
Foſſils, remains of Animals and Vegetables, Minerals, recent Shells, Corals, and other curious Subjects of NATURAL HISTORY.

CATALOGUE OF THE GENUINE AND ENTIRE Museum of curious Subjects of Natural History, OF JOHN STRANGE, ESQ.

Fellow of the Royal and Antiquary Societies, &c. Late of Portland Place, Deceased.

COMPRISING One of the moſt extenſive and valuable Collections in Europe, of the exuviae of Corals, Fiſhes, Inſects, Shells, Vegetables, and other organic Remains, depoſited in the Earth, at or antecedent to the univerſal Deluge; to the Attainment and Knowledge of which Bodies, Mr. STRANGE had chiefly directed his Reſearches and Studies, and towards their Hiſtory made large Collectanea, particularly during his long Reſidence as Britiſh Miniſter at the Court of Venice, and on his Travels in France, Germany, Italy, and eſpecially in England and Wales; including many rare, curious, and intereſting Subjects, together with a great Variety of ſcientific Specimens of the Calcareous, Barytical, Magneſian and Siliceous Earths, Ores of Metals, Volcanic Productions, and other Minerals and their aggregates, recent Corals, Shells, Vegetables, &c.

Which will be Sold by Auction, By order of the Executors, and agreeable to his Will, By Mr. KING, At his GREAT ROOM, KING-STREET, COVENT-GARDEN, On FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1800, And Seven following Days, (Sunday excepted.) At Twelve o'Clock.

May be viewed and Catalogues had at the Place of Sale, price 2s each, which will be allowed to Purchaſers.

Printed by J. Barker, Great Ruſſell Street, Covent-Garden.

Conditions of Sale.

  • I. THE Higheſt Bidder to be the Buyer; but if any Diſpute ariſe, the Lot to be put up again.
  • II. No Perſon to advance leſs than Sixpence; above One Pound, One Shilling; above Five Pounds, Two Shillings and Sixpence; and ſo on in Proportion.
  • III. Every Purchaſer to pay down Five Shillings in the Pound, as Earneſt, in Part of Payment; and to give in his Name and Place of Abode if required.
  • IV. The Lots to be taken away, with all Faults, at the Buyer's Expence, immediately after the Sale, and the Remainder of the Purchaſe-Money abſolutely to be paid on or before Delivery.
  • V. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money depoſited in part of Payment, to be forfeited; the Lots uncleared within the Time aforeſaid, re-ſold by public or private Sale, and the Deficiency (if any) together with the Charges attending ſuch Re-ſale, ſhall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale.

Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale, may have their Commiſſions faithfully executed by their humble Servant,


Firſt Day's Sale. FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1800.

  • 1 EIGHT iron and other ores, from the Archipelago, and part of a ſeptarium, with a ſtellated gypſum, Sheepy Iſland
  • 2 An ammonites, with undulated chambers, Auſtria; 2 l [...]rge foſſil pectens, and 3 more
  • 3 Two mammillated echini, Brunſwick; ſeveral others of the ſame genus, ſundry foſſil ſhells, and other petrifactions
  • 4 A group of rock cryſtals, Switzerland; ſpar on quartz, Palatinate; an obſidian, and 9 more
  • 5 A parcel of foſſil ſhells, and other petrifactions
  • 6 Cryſtalliſed galena, with blend, &c. Derbyſhire; a purple copper ore, and 11 other minerals
  • 7 A maſs of ſingularly ſhaped lampades, N. America; 7 other maſſes of ſhells, 2 corals, and part of an ammonites
  • 8 A very large yellow ſtalact [...]tical ſpar, which appears to have been formed on wood, from the Calonnian collection
  • 9 A large parcel of minerals
  • 10 Sundry foſſil ſhells, echini, parts of aſteriae, and other petrifactions, in 2 boxes
  • 11 A beautiful Egyptian pebble, cut in two, another Egyptian pebble, and 3 German agates, all poliſhed
  • 12 Two egg cherſinae, from Surinam; a moor, a ſcarce triplex, Japan, and 2 panther porcellanae
  • 13 Twenty-nine jaſpers, porphyries, pebbles, Labradore feldſpar, baſaltes, &c. ſome of them poliſhed
  • 14 A variety of foſſil ſhells, echini, corals, parts of fiſhes, and other petrifactions
  • 15 A large group of rock cryſtals, and yellow pearl ſpar, from Hungary
  • 16 A great variety of ſpecimens of the ſtones which compoſed the ancient Druidical temple of Stonehenge, many of them labelled
  • [2]17 A variety of foſſil ſhells, echini, and other petrifactions
  • 18 Ditto
  • 19 Two ſpecimens of compact red copper ore, Siberia; copper and iron ore, mixed, from the ſame country; iron ore, with cryſtalliſed quartz, from ditto; pyrites, from Goſlar; ſtaurolite, Hartz; and 12 other minerals
  • 20 Fifty-four cards, containing a great variety of ſhells, chiefly of the ammonia, lampas, ſerpulae, and vortex genera; joints of encrini, corals, amber, and other petrifactions, many of them from Switzerland
  • 21 Millſtone, from France; red jaſper, from Ronca, in Italy; mammillated marl, Nyland; galena, coated with green carbonate of copper, and many other ſmall minerals
  • 22 Various foſſil ſhells, and poliſhed ſections of ditto, ſome echini, maſſes of ſhells, &c.
  • 23 Several hermit crabs, and various other ſpecies of the cancer genus, a monoculus polyphemus, ſome ſmall aſteriae, &c.
  • 24 Copper and iron ore, from Siberia; part of a ſeptarium, Sheepy Iſland, and various other minerals
  • 25 Skeleton of a fiſh, in yellow laminated marble, from Florence, and two ditto, in black ſlate
  • 26 A great variety of foſſil ſhells, echini, parts of fiſhes, and other petrifactions, Engliſh and foreign
  • 27 Various ſmall ſpecimens of minerals for experiments, &c.
  • 28 Various recent ſhells, of different genera and ſpecies
  • 29 A ferruginous geodes, having a foſſil fiſh imbedded in it; 5 ſtones with bones of fiſhes in them, and three marbles, containing foſſil ſhells
  • 30 Sundry foſſil ſhells, corals, echini, or their caſts, and other marine ſubjects
  • 31 A large ſpecimen of brown and white veined fluor, from Derbyſhire, poliſhed
  • 32 A variety of foſſil ſhells, echini, aſteriae, &c. chiefly Engliſh
  • 33 Ammonia-like ſerpulae, from Verona; freſh-water ſhells in chert, Franconville; and various other foſſil ſhells of different genera, from France
  • 34 Sundry pyritae, a blue baſaltes, 2 rock cryſtals, ſome ſiuors, blend, and other minerals
  • 35 Sundry recent ſhells of the mytilus, tellina, oſtrea, and other genera
  • [3]36 Various foſſil ſhells and corals, including a ſcarce purpura, from Italy; a reverſe rhombus, Eſſex; a maſs of ammonia, Dorſetſhire, &c.
  • 37 Two winged oyſters, from Shotover Hill, Oxfordſhire; 2 ammonitae, ſome maſſes of ſhells, and other petrifactions
  • 38 A large piece of plum-pudding ſtone, from Hartfordſhire; variolite, from Worceſterſhire; a group of cubic fluors, Durham, and 5 more
  • 39 Sundry curious black dendritae, in marbles, ſome of them from Baden
  • 40 A variety of foſſil ſhells, echini, canceres, anthropomorphi, and other curious marine ſubjects
  • 41 Black haematites iron ore, from Steurmark; and a group of cubic fluors, coated with ferruginous pearl ſpar, from Durham
  • 42 A large ſlab, cut from a maſs of ammoniae, of two ſpecies, the poliſhed ſide exhibiting variety of ſections, ſhewing the concamerations, from Dorſetſhire
  • 43 Sundry large ſhells of the lampas genus, ſome belemnitae, and other foſſil ſhells, echini, &c.
  • 44 Red rock ſalt, from Viſakna, Tranſylvania; black haematites iron ore, with a cruſt of cryſtalliſed wolfram; a group of rock cryſtals, Hungary; copper ore, Siberia, and 2 more
  • 45 A coarſe limeſtone, replete with foſſil ſhells, from Mount Peltra, in Italy; a pyritical ditto, containing bones and other remains of animals; and a compact ſand ſtone, having impreſſions of the reticulated bark of a plant in it.
  • 46 A great variety of foſſil ſhells, echini, canceres, parts of fiſhes, and other foſſil marine productions, vegetables, &c.
  • 47 A ſpecimen of opal in the matrix, from Oſervenitza, Hungary, and a ſemi opal
  • 48 Four large foreign foſſil madrepores, one of them from Tyrol, and two from Italy
  • 49 Various foſſil ſhells of the conus, oliva, muſica, and other genera, from France and Italy
  • 50 A ſingle talus of a large ludus helmontii, coated with yellow ſpar, Sheepy Iſland, and another, coated with ſmall brown pointed ſpars, from Weymouth
  • 51 Thirty-nine varieties of ſerpentine ſtone, from Germany
  • [4]52 Section of a nautilus, from Wiltſhire; 2 other foſſil ſhells, a ſiliceous zoophyte, from Italy, and 1 more
  • 53 A Moor, a Chineſe harp, 2 cones, and 5 other recent ſhells
  • 54 Several groups of balani, 3 alatae, a large glycymeris, 2 ranae, ſome ſerpulae, teredines, and other recent ſhells
  • 55 A broken ſection of a large nautilus, the inner part lined with yellow lenticular ſpars, and a large piece of chert, having in it impreſſions of the foliated chambers of an ammonites
  • 56 A variety of foſſil ſhells, echini, parts of encrini, corals, &c. Engliſh, French, and Italian
  • 57 Twenty-one various granites, porphyries, agates, and other ſtones, moſt of them poliſhed
  • 58 A variety of ſhells, corals, and other remains of marine animals, amaſſed together in limeſtone, from Dudley; various pectens in like ſtone, Vienna; and a limeſtone, repiete with fragments of the round ſtem and branches of an encrinus, from Derbyſhire
  • 59 Thirty-two various minerals
  • 60 A variegated chalcedony, 2 pebbles, and 3 flints, with ludi naturae in them, and a ſeptarium
  • 61 Various foſſil ſhells, echini, and other petrifactions, chiefly Engliſh
  • 62 Several poliſhed pieces of jaſperified wood, ſome impreſſions of fern in iron ſtone and coal ſlate, and ſundry other foſſil vegetables
  • 63 A group of white ſpars with galena, from the Earl of Ferrer's mine, Leiceſterſhire, and a hollow ferruginous ſeptarified aetites
  • 64 A ſcarce oyſter, a large ſcallop, a maſs of fragments of large encrini, Derbyſhire; another, Dudley; and a foſſil nautilus, from Sheepy Iſland
  • 65 Shorl and garnets in a compact granite, Switzerland; a ſtriped jaſper, ditto, and a poliſhed aſbeſtos, Scotland
  • 66 Five ſpecimens of coal ſlate, filled with impreſſions of ferns, and other plants, 4 of them from Clutton coal pits, near Bath, and a pyritical maſs of ammonitae,
  • 67 A large maſs of ſhells of the belemnos, Oſtrea, and pecten genera, in a coarſe limeſtone, found by Mr. Strange, near Banbury, in Oxfordſhire
  • [5]68 A parcel of ſhells of the porcellana genus, chiefly of three ſpecies
  • 69 Schuller ſpar, from Baſta, in the Hartz; coloured cryſtalliſed quartz, Glouceſterſhire; ſelenitae on foſſil ſhells, Oxfordſhire, ſerpentine ſtone, Aberdeenſhire, and 2 Corniſh minerals
  • 70 A ſingular granite, a tabular baroſelenite, from the Hartz; a cryſtalliſed tin ore, an iron ore, and 8 more
  • 71 Teredines in wood, Sheepy Iſland; three other foſſil woods, fragments of angulated encrini, from Coberg; caſt of a margaritifera ſhell, a group of foſsil ſhells, France, and 3 more
  • 72 A very large piece of the Labradore feldſpar
  • 73 Two ſtalactitical chalcedonies, a ferruginous ſtone, from the ſhores of Sicily; parts of 2 large ſeptaria, Sheepy Iſland, and a ſpathoſe lead ore
  • 74 Fifteen curious foſsil plants, or their impreſsions in coal ſlate, argillaceous iron ore, &c.
  • 75 Twelve various maſſes of ſhells, parts of encrini, bones of quadrupeds, &c. chiefly in limeſtone
  • 76 Pulley ſtone, from Derbyſhire; a curious plant in a ſiliceous ſtone, a piece of foreign foſsil wood, and 9 maſſes of foſsil ſhells, ſome of them from France
  • 77 Truncated ſpars, from the Hartz; ſilver ore, Saxony; a tin ore, and 12 more
  • 78 Two foſsil fiſh in yellow laminated marble, Florence; one in black ſlate, Iſleben; a fiſh's head, Sheepy Iſland, and ſundry teeth of fiſhes
  • 79 A variety of recent ſhells of the tellina, conus, bulla, pecten, and other genera
  • 80 Half of a large ſeptarium, compoſed of a brown argillaceous iron ſtone, with irregular white ſparry veins, and a large piece of parple and yellow circularly veined fluor, Derbyſhire, both poliſhed
  • 81 Calkſtone with cubic pyrites, Siberia; 3 ſpecimens of native copper, from ditto; rock cryſtals on chlorite, Cornwall; and 10 more
  • 82 A great variety of ſmall foſsil ſhells, of different genera, chiefly from France; echini, palates and teeth of fiſhes, &c.
  • 83 A fine madrepora fungites, or ſea muſhroom, from the Eaſt Indies, and a large echinus libum, from the W. Indies
  • [6]84 A group of large ſpars, with colourd pyrites, and cauk, Staffordſhire, and a group of rock cryſtals, Switzerland
  • 85 A fine foſſil fiſh in white laminated marble, from Florence, and part of the ſkeleton of a fiſh in blue ſlate
  • 86 Double pointed dog tooth ſpars on cubic fluors, from Aſhover, Derbyſhire, and a large poliſhed fluor, mixed with cauk, blend, galena, &c. from the ſame county
  • 87 A large padding ſtone, from Hartfordſhire, and a variegated ſcarlet and purple agate, from Oberſtein, both poliſhed
  • 88 Fourteen various ſpecimens of marbles, a ſerpentine ſtone, and a yellow ſpar
  • 89 A variety of recent madrepores, millepores, and other curious zoophyte
  • 90 A ſtellated madrepore in chert, Glouceſterſhire; ramoſe foſſil madrepores, Italy, and a variety of foſſil ſhells
  • 91 Tourmalins in granite, compoſed of large particles, from Tyrol, and a mammillated chalcedony, Iceland
  • 92 A maſs of corals and fragments of encrini in limeſtone, from Wenlock, in Shropſhire; brown marble with ſhells, Derbyſhire; a flat piece of chert, with caſts and impreſſions of ſhells in it, France; 3 other maſſes of ſhells, and a poliſhed ſpecimen of foſſil wood
  • 93 A variety of foſſil ſhells, and other petrifactions, Engliſh and foreign
  • 94 Three porphyries, 4 variolites, a flint, from Mount Carmel, and 4 other poliſhed ſtones
  • 95 A ſeries of 104 ſmall ſquare ſpecimens of Italian marbles, porphyries, ſtalactitical ſpars, &c. uniform in ſize, and poliſhed
  • 96 Thirty-ſix various minerals
  • 97 An auriculated oyſter, another from France; a large lampas, Derbyſhire; 2 ammonitae, part of a large ammonia, a caſt of a foſſil pecten, and a fungites
  • 98 Green ſtalactitical ſpar, Derbyſhire; a ſpecimen of foſſil wood, 3 agates, and 3 more, poliſhed
  • 99 A lobſter inveloped with pyrites, France; a large lampas, Derbyſhire; a maſs of ammonitae, Furſtenberg; [7] 2 maſſes of ſmall nummular corals, an aſtroites coral, and 3 other petrifactions
  • 100 Sixteen cards, containing a variety of ſpecies of recent echini, ſome of them with their ſpines on
  • 101 Foſſil wood impregnated with pitchſtone, Bohemia, poliſhed, and part of a ſtem of a plant, allied to the ſugar cane, from Wrexham
  • 102 A fiſh's head, and a lobſter, from Sheepy Iſland; caſts of ſhells in iron ore, Suſſex; caſts of the ramified chambers of an ammonia in chert, 2 large balani, and 5 other petrifactions
  • l03 Various ſpecimens of the money cowry, pheaſant pigmy, ſcarlet buttons, red roſe leaf, and other ſmall recent ſhells
  • 104 A large ſeptarium, cut in two and poliſhed, from Derbyſhire, and a group of purple cubic fluors, Durham
  • 105 Twenty four various foſſil ſhells, echini, corals, and other petrifactions
  • 106 Two foſſil fiſh in black ſlate, from Iſleben, in Germany
  • 107 Violet cubic fluors, partly coated with marcaſite, Durham, and pointed calcareous ſpars, Glouceſterſhire
  • 108 A large knobbed foſſil ſhell of the clava, or club genus, from France, rare
  • 109 Nine fine ſpecimens of amber
  • 110 Calcareous ſpar, Finland; red copper ore, with native copper, Siberia; quartz, &c. from the Kungurian Cavity, in the ſame country; iron ſtone, from Arbigland, and 14 other minerals
  • 111 Various ſpecimens of agate, jaſper, pudding ſtone, and other ſilices, many of them poliſhed
  • 112 Madrepora ſinuoſa, or broad-ridged brain coral, having ſeveral boring cockles lodged in it, W. Indies, and a ſine madrepora fungites, or ſea muſhroom, Eaſt Indies
  • 113 A veined ſtalactitical ſpar, from St. Michael's Cave, Gibraltar, and a ſlab, from a large tortoiſeſhell ſeptarium, Dorſetſhire, both poliſhed
  • 114 Two mytili, a ſpondylus, 7 other foſſil ſhells, ab echinus, 7 zoophyte, and 2 maſſes of ſhells, from Italy and France
  • 115 A group of rock cryſtals, Switzerland; mammillated chalcedony on iron ore, a ſingular hollow chalcedony, internally coated with cryſtalliſed quartz, a ſtalactitical haematites iron ore, and 1 more
  • [8]116 A fine nautilus pompilius, from China
  • 117 A ſtudded hypocephalus, Weymouth; a nautilus, Sheepy Iſland; marble with ſhells in it, from Aſolano; a bowlder of black marble with white ramoſe corals in it, from the coaſt of Holderneſs, Yorkſhire; a madrepore in flint, and a poliſhed jaſperified wood, Coberg
  • 118 A large ſlab of the Marmaroides dendropotamites, or landſcape marble, from Cottam, near Briſtol. Da Coſta's Nat. Hiſt. Foſſ. pa. 241
  • 119 A large ſpecimen of cobalt, with red effloreſcence and baroſelenite, from Saxony, and 2 other minerals
  • 120 A fine cidaris lanceolata, a rare ſpecies of the echinus claſs, from St. Mauritius, rare. Out of the Calonnian Collection
  • 121 A nautilus, from Sheepy Iſland; an ammonites, Wilts; a large gryphus, a ſpondylus, 6 other foſſil ſhells, and 4 other petrifactions
  • 122 A fine mammillated malachites copper ore, from Siberia, and a large piece of feldſpar, with ſhorl, mica and quartz
  • 123 A large poliſhed ſlab, cut from a carious lava, from Italy
  • 124 Two aculeated rhombi, 2 uberes, 2 muſicae, 2 trochi, and 4 other foſſil ſhells, an echinus, and 6 other petrifactions, from France and Italy
  • 125 Two knobbed, figs, 1 of them reverſe, from North America, and a ſcarce purpura, from the coaſt of Guinea.
  • 126 A large and fine land tortoiſe, from the E. Indies
  • 127 A variety of foſſil ſhells, of various genera, echini, corals, and other petrifactions
  • 128 A large brown ſpar, with fragments of the bones of quadrupeds lodged in it, from the rock of Gibraltar; a large angulated ammonites, rare, from Weimar, and a ſingular columnar foſſil Madrepore
  • 129 Part of an ammonites, inveloped with pyrites, Sheepy Iſland; various foſſil ſhells, maſſes of ditto, &c.
  • 130 Sundry petrifactions of ſhells, & other marine ſubjects
  • 131 Ditto
  • 132 Ditto
  • 133 Ditto
  • 134 Ditto
  • 135 Ditto
  • 136 Ditto

Second Day's Sale, SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1800.

