AND now, refreſh'd, and nicely quipp'd,
Again, into the Hall, They tripp'd—
The Devil had on, the very Suit,
In which Rennardo look'd ſo 'cute—
The day he made his famous M [...]
T' acknowledge Authors of Commotion,
[18] And nicely hid his Cloven Foot,
Juſt as Rennardo us'd to do't,
Seated once more—Largeſs was cny'd—
In ſtalk'd, with ſtiff mock-martial pride,
A ſelf-conceited Veteran—
Who ſcoul'd around—Then thus began—
"My State—(not leſſening)—I report
"The happy meeting of this Court,
"I've long deſir'd—Done, All I cou'd,
"Done ev'ry thing—But what was good—
"T'effect Reform—Alas! in vain—
"We cou'd not virtually complain;
"Loudly I rail'd 'gainſt Abſentees,
"And Penſioners of all Degrees—
"Then, Arms I ſeiz'd—a ſole pretence,
"And Tailors taught, to Fire and Fence;
"Made Haberdaſhers, Muſkets uſe,
"And furniſh'd Col'nels, from the Stews,
"Made myſelf General—Then ſwagger'd—
"A foaming Pſeudo-Patriot Braggard,
"It wou'd not do—I muſt be candid,
"The uſeleſs Lumber was diſ [...].
"But Hope aſſures this brilliant day,
"May, ſomehow, work a laſting fray,
"If ſo—Behold—To help the fuſs—
Great Volunterus Maximus—
"If"—ſaid the D [...]l—"We cou'd aſpire,
"Such Talents—and ſuch Worth to Hire,
[19] "Tho' fooliſh V [...]r [...]ys, did o'erlook,
"Which You (expecting) cou'd not brook,
"Yet We—if not below Your care,
"Wou'd name You—Secretar' at War"—
A courtly bow, th' acceptance ſhew'd,
He join'd the gath'ring choſen Croud.
"Largeſs"—again, was echo'd round,
"Largeſs"—"Largeſs"—the walls reſound—
"Th' annunciation caus'd belief,
The coming perſonage ſome Chief,
And ſo it prov'd, (by lines foretold
Of him—whoſe lines are ſterling gold)
"A K [...]e ennobled—S [...]t—and C [...]d."
Baſe repreſentation of [...]
"Sir, (tho' not firſt)—Thus ſpake the [...]
"I truſt You'll mitigate rebuke,
"I've ever try'd to win Your favor,
"Witneſs my uniform behavior!
"For You I fled my Father's C [...]!
"And left connections in the lurch,
"Mix'd with the dregs, and ſcum of earth,
"To ſhew the vanity of Birth,
"That Title—Pedigree—and Creſt,
"And Trophied Halls—are but a Jeſt!
"A Farce—not worth the wiſe Man's care,
"Who knows, the Goods of life to ſhare,
"With W [...]s—Buffoons—and Paraſites,
"Devote to Priapaean Rites—
[20] "In ſhort, I ſtrive to make it clear,
"That Nature forming me a [...]
"Became Confuſions, and Debauch'ries Friend,
"And thus acknowledged, Orders end,
"Yours thus—unalterably Yours—
"A Smile—my future aid ſecures!
"Example from ſo great a name,"—
"(Rennardo ſaid) "will raiſe Our fame,
"Will ſhew, The yet outſtanding few,
"How little to deſcent is due,
"In token, how, We 'ſteem Your [...]
"Deign to accept this proffer'd place!
"The Rights of Man—approves Your call
"Equality's High Marichal."
Pleas'd with the gift, a glove he tore,
Knighthoods proud Vaunt, in days of Yore.—
His long-borne Banner, then defac'd,
And Anarchy's black Standard, rais'd—
A Noble Shade—Now paſs'd in view,
Which halted—Sigh'd—And quick withdrew,
Juſt as its Form was loſt in Air,
Theſe Murmurs ſeem'd to breathe deſpair!
"Why! Why Rennardo!—Wou'd you force
"My gen'rous Spirit from its Courſe,
"I worſhip God, and love my King,
"I will not be, that Raſcal thing,
"Thy Politics compel—Forbear!
"Or by Heav'n's ſacred truth I ſwear,
[21] "I'll be, what Nature meant I ſhou'd,
"Protector only, of the Good—
"'Tis paſt—We can no more agree—
"Who parts from Virtue—Parts from Me!"—
Th' Aſſembly on each other gaze,
Rennardo ſtood in fix'd amaze,
Downcaſt his eye—Now firſt ('tis ſaid)
A bluſh his Sable Cheek o'erſpread,
Confus'd—He cou'd not raiſe his head!
Th' Arch-Fiend obſerv'd—'Twas Conſcience-ſtruck,
Which to divert—He gently took
His Hand—Then ſlyly, ſmoothly ſpake,
"Why ſhou'd that Silly Shadow, make
"This change my Friend,—Wherefore, this Gloom?
"Such Checks—We muſt expect to come—
"And ('ere complete, our Grand Attempt),
"Unnumber'd phantoms of Contempt,
"Virtue's cold Vot'riſts) will ariſe,
"Obtruſive on our Ears, our Eyes—
"Thou!—Heed them not!—Tho' they appear!
