands Minching Hampton; ſo called, becauſe it belonged to the Minching Nuns at Caen in Normandy. Here [250] is a good Rectory Church worth 200l. a Year, large, in the Form of a Croſs with Ayles on each Side, and a Tower with Battlements riſing in the Middle. In the North Ayle are a great many Inſcriptions of Benefactions. And in the South Ayle is a Statue lying croſs-legg'd, with a Sword and Shield by him, and his Wife lying at his Feet.

Then we came to Tetbury, one of the Cloathing Towns I mentioned; a conſiderable Market-town, ſituate on a riſing Ground, in a healthy Air, but ſcarce of Water in Summer. 'Tis well-built, has a large Market-houſe well frequented for Yarn; and there is a leſſer Market-houſe, for Cheeſe, Bacon, and other Commodities. 'Tis govern'd by a Bailiff, and at the End of the Town is a long Bridge, whereof one half is in Wiltſhire. The Church is a Vicarage, worth 120l. a Year: 'tis a good Building, large and handſome, in which are divers Monuments. Here is a Free-ſchool and an Alms-houſe. It had formerly a Caſtle built by Dunwallo Malmufius, a Britiſh Prince. The Town ſeems to be well furniſhed with every thing but Water, which is ſo ſcarce, that the Inhabitants are obliged to buy it at the Rate ſometimes of 18d. for a Hogſhead. In this Pariſh riſes the River Avon, which runs thro' Briſtol, and afterwards falls into the Severn.

A little to the North of this Town is a Meadow called Maudlin Meadow, becauſe, as I was told, it belongs to Magdalen College in Oxford. Here the Inhabitants ſhewed me the Head of a Spring, which flowing from thence runs along a Hedge-trough, and ſome Tops of the Wood, that grows in the Hedge, rotting, and falling into this Rill of Water, are, by it, turned into Stone. I took up a great many of them, which are generally in the Shape of the Pipes (as they are commonly called) which the Peruke-makers curl their Hair upon, and of a whitiſh ſtony Subſtance. I broke divers of them, and in the [251] middle found generally a Stick of Wood, ſome as big as a Gooſe-quill, others larger; ſome had but a thin ſtony Cruſt about them, in others the Stick was no biggar than a large Needle: again, ſome had no Stick in them, but only a Hole thro' them, like that of a Tobacco Pipe; and in ſome others, I could perceive no woody Subſtance, nor Hole at all, but the Whole was a ſoft Kind of Stone.—Hence I gueſs, that the Sand which the Water brings down with it, gathers and cruſts about thoſe Sticks; and that, in time, the Stick conſumes, and the ſtony or ſandy Subſtance fills up and ſupplies its Place. And I would hence recommend it as an Inquiry, Whether thoſe other Tranſmutations of this Kind, that we meet with in the Natural Hiſtory of this and other Nations, be not brought about in the like manner.

And now I am dipp'd into this Work of Nature, let me digreſs a little, and take notice of the Aſtroites, or Star-ſtones, found at Laſſington in this County, which have that peculiar Quality of Motion when put into Vinegar.—In the Fields, near Badminton, are found cylindrical and ſpherical Stones, almoſt as big as Cannon Balls. And on the Hills about Aldely, are found Stones of the ſame Kind with thoſe I found about Watchet in Somerſetſhire, reſembling all Kinds of Shell-fiſh: theſe, I muſt confeſs, are, of the two, more aſtoniſhing, becauſe they are found on the Hills; for if they were, as Fracaſtorius conjectures, Animals ingendered in the Sea, no good Account of their being here found can be given, unleſs we ſuppoſe them brought hither by the general Deluge.—The Water of the River Stroud, in this County, is eſteemed the beſt for Dying Scarlets, which draws many Clothiers to ſettle in that Neighbourhood. And leſt I ſhould be thought too tedious, let me but juſt mention the Diamonds (Briſtol Stones rather) found near the Banks of the River Avon. That ſoft, eaſy-to-be-wrought Stone at Great Banington, [252] called Puff-ſtone, prodigiouſly ſtrong and laſting; a great deal af of which hath been uſed in the Repairs of Weſtminſter Abbey.

Wickwar, a ſmall Market-town, but a very antient Corporation, governed by a Mayor, is the next. The Church is a large Edifice, with Two Chancels. The Tower is at the Weſt End, and is high, adorn'd with Pinacles. Here is a Free-ſchool.

Chipping Sodbury lies a little farther in the Road, an antient Borough-town, under a Mayor, Aldermen and Burgeſſes. As it is a great Thorough-fare to Briſtol, it is full of good Inns. It has ſeveral Streets beſides Lanes, and a good Market; and a large ſpacious Church, which, however, is but a Chapel of Eaſe to Old Sodbury. Here is the greateſt Cheeſe-market in England, except Atherſtone in Warwickſhire.

Here we dropp'd the Road, and fell down Southward, directly to Marſhfield, another of the Cloathing Towns I ſpoke of. It conſiſts of one Street of old Buildings near a Mile long. It has a Market, and drives alſo a great Trade in Malt, and is noted for good Cakes. 'Tis governed by a Bailiff. Here is a good Vicarage Church, with ſeveral Monuments and Inſcriptions in the Ayles, and the Chancel. Here is an Alms-houſe well endow'd, and a Chapel to it.

We croſſed the great Road from London to Briſtol here, as at Cirenceſter we did that from London to Glouceſter; and keeping ſtill the Foſſeway, arrived at Bath. But here I ſhall conclude this Letter, and am, Sir,

Yours, &c.

LETTER V. CONTAINING A Deſcription of Part of the Counties of Somerſet, Glouceſter, Warwick, Worceſter, Hereford, and Monmouth.


I Cloſed my laſt Letter with my Arrival at BATH, in Somerſetſhire; and I ſhall now proceed with giving you an Account of what is moſt remarkable in it.

The Antiquity of this City, and of the famous Baths in it, muſt be allow'd to be very great, even tho' we ſhould doubt of what is inſiſted on in the Inſcription under the Figure of King Bladud, placed in the King's Bath, which ſays, that this Prince (whom Mr. Camden calls Blayden, or Bladen Cloyth, i. e. Southſayer) found out the Uſe of theſe Baths, 300 Years before our Saviour's Time.

Bath is a Spot of Ground, which our Countrymen ought to eſteem as a particular Favour of Heaven. It lies in a great Valley, ſurrounded with an Amphitheatrical View of Hills; and its Situation on the Weſt Side of the Iſland is a conſiderable Addition to its Delights, as being the leſs liable to the rude Shocks of [254] Tempeſts. But the Romans were induced prudently to make a Station here by the admirable hot Springs. The Walls are almoſt intire, and perhaps the Work of the Romans, except the upper Part, which ſeems repaired with the Ruins of Roman Buildings; for the Lewis-holes are ſtill left in many of the Stones, and, to the Shame of the Repairers, many Roman Inſcriptions, ſome ſawn acroſs, to fit the Size of the Place. The Level of the City is riſen to the Top of the firſt Walls, thro' the Negligence of the Magiſtracy, who, in this, and all other great Towns, connive at the Servants throwing Dirt and Aſhes into the Streets. Theſe Walls incloſe but a ſmall Compaſs, of a pentagonal Form. There are four Gates on four Sides, and a Poſtern on the other. From the South-weſt Angle have been an additional Wall and Ditch carried out to the River; by which ſhort Work the Approach of an Enemy on two Sides is intercepted, unleſs they paſs the River. The ſmall Compaſs of the City has made the Inhabitants croud up the Streets to an unſeemly and inconvenient Narrowneſs. It is, however, handſomely built, moſtly of new Stone, which is very white and good. The great Additions made, and ſtill making, to the Buildings here, I ſhall mention by-and-by.

It was of old a Reſort for Cripples, and diſeaſed Perſons; and we ſee the Crutches hang up at the ſeveral Baths, as the Thank-offerings of thoſe who came hither lame, and went away cured. But now we may ſay it is a Reſort of the Sound, as well as the Sick, and a Place that helps the Indolent and the Gay to commit that worſt of Murders, that is to ſay, to kill Time.

To ſuch it is indeed a conſtant Round of Diverſion. In the Morning the young Lady is brought in a cloſe Chair, dreſſed in her Bathing-cloaths, to the Croſs-bath. There the Muſick plays her into the Bath, and the Women who tend her, preſent her [255] with a little floating Wooden Diſh, like a Baſon; in which the Lady puts a Handkerchief, and a Noſegay, and of late the Snuff-box is added. She then traverſes the Bath, if a Novice, with a Guide; if otherwiſe, by herſelf; and having amus'd herſelf near an Hour, calls for her Chair, and returns to her Lodgings.

The reſt of the Diverſion is at Mrs. Hayes's, formerly Harriſon's, a ſtately Room, and Mrs. Wiltſhire's, who has now the Apartments that were the late Mrs. Lindſey's, where not long ſince was the Bowling-green. And perhaps Mr. Leake, who keeps one of the fineſt Bookſellers Shops in Europe, has more than a Chance for half an Hour of each Perſon's Company now-and-then, and to be ſure a Subſcription, which is but five Shillings the Seaſon, for taking home what Book you pleaſe; but Perſons of Quality generally ſubſcribe Gold, and I think it is the very beſt Money laid out in the Place, for thoſe who go for Pleaſure or Amuſement only. In the Afternoon there is frequently a Play, tho' the Decorations are mean, and indeed the Performances too. In the Evening, People aſſemble at the great Rooms, and there are Balls twice a Week. 'Tis alſo the Faſhion of the Place, for the Company to go every Day pretty conſtantly to hear Divine Service at the great Church, and at St. Mary's Chapel in Queen's-ſquare, where are Prayers twice a Day.

'Tis remarkable that for many Hundreds of Years, the Medicinal Virtues of theſe Waters have been uſeful to the diſeaſed People by Batheing only; whereas of late Years they are found to be no leſs healthful in many Caſes taken inwardly; inſomuch, that more come to drink than to bathe; nor are the Cures they perform this way, leſs valuable than the outward Application.

Gaming uſed to obtain here, as at all publick Places, to a ſcandalous Degree; but the Act prohibiting [256] that pernicious Practice; has a good deal checked its Progreſs. This Act paſſed in the 12th of King George II. and ſuppreſſes, on the Penalty of 200l. and 50l. the Adventures, the following Games by Name; viz. The Ace of Hearts, Pharaoh, Baſſet, Hazard; alſo all Sales, Raffles, Lotteries, Mathematical Machines, &c. Sales by Lotteries are declared void, and what is put up by them forfeited; nor are Convictions to be vacated for want of Form.

But this Act being eluded by new Games ſet up, a Clauſe was inſerted in the Horſe-racing Act, Anno 13 Geo. II. prohibiting Paſſage, and all other Games with Dice, except what are play'd on the Backgamon Tables.

As to the more particular Nature and Virtues of the Waters, I have been favoured, by a very eminent Phyſician, with the following curious Account of tham, and their Original.

Of Bath Waters.

The Bath Waters certainly owe their Heat to a Mixture and Fermentation of two different Sources, diſtilling from the Tops of two different Mountains (Clarton and Landſdown) meeting in the Valley where the Town ſtands; for all Hills are Neſts of Metals or Minerals, and their Bellies are cavernous and hollow. It is not therefore improbable, that on Clarton Down there ſhould lie the ſulphurous Matter which muſt riſe by Impregnation from that excellent Stone Quarry, which hardens in the Air, and grows caſed with a nitrous Coat by Time, and cold Weather, and is ſo readily cut out and carved into any the moſt exquiſite Shapes. This the Diſcovery and Property of the worthy, charitable, and pious Ralph Allen, Eſq For all Mineral Waters owe their Virtue to an Impregnation of Rain Water, generated from the Clouds, which are compreſſed in their Courſe by [257] Mountains or Eminences, and fall on the reſpective included Mineral. And every one knows, that a due Mixture of Sulphur, and Filings of Iron, moiſtened with Water, will produce any Degree of Heat. This Quarry therefore muſt have a large Quantity of ſulphurous or bituminous Matter in its Compoſition, as will be evident to a Natural Philoſopher, from theſe mentioned Qualities of the Stone. Neither is it improbable, that the ferruginous or iron-tinctured Water takes its Riſe from Lanſdown Quarry, the Stone on it being hard, and on the Top flinty, black, and acrimonious, as Iron Ore is known to be. Theſe Two Mountains, thus tinged by Rain Water falling from the proper Heights, meet in ſome Caverns in the Valley; and, there fermenting produce that hot, milky, ſoft, ſalutiferous Beverage, called Bath Water, far beyond any hot mineral Waters for its Delicacy, and ſupportable, tho' comfortable Heat, to any other ſuch Water hitherto diſcovered on the habitable Globe, as it poſſeſſes that Milkineſs, Detergency, and middling Heat ſo friendly adapted to weaken'd animal Conſtitutions, which all other hot Waters want in the due Degree; either being too hot, or too cold, to do any great Good in Caſes where they are proper. Theſe Waters are beneficial in almoſt all chronical Diſtempers, and can hurt in none, except in Hemorrhages, Inflammations, or bad Lungs, unleſs they be over-doſed in Quantity, or too high and too hot a Regimen be joined with them; for they always procure a great Appetite, and good Spirits, if cautiouſly managed; but if high Meats, and ſtrong Liquors, be indulged, they will create inflammatory Diſorders. However, in weak Stomachs, decayed Appetites, Colicks, low Spirits, in the Intervals of the Fits of the Gout and Stone; in Rheumatiſms, Palſies, nervous Diſorders; and, in a Word, all thoſe called the Cold Diſeaſes; but moſt eminently, in all the Diſorders of the chyliferous Tube, [258] or the Stomach and Belly not inflamed, they are more kindly and beneficial than any Medicine known in Nature; and introduce a natural Warmth, and a new internal Heat, into decayed, worn-out, ſuperannuated Conſtitutions; and if a light Regimen, due Exerciſe, and good Hours, be joined with them, they would truly work Wonders: but by the Neglect of theſe, their Efficacy is often loſt, and their Credit brought into Queſtion.

Great Additions have been made to the Buildings here within theſe few Years; particularly by the Duke of Chandos.

Without the Walls, a ſtately new Square is erected, with a fine Chapel, and the Middle is incloſed by Rails, and handſomely laid out within.

In the Centre is a lofty Obeliſk 70 Feet high from the Foundation, and terminated in a Point. Level with one's Eye is the incloſed Inſcription: ‘IN MEMORY

The Bath-ſtone, which I have mention'd before, affords a fine Opportunity to imbelliſh and give a noble Look to the Buildings here, and at a very cheap Rate; for the Front of the Houſes on the North Side of the Square coſt no more than 500l. tho' it is above 200 Feet in Extent, and inriched with Columns [259] and Pilaſters in the Corinthian Order. All the Danger is, that they will over-build themſelves now they are got into the Humour, and make it leſs worth while to thoſe who let Lodgings, the principal Buſineſs of the Place; but then People of Fortune, ſettling there, will make amends for it; ſince no leſs than 70 or 80 Families are already become conſtant Inhabitants, and others are daily taking Houſes.

The Grove too, near the Abbey-church, now called Orange-ſquare, in Compliment to the Prince of Orange, when there, has ſeveral handſome new-built Houſes; and a monumental Stone is erected, with an Inſcription in Honour to the Prince of Orange, and the Place; his Highneſs having been obliged to viſit Bath for his Health, juſt before he married the Princeſs Royal of England, and received great Benefit by the Waters. This likewiſe was erected by the famous Mr. Naſh, to whoſe good Management and Behaviour Bath is greatly indebted; every one ſubmitting with Delight to the Regulations he impoſes, with regard to Decorum, and the Oeconomy of the Place.

The Inſcription on the Stone above, is as follows:In Memoriam
Principi Auriaco
Aquarum Thermalium Potu,
Favente DEO,
Feliciter Reſtitutae.
Thus tranſlated: ‘In Memory of the happy Reſtoration of the Health of the Prince of Orange by the drinking of the Bath Waters, thro' the Favour of GOD, and to the extreme Joy of Britain, 1735.’

General Wade, one of the Repreſentatives in Parliament for this City, has given a fine Altar-piece to the great Church there: He has alſo been at the Charge of having the Picture drawn of every one of his Electors, (the Members of the Corporation) and ſet up round the Town-hall; and his own too he has [260] ſuffer'd to be put up over the Entrance, as if he would make good that Paſs, and keep them all to Duty. At the Upper-end of the Hall are lately ſet up the Pictures of the Prince and Princeſs of Wales, a Preſent made by their Royal Highneſſes to the Corporation, who likewiſe before preſented it with a fine large wrought Silver Cup and Waiter, gilt.

There is a very great Narrowneſs of Spirit in moſt of the Inhabitants at Bath: but, indeed, it is the ſame in all publick Places of Reſort. They have but their Seaſons; and they are ſo hungry by that time they come about, that they look upon a new Comer, as a Perſon to be ſhared and divided among them: for this Reaſon you'll always find them with both Hands open to receive; and not one to communicate, or do a generous Office, without a Benefit in Poſſeſſion or Reverſion. And when they receive a Favour at your Hands, 'tis with ſuch an Air, as if it were their Due, and they quitted Scores with you by their Acceptance of it.

The Abbey-church is a venerable Pile, and has many Monuments in it. But the principal Front is almoſt blaſphemouſly decorated, if it may be call'd decorated, with the Figures of God the Father, and Saints and Angels, the Work of Superſtition. This Cathedral, tho' beautiful, is but ſmall; and on the Spot probably ſtood the Roman Temple of Minerva, Patroneſs of the Baths. Before it, was an handſome ſquare Area, but of late Years deformed with Houſes.

On the South Side are the juſtly renowned hot Springs collected into a ſquare Area, called the King's Bath. The Corporation erected within theſe few Years that pretty neat Building before it, call'd the Pump-room, for the Company to meet in, who drink the Water, convey'd hither by a Marble Pump from the Bottom of the Springs, where it is near boiling-hot.

[261]This Water is admirably grateful to the Stomach, ſtriking the Roof of the Mouth with a fine ſulphurous and ſteely Taſte, like that of the German Spaw or Pyrmont. Tho' you drink off a large Pint-glaſs, it is ſo far from creating a Heavineſs or Nauſea, that you immediately perceive yourſelf more alert. At firſt it operates by Stool, and eſpecially Urine. It is of ſovereign Efficacy to ſtrengthen the Bowels, reſtore their loſt Tone, and renew the vital Heat. But I have already mention'd its excellent Qualities.

The King's Bath is an oblong Square, the Walls full of Niches, perhaps the Romans Work. There are Twelve on the North Side; Eight on the Eaſt and Weſt; about Four larger Arches on the South. At every Corner are the Steps to deſcend into it, and a Parapet or Baluſtrade with a Walk round it.

The Springs were doubtleſs ſeparated from common Springs by the Romans, and fenced in with a durable Wall. There goes a probable Tradition of ſubterranean Canals of their making, to carry off the other Waters, leſt they ſhould mix with theſe, and deſtroy the Heat.

It is remarkable, that at the cleanſing of the Springs, when they ſet down a new Pump, they conſtantly find great Quantities of Hazel-nuts, as in many other Places among ſubterraneous Timber. Theſe, Dr. Stukeley doubts not, are the Remainder of the univerſal Deluge, which the Hebrew Hiſtorian tell us was in Autumn, Providence by that means ſecuring the Revival of the Vegetable World.

In the Bath People ſtand up to the Chin, Men and Women, and ſtew, moſtly in the way of Gallantry.

Many are the Diſeaſes which here find a Remedy, when judiciouſly applied, as I obſerv'd above. The Confleunce hither is greater in Summer, than in Winter, tho' the latter, of the two, ſeems the more preferable Seaſon for medicinal Purpoſes.

[262]Behind the Southern Wall of the King's Bath, is a leſs Square, named the Queen's Bath, with a Tabernacle of Four Pillars in the midſt. This is of more temperate Warmth, as borrowing its Water from the other. There are likewiſe Pumps and Pumping-rooms, for pouring hot Streams on any Part of the Body; which in many Caſes is very ſalutary.

In the South-weſt Part of the Town are two other Baths, not to be diſregarded.

The Hot-bath is not much inferior in Heat to the King's Bath; it is a ſmall Parallelogram, with a Stone Tabernacle of Four Pillars in the midſt.

The Croſs-bath near it is triangular, and had a Croſs in the middle. Hard by is an Hoſpital built and endow'd by a Prelate of this See. The Water in theſe two Places riſes near the Level of the Streets.

On the South Side of the Cathedral are ſome Parts of the Abbey left, and the Gate-houſe belonging to it.

Within theſe few Years, by a Contribution, a cold Bath for the Benefit of the Infirm was made at a Spring beyond the Bridge.

Two Roman Inſcriptions have been ſet in the Eaſtern Wall of the Cathedral, fronting the Walks; which, beſides the Injuries of the Weather, are expoſed to the miſchievous Sport of Boys, who throw Stones at them.

The ſeveral Baths are very indifferently kept, as their Uſe ſo much increaſes. But a fine Deſign is now on foot to make convenient Slips, with Dreſſing-rooms, and Apartments for Pumping on People, without going into the Bath, and for inlarging the Pump-room ſo as to hold four or five Pumps.

The greateſt Decency is obſerved here by both Sexes; and while Mr. Naſh lives, it muſt be always ſo. There is a very good Conveniency of Chairs, of which there are great Plenty, and very genteel ones, [263] to go to any Part within the Walls, and even to the adjoining Buildings without, for 6d. provided the Diſtance does not exceed 500 Yards; but if it does, the Fare is 1s. and for this the Chairmen are obliged to go a Mile. In ſhort, it is a delightful Place enough, when you are in it, but a dreadful one to come at, down high Hills, in ſome Places like Precipices: but Health or Pleaſure obliges People to diſpenſe with this Difficulty.

Bath being invironed with Hills, there are few pleaſant Walks out of the Town, or even Rides, without clambering much to Landſdown-hill, or that called Clarton-down.

It is for this Reaſon, that very few People care to keep Coaches here. And the Hill up to Lanſdown, particularly, is ſo ſteep, that the late Queen Anne was extremely frighted in going up: her Coachman ſtopping to give the Horſes Breath, and the Coach wanting a Dragſtaff, it ran back in ſpite of all the Coachman's Skill; the Horſes not being brought to ſtrain the Harneſs again, or pull together for a good while, and the Coach putting the Guards behind in great Confuſion: at laſt ſome of the Servants, ſetting their Heads and Shoulders to the Wheels, ſtopt them by mere Force.

The General Hoſpital now near finiſhed in this City, for the Reception of the ſick Poor all over the Kingdom, is a very noble Deſign. The firſt Stone of it was laid the 6th of July 1738. It is built where the old Play-houſe ſtood, and is a noble Pile of Building, 100 Feet in Front, and 90 Feet deep. It is capable of receiving 150 poor Cripples. Its chief Benefactor is Mr. Allen, of whom we ſhall ſay more anon, who gave all the Wall-ſtone, Free-ſtone ready wrought, Paving-ſtone, and Lime uſed in it. The Prince and Princeſs of Wales have likewiſe been great Promoters of the Work.


[264]A very great Deſign is now alſo begun in this City, of which the following is a brief Account.

On the 10th of March 1739-40, the firſt Stone of a new Square was laid, in the Gardens adjoining to the publick Walks. The principal Side of this Square is to have the Appearance of one Houſe, 520 Feet in Front, and 260 Feet in Depth, but is to be divided into 40 Houſes: each Front is to have 63 Windows, and each End 31. Two of the other Sides are to ſerve as Wings to the principal Side: each Wing is to contain 24 Houſes upon a perfect Square of 210 Feet, and the Front of theſe Wings are every one to have 25 Windows; ſo that when the whole Building is viewed in Front, it will ſhew 113 Windows, extend 1040 Feet, and from the diſtant Hills look like one grand Palace. The three Piles of Building will be adorned with above 300 Columns and Pilaſters in the Corinthian Order:—Upon the Corner of every Pile there will be a Tower, and in every Front will be a Centre-houſe and a Pediment.

A noble Houſe for publick Aſſemblies is to be erected by Subſcription in this Square; the Ballroom will be like an Egyptian Hall, and contain in Length 90 Feet, and Breadth 52 Feet. The Aſſembly-room will be 90 Feet long. There will be a Garden for the Ladies to walk in; a Bowling-green for the Gentlemen; a grand Parade of 200 Yards long, a Terrace 500 Yards in Circumference, a Portico of the ſame Dimenſions, with divers other Walks in common for all People, and ſo diſpoſed, that Gentlemen and Ladies may walk at any Seaſon of the Year, at any Hour of the Day, and in any Weather. So that by theſe great Improvements Bath will be rendered one of the moſt agreeable Places in the World; for, facing this Square, a Bridge with an Arch of 102 Feet opening will be built over the River, by which People of Diſtinction may go to [265] the Downs, as into their own Gardens, for the Air and Exerciſe.

The River Avon runs by the Back of the Town; and on the Banks of it, Mr. Allen, who is the Genius of the Place, and whoſe Works and Inventions there, next to the Waters, are better worth the Attention of the Curious, than any thing in Bath, has a fine Wharf, and other convenient Places, to ſhape, to work, to imbark the Stones of many Tons Weight, which he digs from the Quarry, on the adjacent Hill. This he does by an admirable Machine, which runs down the Hill by Grooves placed in the Ground, without Horſes or any other Help, than one Man to guide it, who alſo by a particular Spring can ſtop it in the ſteepeſt Part of the Hill, and in the ſwifteſt Part of its Motion. Theſe Stones he can carry by the Avon to Briſtol, whence they may be tranſported to any other Part of England; and the new Works of St. Bartholomew's Hoſpital, London, are built with them. He is building for himſelf a very magnificent Houſe of this Stone, with a fine Chapel, and noble Stables and Offices; and has delightful Gardens laid out with a Profuſion of Fancy, yet with great Oeconomy, as to the Expence: for, in ſhort, Mr. Allen is contented with the Situation of his Houſe and Gardens, (and indeed well he may, for it is a very fine one) and, inſtead of forcing Nature by a great Expence to bend to Art, he purſues only what the natural Scite points out to him, and, by ſo doing, will make it one of the cheapeſt, and at the ſame time one of the moſt beautiful Seats in England. He levels no Hills, but enjoys the Beauty of the Proſpects they afford; he cuts down no Woods, but ſtrikes thro' them fine Walks, and next-to-natural Mazes; and has, by that means, a delightful Grove always filled with Birds, which afford the rural Ear a Muſick tranſcending all others. Nor does he want for fine Conveniencies [266] of Water; and as he is a Gentleman who is not enter'd into the preſent faſhionable Schemes of ridiculing Religion and Scripture, he has a Figure of Moſes ſtriking the Rock, and the Water guſhing out of it, which forms a ſort of natural Caſcade, whence his Baſon is ſupplied; and is a pretty Alluſion to his producing all his Works from the Stone Quarry in his Neighbourhood. This is the ſame Mr. Allen, who firſt invented the Croſs-Poſt, ſo uſeful for the Conveyance of Letters to Places, which before were, in that Particular, at the greateſt Uncertainty. The Taſte of this Gentleman in his Gardening, &c. is ſo aptly deſcribed by Mrs. Chandler of the Place, in an ingenious Poem, called, The Deſcription of BATH, that the following Quotation from it, muſt be acceptable.

Thy Taſte refin'd appears in yonder Wood,
Not Nature tortur'd, but by Art improv'd;
Where cover'd Walks with open Viſtas meet,
An Area here, and there a ſhady Seat.
A thouſand Sweets in mingled Odours flow
From blooming Flow'rs, which on the Borders grow.
In num'rous Streams the murm'ring Waters thrill,
Uniting all, obedient to thy Will;
Till, by thy Art, in one Canal combin'd,
They thro' the Wood in various Mazes wind;
From thence the foaming Waves fall rapid down,
In bold Caſcades, and laſh the rugged Stone.
But here their Fury loſt, the calmer Scene
Delights the ſofter Muſe, and S [...]ul ſerene:
An ample Baſon, Centre of the Place,
In Lymph tranſparent holds the ſcaly Race;
Its glaſſy Face, from ev'ry Ruffle free,
Reflects the Image of each neighb'ring Tree;
On which the feather'd Choir's melodious Throng,
By Love inſpir'd, unite in tuneful Song;
Their tuneful Song the echoing Woods reſound,
And falling Waters add a ſolemn Sound:
Sure this the Muſes haunt; 'tis hallow'd Ground!

[267]At Walcot has been a Camp, and many Roman Antiquities have been found. Lord Winchelſea has an Urn, a Patera, and other things taken out of a Stone Coffin, wherein was a Child's Body, half a Mile off the Bath.

When one is upon Kingſdown, and has paſs'd all the Steeps and Difficulties of the Aſcent, there is a plain and pleaſant Country for many Miles into Glouceſterſhire, and two very noble Houſes, the one built by Mr. Blathwait, late Secretary at War; and the other is call'd Badmington, a Manſion of the Duke of Beaufort.

Nor muſt we forget to mention the handſome Monument erected by Order of the late Lord Lanſdown, to the Honour of Sir Bevil Granville, his Lordſhip's Anceſtor, with an Inſcription recording the Action in which he fell. It is built on the Brow of Lanſdown-Hill, on the very Spot, as near as poſſible, where that brave Gentleman was kill'd, in the Action between him and Sir William Waller, in the late Civil Wars; of which Lord Clarendon and others give Account.

I ought not to omit, that in the Seſſion of Parliament 1738-9, an Act paſſed for inlarging the Terms and Powers granted by Two former Acts of Parliament, for Repairing and Inlarging the Highways between the Top of Kingſdown-Hill and the City of Bath; and for Amending ſeveral other Roads leading from Briſtol, and other Places, to Bath; and for cleanſing, paving, and enlightening the STREETS, and regulating the CHAIRMEN there; and for keeping a regular Nightly WATCH, within the ſaid City and Liberties: All which, when effected according to the Intention of the Act, will be a great Conveniency to Bath, and to Perſons reſorting to it.

I will juſt mention alſo, that at Chipping-Norton-Lane, near Bath, was a Fight between the Forces [268] of King James II. and thoſe of the Duke of Monmouth, in which the latter had the Advantage, and, if they had purſu'd it, would have gain'd a complete Victory. An old Elm-Tree, ſtanding near Stanton-Drew, in a Road leading three Ways, afforded a ſad Teſtimony of the Event of the Duke's Enterprize; for it was all overſpread with the Heads and Limbs of the unfortunate Perſons engag'd in his Cauſe, who ſuffer'd by the Sentence of the mercileſs Jefferies.

About Twyfordton, not far from Bath, is a fallow Field, call'd Marſbury-Field, with but little Quantity of Earth upon the Rock. This was very full of foſſile Shells, which had preſerv'd their natural Colour of Blue and White as perfectly as at firſt.

In Chu Pariſh is Bowditch, ſo call'd from its circular Form; it was a large Camp on a Hill trebly fortified, whence you may behold the Iſles of Flatholm and Steepholm in the Sea. Here is a petrifying Spring. This Country abounds with Coal-pits. The Slates which lie upon it, and have not receiv'd their due Quantity of Sulphur, ſo as to make perfect Coal, are moſt curiouſly mark'd with Impreſſions of Plants, particularly thoſe of Fern. This is indeed a Rock, full of Springs, a very bad Road for Travelling, conſiſting of ſhort and ſteep Valleys, narrow Lanes, intricate, dark, and hard. The Ground is very rich, and bears much Wood. The Neatneſs of the Houſes even of the poorer Sort of People is remarkable, being generally whited over, and imbelliſh'd with little Gardens. We come in Ten Miles from Bath to the City of Briſtol, the greateſt, the richeſt, and the beſt Port of Trade in Great-Britain, London only excepted.

Briſtol has been formerly a Place of Strength, and had a Caſtle, in which King Stephen was kept Priſoner ſome time by Maud the Empreſs. It was beſieged in the Civil Wars, and made a good Defence. The Caſtle ſtood till the Time of Oliver Cromwell, [269] who demoliſh'd it. It is a County-Town, and one of King Henry VIII.'s new Biſhopricks.

The Merchants of this City have not only the greateſt Trade, but they trade with a more intire Independency upon London, than any other Town in Britain. And 'tis evident in this Particular, viz. That whatſoever Exportations they make to any Part of the World, they are able to bring the full Returns back to their own Port, and can diſpoſe of them there; which is not the Caſe in any other Port in England; where they are often oblig'd either to ſhip part of the Effects in the Ports abroad, on the Ships bound to London; or to conſign their own Veſſels to London, in order both to get Freight, and diſpoſe of their own Cargoes.

But the Briſtol Merchants, as they have a very great Trade abroad, ſo they have always Buyers at home for their Returns, and that ſuch Buyers, that no Cargo is too big for them. To this Purpoſe, the Shopkeepers in Briſtol, who in general are Wholeſale-men, have ſo great an Inland Trade among all the Weſtern Counties, that they maintain Carriers, juſt as the London Tradeſmen do, to all the principal Countries and Towns from Southampton in the South, even to the Banks of the Trent, North; although they have no navigable River that Way.

Add to this, That, as well by Sea, as by the Navigation of two great Rivers, the Wye, and the Severn, they have the whole Trade of South-Wales, as it were, to themſelves, and the greateſt Part of that of North-Wales; and as to their Trade to Ireland, it is prodigiouſly increas'd ſince the Revolution, notwithſtanding the great Trade which of late the Merchants of Liverpool alſo drive with that Kingdom.

The greateſt Inconveniencies of Briſtol are its Situation, its narrow Streets, and the Narrowneſs of its River; and we might mention alſo another [268] [...] [269] [...] [270] Narrow; that is, the Minds of the Generality of its People; for, let me tell you, the Merchants of Briſtol, tho' very rich, are not like the Merchants of London: the latter may be ſaid (as of old of the Merchants of Tyre) to vie with the Princes of the Earth; whereas the former, being rais'd by good Fortune, and Prizes taken in the Wars, from Maſters of Ships, and blunt Tars, have imbib'd the Manners of theſe rough Gentlemen ſo ſtrongly, that they tranſmit it to their Deſcendants, only with a little more of the Sordid, than is generally to be found among the Britiſh Sailors; and I would adviſe the rich ones among them, if they would be a little more polite and generous, than they uſually are, to travel, but not out of England neither; I mean only to London (that is, from the ſecond great Trading Town to the firſt); and they will ſee Examples worth their Imitation, as well for princely Spirit, as upright and generous Dealings.

The Corporation being very tenacious in not admitting Perſons to trade in their Liberty, who are not Freemen, there are not ſo many new Buildings, and Improvements of Streets, &c. at Briſtol, as would otherwiſe be. As for the City itſelf, there is hardly Room to ſet another Houſe in it. The great Square, called Queen's, formerly the Mead, where the Ground was ſubject to the Hazard of Inundations, is now ſo rais'd, that it is free from that Inconvenience: It is very handſomely built and inhabited, and a fine Equeſtrian Statue of King William III. erected in the middle of it, done by the famous Ryſbrack.