  • 1 FOURTEEN maſſes of foſſil ſhells, from Ronca, and other parts of Italy
  • 2 Sundry joints of encrini, ſome corals, and various foſſil ſhells, from Switzerland, ſeveral Engliſh echini, ſome amber, and other petrifactions
  • 3 A bird's neſt, incruſted with ſpar, from Carlſbad, in Bohemia; a ſeptarium, a group of rock cryſtals. ſelenitae, from Monte Marte, and 1 more
  • 4 Sundry rock cryſtals, from Switzerland; black earth from the top of Monte Roſſo, in Italy; ſome nummular pyritae, variolitae, &c.
  • 5 Jaſper, Bohemia, a brecciated jaſper an oriental agate, a chalcedony, 7 other poliſhed ſilices, and a ſingular Scotch ſerpentine ſtone
  • 6 Five large lampades, from Derbyſhire; ramoſe corals in limeſtone, ditto; 2 jaſperiſied foſſil woods, and 6 other petrifactions
  • 7 Stellated gypſum on a ſeptarium, Sheepy Iſland; ſtalactitical vitriol, from Goſlar; a cryſtalliſed tin ore, a ſpecimen of peacock coal, in a caſe, and 5 more
  • 8 Several foſſil ſhells, and maſſes of ditto, ramoſe corals in limeſtone, France, 2 echini, &c.
  • 9 A large cruſhed ammonites, impregnated with pyrites, from Bath, and a maſs of ſmall ſhells, chiefly of the clava genus, in brown ſand ſtone, France
  • 10 Two boxes of grotto ſhells
  • 11 Twenty-three various minerals, among which are 3 copper ores, Siberia; opake rock cryſtals, Iceland; clear rock cryſtal, Switzerland; rock ſalt, &c.
  • 12 An oyſter, a large ſnail, a large buccinites, and a group of ſpiral foſſil ſhells, from France
  • 13 A baſaltine bowlder, from Italy; a variolite, from Worceſterſhire; iron ore, Stirlingſhire; and ſeveral other minerals
  • 14 A granite, a ſpecimen of grey marble, and a ſtalactitical ſpar, from Italy; a fluor, Derbyſhire, and a Scotch ſerpentine ſtone, all poliſhed
  • [10]15 A great variety of ſmall foſſil ſhells, echini, zoophyte, and other petrifactions
  • 16 Various ſpecimens of ores, cryſtal, and other minerals, 2 of them from Siberia
  • 17 Two pectens, and 4 echini, in chalk, and flint, from Kent; a group of three beaked oyſters, and a trochites, Somerſetſhire; and various other petrifactions
  • 18 A maſs of ammonia in limeſtone, one ſide poliſhed, from Dorſetſhire; dark coloured marble, with corals and ſhells in it, Ledbury, Herefordſhire; and another ſhelly marble
  • 19 A group of oyſters on a mya, a ſmall devil's claw, the paraſol limpet, a hammer margaritifera, and 5 other recent ſhells
  • 20 Various ſiliceous ſtones, ſome of them poliſhed, red copper ore, Cornwall; a ſpecimen of Iriſh diamond, vitreous ſilver ore, Freyberg, &c.
  • 21 A ſcarce echinus from the iſland Cor [...]e, part of a large vulſella, Italy; a large fig whelk, Hants; an echinus in flint, 2 other foſſil ſhells, and 3 lapidified corals
  • 22 A variety of ſpars, ores, cryſtals, pyritae, and other minerals
  • 23 Sundry foſſil echini, or parts of ditto; joints and other portions of aſteriae, encrini, corals, ſhells, &c. ſeveral of them from Switzerland
  • 24 Thirteen various German, and other marbles, moſt of them poliſhed
  • 25 Thirty-ſix various minerals of different genera
  • 26 A large foſſil pecten, from Somerſetſhire; the caſt of another in freeſtone, a nautilus, from Sheepy Iſland; a maſs of ammonia, Dorſetſhire; a ſingular foſſil coral, poliſhed; and a ſcarce echinites
  • 27 Two curious foſſil fiſh in yellow laminated marble, from Florence
  • 28 Pearl ſpar, with rock cryſtals, Hungary; red ſilver ore, Hartz, and a granite
  • 29 Part of a porphyry bowlder, from the ſhores of Northumberland; an agate, from Oberſtein; a variegated chalcedony, ditto, and a Hartfordſhire pudding ſtone, all poliſhed
  • 30 A variety of foſſil ſhells, echini, bones and teeth of fiſhes, &c. from Sheepy Iſland, France, and Italy
  • 31 Sundry large pieces of copper ore, and other minerals, &c. ſome of them from Siberia
  • [11]32 Shorlite, from Altenberg, Saxony; cryſtallized violet quartz, Wales; a ſtalactitical iron ore, Triers; columnar tin ore, Cornwall; trihedral copper ore, ditto; and a purple cubic fluor, Derbyſhire
  • 33 A large oyſter, from Vivarais, in France; a large mya, rare, from Italy; a maſs of fragments of encrini, and 2 caſts of like fragments in chert, from Derbyſhire; ramoſe corals in limeſtone, ditto, and 4 other
  • 34 A variety of ferruginous and other ſiliceons ſands, and a ſample of magnetical iron ſand
  • 35 Half of a large ſeptarium, from Dorſetſhire; part of another, with foſſil wood in it, Sheepy Iſland, poliſhed, and white ſpar, ſtriped with galena and copper ore, Saxony
  • 36 One valve of a long foſſil oyſter, from Italy; a large ammonia having great part of its finely coloured pearly ſhell, imbedded with other ſhells in a coarſe calcareous grit, France; a large foſſil lampas, Derbyſhire, and a ſingular compreſſed funnel-ſhaped foſſil zoophyte
  • 37 Calamine, from Wales; amianthus, from the Pyrenees; cockſcomb iron ore, Derbyſhire; 2 different ſpars; a trap, and 3 more
  • 38 A curious foſſil zoophyte, from Italy; a large ammonites, the broad beaked oyſter, and 3 more
  • 39 Sundry ferns and other plants in iron ſtone, and coal ſlate, and various other foſſil vegetables
  • 40 Cryſtaliſed ſtaurolite, on cryſtalliſed amethyſts, within a hollow agate ball, from the Palatinate: zeolites in trap, from the Iſland Sky; white amianthus combined with rock cryſtal, Valdague; and garnets in mica, Auvergne
  • 41 A maſs of dentalia, and other ſhells, from Hernberg, in Mecklenberg; 7 other maſſes of foſſil ſhells, and a recent petrifaction, from the Coaſt of Holland
  • 42 Various foſſil ſhells, of the rhombus, trochus, oſtrea, ammonia, and other genera; ſome echini, and other petrifactions
  • 43 Three beautiful dendritical yellow marbles, two of them from Papenheim
  • 44 Various ammonitae, and other foſſil ſhells, ſome echini, z fiſh in marble, &c. and a recent petrifaction
  • 45 A fine avanturine ſtone bowlder, one ſide poliſhed, [12] from Germany; an onachine chalcedony with ſemiopal, and a mammillated chalcedonic flint
  • 46 A fine foſſil fiſh, having its ſcales gilded with pyrites in a black ſlate, from Iſleben; ſkeleton of a fiſh in blue ſlate, and a curious fiſh of the eel kind, in yellow laminated marble, from Verona
  • 47 Cryſtalliſed tin ore, Cornwall; cryſtalliſed iron ore, Elbe; 6 various rock ſtones, from the Top of Snowden; hornblend, from Labradore, and 5 other minerals
  • 48 A thorny heart gryphus on an alatus, a purple ſpondylus, and a papal mitre
  • 49 Bones of quadrupeds in ſpar, from Gibraltar, a maſs of lampades in a ferruginous limeſtone, from Banbury, in Oxfordſhire; a caſt of ſhells in freeſtone, Portland, and a recent petrifaction of ſhells, Antigua
  • 50 Thirty-one poliſhed ſpecimens of marbles, a red porphyry, and a green and red ſchiſtus
  • 51 Various recent ſhells of the porcellana, conus ſolen, tellina, and other genera
  • 52 Cryſtalliſed amethyſts within agate, Germany; a ſtratulated galena with yellow copper ore, &c. Saxony; ſpar on limeſtone, Ecton, and an aſbeſtos
  • 53 A large foſſil lampas, Normandy; 2 indented oyſters, ditto, and a ſingular ammonites
  • 54 Yellow ſpar on indurated clay, Sheepy Iſland; ſtriated gypſum, Nottinghamſhire; violet cubic fluors, Durham, and 2 more
  • 55 Eleven various agates, jaſpers, granite, and other ſiliceous ſtones, 9 of them poliſhed
  • 56 A maſs of lampades, corals, and other marine ſubjects, in limeſtone, from Dudley, Worceſterſhire; nine other limeſtones, containing ſhells, &c. ſmall bivalves in yellow laminated marble, Verona, and 3 detached foſſil ſhells
  • 57 A group of rock cryſtals, Switzerland, and a cryſtalliſed galena, froſted with cockſcomb pyrites, Derbyſhire
  • 58 Thirteen various minerals, including a ſtalactitical chalcedony, a Scotch copper ore, white marble, from Sweden; a zeolite, cryſtalliſed ſulphuret of copper, Cornwall; tabular baroſelenite, Clauſthall, &c.
  • 59 Six curious moſaic pictures, from Florence
  • 60 A ſingular auriculated oyſter, France; one valve of an [13] indented foſſil oyſter, ſection of a nautilus Glouceſterſhire; 2 foſſil corals and a fiſhe's head
  • 61 A beautiful red and white brecciated jaſper, from Sicily, and a large hollow white chalcedonic agate
  • 62 Two ſkeletons of fiſhes in laminated marble, from Verona, and a poliſhed ſpecimen of foſſil wood, Saxony
  • 63 A large piece of obſidian, or volcanic glaſs, from Mount Hecla, Iceland, and a group of rock cryſtals
  • 64 Some mineral Bezoar, ſtalagmitae, a poliſhed jaſpachates, and various other ſmall minerals
  • 65 A mya, and a pectunclus, from Maryland; a belemnites, in a calcareous grit, Maeſtricht; 2 large lampades Derbyſhire; a balanus, ramoſe corals in flint, and 5 other petrifactions
  • 66 A great variety of foſſil ſhells, of different genera, echini, parts of aſteriae, and other petrifactions
  • 67 Section of a beautiful ammonites, with ſoliaceous chambers, lined, or filled with ſpars or limeſtone; the ſurface as well as the inner part, highly poliſhed, from Dorſetſhire
  • 68 Twelve various foreign granites, porphyries, and baſaltes, poliſhed and labelled
  • 69 An alatus, an ammonites, ſection of an ammonoides, ſeveral other foſſil ſhells, 2 echini in flint, and ſome corals
  • 70 A large trapezium, from Courtagnon; an ammonia marginata, from Dorſetſhire; 2 foſſil oyſter, and a Maeſtricht echinus
  • 71 Mamillated chalcedony within a hollow flint, Mount Carmel, called there petrified melons; cryſtalliſed opaline quartz, Glouceſterſhire; a cluſter of globular pyritae, a trap, ditto; with plumoſe and other zeolites, from Sky, and 5 more
  • 72 A pectunculus, from Maryland; ditto, Virginia; 4 other bivales, an echinus, Malta; another, foreign, and a pentagonal aſteria in chalk
  • 73 A large flint, a jaſper, and 2 other poliſhed ſtones, a variolite, a trap, and 2 more
  • 74 A variety of ſhells of the buccinum, Iunatus turris, glycymeris, and other genera, ſome opercula of ſhells, &c. chiefly from France
  • 75 Thirty-three various ores, ſilices, and other minerals
  • 76 A reverſe rhombus, from Eſſex; cockſcomb oyſters, [14] Marſham, in Buckinghamſhire; an ammonites, llminſter; another, Germany; and 7 other petrifactions
  • 77 A fine ſlab cut from a large tortoiſeſhell ſeptarium, got near Weymonth, poliſhed
  • 78 A fine ſpecimen of Ieuzit, from Veſuvius; a ſhorl in quartz, peacock coal, from Lyons, in France, and a ſpar with galena and quartz, Cumberland
  • 79 One valve of a ſpondylus in chalk, rare; wood, bored by teredines, in flint, Kent; a pecten, Bath; another, from Italy; an echinus, from Malta, and 4 other petrifactions
  • 80 An Egyptian pebble, a red jaſper, 4 agates, a porphyry and a pudding ſtone, poliſhed
  • 81 A large tuberculated apiculum, rare, a ſpondylus, a patella, Glouceſterſhire; a ſulcated hypocephalus, 2 oſtreae, another deeply indented; and a fungus coral
  • 82 A large ammonites, an oyſter, a ſpecimen of foſſil wood, another in limeſtone, Charmouth, and three maſes of ſhells and other marine ſubjects
  • 83 Violet granite, Eaſt Indies; 2 pudding ſtones, and 6 other ſtones, poliſhed
  • 84 A curioas long foſſil oyſter, with a very prominent beak, the valves ſeparated, from Italy, rare
  • 85 Two belemnitae, Oxfordſhire; an alated oyſter, ditto; ſeveral other foſſil ſhells, ſome maſſes of ditto, corals, &c.
  • 86 Sattin like malachites copper ore, foliated native copper, blue cryſtalliſed copper ore, and iron ſtone, ſpotted with red copper ore, all from Siberia; 3 ſingular pyritae, Suſſex; ſelenites, Cremnitz; 3 of coloured cryſtalliſed quartz, Glouceſterſhire; heavy ſpar, Surry, and 5 more
  • 87 The whales, the tortoiſes, and 2 other ſpecies of balani, a painted pectunculus, China; 2 mole hill porcellanae, and 5 other recent ſhells
  • 88 Brecciated tin ore, Altenberg; white granite, from the Scalp, 12 miles from Dublin; dark coloured manganeſe, Schio, in the Venetian State; an amygdoloid, ſtellſtone, Lapland ; brecciated jaſper, Breſcia; a blue lava, Italy, and 6 other minerals
  • 89 Two muſics, an alatas, an aculeated rhombus, 2 ſpondyli, an oyſter and a pecten, from France and [15] Italy; an echinus cordatus in flint, Kent, and 2 Engliſh foſſil nautili
  • 90 A large group of yellow double-pointed ſpars, with cubic fluors and blend, from Aſhover, Derbyſhire, and a large ſpecimen of hacked agate, with amethyſt, from Germany
  • 91 Seventeen various marbles, chiefly Engliſh, poliſhed
  • 92 One valve of a large foſſil pectunculus, in limeſtone, from the vicinity of Bath, and another of a foſſil pinna ſhell, in a laminated limeſtone, from Stonesfield, both rare
  • 93 A fern, and three other curious plants in coal ſlate, an impreſſion of the bark of a pine tree in ſand ſtone, from Yorkſhire, and 2 poliſhed ſpecimens of foſſil wood
  • 94 Thirty five various agates porphyries, and other ſiliceous ſtones, a ſtalactitical ſpar, and a ſerpentine ſtone, many of them poliſhed
  • 95 Three caſſidae, a muſica, a ſingular nerites, ſeveral other foſſil ſhells, from France and Italy, a mamillated echinus, in chalk, Kent; 2 madrepores, and 3 other petrifactions
  • 96 A maſs of lampades, corals, &c. Dudley; a leſſer ditto, from the ſame place, a maſs of ammonitae, cut in two [...]nd poliſhed, 2 madrepores, one of them poliſhed, and four more
  • 97 Twenty-two various petrifactions of ſhells, fiſh, &c. and maſſes of ditto
  • 98 Various agates, carnelions, and other poliſhed ſtones, &c.
  • 99 A very large ammonites, being 16 inches diameter, from Surrey
  • 100 Pearl ſpar, with blend and quarte, Cumberland, a geodes iron ore, a group of rock cryſtals, and 5 more
  • 101 Various foſſil ſhells, echini, and other petrifactions
  • 102 Six large maſſes of foſſil ſhells and other marine ſubjects, and an ammonites
  • 103 A variety of ſmall foſſil ſhells, from France
  • 104 An oyſter, from W [...]l [...]enbuttell, ſeveral ditto, from Odiham; part of a large mamillated echinus, foſſil wood, from Coberg, and 8 other petrifactions
  • 105 Fifteen various minerals
  • 106 A me [...]ndritical madrepore, poliſhed, one valve of a [16] large glycymeris, and a maſs of freſh water bivalve ſhells, in a calcareous ſtone, from Oeningen, near the Lake of Conſtance, all in a foſſil ſtate and rare
  • 107 A poliſhed ſpecimen of fire marble, from Carinthia; a large marble ball, from Germany; a red ſteatites, China, another ſteatites, and 3 more
  • 108 One valve of a ſingular foſſil oyſter, 2 pectens, a piece of foſſil wood perforated by teredines, three maſſes of ſhells, and 2 foſſil corals
  • 109 Cryſtalliſed ſtaurolite, from the Pyrenees; green aſbeſtos, Aberdeenſhire, and jaſperified foſſil wood Breſcia
  • 110 A very uncommon natural cluſter of about 30 pine cones, all on one ſtalk
  • 111 A great variety of foſſil ſhells, or their caſts in chert, from France and Italy
  • 112 Parts of 2 pentagonal aſteriae, and a group of ſpines of an echinus, in chalk, Kent; an encrinus, from Brunſwick, and 2 crab's claws, in calcareous grit, from Maeſtricht
  • 113 A cone, 2 terebrae, 2 rhombi, a group of balani, two caffidae, and 3 other foſſil ſhells, from France and Italy
  • 114 Nine various granites, from the Adige, Calabria, and other parts of Italy, poliſhed and labelled
  • 115 Two ſpecimens of native copper, Siberia; double pointed amethyſts, ditto; 2 tin ores, Cornwall; a ſpecimen of native ſulphur, one of carbonate of lead, or white ſpathoſe lead ore, a cryſtalliſed zeolite, and 6 other minerals
  • 116 A variety of foſſil ſhells, corals, and other curious petrifactions, from Italy, France, &c.
  • 117 Needle actinolite in ſmall rock cryſtals among cryſtals of tin ore, green and violet fluors, and 2 marcaſites, from Cornwall; green and blue carbonate of copper, amethyſts, with pyrites, &c. and 3 more
  • 118 Great part of a large flat fiſh having ſingular quadrangular ſcales, incloſed within a grey agrillaceous nodule, from the Cliffs near Weymouth, rare
  • 119 A curious variety of the ruin marble, bordered with black and yellow marble, from Florence
  • 120 Brown mica, from Bohemia; ditto, with ſhorl, North America; aſbeſtos paper, Italy; ſchiſtus, from [17] Elbe; green ditto. Province of Quebec, and a ſingular foreign ſelenites
  • 121 Two boxes of rough garnets, and one of Falkland Iſland carnelions
  • 122 A ſtone patapatoo, or war bludgeon, formed of baſaltes, from New Zealand, 3 ancient ſtone European hatchet heads, an ornament made of the fibres of plants, neatly plaited in large net-work, with teeth of fiſhes, ſhells, &c. wrought in the work, from the Friendly Iſlands, and 3 ſtone ornaments
  • 123 Cryſtalliſed carbonate of lead, from La Croix aux Mines, out of the Butean collection. Green actinolite, in white and yellow chlorite, from Tyrol, and a ſpecimen of onachine chalcedony, the laſt poliſhed
  • 124 A fine argonauta corrugata, or wrinkled paper ſailor, from Minorca
  • 125 Six curious carvings in ſteatites, from Japan
  • 126 A group of ſmall foſſil ſhells of the gryphus genus, naturally affixed to wood, from Sheepy Iſland; 2 madrepores, 2 other curious zoophyte, and 2 echini galeati in flint
  • 127 Molybdate of lead, from Bleyberg in Carinthia; native copper, Siberia; pitch ſtone, from Hungary; iron ore, from Wochein, Carniola; a red haematites iron ore, and a plumbago
  • 128 Various poliſhed agates, carnelions, jaſpers, pebbles, and other ſtones
  • 129 A fiſh in yellow laminated marble, from Papenheim; bones of a fiſh's head, Sheepy Iſland; an ammonia, and 4 other foſſil ſhells, and three foſſil corals
  • 130 Sundry pyritae, ſpars, cryſtals, ſome ſpecimens of obſidian, coal, and other minerals
  • 131 Several lampades, and other foſſil ſhells, madrepores, a poliſhed jaſperified wood, and other petrifactions
  • 132 A variety of foſſil ſhells, echini, corals, and other marine ſubjects, &c.
  • 133 Ditto
  • 134 Ditto
  • 135 Ditto
  • 136 A parcel of variolites, jaſpers, and other ſtones

Third Day's Sale. MONDAY, JULY 14, 1800.