"They are but unembodied Air,
"Know!—Subſtance cou'd not enter here,
"Inimical to our Career,
"The noxious Vapours round Us ſpread,
"Wou'd ſtrike Corporeal Virtue dead."
Rennardo—(willingly beguil'd)
Shook Friendſhip off—and Blacker ſmil'd—
[22] Subſtance—again arriv'd—A Form,
(That ſeem'd the leavings of a Storm,)
With deep-ſunk eye, and rubied face,
(A Badge, to Temperance, diſgrace,)
Drew near, and to the Sable Chief,
Thus gave his phrenzied mind relief,
"Before this Court—I humbly bend—
"Diſorder's ſtauncheſt, loudeſt Friend—
"Rennardo, Thou! Thou know'ſt full well,
"My wily Match, is not in Hell;
"Ignobly born—I've dar'd to ſoar,
"Where Knaves like me ne'er ſail'd before—
"No Heighth—I've not aſpir'd to climb,
"By aid of Proſe, or aid of Rhime,
"My Eloquential Powers fram'd,
"'Gainſt whatſoe'er is Virtue nam'd—
"Myſelf Confuſion's eldeſt born,
"True to my Sire have ever worn
"Theſe maxims graven on my mind—
"With nought thine own, be Aye inclin'd,
"To raiſe Rebellion's bluſt'ring Wind.
"And think! Another's loſs may give,
"Thy ſhatter'd Frame wherewith to live,
"Beyond the reach of Juſtice pow'r,
"Who blaſts as yet—Thine ev'ry hour,
"Be Grave—be Gay—all Sins partake,
"Be [...] St [...]ſm [...]n [...]pl [...]r [...] Rake"
[23] "That hitherto, I ſo have ſtriv'n,
"Behold! Who comes—The fall'n, from Heav'n!
"Behold!—And own—conjunct with Thine,
"My Acts—illuſtrious Cataline"
The Portals op'ning wide, diſplay'd—
Two noble Forms—in black array'd—
Conviction, ſat in either eye,
And either boſom, heav'd a ſigh,
Each wou'd have ſpake, when Satan, thus—
Ladies—precedence, claim with Us,"
A word ſuffic'd, ſhe curtſied low,
His [...] retiring, made his bow—
"High born—and bred, with all the care,
"That fondneſs cou'd invent—to rear
"A mind might ſuit, this once fair frame,
"No art was left untried—The flame
"Of Conqueſt ſtruggling, I repreſt,
"But all in vain! It fir'd my breaſt!
"This my wiſe Sire perceiv'd—and dread,
"Leſt Shame ſhou'd wrap his ancient head,
"He choſe a mate and bade me wed—
"Rank—Splendor—Wealth—I now enjoy'd,
"Of Splendor—Rank—and Wealth, was cloy'd
"Inſenſible of honor grew,
"And diſſipation only knew,
"Which to ſupport, I play'd, was croſs'd,
"And Pin-money—and Jewels loſt,
[24] "Nor Them alone—Rennardo ſaw
"My Spirit ſpurn'd, at Wedded Law,
"He introduc'd a blooming [...]
"And Modeſty has fled me ſince,
"Their Cauſe was mine—as ſuch receive—
"And view in me another eve."
NOW—Curſings—Ravings, Noiſe and Gabble—
Exceeding all We've heard of Babel,
Reach'd the High Bench—Now, louder grew,
In ruſh'd the Croud—And firſt, to view,
Head of the Democratic Mob,
And panting for a Sanguine Job,
[25] The Wretch, Nequiſſimus, was ſeen,
A Book-uplifting—(Rights of Men)
"Primaeval Rights—I claim"—(He cry'd)
"Each paſſion ſhall be gratified—
"What Claim has any to with-hold,
"From me—His Lands, or hoarded Gold?
"What Claim has any to refuſe,
"That I, His Wife, or Daughter uſe?
"What Claim has any to a Home
"Where I, and mine, mayn't freely come,
"What Claim has any King or Judge
"To hang a murderer—thief make budge?
"None, I proclaim.—This Pamphlet read—
"You there will find it is decreed,
"The World from fett'ring Law is free,
"And man controuls his deſtiny—
"Earth thus diſburthen'd of its load.
"We'll ſtorm the ſkies, and unthrone G [...]"
Inſtant—A Total Darkneſs grew,
Hail, Thunders, Lightning—Scar'd the Crew,
Satan before, had felt it's Force,
Arreſt his curs'd Blaſphemous Courſe,
So ſunk to Hell from King and Church,
And left his Pros'lytes in the lurch,
Fall'n on their Faces, fearing day—
They knew not, Wrath was paſs'd away,
Until they heard—A Loyal Choir,
With Voice—and Harp, and Stringed Lyre,
[26] The Praiſe of Albion celebrate,
(Whoſe THREE, like HEAV'NS, compoſe the State)
By That, they found, Her Genius 'roſe,
Triumphant, o'er Malignant Foes:
Aſham'd—Afraid—They ſep'rate fled—
And Order ſang—"Rebellion dead!