The Quay along the River is very noble, and well filled with all Sorts of Merchandize, and a handſome Row of Houſes fronts it. And I was inform'd, when I was there laſt, that in order to make the Back of this City more commodious than ever, the Corporation have purchaſed ſeveral Houſes adjoining to the Back-Gate, in order to pull them down, and [271] make all fluſh from the Conduit on the Back, clear round to the Quay; which when finiſh'd, will be one of the completeſt Harbours in Europe. This Quay is reckoned the longeſt in England. It has a Crane on it, the Workmanſhip of the late ingenious Mr. Padmore, which is not to be equalled in Europe. The Merchants are greatly benefited by it, in the extraordinary Diſpatch it gives to the diſcharging of their Ships.

College-Green is deemed the healthieſt Situation in the City.

There is erected within theſe few Years an Aſſembly Room, for Entertainment and Amuſement of the Gay, as at other conſiderable Places; for Luxury muſt always follow Riches. It is a very handſome Building, and ſtands in the Way from the City to the Hot-well.

The old Theatre at Stokes-Croft is alſo alter'd into a commodious Room for an Aſſembly, which is held every Tueſday during the Winter.

There were, when I was there, no leſs than fifteen Glaſs-Houſes in Briſtol, which is more than are in the City of London: they uſe indeed, themſelves, a very great Number of Glaſs Bottles, which they ſend fill'd with Beer, Cyder, and Wine, to the Weſt-Indies, much more than goes from London; alſo vaſt Numbers of Bottles are now uſed for ſending the Water of St. Vincent's Rock, not only all over England, but, we may ſay, all over the World.

This Hot-well, or Water of St. Vincent's Rock, is without the City, at the Confluence of the two little Rivers, and on the North-ſide of the Stream. Not many Years ſince, this Spring lay open at the Foot of the Rock, and was covered by the ſalt Water at every Tide; and yet it preſerved both its Warmth and Virtue intire.

The Rock, tho' hard to Admiration, has ſince that been work'd down, partly by Labour, and partly [272] blown in Pieces by Gunpowder; and an handſome large Houſe is built upon it, where they have good Apartments for entertaining diſtemper'd Perſons. The Well is ſecur'd, and a good Pump is fix'd in it, ſo that they have the Water pure and unmix'd from the Spring itſelf, and they export vaſt Quantities; for this Water keeps its Virtue better than that of Bath.

The following curious Account of the Briſtol Waters, I am indebted for to the ſame eminent Phyſician, who favoured me with the learned Account of the Nature, and Efficacy of the Bath and Tunbridge Waters.

The Briſtol Waters, he ſays, ſeem only a natural Lime-water, or pure Element impregnated with a natural unburnt Limeſtone. All the Hills and Mountains round that Water are nothing but a Quarry of natural unburnt Limeſtone, which is daily dug up there for Building, and manifeſts itſelf to the Senſes. This makes theſe Briſtol Waters, one of the pureſt, beſt, and moſt ſalutary, mere aqueous Elements on the Globe, to cool all over-heated Bowels, and to leſſen all preternatural Diſcharges. But the ſmall Milk-warmth in them, when immediately pump'd up, upon the Well's being drain'd of the Influx of the Tide, ſhews there is ſome other Principle in them beſides natural Limeſtone: and that in Nature can be no other than ſome weak Impregnation of Sulphur with Nitre or Sea Salt, or perhaps a ſlight Touch of Iron. The Stones are ſome reddiſh, ſome blackiſh, that are digg'd out of the Mountains circumjacent, but all of them natural Limeſtone. Theſe reddiſh and blackiſh Colours in the Stones neceſſarily imply Sulphur and Iron; and theſe Three Principles, by chymical Proceſſes and Mixtures, are diſcovered in ſome ſmall Proportion in the Waters. They are excellent in all ſcorbutick and nervous Atrophies, in Hecticks, weak Lungs, all Inflammations in whatever [273] Part, all preternatural Evacuations; in ſhort, in all acrid Juices and viſcid Blood, being a natural Simple Alcali; and in the firſt Stages of a Phthiſis Pulmonum; and if early had recourſe to, and long continued under a low, cooling, nutritive Regimen, they would probably ſtop the Growth and Cauſes of moſt chronical Diſtempers.

There are 17 Pariſhes in the City, but 19 Churches, including the Cathedral and the Church of St. Mark. There are beſides thoſe Churches, ſeveral Meeting-houſes, for the different Sectaries, viz. Independents, Quakers, and Baptiſts.

The Cathedral is far from extraordinary.

Several of the Churches are very neat, and beautifully decorated, and worthy a Traveller's Attention. That of St. Mary Radcliffe, or Redcliff, is a noble and ſtately Edifice. It is very large and ſpacious, and has a fine Steeple or Tower.

In it is a very antient Monument for Mr. William Cannings, Burgeſs and Merchant of Briſtol, the Founder of the Church, and a great Benefactor otherwiſe to the City of Briſtol.

On one Part of the Monument is a Latin Inſcription, full of Abbreviations; and, on the other Side, in Engliſh, an Inſcription to his Praiſe, which I have not room to inſert.

Here is alſo an Inſcription on the Monument of Sir William Penn, Knt. Vice-Admiral of England, the Father of the great William Penn, one of the Heads of the Quakers, who was a Native of the City of Briſtol.

A great Face of Seriouſneſs and Religion appears at Briſtol, and the Magiſtrates are laudably ſtrict in exacting the Obſervation of the Sabbath, conſidering the general Diſſoluteneſs that has broken in almoſt every-where elſe.

One thing they deſerve high Commendation for; and that is the Neatneſs obſerv'd in keeping their Churches, and the Care they take in preſerving the [274] Monuments and Inſcriptions of thoſe bury'd in 'em. A Practice ſcandalouſly neglected almoſt every-where elſe in England, and even at Places we might mention, where Money (another ſcandalous Practice) is exacted for ſeeing them. This Care of the Monuments of the Dead brings many Viſitors to their Churches of travelling Strangers, who are always pleas'd with it, and make Compariſons in its Favour, tho' very little to the Credit of ſome others, who are more negligent. 'Tis indeed ſtrange, That the Heirs and Families of the Deceaſed ſhould not think themſelves more concern'd, than they generally are, to keep up the Monuments of their Anceſtors. With great Piety, and at a great Expence, the next Heir, or the moſt oblig'd, rears a Monument to the Deceas'd, and it is dedicated, too, profeſſedly, to Poſterity. In a very little while, the Monument is cover'd with Duſt and Cobwebs, and the Inſcription often effaced. Common Decency does not ſucceed to this Piety, and it becomes a Monument of the Ingratitude or Neglect of the Survivors, rather than an Honour to the Deceas'd.

Methinks Vanity alone, the common Inducement to theſe Erections, ſhould inſpire another Manner of Acting. I cannot account for it any other way, but that from the Prince to the Peaſant, as a Family generally lies together in one Vault or Tomb, very few are willing to ſee or think of their Coffins; and hence it is, That ſome Men often look upon their very Heirs as Memento Mori's. Unhappy Narrowneſs of Mind, equally to be lamented and deſpis'd!

Briſtol is ſuppoſed to have an hundred thouſand Inhabitants in the City, and within three Miles of its Circumference; and they ſay, above Three Thouſand Sail of Ships belong to that Port.

'Tis very remarkable, That this City is ſo well ſupply'd with Coals, that tho' they are all brought by Land Carriage, yet they are generally laid down [275] at the Doors of the Inhabitants, at ſeven, eight, or nine Shillings per Chaldron.

The Situation of the City is low, but on the Side of a riſing Hill. The Ground Plat of it is ſaid very much to reſemble that of old Rome, being circular, with a ſomething greater Diameter one way than another, but enough to make it oval; and the River cutting off one ſmall Part, as it were, a Sixth, or leſs, from the reſt.

The Bridge over the Avon is exceeding ſtrong, the Arches very high, becauſe of the Depth of Water, and the Buildings ſo cloſe upon it, that in paſſing the Bridge, you ſee nothing but an intire full-built Street. The Tide of Flood riſes here near ſix Fathom, and runs very ſtrong.

They draw all their heavy Goods here on Sleds, or Sledges, which they call Gee-hoes, without Wheels. This kills a Multitude of Horſes; and the Pavement is worn ſo ſmooth by them, that in wet Weather the Streets are very ſlippery, and in froſty Weather 'tis dangerous walking.

The noble Charities of Mr. Edward Colſton, a worthy Merchant of Briſtol, and his Foundations, are an Honour to the Place, and to the Memory of that excellent Man: and I am ſorry, that my narrow Limits will not permit me to give a particular Account of them.

But I ought not to omit, that one of his Charities only, coſt him 25000l. and that is the noble Hoſpital or Alms-houſe erected by him, in the Year 1691, upon his own Ground, on St. Michael's-Hill. The Front and two Sides are fac'd with Freeſtone: it contains a Chapel neatly adorn'd, 24 Apartments, and other Conveniencies, for 12 Men, and 12 Women. The elder Brother receives 6s. and each of the others 3s. weekly, beſides an Allowance for Coal, &c. To a Clergyman is paid the Sum of 10l. yearly, for reading the Common [276] Prayer twice every Day, except when Prayers are read in St. Michael's Church, at which every Member of this Alms-houſe is to attend.

In the Year 1696, he alſo purchas'd a Piece of Ground in Temple-ſtreet, and built at his own Charge a School and Dwelling-houſe, for a Maſter to inſtruct 40 Boys, in Writing, Arithmetick, and the Church Catechiſm. The Boys are likewiſe to be cloathed.

And his other Charities and Benefactions were without Number.

On St. Peter's Day, June 29. 1738, was open'd at the Mint, an Infirmary for this City, for the Reception of the ſick, lame, and diſtreſſed Poor, after the Example of thoſe in London, Wincheſter, &c. It is denominated St. Peter's Hoſpital, and very liberal Contributions have been made to it; and particularly, we are told, that John Elbridge, Eſq Comptroller of the Cuſtoms in this City, who dy'd February 1738-9, beſides many other charitable Donations, bequeathed 5000l. to this Infirmary, beſides endowing a Charity School on St. Michael's Hill, which he built ſeveral Years before his Death, for educating and cloathing a certain Number of poor Girls.

Large Pieces of Ground are clear'd for building a Market, and a magnificent Exchange; the former in High-ſtreet, and the latter in Corn-ſtreet. The old Buildings which have been deſtroy'd for that Purpoſe, have coſt the Chamber of this City upwards of Twenty thouſand Pounds. And on the 10th of March 1740-1, the firſt Stone of the Exchange was laid by the Mayor, with great Ceremony, with ſeveral Pieces of Gold and Silver Coin under it, and this Inſcription, on the Stone: Regnante GEORGIO II. Pio, Felici, Auguſto, Libertatis & Rei Mercatoriae Domi Foriſque Vindice, primarium Lapidem hujuſce Aedificii, Suffragio Civium, & Aere publico extructi, poſuit HENRICUS COMBE, Praetor, A. C. MDCCXL.’ [277]That is, In the Reign of GEORGE II. Pious, Proſperous, Auguſt, Vindicator, at Home and Abroad, of Liberty and Trade, HENRY COMBE, Mayor, placed the Firſt Stone of this Structure erected by the Votes of the Citizens, and at the publick Expence, A. D. 1740.’

This Edifice when finiſh'd, will be one of the completeſt of its Kind in Europe.

The old Library in King-ſtreet is rebuilding in a very handſome Manner, as is alſo Merchant-Taylors-Hall in Broad-ſtreet, a Freeſtone Building near 70 Feet long, and Breadth proportionable.

From this City I had Thoughts of coaſting the Marſhes or Border of Wales, eſpecially South-Wales, by tracing the Rivers Wye and Lug, in Monmouth and Herefordſhire: but chang'd my Mind on Occaſion of the Danger of the Ferries over the Severn. In the mean time, I reſolv'd to follow the Courſe of this famous River, by which I ſhould neceſſarily ſee the richeſt, moſt fertile, and moſt agreeable Part of England; the Banks of the Thames only excepted.

From Briſtol, Weſt, you enter the County of Glouceſter, and keeping the Avon in View, you ſee King-Road, where the Ships generally take their Departure, as ours at London do from Graveſend, and Hung-Road; and where they notify their Arrival, as ours for London do in the Downs. The one lies within the Avon, the other in the Severn Sea. Indeed great Part of Briſtol is in the Bounds of Glouceſterſhire, though it be a County of itſelf. From hence going away a little North-weſt, we come to the Pill, a convenient Road for Shipping, and where therefore they generally run back for Ireland, or for Wales. There is alſo, a little farther, an ugly, dangerous, and very inconvenient Ferry over the Severn, to the Mouth of Wye; namely, at Auſt; which I ſhall mention again preſently.

[278]As we turn North towards Glouceſter, we loſe the Sight of the Avon, and, in about two Miles, exchange it for an open View of the Severn Sea, which you ſee on the Weſt Side, and which ſeems as broad as the Ocean there; except that you ſee two ſmall Iſlands in it, and that looking N. W. you diſcern plainly the Coaſt of South-Wales; and particularly, a little nearer hand, the Shore of Monmouthſhire. Then, as you go on, the Shores begin to draw towards one another, and the Coaſts to lie parallel; ſo that the Severn appears to be a plain River, or an Aeſtuarium, ſomewhat like the Humber, or as the Thames is at the Nore, being 4 to 5 and 6 Miles over; and is indeed a moſt raging and furious kind of Sea. This is occaſion'd by thoſe violent Tides call'd the Bore, which flow here ſometimes 6 or 7 Feet at once, rolling forward like a mighty Wave: ſo that the Stern of a Veſſel ſhall on a ſudden be lifted up 6 or 7 Feet upon the Water, when the Head of it is faſt a-ground.

After Coaſting the Shore about 4 Miles farther, the Road being by the low Salt Marſhes kept at a Diſtance from the River; we came to Auſt Ferry, from a little dirty Village call'd Auſt; near which you come to take Boat.

This Ferry lands you at Beachly in Monmouthſhire, ſo that on the Outſide it is call'd Auſt Paſſage, and on the other Side Beachly Paſſage. From whence you go by Land two little Miles to Chepſtow, a large Port Town on the River Wye. But of that Part I ſhall ſay more in its Place.

Here is a good neat Chapel, with an high Tower at the Weſt-end, adorned with Pinacles.

This Place is memorable from a Circumſtance in the Reign of King Edw. I. who being here, invited Lewellin Prince of Wales, who was on the other Side, to come over and confer with him, and ſettle ſome Matters in Diſpute between them; but the [279] Prince refuſed, and the King thereupon croſs'd over to him, who, in a Rapture of Generoſity, leap'd into the Water, to receive the King in his Boat, telling him, His Humility had conquer'd his Pride, and his Wiſdom triumphed over his Folly.

When we came to Auſt, the hither Side of the Paſſage, the Sea was ſo broad, the Fame of the Bore of the Tide ſo formidable, the Wind alſo made the Water ſo rough, and, which was worſe, the Boats to carry over both Man and Horſe appear'd ſo very mean, that, in ſhort, none of us car'd to venture: ſo we came back, and reſolv'd to keep on the Road to Glouceſter.

Thornbury is a Market Town, and hath a Cuſtomary Mayor and 12 Aldermen, and was given in the Conqueror's Time to the famous Fitz-Hammon. Here are the Foundations of a large Caſtle, deſign'd but never finiſh'd, by the Duke of Buckingham in King Henry VIII.'s Time. Here is a ſpacious Church built Cathedral-wiſe, it has fine wide Ayles, and 3 Chancels, with a high and beautiful Tower. Here is a Free-School and 4 ſmall Alms-houſes.

On the right lies Wotton, a pretty Market-town, governed by a Mayor elected annually at the Court-Leet. 'Tis famous for its Cloathing Trade. The Church, which is a Vicarage, is large, and hath Two wide Ayles, and an high handſome Tower, adorned with Battlements and Pinacles. There are in it divers Tombs, Monuments, and Inſcriptions, chiefly for the Family of Berkley. Here is a Free-ſchool and ſome Charity-houſes.

Directly North of this Town lies Durſley, a good Cloathing and Market Town, governed by a Bailiff and 4 Conſtables, and has been formerly noted for ſharp, over-reaching People, from whence aroſe a Proverbial Saying of a ſharp Man, He is a Man of Durſley. The Church is good, hath 2 Ayles, and an handſome Spire.

[280]Turning North-weſt, we came to Berkley, a noted Town, ſo called from Berk, a Beech, and Leas, Paſture. It is the largeſt Pariſh in the County, and conſiſts of rich Meadow-grounds, and above 30 Pariſhes depend on this Manor, for which a Feefarm Rent was paid, in King Henry II.'s Time, of 500l. 17s. 2d. which ſhews the vaſt Extent and Value of this Eſtate. It belongs to the preſent Earl of Berkley, who is alſo Baron of Durſley. Adjoining to this Town is the ſtrong Caſtle of Berkley, a magnificent, tho' antique Building, and the antient Seat of this noble Family, from whence it derives its Name as well as Title, ever ſince the Time of King Henry II. who gave it to Robert Fitzharding, who aſſumed the Name of Berkley, and from whom the preſent Earl is lineally deſcended. King Edw. II. of England, as all our learned Writers agree, was murder'd in this Caſtle; as King Richard II. was in that of Pontefract, in Yorkſhire; but I refer to our Hiſtories for theſe horrid Facts. They ſhew the Apartments, where they ſay that King was kept a Priſoner: but they do not admit that he was kill'd there. The Place is rather antient, than pleaſant or healthful, lying low, and near the Water. Here is a large ſpacious Church, with an Ayle on each Side, and a Chapel adjoining, which is the Burial-place of the Family, a neat Veſtry, and a ſtrong high Tower.

On the Right of the Road is Stanley, a little Market-town, where was formerly a Priory, the Ruins whereof appear ſtill. The Church is built in the Form of a Croſs, with a Tower in the middle.

A great Improvement has been lately made in theſe Parts; for the Earl of Berkley has juſt finiſhed (1740) a great Bulwark at Frampton upon Severn, near this Place, called Hock-Crib, the Deſign of which is to inforce the River Severn, by Art's-Point, into its former Chanel. It is ſaid his Lordſhip intends to [281] build another, four Miles below the former, by which he will undoubtedly gain a large Tract of Land, contiguous to what is call'd the New Grounds, inferior to none in England for the Richneſs of its Soil.

From hence we ſaw, acroſs the River, the antient Foreſt of Dean, which once contained 30000 Acres of Land, being Twenty Miles long, and ſo full of Wood, that it was very dangerous to travel through it. Its Oak was famous for Shipping, the Glory of our own, and ſo much the Envy of other Nations, that the famous Spaniſh Armada had it in ſpecial Charge to burn it. The great Number of Iron Forges near it has greatly leſſened, tho' not conſum'd the Wood, which is ſtill preſerved with great Care. It is ſubject to Foreſt-Laws, and the Iron-Miners have here a Court alſo.

From hence to Glouceſter, we ſee nothing conſiderable, but a moſt fertile, rich Country, and a fine River, but narrower, as you go Northward, till, a little before we come to Glouceſter, it ceaſes to be navigable by Ships of Burden, but continues to be ſo, by large Barges, above an hundred Miles farther, not reckoning the Turnings and Windings of the River: beſides that it receives ſeveral large and navigable Rivers into it.

Glouceſter (call'd by the Britons, Caer-glow, i. e. Fine City, and in Imitation of it Glevum by the Romans) abounds much with Croſſes and Statues of the Kings of England, and has an handſome Proſpect of Steeples, ſome without a Church; for in the late Civil Wars, when it held out vigorouſly againſt King Charles I. and was then very ſtrong, it ſuffer'd much; for its Eleven Churches were then reduced to Five, and all its Walls and Works were demoliſhed. The City is ſtill tolerably built; and here is a large Stone Bridge over the Severn, the firſt next the Sea. Here are ſeveral Market-houſes ſupported with Pillars, one a very old one of Stone, in Gothick Architecture, [282] antient and uncommon, now turn'd into a Ciſtern for Water.

The old Proverb, As ſure as God's at Glouceſter, certainly alluded to the vaſt Number of Churches and religious Foundations here; for you can ſcarce walk paſt 10 Doors, but ſomewhat of that ſort occurs.

The Cathedral is an old venerable Pile. The Weſtern Part is old and mean; but from the Tower, which is very handſome, you have a moſt glorious Proſpect Eaſtward, thro' the Choir finely vaulted at top; and the Ladies Chapel to the Eaſt Window, which is very magnificent. On the North-ſide lies that unfortunate King Edw. II. in an Alabaſter Tomb, and, out of the Abundance of pious Offerings to his Remains, the Religious built this Choir; and the Votaries to his Shrine, for ſome time after his Death, could hardly find Room in the Town. So changeable are the Tempers of Men! and ſo little a Space is requir'd to diſpoſe the Minds of the fluctuating Many, to Hoſannah or Crucify!

Before the High Altar in the Middle of the Church, lies the equally unfortunate Prince Robert, eldeſt Son of the Conqueror, after a miſerable Life for many Years before his Death. But his Monument remains, and his Bones are at Reſt; which is more than can be ſaid of the Monument of his younger Brother, King Henry I. who, as the ſecond Brother William Rufus had done, robbed him of his Right, and no Traces of his Monument are left at Reading-Abbey, where he was bury'd with his Queen. He lies in a wooden Tomb, with his Coat of Arms painted, and upon it his Effigies in Iriſh Oak, croſslegg'd like a Jeruſalem Knight. The famous Strongbow, who ſubdued Ireland, lies buried in the Chapter-houſe.

The Cloyſters in this Cathedral are exquiſitely beautiful, in the Style of the Chapel of King's-College, Cambridge. There are large Remains in the City [283] of Abbeys of Black and White Friers. A Mile or two diſtant is Robin Hood's Hill, as it is called, which affords now a pleaſant Walk for the Citizens, and from which they are attempting to ſupply the City with Water, which it much wants. By this City, the Rickning Way runs from the Severn's Mouth into Yorkſhire.

The Inhabitants boaſt much of the Antiquity of their firſt Cathedral, which they pretend had Biſhops and Preachers here Anno 189: The firſt Cathedral, we ſay; for, it has been, as reported, thrice deſtroy'd by Fire.

William the Conqueror gave this City and Caſtle to the famous Robert Fitz-Hammon, afterwards Lord of Glamorgan. Edol, one of the Britiſh Nobles, who attended King Vortigern to the Congreſs appointed by Hengiſt, was Earl of this Place. He was a Man of great perſonal Strength, and ſeeing the Saxons drawing forth their conceal'd Weapons, he diſarm'd one of them, and fought valiantly; but being overpower'd by Numbers, he eſcap'd to this City, after having kill'd 70 Saxons with his own Hands. Afterwards, in a Battle fought againſt the Saxons near the River Don, he fix'd his Eye upon Hengiſt, and never quitted him, till he took him Priſoner, and ſtruck off his Head.

In the little Iſle of Alney, near this Town, the famous ſingle Combat was fought between Edmund Ironſide and Canute the Dane, for the whole Kingdom, in Sight of both their Armies.

The City is governed by a Mayor, 12 Aldermen, and 24 Common-council-men. It has alſo an High-Steward, (who is uſually a Nobleman) and a Recorder. They are allow'd the higheſt Marks of magiſtratical Honour, Scarlet Gowns, the Sword, and Cap of Maintenance, and 4 Sergeants at Mace. Here are 12 Companies, the Maſters whereof attend the Mayor on all publick Occaſions in their Gowns, [284] and with Streamers. It has a large Quay and Wharf on the River for Trade, and a Cuſtom-houſe. Here is alſo a Town-hall for the Aſſizes and publick Buſineſs, which they call the Booth-hall, and great Part of the Caſtle is ſtill ſtanding.

The firſt Proteſtant Biſhop of this Church was that truly Reverend and Religious Divine, Dr. John Hooper, who was burnt to Death in the Cemetery of his own Cathedral, in the Reign of Queen Mary.

The Whiſpering-place in this Cathedral formerly paſs'd for a kind of Wonder among the Vulgar; but ſince, Experience has taught the eaſily-comprehended Reaſon of the Thing; and there is now the like in the Church of St. Paul, London.

Here is great Proviſion for the Poor by Hoſpitals; particularly Bartholomew's Hoſpital maintains 54 Men and Women, to whom belong a Miniſter, Phyſician and Surgeon. And Sir Thomas Rich, Bart. a Native of this Place, gave 6000l. by Will, for a Blue-Coat Hoſpital, wherein are educated 20 poor Boys; and 10 poor Men and 10 Women are maintain'd, and cloath'd annually. Beſides theſe and three more, there are many Benefactions to encourage young Tradeſmen, and place out Boys Apprentices. And they have lately erected an Infirmary here, after the laudable Example of that of Wincheſter, &c.

At Laſſington, near Glouceſter, are found certain Stones about the Breadth of a Silver Peny, and Thickneſs of a Half-crown, called Aſtroites or Star-ſtones, being fine-pointed like a Star, and flat. They are of a greyiſh Colour, and the flat Sides are naturally finely engraven, as it were. But I have taken Notice of theſe before.

From Glouceſter we kept Eaſtward, and ſoon came to Cheltenham, a Market-town, where is ſtill a pretty good Trade carried on in Malt, but not ſo conſiderable as formerly. Here is a good Church in [285] the Form of a Croſs, with Ayles on each Side, and a Spire riſing in the Middle, noted for a good Ring of Bells. But what is more remarkable is, that the Miniſter is to be nominated by, and muſt be a Fellow of, Jeſus-College, Oxon, (tho' the Vicarage is but 40l. a Year) but approv'd of by the Earl of Gainſborough; and he can't hold it more than ſix Years. Here is a Free-ſchool, an Hoſpital, and ſome other Charities.

The Mineral Waters lately diſcovered at Cheltenham, which are of the Scarborough Kind, are what will make this Place ſtill more and more remarkable, and frequented. An eminent Phyſician has obliged me with the following Account of their Nature, and Qualities.

Theſe Waters, he obſerves, were firſt found out by the Flocks of all the neighbouring Pigeons going conſtantly thither to provoke their Appetites, as well as to quench the uncommon Thirſt of theſe ſalacious hot Birds. I have been informed, ſays he, by a Phyſician of Credit and Experience, who had made all the common Trials on them, and obſerved their Effects on many Perſons of various Conſtitutions, and in different Diſtempers, who had drank them, That, on Evaporation, they were found to contain, in a Gallon, eight Drachms of a nitrous Salt, with two Drachms of an alcalious Earth: That they were compounded of a large Quantity of Nitre, to which they owed their purgative Virtue; a light Sulphur, which the fetid Dejections manifeſted; and a volatile Steel, diſcoverable by a tranſparent blue Colour, when mix'd with an Infuſion of Nut-galls. Alcalious Spirits have no Effect on them; but they ferment with Acids. He further adds, That there might be found ſome other Materials in their Compoſition, perhaps, if more minutely examined and tortured: but that theſe mentioned Principles were evident and inconteſtable, and were ſufficient to account [286] for all their Effects and Operation; the others (if there be any) being of little Efficacy. In the Operation they empty the Bowels according to their Doſe, but gently, mildly, and eaſily, without Sickneſs, Nauſea, Gripes, or cauſing great Lowneſs, far beyond any artificial Purges whatſoever. They give a good Appetite, an eaſy Digeſtion, and quiet Nights, in all Nephritick and Gouty Caſes, when not under the Fit; in all Rheumatick, Scrophulous, Scorbutic, or Leprous Caſes; but eſpecially in Spermatic, Urinary, or Haemorrhoidal Caſes, he thinks them ſovereign, and not to be match'd. In a Word, in all Inflammatory Caſes of whatever Kind, and whatever Part, he thinks them one of the moſt ſalutary Means which can be uſed. Thoſe of pretty ſtrong Nerves, and firm Conſtitutions, bear them with high Spirits, great Pleaſure, and Profit; but they do not at all ſuit with thoſe of weak Nerves, Paralytick, Hypochondriack, or Hyſterick Diſorders, or thoſe who are ſubject to any kind of Fits, Cramps, or Convulſions: they ruffle ſuch too much, as generally all Purgatives do. He thinks they have a great Affinity to the Scarborough Waters, and might do great Cures in moſt Chronical Diſtempers, if Exerciſe, and a proper Regimen, were directed with them.

Following the Road towards Warwick directly, we arriv'd at Winchcomb, a ſmall Market-town, ſituate in a Bottom, in the midſt of good Paſture and Arable Lands, but of no great Account. The Church is a good Building, hath two Ayles, a large Chancel, and a lofty Tower adorn'd with Battlements and Pinacles. It is remarkable, that it is a Curacy worth no more than 10l. a Year, tho' the Impropriation is worth 300l. annually. Here was formerly a very rich Abbey, whereof the Abbot was Mitred, founded by Offa King of Mercia.

Here we turned from the Road, and ſtruck N.W. to Tewkſbury, encompaſſed with 4 Rivers; the Avon [287] and Carran on the N. the Severn on the W. and the Swyliate on the S. 'Tis govern'd by 2 Bailiffs, and 24 Burgeſſes; and its Neighbourhood to Cotſwold-Downs makes the Cloathing Trade flouriſh here. It is a large and very populous Town, ſituate upon the Warwickſhire River Avon, ſo call'd to diſtinguiſh it from the Briſtol Avon, and others. The Town was long famous for its Muſtard-balls, as alſo for a great Manufacture of Stockens; as are alſo Campden in this County, and Perſhore in Worceſterſhire.

The great old Church at Tewkſbury may be called one of the largeſt Churches in England, that is not Collegiate or Cathedral. It is very high, has two ſpacious Ayles, a ſtately Tower, and a large Chancel. The Communion-Table is one intire Marble Stone near 14 Feet long, and 3 and ½ broad.

The Town is famous for the deciſive Battle fought between the Houſes of Lancaſter and York, in the Reign of King Edward IV. of the latter Houſe, who was Conqueror.

As Tewkſbury lies on the Borders of Worceſterſhire, we ſoon entered that County, and came to Upton, an antient Market-Town of ſome Note upon the Severn, over which it has a good Bridge. Roman Coins are frequently dug up here.

On the Left, Weſtward of this Town, and which parts this County from that of Hereford, are Malvern Hills, which conſiſt of large Mountains, prodigiouſly high and lofty, gradually riſing one above another for about 7 Miles together. On theſe Hills are two Villages, call'd Great Malvern and Little Malvern, at the Diſtance of about Two Miles from each other, each having had formerly an Abbey of Benedictines, the laſt lying in a diſmal Cavity between the Hills. On the very Top of theſe Hills may be ſeen the Ruins of a prodigious Ditch, which Gilbert Earl of Glouceſter dug, to ſeparate his Poſſeſſions [288] from thoſe of the Church of Hereford. On theſe Hills are 2 Medicinal Springs, called Holy Wells: one is good for the Eyes, and putrid fetid Livers; and the other for Cancers.

From Upton we travelled North-eaſt, and came to Perſhore, which lies on the lower London Road to Worceſter: it is ſaid to be ſo called from the great Number of Pear-trees, which thrive plentifully here. It is a pleaſant Market-Town lying on the Avon, and famous for the Stocken Trade, as I have mentioned before.

Eaſtward of this Town ſtands Eveſham, ſituate on a gentle Aſcent from the ſame River, over which it hath a Bridge of 7 ſtately Arches. It is an antient Mayor-town, and has the Privilege to try Felons. It is memorable for the deciſive Battle, wherein Simon Montfort and the Barons were defeated by Prince Edward, afterwards King Edward I. who thereby releaſed his Father out of Captivity. Here are 2 Churches, with ſmall Spire Steeples; but neither of them has any Bells, which have been removed to a famous Tower built by Abbot Litchfield, and ſtands near theſe Churches.

All around this Town lies that fruitful and plentiful Country, call'd from this Place, The Vale of Eveſham, which runs all along the Banks of the Avon, from Tewkſbury to Perſhore, and to Stratford upon Avon, in the South Part of Warwickſhire; which River is ſo far navigable.

The Pariſh Church of Stratford is very old. In it we ſaw the Monument of the inimitable Shakeſpeare, whoſe Dramatick Performances ſet him at the Head of the Britiſh Theatre, and will make him renown'd to the End of Time. His Buſto is in the Wall on the North-ſide of the Church, and a flat Grave-ſtone covers the Body, in the Ayle juſt under him; on which Grave-ſtone theſe Lines are written:

Good Friend, for Jeſus' ſake, forbear
To move the Duſt that reſteth here.
Bleſt be the Man that ſpares theſe Stones;
And curſt be he, that moves my Bones!

Over the Avon at Stratford is built a fair Stone Bridge of 14 Arches, with a long Cauſeway at the Weſt End of it, wall'd on both Sides.

The Navigation of this River Avon is an exceeding Advantage to all this Part of the Country, and alſo to the Commerce of the City of Briſtol. For by this River they drive a very great Trade for Sugar, Oil, Wine, Tobacco, Iron, Lead, and, in a Word, all heavy, Goods which are uſually carried by Water almoſt as far as Warwick; and in Return, the Corn, and eſpecially Cheeſe, are carried back from Glouceſterſhire and Warwickſhire, to Briſtol; for Glouceſter Cheeſe is excellent of the kind, and this County drives a great Trade in it.

This Vale extending itſelf in Warwickſhire, and under the Ridge of little Mountains call'd Edge-hill, is there call'd the Vale of Red-horſe. All the Grounds, put together, make a moſt pleaſant Corn Country, eſpecially remarkable for the Goodneſs of the Air, and Fertility of the Soil.

Not far from Stretford, on the Borders of this County of Worceſter, is Alceſter, a Market-town, much frequented by Dealers in Corn: it is of great Antiquity; as appears by old Foundations of Buildings made of Roman Brick, and Gold, Silver and Braſs Coins found here. The old Roman Way, called Ikenild-ſtreet, paſſes thro' the Town.

Glouceſterſhire muſt not be paſſed over, without ſome Account of another pleaſant and fruitful Vale, which croſſes part of the Country, from Eaſt to Weſt, on that Side of the Cotſwold, and which is called Stroud-water; famous not only for the fineſt Cloths, but for dying thoſe Cloths of the beautifuleſt [290] Scarlets, and other grand Colours, that are anywhere in England, perhaps in any Part of the World. Here I ſaw Two Pieces of Broad-cloth made, one Scarlet, the other Crimſon in Grain, which were ſent as Preſents, the one to the late King George, whilſt Elector, and the other to his preſent Majeſty, which were very graciouſly accepted. The Cloth was valued at 45s. per Yard, and was well worth it; for nothing ſo rich of that kind had been ever made in England before, as I was informed.

The Clothiers lie all along the Banks of this River, for near 20 Miles, and in the Town of Stroud, which lies in the middle of it, as alſo at Paynſwick, which I have mentioned before. The River makes its Way to the Severn, about Five Miles below Glouceſter.

From Tewkſbury, North, it is 12 Miles to Worceſter, along the Banks of the Severn, where I was wonderfully delighted with the Hedge-rows, lin'd all the Way with Apple and Pear-trees, full of Fruit, and thoſe ſo common, that any Paſſengers, as they travel the Road, may gather and eat what they pleaſe. Here alſo, as well as in Glouceſterſhire, you meet with Cyder in the Publick-houſes, ſold as Beer and Ale is in other Parts of England, and as cheap.