  • 1 A MASS of ſhells of the lampas genus, in a ferruginous limeſtone, from Banbury, Oxfordſhire; a group of ammonia in limeſtone, a maſs of large pectens, &c. Italy, and part of a large ammonites
  • 2 A reverſe rhombus, Eſſex; a muſic, Hants; 2 large pectens, and ſundry other foſſil ſhells, &c.
  • 3 A box containing a large parcel of foſſil ſhells and other petrifactions
  • 4 Part of a large ſeptarium, with yellow ſpar, Sheepy Iſland; a yellow fluor with limeſtone, in which ſome fragments of encrini are imbedded, Derbyſhire; ſpathoſe iron ore, with tabular baroſelenite, red jaſper, Siberia, and 9 other minerals
  • 5 A large clamp ſhell, chamagigas, Linn. with adheſions of ſerpulae, from Ceylon
  • 6 A micaceous ſtone, with dendritae, on the ſurface, Italy; 3 laminated calcareous ſtones, with dendritae, half of a large geodes, and a brown mica
  • 7 Two large ramoſe corals in limeſtone, another foſſil madrepore, a maſs of fragments of encrini, and 1 more
  • 8 A variety of foſſil ſhells, echini, corals, and other petrifactions
  • 9 Green aſbeſtos, from Scotland; piſolithus, from Carlſbad in Bohemia; tabular baroſelenite, Siberia: and garnets in mica
  • 10 Part of a ſeptarium, with foſſil wood in it, from Charmouth, Devonſhire; pyritical ammonites, ditto; two echini clypeati, bones in ſpar, Gibraltar; a ſcarce vulſella, Italy, and 9 other petrifactions
  • 11 Porphyry, from Orſky, in Siberia; ſeveral baſaltes, from the Venetian State, ſome variolites and other minerals
  • 12 An onyx, from Iceland; an Italian and 3 large German agates, poliſhed, and a rough Engliſh pudding ſtone
  • [19]13 Several echini, ſome of them in flint; a caſt of a bulla in limeſtone; 2 lampades; ſeveral other foſſil ſhells; a meandritical madrepore; an aſtroites, a coral in flint, &c.
  • 16 Sundry belemnitae, and other foſſil ſhells, or their caſts; ſome maſſes of ſhells, echini, &c.
  • 15 A white chalcedony; a variegated iron ore; an Italian limeſtone, and a brown limeſtone with a vein of galena, all poliſhed
  • 16 Samples of hemp and flax, the growth of Italy, and various ſpecimens of thread, cordage, cloth, and paper, manufactured from them, and a ſmall block of lignum vitae,
  • 17 Various foſſil ſhells, echini, echinitae, ſome maſſes of ſhells, and other petrifactions
  • 18 Copper ore, Siberia; brown rock cryſtals, Bohemia; haematites iron ore, Saxony; iron ore, Elbe; and 18 other minerals
  • 19 Two large ammonitae; a large thin maſs of ditto, Dorſetſhire; a long oyſter, and 3 other petrifactions
  • 20 Twenty poliſhed ſpecimens of marbles
  • 21 Striated gypſum, Italy; calcareous ſpar, Idria, and Various other minerals, chiefly Italian
  • 22 Part of a large fiſh in chalk, Sorry; a limeſtone bowlder, with nummular corals imbedded in it, from Italy; bones of quadrupeds in ſpar, from the iſland Liſſa, and an oyſter, Wilts.
  • 23 Two ſpecimens of allum ſtone, from Tolfa; phoſphate of lead, or green ſpathoſe lead ore, from Bereſoſſkoi, Siberia; two Veſuvians; a trap; a leuzit, and ſeveral other minerals, from Italy
  • 24 Three large pieces of marble; a rough jaſper, and 7 rough variolites
  • 25 A variety of foſſil ſhells, echini, corals, and other petrifactions, Engliſh and Foreign, in 2 boxes
  • 26 A fine foſſil fiſh in white laminated marble, from Verona, and part of the ſkeleton of a fiſh in blue ſlate
  • 27 A variety of foſſil ſhells, echini, bones of fiſhes, and other marine ſubjects, from Italy, Switzerland, and ſeveral parts of England
  • 28 Various ſpecimens of clay, chalks, and other earths, chiefly foreign
  • 29 A nautilus, having nummular ſpars within the chambers, Glouceſterſhire; a fine ammonites. Somerſetſhire; [20]one valve of a large glycymeris, Italy, and a pectunculus in limeſtone, Normandy
  • 30 A great variety of recent ſhells, of different genera and ſpecies
  • 31 Fifteen granites, porphyries, variolites, and other ſiliceous ſtones, moſt of them poliſhed
  • 32 A collection of ſalts and ſands in ſmall bottles, from Mount Veſuvius
  • 33 Nineteen agates, jaſpers, pebbles, and other ſilices, poliſhed
  • 34 A large maſs of foſſil ſhells, &c. in limeſtone, from Neuſtadt, and another from Dudley
  • 35 Various ſpecimens of the ſtrata and minerals, from the ſurface of the earth, to the loweſt depth yet ſearched, near Cromford and Middleton, in Derbyſhire
  • 36 Bones in ſpar, from Gibraltar, and 13 other petrifactions
  • 37 A ſingular copper pyrites, from Cornwall; galena, in truncated cubes, with blend, &c. Cumberland; a group of double pointed rock cryſtals, with pyrites, and another with iron ore
  • 38 A large flint, replete with fragments of ſhells, Kent; a maſs of ſingular lampades in black ſhale, and 2 other maſſes of ſhells
  • 39 Eleven various minerals
  • 40 An alated oyſter, from Oxfordſhire; a madrepore, France, and 5 maſſes of foſſil ſhells
  • 41 A baſaltiform iron clay, nith yellow ſpar, Sheepy Iſland; and a hollow flint, lined with brilliant quartz cryſtals, from Mount Carmel, called there a petrified melon
  • 42 Two ſalt cellars, formed of Derbyſhire marble, a marble pedeſtal, a jaſper pedeſtal, 3 marbles for papers, and 5 more
  • 43 Various ſhells of the ammonia, conus, and other genera, 3 ſpecimens of ſiliceous wood, and ſeveral other petrifactions
  • 44 Six varieties of columnar baſaltes, of 3, 4, and 5 ſides, from the Venetian State, one end of each poliſhed
  • 45 An alatus, Italy; a ſpondylus, France; a maſs of ſhells, ditto, and 5 other petrifactions
  • 46 Various foſſil ſhells of the area, pectunculus, conus, voluta, and other genera, from France and Italy
  • 47 A broad beaked oyſter, France; a group of 3 oyſters, [21] part of a large ammonites, a ſmooth pecten, Dauphiny, and 2 other petrifactions
  • 48 A piece of wood bored by teredines, and various perforations in ſhells, chalk, and limeſtones, by lithophagi, and other boring ſhell-fiſh
  • 49 Two ſparry caſts of echini, from Italy; the caſt of a large cardium in a ferruginous ſtone, a maſs of ſmall lentes lapidei; 2 crabs, united by a hardened clay, Ceylon; ſmall pectens in a friable ſtone, Maeſtricht, and ſeveral other petrifactions
  • 50 A foſſil fiſh of a curious and rare ſpecies, in a white marble, from Oeningen, and another in black ſlate, from lſleben
  • 51 An ammonia, Dorſetſhire; 6 Italian foſſil zoophyte, a mammillated echinus, and 8 more
  • 52 A great variety of foſſil ſhells, echini, caſts and ſpines of ditto, joints of aſteriae, and encrini, and other petrifactions
  • 53 Two valves of large pectunculi, one valve of a large glycymeris, part of a bivalve, and a pecten in flint, a large ſnail, and a rare foſſil echinus, from Dax
  • 54 Twenty various agates, pebbles, and other ſiliceous ſtones, poliſhed
  • 55 A large ſerpulae, a Hercules's club, a carrier, a diſſected harp, a group of thread worms, and various other recent ſhells
  • 56 A very large and fine foſſil ſhell, of the pecten genus, with a [...]heſions of balani, very ſcarce
  • 57 A poliſhed fluor, and a ſpar, &c. Derbyſhire; miſpickel, with ſilver ore, &c. Saxony; a ſingular hollow quartz, and 4 other minerals
  • 58 Two pyritical limeſtones, with bones imbedded in them, from Glouceſterſhire; 2 echini in chalk, Kent; an echinus clypeatus, and 6 other petrifactions
  • 59 A great variety of curious ſmall foſſil ſhells, echini and corals, chiefly from France and Italy
  • 60 Cryſtalliſed blend with cubic fluors, Durham; truncated hexagonal ſpars, Hartz; a maſs of large garnets in mica, and 1 more
  • 61 Section of a large ammonites, the chambers partly filled with limeſtone, or blended with ſpar, poliſhed
  • 62 A maſs of ammonitae, cut in two and poliſhed, Germany; jaſperified wood, ditto; foſſil bones, Gibraltar; three pectens in chalk, and various other petrifactions
  • 63 A variety of ſmall foſſil ſhells, parts of encrini, and other petrifactions, chiefly from Switzerland
  • [22]64 A hollow maſs of cryſtalliſed galena, Derbyſhire; a ſtratulated copper ore, with blend and quartz, a bog iron ore, part of a ſeptarium with ſelenitae, and a variolite
  • 65 Three maſſes of ſhells, and other remains of marine animals in limeſtone, and a recent petrifaction of ſhells, the laſt from the W. Indies
  • 66 Two German agates, a variegated chalcedony, a red jaſper, a variolite, and a pudding ſtone
  • 67 A large knotted club, a curious and rare foſſil ſhell, from France
  • 68 A great variety of foſſil ſhells, echini, canceres, and other petrifactions
  • 69 Shelly marble, Kilkenny; 2 landſcape marbles, Somerſetſhire; white marble, from Pargas, in Finland; freeſtone, from Bath; ditto, from Glouceſterſhire; red marble, from Millbay, near Plymouth, ſeveral German marbles, &c.
  • 70 Four ſquare bony palates of fiſh, in chalk, from Surry; bones of a fiſh's head, in clay, Sheepy Iſland; a large tooth of a fiſh, of the ſhark kind, in freeſtone, Malta; an echinus, a madrepore, and 2 other petrifactions
  • 71 The tuſk; of ſome large quadruped of the feline genus, rare, part of the fangs of the grinder of an elephant, 2 pieces of another large foſſil bone, and the bones of a fiſh's head in clay, the laſt from Sheepy Iſland
  • 72 Avanturine ſtone, from Spain, rare, and 2 Oriental onyxes
  • 73 Four boxes, containing a number of neatly made card boxes, including a great variety of ſhells, as well terreſtrial as aquatic, natives of Great Britain
  • 74 Three winged oyſters, from Shotover Hill, Oxfordſhire; another foſſil oyſter, 2 maſſes of ſhells, one of them from Germany, and a maſs of fragments of encrini
  • 75 A variety of foſſil ſhells, corals, &c. chiefly from France
  • 76 Spathoſe iron ore, Bareith; a pyrites, with part of a nautilus in it, and 2 other minerals
  • 77 An arcites, rare, a nautilus, ſome maſſes of ſhells and bones, a piece of foſſil wood, and other petrifactions
  • 78 Sundry carnelions, jaſpers, and other ſilices, poliſhed
  • 79 A ſingularly figured galena, ſeveral iron ores, a mica, from Germany, and various other minerals
  • 80 Part of the bones of a fiſh, from Sheepy Iſland; a tubular coral, from Derbyſhire; a maſs of ſhells, Dorſetſhire; another, with corals, &c. from Dudley, and 2 more
  • [23]81 Variolite, from Malvern Hills; a ſtorl, and 7 other minerals
  • 82 Marble, from Warwickſhire; 2 ditto, from Derbyſhire; one from Devonſhire; roſso antico, and 2 other Italian marbles, and 2 more.
  • 83 A nautilus, from Sheepy Iſland, an ammonites, Glouceſterſhire; a group of ammonitae, Dorſetſhire; a large lamp cockle, Derbyſhire, and 3 more
  • 84 Red jaſper, Siberia; red copper ore, ditto; tin ore, Cornwall; ſpathoſe iron ore, Italy; ſilver ore, Annaberg, in Stiria; pyrites, Goſlar; and 11 others
  • 85 A variety of curious ſmall foſſil ſhells, of different genera, echini and zoophyte, chiefly from France
  • 86 Three balani, a pectunculus, a glycymeris, part of an orthoceratites, 2 mammillated echini, and 9 other petrifactions
  • 87 Eleven various balls of argillaceous iron ore, ſplit in two, and diſcovering in each a ſprig of a plant of the fern kind; and one, containing part of a twig of a pine, moſt of them from Coalbrook Dale
  • 88 A ſcarce ſulcated bivalve of the lamp genus, a cone, 6 helmets, a ſingular nerites, various other foſſil ſhells, 4 echini, ſome madrepores, &c. chiefly from France and Italy
  • 89 Fifty-one various ſmall minerals, including golden mica, from Schio; ſteatites, Cornwall; cryſtalliſed iron ore, Elbe; ſome pebble chalcedony, &c.
  • 90 A large ſmooth pecten, Italy; an oyſter, Oxfordſhire; a large ſtriated lampas, Derbyſhire; a maſs of freſh water ſhells, France; a limeſtone, replete with fragments of encrini, and an angulated foſſil madrepore
  • 91 Green jaſper, with cubic marcaſites in it, from Ronca, in Italy, a large ſpecimen of Baſſan marble, and a laminated Florentine yellow marble, with brown dendritae, on it
  • 92 A variety of cypreae, annulus, moneta, and arcticus, and other ſmall recent ſhells, and a box of red roſe ſhells, &c.
  • 93 A valve of a large pectunculus, from Virginia; a ſmooth ditto, Italy; one valve of a large glycymeris, from ditto; a group of large balani, from Florence, and 2 foſſil corals
  • 94 Leuzit, from Veſuvius; native quickſilver, in cinnabar, with iron ore, Zweybruck; ſhorl, from Elbe; ſattin [24] like malachites, copper ore, native copper, Siberia; rock cryſtal, St. Gothard; a zeolites, and 1 more
  • 95 A variety of foſſil ſhells, of different genera, from Ronca, in Italy; Courtagnon, &c.
  • 96 Two large pieces of coal ſlate, replete with ferns, and other vegetables, from coal-pits, in Somerſetſhire
  • 97 Grey granite, with ſhorl and garnets in it, Germany; a ſeptarium, divided into quadrangles, Derbyſhire; another ſeptarium, and a ſtriped Italian hornſtone, all poliſhed
  • 98 The leſſer foſſil alated ſpindle, 2 deeply, cancellated trochleae, the pholas-like ſerpula, a cylindrical bulla, a complete echinated gryphus, rare, and 2 other foſſil ſhells, France; 2 porcellanae, a purpura and 2 trochi, Italy; and a patellae, Glouceſterſhire
  • 99 Five maſſes of ſhells, and other remains of marine animals, in limeſtone, 2 of them poliſhed
  • 100 Tabuletad baroſelenite, Weſtmorland; rock cryſtals, Switzerland; 2 cryſtalliſed iron ores, Elbe; a red feldſpar, with ſhorl, and 4 other minerals
  • 101 A large ſpecimen of chlorite, having large octahedral cryſtals of iron imbedded in it
  • l02 A ſtudded hypocephalus, Normandy; a ſulcated ſhell of the ſame genus, from ditto; a ſpondylus, and a trapezium, France, and 2 other petrifactions
  • 103 A curious foſſil fiſh in a yellow laminated marble, with the counter part, from Florence
  • 104 A parcel of odd valves of recent ſhells of the tellina, cardium, pecten, cepa, and other genera
  • 105 A globoſe ſpar on rock cryſtals, Hungary; a black ſpathoſe iron ore, a mammillated copper pyrites, and a pearl ſpar
  • 106 A ſcarce ſulcated ſpecies of the lampas genus; a rare trapezium, 2 other foſſil bivalve ſhells, an orbicular madrepore, Rouen; 2 other foſſil corals, 4 echini, and 1 more
  • 107 Marcaſites with tin ore, a cryſtalliſed tin ore, and a group of cryſtalliſed quartz, Cornwall; a ſparry depoſition on moſs, dog tooth ſpar, with cauk, Derbyſhire, and 1 more
  • 108 Sundry ammonia, rhombi, and other foſſil ſhells, ſome caſts of ſpiral and other ſhells in chalcedony, France; an echinus in chalk, ſeveral fig-ſaped ſpines of echini, and other petrifactions
  • [25]109 Black marble, with ſhells in it, from Kilkenny; black marble, with corals in it, Durham; grey marble, Suſſex; 2 yellow marbles with dendritae, on them, and a dendritical ſchiſtoſe mica
  • 110 A variety of tellinae, dentalia, olivae, and other ſmall recent ſhells, &c. ſorted
  • 111 A large ſpecimen of agate, mixed with jaſper and chalcedony, a hollow in the centre of which, is lined with cubic and other ſingularly figured cryſtals of chalcedony, very rare, and a large agate, having amethyſt and quartz in the middle of it, both from Germany, and poliſhed
  • 112 Pectunculi, from Virginia; fundry other foſſil ſhells, 2 madrepores, from France, and other petrifactions
  • 113 A belemnites, a cone, a group of balani, 4 ſpiral, and 7 other foſſil ſhells
  • 114 A very fine mammillated echinus, filled with flint, in which one of its ſpines is imbedded, from Kent; part of a curious nautilus, having a large ſhelly ſiphunculus, France; a tuberculated ammonia, with part of its coloured pearly ſhell, Ruſſia, and a ſcarce foſſil echinus, having one of its rays diſtorted
  • 115 A cluſter of large white twelve ſided ſpars, and a ſtalactitical group of fluors, partly coated with ſpathoſe iron ore, from Durham
  • 116 A capital ſpecimen of mammillated chalcedony, from Iceland.
  • 117 Twelve various maſſes of foſſil ſhells & corals, chiefly Engliſh, poliſhed
  • 118 Cinnabar, Hungary; mammillated ſpar, Hartz; tabulated barytes, ditto; white cauk, Leiceſterſhire; ſteel grained galena, with double pointed yellow ſpars, Derbyſhire; an obſidian, and 1 more
  • 119 A variety of curious foſſil ſhells, chiefly from France
  • 120 A fine ſpecimen of madrepora [...]ibicina with numerous ſmall beginnings of gorgonia pretiofa, or red coral, ſerpulae, and other curious adheſions from the Sicilian Coaſt
  • 121 Sixteen poliſhed ſpecimens of Engliſh, Iriſh, and German marbles, with ſhells and corals imbedded in them, moſt of them labelled
  • 122 A fine cidaris abbreviata; a curious ſpecies of echinus, from St. Mauritius, having its ſpines; a group [26] of retort worms, in their native bed, Coromandel; and a group of ſerpulae, on an echinus, Mediterranean
  • 123 A fine ſpecimen of cryſtallized cyanite, and titanium, from Mount St. Gothard, very ſcarce
  • 124 A large and fine foſſil pecten ſhell, from Ortenberg, near Paſſau, and another from Goſe Iſland, near Malta, both rare
  • 125 Native gold, in white quartz, Brazil; nickel, with cobalt, Saalfield; brilliant cryſtalliſed native copper in ſpar, Siberia; and ditto with green carbonate of copper, from ditto
  • 126 A rare ſulcated lampas, from Normandy; 2 other ſcarce ſhells of the ſame genus; a ſpined pecten; a riged margaritifera; a mactra; 6 other foſſil ſhells; a ſingular coral, and a palate of a fiſh, in chalk
  • 127 Two large valves of mother of pearl ſhells, from China
  • 128 Nineteen poliſhed ſtones, including varieties of the Egyptian pebble, German agates, brecciated and other jaſpers, marbles, &c.
  • 129 Section of an ammonia, ſhewing its concamerations; 3 more of the ſame genus; ſeveral other foſſil ſhells; ſome echini, and other petrifactions
  • 130 Various pyritae, gypſae, cinnabar, from Idria, and other ſmall ſpecimens of minerals
  • 131 An alated oyſter, from Shotover Hill; 2 ammonia; 4 maſſes of foſſil ſhells, 2 echini, and 4 madreporites
  • 132 Mammilated chalcedony, Iceland; black haematites iron ore, Triers; obſidian, from Italy; a brown and white ſpar, from Trieſte, and a cryſtalliſed flag
  • 133 A large tuberculated foſſil ammonia ſhell, imbedded in a ſeptarium, from the cliffs, near Weymouth
  • 134 Section of a pyritical ammonites, from Brunſwick; a pyritical ammonites in limeſtone, Bath; ſeveral maſſes of ſhells, one of them poliſhed, ſome madrepores, &c.
  • 135 A large parcel of cryſtalliſed Veſuvian, mica, &c. from Mount Veſuvius
  • 136 A great variety of foſſil ſhells, echini, corals and other petrifactions.

Fourth Day's Sale. TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1800.