We ſaw at a Diſtance, in a moſt agreeable Situation, the Seat of Sir Herbert Perrot Pakington, a Baronet of a very antient Family.

On the other Side of the Severn, at Whitley-court, five Miles from Bewdly, and ſeven from Worceſter, the Lord Foley has a Seat, ſituate in a large Park.

Worceſter, the Branonium of the Romans, ſeems to have been built by them to curb the Silures on the other Side of the Severn, and in Imitation of the Roman Name the Britons called it Caer Wrangon. It is ſituate in a Valley on the Severn, which tho' generally rapid elſewhere, glides on here very gently. It is a large, populous, antient, well-built [291] City, and the beſt paved in England. The Foregate-ſtreet is the moſt regular and beautiful that can be ſeen out of London. The Guild-hall is a very fine Building; but the Statues on the Outſide diſgrace it.

There is a good old Stone Bridge over the Severn, which ſtands exceeding high from the Surface of the Water, and has a Tower upon it, ſaid to be built by the Romans. But as the Stream of the Severn is contracted here by the Buildings on either Side, there is evident Occaſion ſometimes for the Height of the Bridge, the Waters riſing to an incredible Degree in the Winter-time.

The Commandery here formerly belonging to St. John's of Jeruſalem, is now poſſeſſed by Mr. Wylde, and is a fine old Houſe of Timber, in the Form of a Court. The Hall, roof'd with Iriſh Oak, makes one Side of it, built for the Reception of Pilgrims. The Windows are adorn'd with Imagery, and Coats Armorial of ſtained Glaſs. It ſtands juſt without the South Gate of the City in the London Road, where the Heat of the famous Battle happen'd between King Charles II. and Oliver Cromwell; and they frequently find Bones of the Slain, on digging in the Garden. Above in the Park is to be ſeen a great Work of Four Baſtions, called the Royal Mount, whence a Vallum and Ditch run both ways to incompaſs this Side of the City. Here, 'tis probable, the Storm began, when the Royaliſts were driven back into the City with great Slaughter, and the King eſcaped being made a Priſoner in the narrow Street at this Gate, by a loaded Cart of Hay purpoſely overthrown, which gave him time to retire at the oppoſite Gate to Boſcobel, or White Lady's.

A Mile and half above the South Gate, on the Top of the Hall, is the celebrated Perrywood, where Cromwell's Army lay, and which affords a fine Proſpect over the County.

[292]The Cathedral is an antient Building. The Body of the Church makes no extraordinary Appearance on the Outſide. The Tower is low, without any Spire, only four very ſmall Pinacles on the Corners; and yet it has ſome little Beauty in it, more than the Church itſelf. The upper Part has ſome Images in it, but decay'd by Time. In it is bury'd the reſtleſs King John; not where now his Monument ſtands, which is in the Choir, before the high Altar; but under a little Stone before the Altar of the Eaſtermoſt Wall of the Church. On each Side of him, on the Ground, lie the Effigies of the two Biſhops, his chief Saints, Wolſton and Oſwald, from whoſe Neighbourhood he hoped to be ſafe. The Image of the King probably lay here alſo upon the Ground, now elevated upon a Tomb in the ſaid Choir.

On the South Side of the High Altar is a large and handſome Stone Chapel over the Monument of Prince Arthur, eldeſt Son of Henry VII. who died at Ludlow, as his Tomb-ſtone ſpecifies, Anno 1502; and whoſe Relict Catharine Infanta of Spain, his Brother Henry VIII. marrying, after 20 Years Wedlock, was divorced from, to make way for Anna Bolen. The Choir of this Chapel is exquiſite Workmanſhip; but ſuffered much in the late Civil Wars.

Here is alſo, among other noted Monuments, one for that famous Counteſs of Salisbury, who dancing before Edward III. in his great Hall at Windſor, dropt her Garter, which the King taking up, honoured it ſo much (as the idle Story goes) as to make it the denominating Enſign of The moſt Noble Order of the Garter; but this I have refuted under my Account of Windſor. Tho', that the Counteſs did drop her Garter, is Fact; and the King might gallantly, to ſilence the Jeſts and Railleries of the Court, wear it during the Entertainment, inſtead of his Garter of the Order. But the Motto was given [293] in Alluſion to the Order of Knighthood, and not of the Garter.

The Monument is very fine, and there is this remarkable in it; that there are ſeveral Angels cut in Stone about it, ſtrewing Garters over the Tomb.

There are ſeveral other antient Monuments in this Church, which I have not Room to mention.

The Cloiſters are very perfect, and the Chapter-houſe is large, ſupported, as to its arched Roof, by one umbilical Pillar. 'Tis now become a Library, is well furniſh'd, and has many good antient MSS.

There is a large old Gatehouſe ſtanding, and near it the Caſtle with a very high artificial Mount or Keep, nigh the River.

The Bridge I have mention'd has ſix Arches, and the Banks of the Severn look very beautiful on each Side, being inriched with pleaſant Meadows.

This City is governed by a Mayor and Aldermen. It has Two Chamberlains, a Recorder, a Town-clerk, Two Coroners, a Sword-bearer, Four Sergeants at Mace, and a Sheriff; being, like Glouceſter, a County of itſelf, divided into Seven Wards, in which are Twelve Pariſh Churches.

The Inhabitants are generally eſteem'd rich, being full of Buſineſs, occaſion'd chiefly by the Cloathing-trade, of which the City and the Country round carries on a great Share, as well for the Turkey as the Home Trade. The Number of Hands, which it imploys in this Town and adjoin [...]ng Villages, in Spinning, Carding, Rowing, Fulling, Weaving, &c. is almoſt incredible. One Part of the Town is wholly poſſeſſed by Welſh People, who ſpeak their own Language, and are imploy'd in this Manufacture. So that this City, which was formerly ſo great a Grievance to the great ones of that Principality, now adminiſters Subſiſtence to a vaſt Number of the meaner ones.

[294]It is adorn'd by a capacious and beautiful Structure, called the Publick Workhouſe; in which Children of both Sexes are trained up to the Knowlege of Trade, and the Practice of Religion and Virtue; by whoſe Labour alſo the Aged and Decrepid are ſupported. This laudable Inſtitution continued ſeveral Years to the great Benefit of the City, till at laſt the Guardians of it having contracted a Debt of upwards of 300l. they returned the Poor back to their reſpective Pariſhes; and the whole Charity being fruſtrated, and put an End to, the Corporation let out the Building for a Hop-market, Warehouſes, &c. to pay the incurr'd Debt, either Principal or Intereſt.

Hereupon their worthy Repreſentative Samuel Sandys, Eſq and other Gentlemen, procured an Act of Parliament for reſtoring it to its firſt laudable End; which Act took place from June 1730, and will be a laſting Monument to the Honour of the diſintereſted and publick-ſpirited Gentleman, to whoſe unwearied Application, and inflexible Reſolution, it was owing: for it muſt be obſerved, that alienated Charities are ſome of the hardeſt things in the World to be reſtored.

Oppoſite to this Workhouſe, Robert Berkley, of Spetchley, Eſq erected a fine Hoſpital for Twelve poor Men, and gave 2000l. to build it, and 4000l. to endow it.

Here are beſides Three Grammar-ſchools, and Seven Alms-houſes, all liberally indow'd. St. Nicolas Church, in this City, has been lately rebuilt, and is a neat and commodious Edifice.

And the Church of All-ſaints in this Town being in ſo ruinous a Condition, that Part of it actually fell down; and the reſt being ready to fall, an Act paſſed, Seſſ. 1737-8, for taking down and rebuilding the ſame.

From Worceſter I made ſome Excurſions, to viſit the Towns and Country Northward; and firſt came [295] to Droitwych, a corporate Bailiwick-town, which has Four Churches, and is pretty wealthy. 'Tis famous for excellent White Salt, which is made here from the Summer to the Winter Solſtice; no [...] but they may make Salt all the Year long, but they fear to over-ſtock the Market. It appears, by Doomſday-book, they made Salt here before the Conqueſt. The Salt Springs are very good, and productive of Plenty of Brine; and the Town lies on the River Salwarp.

Proceeding directly on, in the Road, we arrived at Broomſgrove, a large Bailiwick-town, likewiſe on the River Salwarp, where the Clothing-trade is pretty briſkly carried on. It is the Centre of Four Roads; one leads to Coventry, and Leiceſter; another to Warwick, and ſo to London; a Third to Worceſter; and the Fourth to Shrewsbury.

Between Worceſter and Spetchley was St. Oſwald's Hoſpital, demoliſhed in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. But Dr. Fell, Biſhop of Oxford, after the Reſtoration, recover'd much of the Poſſeſſions, and erected a fair and large Hoſpital, which comfortably maintains Twelve poor Men.

Kidderminſter is a Town in this County of Worceſter, very conſiderable for its Woollen Trade, particularly the Weaving of what they call Lindſey-woolſey, in which the Inhabitants are almoſt wholly imploy'd. It is a large, but yet compact and populous Town, ſituated on the Stour, and govern'd by a Bailiff, Twelve Capital Burgeſſes, Twenty-five Common-council-men, &c. In its Church is a croſs-legg'd Monument of Sir Thomas Acton.

Stourbridge is alſo ſituate upon the River Stour, over which it has a very good Bridge, whence its Name. This Town deals greatly in Glaſs Manufacture of all Sorts, and alſo in Iron Works of all Sorts; and is vaſtly improved of late Years, both in Houſes and Inhabitants. At Swinford, near Stourbridge, is a noble Hoſpital for Sixty Boys, erected by [296] the Firſt Founder of the noble Family of Foley, which deſerves the Attention of a Traveller, and the Praiſe of all Men. At Stourbridge alſo fine Stone Pots are made for Glaſs-makers to melt their Metal in, alſo Crucibles, &c. the Clay, of which theſe Things are made, being almoſt peculiar to the Place.

Birmingham is a very populous Town, and full of Iron Manufactories, eſpecially of the ſmaller Sorts; in which the Inhabitants ſo greatly excel, that their Works are carried to all Parts of the World in great Quantities. The Town is, of late Years, greatly improved and inlarged by many new Buildings both publick and private; particularly a new Church built by virtue of an Act of Parliament paſſed in the 7th of Queen Anne, which is dedicated to St. Philip. This Town is in Warwickſhire, on the Borders of this County, ſituated on the Side of a Hill, and has a moſt plentiful Market.

A little below Worceſter, Weſtward, the Severn receives a River of a long deep Courſe, which comes from Shropſhire, called the Teme, on which ſtands a ſmall Market-town called Tenbury, but of little Note. I paſſed this River formerly in my Way to Ludlow, at Broadway, a little Village; but now I went by the Way of Bewdley, on the Side of Shropſhire.

In this Courſe we ſaw Two fine Seats not very far from the Severn, viz. the Lord Foley's, and the Earl of Bradford's, as we did before a moſt delicious Houſe, belonging to the Lord Conway. Indeed this Part of the County, and all the County of Salop, is filled with fine Seats of the Nobility and Gentry, which we have not Room to deſcribe.

Bewdley or Beau-lieu, i. e. fine Place, ſaid to be ſo called from its pleaſant and delightful Situation upon the Side of a Hill declining to the Severn, is a ſmall Bailiff Market-town, well ſupplied with Corn, Malt, Leather, and Caps, which the Dutch Seamen buy, [297] called Monmouth Caps, and noted for the Palace which King Henry VII. built here for his Son Prince Arthur, called Tickenhall. It had a very fine Park about it, which, with the Houſe, was deſtroy'd by the furious Enthuſiaſts in the Civil War.

A Mile off is Ribsford, the Seat of Lord Herbert of Cherbury, pleaſantly ſurrounded with Woods. Here is a good Picture of William the Firſt Earl of Pembroke.

The Ends of the Hills towards the River are generally Rocks: and Blackſton-hill has an Hermitage cut out of it, with a Chapel, and ſeveral Apartments. Near it is a pretty Rock upon the Edge of the Water, covered with Oaks, and many curious Plants.

Not far from Cherbury Park is the Pariſh of Roch, where the famous Auguſtine's Oak ſtood, ſo called from a Conference held under it by Auguſtine and the Britiſh Biſhops, about the Celebration of Eaſter, and preaching God's Word, and adminiſtring Baptiſm after the Rites of the Church of Rome, which the Britiſh Biſhops refuſed.

I thought once to have returned to Worceſter, and ſo proceeded to Herefordſhire, and down to Monmouth, and ſo round the Coaſt of Wales. But being deſirous to take in, firſt, the South Part of Shropſhire, I followed the Severn up North, and came to Bridgenorth, a very antient and noted Town, ſaid to be built by Queen Aethelfleda, in the Time of the Heptarchy: it conſiſts of Two Towns, the High and the Low, which are ſeparated by the Severn, but united by a fair Stone Bridge of Seven Arches, which hath a Gate and Gate-houſe. The Situation is pleaſant, the Air healthy, the Proſpect delightful and commodious for Trade. It hath been fortified with Walls and a Caſtle, which are now in Ruins; and the Area in the laſt is converted to a fine Bowling-green. The Streets are many, and well paved. It is governed by a Bailiff, Twenty-four Aldermen, and other [298] inferior Officers. It is noted for good Gun-makers and its Stocken Manufacture. It has a well-repleniſhed Market, and Five Fairs annually, Two whereof hold Three Days, which are much reſorted to, and abound with Horſes, Black Cattle, Sheep, Butter, Cheeſe, Bacon, Linen Cloth, and Hops, in great Plenty. Here are Two Churches, and tho' the Pariſhes are large, and the Town very populous, are very indifferently indowed, and ſo is the Free-ſchool. There is a hollow Way cut thro' the Rock, leading from the high Town to the Bridge, of the Depth of 20 Feet, in ſome Parts of it, and likewiſe many Vaults and Dwellings are hewn out of the Rock.

From hence we advanced in the direct Road to Shrewsbury, and came to Great Wenlock, an antient incorporated Town, governed by a Bailiff and Burgeſſes; but noted for nothing extraordinary.

Leaving Shrewsbury for my Obſervation at my Return from Wales thro' Cheſhire, we turn'd ſhort here, and fell down Southward to Ludlow, famed more for its Beauty than Antiquity; for it ſeems, the Caſtle, which was ſo truly magnificent, was built by Roger de Montgomery in the Conqueror's Time.

But before I ſpeak more of this Caſtle, I ſhall obſerve, that on the Extremity of this County, in a kind of Promontory, which runs in between Montgomeryſhire and Radnorſhire, upon the Clun, lies.

Biſhops Caſtle, a ſmall Market Bailiwick Town; and not very far from it, juſt at the Entrance into Montgomeryſhire, is a noted Place called Biſhops [...]ott; where is an Acre of Ground ſurrounded with an Intrenchment. The Clun meets the Teme at Ludlow, and both, united, run to Clebury, a ſmall Town on the Borders of Worceſterſhire, where it falls, as I mentioned before, into the Severn.

The Caſtle of Ludlow ſhews plainly in its Decay, what it was in its flouriſhing Eſtate: it is the Palace of the Prince of Wales, in Right of his Principality.

[299]Its Situation is indeed moſt beautiful; there is a moſt ſpacious Plain or Lawn in its Front, which formerly continued near Two Miles; but much of it is now incloſed. The Country round it is exceeding pleaſant, fertile, populous, and the Soil rich; nothing can be added by Nature, to make it a Place fit for a Royal Palace. It is built in the North-weſt Angle of the Town upon a Rock, commanding a delightful Proſpect Northward; and on the Weſt is ſhaded by a lofty Hill, and waſhed by the River. The Battlements are of great Height and Thickneſs, with Towers at convenient Diſtances. That Half which is within the Walls of the Town, is ſecured with a deep Ditch; the other is founded on a ſolid Rock. A Chapel here has abundance of Coats of Arms upon the Panels, as has the Hall, together with Lances, Spears, Firelocks, and old Armour.

It will be no Wonder, that this noble Caſtle is in the very Perfection of Decay, when we acquaint our Readers, that the preſent Inhabitants live upon the Sale of the antient Materials. All the fine Courts, the Royal Apartments, Halls, and Rooms of State, lie open, abandon'd, and ſome of them falling down; for ſince the Courts of the Preſident and Marches are taken away, here is nothing that requires the Attendance of any publick People; ſo that Time, the great Devourer of the Works of Men, begins to eat into the very Stone Walls, and to ſpread the Face of Ruin upon the whole Fabrick. Over ſeveral of the Stable-doors are the Arms of Queen Elizabeth, the Earls of Pembroke, &c.

The Town of Ludlow is likewiſe fortify'd with Walls, thro' which are Seven Gates. It is well-built, and a Place of good Trade; but, to be ſure, it is not the better for the ruinous State of the Caſtle, and the aboliſhing of the Court held there for the Marches. It ſtands on the Edge of the two Counties, [300] Shropſhire and Worceſterſhire, but is itſelf in the firſt.

On the South-ſide of the Town runs the Teme, over which is a good Bridge. The River has ſeveral Dams acroſs it, in the Nature of Cataracts, whereby abundance of Mills are turn'd; and great is the Roar of the ſuperfluous Waters.

Ludlow has a very good Church with an handſome Tower, and a pleaſant Ring of Six Bells. The Windows are full of painted Glaſs pretty intire.

There are ſome old Monuments of the Lords Preſidents, &c. and an Inſcription upon the North Wall of the Choir, relating to Prince Arthur, elder Brother to King Henry VIII. who died here, and in this Spot his Bowels were depoſited. It is ſaid, That his Heart was taken up ſome time ago in a leaden Box.

In the Eaſtern Angle of the Choir is a Cloſet, antiently called The Godhouſe, where the Prieſts ſecured their conſecrated Utenſils. The Window is ſtrongly barred on the Outſide. The Church is dedicated to St. Laurence: and in the Market-place is a Ciſtern or Conduit, on the Top of which is a long Stone Croſs, bearing a Niche, in which is the Image of that Saint.

Weſt of the Church was a College, now converted to a private Houſe. There was a rich Priory out of the Town, on the North Side of which are but few Ruins to be ſeen, except a ſmall Church, which formerly belonged to it. The Welſh call this Town Lye Twyſoy, i. e. the Prince's Court. Mr. Camden calls the River Teme the Tem'd, and another River which joins it juſt at this Town, the Corve, whence the rich flat Country below the Town is call'd Corveſdale. It is governed by Two Bailiffs, Twelve Aldermen, a Recorder, Twenty-five Common-council-men, and other inferior Officers; and has the particular Privilege of trying and executing [301] Criminals. It has an Alms-houſe for 30 poor People.

King Henry VIII. eſtabliſh'd here the Court of the Preſident and Council of the Marches, before-mentioned, and all Cauſes of Niſi prius, or of Civil Right, were try'd here, before the Lord Preſident and Council; but this Court, being grown a great Grievance to the Publick, was intirely taken away by Act of Parliament, in the firſt Year of King William and Queen Mary.

From Ludlow, we took our Courſe ſtill due South to Lemſter, or Leominſter, a large Market-town on the River Lug, over which it hath ſeveral Bridges. 'Tis governed by a Bailiff. The Church, which is very large, has been in a manner rebuilt, and is now very beautiful. This Town is noted for its fine Wool, and the beſt Wheat, and conſequently the fineſt Bread; and alſo for the beſt Barley, whence Lemſter Bread, and Weobly Ale, are become a proverbial Saying.

It is a Town of briſk Trade in Wool, Hat-making, Leather, &c. and lies in a Valley exceedingly luxuriant. Three Rivers of a very ſwift Current go thro' the Town, beſides others very near. The Inhabitants make great uſe of theſe by Mills, and other Machinery in the various Branches of their Trade. On the North-ſide of the Church was a conſiderable Priory, Two Ayles of which belong now to the Church, and Two others of more lightſome Work have been added. The Mayor has a long black Rod to walk with, tipt with Silver. There are ſome poor Remains of the Priory, chiefly a little Chapel, which probably belong'd to the Prior's Family. Underneath it runs a pretty Rivulet, which us'd to grind his Corn, now converted to a Fulling-mill. Near it are very large Ponds for Fiſh, which uſed to furniſh the Monks on faſting Days. There was a fine Gate-houſe, pull'd [302] down not long ago, near the Ambry or Almery Cloſe, where they gave their Scraps away to the Poor.

Pembridge, Weobly, and Kyneton lie South-weſt of Lemſter, and form in their Situation a kind of Triangle. They are all Market-Towns, and the firſt is pretty conſiderable for the Cloathing Trade; the ſecond for Ale; but the third for nothing that I know of.

The County on our right, as we came from Ludlow, is very fruitful and pleaſant, and is called the Hundred of Wigmore, from which the Earl of Oxford takes the Title of Baron. Here we ſaw the two antient Caſtles of Brampton Brian, and Wigmore, both belonging to the late Earl's Grandfather, Sir Edward Harley. Brampton is a ſtately Pile, but not kept in full Repair. The Parks are fine, and full of large Timber.

We were now on the Borders of Wales, properly ſo called; for from the Windows of Brampton-Caſtle, you have a fair Proſpect into the County of Radnor, which is, as it were, under its Walls; nay, even this whole County of Hereford was a Part of Wales, and ſo deem'd for many Ages. The People of this County too boaſt, that they were a Part of the antient Silures, who for ſo many Ages withſtood the Roman Arms, and could never be intirely conquer'd. They are a diligent and laborious People, chiefly addicted to Huſbandry; and they boaſt, that they have the fineſt Wool, the beſt Hops, and the richeſt Cyder in all Britain; and poſſibly with ſome Reaſon; for the Wool about Leominſter, and in the Hundred of Wigmore, and the Golden Vale, as it is call'd for its Richneſs, on the Banks of the River Dove, (all in this County) is as fine as any in England, the South-down Wool not excepted. As for Hops, they plant abundance all over this County, and they are very good. And for Cyder, it is the common Drink of the County, and is ſo very good, and ſo cheap, that [303] we never found fault, though we could get no other Drink for Twenty Miles together. Great Quantities of this Cyder are ſent to London, even by Land-Carriage, though ſo very remote, which is an Evidence in its Favour beyond Contradiction.

One would hardly expect ſo pleaſant and fruitful a Country as this, ſo near the barren Mountains of Wales; but 'tis certain, that not any of our Southern Counties, the Neighbourhood of London excepted, come up to the Fertility of this County.

From Lemſter it is Ten Miles to Hereford, the chief City, not of this County only, but of all the Counties Weſt of the Severn. In the time of the late Civil Wars it was very ſtrong, and being well fortify'd, and as well defended, ſupported a tedious and very ſevere Siege; for beſides the Parliament's Forces, who could never reduce it, the Scots Army was call'd to the Work, who lay before it, till they laid above 4000 of their Bones there, and at laſt it was rather ſurrendered by the fatal Iſſue of the War, than by the Attack of the Beſiegers.

It had before this Six Pariſh-churches; but Two of them were demoliſh'd at that time. It has an Hoſpital liberally endow'd for 12 poor People.

The City of Hereford probably ſprung from the Ruins of the Roman Ariconium, now Kencheſter, three Miles off, higher up the River Wye, but not very near it, which may be a Reaſon for its Decay.

Kencheſter ſtands upon a little Brook, call'd the Ine, which thence encompaſſing the Walls of Hereford, falls into the Wye.

Archenfield ſeems to retain the Name of Ariconium. Nothing remains of its Splendor, but a Piece of a Temple, probably, with a Nich which is Five Feet high, and Three broad within, built of Brick, Stone, and indiſſoluble Mortar. There are many large Foundations near it. A very fine Moſaick Floor, a few Years ago, was found intire, which was ſoon [304] torn to Pieces by the ignorant Country-people. A Bath was here found by Sir John Hoſkyns about Seven Feet ſquare, the Pipes of Lead intire: thoſe of Brick were a Foot long, Three Inches ſquare, let artificially into one another; over theſe, I ſuppoſe, was a Pavement.

This, as Dr. Stukeley obſerves, is an excellent Invention for heating a Room, and might well be introduced among us in Winter-time.

In another Place is a Hollow, where burnt Wheat has been taken up. All around the City you may eaſily trace the Walls, ſome Stones being left everywhere, tho' over-grown by Hedges and Timbertrees. The Situation of the Place is a gentle Eminence of a ſquariſh Form; the Earth black and rich, overgrown with Brambles, Oak-trees, full of Stones, Foundations, and Cavities, where they have been digging, and found many Coins, &c. Colonel Dantſey has pav'd a Cellar with ſquare Bricks dug up here. The Earl of Coningſby has adorn'd the Floor of his Evidence-room with them.

This City is overlook'd and ſhelter'd towards the North with a prodigious Mountain of ſteep Aſcent; on the Top ſtands a vaſt Camp, with Works altogeter inacceſſible, which is call'd Credon-hill. At the Summit, you are preſented with the moſt glorious and extenſive Proſpect, as far as St. Michael's Mount, in Monmouthſhire; crown'd with Two Tops, and of conſiderable Reſort among Zealots of the Romiſh Perſuaſion, who believe this holy Hill was ſent hither by St. Patrick out of Ireland, and that it works Wonders in ſeveral Caſes.

On the other ſide, is the vaſt Black Mountain, which ſeparates Brecknockſhire from this County. The Town underneath appears like a little Copſe. Dinder-hill, whereon is a Roman Camp, ſtands on the contrary Bank of the Wye.

[305]And upon the Lug are Sutton-walls, another vaſt Roman Camp upon a Hill overlooking a beautiful Vale, which was the regal Reſidence of the powerful King Offa; but chiefly remarkable for the Murder of young King Ethelbert, whom he allur'd thither under Pretext of courting his Daughter, and who was buried in the neighbouring Church of Marden, ſituate in a Marſh by the River-ſide. Hence his Body was afterwards convey'd to Hereford, and enſhrin'd; but the particular Place cannot be found.

In the North Wing of the Cathedral of Hereford, is the Shrine, where the Body of Cantilupe, the great Miracle-monger in the Weſt of England, was depoſited; which Wing was built by himſelf, and on the Wall his Picture is painted. All round are the Marks of Hooks, where the Banners, Lamps, Reliques, and the like Preſents were hung up. And the Riches of this Place were doubtleſs very conſiderable; for it is well guarded againſt the Aſſaults of Thieves. The Shrine is of Stone, carv'd round with Knights in Armour.

The Church is very old and ſtately. The Spire is not high, but handſome, and there is a fine Tower at the Weſt End. The Roof, Ayles, and Chapel, have been added to the more antient Part by ſucceſſive Biſhops, as alſo the Towers, Cloiſters, &c. The Choir, tho' plain, is handſome, and there is a very good Organ.

The Chapter-houſe, which was very beautiful, was deſtroy'd in the Civil Wars. About Four Windows are left ſtanding; and the Springing of the Stone Arches between, are of fine Ribwork, which compos'd the Roof, of that Sort of Architecture, wherewith King's-college-chapel was built. Two Windows were pull'd down by Biſhop Biſſe, which he us'd in new fitting up the Epiſcopal Palace. Under the Windows, in every Compartiment, was painted a King, Biſhop, Saint, Virgin, or the like; ſome [306] of which were diſtinct enough, tho' ſo long expos'd to the Weather.

Here are a great Number of Monuments of Biſhops, and many valuable Braſſes and Tombs.

Between the Cathedral and Palace, is a moſt venerable Pile, built and roof'd with Stone, conſiſting of Two Chapels, one above the other; the upper dedicated to St. Magdalen; the lower, which is ſome Steps under-ground, to St. Catharine.

The Caſtle was a noble Work, built by one of the Edwards before the Conqueſt, ſtrongly wall'd and ditch'd. There is a very lofty artificial Keep, having a Well fac'd with good Stone: and by the Side of the Ditch a Spring conſecrated to St. Ethelbert, with an old Stone Arch.

Without the Walls are the Ruins of Black-Friers Monaſtery, and a pretty Stone Croſs intire; round which the Cloiſters were originally built, as now the Cloiſters of the Cathedral incloſe another ſuch. Theſe Croſſes were in the nature of a Pulpit, whence a Monk preach'd to the People in the open Air, as now practis'd in the Cloiſters of ſome Colleges in the Univerſities once a Year.

The neighbouring Hill, call'd Dynmaur, or The great Hill, makes amends for the Tediouſneſs of climbing it, by the Pleaſure we receive from its woody Creſt, and extenſive Proſpect.

At the City of Hereford, we could not but inquire into the Truth of the Story ſo famous, that the Right Reverend Biſhop Gibſon has mention'd it in his Continuation of Camden, of the removing the Two great Stones near Sutton; which the People confirm'd to us. The Story is thus:

Between Sutton and Hereford, in a common Meadow call'd the Wergins, were plac'd Two large Stones for a Water-mark; one erected upright, and the other laid athwart. In the late Civil Wars, about the Year 1652, they remov'd to about twelveſcore [307] Paces Diſtance, and nobody knew how; which gave occaſion to a vulgar Notion, That they were carried thither by the Devil. When they were ſet in their Places again, one of them requir'd nine Yoke of Oxen to draw it.

Lidbury lies Eaſtward of Hereford, near the South End of the Malvern Hills. It is a fine, well-built Market-town, ſituate in rich clayey Grounds, and much inhabited by Clothiers. Here is an Hoſpital for the Poor, well indowed.

Not far from Lidbury, is Colwal; near which, upon the Waſte, as a Countryman was digging a Ditch about his Cottage, he found a Crown or a Coronet of Gold, with Gems ſet deep in it. It was of a Size large enough to be drawn over the Arm with the Sleeve. The Stones of it are ſaid to have been ſo valuable, as to be ſold by a Jeweller for One thouſand Five hundred Pounds.

Hereford, tho' a large and populous City, may yet be ſaid to be old, mean-built, and very dirty, lying low, and on the Bank of the Wye, which ſometimes incommodes them very much, by the violent Freſhes that come down from the Mountains of Wales; for all the Rivers of this County, except the Diffrin-Doe, come out of Wales.

One thing remarkable, which we muſt not omit, is, that the College ſtill retains its Foundation Laws, and the Reſidentiaries are oblig'd to Celibacy; but otherwiſe, they live a very happy, eaſy, and plentiful Life; being furniſh'd upon the Foot of the Foundation, beſides their Eccleſiaſtical Stipends.

In the Beginning of the Year 1738, they began to pull down the old Gothick Chapel belonging to the Biſhop's Palace at Hereford, in order to erect a Pile in a politer Taſte, for the publick Service. The demoliſh'd Chapel was ſaid to be as old as the Conqueſt.

[308]Between Leominſter and this City, is another Hampton-Court, the Seat of the late Earl of Coningſby. That Lord was, from an Iriſh Peer, made an Engliſh one, by his late Majeſty King George I. And having no Son, his Daughter was created by the ſame Prince in the Life-time of her Father, Baroneſs and Viſcounteſs Coningſby of Hampton-Court, in order that her Deſcendants might be intitled to a Peerage. She marry'd Sir Michael Newton, Bart. and Knight of the Bath. This is a fine Seat built by Henry Bolinbroke Duke of Lancaſter, afterwards King Henry IV. in the Form of a Caſtle, ſituate in a Valley upon a rapid River, under Coverture of Dynmaur. The Gardens are very pleaſant, terminated by vaſt Woods covering all the ſloping Side of the Hill. There is a plentiful Supply of Water, on all Sides of the Houſe, for Fountains, Baſins, and Canals. Within, are excellent Pictures of the Earl's Anceſtors and others, by Holben, Dobſon, Vandyke, Sir P. Lully, &c. an Original of the Founder King Henry IV. of Queen Elizabeth, the Ducheſs of Portſmouth, &c.

The Windows of the Chapel are well painted: there are ſome Statues of the Coningſbies.

Here are two new Stone Stair-caſes, after a Geometrical Method. The Record-room is at-top of a Tower arch'd with Stone, pav'd with Roman Brick, and has an Iron Door. From the Top of the Houſe goes a Stair-caſe, which, they ſay, has a ſubterraneous Conveyance into Dynmaur Wood.

The Park is very fine, Eight Miles in Circumference, and contains about 1200 Head of Deer. There are extenſive Proſpects on one Side reaching into Wiltſhire, on the other over the Welſh Mountains; Lawns, Groves, Canals, Hills and Plains. There is a Pool Three Quarters of a Mile long, very broad, and included between Two great Woods. The Dam, which forms it, and is made over a Valley, coſt, 800l. and was finiſh'd in a Fortnight by 200 [309] Hands. A new River is cut quite thro' the Park, the Chanel of which, for a long way together, is hewn out of the Rock. This ſerves to inrich vaſt Tracts of Lands, which before were barren. Here alſo are new Gardens and Canals laid out, and new Plantations of Timber in proper Places.

Warrens, Decoys, Sheepwalks, Paſtures for Cattle, &c. ſupply the Houſe with all Sorts of Conveniencies and Neceſſaries, without having recourſe to a Market.

Weſtward of Hereford the Golden Vale before-mentioned, extends itſelf along the River Dore, which runs thro' the midſt of it, and is call'd by the Britons, Duffrin Dore: it is call'd the Golden Vale, from its pleaſant Fertility in the Spring, when it is cover'd over with a yellow Livery of Flowers. It is encompaſſed with Hills, which are crown'd with Woods.

From Hereford, keeping the Bank of Wye as near as we could, we came to Roſs, a good old Town, famous for Cyder, a great Manufacture of Iron-ware, and its Trade on the River Wye.

From hence we came at about Eight Miles more into Monmouthſhire, formerly a Welſh, but now an Engliſh County, and to the Town of Monmouth. It is a Place of great Antiquity, and is fair, large, and well-built, ſituate at the Conflux of the Wye and Munnow, whence the Town has its Name; it ſtands in the Angle where the Rivers join, and has a Bridge over each River, and a third over the River Trothy, which comes in juſt below the other.

This Town ſhews Marks of great Antiquity, and, by the Remains of Walls, Lines, Curtains, and Baſtions, that it has been very ſtrong, and, by its Situation, that it may be made ſo again. It is a Borough-town, govern'd by Two Bailiffs, Common-councilmen, and Town-clerk. It has a very conſiderable Corn-market. It was famed for the Strength of the [310] Caſtle in the Time of William I.; and is the Birth-place of our renown'd King Henry V. Conqueror of France; and likewiſe of one of our antient Hiſtorians, Jeoffry of Monmouth, a fabulous Writer. At preſent 'tis not very flouriſhing; yet it drives a conſiderable Trade with the City of Briſtol, by the Navigation of the Wye.

This River having receiv'd Two large Streams, the Munnow, and the Trother, becomes a very noble River; and with a deep Chanel, and a full Current, hurries away towards the Sea, carrying alſo Veſſels of a conſiderable Burden hereabouts.

Near Monmouth, the Duke of Beaufort has a fine Seat, call'd Troy-houſe.

Lower down, upon the Wye in this Shire, ſtands Chepſtow, the Sea-port for all the Towns ſeated on this River and the Lug, and where their Commerce ſeems to centre. Hither Ships of good Burden may come up, and the Tide runs with the ſame impetuous Current as at Briſtol; the Flood riſing ordinarily from Six Fathom, to Six and a half at Chepſtow Bridge, which is a noble one indeed, built of Timber, and no leſs than 70 Feet high from the Surface of the Water, when the Tide is out. And that this was not a needleſs Height, was evident in January 1738, when the Water roſe at the Bridge upwards of 70 Feet, and very much damag'd it: one Man loſt above 130 Head of Cattle, which, with other Damages it did there, and in the adjacent Places, were computed at 7 or 8000l. Chepſtow has a well frequented Market, eſpecially for Corn. The Bridge, as half of it is in Glouceſterſhire, is maintained at the Expence of both Counties.