  • 1 A VARIETY of foſſil ſhells, echini, aſteriae, parts of fiſhes, and other petrifactions
  • 2 Several dendritical and other marbles, and ſundry ſpars, gypſae, ſilices, &c. ſome of them poliſhed
  • 3 Various ſpecimens of cryſtalliſed quartz, veſuvian, aſbeſti, native copper, iron ore, and other minerals
  • 4 Five maſſes of ſhells, and other marine productions; 2 echini; an echinites in flint; an oyſter, and other petrifactions
  • 5 Native oxyde of quickſilver, from Idria; cryſtalliſed white carbonate of lead in iron ore; three varieties of trap; ſpar within foſſil ſhells, Oxfordſhire; 2 micae; a cryſtalliſed veſuvian, and 4 more
  • 6 Fifty-three varieties of Italian marbles; ſtalactitical ſpars, and ſerpentine ſtone, each ſpecimen 31/4 inches ſquare and poliſhed
  • 7 Three ammonitae; a nautilus; a group of alated oſtreae, ſundry maſſes of ſhells, corals, and other marine ſubjects, &c.
  • 8 A large parcel of foſſil ſhells, echini, corals, and other petrifactions, in two boxes
  • 9 An Egyptian pebble; a variolite; 3 jaſpers, and 10 other ſilicious ſtones, poliſhed
  • 10 A maſs of foſſil ſhells, from Germany; a large foſſil pecten, from Bath, and 2 ammonitae,
  • 11 A large coal ſlate, filled with impreſſions of plants of the fern kind, from Lancaſhire
  • 12 A large and fine foſſil nautilus, from Sheepy Iſland, Kent
  • 13 Flos ferri, from Steurmarck; ſtalactitical chalcedony, Cornwall; a red ore of cobalt; ſtaurolite, Andreaſberg; a zeolite, and 8 other minerals
  • 14 A ſkeleton of a fiſh in white marble, from Oeningen; ditto, from Bohemia; another from Mount Carmel, one in black ſlate, Iſleben; a fiſh's head, with pyrites, Sheepy Iſland, and a vertebra of a large fiſh
  • [28]15 A large ball formed of the Florentine ruin marble, ſingularly figured
  • 16 Hae,matites iron ore, Lancaſhire; 2 groups of cryſtals, France, and 12 other minerals
  • 17 An ammonites, cut in two, France; a group of teredines, Sheepy Iſland; fragments of encrini in limeſtone; Dorſetſhire, and a jaſperified wood, Coberg, all poliſhed
  • 18 Sundry agate beads; a cut Egyptian pebble, for a cane-head, a marble for papers, &c.
  • 19 Twenty-four various foſſil ſhells, echini, corals, &c. ſome of them from France and Italy
  • 20 A porphyry bowlder, from South Shore, Scarborough; laminated white marble, with black dendritae, Baden; a red marble with white ſparry fragments of encrini in it, and 1 more
  • 21 Freſh water ſpiral ſhells in lithomarga, Iſle of Wight; 2 maſſes of ſhells in ſand ſtone, Pierre en Laye, France; ſhells in chalcedony, Courtagnon; 6 other maſſes of ſhells; ramoſe corals in limeſtone, Derbyſhire, and 1 more
  • 22 An ammonites cut in two and poliſhed, from Glouceſterſhire; caſts of ſpiral ſhells in chert, from France; a group of ſerpula ſhells in limeſtone, and a foſſil pectunculus
  • 23 Various foſſil ſhells, echini, crabs, and other petrifactions, Engliſh and Foreign
  • 24 Native copper, Siberia; copper ore, ditto; cryſtalliſed ſtaurolite. Andreaſberg; white cryſtalliſed quartz, in a hollow flint, Mount Carmel; galena, with copper ore and ſpar, in ſtratula, Germany, and a ſingular artificial cryſtalliſation of biſmuth
  • 25 A variety of foſſil ſhells, corals, and other petrifactions
  • 26 An alated oyſter, with a ſerpulae, adhering to it, Oxfordſhire; ſeveral foſſil ſhells, from Italy; an ammonia, Furſtenberg; 2 reticulated and ſeveral other corals, with various other petrifactions
  • 27 Three jaſpers, a chalcedony, 2 agates, 2 pudding ſtones, and a ſtalactites, poliſhed
  • 28 Twenty-eight varions foſſil ſhells, corals, and groups of ditto, Engliſh, French and Italian
  • 29 Twenty various minerals, from Sileſia, Wales, and other parts
  • 30 A variety of curious foſſil ſhells, of different genera, from France and Italy
  • [29]31 Cryſtalliſed tin ore, Cornwall; mammillated chalcedony, Iceland, and brown pitch ſtone, Hungary
  • 32 A large foſſil nautilus, from Sheepy Iſland
  • 33 A ſingularly figured green aſbeſtos, from Scotland; a ſeptarium, from Dorſetſhire; and cryſtalliſed ſpathoſe iron ore, on the ſurface of a large cubic fluor, from Durham
  • 34 Pumice-ſtone-like iron ore of pallas; native copper and a copper ore, Siberia; copper ore, with cauk and pyrites, from Staffordſhire, poliſhed and 13 other minerals
  • 35 Two boxes containing a variety of ſmall foſſil ſhells, echini, teeth, and other bones of fiſhes, corals, and other petrifactions
  • 36 Various ſingular palates of fiſhes, from Kent, Oxfordſhire and Somerſetſhire; ſundry teeth and other bones of fiſhes, 3 crabs, from Ceylon; ſeveral impreſſions of ſerns and other plants in ſtones, 2 foſſil nuts, rare, and other curious petrifactions
  • 37 Five varieties of quickſilver ore, from Idria; ſtriated marcaſites, Hungary; antimony, from Tuſcany; 2 cryſtalliſed veſuvians, and ſeveral other minerals
  • 38 A large and fine plum-pudding ſtone, from Hartfordſhire, poliſhed
  • 39 Various, foſſil ſhells, echini, teeth, and vertebrae, of fiſhes, and other petrifactions
  • 40 Nineteen cards, containing a variety of foſſil ſhells, principally from France and Italy
  • 41 Part of an elephant's tuſk, diſeaſed by being wounded with an iron ball, a poliſhed ſection of an elephant's grinder tooth, both from the Cape of Good Hope; a large hair ball, from the ſtomach of a cow, another from the ſtomach of a horſe, horns of a ſmall African deer, patellae, of the back bone of a whale, and 3 more
  • 42 Quartz, with ſhrub-like vitreous ſilver ore, Johangeorgenſtadt; cryſtalliſed veſuvians, from Veſuvius, hammites, Glouceſterſhire; pointed ſpars, from Clauſthall, in the Hartz; tabular baroſelenite, ditto, and 9 other minerals
  • 43 A large German agate, 2 leſſer ditto, 4 jaſpers, a granite. a porphyry, and 5 other poliſhed ſtones
  • 44 A curious and extremely ſcarce bivalve ſhell, imbedded [30] in flint, from Wells, in Norfolk; a group of various ſhells, in limeſtone, Normandy, and two rare foſſil echini
  • 45 A maſs of ammonia in a limeſtone bowlder, from the Shores of Yorkſhire, cut in two and poliſhed, a curious madrepore, with ſmall ſtars, Derbyſhire; and a fiſh in marble, Verona
  • 46 Green jaſper, from Spain; trap with kernels of zeolites, Germany; a variegated pebble, Palatinate; porphyry, Northumberland, and 5 more poliſhed
  • 47 Four belemnitae, from a chalk pit, in Kent; 2 ammonitae, Whitby; 5 others of the ſame genus, a fiſh from Papenheim; ſome crabs, Sheepy Iſland, and other petrifactions
  • 48 Two boxes, containing a great variety of foſſil ſhells, corals and other petrifactions
  • 49 A ſmall kangaroo, from New South Wales, in a glazed caſe
  • 50 Twelve various petrifactions, including 2 ammonites, a ſmooth pecten, Bath, a trochites, &c.
  • 51 Twenty-five curious foſſil vegetables, conſiſting of poliſhed ſpecimens of jaſperified wood, from Hungary, Bohemia and Turkey; 2 large nuts, Sheepy Iſland, ſome ferns, &c.
  • 52 Cubic marcaſites, in a green ſlate, Cumberland; arrow-head ſelenites, Monte Marte; a ſtratulated galena, with copper ore, Saxony; and 2 others
  • 53 Two boxes, containing a variety of Engliſh flints, with corals and other zoophyte imbedded in them; and ſundry foſſil ſhells, from France
  • 54 A large ridged ammonites, from a chalk pit, in Surry, and a group of the beaked oyſter in limeſtone, the laſt from Dr. Woodward's collection
  • 55 Three ſerpentine ſtones, an onachine chalcedony, 2 variolites, 2 porphyries, and 13 other filices, moſt of them poliſhed
  • 56 Two very fine groups of recent ſerpulae, ſhells, from the Coaſt of Sicily
  • 57 Four poliſhed pieces of jaſperified foſſil wood, one of them from Breſcia; an iron ſtone, with a fern in it, Coalbrook Dale, and 2 pieces of coal ſlate, with ferns and other vegetables in them, from Lancaſhire
  • 58 A tabulated maſs of onachine chalcedonic quartz, octohedral [31] galena, with ſpars and cauk, Leiceſterſhire: blend with pearl ſpar and barytes, Cumberland, and 3 more
  • 59 A belemnites in flint, Norfolk; a rhombus, Eſſex; a group of glycymerides, a large cardites, a balanus, an echinus in flint, a maſs of ſhells, and 4 foſſil corals
  • 60 Calyptra corrugata, from St. Domingo, 2 of tellina ſtriata, W. Indies; a pair of cherſina vexillum, Surinam, and various other recent ſhells
  • 61 Lapis Lazuli, from Perſia; bloodſtone, from Arabia; yellow agate, with quartz, Spain; jaſper, from Livonia, and 5 others, poliſhed
  • 62 Nine various petrifactions, viz. A lampas, Derbyſhire; ſection of a nautilus, Wiltſhire; 2 ſcarce pectens, 2 balani adhering together, and 3 fine echini, one of them in flint
  • 63 A group of red oyſters and balani, from Guinea; a tuberculated ark, China; an ark with a gryphus adhering, and 3 other recent ſhells
  • 64 Jet, from Norfolk; peacock coal, Brunſwick; black haematites, from the mine of Mr. Demidow, in Siberia; a ſingular ſpar, Wales, a tabulated barytes and 7 more
  • 65 A mammillated echinus, from Switzerland; a rare echinites, Malta; a light coloured ſiliceous wood, with open pores, Normandy; an hypocephalus, a vulſella, a neretoidea, Ronca; a group of cockſcomb oyſters, a pectunculus, France; and a palate of a fiſh, Kent
  • 66 Soft elaſtic bitumen in limeſtone, Derbyſhire; ditto, in chert, from the ſame county; cryſtalliſed amethyſt, the cryſtals coated with cubic chalcedony, rare, on agate, Saxony; cubic marcaſites in black ſlate, ditto, in marble, a ſtratulated galena, with white ſpar, and a ſtellated gypſum
  • 67 Twenty-four poliſhed ſpecimen of marbles, and other beautiful ſtones
  • 68 An ammonites, with its impreſſion in argillaceous iron ore, Whitby; an ammonites, Germany; a group of ditto, Dorſetſhire; marble with ſhells, from the Venetian State; a cardium in a bituminous ſlate, from Sky; and 6 other petrifactions
  • 69 A very curious foſſil fiſh of the flounder kind, in a yellow laminated marble, from Verona
  • [32]70 Section of an ammonia, France, a ſcarce purpura, Italy; a ſtudded hypocephalus, Dorſetſhire; a turban echinus in flint, Kent; a crab, from Verona; a poliſhed madrepore, and 2 poliſhed ſpecimens of foſſil wood
  • 71 A large garnet, Bohemia; galena, rich in ſilver, Freyberg; cryſtalliſed ditto, with baroſelenite, and 2 other minerals
  • 72 A very fine group of clear rock cryſtals, the columns variouſly modified, from Mount St. Gothard
  • 73 Four curious and rare petrifactions, viz. a large turbinated ſhell, from Lugo; a large tellina, from Ronca; a meandritical madrepore, from Caſtel Gombeno, and another zoophyte
  • 74 A maſs of ſpiral, and other curious foſſil ſhells, in a calcareous ſtone, from Courtagnon, and a flat piece of chert, filled with chalcedonic caſts of various ſhells, alſo from France
  • 75 An ore of arſenic, from Bohemia; chert, from Paris Mountain, Angleſey, found near the ſurface above the copper ore, cryſtalliſed Veſuvian of Werner, in green mica, Mount Veſuvius; red copper ore, with malachite, Siberia, and 2 more
  • 76 Head of a fiſh, in clay, Sheepy Iſland; bones of another fiſh, in like clay, from ditto: a lobſter, ditto; 2 ſections of a foſſil grinder of an elephant, poliſhed and bones in ſpar, Gibraltar.
  • 77 A great variety of curious ſmall foſſil ſhells and corals, from France and Italy
  • 78 Six poliſhed granites, porphyries, and other curious ſtones, from the Adige, and other places in Italy
  • 79 Madrepora annulata, E. Indies; 2 of madrepora areolata, a tubipora muſica, 2 ſingular ſponges, and 5 other zoophytes
  • 80 Great part of the ſkeleton of a long fiſh, in a blueiſh black ſlate, from Italy
  • 81 Various foſſil ſhells of the ammonia, lampas, pecten, oſtrea, and other genera, ſome corals, echini, &c.
  • 82 Native ſilver in ſmall particles, and ſtreaks in a black ſtone, Annaberg; ſhort in quartz, from Giglio; rich native oxyde of quickſilver, Idria; a ſpecimen of plumbago, a ſteatites, opal in the matrix, Hungary, and cryſtalliſed iron ore, with rock cryſtals, Elbe
  • [33]83 A great variety of recent ſhells of different genera
  • 84 Fourteen various maſſes of ſhells, corals, and other remains of marine animals, from Dorſetſhire, Worceſterſhire, Italy, &c. and a recent petrifaction from the Dutch Coaſt
  • 85 White marble, from Paros; yellow marble, Sienna; jaſper marble, Sicily; 6 Devonſhire marbles; landſcape marble, Briſtol; green marble, Egypt, and 2 more
  • 86 A ſcarce ammonia with undulated cells filled with limeſtone, a madrepore, a belemnites, with fragments of other marine bodies in calcareous grit, Maeſtricht; and a maſs of ſmall foſſil nummular corals
  • 87 A large and fine variolite, from Malvern Hills, Worcelterſhire; and a beautiful German agate, both, poliſhed.
  • 88 The great coxſcomb oyſter, with a madrepore adhering to it, from the Friendly Iſlands
  • 89 A large block of German agate, two jaſpers and 3 granites
  • 90 An oſtrea from the Venetian State; glycimeris and a cardium, Tranſylvania; a group of balani, Italy; 3 other foſſil ſhells, a group of ditto, from Petworth; an echinus galeatus in flint, Norfolk, and an angulated foſſil madrepore
  • 91 Madrepora ſinuoſa and labyrinthica, the broad and ſharp-ridged brain corals, from Barbadoes; 2 other madrepores, a tubipora muſica, and a red coral on its native rock
  • 92 Part of a curious fiſh of the plaiſe kind, with poliſhed quadrangular ſcales in a grey argillaceous ſtone, from the Cliffs, near Weymouth
  • 93 Three varieties of ſerpentine ſtone, a priſmatic feldſpar, and an hebraic granite, all from Scotland; amazon ſtone, Siberia; ſerpentine ſtone, from ditto; brown granite, from Elbe, and a foreign amigdaloid
  • 94 A great variety of ſmall recent ſhells of different families
  • 95 Two poliſhed ſections of madrepores, from the Venetian State; a poliſhed piece of foſſil wood, and a group of ſmall cockſcomb oyſters
  • [34]96 Two ammonia, cut in two and poliſhed, a large echinated pecten, an alated oyſter, Oxfordſhire; part of the ſkeleton of a fiſh in marble, from Oeningen, and 2 more
  • 97 A large oval ſlab of ferruginous ſhelly marble, from Germany, poliſhed
  • 98 A variety of dentalia, Terebrae; balani, ſome bivalves, and other foſſil ſhells, from Italy, France, &c.
  • 99 A large ſpecimen of malachites copper ore, from Siberia
  • 100 A variety of foſſil vegetables, conſiſting of ſeveral ſpecies of jaſperified foſſil wood; impreſſions of ferns and other plants, in ſlate and iron ſtone, a cone, ſome fruit ſtones, &c.
  • 101 Sixteen poliſhed ſpecimens of marble, from Devonſhire, labelled
  • 102 A large knobbed foſſil ſhell, of the clava genus, from France, rare
  • 103 A numerous aſſortment of ſmall foſſil ſhells, of the ammonia, purpura, lampas, and other genera joints of encrini, echini, or parts of ditto, corals, &c. chiefly from Switzerland
  • 104 A group of four fiſhes on a leaf, carved in red opake amber, and two ſpecimens of clear amber
  • 105 Magnetick iron ſand, from the Lake Balaton; ſome bezoar minerale, ſlalagmitae, pea iron ore, Baſle; garnets in the matrix, and various other minerals
  • 106 A foſſil fiſh in a laminated marble, with the counter part, from Florence; and another with the ſcales pyritified in a black ſlate, from lſleben
  • 107 Honeycomb ſeptarium, compoſed of rotten ſtone, and cryſtal ſceptae, from Durham; and a ſparry ſeptarium, Dorſetſhire
  • 108 Balanus of the common whale, ditto of the ſperma ceti whale, 2 ſtudded helmets, a fool's cap limpet, and fundry other recent ſhells
  • 109 An echinus galeatas in flint, Kent; an echinus cordatus in chalk, Sorry; an echinus clypeatus, Oxfordſhire; 3 pectens, a glycymeris, and 4 other foſſil ſhells, 3 madrepores, and a poliſhed ſpecimen of foſſil wood
  • 110 Various ſmaragdine ſtones, 9 feal ſtones, an ancient cryſtal ſpeculum, a mamillated chalcedony, 2 oriental agates, &c.
  • [35]111 Lenticular iron ore, Elbe; coloured cryſtalliſed iron ore, ditto; native copper, Cornwall; ſattin-like ſtellated carbonate of copper Moldova; 2 of white ſpathoſe lead ore, a baſaltes, and a ſhorl
  • 112 A ſmall echinus, with ſeveral of its ſpines in chalk, a quadrangular palate of a fiſh, and a conic echinus in flint, from Kent; 2 other echini, a Dorſetſhi [...]e ammonites, and 3 more
  • 113 Six poliſhed granites, &c. from the Venetian State
  • 114 Various univalve and bivalve ſhells, in grey and white chert, from Duval near Soiſſons, out of the Calonnian collection, and a ferruginous limeſtone, replete with bivalve ſhells
  • 115 A box of roſe ſhells, 2 of tulip tellens, 1 of ſcarlet gryphi, and 1 of ſmall arcae, for ſhell work
  • 116 A variety of curious foſſil ſhells, from France and Italy
  • 117 Stalactitical chalcedony, Iceland; native copper, Siberia; 2 copper ores, from ditto; needle manganeſe, [...]menau [...] a ſtalactitical group of rock cryſtals, Hungary; hammites, Rutlandſhire; green actinolite, Tyrol, and 8 more
  • 118 A ſcarce long foſſil oyſter, from Dauphiny
  • 119 Seventeen various ſhelly, and other marbles, and a ſpecimen of toad ſtone, poliſhed
  • 120 A very curious foſſil fiſh of the flounder ſhape, having large ſcales, in a grey calcareous ſtone, with the counterpart
  • 121 Rhombic ſpats within foſſil echini, from the chalkpits in Hartfordſhire; compact red copper ore, with green carbonate of copper, Siberia; coloured foliated iron ore, Elbe; three rock cryſtals, one of them having additional angles to the uſual number, and a double pyramid, and 2-more
  • 122 Two ſmall ſpondyli, various pyrae, terebrae, phyſeteres, and other foſſil ſhells and corals, from Italy, and France
  • 123 Finely coloured iron ore in lenticular cryſtals, Elbe; malachites copper ore, Siberia; manganeſe, from Ilfeld; and rhombic zeolites, with mammillated ſpars, Hartz
  • 124 Fifty-three cards, containing a great variety of curious ſmall foſſil ſhells, of the patella, oliva, pyrum, buccinum, and other genera, aſteriae, corals, &c. chiefly from France and Italy
  • [36]125 A ſeries of 56 Engliſh, German and Italian marbles, uniform in ſize, poliſhed
  • 126 A pyritical ammonites, from Brunſwick, cut in two and poliſhed; 2 ſpiked rhombi, 2 muſics, and a ſcarce neretoidea, from France; a cone, from Piedmont, and a rare echinus
  • 127 Seven Roman tiles, a large ditto, found near South-Bourn, Suffex; a large piece of Roman earthen ware, with the ſurface undulated, an earthen water courſe, and various other ſubjects of antiquity
  • 128 A ſet of caſts from Dasſier's Roman medals, with their reverſe, each incloſed in gilt paper borders, and a like ſet of caſts from Dasſier's Kings of France, with the reverſes, bordered in the like manner, in all 250
  • 129 A turban echinus in chalk, Kent; 2 echini galeati, ditto; ſection of a pyritical ammonites, Germany; ſeveral other foſſil ſhell, corals, &c.
  • 130 Two boxes, including a great variety of ſmall ſhells, of different kinds, ſorted
  • 131 Bubbled chalcedony, on a bituminous ſtone, from Dauphiny, and cryſtallized zeolyte, from Andreaſberg
  • 132 Two curious foſſil fiſh, in laminated marble, from Germany; one ditto, Bohemia, and a foſſil fiſh, in black ſlate, from Italy
  • 133 Eleven various granite, porphyries, and baſaltes, from Italy, all but one poliſhed
  • 134 Twenty-four ſpecimens of cryſtalliſed quartz, fluor, cinnabar, galena, and other minerals
  • 135 A great variety of foſſil ſhells, echini, bones, and other petrifactions, in 2 boxes
  • 136 Zeolites, from Ferro; calcareous ſpar, Derbyſhire; antimony, Hungary; and a cryſtaliſed quartz

Fifth Day's Sale. WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1800.