Two Miles from this Town is the famous Paſſage over the Severn, on this Side call'd Bleachly, and on the other Auſt, as I have mention'd before. Here Offa's Dyke begins, and paſſing through Radnorſhire, [311] extends itſelf up to Flintſhire, and ſo to the River Dee, which parts Wales from Cheſhire.

We turn'd Northwards, and arrived at Abergavenny, which is a large well-built and well-inhabited Market-town, ſituate at the Mouth of the Gavenny running into the Uſk. It carries on a conſiderable Trade in Flanels, which the Country People manufacture at home, and bring hither to ſell. It is a great Thorough-fare from the Weſtern Parts of Wales to Briſtol and Bath by Chepſtow, and to Glouceſter by Monmouth; and ſo croſſing the River thro' Colford and the Foreſt of Dean.

The Fuel in this County is Pit-coal, and is very cheap, inſomuch that they ſell a Horſe-load for Two-pence, at the Pit-mouth; and 'tis common, in the meaneſt Cot to ſee a good Fire.

Great Quantities of Corn are exported out of this County; and 'tis frequent, that the Briſtol Merchants ſend their Ships hither to load for Portugal, and other foreign Countries. And indeed it is noted for producing as good Wheat and other Grain, as any County in the Kingdom; and yet it is very ſurpriſeing, that Lands here never ſell for more than 20 or 21 Years Purchace. The current Language of the County is Welſh among the Vulgar, but the Gentlemen ſpeak Engliſh generally.

As I am now juſt upon entering Wales, I will conclude this Letter with aſſuring you, that I am,

Yours, &c.

LETTER VI. CONTAINING A Deſcription of the greateſt Part of the Principality of Wales.


I Thought I ſhould not pay the Principality the Reſpect it ſo well deſerves, if I did not begin a Letter with the Deſcription of it; it being the Country of that brave People, who had an original Right to the whole Iſland, and made ſo noble a Stand in Defence of their Liberties and Independency; and at laſt, rather than ſubmit to a foreign Yoke, choſe to be free in this remote and inacceſſible Part of it.

The two firſt Counties which border Weſt upon Monmouthſhire, are Brecknock and Glamorgan, and are very mountainous on the Eaſt Side, which gives a Traveller a terrible Apprehenſion of the Country he is this way entering into, and an Expectation of meeting with nothing that is agreeable; but he is not long before he is undeceived, and finds the Reward of his Trouble. In that Part of Monmouthſhire which joins the Two Counties, begins the riſing of [313] the Hills. Kyrton-Beacon, Tumberlow, Blorench, Penvail, and Skirridan, are ſome of the Names of theſe horrid Mountains, and are all in this Shire; and I could not but fanſy myſelf in View of Mount Brennus, Little-Barnard, and Great-Barnard, among the Alps.

We now entered South Wales; which contains the Shires of Glamorgan, Brecknock, Radnor, Caermarthen, Pembroke, and Cardigan.

Brecknockſhire is a mere inland County, as Radnor is; the Engliſh jeſtingly (and I think not very improperly) call it Break-neck-ſhire: 'tis mountainous to an Extremity, except on the Side of Radnor, where it is ſomething more low and level. It is well watered by the Wye, and the Uſke, two Rivers mention'd before. Upon the latter ſtands the Town of Brecknock, the Capital of the County, well-built, and the Aſſizes are kept at it. It is very antient, and indeed, to mention it here once for all, there are more Tokens of Antiquity to be ſeen every-where in Wales, than in any particular Part of England, except the Counties of Cumberland and Northumberland. Here we ſaw Brecknock-mere, a large or long Lake of Water, Two or Three Miles over; of which they have a great many Fables, not worth relating: the beſt of them is, that a certain River, call'd the Lheweni, runs thro' it, and keeps its Colour in Midchanel, diſtinguiſh'd from the Water of the Lake, and, as they ſay, never mingles with it. They take abundance of good Fiſh in this Lake, ſo that, like the River Theiſſe, in Hungary, they ſay it is Two-thirds Water, and One-third Fiſh. The Country People affirm, that once a City ſtood here, but, that by the Judgment of Heaven, for the Sins of its Inhabitants, it ſunk into the Earth, and the Water roſe up in the Place of it. I obſerve the ſame Story is mention'd by Mr. Camden, with ſome Difference in the Particulars: I believe my Share of it, [314] but 'tis remarkable, that Mr. Camden, having loſt the old City Loventium, mention'd by Ptolemy to be hereabouts, is willing to account for it by this odd Story.

It was among the Mountains of this County that the famous Glendower ſhelter'd himſelf, and taking Arms on the depoſing Richard II. proclaimed himſelf Prince of Wales; they ſhew us ſeveral little Refuges of his in the Mountains, whither he retreated; and from whence, again, he made ſuch bold Excurſions into England, as to have put Henry IV. to very great Difficulties.

Tho' this County be ſo mountainous, Proviſions are exceeding plentiful, and alſo very good all over the Country; nor are theſe Mountains uſeleſs, even to the City of London, as I have noted of other Counties; for from hence they ſend yearly great Herds of Black Cattle to England, and which are known to fill our Fairs and Markets, even that of Smithfield itſelf.

The yellow Mountains of Radnorſhire are the ſame, and their Product of Cattle is the ſame; nor did I meet with any thing worth noticing, except Monuments of Antiquity. The Stories of Vortigern, and Roger of Mortimer, are in every old Woman's Mouth here. There is here a great Cataract or Water-fall of the River Wye, at a Place call'd Rhajadr Gwy in Welſh, which ſignifies the Cataract or Water-fall of the Wye; but we did not go to ſee it, by reaſon there was a great Flood out at that time, which made the Way dangerous. There ſeemed to us a kind of Deſart too, on that Side, which is ſcarce paſſable by Strangers; ſo we made it our North Boundary for this Part of our Journey.

We ſhall only add; That Radnor is the Shire Town, and hath a Caſtle; that Preſteigne in Radnorſhire is a well-built Town, and the Aſſizes are held there.

[315]Entering Glamorganſhire, from Radnor and Brecknock, we beheld Monuchdenny-hill on our Left, and the Black Mountains on the Right, and all a Ridge of horrid Rocks and Precipices between, over which, if we had not had good Guides, we ſhould never have found our Way; and indeed, we began to repent our Curioſity, in going out of the common Road, as not having met with any thing worth the Trouble; and the Country looking ſo full of Horror, we thought to have given over the Enterprize, and have left Wales out of our Circuit: But after a Day and a Night engaging thus with Rocks and Mountains, our Guide brought us down into a moſt agreeable Vale, opening to the South, and a pleaſant River running through it, call'd the Taaffe; and following its Courſe, we came in the Evening to the antient City of Landaff, and Town of Caerdiff, ſtanding almoſt together.

Landaff in Glamorganſhire, is the Seat of the Epiſcopal See, and a City; but ſo ſmall, that it has not a Market; but Caerdiff, which is lower on the River, is the Port and Town of Trade; and has a very good Harbour opening into the Severn Sea, about four Miles below the Town.

The Cathedral is a neat Building, and very antient; they boaſt that this Church was a Houſe of Religious Worſhip many Years before any other was founded in the Iſland, and that the Chriſtian Religion flouriſh'd in its primitive Purity, from the Year 186, till the Pelagian Hereſy overſpread this Country; which being afterwards rooted out, they plac'd St. Dobricius, as the firſt Biſhop, in this Town of Landaff, then call'd Launt [...]n: The Biſhop of Landaff had formerly the Title of Archbiſhop; the three firſt Biſhops were afterwards ſainted for their eminent Holineſs of Life, and the Miracles they are ſaid to have wrought. 'Tis obſervable the Cathedral was antiently but 20 Foot long, and 10 broad, and had neither Steeple nor Bells, nor had they any other [316] Cathedral from the Year 386, to the Year 1107, when Biſhop Urban built the preſent Church, with ſome Houſes for the Clergy adjoining, in the Nature of a Cloiſter.

Tho' the Church is antient, yet the Building is good, and the Choir neat, and pretty well kept.

The South Part of Glamorganſhire is pleaſant, agreeable, and very populous, inſomuch that it is called The Garden of Wales. Its Soil is fertile and rich, and the low Grounds are ſo well cover'd with Graſs, and ſtock'd with Cattle, that they ſupply the City of Briſtol with Butter in very great Quantities ſalted and barrel'd up, juſt as Suffolk does the City of London.

Caerphyli-Caſtle in Glamorganſhire, is one of the nobleſt Pieces of Ruins in the whole Iſland. It was larger than any Caſtle in England, that of Windſor excepted; and from what remains of it, was as beautiful in its Architecture, as it is remarkable in its Ruins.

Neath is a Port where the Coal-Trade is pretty conſiderable, tho' it ſtands up within Land.

Swanzy is alſo a Sea-port, and a very conſiderable Town for Trade, with a very good Harbour: Here is alſo a very great Trade for Coals, and Culm, which they export to all the Ports of Somerſet, Devon, and Cornwall, and even to Ireland; ſo that ſometimes may be ſeen a hundred Sail of Ships at a time loading Coals here; which greatly enriches the Country, and particularly this Town; it ſtands on the River Twye, or Taw: 'Tis very remarkable, that moſt of the Rivers in this County chime upon the Letters T and Y, as Taaf, Tawy, Tuy, Towy, Tyevy.

There are lately Mineral Waters found out at Swanzy, which are reported to be of great Efficacy in Fluxes and Haemorrhages of all Sorts. Conſumptions, if not too far gone, Diabetes, Palſies, Rheumatiſms, [317] Dropſies, and other Diſtempers, are ſaid to fall before theſe Styptick and Reſtorative Waters. They may certainly have very good Effects in many difficult Caſes; but it is doing an Injury to the Reputation of any Medicine in the World, to make it a Catholicon, and good for every thing.

Kynfig-Caſtle, is now the Seat and Eſtate of the Lord Manſel, who has here alſo a very noble Income from the Collieries; which formerly denominated Sir Edward Manſel, one of the richeſt Commoners in Wales. The Family was innobled by her late Majeſty Queen Anne.

In this Neighbourhood, near Margan Mynydd, we ſaw the famous Monument mention'd by Mr. Camden, on a Hill, with the Inſcription, which the Vulgar are ſo terrify'd at, that nobody cares to read it; for they have a Tradition from Father to Son, that whoever ventures to read it, will die within a Month. We did not ſcruple the Adventure, but when we came to try, the Letters were ſo defac'd by Time, that we were effectually ſecur'd from the Danger; the Inſcription not being any thing near ſo legible, as it ſeems it was in Mr. Camden's time.

The Stone Pillar is about 4 or 5 Feet high, and one Foot thick, ſtanding on the Top of this Hill; there are ſeveral other ſuch Monuments in Radnorſhire, and other Counties in Wales, as likewiſe in Scotland.

Having thus touch'd on what is moſt curious on this Coaſt, we paſs'd thro' the Land of Gowre; and going ſtill Weſt, we came to Caermarthen, or Kaer-Vyrdhin, as the Welſh call it, the Capital of the County of Kaermardhinſhire.

This is an antient and a very handſome Town, pleaſantly ſituated on the River Towy, which is navigable up to the Town, for Veſſels of a moderate Burden, and over which is a large Bridge. The Town is well-built, and populous; it is lately much [318] increas'd, and is ſtill increaſing; and the County round it is the moſt fruitful of any Part of Wales, and continues to be ſo thro' all the Middle of the County, and a great Way into the next; nor is this County ſo mountainous and wild, as the reſt of this Part of Wales: But it abounds in Corn, and in fine flouriſhing Meadows, as good as moſt are in Britain, and in which are fed a very great Number of good Cattle.

The Chancery, and Exchequer, for the South Part of the Principality, were uſually kept at this Town, till the Juriſdiction of the Court and Marches of Wales was taken away. This Town was alſo famous for the Birth of the old Britiſh Prophet, Merlin, of whom ſo many things are fabled, and who flouriſh'd in the Year 480: And here alſo the old Britons often kept their Parliaments, or Aſſemblies of their wiſe Men, and made their Laws. The Town was fortify'd in former times, but the Walls are not to be ſeen now, and ſcarcely the Ruins of them. The People in this Town and Country are reckon'd the wealthieſt and politeſt in Wales.

Here we ſaw near Kily-Maen Llwyd, on a great Mountain, a Circle of mighty Stones, very much like Stone-henge in Wiltſhire, or rather like the Roll-rich Stones in Oxfordſhire; and tho' the People call it Bruarth Arthur, or King Arthur's Throne, we ſee no reaſon to believe, that it had any relation to him.

The next County Weſt, is Pembrokeſhire, the moſt extreme Part of Wales on this Side. It is a rich, fertile, and plentiful Country, lying on the Sea-coaſt, where it has the Benefit of Milford-Haven, one of the greateſt and beſt Ports in Britain. Mr. Camden ſays, it contains 16 Creeks, 5 great Bays, and 13 good Roads for Shipping, all diſtinguiſh'd as ſuch by their Names; and ſome ſay, a thouſand Sail of Ships may ride in it.

[319]Part of Pembrokeſhire is inhabited by the Deſcendants of the Flemings, placed there by King Henry I. and that County is called, Little England beyond Wales.

Before we quitted the Coaſt, we ſaw Tenbigk, the moſt agreeable Town on all the Sea-coaſt of South-Wales, except Pembroke, being a very good Road for Shipping, and well frequented. Here is a great Fiſhery for Herring in its Seaſon, a great Colliery, or rather Export of Coals, and they alſo drive a very conſiderable Trade to Ireland.

From hence, the Land, bearing far into the Sea, makes a Promontory, call'd St. Goven's-Head, or Point. But as we found nothing of Moment there, we croſs'd over the Iſthmus to Pembroke, which ſtands on the Eaſt Shore of the great Haven of Milford.

This is the largeſt and richeſt, and at this Time the moſt flouriſhing Town of South-Wales, except Carmarthen. Here are a great many Gentlemen and Merchants, and ſome of the latter are Men of good Buſineſs; and they told us, there were near 200 Sail of Ships belong'd to the Town, ſmall and great; in a Word, all this Part of Wales is a rich and flouriſhing Country, very pleaſant, fertile, and well cultivated.

This is the Place alſo made particularly famous for the Landing of King Henry VII. then Earl of Richmond.

From hence, being reſolv'd to ſee the utmoſt Extent of the County, Weſt, we ferry'd over the Haven, and went to Haverford, by ſome call'd Haverford-Weſt, a County in itſelf; and from thence to St. David's. Haverford is a good Town, ſtrong, well-built, clean, and populous.

From hence to St. David's, the Country begins to look dry, barren, and mountainous.

St. David's is now a Biſhop's See only, but was formerly an Archbiſhop's, which was transferr'd to Dole in Britany, where it ſtill remains.

[320]The venerable Aſpect of this Cathedral Church ſhews, that it has been a beautiful Building. The Weſt-end or Body of the Church is tolerable; the Choir is kept neat; the South Iſle without the Choir, and the Virgin Mary's Chapel, which makes the Eaſtend of the Church, are in a manner demoliſh'd, and the Roofs of both fallen in.

There have been a great many eminent Perſons bury'd here, beſides ſuch whoſe Monuments are defac'd by Time. Here is St. David's Monument, to whom the Church is dedicated, the Monument of the Earl of Richmond, as alſo of the famous Owen Tudor; Here are alſo four antient Monuments of Knights-Templars, known by their Figures lying croſs-legg'd; but their Names are not known, and there are ſix ſeveral Monuments of Biſhops, who preſided over this Church, beſides St. David.

This Saint, they tell us, was Uncle to King Arthur, that he lived to 146 Years of Age, that he was Biſhop of this Church ſixty-five Years, being born in the Year 496, and died Anno 642; that he built twelve Monaſteries, and perform'd abundance of Miracles.

There was a very handſome Houſe for the Biſhop, with a College, all built in a Cloſe by themſelves; but they are now in Ruins.

Here, the Weather being very clear, we had a full View of Ireland, though at a very great Diſtance. The Land here is call'd St. David's-Head. They reckon up 114 Biſhops of this See, ſince it began, to the Year 1740.

A late Biſhop of this See was Dr. Thomas Watſon, of whom the World has heard ſo much, being depriv'd, after a long Debate, on a Charge of Simony. I ſhall not inquire into the Merits of the Caſe; but he beſtow'd great Sums on charitable Deſigns.

From hence we turn'd North, keeping the Sea in our Weſt Proſpect, and a rugged mountainous Country [321] on the Eaſt, where the Hills even darken'd the Air with their Height. As we went on, we paſt by Newport, on the River Nevern, a Town having a good Harbour, and conſequently a good Trade with Ireland.

Here we left Pembrokeſhire, and after about 22 Miles came to Cardigan, a well-inhabited Town, on the River Tyvy, over which it has a fair Stone Bridge: 'Tis a very noble River indeed, and famous for its Plenty of the beſt and largeſt Salmon in Britain.

The Country People told us, that they had formerly Beavers here, which bred in the Lakes among the Mountains, and coming down the Stream of Tyvy, deſtroy'd the young Frye of Salmon, and therefore the Country People deſtroy'd 'em. We thought they only meant the Otter, till I found afterwards, that Mr. Camden mentions alſo, that there had been Beavers ſeen here formerly.

This Town of Cardigan was once poſſeſs'd by the great Robert Fitz-Stephen, who was the firſt Briton that ever attempted the Conqueſt of Ireland; and had ſuch Succeſs with a Handful of Men, as afterwards gave the Engliſh a Footing there, which they never quitted afterwards, till they quite reduc'd the Country, and made it, as it were, a Province to England.

The Town is large and populous, has a fair Church, and is walled about, and fortified with a Caſtle, but that Part is now not much minded. It has a good Trade with Ireland, and is enrich'd very much, as is all this Part of the Country, by the famous Lead Mines, formerly diſcover'd by Sir Carbery Price, which are the greateſt, and perhaps the richeſt in England; and particularly as they require ſo little Labour and Charge to come at the Ore, which in many Places lies within a Fathom or two of the Surface, and in ſome, even bare to the very Top. There are alſo Silver Mines in this County.

[322]Going North from the Tyvy about 25 Miles, we came to Aberyſtwith, that is to ſay, the Town at the Mouth of the River Yſtwith. It is a populous, but a dark, ſmoaky Place; and we fanſy'd the People look'd as if they had liv'd continually in Coal or Lead Mines. However, they are rich.

The County of Cardigan is in no wiſe comparable to either of thoſe Welſh Counties which we have already paſs'd through, there being a great deal of barren Lands in it. However, it is ſo full of Cattle, that 'tis ſaid to be the Nurſery, or Breeding-Place for the whole Kingdom of England, South by Trent; but this is not a Proof of its Fertility; for tho' the feeding of Cattle indeed requires a rich Soil, the breeding them does not, the Mountains and Moors being as proper for that Purpoſe as richer Land.

Now we enter'd North-Wales; only I ſhould add, that as we paſs'd, we had a Sight of the famous Plymlymon-Hill, out of the Eaſt-ſide of which, riſe the Severn, and the Wye; and out of the Weſt-ſide of it, riſe the Rydall and the Yſtwyth. This Mountain is exceeding high, and though it is hard to ſay which is the higheſt Hill in Wales, yet I think this bids fair for it; nor is the County, for 20 Miles round it, any thing but a continued Ridge of Mountains: So that for a few Days we ſeem'd to be converſing in the upper Regions; for we were often above the Clouds a great way, and the Names of ſome of theſe Hills ſeem'd as barbarous to us, who ſpoke no Welſh, as the Hills themſelves.

Paſſing theſe Mountains North, we enter'd North Wales, which contains the Counties of Montgomery, Merioneth, Caernarvon, Denbeigh, and Flint Shires, and the Iſle of Angleſea.

In paſſing Montgomeryſhire, we were ſo tired with Hills and Mountains, that we wiſh'd heartily we had kept cloſe to the Sea Shore; but we had not much mended the matter, if we had, as I underſtood [323] afterwards. The River Severn is the principal Beauty of this County, which riſing out of the Plymlymon Mountain, as I have ſaid, receives in a ſhort Courſe ſo many other Rivers into its Boſom, that it becomes navigable before it gets out of the County, at Welſh-Pool, on the Edge of Shropſhire.

Montgomery is a faſhionable Place, and has many fair Dwellings in it, and ſome very good Families.

The Vales and Meadows upon the Banks of the Severn are exceedingly ornamental and profitable, and 'tis ſaid, that the Water of the Severn, like that of Nile, when it overflows, impregnates the Valleys by the Slime it leaves behind it; all the Country is very fruitful, where-ever this River runs. The Town of Montgomery lies not far from this River, on the outer Edge of the County, next to Herefordſhire. This was, it ſeems, a great Frontier Town in the Wars between the Engliſh and the Welſh, and was beautify'd and fortify'd by King Henry III. but it is not now ſo very conſiderable, though a good Town ſtill, pleaſantly ſituated, and has a Caſtle.

This County has been long noted for an excellent Breed of Welſh Horſes, which, though not very large, are exceeding valuable, and much eſteem'd all over England. All the North and Weſt Part of the County is mountainous and ſtony. We ſaw a great many old Monuments in this Country, and Roman Camps, where-ever we came; and eſpecially, if we met any Perſons curious in ſuch things, we found they had many Roman Coins.

Merionethſhire, or Merionydſhire, lies Weſt from Montgomeryſhire, on the Iriſh Sea, or rather the Ocean; for St. George's Chanel does not begin till further North; and it is extended on the Coaſt, for near 35 Miles in Length, all ſtill mountainous and craggy. The principal River is the Tovy, which riſes among the unpaſſable Mountains, which range [324] along the Centre of this Part of Wales, and which we look at with Aſtoniſhment, for their prodigious Height. Some of the Hills have particular Names, but otherwiſe we called them all, The Black Mountains, and they well deſerve the Name. Some think 'tis from the unpaſſable Mountains of this County, that we have an old Saying, That the Devil lives in the Middle of Wales, tho' I know there is another Meaning given to it; in a word, Mr. Camden calls theſe Parts the Alps of Wales.

There are but few large Towns in all this Part, nor is it very populous; much of it being ſcarce habitable, but 'tis ſaid, there are more Sheep in it, than in all the reſt of Wales. On the Sea Shore however, we ſaw Harleigh, or Harlech-Caſtle, which is ſtill a Gariſon, and kept for the Guard of the Coaſt; but 'tis of no other Strength, than what its Situation gives it.

In the middle of theſe vaſt Mountains (and forming a very large Lake, viz. near its firſt Sources) riſes the River Dee, of which I ſhall ſpeak again in its proper Place.

Here, among almoſt innumerable Summits, and riſing Peaks of nameleſs Hills, we ſaw the famous Kader-Idricks, which, ſome are of Opinion, is the higheſt Mountain in Britain, another call'd Rarauvaur, another call'd Mowywynda; and ſtill every Hill we ſaw, we thought higher than all that ever we ſaw before.

We inquired here after that ſtrange Phaenomenon, which was not only ſeen, but fatally experienc'd, by the Country round this Place, namely of a livid Fire, coming off from the Sea, and ſetting on Fire Houſes, Barns, Stacks of Hay and Corn, and poiſoning the Herbage in the Field; of which there is a full Account given in the Philoſophical Tranſactions: And as we had it confirm'd by the general Voice of the People, I ſhall take notice, That the [325] Tranſactions particularly obſerve, that the Eclipſes of the Sun in Aries have been very fatal to this Place; and that the Years 1542, and 1567, when the Sun was eclipſed in that Sign, it ſuffer'd very much by Fire; and after the latter Eclipſe of the two, the Fire ſpread ſo far, that about 200 Houſes in the Town and Suburbs of Caernarvon, were conſum'd.

This mountainous Country runs away North thro' Merionethſhire, and almoſt thro' Caernarvonſhire, where Snowden-hill, of a monſtrous Height, according to its Name, had Snow on the Top in the Beginning of June; but it does not continue the Year round, as ſome have aſſerted.

Theſe unpaſſable Heights were doubtleſs the Refuges of the Britons, when, in their continual Wars with the Romans and Saxons, they were overpower'd.

That Side of the County of Caernarvon, which borders on the Sea, is not ſo mountainous, and is both more fertile, and more populous. The principal Place in this Part is Caernarvon, a good Town, with a Caſtle built by Edward I. to curb and reduce the wild People of the Mountains, and ſecure the Paſſage into Angleſea. That Prince alſo kept his Court often here; and here his eldeſt Son and Succeſſor, Edward II. was born, who was therefore call'd Edward of Caernarvon. This Edward was the firſt of the Sons of the Kings of England, veſted with the Title of Prince of Wales: And here were kept the Chancery and Exchequer of the Princes of Wales, for the North Part of the Principality, as it was at Caermarthen for the South Part. It is a ſmall, but ſtrong Town, clean, and well-built; and, conſidering the Place, the People are very courteous and obliging to Strangers. It is ſeated on the Firth or Inlet call'd Meneu, parting the Iſle of Angleſea, or Mona, from the main Land; and here [322] [...] [323] [...] [324] [...] [325] [...] [326] is a Ferry over to the Iſland, called Abermenai-Ferry And from thence a direct Road to Holyhead, whithe [...] we went for no other Purpoſe, than to have anothe [...] View of Ireland; tho' we were diſappointed, the Weather being bad and ſtormy.

Whoever travels critically over theſe Mountains of South-Wales and Merionethſhire, will think Stonehenge in Wiltſhire, and Roll-rich Stones in Oxforaſhire, no more Wonders, ſeeing there are ſo many ſuch in theſe Provinces, that they are not thought ſtrange of at all, nor is it doubted, but they were generally Monuments of the Dead; as alſo are the ſingle Stones of immenſe Bulk, of which we ſaw ſo many, that we gave over remarking 'em. Some meaſur'd from 7, 8, to 10, and one 16 Feet high, being a whole Stone, but ſo great, that the moſt of the Wonder is, where they were found, and how dragg'd to the Place; ſince, beſides the ſteep Aſcents to ſome of the Hills, on which they ſtand, it would be hardly poſſible to move ſome of them, now, with 50 Yoke of Oxen. And yet a great many of theſe Stones are found confuſedly lying one upon another on the utmoſt Summit or Top of the Glyder, and other Hills in Merioneth, or Caernarvonſhire; to which it is next to impoſſible, that all the Power of Art, and Strength of Man and Beaſt, could carry them, and the Vulgar make no Difficulty of ſaying, The Devil ſet them up there.

One of theſe monumental Stones is to be ſeen a little way from Harleigh-Caſtle: It is a large Stone lying flat, ſupported by three other Stones at three of the four Angles, tho' the Stone is rather oval than ſquare; it is almoſt 11 Feet long, the Breadth unequal; but in ſome Places it is from 7 to 8 Feet broad, and it may be ſuppoſed has been both longer and broader; 'tis in ſome Places about two Feet thick, but in others, 'tis worn almoſt to an Edge by Time. The three Stones that ſupport it, are about [327] 20 Inches ſquare; 'tis ſuppoſed there have been four, two of which, that ſupport the thickeſt End, are near 8 Feet high, the other not above three Feet, being ſuppos'd to be ſettled in the Ground, ſo that the Stone lies ſloping, like the Roof of a Barn. There is another of theſe to be ſeen in the Iſle of Angleſea; the flat Stone is much larger and thicker than this; but we did not go to ſee it. There are alſo two Circles of Stones in that Iſland, ſuch as Stone-henge, but larger.

This is a particular kind of Monument, and therefore I took Notice of it; but the others are generally ſingle Stones of vaſt Magnitude, ſet up on one End, Column-wiſe, which being ſo very large, are likely to remain till the End of Time: but are generally without any Inſcription, or regular Shape, or any Mark, to intimate for whom, or for what, they were ſo placed.

Theſe Mountains are indeed ſo like the Alps, that except the Language of the People, one could hardly avoid thinking he is paſſing from Grenoble to Suſa, or rather thro' the Country of the Griſons. The Lakes alſo, which are ſo numerous here, make the Similitude the greater: nor are the Fables which the Country People tell of theſe Lakes, much unlike the Stories which we meet with among the Switzers, of the famous Lakes in their Country. Mr. Camden's Continuator tells us of 50 or 60 Lakes in Caernarvonſhire only. We did not count 'em, but I believe, if we had, we ſhould have found them to be more, rather than leſs.

Here we met with the Char Fiſh, the ſame kind which we ſaw in Lancaſhire, and alſo in the Lakes of Switzerland, and no-where elſe, that I have heard of, in Europe. The Welſh call it the Torg [...]ch.

There is nothing of Note to be ſeen in the Iſle of Angleſea, but the Town and the Caſtle of Beaumaris, which was alſo built by King Edward I. [328] and call'd Beau-marſh, or the Fine Plain; for here the Country is very level and plain, and the Land is fruitful and pleaſant. The Caſtle was very large, as may be ſeen by its Remains; and that it was ſtrong, the Situation will tell alſo; but 'tis now of no Uſe.

As we went to Holyhead, by the South Part of the Iſland from Newborough, and came back thro' the Middle to Beaumaris, we ſaw the whole Extent of it; and indeed, it is a much pleaſanter Country than any Part of North-Wales, that we had yet ſeen; and particularly is very fruitful in Corn and Cattle.

Here we croſs'd the Streight of Meneu again, and came to Bangor, at the Place where King Edward I. intended to have built a great Stone-bridge: It would indeed have been a Work fit for ſo great a King: But the Bottom being doubtful, and the Sea in that Place ſometimes very raging and ſtrong, the Workmen thought it impracticable; and though the King was very poſitive in his Deſign for a great while, yet he was prevail'd with at laſt to decline it.

Bangor is a Town noted for its Antiquity. It is a Biſhop's See, but has an old, mean-looking, and almoſt deſpicable Cathedral Church.

This Church boaſts of being one of the moſt antient in Britain, the People ſay, the moſt antient; and that St. Daniel (to whom it was dedicated) was firſt Biſhop here, in the Year 512. They allow that the Pagans, perhaps of Angleſea, ruin'd the Church, and poſſeſs'd the Biſhoprick after it was built, for above one hundred Years; nor is there any Account of it from the Year 512 to 1009: After this, the Biſhoprick was ruin'd again by one of its own Biſhops, whoſe Name was Bulkeley, who, as the Monaſticon ſays, not only ſold the Revenues, but even the very Bells; for which Sacrilege it is ſaid he was ſtruck blind.

It is certainly at preſent no rich Biſhoprick; yet the Biſhops are generally allow'd to hold ſome other [329] good Benefice in Commendam, and the Preferment ſeems to be a grateful Introduction to the Clergy, as the Biſhops are generally tranſlated from hence to a more profitable one; and very few Gentlemen of the Function have dy'd Biſhops of Bangor; ſo that, in ſome Senſe, a Biſhop of this See may be ſaid to be immortal.

From Bangor we went North, (keeping the Sea on our Left-hand) to Conway. This is the pooreſt, but pleaſanteſt Town in all this County for the Bigneſs of it; it is ſeated on the Bank of a fine River, which is not only pleaſant and beautiful, but is a noble Harbour for Ships, had they any Occaſion for them there; the Stream is deep and ſafe, and the River broad, as the Thames at Deptford: It only wants a Trade ſuitable to ſo good a Port; for it infinitely outdoes Cheſter, and Liverpool too.

In this Paſſage, we went over the famous Precipice call'd Penmaen-maur, which I think Fame has made abundance more frightful than it is; for tho' the Rock is indeed very high, and, if any one ſhould fall from it, he would be daſh'd in Pieces, yet, on the other hand, there is no Danger of it, a Wall being built all the Way, on the Edge of the Precipice, to ſecure Paſſengers: Thoſe who have been at the Hill or Paſs of Enterkin in Scotland, know very well, the Danger there is much greater than here; and the frequent Loſs of Lives, both of Man and Horſe, will teſtify the ſame.

We have but little remarkable in the Road from Conway to Holywell, but Craggs and Rocks all along the North Shore of Denbeigh, till we came to Denbeigh the County Town, which has a Caſtle of great Strength; it is a large, populous Place, and has a good Trade carry'd on by Tanners and Glovers. This Town carries ſomething in its Countenance of its Neighbourhood to England; but that which was moſt ſurpriſing, after ſuch a tireſome and fatiguing [330] Journey, over the inhoſpitable Mountains of Merioneth and Caernarvonſhire, was, that deſcending now from the Hills, we came into a moſt pleaſant, fruitful, populous, and delicious Vale, full o [...] Villages and Towns, the Fields ſhining with Corn juſt ready for the Reapers, the Meadows green and flowery, and a fine River, of a mild and gentle Stream, running thro' it: Nor is it a ſmall or caſua [...] Intermiſſion, but we had a Proſpect of the Country open before us for above 20 Miles in Length, and from 5 to 7 Miles in Breadth, all ſmiling with the ſame kind of Complexion; which made us think ourſelves in England again, all on a ſudden.

In this pleaſant Vale, turning North from Denbeigh, and following the Stream of the River, we came to St. Aſaph, in Flintſhire, a ſmall City, with a Cathedral, being a Biſhoprick of tolerable good Value, though the Church is old: It is but a poor Place, and ill-built, although the Country is ſo pleaſant and rich all round it. There are ſome old Monuments in this Church, but none of any Note, nor could we read the Welſh Inſcriptions.

From hence we came to Holywell: The Story of it is, that the pious Virgin, St. Winifred, being raviſh'd and murder'd, this healing Water ſprung out of her Body when buried. The Romaniſts believe it, as 'tis evident, from their thronging hither to receive Benefit from the healing Virtue of the Water, which they do not hope for as medicinal, but as miraculous, and think it heals them by virtue of the Interceſſion and Influence of this famous Virgin, St. Winifrid.

The Chapel dedicated to this Holy Virgin, is cut out of a ſolid Rock, and Numbers of Pilgrims reſort to it, with great Devotion. Under this Chapel, the Water guſhes out into a great Stream, and the Place where it breaks out, is form'd like a Baſin or Ciſtern, in which they bathe: The Water is intenſly [331] cold, and indeed there is no great Miracle in that Point, conſidering the Rocks it flows from, where it is impregnated by divers Minerals; the Virtue of which, and not of the Saint, I ſuppoſe, work the greateſt Part of the Cures, that may be ſuppos'd to be effected there.

There is a little Town near the Well, which may, indeed, be ſaid to have riſen from the Confluence of People thither; for almoſt all the Houſes are either Publick Houſes, or let into Lodgings; and the Prieſts who attend here, and are very numerous, appear in Diſguiſe: Sometimes they are Phyſicians, ſometimes Surgeons, ſometimes Gentlemen, and ſometimes Patients, or any thing, as Occaſion preſents. Nobody takes notice of them, as to their Religion, though they are well known, no not the Roman Catholicks themſelves; but in private they have their proper Oratories in certain Places, whither the Votaries reſort; and good Manners has prevail'd ſo far, that no Proteſtant, let him know what he will, takes Notice of it, or inquires where one goes, or has been gone.