  • 1 RED ſtalactitical chalcedony, Spain; red haematites iron ore, Lancaſhire; cryſtaliſed carbonate of lead, France; iron ore, Italy, and 3 other minerals
  • 2 A variety of foſſil ſhells, echini, and other petrifactions, ſome of them in chalk, from Kent and Surry
  • 3 Half of a red porphyry bowlder, from the Adige; a grey Italian granite, and a Scotch ſerpentine ſtone, all poliſhed
  • 4 A parcel of belemnitae, from Switzerland, and various other foſſil ſhells, from the ſame country, Italy, &c.
  • 5 Various foſſil ſhells, from Italy and France, ſome Engliſh belemnitae, volutae, echini, &c. and a foſſil crab, from Ceylon
  • 6 A plant in iron ſtone, from Coalbrook Date; ferns in coal ſlate, Somerſetſhire; 3 ſpecimens of foſſil wood, poliſhed, and 3 pieces of jet
  • 7 Micaceous iron ore, Devonſhire; foliated native copper, Siberia; red copper ore, ditto; 2 of cryſtaliſed veſuvian, from Mount Veſuvius; granitae, St. Gothard, and ſeveral other
  • 8 A cylindrical flint cut in two, and a jaſper, from Italy; a pudding ſtone, Harts; a floor, Derbyſhire, and an Egyptian pebble, all poliſhed
  • 9 A ſmooth pecten, Bath; 2 oyſters, a belemnites, 3 maſſes of foſſil ſhells, and a ramoſe madrepore
  • 10 A numerous affortment of ſmall foſſil ſhells; echini, corals, parts of encrini, and other petrifactions
  • 11 A foſſil fiſh in a white laminated marble, France; another in like ſtone, from Verona, and 2 others in black ſlate, from Iſleben
  • 12 Richly coloured cryſtalliſed amethyſts, in a hollow agate, from the Palatinate; a ſingular ſtalactitical ſpar; a ſpecimen of wolfram in mica, and a fine red argill
  • [38]13 Sundry foſſil ſhells of the ammonia, clava, belemnos, purpura, and other genera; ſome echini, corals, teeth of fiſhes, and other petrifactions
  • 14 Eight various Italian granites, porphyries, &c. poliſhed
  • 15 Various foſſil ſhells, echini, corals, and other petrifactions, ſome of them in chalk
  • 16 Two ammonitae, an alatus, and a foſſil bivalve ſhell, an echinus, and a poliſhed ſpecimen of foſſil wood
  • 17 Eighteen various limeſtones replete with foſſil ſhells, an oyſter, and an echinus
  • 18 An argillaceous iron ore; 2 pyritae, and 9 other minerals
  • 19 A large ſhell of the volſella genus, Turin; an indented oyſter, France, and 3 caſts in plaſter of rare foſſil ſhells
  • 20 An ammonites, cut in two, and poliſhed bones of the head of a fiſh in clay, Sheepy Iſland; an anthropomorphos, in limeſtone, Wales; a pecten in freeſtone, and 2 other foſſil ſhells
  • 21 Shirl in mica, Veſuvius; ſhells agglutinated by iron ore, a ſelenites, and 9 other minerals
  • 22 Thirty-ſix varieties of ſerpentine ſtone, from Saxony
  • 23 A group of oyſters, a large echinus galeatus, a foſſil nautilus, exhibiting the fiphunculus, part of a lobſter, ſome ſpines of echini in chalk, and 9 other petrifactions
  • 24 A large piece of coal ſlate, with a fine impreſſion of a fern, and other vegetables in it, Lancaſhire
  • 25 A nautilus, ſeveral echini, a ſpined pecten, a poliſhed piece of foſſil wood, and various other petrifactions
  • 26 Topazine cubic floors, Derbyſhire; tin ore, Cornwall; lapis atramentarius, Bareith; an amygdaloid, with agates, from Kinnoul, near Perth, and 4 other minerals
  • 27 Section of an ammonites, from Whitby; various hypocephali in a calcareous ſtone, Oxfordſhire; 2 fiſh in laminated marble, and 3 more
  • 28 Ten curious foſſil madrepores in chert and limeſtone, all poliſhed and labelled
  • 29 Toad ſtone, Derbyſhire; a variegated pebbl, Hartfordſhire; an oriental onyx, pyed jaſper, Tynemouth; a ſpotted quartz ore bowlder, Staffordſhire; 3 German agates, and 5 more, ſome of them poliſhed
  • [39]30 Caſt of a bulla, in limeſtone, Bruffells: an alatus, from Ronca; a pectunculus; a ſpondylus; a cardium; a terebrae, and 3 other foſſil ſhells, black marble with ſhells, Wales; a chalcedonic madrepore, and 2 anthropomorphi
  • 31 Various neritoideae, lampades, and other foſſil ſhells; a ramoſe coral in flint, ſeveral other foſſil zoophyte, &c. in 18 cards
  • 32 Coloured haematites iron ore, from Hungary, and a group of lenticular ſpars
  • 33 Calamine, from Wales; red gypſum, Scotland; ſteel grained galena; phoſphate of lead and copper ore, Siberia; native ſulphur, Mount Veſuvius; red haematites iron ore, Lancaſhire, and 5 other minerals
  • 34 Eleven various granites, whyn ſtone, bafaltes and lava, from Italy, poliſhed and labelled
  • 35 Parts of two quadrangular, and 3 hexagonal columns of baſaltes, four of them poliſhed, from Italy
  • 36 Two ammonitae; an indented oyſter; a pectunculus; a lamp bivalve; 2 pectens; a ſcarce double ſhell in marble; a turban echinus in flint; and an echinus clypeatus
  • 37 Five ſpecimens of native oxyde of quickſilver and cinnabar, from Idria; iron ore; 2 granites, one of them having ſhorl in it, and a dendritical quartz, from Giglio; another iron ore, and 2 veſuvians
  • 38 Striped brown cauk, Derbyſhire; 4 German agates; 2 variolites; a pudding ſtone, and a ſerpentine ſtone, all poliſhed
  • 39 Sundry terreſtial and other ſmall ſhells, chiefly from Italy
  • 40 A variety of foſſil ſhells, corals, &c. ſome of them from Italy; a crab, Sheepy Iſland; and the ſpine of an echinus, in chalk, Kent
  • 41 A portion of the middle part of a very large ſeptarium, finely enriched with brown ſpars, cryſtalliſed in ſmall rhombs, from the Cliffs, near Weymouth
  • 42 A maſs of ſerpula ſhells; a congeries of freſh water ſhells, in a white calcareous ſtone, France; a madrepore, with large ſtars; a poliſhed piece of foſſil wood; bones in ſpar, Gibraltar, and an ammonites, Germany
  • 43 Various recent ſhells of the tellina, mya, alatus, voluta, and other genera
  • [40]44 Poliſhed variegated cauk, Derbyſhire; white fibrous amianthus, Dannemora, Sweden; cubic marcaſites on black ſlate, Dublin; a chryſtalliſed veſuvian, and 11 other minerals
  • 45 Cryſtalliſed reſin blend, with rock cryſtals, Kapnick; a malichites copper ore; yellow cubic floors, on ſpathoſe iron ore, Durham; and a coloured marcaſite, Cornwall
  • 46 One valve of a ſpondylus, from Meldola, and 2 large foſſil pectens
  • 47 Veined red and white chalcedony, from Deuxponts; hebraique granite, Scotland; a red manganeſe; a German marble, and 4 others, all poliſhed
  • 48 Cryſtalliſed native copper in ſpar, Siberia; and a fine ſpecimen of bright green carbonate of copper, in delicate fibrous cryſtals, from Moldova, in the Bannat
  • 49 A large ſpecimen, part of a bowlder of red granite, from the Brenta; and a portion of an hexagonal column of baſalres, from a mountain near Valdagno, Italy
  • 50 A ſcarce trochites, Italy; 2 maſſes of foſſil ſhells, France, and a poliſhed jaſperified wood
  • 51 Twenty-four uniform ſpecimens of marbles, chieſly from Germany, poliſhed
  • 52 Various muſics, ſcrews, tuſks, pears, and other foſſil ſhells, chiefly from Italy and France
  • 53 Three ſpecimens of native oxyde of quickſilver, from Idria; red native oxyde of lead, Siberia, rare, and an iron ore
  • 54 Two fine ſpecimens of gum copal, with inſects incloſed, from the E. Indies, poliſhed.
  • 55 An aculeated rhombus, a large patella, a ſingular nerites, and 3 other foſſil ſhells, France; 2 angulated pectens, on chalk, Kent, and part of a mammillated echinus, Switzerland
  • 56 Nine various land tortoiſe ſhells
  • 57 Four curious foſſil ſhells, viz. an indented oyſter, from Normandy; a ſcarce large trapezium, from Verona; a ſpondylus, France, and a large ſpiral ſnail
  • 58 A trochus, 2 ſcrews, 4 clubs, and a neretoidea, from France; ſeveral ammoniae, 2 vortices, and other foſſil ſhells, ſome foſſil, corals, and other petriſactions
  • 59 A large ſlab of ammonia marble, veined with ſpar, from Dorſetſhire
  • [41]60 Wolfram in quartz, Cornwall; coloured galena, Derbyſhire; yellow copper ore, rock cryſtals, Hungary; a plated baroſelenite, and 4 other minerals
  • 61 Twenty-four poliſhed jaſpers, granites, pebbles, chalcedonies, porphyries, &c. chiefly from Italy
  • 62 Twenty-one cards, containing ſundry curious foſſil ſhells, of the dentalium, oliva, tellina, cardium, lampas, and other genera, chiefly from France and Italy
  • 63 A madrepore, from Loraine; 2 ſiliceous zoophyte, Italy, and another foreign foſſil coral
  • 64 A group of balani, another, having the teeth, both from the Eaſt Indies; 2 cluſters of cornucopiae, protifera, Norway; a leopard cone, a harp, a plough alatus, and 5 other recent ſhells
  • 65 A blue granite, from Calabria; 3 dendritical marbles, from Baden; one with an inſcription in German etched on it, from the vicinity of Augſburg, and another veined like agate
  • 66 Brown pitch ſtone, Hungary; red rock cryſtals, with pearl ſpar, &c. ditto; native copper, Siberia; malachites copper ore, ditto; yellow rhombic ſpars, on cryſtalliſed amethyſts, within a hollow agate, Palatinate, and white ſilky amianthus, from the Pyrenees
  • 67 A maſs of foſſil ſhells in chert, from France; a madrepore, from Loraine; the cone in cone, and another foſſil coral, and 2 other petrifactions
  • 68 Two beaked oyſters, 3 pectens in a calcareous grit, Maeſtricht; 6 various lampades, 4 corals, and 6 other petrifactions
  • 69 Nine ſmall agate boxes, from Germany
  • 70 A fiſh, in marble, from Verona; an extended anthropomorphos, from Dudley; impreſſions of 2 ditto in limeſtone, Wales; a green jaſperified wood, Hungary; a ramoſe madrepore, Switzerland, and 3 other petrifactions
  • 71 A ſet of 41 poliſhed ſpecimens of marbles, from Germany, Switzerland, France, and Italy, nearly uniform in ſize
  • 72 Part of a large valve of a curious foſſil ſhell, of the vulſella genus, from the vicinity of Turin, and a maſs of nummi diaboli, preſumed to be foſſil corals, from Italy
  • [42]73 Four purporae, Italy; ſeveral lampades, 3 oſtrae, Odiham; an aſtroites, Loraine, and various other corals, ſhells, &c.
  • 74 Two coal ſlates, with many-leaved and other plants in them, from St. Jean de Valeriſcle, in the dioceſe of d'Uzés, in Languedoc; 2 laminated calcareous ſtones, having ſingular plants in them, from Italy; and 3 other foſſil vegetables
  • 75 Sundry olivae, triplices, rhombi, balani, and other curious ſmall foſſil ſhells, echini, &c. ſome of them from France
  • 76 Sections of 2 foſſil ſhells, from Italy, poliſhed; a foſſil wood, from Breſcia, alſo poliſhed; and another ſiliceous wood, from Coberg
  • 77 Various ores and other minerals, among which are 5 varieties of haematites, an arenaceous iron ore, 2 green carbonates of copper, a geodes, &c.
  • 78 Two large poliſhed ſpecimens, different varieties of black marble, with ſhells of the lampas genus imbedded in, it, from Kilkenny; and a tortoiſeſhell ſeptarium, Dorſetſhire
  • 79 Part of a rare mammillated echinus, with ſeveral of its ſpines in chalk, Kent; a ſcarce echinites, an uncommon vertebra of a fiſh, Sheepy Iſland; an oyſter, from the environs of Montpelier, and 4 other petrifactions
  • 80 A fool's cap cockle, Mediterranean; the great brown Engliſh clam, 2 groups of balani, E. Indies; a bull's mouth helmet, and 4 other recent ſhells
  • 81 The tail part, having a long termination, of a curious kind of anthropomorphos in fuller's earth, another ſpecies of the ſame genus, rolled up, from Dudley; 2 patellae, 8 lampades, a ſmall ſpondylus, a glycymeris, ſeveral other foſſil ſhells, 3 opercula of ſhells, a ſcarce crab, 3 echini, and other curious petrifactions
  • 82 Sixteen various jaſpers, porphyries, Egyptian pebbles, and other ſiliceous ſtones, all poliſhed
  • 83 Cryſtalliſed iron ore, formed in columns like a baſaltes; from Oſſegg, in Bohemia, rare, and a large garnet of 12 ſides, from the ſame country
  • 84 The cone in cone coral, from Aſnford, in Derbyſhire; a poliſhed longitudinal ſection of another ſpecimen, with ſome foſſil ſhells adjoining it, from ditto; and a poliſhed piece of variegated jaſpery marble, from, Italy
  • [43]85 Two marbles, from Philadelphia; white ditto, Scotland; 2 of ſtatuary marble, 12 other marbles, and 2 Scotch ſerpentine ſtones
  • 86 Three varieties of rock cryſtals, one with chlorite, from the Alps; one with priſmatic colours, Catharinenberg, Siberia, and one with ſingular internal appearances, Braſil
  • 87 Ten various petrifactions, viz. a large neretoidea, from Italy; 2 bivalve ſhells, France; an echinus placenta, Schio; another Italian echinus; an echinus pileatus, in flint, Kent; a vertebrae, of a fiſh with ſerpulae, ſhells on it, and three madrepores
  • 88 A group of ſerpulae, on wood, perforated by teredines, New Zealand; the great cockſcomb oyſter, Friendly Iſles, and a large balanus on a muſſel, Falkland Iſlands
  • 89 A ſcarce tuberculated ammonites, ſection of another ammonites, an indented oyſter, 3 opercula of ſhells, 2 echini, and ſeveral other petrifactions
  • 90 A foſſil madrepore, and part of a long oyſter, from the Venetian State, and a longitudinal ſection of a piece of ſiliceous wood, from Saxony, all poliſhed
  • 91 Red jaſpery cryſtalliſed quartz in agate, Palatinate; aſbeſtos, with black mica, and yellow copper ore, ſtalactitical chalcedony in chert, & 3 other minerals
  • 92 Nineteen various foſſils, ſhells, corals, and other petrifactions
  • 93 Part of a valve of a ſcarce vulſella, from Italy; one valve of a large glycymeris, ditto; an extended anthropomorphos, in limeſtone, Wales; a large balanus, and a flint with fragments of ſhells in it
  • 94 Six curious dendritical marbles, from Baden, poliſhed
  • 95 Twenty-five cards, including a variety of curious foſſil ſhells of the patella, bulla, caſſida; and other genera, chiefly from France
  • 96 Two curious foſſil zoophyte, allied to the funnel-ſhaped ſponge, ſaturated with flint, from Italy
  • 97 The ramified head, with part of the ſtem of a curious and rare foſſil, encrinus, a maſs of ſhells of the orthoceros genus, in limeſtone, a ſpondylus, an echinus pileatus in flint, a mammillated echinus, and a poliſhed piece of jaſperified wood
  • 98 Striped heliotropium, from Arabia; a German amethyſtine agate, 2 ſingular flints, Norfolk; a ſcarce [44] pudding ſtone, a brecciated marble, and 3 other curious ſilices, poliſhed
  • 99 An agatified and another ammonites, a tellen, a purpura, and 2 other foſſil ſhells, part of a ſcarce anthromorphos, a mammillated echinus, and a ſcarce coral, allied to the recent madrepora areolata
  • 100 Two eels, and another curious foſſil fiſh, in laminated white and yellow marbles, from Verona
  • 101 A rare cryſtal of quartz, conſiſting of 2 hexagonal pyramids, without an intervening column, 5 ſmall group of octahedral pyritae; blue copper ore, Siberia; brown barites, Surry; baſaltine cryſtals in lava, Veſuvius, and 6 more
  • 102 A ſcarce echinus, from Malta; a large pectunculites, Antiqua; wood, perforated by large teredines, Sheepy Iſland, poliſhed, and 2 other foſſil ſhells
  • 103 A large harp-like voluta, from France, a ferruginous echinus, ditto; 2 fig ſponges filled with chert, Italy; 2 echini adhering to flints, Engliſh; a maſs of nummular corals, Bruſſells; another, France; and 4 other petrifactions
  • 104 A maſs of ſmall branched milliporae, in chert, from Soiſſons; ſpiral and other ſhells in chert, Monte Marte, 2 other maſſes of ſhells, from France; a large pecten, Italy, and a madrepore, ditto
  • 105 Stellated gypſum, ſomewhat analogous to that of Sheepy Iſland, on a black ſlate, from Angiers, in France; a poliſhed amianthus, Aberdeenſhire; a porphyry, Scotland, and a more
  • 106 A variety of curious ſmall foſſil ſhells, of the bulla, dentalium, patella, cypraea, and other genera, from France and Italy, ſome of them rare
  • 107 Fibrous carbonate of lead, from Ziller ſhall; cinnabar, Palatinate; jaſper, from Santa Cruz; cryſtallized white ſpathoſe lead ore, Scotland; zeolites, Sky, and 9 other minerals
  • 108 A large piece of limeſtone, filled with ſhells, and having alſo in it ſeveral vertebrae, and other bones of a large animal of the lacerta genus, from the neighbourhood of Bath, rare
  • 109 A large foſſil glycymeris, from Italy; and a caſt from a large rare foſſil oyſter, from France
  • 110 Two fluors, one of them mixed with galena, Derbyſhire; a mine ſtone with copper pyrites, Engliſh, and a Devonſhire marble
  • [45]111 Various fossil ſhells of the conus, rhombus, cassida, clava, ammonia, and other genera, 2 echini, a group of bottle-ſhaped ſpines of echini, and 2 palates of fiſh, in chalk
  • 112 A thin round ſlab of red, and another of grey porphyry, from Italy, poliſhed
  • 113 Various foſſil ſhells, of the ammonia, apiculum, arca, lampas, pectunculus, and other genera, ſome mamillated and other echini, &c.
  • 114 A yellow jaſper, 6 variegated agates, from Germany; and 2 other poliſhed ſilices
  • 115 A fine ammonoidea, a large ſtraight hinged lamp bivalve, a ſingular oyſter, a group of ammonia, a foſſil madrepore, and a poliſhed piece of foſſil wood
  • 116 A collection of too different kinds of ſmall ſeeds, neatly placed in ſquare compartments in a gilt frame, glazed, done by J. P. Ettingſhauſſen, gardener to the Duke de Chartres, from the Calonnian collection
  • 117 Fifteen beautiful poliſhed agates, jaſpers, and other filiceous ſtones, and a Chineſe ſteatites
  • 118 A very fine madrepore ſinuoſa, or broad-ridged brain coral, from the Weſt Indies, on a gilt ſtand, from the Calonnian collection
  • 119 A ſcarce circulary ridged pecten, from France; a deeply indented oyſter, Brunſwick, 2 other foſſil ſhells, part of a mammillated echinus, with 4 of its ſpines in chalk, Kent; and a foſſil coral, Italy
  • 120 An indurated clay, penetrated by blue carbonate of copper, Siberia; clear opal in the matrix, Cſervenitza, Hungary; 3 ſiliceous cryſtalliſations, and 2 more
  • 121 The claw and tail of a lobſter, and a crab, from Sheepy Iſland; 5 echini, 2 foſſil coral, and 5 other petrifactions
  • 122 A book, and 2 ſmall diſhes, formed of ſerpentine ſtone, a ſmall ſalver of Egyptian pebble, the lid of an agate ſnuff box, and a marble ball
  • 123 Lapis ſuillus, Italy; bitumen and ſpar, Derbyſhire; jet, from Whitby; cryſtalliſed veſuvian, from Veſuvius; zeolites, Sky; a trap, a ſpecimen of pitch ſtone, and 21 other minerals
  • 124 Native copper, Siberia; blue and green carbonate of copper ditto; chalcedony, with copper ore, Cornwall, rare, yellow heavy ſpar, Surry, and ſpar, &c. Leiceſterſhire
  • [46]125 Six large granites and porphyries, from Italy, labelled, and poliſhed
  • 126 A large nautilus pompilius, uncoated and poliſhed, from China
  • 127 A thin folio, containing 64 impreſſions of the upper and under ſides of the leaves of trees, and other plants, chiefly American, coloured to nature, with MSS. accounts of each, ſome printed papers relating to gardening, and various prints of botanical ſubjects
  • 128 Seventeen large folio coloured drawings of plants, finely executed, and a leſſer drawing of a plant
  • 129 A parcel of prints and drawings of Natural Hiſtory
  • 130 Ditto
  • 131 Two boxes containing a variety foſſil ſhells, echini and other foſſil marine ſubjects
  • 132 Foliated iron ore, Elbe; capillary native ſilver in a baroſelenite, Hartz; cubic ſluors, with an opaline ſurface, a chalcedony, and 2 more
  • 133 Grey marble, with corals, from Whitwood Foreſt, Oxfordſhire; grey marble, with ſhells, Parbeck; 2 other marbles, and a large plum pudding ſtone
  • 134 An ammonites, from Dorſetſhire, cut in two and poliſhed, an alated oyſter, Oxfordſhire; marble with bones, from Dalmatia; a compreſſed fungites, from Arbigland, and 2 ſpecimens of poliſhed foſſil wood
  • 135 Cryftalliſed native oxyde of tin, from Cornwall; cinnabar, from the Palatinate, white quartz, from Snowdon; white quartz, with black dendritae, on the ſurface, a rhomboidal zeolite, a maſs of tourmaline, and 2 more

Sixth Day's Sale. THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1800.

  • 1 A BOX containing a great variety of ſmall ſhells, chiefly from the Engliſh Coaſt
  • 2 Cryſtalliſed blend, with blend ſpars, Cumberland; dog tooth ſpars, with blend on red cauk, Leiceſterſhire; cryſtalliſed tin ore, Cornwall, and three more
  • 3 A curious undulated limeſtone, an iron ore, a ſtellated gypſum, a foreign coal, and 2 other minerals
  • 4 Plumoſe mica, Spain; 3 portions of ſeptaria, one with a ſtellated gypſum on it, Sheepy Iſland; tin ore, Cornwall; rock cryſtals, with pyrites, ditto; pyrites, Goſlar, an amygdaloid, and 6 other
  • 5 A tabular repreſentation of ſtrata in Derbyſhire and Staffordſhire, with printed and MSS. account thereof, a ſmall hexagonal tablet, inlaid with Derbyſhire fluors, and a Spaniſh alabaſter, all poliſhed
  • 6 Sundry belemnitae, 2 reverſe rhombi and ſeveral other foſſil ſhells, ſome echini, a tooth of large ſhark, and other petrifactions
  • 7 Iron ore, Boneſs; copper and iron ore, Siberia; native oxide of copper ore, Cornwall; agate, from Italy, and 18 other various minerals
  • 8 Precipitated copper, from Paris Mountain, Angleſey; an Oriental onyx, iron ore, Siberia; cryſtalliſed zeolite, Sky; lenticular ſpars, Hartz; and 3 more
  • 9 A mammillated ſtalactitical ſpar, parts of 2 ſeptaria, and a rock cryſtal, all poliſhed
  • 10 Three pieces of elephant's grinder, a fiſh in laminated marble, ſection of an ammonites, 4 maſſes of foſſil marine ſubjects, and a piece of foſſil wood
  • 11 Coloured copper ore, with rock cryſtals, Hungary; leuzit, or white garnets, Veſuvius; amethyſtine rock cryſtals, Schemnitz; and a curious artificial cryſtallization of Biſmuth
  • 12 Three variolites, from Worceſterſhire; 3 German agate, [48] a Siberian red jaſper, red granite, Seeland; a jaſperified foſſil wood, and 3 others, all poliſhed
  • 13 A large German agate; brecciated, or broken agate, from Brunſwick; a red chalcedony, a phacolithas, from Aſola; and a red limeſtone, with fragments of encrini in it
  • 14 A large piece of jaſperified foſſil wood, from Coberg; foſſil wood, turned to jet, and a large piece of coal, with impreſſions of vegetables
  • 15 Nineteen various granites, porphyres, jaſper, pudding ſtones, trap, &c. ſome of them poliſhed
  • 16 Impreſſion of anthropomorphos, in limeſtone, from Wales; 2 ſections of ammonitae, a poliſhed piece of foſſil wood, and 3 others
  • 17 A ſmall cardium aculeatum; 3 groups of balani, a ſmall pecten, Norway; and a great variety of other ſhells
  • 18 Twelve various porphyries, granites, pudding ſtone, jaſper, &c. poliſhed
  • 19 Sundry recent ſhells, of the cherſina, alatus, caſſida, tellina, and other genera
  • 20 Yellow ſpars, from Derbyſhire; a mamillated ſpar with white and ferruginous pearl ſpar, Hungary; a granite, with ſhorl, pyrites, with cauk and ſpar, Ecton Mine, and 2 ſeptaria
  • 21 A foſſil crab, from Verona, 3 othes, from Sheepy Iſland; an encrinus, from Brunſwick; 2 corals, 2 groups of balani, and 3 more
  • 22 A large pyritical ammonites, cut in two, Germany; a funnel ſhaped ſponge, ſaturated with flint, Italy; 2 large foſſil diſtaff ſhells, Hants; and a foſſil oyſter
  • 23 A ſtriped green and black, and 4 other Italian jaſpers, a jaſpachates, a granite, and 2 pudding ſtones, all poliſhed
  • 24 Various foſſil ſhells, corals, and other petrifactions, Engliſh, Swiſs and Italian
  • 25 A cellular lava, having ſome of its cavities lined with a mamillated chalcedony-like vitrification, from Italy; ſhorl in mica, Tyrol, and a globular ſpar, from Carlſbad
  • 26 Three coal ſlates, with impreſſions of ferns, and other plants in them
  • 27 Various foſſil ſhells of the rana, triplex, patella, turris, [49] mitra, and other genera, moſtly from France and Italy
  • 28 Native copper, Siberia; white amianthus, Tyrol; aſbeſtos, Scotland; garnets in mica, ditto; cinnabar, Idria, and 5 other minerals
  • 29 A ramoſe coral in limeſtone, Derbyſhire; a tubipora and another coral, from ditto, and a madrepore, and another foſſil zoophyte, from Italy
  • 30 Two ammonitae in yellow marble, from Papenheim; a mytilus, a ſcarce purpura, Piedmont, and various other petrifactions
  • 31 Sundry foſſil ſhells of the ammonia, arca, lampas, oſſtrea, trochus, buccinum, and other genera, ſome echini, corals, &c. Engliſh and Foreign
  • 32 Hebraic granite, Scotland, zeolites, Iceland, violet ſpar, Saxony; and 3 other minerals
  • 33 Three madrepores, one of them poliſhed, a maſs of corals, &c. Dudley; a group of nummular corals, a large lamp cockle, Derbyſhire, and 6 other petrifactions
  • 34 A broken agate, 2 porphyries, 3 pudding ſtones, and 16 other poliſhed ſilices, &c.
  • 35 A fine ſtrombites, a pecten, Wales; 2 madrepores, and 9 other petrifactions
  • 36 A ſeries of 115 ſmall ſpecimens of marble, alabaſter, and other calcarea, nearly uniform in ſize
  • 37 Three foſſil corals, a ſingular lamp cockle, a maſs of ditto, an oyſter, and 2 other petrifactions
  • 38 Octahedral pyrites, among rock cryſtals, Cornwall; a rare ſerpentine ſtone, zeolite, a white chalcedony, and 5 more
  • 39 A ſmooth pecten, from Bath; another large foſſil bivalve ſhell, from Italy, and 2 large ammonitae,
  • 40 Twenty-four laminated calcareous ſtones, with impreſſions of leaves of uncommon foſſil plants in them from Oeningen, near the Lake of Conſtance
  • 41 A large bear's paw clamp, an alatus, gigas, and a tun ſhell
  • 42 Piſolithus, or peaſe-ſtone, from Carlſbad; brown ſtalactitical ſpar, ditto; green and brown aſbeſtos, Aberdeenſhire; a hollow agate ball, lined with cryſtalliſed amethyſts, Palatinate; native copper, Siberia, and garnets, with mica, feldſpar, &c.
  • [50]43 Stalactitical haematites iron ore, from Cſetneck, Hungary; and a tabulated baroſelenite, from Iberga, Hartz
  • 44 A variety of ſmall foſſil ſhells, echini, parts of aſteriae, and encrini, madrepores, &c. chiefly Engliſh
  • 45 A ſcarce porphyry, a tranſverſe ſection of a large white ſtalactitical ſpar, and an Eaſt-India granite, all poliſhed
  • 46 Coloured ſtalactitical haematites iron ore, from Triers, and truncated hexagonal ſpars, from the Hartz
  • 47 Two large beaded clubs, 3 towers, 2 rhombi, 8 other foſſil ſhells, and a foſſil coral
  • 48 A fine cluſter of cryſtalliſed amethyſts, within a hollow agate, from the Palatinate
  • 49 A ſtriped jaſper, from Lipari, calcareous ſtone, from the Archipelago; red ſpar, from Trieſte; a haematites iron ore, and 2 more
  • 50 An anthropomorphos, from Wales; 2 ſmall echini galeati in flint, a tubipora, Derbyſhire, and a nautilus, from Sheepy Iſland
  • 51 Part of a large rock cryſtal, with ſhorl, incloſed, two varieties of native oxide of lead, in quartz, from Siberia; brown calamine, from Derbyſhire; cinnabar, Idria, and native oxide of quickſilver, ditto;
See 8th Day, lot 92.
  • 52 A large ammonites, cut in two and poliſhed, diſcovering the chambers to be filled with brown and yellow ſpar, from Somerſetſhire
  • 53 Granite, from the Krega Torrent, near Aſolano, Italy; an undulated granite, or red jaſper and a grey variegated marble, the laſt from Cat Down, near Plymouth
  • 54 Pyritical iron ore, which has been formed within an echinus, galeatus, the ſhell of which is decompoſed and gone, from Suſſex; mica, from Siberia; obſidian, Hecla; ſtalactitical chalcedony, Iceland, and a curious ſparry depoſition
  • 55 Three curious foſſil fiſh, in yellow laminated marble, one of them having the counterpart, from Verona
  • 56 A large oyſter, with 2 balani and a madrepore on it, and a maſs of univalve and bivalve ſhells, in chert, from Meri, in France
  • 57 A ſmall mortar, formed of a black marble, with white ramoſe corals imbedded in it, very beautiful
  • [51]58 Various ſhells of the alatus, clava, rhombus, and other genera, chiefly from Ronca, and other places in Italy
  • 59 Small priſmatic ſelenitae, in a red ſaline ſtone, from ; white talc, from Venice; coloured foliated iron ore, Elbe; amianthus in quartz, from the Alps; and an iron ore with beryl, Sweden
  • 60 A maſs of vortices in lithomarga, in the Iſle of Wight; a nautilus, Sheepy Iſland, cut in two; two ſcarce beaked oyſters, France; a pecten in calcaccous grit, Maeſtricht, and 7 other petrifactions
  • 61 Section of a large ſeptarium, conſiſting of a light brown argillaceous iron ore, beautifully veined with white ſpar, from Carron, in North Britain
  • 62 A great variety of ſmall foſſil ſhells, joints, and other portions of encrini; corals, and other petrifactions, chiefly from Switzerland
  • 63 Eleven curious varieties of ſerpentine ſtones, three red marbles, ſpotted with green actinolite, and a granite, from Scotland; and a brocade marble, Spain
  • 64 A cockſcomb oyſter, from Normandy; three beaked oyſters, from Furſtenberg, and various other foſſil ſhells, echini, and corals, Engliſh, Swiſs, French, &c.
  • 65 A ſtalactitical ſpar, the ſurface of which is cryſtalliſed in rhombs, ramoſe calamine on cryſtalliſed quartz! cryſtalliſed pearl ſpar, Cremnitz, Hungary; and a cryſtalliſed quartz with pyrites &c. Hartz
  • 66 A poliſhed madiepore with large ſtars, Italy; a ſponge-like foſſil zoophite, ditto; a maſs of chalcedonic caſts of ſpiral ſhells, in chert, France; and various parts of the anjuland ſtems of foſſil encrini in limeſtone, Dorſetſhire
  • 67 An iron ore, half of a cylindrical flint, a brecciated jaſper, 2 granites, one of them with garnets, and 5 other ſtones, &c. from Italy, poliſhed
  • 68 Various ſpecies of zoophryte, of the madrepore and millepore, genera, and a ſucus on a flint.
  • 69 Granite with a large chriſtal of feldſpar, from Auvergne; tourmalines in mica, Tyrol; cobalt, from Schneeberg; black ſhorl in a grey mica, Spain; faſciculated talc, Scotland, &c.
  • 70 A gypſeous ſtone with bones in it, very rare, from [52] Monte Marte, and bones of a fiſh's head, with ſome of the vertebrae, in a hardened clay, from Sheepy Iſland
  • 71 Coloured foliated iron ore, from Framont; yellow ſemi opal, from Hungary; and tourmalins in chlorite, Tyrol
  • 72 Cone in cone coral (or ſtalactites) united to a brown ſhelly marble, from Wingerworth, Derbyſhire; bones of quadrupeds in a red ſpar, Corfu; and a curious ſponge, filled with, flint, Italy
  • 73 Two beautiful ſpecimens of labradore, poliſhed
  • 74 A large leaf of an aquatic plant in an iron ſtone nodule, from Coalbrook Dale; a long-leaved ſern in like ſtone, from the ſame place; a graminous plant in a laminated calcareous ſtone, Italy; wood with pyrites on it, and 6 other foſſil vegetables
  • 75 Tridacna elongata, or long clamp ſhell, from Madagaſcar. Out of the Calo [...]ian Collection
  • 76 Various ammonitae, a cone, one valve of an hypocephalus, and other foſſil ſhells, 5 mamillated echini, and ſome foſſil corals, chiefly from Switzerland; a crab, Sheepy Iſland, and 2 other Engliſh petrifactions
  • 77 Three varieties of red, grey, a yellow, and 2 dark coloured marbles, from the Canton of Bern, Switzerland; 2 cream coloured marbles, Neuchatel; 2 marble with fragments of encrini in them, Flanders; harlequin marble, Italy, and 3 others, all poliſhed
  • 78 A large ſpecimen of yellow copper ore, cryſtalliſed in tetrahedrons, on cryſtalliſed quartz, from Germany
  • 79 A ſcarce fimbriated cochlus, a ſpondylus, an angulated pecten in flint, and another foſſil ſhell, a rare echinus, the tooth of a fiſh of the ſhark kind in chalk, a palate of a fiſh, Bath; a vertebra of a fiſh, Sheepy Iſland, and part of a branch of foſſil wood, from Coberg, both ends poliſhed
  • 80 A nautilus, many ammoniae, of ſeveral ſpecies, with other ſhells amaſſed together in limeſtone, from Somerſetſhire, and a maſs of ſmall ſhells and pebbles, fram Kent
  • 81 A poliſhed trap, from Italy; ſtriated ſpar, from the Appennines, and a white jaſper, from the Lipari Iſlands
  • 82 A capital group of white and ferruginous cryſtalliſed quartz, ſprinkled with cryſtalliſed coloured marcaſites [53] and combined with galena, partly formed in large exortoedral cryſtals, from Cornwall
  • 83 One valve of a large cardium, and another ſcarce bivalve, from France; an oyſter, 2 other foſſil ſhells, and foſſil coral
  • 84 Cryſtalliſed black blend, on white cryſtalliſed quartz, Cumberland, and a large ſpecimen of hepatic and yellow copper ore, with green carbonate of copper
  • 85 Three rhombi, 3 muſicae, 3 caſſidae, 2 coni, 2 patellae, a balanus, and 6 other curious foſſil ſhells
  • 86 White laminated marble with black dendritae, Baden; 3 other marbles; a micaceous calcareous ſtone, with dendritae; a variegated red ſtalactatical ſpar, from Spain, and a Scotch ſerpentine ſtone
  • 87 Eight corious foſſil exuviae, of animals, viz. a group of ſerpulae, in chalk, Kent; a nautilites, a cardium, from Normandy; one valve of a ſolcated hypocephalus, with oyſters adhering to it; an alatus, Italy; an echinus, France; another in flint, Kent, and a meandritical madrepore
  • 88 Forty-one ſmall poliſhed ſpecimens of marbles and granites, chiefly from Germany and Switzerland; many of them labelled
  • 89 Various foſſil ſhells of different genera, 2 echini, ſeveral corals, and other petrifactions
  • 90 Five portions of quadrangular and pentagonal columns of baſaltes, from the Venetian State
  • 91 Green ſtrontianite, from Siberia, very rare; and galena with green carbonate of copper and cryſtalliſed white ſpathoſe lead ore, from the Hartz
  • 92 Two foſſil winged ſhells, from Ronca; part of a large foſſil nerit, and three curious lapidified corals, from Italy
  • 93 A large poliſhed ſpecimen of coral marble, from Devonſhire; and another of grey ſhelly marble, from Purbec Iſland
  • 94 Wolſram in quartz, Bohemia; fibrous carbonate of lead, Scotland; miſpickel, Saxony; and cryſtaliſed phoſphate of lead, from Freyberg, in the Briſgan
  • 95 A fine rock cryſtal, with green actinolite, &c. incloſed, from Switzerland
  • 96 A flat piece of chert, filled with chalcedonic caſts of ſpiral ſhells, many of which are in relief on the ſurface, from France
  • [54]97 Nine various granites, and other rock ſtones, from Italy, poliſhed and labelled
  • 98 Two ſkeletons of fiſhes in yellow laminated calcareous ſtone, from Verona; a fiſh like ſtone, from Papenheim; a ſlender fiſh in white calcareous ſtone, Oeningen; and another in black ſlate
  • 99 A group of large garnets with a little quartz and feldſpar, from Bohemia, and a fine ſpecimen of ſhorl in large foliated mica
  • 100 Fire muſicae, 2 rhombi, a ſpondylus, an hypocephalus, an oſtrea, ſeveral other foſſil ſhells, an echinus, and 4 zoophyte, from France and Italy
  • 101 Three German agates, a Saxon jaſper, a Sicilian jaſper, 2 pudding ſtones, Hartſordſhire; an Egyptian granite, and a porphyry, all poliſhed
  • 102 Three ſpiral foſſil ſhells, an oyſter, a group of balani on a pecten, and 2 foſſil corals
  • 103 Green feldſpar with ſilver ore, from the Grenades; marble, from Gibraltar; green pitch ſtone, Hungary; varigated cauk, Derbyſhire; a red jaſper, and a pudding ſtone, all poliſhed
  • 104 A large thin poliſhed ſlab, cut from a curious ſpeckled lava, from Italy
  • 105 A large and carious ammonites, compoſed of a number of ramified joints, exhibiting the form of the various cells, the partitions which divided them, together with the outer ſhell being decompoſed and gone, from Glouceſterſhire, rate
  • 106 Half of a large ſeptarium compoſed of a brown argillaceous iron ore, with irregular white ſparry veins, from Derbyſhire
  • 107 Pecten marmoratus, E. Indies; a cheſnut land ſnail, Jamaica; a ſpotted run, 2 helmets, 3 cepae, and 8 other recent ſhells
  • 108 Part of a jaw, with 2 teeth of ſome animal in a gypſeous ſtone, from Monte Marte, near Paris; gills and other bones of a head of a fiſh in clay, Sheepy Iſland; a vertebra of a large fiſh, Oxfordſhire, and the ſkeleton of a ſmall fiſh in a brown marble
  • 109 Cryſtalliſed blue and green carbonate of copper, with grey ſilver ore, and cobalt in white tabulated barytes, from Saalfeld
  • 110 A meandriticral madrepore, from Italy, 2 other madrepores, a carrier, and 3 other petrifactions
  • [55]111 A poliſlied fluor, Derbyſhire; galena, rich in ſilver, Johangeorgenſtadt; ſelenitae, on a ſhell, Oxfordſhire; peacock coal, Kilkenny; a fluor, with double pointed cryſtals of quarts, and 5 other miners s
  • 112 A beautiful pied marble, elegantly veined, from Philadelphia, and harlequin marble, from Italy
  • 113 Pearly rhomboidal zeolites in the cavities of a dark trap, from Fero; needle antimony, with vitriol, Felſobanya, rock cryſtals, Switzerland, and double pointed ditto, Briſtol.
  • 114 A fine madrepora damicornis, or deer's horn coral, formed on an iron bolt of a ſhip, from St. Mauritius. Out of the Callonian collection
  • 115 Eight various baſalts, and baſaltinae, porphyries, from the Venetian ſtate, poliſhed
  • 116 A variety of foſſil bivalve ſhells of different genera, from Italy and France
  • 117 A ſmall ſlab cut from a maſs of garnets in mica, and ditto, with faſciculated ſhorl, both from Switzerland
  • 118 A great variety of foſſil ſhell of different genera, ſome echini, corals, and other petrifactions
  • 119 A very large and foſſil nautilus, from Sheepy Iſland, Kent
  • 120 A ſquare ſlab of fine red jaſper, poliſhed on both ſides; a ſlab of the Florentine ruin marble, framed with black marble, and a white marble with black dendritæ, Baden
  • 121 A quadrille box, and 2 needle caſes formed of ſtraw, a ſmall baſſo relievo in ivory, 5 turned bone toys, a curious artificial ſnake turned in horn, and a box medal of Frederick, King of Pruſſia, 1759
  • 122 Two berylls, from Siberia, ſome garnets, ditto in an argillaceous matrix, 6 ſtalagmitae, 2 rock cryſtals, a chalcedony, and 4 more
  • 123 A very perfevt foſſil grinder tooth of an elephant, found 15 feet deep, in a ſtone quarry, near Wellbourn; Warwickſhire, rare
  • 124 A flint from Mount Carmel, cut in two; green porphyry, Egypt; red porphyry, ditto; an Engliſh porphyry; 7 nephritic Hones, and 7 other poliſlied ſilices
  • 125 Three curious foſſil fiſh in laminated yellow marbles, [56] from Verona, and another in an argilaceous nodule, the laſt rare
  • 126 An onachine ſpecimen of amethyſt, from Germany; and a curious brecciated ſtone, from Italy, both poliſhed
  • 127 Five ammonitae, a ſection of another, 3 pectens, two oyſters, ſeveral other foſſil ſhells, and five foſſil corals
  • 128 Rock cryſtal, Switzerland; pyrites, on fluors, Derbyſhire; amethyſt, from Hungary; a red gypſum, and 2 other minerals
  • 129 Part of a quadrangular column of ſpotted baſaltes, named by Mr. Strange, Baſaltes tigri [...]us, and found by him on a Volcanic mountain, in the Venetian State; along ſlender quadrangular column of baſaltes, from the ſame Country; one end of each poliſhed, and a large ſeptarium, from Weymouth
  • 130 Eight drawers, containing an intereſting collection of upwards of 300 ſpecimens of granites, baſaltes, lavas and other mineral ſubſtances, chiefly from the Mountains in the Venerian State, and other parts of Italy
  • 131 Ditto
  • 132 Eight drawers, including a ſcientific collection of upwards of 500 lavas, pumices, ſcoriae, vitrifications and other volcanic productions, principally from Mount Veſuvius, Dalmatia, and the Venetian State
  • 133 Several ſhells of the ammonia genus, one of them cut in two and poliſhed, ſundry other foſſil ſhells, ſome echini, part of the bony palate of a fiſh, Bath, and other petrifactions
  • 134 Dendritical manganeſe, Triers; cryſtalliſed carbonate of baryt, from Lancaſhire; ſtaurolite, or croſs cryſtals, Andreaſherg; and 3 other minerals
  • 135 Various teeth of fiſh, of the ſhark kind, the tail of a fiſh, a jaw of a fiſh, 2 bones of a tortoiſe and a crab, Sheepy Iſland; 2 teeth of large ſharks, Malta; 6 fragments of tortoiſes bones, from Ronca, in Italy; 6 uncommon teeth of quadrupeds, ſome other foſſil bones and the ſkeleton of a fiſh, in marble, Papenheim

Seventh Day's Sate. FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1800.