The principal Towns in Flintſhire, are, 1. Flint, the Shire Town, but ſo ſmall, that it has not a Market. 2. St. Aſaph, before-mention'd. 3. Caerwys, the chief Market-Town of the County.

From hence we paſs'd by Flint-Caſtle, a known Place, but of no Conſequence now; and directly to Wrexham, deemed the largeſt Town in North-Wales, having heard much of a fine Church there, but we were greatly diſappointed: There is indeed a very large Tower or Steeple, as ſome call it, adorn'd with Imagery; but far from fine: The Work is mean, the Statues without any Fancy or Spirit; and as the Stone is of a reddiſh crumbling Kind, like the Cathedral at Cheſter, Time has made it look groſs and rough.

There are a great many antient Monuments in this Church, and in the Church-yard alſo; but none of [332] Note, and almoſt all the Inſcriptions are in Welſh. The Church is large; but they muſt be much miſtaken, who tell us 'tis one of the fineſt in England; for it falls ſhort in that reſpect, of even thoſe Churches which are as old as itſelf.

This Town is large, well-built and populous; and beſides the Church, there are two large Meeting-Houſes, in one of which, we were told they preach in Welſh one Part of the Day, and in Engliſh the other. Here is a great Market for Flannel, which the Factors buy up of the poor Welſh People, who manufacture it; and thence it is ſent to London; and is a conſiderable Manufacture thro' all this Part of the Country, by which the Poor are very profitably imploy'd.

We could not omit ſeeing the once famous Banchor, which Malmsbury confounds with the Epiſcopal Bangor; and were pleas'd to ſee there a fine Stone Bridge over the Dee. This was once a City, and the Monaſtery was ſo famous, that in the Time of the Britiſh Kings it was ſaid to contain 2400 Monks, who in their Turns (viz. 100 each Hour of the 24) reading Prayers and ſinging Pſalms continually, Divine Service was perform'd Day and Night without Intermiſſion. But now not ſo much as the Ruins are to be ſeen, and as all the People in the little Village, that takes place of it, ſpoke Welſh, we could find no body that could give us any Intelligence. So effectually had Time eras'd the very Foundations of the Place.

This is ſaid to be the Birth-place of that Arch-heretick Pelagius, who from hence began to broach his heretical Opinions, which afterwards ſo terribly overſpread the Church. Camden obſerves, that this Bangor is ſituated in the County of Flint.

But before I have intirely done with the Principality, give me leave to obſerve briefly a few things with relation to this Journey, and the Gentlemen of Wales.

[333]Tho' this Journey, and eſpecially over ſuch monſtrous Hills and Precipices, as thoſe in Merioneth and ſome other Shires, was a little heavy to us, yet were we well ſupported through it, for we generally found their Proviſions very good and cheap, and pretty good Accommodations in the Inns.

The Welſh Gentlemen are very hoſpitable; and the People in general very obliging and converſable, eſpecially to Strangers. When we let them know, we travell'd merely in Curioſity to view the Country, their Civility was heightened to ſuch a Degree, that nothing could be more friendly, and they were willing to tell us every thing that belong'd to their Country, and to ſhew us all that we deſir'd to ſee.

They value themſelves much upon their antient Heroes, as Caractacus, Owen ap Tudor, Prince Lewellin; and particularly upon the Antiquity of their Families, and laugh at a Pedigree, that can't be trac'd higher than the Conqueſt. It muſt be own'd, that the Gentlemen, juſtly claim a very antient Deſcent, and have preſerv'd their Families intire, for many Ages: They receive you well into their Houſes, treat you very handſomely, are very generous; and indeed, nothing is wanting within Doors; and, what is more, they have generally very good Eſtates to ſupport their Hoſpitality; but they are very jealous of Affronts, and ſoon provok'd to Anger, which is ſeldom allay'd without Satisfaction; and then become as ſoon reconcil'd again.

I will now put an End to this Letter, with aſſureing you, that

I am, &c.

LETTER VII. CONTAINING A Deſcription of Part of Cheſhire, Northamptonſhire, and Leiceſterſhire.


I Continued at Cheſter for ſome time, except that I made two or three Excurſions into the neighbouring Country, and particularly into that Part of Shropſhire which I had not view'd as I went; as alſo into the North, and North-weſt Parts of Cheſhire. But I ſhould firſt acquaint you, that Malpas, through which I came from Wales, is ſituate on a high Hill, and was formerly ſtrengthened by a Caſtle, which is now in Ruins. The Church is a ſtately Building, and ſtands on the moſt eminent Part of the Town: It has 2 Rectors, who do Duty alternately. The Town conſiſts of 3 Streets, and is well pav'd; has a good Market, a Grammar-School, and an Hoſpital.

The firſt Trip I made, was into the Ceſtria Cherſoneſus, as I think we may properly call it: It is bounded by the two great Firths, or Arms of the Sea, [335] the one call'd the Mouth of the Dee, and the other of the two Rivers Merſey and Weaver, which form it into a Peninſula. It is about 16 Miles long, 6 or 7 over, and has not one Market Town in it, tho' it is exceeding rich and fertile; occaſion'd poſſibly by the Neighbourhood of two ſuch great Towns, as Cheſter and Liverpool.

Going down from Cheſter, by the Rhoodee, as they call it, that is, the Marſhes of the River Dee, and coaſting the River after it is grown broader than the Marſhes, the firſt Place of any Note which we come to, is Neſſon, where, in the late Iriſh War, moſt of the Troops embark'd for that grand Expedition: From hence the Veſſels go away to High-lake, where they ride ſafe in their Way, as the Ships from London lie in the Downs, till the Wind preſents for their reſpective Voyages.

But to return to Cheſter. It is a fine old City and Colony of the Romans; and many Antiquities have been found in it. It has four Churches beſide the Cathedral, which is a Pile venerable for Antiquity, but in no extraordinary Condition. There are Shadows of many Pictures on the Wall, but defac'd. At the Weſt End, in Niches are ſome Images of the Earls Palatine of Cheſter. The adjoining Abbey is quite ruin'd. The Walls round the City are kept in very good Repair, at the Charge of the Corporation, and afford a pleaſant, airy Walk. The Exchange is a neat Building, ſupported by Columns 13 Feet high, of one Stone each. Over it is the City-hall, a well-contrived Court of Judicature. The Caſtle was formerly the Palace, where the Earls aſſembled their Parliaments, and enacted Laws independent of the Kings of England, determining all Cauſes themſelves. It has always a Garriſon kept in it. The Piazza's or Rows, as they call them, do not in my Opinion, add any thing to the Beauty of the City; but, on the contrary, ſerve to make it look [336] both old and indifferent. Theſe Rows are certain long Galleries, up one Pair of Stairs, which run along the Side of the Streets, before all the Houſes, tho' joined to them, and, as is pretended, they are to keep the People dry in walking along. This they do indeed effectually, but then they take away all the View of the Houſes from the Street, nor can a Stranger, that was to ride thro' Cheſter, ſee any Shops in the City; beſides, they make the Shops themſelves dark, and the Way in them is dark, dirty, and uneven.

The beſt Ornament of the City is, that the Streets are very broad and fair, and run thro' the whole City in ſtrait Lines, croſſing in the middle of it as at Chicheſter: The Walls afford a very pleaſant Walk, as I have ſaid, round the City, and within the Battlements, from whence you may ſee the circumjacent Country, and particularly on the Side of the Rhoodee, which is a fine large low Green, on the Bank of the Dee, which in Winter is often under Water by the Inundations of the River. Beyond the Rhoodee, may be ſeen from the Walls of Cheſter the County of Flint, and the Mountains of Wales.

The Caſtle is a good firm Building, and ſtrong, tho' not fortify'd with many Outworks: There is always a good Garriſon kept in it. 'Tis ſaid this Caſtle was built, or at leaſt repair'd, by Hugh Lupus, the famous Earl of Cheſter, Nephew to William the Conqueror, as was alſo the Church; the Body of whom was lately (Anno 1723) diſcover'd, as is ſuppoſed, in an old ruinous Building called, The Chapter-houſe.

It was firſt wrapp'd in Leather, and then inclos'd in a Stone Coffin. The Skull and all the Bones were very freſh, and in their proper Poſition; and, what is more remarkable, the String which ty'd the Ankles together, was whole and intire, altho' it was then upwards of 650 Years ſince the Interrment.

[337] Cheſter is but a modern Biſhoprick, being ſo made in the Year 1541. when King Henry VIII. divided it from Lichfield. They tell us, that King Edgar, who conquer'd all this Part of Britain, and was rowed up the Dee in his Royal Barge by Seven, or, as ſome ſay, Eight Kings, himſelf ſteering the Helm, founded the great Church, which Lupus finiſh'd and endow'd.

Here is a noble Stone Bridge over the Dee, very high and ſtrong built, and 'tis needful it ſhould be ſo; for the Dee is a moſt furious Stream at ſome Seaſons, and brings a vaſt Weight of Water with it from the Mountains of Wales.

Cheſter has long given Title of Earl to the Prince of Wales, eldeſt Son of the King.

Cheſter was formerly an Harbour for Shipping; but the Sea had long ago withdrawn itſelf; and the River Dee was ſo choaked up, that Veſſels of Burden could not come within ſome Miles of it; ſo that an Act of Parliament paſſed in the Year 1732, for rendering it navigable. And in Purſuance thereof, the Undertakers, raiſed a Sum of 47,830l. which they have expended in cutting and perfecting a new Chanel for the River Dee, of near Ten Miles in Length, and in making proper Dams and Sluices, into which they have turned the ſaid River; ſo that it is actually navigable at this Time for Ships and Veſſels of conſiderable Burdens to the Quay, or Key, of Cheſter, where they load and unload Goods and Merchandize. This Succeſs encourag'd the Undertakers to apply to Parliament (1740-1), for further Powers to complete the ſame, and for uniting the ſaid Undertakers into a Company for that laudable Purpoſe.

This County, though ſo remote from London, is one of thoſe which contributes much to its Support, as well as to that of ſeveral other Parts of England, by its excellent Cheeſe, which they make here in [338] ſuch Quantities, that, as I am told from very good Authority, the City of London only takes off 14000 Tons every Year; beſides vaſt Quantities which they ſend to Briſtol and York, and alſo to Scotland and Ireland; ſo that the Quantity of Cheeſe made here, muſt be prodigiouſly great. Indeed, the whole County is imploy'd in it, and Part of its Neighbourhood too; for though it goes by the Name of Cheſhire Cheeſe, yet great Quantities of it are made in ſuch Parts of Shropſhire, Staffordſhire, and Lancaſhire, as border upon Cheſhire.

The Soil is extraordinarily good, and the Graſs has a peculiar Richneſs in it, which diſpoſes the Kine to give a great Quantity of Milk, which is very ſweet and good; and this Cheeſe Manufacture increaſes every Day, raiſes the Value of the Lands, and encourages the Farmers to keep vaſt Stocks of Cows; which of themſelves contribute to improve and enrich the Land.

While we were ſtation'd, as I may ſay, at Cheſter, I made a Trip to ſeveral Places round about it. And particularly to the fine old Seat of the Lord Delamere, and the ſpacious Foreſt which gives Title to that noble Family. They ſay here was formerly an old City, now called the Chamber on the Foreſt, probably ſome Fort or Camp to ſecure the Road. From hence is ſo fine a Proſpect of the Welſh Mountains, that I never before beheld ſuch a noble Scene of Nature. Beeſton-Caſtle is on our left, built upon a Precipice. This Foreſt is noted for great Plenty of Red and Fallow Deer, and is a great Relief for Fiſh, Fowl, and Turf, to the neighbouring Towns, whereof there are a great many ſmall ones about this Foreſt, and thro' the upper Part of it the Weaver takes its Courſe. The chief Town hereabout is Fr [...]deſham, famous formerly for a Caſtle, and the Seat of the Family of the Savages, which however is but a mean Market-town. Near this Place is alſo [339] the famous Seat of Rock-Savage, built on the Aſcent of an Hill belonging to the ſame Family, whereof the laſt was the late Earl Rivers.

On the South Side of the Park ſtands Beeſton-Caſtle, upon an Hill environ'd with Mountains, and yet overlooks almoſt the whole County. It is very ſtrong, covers a great Extent of Ground, and is adorn'd with many Towers. It gives Name to an antient Family in this County.

From Cheſter we kept directly on Eaſt to Middlewich, a large Market-town, with a ſpacious Church, but chiefly noted for making Salt; where are Two excellent Brine-ſeeths.

We followed the Weaver directly North to Northwich alſo famous for Brine-ſprings, and for making great Quantities of the fineſt Salt by boiling the Water in large iron Pans of ſmall Depth. As faſt as the Salt cryſtallizes, they rake it out, and dry it in wicker Baſkets of a conick Form. The Duty it brings in is very conſiderable.

Within theſe Fifty Years, on the South-ſide of the Town, they diſcover'd a great many Mines of Rock-ſalt, which they continually dig up, and ſend in great Lumps to the maritime Ports, where it is diſſolv'd, and made into eating Salt. We were let down by a Bucket 150 Feet deep to the Bottom of the Salt Quarry, a moſt pleaſant ſubterraneous Proſpect, looking like a Cathedral ſupported by Rows of Pillars, and Roof of Cryſtal, all of the ſame Rock, tranſparent and glittering from the numerous Candles of the Workmen, labouring with their Steel Pick-axes in digging it away. This Rock-work extends to ſeveral Acres.

There is a good Church at Northwich, with a fine Roof, and ſemicircular Choir.

At Lawton-yates they bore 60 Yards deep for the Salt Spring; at Haſſal 47; at Wheelock 18; about Middlewich leſs; at Northwich it riſes to open Day; [340] which ſeems to intimate, that the ſalt Spring runs between Layers of the Earth in an horizontal Line. Upon Boring, it riſes with great Impetuoſity, ſo that the Workmen have ſcarce Time to get out of the Wells. This is all along the Side of a Brook that comes from a remarkable Hill called Mawcop, upon the Edge of Staffordſhire; ſo that the Ground riſes above the true Level in the mentioned Proportion.

From Northwich we travell'd North-eaſt, and came to Knutsford, a good Town, and finely ſituated. A Brook runs thro' it, and divides it into two. It has a Market and Town-houſe, and a pretty good Parochial Church.

Altringham and Stockport, Two ſmall Market-towns, lie higher up Northward, the firſt near, and the other upon the Borders of Lancaſhire; and hearing of nothing remarkable in them, we turned South-eaſt from Knutsford to Macclesfield, which they call in this County Maxfield.

Macclesfield is ſituate in the Foreſt of the ſame Name, a Town of great Antiquity, and very fair and ſpacious. 'Tis under the Government of a Mayor, and enjoys many particular Privileges by virtue of the Court and Liberties of the Foreſt. It has a good Church with a high Spire Steeple, and a College adjoining to it, in which are buried a great many of the Savages: and here is alſo a good Free-ſchool, and a thriving Manufacture of Buttons.

From hence we veer'd about, and came South-weſt to Congleton, near the Borders of Staffordſhire, a fair Mayor-town and well-water'd on all Sides. It has Two Churches, and is noted for a good Trade in Gloves.

We then came to the Market-town of Sandbach, which is delightfully ſituated on a Branch of the Weaver. It has a fair Church, and in the Market-place ſtand Two Croſſes of Stone, with the Hiſtory [341] of Chriſt's Paſſion ingraven on them. The Ale here is deſervedly famed.

From Sandbach we went on Southward, and came to the great London Road at Namptwich, which ſtands upon it. This Town is well-built, and the Streets look fair, having a great many Gentlemens Houſes in them. The Church is a noble Edifice in the Form of a Croſs, with the Steeple riſing from the Middle; but the Maintenance of the Miniſter is mean and pitiful. The Inhabitants are rich, and carry on a good Trade in moſt ſort of Commodities, but principally in making Salt and Cheeſe, the latter exceeding all that is made in the County, as the Soil this Way is eſteemed the beſt, and, as 'tis ſaid, was called by King Edward I. the Vale Royal.

Thus having made my Circuit round the County, I ſhall go from hence South to Whitchurch in Shropſhire. But I muſt firſt note two things of Cheſhire: 1. That there is no Part of England, where there are equal Numbers of Gentry, of ſuch antient and noble Extraction: Mr. Camden is very particular in their Names and Deſcents, to whom therefore I muſt refer. 2. That it is a County Palatine, and has been ſo for many Ages, and its Government is diſtinct from any other, and very particular; it is adminiſtred by a Chamberlain, a Judge Special, who is call'd Chief Juſtice of Cheſter, two Barons of the Exchequer, three Sergeants at Law, a Sheriff, an Attorney, an Eſcheator, and all proper and uſual ſubordinate Officers; and the Juriſdiction of all theſe Offices is kept up, and preſerv'd very ſtrictly; only we are to note, that the Judge Special, as he is call'd, tries only civil Cauſes, not criminal, which are left to the ordinary Judges of England, who go the Circuits here, as in other Places.

Whitchurch is a pleaſant, large, and populous Town, and has a very good Church, in which is the famous Monument of the great Talbot, firſt E. of Shrewſbury, [342] who was call'd in his Time the Engliſh ACHILLES, and who was ſo renown'd in the Wars of France, that no Man in that Kingdom dared to encounter him ſingle-handed. He had ingraven on one Side of his Sword, Sum Talboti, and on the Reverſe, Pro vincere inimicos meos. His Epitaph is as follows, in capital Letters: ‘ORATE PRO ANIMA PRAENOBILIS DOMINI, DOMINI IOHANNIS TALBOTT, QUONDAM COMITIS SALOPIAE, DOMINI TALBOTT, DOMINI FURNIVALL, DOMINI VERDON, DOMINI STRANGE DE BLACKMERE, ET MARESCHALLI FRANCIAE, QUI OBIIT IN BELLO APVD BVRDEWS VII. IVLII MCCCCLIII.’

This Town has a good Market, and a great many Gentry near it, whereof ſome are Roman-catholicks. They tell us, that this Town, when King Charles I. remov'd his Standard from Nottingham to Shrewſbury, raiſed a whole Regiment for his Service.

From hence we turn'd South, and paſſing by Wem, the Title given by King James II. to his Lord Chancellor Jefferies, thence we came to Elſmere, which gives Title of Baron to the Duke of Bridgwater, and is famous for a great Lake or Mere, which gives the Town its Name, and which the People pretend has in ſome Places no Bottom. This Place is remarkable for good Fiſh.

And further on Weſt, on the Confines of Denbighſhire, ſtands Oſweſtry, a Bailiwick Market-town, famous formerly for the Sale of Welſh Cottons and Flanels, but now only for the laſt. It is incloſed with a Wall, and a Ditch, and fortified with a Caſtle, and has a good Church without the Gate covered with [343] Lead. From hence we came the ſame Night to Shrewſbury.

Shrewſbury is ſuppoſed to have been built out of the Ruins of the antient Uriconium. In the Reign of William the Conqueror, Roger Earl of Montgomery built a Caſtle here, on the North Side, and a ſtately Abbey, ſome Ruins of which are ſtill to be ſeen. It is a beautiful, large, pleaſant, populous, and rich Town; full of Gentry, and yet full of Trade too; for here likewiſe is a great Manufacture, as well of Flanel, as alſo of white Broad-cloth, which inriches all the Country round it.

The Severn in part ſurrounds this Town, juſt as the Thames does the Iſle of Dogs; ſo that it makes the Form of an Horſe-ſhoe. Over it are two fine Stone Bridges, upon one of which is built a very noble Gate, and, over the Arch of the Gate, the Statue of the great Llewellin, the Idol of the Welſh, and their laſt Prince of Wales.

This is really a Town of Mirth and Gallantry, ſomething like Bury in Suffolk, or Durham in the North, but much bigger than either of them, or indeed than both together.

Over the Market-houſe is kept a kind of Hall for the Manufactures, which are ſold here weekly in very great Quantities; they ſpeak all Engliſh in the Town, but on a Market-day you would think you were in Wales.

Here is the greateſt Market, the greateſt Plenty of good Proviſions, and the cheapeſt that is to be met with in all the Weſtern Part of England. The Severn ſupplies them here with excellent Salmon, but 'tis alſo brought in great Plenty from the Dee, which is not far off, and abounds with a very good Kind, and is generally larger than in the Severn. As an Example of the Cheapneſs of Proviſions, we paid here, in a publick Inn, but a Groat a Night for Hay, and Sixpence a Peck for Oats, for our Horſes, which is [344] cheaper than we found it in the cheapeſt Part of the North of England; all our other Proviſions were in Proportion; and there is no doubt but the Cheapneſs of Proviſions, joined to the Pleaſantneſs and Healthineſs of the Place, draws a great many Families hither, who love to live within the Compaſs of their Eſtates.

Mr. Camden calls it a City: and 'tis indeed equal to ſeveral good Cities in England, and ſuperior to ſome. Near this Place was fought the bloody Battle between Henry Hotſpur, and Henry IV. King of England, in which the former was kill'd, and all his Army overthrown, and the Place is called Battlefield to this Day.

Here are Five Churches, Two of them with lofty Spires. St. Chad's, and St. Mary's, are ſaid to be antiently collegiate. There are abundance of antient Monuments in them all, which I have not room to mention.

This Town will for ever be famous for the Reception it gave to King Charles I. who, after ſetting up his Standard at Nottingham, and finding no Encouragement there, remov'd to Shrewſbury, being invited by the Gentry of the Town and Country round, where he was receiv'd with ſuch a general Affection, and hearty Zeal, that his Majeſty recover'd himſelf from the Diſcouragement of his firſt Step at Nottingham, and raiſed and compleated a ſtrong Army in leſs Time than could be imagin'd; inſomuch that, to the Surprize of the Parliament, and indeed of all the World, he was in the Field before them, and advanced upon them ſo faſt, that he met them Two-thirds onward of his Way to London, and gave them Battle at Edge-hill, near Banbury.

But the Fate of the War turning afterwards againſt the King, the Weight of it fell heavy upon this Town, and almoſt ruin'd it.

[345]But they are now fully recover'd, and it is one of the moſt flouriſhing Towns in England. The Walls and Gates are yet ſtanding, but uſeleſs; and the old Caſtle is gone to Ruin, as is the Caſe of almoſt all the old Caſtles in England.

It ſhould not be forgotten, that notwithſtanding the Healthineſs of the Place, here broke out firſt that unaccountable Plague, call'd, The Sweating Sickneſs, Anno 1551; which ſpread itſelf thro' the whole Kingdom, and afterwards into ſeveral foreign Nations.

Here is a good Free-ſchool, the moſt conſiderable in this Part of England; built and endow'd by Q. Elizabeth, with a very ſufficient Maintenance for a Chief or Head-Maſter, and Three Under-Maſters or Uſhers. The Buildings are very ſpacious, and particularly the Library, which has a great many Books in it. The School-maſters have alſo very handſome Houſes to dwell in; ſo that the whole has the Face of a College.

There was a fine School here before, erected by the Town's-people, and maintain'd ſeveral Years by their Contribution. But the Queen took the Matter into her own Hands, and built the whole Fabrick new from the Ground, endowing it liberally out of her own Royal Bounty.

Here I was ſhew'd a very viſible and remarkable Appearance of the great antient Road or Way call'd Watling-ſtreet, which comes from London to this Town, and goes on from hence to the utmoſt Coaſt of Wales. Remains of a Stone Bridge are to be ſeen in the Bottom of the River, when the Water is low. This Road is raiſed a good Height above the Soil, and ſo ſtrait, that upon an Eminence you may ſee it Ten or Fifteen Miles before you, and as much behind, over many Hill-tops anſwering one the other as a Viſta of Trees.

We lodg'd at an Inn called Iveſey-bank, on the Borders between Staffordſhire and Shropſhire. About [346] a Mile off in a large Wood ſtands Boſcobel-houſe, or White-Ladies, as ſome call it, where the Pendrils lived, who preſerved King Charles II. after Worceſter Battle, and famous for the Royal Oak. The Granddaughter of that William Pendril ſtill liv'd in the Houſe, when I was there. The Floor of the Garret, which is a Popiſh Chapel, (formerly a Nunnery in Poſſeſſion of the Family of Cookſey) being matted, prevents any Suſpicion of a little Cavity with a Trapdoor over the Stair-caſe where the King was hid. His Bed was artfully plac'd behind ſome Wainſcot, that ſhut up very cloſe. A Deſcendant of the Cookſeys ſtill keeps the Gloves and Garters, which his Majeſty left behind him.

The ſaid Chapel is ſtill ſtanding, and has ſome painted Saints upon the Wall at one End.

A Bow-ſhot from the Houſe, juſt by a Horſetrack paſſing thro' the Wood, ſtood the Royal Oak, into which the King and Col. Carlos climbed, by means of the Hen-rooſt Ladder, when they thought it no longer ſafe to ſtay in the Houſe, the Family reaching them Victuals with the Nut-hook. It happened, as the People related it to us, that whilſt the King and Colonel were in the Tree, a Party of the Enemy's Horſe, ſent to ſearch the Houſe, came whiſtling and talking along this Road; and when they were juſt under the Tree, an Owl flew out of a neighbouring Tree, and hover'd along the Ground, as if her Wings were broken, which the Soldiers merrily purſued.

The Tree is now inclos'd within a Brick Wall, the Inſide whereof is cover'd with Laurel, of which we may ſay, as Ovid did of that of the Auguſtan Palace,—Mediamque tuebere quercum. For the Oak is in the Middle, almoſt cut away by Travellers, whoſe Curioſity leads them to ſee it. Cloſe by the Side grows a young thriving Plant from one of its Acorns.

[347]After the Reſtoration, the King, reviewing the Place, no doubt, with very different Emotions to what he had when he was in it, gather'd ſome of the Acorns, and ſet them in St. James's Park or Garden, and us'd to water them himſelf. If we may judge of the Value the King put upon his Preſervation, and Royal Perſon, it was worth 200l. per Annum, and one ſhould think a King, if worth any thing, worth that; for ſo much he gave to Pendril, and it now remains in the Family. Over the Door of the Incloſure is this Inſcription cut in Marble:

Feliciſſimam arborem, quam in aſylum potentiſſimi regis Caroli II. Deus O. M. per quem reges regnant, hic creſcere voluit, tam in perpetuam rei tantae memoriam, quam ſpecimen firmae in reges fidei, muro cinctam poſteris commendant Baſilius & Jana Fitzherbert.
Quercus amica Jovi.

That is,

Baſil and Jane Fitzherbert recommend to Poſterity this moſt fortunate Tree, which the Allgacious and Almighty God, by whom Kings reign, ordained here to grow, to be the Aſylum of the moſt potent Prince, King Charles II. and have begirt it with a Wall, as well in perpetual Remembrance of ſo great an Event, as a Teſtimony of their firm Allegiance to Kings.
— The Oak belov'd by Jove.

Ten Miles South-eaſt of Shrewſbury ſtands Great Wenlock, an antient Borough and good Market-town. The noted Wreken-hill ſtands higher up, North of it, between the Watlingſtreet and the Severn, and within a Mile of Wroxeter, the famous Roman Station. It aſcends gradually from a pleaſant level Ground, ſtrikes out a pretty great Length, and is well adorn'd with Trees. 'Tis the higheſt [348] Ground in all the County, and gives a fine Proſpect all around it.

Following the Watling ſtreet North, we came to a ſmall Market-town call'd Wellington, of very little Note; and ſtill keeping the Street, we arrived at Newport on the Borders of Staffordſhire, a little Market-town, where is one of the nobleſt Foundations for a School in the whole Kingdom, endowed by one Adams, an Haberdaſher of London, to the Value of 7000l. The School is 70 Feet long, 22 wide, and the ſame in Height, a Library, a Houſe for both the Maſter and Uſher, 60l. a Year to the firſt, and 30l. to the other, and a Garden to each Houſe of an Acre, and Two Acres for the Boys to play in. Near it he has likewiſe built an Alms-houſe, and gave 550l. towards building the Town-houſe. Over the School-door is this Diſtich:

Scripſiſti haeredem patriam, tibi quae dedit ortum:
Scriberis ergo tuae, jure, pater patriae.

That is,

Thy Country is thy Heir: and therefore we
Juſtly eſteem thy Country's Parent Thee.

Between this Town and Drayton, a ſmall Market-town, higher up Northward, and likewiſe on the Borders of Staffordſhire, is Bloreheath, famous for a Battle fought between the Houſe of York and that of Lancaſter, wherein Nevil Earl of Saliſbury for the former, with 5000 Men only, beat Lord Audley with 10000 Men, after a moſt bloody Engagement.

Entering Staffordſhire, we quitted the ſaid Streetway, a little to the left, to ſee Stafford the County-town, and the moſt conſiderable, except Litchfield, in the County. In the Way we paſs'd thro' a ſmall, but antient Town, call'd Penkrige, vulgarly Pankrage, probably the Penn [...]erucium of the Romans, [349] where happen'd to be a Fair. We were ſurpriſed to ſee the prodigious Number of the fineſt and moſt beautiful Horſes that can any-where be ſeen, brought hither from Yorkſhire, the Biſhoprick of Durham, and all the Horſe-breeding Counties in England: we were told there were not leſs than an hundred Jockeys or Horſe-kopers, as they call them there, from London, to buy Horſes for Sale. Alſo an incredible Number of Gentlemen attended with their Grooms, to buy Hunters and good Road Horſes. In a Word, I believe I may mark it for the greateſt Horſe-Fair in the World, for Horſes of Value, and eſpecially thoſe we call Saddle-Horſes; tho' there were great Numbers of fine large Stone-Horſes for Coach and Draught too.

From hence we came in Two Hours eaſy Riding to Stafford, on the River Sow. 'Tis an antient Town, and gives Name to the County; but we thought to have found in it ſomething more worth going ſo much out of the Way for. It is however neat and well-built, and pleaſantly ſeated in low Grounds, and is lately much increaſed, and grown rich by the Clothing-trade. It is governed by a Mayor, and other inferior Officers, conſiſts of Two Pariſhes, and has a good Free-ſchool. 'Tis ſaid this Town retains the antient Cuſtom of Borough Engliſh, which is, that the youngeſt Sons inherit the Lands of their Fathers within the Town. Here is likewiſe a fine ſquare Market-place, where ſtands the Shire-Hall, and the Streets are well paved.

We tarry'd here a few Days, in order to viſit the Towns lying on each Side of it, with more Attention and Convenience.

Eccleſhall lies North-weſt of Stafford, and is a pretty Market-town noted for Pedlery-wares; and a little Market-town call'd Stone, lies upon the Trent.

[...] Line ſtands ſtill further North, [...] Trent. 'Tis govern [...]d by a [350] Mayor, Two Juſtices, Two Bailiffs, and Common-council, and holds Pleas under 40s. The Streets are large, broad, and pav'd; but the Houſes are low, and generally thatch'd: the Clothing-trade flouriſhes here, and the Town is ſurrounded with Coal-pits. Here are the Ruins of an old Caſtle. The Coals here are cut out in Slices, and ſhine with all the various Colours of a Peacock's Tail, and therefore are call'd Peacock-Coals.

Dr. Plot, as an Inſtance of the Growth of Stones, mentions, that near this Place was found a Stone, with a Man's Skull, Teeth and all, incloſed in it. And here is an excellent Device for the Taming of Shrews: they put a Bridle into the Scold's Mouth, which deprives her of the Power of Speech, by which ſhe is led about the Town, and expos'd to publick Shame, till ſhe promiſes Amendment.

Betley, a little Market-town, lies Weſt of Newcaſtle, upon the Borders of Cheſhire.

Breewood is a pretty Market-town, lying South-weſt of Stafford. And due South ſtands

Wolverhampton, a very antient Town, ſituate on an Hill, which is well-built, pav'd, and inhabited. Here the Trade of Lock-making is carry'd on to great Perfection. In its Church are ſeveral old Monuments, and a Braſs Statue of Sir Richard Leveſon, who engag'd the Spaniards under Sir Francis Drake. The Pulpit is very old, and of Stone; and in the Church-yard is a very old Stone Croſs. From the Hill, on which the Town is ſituated, run Four weak Springs of different Qualities, which is the only Water they have to ſupply this large and populous Town.

Walſal, Eaſt of Wolverhampton, is a good, pleaſant Corporate-town, governed by a Mayor, and ſituate on the Top of an Hill. This Place is famous for Ironmines and Iron-works; ſuch as Spurs, Bridle-bits, Stirrups, Buckles, &c. in which there is a conſiderable Trade carried on.

[351]Upon the Extremity of the County, South, juſt on the Borders of Worceſterſhire, is ſituate upon a high Mountain, the famous antient Caſtle of Dudley, a Building of great Extent with Trenches about it, cut out of a Rock, and hath a high Tower upon it, on the South-ſide. It was built by Dodo a Saxon, in 700. Great Part of it is in Ruins, and the reſt is converted into a noble Seat, where the Lord Dudley and Ward reſides. The Caſtle over-tops all the Trees that ſurround it, and has a moſt extenſive Proſpect over Five Shires, and into part of Wales. In the Hall of this Caſtle is a Table all of one intire Plank, which, before it was fitted up there, was 25 Yards long, and 1 Yard in Breadth; but being too long for the Hall, 7 Yards and 9 Inches of it was cut off, and made a Table for the Hall of a neighbouring Gentleman. What a prodigious Oak muſt this have been, that had a Length of 25 Yards, and a Diameter of one Yard from one End to the other!

The Town of Dudley lies near it, but in Worceſterſhire; and is only remarkable for being in a different County from the Caſtle.

The People in this County have been more particularly famous than any other for good Footmanſhip; and there have been, and ſtill are among them, ſome of the fleeteſt Runners in England; which muſt be owing to their exerciſing themſelves to it from their Childhood; for running Foot-races ſeems to be the general Sport or Diverſion of the Country.

Near Stafford we ſaw Ingeſtre, where the late Walter Chetwynd, Eſq built, or rather rebuilt, a very fine Church at his own Charge, and where the late Lord Chetwynd has, with a Profuſion of Expence, laid out the fineſt Park and Gardens that are in this Part of England.

I am now at the utmoſt Extent of my propoſed Limits for this Circuit; for Ingeſtre Parks reach to [352] the very Banks of the Trent. So I turn'd to the Right, and intending for Litchfield, in the Way we ſaw Beaudeſert, a famous old Seat, ſaid to be built by Hugh Lupus, Earl of Cheſter. The Name indeed intimates it to be of Norman or French Original; at preſent it is in the noble Family of Paget, Earl of Uxbridge, who is ſtyled Baron of Beaudeſert. The Park is very fine, and its Situation exceeding pleaſant, but the Houſe is antient. In the Park is a famous Piece of Antiquity, viz. a large Camp or Fortification, ſurrounded with a double Trench, very large and deep.

From hence 'tis about four or five Miles to the City of Litchfield, the principal, next to Cheſter, of all the North-weſt Part of England; nor indeed is there any other, but this and Coventry, in the whole Road from London to Carliſle, which is on the Edge of Scotland.