  • 1 A VARIETY of foſſil ſhells of different genera, from Sheepy Iſland, Switzerland, &c.
  • 2 Sixteen various Italian and other granates, porphyries, variolites, and other ſtones, moſt of them poliſhed, and ſome labelled
  • 3 Various ſpars, cryſtals, ores, and other minerals
  • 4 Green ſilky amianthus; from Switzerland; coloured mamillated copper ore, Cornwall; cryſtalliſed ſpathoſe tin ore, ditto; rock cryſtals, with blend, Kapnick; and 2 more
  • 5 A parrot with fruit, formed in moſaic, framed, 2 black dendritae, in white laminated marble, from Baden; a ferruginous dendrites; in yellow laminated marble, Aubach; framed, and another dendrites
  • 6 A great variety of ſmall foſſil ſhells, corals, parts of encrini, and other petrifactions, many of them from Switzerland
  • 7 Pale cryſtalliſed a methyſts, Palatinate; veſuvian, from Veſuvius; and 4 other minerals, from Cumberland
  • 8 Jaws, with the teeth of a ſharp headed fiſh, part of the bony ſnout of a fiſh, analogue to the ſword fiſh, 2 fiſhes tails, and three vertebrae, of fiſhes, from Sheepy Iſland; bones, from Glouceſterſhire; 2 ditto, ſuppoſed of birds in calcareous ſtones, Oxfordſhire; a large ſhark's tooth, Malta; a piece of the bone of a tortoiſe, and another foſſil bone
  • 9 Eleven various Italian and Engliſh marbles, all but one poliſlied
  • 10 Mamillated pitch ſtone, from Monte Marte; a large cryſtal of tourmalin in quartz, malacites copper ore in ſmall mamillae, mixed with yellow copper ore, and a twelve-ſided yellow ſpar
  • 11 A curious foſſil zoophyte, ſuppoſed of the ſponge kind. [58] from Touraine; 2 madrepores, from Italy, and & ramoſe madrepore, in black marble, Engliſh
  • 12 Four ammonia, 2 ſections of others of the ſame genus, 3 mytili, 2 cones, ſome corals, an echinus, clypeatus, and various other petrifactions
  • 13 Six curious varieties of ſeptaria, or veined argillaceous iron ores
  • 14 Red leafy ſilver ore, with galena, &c. Hartz; cryſtal. liſed native copper, Siberia; cobalt, with red ſilver ore and red baroſelenite, Furſtenberg; ſpathoſe ore of lead in truncated hexagonal priſm, Britany; green actinolite in chlorite, Tyrol, and a quadrangular column of baſaltes, from the Venetian State
  • 15 A variety of foſſil ſhells, echini, and other petrifactions
  • 16 Twenty various petrifactions, of ſhells, fiſh, &c.
  • 17 Three ammonitae, an indented oyſter, and various other foſſil ſhells, corals, &c.
  • 18 Four jaſpers, a variolite, an Oriental granite, a red chalcedony, with agate, and 2 more
  • 19 A maſs of bivalve ſhells, from Neudſtad; another maſs of ſhells, and a variety of corals, ſhells, &c. in limeſtone, from Dudley
  • 20 A large piece of laminated marble, in which the ſkeletons of upwards of 20 ſmall fiſh are imbedded, from Verona
  • 21 A large poliſhed ſpecimen of grey marble, replete with ſhells and corals, from Oxfordſhite, and another of black marble, with like contents, from Kilkenny
  • 22 A piece of rock, enriched with red coral, ſhells, &c. from Sicily
  • 23 A large and fine foſſil umbilicated nautilus, cut in two and poliſhed
  • 24 Three partitioned drawers, containing upwards of 370 ſmall ſquare ſpecimens of lavas, from Mount Veſuvius
  • 25 An ammonites, with its impreſſion, from Whitby; a maſs of lampades, Banbury, 2 pinnites, 2 foſſil woods, and ſeveral other petrifactions
  • 26 Cryſtalliſed native ſulphur, with ſpar, Spain; rock cryſtals, Cornwall; brown rhombic ſpars, within a foſſil ſhell, Dorſetſhire; a coloured quartz, Auvergne, and 2 more
  • 27 Six portions of ſmall angulated columns of baſaltes, from the Venetian State, poliſhed
  • [59]28 A large foſſil ſhell of the mya genus of Linnaeus, a ſcarce long foſſil oyſler, and a ramoſe madrepore in limeſtone, all from Italy.
  • 29 Sundry olivae, caſſidae, mitrae, dentalia, and other curious ſmall foſſil ſhells, parts of echini, corals, &c. chiefly from France and Italy
  • 30 Pitch ſtone, from Shropſhire; bitumen in limeſtone, Derbyſhire; rock cryſtals, Hungary; ditto, with chlorite, a ſingular iron ore, a ſpecimen of Venetian talc, and 3 more
  • 31 A large and fine ſlab of circularly veined purple fluor, from Caſtieton, in Derbyſhire
  • 32 Various ammonia and ſections of ditto, and a variety of other foſſil ſhells, echini, corals, &c.
  • 33 A fine ſpecimen of cyanite, cryſtalliſed in long priſms, and titanium, in like figured cryſtals, in mica, and a maſs of garnets in mica, both from, Switzerland, and rare
  • 34 Striped chert, Derbyſhire; a cryſtalliſed hollow flint, from Mount Carmel, 3 pudding ſtones, a ſiliceous bowlder, Staffordſhire; ſtriped jaſper, Bohemia, and 4 more, all but one poliſhed
  • 35 A curious ſpecimen of gloſſy black ſtalactitical manganeſe, from Stiria, and a group of topazine rock cryſtals, from Dauphiny
  • 36 Eleven varieties of preſerved fiſh, faſtened on paper, from Germany
  • 37 A poliſhed ſpecimen of ſtriated gypſum, from Coſſonnay, Switzerland
  • 38 Various foſſil ſhells, echini, and other petrifactions, Engliſh and foreign
  • 39 A large foſſil oyſter, from Vivarais, in France; a ramoſe foſſil coral, Italy; ſection of part of a large branch or trunk of a tree, ſaturated with jaſper, poliſhed, and 2 others
  • 40 Thirty-ſix varieties of ſerpentine ſtone, from Germany
  • 41 Part of the fleſh of a ſperm whale, with 12 of balanus trocheoſus, or wind-pipe barnacle, having their teeth imbedded in it, and on its ſurface, between the balani, a great number of the oniſcus ceti Linn. or whale's louſe, from the South Sea, rare, and a fine detached balanus trocheoſus
  • 42 A fine ammonia, Switzerland; a ſearce knotted club, France; an alated oyſter, Oxfordſhire; 2 other foſſil ſhells, and 4 maſſes of ſhells and corals
  • [60]43 Six various ſections of ſmall angulated columns of baſaltes, from different parts of the Venetian State, labelled
  • 44 A ſtudded hypocephalus, Normandy; 4 pectens, 3 ammoniae, an alatus, a tellina, and 5 other foſſil ſhells, a crab, from Verona, an echinus in chalk, and 3 foſſil madrepores
  • 45 Two very long foſſil oyſters, naturally adhering together, from Italy
  • 46 Twenty-one poliſhed agates, jaſpers, variolites, and other ſilices, and a ſpecimen of jad ſtone
  • 47 Cryſtalliſed copper ore, Cornwall; 2 zeolites, a rock cryſtal, with chlorite incloſed, an octohedral marcaſite, an orbicular pyrites, and 3 other minerals
  • 48 A large ammonites, of a rare ſpecies, cut in two, and poliſhed
  • 49 Clear rock cryſtal, Switzerland; zeolites, Ferro; ſpar, Andreaſberg; a blue artificial cryſtalliſation of biſmuth, and 2 more
  • 50 A large glycymeris, from Italy; a nautilus, Sheepy Iſland; a bread ammonites, and a rare colomnar madrepore
  • 51 A cup, three ſalvers, a box, and the lid of a ſnuff box, formed of agates, a cryſtal box, and a cup, ornamented with foliages cut out of a rhinoceros's horn
  • 52 Nine curious foſſil ſhells, viz. 2 vulſetae, Brunſwick; a ſmall pinna, a ſcarce mytilus, 2 pectunculi, and a glycymeris
  • 53 Three curious foſſil fiſh, in yellow laminated marble, from Verona
  • 54 A large cubic fluor, with pyrites, &c. from Derbyſhire, and an outſide piece of the landſcape marble, from Cottam, both poliſhed
  • 55 Thirty-two various Engliſh, German, and Italian marbles, poliſhed
  • 56 Cactrolong, from Iceland, and ſmall tourmalins in mica, with quartz, from Tyrol
  • 57 The tooth of a large fiſh of the ſhark kind, from Bruſſels; three vertebrae, of a large fiſh, from Charmouth; bones of a fiſh's head in clay, Sheepy Iſland; 2 ammonitae, and 2 other petrifactions
  • 58 A variety of curious foſſil plants in coal ſlate, and iron ſtone
  • 59 A large and fine foſſil nautilus, of a rare kind
  • [61]60 Caſts of univalve ſhells in chert, and 2 other maſſes of ſhells, from France; a foſſil fiſh in a white Lithomarga, a lobſter in clay, Sheepy Iſland, and a poliſhed piece of foſſil wood
  • 61 A breciated quartz bowlder, from Scotland; 2 ſcarce porphyries, a breciated jaſper, and 5 others, poliſhed
  • 62 A fine foſſil nautilus, having its ſhell, from Sheepy Iſland; a maſs of freſh water ſhells, Iſle of Wight; 3 echini pileati in flint, Kent; a ramoſe coral in a red marble, the bone of a bird in a laminated limeſtone, Oxfordſhire, and 1 more
  • 63 Four boxes, containing a variety of ſmall foſſil ſhells and corals, chiefly from France
  • 64 Two odd valves of ſcarce tellinae, a large pecten, 2 other foſſil ſhells, a tubipora, Staffordſhire, and a ramoſe madrepore
  • 65 A trap with kernels of radiated zeolites, which appear to be calcined, from the Venetian State; leuzit, Mount Veſuvius; a granite with ſhort, a large piece of foreign jet. and a copper ore
  • 66 A foſſil pecten with adheſions of oyſters and baleni, from Maryland, 3 ammonitae, 2 nautili, and 3 foſſil madrepores
  • 67 A large ſpecimen of ſtalactitical chalcedony, from Iceland
  • 68 Two ſections of ammonitae, another ammonites, fragments of a large carrier, 3 other foſſil ſhells, a maſs of ditto, and 5 foſſil corals, chiefly foreign
  • 69 Two beautiful varieties of ſerpentine ſtone, from Scotlan; marble with actinolite, ditto; flame coloured feldſpar, Labradore; a ſingular chalcedonic agate, 3 fine porphyries, and 2 more
  • 70 A variety of foſſil ſhells, echini, and other petrifactions
  • 71 Ditto
  • 72 Grey granite from the Adige; grey porphyry, ditto; red granite of the ſame kind with Pompey's pillar in Alexandria; a curious breciated jaſper, and 2 other curious ſtones, all poliſhed
  • 73 Three lampades of two ſpecies, having the internal ſtructure, two of ſerpula cochleari, or corkſcrew worm, part of a ſerpula limaciformis, 5 terreſtrial, and 3 other recent ſhells
  • 74 A aminated yellow marble, with elegant dendrits on [62]it, from Florence; 2 pied marbles, from Philadelphia; a green marble, and half of a Scotch ſerpentine ſtone bowlder, all but the firſt poliſhed
  • 75 Four curious and rare petrifactions, viz. a large nerita ſingularis, from Soiſſons; a fine harp-like voluta, from Courtagnon; the broad-winged ſpindle, from Hampſhire, and a group of foſſil balani
  • 76 Native ſulphur, from the Cape de Verd Iſlands; and a white baroſelenite, with cryſtalliſed blue and green carbonate of copper, from Saalfeld
  • 77 Two patellae, Glouceſterſhire; 2 coni, 2 pyra, ſeveral other foſſil ſhells, and 2 corals, from France and Italy, and a group of 3 palates of fiſh in chalk
  • 78 Cryſtalliſed native copper, with quartz, formed on wood, very curious, a ſingularly figured quartz, within a hollow agate, and a white zeolites in large cryſtals, all rare
  • 79 Two foſſil fiſh, a maſs of bivalve ſhells. France; 3 other maſſes of marine ſubjects, wood, perforated by teredines, Sheepy Iſland; a group of cockſcomb oyſters, Berkſhire, and 5 other petrifactions
  • 80 Two Engliſh porphyries, a fine clouded Arabian agate, part of a large Bohemian garnet, a green jaſper, and 4 other poliſhed ſilices
  • 81 A very large foſſil fiſh of the plaiſe genus, in limeſtone
  • 82 A ſmall grotto, formed of Derbyſhire minerals, in an alabaſter frame, a marble ſaltcellar, a pudding ſtone muller, and 4 cut marbles for laying on papers
  • 83 A ſcarce terreſtrial ſnail, from New South Wales; a dolphin, a white tower, and 5 other recent ſhells
  • 84 Two large harp-like voluta, 2 aculeated rhormbi, an anuſlus, or carrier, and a flint with the impreſſion of great part of a mammillated echinus, all from France
  • 85 Two curious oyſters, from Baſſan, and 2 ſingle valves of large rare pectunculi, from Ronca, in Italy
  • 86 A ſet of 30 poliſhed ſpecimens of Italian marbles, uniform in ſize, each being 2 inches 3-8ths ſquare
  • 87 A ſingle quadrangular, and a group of 4 conic palates of fiſh in chalk, a curious echinites, Malta; a ſmall fiſh in marble, from Ubsrmannſhoffen; 3 helmets, a ſcarce ſpindle, and 2 other foſſil ſhells, from France and Italy
  • 88 A large echinus libum, from Barbadoes, and a madrepora fungites, with a double ſummit, Madagaſcar
  • [63]89 Native gold in granite, from one of the Mines of Mr. Stroganoff, in Siberia; and rhomboidal pearly zeolites, with a curious mammillated ſpar, from Andreaſberg, in the, Hartz
  • 90 A meandritical and 4 other foſſil corals, 2 echini cordati, one of them in a flint, a cone, 3 other foſſil ſhells, 2 maſſes of ditto, and a poliſhed ſpecimen of faſſil wood
  • 91 Garnets in baſalt, a baſalune porphyry, 5 granites, and 3 other rock ſtones, Italy, and a variolite, from Worceſterſhire Gravel-pits, all but 2 poliſhed
  • 92 Part of a mammillated echinus, with many of its ſpines, in chalk, from Kent, and a curious indented foreign foſſil oyſter
  • 93 A fine ſpecimen of radiated green cachonaſe, of ſtrontian, from Strontian, in North Britain; and a neat ſmall ſeptarium, from the Cliffs, near Weymouth
  • 94 Bones of the head of a fiſh, in a hard clay, Sheepy Iſland; a number of vertebrae, of a fiſh, in like clay, from ditto; a long beaked oyſler, a madrepore with large ſtars, and 2 more
  • 95 Ribband jaſper, Siberia; 2 other ſilices, and a brecciated German marble, all poliſhed
  • 96 Five various ſhells, or their caſts, of the ammonia genus, 5 bivalves, 2 impreſſions of anthropomorphi, Wales; chain coral, from Coalbrook Dale, Shropſhire; a large foſſil ſhark's tooth, Bruſſels, and 4 other petrifactions
  • 97 A capital poliſhed ſlab cut from a very large tortoiſeſhell ſeptarium, found on the Dorſetſhire Coaſt
  • 98 Rhomboidal zeolites, Iceland; cryſtalliſed tealgar, Veſuvius; white ſpathoſe lead ore, Wales; gold coloured ſeldſpar, Labradore; a red mammillated chalcedony, and 2 more
  • 99 A yellow marble, curiouſly variegated by ferruginous Capillary veins, and a ſection of a pentagonal column of baſaltes, both from the Venetian State, and poliſhed
  • 100 A Sulcated ſun, New Zealand; 2 ſludded frogs, Meditceranean; a buccinum with its ſpidermis, New South Wales; pecten grandis, N. America, and trigonella gigas, New York
  • 101 A fine cone, and a ſearce pectunculus, from France; a voluta, from Hants; a nautilus, Kent; 2 other foſſil ſhells, 2 corals, and an ethinus
  • 102 Three German agates. 2 porphyries, 2 breceiated jiſpers, 2 granites; and 2 other poliſhed ſilices.
  • [64]103 Grey ſulphuret of copper, in truncated hexhedral cryſtals, on coloured bliſtered copper, Cornwall; columnar 24-ſided ſpars, with blend, &c. Leiceſterſhire; dog-tooth ſpar, ditto, and cryſtalliſed blend, with quartz, Cumberland
  • 104 The back of a crab, from Verona; 6 madrepores, an ammonia, 2 pectens, an alatus, and 3 other petrifactions
  • 105 Portion of an hexagonal column of baſaltes, part of a quadrangular ditto, one end poliſhed, both from the Venetian State, and a ſcarce ſtriped green and yellow jaſper
  • 111 A branched fungus-like madrepore, from Kendal in Weſtmoreland; white marble, with an ammoniac in it, from Italy; dark marble, with oyſters in it; Carniola; bones of birds in a dark pyritical limeſtone, Glouceſterſhire, and a poliſhed ſpecimen of foſſil wood
  • 112 A large poliſhed piece of clear rock cryſtal, with many hair and needle-like cryſtals of titanium incloſed within it, from Switzerland
  • 113 Two large vertebrae, in limeſtone, cut in two and poliſhed, another large vertebra, detached, a long bone in a lithomarga, and bones in ſpar, Gibraltar
  • 114 Three curious dentritical marbles, formed into pictures, and bordered with other marbles, from Florence
  • 115 A mahogany cabinet, with folding doors, containing 27 drawers, filled with a great variety of ſmall recent ſhells
  • 116 An ore of cobalt, with red effloreſcence, from Furſtenberg; violet and green cubic fluors, Britany; tourmalins in green chloriſe, Tyrol, and cryſtalliſed blend, on opake white quartz, Cumberland
  • 117 A ſingularly veined agate, a trap, and three granites, from Italy, labelled, and a broken or brecciated agate, from Saxony, all poliſhed
  • 118 Two large oriental green and pearly ſhells, formed into ſugar diſhes, a large St. Jacob's ſcallop, a group of ſerpulae, and 2 other recent ſhells
  • 119 A large and fine ſlab of ſerpentine ſtone, from Aberdeenſhire, poliſhed on both ſides
  • 120 A curious group of yellow ſpars, with white pearl ſpar, from Hungary; and a large globoſe ſpecimen of grey copper ore with cryſtalliſed quartz
  • [65]121 A fine group of ſerpula ſemi-cancellata, with ſmall ſcarlet and white ſpondyli, and other bivalve ſhells adhering, from St. Domingo. Out of the Callonian Collection
  • 122 An exceeding ſine foſſil fiſh, ſomewhat allied to the dorey, in a yellow laminated marble, with the counterpart, from a quarry near Bolca, in the Veroneſe, Italy
  • 123 Two oriental agates, heliotropium, from Arabia; a beautiful labradore feldſpar, 2 German chalcedonies, and 2 other poliſhed ſlices
  • 124 A large ſquare piece of dull-white limeſtone, or marble, having a curious foſſil fiſh in it, from Purbeck Iſland, very rare
  • 125 Mineraliſed gold in quartz, Siberia, and native ſilver in ſpar, from Potoſi, both rare
  • 126 A fiſurated ſerpula, and a group of ſerpulae, from Sicily; a cheſnut oyſter on a group of balani, Guinea; 3 of pholas ſtriatus, and one ditto in a piece of mahogany, 2 pectens, and ſeveral other recent ſhells
  • 127 Two portions of ſeptaria, one of them with a ſtellated gypſum on it, from Sheepy Iſland; 2 pyritae, part of a ſparry depoſition, from a wooden minetrough, ſome iron ores and other minerals
  • 128 Various ſmall foſſil ſhells of the buccinum, turris, rhombus, dentalium and other genera, moſt of them France and Italy
  • 129 Part of a hollow Egyptian pebble, the cavity lined with cryſtalliſed quartz, ſlickenſide kibble, from Derbyſhire; chalcedony, Oberſtein; a ſerpentine ſtone, and 2 others
  • 130 A ſcarce long oyſter, from Ronca; a maſs of club and other ſhells, and a madrepore, ditto; another maſs of ſhells, from Italy; a cluſter of nummular corals, Dalmatia, and a curious funnel ſhaped zoophyte
  • 131 A foſſil fiſh with its ſcales, finely pyritified in black ſlate, from Iſleben; another foſſil fiſh in yellow laminated marble, Verona, and another in a grey argillaceous ſtone, from the promontary of Jocana, near Peſaro
  • [66]132 A maſs of belemnitae, and other marine ſubjects, in a ſiliceous ſtone, from Italy; and a maſs of ſhells of the orthoceros genus, in limeſtone, ſaid to be found in England
  • 133 A box, containing a great number of neatly made ronnd trays, for minerals
  • 134 A ſtrong box made of fine wood, with braſs ornaments, on a walnut-tree ſtand
  • 135 A pair of elegant French mahogany and ſattin wood pier tables, with white marble tops, drawers, and ſhelves, and leather covers. Once the Property of Monſieur De Calonne
  • 136 A range of upwards of 60 moveable deal ſhelves, in 4 diviſions, 9 feet 6 inches in height, applicable either for ſubjects of natural hiſtory or books

Eighth Day's Sale. SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1800.