At Rugely, which is an handſome well-built Town, finely ſituated near the Trent, we came into the great Lancaſhire and Cheſhire Road, or the North-weſt Road from London, which paſſing through this City from Warrington-bridge in Cheſhire, falls into the Watling-ſtreet, mention'd before, about Three Miles South-eaſt from the Town, and croſſes another antient Cauſeway or Road, call'd Icknild-ſtreet, about a Mile out of the City; ſo that Litchfield lies, as it were, at the joining of all thoſe great Roads. But inſtead of going directly to Litchfield, we ſtruck out of the Road, and went North-eaſt to Bromley, a pretty Market-town; and from thence Eaſt to Tutbury on the Skirts of Derbyſhire: It has a ſmall Market-town with a Caſtle in it.

Some Miles Southward ſtands Burton upon Trent, where the Clothing-trade is carried on with great Advantage. It is famous for its noble Bridge over the Trent, conſiſting of 34 Arches, and of the Length [353] of 515 Yards. It is built of Free-ſtone cut and ſquared.

From hence we returned South-weſt to Litchfield, which is a fine, neat, well-built, and pretty large City. It roſe from the Ruins of the Roman Etocetum a Mile off, now called Cheſterfield-wall, from ſome Reliques of its Fortifications. There is a kind of ſlow, ſluggiſh Water which runs, or rather glides heavily, thro' it, and ſo on for Four or Five Miles farther into the Trent, but takes a ſwifter Motion as ſoon as it is out of the Town. This Water parts the City into Two: one Part is call'd the Town, and the other the Cloſe; in the firſt is the Market-place, a fine School, and a very handſome Hoſpital well endow'd. This Part is much the largeſt and moſt populous: but the other is the faireſt, has the beſt Buildings in it, and, among the reſt, the Cathedral Church, one of the fineſt and moſt beautiful in England.

There are Two fine Cauſeways, which join the City and the Cloſe, with Sluices to let the Water paſs; but thoſe were cut thro' in the Time of the late inteſtine Wars in England; and the Cloſe, which is wall'd about, and was then fortify'd for the King, was very ſtrong, and ſtood out ſeveral Attacks againſt Cromwell's Men, and was not at laſt taken without great Loſs of Blood on both Sides, being gallantly defended, and at laſt taken by Storm.

There are in the Cloſe, beſides the Houſes of the Clergy Reſidentiaries, a great many very well-built, and well-inhabited Houſes, which made Litchfield a Place of good Company, above all the Towns in this or the neighbouring Counties of Warwickſhire or Derbyſhire.

The See is very antient, and was once Archiepiſcopal, made ſo by King Offa; and Eadulph the Archbiſhop was Metropolitan of all the Kingdom of the Mercians, and Eaſt-Angles; but it did not hold [354] it; then it ſuffer'd another Diminution, by having the See of Cheſter taken away, which was once Part of this.

They told us here a long Story of St. Chad, formerly Biſhop of this Church, and how he liv'd an Eremitical Life here, by the Spring near Stow Church, in a little Hovel or Cell. But the Biſhops, ſince that Time, fare better, and make ſhift with a very fine Palace in the Cloſe, and the Reſidentiaries live in Proportion to them.

They have another Legendary Story alſo at Litchfield; namely, that a thouſand poor People, being inſtructed in the Chriſtian Faith by the Care of Offa King of the Mercians, were all martyr'd here in one Field by the Pagans; and that in the Field where they were ſo murder'd, King Oſwy of Northumberland cauſed a great Church to be built; and from thence the City bears for its Device an open Field, with mangled Carcaſſes lying diſpers'd about in it, as if murder'd, and left unburied.

The Church, for the Elegancy and Regularity of the Building, may be eſteemed one of the moſt complete in England. The Weſt-end is richly decorated with the Statues of all the Kings who reigned in Jeruſalem, from David to the Captivity. But it is too flat, and wants Projection, or, as Architects call it, Relief, to give it Boldneſs. The Two Towers are much too low for their Breadth, and look very heavy for want of Windows, eſpecially where the Bells hang. The circular Stair-caſes projecting octagonally at one Angle only of each, without any of the other Three Angles anſwering, is a great Irregularity. But the Spires above them are carried up in an exceeding beautiful Taſte, much beyond any other Gothick Spires that I have ſeen. The middle Tower and Spire of this Church are much higher than thoſe at the Weſt-end, and are equally beautiful.

[355]The Spire deſigned for the Middle of Weſtminſter-Abbey, is an Imitation of the middle Spire of this Church.

The great Window over the middle Door is very large, and its Pediment finely adorn'd, a large Croſs finiſhing the Top of it.

The Imagery and carv'd Work on the Front, as above, ſuffer'd much in the late unhappy Times; and they told us, the Croſs over the Weſt Window was frequently ſhot at by the rude Soldiers; but that they could not ſhoot it down.

The Saints of thoſe Days alſo intirely ruin'd all the Ornaments of the Inſide, with the Braſs Inſcriptions, Tombs, &c. It is built in the midſt of a Bog for Security, and held out ſome fierce Attacks for King Charles I. and what the Outſide ſuffer'd, has been very well repair'd ſince the Reſtoration, as well by the famous Biſhop Hacket, as by the Bounty of ſeveral noble and generous Benefactors.

The Monaſticon makes Mention of a Shrine given here for the Holy St. Chad, or St. Cedda, which coſt 200,000l. but I conceive that to ſmell as much of the Legend, as the Miracles of St. Chad himſelf; ſince ſuch a Gift at that Time muſt be equal to Two Millions of our Money.

Antient Camps are found in the Neighbourhood of Litchfield.

From Litchfield we came to Tamworth, a fine pleaſant trading Town, eminent for good Ale, and good Company, of the middling Sort; and alſo for a fine Charity of the famous Bookſeller, Mr. Guy, who built and endow'd the noble Hoſpital in Southwark, called by his Name. The Town ſtands on the River Tame, which runs through it, and divides it into Two Parts, one Part whereof is in this County, and the other in Warwickſhire. It is a Bailiwick Town, and a Place of good Account, tho' it has been much more conſiderable. Here was antiently a Palace of [356] the Mercian Kings, and there is ſtill remaining a ſquare Trench, call'd the King's Dyke. This Town was given by the Conqueror to the Marmyons, who built the Caſtle here, and were hereditary Champions of England, from whom that Office deſcended to the Dymokes of Lincolnſhire.

From Tamworth we came to Sutton-Colefield, a little Town ſituated in an excellent Air, and among pleaſant Woods, tho' but in a barren Soil; and then we came into the great Road again at Coleſhill in Warwickſhire, a ſmall, but very handſome Market-town; from whence we came to Coventry, the Siſter City to Litchfield, and join'd in the Title of See, which was for ſome little Time ſeated here, but afterwards return'd to Litchfield.

Coventry is a City of large Extent and populous, and drives a very great Trade: the Manufacture of Tammies is their chief Imploy, and next to that, weaving of Ribbons of the meaneſt kind, chiefly black. The Buildings are very old, and in ſome Places very much decayed; the Timber-built Houſes project forwards into the Street towards one another, inſomuch that in the narrow Streets they almoſt touch at the Top; a Method of Building formerly much practiſed in London.

The Tale of the Lady Godiva, who rode naked thro' the High-Street of this City, to purchaſe its Exemption from oppreſſive Taxes, is held for ſo certain a Truth, that they will not have it queſtion'd upon any Account whatſoever; and in Memory of it, the Inhabitants make a Proceſſion yearly with a naked Figure of a Woman riding on Horſe-back thro' the City; and the Picture of the poor Fellow who peep'd out of the Window to ſee her, is ſtill kept up, looking out of a Garret in the High-Street of the City: but Mr. Camden ſays poſitively, nobody look'd at her at all. Two Parliaments have been held in this City, both remarkably denominated; one [357] in the 6th of King Henry IV. called Parliamentum Indoctorum; the other in the 38th of King Henry VI. called Parliamentum Diabolicum, becauſe of the Attainder paſs'd in it againſt the Houſe of York and its Partiſans.

At the Reſtoration of King Charles II. the Walls and Towers of the City were demoliſh'd, by that Prince's Command, and only the Gates of it left ſtanding; by which the Beauty and Strength of the reſt may be gueſs'd at.

This City is a County incorporate of itſelf, and has a great many Towns within its Liberties, holds Pleas, and is govern'd by a Mayor, 10 Aldermen, and Sub-officers; but it had only Two Pariſh Churches, that of the Holy Trinity, and the Church of St. Michael, which were unable to hold half the Inhabitants, till the Year 1734, when an Act paſſed for making the Church of Bablack in Coventry a Pariſh Church, and for appointing a Diſtrict or Pariſh thereto, and for enabling the Maſter and Uſher of the Free Grammar-ſchool within the ſaid City, to be the Rector and Lecturer of the ſaid Pariſh Church, for all time to come. This is called in the Act the Pariſh Church of St. John the Baptiſt in the City of Coventry. Beſides theſe Three Churches and Pariſhes, it has Four Steeples; and the Croſs is notedly one of its greateſt Ornaments. The Roads are kept well pav'd to it for a Mile round. Here is a good Free-ſchool, founded by John Hales, Eſq by the Name of the School of King Henry VIII. the Maſter of which is to be, for the future, the Miniſter of the new Pariſh Church, as I have mentioned. It has a good Library; and there is alſo an Hoſpital for the Poor. But here is no Cathedral, as ſome have falſly ſaid; neither is the great Church, ſo called, either Collegiate or Conventual; but only a Monaſtery or Priory.

[358]Yet this City contended a great while for thi [...] Honour, but could not carry it. In King Henry VIII.'s Time, the Priory being diſſolv'd, the Church, which they would have call'd a Cathedral, was reduc'd to a private Pariſh Church, and continues ſo to this Day: 'tis alſo an Archdeaconry, and the Biſhop is ſtyled Biſhop of Litchfield and Coventry.

The Spire of the great Church is however very beautiful, and 100 Yards high. There is another good Church in the ſame Yard; the Croſs, a fine Gothick Work, 66 Feet high; and in Niches are the Statues of ſeveral of the Engliſh Kings. At the South-end of the Town ſtands a tall Spire by itſelf, being what is left of the Grey Friers Conventual Church. The Town-houſe is worth ſeeing; the Windows of it are painted Glaſs, repreſenting ſome of the old Kings, Earls, &c. who have been Benefactors to the Town.

And a Copy of Latin Verſes are there to be read, in Praiſe of their Royal Benefactors, in which are named the Edwards, the Henries, the Black Prince, Queen Elizabeth, the Duke of Northumberland, and the great Earl of Leiceſter.

From Coventry we could by no means paſs the Town of Warwick, the Diſtance too being but about Six Miles, and a very pleaſant Way on the Banks of the River Avon: 'Tis famous for being the Reſidence of the great Guy, Earl of Warwick, of whom Tradition has deliver'd down to us ſo many hyperbolical Accounts, that it is hardly poſſible to diſtinguiſh his real Actions from what are fabulous. He flouriſhed in the Reign of Athelſtane, and decided the Fate of the Kingdom by Compact, in ſingle Combat with Colbrond the Dane, a Man of gigantick Stature, whom he ſlew, and afterwards led a Hermit's Life, till his Death. They ſhew us here his Caſtle, his Helmet, his Sword, and tell abundance of things of [359] him, which have ſome Appearance of Hiſtory, tho' not much Authority to ſupport them. So I leave that Part to the curious Searchers into Antiquity, who may conſult Mr. Camden, Rous, Dugdale, and other Antiquaries on that Subject, who tell us the Caſtle was built before our Saviour's Time, and has been a Place of great Conſideration ever ſince.

As to Warwick, it is really a fine Town, pleaſantly ſituated on the Bank of the Avon, over which is a large and ſtately Bridge, the Avon being now grown a pretty large River. Warwick has ſuffer'd much from all Quarters. It was once deſtroy'd by the Picts and Scots; after which the famous Caractacus (who at the Head of the Silures oppos'd the Romans ſo long) rebuilt it, erecting there alſo a Palace for himſelf. Then the Romans under Oſtorius, and after them the Saxons, greatly damaged it; and laſtly, the ravaging Danes ruined it.

Tho' it was a Corporation by Preſcription, yet it took a Charter from Philip and Mary, and ſince from James I. and is now governed by a Bailiff, and 12 Burgeſſes. It has a handſome Stone-built Market-houſe upheld by Pillars; and here is a good Free-ſchool, and a well-endow'd Hoſpital for decayed Gentlemen. Tho' it has been always accounted a handſome well-built Town, yet the Face of it is now quite alter'd and improv'd; for having been almoſt wholly reduc'd to a Heap of Rubbiſh, by a terrible Fire, which happen'd the Fifth Day of September 1694, by the mere Accident of a Spark being blown from a Stick, as it was carried croſs a Lane, to the Damage of 96,000l. it was rebuilt by Act of Parliament, and that in ſo noble and beautiful a manner, that few Towns in England make ſo fine an Appearance.

The Church and lofty Tower is new-built, except the Eaſt-end, which is old, and very good Work. There are many fine Braſs Monuments of the Earls of Warwick, and others; alſo one of the Earl of [360] Eſſex, Queen Elizabeth's unhappy Favourite; and many Chapels and Confeſſionaries. In the Chapter-houſe on the North-ſide is a Tomb of the Lord Brook. The Caſtle ſtands upon the River Avon on a ſolid Rock, from whoſe Bowels that and the whole Town may be ſaid to have been dug. The Terrace of the Caſtle, like that of Windſor, overlooks a beautiful Country, and ſees the Avon running at the Foot of the Precipice, from above 50 Feet perpendicular Height; for the ſolid Rock, from the River on which it ſtands, it 40 Feet high, but on the North-ſide it is even with the Town. The Building is old, but has been often repair'd and beautify'd; and 'tis now a very agreeable Structure both within and without. The Apartments are very nicely contrived, and the Communication of the remoteſt Parts of the Building, one with another, is ſo well preſerv'd by Galleries, and by the great Hall, which is very magnificent, that one finds no Irregularity in the whole Building, notwithſtanding its antient Plan, as it was a Caſtle, built for Strength rather than a Palace to dwell in for Pleaſure.

A Stone Bridge with a Dozen Arches is at the Caſtle; acroſs is a Stone-work Dam, where the Water falls over it as a Caſcade under the Caſtle Wall. It is fenc'd with a deep Mound, and ſtrong embattled double Walls and lofty Towers. On one Side the Area is a very high Mount. There are good Apartments and Lodgings next the River, the Reſidence of the Lord Brook. The Priory, on the North-eaſt of the Town overlooks a pleaſant woody Vale. There are a great many curious original Pictures in the Caſtle, by Vandyke and other good Hands, of Kings, Queens, and other noble Perſonages, both Engliſh and Foreign.

A Mile out of Town, on the Side of a Hill, is a pretty retired Cell, called Guy-cliff. In an old Chapel is Guy's Statue, Eight Feet high. The [361] Fence of the Court is intire Rock, in which are cut Stables and Out-houſes. They ſhew'd us the rough Cave, where they ſay the famous Guy dy'd an Hermit.

While I was ſtation'd, as I may ſay, at Warwick, I took a Turn about the Country, to view ſuch Places of Note, as lay ſomething out of my intended Rout. And firſt, paſſing a Rivulet, I came to the antient Tripontium, plac'd in a pleaſant little Valley, the Sides of which are pretty ſteep. The Road on the oppoſite Hill looks perfectly like a Perſpective-ſcene at the Theatre. This is a Roman Station, rightly plac'd at Dovebridge upon the Avon, running by Rugby to Warwick. The Stream here divides into two, with a Bridge over each. Upon one is a ſhort Inſcription in Stone, ſhewing the three Counties which repair it.

Near this Place, at Legers-Aſhby in Northamptonſhire, has been an old Town, as they ſay, deſtroy'd by the Danes. Catesby, who hatch'd the Powder-plot, own'd the Town.

We went on to Daventry, a conſiderable Market-town, govern'd by a Mayor, Aldermen, Steward, and 12 Freemen. It lies on the great Road to Cheſter, and is conſequently a great Thorough-fare, and well furniſh'd with good Inns; for it ſubſiſts chiefly by the great Concourſe of Travellers that paſs that way. It lies alſo on the old Watling-ſtreet Way. The Road was turn'd to paſs through the Town, and runs on to Dunſmore-heath, where it croſſes the Foſſe, and one Branch goes on to Coventry, and the other joins the Foſſe, and goes on to a Place call'd High-croſs, of which further anon, where it falls into the old Watling-ſtreet, and both meet again near Litchfield.

It is a moſt pleaſant Curioſity to obſerve the Courſe of theſe old famous Highways, the Ikenild Way, the Watling-ſtreet, and the Foſſe; in which one ſees ſo lively a Repreſentatation of the antient Britiſh, [362] Roman and Saxon Governments, that one cannot help recalling thoſe Times to the Imagination; and though I am confin'd to ſuch narrow Limits in this Work, yet a Circuit or Tour thro' England would be very imperfect, if I ſhould take no Notice of theſe Ways, ſeeing in tracing them we neceſſarily come to the principal Towns, either that are or have been in every County; and likewiſe in mentioning their Remains, we give ſome Account of them as in their preſent State, which falls directly in with my Deſign.

From Daventry we went a little out of the Road, to ſee a great Camp, call'd Burrow-hill, upon the North End of an Eminence, cover'd over with Fern and and Goſs. Here uſed to be kept a Horſe-race. They ſay this was a Daniſh Camp, and every thing hereabouts is attributed to the Danes, becauſe of the neighbouring Daventry, which they ſuppoſe to be built by them. The Road hereabouts too being overgrown with Daneweed, they fanſy it ſprung from the Blood of the Danes, ſlain in Battle; and that if upon a certain Day in the Year you cut it, it bleeds. Originally, it ſeems to have been Roman, but perhaps new-modell'd by the Danes.

In Norton Town Road a Cornu Ammonis lies neglected, too big to bring away.

At Weedon is ſhewn the Scite of King Wolfhere's Palace; the Saxon Kings of this Province reſiding here. The Paſtures call'd, The Aſhes are the Roman Camp. St. Werberg, Daughter of King Wolfhere, and Abbeſs to the Nunnery in this Place, had here a Chapel. Abundance of very fine Stone, and many Roman Coins, have been dug up. Weedon now contains two Pariſhes, and has been a Market-town.

Towceſter is a conſiderable Town between two Rivulets, which encompaſs it almoſt round.

Old Stretford ſtands on the oppoſite Side of the Owſe to Stony-Stratford; in the Fields thereabouts are found many Roman Coins.

[363]A little North of the Horſeſhoe-inn ſtood Queen Eleanor's Croſs, which was pull'd down in the Civil Wars.

To the Weſt of Stretford ſtands Whaddon-hall, upon very high Ground, affording a moſt beautiful Proſpect. This Manor formerly belong'd to the Lords Grey; one of whom, a Knight of the Garter, is buried in the Church. Here is the original Picture of Dr. Willis, the Progenitor of the preſent Poſſeſſor, with many of his MSS. Letters, Conſultations, Lectures, and other Works unpubliſh'd. The Poets Spencer and the Duke of Bucks honour'd this Place with their Reſidence. Still higher ſtands Stukely: The Church is very intire, tho' built before the Conqueſt, in the plain antient manner.

I now come to Northampton, the handſomeſt Town in all this Part of England; but here, as at Warwick, the Beauty of it is owing to its Diſaſter; for it was ſo effectually burnt down, that very few Houſes were left ſtanding; and, altho' the Fire began in the Day-time, the Flame ſpread itſelf with ſuch Fury, and Speed, that they tell us, a Townſman being two Miles off, upon a Hill, on the South-ſide of the Town, ſaw the Fire at one End of it, juſt as it began; and before he could reach the Town, with all the Speed he could, the other End was in Flames alſo. 'Tis now finely rebuilt with Brick and Stone, and the Streets made ſpacious and wide. It has four Churches, two Hoſpitals, and a Charity-ſchool well endow'd. The Market-place is ſquare and ſpacious; the Aſſize-houſe is built after the Corinthian Order. Allhallows Church is a pretty Edifice, with a Cupola, and a noble Portico, before it, of 8 lofty Ionick Columns. Upon the Baluſtrade is a Statue of King Charles II. It is ſituate on the River Nyne, over which there are two handſome Bridges, and is walled in; and on the Weſt ſide are the Remains of an old Caſtle, upon an Eminence. [364] 'Tis govern'd by a Mayor, two Bailiffs, a Recorder, &c. All-Saints Church before-mention'd ſtands in a Centre, where four large ſpacious Streets terminate. The publick Buildings are eſteem'd the fineſt that can be ſeen in any County-town in England, being all new-built. But that Writer took very little Notice of Northampton, or rather had never ſeen it, who told us of a Cathedral, a Chapter-houſe, and a Cloyſter.

The great Inn called the George, at the Corner of the High-Street, looks more like a Palace than an Inn, and coſt above 2000l. building; and ſo generous was the Owner, that, as we were told, when he had built it, he gave it to the Poor of the Town.

This is counted the Centre of all the Horſe-Markets, and Horſe-Fairs in England, there being here no leſs than four Fairs in a Year. And indeed Northampton is reckoned the Navel of England. Here they buy Horſes of all Sorts, as well for the Saddle as for the Coach and Cart; and hither [...]ll the Jockeys from London reſort to purchaſe Horſes.

Near Northampton is the antient Royal Houſe of Holmeby, which was formerly in great Eſteem, and by its Situation is capable of being made a truly Royal Palace. But the melancholy Reflection of the Impriſonment of King Charles I. in this Houſe, and his being violently taken hence again by the Rebels, has caſt a kind of Diſgrace upon the Place, ſo that it has been forſaken. The Houſe and Eſtate was purchas'd by the Ducheſs of Marlborough, and became Part of the Jointure which was ſettled on the Marchioneſs of Blandford. It is at preſent poſſeſſed by a Farmer, who has pull'd down Part of the Out-houſes, and converted the remaining Part into Barns, Stables, &c.

A little way off of Northampton is Naſeby, where the bloody and fatal Battle was fought between the [365] Royaliſts and Parliamentarians, upon a fine Plain, where at preſent ſtands a Wind-mill; and on it, are the Marks of ſeveral great Holes, where the Slain were buried; and near this is Guildsborough, ſo nam'd from a Roman Camp, of a ſquare Form, and deep Ditch, called The Burrows.

The Town of Towceſter is of large Extent, and very populous; and having but one Pariſh Church, which is two Miles diſtant from the Hamlet of Althorpe and Foxcoate, in which there was a Chapel of [...]aſe, but officiated in only once a Month, by the Vicar of Towceſter, though 'tis computed there are 400 Souls in the ſaid Hamlet, who in the Winter-time cannot attend Divine Service at Towceſter; and ſeveral Benefactions having been given, in caſe the ſaid Hamlet ſhould be erected into a Pariſh: For all theſe Reaſons, an Act paſſed, Seſſ. 1737. for making the Chapel in the Hamlet of Althorpe and Foxc [...]te a Pariſh Church, and for appointing a Diſtrict or Pariſh thereto; and, according to the Condition of one of the Benefactions, enabling the Maſter of the Free Grammar-ſchool, within the ſaid Hamlet, to be Vicar of the new Pariſh Church.

The Seat of the Earl of Pomfret, near Towceſter, is a ſtately Building, and ſtands pleaſantly amidſt good Plantations of Wood, Viſta's, and fine Proſpects. In the grand View to the back Front, beyond the Garden, is a large and long Canal. Several curious Pictures are in the Houſe. But what inhances the Glory of this Seat is, the vaſt Number of Greek and Roman Marbles, Statues, Buſto's, Bas-reliefs, Urns, Altars, &c. Part of the invaluable Collection of the great Earl of Arundel, and which are worthy of a Journey through half the Globe to behold. The Hall is a fine lofty Room, and the great Stairs are painted in Freſco by Sir James Thornhill.

Towceſter is a pretty Town of Roman Antiquity; through which, in a ſtrait Line, runs the Watling-ſtreet. [366] The Inhabitants of all Ages are here imploy'd in a ſilken Manufacture, and Lace-making. The Town conſiſts of one long Street, and is almoſt intirely incompaſs'd with Water.

The Houſe late the Earl of Sunderland's, at Althorpe, now belonging to the Hon. John Spencer, Eſq Brother to his Grace the preſent Duke of Marlborough, who is Earl of Sunderland, has within theſe few Years changed its Face to much Advantage. This antient Seat was rebuilt with great Improvement, by Robert Earl of Sunderland, Grandfather to the preſent Duke of Marlborough; and is particularly noted for a magnificent Gallery, furniſh'd with a large Collection of curious Paintings, by the beſt Hands.

The Park is laid out and planted, after the Manner of that at Greenwich, and was deſign'd by Le Notre, the ſame Perſon who planted St. James's Park, and Caſſioberry; as alſo ſeveral other Parks and Gardens in England.

There is a noble Piece of Water here, on which is lately built a fine Veſſel, completely equipp'd; as his Grace the Duke of Bedford has alſo at his Seat at Woburn-Abbey. There is likewiſe on this Water a fine Venetian Gondola, Canoes, &c. But this Water is ſituated too near the Houſe, and occaſions ſo great a Damp, that ſome of the Pictures in the Gallery are mildew'd thereby.

At a convenient Diſtance from the Houſe, is lately built a handſome Square of Offices, and near theſe is a large Kitchen-Garden finely walled and planted, in which is a handſome Building, for the Reſidence of the Gardener, which is a Model of an Italian Villa.

From hence we went North towards Harborough, and in the Way, in the Midſt of deep diſmal Roads, the dirtieſt and worſt in all that Part of the Country, we ſaw Boughton, the noble Seat of the Duke of Montagu, a Houſe built by the firſt Duke, very [367] much after the Model of the Palace of Verſailles; the treble Wings projecting and expanded, forming a Court or Space wider and wider, in proper Stades, anſwerable to the Wings, the Body of the Houſe cloſing the whole View.

The Hall is a very noble Room; on the Ceiling is a Convocation of the Gods, admirably painted, as are many Suites of Rooms, Stair-caſes, Galleries, &c. beſide the great Number of Portraits and other curious Pictures. The Gardens contain 90 Acres, adorn'd with Statues, Flower-pots, Urns of Marble and Metal, many very large Baſons, with Variety of Fountains playing, Aviaries, Reſervoirs, Fiſh-ponds, Canals, Wilderneſſes, Terraces, &c. The Caſcade is very fine, and a whole River running thro' the Length of the Gardens, is diverſify'd moſt agreeably to complete its Beauty.

The Park is walled round with Brick, and ſo finely planted with Trees, and in ſuch an excellent Order, that I ſaw nothing more beautiful, no not in Italy itſelf, except that the Walks of Trees were not Orange and Lemon, and Citron, as it is in Naples, and the Abruzzo, and other Southern Parts of Italy.

A Mile off is Geddington, where, in a Trivium, ſtands one of the Stone Croſſes, built by King Edward I. in Memory of his Queen Eleanor. Theſe are ſaid to be the Places where the Corps of that Princeſs reſted, and Croſſes erected, viz. Lincoln, Newark, Leiceſter, Geddington, Northampton, Stony-Stratford, Dunſtable, St. Albans, Waltham, Cheapſide, Charing-croſs.

On Willoughby Side of the Road is an Hillock, call'd Croſs-hill, where the Country-people obſerve an anniverſary Feſtival. Willoughby Brook plays in delightful Meanders along a Valley between Cornfields, with a moderate Water, unleſs raiſed by Rains. Here ſeveral braſs and ſilver Coins have been found, and ſome of Gold. The People have a Notion of [368] great Riches being hid under-ground; and there is a vulgar Report, that under one Balk or Mere, that is, Diviſion, between the ploughed Fields, there is as much Money, as would purchaſe the whole Lordſhip; but they dare not dig, they pretend, for fear of Spirits. Moſaic Pavements, Coins, Pot-hooks, Fire-ſhovels, &c. have been alſo found.

In Willoughby Town is an handſome Croſs of one Stone, five Yards long. The Parliament Soldiers had ty'd Ropes about it to pull it down; but the Vicar quench'd their Zeal with ſome ſtrong Beer, after having harangued them concerning its Innocence.

At Coſſington, near the River Wrek, is a vaſt Barrow, 350 Feet long, 120 broad, 40 high, or near it, very handſomely work'd up on the Sides, and very ſteep. It is call'd Shipley-hill, from a great Captain of that Name, who, they ſay, was here buried. On the Top are ſeveral oblong doubled Trenches cut in the Turf, where the Lads and Laſſes of the adjacent Villages meet on Eaſter-monday to recreate themſelves with Cakes and Ale.

At Erdborough is a ſtrong Roman Camp, 800 Feet long, of a delightful Proſpect. Near it is a petrifying Spring.

But I muſt not omit, as I had like to have done, the Town of Wellingborough in the County of Northampton.

It was a large, well-built, and well-inhabited Town, with a fine Church, and Free-ſchool. A dreadful Fire which happen'd here in July 1738, has made the Town ſtill more beautiful, tho' the Occaſion was too melancholy to be wiſh'd for. It began at a Dyer's Houſe in the Town, about two in the Afternoon, and in the Space of Six Hours conſumed near 220 Houſes, beſides Out-houſes, Barns, Stables, &c. amounting in the Whole to upwards of 800, moſtly in the South and Eaſt Parts of the Town. The Wind being high, and but little Water to be had, [369] the Fire was ſo fierce and violent, that it ſeem'd to break out at twenty Places at once, and the Inhabitants were in ſuch Confuſion, that but few of them had Time to ſave any Goods, and many only the Cloaths on their Backs. As it happen'd chiefly among the Trading Men and Farmers, the Loſs upon them was very heavy. But it was a good deal alleviated by the ſignal Charity of the neighbouring Gentlemen and others, which ſaved many of the poor Sufferers from periſhing for Want.

In the Month of March, following this dreadful Fire, another happen'd at Findon, two Miles from Wellingborough, which conſumed 16 Houſes.

From Boughton we went on to Harborough, a good Market-town, and great Thorough-fare, intending to go forward to Leiceſter; but Curioſity turn'd us Weſt a little, to ſee an old Town call'd Lutterworth, famous for being the Birth-place of John Wickliff, the firſt Preacher of the Reformation in England, whoſe Diſciples were afterwards called Lollards.

The Church was lately beautify'd, and pav'd with a coſtly Pavement of chequer'd Stone; and the Pews are new, and every thing in it both in Church and Chancel, except the Pulpit, of thick Oak-Planks, ſix-ſquare, which is preſerv'd on account of its being Wickliff's Pulpit.

Being thus got a little out of our Way, we turn'd Weſt into the Watling-ſtreet Way, at High-croſs, where the Foſs croſſes it, and which, I ſuppoſe, occaſion'd the Name, leaving Rugby in Warwickſhire, a ſmall Town, noted only for a great Number of Butchers, on the South-weſt of us. At this Croſs we ſeem'd to be in the Centre, and higheſt Ground of England; for from hence Rivers run every way. The Foſſe went acroſs the Back-ſide of our Inn, and ſo towards Bath. Here are divers Roman Antiquities: [370] its antient Appellation was Benonis. The late Earl of Denbigh, and the Gentlemen in the Neighbourhood, erected here a Croſs of an handſome Deſign, but of mouldering Stone, thro' the Deceit of the Architect. It conſiſts of four Dorick Columns, regarding the four Roads, with a gilded Globe and Croſs at-top, upon a Sun-dial. On two Sides, between the four Tuſcan Pillars, which compoſe a ſort of Pedeſtal, are theſe Inſcriptions: Vicinarum provinciarum, Vervicenſis ſcilicet & Leiceſtrenſis, ornamenta, proceres patriciique, auſpiciis illuſtriſſimi Baſilii comitis de Denbigh, hanc columnam ſtatuendam curaverunt, in gratam pariter & perpetuam memoriam Jani tandem a ſereniſſima Anna clauſi, A. D. M.DCC.XII.’ Thus tranſlated: ‘The Noblemen and Gentry, Ornaments of the neighbouring Counties of Warwick and Leiceſter, at the Inſtances of the Right Honourable Baſil Earl of Denbigh, have cauſed this Pillar to be erected, in grateful as well as perpetual Remembrance of Peace at length reſtored by her Majeſty Queen Anne, in the Year of our Lord M.DCC.XII.’

The Inſcription on the other Side runs thus: Si veterum Romanorum veſtigia quaeras, hic cernas, viator. Hic enim celeberrimae illorum viae militares ſeſe mutuo ſecantes ad extremos uſque Britanniae limites pr [...]currunt: hic ſtativa ſua habuerunt Vennones; & ad primum abhinc lapidem caſtra ſua ad Stratam, & ad Foſſam tumulum, Claudius quidam cohortis praefectus habuiſſe videtur. Which may be thus rendered: ‘If, Traveller, you ſearch for the Foot-ſteps of the antient Romans, here you may behold them. For [371] here their moſt celebrated military Ways, croſſing one another, extend to the utmoſt Boundaries of Britain: Here the Vennones kept their Quarters; and at the Diſtance of one Mile from hence, Claudius, a certain Commander of a Cohort, ſeems to have had a Camp towards the * Street, and towards the Foſſe a Tomb.’

The Watling-ſtreet, meaſuring from Cheſter thro' London and Dover, makes a ſtrait Line with Rome. Which ſeems to have been ſo contriv'd by the great Founders, that in travelling upon it they might have the Satisfaction of reflecting, that they were going upon the Line which led to the Capital of the Empire.

To proceed, we kept the Street-way till we came into the Leiceſter Road, which we followed Eaſt to Hinkley, a Market-town, ſituate on a Hill very pleaſantly. This Town is noted for a large handſome Church, and a high Spire-Steeple all of Stone, in which is a Chime of excellent Bells.

From hence we turn'd North-weſt, and came to Nun-Eaton, an ordinary manufacturing Town, on the River Anker, and then Northward to Atherſton; and ſo made a kind of ſerpentizing Tour of it along the Borders of the two Counties of Warwick and Leiceſter, ſometimes in one and ſometimes in the other.

Atherſton is a Market-town famous for a great Cheeſe-Fair, on the 8th of September, from whence the Cheeſe-Factors carry the vaſt Quantities of Cheeſe they buy to Sturbridge Fair, which begins about the ſame Time, but holds much longer; and here 'tis ſold again for the Supply of the Counties of Eſſex, Suffolk, and Norfolk.

[372]A little North-weſt of Atherſton ſtands Poleſworth, formerly a Market-town; but ſince the Diſſolution of a famous Nunnery, which was there, the Market was diſcontinued.

From Atherſton we turn'd Eaſt again, into Leiceſterſhire, to ſee Boſworth-field, famous for the great Battle which put an End to the Reign of Richard III. and to the long and bloody Contention between the Red Roſe and the White, or the two Royal Houſes of York and Lancaſter; which, as Fame tells us, had coſt the Lives of 11 Princes, 23 Earls and Dukes, 3000 Noblemen, Knights, and Gentlemen, and 200,000 of the common People. We view'd the Spot of Ground where the Battle was fought; and at the Town they ſhew'd us ſeveral Pieces of Swords, Heads of Lances, Barbs of Arrows, Pieces of Pole-Axes, and ſuch-like Inſtruments of Death, which they ſaid were found by the Country People in the ſeveral Grounds near the Place of Battle, as they had occaſion to dig, or trench, or plough up the Ground.

Within three Miles of this Place is an antient Market-town, of the ſame Name, lying on a Hill, in a very healthy and pleaſant Air. The Soil all round it is fruitful, both for Tillage and Paſture.

Hence I paſs'd directly North to Aſhby de la Zouch, on the Skirts of Derbyſhire, a very pleaſant Town, lying between two Parks. It conſiſts but of one Street, in which ſtands a pretty Stone Croſs; the Church is large and handſome, and 'tis famous for four good Horſe-Fairs in the Year.

We then paſs'd South-eaſt into Leiceſterſhire. The Earl of Stamford has a good old Hunting-ſeat on this Side of the Country, call'd Bradgate, and a fine Park at Grooby; but they were too much out of our Way: ſo we came on thro' a fine Foreſt to Leiceſter.

Leiceſter is an antient large and populous Town, containing five Pariſhes; 'tis the Capital of the County [373] of that Name, and ſtands on the River Soar, which riſes not far from High-croſs, juſt mention'd: It is a Borough and Corporation Town, whereof the chief Magiſtrate is a Mayor, who is aſſiſted by a Recorder, Aldermen, and Common-council. Here are three Markets weekly, well ſupply'd with Proviſions. A conſiderable Manufacture is carry'd on here, and in ſeveral of the Market-towns around, for weaving of Stockens by Frames; and one would ſcarce think it poſſible ſo ſmall an Article of Trade could imploy ſuch Multitudes of People as it does; for the whole County ſeems to be buſy'd in it: as alſo Nottingham and Derby, of which hereafter.

The County of Leiceſter is in part alſo taken up in Country Buſineſs, more particularly in breeding and feeding Cattle. Moſt of the Gentlemen are Graſiers, and in ſome Places the Graſiers are ſo rich, that they grow Gentlemen; 'tis not an uncommon thing for Graſiers here to rent Farms from 500l. to 2000l. a Year.

The Sheep bred in this County and Lincolnſhire, which joins to it, are, without Compariſon, the largeſt, and bear not only the greateſt Weight of Fleſh on their Bones, but alſo the greateſt Fleeces of Wool on their Backs, of any Sheep in England: and hence it is, that theſe Counties becomes vaſt Magazines of Wool for the reſt of the Nation. Nor is the Wool leſs fine becauſe of the great Quantity; but as 'tis the longeſt Staple, as the Clothiers call it, ſo it is the fineſt Wool in the whole Iſland, ſome few Places excepted; ſuch as Leominſter in Herefordſhire, the South Downs in Suſſex, and ſuch little Places, where the Quantity is ſmall and inſignificant, compar'd to this Part of the Country; for the Sheep-breeding Country reaches from the River Anker, on the Border of Warwickſhire, to the Humber, at the fartheſt End of Lincolnſhire, which is near 100 Miles in Length; and from the Bank of Trent, in Lincolnſhire [374] and Leiceſterſhire, to the Bank of Ouſe, bordering on Bucks, Bedford, Cambridge, and Huntingdon Shires, above 60 Miles in Breadth.

Theſe are the Funds of Sheep which furniſh the City of London with their large Mutton, in ſuch prodigious Quantities. There are indeed a few Sheep of a large Breed, which are brought up from Romney Marſh, and the adjoining low Grounds in Kent and Suſſex; but they are few, and indeed ſcarce worth naming, compar'd to what are produc'd in theſe Counties.

The Horſes bred, or rather fed here, are the largeſt in England, being generally the great black Coach and Dray-horſes; of which ſo great a Number are continually ſent up to London, that one would think ſo little a Spot as this of Leiceſterſhire, could not poſſibly produce ſo many. But the adjoining Counties of Northampton and Bedford have of late come into the ſame Buſineſs. The chief Supply, however, is from this County, from whence the other Counties rather buy them, and feed them up as Jockeys and Chapmen, than breed them up from their Beginning.

In the South-weſt Part of the Country riſe four conſiderable Second-rate Rivers, which run every one a directly contrary Courſe in a moſt remarkable Manner.

1. The Avon, which runs by Rugby, and goes away to Warwick South-weſt.

Of this River the Poet elegantly ſings:

Yet rolling Avon ſtill maintains its Stream,
Swell'd with the Glories of the Roman Name.
Strange Pow'r of Fate! Unſhaken Moles muſt waſte,
While Things that ever move, for ever laſt.

2. The Soar, which runs by Leiceſter, and goes away to the Trent, North-weſt.

[375]3. The Anker, which runs by Nun-Eaton, and goes away to Atherſton, North; and ſo on to Tamworth, Weſt.

4. The Welland, which runs by Harborough, and goes away to Stamford, North-eaſt.

I ought not to omit obſerving, that as the Town of Leiceſter was formerly very ſtrong and well fortify'd, being advantageouſly ſituated for that Purpoſe, the River covering it half way about, ſo it was again fortify'd in the late unhappy Wars, and being gariſon'd by the Parliament Forces, was aſſaulted by the Royaliſts, who, after an obſtinate Defence, took it Sword in Hand, which occaſion'd a terrible Slaughter. They preſerve here a moſt remarkable Piece of Antiquity, being a Piece of Moſaick Work at the Bottom of a Cellar; 'tis the Story of Acteon, and his being kill'd by his own Hounds, wrought as a Pavement, in a moſt exquiſite Manner; the Stones are only of two Colours, White, and Brown, and very ſmall.

The Caſtle here, before it was diſmantled, was a prodigious Building. It was the Court of the great Henry Duke of Lancaſter, who added to it 26 Acres of Ground; which he inclos'd with a very ſtrong Wall of ſquare Stone, 18 Feet high, and called it his Novum opus, vulgarly now the Newark, where the beſt Houſes in or near Leiceſter are, and do ſtill continue extra-parochial. The Hall and Kitchen of this Place remain ſtill intire, as Teſtimonies of the Grandeur of the Whole; the former being ſo lofty and ſpacious, that the Courts of Juſtice, which in Aſſize-time are held there, are at ſuch a Diſtance, as to give no Diſturbance to one another. There are ſeveral Gate-ways to enter this Palace; and that which faces the Eaſt, has an Arch that is deemed a curious Piece of Architecture; over which in the Tower is kept the Magazine for the Militia of the County.

[376]Beneath this Caſtle was a very fair Collegiate Hoſpital, in the Church whereof, Henry Earl of Lancaſter, and Henry his Son the firſt Duke of it, were bury'd; the Hoſpital was built by the Duke in his old Age, and appropriated for the Maintenance of 100 poor People, in which alſo he placed a Dean and twelve Canons, Prebendaries, with as many Vicars and other Miniſters, and ten able Women to ſerve and aſſiſt the Poor and Weak. This, with Divine Service therein, doth in ſome meaſure ſtill ſubſiſt by certain Stipends paid out of the Duchy of Lancaſter. Another Hoſpital built by Sir William Wigſton, in the Reign of King Henry VIII. is in a very flouriſhing Condition there.

Leiceſter is the Ratae Coritanorum of the Romans. The Trace of the Roman Wall is diſcoverable without Difficulty, eſpecially in the Gardens about Senvygate, with a Ditch, which is very viſible. This was repair'd by Edelfleda, a noble Saxon Lady, in the Year 914. The old Work call'd Jewry-wall is compoſed of Rag-ſtone, and Roman Brick.

Not far off is a Place call'd Holy-bones, where abundance of Bones of Oxen have been dug up, which were the Remains of the Roman Sacrifices.

At Leiceſter many Roman Coins are found; a Pot full of them was dug up at the Entrance into Whitefriers. There are alſo many great Foundations. At St. Mary de Pree's Abbey a Body was dug up, ſuppoſed to be Cardinal Wolſey's.

Since its Diſſolution it has been made a Dwelling-houſe, which has nothing left but the naked Walls, and the Spot of the Abbey is turned into a Garden. The only thing worth ſeeing in it, is a pleaſant Terrace-walk, ſupported by an embattled Wall, with Lunets hanging over the River, and ſhaded with Trees.

In the Time of the Saxons, St. Margaret's Church was an epiſcopal See, and was very fine. Here, ſay ſome, King Richard III. was buried.

[377]Half a Mile Southward from Leiceſter, upon the Edge of the Meadows, is a long Ditch, call'd Rawdikes; on the Banks of which, according to Tradition, King Charles I. ſtood to behold the Storm of the Town. That Prince lay at the Vicarage-houſe at Elſton.

South-eaſt of Leiceſter lies Billeſden, a Market-town of no Note: and further South ſtill, is Hallaton, another Town noted for its Poverty, in the midſt of a rich Soil.

The Foſſe-way leads from hence through the North-weſt Part of this County; but entering Nottinghamſhire, it inclines North-eaſt, through the Vale of Belvoir, or, as it is commonly call'd, of Bever, to Newark. In all this long Tract, we paſs through a rich and fertile Country, having in our Coaſt North-eaſtward the noble River Trent, for twenty Miles together, often in our View.

But ſome Miles North of Leiceſter the River Wrek, which comes from the North-eaſt, and the Stour, which runs North-weſt, form a kind of Y; the Stour from Leiceſter Southward making the Tail. In the Courſe laſt-mentioned we paſſed through Montſorrel and Loughborough, both Market-towns, lying on the Foſſe, which runs nearly parallel with the Stour, and makes one Side of the Y. The firſt is ſituate under a great Eminence, and has a good Stone Bridge over the Stour; and the other is ſeated among rich Meadow-ground, and is a fine agreeable Town. And on the Wrek, which makes the other Side of the Y, ſtand Melton Mowbray, a large well-built conſiderable Market-town, ſituate in a fertile Soil, almoſt ſurrounded with a little River, call'd the Eye, over which it has two fine Bridges; and alſo Waltham on the Would, (i. e. on the Downs) which is but a mean Market-town.

Belvoir-caſtle, ſtanding within Lincolnſhire, but on the Edge of Leiceſterſhire, is a truly noble Situation, [378] tho' on a very high Precipice; 'tis the antient Seat of the Dukes of Rutland, a Family riſen by juſt Degrees to an immenſe Height both of Honour and Wealth. I ſhall mention the Houſe again in my Return out of Lincolnſhire.

Bingham in Nottinghamſhire lying in our Way to Newark, we paſs'd through it. It is but a ſmall Market-town, but is noted for a Parſonage of great Value.

At Newark one can hardly ſee, without Regret, the Ruins of that famous Caſtle, which through all the civil War in England, kept a ſtrong Gariſon for the King to the laſt, and ſo cut off the greateſt Paſs into the North that is in the whole Kingdom; nor was it ever taken, 'till the King, preſs'd by the Calamity of his Affairs, put himſelf into the Hands of the Scots Army, which lay before it, and then commanded the Governor to deliver it up; after which it was demoliſh'd, that the great Road might lie open and free; and it remains in Rubbiſh to this Day.

The Caſtle was built here by Alexander Biſhop of Lincoln, in the Reign of King Stephen; and the Town took its Name from that New Work.

This Town was certainly rais'd from the neighbouring Roman Cities, and has been wall'd about with their Remains. The Northern Gate is compoſed of Stones ſeemingly of a Roman Cut: and perhaps they had a Town here; for many Antiquities are found about it. Here are two fine Stone Croſſes. A Gentleman, digging to plant ſome Tree by the Foſſe Road Side, diſcover'd four Urns in a ſtrait Line, and at equal Diſtances, in one of which was a braſs Lar, or Houſhold-God, an Inch and half long, but much conſum'd by Ruſt.

Newark is a very handſome well-built Town, ſituate on the Trent, under the Government of a Mayor and 12 Aldermen. The Market-place is a [379] noble Square, and the Church is large and ſpacious, with a curious Spire, which, were not Grantham ſo near, might paſs for the fineſt and higheſt in all this Part of England. The Trent divides itſelf here, and makes an Iſland, and the Bridges lead juſt to the Foot of the Caſtle Wall; ſo that, while this Place was in the Hands of any Party, as I have before hinted, there was no Travelling but by their Leave; but all the Travelling into the North at that Time was by Nottingham Bridge.

I am, Sir, yours, &c.