  • 1 SUNDRY foſſil ſhells of diffent genera, ſome echini, bones of fiſhes, and other petrifactions
  • 2 Tetahedral blend with cubic flours Derbyſhire; a large hollow pebble, lined with cryſtalliſed quartz, coloored iron ore from Elbe, and 1 more
  • 3 A large group of topazine rock cryſtals, with long cryſtals of aqua marine among them, from Siberia, very ſcarce
  • 4 Six various petrifactions, viz. 2 valves of ſpondyli, 1 of a glycymeris, and 1 of a pectunculus, from Italy and France; an echinus from Malta, and a maſs of cockle and other ſhells
  • 5 Purple copper ore, with green crbanote of copper, feldſpar and baroſelenite, and a mammilated chalcedony
  • [67]6 Stellated green zeolite, 2 porphyries, and 6 others, poliſhed
  • 7 A variety of ammoniae, pectines, oſtreae, and other foſſil ſhells, ſeveral echini, corals, and other petrifactions
  • 8 Part of the ſcull with other bones of a large fiſh, coated with pyrites, from Sheepy Iſland, and another petrifaction
  • 9 Opal in the matrix, from Hungary; flos ferri, Steurmarck; elaſtic bitumen in limeſtone, Derbyſhire; and dark coloured amethyſts, from the Palatinate
  • 10 Freſh water ſhells in marl, Iſle of Wight; ditto in lithomarga, ditto; caſts of club ſhells in ferruginous chert, Montmorency; and part of a large pecten, nearly covered with ſmall balani, Italy
  • 11 Green porphyry, from Egypt; a beautiful pebble, Hartfordſhire; a dendritical jaſper, 2 Scotch agates, a German agate, a cryſtalliſed flint, and 5 other poliſhed ſtones
  • 12 Poliſhed ſections of 2 ammoniae, a cone in limeſtone, Ronca; a belemnites, Oxfordſhire; 2 caſts of myae, from Oeningen; ſeveral other foſſil ſhells in calcareous ſtones, 2 echini, and 3 poliſhed ſpecimens of foſſil wood
  • 13 A ſeries of 47 fine poliſhed ſpecimens of Italian marble, each 3 1/2 inches, ſquare and labelled
  • 14 A large and fine foſſil nautilus, from Sheepy Iſland
  • 15 Two curious baſaltic iron ores, from Scotland; a large piece of obſidian, a red ſtalactitical chalcedony, Spain; pipe clay, from Warham, Dorſetſhire, and a pudding ſtone
  • 16 Two boxes containing a great variety of univalve and bivalve foſſil ſhells of different genera, from Italy and France
  • 17 Nine various granites, baſaltes, &c. from Italy, poliſhed
  • 18 Green actinolite in chlorite, from Tyrol; ſtriped pitchſtone, Hungary; iron ore in large lenticular cryſtals, Elbe; malachites copper ore, Siberia; a ſingularly figured cryſtalliſed quartz, and a cryſtallized amethyſt
  • 19 An exceeding fine foſſil fiſh, in yellow laminated marble, with the counterpart, from Verona
  • 20 Rich haematites iron ore, Saxony; yellow cubic fluors, with white cauck and ſpar, ditto; globoſe pearl [68] ſpar, Cremnitz, and a large ſpecimen of ſhorl in granite
  • 21 A flying lizard, from the E. Indies; a ſmall humming bird on its neſt, a ſngular bony palate of a fiſh, a curious bone of the angel fiſh, a beautiful inſect (buſpreſtis ignita Linn.) a tobacco ſtopper formed of an eagle's claw, mounted with ſilver, ſome eggs of a buz hawk, taken from a magpie's neſt in an elm tree at Ridge, April 27, 1793, &c.
  • 22 A large black haematites iron ore, from Naſſau-ſiegen
  • 23 Two foſſil cones, an oyſter, Montpellier; a group of cockſcomb oyſters, a pectonculus, a pecten, a maſs of ſhells, and 2 foſſil echini, one of them from Montpellier
  • 24 A foſſil fiſh in a white laminated marble, from Papenheim; 2 ſmall fiſh in like marble, Mount Libanus; part of the ſkeleton of a ſlender fiſh, in blue ſlate; the tooth of a very large ſhark, Malta; part of the bony palate of a fiſh, the gills of a fiſh, and the vetrebra of a fiſh, Sheepy Iſland
  • 25 Two ſeptaria, compoſed of an argillaceons iron ore, veined with white ſpar, from Scotland, and another formed of a ferruginous rotten ſtone, with cryſtal ſeptae, Durham
  • 26 Two porcellanae, 2 ſcarce ſulcated lampades, a caſſida, 3 muſicae, 3 rhombi, and 5 other curious foſſil ſhells, from Italy and France
  • 27 A portion of a baſaltic column of five ſides, and a portion of a larger one of 6 ſides
  • 28 Sixteen various poliſhed agates, porphyries, amethiſt and other ſiliceous ſtones
  • 29 Arrow headed ſelenites, from Nonte Marte; actinolite, Caernarvonſhire; a cryſtalliſed veſuvian, an onachine chalcedony, a ramoſe ſtalactitical ſpar, 2 cupreous minerals, Siberia; and a baryties
  • 30 A fine mammilated foſſil echinus, with ſeveral of its ſpines in their natural ſituation, imbedded in flint, from a chalk pit. A very rare and intereſting ſpecimen
  • 31 Part of a trunk, or very large knotty branch of a tree, ſaturated with black jaſper, and called foſſil oak, from the limeſtone quarries in the Iſle of Purbeck, found many feet under the ſurface, in the ſtone, and a piece of the ſame poliſhed
  • [69]32 Part of a horn of an unknown ſpecies of the deer kind, a bone in gypſum, from Monte Marte; ſeveral other bones of quadrupeds, fiſhes, and other animals, and a crab from Ceylon
  • 33 A capital maſs of galena, cryſtalliſed in very large cubes, from Germany
  • 34 Tooth of an enormous fiſh of the ſhark kind, Malta; part of a lobſter, in an indurated clay, Sheepy Iſland; an hyſteorolithus, Germany; 2 ſcarce oyſters, France; a pecten, from Thame; another in flint, Kent; and 6 other petrifactions
  • 35 Five ſmall oriental agate diſhes, an antique ſeal, 2 carnelion rings, an antique agate ſeal ring, ſome ancient glaſs teſſulae, from moſaic work, a curious artificial avanturine, &c.
  • 36 A ſmall ſpondylus, 2 pectens, 2 pectunculi, a cone, from Italy, 2 other foſſil ſhells, 3 echini, 2 madrepores, and 1 more
  • 37 Native gold in quartz, from Bereſofskoi, in Siberia; bright native copper in ſpar, from the Pochadaeſchian Mines, near Werchſatury, on the higheſt Uralian Mountains, Siberia; 2 copper ores, from ditto; a ſngular hollow cube of pyrites, on quartz, a blue chalcedony, truncated ſpars, Hartz, and 2 more
  • 38 The major part of a pentagonal aſteria, in chalk, from Kent, rare; a ſcarce mammillated echinus, in chalk, Surry; 2 cylindrical bullae, an uber, and a mitre, from France, and 2 other foſſil ſhells
  • 39 Large calcareous ſpars, decompoſed by calamine, from Wales. Out of the Butean Collection. Shorlite, from Altenberg; and iron ore, containing gold, from Eſtremadura, Spain
  • 40 A variety of foſſil ſhells, echini, corals, &c.
  • 41 Ditto
  • 42 Five melon flints, from Mount Carmel; a chert, ditto; and 3 jaſpers, all poliſhed
  • 43 Plumoſe gypſum, Derbyſhire; 2 aſbeſti, from Scotland; black ſhirl in white quartz, valentia, and 24 other minerals
  • 44 Half of a large ſeptarium, compoſed of a brown argillaceous iron ore, with white ſparry veins, from Derbyſhire, poliſhed
  • 45 A large ammonites, from Dorſetſhire; and a group of ſmall ammonitae, in limeſtone
  • [70]45 A variety of curious foſſil ſhells, chiefly from France,
  • 47 Forty-two varieties of ſerpentine ſtone, from Saxony
  • 48 Thirty-four ſpecimens of ores, and other minerals
  • 49 A very large knotted foſſil ſhell, of the clava, or club genus, from France, very rare
  • 50 Two ſpecimens of the ruin marble, and two of dendritical marble, from Italy, all but one framed; and a caſt from a ſprig of ſage, coloured, framed and glazed
  • 51 Four very fine maſſes of foſſil ſhells, from France
  • 52 Part of a large wrinkled orthocerous, from Coalbrook Dale; orthoceri in limeſtone; a large harp-like voluta, France, and an indented oyſter, Brunſwick
  • 53 Dolomite with pyrites, &c. and a ſingularly formed group of rock cryſtals, from Mount St Gothard
  • 54 Two irone ſtones, with impreſſions of ferns in them, from Derbyſhire; foſſil wood, from Bovey, in Devonſhire; 3 jaſperified woods, poliſhed, and the top part of a branch of a pine in iron ſtone, from Coalbrook Dale
  • 55 A large and fine ſpecimen of flos ferri, from Steurmarck
  • 56 Various ſhells of the patella, caſſida, ammonia, rhombus, voluta, and other genera, chiefly from France
  • 57 Twelve neatly made boxes formed of ſingularly figured holly, and other curious woods
  • 58 A long ſlender ſkeleton of a fiſh in a blue ſlate, a fiſh with gilded, or pyritaceous ſcales, in black ſlate, Iſleben, and two prawns, in yellow laminated marbles, from Verona, rare
  • 59 Two pied granites, from Calabria; 2 Italian porphyries, a variolite, and 6 other curious ſtones
  • 60 Three curious and uncommon recent ſhells, viz. calyptra foliacea, or furbelowed bonnet, from Japan; cocklea ſcabriuſcula, from Spain, and the tiger Iendix, from Braſil
  • 61 Italactitical chalcedony, Iceland; flos ferri, Alſace; ſhorl in mica, Tyrol; coloured octahedral galena, Leiceſterſhire; a curious ſpar, Cumberland; and a toadſtone, Glouceſterſhire
  • 62 Part of a large fiſh in clay, from Sheepy Iſland; a fiſh in a calcareous ſtone, ſuppoſed from Italy; and a ſection of a ſpiral ſhell, in a hard marble, from Mount Jura, Switzerland
  • [71]63 A ferruginous ammonites, with remains of its pearly ſhell, from Siberia; an echinus, from Malta, 2 other echini, a curved cockſcomb oyſter, France; and an ammonites, Wiltſhire.
  • 64 Stellated needle antimony, with baroſelenite in thick tabular cryſtals, from Felſobania, and a group of rock cryſtals, from Switzerland
  • 65 Five curious petrifactions, viz a ſcarce alatus, from Ronca in Italy; a fine carrier, the curvated cockſcomb oyſter, rare, France; a ſtudded hypocephalus, Normandy, and a meadritical madrepore, Italy
  • 66 A large and fine circular German agate, with amethyſt in the middle of it, and a large Engliſh pudding ſtone, both poliſhed
  • 67 Native gold in quartz, ſtriated native oxyde of nickel, containing gold in quartz, a large ſpecimen of native copper, and blue and green carbonate of copper, all from Siberia
  • 68 A nerita ſingularis, from Ronca; a ridged clava, ditto; a cone, 2 other univalves, a ſulcated lampas, a ſtudded hypocephalus, a grooved ſhell of the ſame genus Normandy; a mya, a vulſella, ſeveral other bivalve ſhells, 2 madrepores, and 2 poliſhed pieces of foſſil wood, &c.
  • 69 Four portions of columnas baſaltes of 3, 4, 5, and 6 angles, from the Venetian State, poliſhed
  • 70 A foſſil crab, from Verona; a crab, in a ſtony clay, Sheepy Iſland; a large and fine quadrangular palate of a fiſh in chalk, Kent; an echinus, and a ſcarce madrepore
  • 71 A large ſlab of beautifully coloured irideſcent feldſpar, from Labradore, poliſhed
  • 72 Several freſh water ſhells, of the barbala genus, in a lithomarga, an alatus, from Ronca; an indented oyſter, a group of large balani on a ſcallop, a ſcarce echinus, and a poliſhed foſſil madrepore
  • 73 The ſpiral part of a large foſſil chambered ſhell of the lituus genus, from Glouceſterſhire, very rare
  • 74 A maſs of ſhells of the vortex genus, from Franconville; 3 other French foſſil ſhells, 2 purpurae, and 2 echinitae, Italy; a madrepore, from Rouen, and 3 more
  • 75 Half of a large hollow flint, or petriſied melon, lined with mammillated chalcedony, from Mount Carmel, poliſhed, and a large ſpecimen of chlorite, with tourmalins imbedded in it, from Zillerſhal, in Tyrol
  • [72]76 A large ſlab of marble in which a number of ſhells of the orthoceros genus, 2 of them very large are imbedded, from Oeland, an Iſland in the Baltic, in a gold bordered black frame
  • 77 Dendritical biſmuth, Schneeberg; white actinolite, Turkey; black ſhorl in indurated ſteatites, Tyrol, and blue cryſtalliſed carbonate of copper, from Moldova
  • 78 A large and fine glycymeris, from Italy, and a very large echinus pileatus, from Malta, both rare
  • 79 Grey marble containing ſhells and corals, from Whichwood Foreſt, Oxfordſhire; black marble with white ſparry ſhells of the lampas genus, and corals in it, from Kilkenny, and grey granite, from the Mountain Valcamonica, above Cedegola, in Italy, all large and fine ſpecimens, and poliſhed
  • 80 A large fiſtular marine fucus, ſome lichens, agarics and woods, and various feeds, gums, and other vegetables
  • 81 A very large and fine foſſil madrepore, impregnated with limeſtone, from Derbyſhire
  • 82 A beautiful picture, formed of Engliſh moths and butterflies, framed and glazed
  • 83 Roſe quartz, Siberia; cryſtalliſed beryll, ditto; large garnets in mica, Aberdeenſhire, and rhomboidal zeolites in trap, from Iceland
  • 84 A neat cabinet formed of India deal and mahogany, bordered with ſatin wood, containing 17 drawers, including upwards of a 1000 ſmall ſpecimens of agates, jaſpers, mocha ſtones, gems, ſpars, ores of metals gypſae, lavas, and other ſubjects of mineralogy, compriſing a very great variety in a little compaſs
  • 85 A very fine ſpecimen of avanturine ſtone, from the coaſt of Spain
  • 86 Five odd valves of pecten glaber, from Guinea; crypta maculata, from ditto; crypta patula, from Peru; a balanus nearly coated with red coral, Sicily; and 3 other rare ſhells
  • 87 A large thin lamina of green ſlate, having curious pyritical dendritae, on it, from Yorkſhire
  • 88 A very curious foſſil crab, ſurrounded with yellow dentritae, in a yellow laminated marble, from Florence
  • [73]89 A capital ſpecimen of pudding ſtone, the pebbles in which are very large and of various colours, from Hartfordſhire, poliſhed
  • 90 Madrepora cyathus, or drinking-glaſs coral, with ſeveral of gorgonia pretioſa, or red coral, ſome s;erpulae, and gryphi adhering to a madrepora tibicini, the whole forming a moſt elegant group, from Sicily
  • 91 Two aculeated rhombi, a carrier, a comb, 2 clubs, and various other foſſil ſhells, echini and corals, moſt of them from France
  • 92 A very fine ſpecimen of native oxyde of lead, containing CROME, a newly diſcovered ſemi-metal, formed in variouſly figured cryſtals, on a micaceous ſand ſtone, from Bereſofſkoi, near Catharinenberg, Siberia. See Dr. Babington's Syſtem of Mineralogy, pa. l58, Spec. 2, and page 266, genus 13
  • 93 An intereſting ſeries of 123 poliſhed ſpecimens of Italian marbles, of an uniform circular ſhape, each framed and labelled
  • 94 A large and fine foſſil ſhell of the pecten genus, filled with ſand, from Ortenberg, near Paſſau, very ſcarce
  • 95 Six curious foſſil inſects in laminated calcareous ſtones. Oeningen, four pieces of amber, with inſects and water incloſed; one of gum copal, with a beetle and other inſects in it, and 3 foſſil crabs, from Ceylon
  • 96 A capital ſeptarium, compoſed of light coloured argillaceous ſtone, with yellow and rich brown, ſeptae, from the Dorſetſhire Coaſt, cut in two and poliſhed
  • 97 Cinnabar, from Neumarke in Carniola, & baſaltiform iron ore, rare, frrom Oſſegg, in Bohemia
  • 98 A large flat piece of limeſtone, having ſeveral verterae, part of the jaws and other bones of an animal of the lizard kind, imbedded in it, from the Blue Lodge Quarry, near Bath
  • 99 Priſmatic ſhorl in while quartz, a very fine ſpecimen, from Tyrol
  • 100 A very large and fine tuberculated variety of madrepora phrygia, or lace-like brain coral, from St. Mauritius, in a glazed mahogany caſe. Out of the Calonnian collection
  • 101 A large and fine malachites, copper ore, from Siberia
  • [74]102 Two plates cut from a ſingulary figured ſiliceous pebble, found near Mankeim; a red and white Italian granite, feldſpar, from Labradore, and 2 other filices, all poliſhed, the 2 firſt on both ſides
  • 103 A large and fine foſſil oyſter, and a curious madrepore
  • 104 A very large and curious boney palate of a fiſh, from a chalk pit, in Surry; a large and fine nerita ſingularis, from France; an ammonites, from Archangel, and a meandritical madrepore, all rare
  • 105 A fine ſpecimen of cryſtalliſed vitriolated lead ore, from Paris Mountain, Angleſea; ſattin-like copper ore, Siberia; and a red ſtellated zeolite, from Schio, in the Venetian State
  • 106 A fine argonauta, or wrinkled paper ſailor, from Minorca
  • 107 A large and fine group of double pointed cryſtalliſed amethyſt, in the hollow a quartoſe iron ore, from St. Vincent's Rocks, near Briſtol
  • 108 An elegant ſpecimen of plumoſe gypſum, from Matlock Bath, Derbyſhire, and a beautiful coloured copper pyrites, with white globoſe cauk and copper ore, from Ecton Mine, Staffordſhire
  • 109 A curious foſſil alated ſpindle ſhell, from France, and a fine caſt of an echinus, both rare
  • 110 A very fine ſpecimen of cyanite, in long priſmatic cryſtals, mixed with mica, quartz, titanum and feldſpar, from Mount St. Gothard, very rare
  • 111 A curious antique porphyry ſalver, with 2 handles, from Italy
  • 112 Two verterbrae, of ſome unknown animal in a gypſeous ſtone, from Monte Mate, near Paris, very rare, and the bones of a fiſh's head, in a hard clay, from Sheepy Iſland
  • 113 Haliotis ſuperba, from the Gallaphagos Iſles, very ſcarce, and oſtrea gigas, from the Friendly Iſlands
  • 114 A large and fine foſſil encrinus, with great part of its ſtem, in a calcareous ſtone, from Brunſwick
  • 115 A very curious and extremely rare cryſtal of iron ore, one of the moſt well defined known, from Elbe, and a clear rock cryſtal, from Switzerland.
  • 116 Brilliant cryſtalliſed tin ore, from Schlackenwald, in Bohemia, coloured topazine floors, with cryſtalliſed quartz, Saxony; native copper, Siberia ; gilded [75] iron ore, County of Sayn, and a dog-tooth ſpar, Derbyſhire, all fine
  • 117 Two exceeding fine ſhells of the alatus genus, and one of the ſpondylus kind, in a foſſil ſlate, from Italy, rare
  • 118 A large and fine group of topazine rock cryſtals, from the Pyrences.
  • 119 Brown garnets, with ſhorl, in a compact granite from Switzerland, and a variolite, from Malvern Hills
  • 120 Foſſil wood ſomewhat allied to that of the cabbage tree, having large pores, and 2 other poliſhed jaſperiſied woods, a ferruginous ſtone, with parts of branches of trees of the pine kind in it, from a coal-pit, in Derbyſhire, and a coal ſlate, with ferns, &c. Lancaſhire
  • 121 A fine large brown reverſe cherſina, a rare kind of terreſtrial ſhell, from Braſil
  • 122 A ſmall earthen three-footed jug, which having through accident been ſunk in the Ocean, ſeveral ſerpulae, a purple and yellow gryphus, ſome other ſhells and a ſponge are naturally affixed to it, from one of the French Iſlands, in the W. Indies
  • 123 A curious kind of white ſpar, partly mamillated, and partly formed in ſhrub-like forms, moſt delicately branched, ſuppoſed from Stiria.
  • 124 A fine ſpecimen of cryſtalliſed native oxyde of lead, with native minium in a calcareous ſtone, from B [...] reſoſſki, and grey iron ore in large brilliant cryſtals, from Elbe
  • 125 An excellent low mahogany preſs, with folding doors, and 3 ſhelves
  • 126 A ſolid mahogany cabinet, of fine wood, with a carved moulding, containing, 12 ſmall, and 3 large drawers, each with double braſs rings, and locks and leather cover
  • 127 A mahogany cabinet, 2 parts, 7 feet, 1 inch high, and 4 feet 5 inches wide; the upper diviſion, conſiſting of a caſe, with glazed folding doors, having gilt frames, including 10 wainſcot moveable ſhells, with moulded mahogany edges; 16 wainſcot trays, with like edges, and 36 ſmall wainſcot drawers, [76] with ſtriped mahogany fronts; the lower divi [...] contains 21 larger drawers, incloſed with foldin [...] doors
  • 128 A mahogany cabinet, in 2 parts, 7 feet, 1 inch high, and 4 feet, 5 inches wide; the upper diviſion conſiſting of a caſe with glazed folding doors, having gilt frames, including 12 mahogany moveable partitioned trays, with moulded fronts, and double braſs rings, and 12 drawers with like rings; the lower diviſion contains 8 moveable deal trays, with moulded fronts and double braſs rings, incloſed with folding doors
  • 129 A very large well-made mahogany cabinet, near 10 feet high, and 5 feet 7 inches wide, of fine wood, with fluted cornice and double folding doors, containing, near 100 mahogany drawers, adapted for minerals, made to ſlide in groves, and ſhift according to the ſize of the ſpecimens, and having ſmall receptacles in the front of each for moveable labels made under the direction and for the collection, of the late Earl of Bute
  • 130 An excellent large mahogany repoſitory for ſubjects of Natural Hiſtory, being near 9 feet high, and 10 feet 10 inches wide, in 2 diviſions, each ſubdivided in 4 parts, containing in the upper diviſion, 16 partitioned deal trays, and 12 ſteps, incloſed with 4 glazed doors; the under diviſion contains 12 large deal ſteps, incloſed with 4 double-pannelled doors. Between the two diviſions are 4 large drawers, with double braſs rings

Appendix A

Printed by J. Barker, Great Ruſſell-ſtreet, Covent-Garden.

Distributed by the University of Oxford under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License

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TextGrid Repository (2020). TEI. 5306 Fossils remains of animals and vegetables minerals recent shells corals and other curious subjects of natural history Catalogue of the genuine and entire museum of curious subjects of natural hi. University of Oxford Text Archive. . https://hdl.handle.net/21.T11991/0000-001A-5EDA-6