  • ABbot of Glaſtenbury, his prodigious State and Riches Pag. 29, 30. His Inn 33
  • Abbots Langley 167
  • Abergavenny 311
  • Abermenai Ferry 326
  • Aberyſtwith 322
  • Abingdon 61, 62, 63
  • Abury 51
  • Acteon, Moſaick Work repreſenting that Fable 375
  • Acton, Sir Thomas 295
  • Adam of Scott, his Monument 54
  • Adams, Mr. his noble Benefactions 348
  • Adrian IV. Pope, his Pride, and ſhameful Avarice 167
  • Aethelfleda, Queen 297
  • Alabaſter, where found 21 St. Alban 174. Inſcription on his Shrine 176
  • St. Alban, Robert, gives Name to Alban-hall p. 222
  • St. Albans 174 to 178
  • Albemarle, Earl of 164
  • Alceſter 289
  • Aldbury 172
  • Aldcheſter 207
  • Aldely 251
  • Aldrich, Dr. 217
  • Alexander, Biſhop of Lincoln 378
  • Alfred, King 47, 61, 209, 231
  • Allen, Mr. his Generoſity and Publick Spirit, an Honour to Bath 263, 265, 266
  • Alney, Iſle 283
  • Althorpe 365, 366
  • Altringham 340
  • Alwinus, Biſhop of Wincheſter 243
  • Amerſham 203
  • Amſty 192
  • Amwell 199
  • Anderſon, Sir Richard 171
  • Angleſey, Iſle 325, 327, 328
  • []Anker, River 371, 373, 375
  • St. Anne's Hill 51
  • Anne, Queen, improves Kenſington 159. Dies there 160. Her Statue, and Character by the Ducheſs of Marlborough 180, 181. Another Statue 209. Frighted at Lanſdown-hill 263
  • Arbury Banks 190
  • Archenfield 303
  • Ariconium ibid.
  • Arthur, King 4. His Well 27. Where bury'd 28, 29. Nephew to St. David 320
  • Arthur, Prince 292, 300
  • Arundel, Earl of, his Marbles 228, 365
  • Arundel, Trerice 3
  • Arundel, Wardour ibid.
  • As ſure as God's at Glouceſter, whence deduced 282
  • St. Aſaph 330, 331
  • Aſh, the Stream 199
  • Aſhbury 62
  • Aſhby de la Zouch 372
  • The Aſhes 362
  • Aſhridge 172
  • Aſhwell 189, 190
  • Aſtal 243
  • Aſtroites 251
  • Athelſtane, King 43, 44
  • Atherſton 371
  • Atherſtone 252
  • Audley, Lord, defeated 348
  • Auguſtine's Oak 297
  • Avon, River 37, 38, 44, 47, 250, 251, 265, 275, 277, 286, 287, 288, 289, 358, 359, 360, 361, 374
  • Auſt Ferry p. 277, 278, 279, 310
  • Axbridge 34
  • Axe River ibid.
  • Axtel, Col. a Parliament Officer 169
  • Ayleſbury 203
  • Bacon, Lord, his Monument and Inſcription 178, 179
  • Badmington 51, 267
  • Badminton 25
  • Baldock 187, 188
  • Baliol, John 209
  • Bampton 243, 244
  • Banbury 206, 207
  • Banbury, Earl of 207
  • Banchor 332
  • Bangor 328, 329. Its Biſhops, how immortal 329
  • Barker, Mr. his Seat 161
  • Barkhamſted 168 to 170
  • Barkway 191, 192
  • Barnſtable Town, Haven, and Bay 9, 10, 11, 12
  • Barnſtable Water 13
  • Bath 253 to 265
  • Bath Waters, their Virtues 256 to 258
  • Battle-edge 242
  • Battlefield 344
  • Beachwood Manor 173
  • Beacon-aſh 27
  • Beaconsfield 202
  • Beane, River 184, 185
  • Beaudeſert 352
  • Beaufort, Duke of 267, 310
  • Beaumaris 327, 328
  • Beaumonds 230
  • []Becket, Archbiſhop p. 205
  • Bedford, Duke of 366
  • Beeſton-caſtle 338, 339
  • Bel-ſize 156
  • Belvoir-caſtle 377, 378
  • Benington-place 185
  • Benonis 370
  • Bensford 43
  • Berkeley 280
  • Berkeley, Earl of ibid.
  • Berkeley, Robert, Eſq his Hoſpital 294
  • Beryſlade 187
  • Betley 350
  • Bewdley 296
  • Biceſter 207
  • Bidiford 9, 10, 11, 12
  • Billeſden 377
  • Bingham 378
  • Birmingham 296
  • Biſham 68
  • Biſhop, Mr. Richard, diſcovers a Roman Work 247
  • Biſhops-caſtle 298
  • Biſhops-mott ibid.
  • Biſhop-Stortford, and its famous School 194 to 196
  • Biſſe, Biſhop 305
  • Blackdown Hills 18
  • Black Mountains 315, 324
  • Blackſton-hill 297
  • Bladud, King 253
  • Blake, Admiral 22
  • Blake's-ware 199
  • Blathwait, Mr. his Seat 267
  • Bleachly 278, 310
  • Blenheim-houſe 232 to 239
  • Bloreheath 348
  • Blorench 313
  • Bloxham 240
  • Blundel, Peter, the Clothier, founds Tiverton Freeſchool p. 15
  • Blunt, Sir Henry Pope, his Seat 182
  • Boadicea, Queen 174
  • The Boar, what 23, 278, 298
  • Bodley, Sir Thomas 228
  • Bodmyn 4
  • Boreman, Richard, Abbot of St. Albans 175
  • Boſcobel-houſe 346
  • Boſſiney 4
  • Boſworth-field 372
  • Botelers, their Seat 184
  • Boughton 366, 367
  • Bow 154
  • Bowditch 268
  • Brackley 205, 206
  • Bradford 36, 38, 47
  • Bradford, Earl of, his Seat 161, 296
  • Bradgate 372
  • Brampton-Brian 302
  • Mrs. Branch, and her Daughter executed 26
  • Branonium 290
  • Braſs-mills 68
  • Braughing 191, 193, 194
  • Bray, Vicar of 69
  • Brecknock 313
  • Brecknock-mere ibid.
  • Brecknockſhire deſcrib'd 312, 313, 314
  • Breewood 350
  • Brentford 162
  • Brews, River 43
  • Bridge from Fulham to Putney 159
  • Bridgenorth 297, 298
  • Bridgwater 22, 28
  • []Bridgwater, Duke of p. 172, 342
  • Brightwell 240
  • Briſtol 268 to 277
  • Briſtol Stones 251
  • Briſtol Waters, their Virtues p. 272, 273
  • Broadway 296
  • Brockly-hill 165
  • Bromley 154, 352
  • Brook, Lord 360
  • Broomſgrove 295
  • Broxbourn 200
  • Broxbournbury ibid.
  • Bruce, Lord 51, 52, 161
  • Bruton 27, 43
  • Buckingham 205
  • Buckingham, Sir Owen 65
  • Bucks, Duke of 363
  • Bulborn, Rivulet 172
  • Bulkeley, Biſhop of Bangor, his Sacrilege 328
  • Buntingford 193
  • Burford 242
  • Burlington, Earl of, the Engliſh Vitruvius 52. his Seat 161. See alſo Vol. III. Page 287
  • Burrow-hill 362
  • The Burrows 365
  • Burton upon Trent 352
  • Buſh-draining, what 163
  • Buſhy-heath 158
  • Byde, Thomas, Eſq his Seat 198
  • Cadbury-caſtle 26, 27
  • Cadby, William, the Gardener, his Collection of Gods p. 49
  • Cadogan, Earl 66
  • Caer Bladdon, a Britiſh Prince 43
  • Caerdiff 315
  • Caermarthen p. 317, 318 325
  • Caernarvon 325
  • Caernarvonſhire deſcribed 325, 327
  • Caerphyli-caſtle 316
  • Caerwys 331
  • Caeſar Family 185
  • Caeſar, Julius, takes Verulam 174
  • Calne 49
  • Camalet 26
  • Camel, River 3, 4
  • Camelford ibid.
  • Campden 287
  • Cannings, Mr. William, his Monument 273
  • Cantilupe, the Miracle-monger 305
  • Capels, Earls of Eſſex 196
  • Caractacus rebuilds Warwick 359
  • Cardigan 321
  • Cardiganſhire deſcribed 322
  • Carey, Edward, Eſq 168
  • Carlos, Col. 346
  • Caroline, Queen, adorns Kenſington 159. Her Munificence, and Statue 212
  • Carran, River 287
  • Caſſibelan, King 174
  • Caſſioberry 165, 166
  • Caſtellum Danis 3
  • Caſtle-Carey 43
  • Caſtle Inn 70
  • []Caſtlecomb p. 47
  • Catesby, the Traitor 361
  • Catharine, Infanta of Spain 292
  • Caveſham 66
  • Cawley Wood p. 17
  • Ceſtria Cherſoneſus, 334, 335
  • St. Chad's Shrine 355
  • Chamber on the Foreſt 338
  • Chandos, Duke of. 157, 158, 164
  • Charles I. engages the Parliament Army twice at Newbury 58. Where buried 82. A Benefactor to Queen's College in Oxford 211. His and his Queen's Statues 219. His Picture 232. His Impriſonment 364
  • Charles II. his Equeſtrian Statue 75. His Jeſt on the Viſible Church 202. His Eſcape after Worceſter Fight 291, 346. His Royal Gratitude 347.
  • Charwell, River 206
  • Chaucer, Sir Geoffrey 60. Commends John de Gadeſden 172
  • Chauncy, Sir Harry, commits Jane Wenman 185
  • Cheaping-Barnet 164
  • Chedder 34
  • Cheeſe Trade 40 to 42
  • Chelſea 160
  • Cheltenham 284 to 286
  • Cheltenham Waters, their Virtues 285, 286
  • Chepſtow p. 310
  • Cheſham 203
  • Cheſhire deſcribed 337, 338, 341
  • Cheſhunt Common 197
  • Cheſter 334 to 337
  • Cheſter, Robert, Eſq his Seat 197
  • Cheſterfield-wall p. 353
  • Chetwynd, Lord 351
  • Chetwynd, Walter, Eſq ibid.
  • Chichley, Henry, Archbiſhop of Canterbury 214, 218, 219,
  • Chiltern 188
  • Chilton 204
  • Chippenham 47
  • Chipping-Norton 239, 267,
  • Chipping-S [...]dbury 252
  • Chisbury 54
  • Chiſwicke 161
  • Chu Pariſh 268
  • Churn, River 241, 247, 249
  • Cirenceſter 247 to 249
  • Ciſſa, the Viceroy 54, 247
  • Clarke, Dr. George, his Benefactions to All-Souls College 214, 215, 221. Abſtract of his Will 225 to 227
  • Clarks, their Seat 184
  • Clebury 298
  • Cliefden 69
  • Clothing Trade 38 to 40
  • Clun, River 298
  • Cobham, Biſhop of Wincheſter 228
  • Codicote Pariſh 185
  • []Codrington, Col. Chriſtopher, his Library and Statue p. 214, 215
  • Coinage Towns 4
  • Colbrond, the Giant 358
  • Colbrook 162
  • Colebrook 83
  • Colerain, Earl of, his Seat 155
  • Coleſhill 356
  • Colne, River 165, 241, 244
  • Colney 180
  • Colſton, Mr. Edward, his Charities 275, 276
  • Columb, River 17
  • Columb-Davids ibid.
  • St. Columbs 3
  • Columbſtock 17
  • Columbton ibid.
  • Colwal 307
  • Combemerton 14
  • Congleton 340
  • Coningsby, Earl of 304, 308
  • Conway 329
  • Conway, Lord 296
  • Cooke, Sir Thomas, endows Worceſter College 221
  • Copſe-caſtle 53
  • Corinium 247
  • Cornbury-houſe 241
  • Cornu Ammonis, a neglected one 362
  • Corve, River 300
  • Corveſdale ibid.
  • Coſſington 368
  • Cotſwold 240, 241
  • Cotton, Sir Francis, where born 48
  • Coventry 356 to 358
  • Cowper, Earl, his Seat 184
  • Cranme, Archbiſhop, where martyr'd p. 229
  • Craven, Earl of, ſeeks to marry the Queen of Bohemia 60
  • Credon-hill 304
  • Creeklade 244, 249
  • Crew, George, Eſq and Mrs. 228
  • Crew, Lord, Biſhop of Durham 213, 229
  • Cromwell, Oliver, his Benefaction to the Bodleian Library 228
  • Cromwell, Richard, his Retirement 201
  • Crook, Lord Chief Juſtice 204
  • Cropredry Bridge, Action there 206
  • Croſs-hill 367
  • Culling, Mrs. Elizabeth, her Tomb 184
  • Cunetia 50
  • Cuthred, King, beats Ethelbald 242
  • Danby, Earl of 44
  • Daneweed, Tradition concerning it 362
  • St. Daniel, firſt Biſhop of Bangor 328
  • Daniſh King, the Skin of of one 191
  • Daneſey, Col. 304
  • Dantſey Manor and Barony 44 to 47
  • Daventry 361, 362
  • St David, his Monument 320
  • St. Davids 319, 320
  • []Dean Foreſt p. 281
  • Deddington 207
  • Dee, River 311, 324, 332, 335, 336, 337
  • Delamere, Lord, his Seat 338
  • Denbeigh 329
  • Denbeigh, Earl of, his Croſs 370
  • Denbeighſhire deſcribed 329, 330
  • Deptford 85, 88
  • Devizes 37, 48
  • Devonſhire deſcribed 8
  • Devorguilla, Wife to John Baliol 209
  • Diamonds, Corniſh 5
  • Diffrin-Doe, River 307, 309
  • Digby, his Benefaction to the Bodleian Library 228
  • Dinder-hill 304
  • Ditchley-houſe 241
  • St. Dobricius 315
  • Dodo, the Saxon 351
  • Don, River 283
  • Donnington-caſtle 58, 60
  • Dorcheſter 204
  • Dove, River 302
  • Dovebridge 361
  • Drayton 348
  • Droitwych 295
  • Druids, a Temple of theirs 51
  • Dudley 351
  • Dudley and Ward, Lord, his Seat ibid.
  • Du [...]ſmore Heath 361
  • Du [...]wallo Malmuſius 250
  • Duppa, Dr. Bryan 217
  • Du [...]er, Albert, the Painter 245
  • Durhams p. 164
  • Durobrivae 168
  • Durſley 279
  • Dymokes, Champions of England 356
  • Dynmaur 306
  • Eadulph, Archbiſhop 353
  • Ealing 162
  • Eaſt-Barnet 163
  • Eaton, Mrs. her Legacy 221
  • Eaton, Dr. Birom ibid.
  • Eccleſhall 349
  • Echo, a remarkable one 232
  • Edelfleda, a Saxon Lady 376
  • Edgar, King 31, 337
  • Edgehill 206, 289
  • Edgworth 157, 162
  • Edmonton 155
  • Edmund, Proprietor of Edmund-hall 223
  • Edmund Ironſides, his Duel with Canute 283
  • Edol, Earl of Glouceſter, His Valour 282
  • Edward the Confeſſor 207
  • Edward I. 80, 172, 201, 205, 210, 278, 279, 288, 325, 329, 335, 341, 367
  • Edward II. Founder of Oriel College 211. Grants St. Mary-hall to it 223. Murdered 280. His Shrine 282. Firſt Engliſh Prince of Wales 325
  • Edward III. improves Windſor 73 to 75. His Apartments 76. Inſtitutes the [] Order of the Garter p. 78, 292. Where baptized 80. Favours Buntingford 193. Inlarges the Revenue of Oriel College 211. And a Benefactor to Queens ibid.
  • Edward IV. transfers ſeveral Manors from Eton to Windſor 71. Where buried 82
  • Edward VI. his Reſidence 182. Grants a Licence to turn Durham College, in Oxford, into Trinity College 218
  • Egbert, King, overthrows the Danes and Britons 5
  • Eglesfield, Robert, Founder of Queen's College in Oxford 211
  • Elbridge, John, Eſq his Legacy 276
  • Eleanor, Queen, ſeveral Croſſes built in Honour of her 201, 205, 363, 367
  • Elizabeth, Queen, her peculiar Averſion and Fancy 75. Her Invention to avoid the Wind 76. Her Free-ſchool 164. Her Reſidence 182. Styled Foundreſs of Jeſus College in Oxford 219. Completes Wadham College 220. Builds a Free-ſchool at Shrewsbury 345
  • Elſmere 342
  • Elſton 377
  • Elſtre 165
  • Emma, Queen, paſſes the Fire Ordeal p. 243
  • Enfield 155, 156, 162
  • Erdborough 368
  • Ermine-ſtreet 192
  • Eſſex, Earl of, his Seat 165. His Monument 360
  • Ethelbald, King 242
  • Ethelbert, King, murder'd 175, 305. His Spring 306
  • Ethelred, King 231
  • Ethelwolf, King 67
  • Etocetum 353
  • Eton 70 to 73
  • Eveſham 288
  • Euſtace, Earl of Bologne 192
  • Ex, River 14, 19
  • Exmore ibid.
  • Fairfax, General, defeats Goring 25
  • Fairford 244 to 247
  • St. Faith's Well 187
  • Farmer, the Honourable Mrs. 245
  • Farringdon 61, 62
  • Fell, Dr. John, Biſhop of Oxford 217, 295
  • Fell, Dr. Samuel 217
  • Findon 369
  • Fire, livid, a dangerous Phaenomenon 324, 325
  • Fitzharding, Lord 27
  • Fitzſtephen, Robert, Conqueror of Ireland 321
  • Flamſtead Pariſh 179
  • Flat-Holmes, Iſle 22
  • []Fleming, Richard, Biſhop of Lincoln p. 213
  • Flint 331
  • Flint-caſtle ibid.
  • Flodden-field Fight 59
  • Foley, Lord 290, 296, 377
  • Foſſe Road 27, 241, 362, 369
  • Four Shire Stones 240
  • Fox, Richard, Biſhop of Wincheſter 216
  • Foxcoate 365
  • Frampton 280
  • Francis, Biſhop of Ely 191
  • Frederick, Prince of Wales, Inſcription to his Honour 258. His Preſent to the Corporation of Bath 260. His and the Princeſs's Benefactions to the Hoſpital there 263
  • Freind, Dr. 171
  • Frier Bacon's Study 229
  • Frodeſham 338
  • Frome-Sellwood 37, 43
  • Froxfield 54 to 57
  • Fuller, Elizabeth, her Freeſchool 165
  • Gadeſden 172
  • Gadeſden, John de ibid.
  • Gadeſden-Little 171
  • Gainsborough, Earl of 285
  • Gardiner Family 198
  • Garter, Liſt of the firſt Knights 79. Foreign Princes inveſted with it 81
  • Gavenny, River 311
  • Geddington p. 367
  • George I. 290
  • George II. ibid.
  • George, Prince of Denmark 160
  • Gilbert, Earl of Glouceſter 287
  • Glamorganſhire deſcribed 312, 316
  • Glaſtenbury 27 to 32
  • Glendower, Prince of Wales 314
  • Glouceſter 281 to 284
  • Glouceſter, Robert, Earl of 62
  • Glyder 326
  • Gobions 184
  • Godiva, Lady, her Story 356
  • Godolphin, Dr. his Statue 70
  • Godſtow Nunnery 230
  • Golden Vale 302, 309
  • Gore, Sir William, and his Lady's Monument 171
  • Gore, William, Eſq his Seat ibid.
  • Gorhambury 178
  • St. Goven's Head 319
  • Gowre 317
  • Granville, Sir Bevil 267
  • Graſiers, the richeſt 373
  • Great Banington 251, 252
  • Great Barkhamſted 168 to 170
  • Great Bedwin 53
  • Great Malvern 287
  • Great Marlow 67, 68
  • Great Wenlock 298, 347
  • The Green 49
  • Gregory, Sir William 55
  • Greville, Doddington, Eſq 214
  • []Grey Weathers, what p. 49, 50
  • Greys, Lords 363
  • Grimſton, Lord 148
  • Grindall, Archbiſhop 211
  • Griſmund's Mount 248
  • Grooby 372
  • Guildsborough 365
  • Guy, Earl of Warwick 358. His Statue 360. His Cave 361
  • Guy, Mr. his Charity 355
  • Guy-cliff 360
  • Hacket, Biſhop 355
  • Hackney 154, 155
  • Hadham Parva 196
  • Hadſley Family 198
  • Hadſtock 191
  • Hale, Richard, Eſq his Grammar-ſchool at Hertford 183
  • Hales, John, Eſq his Freeſchool at Coventry 357
  • Halifax, Earl of, his Seat 161
  • Hallaton 377
  • Hamerſmith 161, 162
  • Hampden Family 204
  • Hampton-court 308
  • Hamſtead 155, 156, 157
  • Harborough 369
  • Harelane-field 199
  • Harleigh-caſtle 324, 327
  • Harley, Sir Edward 302
  • Harri [...]on, Governor, his Seat 183
  • Harrow 202
  • Hartford, Elias, Owner of Hart-hall p. 222
  • Hartland 9
  • Haſtings, Lord, executed 47, 57
  • Hatfield 182
  • Hatfield-houſe ibid.
  • Hatfield, Thomas, Biſhop of Durham 218
  • Hathorp-houſe 241
  • Haverford 319
  • Haviſdike 53
  • Heane founds an Abbey 63
  • Heightsbury 48
  • Hengeſton-hill 5
  • Hengiſt, a Corniſh General ibid.
  • Hengiſt, the Saxon, put to Death 283
  • Henley upon Thames 63, 64, 65
  • Henry I. where educated 63. Where buried 66, 282. Rebuilds Woodſtock 231. Incloſes the Park there 232. Settles the Flemings in Pembrokeſhire 319
  • Henry II. ſearches for King Arthur's Tomb 28. His Court at Barkhamſtead 169. Adorns Woodſtock 231. Grants Burford a Charter 242. Grants Robert Fitzharding Berkley-caſtle 280
  • Henry III. his Palace at Kings-Langley 167. Cauſes a Fortification to be demoliſhed 192. Fortifies Montgomery 323
  • []Henry IV. builds Hampton-court in Herefordſhire p. 308. Defeats Hotſpur 344
  • Henry V. where born 310.
  • Henry VI. his noble Foundation 70
  • Henry VII. where he landed 319
  • Henry VIII. his Nuptials with Lady Jane Seymour 53. With Anna Bolen 178. His Statue ibid. Puts Sir Thomas More to Death 184. Reſidence of his Children 197. Names Chriſt-church in Oxford 216, 217. His conſcientious Divorce 292. Eſtabliſhes the Court of the Marches at Ludlow 301. Makes Cheſter a Biſhop's See 337
  • H [...]rbert, Lord, of Cherbury 297
  • Hercules's Promontory 9
  • Hereford 303 to 307
  • Hereford, Marquis of 52
  • Herefordſhire deſcribed 302, 303
  • Herman-ſtreet 188, 189
  • Hertford 183
  • Hertford, Lord, his Seat 50
  • Hertfordſhire deſcribed 162, 163
  • Hertingfordbury 184
  • Hexton 186
  • Heylin, Dr. 242
  • High-croſs 361, 369
  • Highgate 155
  • Highlake 335
  • Highways, antient ones p. 361, 362
  • High-Wickham 67, 68
  • Hindon 48
  • Hinkley 371
  • Hitchin 186
  • Hobart, Sir John 195
  • Hobbes, Mr. 44
  • Hobbes, the Family 68, 69
  • Hock-Crib 280
  • Hoddeſden 200
  • Holland-houſe 161
  • Holmeby-houſe 364
  • Holy-bones 376
  • Holyhead 326
  • Holywell 330, 331
  • Holy Wells 288
  • Honeſdon 196, 197
  • Hooper, Biſhop, martyr'd 284
  • Hopton, Lord, diſbands his Army 5. Defeats the Parliament Forces, and takes General Chudleigh Priſoner 6
  • Horſes, the largeſt 373
  • Hoſkins, Sir John 304
  • Hubba, King, ſlain 13
  • Hubbeſtow 14
  • Hudſon, Dr. John, Principal of St. Mary Hall 223
  • Humber, River 23
  • Humphrey, Duke of Glouceſter, his Monument and Inſcription 176, 177. Founder of the Divinity-ſchools in Oxford 228
  • Hungerford Family 47, 57
  • Hurlers, Stones ſo called 6, 7
  • Hurling Match 7, 8
  • Jack of Newbury p. 59
  • James I. converts Mr. Salkeld 18. His Reſidence 155. His Childrens Nurſery 169. Exchanges Hatfield Manor 182, 201. Promotes the N [...]w River Project 199
  • Icleford 188
  • Idleſtrey 165
  • Jefferies, Judge, his Cruelty 268
  • Jekyll, the late Sir Joſeph, his Seat 183
  • Jennings Family 182
  • Jeoffry of Monmouth 310
  • Ikenild-ſtreet 289
  • Ilfordcomb 12, 13
  • Ilfordcomb Harbour 13
  • Ilminſter 18
  • Ina, King, his Palace 26. Builds Glaſtenbury Church 29
  • Incent, Dean of St. Paul's 170
  • Ine, the Brook 303
  • Ingeſtre 351, 352
  • Inglefield 67
  • John, King, ſurrenders Barkhamſted-caſtle 169. Demoliſhes and reſtores Biſhop-Storford 194. His Palace 206. His Tomb 292
  • John, King of France, where impriſoned 26
  • Johnſon, Secretary, his Seat 161
  • Johnſon, Sir Henry 69
  • Joſeph of Arimathea, Tradition concerning him 28
  • Iriſh, general Alarm concerning them p. 66, 67
  • Iſabel, Ducheſs of York 167
  • Iſca, River 14
  • Iſis, River 163, 204, 230, 241
  • Iſlington 86
  • Iſlip 61, 207
  • Ivel, River 26
  • Ivelcheſter ibid.
  • St. Ives 1, 2
  • St. Ives Bay 1
  • Ivingo 204
  • Kader-Idricks 324
  • Kemiſh, Rectory of 55
  • Kencheſter 303
  • Kendale Wood 165
  • Kennet, River 50, 51, 58, 60, 64
  • Kennith caſtle 146
  • Kenrick, Mr. his Will 59, 65
  • Kenſington 159, 160
  • Keynton 206
  • Kidderminſter 295
  • Kily-Maen Llwyd 318
  • King-Road 277
  • Kingsbury 180
  • Kingſdown 267
  • Kings-Langley 167
  • Knutsford 340
  • Kyneton 27, 302
  • Kynfig-caſtle 317
  • Kyrton-Beacon 313
  • La Guerre, the Painter 232
  • Lambourn 60
  • Lambourn, River 60, 61
  • []Lancaſter, Henry, Duke and Earl of p. 375, 376
  • Lancaſter, Dr. William 211
  • Landaff 315, 316
  • Lands, Method of improving them 42, 43
  • Landſdown, Lord 267
  • Landſdown-hill 263, 267
  • Langley, Edmund de, Duke of York 167
  • Langleybury 166
  • Langport 25
  • Lanhidrock 2
  • Lar, a Braſs one, found 378
  • Laſſington 251, 284
  • Laud, Archbiſhop 65, 228
  • Lavington 48
  • Launceſton 4, 5, 6
  • Lea, River 163
  • Lech, River 241, 242, 244
  • Lechlade 241, 249
  • Lee, River 182, 198, 200
  • Leeds, Duke of 171, 172, 183
  • Legers-Aſhby 361
  • Leiceſter 372, 373, 375, 376
  • Leiceſterſhire deſcribed 373, 374
  • Leigh, Reverend Mr. Thomas 196
  • Lemingt [...]n 240
  • Le Notre 166, 366
  • Lenthal, the Speaker 242
  • Leominſter 301, 302
  • Leucomagus 53
  • Leveſon, Sir Richard 350
  • Lewellin, Prince of Wales, his generous Compliment to Edward I. 278, 279. His Statue 343
  • Lheweni, River p. 313
  • Lidbury 307
  • Liliho 187
  • Litchfield 352, 353 to 355
  • Litchfield, Abbot 288
  • Little Malvern 287
  • Loddon, River 68
  • Loman, River 14
  • LONDON 84 to 153. Meaſurement of it 87 to 93, Number of Inhabitants 93, 94. Government 94. 95. Conſidered more particularly in Sixteen Articles:
    • I. A brief Account of what the City was before the Fire, and how improved when rebuilt, and within a few Years after it 96 to 98
    • II. Of the prodigious Increaſe of Buildings within our own Memory, down to the Year 1740. 99 to 102
    • III. Of the Publick Offices, and City Corporations 102 to 106
    • IV. Of the Manſion-houſe, and other moſt noted Edifices, Squares and Publick Structures, in and about London 106 to 112
    • V. Of the principal Hoſpitals, and other charitable Inſtitutions in and about the City of London 113 to 119
    • VI. Of the Churches of London, Weſtminſter, and [] Southwark p. 119 to 128
    • VII. Of St. James's Palace, the Parliament-houſe, Weſtminſter-hall, &c. 129 to 131
    • VIII. Of the Statues, and other publick Ornaments in and about the Cities of London and Weſtminſter 131 to 135
    • IX. Of the Gates of London and Weſtminſter 135 to 137
    • X. Of the publick and private Priſons 137, 138
    • XI. Of the Markets of London 138 to 143
    • XII. Of the publick Schools and Libraries 143 to 145
    • XIII. Of the Shipping in the Thames, and the Trade carried on by means of that noble River 145 to 147
    • XIV. Of the Manner by which the City is ſupplied with Water 147 to 150
    • XV. Of the Chriſtenings and Burials in London, &c. Of the Importance of the City of London to the whole Kingdom. Of its comparative Proportion to the publick Expence of the Kingdom, and the diſproportionate Number of Members it returns 150 to 152
    • XVI. The Benefit to the Publick of a good Underſtanding between the Court and City 152, 153
  • Long-leat p. 27
  • Lovelace, Lord 69
  • Loventium 314
  • Loughborough 377
  • Lovibond, Nicolas, Vicar of Wadbridge, builds a Bridge there 3
  • Louis XIV. his Marble Buſto 233
  • Lower-way 23
  • Ludlow 298, 299 to 301
  • Ludlow-caſtle 298, 299
  • Lug, River 277, 301, 305, 310
  • Lumley, General, his Monument 197
  • Lundy, Iſland 17
  • Lupus, Hugh, Earl of Cheſter 336, 337, 352
  • Lutterworth 369
  • Lyteford 27
  • Macclesfield 340
  • Madern-hills 2
  • Maidenhead 69
  • Maimar 207
  • Maitland, Mr. his Hiſtory of London 84
  • Make-king, Earl of Warwick 164, 206
  • Malmsbury 43, 44
  • Malpas 334
  • Malvern-hills 287
  • Manſel, Lord 317
  • Manſel, Sir Edward ibid.
  • Mapheſden, Edward, Monument over his Seven Children 195
  • []Marden p. 305
  • Mare, ridiculous Burying of one 199
  • Margan Mynydd, deluſory Prophecy concerning a Monument near it 317
  • Margaret, Queen, overcomes the Yorkiſts 175
  • Margaret, Mother of Henry VII. 12
  • Market-cell 173
  • Marlborough 50
  • Marlborough, Ducheſs of, her Seat 180. Her Character of Queen Anne 180, 181. Purchaſes Holmeby-houſe 364
  • Marlborough, Duke of, his Palace, Obeliſk, and elegant Inſcription 232 to 239
  • Marmyons, Champions of England 356
  • Marsbury-Field 268
  • Marſh, Dr. Narciſſus, Archbiſhop of Armagh 210
  • Marſhfield 252
  • Mary, Queen of Scots, her Needle-work 77
  • Mary II. deſigns the Gardens at Kenſington 159
  • Mary Magdalen, her Image 6
  • St. Mary de Pree's Abbey 376
  • Maud, Empreſs, Inſcription on her Monument 66. Takes King Stephen Priſoner 268
  • Maudlin Meadow 250
  • Maurice, Prince, routs Sir William Waller 51
  • Mawcop 340
  • Meautys, Sir Thomas p. 179
  • Melton-Mowbray 377
  • Mendip-hills 23, 33, 34, 35
  • Menen Firth 325, 328
  • Merchants of London and Briſtol compared 269, 270
  • Mere 48
  • Merionethſhire deſcribed 323
  • Merlin, where born 318
  • Merſey, River 10, 335
  • St. Michael's [...]
  • St. Michael's Church upon the Torr 27, 28
  • Middleſex deſcribed 162
  • Middleton, Sir Hugh 199
  • Middlewick 339
  • Milbourn 26
  • Mile-end 86
  • Milford-haven 318, 319
  • Minching Hampton 249, 250
  • Minehead 20
  • Modiſhole 3
  • Moncke, Duke of Albemarle 201
  • Monmouth 309, 310
  • Monmouth, Duke of, his Rebellion 19. Defeated 34. His Houſe 167. His Advantage over James II. 268
  • Monmouthſhire deſcribed 311, 312, 313
  • Monſon, Lord 200
  • Montagu, Duke of, his Seat 366, 367
  • Montfort, Simon, defeated 288
  • Montgomery 323
  • Montgomery, Roger de 298
  • Montgomeryſhire deſcribed 322, 323
  • []Montſorrel p. 377
  • Monuchdenny-hill 315
  • Moore-Park 166, 167
  • Mordaunt, Lieutenant-General Lewis 47
  • Mordred, King Arthur's Nephew 4
  • More, Sir Thomas 184
  • Moreton, Earl of Cornwall 168
  • Moretonhenmarſh 240
  • Morland, Sir Samuel 75
  • Mowywynda 324
  • Muniborough-hill 172
  • Munnow, River 309, 310
  • Namptwich 341
  • Naſeby 364, 365
  • Neath 316
  • Neſon 335
  • Netlebed 63
  • Nevern, River 321
  • Nevil, Earl of Saliſbury, his Victory 348
  • New River 199, 200, 201
  • Newark 375, 378, 379
  • Newbury 58 to 60
  • Newcaſtle under Line 349, 350
  • Newington 155
  • Newington-butts 86
  • Newport 5, 321, 348
  • Newport-pagnell 205
  • Newton, Dr. Richard, Principal of Hertford College 221
  • Newton, Sir Michael 308
  • Norfolk, Howard, Duke of 47
  • Northampton 363, 364
  • North-Cadbury p. 26
  • Northleche 242
  • North-Mymms 183
  • Northwich 339
  • Norton 382
  • Novum opus, what 375
  • Nun-Eaton 371
  • Nyne, River 363
  • Oak, Royal, the Inſcription on it 346, 347
  • Och, River 61
  • Offa, King, murders Ethelbert, and is abſolved 175, 305. Inſcription under his Picture 176. Founds an Abbey 286. Makes Litchfield an Archbiſhoprick 353. Cauſes 1000 Perſons to be made Chriſtians 354
  • Offa's Dyke 310, 311
  • Okehampton 12
  • Old Stretford 362
  • Oldham, Hugh, Biſhop of Exeter 216
  • Oldworth, Mr. preſerves the Glaſs of Fairford Church 245
  • Onſlow, Arthur, Eſq 212
  • Orange, Prince of, Inſcription in Memory of his Cure 259
  • Oſeny Abbey 229
  • Oſwald, Biſhop 292
  • St. Oſwald's Hoſpital 295
  • Oſweſtry 342
  • Oſwy, King of Northumberland 354
  • Oulney 205
  • []Ouſe, River p. 23, 205, 206
  • Owen Tudor's Monument 320
  • Oxford 207 to 231
  • Oxford, Earl of 191, 302
  • Padſtow 3
  • Parliamentum Diabolicum 357
  • Parliamentum Indoctorum 357
  • Parr, River 25
  • Parrat, River 22
  • St. Patrick removes a Hill 304
  • Paynſwick 249, 290
  • Peacock-Coals, what 350
  • Pebbles, their Uſe 21
  • Pelagius, the Arch-heretick 332
  • Pembridge 302
  • Pembroke 319
  • Pembroke, Earl of 228
  • Pembrokeſhire deſcrib'd 318, 319
  • Pendril Family 346, 347
  • Penkrige 348
  • Penley-lodge 172
  • Penmaen-maur 329
  • Penn, Sir William 273
  • Pennocrucium 349
  • Pennywel 165
  • Penton, Mr. Stephen, Principal of Edmund-hall 223
  • Penvail 313
  • Peris, the Prieſt, his Picture and Inſcription 53
  • Perrywood 291
  • Perſhore 287, 288
  • Peterborough, late Earl of, how cheated by his Tenants at Dantſey p. 45, 46. His Seat 161
  • St. Peter's Hoſpital 276
  • Petre, Sir William 220
  • Petrifying Spring 250. Accounted for 251
  • Philippa, Queen 211
  • Philips-Norton 43
  • Philpot, Mr. finds ſome Antiquities 165
  • Pictures, profane ones of the Deity in Barkway Church 191, 192
  • Pill-Road 277
  • Pirton Church 187
  • Piſhobury Manor-houſe 198
  • Plot, Dr. 350
  • Plummer, William, Eſq his Seat 199
  • Plymouth Sound 8
  • Plynlymon-hill 322
  • Polehampton, Captain, his Gift at St. Albans 178
  • Poleſworth 372
  • Polydore Virgil 78
  • Pomfret, Earl of, his Seat 365
  • Pope, Sir Thomas 218
  • Popham, Lord Chief Juſtice 18
  • Popiſh and Proteſtant Times compared 230, 231
  • Porlock 14, 20
  • Portland, Earl and Duke of 201
  • Portman, Henry, Eſq 214
  • Pot-walloners, what 19
  • Powell, Judge, his Opinion concerning Witches 185
  • []Preſteigne p. 314
  • Price, Hugh, Founder of Jeſus College 219
  • Price, Sir Carbery, his Lead Mines at Cardigan 321
  • Prideaux-houſe 3
  • Prophecy, a punning one 31
  • Puckeridge 191, 194
  • Puff-ſtone 251
  • Quantock 22
  • Quern 248
  • Radcliffe, Dr. 209. Abſtract of his Will 224, 225
  • Radnor 314
  • Radnor, Earl of 2
  • Radnorſhire deſcribed 314
  • Ranelagh, Earl of, his Houſe 160
  • Raranvaur 324
  • Ratae Coritanorum 376
  • Ravensborough-caſtle 186, 187
  • Ravenſcroft, James, Eſq his Alms-houſe 164
  • Rawdikes 377
  • Raymond, Lord 166
  • Reading 64 to 67
  • Red-horſe, Vale of 289
  • Reeves, Lord Chief Juſtice 70, 72, 73
  • Ree, River 249
  • Remigius 204
  • Rhee, River 189, 190
  • Rhoodee 335, 336
  • Rib, the Stream 198
  • Ribsford p. 297
  • Rich, Sir Thomas, his Hoſpital 284
  • Richard I. where born 230. Sends Sheep into Spain 240
  • Richard III. 372. Where buried 376
  • Richard, Biſhop of Durham 227, 228
  • Richmond, Earl of, his Monument 320
  • Rickmerſworth 165, 166, 167
  • Rickning Way 283
  • Ridley, Biſhop, where martyred 229
  • Rivers, Earl of 339
  • Robert, Son of the Conqueror, his Tomb 282
  • Robin Hood's Hill 283
  • Roch, Pariſh 297
  • Rock-Savage 339
  • Roe, Sir Thomas, his Collection of Coins 228
  • Roger, Biſhop of Salisbury 48
  • Roiſia, her Religious Houſe 191
  • Roman Antiquities 189
  • Roman Camps 62, 187, 368
  • Roman Coin 204
  • Roman Highways 361, 362
  • Roper Family 169
  • Roſamond, Concubine to Henry II. 230, 231
  • Roſs 309
  • Rotherham, Thomas de, Archbiſhop of York 213
  • Rotherhith 85, 86
  • Roundway Down 51
  • []Rowldrich Stones p. 239
  • Royſton 190, 191, 198
  • Rubens, the Painter 232
  • Rugby 361, 369
  • Rugely 352
  • Ruleigh Abbey 230
  • Rumball executed 196
  • Runway 48
  • Rutland, Dukes of 378
  • Rydall, River 322
  • Rye Manor 196
  • Rye-houſe Plot ibid.
  • Salisbury, Counteſs of, her Garter 78. Her Tomb 292
  • Salisbury, Earl of, his Seat 182
  • Salisbury Plain 42
  • Salkeld, the Royal Convert 18
  • Salt upon Salt, what 10
  • Salwarp, River 295
  • Sambroke, Sir Jeremy 184
  • Sanbach 340
  • Sandys, Samuel, Eſq 294
  • Sarney 244
  • Savage Family 338, 339, 340
  • Savernack Foreſt 51, 52
  • Saunders Family, Inſcription on the Monument of one of them 173, 174
  • Saundridge 182
  • Sawbridgeworth 197
  • Sebright, Sir Thomas Saunders, his Seat 173
  • Sedgmore 34
  • Selden, Mr. 228
  • Selwood Foreſt 43, 48
  • Senvy-gate p. 370
  • Severn, River 23, 250, 266, 277, 278, 280, 281, 287, 290, 296, 310, 315, 322, 323, 343
  • Seymour, Sir John 53, 54
  • Shakeſpeare, his Tomb 288, 289
  • Sheep, the beſt 373, 374
  • Sheldon, Archbiſhop 227
  • Sherard, Dr. 219
  • Shipley-hill 368
  • Shipton 206
  • Shipton-Mallet 43
  • Shore, Jane, ſolicits in favour of Eton College 71
  • Shrews, a Method of Taming them 350
  • Shrewsbury 343 to 345
  • Shrewsbury, Earl of, his Seat 161
  • Siffivernes 185, 186
  • Silures 302
  • Skirridan 313
  • Sloane, Sir Hans, his Statue 160
  • Slough 70
  • Smyth, William, Biſhop of Lincoln 216
  • Snowden-hill 325
  • Sour, River 373, 374
  • Somers, Lord, his modeſt Interrment 183
  • Somerſet, Ducheſs Dowager of, her Alms-houſe at Froxfield 55 to 57
  • Somerſetſhire deſcribed 18, 23 to 25, 35, 36
  • Somerton 26
  • Somerville, Philip 209
  • Sopwell Nunnery 178
  • []South, Dr. p. 207
  • South Petherton 26
  • Sow, River 349
  • Spencer, the Poet 363
  • Spencer, John, Eſq his Seat 366
  • Spine 59, 60
  • Spinham-lands 59
  • Stafford 348, 349
  • Stafford, Edmund, Biſhop of Exeter 210
  • Stamford, Earl of 372
  • Stamford, a London Merchant, builds a Bridge at Barnſtable 11, 12
  • Standon 194
  • Stanes 162
  • Stanley 280
  • Stanſted-Abbots Pariſh 196
  • Stapledon, Walter, Biſhop of Exeter 210, 222
  • Starbury Mount 248
  • Steep-Holmes, Iſle 22
  • Stephen, King 268
  • Stevenage 184, 185
  • Stiles, Mr. 166, 167
  • Stockport 340
  • Stone 349
  • Stones, curious ones 21, 22. Monumental 326, 327
  • Stony-Stratford 205
  • Stort, River 195, 196, 197, 198
  • Stour, River 295, 377
  • Stourbridge 295, 296
  • Stow-houſe 6
  • Stow on the Would 241, 242
  • Strafford, Earl of, his Seat 161
  • Stratford upon Avon 288, 289
  • Stratton p. 6
  • Strongbow, Conqueror of Ireland 282
  • Stroud 249, 290
  • Stroud, River 249, 251, 289, 290, 297
  • Stukeley 363
  • Suellaniacis 165
  • Suffolk, Duke of 80
  • Sunderland, Earl of 366
  • Sutton 27
  • Sutton-Colefield 356
  • Sutton-court 161
  • Sutton-walls 305
  • Swanzy 316, 317
  • Swinford 295
  • Swyliate, River 287
  • Sylveſter, the Poet 61
  • Taaffe, River 315
  • Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury; his Monument 341, 342
  • Tamar, River 8
  • Tame 204
  • Tame, John, Eſq builds Fairford Church 245, 247
  • Tame River 355
  • Tamworth ibid.
  • Tanner, Dr. Biſhop of St. Aſaph 2 [...]8
  • Taviſtock 12
  • Taunton 18, 19, 22
  • Taunton-dean 18
  • Tavy, River 12
  • Taw, River 9, 10, 11, 13, 14
  • Teme, River 296, 300
  • Temple-Mills 68
  • Tenbigh 319
  • []Tenbury p. 296
  • Tenure, one demonſtrative of the Moderation of our antient Kings 203
  • Terrible-caſtle 5
  • Teſdale, Thomas, Eſq Founder of Pembroke College in Oxford 220
  • Tetbury 250
  • Tewksbury 286, 287
  • Thame, River 204
  • THAMES 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 77, 163, 165, 204
  • Thatcham 60, 64
  • Theal 64, 67
  • Theobalds 155, 200, 201
  • Therfield 191
  • Thornbury 279
  • Thornhill, Sir James 214, 232
  • Tickenhall 297, 298
  • Tidmerton Pariſh 240
  • Titian 232
  • Tiverton, and its famous School 14 to 17
  • Tone, River 18, 22
  • Topham, Richard, Eſq Keeper of the Records in the Tower 70
  • Torr, the Hill 27, 30, 31
  • Torrington 12
  • Tottenham 52, 155
  • Totteridge 163, 164
  • Towceſter 362, 365
  • Towridge, River 9, 10, 11, 14
  • Towy, River 317
  • Trefuſis-houſe 2
  • Trent, River 23, 349, 352, 353, 374, 377, 379
  • Trevena p. 4
  • Trillecks, Brethren, Biſhops 223
  • Tring 170, 171
  • Tripontium 361
  • Trothy, River 309, 310
  • Troy-houſe 310
  • Trubridge 36, 38, 47
  • Tumberlow 313
  • Turner, Dr. Thomas, Preſident of Corpus Chriſti College in Oxford 216
  • Tutbury 352
  • Twickenham 161
  • Twye, River 316
  • Twyford 67
  • Twyfordton 268
  • Tyvy, River 321
  • Vale of Aylesbury 203, 204
  • Vale-Royal 341
  • Vandyke, the Painter 232, 360
  • Vaux, Lord 207
  • Ubourn 204
  • Verlam, River 180
  • Verulam 174, 178
  • Ufcolumb 17
  • St. Vincent's Rock and Well 271, 272
  • Mr. Vipand's Long-room, and Aſſembly-room 156, 157
  • Upper-way 23
  • Upton 287
  • Urban, Biſhop 316
  • Uriconium 343
  • Usk, River 311, 313
  • Uxbri [...]ge 162
  • []Uxbridge, Earl of p. 352
  • Wadbridge 3
  • Waddington, Biſhop of Chicheſter 70
  • Wade, General 259, 260
  • Wadham, Nicolas and Dorothy 18, 220
  • Wake, Archbiſhop 218
  • Walcot 267
  • Wales deſcrib'd 312 to 333
  • Walkern 185
  • Walking-ſtick, the Tree ſo called 184
  • Waller, Edmund 202
  • Wallingford 63
  • Walnut-tree, a prodigious one 185, 186
  • Walpole, Sir Robert, now Earl of Orford, his Houſe 160
  • Walſal 350
  • Walter of Merton, Biſhop of Rocheſter 210
  • Waltham-croſs 201
  • Waltham on the Would 377
  • Wanſdyke 54
  • Wantage 61
  • Ward, Biſhop of Salisbury 193
  • Ware 198, 199
  • Warminſter 47
  • Warmlington 206
  • Warner, John, Biſhop of Rocheſter 209
  • Warwick 358 to 360
  • Warwick Earls of, their Monuments 359
  • Watchet 20, 21, 251
  • Watford p. 165
  • Watlington 63
  • Watling-ſtreet 345, 361, 371
  • Watſon, Dr. Thomas, Bp. of St. David's 320
  • Weaver, River 335, 338, 340
  • Weddings, Proviſion for thoſe of poor People 191, 194
  • Weedon 362
  • Welland, River 375
  • Wellingborough 368, 369
  • Wellington 17, 18, 348
  • Wells 33
  • Welſh Gentlemen, their Character 333
  • Welſh-Pool 323
  • Wem 342
  • Wendover 203
  • Wendy, Sir Thomas 210
  • Wenman, Jane, the ſuppoſed Witch 185
  • Weobly 302
  • St. Werburgh 362
  • Wergins, the Stones, removed 306, 307
  • Weſtbury 47
  • Whaddon-hall 363
  • Wharton, Duke of, his Seats 204
  • Whetham, General, his Houſe 161
  • Whitchurch 341, 342
  • White, Sir Thomas 166, 218, 220
  • White-friers Palace 230
  • White-horſe-hill 60, 62
  • White-horſe-vale 61, 62
  • Whiteſhole-hill 48
  • []White-thorn, the ſuppoſed miraculous Blowing of one p. 28
  • Whiting, Abbot, his fatal Bravery 30, 31
  • Whitley-court 290
  • Wickham 203
  • Wickliff, John 369
  • Wickwar 252
  • Wightred, King 168
  • Wigmore 302
  • Wigſton, Sir William, his Hoſpital 376
  • Wilbury-hill 188
  • William I. improves Windſor 73, 80. His Interview with the Engliſh Nobility 170. Gives Biſhop-Stortford to the Bp. of London 194. Gives Glouceſter City and Caſtle to Robert Fitz-Hammon 283
  • William III. his Equeſtrian Picture 77. Purchaſes Kenſington Palace 159. Dies there 160. His Statue 270
  • William of Durham 209
  • William of Malmsbury 44
  • William of Wickham, his artful Vanity 74. Founds New College 212
  • William Patten, alias Wainfleet, Biſhop of Wincheſter 215, 223
  • Williams, Archbiſhop 213
  • Williamſon, Sir Joſeph 211
  • Willis, Dr. 53. His Picture, &c. 363
  • Willoughby Brook p. 367. And Town 368
  • Wilmington, Earl of, his Seat 161
  • Wilmot, Lord 51
  • Wilts deſcribed 38 to 43
  • Wimple 191
  • Wincaunton 27, 43
  • Winchcomb 286
  • Winchelſea, Lord 27, 49, 267
  • Winchenden 204
  • Windruſh, River 243
  • Windſor 73 to 83
  • St. Winifrid, her Story 330
  • Winſlow 205
  • Witney 243
  • Woden, the Saxon Idol 54
  • Wokey-hole 34
  • Wolf-hall 53
  • Wolfhere, King 362
  • Wolſey, Cardinal, Abbot of St. Albans 175. Founds Chriſt-church in Oxford 216. His Body where found 376
  • Wolſton, Biſhop 292
  • Wolverhampton 350
  • Wood, Family, Warning preceding their Deaths 244
  • Woodſtock 231, 239
  • Woolhampton 64
  • Worceſter 290 to 294
  • Wotton 184, 279
  • Wreck, River 368, 377
  • Wreken-hill 347
  • Wren, Sir Chriſtopher 160, 227
  • []Wreſtling, the Corniſhmen eminent for that Exerciſe p. 8
  • Wrexham 331, 332
  • Wrey, Sir Bourchier 13
  • Wrightwicke, Richard, B.D. Founder of Pembroke College in Oxford 220
  • Wroxeter 347
  • Wye, River p. 269, 277, 278, 303, 304, 307, 309, 310, 313, 314, 322
  • Wylde, Mr. his Seat 291
  • Yſtwith, River 322

Appendix B BOOKS printed for S. BIRT, at the Bible and Ball in Ave-Maria-lane.

  • 1. A New Voyage to Italy, with curious Obſervations on ſeveral other Countries; as Germany, Switzerland, Savoy, Geneva, Flanders, and Holland: Together with uſeful Inſtructions for thoſe who ſhall Travel thither. The fifth Edition, with large Additions throughout the Whole, and adorned with ſeveral new Figures. By Mr. Miſſon. In 4 Vols. 8vo.
  • 2. A New Set of Maps both of antient and preſent Geography; wherein not only the Latitude of Places is corrected according to the lateſt Obſervations, but alſo the moſt remarkable Differences of antient and modern Geography may quickly be diſcerned by a bare Inſpection, on comparing of correſpondent Maps; which ſeems the moſt natural and eaſy Method to lead young Students (for whoſe Uſe this Work is principally intended) unto a competent Knowlege of Geography.
  • 3. Together with a Geographical Treatiſe particularly adapted to the Uſe and Deſign of theſe Maps. By Edward Wells, D. D. ſometime Student of Chriſt-church, Oxon, and Rector of Coleſbatch in Leiceſterſhire.
  • 4. The Whole Comical Works of Monſ. Scarron, in Two Volumes. Vol. I. containing his Comical Romance of a Company of Stage Players, in Three Parts complete. Vol. II. All his Novels and Hiſtories, his Letters, Characters, &c. a great part of which never before in Engliſh. Tranſlated by Mr. Brown, Mr. Savage, and others.
  • 5. Poems on ſeveral Occaſions, by Stephen Duck, 8vo. and 12mo. With very great Additions.
  • 6. Poems on ſeveral Occaſions, by the late Matthew Prior, Eſq. The third and laſt Volume, adorned with Cuts. To which is added, The Life of Mr. Prior, by Samuel Humphreys, Eſq.
  • 7. The Adventures of Telemachus, the Son of Ulyſſes, written by the Archbiſhop and Duke of Cambray. With the Adventures of Ariſtonous, by another Hand. The Whole tranſlated into Engliſh, from the beſt Paris Edition, by Mr. Ozell, who has added, (never before Engliſh'd by [] any other) from the Paris Edition, many ſhort, but curious Notes, Hiſtorical, Critical, Political, and Moral; and not a few Grammatical and Claſſical Annotations from the Dutch, &c. Alſo, to complete the Work, a Key to the Characters alluded to in this Poem, viz. Lewis XIV. and his Miniſters, Generals, Miſtreſſes, &c. Which Key was dedicated to the Prince of Orange, and juſtified by a Preface, (here likewiſe tranſlated) againſt the Chevalier Ramſey's Aſſertion to the contrary. To the Whole is prefixed, a ſhort Account of the Author's Life and Writings; and the Chevalier Ramſey's fine Diſcourſe on Epic Poetry in general, and this of Telemachus in particular. Likewiſe the Genealogy of Telemachus, and an Ode by the Author, in French and Engliſh. In 2 Vols. With an Index to each Volume.

    N.B. The Errors charged on Mr. Ozell, by the Proprietors of the other Tranſlation, have been corrected above theſe 20 Years.

  • 8. A Treatiſe of the Sphere: Shewing how it is derived from that Theory, which juſtly aſſerts the Motion of the Earth; as alſo of the Projections of it, both Orthographical and Stereographical; demonſtrating their Properties from fundamental Propoſitions, and ſhewing their Uſes. With the Reſolution of Aſtronomical and Chorological Problems; by the Reverend John Witty, M. A. and Chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Devonſhire. The ſecond Edition, reviſed and improved by J. Hodgſon, F. R. S. and Maſter of the Royal Mathematical School.
  • 9. Romae Antiquae Notitia; or, The Antiquities of Rome, in Two Parts. 1. A ſhort Hiſtory of the Riſe, Progreſs, and Decay of the Commonwealth. 2. A Deſcription of the City: An Account of the Religion, Civil Government, and Art of War; with the remarkable Cuſtoms and Ceremonies, publick and private; with Copper Cuts of the principal Buildings, &c. To which are prefixed, Two Eſſays, concerning Roman Learning and Education, by Baſil Kennet, of C. C. C. Oxon.
  • 10. Archaeologia Graeca; or, The Antiquities of Greece. By John Potter, D. D. Lord Archbiſhop of Canterbury: Containing; Firſt, The Civil Government of Greece. Secondly, The Religion of Greece. Thirdly, The Military [] Affairs of the Grecians. Fourthly, Some of their Miſcellany, &c.
  • 11. Geography Anatomiz'd; or, The Geographical Grammar. Being a ſhort and exact Analyſis of the whole Body of Modern Geography, after a new and curious Method; comprehending, Firſt, A General View of the Terraqueous Globe; being a compendious Syſtem of the Fundamentals of Geography, digeſted into various Definitions, Problems, Theorems, and Paradoxes; with a Survey of the Earthly Ball, as it conſiſts of Land and Water. Secondly, A Particular View of the Terraqueous Globe; being a clear and pleaſant Proſpect of all the remarkable Countries upon the Face of the whole Earth: Shewing their Situation, Extent, Diviſion, Subdiviſion, Cities, Towns, Name, Air, Soil, Commodities, Rarities, Archbiſhopricks, Biſhopricks, Univerſities, Manners, Languages, Governments, Armaments, Religions, &c. collected from the beſt Authors. The Seventeenth Edition, corrected and inlarged; and a new Set of Maps by Mr. Senex. By Patrick Gordon, M. A. F. R. S. Price 5s.
  • 12. Epictetus's Morals, with Simplicius's Comment; made Engliſh from the Greek by George Stanhope, D. D. Dean of Canterbury, and Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majeſty. With the Life of Epictetus, from Monſ. Boileau.
  • 13. The New Years Gift complete. In Six Parts. Compoſed of Meditations and Prayers for every Day in the Week; with Devotions for Sacrament, Lent, and other Occaſions.

    N.B. The firſt Part is ſold ſingle. Price 6d. or 40s. per Hundred.

  • 14. Terence's Comedies made Engliſh; with his Life, and ſome Remarks at the End, by Mr. Laurence Eachard and others. By Dr. Eachard, and Sir Roger L'Eſtrange, Kt.
This was written Anno 1740.
This Alteration has made Warminſter, a Market-town on the Edge of Somerſetſhire, the greateſt Market for Wheat in England, where none of it is bought to ſend to London.
Alluding to a pretended miraculous Cure of a blind Man, detected by the Duke.
Several Recitals of Clauſes in Acts of Parliament made to do Honour to this immortal Commander, are engraven on the ſame ſuperb Pillar.
The Watling-ſtreet, ſimply call'd The Street, by way of Eminence.
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TextGrid Repository (2020). TEI. 4528 A tour thro the whole island of Great Britain Divided into circuits or journeys Giving a particular and entertaining account of whatever is curious and worth observation By a gentleman. University of Oxford Text Archive. . https://hdl.handle.net/21.T11991/0000-001A-5BF4-B